Internationale ontwikkelingen artillerie

Gestart door Harald, 29/03/2021 | 15:01 uur


Citaat van: Harald op 05/04/2024 | 08:36 uur

(ontwikkeling in Denemarken....  :neutral: )

De vuursteunsystemen van de verdediging lopen vertraging op en kunnen aanzienlijk duurder worden

De vuursteunsystemen ATMOS en PULS zullen naar verwachting een jaar later operationeel zijn dan aanvankelijk werd aangenomen. Bovendien zal de opbouw van de PULS-raketcapaciteit naar verwachting aanzienlijk duurder zijn. Dit blijkt uit nieuwe informatie die nog niet eerder beschikbaar is gekomen. Minister van Defensie Troels Lund Poulsen is daarom van plan het lopende juridische onderzoek uit te breiden.

Wanneer de PULS- en ATMOS-voertuigen in Denemarken aankomen, zullen ze later klaar zijn voor operationeel gebruik dan aanvankelijk werd aangenomen. Minister van Defensie Troels Lund Poulsen informeerde de verzoeningskring vandaag hierover.

"Ik kan stellen dat het Defensiecommando en het Materieel- en Aanbestedingsagentschap van het Ministerie van Defensie nu van oordeel zijn dat de ATMOS- en PULS-systemen in alle opzichten pas in 2026 gereed zullen zijn voor operationeel gebruik – dat is een jaar later dan verwacht, en dat is natuurlijk problematisch als we de partijen uit de nederzettingen oorspronkelijk iets anders hadden gegeven om naar uit te kijken", zegt minister van Defensie Troels Lund Poulsen.

Voordat de ATMOS- en PULS-systemen operationeel kunnen worden gebruikt, moeten kabels worden getrokken, tactische radio's worden geïnstalleerd en een geleidingsondersteuningssysteem worden geïnstalleerd, zodat de voertuigen geïntegreerd met de rest van de brigade-eenheden kunnen opereren. Bovendien moeten proefvuren enz. worden uitgevoerd. Het Defensiecommando en het Materieel- en Aankoopagentschap van het Ministerie van Defensie hebben verklaard dat de schatting voor het gereedmaken van de voertuigen na levering aan Denemarken is verlengd van 6 naar 18 maanden.

Het Defensie Commando oordeelt echter dat het aangepaste implementatieplan voor de systemen geen gevolgen heeft voor de onvoorziene gebeurtenissen die Denemarken bij de NAVO heeft geregistreerd.

Het opbouwen van PULS-capaciteit zal aanzienlijk duurder zijn

De minister van Defensie heeft de verzoeningskring ook laten weten dat de raketwerpercapaciteit PULS aanzienlijk duurder zal zijn dan verwacht. Dit komt omdat de inhoud van de overname, waartoe in januari 2023 werd besloten, nu niet voldoende blijkt om de capaciteit volledig op te kunnen bouwen.

Bij de overname in 2023 waren er onder meer waarbij geen rekening wordt gehouden met extra voertuigen, personeel, munitie en inrichtingen die het Defensie Commando nodig acht om de capaciteit te kunnen opbouwen.

"Het is zeer problematisch dat blijkt dat de politici de beslissing om het PULS-systeem te kopen niet op een volledig geïnformeerde basis hebben genomen. We lopen nu het risico dat we met een aanzienlijke extra rekening achterblijven, die gedekt moet worden door de middelen uit de defensieschikking. Het is zeer onbevredigend dat we geen volledige informatie hebben ontvangen voordat de beslissing werd genomen", zegt Troels Lund Poulsen.

Minister van Defensie Troels Lund Poulsen en een aantal parlementaire partijen besloten in oktober 2023 een onpartijdig juridisch onderzoek te starten naar de aanschaf van vuursteunsystemen voor de strijdkrachten in januari 2023. Op basis van de nieuwe informatie in de zaak wil de minister van Defensie nu om het lopende onderzoek uit te breiden, zodat het ook de kosten en vertraging van het bouwen van een operationele raketwerpercapaciteit omvat. De verlenging wordt besproken met de partijen die de overeenkomst over het onpartijdige juridische onderzoek hebben gesloten.

