Piraterij en de strijd er tegen

Gestart door Lex, 17/05/2008 | 21:19 uur


Citaat van: Lex op 13/08/2009 | 15:53 uur
De uitleg van de MINDEF PR machine is toch iets anders dan die van OP Atalanta, vwb het laatste punt. :-X

Gewoon soft, om de hete brij heendraaiend. We moeten op piratenjacht, maar dat doen we halfbakken.  >:(


De uitleg van de MINDEF PR machine is toch iets anders dan die van OP Atalanta, vwb het laatste punt. :-X


SPAIN hands over the anti-piracy baton to the Netherlands - EU Naval Force Headquarters (FHQ) Command Changes hands

At a ceremony in the Red Sea onboard the EU NAVFOR Spanish warship Numancia Force Commander Captain (N) Juan Garat Caramé, handed over Command of the FHQ to Commodore Pieter Bindt of the Netherlands. Commodore Bindt will lead the multinational FHQ from the EU NAVFOR Netherlands warship HNLMS Evertsen for the next four months.

The EU NAVFOR warships Numancia and Evertsen met north of the narrow straight Bab al Mandeb, in the southern Red Sea. The hand over took place onboard Numancia and the Commanders exchanged information relating to Operation Atalanta and the challenges ahead. Evertsen now heads for the Gulf of Aden as the new flagship of the European Union Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) Operation Atalanta, the first naval European Security Defence Policy (ESDP) mission for the European Union. Numancia will now proceed to Spain after nearly five months at sea.

Captain Careme stated "I would like to take the opportunity to thank the crew of Numancia and all other ships under my command including France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain, Sweden and all multinational staff from other participating nations. It has been a privilege to serve with them. I wish Commodore Bindt and the Netherlands all the best during their mission".

The new EU NAVFOR Force Commander, Commodore Bindt thanked Captain Caramé and stated. "Evertsen will continue to build on the successful work of Captain Caramé and the units under his Command, in support of the objectives of EU NAVFOR operation Atalanta".

The primary objectives handed over to the new Commander of the FHQ are: the protection of vessels of the World Food Programme (WFP) delivering food aid to displaced persons in Somalia, protecting vulnerable vessels sailing through the Gulf of Aden and off the Somali coast and deterring, preventing and repressing acts of piracy and armed robbery off the Somali coast.

European Naval Force - Operation Atalanta
EU NAVFOR Operation Atalanta acts in accordance with United Nations Security Councils resolutions. The military operation was launched 8 December and has been extended by the European Council  until December 2010.

The EU NAVFOR Operation Atalanta will pursue the following objectives:

•   The protection of World Food Programme (WFP) vessels delivering food aid to displaced persons in Somalia.
•   The protection of vulnerable vessels sailing in the Gulf of Aden and off the Somali coast and the deterrence, prevention and repression of acts of piracy and armed robbery off the Somali coast.
•   Employ the necessary measures, including the use of force, to deter, prevent and intervene in order to bring to an end acts of piracy and armed robbery which may be committed in the areas where they are present.

The EU NAVFOR Operation Atalanta consists of units from Netherlands, Germany, France, Italy, Greece and Sweden. Ships from Norway and Belgium will be joining the Force in the next few weeks.

PIO EU NAVFOR, 13/08/2009 14.28 UTC


Citaat van: MINDEF op 13/08/2009 | 15:24 uur
en het afschrikken, verstoren en terugdringen van piraterij en zeeroof in het gebied.

"Bestrijden" is zeker een politiek incorrect woord om te gebruiken?


Nederland leidt anti-piraterijmissie EU

De Nederlandse commandeur Pieter Bindt heeft vanochtend het commando over Operatie Atalanta overgenomen van de Spaanse kolonel Juan Garat Caramé. Dit gebeurde tijdens een ceremonie in de Rode Zee aan boord het Spaanse fregat Numancia.

De komende 4 maanden leidt commandeur Bindt vanaf het Nederlandse fregat Hr.Ms. Evertsen de missie van de Europese Unie. De operatie richt zich op de bestrijding van piraterij voor de kust van Somalië. Onder zijn commando vallen 7 tot 10 marineschepen en 4 maritieme vliegtuigen, afkomstig uit verschillende EU-landen.

Nieuwe vlaggenschip
De fregatten Numancia en Evertsen ontmoetten elkaar ten noorden van de zee-engte Bab al Mandeb, in het zuiden van de Rode zee. De commando-overdracht vond plaats aan boord van de Numancia waar de beide commandanten informatie uitwisselden over de lopende operatie en de komende uitdagingen. De Evertsen is nu op weg naar de Golf van Aden als het nieuwe vlaggenschip van operatie Atalanta.

