Archief => Archief Algemeen => Topic gestart door: Lex op 31/10/2014 | 21:04 uur

Titel: Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Lex op 31/10/2014 | 21:04 uur
Vervolg van deel  4 (;msg344076;topicseen#msg344076).

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 02/11/2014 | 13:43 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 02/11/2014 | 13:18 uur
Zelfs als dat er niet komt kun je je afvragen of maar 4 operationele F35s straks (volgens Rekenkamer dat zelfs ambitieus!) wel acceptabel is binnen zelfs een bescheiden ambitieniveau...wat het huidige al is. Ook hier speelt de factor kwantiteit dus wel degelijk een rol lijkt mij. Met verpakt dat nu in termen als niche e.d....maar in feiten laat de huidige situatie en (al begrensde) Nederlandse inzet goed zien dat je daarmee niet weg komt.

4 operationeel (additioneel) inzetbate F35's is te belachelijk voor woorden, dat aantal moet omhoog evenals  het budget, 2% van het BNP is vermoedelijk een utopie maar 1.6 á 1.8% moet toch haalbaar zijn, waarmee we nog steeds onder presteren maar waar wel boven de middenmoot uit komen.

Zouden we onder de 1% duiken, dan zou het al een hele uitdaging zijn om 4 Gripens te laten rondvliegen op een uitzending. De hoogste tijd om de boekhouders mentaliteit te laten varen, Nederland mag dan een klein land zijn, financieel gezien staan we nog steeds ruim in de top 20 en heeft men een grote mond voor de top 10.

Hoeveel ellende moet er nog in de wereld plaats vinden voordat Nederland zich gaat houden aan haar "principe" (NAVO) afspraken?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 02/11/2014 | 17:40 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 02/11/2014 | 13:43 uur
4 operationeel (additioneel) inzetbate F35's is te belachelijk voor woorden, dat aantal moet omhoog evenals  het budget, 2% van het BNP is vermoedelijk een utopie maar 1.6 á 1.8% moet toch haalbaar zijn, waarmee we nog steeds onder presteren maar waar wel boven de middenmoot uit komen.

Zouden we onder de 1% duiken, dan zou het al een hele uitdaging zijn om 4 Gripens te laten rondvliegen op een uitzending. De hoogste tijd om de boekhouders mentaliteit te laten varen, Nederland mag dan een klein land zijn, financieel gezien staan we nog steeds ruim in de top 20 en heeft men een grote mond voor de top 10.

Hoeveel ellende moet er nog in de wereld plaats vinden voordat Nederland zich gaat houden aan haar "principe" (NAVO) afspraken?
Klopt...overal stront aan de knikker en wij blunderen met een defensie budget van 1 % en een chronisch tekort aan gevechtvliegtuigen. Als we dan toch voor de JSF kiezen dan minimaal 60 stuks.
Of 45 JSF aangevuld met COIN toestellen A-10 of Supertucano's..
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 02/11/2014 | 18:29 uur
Citaat van: Oorlogsvis op 02/11/2014 | 17:40 uur
Klopt...overal stront aan de knikker en wij blunderen met een defensie budget van 1 % en een chronisch tekort aan gevechtvliegtuigen. Als we dan toch voor de JSF kiezen dan minimaal 60 stuks.
Of 45 JSF aangevuld met COIN toestellen A-10 of Supertucano's..

1% halen we al lang niet meer. Zitten er nu ver onder. Onder de 0,8%.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Poleme op 02/11/2014 | 18:45 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 02/11/2014 | 12:53 uur
De hele kwantiteit discussie is overbodig, als we het over kwantiteit gaan hebben vraag ik me af hoe het dan met de Marine en landmacht zit. Daar is kwantiteit veel belangrijker en aangezien geen enkel Europees land nog over een strategische reserve zit kunnen we die discussie beter overboord zetten.

Niet dat kwantiteit niet belangrijk is, maar het ontbreekt simpelweg op elk vlak in praktisch elke westerse Krijgsmacht ( op de Amerikaanse na ).
Dus waarom zou kwantiteit in luchtmacht ineens moeten tellen als het op elk ander vlak ontbreekt?

Mijn God!
1.  Kwaliteit.  Beste Huzaar1, met grote regelmaat hoor ik van goed ingelichte bronnen, dat zij nu grote tot zeer grote twijfels hebben bij het slagen van het JSF concept.  Een flink aantal hiervan vindt zelfs dat het JSF beter gestopt kan worden.  Want te weinig capabel, te complex en veel te duur in de aanschaf en exploitatie, zelfs voor de Amerikaanse krijgsmacht !
 Een zeer grote meerderheid van deze mensen waren net als ik ruim 10 jaar geleden nog zeer positief over het JSF, zij het met hier en daar wat kanttekeningen.

2. Kwantiteit.  Ik heb diverse malen, in diverse topics hier betoogt en onderbouwt dat een effectieve luchtmacht, die zowel laag-, als hoog-intensieve conflicten moet aankunnen uit minimaal 50 jachtvliegtuigen moet bestaan, bij een inzetbaarheid van 66 - 75 %.

In Den Haag en Breda houdt men nog steeds het sprookje in stand dat er 37 F-35A's komen.
Keer op keer heb ik aangetoond dat er nooit 37 LightningII's in dienst komen bij de KLu.
Het worden er rond de 24, ja ja, 2 dozijn 'JSF's'. *
Op 14 oktober jongstleden heeft de Algemene Rekenkamer wederom een "Monitor F-16 vervanging" naar de Tweede Kamer gestuurd.
Waarin deze AR duidelijk aantoont dat bij een veronderstelde vloot van 37 F-35A's er geen 4 kisten beschikbaar zijn voor langdurige operationele uitzending.   Hoe gaan ze dat doen, met slechts 24 F-35A's ?
En dan durft men vorig jaar in een defensie nota ook nog nota bene de hele krijgsmacht rondom deze gedroomde vloot F-35A's op te zetten !

* In deze meest recente Monitor F-16 vervanging werden ook al achterdeurtjes gecreerd.  Zodat bij kosten overschrijdingen dit project herijkt wordt, niet door een alternatief jachtvliegtuig te kopen, maar door een 'heroverweging van het aantal aan te schaffen F-35A's'.

In feite krijg je dan een jachtvliegtuig vloot die alleen maar QRA in Nederland kan doen.  Daar hebben we helemaal geen peperdure F-35A voor nodig.  Dat kan een Gripen E vele malen goedkoper doen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 02/11/2014 | 18:52 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 02/11/2014 | 18:29 uur
1% halen we al lang niet meer. Zitten er nu ver onder. Onder de 0,8%.

Zonder "geknutsel" zitten we idd zo rond dat getal, te schandalig voor woorden.

OW heeft netto meer te besteden, maar nogmaals we kiezen deze 5e colonne zelf!
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 02/11/2014 | 19:03 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 02/11/2014 | 18:45 uur
* In deze meest recente Monitor F-16 vervanging werden ook al achterdeurtjes gecreerd.  Zodat bij kosten overschrijdingen dit project herijkt wordt, niet door een alternatief jachtvliegtuig te kopen, maar door een 'heroverweging van het aantal aan te schaffen F-35A's'.

In feite krijg je dan een jachtvliegtuig vloot die alleen maar QRA in Nederland kan doen.  Daar hebben we helemaal geen peperdure F-35A voor nodig.  Dat kan een Gripen E vele malen goedkoper doen.

Als dat moment komt, en ik realiseer mij dat dit zo maar realiteit zou kunnen worden, dan is dat het moment dat de NAVO Nederland als uitvreter uit het bondgenootschap moet trappen, kunnen we terug naar de neutraliteitstatus en kopen we 24 Gripens, al is voor QRA een jet trainer ook voldoende.

Mochten "we" in de NAVO mogen blijven, dan stel ik voor om alle kaarten op de KM en te zetten, de KLu en de KL op te heffen en de landsverdediging over te laten aan een uitgebreide NATRES.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 02/11/2014 | 20:01 uur
Begin 2015 zal het contract getekend worden voor aanschaf van de F-35, hoeveel  en voor welke prijs, zullen we dan pas weten.  Maar als er  dan zal blijken dat er minder dan de altijd gestelde 37 stuks aangeschaft kunnen worden en als het er dan 24 stuks zullen zijn, dan zal dit in de media, maar ook in Den Haag (oa PvdA achterban), de nodige vragen, weerstand komen. Dit zal niet zonder slag of stoot gaan, misschien wel een onderzoeksvoorstel .

Maar goed, in 2015 is er geen weg  meer terug en zal er ook B gezegd moeten , wat de nodige miljoenen/miljarden extra zullen gaan kosten om de fighter capaciteit op een redelijk niveau te brengen.

Ik hoop echt dat het geen kat in de zak keuze, aankoop wordt.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 02/11/2014 | 20:31 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 02/11/2014 | 20:01 uur
Begin 2015 zal het contract getekend worden voor aanschaf van de F-35, hoeveel  en voor welke prijs, zullen we dan pas weten.  Maar als er  dan zal blijken dat er minder dan de altijd gestelde 37 stuks aangeschaft kunnen worden en als het er dan 24 stuks zullen zijn, dan zal dit in de media, maar ook in Den Haag (oa PvdA achterban), de nodige vragen, weerstand komen. Dit zal niet zonder slag of stoot gaan, misschien wel een onderzoeksvoorstel .

Maar goed, in 2015 is er geen weg  meer terug en zal er ook B gezegd moeten , wat de nodige miljoenen/miljarden extra zullen gaan kosten om de fighter capaciteit op een redelijk niveau te brengen.

Ik hoop echt dat het geen kat in de zak keuze, aankoop wordt.

Ik verwacht nog steeds het "voornemen" om 37 kisten aan te schaffen en een bestelling in batches (als  aanname, per 12)  gezamenlijk met andere F35 partners (blokaankoop). Batch 3 (hopelijk ook 4) komt wel of....  niet.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 03/11/2014 | 09:26 uur
UAE Negotiating Possible Scorpion Purchase   (zal de UAE de eerste klant worden voor de Textron Scorpion Jet ? )

The United Arab Emirates is in discussions with Textron AirLand about becoming an early customer for Textron's new Scorpion jet, according to sources.

While roadblocks remain to a potential deal, two sources with knowledge of the discussions indicated the talks are proceeding, including discussions between top Emirati officials and Textron's CEO.

"There is interest in the UAE in the Scorpion, [and Textron Systems] Chief Executive Ellen Lord has been traveling and discussing with UAE Air Force and air defense officials for some time now," said a US official familiar with the talks.


Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 03/11/2014 | 10:32 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 02/11/2014 | 20:31 uur
Ik verwacht nog steeds het "voornemen" om 37 kisten aan te schaffen en een bestelling in batches (als  aanname, per 12)  gezamenlijk met andere F35 partners (blokaankoop). Batch 3 (hopelijk ook 4) komt wel of....  niet.

Er zal waarschijnlijk idd in delen worden aangekocht, ik denk zelf in 2015 eerst 4 of 6 stuks en dan per opvolgend jaar een paar meer, bijvoorbeeld 8, 10, 12 stuks. Maar dan hebben we de aankopen voor 2019 allemaal al gedaan. Maar wordt er per batch gekocht of gelijk voor het totaal aantal van 37 stuks. Gezien hoe het nu gaat voor de US, Noorwegen worden er per batch prijsafspraken gemaakt. Bij Israël, Japan, Korea zijn er totaal afspraken gemaakt.

Als de US niet zijn aantallen drastisch gaat verhogen en ook de andere partners bestelling gaan plaatsen dan wordt er geen full-rate productie gehaald en zullen de prijzen niet gaan zakken naar de beoogde en altijd verkondigde $ 85 miljoen USD per stuk   
Als wij voor 2018/19 bestellen zullen wij niet meedraaien in full-rate productie, denk ik.

Martin says she expects the per-unit cost of the F-35A in 2019 – when full-rate production begins – to be $85 million in then-year dollars, or $75 million in current dollars. This includes an aircraft with the Pratt & Whitney F135 engine and all mission systems, she says.

Als men vergelijkt de beoogde aantallen in productie nu en van 2007 is dat een erg groot verschil

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: StrataNL op 03/11/2014 | 13:34 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 02/11/2014 | 18:45 uur

Op 14 oktober jongstleden heeft de Algemene Rekenkamer wederom een "Monitor F-16 vervanging" naar de Tweede Kamer gestuurd.
Waarin deze AR duidelijk aantoont dat bij een veronderstelde vloot van 37 F-35A's er geen 4 kisten beschikbaar zijn voor langdurige operationele uitzending.   Hoe gaan ze dat doen, met slechts 24 F-35A's ?
En dan durft men vorig jaar in een defensie nota ook nog nota bene de hele krijgsmacht rondom deze gedroomde vloot F-35A's op te zetten !

* In deze meest recente Monitor F-16 vervanging werden ook al achterdeurtjes gecreerd.  Zodat bij kosten overschrijdingen dit project herijkt wordt, niet door een alternatief jachtvliegtuig te kopen, maar door een 'heroverweging van het aantal aan te schaffen F-35A's'.

In feite krijg je dan een jachtvliegtuig vloot die alleen maar QRA in Nederland kan doen.  Daar hebben we helemaal geen peperdure F-35A voor nodig.  Dat kan een Gripen E vele malen goedkoper doen.

Het is één grote schande! Waarom wil men dan toch per sé die F35 als we 'm alleen voor QRA gebruiken en anderhalve kist op missie kunnen sturen? Die logica ontgaat mij echt. Is het dan zo'n corrupte bende bij de Klu of is men zo "bang" voor de carrière (zoals Poleme tenminste eerlijk toegeeft) dat men geen duidelijk signaal afgeeft??? Ik heb het al vaker geroepen, maar de Klu helpt zichzelf op deze manier het graf in wat betreft jachtvliegtuigen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 03/11/2014 | 14:09 uur
Noisy Lightning

Various European air forces are looking into the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II as their next fighter aircraft. The Netherlands has already decided on buying 37 aircraft despite fears of excessive noise in the densely populated areas surrounding Dutch airbases. Tests by the F-35 Joint Program Office and US Air Force Research Laboratory have now concluded the F-35 is indeed considerably noisier than current Dutch F-16s, according to a report released on Friday 31 October 2014.

During tests on the ground, the F-35 noise levels proved to be similar to late model Lockheed Martin F-16s, equipped with Pratt & Whitney F-100 PW229 engines. In military power the F-35A produces 145 decibels, while in afterburner the noise level rizes to 146 decibels. The F-16 produce virtually the same sound levels while on the ground. Other modern fighter aircraft create equal noise levels while on the ground.

The difference is in airborne situations, where there's a significant rise in noise level compared to most European F-16s, which are early models equipped with the PW220 variant of the Pratt & Whitney F-100 engine. Dutch F-16s use the same engine. During take off in military power, the F-16 generates 103 decibels while at 1000 feet over the ground. The F-35A, the model purchased by the Netherlands, produces 112 decibels in the same situation.

In the circuit before landing, F-16 noise levels are at 79 decibels while at 1,500 feet over the ground. The F-35A is louder: 91 decibels. A straight in landing with the F-35A generates 95 decibels against 79 again for the F-16 with the PW220 engine variant.

As the report states, 'the F-35A is generally louder for all conditions when compared to
the F-16 with the earlier PW220 engine'. And that's a message that will not sit well with local communities around Dutch airbases. Both Volkel and Leeuwarden airbase will house F-35A aircraft in the future.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 03/11/2014 | 14:12 uur
Lightning II heading for USS Nimitz

Monday 3 November 2014 is supposed to be a big day for the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II, as two F-35Cs are flying out today to the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz to start the very first live carrier trials using the aircrafts' arrestor hook and carrier's catapult system. The trials are planned to last two weeks.

The F-35C is the US Navy variant of the new, 5th generation combat plane. It features the tailhook, but also bigger wings to allow for better lift and slow speed handling, essential for carrier operations. The two F-35C will meet USS Nimitz somewhere off the coast of San Diego, California.

The F-35C tailhook system has been tested in dry runs on land. Also, catapult launches have been performed on land as well. Nevertheless, the live carrier trials are said to be another milestone in the 400 billion USD weapons program. The program suffered a set back last summer, when an F-35A was extensively damaged following an engine fire. The ensuing grounding prevent the Lightning II to show up at its own international airshow debut, causing a major PR nightmare.

The fault that caused the fire is said to have been identified within the Pratt & Whitney F-135 engine that powers the F-35. A rubber-like sealing material reportedly got much hotter than it was designed. Pratt & Whitney is working on a solution.

Despite the carrier trials, the US Navy is relatively slow to adopt the F-35, recently naming Naval Air Station Lemoore, California, as its future base. The first squadron should be operational in 2018, whereas the US Marines Corps aims for July 2015. The US Air Force is planning for August 2016.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 03/11/2014 | 16:01 uur
F-35 Engine Fix Coming, Program Chief Says

(oplossingen zijn in de maak, maar tot en met december 2014 nog steeds restricties op de testfase, hopelijk geeft het geen grote achterstand )

(Source: US Department of Defense; issued Oct 31, 2014)
WASHINGTON --- The head of the F-35 Lightning II joint strike fighter program office said yesterday that he expects to have decided on a permanent solution by the end of December for the design issue that caused an engine to fail in June in an F-35A at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida.

The engine's manufacturer, Pratt & Whitney, has offered several potential fixes, some of which already are being tested, Bogdan told reporters Oct. 30.

Oorzaak motot-brand :
The engine failure and subsequent fire were the result of micro fractures in one of the three-stage fan sections that compress air before it enters the engine, the general said. These sections are lined with a polyimide material that is designed to rub against the fan blades to reduce pressure loss.

In the case of AF-27, the third fan rubbed in excess of tolerance during maneuvers several weeks before the failure, causing the blades to heat to about 1,900 degrees -- 900 more than ever expected, Bogdan said. This led to micro fractures in the titanium part of the rotor, which grew over the next few weeks of flying before finally failing.

"That caused that rotor to liberate from the airplane," Bogdan said. "The fire was caused not by the engine, but by the pieces of the engine that flew out through the aft upper fuselage fuel tank."

The fire led officials to ground the aircraft July 3 for fleet wide engine inspections. The aircraft returned to limited flight July 14 when no systemic issues were found, defense officials said.

Dan komt bij mij de vraag boven ; hoe het gaat bij een bird-strike, wat gebeurt er dan ?

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 03/11/2014 | 19:11 uur
Of de inslag van wat shrapnel, poleme heeft al meer dan eens betoogd dat de gewichtsbesparing voor een groot deel uit de survivability is gekomen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 03/11/2014 | 22:21 uur
Wat mij eigenlijk nu pas opviel in de vergelijking van de X-32 van Boeing en de F-35 van Lockheed Martin is de positie van het hoofdlandingsgestel. Namelijk dat bij de X-32 het landingsgestel verdwijnt in de vleugels en bij de F-35 eigenlijk in de romp/buik van het toestel.

Was de interne bomb/weapons-bay bij Boeing dan ook groter/ruimer dan dat hij nu is bij de F-35 ?

Zie het verschil :

X-32 landingsgestel

F-35 landingsgestel

En ook de uitlaat tussen de X-32 en de F-35 is wezenlijk anders, de X-32 heeft een veel meer stealth achtige uitlaat, ala trust vectoring, zoals bij de F-22.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 04/11/2014 | 10:02 uur
F-35C To Navy: Note My Lovely USS Nimitz Landings

ABOARD USS NIMITZ: The first F-35C seemed to float through the air toward the slowly pitching deck of the USS Nimitz, looking as if it was hanging by a wire and heading implacably to the ship's arresting wires. The weather was gorgeous, with the massive carrier sailing some 40 miles off the San Diego coast through small swells and under gorgeous cloud-scudded cerulean blue skies.

The F-35C's wings didn't wobble at all on final approach as test pilot Cdr. Tony "Brick" Wilson guided her in. And on its first try the plane's tail hook grabbed the third arresting wire — the catch most favored by Navy pilots — at 12:19 pm. When an F-18 Hornet landed minutes later, the plane's wings twitched slightly up and down on its approach and the pilot snagged the fourth wire, second to the bottom in the Navy hierarchy of carrier landing awards.

Then the second F-35C test plane came in just as steady and firm as the first. It also snagged the third wire, sending a clear message to the Navy's aviation community that the Lockheed Martin plane not only could handle carrier landings, but could execute them with aplomb.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 04/11/2014 | 11:40 uur
First multiple release of Paveway IV from an RAF Typhoon is a success
BT017 with Paveway IV

Trials demonstrate enhanced air-to-surface capability for Typhoon

Working closely with the Royal Air Force and weapons manufacturer Raytheon UK  we have completed a series of flight trials culminating in the successful release of two Paveway IV precision guided weapons simultaneously from a Typhoon aircraft.   This is the first multiple release of the Paveway IV from an RAF Typhoon to multiple targets.

The trials were conducted by a joint industry and RAF team from Typhoon aircraft BT017 equipped with the very latest Phase 1 Enhancements package (P1Eb).  P1E implements full air-to-surface capability onto the Typhoon Tranche 2 aircraft.  The trials demonstrated the full air-to-surface capability of the P1Eb product, with the Paveway IV weapon, including self-designation with laser guidance to the target and GPS-only guided releases.

Steve Formoso, Typhoon Test Pilot said:  "What this trial has demonstrated is the ability of Typhoon armed with Paveway IV to attack multiple targets. The drop was part of a programme proving the latest P1Eb upgrade for the RAF Typhoon fleet.  P1Eb standard Typhoons can carry up to six Paveway IV weapons which can be released simultaneously against multiple targets."

Sean Cutler, deputy head of FAST Capability Acquisition at the MOD's Defence Equipment and Support organisation, said: "P1Eb allows Typhoon to begin realising its air-to-ground capability using Paveway IV, while also delivering in the air-to-air arena. Our ability to switch between air-to-air and air-to-ground modes is a big step, providing flexibility for our pilots on operations. This is a key step to delivering capability for the UK's Interim Force 15."

The trials build on an earlier series of flight trials to fully exploit the Paveway IV weapon with the Typhoon aircraft, delivering an effective air-to-surface capability.!%40%40%3F_afrWindowId%3Dnull%26_afrLoop%3D440812030169000%26from%3Dtwitter-air%26_afrWindowMode%3D0%26_adf.ctrl-state%3Dsuevxora1_9 (!%40%40%3F_afrWindowId%3Dnull%26_afrLoop%3D440812030169000%26from%3Dtwitter-air%26_afrWindowMode%3D0%26_adf.ctrl-state%3Dsuevxora1_9)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Lex op 05/11/2014 | 16:20 uur
Maar even zo:(gehele artikel is lastig via mobiel)

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 05/11/2014 | 18:23 uur
U.S. Air Force Advances T-X Program
by  Chris Pocock

November 5, 2014, 9:24 AM

A Capabilities Development Document (CDD) for the proposed T-X jet trainer is nearly complete, and will be sent to U.S. Air Force acquisition officials in the Pentagon by the end of January, according to Gen. Robin Rand, commander of Air Education and Training Command (AETC). At least five competing proposals may be offered for the 350-aircraft T-38 replacement. Earlier this year, suggestions that the program might be deferred were proved wrong, when the Air Force published the FY2015 budget request that previewed a spend of $503 million on the T-X over the next five years.

At the recent AFA Convention, Rand told media that the CDD would not express any preference for an off-the-shelf buy versus a new design. This seemingly contradicted earlier suggestions by acquisition chiefs in the Pentagon, that a non-development solution would be preferred. Existing candidates include the Hawk Advanced Jet Trainer (AJT) proposed by maker BAE Systems in partnership with Northrop Grumman and L-3; the M346 (T-100) proposed by maker Alenia Aermacchi in partnership with General Dynamics and CAE, and the T-50 proposed by Korean Aerospace Industries (KAI) with development partner Lockheed Martin. New designs include a trainer version of the recently flown Textron Airland Scorpion, and a clean-sheet proposal that is expected from Boeing. The latter will have some design input from Saab, but is not based on the two-seat version of the Gripen fighter, according to Boeing officials.

Gen. Rand also said that the CDD would not express a preference for a single-engine aircraft versus a twin. However, some of the above candidates may be disadvantaged (or even eliminated) by three key requirements that AETC does intend to specify. These are sustained g, instantaneous g and speed, according to Rand. The AETC commander said that discussion is continuing over whether to specify additional missions for the T-X, such as aggressor training.

The AETC commander confirmed to AIN that "downloading" of flying training hours from front-line fighters such as the F-22 and the F-35 to the less-expensive-to-operate T-X would be a goal of the project. But the most important question is how much flying training to offload into simulation, Rand added.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/11/2014 | 17:19 uur
Eerste F-35C afgeschoten

Voor het artikel en filmpje zie link:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Lex op 06/11/2014 | 22:48 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/11/2014 | 17:19 uur
Eerste F-35C afgeschoten

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: ARM-WAP op 07/11/2014 | 12:14 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/11/2014 | 17:19 uur
Eerste F-35C afgeschoten
Ik weet niet hoe dat geinterpreteerd wordt in Nederlands Nederlands, maar ik versta daaronder dat er eentje werd neergeschoten :)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 07/11/2014 | 14:00 uur
KF-X Advanced fighter project moves forward [ID14D2] INDODEFENCE 2014
(KF-X = Korea, IF-X = Indonesie)

Last month Indonesia's defence minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro and South Korean ambassador to Indonesia, Cho Tai-young, signed a joint engineering and development agreement for the KF-X/IF-X fifth-generation fighter. While South Korea is shouldering 80 per cent of the development budget, Indonesia is to be the primary partner, with a 20 per cent stake. Indonesia first became associated with the programme through a memorandum of understanding in 2010.

KF-X (Korean Fighter, Experimental) began as a project to provide an aircraft to replace South Korea's F-4 Phantoms and F-5 Tigers, and maybe ultimately F-16s. The nation has a requirement for about 250 KF-Xs. Indonesia's version, the IF-X, could replace a number of types in the future, as well as allow air force expansion. The type would also be made available for export.

Korean officials expect the aircraft to first fly around 2020, and be in service from 2025.

Designed to be more capable than the F-16, but not in the same capability (or price) class as the Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, the KF-X/IF-X marks a considerable investment in capability for both nations, and further cements the growing defence relationship between them. Having examined a number of configurations, a twin-engined, single-seat design known as C103 was selected earlier this year. Technical development is already complete.

Design features of the C103 include a total of 10 weapon hardpoints with a capacity of 16,000 lb. Under the fuselage are four recesses for semi-conformal carriage of AMRAAM-class air-to-air missiles.

The aircraft is of low observable design, with caret-shaped intakes (of 781sq in capture area) and chined forward fuselage.

Wing alignments are 40° for the leading edge, which is mirrored by the leading-edge root extensions and all-moving horizontal tails, and 10° on the trailing edge. Wing aspect ratio is 2.7 and there are fullspan moving surfaces on leading and trailing edges. Two turbofans will provide more than 36,000 lb of thrust.

Lockheed Martin is expected to assist with development as part of its commitments of a deal to supply 40 F-35 JSFs to Korea. Significant technology transfer in various key areas was included in the contract, which was signed in September.

This arrangement mirrors an earlier one in which Lockheed Martin agreed to help KAI develop the T-50 jet trainer as part of the Korean F-16 purchase. Indonesia has acquired 16 T-50s to act as lead-in fighter trainers.

The IF-X is being exhibited here in model form on the Indonesian Ministry of Defence stand (Hall D, Stand 023). The 1:10 scale model shows how the aircraft might appear in TNI-AU service, complete with stand-off attack missiles, 'smart' glide bombs, and targeting and reconnaissance pods.

A model of the Korean KF-X version can be viewed on KAI's stand (Hall A, 043).
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Nikehercules op 07/11/2014 | 16:31 uur
Citaat van: Strata op 03/11/2014 | 13:34 uur
Het is één grote schande! Waarom wil men dan toch per sé die F35 als we 'm alleen voor QRA gebruiken en anderhalve kist op missie kunnen sturen? Die logica ontgaat mij echt. Is het dan zo'n corrupte bende bij de Klu of is men zo "bang" voor de carrière (zoals Poleme tenminste eerlijk toegeeft) dat men geen duidelijk signaal afgeeft??? Ik heb het al vaker geroepen, maar de Klu helpt zichzelf op deze manier het graf in wat betreft jachtvliegtuigen.

Heel simpel, binnen de jachtvliegwereld heerst een enorme prestatiedrang. Beter zijn dan je buurman, het andere squadron, de andere basis en beter zijn dan andere luchtmachten. Zonder deze mindset haal je de vliegeropleiding niet, presteren dus.

Hier komt ook de ambitie vandaan om te willen werken met technologisch hoogstaande en moderne techniek. De Gripen kopen en een stapje terug doen is voor de jachtvliegwereld simpelweg geen optie.

De nationaliteit van het product speelt zeker een rol. Europa probeert leuk mee te doen maar staat in het niets bij de Amerikanen. Wil je de beste zijn dan zorg je dat je met hen traint en met Amerikaans materieel vliegt. Dat staat voor de KLu als een paal boven water.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 07/11/2014 | 17:41 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 04/11/2014 | 11:40 uur
First multiple release of Paveway IV from an RAF Typhoon is a success
BT017 with Paveway IV

Trials demonstrate enhanced air-to-surface capability for Typhoon

Working closely with the Royal Air Force and weapons manufacturer Raytheon UK  we have completed a series of flight trials culminating in the successful release of two Paveway IV precision guided weapons simultaneously from a Typhoon aircraft.   This is the first multiple release of the Paveway IV from an RAF Typhoon to multiple targets.

The trials were conducted by a joint industry and RAF team from Typhoon aircraft BT017 equipped with the very latest Phase 1 Enhancements package (P1Eb).  P1E implements full air-to-surface capability onto the Typhoon Tranche 2 aircraft.  The trials demonstrated the full air-to-surface capability of the P1Eb product, with the Paveway IV weapon, including self-designation with laser guidance to the target and GPS-only guided releases.

Steve Formoso, Typhoon Test Pilot said:  "What this trial has demonstrated is the ability of Typhoon armed with Paveway IV to attack multiple targets. The drop was part of a programme proving the latest P1Eb upgrade for the RAF Typhoon fleet.  P1Eb standard Typhoons can carry up to six Paveway IV weapons which can be released simultaneously against multiple targets."

Sean Cutler, deputy head of FAST Capability Acquisition at the MOD's Defence Equipment and Support organisation, said: "P1Eb allows Typhoon to begin realising its air-to-ground capability using Paveway IV, while also delivering in the air-to-air arena. Our ability to switch between air-to-air and air-to-ground modes is a big step, providing flexibility for our pilots on operations. This is a key step to delivering capability for the UK's Interim Force 15."

The trials build on an earlier series of flight trials to fully exploit the Paveway IV weapon with the Typhoon aircraft, delivering an effective air-to-surface capability.!%40%40%3F_afrWindowId%3Dnull%26_afrLoop%3D440812030169000%26from%3Dtwitter-air%26_afrWindowMode%3D0%26_adf.ctrl-state%3Dsuevxora1_9 (!%40%40%3F_afrWindowId%3Dnull%26_afrLoop%3D440812030169000%26from%3Dtwitter-air%26_afrWindowMode%3D0%26_adf.ctrl-state%3Dsuevxora1_9)

Gelukkig is dat ding pas een decennium operationeel.
Faal project, die Eurofighter.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 07/11/2014 | 19:29 uur
Citaat van: Nikehercules op 07/11/2014 | 16:31 uur
Heel simpel, binnen de jachtvliegwereld heerst een enorme prestatiedrang. Beter zijn dan je buurman, het andere squadron, de andere basis en beter zijn dan andere luchtmachten. Zonder deze mindset haal je de vliegeropleiding niet, presteren dus.

Hier komt ook de ambitie vandaan om te willen werken met technologisch hoogstaande en moderne techniek. De Gripen kopen en een stapje terug doen is voor de jachtvliegwereld simpelweg geen optie.

De nationaliteit van het product speelt zeker een rol. Europa probeert leuk mee te doen maar staat in het niets bij de Amerikanen. Wil je de beste zijn dan zorg je dat je met hen traint en met Amerikaans materieel vliegt. Dat staat voor de KLu als een paal boven water.
Die mentaliteit is er ja..ook in Duitsland..Groot-Brittannië...Frankrijk...Brazilië VS...Rusland...enz enz..

Dus keuze van de KLu en Nederland voor de F35 heeft niet zozeer te maken met deze mentaliteit. Want die is er dus niet alleen in Nederland. En in menig oefening zijn het niet de Amerikaanse toestellen en vliegers die steeds winnen.

De keuze voor de F35 is denk ik meer het resultaat van een zeer goed in elkaar stekend en uitgekookte Amerikaanse strategie om bondgenoten haar materiaal te laten kopen (zeg ik met toon van respect)...goed terug te zien binnen de KLu en haar werk- en denkwijze. Naast de pro-Atlantische voorkeur van een bepalend deel van de politiek in Den Haag.

Terug ontopic.

Ik hoop dat meer mensen zien dat steeds meer (kern)landen hun eigen toestellen gaan ontwerpen en invoeren. Eerst nog met hulp, maar de volgende stap gewoon zelf. Ook die ontwikkeling lijkt me strategisch belangrijk bij de keuze voor je eigen toestellen...wat mij betreft in dit kader de focus op made in EU. Een les die de Amerikanen ons wederom leren overigens!
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/11/2014 | 19:59 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 07/11/2014 | 19:29 uur

Ik hoop dat meer mensen zien dat steeds meer (kern)landen hun eigen toestellen gaan ontwerpen en invoeren. Eerst nog met hulp, maar de volgende stap gewoon zelf. Ook die ontwikkeling lijkt me strategisch belangrijk bij de keuze voor je eigen toestellen...wat mij betreft in dit kader de focus op made in EU. Een les die de Amerikanen ons wederom leren overigens!

Lijkt mij een zeer goede zaak, in diverse landen zie je deze ontwikkelingen, ze staan te trappelen voor een eigen "5e-generatie" ontwikkeling en zijn bereid hiervoor in de buidel te tasten.

In Europa is-en blijft het akelig stil (met uitzondering van UCAV inspiraties). Vanaf 2030/35 hebben wie hier in Europa vast een paar voortreffelijke UCAV's maar ik zie ze nog niet de air dominance fighter vervangen en zijn we nog steeds bezig met het updaten van de eendenbekkies.

Als alle projecten slagen dan vliegen Japan, Z-Korea, Indonesië, Turkije, de VS, Rusland, China en India in 2030 met één of meerdere types eigen volgende generatie gevechtsvliegtuigen.

Dus ja.. het is van strategisch belang voor Europa, maar het kost eensgezindheid en geld, beiden zijn (nog) ver te zoeken en staan we met 2-0 achter.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 07/11/2014 | 20:20 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/11/2014 | 19:59 uur

In Europa is-en blijft het akelig stil (met uitzondering van UCAV inspiraties). Vanaf 2030/35 hebben wie hier in Europa vast een paar voortreffelijke UCAV's maar ik zie ze nog niet de air dominance fighter vervangen en zijn we nog steeds bezig met het updaten van de eendenbekkies.
Dit heeft te maken met de ontwikkelings- en gebruikscyclus. Een aantal Europese landen vliegen met een moderner model (Typhoon, Rafale en Gripen) dan de Amerikaanse generatie F16, F15...of Russische (Mig29, SU-27).....4+, 4++ generatie...en zijn dus ook later met de volgende stap naar een nieuwe generatie.

Daarbij mogen we inmiddels wel wat afbreuk doen aan die zogenaamde 5e generatie. Op de F-22 na hebben 5e generatie toestellen(in ontwikkeling) zaken niet die "officieel" wel bij deze generatie horen...zoals stealthmotor(uitlaat)...supercruise. Spreek je eerder misschien over 5- generatie?!. F-22 is de uitzondering.

Dus tja...misschien is de volgende stap van gebruikers van nu de Typhoon, Rafale en Gripen wel naar een 5+ of misschien zelfs 6e generatie toestel. De cycli lopen dus niet synchroon.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/11/2014 | 20:39 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 07/11/2014 | 20:20 uur

Dus tja...misschien is de volgende stap van gebruikers van nu de Typhoon, Rafale en Gripen wel naar een 5+ of misschien zelfs 6e generatie toestel. De cycli lopen dus niet synchroon.

Dat is waar maar het gat wordt wel erg groot, erg jammer vind ik dat Saab de Gripen doorontwikkeld naar de E variant en dat ze daarbij hun "Flight System 2020" in de diepvries hebben geplaatst (al zien we dit verhaal wel sterk terug komen in de Turkse 1 pitter inspiratie)

Wat mij betreft was het slimmer geweest om deze ontwikkeling door te zetten zodat Europa in de periode 2020-25 had kunnen beschikken over een lichte kist van een volgende generatie gevolgd door een collectieve ontwikkeling om de 2 twee pitters in de jaren dertig te vervangen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 07/11/2014 | 21:05 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/11/2014 | 20:39 uur
Dat is waar maar het gat wordt wel erg groot, erg jammer vind ik dat Saab de Gripen doorontwikkeld naar de E variant en dat ze daarbij hun "Flight System 2020" in de diepvries hebben geplaatst (al zien we dit verhaal wel sterk terug komen in de Turkse 1 pitter inspiratie)
Misschien zegt dat wel iets over de wel of niet aanwezige noodzaak hiervoor. De Gripen E is blijkbaar in staat  de belangen van de Zweden voorlopig nog wel een periode te verdedigen. En dat zie je bij meer landen... waar men eerder de 4+ upgrade dan voor een 5e generatie toestel te gaan. Al zal de Gripen E qua elektronica up-to-date zijn..minder stealthy maar kan wel weer supercruisen. Het zegt denk ik ook iets over het ambitieniveau. Niet iedereen heeft dezelfde ambitie als de Amerikanen. Volgens mij Nederland ook niet..althans niet in de praktijk.
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/11/2014 | 20:39 uurWat mij betreft was het slimmer geweest om deze ontwikkeling door te zetten zodat Europa in de periode 2020-25 had kunnen beschikken over een lichte kist van een volgende generatie gevolgd door een collectieve ontwikkeling om de 2 twee pitters in de jaren dertig te vervangen.
Ik denk dat dit nieuwe (Europese) project wel komt..maar nog geen haast heeft. Mogelijk kunnen betrokken landen dan beter de lessen trekken uit de recente conflicten en technologische ontwikkelingen. Zo zie je al het onderzoek naar een bemande en onbemande versie van een gevechtsvliegtuig. Dat zou dan wel eens ingevoerd kunnen worden.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/11/2014 | 21:20 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 07/11/2014 | 21:05 uur
Ik denk dat dit nieuwe (Europese) project wel komt..maar nog geen haast heeft. Mogelijk kunnen betrokken landen dan beter de lessen trekken uit de recente conflicten en technologische ontwikkelingen. Zo zie je al het onderzoek naar een bemande en onbemande versie van een gevechtsvliegtuig. Dat zou dan wel eens ingevoerd kunnen worden.

Terwijl de Amerikanen al nadenken over de opvolger van de F22 en zelfs over wat na de F35 komen er ook uit Rusland berichten over eerste stappen richting een 6e generatie.... Europa zal toch meer moeten doen om mee te kunnen komen vrees ik.

Al is de Frans - Engelse samenwerking om te komen tot een  "fighter drone" in 2030 een stap in de goede richting
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 07/11/2014 | 21:41 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/11/2014 | 19:59 uur
Lijkt mij een zeer goede zaak, in diverse landen zie je deze ontwikkelingen, ze staan te trappelen voor een eigen "5e-generatie" ontwikkeling en zijn bereid hiervoor in de buidel te tasten.

In Europa is-en blijft het akelig stil (met uitzondering van UCAV inspiraties). Vanaf 2030/35 hebben wie hier in Europa vast een paar voortreffelijke UCAV's maar ik zie ze nog niet de air dominance fighter vervangen en zijn we nog steeds bezig met het updaten van de eendenbekkies.

Als alle projecten slagen dan vliegen Japan, Z-Korea, Indonesië, Turkije, de VS, Rusland, China en India in 2030 met één of meerdere types eigen volgende generatie gevechtsvliegtuigen.

Dus ja.. het is van strategisch belang voor Europa, maar het kost eensgezindheid en geld, beiden zijn (nog) ver te zoeken en staan we met 2-0 achter.

Het geld is er wel, maar stroomt de oceaan over.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/11/2014 | 21:50 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 07/11/2014 | 21:41 uur
Het geld is er wel, maar stroomt de oceaan over.

Laat dit dan een dure les zijn voor de Europeanen en het startschot zijn voor meer ambitie van wereld klasse, naar dan is het wel de hoogste tijd om in ieder geval de intentie uit te spreken en een aanvang te maken met de ontwikkeling(en) zodat de eerste vruchten van deze eensgezindheid rond 2030/35 operationeel rondvliegen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Lex op 07/11/2014 | 22:16 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/11/2014 | 21:50 uur
Laat dit dan een dure les zijn voor de Europeanen en het startschot zijn voor meer ambitie van wereld klasse, naar dan is het wel de hoogste tijd om in ieder geval de intentie uit te spreken en een aanvang te maken met de ontwikkeling(en) zodat de eerste vruchten van deze eensgezindheid rond 2030/35 operationeel rondvliegen.
De eerste "voorzichtige" pogingen zien het licht, maar aangezien deze zijde van de grote plas nog steeds uit "los zand" bestaat en eigen industrie beschermd moet worden, is er nog een zeer lange weg te gaan.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/11/2014 | 22:21 uur
Citaat van: Lex op 07/11/2014 | 22:16 uur
De eerste "voorzichtige" pogingen zien het licht, maar aangezien deze zijde van de grote plas nog steeds uit "los zand" bestaat en eigen industrie beschermd moet worden, is er nog een zeer lange weg te gaan.

En dat is helaas het probleem...
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 07/11/2014 | 22:57 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 07/11/2014 | 21:41 uur
Het geld is er wel, maar stroomt de oceaan over.
inderdaad...en dat had ik graag anders gezien. Wederom die strategische aspecten..
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 07/11/2014 | 23:00 uur
Citaat van: Lex op 07/11/2014 | 22:16 uur
De eerste "voorzichtige" pogingen zien het licht, maar aangezien deze zijde van de grote plas nog steeds uit "los zand" bestaat en eigen industrie beschermd moet worden, is er nog een zeer lange weg te gaan.
lange weg nog ja. Ik vind die bescherming van de eigen industrie niet direct ziet het ook tussen de staten in Amerika...zolang de research and development maar wel meer Europees wordt opgezet. Dan kan de productie desnoods nog wel nationaal worden ingevuld. Maar nog lange weg te gaan...
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/11/2014 | 23:21 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 07/11/2014 | 23:00 uur
Maar nog lange weg te gaan...

En dat beste forum genoten is waar de schoen wringt, de ontwikkeling kost vele tientallen miljarden euro's, we lopen nu al weer achter bij Rusland, China, de VS en een aantal andere ambitieuze landen...

De toekomstige markt wordt verdeeld en Europa lijkt de boot volledig te missen (behalve voor een toekomstige Europese markt) al is er nu nog tijd om het tij te keren.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 08/11/2014 | 09:29 uur
Four F-35s for Canada starting in 2017: U.S. military

David Pugliese / Published on: November 7, 2014

The Canadian government is preparing a letter for Congress outlining its plan to purchase four F-35 stealth fighters in 2017, according to U.S. military documents.

U.S. Lt.-Gen. Chris Bogdan, head of the F-35 program, noted in an Oct. 27 briefing that the Canadian government expects to notify Congress of its plan by late November.

The move will involve juggling the F-35 schedule but the U.S. Air Force has agreed to that, Bogdan said in a leaked briefing document.

Canada would take its first four aircraft in the time period known as LRIP 9 (low initial production rate), the general added. LRIP 9 covers delivery of aircraft in 2017.

The Conservative government has continued to maintain that no decision on the replacement of the country's CF-18 fighter jets has been made.

But opposition MPs say the Conservatives are looking to delay the announcement of the controversial F-35 purchase until after the 2015 election so it wouldn't become an issue.

"This is going on behind the backs of Canadians after the debacle that we've had with the F-35," NDP defence critic Jack Harris said Friday.

He said the Conservative government continues to claim that no decision on the F-35 purchase has been made even though the U.S. military has already been informed that Canada is buying the planes.

"They're not even prepared to acknowledge the facts of this when we have it in black and white," Harris said. "They keep repeating the lines about extending the life of the CF-18s until 2025."

Asked to comment on the Bogdan briefing, the office of Public Works Minister Diane Finley issued a statement that no decision has been made on the replacement of the CF-18s.

"The CF-18s are being life-extended to maintain a fighter capability through 2025," Finley's spokesman Marcel Poulin said in an email.

In the briefing, Bogdan noted that the U.S. Air Force agreed to juggle the production of the F-35s for Canada "with 2 caveats."

One is that the U.S. Air Force's date for the F-35 to become operational remains on schedule for late 2016. The other concerns the impact of Canada's decision on other allied nations involved in the F-35 program.

"If other partners make similar request(s), it would be difficult to accommodate," the general's briefing noted.

The Conservative government has yet to announce a decision on how it will proceed with replacing the RCAF's CF-18 aircraft. In June, it accepted a report from a panel that examined the purchase of new planes. But the government says it is still studying the matter.

Canada's air force and the Department of National Defence have long favoured the F-35, having selected it in 2006 as the only fighter that can meet Canada's needs.

In addition, Lockheed Martin has confirmed that Canadian funding and participation in the F-35 program continues unchanged, with the firm still planning for deliveries to the RCAF.

In 2012, even as the government was saying it was looking at other options, air force leaders confirmed they were preparing to receive the F-35.

Al Williams, the former head of procurement at DND who oversaw Canada's initial involvement in the F-35 program, said the Bogdan briefing is the clearest indication yet that the Conservative government is proceeding with the stealth fighter purchase.

"If the letter of intent is coming, then that has significant implications," said Williams. "It's hard to foresee how that is reversible."

The F-35 became a major political headache for the Conservative government. Although the Liberal government originally signed on to a research and development program for the plane, the Conservatives significantly expanded that, then in 2010 committed Canada to purchasing the aircraft, making it a linchpin of their defence policy.

But to deal with the ongoing controversy over the cost of the F-35 and allegations the government tried to hide the real price-tag of the stealth aircraft, the government launched a review of the proposed fighter jet purchase.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 08/11/2014 | 09:37 uur
Saab: Gripen "a very likely choice" for Indonesia - media

Via Google Translate, het origineel in het Zweeds via de link.

(SIX) The Indonesian armed forces are said to have shortened the list of potential fighter aircraft that will replace the current fleet of F-5 Tiger. It should now be between the Russian Sukhoi Su-35, US F-16 Block 52+ and manufactured by Saab JAS-39 Gripen. It reports the Xinhua News Agency. According to the article seen Griffin as "a very likely choice" to replace Indonesia's aging fleet of F-5. Previously it has been reported that Indonesia chose between five to six different manufacturers to replace 16 planes
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Nikehercules op 08/11/2014 | 15:09 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 07/11/2014 | 19:29 uur
En in menig oefening zijn het niet de Amerikaanse toestellen en vliegers die steeds winnen.

Je hoort mij niets zeggen over individuele kwaliteiten, wat dat betreft kunnen we als noord-Europa prima meekomen. Kijk je echter naar het hele plaatje kunnen we niet eens in de schaduw van de Amerikanen staan.

Denk bijvoorbeeld alleen al aan SEAD. Sommigen pretenderen daarover te beschikken maar in de praktijk zijn het eigenlijk alleen de Amerikanen met een daadwerkelijke SEAD capaciteit.

Citaat van: Elzenga op 07/11/2014 | 19:29 uur
De keuze voor de F35 is denk ik meer het resultaat van een zeer goed in elkaar stekend en uitgekookte Amerikaanse strategie om bondgenoten haar materiaal te laten kopen (zeg ik met toon van respect)...goed terug te zien binnen de KLu en haar werk- en denkwijze. Naast de pro-Atlantische voorkeur van een bepalend deel van de politiek in Den Haag.

Ik vind het grappig hoe jij altijd doet alsof de KLu niet in staat is tot het maken van rationele keuzes en altijd maar zwicht voor de Amerikaanse lobby. Je kunt je twijfels hebben over de kwaliteit maar in het rijtje F-16 opvolgers is de F-35 ''one of a kind'', totaal niet te vergelijken met de overige kandidaten. Het project zit vol risico's maar in potentie is het absoluut het meest capabele vliegtuig.

Ook de wens van de KLu om aan te klikken bij de meest capabele partij als het gaat om air warfare is evenmin vreemd. Daar wordt je simpelweg beter van (en het heeft de KLu in het verleden beter gemaakt)

Ik begrijp volkomen dat de aanschaf van de F-35 niet strookt met jou strategische visie, maar vanuit de KLu gezien is het een volstrekt logische en rationele keuze.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 08/11/2014 | 17:02 uur
Citaat van: Nikehercules op 08/11/2014 | 15:09 uur
Je hoort mij niets zeggen over individuele kwaliteiten, wat dat betreft kunnen we als noord-Europa prima meekomen. Kijk je echter naar het hele plaatje kunnen we niet eens in de schaduw van de Amerikanen staan.

Denk bijvoorbeeld alleen al aan SEAD. Sommigen pretenderen daarover te beschikken maar in de praktijk zijn het eigenlijk alleen de Amerikanen met een daadwerkelijke SEAD capaciteit.
Inderdaad..maar dat mag ook wel met zo'n defensiebudget.
Citaat van: Nikehercules op 08/11/2014 | 15:09 uurIk vind het grappig hoe jij altijd doet alsof de KLu niet in staat is tot het maken van rationele keuzes en altijd maar zwicht voor de Amerikaanse lobby. Je kunt je twijfels hebben over de kwaliteit maar in het rijtje F-16 opvolgers is de F-35 ''one of a kind'', totaal niet te vergelijken met de overige kandidaten. Het project zit vol risico's maar in potentie is het absoluut het meest capabele vliegtuig.
Ik vind er weinig grappig aan als een organisatie(deel) overduidelijk laat zien nogal te worden beïnvloed door een "American way of thinking and working".. maar dan alle schijn probeert op te houden neutraal en rationeel te kunnen beslissen over een opvolger van een gevechtstoestel. Geef die focus dan gewoon toe..zie je wel vaker immers. Zodat politici die uiteindelijk de keuze bepalen en afwegen daar van op de hoogte zijn..en kunnen bepalen of daarin wordt meegegaan of niet. Want een pro-Atlantische of Pro-Europese focus en koers is niet aan de KLu om te bepalen, maar aan de Regering/politiek. 
Citaat van: Nikehercules op 08/11/2014 | 15:09 uurOok de wens van de KLu om aan te klikken bij de meest capabele partij als het gaat om air warfare is evenmin vreemd. Daar wordt je simpelweg beter van (en het heeft de KLu in het verleden beter gemaakt)
Zeker..maar het is niet aan de KLu te bepalen bij wie ze "aanhaken".. dat is wederom aan de Regering/politiek. Gezien de (strategische) gevolgen van zo'n "beleid". En die politiek moet dat kunnen afwegen op de juiste feiten..
Citaat van: Nikehercules op 08/11/2014 | 15:09 uurIk begrijp volkomen dat de aanschaf van de F-35 niet strookt met jou strategische visie, maar vanuit de KLu gezien is het een volstrekt logische en rationele keuze.
Zeker, en dat heb ik nimmer ontkend. Ik ben dan ook verre van anti-KLu in deze. Nooit geweest ook (zie ook mijn alternatieve opzet).
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 08/11/2014 | 17:21 uur
Natuurlijk is de kl daar gewoon rationeel in. Alleen zien zij andere ends and means, en hebben een verschillend theoretisch frame. Maar dat maakt ze nog niet irrationeel.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 08/11/2014 | 17:38 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 08/11/2014 | 17:21 uur
Natuurlijk is de kl daar gewoon rationeel in. Alleen zien zij andere ends and means, en hebben een verschillend theoretisch frame. Maar dat maakt ze nog niet irrationeel.
rationeel is nog niet objectief. Als je het eisenpakket op een bepaalde manier opstelt kan er een toestel uit de vergelijking komen die je al vooraf wilde hebben. Blijkt dan keurig uit de test. Waar je jezelf dan verraad is als de uitkomst toch twijfels oproept en je vervolgens het eisenpakket zo aanpast om toch het gewenste toestel verkozen te krijgen. Dat heet in gewoon Nederlands manipuleren. Zijn in andere dossiers Parlementaire enquêtes voor gehouden. Helaas is Defensie politiek te onbelangrijk om dat hier ook te doen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 08/11/2014 | 17:55 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 08/11/2014 | 17:38 uur
rationeel is nog niet objectief. Als je het eisenpakket op een bepaalde manier opstelt kan er een toestel uit de vergelijking komen die je al vooraf wilde hebben. Blijkt dan keurig uit de test. Waar je jezelf dan verraad is als de uitkomst toch twijfels oproept en je vervolgens het eisenpakket zo aanpast om toch het gewenste toestel verkozen te krijgen. Dat heet in gewoon Nederlands manipuleren. Zijn in andere dossiers Parlementaire enquêtes voor gehouden. Helaas is Defensie politiek te onbelangrijk om dat hier ook te doen.

Geef de gebruiker waar het om vraagt zij moeten er tenslotte mee werken in omstandigheden waarin de meesten van ons gewoon naar CNN  kijken. De Klu koopt graag Amerikaan, de KL Duits en de KM Nederlands, kortom het meeste komt uit Europa.

Strategisch gezien is het op termijn slimmer om de Amerikanen los te laten, een goed plan om dat de komende decennia te realiseren maar vooralsnog kunnen we in dit Utopiaanse kippenhok nog niet zonder...

Tegen de tijd dat de F35, Chinook, Apache, Patriot, SM2, NSSM en wat al niet meer voor vervanging in aanmerking komt laat ze dan zorgen voor een gelijkwaardig of beter Europees product.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 08/11/2014 | 18:06 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 08/11/2014 | 17:55 uur
Geef de gebruiker waar het om vraagt zij moeten er tenslotte mee werken in omstandigheden waarin de meesten van ons gewoon naar CNN  kijken. De Klu koopt graag Amerikaan, de KL Duits en de KM Nederlands, kortom het meeste komt uit Europa.
Dat vind ik te makkelijk geredeneerd. Het is namelijk niet aan de krijgsmachtdelen om hier strategische keuzes in te maken. Dat doet de Regering/Politiek. Op...althans dat is de bedoeling..objectieve lijst van afwegingen...aangeboden door Ministerie van Defensie.
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 08/11/2014 | 17:55 uur
Strategisch gezien is het op termijn slimmer om de Amerikanen los te laten, een goed plan om dat de komende decennia te realiseren maar vooralsnog kunnen we in dit Utopiaanse kippenhok nog niet zonder...
Je kunt er wat mij betreft niet vroeg genoeg mee beginnen. Elk uitstel gaat ons en geld en welvaart kosten. Althans, dat is mijn overtuiging.
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 08/11/2014 | 17:55 uur
Tegen de tijd dat de F35, Chinook, Apache, Patriot, SM2, NSSM en wat al niet meer voor vervanging in aanmerking komt laat ze dan zorgen voor een gelijkwaardig of beter Europees product.
We kunnen nu al een prima product kiezen...wat prima voldoet aan onze Nederlandse visie en ambitieniveau. En daarmee versterken we de EUropese ontwikkelingen op dit vlak. Win win.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 08/11/2014 | 18:10 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 08/11/2014 | 18:06 uur
We kunnen nu al een prima product kiezen...wat prima voldoet aan onze Nederlandse visie en ambitieniveau. En daarmee versterken we de EUropese ontwikkelingen op dit vlak. Win win.

We hadden voor de Tiger en Eurofighter kunnen kiezen, dan had nu zo'n beetje de gehele KLu aan de grond gestaan.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 08/11/2014 | 18:15 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 08/11/2014 | 18:10 uur
We hadden voor de Tiger en Eurofighter kunnen kiezen, dan had nu zo'n beetje de gehele KLu aan de grond gestaan.
Met de Tiger is niks mis en de Gripen zover ik weet ook niet. Typhoon vliegt ook gewoon bij de Britten. Heeft namelijk niks met de wapensystemen zelf te maken..maar met teveel bezuinigingen op onderhoud en onderdelen. Bovendien vond ik de stukken in de media hierover niet zo sterk. Volgens mij wist geen enkele betrokken journalist dat nu eenmaal 4/5de van je toestellen niet paraat is/operationeel beschikbaar..of maar beperkt.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 08/11/2014 | 18:25 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 08/11/2014 | 18:15 uur
Met de Tiger is niks mis en de Gripen zover ik weet ook niet. Typhoon vliegt ook gewoon bij de Britten. Heeft namelijk niks met de wapensystemen zelf te maken..maar met teveel bezuinigingen op onderhoud en onderdelen. Bovendien vond ik de stukken in de media hierover niet zo sterk. Volgens mij wist geen enkele betrokken journalist dat nu eenmaal 4/5de van je toestellen niet paraat is/operationeel beschikbaar..of maar beperkt.

Daar zijn de meningen dan over verdeeld.

Nogmaals, ik zou het toejuichen als de eendenbekkies en de F35 door 1 of 2 EU kwaliteitsproducten zou worden vervangen, de EF en de Rafale rond 2030 en de F35A/B in 2050. Creëren we in de EU een vervang cyclus waardoor er elke 15 á 20 jaar een nieuw model geïntroduceerd kan worden.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 08/11/2014 | 18:33 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 08/11/2014 | 18:25 uur
Daar zijn de meningen dan over verdeeld.

Nogmaals, ik zou het toejuichen als de eendenbekkies en de F35 door 1 of 2 EU kwaliteitsproducten zou worden vervangen, de EF en de Rafale rond 2030 en de F35A/B in 2050. Creëren we in de EU een vervang cyclus waardoor er elke 15 á 20 jaar een nieuw model geïntroduceerd kan worden.
We zullen het zien en (hopelijk ook nog) beleven. Ik vind het wel een gemiste kans als men de huidige "overstap" mogelijkheid in deze dus overslaat.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 08/11/2014 | 21:27 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 08/11/2014 | 18:33 uur
We zullen het zien en (hopelijk ook nog) beleven. Ik vind het wel een gemiste kans als men de huidige "overstap" mogelijkheid in deze dus overslaat.

Precies, waarom daar dan mee wachten.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 08/11/2014 | 22:22 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 08/11/2014 | 21:27 uur
Precies, waarom daar dan mee wachten.

Omdat er een feit ligt, deal with it!.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 09/11/2014 | 13:22 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 08/11/2014 | 22:22 uur
Omdat er een feit ligt, deal with it!.
dat wordt gesuggereerd ja...
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 09/11/2014 | 13:33 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 09/11/2014 | 13:22 uur
dat wordt gesuggereerd ja...

Al zou NL een andere ondenkbare keuze maken dan dendert het project gewoon succesvol door, de enige manier om van dit feit af te wijken is als de Amerikanen de stekker uit het project zouden trekken, iets wat niet bepaald voor de hand ligt.

Ik heb geen bezwaar tegen een KLu met 50 (of meer) Rafales of F15SE  :angel: Maar ook dat zal niet gebeuren.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 09/11/2014 | 15:50 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 09/11/2014 | 13:33 uur
Al zou NL een andere ondenkbare keuze maken dan dendert het project gewoon succesvol door, de enige manier om van dit feit af te wijken is als de Amerikanen de stekker uit het project zouden trekken, iets wat niet bepaald voor de hand ligt.

Ik heb geen bezwaar tegen een KLu met 50 (of meer) Rafales of F15SE  :angel: Maar ook dat zal niet gebeuren.
Buiten het feit dat het project in Nederland nog steeds kan worden je er volgens mij ook aan voorbij dat dit wel eens kan gebeuren omdat de Amerikanen hun aantal van 2400+ bijvoorbeeld halveren. Waardoor de kosten flink gaan stijgen. Nu komt de oplaaiende Koude Oorlog en strijd tegen IS de Amerikaanse politiek-industriele complex goed uit in deze..en kan de VS ook voor Nederland leuke voorwaarden doen gelden op eigen kosten..zoals ze dat ook bij Israel doen...maar zeker weten doen we dit niet.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 09/11/2014 | 15:56 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 09/11/2014 | 15:50 uur
Buiten het feit dat het project in Nederland nog steeds kan worden je er volgens mij ook aan voorbij dat dit wel eens kan gebeuren omdat de Amerikanen hun aantal van 2400+ bijvoorbeeld halveren. Waardoor de kosten flink gaan stijgen. Nu komt de oplaaiende Koude Oorlog en strijd tegen IS de Amerikaanse politiek-industriele complex goed uit in deze..en kan de VS ook voor Nederland leuke voorwaarden doen gelden op eigen kosten..zoals ze dat ook bij Israel doen...maar zeker weten doen we dit niet.

Het kan... net zoals als het kan dat het aantal nieuw verkochte Gripens E/F kan blijven steken op 106 (60+10 voor Zweden en 36 voor Brazilië (al zie ik het aantal Gripens E/F over de gehele periode wel oplopen tot 200 exemplaren)

Net zoals het kan de Saab divisie die de Gripen bouwt door Boeing wordt gekocht als de USAF in haar wijsheid besluit om het Boeing-Saab T/X ontwerp te kiezen....

Er zijn veel mitsen en maren.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Poleme op 09/11/2014 | 20:09 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 07/11/2014 | 17:41 uur
Gelukkig is dat ding pas een decennium operationeel.  (reactie op eerste meervoudige lancering van Paveway IV laser-, en GPS geleide bommen)
Faal project, die Eurofighter.
2001 - 2002.  Tijdens de kandidaten evaluatie F-16 vervanger:  Om de Typhoon tot een volwaardig multifunctioneel jachtvliegtuig te ontwikkelen was nog een hele lange weg nodig.  Wanneer krijgt het Typhoon bul zijn grond aanval vaardigheden?
Het Eurofighter consortium kon daarop echter geen antwoord geven.  Want in de partner landen het VK, Duitsland, Italie en Spanje was geen  pecunia voor deze grondaanval vaardigheden.
Groot-Brittannie wilde wel graag deze vaardigheden,  maar door geld gebrek kregen hun Tranche 1 Typhoons pas in de zomer van 2008 een ''austere", is sobere grond aanval capaciteit.   Deze beperkte vaardigheid bestond uit integratie van de Litening III doel aanwijs gondel en inzet van Paveway II en Enhanced Paveway II laser geleide bommen.  Het gekke is dat de nieuwere  block 8 Tranche 2 Typhoons toen slechts over een lucht-lucht capaciteit konden beschikken. 
Alle partner landen hebben besloten om hun Typhoon's Tranche 2 en 3 volledige lucht-grond aanvals capaciteiten te geven.
En daarvan maakt de test met de meervoudige lancering van Paveway IV bommen deel uit.
De Tranche 1 kisten worden nog iets opgewaardeerd, maar gaan deze volledige vaardigheden niet krijgen, omdat dat te duur wordt.  O.a. gezien het feit dat de RAF al binnen enkele jaren begint met uitfasering van de oudste Typhoons.

Britse en Duitse Typhoons hebben in realistische oefeningen het Amerikaanse jachtvliegers heel moeilijk kunnen maken.
Behalve onder 10.000 voet / 3.050 meter, daar maken de F-16C en F-18 Hornet nog steeds een goede kans om een Typhoon te verschalken.
Betreffende Amerikaanse jachtvliegers zijn onder de indruk van de lucht-lucht prestaties van deze kist.

De Typhoon zou rond 2010 ook een AESA radar hebben, die nu pas in 2015 beschikbaar voor partnerlanden en export klanten.
En rond 2010 zou de 23.000 pond stuwkracht leverende EJ230 motor beschikbaar zijn met 13,6 % meer vermogen.  En rond 2015 zou er zelfs een EJ270 beschikbaar zijn met 27.000 pond stuwkracht.  Deze 2 sterkere motoren zullen zeer waarschijnlijk nooit leverbaar worden.
De Typhoon heeft net als andere Europese defensie projecten te maken (gehad) met flinke kosten en tijdschema overschrijdingen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 09/11/2014 | 21:06 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 09/11/2014 | 20:09 uur
2001 - 2002.  Tijdens de kandidaten evaluatie F-16 vervanger:  Om de Typhoon tot een volwaardig multifunctioneel jachtvliegtuig te ontwikkelen was nog een hele lange weg nodig.  Wanneer krijgt het Typhoon bul zijn grond aanval vaardigheden?
Het Eurofighter consortium kon daarop echter geen antwoord geven. 
Maar het is wel altijd de bedoeling geweest dat de eerste fighters alleen lucht-lucht cap zouden hebben, tegen de Soviet air forces toen nog. Duidelijk dat er veel vertraging was, maar al vanaf dag een was het de bedoeling om A2G later te introduceren.

Citaat van: Poleme op 09/11/2014 | 20:09 uur
Want in de partner landen het VK, Duitsland, Italie en Spanje was geen  pecunia voor deze grondaanval vaardigheden.
Groot-Brittannie wilde wel graag deze vaardigheden,  maar door geld gebrek kregen hun Tranche 1 Typhoons pas in de zomer van 2008 een ''austere", is sobere grond aanval capaciteit. 
Ik heb wel een idee waar de Britten nog 2 miljard vandaan hadden kunnen halen om deze capaciteit eerder te integreren. En de Italianen 1 miljard...

Citaat van: Poleme op 09/11/2014 | 20:09 uur
Deze beperkte vaardigheid bestond uit integratie van de Litening III doel aanwijs gondel en inzet van Paveway II en Enhanced Paveway II laser geleide bommen.  Het gekke is dat de nieuwere  block 8 Tranche 2 Typhoons toen slechts over een lucht-lucht capaciteit konden beschikken. 
Alle partner landen hebben besloten om hun Typhoon's Tranche 2 en 3 volledige lucht-grond aanvals capaciteiten te geven.
En daarvan maakt de test met de meervoudige lancering van Paveway IV bommen deel uit.
De Tranche 1 kisten worden nog iets opgewaardeerd, maar gaan deze volledige vaardigheden niet krijgen, omdat dat te duur wordt.  O.a. gezien het feit dat de RAF al binnen enkele jaren begint met uitfasering van de oudste Typhoons.
Ik heb geruchten gehoord dat de Italianen in onderhandeling zijn om deze capaciteit ook te integreren.

Citaat van: Poleme op 09/11/2014 | 20:09 uur
Britse en Duitse Typhoons hebben in realistische oefeningen het Amerikaanse jachtvliegers heel moeilijk kunnen maken.
Behalve onder 10.000 voet / 3.050 meter, daar maken de F-16C en F-18 Hornet nog steeds een goede kans om een Typhoon te verschalken.
Betreffende Amerikaanse jachtvliegers zijn onder de indruk van de lucht-lucht prestaties van deze kist.
Hij krijgt ook mooie tandjes  8)

Citaat van: Poleme op 09/11/2014 | 20:09 uur
De Typhoon zou rond 2010 ook een AESA radar hebben, die nu pas in 2015 beschikbaar voor partnerlanden en export klanten.
En rond 2010 zou de 23.000 pond stuwkracht leverende EJ230 motor beschikbaar zijn met 13,6 % meer vermogen.  En rond 2015 zou er zelfs een EJ270 beschikbaar zijn met 27.000 pond stuwkracht.  Deze 2 sterkere motoren zullen zeer waarschijnlijk nooit leverbaar worden.
Gevoelig gebied, en zal hard gewerkt moeten worden om een voorsprong te hebben en houden, of in ieder geval niet ver achter te komen.

Citaat van: Poleme op 09/11/2014 | 20:09 uur
De Typhoon heeft net als andere Europese defensie projecten te maken (gehad) met flinke kosten en tijdschema overschrijdingen.
Dat is niet iets Europees. De Amerikanen doen het constant, en waar we van de dictaturen wat minder weten, ook daar. Qua tijdschema is dit programma denk ik ook wel slechter dan gemiddeld. De Fransen zijn wat dat betreft een heel stuk sneller geweest met de Rafale.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 10/11/2014 | 19:55 uur
Week One Of The F-35C's Initial Ship Trials In Stunning Imagery
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 11/11/2014 | 19:20 uur
Amazing Photos Of China's Newest Stealth Jet Show Growing Air Might
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/11/2014 | 08:37 uur
Declining F-35 Prices Bode Well For Lockheed's Future

11/11/2014 11/11/2014

Lockheed Martin recently announced that it has reached an agreement in principle with the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) for the eighth production lot of F-35s. Importantly, the average unit price of F-35 in this lot 8 will be around 4% lower than that in lot 7. Exact cost details will be announced once a definite agreement is reached between the company and DoD. However, in our view, the lower unit price of F-35 is a positive trend for Lockheed as it will help generate more orders from both the U.S. government and international partners of the F-35 program.

From the point of view of Lockheed, what is important is that the company must be able to generate its initially targeted 3,100 orders for the F-35. If the company is able to generate these many orders, then its upfront investment in research and development of the F-35 will provide a healthy return. But for the company to be able to achieve 3,100 orders – roughly 2,400 from the U.S. defense forces and the remaining from other countries – F-35′s unit price will have to come further down. In the previous production lot 7, F-35′s unit price came below $100 million. This was a significant improvement from initial production lots in which F-35′s unit price was well above $100 million.

In our opinion, this steady decline in F-35′s price indicates growing program maturity. And, as the F-35 program shifts from low-rate initial production to full rate production over the next 3-4 years, we figure additional cost savings from improved manufacturing efficiencies will likely further lower F-35′s unit price.

We currently have a stock price estimate of $170 for Lockheed, around 10% below its current market price.

See our complete analysis of Lockheed here

Lower F-35 Prices Will Help Generate More Orders

The F-35 program constitutes about 18% of Lockheed's revenue. So, success in this program is crucial for growth in the company's overall results. And in our opinion, lower F-35 price is the single most important factor which will determine success of the F-35 program.

Production under Lockheed's previous fighter jet program – F-22 Raptor – was terminated after just 195 production units due to high price of F-22 – about $150 million a unit – among other factors. Although F-35 program is different from the F-22 program as F-35 has many international orders while the U.S. government banned exports of F-22, we figure further declines in F-35′s price are essential for this fighter jet's success. And it seems Lockheed is on the right track on the cost front. In July, the company announced its blueprint for affordability agreement with the DoD under which the company would bring down the price of F-35 to under $80 million a unit by 2019. We figure this is a huge boost for international buyers who will likely find it easier to make their purchase decisions with this improved foresight on prices.

Eventually, Lockheed expects to bring down the price of F-35 to the equivalent of today's fourth-generation fighter jets. The company plans to achieve this price reduction through improved manufacturing efficiencies driven by higher production volume. Currently, F-35s are being produced under low-rate initial production, however, once testing and development is fully complete by around 2018, then the program will shift to full rate production improving manufacturing efficiencies. Another factor that will likely help reduce F-35′s price is declining employee costs for Lockheed. During the initial development years of F-35, Lockheed had raised a huge workforce of scientists, engineers and IT professionals. However, with significant development work over and complete development work expected to be over by around 2018, the company will likely reduce its development workforce. At the same time, the decline in development workforce is not expected to be fully offset by increase in the company's production workforce. So, Lockheed will achieve cost savings from a reduced overall employee headcount as the F-35 program transitions from development phase to production phase in coming years.

Effectively, declining F-35 prices will propel international buyers and the U.S. government to place more orders for this fifth-generation fighter jet. It will also help address concerns of international buyers who in the past have expressed disappointment with F-35′s high procurement cost. Till now, ten countries apart from the U.S. have placed orders/commitments for the F-35. These countries include the U.K., Norway, Netherlands, Italy, Israel, Canada, Turkey, Australia, Japan and South Korea. From the point of view of U.S., more international orders will help save money for the government. This is so because with a larger production volume, overall development and fixed production costs will get spread over a larger number of fighter jets, lowering F-35′s unit price. Lower unit price in turn will help lower the government's total procurement cost.

In all, if Lockheed is able to reduce F-35′s price to match that of today's fourth generation fighter jets, then we figure the company should be able to generate its initially targeted 3,100 orders. This large production volume in turn will likely drive the company's results through the next decade. So, declining F-35 prices bode well for Lockheed's future.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 13/11/2014 | 07:15 uur
Pentagon Slashes the Operating Approximation of F35 by About 20%

Kevin Winslow / November 12, 2014
The government of United States has cut its approximation for the operating costs of F-35 fighter jets by around 20%, and now it has dropped well below $1 trillion mark, as stated by a senior defense official. This move is likely to enhance global support for the program.

Pentagon has been pressurized for more than a year to amend its estimate cost of maintaining a fleet of over 2,000 F-35 fighter jets over 55 years, with the military and industry officials debating that several of the suppositions were off-base and outdated.

The estimate that has been given now ($857 billion) could assist in ensuring that the new plane may be affordable as promoted. It is likely to come few days after the decision of South Korea that only a Boeing Co bid for its F-15 Silent Eagle was under $7.4 billion price range for its plan to purchase sixty new fighter aircrafts.

Eurofighter Typhoon and Lockheed's F-35 stay in the race, but the pricing of Boeing indicated a step in the direction of winning the deal, according to close sources. We can expect to hear a final decision in mid-September.

Though it was not instantly evident as to the impact the lower operating estimate on F35 would have, on the tender of South Korea, the US officials stated that Seoul could opt to resume the battle and call for new bids.

The revision of Pentagon mirrors data about the performance of the plane based on more than several thousands of hours of test flights and amended assumptions about the way it would be used and maintained.

Air Force Lieutenant General Christopher Bogdan, the program chief of F35, gave the estimate to the Senate Armed Services Committee. It was decided to make a decision in June when the acquisition chief of Pentagon told he had anticipated a review to lead to lower maintenance and operating costs.

Decreasing Costs

The cost for one flying hour of the model F-35B model is expected to be 16.6% lower than the previous projections of Pentagon, according to deputy Marine Corps commandant for aviation, Lieutenant General Robert Schmidle.

The Marines is planning to use this model starting from mid-2015 for military operations.

Another defense official revealed that the present estimate by the Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation (CAPE) office of Pentagon put the cost for single flying hour of this model at more than $41,000; however, the actual cost would probably be nearly $37,000.

Marine Corps conducted an in-depth analysis, which indicated that this would slash the annual operating costs of the plan by around $600 million. Extra savings are expected in forthcoming years with the efforts of Pratt & Whitney (a division of United Technologies Corp) to reduce the operational costs.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 13/11/2014 | 08:26 uur
Het wordt tijd voor een nieuw rekenplaatje voor de KLu, langzaam, maar gestaag, dalende aanschafkosten (van vliegtuig en motor) in combinatie met lagere exploitatie kosten (al dan niet cosmetisch) maakt dat we naar de +10% marge kruipen, tel hierbij de lobby van de industrie voor een kleine extra batch en we zouden inclusief gewijzigd ambitieniveau (voorjaar 2015) maar zo op 50 exemplaren kunnen uitkomen. (of op de 24 door Poleme  voorspelede exemplaren)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 13/11/2014 | 12:29 uur
Brazilian Navy statement: FAB Purchase Agreement of the Gripen NG will benefit the Navy of Brazil

Voor plaatsjes en tekst: zie link.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 13/11/2014 | 17:15 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 13/11/2014 | 12:29 uur
Brazilian Navy statement: FAB Purchase Agreement of the Gripen NG will benefit the Navy of Brazil

Voor plaatsjes en tekst: zie link.

Goed nieuws voor Saab dus.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 13/11/2014 | 17:18 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 13/11/2014 | 17:15 uur
Goed nieuws voor Saab dus.

Dat lijkt er zeker op, als de Brazilianen gaan voor de Sea Gripen dan zie ik Inda volgen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 13/11/2014 | 17:31 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 13/11/2014 | 17:18 uur
Dat lijkt er zeker op, als de Brazilianen gaan voor de Sea Gripen dan zie ik Inda volgen.

Al iets meer bekend over Argentinie die heeft ook interesse in de Sea Gripen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 13/11/2014 | 17:59 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 13/11/2014 | 17:31 uur
Al iets meer bekend over Argentinie die heeft ook interesse in de Sea Gripen.

Uit het topic: Nieuw conflict dreigt over Falklands

Argentina Buying Gripens? Brits Say 'No Way'
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Enforcer op 13/11/2014 | 18:04 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 13/11/2014 | 17:18 uur
Dat lijkt er zeker op, als de Brazilianen gaan voor de Sea Gripen dan zie ik Inda volgen.

Zouden ze daarom de boel daar rekken met Dassault? Als die alsnog aan de kant zetten, dan zou er potentieel een grote order voor SAAB zijn.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 13/11/2014 | 19:27 uur
Citaat van: Enforcer op 13/11/2014 | 18:04 uur
Zouden ze daarom de boel daar rekken met Dassault? Als die alsnog aan de kant zetten, dan zou er potentieel een grote order voor SAAB zijn.

Dat verwacht ik niet, de Rafale is de volgens de Zwitserse competitie duidelijk superieur bevonden (versus Gripen E) en aangezien de regio tussen nu en 2025 best een aantal interessante ontwikkeling laat zien denk ik dat ze kiezen voor meer capaciteiten.

Gripen Abides

Voor de Indiase Marine zie ik wel een duidelijke winst met de Sea Gripen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 13/11/2014 | 19:29 uur
Just how good is China's new 'stealth' fighter?

Nov 13, 2014 9:02 AM

By Reuben F. Johnson special for CNN

Editor's note: Reuben F. Johnson is a correspondent for IHS Jane's Defence Weekly, a publication devoted to defense and security intelligence and analysis. The views expressed are his own.

ZHUHAI, Guangdong Province (CNN) -- Zhuhai's Air Show has always been a venue for surprises, usually first-time showings of advanced Chinese military hardware.

China's pathologically secretive defense industry normally shows nothing official of its weapons programs to anyone, which makes the biennial Zhuhai expo the only chance to see what its weapons makers have been up to.

Much has been written in the past few years about China's defense sector developing increasingly more capable weapons systems that approach the capability of their U.S. and European analogues.

Some Chinese weapons, such as a full range of anti-ship and air-to-surface missiles, seem to show that its military -- the People's Liberation Army (PLA) -- is equipped to challenge U.S. Navy carrier battle groups and potentially deny the U.S. the ability to operate in certain areas of the Pacific. But questions remain about how battle-ready the PLA is and whether it can function in a modern, network-centric warfare environment.

Battlefield autonomy

Today's battlefield operates on the premise that autonomy should be pushed down to the lowest level -- even down to the man in the field -- because time is of the essence. Getting inside of the enemy's "decision loop" is the key to victory. But, giving individual units the ability to make their own tactical decisions without their orders being delivered from several layers up the chain of command is an anathema to the "control uber alles" mentality of the Chinese leadership.

In terms of new weapons, the number one attraction at Zhuhai this year was the new Shenyang FC-31 fighter. It has generated a good deal of excitement as it's the first time a new Chinese military aircraft has been unveiled while still in the early stages of development -- we usually have to wait until after they start serving in the PLA's air force.

The FC-31 is designed to look like a stealth fighter aircraft in the class of the American Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. It is also the second, but smaller, stealth-type design to be developed by China. The FC-31's "Big Brother," the Chengdu J-20, first flew in January 2011 but has been shrouded in secrecy ever since.

The FC-31 "looks" stealthy and its shape mimics that of the F-35 in some respects. But it is impossible to tell just how successful the Shenyang design team has been in developing an aircraft with a low radar cross section without knowing the materials used, the placement of the engines inside the aircraft, and how well the heat signature from the engines has been suppressed by the design of the exhaust nozzle section.

Flawed design?

Like other PLAAF fighter aircraft, the FC-31 is powered by Russian-made jet engines, in this case two Klimov RD-93 models, which are a specialized variant of the same engine that powers the famous Mikoyan "MiG-29." There have been rumors that a team of renegade designers from the Mikoyan bureau in Moscow assisted Shenyang in the development of the aircraft, but a senior MiG official stated "no, as far as I know they [the Chinese] completed this design themselves, and they seem to have done a good job on their own."

The MiG official may be correct. An aircraft of this type designed with Russian assistance would probably perform better.

The FC-31's flight routine shows that it "bleeds" too much energy -- so when it enters into a turn it begins to lose altitude. Even during straight and level flight the pilot has to engage the engine's afterburners in order to keep the aircraft from sinking to a lower altitude. These are defects in the aircraft's aerodynamic design that a Russian design team would not have made.

Western aerospace analysts point out that the FC-31 flown at Zhuhai is a "clean" jet in that it is not armed, which means that an aircraft configured for a real mission and fitted with weapons would be even heavier and would perform even worse.

Timing a coincidence?

So, why has the PLAAF chosen to exhibit an aircraft that is either overweight, underpowered or both?

It could be an oblique signal to Washington timed to coincide with President Barack Obama's visit to Beijing for the APEC summit. The underlying message: "China is stronger than you think."

This would not be the first such example of China trying to use its defense industry to flex its muscles. In January 2011, when the J-20 first flew, then-U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates was in Beijing for an official visit. His read was that the timing of the two events was in no way coincidental.

Unfortunately for the PLA, the gesture falls flat.

Many would have been more impressed by the FC-31 in photos posted on Chinese websites than after seeing it actually fly at the air show.

Looks can be deceiving, as they say.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 13/11/2014 | 20:10 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 13/11/2014 | 17:18 uur
Dat lijkt er zeker op, als de Brazilianen gaan voor de Sea Gripen dan zie ik Inda volgen.

Waarom eigenlijk?

Ze beschikken nu al over de Mig29K en krijgen waarschijnlijk binnenkort de Rafale. Waarom een derde type introduceren als deze twee kisten prima in de behoefte van de marine kunnen voorzien? Zo groot is die naval aviation van ze nu ook weer niet. Zijn wel wat geruchten dat ze ook die Tejas aan boord willen plaatsen, maar vraag me af of daar een operationele of politieke afweging aan ten grondslag ligt.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 13/11/2014 | 20:23 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 13/11/2014 | 20:10 uur
Waarom eigenlijk?

Ze beschikken nu al over de Mig29K en krijgen waarschijnlijk binnenkort de Rafale. Waarom een derde type introduceren als deze twee kisten prima in de behoefte van de marine kunnen voorzien? Zo groot is die naval aviation van ze nu ook weer niet. Zijn wel wat geruchten dat ze ook die Tejas aan boord willen plaatsen, maar vraag me af of daar een operationele of politieke afweging aan ten grondslag ligt.

Brazil opens the door for Indian navy and Gripen

October 30, 2014

SAAB's Sea Gripen constitutes a new option as the INS Vikrant's light fighter. Ajai Shukla reports

Brazil's decision to buy the Swedish JAS-39E/F Gripen (or Gripen NG) has opened a tantalising possibility for India's defence ministry, which is frustrated after 33 months of negotiations with French company, Dassault on the proposed purchase of 126 Rafale medium multi-role combat aircraft.

On Monday, Swedish defence giant, Saab, which builds the Gripen, announced Brazil had signed a contract for 36 Gripen NG fighters for $5.475 billion.

Brazil chose the Gripen NG over the Rafale (Dassault, France) and the F/A-18 Super Hornet (Boeing, USA).

Brazil will now ask Saab to develop the Sea Gripen, says defence analyst, INS Jane's. Twenty-four of these "navalised" fighters will equip Brazil's aircraft carrier, Sao Paulo.

IHS Jane's also highlights the Indian Navy's need for the Sea Gripen for two carriers that Cochin Shipyard is building -- the 40,000-tonne INS Vikrant and a larger, yet unnamed, successor referred to as the Future Indigenous Carrier.

So far, the Indian Navy had planned to fly a naval version of the indigenous light combat aircraft -- the Naval Tejas -- from these carriers. However, the Naval Tejas, which the Defence Research & Development Organisation is developing, may not be ready for service by 2018, when the Vikrant will be commissioned.

The Sea Gripen constitutes a new option as the Vikrant's light fighter. The navy already has a medium fighter, the MiG-29K, on order from Russia.

Indian analysts, like Manoj Joshi of Observer Research Foundation, say buying the Sea Gripen would let the DRDO engage Saab as a design partner for the Naval Tejas and Tejas Mark II, both advanced versions of the current Tejas Mark I.

In 2011, then DRDO chief V K Saraswat had approached Saab to collaborate in developing the Tejas Mark II. In 2012, the DRDO and Saab held detailed discussions. In January 2013, Saab was issued a Request for Proposal, which the DRDO examined and discussed. Yet, nothing came of it.

The DRDO's interest in Saab stems from the numerous technical parallels between the Tejas and the Gripen. Both are light fighters in the 14-tonne class.

Whilst developing the Gripen NG, Saab changed the engine to the more powerful General Electric F-414 turbofan, and added more fuel; which is exactly what the DRDO proposes for the LCA Mark II. Fitting the bulkier, heavier F-414 into the Tejas would require re-engineering of the fuselage; a problem that Saab has promised to solve.

"The greatest benefit to the Tejas Mark II could be from the Gripen's superb networking. Aerial combat is no longer about eye-catching aerobatics; it is about data links; networking, and cockpit avionics, which is Saab's strength," says Joshi.

The DRDO was also hoping to learn from Saab's maintenance philosophy, which has made the Gripen the world's most easy-to-maintain fighter. According to independent estimations, the Gripen requires three to five man-hours of maintenance per flight hour. That means, after an hour-long mission, 6-10 technicians require only 30 minutes to put the fighter back in the air.

In contrast, the Rafale is estimated to require 15 maintenance man-hours per flight hour; while the F-35 Lightening II requires 30-35 man-hours.

According to a Jane's study, the operating cost of the Gripen is $4,700 per hour. The Rafale is thrice as expensive, at $15,000 per hour.

"The Tejas Mark I has not been designed with operational availability in mind. It is a maintenance nightmare, with sub-systems inaccessible. The Tejas Mark II will need Saab's help in radically re-engineered these," says a DRDO engineer.

Senior Saab officials say, off the record, they are keen to partner India in developing the Tejas Mark II. They say the Tejas Mark II, built cheaply in large numbers, would eliminate the need for a heavy, costly, highly sophisticated fighter like the Rafale. Saab sees major profit in co-developing the Tejas Mark II.

Brazil's contract for 36 Gripen NGs comes on top of Stockholm's decision to buy 60 of these fighters for the Swedish Air Force.

In 2011, Switzerland too had selected the Gripen over the Rafale and Eurofighter Typhoon. However, in an astonishing, nationwide referendum on the proposed $3.5-billion purchase, the Swiss people voted to spend the money instead on education, transport and pensions.

The current version of the Gripen NG, the Gripen D, is currently in operational service with the Swedish, Czech, Hungarian, South African and Royal Thai Air Forces, and also with the UK Empire Test Pilots' School.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 13/11/2014 | 22:37 uur
Citaat van: Enforcer op 13/11/2014 | 18:04 uur
Zouden ze daarom de boel daar rekken met Dassault? Als die alsnog aan de kant zetten, dan zou er potentieel een grote order voor SAAB zijn.

Dassault had bijna een deal met Qatar over levering van de Rafale alleen de arabieren vonden de prijs te hoog en de Fransen waren zo arrogant om te onderhandelen over een lagere prijs het gevolg was dat de  Eurofighter Typhoon werd besteld.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 13/11/2014 | 22:44 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 13/11/2014 | 22:37 uur
Dassault had bijna een deal met Qatar over levering van de Rafale alleen de arabieren vonden de prijs te hoog en de Fransen waren zo arrogant om te onderhandelen over een lagere prijs het gevolg was dat de  Eurofighter Typhoon werd besteld.

Misschien is het handiger om Qatar te vervangen door Oman.

In Qatar is de Rafale nog steeds front runner.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 13/11/2014 | 22:49 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 13/11/2014 | 22:37 uur
Dassault had bijna een deal met Qatar over levering van de Rafale alleen de arabieren vonden de prijs te hoog en de Fransen waren zo arrogant om te onderhandelen over een lagere prijs het gevolg was dat de  Eurofighter Typhoon werd besteld.

Nou nou, onderhandelen, hoe durven ze!
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 13/11/2014 | 22:57 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 13/11/2014 | 22:44 uur
Misschien is het handiger om Qatar te vervangen door Oman.

In Qatar is de Rafale nog steeds front runner.

Het was in ieder geval een land in het Midden-Oosten.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 13/11/2014 | 23:00 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 13/11/2014 | 22:57 uur
Het was in ieder geval een land in het Midden-Oosten.

Oman Orders Eurofighters And Hawks
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/11/2014 | 08:19 uur
China vs. America in the Sky: A Stealth-Fighter Showdown Is Brewing

Dave Majumdar / November 14, 2014
China's new stealth fighters might one day be able to match their American equivalents in battle, Pentagon and industry officials fear. Indeed, China is showing off its latest Shenyang J-31 stealth fighter at the Zhuhai air show in the Guangdong province. To meet the challenge, the Pentagon needs to continue to buy the F-35 and start developing a future fighter to counter the rising threat.

"The J-31—along with the J-20 [the other Chinese stealth fighter]—is a tangible demonstration of the efforts made by China to counter the significant advantage the U.S. has with the [Lockheed Martin] F-22 and F-35," said one senior U.S. military official with extensive experience with so-called fifth-generation fighters. "They recognize that fourth-gen airplanes [like the F-15, F-16, F/A-18, Russian Su-27 and so on] are quickly becoming obsolete. The price of admission to a fifth-gen war is a fifth-gen airplane and they get that."

Indeed some senior U.S. aviators believe that the J-31—which is thought by many U.S. military and industry officials to be based on stolen F-22 and F-35 technology—will eventually be the equal of the American fighters. "I think they'll eventually be on par with our fifth-gen jets—as they should be, because industrial espionage is alive and well," as one senior pilot familiar with the F-35 told USNI News.

Even if the J-31 doesn't sit at 100 percent parity with the F-22 and F-35, it might not matter, because those Chinese aircraft might be able to do enough damage to the U.S. military to make it too expensive to fight. "I think we can probably keep a slight advantage for quite some time, but a slight advantage means significant losses and less of a deterrent," said one senior Air Force official. "Lets pretend the F-22 confronts current air-to-air threats outside of a SAM [surface-to-air missile] environment and has a 30 to one kill ratio today versus a [Sukhoi] Su-30 or [Shenyang] J-11. When the J-20 and J-31 come around, even a three to one kill ratio advantage becomes costly."

China is developing the J-20 and J-31 because the F-22 and F-35 are so superior to existing fighters. The Chinese cannot afford to lose thirty jets in exchange for killing a single F-22 any more than the U.S. could if the situation were reversed. "Our competitors know the current reality and are working very hard to avoid the wide gap we have created by investing in those planes," the senior military official said. "They represent their attempt and creating parity in the skies."

The senior military official said the very fact that China is developing aircraft like the J-20 and J-31 shows that the Pentagon needs the F-35. "The J-31 should make anyone who questions the need for the F-35 to rethink their logic," the official said. "Regardless of whatever criticisms you have heard about the Raptor and the Lightning, they are incredible machines that are insanely superior by virtually every metric to anything else flying in the world. They may be complex, expensive and still immature, but they are a quantum leap over every other fighter in our arsenal."

The senior military official said, however, that while the J-31 looks impressive, there is a lot the United States does not know about its capabilities. "Anyone can make a plane that flies fast and looks stealthy," he said. "The J-31 looks gorgeous. Aside from the fact it's an obvious rip-off of the F-35."

It takes a very long time to develop a stealth fighter—much of that is not because of the aircraft itself, but rather the radar, other sensors and cockpit systems. Developing and perfecting those technologies takes a long time. Further, it takes a long time to perfect manufacturing techniques for an extremely complex warplane like the F-22 or F-35. "The most impressive and important qualities of our fifth-gen fleet are what is on the inside—fused sensors and information dominance," the official said. "We didn't develop those over night. It takes a lot of time to get where we are today, which is why we continue to preserve our advantage."

China will eventually perfect the J-20 and J-31, however—it is just a matter of time. "They are going get there one day, make no mistake," the senior official said. "It won't be tomorrow or the next day, but the fact this place is debuting now should tell you something about China's commitment."

But the Pentagon is not resting on its laurels either. The Air Force and Navy are already working on plans for next-generation fighters to restore America's edge. The Air Force program is called F-X and is aimed at replacing the ultra-high-end F-22 with a new air superiority fighter. Meanwhile, the Navy is working on the F/A-XX strike fighter to replace its Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet. "F-X will return it to an unfair advantage... Hopefully deterring any potential adversary from using a military option," the senior Air Force official said. A more ambitious effort than the Navy's comparatively modest F/A-XX vision, the new Air Force fighter won't be aimed at China's current crop of stealth fighters, but rather their successors. "F-X is more for their follow on to the J-20 and 31 and to a greater extent to operate in the nasty, future surface-to-air-missile engagement zones."

Dave Majumdar has been covering defense since 2004. He currently writes for the U.S. Naval Institute, Aviation Week and The Daily Beast, among others. Majumdar previously covered national security issues at Flight International, Defense News and C4ISR Journal. Majumdar studied Strategic Studies at the University of Calgary and is a student of naval history.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/11/2014 | 11:03 uur
China-Pakistan Fighter Jet Nears First Foreign Deal

By Bloomberg News  Nov 14, 2014

An unidentified Middle Eastern country is in "advanced" talks to make the first foreign purchase of a fighter jet jointly developed by Pakistan and China.

The joint sales team from the Pakistan Air Force and China National Aero-Technology Import and Export Corporation also known as CATIC, are in advanced talks with 10 other countries to sell the JF-17 Thunder, said PAF Air Commodore Khalid Mahmood, who heads sales and marketing for the fighter jet.

"We are in advanced negotiations with a Middle Eastern country, but the political situation over there has delayed the deal," said Mahmood in an interview at the Zhuhai Air Show yesterday, declining to give more details. "But we still expect them to be our first foreign client."

The JF-17 Thunder fighter jet is among several aircraft China is seeking to export, after designating its domestic aerospace sector as a key national strategic industry. The twin-engine jet was jointly designed and manufactured by the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex and Chengdu Aircraft Corporation, a subsidiary of state-owned Aviation Industry Corp of China, also known as AVIC.

The partners are in "advanced talks" with clients in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and South America for jet sales, Mahmood said. He declined to identify any of them. Prospective orders will be for the third block of 50 planes, with the Pakistan Air Force having ordered the first two blocks of 50.

Dual-Seat Version

Mahmood said there are plans in place for a dual-seater version of the JF-17 Thunder after feedback from potential clients. The third-generation fighter jet, also known as FC-1 Dragon by the Chinese, can be used for aerial reconnaissance and has air-to-air and air-to-surface combat capabilities, according to its product website.

Flightglobal, an aviation-related website, previously reported that the partnership was close to making its first foreign sale.

A mock up of the single-seat, single-engine JF-17 is on display at the Zhuhai Air Show that started Nov. 11 in the province of Guangdong, along with several others produced by AVIC -- including the J-31, one of China's fifth-generation stealth fighters.

The J-31 gave its first public demonstration at China's largest air show on Tuesday. Manufactured by a Shenyang AVIC subsidiary, the fighter is a test of the country's ability to deliver cutting-edge defense technology.

Still largely-shrouded in secrecy, the production of the fighter could add heft to China's sea and air expansion in the region and its push-back against decades of U.S. economic and military dominance.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: StrataNL op 18/11/2014 | 17:05 uur
Gareth Jennings@GarethJennings3 ( (Aviation Desk Editor at IHS Jane's)
#Brazil planning for 'at least' 108 @Saab Gripen E/F aircraft, to be delivered in 3 batches - @DefenceIQ

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 18/11/2014 | 17:09 uur
Citaat van: Strata op 18/11/2014 | 17:05 uur
Gareth Jennings@GarethJennings3 ( (Aviation Desk Editor at IHS Jane's)
#Brazil planning for 'at least' 108 @Saab Gripen E/F aircraft, to be delivered in 3 batches - @DefenceIQ

Als het allemaal geëffectueerd wordt is het een geweldige opsteker voor Saab.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 18/11/2014 | 19:27 uur
Brazil May Buy Over 100 Gripen Jets

Saab's Deal to Sell Combat Planes to Brazil Could Triple in Size

By Robert Wall

Nov. 18, 2014 

LONDON— Saab  AB's deal to sell Gripen NG jets to Brazil could more than triple to eventually include the purchase of over 100 aircraft before the country has satisfied its demand for combat planes, a senior Brazilian military officer said Tuesday.

Brazil's Air Force plans to field "at least" 108 Gripen aircraft to make it the sole combat jet in the service's inventory, Brig. José Augusto Crepaldi Affonso, the head of programs at the Brazilian Air Force said.

Brazil's total purchase of Gripen jets could eventually grow further. The country is evaluating whether to use a derivative of the plane for aircraft-carrier operations. The ship-based version of the aircraft, called the Sea Gripen, would still have to be developed.

Saab last month sealed a $5.4 billion deal with Brazil for an initial 36 jets after last year beating the  Boeing  Co. F/A-18E/F and French Rafale built by  Dassault Aviation  SA in fierce competition.

Saab has teamed with Embraer to develop and build the single-engine fighter aircraft. At least 15 of the first 36 jets will be assembled in Brazil.

Deliveries of the initial group of jets to the Brazilian Air Force would take place from 2019 to 2024. Follow-on deliveries could extend production past 2030, Brig. Crepaldi told DefenceIQ's annual International Fighter conference.

The decision by Brazil and Sweden to commit to buying Gripen NG jets has made Saab one of the few western fighter-jet makers to be assured combat jet production will continue past 2020.

Boeing Co. faces the risk of its F-15 and F/A-18E/F combat jet programs coming to an end in the coming years. The Eurofighter Typhoon consortium of BAE Systems PLC,  Airbus Group  NV, and Finmeccancia SpA face a similar need for further export orders. The French Rafale jet, built by Dassault Aviation SA, also needs to secure overseas contracts to remain in production.

Lockheed Martin  Corp. , the world's largest defense company, has purchase commitments for its F-35 Joint Strike Fighter that stretch beyond the decade, both in the U.S. and abroad. The F-35 is the world's biggest and most expensive combat jet program.

Brazil will use the Gripen initially to replace some of its F-5BR combat jets, though they eventually will also replace A-1 jets, Brig. Crepaldi said. The country also is assessing what mix of single-seat and two-seat Gripen NGs to buy. The first batch includes eight dual-seaters.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 18/11/2014 | 19:29 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 18/11/2014 | 17:09 uur
Als het allemaal geëffectueerd wordt is het een geweldige opsteker voor Saab.

Met eventueel een order van Argentinië.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 18/11/2014 | 19:32 uur
Brazilian air force confirms Gripen acquisition numbers

By: Beth Stevenson

London / Source: / november 18th - 2014

A leading Brazilian air force figure has confirmed that 108 Saab Gripen NG multi-role fighters will be acquired for the force.

Following the announcement in October that a $5.8 billion contract had been signed for the first batch of 36 aircraft, an air force representative confirmed to the International Fighter conference in London on 18 November that the full requirement will be for 108 airframes.

The Gripen will initially replace Dassault Mirage 2000C fighters that have already been retired, and eventually the Northrop F-5EM and Alenia/Embraer A-1M aircraft that are still in service.

"We had in 2007 a feasibility study to imagine future scenarios," the representative says. "They reached that final number based on the requirements for the future."

The 108 will be delivered in three batches, and although it has not yet been decided how many of these will be single-seater and how many will be two-seater aircraft, under the terms of the October contract eight of the first batch of 36 will be two-seat variants.

Brazil has been in discussions with the US Navy regarding the ideal mix of single- and two-seater aircraft that the force needs, plus it has been talking to the South African air force, which also operates the Gripen.

"Our air force staff force is assessing again the number of one-seater to two," he adds.

Fifteen of the first batch will be wholly built in Brazil, while the other 21 will be made by Brazilian and Swedish engineers.

In conjunction with Brazil's national defence strategy released in 2008, which encouraged all defence contracts to favour local industry, 80% of the aerostructure contracts will be bid for by Brazilian industry, the representative says.

"We are comfortable to now say that the transfer of what we aimed for," he adds.

Meanwhile, the Denel Dynamics A-Darter air-to-air missile that will be integrated onto the Brazilian Gripens will receive its final qualification "next week", the representative says.

"This will be on the Gripens that we hope to have by 2019."

The Gripen will also have the indigenous-built Mectron MAR-1 air-to-surface/air-to-air anti-radiation missile on board.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 18/11/2014 | 19:56 uur
F-35 and F-22 combine capabilities in operational integration training mission

Posted 11/17/2014   
by Staff Sgt. Marleah Robertson
33rd Fighter Wing

11/17/2014 - EGLIN AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. -- The U.S. Air Force deployed four F-22 Raptors from Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia, to Eglin Air Force Base, earlier this month for the unit's first operational integration training mission with the F-35A Lightning II assigned to the 33rd Fighter Wing here.

The purpose of the training was to improve integrated employment of fifth-generation assets and tactics. The training allowed both units to gain operational familiarization and capture lessons learned to improve future exercises.

"When the F-22 and F-35 come together, it brings out the strength of both airplanes," said Lt. Col. Matt Renbarger, F-35 pilot and 58th Fighter Squadron commander. "The F-22 was built to be an air-to-air superiority fighter and the F-35 was built to be a strike fighter. These airplanes complement each other and we're trying to learn how to take that from a design perspective into a tactical arena and be the most effective combat team we can be working with the F-22s."

The F-35s and F-22s flew offensive counter air, defensive counter air and interdiction missions together, exploring ways to maximize their fifth-generation capabilities.

"The missions started with basic air-to-air and surface attacks," said Maj. Steven Frodsham, F-22 pilot and 149th Fighter Squadron, Virginia Air National Guard, Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia. "As the training progressed, the missions developed into more advanced escort and defensive counter air fifth-generation integration missions."

The Air Force recently employed fifth-generation combat airpower for the first time against the self-proclaimed Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant during the most recent joint coalition campaign. The ground strike was the F-22 Raptor's combat debut, demonstrating the decisive impact fifth-generation capabilities bring to real-world scenarios.

Like the F-35, the F-22 brings an unrivaled stealth capability to the fight. However, as seen in the recent employment in Syria, it's the aircraft's ability to provide heightened situational awareness to other aircraft through the platform's integrated avionics and fused sensors - often referred to as "fusion" - that makes all the aircraft in the strike package more lethal and survivable, maximizing the full capabilities of airpower.

"Fusion and stealth - those are the two things that fifth-generation aircraft bring to the fight," said Renbarger. "It's all of those sensors coming in to give me that fused battle picture that I have displayed in my cockpit along with fifth-generation stealth that enables me to go undetected into the battlefield with that high situational awareness to do what I need to do for the fight."

The F-22 sparked the Air Force's fourth-to-fifth generation integration efforts. Now that the F-35 program is moving closer to its initial operational capability, it too can begin to integrate with the fourth-generation systems as well as its fifth-generation F-22 counterpart.

"The F-22 and F-35 squadrons integrated very well," said Frodsham. "The lessons learned and tactics developed from this training opportunity will help to form the foundation for future growth in our combined fifth-generation fighter tactics."

Zie link voor de foto's:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 18/11/2014 | 21:01 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 18/11/2014 | 19:32 uur
Brazilian air force confirms Gripen acquisition numbers

By: Beth Stevenson

London / Source: / november 18th - 2014

A leading Brazilian air force figure has confirmed that 108 Saab Gripen NG multi-role fighters will be acquired for the force.

Following the announcement in October that a $5.8 billion contract had been signed for the first batch of 36 aircraft, an air force representative confirmed to the International Fighter conference in London on 18 November that the full requirement will be for 108 airframes.

The Gripen will initially replace Dassault Mirage 2000C fighters that have already been retired, and eventually the Northrop F-5EM and Alenia/Embraer A-1M aircraft that are still in service.

"We had in 2007 a feasibility study to imagine future scenarios," the representative says. "They reached that final number based on the requirements for the future."

The 108 will be delivered in three batches, and although it has not yet been decided how many of these will be single-seater and how many will be two-seater aircraft, under the terms of the October contract eight of the first batch of 36 will be two-seat variants.

Brazil has been in discussions with the US Navy regarding the ideal mix of single- and two-seater aircraft that the force needs, plus it has been talking to the South African air force, which also operates the Gripen.

"Our air force staff force is assessing again the number of one-seater to two," he adds.

Fifteen of the first batch will be wholly built in Brazil, while the other 21 will be made by Brazilian and Swedish engineers.

In conjunction with Brazil's national defence strategy released in 2008, which encouraged all defence contracts to favour local industry, 80% of the aerostructure contracts will be bid for by Brazilian industry, the representative says.

"We are comfortable to now say that the transfer of what we aimed for," he adds.

Meanwhile, the Denel Dynamics A-Darter air-to-air missile that will be integrated onto the Brazilian Gripens will receive its final qualification "next week", the representative says.

"This will be on the Gripens that we hope to have by 2019."

The Gripen will also have the indigenous-built Mectron MAR-1 air-to-surface/air-to-air anti-radiation missile on board.

Voor hoe het er nu aan toe gaat op het hoofdkantoor van Saab zie de film 'wolf of wallstreet' .
Dat moet daar een feestje zijn geweest.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 18/11/2014 | 21:01 uur
Heb nooit begrepen waarom de US niet meer van die Raptors heeft gemaakt...Japan , Israel en Australie hadden ook interesse..kan de produktie lijn uberhaupt nog herstart worden ?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 18/11/2014 | 21:03 uur
Citaat van: Oorlogsvis op 18/11/2014 | 21:01 uur
Heb nooit begrepen waarom de US niet meer van die Raptors heeft gemaakt...Japan , Israel en Australie hadden ook interesse..kan de produktie lijn uberhaupt nog herstart worden ?

Dis is er nog maar niet actief.
Gedemonteerd en opgeslagen naar ik weet.
Die gaat weer open in 2016.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 18/11/2014 | 21:24 uur
Citaat van: Oorlogsvis op 18/11/2014 | 21:01 uur
Heb nooit begrepen waarom de US niet meer van die Raptors heeft gemaakt...Japan , Israel en Australie hadden ook interesse..kan de produktie lijn uberhaupt nog herstart worden ?

Officieel, kosten en noodzaak. Die kisten kosten iets van $150 miljoen per stuk, de F35 zou slechts $40 miljoen gaan kosten. Noodzaak was ook weggevallen, A2A werd niet meer zo belangrijk gevonden, A2G werd het toverwoord, dat is wat de USAF goed moest kunnen. Gedeeltelijk voortkomend uit dezelfde visie waar de US Navy haar Zumwalt en LCS aan te danken heeft. Onofficieel zijn er nog wel wat zaken te benoemen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 18/11/2014 | 21:26 uur
Citaat van: Oorlogsvis op 18/11/2014 | 21:01 uur
Heb nooit begrepen waarom de US niet meer van die Raptors heeft gemaakt...Japan , Israel en Australie hadden ook interesse..kan de produktie lijn uberhaupt nog herstart worden ?

De  US regering of senaat wilde voorkomen dat de Raptor techniek of tekeningen daarvan in de verkeerde handen vielen en daarom is de Raptor nooit naar het buitenland geëxporteerd
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 20/11/2014 | 17:25 uur
Best Fighter for Canada
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 20/11/2014 | 20:32 uur
Citaat van: Vandaag om 05:25
Best Fighter for Canada

Het geschetste model van de Super Arrow is wel een plaatje, meer dan dat zal het (vermoedelijk) niet worden al zou het niet verkeerd zijn als het westen de beschikking zou krijgen over een interceptor/air dominance fighter naast de F22A
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 20/11/2014 | 21:12 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 20/11/2014 | 20:32 uur
Het geschetste model van de Super Arrow is wel een plaatje, meer dan dat zal het (vermoedelijk) niet worden al zou het niet verkeerd zijn als het westen de beschikking zou krijgen over een interceptor/air dominance fighter naast de F22A

Dan zal dit waarschijnlijk made in Japan zijn.

En dit vindt ik wel een toepasselijk nr daarbij ;)

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 20/11/2014 | 23:09 uur

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 21/11/2014 | 08:42 uur
Navy plans for fighter to replace the F/A-18 hornet in 2030s
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: slaydo op 21/11/2014 | 08:46 uur
Ik mag alleen maar hopen dat de Amerikanen de Meteor kwalificeren voor de F35.... Zo veel beter dan de AMRAAM....
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 21/11/2014 | 09:00 uur
Citaat van: slaydo op 21/11/2014 | 08:46 uur
Ik mag alleen maar hopen dat de Amerikanen de Meteor kwalificeren voor de F35.... Zo veel beter dan de AMRAAM....

Mee eens en als ik mij niet vergis is dat ook een Engelse wens.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: slaydo op 21/11/2014 | 10:30 uur
En dat NL eens deze BVR gaat kopen....
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 21/11/2014 | 10:40 uur
Citaat van: slaydo op 21/11/2014 | 10:30 uur
En dat NL eens deze BVR gaat kopen....

Dat project staat voor 2019-2023.
Zou dus kunnen dat de Meteor als optie wordt gezien.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: slaydo op 21/11/2014 | 13:23 uur
Dan mogen ze wel eens voortmaken met qualificatie.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 22/11/2014 | 10:44 uur
New F-35 Prices: A: $95M; B: $102M; C: $116M 

By Colin Clark 
on November 21, 2014 at 5:01 PM

WASHINGTON: Lockheed and the government made it official today, signing the $4.7 billion eighth Low Rate Initial Production contract for the F-35.

Here's the full price and the official language: "Lockheed Martin Corp., Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co., Fort Worth, Texas, is being awarded a $4,123,746,486 modification to a previously awarded fixed-price-incentive firm-target contract (N00019-13-C-0008) for the production of 43 Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP) Lot VIII F-35 Lightning II aircraft. The contract includes $500 million for advance procurement."

As Breaking D readers already know, this pays for 43 airframes: 29 for the United States and 14 for five international countries. The average cost per airframe (engines are a separate contract) costs are roughly "3.5 percent lower than the LRIP 7 contract signed in 2013 and a 57 percent reduction since LRIP 1," according to a Joint Program Office statement.

The airframe prices (read the headline) should be read in light of the bold pledge made last Decemberby the general manager for the JSF, Lorraine Martin. She said that by 2019, the F-35A (the Air Force version) will cost $75 million a copy in current dollars ($85 million in good ole then-year dollars, i.e. counting future inflation), which will be "less than any fourth generation fighter in the world."

The breakdown of the US buy is: 19 F-35As for the Air Force; six F-35Bs for the Marines and four F-35Cs for the Navy. Israel gets it first two F-35As and Japan gets it first four. Norway gets another two F-35As and Italy gets two. The Brits get four F-35Bs. First deliveries come in early spring next year. After they are all delivered eight countries will be flying 200 F-35s.

F-35 graphic

The government released a few contract details. Lockheed covers 100 percent of any cost overruns and the two parties will share any cost savings cost — 20 percent for the government and 80 percent for Lockheed. Any concurrent problems in the System Development and Demonstration buy and they share these 50-50. New problems discovered in LRIP 8 "will be authorized via engineering change proposals."

Also, Lockheed gets paid incrementally it achieves specified performance criteria.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 22/11/2014 | 11:31 uur
Pakistan plans to buy stealth fighter aircraft from China

Islamabad, Nov 22, 2014, PTI:

Pakistan plans to buy the fourth generation stealth fighter aircraft from China to boost its defence capability, according to a media report today.

The matter was being discussed with Chinese authorities, Minister for Defence Production Rana Tanveer Hussain was quoted as saying by the Dawn newspaper.

"It is for the first time that a senior government functionary has confirmed talks with China over purchase of the longer-range stealth aircraft — an issue that has been a subject of speculation in defence circles since the 10th edition of the Zhuhai Air Show (China) held earlier this month, when the aircraft was unveiled," the paper reported.

The Jane's Defence Weekly also quoted an unnamed Pakistani official as saying that the Pakistan Air Force was in talks with China to buy 30 to 40 of the Shenyang FC-31 fighters.

FC-31 being developed by China primarily for the export market and reportedly several countries are interested in the aircraft believed to be comparable to US F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.

A prototype of the aircraft, designated as J-31, has been flown by the Chinese aircraft research and development firm Shenyang Aviation Company for a couple of years now.

What particularly interests the PAF is that FC-31 prototype (J-31) and JF-17 use the same Russian Klimov RD-93 engines. Pakistan is increasingly relying on China as a reliable source for its defence procurements.

Hussain said that Pakistan was also interested in Chinese attack helicopter Z-10.China and Pakistan had earlier co-produced JF-17 Thunder.

Pakistan has been eagerly trying to market this fighter aircraft. "We have nearly confirmed orders from seven countries for JF-17," Hussain said.

Pakistan, which is at present producing Block-2 of JF-17 at the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex, Kamra, is eyeing orders from countries in the Middle East and Africa.

"The PAF has a requirement of 250 aircraft, but now we have decided that we'll sell some of the JF-17 Block-2 to international buyers besides fulfilling our local demand," the minister said.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 22/11/2014 | 16:36 uur
Japan Prepares Designs For Its Next Fighter

Japan is looking at a big, long-range fighter to defeat superior numbers

Nov 21, 2014 Bradley Perrett | Aviation Week & Space Technology

Flying far is more important than flying fast, Japanese fighter technologists have found in studies aimed at defining their country's next combat aircraft. Looking for ways for their air force to fight outnumbered, researchers are also emphasizing that Japan's next fighter should share targeting data, carry a big internal load of large, high-performance missiles and be able to guide them while retreating.

The results of this work may be committed to full-scale development within four years. Japan is holding open the possibility of a joint international program, which the finance ministry would surely prefer, but the defense ministry looks wary of being trapped in a late-running cooperative effort over which it has little control. Specifically national requirements such as the preference for range over speed may also nudge Japan toward going it alone.

Engineers from the defense ministry's Technical Research & Development Institute (TRDI) and IHI Corp. are well into preliminary development of a surprisingly powerful turbofan for the twin-engine fighter, which would enter service around 2030 as the F-3. TRDI is also handling the studies into the airframe, probably with strong engineering support from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, which would build the airframe, and Mitsubishi Electric, the country's dominant military electronic systems supplier.

The work is intended to give Japan the option of developing a fighter to replace the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries F-2, says the ministry. The country is not committed to doing so, but by the fiscal year beginning April 2018, "the final decision for development will be made and necessary measures will be taken," the ministry says in answer to Aviation Week's questions.

The most likely, perhaps only, candidates for joint development are the still undefined U.S. Air Force and Navy ambitions for fighter programs to succeed the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning. But the ministry says that, in contemplating a joint effort, "it needs to be considered whether the development would be concluded by the time F-2 retires." It is obviously thinking of the huge delays in the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program.

About ¥120 billion ($1 billion) has been spent since fiscal 2010 on preliminary work for the F-3, with ¥41.2 billion requested for fiscal 2015. In this effort, which has been called i3, TRDI and industry are preparing key technologies for a future fighter, extending the progress made in developing the ATD-X stealth demonstrator, which is due to fly this fiscal year (AW&ST July 21, p. 32).

A further ¥14.2 billion yen is requested for fiscal 2015 to fund development of the F-3's engine, which is moving ahead well in advance of the airframe. In 2012, its thrust was known to be a lavish 33,000 lb., a figure that has probably not changed, at least for the preliminary development stage (AW&ST Feb. 14, 2011, p. 33).

25DMU is the latest annual iteration of TRDI's design studies for the F-3. Credit: TRDI
Prototypes of the engine's combustor, high-pressure compressor and high-pressure turbine are in testing. Evaluation of the turbine, at least, is supposed to be completed next financial year. Prototypes of the low-pressure compressor and low-pressure turbine will be tested until fiscal 2017. A full prototype engine should be demonstrated in fiscal 2018.

Key aims of the engine project are to achieve the extremely high temperature of 1,800C (3,272F) and to keep the powerplant slim in order to reduce airframe frontal area. The latter point is one of several features that suggest an intention to build a supercruising fighter, which now looks doubtful amid the emphasis on range over speed.

Whether Japan will build the aircraft at all is another question. On the one hand, the country feels its security is increasingly imperiled by rising and bellicose China. On the other hand, developing a heavy stealth fighter would have to cost tens of billions of dollars.

"The expense necessary for development of the fighter aircraft hasn't been determined at all at this moment," says the ministry, adding that although the air force has 90 F-2s, the number of successor aircraft is also not settled. And no specification for the next fighter has been set.

Still, TRDI's work, most recently presented at an official seminar this month, gives a pretty good indication of the direction in which Japan wants to go.

TRDI produced annual concepts in 2011, 2012 and 2013, successively designated 23DMU, 24DMU and 25DMU. (The number in each designation is the corresponding regnal year of Emperor Akihito; "DMU" stands for "digital mock-up.") Judging from the modest 40-deg. leading-edge sweep of their mainplanes, none of these designs is intended to supercruise—to fly supersonically without afterburning.

The designers have moved back and forth in balancing stealth and other characteristics, but appear to have consistently rejected the challenging measure of eliminating vertical tail surfaces, a move that would help defeat radars operating at lower frequencies. Size seems to have varied, lately moving up, and is probably not at all modest, considering the thrust of the engine. Two engines of 33,000 lb. each imply an aircraft approaching the class of the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor. Conceivably, the engine might be scaled down, however.

The 2014 airframe concept has not been revealed, but by last year TRDI's work had evolved a design, 25DMU, that emphasized large internal missile stowage and especially range, with an unusually big wing of high aspect ratio (span relative to average chord). The results of studies presented at the seminar endorsed the 25DMU's emphasis on range, so this year's undisclosed 26DMU concept may not be much different. Design 25DMU is at least still relevant, since it will be used as a benchmark next year for assessing 26DMU. Altogether, it sounds as if the Japanese are zeroing in on a final configuration.

The 2011 design, 23DMU, looked somewhat like a scaled up ATD-X. As is common in stealth aircraft, snaking inlet ducts shielded the engine faces from radar energy, which they would otherwise reflect strongly. The tail of 23DMU had the usual four surfaces, with the fins angled outward.

Internal, side-by-side weapons stowage would have accommodated four "medium-range missiles"—which TRDI's drawings show to be very large, implying more than medium range. Douglas Barrie of the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London notes that the missiles in all TRDI's drawings have inlets for ramjet propulsion, suggesting a greater kill probability than offered by weapons with only rocket engines. All TRDI's published designs also include two short-range missiles in the sides of the fuselage, large passive radio receiver arrays on the sides of the fuselage, supplementing the nose radar, and infrared sensors below and forward of the cockpit.

The result of the 23DMU design effort was quite a deep fuselage and a lot of radar-reflecting side area, which the designers sought to reduce in 24DMU by flattening the aircraft. They moved the engines outboard and fed them with straighter ducts, relying on blockers—radial baffles mounted ahead of the engines—to help obstruct radar energy. The four medium-range missiles were carried in tandem pairs. Just two stabilizers were mounted as a V-tail much like that of the Northrop YF-23, the aircraft that the U.S. Air Force rejected when it chose the F-22.

Having produced 24DMU, TRDI assessed the impact of these changes in a simulated engagement. It found that a pilot flying a 24DMU instead of a 23DMU would be able to fire about 13% more missiles and the enemy about a third fewer. (These figures are judged from a bar chart, without numerical values, which TRDI presented at the seminar.) The time available for taking a shot was shorter for both, but the enemy's firing interval suffered more. A modified 23DMU with a different sweep angle produced intermediate combat results. TRDI comments: "Different sweep angles have little effect on peak radar cross section."

In the next step, devising 25DMU last year, the developers restored the fully snaking ducts but kept the side area lower than in 23DMU. They moved the engines inboard and left a broad space for side-by-side stowage of six medium-range missiles under the ducts, which twisted upward and inward. The additional missiles, even at the expense of greater size and cost, make good sense for a country that must contemplate fighting against far more numerous enemy forces, Barrie says.

In another change, the four tail surfaces reappeared in 25DMU, but the fins remained highly canted and were kept shorter than those of 23DMU, while the tailplanes were angled down, perhaps to provide a sufficient vertical component for the tail.

Wingspan and aspect ratio increased markedly—the latter to 3.8-3.9 from 3.2-3.3 in 24DMU, judging from the imprecise drawings that are available. The aspect ratio of the F-35A is 2.4; the Boeing F-15's is 3.0. If TRDI's drawings are to scale, as they appear to be, span increased almost 20% in 25DMU. Clearly, the point of these wing changes was to increase range with an improved ratio of lift to drag and a greater volume for fuel. The fuselage looks larger, too, offering more space for fuel. Consistent with that, TRDI confirms that range has increased, although it gives no figures. Speed and acceleration must have suffered, especially if 25DMU is at least 10% larger than its predecessors, as it appears to be. These changes reflect the results of studies that show extreme flight performance will have less effect on winning battles than range and, implicitly, endurance on station, at least under Japan's strategic conditions.

A version of this article appears in the November 24 issue of Aviation Week & Space Technology.

Zie link voor de plaatjes.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 23/11/2014 | 10:58 uur
America's Scorpion Jet Fighter Could Fly in Asia and Africa

Nigeria and the United Arab Emirates are interested in this lightweight combat plane

Thomas Newdick on Nov 22

When Textron AirLand first announced the Scorpion—a lightweight surveillance and strike aircraft—last year, it raised a few eyebrows.

Now the American company is talking about the first two potential customers for the diminutive jet. Namely, Nigeria and the United Arab Emirates.

Neither country has bought the Scorpion ... yet. But the company is pitching the aircraft as a solution for featherweight and middle-size countries looking for an advanced combat plane that doesn't break the bank.

This is especially the case for countries that need eyes in the sky—and the ability to go after insurgents.

For the most part, modern combat jets are typically multi-billion-dollar projects bristling with exotic materials, high-tech sensors, weapons and computer networks.

Most of these jet designs also treat aerial combat as requiring the best engines, most powerful radars and hardest-hitting long-range missiles. At the same time, most of these aircraft boast some degree of stealth, the operational value of which is hotly debated.

The downside to all this technology? It gets very expensive, and causes the programs to almost inevitably fall behind schedule.

But the Scorpion is quite different, as it relies heavily on off-the-shelf commercial parts. For instance, the plane's flight control hardware relies on dual hydraulic systems based on Cessna's Citation X business jet.

"We routinely make software updates to the avionics system in days, not months," said Dale Tutt, the Scorpion's chief engineer.

The Scorpion's developers also want the final product to be cheap to build, and affordable across the aircraft's entire operational lifespan. So-called "hidden" costs are often what makes today's jet fighters such a burden on defense budgets.

Take Austria, for example, where a fleet of Eurofighter Typhoons proved so expensive to procure, Vienna slashed orders from 18 to 15 jets. The fighters fly with only the most basic weapons and sensors, and have only short-range air-to-air missiles.

As austerity measures bite, the jets are pulling fewer hours on air policing duties—an average of 11 hours a day in what is their sole operational role. Filling the gap are 44-year-old Saab 105 jet trainers. The Scorpion has the potential to do the job of both at a fraction of the cost.

While the Typhoon costs around $15,000 per hour it's in the air, Textron AirLand claim a figure of $3,000 per hour for the Scorpion—with a purchase price of less than $20 million per copy. A partially used, baseline-model Typhoon, as acquired by Austria? $166 million.

To be sure, the Typhoon is more capable—but Austria doesn't use them to anything like their full potential. Only the richest nations can afford to.

While most fighters can carry out multiple roles, the twin-engine Scorpion is genuinely flexible—with a focus on irregular warfare, border patrol, maritime surveillance, emergency relief, counter-narcotics and air defense missions.

Textron AirLand announced the maiden flight of the two-seat Scorpion in December 2013, meaning that fewer than two years passed between the initial design and its first flight.

The company continued the flight tests, pushing the performance envelope at various speeds, altitudes and climb rates, as well as putting the avionics, flight controls and landing system through their paces.

"In these early flights, we have evaluated the aircraft performance and tested a wide range of mechanical and electronic systems," said Dan Hinson, Scorpion chief test pilot and a veteran U.S. Navy aviator and combat veteran.

"The Scorpion is a very agile platform," he added.

Back when the aircraft first broke cover, the big question was whether anyone would actually buy the distinctly unglamorous Scorpion. Now, two nations might. And the manufacturer confirms that others are taking a close look at the subsonic attacker.

The two nations now linked with the Scorpion are the United Arab Emirates and Nigeria. Both are already in the process of beefing up their airborne surveillance and counter-insurgency forces to combat asymmetric threats—and both have a track record of procuring similar aircraft.

The Scorpion would be a logical addition to a fast-growing UAE close air support and special missions fleet that includes prop-driven Air Tractor AT-802Us—an armed, upgraded crop duster.

However, a U.S. official quoted by Defense News reckons the UAE is interested in Scorpions for training purposes and for the military's aerobatics team.

Here, they could substitute for pricier Alenia Aermacchi M-346 jet trainers. The UAE has selected these trainers, but has not yet ordered them. So it's not too late.

Textron AirLand is meanwhile working on a dedicated trainer version of the Scorpion that would better suit these roles. But UAE officials are hesitant to sign up right away for the Scorpion, preferring to wait until another country buys it first.

That county could be Nigeria. Here there's a requirement for a bigger counter-insurgent fleet—currently based around a variety of aging fixed-wing types all suffering from low availability, as well as ubiquitous Mi-35 helicopter gunships.

Speaking at the IQPC Fighter Conference in London, a Nigerian air force officer confirmed that the Scorpion was on the radar, as the military seeks more effective ways to defeat Boko Haram militants.

In contrast to Nigeria's current fleet of fixed-wing jets—sourced from a variety of European manufacturers—the Scorpion would boast a precision weapons capability, modern surveillance sensors and superior agility, all in the same package.

The officer noted that an initial purchase could involve a "a squadron's worth" of Scorpions.

Textron AirLand also hopes to sell the planes to the Pentagon.

In August, the Scorpion took part in Vigilant Guard 2014, a large-scale, multi-state disaster response exercise conducted in Kansas by U.S. Northern Command and the National Guard. During the maneuvers, the Scorpion provided high-definition, multi-spectral aerial reconnaissance—and shared full-motion color video and communications with other aircraft and ground stations.

The pilot wore a helmet-mounted cueing system, of the type familiar to high-performance jet fighter pilots.

When a trainer version of the Scorpion comes on line, Textron AirLand can then take a tilt at the U.S. Air Force's T-X trainer replacement competition. That could yield orders for anything from 350 aircraft to more than 1,000.

That is, if anyone's really interested in buying.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 24/11/2014 | 07:47 uur
A NATO Fighter?

Airbus Military Chief Says Lockheed, Boeing Partnership Is Worth Considering

Nov. 23, 2014 

WASHINGTON — Just imagine it: Airbus teams up with Lockheed Martin or Boeing on a program to build a NATO fighter.

Detached from reality?

Not, apparently, to Domingo Ureña Raso, Airbus Defence and Space executive vice president for military aircraft.

Speaking on a panel at the 2014 NATO Industry Forum in Split, Croatia, on Nov. 13, Raso was discussing the need to collaborate more with industry from various countries on issues such as cybersecurity when he was asked if that meant he would be open to teaming up with Boeing or Lockheed on a new fighter. His response?

"Why not? Why not?"

It may seem surprising, given the historic competition between the European giant and its American cousins. But Raso pointed to the history of cooperation between industry in different nations.

"Industry knows how to cooperate internationally," he said. "It's not a threat for us. We can work trans-Atlantic, we can work national ... there is not a program that is made only by one company as far as I remember, not one single program made from one company."

And the truth is that Airbus could benefit greatly from teaming up with an American company on a new fighter.

Europe hosts six active fighter production lines. One in Sweden produces Saab's Gripen, while another in France produces the Dassault Rafale. The other four are tied to the Eurofighter Typhoon, on which Airbus is a major partner. Both the Rafale and Typhoon, twin-engine heavy fighters that share a market space with Boeing's F/A-18 Super Hornet, are on pace to end production before 2020.

To Douglas Barrie, senior fellow for military aerospace at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, that means Europe has to start thinking about how — or if — it will stay in the fighter production game.

"The development cycle for a next-gen combat aircraft is about 20 years, give or take," Barrie said. "If you're remotely interested in staying in that business, then you've got to be thinking in the next few years about how to move ahead. And I'm sure to some extent that's what spurred that Airbus comment. It must be something senior management on that side are looking at."

So assuming Airbus is interested in developing another fighter, why would it turn to the US?

One advantage is the nascent efforts by the US Navy and Air Force to develop a "sixth generation" fighter. Both services are laying the groundwork on those programs, with the Air Force aiming to open up Milestone A acquisition activities in early fiscal 2018.

Tying into a US program would make sense for Airbus, since it would provide guaranteed customers and a major stream of funding. The next question is what Airbus brings to the table — and who would make sense as a partner?

Lockheed seems unlikely, if for no other reason than because its F-35 joint strike fighter is still coming online and looks poised to dominate the market for the next 20 years, including in Europe, where the UK, Italy, Norway and the Netherlands have already committed to procuring the jet.

Analyst Byron Callan of Capital Alpha Partners doubts Lockheed would do anything that undercuts F-35 sales in the near term.

"I just think it's way too soon for them to start shifting into something that will replace the F-35," he said. "I think there are issues on both sides that would argue against it happening."

Richard Aboulafia, an analyst with the Teal Group, said Boeing and Airbus share many qualities that could make them compatible partners, including the fact that both the Typhoon and the F/A-18 Super Hornet are ending production.

Airbus, he said, could kick in research and development funds from the various nations involved, but more important, bring a built-in marketplace in Europe, potentially including France, Germany and Spain, all nations that have yet to make moves toward the F-35. That would also fit Boeing's recent trend of finding partnerships that open local markets for its products.

"On one side, you have very weak prospects for European funding and extreme unlikeliness of an industrial alliance between two longtime mortal enemies," Aboulafia said. "On the other side of the equation, they have an awful lot in common, in that they have a pressing need to do something, and the idea just makes a great deal of sense if they could somehow pull it off."

Of course, if Boeing and Airbus were to work together, the companies would have to work around a long history of competition on both the commercial and military sides of the market. Airbus, in particular, is still smarting from Boeing's legal victory in the Air Force's KC-X tanker replacement competition.

The commercial competition could also prove a sticking point, Callan warned.

"It's Hatfields and McCoys," he said. "The commercial people on both side would argue 'Why are you teaming with our arch-enemy to do things that might strengthen them and make them a tougher competitor?' "

Aside from a relatively small European market boost, Callan and Barrie are skeptical that Airbus really brings anything to the table the US giants would not already have.

Barrie compared the situation to the F-35, where BAE Systems is a major industrial partner. But BAE had significant experience with the vertical take-off and landing technology at the heart of the F-35B model, and the UK was a crucial political ally in keeping the program from being canceled. Neither of those factors are likely to be available from an Airbus collaboration, Barrie said.

"I can see lots of reasons not to do it from an American standpoint," he said. "It's difficult to see there is any technology Airbus has that Lockheed or Boeing would be pounding at the door to gain access to."

What about from a strategic standpoint? During the conference, Raso argued that developing a single trans-Atlantic NATO fighter would make sense.

"What has happened with certain capabilities is they have been developed by only one country or two, and we are competing against each other, against others who are not part of NATO," Raso said. "We need to change our mind and we need to mutualize, maybe, the energy and the funding, and we need to clarify much better what we want for two properties, maybe for internal and then to be capable to support other countries beyond the boundaries of the NATO."

A joint NATO fighter is "a great idea," Aboulafia said. But there is a reason it never happened — getting all the NATO partners on board with funding, requirements and production is a herculean task.

"It was a great idea in 1995, in 2005, in 2015 and it might just be a great idea in 2025," he said. "Harmonizing requirements and harmonizing numbers will always be a big challenge."

Callan argues that instead of looking at a NATO fighter, Airbus should be thinking globally.

"Why wouldn't you get a group of Northrop Grumman, BAE, Saab and Airbus? Why not Airbus, Northrop and Turkish aerospace?" he asked rhetorically. "Think about it from the global scale and standpoint. To just think of this on the trans-Atlantic standpoint is really missing the way the market is going."

While the dream of a joint Airbus-US fighter might be far away, Raso is focusing on building smaller bridges. That includes on cybersecurity, where he hopes to see greater collaboration on protecting intellectual property.

"I think in this case we have a common enemy," he said. "It's a common enemy today when you talk about the cyber attacks, none of those companies are willing not to cooperate to avoid these kind of things, because they attack to the pillars, to the basements of those companies." ■
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 24/11/2014 | 07:52 uur
Qatar about to buy 24 Rafale

In het Frans
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 24/11/2014 | 18:50 uur
Contract signed for first production batch of F-35B aircraft

From:Ministry of Defence and Philip Dunne MP First published:24 November 2014

The Ministry of Defence has signed the contract to order 4 Lightning II combat aircraft.

The Ministry of Defence (MOD) has signed a contract for the first production batch of 4 Lightning II stealth combat aircraft – which will operate from both the Royal Navy's new aircraft carriers and Royal Air Force (RAF) land bases.

The contract for the F-35B aircraft forms part of the MOD's investment in Lightning II over the next 5 years to procure an initial 14 of these multi-role fifth generation aircraft, as well as putting in place the necessary support arrangements and infrastructure.

Further contracts will cover the procurement of a range of equipment such as engines.

Minister for Defence Equipment Support and Technology, Philip Dunne, said:

"Looking to the future, the investment we are making in the F-35 aircraft will ensure we are securing the skies for decades to come, providing the UK with the latest stealth technology and multi-role aircraft capability.

"Not only does our investment in these next generation aircraft afford us air superiority, but the UK's tier one status in the entire programme provides UK industry with a unique opportunity to produce world-leading products, technologies and manufacturing expertise for coming decades. The aircraft will be a powerful testament to the strength and capability of British industry."

"In addition, with the aircraft being supported and operated from RAF Marham, this will create job opportunities for the local community, as well as maintaining its key role as an RAF operating and engineering sustainment base which will support the military and civilian workforce for years to come."

The news comes as a UK test team has completed initial aircraft handling trials for ASRAAM and Paveway IV on the F-35B aircraft.

Trial rounds, which are identical to the operational weapons, were tested for the first time during a series of flights from the US Navy's test facility at Patuxent River Naval Air Station in Maryland.

These initial tests are an important step in integrating weapons onto the F-35B, allowing test pilots to understand how they affect the way the aircraft performs and handles.

The aircraft are short take off and vertical landing (STOVL) and feature the latest stealth capabilities alongside intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition and reconnaissance (ISTAR) technology.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 24/11/2014 | 19:13 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 24/11/2014 | 07:52 uur
Qatar about to buy 24 Rafale

In het Frans

Zou goed nieuws zijn.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 24/11/2014 | 19:14 uur
Citaat van: UK Gov op 24/11/2014 | 18:50 uur
Contract signed for first production batch of F-35B aircraft
The Ministry of Defence (MOD) has signed a contract for the first production batch of 4 Lightning II stealth combat aircraft – which will operate from both the Royal Navy's new aircraft carriers and Royal Air Force (RAF) land bases.

Met de aantallen die er nu gepland staan moeten die dingen zo min mogelijk op land staan.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 24/11/2014 | 19:57 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 24/11/2014 | 19:13 uur
Zou goed nieuws zijn.

Dassault silent on report of imminent Rafale sale to Qatar
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 24/11/2014 | 23:38 uur
Ik denk dat het aantal orders van vliegtuigen snel omhoog zal gaan. Een van de eerste zaken die aangekocht zullen worden door krijgsmachten naast een vloot. Dure orders, trage productie. Er zwerft in Europa genoeg pantser rond om Rusland 4 keer af te weren, dat is relatief snel te verdelen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 25/11/2014 | 09:33 uur
Israeli Panel Rejects Proposed Increase Of F-35  (Israël schaft minder F-35 toestellen aan)

(de huidige order van 19 stuks F-35 met een 2de batch van 13 stuks = totaal 32 stuks)
(19 stuks voor $ 2,74 miljard USD = $ 144 miljoen per stuk (€ 112 miljoen Euro)
(de aanschaf van de F-35 wordt flink "gesponsord" door de US "nood" hulp en flinke compensatieorders voor productie van onderdelen)

An Israeli cabinet panel has rejected a decision of the defense minister to procure an additional 31 F-35 Joint Strike Fighters and limited the procurement of Israel's second batch of JSFs to only 13.

It is unprecedented that the ministerial committee on defense procurement would reverse an air force requirement that was already approved by the defense minister, the former government and the National Security Council. The Israel air force, which currently has 19 F-35s on order under a $2.74 billion contract, will have to be satisfied with a total of 32 aircraft in the coming years, and will not be able to complete two full squadrons as planned.

Defense Minister Moshe "Bogie" Ya'alon, who had already concluded with the Pentagon the terms of a $4.4 billion contract for an additional 31 F-35s, is now asking the DOD to maintain the same terms for a smaller number of aircraft. The U.S. has agreed to grant Israel $2.4 billion in credit for the deal as well as to conduct offset procurement totaling $5.3 billion, under the expectation that Israel will acquire a total of 50 F-35s. The JSF procurement is financed through the $3.1 billion annual military aid that the U.S. provides to Israel.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 25/11/2014 | 14:32 uur
Via Google Translate, het origineel is in het Frans te vinden via de link.

Dassault offers Belgium to replace its F-16s by the Rafale F3R


The French aircraft manufacturer Dassault will compete the Belgian Government will launch to replace its aging F-16. It will offer the "standard last update" of its Rafale fighter, the F3R. It will be available from 2018 and "industrial holdings" Belgian companies.

This is the group's CEO, Eric Trappier, who told the Belga agency.

Mr. Trappier was in Brussels on Tuesday to inaugurate the office opened by the Economic Interest Group (EIG) Rafale, made by Dassault Aviation, Snecma and Thales, whose mission is to ensure the promotion of this fighter plane versatile in Belgium.

The Defence Ministry has sent a questionnaire in June last five state agencies - two American, including the managing fighter F-35 JSF Lightning aka "Joint Strike Fighter" and three European - about five existing and capable fighter aircraft to succeed to the F-16 as part of the "Belgian Defence - Air Combat Capability (CLHIA) successor Program". These agencies should provide, by the end of November, figures including how many devices are required depending on them to ensure the required missions, in Belgium and abroad, as well as everyday training of drivers.

Mr. Trappier announced that France - in this case the Directorate General of Armaments (DGA), under the Ministry of Defence - respond to the questionnaire by offering the Rafale in its "last day standard" when signing the contract. "That is, a priori, the F3R that will be available, certified, qualified, from 2018," he explained during an interview with the Belga agency.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 25/11/2014 | 14:39 uur
In het Frans: Rafale in Qatar: Dassault very close to a first export contract: via @latribune
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 25/11/2014 | 15:11 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 25/11/2014 | 14:39 uur
In het Frans: Rafale in Qatar: Dassault very close to a first export contract: via @latribune

Qatar could buy 24 Rafale    (al ergens gelezen dat er in december getekend wordt voor de aankoop van 24 stuks)

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 25/11/2014 | 15:41 uur
Navy Plans for Fighter to Replace the F/A-18 Hornet in 2030s

Read more:

The Navy is beginning to work on a a next-generation carrier-launched fighter jet to replace the existing F/A-18 Super Hornet and Growler aircraft by 2030 and supplement the F-35C the Pentagon is still developing, service officials said.

The Navy effort, called the F/A-XX study, includes early work on the desired technological capabilities for the new aircraft. The idea is to have a new aircraft ready and producible by the time existing F/A-18s reach their end-of-service dates. Navy officials emphasize that the early work is in the very early stages and purely a conceptual effort to explore alternatives.

The Navy is analyzing industry proposals on the F/A-XX it started collecting two years ago. Navy officials are trying to pick out what they like and study potential ideas.

This effort is going on as the Navy considers various upgrades of the existing inventory of F/A-18s in order to extend its service life well into and beyond the 2030s. Nevertheless, unless more aircraft such as Growlers are purchased for future production, Boeing's domestic production of the F/A-18 will come to an end in the next several years.

Meanwhile, these early F/A-XX efforts are going on while the service vigorously pursues ongoing developmental testing of its F-35C, slated to be ready by 2018.

Navy officials did say the platform would be a sixth-generation fighter but emphasized that service experts were reluctant to talk about the new aircraft because so much has yet to be determined and the project was still in the very early stages.

Meanwhile, exactly how long the F/A-18 will fly remains somewhat of an open question. At a certain point the aircraft will eventually need to be replaced, however the Navy is still interested in acquiring more Growler electronic jamming aircraft and continues to upgrade the F/A-18 platform.

There are near term efforts such as the ongoing initiative to outfit 170 F/A-18E/F Block II fighter jets with a next-generation infrared sensor designed to locate air-to-air target in a high-threat electronic attack environment.

Infrared search and track, or IRST, system, is a long range sensor that searches for and detect infrared emissions, Navy officials said. Slated to be operational by 2017, the system can simultaneously track multiple targets and provide a highly effective air-to-air targeting capability.

While the Navy is making progress with existing modifications to the platform, the service is also looking into slightly longer-term anti-surface-warfare upgrades to the aircraft such as improving the active electronically scanned array radar and forward looking infrared radar technologies such as IRST, Navy officials said.

Alongside upgrades to the platform that are already underway such as targeting improvements and experimentation with conformal fuel tanks and an external weapons pod, the Navy is investing research dollars into upgrading the plane's sensors, radar and computer  systems, Capt. Frank Morley, program manager for the F/A-18 and EA-18G Growler aircraft told Military​.com in an interview last summer.

One analyst said if Navy F/A-XX developers seek to engineer a sixth-generation aircraft, they will likely explore a range of next-generation technologies such as maximum sensor connectivity, super cruise ability and an aircraft with electronically configured "smart skins."

Maximum connectivity would mean massively increased communications and sensor technology such as having an ability to achieve real-time connectivity with satellites, other aircraft and anything that could provide relevant battlefield information, said Richard Aboulafia, vice-president of analysis at the Teal Group, a Va.-based consultancy.