"Dit is een ernstige zaak. Het is ook een zaak die serieuze vragen oproept, omdat de bemiddelingscommissie en de Financiële Commissie niet de volledige basis hebben gekregen voor het besluit dat in januari 2023 is genomen. Ik denk daarom dat we hier te maken hebben met een proces waarbij sprake is van een behoefte aan een onpartijdige onthulling van wat er wel en niet is gebeurd, en of er besluiten zijn genomen op basis van ongepaste overwegingen", zegt Troels Lund Poulsen.

Hier zal wel meer aan de hand zijn, maar lieve Denen, bij elk wapensystemen komen transport voertuigen, laadsystemen, kalibratie apparatuur, additioneel personeel, etc. Dat je dat vergeten bent is raar. En een onderzoek? Wat ga je dan kopen, Himars? 8 keer zo duur.
"Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordion" US secmindef - Jed Babbin"


(ontwikkeling in Denemarken....  :neutral: )

De vuursteunsystemen van de verdediging lopen vertraging op en kunnen aanzienlijk duurder worden

De vuursteunsystemen ATMOS en PULS zullen naar verwachting een jaar later operationeel zijn dan aanvankelijk werd aangenomen. Bovendien zal de opbouw van de PULS-raketcapaciteit naar verwachting aanzienlijk duurder zijn. Dit blijkt uit nieuwe informatie die nog niet eerder beschikbaar is gekomen. Minister van Defensie Troels Lund Poulsen is daarom van plan het lopende juridische onderzoek uit te breiden.

Wanneer de PULS- en ATMOS-voertuigen in Denemarken aankomen, zullen ze later klaar zijn voor operationeel gebruik dan aanvankelijk werd aangenomen. Minister van Defensie Troels Lund Poulsen informeerde de verzoeningskring vandaag hierover.

"Ik kan stellen dat het Defensiecommando en het Materieel- en Aanbestedingsagentschap van het Ministerie van Defensie nu van oordeel zijn dat de ATMOS- en PULS-systemen in alle opzichten pas in 2026 gereed zullen zijn voor operationeel gebruik – dat is een jaar later dan verwacht, en dat is natuurlijk problematisch als we de partijen uit de nederzettingen oorspronkelijk iets anders hadden gegeven om naar uit te kijken", zegt minister van Defensie Troels Lund Poulsen.

Voordat de ATMOS- en PULS-systemen operationeel kunnen worden gebruikt, moeten kabels worden getrokken, tactische radio's worden geïnstalleerd en een geleidingsondersteuningssysteem worden geïnstalleerd, zodat de voertuigen geïntegreerd met de rest van de brigade-eenheden kunnen opereren. Bovendien moeten proefvuren enz. worden uitgevoerd. Het Defensiecommando en het Materieel- en Aankoopagentschap van het Ministerie van Defensie hebben verklaard dat de schatting voor het gereedmaken van de voertuigen na levering aan Denemarken is verlengd van 6 naar 18 maanden.

Het Defensie Commando oordeelt echter dat het aangepaste implementatieplan voor de systemen geen gevolgen heeft voor de onvoorziene gebeurtenissen die Denemarken bij de NAVO heeft geregistreerd.

Het opbouwen van PULS-capaciteit zal aanzienlijk duurder zijn

De minister van Defensie heeft de verzoeningskring ook laten weten dat de raketwerpercapaciteit PULS aanzienlijk duurder zal zijn dan verwacht. Dit komt omdat de inhoud van de overname, waartoe in januari 2023 werd besloten, nu niet voldoende blijkt om de capaciteit volledig op te kunnen bouwen.

Bij de overname in 2023 waren er onder meer waarbij geen rekening wordt gehouden met extra voertuigen, personeel, munitie en inrichtingen die het Defensie Commando nodig acht om de capaciteit te kunnen opbouwen.

