Internationale MPA ontwikkelingen

Gestart door Harald, 27/06/2018 | 09:36 uur


Airbus en Dassault strijden voor deal

Zowel Airbus als Dassault is door het Franse ministerie van Defensie benaderd voor het ontwerp van een nieuw verkenningsvliegtuig.

Het vliegtuig in kwestie moet een concurrent worden van de Boeing P-8 Poseidon die op de 737-800 is gebaseerd. De Franse marine zou in totaal 22 van de nieuwe toestellen willen afnemen. In eerste instantie zou bij de ontwikkeling van het nieuwe vliegtuig worden samengewerkt met de Duitse marine, maar die besloot de Boeing P-8 te bestellen.

Airbus zal haar ontwerp baseren op de A320neo, waardoor het vliegtuig op veel vlakken vergelijkbaar zal zijn met de Boeing P-8. Dassault zal bij haar ontwerp uitgaan van de Falcon 10X, die nog in ontwikkeling is. Alhoewel de Falcon 10X significant kleiner is dan de A320neo beschikt het toestel standaard over een groter vliegbereik en liggen de operationele kosten lager.


DGA launches two studies for future MPA

On 22 December 2022, the Direction G?n?rale de l'Armement (DGA) gave a boost to the Maritime Airborne Warfare System (MAWS) programme by notifying the aircraft manufacturers Airbus Defence & Space and Dassault Aviation to start a study of a future maritime patrol system (PatMar, Patrouille Maritime) based on on one of their aircraft: the Airbus A320neo respectively the Falcon 10X.

The allocated budget for the studies is captured at 10,9 million euro per study for each manufacturer. The work, scheduled to last eighteen months, will contribute to discussions on the future MPA (PatMar) of which the launch is planned for 2026 with a view to a new capability in the 2030-2040 decade. Each aircraft manufacturer will have to offer an economically attractive solution that meets the operational needs of the Marine Nationale (French Navy) in the post-2030 horizon. These solutions should remain open to cooperation with other potentially interested European partners.

The MAWS programme dates back to 2017 when it was launched by France and Germany, aimed to replace the French Navy ATL2 (Atlantique 2) and the German Navy P-3C Orions with new aircraft. However, in June 2021, Germany decided to acquire the Boeing P-8A Poseidon to replace the Orion. The programme to upgrade the Orions was abandoned in the winter of 2020, forcing the German MoD to decide on a replacement as the P-3Cs must be withdrawn from use by 2025 and a new French-German capability would not be available yet.

The French Ministry of Defence (MoD) decided to continue the programme in a "France only" solution to replace the Atlantique 2. By 2024, 18 out of 22 ATL2s will be renovated (Standard 6) under the current Loi de Programmation Militaire (LPM). This LPM runs for a period of seven years, from 2019 to 2025, and is dedicated to the renovation and modernisation of the infrastructures and equipment of the armed forces. The eighteen refurbished Standard 6 ATL2s will retire between 2031 and 2035.

En gewoon een mooi plaatje van 3 MPA toestellen waarvan er nu 2 uitgewerkt gaan worden voor de Franse defensie. :angel: Falcon 10X, A320 Neo & ATR-72.



Nieuwsbericht van Boeing zelf.

Boeing Delivers First P-8A Poseidon to New Zealand

- The first of four P-8s ordered by New Zealand
- New Zealand?s remaining P-8s to be delivered in 2023
- Worldwide deliveries now total 155 P-8s to six global customers

Dec 7, 2022

To commemorate the delivery of the first P-8A Poseidon for New Zealand, the U.S. Navy, New Zealand delegates and Boeing leaders cut the ribbon Wednesday in Seattle. Pictured (from left) are Sheena Vince Cruz, Boeing P-8 Asia-Pacific region program manager; Sarah Minson, acting Deputy Secretary Capability Delivery, New Zealand Ministry of Defence; Jeremy Clarke-Watson, New Zealand Consul General to Los Angeles; and Philip June, Boeing P-8 vice president and general manager; Rear Admiral Anthony E. Rossi, director, Navy International Programs Office (Boeing photo)

SEATTLE, Dec. 7, 2022?New Zealand today received the first of four Boeing [NYSE: BA]    P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft in a ceremony at the Museum of Flight.