Hypersonic Scramjets

The new aircraft might also seek to develop the ability to fire hypersonic weapons, however such a development would hinge upon successful progress with yet-to-be-proven technologies such as scramjets, Aboulafia added.

Super cruise technology would enable the new fighter jet to cruise at supersonic speeds without needing afterburner, he explained.

Smart aircraft skins would involve dispersing certain technologies or sensors across the fuselage and further integrating them into the aircraft itself, Aboulafia said.

'Smart skins with distributed electronics means that instead of having systems mounted on the aircraft, you would have apertures integrated on the skin of the aircraft," he said.

This could reduce drag, increase speed and maneuverability while increasing the technological ability of the sensors.

Finally, Aboulafia said the Navy may be interested in developing a super-capable air-dominance or air-to-air fighter capability as a new, next-generation aircraft to replace the F-14 Tomcat – an aircraft known for its air-to-air fighter capability.

Navy officials said the F/A-18 is the current replacement for the F-14 Tomcat.

Also, about 20 years ago the Navy was interested in acquiring a Navy variant of the F-22 through what was called the Naval Advanced Tactical Fighter program, Aboulafia explained. This effort never came to fruition, leaving the Navy without a fifth-generation air-dominance platform, Aboulafia said.

While the Navy's F-35C is engineered for strike missions, next-generation sensor fusion, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance and air-to-air combat, experts maintain it does not have the fifth-generation air-to-air dominance and speed of the F-22. Nevertheless, Navy officials emphasize that the now-in-development F-35C is the service's fifth-generation platform.

Read more:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 25/11/2014 | 16:06 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 25/11/2014 | 15:41 uur
Navy Plans for Fighter to Replace the F/A-18 Hornet in 2030s

Zie « Antwoord #97 Gepost op: 21/11/2014   :angel:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 26/11/2014 | 07:10 uur
The Russian Air Force's Super Weapon: Beware the PAK-FA Stealth Fighter

Dave Majumdar

November 26, 2014

The Russian Sukhoi T-50 PAK-FA stealth fighter could prove to be a formidable competitor to American fifth-generation combat aircraft such as the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor and F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. Indeed, in some measures, the new Russian warplane will exceed both U.S.-built jets, but the PAK-FA is not without its flaws.

"The analysis that I have seen on the PAK-FA indicates a pretty sophisticated design that is at least equal to, and some have said even superior to U.S. fifth-generation aircraft," former U.S. Air Force intelligence chief Lt. Gen. Dave Deptula told the National Interest. "It certainly has greater agility with its combination of thrust vectoring, all moving tail surfaces, and excellent aerodynamic design, than does the F-35."

Indeed, the PAK-FA appears to be optimized for the air-superiority role like the F-22 more so than the multirole, strike-optimized F-35. Like the Raptor, the PAK-FA is being designed to fly high and fast to impart the maximum amount of launch energy to its arsenal of long-range air-to-air missiles—which would greatly increase the range of those missiles.

"Performance-wise it certainly looks to compete with the Raptor," one senior military official with extensive experience on U.S. fifth-generation fighters told the National Interest.

Like the F-22, the Russian machine is expected to be able to cruise supersonically for extended periods of time—probably faster than Mach 1.5. The aircraft's maximum speed should be greater than Mach 2.0—assuming its low observables coatings can handle the stress.

However, unlike the American fifth-generation aircraft, the PAK-FA places less emphasis of stealth, and much more emphasis on maneuverability. While it could compete with the Raptor in terms of raw kinematic performance, the PAK-FA greatly exceeds the F-35. And that performance margin might increase.

The Russian aircraft is currently powered by modified versions of the Su-30 Flanker's engines called the Izdeliye 117 or AL-41F1, which produce about 33,000 pounds of thrust. The engine, which runs far hotter than the original AL-31 engines from which it was derived, is not proving to be as reliable as initially hoped. But the current engines are only temporary. Later production variants of the PAK-FA are expected to be powered by a new engine called the Izdeliye 30, which should enter service in 2020.

The Russian jet is also equipped with a powerful avionics suite, which is an evolution of Sukhoi's work on the Flanker-series fighters. "Indications are that the avionics are derived from the Su-35S with the addition of a very high power-aperture X-band multimode AESA radar," Deptula said.

Further, there are indications that the PAK-FA is also equipped with L-band radar arrays, which are able to detect the presence of a fighter-sized stealth aircraft. While the L-band radar would not allow the PAK-FA to target a stealth aircraft, it would allow the pilot to focus the jet's other sensors on a particular area of the sky.

In addition to radars and electronic support measures, the PAK-FA is equipped with infrared search and track capabilities.

While the Russians have made enormous leaps in their sensor capabilities, U.S. warplanes still hold the edge in terms of sensor and data-fusion, which is critical for modern warfare. "The real question is can the Russians achieve the same degree of data fusion and networking capabilities of the F-22A and F-35—right now I'd put my money on the U.S. and our allies in that regard," Deptula said.

A senior U.S. industry official agreed with Deptula's assessment. In terms of its avionics, the PAK-FA is closer to a Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet or F-16E/F Block 60 than an F-22 or F-35. "Some may claim that the PAK-FA is a 5th gen. fighter, but it's more of a 4.5 gen. fighter by U.S. standards," the industry official said.

In fact, the PAK-FA's lack of true sensor fusion and comprehensive data links that are on par with its American counterparts may prove to be its Achilles' heel. U.S. strategists are moving towards an approach where every aircraft or surface ship can act as a sensor for any aircraft, ship or vehicle that carries a weapon. The launch aircraft might not even guide the weapon once it has been fired. The U.S. Navy is already implementing a construct called the Naval Integrated Fire Control-Counter Air (NIFC-CA) that would do just that. The Air Force, too, is working on something similar.

"In the future—while aerodynamic performance will continue to be important—speed, range and payload to a greater degree than maneuverability. Even more important will be the ability to ubiquitously share knowledge to the point that we have faster decision advantage than any adversary," Deptula said. "This is the notion of the 'combat cloud.' It's more about how we integrate the sensor-shooters that are resident in systems coming online, more than it is about new platforms."

The senior military official agreed with Deptula's assessment, but added that the PAK-FA has another vulnerability, too. The Russians generally do not have a requirement to fight inside a dense, highly advanced integrated air defense system (IADS) like a U.S. jet would. As such, while the PAK-FA does have stealthy features, it places far less emphasis on low observables technology than does the F-22 or F-35. "Its failure to prioritize stealth and sensor fusion make it vulnerable to both Western fifth-gen. fighters, certainly the F-22," the official said. "When you look at the concept the USAF [U.S. Air Force] will apply with the F-22/F-35 team, the PAK-FA will run in to significant challenges."

The Chinese, however, are a different story. "That scenario, by the way, is exactly why the Chinese see value in the J-20 and J-31 combo," the senior official said.

In any case, while Russia might be able to develop a very capable fifth-generation fighter, there are questions as to whether the country can produce such a machine. The Soviet industrial base was always optimized to produce large quantities with relatively crude quality controls. However, stealth technology requires a level of manufacturing precision that Russia has never demonstrated before—especially after collapse of its industrial base in the years that followed the demise of the Soviet Union. "It has a long way to go before reaching IOC [initial operational capability]," the senior industry official said. "Both the Russians and Chinese have yet to ramp-up production of one of their new generation fighters. The Russians have to first resuscitate their aerospace industrial capacity.... and neither has the stealth technology, manufacturing, and operational experience like the U.S."

Senior U.S. Air Force officials concurred with the industry official's assessment. "I will mention that getting a fifth-gen. aircraft from brochure to fully functional and reliable is very difficult," a senior Air Force official said. "They don't have as much experience as our industrial base with some of the capability they want in it and it is still pretty hard for us to do, so I predict growing pains in fielding."

Comprehensively assessing the PAK-FA before it is fielded is a difficult proposition even for those with access to military intelligence data. "It's tough to tell until the PAK-FA goes into production," another senior Air Force official said. "I doubt they'll be on par with our fifth-gen. fighters, but we don't have many and they'll likely overmatch any fourth-gen. [fighter like the F-15, F-16 or F/A-18.]"

Nonetheless, the United States has started to work on shaping the requirements for the next-generation successors to the F-22 and F-35 in the form of the Air Force F-X air-superiority fighter and the U.S. Navy's F/A-XX next-generation strike fighter. But even before then, there are steps the Pentagon can take to mitigate the threat from Russian and Chinese stealth fighters.

"Fifth-gen. aircraft and information technologies are enabling new concepts of operation that we have yet to fully exploit. I'd suggest that is where we put our energy before spending a lot of time and money building another evolutionary fighter," Deptula said. "LRS-B [Long Range Strike-Bomber], if properly designed for growth, will be the next major component of this concept than will be F-X and F/A-XX."

Deptula said that fully integrating the Pentagon's disparate weapons so that they function as a coherent whole would provide capabilities beyond what a new aircraft might provide. "Future developments in data sharing promise to dramatically enhance the way that combat effects are attained as individual aerospace assets are fully integrated with sea, land, space and cyber systems to form an omnipresent defense complex," he said. "Individual systems connected together to form a self-forming/self healing 'combat cloud' and able to leverage their respective strengths, while simultaneously circumventing specific system weaknesses and vulnerabilities is where we need to be heading. This could well be the basis of the next 'offset strategy' that the [Secretary of Defense] and his deputy are now championing."

Dave Majumdar has been covering defense since 2004. He currently writes for the U.S. Naval Institute, Aviation Week and The Daily Beast, among others. Majumdar previously covered national security issues at Flight International, Defense News and C4ISR Journal. Majumdar studied Strategic Studies at the University of Calgary and is a student of naval history.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 27/11/2014 | 08:58 uur
Italy Keeps F-35 Investment At Minimum, Aims for Maximum Returns

F35: Continue As Planned By the Motions Approved By the House 
(Source: Italian Ministry of Defence; issued Nov 24, 2014)
(Issued in Italian only; unofficial translation by

ROME --- Contrary to the recent assertions by some media regarding the four motions presented to the House, the three motions that were approved last September 24 with the support of the Government all require that we proceed with the F-35 program, albeit while adopting a particular focus on maximizing economic returns.

The Government is working exactly in this direction, and is proceeding with the lowest levels of investment that is required to maintain the Final Assembly and Check-Out (FACO) facility at Cameri fully operational, also with regard to future international orders.

Minister Pinotti informed Parliament of these activities as early as October 2, so there is demonstrably nothing new, as stated.

Consequently, the most recent news reports are over two months late, and were published after other media had widely reported the same events.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 27/11/2014 | 09:32 uur
A-10 Warthog jet is back in business

The A-10 Warthog Is Back in Iraq — And Just in Time

The low- and slow-flying A-10 Warthog jet is back in the Middle East—seven years after the attack planes withdrew.

The prospect of A-10s joining the war against Islamic State was subject to rumors in September, when elements of the Indiana Air National Guard's 122nd Fighter Wing—which flies the twin-engine A-10—deployed to Southwest Asia.

While it's not clear whether the Indiana A-10s have carried out any strikes against Islamic State yet ... they surely will soon. The Warthogs' mission is to provide close-air support to Iraqi army and police and Kurdish Peshmerga troops fighting on the ground.

(voor gehele artikel zie link)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Enforcer op 27/11/2014 | 09:47 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 27/11/2014 | 09:32 uur
A-10 Warthog jet is back in business

Minimaal 30 jaar oud en nog steeds van grote toegevoegde waarde. Echt jammer dat er zo veel tegenwerking is van de "top brass", omdat het een werkpaard is ipv een raspaard.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 27/11/2014 | 09:55 uur
Citaat van: Enforcer op 27/11/2014 | 09:47 uur
Minimaal 30 jaar oud en nog steeds van grote toegevoegde waarde. Echt jammer dat er zo veel tegenwerking is van de "top brass", omdat het een werkpaard is ipv een raspaard.

Mee eens, ik zie dan ook graag dat ze in dienst blijven en tzt worden opgevolgd door een waardige vervanger.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Enforcer op 27/11/2014 | 09:56 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 27/11/2014 | 09:55 uur
Mee eens, ik zie dan ook graag dat ze in dienst blijven en tzt worden opgevolgd door een waardige vervanger.


Het zijn de beschermengelen van de grondtroepen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 27/11/2014 | 10:41 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 27/11/2014 | 09:55 uur
Mee eens, ik zie dan ook graag dat ze in dienst blijven en tzt worden opgevolgd door een waardige vervanger.

+ 1, ... maar die waardige opvolger ?? .... de beoogde opvolger ala F-35 is in mijn ogen geen opvolger, maar of de USAF wil investeren in een nieuw CAS platform, dat weet ik niet.

Volgens mij willen ze liever van 15 km hoogte een "slimme bom" laten vallen dan dat ze toestellen op 50 meter hoogte laten rond schieten met hun 30 mm kanon. En zo'n kanon ... pffff ... dat is zooo ouderwets ... dat zeiden ze in het begin van de Vietnam oorlog ook, het tegendeel is bewezen. 
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 27/11/2014 | 10:58 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 27/11/2014 | 10:41 uur
+ 1, ... maar die waardige opvolger ?? .... de beoogde opvolger ala F-35 is in mijn ogen geen opvolger, maar of de USAF wil investeren in een nieuw CAS platform, dat weet ik niet.

Volgens mij willen ze liever van 15 km hoogte een "slimme bom" laten vallen dan dat ze toestellen op 50 meter hoogte laten rond schieten met hun 30 mm kanon. En zo'n kanon ... pffff ... dat is zooo ouderwets ... dat zeiden ze in het begin van de Vietnam oorlog ook, het tegendeel is bewezen. 

Tja.. ik zie in geen enkel gevechtsvliegtuig, en in dit geval reken ik ook de B1 mee, als een waardig opvolger. Wat mij betreft ontwikkelen ze een A11? of bouwen ze simpelweg nieuwe A10C en noemen dit A10E of de A10NG.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 27/11/2014 | 12:07 uur
Why USAF hates A-10 and why it can't be replaced   (interessant artikel, gedeeltelijk geplaatst maar wel aan te bevelen om het geheel te lezen)

A-10 was, along with F-16, one of two tactical aircraft created by Fighter Mafia for USAF. Notably, while USAF managed to screw up F-16 by adding bombing and BVR capabilities, A-10 is still relatively unchanged, with exception of new electronics. It is safe, efficient, durable, reliable and cheap, managing to operate in wider range of meteorological conditions than any other aircraft. Its design allows it to evade most of ground fire, and to soak up the rest and still bring the pilot home safely. It can fly at speeds comparable to WW2 turboprops, allowing it to carry out Close Air Support. While it has performed admirably, USAF wants do retire it, with explanation that it is old, vulnerable, and that precision weapons render its capabilities – including its massive 30 mm Gattling gun – unnecessary.

But the real reason for that move is because the A-10 goes against everything USAF believes in. A-10 is the ultimate proof that highly capable and effective weapons do not need to be complex or costly, and that going up close and personal with target is oftentimes the only way to get things done. In fact, USAF only rushed it in production so that the Army does not take over entire CAS mission.


For the end note, A-10s not only should not be retired, they (and tactical aircraft in general) should be employed in the same way Wehrmacht employed Stukas and single-engine fighters in World War II: keeping them under nominal command of Air Force, but assigning them to larger ground units, to be under operational command of that unit's command staff, with CAS aircraft being permanently assigned to units, and air superiority aircraft assigned and reassigned as situation required.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 28/11/2014 | 10:37 uur
MiG-31 fighter force to get $630 million upgrade

November 28, 2014 The Moscow Times   

The move comes amid a 20 trillion rouble ($500 billion) ongoing state rearmament program and rising tensions over Ukraine.

Russia's Defence Ministry has signed a 30 billion rouble ($630 million) contract with a major state-owned aircraft manufacturer to modernize over 50 of its high-speed MiG-31 interceptor jets, the RIA Novosti news agency reported.

The move comes amid a 20 trillion rouble ($500 billion) ongoing state rearmament program and rising tensions over Ukraine that have seen Russian jets repeatedly test the boundaries of NATO airspace in recent months.

"The armed forces will receive over 50 modernized MiG-31s by the end of 2018," RIA quoted Deputy Defense Minister Yury Borisov as saying Thursday. The modernization will be carried out by Russia's largest aircraft manufacturer, United Aircraft Corporation.

The MiG-31 is a classic Soviet aircraft. Designed in the 1970s as a follow on to the MiG-25 supersonic interceptor jet, the plane is a supersonic bomber killer.

Around 120 of the fighters remain in service today, RIA reported.

The MiG-31 is capable of intercepting and destroying any target from low-flying satellites to cruise missiles. A group of interceptors can control a large portion of air space, by directing fighters to any target, as well as ground-based anti-aircraft missiles.

This aircraft was called the "flying radar" by the pilots, for its unique avionics capabilities. This complex has at its basis the 'Barrier' control system, equipped with the world's first phased-array antenna. This PAA differs from the classic radar as it allows to move the beam at a fixed antenna, as well as to create the necessary number of rays, tracking multiple targets simultaneously.

Modernized MiG-31s are outfitted with new avionics and fire control systems, and can simultaneously fire on six targets within a 280-kilometre radius.

The U.S. and most other Western air forces phased out dedicated bomber interceptors by the time the MiG-31 entered service in 1975, as the focus of Soviet nuclear strategy focused on ballistic missiles. However, the Soviets saw continued need to operate fighters capable of dealing with the comparatively massive U.S. strategic bomber fleet in the event of nuclear conflict.

Russia has already modernized around 20 MiG-31s, according to media reports. A separate contract to modernize 60 of the aircraft by 2020 was signed with United Aircraft Corporation in 2011, RIA reported.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 01/12/2014 | 05:51 uur
Argentina's Jet Fighter Replacement Options Narrow

Nov. 30, 2014 - 02:04PM   |   By JOSÉ HIGUERA and USMAN ANSARI   

BUENOS AIRES AND ISLAMABAD — The UK's moves to block the sale of Gripen fighters to Argentina has triggered a round of angry accusations in Buenos Aires, while laying bare Argentina's dilemmas in replenishing its fighter fleet after years of neglect.

It also raised the prospect of Argentina purchasing fighters from Russia or China, experts said.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 01/12/2014 | 10:40 uur
China moves ahead to develop sixth-generation fighter

Staff Reporter 2014-12-01

China is moving ahead to develop a sixth-generation stealth fighter after it finishes the fifth-generation J-20 and J-31, Igor Korotchenko, head of the Centre for Analysis of World Arms Trade, has told the Moscow-based Voice of Russia.

The United States is the first nation to forge plans for the design of a sixth-generation fighter. Several artist renditions have already been revealed by Lockheed Martin and Boeing. In an official statement, the US Navy claimed that a sixth-generation fighter — called FAXX — will replace the F/A-18E/F Super Hornets and EA-18G Growler by 2030. A source from the US military said that the Department of Defense has already prepared a budget for the development of FAXX in 2015.

Russia has recently gotten on board with its own next generation fighter program, said Andrei Grigoryev, the head of the Foundation for Advanced Military Research. The real "secondnd place," however, has to go to China in the race, said Korotchenko. A research team was established in northeastern China's Shenyang much earlier than Russia for the country's 6th-gen program.

China is the only nation capable of designing two types of fifth-generation fighters in such a short period of time. With experience gained from the development of the J-20 and J-31, China has enough resources to carry out its next-gen program. China's next fighter is likely to be an unmanned aerial vehicle, said Korotchenko.

While the definition of "sixth-generation" is not clear yet, most believe such an aircraft must be equipped with a laser or railgun.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 01/12/2014 | 10:49 uur
Citaat van: Vandaag om 10:40
China moves ahead to develop sixth-generation fighter

Als alle huidige 6e generatie ambities (wat het ook uiteindelijk moge zijn) worden waargemaakt dan lijkt de 5e generatie het niet zolang als de 4e generatie te gaan redden.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 01/12/2014 | 10:56 uur
"No Royal Navy, but American F-35s on board British aircraft carrier"

Not the Royal Navy/Royal Air Force's 14 planned F-35Bs will sail with the new British aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth, but similar stealthy fighters of the United States Marine Corps. At least in the first years of the sea operations of the new naval asset if London will have its way, according to fresh reports from BBC Newsnight.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 01/12/2014 | 11:08 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 01/12/2014 | 10:49 uur
Als alle huidige 6e generatie ambities (wat het ook uiteindelijk moge zijn) worden waargemaakt dan lijkt de 5e generatie het niet zolang als de 4e generatie te gaan redden.  

Tsja, dat wordt ook deels geholpen door het gebruik van de generatie term als marketing tool. Die generaties zijn vage termen. Sommigen zien all-round stealth bijvoorbeeld als een 5de generatie eigenschap, anderen zeggen weer dat de F35 ook een 5de generatie toestel is.

En toen Lockheed Martin met die 5de generatie term kwam ontstond er nog iets geks, namelijk een veelvoud aan 4de generatie toestellen, 4th gen, 4,5th gen, 4+ gen, 4++ gen etc. Ondertussen vliegt er 1 toestel dat door iedereen vijfde generatie wordt genoemd, en dat is de F22, die het vzv bekend zonder fatsoenlijke IRST moet doen en niet beschikt over side&rear looking radars.

En is ook logisch. Met alle bezuinigingen is het gevecht om het budget heftig. En congress is nu eenmaal makkelijker te overtuigen dat een 6de generatie nodig is, zeker als de Chinezen dat ook al hebben, dan dat je ze een 5.2 generation voorhoud, whatever het allemaal mag betekenen.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 01/12/2014 | 11:10 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 01/12/2014 | 11:08 uur
Tsja, dat wordt ook deels geholpen door het gebruik van de generatie term als marketing tool. Die generaties zijn vage termen. Sommigen zien all-round stealth bijvoorbeeld als een 5de generatie eigenschap, anderen zeggen weer dat de F35 ook een 5de generatie toestel is.

En toen Lockheed Martin met die 5de generatie term kwam ontstond er nog iets geks, namelijk een veelvoud aan 4de generatie toestellen, 4th gen, 4,5th gen, 4+ gen, 4++ gen etc. Ondertussen vliegt er 1 toestel dat door iedereen vijfde generatie wordt genoemd, en dat is de F22, die het vzv bekend zonder fatsoenlijke IRST moet doen en niet beschikt over side&rear looking radars.

En is ook logisch. Met alle bezuinigingen is het gevecht om het budget heftig. En congress is nu eenmaal makkelijker te overtuigen dat een 6de generatie nodig is, zeker als de Chinezen dat ook al hebben, dan dat je ze een 5.2 generation voorhoud, whatever het allemaal mag betekenen.

Zo iets ja...
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 01/12/2014 | 11:28 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 01/12/2014 | 05:51 uur
Argentina's Jet Fighter Replacement Options Narrow

Nov. 30, 2014 - 02:04PM   |   By JOSÉ HIGUERA and USMAN ANSARI   

BUENOS AIRES AND ISLAMABAD — The UK's moves to block the sale of Gripen fighters to Argentina has triggered a round of angry accusations in Buenos Aires, while laying bare Argentina's dilemmas in replenishing its fighter fleet after years of neglect.

It also raised the prospect of Argentina purchasing fighters from Russia or China, experts said.

Vooral het stukje over het backfiren van de Britse efforts is wel interessant. De JF-17 zou hier wel eens een succes kunnen boeken. En dat betekend niet alleen dat er in geval van oplopende spanningen geen blokkade op de onderdelen toevoer kan worden gezet, gezien de lage prijs kan de luchtmacht ook nog wel eens, in de verre toekomst, betekenis volle aantallen gaan verkrijgen. De aantallen waar nu over gesproken word zijn sowieso niet voldoende om een serieuze campagne te ondernemen.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 01/12/2014 | 11:52 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 01/12/2014 | 10:56 uur
"No Royal Navy, but American F-35s on board British aircraft carrier"

Not the Royal Navy/Royal Air Force's 14 planned F-35Bs will sail with the new British aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth, but similar stealthy fighters of the United States Marine Corps. At least in the first years of the sea operations of the new naval asset if London will have its way, according to fresh reports from BBC Newsnight.

Dat verhaal wordt zo ook met de dag treuriger. Op Twitter werden al grappen gemaakt dat de Britten misschien wat Harriers van de Amerikanen kunnen overkopen tbv trainig  :crazy:
Als de Amerikanen er in mee gaan geeft het in ieder geval wat mogelijkheden met die schepen. Maar of het zo ver komt.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 01/12/2014 | 12:36 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 01/12/2014 | 11:08 uur
Tsja, dat wordt ook deels geholpen door het gebruik van de generatie term als marketing tool. Die generaties zijn vage termen. Sommigen zien all-round stealth bijvoorbeeld als een 5de generatie eigenschap, anderen zeggen weer dat de F35 ook een 5de generatie toestel is.

En toen Lockheed Martin met die 5de generatie term kwam ontstond er nog iets geks, namelijk een veelvoud aan 4de generatie toestellen, 4th gen, 4,5th gen, 4+ gen, 4++ gen etc. Ondertussen vliegt er 1 toestel dat door iedereen vijfde generatie wordt genoemd, en dat is de F22, die het vzv bekend zonder fatsoenlijke IRST moet doen en niet beschikt over side&rear looking radars.

En is ook logisch. Met alle bezuinigingen is het gevecht om het budget heftig. En congress is nu eenmaal makkelijker te overtuigen dat een 6de generatie nodig is, zeker als de Chinezen dat ook al hebben, dan dat je ze een 5.2 generation voorhoud, whatever het allemaal mag betekenen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 02/12/2014 | 17:08 uur
India about to buy 126 Rafale fighter planes from France  New Delhi, December 2, 2014

India is about to close a $15 billion defence-purchase deal with France for 126 Rafale fighter planes. The combat-tested Rafale has been in service for the French Air Force since 2006.

The deal would be France's first foreign sale of the planes. France and French manufacturer Dassault Aviation have been trying for years to sell the jets abroad without success.

Defense spokesman Sitanshu Kar told AP on Tuesday that Indian defense minister Manohar Parrikar met his french counterpart Jean-Yves Le Drian on Monday as part of an official visit to India.

"All issues related to defense were discussed including the Rafale," Kar said. "Both sides decided to adopt a fast track approach wherever there are differences."

A French defense official, who was not authorized to discuss the matter publicly, also said that the two defense ministers agreed to accelerate negotiations.

India has become the world's biggest arms importer as an economic boom has allowed it to modernize its military. Major arms manufacturers are wooing the country as it replaces its obsolete Soviet-era weapons and buys new equipment. India already has a fleet of the older Mirage jets.

India's air force has around 700 fighter aircraft and is only exceeded in size by the United States, Russia and China.

Growing worries about China's fast-expanding military and the decades-old mistrust of Pakistan have fueled India's impetus to add heft to its defense forces.

The Rafale has struggled to find an export market because of its high cost, complexity and a design that was a marked shift from France's last big-name fighter jet, the Mirage.

Competing jets from the United States and Russia such as the General Dynamics F-16, McDonnell Douglas F-15 and the Sukhoi Su-27 have grabbed a large slice of the market.

Deals for Brazil, Libya and Switzerland to buy the Rafale have all fallen through, often at the last minute.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 02/12/2014 | 19:04 uur
CitaatIndia's air force has around 700 fighter aircraft and is only exceeded in size by the United States, Russia and China.

Dat is inclusief een stuk of 300 Mig-21 en mig-27's, die nu al weinig waarde hebben, en de komende jaren allen met pensioen gestuurd zullen worden. Het binnendruppelen van de Tejas zal onvoldoende zijn om dat op te vangen. Zeker als je bedenkt dat de Chinezen, die nu ook nog met honderden Mig-21's en generatie genoten, maar zijn die wel keihard aan het vervangen. En daar komt dan de Pakistaanse luchtmacht met ruim 300 toestellen nog bij.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 03/12/2014 | 15:27 uur
Israel Reduces F-35 Buy — At Least For Now

TEL AVIV — In a rare reversal of the national security establishment, the Israeli government has decided to decrease the planned procurement of F-35A Joint Strike Fighters from 50 to 33 aircraft in the coming years.

Following a heated discussion in which the air force's requirement for two full squadrons was rejected, the Israeli government voted on Nov. 30 to buy 14 F-35s in addition to the 19 JSFs already under order. The Israeli ministry of defense, however, claims this is merely a decision to split the planned procurement of an additional 31 F-35s into two contracts, and that eventually, 50 JSFs will be procured.

According to Israeli defense sources, the U.S. has agreed to maintain the same conditions for the smaller purchase. Details of the newly approved buy, totaling $2.8 billion, were transferred to the Defense Department and Lockheed Martin. The contract would cover two additional simulators and spare parts for the fleet of 33 F-35As.

Israel's procurement of the F-35As is funded by U.S. military aid to Israel, which totals $3.1 billion annually. The U.S. has agreed to grant Israel credit to fund the procurement, and it had also committed to offset procurement of $5.3 billion.

Yet the Israeli government's decision reflects an unprecedented about-face; the decision had been approved by the minister of defense, the National Security Council and the previous government. Moreover, it was made several weeks after Defense Minister Moshe "Bogie" Ya'alon had agreed with the Pentagon on the procurement of more aircraft.

"It is a political decision that has nothing to do with defense requirements," a senior defense source told Aviation Week. "Israel will acquire a total of 50 JSFs, and it will be done in three batches."

Some news reports are suggesting the additional 17 F-35As would be put on contract in 2017.

Intelligence Minister Yuval Steinitz led the ministerial committee on military procurement to reject the air force's requirements, along with Finance Minister Yair Lapid and Agriculture Minister Yair Shamir. Presenting international studies questioning the aircraft, Steinitz has managed to assemble a majority with the ministerial panel against the defense ministry's position.

"I have presented extensive data and research, which at least raises questions about the performance of the aircraft," he says. "The [ministry of defense] is required to respect the government's decision."

The F-35 Joint Program Office in Washington, however, appears to have seen the decrease in quantity coming. "This is no surprise," said spokesman Joe Dellavedova. "We've been working very closely with the Israeli government to make sure they have the quantity on the timeline they need."

Mike Rein, a spokesman for Lockheed Martin, called reporting on Israel's debate over the F-35A buy "speculative" last week. Now, Rein said he is "honored" by the sale. "As the first nation to procure the F-35 through Foreign Military Sale option in 2010 ... Israel joins several other nations purchasing additional F-35s during the past two years. We will deliver the [Israeli air force's] first aircraft on time in 2016."

The ministerial recommended the procurement of an additional 13 aircraft. But Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has accepted the air force's request for an additional F-35, the 14th, which would serve as a testbed for Israeli technologies. Israel is still planning to adjust Rafael's Python 5 air-to-air missile and Spice air-to-ground munition to fit into the F-35 internal weapon bays. Israel also plans to install indigenous electronic warfare capabilities on the JSF.

Air Force Base Nevatim in southern Israel is already making preparations to receive the first F-35s in late 2016. Dubbed "Adir" (Great) in the Israeli air force, the initial 19 F-35As will constitute the first squadron procured under a $2.75 billion contract. An additional $7 million is being allocated to procure the first F-35's simulator, which will arrive in Israel ahead of the fighters.

The first two of Israel's F-35As are included in the eighth batch of low-rate, initial production aircraft; they will be delivered in fiscal year 2016. All of the first 19 jets are slated for delivery by the end of fiscal year 2018. Deliveries of the additional 14 jets would then begin the following year.

Because U.S. officials had an inkling that Israel's F-35A near-term buy could shrink, the orders were not factored into an ambitious promise to lower the per-unit price of the A variant — the most sought-after for international customers — to less than $85 million, including engines, in fiscal year 2019.

Today's jets, with engines, now exceed $100 million per unit, and that decline in cost is expected to be facilitated by an increase in buys from foreign partners in the next few years that has not been fully detailed by the program office or Lockheed.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 03/12/2014 | 15:32 uur
De vraag is natuurlijk, als er minder F35's worden aangeschaft omdat er serieuze twijfels over de kwaliteit bestaan, komt er dan een andere aanschaf voor in de plaats?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 03/12/2014 | 15:43 uur
The Myth of Declining F-35 Prices     (het gegoochel met de cijfers)


Dividing the $7,757.3 million value of all the Lot 6 contracts by the number of Lot 6 aircraft (36) produces an average unit cost of $215.5 million

It should be noted that these contracts do not include the aircraft's engine, whose cost ($15 to $25 million depending on the variant) is contracted separately. If engine costs are added, Lot 6 unit cost increases to about $235 million.


Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 04/12/2014 | 12:33 uur
Nigeria may buy JF-17 Thunder fighters from Pakistan

Staff Reporter 2014-12-04

After purchasing two stealth frigates from China, Nigeria may order one or two fighter squadrons of the JF-17 Thunder multirole fighters jointly developed by China and Pakistan, Iranian defense expert Farhan Bokhari wrote in an article for Jane's Defence Weekly on Dec. 2.

Designed by Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group and Pakistan Aeronautical Complex, the JF-17 Thunder is also known as FC-1 Xiaolong in China. More than 50 JF-17 fighters have entered service with the Pakistan Air Force since 2007. The 26th and 16th squadrons of the Pakistan Air Force are the first and currently the only two operational units to use the fighters. China took part in designing and producing the plane, made for the export market rather than for the People's Liberation Army.

Nations including Algeria, Argentina, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Egypt, Iran, Lebanon, Malaysia, Morocco, Nigeria, Sri Lanka and Uruguay are reportedly interested in purchasing JF-17 from either Pakistan or China. A senior official from the Pakistani defense ministry told Bokhari that Chief Air Marshal Adesola Nunayon Amosu of the Nigerian Air Force expressed interest in the JF-17 during a visit to Pakistan on October.

Pakistan suggested Nigeria purchase between 25 and 40 JF-17 fighters, the official told Bokhari during the International Defence Exhibition and Seminar in Karachi, sufficient for one of two squadrons.

After producing 50 Block 1 JF-17 fighters, the Pakistan Air Force began production of another 50 Block II JF-17 fighters in 2013.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/12/2014 | 09:58 uur
The Russian Bear Roars in the Sky: Beware the Deadly Su-35 Fighter

Dave Majumdar / December 6, 2014

The Sukhoi Su-35S Flanker-E is the most potent fighter currently in operation with the Russian Air Force. The powerful twin-engine fighter, which is an advanced derivative of the original Soviet-era Su-27, is high flying, fast and carries an enormous payload. That, combined with its advanced suite of avionics, makes the Su-35 an extremely dangerous foe to any U.S. fighter, with the exception of the stealthy Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor. That is one of the reasons the Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force is keen to acquire the new jet.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/12/2014 | 10:40 uur
India and Russia signed Inter-Governmental Agreement for developing Multi Role Fighter Aircraft


India and Russia signed an Inter-Governmental Agreement for designing, developing and producing the Multi Role Fighter Aircraft. The announcement was made by Union Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar on 5 December 2014 during the parliamentary session.

Moreover, Indian Fighter aircraft MIG 21 is being phased out and aircrafts MIG 29 are being procured from Russia. With the fifth generation stealth technology, the aircraft strikes would be high as they cannot be immediately detected by radar.

However, no deal has been struck with Russia for procurement of Fighter Aircraft equipped with stealth technology. Till date, no agreement has been signed with any country for the procurement or purchase of fighter aircrafts.

Apart from these Multi Role Fighter Aircrafts, around 20-30 indigenously-built Light Combat Aircraft Tejas will also be commissioned soon by India.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Zander op 07/12/2014 | 11:33 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/12/2014 | 10:40 uur
India and Russia signed Inter-Governmental Agreement for developing Multi Role Fighter Aircraft


India and Russia signed an Inter-Governmental Agreement for designing, developing and producing the Multi Role Fighter Aircraft. The announcement was made by Union Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar on 5 December 2014 during the parliamentary session.

Moreover, Indian Fighter aircraft MIG 21 is being phased out and aircrafts MIG 29 are being procured from Russia. With the fifth generation stealth technology, the aircraft strikes would be high as they cannot be immediately detected by radar.

However, no deal has been struck with Russia for procurement of Fighter Aircraft equipped with stealth technology. Till date, no agreement has been signed with any country for the procurement or purchase of fighter aircrafts.

Apart from these Multi Role Fighter Aircrafts, around 20-30 indigenously-built Light Combat Aircraft Tejas will also be commissioned soon by India.

Daar gaat alle tech  en knowhow betreffende  de rafale. .............
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 07/12/2014 | 14:02 uur
Citaat van: Zander op 07/12/2014 | 11:33 uur
Daar gaat alle tech  en knowhow betreffende  de rafale. .............

Inderdaad. Maargoed dat wisten de Fransen al toen ze de handtekening onder het contract met India hebben gezet.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 08/12/2014 | 09:34 uur
F-35 has fuel temperature issue

For decades the US Air Force has been training from all of its bases – desert and arctics alike – with green fuel trucks providing the necessary dope to its fighter jets. But, with the coming introduction of the newest stealthy combat aircraft, the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II, there is all of a sudden a problem. The green trucks on hot bases are making the fuel for the jet too warm. This was discovered by ground personnel at Luke AFB, currently the major F-16 training hub of the USAF and the place where the future F-35 jocks will learn their basic skills.

"We painted the refuelers white to reduce the temperature of fuel being delivered to the F-35 Lightning II joint strike fighter," said Senior Airman Jacob Hartman, a 56th LRS fuels distribution operator to a 56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs officer. "The F-35 has a fuel temperature threshold and may not function properly if the fuel temperature is too high, so after collaborating with other bases and receiving waiver approval from the Air Education Training Command, we painted the tanks of old trucks white."

How the fuel temperature issue will effect the combat readiness of the new backbone of the US fighter force and many other air forces worldwide during operations in – let's say – the Southwest Asia – is still uncertain.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 10/12/2014 | 00:08 uur
Crew Interviews from F-35C Sea Trials
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 10/12/2014 | 09:31 uur
First F-35 Assembled In Italy To Roll Out Early Next Year

Officials in Italy are preparing for the rollout of their first F-35A from the final assembly and checkout (FACO) facility at Cameri Air Base in northern Italy early next year.

That first aircraft is slated to roll off the line by March 2015.

Italy invested about $1 billion in building the facility amid political infighting about the status of purchases for the fighter; it began operations last year. Cameri is the site of Italy's hub for long-running Eurofighter Typhoon and Tornado work.

The military leadership there had hoped to assemble at least 250 fighters at the FACO, including Italy's original plan for 131 fighters in addition to the Netherlands' original plan for 85.

Though the final numbers are up in the air, Italy designed the FACO with significant work growth in mind. Rome is likely a top contender as the Pentagon assesses options for a heavy airframe repair in Europe; an announcement on the final selection is expected early next year.

Italy opted to forgo the "moving" production line originally envisioned for Lockheed Martin's Fort Worth facility. Rome has, however, installed 11 workstations suited for final assembly work, including four for the electronic mating and assembly system (EMAS) customized for F-35 work. These are the same EMASs used in Fort Worth. But at least five workstations were designed for maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) tasks there, and some can be reconfigured should more MRO work be needed.

Italy's design was aggressive by nature. Defense officials estimate there is $18.6 billion in economic opportunity for local business associated with MRO work, Lt. Gen. Domenico Esposito, who heads the Italian air force's procurements, told Aviation Week last year.

Meanwhile, work on constructing Japan's FACO in Nagoya continues; construction began in May. The first major subcomponents are slated to be loaded into Japan's electronic mate and assembly tooling – the same tooling used for assembly at Lockheed Martin's final assembly plant in Fort Worth – in December 2015.

The first four of Japan's 42 F-35s will come from the Forth Worth plant. The first Japanese assembled F-35A is slated to roll off the line in Nagoya in fall 2017, with delivery for operations in 2018.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 11/12/2014 | 12:13 uur

The Italian aerospace and defence company Alenia Aermacchi, working closely with its Eurofighter partners, has successfully conducted the first release of a Storm Shadow missile from a Eurofighter Typhoon aircraft as part of its missile integration programme.

The trials took place in November and saw the missile being released from the aircraft and tracked by radar up to impact. 

Storm Shadow provides a significant leap in the Eurofighter Typhoon's operational capabilities, enabling the platform to deploy multiple weapons at a very long range well clear of danger from air defences.

Alberto Gutierrez, Chief Executive Officer of Eurofighter GmbH said: "The trials represents an important step forward in the development and integration of the Storm Shadow weapon system onto the Eurofighter Typhoon.  The results help pave the way for full integration of the missile onto the aircraft for operational use."

In parallel to the flight trials led by Alenia Aermacchi, another Eurofighter partner, BAE Systems, has completed the first trial installation of a Storm Shadow missile onto a RAF Typhoon with support from weapons provider MBDA. The confirmation of this procedure is an essential part of the integration contract.   

Storm Shadow, already in service with the Italian Air Force and Royal Air Force Tornados, is a conventionally armed, stealthy, long-range stand-off precision weapon designed to neutralise high value targets.

The new weapons system will add the capability to strike in day or night in all-weather conditions, well-defended infrastructure targets such as port facilities, control centres, bunkers, missile sites, airfields and bridges that would otherwise require several aircraft and missions. This is a new addition to the Eurofighter Typhoon's potent simultaneous multi-/swing-role capabilities.

Powered by a turbo-jet engine, with a range in excess of 250 km, the Storm Shadow missile weighs approximately 1.300kg and is just over 5 metres long. It will be available to operators when the Eurofighter Typhoon Phase 2 Enhancements become operational.

Background Information

Eurofighter Typhoon is the most advanced new generation multi-role/swing-role combat aircraft currently available on the world market. Seven nations (Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Austria, Saudi Arabia and Oman) have already ordered the Eurofighter Typhoon. Eurofighter Typhoon is currently the largest military procurement programme in Europe. Over 265,000 flying hours have already been accumulated and 421 aircraft delivered.

The high technology within the Programme strengthens the European aerospace industry in the international market and secures over 100,000 jobs in 400 companies. Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH manages the programme on behalf of the Eurofighter Partner Companies Alenia Aermacchi, BAE Systems and Airbus Defence and Space in Germany and Spain, which are the most important aviation and aerospace companies in Europe with a turnover of about 123.2 billion euro (2011).

The first tests on Storm Shadow integration for the Eurofighter began in December 2013 with development aircraft IPA2 operated by Alenia Aermacchi. Initially the Early Weapon Integration Flexibility tests featured a configuration of 2 Storm Shadow missiles, 2 AIM-9L Air-to-Air missiles, and 4 under fuselage Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAM).

Six further flights were then completed in the following weeks to assess the Storm Shadow's compatibility with the Eurofighter's Air Data System and Flutter & Structural Coupling tests were also carried out. An additional later flight was then performed with baseline configuration (2 AIM-9L, 4 under fuselages AMRAAM and 1 Fuel Tank only) for comparative analyses purposes. The assessment of the Performance & Loads on the aircraft while carrying the missiles was done in March 2014 in a programme known as Extended WIF phase 1. Five flights were performed with the Storm Shadows installed and a further three with baseline configuration. 

The recent inert drop-tests and store release trials will now be followed by work on the instrumented missiles for the Environmental Data Gathering tests known as Phase 3. Additional work will include flights with the automatic pilot set for new aircraft configuration, and further flights for assessing handling qualities. (

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 11/12/2014 | 12:16 uur

Lancashire, United Kingdom: A Typhoon aircraft has successfully completed the first in a series of live firings of the MBDA Meteor Beyond Visual Range Air-to-Air Missile. This continues the series of trials led by BAE Systems to demonstrate integration of the Meteor missile with Typhoon's weapon system.

Following contract signature in 2013 for the full integration of Meteor onto Typhoon, the trials continue to demonstrate that the weapon operates effectively with the aircraft.

Led by BAE Systems with support from MBDA, Selex, Qinetic and MOD, the trials were conducted in November 2014 at the MOD's Hebrides firing range in the UK and further developed and tested the integration of the missile with the weapon system as well as expanding the jettison envelope by conducting firings at different altitudes and speeds. The trials also tested the interface of the missile with the weapon system for both pre-launch priming and post launch datalink functions between the missile and radar.

Test pilot Nat Makepeace flew the sortie and said: "The aircraft and the weapon performed exactly as expected. It's very easy and intuitive to operate, and the trials demonstrated that we can operate in an expanded envelope safely and accurately. This is a significant step forward for the full integration of the Meteor missile onto the Typhoon aircraft."

Produced by MBDA, Meteor is an active radar guided missile designed to provide a multi-shot capability against long-range manoeuvring targets, such as fast jets, small unmanned aerial vehicles and cruise missiles in a heavy electronic countermeasures environment.

Capable of engaging air targets during day and night, and in all-weather conditions, the Meteor will complement Typhoon's existing missile systems, providing pilots with a greater choice of weapons during combat.

Further firing trials are scheduled to be carried out as part of the Meteor Integration contract to fully expand the launch envelope and weapon system integration which will culminate in the integration being complete in 2017.

These trials take place in a year that has seen progress across a range of programmes for Typhoon. The UK RAF are now operating the most advanced Typhoon to date with the latest Phase 1 Enhancement package now in operation. This upgrade delivers true simultaneous swing-role capability to Typhoon. Progress is also being made across a number of weapons programmes including the award of a full integration contract for the Storm Shadow weapon and the first multiple release of a Paveway IV bomb. A £800m contract to develop and fit the

Captor E-Scan radar was signed in November which will give Typhoon one of the most advanced radar systems in the world, providing a wider field of regard than any other combat aircraft. Typhoon is already regarded as one of the world's leading swing-role combat aircraft and continues to be upgraded to provide decades of effective, relevant effect. (

Video (
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 11/12/2014 | 12:40 uur
Ruim 10 jaar na de eerste operationeel geleverde kisten begint de Eurofighter langzaam een meer interessant platform te worden voor de aanstaande 20 jaar.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 11/12/2014 | 12:53 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 11/12/2014 | 12:40 uur
Ruim 10 jaar na de eerste operationeel geleverde kisten begint de Eurofighter langzaam een meer interessant platform te worden voor de aanstaande 20 jaar.

Testprogramma op de Gripen is zo goed als klaar, en op de EF  zijn ze pas in 2017 klaar, waar 2015 de planning was. Schiet niet op dit, dit is twee jaar vertraging, maar met alle andere programma's die er lopen zijn er nog wat risico's op vertraging.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 11/12/2014 | 13:14 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 11/12/2014 | 12:53 uur
Testprogramma op de Gripen is zo goed als klaar, en op de EF  zijn ze pas in 2017 klaar, waar 2015 de planning was. Schiet niet op dit, dit is twee jaar vertraging, maar met alle andere programma's die er lopen zijn er nog wat risico's op vertraging.

Daar heb je natuurlijk een punt en bedenk dat de EF rond medio jaren dertig vervangen zal moeten worden dus dat wordt dan (voor het gemak) een prima platform voor de halve levensduur.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 11/12/2014 | 17:39 uur
Wordt Egypte de officiële eerste Franse klant voor 23-26 Rafales? (en 2 FREMM Fregatten) nog voor de kerst 2014?

In het Frans

Er wordt blijkbaar ook gesproken over het doorverkopen van de Normandie (FREMM)

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Lex op 11/12/2014 | 18:13 uur
Italy, Turkey Selected For F-35 MRO Work In Europe

F-35 development partners Italy and Turkey are the big winners for major maintenance, repair and overhaul work in Europe for the single-engine, stealthy Lockheed Martin fighter.

The Pentagon plans to announce Thursday that Italy will be the primary location for heavy airframe maintenance, with Turkey initially handling heavy engine maintenance for the Pratt & Whitney F135. Both are expected to stand up operations by 2018. Norway and the Netherlands will provide additional heavy engine MRO capability by 2021 and the U.K. will be the site of heavy airframe maintenance should additional capacity be required for fighters in the region.

U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. Christopher Bogdan, F-35 program executive officer, is expected to announce the plans during a press roundtable on Thursday. "This is the first of many opportunities we will have to assign F-35 global sustainment solutions," Bogdan said. "As international F-35 deliveries increase and global operations expand, support provided by our international F-35 users becomes increasingly more important."

The selections were briefed to senior Pentagon leadership and provided to Congress by late Dec. 10. Aviation Week obtained a copy of the notification and discussed the decisions with a government source.

These assignments were based on data provided by European partners in the F-35 and their indigenous companies as well as practical regional considerations, such as forward basing, aircraft phasing and transportation. The assignments will be reassessed in five years. These choices are not exclusive. Should additional work be required, partners and foreign military sales customers can vie for work as the fleet grows.

Italy was the obvious choice for airframe work, as Rome invested at least $1 billion in a final-assembly-and-checkout (FACO) facility at Cameri Air Base in Northern Italy. The facility includes the same electronic mating and assembly (EMAS) tooling – only in fewer numbers – used by Lockheed Martin at its final assembly plant in Forth Worth. Four EMAS stations are at the Cameri site, but the facility includes 11 workstations, at least five of which are initially configured for MRO work.

The first Italian-assembled F-35A is slated to roll off this assembly line by March.

Turkey is also not a surprise choice for the engine work. F135 manufacturer Pratt & Whitney has agreed with the Turkish military to build an engine facility there and the company has arrangements with local companies to build parts for the propulsion system.

"We decided long ago that the best way to support globally the F-35 enterprise is to create three regions – North American, Pacific and European – and in each of those regions stand up some basic maintenance capabilities," Bogdan told reporters during an Oct. 30 press roundtable. The Pentagon plans to make use of these facilities for repair of its aircraft to avoid having to transit fighters operating in Europe to and from the continental U.S.

The repair centers are likely to be a boon for local industries in these areas, but countries offering to do the work had to ensure it would come at no additional cost to the program that could include more than 3,000 fighters globally over 50 years. Italian defense officials estimate the airframe repair facility alone will generate $18.6 billion in MRO work for industry there.

The Pentagon plans to announce selections for repair work in the Pacific region later. The likely choices for airframe maintenance facilities are Japan, which is building its own FACO plant, and Australia, which is unlikely to be willing to transit its jets to the Northern Pacific region for repairs. Australia is a JSF development partner nation; Japan is a foreign military sales customer.

Work on the Japanese FACO in Nagoya began in May and the first major subcomponents are slated to be loaded into the EMAS tooling there in December 2015. The first Japanese-assembled F-35A is slated to roll out of the facility in 2017.

Avviation Week, Dec 11, 2014
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: ARM-WAP op 11/12/2014 | 22:11 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 11/12/2014 | 17:39 uur
Er wordt blijkbaar ook gesproken over het doorverkopen van de Normandie (FREMM)
Idd, dat doet al langer de ronde (kennis bij de Marine Nationale) en heb ik voor het eerst op meretmarine gelezen, 27 nov.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 11/12/2014 | 22:23 uur
Canada rates F-35A rivals equal on most missions

A new Canadian government report suggests other fighter jets are just as capable as the Lockheed Martin F-35A at fulfilling the nation's most likely mission needs, potentially opening the door to a competitive acquisition process to replace a fleet of 77 Boeing CF-18s.

Four aircraft – the F-35, the Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, Dassault Rafale and Eurofighter Typhoon – were compared in the report, called the Evaluation of Options for the Replacement of the CF-18 Fighter Fleet.

Each was assessed on its ability to carry out six mission sets including defence of Canadian airspace, responding to an "international event", such as the Olympics, in Canada or a terrorist attack, peace enforcement, humanitarian disaster relief and state-on-state war fighting.

All aircraft were deemed low-risk candidates to perform each of the missions up to 2030 and beyond, except in fighting another peer nation. In that category, all the aircraft were deemed a higher risk platform beyond 2030 and none distinguished itself.

Canada does not intend to fight state-on-state wars and rated that contingency as highly unlikely. In the state-on-state war fighting mission, the range was from low to significant in the first timeframe and medium to high in the second timeframe "largely due to the higher level of potential threat confronting fighter aircraft in that mission and the evolution of those threats", the report says.

"The mission needs analysis undertaken as part of the evaluation of options makes clear that Canadian engagement in future state-on-state conflicts will be highly unlikely," the report says.

It is more likely that Canada will join in on coalition military actions not "clearly defined state-on-state warfare or explicitly humanitarian assistance missions but rather, as in the case of Libya or Kosovo, something in between," the report says.

For now, the Harper Administration in Canada still intends to buy 65 F-35s beginning in 2020. Its third annual report on the cost of potentially replacing its fleet of CF-18s with the jet assumes an average per-unit cost of $88.9 million over the period of acquisition. That tallies up to a total $45.8 billion over the life cycle of the fleet, a $141 million increase over the estimate in the 2013 report.

The analysis assumes that Canada will lose 11 F-35As over the fleet's expected 30-year service life due to normal attrition. "The cost to replace these lost aircraft could be in the order of $1 billion," the report says.

At present, the Canadian government has only $76 million set aside for programme contingencies, far short of the $1 billion estimate for replacement aircraft. The report says that contingency budget is "low for a project of this scope and size".

That could force Canada to lower the number of F-35s it purchases, the report suggests. That could affect the overall programme cost. Lockheed has promised to bring the per-aircraft cost for the conventional takeoff and landing variant of the jet below $100 million by 2019, but that will require a dramatic ramp in production after 2016 that relies heavily on non-US purchases. (
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 11/12/2014 | 22:47 uur
Benieuwd waarom Nederland klaarblijkelijk wel "state-on-state wars" zo hoog inschaalt. Zoveel verschillen we niet van Canada..sterker nog, voor Canada is dat (veiligheids)risico beduidend groter. Of krijg ik hier weer de bevestiging dat wij ..(doen Canadezen ook overigens).. eerst het toestel kiezen en dan "passend" dreigingsbeeld en ambitieniveau er bij verzinnen?! oepss..
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 11/12/2014 | 22:51 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 11/12/2014 | 22:47 uur
Benieuwd waarom Nederland klaarblijkelijk wel "state-on-state wars" zo hoog inschaalt. Zoveel verschillen we niet van Canada..sterker nog, voor Canada is dat (veiligheids)risico beduidend groter. Of krijg ik hier weer de bevestiging dat wij ..(doen Canadezen ook overigens).. eerst het toestel kiezen en dan "passend" dreigingsbeeld en ambitieniveau er bij verzinnen?! oepss..

Tja.... jij kiest voor ene optie die goed is tot 2030/35... oepss... penny whise pound foolish.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 11/12/2014 | 22:52 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 11/12/2014 | 22:51 uur
Tja.... jij kiest voor ene optie die goed is tot 2030/35... oepss... penny whise pound foolish.
Gek dat de Zweden daar dan ook voor kiezen. Ach ja..ook dom volk..toch? wie verzint er nu zo'n succesformule als IKEA :confused: :crazy:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 11/12/2014 | 22:59 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 11/12/2014 | 22:47 uur
Benieuwd waarom Nederland klaarblijkelijk wel "state-on-state wars" zo hoog inschaalt. Zoveel verschillen we niet van Canada..sterker nog, voor Canada is dat (veiligheids)risico beduidend groter. Of krijg ik hier weer de bevestiging dat wij ..(doen Canadezen ook overigens).. eerst het toestel kiezen en dan "passend" dreigingsbeeld en ambitieniveau er bij verzinnen?! oepss..

Ik geloof ook niet dat we dat uit moeten sluiten. Want het is wel het type conflict dat als het voorkomt de grootste schade aan kan richten, en ver vooruit kijken is gewoonweg erg lastig. Het is vaak zat geprobeerd, maar achteraf blijkt 10/15 jaar een lange periode waarin veel totaal kan veranderen.

En dat geld eigenlijk voor alle landen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 11/12/2014 | 23:05 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 11/12/2014 | 22:52 uur
Gek dat de Zweden daar dan ook voor kiezen. Ach ja..ook dom volk..toch? wie verzint er nu zo'n succesformule als IKEA :confused: :crazy:

Heb je ooit gekeken in de wereld naar de landen die fighters willen/gaan ontwikkelen die aanzienlijk verder gaan dan de huidige generaties en wanneer ze die willen invoeren?

Ik was voor een Saab geweest als ze niet de Gripen hadden willen oppoetsen/evalueren maar als ze hadden gekozen voor innovatie in de form van hun Generic Future Fighter Aircraft of voor een F16 opvolger in de form van een F16X al hadden ze die naam dan beter kunnen veranderen iets anders.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 12/12/2014 | 11:53 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 11/12/2014 | 22:59 uur
Ik geloof ook niet dat we dat uit moeten sluiten. Want het is wel het type conflict dat als het voorkomt de grootste schade aan kan richten, en ver vooruit kijken is gewoonweg erg lastig. Het is vaak zat geprobeerd, maar achteraf blijkt 10/15 jaar een lange periode waarin veel totaal kan veranderen.

En dat geld eigenlijk voor alle landen.
dat die conflicten er kunnen komen is 1 ding...dat Nederland daar direct in de voorste linie aan deelneemt is 2. Zie ik niet zo snel gebeuren. Om dan maar te zwijgen over het aantal operationele toestellen dat Nederland dan nog kan leveren bij keuze voor F35.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 12/12/2014 | 12:00 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 11/12/2014 | 23:05 uur
Heb je ooit gekeken in de wereld naar de landen die fighters willen/gaan ontwikkelen die aanzienlijk verder gaan dan de huidige generaties en wanneer ze die willen invoeren?
dat doe ik dagelijks...maar ik hoop dat jij daarbij ook ziet dat het hier gaat om landen die naast enkele van deze 5e generatie toestellen (als ze dat al zijn) ook nog een veel groter aantal 3,4e generatie toestellen bezitten en blijven bouwen. Nog voor minstens 30 jaar. Om zo ook kwantiteit te behouden (zie hele discussie Indiase luchtmacht). Nederland wil nu met een verwaarloosbaar aantal toestellen die kleine 5e generatie toplaag aanvullen. Noemen we dan niche. Terwijl ik denk dat we met een kwalitatief goed maar generatie ouder toestel als de Gripen E/F veel beter kunnen bijdragen aan die zo broodnodige kwantiteit. Om dan nog maar te zwijgen over die zovele (realistische) missies waarbij de capaciteiten van de 5e generatie..bijv stealth.. helemaal niet nodig zijn. Qua electronica en (wapen)systemen wordt de Gripen ook up-to-date. Oh Gripen kan super cruisen..5e generatie eigenschap!...kan de F35 niet. Tja.
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 11/12/2014 | 23:05 uur
Ik was voor een Saab geweest als ze niet de Gripen hadden willen oppoetsen/evalueren maar als ze hadden gekozen voor innovatie in de form van hun Generic Future Fighter Aircraft of voor een F16 opvolger in de form van een F16X al hadden ze die naam dan beter kunnen veranderen iets anders.
Ik denk dat Saab er wijs aan heeft gedaan die stap niet te maken...en direct bezig te gaan met de ontwikkeling van wat we nu de 6e generatie noemen. 5e generatie is op bepaalde punten immers al achterhaald door de realiteiten.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/12/2014 | 12:02 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 12/12/2014 | 11:53 uur
dat die conflicten er kunnen komen is 1 ding...dat Nederland daar direct in de voorste linie aan deelneemt is 2. Zie ik niet zo snel gebeuren. Om dan maar te zwijgen over het aantal operationele toestellen dat Nederland dan nog kan leveren bij keuze voor F35.

Het is niet te voorspellen, als het in "Verweggistan" is dan zal het wel meevallen, dan zie ik Nederland in het huidige politieke klimaat niet zo snel op de eerste rij zitten.

Als het dichter bij huis is, en gelukkig is het 'peace and quiet'  rond Europa dan zou dat best wel een kunnen/moeten veranderen.

Natuurlijk is het huidige aantal F35 totaal onvoldoende en lijkt het me meer zinvol om me/ons in te zette voor zowel een hoger aantal (batch 2) als een hoger defensiebudget.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/12/2014 | 12:13 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 12/12/2014 | 12:00 uur
dat doe ik dagelijks...maar ik hoop dat jij daarbij ook ziet dat het hier gaat om landen die naast enkele van deze 5e generatie toestellen (als ze dat al zijn) ook nog een veel groter aantal 3,4e generatie toestellen bezitten en blijven bouwen. Nog voor minstens 30 jaar. Om zo ook kwantiteit te behouden (zie hele discussie Indiase luchtmacht). Nederland wil nu met een verwaarloosbaar aantal toestellen die kleine 5e generatie toplaag aanvullen. Noemen we dan niche. Terwijl ik denk dat we met een kwalitatief goed maar generatie ouder toestel als de Gripen E/F veel beter kunnen bijdragen aan die zo broodnodige kwantiteit. Om dan nog maar te zwijgen over die zovele (realistische) missies waarbij de capaciteiten van de 5e generatie..bijv stealth.. helemaal niet nodig zijn. Qua electronica en (wapen)systemen wordt de Gripen ook up-to-date. Oh Gripen kan super cruisen..5e generatie eigenschap!...kan de F35 niet. Tja.Ik denk dat Saab er wijs aan heeft gedaan die stap niet te maken...en direct bezig te gaan met de ontwikkeling van wat we nu de 6e generatie noemen. 5e generatie is op bepaalde punten immers al achterhaald door de realiteiten.

Hierover blijven we verschillen van mening. Natuurlijk zie ik bij alle 5e en zelfs 6e generatie initiatieven dan men streeft naar een kwantiteit/kwaliteit mix.

In Europa zijn tegen 2020/25 voldoende 4e generatie kisten aanwezig en een x antal F35, laat ons lekker die "niche" vervullen, het liefst met een hoger aantal F35's.

En vwb de wijsheid van Saab om niet de stap naar de Generic Future Fighter Aircraft  te maken, ik denk dat het zeer onhandig is om het niet te doen en dat ze met de Gripen E hun laatste "zelfstandige" gevechtsvliegtuig (door)ontwikkelen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 12/12/2014 | 12:44 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/12/2014 | 12:13 uur
En vwb de wijsheid van Saab om niet de stap naar de Generic Future Fighter Aircraft  te maken, ik denk dat het zeer onhandig is om het niet te doen en dat ze met de Gripen E hun laatste "zelfstandige" gevechtsvliegtuig (door)ontwikkelen.
Die kans is erg groot ja...maar meer dan wenselijk ook. Ik hoop en verwacht, dat Saab samen met andere EUropese vliegtuigbouwers de 6e generatie gevechtsvliegtuig gaat ontwikkelen en bouwen...voortbordurend op huidige UCAV ontwikkelingen. Mark my words...gemiste kans voor Nederland!
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/12/2014 | 12:54 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 12/12/2014 | 12:44 uur
Die kans is erg groot ja...maar meer dan wenselijk ook. Ik hoop en verwacht, dat Saab samen met andere EUropese vliegtuigbouwers de 6e generatie gevechtsvliegtuig gaat ontwikkelen en bouwen...voortbordurend op huidige UCAV ontwikkelingen. Mark my words...gemiste kans voor Nederland!

Gezien de recente intentie van Frankrijk en Engeland ligt dat in de lijn der verwachting, maar ze zullen wel tempo moeten maken anders missen ze de boot.

Daarnaast: ik zie in de komende decennia de UCAV, naast de F35 haar intreden in de KLu maken, deze boot hoeven we niet te missen maar hangt slechts samen met de bereidheid om hierin te investeren. (ik ben voorstander)

Mocht dit leiden tot een capabele Europese fighter dan heb je uiteindelijk ook de Europese opvolger van de F35 te pakken, de eerste in te voeren bij de KLu rond 2050 en is het niet de tranche 1 dan wel de tranche 2 of 3.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 12/12/2014 | 13:51 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 12/12/2014 | 11:53 uur
dat die conflicten er kunnen komen is 1 ding...dat Nederland daar direct in de voorste linie aan deelneemt is 2. Zie ik niet zo snel gebeuren. Om dan maar te zwijgen over het aantal operationele toestellen dat Nederland dan nog kan leveren bij keuze voor F35.

Dat is niet iets wat je altijd in de hand hebt.
Ik acht de keuze voor de F35 daarvoor niet essentieel, landen als de UK, Frankrijk, Duitsland houden (hopelijk) ook rekening met een interstatelijk conflict, dwz een conflict tegen een 'goed bewapende' tegenstander. Dat hoeft niet eens persee statelijk te zijn, als je ziet waar de 'rebellen' in Oekraine over beschikken, maar ook in Syrie zie je een lichte dreiging tegen luchtdoelen.   
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 12/12/2014 | 14:00 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 12/12/2014 | 13:51 uur
Dat is niet iets wat je altijd in de hand hebt.
Ik acht de keuze voor de F35 daarvoor niet essentieel, landen als de UK, Frankrijk, Duitsland houden (hopelijk) ook rekening met een interstatelijk conflict, dwz een conflict tegen een 'goed bewapende' tegenstander. Dat hoeft niet eens persee statelijk te zijn, als je ziet waar de 'rebellen' in Oekraine over beschikken, maar ook in Syrie zie je een lichte dreiging tegen luchtdoelen.   
Terwijl het huidige aantal Nederlandse missies wel laat zien dat we echt niet minder dan 12 operationele toestellen moeten krijgen. Dat ambitieniveau past bij de dreigingsbeelden als ook klaarblijkelijk politieke wens tot deelname.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 12/12/2014 | 14:01 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/12/2014 | 12:13 uur
Hierover blijven we verschillen van mening. Natuurlijk zie ik bij alle 5e en zelfs 6e generatie initiatieven dan men streeft naar een kwantiteit/kwaliteit mix.
En dat moet ook bij een 7de generatie kunnen.

Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/12/2014 | 12:13 uur
In Europa zijn tegen 2020/25 voldoende 4e generatie kisten aanwezig en een x antal F35, laat ons lekker die "niche" vervullen, het liefst met een hoger aantal F35's.
Dat betwijfel ik. Hoewel we als Europa geen Calimero gedachtes hoeven te krijgen, moeten we wel realiseren dat het merendeel van de luchtvloot sterk aan het verouderen is. Ik bedoel, we vliegen in Europa nog met Mig-21's en F5's, en voorlopig doen we op fightervlak echt niet onder voor luchtmachten als die van Rusland, India, Zuid-Korea en Brazillie, en waarschijnlijk China, maar moeten er wel scherp op blijven, zeker aangezien we voor expeditionair optreden gewoon een sterk numeriek overwicht nodig hebben.

Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/12/2014 | 12:13 uur
En vwb de wijsheid van Saab om niet de stap naar de Generic Future Fighter Aircraft  te maken, ik denk dat het zeer onhandig is om het niet te doen en dat ze met de Gripen E hun laatste "zelfstandige" gevechtsvliegtuig (door)ontwikkelen.
Hoeft niet echt een probleem te zijn toch? Bovendien, wat is 'zelfstandig', ook een Gripen heeft veel onderdelen die niet van SAAB af komen.
De Gripen E heeft, zoals Poleme al voorspelde, best wat interesse bij landen, hoeveel daarvan orders worden is de vraag, maar als ze nu een compleet nieuw project hadden opgezet waren de risico's veel groter, voor waarschijnlijk maar een beperkte extra bate.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 12/12/2014 | 14:28 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 12/12/2014 | 14:01 uur
Dat betwijfel ik. Hoewel we als Europa geen Calimero gedachtes hoeven te krijgen, moeten we wel realiseren dat het merendeel van de luchtvloot sterk aan het verouderen is. Ik bedoel, we vliegen in Europa nog met Mig-21's en F5's, en voorlopig doen we op fightervlak echt niet onder voor luchtmachten als die van Rusland, India, Zuid-Korea en Brazillie, en waarschijnlijk China, maar moeten er wel scherp op blijven, zeker aangezien we voor expeditionair optreden gewoon een sterk numeriek overwicht nodig hebben.

Waar hebben we het over:
- ~490 Typhoons, waarvan de T1's mogelijk uit zullen stromen.
- ~130 Gripen's
- ~180 Rafale
- ~130 F16 blk52

En natuurlijk nog een berg oudere modellen, zoals Mirage, MIG-29, AMX, F18's, F16's, Harrier, Tornado etc, maar toekomstperspectief daarvoor is toch vooral de uitstroom. En dan hebben 'we' dus nog aardig wat, maar dat is het totaal, en het effectief totaal zal helaas minder zijn dan de som der delen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/12/2014 | 14:49 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 12/12/2014 | 14:28 uur
Waar hebben we het over:
- ~490 Typhoons, waarvan de T1's mogelijk uit zullen stromen.
- ~130 Gripen's
- ~180 Rafale
- ~130 F16 blk52

En natuurlijk nog een berg oudere modellen, zoals Mirage, MIG-29, AMX, F18's, F16's, Harrier, Tornado etc, maar toekomstperspectief daarvoor is toch vooral de uitstroom. En dan hebben 'we' dus nog aardig wat, maar dat is het totaal, en het effectief totaal zal helaas minder zijn dan de som der delen.

Wat mij betreft is het dus een prima keuze als Europa in de jaren twintig dan ook nog de beschikking krijgt over 200+ F35A/B
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/12/2014 | 15:04 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 12/12/2014 | 14:01 uur
De Gripen E heeft, zoals Poleme al voorspelde, best wat interesse bij landen, hoeveel daarvan orders worden is de vraag, maar als ze nu een compleet nieuw project hadden opgezet waren de risico's veel groter, voor waarschijnlijk maar een beperkte extra bate.

Het blijft vooralsnog een glazenbol.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Zeewier op 12/12/2014 | 15:56 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 11/12/2014 | 22:47 uur
Benieuwd waarom Nederland klaarblijkelijk wel "state-on-state wars" zo hoog inschaalt. Zoveel verschillen we niet van Canada..sterker nog, voor Canada is dat (veiligheids)risico beduidend groter. Of krijg ik hier weer de bevestiging dat wij ..(doen Canadezen ook overigens).. eerst het toestel kiezen en dan "passend" dreigingsbeeld en ambitieniveau er bij verzinnen?! oepss..
Omdat Europa misschien wat meer problematische buren heeft dan Canada? Bijvoorbeeld het afzetten van Khadaffi en het bevrijden van Libië heeft laten zien wat er benodigd is voor een regimewisseling [lees: Europees buitenlandbeleid].

Het slaan van een bres in de verdedigingslinie van Libië gebeurde in de eerste dagen door verbouwde Amerikaanse onderzeeboten van de Ohio-klasse. Een van de redenen waarom ik meer dan eens hier pleitte voor het inruilen van nucleaire valbommen voor moderne kruisvluchtwapens (van verschillende zwaarte voor verschillende doelen). Al dan niet in canisters op een lichte SSG-klasse onderzeeboot als intern in de F-35. Twee onzichtbare platformen. Dat het Noorse materieel zoveel overlap vertoont met Nederland komt ons wel heel toevallig uit. De F-35, het NG onderzeeboot project, evenals het satelliet project.

De Rafale Multi-role fighter heeft zich bewezen in Libië en is momenteel van onschatbare waarde in Mali. De cockpit doet wel het meest gedateerd aan t.o.v. zijn concurrenten. Voor Canada is deze fighter met buddy-buddy fueling pod ideaal voor boven de uitgestrekte Canadese landmassa. De F-35 heeft een streepje voor bij penetratie in vijandelijk gebied. Als ik Canadees was zou ik voor range en missietijd gaan en minder voor stealth.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 12/12/2014 | 16:10 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/12/2014 | 15:04 uur
Het blijft vooralsnog een glazenbol.

Inderdaad. Als we de toekomst kunnen voorspellen neemt dat alle zekerheid weg. Tot die tijd, die waarschijnlijk nooit komt, moeten we het doen met een educated guess.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 13/12/2014 | 11:43 uur
New Cold War: Su-35 Fighter Jets Could be Supplied to China from Russia Next Year, Official Says

By Jack Phillips, Epoch Times | December 12, 2014

A top official with Russian contractor Sukhoi said Russia will supply "standard" versions of the Su-35 combat aircraft to China, a report said.

Speaking with IHS Jane's 360, Sukhoi first deputy director general Boris Bregma said that a "contract will be signed at the end of 2014 or at the beginning of 2015."

"There are no obvious political or technical reasons hindering the signing of the contract. The only thing to be done is the elaborate consideration of some details and technical issues," he added.

Bregma said the adaptation of the fighter jet, "Sinification," will be performed as part of a supplementary contract. They include Chinese-language interfaces and different enhancements.

United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) president Mikhail Pogosyan talked about the potential of China counterfeiting the aircraft to produce its own variants like it did with the Su-27 to make the J-11 and J-15 carrier derivative.

"It is very difficult to make a copy of a high-tech product as there is more to it than meets the eye. As of today I don't know the cases when the copy could achieve global success on the world aircraft market," he said.

According to AutoBlog, "There is still the potential for a hang up on the deal, as Jane's cites industry sources that claim Russia is insisting on a minimum procurement. That number has been dropped from the original 48 aircraft, to just 24, with Russian concern that China will simply reverse-engineer the fighters (Chinese copying isn't limited to just cars and luxury goods, the PRC is currently flying a reverse-engineered Su-27 called the Shenyang J-11)."

The Jane's report notes that Russia is worried China might just be doing the deal to get access to the plane's radar and engine systems.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 13/12/2014 | 11:47 uur
CitaatThe Jane's report notes that Russia is worried China might just be doing the deal to get access to the plane's radar and engine systems.

Zou het  :crazy:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 13/12/2014 | 13:10 uur
Citaat van: Zeewier op 12/12/2014 | 15:56 uur
Omdat Europa misschien wat meer problematische buren heeft dan Canada? Bijvoorbeeld het afzetten van Khadaffi en het bevrijden van Libië heeft laten zien wat er benodigd is voor een regimewisseling [lees: Europees buitenlandbeleid].
Ik focuste inderdaad vooral op Rusland. Europa heeft inderdaad ook nog zijn zuid-grens en de conflicten daar. Correct. Canada was wel betrokken bij operaties in Libie..operation Mobile. Ik probeerde alleen duidelijk te maken dat Canada en Nederland in deze..qua op elkaar lijken. Canada vaak nog zelfs wat actiever is...dus afwegingen die Canada in deze projecten maakt best interessant zijn voor Nederlandse situatie.
Citaat van: Zeewier op 12/12/2014 | 15:56 uur

De Rafale Multi-role fighter heeft zich bewezen in Libië en is momenteel van onschatbare waarde in Mali. De cockpit doet wel het meest gedateerd aan t.o.v. zijn concurrenten. Voor Canada is deze fighter met buddy-buddy fueling pod ideaal voor boven de uitgestrekte Canadese landmassa. De F-35 heeft een streepje voor bij penetratie in vijandelijk gebied. Als ik Canadees was zou ik voor range en missietijd gaan en minder voor stealth.
Ik denk dat ook. Maar ik snap ook dat Canada, gezien haar ligging en de nauwe samenwerking met de US, wel voor de F35 gaat. In dat opzicht een andere afweging dan Nederland. Althans dat zou je zeggen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 13/12/2014 | 15:40 uur
Beijing Banned Export of Its New Stealth Fighter

Policy bars sale of the J-20 to China's allies

David Axe on Dec 12

The Chinese government reportedly will not sell the new J-20—China's first stealth fighter—to foreign countries. Not coincidentally, the United States adopted a similar policy regarding its own F-22 stealth fighter.

The revelation of the apparent export ban comes as a surprise. Since the Chengdu-built J-20's 2011 debut, Western analysts have assumed the large, angular, twin-engine fighter would, like most Chinese weapons, become an export commodity.

Instead, it seems Beijing wants to keep the J-20's high-end military capabilities all to itself. Cash isn't worth giving up the radar-evading warplane's secrets.

Song Zhongping, a former officer in Beijing's strategic missile force, revealed the export ban in a December interview with China's Phoenix TV news program.

"The export of advanced Chinese military technology is prohibited," Song said. "This is in order to keep J-20's fifth-generation technology out of hostile hands."

That's the same rationale the U.S. Congress cited when it formally outlawed sales of the F-22 stealth fighter in the mid-2000s. Prior to that, Japan had asked to acquire F-22s.

But Tokyo has been an occasionally unreliable friend to the U.S. when it comes to secret technology. In 2007, Japanese authorities caught a Japanese navy petty officer apparently trying to pass to China information on the U.S.-made Aegis radar.

What's ironic about China's J-20 sales-restriction is that many observers strongly suspect Beijing's engineers derived the plane's design in part from data that Chinese hackers have stolen from the American-led F-35 stealth fighter program.

The U.S. expressly designed the F-35 to be safely exportable. The F-35 is smaller, slower and less stealthy than the F-22. But it still includes sensitive technologies including sophisticated sensors and radar-absorbing coatings.

In any event, Song describes the J-20 restriction as directly connected to the F-22 prohibition. "If one day the United States decides to export the F-22, China might consider lifting its ban, as well," he said.

His reasoning seems to be that if America's allies possessed F-22s, China's allies would need J-20s to balance them. And with the F-22 proliferating, its secrets would proliferate, too—obviating any need to similarly limit the spread of the J-20's presumably similar technology.

Song doesn't seem to appreciate that F-22 production ended nearly three years ago—and no one in Congress, the White House or the Pentagon has made a serious effort to restart it.

There is other evidence that China intends to keep the J-20 all to itself. Shortly after the J-20's debut, the rival Shenyang Aircraft Corporation unveiled its smaller FC-31 stealth fighter prototype.

Unlike the government-sponsored J-20, the FC-31 is strictly a private venture that Shenyang intends to sell abroad. Pakistan has expressed interest.

The FC-31 represents Beijing's opportunity to compete in the lucrative world market for radar-evading fighters. If the sensitive J-20 is like America's F-22, then the commoditized FC-31 is analogous to the U.S. F-35.

The J-20's development is accelerating. There are five prototypes in testing—each successive copy possessing big improvements over its predecessors. The Chinese air force could begin receiving copies for front-line use as early as 2017—12 years after the F-22 entered service.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 13/12/2014 | 16:23 uur
De Rafale krijgt volgens jaar de laatste standaard, F3.4+.
Hierin zitten vooral software updates.
tekst in het Frans: (
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/12/2014 | 10:34 uur
French Air Chief Confident on Rafale Exports

Dec. 13, 2014 

PARIS — France has a good chance of winning export sales for the Dassault Rafale fighter, which is needed to balance the defense budget books, French air chief Gen. Denis Mercier said on Dec. 11.

"I am fairly confident there will be a good story," he told the defense journalists association, when asked about the export prospects for the twin-engine fighter. "This is a high-quality plane."

The French government has written an assumed sale of the Rafale to foreign clients into the multiyear budget. The deals are needed to maintain annual production of 11 aircraft from the line near Bordeaux, southwest France.

India and France have agreed to speed up negotiations for a US $12 billion order for 126 Rafales for the south Asian nation, with plans to seal the deal by March 31.

A delegation of senior Egyptian Air Force and Navy officers landed here on Dec. 10 to negotiate buying 23 to 26 Rafales, worth €3.6 billion (US $4.4 billion), and two DCNS multimission frigates, worth €1.8 billion, La Tribune reported.

Qatar is in advanced talks for the Rafale, the business website reported.

Next year, the French Air Force expects to receive the fighter needed to form a second nuclear squadron, expected to be operational in 2018, Mercier said.

On the technology front, a future version of the Rafale is expected to show "a major evolution" with high datalink capacity and an active electronically scanned array radar fitted in the skin of the fighter, instead of the present front-facing radar. That new capability is expected in 2020 to 2025 and would allow an active electronic warfare and a very high data rate for communications, he said.

Thales builds the RBE2 radar for the Rafale.

The present Spectra EW pod gathers a wealth of data, which could be sent to other pilots and allies if the datalink were there, Mercier said. Thales and MBDA built the Spectra.

Another expected upgrade is a new-generation reconnaissance pod, intended to deliver detection at a higher altitude than the present system, which is not ineffective, but it is time to move on, Mercier said.

A high datalink is part of the move toward the big data and cloud applied to military aircraft. The service plans to receive a second standard of the A330 multirole tanker transport (MRTT) aircraft, which will be equipped as a network node with command-and-control systems, reflecting the interest in datalinks, an Air Force spokesman said.

Air Force planners are studying how a future combat system would not be limited to a combat aircraft but connect manned and unmanned aircraft with warships, submarines, tanks and other forces.

The service has asked the government to speed up an order for the last three of the 12 Airbus MRTTs, with procurement by 2019, Mercier said. "This is fairly simple," he said.

Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian announced on Nov. 20 the €3 billion order for development and delivery of 12 Airbus MRTTs, dubbed Phoenix.

The Air Force has asked for France to speed up an order for a second batch of the General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper surveillance drone, with a delivery next year rather than 2016 or 2017, Mercier said. That second batch of three unmanned aircraft would be at Block 1 standard, and could be later upgraded to Block 5, he said.

A third Reaper is expected in 2015, joining the first two units delivered last year and which began flying from Niger in January.

France received a swift delivery of the Reaper in under a year, reflecting close relations with the US Air Force, which ordered its drones to be rerouted directly to the French base in Niamey, Mercier said. An experienced French crew conducted a first flight, dubbed Dress Down Six, within a fortnight, he said.

The service expects a sixth Airbus A400M airlifter to be delivered this month, and four more units next year. Of the latter, the third is expected to be at the full operating standard, allowing parachute drops and tactical missions. Mercier said he has told Airbus: "That is not a milestone to be missed."

The A400M is a good plane but "the level of availability is not enough," Mercier said. That lack of availability reflects the teething problems of a new plane with new avionics and new engine, he said. The service has a clear plan and Airbus is working closely to improve availability, he said.

The service is studying the possibility of arming the Mirage 2000D fighter-bomber with the Sagem armement air-sol modulaire, a powered smart bomb, Mercier said. That would not involve a full integration, but could be linked with a touch pad. The Air Force is also looking for a bomb smaller than 250 kilograms and other weapons, but not the MBDA Brimstone, he said. ■
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/12/2014 | 12:12 uur
Citaat van: Vandaag om 10:34
On the technology front, a future version of the Rafale is expected to show "a major evolution" with high datalink capacity and an active electronically scanned array radar fitted in the skin of the fighter, instead of the present front-facing radar. That new capability is expected in 2020 to 2025 and would allow an active electronic warfare and a very high data rate for communications, he said.

Interessante ontwikkeling!
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 15/12/2014 | 06:53 uur
Boeing and Airbus: Together at Last?

By Motley Fool,  December 14, 2014

Once, it was a giant of the global defense industry. But today, Boeing could soon be shut out of the market for fighter jets .

Around the world, nations are taking bids on new fighters as they upgrade their air forces. But time and again, Boeing is losing these contests. In South Korea last year, Boeing's F-15 lost a potential $7.7 billion contract to Lockheed Martin and its super-stealthy F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. Then Boeing lost a Brazilian deal worth a potential $20 billion, this time to a bargain-basement fighter jet from Saab .

In Argentina, Boeing isn't even in the running for a new $5 billion contract. Here, too, Lockheed could walk away with a win if the Kirchner administration picks TA-50 light attack strike fighters from Lockheed partner Korea Aerospace Industries.

Crisis and opportunity
But cue the well-worn cliche about every "crisis" being a potential "opportunity" -- because to Boeing and its biggest commercial rival, that's just what this might be.

You see, as bad a run of luck as Boeing has been having, rival Airbus is having an even worse time of things. Last year, Eurofighter (in which Airbus owns a sizable stake) lost a 60-plane, $9.8 billion contract to sell the United Arab Emirates its Typhoon fourth-generation fighter jet. The UAE might buy combat aircraft from another vendor instead -- perhaps Textron . This loss, with no other big projects to replace it, has Airbus in a pickle -- and planning to shut down Typhoon production by 2020.

One of Typhoon's biggest rivals in the fighter jet market is Boeing's own F/A-18, which itself could be shut down as early as 2016. This confluence of unfortunate circumstances has International Institute for Strategic Studies senior fellow for military aerospace Douglas Barrie wondering whether Airbus and Boeing might decide it's time to play "Let's make a deal."

Quoted on last month, Barrie pointed out that it takes "about 20 years, give or take," to develop a new fighter jet. "If you're remotely interested in staying in that business, then you've got to be thinking in the next few years about how to move ahead."

"Why not?"
Even as Boeing and Airbus are reconsidering their fighter-jet futures, the U.S. Air Force is making plans to develop a new sixth-generation fighter that could replace Lockheed's F-35. Last month, when Airbus Executive Vice President for Military Aircraft Domingo Urena Raso was asked if he'd consider teaming with an American company to build a new fighter to potentially bid for USAF work, he responded: "Why not?"

Many experts see plenty of reasons "why not" -- ranging from Airbus lacking technology essential to helping Boeing build a new fighter (remember that Boeing built a fifth -generation prototype of its own, before the Air Force decided to buy Lockheed's F-35), to the fact that Boeing and Airbus kind of hate each other's guts right now (on the civilian aerospace side).

But there's an even better reason that Airbus and Boeing should collaborate: necessity. Lockheed is running away with the high-end fighter market, while Saab, KAI, and Textron nibble away at the low end. Boeing's and Airbus' position is becoming increasingly untenable in the middle, and they must act soon if they want to remain in this market.

As Benjamin Franklin, once America's premier ambassador to Europe, said: "We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately."

Read more:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 15/12/2014 | 11:13 uur
Turkey aspires to produce local fighter jet by 2023

14 December 2014

Turkey wants to locally produce a fighter jet by 2023 to fulfill its objective of meeting all defense equipments domestically, defense minister has said.

Turkey wants to locally produce a fighter jet by 2023 to fulfill its objective of meeting all defense equipments domestically, Defense Minister Ismet Yilmaz said Sunday.

Yilmaz said in an interview that Turkey produced warships, advanced gunship attack helicopters, training aircraft and high precision cruise missiles completely or largely by its own domestic means.

He said that currently, 55 percent of Turkish Armed Forces' needs were met domestically and plans were being made to increase this to a near hundred percent by 2023, the year the country marks the centennial of The Republic of Turkey.

"When we manage to produce a fighter jet, we will be able to meet all needs of our army on land, sea or air within Turkey. Hopefully, when we acheive this feat, we will be a fully independent country," the minister said.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 15/12/2014 | 11:44 uur
8 jaar, dat is redelijk ambitieus.
Tenzij een lokale assemblage van de F35 ook telt als 'local production'.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 19/12/2014 | 07:52 uur
A New, "Super" F-35 to Rule the U.S. Military?

Advanced derivatives of the tri-service Lockheed Martin F-35 JSF could replace the Air Force's F-22 Raptor, Boeing F-15C Eagle and F/A-18E/F Super Hornet.

Dave Majumdar / December 19, 2014

Advanced derivatives of the tri-service Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter could replace the Air Force's F-22 Raptor, Boeing F-15C Eagle and F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, multiple sources told the National Interest. However, they added that the idea of replacing the high flying and fast Raptor with the slower and less agile F-35 was not well received by many within the Air Force.

"No doubt that the F-35 will be doing air dominance missions in the future," one industry official said. "Especially with more internal air-to-air, and maybe a new engine."

Both the U.S. Air Force (USAF) and the U.S. Navy (USN) have begun preliminary work on analysis of alternatives (AOA) for the sixth-generations of those aircraft. The Air Force effort, called the F-X, is aimed at recapitalizing its fleet of air superiority fighters while the Navy's F/A-XX program is expected to produce a replacement for the Super Hornet. The Navy will start its formal AOA in 2015 while the Air Force's analysis will start a little later—in about a year and a half from now.

The Air Force hopes to enter into a technology development phase in 2018.

While both the Navy and the Air Force are looking at many possible options to replace their jets, including modernized versions of current aircraft, new clean-sheet designs—manned and unmanned—and some other outside-the-box ideas, one of the major contenders to replace the F-22, F-15 and F/A-18E/F is a highly modified F-35.

"It will likely be one of the alternatives in the Analysis of Alternatives," said a senior Air Force official.

The Navy, too, will likely consider a highly modified F-35 to fit its F/A-XX requirement, service officials confirmed. "We will both have to do it in order to baseline our capabilities and ensure the taxpayer and services are getting the best alternative," the Air Force official said. "It's routine for us to look at whether or not existing systems or modifications to existing systems can fulfill our gaps."

The Air Force official added that another alternative will be to modify and upgrade the tiny 186 aircraft-strong F-22 Raptor fleet. "Modifying the Raptor will be an option too," he said. "I doubt either the F-22 or F-35 will 'win.'"

The Air Force and Navy are adamant that their disparate mission requirements for the F-X and F/A-XX will mean that they will ultimately require separate solutions. "I would expect our requirements to be a lot different from the Navy's," Col. Tom Coglitore, who heads Air Combat Command's Air Superiority Core Function Team and the F-X program, told the trade journal Aviation Week in its Oct. 13 issue. "Our system of systems would be more offensively minded and operate in more difficult and highly contested areas of operation than the areas the Navy will likely be operating in."

Industry officials, however, are less certain that the Air Force and Navy will ultimately be able to afford separate platforms to replace their aging fleets. The most likely scenario is that budgetary realities will force the two services to develop a common platform. "USAF and Navy can 'afford' to have differences now, since everything is pre AoA. However, fiscal realities will force them to align technology and weapons investments," the industry official said. "Their differences stem primarily from out-of-phase need dates, and different capability emphases."

Given that defense spending does not look like it will increase in the near future—especially in the coming years when technologies for the F/A-XX and F-X will have to be developed—advanced versions of the F-35 might be the best option for the Air Force. "The USAF will need to factor F-35A—and 'E'—into the air dominance equation," the industry official said. "Especially when it's loaded with next generation air-to-air missiles, and other technologies."

The Navy, given the limitations of aircraft carriers and their increasing vulnerability to anti-ship cruise and ballistic missiles, might have to concede the high-end air superiority mission to the Air Force.

Arguably, the service already gave up that role with the demise of the Grumman F-14 Tomcat fleet and the cancellation of the Naval Advanced Tactical Fighter and A/F-X programs during the 1990s drawdown.

"The Navy may need to be content with ceding the uber-air dominance mission to the USAF due to the geometric constraints of their 'mobile airbases,'" the industry official said.

A Lockheed Martin official would not provide any information on advanced F-35 derivatives that are currently in the works—but acknowledged that such projects are underway. "We cannot provide any details on either of these topics given their proprietary nature," company spokeswoman Heather Kelso said.

Operational Air Force pilots with air superiority fighter experience were less than enthusiastic about the prospect of the F-35 replacing the Raptor or F-15. "I hope they get that we need to be well beyond the F-35 in the future and recycling a ramped up proposal isn't going to be good enough," one senior officer said.

Another added that it was physically impossible for the F-35 to match, much less replace, the F-22. "F-35s will never be able to sit at the table with F-22s in the realm of air-to-air and SEAD/DEAD [suppression of enemy air defenses/destruction of enemy air defenses]," the senior Air Force pilot said. "Doesn't have the performance, doesn't have the payload, doesn't have the stealth."

Another highly experienced F-22 pilot was equally unenthused about the prospect of an advanced F-35 derivative—even if that new variant was equipped with an advanced adaptive cycle engine. "That would be a really bad idea unless they finally got enough thrust with two engines!!" the pilot said. "It is an underpowered airplane from what I hear from my bros flying the jet. But, we have leveraged our tactical aviation future on this aircraft, so I guess we have to like it..."
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 19/12/2014 | 08:29 uur
Citaat van: Vandaag om 07:52
A New, "Super" F-35 to Rule the U.S. Military?

Advanced derivatives of the tri-service Lockheed Martin F-35 JSF could replace the Air Force's F-22 Raptor, Boeing F-15C Eagle and F/A-18E/F Super Hornet.

Misschien een interessante en welkome aanvulling en zonder enige form van kennis zou ik denken ongeschikt als F15C en F22A opvolger.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 19/12/2014 | 09:14 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 19/12/2014 | 08:29 uur
Misschien een interessante en welkome aanvulling en zonder enige form van kennis zou ik denken ongeschikt als F15C en F22A opvolger.

Ik denk dat de laatste paragraaf het wel opsomt, een f35ng is best mogelijk, maar zal de F15/F22 niet kunnen matchen.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Jooop op 19/12/2014 | 09:20 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 15/12/2014 | 11:13 uur
Turkey aspires to produce local fighter jet by 2023

14 December 2014

Turkey wants to locally produce a fighter jet by 2023 to fulfill its objective of meeting all defense equipments domestically, defense minister has said.

Turkey wants to locally produce a fighter jet by 2023 to fulfill its objective of meeting all defense equipments domestically, Defense Minister Ismet Yilmaz said Sunday.

Yilmaz said in an interview that Turkey produced warships, advanced gunship attack helicopters, training aircraft and high precision cruise missiles completely or largely by its own domestic means.

He said that currently, 55 percent of Turkish Armed Forces' needs were met domestically and plans were being made to increase this to a near hundred percent by 2023, the year the country marks the centennial of The Republic of Turkey.

"When we manage to produce a fighter jet, we will be able to meet all needs of our army on land, sea or air within Turkey. Hopefully, when we acheive this feat, we will be a fully independent country," the minister said.

Tjah, het is misschien niet onmogelijk maar ik zie niet hoe een advanced fighter voor kleine aantallen mogelijk is, laat staan concurrerend.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 21/12/2014 | 10:34 uur
Russian stealth jet technology surpassed by China

Staff Reporter 2014-12-21

China's stealth fighter technology has overtaken Russia based on newly-released photos of China's J-20 stealth fighter, reports the Global Times, a tabloid under the auspices of the Communist Party mouthpiece People's Daily.

Photos of the latest version of the J-20 — a stealth, twin-engine fifth-generation fighter jet being developed by the Chengdu Aerospace Corporation — bearing the serial number 2015, reveal that the aircraft has commenced ground testing and may be conducting its first flight soon. This appears to be another step in the right direction after an earlier J-20 model with a serial number of 2013 was unveiled in September, the Global Times said.

Experts speculate that the J-20 may have already entered a rapid prototype production phase.

It remains to be seen whether the J-20 model, which carried out its maiden flight in January 2011, can catch up to Russia's T-50 fifth-generation fighter, which conducted its maiden flight a year earlier.

Russia's fifth T-50 aircraft completed its first flight in February, but a test flight of its sixth T-50 in June was not a success as the aircraft caught fire upon landing. If the photos of the latest J-20 are confirmed, then that means China will have six J-20 aircraft capable of conducting test flights, the Global Times said, meaning that China's production and research and development of stealth jets have overtaken Russia.

Given the complexity of the technology involved, however, China will not rush the J-20 into operation and may conduct test flights and equipment testing simultaneously, like what the US is doing with its Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II, the tabloid said.

The Global Times was again optimistic about the superiority of the J-20 to America's F-22 fighter once it becomes fully operational, citing the Chinese plane's larger body and versatility as potential advantages.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 21/12/2014 | 11:10 uur
Leuke claims van die Chinezen, maar voorlopig geloof ik er niks van dat ze al op wereldniveau zitten. Zeker gezien de nog steeds wijd besproken problemen met de motoren.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 21/12/2014 | 11:18 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 21/12/2014 | 11:10 uur
Leuke claims van die Chinezen, maar voorlopig geloof ik er niks van dat ze al op wereldniveau zitten. Zeker gezien de nog steeds wijd besproken problemen met de motoren.

Mee eens, een van de redenen waarom de Chinezen (wellicht) overgaan tot de aanschaf van 24 SU-35's.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: slaydo op 21/12/2014 | 11:23 uur
In ieder geval zijn die Chinese kisten nu nog uitgerust met oude motoren. Daar zal nog een hoop werk aan verricht moeten worden om de nieuwe motoren te integreren in het ontwerp.. Ik wil het eerst zien..
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 21/12/2014 | 11:59 uur
Citaat van: slaydo op 21/12/2014 | 11:23 uur
In ieder geval zijn die Chinese kisten nu nog uitgerust met oude motoren. Daar zal nog een hoop werk aan verricht moeten worden om de nieuwe motoren te integreren in het ontwerp.. Ik wil het eerst zien..

Maak je niet ongerust (of juist wel), het gaat de Chinezen lukken, al duurt het misschien nog jaren, waarna ik zo het vermoeden heb dat ze daarna niets meer zullen onderdoen voor westerse motoren ontwikkelaars/fabrikanten.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 21/12/2014 | 12:02 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 21/12/2014 | 11:10 uur
Leuke claims van die Chinezen, maar voorlopig geloof ik er niks van dat ze al op wereldniveau zitten. Zeker gezien de nog steeds wijd besproken problemen met de motoren.
dat is een flinke rem op de ontwikkelingen ja....vandaar ook blijvende investeringen in 4+ generatie toestellen...die samen met de updated 3de generatie toch de backbone van de Chinese luchtmacht zal blijven.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 27/12/2014 | 10:22 uur
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 29/12/2014 | 15:47 uur
Newest U.S. Stealth Fighter '10 Years Behind' Older Jets

America's $400 billion, top-of-the-line aircraft can't see the battlefield all that well. Which means it's actually worse than its predecessors at fighting today's wars.

When the Pentagon's nearly $400 billion F-35 Joint Strike Fighter finally enters service next year after nearly two decades in development, it won't be able to support troops on the ground the way older planes can today. Its sensors won't be able to see the battlefield as well; and what video the F-35 does capture, it won't be able to transmit to infantrymen in real time.

Versions of the new single-engine stealth fighter are set to replace almost every type of fighter in the U.S. Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps inventory—including aircraft specifically designed to support ground troops like the A-10 Warthog. That will leave troops in a lurch when the F-35 eventually becomes the only game in town.

"The F-35 will, in my opinion, be 10 years behind legacy fighters when it achieves [initial operational capability]," said one Air Force official affiliated with the F-35 program. "When the F-35 achieves [initial operational capability], it will not have the weapons or sensor capability, with respect to the CAS [close air support] mission set, that legacy multi-role fighters had by the mid-2000s."

The problem stems from the fact that the technology found on one of the stealth fighter's primary air-to-ground sensors—its nose-mounted Electro-Optical Targeting System (EOTS)—is more than a decade old and hopelessly obsolete. The EOTS, which is similar in concept to a large high-resolution infrared and television camera, is used to visually identify and monitor ground targets. The system can also mark targets for laser-guided bombs. 

"EOTS is a big step backwards. The technology is 10-plus years old, hasn't been able to take advantage of all the pod upgrades in the meantime, and there were some performance tradeoffs to accommodate space and stealth," said another Air Force official familiar with the F-35 program. "I think it's one area where the guys are going to be disappointed in the avionics."

Ironically, older jets currently in service with the Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps can carry the latest generation of sensor pods, which are far more advanced than the EOTS sensor carried by the F-35. The latest generation pods—the Lockheed Martin Sniper ATP-SE and Northrop Grumman LITENING-SE—display far clearer high-definition video imagery in both in the infrared and optical spectrum—and from greater distances. Further, both pods have the ability to beam those full-motion video feeds to ground troops, which provides those forces with vital intelligence information.

Both pods also incorporate the ability to mark targets with an infrared laser beam—which the EOTS lacks—that helps pilots and ground controllers coordinate their attacks. Some pilots consider the infrared marker to be crucial to the close air-support mission to support ground troops. The F-35 EOTS, which is an integral component of the new stealth fighter, was envisioned as a replacement for targeting pods altogether to preserve the JSF's stealth frame. (Targeting pods can bulge out a bit, and leak out unwanted signals.) But along with the stealth came performance compromises that also hinder the ability to upgrade the system—the specifications of which were set more that 15 years ago—far before anyone imagined a jet would be providing video imagery to ground forces.

When the Pentagon had initially drawn up the Joint Strike Fighter program's specifications during the later half of the 1990s, the EOTS would have been bleeding-edge technology. However, in the 14 years that have passed since the Pentagon awarded Lockheed the contract to develop the F-35, technology has evolved—and the services have gained experience from over a decade of war.

"It was an awesome system when the F-35 specs were drawn-up in the late '90s—LANTIRN [targeting pod] was the most advanced pod at that time," said the first Air Force official affiliated with the F-35 program. "But we're now a couple of generations beyond that spec with the targeting pods. EOTS is about a [1990s-era Northrop Grumman AN/AAQ-28(V)] LITENING II-equivalent targeting pod."

That means that the EOTS camera does not have the range or high-resolution capability that would be found on the current targeting pods carried by American fighters flying over Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan. It also means that future F-35 pilots won't be able to see their quarry in the same kind of detail that they can on current U.S. jets.

The Air Force is currently using the advanced LITENING-SE on many of its fighters like the F-16, which is about two generations newer than the old 1990s-vintage LITENING II-pod. Meanwhile, Lockheed Martin is delivering the new Sniper Advanced Targeting Pod-Sensor Enhancement (ATP-SE) to the Air Force—which is, ironically, an advanced version of the original Sniper XR pod that the F-35's EOTS sensor was based on.

More damningly, the F-35 won't be able to send even its already lower-quality live video down to those soldiers on the ground because its specifications were set before the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan started. Back then, no one ever imagined needing to beam live video to ground troops from a fighter jet. Nor are there any current plans to add that capability to the F-35.

"At no point is F-35 fragged to have VDL [video down-link] unless it carries a targeting pod and the F-35 EOTS does not have and will not get an IR [infrared] marker," the first F-35 official said. "It won't fit in the space available."

The lack of an infrared pointer is a huge problem, according to multiple Air Force pilots with experience flying combat missions in support of ground forces. In aircraft like the A-10, F-15E or F/A-18 Hornet, when ground troops pass target coordinates—or if the pilot spots enemy forces shooting—that pilot can turn on the infrared pointer to highlight the target. If the ground controller—known as a Joint Terminal Attack Controller—sees the "sparkle" from the infrared pointer, he can confirm that the pilot is illuminating the correct target.

Further, if a pilot sees something of interest, he or she can use the infrared pointer to draw the attention of the ground controller, who can then confirm if the target is hostile or not. "F-35s will never have this," the first F-35 official said. "It also helps pilots orientate themselves during weapons delivery passes."

Officials at JSF-maker Lockheed Martin couldn't respond to queries by press time, but the F-35 program does not appear to have a plan to rectify the problem.

One Air Force official said that with enough time and more money, the EOTS could be fixed. "Because in five years when the USAF [US Air Force] comes to Lockheed Martin and says we absolutely need an upgraded EOTS with an infrared pointer and [video down-link], Lockheed Martin says... OK no sweat, that'll be $5 million per jet," the Air Force official said. "Thus lies the problem in the U.S. military industrial complex. They purposefully build products that require mass amounts of money to 'upgrade' when in fact, they could have planned ahead and built an easily upgradable ship / aircraft / radio / weapon system."

One of the JSF officials agreed that the EOTS does not speak well for the Pentagon's ability to buy new weapons. "EOTS is a poster child for one of the ills of the acquisition process," the official said. "Because all of the subsystems depend on each other, requirements aren't allowed to change after the design is 'finalized.' It's not a big deal, unless it takes 20 years to field the jet... then it's a problem."

The end result is that when the F-35 finally becomes operational after its myriad technical problems, cost overruns, and massive delays, in some ways it will be less capable than current fighters in the Pentagon's inventory.

"Will the F-35 even have parity with those jets in the CAS mission set 10 years from now? I don't know, dude. It doesn't look good."
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 01/01/2015 | 19:47 uur
New U.S. Stealth Jet Can't Fire Its Gun Until 2019

America's $400 billion Joint Strike Fighter, or F-35, is slated to join fighter squadrons next year—but missing software will render its 25mm cannon useless.

The Pentagon's newest stealth jet, the nearly $400 billion Joint Strike Fighter, won't be able to fire its gun during operational missions until 2019, three to four years after it becomes operational.

Even though the Joint Strike Fighter, or F-35, is supposed to join frontline U.S. Marine Corps fighter squadrons next year and Air Force units in 2016, the jet's software does not yet have the ability to shoot its 25mm cannon. But even when the jet will be able to shoot its gun, the F-35 barely carries enough ammunition to make the weapon useful.

The JSF won't be completely unarmed. It will still carry a pair of Raytheon AIM-120 AMRAAM long-range air-to-air missiles and a pair of bombs. Initially, it will be able to carry 1,000-pound satellite-guided bombs or 500-pound laser-guided weapons. But those weapons are of limited utility, especially during close-in fights.

"There will be no gun until [the Joint Strike Fighter's Block] 3F [software], there is no software to support it now or for the next four-ish years," said one Air Force official affiliated with the F-35 program. "Block 3F is slated for release in 2019, but who knows how much that will slip?"

The tri-service F-35 is crucial to the Pentagon's plans to modernize America's tactical fighter fleet. The Defense Department hopes to buy 2,443 of the new stealth jets in three versions—one for the Air Force, one for the Navy, and one for the Marines. Versions of the jet will replace everything from the air arm's A-10 Warthog ground attack plane and Lockheed F-16 multirole fighter, to the Navy's Boeing F/A-18 Hornet carrier-based fighter, to the Marines' Boeing AV-8B Harrier II jump-jet. But the F-35 has been plagued with massive delays and cost overruns—mostly due to design defects and software issues. There have also been problems with the jet's engine. An F-35 was destroyed on takeoff earlier in the year when a design flaw in its Pratt & Whitney F135 engine sparked a fire.

Another Air Force official familiar with the F-35 confirmed that the jet won't have the software to fire its gun until the Block 3F software is released to frontline squadrons sometime in 2019. Neither Lockheed nor the F-35 Joint Program Office responded to inquiries about the status of the jet's gun.

Right now, the F-35's software doesn't support the use of the aircraft's GAU-22/A four-barreled rotary cannon. The weapon was developed from the U.S. Marine Corps' AV-8B Harrier II jump-jet's GAU-12/U cannon, but it has one fewer barrel and weighs less.

It's also supposed to be more accurate—when it can be fired, that is. The gun can shoot 3,300 rounds per minute, though the Air Force's F-35A version can carry just 180 rounds for the gun.

The Navy and Marine Corps versions of the F-35 have differing configurations and rely on an external gun pod. The software won't be ready for those jets for years, either. And while that gun-pod version for the Navy and Marines carries slightly more ammo, with 220 rounds, some in the military are complaining that it's not enough. "So, about good for one tactical burst," the first Air Force official said. "Hope you don't miss."

The lack of a cannon is a particular problem, as the F-35 is being counted on to help out infantrymen under fire. (This is known as close air support, or CAS, in military jargon.) The F-35 will lack the ability to mark a target or attack enemy forces in "danger close" situations, said one highly experienced Air Force fighter pilot.

"Lack of forward firing ordnance in a CAS supporting aircraft is a major handicap," he added. "CAS fights are more fluid than air interdiction, friendlies and targets move... Oftentimes quickly. The ability to mark the target with rockets and attack the same target 10 seconds later is crucial."

Typically, aircraft will work in pairs where the flight lead will make an initial pass to mark a target with rockets. A second aircraft will then attack with its guns. Incidentally, the F-35 won't be armed with rockets, either, sources told The Daily Beast.

The reason pilots would choose to use guns over a bomb or a missile is simple. Basically, a pilot might not want to drop a bomb near ground troops in situations where the enemy has gotten in very close to those friendly forces. Even a relatively small 250-pound bomb could kill or injure friendly troops who are within 650 feet of the explosion.

By contrast, a gun will allow a pilot to attack hostile forces that are less than 300 feet from friendly ground forces.

Proponents of the F-35 within the Air Force leadership argue that the jet's sensors and ability to display information intuitively will allow the stealthy new fighter to do the close air-support mission from high altitudes using satellite-guided weapons. But there are situations where that won't work.

"GPS-guided munitions with long times of fall are useless when the ground commander doesn't know exactly where the fire is coming from, or is withdrawing and the enemy is pursuing," said another Air Force fighter pilot. "GPS munitions are equally useless when dropped from an aircraft when the pilot has near zero ability to track the battle with his own eyes."

The lack of a gun is not likely to be a major problem for close-in air-to-air dogfights against other jets. Part of the problem is that the F-35—which is less maneuverable than contemporary enemy fighters like the Russian Sukhoi Su-30 Flanker—is not likely to survive such a close-in skirmish. "The jet can't really turn anyway, so that is a bit of a moot point," said one Air Force fighter pilot.

"The JSF is so heavy, it won't accelerate fast enough to get back up to fighting speed," said another Air Force fighter pilot. "Bottom line is that it will only be a BVR [beyond visual range] airplane."

That means the F-35 will be almost entirely reliant on long-range air-to-air missiles. It doesn't carry any short-range, dogfighting missiles like the Raytheon AIM-9X Sidewinder when it's in a stealthy configuration. One pilot familiar with the F-35 added that "they will not have a large enough air-to-air [missile] load to be on the leading edge" of an air battle in any case.

Another senior Air Force official with stealth fighter experience agreed. "From an air-to-air standpoint, an argument could be made that the F-35A not having a functional gun—or any gun, for that matter—will have little to no impact. Heck, it only has 180 rounds anyway," he said. "I would be lying if I said there exists any plausible tactical air-to-air scenario where the F-35 will need to employ the gun. Personally, I just don't see it ever happening and think they should have saved the weight [by getting rid of the gun altogether]."

However, the Air Force official said that very fact the F-35 will not have a functional gun when it becomes operational is symptomatic of a deeply troubled program. "To me, the more disturbing aspect of this delay is that it represents yet another clear indication that the program is in serious trouble," the official said. F-35 maker "Lockheed Martin is clearly in a situation where they are scrambling to keep their collective noses above the waterline, and they are looking to push non-critical systems to the right in a moment of desperation."
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 02/01/2015 | 07:26 uur
Boeing, Airbus Co-operate on Bid for Korean Fighter

By Paul Ausick   January 1, 2015

In what may seem to be an odd twist, The Boeing Co. (NYSE: BA) and arch-rival Airbus Group NV have teamed up with local partner Korean Airlines to bid on development of a new military fighter plane. The triumvirate is proposing Boeing's F/A-18E/F Super Hornet as the base design for South Korea's KF-X development program.

The partnership with Airbus is intended to assist Boeing in avoiding U.S. government restrictions on the technology that the company can sell to foreign countries. Airbus is likely being brought on board to supply stealth technology for the Korean fighter because Boeing is prohibited from doing so according to Aviation Week.

Boeing had bid on another fighter plane for South Korea, the F-X Phase 3, with an Israeli aerospace firm, but that program was awarded in September to Lockheed Martin Corp. (NYSE: LMT) as a sole source to supply 40 of the company's F-35A fighter planes for a reported total of $7 billion. The KF-X program is reportedly worth another $8.2 billion although the South Korean government has not approved any spending on the program yet.

The Boeing-Airbus proposal for the KF-X is expected to be an "economical alternative" to South Korea's plan to have the country's own plane builder, Korea Aerospace Industries, design and build an entirely new plane with technical help from Lockheed Martin. The country would then try to sell its indigenous plane to countries that could not afford to buy U.S.-made fighters. The initial goal is to build 120 KF-X planes for the country's own air force beginning in 2025.

Boeing and Airbus are competing against each other to sell 4 tanker planes to the Korean government in a deal worth a reported $1.25 billion.

Boeing lost the F-X Phase 3 contract to Lockheed Martin even though it was the only bidder to meet the price ceiling set by the Korean government.

If the South Korean government decides it wants to build the plane from the ground up in order to move into the arms exporting business, Boeing could lose again no matter how economical it's alternative program is.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 02/01/2015 | 11:53 uur
Citaat van: Vandaag om 07:26
Boeing, Airbus Co-operate on Bid for Korean Fighter

Het lijkt een van de eerste (publieke) flirten tussen beide bedrijven om te komen tot een gezamenlijk Amerikaanse-Europese fighter, een opvolger/alternatief voor zowel de F15, F18 als de Eurofighter...

Beide bedrijven staan, in de fighter business, immers vanaf 2019 met lege (nieuwbouw) handen. (al heeft Boeing de FA/XX wellicht nog in het vat)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Zander op 02/01/2015 | 12:05 uur
Ik snap ook niet dat dit niet eerder is gebeurd. Ik denk dat een samenwerking op dit gebied al voor veel innovatie en nieuwe/betere type toestellen had kunnen zorgen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 02/01/2015 | 12:32 uur
Citaat van: Zander op 02/01/2015 | 12:05 uur
Ik snap ook niet dat dit niet eerder is gebeurd. Ik denk dat een samenwerking op dit gebied al voor veel innovatie en nieuwe/betere type toestellen had kunnen zorgen.

Wellicht wordt men nu economisch "gedwongen" tot samenwerking en wie weet levert het iets interessants op.

Als die twee een fighter huwelijk aangaan dan kan je haast verwachten dat Saab (zie ook de inspiratie van Boeing en Saab om te komen tot een T/X voor de USAF) tot dit clubje zal toetreden...

Als dat zo is, dan zal Dassault het erg lastig krijgen om als zelfstandige fighter producent te overleven in de volgende decennia tenzij zij samen gaat met British Aerospace.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ros op 02/01/2015 | 12:39 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 02/01/2015 | 12:32 uur
Wellicht wordt men nu economisch "gedwongen" tot samenwerking en wie weet levert het iets interessants op.

Een joint venture op dit niveau komt niet voort uit het gegeven dat het beide heel goed gaat. Concurrente vanuit welke hoek ?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 02/01/2015 | 12:42 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 02/01/2015 | 12:39 uur
Een joint venture op dit niveau komt niet voort uit het gegeven dat het beide heel goed gaat. Concurrente vanuit welke hoek ?

LM als US monopolist en beide fabrikanten met (bijna) gesloten productielijnen terwijl een aantal Aziatische/Russische alternatieven, ook voor export, wordt ontwikkeld.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 02/01/2015 | 15:53 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 02/01/2015 | 12:32 uur
Wellicht wordt men nu economisch "gedwongen" tot samenwerking en wie weet levert het iets interessants op.

Als die twee een fighter huwelijk aangaan dan kan je haast verwachten dat Saab (zie ook de inspiratie van Boeing en Saab om te komen tot een T/X voor de USAF) tot dit clubje zal toetreden...

Als dat zo is, dan zal Dassault het erg lastig krijgen om als zelfstandige fighter producent te overleven in de volgende decennia tenzij zij samen gaat met British Aerospace.
en dus zullen bij Dassault de alarmbellen ook rinkelen. Al is het voor Europa niet verkeerd als er ook nog andere fabrikanten in deze blijven bestaan. Anders krijgen we ook monopolie-problemen hier.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 02/01/2015 | 16:12 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 02/01/2015 | 15:53 uur
en dus zullen bij Dassault de alarmbellen ook rinkelen. Al is het voor Europa niet verkeerd als er ook nog andere fabrikanten in deze blijven bestaan. Anders krijgen we ook monopolie-problemen hier.

Ik heb zo het vermoeden dat je gelijk hebt vwb de Alarmbellen bij  Dassault.

Een monopolie vind ik ten allen tijden een slechte zaak, zeker in het kader van prijsontwikkelingen maar minstens net zo belangrijk in het kader van innovatie en diversiteit.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 02/01/2015 | 16:25 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 02/01/2015 | 16:12 uur
Ik heb zo het vermoeden dat je gelijk hebt vwb de Alarmbellen bij  Dassault.

Een monopolie vind ik ten allen tijden een slechte zaak, zeker in het kader van prijsontwikkelingen maar minstens net zo belangrijk in het kader van innovatie en diversiteit.
Ik vind het in ieder geval interessant om te zien of er (meer) transatlantische connecties gaan ontstaan of dat je eerder verdere structurele (en niet projectmatige) samenwerking gaat zien op de beide continenten zelf. Het mag inmiddels duidelijk zijn waar mijn voorkeur ligt.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 02/01/2015 | 16:37 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 02/01/2015 | 16:25 uur
Ik vind het in ieder geval interessant om te zien of er (meer) transatlantische connecties gaan ontstaan of dat je eerder verdere structurele (en niet projectmatige) samenwerking gaat zien op de beide continenten zelf. Het mag inmiddels duidelijk zijn waar mijn voorkeur ligt.

Ik zou gokken op een soort van VOF structuur tussen Airbus en Boeing als een dergelijke samenwerking zou worden opgetuigd.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 03/01/2015 | 10:46 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 02/01/2015 | 12:32 uur
Wellicht wordt men nu economisch "gedwongen" tot samenwerking en wie weet levert het iets interessants op.

Als die twee een fighter huwelijk aangaan dan kan je haast verwachten dat Saab (zie ook de inspiratie van Boeing en Saab om te komen tot een T/X voor de USAF) tot dit clubje zal toetreden...

Als dat zo is, dan zal Dassault het erg lastig krijgen om als zelfstandige fighter producent te overleven in de volgende decennia tenzij zij samen gaat met British Aerospace.

Ik geloof niet dat het economische het belangrijkste is. Het gaat om de fighter markt. Politiek is leading. Die moeten we in Europa op orde krijgen.
Laten we wel wezen, de Typhoon en de Rafale zijn beide mooie kisten, maar als we kijken naar de capaciteiten en de kosten, dan ontstaat het vermoeden dat alle voordelen waar de Typhoon van heeft kunnen profiteren, weer verloren zijn aan political induced inefficiencies. Ook SAAB weet met de Gripen een goede kist neer te zetten, en werkt veel kleinschaliger. Als we die efficiëntie kunnen gaan gebruiken in grotere projecten, dan komen we ergens. En dat kan, maar dat betekend geven en nemen.

British Aerospae bestaat al heel wat jaartjes niet meer trouwens, dat is BAE geworden.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/01/2015 | 11:28 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 03/01/2015 | 10:46 uur
Ik geloof niet dat het economische het belangrijkste is. Het gaat om de fighter markt. Politiek is leading. Die moeten we in Europa op orde krijgen.
Laten we wel wezen, de Typhoon en de Rafale zijn beide mooie kisten, maar als we kijken naar de capaciteiten en de kosten, dan ontstaat het vermoeden dat alle voordelen waar de Typhoon van heeft kunnen profiteren, weer verloren zijn aan political induced inefficiencies. Ook SAAB weet met de Gripen een goede kist neer te zetten, en werkt veel kleinschaliger. Als we die efficiëntie kunnen gaan gebruiken in grotere projecten, dan komen we ergens. En dat kan, maar dat betekend geven en nemen.

British Aerospae bestaat al heel wat jaartjes niet meer trouwens, dat is BAE geworden.

Natuurlijk is de politiek leidend, echter als deze in al haar "wijsheid" andere keuzes maakt en geen budget meer (of onvoldoende) beschikbaar stelt dan heb je als commercieel bedrijf al heel snel een probleem.

Of het nu een trans Atlantische samenwerking wordt of een Pan Europese er zal iets moeten gebeuren om de continuïteit te waarborgen immers geen van de genoemde producenten is een sociale werkplaats en hebben allen dezelfde doelstelling: het genereren van winst.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 03/01/2015 | 11:50 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 02/01/2015 | 12:32 uur
Wellicht wordt men nu economisch "gedwongen" tot samenwerking en wie weet levert het iets interessants op.

Als die twee een fighter huwelijk aangaan dan kan je haast verwachten dat Saab (zie ook de inspiratie van Boeing en Saab om te komen tot een T/X voor de USAF) tot dit clubje zal toetreden...

Als dat zo is, dan zal Dassault het erg lastig krijgen om als zelfstandige fighter producent te overleven in de volgende decennia tenzij zij samen gaat met British Aerospace.

Dat saab zal toetreden lijkt me juist hoogst onwaarschijnlijk. Weet niet waar je dit op baseerd maar aangezien een co creatie een vorm van amerikaanse markt protectionisme is lijkt me de kans voor Saab 0.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/01/2015 | 12:16 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 03/01/2015 | 11:50 uur
Dat saab zal toetreden lijkt me juist hoogst onwaarschijnlijk. Weet niet waar je dit op baseerd maar aangezien een co creatie een vorm van amerikaanse markt protectionisme is lijkt me de kans voor Saab 0.

Momenteel wordt er in de VS gewerkt aan de opvolger van hun trainingsvliegtuigen, één van de 4 partijen is de combinatie: Boeing-Saab (met als enige een clean sheet ontwerp).

Mocht Boeing-Saab als winnaar uit de bus komen voor 350 jet trainers en die kans acht ik niet ondenkbaar gezien het gebrek aan een (tot nu roe) nieuwe figher line voor Boeing, dan zou het mij niet verbazen als Boeing de fighter tak van Saab koopt om zo te komen tot schaalvergroting en het behoudt van continuïteit (voor beide partijen)

Maak van jouw inschatting: "0" maar een ander getal.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 03/01/2015 | 12:48 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/01/2015 | 12:16 uur
Momenteel wordt er in de VS gewerkt aan de opvolger van hun trainingsvliegtuigen, één van de 4 partijen is de combinatie: Boeing-Saab (met als enige een clean sheet ontwerp).

Mocht Boeing-Saab als winnaar uit de bus komen voor 350 jet trainers en die kans acht ik niet ondenkbaar gezien het gebrek aan een (tot nu roe) nieuwe figher line voor Boeing, dan zou het mij niet verbazen als Boeing de fighter tak van Saab koopt om zo te komen tot schaalvergroting en het behoudt van continuïteit (voor beide partijen)

Maak van jouw inschatting: "0" maar een ander getal.

Boeing Saab koopt? Het zijn aannames en voor jou niet ondenkbare scenario's.

Het gaat om een trainer, jij maakt daar vervolgens van dat daar heel misschien niet ondenkbaar een fighter uit rolt, en dan vindt je het ook een heel goed mogelijk denkbaar scenario dat heel Boeing Saab koopt. Ik dacht dat we minder gingen luchtfietsen hier en niet meer.

Van een trainer aanvraag naar een fighter jet, daar zitten nog tig stappen tussen. Maar nogmaals, Amerika is heel protectionistisch als het op hun markten en organisaties aankomt. Die gaan nul toegeven aan een Europese concurrent en die gaan ook niet investeren in laten we zegge het opkopen van de avionics afdeling van Saab. Daar is namelijk nog helemaal geen aanleiding toe. Stel de Boeing fabrieken ontploffen van de werkzaamheden en kunnen het niet meer aan zullen ze over uitbreiding gaan nadenken, maar daar zullen toch echt eerst Amerikaanse alternatieven voor worden gezocht. Het enige wat in het buitenland zal worden geproduceerd zullen de neuswielen zijn en de tankdop ( bij wijze van spreken ).

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/01/2015 | 12:59 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 03/01/2015 | 12:48 uur
Boeing Saab koopt? Het zijn aannames en voor jou niet ondenkbare scenario's.

Het gaat om een trainer, jij maakt daar vervolgens van dat daar heel misschien niet ondenkbaar een fighter uit rolt, en dan vindt je het ook een heel goed mogelijk denkbaar scenario dat heel Boeing Saab koopt. Ik dacht dat we minder gingen luchtfietsen hier en niet meer.

Van een trainer aanvraag naar een fighter jet, daar zitten nog tig stappen tussen. Maar nogmaals, Amerika is heel protectionistisch als het op hun markten en organisaties aankomt. Die gaan nul toegeven aan een Europese concurrent en die gaan ook niet investeren in laten we zegge het opkopen van de avionics afdeling van Saab. Daar is namelijk nog helemaal geen aanleiding toe. Stel de Boeing fabrieken ontploffen van de werkzaamheden en kunnen het niet meer aan zullen ze over uitbreiding gaan nadenken, maar daar zullen toch echt eerst Amerikaanse alternatieven voor worden gezocht. Het enige wat in het buitenland zal worden geproduceerd zullen de neuswielen zijn en de tankdop ( bij wijze van spreken ).

Het heeft niet zo veel met luchtfietserij te maken, slechts met overleven.

Saab zal het zelfstandig lastig krijgen om na de Gripen een autonome opvolger te ontwikkelen en Boeing is nog dit decennium klaar met het produceren van gevechtsvliegtuigen.

Als de T/X order naar een andere partij gaat, dan heb je een andere verhaal.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 03/01/2015 | 14:57 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 03/01/2015 | 12:48 uur

Van een trainer aanvraag naar een fighter jet, daar zitten nog tig stappen tussen. Maar nogmaals, Amerika is heel protectionistisch als het op hun markten en organisaties aankomt. Die gaan nul toegeven aan een Europese concurrent en die gaan ook niet investeren in laten we zegge het opkopen van de avionics afdeling van Saab. Daar is namelijk nog helemaal geen aanleiding toe. Stel de Boeing fabrieken ontploffen van de werkzaamheden en kunnen het niet meer aan zullen ze over uitbreiding gaan nadenken, maar daar zullen toch echt eerst Amerikaanse alternatieven voor worden gezocht. Het enige wat in het buitenland zal worden geproduceerd zullen de neuswielen zijn en de tankdop ( bij wijze van spreken ).
inderdaad...was ook een belangrijke leus van Obama..."buy made in USA"...Zouden ze hier in Europa nog eens een voorbeeld aan moeten nemen ;)...ik schreef het al eens eerder...we kunnen veel van de Amerikanen leren in deze..
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 03/01/2015 | 15:02 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/01/2015 | 12:59 uur
Het heeft niet zo veel met luchtfietserij te maken, slechts met overleven.

Saab zal het zelfstandig lastig krijgen om na de Gripen een autonome opvolger te ontwikkelen en Boeing is nog dit decennium klaar met het produceren van gevechtsvliegtuigen.

Als de T/X order naar een andere partij gaat, dan heb je een andere verhaal.
Het is inderdaad koffiedik kijken. Er is een mogelijkheid...maar aan de andere kant heeft Boeing ook gewoon zijn lijnen binnen de Amerikaanse krijgsmacht (en dan vooral marine)...en zou het me niet verbazen als zij de opvolger van de (Super)Hornet gaan ontwikkelen en produceren. Naast de vele andere projecten die dit gigantische concern draaiende houden. Of men moet de Europese defensie industrie willen ondermijnen?! Het zal me niet verbazen als daar in Amerikaanse directiekamers wel eens door CEOs onderling over wordt gesproken. Al komt de echte concurrentie inmiddels steeds meer uit andere regio's van deze aardbol..
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/01/2015 | 15:20 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 03/01/2015 | 15:02 uur
Het is inderdaad koffiedik kijken. Er is een mogelijkheid...maar aan de andere kant heeft Boeing ook gewoon zijn lijnen binnen de Amerikaanse krijgsmacht (en dan vooral marine)...en zou het me niet verbazen als zij de opvolger van de (Super)Hornet gaan ontwikkelen en produceren. Naast de vele andere projecten die dit gigantische concern draaiende houden. Of men moet de Europese defensie industrie willen ondermijnen?! Het zal me niet verbazen als daar in Amerikaanse directiekamers wel eens door CEOs onderling over wordt gesproken. Al komt de echte concurrentie inmiddels steeds meer uit andere regio's van deze aardbol..

Als optimist hoop/verwacht ik dat Boeing haar bemande en onbemande variant van de FA/XX mag bouwen en leveren aan de USN, iets waar ik een groot voorstander van ben al was het maar om een monopolie van LM te voorkomen daarnaast is het goed voor de noodzakelijke innovaties.

Probleem voor de productielijnen van Boeing (F18 en F15 familie) is dat het doek valt voor het einde van dit decennium en dat de FA/XX niet eerder in productie kan worden genomen (if ever) vanaf medio jaren dertig...

Vele duizenden Boeing medewerkers zullen een ander job nodig hebben, het zij binnen dan wel buiten het concern, kortom: dan heb je een probleem!
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 03/01/2015 | 15:31 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/01/2015 | 15:20 uur
Als optimist hoop/verwacht ik dat Boeing haar bemande en onbemande variant van de FA/XX mag bouwen en leveren aan de USN, iets waar ik een groot voorstander van ben al was het maar om een monopolie van LM te voorkomen daarnaast is het goed voor de noodzakelijke innovaties.

Probleem voor de productielijnen van Boeing (F18 en F15 familie) is dat het doek valt voor het einde van dit decennium en dat de FA/XX niet eerder in productie kan worden genomen (if ever) vanaf medio jaren dertig...

Vele duizenden Boeing medewerkers zullen een ander job nodig hebben, het zij binnen dan wel buiten het concern, kortom: dan heb je een probleem!
Heeft Boeing hier mogelijkheden die medewerkers (tijdelijk) te verplaatsen naar de helikopter-afdelingen of civiele producties? Boeing doet ook mee met vervangingsproject voor UH-60 en Apache..
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/01/2015 | 15:37 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 03/01/2015 | 15:31 uur
Heeft Boeing hier mogelijkheden die medewerkers (tijdelijk) te verplaatsen naar de helikopter-afdelingen of civiele producties? Boeing doet ook mee met vervangingsproject voor UH-60 en Apache..

Er zullen zeker interne vacatures opgevuld kunnen worden maar:

The St. Louis production line for Boeing's F/A-18E/F Super Hornets and EA-18G Growlers is slated to shut down after 2016 unless the Pentagon's No. 2 supplier wins additional U.S. or foreign orders for the planes soon. The plant will build F-15 fighters through at least 2018, based on current orders.

Boeing Faces a Future Without Fighter Jets

As Orders for F/A-18 Dry Up, Executives Shift Focus to Bombers, Drones and Trainers
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 03/01/2015 | 19:22 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 03/01/2015 | 14:57 uur
inderdaad...was ook een belangrijke leus van Obama..."buy made in USA"...Zouden ze hier in Europa nog eens een voorbeeld aan moeten nemen ;)...ik schreef het al eens eerder...we kunnen veel van de Amerikanen leren in deze..

Dat is niet Obama, dat riep volgens mij als eerste de Amerikaanse president Hoover tijdens de grote depressie in de vorige eeuw. de Fransen roepen dat ook al een tijd, wat tot gevolg heeft dat we elkaar allemaal gigantisch geen tegenwerken. Als Europa Europees koopt is dit een goede ontwikkeling mits er goede afspraken komen met handelspartners, als Europa allemaal op zichzelf besluit a la de Fransen doen is dit een ramp.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 03/01/2015 | 19:46 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 03/01/2015 | 19:22 uur
Dat is niet Obama, dat riep volgens mij als eerste de Amerikaanse president Hoover tijdens de grote depressie in de vorige eeuw. de Fransen roepen dat ook al een tijd, wat tot gevolg heeft dat we elkaar allemaal gigantisch geen tegenwerken. Als Europa Europees koopt is dit een goede ontwikkeling mits er goede afspraken komen met handelspartners, als Europa allemaal op zichzelf besluit a la de Fransen doen is dit een ramp.
Dat riep Obama wel degelijk..heb het zelf gezien. Ik zei niet dat hij de bedenker er van was. En Europa moeten we oppassen dat we zo niet elkaar gaan tegenwerken. Al speelt dit zelfs in eenheidsstaat de VS..waar senatoren vooral bezig zijn werkgelegenheid voor de eigen staat veilig te stellen. Het vraag visionaire politici...en die zijn nog wel eens dun gezaaid...of gaan mee in de golven van nationalistische sentimenten...zoals nu.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Lex op 03/01/2015 | 21:02 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 03/01/2015 | 19:46 uur
Dat riep Obama wel degelijk..heb het zelf gezien.
Klopt.En andere presidenten riepen dat ook.
Citaat van: Elzenga op 03/01/2015 | 19:46 uur
Ik zei niet dat hij de bedenker er van was.
Ook dat klopt.
Citaat van: Elzenga op 03/01/2015 | 19:46 uur
En Europa moeten we oppassen dat we zo niet elkaar gaan tegenwerken.
Het lijkt er veel op dat dat juist in Europa wel gebeurt.
Al speelt dit zelfs in eenheidsstaat de VS..waar senatoren vooral bezig zijn werkgelegenheid voor de eigen staat veilig te stellen. Het vraag visionaire politici...en die zijn nog wel eens dun gezaaid...of gaan mee in de golven van nationalistische sentimenten...zoals nu.[/quote]
Zie je dat in NL ook niet gebeuren? Politici/hotemetoten die lobbyen om werkgelegenheid te sprokkelen voor hun eigen "achterban"?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 03/01/2015 | 21:10 uur
Citaat van: Lex op 03/01/2015 | 21:02 uurZie je dat in NL ook niet gebeuren? Politici/hotemetoten die lobbyen om werkgelegenheid te sprokkelen voor hun eigen "achterban"?
Ja sorry...dat was weer meer een algemene constatering...dus niet VS gefocust. Het is inderdaad een breder fenomeen. Ergens begrijpelijk..en binnen een democratie denk ik ook niet te vermijden....maar ik zie liever politici die het algemene belang voor ogen hebben en daarbij ook nog een visie hebben, kunnen uitleggen en kunnen realiseren. Maar goed..krijg het maar eens goed in de huidige complexe wereld.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Lex op 03/01/2015 | 21:23 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 03/01/2015 | 21:10 uur
Ja sorry...dat was weer meer een algemene constatering...dus niet VS gefocust. Het is inderdaad een breder fenomeen. Ergens begrijpelijk..en binnen een democratie denk ik ook niet te vermijden....maar ik zie liever politici die het algemene belang voor ogen hebben en daarbij ook nog een visie hebben, kunnen uitleggen en kunnen realiseren. Maar goed..krijg het maar eens goed in de huidige complexe wereld.
Ik denk dat dit meer iets is, om in een ander topic over voort te borduren.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 04/01/2015 | 03:45 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 03/01/2015 | 19:46 uur
Dat riep Obama wel degelijk..heb het zelf gezien. Ik zei niet dat hij de bedenker er van was. En Europa moeten we oppassen dat we zo niet elkaar gaan tegenwerken. Al speelt dit zelfs in eenheidsstaat de VS..waar senatoren vooral bezig zijn werkgelegenheid voor de eigen staat veilig te stellen. Het vraag visionaire politici...en die zijn nog wel eens dun gezaaid...of gaan mee in de golven van nationalistische sentimenten...zoals nu.

Als je goed leest bedoel ik dat Obama niet de eerst was dit dit zei, maar de regering van President Hoover dit die verzonnen heeft om de grote depressie in de VS te boven te komen. Nationalistisch sentiment is er in elk land, ook in Nederland. Echter, wij zijn een wat meer nuchter volk wat gewoon product B. koopt als dit beter is en niet product A. omdat het geproduceerd is in eigen land. Het is de enige reden waarom Peugeot en Citroën nog bestaan, protectionisme.. niet omdat ze betere auto's maken dan Volkswagen of Toyota.
Enorm gevaarlijke is dat en de Fransen gaan er vanzelf mee op hun bek.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/01/2015 | 20:12 uur
Libyan Air Force receives four new Su-27 fighter jets

7 January 2015

The Libyan Air Force has reportedly taken delivery of four new Russian-made Su-27 Flanker fighter aircraft from an undisclosed country.

An unnamed Libyan official was quoted by official pro HoR LANA news agency as saying that informed military sources in the Libyan National Army (LNA) confirmed on 5 January that four new Sukhoi fighter jets effectively joined the squadrons of the Libyan Air Force.

The aircraft are capable of covering a distance of 3,530km with a maximum speed of 2,500kph. It is also claimed they are capable of staying airborne for a long duration, and can manoeuvre and re-attack up to three times.

They are expected to augment LNA's capabilities in the fight against extremist and terrorist militias across the country.

As Libya is not listed as an official buyer of the Sukhoi Su-27, it is believed to have acquired second-hand or refurbished fighters from other countries.

However, the LNA did not disclose whether the jets were new, or loaned from neighbouring states or allies, or an addition of upgraded old aircraft to the existing Air Force squadrons.

Meanwhile, Libya Herald reported that there is no independent confirmation of the delivery of the fighters.

The delivery comes as the Libyan Armed Forces pledge to intensify airstrikes on all vital infrastructure in the city of Misrata.

General Khalifa Haftar spokesman colonel Mohamed Hejazy was quoted by the Financial Times as saying: "Misurata's ports are used to transfer terrorist and extremist elements, whether Libyan or foreign.

"Misurata is the most dangerous threat to the Libyan state today.

"Therefore, all institutions in Misurata, whether its ports or airport, constitute threats against Libyans."

According to Libya Herald, the Libyan Air Force already threatened to shoot down any Sudanese or Turkish Military or civilian aircraft that enters its airspace.

This warning came a day after bombing a Greek-operated oil tanker, killing two crew members.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 08/01/2015 | 12:29 uur
F-35 Program Office: Gun Remains On Schedule

The gun on the F-35 joint strike fighter remains on schedule to go operational in 2017, the Pentagon said Wednesday.

The Daily Beast reported on Dec. 31 that the gun would not be able to be used until 2019, but in a statement F-35 joint program office spokesman Joe DellaVedova described that story as a "misreporting" of the facts.

The gun in question is a 25mm system known as the GAU-22, developed by General Dynamics. It is internal on the F-35A model and carried in an external pod of the F-35B and F-35C designs. GAU-22 testing for all three models is scheduled to start this year.

Since 2005, DellaVedova said, the GAU-22 was planned to go operational with the block 3F software. That software is scheduled to go online in 2017, with low-rate initial production lot 9.

"Delivering the gun capability in 3F software is well known to the military services, International Partners and our foreign military sales (FMS) customers," DellaVedova said. "That has always been the stated requirement and plan and it hasn't varied since the technical baseline review in 2010."


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Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 08/01/2015 | 13:06 uur
Citaat van: Daily Beast op 29/12/2014 | 15:47 uur
Newest U.S. Stealth Fighter '10 Years Behind' Older Jets

The end result is that when the F-35 finally becomes operational after its myriad technical problems, cost overruns, and massive delays, in some ways it will be less capable than current fighters in the Pentagon's inventory.
"Will the F-35 even have parity with those jets in the CAS mission set 10 years from now? I don't know, dude. It doesn't look good."

Dit is natuurlijk al lang voorspeld. De meer geïntegreerde aanpak maakt upgraden lastiger en kostbaarder. Ik denk hier ook aan het 'oh god, not the software' verhaal van Poleme.

Tegelijkertijd, nu de kist nog in ontwikkeling is lijkt het mij het uitgelezen moment om te upgraden, de meeste kisten zijn immers alleen nog maar gepland, niet geproduceerd, en anders moet het met 10 jaar toch gebeuren. Al is een groot en complex upgrade programma natuurlijk wel goed voor de boeken van LM.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 08/01/2015 | 18:09 uur
RAF Lakenheath to host first F-35A squadron in Europe

By Brian Everstine, Staff Writer / January 8, 2015

The first F-35A squadron in Europe will be based at RAF Lakenheath, England, the Defense Department announced Thursday.

The base, currently home to F-15 squadrons, will host the fifth-generation stealth fighter.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: ARM-WAP op 08/01/2015 | 22:45 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 08/01/2015 | 18:09 uur
RAF Lakenheath to host first F-35A squadron in Europe
Ondertussen gaan een paar andere basissen/infras van de USAF in de UK dicht...

USAF to pull out of airbases at Mildenhall, Alconbury and Molesworth
The United States Air Force (USAF) has confirmed it will pull out of three UK airbases.
US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel said the Americans will leave RAF Mildenhall in Suffolk and RAF Alconbury and RAF Molesworth in Cambridgeshire.
The move is part of a programme to save £320m ($500m) a year across Europe. The USAF lease the RAF bases.
Mr Hagel said he understood it would mean job losses and thanked those who had supported the US Air Force.
"I know that this will result in a reduction of our local host nations workforces at some locations; I value the tremendous support they provided us for decades."
The USAF KC-135 tanker fleet based at Mildenhall will be moved to Germany.
RAF Lakenheath, with two squadrons of new F-35 jets (48 of them) arriving by 2020, will be the aircraft's only European base.
The Pentagon said the loss of about 2,000 US military and civilian personnel is due to relocation away from Mildenhall, but will be offset by the addition of about 1,200 people stationed permanently at Lakenheath.
Support promised
Matthew Hancock, West Suffolk MP and Minister of State for Business, Enterprise and Energy, said he would support the community affected.
Mildenhall had a long and proud history of strong relations with the United States Air Force and the move "will come as a shock to many", he said.
"I have met with the defence secretary, and others in government to ensure we can work, together with the American administration, to support the community.
"We will create a Mildenhall, Alconbury and Molesworth (MAM) Working Group, which I will chair, inviting local LEPs [local enterprise partnerships], councils, the Ministry of Defence and US representatives to ensure no stone is left unturned in supporting Mildenhall and the surrounding area."
A UK Ministry of Defence spokesman said: "The US Department of Defence (DoD) has been reviewing its requirement for bases across Europe as part of (its) European infrastructure consolidation review."
RAF Mildenhall is used as a transport hub by the USAF and is home to air refuelling tankers and special operations forces.
It has about 3,200 military personnel, with 400-500 UK civilian staff employed there.
Both bases are in the Forest Heath District Council area.
James Waters, leader of the council, said: "The USAF contributes significantly to the local economy so the expansion of RAF Lakenheath, and with it the US government's commitment to the site as part of its long term plans, is very welcome.
"But this happiness is obviously tempered by our sadness that Mildenhall is to close.
"Both announcements mean huge changes to the landscape of Forest Heath , but I am optimistic that with every change there are opportunities for reinvention, growth and investment."
USAF bases
By Jonathan Marcus, BBC Defence and Diplomatic Correspondent
For some years now the US military has been reviewing its bases in Europe, eager to reduce its footprint to rationalise and cut costs.
In part it is due to budget constraints but it is also driven by strategic changes as the Pentagon turns its gaze increasingly towards the Asia-Pacific.
RAF Mildenhall has been an important base for the Americans since the early 1950s when it was home to strategic bombers.
Currently it houses US Air Force Special Forces and a fleet of air-to-air tankers.
The latter, though less glamorous than fast jets, are some of the most important elements of the USAF, described by one analyst as the "kryptonite" of modern air power.
They enable combat and support aircraft to reach their targets and to remain over combat zones for the time needed to carry out their missions.
It is likely that the KC-135 tankers from Mildenhall will move to a US base in Germany.
British defence sources are eager to stress that the base closures here - two US-run communications stations at RAF Alconbury and RAF Molesworth in Cambridgeshire are also to shut down - do not represent any dilution of Washington's commitment to European security.
Indeed RAF Lakenheath is due to host two squadrons of new F-35 aircraft when they enter service.
Over recent months the Americans have deployed small but significant reinforcements to Europe to reassure NATO allies like Poland and the Baltic republics in the wake of Russia's actions against Ukraine.
The US had hundreds of tanks in Europe during Cold War but there was a brief moment after 2013 when all US tanks had been withdrawn from Europe.
Today about a battalion's worth are back in Europe exercising with allies.
But the Pentagon has plans to store an armoured brigade's worth of equipment - some 150 tanks along with other armoured vehicles - in Europe by 2015.
RAF Alconbury and RAF Molesworth are used as USAF communications bases, rather than for flying, and their operations were expected to move to RAF Croughton in Northamptonshire.
The USAF has about 750 military personnel at the two Cambridgeshire bases, with a further 1,500 civilian employees and dependents.
Jason Ablewhite, leader of Huntingdonshire District Council, said the news was "hugely disappointing" as both bases contributed about £40m a year to the local economy.
He said it would mean the loss of 760 personnel and 1,500 civilian jobs, adding: "The impact on the local economy could be considerable.
"However, the Enterprise Zone is on the same site as RAF Alconbury, and will provide thousands of jobs over the coming years."