"Het is zeer problematisch dat blijkt dat de politici de beslissing om het PULS-systeem te kopen niet op een volledig geïnformeerde basis hebben genomen. We lopen nu het risico dat we met een aanzienlijke extra rekening achterblijven, die gedekt moet worden door de middelen uit de defensieschikking. Het is zeer onbevredigend dat we geen volledige informatie hebben ontvangen voordat de beslissing werd genomen", zegt Troels Lund Poulsen.

Minister van Defensie Troels Lund Poulsen en een aantal parlementaire partijen besloten in oktober 2023 een onpartijdig juridisch onderzoek te starten naar de aanschaf van vuursteunsystemen voor de strijdkrachten in januari 2023. Op basis van de nieuwe informatie in de zaak wil de minister van Defensie nu om het lopende onderzoek uit te breiden, zodat het ook de kosten en vertraging van het bouwen van een operationele raketwerpercapaciteit omvat. De verlenging wordt besproken met de partijen die de overeenkomst over het onpartijdige juridische onderzoek hebben gesloten.

"Dit is een ernstige zaak. Het is ook een zaak die serieuze vragen oproept, omdat de bemiddelingscommissie en de Financiële Commissie niet de volledige basis hebben gekregen voor het besluit dat in januari 2023 is genomen. Ik denk daarom dat we hier te maken hebben met een proces waarbij sprake is van een behoefte aan een onpartijdige onthulling van wat er wel en niet is gebeurd, en of er besluiten zijn genomen op basis van ongepaste overwegingen", zegt Troels Lund Poulsen.


Fahrgestelle und Waffenanlagen für Panzerhaubitze 2000

(vertaling via Google Translate)
Chassis- en wapensystemen voor zelfrijdende houwitser 2000

KNDS Duitsland heeft Rheinmetall uitbesteed voor de levering van kerncomponenten voor 22 zelfrijdende houwitsers van de Bundeswehr. Dat maakte het bedrijf uit Düsseldorf vandaag bekend. Via de divisies Weapon and Ammunition en Vehicle Systems Europe zal het onder meer 22 L52-wapensystemen in 155 mm-kaliber en hetzelfde aantal chassis leveren. Na de definitieve systeemintegratie en inbedrijfstelling in Unterlüß zullen de eerste systemen naar verwachting in de zomer van 2025 aan de Bundeswehr worden geleverd.

In haar persbericht benadrukt Rheinmetall haar expertise als technologieleider voor 155 mm artilleriewapens en als krachtige partner in de constructie van rupsvoertuigen. Het bedrijf is wereldleider op het gebied van geweerlopen en de bijbehorende munitietechnologie, bijvoorbeeld het 120 mm kanon met gladde loop voor gevechtstanks.

Dit contract onderstreept het voortdurende vertrouwen van de Bundeswehr in de kwaliteit en betrouwbaarheid van de PzH 2000, aldus Rheinmetall. Het wapensysteem, ontwikkeld in de jaren tachtig en negentig en sindsdien voortdurend gemoderniseerd, staat bekend om zijn uitstekende mobiliteit, langeafstandsvuurkracht en bescherming. In Oekraïne bewijst de PzH 2000 momenteel zijn betrouwbaarheid en uitstekende nauwkeurigheid.


BAE Systems Develops XM1155-SC Artillery Ammunition Able to Double Fire Range of Standard Rounds

BAE Systems is advancing artillery technology with its development of the XM1155-SC, a next-generation artillery projectile designed to significantly enhance the U.S. Army's long-range precision fire capabilities. This cutting-edge, cannon-launched, precision-guided munition is part of the Hypervelocity Projectile (HVP) family and aims to defeat both stationary and mobile targets in contested environments. The XM1155-SC artillery munition is being developed under the U.S. Army's Extended Range Artillery Projectile (ERAP) program, with the goal of extending the range of 155mm artillery rounds to more than double the range of current precision-guided munitions, aiming beyond 110 kilometers.

