Light Tanks... de toekomst ?

Gestart door Harald, 07/06/2016 | 13:51 uur


Citaat van: Oorlogsvis op Vandaag om 14:59Toch gebruikte onze Mariniers brigade net na de oorlog daar ook Sherman tanks op Java volgens mij ...die eilanden zijn ook wel groot ...ja begrijp wat je zegt als je de kaart ziet zou je zeggen minimaal 150 Transport helikopters en veel lichte amfibische schepen om overal snel troepen aan land te zetten.

Indonesie is niet rationeel, heel gevoelig voor prestige. Neem die strijdkrachten ook niet al te serieus, net als de Thaise bijvoorbeeld.
"Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordion" US secmindef - Jed Babbin"


Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 04/04/2024 | 10:23 uurIk ruik kansen voor een Belgisch bedrijf met een grote voorraad 105mm kanonnen  :cute-smile:   cockerill pak die kans, kom op..

Dit indonesische project gaat overigens nergens over. Kan me ook niet voorstellen dat ze dit apparaat echt willen / nodig hebben. Indonesie wil graag legertje spelen en is gevoelig voor alles wat blinkt, indrukwekkend oogt en een strik heeft of een kanon.

Ze hebben met die 17.000 onbegaanbare eilandjes en bagger infrastructuur veel meer aan drones, heli's, ATGM's, of loitering ammo.
Toch gebruikte onze Mariniers brigade net na de oorlog daar ook Sherman tanks op Java volgens mij ...die eilanden zijn ook wel groot ...ja begrijp wat je zegt als je de kaart ziet zou je zeggen minimaal 150 Transport helikopters en veel lichte amfibische schepen om overal snel troepen aan land te zetten.


Army marching towards key M10 Booker test, 2025 fielding

An upcoming Initial Operational Test and Evaluation event will help service leaders determine just what near-term and long-term changes they want to make to the light tank.

As the US Army prepares to field its new light tank next year, the M10 Booker, it is gearing up for a testing series that will help determine just what modifications may be needed, according to a one-star general charged with requirements.

Shortly after the July 4 holiday, operators and maintainers at Ft. Liberty, N.C, are scheduled to start new equipment training with the tracked combat vehicle that will last through the August-September timeframe, the director of the Next-Generation Combat Vehicle Cross Functional Team Brig. Gen. Geoffrey Norman told Breaking Defense May 9.

Some of those soldiers and vehicles will then head to Ft. Stewart, Ga. to embark on gunnery training before returning to Ft. Liberty for collective training in November. If the plan stays on track, in early January 2025 the service will take the vehicle to an Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E) event that will determine what near-term and long-term changes General Dynamics Land Systems (GDLS) needs.

"There will be a list of things that we want to improve on the vehicle: Our team, along with others will make recommendations as to which things need to be fixed immediately prior to fielding, what things are maybe a longer-term fix and what things may be for consideration later if funding is available," the one-star general added.

That critical test event also paves the way for the Army and company to ink a full-rate production deal, a decision point slated for the April to June 2025 timeframe, according to recent budget request documents. For now, though, the service envisions acquiring 504 Booker vehicles, with initial vehicles costing the service between $12 million and $14 million.



Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 04/04/2024 | 10:23 uurIk ruik kansen voor een Belgisch bedrijf met een grote voorraad 105mm kanonnen  :cute-smile:  cockerill pak die kans, kom op..

Huzaar begrijp ik het nu goed dat jij advies geeft, om aandelen cockerill te kopen? :angel:


Ik ruik kansen voor een Belgisch bedrijf met een grote voorraad 105mm kanonnen  :cute-smile:   cockerill pak die kans, kom op..

Dit indonesische project gaat overigens nergens over. Kan me ook niet voorstellen dat ze dit apparaat echt willen / nodig hebben. Indonesie wil graag legertje spelen en is gevoelig voor alles wat blinkt, indrukwekkend oogt en een strik heeft of een kanon.

