Internationale ontwikkelingen op onderzeebootgebied.

Gestart door Zeewier, 21/04/2017 | 10:51 uur


Ik kwam deze 3 luik tegen, best interessant
Wel in het Duits, maar via Google Translate naar het Nederlands vertaald

Deel 1
U-Boot-Abwehr: Neue Gefahren unter Wasser Teil 1

Deel 2
U-Boot-Abwehr: Der Heuhaufen ist größer geworden Teil 2

Deel 3
U-Boot-Abwehr: Licht über der Kimm Teil 3

Deel 1
U-Boot-Abwehr: Neue Gefahren unter Wasser (Duikbootbestrijding: nieuwe gevaren onder water)

Ondanks hun kleine aantal vormen moderne onderzeeërs een onevenredige bedreiging. Het gaat niet langer alleen om torpedo's.

De rust kan bedrieglijk zijn. Nieuwe bedreigingen liggen op de loer onder de oppervlakte van de Noord-Atlantische Oceaan.

Onderzeeërs vormen een onzichtbaar gevaar, zelfs voor grote zeemachten. Omdat ze zo moeilijk te vinden zijn, leggen ze middelen vast – schepen, helikopters, vliegtuigen – die vervolgens niet langer beschikbaar zijn voor andere operaties. En omdat ze bij crises en conflicten zo'n grote asymmetrische bedreiging kunnen vormen, is het ook belangrijk dat zeemachten als de NAVO ze kunnen opsporen en bestrijden. Maar hoe moderner ze worden, hoe groter het gevaar dat zelfs individuele onderzeeërs vormen.

Vanuit het perspectief van de westerse alliantie betekent dit dat zelfs als het aantal Russische boten sinds het einde van de Koude Oorlog is afgenomen, de overgebleven boten, inclusief de nieuw gebouwde, gemiddeld aanzienlijk krachtiger zijn dan de oude Sovjet-boten. Tegelijkertijd schaft China steeds meer moderne onderzeeërs aan. De VS, de belangrijkste NAVO-partner, moeten daarom ten koste van de Atlantische Oceaan onderzeebootverdedigingscapaciteiten leveren in de Stille Oceaan voor hun nationale en alliantieverdediging.

Ook in de Noord-Atlantische regio is de behoefte weer toegenomen. Sinds het begin van het conflict tussen Rusland en Oekraïne in 2014 heeft de NAVO een toegenomen activiteit van Russische onderzeeërs geregistreerd. Volgens Noorse bronnen zouden in december 2019 tien boten tegelijkertijd manoeuvres hebben uitgevoerd in de Noorse Zee en de Barentszzee. Meer dan ooit sinds het einde van de Koude Oorlog, en een buitengewone concentratie, simpelweg omdat de 58 onderzeeërs van de Russische marine verspreid zijn over vier ruimtelijk gescheiden zeeën.

Torpedo's zijn niet langer het gevaarlijkste wapen van alle onderzeeërs

Volgens deskundigen en de media was het doel van de oefeningen om aan de NAVO haar operationele paraatheid te tonen, inclusief haar vermogen om diep in de Atlantische Oceaan op te rukken. Dit blijkt ook uit andere individuele test- en patrouillereizen, voor zover de westerse zeestrijdkrachten deze hebben kunnen vaststellen.

Het belangrijkste operatiegebied voor onderzeeërs in de Russische Noordelijke Vloot blijft echter de Barentszzee. De meeste Russische onderzeeërs zijn hier ook gestationeerd. In het verleden dienden jachtonderzeeërs in de aangrenzende Noorse Zee alleen als geavanceerde verdediging voor strategische raketonderzeeërs verder naar het noordoosten, maar tegenwoordig is de regio een verzamelplaats voor aanvalswapens.

De belangrijkste wapens van de nieuwe Russische onderzeebootvloot zijn niet langer torpedo's, maar langeafstandskruisraketten. "De grootste uitdaging voor defensieve oorlogsoperaties tegen onderzeeërs is het bereik van vijandelijke anti-scheepskruisraketten, die binnen het komende decennium een ��bereik van 1.000 zeemijl zullen bereiken", waarschuwen experts van de Amerikaanse denktank Hudson Institute in een onlangs gepubliceerde analyse .