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Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: andré herc op 08/01/2015 | 23:06 uur
Volgens mij hoort het laatste bericht hier onder thuis op het andere topic zie link of zie ik dat verkeerd!
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Lex op 12/01/2015 | 15:36 uur
Nieuwe order JSF voor Fokker 

Fokker krijgt een forse order van het Amerikaanse defensiebedrijf Lockheed Martin, producent van de F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.
Dat blijkt uit het persbericht dat Fokker maandag verstuurde. Beide bedrijven spreken van een 'omvangrijke overeenkomst', voor de levering van vleugelonderdelen voor het jachtvliegtuig.

Bedragen maakten de beide partijen niet bekend, maar gezien de omvang van de order moet het om een miljoenenorder gaan.

Orders €30 miljard

De opdracht wordt komende woensdag toegelicht. Minister Kamp (Economische Zaken) schatte eeder in dat de productie en het onderhoud van de JSF tot €30 miljard aan orders kan opleveren voor het bedrijfsleven.

Nederland wil 37 van de nieuwe JSF-jachtvliegtuigen aanschaffen voor €4,5 miljard. De eerste vliegtuigen moeten in 2019 aan de luchtmacht worden geleverd.

Het kabinet hakte vorig jaar de knoop over de aankoop van de F-35 door nadat er veertien jaar over was gedebatteerd in de politiek.

DFT, ma 12 jan 2015, 14:39
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Zeewier op 12/01/2015 | 18:58 uur
Zelfde order als van Lex, meer details. In mijn ogen behoort deze order nog steeds tot de "zekerheidjes", orders die we konden verwachten. Net als de wieldeuren en de arresting-haak van de F-35C. Een eerder persbericht:

Fokker krijgt grote opdracht JSF: flaperons maken

Minister Hennis bekijkt een Nederlands JSF-testtoestel. ANP
Fokker Technologies krijgt een grotere opdracht voor het maken van onderdelen voor de JSF. Dat blijkt uit een persuitnodiging die het bedrijf heeft verstuurd.

Het gaat om een "omvangrijke" overeenkomst voor de levering van vleugelonderdelen voor de F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.

Fokker gaat de flaperons maken, die aan de achterkant van de vleugels zitten. Flaperons zijn beweegbare kleppen die nodig zijn bij het stijgen en het dalen.


Het is nog niet bekend voor hoeveel toestellen de opdracht geldt en welk bedrag ermee gemoeid is.

Het gaat naar verluidt om enkele tientallen miljoenen euro's.
Deuren en luiken

Fokker kreeg eerder al de opdracht voor de bekabeling van JSF-toestellen en voor het produceren van de deuren en luiken. Ook is Nederland gekozen als één van de onderhoudslanden voor het nieuwe gevechtsvliegtuig.

De industrie in Nederland verwacht de komende jaren tot 10 miljard dollar aan opdrachten binnen te krijgen voor de productie van JSF-toestellen.

Vooralsnog hebben Nederlandse bedrijven 1 miljard dollar aan omzet overgehouden aan de productie van de toestellen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Zeewier op 12/01/2015 | 19:01 uur
Deze behoort meer tot de "bonusorder".
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/01/2015 | 19:56 uur
Meer info over het zelfde onderwerp als posting door Lex

Fokker krijgt grotere opdracht voor vleugelkleppen F-35
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 13/01/2015 | 10:26 uur
F-35 in new dogfight over Chinese, Russian stealth technology
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 16/01/2015 | 07:49 uur
Uit het Frans via Google Translate:

Rafale and FREMM frigates: Egypt and France close to agreement

The two countries are close to an agreement for the sale of twenty and two Rafale FREMM multi-mission frigates. Contracts estimated at between 5 and 6 billion....
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 16/01/2015 | 09:58 uur
First Brazilian pilots to fly Gripen solo

The first two Brazilian Air Force pilots are to fly their future country's main combat aircraft solo this January, sources within Swedish Air Force's F7 Wing confirmed. The upcoming event marks an important step in the introduction into service of 36 to 108 Saab Gripen multi-role fighters by Latin America's dominating country.

Swedish F7 wing – known as Skaraborgs flygflottilj – is the Operational Conversion Unit for all Gripen jocks. Two Força Aérea Brasileira jet pilots have been working toward their first so-called Single Command (EK) or solo flight since late last Autumn. Both pilots already have 1500 to 1800 flight hours within the FAB, flying the FAB's aging F-5s and recently retired Mirage 2000s.

After about seven weeks of conversion training – with five flights on a two-seat Gripen with the instructor in the back and much more on the simulator – it will be time for them to board the Gripen C single-seat for the first ride alone.

After completion of this first training, the two Brazilian officers will go through Combat Readiness Training before returning to Brazil to await the arrival of the first Gripen C/Ds to be leased by the FAB ahead of the procurement of the more advanced Gripen E that will be newly built by Embraer and Saab.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 16/01/2015 | 10:21 uur
F-35 Systems Development and Demonstration Weapons Suite

An F-35A, at Edwards AFB, Calif., is pictured with its F-35 Systems Development and Demonstration Weapons Suite the aircraft is designed to carry.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 16/01/2015 | 18:30 uur
Five reasons to bail out of the Rafale

January 16, 2015 Rakesh Krishnan Simha   

India must scratch the French fighter because inducting it in significant numbers will do long-term damage to the IAF as well as the country's defence industry.

The French Rafale might be an exciting aircraft with a lot of bells and whistles but let's face it, the plane is a budget buster. The Indian Air Force's requirement of 126 medium jet fighters will cost $20-30 billion upfront and another $20 billion for support systems and training. The deal will hollow out the Indian military as it will certainly divert funds needed in other critical areas such as artillery, submarines and radars.

In this backdrop Defence Minister Manohar Parikkar's statement that extra numbers of made in India Sukhois and locally developed Tejas light combat fighters will do the job is to be applauded. Costs aside, there are other – equally significant – reasons why India should part ways with the Rafale with the following message: "It was nice meeting you. Have a nice life."

1. East or West, Sukhoi's the best

The Sukhoi-30 Flanker is simply the most formidable fighter out there. In every war game and mock combat exercise that it has come up against western aircraft, the Flanker has emerged victorious.

It is a measure of the potency of Flanker series aircraft that not even the super expensive stealth fighters are safe. In 2008, a US air warfare simulation pitting F-35s versus the Su-35 (the latest version of the Flanker) resulted in a clear victory for the Russians.

Indeed, the Flankers mark a shift in airpower from the US to Russia and the countries that use Russian defence technology. Whether in India, China, Indonesia or Venezuela, the Flankers have degraded the offensive and defensive capabilities of their western and west-backed opponents.

Unlike the comparatively slow (Mach 1.9 or 1.9 times the speed of sound) F-35, the Sukhoi's blistering speed (Mach 2.35) allows it to impart a massive amount of launch energy to its air-to-air missiles, giving Sukhoi pilots a huge advantage in dogfights.

However, the chief reason why the aircraft is so good even 30 years after its first flight is that the Sukhoi bureau's designers did not just aim for mere advantage over the then latest American aircraft -- they developed an aircraft that was several times more maneuverable. The Flanker was the first aircraft to boast supermaneuverability. The late Mikhail Simonov, Sukhoi's chief designer, describes supermaneuverability as "a fighter's capacity to turn toward its target from any position in space with at least twice the rate of turn that the enemy fighter is capable of".

The Rafale may be an ultra modern aircraft but it can't outrun or outgun a Russian Flanker. So nobody should shed any tears that the Rafale's obituary is being written in India.

2. Buy BRICS

Western countries buy weapons only from each other. Therefore, the BRICS should also acquire weapons from member states in order to boost each other's defence sector. Except when a particular technology is not available in a BRICS country, it makes absolutely no sense to buy arms from the West.

The BRICS are not just an economic group but a political force as well. The five-member group aims to lead the emerging world into a more equitable economic system than the current one designed by the West. Arms trade is one of the world's largest income generating activities and forms a good chunk of the GDP of many countries. When India buys weapons from the West, it is simply making these countries richer.

Plus, India is rewarding the very countries that are trying to destabilise it. An Intelligence Bureau report has identified several foreign-funded non-governmental organisations (NGOs) that are "negatively impacting economic development". The 21-page IB report reveals that "a significant number of Indian NGOs, funded by some donors based in the US, the UK, Germany, the Netherlands and Scandinavian countries, have been using people centric issues to create an environment which lends itself to stalling development projects".

The report doesn't mention France, but France is a Catholic country and the Roman Catholic Syrian Christian church of Kerala has at least on one occasion (in the 1950s) taken money from the CIA to destabilise a democratically elected government.

3. France is not a dependable supplier

Let's say India is at war, resumes nuclear testing or test fires an ICBM that can reach the US. What is the guarantee that in such circumstances France won't cut off the supply of spares under American pressure?

That Paris is susceptible to American pressure was clear when it welched on the deal to supply Mistral helicopter carriers to Russia. The first Mistral vessel is currently sitting in the French port of St Nazaire but France doesn't have the balls to let it sail out to Russian waters. In December 2015 a 400-member Russian crew left after spending six months on the ship after Paris postponed the handover indefinitely. Russia now plans to construct its own helicopter carriers after extracting a huge cash penalty from France, but that could take several years.

The Mistral betrayal should alert Indians to how interlinked western countries are when it comes to policy matters. That France is ready to consign thousands of its defence industry workers to the unemployment heap just to please the Americans should scare the living daylights out of anyone planning to buy French weaponry.

Sure, once upon a time France used to be a reliable supplier. The Mirage-2000, for instance, has served India well for over 30 years and after an upgrade the aircraft is good for another 15 years. But that deal was struck when Paris was pursuing an independent foreign policy. Today, it has moved back into NATO and is solidly behind the US in all its foreign misadventures.

If France can show Moscow the finger, then do you really think they care a rat's tail about India?

4. No guarantees

Dassault has refused to guarantee the Rafales to be manufactured in India, which suggests they have a low opinion of Indian manufacturing. Agreed, India is not Germany or Japan. But if Intel can develop chips in India, and the US can source helicopter doors from Tata, then what's France's problem? It just shows plain arrogance and complete apathy regarding India's defence requirements.

To licence-build the Rafale, India will have to construct an entire new factory – that is, re-invent the wheel. On the other hand, Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd has been producing Su-30 MKIs and can crank up production by merely adding an extra assembly line. If war breaks out, there's nothing more reassuring than to know that aircraft lost can be replaced by home factories rather than imports.

5. Why buy a clone?

Anyway you look at it the Rafale seems like the Flanker's doppelganger. Says Defence Industry Daily: "A combination of Thales/SAGEM's OST Infrared Scan and Track optronics, and MBDA's MICA IR medium-range missiles, allows the Rafale to supplement its radar-guided missiles with passively-targeted, no-warning attacks on enemy aircraft from beyond visual range. At present, this capability is only duplicated by Russian aircraft: Sukhoi's Su-27/30 family, and advanced MiG-29s."

Acquiring the Rafale is almost like buying a scaled down Su-30 MKI. Why pay more for an aircraft that is less capable than what India currently operates? And if the IAF wants more medium fighters, then what's wrong the highly capable MiG-29, which is even flown by some NATO countries?

The Indian government has just ordered a cut of Rs 13,000 crore in the capital outlay for the army, navy and air force in the current fiscal. If the IAF still wants to go ahead with the deal at the risk of busting the defence budget, then the only explanation is that big money has changed hands at the highest levels.

Because military deals with Russia are finalised at the government to government level, kickbacks are ruled out or unlikely. That would explain the defence brass's penchant for 'diversification' and non-Russian purchases.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 18/01/2015 | 13:01 uur

A naval version of the SAAB Gripen-E/F for the Brazilian Navy might be a step closer. The fleet air arm of Latin America's biggest country has decided to not continue with the modernisation program of its carrier-borne fighter fleet as planned.

The first of 12 upgraded McDonnell Douglas A-4BR Skyhawk – dubbed AF-1/A locally – is about to go back to the Aviação Naval Brasileira (AvN) in January 2015, months later than originally envisaged. Meanwhile the Brazilian Navy has cut its upgrading project with Embraer by more than 50 percent to about 50 million US dollars. Moreover, the new AF-1/As are not planned to be fully upgraded and combat ready in Autumn 2015, but rather in 2017.

This slow-down is fuel for hardcore rumours that the AvN might opt sooner for a navalised SAAB Gripen, largely built by Embraer, instead. According to the Swedish manufacturer the changes to the original SAAB design are fairly easy and quickly made to get the Sea Gripen working.

Already in November Brazil stated it might need 108 Gripens for its armed forces. The official, initial deal is for 36 Gripen-E/Fs for the Brazilian Air Force.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 18/01/2015 | 13:56 uur
UAE Offers Mirage Fighters to Iraq

By Awad Mustafa, January 17, 2015

ABU DHABI — The United Arab Emirates may be offloading up to 10 Mirage 2000-9s to the Iraqi Air Force in March, according to a UAE government source.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Lex op 19/01/2015 | 00:20 uur
'Veel geheimen JSF in Chinese handen' 

Chinese spionnen hebben grote hoeveelheden informatie over de Joint Strike Fighter gestolen van de Amerikanen. Dat blijkt uit geheime documenten die NSA-klokkenluider Edward Snowden naar buiten heeft gebracht. Volgens een geheime presentatie van de inlichtingendienst NSA heeft Peking veel terabytes aan gevoelige informatie in handen gekregen over de JSF. Nederland wil 37 van dergelijke toestellen aanschaffen als vervanger voor de F-16.
De Chinezen hebben onder meer informatie buitgemaakt over de radarsystemen waarmee het gevechtsvliegtuig doelen opspoort en identificeert. Ook beschikt Peking over gedetailleerde schema's van de JSF-motor en de manier waarop uitlaatgassen worden gekoeld om het toestel te beschermen tegen hittezoekende raketten, schrijft de Australische krant Sydney Morning Herald.

Experts op het vlak van militaire luchtvaart speculeren er openlijk over dat de Chinese gevechtsvliegtuigen van de vijfde generatie - de Chengdu J-20 en Shenyang J-31 - in belangrijke mate zijn gebaseerd op informatie die uit de Verenigde Staten is gestolen. Ze worden gezien als mogelijke bedreiging voor de superioriteit van Amerikaanse gevechtsvliegtuigen.

Uit de documenten komt naar voren dat Australië, dat 72 JSF's wil hebben, op de hoogte is gesteld van de ,,ernstige schade" die het informatielek heeft aangericht. De door Snowden gelekte informatie was vrijgegeven voor de zogenoemde Five Eyes groep: de VS en zijn naaste bondgenoten Groot-Brittannië, Canada, Australië en Nieuw-Zeeland.

Telegraaf, zo 18 jan 2015, 23:17
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 19/01/2015 | 10:51 uur
Opinion: Joint Strike Fighter Debate Enters New Phase

Cost and counter-stealth will be key issues

"If you don't follow the defense business closely, then you can be excused for believing that the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) is in trouble," a Lockheed Martin consultant wrote five years ago, a few weeks before the program office director was fired in disgrace. His replacement found that the published schedule was 3-4 years adrift from reality.

Today, you could be excused for thinking that most of the F-35's troubles are behind it. The schedule set at the end of May 2013 may survive its second anniversary, a first for the program. The Marines will likely declare initial operational capability this year, come hell or high water, and the latter is unlikely to be an issue at Arizona's MCAS Yuma. Progress reportedly is being made on sorting out the engine problem that caused last June's runway fire.

It looks as if the F-35 could meet its key performance parameter (KPP) requirements, but that is a narrow definition of success. Development cost and schedule, and acquisition and operational expenses, were not KPPs. Those numbers are stabilizing (it would be a disaster were they not) but are not what the program aimed for.

Programmatic risk has become a reality that users must accept. The Netherlands is buying 37 aircraft rather than the planned 85; the money that would have acquired 60 F-15s for South Korea pays for 40 F-35As. The U.S. Air Force has put its badly needed F-16 upgrades on ice and is suffering readiness issues: The F-35 fleet, with a deficient diagnostic and logistics system, has a big appetite for experienced support people.

Cost will drive more JSF stories this year. The program has 700-plus international sales on its books, and relies on them to achieve planned production rates before 2020, but fewer than 5% are covered by signed contracts. Getting firm orders is an increasingly urgent matter. Denmark's decision is due this year, as is a U.K. defense review that may indicate whether and when Britain plans to acquire most of its on-paper 138-aircraft fleet.

F-35 customers looking at budgets and schedules will want to know what the Block 4A/4B upgrade package will contain. Block 4A development starts next year and 4B becomes operational in 2024, making it the best capability before 2026. The wish list includes nuclear capability, Norwegian and Turkish cruise missiles, Brimstone and Meteor for the U.K., AIM-9X Block 3 for the U.S. Navy, "5th to 4th" communications and close-air-support systems for the Marines. Nobody is perfect, so 4A/4B will also fix discoveries from operational testing. Customers had better be ready to compromise.

The second class of risk, as the programmatic issue closes, is operational. Counter-stealth technology went from theory to big green pieces of hardware in 2013 with the appearance of Russia's 55Zh6ME radar complex, comprising a VHF active, electronically scanned array (AESA) networked with higher-frequency radars. Last year saw claims of stealth detection by the infrared-search-and-track community and radar developers, and the appearance of China's analog to the 55Zh6ME. Nobody argues that stealth is dead, but has the operational advantage of the F-35 been eroded?

Expect more of the same in 2015: China is building its new, bigger Type 055 destroyer—it will not be surprising to see a low-band AESA on its aft deckhouse. Everyone and his aunt is selling digitized versions of the veteran Russian P-18 radar—counter-stealth on the cheap. In response to concern over low-band threats, Congress has extended the F/A-18/EA-18G production line and, with it, the debate over the future makeup of the carrier air wing.

The Marines will continue to mitigate operational risk by developing ways to use the short-takeoff, vertical-landing F-35B. The latest concept of operations seeks to place ships and main bases outside the range of mobile missiles while keeping refueling and rearming points close to the targets. Survival depends on moving those forward strips faster than the adversary can target them.

The Marines' plan highlights that the F-35 represents the continued preeminence of tactical fighters in the budgets of the Pentagon and other customers. That is not a program or operational issue but a strategic risk. The Third Offset strategy has already generated one paper that calls for reduced emphasis on 600-mi.-range fighters and more investment in bombers and UAVs. The Navy's debate over its air wing, and the possible role of extreme-low-observables and long-range UAVs is part of that discussion, but will become more important as the Long-Range Strike Bomber program gathers speed.

We have passed at great cost through much of the era of programmatic risk with the F-35. Now, we are looking more at operational risk, with strategic risk on the horizon.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 19/01/2015 | 12:18 uur
Boeing awarded LRIP contract for Super Hornet IRST

The US Navy (USN) has awarded Boeing a USD60.4 million contract for the procurement of six low rate initial production (LRIP) AN/ASG-34 infrared search-and-track (IRST) systems for the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet combat aircraft, the Department of Defense (DoD) announced on 16 January.

The contract, which was approved in December 2014 and awarded the day prior to the announcement, is expected to be completed in August 2017.

In December 2014 the Naval systems Air Command (NAVAIR) cleared the IRST for LRIP following trials flown out of Edwards Air Force Base in California. Developed by Lockheed Martin, with Boeing and General Electric, the AN/ASG-34 is not integrated into the aircraft, but is instead housed in a modified centreline drop tank.


The IRST is a passive system that enables the host aircraft to locate, track and engage airborne and ground targets without giving their own position away, as would happen if they were to use their radar system instead.

Industry officials have talked up the utility of IRST as a means of negating stealth technology by locating the aircraft through its raised engine temperature and through aerodynamic heating as the target moves through the air.

Unlike most other IRST systems that are fully integrated with their host aircraft, the AN/ASG-34 is designed to be carried in a modified centreline drop tank. Boeing officials have previously told IHS Jane's that locating the IRST underneath the aircraft should have no adverse effect on its ability to identify and track aircraft that might be flying higher than the Super Hornet, and that at 10 miles (16 km) from the target aircraft it will provide unlimited visibility up to 60,000 ft (as high as any target would fly).
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 19/01/2015 | 12:28 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 19/01/2015 | 10:51 uur
Opinion: Joint Strike Fighter Debate Enters New Phase

Cost and counter-stealth will be key issues


F-35 customers looking at budgets and schedules will want to know what the Block 4A/4B upgrade package will contain. Block 4A development starts next year and 4B becomes operational in 2024, making it the best capability before 2026. The wish list includes nuclear capability, Norwegian and Turkish cruise missiles, Brimstone and Meteor for the U.K., AIM-9X Block 3 for the U.S. Navy, "5th to 4th" communications and close-air-support systems for the Marines. Nobody is perfect, so 4A/4B will also fix discoveries from operational testing. Customers had better be ready to compromise.


Dus de eerste software upgrade zit eraan te komen als al onze F-35 zijn geleverd in 2023. Deze zal zeker gedaan (moeten) worden om aansluiting te houden, internationaal en ook bewapening mogelijkheden. En natuurlijk de nodigde Fixes voor het oplossen van kinderziektes e.d.

Er wel van uitgaande dat Defensie NL hier rekening mee houdt in de begrotingen van 2023/2024/2025.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 19/01/2015 | 13:22 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 19/01/2015 | 12:28 uur
Dus de eerste software upgrade zit eraan te komen als al onze F-35 zijn geleverd in 2023. Deze zal zeker gedaan (moeten) worden om aansluiting te houden, internationaal en ook bewapening mogelijkheden. En natuurlijk de nodigde Fixes voor het oplossen van kinderziektes e.d.

Er wel van uitgaande dat Defensie NL hier rekening mee houdt in de begrotingen van 2023/2024/2025.

Ik neem aan dat dit een continue proces zal zijn zoals dat nu ook nog met de huidige F16's plaats vindt.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 19/01/2015 | 14:11 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 19/01/2015 | 13:22 uur
Ik neem aan dat dit een continue proces zal zijn zoals dat nu ook nog met de huidige F16's plaats vindt.
precies en internationaal gedragen en met internationale input, net zoals het upgrade programma  Operational Flight Program updates onder het huidige MLU programma voor onze F-16.

Dus in 2024 F-35 gereed voor gebruik van Meteoor en JSM, goede zaak
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 19/01/2015 | 17:18 uur
Dit wordt er bedoelt met de Super Hornet IRST

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 19/01/2015 | 17:26 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 19/01/2015 | 14:11 uur

Dus in 2024 F-35 gereed voor gebruik van Meteoor en JSM, goede zaak

En beide systemen zouden een waardevolle aanvulling voor de F35 zijn, immers met de AMRAAM ga je de eerst volgende (meer) high tech oorlog niet winnen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 20/01/2015 | 23:11 uur
First Published: 2014-01-16

Kuwait to acquire 28 Eurofighter Typhoon jets

Eurofighter consortium signs draft agreement to sell 28 planes to Kuwait which is under US influence since first Gulf war.  

The 28 outline sales are not yet binding

PARIS - The European Eurofighter consortium has signed a draft agreement to sell 28 of its fighter planes to Kuwait, online French newspaper La Tribune reported on Thursday.

Of the 28 outline sales, which are not yet binding, four are covered by options to purchase, the report said.

The report, citing various sources, said that Alenia Aermacchi, a subsidiary of Italian group Finmeccanica which is a member of the consortium, had obtained Kuwait's signature on the agreement a few days before Brazil announced that it had chosen to buy Gripen fighter planes made by Swedish company Saab.

Brazil chose the Gripen in preference to the Rafale made by French group Dassault Aviation and the F/A-18 Super Hornet plane made by US group Boeing.

Alenia Aermacchi is responsible alongside British aerospace and defence equipment group BAE Systems for promoting the Eurofighter Typhoon which is in competition for the Kuwait contract with the Rafale 3 and the Super Hornet.

The report said that if Kuwait did choose to buy the Eurofighter Typhoon, the decision would be a surprise given "the extent to which Kuwait is under American influence since the first Gulf war" in 1990-1991 to counter the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq.

Kuwait, which is already equipped with US-built F/A-18C/D Hornet fighter planes, wants to develop its fleet of fighters, the report said.

The Eurofighter consortium groups BAE Systems, Finmeccanica, and the European aerospace giant Airbus Group, which changed its name on January 1 from EADS.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Jooop op 21/01/2015 | 01:06 uur

The intended collaboration is primarily based on the EJ200 engine which is a strong candidate for the Turkish TFX program.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 22/01/2015 | 20:21 uur
January 21, 2015

Next generation F/A-XX fighter should have hypersonic weapons, lasers and supersonic cruise

Northrop Grumman has stood up a pair of teams dedicated to developing a "sixth-generation" fighter for both the Navy and Air Force, years before the US Navy or Air Force intends to issue requests for information on potential replacements for current aircraft.

The Air Force and Navy have begun preliminary planning for what is referred to as next-generation air dominance, or "sixth-generation" fighters. After working together on the F-35 joint strike fighter, the two services are looking at procuring their own respective jets.

The Navy's program is dubbed F/A-XX, while the Air Force's effort is known as F-X. In September, Col. Tom Coglitore, Air Superiority Core Function Team chief at Air Combat Command, told Defense News he wants to see Milestone A acquisition activity in early fiscal 2018.

Northrop is looking at a supersonic, tailless airplane design as a potential solution. making a system optionally manned would be relatively easy Grumman.

Navy F/A-XX developers seek to engineer a sixth-generation aircraft, they will likely explore a range of next-generation technologies such as maximum sensor connectivity, super cruise ability and an aircraft with electronically configured "smart skins.

Navy officials are not only meeting with established development teams like Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and Northrop Grumman, but "outside the box" efforts including not focusing on manned or unmanned platforms and FoS approaches are to reduce costs and make it more effective. One option could create a minimum cost F/A-XX that uses high cost, high performance weapons to defeat threats; according to the Navy's Naval Integrated Fire Control-Counter Air (NIFC-CA) battle network concept, an individual platform would not need to have a full suite of sensors and rely on off-board data-linked information from other platforms to provide targeting information and guide weapons launched from the platform. Rather than be a Super Hornet or F-35C that can engage on its own, the F/A-XX could be a "truck" with longer-range weapons with linked fire control. The F/A-XX platforms will be made to carry missiles, have power and cooling systems for directed energy weapons, and have sensors that can target small radar cross-section targets; cyber warfare platforms at a tactical level as part of a FoS are being explored. While the Navy is working with the U.S. Air Force on a next-generation tactical fighter, there is significant disagreement over the Air Force's claims that adaptive-cycle jet engine technology, where the ratios of bypass and compression airflow can be made variable to improve efficiency, can be scaled to benefit a carrier-based fighter.

Hypersonic Scramjets
The new aircraft might also seek to develop the ability to fire hypersonic weapons, however such a development would hinge upon successful progress with yet-to-be-proven technologies such as scramjets, Aboulafia added.

Super cruise technology would enable the new fighter jet to cruise at supersonic speeds without needing afterburner, he explained.

Smart aircraft skins would involve dispersing certain technologies or sensors across the fuselage and further integrating them into the aircraft itself
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 28/01/2015 | 11:16 uur
So far, the Polish Air Force has not sent its F-16 on a single combat deployment beyond the Polish borders. Some of the journalists have asked the question – why? (

- Gebrek aan EW
- Duurder dan Mig-29
- Kwetsbaarder dan Mig-29
- FOC?
- Angst voor Russische inlichtingen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 28/01/2015 | 19:33 uur
Scorpion team reveals design changes, sales target for 2015

By: Craig Hoyle / 15 Jan 2015

Textron AirLand's Scorpion programme is facing a busy 2015, with design enhancements and customer demonstrations set to dominate its activities amid optimism that a first sale will be announced.

"There are a lot of countries interested, and a lot of demonstrations to come this year," says Dale Tutt, chief engineer and programme manager. Interest in the Scorpion has grown since its debut flight in December 2013, and in particular since the company brought the twin-engined type to the Royal International Air Tattoo and Farnborough air show in the UK last July.

Speaking at the Royal Aeronautical Society in London on 14 January, Tutt and Textron AirLand chief test pilot Dan Hinson revealed previously undisclosed details about the programme's achievements to date, and the changes being incorporated for a production-standard version.

Textron AirLand was formed with the goal of rapidly designing and flying an aircraft capable of meeting tasks ranging from close air support to aerospace control, maritime security and training. With a target acquisition price lower than $20 million, it was also to offer a per-hour operating cost of below $3,000 and be ready to enter production in 2016.

"We set some really audacious goals," says Tutt, who also describes the project as "an incubator, to learn some lessons for the rest of Textron". This includes the use of an all-composite, one-piece wing with a span of almost 14.6m (48ft). Where possible, the design team sourced parts such as valves and actuators from products such as Cessna's Citation business jet, and avionics flight testing was performed using a 208 Caravan.

Achieved within 23 months of project launch, the time needed to reach first flight compares with an average of around five years for a new Cessna product, Tutt says, and with just 60% of the personnel. However, he stresses: "Going fast doesn't mean taking short cuts."

Since its debut, the company's one prototype Scorpion has made 140 flights totalling a combined 275h, says Tutt. The design met its $3,000/h operating cost target in its first year, and demonstrated a 95% availability rate, he says, adding: "We've learned a lot from the current airplane."

The next version of the Scorpion will feature new main landing gear. Tutt describes the current system as having been one of the programme's biggest constraints: "We had a lot of trouble building it," he says. An early issue with the gear not fully locking until contact was made with the runway was not permanently resolved until flight 43, the company reveals. The new trailing gear design will also free up an additional 68kg (150lb) in payload capacity for the platform.

"Externally the aircraft is going to look a lot like it does today," says Tutt, with the fighter retaining the type's innovative 4.3 x 0.9m (14 x 3ft) internal payload bay.

Other changes will include the integration of a trimmable horizontal stabiliser on the tail that was excluded from the prototype to reduce complexity. "We've been working on that since before we flew," Tutt notes.

Another planned enhancement will be to move from the use of a current four multifunction displays in the rear cockpit to a single large screen, which test pilot Hinson says will support the type's role in having a mission manager on board.

An icing issue encountered on departing Iceland for the UK last year has been addressed, with a wing and tail anti-icing system enhancement having entered flight testing on 9 January, Hinson says. The inlets for the type's Honeywell TFE731 engines already had the feature.

With the Scorpion having been flown to a maximum of 455kt (843km/h), 45,000ft and demonstrated an endurance of 4.2h on internal fuel since its debut (above), Hinson adds: "We have completed all of our preliminary performance data. Everything is translating into the next airplane."

Due to a busy schedule, Tutt says the team is hoping to tailor weapons testing planned to occur this year with the needs of possible buyers.

"Right now we're actively working towards getting a customer. It's not a matter of if – it's when," says Tutt. "We're positioned to deliver aircraft two years after a contract signature," he notes, but adds that a first transfer before the end of 2016 could still be possible if an order were to be secured soon.

The company is also looking towards the certification process for the type, which will be performed to Federal Aviation Administration-approved US Air Force standards. "Our target customer is a military customer," Tutt adds.

To support its sales objective, the Scorpion team is also planning to return to Europe in mid-year in order to exhibit the type at June's Paris air show, he confirms.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 28/01/2015 | 20:00 uur
Pentagon To Boost F-35 Orders, Develop New Fighters


Lockheed Martin (NYSE:LMT) is expected to see orders for its F-35 stealth fighter rise in the proposed fiscal 2016 Pentagon budget, which also requests money to develop a follow-on fighter jet.

The official budget request won't be released until Monday, but Politico reported the Defense Department will ask for $585 billion, $35 million above the limit set by sequestration, requiring Congress to lift its spending limits.

The budget would include a $10.6 billion request for 57 F-35 fighter jets, up from the 38 F-35s approved for fiscal 2015.

Lockheed shares rose 1.5% to 193.33 in the stock market today. On Tuesday, the defense giant report Q4 earnings that missed views, though the F-35 program helped revenue top estimates.

The F-35 hasn't entered combat service — that is supposed to happen later this year — but defense officials are reportedly starting to plan for new planes.

Pentagon acquisition chief Frank Kendall says the 2016 request will include funds to begin development of separate jets for the Air Force and Navy with a more high-tech engine, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Lockheed along with Boeing (NYSE:BA) and Northrop Grumman (NYSE:NOC) are the likely contenders for the airframe contract, with General Electric (NYSE:GE) and United Tech's (NYSE:UTX) Pratt & Whitney seen vying for the engine work. Pratt & Whitney currently makes the engines for the F-35.

Development of a next-generation fighter jet would come amid cost overruns, schedule delays and technical glitches for the F-35. Meanwhile, China allegedly has used stolen F-35 plans to help create its own stealth fighter, the J-31.

The Defense Department will also seek $1.2 billion for the development of a new long-range bomber — another contract that's expected to be hotly contested — as well as $821 million procurement of MQ-9 Reaper drones, according to Politico.

Read More At Investor's Business Daily:

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 28/01/2015 | 20:04 uur
ANALYSIS: Japan's F-3 fighter pursuit is worth the wait

In early January, Japanese defence ministry officials confirmed that their next-generation fighter technology test programme had fallen behind schedule. The advanced technology demonstrator-experimental (ATD-X) is a prototype designed to test the stealth, flight control and propulsion technologies necessary for the nation to create its fifth- and eventually sixth-generation air-superiority fighters.

ATD-X had been scheduled for its first test flight in 2014, but problems with developing the experimental engine control unit has pushed this back until late this year at the earliest. However, this delay will not affect the overall development timeline of the ministry's two fighter research projects, officials say.

The prototype has picked up the unofficial nickname "Shinshin". This is typically translated as "spirit of the heart", but might be better understood to mean "soundness of mind". ATD-X is a means of developing, honing and maintaining the cutting edge skills and technology to produce a competitive fighter capability to replace the Japan Air Self-Defence Force's Mitsubishi F-2 and F-15J fleets in the 2030s. That will be no mean feat for a national industry whose last domestic-built fighter production line closed in 2011, when the service received its final F-2.

Fears of abandonment by the USA drive significant elements of Japanese defence policy, including procurement. In the 1990s, Tokyo grew increasingly concerned that Washington would not share its sensitive stealth technology – and it had reason to be worried. During negotiations for both the F-15J and F-2, Japan faced congressional reticence against transfers of the USA's most-prized fighter technology.

Sure enough, in 1998 Congress prohibited the sale and licensing of the Lockheed Martin F-22, locking down American fifth-generation fighter superiority. Japan's air force had been set on securing the Raptor to replace its McDonnell Douglas F-4EJ Phantom fleet, so the government lobbied hard to overturn the export ban.A downgraded F-22 export variant seemed possible in 2006, but confidence in Tokyo's ability to keep shared technology secret was still badly damaged following a 2002 leak of data concerning the Aegis combat system. Congress reaffirmed the ban on foreign sales of the F-22, and while lobbying efforts did not stop, Japan was already working on its hedge against further abandonment.

In fiscal year 2000, Laboratory Three at the defence ministry's Technical Research and Development Institute (TRDI) began an eight-year research programme into manoeuvrability focused on 3D thrust-vectoring of an experimental engine, stealthiness against radar and infrared sensors, plus self-repairing flight control technologies that could allow an aircraft to continue flying despite battle damage. The programme included radar cross-section testing in France in 2005 andmanoeuvrabilitytesting of a remote-controlled scale model two years later.

In FY2006, the TRDI kicked off a five-year "smart skin" sensor research programme, embedding the skin of a fighter with a honeycomb structure of radar-capable phased-array antennae.Then, after the US export ban became concrete, in FY2008 it launched a three-year systems integration programme to combine the various technologies it had so far researched. This resulted in the ATD-X effort being born in FY2009.

Japan's ATD-X is designed to test technologies necessary for potential future air-superiority fighters

ATD-X prime contractor Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) has already assembled the prototype at its Komaki Minami plant near Nagoya. At 14.2m (46.5ft) long and with a wingspan of 9.1m, the aircraft is much smaller than its foreign fifth-generation counterparts. This is because it is unarmed, and does not need extra space for internal weapons bays.

Two IHI-made XF5-1 low-bypass turbofan engines power the ATD-X, each providing a maximum of 5t (11,000lb) of thrust. The powerplant was in development at TRDI for 13 years from 1995. At the exhaust, three paddles operated by the integrated flight propulsion control computer provide Japan with its first 3D thrust-vectoring system. But despite all the parts being in place, automatic engine restart issues currently dog its engine control software, making it unsafe to fly.

The Y39.2 billion ($330 million) project has become a matter of pride for Japanese nationalists. It is not uncommon to hear ATD-X called the "Heisei-era Zero", in reference to the revered World War II-era domestic fighter. But the truth is that ATD-X will never enter production.The project will wrap up by April 2017, ahead of a government decision on whether to seek a domestic fighter production programme to replace the F-2, or pursue an international development project instead.

The technologies developed in ATD-X will be implemented in whatever platform is chosen for the F-3 – the assumed designation of the aircraft expected to enter service in the 2030s.

Flight test results from ATD-X will be a significant factor in the government's 2018 F-3 decision, but other issues will drive the debate. Japan may have developed the technologies required for a fifth-generation fighter, but can it develop the skills and know-how to finalise a deployable sixth-generation platform? Not only that, can the Japanese aerospace industry build a jet on its own and still be cost-effective?

Of all Japan's major defence manufacturers, only MHI has the experience and capability to produce a jet fighter. It has cut its teeth on all of Japan's post-war fighter platforms – all licensed from or jointly-developed with the USA.

Japan has shown consistent concern with maintaining MHI's skills. Domestic aircraft production is far from cheap and Japan pays significant premiums for the ability to license and locally manufacture existing platforms from US manufacturers.

This factor has shaped Japanese defence procurement significantly over the nation's post-war history. The F-15J was mostly made in Japan under license, and the procurement of the Lockheed F-35 will follow the same path. But licensed aircraft frequently come with black-box systems designed to prevent the transfer of sensitive technology, locking Japan out of the know-how necessary to advance to the next generation of fighter production.

Japanese industry also expects government subsidies for maintaining its skills. Last year, MHI had a public spat with the defence ministry when it failed to contribute parts to the Lockheed-led F-35 production programme. The government hopes participation will reduce Tokyo's eventual procurement cost, but MHI reportedly asked for Y10 billion to cover the cost of readying its plant and equipment. There is a fundamental gap between the government-led push to promote collaboration in international defence projects and the willingness of industry to bear the cost burden.

The F-2 offers a cautionary tale for future domestic-built fighters. The TRDI and MHI worked with Lockheed to create a new aircraft based on the F-16. The result was an aircraft so exceptionally expensive that the Japanese government could only afford to buy 94 of the 144 aircraft it planned. ATD-X's domestic roots will avoid the possibility of Japan's ally holding back on key technologies, but at significant development cost.

Given Japan's recent moves into the international defence market, with submarine deals under way with Australia and joint missile development with the UK for the F-35, this cost-efficiency problem has become less acute. An internationally-developed platform also seems more likely. If Japan is able to manufacture an exportable fighter, MHI could better cover its costs. However, the shared costs of a bilateral partnership or consortium offers greater financial rewards than were ever possible when Japan's defence market was isolated from international buyers.

The requirements for the F-3 candidate are currently undecided. Tokyo will need a sixth-generation aircraft that can enter service by the mid-2030s. But while the specification is unknown, early work into ATD-X's successor demonstrates the avenues the defence ministry is considering.

The TRDI is currently working on a concept known as the "i3 Fighter". The three Is of the project are: "informed" – able to tap into mobile networked assets; "intelligent" – leveraging leading robotics skills and superior missile technologies; and "instantaneous" – using fibre-optics to improve reaction times and survivability. It is an explicit attempt to research the essential technologies required for a domestically-manufactured sixth-generation stealth fighter.

Defence ministry documents introduce several conceptual technologies in development including "cloud shooting" – a form of network-capable target sharing and the use of unmanned air vehicles as stand-off sensor platforms; superior stealth and counter-stealth capabilities, including an on-board high-powered gallium nitride radar; and directed-energy weapons.

Recognising that Japan cannot match its neighbours in numerical strength, Tokyo is instead hoping to create a world-leading qualitative advantage. The nation could also use these technologies as a bargaining chip towards more favourable terms in an international fighter development project.

Since the i3 Fighter concept was announced in 2010, the TRDI has created 3D digital mock-ups of increasingly low-observable airframes. These are tested in air-to-air and air-defence simulations, the results of which feed back into better designs.

Each year, a new mock-up implements the lessons of these simulations. The currently released mock-up, "25DMU" features curved air ducts from engine intakes to reduce its radar cross-section, provide additional internal weapons bay space and increase operational range. It also corrects two weaknesses introduced into the design from the previous year, bringing back vertical tail fins and placing the two slim-line engines closer together.

The TRDI expects the various research projects making up the i3 Fighter to wrap up between 2018 and 2020. Research into unmanned sensor assets and energy weapons will continue onwards, with current projections reaching out another 15 years.

Japan's concept is ambitious, particularly for a nation without a complete current-generation fighter production line. Directed energy weapons in particular could prove to be a black hole for funding; a lesson that the USA has already learned the hard way. But the technologies created by Laboratory Three will give Japan an international competitive edge, and allow it to benefit from greater technology transfer opportunities in the future.

No-one knows what the F-3 will look like yet, but while ministry officials are concerned whether Japan has the industrial capacity to make a true "Heisei-era Zero", they are unwilling to let the world pass them by any longer.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 28/01/2015 | 20:07 uur
De Japanse ATD-X  doet mij toch erg veel denken aan de YF22 het prototype van de F22 Raptor

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 28/01/2015 | 20:31 uur
Pentagon asks Congress for sixth-generation fighter plane

By Tara Copp  | January 28, 2015

The Pentagon will ask for the authority and funding to develop a prototype next-generation aircraft, the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics said Wednesday.

"It will be in the budget," Frank Kendall told the House Armed Services Committee, in a rare reveal of one of the department's asks prior to the budget's formal release next week.

"We want something that is going to give us air dominance for another generation," Kendall said. The requirements for the new platform will be developed with the "high end fight of the future" in mind, he said.

"The program will be led by DARPA and involve the Navy and Air Force "to develop prototypes for their next planes ... variants focused on their requirements."

The sixth-generation fighter would be a follow-on to the Air Force's F-22 Raptor and the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, and would be developed specifically to counter the quickly evolving anti-aircraft and air defense capabilities being modernized in countries such as China and Russia.The budget request will also include a line to allow DARPA to being developing a next –generation jet engine for the aircraft, Kendall said.

Giving DARPA the lead on developing the engine and aircraft should improve its acquisition process by having the agency "do the upfront work," which would reduce lead times, Kendall said.

Wednesday's hearing is the formal launch of HASC Chairman Rep. Mac Thornberry's effort to reform the DOD current acquisition process, which he said not only creates fiscal risk through program delays and cost overruns, but creates strategic risk because the nation is getting to the point where it can no longer field systems in time to meet current and evolving threats.

U.S. systems are becoming outpaced by "near peers" — countries like China and Russia who in recent decades fell behind U.S. capabilities but who have put enormous amounts of spending into modernizing their capabilities, with an eye specifically on knocking out U.S. air assets to remove its air dominance, target U.S. space capabilities, and its ability to project power through its aircraft carriers.

The hearing coincided with each of the service chiefs testifying to the Senate on the limits of their forces' ability to meet growing threats due to budget cuts.

"We are at risk and it is getting worse," Kendall said. Both countries are developing capabilities "very consciously to defeat the American way of projecting power. This problem of this change is that is going faster and faster and we are having problem keep up with it."

Thornberry said that given the threat environment, "acquisition reform will be a major part of this committee's agenda."

"We are challenged by our own system, which is too slow, too cumbersome, too wasteful, and too frustrating for those in it and all of those who depend on it," Thornberry said. "If we cannot keep up, we will not have the military capability we need when we need it and the danger to our military personnel will be increased."

The bipartisan effort has traction in both the House and Senate, and a favorable reception within the Pentagon, where both incoming Secretary of Defense Ash Carter, Deputy Secretary of Defense Bob Work and Kendall all have long backgrounds in weapons acquisition and defense reform. For almost a year prior to rising to HASC chair, Thornberry and his staff have met behind the scenes with DOD officials, defense contractors and the services to shape this year's efforts.

HASC ranking member Adam Smith said that acquisition reform was critical, "particularly in this environment we find ourselves in, we cannot say things are getting less threatening. The opposite is happening," he said.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 28/01/2015 | 22:55 uur
Northrop Developing 6th Gen Fighter Plans

By Aaron Mehta 3:58 p.m. EST January 22, 2015

LOS ANGELES — Northrop Grumman has stood up a pair of teams dedicated to developing a "sixth-generation" fighter for both the Navy and Air Force, years before the services intend to issue requests for information on potential replacements for current aircraft.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 28/01/2015 | 23:37 uur
Citaat van: Vandaag om 10:55
Northrop Developing 6th Gen Fighter Plans

En hier hebben we nr. 3 in de US kompetitie... 

Gelukkig meerdere producenten in een kompetitie voor minimaal 2 verschillende types. Het begint er op te lijken dat de F35 familie het beoogde 40 á 50 jaar programma niet zal halen...
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Enforcer op 29/01/2015 | 12:14 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 28/01/2015 | 23:37 uur
Het begint er op te lijken dat de F35 familie het beoogde 40 á 50 jaar programma niet zal halen...

Als je kijkt naar de technologische ontwikkelingen dan denk ik dat 30 jaar al te veel gevraagd is. Het is net als met PC chips; die doorlopen ook een exponentiele groei. Ik verwacht dat de F35 maximaal 15-20 jaar meegaat en daarna technologisch zo verouderd is, dat die beter verkocht kan worden en dat er dan weer een andere fighter is. De bedrijven zullen echter hun beste  moeten doen om hun software tempo in een hoger tempo kwalitatief te kunnen leveren. Dat zal hun grootste uitdaging zijn.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 29/01/2015 | 13:31 uur
Citaat van: Enforcer op 29/01/2015 | 12:14 uur
Als je kijkt naar de technologische ontwikkelingen dan denk ik dat 30 jaar al te veel gevraagd is. Het is net als met PC chips; die doorlopen ook een exponentiele groei. Ik verwacht dat de F35 maximaal 15-20 jaar meegaat en daarna technologisch zo verouderd is, dat die beter verkocht kan worden en dat er dan weer een andere fighter is. De bedrijven zullen echter hun beste  moeten doen om hun software tempo in een hoger tempo kwalitatief te kunnen leveren. Dat zal hun grootste uitdaging zijn.

Als je hem verkoopt aan een ander land, blijft die dus gewoon vliegen. 2050 wordt makkelijk gehaald. Of het technisch verouderd is maakt niet uit. Dat is, als de productie op gang komt en er een een paar honderd of meer van die dingen gebouwd kunnen worden. Nederland kan er wel eerder vanaf door simpelweg geen geld te steken in aanschaf van extra toestellen, als dat geld er ooit komt, maar in het maken van meer vlieguren, dwz, meer vliegers, technici en ost personeel. Als we bij wijze van spreken in plaats van 210 vlieguren 350 vlieguren per jaar gaan maken, is de kist eerder op. En dat gaat niet alleen op voor Nederland, maar ook voor andere landen. Als de laatste kist in 2030 uit de fabriek rolt zal die zeker tot 2050 mee moeten.

Ook wordt er dermate veel geld in deze toestellen gestoken dat het maar de vraag is of er over een jaar of 10 een nieuw programma op volle toeren draait.

Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 28/01/2015 | 23:37 uur
Gelukkig meerdere producenten in een kompetitie voor minimaal 2 verschillende types. Het begint er op te lijken dat de F35 familie het beoogde 40 á 50 jaar programma niet zal halen... 

Het programma loopt inmiddels bijna 20 jaar, dus we gaan al aardig die richting op.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 02/02/2015 | 07:55 uur
Kendall Unveils 6th Gen Fighter Strategy

By Aaron Mehta February 1, 2015

WASHINGTON — Pentagon acquisition chief Frank Kendall unveiled part of his strategy for procuring a next-generation fighter for the Air Force and Navy in congressional testimony last week.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/02/2015 | 08:43 uur

America's New Invisible Air Force

The Pentagon wants hundreds of millions of dollars next year to start work on an array of stealthy warjets.

The Pentagon is doubling down on the development of a new arsenal of stealth fighters, bombers, and drones in its newly-unveiled budget for next year.

Never mind the so-called "fifth generation" stealth jets currently rolling off of defense contractor assembly lines. The Pentagon is starting to pour money into three different projects to research and develop "sixth-generation" stealth fighters, plus funding for a new Air Force stealth bomber and new Navy carrier-based stealth drone.

Together, the efforts represent a whole new invisible air force, potentially. Oh, and the Pentagon wants a bunch of laser weapons and rail-guns, too.

The budget, released Monday, includes a new project that the Pentagon calls the "Aerospace Innovation Initiative." The new program—which is going to be led by the Pentagon's premiere research arm, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency—seeks to build a new prototype stealth fighter— an "X-plane." The new jet would be a prototype to show-off new technologies that could be used to help develop a new advanced stealth fighter for the Air Force and Navy.

The prototype would be a precursor to a so-called "sixth-generation" successor to the Air Force's F-22 Raptor air superiority fighter. It would also be the basis for a replacement for the Navy's "fourth-generation" F/A-18E/F Super Hornet.

In addition to money to build the new prototype jet, the proposed budget also includes cash for the Navy and Air Force own internal fighter programs to replace the F/A-18 and F-22. That makes total of three next-generation fighter programs.

The budget documentation is vague—but it suggests that the new DARPA prototype program is aimed at developing technology to defeat enemies like Russia or China. Top defense officials—particularly in the Navy—have expressed concerns that current stealth fighters like the F-22 Raptor and F-35 are not going to be able to survive against the advanced air defenses that Russia and China are working on. That's mostly because new types of low-frequency radars will be able to detect, track and attack those jets.

That's why the DARPA initiative will "advanc[e] key enabling technologies for future systems operation in denied and contested environments," as the budget document reads.

In his testimony before Congress last week, Frank Kendall, the Pentagon's chief weapons-buyer, offered a little more detail. He said that the Defense Department would start developing a new "X-plane" to help keep U.S. industry ahead of competitors and make sure the Air Force and Navy have an aircraft that can control the skies now that the $400 billion F-35 project is nearly through its two decade design phase.

"The pending budget submission will include an 'Aerospace Innovation Initiative,' a new DARPA led program in partnership with the Navy and Air Force, intended to develop the technologies and address the risks associated with the air dominance platforms that will follow the F-35, as well as other advanced aeronautical challenges," Kendall told the House Armed Services Committee on Jan. 28.

But the new prototype fighter is part of an even larger Pentagon effort called the "Defense Innovation Initiative" to boost its technological lead over foreign powers like Russia and China. According to a Pentagon statement released on Feb. 2, Kendall's plan includes new high-speed strike weapons, rail-guns, lasers among other technologies.

Details are hard to come by—there is barely any mention of the exactly what the Defense Department plans to do in any of the documents the Pentagon released. The Navy budget includes $67 million for the rail guns and lasers while the Air Force budget includes $14 million for laser weapons—but there is little or no detail about what they hope to accomplish.

Examining the budget more closely, there is no specific program called the "Aerospace Innovation Initiative" in there. Instead, the prototype X-plane effort seems to be included as part of DARPA's $2.9 billion budget. There are some references to "advanced aerospace systems" including one line that would call for $185 million in research money. There are also some vague references in the Air Force's budget that might refer to the new prototype program—the service has over $2.7 billion budgeted for advanced technology developments and prototypes.

Meanwhile, the proposed budget also separately includes $5 million for a Navy "Next Generation Fighter"—which was previously known as the F/A-XX program. The F/A-XX is a Navy effort to replace its workhorse Super Hornet fighters by the mid-2030s.

The Air Force too has money for a new fighter squirreled away in the budget. It includes $8.8 million for a program called "Next Generation Air Dominance"—which is also known as F-X within the Air Force. That program is intended to replace the F-22 and an older jet called the F-15C Eagle, which is designed to kill other jets, but is well over 30 years old.

The Navy and Air Force have learned from the $400 billion F-35 program, which tried to force the two services to share a single, unwieldy fighter jet family. Navy and Air Force officials have both said they want to develop two separate planes that share common technology. What they don't want is to develop the same plane and end up with another F-35-style financial and technological disaster. Presumably, these previously announced efforts are separate for Kendall's plan for a new X-plane—but that is not entirely clear at this point.

Meanwhile, the Air Force is continuing on its quest to develop a new super stealth bomber for $550 million each that would be flying by the mid-2020s. The Air Force won't say much about the new bomber except that it will be extremely stealthy, subsonic and that it will be nuclear capable in time—and it will be armed with a new Long-Range Stand-off cruise missile. The Air Force wants between 80 and 100 new bombers.

The bomber program is slated to receive $1.2 billion in the 2016 budget proposal. Either Northrop Grumman or a Boeing/Lockheed Martin team will win the contract to build the new bomber—which is going to worth at least $50 billion research and development—later this year. Either way, it's going to be expensive.

Not to be left out, the Navy is continuing to work a stealthy new drone called the Unmanned Carrier Launched Airborne Surveillance and Strike aircraft. But no one is quite happy with the current specifications for the new jet. As such, the Pentagon is reviewing the requirements for the new drone—which have been a point of contention.

The Navy has been forced to push back the program from 2020 to 2023, but the service is still going to shell out $135 million in development money this year for the new robotic jet. It's just a small piece of a much larger reboot of America's fighting forces in the sky.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Zander op 03/02/2015 | 09:12 uur
Ik denk dat de Amerikanen hier op de juiste weg zitten. Als ze de technologische voorsprong op de Chinezen en de Russen willen behouden moeten ze wel. Ik had graag gezien dat we in Europa met enkele gelijkgestemden ook aan dit soort zaken zouden werken.
Een verbond tussen Airbus Saab en Dassault zou een monster alliantie zijn waar eea zeker mee te realiseren zou zijn. Anders zou een alliantie tussen Europese en Amerikaanse bedrijven ook mooie systemen kunnen op leveren.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/02/2015 | 09:28 uur
Citaat van: Zander op 03/02/2015 | 09:12 uur
Ik denk dat de Amerikanen hier op de juiste weg zitten. Als ze de technologische voorsprong op de Chinezen en de Russen willen behouden moeten ze wel. Ik had graag gezien dat we in Europa met enkele gelijkgestemden ook aan dit soort zaken zouden werken.
Een verbond tussen Airbus Saab en Dassault zou een monster alliantie zijn waar eea zeker mee te realiseren zou zijn. Anders zou een alliantie tussen Europese en Amerikaanse bedrijven ook mooie systemen kunnen op leveren.

Mee eens op alle punten.

De Europese bedrijven zullen, zo vermoed ik, op termijn wel gedwongen zijn tot een verbond willen ze een rol van betekenis kunnen blijven spelen. Een US-EU alliantie is niet eens zo ver gezocht gezien de recente berichtgeving rondom een mogelijke samenwerking tussen Airbus en Boeing in het ontwikkelen van een eventuele gezamenlijke fighter.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 03/02/2015 | 16:26 uur
Colombia testing Mirage 2000-5F, might buy up to 18 jets

The Colombian Air Force is at the verge of buying up to 18 former French Air Force Dassault Mirage 2000-5Fs, according to sources in Paris and Bogotá.

Just around New Year Fuerza Aérea Colombiana (FAC) pilots apparently already flew similar jets in France, to test their capabilities and to weigh possible integration into the FAC tactics and structure. According to sources the crews were very happy with the performance of the aircraft, even if the development of the Mirage 2000-5F took place in the 1980s and 1990s.

The Mirage 2000-5F was actually the Armée de l'Air's (AdlA) intermediate solution for a capable combat jet until large scale introduction of the 5th generation multi-role fighter Rafale, of which only six of the first batch had all advanced options – including proper bombing capability – by 2007.

The AdlA upgraded 37 of their older and aging Mirage 2000Cs to the new 2000-5F standard. Operational since 2000 they received a laser designator pod and a new radar doppler to detect not only up to 24 targets, but also to track 8 of them while engaging the threat with up to 4 MBDA MICA air-to-air missiles at the same time. The jets got a digital cockpit very much like the Rafale, and additional buttons and controls on the flight control stick and throttle (HOTAS) to make air combat easier for the pilot. Moreover the 2000-5Fs crew's can make full use of night vision-goggles.

However, the Five Foxtrots don't have an up-to-date countermeasures system, which the Colombian Air Force apparently is keen off. So if the FAC buys the aircraft, it is likely to be equipped with the ICMS 2 countermeasures suite (or similar) initially proposed for the AdlA machines but never incorporated by the French. Other additions might be a datalink and helmet-mounted display (Topsight) proposed by Thales, but we at could not verify if the FAC actually wants this.

If Bogotá indeed decides to buy the up to 18 surplus Mirage 2000-5Fs, the deal is expected to land at about 500 million US dollars, including logistics and training. The Colombian Air Force is in desperate need of a new fighter jet, since its two dozen Israeli-built IAI Kfirs (Mirage 5 copies, a 1970s jet) received in the 1990s are slowly becoming obsolete.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 04/02/2015 | 14:57 uur
First Series of T-50 Aircrafts Has Entered the Russian Air Force

The Russian Armed Forces began to accept into service the first fifth-generation aircraft, the T-50 (PAK FA), announced Yury Slyusar, head of the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC), on January 30 during an interview on the TV channel Russia-24.

The PAK FA will be subjected to qualification testing directly in the service of the armed forces. Currently, all T-50 prototypes are being tested in special flight centers. Mass delivery of the aircraft to the armed forces is expected in 2016.

The T-50 differs from the 4 and 4++ generation of jet fighters, with the presence of modern radar stations (RLS), which can detect "stealth" technology aircraft. In addition, there is the Himalaya electronic warfare complex and an arsenal of precision weapons, which are also undergoing a series of tests together with the airplane.

The new aircraft is invisible to enemy radar: the aircraft manufacturers at Sukhoi succeeded in significantly reducing the PAK FA's radar cross section – the basic characteristic that makes aircraft visible to radars.

According to the Air Force Commander Colonel-General Viktor Bondarev, the new Russian plane concedes nothing to the American F-22.

UAC President Yury Slyusar noted that in 2015, the UAC will achieve maximum capacity for the production of combat aircraft. According to RIA Novosti, the Defense Ministry, the customer of military products, this year expects to receive combat, strategic, military transport, and special aviation equipment.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 04/02/2015 | 17:48 uur
CNO Greenert: Navy's Next Fighter Might Not Need Stealth, High Speed

By: Sam LaGrone / February 4, 2015

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Navy's planned next generation fighter will likely rely less on the speed and stealth that has defined the current generation of U.S. tactical aircraft and could feature an unmanned option, the Chief of Naval Operations said on Wednesday.

CNO Adm. Jonathan Greenert described options for the next Navy fighter – the F/A-XX – that would overwhelm or suppress enemy air defenses instead of outrunning or hiding from threats.

"You know that stealth maybe overrated," Greenert said during a keynote at the Office of Naval Research Naval Future Force Science and Technology Expo.
"I don't want to necessarily say that it's over but let's face it, if something moves fast through the air and disrupts molecules in the air and puts out heat – I don't care how cool the engine can be – it's going to be detectable."

That also may mean developing new weapons for future threats.

"It has to have an ability to carry a payload such that it can deploy a spectrum of weapons. It has to be able to acquire access probably by suppressing enemy air defenses, Greenert said.
"Today it's radar but it might be something more in the future."

As for speed, he said the proliferation of high-speed anti-air weapons could lead the Navy to develop an aircraft that would not need to travel at a high speeds.

"I don't think it's going to be super-duper fast, because you can't outrun missiles," he said.

Greenert also said the aircraft should have an option to be optionally manned.

"The weight that we put on an aircraft due to the pilot is kind of extraordinary. You take that off and put sensors on there instead," he said.
"That's my signal for modularity."

Greenert's comments come as the Navy scheduled to start the analysis of alternatives (AoA) for F/A-XX the aircraft to replace the Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet stating in the 2030s. Lockheed Martin and Boeing have both released early concepts for F/A-XX

The Navy's newest fighter – the F-35C Lighting II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) – does rely on stealth. USNI News understands its emerging role in the carrier air wing will be – in part – as a forward sensor node for the carrier strike group to relay targeting information via the Navy's Naval Integrated Fire Control Counter Air (NIFC-CA) concept.

The Navy has said the F/A-XX will likely match or exceed the larger payload of the current Super Hornets.

"We're looking to replace the F/A-18E/F with an understanding already of what the F-35C has brought to the air wing," Rear Adm. Mike Manazir told USNI News in late 2013.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 04/02/2015 | 17:53 uur
Indonesian Air Force wants to replace F-5 tigers with Sukhoi SU-35S

Rabu, 4 Februari 2015

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The Indonesian Air Force (TNI-AU) wants more sophisticated fighter jets, such as Russias Sukhoi SU-35s, to replace its F-5 Tigers, Chief of the Air Force Vice Marshall Agus Supriatna has said.

He added that the Russian-made Sukhoi SU-35 meets the requirements of TNI-AUs weaponry system, Supriatna said after opening a leadership meeting of the air force here on Wednesday.

He expressed hope that the government will fulfill the desire of the air force and purchase Sukhoi SU-35s to reinforce its weaponry system to ensure security in the Indonesian airspace.

"We hope the government fulfills our wish to purchase Sukhoi SU-35s. All can place orders, but we, as the operators, want jets over generation 4 to be ordered," the air force chief remarked.

One of the reasons the TNIAU wants to purchase these jets is that they will be much easier for the air force to maintain.

"We hope our technicians do not face any problems with the Sukhoi planes. It is important that we purchase jets from the newer generations," Supriatna noted.

Furthermore, the Russian government supports Indonesias wish to buy the multipurpose fighter jet Sukhoi SU-35 to enhance the countrys air force.

"We hope the agreement to buy SU-35s can be realized. Military cooperation between the two countries was established a long time ago. We want to maintain that," Russian Ambassador to Indonesia Mikhail Galuzin said late last month.

The ambassador added that the Russian government was ready for the same if Indonesia decided to buy Su-35s.

In addition, Galuzin pointed out that there was also potential for cooperation to be achieved between the two nations in various fields, including construction, military, and nuclear energy.

"Russia believes that there is potential for cooperation with Indonesia in the construction and military sectors, among others. Also, if Indonesia is willing, we are ready to help in the development of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes," Galuzin stated.

The Indonesian government is still deliberating over whether it should buy new fighter jets to replace the old F-5 E Tigers.

Indonesian Military Commander Moeldoko listed several options for new fighter jets, such as Sukhoi SU-35, Eurofighter Typhoon, SAAB JAS-39 Gripen, and F-16 Block 52+.

Currently, the country operates two types of Sukhoi jets, the Su-27 and Su-30 MK2, which stand by at the Sultan Hasanuddin Airbase of Makassar.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 05/02/2015 | 09:01 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 03/02/2015 | 16:26 uur
Colombia testing Mirage 2000-5F, might buy up to 18 jets

France is offering 18 used Mirage 2000-5F fighters to Columbia at about $20 million a piece. Another $150 would purchase the initial logistics package. A big selling point may be the French radars that allow for engaging more targets simultaneously than the F16 Block C/D alternatives.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/02/2015 | 07:41 uur
Pratt says growth in F-35 production will help cut costs

Reuters News | Feb 05, 2015

By Andrea Shalal

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon's plans to fund 50 percent more F-35 fighter jets in fiscal 2016 will help drive down the price of the new plane and its engine, a top official with enginemaker Pratt & Whitney, a unit of United Technologies Corp, said Thursday.

Bennett Croswell, president of Pratt's military engines division, said the company had submitted a proposal for the ninth and tenth batches of engines to the F-35 program office, and he hoped to sign those agreements by the end of 2015.

The previous two production agreements lowered the cost of the engine by nearly 8 percent, Croswell said, noting that further reductions were planned for the contracts now under discussion - 60 engines in the ninth batch and 100 in the tenth.

The U.S. government signs separate production agreements with Lockheed Martin Corp, which builds the plane, and Pratt, which builds its F135 engine. The Pentagon plans to spend nearly $400 billion to develop and build 2,457 of the radar-evading warplanes over the next two decades.

Croswell welcomed the start of a long-delayed increase in production of the F-35 in fiscal 2016, which funds 57 jets after 38 a year earlier, and said it would help Pratt, Lockheed and other key suppliers drive down the plane's cost.

Pratt and Rolls-Royce Holdings Plc, which makes the lift fan for the F-35 B-model, will soon unveil new plans for reducing the cost of the engine, Croswell said. He gave no details.

Lockheed and the other key suppliers for the airframe - Northrop Grumman Corp and BAE Systems Plc -launched a similar effort last summer, which maps out specific investments to reduce the cost to build and repair the planes.

Croswell said Pratt had also developed plans to upgrade the F135 engine in two separate phases.

If the Pentagon accepts and funds the plans, the first upgrades would begin in 2017 or 2018 and reduce the fuel burn of the engine by 5 to 7 percent, Croswell said. The next upgrades would begin around 2022, cutting fuel burn by 15 to 20 percent.

The upgrades drew on engine research work funded by the Air Force in recent years, he said. The service included funding for more work on a next-generation engine in its 2016 budget plan.

Croswell said Pratt was preparing for the production increase by hiring more people, and it had already opened a second production site in West Palm Beach, Florida.

(Reporting by Andrea Shalal; Editing by Lisa Shumaker)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 06/02/2015 | 11:43 uur
F-35Cs Cut Back As U.S. Navy Invests In Standoff Weapons   
(minder F-35C, canceling van Sidewinder 9X block 3, investeringen in diverse raket-systemen, voornamelijk long-range)

The U.S. Navy has reduced its planned buys of the Lockheed Martin F-35C Joint Strike Fighter by almost one-third over the fiscal 2016-2020 Future Years Defense Program (FYDP), while committing almost $800 million to new standoff weapon developments and canceling the only missile program that was primarily dedicated to the F-35C. All the new developments are part of the fiscal 2016 presidential budget proposal and constitute the first move by a U.S. service to slow down its JSF procurements.

This year's budget buys four F-35Cs, including two added late in 2014 by the lame-duck Congress. The Navy now plans to buy another four aircraft each in FY2016 and 2017. The rate ramps up slowly in the final three years of the FYDP, peaking at 12 aircraft in FY2020 and buying 38 F-35Cs in the plan period. The FYDP includes 83 F-35Bs for the Marine Corps, unchanged from earlier years.

Under 2015 plans the Navy would have bought 54 F-35Cs in the FY16-20, with F-35C production reaching 20 per year in 2020. 19. The JSF Program Office states that "the Navy's commitment to the program remains strong" and that it expects the Navy's cutbacks to be offset by international JSF procurements."

The Navy says that the reduction is budget-driven. In fiscal 2020, each of the 12 F-35Cs has a gross weapon system unit cost of $144 million (44% more than the Air Force's F-35A) and a flyaway cost of $131 million. The weapon system unit cost of the F-35B averages $147 million at its full 20/year production rate. In total, 2020 the Navy expects to spend $4.7 billion for 32 F-35s in 2020. In 2013, the service spent $3.7 billion for 49 new fighters, comprising 37 F/A-18E/Fs and 12 EA-18Gs.

The fiscal 2016 budget request would cancel the Raytheon AIM-9X Block III, an increased-range version of the air-to-air missile with a more powerful motor. In April 2014, AIM-9X program manager Capt. John Martins said that the Block III was primarily intended for the F-35C because it would permit the fighter to carry six beyond-visual range missiles: four AIM-120s internally and two Block IIIs on outer wing pylons. The Block III would have entered service by 2024. One element of the canceled project, a new warhead meeting insensitive munition standards, will continue into the AIM-9X program.

Two new initiatives cover standoff weapons launched outside the range of surface-to-air threats. The new-start Advanced Anti-Radiation Guided Missile – Extended Range (AARGM-ER) gets $267 million in development funding across the 2016-20 FYDP and will mate the existing guidance system and warhead of the AGM-88E AARGM with a new motor. Two motor options were studied: dual-pulse for a 20-50% range improvement, or solid integrated rocket-ramjet for doubled range. Budget documents indicate that the Navy has chosen the rocket.

A new "precision strike weapons development program" funding line, budgeted at $510 million in the FYDP, primarily supports the new Next Generation Strike Capability effort, which combines two previous programs: Offensive Anti-Surface Warfare (OASuW) Increment II, a follow-on to Lockheed Martin's Long Range Anti-Ship Missile (Lrasm) that would be capable of air and sea launch, and Next Generation Land Attack Weapon, a replacement for the Raytheon Tomahawk. NGSC could be either a common weapon or a family of weapons, but the goal is to use technologies "across multiple mission areas" to reduce cost. Near-term strike capability is to be provided by Lrasm and modernized Tomahawks – compensating for the wind-down of new Tomahawk production.

The Navy's budget priorities reflect the views of Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jonathan Greenert. In June 2012, shortly after he was appointed as CNO, Greenert published an article in the Naval Institute's Proceedings magazine that downplayed the importance of advanced platforms, including stealth aircraft, in favor of "payloads" including standoff weapons. Speaking to a Navy technology conference in Washington on Feb. 4, Greenert reemphasized these points, saying that any future fighter will likely "not be so super-fast because you can't outrun missiles, and not so super-stealthy because you can't be invisible. Stealth may be overrated," he said. "If you move fast through the air...that puts out heat and you are going to be detected."
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 06/02/2015 | 11:46 uur
Northrop Pivots To Clean-Sheet T-X Trainer

Northrop turns to Scaled Composites for a new T-X prototype, abandoning a modified Hawk

A Northrop Grumman-led team is dashing its plan to propose a modified BAE Systems Hawk trainer for the U.S. Air Force's T-38 replacement program, opting instead for a clean-sheet design for the $1 billion program.

The shift is more bold than it is surprising. The team is paying for a brand-new prototype despite a slump in defense spending. But it has become increasingly evident that the Hawk is unsuited for the mission due to shortfalls in the fast-jet trainer's ability to sustain Gs, perform high angle-of-attack maneuvering and execute tight turn rate and radius.

Scaled Composites, wholly owned by Northrop Grumman since its purchase in 2007, formed a small team to build a suitable aircraft from the ground up.

This marks the third U.S. company to propose its own new-build aircraft for a competition that began with three foreign-built, modified off-the-shelf designs: the Hawk, Lockheed Martin/Korea Aerospace Industries T-50 and General Dynamics/Alenia Aermacchi M-346. Boeing planned since entering the competition to offer a new-build design; it is teamed with Saab. Textron Airland is looking at three variants of its company-developed Scorpion demonstrator for the T-X mission, says President Bill Anderson. Boeing declined to comment about progress on its prototype.

The Air Force has been openly pursuing a T-X plan since 2011, but the fiscal 2016 budget proposal sent to Congress Feb. 2 indicates that a request for proposals will finally be released in fiscal 2016. The plan calls for $575 million in fiscal 2016-19, with an estimated total program cost at $1.04 billion and a source selection by the end of fiscal 2017. The winner stands to dominate a global fast-jet trainer market, especially for countries planning to buy the F-35. Nine partners already are teamed to develop the stealthy fighter and another three are foreign military sales customers.

The so-called T-X will eventually be used to train future F-22 and F-35 pilots with advanced skills. Adding to the requirements is an Air Force decision in the fiscal 2016 budget plan to expand T-X to cover a requirement for a new "red air" aggressor "stores aircraft interface" kit to include adding a radar, datalink and hard points for weapons and a jamming pod. The T-X aggressors will replace F-16Cs used in that role now at the Air Warfare Center at Nellis AFB, Nevada. The Hawk would be unable to meet the demands of an aggressor aircraft.

The "red air" T-X is needed to tax the technology and skills of future F-22 and F-35 pilots, says Col. Adrian Spain, commandant of the Air Force Weapons School at Nellis. During live-fly training, the aggressors not only use enemy tactics but the aircraft must also emulate adversary platforms well enough to "fool" the Air Force's aircraft into "thinking" they are an actual enemy system.

"The potential near-peer threat has improved pretty substantially over the last decade, [and] we want to be able to replicate that threat here so we can train against a threat that is realistic and relevant," Spain tells Aviation Week. "With an older, fourth-gen system, you can probably trick it into thinking [an aggressor] is something else. But in an F-35 and an F-22, the sensors are advanced enough that they'll know the difference. So we need to have capability on the range to fly against."

Budget cuts forced the service to deactivate a squadron of F-15Cs last year, leaving only one F-16C aggressor squadron for advanced tactics and pilot training of U.S. and allied pilots at Nellis's Air Warfare Center.

The Air Force budget proposes to begin funding for the aggressor modification kit in fiscal 2018; a total of $220.5 million is included through fiscal 2020 for the work.

The challenge is for a T-X aircraft to emulate the fifth-generation aircraft qualities without accruing the high cost of replicating them. "As a team—and I want to stress with you that everything was as a team—we entered the fight with the Hawk and as time went on . . . we just kept an eye on the requirements," says Marc Lindsley, Northrop Grumman's T-X program director. "And as we saw the requirements evolve and become more clear, we looked at options. It became more and more clear to us that the Hawk wasn't the optimum solution in terms of requirements and affordability. . . . So we started studying it."

Northrop turned to Scaled Composites, renowned for its innovative designs and rapid fabrication cycle time, to build the prototype. The team is preparing to assemble the aircraft at Scaled's facility in Mojave, California, with an eye toward first flight by year-end. Budget constraints are driving the Air Force and competitors to search for affordable options. Tom Vice, president of Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems, says this is partly achievable with speed in designing and manufacturing aircraft coupled with innovative designs that take life-cycle cost into account upfront.

"We have tremendous agility in the marketplace to bring innovation much, much faster," Vice told reporters during a tour last month to showcase the company's facilities in California. "We are setting a tone inside the organization and backing it up with investment that allows us to think about innovation for affordability."

Until now, Northrop has kept its plans for the new aircraft under wraps. The company teamed first as a subcontractor to BAE Systems in 2011; it quietly shifted roles to become the prime last June. The core team will remain intact, Lindsley says. L-3 Communications will continue to handle the ground-based training system. Northrop is "in discussions with BAE Systems to include their training system in our aircraft solution," says Northrop spokesman Bryce McDevitt. The goal is to port the air vehicle training system from the Hawk to the new design. It would include a reconfigurable cockpit system to allow for various training scenarios as well as software to allow for insertion of various mission scenarios. BAE has declined to comment on its plans and has not explained how its air vehicle system will interface with L-3's ground-based equipment.

Northrop is taking lessons from Detroit-based Kuka Systems in designing its assembly line. Kuka started teaming with Northrop in 2012 and has experience in low-cost auto manufacturing techniques. A location for the work has not been announced, although if Northrop wins, the program will be based at its Melbourne, Florida, manned aircraft center of excellence.

Lindsley provides scant details of the actual prototype design, including a "no comment" on whether it would require one or two engines, because of the competitive landscape. The company has not offered a name for the prototype.

The Northrop team's decision to abandon the Hawk leaves a dim future for the program. BAE moved its Hawk work from Brough to Warton, England, in 2011 despite having few orders for the aircraft. Subsequently, however, it won a contract with the Royal Saudi Air Force for 22 aircraft and a deal with Oman for eight. The Hawk design evolved over time since its first flight in 1974. More than 1,000 Hawks have been built. BAE declined to comment about the future of the program.

Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James announced in January that T-X will be a pathfinder for her Bending the Cost Curve initiative, which is designed to allow for dialog with industry on requirements and cost trades with a goal of reducing weapon-system cycle time and cost. "When it comes to T-X, we are about two years away from a request for proposals stage, and this new process should allow us to directly engage industry as we develop an understanding of how to best evaluate our objective and our threshold requirements," James said. Today's procurement process is linear, with requirements developed by one unit and handed over to another for a development and buy. James hopes that by opening a dialog with industry early in the process, the service can tailor the requirements not only for operational needs but with a realistic budget in mind.

Lindsley and Anderson welcome this approach. Lindsley cautions, however, that the Air Force must provide industry enough time to adjust its designs accordingly when allowing for such trades, especially when the Pentagon is relying more heavily on contractor research and development funding for prototypes and risk reduction. He says thus far there has been a "very healthy dialog" on T-X with the Air Force; Northrop notified the service it was building its own prototype last year.

"The big issue for us is we can debate the requirements, . . . but then we need the time . . . to meet those requirements," Lindsley says. "Have the dialog, understand those trades, publish the requirements and lock them in, and then we need the time to design, develop and field that solution . . . at our investment."

This model is a departure for the Pentagon. With three contractors offering company-funded, clean-sheet options for T-X, industry is clearly keen on it. But the Defense Department's history in this area includes failures. Despite contractor-funded designs for an Army Armed Aerial Scout helicopter, the service ultimately ended a demonstration effort without selecting a design. Likewise, four bidders have heavily invested in risk reduction for a Navy Unmanned Carrier-Launched Airborne Surveillance and Strike aircraft, and it has been continually delayed, prompting Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin to halt or scale back their work substantially.

The Air Force intends to buy as many as 350 of the trainers as part of a larger T-X system, including advanced training aids such as a sophisticated ground-based training platform and aids.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/02/2015 | 20:09 uur
Argentina and China agree fighter aircraft working group

Gareth Jennings, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly

05 February 2015

Argentina and China are to form a working group to look at the possible introduction into Argentine Air Force (Fuerza Aérea Argentina - FAA) service of a new Chinese fighter type, it was disclosed on 5 February.

The working group, which was discussed during a visit by between Argentine president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner to Beijing from 2 to 5 February, will look at the possible transfer of a range of military equipment to Buenos Aries. Chief among this equipment is either the Chengdu Aircraft Corporation (CAC) FC-1/JF-17 or the CAC J-10 fighter aircraft.

Ahead of any transfer of aircraft, the working group will examine means by which the FAA might integrate such aircraft into its inventory, and support them once in service. Argentina stands to receive 14 fighter aircraft should the proposed transfer go ahead, though no timelines have been revealed.


For some years now, Argentina has been trying to replace its antiquated and increasingly unserviceable Dassault Mirage IIIEA, IAI Dagger, and McDonnell Douglas A-4 Skyhawk fighter fleets with a newer and more capable type.

News of the Argentine-Chinese working group comes weeks after it was reported that Russia had courted Argentina with the possible lease of Sukhoi Su-24 'Fencer' strike aircraft. While the UK Ministry of Defence took these reports seriously enough to review the defence of the Falkland Islands, the Su-24s would have no really operational utility for the FAA, and it would appear that any proposed transfer of such aircraft is likely the result of Russia playing political games with the UK over the continuing crisis in Ukraine.

Other, more realistic, options that have been touted over recent months include surplus Spanish Mirage F1s, Israeli Aerospace Industries (IAI) Kfirs, and Saab Gripen E/Fs. All of these appear to have stalled for either economic or political reasons (the proposed buy of the Gripen E/F was effectively vetoed by the UK, which manufactures many of the aircraft's systems).

The Chinese FC-1/JF-17 has also been previously touted as a possible option for the FAA, so it is interesting to see it once again mentioned with this latest Argentine-Chinese agreement. The J-10, however, has not been mentioned in relation to the FAA before.

First unveiled in 2006, the J-10 bears more than a passing resemblance to the 'Euro-canard' Gripen, Dassault Rafale, and Eurofighter Typhoon fighters (it has been claimed that the J-10 was actually developed from the Israeli Aerospace Industries Lavi, which was itself modelled from the Lockheed Martin F-16).

The single-seat, single-engined, fighter has a top speed of Mach 1.8 at altitude, a service ceiling of 55,000 ft, is cleared to +9/-3 g , has a radius-of-operation of 300 n miles (555 km; 345 miles), and a payload of 6,600 kg (14,550 lb) on 11 hardpoints. Weapons options include PL-8 (Python 3) or later air-to-air missiles (AAMs) such as PL-11 or PL-12; Vympel R-73 and R-77 AAMs; C-801 or C-802 air-to-surface missiles; YJ-8K (anti-ship) or YJ-9 (anti-radiation) missiles; and up to six 1,000 lb laser-guided or free-fall bombs. There is also an internally-mounted 23 mm cannon, and the provision for a Chinese-developed infrared/laser navigation and targeting pod.

The People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) is believed to have a requirement for up to 300 J-10s, and its inclusion in the FAA's inventory would represent a significant capability boost for Argentina.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/02/2015 | 22:23 uur
Citaat van: Vandaag om 08:09
Argentina and China agree fighter aircraft working group

Vanuit het Argentijnse perspectief begrijpelijk, vanuit Chinees (en Russisch) strategisch logisch, voor het westen een slechte zaak als China en/of Rusland een extra springplak van formaat op het westelijk halfrond weten te bemachtigen.

Dan kunnen de Brazilianen beter de Gripen E/F leveren, aanzienlijk minder gevaarlijk dan de potentie die China en of  Rusland kunnen leveren tegen heel veel ton Corned Beef.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/02/2015 | 10:58 uur
Via Google translate:

Agreement in principle between Paris and Cairo on the purchase of 24 Rafale

The contract for approximately $ 4.5 billion also includes a frigate Normandy

Paris and Cairo have reached an agreement in principle to finance contracts for 24 copies of the Rafale fighter Dassault and FREMM multi-mission frigate built by DCNS, as the French newspaper Les Echos. In all, the Egyptians will cost 4.5 billion euros, a very large sum given the very tight finances. But France has agreed to guarantee a large portion of the bank loan that will adjust it adds the business daily.

The Dassault Aviation Group is a French aircraft manufacturer founded in 1929 by Marcel Dassault and remains the last group of aviation in the world owned by the family of its founder and bearing his name. This is a multinational company that employs 11,600 people, including 9,000 in France with a market presence in over 83 countries in 2012. The export represents 71% of sales in 2013.

DCNS is a French industrial group specializing in military shipbuilding, nuclear power and marine infrastructure. The group employs more than 13,000 people across 10 countries. Private company owned 64% by the French State, Thales 35% and 1% by its staff, DCNS is the heir of the French arsenals and the Directorate of Naval Construction and Weapons (DCAN) became the Directorate of Naval Construction (DCN) in 1991.

When she arrived on Monday, the Egyptian delegation camped on its positions: 24 Rafale, two frigates and a very large batch of missiles. In addition to the bill for these purchases - about 7.6 billion - is funding blocking. Cairo asked the French to secure almost 90% of the sum off payment. Unable seen Bercy.

Cairo revises its ambitions downwards

Aware of their limited resources, the Egyptians finally lowered their claims. The number of Rafale should remain the same, enough to arm two squadrons, but there will be more than a frigate. Above all, the number of missiles has been greatly reduced, allowing ultimately lowering the starting 2.6 billion bill. Most importantly, finally, the Egyptians agreed to Paris, via Coface, no guarantee "that" half of the 5 billion stake, excluding deposit (usually 15% on large arms contracts). Clearly, Cairo will have to put more of his pocket.

Paris proposed on Friday an agreement with the Egyptian high-level delegation visit to Paris since the beginning of the week to negotiate the sale of Rafale and the FREMM frigate. Distributed in Cairo with an agreement with the Treasury, the delegation will propose the Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sissi, who must decide very quickly.

The details of the French proposal to Egypt

The Egyptian delegation is left with pocket an agreement for the sale of 24 Rafale, six copies could be taken from the fleet of the air force, and a multi-mission frigate FREMM - instead of two as originally planned - in the amount of approximately EUR 4.5 billion: $ 3.5 billion for fighter jets manufactured by Dassault Aviation and 1 billion for the warship (purchasing, training, maintenance in operational condition). France will provide in Cairo Normandy frigate, the second FREMM anti-submarine warfare that was destined to the Navy and is in the process of making the final preparations for its combat system. Changes are planned to be delivered to the Egyptian Navy.

Which raised issue in the negotiations, it was mostly the financing of the transaction. Finally Paris has worked hard to seduce Cairo facilitate this.

The outcome is close, but we must also overcome some obstacles before concluding. An agreement in principle on the guarantee of the French State in pocket, Cairo will now be able to negotiate a loan from a pool of banks. Crédit Agricole, one major French bank still present in Egypt, will probably be the lead, reports Les Echos, accompanied by BNP Paribas and Société Générale. The trio will probably try to dilute its risk by using other financial institutions, including Arab.

The drafting of the financing agreement should take two or three weeks, except pitfall last minute. This done, the payment of the deposit can then intervene.

Het origineel: via de link
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/02/2015 | 21:56 uur
De vraag is: wat gaat de US ontwikkeling van een volgende generatie gevechtsvliegtuigen (vermoedelijk 3 prototypes en 2 keuzes betekenen voor het F35 programma, zeker als het de doelstelling haalt om rond medio jaren dertig de eerste exemplaren operationeel aan het arsenaal toe te voegen?

Een F111 scenario?

Meet the Aardvark: the original Joint Strike Fighter
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 08/02/2015 | 01:12 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/02/2015 | 21:56 uur
De vraag is: wat gaat de US ontwikkeling van een volgende generatie gevechtsvliegtuigen (vermoedelijk 3 prototypes en 2 keuzes betekenen voor het F35 programma, zeker als het de doelstelling haalt om rond medio jaren dertig de eerste exemplaren operationeel aan het arsenaal toe te voegen?

Een F111 scenario?

Meet the Aardvark: the original Joint Strike Fighter

Helemaal niets want je bent twintig jaar verder voordat er een prototype op de startbaan staat en tel daar weer tien jaar bij op voordat je in dezelfde fase als de F-35 nu zit.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 08/02/2015 | 02:00 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 08/02/2015 | 01:12 uur
Helemaal niets want je bent twintig jaar verder voordat er een prototype op de startbaan staat en tel daar weer tien jaar bij op voordat je in dezelfde fase als de F-35 nu zit.

Zou kunnen, maar omdat de F/X niet alleen de "gedroomde" vervanger wordt voor de F22A maar ook van de F15C en de FA/XX de beoogde opvolger van de F18E/F/G vroeg ik me af of dit geen gevolgen zal hebben voor het aantal F35's, de operationele doelstelling ligt immers rond medio jaren dertig.

Over de timeline: als ze een of beide kisten operationeel willen hebben dan hebben we het over een periode van totaal 20 jaar.

Neem het mysterieuze zeer recent voorbeeld van Northrop Grumman met hun Super Bowl verhaal: de speculatie is dat zij al een prototype hebben van de LSR-B, de F/X of beide (geen mock up).... als dat zo is, dan gaan de ontwikkelingen aanzienlijk sneller
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 08/02/2015 | 08:32 uur
Het lijkt goed mogelijk. Maar uiteindelijk denk ik nog steeds dat vooral de F35 gevolgen heeft voor de F35.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Zander op 08/02/2015 | 10:43 uur
Iets met een ezel en een steen..........
De fout die men bij de JSF/F35 heeft gemaakt is dat het een vervanger van meerdere typen moest worden.
Hierdoor kreeg men een kist met overgewicht en een veel te groot kostenplaatje.
Dit gaan ze nu ook met de F/X doen, conclusie, ik voorzie grote overeenkomsten met de ontwikkeling en de problemen met de F35.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 08/02/2015 | 11:30 uur
Citaat van: Zander op 08/02/2015 | 10:43 uur
Dit gaan ze nu ook met de F/X doen, conclusie, ik voorzie grote overeenkomsten met de ontwikkeling en de problemen met de F35.

Dat lijkt nu juist niet het geval immers het gaat om een specifieke luchtmacht en een marine kist met elke hun verschillende eigenschappen.

Voor zover nu bekend gaat het om 3 totaal verschillende types waar dus vermoedelijk 1 afvaller tussen zal zitten.

Als de beide winnaars idd operationeel zijn rond medio jaren dertig dan voorzie ik wel een aanzienlijk lager aantal F35, met name in de A en C variant immers: de USN F18E familie wordt dan vrijwel zeker niet vervangen door de F35C (of een variant hier van) en de F15C zou in de VS worden vervangen door de F35A, iets wat met een F/X wellicht niet meer aan de orde zal zijn.

Het lijkt nu dat de VS streeft naar een nieuw overwicht op de Aziaten/Russen, een overwicht welke ze in de  komende 10/15 jaar in rap tempo verliezen door de huidige ontwikkelingen in die regio.

De verhoudingen (en aantal) zal meer in de lijn zijn van het bekende: F15 vs F16 of zoals het bedoeld was F22 vs F35 (maar door het decimeren van de F22 order is dit nooit werkelijkheid geworden)

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Lex op 08/02/2015 | 20:53 uur
Het begin van de eerste Noorse F35A:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 11/02/2015 | 13:41 uur
The Air Force's Smear Campaign Against the A-10 Relies on Flawed Data

Per sorties flown, the attack jet is actually one of the least dangerous to friendly troops
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/02/2015 | 10:49 uur
Nicaragua to buy Russian warplanes to fight drug trafficking

11/02/2015 TASS

Nicaragua plans to buy a batch of warplanes, including Russian MiG-29 fighter aircraft, to fight drug trafficking in coastal areas, Nicaraguan army spokesman General Adolfo Zepeda said on Tuesday.

The general said fighter jets would be "used only for defense purposes, not for air strikes," as Nicaragua was not going "to create any military threat for its neighbours in the region".

The International Court of Justice in The Hague passed a decision in 2012, awarding Nicaragua 75,000 square kilometers in the Caribbean that used to be Colombia's. Now Nicaragua intends to take additional measures in this region to fight drug trafficking.

Nicaraguan military also consider buying additional patrol boats, eying Russia as a possible supplier. Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu will visit Nicaragua shortly on a Latin American tour that also includes Venezuela and Cuba.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/02/2015 | 10:51 uur
Citaat van: Vandaag om 10:49
Nicaragua plans to buy a batch of warplanes, including Russian MiG-29 fighter aircraft, to fight drug trafficking in coastal areas, Nicaraguan army spokesman General Adolfo Zepeda said on Tuesday.

En zo komen/blijven steeds meer Zuid Amerikaanse landen in de invloedsfeer van zowel de Russen als de Chinezen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 12/02/2015 | 11:31 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/02/2015 | 10:51 uur
En zo komen/blijven steeds meer Zuid Amerikaanse landen in de invloedsfeer van zowel de Russen als de Chinezen.

Ik weet niet of dat vwb Nicaragua zo'n groot verschil is. Wel zou het een boost van de capabilities zijn, ze hebben nu immers geen fighters.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/02/2015 | 11:35 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 12/02/2015 | 11:31 uur
Ik weet niet of dat vwb Nicaragua zo'n groot verschil is.

De opmerking geldt Zuid Amerika als geheel.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 12/02/2015 | 12:45 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/02/2015 | 10:51 uur
En zo komen/blijven steeds meer Zuid Amerikaanse landen in de invloedsfeer van zowel de Russen als de Chinezen.

De Russen hebben altijd al interesse gehad in Zuid-Amerika en daar hun invloed versterkt.
Vooral Cuba is compleet geïnfiltreerd, beheert zo ongeveer alle veiigheidsdiensten in midden-Zuid-Amerika.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/02/2015 | 12:52 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 12/02/2015 | 12:45 uur
De Russen hebben altijd al interesse gehad in Zuid-Amerika en daar hun invloed versterkt.
Vooral Cuba is compleet geïnfiltreerd, beheert zo ongeveer alle veiigheidsdiensten in midden-Zuid-Amerika.

Zeker, en daar kunnen ze nu ook Argentinië bijschrijven.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 12/02/2015 | 15:31 uur
Het lijkt wel alsof de hele wereld aan het plannen is voor WO3 behalve Europa.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/02/2015 | 19:53 uur
Saab boss upbeat on T-X prospects with Boeing

By: Craig Hoyle

London / Source: / feb. 12 - 2015

Saab chief executive Håkan Buskhe has provided a bullish assessment of the company's prospects in pursuing the US Air Force's future T-X trainer contract with its programme partner Boeing.

"I think we are strong partners," says Buskhe. "We have set up criteria that we think we need to achieve to have a great chance of winning. Breaking the cost curve, increased performance – that's something we're working on.

"The work together and the co-operation with the Boeing company is going tremendously well," he says, noting that "we have our team in St Louis, and they have people in Linköping".

Speaking during a financial results briefing in Stockholm on 10 February, Buskhe said: "We haven't changed our view on both the price and the capability, and the possibility to win" in a future T-X contest.

"Additional investments were made in the development of trainers for the coming T-X procurement process in the United States," Saab says in its year-end report for last year. "We have for this year a fairly big sum of investment in self-funding in aeronautics," Buskhe says of 2015, without providing further details. "The main part is connected to our joint efforts together with Boeing."

The Boeing/Saab team is expected to face competition from a General Dynamics/Alenia Aermacchi partnership offering a T-100 development of the latter's M-346; Lockheed Martin, which is promoting Korea Aerospace Industries' T-50; and Northrop Grumman, which on 6 February announced its intention to offer a new platform which it expects to fly for the first time later this year.

USAF Secretary Deborah Lee James said last month that the service is around two years away from releasing a formal request for proposals for the T-X programme, which will provide a replacement for its Northrop T-38 Talon fleet.

Meanwhile, Buskhe says Saab expects the financial element of Brazil's 36-aircraft Gripen E/F procurement to be finalised by around mid-year. "Everyone is working towards that target, and there are no indications that we have any stop in any process," he says. Sweden also plans to acquire 60 of the type, and he notes: "We see a great possibility to sell around 400 to 450 of the new Gripen E and F" over the life of the programme.

"We are full-speed ahead to develop the Gripen E, and also to execute on the backlog of C/Ds," says Saab chief financial officer Magnus Örnberg.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/02/2015 | 19:58 uur
De kogel lijkt op een haar na door de kerk voor de eerst export order voor 24 Rafale (en een FREMM)

Source: France, Egypt Agree Rafale, Military Hardware Deal
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 12/02/2015 | 20:02 uur
Hoe effectief zijn 24 rafale's ? Hoeveel hebben ze er daadwerkelijk altijd paraat?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 12/02/2015 | 20:16 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 12/02/2015 | 12:45 uur
De Russen hebben altijd al interesse gehad in Zuid-Amerika en daar hun invloed versterkt.
Vooral Cuba is compleet geïnfiltreerd, beheert zo ongeveer alle veiigheidsdiensten in midden-Zuid-Amerika.
misschien dat ze voet aan de grond krijgen in Nicaraqua, Venezuela en Argentinie...maar de andere Zuid Amerikaanse landen zoals Colombia en Brazilie / Chili zullen ze nooit voor zich kunnen winnen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/02/2015 | 20:19 uur
Citaat van: Oorlogsvis op 12/02/2015 | 20:16 uur
misschien dat ze voet aan de grond krijgen in Nicaraqua, Venezuela en Argentinie...maar de andere Zuid Amerikaanse landen zoals Colombia en Brazilie / Chili zullen ze nooit voor zich kunnen winnen.

Bij de Brazilianen hebben de Russen het geprobeerd met hun PAK-FA/T-50 en idd mislukt.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 12/02/2015 | 20:28 uur
Citaat van: Oorlogsvis op 12/02/2015 | 20:16 uur
misschien dat ze voet aan de grond krijgen in Nicaraqua, Venezuela en Argentinie...maar de andere Zuid Amerikaanse landen zoals Colombia en Brazilie / Chili zullen ze nooit voor zich kunnen winnen.

Waarom niet?
De Brazilianen en de Amerikanen boteren niet hoor.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/02/2015 | 20:30 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 12/02/2015 | 20:28 uur
Waarom niet?
De Brazilianen en de Amerikanen boteren niet hoor.

Dit was/is een tijdelijk probleem, dit oud zeer lijkt opgelost waar o.a. Boeing met haar F18E/F het slachtoffer van is geworden.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 12/02/2015 | 20:50 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 12/02/2015 | 20:02 uur
Hoe effectief zijn 24 rafale's ? Hoeveel hebben ze er daadwerkelijk altijd paraat?

Ze hoeven niet continu paraat te staan. Ze hebben iets van 400 straaljagers. Je kunt dus bepaalde opdrachten kiezen. Schommelingen in het aantal parate Rafale's kunnen opgevangen worden door andere typen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 13/02/2015 | 11:30 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 12/02/2015 | 20:02 uur
Hoe effectief zijn 24 rafale's ? Hoeveel hebben ze er daadwerkelijk altijd paraat?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 13/02/2015 | 11:31 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 12/02/2015 | 20:50 uur
Ze hoeven niet continu paraat te staan. Ze hebben iets van 400 straaljagers. Je kunt dus bepaalde opdrachten kiezen. Schommelingen in het aantal parate Rafale's kunnen opgevangen worden door andere typen.
Inderdaad...ik las dat Egypte ook net nieuwe F16s heeft. Het past bij het strategische beleid van het land om niet afhankelijk te zijn van 1 leverancier/fabriek/land. En men "koopt" zo vaak steun.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 13/02/2015 | 11:35 uur
ACC Chief Open To A-10 Follow-On Platform

ORLANDO — Air Combat Command is conducting a sweeping review of close air support (CAS) needs, and the general overseeing the command suggests that a potential follow-on to the A-10 Thunderbolt II is not off the table.

"A follow on may be something we need to think about," said Gen. Herbert "Hawk" Carlisle during a Feb. 12 roundtable with reporters at the annual Air Force Association Air Warfare Symposium here. "Nothing is off the table."

The CAS review is a week-long session including officials from the Army, Marine Corps and Navy. At issue is how to conduct CAS in a contested environment, Carlisle says. This means that aircraft are threatened, but not necessarily operating in the highly defended air space of a near peer.

He says mission area working groups consisting of officers from each of the services will look at the state of CAS now and into the future once the A-10 retires and the F-35 is brought into service. The service chiefs will be briefed on the findings after a week's worth of analysis on March 6.

Discussion around this mission area has been politically and emotionally charged since the Air Force requested authority in the fiscal 2015 budget and again in the fiscal 2016 budget to retire the A-10. CAS is now being conducted by fighters and bombers using precision-guided munitions along with the A-10's more traditional approach.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 13/02/2015 | 11:41 uur
France, India Disagree Over Key Rafale Contract Issue

France will not warranty Indian-built aircraft

After months of seeing Dassault Aviation being browbeaten in the Indian press, French arms procurement agency DGA defended its contractor, asserting that a 2012 agreement to provide India with Rafale fighter jets never committed the company to guarantee aircraft manufactured in India at state-owned Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. (HAL). However, a recent senior adviser to HAL's management tells Aviation Week that guaranteeing HAL's work is not the issue, but that the French are being "rigid" and refusing to stand behind the integrity of the design.

"Dassault will not be responsible for the whole contract. It is a co-management setup," says French defense procurement chief Laurent Collet-Billon, who was clear that France will not assume full liability for HAL-built Rafales. "It cannot be a problem, because it was not in the request for proposals [RFP]."

Speaking to reporters during an annual media address Feb. 9, France's arms procurement chief said the €10.2 billion ($12 billion) agreement—which has been under negotiation for more than three years—calls for the first 18 of 126 Rafale jets to be built in France. After that, HAL would take over production of the remaining 108 aircraft.

Dassault's responsibility for the latter has been the subject of heated negotiations between New Delhi and Paris in recent months. Pressure on the talks has increased because India, according to defense ministry officials, wants to make a final call on the Rafale project before Prime Minister Narendra Modi visits France in April.


volledige artikel. zie link
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 13/02/2015 | 12:00 uur
Lockheed Martin Unveils Legion Pod             (een IRST pod voor de huidige F-16 en F-15 toestellen )

Lockheed Martin has unveiled a new pod it claims will bring long-range infrared search and track (IRST) capabilities to fourth-generation aircraft.

The Legion pod, shown for the first time at the Air Force Association's annual Air Warfare Symposium in Orlando, Florida, is being billed as a flexible, affordable solution to give networked IRST capabilities to the US Air Force's F-15 and F-16 fighters.


Lockheed Martin has unveiled a new pod it claims will bring long-range infrared search and track (IRST) capabilities to fourth-generation aircraft.

The Legion pod, shown for the first time at the Air Force Association's annual Air Warfare Symposium in Orlando, Florida, is being billed as a flexible, affordable solution to give networked IRST capabilities to the US Air Force's F-15 and F-16 fighters.


Dolling believes the pod-to-pod communication built into Legion makes it an attractive solution on how to share that data. Although he did not make the point directly, the fact that Lockheed has developed the F-35 and much of the software on that plane would give it a potential leg up on competition when it comes to communicating between the older jets and the newer fighter.

"Because [the Air Force] was not able to buy the number of F-22s they would have liked to have had, there is an increasing realization that they need to keep the 4th gen aircraft around much longer," Dolling said. "We think it's innovative, networking information among other pods."

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 13/02/2015 | 16:42 uur
Amerikaans gevechtsvliegtuig landt met probleem op Schiphol         (A-10's )
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Enforcer op 13/02/2015 | 17:02 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 13/02/2015 | 16:42 uur
Amerikaans gevechtsvliegtuig landt met probleem op Schiphol         (A-10's )

Beiden heel snel confisqueren!  ;) ;D
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 13/02/2015 | 18:15 uur
Citaat van: Enforcer op 13/02/2015 | 17:02 uur
Beiden heel snel confisqueren!  ;) ;D

En 24 exemplaren overnemen voor een appel en een ei!
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/02/2015 | 11:24 uur
OneIndia Exclusive: India's stealth fighter dream moves towards reality

read more at:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/02/2015 | 11:34 uur
With New T-X Design, Northrop Shows Its Hand

By Aaron Mehta / February 7, 2015

WASHINGTON — Northrop Grumman's decision to launch a clean-sheet design for the Air Force's T-X trainer replacement program caught the aviation industry off-guard.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 15/02/2015 | 23:23 uur
EXCLUSIVE: China sells fighter jets to Argentina which are able to attack Falkland Islands

Published: Sun, February 15, 2015

ARGENTINA is to purchase sophisticated Chinese fighter jets able to attack the Falkland Islands as part of a "strategic partnership" with Beijing.

The move, which further raised tensions in the South Atlantic last night, follows a three-day visit by President Kristina de Kirchner to Beijing last week, in which Argentina secured 15 economic agreements and significant financial investment to bolster its failing economy.

It comes after a decision by Buenos Aires to abandon talks with Vladimir Putin to secure 12 Sukhoi Su-24 'Fencer" bombers, capable of reaching Port Stanley.

Last night sources told the Sunday Express that the deal with Russia, revealed by the Sunday Express in September, had stalled after a series of delays and concerns over post-sale maintenance.  

However, that failure will see Argentina now take delivery of 20 of the most advanced fighter jets in the world.  

Mrs Kirchner has constantly caused concern for the Foreign Office with her campaign to generate international political support for the islands to be returned to Argentina.  

Last month the Ministry of Defence revealed that the Rapier air defence system currently based on Mount Pleasant to counter any potential air threat is to be upgraded, with sources adding that the "operational drumbeat" of routine deployments are also being increased.  

China has pledged more than £162billion in investments for Latin America over the next five years, and has indicated that it will write off millions loaned several years ago, allowing nations like Argentina to rebuild their economies.

Crucially, the financial package includes military equipment to re-generate Argentina's crippled air force which, over the past 18 months, has attempted to buy aircraft from Israel, Spain and, most recently, Moscow.

In a "working group" formed by the two countries, Beijing agreed to supply around 20 FC-1/JF-17 "Thunder" fighter jets produced by the Chengdu Aircraft Corporation.

The single-seat, single-engine, fighter has a top speed of Mach 1.8 at altitude of 55,000 ft and combat range of 840 miles, allowing it to comfortably fly to Port Stanley and back from the Tierra del Fuego air base in southern Argentina.

It will also carry a range of weapons including air-to-air missiles and laser guided bombs.    

The collaboration will see China's influence in the region soar as Beijing funds the projects such as the Cepernic Kirchner dams, the Belgrano Cargas railway and the Atucha nuclear plant will also generate more than 20,000 jobs.  

A senior RAF source said: "The procurement of Chinese aircraft is worrying; they are modern, fast and very capable.

However, we have a robust capability in the Falklands and I imagine that de Kirchner is trying to reinforce her military to strengthen her foreign policy at the negotiating table."

Last night Justin Bronk, of the defence think-tank RUSI, said: "Argentina had been negotiating for Russian aircraft, but in fact the Fencers they were looking at are very outdated if you are looking to hold the Falklands, and they have a very poor record for aftersales service for customers.

"China's JF-17 is based on the old Soviet Union's Mig 21, the backbone to the Soviet air force, so it has excellent pedigree.

But it is cheaper than what Russia has to offer, brand new, and has a good reputation for being reliable and having an extremely wide armament fit.  

"It is the non-Western equivalent to the Swedish Gripen, which Argentina originally tried to acquire through Brazil before the deal was stopped by Britain because it contained 30 per cent British parts.

"It would certainly allow Argentina's air force to fly over Port Stanley, though it's no match for RAF Typhoons and its pilots don't have the asymmetrical training that RAF has.

In addition, we have the Type-45 destroyer which is the most formidable air defence destroyer in the world.

"This deal would give China the first proper export market for this new fighter jet, which has been developed with Pakistan, and it seems China is willing to offer Argentina very good finance terms."

He added: " There is definitely an aspect of trying to restore Argentinean martial pride, bearing in mind what an enormous issue the 'Malvinas' issue remains there.

For her to be able to say 'we can hold the islands' is vital for her.

"And while she is likely to be replaced by moderates when she steps down in October, it would be a mistake to think that this issue will go away."
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 16/02/2015 | 10:27 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 15/02/2015 | 23:23 uur
EXCLUSIVE: China sells fighter jets to Argentina which are able to attack Falkland Islands

Ok, dus geen 12 stuks Russische Sukhoi Su-24 'Fencer" (introductie jaar 1974)

maar 20 stuks Chinese FC-1/JF-17 "Thunder" (introductie jaar 2007)

Verontrustende ontwikkeling daar in Latijns Amerika !  Argentinië krijgt de beschikking over 20 stuks moderne gevechtstoestellen, Fly-by-wire, HOTAS, glass cockpit (3 grote schermen), mogelijkheid van BVR raketten

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: slaydo op 16/02/2015 | 10:29 uur
Bijna gegarandeerd dus dat de Britten hun 2e QE2 carrier in gebruik gaan nemen.. Ze kunnen niet anders nu.. Het gaat helemaal spannend worden als Argentinië besluit een 2e tranche te kopen in de toekomst. Dan heb je helemaal poppenkast.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 16/02/2015 | 10:54 uur
The Tale Of The Unclaimed T-X Aggressor   
( wordt de T-X een 5th gen. trainer, "aggressor" met F-35/F-22 systemen, dus een toestel met "light attack" en "fighter" capaciteiten.
Een ideaal Low Cost toestel ? )

ORLANDO — In the midst of a major budget crunch at the Pentagon, the U.S. Air Force is ill-equipped to explain just how a request for $220.5 million for a "red air" aggressor aircraft got into the fiscal 2016 budget plan sent to Congress Feb. 2.

An aggressor, or a "red aircraft" is an aircraft used as a stand-in for an enemy to hone a fighter pilot's skills and tactics.

Gens. Robin Rand, Air Education and Training Command chief, and Herbert "Hawk" Carlisle, Air Combat Command chief, should know about the red air request. The former oversees pilot training. The latter oversees the Air Warfare Center at Nellis AFB, Nevada, where existing F-15C and F-16 aggressors are used to train pilots in advanced tactics. Yet neither could say what the funding will do or why it is requested.

The Air Force's funding request for research and development for the T-X trainer includes $575 million from fiscal 2016-2020 to develop the T-38C replacement. Another $220.5 million is also included in the budget justification documents outlining a plan to procure a modification kit to morph the T-X into a suitable aggressor. The total estimated cost at completion to purchase the T-X is estimated at $1.04 billion, the documents say.

Aggressor pilots study and emulate enemy fighter tactics. New aircraft are needed to tax the technology and skills of future F-22 and F-35 pilots, says Col. Adrian Spain, commandant of the Air Force Weapons School at Nellis. During live-fly training, the aggressor aircraft must emulate adversary platforms well enough to "fool" the Air Force's aircraft into "thinking" they are an actual enemy system, he said.

"The potential near-peer threat has improved pretty substantially over the last decade, [and] we want to be able to replicate that threat here so we can train against a threat that is realistic and relevant," Spain tells Aviation Week. "With an older, fourth-gen system, you can probably trick it into thinking [an aggressor] is something else. But in an F-35 and an F-22, the sensors are advanced enough that they'll know the difference. So we need to have capability on the range to fly against."

Yet the plan outlined in the budget appears to have been added in error.

"T-X is to replace the T-38," Rand said during a Feb. 12 press roundtable at the annual Air Force Association Air Warfare Symposium here. He characterized reporting on the program as "misreporting" and was adamant that "decisions will be made at another time if [T-X] will have other roles. At this time, there have been no decisions to use the T-X in any other capacity." Rand appeared concerned that adding requirements for an aggressor role could dilute a focus on the primary requirements for a trainer. "That could take us off track of what the airplane was originally intended," he said.

He referred questions on the source of the funding to Carlisle, who also said he did not know how the funding was inserted into the budget. "I'm not part of that. I don't create the budget documents," Carlisle said when pressed about the issue. He acknowledged that as an advanced fighter trainer, T-X "by definition has some of those inherent capabilities" needed for a red air aggressor. "I envision that is a huge potential and possibility, [but] it is not part [of the] original plan" for the program. But, "if someone was going to ask me do I think that is going to happen, it probably will," he added, noting that more work is needed to define requirements for an aggressor. "What it will take to get it to be a potential adversary airplane ... i don't know that yet."

The budget documents, however, call for a so-called stores aircraft interface kit that would include adding a radar, data link and hard points for weapons and a jamming pod. This interface is included in the program element, or account, for T-X.

The funding is called for in fiscal 2018, so it is not an urgent issue in the recent budget plan. But it is unusual for the service to have such a substantial amount of funding earmarked in a major program that it cannot explain.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: slaydo op 16/02/2015 | 10:57 uur
zeker interessant... multi purpose EN uit de VS... ontwikkelen die handel :P
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 16/02/2015 | 11:20 uur
India discovers Rafale wasn't cheapest

According to Business Standard, India's Ministry of Defense officials have discovered three years later that Dassault's Rafale bid was not the cheapest in the tender.

"An inexperienced MoD, working off incomplete and sketchy details provided by Dassault, had incorrectly adjudged the Rafale cheaper. Now, after three years of obtaining clear figures from the French, we find India would be paying significantly more than had been initially calculated," says an official involved in negotiating the deal.

gehele artikel :
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 16/02/2015 | 11:28 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 16/02/2015 | 10:54 uur
( wordt de T-X een 5th gen. trainer, "aggressor" met F-35/F-22 systemen, dus een toestel met "light attack" en "fighter" capaciteiten.
Een ideaal Low Cost toestel ? )

Daar begin het steeds meer op te lijken mede ook ingegeven door de clean sheet ontwerpen van Boeing-Saab en Northrop Grumman, wellicht is dit dan ook (geen wish-ful thining) dé aanvulling op de NL/BE luchtmacht om de F35 efficiënter in te zetten, vooropgesteld dat bijvoorbeeld de BE Alfa Jets vervangen kunnen worden in een gezamenlijke aankoop.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 16/02/2015 | 11:58 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 16/02/2015 | 11:28 uur
Daar begin het steeds meer op te lijken mede ook ingegeven door de clean sheet ontwerpen van Boeing-Saab en Northrop Grumman, wellicht is dit dan ook (geen wish-ful thining) dé aanvulling op de NL/BE luchtmacht om de F35 efficiënter in te zetten, vooropgesteld dat bijvoorbeeld de BE Alfa Jets vervangen kunnen worden in een gezamenlijke aankoop.

Precies, daar zat ik ook al aan te denken. Maar even terug naar de US, de T-X zou dan ook als Low Cost op termijn de huidige F-16's kunnen vervangen en deze opereren dan naast de F-35 en F-22

En dan weer naar de NL situatie, dan heb je een advanced trainer, light attack / fighter toestel, een prima toestel voor QRA, en het gros van de huidige type missies.     
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 16/02/2015 | 12:04 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 16/02/2015 | 11:58 uur
Precies, daar zat ik ook al aan te denken. Maar even terug naar de US, de T-X zou dan ook als Low Cost op termijn de huidige F-16's kunnen vervangen en deze opereren dan naast de F-35 en F-22

En dan weer naar de NL situatie, dan heb je een advanced trainer, light attack / fighter toestel, een prima toestel voor QRA, en het gros van de huidige type missies.     

In de VS is er al langer sprake van de wens om bijvoorbeeld de National Guard ook met de T/X uit te rusten, het wordt dan ook een spannende periode voor de producenten. Ik verwacht niet dat de bestaande concepten als winnaar uit de bus komen maar een van beide clean sheets ontwerpen.

Lijkt een goede oplossing om zowel de KLu als het BE luchtcomponent, in veel opzichten, meer lucht te geven naast de F35A.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 16/02/2015 | 17:49 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 16/02/2015 | 11:20 uur
India discovers Rafale wasn't cheapest

According to Business Standard, India's Ministry of Defense officials have discovered three years later that Dassault's Rafale bid was not the cheapest in the tender.

"An inexperienced MoD, working off incomplete and sketchy details provided by Dassault, had incorrectly adjudged the Rafale cheaper. Now, after three years of obtaining clear figures from the French, we find India would be paying significantly more than had been initially calculated," says an official involved in negotiating the deal.

gehele artikel :

Vive la france.
Die lui zijn net zo erg of erger dan Amerikanen.
Wil je echt geen zaken mee doen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 16/02/2015 | 20:02 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 16/02/2015 | 17:49 uur
Vive la france.
Die lui zijn net zo erg of erger dan Amerikanen.
Wil je echt geen zaken mee doen.

In dit geval snap ik de Fransen, hoe kun je immers garanties afgeven over een product wat je niet zelf maakt.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 16/02/2015 | 21:00 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 16/02/2015 | 20:02 uur
In dit geval snap ik de Fransen, hoe kun je immers garanties afgeven over een product wat je niet zelf maakt.

Het probleem zit hem niet in de garantie, maar in het feit dat het ze een boel meer geld kost dan gepland.

citaat: "Now, after three years of obtaining clear figures from the French, we find India would be paying significantly more than had been initially calculated,"
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 16/02/2015 | 21:34 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 16/02/2015 | 21:00 uur
Het probleem zit hem niet in de garantie, maar in het feit dat het ze een boel meer geld kost dan gepland.

citaat: "Now, after three years of obtaining clear figures from the French, we find India would be paying significantly more than had been initially calculated,"

Het is een combi, zeker als ze in India ook nog eens voor de F3R versie willen gaan
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 18/02/2015 | 18:34 uur
Lockheed says technology investments cut cost of F-35 jets

Reuters News | Feb 18, 2015

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Lockheed Martin Corp said a series of manufacturing changes and technology investments were already driving down the cost of the F-35 fighter jet, and the savings were set to triple in the ninth batch of jets to be produced.

Lockheed's F-35 program manager Lorraine Martin said on Wednesday that 58 of 131 ideas submitted under a new "Blueprint for Affordability" initiative launched last July had been accepted. She said $49 million had already been invested and $57 million in further projects were still under consideration.

Lockheed is working closely with the U.S. government to lower the $400 billion projected cost for developing and building three models of the stealth fighter jet.

Changes include new tools to apply coatings to the jet, high tech lasers to remove excess paint, and a new cryogenic process for cooling tools used during machining, Martin said.

Martin said changes already adopted had trimmed the cost of each jet in the eighth production lot by $260,000, and those savings were slated to triple in the ninth batch, which includes 57 jets, for cumulative savings of over $1 million per jet.

Lockheed has submitted a proposal to the Pentagon for the ninth and 10th batches of jets, with an eye to completing those contract by the end of the fiscal year.

Martin said the program was on track to realize its overall goal of cutting the cost of producing the jets by $1.8 billion by 2019, or $10 million per jet, with a goal of achieving a cost of $80 million per jet by 2019, including inflation.

Under the initiative, Lockheed and its key suppliers, Northrop Grumman Corp and Britain's BAE Systems agreed to invest $170 million in new tools and processes, with the government due to repay that money as savings are achieved.

Pratt & Whitney, a unit of United Technologies Corp in coming weeks plans to unveil its own cost-cutting measures for the jet's engine together with Britain's Rolls-Royce Holdings Plc, which builds the lift fan for the short takeoff model.

Martin said the program was rapidly maturing, with 120 jets playing at nine operating bases, and more than 26,000 flying hours. She said more than 158 pilots and 1,640 technicians had been trained to fly and service the jets.

The program's development was 65 percent complete, and was on track to be finished in 2017, she said.

(Reporting by Andrea Shalal; Editing by Ken Wills)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 20/02/2015 | 07:52 uur
February 19, 2015

BAE Systems scans skies for Eurofighter Typhoon orders

Peggy Hollinger, Industry Editor

It became known as the Rafale curse. Several times in the past 15 years France's Dassault Aviation came close to securing the first export order for its Rafale fighter jet, only to fail at the final hurdle. On Monday the curse appeared to be lifted when Egypt signed for 24 aircraft at an estimated value of €5.2bn.

Now investors are beginning to question whether the curse has been transferred to Eurofighter Typhoon, the European combat aircraft programme 33 per cent owned by BAE Systems.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 22/02/2015 | 10:35 uur
Northrop Grumman Bids Solo on Air Force Trainer. Is This Northrop's Last Hurrah?

By Rich Smith  |  February 21, 2015

Since 1959, American jet pilots have trained for war aboard T-38 Talon fighter jets built by Northrop Grumman (NYSE: NOC  ) . In just a couple of weeks, though, the U.S. Air Force is going to put its training jet contract up for new bids -- and Boeing (NYSE: BA  )  and other peers will attempt to steal away one of Northrop's last military aircraft franchises.

Whether they succeed -- or whether Northrop Grumman deflects the attack -- will determine who wins up to $50 billion worth of contracts to build as many as 1,000 new "T-X" training jets over the next 50 years. Here's what you need to know.

The timeline
For nearly six decades, Northrop Grumman has owned the market for fighter-jet trainers, selling upward of 1,110 units of its supersonic T-38 worldwide. New technologies in fighter jets, however, dictate that a new trainer be built that more closely approximates the flying characteristics of so-called "fifth-generation" stealth fighter jets.

Enter the T-X.

Sometime in the next month, the Air Force will publish requirements for what equipment T-X must carry, what speed it must fly at, its maneuverability, and other specifications. The Defense Department will then issue an official request for proposals from the defense industry sometime prior to October 2016. After reviewing the proposals, the Pentagon should announce a winner in fall 2017.

The contestants
Nearly everyone who is anyone in military aerospace is expected to bid on this contract -- at least five industry "teams" in total. First up:

Northrop Grumman: The incumbent had been expected to offer a version of BAE Systems' Hawk training jet to the Air Force. Earlier this month, though, Northrop announced it would instead develop a "clean sheet" aircraft, built from the ground up to Pentagon specifications, and using the rapid prototyping abilities of Northrop's Scaled Composites subsidiary to speed the process along. Scaled Composites demonstrated proficiency at rapidly prototyping groundbreaking designs on a tight schedule when it won the "Ansari X" prize for its experimental SpaceShipOne spaceplane -- now the basis for Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic project -- in 2004.

Northrop is still expected to team with BAE in part, and with L-3 Communications as well, to supply T-X's onboard and ground-based training systems, respectively.

Competing against Northrop for T-X will be:
•Boeing, teamed with Saab and probably offering a variant of the latter's JAS 39 Gripen as their submission to T-X. (A perverse but logical choice, seeing as Saab's cheaper fighter jet has been stealing contracts away from Boeing's F/A-18 all around the world).
•Lockheed Martin  (NYSE: LMT  ) and allied Korea Aerospace Industries, offering their jointly developed T-50 Golden Eagle training jet.
•Textron  (NYSE: TXT  ) , offering its Scorpion light attack fighter jet.
•General Dynamics (NYSE: GD  ) and Italy's Alenia Aermacchi, teaming up with a "T-100" variant of the latter's proven M-346 Master.

What all this means for investors
For investors, the math on this contract couldn't be simpler: $50 billion, 50 years' lifetime for the T-X program -- this is a $1 billion-a-year program, easy. This being the case, a win on T-X would be more significant for a smallish defense contractor such as Textron or Northrop ($14 billion and $24 billion in annual revenue, respectively, according to S&P Capital IQ), than for Lockheed or Boeing ($46 billion and $91 billion). But this is a deal big enough to bring out the best offerings from all comers.

For example, Lockheed Martin owns the market for fifth-generation fighter jets. Adding a franchise in training jets for the fighters it already builds would be a logical "brand extension" for the nation's biggest pure-play defense contractor. Boeing, by contrast, would like to claim the T-X just to maintain its present position as a player in military aircraft -- a position that has been increasingly threatened in recent years.

General Dynamics would dearly love to regain entry into the global market for fighter jets -- a position it lost when it sold the F-16 franchise to Lockheed in 1993. And with its expertise in building business jets at Gulfstream, General D has the chops for this.

Textron's reasoning will be similar, but more so: Textron sank tens of millions of dollars into building its Scorpion fighter jet on spec, but has yet to find a buyer for the plane. Winning T-X would finally give the company a return on that investment.

And Northrop Grumman? Clearly, it's the company with the single greatest stakes at risk. While all the other contenders vie to add to their existing revenue streams, Northrop will be striving to secure the trainer jet franchise it already possesses. A loss on T-X will mean the equivalent of two full years' revenue lost out of the next 50. A win, though, could secure decades of dominance for Northrop Grumman.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 22/02/2015 | 17:02 uur
U.S. Navy to Lockheed Martin's F-35 Stealth Fighter: "We're Just Not That Into You"

By Rich Smith  | February 22, 2015

Across the U.S. Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps, 185 F-22 Raptor stealth fighters and 85 F-35 Lightning II stealth fighters are now in active service, according to the latest figures published by Flightglobal. Thus, the U.S. military now boasts the largest fleet of fully fifth-generation stealth fighter jets in the world.

And that might have been a mistake.

Construction of the F-22 fleet wrapped up in 2012, but thousands of F-35s are still awaiting purchase. Ultimately, across the three services, the Pentagon plans to buy more than 2,400 units of the F-35 from Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT  ) . Some analysts now put the lifetime cost of the program at $1.5 trillion. Already, though, the Pentagon is planning for "what comes next" after the F-35.

More and more often, they're saying it might not involve "stealth" at all.

Enter the Admiral
Earlier this month, USNI News quoted U.S. Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jon Greenert opining that "stealth may be overrated" -- and potentially, not worth that $1.5 trillion expense.

In planning for a new "sixth-generation" fighter jet to follow the F-35, Greenert pointed out that "stealthy" is not the same thing as "invisible." Said the admiral: "If something moves fast through the air and disrupts molecules in the air and puts out heat -- I don't care how cool the engine can be -- it's going to be detectable."

In fact, China says it already has a radar system capable of detecting the F-35 at distances of 240 to 360 miles. By processing "pulse, frequency agility, pulse duration, tactical air navigation system, distance measuring equipment, jitter/stagger radar, and identification friend or foe" signals emitted by the otherwise stealthy aircraft, China says it can detect an F-35 at distances two to three times beyond the range of the F-35's AMRAAM missile.

If true, that largely negates the advantages of stealth.

If not stealth, then what?
Now add to that negation the fact that Lockheed Martin's F-35 is only truly stealthy when partially loaded. Fully loaded, the F-35 can carry 3,000 pounds of munitions within its internal bomb bays, and a further 15,000 pounds attached to six external hardpoints along its wings. Attaching bombs to those hardpoints, however, clutters up the aircraft's silhouette, making it easier to spot on radar. To achieve its full stealth potential, therefore, the F-35 is limited to whatever weapons it can carry internally -- just 17% of a full weapons load.

For the U.S. Navy, that's a problem. Accustomed to being able to deliver large quantities of ordnance via Boeing (NYSE: BA  ) -built F/A-18 Super Hornets, naval aviators are reportedly less than thrilled with the F-35's inability to carry full weapons loads while remaining stealthy. Consequently, the service is seriously considering abandoning stealth when drawing up plans for a warplane to replace the F/A-18, beginning sometime in the 2030s.

If that's how things work out, Lockheed could lose any advantages gained from being America's "stealth leader" in future competitions to build the next generation of fighter jets (which the Navy calls "F/A-XX"). Perversely, being overly specialized in stealth could be seen as a negative.

And that's the good news.

The future for Lockheed Martin -- and what it means for investors
The bad news is that the Navy's lack of enthusiasm for the F-35 could translate into reduced revenue for Lockheed today.

At last report, the U.S. Navy had only nine F-35s (the F-35C variant) in service, with two more ordered for 2015, and four for 2016. (Congress upped the 2015 order to four aircraft, unasked.) That makes the Navy the slowest adopter of the aircraft among the three services using the F-35. As defense analyst Richard Aboulafia, vice president of analysis at the Teal Group, told Navy Times earlier this month, the Navy is "just not that into the F-35."

Indeed, Aboulafia said the Navy could cut its buy down to just 200 F-35Cs in total -- 23% fewer than the 260 originally planned. At $154 million per aircraft, that's a potential $9.2 billion loss of revenue to Lockheed.

And even that's not the worst possible scenario.

"There are some officers in the Navy," warned Aboulafia, who would prefer to "shift all funding to the sixth generation" -- to skip further F-35 purchases, make do with present-day fourth-generation aircraft, and save the service's money for investment in the envisioned new F/A-XX aircraft.

Such a move would siphon further billions of dollars away from Lockheed Martin -- potentially shunting the money toward Boeing and Northrop Grumman (NYSE: NOC  ) instead. Boeing is expected to bid on the F/A-XX contract, already builds the F/A-18, and continually urges the Navy to buy its F/A-18s instead of Lockheed's F-35s. For its part, Northrop collaborates with Boeing in building the F/A-18's electronic warfare analog, the EA-18 Growler. Northrop also built the F/A-18's predecessor, the F-14 Tomcat.

Lockheed responds
Lockheed naturally bristles at this suggestion. Quoted in the Navy Times, a Lockheed representative argued, "Stealth provides a huge, almost immeasurable advantage because of adversaries' difficulty in detecting the F-35 by the use of either ground-based or airborne radar." Lockheed insists that "no other fighter system provides that level of survivability."

And yet, that remark by Aboulafia echoes: "They're just not that into you." Until Lockheed Martin wins over its detractors, its revenue will be at risk.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 02/03/2015 | 17:51 uur
Geruchten over voorstellen voor verkoop van nieuwe of (waarschijnlijk) 2nd hand Typhoons van Spanje, aan Indonesië. (
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 02/03/2015 | 17:57 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 02/03/2015 | 17:51 uur
Geruchten over voorstellen voor verkoop van nieuwe of (waarschijnlijk) 2nd hand Typhoons van Spanje, aan Indonesië. (

Dat zou een aardige streep door de rekening zetten van de Indonesische luchtmacht en Sukhoi, immers de gedroomde F5 vervanger is de SU-35.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 03/03/2015 | 10:19 uur
F-35B Internal Weapons Bay Can't Fit Required Load of Small Diameter Bomb IIs  (Weapons bay bij A en C-versie is geen probleem !)

Source: Inside Defense; issued Feb 25, 2015)

The internal weapons bay of the F-35B Joint Strike Fighter cannot fit the required Small Diameter Bomb II weapons load, and a hydraulic line and structural bracket must be redesigned and modified ahead of the planned Block 4 release in fiscal year 2022, the joint program office confirmed this week.

The Air Force and Raytheon plan to begin scaling up production of the 250-pound class, precision-attack munition, except the current F-35B internal weapons bay cannot fit four of the eight required SDB IIs in its current configuration.

The Marine Corps is purchasing 353 of the F-35B jump jets and 34 had been delivered as of Feb. 2, according to a fact sheet from prime contractor Lockheed Martin. JSF partners Italy and the United Kingdom are also procuring F-35Bs and three of those international orders have been satisfied.

In response to questions from Inside the Air Force, F-35 spokesman Joe DellaVedova confirmed the weapons bay does not currently meet the requirements to house the planned Small Diameter Bomb II load and is being redesigned and modified in line with the scheduled rollout of Block 4 capabilities.

The short-takeoff-vertical-landing (STOVL) aircraft has unique weight requirements compared with the Air Force's conventional F-35A and Navy's F-35C carrier variant because of its vertical lift fan and it has a smaller internal weapons bay.

According to DellaVedova, the JSF program has been aware of the issue for some time and expects to award Lockheed a contract later this year to complete the design changes. The F-35 is designed to carry eight precision-attack small diameter bombs internally and 16 externally on its wings, and the program office has not publicly acknowledged the issue.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 03/03/2015 | 10:33 uur
JSM-III Sardine   ;)    (JSM welke past in de weapons bay van de F-35   :hrmph: , zou dan de standaard JSM niet passen ??)

Feb 26/15: Stealth option.
The F-35 is a fairly stealthy plane, so long as it is mostly unarmed. About five sixths of its armament capacity must be carried externally, effectively rendering it visible to radars. That has been one of the several good arguments as to why stealth development may have been a low bang-for-buck result. Australia announced that it was going in with Kongsberg to adapt the Joint Strike Missile to fit inside the F-35's armament bay. We helpfully suggest that the new variant be named the JSM-III Sardine.

Norway and Australia to cooperate on JSM-development

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 03/03/2015 | 11:08 uur
F-35B Internal Weapons Bay Can't Fit Required Load Of Small Diameter Bomb IIs (Updated)

Source: Inside Defense; issued Feb 25, 2015

(Editors Note: This story has been updated to clarify the scope of the F-35B internal weapons bay design changes.)

The internal weapons bay of the F-35B Joint Strike Fighter cannot fit the required Small Diameter Bomb II weapons load, and a hydraulic line and structural bracket must be redesigned and modified ahead of the planned Block 4 release in fiscal year 2022, the joint program office confirmed this week.

The Air Force and Raytheon plan to begin scaling up production of the 250-pound class, precision-attack munition, except the current F-35B internal weapons bay cannot fit four of the eight required SDB IIs in its current configuration.

The Marine Corps is purchasing 353 of the F-35B jump jets and 34 had been delivered as of Feb. 2, according to a fact sheet from prime contractor Lockheed Martin. JSF partners Italy and the United Kingdom are also procuring F-35Bs and three of those international orders have been satisfied.

In response to questions from Inside the Air Force, F-35 spokesman Joe DellaVedova confirmed the weapons bay does not currently meet the requirements to house the planned Small Diameter Bomb II load and is being redesigned and modified in line with the scheduled rollout of Block 4 capabilities.

The short-takeoff-vertical-landing (STOVL) aircraft has unique weight requirements compared with the Air Force's conventional F-35A and Navy's F-35C carrier variant because of its vertical lift fan and it has a smaller internal weapons bay.

According to DellaVedova, the JSF program has been aware of the issue for some time and expects to award Lockheed a contract later this year to complete the design changes. The F-35 is designed to carry eight precision-attack small diameter bombs internally and 16 externally on its wings, and the program office has not publicly acknowledged the issue.

The issue surfaced this month in budget documents accompanying the Air Force's FY-16 budget request. A line in the SDB II program scheduled is titled "SDB II Redesign for F-35B/C," but DellaVedova confirmed the weapons bay issue only relates to the STOVL version.

The JPO is targeting to have the F-35B weapons bay changes incorporated into the post-systems development and demonstration airplanes delivered in the 2019, 2020 time frame and beyond, DellaVedova said in a Feb. 25 phone interview with ITAF. "There are considerations for small bay changes to support the rest of the Block 4 weapons suite. Rather than make multiple small changes, we're planning to do one modification that will address all Block 4 requirements," he said.

The Air Force's Small Diameter Bomb II program is worth around $4.1 billion and will deliver around 17,000 weapons, including 5,000 for the Navy. The sophisticated, 250-pound glide weapon is produced by Raytheon and will eventually replace the legacy version built by Boeing.

SDB II integration with the F-35B will not impact the Marine Corps' preparation for initial operational capability in July, but would become a problem as new weapon systems are introduced. The F-35 is designed for stealth and carries weapons internally to reduce its radar cross section.

The Navy initially wanted to field the SDB II first on the F-35B/C but is instead bringing forward integration with the F/A-18 Super Hornet. The SDB II is an F-35 Block 4 software capability and the release of that software load has been pushed back to FY-22.

In a Feb. 24 phone interview with ITAF, Raytheon's SDB II business development executive Jeff White said F-35 fit checks have found the weapon system fits fine in the larger F-35A/C weapons bays.

"I think it's just the B," White said. "When we did our fit checks on the JSF, the A and the C basically had the same bay."

According to White, the SDB II program is nearing the end of its development phase and a production decision is due out soon. He said the SDB II form will not be altered to suit the F-35B and it is hoped the weapons bay redesign will wrap up in 2016.

White said SDB II is an important aspect of the JSF program, and the international partners are eager to receive the new weapon along with the Air Force and Navy. He expects production will ramp up to more than 4,000 munitions per year in the early 2020s.

The United Kingdom is the second largest F-35B customer behind the Marine Corps, with 138 aircraft. Italy wants 30 of the jump jets to augment its F-35A fleet.

According to DellaVedova, the United Kingdom has not yet committed to purchasing the SDB II but is aware of the weapons bay issue. He said Italy would have also been informed.

"This is not a new issue to us," DellaVedova said. "We've been working with the SDB II program office and their contractors since 2007. The fit issues have been known and documented and there were larger and more substantial modifications needed to support SDB II that have already been incorporated into production F-35 aircraft. These minor or remaining changes were put on hold until the aircraft reached a sufficient level of maturity to ensure that the needed changes would not adversely impact any ongoing SDB [II] developments."

In a Feb. 2 press briefing on the FY-16 president's budget, Deputy Assistant Navy Secretary for Budget Rear Adm. William Lescher said the service planned to reduce its procurement of SDB II by 750 across the future years defense plan to 1590 units.

Lescher said this change in the procurement profile aligns with the planned F/A-18 Super Hornet integration in FY-20 and new F-35 Block 4 software rollout date of FY-22.

ITAF reported in December that the Office of the Secretary of Defense directed the Navy to bring forward the planned integration of the SDB II on the F/A-18E/F. The Air Force's threshold aircraft for SDB II is the F-15E Strike Eagle.

Other weapons tied to the F-35 Block 4 software release include the Joint Stand-Off Weapon, Norwegian Joint Strike Missile, Turkish Stand-Off Missile and AIM-9X Sidewinder Block II. -- James Drew
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 03/03/2015 | 11:13 uur
Senior admiral reiterates U.S. Navy commitment to F-35 warplane

By Andrea Shalal  |  February 24, 2015

(Reuters) - The U.S. Navy remains committed to its plans to buy the carrier-based variant of Lockheed Martin Corp's F-35 fighter jet and declare it ready for initial combat use by 2018, Vice Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Michelle Howard said on Tuesday.

Howard said there was no doubt the Navy would need tactical and strike aircraft based on aircraft carriers, and it was counting on the F-35 Lightning II to carry out that mission.

Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Jonathan Greenert said earlier this month that the next fighter after the F-35 would likely rely less on speed and stealth than current aircraft, saying "stealth may be overrated."

His remarks revived lingering questions about the Navy's commitment to the $400 billion F-35 program, especially given its continued support for Boeing Co's F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, and its electronic attack variant, the EA-18G, which are both due to end production after 2017.

"We do intend to pursue Lightning II. Absolutely," Howard told a conference hosted by the New America Foundation and the Arizona State University's Center on the Future of War.

Navy officials considered funding additional F/A-18s and EA-18G Growler electronic attack planes in their fiscal 2016 budget request, but ultimately opted not to do so.

In fiscal 2015, the Navy skipped funding the Boeing planes in its base budget request, but added 22 EA-18Gs jets to a list of "unfunded priorities" it provided to Congress, which ultimately funded 15 EA-18G Growlers.

It remains unclear if the military services will send such lists to Congress this year, given the fact that the entire Pentagon budget was $34 billion above the congressional budget caps due to resume in fiscal 2016.

Asked if the Navy would add more Growlers to its "unfunded priorities" list this year, Howard told reporters after the conference the issue was still being considered.

"We're working our way through it," she said.

Howard noted that Defense Secretary Ash Carter told lawmakers at his confirmation hearing he was not opposed to the practice, but said it was not clear if such lists would be provided by any of the military services this year.

Industry executives and military officials say it may be tough to justify the traditional wish lists this year, given that the proposed budget already exceeds the budget caps.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 05/03/2015 | 20:06 uur
Zwitserland: poging 2 voor de Gripen E, nu voor 2025

Gripen Kampfjet reloaded: Der zweite Anlauf
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 05/03/2015 | 20:19 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 05/03/2015 | 20:06 uur
Zwitserland: poging 2 voor de Gripen E, nu voor 2025

Dat zou dan toch, alsnog, een succes voor de Gripen E kunnen zijn immers als de eerste kist in 2025 zou moeten worden geleverd dan is de het reëel om te veronderstellen dat de Rafale en de Eurofighter niet meer van de productieband af lopen... wellicht dat de F35A in 2017 dan ook aan de competitie wordt toegevoegd en/of een Aziatische 5e generatie kist.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 05/03/2015 | 20:44 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 05/03/2015 | 20:19 uur
Dat zou dan toch, alsnog, een succes voor de Gripen E kunnen zijn immers als de eerste kist in 2025 zou moeten worden geleverd dan is de het reëel om te veronderstellen dat de Rafale en de Eurofighter niet meer van de productieband af lopen... wellicht dat de F35A in 2017 dan ook aan de competitie wordt toegevoegd en/of een Aziatische 5e generatie kist.

Aan de fighter lag het niet, wel de bereidheid vd bevolking om er geld aan uit te geven.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 05/03/2015 | 20:50 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 05/03/2015 | 20:44 uur
Aan de fighter lag het niet, wel de bereidheid vd bevolking om er geld aan uit te geven.

Ik denk dat de Zwiterse bevolking in de media de situatie in de Oekraïne en in Syrie en Irak ook wel  volgen en daardoor gaan inzien dat het verstandig is om nieuwe fighters aan te schaffen en wellicht ook ander defensiemateriaal.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 05/03/2015 | 21:11 uur
De Zwitserse F-5E/F Tiger II is aan vervanging toe. Is het alleen nog de vraag of de vervanger naast de F/A-18C/D Hornet zal vliegen of dat zij net zo lang wachten totdat deze ook de Hornet vervangt.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 05/03/2015 | 22:06 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 05/03/2015 | 20:44 uur
Aan de fighter lag het niet, wel de bereidheid vd bevolking om er geld aan uit te geven.

In 2017 gaat het om de F18 vervanging, als de burger daar ook nee tegen zegt, dan zeggen ze nee tegen de luchtmacht (met jachtvliegtuigen)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 05/03/2015 | 22:09 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 05/03/2015 | 21:11 uur
De Zwitserse F-5E/F Tiger II is aan vervanging toe. Is het alleen nog de vraag of de vervanger naast de F/A-18C/D Hornet zal vliegen of dat zij net zo lang wachten totdat deze ook de Hornet vervangt.

Feitelijk wordt de F5 niet vervangen, iets wat de bevolking in al haar "wijsheid" heeft besloten.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 06/03/2015 | 10:17 uur
Bulgaria to be offered JF-17 fighter by Pakistan

Bulgaria is to be offered the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex/Chengdu Aircraft Industry Corporation (PAC/CAC) JF-17 Thunder combat aircraft, according to national media reports.

The single-seat, single-engined fighter is to be offered by Pakistan as an alternative to the several Western aircraft types that are all vying to be selected by Bulgaria as it looks to replace its ageing MiG-29 'Fulcrum' and Sukhoi Su-25 'Frogfoot' platforms, the Sofia News Agency reported on 4 March.

No details pertaining to costs or potential delivery timelines were revealed.

The Bulgarian government has stated that it will choose to buy new or secondhand Western fighters, or commit to a further MiG-29 upgrade. The acquisition of 'new' fighters is expected to cost more than BGN500 million (USD282 million), although actual new aircraft, such as Lockheed Martin Block 52 F-16s, are almost certainly unaffordable.

Contenders for secondhand jets include surplus Block 25 F-16s from the US Air National Guard, F-16 midlife upgrade aircraft from Belgium, early tranche Eurofighter Typhoons from the Italian Air Force, or surplus Saab Gripens from Sweden.

Developed jointly by China (where it is designated the FC-1) and Pakistan, the JF-17 Thunder made its maiden flight in 2004. Powered by a single Russian-designed but Chinese-built Klimov RD-93 (RD-33 derivative) turbofan, it has a top speed of Mach 1.6 (at altitude); a radius-of-operation of 648 n miles (1,200 km) as a fighter and 378 n miles (700 km) as a ground attack platform; a range of 971 n miles (1,798 km) on internal fuel, or 1,100 n miles (2,037 km) for ferry; a service ceiling of 52,500 ft; and a g-rating of +8.5/-3.5.

It has seven underwing/fuselage hardpoints, and is equipped with an internal GSh-23-2 twin-barrel cannon. Weapon options include up to four PL-5, -7, -8 or -9 short-range air-to-air missiles (AAMs) or four PL-12/SD-10B medium-range AAMs; two C-802A anti-ship missiles; two anti-radiation missiles; five 500 kg bombs; twin launchers for up to eight 250 kg, MK-20, GBU-12 or anti-runway bombs; single 1,000 kg bomb or GBU-10; or up to three mission pods.


Although widely offered for export with countries such as Argentina, Serbia, and even Saudi Arabia, the JF-17 has yet to secure its first international customer.