In December 2022, BAE Systems, in partnership with the U.S. Army, conducted the first successful test fire of the XM1155-SC from a 155 mm XM907E2 Extended Range Cannon Artillery (ERCA) test bed. This event marked a significant achievement as the projectile impacted a fixed target at ranges beyond what previous precision-guided projectiles had accomplished. This successful test came just 14 months after BAE Systems received an initial $14.8 million prototype development award in October 2021, underscoring the rapid progress of the program.

The XM1155-SC is designed to penetrate and destroy adversary defenses through its increased range, advanced guidance, lethality, and survivability. It represents BAE Systems' commitment to developing a munition that addresses the Army's modernization goals for a long-range precision fires solution. This includes creating a highly maneuverable, low-drag projectile capable of defeating a broad set of target types in challenging operational environments.

Collaborating closely with the U.S. Army's Combat Capabilities Development Command Armaments Center, BAE Systems has demonstrated the XM1155-SC's capabilities by firing it to record distances from an M109 Paladin howitzer, showcasing its accuracy using GPS in tests conducted at Yuma Proving Ground, Arizona. The development of the XM1155-SC is a critical component of the U.S. Army's broader effort to modernize its artillery formations and enhance its capabilities in long-range precision fires, which is a key area for development in response to global strategic challenges.

The XM1155-SC artillery ammunition developed by BAE Systems for the U.S. Army heralds a transformative advance in the artillery capabilities available on the modern battlefield. This munition, designed to significantly outperform current 155mm artillery rounds in several key areas, integrates cutting-edge technologies to provide forces with a strategic advantage.

With its capability to engage targets beyond 110 kilometers, more than double the range of existing cannon-launched precision-guided munitions, the XM1155-SC extends the operational reach of artillery units. This extended range allows forces to strike strategic targets deep within enemy territory while remaining beyond the range of enemy counter-fire. Such a capability is critical for shaping the battlefield before direct engagements, disrupting enemy logistics, command and control nodes, and supporting maneuvers from a distance.

Moreover, the precision guidance of the XM1155-SC ensures that it can accurately hit both stationary and moving targets in contested environments. This level of accuracy minimizes collateral damage and allows for the selective engagement of high-value targets, even in scenarios where GPS signals may be degraded or denied. This is a significant improvement over conventional artillery munitions, which may require multiple rounds to achieve the desired effect on the target due to their reliance on area effects rather than precision.

The munition's development underlines a shift towards systems that can provide a significant advantage in terms of range, accuracy, and lethality. By integrating advanced guidance systems, propulsion technologies, and warheads capable of defeating a broad set of target types, the XM1155-SC represents a leap forward in artillery technology.

In the context of modern and future warfare, where adversaries may possess sophisticated defenses and the ability to contest or deny access to traditional support assets like airpower, the XM1155-SC offers a compelling solution. It enables ground forces to deliver precise, long-range fires in support of joint operations, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the military across a spectrum of conflict scenarios.

Furthermore, the ability of this munition to achieve greater ranges and precision, combined with enhanced lethality and survivability features, directly supports the U.S. Army's modernization priorities. These include long-range precision fires identified as a critical capability to overmatch potential adversaries and to ensure dominance in multi-domain operations.

In summary, the XM1155-SC represents a pivotal enhancement to artillery's role on the modern battlefield, offering unmatched range, precision, and lethality. These capabilities provide strategic and tactical advantages, enabling forces to engage the enemy more effectively and from greater distances, shaping the battlefield to their favor before close engagements commence.


Extra info :

Army Gets 120mm 'Nemo' Mortar Turret Toting Armed Vehicle Prototype

An armored vehicle with the Finnish NEMO mortar turret is a major capability boost over anything in the Army's inventory today.

he U.S. Army now has a prototype of a variant of its tracked Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle with an armored turret armed with a 120mm rapid-firing mortar. The combination offers additional protection and much greater flexibility over mortar carrier vehicles now in Army service, and is a general capability it has been interested in acquiring for years now.