Landgerichte geleide raketten van het Kalibr-type, ten westen van Noorwegen gelanceerd door raketonderzeeërs van de nieuwe Yasen-klasse, kunnen nu al punten overal aan de Europese Noordzeekust bereiken, inclusief militair belangrijke overslaghavens zoals Bremerhaven of Rotterdam. Rusland demonstreerde de capaciteiten van deze raket in 2015 toen schepen uit de Kaspische Zee deze gebruikten om locaties in Syrië te bombarderen.

Deskundigen bevelen aan om de anti-onderzeebootverdedigingsmacht van de NAVO te verplaatsen

Om de dreiging van met raketten uitgeruste onderzeeërs in de Noorse Zee tegen te gaan, beveelt het rapport van het Hudson Instituut aan af te zien van grootschalige verdediging. "In plaats van te proberen onderzeeërs uit steeds grotere gebieden te verdrijven," zeggen de auteurs, "moeten de anti-onderzeebootoorlogstrategieën van de VS en hun bondgenoten hun focus verleggen naar het gebruik van offensieve operaties om te voorkomen dat vijandelijke boten hun onderzeeërs aanvallen. Bereik operationele gebieden ."

olgens deskundigen zijn onderzeeërs ook geschikt voor zogenaamde hybride oorlogsvoering. Ze kunnen onopgemerkt speciale troepen aan land brengen, die zonder nationaal embleem zouden kunnen opereren, zoals op de Krim. Dit geldt met name voor de dieselelektrische onderzeeërs die Rusland onderhoudt. Het Hudson Institute-rapport constateert ook dit: Russische conventionele gevechtsonderzeeërs zouden een aanvulling vormen op hybride operaties in de Oostzee en de Middellandse Zee.

En de gemeenschap ziet nog een gevaar : nieuwe speciale onderzeeërs kunnen ook zo diep duiken dat ze onderwaterkabels kunnen doorsnijden. De deskundigen zien vooral de verbindingen tussen Europa en Noord-Amerika als bedreigd, waardoor 90 procent van de officiële en commerciële gegevensuitwisseling tussen NAVO-partners en anderen plaatsvindt.

De Russische onderzeeër " AS-31" kan bijvoorbeeld waarschijnlijk duikdieptes tot 2.500 meter bereiken. Wanneer hij door een aangepaste strategische onderzeeër naar een missie wordt vervoerd, kan hij onopgemerkt zijn bestemming bereiken en daar onderzeese kabels manipuleren. Hoewel deze capaciteiten al bestonden tijdens de Koude Oorlog, werden ze opnieuw prominent toen de boot, ook wel bekend als 'Losharik', in de zomer van 2019 een ongeluk kreeg. Op dit moment wordt aangenomen dat de onderzeeër gerepareerd moet worden voordat hij weer kan worden gebruikt.


American submarines will be armed with Tomahawk anti-ship missiles next year

The United States Navy is gearing up to enhance its submarine capabilities with ship-targeting versions of the highly versatile Tomahawk missile, marking a strategic move to bolster military strength in the face of growing challenges from Chinese maritime forces, especially in the vicinity of Taiwan.

The Maritime Strike version of the Tomahawk, traditionally employed as a ground-attack weapon, is slated for deployment after Oct. 1 next year, as revealed by program manager Captain Jon Hersey in a recent statement. The new models will undergo modifications, incorporating a state-of-the-art guidance system that enables them to effectively engage mobile sea-based targets. Captain Hersey noted that the initial version was received in 2022 for rigorous testing before being declared combat-ready.

The decision to deploy the revamped Tomahawk version aligns with the broader U.S. strategy to fortify its arsenal of ship-attack missiles. These additions are intended to complement submarine-launched torpedoes and act as a countermeasure against China's numerically superior naval fleet.

In addition to submarines, the U.S. Navy plans to integrate these missiles into its surface vessels. However, the latter faces heightened vulnerability to China's anti-ship capabilities, both on land and at sea.