Terugdringen van piraterij
Operatie Atalanta is de eerste maritieme missie van de Europese Unie en richt zich op het terugdringen van piraterij voor de kust van Somalië. De taken van de schepen die onder commandeur Bindt vallen zijn het beschermen van voedseltransporten van het World Food Programme, het beschermen van andere kwetsbare scheepvaart in het gebied en het afschrikken, verstoren en terugdringen van piraterij en zeeroof in het gebied.

MINDEF, 13 augustus 2009, 15.06 uur


Citaat van: hdevreij op 13/08/2009 | 14:42 uur
(meer volgt)

Dan is het wachten op "meer", want de rest van het bericht is ook op het forum al bekend(gesteld).  ;)


Evertsen leidt EU-missie bij Somalië

Het marinefregat Harer Majesteits Evertsen leidt vanaf donderdag de EU-missie Atalanta tegen piraterij bij Somalië. Het fregat vertrok anderhalve week geleden vanuit Den Helder.

De Nederlandse commandeur Pieter Bindt voert vanaf de Evertsen vier maanden lang het commando over tien fregatten uit verschillende Europese landen. Doel van de missie is het tegengaan van piraterij en het beschermen van VN-voedseltransporten voor het verarmde en door burgeroorlogen verscheurde Somalië.

De Evertsen begeleidde vorig jaar ook al voedseltransporten, evenals het marineschip Harer Majesteits De Ruyter. De afgelopen maanden was De Zeven Provinciën actief bij Somalië.

(Bron: Wereldomroep, 13 augustus 2009, www.wereldomroep.nl)
(meer volgt)


Hands across the Gulf of Aden Ocean

The Commanders of two major Naval Task Forces met yesterday in the Gulf of Aden to discuss how best to cooperate against the threat of piracy in the region.

Rear Admiral Wang Zhiguo of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy, Commander Task Force 529, met Commodore Steve Chick (Royal Navy), Commander of the NATO Task Force onboard the NATO Flagship, HMS CORNWALL. The meeting took place amidst the growing cooperation and coordination that is evident amongst the counter piracy forces operating in the area.

Commodore Chick said
' Although the PLA Navy and NATO have different counter piracy methods we are united in the same objective; that is to prevent and disrupt piracy attacks and protect merchant shipping'

The PLA Navy approach is to give direct protection to merchant ships by conducting group transits through the Gulf of Aden. Whilst the vessels within the groups are usually Chinese flagged, other vessels are welcome to steam in company with them and benefit from the deterrence provided by the presence of the Chinese warships.

NATO' counter piracy mission, Operation Allied Protector and other multinational forces, including the European Maritime Force and the Combined Maritime Force, in turn provide protection of other merchant traffic by policing the International Recommended Transit Corridor.

Commodore Chick continued:
'The combined effect of the transit corridor, protected by multinational forces and PLA Naval forces conducting group transits in adjacent waters is formidable. This collaboration provides marked improvement in our ability to deter and disrupt pirate activity whilst reassuring merchant traffic. The understanding gained from my meeting today with Rear Admiral Wang Zhigou has greatly assisted in generating future mutual cooperation between our two Task Forces'

Close co-operation between NATO and other traditional partners is now well developed. Disruption of pirate attacks by forces from different nations is common place and co-ordinated through 3 main Tasks Forces led by NATO, European Union Maritime Force and the Combined Maritime Force. Routine and rapid information exchange is key to the success of this coordinated effort. The implementation of a region wide common reporting system and radio frequencies means that any indication of pirate activity is passed rapidly around the forces. This allows much improved speed of reaction by warships resulting in many pirate attacks being disrupted before they commence.

Russian, Japanese and Indian forces also operate in the area and provide protection to groups of merchant ships flagged to their nation. Through a series of meetings with the respective Task Force Commanders the co-ordination of effort is improving and more pressure being applied on the pirates.

PIO MCC Northwood, 12 Aug 09


Waarom moet er dan een extra Nederlands fregat daar rondvaren? Alleen om die medische assistentie-garantie te waarborgen? In Uruzgan worden toch ook geregeld gewonde Nederlandse militairen vervoert door Amerikaanse of Britse MEDEVAC helikopters? Die zorg is toch een internationale "plicht" binnen een multinationaal vlootverband? idem voor de inzet van mariniers. Die kunnen toch ook vanaf andere schepen overgebracht worden? Of varen we daar samen rond maar eigenlijk ook weer niet?   


KVNR wil snel besluit over inzet mariniers volgens Frans model

De KVNR wil dat snel wordt onderzocht en besloten of de inzet van mariniers naar Frans model haalbaar is om Nederlandse schepen tegen piraten te beschermen in de Golf van Aden.
Eind juni werd een voorstel om mariniers aan boord van handelsschepen te stationeren om ze te beveiligen door minister Van Middelkoop en een meerderheid in de Tweede Kamer van de hand gewezen. Toen is echter wel beloofd het Franse model te onderzoeken. Bij het Franse model worden mariniers aan boord van risico lopende handelsschepen gezet. De mariniers worden er heen gezonden vanaf een in de omgeving patrouillerend fregat, dat in geval van nood binnen twee uur (per helikopter) assistentie en medische hulp kan verlenen.   

