Spanningen in de Centraal Afrikaanse Republiek

Gestart door Lex, 23/03/2013 | 21:09 uur

jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter)

5 December 2013

France is doubling its troop numbers in Central African Republic "immediately", President Francois Hollande has said, after more than 100 people died in fresh fighting on Thursday.

A French contingent of 650 troops in CAR will be "doubled within a few days, if not a few hours," Mr Hollande said.

Earlier the UN Security Council voted to allow French troops to join an African peacekeeping force in CAR.

Violence there has raised fears of mass killings along sectarian lines.

"I have decided to act immediately, in other words, this evening," Mr Hollande said.


Inmiddels vindt er druk overleg plaats tussen Frankrijk en het VK, omtrent logistieke ondersteuning aangevraagd door de Fransen; dit aldus France 24.

jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter)

VN stemmen in met militaire actie in CAR

Gepubliceerd:  5 dec 2013

De Veiligheidsraad van de Verenigde Naties heeft ingestemd met meer militaire actie door Frankrijk en Afrikaanse troepen om een einde te maken aan de wetteloosheid in de Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek.

De raad stemde donderdag unaniem in met een resolutie die erop is gericht om de veiligheid in het land te herstellen en de burgerbevolking te beschermen. De CAR kampt met geweld tussen christenen en moslims en met moord, marteling en verkrachting op grote schaal.

De resolutie geeft de Afrikaanse Unie de mogelijkheid gedurende een jaar troepen te sturen die een mandaat hebben 'om gepaste maatregelen' te nemen om burgers te beschermen en de openbare orde te herstellen. Het aantal militairen in de AU-macht, bekend als MISCA, wordt vermoedelijk vergroot van 2500 naar 3500.

Ook Franse troepen mogen tijdelijk 'alle noodzakelijke maatregelen' nemen om MISCA te ondersteunen. Vorige week beloofde Frankrijk duizend militairen naar de CAR te sturen na een waarschuwing van de Franse minister van buitenlandse zaken Laurent Fabius dat de voormalige Franse kolonie 'op het randje van genocide staat'. Het Franse ministerie van defensie zei dat er ongeveer zeshonderd militairen in het land zijn.

De resolutie sluit aan bij het voornemen van VN-chef Ban Ki-moon om MISCA om te vormen tot een VN-vredesmissie. In de resolutie wordt de VN-chef om aanbevelingen gevraagd voor een omvorming binnen drie maanden. De Veiligheidsraad heeft Ban tevens gevraagd een internationale commissie in het leven te roepen die aantijgingen van mensenrechtenschendingen in de CAR moet onderzoeken. Ook mogen onder de resolutie gedurende een jaar geen wapens worden verhandeld met de CAR.


Central African Republic to see renewal of French military drive

27/11 17:23 CET

France is preparing to send military forces to Africa again. Operation Serval dislodged Islamist militants in Mali around a year ago. The new one risks adding fuel to the debate about France's relationship with countries that were once its colonies. At the heart of the matter this time is the Central African Republic. The United Nations is expected to issue a second resolution calling for intervention soon.

French foreign Minister Laurent Fabius outlined his country's priorities as: helping in a humanitarian setting that he calls abominable; restoring stability and allowing a political transition to run its course, as he considers the present authorities there as temporary.

The Central African Republic had a coup in March, in which the president of the previous ten years, François Bozizé, was removed. Leading the coup was Michel Djododia, at the head of a military coalition from the mostly Muslim north – although the country is 80 percent Christian. Djododia's troops – the Seleka rebels – refuse to disarm and they have been attacking the Christians.

Djododia controls very little. The blue shading on this map shows unstable areas. Some ten percent of the population has been forcibly displaced. A quarter of the people are not getting enough to eat and need help urgently. African and French troops already deployed are expected to be reinforced in the next few days. The aim is also to prevent the instability from spreading to neighbouring countries as well, which are also prone to trouble.

