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Europa / Re: Rusland's Expansie
Last post by Huzaar1 - 24/07/2024 | 10:49 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 23/07/2024 | 15:27 uurIets met MH17.

Iets te makkelijk. Nee, draagt wel wat bij .aar is noet doorslaggevend.
KM / Re: Opvolging Alkmaar klasse
Last post by StrataNL - 24/07/2024 | 09:48 uur
Winch only.
KM / Re: Zr. Ms. Tromp gaat in 2024...
Last post by StrataNL - 24/07/2024 | 09:37 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 23/07/2024 | 22:42 uurEn dan geen andere beelden dan de lancering kunnen tonen  :angel: .. wat een kut video


De exhte Tromp zpu trots zijn.
Komt vast nog wel, meestal duurt het even voordat die Sinkex video's naar buiten komen.
KLu / Re: Vervanging C-130 Hercules
Last post by Harald - 24/07/2024 | 09:11 uur

A signing ceremony for the joint acquisition of nine C-390s by the Netherlands and Austria was signed at FIA 2024 on 22 July 2024.
Germany Orders 80 RCH 155 Boxer-Based Self-Propelled 155mm Howitzers from KNDS.

Germany has placed an order for 80 Boxer-based self-propelled 155mm howitzers, known as RCH 155, from the European defense contractor KNDS. This development, first reported by the German news outlet Der Spiegel, marks a substantial enhancement of Germany's artillery power and underscores the nation's commitment to modernizing its armed forces.


Several countries have placed orders for the RCH 155 howitzers, including Ukraine and the United Kingdom.

Ukraine has been a significant recipient of the RCH 155 howitzers, with the German government initially funding the purchase of 18 units at the end of 2022. In February 2024, Germany announced an additional transfer of 18 RCH 155 howitzers to Ukraine, bringing the total to 36 units as part of military aid packages. Further, KNDS has confirmed that Ukraine will receive a total of 54 RCH 155 howitzers by 2027�.

The British Army has selected the RCH 155 as part of its Mobile Fires Platform (MFP) program, aiming to replace its aging AS90 155mm tracked self-propelled howitzers. This decision was made after considering several contenders, including other advanced artillery systems. The British Ministry of Defence plans to integrate the RCH 155 systems into service within the current decade, significantly enhancing the British Army's artillery capabilities�.
Boeing eyes converting F-15EX into Growler-like electronic attack jet

"There's a lot of conversation internally, could we turn this into a Growler," Boeing F-15 business development lead Rob Novotny told Breaking Defense. "So we're looking at some trade work."

Boeing is actively studying whether it can turn the F-15EX Eagle II into a platform similar to an EA-18G Growler, the Navy's electronic warfare jet, a company executive tells Breaking Defense.

"The Growler line has ended," Rob Novotny, Boeing's business development lead for the F-15, said in an interview with Breaking Defense over the weekend. The Growler is a modified version of the F/A-18, with the jet's production slated to end in 2027.

"There's a lot of conversation internally, could we turn this [the F-15EX] into a Growler," he added. "So we're looking at some trade work."

In pushing the Growler line of logic, Novotny argued for a different definition of stealth enabled by features like electronic warfare (EW) capabilities. Stealth, Novotny contended, shouldn't be understood strictly in terms of low-observable coatings — where competitor Lockheed Martin currently enjoys a monopoly on stealth fighter production.

"Stealth means, to me, I can go to a place where the enemy doesn't want me to go, and I can operate in their environment, achieve my objective, and not be targeted," he said.

The F-15EX is already equipped with EW capabilities via its BAE-supplied Eagle Passive Active Warning Survivability System (EPAWSS). In seeking a Growler-like role for the jet, Boeing would presumably seek to expand the fighter's EW capabilities with tools like additional jamming pods and other enabling subsystems.

The F-15EX — the most modern version of the F-15 — hit initial operational capability following deliveries of the first operational combat jets to the Air National Guard in June. At the Farnborough air show here, Boeing is showcasing the F-15QA, a Qatari version of the jet that closely mirrors the design on order by the US Air Force.

Novotny seemed bullish about the updated F-15's prospects in international campaigns, which Boeing is pitching to customers like Saudi Arabia and Poland, while Indonesia has already committed to a buy and Israel is set for a large order of its own. The US Air Force's own order has been somewhat in flux in recent years, and is set for a program of record for 98 fighters absent congressional intervention or further changes in future budgets.

"I think what my big takeaway is, there's a lot of excitement in the global defense market for fighter jets. And I mean, unfortunately, world events have created a kind of refocus on air superiority and air dominance platforms," Novotny said.
Het artikel is vertaald met google translate uit het Portugees.