Het kunnen verlenen van medische assistentie binnen twee uur en het vervoer van een gewonde militair naar een operatiekamer binnen vier uur, is een voorwaarde om militairen op oorlogspatrouilles te mogen sturen. De mariniers zijn in een dergelijke opzet in feite ook op patrouille. Ze vertrekken daarbij vanaf het moederschip. Ze zijn dan niet feitelijk gestationeerd op het handelsschip.
'We zitten nu in een periode met slecht weer in de Golf van Aden. Het is moussontijd. Daarom hebben de handelsschepen even wat minder last van de piraten', zegt Martin Dorsman. 'Maar het weer klaart in september weer op en dan zijn ze weer terug. Het is dus belangrijk snel een besluit te nemen.'
Wanneer regering en Tweede Kamer instemmen met invoering van een Frans model is een extra Nederlands marineschip nodig in de Gof van Aden. Het onttrekken van een Nederlands marineschip aan EU-NAVFOR is namelijk moeilijk te realiseren.

Hr. Ms. Evertsen
De afgelopen weken was er overigens helemaal geen Nederlands marineschip in de regio. Zondag 2 augustus vertrok het luchtverdedigings- en commandofregat Hr. Ms. Evertsen uit de haven van Den Helder richting de Indische Oceaan. Het schip is vanaf 13 augustus voor de duur van vier maanden vlaggenschip van de EU-operatie Atalanta. Aan boord bevindt zich de Nederlandse commandeur Pieter Bindt. Hij krijgt het commando over deze missie, waaraan schepen en vliegtuigen van verschillende Europese landen deelnemen.
Operatie Atalanta is de eerste maritieme EU-missie en richt zich op het terugdringen van piraterij voor de kust van Somalië. De taak van Hr. Ms. Evertsen is het beschermen van voedseltransporten van het 'World Food Programme' naar het door burgeroorlogen geteisterde Somalië, het beschermen van andere kwetsbare scheepvaart in het gebied en het bestrijden van piraterij. Aan de missie doen de komende maanden tien fregatten, veelal uitgerust met helikopters, en twee tot vier maritieme patrouillevliegtuigen mee. Naast de Nederlandse inbreng dragen Frankrijk, Duitsland, Spanje, Griekenland, België, Zweden, Luxemburg en Noorwegen bij aan de missie.
De Koninklijke Marine voerde al eerder operaties uit de kust van Somalië. Van april tot juni dit jaar maakte Hr.Ms. De Zeven Provinciën deel uit van de NATO-missie 'Allied Protector'. Vorig jaar begeleidden achtereenvolgens Hr. Ms. Evertsen en Hr. Ms. De Ruyter op verzoek van de Verenigde Naties schepen van het 'World Food Programme'.

DEVENTER, 9 augustus 2009 10:47


Mooi, daar hoef je dan even geen handen vuil aan te maken...


Clashes rock Somali pirate port

Overnight gun-battles between rival clans in a pirate stronghold on the coast of Somalia have left at least 17 dead and 30 injured, reports say.
Local residents in Haradheere fled as fighting, reportedly over land and the alleged rape of a woman, intensified.
Pirates who operate in the area, a port off the shipping lanes linking Europe to Asia, said they were worried the conflict could affect their activities.
Somalia, torn by civil war since 1991, lacks an effective central government.
"The two clans are fighting over land and a girl who was raped in the forest," a local man, Farah Aden, told Reuters news agency.
"Unfortunately, the battles spread into town. Fighting is going on fiercely."
A pirate, who gave his name as Mohammed, told Reuters that those involved in piracy around the port were concerned that their activities would be damaged.
"We are all members of these two clans, and we are worried that this fight might end up being taken out on to the ocean," he said.

Story from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2009/08/08 14:29:36 GMT


Fort McHenry on piracy front lines

ABOARD THE DOCK LANDING SHIP FORT McHENRY IN THE INDIAN OCEAN — "Coalition warship, coalition warship, this is Victor Quebec Uniform Lima Nine — I have five small boats, a lot of boats, they are coming alongside me."
The Middle Eastern-accented voice on the bridge-to-bridge radio was palpably tense. It described small vessels filled with men approaching from its starboard side. The master of the bulk carrier Wappen von Berlin, homeported in London, was afraid he was being attacked by pirates.
"All engines ahead flank for 24 knots!" called the Fort McHenry's officer of the deck. The twin diesels aboard this 22-year-old gator surged to life, and the ship began cutting a path toward the vessel in distress.
But the Wappen von Berlin wasn't hijacked. When its master talked again later with the Fort McHenry crew, he again reported a number of small boats alongside — but they were different boats. The earlier ones had moved on.

