[Her]Bewapening Iran

Gestart door Lex, 09/08/2010 | 21:33 uur


"Important Defense project"?! Dat is vragen om een bom!


ISNA - Tehran
Service: Politic

TEHRAN (ISNA)-Iran is to inaugurate an important defense project Sunday in the presence of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, said Defense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi on Saturday.

He also added, "Iran's defense capability has reached a point which does not need any aid from other countries."

He went on to say that, "Iranian armed forces are standing firm against the enemy and Zionist regime."

End Item

News Code: 8905-17876


Citaat van: Lex op 09/08/2010 | 21:33 uur
The vessel is based on North Korean models of the Yono class and can shoot torpedoes, but their main tasks appear to be moving commandos, laying mines and reconnaissance missions, experts say.

Mijnbestrijding hebben we gelukkig ook flink op bezuinigd.

Dat is meer iets van de jaren 80-90 geloof ik, opruimen van de Perzische Golf. Gelukkig is dat niet meer nodig in de toekomst.


Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 09/08/2010 | 23:04 uur
Maritieme gevechtskracht en onderzeebootopsporings- en bestrijdingscapaciteit belangrijk? Welnee, niet volgens Den Haag.......  :P
Inderdaad, Den Haag, het wordt met vette letters gedrukt bijna, en nog zien ze het niet of willen ze het niet zien...En dan ben je een zeevarende natie, afhankelijk van de handel via het water en van water in het algemeen...:(


Maritieme gevechtskracht en onderzeebootopsporings- en bestrijdingscapaciteit belangrijk? Welnee, niet volgens Den Haag.......  :P


TEHRAN, - Iran's navy on Aug. 8 took delivery of four new mini submarines of the home-produced Ghadir class, media reports said.
The navy already owns seven submarines of this type which weigh 120 tons and were first launched in 2007.

Iran has described the Ghadir as stealth submarines, hardly detectable by sonar and aimed at coastal operations in shallow waters, notably in the Gulf.

The vessel is based on North Korean models of the Yono class and can shoot torpedoes, but their main tasks appear to be moving commandos, laying mines and reconnaissance missions, experts say.

Iran's inventory of submarines patrolling Gulf waters also includes up to three Russian-built Kilo class diesel submarines bought in 1990s and a Nahang, an Iranian-built light sub weighing 500 tons that was first launched in 2006.

In 2008 Iran started building a new submarine named Qaem which is due to be launched within days, Iran's army chief Ataollah Salehi said last week, describing it as "semi-heavy" and capable of operating in the high seas such as the Indian Ocean or the Gulf of Aden.

Little information has been released about this home-produced vessel, which is said to be capable of firing missiles and torpedoes.

Published: 8 Aug 2010 14:11