Masterproef toont een nieuwe generatie torpedobootjagers gebaseerd op Type 055
Een masterscriptie van de Harbin Engineering Universiteit, gebaseerd op de Type 055 torpedobootjager, toont interessante details van het nieuwe generatie escorteschip van de Chinese marine.

Lees de rest van het artikel zelf in de link hieronder.

Het ontwerp dat gebaseerd is op de Type 055 Destroyers heeft een lengte van 200 m en breedte van 25 m, het tonnage zal ergens tussen de 14 en 16.000 ton liggen. Het basis ontwerp van de Type 055 is een stuk kleiner met 180x20 m en weegt 11 tot 13.000 ton.

Nieuw in dit ontwerp zijn de opbouw en de mast vorm, een 130 mm railgun, 144 VLS cellen en de beide CIWS's H/PJ-11 (goalkeeper) & HQ-10 (RAM) zijn vervangen door high energy laser wapensystemen. Daarnaast zien we achterop een nieuw CIWS wat een combinatie lijkt tussen beide oude systemen en het beste te zien is op het achteraanzicht. Het lijkt op een (30 mm) gatling gun met aan beide kanten een aantal raketten (11 per kant?). Daarnaast heeft het schip ook ruimte voor onbemande systemen aan boord en heel opvallend is de pod aandrijving.
Israel's IAI announces new Wind Demon air-to-surface missile

The weapon is "a new generation of air-to-surface cruise missile, combining new capabilities based on years of experience in missiles and loitering munition development," Guy Bar Lev, executive vice-president and general manager of IAI's Systems Missiles and Space Group, said.

Israel Aerospace Industries announced today a new air-to-surface cruise missile dubbed Wind Demon, what the company says is a lightweight, reasonably priced munition.

"We see a growing market demand for effective and affordable systems that will offer attacks in mass," said Guy Bar Lev, executive vice-president and general manager of IAI's Systems Missiles and Space Group.

The weapon is "a new generation of air-to-surface cruise missile, combining new capabilities based on years of experience in missiles and loitering munition development," he said.

Unveiling the new missile, IAI pitched it as an "accurate response to the changing nature of warfare where affordability is a key factor." Bar Lev did not specify the unit cost, though large cruise missiles such as the Storm Shadow or Tomahawk can cost more than $1 million.

Weighing 140 kilograms (308 pounds) and with a range of over 200 kilometers (124 miles), IAI says the missile can be launched from various aerial platforms such as helicopters or warplanes. The system includes laser-homing seekers and electro-optics for day or night operations. It also has automatic target recognition built in.

IAI also said that the system includes "enhanced connectivity features [that] enable real-time video transmission, person-in-the-loop control, and low altitude hold throughout the mission. Additionally, its selectable fast/slow/fast speed profile allows for high-speed reactions and selective slow velocity approaches at points of interest."

IAI said the munition's warhead, "which exceeds" 20 kilograms or 44 pounds, "is adaptable for blast, fragmentation, and penetration effects."

The missile is smaller than other well-known Israeli armaments such as the Popeye and the Gabriel family of systems, as well as the more recently introduced Sea Breaker.

In addition to its purported affordability, IAI also referenced the ability to use the missile in large numbers, noting it "offers a pragmatic response to the changing nature of warfare where affordable mass can deliver lethality." A brochure for the system showed it aiming at targets such as air defense systems and radars. These include moving targets as well.

The wars in Ukraine and Gaza have illustrated the need for countries to have large amounts of various munitions, but also highlighted the high pricetag that can come with such acquisitions. The cost disparity has been especially stark in the area of counter-unmanned aerial systems, where some militaries are using high-end missiles to knock out cheaply made drones — though the Wind Demon is designed to hit targets on the ground in numbers, potentially flipping the script on affordable mass munitions.
Citaat van: Harald op 24/07/2024 | 08:15 uur

Ik moet zeggen, de Britten gaan wel volledig voor de Boxer als ik al die varianten zie! Goede ontwikkeling en mogelijk ook interessant voor NLD met het oog op 13 Medium Brigade.
CitaatExcited to see Boxer production vehicles going through acceptance trials at Millbrook. The new A3 version with the 600 kW (815 hp) powerpack is a beast. Four initial versions (infantry carrier, command, ambulance, and specialist carrier) will be followed by three Batch 2 versions (repair & recovery, bridge layer, and mortar) and then five Batch 3 versions (expected to include overwatch, air defence, counter battery radar, EW, and UAS mothership variants) plus the Boxer RCH155. Truly a go anywhere, do anything capability.