While Bulgaria's economic situation would appear to make it a good candidate for the approximately USD30 million fighter (a comparable Western type would likely cost double this at least), its status as a NATO member would not.

As one of the alliance's newest members, Bulgaria is striving towards achieving full interoperability with its NATO partners, and indeed this is one of the primary reasons that it is looking to replace its Soviet-era MiGs and Sukhois. The JF-17 is not a NATO-compatible aircraft (although it can be upgraded to be so), and so is not a good fit for Bulgaria operationally.

Politically, such a procurement of a joint Chinese-Pakistani platform would be extremely difficult for Bulgaria, as evidenced by the reaction to Turkey's proposed procurement of the China Precision Machinery Import and Export Corp (CPMIEC) HQ-9 air and missile defence system in 2013.

That decision caused a fury, with Turkey's alliance partners saying that the Chinese system would never be integrated with NATO systems, effectively forcing a back down from the Turkish government, which is now moving away from the HQ-9 and is restarting negotiations with US and European suppliers instead.

Being a new and enthusiastic member of NATO, Bulgaria will be loath to place itself in a similar position, and for this reason primarily it would seem that a JF-17 buy is not likely to happen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 06/03/2015 | 10:53 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 05/03/2015 | 20:50 uur
Ik denk dat de Zwiterse bevolking in de media de situatie in de Oekraïne en in Syrie en Irak ook wel  volgen en daardoor gaan inzien dat het verstandig is om nieuwe fighters aan te schaffen en wellicht ook ander defensiemateriaal.
Wat Zwitserland uberhaupt aan een luchtmacht heeft is mee een raadsel...midden in Europa ..Neutraal..als iemand het wil hebben is die kleine luchtmacht zo uitgeschakeld. Zwitserland zou zich moeten aansluiten bij de Navo...en in de Neutrale modus hebben ze meer aan veel grondtroepen lichtbewapend die de bergen kennen als hun broekzak kunnen ze zo iedere tegenstander het leven zuur maken.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 06/03/2015 | 11:11 uur
Zwitserland wil graag neutraal blijven. In ieder geval hebben zij wel meer gevechtstoestellen dan Oostenrijk, terwijl er meer Oostenrijkers zijn dan Zwitsers.

De Zwitsers hebben genoeg infanterie, maar houden wel vast aan moderne main battle tanks en pantservoertuigen.

Wat Bulgarije betreft, denk ik dat de kans groter is dat zij op den duur vrijgekomen JAS 39C/D Gripens gaan leasen (net zoals Hongarije en Tsjechië) dan dat zij de JF-17 gaan aanschaffen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/03/2015 | 11:29 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 06/03/2015 | 11:11 uur
Wat Bulgarije betreft, denk ik dat de kans groter is dat zij op den duur vrijgekomen JAS 39C/D Gripens gaan leasen (net zoals Hongarije en Tsjechië) dan dat zij de JF-17 gaan aanschaffen.

Dat denk ik ook. of ze krijgen voor een heel zacht prijsje een sur plus aan US F16C/D.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 06/03/2015 | 11:40 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/03/2015 | 11:29 uur
Dat denk ik ook. of ze krijgen voor een heel zacht prijsje een sur plus aan US F16C/D.

Dat prijsje moet wel erg zacht zijn, gezien de verkoopprijs van de JF-17 rond de 20 miljoen USD per stuk ligt
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/03/2015 | 12:10 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 06/03/2015 | 11:40 uur
Dat prijsje moet wel erg zacht zijn, gezien de verkoopprijs van de JF-17 rond de 20 miljoen USD per stuk ligt

Het zou me niets verbazen als ze deze cadeau doen...  dat is dan vrijwel gratis een concurrent het leven zuur maken. (anders gaan ze daar de woestijn in of door de versnipperaar)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 06/03/2015 | 12:29 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/03/2015 | 12:10 uur
Het zou me niets verbazen als ze deze cadeau doen...  dat is dan vrijwel gratis een concurrent het leven zuur maken. (anders gaan ze daar de woestijn of door de versnipperaar)
Dat is waar en waarschijnlijk ook gebeuren door de VS.
Om landen maar uit de handen/invloed te houden van China, Rusland e.d.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 06/03/2015 | 12:44 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 06/03/2015 | 12:29 uur
Dat is waar en waarschijnlijk ook gebeuren door de VS.
Om landen maar uit de handen/invloed te houden van China, Rusland e.d.

En voorkomen dat de Europese industrie een bedreiging gaat vormen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 06/03/2015 | 14:53 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/03/2015 | 12:10 uur
Het zou me niets verbazen als ze deze cadeau doen...  dat is dan vrijwel gratis een concurrent het leven zuur maken. (anders gaan ze daar de woestijn of door de versnipperaar)

exact... er wordt zoiezo niet meer verdient aan F-16s maar je maakt iemand wel klant als deze ze in bezit heeft.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/03/2015 | 15:32 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 06/03/2015 | 12:44 uur
En voorkomen dat de Europese industrie een bedreiging gaat vormen.

Dat is waar.. ook o.a. Saab heeft nog wel een aantal B en C-tjes via het Zweedse luchtmacht sur plus in de aanbieding, maar zal het simpelweg afleggen tegen het overweldigende aantal F16's wat beschikbaar is en komt.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 06/03/2015 | 16:10 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/03/2015 | 15:32 uur
Dat is waar.. ook o.a. Saab heeft nog wel een aantal B en C-tjes via het Zweedse luchtmacht sur plus in de aanbieding, maar zal het simpelweg afleggen tegen het overweldigende aantal F16's wat beschikbaar is en komt.

Die paar tweedehandsjes zijn het probleem ook niet. Het gaat er om dat de onderliggen industrie een bedreiging is voor de Amerikaanse suprematie. Het is dus belangrijk om te voorkomen dat Europa eigen producten gaat ontwikkelen. Dat zou nog wel eens als een grotere bedreiging gezien kunnen worden dan de Russische of Chinese markten.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/03/2015 | 16:19 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 06/03/2015 | 16:10 uur
Die paar tweedehandsjes zijn het probleem ook niet. Het gaat er om dat de onderliggen industrie een bedreiging is voor de Amerikaanse suprematie. Het is dus belangrijk om te voorkomen dat Europa eigen producten gaat ontwikkelen. Dat zou nog wel eens als een grotere bedreiging gezien kunnen worden dan de Russische of Chinese markten.

Dat begrijp ik, en zolang de EU uit eilandjes en koninkrijkjes bestaat zullen ze het dan ook afleggen tegen de VS industrie (en politiek). Het is mede waarom ik al een tijd verkondig dat men in Europa de koppen bij elkaar moet steken voor de ontwikkeling van een nieuwe generatie kist en niet moet doorbouwen op bestaande platformen.

Dus geen mod 99 op de Eurofighter in 2030, geen Rafale F5 in 2035 en geen Gripen E/F.... immers: "we" winnen nu een paar slagen maar verliezen de oorlog (de rest van de wereld is bezig met 5e en 6e gen kisten welke tussen 2025 en 2035 het operationele levenslicht zullen zien)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/03/2015 | 17:29 uur
En dat is nummer drie.... (clean sheet)

Lockheed Has T-X Clean Sheet Backup

By Aaron Mehta - March 6, 2015

WASHINGTON — Lockheed Martin is planning to offer the T-50 trainer for the Air Force's T-X program. But that doesn't mean the world's largest defense firm hasn't covered its bases.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/03/2015 | 09:57 uur
No Decisions on A-10 Follow On

By Aaron Mehta - March 6, 2015

WASHINGTON — A weeklong summit on the close-air support (CAS) mission did not lead to any major decisions about a next-generation replacement for the A-10, the head of Air Combat Command told reporters March 6.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 07/03/2015 | 10:36 uur
Ben benieuwd of er ooit wel een qua mogelijkheden vergelijkbare vervanger van de A-10 Thunderbolt II komt. Het zou in ieder geval ironisch zijn als de vervanger vergelijkbaar is met de A-7D Corsair II. Deze werd door de A-10A vervangen, maar was wel geavanceerder en minstens zo goed.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/03/2015 | 12:30 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 07/03/2015 | 10:36 uur
Ben benieuwd of er ooit wel een qua mogelijkheden vergelijkbare vervanger van de A-10 Thunderbolt II komt. Het zou in ieder geval ironisch zijn als de vervanger vergelijkbaar is met de A-7D Corsair II. Deze werd door de A-10A vervangen, maar was wel geavanceerder en minstens zo goed.

Gezien de krachte A10 lobby hoop ik het van wel, hoezeer ik ook voorstander ben van de F35, als A10 vervanger vind ik deze totaal ongeschikt.

Wellicht dat de A10 het onderspit delft en komt er geen waardige opvolger, in dat geval zie ik voorzichtig mogelijkheden voor de Scorpio of voor de winnaar uit de US T/X competitie.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 08/03/2015 | 10:11 uur
Planning Begins for USAF Next-Gen Air Dominance

By Aaron Mehta - March 7, 2015

WASHINGTON — The US Air Force is about to start a deep-dive process that will eventually decide what technologies and capabilities it will fund to ensure air dominance in the world of 2030.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 10/03/2015 | 14:31 uur
Air Force Places F-35 Flight Hour Cost At $67K In 2014 As Total Fleet Grows

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The average cost of operating the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter was $67,549 per flight hour in fiscal year 2014, making the developmental fighter aircraft twice as expensive to operate as the more numerous F-15 Strike Eagle and F-16 Falcon aircraft and 14 percent more costly per flight hour than the B-1B Lancer based on comparable figures provided by the Air Force.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 11/03/2015 | 19:47 uur
These planes could someday replace the A-10 Warthog

By Dan Lamothe / The Washington Post / Published: March 11, 2015

WASHINGTON — The impending mothballing of the A-10 Thunderbolt II attack jet has prompted outrage among its advocates in the active-duty military, hand-wringing on Capitol Hill and questions from analysts about whether the new F-35 Joint Strike Fighter can be operated cheaply enough to support ground troops on a regular basis.

But it also has sparked a question: Which plane could the U.S. military adopt if it ultimately decides it needs a new, designated plane to provide close-air support?

The mission has been handled by a variety of aircraft in recent years, but it is the A-10, nicknamed the Warthog, that is beloved for its ability to loiter over a battlefield and target enemy fighters, tanks and vehicles. Even as it heads into retirement, it is carrying out about 11 percent of the combat sorties against the Islamic State militant group, Air Force Secretary Deborah James said in January.

Air Force Gen. Herbert "Hawk" Carlisle, the commander of Air Combat Command, left open the possibility on Friday that the service could eventually need another plane to fill the close-air support mission. He called it the "A-X," with the "A" meaning its primary mission would be attacking enemy forces on the ground. (As opposed to fighter jets, which get the "F" prefix.)

But the Air Force isn't planning to pay for that anytime soon. Rather, it plans to retire the A-10 and rely on other existing planes like the F-15 Strike Eagle and F-16 Fighting Falcon to carry out close-air support. Defense officials want the F-35 to eventually take the mission over, but it isn't clear how long that will take. Getting rid of the Air Force's 283 A-10s will save $3.7 billion over five years, senior defense officials said.

Carlisle said that questions about "capacity" leave the door open to an "A-X" plane." Each variant of the F-35 costs more than $30,000 per hour to fly, according to Pentagon estimates that some critics consider conservative. The cost to fly the A-10 is closer to $11,500, according to an analysis by The Atlantic.

The A-10 and possible successors wouldn't fare well in dogfight with other advanced fighters. But against the variety of militant groups that have seized attention in the last year, they'd still be effective, and at a fraction of the price. Here are a few planes analysts discuss in the close-air support mission:

A-29 Super Tucano

The U.S. military thought enough of this turboprop aircraft to purchase a number of them for the nascent Afghan air force, which the Pentagon is funding and training. The first 20 arrived at Moody Air Force Base in Georgia in September, as the service prepares to train Afghan pilots there.

The Super Tucano, called the A-29 by the Air Force, is made by Brazilian aviation firm Embraer, and has been used by militaries across the world. It typically costs about $1,000 an hour to fly. It could be outfitted with a variety of bombs and machine guns, and has drawn interest from a variety of African militaries facing insurgencies. The Afghan version is made in the United States by Embraer and Sierra Nevada Corp.

Afghanistan won't receive its first Super Tucanos until December, Gen. Joseph Campbell, the top U.S. commander there, testified last week. The fact that the plane will not be available for fighting season this year is considered a setback for the Afghan military.

The Scorpion

The Scorpion jet has been developed by Textron, which includes Bell Helicopter, Cessna and other major aviation companies. It was first introduced in 2013, and recently reached 300 hours in flight testing, company officials said. It costs about $3,000 per flight hour, and has been pitched by the company as a cheap option to perform maritime security, close-air support and surveillance missions.

Carlisle left open the possibility that the Air Force might pursue the Scorpion when asked about it Friday. But he said other planes also are in play, without naming any.

"We have to keep thinking about those things because, frankly, we haven't been very good at predicting the future and what it's going to look like," the general said.

The aircraft has drawn interest from militaries across the world, and was displayed at an international airshow in Abu Dhabi, the International Defense Exhibition and Conference (IDEX), last month.

The AT-6

Beechcraft's AT-6 has been used by the Air Force as a trainer plane for years, and used by the a variety of militaries abroad, including Iraq's and Mexico's. The single-prop plane can carry a variety of weapons on stations mounted on its wings, and has competed with the Super Tucano for contracts in the past.

The American version is sometimes known as the Texan II. Raytheon is integrating the 44-pound Griffin "mini-missile" onto it in the future, upping its firepower. The Griffin has been used on other U.S. aircraft, including the KC-130 gunship, which is equipped with a powerful Harvest Hawk weapons suite.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 12/03/2015 | 10:14 uur

The F-16 Gun Pod That Tried To Shoot Down The A-10 Warthog

Can We Learn Something From The Defunct A-7F "Strikefighter?"
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 12/03/2015 | 10:26 uur
Deze GPU-5/A gun pod zag er veel belovend uit, tot dat ze erachter kwamen dat deze i.c.m. een F-16 niet werkte. Teveel trillingen en dergelijke vanwege een pylon dat er eigenlijk niet op is berekend. Dezelfde klachten waren er bij de F-4 Phantom II i.c.m. de SUU-16/A, SUU-23/A of de Mk 4 Mod 0 (US Navy). Ook hierbij waren de pylons er eigenlijk niet op berekend.

F-16A toestellen van de 138th TFS (174th TFW NY ANG) gebruikte de GPU-5/A gun pod korte tijd tijdens operatie Desert Storm.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 12/03/2015 | 10:28 uur
F-35 External Gun Pod :     ( oplossing voor CAS, gebruik van externe gun pod met aanpassingen voor grotere hoeveelheid munitie )

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 12/03/2015 | 10:33 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 12/03/2015 | 10:26 uur
Deze GPU-5/A gun pod zag er veel belovend uit, tot dat ze erachter kwamen dat deze i.c.m. een F-16 niet werkte. Teveel trillingen en dergelijke. Dezelfde klachten als bij de SUU-16/A, SUU-23/A en de Mk 4 Mod 0 (US Navy).

F-16A toestellen van de 138th TFS (174th TFW NY ANG) gebruikte de GPU-5/A gun pod korte tijd tijdens operatie Desert Storm.

klopt, maar zijn nu 25 jaar verder.
en hebben tegenwoordig veel betere door de computer gecorrigeerde richtsystemen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 12/03/2015 | 10:41 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 12/03/2015 | 10:33 uur
klopt, maar zijn nu 25 jaar verder.
en hebben tegenwoordig veel betere door de computer gecorrigeerde richtsystemen.
Had mijn bericht al aangepast. Oorzaak was dat dat pylon 5 van de F-16 domweg niet was berekend op de krachten van de GPU-5/A. Zelfde verhaal als bij de F-4 Phantom II.

Er zijn zat voorbeelden van gevechtstoestellen die wel goed met gun pods kunnen werken. Denk aan de (Sea) Harrier varianten en de Mirage varianten met gun pods. Zelfs de Rafale is getest met de CC 630 gun pod.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Enforcer op 12/03/2015 | 14:19 uur
Denkt er iemand ook nog aan het welbevinden van de vlieger?!

CAS met een F16/F35, of in een titanium badkuip zoals de A10?! Bij CAS zou de nadruk meer moeten liggen op survivability.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Poleme op 12/03/2015 | 18:23 uur
De F-16 is gevoelig voor klein caliber wapens.  Idem voor de F-35, hier werden vanwege gewichtsbesparing terugslag kleppen uit het brandstof system verwijderd, die bij een eventuele lekkage de peut toevoer afsluiten.  Daanrnaast werden brandblussers bij de F-35 ook niet meer noodzakelijk geacht.

Kisten zoals de F-16, F-15 en F-35 zijn ook niet geoptimaliseerd voor het vliegprofiel van CAS missies.
Effectieve CAS wordt nog steeds voor een zeer groot deel uitgevoerd beneden de 1.500 voet / 458 meter en bij lage snelheden onder de 600 km/uur.  Bij lage snelheden wordt de besturing van een F-16 echter 'sloppy' (onnauwkeurig).

En een CAS kist moet ook van 'bare bases', vliegbases met weinig en vaak slechte faciliteiten kunnen opereren.
De F-16 begon pas in 2006 vanaf Afghaanse bases te vliegen, omdat voor die tijd de Afghaanse startbanen, daterend uit de Sovjet tijd, te slecht waren voor de FOD gevoelige 'Viper'  (F-16).
Een CAS kist heeft ook idealiter een 2 koppige bemanning.  Een zwak punt bij de A-10C Warthog.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 12/03/2015 | 18:31 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 12/03/2015 | 18:23 uur
Kisten zoals de F-16, F-15 en F-35 zijn ook niet geoptimaliseerd voor het vliegprofiel van CAS missies.
Helaas denkt de top van de U.S. Air Force daar anders over. Een dedicated ontwerp lijkt mij ook beter, maar multi role ontwerpen zijn de orde van de dag.

Wie weet wat er van de A-7F Corsair II was geworden als deze indertijd wel verder werd ontwikkeld en aangekocht.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Enforcer op 12/03/2015 | 19:14 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 12/03/2015 | 18:31 uur
Helaas denkt de top van de U.S. Air Force daar anders over. Een dedicated ontwerp lijkt mij ook beter, maar multi role ontwerpen zijn de orde van de dag.

Totdat er veel uit de lucht geschoten gaan worden bij CAS inzet en er meerdere eigen troepen gesneuveld zijn, omdat de andere vliegtuigen te beperkt zijn tov de A-10.

Het gaat om het positieve resultaat en niet om een zo hoog mogelijk technisch hoogstandje.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/03/2015 | 19:21 uur
First-Ever Italian F-35A Rolls Out of Cameri, Italy, Production Facility

Cameri, Italy // March 12, 2015

History was achieved today when the first Italian F-35A Lightning II rolled out of the Final Assembly and Check Out (FACO) facility here. This production milestone marks the first F-35A assembled internationally and the first of eight aircraft currently being assembled at Cameri. The aircraft, designated as AL-1, will now proceed to additional check-out activities before its anticipated first flight later this year.

The rollout exhibits the ongoing strong partnership between the Italian Ministry of Defense, industry partner Finmeccanica-Alenia Aermacchi, and Lockheed Martin. The Italian FACO is owned by the Italian Ministry of Defense and is operated by Alenia Aermacchi in conjunction with Lockheed Martin Aeronautics with a current workforce of more than 750 skilled personnel engaged in F-35 aircraft and wing production.

"The Cameri FACO is truly a national crown jewel, currently assembling the first eight Italian F-35As and producing wings for all F-35As fleet-wide," said Lorraine Martin, Lockheed Martin Vice President and F-35 Program Manager. "Additionally, as the European F-35 airframe Maintenance, Repair, Overhaul and Upgrade center, it will generate thousands of long-term, high-tech jobs for the Italian people for decades. Lockheed Martin is proud of our relationship with Italy and values the highly-skilled Alenia Aermacchi workforce building this incredible jet."

The FACO will build all Italian F-35A and F-35B aircraft, is programmed to build F-35As for the Royal Netherlands Air Force and retains the capacity to deliver to other European partners in the future. In December 2014, it was selected by the U.S. Department of Defense as the F-35 Lightning II Heavy Airframe Maintenance, Repair, Overhaul and Upgrade facility for the European region. The 101-acre facility includes 22 buildings and more than one million square feet of covered work space, housing 11 assembly stations, and five maintenance, repair, overhaul, and upgrade bays. The first full F-35A wing section was recently completed and will soon be shipped to Lockheed Martin's Fort Worth, Texas, F-35 production line for final assembly.

Zie link voor het plaatje
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 13/03/2015 | 11:09 uur
Indian Navy Submitted an RFI to Dassault about the Rafale M Carrier Capable Variant

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Dassault Aviation chief executive officer Eric Trappier announced yesterday during a press conference that the French company has replied to a request for information from the Indian Navy on the naval Rafale M single-seat carrier-capable variant of its fighter.

Dassault Aviation chief executive officer Eric Trappier announced yesterday during a press conference that the French company has replied to a request for information from the Indian Navy on the naval Rafale M single-seat carrier-capable variant of its fighter.

India and France are in final negotiation for the procurement of 126 Rafale fighters for the Indian Air Force.

Indian Navy's current (INS Vikramaditya, INS Viraat) and near term (INS Vikrant) aircraft carriers are all fitted with a ramp for STOBAR type operations (Short Take-Off But Arrested Recovery). While likely capable of STOBAR operations, the Rafale M capabilities would be maximized with a CATOBAR type aircraft carrier (Catapult Assisted Take-Off But Arrested Recovery) like the US Navy aircraft carriers or the French Navy aircraft carrier.

Indian Navy's future INS Vishal might be nuclear-powered carrier with CATOBAR system.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: IPA NG op 14/03/2015 | 15:13 uur
Welke belang dient de hetze tegen de A-10 nu precies?

Mag je van hoge militairen niet meer verwachten dan zulks kinderlijk gedrag?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/03/2015 | 15:18 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 14/03/2015 | 15:13 uur
Welke belang dient de hetze tegen de A-10 nu precies?

Geld... that's all
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: IPA NG op 14/03/2015 | 15:19 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/03/2015 | 15:18 uur
Geld... that's all

Maar de A-10 is geen grote kostenpost voor de A-10 en het toestel heeft zijn nut erg bewezen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 14/03/2015 | 15:23 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 14/03/2015 | 15:13 uur
Welke belang dient de hetze tegen de A-10 nu precies?

Mag je van hoge militairen niet meer verwachten dan zulks kinderlijk gedrag?
Geld en imago van de Amerikaanse luchtmacht.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/03/2015 | 15:53 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 14/03/2015 | 15:19 uur
Maar de A-10 is geen grote kostenpost voor de A-10 en het toestel heeft zijn nut erg bewezen.

Ik ben ook zeer voor de A-10 immers geen enkele F is geschikt als vervanger. 

Als de A-10 (of een groot deel van de vloot) bij de US in de woestijn geparkeerd wordt dan ben ik absoluut voorstander van overnamen door een aantal Europese landen van een behoorlijk aantal zodat deze ter beschikking blijven van de NAVO en aan de sterkte van de EU worden toegevoegd, wat NL betreft: 24 ter ondersteuning van de F35.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 14/03/2015 | 16:23 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 14/03/2015 | 15:19 uur
Maar de A-10 is geen grote kostenpost voor de A-10 en het toestel heeft zijn nut erg bewezen.
De A-10 heeft zich inderdaad bewezen, maar kosten spelen helaas nog steeds een rol. De jongste zijn alweer van 1984, dus kost het nog steeds geld om ze tot 2028 (was al een gepland eindjaar) in dienst te houden.

Met een groter budget, meer vliegers en meer grondpersoneel zou er nu zeer waarschijnlijk in de VS geen discussie over de A-10 zijn  :(
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: IPA NG op 14/03/2015 | 16:54 uur
Toch denk ik dat ombouwen tot UAV wellicht interessant zal zijn? Of in ieder geval een onbemande opvolger ontwikkelen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 16/03/2015 | 09:02 uur
France To Modify Rafales for Egypt

The Rafale fighter jets sold to Egypt will be modified to remove nuclear missile capability and NATO standard communications, a source close to the deal said.

"There will be a few modifications," the source said.


One of the Rafale upgrades to F3 standard in 2008 was the air-sol moyenne portée améliorée (ASMPA) missile tipped with the TN-200 nuclear warhead. That capability will be taken off the fighters for Egypt.

As Egypt is not part of NATO, the communication system will be adapted.


voor gehele artikel zie LINK
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 16/03/2015 | 09:04 uur
Turkey Releases RFI for Fighter Program

The Turkish government finally released a Request for Information (RFI) for its ambitious program for the design, development and production of an indigenous fighter jet.

The country's procurement agency, the Undersecretariat for Defense Industries (SSM), defined in the RFI document the scope of the fighter program, dubbed TF-X, as "indigenous design, development and production activities of the first Turkish fighter aircraft to meet Turkish Armed Forces' next generation fighter requirements and replace the existing F-16 fighter fleet starting from 2030s."

Companies or organizations capable of designing, developing and manufacturing the planned aircraft are invited to obtain an electronic copy of the RFI from SSM.


It said that a twin-engine model would be pursued in the national fighter aircraft program.

Voor gehele artikel, zie LINK
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 17/03/2015 | 09:27 uur
Saab upbeat over Gripen E prospects beyond Brazil

By Craig Hoyle  |  March 12, 2015

Saab's final assembly work on its first prototype Gripen E/NG fighter is "well under way", the company says, as officials report unprecedented market interest in the product.

The first fuselage sections of test aircraft 39-8 have already come together in Linköping, demonstrating the benefits of its all-digital design, says Jerker Ahlqvist, head of the company's Gripen business unit.

"The first sections are being put together in the workshops," says Ahlqvist. "We put them together and they fit immediately – this shows we're on the right track." The aircraft is due to be rolled out during 2016, supporting a programme to deliver the first of 60 Gripen Es to the Swedish air force in 2019.

Also linked to the development is a two-seat demonstrator, which has now logged 281h in 315 flights.

Speaking during a Gripen seminar in Stockholm on 12 March, Ulf Nilsson, the head of Saab's aeronautics business unit, said the final elements of a 36-aircraft deal with Brazil are expected to be in place by mid-year.

"It's moving forward in a good way, according to plan when it comes to approving the financial solution and export licences," he says.

Around 100 Brazilian engineers are due to arrive in Linköping by the end of 2015 to participate in training and airframe development activities, including those linked to a two-seat version of the fighter.

Under a progressive ramp-up of Brazilian involvement in the programme, Ahlqvist says "maybe 10 to 15" of Brazil's 36 aircraft will undergo final assembly at Embraer. "They will have a full capability to manufacture Gripens in the future, and to create a fighter capability in Brazil," he adds.

"Already we have seen the 'Brazil effect'," Ahlqvist says, with several of the nation's neighbours "showing an interest" in the type.

"We have never had such a strong situation," says Nilsson. "We have a business case where we can talk about 300 aircraft, and the potential to sell up to 450. We see good opportunities to have [additional] customers in the near future.

Meanwhile, Saab says Sweden is in negotiations with Slovakia linked to a potential deal to supply Gripen C/Ds to the European nation, with a decision anticipated later this year. Additional potential users in the region could include Bulgaria.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 18/03/2015 | 07:19 uur
The destructive power of Lightning – F-35A Weapons

18 Mar 2015

Nigel Pittaway | Melbourne

However Australia also has a maritime strike requirement, for which there is currently no suitable US weapon and if a suitable weapon is found, it must be integrated into the F-35A before Final Operating Capability is declared around 2022-23.

One of the major advantages of the F-35 is low observability but, to remain stealthy, weapons have to be carried internally and therefore the dimensions of the weapons bay will arguably restrict the future choice of some weapons and dictate US weapons size for decades to come.

As planned, Australia's F-35As will arrive with Block 3F software which will be integrated with the Raytheon AIM-120C Advanced Medium Range Air to Air Missile (AMRAAM) and a number of air to ground munitions, such as the GBU-31 Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM).

In a 'first day of the war' (i.e. stealthy) configuration, RAAF F-35As will be able to carry four AMRAAMs (two in each weapons bay) for air to air missions, or two AMRAAMs and two JDAM 2,000lb bombs for the air to ground scenario.

Lockheed Martin is currently redesigning the weapons bays and doors to allow carriage of up to three AMRAAMs in each bay, increasing air to air combat persistence by 50 per cent. If stealth is not the primary concern (in a scenario the US calls 'day two of the war'), weapons can be carried externally on seven pylons.

In this later case, eight AMRAAMs and two within visual range Raytheon AIM-9X Sidewinder missiles can be carried in the air to air role. The AIM-9X cannot yet be carried internally because it is a 'heat-seeking' weapon and therefore needs to 'see' a heat source before launch.  Raytheon is developing the AIM-9X Block II, which will have lock on after launch capability and a one way forward datalink added.

Air to ground weapons to be certified at delivery includes GBU-12 Paveway II 500lb Laser-Guided Bombs, GBU-31 JDAM, GBU-39 250lb Small Diameter Bomb and Raytheon AGM-154C-1 Joint Stand Off Weapon.

"At IOC that gives us the basic 'go to war capability', for FOC clearly we would want the full functionality of those weapons and capability inherent in them, with the intent of having the best maritime strike weapon on the aircraft as well," JSF Program Manager, Air Vice Marshal Chris Deeble explained to ADM.

Maritime strike weapon

Very few of the currently available (or planned) advanced maritime strike weapons will fit in the F-35A weapons bay and this is one area where Australia may deviate from the US baseline.

The US is developing a Long Range Anti Ship Missile (LRASM), based on the Lockheed Martin JASSM-ER, but this is too large for internal carriage in the F-35.

Australia is closely watching the development of Norway's Joint Strike Missile, an air launched version of the Kongsberg Naval Strike Missile, which will be integrated into the F-35A in the 2022-24 timeframe for the Royal Norwegian Air Force.

"The JSF Program Office is working closely with Capability Development Group at the moment on opportunities to work with Norway to better understand the integration issues and influence the further development of the Joint Strike Missile," AVM Deeble said.

Internal gun

One of the few areas where Australia has actually deviated from the US baseline is in the ammunition for the F-35As internal gun.

A single General Dynamics GAU-22/A 25mm four-barrel gun is mounted above the left hand wing root of the F-35A, with 182 rounds of ammunition.

For the gun, Australia has selected the Nammo APEX (Armour Piercing Explosive) round in collaboration with Norway.

"The APEX round is different to what's being currently planned to be utilised by the US. We believe it is better suited to our operational environments and needs in that regard," AVM Deeble detailed. "But generally speaking, our aim is to stay with the US weapon roadmap to the maximum extent possible, unless we can identify weapons that are unique to our requirements."

External tanks

Although not weapons of course, the issue of external fuel tanks is an interesting subject and it is known that Israel is carefully studying the establishment of the capability.

AVM Deeble said that while Australia had previously looked at the possibility of putting external tanks on the JSF in the very early days it was subsequently discounted because they didn't offer any significantly increased range.

However the Israelis have revisited the issue and are considering tanks with a much reduced drag index and Australia may also look at the prospect of external tank carriage once again.

"Once you carry something as big as that, irrespective of trying to reduce its radar cross-section, it's going to increase your overall signature," AVM Deeble considered.

"So understanding operationally how you would employ them and what it actually meant for real-world operations, as opposed to ferrying from Point A to Point B, is what we are doing now and we'll always consider options, but they need to be proven and represent value for money at the end of the day."

Roadmap for the future

The desire for commonality will probably mean Australia will be closely linked to the US weapons roadmap, although AVM Deeble notes the Force Structure Review and White Paper may provide further guidance.   

"Future weapons consideration is really in that advanced maritime strike area. That's really the area which is open for discussion," he said. "In the longer term, if you are looking at 5th generation-type weapons and towards the 6th generation, there are many things that can be considered, hypersonic weapons and others, that we would be interested in looking at from an R&D perspective in the short to medium term."

Weapons datalink developments may also be part of the F-35 future as there is potential for Link 16 to be over-subscribed and other datalinks or wave forms might be needed to support those weapons.

"When you consider the JSF is going to be around for 30 years, I don't envisage the current weapons suite surviving that long without having to go through an evolution," AVM Deeble concluded.

"US policy now requires any weapon coming in as a program of record, to have more utility than a single-seeker and that will clearly lead to evolution of a range of weapons to provide maximum utility in the battlespace."
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 18/03/2015 | 09:43 uur
Info over de in het Australische bericht besproken JSM van Kongsberg en de 25 mm APEX munitie van Nammo.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 19/03/2015 | 09:22 uur
Pentagon to build new variable-cycle engine for F-35 and other aircraft

Marina Malenic, Washington, DC - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
17 March 2015

Key Points

    The Pentagon's new sixth-generation engine will be built for the F-35 and several other aircraft
    The new engine would be 35% more fuel efficient than existing engines, extending the range of US aircraft significantly

The Pentagon's developmental sixth-generation jet engine featuring greater fuel efficiency and thrust than existing military engines is initially being built for the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF), a senior agency official said on 17 March.

"There are a number of threshold platforms," Alan Shaffer, the principal deputy assistant secretary of defense, research, and engineering, told IHS Jane's at the Precision Strike Association's annual conference in Springfield, Virginia.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 20/03/2015 | 07:52 uur
F-35 cost reduction reflects majority of defense savings for 2014

Mar 19, 2015 /  Written by News Desk

The US Department of Defense (DoD) has released today details on major defense acquisition program cost, schedule, and performance changes since the December 2013 reporting period. In aggregate, the current SAR reflects a cost decrease of more than $9 billion (-0.6 percent) for the 79 Selected Acquisition Reports (SARs) totaling $1.6 trillion, submitted to the Congress for the December 2014 reporting period.

The biggest saving reported in 2014 was in the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) and F-135 engine program, that decreased $7.4 billion in the cost of Research, Development, Test & Evaluation (RDT&E), procurement and infrastructure spending over the 32 production years (from $398.5 bn to $391.1 bn). According to Lockheed Martin, the actual contract negotiated cost of aircraft and engine with fee (LRIP8) continues to come down, and remains well below the SAR lot yearly URF estimates. The current average F-35A price is $108 million (with engine) and is $4 million lower than lot 7 prices.

The cost of Operations and Sustainment (O&S) for the 65 year lifetime of the F-35 program is expected to be three times the procurement cost, and is estimated by the Director, Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation at $1016.5 bn. CAPE, which also authors the SAR, does not update program O&S cost numbers until a major program milestone is reached. However, the F-35 Joint Program Office (JPO) estimates the revised overall O&S cost at $859 bn.

A $9.1 billion saving was achieved by revising accounting estimates, incorporating the latest labor rates for all variants of the F-35, as agreed with prime contractor Lockheed Martin and its subcontractors, along with revised escalation indices. Further savings were achieved in the cost of initial spares requirements, due to maturation of the technical baseline and definition of customer requirements and bed down/fielding plans. These decreases were partially offset by increases for revised airframe estimates based on actual costs from early low rate initial production lots (+$4.6 billion).
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 20/03/2015 | 09:17 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 20/03/2015 | 07:52 uur
The current average F-35A price is $108 million (with engine) and is $4 million lower than lot 7 prices.

De F-35A van lot (LRIP) 8 kost exclusief motor 94,8 miljoen USD. Kan het dan simpelweg gezegd worden dat de F135 turbofan 13,2 miljoen kost?

Het Pentagon streeft naar een uiteindelijke F-35A prijs inclusief motor tussen de 80 en 85 miljoen USD. Dan mag bij lot 9 t/m lot 11 helemaal een behoorlijke prijsdaling zichtbaar zijn.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 21/03/2015 | 09:38 uur
USAF Issues T-X Requirements

By Aaron Mehta / March 20, 2015

WASHINGTON — The US Air Force has released the long-awaited requirements for its next-generation trainer program, known as T-X.

The requirements, posted on a federal website Wednesday, will drive the decisions of the five competing companies who hope to win the rights to build 350 advanced flight trainers and the associated systems to replace the legacy T-38 trainer. Interested parties must respond to the service by May 10.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Zeewier op 21/03/2015 | 14:41 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 18/03/2015 | 09:43 uur
Info over de in het Australische bericht besproken JSM van Kongsberg en de 25 mm APEX munitie van Nammo.
Interessant leesvoer!
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 21/03/2015 | 19:03 uur
Turks Agree To Speed up Fighter Program

By Burak Ege Bekdil / March 21, 2015

ANKARA — Turkey's government and military leaders have agreed to speed up the country's crawling program for the design, development and production of an indigenous fighter jet.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 21/03/2015 | 22:53 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 21/03/2015 | 19:03 uur
Turks Agree To Speed up Fighter Program

By Burak Ege Bekdil / March 21, 2015

ANKARA — Turkey's government and military leaders have agreed to speed up the country's crawling program for the design, development and production of an indigenous fighter jet.

Haha, ja nog zoiets.
Succes Turken, het wordt vast een fantastisch toestel.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 22/03/2015 | 09:16 uur
De Saab Gripen is weer een Zwitsers gespreksonderwerp...
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 22/03/2015 | 09:54 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 21/03/2015 | 22:53 uur

Haha, ja nog zoiets.
Succes Turken, het wordt vast een fantastisch toestel.

Gelukkig druipt de ironie af van jouw reactie....

Of het nu wel of niet iets wordt, er is wel spraken van ambitie en meer dan in Europa is te vinden.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 22/03/2015 | 10:23 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 21/03/2015 | 22:53 uur

Haha, ja nog zoiets.
Succes Turken, het wordt vast een fantastisch toestel.

Huzaar1 als ik het goed weet is Saab betrokken bij het ontwerp van het toestel wat de Turken willen gaan bouwen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 22/03/2015 | 10:57 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 22/03/2015 | 10:23 uur
Huzaar1 als ik het goed weet is Saab betrokken bij het ontwerp van het toestel wat de Turken willen gaan bouwen.

Dat is correct en er is meer betrokkenheid van de Zweden daarnaast de motoren worden EJ-200
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 22/03/2015 | 11:54 uur
Congress settles on 15 more Growlers

Mar 21, 2015

After much wrangling, legislation signed into law by President Barack Obama funds an additional 15 Boeing EA-18G Growlers in the 2015 fiscal year budget.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 22/03/2015 | 11:59 uur
De produktielijn van de F/A-18E/F  kan dus wat langer openblijven?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 22/03/2015 | 12:09 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 22/03/2015 | 09:54 uur
Gelukkig druipt de ironie af van jouw reactie....

Of het nu wel of niet iets wordt, er is wel spraken van ambitie en meer dan in Europa is te vinden.

Dat is maar de vraag. Ambitie is wmb meer dan 'dromen'.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 22/03/2015 | 12:12 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 22/03/2015 | 10:23 uur
Huzaar1 als ik het goed weet is Saab betrokken bij het ontwerp van het toestel wat de Turken willen gaan bouwen.

Aah, oke. Dat verandert de zaak. Ik dacht dat de Turken perse alles zelf wilden gaan doen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 22/03/2015 | 12:12 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 22/03/2015 | 11:59 uur
De produktielijn van de F/A-18E/F  kan dus wat langer openblijven?
Dat zou wel gunstig zijn voor de US Navy. Zie ook onderstaande.

Exclusive: U.S. Navy wish list has 12 Boeing jets, eight F-35s - sources

By Andrea Shalal | 20 March, 2015

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Navy included 12 Boeing Co F/A-18 Super Hornet fighter jets and eight Lockheed Martin Corp F-35s on a list of "unfunded priorities" prepared for Congress, defense officials and other sources familiar with the matter told Reuters.

The Navy's list was reviewed by senior Pentagon officials and the Joint Chiefs of Staff this week, and should be sent to U.S. lawmakers in coming days, said the sources, who asked not to be named because the vetting is still under way.

Top Pentagon officials are skeptical about the weapons wish lists, and worry they help lawmakers "cherry pick" specific weapons programs to fund, while crowding out bigger priorities. However, they say they will not stand in the way of the military services complying with requests from lawmakers.

The total value of the additional 12 Boeing jets is around $1 billion, while the eight extra Lockheed jets would be just over $1 billion, the sources said.

A decision by Congress to fund the extra Boeing jets as part of the Navy's fiscal 2016 budget would help the company extend its St. Louis production line beyond the end of 2017, although it was not immediately clear for how long.

Company officials have said they must decide this summer whether to start shutting down the line or bet their own money to buy titanium and other supplies that take a long time to deliver, before Congress finalize the 2016 budget.

There is great uncertainty about fiscal 2016 funding levels - and any programs on the "unfunded" list - since Congress remains deadlocked over whether to lift budget caps that would cut $35 billion from the Pentagon's base budget plan.

The Navy had hoped to include the Boeing and Lockheed jets in its base budget request, but gave up that funding to protect shipbuilding programs deemed more critical.

Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Jonathan Greenert told Congress the Navy faces a possible shortfall of two to three squadrons of F/A-18 strike fighters, or up to 36 aircraft, given delays in extending the life of older model F/A-18 aircraft, also called legacy Hornets.

Ordering Super Hornets now would also preserve the option of ordering additional EA-18G electronic attack aircraft, or Growlers, which are built at the same facility, if needed by other military services.

Representative Randy Forbes, a Virginia Republican and key member of the House Armed Services Committee, told Reuters this week that lawmakers needed the lists to better understand the tradeoffs that went into shaping the overall Pentagon budget.

Boeing has said it needs to build two jets a month at the facility to maintain current pricing, which means funding for a dozen more jets would extend production through mid-2018.

Analysts say the company is also chasing a possible order from Kuwait that could keep the factory running through the end of 2018.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 22/03/2015 | 12:12 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 22/03/2015 | 11:59 uur
De produktielijn van de F/A-18E/F  kan dus wat langer openblijven?

Minimum is 2 per maand, dus dit rekt het een klein beetje, maar zonder additionele orders valt het doek in 2017 of misschien nu in 2018.

De beslissing zal vermoedelijk deze zomer genomen worden immers Boeing heeft te maken met long lead items en ik betwijfel of ze deze met eigen middelen willen voorfinancieren.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 22/03/2015 | 12:16 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 22/03/2015 | 12:09 uur
Dat is maar de vraag. Ambitie is wmb meer dan 'dromen'.

Blijkbaar wordt er vaart achter gezet en lijkt het omgezet te worden naar realiteit... of het succesvol is/wordt, dat zal nog moeten blijken, ik twijfel zeer aan de time table maar dat is een ander verhaal.

De participatie van Saab vind ik van Saab een slimme keuze, immers m.i. is de Gripen E een over de datum product bij de introductie en vind ik het voor Saab een gemiste kans dat zij inzetten op de E en hiervoor de plannen voor de Saab FS 2020 in de diepvries hebben gezet.

De FS 2020 voor de KLu had ik een prima idee gevonden, het is totaal anders gelopen.

Vermoedelijk komen veel ontwerp aspecten van de FS 2020 terug in de Turkse kist (maar dan als twee pitter)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 22/03/2015 | 13:49 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 22/03/2015 | 12:09 uur
Dat is maar de vraag. Ambitie is wmb meer dan 'dromen'.

Hou je ook rekening met het feit dat de Turkse economie booming is en daardoor kunnen de Turken deze ambitie verwezenlijken
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 22/03/2015 | 14:40 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 22/03/2015 | 13:49 uur
Hou je ook rekening met het feit dat de Turkse economie booming is en daardoor kunnen de Turken deze ambitie verwezenlijken

Zo sterk groeit die economie niet meer, booming is het in ieder geval al lang niet meer.
Midden 2014 was er al een flinke terugval, dat is zo doorgegaan.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 22/03/2015 | 14:52 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 22/03/2015 | 13:49 uur
Hou je ook rekening met het feit dat de Turkse economie booming is en daardoor kunnen de Turken deze ambitie verwezenlijken

Er is wel wat meer nodig dan een booming economie, wat vooral een nice to have is.

En zelfs dan:

Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 22/03/2015 | 14:40 uur
Zo sterk groeit die economie niet meer, booming is het in ieder geval al lang niet meer.
Midden 2014 was er al een flinke terugval, dat is zo doorgegaan.

Het is de vraag of daar überhaupt wel sprake van is.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Jooop op 22/03/2015 | 21:15 uur
Of het Turkije lukt om een fighter te bouwen is nog afwachten. Toch moet ik het de Turken wel laten, ze doen er in ieder geval iets aan terwijl wij ons legertje helemaal hebben weg bezuinigt  :dead:

Het ontgaat menigeen maar Turkije is echt booming op defensie gebied!
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 25/03/2015 | 15:26 uur
Pentagon Extends F-35 Software Testing to Fix Flaws

(Bloomberg) -- The Pentagon has extended testing to debug software flaws that must be fixed before the first F-35 jets from Lockheed Martin Corp. can be fully ready for combat.

The Marine Corps wants to declare its version of the F-35, the costliest U.S. weapons system, ready for limited combat as soon as July. Flight testing of software essential to delivering the plane's promised capabilities was supposed to be completed last month, about four months late, but now may take until mid-June, according to the Pentagon's test office.

Air Force Lieutenant General Chris Bogdan, the F-35 program's manager, told reporters on Tuesday that the deficiencies will be fixed later this year and aren't severe enough to delay the Marine Corps declaration. The service "understands the limitations, and has operational workarounds to ensure they have the capability they need," he said.

Even with software deficiencies, Bogdan said, the Marine F-35 will be able to drop bombs and fire air-to-air weapons. "I support the Marine Corps," he said. "If it's good enough for them, then it's going to be good enough for me."

A declaration that the plane, known as the Joint Strike Fighter, is ready for initial operations would be this year's biggest milestone for the $391.1 billion program. The Marine model, designed for short takeoffs and vertical landings, is the most complex of three being built. The U.K. and Italy are buying this version.

Flying Computer

The F-35 is a flying computer. Each of the planes made by Bethesda, Maryland-based Lockheed will have more than 8 million lines of code, more than any previous U.S. or allied fighter.

The F-35 program has extended testing of modified software "intended to correct deficiencies," Air Force Major Eric Badger, the test office's spokesman, said in an e-mail. "It began flight testing last week," he said.

The Pentagon program office determined last month that an additional software version of the "Block 2B" software must be tested "based on a number of deficiencies revealed by ongoing testing, including problems with fusion" of data compiled by the aircraft's sensors that operate its combat systems, Badger said.

Bogdan said the deficiencies were discovered in the most complicated test sorties, when four F-35s practiced observing air and ground threats, passing that information to each other via data links and using their onboard computers to fuse the data and generate a common picture.

The software sometimes "creates an inaccurate picture for the pilot," he said. "We have always said that fusion is going to be tough."

Michael Gilmore, the Pentagon's director of combat testing, said in a letter to lawmakers in January that it's clear the software "will finish with deficiencies remaining that will affect operational units."

Gilmore said through Badger, the spokesman, that he still holds that view.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 25/03/2015 | 15:31 uur
Bogdan: F-35 Costs Down, Despite Worries

WASHINGTON — The F-35 joint strike fighter has been branded a trillion-dollar black hole of a program, a boondoggle for contractors, and "The Plane That Ate the Pentagon."

Hogwash, says the man in charge of the program, despite a series of design challenges, including cracks on the Marine's F-35B model and software issues, that remain for the stealthy fighter.

Lt. Gen. Chris Bogdan, the head of the F-35 joint program office, came out forcefully Tuesday in a press event with reporters in defense of his program, citing constant drops in the cost of the jet and schedule certainty since a major rebaselining of the jet.

"It is a fact this program is over budget from 2001's baseline. It's just true," Bogdan said. "We will never underrun that number. We will never save that money. It's gone. What matters is since that time, what's happened to the cost on the program? It's gone down, not gone up.


voor gehele artikel, zie LINK
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ros op 25/03/2015 | 16:02 uur
Links en rechts een beetje schuiven met cijfers en het ziet er al snel wat positiever uit. Een paar miljard meer of minder zijn voor de VS peanuts, voor ons een het een behoorlijke tik. Zien is geloven als de echte cijfers kenbaar worden wat het Nederland gaat kosten om te kopen en wat de operationele kosten per jaar gaan worden. Een ding is zeker......wij weten het (nog) niet.

En die 8 stuks worden we wel weer kwijt......... :cute-smile:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 25/03/2015 | 16:38 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 25/03/2015 | 16:02 uur
Links en rechts een beetje schuiven met cijfers en het ziet er al snel wat positiever uit. Een paar miljard meer of minder zijn voor de VS peanuts, voor ons een het een behoorlijke tik. Zien is geloven als de echte cijfers kenbaar worden wat het Nederland gaat kosten om te kopen en wat de operationele kosten per jaar gaan worden. Een ding is zeker......wij weten het (nog) niet.

En die 8 stuks worden we wel weer kwijt......... :cute-smile:

Hey Ros, al gehoord... ze geven de Gripen cadeau omdat ze deze aan de straatstenen niet kwijt kunnen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 25/03/2015 | 19:11 uur
General Defends Embattled $850 Billion F-35 Program

By Brianna Ehley,
The Fiscal Times

March 25, 2015

he man in charge of the Pentagon's $391 billion F-35 Joint Strike Fighter is sick of the intense criticism his embattled program has received over the past few years. He says the aircraft is in much better shape than the public has been led to believe.

For years, the F-35 has raised eyebrows for its enormous cost overruns, schedule delays and significant technical and design problems. The aircraft—which is supposed to be a flying super computer that operates at a higher level than anything the Pentagon has ever seen—has been plagued with so many issues that have forced critics to question whether the weapons program will ever be worth the money.

Related: How DOD's $1.5 Trillion F-35 Broke the Air Force

In contrast to most of the media attention the F-35 has received, Air Force Lt. Gen. Christopher Bogdan is painting a much brighter picture of the JSF. The Marines' version of the plane, he says, will be ready to fly in combat by this summer.

Speaking to reporters on Tuesday, the general defended his program's price tag—saying the costs have come down in the past few years since he took over the position in 2012. It was originally estimated to cost a total of $1.1 trillion but that has since dropped to about $850 billion over the 55-year life of the program.

The cost for each individual aircraft has come down by about $10 billion.

According to DOD officials, the Marine Corps' version of the F-35 costs $134 million, compared to $145 million in 2012.

The Marine's F-35, which is expected to be ready for combat by July 1, will launch with some deficiencies in its software system that will prevent it from using all of the system's capabilities. Still, Bogdan said the Marines are moving forward despite the remaining software problems.

Related: 5 Expensive Weapons Programs No One Wants

The issues occur in the software program that's supposed to help pilots communicate and respond to what's happening on the ground and in the air. The problem is when four F-35's are flying together, the systems don't sync properly, so the pilots in each jet might see the same situation differently.

"It creates an inaccurate picture for the pilots," Bogdan said."

Bogdan claimed the tech issues aren't severe enough to keep the aircraft off the battlefield. He noted that the Marines are aware of the problems and can still operate the F-35 sufficiently.

"They understand the limitations and have operational workarounds to ensure they have the capability they need," Bogdan said. The issues are still being worked on, but they won't likely be corrected until early fall.

Related: World's Most Lethal Drone Just Flew Over Florida

Though the general painted the problem as a small roadblock, the Defense Department is sending the manufacturer Lockheed Martin a stiff penalty for the delays and deficiencies.

DOD officials say Lockheed will have to forfeit at least some of the total $300 million it received in incentive fees to finish the software packages on time.

If the Marine's F-35 is ready for combat by July, it will be an enormous victory for the program—which has been hammered with criticism from lawmakers, the media (including this reporter), experts and even some inside the Pentagon—whose views on the F-35 are dramatically different (and more pessimistic) than the general's assessment.

Earlier this month, the Defense Department's Director of Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E) released a scathing update on the F-35 that revealed a litany of problems with it—from engine issues, to safety issues—as well as the software issues that the general discussed. The report painted a much more serious account of the F-35's problems than Bogdan acknowledged. The DOT&E report also accused officials of unfairly documenting the F-35's test results.

"Not all failures are counted in the calculation of mean flight hours between reliability events, but all flight hours are counted, and hence component and aircraft reliability are reported higher than if all of the failures were counted," the report said.

Related: 12 Weapons That Changed Everything

The Project on Government Oversight (POGO) a nonprofit watchdog group, released its own harsh analysis of the report.

"The problems described in the DOT&E report show that the F-35 has reached a stage where it is now obvious that the never-ending stream of partial fixes, software patches, and ad hoc workarounds are inadequate to deliver combat-worthy, survivable, and readily employable aircraft," POGO said. "This year's DOT&E report also demonstrates that in an effort to maintain the political momentum of the F-35, its program office is not beneath misrepresenting critically important characteristics of the system."

Still the general blamed the backlash from the report on the media who read and interpreted it without the proper context.

Bogdan did, however, acknowledge that the program isn't perfect and that there is still a laundry list of concerns he has about the aircraft—chief among them--the software, though there are a number of other problems that need to be fixed with the aircraft's engine, tires and structure—but he doesn't lose sleep over those, he said.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 26/03/2015 | 20:46 uur
DoD to award Boeing SLEP contract for legacy Hornet fleet

Gareth Jennings, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly | 25 March 2015

The US Department of Defense (DoD) is to contract Boeing to carry out the next phase of the Service Life Extension Program (SLEP) for the navy's legacy F/A-18 Hornet fleet.

The upcoming contract, which was announced by the Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) on 25 March, will be for Phase C3 of the SLEP. This comprises safety critical SLEP Engineering Change Proposals (ECPs), with the goal of extending the F/A-18A-D fleet's service life out to 10,000 flight hours.

With the early-model Hornets having entered US Navy (USN) and US Marine Corps (USMC) service in the early 1980s, NAVAIR has embarked on the SLEP to help mitigate delays to the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter programme.

The USN and USMC together field 617 F/A-18 Hornets, comprising 95 F/A-18A, 21 F/A-18B, 370 F/A-18C, and 131 F/A-18D aircraft. These aircraft were built to last up to 6,000 flight hours, although many have already achieved 8,000 hours through a variety of sustainment efforts and continue to have sufficient operational availability.

About 150 Hornets of differing designations have been earmarked for the SLEP, with the aim of keeping them in operational service until 2035.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 27/03/2015 | 07:11 uur
General Dynamics Withdraws as T-100 Prime Contractor

By Aaron Mehta 7:02 p.m. EDT March 26, 2015

WASHINGTON — General Dynamics Information Systems & Technology has withdrawn itself as the prime contractor on the T-100, the offering for the T-X trainer replacement program based on the Alenia Aermacchi M-346 design.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 27/03/2015 | 08:16 uur
F-35 Needs a Bigger, More Powerful Engine

The current one is just not cutting it.

Dave Majumdar,Chris Kjelgaard

March 27, 2015
Upgraded future versions of the Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter could replace the stealthy jet's Pratt & Whitney F135 turbofan with a new adaptive cycle engine. The current F135 engine is at the limits of its capabilities and can't push the jet out to the outer edges of its airframes capabilities—especially at low speeds.

"Our adaptive cycle design architecture is designed around F-35, and we're designing it somewhat more aggressively than today's standard F-35 requirements," Dan McCormick, general manager of General Electric Aviation's Advanced Combat Engine program, told The National Interest. "They want higher speeds and they just can't get the heat off the airplane. They've told us they want unrestricted flight envelope operation."

Basically, the F-35 airframe gets too hot at lower flight levels because of the limitations of the F135—which has to run at high temperatures to generate maximum power. The F135 generates 28,000 lbs of thrust normally, but produces over 43,000 lbs of thrust with the afterburner engaged. "Today the F-35 has flight restrictions at low altitude because of thermal management," an industry source told The National Interest.

Richard Aboulafia, an aviation analyst with the Virginia-based Teal Group, told The National Interest that it is obvious that the F-35 would need a bigger engine. "It's clear that the F-35 would need more power for faster speeds and greater payloads," he said. "It's far from clear that the F135 can be grown the way the [Pratt & Whitney] F100 and [General Electric] F110 were on the F-15/F-16.  Therefore, a future F-35 variant with a new engine is a strong possibility."

The U.S. Air Force is funding the development of next-generation engines under the Adaptive Engine Technology Development (AETD) and Adaptive Engine Transition Program (AETP). These new motors—which are called variable cycle or adaptive cycle engines—will be able to optimize their performance for various combinations of speeds and altitudes for maximum efficiency.

In other words, that means at high speeds, it will act like a turbojet with high jet velocity thrust for good supersonic performance while at lower speeds it would act more like an airliner's engines. Both the Pratt & Whitney and General Electric designs accomplish that by adding a so-called "third stream," which can be opened and closed depending on how fast or how high the aircraft is flying.

While the F-35 would be a retrofit, the real goal of the adaptive engine program is to power next-generation fighters and bomber. Both the Air Force and U.S. Navy have begun nascent efforts that would ultimately lead to new sixth-generation fighters.

The Air Force is focusing its F-X sixth-generation fighter efforts on replacing the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor and Boeing F-15C Eagle for the air superiority role.  Meanwhile, the Navy is looking for a replacement for the Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet in the 2030s under a program dubbed F/A-XX.

There are fundamental differences between the two services' approach to the sixth-generation fighter program. The Air Force is focused on an aircraft that would be focused on offensive operations inside the highest threat environments, according to senior Air Force officials. Broadband all-aspect stealth that is effective against low frequency radar would be paramount.

The Navy seems to be taking a different approach. Although the service officials say they don't discount the importance of stealth, the F/A-XX might rely less on low observable and speed, and more on suppressing enemy air defenses. The Navy is also much more focused on using electronic attack and cyber capabilities to enhance the F/A-XX's survivability.

Ultimately, it is looking likely that the Navy and Air Force will develop different airframes that share some technology like engines. "We are looking at this technology application to the NGAD [Next Generation Air Dominance] next-gen airplane," McCormick said. "It won't be the same engine. The engine we design for an F-35 is not the engine that wants to go into the next-gen airplane. We want to inform that engine design with this suite of technologies and look to a common core philosophy."

What that means is that General Electric intends to keep the basic engine architecture the same across multiple variants that could fit onto different aircraft types. "We keep it as close to this core design as you can, but optimize it for the design of the aircraft," McCormick said. "That means the engine may have to be scaled – 10 percent smaller or five percent bigger."

Thus, one version could fit on the F/A-XX, while another could power the F-X, while another might be retrofitted onto the Air Force's shadowy Long Range Strike Bomber. "The basic learnings of the architecture – for example, aerodynamic design, bearing structures – that could all translate to next-gen propulsion system for NGAD, for example," McCormick said. "But it will be sized for that airplane."

Dave Majumdar has been covering defense since 2004. He currently writes for the U.S. Naval Institute, Aviation Week and The Daily Beast, among others. Majumdar previously covered national security issues at Flight International, Defense News and C4ISR Journal. Majumdar studied Strategic Studies at the University of Calgary and is a student of naval history. Chris Kjelgaard is founder and editor of Airlines and Destinations.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Zander op 27/03/2015 | 12:03 uur

France offers Indonesia Rafale technology transfer

Jon Grevatt, Bangkok - IHS Jane's Defence Industry

26 March 2015

France has pledged to transfer technologies to Indonesia to enable local involvement in the production of the Dassault Rafale multirole combat aircraft if it is selected to meet a requirement in the Indonesian Air Force (TNI-AU).

The French ambassador to Indonesia Corinne Breuzé said in a statement on 26 March that France intends to be flexible in facilitating Rafale collaboration between manufacturer Dassault and Indonesia's state-owned aerospace company PT Dirgantara (PTDI).

She added, "With the support of the French government, Dassault is open to any possibility of partnerships and transfer technology." In the statement the ambassador also promoted the Rafale as a "100% French" aircraft that would provide the TNI-AU with operational independence, without the requirement for approval from a third party.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 27/03/2015 | 17:15 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 27/03/2015 | 08:16 uur
F-35 Needs a Bigger, More Powerful Engine

The current one is just not cutting it.

Dave Majumdar,Chris Kjelgaard

March 27, 2015
Upgraded future versions of the Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter could replace the stealthy jet's Pratt & Whitney F135 turbofan with a new adaptive cycle engine. The current F135 engine is at the limits of its capabilities and can't push the jet out to the outer edges of its airframes capabilities—especially at low speeds.

"Our adaptive cycle design architecture is designed around F-35, and we're designing it somewhat more aggressively than today's standard F-35 requirements," Dan McCormick, general manager of General Electric Aviation's Advanced Combat Engine program, told The National Interest. "They want higher speeds and they just can't get the heat off the airplane. They've told us they want unrestricted flight envelope operation."

Basically, the F-35 airframe gets too hot at lower flight levels because of the limitations of the F135—which has to run at high temperatures to generate maximum power. The F135 generates 28,000 lbs of thrust normally, but produces over 43,000 lbs of thrust with the afterburner engaged. "Today the F-35 has flight restrictions at low altitude because of thermal management," an industry source told The National Interest.

Richard Aboulafia, an aviation analyst with the Virginia-based Teal Group, told The National Interest that it is obvious that the F-35 would need a bigger engine. "It's clear that the F-35 would need more power for faster speeds and greater payloads," he said. "It's far from clear that the F135 can be grown the way the [Pratt & Whitney] F100 and [General Electric] F110 were on the F-15/F-16.  Therefore, a future F-35 variant with a new engine is a strong possibility."

The U.S. Air Force is funding the development of next-generation engines under the Adaptive Engine Technology Development (AETD) and Adaptive Engine Transition Program (AETP). These new motors—which are called variable cycle or adaptive cycle engines—will be able to optimize their performance for various combinations of speeds and altitudes for maximum efficiency.

In other words, that means at high speeds, it will act like a turbojet with high jet velocity thrust for good supersonic performance while at lower speeds it would act more like an airliner's engines. Both the Pratt & Whitney and General Electric designs accomplish that by adding a so-called "third stream," which can be opened and closed depending on how fast or how high the aircraft is flying.

While the F-35 would be a retrofit, the real goal of the adaptive engine program is to power next-generation fighters and bomber. Both the Air Force and U.S. Navy have begun nascent efforts that would ultimately lead to new sixth-generation fighters.

The Air Force is focusing its F-X sixth-generation fighter efforts on replacing the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor and Boeing F-15C Eagle for the air superiority role.  Meanwhile, the Navy is looking for a replacement for the Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet in the 2030s under a program dubbed F/A-XX.

There are fundamental differences between the two services' approach to the sixth-generation fighter program. The Air Force is focused on an aircraft that would be focused on offensive operations inside the highest threat environments, according to senior Air Force officials. Broadband all-aspect stealth that is effective against low frequency radar would be paramount.

The Navy seems to be taking a different approach. Although the service officials say they don't discount the importance of stealth, the F/A-XX might rely less on low observable and speed, and more on suppressing enemy air defenses. The Navy is also much more focused on using electronic attack and cyber capabilities to enhance the F/A-XX's survivability.

Ultimately, it is looking likely that the Navy and Air Force will develop different airframes that share some technology like engines. "We are looking at this technology application to the NGAD [Next Generation Air Dominance] next-gen airplane," McCormick said. "It won't be the same engine. The engine we design for an F-35 is not the engine that wants to go into the next-gen airplane. We want to inform that engine design with this suite of technologies and look to a common core philosophy."

What that means is that General Electric intends to keep the basic engine architecture the same across multiple variants that could fit onto different aircraft types. "We keep it as close to this core design as you can, but optimize it for the design of the aircraft," McCormick said. "That means the engine may have to be scaled – 10 percent smaller or five percent bigger."

Thus, one version could fit on the F/A-XX, while another could power the F-X, while another might be retrofitted onto the Air Force's shadowy Long Range Strike Bomber. "The basic learnings of the architecture – for example, aerodynamic design, bearing structures – that could all translate to next-gen propulsion system for NGAD, for example," McCormick said. "But it will be sized for that airplane."

Dave Majumdar has been covering defense since 2004. He currently writes for the U.S. Naval Institute, Aviation Week and The Daily Beast, among others. Majumdar previously covered national security issues at Flight International, Defense News and C4ISR Journal. Majumdar studied Strategic Studies at the University of Calgary and is a student of naval history. Chris Kjelgaard is founder and editor of Airlines and Destinations.

Gaat die nieuwe motor een compleet nieuw ontwerp worden of haalt met de F136 motor van stal?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 27/03/2015 | 17:40 uur
De F35 is dus niet geschikt voor hot&low operations? Interesting 😒
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 27/03/2015 | 17:40 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 27/03/2015 | 17:15 uur
Gaat die nieuwe motor een compleet nieuw ontwerp worden of haalt met de F136 motor van stal?

Uit het zelfde artikel: "a new adaptive cycle engine. The current F135 engine is at the limits of its capabilities and can't push the jet out to the outer edges of its airframes capabilities—especially at low speeds"

Het F136 ontwerp zal niet echt significant andere resultaten laten zien dan de F135.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 27/03/2015 | 17:45 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 27/03/2015 | 17:40 uur
De F35 is dus niet geschikt voor hot&low operations? Interesting 😒

Dat staat er niet...
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 27/03/2015 | 19:50 uur
Grounded? Russia's answer to US next-gen fighter hits the skids.

The Kremlin is cutting its initial production of the Sukhoi T-50 fighter by 75 percent amid cost overruns and rumored technical concerns – the same kind of issues that have plagued US development of the F-35.

By Fred Weir, Correspondent  March 27, 2015

Moscow — Russia's ambitious T-50 fighter plane project was meant to develop a rival to two futuristic US jetfighters, the F-22 Raptor and the planned F-35 Lightning-II.

But now, the T-50 appears to be rivaling the F-35 another way: in development troubles. The Kremlin is slamming the brakes on its "fifth generation" fighter program and cutting its initial rollout to a quarter of those originally planned.

The decision seems a setback for Vladimir Putin's sweeping $800 billion rearmament program, a vital component of the wider effort to restore Russia to its Soviet-era status as a major global superpower. However, the sharp slowdown in plans to procure the sophisticated new jet may represent an outbreak of wisdom on the part of Russian military chiefs, who will remember how the USSR was driven into bankruptcy by engaging in an all-out arms race with the US.

Financial constraints are the key reason cited for cutting the military order from 52 to 12 of the planes over the next few years, according to the Moscow daily Kommersant.

"Given the new economic conditions, the original plans may have to be adjusted," the paper quotes Deputy Defense Minister Yuriy Borisov as saying. The project to build a cutting-edge fighter plane, which is partly financed by India, will not be canceled, but held in abeyance while the Russian Air Force makes the most of its existing "fourth generation" MiG and Sukhoi combat aircraft, he added.

No one knows whether technical problems may also have played a role in the decision to shelve the fighter.

"We may suppose there are problems, but hard information is lacking," says Alexander Golts, an independent military expert. "For instance, the prototypes of this plane have been using an old engine, pending the development of the engine it needs. Has that been developed yet? We have no idea."

The only operational "fifth generation" fighter in the world is the US F-22. Its production was canceled in 2009, after fewer than 200 of the hyper-expensive planes had been built. American military services are now awaiting the arrival of the newer and also hugely overpriced F-35, also known as the Joint Strike Fighter, but that program has been dogged with serious delays and technical failures.

The T-50, an advanced stealth plane with many capabilities lacking in previous fighters, has prompted some alarm in the West. The Russians have presented the project as an example of how they are able to leapfrog over the lost years, after Russia's military-industrial complex collapsed along with the Soviet Union, and field 21st century weapons that can rival the best the US has to offer.

Most of the weaponry that's currently in Russia's military inventory are Soviet-era designs that have evolved to incorporate new technology. Only three projects currently in the testing phase have been entirely developed by post-Soviet Russia. They are the T-50, the recently unveiled T-14 Armata tank, and the Bulava submarine-launched ballistic missile.

Recent reports suggest that Russian military brass have also decided to slash orders for the new Armata tank, and instead continue using older, Soviet-designed models for a few more years.

There is no word on the fate of other grand projects that Russian military leaders have claimed to have on the drawing boards. These include plans for a super-sized aircraft carrier that would dwarf the US Nimitz class, and an enormous supersonic transport plane that could deliver up to 400 tanks anywhere in the world.

"Despite all these soaring plans, I think we see a bit of reason taking hold in the Russian military establishment," says Mr. Golts. "Even if there were no economic crisis, and no sanctions, this massively expensive rearmament program would not be what Russia needs right now. Scaling it back is a wise move."   
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 27/03/2015 | 20:12 uur
Russian Air Force to buy fewer PAK FA fighter aircraft

March 25, 2015 Ivan Safronov, Kommersant  

The military is likely to buy fewer fifth generation T-50 fighters, scaling back requirements to 12 after initially planning for 52, due to economic considerations, Deputy Defence Minister Yuri Borisov has said.

Cash-strapped Russia is drastically cutting its planned fleet of 5th-generation fighter jets
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 27/03/2015 | 20:37 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 27/03/2015 | 17:40 uur
Uit het zelfde artikel: "a new adaptive cycle engine. The current F135 engine is at the limits of its capabilities and can't push the jet out to the outer edges of its airframes capabilities—especially at low speeds"

Het F136 ontwerp zal niet echt significant andere resultaten laten zien dan de F135.

De F136 motor heeft een vermogen wat 15% hoger is dan de F135 motor en niet vergeten dat het een afgeleide  is van de  F120 motor die in de  YF-23 Black Widow prototype heeft gezeten.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 27/03/2015 | 20:57 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 27/03/2015 | 20:37 uur
De F136 motor heeft een vermogen wat 15% hoger is dan de F135 motor en niet vergeten dat het een afgeleide  is van de  F120 motor die in de  YF-23 Black Widow prototype heeft gezeten.

Ook weer waar, afwachten hoe ze dit in een vat willen gieten.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 27/03/2015 | 21:03 uur
In antwoord #388 gaf ik de volgende link over een toekomstige motor voor onder andere de F-35:

Dan vraag ik mij af of er net zoals bij de P&W F100 ook doorontwikkeling bij de P&W F135 komt.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 27/03/2015 | 21:25 uur
Denk niet dat er een door ontwikkeling komt van de F135.
Voorzover ik er een oordeel over kan geven is de kernemperatuur erg bepalend en ook de belasting om vermogen te leveren voor de CPU om de stroom te kunnen leveren aan aan elektrische systemen. Deze punten en natuurlijk het leveren van veel vermogen zonder aanrander.

Denk ook zeker dat GW niet het alleen recht krijgt, en GE ook meedoet in de motoren levering voor alternatieven voor de F35 en de toekomstige toestellen. GE is nog steeds met ADVENT bezig, straalmotoren met 25%  brandstofgebruik reductie.  Wel eens genoemd als alternatief voor de F135.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 30/03/2015 | 07:55 uur
South Korea opts for KAI-Lockheed in $7.8 bln fighter deal


South Korea on Monday selected Korea Aerospace Industries (KSE: 047810.KS - news) (KAI) and partner Lockheed Martin as the preferred bidder for a multi-billion-dollar contract to develop 120 "indigenous" fighter jets.

The bid from KAI and the US aerospace giant was always seen as the favourite for the 8.6 trillion won (US $7.8 billion) deal over a rival bid by civilian carrier Korean Air (KAL (KSE: 003495.KS - news) ) teamed with Airbus.

The KF-X fighter project is designed to develop and produce 120 fighter jets of a new, indigenous type to replace South Korea's ageing fleet of F-4s and F-5s.

"We have chosen KAI as the preferred bidder based on our review of ... cost, development plans and development capabilities of the two bidders," the Defense Acquisition Program Administration said in a statement.

"We are planning to sign the (final) contract during the first half of this year after negotiating with the preferred bidder over technology ... and the price," the state-run procurement agency said.

The South Korean government would provide 60 percent of the development costs, with the rest to be shared by the winning consortium and Indonesia, whose involvement is the result of a bilateral defence treaty.

The KAI-Lockheed alliance always had the upper hand, as the same partnership developed the T-50 trainer, which is South Korea's first homegrown supersonic aircraft.

Lockheed, which won a contract in 2013 to sell 40 F-35A joint strike fighters to South Korea, has promised to transfer key technologies for the KF-X project to Seoul.

South Korea's military procurement needs, especially where the air force is concerned, have overwhelmingly been met by US suppliers in the past -- a reflection of their close military alliance.

KAL had talked up its bid by highlighting the technical support available from Airbus, which is part of the European consortium that developed the Eurofighter.

Airbus has made a number of bids for the South's military contracts, including a $1.38 billion deal to provide air refuelling tankers.

Korean Air currently operates aircraft maintenance workshops for both the South Korean and US air forces.

The defence ministry's request for the KF-X project required a new design, although experts say a heavily modified version of an existing fighter model would also be acceptable.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 31/03/2015 | 10:27 uur
Grounded? Russia's Answer to US Next-Gen Fighter Hits the Skids (excerpt)

(Source: Christian Science Monitor; published Mar 27, 2015)
By Fred Weir
MOSCOW --- Russia's ambitious T-50 fighter plane project was meant to develop a rival to two futuristic US jetfighters, the F-22 Raptor and the planned F-35 Lightning-II. But now, the T-50 appears to be rivaling the F-35 another way: in development troubles.

The Kremlin is slamming the brakes on its "fifth generation" fighter program and cutting its initial rollout to a quarter of those originally planned.

The decision seems a setback for Vladimir Putin's sweeping $800 billion rearmament program, a vital component of the wider effort to restore Russia to its Soviet-era status as a major global superpower. However, the sharp slowdown in plans to procure the sophisticated new jet may represent an outbreak of wisdom on the part of Russian military chiefs, who will remember how the USSR was driven into bankruptcy by engaging in an all-out arms race with the US.

Financial constraints are the key reason cited for cutting the military order from 52 to 12 of the planes over the next few years, according to the Moscow daily Kommersant.

"Given the new economic conditions, the original plans may have to be adjusted," the paper quotes Deputy Defense Minister Yuriy Borisov as saying. The project to build a cutting-edge fighter plane, which is partly financed by India, will not be canceled, but held in abeyance while the Russian Air Force makes the most of its existing "fourth generation" MiG and Sukhoi combat aircraft, he added. (end of excerpt)

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Zander op 31/03/2015 | 11:48 uur
Dat was te verwachten met de sancties en de daarop volgende economische val van Rusland. Daarnaast kan de ontwikkeling van deze generatie materieel (lijkt mij) nooit zo snel gaan.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 31/03/2015 | 14:17 uur
Citaat van: Zander op 31/03/2015 | 11:48 uur
Dat was te verwachten met de sancties en de daarop volgende economische val van Rusland. Daarnaast kan de ontwikkeling van deze generatie materieel (lijkt mij) nooit zo snel gaan.

In zekere zin slecht nieuws. Als de Russen hun plannen voor Wunderwaffen, en vooral de aantallen daarin reeler gaan inschalen, kunnen ze een grotere bedreiging vormen dan dat ze anders hadden gedaan. Aan de andere kant, als de realiteitszin terug komt in het bewapeningsplan, kan dat ook op andere dossiers gebeuren, en dat kan positief uitpakken voor ons. De dreiging die door sommige gepropageerd wordt dat Zimbabwe in 2020 met honderden PAK-FA's zou vliegen heb ik nooit geloofd.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 31/03/2015 | 14:31 uur
Citaat van: Zander op 31/03/2015 | 11:48 uur
Dat was te verwachten met de sancties en de daarop volgende economische val van Rusland. Daarnaast kan de ontwikkeling van deze generatie materieel (lijkt mij) nooit zo snel gaan.

Hohoho, ze bouwen ondertussen uiteraard verder aan hun Maanbasis, ruimtestation, super tanks, super onderzeeërs en supermegavliegdekschepen.

: D
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Zander op 31/03/2015 | 15:14 uur
 :crazy: hahahaha
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 31/03/2015 | 15:53 uur
Citaat van: Zander op 31/03/2015 | 11:48 uur
Dat was te verwachten met de sancties en de daarop volgende economische val van Rusland. Daarnaast kan de ontwikkeling van deze generatie materieel (lijkt mij) nooit zo snel gaan.
Het laat in ieder geval zien dat heel wat dreigingsscenario's en doembeelden inderdaad gewoon richting de prullenbak kunnen. Want niet meer zijn dan propaganda of het werk van mensen die het gewoon bij hun vak hadden moeten laten...
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Zander op 31/03/2015 | 16:06 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 31/03/2015 | 15:53 uur
Het laat in ieder geval zien dat heel wat dreigingsscenario's en doembeelden inderdaad gewoon richting de prullenbak kunnen. Want niet meer zijn dan propaganda of het werk van mensen die het gewoon bij hun vak hadden moeten laten...

Sla alleen niet de plank mis met het dreigingsbeeld. De Russen hebben nog steeds veel, heeeeel veel spullen en mensen.
Als de Rus Europa binnen trekt denk ik niet dat enig EU-land daar met gelijke aantallen en middelen op kan reageren.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 31/03/2015 | 16:24 uur
Citaat van: Zander op 31/03/2015 | 16:06 uur
Sla alleen niet de plank mis met het dreigingsbeeld. De Russen hebben nog steeds veel, heeeeel veel spullen en mensen.
Als de Rus Europa binnen trekt denk ik niet dat enig EU-land daar met gelijke aantallen en middelen op kan reageren.
ja tijdens de laatste jaren van de Koude Oorlog hadden ze ook nog steeds heel veel spullen...maar was hun dreiging conventioneel gezien niet bijster groot meer. Het duurde even voor ook onze leiders dat wilden toegeven..gunstig als de Koude Oorlog ook voor hen was.

Ook nu zeggen die cijfers volgens mij niet zo heel veel. Kwalitatief en qua training en scholing lopen ze nog ver achter bij de NAVO lidstaten. Of zoals ik het laatst las..ze zullen hard vechten als Rusland wordt aangevallen...maar buiten Rusland en zelf als agressor maken ze nog niet zo heel veel klaar.

Dat de NAVO door de Russen als een grote (be)dreiging wordt gezien spreekt denk ik in dit kader boekdelen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 31/03/2015 | 16:30 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 31/03/2015 | 16:24 uur
ja tijdens de laatste jaren van de Koude Oorlog hadden ze ook nog steeds heel veel spullen...maar was hun dreiging conventioneel gezien niet bijster groot meer. Het duurde even voor ook onze leiders dat wilden toegeven..gunstig als de Koude Oorlog ook voor hen was.

Ook nu zeggen die cijfers volgens mij niet zo heel veel. Kwalitatief en qua training en scholing lopen ze nog ver achter bij de NAVO lidstaten. Of zoals ik het laatst las..ze zullen hard vechten als Rusland wordt aangevallen...maar buiten Rusland en zelf als agressor maken ze nog niet zo heel veel klaar.

Dat de NAVO door de Russen als een grote (be)dreiging wordt gezien spreekt denk ik in dit kader boekdelen.

Ze hebben genoeg materieel om ellende aan te richten. De vraag of ze een bedreiging zijn is vooral een politieke, is het mogelijk dat Rusland militaire assets inzet tegen Westerse belangen? Dat is een veel belangrijkere vraag dan wat de kans is dat ze dat winnen. Als die mogelijkheid bestaat moeten we kijken hoe we de kans op een dergelijke confrontatie kunnen verkleinen en als die dan plaatsvind de kosten zoveel mogelijk kunnen beperken.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 31/03/2015 | 16:51 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 31/03/2015 | 16:30 uur
Ze hebben genoeg materieel om ellende aan te richten. De vraag of ze een bedreiging zijn is vooral een politieke, is het mogelijk dat Rusland militaire assets inzet tegen Westerse belangen? Dat is een veel belangrijkere vraag dan wat de kans is dat ze dat winnen. Als die mogelijkheid bestaat moeten we kijken hoe we de kans op een dergelijke confrontatie kunnen verkleinen en als die dan plaatsvind de kosten zoveel mogelijk kunnen beperken.
Zeker...maar ik denk dat we moeten oppassen onze eigen kracht...en de dreiging die daarvan uit gaat naar anderen..te onderschatten...en die van oa de Russen te overschatten. Zoals we ook in dit topic zien heeft Rusland nog op veel terreinen een inhaalslag te maken..als ze dat al lukt. Omdat zeker de Amerikanen proberen steeds een stapje vooruit te blijven.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 31/03/2015 | 16:59 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 31/03/2015 | 16:51 uur
Zeker...maar ik denk dat we moeten oppassen onze eigen kracht...en de dreiging die daarvan uit gaat naar anderen..te onderschatten...en die van oa de Russen te overschatten. Zoals we ook in dit topic zien heeft Rusland nog op veel terreinen een inhaalslag te maken..als ze dat al lukt. Omdat zeker de Amerikanen proberen steeds een stapje vooruit te blijven.

Iran heeft ook op alle vlakken wat in te halen, maar speelt het spel erg slim, zo slim dat ze behoorlijk boven hun kracht werken.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 31/03/2015 | 17:07 uur
Citaat van: Zander op 31/03/2015 | 16:06 uur
Sla alleen niet de plank mis met het dreigingsbeeld. De Russen hebben nog steeds veel, heeeeel veel spullen en mensen.
Als de Rus Europa binnen trekt denk ik niet dat enig EU-land daar met gelijke aantallen en middelen op kan reageren.

Ik heb werkelijk niet zo'n hoge pet op van de Russen. Ook zij hebben de capaciteit niet meer om langs een breed front op te trekken. En dan bedoel ik ook echt breed, dus de Navo grens. Hier kun je uit concluderen dat er sprake zal zijn ( indien er een conflict ontstaat ) dit hoogstens regionaal beperkte acties zal opleveren. Hier kan de Nato echt de Russen wel in de baas zijn.

Als de Russen de capaciteit weer willen bezitten dit langs een heel breed front te doen merken we dit en worden we er mee doodgegooid. Maak je geen zorgen, de Russen zitten aan de grond en zoiets is niet te financieren tenzij Poetin go big or go home gaat.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 31/03/2015 | 17:07 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 31/03/2015 | 16:59 uur
Iran heeft ook op alle vlakken wat in te halen, maar speelt het spel erg slim, zo slim dat ze behoorlijk boven hun kracht werken.
Maar volgens mij wel vanuit een gevoel van zich bedreigd voelen. Die ze met behulp van een mix van bluf, goddelijke voorzienigheid, onconventionele afschrikking en het bezig houden van hun vijanden in proxy-wars elders proberen te counteren (en ik denk met een kernwapen). Kunnen ze het hun tegenstander knap lastig mee maken..maar vormt nog geen grote (be)dreiging. Die zij vanuit ons Westen wel ervaren.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 01/04/2015 | 09:21 uur
U.S. Air Force Faces Capability Decision On Urgent F-16 AESA Upgrade

By Graham Warwick  |  March 30, 2015

The U.S. Air Force is balancing between losing capability and meeting an urgent request to equip Air National Guard Lockheed Martin F-16s assigned to homeland defense with active electronically scanned array (AESA) radars to detect small radar cross-section targets, such as cruise missiles.

U.S. Northern Command has issued an urgent operational need (UON) and the Air Force must decide between fitting the Block 30 F-16s assigned to aerospace control alert with a non-integrated AESA suitable for the air-to-air mission or a fully integrated radar capable of supporting all the F-16's roles.

If the F-16s are upgraded with an air-to-air-only AESA to meet the 18-month timescale of the UON, "we will lose some capabilities over what we have now," Maj. Gen. Timothy Ray, Air Force acquisition director for global power programs, told House Armed Services Committee hearing last week.

An air-to-air-only AESA retrofit would sacrifice air-to-ground modes in the current APG-68 mechanically scanned radar that are used when Guard F-16s are deployed in the strike role. "These aircraft are used for both warfighting and homeland defense," testified Lt. Gen. Stanley Clarke, director of the Air National Guard.

The Air Force planned an AESA-centered upgrade for 300 Block 40-52 F-16s under the Combat Avionics Programmed Extension Suite (Capes) program. But this, along with a service life extension to increase structural life to 10,000 hr. from 8,000 hr., was canceled under sequestration budget caps.

The Air Force is still supporting the development of a fully integrated active-array radar upgrade for Taiwan's F-16A/Bs, and in February Northrop Grumman received a production contract from Lockheed Martin for 142 SABR AESAs. Raytheon's RACR AESA was selected for a South Korean F-16C/D upgrade, but this was canceled.

On March 6, the Air Force issued a request for information on AESAs suitable for retrofit to Block 30-52 F-16s with minimal modification. Although the Block 30 is first, "We need to develop an AESA upgrade plan for the entire fleet," Chief of Staff Gen Mark Welsh told a congressional hearing March 17.

Welsh told the House Armed Service Committee that the Air Force has budgeted $25 million in fiscal 2016 for integration of an air-to-air-only radar, but would prefer to spend $75 million, "if we can find the money," for a fully integrated AESA.

The projected production cost of the two retrofit options is "real close," Welsh said: $2.8 million for air-to-air only versus $3.2 million for fully integrated, "which is the way we want to go." Ray says a decision on how to proceed is expected "in the next two months."

More than a new radar for homeland-defense F-16s is involved in countering small cross-section threats, Lt. Gen. James Holmes, Air Force deputy chief of staff for strategic plans and requirements, told the March 25 hearing. "It is part of a kill chain. We need surveillance and a command-and-control system.

"Those elements are falling in place here in the National Capital Region and we expect to move forward to provide a rapid capability there first, then try to find out how to expand it across the country," he said. "It is easier to put the entire kill chain together in the National Capital Region."

Holmes was likely referring to the U.S. Army's Raytheon Jlens cruise-missile defense system now deployed at Aberdeen Proving Ground northeast of Washington for a long-term trial. The system comprises twin tethered aerostats carrying surveillance and targeting radars aloft at 10,000 ft.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 03/04/2015 | 09:35 uur
F-35 Flies Against F-16 In Basic Fighter Maneuvers

By Guy Norris and Amy Butler  |  April 2, 2015

The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter has been flown in air-to-air combat maneuvers against F-16s for the first time and, based on the results of these and earlier flight-envelope evaluations, test pilots say the aircraft can be cleared for greater agility as a growth option.

Although the F-35 is designed primarily for attack rather than air combat, U.S. Air Force and Lockheed Martin test pilots say the availability of potential margin for additional maneuverability is a testament to the aircraft's recently proven overall handling qualities and basic flying performance. "The door is open to provide a little more maneuverability," says Lockheed Martin F-35 site lead test pilot David "Doc" Nelson.

The operational maneuvers were flown by Nelson in AF-2, the primary Flight Sciences loads and flutter evaluation aircraft, and one of nine F-35s used by the Edwards AFB-based 412th Test Wing for developmental testing (DT). The F-35 Integrated Test Force at Edwards has six F-35As, two F-35Bs and a single F-35C dedicated to DT work, as well as a further set of aircraft allotted to the Joint Operational Test Team. Work is underway as part of efforts to clear the final system development and demonstration (SDD) maneuvering envelopes on the way to initial operational capability (IOC). The U.S. Marine Corps F-35B IOC is targeted for later this year, the Air Force's F-35A in 2016, and the U.S. Navy's F-35C  in 2019.

"When we did the first dogfight in January, they said, 'you have no limits,'" says Nelson. "It was loads monitoring, so they could tell if we ever broke something. It was a confidence builder for the rest of the fleet because there is no real difference structurally between AF-2 and the rest of the airplanes." AF-2 was the first F-35 to be flown to 9g+ and -3g, and to roll at design-load factor. The aircraft, which was also the first Joint Strike Fighter to be intentionally flown in significant airframe buffet at all angles of attack, was calibrated for inflight loads measurements prior to ferrying to Edwards in 2010.

The operational maneuver tests were conducted to see "how it would look like against an F-16 in the airspace," says Col. Rod "Trash" Cregier, F-35 program director. "It was an early look at any control laws that may need to be tweaked to enable it to fly better in future. You can definitely tweak it—that's the option."

"Pilots really like maneuverability, and the fact that the aircraft recovers so well from a departure allows us to say [to the designers of the flight control system laws], 'you don't have to clamp down so tight,'" says Nelson. Departure resistance was proven during high angle-of-attack (AOA) testing, which began in late 2012 with the aircraft pushing the nose to its production AOA limit of 50 deg. Subsequent AOA testing has pushed the aircraft beyond both the positive and negative maximum command limits, including intentionally putting the aircraft out of control in several configurations ranging from "clean" wings to tests with open weapons-bay doors. Testing eventually pushed the F-35 to a maximum of 110 deg. AOA.

An "aggressive and unique" approach has been taken to the high AOA, or "high alpha" testing, says Nelson. "Normally, test programs will inch up on max alpha, and on the F-22 it took us 3-4 months to get to max alpha. On this jet, we did it in four days. We put a spin chute on the back, which is normal for this sort of program, and then we put the airplane out of control and took our hands off the controls to see if it came back. We actually tweaked the flight control system with an onboard flight test aid to allow it to go out of control, because it wouldn't by itself. Then we drove the center of gravity back and made it the worst-case configuration on the outside with weapons bay doors and put the aircraft in a spin." The aircraft has been put into spins with yaw rates up to 60 deg./sec., equal to a complete turn every 6 sec. "That's pretty good. But we paddled off the flight-test aid and it recovered instantly," he says.

Pilots also tested the ability of the F-35 to recover from a deep-stall in which it was pushed beyond the maximum AoA command limit by activating a manual pitch limiter (MPL) override similar to the alpha limiter in the F-16. "It's not something an operational pilot would do, but the angle of attack went back and, with the center of gravity way back aft, it would not pitch over, but it would pitch up. So it got stuck at 60 or 70 deg. alpha, and it was as happy as could be. There was no pitching moment to worry about, and as soon as I let go of the MPL, it would come out," Nelson says.

Following consistent recoveries, the test team opted to remove the spin chute for the rest of the test program. "The airplane, with no spin chute, had demonstrated the ability to recover from the worst-case departure, so we felt very confident, and that has been proven over months of high alpha testing," says Nelson. "It also satisfied those at the Joint Program Office who said spin chute on the back is not production-representative and produces aerodynamic qualities that are not right." Although there are additional test points ahead where the spin chute is scheduled to be reattached for departure resistance with various weapons loads, the test team is considering running through the points without it.

With the full flight envelope now opened to an altitude of 50,000 ft., speeds of Mach 1.6/700 KCAS and loads of 9g, test pilots also say improvements to the flight control system have rendered the transonic roll-off (TRO) issue tactically irrelevant. Highlighted as a "program concern" in the Defense Department's Director of Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E) 2014 report, initial flight tests showed that all three F-35 variants experienced some form of wing drop in high-speed turns associated with asymmetrical movements of shock waves. However, TRO "has evolved into a non-factor," says Nelson, who likens the effect to a momentary "tug" on one shoulder harness. "You have to pull high-g to even find it." The roll-off phenomena exhibits itself as "less than 10 deg./sec. for a fraction of a second. We have been looking for a task it affects and we can't find one."

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 06/04/2015 | 12:20 uur
T-X Competition Fierce Despite GD, Alenia Split

By Amy Butler  |  April 6, 2015

With four contenders still in the running to build the U.S. Air Force's T-38 follow-on advanced pilot jet trainer, the service is confident that the remaining competition will drive cost down to an affordable level, despite high design expectations. Alenia Aermacchi is hoping to find a new partner—likely Raytheon—after being dumped by former prime contractor General Dynamics in pitching a version of the M346. GD announced its pullout March 26.

This leaves four other candidates, including new designs from Boeing/Saab and Northrop Grumman/BAE, as well as a modified Textron AirLand Scorpion and the Lockheed/Korea Aerospace Industries T-50, though it is unclear how much modification the latter aircraft will need until the final requirements are set. Industry sources suggest Lockheed is not interested in a new-build design.

The contenders have shifted substantially for the T-X program as the Air Force's schedule repeatedly slipped. Alenia's M346 design was earlier thought to be leading the pack, with what was then a BAE-led team with Northrop Grumman to propose a variant of the Hawk, as well as Lockheed/KAI's plans to move forward with the T-50.

Once comprised of only foreign competitors, now Alenia's strained bid for M346 is the only offshore design.

The stakes are high, as 350 jets are needed to replace the T-38. A potential derivative program could total another 200 aircraft if the Air Force opts for single-track pilot training, using the chosen platform for advanced pilot training as well as advanced skills work, says Brig. Gen. Dawn Dunlop, director of requirements, plans and programs for Air Education and Training Command (AETC). The service could also opt for a "red air" version of the T-X, but both the advanced pilot training requirement and red air options will be decided at a later date.

The Air Force's delays to the so-called T-X were due to budget pressures, but also gave officials time to approach the requirements and procurement process differently, says Maj. Gen. Dwyer Dennis, director of global reach programs for the Air Force acquisition secretary. Typically, requirements are refined, validated and then handed off to procurement officials with little collaboration. With T-X, however, the teams were working together to weigh the cost of various requirements against the capability required, Dunlop and Dennis say. They also engaged industry early and often about the requirements and potential cost trades. Though not unprecedented, the generals say the level of interaction with industry was unusual and beneficial.

With four contenders still in the running to build the U.S. Air Force's T-38 follow-on advanced pilot jet trainer, the service is confident that the remaining competition will drive cost down to an affordable level, despite high design expectations. Alenia Aermacchi is hoping to find a new partner—likely Raytheon—after being dumped by former prime contractor General Dynamics in pitching a version of the M346. GD announced its pullout March 26.

This leaves four other candidates, including new designs from Boeing/Saab and Northrop Grumman/BAE, as well as a modified Textron AirLand Scorpion and the Lockheed/Korea Aerospace Industries T-50, though it is unclear how much modification the latter aircraft will need until the final requirements are set. Industry sources suggest Lockheed is not interested in a new-build design.

The contenders have shifted substantially for the T-X program as the Air Force's schedule repeatedly slipped. Alenia's M346 design was earlier thought to be leading the pack, with what was then a BAE-led team with Northrop Grumman to propose a variant of the Hawk, as well as Lockheed/KAI's plans to move forward with the T-50.

Once comprised of only foreign competitors, now Alenia's strained bid for M346 is the only offshore design.

The stakes are high, as 350 jets are needed to replace the T-38. A potential derivative program could total another 200 aircraft if the Air Force opts for single-track pilot training, using the chosen platform for advanced pilot training as well as advanced skills work, says Brig. Gen. Dawn Dunlop, director of requirements, plans and programs for Air Education and Training Command (AETC). The service could also opt for a "red air" version of the T-X, but both the advanced pilot training requirement and red air options will be decided at a later date.

The Air Force's delays to the so-called T-X were due to budget pressures, but also gave officials time to approach the requirements and procurement process differently, says Maj. Gen. Dwyer Dennis, director of global reach programs for the Air Force acquisition secretary. Typically, requirements are refined, validated and then handed off to procurement officials with little collaboration. With T-X, however, the teams were working together to weigh the cost of various requirements against the capability required, Dunlop and Dennis say. They also engaged industry early and often about the requirements and potential cost trades. Though not unprecedented, the generals say the level of interaction with industry was unusual and beneficial.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 06/04/2015 | 12:48 uur
De M346 gaat het niet worden heeft mee te maken dat deze gebasseerd is op de Yak-130 de Amerikanen willen niet afhankelijk zijn van Russische techniek.

n 1993, Aermacchi signed an agreement to partner with Yakovlev on the new trainer the firm had been developing since 1991 for the Russian Air Force. The resulting aircraft first flew in 1996 and was brought to Italy the following year to replace the aging MB-339. At the time, the aircraft was marketed as the Yak/AEM-130, however, by 2000, differences in priorities between the two firms brought about an end to the partnership, with each developing the aircraft independently. A Russian version is also being pursued by Yakovlev and Sokol, under a different time schedule.

Development of Yak-UTS started in 1991 and the design was completed in September 1993. The same year, Yakovlev entered an agreement with the Italian company Aermacchi to work together on the plane, which now became Yak/AEM-130. The Yak-130 version was to be offered for the Russian and the M-346 version for the Italian market.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 06/04/2015 | 12:50 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 06/04/2015 | 12:48 uur
De M346 gaat het niet worden heeft mee te maken dat deze gebasseerd is op de Yak-130 de Amerikanen willen niet afhankelijk zijn van Russische techniek.

Dat zijn ze toch ook niet, want:
Citaat van: Ace1 op 06/04/2015 | 12:48 uur
In 1993, Aermacchi signed an agreement to partner with Yakovlev on the new trainer the firm had been developing since 1991 for the Russian Air Force. The resulting aircraft first flew in 1996 and was brought to Italy the following year to replace the aging MB-339. At the time, the aircraft was marketed as the Yak/AEM-130, however, by 2000, differences in priorities between the two firms brought about an end to the partnership, with each developing the aircraft independently. A Russian version is also being pursued by Yakovlev and Sokol, under a different time schedule.

Development of Yak-UTS started in 1991 and the design was completed in September 1993. The same year, Yakovlev entered an agreement with the Italian company Aermacchi to work together on the plane, which now became Yak/AEM-130. The Yak-130 version was to be offered for the Russian and the M-346 version for the Italian market.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/04/2015 | 12:59 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 06/04/2015 | 12:48 uur
De M346 gaat het niet worden

Geen van de gemoderniseerde bestaande ontwerpen gaat het, denk ik, redden, als ik er geld op zou inzetten dan zou ik dat doen op de twee clean sheet ontwerpen van Boeing-Saab of Northrop Grumman-BAE.

Ergens vermoed ik dat het winnende LRS-B ontwerp van invloed zal zijn op winnende keuze van de T/X, immers het is van  groot strategisch belang om de industriële basis te behouden.

Wordt dat de LM-Boeing versie dan gok ik op Northrop Grumman-BAE, wordt het de Northrop Grumman dan denk ik dat het de Boeing-Saab  gaat worden.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 06/04/2015 | 13:09 uur
De reden dat de M346 het niet gaat worden.

The sustained g requirement was likely behind General Dynamics' decision to abandon the M346. With a threshold of 6.5g and an objective of 7.5g, the requirement proved thorny for the M346. That stipulation was driven by 18 months of interviews with instructor pilots and research, Dunlop says. "That was very specific, because based on our discussion with instructor pilots [and] mission experts that was the minimum g we could accept that would allow us to meet the mission tasks of advanced pilot training," she says. Additionally, research found that 7.5g would be sufficient to ensure pilot students can operate at 9g, the upper extreme for most fighters. "If you can operate at 7.5gs, you can operate at 9gs," she tells Aviation Week.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/04/2015 | 17:01 uur
Finnish Hornets To Be Replaced By Gripen Or Rafale

Source : Our Bureau ~  Monday, April 6, 2015

Finland is looking to replace 55 McDonnell Douglas (Boeing) F/A-18C Hornet single-seat and 7 F/A-18D two-seat multirole fighters with SAAB JAS 39E/F Gripen or French Dassault Rafale.

Helsinki and Stockholm have agreed to increased cooperation between their defence organisations. The combined Finnish-Swedish combat jet fleet with the same type of aircraft would be more convenient in case both the nations choose to act together in their defence against enemies, AIRheadsFLY reported Monday.

Apart from a military tactical perspective, even from a logistical perspective, any battle is easily lost with a failing flow of spare parts.

The Swedish Gripen is currently undergoing an upgrade. The new Gripen will be the one that the Brazilian Air Force (36 or more) is buying and that the Swedish Air Force (60 or more) has ordered.

Finland has requested and received classified documents on the capabilities of the Gripen. This has now confirmed by sources within both the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) and within the Stockholm government.

Just before Easter, the Finnish Chief of Defence went along for a French Air Force training mission in the backseat of a Dassault Rafale B, flying in formation with at least one other Rafale after take-off from St. Dizier Airbase in France.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 06/04/2015 | 17:26 uur
Ik hoop dat ze voor de Gripen gaan.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/04/2015 | 17:27 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 06/04/2015 | 17:26 uur
Ik hoop dat ze voor de Gripen gaan.

:angel: Ik voor de Rafale (al geef ik de Gripen meer kans)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 06/04/2015 | 17:27 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/04/2015 | 17:27 uur
:angel: Ik voor de Rafale

Hoezo? :)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/04/2015 | 17:53 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 06/04/2015 | 17:27 uur
Hoezo? :)

Ik vind de Rafale simpelweg de aanzienlijk betere kist en dit wordt aardig ondersteund door Zwitserse rapporten die spreken van: 3 Rafales hebben de capaciteiten van 5 Gripens (E).

Je gaat toch vanaf medio jaren twintig geen 4e generatie kist kopen als hoofdwapen, de rest van de wereld kijk reeds mijlen verder... (wat ook geldt voor de Rafale)

Daarnaast: ik ben de hype van de nog steeds niet vliegende Gripen E wel een beetje moe... Saab kan in de ogen van velen niets fout doen, in mijn ogen een louter financieel gedreven emotie.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 06/04/2015 | 18:23 uur
Hoewel de Rafale een fantastische kist is, en voor Nederland de beste keus geweest zou zijn, de Gripen is specifiek ontworpen om de Russen Scandinavië uit te knikkeren, daarbij faciliteert het de samenwerking met de Zweden. Geen gekke keus, en geen gekke shortlist.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 06/04/2015 | 18:26 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/04/2015 | 17:53 uur
Ik vind de Rafale simpelweg de aanzienlijk betere kist en dit wordt aardig ondersteund door Zwitserse rapporten die spreken van: 3 Rafales hebben de capaciteiten van 5 Gripens (E).

Je gaat toch vanaf medio jaren twintig geen 4e generatie kist kopen als hoofdwapen, de rest van de wereld kijk reeds mijlen verder... (wat ook geldt voor de Rafale)

Daarnaast: ik ben de hype van de nog steeds niet vliegende Gripen E wel een beetje moe... Saab kan in de ogen van velen niets fout doen, in mijn ogen een louter financieel gedreven emotie.

Ja, en een F35 staat gelijk aan 8 F16's. Dergelijke cijfers zijn leuk, maar zijn ook hoog theoretisch.

SAAB kan van alles fout doen, maar ze doen juist heel veel goed!
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 06/04/2015 | 18:37 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 06/04/2015 | 18:23 uur
Hoewel de Rafale een fantastische kist is, en voor Nederland de beste keus geweest zou zijn, de Gripen is specifiek ontworpen om de Russen Scandinavië uit te knikkeren, daarbij faciliteert het de samenwerking met de Zweden. Geen gekke keus, en geen gekke shortlist.
De oorspronkelijke JAS 39A/B Gripen was inderdaad alleen voor lokaal gebruik ontworpen. Om de Gripen voor internationaal gebruik bruikbaar te maken, moest er worden aangepast met als resultaat de JAS 39C/D. Hierbij kon naast alleen civiele kerosine nu ook eindelijk militaire kerosine worden gebruikt.

De eerste éénzits JAS 39E Gripen (NG) moet nog worden gebouwd. Tussen deze en de Rafale F3(R) wil ik graag een test zien.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/04/2015 | 18:51 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 06/04/2015 | 18:26 uur
SAAB kan van alles fout doen, maar ze doen juist heel veel goed!

Saab is ook een prima bedrijf met prima producten in een goede prijs kwaliteit verhouding... het is alleen zo opvallend dat Gripen aanbidders al jaren hallelujah prediken terwijl in mijn ogen deze kist medio jaren twintig een achterhaalde kist is, als de wereld stil zou staan... prima, maar laat dit nu niet het geval zijn....

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 06/04/2015 | 18:52 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 06/04/2015 | 18:37 uur
De oorspronkelijke JAS 39A/B Gripen was inderdaad alleen voor lokaal gebruik ontworpen. Om de Gripen voor internationaal gebruik bruikbaar te maken, moest er worden aangepast met als resultaat de JAS 39C/D. Hierbij kon naast alleen civiele kerosine nu ook eindelijk militaire kerosine worden gebruikt.

De eerste éénzits JAS 39E Gripen (NG) moet nog worden gebouwd. Tussen deze en de Rafale F3(R) wil ik graag een test zien.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/04/2015 | 18:54 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 06/04/2015 | 18:23 uur
Hoewel de Rafale een fantastische kist is, en voor Nederland de beste keus geweest zou zijn, de Gripen is specifiek ontworpen om de Russen Scandinavië uit te knikkeren, daarbij faciliteert het de samenwerking met de Zweden. Geen gekke keus, en geen gekke shortlist.

Ik verwacht dan ook de Gripen E/F de grootste kanshebber is en ik zou niet ongelukkig geweest zijn met 50 Rafale F3R voor de KLu.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 06/04/2015 | 18:55 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/04/2015 | 18:51 uur
Saab is ook een prima bedrijf met prima producten in een goede prijs kwaliteit verhouding... het is alleen zo opvallend dat Gripen aanbidders al jaren hallelujah prediken terwijl in mijn ogen deze kist medio jaren twintig een achterhaalde kist is, als de wereld stil zou staan... prima, maar laat dit nu niet het geval zijn....

Dat geldt toch ook voor de Rafale?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/04/2015 | 18:57 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 06/04/2015 | 18:55 uur
Dat geldt toch ook voor de Rafale?

Zie antwoord 454
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 06/04/2015 | 19:31 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/04/2015 | 18:51 uur
Saab is ook een prima bedrijf met prima producten in een goede prijs kwaliteit verhouding... het is alleen zo opvallend dat Gripen aanbidders al jaren hallelujah prediken terwijl in mijn ogen deze kist medio jaren twintig een achterhaalde kist is, als de wereld stil zou staan... prima, maar laat dit nu niet het geval zijn....

Dat geldt toch evengoed voor de Rafale?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/04/2015 | 19:33 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 06/04/2015 | 19:31 uur

Dat geldt toch evengoed voor de Rafale?

Zie antwoord 454
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 06/04/2015 | 19:46 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/04/2015 | 19:33 uur
Zie antwoord 454

En waar blijkt in dat de Rafale zoveel beter is dan?
Die heeft ook niet echt een combat record waar je u tegen zegt en de Gripen is van dezelfde generatie.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 06/04/2015 | 19:52 uur
Link over de Rafale (bevat meerdere pdf bestanden):

De Fox 3 edities geven alle veranderingen aan van de F1 standaard in 2001 tot en met de F3 standaard in het heden.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/04/2015 | 20:10 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 06/04/2015 | 19:46 uur
En waar blijkt in dat de Rafale zoveel beter is dan?

Als je de verslagen leest van de Zwitserse kompetitie (waar ook de geheime stukken voor een deel op straat lagen) dan was de Zwitserse conclusie:

1. Rafale
2. Eurofighter
3. Gripen

Dat men toch voor de Gripen heeft gekozen, welke daarna door de Zwitserse bevolking per referendum is afgeschoten, is puur een prijs verhaal.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 06/04/2015 | 20:58 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/04/2015 | 20:10 uur
Als je de verslagen leest van de Zwitserse kompetitie (waar ook de geheime stukken voor een deel op straat lagen) dan was de Zwitserse conclusie:

1. Rafale
2. Eurofighter
3. Gripen

Dat men toch voor de Gripen heeft gekozen, welke daarna door de Zwitserse bevolking per referendum is afgeschoten, is puur een prijs verhaal.
Stammen allemaal uit dezelfde voorouder. Prima om binnen EU-verband lidstaten een keuze te laten maken uit deze drie toestellen. Had Nederland mijns inziens ook moeten doen! Kwam er tenminste enige standaardisatie en meer focus op made in EU. Goed voor onze strategische belangen!
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 06/04/2015 | 21:00 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/04/2015 | 18:51 uur
Saab is ook een prima bedrijf met prima producten in een goede prijs kwaliteit verhouding... het is alleen zo opvallend dat Gripen aanbidders al jaren hallelujah prediken terwijl in mijn ogen deze kist medio jaren twintig een achterhaalde kist is, als de wereld stil zou staan... prima, maar laat dit nu niet het geval zijn....

Dat is een manier om het te bekijken. Waarschijnlijk zou Finland het beste af zijn met 320 F22's, maar, het is redelijk aannemelijk dat dat er niet in zit. De Gripen is echt zo gek nog niet voor ze. Waar de Rafale vooral een heel stuk beter scoort is bereik, endurance en wapenlast. Maar zeker als de Finnen zich blijven focussen op verdediging van hun luchtruim, zou de Gripen best wel eens een prima keus kunnen zijn. Misschien is het juist de 6de generatie: (
CitaatIn 2005, Lockheed Martin labeled the F-35, the stealthy new jet they were building for the Pentagon, as a "fifth-generation" fighter. Ironically, it was a term that they had borrowed from Russia to describe a different stealthy fighter, the F-22. But the term caught on. Some of Lockheed's rivals tumbled into this rhetorical trap and tried to argue that "fourth-generation" was just as capable—whether it is true or not, making such a case is an uphill struggle.

But if "fifth-generation" means more than "the ultimate driving machine," a sixth generation will emerge. Saab—yes, that Saab—can argue that it has built the first such aircraft. The Swedish plane has got a mouthful of a name: the JAS 39E Gripen. But it could well be the future of air combat.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 06/04/2015 | 21:12 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 06/04/2015 | 20:58 uur
Stammen allemaal uit dezelfde voorouder. Prima om binnen EU-verband lidstaten een keuze te laten maken uit deze drie toestellen. Had Nederland mijns inziens ook moeten doen! Kwam er tenminste enige standaardisatie en meer focus op made in EU. Goed voor onze strategische belangen!
Alleen de Rafale en de Typhoon stammen uit dezelfde voorouder (ECA). Saab heeft hier nooit aan meegedaan. De vervanger van de J37 Viggen moest kleiner en lichter zijn. Dit werd uiteindelijk de JAS 39A/B/C/D Gripen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/04/2015 | 21:26 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 06/04/2015 | 20:58 uur
Stammen allemaal uit dezelfde voorouder. Prima om binnen EU-verband lidstaten een keuze te laten maken uit deze drie toestellen. Had Nederland mijns inziens ook moeten doen! Kwam er tenminste enige standaardisatie en meer focus op made in EU. Goed voor onze strategische belangen!

Goed voor onze strategische belangen is één of twee opvolger(s) van de eendenbekkies en niet een beperkte evolutie dan wel een volgende update dan ben ik helemaal voor een Europees product...

Maar ja Europa, defensie, geld en kippenhok.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/04/2015 | 21:30 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 06/04/2015 | 21:00 uur
Maar zeker als de Finnen zich blijven focussen op verdediging van hun luchtruim, zou de Gripen best wel eens een prima keus kunnen zijn.

Als men zich daartoe beperkt dan is de Gripen + Meteoor in voldoende aantal een prima keuze voor de Finnen, indien ze toetreden tot de NAVO zou wat mij betreft de Fransoos de betere keuze zijn.

Misschien biedt de nieuwe Turk (if ever) met Saab inbreng een alternatief voor de periode vanaf 2025.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 06/04/2015 | 21:42 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/04/2015 | 21:30 uur
Als men zich daartoe beperkt dan is de Gripen + Meteoor in voldoende aantal een prima keuze voor de Finnen, indien ze toetreden tot de NAVO zou wat mij betreft de Fransoos de betere keuze zijn.

Misschien biedt de nieuwe Turk (if ever) met Saab inbreng een alternatief voor de periode vanaf 2025.
De vervanger van de Finse F-18C/D Hornet zal zich ook richten op grondaanval. Bij aflevering waren de Finse Hornets alleen gericht op luchtverdediging (vandaar de aanduiding F-18 i.p.v. F/A-18), maar zijn inmiddels ook aangepast voor grondaanval.

De Meteor raket past zowel op de Gripen als de Rafale. In de toekomst zeer waarschijnlijk ook op de F-35.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/04/2015 | 21:46 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 06/04/2015 | 21:42 uur
De Meteor raket past zowel op de Gripen als de Rafale. In de toekomst zeer waarschijnlijk ook op de F-35.

De Meteor en wellicht ook de Cuda zou een waardevolle en noodzakelijke aanvulling zijn op de capaciteiten van de F35.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 06/04/2015 | 21:52 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/04/2015 | 21:46 uur
De Meteor en wellicht ook de Cuda zou een waardevolle en noodzakelijke aanvulling zijn op de capaciteiten van de F35.
Kan mij ook niet voorstellen dat de RAF/ RN Fleet Air Arm speciaal voor de F-35B de AIM-120C Amraam in voorraad houden en voor de Typhoon de Meteor. Zelfde situatie met de Italiaanse F-35 en Typhoon.

De Cuda is zeker een interessante ontwikkeling en met recht een force multiplier.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 07/04/2015 | 09:17 uur
F135 Fix Nears Completion As Production Ramps Up

By Guy Norris  |  April 6, 2015

HARTFORD, Connecticut—Pratt & Whitney is ramping up retrofits to operational F135 engines with a fix to the problem that led to a catastrophic engine fire last year in the F-35A Joint Strike Fighter, and aims to modify the entire fleet by the first quarter of 2016.

The engine maker also aims to define a long-term solution by the middle of this summer, Pratt & Whitney Military Engines President Bennett Croswell says. "We have several candidates, including the current fix, and we'll work with the [F-35 Joint Program Office] to identify what the long-term fix will be."

The interim fix—called "pre-trenching"—deepens the gap in the polyimide foam lining between the tips of stators and the knife-edge seal forward of the third-stage integrally bladed rotor (IBR). The pre-trenching deepens the gap, enabling the spinning seal to pass through the end of the stators without creating friction. The company is also evaluating a couple of long-term solutions which include adding a hard coating to the seal plate to resist microcracks that occurred as a result of the frictional heating, or a combination of trenching along with a coating, Croswell adds.

All but one of the F-35 System Development and Demonstration (SDD) aircraft have been modified, apart from one F-35B currently undergoing evaluation in the U.S. Air Force 96th Test Wing's McKinley Climatic Laboratory located at Eglin AFB, Florida. "We either have the pre-trench configuration installed or, on a couple of the jets—mainly the Flight Sciences jets—we have the burn-in procedure," Crosswell says, referring to a series of specific flight maneuvers that have been devised to gradually wear in the trench between the stator and polyimide foam.

Pratt also says opening up clearances by pre-trenching has had a negligible effect on performance. Mark Buongiorno, head of the F135-engine program, describes the effect as "insignificant," while Crosswell says, "we only gave up a couple of degrees of turbine temperature. Operability-wise it was no impact, so it was a pretty good solution."

Tests to help confirm the configuration of the final fix are underway at a rub rig in West Palm Beach, Florida. "We still wanted to evaluate whether we could create a rub-in system that would give us the full capability of a matched set," Buongiorno says. "We will use that to inform what will be the long-term solution," comments Crosswell. "We are doing lots of parametric studies on polyimides to see if there's any impact on orientation, and our clearance tools are much improved."

Pratt also is gearing up for engine-production rates that were originally expected to have occurred two to three years before development delays began to seriously affect the F-35 program. The engine maker, which expects to deliver 60 F135s in 2015, is currently completing deliveries of engines for the seventh low-rate initial production (LRIP) batch of aircraft and will complete the eighth set in the second quarter. The company has submitted a proposal to the JPO for the ninth and 10th LRIP sets. "For the LRIP nine proposal we have submitted for 60 engines again, and LRIP10 goes to 100. So in 2017, we are finally going to start seeing the ramp that we have been waiting for," Crosswell says.

The rate increase "is going to be very beneficial to us from a fixed-cost absorption perspective and we have continued to come down the 'war on cost' curve. But it has certainly been a challenge with the volume moving to the right," he admits. Since the first production-representative engine was delivered in 2009, the cost of the F135 has been reduced by 55%, Croswell says. Officials from Pratt still decline to provide a dollar figure for the price of the engine, citing ongoing competitive pressures.

Pratt is now laying out a production plan for "post T300," the milestone engine Pratt aims to be producing for the same cost as the F119 engine, from which the F135 is derived. "That will form part of the 'blueprint for affordability' objective and we are in process of working that now with [the] JPO," says Crosswell, who adds that as of March 31, the company has delivered 217 F135s, including special upgrade test units and SDD powerplants. At the time of Aviation Week's visit to Pratt's Middletown F135-production facility in early April, the company was set to deliver production engines 146 and 147.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 07/04/2015 | 13:00 uur
Haglund: Swedish Fighter Jets Don't Have Special Status

(Source: Finnish Broadcasting News, YLE; published April 6, 2015)

Swedish newspaper Dagens Industri reported over Easter that the Swedish Jas Gripen jet is a strong candidate for successor to the soon obsolete Finnish Hornet fighter jets. However, Defense Minister Carl Haglund emphasised that the various options have only been tentatively explored.

Dagens Industri this Easter resurrected conjecture that Swedish fighter jets may be used to replace outdated Finnish Hornets. The paper also claimed that the use of Gripens would facilitate Finnish-Swedish defense cooperation because the air force would be able to utilise other bases.

A deepening of defence cooperation between the two nations has strong support from both sides.

However, Defense Minister Carl Haglund threw cold water over such speculation, saying on Sunday that the issue is far from decided, and that it is subject to standard preliminary studies, which began last October.

"Swedish fighter jets don't have special status when Finland ponders the Hornet's successor," Minister for Defence Carl Haglund responded to an e-mail to STT on Sunday.
"Part of normal preparations"

The Ministry of Defence, the Defence Command and Air Force representatives have joined forces to conduct a broad foundational study, which will be completed at the end of May.

The new government will begin a feasibility study after the actual procurement preparations are made this year. The final procurement decision should be made in the early 2020s, meaning that the it will be made by the next government's successor.

The new jet fighters would be manufactured and delivered between 2020-2030.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 08/04/2015 | 11:54 uur
U.S. Air Force eyes future F-35 engine and arms upgrades

Reporting by Andrea Shalal; Editing by Ted botha  |  April 7, 2015

(Reuters) - The U.S. Air Force is on track to declare Lockheed Martin Corp's F-35 fighter jet ready for initial combat use by August or September 2016, and officials are already looking at possible future upgrades to its weapons, propulsion and avionics.

Major General Jeffrey Harrigian, the two-star general named in January to oversee all things F-35 for the Air Force, told Reuters in an interview on Tuesday the program was making good progress, but he was keeping close tabs on key items required to meet the target date.

Those issues include software development, modification of existing jets to incorporate design changes, further work on a complex automated logistics system called ALIS and ensuring a sufficient number of technicians are trained to service the jet.

"There's a lot of work to be done ... but from where we sit, we're on the right glide path to IOC (initial operational capability)," Harrigian said.

He said the Air Force planned for the new jet to reach full operational capability around 2021 or 2022, with larger numbers of planes and weaponry ready for full combat use.

The $391 billion program will deliver three different F-35 models for the U.S. military and a number of U.S. allies that have already placed orders: Britain, Australia, Italy, Turkey, Norway, the Netherlands, Japan, South Korea and Israel.

The U.S. Marine Corps will be the first military service to declare its B-model jets, which can take off and land like a helicopter, ready for initial combat use this July.

Harrigian, a pilot with more than 4,100 hours flying time in the F-22 and other planes, said the F-22 fighter saw similar software challenges but ultimately became "an amazing airplane."

He said the Air Force was already looking at follow-on capabilities for the F-35, given rapid technology development by potential adversaries, and ensuring that the infrastructure was in place to allow such upgrades.

"We are already considering and thinking through what are some of the technologies that will be part of the F-35," Harrigian said. "This is not the time to rest on your laurels."

Harrigian gave few details but said potential upgrades could include new avionics systems, radar, laser weapons and a new more fuel-efficient engine.

"I don't think we would take anything off the table at this point," he said.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 08/04/2015 | 16:48 uur
In het pdf bestand in de volgende link wordt de Meteor vermeld voor de F-35 Block 4.3 (onder voorbehoud):

De Meteor zou interessant kunnen zijn als vervanging van de AIM-120B AMRAAM die de KLu nu heeft.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 08/04/2015 | 16:57 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 08/04/2015 | 16:48 uur
De Meteor zou interessant kunnen zijn als vervanging van de AIM-120B AMRAAM die de KLu nu heeft.

Ik denk een noodzakelijk middel voor de (Europese) F35's wellicht in combinatie met de Cuda (de AIM120 familie is toe aan vervanging)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 08/04/2015 | 17:01 uur
De Meteor is de concurrent van de AIM-120D. Nederland heeft al interesse getoond voor de AIM-9X als vervanger van de AIM-9M.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 08/04/2015 | 17:08 uur
Netherlands to Buy AIM-9X-2 Sidewinder Missiles   (bericht uit 2012)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 08/04/2015 | 17:11 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 08/04/2015 | 17:01 uur
De Meteor is de concurrent van de AIM-120D. Nederland heeft al interesse getoond voor de AIM-9X als vervanger van de AIM-9M.

Bekend. We gaan zien wat het voor de KLu wordt, de AIM-9X zal een maatje nodig hebben en in dit geval vind ik de Europeaan een beter alternatief dan de Amerikaan. (AIM-120D)

Van de Cuda kan de F35 (en de F22) er 12 intern meenemen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 08/04/2015 | 17:48 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 08/04/2015 | 17:08 uur
Netherlands to Buy AIM-9X-2 Sidewinder Missiles   (bericht uit 2012)

Let wel op het woord possible. Desondanks is de kans groter dat de AIM-9M door deze wordt vervangen dan door een Europese concurrent.

Het oorspronkelijke bericht van de Defense Security Cooperation Agency:

Om terug te komen op de F-35. De Block 4 software versies zullen het wapenarsenaal qua mogelijkheden aanzienlijk vergroten.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 08/04/2015 | 17:59 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 08/04/2015 | 17:48 uur
Let wel op het woord possible. Desondanks is de kans groter dat de AIM-9M door deze wordt vervangen dan door een Europese concurrent.

Het oorspronkelijke bericht van de Defense Security Cooperation Agency:

Om terug te komen op de F-35. De Block 4 software versies zullen het wapenarsenaal qua mogelijkheden aanzienlijk vergroten.

AIM9-x moet wel, kun terugvinden in de betreffende stukken, denk projectenoverzicht, ding moet op zowel F16 als op de F35 komen. De meteor maakt nog een klein beetje kans.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 08/04/2015 | 18:28 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 08/04/2015 | 17:59 uur
AIM9-x moet wel, kun terugvinden in de betreffende stukken, denk projectenoverzicht, ding moet op zowel F16 als op de F35 komen. De meteor maakt nog een klein beetje kans.
Op pagina 67 van het materieelprojectenoverzicht 2014 staat de vervanging van de F-16 infrarood geleide lucht-lucht raket. Levering vindt plaats tussen eind 2015 en 2017. Er wordt niet vermeld welk type, maar het moet wel om de AIM-9X gaan.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 09/04/2015 | 07:48 uur
Should Future Fighter Be Like A Bomber? Groundbreaking CSBA Study

By Colin Clark 
on April 08, 2015

WASHINGTON: America's next war plane may look much more like a stealthy long-range bomber than a sleek, fast and maneuverable fighter.

That's the conclusion of a wide-ranging study by the respected Center for Budgetary and Strategic Assessments. Breaking Defense obtained a copy of the report from a source not affiliated with CSBA.

Here's the study's main finding: "The overall conclusion of this study was that over the past few decades, advances in electronic sensors, communications technology, and guided weapons may have fundamentally transformed the nature of air combat."

The conclusions are based on author John Stillion's analysis of a database of "over 1,450 air-to-air victories" around the world from 1965 to the present.

According to Stillion's study, the ability to build an aircraft that can find, surprise and then kill enemy aircraft and anti-aircraft systems using speed and maneuverability is rapidly meeting the physical limits of range, speed and useful capability.

"The increased importance of electronic sensors, signature reduction, RF [radio frequency] and IR [infra-red] countermeasures and robust LOS networks in building dominant SA [situational awareness], and the potential reduced tactical utility of high speed and maneuverability could mean that, for the first time, the aerial combat lethality of large combat aircraft may be competitive or even superior to more traditional fighter aircraft designs emphasizing speed and maneuverability," the study says.

Put another way, missiles can now often outperform most fighter aircraft, although stealth and electronic warfare help even the score.

Trends from the database of air combat since 1965 show the rise of long range missiles and a steep decline in dog-fighting. Of the 33 U.S. kills in the 1991 Persian Gulf war, only four involved any maneuvering at all. 25 years on, the power of long range sensors and missiles is only greater, meaning that traditional fighter attributes such as speed, thrust-to-weight ratios, and turn radius are even less important to success today and in the future.

Stolen concludes that speed will not help future aircraft because higher speeds mean higher heats from engines and along leading edges and other aircraft surfaces. More combatants will rely on Infrared Search and Track Systems (IRST) because Digital Radio Frequency Memory (DRFM) jammers will disrupt search radars. (See page 36 of the study). So enemies will be looking for heat with those IRST sensors and fast planes will be easier to spot.

What does this mean for the Pentagon as it explores building the next generation fighter, the so-called sixth generation fighter?

Stillion says the Pentagon should consider "'radical' departures from traditional fighter concepts that rely on enhanced sensor performance, signature control, networks to achieve superior SA [situational awareness], and very-long-range weapons to complete engagements before being detected or tracked by enemy aircraft."

That requires, he said in an email to me, that, "we should take a broad, objective and imaginative look at how to achieve air superiority in the decades beyond 2035. This may, or may not, result in a preference for non-traditional platforms rather than improved fighter aircraft, but more likely it will show we want a mix of both types of capabilities.  The important thing is to do the objective assessment."

The Pentagon has launched its Defense Dominance Initiative and the related Air Innovation Initiative, a DARPA-led effort to come up with approaches to the F-X and its engines. Stallion's study will clearly be read by DARPA and Frank Kendall, head of Pentagon acquisition as it mulls what to experiment with.

The Ultimate Multirole Plane?

One industry source who has read the study said that, "Stillion makes a very good case that we should rethink our strategy. Why invest in the sixth generation fighter to create a 'super F-22′?  Such an aircraft will only offer marginal improvements over the F-22 at great cost. But it will still be fairly short-ranged (at least considering the operational distances in the Pacific and other theaters).  Wouldn't it be better instead to focus on a bigger aircraft?"

Those larger planes can have bigger apertures (radar and infra-red) to detect threats at longer ranges and can carry bigger missiles to strike the enemy before he can hit us.

"What I find most compelling," the industry source says, "is the idea that we could develop a single, large, long-range, big payload, stealthy aircraft that would comprise the future United States Air Force's combat arm. You would have a common airframe that could be outfitted with different payloads to do different missions."

One airframe, the industry source speculates, could provide a strike version, an air-to-air missile version for self defense, a nuclear aircraft, an air superiority version fitted with directed energy weapons, and planes for airborne early warning and ground surveillance missions.

The ultimate expression of this approach: a future US Air Force with a fleet of roughly 400 aircraft "as the core of the United States' power projection force," the industry source believes.

"Some elements of the new battle force could be unmanned as well to take better advantage of the big aircraft's endurance.  Maybe we would want to call this aircraft the "Battleplane"—something envisioned by Guilio Douhet in the 1920s. Intercontinental range means this force can strike anywhere on the planet—and concurrently win air superiority. We would not need to deploy hundreds of short range fighters to close-in bases—we could operate from distant bases. Just think of the savings in terms of logistics, development, procurement, and manpower if we went to a single airframe," the industry source opines.

An astute observer might read this study and conclude that the builder of the Long Range Strike Bomber (LRSB), with its long range and enormous weapons capacity, could find itself in an enviable position to build that new power projection aircraft. Maybe.

How much chance is there that the Pentagon will embrace such a radical departure from the norms of the last 75 years?

"History says no," the industry source believes. "How will the Air Force leadership—primarily composed of fighter pilots—react to the idea of using 'bombers' to do the air superiority mission?"

Imagine the cultural shifts needed by the Air Force and senior Pentagon leaders to embrace such an approach. Perhaps the impending budget drawdowns, the increased aggression of Russia, and the looming rise of China can help illuminate the future for them.

This is one of those rare studies that we may all remember in another decade and cite in footnotes and wonder that the Pentagon had the courage to act. If we're lucky. If you want to understand air combat alone, this is a must-read.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 09/04/2015 | 10:01 uur
USAF Plans for Radical F-35 Upgrade Reveal Obsolescence

US Air Force plans to replace the F-35 fighter's avionics, radar and engines are an implicit admission that the current aircraft is already obsolete and that, despite a unit cost of over $250 million, it cannot match the latest foreign fighters coming into service.

This is the first time a customer acknowledges that the obsolescence of the F-35's sensors has degraded the aircraft's still unproven nominal capabilities to the point that a radical upgrade is necessary, more than a year before it enters service.

The upgrade plans were revealed by Major General Jeffrey Harrigian, the USAF's F-35 program chief, in an April 7 Reuters interview.

"We are already considering and thinking through what are some of the technologies that will be part of the F-35," Reuters reported Harrigian as saying. "This is not the time to rest on your laurels." Reuters added that "Harrigian gave few details but said potential upgrades could include new avionics systems, radar, laser weapons and a new more fuel-efficient engine," and quoted him as saying "I don't think we would take anything off the table at this point."

$400 billion and still needs upgrades

In reality, Harrigian's statements mean there will be little left of the F-35 that is now being procured under Low-Rate Initial Production contracts once its engine, avionics and radar are replaced by new systems.

Critics will no doubt question the wisdom of spending nearly $400 billion to develop and produce an aircraft that, years before it enters service, already needs an upgrade to all of its major components and systems.

The need for upgrades at this early stage completely also undermines the many claims of the F-35's alleged across-the-board superiority made by the US military services, by foreign governments justifying their purchase, by manufacturer Lockheed Martin and by program officials at the F-35 Joint Program Office.

These are now shown to be little more than an officially-sanctioned marketing spiel, intended to cover up the aircraft's well-documented deficiencies, which its backers nonetheless steadfastly continue to deny.

What do foreign buyers know?

It is debatable whether foreign partners and customers, for example, would have committed to spending billions of dollars on the F-35 if they had known they would have to pay for a costly upgrade to achieve the capabilities they were promised.

It also raises the issue of who will pay for the upgrades, given that the aircraft's engine costs about $15 million, and that new avionics and radar are likely to add as much again, plus their development and installation costs.

The F-35 -- and its components -- was designed in the 1990s, its development contract was awarded in 2001 and it is due to reach Initial Operational Capability (IOC) with the US Air Force in mid-2016 – 15 years after contract award. USAF plans call for the F-35 to reach Full Operational Capability (FOC) around 2021 or 2022 – 20 years after award of the development contract.

No deviation from current plans

The most remarkable aspect of this interview is that, despite conceding that "the Air Force was already looking at follow-on capabilities for the F-35, given rapid technology development by potential adversaries," Harrigian remains unperturbed, and confirms that the F-35's Initial Operational Capability is still planned for August or September 2016.

However, he is "keeping close tabs on key items required to meet the target date," Reuters reported, adding that "Those issues include software development, modification of existing jets to incorporate design changes, further work on a complex automated logistics system called ALIS and ensuring a sufficient number of technicians are trained to service the jet."

"There's a lot of work to be done," Harrigian said "but from where we sit, we're on the right glide path to IOC."
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 09/04/2015 | 10:13 uur
Het Reuters bericht staat in post #478. Het bericht van defense-aerospace is door Giovanni de Briganti geschreven. Hij begrijpt toch ook wel dat upgrades altijd nodig zijn? Geen enkel type van westers en oosters ontwerp ontkwam hieraan en dat geldt ook voor de toekomst.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Green op 09/04/2015 | 10:30 uur
Interessante ontwikkeling!
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 09/04/2015 | 10:38 uur
Citaat van: Green op 09/04/2015 | 10:30 uur
Interessante ontwikkeling!

Welke bedoel je?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 09/04/2015 | 13:23 uur
Egypt, the order for 24 Rafale    (aankoop bedrag per toestel : ca. € 125 miljoen incl. training, onderhoud/reserveonderdelen)

Key points :

24 Rafale ordered : 16 Rafale B (two seater) and 8 Rafale C (single seater)
A first batch of 3 Rafale B to be delivered before July
A second batch of 3 Rafale delivered in 2016 and then probably 6 aircrafts delivered each year until 2019
Air to ground weapons : AASM missiles, Black Shaheen (export version of the scalp) cruise missiles, 
Air to Air weapons : Mica EM and Mica IR Air to Air missiles
Reconnaissance : Reco-NG pod 

About € 3,0 billion for the aircrafts, their equipments and pilots training
About € 1,1 billion for the weapons
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 09/04/2015 | 15:02 uur
4,1 miljard en je hebt 24 rafales
4,5 miljard en je hebt 37 F-35's.

Nou nou
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 09/04/2015 | 17:55 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 09/04/2015 | 15:02 uur
4,1 miljard en je hebt 24 rafales
4,5 miljard en je hebt 37 F-35's.

Nou nou

Nee, 3 miljard voor 24 Rafales incl ost.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 09/04/2015 | 18:02 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 09/04/2015 | 17:55 uur
Nee, 3 miljard voor 24 Rafales incl ost.
inderdaad..geen wapens.. Zit pilot training ook bij onze 4,5 mld F35 deal?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Lex op 09/04/2015 | 18:11 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 09/04/2015 | 18:02 uur
Zit pilot training ook bij onze 4,5 mld F35 deal?
Zie het MPO 2014, blz 81.  :angel:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 09/04/2015 | 19:40 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 09/04/2015 | 17:55 uur
Nee, 3 miljard voor 24 Rafales incl ost.

Dus: 3mjd/24 = €125 mjn per Rafale en 4mjd/35 = €114,3 mjn per F35A (4.5 mjd/37 = €121,6 mjn)

Hierbij: de Rafale neemt vooralsnog in aanschafprijs toe en de F35 wordt per LRIP 3-5% "goedkoper"  de vraag is dus wat wij voor onze vervolgseries gaan betalen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 09/04/2015 | 20:01 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 09/04/2015 | 17:55 uur
Nee, 3 miljard voor 24 Rafales incl ost.

Dus wat gaan die rafales zonder wapens doen dan?

Als NL zouden we ook dit aan moeten schaffen want: nu zijn we 100% amerikaans in alles.
Dus tot zover 4,1 miljard : 28 rafales.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 09/04/2015 | 20:20 uur
Wapens voor de Rafale zal wel niet zo'n probleem zijn. Veel kan er onder gehangen worden, ook Amerikaans. Waar hun (Egypte) F-16's ook mee vliegen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 09/04/2015 | 20:45 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 09/04/2015 | 19:40 uur
Dus: 3mjd/24 = €125 mjn per Rafale en 4mjd/35 = €114,3 mjn per F35A (4.5 mjd/37 = €121,6 mjn)

Hierbij: de Rafale neemt vooralsnog in aanschafprijs toe en de F35 wordt per LRIP 3-5% "goedkoper"  de vraag is dus wat wij voor onze vervolgseries gaan betalen.
Toch kun je de twee qua prijs pas echt vergelijken wanneer exact is beschreven waar alle extra's uit bestaan inclusief hoeveelheden.

Over de F-35A. De komende 8 stuks komen uit LRIP-11. Alle volgende komen uit of LRIP-11 of FRP (Full Rate Production). Het Pentagon wil dat de FRP prijs inclusief motor tussen de 80 en 85 miljoen USD ligt.

Over prijzen gesproken. De aanschaf van de eerste 102 F-16A/B was voor Nederland duurder dan de volgende serie van 111 stuks.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 09/04/2015 | 20:55 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 09/04/2015 | 20:45 uur
Toch kun je de twee qua prijs pas echt vergelijken wanneer exact is beschreven waar alle extra's uit bestaan inclusief hoeveelheden.

Over de F-35A. De komende 8 stuks komen uit LRIP-11. Alle volgende komen uit of LRIP-11 of FRP (Full Rate Production). Het Pentagon wil dat de FRP prijs inclusief motor tussen de 80 en 85 miljoen USD ligt.

Over prijzen gesproken. De aanschaf van de eerste 102 F-16A/B was voor Nederland duurder dan de volgende serie van 111 stuks.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 09/04/2015 | 22:08 uur
Japan to Test Fly F-3 Stealth Fighter This Summer

The highly anticipated F-3, Japan's first domestically-made stealth jet, is aiming to conduct test flights this summer, reports the PLA Daily, a China-based media outlet for the People's Liberation Army.

If the tests are successful, the F-3 will represent a breakthrough for Japan in terms of stealth capabilities and high-powered engine technology, the report said. The advanced fifth-generation fighter, which originates from Japan's advanced technology demonstrator-experimental (ATD-X) program, has been designed to deliver superior performance in the four major quality indicators of stealth, supersonic cruise capability, maneuverability and integrated avionics systems.

In terms of stealth technology, the F-3's exterior is said to contain absorbing materials that can reduce radar reflection. Apart from evading radar detection, the aircraft also aims to eliminate visible light signals, electronic signals, heat and noise in order to minimize detectability.

The cruise capability of the F-3 will rely on its 15-ton-level high-powered engine co-developed by Japan's IHI Corporation and the Technical Research and Development Institute of the country's Ministry of Defense. The engine will reportedly feature XF5-1 low-bypass turbofan technology and composite ceramic materials highly resistant to heat.

Ordinarily, fighter jets need to make a compromise between stealth and maneuverability, but the F-3's design is said to be able to resolve the conflict. The jet has been designed to be light and multi-purpose, with diamond-shaped wings with no empennage. It has also borrowed advantageous designs from other American fighter jets, with an intake ramp similar to that of the X-32 and a Y-shaped tail that resembles the YF-23.

The F-3's avionics system integrates a high-performance active phased array radar, electronic warfare systems and multi-function RF sensors, with fiber cables to enable high mobility control and improved radar technology to expand the detection area and distance.

Despite its impressive design, the F-3 still faces many practical obstacles before it can become a reality, the PLA Daily said. Researchers are still exploring engine capabilities and need to figure out problems such as compressors and burners for such a high-powered engine. The fact that engines in the older F-2, which are less powerful than those in the F-3, have malfunctioned during flights, with reports of strong vibrations during high speeds, demonstrates that Japan's engine technology is not sufficiently mature, the PLA Daily added.

The aircraft's avionics system is also problematic because it is split into software and hardware, and Japan's lack of experience dealing with complex air flows could make the system vulnerable to poor weather conditions. The hydraulics system is also believed to be a concern for a stealth jet designed to be so agile.

Additionally, Japan's fighter materials technology has reached a bottleneck. The US F-15, for instance, has a titanium proportion as high as 26.5%, but it is not practical for Japan to simply copy the Americans as the former is completely reliant on imports for such raw materials.

The development of the F-3 carries significant strategic meaning for Japan, the PLA Daily said. On the one hand, the aircraft is viewed upon as a return to form for Japan's aviation industry and represents a show of strength against China, especially given Tokyo's efforts to lift its constitutional prohibition against collective self-defense. On the other, a successful F-3 program shows that Japan can stand on its own in developing a superior fighter.

Japan has been over-reliant on the US in developing fighter jets in the past, rendering its own technologies lagging. America's guarded attitude towards Japan has led to the US suspending cooperation on multiple occasions, so the F-3 could end up being a bargaining chip in future negotiations.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 09/04/2015 | 22:11 uur
Ministers of Defense of Brazil and Argentina Sign Declaration for Democracy and Peace and Begin Negotiations for the Sale of Gripen NG Fighters

The Ministers of Defense of Brazil and Argentina signed a joint statement here, and opened talks on the sale of 24 Gripen NG fighters for the Argentine air force.

The business forecast is contained in the joint "Declaration for Democracy and Peace", signed by Brazilian Minister Jaques Wagner and his Argentine counterpart, Agustín Rossi, after their bilateral meeting on Tuesday (7), in the capital of Argentina.

In his first official trip abroad as head of Defense, Jaques Wagner said the choice of Argentina as the first country to visit, and the strategic nature of the alliance with that country, is fundamental to the regional integration of South America. Wagner said it was a political decision that strengthens partnership and cooperation in the defense field.

Before opening the negotiations on the purchase of the 24 Gripen NGs, Agustín Rossi reiterated Argentina's intention of acquiring six Embraer KC-390 cargo aircraft, a Brazilian program in which Argentina is a development partner.

The Gripen NG fighter, designed by the Swedish multinational Saab AB, will be produced in Brazil. In October 2014, the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) signed a contract for the purchase of 36 aircraft - 28 single-seaters and 8 two-seaters.

The fighters will be delivered between 2019 and 2024. The investment amounts to US$5.4 billion. Most of the aircraft ordered by the Brazilian air force (FAB) will be produced in-country, in partnership with Brazilian companies that will benefit from the technology transfer under the contract with the Swedish company.


In their joint statement, the defense ministers of the two countries reiterated the importance of maintaining the South Atlantic as an area free of weapons of mass destruction, according to the framework defined by the South Atlantic Zone of Peace and Cooperation (Zopacas) - the United Nations initiative of which Brazil and Argentina, in addition to 22 other countries, are signatories.

Wagner and Rossi and also addressed multilateral cooperation within the South American Defense Council (CDS), an agency of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR). The Argentine minister welcomed the project to establish the South American School of Defense, which will strengthen, among both military and civilians, strategic thinking at the regional level.

Another issue addressed by the Ministers is the Unasur Basic Training Aircraft project, an initiative which aims to coordinate the supply chain of several South American countries as well as strengthening the continent's defense industrial base.

Wagner and Rossi and also reaffirmed their intention to intensify cooperation in Antarctic logistical support, and for joint work in science conducted in that region.

After the meeting, Agustín Rossi told Argentinian reporters that Brazil and Argentina have a long tradition of "tense and intense" relations in the field of defense, and that the two countries are committed to "deepening them permanently."

Minister Jaques Wagner reiterated that he chose to visit Brazil's neighbor on his first official trip because the two nations have a "significant partnership in this new concept of defense" of South America. Wagner also used the meeting to invite Agustín Rossi to attend the ceremonial maiden flight of the KC-390 freighter, as technically the aircraft has already made its first flight.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 09/04/2015 | 22:22 uur
Citaat van: Vandaag om 10:11
Ministers of Defense of Brazil and Argentina Sign Declaration for Democracy and Peace and Begin Negotiations for the Sale of Gripen NG Fighters

Aangezien de Gripen NG is voorzien van aardig wat Britse onderdelen......
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Lex op 09/04/2015 | 22:34 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 09/04/2015 | 22:22 uur
Aangezien de Gripen NG is voorzien van aardig wat Britse onderdelen......
So what?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 09/04/2015 | 22:46 uur
Citaat van: Lex op 09/04/2015 | 22:34 uur
So what?