Ze hebben met die 17.000 onbegaanbare eilandjes en bagger infrastructuur veel meer aan drones, heli's, ATGM's, of loitering ammo.
"Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordion" US secmindef - Jed Babbin"


First FNSS Kaplan MT 'Harimau' Medium Tanks Enter Service with Indonesian Army

According to information published on March 29, 2024, by the "Defense Studies" Blog, the Indonesian army has received its first medium tank Kaplan MT also called Harimau. Indonesia is the second country in Asia to be equipped with a medium tank after the Philippines which has acquired Sabra light tanks designed and manufactured by the Israeli Company Elbit Systems.

Currently, the Indonesian army is equipped with 103 Main Battle Tanks (MBTs) including 42 Leopard 2A4 and 61 Leopard 2RI. Indonesia also has different types of light/medium tanks including 275 French AMX-13 (partially upgraded), 15 Soviet-made PT-76, and 60 British FV101 Scorpion-90.

Indonesia's strategic decision to acquire the Kaplan MT Medium Tank, also known as the Modern Medium Weight Tank, reflects a comprehensive approach to national defense and security amidst the country's unique geographical and tactical challenges. As an archipelagic nation spread over more than 17,000 islands, Indonesia faces distinct defense requirements. The country's vast and varied terrain demands a versatile and mobile military capability that can rapidly respond across different environments, from dense jungles to urban landscapes.

The Kaplan MT, developed jointly by Indonesia's PT Pindad and Turkey's FNSS, represents a modern and agile armored platform that suits Indonesia's operational needs. Its medium weight classification enables the tank to be more maneuverable than heavier tanks, an essential feature for swift deployment across Indonesia's numerous islands and its varied terrains. This mobility does not come at the expense of firepower or protection, as the Kaplan MT is equipped with advanced armor and weapons systems suitable for modern warfare, ensuring that Indonesian forces can effectively engage with potential threats.

The FNSS Modern Medium Weight Tank (MMWT), also known as the Kaplan MT, exemplifies a strategic collaboration between the defense sectors of Turkey and Indonesia, merging advanced military technology with strategic operational concepts. This vehicle is engineered to address the multifaceted demands of modern warfare, ensuring it remains relevant across various combat scenarios. Its design is a careful consideration of the balance between agility, protection, and lethal capability, tailored to operate efficiently in diverse environments—from dense urban settings to challenging rural terrains.

The Kaplan MT is equipped with a two-man turret, integrating a standard NATO 105mm rifled gun. This primary weapon system is capable of firing a range of ammunition types, including Armour Piercing (AP) and High Explosive (HE) rounds, offering the flexibility needed to engage a variety of targets, from armored vehicles to fortified positions and infantry. The inclusion of an automatic loading system enhances the tank's operational efficiency, allowing for rapid firing rates and reduced crew workload. This system holds 16 rounds in its standard configuration, with a reduced capacity to 12 rounds for an air-deployable configuration, ensuring the Kaplan MT maintains its firepower even when deployed via air transport, a critical consideration for rapid deployment scenarios.

The Kaplan MT's hull and turret are engineered to offer robust STANAG 4569 Level 4 ballistic protection, effectively shielding it from 14.5mm armor-piercing projectiles and splinters from 155mm artillery shells. Additionally, the tank's design ensures it can absorb the impact of a 10kg TNT explosion beneath its tracks and hull, safeguarding the crew and internal systems from significant blast effects.

To further enhance its defensive capabilities, the Kaplan MT can be outfitted with additional armor, elevating its protection to STANAG 4569 Level 5. This upgrade enables the tank to withstand hits from 25mm armor-piercing discarding sabot-tracer (APDS-T) rounds, significantly increasing its survivability on the battlefield.

