Joint Warrior 2013-1

Gestart door Lex, 12/04/2013 | 18:11 uur


De VCD zal op 19 april een werkbezoek brengen aan de oefening Joint Warrior 2013-1.



Troops stage beach landing in Scotland

The Royal Navy and Royal Marines are preparing for Europe's biggest military exercise with a beach landing in Scotland.

42 Commando Royal Marines have landed by helicopter onto Barry Buddon beach near Carnoustie, Angus, today before the official start of a major international training operation.

Exercise Joint Warrior, which takes place twice a year, sees more than 5,000 service personnel tested on land, at sea and in the air in locations across the UK from April 15 to 29.

Some 5,250 UK military personnel will make up more than 12,000 from nine countries to form the Response Force Task Group for the exercise, which aims to test and improve the way that the Royal Navy, Army and RAF work together and with their counterparts from allied nations.

For the he final preliminary operation carried out in Angus, 42 Commando Royal Marines launched an assault on Barry Buddon beach, treating the coastal area as a hostile nation they were ready to fight.

Commodore Paddy McAlpine, commander of the UK Task Group, he said: "During Joint Warrior we will practise fighting at sea as well as fighting from the sea.

"We'll practise against a demanding air, surface and submarine threat, entering a hostile environment and then deliver our landing force of Royal and Dutch marines to the right area.

"Exercises such as Joint Warrior provide us with the scale, diversity and pace that we need to maintain our capability as the naval contingency element of the Response Force Task Group."

It will include a range of exercises, including an airborne air assault and amphibious landings supported by helicopters; training for security and counter-insurgency tasks; and maritime operations, including counter-piracy, with 49 ships from the Royal Navy, Canada, the Netherlands, Germany, Scandinavia and other allies.

It will also involve up to 40 fixed-wing aircraft, including RAF Tornados and Typhoons alongside Rafael and Super Etendard from the French carrier air group, as well as maritime patrol aircraft from partner nations such as the US, Brazil and Canada.

Joint Warrior incorporates lessons learned from operations in Afghanistan in relation to intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, which have been modified for the maritime environment.

The exercise will act as a progression from the Royal Navy's main exercise last year, Cougar 12, which was led by HMS Bulwark and HMS Illustrious as they worked with the French in waters near Toulon and Corsica and then Albanians in the Adriatic.

Both of these vessels will take part in Joint Warrior.

British Forces News,
12 April 2013


Marine robuust aanwezig in grote oefening

Hr. Ms. Johan de WittIn het Schotse Faslane is vandaag de grootschalige internationale maritieme oefening Joint Warrior van start gegaan. Eenheden uit 11 landen trainen de komende weken een complex scenario van dreigingen. Nederland levert een forse bijdrage.
Joint Warrior is met totaal 12.000 militairen, 55 schepen en 80 vliegtuigen een van de grootste maritieme trainingen dit jaar. Behalve vanaf zee moeten eenheden aanvallen afslaan vanaf land en uit de lucht. De bijdrage van Defensie bestaat uit 6 marineschepen, het 2e Mariniersbataljon en 2 Cougars van de Koninklijke Luchtmacht die fungeren als boordhelikopter. De Nederlandse commandeur Peter Lenselink leidt de internationale vloot.


Joint Warrior is ook onderdeel van het opwerkprogramma voor de antipiraterijmissie Atalanta in de Hoorn van Afrika. Lenselink voert vanaf augustus 2013 het commando over de missie. Het amfibische transportschip Hr. Ms. Johan de Witt fungeert dan als vlaggenschip.

12 april 2013, 17.17 uur