Even Djododia's supporters are angry at the downward spiral.

One woman said: "I'm disappointed. What is his role supposed to be? He came to us saying he was a liberator, our father! What, is he asleep?! He's sleepwalking, I don't know. They're going to kill us all, here; he's going to live. Who's he going to govern?"

So the people of the Central African Republic are looking forward to French action. The Seleka are seen as marauders and murderers. Christian self-defence militia in their turn have contributed to the climate of violence. It's feared a religious war could grow out of it. Historically, the Christians and Muslims have lived together in mutual understanding and respect. There is also a risk that outsiders move in to stir up still worse trouble, from Uganda, Sudan or Nigeria.

2013 euronews
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Franse troepen naar CAR

VIDEO Frankrijk stuurt troepen naar een voormalige kolonie, de Centraal Afrikaanse Republiek. Begin dit jaar was er daar een militaire staatsgreep. Sindsdien is het land ten prooi gevallen aan huurlingen uit buurlanden. Die willen controle over de goud- en diamantmijnen.


Parijs wil genocide CAR voorkomen

Franse soldaten in de Centraal Afrikaanse Republiek

Frankrijk stuurt zo'n duizend militairen naar de Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek (CAR). Dat heeft de Franse minister van Defensie Jean-Yves Le Drian bekendgemaakt. De militairen moeten de orde gaan herstellen in het Afrikaanse land, dat steeds verder in chaos verzandt.

De militairen gaan de ruim 400 Fransen bijstaan die op dit moment al in de CAR zijn. De bedoeling is dat ze ongeveer zes maanden blijven. De Franse minister Fabius van Buitenlandse Zaken waarschuwde onlangs voor een volkerenmoord.

De president van de CAR werd in maart afgezet door moslimrebellen. Sindsdien wordt het land geteisterd door geweld van gewapende groeperingen. Tienduizenden mensen zijn gevlucht. In hun opmars vielen de moslimrebellen geregeld kerken aan, wat leidde tot vergeldingsacties van christelijke milities.

De VN-Veiligheidsraad stemt volgende week over het sturen van een vredesmacht. In de CAR, in het hart van Afrika, is al wel een troepenmacht van de Afrikaanse Unie.

VN-chef Ban Ki-moon heeft de Veiligheidsraad opgeroepen een VN-vredesmacht te steunen. De VN wil dat de AU-troepenmacht daarvoor wordt omgebouwd. Eerder waarschuwde vice-secretaris-generaal Jan Eliasson dat het land in een "complete chaos" dreigt te vervallen.

Eliasson zegt dat er sinds maart sprake is van een toename van seksueel geweld, marteling, standrechtelijke executies en sektarisch geweld tussen christenen en moslims. "Het land wordt een broedplaats van extremisten en gewapende groeperingen in een regio die toch al wordt geteisterd door ellende en conflicten."

De CAR heeft zo'n 4,6 miljoen inwoners. Een grote meerderheid is christen of aanhanger van een traditionele godsdienst. Moslims vormen een minderheid.


Honderden Franse troepen naar Centraal Afrika

Frankrijk stuurt 800 extra militairen naar de Centraal Afrikaanse Republiek. Dat hebben de landen volgens de Centraal-Afrikaanse premier Nicolas Tiangaye afgesproken in Parijs, berichtte de BBC dinsdag.

Volgens premier Tiangaye is Parijs bereid nog meer troepen te sturen ,,als dat nodig is". De Fransen hebben al ruim 400 militairen in het door geweld geplaagde land, waar gewapende bendes op veel plaatsen de dienst uitmaken.

Plaatsvervangend secretaris-generaal Jan Eliasson van de Verenigde Naties waarschuwde maandag dat het Afrikaanse land dreigt te vervallen in ,,totale chaos" als de VN-veiligheidsraad niet snel handelt. Het land zou een kweekvijver worden voor extremisten en gewapende groepen.


