Het Italiaanse M fregat - PPA (Pattugliatori Polivalenti d’Altura)

Gestart door jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter), 05/05/2015 | 22:41 uur

walter leever

Citaat van: StrataNL op 19/10/2016 | 15:49 uur
Hier veel (concept) tekeningen/plaatjes hoe het eruit moet gaan zien:


Toch veel eigenschappen die ik ook op de M vervanger zou zien, multi missie dek in de midscheeps doorlopend naar de hangar, idem onder helidek...

De mogelijkheden en eigenschappen zien er idd goed uit(ben geen scheepsontwerper) ;),maar ik denk dat we zelf(lees Damen)toch wel met iets kunnen komen(ontwerpen)wat net lekkerder op 't netvlies ligt want sjeez 't ziet er niet uit(mijn mening) :devil:

Dan zien de "Zevens"er toch veel beter uit,dus we kunnen 't wel(eigenlijk beter als de Italianen,wat eigenlijk raar is want die worden toch altijd in 1 adem genoemd met sierlijke/mooie ontwerpen en hebben hier de "boot" gemist,punn intended) ;D


Hier veel (concept) tekeningen/plaatjes hoe het eruit moet gaan zien:


Toch veel eigenschappen die ik ook op de M vervanger zou zien, multi missie dek in de midscheeps doorlopend naar de hangar, idem onder helidek...
Je Maintiendrai! Blog: Krijgsmacht Next-Generation

jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter)

Citaat van: Mourning op 19/10/2016 | 11:21 uur
2 van die 76mm's? Zie ik niet gebeuren (te duur). Ik verwacht eigenlijk, maar ik ben vrij pessimistisch op dit moment ik geef het ruiterlijk toe, 2 redelijk onderbewapende schepen met een vrij uitgebreid sensorenpakket. Oude 76mm's, 4-8 Harpoon's, wat ASW torpedo's, 8-16 cells ESSM, 1 RAM systeem, NH-90 met Hangaar en een Rhib. Klaar.

Ik denk dat je aardig in de richting zit al heb ik zo het idee dat er wel een alternatief komt voor de huidige Harpoon variant.


2 van die 76mm's? Zie ik niet gebeuren (te duur). Ik verwacht eigenlijk, maar ik ben vrij pessimistisch op dit moment ik geef het ruiterlijk toe, 2 redelijk onderbewapende schepen met een vrij uitgebreid sensorenpakket. Oude 76mm's, 4-8 Harpoon's, wat ASW torpedo's, 8-16 cells ESSM, 1 RAM systeem, NH-90 met Hangaar en een Rhib. Klaar.
"The only thing necessary for Evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing"- Edmund Burke
"War is the continuation of politics by all other means", Carl von Clausewitz, Vom Kriege/On War (1830).


Vooral het nieuwe 76/62 SOVRAPONTE gun systeem vind ik interessant, zeker een optie voor op de vervangingsklasse's bij de M-fregatten en LCF's

Mijn voorkeur voor 2 stuks,  aan beide zijde van de hangaar een kanon zodat er altijd een 360 graden dekking is en door voor 2 stuks te kiezen (bijna) altijd een dubbele dekkingsgraad.

Deze versie is bovendecks, dus geen ruimte onder het kanonsysteem benodigd en is ca. 40% lichter in gewicht. Maar wel de voordelen van het kaliber en range.


Leonardo presents its capabilities for Italian Navy multipurpose patrol ships at Euronaval 2016

The Italian Navy has released fresh details about its seven new multifunctional ships with Combat Management System developed by Leonardo-Finmeccanica.

For the PPAs (Pattugliatore Polivalente D'Altura)), Leonardo offers a next generation, open architecture, modular and reconfigurable Combat Management System. The bridge is provided with an innovative system named "cockpit" created alongside Fincantieri, which for the first time will allow the integrated management of both vessel navigation and combat system operations, with a reduced number of operators, thanks to the use of augmented reality technologies. The new systems provided by Leonardo include the new multi-sensor fire control radar, a new multifunction Active Electronically Scanned Array radar with four dual band C and X-band radars (DBRs), next generation IFF sensors (Identification Friend & Foe) with circular antenna and the innovative static IRST (InfraRed Search and Track), an infrared sensor for seeking out and tracking targets, based on multiple non-rotating optical heads, distributed over the four sides of the vessel to ensure a seamless 360 degree view.

The new systems provided by Leonardo include the new multi-sensor fire control radar, a new multifunction Active Electronically Scanned Array radar with four dual band C and X-band radars (DBRs), next generation IFF sensors (Identification Friend & Foe) with circular antenna and the innovative static IRST (InfraRed Search and Track), an infrared sensor for seeking out and tracking targets, based on multiple non-rotating optical heads, distributed over the four sides of the vessel to ensure a seamless 360 degree view.