BAE Systems announced yesterday that it had delivered the new mortar turret-equipped Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle (AMPV) prototype to the Army for further evaluation. BAE Systems is the manufacturer of the AMPV. Patria in Finland, in cooperation with Norway's Kongsberg, supplied the NEMO turreted mortar. NEMO, a contraction of "NEw MOrtar," was developed in the late 2000s.

voor het gehele artikel, zie link


Citaat van: Ace1 op 07/03/2024 | 17:25 uurNu weet ik het weer, dat heeft hier ook op defensieforum gestaan, ik was dit gewoon vergeten.

Wordt een mooie toevoeging als werkpaard van iig het Luchtverdedigingscommando.
"Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordion" US secmindef - Jed Babbin"



Citaat van: Ace1 op 07/03/2024 | 16:51 uurWat is G5?

Wat Harald zegt. Eigenlijk is het ern relatief goedkope vervanger van de M113/YPR van duitse origine.


Citaat van: Parera op 07/03/2024 | 16:30 uurSimpel maar effectief, ik gok dat CV90 het wel weer onnodig duur maakt. Gelukkig hebben we de low cost G5 nog. Op zich ben ik wel voorstander van het uitbreiden van de G5 in aantallen en dan voornamelijk voor dit soort ondersteunende functies.

Wat is G5?


Citaat van: Kornet43 op 07/03/2024 | 16:05 uurPrecies wat we moeten hebben, Nemo op tracks. Een Boxer op tracks of een CV90.

Simpel maar effectief, ik gok dat CV90 het wel weer onnodig duur maakt. Gelukkig hebben we de low cost G5 nog. Op zich ben ik wel voorstander van het uitbreiden van de G5 in aantallen en dan voornamelijk voor dit soort ondersteunende functies.


Citaat van: Harald op 07/03/2024 | 14:04 uurBAE Systems Delivers Revolutionary AMPV NEMO 120mm Self-Propelled Mortar Carrier Prototype to US Army

In landmark advancement for armored mortar-carrier combat vehicles, BAE Systems has proudly announced the delivery of its innovative Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle (AMPV) Turreted Mortar prototype to the U.S. Army, setting a new standard in combat vehicle technology and adaptability. This cutting-edge prototype features the groundbreaking External Mission Equipment Package (ExMEP), designed for the rapid installation of various turrets, and boasts the state-of-the-art Patria NEMO remote-controlled 120mm turreted mortar system. This delivery marks the debut of the world's first fully automated mortar system mounted on a tracked armored vehicle, heralding a new era of military firepower and versatility.

BAE Systems delivers to the U.S. Army a new prototype of AMVP self-propelled mortar carrier equipped with the NEMO, a 120mm fully-automated mortar system.

The delivery results from a dynamic technology investment collaboration among the U.S. Army, BAE Systems, and KONGSBERG/Patria. This effort showcases the potential for variant expansion within the versatile AMPV family. By leveraging a proven and fully qualified platform like the AMPV chassis, the Army gains access to deploy essential combat capabilities, such as the Patria NEMO system, to the battlefield more swiftly, efficiently, and cost-effectively.

"Transferring this exceptional capability to the Army for further evaluation represents a pivotal moment in broadening the operational flexibilities available to our soldiers, ensuring they retain tactical superiority across various combat scenarios," stated Bill Sheehy, AMPV Program Director at BAE Systems. "The genesis of the AMPV Turreted Mortar prototype can be traced back to discussions with the Army in 2022, the same year the ExMEP was conceived alongside our industry partners. We eagerly anticipate its performance assessment. The initiative and forward-thinking approach to its development underscore our commitment to enhancing the warfighter's effectiveness, which remains the core mission of the AMPV program."

The AMPV Turreted Mortar prototype, leveraging the ExMEP for rapid integration of the NEMO 120mm mortar system, serves as a versatile indirect and direct fire support platform suitable for various mission profiles. This innovative system enables the execution of Multiple Rounds Simultaneous Impact (MRSI) fire missions, where up to five mortar rounds can strike targets concurrently in less than four seconds, whether the vehicle is stationary or mobile.

The Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle (AMPV) for the U.S. Army represents a significant leap forward in battlefield mobility, versatility, and protection. Designed to replace the aging M113 family of vehicles, the AMPV is a family of next-generation, highly adaptable tracked armored vehicles tailored to meet a wide range of mission needs across the combat team. This platform offers enhanced survivability features against mines, improvised explosive devices (IEDs), and direct fire. It supports various roles, including medical evacuation, command and control, and mortar carrier operations, among others.

The Patria NEMO 120mm mortar system is a highly advanced, remote-controlled, turreted mortar system designed for both direct and indirect fire support. As the world's only turreted mortar system that can be mounted on land platforms, naval vessels, and stationary positions, NEMO offers exceptional versatility and firepower. Capable of firing up to 10 rounds per minute, its high rate of fire and Multiple Rounds Simultaneous Impact (MRSI) capability enable it to launch several rounds that can hit the same target simultaneously, maximizing the effect on the target while minimizing the time the platform is exposed to enemy fire. The system's automation allows for rapid aiming, shooting, and laying, significantly enhancing operational efficiency and crew safety. The NEMO system can use a wide range of ammunition types, offering solutions for various tactical requirements, including smoke, illumination, and precision-guided munitions, making it a pivotal asset for modern military forces seeking flexible and powerful fire support capabilities.

The Patria NEMO 120mm mortar system stands out for its impressive maximum firing range and swift deployment capabilities. It can engage targets up to 10 kilometers away with conventional ammunition, and this range can extend further when using rocket-assisted projectiles, enhancing its operational flexibility and effectiveness in various combat scenarios. The system's design emphasizes rapid deployment and mobility, allowing for a transition from traveling mode to firing mode in mere minutes. This rapid deployment capability ensures that forces can quickly respond to threats and take advantage of tactical opportunities as they arise. The combination of its extended range and quick setup and stow times makes the NEMO system an invaluable tool for providing immediate, high-impact fire support across a wide area of operations, ensuring superiority in firepower and contributing significantly to the success of military engagements.

Compared to the existing AMPV Mortar Carrier variant, which incorporates the traditional 120mm mortar system, this new prototype signifies a monumental leap in capability, offering enhanced operational flexibility and force protection while ensuring soldiers remain shielded by the vehicle's armor.

In the coming months, the AMPV Turreted Mortar prototype will undergo exhaustive field evaluations by the Army to validate its performance against the rigorous demands of modern warfare.

This announcement comes on the heels of BAE Systems unveiling a second turreted AMPV prototype featuring Counter-Unmanned Aircraft System (C-UAS) capabilities via the ExMEP top plate in the past three months. As warfare continues to evolve, the AMPV platform's tailored framework highlights the endless possibilities for seamless capability enhancements to support the Army's Armored Brigade Combat Team's operational needs.

Precies wat we moeten hebben, Nemo op tracks. Een Boxer op tracks of een CV90.


BAE Systems Delivers Revolutionary AMPV NEMO 120mm Self-Propelled Mortar Carrier Prototype to US Army

In landmark advancement for armored mortar-carrier combat vehicles, BAE Systems has proudly announced the delivery of its innovative Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle (AMPV) Turreted Mortar prototype to the U.S. Army, setting a new standard in combat vehicle technology and adaptability. This cutting-edge prototype features the groundbreaking External Mission Equipment Package (ExMEP), designed for the rapid installation of various turrets, and boasts the state-of-the-art Patria NEMO remote-controlled 120mm turreted mortar system. This delivery marks the debut of the world's first fully automated mortar system mounted on a tracked armored vehicle, heralding a new era of military firepower and versatility.

BAE Systems delivers to the U.S. Army a new prototype of AMVP self-propelled mortar carrier equipped with the NEMO, a 120mm fully-automated mortar system.

The delivery results from a dynamic technology investment collaboration among the U.S. Army, BAE Systems, and KONGSBERG/Patria. This effort showcases the potential for variant expansion within the versatile AMPV family. By leveraging a proven and fully qualified platform like the AMPV chassis, the Army gains access to deploy essential combat capabilities, such as the Patria NEMO system, to the battlefield more swiftly, efficiently, and cost-effectively.