Gezien de opheft in het recente verleden zal de UK er vermoedelijk veel/alles aan doen om deze samenwerking te torpederen... wordt het geproduceerd zonder Britse onderdelen dan hebben ze er niet over te zeggen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 09/04/2015 | 22:48 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 09/04/2015 | 20:01 uur
Dus wat gaan die rafales zonder wapens doen dan?

Als NL zouden we ook dit aan moeten schaffen want: nu zijn we 100% amerikaans in alles.
Dus tot zover 4,1 miljard : 28 rafales.

In Nederland zijn we het station van die keuze al voorbij, dus dat maakt weinig uit. Maar om het toch in NL perspectief te plaatsen, de wapens die we hebben zijn verouderd, vandaar dat er projecten lopen om die te vervangen. Hadden we voor de Rafale gekozen dan hadden we nu dus wapens moeten hebben die daarmee compatible zijn.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Lex op 09/04/2015 | 22:53 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 09/04/2015 | 22:46 uur
Gezien de opheft in het recente verleden zal de UK er vermoedelijk veel/alles aan doen om deze samenwerking te torpederen... wordt het geproduceerd zonder Britse onderdelen dan hebben ze er niet over te zeggen.
Ik denk dat deze onderhandelingen niet op stapel gezet zijn, indien daar geen oplossing voor in het spel is.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 09/04/2015 | 23:21 uur
Citaat van: Lex op 09/04/2015 | 22:53 uur
Ik denk dat deze onderhandelingen niet op stapel gezet zijn, indien daar geen oplossing voor in het spel is.

Hiermee heb je ongetwijfeld een punt, en ik hoop dat men met de Gripen E succesvol kan/zal zijn in Argentinië al was het maar om de Gripen meer bestaansrecht te geven.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 10/04/2015 | 08:56 uur
How to Annoy an F-35 Stealth Fighter Pilot

Compare his fancy plane to the rough-and-tumble A-10

Maj. John Wilson flies F-35 stealth fighters at Luke Air Force Base in Arizona. Christian Sundsdal — editor of the Danish Website Krigeren — caught up with Wilson at Luke on April 7 and posed some of the most troubling questions that have vexed the new stealth fighter's development.

Among them — can a speedy, flimsy F-35 truly replace a low- and slow-flying, armored A-10 in the close air support role, blasting the enemy in dangerous proximity to friendly troops?

A visibly annoyed Wilson admits that, no, the F-35 can't do close air support like an A-10 — because it was never supposed to, he claims.

Voor het gehele interview, zie LINK
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 10/04/2015 | 09:29 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 10/04/2015 | 08:56 uur
How to Annoy an F-35 Stealth Fighter Pilot

Compare his fancy plane to the rough-and-tumble A-10

Maj. John Wilson flies F-35 stealth fighters at Luke Air Force Base in Arizona. Christian Sundsdal — editor of the Danish Website Krigeren — caught up with Wilson at Luke on April 7 and posed some of the most troubling questions that have vexed the new stealth fighter's development.

Among them — can a speedy, flimsy F-35 truly replace a low- and slow-flying, armored A-10 in the close air support role, blasting the enemy in dangerous proximity to friendly troops?

A visibly annoyed Wilson admits that, no, the F-35 can't do close air support like an A-10 — because it was never supposed to, he claims.

Voor het gehele interview, zie LINK

Rare vraagstelling en zo annoying is het niet, de F-35 is daar ook helemaal niet voor ontworpen.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 10/04/2015 | 09:59 uur
Vraag mij af wat men met deze vraagstelling precies wilde bereiken. De AC-130, B-1B en F-15E voeren ook op verschillende wijze de CAS taak uit.

De A-10 is een uniek ontwerp. Echter zal deze uiterlijk tot omstreeks 2028 vliegen of misschien zelfs korter.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 10/04/2015 | 10:48 uur
U.S. Marines vow tough review of F-35 combat readiness

Reporting by Andrea Shalal; Editing by David Gregorio  |  April 8, 2015

(Reuters) - The U.S. Marine Corps plans to carry out a tough, separate "inspection" before declaring the first squadron of 10 Lockheed Martin Corp F-35 fighter jets ready for initial combat use, the Marine Corps' top aviator said on Wednesday.

Deputy Commandant for Aviation Lieutenant General Jon Davis told Reuters he was keeping close tabs on 13 items required to approve combat use of the jets, now ready after years of delays and cost overruns. He said he remained optimistic that the service would meet its July target date for the milestone.

"We're targeting July 15," Davis said in an interview. "We're hell-bent on getting this airplane into service correctly. We're not going to declare IOC unless they're ready and they can do all the things that they've said they can do."

The Marine Corps will be the first military service to certify an "initial operational capability" of the F-35, the Pentagon's biggest weapons program ever.

Pentagon officials say the $391 billion F-35 program is now meeting its schedule and driving costs slowly lower.

Air Force Lieutenant General Chris Bogdan, who runs the F-35 program for the Pentagon, has said he is pushing for the program to complete all key requirements to certify IOC by July 1.

The stealthy fighter was designed to replace a dozen planes in use by the U.S. military and a number of U.S. allies that have already placed orders: Britain, Australia, Italy, Turkey, Norway, the Netherlands, Japan, South Korea and Israel.

Davis said the Marines planned to deploy the first F-35 squadron to Japan in January 2017, but it could respond to crises around the world as soon as the IOC declaration was made.

He said he planned to carry out an unprecedented "operational readiness inspection" before approving the first squadron for combat use, including academic tests for officers and enlisted personnel, simulator flights and test flights.

"I want to prove to people that we are very serious about this, and that we have no intention of putting an airplane in a combat theater that's not ready to go," he said, adding that the inspection would likely take "a couple of weeks."

He said the biggest issues still to be resolved included the purchase of sufficient spare parts to allow deployment of the new jets; completion of modifications to the first 10 jets to incorporate design changes; and additional work on software, mission data files and a few dozen test points.

Lockheed has delivered 33 of the total 340 F-35B jets the Marine Corps plans to buy, said the Pentagon's F-35 program office. The Marines also plan to buy 80 F-35 C-models for use on aircraft carriers.

In May, the Marine Corps will also carry out its first operational test aboard an amphibious warship, the USS Wasp. Six F-35 jets from Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 121 (VMFA-121), the first squadron that will be certified for combat use, and a training squadron will participate in the testing.

The testing will assess day and night takeoffs and landings; performance of the jets' Block 2B software; extended range operations; maintenance on board the ship; weapons loading by day and by night; and performance of the complex, automated logistics system called ALIS.

By July, the Marines will have over 50 trained F-35 pilots and more than 400 maintenance personnel, a spokesman said.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 10/04/2015 | 13:34 uur
40 planes off-the-shelf: Rafale deal to be sealed after Modi-Hollande talks tonight

by Rajeev Sharma  Apr 10, 2015

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is determined to cut through red tape and finalise the Rafale fighter aircraft deal with France when he holds talks with French President Francois Hollande in Paris later on Friday night.

Top sources have just confirmed that PM Modi is set to change terms of a major Rafale deal to buy a number of fighter aircraft off-the-shelf. Two biggest likely takeaways in this context from the Indian point of view are: (i) France has now offered more attractive terms for outright purchase of the Rafale fighter jets; and (ii) the strategic requirements of the Indian Air Force are being given utmost importance and priority.

A concerted effort is being made by Team Modi to strike a balance between national security needs and domestic manufacturing with Make in India component of the Rafale deal to be followed up later.

It is not yet clear how many Rafale aircraft will be purchased outright by India after the Modi-Hollande talk. It is expected that India will be buying at least 40 planes off-the-shelf at a total price tag of $4 billion.

The Modi-Hollande talks are scheduled for 7.30 pm India time. First, the two leaders will meet one-on-one and this will be followed by delegation-level talks.

Cost negotiations are already underway and this will be followed by technical consultations. Issues like the price, life cycle costs, repairs, spare parts and technology transfer will be taken by technical experts from the two sides. The broad principle on which the two sides are working is that France is now willing to give more attractive terms to India.

While technology issues will be discussed at length separately in follow-up meetings, the two sides are actively considering the 'Make in India' component in the deal. Naturally the heads of governments can't be expected to get into the nitty gritty of technical details.

Incidentally, PM Modi himself has gone on record as saying thus to a French newspaper ahead of his arrival in Paris: "The question of the Rafales is still in discussion and we should be able to make progress on mutually acceptable bases."

One of the proposals being actively considered by the two sides is that Indian public sector company Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) will be making bulk of Rafale jets in India in close coordination with experts from the French company Dassault. However, Dassault won't be held liable for penalties if, for whatever reasons, HAL is not able to deliver the jets on time.

The IAF is experiencing a major fighter jet shortage and currently has only 34 fighter squadrons against the ideal 43 squadrons. Moreover, at least eight more squadrons are likely to be phased out in the next eight years because of ageing planes.

Dassault Rafale had won the MMRCA (Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft) competition for 126 fighter jets in 2012. Rafale had edged past stiff competition from five other foreign fighter aircraft manufacturers Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, Eurofighter Typhoon, Lockheed Martin F-16 Fighting Falcon, Mikoyan MiG-35, and Saab JAS 39 Gripen.

A USP of the Rafale is that it has the advantage of being logistically and operationally similar to the Mirage 2000, which the IAF already operates and used with great success in Operation Safed Sagar during the Kargil War.

The Indian defence ministry has allocated $13 billion for purchase of these aircraft, the single largest defence purchase in the Indian history whenever it happens.

The writer, Firstpost Consulting Editor, is a strategic analyst who tweets @Kishkindha.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 10/04/2015 | 13:38 uur
India Likely to Directly Buy 63 Rafale Combat Jets


Published: 10th April 2015

NEW DELHI: The Indian government has more or less decided to scrap the medium-multi role combat aircraft (MMRCA) selection process in favour of direct purchase of 63 Rafale aircraft from France in a Government-to-Government deal, says India Strategic magazine.

Authoritative sources told the journal that a MoU would be formally signed in Paris during the summit meeting between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his host, President Francois Hollande.  The number of aircraft is half that the 126 jets the Indian Air Force (IAF) had tendered for, 18 of which were to be acquired direct. The rest will be made by Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) in India.

There have been serious differences over responsibility for the quality of aircraft to be made by HAL and the overall pricing.  Dassault, which produces the Rafale, had said it would do the transfer of technology and invest 50 percent in India as part of the 50 percent offsets clause stipulated in the tender but would not be responsible for what comes out of the HAL production lines.

Although Dassault had won the tender on the basis of technical evaluation and its "lowest" bid, the costing after accounting for periodic escalations during the life of the programme was touching $24 billion. This made the ministry of defence uncomfortable. As negotiations with Dassault were not leading anywhere, Defence Minister Manohar Parikkar observed that the deal could not go through if Dassault continued to ask for way too much.

Defence ministry sources said it had "bitter experience" with French firm DCNS in the past over pricing while negotiating the Scorpene submarine deal and a decision was becoming difficult. It appears that there were frantic discussions between the defence ministry and the IAF, which has been keen for the induction of new aircraft.

The ministry then put up some options before the defence minister for a political decision - and the option to buy 63 aircraft through the government-to-government route was found the most acceptable. Indications are that the Rafale deal will be part of a composite agreement including nuclear cooperation, some technology sharing and more bilateral investments.

India had purchased about 50 Mirage 2000 from Dassault in 1985 (and a few more later). Although they were not under any government-to-government deal, that acquisition would be a model to follow.  The aircraft are under upgrades by Dassault and Thales - the electronic warfare and other systems provider - and HAL.

Defence analyst Amit Cowshish, a former top defence ministry officer responsible for military acquisitions, observed that if the decision to go in for a direct purchase of 63 aircraft had indeed been taken, "then this shows great out-of-the box thinking" on the part of the ministry.

"It should make everyone happy, particularly the IAF, which needs the aircraft urgently, and Dassault and its associates for the way out," he said. He added that it also opens more options for IAF to catch up with its requirements. The tender, or Request for Proposal (RfP) for the 126 MMRCA was floated in 2007. Rafale was declared the winner in 2012.

Others in the competition were European Eurofighter Typhoon, Swedish Saab Gripen, US Boeing's F/A-18 Super Hornet and Lockheed Martin F-16 and the Russian MiG-35. The number of IAF combat squadrons is much less than the sanctioned 42, hovering around 32 or 34. The Mirage 2000 and MiG 29s, both acquired in the 1980s, are under upgrades to extend their lives by another 10 to 15 years.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 10/04/2015 | 13:51 uur
Hopelijk wordt er snel getekend. Het is een boost voor de Rafale verkoop.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 10/04/2015 | 14:01 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 10/04/2015 | 13:51 uur
Hopelijk wordt er snel getekend. Het is een boost voor de Rafale verkoop.

Het zou idd een keer tijd worden, Het lijkt me gunstig voor Dassault als  63 exemplaren (ipv 18) in Europa gebouwd mogen worden, onduidelijk is dan of de resterende 63 in India gebouwd worden... of  de order van 126 wordt gekort of dat er in batches bijbesteld wordt.... Dwz, als het allemaal door gaat (dit weekend)

Als het doorgaat dan is Dassault verzekerd van de Rafale productie tot ruim na 2020 en zit, van de Europese producenten, alleen Airbus met haar Eurofighter nog met een probleem dit decennium.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 10/04/2015 | 15:09 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 10/04/2015 | 13:51 uur
Hopelijk wordt er snel getekend. Het is een boost voor de Rafale verkoop.

Dat is het punt, dat is het dus niet.
Er worden in Frankrijk zelf geen Rafales gemaakt. Dit soort deals brengen een enorm groot risico mee mbt de reputatie van de kist. Daar hebben de fransen de problemen mee. De productie  capaciteiten en vooral kwaliteit is niet geborgd. Gaat het ding het niet al te best doen kan de naam worden besmet.

Ten tweede en eigelijk het grootste probleem is dat dassault er niet veel aan gaat verdienen. Alle productiehallen blijven leeg inclusief ondersteunende fasciliteiten. Deze deal is enkel goed voor dassault op het gebied van cash en fighter marktdominantie.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 10/04/2015 | 15:24 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 10/04/2015 | 15:09 uur
Dat is het punt, dat is het dus niet.
Er worden in Frankrijk zelf geen Rafales gemaakt. Dit soort deals brengen een enorm groot risico mee mbt de reputatie van de kist. Daar hebben de fransen de problemen mee. De productie  capaciteiten en vooral kwaliteit is niet geborgd. Gaat het ding het niet al te best doen kan de naam worden besmet.

Ten tweede en eigelijk het grootste probleem is dat dassault er niet veel aan gaat verdienen. Alle productiehallen blijven leeg inclusief ondersteunende fasciliteiten. Deze deal is enkel goed voor dassault op het gebied van cash en fighter marktdominantie.

Volgens mij hebben we het nu over een gewijzigde deal waarbij India zelf GEEN Rafals produceert, maar ik kan met natuurlijk vergissen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 10/04/2015 | 15:39 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 10/04/2015 | 15:24 uur
Volgens mij hebben we het nu over een gewijzigde deal waarbij India zelf GEEN Rafals produceert, maar ik kan met natuurlijk vergissen.
Laten we afwachten wat daadwerkelijk het plan is. Sowieso zou Dassault al 18 stuks bouwen. Alles boven dit aantal is meegenomen voor de Franse productielijn.

En over eventuele reputatieschade gesproken. HAL heeft mede de Sepecat Jaguar voor de Indiase luchtmacht gebouwd. Daar werd de Jaguar ook niet minder van. Dat het allemaal zo lang duurt, komt ook mede door de discussie tussen Dassault en HAL m.b.t. de geleverde kwaliteit. Als HAL zichzelf als een professioneel vliegtuigbouwer ziet, dan zorgen ze ervoor dat Dassault alle vertrouwen in hen heeft.

Egypte is al over de brug en India bijna. Daar kunnen best nog wat klanten bij.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 10/04/2015 | 15:52 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 10/04/2015 | 15:39 uur
Egypte is al over de brug en India bijna. Daar kunnen best nog wat klanten bij.

United Arab Emirates en/of Qatar zouden maar zo de volgende kunnen zijn...
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 10/04/2015 | 16:29 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 10/04/2015 | 15:39 uur
Laten we afwachten wat daadwerkelijk het plan is. Sowieso zou Dassault al 18 stuks bouwen. Alles boven dit aantal is meegenomen voor de Franse productielijn.

En over eventuele reputatieschade gesproken. HAL heeft mede de Sepecat Jaguar voor de Indiase luchtmacht gebouwd. Daar werd de Jaguar ook niet minder van. Dat het allemaal zo lang duurt, komt ook mede door de discussie tussen Dassault en HAL m.b.t. de geleverde kwaliteit. Als HAL zichzelf als een professioneel vliegtuigbouwer ziet, dan zorgen ze ervoor dat Dassault alle vertrouwen in hen heeft.

Egypte is al over de brug en India bijna. Daar kunnen best nog wat klanten bij.

Daar denken de Fransen dus echt anders over. Heb je het artikel wel gelezen?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 10/04/2015 | 16:30 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 10/04/2015 | 15:24 uur
Volgens mij hebben we het nu over een gewijzigde deal waarbij India zelf GEEN Rafals produceert, maar ik kan met natuurlijk vergissen.

Ik vraag me af of je het artikel wel hebt gelezen.
Er staat juist dat alles in India wordt geproduceerd en dassault hiervoor 50% investeerd.
Als ze doorgingen met nog meer eisen ( de Fransen ) hadden de Indiërs de deal afgezegd, ze hebben het expliciet over het lastig onderhandelen met de Fransen. Thank god dat wij met die lui geen zaken hoeven doen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 10/04/2015 | 17:13 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 10/04/2015 | 16:30 uur
Ik vraag me af of je het artikel wel hebt gelezen.
Er staat juist dat alles in India wordt geproduceerd en dassault hiervoor 50% investeerd.
Als ze doorgingen met nog meer eisen ( de Fransen ) hadden de Indiërs de deal afgezegd, ze hebben het expliciet over het lastig onderhandelen met de Fransen. Thank god dat wij met die lui geen zaken hoeven doen.

Over lezen gesproken...

Hier een stukje te verduidelijking:

Rafale: Dassault scrip jumps on news of direct purchase by India

A memorandum of understanding is likely to be signed during Prime Minister Narendra Modi's official visit to France which ends on Saturday, the reports said. The number being mentioned is half the number of combat planes that the Indian Air Force had earlier tendered for.  The rest of the aircraft are expected to be manufactured in India by Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) under licence from the French aviation company.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 10/04/2015 | 17:27 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 09/04/2015 | 22:22 uur
Aangezien de Gripen NG is voorzien van aardig wat Britse onderdelen......

Dan zal Saab misschien gaan shoppen bij Boeing voor onderdelen, wellicht dat er onderdelen van de F/A-18 Hornet of F/A-18E/F Super Hornet inpassen denk hierbij bv aan de Raytheon's RACR radar die in de F16 en de F/A-18 Hornet  kan inplaats van de Selex-Galileo ES 05 Raven AESA radar.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 10/04/2015 | 17:42 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 10/04/2015 | 16:30 uur
Ik vraag me af of je het artikel wel hebt gelezen.
Er staat juist dat alles in India wordt geproduceerd en dassault hiervoor 50% investeerd.
Als ze doorgingen met nog meer eisen ( de Fransen ) hadden de Indiërs de deal afgezegd, ze hebben het expliciet over het lastig onderhandelen met de Fransen. Thank god dat wij met die lui geen zaken hoeven doen.

Tsja, het is nooit leuk om tegenover goede onderhandelaars te zitten.

Het grootste probleem dat uit de meeste media naar voren kwam leek mij deze:
CitaatOne of the proposals being actively considered by the two sides is that Indian public sector company Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) will be making bulk of Rafale jets in India in close coordination with experts from the French company Dassault. However, Dassault won't be held liable for penalties if, for whatever reasons, HAL is not able to deliver the jets on time.

En dat is ook niet heel gek. India is een mooi land, maar ook een ontiegelijk bureaucratisch 3e wereld land. Ik snap de positie van India, je voorkomt dat je partner een matige ToT doet en de schuld daarvan bij HAL legt, anderzijds kun je de Fransen of wie dan ook moeilijk kwalijk nemen dat ze geen verantwoordelijkheid willen voor wat een of ander Indiaas bedrijf waar ze geen invloed op hebben allemaal produceert, dat is het uitschrijven van een blanco check.  
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 10/04/2015 | 18:31 uur
UPDATE 4-India on verge of deal for French Rafale jets -sources

A French diplomatic source said there could be an announcement as early as Friday evening but the deal could involve fewer planes: more than the 24 France sold to Egypt in February but fewer than 50.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 10/04/2015 | 19:23 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 10/04/2015 | 18:31 uur
UPDATE 4-India on verge of deal for French Rafale jets -sources

A French diplomatic source said there could be an announcement as early as Friday evening but the deal could involve fewer planes: more than the 24 France sold to Egypt in February but fewer than 50.
Ok, zou het zo worden, dat er een deal komt met minder afname van Rafales (halvering van de oorspronkelijke 128 stuks). Waardoor India meer SU-30 gaat aanschaffen. Deze zijn goedkoper in aanschaf dan Rafales.
Daarentegen geen werk voor HAL, alle nieuwe Rafales komen uit de fabriek in Frankrijk.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 10/04/2015 | 19:33 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 10/04/2015 | 19:23 uur
Ok, zou het zo worden, dat er een deal komt met minder afname van Rafales (halvering van de oorspronkelijke 128 stuks). Waardoor India meer SU-30 gaat aanschaffen. Deze zijn goedkoper in aanschaf dan Rafales.
Daarentegen geen werk voor HAL, alle nieuwe Rafales komen uit de fabriek in Frankrijk.

Zie antwoord 524

We zullen nog even geduld moeten hebben voor dat we het antwoord kennen, misschien vanavond al.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 10/04/2015 | 19:38 uur
Fri Apr 10, 2015 1:31pm EDT

India to buy 36 French-made Rafale jets: PM Modi


Reuters) - India will purchase 36 of Dassault Aviation's French-manufactured Rafale fighter jets, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Friday during a visit to Paris.

The terms and conditions of the contract have yet to be finalised, Modi said at a joint press conference with French President Francois Hollande.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 10/04/2015 | 19:43 uur
India to buy 36 Rafale jets in fly-away conditions from France; deal to be worked out


NEW DELHI: In a potential deal that will give a boost to the country's defence capabilities, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday announced that India is looking to buy thirty six Rafale jets in fly-away conditions from France as soon as possible.

"I have told President Hollande that India wants the jets as soon as possible," PM Modi said.

According to the joint statement, "The two leaders agreed to conclude an Inter-Governmental Agreement for supply of the aircraft on term ..

Lees verder via de link
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 10/04/2015 | 19:53 uur

Fri Apr 10, 2015 6:36pm BST
India's Rafale jet deal separate from talks on bigger order-source

PARIS, April 10

(Reuters) - India's purchase of 36 French-made Rafale jets unveiled on Friday is not part of a larger order still being negotiated between the two countries, a French defence ministry source said.

The purchase of the Dassault Aviation planes, announced by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi during a visit to Paris, remains "separate from the tender under discussion for three years," the source said.

The value of the larger 126-plance deal being negotiated is estimated to have grown to about $20 billion from an initial $12 billion, primarily because of an Indian requirement that 108 of the jets be built in the country. (Reporting By John Irish; editing by Laurence Frost)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 10/04/2015 | 20:01 uur
Citaat van: Vandaag om 07:53  

India's purchase of 36 French-made Rafale jets unveiled on Friday is not part of a larger order still being negotiated between the two countries, a French defence ministry source said.


As dit wordt bevestigd dan is de (potentiële) Indiase Rafale order gegroeid van 126 naar 162 exemplaren..... Waarbij ik me afvraag, als dit zo is, of ontwikkelgelden voor  de FGFA (de Indiase variant van de PAK-FA) worden weg gesluisd, immers het botert niet meer tussen India en Rusland mbt dit onderwerp.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 10/04/2015 | 20:05 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 10/04/2015 | 20:01 uur
As dit wordt bevestigd dan is de (potentiële) Indiase Rafale order gegroeid van 126 naar 162 exemplaren..... Waarbij ik me afvraag, als dit zo is, of ontwikkelgelden voor  de FGFA (de Indiase variant van de PAK-FA) worden weg gesluisd, immers het botert niet meer tussen India en Rusland mbt dit onderwerp.

Analysis: India faces crunch decision over Rafale, PAK-FA
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 10/04/2015 | 20:41 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 10/04/2015 | 20:01 uur
Waarbij ik me afvraag, als dit zo is, of ontwikkelgelden voor  de FGFA (de Indiase variant van de PAK-FA) worden weg gesluisd, immers het botert niet meer tussen India en Rusland mbt dit onderwerp.

Het is de vraag of het PAK-FA programma nog wel doorgaat.

Russian next generation stealth fighter to fall victim to the Russian financial crisis?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Zander op 10/04/2015 | 20:42 uur
Hopelijk crasht dat hele programma van de Russen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 10/04/2015 | 20:49 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 10/04/2015 | 19:23 uur
Ok, zou het zo worden, dat er een deal komt met minder afname van Rafales (halvering van de oorspronkelijke 128 stuks). Waardoor India meer SU-30 gaat aanschaffen. Deze zijn goedkoper in aanschaf dan Rafales.
Daarentegen geen werk voor HAL, alle nieuwe Rafales komen uit de fabriek in Frankrijk.
India heeft nu al de handen vol aan hun bestaande vloot Su-30.

Sukhoi-30 MKI, Air Force's Most Modern Fighter Jet, Plagued by Engine Trouble

(Source New Delhi; published Mar 17, 2015)
NEW DELHI --- Sukhoi-30 MKI, the most powerful and modern fighter jets in Indian Air Force's stable, has been hit by mid-air engine failures. Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar said in Parliament today that as many as 35 instances of engine failures were reported in 2013-14 - that's nearly three a month.

In all, there are 69 instances of engine failure in the last four years, the minister said. Inquiries by the Air Force have revealed that in as many as 33 instances, the engines failed because of impure fuel, in another 11 cases, the problem was caused by excessive vibration and in eight others, engine failures were reported because of low pressure in the lubricant tanks, the Defence Minister said. About five SU-30 MKI have crashed since 2009.

Like all twin-engine jets, the Russian made Su-30s are capable of landing on a single engine. But to reach its maximum potential of carrying a total eight tones of payload including bombs, missiles and spare fuel tanks, the jet needs both its AL-31FP engines to function.

Engine failures is fast becoming a major concern for Air Force and also puts a question mark on India's ability to defend its skies. Another problem area that senior Air Force officers point out is serviceability. "Serviceability of the aircraft is about 50 per cent only," an officer said. It means at any given time, roughly half out of a fleet of 200 jets are available for operational purposes. This becomes crucial in times of emergencies like war.

Mr Parrikar said that the engines were scheduled to be overhauled after every 1000 hours of flying, but the defects started showing-up after only 500 hours of flying. The minister said that Russia-based NPO Saturn, manufacturers of Su-30 Al-31FP engines, offered to make "nine technological improvements" during overhauls, and added that after the modifications the engines were flying for upto 900 hours.

To address the growing capability gap, especially that created by increasing obsolescence of MiG-21, India is talking to France to buy 126 medium multi-role Rafale fighter jets. But the negotiations have been dragging on for three years. Although the acquisition has got mired on per unit cost and number of man hours required to produce it in India, a resolution of these issues can be expected when Prime Minister Narendra Modi visits France in April.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 10/04/2015 | 20:53 uur
Citaat van: Zander op 10/04/2015 | 20:42 uur
Hopelijk crasht dat hele programma van de Russen.

Ze hebben met de SU-35 een heel goed alternatief.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 10/04/2015 | 21:07 uur
Sale of Su-35 jets to China delayed by price objections

Russia's sale of 24 Sukhoi Su-35 fighters to China may be postponed because the PLA Air Force feels the price is too high, according to Duowei News, an outlet operated by overseas Chinese.

Xu Yongling, a retired officer of the PLA Air Force, complained about the attitude of the Russian delegation on his Weibo microblog. "Those Russians are crazy for money, the only thing they are thinking about is to extort China," Xu said. "However, they have miscalculated this time because China no longer needs their technology any more and they will absolutely suffer from this price war."

The Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation was the first Russian government agency to confirm that Beijing and Moscow are discussing the sale of the Su-35 to China. Earlier reports indicated that China originally wanted only four Su-35s to gain the technology it needs to design engine for its advanced fighter program in the future. Russia wanted China to purchase 48 aircraft instead, not only to make more money but also out of concerns that China would back engineer the aircraft to make its own version, as has happened in the past.

In November 2012, an agreement was finally reached for China to purchase 24 Su-35 fighters. The Su-35 was demonstrated at the Zhuhai Airshow in Guangdong late last year.

Dmitry Rogozin, the Russian deputy prime minister, claimed that the contract would be signed in December. However, Alexander Fomin, the director of the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation, confirmed that the contract has not yet been signed as of March 27.

Unconfirmed reports suggest that the Russian side raised objections during the negotiations. While Beijing wanted Sukhoi to design a tailored version of the Su-35, Moscow insisted on providing a standard model for the initial deliveries. Meanwhile, Russia also agreed to work with India, a rival and potential enemy for China, to jointly develop a new version of the aircraft. This may be another reason for the delay in the sale to China.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 10/04/2015 | 21:49 uur
Low Priced Sukhoi SU-35 Attracts Indonesia's Attention

Source : Our Bureau ~ Dated : Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Indonesia has been eyeing low cost Sukhoi SU-35 fighters to replace its F-5 Tigers.

United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) head Yuri Slyusar told Interfax in Ho Chi Minh City on Tuesday, "Indonesian colleagues are interested in buying this plane. The negotiations are at their beginning".

Antara news agency had reported in February that the Indonesian Air Force wished to replace outdated US made F5 fighters with Russian with new generation Sukhoi Su-35 multirole fighters.

Quoting Air Chief Marshal Agus Supriatna the report said Sukhoi Su-35 aircraft fully meet the Indonesian Air Force demand for front line fighters. He further added that he was not expecting Indonesian technicians to have problems servicing those aircraft.

The Sukhoi Su-35 is currently in operation with the Russian and Indian Air Forces. The powerful twin-engine fighter is an advanced derivative of the original Soviet-era Su-27and is flies high, fast and carries an enormous weapons and sensor payload. Currently the aircraft costs $65 million approximately compared to the the Eurofighter and Dassault Rafale which cost nearly three times more.

Currently, Indonesia operates two types of Sukhoi jets, the Su-27 and Su-30 MK2.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/04/2015 | 09:18 uur
Can America's 6th Generation Fighter Jets Rule the Skies?

The U.S. Navy's sixth generation F/A-XX replacement must be geared towards air dominance.

Dave Majumdar / April 12, 2015
The U.S. Navy's sixth generation F/A-XX replacement for the service's aging fleet of Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet strike fighters should be designed primarily for an air-to-air role. A strike capability can be treated as a secondary concern, at least that's the view of some industry officials.

According to some industry insiders with deep knowledge of both the Lockheed Martin F-35C Joint Strike Fighter and the Super Hornet, neither jet can adequately handle new threats like the Chinese Chengdu J-20 or the Russian Sukhoi T-50 PAK-FA. The Chinese J-20 is particularly threatening, according to one senior industry official with an extensive fighter pilot background.

"When you see these next-generation fighters, the PAK-FA out of Russia and the J-20 out of China and some of their new missile technology, our advantage is dwindling," said one senior industry official.

Typically, fighter pilots measure the capabilities of their mounts and compare the relative advantages and disadvantages of their jet to their enemies' in the hopes of finding an advantage. That could mean finding a part of the flight envelope where one's fighter turns better or out accelerates the enemy jet—or perhaps where friendly missiles have a range advantage. However, against the J-20 and PAK-FA, only the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor offers any real advantages, the official said.

One area where the J-20—for example—completely outmatches the F/A-18 and F-35, is supersonic performance. The J-20 can cruise at high supersonic speeds without using fuel guzzling afterburners for extended periods, which allows it to impart far more launch energy into its missiles.

"Take a J-20 that can cruise at mil power supersonic out to 300 plus miles before he has to turn around and come back, [this] makes it really hard for a subsonic fighter [that needs afterburners for supersonic flight] to go into that environment and survive," said the official. "Especially in an away game when we are outnumbered."

In a complicated air-to-air battle where there are many fighters involved, there are instances where one side or the other will have to try to "separate"—which basically means try to runaway at high speeds.

A fighter that needs to use afterburners for supersonic flight can typically only maintain those speeds for a minute or two before fuel becomes a critical problem. "If he's in mil power supercruising, running you down, that's not a good place to be," the official sad.

Another source agreed that the F/A-XX might be more geared toward the air-to-air mission. The second official cited two major reasons. First, the F-35C can cover the strike role, and second, the sheer number of enemy aircraft that future carriers might faceoff against. "The F/A-XX requirements may well be biased towards fleet air defense versus strike operations," the second official said. "The primary issue is the likely threat of numerical superiority in multiple dimensions."

The second official added that, in his opinion, the F-35C can handle the J-20 one-on-one. However, if friendly forces are massively outnumbered, and they don't have enough missiles to shoot down all the incoming enemy aircraft, the situation changes.

"An F-35C can readily handle a J-20, but no group of aircraft performing fleet air defense can be expected to handle being outnumbered by more than the number of shots they have," the second official said.

If the future F/A-XX is going to have to carry more missiles, it will necessarily need to have a large volume—if the jet is going to be stealthy, the official said. But because a flying wing design is needed for all-aspect broadband stealth—there is no room to stack weapons bays along the length of the jet if one assumes the F/A-XX will be a supersonic design. By necessity, a high performance supersonic aircraft has to be long and slender in order to have a good "fineness ratio" for efficient performance.

As such, new weapons will have to be developed. "A supersonic, flying wing fighter will likely require smaller missiles, or rely on directed energy weapons like a high energy laser to minimize internal payload volume," the second official said. "However, broadband, all-aspect stealth is certainly possible for a subsonic carrier-based aircraft, where fineness ratio is not a concern."

The first industry official, for his part, said that the Navy needs to develop the F/A-XX with an air-to-air bias. Basic attributes would include high-supersonic cruise capability at altitudes between 50,000 and 60,000 feet, stealth, advanced sensors and advanced weapons. "I think you can always make a good fighter into a good striker," the official said. "They're doing it with the F-22. There is no fighter in the world as good as an F-22."

Meanwhile, John Stillion, an analyst at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments argues in a recent paper that a next-generation fighter would not necessarily be a supersonic fighter, but rather a subsonic stealthy flying wing that would carry extremely long-range missiles. In simple terms, Stillion argues that stealth, payload and sensor capability will trump traditional fighter metrics like speed, altitude and turn capability.

One senior Air Force official said he agreed to an extent. But the Air Force official added that while traditional metrics might decline in importance, they will still be prominent in future fighter aircraft like that service's F-X or the Navy's F/A-XX—where the two services are hoping to kick-off a joint analysis of alternatives next year.

However, the early consensus is that the Navy and Air Force are likely to build separate platforms that share key technologies.

Meanwhile, some doubt that the Navy can afford an F/A-XX when looking at the service's future budget. There are "a pile of must-pay bills like the Ohio-class replacement program," the source said. "Not sure they can swallow a big development bill for F/A-XX, and field it in time."
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 14/04/2015 | 09:20 uur
Modi announces Rafale buy

By Rahul Bedi, New Delhi and Frédéric Lert, Paris  |  April 12, 2015

Key Points

    Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced that Delhi will buy 36 Dassault Rafales from France
    The surprise announcement bypasses stalled negotiations between the two countries on India's MMRCA requirement

India is to buy 36 Dassault Rafale fighters in flyaway condition through an Inter Governmental Agreement (IGA) with France, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced in Paris on 10 April.

This is double the 18 Rafales India had originally planned to buy as part of the stalled deal for 126 aircraft that Dassault has been in talks with the Indian Ministry of Defence (MoD) about since January 2012.

The remaining 108 Rafales were to be licence-built by India's state-owned Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) for the Indian Air Force (IAF) to meet its long-delayed Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft (MMRCA) requirement.

"Keeping in view the critical operational necessity of fighter aircraft in India, I have asked President [Francois] Hollande to provide 36 Rafale jets in flyaway condition as quickly as possible under a government-to-government deal," Modi said at a joint press conference with the French president.

"We have decided that these will be provided to India [under] modified terms [and] conditions," Modi said following one-on-one talks with Hollande on the first day of his official trip to France.

He was drawing a distinction between the purported terms of the contract for the 36 Rafales to be acquired off-the-shelf and the under-negotiation tender for 126 fighters.

Details of the proposed Rafale procurement, Modi added, would soon be finalised by officials from both sides, but declined to elaborate.

Hollande is scheduled to chair a meeting of government officials and Dassault executives at the Élysée Palace on 13 April to work out details of the sale.

He said French defence minister Jean-Yves Le Drian would shortly travel to India to advance the fighter deal, which industry officials estimate to be worth USD5-7 billion.

Senior IAF officers said the 36 Rafales would comprise two squadrons of 14 single-seat and two twin-seat trainers each. The remaining four single-seat fighters would be part of the "maintenance reserve", a two-star IAF officer said.

An official Indian statement declared that the Rafale fighters "would be compatible to the IAF's operational requirements".

The aircraft and associated systems and weapons would be delivered on the same configuration, as had been tested and approved by the IAF and with a longer maintenance responsibility by France, it added.

Indian defence minister Manohar Parrikar, who welcomed Modi's surprise announcement, said on 11 April that Rafale deliveries would begin within two years. "It is a much-needed decision taken by Prime Minister Modi on better terms and conditions [than the one for 126 aircraft]," he told the Press Trust of India news agency.

The Rafale acquisition was operational 'oxygen' for the IAF, which has not bought a new-generation aircraft for 17 years, he added.

"The Rafale deal is a course correction and will help alleviate the frustration that has crept into French political and defence manufacturing circles about doing business with India," former Indian foreign secretary Kanwal Sibal said. It delivered a tangible result in the key area of defence co-operation, he added.

Defence sources said the decision was arrived at by a handful of officials from the Indian Prime Minister's Office negotiating with their French counterparts and Dassault representatives right up until Modi's arrival in Paris on 9 April.

The IAF also welcomed Modi's announcement, declaring that the Rafale induction would supplement its depleting fighter strength, which has dropped to 32 squadrons from 39 and is well below the government-sanctioned 42 squadrons.

But senior officers were sceptical about inducting only 36 Rafales, as their acquisition would present the IAF with logistic, doctrinal, maintenance, and even operational hurdles.

"The IAF currently operates seven different fighter types and storing spares and building maintenance facilities for just two Rafale squadrons would be disproportionate to their operational employment," a three-star officer said.

Modi's announcement, however, is silent on plans to locally build 108 Rafales under his new government's 'Make in India' campaign that is aimed at reducing dependence on imported materiel.

Defence officials interpret the prime minister's announcement - that the direct purchase of 36 Rafales via the IGA was "part of a separate process" - to mean that talks on the deal for 126 Rafales would continue.

If so, they anticipate Rafale numbers rising to 144 or even 162 aircraft, a number that needs further MoD clarification.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 14/04/2015 | 09:24 uur
AIM-120D cleared for service use

By Doug Richardson, London  |  April 12, 2015

The US Air Force has completed operational testing of the AIM-120D version of the Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile (AMRAAM) and fielded the weapon. The US Navy (USN) has also achieved initial operational capability (IOC) with the -120D.

According to Raytheon, the missile was subjected to "several scenarios designed to represent realistic combat conditions", and demonstrated its capability against what were described as "challenging targets".

IOC follows extensive flight testing, during which the USN integrated and tested the missile on the F/A-18 Hornet and the Super Hornet aircraft. The service plans to deploy with the -120D later this year.

Development of the AIM-120D has been the subject of significant secrecy, with little official comment on the improved missile's technical details.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 14/04/2015 | 09:36 uur
India Rethinking Rafale Fighter Deal

NEW DELHI – India is rethinking its long-delayed 126-aircraft Medium-Multi-Role Combat Aircraft (MMRCA) deal, and may opt to scrap the fighter purchase in favor of government-to-government sales, since negotiations under the existing request for proposals (RFP) had "gone into a loop with no solution in sight," according to India's defense minister.

Barely two days after India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi, during his visit to Paris, negotiated with the French government to buy 36 Dassault Rafale fighter jets in flyaway condition under a separate deal, Indian Defense Minister Manohar Parrikar on April 13 categorically stated that "if India goes in for additional Rafale fighters, it will also be through government-to-government deals."


voor gehele artikel zie LINK
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 14/04/2015 | 10:12 uur
Onduidelijke situatie met onduidelijke berichtgeving over hoeveel toestlellen wie nu hoe afneemt.
Onbegrijpelijk ook waar een land als India haar prioriteiten legt.
Het hele land meurt, stinkt, is totaal vervuild, racistisch, meer dan de helft leeft onder de armoedegrens, een groot gedeelte daarvan heeft nauwelijks te eten, het verkrachten van vrouwen is een dagelijkse volks bezigheid en het merendeel van de bevolking poept er op straat.

Inderdaad, dan ga je als regering miljarden uitgeven aan vliegtuigen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/04/2015 | 10:23 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 14/04/2015 | 10:12 uur
Neen, juist niet.
Hoe lees jij?

Inmiddels is duidelijk dat er het e.e.a. veranderd is en dat het onduidelijk is hoeveel Rafales worden aangeschaft naast de nu beoogde 36. Voor wbt de Indiase variant van de PAK-FA, ook hier omtrent veel onduidelijk- en onzekerheden.

Ten tijde van deze opmerking was er sprake van 36 Rafales van de plank en....

Nu lijkt het 36 van de plank en eventueel 90 te produceren in eigen land, maar ook dit is al niet meer houdbaar en er lijkt ruime voor andere opties.

Met mijn lezen is over het algemeen niets aan de hand, van jou daar in tegen heb ik nog wel twee reacties te goed.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 14/04/2015 | 10:28 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/04/2015 | 10:23 uur
Inmiddels is duidelijk dat er het e.e.a. veranderd is en dat het onduidelijk is hoeveel Rafales worden aangeschaft naast de nu beoogde 36. Voor wbt de Indiase variant van de PAK-FA, ook hier omtrent veel onduidelijk- en onzekerheden.

Ten tijde van deze opmerking was er sprake van 36 Rafales van de plank en....

Nu lijkt het 36 van de plank en eventueel 90 te produceren in eigen land, maar ook dit is al niet meer houdbaar en er lijkt ruime voor andere opties.

Met mijn lezen is over het algemeen niets aan de hand, van jou daar in tegen heb ik nog wel twee reacties te goed.

post heb ik daarom ook al aangepast.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/04/2015 | 10:35 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 14/04/2015 | 10:12 uur
Onduidelijke situatie met onduidelijke berichtgeving over hoeveel toestlellen wie nu hoe afneemt.
Onbegrijpelijk ook waar een land als India haar prioriteiten legt.
Het hele land meurt, stinkt, is totaal vervuild, racistisch, meer dan de helft leeft onder de armoedegrens, een groot gedeelte daarvan heeft nauwelijks te eten, het verkrachten van vrouwen is een dagelijkse volks bezigheid en het merendeel van de bevolking poept er op straat.

Inderdaad, dan ga je als regering miljarden uitgeven aan vliegtuigen.

China en Pakistan als buurman leveren het antwoord.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 14/04/2015 | 10:43 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/04/2015 | 10:35 uur
China en Pakistan als buurman leveren het antwoord.
En daarom houdt India vast aan 42 squadrons, alhoewel het aantal is teruggevallen van 39 naar 32 squadrons.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 14/04/2015 | 12:43 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/04/2015 | 10:35 uur
China en Pakistan als buurman leveren het antwoord.

Ik denk dat de interne problemen van het land een veel grotere dreiging vormen dan hun buren.
Dat denk ik niet alleen, dat weet ik wel zeker, zij zelf ook.
In India is het leger erg machtig en drukt alles er doorheen wat ze willen hebben.
Zelfde gaat voor hun buren, maar daadwerkelijk een conflict is bijna niet meer mogelijk.
Kom nu niet aan met de kleine grensconflictjes van Pakistan en China, daar heb je geen miljarden kostende toestellen voor nodig. Ze kunnen met dat geld beter hun bevolking onderwijzen en verzorgen, dan concurreer je bovengenoemde landen er gewoon uit, veel effectiever,goedkoper en efficiënter.

Hetzelfde geldt voor alle landen met zulke gigantische problemen in bevolkingslagen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/04/2015 | 12:58 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 14/04/2015 | 12:43 uur
Ik denk dat de interne problemen van het land een veel grotere dreiging vormen dan hun buren.
Dat denk ik niet alleen, dat weet ik wel zeker, zij zelf ook.
In India is het leger erg machtig en drukt alles er doorheen wat ze willen hebben.
Zelfde gaat voor hun buren, maar daadwerkelijk een conflict is bijna niet meer mogelijk.
Kom nu niet aan met de kleine grensconflictjes van Pakistan en China, daar heb je geen miljarden kostende toestellen voor nodig. Ze kunnen met dat geld beter hun bevolking onderwijzen en verzorgen, dan concurreer je bovengenoemde landen er gewoon uit, veel effectiever,goedkoper en efficiënter.

Hetzelfde geldt voor alle landen met zulke gigantische problemen in bevolkingslagen.

Je hebt zeker een punt maar aangezien men dat in die regio anders ziet zal deze zienswijze (voorlopig) een zwanendood sterven.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 14/04/2015 | 13:19 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 14/04/2015 | 12:43 uur
Ik denk dat de interne problemen van het land een veel grotere dreiging vormen dan hun buren.
Dat denk ik niet alleen, dat weet ik wel zeker, zij zelf ook.
In India is het leger erg machtig en drukt alles er doorheen wat ze willen hebben.
Zelfde gaat voor hun buren, maar daadwerkelijk een conflict is bijna niet meer mogelijk.
Kom nu niet aan met de kleine grensconflictjes van Pakistan en China, daar heb je geen miljarden kostende toestellen voor nodig. Ze kunnen met dat geld beter hun bevolking onderwijzen en verzorgen, dan concurreer je bovengenoemde landen er gewoon uit, veel effectiever,goedkoper en efficiënter.

Hetzelfde geldt voor alle landen met zulke gigantische problemen in bevolkingslagen.

India heeft de uitgaven flink verhoogd, maar de dreiging is reëel. En met 2.4% geven ze nu ook weer niet zo verschrikkelijk veel uit. De economie groeit daar wel, en militaire industrie moet daar aan bijdragen. 
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 14/04/2015 | 13:40 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 14/04/2015 | 13:19 uur
India heeft de uitgaven flink verhoogd, maar de dreiging is reëel. En met 2.4% geven ze nu ook weer niet zo verschrikkelijk veel uit. De economie groeit daar wel, en militaire industrie moet daar aan bijdragen. 
Inderdaad! is daar nog veel mis sociaal maatschappelijk maar de ontwikkelingen gaan ook snel...voor een steeds groter deel van de bevolking. Die steeds meer grondstoffen/energie en consumptiegoederen vragen... wat voor de Indiase regering reden is om de groeiende afhankelijkheid van externe aanvoer veilig te stellen..alwaar zij ook steeds meer botst met soortgelijke belangen van andere (opkomende) landen. Dat is volgens mij de belangrijkste reden voor de uitbreiding van haar krijgsmacht en diens capaciteiten.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 14/04/2015 | 13:44 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 14/04/2015 | 13:19 uur
India heeft de uitgaven flink verhoogd, maar de dreiging is reëel. En met 2.4% geven ze nu ook weer niet zo verschrikkelijk veel uit. De economie groeit daar wel, en militaire industrie moet daar aan bijdragen.  

Dit is altijd een punt van discussie en daar kom je niet uit, maar als je eens in India bent geweest ( idem voor dergelijke landen met dezelfde maatschappelijke problemen ) dan vraag je je wel af wie er in godsnaam voor die mensen zorgt ( niemand dus ). Dat kwelt me altijd op vakantie als ik dan begrijp dat er tientallen miljarden uitgegeven worden aan defensieprojecten welke niet bij de status van het land passen. ( dat je het kunt betalen is iets anders dan dat je het je kunt veroorloven in mijn optiek )
Hetzelfde met Griekenland.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Zeewier op 14/04/2015 | 15:46 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 14/04/2015 | 10:12 uur
Onduidelijke situatie met onduidelijke berichtgeving over hoeveel toestellen wie nu hoe afneemt.
Onbegrijpelijk ook waar een land als India haar prioriteiten legt.
Het hele land meurt, stinkt, is totaal vervuild, racistisch, meer dan de helft leeft onder de armoedegrens, een groot gedeelte daarvan heeft nauwelijks te eten, het verkrachten van vrouwen is een dagelijkse volks bezigheid en het merendeel van de bevolking poept er op straat.

Inderdaad, dan ga je als regering miljarden uitgeven aan vliegtuigen.
Nou, daar is ie dan, de keutel ligt eindelijk in de pot. De Rafale-acquisitie heeft veel te lang geduurd. Dat heeft alles te maken met de defensie-politiek in het land. De Tejas, de min of meer mislukte eigen trots, is een fighter-trainer die het niet van een Saab Gripen zal winnen maar voor de werkgelegenheid toch in leven wordt gehouden. Daarnaast is er de pro-Russische onderstroom die vooral vasthoud aan Su-30MKI en PAK-FA. De Su-30 is aanzienlijk goedkoper in zowel aankoop als onderhoud.

Maar de echte investeringen worden gestoken in de overambitieuze marine. De Indiase vloot is in de afgelopen jaren enorm gegroeid. Pakistan en Bangladesh zijn totaal geen bedreiging meer op dit vlak. Het is vooral power projection wat India doet. Zolang het westen geen last heeft van A2AD op de Indische Oceaan horen we er niemand over, maar hoelang nog hebben we er geen last van? Zolang Frankrijk grip op India heeft met haar Scorpene onderzeeboten zal het wel los lopen. Ook op maritiem gebied verliest Rusland terrein. De Akula II's worden aangeboden om de bemanning voor de nucleaire Ahirant-klasse op te werken (zegt iets over de blauwdruk) maar echt Russische materieel structureel in dienst ziet haar plek verliezen aan INDIgeous materieel.

Wat betreft de maatschappelijke en sociale problemen heb je zeker een punt. Hoe kan je zo'n militaire macht opbouwen op de belastingafdracht van zo'n arme bevolking? Eigenlijk kan dat fatsoenlijk gezien niet.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 14/04/2015 | 17:33 uur
Citaat van: Zeewier op 14/04/2015 | 15:46 uur

Wat betreft de maatschappelijke en sociale problemen heb je zeker een punt. Hoe kan je zo'n militaire macht opbouwen op de belastingafdracht van zo'n arme bevolking? Eigenlijk kan dat fatsoenlijk gezien niet.

De kust ligt bezaaid met kapotte schepen, in het water zit meer plastic dan vis, mensen leven tussen het asbest, openbaar transport is risicovoller dan  kamperen op het middenterrein tijdens een schietserie in Bergen Hohne en miljoenen mensen wonen tussen het asbest in sloppenwijken.
Niet eens de helft van het land gaat naar school en is aangesloten op het riool, je kunt inderdaad no way verantwoorden wat India uitgeeft.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 14/04/2015 | 18:47 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 14/04/2015 | 17:33 uur
De kust ligt bezaaid met kapotte schepen, in het water zit meer plastic dan vis, mensen leven tussen het asbest, openbaar transport is risicovoller dan  kamperen op het middenterrein tijdens een schietserie in Bergen Hohne en miljoenen mensen wonen tussen het asbest in sloppenwijken.
Niet eens de helft van het land gaat naar school en is aangesloten op het riool, je kunt inderdaad no way verantwoorden wat India uitgeeft.

Uiteindelijk hangt het natuurlijk heel erg van je perceptie en wereldbeeld af. Defensie is geen hobby, en dan is de vraag, hoeveel moet je aan defensie uitgeven, en hoeveel kun je. Op beide vragen volgt dan weer een subjectief antwoord, maar met de groeiende kracht van China is het verstandig om defensie serieus te nemen. Vooral maritiem, maar de rest mag niet verwaarloosd worden. India heeft nu iets van 250 SU30MKI en 45 Mig-29K in de planning staan. Verder vliegen ze dus met de Tejas en wat ouder spul waarvan een deel binnenkort overboord gaat.

China heeft minimaal het dubbele, en bouwt flink door. Ook op het gebied van oudere generatie toestellen wint China het. Pakistan is minder capabel, maar heeft ook een inventory van ruim 400 fighters.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 14/04/2015 | 18:48 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 14/04/2015 | 13:44 uur
Dit is altijd een punt van discussie en daar kom je niet uit, maar als je eens in India bent geweest ( idem voor dergelijke landen met dezelfde maatschappelijke problemen ) dan vraag je je wel af wie er in godsnaam voor die mensen zorgt ( niemand dus ).

India helaas nog niet, zou er wel graag eens heengaan.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 14/04/2015 | 19:11 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 14/04/2015 | 18:47 uur
Uiteindelijk hangt het natuurlijk heel erg van je perceptie en wereldbeeld af. Defensie is geen hobby, en dan is de vraag, hoeveel moet je aan defensie uitgeven, en hoeveel kun je. Op beide vragen volgt dan weer een subjectief antwoord, maar met de groeiende kracht van China is het verstandig om defensie serieus te nemen. Vooral maritiem, maar de rest mag niet verwaarloosd worden. India heeft nu iets van 250 SU30MKI en 45 Mig-29K in de planning staan. Verder vliegen ze dus met de Tejas en wat ouder spul waarvan een deel binnenkort overboord gaat.

China heeft minimaal het dubbele, en bouwt flink door. Ook op het gebied van oudere generatie toestellen wint China het. Pakistan is minder capabel, maar heeft ook een inventory van ruim 400 fighters.

Uiteraard, maar je kunt je voorbereiden op het verdedigen van je belangen of het afpakken van dat van anderen.
India is dat station al lang gepasseerd. Dit is niet meer te verantwoorden.

En betreft je bezoek aan dat land, het is redelijk teleurstellend.
Een van de meest vervuilde plekken op aarde, volgens mij qua fijnstof staat het land op 1.
De luchtvervuiling is echt heel erg, en het stinkt er.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 15/04/2015 | 10:03 uur
F-35 studies next-generation EW capability

Key Points
•The F-35 programme is considering integration of a next-generation EW capability that could allow pilots to control enemy weapon systems
•The evolution in EW capability is likened to the technological advancement from gravity bombs to precision munitions

The Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter programme is considering integration of a new pod-mounted electronic warfare (EW) capability being developed independently, the deputy programme executive officer told IHS Jane's during the during the Navy League Sea-Air-Space conference on 14 April.

"Fundamentally, it's no different than the application of electronic warfare," Rear Admiral Randy Mahr said of the new kit, which he previously referred to as an "offensive cyber" capability.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 15/04/2015 | 11:24 uur
​Embraer and Saab Establish Partnership for Joint Programme Management for Brazil's F-X2 Project

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 14, 2015 – Embraer and Saab today have signed an agreement that establishes a partnership for joint management of the F-X2 Project for the Brazilian Air Force following the Memorandum of Understanding announced on July 11th, 2014. The partnership agreement is part of Saab's commitment to deliver industrial co-operation in relation to the F-X2 project. Under this agreement, Embraer will have a leading role in the overall performance of the programme. Embraer will also undertake an extensive share of work in the production and delivery of both the single and two-seat versions of the Gripen NG, Brazil's next-generation fighter jet.

Embraer will be responsible for extensive work packages in systems development, integration, flight test, final assembly and aircraft deliveries. Embraer will also participate in the coordination of all development and production activities in Brazil. Furthermore, Embraer and Saab will be jointly responsible for the complete development of the two-seat version of the Gripen NG. Beginning in the second half of 2015, a team of Embraer engineers and technicians will be based in Sweden to conduct initial training in the maintenance and development work for the Gripen NG. This skill and competence will subsequently be transferred to Brazil. Embraer and Saab will build an Engineering Centre at Embraer's industrial plant in Gavião Peixoto, in the state of São Paulo, to support operations of the Gripen NG fighters with the Brazilian Air Force.

"With this agreement, Embraer and Saab establish a long-term partnership on a strategic project for Brazil and for the Brazilian Air Force," says Jackson Schneider, president and CEO of Embraer Defense & Security. "The Gripen NG will raise the operational standard of our Air Force and enable it, with the appropriate means, to fulfill its primary mission, which is the defense of our territory."

"Through this partnership we will secure an excellent result for the Brazilian Air Force and we will establish solid ground for success with future business opportunities and customers. Not only do we share experience in the defense and aeronautical markets, but both organisations have a clear dedication to customer satisfaction that validates Gripen as the most capable and modern fighter system on the market", says Lennart Sindahl, Deputy CEO at Saab.

"The Brazilian Air Force sees with great enthusiasm this additional incentive to the Brazilian industry, through the companies of the defense sector. This new strategic partnership confirms that we are building a promising future. The defense industry needs to be increasingly strengthened as it is one of the main drivers of scientific and technological development of our country", said Aeronautics Commander, Air Force Brigadier General Nivaldo Luiz Rossato.

The implementation of the partnership for joint programme management between Saab and Embraer is subject to the F-X2 contracts between Saab and COMAER (Brazilian Air Force Command) becoming effective. The contract between Saab and COMAER for Gripen NG and the associated industrial co-operation contract will come into effect once certain conditions have been fulfilled. These conditions are expected to be fulfilled during the first half of 2015.

The Gripen NG is a true multi-role fighter aircraft, based on the proven Gripen C/D platform. It is built to adapt to all of the changing threats and operational requirements currently faced by modern air forces. Gripen's combination of very advanced operational capabilities with moderate through-life costs make the fighter absolutely unique on the world market.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 15/04/2015 | 22:28 uur
Selex ES Signs Contract with Saab for the Infrared Search and Track Skyward-G

(Source: Selex ES; issued April 14, 2015)

Selex ES has signed a contract with defence and security company Saab for 60 Skyward-G infra-red search and track (IRST) systems. The systems will be installed on the Gripen E fighter aircraft for the Swedish Air Force.

The Skyward-G IRST is a long-range electro-optical sensor. It is a passive system that does not emit any signals of its own when in use. It detects the heat signatures of other airborne systems but cannot be detected in return. This provides a great tactical advantage.

On Gripen the Skyward-G can silently detect threats at beyond-visual range without betraying the aircraft's own position to hostile forces.

With the IRST a Gripen can detect and track enemy targets, including aircraft, naval vessels and ground vehicles. The system also has a significant 'counter-stealth' capability and, when used alone or in conjunction with Gripen's other sensors, it can produce high-fidelity tracking information against complex targets over long ranges (well beyond visual range).

The Skyward-G is manufactured at Selex ES's Nerviano (Milan) site in Italy.

Selex ES is a major participant in the Gripen E programme, delivering 30% of the fighter's electronics. In addition to the Skyward-G, Finmeccanica – Selex ES also provides the fighter aircraft with its radar and Mode 5 Identification Friend/Foe (IFF) systems. In July, the company signed a production contract for the Raven ES-05 AESA (active electronically scanned array) radar.

Saab has also recently chosen Selex ES's new BriteCloud Expendable Active Decoy (EAD) as an electronic warfare option for the Gripen E. Currently, the BriteCloud EAD is the only product of its type on the market and Saab is the first partner to offer the new decoy.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 16/04/2015 | 14:28 uur
Eurofighter showcases offer of indigenous capability for Indonesia

News | April 15, 2015

A final assembly facility for the world's most versatile and reliable fast-jet fighter could be built in Indonesia it has been re-confirmed this week - if the Nation chooses to opt for the Eurofighter Typhoon and the chance to develop its own indigenous capability.

As Indonesia plans the replacement of its existing fighter-jet fleet, delegates from Eurofighter arrived in Jakarta over the weekend to begin a series of demonstrations aimed at underlining the full scope of the offer from the four-nation consortium. Central to the unique offer from Eurofighter is the fact the Country already has a strong and productive relationship with one of its Partner Companies, Airbus - makers of a wide range of military and commercial products.

Joe Parker, Export Director for Eurofighter GmbH, based in Munich, Germany, said: "We recognise that Indonesia has important decisions to make, and that those decisions will leave a lasting legacy. What we bring to Indonesia is not just reliable protection for the Nation, but the opportunity to build and maintain a genuine indigenous capability on the back of a proven partnership and all that goes with it."

Parker, himself a private pilot, and a passionate advocate of Typhoon, added: "Rapidly deployable and reliable maritime protection is a fundamental requirement for this nation of islands and no other aircraft of this type can fly longer, faster and higher than ours when fully-loaded. Add this to the fact that we would be able to facilitate assembly line capabilities into Bandung enabling the aircraft to be built here in Indonesia by Indonesians and it is easy to see why we believe this a major opportunity making the Indonesian Archipelago a future hub for operations in the Southern Hemisphere."

"We have already hosted visits to see our Spanish and German facilities," said Parker, "and they were well received. This is an exciting time for the Eurofighter Programme which has now reached a level of maturity giving the Typhoon an unrivalled range of capabilities and a solid roadmap for the future."

This week, for the first time, Eurofighter will be showcasing a Full Scale Exhibition Demonstrator Eurofighter Typhoon when it goes on display in a hangar at PT DI's facilities in Bandung – the potential location for the Indonesian Eurofighter Typhoon production line.

"Transferring technology is not a problem for us," said Parker, "It is part of our day-job. What excites me is the potential I see in Indonesia for developing huge levels of indigenous capability around this opportunity – not just those in connection with the Eurofighter Typhoon – but around the many spin-off opportunities that would be created by the generation of new skill-sets. We have seen it happen before – and we know it can happen again."

Eurofighter confirmed that, if Indonesia opted for the Typhoon, then the opportunity would bring not just high-skilled jobs connected with the final assembly of the aircraft, but also state of the art technology and employment in association with the maintenance and further enhancement of the fast-jet fighter.

"While we are here," said Parker, "we want to give people the chance to really get to know the aircraft and gain a full understanding of the scope of our offer. As well as a series of Master Classes aimed at getting 'under the skin' of a fighter, we will be giving interested parties a detailed tour of the aircraft and its capabilities led by two of our most experienced pilots – one who played a key role in the development of the Eurofighter, and the other who has extensive experience in training test pilots. It should be an exciting week."
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 16/04/2015 | 17:27 uur
Israel to get first F-35s in 2016

Yaakov Lappin, Tel Aviv - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly | April 15, 2015

Two Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II Joint Strike Fighters will arrive in Israel in December 2016, making the Israeli Air Force (IAF) the first outside of the United States to receive the fifth-generation combat aircraft, a senior Lockheed Martin official said on 15 April.

The two jets are among 33 F-35s that Israel currently has on order. The defence establishment is keen to acquire another 17 in the coming years to form two full squadrons.

Five pilots and a squadron commander from Nevatim Air Base in southern Israel have been selected to become the country's first F-35 pilots and instructors, IAF sources added, describing them as the "core" of the first squadron.

Steve Over, director of F-35 International Business Development for all partner nations in the programme, who is visiting Israel along with other senior Lockheed representatives, said Israeli pilots who have flown the platform have "begun to think differently" about air operations due to the jet's enhanced manoeuvrability, networking, long-range data sharing, and stealth capabilities.

The first two F-35A fighters will be part of Lockheed's low-rate initial production stage, which will continue until the end of the aircraft's development stage, expected to be completed by 2018. "After that, we will ramp up the production rate significantly," Over added.

More than 200 F-35s would have been produced by 2016 and 350 aircraft will be made by the end of 2018, Over said.

He added that, in the future, Israel might be interested in acquiring the more expensive F-35B short take-off and vertical-landing (STOVL) variant so that it can continue to operate fast jets even if its runways are destroyed by enemy ballistic missile attacks.

Alan Norman, Lockheed Martin's chief F-35 test pilot, said the F-35 will enable Israeli pilots to approach targets without being seen, gather intelligence on them, and attack air and ground threats simultaneously, providing unprecedented survivability.

"It's easy to fly," he said. "The pilot is no longer a technician. He can truly be a tactician by focusing on bringing weapons systems into a battle arena."

An active electronically scanned fire-control radar in the aircraft's nose will be joined by several embedded antennas and sensors, including electronic warfare detectors, to provide "hemispherical" awareness, Over added. Pilots will be able to send each another sensory intelligence through a user-to-user datalink that does not betray the plane's electronic stealth cover.

"It's not invisible, but it can operate in a battlespace with impunity," Norman said. "It will know where threat radars are, hundreds of miles away, and decide to either avoid or kill the threats. The sensors actively look for surface and airborne radars. It will locate threats without transmitting electrons off the plane."

Six windows in the cockpit are designed to provide the pilot with visual missile warnings, while a helmet-mounted display provides the pilot with infrared and night vision (light amplification) views, Norman said.

A pilot can use the helmet to point to and designate a target, or request more information from the aircraft's sensors, he added. Six cameras at the bottom of the plane look down at the terrain and can zoom in closely on targets from 13 km away.

"We just crossed 30,0000 flight hours with the jet," Norman added. "We consider 200,000 flight hours to be the point of maturity, and we forecast that we will reach that in 2017."

Over agreed. "This is probably the most tested aircraft, with 12,000 test flights conducted so far," he said.

The Joint Strike Fighter will have a life span of 30 to 40 years, the delegates said, and 3,443 aircraft will be produced for the United States and eight partner nations, replacing nine types of fourth-generation aircraft.

In terms of software development, Lockheed is currently using the Block 2B software operational capability, but this will be upgraded to the Block 3i standard from the first quarter of 2016. The software upgrades are designed to allow for a "technology refresh of the hardware", Over explained.

At Nevatim, IAF officials told reporters that the arrival of a new F-35 flight demonstrator will cut the time it takes for the air force to become acquainted with the new aircraft.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 18/04/2015 | 11:09 uur
Bogdan Praises Norwegian F-35 Weapons

By Aaron Mehta | April 17, 2015

WASHINGTON — The head of the F-35 joint program office praised on Friday a pair of munitions developed by Norway, despite reluctance from the Pentagon to purchase the weaponry.

Lt. Gen. Chris Bogdan praised the Joint Strike Missile (JSM), developed .....
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 19/04/2015 | 20:23 uur
For building light fighters in India, Saab officials want government-to-government deal

A Swedish company, Saab noticed India's growing interest and offered JAS 39 Gripen E light fighter in response to the tender won by Dassault's Rafale

Prime Minister Narendra Modi had requested France for 36 Rafale fighters, built by Dassault Aviation, to meet the needs of Indian Air Force (IAF) for 126 fighters. Since then speculation is rising about a second global vendor that might fill the gap, building light fighters in India, alongside an Indian partner.

In interviews with state-run broadcaster Doordarshan and Hindustan Times, defence minister Manohar Parrikar had also explicitly stated the IAF urgently needs light fighters, a requirement the Rafale does not meet.

Likening light, medium and heavy fighters to a scooter, car and bus respectively, Parrikar told Hindustan Times it would be wasteful to deploy a big, heavy Rafale where a smaller fighter would do.

For short-range, short-duration missions that are currently performed by the single-engine MiG-21, Parrikar told Doordarshan the IAF needs a light fighter, not the Rafale.

"Rafale is not a replacement for MiG-21. Tejas (Light Combat Aircraft) is a replacement for MiG-21. Or, if we build some other fighter under 'Make in India', that is also possible", said Parrikar.

New Delhi's growing and explicitly expressed interest in light fighters has been noted by Swedish company, Saab, which had offered its highly regarded JAS 39 Gripen E light fighter in response to the tender eventually won by Dassault's Rafale.

Even as Parrikar stressed on the need for a light fighter, Maharashtra's chief minister Devendra Fadnavis on Wednesday visited Saab's facility in Sweden, where the Gripen NG fighter is built. From there he tweeted a photo of himself in the cockpit of a Gripen and a message saying: "It was great to be at the aerospace and defence company SAAB at Linkoping, Sweden. Promised a defence manufacturing policy in Maharashtra soon."

Top Saab officials said Business Standard, even before Fadnavis, the chief ministers of UP and Gujarat-then Narendra Modi -had held discussions with Saab.

A top Saab official told Business Standard on the condition of anonymity: "If we are approached by the government of India, Saab would be happy to partner the Defence R&D Organisation (DRDO), Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) or an Indian private company in not just manufacturing fighters in India, but in developing real capabilities for building a single-engine fighter for the IAF."

The National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government has not yet approached Saab directly, speaking only through the media.

However, in 2012-13, the DRDO had solicited Saab's help in co-developing and manufacturing the Tejas Mark II in India. Besides the similarities between the Tejas and the Gripen -both single-engine, light fighters - Saab had upgraded the Gripen D to the Gripen NG by replacing the General Electric F-404 engine with the more powerful GE F-414.

That is exactly what the DRDO plans to do for upgrading Tejas Mark I to Mark II specifications.

In 2012, DRDO chief VK Saraswat had sent Saab a "Request for Information", followed in January 2013 with a "Request for Proposal" inviting Saab to jointly audit the Tejas design with DRDO.

As Business Standard reported last year (June 17, 2014, " Rafale contract elusive, Eurofighter and Saab remain hopeful") Saab proposed an 8-10 month long audit of the Tejas design, after which a fresh design would be jointly finalised and a manufacturing line established with Saab's expertise.

Saab had proposed as far back in 2011 to co-develop Tejas Mark II and roll it out from a new manufacturing line within five years. Saab had then demanded 51 per cent ownership of the joint venture company that built the new Tejas.

Saab in June 2013 said, when a joint design contract seemed imminent, a new DRDO chief, Avinash Chander, took charge. He told Saab a foreign partner for co-developing the Tejas Mark II could be selected only through an international tender.

Now, Saab officials say they will insist on a government-to-government (G2G) arrangement, if they are to assist India in developing and manufacturing a light fighter in India. Under the UPA government, this would have been a deal breaker. Parrikar, however, stated on Monday: "These important decisions need to be taken at government-to-government levels."

The Saab Gripen has so far proved more popular in the international market than the Rafale. While Rafale has not yet found a single overseas buyer (Egypt and India have expressed interest), the South African, Czech, Hungarian, Thailand and British Royal Air Force have acquired the Gripen. In addition, the Brazilian, Polish and Slovakian air forces have expressed interest.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 20/04/2015 | 06:41 uur
UAE Restarts Rafale Talks With France

By Pierre Tran 11:08 a.m. EDT April 19, 2015

PARIS — The United Arab Emirates has restarted talks on ordering the Dassault Rafale, with a planned major upgrade of the fighter jet in contrast to the off-the-shelf deals for Egypt and India, said an Arabian Gulf official source familiar with the issue.

"Yes, there are renewed discussions," the gulf source said April 14. The talks could take some time "to reach an understanding" that meets the needs of the UAE Air Force, the source said.

Voor het verhaal inclusief de Update wensen van de eventuele VAE Rafale versie zie link:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 20/04/2015 | 08:50 uur
Probleem voor de Zweden is dat ze compleet weg-gelobbied worden door concurrenten.
Dat zie je ook met een land als NL, wat niet op kan concurreren tegen Amerika ( Phalanx X GK ) en de onderzeeer deal van een decennium geleden waar hogere machten iets blokkeren. Heel naar, maar ik hoop toch dat de Gripen genoeg aftrek vindt.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 20/04/2015 | 09:05 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 20/04/2015 | 08:50 uur
Probleem voor de Zweden is dat ze compleet weg-gelobbied worden door concurrenten.
Dat zie je ook met een land als NL, wat niet op kan concurreren tegen Amerika ( Phalanx X GK ) en de onderzeeer deal van een decennium geleden waar hogere machten iets blokkeren. Heel naar, maar ik hoop toch dat de Gripen genoeg aftrek vindt.

Helaas, die OZB deal hebben we zelf om zeep geholpen uit angst voor Chinese tegenmaatregelen. De Gripen E zal het wel gaan redden, immers in het volgende decennium is zij naast de F35 en sinds kort de Rafale de enige westerse kist in productie.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 20/04/2015 | 09:29 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 20/04/2015 | 09:05 uur
De Gripen E zal het wel gaan redden, immers in het volgende decennium is zij naast de F35 en sinds kort de Rafale de enige westerse kist in productie.
Deze situatie is zeer reëel, tenzij men voor de Eurofighter Typhoon nieuwe klanten weet te vinden.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 20/04/2015 | 13:40 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 20/04/2015 | 08:50 uur
Probleem voor de Zweden is dat ze compleet weg-gelobbied worden door concurrenten.
Dat zie je ook met een land als NL, wat niet op kan concurreren tegen Amerika ( Phalanx X GK ) en de onderzeeer deal van een decennium geleden waar hogere machten iets blokkeren. Heel naar, maar ik hoop toch dat de Gripen genoeg aftrek vindt.
Jammer...want met de mix van Gripen E/Rafale* zouden we alle behoeften binnen de EU kunnen invullen..als ook de nodige export orders binnen halen en hadden we een hoge(re) mate van standaardisatie kunnen bereiken...wat ook een hoop geld zou schelen...welke we dan in andere defensieprojecten konden steken. De Amerikanen hebben een zeer effectieve lobby opgezet en daar is moeilijk aan te tippen als je niet ziet hoe het werkt of toch al pro-Atlantische gevoelens hebt.

(*of eurofighter)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 20/04/2015 | 13:43 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 20/04/2015 | 13:40 uur
Jammer...want met de mix van Gripen E/Rafale* zouden we alle behoeften binnen de EU kunnen invullen..als ook de nodige export orders binnen halen en hadden we een hoge(re) mate van standaardisatie kunnen bereiken...wat ook een hoop geld zou schelen...welke we dan in andere defensieprojecten konden steken. De Amerikanen hebben een zeer effectieve lobby opgezet en daar is moeilijk aan te tippen als je niet ziet hoe het werkt of toch al pro-Atlantische gevoelens hebt.

(*of eurofighter)

Ze krijgen nu een paar jaar alles kansen met het wegvallen van nieuwe F15, F16 en F18.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 20/04/2015 | 13:51 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 20/04/2015 | 13:43 uur
Ze krijgen nu een paar jaar alles kansen met het wegvallen van nieuwe F15, F16 en F18.

Die kansen lagen in de jaren '90, toen we onze ~2500 jagers verdeeld over ~20 types met diverse sub-types, geheel hadden kunnen vernieuwen met met een meer gestandaardiseerde vloot. Begin deze eeuw is dat wel ongeveer de nek omgedraaid. Betekend niet dat het geen streven zou moeten zijn, winst is m.i. immers nog steeds te behalen. Wie weet.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 20/04/2015 | 14:09 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 20/04/2015 | 13:40 uur
Jammer...want met de mix van Gripen E/Rafale* zouden we alle behoeften binnen de EU kunnen invullen..als ook de nodige export orders binnen halen en hadden we een hoge(re) mate van standaardisatie kunnen bereiken...wat ook een hoop geld zou schelen...welke we dan in andere defensieprojecten konden steken.

(*of eurofighter)
Standaardisatie binnen de NAVO en EU is altijd al een probleem geweest met zoveel verschillende producenten. Vervolgens kan elk afzonderlijk land verschillende eisen stellen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 20/04/2015 | 14:26 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 20/04/2015 | 13:51 uur
Die kansen lagen in de jaren '90, toen we onze ~2500 jagers verdeeld over ~20 types met diverse sub-types, geheel hadden kunnen vernieuwen met met een meer gestandaardiseerde vloot. Begin deze eeuw is dat wel ongeveer de nek omgedraaid. Betekend niet dat het geen streven zou moeten zijn, winst is m.i. immers nog steeds te behalen. Wie weet.

Betekend wel dat er in de komende paar jaar geoogst moet worden immers er zijn een aantal nieuwe spelers in de markt die een volgende generatie kist aan het ontwikkelen zijn die ook voor export doeleinden beschikbaar zullen zijn... (Z-Korea, Turkije, Japan? China, Rusland/India)

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 20/04/2015 | 20:20 uur
UK may not oppose Gripen sale to Argentina: Brazilian minister

The UK government is unlikely to block any request by Argentina to buy Saab Gripen NG fighters, Brazilian defence minister Jacques Wagner told reporters on 15 April.

The statement at the Latin American Aviation and Defence exhibition comes nearly six months after Argentinian defence minister Agustin Rossi expressed interest in Brazilian-assembled Gripen NGs, despite a need to import key technologies such as the ejection seat and the radar from a historic rival in the UK.

So far, there has still been no official request by Argentina to import British technologies for either Gripen NGs or Embraer KC-390s, Lt Gen José Crepaldi, head of Brazilian air force acquisition programmes.

Argentina is one of the three international industrial partners in Embraer's KC-390 tactical transport. Several KC-390 systems are supplied by British or British-controlled firms, such as BAE Systems flight control computers and active side stick controllers, Ultra Electronics electronic controls and sensors as well as Cobham's fuel tanks, inflight refueling equipment and composite material nose radomes.

Wagner mentioned that to overcome any "obstacles" Embraer might have to substitute these blocked components by other international suppliers. Wagner did not elaborate on whether Brazil or Argentina would be required to pay for such redesign and recertification of the KC-390 or the Gripen NG.

According to Wagner, the full resolution of restrictive export policies will only be possible once the UK accepts to "discuss the issue of the Falklands Islands sovereignty with Argentina through UN-mediated talks".

Separately, Wagner also acknowledged that the Brazilian government recently owed Embraer around $200 million in unpaid bills for the KC-390 development, but about $40 million of that total was paid last week.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 20/04/2015 | 21:15 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 20/04/2015 | 20:20 uur
UK may not oppose Gripen sale to Argentina: Brazilian minister

The UK government is unlikely to block any request by Argentina to buy Saab Gripen NG fighters, Brazilian defence minister Jacques Wagner told reporters on 15 April.

Dat kan Jacques Wagner wel zeggen, maar laat het Verenigd Koninkrijk zelf met een verklaring komen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 20/04/2015 | 21:39 uur
Italian MoD Waffles on F-35 Funds In Run-up to White Paper

By Giovanni de Briganti | April 20, 2015

PARIS --- The Italian government's Supreme Defense Council is expected to release the long-awaited defense white paper tomorrow, April 21, but is likely to defer decisions on individual procurement programs, including the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, for several months.

Detailed acquisition numbers and funding for individual programs will only be made public in a technical annex being prepared by the defense staff and known as the Documento Programmatico Pluriennale della Difesa, or multiyear defense program document. No publication date has yet been announced.

While a previous Italian government cut the planned number of F-35s from 131 to 90 because of its excessive cost, the current government of Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has studiously avoided taking a position, and has instead publicized its industrial benefits and job creation.

This is a particularly sensitive subject in today's Italy, where high-paying, high-tech jobs are both rare and valuable because of the enduring economic crisis. However, initial claims of over 11,000 jobs and of large production contracts now appear to have been much overstated.

Many Italian lawmakers, on the other hand, believe that whatever economic benefits the program might bring are dwarfed by its projected cost to Italy, currently estimated at about 13 billion euros for 90 aircraft. These would be a mix of 60 F-35As for the air force and 30 F-35B STOVL variants, 15 each for the air force and the navy.


Estimated Cost of Italian F-35 Program
According to the Parliamentary motion of Sept. 24, 2014, Italy would pay about 13 billion euros to buy 90 F-35 fighters. The total breaks down as follows: (N.B.: totals do not match because of the USD's appreciation over the euro over the past year—Ed.)

a) 10 billion euros for acquiring the aircraft and their logistic support (on average €111 million per aircraft); payment to be completed by 2017;
b) 3 billion euros for related investments, of which about €2.7 billion have already been spent. These include:
-- $1 billion for the initial development phase (already paid);
-- $900 million for the Production, Sustainment, and Follow-on Development Phase, due to end in 2047 (already paid);
-- €795.6 million for the establishment of the Final Assemble and Check-Out (FACO) facility at Cameri air force base, near Novara (already paid);
-- €465 million for infrastructure modifications (air bases and aircraft carrier Cavour).

Voor het hele verhaal zie link:

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Enforcer op 20/04/2015 | 21:46 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 20/04/2015 | 21:15 uur
Dat kan Jacques Wagner wel zeggen, maar laat het Verenigd Koninkrijk zelf met een verklaring komen.

Als ze een kill-switch in mogen bouwen...
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 21/04/2015 | 12:50 uur
Indian Rafale deal to be finalised 'by end of May'

By Rahul Bedi, New Delhi - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly | April 20, 2015

India and France aim to finalise the deal for 36 Dassault Rafale fighters for the Indian Air Force (IAF) by the end of May, according to defence industry sources.

Indian prime minister Narendra Modi is believed to have insisted on this deadline with his French counterpart Francois Hollande in Paris, soon after announcing the fighters' procurement on 10 April.

Once inked, the IAF will be the first customer, after the French Air Force, to acquire Rafales. Egypt has also agreed to buy 24 Rafales, but that deal too has yet to be signed.

Meanwhile, a delegation comprising senior French government officials and top Dassault executives is expected in New Delhi over the next few days to begin negotiating the fighter contract, which is estimated at around USD5-6 billion. French defence minister Jean-Yves Le Drian is likely to be part of this delegation, but no confirmation of his inclusion was possible.

Industry sources familiar with the ongoing talks between the two governments told IHS Jane's that Dassault is reported to have agreed to more than double its annual Rafale building capacity from 11 to 24 aircraft. The company had slowed down Rafale production rate to around 11 platforms per year as no new orders were forthcoming.

The French government is also believed to have persuaded its air force to reduce its Rafale induction until the IAF contract is fulfilled.

Indian defence minister Manohar Parrikar told the Mail Today newspaper on 16 April that the accounting process for the Rafales would be completed within 2-3 months and deliveries would begin in 18 months. "So roughly it [the contract] will take three years," he said.

Negotiations between the MoD and Dassault over the acquisition of 126 Rafales under the Medium MultiRole Combat Fighter requirement have been deadlocked since January 2012 due to disagreements about the responsibility for the 108 platforms to be licence built in India.

Since Modi's announcement in Paris it is unclear whether India will directly import additional Rafales or licence-build them, or both.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 21/04/2015 | 14:46 uur
Switzerland to relaunch F-5 replacement effort in 2017

Switzerland is to relaunch its efforts to procure a new fighter type following the recent announcement by the Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport (DDPS) that it is prematurely retiring a third of the ageing Northrop F-5E Tiger II fleet due to cracking.

Speaking on 20 April to national broadcaster RTS, Defence Minister Ueli Maurer said that the cracking in 16 of the country's 32 serviceable F-5Es (10 of which will be retired and 6 repaired and returned to service) coupled with the relatively small number of Boeing F/A-18 Hornets in service had left the air force in a 'critical' position. Once the retirements and repairs were complete, the country would be left with just 22 F-5E and 32 F/A-18C/D frontline fighters.

This state of affairs has been compounded by the Swiss population's decision in May 2014 to reject a deal to procure 22 Saab Gripen E jets to replace the F-5s and augment the F/A-18s. Under that proposal, the Swiss Air Force was to receive a number of Gripen C/D fighters in 2016 ahead of the start of Gripen E deliveries in 2018. The F-5s were to be phased out from 2016, with deliveries of the Gripen E running through to 2021.

To address the chronic deficit that is now manifesting itself in Switzerland's air policing capabilities, Maurer said that the DDPS would begin an evaluation process for a new fighter in 2017. According to the government, the new process should include two of the three shortlisted candidates from the previous effort; namely, the Gripen E and the Dassault Rafale (the Eurofighter Typhoon is no longer considered a 'favourite', the RTS report said). It added that 'a US aircraft', most likely the Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, should also be included.

The defence minister's comments are the latest turn in a long and protracted fighter replacement effort that goes back years. Indeed, an industry official described the process to IHS Jane's as having been akin to a rollercoaster ride.

When the F-5 replacement programme was launched in 2007, Saab submitted its Gripen C/D, Boeing its F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, Dassault its Rafale, and Eurofighter its Typhoon. Less than a year later in 2008, Boeing dropped out of the competition citing differences between the requirements and the Super Hornet's capabilities.

The competition stalled in 2010, but was resurrected in mid-2011 after intense lobbying by Swiss industry, with Saab then offering its Gripen NG instead. Later that year, the Gripen NG (later to become the Gripen E) was selected, only to have the deal scuppered in the referendum. This decision effectively sent the air force back to square one in its efforts to replace its ageing F-5s.


When the Swiss electorate voted 'No' in the referendum last year, it was not the Gripen per se that it was rejecting, but the idea of buying a new fighter aircraft itself.

Ahead of the decision to buy the Gripen E fighter, the Swedish fighter was subjected to a comprehensive evaluation by the air force. Given the government's desire to procure a modern fighter type on a limited budget, the Gripen E was in many respects the ideal choice.

The air force already knows everything that it needs to know about the Gripen E and its competitors, so it is hard to gauge exactly what the benefit will be of a re-launched evaluation process. The manufacturers also must question the value of participating in such a process, given the costs involved, the low numbers of aircraft at stake, and the protracted history of Switzerland's fighter replacement efforts.

When Switzerland rejected the Gripen E, it was clear that the F-5s would still need replacing at some stage. However, the speed at which the fleet seems to have degenerated will provide an added sense of urgency to the effort, and provides clear evidence that the country cannot afford any more delays.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 22/04/2015 | 19:55 uur
Een shock voor de Gripen fanclub....

Uit het Noors via Google Translate, het origineel is te lezen via de link

Secret documents: JAS Gripen has major flaws
Serious error causes the fighter aircraft application is limited.

(Dagbladet): After a heated debate, Parliament decided in 2008 that the F-16 will be replaced by new fighter aircraft of the type F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.

The other real option was Jas 39 Gripen. Now it turns out that this kind, as the Swedes use, has several serious flaws, reports TV4.

They have obtained the secret document in which pilots and technicians expressing concern over the situation.

Technical problems
Monitors that turns off, landing aids that are not to be trusted and g-suits with inadequate pressure is part of the Swedish pilots everyday.

Among other stops instrument landing system ILS up, sometimes up to four times a day, and so it has been for the past three years.

The system sends out signals that provide navigational information about the approach to a runway before landing.

In addition, there are problems with pilots' G-suits, which will counteract the effect of increased positive acceleration when maneuvering at high speed. It has meant that we have introduced restrictions on how loud the pilots can fly.

This problem should have lasted five years.

TV 4 also reports that monitors the aircraft turns off. Sometimes only one of them, but it has also happened that all stops working.

All planes are still in the wings, but several of them have limitations as a result of the problems.

Restrictions have been imposed on how high the planes can fly and how sharply one gets fluctuate.

How many planes that are affected do not want the Swedish Armed Forces to go out with.

Aviation safety Chief Robert Persson said to TV4 that the problems with JAS Gripen has persisted for a while.

- We handle it by introducing some constraints in the business, he says to the channel.

For more information
Saab, which is behind Jas-Gripen would currently not to comment on the matter, according to Helsingborgs Dagblad.

Allan Widman in the Swedish Defence Committee is surprised by the findings and would like more information from the military,

- It is particularly important but the geopolitical situation we have now, he says to TV4.

Three candidates
Altogether three aircraft were initially candidates to become the Norwegian Air Force successor F-16: the European cooperation project Eurofighter; American F-35A Lightning, also called the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF); and the Swedish SAAB JAS Gripen developed.

Eurofighter went early in 2007, out of the dance, and the last year before the decision fell at Christmastime in 2008, stood the battle for the very valuable tender between Swedes and Americans. Finally, it was announced that the JSF was awarded the contract on 48 fighter (the number was later increased to 52), worth about 50 billion Norwegian kroner.

Neither JSF has been spared problems.

Last year decided the US Air Force to take all F-35 aircraft out of service after one of them burst into fire.

The first aircraft to be used in Norway is scheduled for delivery from 2017
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 22/04/2015 | 20:00 uur
Bulgaria considering option of free second-hand jet fighters from US – defence minister

Written by The Sofia Globe staff on April 22, 2015 in Bulgaria

Bulgaria is considering the option of getting second-hand jet fighters free-of-charge from the United States, Defence Minister Nikolai Nenchev said on April 22.

A member of Nato since 2004, Bulgaria has an ageing fleet of Russian-made jet fighters, and there has been a continuing and inconclusive saga of getting new Western-made aircraft.

Over the past decade, various options have been raised for acquiring military jets, including buying second-hand US or European-made fighters from other European countries, while SAAB-Gripen has offered new multi-purpose jets.

Among the reasons for the acquisition having not yet having been made has been the wariness of successive governments about committing to a multi-million leva price tag.

Nenchev, speaking in an interview with public broadcaster Bulgarian National Television, said that he would continue to make an effort to acquire fighters from the US. "We will be careful about in what condition they are and what resources would be needed for maintenance and equipment," he said.

He said that the aircraft being used by Bulgaria's military were incompatible with those of Nato allies, adding that continuing to maintain the old Russian fighters for years would end up costing the same as buying a new multi-purpose fighter squadron.

He said that the strategy for the development of the military included other major projects such as the purchase of new frigates, patrol boats and armoured infantry vehicles.

Bulgaria had about 30 000 military personnel, "and imagine if they do not have the ability to carry out their duties – we pay their salaries, but they cannot do their job effectively".

A day earlier, speaking after a meeting with visiting US assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs Hoyt Yee, Prime Minister Boiko Borissov said that the government would wait "for now" before buying new military aircraft.

"We will restore financial discipline and then buy new aircraft," he said and added that Bulgaria had received the understanding of the US and Nato.

"I am optimistic and I hope that the Euro-Atlantic loyalty, commitment to the pacts would be kept in the same way Bulgaria complied with the sanctions as a responsible country and Euro-Atlantic partner," Borissov said.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 22/04/2015 | 20:08 uur
Manned aircraft needed for future Air Force, as Navy moves unmanned

By Brian Everstine, Staff writer April 22, 2015

The Air Force will not follow the Navy into an all-unmanned future strike fleet, as

pilots will be needed in the cockpits of most of its combat fleet for the foreseeable future.

While the Air Force will increase its reliance on remotely piloted and possibly autonomous aircraft, there will be no replacement for a fighter pilot, Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh said Wednesday.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 23/04/2015 | 11:30 uur
Voor de geïnteresseerden is er een nieuwe update van de F-35 Lightning II Program Status and Fast Facts (April 23, 2015).

Zie F-35 Fast Fact in de volgende link:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 28/04/2015 | 11:04 uur
Pentagon IG, GAO found problems with F135 program

The U.S. Government Accountability Office and the Pentagon Inspector General have raised issues with the F135 engine program.

The GAO has deemed that the "reliability of the engine is very poor" and that "the program has a long way to go to achieve" reliability goals.

To make matters worse for Pratt & Whitney, the Pentagon's internal watchdog found 61 violations of quality management rules and policies during an inspection.

Pratt & Whitney defended the program by saying that the GAO had failed to take into account new designs that have been validated and are being incorporated into the engine.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 28/04/2015 | 12:11 uur
Gripen Radar Upgrade Aimed At Sweden And Exports

By Bill Sweetman | April 28, 2015

LINKÖPING, Sweden—Saab unveiled a major upgrade of the JAS 39C/D Gripen's radar here April 27, intended to double its detection and tracking range and give it the ability to track low-radar-cross-section (RCS) targets.

Developed with company funds over the last two years, the Saab PS-05/A Mk. 4 bucks the trend toward electronically scanned arrays in radar design by retaining a mechanically scanned antenna. A prototype made its first flight in a Gripen in December, on a JAS 39D, and the radar is being offered to the Swedish air force and to export customers, with deliveries two years after an order.

Today's Mk. 3 radar can be converted to a Mk. 4 by replacing two line-replaceable units with new hardware: an all-digital exciter/receiver and a radar processing unit. Part of the performance improvement comes from the exciter/receiver, which Saab claims has such a low noise level that the company found it hard to procure test equipment that would measure it. It also is inherently wideband and can simultaneously receive its own radar signals and emissions from other radars.

The new processor includes a high-capacity, solid-state data recorder and is based on commercial off-the-shelf components. It supports new processing algorithms derived from Saab's family of Giraffe ground-based radars, including sub-meter-resolution synthetic aperture radar modes and non-cooperative target recognition features. The claimed performance improvement – up to 150 % range increase, or the ability to detect a target with an RCS of 0.1 square meters at the same range at which the Mk. 3 can see a 4-sq.-meter target – points to the use of multi-hypothesis or track-before-detect algorithms to pull targets out of clutter.

Saab decided not to use an active electronically scanned array (AESA) because its cooling requirements would require substantial changes to the Gripen. The company is in talks with the Swedish air force about retrofitting the service's 100-strong JAS 39C/D force, which will not be fully replaced by the new JAS 39E before 2025. Saab's perception is that the Swedish air force is viewing upgrades of the C/D more favorably in view of Russia's regional aggression, and the longer-range radar is a good match for the MBDA Meteor air-to-air missile. A Swedish buy of the Mk. 4 will pave the way for upgrades and new export sales, Saab believes.

The new radar is part of Saab's strategy to continue selling the C/D version into the mid-2020s, as the first E/F versions will not be available for export beyond Sweden and Brazil until 2022. The final C/D on order was delivered to the Swedish air force in February, but Saab's flexible production line will be able to meet new orders either with all-new aircraft or (at a lower price) Gripen C/Ds produced by modifying Sweden's inventory of low-time JAS 39A/Bs.

Slovakia, which has selected the Gripen and still is negotiating a contract, is looking at updated A/B versions. Croatia is expected to select a new fighter in early 2016 and Hungary and the Czech Republic are both looking at exercising options to expand their leased Gripen fleets.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 28/04/2015 | 19:12 uur
Een goede zaak dat Saab met een AESA versie van de PS-05 komt zeker als men export order voor de Gripen van Argentinië heeft dan is men niet afhankelijk van de Britse  SELEX Galileo Raven ES-05 AESA radar.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 28/04/2015 | 19:36 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 28/04/2015 | 19:12 uur
Een goede zaak dat Saab met een AESA versie van de PS-05 komt zeker als men export order voor de Gripen van Argentinië heeft dan is men niet afhankelijk van de Britse  SELEX Galileo Raven ES-05 AESA radar.

REFILE-Saab dismisses prospect of Gripen jet fighters sale to Argentina
Mon Apr 27, 2015
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 28/04/2015 | 19:52 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 28/04/2015 | 19:36 uur
REFILE-Saab dismisses prospect of Gripen jet fighters sale to Argentina
Mon Apr 27, 2015

Ik denk dat Saab eerst kijkt om men de onderdelen die in Groot-Britannie worden geproduceert kunnen vervangen door een of meerdere andere leverancier(s), de AESA versie van de PS-05 is hier al een goed voorbeeld van. Logisch dat je een export  van de gripen naar Argentinië dan ontkent.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 28/04/2015 | 20:09 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 28/04/2015 | 19:52 uur
Ik denk dat Saab eerst kijkt om men de onderdelen die in Groot-Britannie worden geproduceert kunnen vervangen door een of meerdere andere leverancier(s), de AESA versie van de PS-05 is hier al een goed voorbeeld van. Logisch dat je een export  van de gripen naar Argentinië dan ontkent.

Vermoedelijk gaan de Argentijnen in de jaren twintig helemaal niet meer voor de Gripen, ik zie ze kiezen voor een Russisch en/of Chinees product.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 28/04/2015 | 21:13 uur
En is het wel  bekend of Saab überhaupt aan Argentinië wil leveren?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 28/04/2015 | 21:15 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 28/04/2015 | 21:13 uur
En is het wel  bekend of Saab überhaupt aan Argentinië wil leveren?

Nee maar Brazilie gaat een produktielijn voor de Gripen NG bouwen en die willen aan de overige landen in Zuid Amerika ook leveren.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 28/04/2015 | 21:17 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 28/04/2015 | 21:13 uur
En is het wel  bekend of Saab überhaupt aan Argentinië wil leveren?

Zie antwoord 589  :cute-smile:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 28/04/2015 | 21:37 uur
Het bericht van Reuters lijkt ook mij meer plausibel. Had Saab Argentinië als een mogelijke klant gezien, dan waren zij zeker op Saabs eigen Gripen blog vermeld. Gaat nog wel even duren tot het zo ver komt.

Weet niet of de Zweedse wapenexport regels nog steeds strikt zijn, maar er was een tijd dat zij niet aan iedereen konden en/of mochten leveren.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Zander op 29/04/2015 | 10:23 uur

Saab pitches Gripen as Typhoon replacement for Austria

Gareth Jennings, Linköping - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
28 April 2015

Saab is touting its Gripen combat aircraft to Austria as a possible replacement for that country's early model Eurofighter Typhoons, a senior company official disclosed on 27 April.

Speaking at the Linköping production facility in Sweden, the head of Saab's Aeronautics division, Ulf Nilsson, said that, while there is currently no active competition in Austria, he anticipates a requirement to replace the air force's 15 Tranche 1 Typhoons in the next few years.

"Any Austrian opportunity would not be for another three to five years, but we would see the potential for either a [Gripen] C/D or a [Gripen] E/F sale, depending on timelines," he said, noting that the earliest gap on the E/F production line to accommodate orders beyond Sweden and Brazil will be 2022.

Austria became the launch export customer for the Typhoon when it received its first aircraft in July 2007. The aircraft are used exclusively in the air-policing role (they are armed only with the Mauser BK27 27 mm cannon and two IRIS-T short-range air-to-air missiles), and are operated in conjunction with Saab 105OE jets, Pilatus PC-7 turboprops, and Bell 206 JetRanger helicopters as part of a tiered air-defence umbrella.

This tiered-defensive system, which ties in with networked anti-aircraft artillery and surface-to-air missile batteries, sees the Typhoons tasked with intercepting high and/or fast threats, with aircraft being held at Zeltweg Airbase on Quick Reaction Alert (QRA).

In October 2013, work to upgrade the fleet to the highest capability standard for Tranche 1 aircraft was completed. The two-year upgrade process saw the fleet fitted with the Service Release Proposal 4.3 standard software and hardware, which involved the fitting of enhanced software, new radio systems, GPS, and an identification friend-or-foe transponder.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 30/04/2015 | 11:06 uur
France's Dassault poised to ink 36-fighter jet deal with Qatar

30 April,2015

PARIS (AFP) - French group Dassault Aviation is poised to sign a multi-billion-euro deal with Qatar for 36 of its Rafale fighter jets, sources close to the negotiations said Thursday, the third foreign order this year.

Having struggled for years to sell any of its Rafale jets abroad, Dassault has recently scored several lucrative, high-profile contracts with Egypt, India, and now -- if the deal is confirmed -- Qatar.

The agreement, which is due to be signed in the coming days, includes a firm order for 24 jets with an option on 12 other planes, said the sources, who wished to remain anonymous.

Dassault was not available for comment when contacted by AFP, and the French presidency said it had "nothing to say on the issue."

Earlier this year, Egypt bought 24 Rafales in a 5.2-billion-euro ($5.8-billion) deal negotiated in just three months, prompting hopes in Paris that the agreement would act as a catalyst to unblock hoped-for sales to other countries.

Sure enough, India followed suit and this month announced the order of 36 Rafale jets during Prime Minister Narendra Modi s visit to France.

The two sides had already been engaged in years of tortuous, exclusive negotiations for the sale of 126 Rafales, but these had been bogged down over cost and New Delhi s insistence on assembling a portion of the high-tech planes in India.

So India, whose airforce is in dire need of new jets to update its ageing fleet, made a quick order for 36 planes while negotiations continue on finalising the initial 126-jet agreement.

Dassault is also involved in talks with the United Arab Emirates, and French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius has recently hinted that these are evolving "in the right direction."
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 30/04/2015 | 13:41 uur
Opnieuw grote order voor 'onverkoopbaar' Frans gevechtsvliegtuig

Kleis Jager / 30 apri 2015

Frankrijk heeft een nieuw succes behaald met het gevechtsvliegtuig Rafale. Qatar heeft bevestigd dat het 24 toestellen wil kopen, een order ter waarde van € 6,3 mrd.

Lange tijd leek het waarschijnlijk beste maar ook duurste gevechtsvliegtuig onverkoopbaar. Maar na vele vergeefse pogingen lijkt een psychologische barrière nu geslecht.


In februari plaatste Egypte een order voor 24 toestellen, begin april melde India zich voor 36 Rafales. De emir van Qatar, sjeikh Tamim Ben Hamad Al Thani wil er 24 en neemt daarbij een optie voor nog eens 12 vliegtuigen. Op 4 mei zal Al Thani in Doha, de hoofdstad van Qatar, een contract tekenen met Dassault, de producent van de Rafale.

In de dagen voorafgaand aan de overeenkomst met Qatar hielden alle betrokkenen de lippen stijf op elkaar. De afgelopen dertien jaar mislukten onderhandelingen over een groot contract zes keer. In 2011 braken de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten (VAE), die zestig toestellen zouden kopen, de gesprekken af. Het Franse aanbod was volgens de VAE 'niet concurrerend en onuitvoerbaar'. Ook Brazilië, Marokko en Zwitserland zagen er van af.

Vooroordelen over Frankrijk

De Rafale schudt door de successen een ongunstig imago van zich af. Na het debacle met de VAE werd het toestel betiteld als 'te duur en technisch gesproken te ingewikkeld'. Het toestel bevestigde aldus een aantal vooroordelen over Frankrijk dat als geheel bekend staat als duur en vaak niet efficiënt.

Duur is de jager zeker. Een uur vliegen met een Rafale komt op 35.000 euro, meer dan met de Zweedse Gripen of de Amerikaanse F-16. Maar tijdens recente operaties in Libië, Mali en Afghanistan, bewees het toestel zich volgens specialisten als het beste toestel op de markt. De Rafale wordt geroemd als 'een ultra-polyvalent toestel', een 'Zwitsers zakmes', geschikt voor verkenningsvluchten, nucleaire missies en precisiebombardementen.

De operatie in Mali tegen islamisten die president Hollande lanceerde in januari 2013 heeft Qatar volgens insiders over de streep getrokken. De Qatari hadden hun twijfels of de motoren van de Rafale bestand zouden zijn tegen extreme hitte. Met de VAE zijn de onderhandelingen inmiddels hervat en ook met Maleisië wordt gepraat. Ook België, Indonesië en Finland tonen belangstelling.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 30/04/2015 | 13:48 uur
Citaat van: Vandaag om 01:41
Opnieuw grote order voor 'onverkoopbaar' Frans gevechtsvliegtuig

Drie op één rij, dat is een felicitatie aan Dassault waard, hiermee is de productie van Rafales tot ver in het volgende decennium verzekerd, wie volgt?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Zeewier op 30/04/2015 | 16:04 uur
Eindelijk eerherstel voor de Raaf. En de bevestiging dat de 4+ generaties gewoon tot 2050 blijven vliegen.
Hoe Egypte dit toestel zelf gaat betalen is mij een raadsel. Het zal wel uit de Saoedische portemonnee komen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Kiteboarder88 op 30/04/2015 | 20:10 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 30/04/2015 | 13:48 uur
Drie op één rij, dat is een felicitatie aan Dassault waard, hiermee is de productie van Rafales tot ver in het volgende decennium verzekerd, wie volgt?

De Belgen?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 30/04/2015 | 20:26 uur
Citaat van: Kiteboarder88 op 30/04/2015 | 20:10 uur
De Belgen?

Die kans acht ik marginaal al zou dat best een interessante BE-NL luchtmacht opleveren.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 01/05/2015 | 08:05 uur
The U.S. Military's Fighter Aircraft Crisis: What Comes After the F-35?

James Hasik / April 30, 2015

Earlier this year, Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Jonathan Greenert said that he believed that the F/A-XX, the Navy's planned eventual follow-on to the F-35C, would be "optionally manned". On April 15 at the Sea-Air-Space conference, Navy Secretary Ray Mabus leaned further forward, noting how he believed that "the F-35 should be, and almost certainly will be, the last manned strike fighter aircraft the Department of the Navy will ever buy or fly." At the same time, Mabus announced that he would be establishing a new post of deputy assistant secretary of the Navy for unmanned systems—a secretary of drones, so to speak. That evening, Senate Armed Service Committee Chairman John McCain said that "I hope the sentiments expressed by Secretary Mabus... will be reflected in the Navy's future programmatic decisions." For as the senator knows, that's where the actual plans depart from the strategic narrative. The program is still focused on manned aviation, and that questionably supports future strategic needs.

Maybe drones can't do everything. The US Air Force is mostly enthused about drones, with a corporate position that long-endurance surveillance should be automated. The service is replacing U-2 Dragon Ladies with MQ-4 Global Hawks, and reducing its fleet of MC-12 Liberties, while continuing to buy MQ-9 Reapers. This drone strike-fighter business, though, USAF Chief of Staff General Mark Welch might call a bunch of hooey. At Defense One's event last Wednesday, the chief insisted that the USAF's follow-on to the F-35A would absolutely be manned, as "having the human brain as a sensor in combat is still immensely important." As Sam Lagrone noted, while the SecNav mentioned strike—attacking targets on land or on the waves—he pointedly did not address combat in the air. But John Stillion of the CSBA has recently argued that even beyond-visual-range (BVR) aerial combat can be partly automated, with hunting-dog drones scouting and shooting for manned fighters coming up from behind.

Let's get back to those manned fighters for a moment. With several wars underway for over thirteen years now, the Navy has been flying its Hornets, As through Fs, far more than planned—about 350 hours annually. The A through D early-model Hornets are thus wearing out faster than planned—about 40 aircraft annually. The Navy is not buying F-18Es and Fs at nearly that rate, so the number of all Hornets in combat service has been dropping—to now only 44 aircraft per ship. Production of those F-35Cs—expressly meant to replace the F-18As through Ds—has of course been delayed. Worse, at the prices charged, the Navy would need to raid the Air Force's budget to fill its decks with even as many planes as it has now. (Lockheed Martin insists that the price will eventually close on that of the Super Hornet, but is providing no guarantees.) Thus, the Navy wants to continue buying Super Hornets for a few more years until the C-model of the Lightning II is actually at full-rate production.

In short, the Navy believes that it needs long-range drones in the long run, but more short-range manned strike fighters in the short run. Maybe that's not cognitive dissonance, but it's still a problem.

As I heard a retired carrier admiral say recently, with squadrons of J-20s coming eastbound, a supercarrier in the China Seas might need all 44 of those F-18s just to defend itself. In most models of modern aerial combat, a friend at Lockheed Martin once told me, "everybody dies." Stealth or not, it's hard to hide jet exhaust, the skies are pretty open, and infrared search-and-tracking systems are improving. While all-aspect BVR missiles worked very badly in the Vietnam War, they now account for most of the air-to-air kills. There's hardly any opportunity these days to merge to dogfight, or even disengage. So carriers might blow through fighters and pilots pretty fast. If the ships can stay afloat through such a bloody battle in the western Pacific, they'd need replacement aircraft pronto.

The trouble is that Boeing and Lockheed have about zero surge capacity for fighters, and training new jet jockeys can take years. That's where drones come back in. Training a drone pilot takes a fraction of that time. Building a drone is cheaper and should be quicker too. So long as they are taken out and flown occasionally, drones can be stockpiled as a war reserve. And if there's common ground in the Hendrix-McGrath supercarrier debate, it's agreement that the Navy needs to buy a lot of really long-range drones, whether as bombers, missile sherpas, or long-range scouts. Moreover, it needs those aircraft now, so that the fleet can practice and experiment operationally with massed manned-unmanned teaming in the air. Just don't tell me that money is short: the Navy first mastered carrier operations in the 1930s.

With Mackenzie Eaglen of the American Enterprise Institute, McGrath was recently lamenting the Navy's seemingly steadfast decision to retire Northrop Grumman's X-47B demonstrator drone. The plane has had a brilliant test program: it launches from carriers, takes fuel from tankers, and lands on carriers. Other drones have been dropping bombs and shooting missiles for all of those thirteen years of war. Maybe at this point, rather than flying the tails off the Hornets, groaning again about the state of the JSF program, or complaining about sequestration, the Navy could move out smartly. By de-emphasizing manned aviation sooner—whether F-18s or F-35s—the Navy could accelerate its UCLASS program. Four prospective contractors—Boeing, Lockheed,Northrop, and General Atomics—are lined up with prototypes. One or two of those companies ought to be building the real ones, and sooner than later.

James Hasík is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council's Brent Scowcroft Center on International Security where this piece first appeared.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 01/05/2015 | 09:53 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 01/05/2015 | 08:05 uur
The Navy is not buying F-18Es and Fs at nearly that rate, so the number of all Hornets in combat service has been dropping—to now only 44 aircraft per ship. Production of those F-35Cs—expressly meant to replace the F-18As through Ds—has of course been delayed. Worse, at the prices charged, the Navy would need to raid the Air Force's budget to fill its decks with even as many planes as it has now. (Lockheed Martin insists that the price will eventually close on that of the Super Hornet, but is providing no guarantees.) Thus, the Navy wants to continue buying Super Hornets for a few more years until the C-model of the Lightning II is actually at full-rate production.
Kun je nagaan dat het in 25 jaar op een super carrier van vijf squadron met 58 toestellen (2 x 12 F-14 Tomcat (VF) + 2 x 12 A-7 Corsair II (VA) of F/A-18 Hornet (VFA) + 1 x 10 A-6 Intruder (VA)) naar vier VFA squadrons met 44 toestellen is gegaan. Tel ik nog niet eens de ondersteunende vliegtuigen en helikopters erbij op..
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 01/05/2015 | 10:38 uur
Je kunt je ook gaan afvragen of supercarriers de toekomst zijn ?   of supercarriers wel de juiste keuze is, in verband met steeds snellere, lager vliegende, met grotere warhead en range,  stealth anti-ship raketten,  is het misschien beter om 3 stuks minicarriers te hebben dan 1 stuks supercarrier. 

Het heeft ook allemaal weer met kosten te maken, begrijpelijk........  maar wat als in een conflict je supercarrier in eens wegvalt.  

Why The US Navy Should Build Smaller Aircraft Carriers

Future of Aircraft Carriers and mini-carriers
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 01/05/2015 | 11:07 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 01/05/2015 | 10:38 uur
Je kunt je ook gaan afvragen of supercarriers de toekomst zijn ?   of supercarriers wel de juiste keuze is, in verband met steeds snellere, lager vliegende, met grotere warhead en range,  stealth anti-ship raketten,  is het misschien beter om 3 stuks minicarriers te hebben dan 1 stuks supercarrier.
Het is maar net wat zij onder een minicarrier verstaan. Types als de Hornet en Super Hornet kunnen vanaf de Charles de Gaulle opereren, maar de keuze aan wapenconfiguraties is dan ook kleiner. Door de grootte van een schip als deze kan er minder brandstof en minder munitie aan boord. Dit heeft invloed op het aantal te vliegen sorties. Ook beïnvloed de grootte van het vliegdek hoe gemakkelijk de bewegingen aan boord gaan. Op een Amerikaanse super carrier kan gemakkelijker tegelijk worden gelanceerd en worden geland plus dat er veel parkeerruimte overblijft.

Op vliegdekschepen van de Essex-klasse waren er grote Air Wings, omdat types als A-4, A-7 en F-8 niet zo groot waren.

Het is maar net wat zij willen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 01/05/2015 | 11:11 uur
First Meteor BVRAAM launched from Rafale

April 30, 2015

France has performed the first launch and flight test of the 'Meteor' beyond visual range air-to-air missile from a Rafale combat jet. The missile is expected to be fielded in 2018 with the first batch of upgraded Rafale F3-R, which will also be fitted with RBE2 AESA radar and advanced Infrared Search Track system, enabling long-range engagement of hostile targets.

On 28th April 2015, teams from the French Ministry of Defence, Dassault Aviation and MBDA carried out the first guided firing of the long-range Meteor missile against an air target from a Rafale combat aircraft. The test flight followed earlier missile separation trials carried out on the rafale in 2013 and 2014. The recent firing was performed from a two-seat variant over the DGA missiles test range in Biscarosse near Bordeaux. The recent firing represents an important milestone in the integration of Meteor onto the Rafale in line with the development of the aircraft in the next Rafale F3-R standard. The first Meteor missiles will be delivered as of 2018 to equip the Rafales of the French Air Force and Navy.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 01/05/2015 | 11:31 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 01/05/2015 | 11:07 uur
Het is maar net wat zij onder een minicarrier verstaan. Types als de Hornet en Super Hornet kunnen vanaf de Charles de Gaulle opereren, maar de keuze aan wapenconfiguraties is dan ook kleiner. Door de grootte van een schip als deze kan er minder brandstof en minder munitie aan boord. Dit heeft invloed op het aantal te vliegen sorties. Ook beïnvloed de grootte van het vliegdek hoe gemakkelijk de bewegingen aan boord gaan. Op een Amerikaanse super carrier kan gemakkelijker tegelijk worden gelanceerd en worden geland plus dat er veel parkeerruimte overblijft.

Op vliegdekschepen van de Essex-klasse waren er grote Air Wings, omdat types als A-4, A-7 en F-8 niet zo groot waren.

Het is maar net wat zij willen.

In de link van Harald wordt gesproken over QE class size.
Leg de kosten naast elkaar en het is duidelijk dat deze kleinere carriers wel degelijk een rol kunnen spelen, want inderdaad, ook in je carrier fleet moet je m.i. het nodige incasseringsvermogen hebben.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Mourning op 01/05/2015 | 11:44 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 01/05/2015 | 11:31 uur
In de link van Harald wordt gesproken over QE class size.
Leg de kosten naast elkaar en het is duidelijk dat deze kleinere carriers wel degelijk een rol kunnen spelen, want inderdaad, ook in je carrier fleet moet je m.i. het nodige incasseringsvermogen hebben.

Incasseringsvermogen maar ook flexibiliteit. Als je met een GROOT conflict in de buurt van Iran zit als Verenigde Staten zijnde, kan ik me zo maar voorstellen dat het handig is als je bijv. de supervarrier van de 5e vloot in de Middellandse Zee kunt vervangen met een "kleine" (in de praktijk dus een middelgrote) carrier, zodat de supercarrier kan doorschuiven naar de echte hotspot...

Zeker in deze tijden van bijzonder kostbare middelen lijkt me dit een niet te onderschatten voordeel voor de USN.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 01/05/2015 | 11:57 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 01/05/2015 | 11:31 uur
In de link van Harald wordt gesproken over QE class size.
Dan kom je automatisch ook bij de geannuleerde Franse PA2. Is het de vraag of de VS een conventionele aandrijving wil en met Frankrijk wil samenwerken. Frankrijk zal een keer de Charles de Gaulle willen aanvullen en/of willen vervangen.

Citaat van: Harald op 01/05/2015 | 10:38 uur
is het misschien beter om 3 stuks minicarriers te hebben dan 1 stuks supercarrier.

Vermoed wel dat qua prijs de verhouding twee Nimitz-/Ford-klasse schepen om drie QE/PA2 CATOBAR schepen is. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 01/05/2015 | 12:17 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 01/05/2015 | 11:57 uur
Dan kom je automatisch ook bij de geannuleerde Franse PA2. Is het de vraag of de VS een conventionele aandrijving wil en met Frankrijk wil samenwerken. Frankrijk zal een keer de Charles de Gaulle willen aanvullen en/of willen vervangen.

Vermoed wel dat qua prijs de verhouding twee Nimitz-/Ford-klasse schepen om drie QE/PA2 CATOBAR schepen is. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Prijs van zo'n schip is lastig te bepalen, zoals voor alles, maar de Britten zijn GBP 6.2 miljard kwijt voor 2 QE's, de Amerikanen zijn zijn voor 1 stuks ford class ongeveer USD 13 miljard kwijt. ( (
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 01/05/2015 | 12:39 uur
Mini-carrier zoals het Amerikaanse 40.000 tons LHA principe met een USMC eenheid van F-35 en helicopters.

In an article in Naval Institute's Proceedings magazine, Hendrix proposed that the Navy reduce its force of $14-billion supercarriers in favor of a larger number of $2-billion light carriers like America.

America's Third Air Force: Future of the Marines

Met een LHA heb je niet de beschikking over een katapult en dus niet over toestellen zoals F-18E/F/G, UCAS.  Maar is in mijn ogen een goede toevoeging, welke in veel conflict situaties voldoende is ten opzichte van een supercarrier van 100.000 ton.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 01/05/2015 | 12:50 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 01/05/2015 | 12:17 uur
Prijs van zo'n schip is lastig te bepalen, zoals voor alles, maar de Britten zijn GBP 6.2 miljard kwijt voor 2 QE's, de Amerikanen zijn zijn voor 1 stuks ford class ongeveer USD 13 miljard kwijt.
Naar de koers van vandaag is 6,2 miljard GBP ongeveer 9,48 miljard USD. Jammer dat niet bekend is wat zij als CATOBAR versie zouden hebben gekost.

Citaat van: Harald op 01/05/2015 | 12:39 uur
Met een LHA heb je niet de beschikking over een katapult en dus niet over toestellen zoals F-18E/F/G, UCAS.  Maar is in mijn ogen een goede toevoeging, welke in veel conflict situaties voldoende is ten opzichte van een supercarrier van 100.000 ton.
Een LHA is altijd een goede toevoeging, maar is invulling van hun Air Wing ook afhankelijk van de inzet. De hoeveelheid AV-8B(+) en straks F-35B is bij de normale inzet vaak 6 stuks.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 01/05/2015 | 14:04 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 01/05/2015 | 10:38 uur
Je kunt je ook gaan afvragen of supercarriers de toekomst zijn ?   of supercarriers wel de juiste keuze is, in verband met steeds snellere, lager vliegende, met grotere warhead en range,  stealth anti-ship raketten,  is het misschien beter om 3 stuks minicarriers te hebben dan 1 stuks supercarrier. 

Er gaan steeds meer Amerikaanse stemmen op om te downsizen (formaat, niet in aantal) ivm 1. de toenemende kwetsbaarheid van de super carrier en 2. het bereik van carrier killers die er voor zullen (gaan) zorgen dat een veilige operatie afstand buiten het vliegbereik van de carrier wing zal zijn.

Ik heb zo het idee dat de 100K ton carriers die nu in de planning staan, de laatste super carriers zullen zijn, die 50 jaar na in dienst stelling, zullen worden vervangen door "mini's" (maar dan meer).

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 01/05/2015 | 14:30 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 01/05/2015 | 14:04 uur
Er gaan steeds meer Amerikaanse stemmen op om te downsizen (formaat, niet in aantal) ivm 1. de toenemende kwetsbaarheid van de super carrier en 2. het bereik van carrier killers die er voor zullen (gaan) zorgen dat een veilige operatie afstand buiten het vliegbereik van de carrier wing zal zijn.

Ik heb zo het idee dat de 100K ton carriers die nu in de planning staan, de laatste super carriers zullen zijn, die 50 jaar na in dienst stelling, zullen worden vervangen door "mini's" (maar dan meer).

Wowowow hold your horses.
De Russen bouwen nog aan supermega-awesome carriers, vergeet die niet.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 01/05/2015 | 14:36 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 01/05/2015 | 14:30 uur
Wowowow hold your horses.
De Russen bouwen nog aan supermega-awesome carriers, vergeet die niet.

If ever.... dan zal die vermoedelijk gaan passen in het rijtje dino's... het is 2050 en 4 LRS-B (vermoedelijk B-3) lanceren een salvo van 16 of32 hypersone raketten af op een afstand van > 2000 mijl.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 01/05/2015 | 14:43 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 01/05/2015 | 14:36 uur
If ever.... dan zal die vermoedelijk gaan passen in het rijtje dino's... het is 2050 en 4 LRS-B (vermoedelijk B-3) lanceren een salvo van 16 of32 hypersone raketten af op een afstand van > 2000 mijl.

Ha! Nu vergeet je de Russische super mega maanbasis die er dan is en hun tientallen ruimtestations die ze nu aan het bouwen zijn.
Tegen die tijd kan de T-14 ook vliegen en tegelijkertijd wafels bakken dus daar zit je dan met je supersonische raketten.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 01/05/2015 | 14:47 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 01/05/2015 | 14:43 uur
Ha! Nu vergeet je de Russische super mega maanbasis die er dan is en hun tientallen ruimtestations die ze nu aan het bouwen zijn.
Tegen die tijd kan de T-14 ook vliegen en tegelijkertijd wafels bakken dus daar zit je dan met je supersonische raketten.

:angel: hoe kon ik zo dom zijn...
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/05/2015 | 06:59 uur
France offers 25% discount to India on purchase of 36 Rafale jets

By Pranab Dhal Samanta & Manu Pubby, ET Bureau | 6 May, 2015

Read more at:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/05/2015 | 07:43 uur
Boeing, Kuwait Said Near Deal for Up To 40 Super Hornets

By Christopher P. Cavas - May 6, 2015

WASHINGTON — Boeing could be the latest international aircraft-maker to garner a deal for more fighter aircraft, with word that the US government is nearing agreement to sell up to 40 F/A-18 E and F Super Hornet strike fighters to Kuwait.

The deal, first reported Wednesday by Reuters, has yet to be officially announced by either the US or Kuwait, but officials in Washington have confirmed an agreement is close.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 07/05/2015 | 14:21 uur
Kochten die niet van Frankrijk?

d Assault?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 07/05/2015 | 14:25 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 07/05/2015 | 14:21 uur
Kochten die niet van Frankrijk?

d Assault?
Koeweit kijkt wel naar de Rafale, maar heeft nog geen keuze gemaakt. Qatar heeft wel getekend voor 24 stuks en kiezen zij misschien in de toekomst voor 12 extra.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/05/2015 | 14:52 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 07/05/2015 | 14:25 uur
Koeweit kijkt wel naar de Rafale, maar heeft nog geen keuze gemaakt. Qatar heeft wel getekend voor 24 stuks en kiezen zij misschien in de toekomst voor 12 extra.

De kansen voor de SH lijken gezien open media bronnen aanzienlijk toegenomen, een eventuele order voor Boeing zou goed uit komen, want met 40 stuks extra zullen zij, na verwachting, de productielijn kunnen openhouden tot in 2019 (ipv het einde in 2017)

Vwb de Rafale: de 4e op een rij zou de VAE kunnen zijn.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/05/2015 | 19:14 uur
Kuwait to order Boeing F/A-18 fighters worth $3 bn

Agence France-Presse - on May 7, 2015

Kuwait plans to order 28 Super Hornet advanced fighter jets worth $3 billion from Boeing, a person close to the deal told AFP Thursday.

The order for the F/A-18E/F multirole aircraft marks an important victory for Boeing over European rivals, which had been pitching the Eurofighter Typhoon to the Gulf country.

The move would beef up Kuwait's air force, as the country takes part in the Saudi-led coalition attacking Huthi rebels in Yemen.

The deal still requires official approval of the US government, which strictly controls foreign defense sales.

But Kuwait has signed a letter of intent, and it could be officially confirmed in the coming days, possibly as President Barack Obama hosts Gulf leaders in Washington next week, according to the source.

Six Gulf Cooperation Council leaders will visit the White House on May 13, followed the next day by a trip to the bucolic Camp David presidential retreat near Washington.

The six countries -- Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrein, United Arab Emirates, Oman and Qatar -- are looking for assurances of solidarity from the White House as Washington's nuclear talks with arch-foe Iran advance.

Boeing won the order from Kuwait over the Eurofighter pitched by the European consortium BAE Systems, Airbus Defense and Space, and Finmeccanica.

Kuwait already has a fleet of earlier-generation F/A-18 Hornets acquired in the 1990s, in a deal that came after US troops led the effort to liberate the small country from Iraqi invaders.

Boeing declined to officially confirm the Kuwait order.

But the Kuwait deal, along with an expected US Navy order for 12 Super Hornets, would keep open Boeing's F/A-18 assembly line in St. Louis, Missouri, which is facing a shutdown for lack of orders.

The plant's future was threatened by the US military's decision in 2001 to choose Lockheed Martin to develop its next generation of tactical aircraft with the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program.

"We defer to the US government for any details on foreign military sales," said Boeing spokeswoman Caroline Hutcheson in an email.

"A near-term international order, along with Congressional funding for twelve US Navy Super Hornets this year, would allow the company to continue delivering aircraft without a break in the production line."

The twin-engine, supersonic Super Hornet has been in service since 2001, and can be flown off aircraft carriers.

It saw action in the US invasion of Iraq in 2003 and later over Afghanistan.

Besides Kuwait, Australia has acquired the aircraft for its air force.

But other hotly anticipated sales deals, especially with Brazil, were lost to rival suppliers.

The Boeing aircraft is in competition with European rivals in potential deals in Denmark, Canada, Malaysia and Belgium.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 07/05/2015 | 19:30 uur
Dus nog even afwachten wat zal vermelden.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/05/2015 | 19:57 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 07/05/2015 | 19:30 uur
Dus nog even afwachten wat zal vermelden.

Ja, maar een nee kan ik mij in dit geval niet voorstellen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 07/05/2015 | 21:48 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/05/2015 | 19:57 uur
Ja, maar een nee kan ik mij in dit geval niet voorstellen.
Lijkt mij ook wel een geval van niet of, maar wanneer.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/05/2015 | 21:54 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 07/05/2015 | 21:48 uur
Lijkt mij ook wel een geval van niet of, maar wanneer.

" it could be officially confirmed in the coming days, possibly as President Barack Obama hosts Gulf leaders in Washington next week"
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 08/05/2015 | 21:13 uur
Raptor test force enters new phase of AIM-9X testing

By Kenji Thuloweit 412th Test Wing Public Affairs | May 6,2015

EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. -- The 411th Flight Test Squadron and F-22 Combined Test Force successfully test fired two guided AIM-9X Sidewinder missiles this year as part of the latest phase in getting the Raptor closer to using the missile operationally.

The AIM-9X is an advanced infrared missile and the newest of the Sidewinder family of short-range air-to-air missiles carried on a wide range of fighter jets.

The first guided launch of the AIM-9X from an F-22 Raptor was Feb. 26 by Maj. Christopher Guarente, 411th FLTS assistant director of operations and F-22 test pilot. The missile successfully shot down a BQM-34 drone.

The second guided firing was conducted April 29 by Maj. Patrick Killingsworth targeting a BQM-74 drone. Both shots were taken over the nearby China Lake test range.

"The second shot was done in a much more stressing flight regime; doing things that only the Raptor can do while employing the AIM-9X," said Jeremy Cookson, F-22 Weapons Integration lead engineer.

These two guided test shots mark the beginning of the integration phase of the F-22 CTF's AIM-9X program. The CTF completed the carriage phase and the separations phase is ongoing with 17 successful releases. These phases ensure the F-22 can carry and shoot the missile through the extremes of the flight envelope.


Currently, operational F-22s carry the AIM-9M. The AIM-9X will make the F-22 even more lethal.

"The 9X will bring an increased capability in all aspects as compared to the 9M," said Guarente. "The 9X is a longer range, more maneuverable missile and can be launched from a much, much larger flight envelope than the 9M. This will finally give the F-22 a missile that can be employed at the extreme flight conditions that the F-22 is capable of operating and often does operate."


Voor het complete artikel zie onderstaande link:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 12/05/2015 | 09:02 uur

F-35B STOVL Practice

Video by Cpl. Travis Gershaneck Marine Corps Air Station Yuma
F-35B pilots, Maj. Aric Liberman (05 jet) and Capt. Brian Hansell (01 jet), with Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 121 based out of Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, Ariz., perform short take off and vertical landings as part of required flying field carrier landing practices (FCLP) at the stations auxiliary landing field, Wednesday, May 6, 2015. The landing field simulates the flight deck of an aircraft carrier to prepare pilots for landing and taking off at sea.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/05/2015 | 10:52 uur
STOVL fighter in development in China: report

Staff Reporter 2015-05-12

AVIC Chengdu Aircraft Industrial Group Company may be developing a new short take-off and vertical landing (STOVL) fighter, according to Duowei News, a media outlet run by overseas Chinese.

The official Weibo account of the PLA Daily, the mouthpiece of the People's Liberation Army, reposted an article entitled "How will China develop its STOVL fighter?" on May 9, according to the website.

The article, first published on National Defense Reference, a magazine under the PLA Daily brand, stated that China's navy has been equipping itself with large landing crafts, supply ships, transport ships and amphibious assault ships. Different aircraft, including STOVL aircraft and helicopters, can take off from and land on the afterdecks of these ships.

The article stated that amphibious assault ships will play an increasingly important role in attempts to assert territorial claims and defend the political interests of different nations around the globe. In this context, STOVL fighters have become the second most important aspect of military conflict. The article called for China to accelerate its development of STOVL aircraft and stated that Russia can likely offer help to China with its experience and technological know-how in the field.

The article stated that China can push forth development of the STOVL aircraft by four routes. The first way is to continue developing a version of the Yakovlev Yak-141 supersonic vertical takeoff/landing (VTOL) fighter aircraft, which would allow for quick results with less investment. The Yak Aircraft Corporation design team have continued with the development of the aircraft, incorporating elements of modern fighters such as advanced stealth technology.

The second option is to develop multirole aircraft technology. This would involve developing a new generation of technology and an upgrade to fighter design.

A third option would be for China to adapt its spacecraft technology to create a fighter.

The fourth method is to go the route of a high-speed helicopter technology. This is one of the quickest and simplest methods and one of the cheapest and most practical. This is also the option that Russia is currently pursuing. In 2010, a Russian helicopter prototype reached a speed above 600 km per hour, which would satisfy current military demand.

The development project would offer a chance for Russia and China to work together, the website said.

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the subsequent reduction of the Russian Navy, Russia was forced to abandon the development and manufacture of the Yak-141, returning its focus to its traditional fighters. Despite this, Russia is still in possession of the relevant technology, experience and experts necessary to facilitate the completion of the aircraft.

Given that Russia is no longer developing the plane, there is no conflict of interest in Russia helping China develop the plane.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 12/05/2015 | 15:20 uur
Test Flight Confirms Suitability of Latest Raytheon AESA for International Legacy Hornet Upgrades

Raytheon Co | May 12, 2015

EL SEGUNDO, California --- A successful flight test of the Raytheon-built APG-79(V)X AESA radar system has demonstrated the functions needed to extend the combat relevance of F/A-18C/D Hornet aircraft for 15 to 20 years.

Hornet fleets upgrading to the new APG-79V(X) radar will receive Super Hornet-like capabilities, including:
•extended detection ranges
•simultaneous air-to-air and air-to-ground capabilities
•production of high-resolution synthetic aperture radar (SAR) mapping
•industry leading reliability

"We put our latest AESA radar to the test, and it exceeded our expectations," said Mike "Ponch" Garcia, business development director of Tactical Airborne Systems for Raytheon's Space and Airborne Systems business, and a former F/A-18E/F Super Hornet pilot/instructor. "Our APG-79(V)X combines the best features of our AESA portfolio to maintain tactical advantage for F/A-18C/D aircraft."

Since fielding the world's first operational AESA radar for airborne platforms in 2000, Raytheon has delivered more than 500 tactical AESA radars for F-15, F/A-18E/F, EA-18G and B-2 aircraft. The APG-79 system, a U.S. Navy program of record, flies globally on F/A-18E/F Super Hornets and EA-18G Growlers, and has seen service in four combat theaters since its first delivery in 2006.

"Our experience with AESA radar systems ensures a low-risk transition to the APG-79V(X). Installations require less than 60 minutes," said Roy Azevedo, vice president for Raytheon's Space and Airborne Systems business. "In these uncertain economic times, when defense budgets are particularly tight, Raytheon's APG-79V(X) radar offers a proven, cost-effective solution for Hornet life extension, as well as significant opportunities for in-country manufacturing partnerships."

Raytheon Company, with 2014 sales of $23 billion and 61,000 employees worldwide, is a technology and innovation leader specializing in defense, security and civil markets throughout the world. Raytheon is headquartered in Waltham, Mass.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 13/05/2015 | 19:05 uur
New Finnish interest in the Saab Gripen


In het Zweeds:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 13/05/2015 | 19:10 uur
Dassault CEO says to raise Rafale output if wins new order | Reuters

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 13/05/2015 | 20:32 uur
Opinion: Saab And Dassault Strengthen Their Fighter-Market Positions

Who will survive to take on JSF?

May 13, 2015  Bill Sweetman   |   Aviation Week & Space Technology

Qatar's order for the Dassault Rafale—whose export orders have soared from zero to 84 in three months flat—is part of a shift in the fighter business that began just over two years ago, when the Swedish government issued a development contract for the JAS 39E Gripen.

Saab subsequently locked in a co-development agreement with Brazil, while the F-15 and Eurofighter Typhoon lost to the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter in South Korea. The Advanced Super Hornet has languished, with nothing but rhetorical support from the U.S. Navy. Are we headed for a three-way contest among Western fighters?

Gripen (see photo) and Rafale are now free from the "F-104S syndrome": a fighter customer's fear of being the last purchaser in a program, stuck supporting aircraft that the rest of the world has retired, as happened to Italy when it bought F-104s in the late 1960s.

Whether Typhoon can shake off that curse depends largely on two linked decisions: the United Arab Emirates' choice of a new fighter, and the new British government's strategic defense and security review (SDSR). The link was implicit when Eurofighter and the UAE broke off talks in late 2013. "There's no point talking about price," the customer seemed to be saying, "as long as your partner governments are waffling about paying for the radar and weapon upgrades that are already funded on Rafale."

Some key developments have been funded since then—integration of the Brimstone close-support weapon was pointedly announced at the IDEX show in Abu Dhabi—but the SDSR needs to secure Typhoon's future with the Royal Air Force. The clock is ticking, because parts for the last Typhoons on order already have been manufactured.

The clock is ticking, too,  for some customers, including the UAE, Kuwait and Bahrain: Sweden does not sell such weapons to those nations, and they are not cleared for the F-35, so the Typhoon could be the only modern alternative to the Rafale. Sole-source negotiations are not a place where anyone likes to be. Eurofighter has been using a "buy now or pay more later" message with Saudi Arabia, which is contemplating a second tranche of Typhoons.

Typhoon needs a full commitment to an upgrade of its active, electronically scanned array radar, decisions by the partner nations that upgrades will continue (which the U.K. will have to weigh against its F-35 plans) and what one observer calls "better joined-up diplomacy"—harmonized relationship-tending by industry, government trade and diplomatic organizations, and the military.

Outside the Middle East, Saab's double offensive is a factor: the Gripen C/D for the pre-2025 market and the E/F after 2023, when the first export slots are open. Somewhere in Sweden is a stockpile of low-hours A/B versions, probably in the dozens, which can be rebuilt into C/Ds.

F-35 candidate nations are on the Dassault and Saab target lists. Finland is a target for the JAS 39E/F: a more promising one than it was in the past, thanks in part to Russian President Vladimir Putin, whose actions have encouraged military collaboration between the Nordic cousins. Both Dassault and Saab are active in Belgium. Saab considers nations currently in the F-35 program a waste of scarce ammunition, but Dassault is present in Canada, ready to take advantage of any change that follows this October's election.

All three European fighters are active in Asia-Pacific markets, but Saab has two advantages: cost (none of the eligible customers in the region is rolling in cash) and a foothold in Thailand, which is building a networked air defense system around Gripens and Saab 340 airborne early warning aircraft.

Both Rafale and Gripen would be in a stronger position if Typhoon continues to lag—and they are showing willingness to dispute the orthodoxy that anything except the so-called fifth-generation jet counts as second-rate.

New VHF radars and infrared search-and-track technology are at least nibbling at the advantages of a costly low-radar-cross-section design, the Europeans argue. Saab leaders noted early this month that Gripen's new jamming suite (AW&ST May 26/June 2, 2014, p. 66) reflects the customer's requirement to survive inside the "red-bubble" danger zone of the latest surface-to-air missile systems, something that stealth dogma considers unique to the F-22 and F-35. Capabilities that are fighting for a place in JSF's Block 4 configuration—digital close air support, standoff optical reconnaissance, the MBDA Meteor air-to-air-missile and anti-ship missile carriage, for example—are already in place on European products.

It's not the scenario that Lockheed Martin painted for prospective industrial partners as recently as a couple of years ago, where every rival disappears from the scene by 2024. But the real-world picture looks like keeping needed competition in the market.

This article was originally published on may 7.

Check 6 Bill Sweetman and other Aviation Week editors discuss the fighter market's twists and turns in the latest Check 6.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/05/2015 | 08:54 uur
Lockheed not ditching agile fighter designs

By: James Drew / Washington DC / Source:

May 13, 2015

Lockheed Martin says it is too early to discount highly maneuverable fighter aircraft designs for future US Air Force and Navy warplanes, even as advances in long-range air-to-air missile technology makes dogfights less likely.

According to the company's director of advanced air dominance and unmanned systems strategy, Bob Ruszkowski, the US must be prepared to fight outnumbered, and air-to-air missiles can be countered.

"In a situation where maybe there's a numerical mismatch between the number of threat aircraft and the number of allied aircraft, there may be situations where dogfighting emerges, even as a secondary capability, but one you may have to resort to," Ruszkowski tells Flightglobal. "Or, in situations where long-range missiles are negated by some other capabilities and now they're rendered relatively ineffective. What bet are you going to make?"

Some in Washington have argued that speed and agility should not automatically be key attributes of a sixth-generation combat aircraft, since those design attributes could be traded for greater size, range and payload. According to a report published in April by the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, the lethality of a large combat aircraft "may be competitive or even superior to more traditional fighter aircraft designs". 

"We're at a point where it's time to think long-term, and hard, about what attributes we want and need and make everything earn its way onto the platform," the report's author John Stillion said at an Air Force Association event last month. "Don't just assume it's going to be fast and agile."

Ruszkowski agrees that a larger combat jet might be preferred in the future, but it's too early to tell.

"I don't believe anybody has defined what those attributes are," he says, while noting that the Vietnam War-era McDonnell Douglas F-4 was delivered without a gun, but one had to be installed later as a "fallback capability" because air-to-air missiles of the day proved to be less effective in combat than imagined.

"They needed a fallback capability," he says.

Lockheed has been exploring sixth-generation aircraft capabilities and designs in earnest since 2009, and Ruszkowski says the company is looking for high-payoff technologies to invest in.

He thinks assured communications with satellites and other aircraft will be essential, and next-generation weapons will be a "discriminating" factor on any future air dominance platform. To that end, the company is investing heavily in hypersonic air vehicles laser weapons.

Last year, the company demonstrated a new beam control turret for an airborne laser, conducting eight flight tests in a surrogate aircraft over Michigan. Lockheed is also exploring the propulsion, materials and sensor technologies needed to develop an air-launched hypersonic missile.

"They're not only applicable for next-generation air dominance platforms, but they're applicable for current-generation platforms," Ruszkowski says.

The navy is looking to replace its Boeing F/A-18 Super Hornets in the late 2020s. The air force wants to develop a truly next-generation platform through its Air Dominance 2030 initiative.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 14/05/2015 | 10:57 uur
India's auditor general brands Tejas 'operationally deficient'

By Rahul Bedi, New Delhi - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly | May 12, 2015

India's Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) declared on 8 May that the locally designed Tejas Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Mk I was "operationally deficient" and its pilots vulnerable even to 7.62 mm rounds fired at the fighter's front end.

In the 63-page report tabled in parliament, Shashi Kant Sharma revealed that the long-delayed LCA Mk I, which obtained its second initial operational clearance (IOC-2) in December 2013, had failed to meet the Indian Air Force's (IAF's) air staff requirements on numerous counts.

It disclosed that to secure IOC-2, the LCA Mk I - under development by the state-run Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) since 1983 - had to be granted 53 waivers, of which 20 were permanent.

The latter would remain, the CAG said, even after the platform secured its final operational clearance (FOC) scheduled for December 2015. IAF sources said FOC was likely to be deferred.

The LCA Mk I obtained its first IOC from the Centre for Military Airworthiness and Certification in Bangalore in January 2011, only for it to be re-confirmed in 2013 by the definitive IOC-2.

The persistent shortcomings, some of which were still under design, development, and testing, include excessive weight, engine thrust, reduced internal fuel capacity, non-compliance of all-weather operations, non-achievement of single-point defueling fuel system protection, and pilot protection. They restrict the "operational efficiency and survivability of the aircraft, thereby limiting its employability when inducted into IAF squadrons", the report said.

It is also "deficient in electronic warfare (EW) capabilities as specified by the IAF, as the self-protection jammer could not be fitted on the aircraft due to space constraints", the report stated.

The CAG said many of the LCA's inadequacies were caused by it being powered by the General Electric F404-GE-IN20 engine. The engine's 80-85 kN thrust limited its angle of attack and weapons-carrying capacity.

It anticipated that many deficiencies will be rectified in the LCA Mk II, which will be fitted with the more powerful General Electric GE-414 engine, which generates 90-96 kN thrust. LCA Mk II is expected to make its maiden test flight around 2018-19 and go into series production around 2022-23.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 14/05/2015 | 11:24 uur
De komende tien jaar hoeven ze hier dus niets van te verwachten.
Misschien goed nieuws voor Frankrijk.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/05/2015 | 11:29 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 14/05/2015 | 11:24 uur
De komende tien jaar hoeven ze hier dus niets van te verwachten.
Misschien goed nieuws voor Frankrijk.

Aangezien ook de Indiase variant van de PAK-FA ook nog wel "wat"  vertraging gaat oplopen (als deze niet wordt afgeblazen) en ook de SU-30MKI niet uitblinkt in betrouwbaarheid heb ik zo het vermoeden het niet bij 2 Rafale squadrons zal blijven.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 14/05/2015 | 13:14 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 14/05/2015 | 11:24 uur
De komende tien jaar hoeven ze hier dus niets van te verwachten.
Misschien goed nieuws voor Frankrijk.

Waarschijnlijk goed nieuws voor Saab ondat deze voor de Gripen C/D de General Electric F404-GE-IN20 engine gebruikt en voor de Gripen E de  General Electric GE-414 engine gebruiken.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/05/2015 | 13:18 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 14/05/2015 | 13:14 uur
Waarschijnlijk goed nieuws voor Saab ondat deze voor de Gripen C/D de General Electric F404-GE-IN20 engine gebruikt en voor de Gripen E de  General Electric GE-414 engine gebruiken.