The upcoming deployment will focus on Los Angeles- and Virginia-class submarines, with the latter capable of carrying an impressive arsenal of up to 40 land-attack Tomahawks. These missiles, with a range of up to 1,600 km, provide a significant strategic advantage by offering greater standoff distances from Chinese anti-access and area-denial missile systems. According to Brent Sadler, a senior research fellow in naval warfare and advanced technology at the Heritage Foundation, this increased range complicates Chinese planning for any potential blockade or invasion of Taiwan.

However, experts note that more work is needed to refine strategies on how these missiles will be employed to overwhelm Chinese forces effectively. Vice-Admiral William Houston, the Navy's Submarine Forces Commander, expressed commitment to deploying the Maritime Strike Tomahawk as swiftly as possible. He highlighted that the dynamic nature of procurement, modernization, and fielding schedules involves various factors, including industrial base capacity and shipyard capabilities.

As geopolitical tensions continue to unfold, the arming of U.S. submarines with these advanced ship-targeting Tomahawk missiles marks a pivotal development in naval warfare capabilities, shaping the strategic landscape in the Indo-Pacific region.


Saab Receives Order For Studies Of Future Underwater Capabilities For Sweden

Saab press release

Saab has signed a contract with the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration, FMV, to conduct concept development studies for future underwater capabilities.

The studies are preparatory in nature and will focus on the further development of key technology areas, as well as new technologies for submarines and submarine-related capabilities for Sweden.

Sweden has a long history of evolutionary submarine design and technology development by refining and adding new technologies to already existing solutions through an iterative development process.

"Underwater capabilities are of vital interest for Sweden. Saab's submarines are among the most modern conventional submarines in the world and a key capability for Sweden. These studies will help ensure that we stay in the forefront of innovation and technological development for years to come", says Mats Wicksell, Senior Vice President and Head of Saab's Business Area Kockums.

Kockums A26 surfacing


Hanwha Ocean proposes KSS-III submarine as strategic partnership in Poland's Orka Project

Hanwha Ocean, a maritime sector entity within the Hanwha Business Group in South Korea, has expressed its aspirations for a strategic collaboration with Poland in the naval sector. During a press conference at Hotel Belloto in Warsaw, Hanwha Ocean unveiled a comprehensive package of proposals

Hanwha Ocean aims to present to the Polish Navy its cutting-edge and sea-proven KSS-III Submarine, contributing to enhanced security in the Baltic Sea. Additionally, Hanwha Ocean shared its vision for Poland by establishing a strong industrial partnership, bringing economic and industrial benefits to the country. Vice President Sung Kyun Jeong, Head of Hanwha Ocean's Naval Ship International Business, said: "We are ready to offer the KSS-III Submarine, one of the world's best submarines, for Poland's Orka Project. We also want to share our long-term vision for the partnership with Poland on this occasion." Currently in active service with the Republic of Korea (ROK) Navy, the 3,600-ton class KSS- III has demonstrated advanced technologies and capabilities, contributing to enhanced deterrence of Poland.

Hanwha Ocean envisions not only providing state-of-the-art submarines but also offering comprehensive training programs for the Polish Navy. Collaborating with the Korean Navy, the training will encompass basic submarine courses, equipment operation training, tactical training with simulators, and onboard training at sea. Hanwha Ocean also mentioned that the Korean Navy is willing to support sea trials and on-the-job training, as well as share its submarine operation and maintenance know-how with the Polish Navy.

In a move to bolster Poland's self-sufficiency in maintaining its submarine fleet, Hanwha Ocean plans to establish a Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) Center in Poland. This center will not only provide technical support through an on-site team but also ensure the timely delivery of spare parts, manage obsolescence, and offer extensive MRO knowledge, empowering Poland to independently sustain its submarine fleet efficiently.

Expanding beyond the military scope, Hanwha Ocean's proposal aims to foster a strategic pathway for Poland's industry. The collaboration goes beyond naval projects, encompassing partnerships in commercial vessels and offshore projects, showcasing Hanwha Ocean's expertise in these domains. The company also expresses a keen interest in exploring opportunities in renewable energy and engaging in research and development with Polish institutes and universities.


Babcock awarded £121million future submarine contract

Two contracts, worth collectively over £100 million, have been awarded to Babcock to support the development of the UK's future nuclear deterrent.

