'Amerikanen gevangengenomen in Afghanistan'

Gestart door Lex, 24/07/2010 | 16:31 uur


Citaat van: dudge op 29/07/2010 | 16:55 uur
Triest, maar was te verwachten natuurlijk.
Hoezo? HDe Taliban zijn toch van die vredelievende, arme Afghaanse boertjes, waar je zo lekker mee kunt praten over dat de PvdA in de coalitie zou moeten komen, die wij geheel onterecht, tot vijand hebben gemaakt...?


Citaat van: Ace1 op 29/07/2010 | 16:32 uur
zijn die 2 gevangen amerikanen die gestorven zijn, soms navy seals?

Justin McNeley was van Assault Craft Unit One. (zie: http://icasualties.org/OEF/Fatalities.aspx)


Het lijkt dus van niet.


zijn die 2 gevangen amerikanen die gestorven zijn, soms navy seals?


2nd US sailor's body recovered in Afghanistan

By AMIR SHAH and DEB RIECHMANN, Associated Press Writers Amir Shah And Deb Riechmann, Associated Press Writers – 1 hr 15 mins ago

KABUL, Afghanistan – A second U.S. Navy sailor who went missing in a dangerous part of eastern Afghanistan was found dead and his body recovered, a senior U.S. military official and Afghan officials said Thursday.

The family of Petty Officer 3rd Class Jarod Newlove, a 25-year-old from the Seattle area, had been notified of his death, the U.S. military official said on condition of anonymity, because he was not authorized to disclose the information.

Newlove and Petty Officer 2nd Class Justin McNeley went missing last Friday in Logar province. NATO recovered the body of McNeley — a 30-year-old father of two from Wheatridge, Colorado — in the area Sunday.

Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid told The Associated Press in Kabul on Thursday that two days ago the Taliban left the "body of a dead American soldier for the U.S. forces" to recover. The Taliban said McNeley was killed in a firefight and insurgents had captured Newlove. Mujahid offered no explanation for Newlove's death.

NATO officials have not offered an explanation as to why the two service members were in such a dangerous part of eastern Afghanistan.

The sailors were instructors at a counterinsurgency school for Afghan security forces, according to senior military officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the case. The school was headquartered in Kabul and had classrooms outside the capital, but they were never assigned anywhere near where McNeley's body was recovered, officials said.

The chief of police of Logar province, Gen. Mustafa Mosseini, said coalition troops removed Newlove's body about 5:30 p.m. Wednesday. An anti-terrorism official in Logar province, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak about the case, also said coalition forces had recovered a body.

Mosseini said he believed the body washed downstream after rains Tuesday night.

He noted in the past several days, the Taliban were being pressured by coalition forces in the area.

"The security was being tightened," Mosseini said. "Searches continued from both air and the ground. Militants were moving into Pakistan."

Mohammad Rahim Amin, the local government chief in Baraki Barak district, also said coalition forces recovered a body about 5:30 p.m. and flew it by helicopter to a coalition base in Logar province, about 40 miles (60 kilometers) away.

"The coalition told our criminal police director of the district that the body belonged to the foreign soldier they were looking for," Amin said.


Citaat van: dudge op 27/07/2010 | 15:13 uur
misschien wat vliegers, intel of logistieke medewerkers.

Wie deze person(en) dan ook mogen zijn, het is een behoorlijk nachtmerrie scenario.
"gelukkig" voor de gegijzelde heeft hij veel waarde als "ruilmiddel" voor gevangen genomen hoge Taliban-lieden. Al zullen de Amerikanen eerst alles op alles zetten hem zelf te bevrijden voor ze hiertoe over gaan.


Verder zal er niet veel marine personeel in de zandbak zitten, lijkt me. LC chauffeurs hebben ze er in elk geval niet nodig...


Citaat van: SMI de Boer op 25/07/2010 | 12:44 uur
Mijn enige angst...

Bewaar altijd 1 kogel  :silent:
en het wapen dat hem kan afvuren  :angel:

Benieuwd wie deze Amerikanen waren. Navy Seals?

SMI de Boer

Mijn enige angst...

Bewaar altijd 1 kogel  :silent:
PAINF. Ahoewa

De enige manier om een strijd te eindigen is door hem te winnen.
Vrijheid is niet vanzelfsprekend


Taliban says ambush kills 1 US sailor, 1 captured
By RAHIM FAIEZ, Associated Press Writer Rahim Faiez, Associated Press Writer – 2 hrs 37 mins ago

KABUL, Afghanistan – The Taliban have offered to exchange the body of a U.S. Navy member they said was killed in an ambush two days ago in exchange for insurgent prisoners, an Afghan official said Sunday.

U.S. and NATO officials confirmed that two American Navy personnel went missing Friday in the eastern province of Logar, after an armored sports utility vehicle was seen driving into a Taliban-held area. Afghan officials believe one was killed and the other captured when they apparently took a wrong turn and ended up in a dangerous area of Logar.

Abdul Wali, the head of the provincial governing council, said local authorities responded to the Taliban offer by saying, "Let's talk about the one that is still alive." The insurgents said they would have to talk to superiors before making any deal.

Local media in Logar reported the Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack on the two Americans. Officials told The Associated Press they have not been directly contacted by the insurgents.

The Taliban have an efficient public relations system and usually quickly call international and local media after attacks to claim responsibility. However, Taliban spokesmen have not responded to multiple calls from the AP seeking comment on the missing pair.

Friday's attack appeared to be spur of the moment, making it likely the militants are trying to decide how to spin the incident.

The two sailors left their compound in the Afghan capital, Kabul, in a vehicle Friday afternoon, but never returned, NATO said in a statement. Vehicles and helicopters were dispatched to search for them, and NATO launched appeals on local radio stations offering $10,000 rewards for information leading to the return of either one.

A NATO official, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of search operations, confirmed the two were Navy personnel, but would not identify their unit to avoid jeopardizing search operations. The official said it was unclear what the two were doing or what would lead them to leave their compound. The official would not say whether the two were on official business.


Citaat van: Lex op 24/07/2010 | 21:52 uur
Citaat van: HermanB op 24/07/2010 | 21:48 uur
Waarom gaan ze er met z'n drieën op uit om de lokale bazaar te bezoeken?
Voor zover bekengdgesteld 2 pax.  :angel:
Mmm dacht drie gehoord te hebben waarvan er één tijdens een vuurgevecht is gedood.



Citaat van: HermanB op 24/07/2010 | 21:48 uur
Waarom gaan ze er met z'n drieën op uit om de lokale bazaar te bezoeken?
Voor zover bekengdgesteld 2 pax.  :angel:


Citaat van: HermanB op 24/07/2010 | 21:48 uur
Waarom gaan ze er met z'n drieën op uit om de lokale bazaar te bezoeken?

Omdat het in je eentje lang niet zo gezellig is?


Waarom gaan ze er met z'n drieën op uit om de lokale bazaar te bezoeken?


Het gaat om 2 pax van de US Navy in een gepantserde SUV.