For comprehensive defensive coverage, the Kaplan MT incorporates smoke grenade launchers, alongside a fully integrated chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) protection system and a laser warning system. These systems collectively heighten the tank's defensive posture against a variety of threats, from conventional to asymmetric warfare tactics.

The Kaplan MT is powered by a diesel engine paired with an electronically controlled fully automatic transmission, providing an efficient and responsive power delivery system. The tank's performance, featuring a power-to-weight ratio of 20 horsepower per ton, varies with the configuration of its protection system, optimizing its agility and speed for different operational needs. Fuel efficiency and range are supported by dual separate fuel tanks, enhancing its operational endurance.

With its advanced propulsion system, the Kaplan MT achieves a top road speed of 70 km/h and boasts a minimum operational range of 450 km, ensuring rapid deployment and sustained mobility across varied terrains. The tank is exceptionally capable in challenging environments, able to tackle gradients and side slopes of 60% and 30% respectively, showcasing its versatility in navigating difficult landscapes. Moreover, its design enables it to surmount vertical obstacles up to 0.9 meters in height and traverse trenches up to 2 meters wide, further testament to its superior maneuverability and adaptability in complex battlefield conditions.


AICS: het Italiaanse landgevechtssysteem
09/11/2023 | PIETRO BATACCHI

Het AICS-programma (Armored Infantry Combat System) van het Italiaanse leger komt eindelijk tot leven.

In het DPP 2024 zijn er de eerste leningen: 5,2 miljard is al toegewezen en de totale behoefte is gekwantificeerd op 15 miljard euro, d.w.z. deze is meer dan verdubbeld vergeleken met wat was voorzien in het DPP 2022 (6,050 miljard euro).

Waarom zoveel geld? Om een ��heel eenvoudige reden: de AICS is een strategisch programma, een soort "land" F-35 als we willen, dat zal moeten leiden tot de ontwikkeling van een familie van voertuigen van verschillende typen - van de zware verkenningsvariant met 120 kanon mm, tot de anti-dronevariant met 30 mm machinegeweer en stoorzender - in staat om in coöperatieve zin en volgens multi-domeinlogica te opereren binnen een echt landgevechtsysteem van de nieuwe generatie.

De AICS-bubbel zal ook een hele reeks 'add-ons' omvatten - zoals bijvoorbeeld grondgebaseerde drones (UGV's) en verschillende soorten vliegtuigen - die de operationele output verder zullen vergroten. Er zullen daarom grote investeringen nodig zijn om capaciteiten te ontwikkelen die steeds meer gebaseerd zijn op disruptieve technologieën zoals kunstmatige intelligentie en machinaal leren, de cloud, geavanceerde sensoren, supercomputing, enz. Maar dit betekent ook dat vanuit industrieel oogpunt de AICS-ontwerpautoriteit, ongeacht de hypothesen van internationale samenwerking die momenteel ter discussie staan, noodzakelijkerwijs in Italië zal moeten blijven, aangezien op het gebied van strategische capaciteiten als deze, in het licht van steeds competitievere en omstreden scenario's kunnen we op geen enkele manier afhankelijk zijn van de buitenwereld.

Artikel hier geplaatst omdat verkenningsvariant met 120mm werd benoemd (light tank), het gaat dus om een familie van systemen.


Citaat van: Lynxian op 12/10/2023 | 01:24 uurZei iemand 105mm pijpen? Heeft België al interesse getoond, want die schijnen er nog een paar te hebben...

Je bedoelt die grapjurken van cockerill  :dead:   ;D
"Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordion" US secmindef - Jed Babbin"


Citaat van: Lynxian op 12/10/2023 | 01:24 uurZei iemand 105mm pijpen? Heeft België al interesse getoond, want die schijnen er nog een paar te hebben...



Zei iemand 105mm pijpen? Heeft België al interesse getoond, want die schijnen er nog een paar te hebben...


Citaat van: Parera op 11/10/2023 | 11:14 uurDat antwoord is heel simpel : omdat het Yanks zijn.