False alarm.
But enough merchant vessels off the lawless coast of Somalia have been seized by hijackers — eight remained in pirate hands as of early August — that every mariner in the area is on edge.
"With the current rise, everybody automatically thinks, 'Pirates!'" Lt. j.g. Forest Banks said. "You will get some false calls, some false cries — you really can't blame them."
Navy Times visited the ship as part of a group traveling with Navy Secretary Ray Mabus on a trip through the Middle East. The tour began at Bath, Maine, on Aug. 1 and took him to Djibouti, Fort McHenry and later to Bahrain and Iraq.
Although many Americans may have stopped thinking about piracy off the Horn of Africa after the Navy rescued the captain of the cargo ship Maersk Alabama, international warships continue to patrol in the Gulf of Aden and in the western Indian Ocean. It's been relatively quiet for several weeks, but the consensus in this part of the world is that as the monsoon season ends, pirate season will resume.
The late summer and early autumn mean calmer seas in this part of the world, much easier conditions in which to bring small boats alongside large vessels, climb aboard and hold crews at gunpoint. Fort McHenry and the other warships of Combined Task Force 151 expect more attempted hijackings in the coming weeks, Banks said.
Until the action at sea picks up, however, Fort McHenry is slowly mowing the lawn in its patrol box, training for pirate encounters and hosting reporters eager to see the ship fight pirates. Almost all of them have gone away disappointed. A camera crew from the cable channel Spike TV came aboard to film a program called "Pirate Hunters" and hunted exactly no pirates during their time onboard, crew members told Navy Times.

One break in the routine came Aug. 3, when Mabus and his staff arrived on the ship in a Marine CH-53 Sea Stallion flying from Camp Lemonier, Djibouti. Mabus toured the ship during his visit — even climbing down to the oven-hot machinery spaces, where the twin diesels still churned at full power — and ate lunch with sailors and Marines.
The ship's company wore Navy Working Uniforms, complete with their eight-point covers; Mabus later said he liked their "military" look. Fort McHenry's crew still spends much of its time in coveralls, sailors said, but the blue-and-gray camouflage uniforms seemed generally popular.
Command Master Chief (SW/AW) Andrew Thompson said that for all-hands events such as hosting the Navy secretary or coming into port, the NWUs worked well.
"It took a little adjustment at first, but when the crew is lined up they look much sharper. It creates a better appearance," he said. "They like them; they're comfortable. For some of 'em, that's all they wear."
But one junior sailor complained the NWUs were too heavy and hot to wear in the boiling waters off Africa, and another said its sleeves were uncomfortable when rolled up above the elbow, Marine-style.
Fort McHenry is scheduled to continue its pirate patrol for a few more weeks before crew members enjoy some liberty in Bahrain. Their ship has been plugging along since it sailed in May from Naval Amphibious Base Little Creek, Va., although crew members acknowledged it took effort to keep everything working as designed.
The ship's executive officer, Lt. Cmdr. Brian Goldschmidt, said one concern was having enough fresh water.
"When we're underway, the Marines are either in the shower, working out or eating — they don't have anything else to do, so the ship goes through a lot of water," he said. Water hours for the crew have become common.
For his part, Pvt. Keith Burnett said he was enjoying his float aboard Fort McHenry, which is carrying elements of the 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit.
"I really can't complain," Burnett said. "It's been a good experience. It's my first time out of the country. But to be honest, I'd rather be in Afghanistan."
The Marines sitting next to him in the crew's mess nodded in agreement.

Navy Times,
Posted : Saturday Aug 8, 2009 10:15:21 EDT


Citaat van: Gozo op 04/08/2009 | 20:15 uur
Was dat bij een vliegkampschop ook zo (bijvoorbeeld: Doorman), dat vliegtuigen of heli's er later op kwamen als het schip al was uiitgevaren?

Ik neem van wel; ik heb de vorige DMAN niet meegemaakt.  ;) Maar bv. de Amerikaanse vliegdekschepen varen zonder vliegtuigen/heli's hun thuishaven in.


Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 04/08/2009 | 16:10 uur
Citaat van: Gozo op 04/08/2009 | 12:14 uur
1) Die lynx kan toch later vanaf De Kooy aankomen vliegen en landen?

Da's inderdaad de reguliere gang van zaken. Net zoals-ie afvliegt, natuurlijk niet afgeladen met allerlei zaken die de douane zouden moeten passeren, voor binnenkomst te Den Helder.  :P

Was dat bij een vliegkampschop ook zo (bijvoorbeeld: Doorman), dat vliegtuigen of heli's er later op kwamen als het schip al was uiitgevaren?