"Transferring this exceptional capability to the Army for further evaluation represents a pivotal moment in broadening the operational flexibilities available to our soldiers, ensuring they retain tactical superiority across various combat scenarios," stated Bill Sheehy, AMPV Program Director at BAE Systems. "The genesis of the AMPV Turreted Mortar prototype can be traced back to discussions with the Army in 2022, the same year the ExMEP was conceived alongside our industry partners. We eagerly anticipate its performance assessment. The initiative and forward-thinking approach to its development underscore our commitment to enhancing the warfighter's effectiveness, which remains the core mission of the AMPV program."

The AMPV Turreted Mortar prototype, leveraging the ExMEP for rapid integration of the NEMO 120mm mortar system, serves as a versatile indirect and direct fire support platform suitable for various mission profiles. This innovative system enables the execution of Multiple Rounds Simultaneous Impact (MRSI) fire missions, where up to five mortar rounds can strike targets concurrently in less than four seconds, whether the vehicle is stationary or mobile.

The Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle (AMPV) for the U.S. Army represents a significant leap forward in battlefield mobility, versatility, and protection. Designed to replace the aging M113 family of vehicles, the AMPV is a family of next-generation, highly adaptable tracked armored vehicles tailored to meet a wide range of mission needs across the combat team. This platform offers enhanced survivability features against mines, improvised explosive devices (IEDs), and direct fire. It supports various roles, including medical evacuation, command and control, and mortar carrier operations, among others.

The Patria NEMO 120mm mortar system is a highly advanced, remote-controlled, turreted mortar system designed for both direct and indirect fire support. As the world's only turreted mortar system that can be mounted on land platforms, naval vessels, and stationary positions, NEMO offers exceptional versatility and firepower. Capable of firing up to 10 rounds per minute, its high rate of fire and Multiple Rounds Simultaneous Impact (MRSI) capability enable it to launch several rounds that can hit the same target simultaneously, maximizing the effect on the target while minimizing the time the platform is exposed to enemy fire. The system's automation allows for rapid aiming, shooting, and laying, significantly enhancing operational efficiency and crew safety. The NEMO system can use a wide range of ammunition types, offering solutions for various tactical requirements, including smoke, illumination, and precision-guided munitions, making it a pivotal asset for modern military forces seeking flexible and powerful fire support capabilities.

The Patria NEMO 120mm mortar system stands out for its impressive maximum firing range and swift deployment capabilities. It can engage targets up to 10 kilometers away with conventional ammunition, and this range can extend further when using rocket-assisted projectiles, enhancing its operational flexibility and effectiveness in various combat scenarios. The system's design emphasizes rapid deployment and mobility, allowing for a transition from traveling mode to firing mode in mere minutes. This rapid deployment capability ensures that forces can quickly respond to threats and take advantage of tactical opportunities as they arise. The combination of its extended range and quick setup and stow times makes the NEMO system an invaluable tool for providing immediate, high-impact fire support across a wide area of operations, ensuring superiority in firepower and contributing significantly to the success of military engagements.

Compared to the existing AMPV Mortar Carrier variant, which incorporates the traditional 120mm mortar system, this new prototype signifies a monumental leap in capability, offering enhanced operational flexibility and force protection while ensuring soldiers remain shielded by the vehicle's armor.

In the coming months, the AMPV Turreted Mortar prototype will undergo exhaustive field evaluations by the Army to validate its performance against the rigorous demands of modern warfare.

This announcement comes on the heels of BAE Systems unveiling a second turreted AMPV prototype featuring Counter-Unmanned Aircraft System (C-UAS) capabilities via the ExMEP top plate in the past three months. As warfare continues to evolve, the AMPV platform's tailored framework highlights the endless possibilities for seamless capability enhancements to support the Army's Armored Brigade Combat Team's operational needs.


Iron Sting: An exclusive look inside Israeli's new precision mortar

During a visit to a military base in central Israel, Breaking Defense received a rare look at the 120mm mortar up-close, alongside Lt. Col. Liron Cohen, an IDF officer who helped develop it through the Ministry of Defense's Directorate of Defense Research and Development.