The Ministry of Defence say that the first, worth £66 million, has been awarded to Babcock to provide in-service submarine support expertise into the development of the UK's Dreadnought Class submarines – the future of the UK's nuclear deterrent.

"Covering the next 4.5 years, the contract will see Babcock provide the Ministry of Defence with technical and management support, engineering best practice and submarine maintenance achievability. Supporting the Prime Minister's priority to grow the economy, the contract will sustain a total of 150 jobs, primarily in Bristol, but also include specialised roles across other key sites, including Devonport, Clyde, Barrow in Furness, Leicester and Warrington.       

In addition, Babcock has also been awarded a £55 million contract by BAE Systems for Weapon Handling and Launch System (WHLS) and Submerged Signal Ejector equipment for boats 2-4 of the Dreadnought Class. The contract will support a further 100 jobs across the UK and will see Babcock work with BAE Systems and the MOD together to ensure the Dreadnought Class is delivered on time."

This programme will support the design, development, and manufacture of the four new Dreadnought Class ballistic missile submarines – the largest submarines ever to be operated by the Royal Navy.

Minister for Defence Procurement, James Cartlidge said:

"It is undeniable the pivotal role that British industry plays in the defence of our nation and our Allies, and I'm committed to supporting UK companies who are continuing to bolster our security whilst driving prosperity across our economy."

Babcock CEO David Lockwood said:

"Contributing our extensive expertise on the complex support submarines require is a hugely important aspect to the design of this new platform.  By participating early in the programme, we will help to maximise the UK's future defence capabilities."

The new Dreadnought Class submarines will be over 150 metres long and will have a crew of 130 personnel. In a first for a Royal Navy submarine, innovative new lighting will allow the crew to simulate night and day and it will be the first Royal Navy submarine to be built with separate female crew quarters.

It will also have modern gym facilities for the crew, including exercise bikes, rowers, weights, benches, a running machine and cross trainer.



Spanish Navantia S-80 Plus Class Submarine eyes by several countries

The Spanish submarine S-81 Isaac Peral is currently undergoing sea trials, marking the final step before its official entry into active service. This development opens up new opportunities in the international submarine market, with five countries showing potential interest in acquiring these next-generation vessels.

Australia, Japan, France, the United Kingdom, and the United States were among the former potential candidates for the purchase of Spanish S-80 submarines. However, technical issues disrupted the program, leading Australia to opt for nuclear propulsion.

With the imminent delivery of the S-81 Isaac Peral to the Spanish Navy, five potential customers stand out: Turkey, India, the Philippines, Canada, and Poland. These countries are seriously considering the acquisition of these advanced submarines, known for their Air-Independent Propulsion (AIP) technology called BEST.

Technically, the S-80 has a submerged displacement of 2,965 tons, a length of 81.05 meters, a beam of 11.68 meters, and a draft of 7.3 meters. Its propulsion system consists of a single-shaft Etanol-AIP, three bio-ethanol engines, an electric motor, and an AIP fuel cell unit, enabling it to reach a surface speed of 12 knots and up to 19 knots when submerged. It also boasts an impressive range of 8,000 kilometers and can stay submerged for 30 to 55 days, with a test depth of 460 meters.

The standard crew consists of 32 members, with an additional capacity of 8 troops. The armament includes six 533 mm torpedo tubes equipped with DM2A4 torpedoes and Harpoon missiles UGM-84 Sub-Harpoon block II.


Hanwha Ocean Signed MOU With Four Canadian Firms For Patrol Submarine Project

The South Korean company Hanwha Ocean (formerly DSME) signed a memorandum of understanding with four Canadian technology companies at the Deep Blue Forum 2023 in Ottawa, the company announced on November 3.

Four firms including CAE, J-Squared Technologies, Modest Tree and Des Nedhe will be the key players in providing simulator technology, electronic componentry, virtual reality (VR) training systems and submarine-related constructions and logistics solutions.

Earlier this year, Naval News reported that Hanwha Ocean signed a Technical Cooperation Agreement with Babcock on the Canadian Patrol Submarine Project (CPSP). In addition to that, four new MOUs which were secured during Deep Blue Forum 2023 will further strengthen Hanwha Ocean's foothold in Canadian maritime defense sectors, as Royal Canadian Navy seeks to replace its aging fleet of four Victoria-class submarines with newer models from international sources.