Citaat van: Thomasen op 27/05/2013 | 13:29 uur
Rooivalks, Gripens and additional troops were sent to the CAR

Maynier said he had "clear evidence" that the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) had been deployed to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). "The evidence included pictures of a Rooivalk helicopter in front of the air traffic control tower at the Gemena airport in the DRC. This deployment of the SANDF to Gemena in the DRC was in support of operations in the CAR," Maynier said.

De Rooivlaks krijgen het nog druk. Ook nog een drietal voor MONUSCO (Congo):
De foto bij het artikel toont een "aangepaste" UN versie.  :angel:

andré herc

zo 13 okt 2013, 19:51
Meer Franse troepen naar Centraal Afrika 

Frankrijk gaat nog voor het eind van het jaar meer troepen sturen naar de Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek. Dat heeft de Franse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken zondag gezegd.

De troepenuitbreiding is onderdeel van een VN-resolutie om te voorkomen dat de situatie in het land uit de hand loopt.

Het geweld in de Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek laaide in maart op nadat islamitische rebellen een staatsgreep pleegden. President Francois Bozizé werd verdreven en rebellenleider Michel Djotodia kwam aan de macht. Sindsdien komt het regelmatig tot gevechten tussen aanhangers van Bozizé en Djotodia.

Minister Laurent Fabius is samen met EU-commissaris Kristalina Georgieva (Humanitaire Hulp) in de Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek om internationale aandacht te vragen voor de grotendeels vergeten crisis in het land.

Op dit moment zijn er 400 Franse troepen gestationeerd om het vliegveld van de hoofdstad Bangui te beschermen. Aan het eind van het jaar moeten dit er zo'n 700 zijn.
Den Haag stop met afbreken van NL Defensie, en investeer in een eigen C-17.


Rooivalks, Gripens and additional troops were sent to the CAR

Written by Guy Martin Monday, 27 May 2013 11:09

Rooivalk attack helicopters, Gripen fighter jets and extra troops were sent to countries neighbouring the Central African Republic (CAR) earlier this year, apparently to assist South Africa's withdrawal from the CAR following a rebel advance.

Defence and Military Veterans Minister Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula on Friday said that extra troops were sent to the region following the battle that resulted in the overthrow of the CAR's president Francois Bozize. She said the soldiers were part of a 400 strong contingent earlier approved to be deployed to the CAR.

"We had just been attacked in Bangui, we were assessing the situation to determine whether we remain or evacuate, and of course as you do this assessment you need to position yourself such that if there is a need to evacuate, you can evacuate as quickly as possible — which is what we did," she said.

The opposition Democratic Alliance (DA) party's shadow defence minister David Maynier said that after the Battle in Bangui during March 22-24, during which 13 South African soldiers were killed, reinforcements were sent to neighbouring countries, including four Gripens and Rooivalk attack helicopters.

Maynier said he had "clear evidence" that the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) had been deployed to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). "The evidence included pictures of a Rooivalk helicopter in front of the air traffic control tower at the Gemena airport in the DRC. This deployment of the SANDF to Gemena in the DRC was in support of operations in the CAR," Maynier said.

Four Gripens were seen at Ndola airport in northern Zambia in early April, flying out of the Democratic Republic of Congo on their way back to South Africa, and carrying offensive weapons. The movement of Rooivalk and Gripen aircraft to the CAR region is believed to be the first time these assets have been deployed outside South Africa's borders for potential combat operations.

Maynier said that Parliament was not informed about the deployment, even though President Jacob Zuma is constitutionally obliged to do so, within a reasonable timeframe. "We will therefore be considering submitting a substantive motion calling for Parliament to investigate whether President Zuma misled Parliament about the deployment of the SANDF in the CAR," he said.

Mapisa-Nqakula said that there were no plans to send more troops to the CAR, although South Africa would consider it if supported by entities like the United Nations or African Union.


