Report: Iranian uranium enrichment site revealed

Gestart door VandeWiel, 10/09/2010 | 12:08 uur


Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 11/09/2010 | 02:08 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 11/09/2010 | 00:45 uur
Oeps..weer oppositiegroepen die van alles beweren...
Stenigen die leugenaars!
ik dacht meer aan zandstralen gezien hun locatie  :angel:


Citaat van: Elzenga op 11/09/2010 | 00:45 uur
Oeps..weer oppositiegroepen die van alles beweren...

Stenigen die leugenaars!


Oeps..weer oppositiegroepen die van alles beweren...We zagen het in Irak ook...bleek geen drol van te kloppen maar was wel een mooi excuus om de invasie van Irak in te "rechtvaardigen"...

Wat deze groepen weten weten de Israƫlische en Amerikaanse veiligheidsdiensten al...of die weten dat het onzin is.

Waarmee ik overigens niet beweer dat Iran niks uitspookt. Dat doen ze volgens mij wel zeker. Maar dan zie ik liever wat betrouwbaardere bronnen. 


Building began in 2005, 85% completed; site buried in mountains to prevent detection, air strikes; meant to house centrifuge cascades.

Prominent Iranian opposition members claimed to have revealed a secret uranium enrichment site buried deep in the mountains northwest of Teheran, according to an AFP report on Thursday.

According to the report, the enrichment site is managed by Iran's defense ministry and construction began in 2005 in Abyek, roughly 70 miles northwest of Teheran, the People's Mujahedeen Organization of Iran (PMOI), revealed.

"This is controlled, run and operated... by the ministry of defense," said Alireza Jafarzadeh, former media spokesman for the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) at a press conference in Washington DC.

The PMOI, the main organization in the NCRI, has been officially recognized as a foreign terror organization by the US, however in July, a judge ruled that the group should be removed from the foreign terror list.

Until now, Iran has spent 100 million dollars on the project, said Soona Samsami, former US representative for the NCRI. He said that around 85 percent of construction of the site has been completed.

Samsami and Jafarzadeh presented satellite photographs of the alleged uranium enrichment location which they say supports information received from sources "inside the Iranian regime." The two presented what they said were four entrances and a tunnel to the site.

On top of the tunnel, a mountain peak stands at a height of 100 meters. Nuclear experts said a height of 80 meters is needed to block detection through radioactive emissions, explained Jafarzadeh. The site is protected from aerial bombardment due to the mountain's location, he added.

The tunnel, with dimensions of eight meters at the width and 200 meters in length, goes deep underground to three large halls which were designed to hold centrifuge cascades, utilized in the process of uranium enrichment, Jafarzadeh said.

When construction of the facility began, Iran had denied any nuclear activities, said the opposition members.

The data revealed about the Behjatabad-Abyek site was shared with the US government, US Congress and the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency.

The three declined to comment on the incident.