Saab ziet idd weer kansen in India.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 14/05/2015 | 13:34 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 14/05/2015 | 13:14 uur
Waarschijnlijk goed nieuws voor Saab ondat deze voor de Gripen C/D de General Electric F404-GE-IN20 engine gebruikt en voor de Gripen E de  General Electric GE-414 engine gebruiken.
Saab is betrokken bij de ontwikkeling van de Tejas..waarvan de mk.2 versie op ongeveer dezelfde tijd beschikbaar komt als de Gripen E/F.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 15/05/2015 | 07:30 uur
Northrop Grumman Aims To Retain Grip on Aviation 

June 2015 

By Sandra I. Erwin

Almost all military contractors these days see every competition as a "must win." And that is especially true for Northrop Grumman Corp. as it makes a big play to join the ranks of Lockheed Martin and Boeing as one of the nation's top manufacturers of combat aircraft.

The company has set its sights on upcoming Air Force competitions that would give the winners a once-in-a-generation chance to solidify their place in the industry. The biggest prize will be the $55 billion long-range strike bomber program. Other coveted deals will be the contract to build a fleet of training jets for Air Force fighter pilots, and a $2 billion program to replace aging ground surveillance airplanes.

Northrop Grumman Corporate Vice President Thomas E. Vice said the company has spent years preparing for these high-stakes competitions.

Vice presides over Northrop Grumman's $10 billion Aerospace Systems sector in Redondo Beach, California. He joined the company nearly three decades ago as an engineer on the B-2 stealth bomber program.

He faces the daunting task of positioning Northrop to win programs it has owned for decades and now are at risk of being seized by competitors. The company is the incumbent manufacturer in three key competitions — the new Air Force stealth bomber, the T-X jet trainer and the Joint Stars ground surveillance aircraft — and losing them would put a serious damper on its ambitions to return to the top tier of military aviation.

Vice's immediate focus is the upcoming first flight of the company's T-X jet trainer prototype, which he describes as a "revolutionary" design, although its performance specs and specific features remain closely held secrets. The first operational prototype will fly later this year over the Mojave Desert. The stakes are huge for Northrop, which chose to invest significant resources in the program because it views it as one that is "strongly supported" by the Air Force, Vice told National Defense in an interview. "The Air Force sees it as a priority. So we balanced our investment. We made some internal decisions on where we wanted to invest."

Winning T-X is a matter of pride for the company, which built the current Air Force T-38 Talon, the world's first supersonic trainer. When the new trainer program first emerged in 2011, the Air Force insisted it wanted to buy an existing design from the open market to save time and money. But it later concluded that off-the-shelf airplanes might not meet stringent performance requirements in order to train fifth-generation fighter pilots — like sustained Gs and tight angles of attack. Northrop Grumman initially had teamed with BAE Systems to offer the Hawk trainer, but when it became clear that the Air Force was moving in a different direction, the company turned to its aircraft concept designers for fresh ideas.

Northrop spent the past two years fine-tuning a clean-sheet airplane that was purposely designed to satisfy the Air Force's demands. Its subsidiary Scaled Composites used rapid prototyping techniques to tweak the design every time the Air Force introduced a new requirement. This approach also allowed engineers to project the cost of operating the aircraft and to avoid adding components that could increase maintenance expenses.

Another concern was to make sure the design could be manufactured efficiently, said Vice. "The design evolved with the Air Force's requirements," he said. "It's the strength of our model engineering approach as we lead up to our first flight this year."

BAE Systems and L-3 were selected to join the Northrop T-X team for their expertise in advanced simulators which are a considerable portion of the program. Estimated at more than a billion dollars, T-X would replace 350 T-38 trainers. The winner also would be poised to sell thousands more airplanes in the international market.

"This is actually going to be an extremely large aircraft program with a high quantity of airplanes that are going to be produced over the next decade," Vice said. "It will grow significantly."

The win imperative both in the bomber and T-X contests compelled Northrop executives to figure out a plan to position the company to win aircraft programs. The release of a Super Bowl bomber ad marked the launch of a marketing campaign — with the hashtag #ThisIsWhatWeDo — aimed at recalibrating the company's image as an aircraft manufacturer.

A key move was the acquisition in 2007 of Scaled Composites, a renowned designer of experimental aircraft. About two years ago, Northrop began a nationwide reallocation of engineering and manufacturing talent so it would be concentrated in six "centers of excellence" in California, Florida and New York. Mojave-based Scaled Composites is located about 30 minutes from Northrop's aviation center in Palmdale.

A realization that the company could not afford to lose the bomber to archrival Boeing (teamed with Lockheed), or lose T-X to competitors that also are working on advanced designs, shaped the corporate image campaign.

Although the company has a long history of building storied warplanes in decades past, Northrop no longer is thought of as an aircraft manufacturer. The company built by legendary aircraft designer Jack Northrop now makes many of the components and electronics that Boeing and Lockheed use in their military airplanes. One of its key markets today are unmanned drones for the Air Force and the Navy. In promotional materials and briefings to reporters, company executives for years have emphasized Northrop Grumman's key "core competencies" as unmanned systems, cyber security, C4ISR and logistics, though not necessarily combat aviation.

It has been almost two decades since then-CEO Kent Kresa made the call — controversial at the time — to move the company in the direction of electronics and electronic warfare after being primarily a builder of airplanes. With the B-2 bomber and F- 14 fighter programs coming to an end, Kresa moved in 1996 to acquire the Westinghouse radar and electronics plant and shift the company's focus.

Today, Vice believes the company can compete in the combat aircraft market as a prime contractor. He challenged the suggestion that Northrop is less appreciated as an aircraft manufacturer because some of its most high-profile airplanes are unmanned. "We are designing revolutionary unmanned aircraft," he said. The Global Hawk, the Triton, the X-47B all have produced breakthrough technology in autonomy, aircraft control, endurance and aerial refueling, Vice insisted. "The idea that unmanned aircraft is somewhat different than aircraft is not true. They are a very complex undertaking," he added. "I think that's the heart of our company — it's our advanced design capability."

Mind blowing designs, however, might not be enough to win in a military market that rewards low-cost bids as spending on new weapons gets tighter. "Our customer wants innovation and affordability," Vice said. That was the rationale for consolidating Northrop's aircraft designers, engineers and logisticians that had been spread around the country into six aviation and technology hubs. There needed to be a more deliberate focus on novel technology that also could be produced at a price that could win Defense Department competitions, Vice said.

The center in Bethpage, New York, is the hub for electronic attack aircraft. Facilities in St. Augustine and Melbourne, Florida, focus on manufacturing manned aircraft design. Near San Diego is the Rancho Bernardo center for unmanned systems. Space Park, the former home of TRW, does space work — including NASA's James Webb space telescope — and microelectronics. In Palmdale is the aircraft assembly plant where the company used to build the B-2 bomber and now makes the Global Hawk and the center fuselage for the F-35 joint strike fighter.

Scaled Composites now does a majority of Northrop's military designs, and has assigned a team to develop concepts for sixth-generation Air Force and Navy fighters. The group also is given latitude to pursue out-of-the-box projects like the Firebird medium-altitude optionally piloted aircraft and the giant rocket-carrying Roc plane that Scaled Composites designed for Paul Allen's Stratolaunch Systems. The mammoth airplane — the size of two football fields — will carry huge rockets to 30,000 feet and launch them into low-Earth orbit. The airplane was the brainchild of Microsoft co-founder Allen and Scaled Composites founder Burt Rutan.

While Vice has been a champion of advanced designs, he recognizes that novelty doesn't always win. Boeing has been hugely successful at adapting commercial airframes for military use. Northrop's joint surveillance target attack radar system was based on a Boeing 707 airframe. The company plans to compete for the next version of JSTARS with a derivative of a business jet. 

Vice said some missions are better met with commercial airplanes, but the T-X program offers a lesson in the risk of underestimating the value of military-unique designs. The performance requirements are such that there is no commercial derivative that can meet those needs, he said. "There is revolutionary capability you can't get from commercial designs."

For the T-X competition, Northrop will be up against another clean sheet proposal by a Boeing-Saab team. Lockheed Martin and Korean Aerospace Industries will be offering the T-50, and Lockheed suggested it, too, might propose a new design. Other competitors include the T-100 by Italy's Alenia Aermacchi and Textron AirLand's Scorpion, a commercially based aircraft designed for military use.

Air Force officials have hailed the T-X program as a poster child for a new procurement philosophy that was unveiled last year by Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James. She selected T-X as one of four programs that will serve as pilot projects for the initiative called "bending the cost curve." James said the Air Force has to "better understand how processes, procedures and some of the choices we make can inadvertently contribute to rising costs, the stifling of innovation and slow processes."

Industry bidders for the new bomber, T-X trainer and Joint Stars replacement will be watching warily how the Air Force allocates procurement and research dollars in the coming years. Most of the service's procurement funds are being consumed by the F-35 fighter made by Lockheed and the KC-46 tanker manufactured by Boeing. The bomber program will draw from the research-and-development account over the next five years and whoever wins the design contract will have to worry about whether there will be enough procurement funds to start production in five years. The Air Force in fiscal year 2016 requested an increase to its procurement budget from $38.6 billion to $45.8 billion. Aircraft research and development spending by the Air Force also should see an uptick. R&D for the long-range bomber alone will be about $14 billion over the next five years. According to Bloomberg Government analysis, Air Force aircraft R&D will consume 68 percent of all military aircraft R&D spending.

While the Obama administration has proposed increased funding for military investments in new aircraft, the defense budget forecast remains under a cloud of political uncertainty, said Doug Berenson, industry analyst at Avascent. Overall DoD spending on new aircraft is projected to stay at about $50 billion a year, he said, and the F-35 will remain the largest program for the foreseeable future.

The timing and vendor selections by the Air Force in upcoming programs could have dramatic impact on the industry, according to analysts. "Selling the military a new airplane will still earn a company billions of dollars, but these contracts will come at intervals of a decade or more. Fewer and fewer firms will be able to hold on to the intellectual and physical capital to produce combat aircraft," noted Robert Levinson of Bloomberg Government. "If, for example, Northrop Grumman Corp. loses the long-range strike bomber contract to the Boeing-Lockheed team, it is difficult to envision that Northrop would even compete in a few decades when the Air Force seeks a new bomber."

Levinson warned that budget pressures may drive the Air Force to upgrade rather than buy new airplanes. "Barring a very significant leap in combat capability, the Air Force may get a far better return on investment by modifying an old airplane than by buying a new one."

Aerospace industry analyst Richard Aboulafia, of the Teal Group, speculated that whoever loses the bomber is likely to come under pressure from investors to either merge with a competitor or acquire one.

Only Lockheed Martin can afford to lose the bomber and T-X contracts and still have certainty that it will remain a combat aircraft prime contractor, as it will be producing the F-35 joint strike fighter for decades. But Boeing's and Northrop Grumman's future as combat aircraft prime contractors would depend on winning either the bomber or T-X.

"I still think Northrop Grumman would be a viable company without the bomber, and might even be able to stay in the airframe game — in the event that they win T-X, a one in four chance," Aboulafia told National Defense. "But without the bomber, and certainly without T-X, too, Northrop would probably be a more compelling breakup story. That is, either company management or investors could well decide that the parts of the company were worth more than the whole, resulting in a series of unit sales."

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 15/05/2015 | 09:40 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 14/05/2015 | 13:34 uur
Saab is betrokken bij de ontwikkeling van de Tejas..waarvan de mk.2 versie op ongeveer dezelfde tijd beschikbaar komt als de Gripen E/F.

Saab is niet van het begin af betrokken geweest bij het ontwerp en de ontwikkeling van de Tejas ik geloof dat Saab er pas sinds 2 of 3 jaar geleden erbij is gehaald door India en in 2 of 3 jaar tijd kun je nooit alle problemen oplossen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 15/05/2015 | 17:42 uur
Chinese Aerospace Industry Started Research on a STOVL Naval Jet

Friday, 15 May 2015

According to China Daily, China's aviation industry is working on the development of aircraft with short takeoff and vertical landing capabilities needed for an important role in the Chinese navy's future operations, military experts said. "Research and development on components of STOVL aircraft, such as the engine, have started," Wang Ya'nan, deputy editor-in-chief of Aerospace Knowledge magazine, told China Daily.  

According to China Daily, China's aviation industry is working on the development of aircraft with short takeoff and vertical landing capabilities needed for an important role in the Chinese navy's future operations, military experts said. "Research and development on components of STOVL aircraft, such as the engine, have started," Wang Ya'nan, deputy editor-in-chief of Aerospace Knowledge magazine, told China Daily.

"The aircraft's principles are not new. They have been known for more than 40 years, so our aircraft designers should be able to develop the plane on their own," Wang said.

In late March, the Aviation Industry Corp of China, the country's leading aircraft maker, announced on its website that two of its subsidiaries - AVIC Chengdu Engine Group and China Aviation Engine Establishment - have signed a cooperation agreement on the development of the STOVL aircraft's engine. The statement said the STOVL aircraft project aims to strengthen the People's Liberation Army navy's amphibious combat capability and address the absence of such a weapon in the PLA's arsenal.

Compared with conventional fixed-wing aircraft, a STOVL plane can be readied for action in a shorter period of time and occupies less space in a hangar bay or on the deck of a ship. These features have made it a popular choice for naval powers since late 1960s, when Britain's subsonic Hawker Siddley Harrier became the first STOVL aircraft to be put in service.

Almost all STOVL aircraft in active service are based on the Harrier design, and they form the backbone of the naval forces of India and Spain.

This move is not the first time China has aimed to build a STOVL aircraft. In the late 1960s, the PLA asked the aircraft institutes to develop a fixed-wing plane capable of vertical takeoff and landing. The project was later abandoned due to technical difficulties.

The PLA also tried to buy the Hawker Siddley Harrier in the late 1970s, but dropped the attempt because of cost, according to Western military observers.

This time, AVIC appears to have made the right decision at the right time as the PLA navy now needs a STOVL aircraft because it will "significantly supplement and improve its amphibious capabilities", Wang said.

"Though the PLA navy now has an aircraft carrier - the CNS Liaoning - it still lacks the experience of developing and manufacturing such a sophisticated naval platform, so there won't be more carriers in the short term," Wang said. "Let's assume that a conflict breaks out between China and another nation in the near future; the PLA navy's limited number of carrier-borne fighter jets, the J-15s, would have to engage in long-distance strikes as well as air defense for the carrier battle group, and they would have to be divided into small groups to perform these tasks simultaneously."

If China had STOVL aircraft, they could be deployed on the CNS Liaoning and other ships to defend against incoming enemy aircraft, relieving the burden on the J-15s, which could then focus on long-range operations, Wang said.

"Actually, in the foreseeable future, I don't see a high probability of China's involvement in a war far from its shores. Being dragged into limited amphibious conflicts in or near our territorial waters would be more likely. The STOVL aircraft will be the best choice for air support in such conflicts," Wang said, noting that it would be a perfect match for China's future amphibious assault ships.  

Zie link voor het plaatje... het doet je ergens een "beetje" aan denken.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: DvdW op 15/05/2015 | 20:59 uur
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 19/05/2015 | 07:44 uur
ANALYSIS: Saab targets fresh export deals for Gripen

By: Craig Hoyle / may, 18-2015

Next year, a Gripen fighter will emerge from the assembly line at Saab's Linköping site in the south of ­Sweden, following more than 200 others before it. But in contrast to its forebears, this aircraft will embody a raft of new features, which the company believes will ensure the type's continued production towards – and perhaps even into – the 2030s.

Currently in the early stages of assembly, aircraft 39-8 is the first of three prototypes to be manufactured in support of the Gripen ­E/NG programme, including one for static testing.

While it will closely resemble the ­single-­engined design first flown in December 1988, the new version is larger, more powerful and better armed than the C/D model now flown by the Swedish air force and export customers the Czech Republic, Hungary, South ­Africa and Thailand.

"We are well on our way to present the best fighter there is," says Saab deputy chief executive Lennart Sindahl of the new model, which has already secured firm orders from Sweden and Brazil for a combined 96 units.

Key elements of the Gripen E are already being tested in flight using a two-seat demonstrator. These include its GE Aviation F414G engine, repositioned main landing gear – moved from the fuselage to the wing to provide additional fuel capacity – and a Selex ES Raven ES-05 active electronically scanned array radar and Skyward-G infrared search and track (IRST) sensor. The demonstrator also has seven hardpoints for weapons ­carriage, up from five, with the one position beneath the fuselage increased to three.

Named 39-7, this aircraft retains the ­Gripen C/D's avionics in its front cockpit, and parts of the new model's equipment for the rear pilot – including the ability to ­control the radar and IRST. Using this ­method, the company "can go through changes quite quickly" without compromising flight safety, says Hans Einerth, wing commander flying at Linköping.

Recent flight tests with the passive ­Skyward-G sensor demonstrated better-than-expected range performance, Einerth says, while the swashplate repositioner for its new radar was also used.

To date, aircraft 39-7 has flown 315 sorties totalling a combined 281h. Other systems – such as a new air data computer, wingtip-mounted radar warning receivers and a ­jammer installed in the top of the tail – are first being flown using Gripen C/D test assets.

"We are collecting data, so we can put it in our models for the simulators and know how the sensors perform," Einerth says. "The work we are doing now will define the human-machine interface for 2019," he adds, referring to the year in which first deliveries will occur.

The first flight of prototype aircraft 39-8 will be monitored in real-time by around 25 test engineers and 25 system engineers from a new control room in Linköping, ­nicknamed "Houston 2". The Gripen E is ­expected to require around 1,500 test flights, which Saab says will be 40% less than on the C/D programme.

"We are using simulators and desktop simulation running 24h a day to find where we have the biggest weakness in the system," says head of flight test and verification Mats Lundberg. "Then we use flight test to verify that the models are correct."

Einerth claims that the E model will be comparable to the Lockheed Martin F-35 in terms of its standoff-range weapons and electronic warfare systems; the latter of which he refers to as a "game changer" for the Gripen.

Sweden will be the first to receive the new aircraft, with 60 single-seat Gripen Es on order. However, a recent spike in quick reaction alert activities linked to increased military flights by Russia over the Baltic Sea has prompted the government to indicate that a further 10 of the type could be acquired after 2020. If funded, this would move the ­defence ministry closer to its long-term objective of operating up to 80 examples.

The air force – which currently has an ­inventory of almost 100 C/D-model aircraft – is expecting to declare initial operating ­capability with a first squadron of Es during 2023, with full operating capability to follow in 2026.

Confirmed last October, Brazil's F-X2 ­programme acquisition is for 28 Gripen NGs, plus eight two-seat examples. The exact­ ­configuration of the export customer's aircraft has yet to be finalised, but mock-ups of the fighter and its advanced cockpit were ­displayed at the LAAD show in Rio de Janeiro in April.

"We are aiming for synergies between the Swedish and Brazilian programme – 90 to 95% of the product is similar," says head of aeronautics Ulf Nilsson.

Saab and local programme partner Embraer have completed arrangements for production and delivery, with the Brazilian air force's first aircraft due to enter flight testing in 2019. The nation also is looking at a "bridging" solution using C/D-version fighters prior to the readiness of its NG-model.

Saab expects the Brazilian government to conclude its financing arrangements for the NG acquisition before the end of the second quarter of this year. The deal is the company's largest ever-export success. Embraer personnel will begin arriving in Linköping later this year, with the company to be heavily involved in the development of the two-seat version.

Embraer's local production line could be responsible for building around 10 of the nation's first tranche of 36 aircraft, according to Jerker Ahlqvist, Saab's head of Gripen. A decision on a second batch – again for 36 units – could be anticipated during 2019, he says, while Brazil's eventual requirement could top 100 of the type.

Brazil's potential interest in a Sea Gripen development could also solidify, although not before around 2025 due to uncertainty over plans to replace its navy's current aircraft carrier. Design studies have already been completed by Saab, but further work on such a variant could be included in its technology transfer arrangements with Embraer, Nilsson says.

Saab says its development of the Gripen E is on schedule and on budget, and that the all-digital nature of its design has proven successful during the early stages of final assembly with lead prototype 39-8. "The sections fit together immediately," Ahlqvist says, adding that the increased use of machined parts means the structure is also stronger and faster to build.

Such advances should see Saab hit peak efficiency much sooner than with previous programmes. "In the past, it took up to 180 aircraft to reach optimal production," Nilsson says. "Now we are at 30 – and it could be lower."

Current expectations are for first delivery slots to appear for potential new Gripen E customers during 2022. "We are talking about 24 months [from contract award] for an E/F delivery, once it's up and running," Nilsson says.

Multiple additional deals are being pursued, with market engagement having grown since the F-X2 selection in December 2013. "Brazil has changed everything for us – the interest has grown dramatically," says Ahlqvist.

Numerous nations are being offered potential deals to either acquire the new-generation Gripen from early in the next decade – or sooner from a large potential stock of surplus fighters, which could be rapidly brought up to the latest C/D-model operating standard. New-build examples of the latter could even be supplied, if requested by a buyer.

"Not all countries need the extended range and advanced sensors of the E/F," Ahlqvist notes. "The C/D is still a very capable aircraft, and there is development going on for beyond 2025."

Versions of the Gripen's MS19 software standard are being used by all five operators today, while the Swedish air force will become the lead user for the new MS20 configuration from later this year. It will then gradually become available for other nations, bringing the potential to use an expanded range of precision-guided weapons – including MBDA's Meteor beyond visual-range air-to-air missile and Boeing's Small Diameter Bomb – and advanced electronic warfare capability.

Longer-term enhancements proposed for the current model include a Mk4 upgrade for the Saab Microwave Systems PS-05/A radar, which the company says will deliver a 100%-plus increase in detection range capability.

Sweden currently has a stock of early-model Gripens in storage. "We are looking at significantly more aircraft available for modification from A/B to C/D," Ahlqvist says, although he declines to give a specific number. A rapid turnaround is offered, as some nations could need to field fighters within 18 months to two years of a selection decision.

The Czech Republic and Hungary each operate 14 leased examples acquired via the Swedish Defence and Security Export Agency (FXM), and have expressed interest in potentially increasing their fleets by up to a further eight and four, respectively. A similar deal appears to be on the cards for Slovakia, which has selected the Gripen to replace its RAC MiG-29s. Saab expects the nation to acquire between eight and 12 examples – likely to be stored A/B models upgraded to a similar standard to Prague's interceptors. A contract is hoped for later this year.

Also in eastern Europe, Bulgaria and ­Croatia are being offered Gripen C/Ds – although against stiff competition in the form of a US proposal to deliver secondhand Lockheed F-16s.

The new-generation E-model could potentially meet the future requirements of Austria, Belgium and Portugal, Ahlqvist believes. Finland has already been supplied with information about the development ahead of an anticipated contest for between 40 and 60 aircraft.

A request for proposals could be issued in 2018, with a contract to follow around 2020. Helsinki is expected to also look at types including the Eurofighter Typhoon and F-35, but Ahlqvist notes: "they don't want to buy an aircraft that has reached the end of development – they want something with future growth."

He also believes that Switzerland will revive a fighter acquisition process that ended in frustration for the company in April 2014, when a planned buy of 22 Gripen Es was narrowly defeated in a public referendum. "We believe the Swiss will come back in a couple of years' time," he says.

Asia is also a major area of focus, with perhaps the best opportunity to be found in India.Following the apparent collapse of its air force's medium multirole combat aircraft process and a smaller-than-expected initial order of 36 Dassault Rafales now being mooted, "there are clear signals that something else could be needed," says Ahlqvist. "Should there be a requirement we are there and ready to work with India to set up ­technology transfer."

With the indigenous Tejas having failed to meet customer expectations, a new single-engined fighter requirement could be for between 150 and 200 ­aircraft, Saab believes.

Ahlqvist notes that the current lone operator in the region – the Royal Thai Air Force – reported "excellent results, with outstanding availability" after participating in a Pitch Black-series exercise in Australia late last year. Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines all are prospective customers, he adds.

Africa offers more modest, longer-term opportunities, with possible interest coming from Botswana, Kenya and Namibia.

Saab – and Embraer – will be hoping that the sales success in Brazil could lead to ­follow-on opportunities in Latin America. Promotional activities could be conducted for Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay, most likely in conjunction with the Brazilian production partner, both for refurbished C/Ds and the new version.

However, Saab officials have played down a suggestion that the Gripen could be supplied to Argentina against the UK's wishes. The topic has been included in previous government-to-government discussions between Argentina and Brazil, with no industry involvement, ­Ahlqvist says. For any future sale to be agreed between the nations, "either the [UK-Argentina] relationship has to soften, or there must be a way of changing systems", he says.

In all, Saab believes between 300 and 450 ­Gripens could be sold over the next 20 years. Its ambitions also include the establishment of local maintenance and training hubs in ­several regions. "We spend much more time in countries like Indonesia, India and Brazil than we used to," says Sindahl. "The focus is definintely on co-operation and partnerships for the future."

"Airpower is very important for customers, and so is sovereignty," Ahlqvist notes. "We don't impose any limitations on what you can and can't do with the system." New weapons also can be fully integrated within as little as one to two years.

"Performance is everything – but then there's cost," says Nilsson. Comparing Sweden's ­programme to acquire 60 Gripen Es with Norway's to introduce 52 F-35As, he says: "We are one-third of the cost that the ­Norwegian state has set aside. The order backlog is at an all-time high. Before, Gripen was looking for a market – now there is a market looking for Gripen. If you join – C/D or E, you will always have a way forward."
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 19/05/2015 | 09:45 uur
Six Lockheed F-35B jets land on ship for Marine Corps testing

Reporting by Andrea Shalal; Editing by Lisa Shumaker - Washington | May 18, 2015

May 18 Six U.S. F-35B fighter jets built by Lockheed Martin Corp landed on the USS Wasp amphibious warship on Monday for two weeks of operational testing required before the Marine Corps can declare a first squadron of F-35s ready for combat use in July, according to a U.S. defense official.

The testing, taking place off the coast of Virginia, will involve the six F-35 B-model jets, the highest number of F-35s ever used on a Navy warship to date, as well as Marine Corps pilots, maintenance personnel, and logistics experts, said the source, who was not authorized to speak publicly.

The tests will check the ability of the stealthy jets to integrate into flight and deck operations on board the ship. They will include operations and weapons loading at day and night, the jets' ability to coordinate digitally with an on-board logistics system call ALIS, and how well the crew can deal with scheduled and unexpected repairs at sea.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 19/05/2015 | 14:51 uur
Expert: Time Still Needed for J-20 Fighter to Be Operational Though Trial Flights Are Ongoing

People's Daily Online | May 18, 2015

The J-20 combat aircraft, a new generation of combat aircraft, is currently engaged in intensive trial flights. According to photos circulating online, a newly designed J-20 coded 2013 carried out a series of low altitude maneuvers that demonstrated its relatively advanced performance.

Concerning the question of when the aircraft will be on active service, military expert Song Xinzhi said in a Beijing Television broadcast that J-20 is still using an prototype engine and it would be optimistic to expect it to come into service within one or two years.

From the photo we can clearly see features of the nose including the radome layout, the cockpit, and the canards.

An online report from Russia indicated that the maiden flight of the first prototype was made in January 2011, that China has already tested the sixth prototype of J-20, and that the J-20 at its initial stage is already an aircraft carrier killer.

According to the report, it takes five to six years for a new fighter to enter service. Therefore, it is very likely that this fighter will be equipped with a full set of avionics and arms in 2017.

Could the J-20 be operational within two years? Song Xinzhi points out that J-20 is still using a prototype engine which can only meet the demands of trial flights. A better engine is needed to unleash its full performance potential. Only when the engine has been developed and installed in the plane can we say that complete success has been achieved in China's fourth generation fighters.

Song Xinzhi notes that China is manufacturing this fourth generation fighters independently. The canard configuration in particular is a most difficult aerodynamic layout, and the results are more than satisfactory.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 19/05/2015 | 16:27 uur
Hungarian Gripen jet crash

A SAAB JAS 39D Gripen two-seat multi-role fighter of the Hungarian Air Force has crashed at Čáslav Air Base in the Czech Republic.

According to local sources the jet hit the barrier at the end of the runway at high speed. The crew of two reportedly is okay after ejecting slightly before the barrier was reached. Why the crew decided to steer the aircraft into the barrier is unknown as this point.

The Gripen accident is a giant smudge on Lion Effort 2015, the international Gripen exercise ongoing at the Czech air base since 11 May. Six Gripens of the locally based 211. Taktické letky (Tactical squadron) as well as five Hungarian Air Force Gripens and 11 JAS 39s jets from the Swedish Air Force conduct several types of training during a two week period.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 20/05/2015 | 07:15 uur
Air Force's New Unmanned Strategy Has F-35 Pilots Flying Drones May 19, 2015 | by Kris Osborn

An F-35 Joint Strike Fighter pilot will one day control a small fleet of nearby drones from the cockpit while in flight -- according to a new Air Force report on autonomous systems, Air Force Chief Scientist Mica Endsley said.

Zie link voor het volledige artikel.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 20/05/2015 | 10:52 uur
UPDATE   Hungarian Gripen crash Czech Republic
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 20/05/2015 | 18:36 uur
Japan can't outgun China's J-20 with F-35A purchase

Staff Reporter 2015-05-20

As the US is refusing to sell Japan the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor fighter, the Japan Air Self-Defense Force (JASDF) will have to settle for the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II instead, according to an analysis piece posted on Sina's military news web portal.

The F-35 will still allow the JASDF entry into the stealth fighter club, however. China is likely to respond to the Japanese fighter upgrade with appropriate measures of its own, said the website.

F-35 Overall Analysis

There is already a dearth of articles concerning the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) research and development projects and profiles of the F-35, so the article on the Sina web portal focused on maneuverability, stealth and sensors and electromagnetic interference. From an overall design perspective, the F-35 has a similar conventional aerodynamic configuration to the F-22. Its main wings differ from the delta wing of the medium bomber version of the F-22, in that they take a trapezoid mid-wing configuration, with the back sweep angle of the leading edge of the main wings at 35 degrees and the trailing edge front sweep angle at 15 degrees. The twin tailfins are canted outward at an angle of 25 degrees. The backsweep angle on the horizontal plane of projection is 35 degrees too. The weapons bay has four pylons and on anti-aircraft missions it typically carries two AIM-120 air-to-air missiles and two AIM-9 Sidewinder short-range air-to-air missiles; when striking ground targets, it typically carries two AIM-120 missiles and two 907 kilogram guided bombs. The F-35 has improved stealth capability in terms of scattering head-on radar; its diverterless suspersonic inlets (DSI) are located on either side of the front of the body of the plane and it has no moving components and the serpentine inlet hides the face of the entire engine.

F-35 Maneuverability

According to an article entitled The Analysis of Aerodynamic and Stealth Characteristic of F-35 Fighter in the Chinese journal Aircraft Design, at subsonic speed, the F-35's lift coefficient at an angle of attack of 30 degrees and a speed of Mach 0.3 can reach 1.6, while its lift-drag ration at an angle of attack of 5 degrees and a speed of Mach 0.5 can reach a maximum of 16. As the angle of attack increases, however, the lift-drag ration falls sharply. At an angle of attack of 10 degrees, for example, the lift-drag ratio falls to 8. This is why the F-35 has been able to improve on cruise capabilities at Mach 0.5, useful for long range ground attacks at medium speeds. However, this optimal cruise speed is a little slow for subsonic air-to-air combat, as even large Boeing passenger planes have a cruise speed of around Mach 0.8. The F-35 is more reliable at a 30 degree angle of attack at subsonic speeds, a major improvement on third-generation aircraft, but because the lift-drag ratio falls rapidly with an increasing angle of attack, the stability of turns for the F-35 is dependent upon a strong engine.

In terms of transonic flow, the lift coefficient of the F-35 is 1.7 at an angle of 35 degrees and a speed of Mach 1.1, the lift-drag ratio at an angle of attack of 5 degrees and a speed of Mach 0.9 can reach a maximum of 8. Third generation aircraft are designed with transonic maneuverability as a priority, but this is clearly not the F-35's strong point, even though its maximum lift coefficient approaches the 1.8 of France's Dassault Rafale. Its lift-drag ratio is poorer, however, as its lift coefficient improves, this explains why the cross-sectional area of the body of the plane is quite large, although the back sweep angle of the wings is smaller, which improves subsonic flight, it also leads to heightened resistance in transonic flight. The maximum angle of attack of the F-35 at transonic speeds is still quite large, however, at a maximum of 35 degrees.

In terms of supersonic flow, the lift coefficient of the F-35 reaches 1.8 at an angle of attack of 35 degrees and a speed of Mach 1.3; while at a 5 degree angle of attack at Mach speed the lift-drag ratio reaches 4, a big gap from the F-22's supersonic lift-drag ratio of 5. As the bypass ratio of the Pratt & Whitney F135 afterburning turbofan engine is quite large, its propulsion force at high speeds and high altitudes is lesser, making the F-35 comparable to supersonic third generation fighters, although it can't match the capabilities of third generation fighters with a canard configuration, and is closer to the capabilities of the General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon. Overall, the F-35 was designed with subsonic maneuverability and long-range subsonic flight in mind, which explains why it is mainly flown in cruise and aimed at launching ground strikes. The F-35 is notable for its maneuverability at all speeds and angles of attack and its stability in making turns at subsonic speeds, making it more agile than third-generation fighters, although it does not perform well at transonic speeds. In sum, the F-35 sees a clear improvement from the F-16 in angle of attack and turning speed, with a slight upgrade in the stability of turns, although its transonic flight capabilities are slightly worse than the stealth version of the F-16. This suggests that it is most suited to be a ground attack aircraft, although it could also be termed a multirole aircraft.

The F-35's Stealth Capabilities

The plane features the following mechanisms aimed at electromagnetic scattering, listed in order of intensity: corner reflectors, concave resonators, polished surface reflection and knife-edge diffraction, surface backscatter, creeping wave diffraction, second-order and multiple scattering, as well as discontinuous surface scattering. The corner reflectors between the fuselage and the wings, the vertical tailfins and the horizontal stabilizers and between the external pylons, as well as the concave shape of the nose-mounted Electro-Optical Targeting System, the cockpit and the air inlets also prove very effective in reducing the craft's radar cross-section (RCS), at around 10-0 decibels, which corresponds to over 10 square meters to under 10 square meters in (RCS). The diffraction and scattering caused by sharp edges and lines on the plane have less of a contribution, at around 0 or -30 decibels, which corresponds to an RCS of one thousandth of a square meter.

The F-35 is equipped with an AN/APG-81 Active electronically scanned array-radar. The radar array face upwards at a slight angle, which reflects incoming radar waves that enter the radar housing away from the receiver. The serpentine air inlets and DSI covers the entire front of the engine and the cockpit is plated with metal to reflect incoming radar, preventing it from entering the cockpit, resulting in scattering; The internal weapons bay prevents reflection between external equipment held on pylons; the leading edges of the wing, the horizontal tail stabilizers and the vertical tailfins are all parallel, as are the trailing edges of the main wing, the horizontal tail stabilizers and the vertical tailfins, which aids in scattering; the surface of the body of the plane employs a sawtooth design, sending creeping wave away from the receiver. Currently the F-22's head-on RCS is between -20 and -30 decibels, or one hundredth to one thousandth of a square meter. Due to the sensors embedded in the body of the F-35, it has limited ability to scatter creeping waves. Taking all of this into account, the face-on RCS of the F-35 is likely between -10 and -20 decibels, or between one tenth and one hundredth of a square meter. This means that the F-35 can cut down the distance at which it can be detected by radar from 100 km to 20-40 km.

The F-35's Radar and Electromagnetic Interference Abilities

As mentioned above, the F-35 is equipped with an AN/APG-81 Active electronically scanned array-radar, which has strong detection capabilities as well as a multi-function integrated radio frequency system (MIRFS), which can carry out electromagnetic interference, facilitate communications and identify targets. The F-22 is equipped with the AN/APG-77 low probability of intercept radar, composed of 2,200 transmit/receive modules, each with power of around 10 Watts, giving it peak power of 22 kiloWatts. When operating with a duty cycle of 25%, it operates at around 5 kW. Due to the small size of the nose of the craft, the APG-81 radar has less components than the APG-77, although there is currently no concrete figure, it is likely around 1,200, giving it peak power of 12 kW and average power of around 2 kW.

Currently the APG-81 can detect targets of 10 sq m from a distance of around 250 km. If the head-on RCS of the Chengdu J-20 is to be around the same as the F-22, at between -20 and -30 decibels, then the APG-81 could detect it at a distance of 20-40 km. The F-35 is also equipped with a photoelectric sensor, the range and resolution of which is unclear, but likely of higher quality than the Low Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infrared for Night (LANTIRN) installed in US third-generation fighters. The fire-control radar on board third-generation fighters have no electronic interference capabilities, so an on board electronic jammer has to be used on board. As there is little space for an antenna and a high-frequency transmitter, this falls short of fire-control radar by a long shot, whereas the APG-81 uses the long range radar itself to engage in electronic interference. As the APG-81 has average power of 2 kW for interference, it beats the radar on board the third-generation fighter, at just several hundred Watts, right out of the water. At long-ranges the radar on third generation fighters is left only with its goniometric function, losing the ability to measure distance at all. This, in turn, leads to a loss of target tracking capabilities and its ability to visually simulate attack, which renders it ineffective.

East Asia Disputes: Threats and Countermeasures

Before 2016, the JSF may only be able to buy a few pre-production versions of the conventional takeoff and landing (CTOL) variant of the F-35, the F-35A, to engage in flight tests and will likely only receive the final version of the F-35A a few years down the line. Countries are cooperating in the manufacturing and testing stage of the F-35's development in different ways. The UK agreed to invest funds of 10% or US$2 billion, under the JAST (now JSF) program office, which grants it priority access to F-35 equipment. The second way is through an investment of 5% or US$1 billion, through which Italy and the Netherlands are participating in the project. The third way is as a mid-ranking representative, under which participant countries can only make demands for custom details and invest funds of 1% or US$200-400 million. Countries who have chosen to participate in this way included Turkey, Canada and Australia. Later two more categories of participation were added. Those in the fourth category have to pay at least US$75 million. There are 12 potential countries that may sign up for this. Israel is the only country in the fifth category, under which it needs to pay US$2 million to access data on the F-35 project. Given the above division of categories, Japan will only be able to take part in the project under the fourth category, which means that at least eight countries will have priority in buying the F-35 aircraft and equipment before Japan. In addition to this, Japan is only buying around 40 F-35A fighters, a relatively small order, which makes it unlikely that it will get quick delivery on its order, compared to those willing to order more. Japan will likely get permission to assemble the F-35A after 2020, which means that the finished aircraft will come off the production line a lot later. Whether or not Japan is granted the right to assemble also depends on Japan's finances and on the stability in the country's relationship with the US.

Given the time frame for Japan's potential purchase of the F-35A aircraft and Japan's announcement of a project to develop its JASDF, by around 2025, the JASDF will likely have the following equipment and weapons systems: six E-767 early warning aircraft, around 40 F-35A fighters, around 100 upgraded Mitsubishi F-15J/DJ Eagle fighters and 150 Mitsubishi F-2 multirole fighters. Japan's air defense zones are divided into three areas, north, central and west. The north zone is aimed at defending against aircraft from Russia; the west zone is aimed at defending against aircraft from China, while the central zone gives Japan strategic flexibility in deployments. This means it is likely that the F-35A fighters will be divided into two squadrons, with 20 being deployed to the west air defense zone and 20 being deployed to the north air defense zone. Two F-15J fighters and one F-2 from the central air defense zone will likely be deployed to the west and north air defense zones, while the rest of the aircraft will serve as strategic reserves in the central defense zone. This will mean that Japan will have fallen far from its title as the No. 1 air force in Asia that it proclaimed in the 1990s.

Although the JASDF will not be a strategic deterrent for China once it is equipped with the F-35A fighter, the addition of the plane will still have an effect on the Chinese air force and on its strategic anti-aircraft defense systems. The foremost threat it poses is its stealth capabilities, which represent a revolutionary upgrade from third-generation fighters and will shake up the early warning and sensor systems of air combat. The F-35A reduces the RCS of third-generation fighters from several dozen sq m to just one tenth to one hundredth of a sq m, which is enough to half the distance at which it can be detected by radar. This puts pressure on Chinese early warning craft to increase their coverage to prevent the F-35A making use of blind spots. It also demands a much more concentrated deployment of anti-aircraft weapon systems or an upgrade to their anti-stealth capabilities. Chinese air force formations will also have to adjust their formations, as although the F-35 hasn't substantially improved on the maneuverability of third-generation fighters, the F-35A has a tactical advantage over Chinese third-generation fighters, due to its ability to see the battlefield more clearly. This means that the PLA Air Force will have to put fourth-generation J-20 fighters to the front of formations, in order to discover the F-35A fighters as soon as possible. These J-20 fighters can then intercept the F-35 fighters and push them out of Chinese airspace. Given the severe drop in RCS with fourth-generation fighters, adding concentrated deployment of early warning aircraft and radar is a bottomless pit, as no country has been able to make up for the shortfall in their early warning and anti-aircraft defense systems. The only effective means of dealing with this state of affairs is to develop a fourth-generation fighter with similar capabilities, posing an equal threat to the enemy.

The J-20 has already undergone several test-flights, suggesting that China's fourth-generation fighter is almost complete and is on the brink of entering the manufacturing stage. After the final version of the plane is fixed and undergoes test-flights, manufacturing can begin, which means the J-20 will be deployed by 2017 at the earliest and by 2019 at the latest.

If the J-20 is manufactured at the rate of one regiment per year, then by 2025, 5-7 regiments will be equipped, with around 120-170 planes, which makes up around two air force divisions. The US only has 187 F-22 fighters. With China's J-20 fighters in development, as well as the sheer numbers of third-generation fighters, forming its main strategic combat force, along with early warning aircraft, electromagnetic interference systems and airborne warning and control systems, China will have a clear advantage over Japan in any potential air battle. If the J-20 is equipped with China's fourth generation active electronically scanned array radar, and this equals the APG-77 with which the F-22 is equipped, the aircraft will be able to detect an F-35A head on at a distance of 50 km, whereas a F-35A will only be able to detect a J-20 head on at a distance of 20-40 km, giving the J-20 the advantage. The J-20 has similar capabilities to the F-22, including supercruise, electronic countermeasures (ECM) and supermaneuverability, giving it an advantage over the F-35A under all battle conditions.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 20/05/2015 | 19:23 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 20/05/2015 | 10:52 uur
UPDATE   Hungarian Gripen crash Czech Republic

Gripen News

Badly damaged #Hungarian #Gripen D behind #Caslav runway after ejection during landing - Photo: ČTK (
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 20/05/2015 | 19:23 uur
Die kan zo te zien wel afgeschreven worden.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 20/05/2015 | 22:00 uur
Boeing proposes international A-10 Warthog sales

By James Drew - Washington DC | May 20, 2015

Boeing has floated the idea of selling refurbished A-10 Warthogs to other nations as the US Air Force seeks to retire the venerable attack airplane.

The company is currently extending the service life of the air force's A-10 fleet through a re-winging programme, and it recently delivered its 100th modification with more than 70 modifications left on contract.

At a Boeing-sponsored media event in San Antonio, Texas, today, the company's chief engineer of off-Boeing programmes, Paul Cejas, suggested the US government might pursue international sales of upgraded A-10s. Dozens of A-10s are currently in near-flyaway storage at the air force's boneyard facility in Arizona, and could be brought back into the operational fleet at any time.

Cejas says he has no exact customers in mind, but Boeing has "begun early discusssions."

"It's something we would be interested in, but again, it depends where the air force goes with retirements," he says. "If we go that path we would be looking at a modification. It all depends on what the air force does. We have no jurisdiction, and we'll support whatever they need and we're positioned for that."

Congress has long protected the A-10 from retirement, and fiscal 2016 looks to be no different.

Cejas said it would not be fiscally efficient to cancel the re-winging programme this far into the contract, and Boeing would support any potential sale opportunities abroad should the Pentagon and choose to go that route.

Boeing's current re-winging contract lasts into the first quarter of 2017 and there are options for more upgrades.

Boeing is the closest thing to a prime contractor for the Fairchild Republic A-10, officially called Thunderbolt II. The company owns the technical data package for modification and upgrade, Cejas says. As of March, there were 283 aircraft in the US active inventory.

No other nation currently operates the A-10, called the "best close air support platform ever" by the general in charge of Air Combat Command.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 20/05/2015 | 22:19 uur
Citaat van: Vandaag om 10:00
Boeing proposes international A-10 Warthog sales

Per omgaande 24 exemplaren voor de KLu bestellen!
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Lex op 20/05/2015 | 22:46 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 20/05/2015 | 22:19 uur
Per omgaande 24 exemplaren voor de KLu bestellen!
Ik vraag mij zo langzamerhand af wat het nut is van dit soort opmerkingen, wetende dat dit een onhaalbare zaak is.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 20/05/2015 | 22:55 uur
Citaat van: Lex op 20/05/2015 | 22:46 uur
Ik vraag mij zo langzamerhand af wat het nut is van dit soort opmerkingen, wetende dat dit een onhaalbare zaak is.

Onhaalbaar is het als je het onhaalbaar wil laten zijn. De A10 is een relatief low cost  vliegtuig in aanschaf en in exploitatie. Indien er ooit sprake zou zijn van een 2e batch F35 zie ik liever een aanvulling met een vol squadron A10's.

Tijdens een uitzending start je dan met de F35 welke wordt afgelost als het luchtoverwicht gerealiseerd is of als er sprake is van een Afghanistan of Mali situatie, dan laat je de F35 gewoon thuis.

In bovenstaand scenario verdiend de A10 zich heel snel terug, een prima investering dus,
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Lex op 20/05/2015 | 23:12 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 20/05/2015 | 22:55 uur
Onhaalbaar is het als je het onhaalbaar wil laten zijn. De A10 is een relatief low cost  vliegtuig in aanschaf en in exploitatie. Indien er ooit sprake zou zijn van een 2e batch F35 zie ik liever een aanvulling met een vol squadron A10's.

Tijdens een uitzending start je dan met de F35 welke wordt afgelost als het luchtoverwicht gerealiseerd is of als er sprake is van een Afghanistan of Mali situatie, dan laat je de F35 gewoon thuis.

In bovenstaand scenario verdiend de A10 zich heel snel terug, een prima investering dus,
Makkelijk gezegd en geschreven.
Maar wat zo'n klein land als NL met zo'n toestel? Er is meer dan missies. En zeker na de opmerkingen van de Rekenkamer.
Daarnaast een tweede toestel in de NL krijgsmacht, vergt een enorme logistiek, opleidingen etc., terwijl het nu reeds kraakt met slecht één toestel.
Wishful thinking daar is niets mis mee, maar verlies de realiteit niet uit het oog.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: DvdW op 21/05/2015 | 07:57 uur
Citaat van: Lex op 20/05/2015 | 22:46 uur
Ik vraag mij zo langzamerhand af wat het nut is van dit soort opmerkingen, wetende dat dit een onhaalbare zaak is.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 21/05/2015 | 13:08 uur
July IOC will not catapult F-35B into battle

Marina Malenic, Washington, DC - IHS Jane's Navy International | May 20, 2015

Key Points

. The USMC will not necessarily deploy the F-35B right after it declares the jump jet operationally ready
. Marines want to train more instructor pilots, but must also complete several certification requirements before the jet is ready for combat

The US Marine Corps (USMC) is not planning to deploy its new Lockheed Martin F-35B Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter immediately after a planned initial operational capability (IOC) declaration in July, the USMC's top aviator said on 19 May.

"If I had my druthers, I'd rather not deploy it right away because I'd like to build some momentum into the programme and build the instructor base," said Lieutenant General Jon Davis, the USMC deputy commandant for aviation.

If operational tests go as planned, the Marines expect to declare their short takeoff and vertical landing (STOVL) variant of the stealthy fifth-generation aircraft ready for combat in July, despite continuing difficulties with software fusion.

The Pentagon's programme manager for the F-35 has said that the fusion deficiencies sometimes result in an inaccurate battlefield picture being presented to pilots. The USMC has created workarounds that allow pilots to safely fly the aircraft by making manual adjustments to the fusion of data shared by multiple F-35s.

Lt Gen Davis said the USMC wants to train more instructor pilots before sending the 10 operational aircraft in the fleet to war. Further, certification of all 10 aircraft, a prerequisite for IOC, remains incomplete. Certification requires all the jets to carry the same mission software configuration. Also, the digital logistics and maintenance system - the Autonomic Logistics Information System (ALIS) - must be working satisfactorily. For now, mechanics have created a workaround using a laptop. A solution is expected in December, he said.

He noted that, even after IOC, the F-35B will be limited to escort, armed reconnaissance, close air support (CAS), and interdiction missions. The aircraft will also be lacking wing pylons that would allow it to carry thousands of pounds of extra ordnance and a gun pod. It will also be unable to carry the full complement of air-launched weapons or to stream video, Lt Gen Davis said.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 21/05/2015 | 13:45 uur
Ik ben het overigens eens met de oproep ( hoe nutteloos die hier ook is ) voor de A-10.
Krijg je een enorm goedkope luchtmacht van.

Kunnen de F-35's rondjes draaien boven Estland en de A-10 mee op missie waar toch alleen maar CAS te verwachten is.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 22/05/2015 | 12:58 uur
U.S. Air Force eyes ways to avert delays in more F-35 capabilities

By Andrea Shalal, Washington | May 21, 2015

The U.S. Air Force is concerned that a squadron of F-35 fighter jets scheduled for combat in August 2016 will face delays in getting some capabilities that are expected to be delivered in a 2018 software package, a two-star Air Force general said Thursday.

Major General Jeffrey Harrigian, who oversees the F-35 program for the Air Force, said he would meet with officials from Lockheed Martin Corp and the Pentagon's F-35 program office in several weeks to discuss ways to mitigate against any delays.

The squadron would be 12 to 14 F-35 fighter jets.

U.S. officials say the $391 billion F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, the Pentagon's costliest weapons program, has turned the corner after years of cost overruns and schedule delays. Critics say the new jets' capabilities will be limited in the early years of operation despite the huge investment.

Harrigian told an event hosted by the Mitchell Institute think tank that the Air Force was keen to ensure that everything promised in the Block 3F software due in 2018 was delivered as promised, and that no capabilities were delayed.

He said issues had arisen during development that could affect certain capabilities but declined to comment further since those capabilities are classified.

Lieutenant General Chris Bogdan, who runs the F-35 program for the Pentagon, has insisted that Lockheed must deliver the 3F software with its full, promised capability.

The Senate Armed Services Committee has proposed legislation that would restrict some F-35 funding until the Air Force certified that the 3F software would be delivered as promised.

Defense officials said they saw some risks of delays, but the 3F software appeared to be on track for now.

Harrigian said the F-35 program was growing quickly, with the 123 jets now in use in the United States to swell to over 650 jets around the world by 2020.

He said the Air Force was working closely with Marine Corps, which is due to declare a squadron of 10 F-35 B-model jets ready for initial combat use in July.

One key issue for both services is training enough technicians to maintain and repair the stealthy jets.

Harrigian said key issues to work out before the Air Force milestone in 2016 included management of the mission data files required for the jet, training of pilots to carry out certain missions, retrofits required for the 12 to 14 jets in the first squadron and completion of a smaller automated logistics system.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 23/05/2015 | 10:01 uur
India To Cap Dassault Rafale Orders At 36: Defense Minister

Source : Our Bureau ~ Dated : Friday, May 22, 2015

Indian Defense Minister Manohar Parrikar, on Thursday said that India will not be placing any follow up orders for more Rafale fighters. This puts at rest on speculations for setting up a manufacturing unit in India for additional numbers of Rafale.

"The money saved by not buying additional rafales will be diverted to Light Combat Aircraft Tejas project. Rafale or MMRCA was never meant to replace the aging MiG-21s but it would be LCA fighter jets. Now we can build more Tejas with the cost saved on 90 Rafales," Parrikar said during Aaj Tak Manthan Conclave in Delhi Thursday.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 23/05/2015 | 10:45 uur
USAF says F-35A IOC on schedule

Marina Malenic, Washington, DC - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly | May 21, 2015

Key Points
• The USAF still plans to declare its F-35 fleet operationally deployable in August 2016
• Sensor fusion and a faulty digital maintenance and logistics system are still the main challenges to that goal

The US Air Force (USAF) is on track to declare its new Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter deployable in combat in August 2016, the USAF's head of F-35 integration said on 21 May.

Major General Jeffrey Harrigian noted that the 3i version of mission software the USAF plans to deploy on its conventional take-off and landing (CTOL) A-model of the jet initially is not much different from the 2B version that the US Marine Corps (USMC) will use when it declares initial operational capability (IOC) for its short take-off and vertical landing (STOVL) variant later this year.

Block 3i software "is just hosted on a faster processor", the general said during a briefing hosted by the Air Force Association.

Like Block 2B software, Block 3i allows for a limited weapons load. The aircraft can carry two AIM-120C Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAMs), two GBU-12 laser-guided bombs, and two GBU-32 Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAMs). Block 3F software will add weapons such as the AIM-9X and the AGM-154, as well as sensor capabilities such as full synthetic aperture radar (SAR).

Maj Gen Harrigian said the sensors on the F-35A were "working well" but that sensor fusion remained a challenge. He added that the other major challenge was the digital maintenance and logistics system, the Autonomic Logistics Information System (ALIS).

The USAF's first IOC aircraft is on the production line at Lockheed Martin's Fort Worth, Texas, factory. The air force has said it would declare IOC with 12 combat-ready aircraft and that milestone appeared achievable within a year, Maj Gen Harrigian added.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 23/05/2015 | 10:50 uur
'No technical problem' in crashed Hungarian Gripen

Peter Dunai, Budapest - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly | May 21, 2015

Technical faults were not behind the crash of a Hungarian Air Force Saab Gripen fighter aircraft on 19 May, Czech Defence Minister Martin Stropnicky said.

"It was reported that there was no technical problem," Stropnicky said as he visited Caslav Air Base in the Czech Republic where the two-seat JAS 39D aircraft suffered serious damage after overrunning the runway on landing. Both pilots ejected and survived. The aircraft was one of five Gripens participating in the Lion Effort 2015 multinational exercise.

The Hungarian Ministry of Defence is investigating the causes of the crash.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 23/05/2015 | 12:15 uur
Citaat van: DW op 23/05/2015 | 10:01 uur
India To Cap Dassault Rafale Orders At 36: Defense Minister

Source : Our Bureau ~ Dated : Friday, May 22, 2015

Indian Defense Minister Manohar Parrikar, on Thursday said that India will not be placing any follow up orders for more Rafale fighters. This puts at rest on speculations for setting up a manufacturing unit in India for additional numbers of Rafale.

"The money saved by not buying additional rafales will be diverted to Light Combat Aircraft Tejas project. Rafale or MMRCA was never meant to replace the aging MiG-21s but it would be LCA fighter jets. Now we can build more Tejas with the cost saved on 90 Rafales," Parrikar said during Aaj Tak Manthan Conclave in Delhi Thursday.

Hoewel ik later nog wel een order geplaatst zie worden, lijkt de deur onder de huidige regering hiermee redelijk dicht te gaan.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 23/05/2015 | 12:19 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 23/05/2015 | 12:15 uur
Hoewel ik later nog wel een order geplaatst zie worden, lijkt de deur onder de huidige regering hiermee redelijk dicht te gaan.

Dat vrees ik ook.

Ik had op termijn een vervolgorder verwacht voor nog eens 2 squadrons (36 kisten), maar eens zien wat een volgende regering brengt.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 23/05/2015 | 12:22 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 23/05/2015 | 12:15 uur
Hoewel ik later nog wel een order geplaatst zie worden, lijkt de deur onder de huidige regering hiermee redelijk dicht te gaan.

Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 23/05/2015 | 12:19 uur
Dat vrees ik ook.

Ik had op termijn een vervolgorder verwacht voor nog eens 2 squadrons (36 kisten), maar eens zien wat een volgende regering brengt.

Als er niets bij komt, dan gaat het dezelfde kant op als met hun Mirage 2000 vloot (dat maar iets groter is).
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 25/05/2015 | 13:51 uur
Egypt to place order for 46 MiG-29s


Russian newspaper Vedomosti says Egypt is expected to place an order for 46 MiG-29 fighters.

If confirmed, this will be the largest order for the fighter in recent times. Surpassing the 29 MiG-29Ks ordered by India.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 25/05/2015 | 14:11 uur
Not Grounding Su-30s Combat Jets Post-Crash: Parrikar

Zee News | May 24, 2015

NEW DELHI --- The Indian Air Force (IAF) doesn`t intend to ground its fleet of Sukhoi SU-30MKI combat jets despite a sixth plane crashing in six years, says Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar even as concerns over the frontline fighter continue.

The SU-30 fleet has in the past been grounded thrice after accidents but this would not happen again despite Tuesday's crash of a fighter in Assam. "We are not grounding the fleet... We can`t ground the fleet after every accident," Parrkiar told IANS.

The defence minister has, however, called a high-level meeting next week to evaluate the condition of the Sukhoi fleet. "We will have a meeting next week and discuss the issue," he said. The IAF chief, Air Chief Marshal Arup Raha, is expected to attend the meeting along with his key officers.

The first Russian-made Sukhoi was accepted by the IAF in 2002, and the first indigenously assembled Su-30MKI entered service in 2004.

The first Su-30MKI crashed in the Pokhran region of Rajasthan in April 2009, following which the entire fleet was grounded for around three weeks. The then defence minister, A.K. Antony, said it was due to failure of the fly-by-wire system.

On November 30, 2009, another plane crashed in Rajasthan and the fleet was grounded once again. The crash was attributed to accidental ingestion of a foreign object in the engine intake.

Another crash took place near Pune in December 2011, and again in Pokhran in February 2013. In October 2014, a crash near Pune led to longest grounding of the fleet for almost a month.

A court of inquiry into the crash, however, remained inconclusive.

Asked about this, Parrikar said: "Not every inquiry reaches a conclusion. It remained inconclusive."

According to defence ministry figures, around Rs.2,264 crore ($355 million) was spent on the upkeep of Sukhoi jets between 2011 and 2014. India has 10 squadrons of 200 Su-30MKIs at present, and at least 70 more are to be inducted in the next few years.

The Su-30s make up almost a third of India's fighter jets.

Interestingly, a recent report of a parliamentary panel on defence expressed concern over the lack of shelters for the jets.

According to the report, the committee was informed that the Su-30MKIs were parked outside as they could not fit into existing hardened shelters. The committee expressed concern over the situation, saying it is "extremely pertinent" that no damage is caused to the available aircraft.

The committee said New Generation Hardened Aircraft Shelter (NGHAS) should be provided for the jets.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 25/05/2015 | 18:28 uur
'Egypt close to buying 24 MiG-35 Fulcrums'


Egypt and Russia are said to be close to a deal for 24 MiG-35 Fulcrum fighter aircraft for the Egyptian Air Force. Negotiations have been ongoing for over a year, and the deal closely follows that for 24 Dassault Rafales in February this year.

The MiG-35 is a further development of the MiG-29 Fulcrum and can be equipped with RD-33OVT engines with thrust vectoring nozzles. The type was first shown in 2007.

The MiG-35s would augment the Rafales and the existing fleet of Egyptian F-16s, that recently saw action over Libya. Last month, the US allowed twelve remaining F-16s to be delivered to Cairo.

The Egyptian Air Force also flies older Dassault Mirage V and 2000 aircraft, McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantoms and Chengdu J-7 fighter aircraft from China.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 25/05/2015 | 21:34 uur
Maximising European Combat Air Power: Unlocking the Eurofighter's Full Potential

Royal United Services Institute | May 22, 2015

The Eurofighter Typhoon is likely to remain the backbone of European combat air capability for many years. With the right upgrades, it could remain combat effective throughout this lifetime.

Europe's potential military rivals are developing modern aircraft which will out-class many of Europe's current, legacy platforms. The F-35 was intended to be part of the solution; however, the programme has faced delays and escalating costs. Given these and challenging fiscal conditions, European states could consider how the Eurofighter Typhoon can bridge the gap until the widespread adoption of fifth-generation aircraft.

Maximising European Combat Air Power examines the potential of the Eurofighter to meet Europe's air-power needs. The report draws on first-hand research to provide a thorough analysis of the Eurofighter's existing strengths as well as the upgrades that would be required to ensure its future viability. With sensible investments, the Eurofighter could continue to be an effective asset in Europe's air forces and complement new aircraft as they become available.

Link naar het pdf document (43 pagina's)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 26/05/2015 | 07:38 uur
General says Russia, China air power will be better than US in future

Tue May 26, 2015

Head of the US Air Force Gen. Mark Welsh has warned about the rising air power of Russia and China, saying the two countries' gap with the US military has closed.

"China and Russia are two good examples of countries who will be fielding capability in the next three to five years; if they stay on track, that is better than what we currently have in many areas," Welsh told Fox News on Monday.

"Fighter aircraft in the next three to five years that have more capability than what we currently have sitting on the ramp. The F-35 will stay a generation ahead of them. F-22 will, too. Everything else we have will not stay ahead. The gap has closed," he added.

The general made the comments during a three-day visit to Langley Air Force Base in Virginia.

Welsh also said dozens of countries around the world would use Russian and Chinese top-end fighters in the future.

American officials have expressed their concerns about the military power of China and Russia during the past years.

This is while figures compiled by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute showed that the United States spends more on its military than the next seven top-spending countries combined.

The US spends nearly three times as much as China and its military budget is more than seven times as much as Russia.

Washington's relations have been icy with China and Russia over Beijing's construction projects in the South China Sea and the Ukraine crisis respectively.

The US accuses China of undergoing a massive "land reclamation" program in the Spratly archipelago of the South China Sea, and says China's territorial claims of the man-made islands could further militarize the region.

A Chinese state-owned newspaper warned Monday a war between the two superpowers is "inevitable" unless Washington stops demanding Beijing halt its construction projects.

"If the United States' bottom line is that China has to halt its activities, then a US-China war is inevitable in the South China Sea," The Global Times, an influential newspaper owned by the ruling Communist Party's official newspaper the People's Daily, said in an editorial.

"The intensity of the conflict will be higher than what people usually think of as 'friction'," it warned.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 26/05/2015 | 13:09 uur
Italy MoD Snubs Parliament, Maintains Funds for 90 F-35s (Updated)

By Tina B. Ridgge | May 25, 2015

PARIS --- Italy's Ministry of Defense has ignored a Parliamentary vote directing it to halve the amount budgeted for the purchase of F-35 fighters, and has confirmed its previous decision to order 90 F-35s.

The updated multi-year planning document (Documento programmatico pluriennale, DPP) for 2014-2017, released last week, maintains funding of over €10 billion for the acquisition program through 2027.

The only changes made by Defense Minister Roberta Pinotti are cosmetic: procurement will be spread out over a longer period, with a total of only 22 F-35As being procured over the next six years, while F-35 funds in the 2015 budget are trimmed by 10%, to €644.3 million. Next year, F-35 funding is set to increase again to €735.7 million. (In 2014, Italy spent €509.1 million on the F-35 program)

Significantly, by maintaining funding for 90 F-35s Prime Minister Matteo Renzi's Partito Democratico (PD) ruling party breaks a long-standing promise to halve the number of F-35s to 45 aircraft. It also disregards a motion by Parliament's Lower House, which in September 2014 voted by a large majority to require the government to "review the entire F-35 program to clarify its costs, with the ultimate goal of having its original financial budget."

Minister Pinotti disagrees, however, and on May 25 posted a Tweet saying her actions regarding the F-35 "are in full compliance with the motions of the House....and are always marked by maximum transparency."

   F-35: scelte sensate nel pieno rispetto delle mozioni della Camera. Azioni ministro @robertapinotti sempre improntate a massima trasparenza
   — Ministero Difesa (@MinisteroDifesa) May 25, 2015

The DPP maintains the budget at previous levels, and Pinotti says that a previous cut, from 131 to 90 aircraft decided in 2012 by a previous government respects the letter of the September motion.

The rationale for keeping to earlier plans is that "The program needs financial stability to avoid losing the money that has already been invested," according to defense ministry sources quoted in Italian media reports.

To date, Italy has ordered eight F-35s, all of them F-35A Conventional Take-Off and Landing (CTOL) variants: three in Low Rate Initial Production Lot 6 (LRIP 6, for delivery in 2015-16), three in LRIP Lot 7 for delivery in 2016 and two more in LRIP Lot 8 for delivery in 2017.

Order and delivery schedule for Italian F-35 fighters

According to the DPP blueprint, 22 more will be ordered by 2019, while the remaining 60 will be ordered between 2020 and 2025, for delivery between 2022 and 2027, when deliveries are due to be completed.

The €10 billion price tag for 90 aircraft sets the average unit cost of Italy's F-35s at about $122 million, which is probably not enough to pay for all 90 aircraft, and will no doubt require top-up funds in future years.

Moreover, when funds already spent are added, the total cost of Italy's 90 F-35s works out to about $13.6 billion, including development, acquisition and logistic support, but neither operations nor maintenance or weapons, which will further boost costs.

The 90 F-35s planned by Italy are divided into 60 F-35A land-based conventional take-off fighters and 30 F-35B short take-off and vertical landing variants, of which half will be operated by the navy and half of the air force, which however has no operational requirement for such an aircraft.

The DPP also provides some figures about Italy's investments in the F-35 program. To date, Italy has spent $1 billion in the SDD phase, now completed. It has also spent about €465 million for national program activities and investments, and an additional €795.6 million on the Final Assembly and Check‐Out / Maintenance, Repair, Check Overhaul & Upgrade (FACO / MRO&U) facility at Cameri air force base, near Novara, which have been fully paid.

Italy also is committed to spending $900 million during the Production Sustainment and Follow-on Development (PSFD) phase, which is due to end in 2047, and now to spending another €10 billion for acquisition and logistic support by 2027.***italy-mod-snubs-parliament%2C-maintains-funds-for-90-f_35s.html
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 26/05/2015 | 15:03 uur
F-35: Sensible Choices In Full Respect of the Motions of the House

Italian Ministry of Defence | May 26, 2015

(Issued in Italian; unofficial translation by

ROME --- In relation to claims in some newspapers and press agencies regarding the F-35 program, it is reaffirmed that:

• As the actions and communications of the Ministry of Defense have always been characterized by maximum transparency, correctness of information and honesty of purpose, these claims appear to lack any rational foundation and certainly are only intended to justify preconceived positions, either by a malevolent interpretation of publicly-released information, or by accusations of lying and of having made "non-sensical decisions".

• Traditionally, the Multi-year Planning Document (DPP) has included data for the current three-year period as well as longer-term projection of how these programs will evolve in the future. The recent enactment of the White Paper for International Security and Defense, however, introduces specific policy directions that could also lead to a substantial revision of Defense planning.

• In this year's DPP, therefore, great care was taken to ensure that program developments over the three years are fully consistent with the recommendations of the White Paper, while those regarding the longer term refer to the planning information known to date, but which can be modified to conform to the revision.

• With the intention provide accurate answer to the motions voted by the Chamber of Deputies, a fact sheet has been prepared exclusively for the F-35 program outlining the decisions taken for the short and the medium to long term. These motions, it should be remembered, call for respecting previous international commitments, for maximizing economic returns, employment and technological aspects, to make the most of investments, to develop and maintain a strong technological and industrial base and, finally, to contain overall costs to half of the amount originally estimated, taking account of economic returns and of industrial aspects.

• The uncertainty and volatility of the international situation, however, require us to continue to maintain adequate national defense capabilities. "Foolish" would be not to do that, and to give in to facile utopias. "Sensible" is making decisions that protect the security of the country, while respecting the current economic conditions which require, at least in the short term, an emphasis on rationalization and savings, even if it means accepting calculated risks.

• The DPP contains two specific choices that the government sees fit to take:

- The first, in the short-to-medium term up to 2020, will strictly limit the acquisition of Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) aircraft to the number needed to replace the capability that will be lost in the coming years. That number, today estimated at a maximum of 38 aircraft, is substantially lower than both the 101 originally planned for this period of time and the various options which have been made in recent years.

- The second, for the medium-to-long term, provides a reshaping of the planning for the entire program to further improve, through to 2026, the cost-efficiency of the expenditure.

• In addition to these measures, the Government will increase efforts to expand research and innovation, industrial returns and employment related to the program, so as to further reduce the overall cost to the country. Today, compared to a total investment of about 3.5 billion dollars, the industrial returns in terms of new contracts already amount to about 1.6 billion dollars.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 26/05/2015 | 21:57 uur
India to review safety of Su-30MKI fighter fleet

Gareth Jennings, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly | May 25, 2015

India is to conduct a safety assessment of its fleet of Sukhoi S030MKI 'Flanker' fighters following the loss of an aircraft on 19 May, national media has reported.

A high-level review of the more than 200 Su-30MKI aircraft fielded by the Indian Air Force (IAF) is due to be held in the coming days, with Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar discussing the issue with IAF head Air Chief Marshal Arup Raha and other senior officers.

The review follows the crash of an Su-30MKI during a training exercise in the far east of the country. Both crew members were reported to have ejected safely.

Since receiving the first of its Su-30MKIs in 2002, the IAF has lost six to accidents. Most recently, the fleet was grounded following a double uncommanded ejection that occurred in October 2014. The findings of an investigation into that incident have not been disclosed.

With the Su-30MKI making up nearly a third of the IAF's fast jet fleet, Parrikar was quoted by India's Zee News as saying, "We are not grounding the fleet (...) We can't ground the fleet after every accident."

According to IHS Jane's World Air Forces, the IAF has received 205 of an expected 270 Su-30MKI aircraft, with deliveries set to run through to 2019. Of these 270, 222 are being assembled by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) in India. Some 10 squadrons have so far been equipped with the type.

With many of the IAF's older types slated for retirement, the Su-30MKI will soon become the service's most numerous combat aircraft. In future, it will comprise the backbone of IAF's combat capability along with the Dassault Rafale and the indigenous Tejas Light Combat Aircraft.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 26/05/2015 | 22:56 uur
Citaat van: Ridgge op 26/05/2015 | 13:09 uur

PARIS --- Italy's Ministry of Defense has ignored a Parliamentary vote directing it to halve the amount budgeted for the purchase of F-35 fighters, and has confirmed its previous decision to order 90 F-35s.

Goh, ken ik ergens van....
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 26/05/2015 | 23:17 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 26/05/2015 | 22:56 uur
Goh, ken ik ergens van....

Wees blij....
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 26/05/2015 | 23:21 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 26/05/2015 | 23:17 uur
Wees blij....

Ik vind het toch bij een bananenrepubliek horen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Lynxian op 27/05/2015 | 00:45 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 26/05/2015 | 23:21 uur
Ik vind het toch bij een bananenrepubliek horen.
Hier wordt er bezuinigd op defensie bij iedere scheet in het parlement. Dat moet dan het tegenovergestelde zijn van een bananenrepubliek?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 27/05/2015 | 09:10 uur
Citaat van: Lynxian op 27/05/2015 | 00:45 uur
Hier wordt er bezuinigd op defensie bij iedere scheet in het parlement. Dat moet dan het tegenovergestelde zijn van een bananenrepubliek?

In Nederland is ook het Parlement genegeerd op dit punt. (en bv bijna tijdens het zorgdebat).
En een showparlement is iets dat m.i. in een bananenrepubliek hoort.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 27/05/2015 | 09:25 uur
Pentagon firming F-35 Block 4 configuration

By James Drew, Washington DC | May 26, 2015

As the Pentagon decides what new combat capabilities to "bake" into the Block 4 configuration of the Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, there is concern about planned upgrades sliding beyond Block 3F, and about the overall price tag as those modifications are rolled out in the early 2020s.

"We've seen programmes where our appetite is more than we can afford," Maj Gen Jeffrey Harrigian, who heads the US Air Force F-35 integration office, said at a recent Mitchell Institute event in Washington, DC.

The air force expects its first squadron of 12 to 14 A-model F-35s in the baseline Block 3i configuration to be ready for combat in a limited capacity by August 2016. But each aircraft will need to be modified to achieve "full warfighting capability" with the full suite of armaments and improvements provided in the subsequent Block 3F and Block 4 upgrades.

Harrigian says the F-35 joint programme office is currently defining exactly what will be included in Block 4 ahead of a Pentagon requirements review later this year. Once approved, the configuration will be the baseline for future Block 4 increments as they are rolled out every two years or so.

The general's two main concerns are "sliding things from 3F into Block 4" and affordability. He says the air force is in discussions with the joint programme office and the F-35 industry team about how best to stage the delivery of new capabilities so they are inserted at the right time and at the right cost.

"We're trying to be as clear-eyed on what we think we can afford to make sure as we go through [increments] 4.1 and 4.2 we've got our priorities straight," he says.

The Marine Corps is in the final stages of F-35B operational testing aboard the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp as it works to achieve initial operational capability in the Block 2B configuration in July. Those aircraft along with the early air force Block 3i jets will be capable of conducting limited air-interdiction and close-air-support operations with basic guided bombs and air-to-air missiles.

Block 3F adds all of the weapons qualified during the system development and demonstration phase including the Boeing Small Diameter Bomb I, Raytheon AIM-120D Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile, AIM-9X Sidewinder and General Dynamics 25mm gun. Other weapons being considered for Block 4 include Raytheon's Small Diameter Bomb II and Kongsberg's Joint Strike Missile, among others. Block 4 might also include integration with the B61-12 guided nuclear bomb being developed by the US Air Force, National Nuclear Security Administration and Boeing.

The first air force squadron will stand up at Hill Air Force Base in Utah starting with the first aircraft delivery this September. That base is followed by Eielson AFB, Alaska, in July 2019 and then Burlington Air National Guard Base, Vermont, in July 2020, Harrigian says.

If all goes according to plan, Royal Air Force Lakenheath in the United Kingdom will receive its first US F-35s in 2021.

Production of the F-35 is expected to scale up significantly over the next five years, growing from 123 aircraft now to more than 650 operated by the US and six other international programme partners by 2020.

Harrigian says air force senior leaders "feel very comfortable" about achieving initial operational capability in 2016. However, he says some of the largest challenges the air force is working on right now include reducing the time it takes to populate the aircraft's mission data file with operational information; ensuring an adequate amount of resources and aircraft are available for mission qualification training; and managing software glitches with the F-35 Autonomic Logistics Information System (ALIS), which tracks maintenance and repair work.

"The hardware for ALIS is going to come out later this fall," Harrigian says. "What training do the maintainers need to manage that software once it's received?"

The general says the head of the Air Combat Command will determine whether to certify the F-35 as combat-ready based on its performance conducting basic close air support, air interdiction and suppression and destruction of enemy air defences.

"This is just a pit-stop en route to the full warfighting capability that we're going to bring," he says.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 27/05/2015 | 15:39 uur
First upgraded Skyhawk jet handed over to Brazil

Inigo Guevara, Mexico City - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly | May 27, 2015

The Brazilian Navy took delivery of its first upgraded Douglas AF-1 Skyhawk from aerospace conglomerate Embraer on 26 May under the A-4BR programme.

The single-seat AF-1 has now been redesignated AF-1B and is expected to remain in service until 2028. The upgraded twin-seat aircraft will be redesignated AF-1C.

Nine AF-1 single-seat and three AF-1A twin-seat fighters are scheduled to be upgraded and redelivered to VF-1 naval fighter squadron based at São Pedro da Aldeia as part of a 2009 contract.

Embraer is the main contractor for the A-4BR programme, with Elbit's Brazilian subsidiary AEL Sistemas responsible for a new 'glass' cockpit that will replace the analogue panels. The content of the upgrade includes structural revisions and strengthening, a new Elta EL/M-2032 multi-mode radar, radar warning receiver (RWR), a third VHF radio, new datalink, on-board oxygen generation system (OBOGS), hands-on throttle-and-stick (HOTAS), head-up display (HUD), two colour multi-function displays, tactical air navigation (TACAN), and a radar altimeter.

The AF-1s were originally procured by Kuwait in 1976 as the A-4KU Skyhawk II, with deliveries ending in 1978 and the remaining 23 examples sold to Brazil in 1997.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 27/05/2015 | 15:44 uur
F-35A Lightning II with First Italian-Made Wing Set Enters Assembly Line

Lockheed Martin | May 26, 2015

The first F-35A wing-set produced by Italy's Finmeccanica-Alenia Aermacchi entered the F-35 production line in Fort Worth, marking a milestone for the Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT)-Alenia Aermacchi collaboration on the program.

Finmeccanica-Alenia Aermacchi produced the full wing-set at the F-35 Final Assembly & Check-Out (FACO) facility in Cameri, Italy. The entry into the Electronic Mate and Assembly (EMAS) – where the forward fuselage, wing-set and aft fuselage are joined, is an important production milestone for Finmeccanica-Alenia Aermacchi's F-35 program, exhibiting high performance on a vital part of the aircraft while demonstrating the key involvement of the Italian aerospace industry.

The work contracted to Finmeccanica-Alenia Aermacchi, a strategic co-supplier of F-35A full wing assemblies, is one of the largest manufacturing projects for the Italian F-35 program, with 835 full wing assemblies planned. The Cameri FACO is owned by the Italian government and operated by Finmeccanica-Alenia Aermacchi in association with Lockheed Martin. The Cameri FACO's F-35 production operations began in July 2013 and rolled out Italy's first F-35A aircraft, AL-1, in March; its first flight anticipated there later this year. The FACO will assemble both Italy's F-35A conventional takeoff and landing variants and F-35B short takeoff/vertical landing variants, and is scheduled to assemble the Netherlands' F-35A aircraft in the future. The F-35s will replace Italian Air Force and Italian Navy AV-8 Harriers, Panavia Tornados and AMX fighters.

"From the beginning of the program, Italian industry has influenced the aircraft's design and capabilities. Italian-made parts and components are installed in every F-35 produced," said Jack Crisler, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Business Development vice president. "Italian industry will support the F-35 for more than 30 years, from production of parts and final assembly of aircraft to replacement parts and regional sustainment work."

The F-35 Lightning II, a 5th generation fighter, combines advanced low observable stealth technology with fighter speed and agility, fully fused sensor information, network-enabled operations and advanced sustainment. Three distinct variants of the F-35 will replace the A/OA-10 Thunderbolt II and F-16 Fighting Falcon for the U.S. Air Force, the F/A-18 Hornet for the U.S. Navy, the F/A-18 and AV-8B Harrier for the U.S. Marine Corps, and a variety of fighters for at least 10 other countries. Following the U.S. Marine Corps' planned 2015 combat-ready Initial Operational Capability (IOC) declaration, the U.S. Air Force and Navy intend to attain service IOC in 2016 and 2018, respectively. More than 115 production F-35s have been delivered to customers and have flown more than 33,000 flight hours, fleet-wide. F-35A aircraft AF-88, with the Alenia Aermacchi wing-set, will be operated by the U.S. Air Force at Nellis AFB, Nevada, upon delivery.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 29/05/2015 | 20:43 uur
Pentagon eyes three-year block buy of F-35s from fiscal 2018

By Andrea Shalal | May 29, 2015

The Pentagon said Friday it would talk to U.S. lawmakers about approving a three-year block buy of Lockheed Martin Corp F-35 fighter jets beginning in fiscal 2018 that would include U.S. purchases and international buyers.

U.S. Defense Undersecretary Frank Kendall told reporters via teleconference from Oslo, Norway, that such a deal would not constitute a formal "multi-year buy," but would still require congressional approval.

A block buy of more than 400 jets would allow for "double-digit" cost savings from larger economies of scale when orders reach around 150 planes a year, said Kendall, who was attending an annual meeting of top U.S., international and industry officials on the F-35 program.

Kendall, the Pentagon's chief arms buyer, said the $391 billion F-35 program was meeting or exceeding performance and cost milestones set during a 2011 restructuring of the program.

It remained on track for a key milestone this summer when the U.S. Marine Corps expects to declare an initial squadron of jets ready for combat use, followed by the Air Force in 2016.

"I'm very encouraged by the progress that we're making," he said.

Kendall said he saw a "fundamental change" during this year's "CEO" meeting, away from past technical challenges and toward fielding jets, future upgrades, and how to maintain and operate thousands of jets around the world in coming years. Lowering production and operating costs remained a key priority.

Lockheed and engine maker Pratt & Whitney, a unit of United Technologies Corp, service the aircraft under traditional contracts with the Pentagon, but officials hope to shift to more fixed-price "performance-based logistics" deals in coming years.

Such contracts typically generate savings of 15 percent by allowing companies to sign longer-term orders with suppliers.

Lieutenant General Jon Davis, the top Marine in charge of aviation, said six F-35 B-model jets this week completed 108 flights and flew 85.5 total hours during operational testing on board the assault ship USS Wasp.

Lockheed is building three F-35 models for the U.S. military and eight partners that funded the jet's development: Britain, Norway, Canada, Denmark, the Netherlands, Italy, Turkey and Australia. Israel, Japan and South Korea have also placed orders.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 31/05/2015 | 12:08 uur
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 01/06/2015 | 09:13 uur
Minister: India To Buy Only 36 French Rafale Jets

Agence France-Presse | May 31, 2015

NEW DELHI — India will only buy 36 Rafale fighter jets as they are "way too expensive", the defense minister said Sunday, dashing lingering French hopes of a larger deal that has been years in the making.


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Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Lex op 01/06/2015 | 12:37 uur
Berichten van "defensenews" vallen onder het US copyright.
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Algeheel beheerder
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 01/06/2015 | 12:55 uur
Citaat van: Lex op 01/06/2015 | 12:37 uur
Berichten van "defensenews" vallen onder het US copyright.
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Algeheel beheerder

Dat was mij niet bekend. Het is aangepast.

Weet niet of er meerdere zijn die onder het US copyright vallen (niet alle websites zijn daar duidelijk in).
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 02/06/2015 | 09:08 uur
BAE to study common weapon launcher for Typhoon

By Beth Stevenson, London | June 1, 2015

Under a UK Ministry of Defence-sponsored feasibility study, BAE Systems has been contracted to research the possibility of adding a common weapon launcher on to the Eurofighter Typhoon.

The launcher would be able to carry multiple air-to-ground weapons on one Typhoon attachment point, including MBDA's dual-mode seeker-equipped Brimstone 2 missile and the Raytheon Paveway IV precision-guided bomb. The manufacturers for both weapon types are also involved in the study.

The award is worth £1.7 million ($2.6 million) and the project is expected to take some 12 months. A decision on the potential development effort will follow.

"Developing a common weapon launcher solution could significantly enhance the Typhoon's ability to deliver increased weapons persistence and effects," says Andy Eddleston, Typhoon product development and future capability director at BAE. "Each launcher could be capable of carrying up to three weapons, providing a great deal of flexibility and persistence for the operator."

This follows a $224 million Phase 3 capability enhancement (P3E) package contract for the Typhoon, signed in February.

Approved by all four Eurofighter nations – Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK – the enhancements will include full integration of Brimstone for the UK fleet. This integration is worth £72 million to BAE, which completed a feasibility trial for the enhancement in 2014.

Full integration of the Brimstone 2 will enable the Typhoon to carry six of the weapons, which will be carried using a pair of three-round launchers.

The P3E standard is scheduled for delivery during 2017.

Afbeelding van
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 02/06/2015 | 15:54 uur
Lockheed F-35s get major role in U.S. military exercise

By Andrea Shalal, Washington | June 1, 2015

Lockheed Martin Corp's F-35 fighter jet will play a major role in a large U.S. military exercise this week for the first time, marking another milestone for the Pentagon's largest weapons program, Air Force officials said Monday.

The exercise, which is called "Green Flag West" and runs through June 12, tests the U.S. military's ability to engage in large-scale contested operations and helps get ground troops who pinpoint potential air strikes ready for combat.

One or two F-35 A-model jets will participate in the exercises each day, along with F-16 fighter planes, A-10 gunships and other weapons, said Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Cameron Dadgar, who is charge of the exercise.

"This is the first time that the F-35 will be the primary player in this exercise," Dadgar told Reuters.

The exercise includes about 5,000 U.S. military personnel with land, sea and ground forces all working together to fight a "near peer" enemy such as China or Russia, although no specific countries are named, he said.


Zie onderstaande link voor het complete artikel
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 03/06/2015 | 22:27 uur
Sensor upgrades top USAF wish list for F-35 Block 4

By James Drew, Washington DC | June 3, 2015

Improving two of the Lockheed Martin F-35's key sensors should be priorities for a future operational standard called Block 4, says a top US Air Force general.

Upgrading the Lockheed electro-optical targeting system and adding a wide-area high-resolution synthetic aperture radar (SAR) mode – dubbed "– Big SAR" to the Northrop Grumman APG-81 active electronically scanned array (AESA) are must-haves, says Gen Herbert "Hawk" Carlisle, chief of Air Combat Command.

"I think as we look to the future, the Big SAR and advanced EOTS are the things we have to have on the sensor side," says Carlisle, who spoke at an Air Force Association even in Washington, DC, this week. "The Big SAR radar can't afford to move, and we've got to get to that advanced capability on the EOTS. Those are two that are kind of in the lurch right now. I'll tell you, the advanced capability on the EOTS is one we're working hard on."

In 2007, Flight International magazine reported that the Big SAR capability was originally approved to be introduced in Block 3, which enters service next year. But that capability was delayed to at least Block 4.

The Pentagon is deciding what new weapons and capabilities will be integrated with the fifth-generation aircraft beyond those planned for the Block 3F configuration, which represents the "full warfighting capability."

Those improved capabilities will be rolled out in Block 4, which will be delivered in cycles through the early 2020s.

The air force is also keeping an eye on software issues discovered during testing, namely the fusion of information from the aircraft's sensor suite. "It's one of the things we're working hard on a making some progress, but we've got a ways to go," Carlisle says.

For weapons, he places a premium on the integration of Raytheon's Small Diameter Bomb II and delivery of more advanced air-to-air combat weapon systems beyond the AIM-120C Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile being integrated in earlier configurations.

Carlisle says improved air-to-air capabilities are vitally important since the air force did not buy enough F-22 Raptor air superiority jets. The air force currently has 180 Raptors, significantly fewer than the original plan calling for buying 750. He says it is simply a capacity issue.

"Probably one of the greatest mistakes made was the lack of more F-22s," he says of the decision to end Raptor production early.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 04/06/2015 | 00:53 uur
Het zou inderdaad leuk zijn als je er in ieder geval niet op achteruit gaat met je F35.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 05/06/2015 | 09:03 uur
The concept of stealth fighter F-15J for the Japanese Air Force    (  :hrmph:  reëel idee of fictie ? )

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 05/06/2015 | 09:33 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 05/06/2015 | 09:03 uur
The concept of stealth fighter F-15J for the Japanese Air Force    (  :hrmph:  reëel idee of fictie ? )
Ook als het niet reëel is, dan mag het van mij zo in een computerspel of anime film/serie. Fictief hebben de Japanners vele mooie jagers bedacht.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 05/06/2015 | 15:17 uur
Pentagon Contract Announcement

US Department of Defense | June 4, 2015

Lockheed Martin Corp., Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co., Fort Worth, Texas, is being awarded a $920,350,132 advance acquisition contract for long lead time, materials, parts, components, and effort for the manufacture and delivery of 94 F-35 Lightning II Low Rate Initial Production aircraft.

This contract provides for 78 F-35A aircraft for the Air Force (44), the government of Italy (2), the government of Turkey (2); the government of Australia (8 ); the government of Norway (6); and for various foreign military sales customers (16).

In addition, this contract provides for the procurement of 14 F-35B aircraft for the Marine Corps (9), the government of Britain (3) and the government of Italy (2), as well as 2 F-35C aircraft for the Navy and Marine Corps.

Work will be performed in Fort Worth, Texas (55 percent); El Segundo, California (15 percent); Warton, United Kingdom (10 percent); Orlando, Florida (5 percent); Nashua, New Hampshire (5 percent); Baltimore, Maryland (5 percent); and Cameri, Italy (5 percent), and is expected to be completed in May 2019.

Fiscal 2015 aircraft procurement (Air Force, Marine Corps, and Navy), non-U.S. Department of Defense participant funding, and foreign military sales funds in the amount of $920,350,132 are being obligated at time of award, none of which will expire at the end of the current fiscal year.

This contract was not competitively procured pursuant to FAR 6.302-1.

This contract combines purchase for Foreign Military Sales program customers ($352,102,228; 38 percent); the Air Force ($227,666,000; 25 percent); non-U.S. Department of Defense participants ($207,086,904; 22 percent); and the Navy/Marine Corps ($133,495,000; 15 percent).

The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Maryland, is the contracting activity (N00019-15-C-0003).
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 05/06/2015 | 21:12 uur
Over de oorzaak van de brand met een U.S. Air Force F-35A op 23 juni 2014.

AF investigation: Catastrophic engine failure caused F-35 fire

Zie onderstaande link voor artikel:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/06/2015 | 09:24 uur
Admiral: Corrosion Damage on F/A-18 Hornets 'Caught Us by Surprise'

Jun 05, 2015 | by Brendan McGarry

The extent of corrosion damage on the U.S. military's F/A-18 Hornet fleet is requiring more maintenance than expected, an admiral said.

The Navy and Marine Corps are flying the legacy fighter jets longer than planned -- 10,000 flight hours, up from 6,000 flight hours -- because of delays in the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program, according to Navy Rear Adm. Michael Manazir, the service's director of air warfare. As a result, the 1980s-era, twin-engine aircraft is experiencing a high degree of wear and tear, including corrosion.

"The corrosion impacts, I would say, caught us by surprise," he said this week during a Navy and Marine Corps aviation conference on Capitol Hill. "When we opened them up and realized the extent of the corrosion damage, we realized we couldn't just replace the parts we were going to replace. We had to put those airplanes aside."

There are approximately 620 F-18A/D Hornets currently in service, according to a 2015 report on naval programs. The Marine Corps still flies the aircraft as a frontline fighter, while the Navy operates the plane behind the newer F/A-18E/F Super Hornets. Marines in recent months have flown F-18s to strike militants affiliated with the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, or ISIS.


The services had been replacing worn out parts and other components on the F/A-18 as part of a maintenance program to ensure the aircraft could reach a service life of 6,000 flight hours, Manazir said. Extending that engineering effort to yield 10,000 flight hours "would normally be a straightforward task -- if it weren't for the corrosion created by the environments we operate in," he said.

Complicating the effort was an assumption made by the Navy decades ago that the Hornet, as a composite aircraft, wouldn't require the same level of corrosion-prevention work as older, mostly metal planes, such as the F-14 Tomcat, A-6 Intruder and the A-7 Corsair II, Manazir said.

"We had not planned on operating the Hornet past 6,000 hours," he said. "So we did not do the normal corrosion control processes that we used to use on metal airplanes, like the Tomcats, A-6s, A-7s. We understood what corrosion was on metal. The science is different on corrosion on composites."

In addition, the damage to the aircraft isn't uniform and appears to be affecting different parts and structures, Manazir said. "They made each airplane coming into the depot kind of a one-off," he said. "We realized we couldn't just replace the parts -- we also had to look at the corrosion on the surrounding framework."


Manazir didn't say how many Hornets are down for repairs at depots. But they're among an ongoing aircraft shortfall that's estimated to be more than 100 planes through 2020, he said. The problem is exacerbated by mandatory spending caps that limit available maintenance funding, he said.

"That equates to two to three squadrons," he said.

What's more, the maintenance woes are not limited to F/A-18s. The Marine Corps wasn't able to deploy CH-53E Super Stallion heavy-lift helicopters to assist with earthquake relief efforts in Nepal this spring because of a wiring issue that required replacing hydraulic lines, according to Lt. Gen. Jon Davis, deputy commandant of aviation.

The Corps instead dispatched to the country UH-1Y Huey helicopters and V-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft. The deadly May 12 helicopter crash that killed six Marines and two Nepalese soldiers is believed to have been caused by bad weather in the Himalayas.

Meanwhile, the Corps' F-35B jump-set variant, is scheduled to enter so-called initial operational capability, or IOC, later this year, followed by the Air Force's F-35A conventional version in the latter half of 2016, followed by the Navy's F-35C aircraft carrier variant in late 2018 or early 2019.

--Brendan McGarry can be reached at
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Zeewier op 06/06/2015 | 09:32 uur
En daarom was ik tegen 'stealth op zee'. De F-35 bolides zijn niet ontworpen voor het klimaat op zee. Amerikaanse CV's gebruiken open dekliften, de waterdamp waait lekker door.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 06/06/2015 | 10:39 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/06/2015 | 09:24 uur
Admiral: Corrosion Damage on F/A-18 Hornets 'Caught Us by Surprise'

Jun 05, 2015 | by Brendan McGarry

The extent of corrosion damage on the U.S. military's F/A-18 Hornet fleet is requiring more maintenance than expected, an admiral said.

The Navy and Marine Corps are flying the legacy fighter jets longer than planned -- 10,000 flight hours, up from 6,000 flight hours -- because of delays in the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program, according to Navy Rear Adm. Michael Manazir, the service's director of air warfare. As a result, the 1980s-era, twin-engine aircraft is experiencing a high degree of wear and tear, including corrosion.
Er werd al afgelopen maart gewaarschuwd voor een tekort aan gevechtstoestellen bij de U.S. Navy.

CNO Greenert Warns Congress of Fighter Shortfall, Boeing Super Hornet Line to Close in 2017 Absent New Orders
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 08/06/2015 | 09:17 uur
New Finn, Danish Leaders To Decide Future Fighters

By Gerard O'Dwyer | June 7, 2015

HELSINKI — The final selection process for Finland's and Denmark's fighter replacement programs will be managed by two newly installed governments.


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Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 08/06/2015 | 13:36 uur
Trends in Air-to-Air Combat: Implications for Future Air Superiority

In this study, Dr. John Stillion conducts a historical analysis of air-to-air combat, drawing on a database of over 1,450 air-to-air victories from multiple conflicts from 1965 to the present. Using this data, Stillion assesses how advances in sensor, weapons, and communication technologies have changed air combat and the implications of these trends for future combat aircraft designs and operational concepts.

Stillion concludes that these advances may have fundamentally transformed the nature of air combat. This transformation may be steadily reducing the utility of some attributes traditionally associated with fighter aircraft (e.g., extreme speed and maneuverability) while increasing the value of attributes not usually associated with fighter aircraft (e.g., sensor and weapon payload as well as range).

As a result, an effective sixth-generation "fighter" may look similar to a future "bomber" and may even be a modified version of a bomber airframe or the same aircraft with its payload optimized for the air-to-air mission, Stillion argues. If this is correct, then the United States may be in a position to save tens of billions of dollars in nonrecurring development costs by combining Air Force and Navy future fighter development programs with each service's long range ISR/strike programs.

Rapport in PDF te downloaden via LINK

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 08/06/2015 | 17:56 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 05/06/2015 | 09:03 uur
The concept of stealth fighter F-15J for the Japanese Air Force    (  :hrmph:  reëel idee of fictie ? )

Volgens mij is dit gewoon de Boeing F-15SE Silent Eagle en vermoedlijk een variant die is doorontwikkelt.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: DvdW op 08/06/2015 | 18:14 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 08/06/2015 | 17:56 uur
Volgens mij is dit gewoon de Boeing F-15SE Silent Eagle en vermoedelijk een variant die is doorontwikkeld<knip>
zouden ze het daarom misschien de F-15J noemen........? :angel:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 08/06/2015 | 18:25 uur
Citaat van: DvdW op 08/06/2015 | 18:14 uur
zouden ze het daarom misschien de F-15J noemen........? :angel:
Dan zou het F-15JSE worden (F-15J is de Japanse F-15C)  ;)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Enforcer op 08/06/2015 | 18:53 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 08/06/2015 | 18:25 uur
Dan zou het F-15JSE worden (F-15J is de Japanse F-15C)  ;)

F-15 Japanese Strike Fighter?!  :crazy:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: DvdW op 08/06/2015 | 19:24 uur
Citaat van: Enforcer op 08/06/2015 | 18:53 uur
F-15 Japanese Strike Fighter?!  :crazy:
weet niet waar jij die F vandaan haalt..? JSE staat voor Japanese Silent Eagle
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Enforcer op 08/06/2015 | 19:33 uur
Citaat van: DvdW op 08/06/2015 | 19:24 uur
weet niet waar jij die F vandaan haalt..? JSE staat voor Japanese Silent Eagle

Was een flauw grapje.... :angel:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 09/06/2015 | 08:45 uur
Kuwait .... zowel nieuwe F-18's als Eurofighters ?

Kuwait is talking to the Italians regarding a sale of Eurofighters, in a potential $4.5 billion deal comprising between 24 and 28 of the jets. The Kuwaitis are looking to replace their F/A-18 Hornet fleet, with a separate $3 billion deal slated for Super Hornets thought to be in the works  alongside the Eurofighter negotiations.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 09/06/2015 | 09:02 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 09/06/2015 | 08:45 uur
Kuwait .... zowel nieuwe F-18's als Eurofighters ?

Zou mooi zijn, het zou tevens een reddingsboei zijn voor de productie van beide kisten voor de komende paar jaar, daarnaast lijkt het mij geen straf voor een luchtmacht om te kunnen beschikken over beide capaciteiten.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 09/06/2015 | 09:15 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 09/06/2015 | 09:02 uur
Zou mooi zijn, het zou tevens een reddingsboei zijn voor de productie van beide kisten voor de komende paar jaar, daarnaast lijkt het mij geen straf voor een luchtmacht om te kunnen beschikken over beide capaciteiten.
Mits zij het kunnen bekostigen en operationeel houden, is het zeker geen straf. Nog even afwachten of ook de Rafale zal gaan meedingen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 09/06/2015 | 09:17 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 09/06/2015 | 09:15 uur
Mits zij het kunnen bekostigen en operationeel houden, is het zeker geen straf. Nog even afwachten of ook de Rafale zal gaan meedingen.

Dat mits gedeelte is het probleem niet... je tikt een nieuw gat in de grond en klaar.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 09/06/2015 | 09:25 uur
F-35 accident investigation board posts findings

By James Drew | June 8, 2015

An accident investigation board has pegged the cost of last year's "catastrophic engine failure" of an A-model Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter at $50 million.

The incident at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida on June 23, 2014, temporarily grounded the fleet – setting back the development programme's flight test campaign by several months and thwarting the Marine Corps' planned debut of the F-35B at the Farnborough International Airshow.

The investigation by an Air Education and Training Command (AETC) accident investigation panel confirmed what F-35 officials have been saying for many months, that the engine fire was caused by a failure of the third-stage rotor of the engine fan module. F-35 programme executive Lt Gen Christopher Bogdan has described it as a "hard rub" condition between engine components that caused excessive heating and eventually micro cracks. F135 engine maker Pratt & Whitney thinks it can resolve the issue through near- and long-term fixes.

"The engine failed when the third-stage forward integral arm of a rotor fractured and liberated during the takeoff roll," AETC said in a statement. "Pieces of the failed rotor arm cut through the engine's fan case, the engine bay, an internal fuel tank, and hydraulic and fuel lines before exiting through the aircraft's upper fuselage.

"Damage from the engine failure caused leaking fuel and hydraulic fluid to ignite and burn the rear two-thirds of the aircraft."

The aircraft was assigned to the 58th Fighter Squadron "Nomads", which conducts F-35 pilot and maintainer training on all three types for the air force, navy and marines. The pilot "safely aborted the takeoff" and escaped the aircraft.

The air force has not said what is to become of the mishap jet worth well over $100 million, but investigators estimate the total damage bill is about half that amount. The incident caused minor airfield damage.

Via onderstaande link kan het complete rapport worden gedownload
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 09/06/2015 | 16:16 uur
Swedish Defence Minister Peter Hultqvist Coming with Gripen NG Fighter Aircraft Offer

NEW DELHI --- Swedish Defence Minister Peter Hultqvist will arrive here tomorrow on a four-day visit during which he is expected to offer Gripen NG fighter aircraft or a possible joint collaboration in manufacturing single engine light combat planes.

Hultqvist, who will arrive tomorrow night, will also visit the Hindustan Aeronautics Limited and Bharat Electronics Limitedunits in Bengaluru.

He is scheduled to hold talks with Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar on June 10. Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis had in April said his government was in talks with Swedish defence company Saab Group to set up a production unit in his state.

During his trip to that country, Fadnavis had tweeted a photo of himself in the cockpit of a Gripen and said "it was great to be at the aerospace and defence company Saab at Linkoping, Sweden. Promised a defence manufacturing policy in Maharashtra soon."

Saab had offered JAS 39 Gripen E light fighter to India when the tender for Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft was announced. The bid was finally won by French firm Dassault Aviation.

Gripen is a far better version of India's indigenous light combat aircraft Tejas which has been in the making for nearly 30 years.

Parrikar has said that Tejas would be replacement of aging MiG-21s. DRDO had a few years back sought Saab's help in the Mark II version of Tejas.

Saab is likely to insist on a government-to-government (G2G) deal if they step in to assist India in developing and manufacturing a light fighter.

India and Sweden had on June 1 signed several agreements to boost ties and decided to restart the bilateral strategic dialogue besides finding ways for investment by the Nordic country in India's defence sector under the ambitious 'Make-in-India' initiative.

With changed FDI rules and the 'Make-in-India' campaign, it is expected that Swedish government would look at India as a manufacturing base.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 09/06/2015 | 16:38 uur
Confirmed Engine Failure of F-35 Raises Concerns in Seoul

misschien goed om de bezuinigde interne blusinstallatie (fire suppression system) toch te installeren/plaatsen, maar ja het gewicht .....
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 09/06/2015 | 16:42 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 09/06/2015 | 16:38 uur
misschien goed om de bezuinigde interne blusinstallatie (fire suppression system) toch te installeren/plaatsen, maar ja het gewicht .....
Misschien dat ze het toekomstige alternatief van de huidige F135 lichter kunnen maken? Dan hoeven ze zich zeker geen zorgen te maken over het gewicht van het fire suppression system.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Poleme op 10/06/2015 | 01:16 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 09/06/2015 | 16:42 uur
Misschien dat ze het toekomstige alternatief van de huidige F135 lichter kunnen maken? Dan hoeven ze zich zeker geen zorgen te maken over het gewicht van het fire suppression system.
1. De huidige F135 'motorblok' is te zwak geconstrueerd.  Komen er grote krachten op het motor casco door bijvoorbeeld vlieg manoeuvres, dan treed er al snel vervorming op in die te zwakke constructie.  En gaan onderdelen aanlopen, met als gevolg 'turbo schroot' die door de romp huid heen sloeg en brand veroorzaakte.  Oplossing is versterking en dus verzwaring van de F135 motor.

2. Een andere motor in de F-35 inbouwen kan riskant zijn.  Zie de Iraelische Kfir, een Mirage III kloon, waarbij de Atar motor werd vervangen door de J79 die ook dienst deed in het '104' Starfighter en de F-4 Phantom.
Ondanks, dat beide motoren geïnspireerd zijn op de Duitse JUMO motor.  Is de J79 motor korter en zwaarder en dus werd ook de Kfir romp ingekort.  Met als gevolg dat de totale lucht weerstand toenam met 30%.
Een ander (minder goed) voorbeeld zijn de airframe - motor combinaties tussen respectievelijk F-18A/C Hornet en 16.000 pond leverende F404 motor.  En de F-18E/F Super Hornet en de F414 motor, die ongeinstaleerd 22.000 pond stuwkracht levert.   Maar eenmaal geïnstalleerd slechts 20.680 pond stuwkracht afgeeft.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 10/06/2015 | 10:19 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 10/06/2015 | 01:16 uur
2. Een andere motor in de F-35 inbouwen kan riskant zijn.  Zie de Iraelische Kfir, een Mirage III kloon, waarbij de Atar motor werd vervangen door de J79 die ook dienst deed in het '104' Starfighter en de F-4 Phantom.
Ondanks, dat beide motoren geïnspireerd zijn op de Duitse JUMO motor.  Is de J79 motor korter en zwaarder en dus werd ook de Kfir romp ingekort.  Met als gevolg dat de totale lucht weerstand toenam met 30%.
Een ander (minder goed) voorbeeld zijn de airframe - motor combinaties tussen respectievelijk F-18A/C Hornet en 16.000 pond leverende F404 motor.  En de F-18E/F Super Hornet en de F414 motor, die ongeinstaleerd 22.000 pond stuwkracht levert.   Maar eenmaal geïnstalleerd slechts 20.680 pond stuwkracht afgeeft.
Er komt een toekomstig alternatief voor de F135. Deze moet sowieso efficiënter omgaan met de brandstof.

Een aantal exportklanten van de F/A-18C/D Hornet hebben de krachtigere F404-GE-402 en de U.S. Navy had voor de F/A-18E/F de F414-EPE kunnen kiezen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 11/06/2015 | 15:11 uur
Hungary Crash Grounds Swedish Saab Planes | June 11, 2015

After two planes made by Swedish defence giant Saab and used by the Hungarian army crashed, the central European country has opted to ground its fleet of Jas-39 Gripen fighter jets.

The announcement came after a Hungarian pilot was forced to eject himself from a jet near the town of Kecskemet, in central Hungary, less than a month after a similar incident.

Saab said it would "fully support" the investigation. "We never speculate on the reasons before a very careful analysis," a spokesman for the company told AFP.

"We have very rigorous security systems in place. The equipment has been operating for many years around the world and is a very proven and stable platform."

The accident happened when the plane's wheels failed during a training mission, said Lieutenant General Zoltan Orosz, deputy chairman of the joint chiefs of staff.

The experienced pilot tried to land the Gripen on its belly before ejecting himself when the jet turned sideways and became uncontrollable. The pilot is in a stable condition in the Kecskemet hospital, Lt Gen Orosz added.

Hungary has a fleet of 14 Jas-39 Gripen fighters.

An investigation is already underway into another incident involving the aircraft. On May 19th, a two-man Hungarian crew also had to eject before their jet crashed during a military exercise at Caslav army base in eastern Czech Republic.

The Hungarian defence ministry said the two cases were not related.

Saab is one of the world's leading defence and security companies and has around 14,700 staff around the world.

The firm reported soaring annual profits in 2014 and forecast stronger arms sales this year in response to conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 12/06/2015 | 09:56 uur
Finland should replace Hornet fleet in 2020s: official report

By Jussi Rosendahl, Helsinki | June 11, 2015

Finland should replace its aging Hornet fighter jet fleet with multirole fighter aircraft in a procurement estimated at 5 to 10 billion euros ($5.6-$11.2 billion), a government commissioned report showed on Thursday.

The planned service life of Finland's 62 F/A-18 Hornet jets comes to an end from 2025 to 2030. The report proposed that a request for quotations for new jets should be carried out in 2017-2018 with final decisions made in the early 2020s.

The working group did not recommend any specific model or manufacturer.

It mentioned as possible candidates: Saab's Jas Gripen; Dassault Aviation's Rafale; Boeing's Super Hornet; Lockheed Martin's F-35; the Eurofighter, which is made by Britain, Germany, Italy and Spain.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/06/2015 | 18:37 uur
Lockheed Martin Follows 'Blueprint' To Drive Down F-35 Costs

by Bill Carey - June 12, 2015

Lockheed Martin (Chalet 316) is taking steps to improve its manufacturing processes for the F-35 Lightning II. The company contends that more efficient manufacturing methods will help it drive down the flyaway cost of the fifth-generation fighter by $10 million by 2019, and by more if the U.S. government invests.

Last July, the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), Lockheed Martin and its industry partners Northrop Grumman and BAE Systems announced the "blueprint for affordability" accord to reduce the unit recurring flyaway cost of the F-35 to a price that compares with current fourth-generation fighters. The agreement required the contractors to invest $170 million over two years on new materials and processes, with Lockheed Martin spending the majority of that amount. If they succeed in significantly reducing the fighter's unit cost, the U.S. government has the option of investing another $300 million over three years, which it would recoup by paying less for the F-35.

Not 'Chump Change'

Earlier this year, Lorraine Martin, Lockheed Martin's F-35 program executive vice president and general manager, reported on the company's progress toward meeting the blueprint's goals. Initially, the manufacturer expected that it would see the first cost savings during F-35 low-rate initial production (LRIP) lot 9, which Lockheed Martin and the DOD were negotiating at the time of Martin's presentation in mid-February. But it realized early benefits while producing LRIP 8 airframes, cutting about $260,000 from the cost of each of 43 fighters that it will begin delivering in 2016. "So that's not chump change," Martin declared. "I rolled that cost savings into the offer I made to the government when I negotiated the contract," which the parties signed last November. The contract did not include the cost of the fighter's F135 turbofan, which the DOD and engine manufacturer Pratt & Whitney negotiated separately.

At the time of the LRIP 8 contract award, Lockheed Martin said the average unit price of airframes for the three F-35 variants was 3.6 percent lower than the LRIP 7 price. The company reports that the LRIP 8 cost of an F-35A for the U.S. Air Force without its F135-PW-100 engine was $94.7 million. The price of an F-35A with its engine was $108 million, which was $4 million lower than Lot 7 prices, according to the Pentagon's F-35 Joint Program Office (JPO).

Martin said the manufacturing improvements her company is implementing could knock another $780,000 from the price of LRIP 9 jets. Ultimately, the blueprint's goal is to deliver an F-35 with an engine for $80 million in then-year dollars, accounting for inflation. Martin has generated news by saying the price could be even less. "If this works, and we have confidence that it will, [the government is] potentially willing to invest on the tail end $300 million. With these two sets of investments, that's what gets us down to under an $80 million aircraft," she said.

Since launching the blueprint effort, Lockheed Martin and F-35 partner companies as of late April had formally submitted 156 candidate projects to the JPO, of which 68 had been approved to change manufacturing processes. The 68 approved projects required the three companies to invest $59 million. Another $56 million in projects was being considered.

Martin outlined several manufacturing process changes and resulting cost savings. Previously, Lockheed Martin applied stealth coatings to the diverterless supersonic inlet "bump" in the F-35's engine intakes as a separate process in its paint shop; going forward it will perform "mold-in-place" coatings using a robotic arm to inject the coatings through a precise mold around the jet. The new approach allows work to continue on other parts of the aircraft. It required an investment of $742,000 and saves $6,000 per jet, or potentially $27 million over the life of the program, says the manufacturer.

Materials applied to the F-35's wingtip leading edges and horizontal tail trailing edges are placed in a vacuum bag and cured in autoclaves. A new "closed-volume composite molding" process uses matched metal tools for each surface part, reducing the labor and time required to treat the different pieces. The new approach required an investment of $493,000 and saves $10,000 per jet.

Lockheed Martin will employ cryogenic machining in its manufacturing process, using compressed liquid nitrogen to cool drill bits in place of oil-based chemicals. The new approach, which involves an investment of $119,000, rids chemical residue and extends tool life and production speed, saving an expected $4,000 per jet.

A relatively low-tech change will save $65,000 per shipset on the F-35 conventional takeoff and landing (CTOL) variant, Martin said. The manufacturer now uses "right sized" aluminum forgings for the CTOL bulkhead. In the past, it acquired 13,000-pound aluminum sections and forged them in a steel die; now, it uses 8,300-pound pieces that more closely approximate the size of the actual bulkhead. "This is a maturity improvement, but we had to change the engineering drawings. We had to get it approved, and it bought its way onto blueprint," Martin said.

Lockheed Martin was also collaborating with engine manufacturer Pratt & Whitney and F-35B lift fan supplier Rolls-Royce to drive down engine costs, Martin said. Separately, Pratt & Whitney reports that it has waged a "war on cost" to reduce the price of the F135 turbofan since 2009. From the time it built the sixth flight-test engine to those it is producing today, the engine manufacturer claims to have reduced the cost of the F135 by 55 percent.

As of March 31, Pratt & Whitney had delivered 217 F135 engines to Lockheed Martin in Fort Worth and the Cameri Final Assembly and Check-Out facility west of Milan, Italy, that is assembling F-35s for that country and the Netherlands. It was negotiating with the JPO for its own blueprint for affordability that will start after the 300th engine, said Mark Buongiorno, Pratt & Whitney F135 program vice president. "In raw terms, the blueprint for affordability is incentivizing us to continue to make investments in cost reduction with a defined mechanism to recoup that investment," he explained.

Will It Work?

Despite early progress and optimistic assumptions, the jury remained out on the ultimate success of F-35 cost-cutting exercises. In an April report, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) said Lockheed Martin had improved efficiency, reduced major engineering design changes and lowered the number of hours required to build each jet. But the congressional watchdog agency also noted that both Lockheed Martin and Pratt & Whitney were experiencing late deliveries and quality defects from their suppliers, which could challenge planned F-35 production increases. With the DOD planning to ramp up spending over the next five years, it recommended that the Pentagon conduct an "affordability analysis" of that plan.

"While the F-35 program office and contractors have initiatives underway to improve affordability, those initiatives have a specific focus on reducing procurement and sustainment costs but do not assess the affordability of the program's overall procurement plan within budget constraints," the GAO said. "The initiatives are still ongoing and the total cost savings related to these initiatives is yet to be determined."

Program Under Scrutiny

The F135 engine program of the F-35 Lightning II has come under sharp criticism from two U.S. government entities over quality control and reliability issues. Engine manufacturer Pratt & Whitney and the Pentagon's F-35 Joint Program Office (JPO) challenged some of the findings and defended the program.  

A "Quality Assurance Inspection" the Department of Defense Inspector General released on April 27 identified 61 "nonconformities," or violations, of quality management regulations and requirements. It recommended that the JPO coordinate with the Defense Contract Management Agency to implement corrective actions for those violations, and called for tighter program management overall. The JPO did not ensure that Pratt & Whitney "proactively identified, elevated, tracked and managed" F135 program risks; did not ensure that its supplier selection and management of underperforming suppliers were sufficient; and did not ensure that its software quality management practices were adequate, the IG found.

In a statement, the JPO acknowledged that the IG's report is "factually accurate." But it disagreed with three of six findings relating to the need for additional F135 program management oversight, risk management practices and software quality management practices. "In these three cases, the JPO believes the DOD IG findings and recommendations for corrective action are unnecessary, and, if implemented, would add cost and schedule growth to the program for items that are already well understood and carefully managed," the JPO said.

Pratt & Whitney said that it has worked aggressively to implement corrective actions since the IG's audit, which was conducted over two weeks in November at the manufacturer's Hartford and Middletown, Conn., facilities. As of earlier this month, it had implemented 60 percent of identified corrective actions, with the balance scheduled for completion by July.

"This was an audit of P&W's quality system and F135 contractual adherence, not an audit of F135 product quality," the manufacturer stated. "None of these findings had any impact on the product performance. None of the findings has, or would have, affected the operational fleet, safety or mission capability of the aircraft or the F135 engine."

On April 14, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report on F-35 "affordability challenges" that described F135 engine reliability as "very poor" and dragging against the fighter's overall reliability progress. Data Pratt & Whitney provided the agency indicated that the mean flight hours between failure of the engine used in the F-35A conventional takeoff and landing (CTOL) variant was at 21 percent of where it was expected to be at this point in the program; the engine for F-35B short takeoff and landing (STOVL) variant was at 52 percent.

"While overall reliability has increased, engine reliability over the last year has remained well below expected levels. Improving the F-35 engine reliability to achieve established goals will likely require more time and resources than originally planned," the GAO stated.

Pratt & Whitney contested the GAO's conclusions relating to reliability. "The report incorrectly assessed engine reliability, as it did not account for new designs that have been validated and are being incorporated into production and fleet engines," the manufacturer said. The F135 CTOL engine exceeds its specification at 147 percent of requirements; the STOVL engine meets 119 percent of current requirements, it said.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/06/2015 | 19:37 uur
Citaat van: Vandaag om 06:37 

LRIP 8 cost of an F-35A for the U.S. Air Force without its F135-PW-100 engine was $94.7 million. The price of an F-35A with its engine was $108 million

We gaan de goede kant op!
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 12/06/2015 | 20:10 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/06/2015 | 19:37 uur
We gaan de goede kant op!

Eigenlijk had Defensie 3 of 4 maanden moeten wachten met het bestellen van de F35's.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/06/2015 | 20:16 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 12/06/2015 | 20:10 uur
Eigenlijk had Defensie 3 of 4 maanden moeten wachten met het bestellen van de F35's.

Die 8 die nu besteld zijn lopen gewoon mee in de volgende goedkopere  LRIP series net als de bestelling(en) na de eerste 8.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 12/06/2015 | 20:35 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/06/2015 | 20:16 uur
Die 8 die nu besteld zijn lopen gewoon mee in de volgende goedkopere  LRIP series net als de bestelling(en) na de eerste 8.
In de aanbiedingsbrief aan de Twede Kamer van 30-03-2015 staat deze 8 toestellen uit LRIP 11 (laatste LRIP serie) komen.

Edit. De overige 27 stuks komen van FRP 1 t/m FRP 4.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/06/2015 | 21:08 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 12/06/2015 | 20:35 uur
In de aanbiedingsbrief aan de Twede Kamer van 30-03-2015 staat deze 8 toestellen uit LRIP 11 (laatste LRIP serie) komen.

De overige 27 stuks komen van FRP 1 t/m FRP 5.

De bandbreedte is + en - 10%, dus met een beetje mazzel wordt het + 3 of 4 voor het zelfde aanschafbudget.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 13/06/2015 | 10:04 uur
Russia Rethinks Defense Modernization Spending Plans

by Reuben Johnson  - June 12, 2015

Several years ago when then-Russian President Dmitri Medvedev announced the beginning of a modernization program for the Russian armed forces, many analysts voiced skepticism that it could be carried out successfully. At the time, there were two main reservations voiced by critics, including Russia's then-finance minister Aleksei Kudrin.

One perceived problem was that total proposed spending of around $700 billion over a decade would simply be too much for Russian industry to absorb effectively over that period of time. This is largely due to the contraction of Russian industry over the previous two decades, and particularly through the disappearance of numerous second- and third-level component suppliers.

Officials from Russia's Ministry of Trade and Industry, which has oversight for the defense industrial sector, stated more than once that if industrial enterprises were too overwhelmed by trying to manufacture too many weapons systems too fast, "the result will be an increase in prices and a drop in quality."

Another issue was the steady decline of Russia's world market share in defense exports, a revenue stream that has traditionally been relied upon to finance new weapon systems. As far back as 2009, Anatoliy Isaikin, the current director of Rosoboronexport, the state-run weapons export agency, told the Rossiiskaya Gazeta newspaper that a drop in research and development funding meant that Russia may soon "trade only in tank, ship and aircraft hulls," with the consequence that the market for high-technology systems will be conceded to nations that are becoming more competitive with Russia in the world arms market.

"The share of Russian research-intensive products in global exports was 6 percent in 1990, 1 percent in 2000 and 0.2 percent in 2008," said Isaikin to illustrate his point. "The country spends on research and development four times less than Japan, three times less than Germany and two times less than the Czech Republic."

More recently, pressures on the Russian defense industry have been compounded by factors such as declining oil revenues, the collapse in the value of Russia's ruble currency and the impact of economic sanctions imposed in response to the military conflict in Ukraine. Last July, Medvedev, now Russia's Prime Minister, insisted that these unforeseen events would not result in a reduction in the state defense orders that are the central element in Russia's modernization of the nation's armed forces.

But, more recent developments suggest that "engaging in the Soviet-style method of trying to repeal the laws of economic reality by decree and declaring that there will be no cuts in weapons procurement has not produced magical results," said a Russia-based defense analyst, speaking to AIN on condition of anonymity.

Two key Russian defense programs central to Russia's military modernization plans are the Sukhoi T-50 and Su-35 fighters. And it remains to be seen whether the Russian government will stand by its earlier spending commitments to these programs.

On March 23, deputy defense armaments minister Yuri Borisov visited the Komsomolsk-na-Amure Aviation Production Association (Knaapo) plant that manufactures both aircraft, declaring that the facility is fully prepared to start series production in 2016.

However, he went on to point out that the defense ministry reserves the right to "re-evaluate" the number of units it intends to purchase and under what timeline. "Due to the newly-emerged economic conditions, our plans can be adjusted accordingly," he said.  "A better approach now might be to hold the T-50 in reserve and move forward on this later while in the meantime getting as much as possible out of our four-plus generation [Su-30MK and Su-35] fighters."

Yuri Slyusar, who had only recently been appointed as the CEO of the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC), which owns Knaapo, said that the company agreed with the defense ministry's position.

The military modernization plan was supposed to include the purchase of 52 T-50s, now being referred in the Russian military by the acronym of PFI (Perspective Frontline Fighter).  Originally, the Russian air force was due to receive eight aircraft per year in the 2016-2018 timeframe and then 14 more from 2019-2020.

According to a source close to the program and with direct knowledge of the current budget constraints, this schedule would have been feasible if Russia's economic difficulties had not arisen. "The idea now is that as a first step we will sign a contract for a squadron of T-50s [12 aircraft]," he said.  "After this, we will take a decision as to how effective they are and how many more aircraft we can afford to take on."

The six T-50 prototype aircraft that have been produced so far are being used for flight testing. Borisov said that the Russian air force would receive four more fighters to finish the flight tests. Aside from these aircraft, the Knaapo plant will build 14 multirole Su-35s and five Su-30MK2s by the end of 2015.

Chinese and Indian Prospects

Traditionally, China and India have been important export customers for Russian fighters, but it is unclear whether this trend will continue with the new products.

China has embarked on two fighter programs of its own that are at least fifth-generation in external appearance, the Chengdu J-20 and the Shenyang FC-31. The Chinese defense industry is still heavily dependent on Russian and Ukrainian aircraft engines and the FC-31 may provide a source of financial support for an increased-thrust version of the Isotov/NPO Klimov RD-33 engine that powers the MiG-29 fighters.

Two versions of that engine are installed on the FC-31 that debuted last November at Air Show China in Zhuhai, prompting comments from independent observers that the jet is underpowered. Chinese officials are now in discussions with the Russian engine makers to secure a 10 percent increase in thrust.

China's commitment to the FC-31 and J-20 programs raises doubts as to whether it will be a T-50 customer, but the country has expressed an interest in buying the Su-35. However, proposals made by Beijing so far indicate that any purchase would involve relatively small numbers of aircraft that would be below those required to trigger the usual offset involvement of Chinese industry in the program.

India has made some initial commitments to the T-50 program and had wanted to develop a unique version of the aircraft for its own requirements. This would follow the cooperation pattern established almost 20 years ago when India agreed to support a Su-30MKI version of the Su-30MK fighter.

However, this scenario has all been called into question by India's recent decision to purchase 36 of Dassault's Rafale fighters. The Indian government has yet to indicate whether its budget would also allow for an investment in the T-50.

Meanwhile, Russia is now exploring ways to make its defense modernization budget go further by considering cost-cutting measures such as a reduction in the number of armed forces personnel to 800,000. Similar plans have been put forward by the finance ministry, which include an attempt at balancing the federal budget by also cutting back on the number of new recruits by 10 percent. The idea is that, with reduced armed forces, the goal of modernizing and re-equipping units with all-new hardware would become a more manageable task for Russia's defense industry.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 13/06/2015 | 11:36 uur
Vanwaar die haast om zoveel spullen zo snel mogelijk operationeel te hebben?
Welke dreiging moet zo snel mogelijk worden gedekt?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 13/06/2015 | 12:50 uur
F-16 Durability Testing: 25,000 Hours and Counting

(Source: Lockheed Martin; issued June 11, 2015)

FORT WORTH --- Lockheed Martin recently completed 25,000 hours of simulated flight time on an F-16C Block 50 aircraft, demonstrating the safety and durability of the F-16 well beyond the aircraft's original design service life of 8,000 Equivalent Flight Hours (EFH). Further testing is being conducted to identify a definitive, safe flight hour limit for the aircraft.

The F-16 Full Scale Durability Test (FSDT) applies stress to the aircraft's structure to represent actual aircraft usage and identify potential fatigue issues. FSDT results will be used to help design and verify Service Life Extension Program (SLEP) structural modifications for the U.S. Air Force and to support F-16 service life certification to 12,000 EFH. The SLEP aims to extend the service life of up to 300 F-16C/D Block 40-50 aircraft.

The SLEP and related avionics upgrades to the Air Force's F-16C/D fleet can safely and effectively augment the current fighter force structure as U.S. and allied combat air fleets recapitalize with F-35 Lightning IIs.

"This testing milestone clearly demonstrates that F-16s with SLEP modifications can be safely operated longer than anyone previously thought possible," said Rod McLean, vice president and general manager of the F-16/F-22 Integrated Fighter Group at Lockheed Martin. "Enhanced F-16V capabilities—an option for both upgrades and new production aircraft—means that F-16s will remain relevant well into the future. This should provide additional confidence to current F-16 operators and potential new F-16 customers."

For more than 40 years, the F-16 has proven itself as the world's most capable 4th Generation multi-role fighter, serving as the workhorse of the fighter fleet for 28 customers around the world. The F-16V, the latest F-16 configuration, includes numerous enhancements designed to keep the F-16 at the forefront of international security.


Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 13/06/2015 | 13:09 uur
US senate panel approves extra JSF, Super Hornet, Reaper buys

By James Drew, Washington DC | June 12, 2015

The US senate appropriations committee has approved a spending bill that buys more Boeing F/A-18 Super Hornets, Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighters and General Atomics MQ-9 Reapers than requested by the government, even as Republicans and Democrats disagree on how to get around mandatory spending caps known as sequestration.

The bill passed with a voted of 27-3 on June 11, moving it to the full Senate for a final vote. The bill includes funds for 12 more Super Hornets, 10 more F-35s and eight more Reaper UAVs than were requested in the president's budget in March.

The House made a similar move this week, adding funds for five F/A-18s ($350M), seven electronic warfare derivatives, the EA-18G Growler ($660M), eight more joint strike fighters, but no more than the requested number of 29 MQ-9s.

The aircraft will essentially freebees if the legislation is enacted, since those extra buys were not part of the service's base budget requests at the start of the year, but appeared later in an "unfunded priories list" sent to Congress. The defense department had ordered zero Super Hornets and zero Growlers and fewer joint strike fighters (57 in total, including 44 F-35As, nine F-35Bs, four F-35Cs). The bill includes funding for six more Marine Corps F-35Bs and four Air Force F-35As.

Boeing says those 12 Super Hornets, plus a potential near-term deal with Kuwait, would keep fighter production in St Louis, Missouri, humming through 2018, by which time the company hopes more international orders will materialise. Lockheed and F-35 propulsion system partner Pratt & Whitney have been itching to scale up joint strike fighter production, having delivered 36 jets last year. The joint programme office hopes more volume, on top of other measures, will lead to a lower per-unit cost, somewhere around $80M compared to upwards of $100M today.

Regarding the Reaper, USAF says more MQ-9s are needed to meet operational demands for the unmanned "surveillance and strike" aircraft.

The spending bill would appropriate $575.9B for the department, $86.8B of which is drawn from the wartime funding account known as OCO (overseas contingency operations), which many US lawmakers label a "slush fund". President Obama has threatened to veto the defence bills unless the Republican-controlled Congress deals with "damaging" automatic spending limits – setting the stage for another government shutdown.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: DvdW op 13/06/2015 | 13:37 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 13/06/2015 | 11:36 uur
Vanwaar die haast om zoveel spullen zo snel mogelijk operationeel te hebben?
Welke dreiging moet zo snel mogelijk worden gedekt?
Welke haast heb je het over? Heb je het artikel überhaupt wel gelezen?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 13/06/2015 | 14:55 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 13/06/2015 | 11:36 uur
Vanwaar die haast om zoveel spullen zo snel mogelijk operationeel te hebben?
Welke dreiging moet zo snel mogelijk worden gedekt?
Dreiging van de NAVO maar met name de VS....
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 14/06/2015 | 01:57 uur
Citaat van: DvdW op 13/06/2015 | 13:37 uur
Welke haast heb je het over? Heb je het artikel überhaupt wel gelezen?

Als je mijn opmerking niet begrijpt snap je vrij weinig van de situatie.
Verder, doe eens normaal.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 14/06/2015 | 02:06 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 13/06/2015 | 14:55 uur
Dreiging van de NAVO maar met name de VS....
Het lijkt er eerder op dat Rusland degene is die het initiatief wil nemen.
Er is namelijk geen sprake van een inhaalslag die Rusland moet maken om haar situatie en belangen te verdedigen.
Rusland is bezig met het financieren van oorlogsvoorraden en strategische reserves voor een conflict dat ze zelf aan het verzinnen zijn.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: DvdW op 14/06/2015 | 07:26 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 14/06/2015 | 01:57 uur

Als je mijn opmerking niet begrijpt snap je vrij weinig van de situatie.
Verder, doe eens normaal.
En vraag stellen mag dus niet meer? Je hebt het dus niet gelezen en reageert weer eens  impulsief en gevoelsmatig...... En als ik jouw opmerking niet begrijp, begrijp ik de hele situatie rondom Rusland niet? Tikkeltje zelfoverschatting?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 14/06/2015 | 14:12 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 14/06/2015 | 02:06 uur
Het lijkt er eerder op dat Rusland degene is die het initiatief wil nemen.
Er is namelijk geen sprake van een inhaalslag die Rusland moet maken om haar situatie en belangen te verdedigen.
Rusland is bezig met het financieren van oorlogsvoorraden en strategische reserves voor een conflict dat ze zelf aan het verzinnen zijn.
Dat is jouw zienswijze in deze. Het mag duidelijk zijn dat ik dit geheel anders zie...en het door de Russen ervaren dreigingsbeeld vanuit de NAVO en vooral VS..en de EU in mindere mate...wel serieus neem...ook gezien zijn historische context. Maar goed, dit is een ander topic.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 15/06/2015 | 09:08 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 14/06/2015 | 14:12 uur
Dat is jouw zienswijze in deze. Het mag duidelijk zijn dat ik dit geheel anders zie...en het door de Russen ervaren dreigingsbeeld vanuit de NAVO en vooral VS..en de EU in mindere mate...wel serieus neem...ook gezien zijn historische context. Maar goed, dit is een ander topic.

Ik begrijp best dat Rusland zich op een manier bedreigd voelt. Bijvoorbeeld in hun complete vrijheid van handelen waardoor ze niet zomaar hun gang kunnen gaan op het wereldtoneel. Die beperkingen zint ze vast niet maar dat is heel wat anders dan een naderend conflict waar ze voor moeten vrezen.
Ik geloof nooit dat de Navo een aanval zal openen op de russen, wij zullen altijd reageren maar nooit initiatiefnemer zijn.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 15/06/2015 | 10:08 uur
Italy Plans First F-35 Flight in October

By Tom Kington | June 14, 2015

ROME — The first F-35 flight outside the US will take place in October when Italy's first F-35 begins test flights after rolling off the country's final assembly line, a Lockheed Martin official said.


Zie onderstaande link voor het complete artikel.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 15/06/2015 | 10:45 uur
Boeing Considers Upgraded A-10 Exports

By Bill Sweetman | June 15, 2015

Boeing (Chalet 321, 324) is exploring the international market for a modernized and re-engined A-10 Warthog if the U.S. Air Force retires the aircraft, according to Paul Cejas, chief engineer for off-Boeing programs in the company's support division.

Cejas stressed that any such project is dependent on the Air Force retiring the aircraft, in the face of congressional opposition, and releasing its inventory. "It is fairly new and not at a point where we can provide more details."

Boeing is the lead contractor for A-10 sustainment and is fulfilling a contract for 173 sets of new wings for the fleet. The company has delivered 105 sets and does not expect that the contract will be canceled even if the Air Force retires the aircraft. The new wing is close to returning the A-10 to zero-time condition.

A new engine "is one of the items on the agenda," Cejas says. The current TF34 is little changed from the original 1970s design and a number of suitable engines in the same thrust class are available. Boeing is also looking at a new targeting pod and a helmet-mounted display system with more integrated functions than today's A-10 offers with the Thales Scorpion.

The modernized A-10 is billed as a "low-cost counterterrorism" system, implying that it is aimed at Middle Eastern customers, which have shown increased interest in affordable attack aircraft since the rise of the ISIS movement. Of the two largest potential customers – the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia – Boeing has the closest relationship with the latter.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 15/06/2015 | 12:55 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 15/06/2015 | 09:08 uur
Ik begrijp best dat Rusland zich op een manier bedreigd voelt. Bijvoorbeeld in hun complete vrijheid van handelen waardoor ze niet zomaar hun gang kunnen gaan op het wereldtoneel. Die beperkingen zint ze vast niet maar dat is heel wat anders dan een naderend conflict waar ze voor moeten vrezen.
Ik geloof nooit dat de Navo een aanval zal openen op de russen, wij zullen altijd reageren maar nooit initiatiefnemer zijn. zijn meer dan genoeg voorbeelden die door andere landen gezien kunnen worden als offensief, agressie en bedreigend. Door dat niet serieus te nemen creëer je vaak wat je juist wilt voorkomen. Ook daar zijn plenty voorbeelden van. Maar goed, niet iedereen heeft belang bij vrede.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 15/06/2015 | 13:31 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 15/06/2015 | 12:55 uur zijn meer dan genoeg voorbeelden die door andere landen gezien kunnen worden als offensief, agressie en bedreigend. Door dat niet serieus te nemen creëer je vaak wat je juist wilt voorkomen. Ook daar zijn plenty voorbeelden van. Maar goed, niet iedereen heeft belang bij vrede. 

Zuid-Ossetie, Abchazië, Transnistrië, Crimea, Luhansk, Dontesk, Arctic, Georgie, Kurillen, etc.  Meer dan genoeg voorbeelden die gezien kunnen worden als Russische agressie, offensief en bedreigend. Er zijn plenty voorbeelden van.

Maar zie je de inval van Iraq echt als voorteken dat we binnenkort weer met 3 legergroepen naar Moskou gaan oprukken?

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 15/06/2015 | 14:30 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 15/06/2015 | 13:31 uur
Zuid-Ossetie, Abchazië, Transnistrië, Crimea, Luhansk, Dontesk, Arctic, Georgie, Kurillen, etc.  Meer dan genoeg voorbeelden die gezien kunnen worden als Russische agressie, offensief en bedreigend. Er zijn plenty voorbeelden van.
Inderdaad...ik ben dan ook niet minder beducht voor de Russische acties in deze. Iets begrijpen is overigens niet hetzelfde als ergens begrip voor hebben.
Citaat van: Thomasen op 15/06/2015 | 13:31 uurMaar zie je de inval van Iraq echt als voorteken dat we binnenkort weer met 3 legergroepen naar Moskou gaan oprukken?
Gaat niet om wat ik wel of niet zie...maar ik denk dat landen als Rusland en bijvoorbeeld Iran wel degelijk beducht zijn op de grote offensieve capaciteiten waarover de NAVO...en dan met name de VS...beschikt...en kan inzetten. Iets wat zij in de praktijk zagen bij de invasies van Afghanistan en Irak. Iran is daarbij denk ik meer beducht op een door Amerikanen geleide forced regime change (ze stonden naar het schijnt ook op het lijstje van Bush)...Rusland meer beducht denk ik om gebied en invloed te verliezen aan haar grenzen en strategische corridors. Dat is ook waar Poetin het steeds over heeft...Amerikaanse plannen om Rusland verder op te splitsen en zo te verzwakken als potentiële wereldmacht tov de VS. China ervaart dat overigens ook zo...en het past binnen de al lange traditie van containmantpolitiek welke de buitenlandse politiek van de VS domineert richting Rusland en China. Vanuit VS oogpunt snap ik dat prima...maar snap dus ook dat sommige landen dat als een bedreiging ervaren.

ps. Ik kan me ook weer voorstellen dat het Russische gedrag richting de door hun ervaren dreiging weer bedreigend kan voelen...en in Oekraine zijn... voor omliggende landen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 15/06/2015 | 14:41 uur
Plane Makers Scramble for Survival in Fighter-Jet Market (excerpt)

Wall Street Journal | June 14, 2015

PARIS --- Western combat-jet makers from Boeing Co. to the Eurofighter consortium are scouring for new export deals that could prove crucial to extending production lines at risk of closing.

A string of deals for fighter aircraft is redrawing the global battle lines among the world's leading military aircraft makers, leaving those left empty-handed scrambling to reverse their fortunes or face a market exit.

The weeklong Paris International Air Show, which begins Monday at the Le Bourget airfield outside the city, will see some of those jets take to the air to show off their maneuverability as salespeople wine and dine military delegations on the ground to win orders.

The stakes are high. The global market for combat jets is worth around $367 billion, or about 3,700 plane deliveries over the next 15 years, Frost & Sullivan estimates. The bulk of those will likely be Lockheed Martin Corp. F-35 combat jets, with the Dassault Aviation SA Rafale a distant second, the consultancy said.

Pressure has intensified on Boeing, maker of the Pentagon's F/A-18 Super Hornet and F-15 combat planes, and the European consortium building the Typhoon jet, as countries such as Brazil, India, and Qatar have opted for other planes. Both manufacturers face the prospect of production ending within five years if new orders can't be won. (end of excerpt)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 16/06/2015 | 08:37 uur
Raytheon Considers Powered SDB for UK F-35s

Raytheon Missile Systems is open to developing a powered version of the Small Diameter Bomb II (SDBII) to meet a British requirement for a mini-cruise missile it is looking to purchase for its fleet of F-35 combat jets, according to Taylor Lawrence, president of the company's missile

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 16/06/2015 | 08:40 uur
JSF Block Buy Could Reach 500 Fighters

Countries signing up to buy the joint strike fighter have all said they are interested in a block buy that could see commitments to purchase 500 of the aircraft, a Lockheed Martin official said Monday.

"They have all said they are interested," said Lorraine Martin, Lockheed's F-35 program manager, after a briefing on the program at the Paris Air Show.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 16/06/2015 | 11:09 uur
Paris Air Show 2015: Saab sees continued future for Gripen C/D combat aircraft

Gareth Jennings, Paris - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly | June 15, 2015

Saab sees continued global sales opportunities for its Gripen C/D combat aircraft even though it is now actively marketing the more advanced E/F models, according to a senior company representative.

Speaking to reporters ahead of the Paris Air Show, the head of the Aeronautics division, Ulf Nilsson, said that Saab will carry on campaigning for the C/D aircraft, for which there will be a continuous upgrade programme to keep it at the forefront of military capabilities through to at least 2035.

"We won't stop promoting the C/D. It is still, and will continue to be, a very capable aircraft which will be in continuous development. It really doesn't matter if you join [the Gripen programme] with the C/D or with the E/F, there will always be a way for us to grow your capability through incremental upgrades," he said.

To date, Saab has sold 75 Gripen C and 25 Gripen D aircraft to Sweden (many of which were remanufactured from the 105 Gripen A and 13 Gripen B aircraft already in service), 17 C and 9 D aircraft to South Africa, 8 C and 4 D to Thailand; and has leased 12 C and 2 D to Hungary, 12 C and 2 D to the Czech Republic, and 1 D to the UK Empire Test Pilots School. As well, Slovakia recently selected the Gripen C/D for its new fighter aircraft.

With a contract now signed for 60 Gripen E fighters for Sweden (with a requirement for up to 80), as well as 28 E and 8 F platforms for Brazil, Saab told reporters that the company was keen to get across the message that it is not about to abandon the C/D to a gradual obsolescence.

Even though there are now no more C/D aircraft to deliver (the last one was handed over to the Swedish Air Force [SwAF] earlier in 2015), and the Linkoping production line has now begun work on the first E prototype (39-08), Nilsson said that there were options for potential new C/D customers.

"There are plenty of A/B airframes in storage that can be converted to C/D. I can't say precisely how many, as they belong to the SwAF and it's not my place to talk about its assets, but there is a significant number if required," he said.

According to Nilsson, there is very little price difference between a refurbished A/B to C/D or a new-build C/D aircraft, and that the airframe lives of the refurbished aircraft are very low. However, if a customer does not want refurbished A/B platforms then Saab could restart the C/D line, he said.

While the C/D will be cheaper to procure than the E/F, Nilsson said that the decision on which variant to pitch to which customer was being driven as much by timelines as it is by capabilities or costs.

"The first opportunity to accommodate orders on the E line beyond Sweden and Brazil will be in 2022. There are many near-term fighter requirements that won't wait until then, and so the C/D is a very viable proposal for those nations. Of course, just because they go for C/D now, does not mean they have to stay with it in the future - they can always go onto the E/F if they want to."

In terms of global opportunities, Nilsson said the company hoped to sell between 300 and 450 Gripen C/D/E/F platforms in the next 20 years (10 to 15% of the accessible market). Specifically, Saab sees potential in Austria (C/D or E/F as a Eurofighter Typhoon Tranche 1 replacement); Belgium, (E/F most likely); Botswana (C/D); Bulgaria (C/D); Colombia (C/D or E/F); the Czech Republic (additional C/Ds); Ecuador (C/D or E/F); Finland (most likely for the E/F, depending on programme timelines); Hungary (additional C/Ds); India (E/F); Indonesia (C/D); Kenya (C/D); Malaysia (C/D); Mexico (C/D or E/F); Namibia (C/D); Peru (C/D or E/F); Philippines (C/D); Portugal (C/D); Slovakia (has selected the C/D, with a contract expected later this year); and Uruguay (C/D or E/F).

While Argentina has been touted in the media as a possible customer, Saab officials discounted any near-term deal chiefly on account of the current poor relations between that country and the UK, which manufactures many of the aircraft's key components and systems.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 18/06/2015 | 13:36 uur
Paris Air Show 2015: UK senses Eurofighter opportunity in India, Qatar after reduced Rafale buy

Nicholas de Larrinaga, Paris - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly | June 17, 2015

Key Points

. As India and Qatar have opted for small numbers of Rafale fighters from Dassault, the UK sees chances for the Eurofighter to fulfil their total requirements
. Eurofighter is by some margin the most numerous of the current western European fighter designs, but needs to find more customers in the next 18 months to maintain production

India's announced intention to purchase just 36 Dassault Rafale fighter aircraft represents a renewed opportunity for the Eurofighter Typhoon in India, the head of the UK's defence export support organisation believes.