?As a maritime nation, delivery of the P-8A will ensure New Zealand maintains a patrol and response capability that will protect and support law enforcement in our Exclusive Economic Zone and Southern Ocean,? said Sarah Minson, acting Deputy Secretary Capability Delivery, New Zealand Ministry of Defence. ?The P-8A will also assist our South Pacific neighbors and deliver long-range search and rescue capability.?

The milestone comes four years after the New Zealand Government entered into an agreement with the U.S. Navy for the P-8A.

?The unmatched, multi-mission maritime patrol capabilities of the P-8 will provide New Zealand the ability to extend their reach into the Pacific and beyond,? said Philip June, vice president and program manager, P-8 Programs. ?New Zealand joins eight other global customers including nearby Australia that have selected or already operate the P-8 and benefit greatly from its long-range maritime surveillance and warfare capabilities.?

Boeing Defence Australia will provide sustainment services for New Zealand?s fleet with the support of the P-8 International Program.

New Zealand?s three remaining P-8 aircraft are all in advanced stages of production and will be delivered in 2023. The aircraft will replace New Zealand?s current fleet of six P-3K2 Orions and will be based at Royal New Zealand Air Force Base Ohakea.

To date, the global operating P-8 fleet has amassed more than 450,000 mishap-free flight hours. The P-8 is a long-range anti-submarine warfare, anti-surface warfare, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance aircraft capable of broad-area, maritime and littoral operations. In addition, the P-8 performs humanitarian and search and rescue missions around the globe.
A fighter without a gun . . . is like an airplane without a wing.

-- Brigadier General Robin Olds, USAF.

silvester herc

P-8A Poseidon aircraft. BOEING
SEATTLE ? New Zealand received the first of four Boeing P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft in a Dec. 7 ceremony at the Museum of Flight, Boeing said in a release. Voor foto en meer zie link!


Navy Declares Initial Operational Capability for Boeing?s HAAWC

- Boeing-made capability enables Poseidon to launch torpedoes from higher altitudes, longer distances.

Nov 21, 2022
In an artists rendering, a High Altitude Anti-Submarine Warfare Weapon Capability or HAAWC deploys from a Boeing P-8A Poseidon multi-mission maritime patrol aircraft. (Boeing illustration)

ST. CHARLES, Mo., Nov. 22, 2022 ? Boeing [NYSE: BA]?s High Altitude Anti-Submarine Warfare Weapon Capability, or HAAWC, has satisfied all requirements for initial operational capability status from the U.S. Navy.

The all-weather HAAWC enables the Boeing P-8A Poseidon to deploy MK 54 torpedoes from near or below its cruising altitude.

?The initial operational capability milestone marks the readiness of HAAWC for fleet introduction for the Navy and its international partners,? said Dewayne Donley, program manager. ?We?re excited to deliver greater flexibility and capability by way of higher-altitude launches from longer distances than previously possible.?

The milestone follows the award of a full-rate production contract for the system to Boeing in August, squadron training, and the receipt of low-rate initial production units.

HAAWC consists of a modular Air Launch Accessory, or ALA, kit that attaches to a MK 54 torpedo, transforming it into a precision-guided glide weapon.

?It?s a major achievement for our team in reaching our goal of establishing a new high ground in anti-submarine warfare,? said Bob Ciesla, vice president of Boeing Weapons. ?We look forward to continuing to work alongside the Navy toward the full deployment and operational capability of the system.?

Additional fielding of HAAWC units are scheduled through 2024, with the potential for production to continue into 2030 under the current contract.

The long-range anti-submarine warfare, anti-surface warfare, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance P-8A aircraft has amassed more than 450,000 mishap-free flight-hours to date in support of broad-area, maritime and littoral operations, and performs humanitarian and search and rescue missions around the globe.
A fighter without a gun . . . is like an airplane without a wing.

-- Brigadier General Robin Olds, USAF.

Master Mack

Inderdaad vooruitgang. Alles beter als die vliegende Donald Duck die ze vervangen. Lelijke machines. Dit ziet er een stuk beter uit.


