Hezbollah and Syria on alert fearing IDF attack on Lebanon

Gestart door VandeWiel, 22/01/2010 | 12:09 uur


Israelische legervoertuigen zijn recentelijk al in Libanon geweest.  Om af te tasten?


Citaat van: VandeWiel op 22/01/2010 | 17:47 uurOur military sources believe Hizballah and Syria are taking advantage of the Israeli war game to test their own preparedness for attack on orders from Tehran.

Of Israël voert war games uit om de reactie van Hezbollah / Syrië te testen in het geval van een aanval op Iran...


Friday, Jan. 22, Damascus ordered a Level 4 mobilization of Syria's army reserves for deployment to the Golan Heights on the Israeli border, to meet what it calls "IDF plans of attack." DEBKAfile's military sources interpret Level 4 as referring to Syrian armored and commando brigades.
In Lebanon, too, Hizballah has placed "all its forces" on a state of military preparedness. Our intelligence sources report that this order applies to the Iranian proxy's strongholds across southern Lebanon and the Beqaa Valley, but not to its command posts in Beirut and other Lebanese cities.

Damascus and Hizballah both claim that Israel has embarked on a large-scale military exercise along its northern borders to create a jumping-off point for striking Hizballah followed by raids into Syria.

However, Western and Arab sources confirm that Israel made a point of reassuring Damascus and Beirut via American and UN intermediaries at the beginning of this week that the military units massed in the north were engaged solely in maneuvers with no aggressive intent.

Far from being prompted by IDF war games, Syria and Hizballah are reported by our Iranian and military sources as acting out the secret military cooperation pacts they have just concluded with Tehran. The pacts were negotiated and signed during visits to Damascus by Iran's National Security Adviser Saeed Jalili on Nov. 3 and its defense minister Ahmed Vahidi on Dec. 17.

These treaties commit Syria to come to Hizballah's aid if it comes under Israeli attack, and all three signatories to respond to any Israeli military movement. Our military sources believe Hizballah and Syria are taking advantage of the Israeli war game to test their own preparedness for attack on orders from Tehran.



Hezbollah on Alert on Israeli-Lebanese border

Beirut, Paris, Damascus, Asharq Al-Awsat - Tensions have escalated along the Israeli-Lebanese border as the Israeli army carried out drills on the northern frontier.

Well-informed Lebanese sources confirmed to Asharq Al-Awsat that there is a state of alert within the Hezbollah ranks as Israeli troops were called up to the northern borders to carry out "military maneuvers". The Lebanese sources added that Hezbollah called on its cadres to be on full alert in case Israel launches a surprise attack targeting Hezbollah's bases and posts.

A Hezbollah source told Asharq Al-Awsat: "Israel has accustomed us to aggression and we are used to being vigilant and on the lookout all the time. That is what we are doing." The source refused to confirm or deny whether Hezbollah is on full alert [at present]. Other sources mentioned that Syria had begun calling up troops from the Fourth Reserve, which includes workers living in Lebanon.

Syrian sources told Asharq Al-Awsat: "Syria opposes any aggression against any Arab country, especially Lebanon."

A senior Israeli army officer spoke to Asharq Al-Awsat and denied what had been published in Lebanon about Israel's intentions of carrying out a military assault, asserting that Israel has no intention whatsoever to launch an offensive on Lebanon.

Asked about such Israeli threats, French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner, in Paris, said that "France does not expect that there will be an Israeli military offensive" at present. However, Kouchner expressed fears that "some Iranian leaders" might deliberately try to escalate the situation in south [Lebanon].



Ugh, ik heb de laatste tijd meer van deze berichten geplaatst en het worden er meer en meer. Dit ziet er niet goed uit.  :glare:


Syria and Hezbollah have gone on alert anticipating an Israeli attack on Lebanon, the London-based A-Sharq al-Awsat daily reported on Friday.

According to the report, Hezbollah has been monitoring with caution the reinforcement of Israel Defense Forces troops along the Lebanon border.

Hezbollah's deputy secretary general, Naeem Kassem, said the group was preparing to retaliate although it had no proof of any such Israeli plans.

Syria has meanwhile begun to call up reserves troops, including nationals residing in Lebanon.

The IDF responded to the report by denying any plans for renewing conflict against Lebanon.