Citaat van: Hyperion op 29/03/2013 | 14:56 uur
Ja de SADF was beter, maar de SANDF blijft ook een 'A Force To Be Reckoned with'

Een bericht van het SAAF(South African Air Force) forum

"This post is a few days late due to technical difficulties. Even though it might of been a bogus mission that these 200 Paratroopers were in Central African Republic I salute them and proud to be associated with them. By all accounts the 200 South African Paratroopers defended themselves like Lions fighting a 9 hour battle against 3000 rebel fighters killing some 500 of these mother fuckers. The rebels finally hoisted a white flag and went around the South Africans to attack the city. We will remember our 13 killed and speedy recovery to the 20 wounded all back in SA.

Dat zijn aanzienlijke aantallen.


Citaat van: Thomasen op 29/03/2013 | 13:45 uur
Dat zou in de SADF tijd wel heel anders afgelopen zijn. Vreemde berichten.
De CAR is sowieso een enorme failed state. The story of Africa....

Ja de SADF was beter, maar de SANDF blijft ook een 'A Force To Be Reckoned with'

Een bericht van het SAAF(South African Air Force) forum

"This post is a few days late due to technical difficulties. Even though it might of been a bogus mission that these 200 Paratroopers were in Central African Republic I salute them and proud to be associated with them. By all accounts the 200 South African Paratroopers defended themselves like Lions fighting a 9 hour battle against 3000 rebel fighters killing some 500 of these mother fuckers. The rebels finally hoisted a white flag and went around the South Africans to attack the city. We will remember our 13 killed and speedy recovery to the 20 wounded all back in SA.


Dat zou in de SADF tijd wel heel anders afgelopen zijn. Vreemde berichten.
De CAR is sowieso een enorme failed state. The story of Africa....


Six South African soldiers dead in Central African Republic: witness
Sapa | 24 maart, 2013 13:49

Six South African troops have been killed in the Central African Republic (CAR), according to a report on Sunday.

News agency Reuters reported that at least six soldiers were killed in clashes with the rebels according to a witness.

"I saw the bodies of six South African soldiers. They had all been shot. Their vehicles were also destroyed. Other South African soldiers came to recover the bodies," the witness told Reuters.

However the SA National Defence Force could not confirm the deaths.

"We are working on a statement," Brig-Gen Xolani Mabanga said.

He said the SANDF was currently assessing and verifying information and once that was complete a statement would be issued.

Mabanga said the SANDF's position would be based on the outcome of the assessment.

He could also not disclose the number of South African soldiers in the CAR for security reasons.

Earlier the SANDF issued a statement saying it had deployed more troops to the CAR following days of clashes between armed forces and rebels.

"Following changes in security situation in the CAR the SANDF sent in some more support to protect its personnel and equipment," Mabanga said.

He said the SANDF has been deploying troops to the CAR since 2007 following a memorandum of understanding between the two countries. However since the recent changes in security situation more troops had been sent.

"Since then the security situation deteriorated."

Mabanga said an SANDF base on the outskirts of Bangui, the CAR capital, came under attack on Saturday. SANDF troops managed to drive back the rebel forces.

"The chief of the SANDF has emphasised that the SANDF reserves the right, at all times, to act decisively in defence of its members and assets deployed on the ground in CAR."

CAR President Francois Bozize fled the capital early on Sunday after hundreds of armed rebels threatening to overthrow him invaded the city, the Associated Press reported.

And by Sunday afternoon the rebels reportedly took control of Bangui.

The rebel alliance, known as Seleka, reached the outskirts of Bangui late Saturday and the fighters seized the presidential palace on Sunday.

Rebels from several armed groups that have long opposed Bozize joined forces in December and began seizing towns across the country's sparsely populated north. They threatened at the time to march on Bangui, but ultimately halted their advance and agreed to go to peace negotiations in Libreville, the capital of Gabon.