Die houden vast aan hun eigen oude standaarden en zijn niet zo van het aanpassen aan de rest, laat de rest zich maar aanpassen aan hun.
Ik denk dat het veel meer met een munitievoorraad en een hele grote voorraad 105mm pijpen die van de Abrams af zijn gekomen te maken heeft ;) .
"Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordion" US secmindef - Jed Babbin"


Citaat van: Harald op 11/10/2023 | 11:06 uurwaarom die 105mm en niet de keus gemaakt voor de NATO standaard 120mm ? .. gemiste kans , voor mijn gevoel

Dat antwoord is heel simpel : omdat het Yanks zijn.

Die houden vast aan hun eigen oude standaarden en zijn niet zo van het aanpassen aan de rest, laat de rest zich maar aanpassen aan hun.


GDLS M10 Booker vehicle offers new firepower for US Army Infantry Brigade Combat Team  ( waarom die 105mm en niet de keus gemaakt voor de NATO standaard 120mm ? .. gemiste kans , voor mijn gevoel )

At the AUSA 2023 event, the Association of United States Army Conference & Exhibition that takes place in Washington D.C. from the 9 to 11 October 2023, General Dynamics Land Systems (GDLS) displayed the M10 Booker, a vehicle set to enhance the firepower and lethality of the Infantry Brigade Combat Team (IBCT). Equipped with a 105mm gun, it's designed to target fortifications, gun placements, trenches, and also offers defense against enemy armored units.

Back in November 2017, the U.S. Army initiated a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) phase. To encourage competition, they intended to grant up to two Middle Tier Acquisition (MTA) contracts for this phase by the start of FY2019.

By December 17, 2018, the U.S. Army had given two Section 804 Middle Tier Acquisition (MTA) Rapid Prototyping contracts for MPF. The beneficiaries of these contracts were General Dynamic Land Systems (GDLS), Inc. and BAE Systems Land and Armaments, both based in Sterling Heights, MI.

Fast forward to June 14, 2023, the U.S. Army rebranded the MPF as the M-10 Booker infantry assault vehicle. Shortly after, on June 28, 2022, they declared a $1.14 billion contract with GDLS to manufacture and deploy up to 96 M-10 Booker units.

The U.S. Army's procurement goal for the M10 Booker stands at 504 units. Army representatives have hinted that this figure might undergo minor adjustments. As per the current roadmap, the Army aims to deploy four M10 Booker battalions by 2030 and expects the majority of the procurement to be finalized by 2035. The M10 Booker marks one of the U.S. Army's significant combat vehicle introductions since the 1980s. Its design boasts a 105 mm primary weapon, protective armor, smoke grenade launchers, and features to increase resilience against various threats.

The U.S. Army has been in search of a lightweight tank since the M551 Sheridan's retirement. The M1128 MGS served as a temporary fix, but it had its mechanical issues. The M10, even with its weight comparable to the T-72, is being sourced for armored cavalry divisions. The M1A2 Abrams tank is simply too heavy for this purpose, leading to the M10's introduction.

There are whispers that the U.S. Army intends to establish an M10 Booker battalion at the division tier. From this core group, M10 Booker squads would be distributed to IBCTs. On the staffing front, each MPF squad necessitates 64 armor operators and 24 armor maintenance personnel to oversee MPF equipment. Considering the current recruitment landscape and future projections, the Army may face hurdles in sourcing the required MPF crew and maintenance teams for these new divisions.


M10 Booker in action: Watch the U.S. Army's new tracked combat vehicle move and fire during testing in 2023


The U.S. Army's New $13 Million Combat Vehicle That's 'Not a Tank'

The U.S. Army spent more than $1 billion to build the M10 Booker, which was unveiled in June. The Wall Street Journal explains how the new combat vehicle differs from tanks like the Abrams and why it is filling a gap for infantry forces. Photo Illustration: Jacob Nelson

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