Citaat"We are thrilled to see new opportunities for defense cooperation between Hanwha Ocean and our new Canadian partners – CAE, J-Squared Technologies, Modest Tree and Des Nedhe Group. With the signing of these MOUs, Hanwha will seek to build and develop strategic relationships with our new partners, which will eventually enhance bilateral cooperation between the Republic of Korea and Canada."
Sung Kyun Jeong, Senior VP, Head of Naval Ship International Business at Hanwha Ocean

Royal Canadian Navy's (RCN) CPSP project is aimed to replace four Victoria-class submarines that were acquired between 2000 and 2015. While these submarines may look new from their delivery dates to RCN, all four submarines have been transferred secondhand feom the Royal Navy (RN), with their original EIS (Entry into Service) dating back to mid-90's. Given RCN's preference over more capable and powerful submarines that can be put into service with minimal modifications and meet RCN's requirements for interoperability, Canada is virtually left with two options – the South Korean Dosan-Ahn Changho class or the Japanese Taigei.

Dosan-Ahn Changho class submarine was originally developed by DSME (Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co., Ltd.) which then was absorbed into South Korea's biggest defense tech firm Hanwha earlier this year. Its most important capability is the ability to carry SLBM (Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile) as it carries six VLS (Vertical Launching system) cells. It can also carry Hyunmoo-III SLCM (Submarine-Launched Cruise Missile) and Beomsangeo (Tiger Shark) heavyweight torpedoes, as well as UGM-84 Harpoon missiles for anti-ship warfare.

Hanwha Ocean successfully delivered the first Dosan-Ahn Changho class submarine in 2021 and this delivery solidified Hanwha Ocean's position as the world-leading submarine manufacturer equipped with various new capabilities and operational compatibility with the U.S. system.

Submarines are a vital part of modern naval warfare, yet old Victoria-class submarines are just not suitable enough to provide essential security for a country as big as Canada. The new submarines from Hanwha Ocean are expected to adequately level-up Canada's ability to counter its biggest threat, China, as well as Russia.


US Navy sub boss reveals new details on AUKUS Virginia class sub sales to Australia

Vice Adm. Bill Houston said the sales of in-service Virginia-class subs will be in 2032, 2035 and a newly produced sub in 2038.

The optimal pathway for the AUKUS security pact will include sales by the US of the three initial Virginia-class submarines to Australia in 2032, 2035 and 2038, according to a senior US Navy officer.

Vice Adm. Bill Houston, commander of submarine forces, told reporters Tuesday at the Naval Submarine League the sales in 2032 and 2035 are planned to be in-service submarines while the sale in 2038 will be a new construction vessel from US production lines.

That new construction submarine will be part of Block VII, Houston said, meaning it will not have the Virginia Payload Module, the mid-body section equipped on certain Virginia-class submarines that increases the boat's missile capacity.

Though the AUKUS security arrangement with its centerpiece nuclear-powered sub provision was announced with great fanfare in March, a workable timeline for the ambitious project has only emerged in drips and drabs since, with Houston's comments providing the latest clarity on the first phase of Australia's sub acquisition. Later clean-sheet design nuclear-powered subs, dubbed SSN-AUKUS, are expected to follow the Virginia-class transfers.

Although Houston laid out the preliminary timeline for the sales, both the White House and the Defense Department broadly have emphasized that the transactions will not occur until Australia's navy and industrial base is prepared.

While AUKUS, a trilateral security pact between the United States, United Kingdom and Australia, has won bipartisan support on Capitol Hill, lawmakers have shown increasing concern about the impact it will have on the US submarine industrial base — specifically whether industry can support the increased production necessary to support AUKUS as well as the pre-planned programs of record for the Virginia- and Columbia-class submarines.

The industrial base's recent cadence of Virginia-class submarines has averaged between 1.2 and 1.3 boats per year compared to the service's stated goal of two subs annually. That requirement for two Virginia-class boats, combined with the need to produce one Columbia-class sub per year, is what the Navy calls "1+2."