Speaking at the Paris Air Show, Stephen Phipson, head of UK Trade and Investment's Defence Support Organisation (UKTI DSO), was keen to talk up Eurofighter's continuing chances on the export market, despite a recent run of wins for the Rafale.

"India has a large requirement there," he said. "They've made their first selection of a very limited number of Rafales compared to the initial requirement for 126 fast jets. So our belief, and I was in India all of last week talking with them, is that the competition is still open with what they do with their second and maybe even third tranche of fast jets in India."

But Phipson acknowledges a Eurofighter sale to India is not imminent. "Of course, that will be a long slow process," he said.

While many will be sceptical of the prospects of a Typhoon sale now to India, Phipson sees an advantage in the possibility of local production, not now happening with the Rafale. He added that the "Hawk programme - where we are with BAE systems and Rolls-Royce assembling Hawks and the engines for Hawks in India - really does fit closely with Modi's aspirations for localised manufacturing, and you will notice with the recent announcements, Rafale they are not committing to do that manufacturing, that's going to be done in France."

Even Qatar, which signed a contract for 24 Rafales in May, could still yet order Typhoons, said Phipson. He noted that the country's requirement was for 72 fast jets.

"We're getting all the signals that they're still considering whether or not to push forwards with Typhoon, and we will continue to work on that very closely with the Qatari government and give them the option of Typhoon for the next time they buy," he said.

Phipson thought this could come as early as 2016, saying an order for more aircraft "will probably be next year ... so we still remain optimistic on Qatar and Typhoon and the relationship's getting stronger every time we have a meeting with them, so that's very good".

Elsewhere, the UK is looking to potential export opportunities for Eurofighter in Malaysia, as well as potentially Belgium and Denmark. Meanwhile, the Italian-led campaign in Kuwait was going "very well", he said.

Phipson said Eurofighter benefits from the consortium having four production lines currently open for the aircraft. "There is great flexibility in terms of capacity," he said. He added that, "in fact, one of the things that we have been pushing is that we can do early deliveries on some of these requirements because we have the capacity to do that, while other manufacturers would find it difficult to do early deliveries without withdrawing in service jets".

But the Eurofighter's best chances probably come from a new order of aircraft for Saudi Arabia. The aircraft had performed very well in Saudi service over Yemen, Phipson noted, although the recent death of the commander of the Royal Saudi Air Force might change the timing of any future follow-on Saudi Typhoon order, but not the country's commitment and thoughts towards the aircraft.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Kiteboarder88 op 18/06/2015 | 13:48 uur
Paris Air Show 2015: Production-standard Scorpion to fly next year

"So that has nothing to do with this airplane, which is fully capable of fast-jet training. As a matter of fact we're submitting our first formal proposal and the customer wants a multimission aircraft, but they want a lead-in fighter trainer and we're going to bid this airplane."
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 18/06/2015 | 15:48 uur
GE Jet Sets Record; Will F-35 Get New AETD Engine?

By Colin Clark 
on June 18, 2015

PARIS AIR SHOW: Pratt & Whitney has refused to disclose the price of its F135 engines for the F-35 for quite a while, even while Lockheed Martin boasted it would bring down the price of the Joint Strike Fighter to $80 million a copy — including engine.

Now we know why. At a Monday briefing here, the head of Pratt's F135 program, Mark Buongiorno, told reporters the company didn't want to release the information because the Adaptive Engine Technology Development (AETD) program's engines were being tested for dimensions that matched those of the F-35.

Then General Electric put out a release late yesterday about testing for its Adaptive Versatile Engine Technology (ADVENT) program, which achieved the highest combined compressor and turbine temperature operation "in the history of jet engine propulsion."

That release included this sentence: "It is now being applied to the next step – an engine that could fit an F-35-like aircraft."

You could almost hear the pin drop. Years after former Defense Secretary Bob Gates pushed hard to kill the so-called second engine program — GE's F136 — it looks as if GE may be poised to come back with what could be either a second engine for the F-35, a replacement for Pratt's F135 or the next generation power plant.

GE finished tests on a new engine, which included the highest combined compressor and turbine temperature operation "in the history of jet engine propulsion."

Daniel McCormick, general manager of GE's advanced combat engine programs, said there had been a Preliminary Design Review that involved the Air Force, NASA and Lockheed Martin. The new engine can adapt for either maximum thrust or long-range cruise.

As more details emerge it will be fascinating to hear how senior Pentagon officials and the Air Force view this GE engine — as a technology marvel, the beginnings of the next generation in F-35 power or as a "second engine."

Zie link voor de (bewegende)plaatjes

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 19/06/2015 | 08:36 uur
Thales' I-Master Radar Integrates With Textron AirLand's Scorpion jet

Thales announced today that its I-Master radar has been successfully integrated on to Textron AirLand's Scorpion Jet(tm) mission systems.

The addition of radar compliments the Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) sensor suite. The sensor suite already includes a high end EO/IR capability.

Having integrated the multi-mode radar into Scorpion within just two weeks, the first flight trials took place in late May. Combined with an EO/IR camera, I-Master adds long range, wide area surveillance and target tracking. Both payloads are operated simultaneously by a single operator.

The combination of I-Master and the Scorpion jet demonstrates a powerful 'surveillance and strike' capability." he added.

Thales announced today that its I-Master radar has been successfully integrated on to Textron AirLand's Scorpion Jet(tm) mission systems.

The addition of radar compliments the Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) sensor suite. The sensor suite already includes a high end EO/IR capability.

Having integrated the multi-mode radar into Scorpion within just two weeks, the first flight trials took place in late May. Combined with an EO/IR camera, I-Master adds long range, wide area surveillance and target tracking. Both payloads are operated simultaneously by a single operator.

The combination of I-Master and the Scorpion jet demonstrates a powerful 'surveillance and strike' capability." he added.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 19/06/2015 | 08:48 uur
Textron upbeat on Scorpion jet; UK plans test flights

Textron Inc (TXT.N) on Tuesday said it was upbeat about the prospects of its new Scorpion light attack and spy jet, which is gearing up for 10 days of UK flight demonstrations and visits to other European countries in coming weeks.

Scott Donnelly, chief executive of Textron, told Reuters the new aircraft, which was developed by Textron and a private group named Airland Enterprises, had amassed over 400 hours of flight time since its first flight in December 2013.

The jet also recently completed a series of demonstration flights in South America, Donnelly said in an interview at the Paris Airshow.

Textron self-funded work on the jet with the goal of developing a smaller, less expensive fighter that could help cash-strapped smaller countries participate in coalition military activities.

He said those countries would likely look to the United States or other allies to activate larger fighter aircraft in the event of a conflict.

In Britain, the jet is due to carry out a series of demonstrations and exercises with the UK Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm before embarking on flight tests carried out by QinetiQ's Empire Test Pilot's School, said company spokesman David Sylvestre.

Donnelly declined to give details about which countries had expressed interest in the aircraft, but said the company was encouraged by its conversations with potential buyers.

He declined to predict when Textron Airland, the joint venture that runs the program, would sign a contract with an initial launch customer. He said that would likely come after some additional flights and demonstrations.

Textron's Scorpion Heads To UK For RAF, Royal Navy Trials


But the $20 million plane is attracting serious interest from Britain's Royal Navy and the Royal Air Force. After the Paris Air Show, the demonstration aircraft will head to the U.K. for a week of flying at the request of the Brits. The Scorpion will perform air-to-air intercepts for the RAF and maritime surveillance operations with the Royal Navy, Bill Anderson, Textron Airland's president told me after the video interview above.

"My biggest surprise since the plane's debut has been the strong interest of the Royal Navy," Anderson said.

In addition to Britain, the Scorpion will visit three "central European countries," he said, declining to identify them.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 19/06/2015 | 08:54 uur
Back To Basics for F-35

Weapons and upgrades could define the next era for the worldwide fighter market.

As Lockheed Martin (Chalet 316, Static C2) and the Pentagon attempt over the next year or so to assemble a three-year block buy of 400-500 F-35 Joint Strike Fighters, potential customers will be looking for firm definition behind the much-redefined Block 4 upgrade process, which will define all the capabilities that the F-35 will have between now and 2027.

This long-range planning is essential for JSF, because the program is large and weapon and system integration issues are unique. From the very start of the project, it has been a given that all aircraft in the worldwide fleet will be upgraded concurrently, so as to avoid having a multiplicity of configurations.

This one-size-fits-all approach will in theory be the result of consensus among the customer community, but in practice will be dominated by the U.S., which will be signing the biggest single check. It presents a dilemma: how can you put as many upgrades and improvements on the schedule as possible to meet today's national desires, while leaving capacity to change plans as new technologies and threats emerge?

Another delicate balance concerns the timing of improvements. In Wednesday's ShowNews (p. 46), I wrote about the rapidly improving technology of electro-optical targeting, including hyperspectral systems that fuse midwave infrared (IR), shortwave IR and color video to give the pilot the best available picture. All of this has appeared since the F-35 was designed, so its current midwave-IR-only electro-optical targeting system (EOTS) looks a little dated, and will be even more so when the JSF is ready for export customers.

This issue has been recognized, and an Advanced EOTS is being designed with sharper, multi-spectral sensors and new processors. It should cut into production in Block 4, and according to Lockheed Martin is a top priority for many users. But this does not necessarily help to sell a lot of Block 3 aircraft: if Block 4 is going to include such a significant improvement, why not stretch out the lives of your existing fighters and delay F-35 deliveries?

It is sensors and weapons that make a fighter flexible and give it longevity – the latter not measured by airframe life, but by how long it can remain effective against evolving targets and threats. As well as targeting pods, this year's show features a new generation of air-to-air missiles (AAMs): MBDA's formidable (if costly) Meteor, four of which arm the Rafale M in the static display, and Rafael's I-Derby Extended Range.

The I-Derby ER is worth a few words because it is the opposite of the F-35 upgrade strategy: cheap, fast and easy to integrate. Rafael has updated Derby with its own RF seeker technology – the current Derby has an Israel Aerospace Industries seeker developed in the 1990s – and the multi-pulse motor experience from the Barak 8 naval air defense system and David's Sling. Rafael has removed the Derby's electro-optical fuze and built the function into the radar, which frees up 50 cm of length for propellant. Between that and the pulsed motor, this "almost doubles" the range, Rafael says.

If you already have Derby or an aircraft that can fire Derby, integrating the ER is easy – it is exactly the same shape as the earlier version. But if you want a longer-range AAM on the F-35, you have no options today. Sometime in Block 4 you may get Meteor or the AIM-120D version of the Advanced Medium Range AAM. Raytheon (Chalet 296, Static B10) people sometimes talk about AIM-120D in "it's so good that it's very secret" terms, but consistent evidence says it still has the AIM-120C7 motor, and there is only so much that you can do with the kinematics at that point.

In the wider competitive picture, France has done a creditable job since the early 2000s of sticking to its timeline for Rafale upgrades, including the deployment of a full range of weapons, and new targeting and reconnaissance pods from Thales (Chalet 263, Static B1, Hall Corcorde 39). Saab has shown an ability to integrate payloads faster and at less cost than its competitors – including U.S. weapons such as the Small Diameter Bomb – and after a good deal of foot-dragging, the four Eurofighter nations have recognized that Typhoon needs a full range of weapons and systems and have put some money behind that intention.

The F-16 could be a lesson for Team F-35. Various F-16 customers paid for a series of improvements that the U.S. did not want, or did not want at the time: the F-16D's expanded dorsal spine, conformal fuel tanks, two-way satcoms and a number of active electronic warfare systems, not to mention almost every weapon in the Western inventory. That seems to have worked out quite well.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 19/06/2015 | 09:17 uur
PARIS: Lockheed to deliver final four IOC F-35Bs by 30 June

By James Drew, Paris | June 18, 2015

The last four F-35B Joint Strike Fighters the Marine Corps needs to declare initial operational capability will be delivered on 30 June, in time for an operational readiness inspection targeted for the second week of July.

That's the assessment of Lockheed Martin's F-35 programme chief Lorraine Martin, who is closely monitoring the countdown to delivery of the final four.

Marine Corps IOC is the first major marker for the programme since it was revised and re-baselined in 2010, and Martin expects to hit that contractual target.

"They'll be ready," she tells Flightglobal. "That's my goal. I watch it every day."

"I plan to have everything ready," she says, adding that the latest ALIS (autonomic logistics information system) configuration is being installed and will be ready in the next couple of days.

Activity has hit a crescendo at Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, Arizona, which is home to the Green Knights – the first operational F-35B squadron.

Once everything is in place, an independent team will come in and assess the squadron's readiness and report back to deputy commandant for Marine Corps aviation, Lt Gen Jon Davis.

If Davis is satisfied that the squadron has the manpower, equipment and spare parts in place, he will inform the Marine commandant and IOC will be declared.

The decision will come 14 years after the start of F-35 development. Asked if after all those years the US and its allies are receiving a superior weapon to what's on the battlefield today, Martin said she has "no doubt".

"The customers we support who have all the information they need to have to have comfort in that, they have no doubt," she adds. She says since the initial design, the aircraft has received new processors and the latest parts.

She is also wholly committed to delivering every capability that was promised for Block 3F, which is currently in integration and testing. That statement comes despite talk of weapons and capabilities "slipping" from Block 3F to Block 4 – a configuration that is being defined right now and will be delivered in increments from about 2019 through to 2025.

"None are slipping out of 3F," she says. "We're doing them all. We're now in full integration and test, we're not building [Block 3F] software anymore."

Lockheed notes that despite reports, since the re-baslining the programme has not slipped schedule or cost. Martin says she is adamant that the F-35 can hit all its major targets going forward, including US Air Force IOC in 2016.

She says as development wraps up by 2017 and squadrons go operational, attention on the programme will turn to actually employing the weapon system as well as establishing tactics and new concepts of operation.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 20/06/2015 | 08:54 uur
GE adaptive cycle engine is so revolutionary it could fix many of the F35 jet problems
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 23/06/2015 | 11:32 uur
US report calls for dual-capable F-35C and tactical nukes

By James Drew, Washington DC | June 22, 2015

A US think tank has proposed installing nuclear weapons on the Lockheed Martin F-35C Joint Strike Fighter for deployment aboard aircraft carriers as a hedge against Russia and China.

Clark Murdock of the Center for Strategic and International Studies floated the idea of a return to carrier-based nuclear weapons in a new report published on 22 June.

The US government has committed to outfitting only the land-based F-35A with nuclear weapons as a "dual-capable aircraft," namely the Boeing B61-12 thermonuclear guided bomb.

According to Murdock though, the F-35C should also receive nuclear weapons in the future as a "visible manifestation" of the United States' commitment to protecting its allies.

"While I think bombers are an important hedge capability, what's really important are nuclear-capable aircraft that can be forward-deployed on the territory of our allies," he said at a report unveiling in Washington. The report, titled Project Atom, considers alternative nuclear strategies and force postures in the 2025 to 2050 time frame.

Murdock believes the "nuclear umbrella" the United States extends to its allies is more effective and reassuring when it is planted in allied territory instead of relying solely on long-range nuclear bombers, ballistic missiles and submarines.

According to the US Air Force, the first full-up B61-12 nuke will be assembled by 2020 and early aircraft integration activities with the F-35A are due to begin next year. The current time line would see the F-35A achieve dual-capable status by 2024 as part of the Block 4 configuration.

"We had 7,000 nuclear weapons forward-deployed in Europe at the pinnacle of the Cold War," says Murdock. "In Asia, we had almost 1,000 deployed on the Korean Peninsula. About 3,000 total were in the Asia Pacific theatre.

"When the Soviets looked out at their borders, they didn't just see a ring of American men and women in uniform, they saw a ring of nuclear weapons. They knew that any major, conventional aggression on their part would go nuclear because all the weapons were there."

Murdock's analysis also concludes that America needs to field range of nuclear weapons, at least one for every rung of the nuclear escalatory ladder, from low-yield, tactical nukes right up to those capable of mass destruction. The current US strategy favours a massive retaliatory response as the primary deterrent against a nuclear attack, leading some to question how the West will respond in the event of a lower-lever crisis.

Murdock as well as contributing author Elbridge Colby of the Center for a New American Security believe America needs a variety of air-delivered tactical nuclear weapons, including low collateral, enhanced radiation, earth penetration, electromagnetic pulse "and others as technology advances".

"US nuclear weapons should and need to do more than threaten unhindered devastation," says Colby. "It's not very credible if the United States threatens to loose apocalyptic destruction that would call forth a matching response over something less than a very central or grave interest. It's a bad idea.

"I do think the US should reserve the right and the ability to use nuclear weapons first in extreme circumstances to respond to aggression."

The conversation about the strategic nuclear force structure comes as the US Defense Department embarks on a major recapitalisation of its nuclear triad, which critics and supports alike say is unaffordable.

It also comes as the West's former Cold War rivals Russia and China invest heavily in their nuclear infrastructure, while America's nuclear weaponry ages out.

The DOD is requesting billions of additional dollars from Congress to buy a new nuclear-capable bomber, submarine, ballistic missile, cruise missile and nuclear command-and-control apparatus.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 23/06/2015 | 19:11 uur
F-35 Unscathed by Hostile Fire in Green Flag

Jun 18, 2015 Amy Butler | Aviation Week & Space Technology

Not a single F-35 was "shot down" during the joint-force Green Flag exercises testing the jet and its pilots' prowess operating it in a contested air-support role in the Western U.S. this month, according to U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Cameron Dadgar, head of the exercise and leader of the 549th Combat Training Sqdn. at Nellis AFB, Nevada.

This is notable because A-10s and F-16s were defeated in the same conditions, operating in an environment with hostile aircraft and surface-to-air missiles, he said. USAF officials suggest this validates the theory of Air Force leaders that sacrificing weapons load for stealth in the F-35's design proved solid, at least for these mission sets. Skeptics, however, say the exercise was a public relations stunt designed to sell the jet as the service continues its uphill battle to convince Congress and others that the aircraft will be a sufficient replacement for the F-15E, F-16 and A-10 for future close air support (CAS) missions.

Therein lies the dichotomy between dialogs in the capitols of nations buying the Lockheed Martin F-35 and operators receiving it for training. The latter appear to be at least satisfied with the early, nascent capabilities provided by the F-35A Block 2B jets used in Green Flag, and operators are working to hone pilot skills in employing the jet. By contrast, discussions in Washington—as well as at the Paris Air Show—are focused on constantly justifying the existence of the F-35, the most costly weapons program in Pentagon history. Program managers are aiming to lower the cost of the jet (about $100 million per copy) and boost production numbers as well as defend its incrementally increasing capabilities.

The F-35 has participated in Green Flag exercises—conducted twice a year—since 2013; however, this was the first time it was featured prominently. "In comparison with the other airframes, they provided the most sorties over the most days," says Master Sgt. Sanjay Allen, a Nellis spokesman. Two operational test F-35As participated in the fight from Edwards AFB, California. They flew more than 10 days, with sorties taking place in some cases multiple times a day.

Typical weapon loadout for these missions included a single 2,000-lb. GBU-31 and two 500-lb. GBU 12s, which are laser-guided Paveways, Allen says.

He bristles at the idea that the media invitation to Green Flag was an F-35 PR stunt. "We've had media days at this Green Flag before," he says. "Just because the F-35 is here doesn't mean this is a PR stunt."

He and Maj. Christopher Laird, an F-35 pilot, say pilots are learning lessons on how better to employ the F-35 in a contested CAS role, the point of the exercise. With his focus on training pilots, Laird seems almost exasperated at the PR stunt criticism. "This isn't magic," he says. "It isn't bringing anything magic to the fight," but adding a new capability to the mix, he contends.

Green Flag is intended to tax operators to their max so when they reach actual combat they are proficient in a variety of scenarios. Perhaps contributing to the "PR stunt criticism" is that Green Flag is the lesser known of Nellis's big exercises. Air Force leaders have only recently begun to discuss the exercise widely as they have fought to explain how the F-35 will provide CAS. They more often point to Red Flag, which tests pilots' air-to-air skills, as the gold standard of flying exercises.

Laird says the F-35 pilots were able to communicate directly with ground-based air controllers calling in fires for CAS. While doing so, the F-35s provided their own counter air, or capability to evade hostile fires.

He acknowledges that one challenge is for the F-35 to communicate with legacy aircraft—F-15Es, F-16s and A-10s—when operating covertly. The F-35's Link 16 is effective in transmitting data, but it broadcasts the jet's location, nullifying its stealthiness. By contrast, F-35s can pass data to other F-35s via the Multifunction Advanced Data Link, which is not accessible to legacy aircraft. "What we are trying to figure out now is integrating the F-35 with fourth-gen assets," Laird says. Passing threat data from the F-35 to these fighters will make them more survivable in the fight, he adds.

Nellis officials did not provide sortie tallies.

Meanwhile, Marine Corps officials are preparing for a series of operational readiness trials for the first squadron of F-35Bs in advance of the plan to announce initial operational capability for the aircraft in late July. VMFA-121 at MCAS Yuma, Arizona, will be the first operational F-35 unit in the world, with 10 F-35B Block 2B aircraft and enough trained pilots and maintainers to deploy for operations if needed.

The first F-35 deployment is slated for 2017, when the unit will operate from MCAS Iwakuni, Japan.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 23/06/2015 | 19:36 uur
Heartbreak ridge anyone?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 23/06/2015 | 19:54 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 23/06/2015 | 19:36 uur
Heartbreak ridge anyone?
De slag of de film?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 24/06/2015 | 04:23 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 23/06/2015 | 19:54 uur
De slag of de film?
Het eerste gedeelte van de film.

Vooral door dit stukje: "that the media invitation to Green Flag was an F-35 PR stunt."

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 24/06/2015 | 16:43 uur
F-35B demonstrates short take-off capability

By Beth Stevenson, London | June 24, 2015

The UK and USA have carried out the first short take-off test of the Lockheed Martin F-35B Lightning II during a ground-based test at Patuxent River Naval Air Station in Maryland, USA on 19 June.

This marks the start of the first phase of testing to certify the UK's short take-off and vertical landing F-35B as capable of take off and landing from an aircraft carrier. The work is being controlled by the F-35 Pax River Integrated Test Force (ITF), assigned to the Air Test and Evaluation Sqn 23.

Test aircraft BF-04 took off on a ski-jump, demonstrating the F-35B's ability to integrate into the UK's future operations. The UK has selected the ski-jump approach as opposed to the catapult and arresting gear approach favoured by the USA in its carrier operations.

The UK's new carriers – HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales – are shorter and contain an upward slope ramp at the bow, curved to allow for the F-35B to launch upward and forward at the same time. This allows the aircraft to take off with more weight and at a lower speed than a horizontal launch permits, the UK Ministry of Defence says.

"Friday's F-35B ski-jump was a great success for the joint ski-jump team," says Peter Wilson, BAE Systems test pilot and ski-jump project lead.

"As expected, aircraft BF-04 performed well and I can't wait until we're conducting F35 ski-jumps from the deck of the Queen Elizabeth carrier. Until then, the de-risking that we're able to achieve now during phase I of our ski jump testing will equip us with valuable data we'll use to fuel our phase II efforts."

This follows a test on 12 June during which Royal Air Force test pilot Sqn Ldr Andy Edgell released two inert Raytheon Paveway IV precision-guided bombs from F-35B test aircraft BF-03.

The 500lb dual mode weapons were dropped over the Atlantic Test Ranges at Pax River, marking the first weapons separation test of the Paveway by the ITF. The passive bombs safely separated from an internal weapons bay within the F-35B, Lockheed Martin says, and maintained the stealth characteristics of the aircraft throughout.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 24/06/2015 | 17:20 uur
Goed meekijken KLu ;)....want als het aan mij ligt gaat Nederland dit in de toekomst ook doen....vanaf Britse carriers en eigen LHD....
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: JdL op 26/06/2015 | 16:41 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 24/06/2015 | 17:20 uur
Goed meekijken KLu ;)....want als het aan mij ligt gaat Nederland dit in de toekomst ook doen....vanaf Britse carriers en eigen LHD....
klinkt leuk maar is niet realistisch
we kunnen niet eens genoeg F-35A's kopen laat staan dat we ook nog F-35B's gaan halen
een LHD?
we hebben niet eens genoeg heli's voor de LPD's en de KD
en van een LHD moet je er minimaal 2 hebben om ze nuttig in te kunnen zetten
omdat er vaak een in onderhoud is en één LHD niet genoeg heli's/VSTOL vliegtuigen aan boord kan meenemen om een operatie krachtig te steunen
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 26/06/2015 | 17:15 uur
Citaat van: johandeleeuw2002 op 26/06/2015 | 16:41 uur
klinkt leuk maar is niet realistisch
we kunnen niet eens genoeg F-35A's kopen laat staan dat we ook nog F-35B's gaan halen
een LHD?
we hebben niet eens genoeg heli's voor de LPD's en de KD
en van een LHD moet je er minimaal 2 hebben om ze nuttig in te kunnen zetten
omdat er vaak een in onderhoud is en één LHD niet genoeg heli's/VSTOL vliegtuigen aan boord kan meenemen om een operatie krachtig te steunen
het is nog geen 2030...dus nog tijd voor meer defensie budget en meer reden voor uitbreiding.
Juist door aankoop 2e squadron met F35Bs kunnen we ook meer optreden samen met bijv. de Britten..of Spanje..of Italië. Maakt KLu veelzijdiger (als het aan mij had gelegen waren het allemaal F35Bs geworden net zoals de Britten)
We zullen denk ik vaker uit gaan maken van EUropese of NAVO eskaders of alleen optreden..dus 1 LHD is (voorlopig) voldoende (als vervanging van de Zr.Ms. Johan de Witt ergens in 2035)..we vullen het EU of (Europese)NAVO bestand zo aan.
Ik pleit ook voor groei van het aantal helikopters.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 26/06/2015 | 17:18 uur
Citaat van: johandeleeuw2002 op 26/06/2015 | 16:41 uur
klinkt leuk maar is niet realistisch
we kunnen niet eens genoeg F-35A's kopen laat staan dat we ook nog F-35B's gaan halen
een LHD?
we hebben niet eens genoeg heli's voor de LPD's en de KD
en van een LHD moet je er minimaal 2 hebben om ze nuttig in te kunnen zetten
omdat er vaak een in onderhoud is en één LHD niet genoeg heli's/VSTOL vliegtuigen aan boord kan meenemen om een operatie krachtig te steunen

We spreken hier over de periode vanaf 2030/35.... in dit scenario zou het zeer wel mogelijk kunnen zijn... tegen die periode voldoen we weer meer aan de NAVO wensen en eisen of de gehele krijgsmacht is teruggebracht tot het niveau Zwitserse garde aangevuld met 4 omgebouwde vis kotters als P boten en 12 M-346 voor QRA.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 26/06/2015 | 17:57 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 26/06/2015 | 17:18 uur
We spreken hier over de periode vanaf 2030/35.... in dit scenario zou het zeer wel mogelijk kunnen zijn... tegen die periode voldoen we weer meer aan de NAVO wensen en eisen of de gehele krijgsmacht is teruggebracht tot het niveau Zwitserse garde aangevuld met 4 omgebouwde vis kotters als P boten en 12 M-346 voor QRA.

Vingers gekruist houden. In ieder geval komt eerst de F-35A. Echter vrees ik dat er nooit een opvolger van onze Hawker Sea Hawk zal komen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: StrataNL op 26/06/2015 | 18:03 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 26/06/2015 | 17:18 uur
We spreken hier over de periode vanaf 2030/35.... in dit scenario zou het zeer wel mogelijk kunnen zijn... tegen die periode voldoen we weer meer aan de NAVO wensen en eisen of de gehele krijgsmacht is teruggebracht tot het niveau Zwitserse garde aangevuld met 4 omgebouwde vis kotters als P boten en 12 M-346 voor QRA.

Waar haal je het vandaan  ;D Ook voldoen we wel aan de 2% norm zijn F35B's niet wenselijk, of je moet de KL inderdaad opheffen.

Moeten er toch echt ook twee LHD's komen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 26/06/2015 | 18:26 uur
Citaat van: Strata op 26/06/2015 | 18:03 uur
Waar haal je het vandaan  ;D Ook voldoen we wel aan de 2% norm zijn F35B's niet wenselijk, of je moet de KL inderdaad opheffen.

Moeten er toch echt ook twee LHD's komen.

De KL.... zwaar, middelzwaar, licht... groot, middel, klein.... ergens is een trend te ontwaren.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: StrataNL op 26/06/2015 | 20:15 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 26/06/2015 | 18:26 uur
De KL.... zwaar, middelzwaar, licht... groot, middel, klein.... ergens is een trend te ontwaren.

Ik snap 'm niet.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 26/06/2015 | 20:21 uur
Citaat van: Strata op 26/06/2015 | 20:15 uur
Ik snap 'm niet.

De trend die de KL transformeert van leger met mensen en middelen naar een veredelde padvinderij.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: DvdW op 26/06/2015 | 20:56 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 26/06/2015 | 20:21 uur
De trend die de KL transformeert van leger met mensen en middelen naar een veredelde padvinderij.
Maar zou dat ook met een budget van 2.0 % ook zo zijn? Denk het niet.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 26/06/2015 | 21:59 uur
Citaat van: DvdW op 26/06/2015 | 20:56 uur
Maar zou dat ook met een budget van 2.0 % ook zo zijn? Denk het niet.

Met een defensiebudget van 2.0% van het BNP (+/- 13 mjd structureel en een afgesproken investeringsbudget op nieuw materieel van 20% = 2,6 mjd jaarlijks) is er wellicht geen/minder discussie... hooguit over boots on the ground, iets wat politici niet pruimen... potentieel te slecht voor hun (vervolg) carrière.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: JdL op 27/06/2015 | 21:44 uur
ik ben persoonlijk bang dat ons budget nooit meer op 2% zal komen
of Poetin moet nu minimaal 10 jaar zo doorgaan
wat dat betreft is Poetin nu degene die magere hein heeft tegengehouden om onze krijgsmacht op te slokken
als je kijkt welke bezuinigingen nu door het extra geld niet door hoeven te gaan
als die wel doorgegaan waren hadden we over 5-15 jaar een leger even groot als luxemburg ofzo :cute-smile:
laten we hopen dat poetin nog ff een tijdje blijft stoken zonder dat het een hete oorlog word dan kunnen we weer op krachten komen
maar ook met 2% zie ik nog geen LHD komen
onze KD vliegdekschepen waren qua grote en kosten een beetje te vergelijken met een LHD
die zijn in 1968 al wegbezuinigd terwijl we toen nog ruim aan de 2% norm voldeden
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 27/06/2015 | 22:01 uur
Citaat van: johandeleeuw2002 op 27/06/2015 | 21:44 uur
onze KD vliegdekschepen waren qua grote en kosten een beetje te vergelijken met een LHD
die zijn in 1968 al wegbezuinigd terwijl we toen nog ruim aan de 2% norm voldeden
Ook als de KD (R81) in 1968 geen brand had gehad, dan was deze evengoed in 1970 buiten dienst gesteld. Sinds 1961 was deze alleen voor ASW en na verkoop is deze taak onder andere door de Breguet Atlantic overgenomen.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ros op 27/06/2015 | 22:12 uur
Graag weer terug naar het topic. Voor de begroting en toekomst zijn al eigen topics geopend.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ros op 27/06/2015 | 22:20 uur
Off-topic berichten worden verwijderd.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 29/06/2015 | 20:20 uur
Test Pilot Admits the F-35 Can't Dogfight

New stealth fighter is dead meat in an air battle

War Is Boring on Jun 29 - by DAVID AXE

A test pilot has some very, very bad news about the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. The pricey new stealth jet can't turn or climb fast enough to hit an enemy plane during a dogfight or to dodge the enemy's own gunfire, the pilot reported following a day of mock air battles back in January.

"The F-35 was at a distinct energy disadvantage," the unnamed pilot wrote in a scathing five-page brief that War Is Boring has obtained. The brief is unclassified but is labeled "for official use only."

The test pilot's report is the latest evidence of fundamental problems with the design of the F-35 — which, at a total program cost of more than a trillion dollars, is history's most expensive weapon.

The U.S. Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps — not to mention the air forces and navies of more than a dozen U.S. allies — are counting on the Lockheed Martin-made JSF to replace many if not most of their current fighter jets.

And that means that, within a few decades, American and allied aviators will fly into battle in an inferior fighter — one that could get them killed and cost the United States control of the air.

The fateful test took place on Jan. 14, 2015, apparently within the Sea Test Range over the Pacific Ocean near Edwards Air Force Base in California. The single-seat F-35A with the designation "AF-02" — one of the older JSFs in the Air Force — took off alongside a two-seat F-16D Block 40, one of the types of planes the F-35 is supposed to replace.

The two jets would be playing the roles of opposing fighters in a pretend air battle, which the Air Force organized specifically to test out the F-35's prowess as a close-range dogfighter in an air-to-air tangle involving high "angles of attack," or AoA, and "aggressive stick/pedal inputs."

In other words, the F-35 pilot would fly his jet hard, turning and maneuvering in order to "shoot down" the F-16, whose pilot would be doing
his own best to evade and kill the F-35.

"The evaluation focused on the overall effectiveness of the aircraft in performing various specified maneuvers in a dynamic environment," the F-35 tester wrote. "This consisted of traditional Basic Fighter Maneuvers in offensive, defensive and neutral setups at altitudes ranging from 10,000 to 30,000 feet."

The F-35 was flying "clean," with no weapons in its bomb bay or under its wings and fuselage. The F-16, by contrast, was hauling two bulky underwing drop tanks, putting the older jet at an aerodynamic disadvantage.

But the JSF's advantage didn't actually help in the end. The stealth fighter proved too sluggish to reliably defeat the F-16, even with the F-16 lugging extra fuel tanks. "Even with the limited F-16 target configuration, the F-35A remained at a distinct energy disadvantage for every engagement," the pilot reported.

The defeated flier's five-page report is a damning litany of aerodynamic complaints targeting the cumbersome JSF.

"Insufficient pitch rate." "Energy deficit to the bandit would increase over time." "The flying qualities in the blended region (20–26 degrees AoA) were not intuitive or favorable."

The F-35 jockey tried to target the F-16 with the stealth jet's 25-millimeter cannon, but the smaller F-16 easily dodged. "Instead of catching the bandit off-guard by rapidly pull aft to achieve lead, the nose rate was slow, allowing him to easily time his jink prior to a gun solution," the JSF pilot complained.

And when the pilot of the F-16 turned the tables on the F-35, maneuvering to put the stealth plane in his own gunsight, the JSF jockey found he couldn't maneuver out of the way, owing to a "lack of nose rate."

The F-35 pilot came right out and said it — if you're flying a JSF, there's no point in trying to get into a sustained, close turning battle with another fighter. "There were not compelling reasons to fight in this region." God help you if the enemy surprises you and you have no choice but to turn.

The JSF tester found just one way to win an air-to-air engagement — by performing a very specific maneuver. "Once established at high AoA, a prolonged full rudder input generated a fast enough yaw rate to create excessive heading crossing angles with opportunities to point for missile shots."

But there's a problem — this sliding maneuver bleeds energy fast. "The technique required a commitment to lose energy and was a temporary opportunity prior to needing to regain energy ... and ultimately end up defensive again." In other words, having tried the trick once, an F-35 pilot is out of options and needs to get away quick.

And to add insult to injury, the JSF flier discovered he couldn't even comfortably move his head inside the radar-evading jet's cramped cockpit. "The helmet was too large for the space inside the canopy to adequately see behind the aircraft." That allowed the F-16 to sneak up on him.

In the end, the F-35 — the only new fighter jet that America and most of its allies are developing — is demonstrably inferior in a dogfight with the F-16, which the U.S. Air Force first acquired in the late 1970s.

The test pilot has also flown 1980s-vintage F-15E fighter-bombers and found the F-35 to be "substantially inferior" when it comes to managing energy in a close battle.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 29/06/2015 | 20:38 uur
Dan vraag ik mij af of F-35A AF-02 op 14-01-2015 zonder de beperkingen de test kon vliegen. Beter dat dit nu wordt geconstateerd dan over vier jaar. Nu kan men er werk van maken.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 29/06/2015 | 20:51 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 29/06/2015 | 20:38 uur
Dan vraag ik mij af of F-35A AF-02 op 14-01-2015 zonder de beperkingen de test kon vliegen. Beter dat dit nu wordt geconstateerd dan over vier jaar. Nu kan men er werk van maken.

Een nieuwe motor is in de maak....

GE Jet Sets Record; Will F-35 Get New AETD Engine?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: StrataNL op 29/06/2015 | 20:59 uur
Dat de F35 te weinig zicht heeft naar achter was bekend. De F16 heeft een mooie bubbel canopy met geweldig uitzicht. Bij de F35 zit er ook nog eens een frame.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 29/06/2015 | 21:13 uur
Citaat van: Strata op 29/06/2015 | 20:59 uur
Dat de F35 te weinig zicht heeft naar achter was bekend. De F16 heeft een mooie bubbel canopy met geweldig uitzicht. Bij de F35 zit er ook nog eens een frame.
En dan hebben zowel de F-35A als F-35C meer zicht ten opzichte van de F-35B.

Een F-16 is in zo'n test sowieso een moeilijke tegenstander. Hiermee leg je de lat hoog. Ze zouden dezelfde test eigenlijk ook moeten uitvoeren tegen een F/A-18A-D 'Legacy' Hornet. Er wordt maar al te vaak geschreven dat de F-35 en de F/A-18A-D dezelfde vliegeigenschappen en nose point ability hebben.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Poleme op 30/06/2015 | 01:39 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 29/06/2015 | 21:13 uur
En dan hebben zowel de F-35A als F-35C meer zicht ten opzichte van de F-35B.

Een F-16 is in zo'n test sowieso een moeilijke tegenstander. Hiermee leg je de lat hoog. Ze zouden dezelfde test eigenlijk ook moeten uitvoeren tegen een F/A-18A-D 'Legacy' Hornet. Er wordt maar al te vaak geschreven dat de F-35 en de F/A-18A-D dezelfde vliegeigenschappen en nose point ability hebben.
'De lat hoog' tegen een F-16C ?  Welnee, de F-35A moet wel een kans kunnen maken tegen een MiG-29, Sukhoi 27 t/m 35, J-20, J-31 of PAK-FA / T-50.  En dat heeft ie helaas niet.
De F-35A presteert slechter dan de F-18C/D legacy Hornet, maar beter dan de F-18E/F Super Hornet.  Welke zelfs slechter presteert dan de F-5E Tiger !
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 30/06/2015 | 07:25 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 30/06/2015 | 01:39 uur
'De lat hoog' tegen een F-16C ?  Welnee, de F-35A moet wel een kans kunnen maken tegen een MiG-29, Sukhoi 27 t/m 35, J-20, J-31 of PAK-FA / T-50.  En dat heeft ie helaas niet.
De F-35A presteert slechter dan de F-18C/D legacy Hornet, maar beter dan de F-18E/F Super Hornet.  Welke zelfs slechter presteert dan de F-5E Tiger !

Wat mij wel nieuwsgierig maakt naar de prestaties van de F35A bij een (eventuele) nieuwe motor (GE AETD)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 30/06/2015 | 08:25 uur
F-35A in clean configuration couldn't dogfight again F-16D with two drop tanks

A veteran U.S. Air Force pilot took AF-02 out to the Pacific Ocean on Jan. 14 this year for a simulated dogfight against a F-16D and he had troubles defeating his opponent using the new jet.

The F-16D was flown with two drop tanks which increases the drag but yet the F-35A was not able to exploit the advantage due to "insufficient pitch rate" of the new fighter.

originele artikel :
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 30/06/2015 | 09:16 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 30/06/2015 | 01:39 uur
'De lat hoog' tegen een F-16C ?  Welnee, de F-35A moet wel een kans kunnen maken tegen een MiG-29, Sukhoi 27 t/m 35, J-20, J-31 of PAK-FA / T-50.  En dat heeft ie helaas niet.
Het artikel schrijft over een test met een WVR gevecht. De F-16 behoort bij dit soort gevechten dan nog tot de betere. Als de USAF de beschikking had over een moderne Flanker uitvoering, dan zouden ze het natuurlijk niet nalaten deze bij de test te betrekken.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 30/06/2015 | 12:06 uur
De Harrier/AV8B kon zich door zijn draaibare motoruitlaten nog best verweren in een luchtgevecht. Is er al bekend of de F35B dezelfde trucjes in deze kan uitvoeren?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 30/06/2015 | 12:16 uur
Paris Air Show 2015: Textron AirLand Scorpion update

Video in Link

Vind dit nog steeds een goede kanshebber voor de trainer in de VS,
- van de plank, opties modulair tov missiedoeleinden
- lage aanschaf en onderhoudskosten
- kan bewapend worden

Alleen de snelheid is aan de lage kant (840 km/u), vergeleken bijvoorbeeld met de M246 (1050 km/u) en het toestel welke vervangen zal worden T-38A Talon (1380 km/u)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 02/07/2015 | 09:44 uur
F-35A AF-2 First Gun Live Fire 9 June 2015

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 03/07/2015 | 09:07 uur
Russia cuts number of T-50s ordered to one squadron

Russia has decided to reduce the number of Sukhoi T-50s to be ordered and reduce the buy to just a single squadron, Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov said.

Borisov highlighted the fact that the Su-35 is cheaper and the money will be channeled towards buying more aircraft of that type.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 03/07/2015 | 09:19 uur
Advanced Electro-Optical System A Priority For F-35 Block 4

A comprehensive overhaul of one of the most important sensor systems on the Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter is a high priority for the Block 4 upgrade program, say company officials. It is needed because the Electro-Optical Targeting System (EOTS) is already behind the state of the art in EO imaging and processing, and will fall further behind by 2020 as a new generation of pod-mounted systems enters service. The Block 4 project will encompass all the new weapon and sensor ...
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 03/07/2015 | 11:00 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 03/07/2015 | 09:07 uur
Russia cuts number of T-50s ordered to one squadron

Russia has decided to reduce the number of Sukhoi T-50s to be ordered and reduce the buy to just a single squadron, Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov said.

Borisov highlighted the fact that the Su-35 is cheaper and the money will be channeled towards buying more aircraft of that type.
Lijkt er op dat we ook hier een F22 scenario gaan krijgen. Jammer voor alle "voorspellingen" van honderden bedreigende super stealth toestellen voor de Russen...het is schijnbaar toch een beetje (te) duur...
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/07/2015 | 11:20 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 03/07/2015 | 11:00 uur
Lijkt er op dat we ook hier een F22 scenario gaan krijgen. Jammer voor alle "voorspellingen" van honderden bedreigende super stealth toestellen voor de Russen...het is schijnbaar toch een beetje (te) duur...

Het lijkt er op.... los daarvan zijn er natuurlijk voldoende andere 5e gen, initiatieven in de wereld, waaronder een lichte/medium Russische kist (als tegenhanger van de F35).

Ander probleem van de Russen is "5e gen." avionics en motoren, iets waar de Chinese ook (nog) mee wortelen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 03/07/2015 | 12:03 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/07/2015 | 11:20 uur
Het lijkt er op.... los daarvan zijn er natuurlijk voldoende andere 5e gen, initiatieven in de wereld, waaronder een lichte/medium Russische kist (als tegenhanger van de F35).

Ander probleem van de Russen is "5e gen." avionics en motoren, iets waar de Chinese ook (nog) mee wortelen.
Inderdaad...maar hun achterstand hebben ze niet 1 2 3 ingelopen. Wel moeten we denk ik oppassen dat onze focus op 5e gen. capaciteiten het belang van voldoende kwantiteit niet ondersneeuwt...
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 03/07/2015 | 12:06 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 03/07/2015 | 12:03 uur
Wel moeten we denk ik oppassen dat onze focus op 5e gen. capaciteiten het belang van voldoende kwantiteit niet ondersneeuwt...
Hier wordt al lange tijd voor gewaarschuwd en dat is niet zonder reden.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/07/2015 | 12:07 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 03/07/2015 | 12:03 uur
Inderdaad...maar hun achterstand hebben ze niet 1 2 3 ingelopen. Wel moeten we denk ik oppassen dat onze focus op 5e gen. capaciteiten het belang van voldoende kwantiteit niet ondersneeuwt...

Een goede mix is dan ook aan te raden en lijkt ook de mondiale trend te worden.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: JdL op 03/07/2015 | 15:48 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 03/07/2015 | 12:03 uur
Inderdaad...maar hun achterstand hebben ze niet 1 2 3 ingelopen. Wel moeten we denk ik oppassen dat onze focus op 5e gen. capaciteiten het belang van voldoende kwantiteit niet ondersneeuwt...
de kwantiteit hebben we in NL al lang laten varen
pff 37 F-35's het is om te huilen
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 04/07/2015 | 16:20 uur
DGA's new Rafale testbed to be delivered by year-end

French defence procurement agency DGA is to receive a Fokker 100 by the end of 2015, modified to allow for systems testing of the Dassault Rafale fighter.

The aircraft was displayed for the first time during the Paris air show (15-21 June), ahead of a planned delivery to the DGA's CEV flight-test unit in Cazaux at the end of the year and the start of flight-testing at the beginning of 2016.

"When these systems are being developed they can work on the ground, but when installed on an aircraft you can start to see problems," Claude Chenuil, director of flight-testing at DGA, tells Flightglobal.

The Fokker is intended to replace the Dassault Falcon 20, seven of which are currently operational out of what was once a 14-strong fleet, with a further four expected to retire once the Fokker begins operations.

The Fokker differs from the Falcon in that multiple systems can be integrated for testing simultaneously, so the time between flights is reduced, Chenuil says. He adds that the plug-and-play style of the Fokker modification will enable racks of electronics to be rolled on and off as required to reduce the time for modification.

Additionally, some 50 flights per year are currently carried out using the Falcon, but the aim is to triple this to 150 flights per year once the Fokker operations begin.

"It [the Falcon] was dedicated to a single system, but because the Fokker is larger the plan is to carry out different tests at the same time," he says.

However, the Falcon will still be used for the foreseeable future because it benefits from being able to carry out stall testing, Chenuil says, adding that the Fokker will "replace 90% of the Falcon 20

Although the aircraft is 25 years old, Chenuil claims that there are still years of operational life in the Fokker 100. Flightgobal's Ascend Fleets database shows that the aircraft was built in 1990 and has carried out 35,000 flying hours.

Since being delivered for the DGA role in 2013, the aircraft has been modified by Sabena Technics, and is equipped with a Rafale nose section that houses the fighter's Thales RBE-2 active electronically scanned array radar and front sector optronics equipment, as well as a Reco NG targeting pod beneath its fuselage and MBDA Mica air-to-air missiles.

The aircraft will not be used for live fire testing, but for testing the seeker capability of the missiles, Chenuil says.

He adds that some 80% of the development testing of systems will take place on the Fokker, followed by testing on a Dassault Mirage 2000 before it transitions to the Rafale for integration testing ahead of operations.

Sabena is in the final stages of making the aircraft compliant with its EASA certification ahead of delivery, Chenuil adds.

Filmpje van de Pod Reco-NG

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 07/07/2015 | 09:42 uur
F-22 Raptor retrofit to take longer, but availability hits 63%

By James Drew, Washington DC | July 6, 2015

The Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor may be the world's greatest air superiority jet, but the supercruise fighter came with some major structural flaws that are still being addressed.

One $350-million programme in particular is making a mix of five major structural changes to 162 aircraft, including a mid-fuselage and engine bay retrofit, just so each can reach its promised service life of 8,000 flight hours.

Another ongoing effort, known as the reliability and maintainability maturation programme (RAMMP), is buying 10,824 upgrades kits through 2020 at a cost of more than $1.7 billion. The kits deal with various deficiencies, from the landing gear light that doesn't always work to a $30 million upgrade of the cockpit's primary multifunction display.

US lawmakers have taken particular interest in the cost of fixing the Raptor, passing legislation in 2013 that requires the air force to report on its modernisation activities.

According to the latest report seen by Flightglobal, RAMMP has "steadily improved" the aircraft's mission fleet availability rate, which currently stands at 62.8% compared to the average of 40% when the Raptor entered service in 2005.

The structure retrofit programme (SRP) is about 64 jets through its 162-aircraft programme of record and work is expected to wrap up in 2021 – about one year later than predicted last year.

According to the report, the air force is almost done shifting the structural repairs programme to its Ogden Air Logistics Complex at Hill Air Force Base in Utah.

The work had previously been done at Lockheed Martin's plant in Palmdale, but USAF dumped the facility in favour of doing the work itself because of well-documented "cost, schedule and quality issues". The report shows that Lockheed delivered about half the number of aircraft it was supposed to in fiscal years 2012 and 2013, and that poor performance continued through 2014.

"Actual installs fell short in FY-12 through FY-14, primarily due to poor contractor performance," the report says. "Since SRP operations have been consolidated at Ogden ALC, delivery performance has been very close to the current scheduled plan."

The air force is currently retrofitting nine aircraft at a time, and the process takes an average of 131 days to complete. The report notes that the programme has been stretched out to 2021 because four of the 13 depot lines are being used to repair the stealth coating around the aircraft's engine inlet, which is a more immediate priority.

On RAMMP, the air force says the Raptor availability improved by 3% since the last report and the average number of "maintenance man-hours per flight hour" has dropped by 10.1% from 46.6h in 2012 to 41.9h in 2014.

The report says RAMMP, which began in 2005, is an "effective, efficient and viable programme" that continues to meet its goals. The programme is funded through 2020, by which point $1.5 billion will have been spent procuring 10,824 upgrade kits. A further $177 million will have been spent developing those upgrades.

Concurrent with SRP and RAMMP, the F-22 is currently undergoing a multi-billion dollar upgrade to the Increment 3.2 configuration, which adds improved data link and automatic ground collision avoidance systems and integrates the latest Raytheon AIM-9X and AIM-120D AMRAAM air-to-air weapons. The aircraft's oxygen system has also been redesigned to prevent pilots from experiencing hypoxia-like symptoms.

There are currently 183 Raptors in the service's inventory, several hundred fewer than originally planned. The programme was riddled with technical issues, and cost growth and poor schedule performance eventually led to its cancellation in 2010.

The Government Accountability Office reported in 2014 that the combined cost of F-22 modernisation is $11.3 billion. More than 60% of that total has been spent since 2003.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 07/07/2015 | 09:59 uur
The U.S. Air Force Promised the F-4 Would Never Dogfight
Now it's saying the same thing about the F-35

Gaat de geschiedenis zich herhalen ?, no lessons learned

voor gehele artikel, zie LINK
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Jooop op 07/07/2015 | 10:22 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 07/07/2015 | 09:59 uur
The U.S. Air Force Promised the F-4 Would Never Dogfight
Now it's saying the same thing about the F-35

Gaat de geschiedenis zich herhalen ?, no lessons learned

voor gehele artikel, zie LINK

Ik vind dogfights meer voor de show. Als je naar de statistieken kijkt is maar een heel klein percentage van neergeschoten vliegtuigen ten gevolge van de dogfight. Veel belangrijker is stealth en BVR capability en het opereren boven vijandelijk gebied
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ros op 07/07/2015 | 10:32 uur
Het is al langer bekend dat bij de F-35 deze capaciteit onvoldoende is. Was m.i. ook geen prioriteit bij de ontwikkeling ?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 07/07/2015 | 10:38 uur
Citaat van: Jooop op 07/07/2015 | 10:22 uur
Ik vind dogfights meer voor de show. Als je naar de statistieken kijkt is maar een heel klein percentage van neergeschoten vliegtuigen ten gevolge van de dogfight. Veel belangrijker is stealth en BVR capability en het opereren boven vijandelijk gebied
BFM mag wel voor de show lijken, maar wordt toch beoefend. Inderdaad heeft BVR de afgelopen decennia de boventoon gevoerd, maar dat wil niet zeggen dat WVR niet belangrijk is.

Iedereen springt op het nieuws over de test tussen F-35A AF-02 en een F-16D. Er wordt veel te vroeg conclusies getrokken. Ook is niet precies beschreven wat testtoestel AF-02 begin januari 2015 wel en niet aan boord had. Zelfde wat betreft de wel of niet aanwezige restricties. AF-02 is zeker niet te vergelijken met een productietoestel. De F-16 miste in de jaren 70 ook een hoop bij de eerste BFM test.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Jooop op 07/07/2015 | 11:18 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 07/07/2015 | 10:38 uur
BFM mag wel voor de show lijken, maar wordt toch beoefend. Inderdaad heeft BVR de afgelopen decennia de boventoon gevoerd, maar dat wil niet zeggen dat WVR niet belangrijk is.

Iedereen springt op het nieuws over de test tussen F-35A AF-02 en een F-16D. Er wordt veel te vroeg conclusies getrokken. Ook is niet precies beschreven wat testtoestel AF-02 begin januari 2015 wel en niet aan boord had. Zelfde wat betreft de wel of niet aanwezige restricties. AF-02 is zeker niet te vergelijken met een productietoestel. De F-16 miste in de jaren 70 ook een hoop bij de eerste BFM test.

Russische fighters moesten het traditioneel meer van WVR / dogfights hebben, maar in de Israelisch-Arabische oorlog en de golf oorlog had dogfight nauwelijks effect. De Russische toestellen gingen er bij bosjes neer. Waarom zou je ook aandacht schenken aan dogfight manoevreerbaarhijd van toestellen als de meselijk lichaam maar 9 of 10 G aan kan, terwijl moderne missiles wel >50G aan kunnen waar de fighter toestel toch niet tegenop kan boksen.

Technisch vooruitgang van de guided missile heeft dogfighting zo goed als overbodig gemaakt. Wanneer gebruikt een fighter nog zijn machinegun.
Het is net als de bajonet op je geweer.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 07/07/2015 | 11:28 uur
Citaat van: Jooop op 07/07/2015 | 11:18 uur
Russische fighters moesten het traditioneel meer van WVR / dogfights hebben, maar in de Israelisch-Arabische oorlog en de golf oorlog had dogfight nauwelijks effect. De Russische toestellen gingen er bij bosjes neer. Waarom zou je ook aandacht schenken aan dogfight manoevreerbaarhijd van toestellen als de meselijk lichaam maar 9 of 10 G aan kan, terwijl moderne missiles wel >50G aan kunnen waar de fighter toestel toch niet tegenop kan boksen.

Technisch vooruitgang van de guided missile heeft dogfighting zo goed als overbodig gemaakt. Wanneer gebruikt een fighter nog zijn machinegun.
Het is net als de bajonet op je geweer.
Er komt wel meer bij kijken dan alleen de vliegeigenschappen en de bewapening. Getraindheid, gebruikte tactieken, de gevechtsleiding en de situational awareness zijn minstens zo belangrijk.

Trainen op BVR gevechten is primair, maar de secundaire WVR training blijft ook van belang. WVR situaties kunnen en mogen niet worden uitgesloten, tenzij men graag een SHTF moment wil hebben.

Voorlopig blijft de air-to-air bewapening nog steeds bestaan uit hittezoekende raketten, radargeleide raketten en een boordkanon.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 07/07/2015 | 15:42 uur
Citaat van: Jooop op 07/07/2015 | 11:18 uur
Russische fighters moesten het traditioneel meer van WVR / dogfights hebben, maar in de Israelisch-Arabische oorlog en de golf oorlog had dogfight nauwelijks effect. De Russische toestellen gingen er bij bosjes neer. Waarom zou je ook aandacht schenken aan dogfight manoevreerbaarhijd van toestellen als de meselijk lichaam maar 9 of 10 G aan kan, terwijl moderne missiles wel >50G aan kunnen waar de fighter toestel toch niet tegenop kan boksen.

Technisch vooruitgang van de guided missile heeft dogfighting zo goed als overbodig gemaakt. Wanneer gebruikt een fighter nog zijn machinegun.
Het is net als de bajonet op je geweer.

En ook in Afghanistan en Iraq zijn de bajonet en MZV skills weer tot hun recht gekomen. Relatief weinig, maar nodig is nodig.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 07/07/2015 | 16:07 uur
Citaat van: Jooop op 07/07/2015 | 11:18 uur
Russische fighters moesten het traditioneel meer van WVR / dogfights hebben, maar in de Israelisch-Arabische oorlog en de golf oorlog had dogfight nauwelijks effect. De Russische toestellen gingen er bij bosjes neer. Waarom zou je ook aandacht schenken aan dogfight manoevreerbaarhijd van toestellen als de meselijk lichaam maar 9 of 10 G aan kan, terwijl moderne missiles wel >50G aan kunnen waar de fighter toestel toch niet tegenop kan boksen.

Technisch vooruitgang van de guided missile heeft dogfighting zo goed als overbodig gemaakt. Wanneer gebruikt een fighter nog zijn machinegun.
Het is net als de bajonet op je geweer.
Maar als een Westers stealth toestel en een Rus stealth elkaar niet zien ...en dus niet met langeafstand raketten elkaar kunnen uitschakelen dan wordt het automatisch een dogfight  toch ?...
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 07/07/2015 | 16:17 uur
Citaat van: Oorlogsvis op 07/07/2015 | 16:07 uur
Maar als een Westers stealth toestel en een Rus stealth elkaar niet zien ...en dus niet met langeafstand raketten elkaar kunnen uitschakelen dan wordt het automatisch een dogfight  toch ?...
In zo'n situatie heb je dan weinig aan radargeleide raketten. Dan kom je uit bij hittezoekende raketten en boordgeschut.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Jooop op 07/07/2015 | 16:43 uur
Citaat van: Oorlogsvis op 07/07/2015 | 16:07 uur
Maar als een Westers stealth toestel en een Rus stealth elkaar niet zien ...en dus niet met langeafstand raketten elkaar kunnen uitschakelen dan wordt het automatisch een dogfight  toch ?...

Nee niet echt, F35 heeft moderne systemen als EOTS en DAS waarmee de piloot virtueel 360 graden om zich heen kan kijken, dag en nacht en allerlei weersomstandigheden. Waarom zou de piloot dan nog dogfight moves maken waarbij hij een beperkt manouvreerbaarheid heeft (9 a 10G) terwijl hij gewoon een missile kan afschieten die met >50G van richting kan veranderen en de tegenstander kan uitschakelen.

Dogfight zou alleen nog van nut zijn als de fighter geen missiles meer heeft en op zijn boordkannon moet terugvallen, een situatie dat zich vrijwel nooit voordoet. Net als de bajonet van je geweer.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 07/07/2015 | 16:55 uur
Citaat van: Jooop op 07/07/2015 | 16:43 uur
Nee niet echt, F35 heeft moderne systemen als EOTS en DAS waarmee de piloot virtueel 360 graden om zich heen kan kijken, dag en nacht en allerlei weersomstandigheden. Waarom zou de piloot dan nog dogfight moves maken waarbij hij een beperkt manouvreerbaarheid heeft (9 a 10G) terwijl hij gewoon een missile kan afschieten die met >50G van richting kan veranderen en de tegenstander kan uitschakelen.

Dogfight zou alleen nog van nut zijn als de fighter geen missiles meer heeft en op zijn boordkannon moet terugvallen, een situatie dat zich vrijwel nooit voordoet. Net als de bajonet van je geweer.

:hrmph: .... dus dan kan hij beter gewoon rechtdoorblijven vliegen, geen uitwijk maneuvers makend, want die aankomende raketten zijn altijd sneller.     
.... sitting duck...

Dan zou je beter een stealth 747 toestel vol moet raketten in de lucht moeten hebben, en de lucht vol pompen met raketten gericht op de "vijandelijke" toestellen, de raketten doen de rest.

Dit lijkt me allemaal wat te kort door de bocht, maar goed ...  ;)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 07/07/2015 | 17:02 uur
Citaat van: Jooop op 07/07/2015 | 16:43 uur
Nee niet echt, F35 heeft moderne systemen als EOTS en DAS waarmee de piloot virtueel 360 graden om zich heen kan kijken, dag en nacht en allerlei weersomstandigheden. Waarom zou de piloot dan nog dogfight moves maken waarbij hij een beperkt manouvreerbaarheid heeft (9 a 10G) terwijl hij gewoon een missile kan afschieten die met >50G van richting kan veranderen en de tegenstander kan uitschakelen.

Dogfight zou alleen nog van nut zijn als de fighter geen missiles meer heeft en op zijn boordkannon moet terugvallen, een situatie dat zich vrijwel nooit voordoet. Net als de bajonet van je geweer.
Je gaat mij iets te gemakkelijk voorbij aan de anti-raket systemen die moderne gevechtsvliegtuigen ook aan boord hebben..en het feit dat deze discussie al eens eerder in de geschiedenis is gevoerd en toen uitwees dat dogfight en kanon belangrijk waren en met spoed weer werden aangebracht op toen de F-4 Phantom....

En inderdaad...wat gebeurd er als twee stealth toestellen elkaar tegen komen? Waarschijnlijk zijn de Westerse sensoren net even beter dan die van de tegenstander..dus grotere kans op eerdere detectie...maar hun raketten zeker niet...leert de ervaring tot nu toe. Waarvan sommige hoogstens een indicatie nodig hebben van waar de tegenstander zit en daar vervolgens zelf hun doel opsporen...
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 07/07/2015 | 17:18 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 07/07/2015 | 10:38 uur
Iedereen springt op het nieuws over de test tussen F-35A AF-02 en een F-16D. Er wordt veel te vroeg conclusies getrokken. Ook is niet precies beschreven wat testtoestel AF-02 begin januari 2015 wel en niet aan boord had. Zelfde wat betreft de wel of niet aanwezige restricties. AF-02 is zeker niet te vergelijken met een productietoestel. De F-16 miste in de jaren 70 ook een hoop bij de eerste BFM test.

Het rapport :
F-35A High Angle of Attack Operational Maneuvers   14 January 2015

-The F-35 was at a distinct energy disadvantage in a turning fight and operators would quickly learn that it isn't an ideal regime. Pitch rates were too slow to prosecute or deny weapons. Loads remained below limits and implied that there may be more maneuverability available to the airframe.
R1: Increasing pitch rate and available Nz would provide the pilot more options, especially considering the inherent energy deficit.

-Though the aircraft has proven it is capable of high AOA flight, it wasn't effective for killing or surviving attacks primarily due to lack of energy maneuverability. Perhaps, with a faster AOA onset, there may be some advantages to choosing higher alpha when fighting a bandit.
R2: Consider increasing alpha onset.

-The high AOA blended region was not predictable primarily because it seemed too close to the ideal fighting AOAs and not intuitively "high" to the pilot while he remained focusing on the bandit rather than the displayed AOA.
R3: Consider increasing the beginning of the blended region to 30 degrees or greater.

-Significant anti-spin control authority has been demonstrated on this and other high AOA flights. The effect is abrupt, responsive, and powerful whereas pilot input seems to be sluggish and gradual.
R4: Consider increasing pilot yaw rate control authority.

-HMO and canopy configuration is detrimental to visual lookout. The combination should be evaluated to see if it can be improved. HMO BST FAULTs can prevent weapons employment during maneuvering.
R5: Improve HMO Boresight performance to account for dynamic maneuvers and consider improving rearward visibility by creating more space for helmet motion.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Jooop op 07/07/2015 | 21:53 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 07/07/2015 | 16:55 uur
:hrmph: .... dus dan kan hij beter gewoon rechtdoorblijven vliegen, geen uitwijk maneuvers makend, want die aankomende raketten zijn altijd sneller.     
.... sitting duck...

Dan zou je beter een stealth 747 toestel vol moet raketten in de lucht moeten hebben, en de lucht vol pompen met raketten gericht op de "vijandelijke" toestellen, de raketten doen de rest.

Dit lijkt me allemaal wat te kort door de bocht, maar goed ...  ;)

Je moet geen appels met peren mixen. Wat heeft uitwijk maneuvers nou met dogfighting te maken? Tuurlijk moet een piloot op zijn selfprotection system en bijbehorende uitwijk maneuvers vertrouwen.

Dogfighting is dat twee piloten zich zo gaan maneuvreren dat ze de ander in vizier krijgen, iets dat met moderne missiles al lang is achterhaald want elke seconde dat een piloot verprutst met dogfight maneuvers geeft een kans aan de tegenstander om toe te slaan. Tegenwoordig bepalen secondes wie er wint. Dogfights gebeurd bijna uitsluitend tijdens oefeningen waarbij men elkaar niet echt beschiet.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 07/07/2015 | 22:34 uur
De komende jaren wordt er nog genoeg getest en we hebben nog lang niet alles gezien hebben wat de F-35 kan of uiteindelijk zal kunnen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/07/2015 | 22:59 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 07/07/2015 | 22:34 uur
De komende jaren wordt er nog genoeg getest en we hebben nog lang niet alles gezien hebben wat de F-35 kan of uiteindelijk zal kunnen.

Het apparaat heeft nog decennia aan groeipotentie.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 07/07/2015 | 23:05 uur
Citaat van: Jooop op 07/07/2015 | 21:53 uur
Je moet geen appels met peren mixen. Wat heeft uitwijk maneuvers nou met dogfighting te maken? Tuurlijk moet een piloot op zijn selfprotection system en bijbehorende uitwijk maneuvers vertrouwen.

Alles, maar goed...
mijn reactie, over uitwijk maneuvers, was op de reactie dat je toch niet kan "uitwijken" voor raketten, want deze zijn sneller en beter met bochten draaien (G-krachten) dan een vliegtuig met de mens als beperkende factor.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Jooop op 07/07/2015 | 23:32 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 07/07/2015 | 23:05 uur
Alles, maar goed...
mijn reactie, over uitwijk maneuvers, was op de reactie dat je toch niet kan "uitwijken" voor raketten, want deze zijn sneller en beter met bochten draaien (G-krachten) dan een vliegtuig met de mens als beperkende factor.

Nou uitwijken voor raketten is inderdaad heel moeilijk, je praat over een fighter toestel dat met 1.5mach vliegt een raket van 3-4Mach moet ontwijken. Dat is bijna hetzelfde als het proberen om met een trabant een ferrari dat haar achtervolgt af te schudden. Zonder selfprotection suite dat de raket kan misleiden gaat dat onwaarschijnlijk gebeuren. Dus alleen met maneuvres heb je weinig kans.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 07/07/2015 | 23:36 uur
Citaat van: Jooop op 07/07/2015 | 23:32 uur
Nou uitwijken voor raketten is inderdaad heel moeilijk, je praat over een fighter toestel dat met 1.5mach vliegt een raket van 3-4Mach moet ontwijken. Dat is bijna hetzelfde als het proberen om met een trabant een ferrari dat haar achtervolgt af te schudden. Zonder selfprotection suite dat de raket kan misleiden gaat dat onwaarschijnlijk gebeuren. Dus alleen met maneuvres heb je weinig kans.

Precies, helemaal met je eens.
Maar ik heb niet gezegd dat je zonder hulpmiddelen van je raketten kunt ontkomen, wat dat lukt niet.
Het is een combinatie van !
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Poleme op 08/07/2015 | 01:37 uur
De AIM-120 (AMRAAM) Probability of Kill = aanzienlijk hoger dan 50% tijdens GESIMULEERDE lanceringen vanaf een F-35.

Tijdens tests en simulaties voor de Vietnam oorlog haalde de AIM-7 Sparrow een PK van 70%.  Boven Vietnam bedroeg de Sparrow PK echter een schammele 8%!

Dan gaan we kijken hoe de radar geleide AIM-120 het in de praktijk doet:
Tot nu toe zij er 17 AIM-120's (AMRAAM's) gelanceerd in gevecht situaties.  Daarvan troffen er 10 hun doel = bijna 59% Probability of Kill.
4 van de AIM-120 kills waren echter niet Beyond Visual Range.  Dus de AIM-120 heeft in BVR: 6 kills / 13 schoten = 46% PK.
De 10 AIM-120 slachtoffers waren: 1 US Army Black Hawk; 1 Servische J-21 Orao; 6 Servische MiG-29's; 1 Iraakse MiG-29 en 1 Iraakse MiG-25.
De UH-60 en J-21 hadden geen radar, de Servische MiG-29's hadden hun radar niet aan staan.  Geen enkel AIM-120 slachtoffer gebruikte Electronic Counter Measures.  De Iraakse MiG's waren op de vlucht, dus zij gebruikten geen evasive (ontwijkende) manoeuvres.
De 152 kg zware AIM-120 is conceptueel gezien een directe afgeleide van de eveneens actief radargeleide 454 kg zware AIM-54 Phoenix raket.
De AIM-120 en Phoenix raketten werken prima tegen niet manoeuvrerende doelwitten.  De AIM-120A en -B hebben dan een maximaal effectief bereik van 60 km.  Tegen manoeuvrerende doelen daalt dit maximaal effectief bereik tot 30 km.
Oeps, de passief infra-rood geleide AA-11 Archer / R-73 Mod 1 heeft een max. effectief bereik van ... 30 km.  De R-73M Mod 2 haalt zelfs 37 kilometer.
De eveneens IR geleide ASRAAM, die o.a. te vinden is onder Britse Typhoons en Australische F-18's heeft een max. effectief bereik van 50 kilometer.  Idem dito voor de MICA IR, die onder de Rafale hangt.  En datzelfde geldt voor de Israelische Python 5.
Type                     Gewicht               Diameter        Bereik
R-73                     105 kg                 165 mm          30 - 37 km
Python-5               105 kg                 160 mm          30 - 50 km
MICA-IR                112 kg                 160 mm          50 - 60 km
ASRAAM                 88 kg                  166 mm          50 km
AIM-9X block1&2     85 kg                  127 mm          25 km
IRIS-T                    87,4 kg                127 mm          25 km

RAM block 2           105,9 kg               183 mm          18 km surface launched,  ca. 36 - 50 km air launched.

Infra-rood geleide raketten van de bovengenoemde types hebben geen moeite met (hevig) manoeuvrerende vliegtuigen. 
De AIM-120 heeft nog nooit tegenstanders gehad, die wel de kans hadden voor evasive manoeuvring, uitstoten van chaff, inzet van een radar decoy (lok doelwit) of radar stoorzenders te gebruiken.  Daarnaast krijgen steeds meer jachtvliegtuigen de beschikking over infra-rood camera's, die een AIM-120 lancering al op 80 km kunnen detecteren.
Als 4de generatie jachtvliegtuigen het moeten opnemen tegen 5de generatie jachtvliegtuigen a la F-22A Raptor.  Dan zullen zij zo min mogelijk gebruik maken van radar uitzendingen.  Want de steelse F-22A gebruikt niet zijn radar als primaire sensor.  Maar een rondom luisterend radar uitzending peil systeem, waarmee de F-22A zijn tegenstanders opspoort, identificeert, volgt en zeer nauwkeurig plaats bepaalt voor een openings schot. Dus moet de F-22A zijn radar wel aanzetten, want hij heeft geen infra-rood camera's.
Dus zullen IR geleide raketten, passief dus steels, in de toekomst ook een veel grotere rol gaan spelen in BVR gevechten dan radar geleide raketten a la AIM-120.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 08/07/2015 | 08:45 uur
Behind That F-35 Air Combat Report

Last week's leak of a report by a test pilot on the Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) team would have raised much less of a ruckus had it not been for earlier statements from program people. Here's one from 2008, responding to another leak, this time of backup slides in a RAND study that compared the F-35 to the Sukhoi Su-35 and other potential adversary aircraft:

Citing U.S. Air Force analyses, (Maj. Gen. Charles Davis, then JSF program director) said that the F-35 is at least 400% more effective in air-to-air combat capability than the best fighters available in the international market, including Sukhois.

More recently:

Lockheed Martin is claiming that all three versions of the F-35 will have kinematic performance better than or equal to any combat-configured fourth-generation fighter. The comparison includes transonic acceleration performance versus an air-to-air configured Eurofighter Typhoon and high angle-of-attack flight performance vis-a-vis the Boeing Super Hornet. "The F-35 is comparable or better in every one of those metrics, sometimes by a significant margin, in air-to-air," says Billy Flynn, a Lockheed Martin test pilot.

It is therefore understandable that people thought it was news when a report showed the F-35 as inferior in energy maneuverability to a Block 40 F-16 - which nobody would claim matches the Typhoon's speed, the Super Hornet's high-AoA performance or the Su-35's combination of the two. Some of the responses from Team F-35 were worth reporting too.

First on the scene was Dan Goure of the Lockheed Martin-sponsored Lexington Institute. "You Say the F-35 Can't Dogfight? I Say Good", the piece was headed. Although Goure seems to equate all air combat maneuvering with dogfighting, and all dogfighting with gun kills (which was entirely true until 1956) he cites John Stillion's recent report for the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments as evidence that sensors, networks and weapons have made maneuvering irrelevant. "The important conclusion is not that the F-35 is a bad aircraft," Goure says, "but that the existing fleets of fourth-generation aircraft are increasingly obsolete."

In the U.K., the Royal Air Force requirement calls for the F-35B to be capable of full-spectrum air combat missions as part of an aircraft carrier group - and the F-35B has an empty weight 3,200 lb. heavier than the F-35A, which is not good from the maneuverability viewpoint. Lockheed Martin executive and former RAF Tornado pilot Andrew Linstead talked to the Daily Telegraph, praising the F-35's situational awareness and saying that air combat had changed. "People are using metrics they know, understand and may have an emotional attachment to, but they have to think about it differently. The battlefield picture they have now means they can avoid their adversary or choose to fight in a way that will give them a better outcome."

Goure, Linstead and Flynn seem to be on opposite sides of the same debate, one that started about 30 years ago as fighter traditionalists and stealth purists fought tooth and nail over the requirements for the Advanced Tactical Fighter (ATF). One group argued that stealth air combat was like submarine warfare - "the last thing you want to do is surface and use the deck gun" - while the others, with the Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile still in development, maintained that there would always be leakers who survived the first beyond-visual-range (BVR) missile exchange and closed within visual range (WVR) where radar stealth would be irrelevant.

The traditionalists won. The F-22 Raptor was designed to be highly agile with a large usable flight envelope (hence its monster tail surfaces) and it had a complex, space-consuming arrangement that allowed AIM-9 missiles to be fired in lock-on-before-launch mode almost anywhere in the forward hemisphere.

The JSF is not as agile, but program leaders say that it will prevail in BVR because of stealth and situational awareness, and in WVR it will use its 360-deg. target-tracking device- the Distributed Aperture System (DAS) - to cue high-off-boresight air-to-air missiles (AAM) on to its adversaries.

What they don't say as loudly is that it can't do both, at least on the same mission. Unlike the F-22 (and the Chengdu J-20 and Sukhoi T-50) it doesn't have side bays and trapezes for rail-launched AAMs. If the F-35 carries AIM-9s it does so externally, and by Lockheed Martin's own definition it is not stealthy.

This is not an accident, or even a matter of program execution. The F-35 was "70% air-to-ground and 30% air-to-air" at its inception - a direct quote from George Muellner, who was in charge of what was then the Joint Advanced Strike Technology (JAST) program in 1995. The U.S. Air Force, as the biggest customer, called the shots on the requirement. The F-117 Nighthawk had been the hero of the first Gulf Warbut had three main limitations: it couldn't find targets in-weather, couldn't hit moving targets and had neither the situational awareness nor the armament to survive in daylight. JAST was designed to do all these things as well as having external weapon stations to act as an F-16 on "Day Two" when the defenses had been degraded.

The Air Force in 1995 expected to have 442 F-22s to deal with any fighter threat, and side AAM bays would not remotely fit into the size and weight constraints imposed by the short take-off, vertical landing requirement.  Stovl also limited the weight and size of the wing and the length of the body.

But what if the ATF traditionalists were wrong - as Goure and Linstead seem to imply - and WVR combat can and should be avoided? There are two ironies in Goure's citation of Stillion's work. The first is that Stillion was a co-author of the RAND report that drew down Davis' ire in 2008. The second is that Stillion's new study for CSBA suggests that the way to win a future air battle is not to use F-35s or F-22s but to launch AAMs from highly stealthy unmanned air vehicles, controlled from an aircraft that looks like the Long Range Strike Bomber. The logic is powerful: high-performance fighters are almost by definition short-legged, and even if they are not vulnerable, their tankers are. (I'm not the only one to have concluded that the J-20 is aimed directly at tankers and other support assets.)

That view of air combat is bolstered by Stillion's extensive study of air combat history, which shows a steady migration from guns to short-range AAMs to BVR AAMs. But there is an inkling of doubt here. Others have seen different trends - notably, the developers and customers in the MBDA Meteor program predict that BVR battles will involve more maneuvering, at high speeds. History is instructive, but not determinative.

Notably, air-to-air conflicts in the past 30 years have been grossly unbalanced. The U.S. and its allies have had a major advantage in equipment - the West has never faced the Sukhoi family, and the most modern Russian fighter to have been encountered is the early-model MiG-29, which has pitiful range and is locked into the Soviet ground-controlled-intercept doctrine. Training and experience have been on the Western side by a huge margin. And generally, one side has had the support of airborne warning and control, signals intelligence and communications jamming assets and the other has had none of these.

Not surprisingly, then, many engagements have been decided BVR; and adversaries have been given cause to believe that any attempt to get into a WVR engagement is likely to be fatal. But that kind of imbalance is not an eternal reality.  Dan Goure's reaction to the F-35's possible lack of agility may be "I say, good," but he's not flying it in combat, is he?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 08/07/2015 | 08:47 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 08/07/2015 | 08:45 uur
Notably, air-to-air conflicts in the past 30 years have been grossly unbalanced. The U.S. and its allies have had a major advantage in equipment - the West has never faced the Sukhoi family, and the most modern Russian fighter to have been encountered is the early-model MiG-29, which has pitiful range and is locked into the Soviet ground-controlled-intercept doctrine. Training and experience have been on the Western side by a huge margin. And generally, one side has had the support of airborne warning and control, signals intelligence and communications jamming assets and the other has had none of these.

Not surprisingly, then, many engagements have been decided BVR;

Dit is eigenlijk ook wat, Poleme schreef in zijn posting
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 08/07/2015 | 09:14 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 08/07/2015 | 01:37 uur
Dus zullen IR geleide raketten, passief dus steels, in de toekomst ook een veel grotere rol gaan spelen in BVR gevechten dan radar geleide raketten a la AIM-120.
Het is dan ook jammer dat de ontwikkeling van de AIM-9X Block III is geannuleerd. Vooral de U.S. Navy was erg geïnteresseerd in een Sidewinder met groter bereik.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 08/07/2015 | 11:42 uur
Australië koopt toch geen F-35B.

PM's Floating Fighter Jet Plan Quietly Sunk By Defence (excerpt)

Australian Financial Review | July 7, 2015

Prime Minister Tony Abbott's proposal to put F-35 fighter jets on the Navy's two 27,000-tonne troop transport assault ships has been quietly dropped ahead of the government's defence white paper after it was found the ships would require extensive reworking and the project was too costly.

Mr Abbott asked defence planners in May last year to examine the possibility of putting up to 12 of the short-take-off and vertical-landing F-35 Bs on to the two ships – the largest in the Navy – which carry helicopters and are likely to be primarily used to transport troops and equipment to war or disaster zones.

The first of the assault ships was completed last year and commissioned into the Navy in November as HMAS Canberra.

But defence officials conceded to a Senate estimates committee late last year that the jump-jet proposal would involve extensive modifications to the ships, including new radar systems, instrument landing systems, heat-resistant decking, restructuring of fuel storage and fuel lines, and storage hangars.

Defence sources have told The Australian Financial Review that the proposal was "still in the white paper mix" up until some weeks ago.

But one source close to the white paper was emphatic on Tuesday that "it will now not make the cut".

"There were just too many technical difficulties involved in modifying a ship which takes helicopters to take fighter jets and it is also very expensive," the source said. "You can safely say it has been dropped." (end of excerpt)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 08/07/2015 | 19:24 uur
First non-test pilot trained on F-35 compares it to the F-16

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Recently, the first non-test pilot was certified on the F-35A.

USAF Lt Col Lee Kloos, commander of the 58th Fighter Squadron, is the first non-test pilot to start his transition over to the stealthy fifth-generation machine. Kloos, a former 2000 hour F-16 pilot and Weapons School graduate, has already completed four out of six cadre checkout flights needed to qualify him to fly the F-35A.

Kloos has now finished all six qualification flights and is the first of a cadre of flight instructors who will help other pilots transition into F-35.

Kloos had some interesting things to say about the characteristics of the F-35 in comparison to the F-16:

The veteran F-16 operational tester and Weapons School grad shared some of his impressions the F-35. The jet is powerful, stable and easy to fly.

"One of the things this aircraft usually takes hit on is the handling because it's not an F-22," Kloos says. "An F-22 is unique in its ability to maneuver and we'll never be that."

But compared to other aircraft, a combat-configured F-35 probably edges out other existing designs carrying a similar load-out. "When I'm downrange in Badguyland that's the configuration I need to have confidence in maneuvering, and that's where I think the F-35 starts to edge out an aircraft like the F-16," Kloos says.

A combat-configured F-16 is encumbered with weapons, external fuel tanks, and electronic countermeasures pods that sap the jet's performance. "You put all that on, I'll take the F-35 as far as handling characteristic and performance, that's not to mention the tactical capabilities and advancements in stealth," he says. "It's of course way beyond what the F-16 has currently."

The F-35's acceleration is "very comparable" to a Block 50 F-16. "Again, if you cleaned off an F-16 and wanted to turn and maintain Gs and [turn] rates, then I think a clean F-16 would certainly outperform a loaded F-35," Kloos says. "But if you compared them at combat loadings, the F-35 I think would probably outperform it."

And, of course, it is with combat loading where the comparison should be made, since that's the configuration that will go into "badguyland", as Lt.Col Kloos calls it.  It sort of puts a dagger in the heart of the argument critics like to use about the F-16s maneuverability and performance advantage.  It's coming from someone who knows the F-16 pretty intimately with over 2000 hours in the aircraft.

Before the critics try to twist that argument, Kloos adds a little ground truth to the debate:

The F-16, Kloos says, is a very capable aircraft in a within visual range engagement--especially in the lightly loaded air-to-air configuration used during training sorties at home station. "It's really good at performing in that kind of configuration," Kloos says. "But that's not a configuration that I've ever--I've been in a lot of different deployments--and those are the configurations I've never been in with weapons onboard."

So that's certainly not the configuration by which the two aircraft should be compared. It is an apples to oranges comparison.  Instead, it is a much better comparison with the usual configurations Kloos and other F-16 pilots used in combat.  And in that configuration, per Kloos, the F-35 outperforms the F-16.

And that's without even mentioning the stealth component.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 10/07/2015 | 09:41 uur
US conducts first flight test of guided B61-12 nuclear bomb

By James Drew, Washington DC | July 8, 2015

The US Air Force and National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) have conducted the first flight test of the jointly developed B61-12 guided nuclear bomb from a Boeing F-15E Strike Eagle at the Tonopah Test Range in Nevada.

The billion-dollar weapon system couples a refurbished 1960s B61 with a tail kit assembly produced by Boeing. It has been in development since 2012 and will be the primary tactical nuclear weapon carried by US and NATO forces once it enters service in the early 2020s by consolidating the four existing variants (B61-3, -4, -7, and -10), with the exception of the powerful earth-penetrating B61-11.

The NNSA said in a press statement this week that the 1 July developmental flight test is the first of three to be completed this calendar year. The test represents a major milestone in the programme by "demonstrating end-to-end system performance under representative delivery conditions".

"Achieving the first complete B61-12 flight test provides clear evidence of the nation's continued commitment to maintain the B61 and provides assurance to our allies," said Don Cook, NNSA deputy administrator for defence programmes. The weapon was inert, and it is unlikely that one will ever be tested live due to the restrictions of the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.

"This test demonstrated successful performance in realistic flight environments followed by an effective release of a development test unit from a USAF F-15E from Nellis Air Force Base," the agency says.

The bomb will eventually be integrated with the F-35A Block 4 Joint Strike Fighter, F-16 Fighting Falcon, B-2A Spirit and PA-200 Tornado. Its introduction will not only consolidate the ageing nuclear stockpile, but inform a decision on whether to phase out the last US megaton-class nuclear bomb, the B83.

According to the air force, development will continue through to budget year 2018 when a production decision is due. The tests come at the tail end of phase one of the engineering and manufacturing development programme, which started in 2012.

A decision on whether to proceed to the next phase is expected by the end of the year.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 10/07/2015 | 17:18 uur

Pentagon Reconsidering Total F-35 Buy, Dunford Says

July 9, 2015 By Marcus Weisgerber 

Gen. Joseph Dunford, the nominee for chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said he's willing to rethink the acquisition plan for the most expensive weapons program ever.
Pentagon  / Joint Chiefs   
Much has changed about the Pentagon's Joint Strike Fighter program in the past 13 years, but one thing has remained steady: the number of F-35s to be bought for the Air Force, Navy and Marines.
All three variants have seen design tweaks, program managers have come and gone, and the projected price tag has climbed and climbed. Meanwhile, the world changed as well, while wars in Afghanistan and Iraq sucked money from long-term weapons projects. Through it all, Pentagon officials maintained they would need exactly 2,443 combat F-35s, plus 14 development aircraft, to deter and fight potential adversaries such as China.

But now radical extremists are wreaking havoc across much of the Middle East and northern Africa, and Russia has re-emerged as a major foe. On Thursday morning, Gen. Joseph Dunford, the Marine Corps commandant nominated to become the next chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told the Senate Armed Services Committee that the F-35 buying plan is under review.

"Given the evolving defense strategy and the latest Defense Planning Guidance, we are presently taking the newest strategic foundation and analyzing whether 2,443 aircraft is the correct number," Dunford wrote in response to questions asked by the committee in advance of his hearing Thursday. "Until the analysis is complete, we need to pursue the current scheduled quantity buy to preclude creating an overall near-term tactical fighter shortfall."

Dunford's comments come one week after Army Gen. Martin Dempsey, the outgoing JCS chairman, warned in a new National Military Strategy that the military might need to rethink and reorganize for the hybrid wars of the future.

That doesn't mean the F-35 — the largest weapons program ever, by many billions of dollars — is going away. "With projected adversarial threats challenging our current capabilities in coming years, the Joint Strike Fighter is a vital component of our effort to ensure the Joint Force maintains dominance in the air," Dunford wrote.

The entire program, both developing and buying the actual jets, is projected to cost $400 billion, while operating and maintaining those planes is projected to cost between $859 billion and $1 trillion. In addition to the 2,457 U.S. aircraft, allies are projected to purchase hundreds of F-35s.

Many experts believed the Pentagon's vision of a fleet of 2,443 Lockheed Martin F-35s was a pipe dream — but also that the program was likely stable for at least 15 to 20 years of its planned three-decade procurement period.

"I don't think anybody on Wall Street would be surprised if [the Defense Department] starts to back away from that number just because I don't think anybody really gave Lockheed Martin or the subcontractors on the program full credit for the total buy," Byron Callan, a defense analyst with Capital Alpha Partners said.

"That said, we're still probably going to get to a build rate of 150 [aircraft] per year total, at least for the early part of the decade," he said. "Then the real question is what happens beyond that."

After years of cost increases and schedule slips, the F-35 project has largely stabilized over the past three years, according to defense officials. The Marine Corps version of the jet will soon be declare battle-ready. In the coming years, the Pentagon is planning to increase its annual orders of the aircraft.

But while the F-35 program stretched out year by year, other strategic national-security priorities began appearing. At the end of the next decade, the Air Force is planning to buy new long-range stealth bombers, while the Navy plans to buy an expensive replacement for the Ohio-class submarine.

"If confirmed, I will advise the Secretary as he assesses the delicate balance of the capacity and the capabilities of the future Joint Force," Dunford wrote. "This advice will be informed by the extent to which the F-35 program conforms to the priority requirements identified by Combatant Commanders and the Department's strategic plans."

While Dunford is the first senior-level defense official to acknowledge that the total F-35 buy could change, his comments are not likely to affect stocks or prompt companies to change their business plans, Callan said.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 10/07/2015 | 17:27 uur
Citaat van: Vandaag om 05:18
Pentagon Reconsidering Total F-35 Buy, Dunford Says

Wordt hier de weg ingezet naar minder Amerikaanse F35's en meer UCAV gecombineerd met de te verwachten F/X (USAF) en FA/XX (USN)?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 10/07/2015 | 17:33 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 10/07/2015 | 17:27 uur
Wordt hier de weg ingezet naar minder Amerikaanse F35's en meer UCAV gecombineerd met de te verwachten F/X (USAF) en FA/XX (USN)?
Een verrassing is het in ieder geval niet...
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 10/07/2015 | 17:51 uur
Er zijn meerdere mogelijkheden:
- Er wordt in totaal minder gekocht
- Er wordt in totaal meer gekocht
- Er wordt over een langere tijd het bestaande aantal gekocht.

Het is en blijft koffiedik kijken.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 11/07/2015 | 07:17 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 10/07/2015 | 17:51 uur
Er zijn meerdere mogelijkheden:
- Er wordt in totaal minder gekocht
- Er wordt in totaal meer gekocht
- Er wordt over een langere tijd het bestaande aantal gekocht.

Het is en blijft koffiedik kijken.

Alleen zien sommigen experts al jaren een heel duidelijk verhaal in het koffiedik.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 11/07/2015 | 11:01 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 11/07/2015 | 07:17 uur
Alleen zien sommigen experts al jaren een heel duidelijk verhaal in het koffiedik.
We gaan het meemaken. Er zijn zoveel experts en zeggen vaak t.o.v. elkaar het tegenovergestelde. Het is of een geval "I told you so" of men doet toch iets wat de experts kan verrassen.

Ergens zou ik het niet vreemd vinden als de totale leveringsduur aan de Amerikaanse krijgsmacht zeker 20 jaar zou beslaan. Had men het bijvoorbeeld voorzien dat de U.S. Air Force in 2001 de laatste F-16C kreeg geleverd?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 12/07/2015 | 16:24 uur
USAF reaffirms ambitious T-X sustained-g requirement

By James Drew, Washington DC | July 11, 2015

The US Air Force is not backing away from the ambitious sustained g requirement for its T-X next-generation trainer that has sidelined at least two proposed aircraft types and driven the competitors toward clean sheet designs.

When the competition to replace the 55-year-old Northrop T-38 Talon got underway in 2010, pundits predicted the air force would favour price over performance, and vendors rushed to offer ready-made examples like the Alenia Aermacchi M-346 (offered as the T-100), BAE Systems Hawk Advanced Jet Trainer and Lockheed Martin/Korea Aerospace Industries T-50 Golden Eagle.

However, the initial set of requirements posted in March narrowed the field and caused the primes to reassess their initial offers, with General Dynamics parting ways with Alenia Aermacchi and Northrop reconsidering its Hawk offer in favour of a clean sheet design.

In a 10 July statement, Air Education and Training Command confirmed that the minimum T-X sustained g requirement of 6.5 g and objective of 7.5 g remains unchanged from the key performance parameter published in March, even though it would exclude a number of viable trainer options from the competition.

The requirement sets a high bar for manoeuvrability, requiring the T-X to sustain that load at a pressure altitude of 15,000ft for at least 140 degrees of a full turn with minimal loss of energy and altitude.

"Initiated at or above 15,000ft pressure altitude, at or below Mach 0.9, and at or above 80% fuel weight, the aircraft's flight path angle during this manoeuvre can be no lower than 15 degrees nose low while losing no more than 2,000ft of vertical altitude and 10% of the initial airspeed," AETC says.

This pushes out the T-100, which its Italian manufacturer says can sustain 5.3 g at 15,000ft. The popular Hawk trainer is also out of the race. "If you score us on how much sustained g you can pull, we'll lose every time," one BAE business development manager told Flightglobal back in 2011.

Boing and Saab, Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin have each said they are working on clean sheet designs, although the nimble Lockheed-KAI T-50 still appears to be a viable contender and Textron AirLand has been considering a trainer derivative of its Scorpion jet.

The clarification from AETC comes after a recent presolicitation conference in May attended by Alenia Aermacchi, Boeing, Lockheed, Northrop, Raytheon and Textron.

"It is imperative that we procure an advanced trainer capable of enabling our future pilots to safely and effectively transition into high-performance fighter aircraft," says Brig Gen Andrew Croft, AETC director of plans, programs and requirements.

"The T-X threshold and objective requirements will enable the T-X to close the ever-widening gap between T-38 performance and that of aircraft such as the [Lockheed Martin] F-22 and F-35."

In a 10 July notice to industry accompanying on statement from AETC, the programme office said no extra credit would be applied to competitors that exceed the sustained-g objective. The service does not plan to hold a fly-off, but could request flight demonstrations from the competitors.

AETC says it needs to start replacing the Talon for advanced pilot training in the early 2020s when the aircraft is expected to age out. The programme office says it expects to begin releasing draft T-X system specifications over the coming months ahead of a draft request for proposals in 2016.

The full RFP release is expected in 2017, which will lead into a one-year competitive downselect and a four-year development phase for IOC in 2023. The start of development could shift several months because of the extra time taken to engage with industry about the requirements, the air force says.

According to the draft programme schedule released in May, six aircraft and three ground-based training systems will be built through the development phase and 346 aircraft will be delivered in the production phase through 2029.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 13/07/2015 | 07:02 uur
Pentagon Planning to Purchase $47.5 Billion of Lockheed Martin's F-35 Stealth Fighter Jets

The stakes for Lockheed Martin's F-35 success are about to get much, much bigger.

Jul 12, 2015

For all its troubles, Lockheed Martin's (NYSE:LMT) F-35 joint stealth fighter remains a very popular warplane -- both here and abroad.

Over the next 60 years, Lockheed Martin aims to sell as many as 5,100 F-35s to customers around the globe. And as we just learned from DoDBuzz, one single Pentagon contract could bring Lockheed 10% of the way toward scoring that goal.

What's the buzz?
In the course of last month's Paris Airshow, reports DoDBuzz, Lockheed revealed that it's currently negotiation with the U.S. Pentagon to win an order for 500 F-35 stealth fighter jets. This "block buy" of fighter jets would cover more planes than the Pentagon needs right now. In fact, it would stretch across three years' worth of orders, from 2018 through 2021.

To entice the Pentagon to buy all these planes at once, Lockheed hopes to offer the U.S. discounts of 10% or more on the planes' purchase price, discounts Lockheed will try to make possible by squeezing its own suppliers for price concessions of 10% on the parts they supply to Lockheed.

What's the cost?
If you ask Lockheed Martin, its F-35 stealth fighter isn't really all that an expensive plane to begin with. According to the company's website, a plain vanilla F-35A fighter jet costs only $98 million, while the F-35B hoverjet variant tips the scales at just $104 million, and an F-35C (designed to land on aircraft carriers) costs only a little bit more -- $116 million. All of these prices appear to be in the range given for competing top-of-the-line fourth-generation F/A-18 and F-15 fighter jets, for example, quoted at $92 million and $100 million a copy according to military tech website

Other sources, however, look at Congressional appropriations to buy the F-35, factor in the plane's development costs, the cost of outfitting the basic F-35 airframe with the electronic equipment that it needs to fly, plus supporting flight simulators and other tools and computers required to operate the plane, and come up with cost estimates of an entirely different magnitude -- as much as $337 million for the most expensive carrier variant.

Military math
Be that as it may, let's give Lockheed Martin the benefit of the doubt and, for the time being at least, assume a generic "F-35" (a blend of the -A, -B, and -C variants) costs the Pentagon about $106 million today.

This suggests that in offering the Pentagon a discount, Lockheed hopes to lop about $11 million off that purchase price, cutting the F-35's cost to $95 million per unit. Times the 500 planes that they want to sell (460 for the U.S. military, plus an additional 40 planes destined for buyers in Canada and Denmark), that's $47.5 billion in new revenue that Lockheed is targeting.

Now consider that Lockheed Martin only brought in $45.1 million in revenue last year, from all the products it sold. This suggests that the F-35 contract, if concluded, would on its own make up 35% of Lockheed's business between 2018 and 2021. That's twice what the F-35 contributed to Lockheed's sales in 2014, and puts the company well on its way to getting half its business from the building of this one single warplane.

What it means to investors
For Lockheed Martin, the implications of this putative contract are obvious: First, a big influx of revenues for the defense contractor. And second, an even greater dependence on one single product for a rapidly growing slice of the company's revenue stream. In short, while winning the Pentagon's approval of a three-year block buy could be a good thing, it raises the risk that the F-35's oft-reported growing pains could cause Lockheed investors some pain of their own.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Kiteboarder88 op 13/07/2015 | 10:33 uur
Waar ik mijn hoofd toch telkens weer over breek bij het T-X programma, is het volgende:

Aan de ene kant beweert de USAF dat dogfighting iets van het verleden is en dat alles BVR uitgevochten gaat worden. Voor de 6th generatie fighter wordt zelf al geopperd dat het meer een missile truck wordt dan een traditionele fighter. Met de F35 is de weg van minder nadruk op kinetische performance al enigzins ingezet.

Tegelijkertijd willen ze dan wel een jet trainer die juist op dit vlak uitblinkt. Zaken als een eigen radar, niet onbelangrijk als je SA en '5th gen tactics' wilt oefenen, ontbreken dan juist om kosten te drukken. In mijn oren klinkt dat gewoon tegenstrijdig. Volgens mij drijft dit de kosten en ontwikkelingstraject alleen maar op. Of mis ik nu iets?

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 13/07/2015 | 12:08 uur
Citaat van: Kiteboarder88 op 13/07/2015 | 10:33 uur
Waar ik mijn hoofd toch telkens weer over breek bij het T-X programma, is het volgende:

Aan de ene kant beweert de USAF dat dogfighting iets van het verleden is en dat alles BVR uitgevochten gaat worden. Voor de 6th generatie fighter wordt zelf al geopperd dat het meer een missile truck wordt dan een traditionele fighter. Met de F35 is de weg van minder nadruk op kinetische performance al enigzins ingezet.

Tegelijkertijd willen ze dan wel een jet trainer die juist op dit vlak uitblinkt. Zaken als een eigen radar, niet onbelangrijk als je SA en '5th gen tactics' wilt oefenen, ontbreken dan juist om kosten te drukken. In mijn oren klinkt dat gewoon tegenstrijdig. Volgens mij drijft dit de kosten en ontwikkelingstraject alleen maar op. Of mis ik nu iets?
Goed punt!...ben ook benieuwd naar het waarom...
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 13/07/2015 | 19:45 uur
First four Iraqi F-16IQs arrive at Balad Air Base

By James Drew, Washington DC | July 13, 2015

The Iraqi Air Force has received its first four Lockheed Martin F-16 Fighting Falcons and a much-needed morale boost following a deadly crash that left one pilot dead in Arizona and the accidental bombing of a residential suburb in Baghdad earlier this month.

Iraq's Ministry of Defence announced on its website 13 July that four aircraft had landed at Balad Air Base, located about 80km north of the nation's capital.

The first aircraft had been due to arrive last September until the Islamic State militant group overran large parts of the country. Instead, the jets were diverted to the US Air Force's international F-16 schoolhouse at Tucson International Airport in Arizona to support pilot training.

Under a $6.5 billion deal, the Iraqi government was to receive 36 fully-equipped F-16IQs (now 35, minus the destroyed jet) along with a large order of bombs, missiles and support equipment.

The equipment is fully paid for by the Iraqi government through the US foreign military sales process and involves the transport of more than 4,000t of equipment to Balad AB, known as Joint Base Balad or Logistics Support Area Anaconda during the Iraq War.

The first Iraqi F-16 rolled off the Lockheed assembly line at Fort Worth, Texas last June, but the complex support apparatus needed at Balad was not ready or secure enough for a September 2014 delivery.

The F-16's arrival comes just weeks after an Iraqi F-16 crashed in Douglas, Arizona on nighttime training mission. Earlier this month, a Russian-made Sukhoi Su-25 operated by the Iraqi Air Force accidentally dropped a bomb on a neighbourhood in Baghdad, killing several people.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/07/2015 | 07:17 uur
Ten Signs The F-35 Fighter Program Is Becoming A Smashing Success
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 15/07/2015 | 11:01 uur
Textron touts Scorpion to Bulgaria in bid to secure first customer

Textron AirLand has demonstrated the capabilities of its Scorpion aircraft to Bulgaria and others, as it looks to secure a first sale of the type during a post-Paris Air Show tour of Europe, the company disclosed in early July.

The tandem twin-seat and twin-engine jet, which is being touted as a modern, cheap, yet capable multirole platform, is being pitched to Bulgaria as that country looks to update its ageing combat aircraft inventories.

Bulgaria has been reported to be looking at surplus Lockheed Martin F-16 Fighting Falcon jets to fulfil a MiG-29 'Fulcrum' and Sukhoi Su-25 'Frogfoot' replacement requirement, and other offerings such as early model Eurofighter Typhoons, Saab Gripens, and even the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex/Chengdu Aircraft Industry Corporation (PAC/CAC) JF-17 Thunder have also been touted.

In the case of the Scorpion, however, it was reported by national defence aerospace publication Списание АЕРО that this particular aircraft is being touted as a possible replacement for the Bulgarian Air Force's Aero L-39ZA Albatros light strike fighters, and as a support platform to the 'new' main fighter type.

First revealed in September 2013, the Scorpion jet has been developed to suit a wide range of mission sets that include counterinsurgency, border patrol, maritime surveillance, counter-narcotics, and air defence. The aircraft is built around a 2.3 m 3 payload bay in the centre of its fuselage that can accept a variety of sensors and weapons systems, depending on the mission, up to 1,360 kg, and has six underwing hardpoints - three on each side - to carry additional sensors, fuel, or weapons up to 2,766 kg. Company-supplied performance specifications give the Scorpion a top speed of 450 kt, a service ceiling of 45,000 ft, and a ferry range of 4,450 km.

At USD20 million to procure and just USD3,000 per hour to operate, the Scorpion is significantly cheaper to both buy and field than just about any of its jet rivals (only advanced jet trainer aircraft that have a secondary light strike capability come close in terms of cost). This would make it an especially appealing option for Bulgaria, which has the need but not necessarily the budget.

As well as Bulgaria, Textron revealed ahead of the Scorpion's planned appearance at the UK's Royal International Air Tattoo (RIAT) in mid-July that it has demonstrated the aircraft to the UK Royal Navy also. As well, it was reported to have visited the Royal Air Force's officer training college at Cranwell and QinetiQ's Empire Test Pilots' School at Boscombe Down in Wiltshire. No further details were disclosed.

Speaking to IHS Jane's during the Paris Air Show in June, Textron AirLand president Bill Anderson said that a production-standard version of the Scorpion will fly in 2016, just two years after the type was first rolled out.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 15/07/2015 | 12:17 uur
Testing of mod kit that improves Eurofighter's maneuverability completed

Airbus Defence and Space has successfully completed flight testing of the Aerodynamic Modification Kit (AMK) for the Eurofighter.

The aircraft manufacturer says the addition of fuselage strakes and leading-edge root extensions to IPA7 resulted in an increased turn rate, tighter turning radius, and improved nose-pointing ability at low speed.

"We saw angle of attack values around 45% greater than on the standard aircraft, and roll rates up to 100% higher, all leading to increased agility. The handling qualities appeared to be markedly improved, providing more manoeuvrability, agility and precision while performing tasks representative of in-service operations. And it is extremely interesting to consider the potential benefits in the air-to-surface configuration thanks to the increased variety and flexibility of stores that can be carried," said Eurofighter Project Pilot Germany Raffaele Beltrame.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 15/07/2015 | 12:50 uur
En het was al een van de meest manouvreerbare kisten op de markt.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 15/07/2015 | 13:04 uur
SU-50  roadmap :

Roadmap/infographic Russische T-50 PAK-FA, interessant is te zien dat ze de SU-50 ook aan Zuid-Korea en Iran willen aanbieden
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 20/07/2015 | 16:04 uur
Rafale exports take off with Egyptian delivery

By Craig Hoyle, London | July 20, 2015

Dassault has delivered its first three Rafale combat aircraft to its Egyptian customer, just five months after it secured a 24-unit contract from the North African nation.

Accepted by Egyptian officials at Dassault's Istres flight test centre in the south of France, the aircraft will be flown to the Egyptian capital on 21 July.

"An initial group of Egyptian users has been trained in France," says Dassault. These French air force-instructed pilots will perform the delivery flights, it adds.

Egypt's order is for eight single-seat Rafale Cs and 16 twin-seat B-model examples.

Dassault says the Rafale's introduction will support its new operator in "meeting the country's operational requirements and enabling Egypt, with full sovereignty, to secure its geostrategic position in the region".

The trio of aircraft – all Rafale Bs – have been diverted from delivery to the French air force.

In February Egypt became the first confirmed export customer for the Rafale. Its commitment was swiftly followed by a contract from Qatar – also for 24 of the type.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 22/07/2015 | 10:20 uur
Betwijfel het of het verstandig is om de Tranche 1 Typhoons niet te moderniseren. Daarnaast natuurlijk de vraag hoeveel F-35B het Verenigd Koninkrijk uiteindelijk zal bestellen.

UK fighter numbers to reach all-time low with loss of Tornados and early Typhoons in 2019

Gareth Jennings, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly | July 21, 2015

The UK's frontline fast-jet force is set to fall to its lowest numerical strength just ahead of the turn of the decade, with the almost simultaneous retirement of both the Panavia Tornado GR.4 and early model Eurofighter Typhoon fleets, the government disclosed on 21 July.

Answering questions in the House of Commons, Philip Dunne, Minister for Defence Equipment, Support, and Technology said that the retirement of the Tornados is to coincide with that of the Tranche 1 Typhoons in 2019.

Currently, the Royal Air Force (RAF) fields 53 Tranche 1 Typhoons and 87 Tornados which, when coupled with the Tranche 2 and 3A Typhoons now flying, brings its frontline combat inventory up to 192 aircraft. Although the loss of 140 aircraft by 2019 represents a 77% reduction in the current force strength on paper, it should be noted that this will be offset somewhat by the continued delivery of the Tranche 3 Typhoons, as well as the arrival of the first Lockheed Martin F-35B Lightning II Joint Strike Fighters.

Even so, while all 40 Tranche 3A Typhoons should be with the RAF by 2019, the United Kingdom is expected to have received only about 15 to 20 F-35Bs by this time (to be operated by both the RAF and Royal Navy). When the loss of the Tornados and Tranche 1 Typhoons is taken into account, the United Kingdom will be left with about 127 frontline combat jets at best when this happens (the lowest number that the RAF will have fielded since its creation in 1918).

Notwithstanding the fact that at that early point in its service the F-35 will likely not be fully combat capable (the Block 3F [full combat capability] software is slated to be rolled out in late 2017, but the United Kingdom is not due to declare full operating capability [land and maritime] for the type until 2023). To date, only the first 14 operational F-35Bs have been authorised (of which four have been ordered), and while overall numbers have not yet been disclosed there is a possibility that the original planned order for 138 aircraft may be truncated to just 48 for the new Queen Elizabeth-class carriers.

If this were to occur, the UK frontline fast-jet fleet would number just 107 Tranche 2 and 3A Typhoons and 48 F-35Bs, for a grand total of 155 combat aircraft. While this could be increased with the 48 additional Typhoons earmarked for a Tranche 3B buy, this now seems all but certain not to happen.

While there is some validation to the argument that, because the Tranche 2 and 3A Typhoons and the F-35Bs are more capable aircraft than those that came before them, fewer will be needed, it is also true that no aircraft, no matter how capable, can be in more than one place at any time. This has been shown by the government's recent decision to slow down the pace of the Tornado retirement, even reconstituting an already disbanded unit, to ensure that simultaneous operational commitments in three theatres (Afghanistan, Iraq, and North Africa at that time) could be met.

The United Kingdom currently faces a number of threats to its security that require the application of combat aircraft, either in a kinetic warfighting role, as over Iraq and no doubt soon over Syria, or in a deterrent role, such as with the Baltic Air Policing missions currently being flown to ward off Russian aggression against NATO allies. With at least one of these threats only recently having been described by the UK prime minister, David Cameron, as "generational", and the other not likely to be resolved anytime soon, the further loss of UK airpower at such a precarious time as this seems somewhat perverse.

One solution to this quandary might be not to retire the Tranche 1 Typhoons at all, after all a 16-year service life - given the investment that has been made - does not appear to provide value for money or to make much sense. Although there will certainly be a cost implication of retaining the Tranche 1 Typhoons in service, this would be relatively small given that all of the initial investment has already been made, and that the training, operating, and sustainment infrastructures are already in place and are set to serve the wider Typhoon force through to the 2030 out-of-service date now earmarked for the Tranche 2 and 3A aircraft.

While it is true that the early-model Typhoons are not compatible with many of the hardware and software upgrades that would be needed to afford them a full multirole capability, they remain highly potent air-to-air fighter platforms and should be able to more than match any adversaries that they might meet in this arena for a number of years yet.

There is no physical reason why these 53 Tranche 1 Typhoons could not be retained in service out to 2030. While they will never match the outright capabilities of their more modern stablemates, a rolling programme of upgrades to their systems, such as the already very capable Captor mechanically-scanned radar, should at the very least afford the United Kingdom with a highly potent force multiplier to relieve some of the pressure from the newer Typhoons and Lightning IIs.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 23/07/2015 | 13:06 uur
Joint Strike Fighter ITF ground testing F-35 gun

By Rebecca Amber - Staff writer, Edwards Air Force Base | July 22, 2015

The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Integrated Test Force is in the process of testing the F-35A's newest munitions asset - the GAU-22/A. The gun is a four-barrel Gatling gun that fires 25 millimeter rounds.

Unlike the Marine Corps and Navy variants, the GAU-22/A is integrated internally to the F-35A. In the other variants, the gun is mounted to the outside as a pod. A similar weapon, GAU-12, has been used on the AV-8B Harrier Jump Jet.

The first phase of testing started June 9, when the first shots were fired from tail number AF-2 on the ground at the Edwards Gun Harmonizing Range. The test team hopes to finish ground testing sometime during August and start the airborne phase late September. An operational gun capability will be added with a future block of software, which is in the beginning stages of testing at Edwards.

The tests are done using a target practice round, PGU-23/U, which fires from the gun, but does not explode on impact.

The tricky part about this test phase is that the gun will never operationally fire on the ground. To conduct the test, they have to use software to bypass interlocks and "fool the aircraft to make it think it's in the air."

"As an Air Force pilot, it's going to be one more thing that I can select to either strafe air-to-ground targets or shoot as an air-to-air weapon," said Maj. Andrew Rollins, 461st Flight Test Squadron, assistant director of operations.

Rollins is the test pilot on the project. While deployed, Rollins "used a gun often." He said it's particularly useful in an air-to-ground role when enemy targets are in a close proximity to friendlies and dropping a bomb is not prudent.

"The GAU-22/A uses a 25mm shell, which is significantly more powerful than what I've been used to in legacy aircraft, the F-16 the F-15E, F-15C - all those aircraft use a 20mm shell," said Rollins.

Integrating a weapon into the aircraft is not in itself unique. But what does make this project special is that it's being integrated into a stealth platform. In legacy aircraft, the gun fires through a hole in the outer molding. In this case, to keep the jet hidden from radar signatures, the gun will be kept behind closed doors until the trigger is engaged.

The ground tests with AF-2 are designed to answer questions like; does the gun door open correctly? Does the gun spin up and down correctly? Does the air flow through the vent and is it adequate to clear the flammable gasses?

Prior to testing the integration of the GAU-22/A into the F-35A, the gun itself was tested as a standalone. It was also flown during test points without firing to ensure that the flight envelope would not overstress the gun mounts. Preparing for the ground gun fire tests in the jet took roughly six months.

AF-2, a highly modified flight sciences aircraft, underwent four months of instrumentation modifications and had a line production gun installed for this project.

Tiffany Krogstad, Lockheed Martin AF-2 flight test engineer, said that the AF-2 is normally a "scientist aircraft" executing loads and buffet testing.

"[AF-2] is the only aircraft in the world that can get us this data," said Rollins. "It's been highly instrumented in order to get us the information we need to proceed to the next test point and ultimately to get the gun to its full envelope."

As the test conductor, Krogstad and her team are monitoring the gun's performance and ensuring all the systems work as designed. She is especially concerned with making sure the jet can withstand the loads of a firing gun and the gun operates as expected. Since AF-2 is a flight sciences aircraft, it does not have all the missionized systems of full-line production aircraft. The gun will be further tested with a line production jet sometime next year for full integration.

"When we hand [the gun] off to the next aircraft to test full integration with the full avionics and mission systems capabilities, we'll rest easy knowing that we did what we could to make sure that their test won't have those issues," said Krogstad.

Rollins on the other hand is looking at it from a test pilot's perspective, evaluating the gun's effects on the aircraft's handling qualities.

"By the time we get airborne, we're hoping that our extensive preparation during planning, ground tests and airborne tests will eliminate every variable except for those associated with flight since flying will be the most demanding phase of this testing," said Rollins. "While we'll be targeting very specific objectives, the pilot will also be observing more qualitative effects such as muzzle flash, human factors, and flying qualities."

During the airborne tests, they will watch for the potential effects of having the gun mounted internally, like vibrations, acoustics and airflow.

To evaluate the gun's performance, the test team is made up of personnel from the Air Force, Lockheed Martin, Pratt & Whitney and Northrop Grumman. They are performing duties as engineers, pilots, maintainers, Edwards weapons loading crews, and gun subject matter experts from Fort Worth, Texas.

"Like any of the testing Edwards AFB does, we are managing all of the risk involved with this test," said Rollins. "When we sign it off and go hand it to the warfighter, they can go out and pull the trigger throughout the entire gun envelope and know that the aircraft is going to function properly. It's not going to flameout, it's not going to overheat, it's not going to over G, and it's going to hit the target."
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 24/07/2015 | 07:54 uur
F-35 Fighter Engines: How The Pentagon Will Make Sure Pratt & Whitney Performs
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 24/07/2015 | 09:44 uur
USAF rules out international A-10 sales

By James Drew, Washington DC | July 23, 2015

The US Air Force has closed the lid on discussions about shopping the A-10 Warthog to allies, telling Flightglobal it will not sell the close-in attack aircraft to anyone.

Boeing triggered speculation about whether the US government would consider selling the aircraft it wants to retire when a company official told reporters there have been "early discussions" about international sales.

"It's something we would be interested in, but again, it depends where the air force goes with retirements," Paul Cejas, chief engineer of off-Boeing programmes, told reporters during a media roundtable in May.

In a 23 July statement, air force spokesman Melissa Milner said: "There are no anticipated sales of A-10 aircraft to anyone."

Asked to clarify the statement in a follow-up call, she said the air force has no intention at all of putting the A-10 up for sale.

The response quashes any hopes Boeing might have had about upgrading and sustaining the aircraft for a foreign owner, since the air force would prefer to send the whole fleet to the boneyard to save about $4.2 billion over five years.

The company says it is the closest thing to a prime contractor for the aircraft, which was designed and built by Fairchild Republic in the 1970s. Boeing is most of the way through a multi-billion dollar re-winging programme that will extend the life of the aircraft, and says it would be cheaper for the air force to complete the upgrades than break that contract at this point.

Despite being described by Air Combat Command chief Gen Hawk Carlisle as the "best close-air-support aircraft ever", the air force has been on a campaign to retire the A-10 fleet as a cost-cutting measure since proposing the move in its fiscal year 2015 budget submission. The service proposed retiring the fleet again in its 2016 submission, saying it doesn't have the funds to keep the ageing aircraft going, and needs to free up maintainers to support the Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter roll out.

Congress is staunchly opposed to parting with the low-, slow-flying jet because of its unique capabilities, but has permitted the transfer of some aircraft into "type 1000 storage", which preserves the aircraft in near-flyaway condition.

There are currently 140 retired Warthogs in the care of the 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group at Davis-Monthan AFB in Arizona. Of those, 21 are in type 1000 storage, the air force says.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 28/07/2015 | 14:58 uur
UPDATE 1-U.S. Marines see decision soon on F-35 fighter combat-readiness

By Andrea Shalal | July 27, 2015

(Reuters) - The top U.S. Marine Corps aviator on Monday said an initial squadron of 10 Lockheed Martin Corp F-35 fighter jets met all the requirements for a declaration of combat-readiness during a recent review, and a decision from Marine Corps Commandant General Joseph Dunford was expected soon.

Deputy Commandant for Aviation Lieutenant General Jon Davis told a telephone news conference that Dunford was reviewing all the paperwork supporting the decision now. "I think it's soon. ... I'm not going to rush General Dunford. He's a busy guy," Davis said.

The Marines would be the first U.S. military service to declare an "initial operational capability" (IOC) of the F-35 fighter, a key milestone for the $391 billion program that U.S. officials say is now doing better after years of cost overruns and schedule delays.

The first squadron of F-35B jets, which take off from shorter runways and land vertically, are slated to head to Iwakuni, Japan, in January 2017, but the IOC declaration means they could be sent to respond to a crisis anywhere in the world.

Davis said he was pleased with the results of a tough review earlier this month, saying the new jets did an "incredibly impressive" job in targeting and "killing" enemy aircraft and providing close air support for troops on the ground.

He said the pilots were even able to carry out an armed reconnaissance mission in a "very high threat" environment that older fourth-generation fighter jets like the Boeing Co F/A-18 and AV-8B Harrier had not been subjected.

That meant the F-35 jets would have been able to find key Scud missile sites like those targeted in Iraq during the first Gulf War, even if they were heavily protected by air defense equipment, Davis said.

Davis said the jets needed work, including new software that would allow them to carry more weapons, including a gun, generate full streaming video feeds and integrate full night vision capability, and those capabilities would be added in coming years.

He said he was also concerned about increasing production of spare parts, ensuring sufficient maintenance staff and bolstering current mission readiness rates of 60 to 65 percent even beyond the planned target of close to 80 percent.

Davis said he did not expect the Marine Corps to scale back its plans to buy a total of 420 F-35 B-model and C-model jets, given the age and condition of the current fleet.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 28/07/2015 | 20:15 uur
F-35 Lightning II - last of the manned fighters?

Gareth Jennings, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly

27 July 2015

With the US Marine Corps set to declare initial operating capability for its Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) before the end of July, many are again asking if there will ever be another manned fighter, or if the JSF truly is the last of its kind.

The history of military aviation is littered with false predictions pertaining to the demise of the traditional notion of the fighter aircraft. In the United States the Vought F-8 Crusader developed in the mid-1950s was nicknamed 'the last gunslinger' in the mistaken belief that all fighters to follow would carry missiles only.

The United Kingdom went one step further in 1957 when its Defence White Paper boldly stated that manned fighters would be replaced completely in the coming years by surface-to-air missiles; an erroneous projection that ultimately proved disastrous for the UK's defence aerospace sector.

Most recently, in April of this year US Navy (USN) secretary Ray Mabus was daring enough to state that the F-35 "should be, and almost certainly will be, the last manned strike fighter aircraft the Department of the Navy will ever buy or fly".

Whereas previously the end of manned fighters had been based on developments in the fields of air-to-air and surface-to-air missiles, today it is the rise of unmanned technologies that threaten to herald the extinction of the fighter pilot.

Whatever you want to call them - be it unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), unmanned aircraft systems, remotely piloted aircraft, remotely piloted aircraft systems, or even the ubiquitous 'drones' - unmanned aircraft have proliferated exponentially since they first appeared over the battlefield in the early 1980s.

Pioneered by the Israel Defense Force as a means of neutralising enemy air defence systems (the idea being that the surface-to-air missiles would engage the UAV, exposing their positions to the manned fighters following), they have over recent years gone on to carve something of a niche for themselves as the intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) platform of choice over the skies of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and beyond. In addition to their ISR role, UAVs of all classes have taken on offensive capabilities with the integration of adapted and purpose-built munitions, and look set to take on more roles as their capabilities are expanded and their performance improved.

For their proponents, unmanned aircraft offer the prospect of zero casualties (on the side that is operating them, at least), as well as reduced development, acquisition, operating, and support costs when compared with manned fighters.

However, while it is certainly true that relocating the pilot from the cockpit to the ground does remove him or her from harm's way, it is certainly not a victimless endeavour on the part of the operators. UAV pilots have reported high levels of psychological illness following long periods of exposure to 'remote-control' warfare, in which they actively participate in the killing of combatants during their working day, returning to normal family life at the end of their shift. While fighter pilots are certainly exposed to more physical danger when conducting combat operations, being deployed with their peers and comrades provides a support structure not available to their unmanned counterparts.

Also, having a pilot in the cockpit exposed to the dangers of warfare might actually be preferable from a political standpoint. The use of UAVs has proven to be highly controversial, with one of the main reasons being that the lack of any danger to the operating nation lowers the threshold for their use. It is of no consequence to those protesting their use that unmanned aircraft are subject to the same rules of engagement (RoE) as manned aircraft (this is certainly true for air forces, although the RoE of secret security organisations such as the CIA are not known), the fact that they are unmanned somehow makes their use 'unfair' and therefore immoral. A manned aircraft performing the same mission is unimpacted by such philosophical considerations.

In terms of comparing the development, acquisition, operating, and support costs of manned and unmanned aircraft, it is unfortunate for the former that the rise in UAVs has coincided with the birth of the F-35; a project that in the popular consciousness has become something of a byword for profligacy and waste in the defence industry.

When set against the USD1.5 trillion being spent on the F-35 (the most expensive defence programme in history), it is not hard to point to UAVs being a cheaper and more cost effective solution all-round. However, such a comparison would be erroneous, as it would not be comparing like-for-like.

While the F-35 has been built for full-spectrum warfare in denied environments, current UAVs are suited only for ISR and light strike operations in relatively permissive environments - any air threat will all but nullify the use of unmanned aircraft over any battlefield today. Certainly, efforts have already been initiated to develop and build the next-generation of unmanned aircraft that will be able to operate in denied environments, such as the United States' Unmanned Carrier-Launched Airborne Surveillance and Strike (UCLASS) programme, the Franco-British Future Combat Air System (FCAS) and the pan-European nEUROn, but such vehicles are still likely to face the same political challenges to their use as do today's generation of UAVs.

Also, the term 'unmanned' is something of a misnomer, in that the pilot has not been removed from the equation but only relocated to the ground. Paradoxically, today's unmanned aircraft actually require at least as many (and often more) personnel to operate and sustain than do manned fighters. A manned Gripen fighter, say, has one pilot to fly the mission, whereas an unmanned Reaper UAV has a two-man team to launch the aircraft in theatre, this team then hands over the mission portion of the flight to a two/three-man team in the United States, before taking control again for recovery - up to five crew in all. Both platforms require comparable levels of infrastructure and manned support, and so it is hard to see where the manpower and fiscal savings promised by UAVs might actually come from, at least in the near to medium term.

Setting aside Mabus' comments on the F-35 being the last manned fighter that the navy will fly, the Pentagon has actually already begun the process of developing the JSF's replacement and it is not (necessarily) unmanned.

The US Air Force and USN have kick-started what they term to be 6th Generation fighter programmes (referencing the F-35's 5th Generation tag) in the Next Generation Tactical Aircraft (Next Gen TACAIR) programme. Launched in early 2013, Next Gen TACAIR is a Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency-led effort that is at the next generation of air dominance systems and platforms.

Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and Northrop Grumman have each indicated their plans to develop aircraft and compete any future 6th Generation requirement, with the first two releasing conceptual drawings of what their respective aircraft might look like; both of which feature cockpits. While these potential offerings are still very much in their conceptual stages, they are said to feature many of the stealth characteristics synonymous with 5th Generation fighters, but also futuristic enhancements in the fields of propulsion, structures, and avionics. Of perhaps more relevance to the issue as to whether the F-35 will be the last manned fighter, these 6th Generation platforms will likely be optionally manned rather than unmanned.

The concept of an optionally manned platform has a number of advantages over purely manned and unmanned solutions that would strongly suggest that this is the way forward for future fighter designers. Optionally manned provides the best of both worlds, in balancing the reduced risk to aircrews of unmanned with the unparalleled flexibility and capability afforded by a human pilot.

Indeed, the capability request for information for Next Gen TACAIR specifically called for the development of an optionally manned aircraft, serving to underline the direction in which future fighter design is progressing. With Next Gen TACAIR setting out an initial operational capability of approximately 2030, the resulting aircraft would likely serve alongside the F-35 for a number of years before eventually replacing it, amply demonstrating that the death of the fighter pilot is not quite yet nigh.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Zeewier op 28/07/2015 | 23:38 uur
Oorlog is naast logica ook voor een aanzienlijk deel de psychologie van de mens. Er heerst geen overwicht in de geesten van de tegenstander zonder de fysieke aanwezigheid. Bij de eigen troepen heerst dat evenzeer.

Die redenatie gaat ook op bij de uitfasering van de A-10 Thunderbolt. Wie vochten het afschrijven meest aan? De grondtroepen. De A-10 piloten doorlopen een aanzienlijk deel van hun opleiding bij de US Army voor hun anti-tank doctrine. De mannen kennen hun assistentie verlenende A-10 piloten. Het voelt fijn dat als er CAS ondersteuning gevraagd wordt hun A-10 overvliegt om het boordkanon leeg te schieten. Dat trekt voor even alle aandacht. Het voelt fijn als de piloot net als hen de risico's van het slagveld ondervind. En het doordringende BRAAWWW-geluid werkt als moraalbooster. Voor Nederlandse Apache-piloten is om dezelfde reden ook zoveel waardering. Dat stukje dominantie-psychologie kunnen de F-35 of UCAV-kantoorpiloten niet ondervangen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 30/07/2015 | 13:25 uur
Boeing rolls out first Australian Growler

By James Drew, St. Louis | July 29, 2015

Boeing has unveiled the first of 12 Australian EA-18G Growler electronic attack aircraft at a ceremony in St Louis, Missouri, and company officials say the second example is already flight testing.

Once the second aircraft delivers in August, the two examples will be delivered to Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake where Australian pilots are currently training with their US Navy counterparts. Those aircraft will also visit the US Navy's home of airborne electronic warfare at Naval Air Station Whidbey in 2016 before moving Down Under in 2017.

Delivery of the first aircraft, tail number A46-301, is a significant milestone for the Royal Australia Air Force (RAAF), which will soon be able to shut down enemy surface-to-air missile, radars, electronic transmissions, communications equipment across a wide area.

"It really does decrease the risk to all operations whether you're flying a C-17, P-8, Super Hornet or F-35," says former RAAF chief Air Marshal Geoffrey Brown, who attended the 29 July rollout ceremony. "It is truly a unique capability, critical to our future operations."

Daniel Gillian, Boeing Defense, Space & Security's vice-president of F/A-18 and EA-18G programmes, says the Aussie Growler entered flight testing 13 July and the second aircraft is fully assembled and flying. He says it is the 116th Growler delivered to date out of a 165-aircraft programme of record for the Navy and RAAF.

Brown says that unlike the US Navy aircraft, Australia's Growlers will carry Raytheon Advanced Targeting Forward Looking Infrared (ATFLR) pods and AIM-9X Sidewinders. He says those capabilities were added as a direct result of the US Growler's operational experience in Libya as part of Operation Odyssey Dawn.

The air marshal says the Australian jets will also someday carry the US Navy's Next-Generation Jammer, which is in development to replace the current ALQ-99 Tactical Jamming System.

"Our time line will be the same as the US Navy," says Brown. "As the US Navy upgrades this airplane, we'll stay lock-step."

Brown says the Growler is the most impactful new capability since the introduction of the General Dynamics F-111 in the 1970s.

"It's such a big change, and it gives us so many more options than we've ever had before. Never have we had the ability to attack the electronic spectrum the way this airplane will do," he says.

The Growler will be Australia's sixth in-service Boeing type after the E-7A Wedgetail, C-17 Globemaster, CH-47F Chinook and F/A-18 Hornet and Super Hornet.

Brown says the Classic Hornet celebrated its 30th anniversary this year and is "still going as hard as the day it was built". Australian Classic Hornets and Super Hornets are currently supporting the US-led air campaign against Islamic State militant in Iraq and are flying at four times the peacetime rate. "It's an ugly, reliable aircraft. It's bulletproof," he says.

Australia is buying 36 Super Hornets, 12 of which are twin-seat Growlers.

The delivery comes as Australian pilots train on RAAF's first Lockheed Martin F-35A Joint Strike Fighters at Luke AFB in Arizona.

It also comes amid uncertainty over the future of the Boeing Super Hornet production line in St Louis.

Gillian says Boeing has decided to keep the mixed-model line going at a rate of two aircraft per month starting in the first quarter of 2016. The rate was four per month last year and has already gone down to three as existing orders are delivered.

The current Growler programme is expected to wrap up in December 2017, but a Navy order for 12 more Super Hornets and 24-36 orders from an unnamed "Middle East customer" – reportedly Kuwait – would keep the line going through 2019 or 2020.

"The momentum is behind the Super Hornet and we see that holding up," Gillian says. "We're seeing enough demand signals from the market to make a decision to move forward with production."
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 30/07/2015 | 13:42 uur
Typhoon P2E upgrade trials to begin shortly

Gareth Jennings, Warton - IHS Jane's International Defence Review | July 29, 2015

BAE Systems is to begin flight trials of the Phase 2 Enhancements (P2E) package for the Eurofighter Typhoon in the coming weeks, a company official told IHS Jane's on 28 July.

Speaking at the company's Warton facility, Andy Flynn, head of Capability Delivery for the United Kingdom and the NATO Eurofighter and Tornado Management Agency (NETMA), said that work to upgrade Instrumented Production Aircraft (IPA) 6 to the P2E standard is under way at the site, ahead of the commencement of flight trials in August.

"IPA6 is being upgraded to P2E right now. We expect to do engine ground runs next week, to be followed shortly after by approximately 150 flight trials of the configuration [across the international test fleet]. These will run through to the end of the year," he said.

The P2E is the latest in a number of capability enhancements that are being rolled out for the international Typhoon fleet. The earlier P1E(A) and P1E(B) upgrades laid the foundations for the ongoing development work, and afforded the jet a 'swing-role' air-to-air and air-to-surface capability. With P1E now in service with the operators (in the United Kingdom it was introduced under the Interim Force 2015 capability effort), BAE Systems is now under contract to deliver P2E.

P2E, which forms part of the UK's wider-Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF) 2018 capability set, comprises integration of the MBDA Meteor beyond visual range air-to-air missile (BVRAAM), and the MBDA Storm Shadow cruise missile. This phase also includes additional cockpit interface enhancements. "P2E will give the Typhoon the long stick of Meteor and the deep strike of Storm Shadow," Flynn noted.

The single-seat IPA6 testbed will be joined in the P2E flight test campaign by a twin-seat Typhoon that BAE Systems has loaned back from the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD). This aircraft, British Trainer (BT)017, is currently undergoing its 500-hour servicing at Warton, but should be ready to join IPA6 as a P2E-configured jet before the end of 2015. Besides helping with the trials, BT017 will also be used for operational performance evaluations of the enhanced configuration.

As well as the two BAE Systems aircraft, other testbed platforms will be provided by the other Eurofighter consortium nations of Germany, Italy, and Spain also, with the Italians performing Storm Shadow firings in the United Kingdom later in the year.

According to Steve Kenchington, engineering manager of the Typhoon Development Fleet, the P2E flight test campaign will see the Meteor fired first, due to range availability and other factors, to be followed by Storm Shadow and general P2E development work. "We are now within weeks of firing a Meteor missile," he said, adding: "The firings already done on IPA1 in December [2014] were really just to test the missile itself, whereas these will be concerned with integrating it onto the latest standard Typhoon and to test the missile's interaction with the radar."

Assuming that the flight trials are successful, the P2E configuration should be ready for fielding before the end of 2017. While all the nations will upgrade their aircraft to P2E standard, the United Kindgom is leading the way in further enhancements, with BAE Systems also under contract to deliver the P3E upgrade by the end of 2018.

The key feature of P3E, which will deliver the Typhoon component of the UK's Future Force 2020 capability set, is the integration of the MBDA Dual-Mode Brimstone 2 air-to-surface missile with a precision effect against fast-moving targets. This Brimstone 2 capability, when combined with the already-delivered Raytheon Paveway IV precision-guided bomb, and the Meteor and Storm Shadow, will provide the Royal Air Force (RAF) with its Project Centurion configuration for the Typhoon. This configuration is set to be rolled out in 2018 to ensure that there is no capability gap when the Panavia Tornado GR.4 strike aircraft is retired from service in 2019.

The United Kingdom is currently the only partner nation that is committed to P3E, and BAE Systems has already begun work on developing P4E and even P5E. Although these enhancements are still conceptual, they can loosely be defined by the integration of advanced sensors, including the Euroradar Captor electronically scanned (E-Scan) radar; and advanced weapon systems, such as the MBDA Selective Precision Effects At Range (SPEAR) Capability 3 (Cap 3), and the delivery of an Anti-Fast Inshore Attack Craft (FIAC) capability with the Brimstone 2.

The active electronically scanned array (AESA) E-Scan radar is currently in its Extended Assessment Phase (EAP), with an integration contract having been signed in late 2014. BAE Systems is to shortly fit a developmental but fully functioning E-Scan radar into testbed aircraft IPA5, with the aim of commencing trials before the end of 2015.

While P1E to P3E have been contracted, and P4E and P5E are still being defined, there are a number of other developmental projects under way by BAE Systems and the wider Eurofighter consortium that are all geared at enhancing the Typhoon's capabilities. These include the BAE Systems Striker II next-generation helmet, conformal fuel tanks, the Smart Dispensing System for countermeasures, the Common Weapon Launcher, and others. While not currently under contract to any of the operating nations, any or all of these could be offered for future capability drops at the customer's request.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 31/07/2015 | 19:51 uur
Marines Declare Initial Operational Capability on F-35B Joint Strike Fighter

By: Megan Eckstein

July 31, 2015

The Marine Corps declared initial operational capability on its variant of the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF), after a final assessment showed the plane and its crew are not only ready to fight overseas if needed but also maintain and sustain the plane during extended operations.

Voor het gehele artikel, zie link:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 31/07/2015 | 19:57 uur
India signs the IGA with Russia; Development of fifth generation fighter Aircraft

New Delhi, July 31
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Lex op 31/07/2015 | 22:04 uur
Eerste JSF's kunnen worden ingezet

Het marinierskorps van de Verenigde Staten heeft de eerste JSF's (F-35's) operationeel verklaard. Het gaat om een tiental straaljagers die nu kunnen worden ingezet in conflictsituaties, meldt het ministerie van Defensie.

Het zijn F-35B's, een van de drie modellen waar sinds 2001 aan wordt gewerkt. Dit model kan opstijgen vanaf relatief korte landingsbanen. Ook kan het toestel landen als een helikopter.

De tien toestellen zullen voorlopig nog niet daadwerkelijk worden ingezet. De verwachting is dat ze pas begin 2017 naar een Amerikaanse marinebasis in Japan gaan.

Nederland koopt ten minste 37 JSF's. Ook zijn Nederlandse bedrijven betrokken bij de ontwikkeling van het toestel. De JSF's komen vanaf 2019 in Leeuwarden te staan en vanaf 2021 in Volkel.

ANP, 31-07-2015 21:17

Het eerder vermelde bericht is nu dus ook in NL doorgedrongen  :angel:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 04/08/2015 | 08:35 uur
Will Iran Order 150 New Fighter Jets From China?

Is Tehran going on a military shopping spree in Asia?

By Franz-Stefan Gady

August 04, 2015

China allegedly has agreed to sell 150 J-10 multirole fighter jets to Iran, the Israeli military intelligence website DEBKAfile reported last week.

"Beijing has agreed to sell Tehran 150 of these sophisticated jets," the website states, based on information obtained from unnamed intelligence and military sources.

No public officials from either country have denied or confirmed the weapon deal so far. It is also unclear whether the purchase would include the Chengdu J-10A or the modern J-10B version of the plane.

However, according to other media reports earlier last month, Beijing is considering selling the J-10B fighter to potential customers in in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Pakistan reportedly already signed a deal for the purchase of 36 J-10A jets in 2009.

The single-engine Chengdu J-10 is a multirole fighter jet that first entered service with the Chinese air force in 2004 and is purportedly comparable to the U.S. F-16. "The J-10 was a tricky aircraft to build and was beset by numerous design flaws, including a notable failure in its fuel system in the late 1990s," a War is Boring contributor noted. There have been persistent rumors that the J-10 is a replica of Israel's cancelled Lavi fighter jet prototype. One analyst reported in 1996 that "after Israel discontinued the largely U.S.-funded project, it sold China the plans for the Lavi and the associated secret U.S. technology."

The Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group started mass producing the J-10B version of the aircraft last year. Today, at least ten fighter jets are currently in service with the People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) undergoing flight testing. The Chinese air force wants to stand up an entire J-10B fighter jet regiment consisting of 24 aircraft by the end of 2015. There are currently around 270 J-10A in active service with the PLAAF. China Military Online explains the difference between the two versions:

The J-10A fighter is mainly used for territorial air defense, namely [to] intercept and expel the planes which have invaded China's territory. "While the J-10B fighter, as a type of multi-purpose fighter, can not only undertake the territorial air defense tasks, but also carry out active attack," Zhang [Zhang Zhaozhong, a military expert at China's National Defense University (NDU)] analyzed.

According to Chinese aviation experts, the J-10B is 30 percent better than the J-10A in overall performance. IHS Jane's Defense Weekly summarizes in detail key improvements in the upgraded version of the plane:

The J-10B's key differences from the J-10A include a redesigned chin intake, with the lower edge now angled forward and movable ramp replaced by a smaller, fixed, diffuser bulge that also contributes to reduced weight and radar cross-section; a longer nose radome that is believed to house an NRIET active electronically scanned array radar; and an electro-optic targeting sensor (infrared search and track, and laser rangefinder) mounted just forward of the windscreen, offset to starboard. It also has a new electronic warning or countermeasures pod atop the vertical stabilizer.

It remains unclear whether the newer batches of J-10B aircraft will be powered by the Chinese WS-10 turbofan engine or the Russian AL-31FN M1 engine.  The J-10As are all equipped with less powerful AL-31F engines.

Both versions of the plane have an in-flight refueling capability. The J-10 also has beyond visual range air combat and surface attack capabilities. According to Popular Science, the aircraft "can carry both 100km ranged PL-12 air to air missiles and LS-500J laser guided bombs on the same mission. These advanced '4.5+ generation' features places the J-10B in the same class as the F-16 Block 60 (flown only by the UAE), French Rafale, and Eurofighter Typhoon." Both versions of the J-10 are also armed with a single-barrel 23-mm cannon.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 04/08/2015 | 19:40 uur
Confirmed: India's 'Mother of All Defense Deals' Is Dead

New Delhi will, however, issue a new Request for Proposal (RFP) for the purchase of 90 fighter jets very soon.

It is official now: The Indian government has cancelled its $12 billion program to purchase 126 medium multi-role combat aircraft (MMRCA), according to Defense News.

"The RFP issued earlier for procurement of 126 Medium Multi Role Combat Aircraft (MMRCA) has been withdrawn. In this multi-vendor procurement case, the Rafale aircraft met all the performance characteristics stipulated in the Request for Proposal (RFP) during the evaluation conducted by Indian Air Force," a July 30 press release circulated by the Indian Ministry of Defense stated.

The statement provided no additional reasons for the program's cancellation, although the announcement comes as no surprise to observers. Pricing differences as well as the inability to come to a mutually satisfactory arrangement over the question of technological transfers, as well doubts over India's ability to build the plane locally, were the likely main causes for the withdrawal of the RFP.

As I reported back in June (See: "India to Buy Only 36 Rafale Jets"), the price tag for $20 billion MMRCA project went up 2.7 times from the original cost proposal, according to Indian press reports.

Originally, the MMRCA project had India's Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) building 108 out of a 126 total Rafale jets locally, with the first batch of 18 fighter jets directly delivered from France in flyaway condition.

However, New Delhi announced in April of this year that it would only purchase 36 off-the-shelf Rafale fighters in a government-to-government deal instead of the original 126. Back in June, Indian Defense Minister Manohar Parrikar told local press that 126 Rafale aircraft are "way too expensive" and "economically unviable and not required." Purchasing the fighters would have been "a very steep slope to climb financially (...) we are not buying the rest. We are only buying the ... 36," he said.

The current contract under negotiation for the 36 off-the-shelf Rafale - expected to be concluded by the end of 2015 – includes an offset clause which stipulated that France will have to invest 50 percent of the contract value as offsets in India, which could cause further delays. The costs for the 36 Rafale fighters – excluding the maintenance contract and the weapons suite – are estimated at around $4.5 billion.

According to the Times of India, India will very soon invite global defense contractors to once more compete under the "Make in India" campaign to build 90 fighter jets for the Indian Air Force at an estimated cost of $30 billion.

"An RFP is expected to be drafted soon for making 90 MMRCAs in India. A global tender will be floated. The private sector will also have an active participation," a source within the defense ministry told the Times of India.

Out of the 90 aircraft, 54 allegedly will be single-seaters and the remaining 36 tandem-seaters. There is also the possibility for the additional purchase of 45 fighters in a follow-up order, the source added.

The aircraft types that will be reconsidered include all jets from the original bidders such as Russia's MIG-35 (RAC MiG), Swedish Gripen, French Dassault Rafale, American Lockheed Martin F-16IN and Boeing's F/A-18IN Super Hornet and the Eurofighter Typhoon build by the Eurofighter consortium.

The Eurofighter consortium in particular could potentially benefit from the new RFP as I already stated in an article in May:

Germany had consistently lobbied against the purchase of the Rafale aircraft and — among other things — pointed out to New Delhi that the Rafale would only be the cheaper solution to the Eurofighter Typhoon multirole fighter if one excludes maintenance and future upgrade costs from the financial calculations. These lobbying efforts might perhaps be paying off now as India is reconsidering the Eurofighter option.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 06/08/2015 | 16:42 uur
Brazilian Senate approves Gripen financing deal

Gareth Jennings, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly | August 5, 2015

The Brazilian Federal Senate has approved a USD4.6 billion financing agreement for the procurement of 36 Saab Gripen E/F fighter aircraft, the Reuters news agency reported.