The PPAs will also be equipped with integrated communication systems which, along with the multi-band satellite systems, also include the new Software Defined Radios. Still for the offshore multipurpose patrol ships, Leonardo will provide the 127/64 LW gun, the most advanced globally in the sector of high-calibre naval guns, thanks to the combination of four elements – the gun assembly, the Automated Ammunition Handling System (AAHS), the Naval Fire Control Support (NFCS) planning system and Vulcano ammunition. The latter is a sub-calibre ammunition, developed in two main variants: guided (GLR) with longer range (100 km) for anti-ship operations or precision shooting against land targets, and non-guided, equipped with a multi-function fuse and that can reach 60 km. In the field of medium calibre weapons, the new "Sovraponte" version of the 76/62 gun will be installed on the PPAs which, in its typical multipurpose function, can be used against airborne, maritime, land and asymmetric targets.

The latter is a sub-calibre ammunition, developed in two main variants: guided (GLR) with longer range (100 km) for anti-ship operations or precision shooting against land targets, and non-guided, equipped with a multi-function fuse and that can reach 60 km. In the field of medium calibre weapons, the new "Sovraponte" version of the 76/62 gun will be installed on the PPAs which, in its typical multipurpose function, can be used against airborne, maritime, land and asymmetric targets.

The "Sovraponte" (over deck) version will be equipped with the Strales kit for the use of DART (Driven Ammunition Reduced Time Of Flight) guided ammunition. In the field of small calibre weapons, 25 mm remotely controlled towers will be installed which can be used for the close protection of larger units or, when installed on smaller units, for use in the interdiction of maritime traffic and the fight against smuggling operations. The remote control ODLS 20 launcher (OTO Decoy Launching System) will be installed on the "full" configuration PPAs, whose main role is to provide the vessel with passive defence from radars and missiles equipped with IR seekers, but also ASW (

The remote control ODLS 20 launcher (OTO Decoy Launching System) will be installed on the "full" configuration PPAs, whose main role is to provide the vessel with passive defence from radars and missiles equipped with IR seekers, but also ASW (Anti Submarine Warfare) decoys. Leonardo will provide the patrol vessels with a torpedo launcher system, the Underwater Telephone, the Bathy Termograph Unit and the Diver Detection Sonar. Finally, MBDAwill provide the airborne defence system and/or the anti-ship system, depending on the configuration of the PPA. For example, the PPAs in the "light" configuration are fitted for possible installation of missiles systems for air and anti-ship defence.


jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter)

Het Italiaanse M fregat  - PPA (Pattugliatori Polivalenti d'Altura)

Tuesday, 05 May 2015

The Multipurpose Combat Ship Programme PPA (Pattugliatori Polivalenti d'Altura) and the Logistic Support Ship Programme LSS (Logistic Support Ship) have been formally integrated into OCCAR on 4 May 2015 with the confirmation of the PPA and LSS Programme Decisions and the respective contracts by the Italian authorities.

Both programmes are currently managed on behalf of Italy as the Programme Participating State. The successful integration into OCCAR of these two modern ship programmes means a major expansion of the OCCAR Programme portfolio. OCCAR now manages 11 European Armament Programmes in various capability and technology areas, including also the Maritime Mine Counter Measures (MMCM) Programme which was integrated in March 2015.

The two classes of ships have been conceived, since the beginning, with enhanced "dual use" features, fit for traditional military tasks and also ble to intervene during peace time, supporting Humanitarian and Disaster Relief Assistance Operations (i.e. modular hospital, electrical power/drinkable water ashore and containers). In other words, the ships are able to provide maritime security in war and in peacetime, 365 days per year.

The Pattugliatori Polivalenti d'Altura - PPA vessels represent the best example of a "one-size-fits-all warship" designed to perform a wide spectrum of missions, thanks to their remarkable capabilities in terms of modularity and flexibility.

The ships will replace patrol ships, corvettes and frigates and will initially be delivered in a full and a light configuration.

The Programme includes Development and Production of six ships (five in light and one in full configuration; with an option for another four ships) and the In Service Support for ten years.
The delivery of the First of Class is planned in 2020 for the light configuration (FOC L) and 2023 for the full configuration (FOC F).

The OCCAR-EA PPA Programme Division is located in Rome, Italy.

The Logistic Support Ship - LSS will be capable of supporting a naval Joint Task Force, to support disaster relief operations, to provide medical support (NATO Role 2 LM) and to transport naval and aviation fuel, fresh water, ammunitions, lubricating oil, food, spare parts and 20 ft ISO containers.

The LSS Programme includes Development and Production of one ship and the In Service Support for ten years. The delivery of the LSS is planned for 2019.

The OCCAR-EA LSS Programme Division is located in La Spezia, Italy.

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