Citaat van: Parera op 14/09/2022 | 22:30 uur
met nog wat hardpoints voor 2 Mk54's hebben we dan tenminste iets  ;D

En anders duwen we gewoon wat barrel bombs uit datzelfde luik. Lekker multirole.


En ook nog een afbeelding van binnen in de kist  :angel:

In het artikel spreekt men van een ''drop hatch'', voor het (handmatig) afwerpen van o.a. reddingsvlotten, rookboeien en datumboeien. Ik vraag me dan ook af, zou het mogelijk zijn om dan ook sonoboeien af te werpen ? Dit zou de toestellen in geval van oorlog beperkt ASW inzetbaar kunnen maken, met nog wat hardpoints voor 2 Mk54's hebben we dan tenminste iets  ;D

De registraties worden PH-CGD & PH-CGE.


"Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordion" US secmindef - Jed Babbin"


Via twitter @Nicole_Kuipers3

Wat een wereld van verschil die twee kisten  :cute-smile: Ik mis nog wat hardpoints en een MAD sensor, dan waren het echte MPA's geweest.


Citaat van: ARM-WAP op 13/07/2022 | 09:33 uur
We gaan dat zien... die Duitse P-8's gaan gewoon blijven. Niets "temporary".
De Fransen hebben dat MAWS-project gewoon gekelderd door enkel aan zichzelf te denken. In Europa was er echt een gat dat 'men' had kunnen dichtrijden door dat MAWS vroeger te starten en, vooral, snel met een concurrent voor de P-8 op de proppen te komen.
Alweer een gemiste kans voor de groten in de Europese Defensie-Industrie.

Dat had sowieso gekund als Frankrijk in de jaren 80 niet voor de Atlantic vervanger Atlantique 2 was gegaan. Nederland verving ze al door de P-3C en alleen de Duitsers en Italianen gingen door met de oude Atlantic. Dan hadden ze gezamenlijk zoiets als MAWS kunnen ontwikkelen.
A fighter without a gun . . . is like an airplane without a wing.

-- Brigadier General Robin Olds, USAF.


Citaat van: Parera op 13/07/2022 | 05:39 uur
Bundestag Approves Additional Funds For P-8A Poseidon MPA Procurement
On 07 July 2022, the German Ministry of Defence announced that the German Bundestag had approved an additional budget for the procurement of new military equipment, including the P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft.
We gaan dat zien... die Duitse P-8's gaan gewoon blijven. Niets "temporary".
De Fransen hebben dat MAWS-project gewoon gekelderd door enkel aan zichzelf te denken. In Europa was er echt een gat dat 'men' had kunnen dichtrijden door dat MAWS vroeger te starten en, vooral, snel met een concurrent voor de P-8 op de proppen te komen.
Alweer een gemiste kans voor de groten in de Europese Defensie-Industrie.
De basis had men:
- een van de vele Airbus-toestellen...
- sensoren zat
- torpedo's - ook geen probleem
- ASM, MBDA heeft ook een arsenaal in aanbieding.
Ondertussen is de afzetmarkt voor MAWS lekker aan het slinken door de aankoop van de P-8 door:
- Noorwegen,
- UK,
- Duitsland
De Italianen zijn ook al een eigen weg ingeslagen. De Fransen zullen het doen met hun Falcon X.
En anderen, zoals de Grieken, Portugezen en Spanjaarde zullen mettertijd de keuze hebben...


Boeing Delivers 150th P-8 Maritime Patrol Aircraft
The newest Boeing P-8 maritime patrol, reconnaissance aircraft took to the skies over Puget Sound bringing the total number of P-8s delivered to 150.

Bundestag Approves Additional Funds For P-8A Poseidon MPA Procurement
On 07 July 2022, the German Ministry of Defence announced that the German Bundestag had approved an additional budget for the procurement of new military equipment, including the P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft.

jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter)

Via Twitter

Sebastian Bruns@naval_gazing
German Navy to get another 7 P8 Poseidon Maritime Patrol Aircraft (to a future total of 12) according to MoP Enak Ferleman. This is the right number.