"The recapitalization process to achieve the 1+2 cadence increases the demand on the US [submarine industrial base] by a 'workload equivalent' factor of five by 2028," service leaders said in written congressional testimony on Oct. 25.

On top of all that, the anticipated Australian investment in US industry is expected to help bring the Navy's Virginia-class production requirements from 2.0 to 2.33 subs per year.

The Navy and the Pentagon's office of Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation recently completed a submarine industrial base study that the service said informed both the president's recent supplemental funding request, which included $3.4 billion for the Navy's submarine fleet, shipyard infrastructure and associated industrial base, as well as the upcoming fiscal year 2025 budget request.

Pentagon spokesman Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder said on Tuesday that while the study's results are being briefed to lawmakers, the document is "procurement-sensitive and will not be released publicly."

Matt Sermon, a senior Navy civilian overseeing a key office that worked with CAPE, said today at Naval Submarine League that one of the key issues that have "gated" the service from achieving its 1+2 cadence is workforce.

"Our ability to get the key technical trades, the engineering, the project management and leadership workforce to do one plus two plus sustainment plus partnership is challenged," he told reporters. "That's why you heard in my discussion today as well as in my everyday actions, that the focus on connecting with the nation, attraction, recruiting, training, retention is our foundational item."


Noorse minister van Defensie open voor bestellen extra onderzeeboten

Het Noorse ministerie van Defensie staat open voor het bestellen van nog eens twee extra Type 212CD-onderzeeboten. Dat blijkt uit een interview bij de Noorse televisiezender TV2 met de minister van Defensie Bjørn Arild Gram en de commandant van de onderzeedienst Jim Robertsen. De belangrijkste reden is de verhoogde Russische activiteit in de Noord-Europese wateren.

Noorwegen heeft nu 4 boten besteld met mogelijk dus 2 stuks extra, Duitsland heeft er 2 besteld met aanwijzingen richting 4 tot 6 extra boten. Daarnaast loopt de aanbesteding van Nederland nog met 4 boten waarbij ik hoop dat er welke keuze dan ook het ooit weer 6 boten worden voor de KM.

In theorie kan de Type 212 familie dan oplopen tot 20 onderzeeboten.


America Providing Advanced Systems For Taiwan's New Submarine  ( Maar het blijft een basis Nederlands ontwerp en nu is het een Zwaardvis 2.0/NG ..  :big-smile:  )

The U.S Navy represent the pinnacle of submarine technology. With a few notable exceptions, this is not exported. Now Taiwan, which has unveiled its first locally designed submarine, is relying on some key elements of American tech.

Taiwan held the launch ceremony of its first indigenous submarine, Hai Kun, in the port city of Kaohsiung on September 28 2023.

An analysis of imagery confirms that the  submarine is based on the Hai Lung-class already in service. The Hai Lungs are generally well balanced boats which form a solid starting point for Taiwan's to develop its own submarines.

The Hai Kun-class is essentially a reverse engineered Hai Lung (Zwaardvis) class with a few visible differences. The submarine has been brought up to date however with the incorporation of modern U.S. supplied systems.

Dutch Design Lineage, Updated
Taiwan received two Hai Lungs from the Netherlands in the 1980s. Their design is based on the Dutch Zwaardvis-class, which itself is derived from the U.S. Navy's Barbel-class. So in design terms the new boat is directly descended from the American and Dutch lineage.

Despite this, there has been widespread speculation in media that the submarines are in some way based on Japanese types. While reports that Japanese engineers provided assistance may be true, the extent of the design influence is overstated. Coincidentally modern Japanese submarines are also descended from the Barbel lineage so have some similar design choices.

Even today the basic pattern of the Zwaardvis remains valid. They are seagoing designs suitable for relatively long patrols. They can be characterized as having a relatively large weapons load, ample crew accommodation, and space for three diesel generators. This latter feature allows for rapid recharging of the batteries.

Although the Hai Kun-class' basis is Dutch, the design, construction and equipment is a local project. Inside there are many new systems replacing the 1980s technology of the Hai Lungs.

America Providing Key Systems to Taiwan
Externally the Hai Kun-class can be differentiated from the earlier Hai Lungs by the switch to X-form rudders. It also has a more modern blended sail, which is built around a modern mast system.