Four months into Israel's war against Hamas in Gaza, a number of new technologies and platforms have been used by the Israel Defense Forces. Among them is the Iron Sting precision mortar, first unveiled in 2021 but not used in combat until recently.

During a visit to a military base in central Israel, Breaking Defense received a rare look at the 120mm mortar up-close, alongside Lt. Col. Liron Cohen, an IDF officer who helped develop it through the Ministry of Defense's Directorate of Defense Research and Development.

Cohen is the head of the munitions branch in the technology division of the Technology and Logistics Directorate, which puts him in charge of "almost all ground munitions," and was part of the development of the Iron Sting from the beginning. It was co-developed with the DDR&D and Elbit Systems. "It's our job to make the technical specification and translate them to operational requirements and then run the project until it's ready for operational evaluation," Cohen said.

"This is one of a kind in the world," Cohen said about the weapon, which the IDF says has the level of precision usually reserved for air-launched missiles – but built into the kind of mortar that every soldier can learn how to operate. That means it can be used against specific targets in the kind of complex environments the IDF is facing in Gaza, potentially forgoing the need to call in an air strike.

Operationally, the Iron String replaces the concept of mortars as a statistical weapon, where you fire a number of them near a target and hope to neutralize it, and instead turns it into a precision-guided weapon — but one that is cheaper to equip and deploy than air-launched effects.

The launcher can be mounted on a vehicle such as an M113 and a Humvee. The version seen by Breaking Defense was on a Humvee and had an intuitive and user friendly interface, with a joystick that lowers the mortar barrel so forces can quickly deploy it. The mortar is plugged into a computer on a Humvee, where the mortar's internal system receives the data it needs for its mission. Once launched it powers up, expands guidance fins, and uses GPS and its laser seeker to fly towards it target.

The operator can also choose to have the round explode with a proximity sensor, meaning in the air just above a target, or to penetrate a target and then explode. The latter tactic be useful to penetrate a building and strike a specific room. "It can penetrate through the ceiling or wall," Cohen said.

Cohen noted that the mortar has a failsafe: if the computer analyzes its trajectory and it is not going to hit the target, the munition is neutralized and lands as a dud. And while a dud mortar can still harm people — no one would enjoy a 16kg weight, slightly heavier than a normal 120mm round, lobbed at high speeds hitting them  — the weapon won't explode, limiting accidental damage to people and property.


French MoD orders 109 Nexter CAESAR 6×6 MkII SPHs

The French Ministry of Defence (MoD) has ordered 109 Nexter CAESAR 6×6 MkII self-propelled howitzers (SPHs), the company announced on 2 February 2024.

The CAESAR 6×6 MkII is a new version of the wheeled SPH that is currently under development. The order, the contract price of which was not disclosed, was planned under France's 2024-2030 defence programming law. The new systems will first replace the French Army's tracked AMX-30 AuF1 SPHs at the end of their operational service and gradually phase out the army's CAESAR 6×6 MkI SPHs.

"The French artillery will thus have an unprecedented capability since the introduction of the CAESAR 6×6 system in 2008," KNDS, Nexter's parent company, stated in a press release.

The order also includes support for the CAESAR MkII during the system's first two years of use.

The development of the CAESAR MkII was launched in December 2021.

The main improvements of the CAESAR MkII, which uses the same 155 mm 52-calibre gun as its predecessor, relate to the system's protection, mobility and communication capabilities. The new system features a cabin with enhanced protection against mines and ballistic projectiles to resist improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and small-calibre ammunition. This requirement was defined during France's recent operations in Afghanistan and Africa's Sahel region.

The mobility of the CAESAR MkII, meanwhile, is improved with a new engine (460 HP compared to the previous 215 HP), a new automatic gearbox, and a new chassis provided by Arquus.

The CAESAR MkII is additionally equipped with state-of-the-art fire control software, with its cabin prepared to integrate the future generation of French NCT-t radio systems.