A peace deal was signed on Jan 11 which allowed Bozize to finish his term that expires in 2016, but the rebels soon began accusing the president of failing to fulfil the promises that were made, the Associated Press reported.

They demanded that Bozize send home South African forces who were helping bolster the country's military. And they sought to integrate some 2000 rebel fighters into Central African Republic's armed forces.

The deal unravelled more than a week ago, with the rebels again taking control of two towns and threatening to advance on the capital.

The beauty of grace is that it makes life not fair...

ת'תקווה בלב נועל, עם חזק לא נתקפל
כי לא נולד הבן זונה שיעצור את ישראל


France sends more troops to Central African Republic
Sunday 24 March 2013 06:41

Central African Republic rebels clashed with government forces inside the capital on Saturday as they sought to topple President Francois Bozize, prompting France to send in more troops to secure the international airport.

The Seleka rebel coalition resumed hostilities this week in the mineral-rich former French colony, vowing to oust Bozize whom it accuses of breaking a January peace agreement to integrate its fighters into the army.

A Reuters reporter in the northern suburbs of the riverside capital said the rebels had taken control of the neighbourhood around Bozize's private residence, known as PK12. Rebels in civilian clothes had infiltrated other areas, residents said. Government troops retained control of the city centre, home to the presidential palace.
As darkness fell, no further fighting was reported in the capital, which was left without electricity and water after the Seleka forces,who had seized the nearby town of Boali with its electricity station,turned off the power. Many residents huddled in darkened homes with no access to radio or television. "We are in complete darkness without any information," said Saint Hardy, an accountant. Nelson Ndjadder, a spokesperson for the rebels, said that his fighters had shot down a military helicopter which had been harrying their columns since Friday and would push onwards to the presidential palace.   
Government spokesperson Crepin Mboli-Goumba said the government was still in control of the capital. "President Bozize is still in power," he told Reuters. "Bangui has still not fallen."France's Le Monde newspaper, citing a diplomatic source, said Bozize's family had boarded a plane sent by Equatorial Guinea while he remained in Bangui. It was not possible to confirm that immediately. UN officials, who asked not to be identified, said that mobs of the pro-Bozize civilians had blocked the exit from their compound when they tried to evacuate non-essential staff. CAR remains among the least developed countries in the world despite rich deposits of gold, diamonds and uranium.   

."We have asked our citizens to remain at home. For the time being, there is nothing to be worried about

Seleka, a loose umbrella group of insurgents, fought its way to the gates of the capital late last year after accusing Bozize of failing to honour an earlier peace deal to give its fighters cash and jobs in exchange for laying down their arms. The violence is the latest in a series of rebel incursions, clashes and coups that have plagued the landlocked nation in the heart of Africa since its independence from France in 1960. France, which already has some 250 soldiers stationed in the Central African Republic, sent in another company of 150 troops to secure Bangui's international airport, a diplomatic source said."We have asked our citizens to remain at home. For the time being, there is nothing to be worried about," said the source. "There is no direct threat to our citizens at the moment."The airport, close to the heart of the capital, would be an important exit point for France's 1,200 citizens who live in CAR, mostly in Bangui.

South Africa has sent some 400 soldiers to train Bozize's army, joining hundreds of peacekeepers from the Central African regional bloc. Regional peacekeeping sources said the South Africans had fought alongside the Central African Republic's army.State radio had announced late on Friday that South Africa would boost its troop presence after Bozize met his South African counterpart Jacob Zuma in Pretoria. Captain Zamo Sithole, senior operations communications officer at South Africa's National Defence Force said: "We are there in the CAR to protect our properties there, and our troops there."A South African Defence Ministry spokesperson declined to comment.

The beauty of grace is that it makes life not fair...

ת'תקווה בלב נועל, עם חזק לא נתקפל
כי לא נולד הבן זונה שיעצור את ישראל