The masts are supplied by L3 Harris and are expected to include electro-optical 'periscopes'. These masts, which are similar to the ones aboard the U.S. Navy's Virginia-class, have several advantages. They do not penetrate the hull so they are safer for the boat if it accidentally hits a ship.  This happens frequently enough to be a real concern with traditional periscopes which go into the hull. When they hit something they can bend and cause leaks where they meet the hull. The new system is completely outside the hull so this will not happen.

Another advantage is that they are modular, meaning that new masts can easily be switched in or out. And the modern optics means that the periscope doesn't have to be raised for as long, so it is less likely to be detected.

Heavy Armament
The submarine will be armed with the U.S. supplied MK-48 Mod6 Advanced Technology (AT) heavyweight torpedoes. 18 were approved for sale to Taiwan in 2020. These weapons, while not the latest model, are thoroughly modern. Their carriage will provide both anti-ship and anti-submarine capabilities.

The torpedoes are expected to be complemented by the submarine-launched version of the U.S. Navy's famous Harpoon anti-ship missile. The UGM-84 Sub-Harpoon is already in service with Taiwan aboard the Hai Lunch-class.

The weapons are integrated into a combat management system supplied by Lockheed Martin. This is fed target data from the submarine's primary sensor, a sonar suite supplied by Raytheon. This features a bow array below the torpedo tubes, and large flank arrays running along either side.

Taiwan will be rightly proud of the achievement of designing and building its first submarine. Naturally in such an endeavor many key systems have to be imported. And America is providing the most conspicuous elements which promise to make it a potent fighting machine.

Taiwan's new submarine, the Hai Kun class, features a number of American systems. These include the sonar, weapons, combat system and masts. The submarine retains much of the overall design of the Dutch build Zwaardvis class.


UK MoD Awards SSN-AUKUS Submarine Design Contracts

The UK Ministry of Defence awarded contracts for the detailed design of the SSN-AUKUS next generation submarine to BAE Systems, Rolls-Royce and Babcock.

UK MoD press release

UK businesses will be behind the design and manufacture of the world's most advanced submarines, following the awarding of £4 billion of contracts today [1 October].

The signing of the Detailed Design and Long Leads (D2L2) Phase with BAE Systems (BAES), Rolls-Royce and Babcock Marine represents a significant milestone for both the UK and the trilateral AUKUS programme as a whole, in the lead up to build the future class of nuclear-powered attack submarines, known as SSN-AUKUS.

The contracts totalling £4 billion will progress the programme through the design, prototyping and purchase of main long lead components for the first UK submarines, allowing construction to commence in the coming years and ensure the stability and resilience of our domestic supply chain.

Building on more than 60 years of British expertise in designing, building and operating nuclear-powered submarines, the D2L2 contracts will support thousands of highly skilled jobs in the UK – a clear demonstration of how the AUKUS programme supports the Prime Minister's priority to grow the economy.

Alongside the design development and long-lead procurement, infrastructure at the submarine shipyard in Barrow-in-Furness and the nuclear reactor manufacturing site in Raynesway, Derby will be developed and expanded where needed to meet the requirement of the future submarine build programme.

The aim is to deliver the first UK submarines into service in the late 2030s to replace the current Astute-Class vessels, and the first Australian submarines will follow in the early 2040s. They will be the largest, most advanced and most powerful attack submarines ever operated by the Royal Navy, combining world-leading sensors, design and weaponry in one vessel.

Construction of the UK's submarines will take place principally in Barrow-in-Furness, while Australia will work over the next decade to build up its submarine industrial base, and will build its submarines in Australia with Rolls-Royce supplying the nuclear reactors for all UK and Australian submarines.


Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 28/09/2023 | 19:13 uurIs dit een evolutie van de zwaardvis?

Ik vermoed een mix van de Zwaardvis klasse en Barbel klasse voorzien van een X roer.


"Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordion" US secmindef - Jed Babbin"


Taiwan Unveils Its First Indigenous Defense Submarine

Taiwan's silent service enters a new dawn with the unveiling of the long awaited domestically-built submarine.

On September 28, the Republic of China Navy (ROCN) christened the first Indigenous Defense Submarine (IDS), the future ROCS Hai Kung (SS-711). According to the official explanation, while "Hai" refers to "Sea", "Kung" refers to the island of Taiwan in an elegant way. It also has the meanings of "big", "stealthy" and "unpredictable", a perfect name for a new class of attack submarine.

Currently, the ROCN operates a fleet of 4 submarines, which consists of a pair of Hai Lung-class and a pair of Hai Shih class submarines. The 2 Hai Lung-class submarines were built in the 80s by the Netherlands and are considered as the primary backbone of the ROCN's undersea warfare capability; meanwhile, the 2 Hai Shih-class are a pair of World War II US Navy subs which received the GUPPY II (Greater Underwater Propulsive Power Program) upgrades before commissioned as ROCN vessels in the 70s. In addition, the ROCS Hai Shih (SS-791) is currently the oldest operating submarine in the world with close to 80 years of service. To modernize the submarine fleet, the ROCN pushed to go ahead with the IDS program in 2016.

Hai Kung began her construction in CSBC's Kaohsiung shipyard on 24th November, 2020. As part of the "Domestic Ship, Domestically Built" policy, Taiwan was trying to establish a domestic submarine industry to satisfy the ROCN's operational needs as well as securing the necessary capabilities and know-how to build domestic submarines. In the future, Hai Kung will serve as a prototype ship for her class, with up to 7 possible follow-on ships in the future.

At first glance, the Hai Kung's configuration appears to be an evolution of the Dutch Walrus class with a hybrid single / double hull, and some notable common features such as the X rudder. She features 6 torpedo tubes which were covered by the flag and banners, unseen by the public during the christening ceremony.

Foreign equipment aboard Indigenous Defense Submarine

Although a domestic submarine, most of the major mission-critical systems and subsystems of the IDS are provided by numerous foreign contractors with long and solid experience in the submarine industry. In this year's Taipei Aerospace & Defense Technology Exhibition, the sales representative from L3 Harris mentioned that the company is providing the IDS program with multiple products. As a critical US and international submarine Mast Raising Equipment provider, systems such as Optronics, ESM, Radar and communication masts could be found on the IDS, along with Integrated Communication System and Integrated Platform Management System, etc.

As for the most important undersea warfare tool of a submarine, RTX (then-raytheon)'s Spherical Sonar System and other unspecified sonar arrays based around the company's Modular Scalable Sonar System (MS3) architecture were integrated into the IDS design. However, according to some sources, the IDS, at least for the prototype, will not feature a Towed Array as the Taiwanese were concerned that including such system might force the design team to greatly modify the whole existing design, so it was rejected from the final design.

Although covered by the banner, the silhouette of the flank sonar array could be roughly seen in this photo

Originally, the IDS would feature a license-produced ZOKA Torpedo Countermeasure System from ASELSAN, a Turkish defense contractor; however, as the Turkish government was tied by political factors, this plan didn't go forward. Instead, after analyzing the ZOKA system, the National Chung-Shan Institute of Science & Technology was able to develop a domestic Torpedo Countermeasure System and integrating it into the IDS with two 6 shot canisters mounted on each side of the submarine, enabling the IDS to counter active and passive homing torpedos with soft kill capability.

What's next?

Hai Kung's harbor acceptance trials should take place on October 1st. Due to the fact that L3 Harris is still struggling with the production and supply chain issues caused by the COVID-19 pandemic which affected the Mast Raising Equipment's production schedule, they should be delivered and installed on the Hai Kung by early next year, right before the submarine conducts her first sea trials in April. If all goes well, the first Taiwanese domestic submarine should be delivered to the Taiwanese navy before 2026.


Taiwan presenteert eerste nieuwe onderzeeboot

Vandaag is in Kaohsiung City de eerste door Taiwan zelf ontworpen en gebouwde onderzeeboot onthuld. Dit gebeurde in het bijzijn van president Tsai Ing-wen. Het prototype heeft de naam Hai Kun en is de eerste onderzeeboot in een serie van acht. Het ontwerp van de Hai Kun is gebaseerd op de door Nederland gebouwde Hai Lung en is daarmee verre familie van de onderzeeboten van de Zwaardvis- en Walrusklassen.