The agreement, which was signed on 5 August, ratifies a deal between the Brazilian Ministry of Defence and Swedish Export Credit Corporation for a financing plan for the aircraft that was concluded on 29 July.

Under the arrangement, annual interest rates will be fixed at 2.19%, compared with the 2.54% originally requested by the Swedish government. Sweden had been reluctant to reduce the rate, but was persuaded to do so to prevent the deal becoming a casualty of Brazil's current economic troubles. Brazil has 25 years to repay the loan, with an eight-year grace period.

The Senate's approval of the financing agreement will come as a welcome boost to the Gripen E programme, which had already suffered the misfortune of having the financing arrangement for the sale of 22 aircraft to Switzerland rejected by a popular vote in April 2014. Brazil had already had to cancel plans to lease 12 Gripen C/D aircraft from the Swedish Air Force ahead of the commencement of Gripen E/F deliveries for financial reasons, and the procurement programme could ill afford any further setbacks or significant delays.

Brazil announced its intention to procure 36 Gripen aircraft (28 single-seat Gripen Es and eight twin-seat Gripen Fs) to fulfil its longstanding F-X2 requirement in December 2013. With production of the first 15 airframes to be completed at Saab's Linkoping facility in Sweden, the remainder will be built at a yet-to-be-established line in Brazil. The first aircraft is scheduled for delivery in 2019 and last in 2024.

Beyond the 36 aircraft already ordered, the Brazilian Air Force expects to field a further 72 Gripen E/Fs by the time deliveries are complete. A senior service official previously disclosed that all 108 aircraft will be delivered in three batches running from 2019 through to 2032. It is likely that the two further batches will be wholly assembled in Brazil, as will the aircraft for any future regional customers.

As part of the USD5.4 billion deal for the aircraft, weapons, and support, Saab and the Brazilian Aeronautics Command (COMAER) are to enter into a 10-year agreement for industrial co-operation projects, including technology transfer to Brazilian industry.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 07/08/2015 | 15:48 uur
USAF rolls out first 'Pacer Classic III'-upgraded Talon

Gareth Jennings, London - IHS Jane's International Defence Review | August 6, 2015

The US Air Force (USAF) has rolled out the first Northrop T-38 Talon advanced jet trainer aircraft to be modernised under the 'Pacer Classic III' programme, the service announced on 6 August.

The aircraft was rolled out at the Ogden Air Logistics Complex's (ALC's) 575th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph, Texas, on 31 July.

Under the 'Pacer Classic III' modification effort, the USAF is refurbishing the airframes of 150 of its 453 T-38Cs to sustain them in service out to 2029. With the first now completed, the service is currently working on a further 11 aircraft and expects to receive 17 more in fiscal year 2016. Work on the project should be complete by 2021.

According to officials, it is the largest and most invasive structural modification ever performed on the Talon, with each aircraft taking approximately 8,900 man-hours to go through the process. Brigadier General Carl Buhler, the Ogden ALC commander described the effort in a statement as "a ton of work".

Although the T-38C entered service in 2002, it is based on the T-38A platform which began operations in 1961. Production of the airframe ceased in 1972, at which time more than 1,100 T-38As had been delivered. As well as the 453 T-38Cs that remain in use today, the air force also fields 50 of its original T-38As.

The 'Pacer Classic' programme was initiated by the USAF in 1984 to maintain the structural integrity of the T-38 aircraft up to 2020, with Pacer II starting in 2001 to stretch the life still further to 2026. As noted by IHS Jane's All the World's Aircraft: In Service , the structural element of the projects included replacement of the ejection seats, dorsal longerons, brakes, wheels and flight controls, as well as reinforcing the wing-spar, re-winging, and fitting a new bird-resistant canopy. The avionics of a number of T-38As were modified to the T-38C standard under these efforts also. The 'Pacer Classic III' programme specifically involves replacing fatigue sensitive structural items including the steel dorsal longerons, cockpit longerons, and the upper/lower centre longerons.

The Air Education and Training Command (AETD) uses the T-38 to train pilots for front-line types once they have completed their basic flying training on the Beechcraft T-6A Texan II.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 12/08/2015 | 09:33 uur
USAF's first two combat-coded F-35s take flight

By James Drew, Washington DC | August 11, 2015

The US Air Force's first two combat-coded Lockheed Martin F-35s have come off the assembly line at Fort Worth in Texas, with the second aircraft completing its first flight last week.

Those aircraft, AF-77 and AF-78, are being prepped for delivery to Hill AFB in Utah where they will be operated by the 34th Fighter Squadron, the air force's first operational F-35 group.

The former F-16 squadron known as the "Rude Rams" reactivated in July and aims to declare initial operational capability with at least 12 A-model F-35s in August 2016.

In a statement on its social media account, the squadron's parent unit, the 388th Fighter Wing, said the second aircraft conducted its first production flight test at Fort Worth on 4 August.

"Very soon both AF-77 and AF-78, our first two combat-coded F-35s, will be taking off from the runway at Hill AFB," the wing says, adding in an earlier post that Lockheed has already begun delivering spare parts and supplies to the base for maintenance of the first few aircraft.

The base is already well versed in F-35 maintenance and sustainment, since its Ogden Air Logistics Center is the primary location for F-35A depot maintenance.

The first batch of combat F-35s are due to arrive at the base in September, which will mark the start of the squadron's relatively quick journey toward IOC. The US Marine Corps' first operational F-35 squadron – the "Green Knights" of Marine Corps Air Station Yuma in Arizona – declared IOC with the B-model last month.

As of July 20, Lockheed Martin had delivered 69 F-35As including four for to international customers. The air force's programme of record calls for production of 1763 jets.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 13/08/2015 | 12:35 uur
Russia's T-50 Aircraft Struggling to Take Flight, But Older Su-35 Surging

By Matthew Bodner | Source: The Moscow Times | August 11, 2015

The Indian Air Force has halved its demand for a new Russian-built advanced stealth fighter jet in a move to cut costs and reduce imports, India's Tribune News Service reported Tuesday, citing unidentified Indian military sources.

With about 18 planes in each Indian fighter squadron, New Delhi's purchase of the developmental Sukhoi T-50 aircraft has been downgraded from a promised 127 aircraft to just 65, plus a handful of additional T-50s for training pilots to fly them, according to Tribune.

The new Sukhoi stealth fighter was co-developed by Russia and India, and has a reported price tag of $100 million per unit, according to Tribune. India and Russia finished development of a two-seat version specifically for the Indian Air Force in 2013, but have yet to finalize a contract for manufacturing and delivery of the new planes.

The T-50 fighter is Russia's answer to the U.S. F-22 stealth fighter jet, and is the first new Russian fighter aircraft designed since the fall of the Soviet Union. It sports advanced electronics and sensors, can be used as a fighter jet or a ground attack plane, and is highly maneuverable.

While single-pilot versions of the T-50 are expected to enter service with Russia's Air Force next year, Sukhoi's new jet has been dogged by diminished interest from the Russian government as well.

In March, Deputy Defense Minister Yury Borisov said the Defense Ministry was curtailing its initial order of the T-50, which is scheduled to enter serial production next year, from 52 fighters to a mere 12.

The Air Force will evaluate the performance of the first 12 fighters, and then decide how many the Defense Ministry can afford, Borisov said, promising that the military will continue to procure highly capable Su-35 multirole fighters for the next several years.

The Su-35 is a post-Soviet modernization of the Soviet-designed Su-27 Flanker fighter jet and is Russia's current top of the line aircraft, noted for its extreme maneuverability. The Su-35 and other members of the Flanker family of jets derived from the older Su-27 are Russia's most popular military export items, according to newspaper Vedomosti.

Vedomosti on Tuesday reported that the Defense Ministry will make good on its promise to Sukhoi to buy more Su-35 fighters at the upcoming MAKS airshow outside of Moscow at the end of August.

Citing unidentified defense industry sources, Vedomosti said the Defense Ministry will sign a 100 billion ruble ($1.5 billion) contract for 48 brand new Su-35 fighters, which will keep Sukhoi's production lines busy for several years — the largest Russian fighter contract since 2012.

Russia's United Aircraft Corporation, which owns Sukhoi, declined to comment on the Vedomosti report. All details will be announced at the MAKS signing ceremony, the company's press service said in an e-mail on Tuesday.

Sukhoi is expected this year to complete deliveries of Su-35 airplanes ordered by the Defense Ministry under a 66 billion ruble ($1 billion) contract for 48 planes signed in 2009, when the aircraft were cheaper.'s-t_50-fighter-struggles-while-older-su_35-surges.html
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 14/08/2015 | 10:00 uur
F-35 programme receives first Rockwell Collins Gen 3 helmet

By James Drew, Washington DC | August 13, 2015

The crown jewel in the Lockheed Martin F-35 weapon system, the "Gen 3" F-35 Helmet Mounted Display System, has been delivered after more than a decade of development and will start being cut into the production line next year.

Produced by Rockwell Collins and Elbit Systems' Vision Systems joint venture, the Gen 3 helmet has had a troubled past and is almost as controversial as the fifth-generation fighter aircraft itself, but will soon be ready for service with the first unit delivered this week.

Rockwell announced the helmet delivery in an August 12 statement, saying it will be introduced into the fleet as part of F-35 low-rate initial production Lot 7 in 2016.

It succeeds the less-capable Gen 2 helmet that the Marine Corps used to declare initial operational capability last month, and has been delivered as promised in 2013 when the Pentagon cancelled an alternative helmet programme with BAE Systems.

The high-technology product allows the F-35 to operate without a traditional head-up display, helmet-mounted display or night vision goggles by combining the three systems into a single unit.

The Gen 3 helmet feeds flight information and sensor data to the pilot throughout the flight, and when combine with the Northrop Grumman's F-35 distributed aperture system and six infrared cameras, the pilot can see through the airframe virtually for 360° situational awareness.

"All the information that pilots need to complete their missions – through all weather, day or night – is projected on the helmet's visor," Rockwell says. Gen 2 is essentially a scaled down version that allows current F-35 operators to perform day and night missions and cue weapons and sensors.

The rollout of Gen 3 was delayed several years because of technical problem like jittery data displays and poor resolution. The US Defense Department launched the alternative programme with BAE Systems in 2011, but aborted the programme two years later amid budget cuts and new-found confidence in the original helmet.

Despite the setback, BAE Systems incorporated the technology into the Strike helmet system employed on the Eurofighter Typhoon and Saab Gripen to create "Striker II," which the company now markets as a platform-agnostic alternative to the Rockwell-Elbit Gen 3 system.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 15/08/2015 | 10:52 uur
Russia to launch MiG-31 replacement programme before end of decade

Gareth Jennings, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly | August 13, 2015

Russia is to begin developing a replacement for the MiG-31 'Foxhound' interceptor before the end of the decade, state media reported on 12 August.

Development of the next-generation PAK-DP (Predpolagayemyy vozdukha Kompleks dlya Dal'ney Perekhvat - Prospective Air Complex for Long-Range Interception) aircraft is to start in 2019, the TASS news agency quoted the commander in chief of Russia's Air and Space Forces, Colonel General Viktor Bondarev as saying.

The Russian Air Force (VVS) is currently upgrading 130 of its approximately 200 'Foxhound' aircraft to the latest MiG-31BM standard. This upgrade encompasses the aircraft's avionics, cockpit displays, datalinks, radar, and fire control systems, and will see the fuselage and landing gear refurbished also.

By the time this process is complete by the end of 2019, the MiG-31BM will be fit to serve through to the 2030s. Even so, the VVS has said that it is looking to field a replacement in about the 2028 timeframe. Specific details, such as performance specifications, pertaining to this PAK-DP replacement have not yet been released.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 17/08/2015 | 11:39 uur
Syria reportedly receives MiG-31 interceptors from Russia

The Syrian government has received six MiG-31 'Foxhound' interceptor aircraft from Russia under a deal that was said to have been signed in 2007, a regional media source has reported.

The aircraft recently arrived at Mezze Airbase on the outskirts of Damascus, the Turkish BGN News agency reported on 16 August.

Syria was reported to have ordered eight MiG-31 combat aircraft as part of a wider defence deal with Russia in 2007. Although this deal was confirmed at the time by the head of the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC), Alexei Fyodorov, it was later denied by Anatoly Isaykin, director of state arms export bureau Rosoboronexport, who in 2010 described the sale as "a journalistic hoax".
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 17/08/2015 | 12:16 uur
Je vraagt je toch af wat ze daar mee moeten....
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 17/08/2015 | 12:19 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 17/08/2015 | 12:16 uur
Je vraagt je toch af wat ze daar mee moeten....

Ja, maar geeft ook nog steeds aan dat de relatie met Rusland nog steeds goed is en er "gewoon" geleverd wordt.
De strijd tegen IS, komt nu wel goed uit.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 17/08/2015 | 12:59 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 17/08/2015 | 12:16 uur
Je vraagt je toch af wat ze daar mee moeten....
Amerikaanse en Turkse verkenningsvliegtuigen weren van boven het gebied dat het regime nog wel controleert?! Verzet bieden tegen het Amerikaans/Turkse plan voor een zone in Noord-Syrie?!...die gepaard zal gaan met een no-fly-zone.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 17/08/2015 | 13:01 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 17/08/2015 | 12:19 uur
Ja, maar geeft ook nog steeds aan dat de relatie met Rusland nog steeds goed is en er "gewoon" geleverd wordt.
De strijd tegen IS, komt nu wel goed uit.
iets wat propaganda-technisch stevig tegen de Russen wordt uitgespeeld nu. Steunen van een regime dat moordpartijen en bloedbaden aanricht. Klaarblijkelijk is deze relatie van zo'n groot strategisch belang voor de Russen dat ze dit op de koop toenemen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 17/08/2015 | 13:22 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 17/08/2015 | 13:01 uur
iets wat propaganda-technisch stevig tegen de Russen wordt uitgespeeld nu. Steunen van een regime dat moordpartijen en bloedbaden aanricht. Klaarblijkelijk is deze relatie van zo'n groot strategisch belang voor de Russen dat ze dit op de koop toenemen.

Russische bijdrage aan Syrië als ondersteuningsprogramma, in de "gezamelijke" strijd tegen de IS.
Anderen leveren geweren, helmen en vesten e.d. voor de stijd  en Rusland verkoopt vliegtuigen   
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 17/08/2015 | 13:39 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 17/08/2015 | 13:22 uur
Russische bijdrage aan Syrië als ondersteuningsprogramma, in de "gezamelijke" strijd tegen de IS.
Anderen leveren geweren, helmen en vesten e.d. voor de stijd  en Rusland verkoopt vliegtuigen   
Dan had Syrië beter een aantal MiG-29 of een Flanker variant erbij kunnen bestellen. Met een pure onderschepper als de MiG-31 doen ze weinig tegen IS.

Het zal Rusland een worst wezen aan wie zij leveren, als er maar wordt betaald. Zij leveren ook van alles aan Egypte en Irak.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 17/08/2015 | 14:05 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 17/08/2015 | 13:39 uur
Dan had Syrië beter een aantal MiG-29 of een Flanker variant erbij kunnen bestellen. Met een pure onderschepper als de MiG-31 doen ze weinig tegen IS.

dat klopt, maar daar ging het mij niet om, hadden beter kunnen gaan voor een Mig-35

Citaat van: Sparkplug op 17/08/2015 | 13:39 uur
Het zal Rusland een worst wezen aan wie zij leveren, als er maar wordt betaald. Zij leveren ook van alles aan Egypte en Irak.

precies, eigen agenda.   Maar dat hebben andere landen ook, zoals de Frankrijk en de VS
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 17/08/2015 | 15:15 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 17/08/2015 | 13:22 uur
Russische bijdrage aan Syrië als ondersteuningsprogramma, in de "gezamelijke" strijd tegen de IS.
Anderen leveren geweren, helmen en vesten e.d. voor de stijd  en Rusland verkoopt vliegtuigen   
Ik denk dat het meer te maken heeft met de Russische invloed...en voet aan de de regio. Die stond jarenlang zwaar onder druk door met name het Amerikaanse beleid in de regio. Nu draait dat weer bij....ook de ontwikkelingen rond Iran.....en zou dat wel eens tot juist meer Russische druk op het Syrische regime kunnen leiden. Al lijkt dat voorlopig nog van niet. Maar goed terug naar het topic.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 21/08/2015 | 10:02 uur
F-35A Fires 25mm Gun at Full Capacity

Edwards AFB | August 20, 2015

An F-35A fired 181 rounds from its four-barrel, 25 mm Gatling gun during a ground test at Edwards Air Force Base, California, earlier this month. The gun is embedded in the F-35A's left wing and will provide pilots with the ability to strafe air-to-ground or air-to-air targets.

The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Integrated Test Force aims to complete ground testing this month and start airborne gun testing in the fall. At the end of the program's system development and demonstration phase in 2017, the F-35 will have an operational gun.

The first phase of F-35 gun testing started June 9, when initial shots were fired from the ground at the base's gun harmonizing range. Over the next few months, the amount of munitions fired gradually increased until the 181 rounds were fired August 14. To conduct the testing, an F-35 flight sciences aircraft, AF-2, underwent instrumentation modifications and used a production version of the GAU-22/A gun. The ground tests were designed using software to replicate being in flight and the aircraft used a target practice round, PGU-23/U, which does not explode on impact. 

In integrating a weapon into the stealthy F-35 aircraft, the gun must be kept hidden behind closed doors, reducing its radar cross section, until the trigger is engaged. The tests certify the gun's ability to spin up and down correctly.  The GAU-22/A system will be further tested with a line production F-35A next year for integration with the jet's full avionics and mission systems capabilities. Test pilots will then observe qualitative effects, such as muzzle flash, human factors, and flying qualities. The F-35 test team will also monitor the GAU-22/A's performance and ensure all systems work as designed, validating that the aircraft can withstand the loads of a firing the gun, mitigating potential effects including vibrations, acoustics and airflow.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 21/08/2015 | 10:54 uur
Navy To Test F-35C Off Eisenhower in October

By Lara Seligman | August 20, 2015

WASHINGTON — The US Navy is planning at-sea testing of the carrier variant joint strike fighter in the first few weeks of October aboard the aircraft carrier USS Eisenhower, according to several sources.

The upcoming sea trials will mark the second phase of developmental testing for the Lockheed Martin-made F-35C.


Zie onderstaande link voor het complete artikel.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 21/08/2015 | 11:28 uur
New USAF strategy suggests A-10 replacement

Key Points
•A 2015 Air Combat Command strategy said the USAF plans to "explore opportunities" for a new CAS capability
•The document also mentioned the need for CAS capability across platforms and initiatives to maintain a CAS culture, so a new aircraft is only one of the options advocated

A new US Air Force (USAF) strategy document has suggested the development of a future close-air support (CAS) platform.

Released on 10 August by the US Air Combat Command (ACC), the 2015 strategy said the service plans to "explore opportunities" for development of a new CAS capability. "We must ... continue to develop a balanced close air support capability across all [Global Precision Attack] platforms, explore opportunities for a future CAS platform, and enact specific initiatives to ensure we maintain a CAS culture," the document said.

The USAF's fiscal year 2015 plan to retire its legacy CAS aircraft, the Fairchild-Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II, met with resistance in the US Congress. Powerful lawmakers opposed the move, arguing that multirole aircraft such as the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter are not an entirely suitable substitute for the heavily armoured A-10.

The air force has made the argument for the A-10 retirement almost entirely on cost grounds. The USD4.5 billion in cost avoidance, as well as the movement of maintenance personnel to the F-35 programme, are critical to the health of the latter, according to USAF officials. However, the USAF has also argued that the A-10 is not suitable for use against adversaries capable of deploying sophisticated air defenses. With the proliferation of anti-access/area denial (A2/AD) capabilities the strategy document argues for modernisation of legacy fleets where possible, as well as for buying new fifth-generation aircraft.

A multiservice CAS summit earlier this year confirmed the USAF plans to retire the aircraft, but did not yield plans for a new CAS aircraft. However, ACC chief General Herbert Carlisle has alluded to the possibility of a new platform. "A follow-on may be something we need to think about," he said in February. "Another weapons system programme may be something we need to consider as we look at the gaps and seams in the future and what we're doing."
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 24/08/2015 | 10:36 uur
"Egypt buys 62 MiG-fighters"

Egypt is closing a deal with Russia to buy not 24, or 46 – as earlier reported – but even up to 62 Mikoyan-Gurevich designed MiG-29 and/or MiG-35 Fulcrum fighters from Russia's United Aircraft Corporation, sources in the Middle East say.

For months there have been conflicting reports on the type and number of Fulcrums the Egyptian Air Force is likely to get. In May we at reported that Cairo was in fact interested in the MiG-35 – which is a further development of the MiG-29. We won't rule out a combination deal: 48 MiG-29SMTs and 24 MiG-35s – or 46 MiG-35s and 26 MiG-29SMTs. But a day after the renewed rumours, Moscow officials denied any immediate plans to deliver MiGs to Egypt.

The Russian-made fighter aircraft will augment the 24 Dassault Rafale jets Egypt ordered in France this year, as well as the increasing fleet of US-made Lockheed Martin F-16 Fighting Falcons – with 12 new aircraft expected to augment the 288 already on strength.

The new Russian MiGs will be first and foremost be used to replace the aging MiG-21 Fishbed, with about 56 of them still serving. The Egypian Air Force also operates 57 somewhat similar Chengdu J-7s provided by China, as well as 18 Dassault Mirage 2000s. Several tens of Mirage Vs (out of 82 delivered) are also on duty.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 24/08/2015 | 11:03 uur
Als je ziet wat een landje als Egypte in het inventory heeft moeten wij ons echt heel hard schamen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 24/08/2015 | 11:09 uur
Tegenstrijdige berichten over de leveringen aan Egypte en Syrië.

Russia has no plans of supplying MiG-29 fighters to Egypt

MOSCOW, August 21 /TASS/. The Russian State Corporation MiG does not have a contract for delivery of MiG-29 fighter aircraft to Egypt, the company's press secretary, Anastasiya Kravchenko, told TASS on Friday.

"Rumours about our promising contracts are exaggerated and are nothing but speculations," Kravchenko said commenting media reports that the MiG company was going to supply aircraft to Egypt.

Last year, the Russian State Corporation MiG said it expected to sign a contract for the delivery of MiG-35 fighter aircraft to Egypt. Early this year, Egypt concluded a contract with France for the delivery of 24 Dassault Rafale fighter aircraft having become the first foreign country to order this type of planes. In addition to that, US President Barrack Obama decided to resume military supplies to Egypt, including 12 F-16 aircraft, in spring this year.

No plans to supply MiG-31 warplanes to Syria

The MiG corporation also said it never supplied and is not planning to supply MiG-31 interceptor aircraft to Syria, the company's general director said.

"We have not delivered this aircraft to Syria and are not going to supply them there," Sergey Korotkov told reporters.

MiG corporation to supply 32 aircraft to Russian, foreign customers in 2015 — CEO

MOSCOW, August 21. /TASS/. The Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG will supply 32 aircraft to customers in Russia and abroad this year, the company's CEO told reporters on Friday.

"The corporation will deliver 32 aircraft this year intended for both the Russian Defense Ministry and foreign customers," Sergey Korotkov said.

He noted that the MiG-29K deck-based fighters would be supplied to India. "In accordance with the contract, we will deliver 8 aircraft there," he said.

Earlier reports said that the deliveries of the MiG-29 deck-based fighters to India would be completed by the end of 2016. Deputy Director of the Russian Federal Service for Military and Technical Cooperation (FSMTC) Anatoly Punchuk said in February that the Indian military had received 33 of the 45 ordered aircraft at that time.

Furthermore, the MiG corporation supplies deck-based fighters to the Russian Navy, which ordered 24 such aircraft. The company is also due to deliver a total of 16 MiG-29SMT fighter planes to the Russian Defense Ministry in 2015 and 2016, the relevant contract was signed last year.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: JdL op 24/08/2015 | 11:22 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 24/08/2015 | 11:03 uur
Als je ziet wat een landje als Egypte in het inventory heeft moeten wij ons echt heel hard schamen.
Maar als je kijkt hoeveel verschillende typen ze hebben waarvan de meeste in relatief kleine aantallen moet de onderdelenvoorziening denk ik een geldverslindend aspect zijn binnen de Egyptisch luchtmacht
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 24/08/2015 | 14:36 uur
Citaat van: johandeleeuw2002 op 24/08/2015 | 11:22 uur
Maar als je kijkt hoeveel verschillende typen ze hebben waarvan de meeste in relatief kleine aantallen moet de onderdelenvoorziening denk ik een geldverslindend aspect zijn binnen de Egyptisch luchtmacht
Tja je moet toch wat als je niet teveel op 1 leverancier wilt en kunt vertrouwen en allerlei strategische veiligheidsdeals met betrokken landen afsluit zo...handig is het inderdaad niet nee.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: JdL op 24/08/2015 | 18:54 uur
Ik snap dat ze niet van 1 leverancier afhankelijk willen zijn
Maar koop dan bvb 3 verschillende typen in grote aantallen ipv 5 verschillende in kleine aantallen(uitgezonderd de F-16 en MiG-21 die wel in grote aantallen aanwezig zijn)

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 24/08/2015 | 20:19 uur
Citaat van: johandeleeuw2002 op 24/08/2015 | 18:54 uur
Ik snap dat ze niet van 1 leverancier afhankelijk willen zijn
Maar koop dan bvb 3 verschillende typen in grote aantallen ipv 5 verschillende in kleine aantallen(uitgezonderd de F-16 en MiG-21 die wel in grote aantallen aanwezig zijn)
ja....dat zal denk ik het element zijn van de strategische deals..en om zo landen te vriend te houden...of kritiekloos...
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 25/08/2015 | 09:20 uur
Welsh: F-35 vs. A-10 Testing a 'Silly Exercise'   ( een artikel met interessante uitspraken ... ! )


The F-35 will be able to perform high-threat close-air support in contested environments the A-10 could never survive, Welsh told reporters, although he noted the aircraft won't be fully operational until 2021 and beyond.


Still, Welsh noted the Air Force never intended to use the multi-role fighter jet as a direct replacement for the A-10, which is a single-mission platform dedicated to close-in attack.

"The idea that the F-35 is going to walk in this door next year when it [reaches initial operational capability] and take over for the A-10 is just silly," Welsh said. "It has never been our intent and we've never said that, so that's not a plan."


Welsh said he would like to see an A-10 replacement, often referred to as A-X, that can perform the low-threat CAS mission even better than the legacy Warthog. Service officials have recently indicated a notional A-X might be in the works.


Given the tight budget environment, retiring the A-10 is a crucial step in the Air Force's plans to modernize its fleet, Secretary Deborah Lee James said during the press conference. ..... — but if we had billions more we would love to maintain the A-10

eigenlijk zijn het tegenstrijdige uitspraken, vanaf het begin is de JSF genoemd om de taken van de A-10, F-16, Harrier over te nemen en nu niet meer ?
Ze willen de A-10 weg bezuinigen, om geld vrij te krijgen voor het F-35 programma, maar ze willen de A-10 wel vervangen door een nieuw te ontwikkelen platform (vliegtuig) om de CAS taken uit te kunnen voeren. En dat is geen F-35.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 25/08/2015 | 14:11 uur
'F-22 Raptors jets to Europe'

In what is considered a fact by news outlets after a somewhat vague remark by US air force secretary Deborah James in the Pentagon, US F-22 Raptor fighter jets are apparently preparing to deploy to Europe. The move is aimed at showing Russia that the US is concerned about Moscow's increased military activities over the few years, especially those in Ukraine.

No time, date or specific destination were mentioned for the F-22, the aircraft that saw its combat debut only last year during the start of operations against IS over Syria. The state-of the-art Raptor did deploy to Japan a few times already as a show of force to North Korea.

If the F-22s indeed fly to Europe, likely hosts are RAF Lakenheath in the UK or Spangdahlem airbase in Germany. The latter hosted a batch of US Air Force A-10 attack aircraft earlier this year.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 26/08/2015 | 09:17 uur
Russia Developing Fifth Generation Lightweight Fighter Jet

Russia's nascent fleet of fifth generation fighter jets could welcome a new member of the cutting-edge aircraft family in the years to come: Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG is currently developing a brand new lightweight fighter jet.

The new concept is loosely based on Mikoyan Project 1.44 (NATO reporting name: Flatpack). The venture was meant to create an alternative to the US' Advanced Tactical Fighter (ATF) project which gave birth to the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor.

The aircraft boasting advanced avionics, stealth technology, supermaneuverability and supercruise made its first flight in 2000 but the project was soon shut down.

"We are using the experience gained in Project 1.44 in our new undertakings," MiG's CEO Sergei Korotkov told Rossiyskaya Gazeta. He added that the new aircraft will also use the technology developed for the Mikoyan MiG-35 (NATO reporting name: Fulcrum-F) multirole air superiority fighter.


Read more:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 31/08/2015 | 11:39 uur
Pentagon will pit F-35 against older-generation fighters in CAS evaluations

The Pentagon's Office of Operational Test and Evaluation will make the F-35 undergo a series of tests on the close-air support mission in 2018.

During those evaluations, legacy aircraft such as the A-10 will be brought in so that any gaps, or improvements in capability can be observed first hand

Extra info/artikel :
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 31/08/2015 | 11:57 uur
Lockheed to Modify F-35A Design for Israel

(EDITOR'S NOTE:  European F-35 partners are forced to accept standard (but degraded) F-35 aircraft, and are struggling to obtain access to the aircraft's software source codes and to its innards for maintenance purposes.
They also have to obtain US approval for any changes to the aircraft and to its weapons.
Israel, however, benefits from a specially-adapted airframe design and freedom to install its own electronic systems and weapons even though it is not a program partner.)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 31/08/2015 | 12:09 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 31/08/2015 | 11:57 uur
(EDITOR'S NOTE:  European F-35 partners are forced to accept standard (but degraded) F-35 aircraft, and are struggling to obtain access to the aircraft's software source codes and to its innards for maintenance purposes.
Dit soort quotes lees ik vaker. Vraag mij af op welke feiten het wordt gebaseerd. De F-16A/B van de eerste vijf landen waren tot de komst van de F-16C/D ook volledig identiek.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 31/08/2015 | 12:20 uur
Israël heeft het wel voor elkaar gekregen dat zij hun eigen versie krijgen en dus dat er wel eigen apparatuur geïnstalleerd wordt en kan worden.

En ja, je kunt je afvragen wil je wel afwijken van standaard, maar goed. .....
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: DvdW op 31/08/2015 | 12:22 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 31/08/2015 | 12:20 uur
Israël heeft het wel voor elkaar gekregen dat zij hun eigen versie krijgen en dus dat er wel eigen apparatuur geïnstalleerd wordt en kan worden.

En ja, je kunt je afvragen wil je wel afwijken van standaard, maar goed. .....
Alsof de "standaard" zaligmakend is. En wat is nog "standaard" tegenwoordig. Wij doen hetzelfde met tal van wapensystemen (Boxer, cv90, leo 2a6 nl, etc.)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 31/08/2015 | 13:21 uur
Citaat van: DvdW op 31/08/2015 | 12:22 uur
Alsof de "standaard" zaligmakend is. En wat is nog "standaard" tegenwoordig. Wij doen hetzelfde met tal van wapensystemen (Boxer, cv90, leo 2a6 nl, etc.)

Klopt, dan kun je je afvragen waarom dan niet bij de F-35 ? .... tja, misschien ligt het antwoord wel in de VS

"standaard" zou in de basis onderhoudstechnisch en aankooptechnisch voordeliger moeten zijn, waarbij "standaard" geldt bij de F-35A dat landen als de VS, Noorwegen, Italië, Japan, Australie e.d. hetzelfde versie toestel aanschaffen, dus alleen de roundel verschilt   
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 31/08/2015 | 13:23 uur
Citaat van: DvdW op 31/08/2015 | 12:22 uur
Alsof de "standaard" zaligmakend is. En wat is nog "standaard" tegenwoordig. Wij doen hetzelfde met tal van wapensystemen (Boxer, cv90, leo 2a6 nl, etc.)

Vaak moet je inderdaad ook wel. Wij gebruiken bijvoorbeeld andere radio's als de Duitsers.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 31/08/2015 | 13:27 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 31/08/2015 | 12:09 uur
Dit soort quotes lees ik vaker. Vraag mij af op welke feiten het wordt gebaseerd. De F-16A/B van de eerste vijf landen waren tot de komst van de F-16C/D ook volledig identiek.

Was natuurlijk wel een veel simpeler toestel, in een andere tijd, export van technologieën is nog meer aan banden gelegd, o.a. dmv ITAR.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 31/08/2015 | 13:36 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 31/08/2015 | 13:27 uur
Was natuurlijk wel een veel simpeler toestel, in een andere tijd, export van technologieën is nog meer aan banden gelegd, o.a. dmv ITAR.
De F-16A/B was en is inderdaad een simpele uitvoering, maar geen uitgeklede uitvoering zoals de F-4F t.o.v. de F-4E. Een Amerikaanse F-16A kon niets meer of minder dan een Deense F-16A. Echt uitgeklede versies voor NAVO landen bestaan niet meer.

Dat Israël hun F-35 toestellen naar eigen inzicht wil kunnen modificeren is voor hun niet meer dan logisch. Ze willen hun eigen industrie kunnen betrekken voor de avionica en bewapening. Al vanaf de tijd van de Mirage III, A-4 Skyhawk (II) en F-4 Phantom II komen ze met eigen authentieke uitvoeringen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 31/08/2015 | 15:50 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 31/08/2015 | 13:36 uur
De F-16A/B was en is inderdaad een simpele uitvoering, maar geen uitgeklede uitvoering zoals de F-4F t.o.v. de F-4E. Een Amerikaanse F-16A kon niets meer of minder dan een Deense F-16A. Echt uitgeklede versies voor NAVO landen bestaan niet meer.

Dat Israël hun F-35 toestellen naar eigen inzicht wil kunnen modificeren is voor hun niet meer dan logisch. Ze willen hun eigen industrie kunnen betrekken voor de avionica en bewapening. Al vanaf de tijd van de Mirage III, A-4 Skyhawk (II) en F-4 Phantom II komen ze met eigen authentieke uitvoeringen.

Dat bedoel ik ook, de F16 was een simpel toestel, weinig techniek die geheim gehouden moest worden. Anders dan bij de 'high end' toestellen zoals de F4, F15 en F22, welke in het geheel niet meer geëxporteerd werd.

Daarbij is het niet alleen zo dat bepaalde landen uitgeklede varianten krijgen, het is ook zo dat landen niet altijd toegang krijgen tot de technologie die ze wel krijgen, zoals de software. En dat geld ook voor NATO landen, w.o. Nederland, denk bijvoorbeeld aan de berichten rondom de CM voor de AH-64.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Poleme op 01/09/2015 | 01:44 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 31/08/2015 | 13:36 uur
De F-16A/B was en is inderdaad een simpele uitvoering, maar geen uitgeklede uitvoering zoals de F-4F t.o.v. de F-4E. Een Amerikaanse F-16A kon niets meer of minder dan een Deense F-16A. Echt uitgeklede versies voor NAVO landen bestaan niet meer.
De F-16A/B's van de European Participating Air Force's konden echt niet alles wat US Air Force F-16A/B's wel konden.
Denk daarbij vooral aan het vaardigheden pakket van de APG-66 boord radar.
Alle EPAF F-16A/B's waren wel indentiek aan elkaar tot aan de Operational Capability Upgrade.
Belgie deed maar ten dele mee, door haar motoren (nog) niet op te waarderen van F100 PW-200 naar de betrouwbaardere F100 PW-220.
En zij bouwden geen tweede generator in.  Die de andere landen wel noodzakelijk achten i.v.m. lange vluchten
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 01/09/2015 | 03:16 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 31/08/2015 | 11:57 uur
Lockheed to Modify F-35A Design for Israel

(EDITOR'S NOTE:  European F-35 partners are forced to accept standard (but degraded) F-35 aircraft, and are struggling to obtain access to the aircraft's software source codes and to its innards for maintenance purposes.
They also have to obtain US approval for any changes to the aircraft and to its weapons.
Israel, however, benefits from a specially-adapted airframe design and freedom to install its own electronic systems and weapons even though it is not a program partner.)

wat is dat nu weer voor onzin over degraded F35\..s
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 01/09/2015 | 08:53 uur
The Raptors have landed, in Germany

The muscle to show Russia the United States means business has arrived. The meanest, leanest, winged US military asset has landed on Spangdahlem Airbase in Western Germany early in the evening of 28 August 2015. It marked the first deployment for the Raptor Pack as Rapid Reaction Force in Europe. caught them on the spot.

Four Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptors flew from Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, across the Atlantic to give a clear signal that Washington is committed to the protection of its European NATO allies, although four birds don't make a summer. Sixty airmen accompany the temporary deployment that was supported by a Boeing C-17A Globemaster III strategic airlifter with some necessary support equipment. The supporting tanker aircraft headed for Mildenhall airbase in the UK.

A remark at the Pentagon last week pointed to the Raptors being deployed to Europe. Their exact destination and arrival remained unknown – or better; untold – until just one day prior to their actual arrival at Spangdahlem.

Enemy radar
The F-22 is the world's most advanced fighter jet currently in operational service. Costing more than 150 million dollar a piece, the US Air Force received the last of 187 ordered Raptors in 2012. The aircraft has three internal weapon bays, making it hard to detect by enemy radar as long as it keeps the weapon bays shut. The main bay can accommodate six launchers for beyond-visual-range missiles and two side bays for short-range missiles.

Four launchers can be replace with racks for up to 1,000 lb (450kg) bombs or Joint Direct Attack Munition and Small-Diamater Bombs, a secondary attack option that the Raptors first fielded in a real war situation over Syria in 2014.

X-Mas Trees
However, for this Rapid Reaction kind of deployment to Germany, military radars – including Russian ones if within range – must have been able to track the F-22s all the way like they were flying X-Mas Trees. The landing birds of prey were carrying external fuel tanks that likely mess up their stealthy features completely – apart from looking aesthetically weird. But the extra wing tanks do make long-distance flights much more comfortable, when range and as few in-flight refuelling moments as possible are something to consider too.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 01/09/2015 | 09:11 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 01/09/2015 | 01:44 uur
De F-16A/B's van de European Participating Air Force's konden echt niet alles wat US Air Force F-16A/B's wel konden.
Denk daarbij vooral aan het vaardigheden pakket van de APG-66 boord radar.
Alle EPAF F-16A/B's waren wel indentiek aan elkaar tot aan de Operational Capability Upgrade.
Belgie deed maar ten dele mee, door haar motoren (nog) niet op te waarderen van F100 PW-200 naar de betrouwbaardere F100 PW-220.
En zij bouwden geen tweede generator in.  Die de andere landen wel noodzakelijk achten i.v.m. lange vluchten
Ok, I stand corrected. Hoe groot was het verschil van de APG-66 radar in Amerikaanse dienst en Europese dienst? Bestond dit verschil al voor 1984 toen de F-16C/D verscheen?

Edit. Het verschil met de APG-66(V)1 van de F-16A/B ADF variant was mij al wel bekend.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 02/09/2015 | 21:56 uur
Lockheed Martin contracted to deliver Block 3F software for F-35

Gareth Jennings, London - IHS Jane's International Defence Review | 1 September 2015

Lockheed Martin has been contracted to deliver Block 3F software for the F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter for the US and UK militaries.

The USD311.4 million contract announced by the Department of Defense (DoD) on 1 September covers delivery of the aircraft's full combat software to the US Air Force (USAF) (46%), US Marine Corps (USMC) (27%), US Navy (20%), and the United Kingdom (7%). According to the notification, work is expected to be competed in September 2021.

The F-35's software and capability blocks are broken down into Block 1A - initial training, Block 1B - advanced training 1, Block 2A - advanced training 2, Block 2B (initial combat capability), Block 3i (initial full capability), and Block 3F (full combat capability).

The USMC recently declared initial operating capability (IOC) for its F-35B jets with the Block 2B software, enabling the fleet to conduct close air support, offensive and defensive counter air, air interdiction, assault support escort, and armed reconnaissance missions. Block 3i provides the same tactical capabilities as Block 2B, with the principal difference being the implementation of the updated Integrated Core Processor. The USAF will declare IOC for its F-35As, with one squadron of aircraft at the Block 3i standard in the third quarter of 2016.

Block 3F provides 100% of the software required for full warfighting capability, including but not limited to datalink imagery, full weapons, and embedded training. Mission Systems Block 3F software development is 98% complete and due to be rolled out in the third quarter of 2017. After Block 3F, further block upgrades will be developed and introduced. The DoD is currently balancing its future priorities with expected budgets as it looks to define its Block 4 requirements.

The USAF has a requirement for 1,763 conventional take-off and landing F-35As, the first of which was received at the Integrated Training Center at Eglin Air Force Base (AFB) in 2011. The USAF will declare IOC in 2016. The USMC has a requirement for 353 F-35Bs and 67 F-35Cs, with the first having arrived at Naval Air Station (NAS) Patuxent River in Maryland in 2010. The service declared IOC of the F-35B in July. The US Navy has a requirement for 260 F-35Cs. It currently flies the variant at NAS Patuxent River and Eglin AFB. NAS Lemoore in California will be home to the service's first operational squadron, with IOC set for 2018-19.

The United Kingdom has a requirement for 138 F-35Bs for the Royal Air Force (RAF) and Royal Navy, with final numbers set to be announced at the Strategic Defence and Security Review planned for later this year. Parliament has authorised the procurement of the first 14 F-35Bs as part of the overall programme of record, the first eight of which have been contracted (including four training and test platforms). In February 2015 the RAF's 17 Reserve Squadron was designated the United Kingdom's operational test and evaluation squadron at Edwards AFB. In 2016 the first operational unit - 617 'Dambusters' Squadron - is to stand up at Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort before transferring to the type's homebase of RAF Marham in 2018. This unit will be joined at the same location shortly after by 809 'Immortals' Naval Air Squadron.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: ARM-WAP op 02/09/2015 | 23:42 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 02/09/2015 | 21:56 uur
The United Kingdom has a requirement for 138 F-35Bs for the Royal Air Force (RAF) and Royal Navy, with final numbers set to be announced at the Strategic Defence and Security Review planned for later this year.
Die komen er niet... geen 138...
Ook hier wordt er bespaard...
Dan wel (proberen) vast te houden aan die 2% (GDP) Defence Spending... maar dat moet ook gespreid worden over grote, dure programma's...
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 03/09/2015 | 09:12 uur
Citaat van: ARM-WAP op 02/09/2015 | 23:42 uur
Die komen er niet... geen 138...
Ook hier wordt er bespaard...
Dan wel (proberen) vast te houden aan die 2% (GDP) Defence Spending... maar dat moet ook gespreid worden over grote, dure programma's...
Het is inderdaad nog steeds veel. Het aantal van 48 stuks passeert ook regelmatig de revue. De aanstaande Strategic Defence and Security Review moet hierop een antwoord geven.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Zander op 03/09/2015 | 11:09 uur
Ook in de Britse politieke arena komt men steeds vaker op het onderwerp defensie budget. En ze zijn zich aan de overkant toch altijd meer bewust geweest van de rest van de wereld dan wij.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 03/09/2015 | 11:31 uur
Citaat van: Zander op 03/09/2015 | 11:09 uur
Ook in de Britse politieke arena komt men steeds vaker op het onderwerp defensie budget. En ze zijn zich aan de overkant toch altijd meer bewust geweest van de rest van de wereld dan wij.

Maar ook zij hebben behoorlijk wat grote dossiers aankomend. Net als bij ons o.a. het gevolg van het interen op reserves tijdens operaties in Afghanistan en Iraq, gebrekkige investeringen waardoor een boeggolf effect ontstaat, en grote schade als gevolg van het rucksichtloss in de uitverkoop zetten van bepaalde capaciteiten.

Ik hoop dat ze voldoende toestellen krijgen om redelijkerwijs met hun twee carriers te kunnen opereren, maar 138 zie ik er daar niet komen. 
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 03/09/2015 | 15:36 uur
First Operational F-35As Arrive At Hill AFB

U.S. Air Force | September 2, 2015

HILL AFB, Utah --- The Air Force ushered in a new era of combat air power today, as Hill Air Force Base received the service's first two operational F-35As.

Hill's active duty 388th Fighter Wing and Reserve 419th Fighter Wing will be the first combat-coded units to fly and maintain the Air Force's newest fifth-generation fighter aircraft.

"Make no mistake, we're built for this. We will deliver the combat capability that our nation so desperately needs to meet tomorrow's threats," 388th Fighter Wing commander, Col. David B. Lyons, told the crowd of Airmen and community members.

Lyons, who flew one of the F-35s to Hill from Lockheed Martin's production facility in Fort Worth, Texas, highlighted the jets stealth ability, advanced technology, avionics and sensor fusion, which allow pilots the flexibility to operate in "contested environments" and strike "tough to reach" targets.

Hill has been called the "ideal home" for the F-35 because of its proximity to the Utah Test and Training Range and Hill's Ogden Air Logistics Complex, which performs F-35 depot maintenance and modifications. The integration of the active duty and reserve fighter wings provides increased flexibility and combat surge capability.

"This is a great day in the history of Hill Air Force Base. We have to have these aircraft to achieve air dominance in the future for the United States," said Col. Bryan Radliff, 419th Fighter Wing commander. "We are extremely proud to be a part of this association."

Since the basing announcement in 2013, Hill has spent more than $120 million and completed numerous renovation and construction projects to prepare for F-35 operations.

"The reason we're here today is because of our Airmen, civilians, contractors and outstanding community who stood behind us 100 percent," said Col. Ron Jolly, 75th Air Base Wing commander. "We know the capabilities of this aircraft. We are on the cutting edge and we're very proud to be a part of that cutting edge."

The 388th and 419th Fighter wings were also the first units in the Air Force to fly combat-coded F-16s when they entered the fleet.

The wings will receive one to two F-35s per month until 72 aircraft have been delivered.

Airmen at Hill are eager to get their hands on the new jet said Lt. Col. Darrin Dronoff, chief of the F-35 program integration office for the 388th FW.

Both the 388th and 419th have trained F-35 pilots ready to begin flying the new jets, and there are more pilots and maintainers currently in training.

The wings will take a week to familiarize themselves with the aircraft, receive parts and begin tracking the aircraft in a maintenance database.

"The plan is to start flying after Labor Day. We'll start by flying twice a week, but that will slowly progress as we receive more aircraft and training progresses," said Dronoff.

While flying won't start for a week, training for maintainers starts immediately - including the Airmen who will be towing the first aircraft from the ramp to the hangar, Dronoff said.

"Everyone touching the aircraft is a formally trained F-35 Airman - hand-selected crews from pilots to maintainers to back-shop people," said Dronoff. "But, we're also training Airmen brand new to the F-35. We're taking advantage of every training opportunity because this is the first time many of them have had their hands on an F-35."

The base will hold a formal ceremony to commemorate the arrival of the F-35 in mid-October.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/09/2015 | 20:00 uur
Defense Ministry to replace F-5 tiger aircraft with Sukhoi-35 jets

Kamis, 3 September 2015

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The Defense Ministry has decided to replace a squadron of aging American-made F-5 E/F Tiger jet fighters with Russian-made Sukhoi SU-35 aircraft.

"We have agreed to buy a squadron of Sukhoi SU-35s from Russia to replace the F-5 Tiger jet fighters," Defense Minister, Ryamizard Ryacudu, said after conducting an impromptu inspection of weapons owned by the Army in Jakarta on Wednesday.

Ryacudu explained that the reason for purchasing the Sukhoi jets was that the Indonesian Air Force's (TNI AUs) pilots were more accustomed to operating the Russia-made jet fighters.

"Now we have jet fighters made by the United States, China and Russia," he said.

The Sukhoi jet fighters will be bought in stages, based on the states financial capacity, he added.

"We want to buy a squadron (of Sukhoi SU-35s), but the purchase will be adjusted, based on the financial capability of the government," Ryacudu stated.

He added that the purchase agreement for the Sukhoi jets will be signed later this month.

The Director General of Defense Planning at the Defense Ministry, Rear Marshal M. Syaugi, said the new Sukhoi jet fighters will be bought on a transfer of technology (ToT) basis.

"This is in line with existing rules, which specify that if we want to buy a main armament system, there must be ToT," he explained.(*)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 05/09/2015 | 11:35 uur
Cyber missions could fuel Boeing EA-18G orders: U.S. Navy chief

By Andrea Shalal, Washington | September 3, 2015

The Pentagon is evaluating whether potential cyber missions could drive demand for additional Boeing Co (BA.N) EA-18G electronic attack jets, or Growlers, the top U.S. Navy officer told Reuters on Thursday.

Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Jonathan Greenert said any decisions about additional orders of Growlers should be included in the Pentagon's budget request for fiscal 2017, since Boeing will shut the production line after all orders have been fulfilled.

Greenert said it was imperative to map out any additional orders now, given the high cost of restarting production once the line closed.

"This is kind of a no-fail deal," he said in an interview. Boeing was pursuing several other foreign orders, but he did not believe they were large enough to sustain production of the jets.

Boeing's combined St. Louis production line for F/A-18E/F fighter jets and the EA-18G Growlers was slated to shut in 2017, until Congress added funding for 12 more F/A-18E/F Super Hornets to the fiscal 2016 budget plan, and Boeing signed a deal to sell 28 of the jets to Kuwait.

If those orders are confirmed, the line should remain open well into 2019, Boeing has said.

Greenert, who will retire and be replaced by Admiral John Richardson on Sept. 18, said the Navy still believed its planned purchase of 153 Growlers was sufficient, but more work was underway to assess the needs of other military services, as well as the possible use for cyber missions.

He said the Navy had asked the Pentagon's Cost Analysis and Program Evaluation (CAPE) office to evaluate the electronic warfare needs of the U.S. Air Force and Marine Corps.

Navy officials had estimated that the two services might need about 30 more Growlers to meet their needs, according to sources familiar with the study, although both services had told Navy officials they planned to satisfy their requirements using the Lockheed Martin Corp (LMT.N) F-35 fighter jet. The sources requested anonymity because the study was incomplete.

Greenert said a department-wide review of electronic warfare needs had also revealed a possible need to outfit Growlers or other aircraft with special cyber "pods" or "nodes" that could be used for jamming or infiltrating enemy computer networks, and removing information.

That issue was still being evaluated by the military services, and would also include U.S. Cyber Command and the staff of the Joint Chiefs, he said, adding that he expected the fiscal 2017 budget proposal to provide clear answers about the number of jets needed.

Greenert said the Navy was watching for possible shortfalls of F/A-18E/F fighter jets on its aircraft carriers, given delays in the F-35 program and lengthy repair times for existing jets.

He said the Navy had made progress in speeding up repairs of older jets, which could limit the need for more Super Hornets. "I think we'll manage our way through that," Greenert said.

Boeing had no immediate comment.

Greenert said the Navy remained focused on improving cybersecurity after a major breach of the unclassified Navy-Marine Corp network last year, and would dedicate "hundreds of millions of dollars" to the effort, beginning in October.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/09/2015 | 19:29 uur
Italy's F-35A Flies Inaugural European Flight
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 07/09/2015 | 21:07 uur
Meer foto's van de eerste buiten de VS geassembleerde F-35 (F-35A AL-01).
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 08/09/2015 | 09:29 uur
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 08/09/2015 | 14:55 uur
Italian-built... Brrr gives me shiverings....
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Zeewier op 08/09/2015 | 15:01 uur
Ik weet dat rondom de scherpe delen een andere ram-coating zit dan op de vlakkere delen. Dat blijft zo. En toch ziet het er uit als een kaal modelbouwvliegtuig waarbij je nog de lijmranden kan zien. Doe er wat verf overeen!  :lol:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 08/09/2015 | 15:09 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 08/09/2015 | 14:55 uur
Italian-built... Brrr gives me shiverings....
Lockheed Martin houdt de boel strak wat de kwaliteit betreft. Alle Final Assembly and Check Out (FACO) faciliteiten wereldwijd moeten dezelfde kwaliteit afleveren. Het maakt dus niet uit of het uit Fort Worth, Cameri of Nagoya komt.

De Italiaanse Tornado's zijn ook niet slechter geassembleerd dan de Britse en Duitse Tornado's.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 09/09/2015 | 03:28 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 08/09/2015 | 15:09 uur
Lockheed Martin houdt de boel strak wat de kwaliteit betreft. Alle Final Assembly and Check Out (FACO) faciliteiten wereldwijd moeten dezelfde kwaliteit afleveren. Het maakt dus niet uit of het uit Fort Worth, Cameri of Nagoya komt.

De Italiaanse Tornado's zijn ook niet slechter geassembleerd dan de Britse en Duitse Tornado's.

Goed om te horen, echter hebben Italiaanse producten het Italiaanse imago en reputatie een deuk laten oplopen.
Ik hoop dat alles goed blijft gaan.

Krijgen wij nu Amerikaanse of Italiaanse?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 09/09/2015 | 06:56 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 09/09/2015 | 03:28 uur

Krijgen wij nu Amerikaanse of Italiaanse?

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 09/09/2015 | 09:21 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 09/09/2015 | 03:28 uur
Krijgen wij nu Amerikaanse of Italiaanse?

Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 09/09/2015 | 06:56 uur

De komende 8 stuks komen uit Fort Worth de overige 27 stuks komen uit Cameri.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 09/09/2015 | 09:38 uur
Italian tankers could support first F-35 transatlantic crossing

By James Drew, Washington DC | September 8, 2015

The Italian Air Force is aligned to complete the first transatlantic crossing of the Lockheed Martin F-35 when its first two aircraft fly from Novara, Italy, to Arizona in early 2016, and those aircraft are likely be refuelled along the way by Italian Boeing KC-767A tankers.

The US Marine Corps' planned hop across the pond to London for the Farnborough Airshow last year was thwarted by an F-35A engine fire that temporarily grounded the entire fleet.

Now, with the delivery and successful first flight of the first Italian F-35A from the Cameri Final Assembly and Check Out facility, the Italian Air Force is expected to make the historic journey before any DOD aircraft, and its KC-767 is on track to be fully certified to support the crossing.

The KC-767 completed its first refuelling of an F-35 in late July during a qualification flight at Edwards AFB in California. It is the first international tanker to do so.

"For the [Italian Ministry of Defence], their intent is to deploy those aircraft to the United States in the first quarter of 2016, probably trailing behind an Italian 767," Lockheed's director of Italian F-35 business development, Robert Dooley, said during a conference call 8 September.

The first five Italian jets off the Cameri assembly line are destine for Luke AFB in Arizona where they'll be incorporated into the international F-35A pilot training school. Aircraft number six, however, will remain in Italy – becoming the first operational F-35 to be based outside of the USA.

Dooley says AL-6 will be delivered in late 2016, and it's delivery to the Italian government will cap an impressive run of firsts for the Italian F-35 programme.

The first aircraft off the Cameri line, AL-1, completed its maiden flight 7 September, and will fly again 9 September before being formally handed over from Lockheed to the US government for verification testing and final delivery to the IAF.

At the controls was Lockheed F-35 test pilot Bill Gigliotti, who took questions from the media during the conference call. Gigliotti has flown dozens, if not hundreds, of F-35 checkout flights from Fort Worth in Texas, and he says the Italian-assembled F-35 was as good as any aircraft coming off the American assembly line.

"A resoundingly successful achievement, and it is only the precursor to the future flights that are going to be taking off out of this location for years to come," he says. "This jet surprised me very little. Because of the quality of the people and the facilities here, I knew I was in a quality product and the jet responded the same."

The aircraft has been delivered with the Italian 3iR5 software block, which is equivalent to the Block 2B capability delivered with the Marine Corps' first squadron of combat-coded F-35Bs.

The second aircraft, AL-2, is almost complete and will likely take to the sky in October.

For Italy, AL-1's delivery is a significant industrial achievement and comes five years after the Italian government signed an agreement to assemble its jets domestically.

Italy is programmed to buy 90 F-35s (60 F-35As and 30 F35Bs) to replace 253 legacy combat jets – the Panavia Tornado, AMX fighter-bomber, and AV-8B Harrier.

The country's first F-35B, which is being ordered as part of the ninth low-rate initial production lot, is expected to begin assembly in 2017.

Cameri will also assemble aircraft for Denmark and Norway, although Denmark has not made a final decision on whether to proceed with its 30-aircraft order or select another, less-costly fighter to replace its aging F-16s. The Royal Netherlands Air Force is to receive 37 F-35As.

"I see this production facility being busy for years to come," says Dooley. "The workforce here is first-rate, and not to leverage that would be a mistake."

The assembly line is owned by the Italian government and run by Alenia Aermacchi, a subsidiary of Finmeccanica, with about 800 domestic workers and a team of 30 to 40 personnel from Lockheed.

Located at Cameri Air Base, the facility co-supplies F-35A full wing assemblies and has been selected as the European F-35 airframe maintenance, repair, overhaul and upgrade centre.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 10/09/2015 | 09:18 uur
Boeing To Unveil New F-15 Configuration at Air Force Association

Boeing will also use the AFA conference to market a new configuration of its F-15 fighter.

The new design features 16 air-to-air weapons, doubling the number currently available on the jet. To accommodate the additional weaponry, the new design alters the location of the fuel tanks.

Marketing a new configuration for the F-15 makes sense, as the line is expected to expire before the end of the decade. More details are expected to be available at the show, held Sept. 14-16.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 10/09/2015 | 09:33 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 10/09/2015 | 09:18 uur
The new design features 16 air-to-air weapons, doubling the number currently available on the jet. To accommodate the additional weaponry, the new design alters the location of the fuel tanks.

Twee foto's staan al een tijd op de Boeing website.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 10/09/2015 | 15:59 uur
Gripen NG Contract with Brazil Becomes Effective

Saab AB | September 10, 2015

On 27 October 2014 Saab announced the conclusion of a contract with the Brazilian Federal Government for the development and production of 36 Gripen NG aircraft.

The contract has now come into effect as all required conditions have been fulfilled. Today, the order value of approximately SEK39.3 billion is booked by Saab as order intake. Gripen NG deliveries to the Brazilian Air Force will be undertaken from 2019 to 2024.

The associated industrial co-operation contract (including technology transfer to Brazilian industries), which was signed in October 2014, also comes into effect today.

"Through the Gripen NG programme, we continue to build on the industrial relations between Brazil and Sweden. I am confident that this important programme will serve as a platform for new business and contribute to the growth of both the Brazilian and Swedish industry," says Marcus Wallenberg, Chairman of Saab's Board of Directors.

"This important milestone marks the formal start to the Brazilian Gripen NG programme. We will now work full speed ahead to ensure timely deliveries of Gripen NG to Brazil. Our partnership with Brazilian industry strengthens Saab's position in Latin America and supports our strategy for growth through industrial co-operation," says Håkan Buskhe, President and CEO of Saab.

The technology transfer programme will further contribute to the development of an independent, advanced defence industrial base in Brazil. Brazilian engineers and technicians will come to Saab for education and on-the job-training in Sweden starting in October 2015.

"The acquisition of Gripen NG will provide benefits beyond the enlargement of the Brazilian Air Force's operational capacity. In addition to equipping FAB with one of the world's most modern fighters, the participation in the development of Gripen NG means a technological breakthrough for Brazilian industry," says Lieutenant-Brigadier Nivaldo Luiz Rossato, Commander of the Brazilian Air Force.

Saab's Gripen is a multi-role combat aircraft capable of undertaking the full range of air-to-air and air-to-ground missions, including specialist roles such as intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition and reconnaissance (ISTAR) and electronic warfare. Gripen is equipped with the most modern sensors and mission systems, including an active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar and infra-red search and track (IRST) system. It can be armed with any air-launched weapon that a customer requires, and integration of new capabilities is speedy and affordable. Gripen is easily deployable, with a very low maintenance and support footprint coupled with high reliability.

Saab serves the global market with world-leading products, services and solutions within military defence and civil security. Saab has operations and employees on all continents around the world. Through innovative, collaborative and pragmatic thinking, Saab develops, adopts and improves new technology to meet customers' changing needs.

The information is that which Saab AB is required to declare by the Securities Business Act and/or the Financial instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication on 10 September 2015 at 01.00 (CET).
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 11/09/2015 | 09:41 uur
Lockheed reveals Advanced EOTS targeting sensor for F-35 Block 4

By James Drew, Washington DC | September 10, 2015

Lockheed Martin has announced an improved version of its electro-optical targeting system for the F-35, called Advanced EOTS, just months after the long-delayed fifth-generation fighter was declared fit for combat with the Marine Corps.

The new sensor developed internally by Lockheed is similarly sized and shaped to fit neatly into the same forward undercarriage position on the F-35, and the first prototype is expected next year.

The new and improved capabilities include short-wave infrared, high-definition television, infrared marker and superior image detector resolution than the baseline EOTS.

Even though the company's current targeting systems, which combines forward-looking infrared and infrared search and track for precise air-to-air and air-to-ground targeting, was considered revolutionary in the 2000s, more than 15 years have passed since it entered development and the technology and threat has moved on.

The company says the current sensor, miniaturised for low drag and stealth, meets all the contractual specifications required by the Pentagon. ut the new system offer the F-35 programme a significant leap in terms of target recognition and detection capability.

"Threats to our warfighters continue to evolve, and we have invested to develop advanced technology to combat those threats," the company tells Flightglobal. "Our investment in Advanced EOTS is consistent with the timeline set forth by the F-35 Joint Program Office, which includes follow-on development for F-35 software and hardware in Block 4."

The announcement comes as the Pentagon beds down what new technologies and weapons should be included in the Block 4 upgrade – set to roll in increments from 2019 to 2025.

Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control says it has delivered 170 baseline EOTS sensors to date from its sensor and datalink production facility in Orlando, Florida, and the advanced system has been designed internally "with significant investment from Lockheed Martin and its suppliers".

It would be a further upgrade option purchased at the discretion of the DOD and international F-35 partners and customers.

"Due to its similarity in shape and size to EOTS, Advanced EOTS can be installed with minimal changes to the F-35's interface," Lockheed said in a 10 September news release. "It will be housed behind the same low-drag window, maintaining the F-35's stealthy profile. Advanced EOTS production will be completed on the current EOTS line."
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 11/09/2015 | 17:22 uur
Kuwait To Purchase 28 Typhoons

By Andrew Chuter - September 11, 2015

ROME — Kuwait has agreed to purchase 28 Typhoon combat jets in a multibillion euro deal with the Italian government, industry sources in the region said Friday.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 12/09/2015 | 12:08 uur
Bevestiging van het Eurofighter consortium.

Eurofighter welcomes the agreement between Italy and Kuwait for the supply of 28 Eurofighter Typhoons | September 11, 2015

The Eurofighter Consortium today welcomes the State of Kuwait as a new member of the Eurofighter community.

This new international success follows an order from the Sultanate of Oman for 12 aircraft in December 2012 and it is a further evidence of growing interest in the Eurofighter Typhoon across the globe and in the Gulf Region in particular with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Sultanate of Oman who have already ordered this combat aircraft.

On behalf of the  consortium and its Eurofighter Partner Companies (EPC) the CEO of Eurofighter, Alberto Gutierrez, said: "This new agreement is the confirmation of the superiority of the Eurofighter over its competitors and will provide a great  opportunity for further Eurofighter orders. We are delighted to welcome Kuwait as the newest member of our Eurofighter Typhoon family. The Eurofighter is already proven and trusted by six nations to perform in all operational environments."

With Kuwait, the Eurofighter Typhoon confirms its role as Europe's largest military collaborative programme with a total of 599 aircraft committed. It provides leading-edge technologies and strengthens Europe's defence industry in international competition. More than 100,000 jobs in 400 supplier companies are involved in this four-nation programme and deliver significant contributions.

Since entry into service of the first Eurofighter Typhoon at the end of 2003, 444 aircraft have been delivered to six nations: Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Austria and Saudi Arabia. In December 2012, Oman became the seventh customer and ordered a total of twelve aircraft. Eurofighter Typhoon is currently in service at 22 operational units and up to now, the whole fleet has completed more than 300,000 flying hours worldwide.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/09/2015 | 12:36 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 12/09/2015 | 12:08 uur
Bevestiging van het Eurofighter consortium.

Wat mij wel zal benieuwen of de Super Hornet voor Koeweit van de baan is of dat het (als nog) een split buy gaat worden?

Prima nieuws voor Airbus, dat betekend dat de productie lijn wat langer op kan blijven, voor Boeing zijn extra F18E/F/G bittere noodzaak om de lijn nog iets langer open te houden, zo niet dan vallen beoogde export landen als Canada, België en Denemarken automatisch ten prooi aan LM met de F35 (al verwacht ik dat de 3 genoemde landen zo wie zo gaan kiezen voor de F35A)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 12/09/2015 | 12:48 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/09/2015 | 12:36 uur
Wat mij wel zal benieuwen of de Super Hornet voor Koeweit van de baan is of dat het (als nog) een split buy gaat worden?

Prima nieuws voor Airbus, dat betekend dat de productie lijn wat langer op kan blijven, voor Boeing zijn extra F18E/F/G bittere noodzaak om de lijn nog iets langer open te houden, zo niet dan vallen beoogde export landen als Canada, België en Denemarken automatisch ten prooi aan LM met de F35 (al verwacht ik dat de 3 genoemde landen zo wie zo gaan kiezen voor de F35A)

Voor België is nog hoop.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 12/09/2015 | 13:00 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/09/2015 | 12:36 uur
Wat mij wel zal benieuwen of de Super Hornet voor Koeweit van de baan is of dat het (als nog) een split buy gaat worden?

Prima nieuws voor Airbus, dat betekend dat de productie lijn wat langer op kan blijven, voor Boeing zijn extra F18E/F/G bittere noodzaak om de lijn nog iets langer open te houden, zo niet dan vallen beoogde export landen als Canada, België en Denemarken automatisch ten prooi aan LM met de F35 (al verwacht ik dat de 3 genoemde landen zo wie zo gaan kiezen voor de F35A)

Er is een kans dat Koeweit weleens zowel de Typhoon als de F/A-18E/F Super Hornet koopt. Volgens het artikel houdt men in de VS hier nog steeds rekening mee.

Ook is het nog steeds niet uitgesloten dat de U.S. Navy toch nog twee tot drie squadrons aan Super Hornets (24 tot 36 stuks) krijgt geleverd. De F-35C leveringen gaan niet zo snel en dat geldt ook voor zeer nodige modernisering van de Legacy Hornets en Super Hornets. Ze komen straks twee tot drie squadrons te kort om alle Carrier Air Wings op peil te houden.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/09/2015 | 13:27 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 12/09/2015 | 12:48 uur
Voor België is nog hoop.

Op zich ook een interessante combinatie NL met de F35A en BE met de Combinatie F18E/F en een aantal G's... maar voorlopig hou ik het op de F35 voor zowel NL als BE.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/09/2015 | 13:28 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 12/09/2015 | 13:00 uur
Er is een kans dat Koeweit weleens zowel de Typhoon als de F/A-18E/F Super Hornet koopt. Volgens het artikel houdt men in de VS hier nog steeds rekening mee.

Het zou me ook nets verbazen, daarmee houd Koeweit zowel Europa als Amerika te vriend en gelijktijdig bouwt het land  de afhankelijkheid van  de VS af.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/09/2015 | 13:35 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 12/09/2015 | 13:00 uur
Er is een kans dat Koeweit weleens zowel de Typhoon als de F/A-18E/F Super Hornet koopt. Volgens het artikel houdt men in Ook is het nog steeds niet uitgesloten dat de U.S. Navy toch nog twee tot drie squadrons aan Super Hornets (24 tot 36 stuks) krijgt geleverd. De F-35C leveringen gaan niet zo snel en dat geldt ook voor zeer nodige modernisering van de Legacy Hornets en Super Hornets. Ze komen straks twee tot drie squadrons te kort om alle Carrier Air Wings op peil te houden.

Die kans is is zeker aanwezig al zal er dan redelijk snel duidelijkheid over moeten ontstaan, immers diverse long lead item worden al zo'n 4 jaar voor productie van de daadwerkelijke kist besteld.

Of de Amerikaanse regering moet de kosten willen dragen van het operationeel houden van een lege lijn en dat lijkt mij hoogst twijfelachtig.

Productie wordt (of is reeds) teruggebracht naar 1 kist per maand... het absolute minimum voor Boeing.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: JdL op 12/09/2015 | 14:01 uur
Belgie zal wel voor de F-35 gaan
Ik verwacht in vergelijkbare aantallen als NL
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/09/2015 | 13:27 uur
Op zich ook een interessante combinatie NL met de F35A en BE met de Combinatie F18E/F en een aantal G's... maar voorlopig hou ik het op de F35 voor zowel NL als BE.
Op zich een leuk idee
Gemeenschappelijk een stuk of 10 growlers op bvb volkel zodat we Leeuwarden open kunnen houden met de F-35
Maar  is denk ik onrealistisch omdat je eerst een serieuze vloot aan fighters wil hebben voordat je aan kisten voor elektronische oorlogsvoering kan gaan denken
en de NL shelters zijn te klein voor de F/A-18E/F/G
de belgische shelters waarschijnlijk ook
dus dan hoogstens eindhoven/melsbroek nog een optie zijn
maar voor dit soort ideen eerst een serieus aantal fighters
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 12/09/2015 | 14:12 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 12/09/2015 | 13:00 uur
Er is een kans dat Koeweit weleens zowel de Typhoon als de F/A-18E/F Super Hornet koopt. Volgens het artikel houdt men in de VS hier nog steeds rekening mee.

Ook is het nog steeds niet uitgesloten dat de U.S. Navy toch nog twee tot drie squadrons aan Super Hornets (24 tot 36 stuks) krijgt geleverd. De F-35C leveringen gaan niet zo snel en dat geldt ook voor zeer nodige modernisering van de Legacy Hornets en Super Hornets. Ze komen straks twee tot drie squadrons te kort om alle Carrier Air Wings op peil te houden.
Zo schat ik het ook in.....
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/09/2015 | 15:30 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 12/09/2015 | 14:12 uur
Zo schat ik het ook in.....

Zoals al vermeld, kan goed maar dan zullen ze tempo moeten maken, een lijn die dicht is blijft dicht.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/09/2015 | 15:32 uur
Citaat van: johandeleeuw2002 op 12/09/2015 | 14:01 uur
Belgie zal wel voor de F-35 gaan
Ik verwacht in vergelijkbare aantallen als NL

Ik blijf vooralsnog bij mijn verwachting: 20-24 F35A voor BE al laat ik me graag positief verrassen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/09/2015 | 15:34 uur
Citaat van: johandeleeuw2002 op 12/09/2015 | 14:01 uur
en de NL shelters zijn te klein voor de F/A-18E/F/G
de belgische shelters waarschijnlijk ook
dus dan hoogstens eindhoven/melsbroek nog een optie zijn
maar voor dit soort ideen eerst een serieus aantal fighters

Shelter grote vind ik in de huidige tijd nauwelijks een voordeel bieden, een versterkte hangaar is m.i. voldoende.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 12/09/2015 | 15:56 uur
Citaat van: johandeleeuw2002 op 12/09/2015 | 14:01 uur
en de NL shelters zijn te klein voor de F/A-18E/F/G
de belgische shelters waarschijnlijk ook
dus dan hoogstens eindhoven/melsbroek nog een optie zijn
Vanwaar Eindhoven? De shelters op deze vliegbasis zijn dezelfde als bij de andere vliegbases.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: JdL op 12/09/2015 | 16:08 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 12/09/2015 | 15:56 uur
Vanwaar Eindhoven? De shelters op deze vliegbasis zijn dezelfde als bij de andere vliegbases.
Ik weet niet eens zeker of dat ze op eindhoven nog wel shelters hebben
de laatste fighters daar waren geloof ik NF-5's
Het gaat mij er meer om dat:
1. Eindhoven licht redelijk centraal als je belgie en NL bij als een gebied bekijkt
2. Eindhoven is gewend aan grotere kisten met meerdere motoren
3. Nu de F50's ook weg zijn en eindhoven airport wil uitbreiden waarbij de vliegbasis in de weg zit heb je kans dat bij de volgende bezuiniging de KDC-10's, gulfstream en herc's naar bvb leeuwarden of schiphol worden gestuurd en de vliegbasis gesloten wordt
voor het EATC zijn genoeg andere opties

Maar growlers voor NL en BE blijft onrealistisch aangezien het al lastig zat wordt om 2 main operating bases vol met fighters te krijgen
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 12/09/2015 | 16:27 uur
Citaat van: johandeleeuw2002 op 12/09/2015 | 16:08 uur
Ik weet niet eens zeker of dat ze op eindhoven nog wel shelters hebben
de laatste fighters daar waren geloof ik NF-5's
Het gaat mij er meer om dat:
1. Eindhoven licht redelijk centraal als je belgie en NL bij als een gebied bekijkt
2. Eindhoven is gewend aan grotere kisten met meerdere motoren
De beide vliegbases Eindhoven en Gilze-Rijen hebben nog steeds shelters en hadden destijds respectievelijk de F-16 squadrons 316 Sqn en 314 Sqn.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 13/09/2015 | 22:46 uur
Israel to Double Attack Range of F-35 Stealth fighter

WASHINGTON --- The first two Lockheed-Martin F-35s, called Adir (Awesome) in Hebrew, will be delivered to the IAF in December 2016,

Shortly before the US Congress votes on the nuclear agreement with Iran, Israel has publicly announced the efforts of its air force to double the flight range of the F-35 Stealth strike fighters, the fifth generation of the air force's planes.

The Israeli version of the plane, manufactured by Lockheed Martin according to Israeli specifications, is called Adir (Awesome). The first two Adirs will be delivered to the Israel Air Force (IAF) in December 2016, and will join the Golden Eagle squadron at Nevatim Air Base in the Negev.

"Defense News" reported that Israel was now building infrastructure and local capabilities necessary for operating the Adir starting in late 2017, "With an eye on Iran and other complex, heavily defended theaters."

The preparations are taking place on two parallel tracks. One is part of the general multinational F-35 program, while in the other, Israel is counting on continued US support for integrating weaponry and other program elements.


In interviews in Israel and the US, sources involved in the projects said that at the request of the US administration, Lockheed Martin was now working with Israeli company Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd. to adapt Israeli-made air-to-ground weaponry to the plane. At the same time, Lockheed Martin is considering Israeli ideas for (probably detachable) external fuel tanks on the plane's wings in order to extend their range.

Orginele artikel, zie onderstaande LINK
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Kiteboarder88 op 14/09/2015 | 20:46 uur
Zorgelijke geluiden vanuit de USSN wat betreft de F-35B:

Natuurlijk zijn kinderziekten te verwachten, maar zo te zien hebben beide partijen hier nog wel wat werk te verrichten.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 14/09/2015 | 20:58 uur
Lijkt me toch niet echt nieuws dit? Volgens mij waren er maar weinigen die de uitspraken van de USMC geloofden.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 14/09/2015 | 21:36 uur
BAE Systems completes Meteor firings for Typhoon P2E upgrade

Gareth Jennings, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly | 13 September 2015

BAE Systems has successfully completed guided firing trials of the MBDA Meteor beyond-visual-range air-to-air missile (BVRAAM) launched from a Eurofighter Typhoon combat aircraft, IHS Jane's was told on 14 September.

During the trials, which took place at the UK Ministry of Defence's (MoD's) Hebrides range, aircraft IPA6 launched Meteor missiles against real air targets in pre-planned scenarios as part of the wider Typhoon Phase 2 Enhancements (P2E) flight test campaign. According to BAE Systems test pilot Nat Makepeace, the missile separated cleanly and guided successfully towards its target while maintaining a data link with the aircraft.

The flight trials were conducted by BAE Systems with support from QinetiQ, MBDA, and Selex, and form part of a NATO Eurofighter and Tornado Management Agency (NETMA) contract to fully integrate the Meteor missile onto Typhoon by the end of 2016.

This Meteor firing follows earlier ones conducted by IPA1 in December 2014. Those first firings were carried out to test the missile itself, while this latest round of tests was concerned with integrating the weapon onto the latest standard Typhoon and testing the missile's interaction with the radar.

Speaking to IHS Jane's in July, BAE Systems said that the Meteor firings were the first phase of a 150-flight trial campaign for the P2E capability enhancement across the international test fleet. In the coming weeks, the single-seat IPA6 aircraft will be joined in the campaign by a twin-seat Typhoon that BAE Systems has loaned back from the MoD (BT017), as well as by aircraft provided by the other Eurofighter consortium nations of Germany, Italy, and Spain.

P2E flights are expected to run through to the end of the year, and will include trials of the MBDA Storm Shadow cruise missile (including firings in the United Kingdom by Italian aircraft), and testing of new additional cockpit interface enhancements and other general P2E development work.

Assuming that the test campaign is successful, the P2E configuration should be ready for fielding before the end of 2017.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/09/2015 | 23:20 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 14/09/2015 | 20:58 uur
Lijkt me toch niet echt nieuws dit? Volgens mij waren er maar weinigen die de uitspraken van de USMC geloofden.

Daarnaast: War is Boring lijkt een aardige hetze tegen het F35 programma te zijn begonnen... wie het echt weet mag het zeggen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 14/09/2015 | 23:51 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/09/2015 | 23:20 uur
Daarnaast: War is Boring lijkt een aardige hetze tegen het F35 programma te zijn begonnen... wie het echt weet mag het zeggen.

De bronnen die zij aanhalen kun je gewoon nakijken. Nu gaan er binnen de USG natuurlijk ook verschillende verhalen. Maar als je daar de belangen naast legt komt toch een niet heel positief beeld naar voren. (
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 15/09/2015 | 19:09 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 14/09/2015 | 23:51 uur
De bronnen die zij aanhalen kun je gewoon nakijken. Nu gaan er binnen de USG natuurlijk ook verschillende verhalen. Maar als je daar de belangen naast legt komt toch een niet heel positief beeld naar voren.

Laten we zien wat de status is met block 3F en/of block 4 software.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 15/09/2015 | 19:25 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 15/09/2015 | 19:09 uur
Laten we zien wat de status is met block 3F en/of block 4 software.

Wat ook een beetje een tik-tok argument is.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 15/09/2015 | 19:37 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 15/09/2015 | 19:25 uur
Wat ook een beetje een tik-tok argument is.

Er zijn teveel pro en contra berichten, waarbij het wel duidelijk is dat eisen naar beneden zijn bijgesteld, op zich een slechte zaak aan de andere kant kijk eens naar de Eurofighter, die komt pas bij Tranche 3A/B tot een volwaardige kist.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 15/09/2015 | 20:13 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 15/09/2015 | 19:37 uur
Er zijn teveel pro en contra berichten, waarbij het wel duidelijk is dat eisen naar beneden zijn bijgesteld, op zich een slechte zaak aan de andere kant kijk eens naar de Eurofighter, die komt pas bij Tranche 3A/B tot een volwaardige kist.

Dat lijkt me niet 'opzich negatief', dat is gewoon negatief.
Hoezo is de Typhoon pas bij T3 een volwaardige kist? Taak was de Russen uit het Duitse luchtruim houden, en ook T1 kon dat, al is het gelukkig nooit uitgeprobeerd.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 15/09/2015 | 20:32 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 15/09/2015 | 20:13 uur
Dat lijkt me niet 'opzich negatief', dat is gewoon negatief.
Hoezo is de Typhoon pas bij T3 een volwaardige kist? Taak was de Russen uit het Duitse luchtruim houden, en ook T1 kon dat, al is het gelukkig nooit uitgeprobeerd.

T3 is eindelijk multirole en toegegeven de basis was puur bedoeld als air superiority fighter, en daar is men goed in geslaagd.  
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 15/09/2015 | 20:51 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 15/09/2015 | 20:13 uur
Hoezo is de Typhoon pas bij T3 een volwaardige kist? Taak was de Russen uit het Duitse luchtruim houden, en ook T1 kon dat, al is het gelukkig nooit uitgeprobeerd.

Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 15/09/2015 | 20:32 uur
T3 is eindelijk multirole en toegegeven de basis was puur bedoeld als air superiority fighter, en daar men goed in geslaagd. 

Daar komt nog bij dat de RAF de 53 stuks Typhoon F2 Tranche 1 niet moderniseert en buiten dienst stelt  :(

Ook de Rafale M F1 was puur als air superiority fighter bedoeld. Voor beide types duurde het even voordat ze multirole waren.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 15/09/2015 | 22:26 uur
Het zou mooi zijn als die T1's verkocht kunnen worden en vervangen door een T3B buy. Maar dan moet er nog wel wat aan de budget ontwikkeling gebeuren.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 15/09/2015 | 22:31 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 15/09/2015 | 22:26 uur
Het zou mooi zijn als die T1's verkocht kunnen worden en vervangen door een T3B buy. Maar dan moet er nog wel wat aan de budget ontwikkeling gebeuren.
Helaas houdt de RAF maar 107 Typhoons over en de rest wordt met de F-35B aangevuld.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 15/09/2015 | 22:42 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 15/09/2015 | 22:31 uur
Helaas houdt de RAF maar 107 Typhoons over en de rest wordt met de F-35B aangevuld.

Ja, hopelijk komt daar dus nog verandering in.
De F35B zijn eigenlijk allen benodigd voor de RN. Het is daarbij volgens de huidige berichten een matig effectief toestel, er moet aanvulling komen. Maarja, er moet wel meer komen....
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 16/09/2015 | 09:17 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 15/09/2015 | 22:42 uur
Ja, hopelijk komt daar dus nog verandering in.
De F35B zijn eigenlijk allen benodigd voor de RN. Het is daarbij volgens de huidige berichten een matig effectief toestel, er moet aanvulling komen. Maarja, er moet wel meer komen....
Eigenlijk wel, maar in de praktijk komt de F-35B van de RAF en Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm (RN FAA) onder één commando net zoals ten tijde van de Sea Harrier en de Harrier. Zie het wel gebeuren dat ook No. 617 Squadron RAF vanaf een vliegdekschip zal opereren.

Tegen de tijd dat de RAF en de RN FAA de F-35B in operationele dienst hebben, is deze vele malen effectiever dan nu in dienst van de USMC.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 16/09/2015 | 09:20 uur
Boeing doubles F-15C missile load in '2040C' Eagle upgrade

By James Drew, Washington DC | 15 September 2015

Boeing has unveiled an up-gunned version of its supersonic F-15C air superiority jet designed to keep the aging fleet operationally relevant through 2040.

Called 2040C, the upgrade package includes "quad pack" munitions racks designed to double the aircraft's air-to-air missile payload to 16 and conformal fuel tanks for extended-range flights.

For communications, Boeing is naturally offering "Talon HATE" – the air force's programme of record for connecting the F-15 with Lockheed Martin's F-22 Raptor.

In terms of survivability, Boeing's package includes Raytheon's APG-63(v)3 active synthetically scanned array (AESA) radar and a long-range infrared search and track (IRST) sensor for "first sight, first shot, first kill" air-to-air combat.

2040C continues delivery of the Northrop Grumman's Eagle Passive/Active Warning Survivability System (EPAWSS) systems – a programme designed to equip the fourth-generation F-15 with the latest electronic warfare capabilities.

Boeing vice president of F-15 programs Mike Gibbons says the 2040C concept is an evolution of the Silent Eagle proposed to South Korea, with some low-observable improvements but mostly a focus on the latest air capabilities and lethality.

Boeing's up-gunned F-15C "2040C" Eagle upgrade package would double's the aircraft's missile capacity.


"F-15s and F-22s in the fight together in the future out there in the 2030s; the assessment and analysis we've done points to this as a nice solution set for the air force," he said at an Air Force Association conference in Washington. "The air force has funded some of these and we're in discussions about the others, but many are funded programmes of record."

"Doubling the number of missiles on the jet is not something that's a current programme of record, but it is something we know is of interest to the air force."

Gibbons says instead of carrying weapons internally to reduce the Eagle's radar cross section, the "evolving threat" – Russia and China's fielding of advanced fighter jets – favours more weapons, according to Boeing.

The Pentagon capped F-22 production at 195, forcing the air force to keep the F-15C in service far longer than planned, and current operating concepts team the two jets for a high-low mix.

Boeing sees a market for more than 200 active-duty and air national guard F-15C upgrades, and the new payloads could be delivered as part of a future service-life-extension programme (SLEP).

Gibbons says some USAF F-15Cs have more than 20,000h of flight time remaining on the airframe, whereas other are in the low teens and would require new wings and vertical tales.

Speaking at a media roundtable 15 September, Air Combat Command commander Gen Hawk Carlisle said the F-15C will require a life-extension programme in the near future and the added capabilities being offered by Boeing will be considered as part of that.

The upgrade would be a "significant bill," but he says the planning for that needs to start now in the absence of more F-22s. Boeing is also targeting international F-15C operators including Japan, Israel and Saudi Arabia.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 16/09/2015 | 10:21 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 16/09/2015 | 09:17 uur
Eigenlijk wel, maar in de praktijk komt de F-35B van de RAF en Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm (RN FAA) onder één commando net zoals ten tijde van de Sea Harrier en de Harrier. Zie het wel gebeuren dat ook No. 617 Squadron RAF vanaf een vliegdekschip zal opereren.

Tegen de tijd dat de RAF en de RN FAA de F-35B in operationele dienst hebben, is deze vele malen effectiever dan nu in dienst van de USMC.

De 138 waar nu over gesproken wordt, lijken op dit moment niet reëel. De 48 die bevestigd zijn, zijn eigenlijk net voldoende voor 1 carrier. Het is dus inderdaad te hopen dat ook de RAF kisten de zee op gaan. Voor de RAF moeten niet alleen de reeds afgestoten Harriers vervangen worden maar ook nog 98 Tornado's. Afgezien van het veel te lage aantal, lijkt de F35B mij hiervoor sowieso de verkeerde keuze. Liever zie ik dus extra Typhoon's of eventueel F35A, die, als ze ooit inzetbaar worden, op vrijwel alle vlakken beter zal scoren dan de F35B.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 16/09/2015 | 10:31 uur
RAF fighter plane numbers to reach 'all-time low'

The number of RAF fighter planes is set to fall to the lowest in its history, defence experts have warned.
Defence analysis group IHS Jane's said the RAF could be left with 127 combat jets by the end of the decade as 87 Tornados and the first tranche of 53 Typhoon jets are due to be retired.
It would leave the RAF with its fewest number of fighter planes since 1918.
The Ministry of Defence said the RAF "has and will have" the aircraft it needs to meet its global commitments.
The government also says it is increasing the defence budget and will replace the older Tornados with the F-35B.
It has only bought eight of these so far and the aircraft are not due to be at "full operating capability" until 2023.
Defence chiefs have already warned the RAF is stretched and the analysis says that further loss of UK airpower would seem "perverse".
Chief of the Defence Staff General Sir Nicholas Houghton last week described the RAF as at the "very limits of its fast jet availability".
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 16/09/2015 | 10:37 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 16/09/2015 | 10:21 uur
Liever zie ik dus extra Typhoon's of eventueel F35A, die, als ze ooit inzetbaar worden, op vrijwel alle vlakken beter zal scoren dan de F35B.
Typhoon, F-35A en F-35B is de Italiaanse mix  ;D

Zul je zien dat ergens in de toekomst men zal zeggen dat zij spijt hebben van het buiten dienst stellen van de 53 Tranche 1 Typhoons  :crazy:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Poleme op 16/09/2015 | 12:35 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 16/09/2015 | 09:17 uur

Tegen de tijd dat de RAF en de RN FAA de F-35B in operationele dienst hebben, is deze vele malen effectiever dan nu in dienst van de USMC.
De inzetbaarheid zal waarschijnlijk wel beter worden dan die van de huidige USMC F-35B's.

Laten we alstublieft het woord effectief niet in de mond nemen.
In de Golfoorlog van 1991 hadden de F-16C's een veel betere sortie generatie (productiviteit) dan de Harriers.  Terwijl de F-16C's langere missies vlogen. 
De F-35B heeft met een gun pod en intern 2x 1.000 ponders en 2 AIM-120's (AMRAAM) slechts een vliegduur van bijna 45 minuten !
Ja, dat doet mij denken aan Zwitserse Hawker Hunters in een grond aanval configuratie met 4 kanonnen en 2x 1.000 ponders.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: JdL op 16/09/2015 | 16:13 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 16/09/2015 | 12:35 uur
Ja, dat doet mij denken aan Zwitserse Hawker Hunters in een grond aanval configuratie met 4 kanonnen en 2x 1.000 ponders.

Alleen was dat voor de zwitsers geen probleem met het kleine oppervlakte van hun land
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 17/09/2015 | 12:35 uur
SOM-J to fly on Turkish F-35 in 2017

Lockheed Martin and Roketsan are on course to have the SOM-J cruise missile fly on board a Turkish F-35 in 2017.

Extra info :
SOM (missile)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 17/09/2015 | 12:39 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 16/09/2015 | 12:35 uur
De inzetbaarheid zal waarschijnlijk wel beter worden dan die van de huidige USMC F-35B's.

Laten we alstublieft het woord effectief niet in de mond nemen.
In de Golfoorlog van 1991 hadden de F-16C's een veel betere sortie generatie (productiviteit) dan de Harriers.  Terwijl de F-16C's langere missies vlogen. 
De F-35B heeft met een gun pod en intern 2x 1.000 ponders en 2 AIM-120's (AMRAAM) slechts een vliegduur van bijna 45 minuten !
Ja, dat doet mij denken aan Zwitserse Hawker Hunters in een grond aanval configuratie met 4 kanonnen en 2x 1.000 ponders.

45 Min  :'(

Citaat van: johandeleeuw2002 op 16/09/2015 | 16:13 uur
Alleen was dat voor de zwitsers geen probleem met het kleine oppervlakte van hun land

Dat lijkt me zelfs voor Luxemburg nog een uitdaging.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 17/09/2015 | 14:45 uur
New J-20 Stealth Fighter Prototype Undergoes Taxiing Tests

Want China Times | September 16, 2015

The latest prototype of the Chengdu J-20, China's fifth-generation stealth fighter, with the temporary tail number "2016" has begun taxiing tests recently, according to Sina's military news web portal.

There are at present seven prototypes of the aircraft, which had its maiden test flight in early 2011. The main mission of the prototype with the initial tail number "2001" was to undertake a maiden flight and to test the aircraft's aerodynamic structure and stealth capabilities. The prototype which originally had the tail number "2002" (now been repainted as "2004") was used mainly to test avionics, as well as the hydraulics and the pneumatics of the weapons bay. Later it was also used to test bomb drops.

Another two prototypes have not conducted test flights, including what is now the "2002" and the "2003," and have likely been used for static strength tests, ground-based radar cross-section tests, fatigue tests and the "iron bird" test platform. Six prototypes have previously carried out flight tests, the "2001," the "2002," (now the "2004") and the 2011, as well as three newer prototypes with the tail numbers "2012," "2013" and "2015."

The next batch of prototypes will halt use of simulated flight systems, fly-by-wire control systems, electronic warfare systems and pneumatics, which will all be actually installed within the craft, to allow for more comprehensive test flights, according to commentators.

The current J-20 prototypes are equipped with an electro-optical distributed aperture system (EODAS) similar to that of the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II. They are also equipped with the active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar developed for the J-20 over a number of years by the Nanjing Electronic Technology Research Institute, also known as the No. 14 Institute. The AESA radar is similar in its specs to the Northrop Grumman AN/APG-77 low probability of intercept radar installed on the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor and the AN/APG-79 developed for the US Navy's F/A-18E/F Super Hornet and Boeing EA-18G Growler.

The next batch of J-20 prototypes will reportedly be equipped with imported Russian AL-31FN series 3 engines. The engine's specs are similar to the AL-31F M1 and are equipped with a full authority digital electronics control (FADEC) system. As research and development on the domestically built Xian WS-15 engine has fallen well behind, with the engine not even having undergone high-altitude test flights, it is unlikely to be installed in the first production batch of the J-20.

The first batch of J-20s to enter into production will be handed over to the PLA Air Force test flight and training center in Cangzhou and will be handed over to frontline air force units in 2017. It is expected to achieve initial operational capable (IOC) status in 2019. This batch will likely be equipped with Russian-made AL31F-M2 or AL-41F1S engines until around 2020. The domestic WS-15 will likely mature in time to be installed in the second batch of J-20s to be manufactured, which will be called the J-20A.

There has been continuous bad news emerging about the T-50 prototype of the Russian fifth-generation Sukhoi PAK FA fighter. The T-50 is reportedly inferior to the J-20 in terms of its avionics, the material used to make the plane and its stealth capabilities, and it iss uncertain whether it will enter service at all. Production of the US F-22 has halted after 187 planes came off the line and many of the aircraft have been grounded due to a problem with its oxygen supply systems. The F-35 has faced interminable delays and its overall capabilities do not seem to match up to the T-50, never mind the J-20.

If China's air force were to be equipped with 500 J-20s, it would rank first among the world's air forces, according to the website. The J-20 does not currently have a carrier-based variant and China is yet to establish an overseas air base, so its primary objective will likely be to protect China's airspace and air defense capabilities.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 17/09/2015 | 18:00 uur
F-15C, F-35 to boost US air-to-air capacity, not more F-22s

By James Drew, Washington DC | 17 September 2015

The head of US Air Combat Command says it would be his dream to restart production of the Lockheed Martin F-22 air superiority jet as potential adversaries like Russia and China "close the gap" with Western air power.

But the chances of the Raptor, which is still considered the world's premier air-to-air combat jet, re-entering serial production is likely to remain a dream due to year-to-year defence budget uncertainty and the introduction of the air force's top three priorities – the Lockheed F-35 multirole fighter, Boeing KC-46 tanker, and Long-Range Strike Bomber.

"I dream about it every night in the hopes it will happen, but I can't tell you what the cost would be," says Gen Herbert "Hawk" Carlisle. "With the fiscal environment we're operating under, I don't know if we'd be able to get that through Congress or OSD (the Office of the Secretary of Defense)."

F-22 procurement quantities were trimmed repeatedly, going from 750 to 339 and production was finally capped at 195 aircraft – which Carlisle calls the "biggest mistake ever".

But instead of producing more F-22s as a stopgap measure until a sixth-generation air superiority aircraft comes online in the late 2020s, Carlisle and USAF chief of staff Gen Mark Welsh point to Boeing F-15C upgrades and more dependence on F-35 and F-22 teaming as the way forward.

"We have to have the F-35," Welsh said at an Air & Space Conference in Washington this week. "It's not intended to be an air superiority fighter; it was designed to be a complimentary fighter and to do the multi-purpose air-to-ground work while the F-22 did the air-to-air work. The F-22 buy was curtailed and now we don't have enough F-22s to do large theatre operations in the air-to-air arena.

"We have to supplement them with something near-term and that's going to be the F-15C – which is why we have to upgrade it with AESA radar and other things to be credible in that arena in the next 10 years."

Welsh says relying more on the F-15C and F-35 is the "only practical solution" to maintaining dominance in air-to-air realm – not restarting F-22 production. Although, he admits the air force has a serious capacity problem, having slimmed down from 188 fighter squadrons at the end of the Cold War to just 49 squadrons in the current five-year plan.

Today, America has four active fighter production lines including the Boeing F-15, F/A-18 and Lockheed F-16 and F-35, however, all but the F-35 line will be shuttered by the end of the decade without additional domestic or international orders.

Meanwhile, Russia and China maintain steady production of several advanced fourth-generation fighter aircraft, including the Russian Mikoyan MiG-29, MiG-35, Sukhoi Su-35, Su-30 and Chinese Chengdu J-10 and Shenyang J-11. In the fifth-generation portfolio, Russia is pursuing the Sukhoi T-50 (PAK FA) and China intends to introduce the Chengdu J-20 and Shenyang J-31.

Some industry officials have said privately that it would be very possible restart F-22 production since much of the tooling and manufacturing equipment remains intact in storage, but it would be expensive and the supplier base has already moved onto other projects.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 18/09/2015 | 09:56 uur
Raytheon Eyeing T-X Role
Raytheon might pair with Aermacchi to offer M-346 for T-X

WASHINGTON — Raytheon has been discussing the T-X trainer replacement program with the US Air Force for months, and has had conversations about joining the Alenia Aermacchi T-100 bid as prime contractor, Defense News has learned.

Alenia is offering its M-346 trainer for the T-X program and rebranded the T-100 as part of a joint offering with simulation firm CAE. General Dynamics had been part of that offering as the prime contractor until March, when it surprisingly dropped off the team.

Brig. Gen. Andrew Croft, director of Plans, Programs, Requirements and Assessments at Air Education and Training Command (AETC), and Col. Philip Wielhouwer, chief of AETC's Capability Requirements Division, revealed during an exclusive interview Monday that the Air Force has been discussing the program with Raytheon since around May of this year, two months after GD split from the offering.

"Raytheon's involved because they came to us, saying they were thinking about aligning with one of the contractors," Wielhouwer said. "This was in the spring of this year. We invited them to our pre-solicitation conference, which was held at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in May."

Croft added: "They build a lot of components that could possibly make up components of an aircraft. I think they just want to stay engaged."

Notably, however, both men said the service was talking directly only with prime contractors and not subcontractors involved on any of the competitive teams.

Wielhouwer added that Raytheon hasn't withdrawn from the competition, and so the Air Force has continued to invite them to industry events related to the T-X. That includes a recent industry day immersion held in September for new AETC commander Lt. Gen. Darryl Roberson, where all competitors for the T-X contract presented.

AETC has emphasized transparency in its relations with industry as the T-X program has moved forward, with Croft saying the flow of information between the service and the various companies needs to be "fair and equitable."

An industry source with knowledge of the situation said that Alenia and Raytheon have had ongoing talks about the possibility of joining forces for a T-X bid. The source was not clear if a final agreement had been reached. Italian sources, meanwhile, have hinted for some time that a new prime for the T-100 bid is in the works.

Since GD's withdrawal, Alenia has continued to promote the T-100 as an option for the Air Force. But industry consensus has been that without a US prime, the Italian company was unlikely to fight off its competitors.

Raytheon, the fourth largest defense contractor in the world, has a portfolio largely focused on providing electronics, sensors and weapons to other contractors, rather than producing airframes. However, the fact the M-346 is a platform already in production could make this an attractive program for the company.

The winner of the T-X competition will provide the Air Force with 350 new aircraft to replace the aging T-38 fleet used for advanced jet training. The service believes a new trainer is needed not just because of the age of the T-38 fleet but because it cannot provide ample training for pilots who will be flying the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter in the future.

Grabbing the T-X contract will also provide the winning company an inside track to any number of international customers, especially given the prevalence of the F-35 around the globe

The Air Force's order could grow by 200 aircraft if the service decide to do away with the T-1 Jayhawk, used to train airlift and tanker pilots, and go to a single training aircraft.

Croft said that decision has not been made, and is probably "a ways off. ... We're not going to wait around for years to make that decision."

Competitors include a pair of clean-sheet designs being put forth by a Boeing/Saab team and a Northrop Grumman-led coalition that includes BAE Systems and L-3; Textron AirLand's new Scorpion design; and the T-50, the Lockheed Martin/Korean Aerospace Industries offering.

The two Air Force officials confirmed that the schedule remains on track for a request for proposal to come in September 2016, a contract award in fall of 2017 and IOC coming sometime in 2023.

Croft said that he does not see the potential for a continuing resolution to impact the program, noting the RFP is "really independent of the budget discussion. ... It's a requirement, we set the date and we'll move on from there."
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 18/09/2015 | 10:01 uur
Saab CEO says trainer bid could spur co-operation with Boeing
Saab is confident of winning T-X program in partnership with Boeing

Sweden's Saab (SAABb.ST) is confident of selling training jets to the U.S. Air Force, but believes its bidding partnership with Boeing (BA.N) could lead to further co-operation whoever wins the $11 billion contest, its chief executive said.

Boeing and Saab are among contenders for a deal to replace the aging T-38 trainer in a competition known as T-X.

Saab Chief Executive Hakan Buskhe said he was "very happy" with the two-year-old partnership with Boeing and that he was not worried about the cost of their new design, even though it was "significant".

"It is so tempting that you can't stay out and ... I think we will win. That is my view," Buskhe said of the competition, speaking to Reuters at a London defense exhibition.

"If we don't win, we have learned a lot of other things and we have shown it is possible to work together and have created a culture between Boeing and Saab (such) that we could do more things together."

Despite being rival fighter manufacturers, Boeing and Saab already co-operate in adapting an air weapon for ground forces.

In 2013, they agreed to develop a new plane to try to win the U.S. order for 350 trainers. The U.S. Air Force plans to launch that competition formally in 2017 and analysts say it could eventually buy up to 600 planes.

The design of the Boeing-Saab proposal has been one of the industry's closest secrets, but Boeing offered a glimpse at an Air Force Association event in Washington this week.

A teaser graphic showed a long and slender nose section and partial cockpit, with no engine inlets or wings in sight.

Experts said that indicated the aircraft may be larger and more ambitious than traditional trainers such as Britain's popular Hawk, whose wings and engines sit close behind the pilot.

Northrop Grumman Corp (NOC.N), builder of the current T-38, had originally teamed up with Britain's BAE Systems (BAES.L) to offer the Hawk, but tightened the contest earlier this year by announcing it had switched to an all-new model.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 21/09/2015 | 21:02 uur
Shenyang FC-31 fighter performance 'leaked' online

Richard D Fisher Jr, Washington, DC - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly | 20 September 2015

A sub-scale model of the Shenyang FC-31 fifth-generation fighter made its second appearance at the September 2015 Beijing Air Show. Source: Via Top81 web page

The posting on Chinese websites of possible performance data for the Shenyang Aircraft Corporation (SAC) FC-31 fifth-generation fighter indicates it could pose a commercial threat to Western and Russian fighter manufacturers.

A modified version of SAC's J-31 technology development fighter, an FC-31 model made its second appearance at the Beijing Air Show in mid-September. However, as at its debut appearance at the November 2014 Airshow China at Zhuhai, the Aviation Industries Corporation of China (AVIC) did not provide data on the aircraft.

On 15 September FC-31 performance data was posted anonymously online. The data reads like descriptive information intended for internal Chinese distribution and was apparently deemed not sensitive enough to be deleted by China's formidable internet censors. Other sources suggest it could have been released at the Beijing Air Show.

Apparently semi-approved internet revelations of otherwise classified data happen frequently, as the J-31's gradual revelation from 2010 to 2012 illustrate. However, the unofficial nature of such data deservedly prompts questions about its credibility.

For example, in the absence of more data on the FC-31's true empty weight, internal fuel capacity, and engine efficiency, some Chinese observers questioned claims that the "internal fuel combat radius" for a fighter of its size could be as much as 1,200 km.

However, the reported maximum engine thrust figure of "88.29 kn" or 9 tons, does conform with statements made by Chinese officials to IHS Jane's at the 2015 Paris Air Show that China was testing a new 9-ton medium thrust turbofan on the Chengdu Aircraft Corporation FC-1/JF-17 fighter. Thought to be an improved version of the WS-13 Taishan turbofan reportedly developed from the Russian Klimov 8.29-ton thrust RD-33 turbofan, it will power versions of the single-engine FC-1 and the twin-engine FC-31.

The data posted online describes the FC-31 as "designed for high survivability, low radar detectability, low IR (infrared) signature, and excellent capabilities for electronic counter measures".
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 21/09/2015 | 21:03 uur
Egypt steps up interest in MiG-35 deal with Russia

By Arie Egozi, Tel Aviv | 21 September 2015

Egypt's interest in acquiring the RAC MiG-35 has developed into negotiations with Russia to purchase 46 fighters in a deal which could be worth up to $2.2 billion.

According to Russian media reports, RAC MiG chief executive Sergei Korotkov says the company is ready to supply MiG-35s to Cairo. The model is the Russian air force's latest-generation fighter, and is a successor to earlier versions of the MiG-29 series.

The Egyptian air force currently operates a mixed fleet of Chengdu F-7s, Dassault Mirage 2000s and recently-transferred Rafale trainers, Lockheed Martin F-16s, and MiG-21s. Deliveries from the USA had been halted during a period of political instability, but were recently resumed.

According to Tal Inbar, a senior researcher at the Fisher Institute for Air & Space in Israel, the proposed deal with Russia is "a sign to Washington that Egypt has more than one source for advanced weapon systems".

Egypt is strengthening its military capabilities mainly to fight extremist groups like Islamic State, which is highly active in the Sinai peninsula and has killed a large number of Egyptian soldiers and policemen in recent months.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Zeewier op 21/09/2015 | 23:31 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 21/09/2015 | 21:02 uur
Shenyang FC-31 fighter performance 'leaked' online

Richard D Fisher Jr, Washington, DC - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly | 20 September 2015

A sub-scale model of the Shenyang FC-31 fifth-generation fighter made its second appearance at the September 2015 Beijing Air Show. Source: Via Top81 web page
Dit is een tweemotorige kist. Zijn deze motorinlaten dan niet veels te klein om er voldoende vermogen uit te halen? Sowieso te klein voor op grote hoogte en hoge Mach-getallen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 22/09/2015 | 08:52 uur
Lijkt op een mockup.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 22/09/2015 | 09:04 uur
Citaat van: Zeewier op 21/09/2015 | 23:31 uur
Dit is een tweemotorige kist. Zijn deze motorinlaten dan niet veels te klein om er voldoende vermogen uit te halen? Sowieso te klein voor op grote hoogte en hoge Mach-getallen.
De inlaten ogen inderdaad te klein, maar het is de vraag of dit wel het definitieve ontwerp is.

Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 22/09/2015 | 08:52 uur
Lijkt op een mockup.
Er staat ook sub-scale model in het onderschrift.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 22/09/2015 | 09:58 uur
Norway and Australia sign JSM-agreement | 21 September 2015

Australia to contribute to the development of new seeker capability on long range missile developed by Kongsberg for the F-35.

On 15 September Norway and Australia signed an agreement where Australia will finance the development of a new capability for the seeker in the Joint Strike Missile (JSM), developed by Norwegian company Kongsberg Defence Systems (KDA). If Australia later decides to procure the JSM, then Norway and Australia will share the cost of integrating the JSM on the F-35. This formalises the initial agreement reached during the visit by Norwegian State Secretary of Defence, Mr. Øystein Bø to Australia in February 2015, and beyond providing Norway with a missile that is both more capable and more competitive on the international market, it also marks the first time another nation has opened for the possibility of covering some of the costs related to the JSM.

- The JSM will provide one of the core capabilities of the future Norwegian Armed Forces, and this agreement not only confirms that other nations are seeing the value of what this missile can deliver, but also that they are prepared to help make it even better. Even if this so far doesn't change our costs related to developing and integrating the JSM on the F-35, it nonetheless ensures that we will get even more in return for our own investment in the missile, says Norwegian Minister of Defence, Ms. Ine Eriksen Søreide.

On Monday the 21st of September, Ms. Eriksen Søreide visited Lockheed Martin's manufacturing facilities in Fort Worth, Texas, where the F-35 is being built. On Tuesday the 22nd of September she will be participating in the formal roll-out of the first Norwegian F-35 along with the Norwegian Chief of Defence, Admiral Haakon Bruun-Hanssen, senior leadership in Lockheed Martin and Frank Kendall, US Undersecretary of Defence for Acquisitions, Technology and Logistics. The roll-out ceremony will also include representatives from several other nations within the F-35 partnership, and the Minister of Defence believes this new agreement highlights the value of the close multinational cooperation that the F-35 helps foster.

-  This agreement is a prime example of instances where two nations, each bringing their own  specialities and skills to the table, are able to build a better system by working together compared to what they could have done on their own. This, in a nutshell, is what the F-35-partnership is all about, and it is an important example of the kind of positive ripple effects the program helps generate beyond the aircraft themselves, says Ms. Eriksen Søreide.

The Joint Strike Missile is a long-range precision guided missile that can be carried internally in the F-35. By using a combination of advanced materials, an ability to fly low, while following the terrain and an advanced passive seeker, the missile will prove both extremely difficult to detect and stop even for advanced countermeasures and defence systems. The current seeker that is being developed for the JSM is based on a technology known as "imaging infra red" that enables the missile to detect and identify targets based on its heat signature. Under the terms of the newly signed agreement, BAE Australia will be tasked by the Australian Government to integrate a RF-seeking capability on the missile, which will enable to to also locate targets on the basis of their electronic signature. This will further strengthen the ability of the missile to locate and identify targets on a modern battlefield.

The JSM is being developed by Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace (KDA) on behalf of the Norwegian Armed Forces, and will be integrated on the F-35 in its first phase of follow-on development during 2022-2024. KDA has sourced components and technology for the missile from a broad network of subcontractors both in Norway and internationally to develop the new missile, and it is estimated that the JSM through its lifetime could support value generation for Norwegian industry equalling around NOK 20-25 billion.

- The Norwegian Government is determined to ensure a competitive Norwegian defence industry, and one of the most important ways of doing so is to develop this kind of cooperation with other nations. We help lay the foundations, and we invest heavily in new capabilities that are essential to our future security, and then its up to industry to prove that they can deliver, say Norwegian Minister of Defence, Ms. Ine Eriksen Søreide.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 22/09/2015 | 11:05 uur
Textron AirLand Considers Clean-Sheet T-X Offering

WASHINGTON — If Textron AirLand decides to submit a design for the US Air Force's next-generation trainer, it will be a new design and not a reworking of its Scorpion aircraft, a top company official told Defense News.

Textron AirLand President Bill Anderson said in an interview last week that the Scorpion, designed to be an ISR/strike platform, "is not a T-X competitor" based on the service's requirements, adding that his company winning the service's T-X competition will "require a new design."


voor gehele artikel, zie LINK
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 22/09/2015 | 16:01 uur
Korea's Fighter Jet Program Hits Turbulence As Washington Rejects Transfer of Core F-35 Technologies

(Source: The Korea Times; published Sept 22, 2015)
By Jun Ji-hye

The U.S. government refused to honor Lockheed Martin's pledge to transfer four core technologies in return for sales of 40 F-35 stealth fighters to Korea, posing a threat to the nation's project to develop its own fighter jets.

"The U.S. government rejected transferring the technologies for security reasons," an official from the Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) said Tuesday.

The four technologies are the multifunction, active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar, infrared search and track (IRST), electronic optics targeting pod (EOTGP) and RF jammer.

The failure to receive these is feared to hamper Seoul's project to develop its own warplanes, according to Rep. Ahn Gyu-baek of the main opposition New Politics Alliance for Democracy (NPAD).

During a National Assembly audit session, Rep. Ahn argued that Lockheed promised to hand over a total of 25 technologies related to the stealth fighter, including the four, to Korea as an offset program under the 7.3 trillion won deal, signed in September last year.

Rep. Ahn, who belongs to the National Assembly Defense Committee said, "Under the offset deal, Lockheed Martin was supposed to seek approval from the U.S. government by May to export the technologies."

He said Washington's rejection of the transfer would hinder the nation's 8.5 trillion won project to develop indigenous fighter jets scheduled to be put into service beginning 2025.

Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) has been pushing for the fighter development project, codenamed the KF-X, on the premise that the Korean company can take advantage of technology transfers from Lockheed.

Rep. Moon Jae-in, chairman of the NPAD, also argued: "One of the prime reasons for choosing the Lockheed Martin F-35 as the nation's next-generation was the transfer of the key technologies. The company won the deal by presenting tempting conditions, and then the U.S. changed its word."

In response, Air Force Chief of Staff Jeong Kyeong-doo told the audit session that there would be no problem in carrying out the KF-X project.

"At the time of signing the contract to buy the F-35s, there was no problem involving the transfer," he said.

DAPA said Korea will push cooperation with other foreign companies in developing AESA radar and IRST technologies, and will autonomously develop EOTGP and RF jammers.

A military official explained on condition of anonymity that at the time of signing the K-X contract, Korea was aware that the U.S. strictly bans the transfer of the four technologies, but DAPA asked Lockheed to additionally include them into the transfer list with the other 21 items. Korea made the additional request, having the strong Seoul-Washington alliance in mind, he said.

"Exclusion of the four cannot be seen as a breach of contract as the U.S. government's approval was cited as a precondition," he said.

Last Thursday, DAPA head Chang Myoung-jin told lawmakers that the U.S. government vowed to approve the export of the remaining 21 technologies.

But some defense observers remained skeptical about the promise, citing previous cases in which U.S. companies have been reluctant in technology transfers.

"It has been the convention that the U.S. is reluctant to transfer technologies after selling weapons," an analyst said.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 22/09/2015 | 16:04 uur
F-35 Delays Force Canada to Extend CF-18 Hornet Life

DND to Spend Up to $500-million Upgrading CF-18 Fighter Fleet to Extend Life By Five Years (excerpt)
(Source: Hill Times; published Sept 21, 2015)

PARLIAMENT HILL --- Delays in large-scale production of U.S. Lockheed Martin F-35 stealth war planes combined with the Harper government's failure to commit to competitive bidding for a new fighter jet have led to a Department of National Defence plan for a $500-million upgrade to extend the life of Canada's vintage CF-18 fighter fleet by five years, a new industry acquisition guide for the fighter program shows.

"In order to ensure there are no operational gaps in the Royal Canadian Air Force's fighter capability, the Department of National Defence is planning upgrades to extend the CF-18 fleet life expectancy to 2025," a newly posted version of the department's Defence Acquisition Guide says.

The department estimates the upgrade program would cost from C$250-million to C$499-million.

The new plan to continue flying the CF-18 fighters for another decade appears to have been published on the department's website sometime after last May, when the Defence Acquisition guide included only two CF-18 programs and another entry for the entire fighter jet replacement project. The two systems upgrade programs have been absorbed into the fleet extension program. (end of excerpt)

Originele artikel :$500-million-upgrading-cf-18-fighter-fleet-to-extend-life-by-five-years/43489
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 22/09/2015 | 23:00 uur
First F-35 for Norway rolled out at Fort Worth

Gareth Jennings, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly | 21 September

The first of 52 Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) aircraft for Norway was rolled out during a ceremony at the company's Fort Worth production facility in Texas on 22 September.

The roll-out of aircraft AM-1, which was built as part of the low-rate initial production (LRIP) 7 production lot, marks the first step in a process that will see the Royal Norwegian Air Force (RNoAF) replace its 55 Lockheed Martin F-16AM/BM fleet with 52 F-35As by the end of 2024.

Once ground and flight trials have been completed, AM-1 will be retained in the United States for pilot training as part of the international fleet at Luke Air Force Base (AFB) in Arizona before being delivered to Norway in 2017 (the first three Norwegian aircraft will be based in the US in the first instance). The country's second aircraft - AM-2 - is in production also and is set to be rolled out shortly.

Norway joined the F-35 programme as a Tier 3 partner during the project's system development and demonstration (SDD) phase. It selected the type in November 2008, and currently has 22 of its planned 52 aircraft funded. Further funding and procurement contracts will be signed on annually.

The RNoAF aircraft will feature the structural provisions for a drag chute, which will be fitted inside a missioned pod located on the rear fuselage. This modification will better enable the aircraft to come to a halt on Norway's icy runways during its long winter. The service plans to base its F-35As at Orland Air Base in central Norway, with Bodo Air Base scheduled to be closed with the retirement of the F-16s.

Further to the RNoAF-requested drag chute modification, Norwegian industry is heavily involved in the F-35 programme, which is expected to be worth up to USD4.7 billion to the national economy over its lifetime.

Norwegian Minister of Defence, Her Excellency Ine Eriksen Søreide, with the Norwegian Armed Force's first F-35A Lightning II, known as AM-1, at the Lockheed Martin F-35 production facility in Fort Worth, Texas. The rollout marks an important production milestone for the F-35 program and the future of Norway's national defense.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: StrataNL op 23/09/2015 | 14:19 uur
Gareth Jennings ‏@GarethJennings3  (Janes) 1 uur geleden  
@CharlesLindberg @Saab expects a Finnish RfI in 2016 & RfP in 2018 for 40 - 60 aircraft, and this will do the #Gripen's chances no harm.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Zeewier op 25/09/2015 | 01:12 uur
Citaat van: Strata op 23/09/2015 | 14:19 uur
Gareth Jennings ‏@GarethJennings3  (Janes) 1 uur geleden  
@CharlesLindberg @Saab expects a Finnish RfI in 2016 & RfP in 2018 for 40 - 60 aircraft, and this will do the #Gripen's chances no harm.
Daar leken de politieke signalen inderdaad op aan te sturen. Het verwonderd niet nadat Zweden en Finland bekend maakten hun verdediging sterk op elkaar wilden afstemmen. En weer proficiat aan Saab!
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 26/09/2015 | 21:37 uur
Strong US Dollar Explodes F-35 Costs, May Reduce Export Orders

PARIS --- Norway may be forced to reduce its F-35 order by as many as ten aircraft to remain within its allocated budget, public service broadcaster NRK reported Sept 23, showing how the US dollar's strong appreciation can damage the acquisition plans of countries tied into the F-35 program.

Foreign buyers have no escape, as all F-35 contracts are labeled in US dollars and, as usual, they include no compensation or escape clauses for currency variations. F-35 buyers are especially vulnerable because the program's long timeline – over 20 years from signing on to final deliveries -- makes them far more vulnerable to currency fluctuations.

The actual amount of the cost escalation varies from country to country, and will only be known when each aircraft is delivered – and paid for. It also is conceivable that the variation could be reversed, and a huge drop in the dollar's value would make the F-35 more affordable, but given the weakness of the economies of most F-35 buyer countries this looks improbable.

Until recently, the dollar's influence on F-35 prices had been overlooked despite its strong appreciation over the past year, but the consequences are now becoming clear to buyer countries: either boost budgets by the same amount as the dollar's appreciation, or reduce the number of aircraft.

This dilemma was illustrated by recent warning to the Dutch Parliament by the minister of defense that the cost of the planned F-35 acquisition had increased by €550 million in less than two years because of the rising US dollar (see below).

Even worse, from the program's point of view, is that the rising dollar will wipe out whatever savings Lockheed Martin and the Pentagon may achieve by bulking up annual orders and other cost-cutting measures.

While the F-35's Joint Program Office says it reduced unit costs by 3-4% in the last annual order, the value of the US dollar – and thus the cost of each F-35 to Eurozone buyers - has increased by 22% in one year -- rising from €0.73 in mid-2014 to €0.89 now.

In Norway, it will not be possible to buy the 52 aircraft currently planned if future defense budgets continue at current levels, with just the usual cost escalation. This is the official military advice that the Norwegian Chief of Defence, Adm. Haakon Bruun-Hanssen, will publish on Oct. 1, according to public broadcaster NRK.

Bruun-Hanssen believes that politicians must allocate an additional 180 billion kroner ($21.7 billion) over twenty years to get the defense capabilities they want – including all 52 planned F-35 fighters.

Incidentally, the looming necessity to further cut F-35 numbers contradicts statements made by both Norwegian Defense Minister Ine Eriksen Søreide and Bruun-Hansen during the Sept 23 official roll-out of the first production F-35A for Norway.

Norway has already reduced its planned acquisition of the F-35, from the 85 it originally wanted to today's 52, because of their high cost.

According to the Defense Ministry, the entire F-35 procurement is expected to cost 67.9 billion in real 2015 terms for the 52 planes. Cutting the purchase by ten aircraft will thus entail savings of many billions.

How much the defense chief expects to save is not specified in detail in the main document "Chief of Defence professional military advice." Nor is it clear whether, and by how much, the price for each aircraft will go up if their number is reduced.

"The military will not comment on details of the ongoing work with the Chief of Defence's professional military advice, but will come back to it as a whole when it is finalized on 1 October 2015," Major Vegard Finberg, a spokesperson for the Chief of Defence, told NRK.

Problem Holds for All Export Customers

The fast appreciation of the US dollar over the past two years compared to many foreign currencies is having a similar impact on all foreign buyers of the F-35, as it increases the cost in their national currencies to buy a given amount of dollars.

Dutch Defense Minister Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert informed Parliament Sept 15 that according to new estimates, the cost of buying 37 F-35 fighters has increased to over 5.2 billion euros -- 550 million euros more than the previous estimate. Higher sales tax adds another 75 million euros. The cause of the price increase is the "substantially higher" dollar exchange rate.

In Italy, no official statement has been made on the issue, but the 90 F-35s now planned (down from the original 131) are likely to cost more than 30% more than planned because of dollar's 30% appreciation since the order was awarded in 2011 -- increasing from 0.65 euros to the current 0.90 euros.

Similar increases tied to the strong dollar are also due in other countries, such as Australia -- where the US dollar's value has increased from A$1.08 to A$1.41 -- and Turkey, where the dollar's value has increased from 5.9 to 8.15 Turkish lira.

Asian customers face much lower currency-related cost increases as the dollar's appreciation relative to the South Korean won (1,060 won to 1,170 won) and Japanese yen (from 101 to 120 for one US dollar) has been lower than elsewhere.

For the time being, only the United Kingdom has escaped a currency-driven price escalation, as the US dollar's value relative to the pound sterling is back at its July 2012 levels (steady at around £0.65), after especially strong variations in the interim.

A Very Thin Silver Lining

While the appreciating dollar is boosting F-35 unit prices, it also will boost profits of the companies involved in the program's supply chain. Again, contracts awarded by prime contractor Lockheed Martin to overseas suppliers are labeled is US dollars, so any increase in the dollar's value goes right to the contractor's bottom line.

In the same way, of course, a drop in the dollar's value would instead generate operating losses for foreign subcontractors that had not bought currency hedges.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 26/09/2015 | 22:14 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 26/09/2015 | 21:37 uur
Norway has already reduced its planned acquisition of the F-35, from the 85 it originally wanted to today's 52, because of their high cost.

Het lijkt mij sterk dat Noorwegen oorspronkelijk 85 stuks van de F-35A wilde bestellen. Zelfs zoveel F-16A/B hebben ze nooit geleverd gekregen. Wordt Noorwegen niet met Nederland verwisseld?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Poleme op 27/09/2015 | 00:46 uur
Noorwegen wordt inderdaad voor Nederland aangezien.  De Noren hebben al sinds het begin van deze eeuw het aantal F-16 vervangers gesteld op 48 - 52 kisten.
In 2001 - begin 2003 waren ze overigens nog van plan om hun jachtvliegtuigen vloot 50 : 50 te splitsen over de Typhoon en F-35A.
Zij hadden berekend dat zo een gemengde vloot in totaal USD 50 miljoen gerekend over 20 jaar meer zou kosten in gebruik vergeleken met een 1 type vloot.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 01/10/2015 | 09:20 uur
Both House and Senate armed forces committees have agreed to fund the development of UCLASS unmanned aircraft in the draft FY2016 NDAA bill, in addition to more Tomahawk cruise missiles, F-35B Joint Strike Fighters for the Marines and F/A-18E/F Super Hornets for the Navy. The draft bill also includes for the provision of a fourth MQ-4C Triton UAV.

12 stuks F-18E/F voor de US Navy, dus de lijn blijft nog weer iets langer open
6 extra F-35B voor de USMC (totaal van 15 stuks in FY2016)

House, Senate Armed Services Committees Agree to Support UCLASS, Additional Aircraft Procurement
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 02/10/2015 | 15:29 uur
KF-X scandal widens, probe started by civil affairs' office

The South Korean government has launched a probe to investigate if the officials had lied to help Lockheed Martin secure the F-35 contract.

When Seoul choose the F-35 over the F-15SE, it was promised a series of technology transfers in order to help develop the indigenous KF-X fighter. The transfer of four important technologies have since been blocked by the U.S. government.

The investigation is being conducted by the office of the senior presidential secretary for civil affairs. Its main job is to monitor the service records of high-level officials, carry out discipline and counter corruption. Rarely does the office investigate military affairs.

NSO chief may face probe over F-35 deal
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 02/10/2015 | 15:53 uur
Boeing Wins $4Bn to Upgrade F-15 EW; BAE Is Subcontractor       ( USAF F-15C's en E's blijven vliegen tot 2040 )

Boeing Selected As Prime for EPAWSS Electronic Warfare Suite Program
(Source: Boeing Co.; issued October 1, 2015)

ST. LOUIS --- Boeing has been selected as the prime contractor for the U.S. Air Force's Eagle Passive Active Warning Survivability System (EPAWSS). This new electronic warfare suite will counter threats and better protect air crews. The EPAWSS program, which will upgrade existing F-15 aircraft, is valued at approximately $4 billion.

"As we look at future threats, enhanced electronic warfare is more essential than ever to improve overall survivability," said Lt. Col. James Parslow, U.S. Air Force F-15 EPAWSS program manager, Fighter/Bombers Directorate, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center. "We look forward to adding this next-generation capability to enhance the air superiority mission of the F-15."

The new threat detection system will be installed on more than 400 F-15Es and F-15Cs, replacing the Tactical Electronic Warfare System also known as TEWS.

"Warfighters of today and tomorrow need the latest in jamming, targeting, infrared threat detection and enhanced decoy capabilities," said Mike Gibbons, vice president, Global Strike Boeing F-15 programs. "EPAWSS will ensure the F-15 is relevant and dominant through 2040 and beyond."

Boeing has selected BAE Systems as the subcontractor to develop EPAWSS.

BAE Systems Increases Effectiveness and Survivability of U.S. Air Force F-15 Fleet with Electronic Warfare Upgrades
Source: BAE Systems; issued Oct 1, 2015)

NASHUA, N.H. --- BAE Systems has been selected by Boeing to develop and manufacture a new, all-digital electronic warfare system for the U.S. Air Force's (USAF) fleet of F-15 fighter aircraft. The new electronic warfare system is part of a multi-billion dollar program to develop the Eagle Passive Active Warning Survivability System (EPAWSS), an integrated system that will provide advanced aircraft protection, significantly improved situational awareness, and support future USAF F-15 mission requirements.

"This selection builds on our extensive electronic warfare legacy, a history we were able to leverage to develop an executable, affordable, and low-risk solution for the F-15 fleet," said Brian Walters, vice president and general manager of Electronic Combat Solutions at BAE Systems. "By upgrading to an enhanced all-digital system, the Air Force, in conjunction with the platform prime, Boeing, will provide next-generation electronic warfare capability to F-15C and F-15E aircraft to help keep the platform capable and mission-ready against current and future threats."

The F-15 EPAWSS system will replace the current F-15 Tactical Electronic Warfare Suite (TEWS), which has been in use since the 1980s. Updating the electronic warfare system is critical to the F-15, which is scheduled to be in service through 2040.

EPAWSS, an integrated all-digital system, requires a smaller footprint than TEWS and provides advanced electronic warfare capabilities and a significant growth path for the F-15 Eagle. The system will improve aircraft protection with advanced electronic countermeasures, radar warning, and increased chaff and flare capability. EPAWSS is designed to meet future F-15 requirements, including the capability to detect and defeat threats in contested and highly contested environments.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 02/10/2015 | 18:59 uur
Bulgaria Needs New Fighter Jets - Defense Committee Head

The Bulgarian Air Forces urgently need new multirole aircraft and a decision on the maintenance of currently available MiG-29s, the chair of Parliament's Defense Committee has said.

Gen Miho Mihov, also a former Chief of Staff of the Bulgarian Armed Forces, told Focus News Agency Bulgaria should not break all its ties to "the Russian military-industrial complex" just because of being part of NATO.

Thursday's move by Air Force Commander Maj Gen Rumen Radev to step down (and then withdraw his resignation after talks with PM Boyko Borisov) reintroduced to the public the question of urgent measures needed to address what he commander called "lack of perspective".

Among the biggest problems are the insufficient number of fighter jets fit for conducting air policing missions and training, the decreasing number of prepared pilots, the inadequate number of flight hours, and the government's lack of commitment to long-standing plans on the acquisition of new aircraft.

In Mihov's words, however, Bulgaria is able to "stabilize its military aviation and to continue participating in NATO's integrated system."

He said Sofia should "immediately" proceed to the acquisition procedure.

Commenting on a Wednesday announcement that amendments are being prepared that will allow joint air policing missions over Bulgaria carried by national and NATO units together, Mihov admitted that the prospect of Turkey patrolling over Bulgaria's airspace was "unacceptable" for Bulgarians on psychological and historical grounds.

The decision to allow joint NATO air policing missions prompted the outrage of opposition socialist BSP party, which demanded the resignation of Defense Minister Nikolay Nenchev.

The ruling coalition has been quick to dispel fears, saying that it is unlikely for neighboring Greece or Turkey to be able to perform such missions over Bulgaria.

Parliament's Defense Committee is also holding an outdoor session on Friday at the Graf Ignatievo military base in Southern Bulgaria to discuss Air Force issues.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 03/10/2015 | 09:27 uur
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/10/2015 | 09:34 uur
Citaat van: www.defense-aerospace
Boeing Wins $4Bn to Upgrade F-15 EW; BAE Is Subcontractor      

Zomaar een aanname: door > 400 F15C/E een upgrade te geven waardoor de operationele levensverwachting wordt verlengt tot minimaal 2040 zal de USAF F35A order met >400 worden gereduceerd.

Een bestelling medio jaren dertig (van F35) lijkt onzinnig gezien de ontwikkeling van (Boeing) FA/XX en (LM) F/X die, na huidige verwachting,  rond medio jaren dertig het operationele levenslicht zullen zien.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 03/10/2015 | 10:09 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/10/2015 | 09:34 uur
Zomaar een aanname: door > 400 F15C/E een upgrade te geven waardoor de operationele levensverwachting wordt verlengt tot minimaal 2040 zal de USAF F35A order met >400 worden gereduceerd.

Een bestelling medio jaren dertig (van F35) lijkt onzinnig gezien de ontwikkeling van (Boeing) FA/XX en (LM) F/X die, na huidige verwachting,  rond medio jaren dertig het operationele levenslicht zullen zien.

Net zoals de F35 van €30 miljoen tegen 2008 heer en meester in elk luchtruim is ja. Natuurlijk kan de Boeing in 2030 operationeel vliegen, maar ik verwacht er nog maar even niks van.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: JdL op 03/10/2015 | 10:11 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/10/2015 | 09:34 uur
Zomaar een aanname: door > 400 F15C/E een upgrade te geven waardoor de operationele levensverwachting wordt verlengt tot minimaal 2040 zal de USAF F35A order met >400 worden gereduceerd.

Een bestelling medio jaren dertig (van F35) lijkt onzinnig gezien de ontwikkeling van (Boeing) FA/XX en (LM) F/X die, na huidige verwachting,  rond medio jaren dertig het operationele levenslicht zullen zien.
Ik vond het een dwaas idee dat de F-35 de F-15 zou vervangen
van mij hadden ze de F-22 langer mogen produceren
Maar goed het zou wel de kostprijs gedrukt hebben van de F-35 als de F-35 order groter zou zijn
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/10/2015 | 10:15 uur
Citaat van: johandeleeuw2002 op 03/10/2015 | 10:11 uur
Ik vond het een dwaas idee dat de F-35 de F-15 zou vervangen
van mij hadden ze de F-22 langer mogen produceren
Maar goed het zou wel de kostprijs gedrukt hebben van de F-35 als de F-35 order groter zou zijn

De politieke beslissing om de F22 te killen bij 187 exemplaren ipv de oorspronkelijk beoogde 750 stuks zou wel eens de grootste strategische vergissing van de Amerikanen kunnen blijken te zijn die ze in de volgende 2 decennia het luchtoverwicht kan/zal kosten.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: JdL op 03/10/2015 | 11:03 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/10/2015 | 10:15 uur
De politieke beslissing om de F22 te killen bij 187 exemplaren ipv de oorspronkelijk beoogde 750 stuks zou wel eens de grootste strategische vergissing van de Amerikanen kunnen blijken te zijn die ze in de volgende 2 decennia het luchtoverwicht kan/zal kosten.
Is er nog een mogelijkheid om de productie in geval van nood te hervatten?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/10/2015 | 11:12 uur
Citaat van: johandeleeuw2002 op 03/10/2015 | 11:03 uur
Is er nog een mogelijkheid om de productie in geval van nood te hervatten?

Tegen een prijs kan alles.... maar het lijkt hoogst onwaarschijnlijk.

Everyone Who Wanted More F-22s Is Being Proven Right
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 03/10/2015 | 11:53 uur
Zelfs als de productie van van de F-22A weer mogelijk zou zijn, dan zouden deze qua hardware en software flink moeten worden gemoderniseerd.

Dat de USAF de F-15E minimaal tot 2040 wil laten vliegen, is voor hun logisch. Vraag is wel wat het kostenplaatje is voor de oudere F-15C.

Citaat van: johandeleeuw2002 op 03/10/2015 | 10:11 uur
Ik vond het een dwaas idee dat de F-35 de F-15 zou vervangen
Binnen de USAF/ANG ondersteunt de F-16 al jaren de F-15 in de air-to-air taak. De F-35A zal dat ook steeds meer moeten gaan doen. De toekomstige Block versies zullen steeds meer mogelijkheden geven om dit goed te kunnen blijven uitvoeren.

Afgezien van de AIM-120D zal de VS toch meer moeten inzetten op de ontwikkeling van nieuwe air-to-air bewapening.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 03/10/2015 | 12:23 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 03/10/2015 | 11:53 uur
Afgezien van de AIM-120D zal de VS toch meer moeten inzetten op de ontwikkeling van nieuwe air-to-air bewapening.

Daar is men toch ook mee bezig?

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 03/10/2015 | 12:28 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 03/10/2015 | 12:23 uur
Daar is men toch ook mee bezig?

Men is hier mee bezig, zolang het kan worden bekostigd. Om deze reden werd de AIM-9X Block III geannuleerd. De genoemde projecten zullen toch echt door moeten blijven gaan.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 04/10/2015 | 14:24 uur
F-35C Lightning II Flexes Sea Legs, Boards USS Eisenhower for Second Phase of Developmental Test

U.S. Navy | October 3, 2015

Two F-35C Lightning II carrier variants conducted their first arrested landings aboard USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69) off the coast of the eastern United States on Oct. 2.

U.S. Navy test pilots Cmdr. Tony "Brick" Wilson and LT Chris "TJ" Karapostoles landed F-35C test aircraft CF-03 and CF-05, respectively, aboard USS Eisenhower's flight deck. The arrested landing is part of the F-35's two week at-sea Developmental Testing (DT-II) phase.

DT-II is the second of three at-sea test phases planned for the F-35C. Naval aircraft undergo DT-I, -II and -III test phases in order to ensure the development of aircraft that meet specifications and to identify mission critical issues sufficiently early in the test phase to deliver fully capable aircraft in time for their scheduled initial operating capability (IOC).

During DT-I in 2014, the F-35 Lightning II made aviation history when it conducted its inaugural arrested landings and catapult launches aboard an aircraft carrier. The first-ever carrier-based flight operations of the F-35C occurred Nov. 3 aboard USS Nimitz (CVN 68). F-35C test pilots and engineers from the F-35 Lightning II Pax River Integrated Test Force (ITF) based at Naval Air Station Patuxent River in Patuxent River, Maryland, tested the suitability and integration of the aircraft with carrier air and deck operations in an at-sea environment Nov. 3-14. The F-35C demonstrated exceptional performance both in the air and on the flight deck, accelerating the team's progress through the DT-I schedule, achieving 100 percent of the threshold test points three days early and conducting night ops during DT-I - an unheard of feat since the Navy's F-4 era. Test pilots and engineers credited the F-35C's Delta Flight Path (DFP) technology with significantly reducing pilot workload during the approach to the carrier, increasing safety margins during carrier approaches and reducing touchdown dispersion.

"The follow-on sea trials of the F-35C are possible through the cooperation and teamwork of the USS Eisenhower," said Andrew Maack, Chief Test Engineer and Government Site Director of the Naval Variants ITF. "The men and women of the Eisenhower have partnered with the Pax River ITF test team in pursuit of a common goal - testing the F-35C in the at-sea environment. Together, their expertise and full measure of hard work and dedication will equip us with the data necessary to determine the path ahead for the F-35C."

The F-35C will perform a variety of operational maneuvers during DT-II - including catapult takeoffs and arrested landings - while simulating maintenance operations and conducting general maintenance and fit tests for the aircraft and support equipment. Following the analysis of DT-II test data, the team will conduct a thorough assessment of the F-35C's performance in the shipboard environment before advising the Navy on any adjustments necessary to ensure that the fifth-generation fighter is ready to meet its scheduled IOC in 2018.

"These sea trials will further expand the F-35C's flight envelope," said Lt. Gen. Chris Bogdan, F-35 Program Executive Officer. "Over the next few weeks we'll learn more about what it takes to integrate next generation fighters aboard aircraft carriers. The testing we're doing today will prepare us for next year's final at-sea developmental test and keep us on track to support the Navy's 2018 initial operational capability date."

The F-35C - the Navy's and Marine Corps' carrier-suitable variant (CV) - combines unprecedented at-sea stealth with fighter speed and agility, fused targeting, cutting-edge avionics, advanced jamming, network-enabled operations and advanced sustainment. With a broad wingspan, reinforced landing gear, ruggedized structures and durable coatings, the F-35C will stand up to harsh shipboard conditions while avionics equip the pilot with real-time, spherical access to battlespace information and commanders at sea, in the air and on the ground with an instantaneous, high-fidelity single picture view of ongoing operations.

By 2025, the Navy's aircraft carrier-based air wings will consist of a mix of F-35C, F/A-18E/F Super Hornets, EA-18G Growlers electronic attack aircraft, E-2D Hawkeye battle management and control aircraft, MH-60R/S helicopters and Carrier Onboard Delivery logistics aircraft. The continued success of F-35 Lightning II shipboard operations aid the development of the Navy's next generation fighter and reinforce Navy-industry partnership goals to deliver the operational aircraft to the fleet in 2018. Lockheed Martin is the aircraft contractor and Pratt & Whitney is the engine contractor.

Determine the update to the referenced online resource: For more news from USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69), visit

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 06/10/2015 | 09:28 uur
Norway reconfirms plans to acquire 52 F-35s

By Beth Stevenson, London | 5 October 2015

Norway's defence ministry has used a strategic defence review to underline its continued commitment to acquiring 52 Lockheed Martin F-35s, as well as outlining plans to acquire different types of manned and unmanned surveillance aircraft.

Presented by defence chief Adm Haakon Bruun-Hanssen on 1 October, the review will help inform a new long-term plan for the Norwegian armed forces expected to be released in 2016.

"We remain dependent on the timely introduction of new capabilities into our armed forces, such as the F-35," Bruun-Hanssen said, presenting the document. "Only by completing the acquisition of 52 combat aircraft with the [Kongsberg] Joint Strike Missile will we be able to provide the full spectrum of capabilities that we need to address our future security challenges."

Speculation had suggested that Oslo was prepared to scale back its F-35 acquisition. However, Bruun-Hanssen notes that he is "required to keep the minimum of F-35s, due to [its] importance as the future backbone of the Norwegian armed forces".

Of the 52 required, 28 will be operational by 2020 and the other 34 by 2024 - the first F-35A for Norway, which will be based in the USA for training, was unveiled on 23 September.

"My advice to the government is to strengthen our ability to conduct surveillance and intelligence, to improve the response times of our forces, to strengthen the manning of key structural elements, while also improving our ability to protect key infrastructure," he says.

One way in which Oslo plans to bolster its intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance capability is by introducing a mixed fleet of new manned and unmanned aircraft.

"Intelligence, surveillance and situational awareness is a prerequisite for solving defence tasks and creates a good basis for decisions," the review says.

Its six-strong Lockheed Martin P-3 Orion fleet needs replacing, with the youngest example in its inventory 26 years old, according to Flightglobal's Fleets Analyzer database.

Norway plans to begin the phased retirement of its Orions in the 2017-2020 period, while it will be completely removed from Norwegian service in the 2021-2028 timeframe.

"The maritime patrol aircraft P-3 Orion is a capable structural element which provides important information, but the system requires significant updates, and for economic reasons cannot be given priority," the review says.

Additionally, two Dassault Falcon 20s that Norway uses for electronic warfare operations, both of which are nearing 50 years of age, will also be phased out and replaced by 2024.

A combination of satellite-based sensors plus manned and unmanned surveillance platforms will replace the P-3 and DA-20, it says, with four new ISR aircraft – assumed to manned – operational by 2024.

The review adds that six medium-altitude, long-endurance unmanned air vehicles will be operational by 2024, along with six tactical UAVs.

Norway has also confirmed its plans to acquire a new rotorcraft type for its special forces to replace its 18-strong fleet of Bell Helicopter 412s.

Nine replacement rotorcraft are due to be operational by 2024, with the AgustaWestland AW101 - already selected by Norway for search and rescue missions - and the NH Industries NH90 - presently operated by the Royal Norwegian Air Force - expected to be pitched for the special operations requirement.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 08/10/2015 | 09:12 uur
Boeing Offers New, Rebuilt, Upgraded Super Hornets To U.S. Navy

Boeing is offering the U.S. Navy a plan that includes continued long-term production of the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet to alleviate a major projected shortfall in the service's strike-fighter numbers and keep the force capable until a replacement is fielded, in the mid-2030s or later. The Navy's oldest Super Hornet fleet will reach its 6,000-hr. design lifetime in 2017. The rest of the fleet will follow at approximately the rate they were acquired—around 40 per year—but ...
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 08/10/2015 | 09:55 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 08/10/2015 | 09:12 uur
Boeing Offers New, Rebuilt, Upgraded Super Hornets To U.S. Navy

Boeing is offering the U.S. Navy a plan that includes continued long-term production of the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet to alleviate a major projected shortfall in the service's strike-fighter numbers and keep the force capable until a replacement is fielded, in the mid-2030s or later. The Navy's oldest Super Hornet fleet will reach its 6,000-hr. design lifetime in 2017. The rest of the fleet will follow at approximately the rate they were acquired—around 40 per year—but ...
Op één of andere manier doet mij dit denken aan de modernisering van de F-4B en F-4J Phantom II naar respectievelijk de F-4N en F-4S.

De U.S. Navy gaat de gemoderniseerde Super Hornets in ieder geval hard nodig hebben.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Zander op 08/10/2015 | 10:40 uur
Het zal mij niets verbazen als de productielijn langer open zal blijven. Volgens mij heeft de US Navy onlangs nog enkele exemplaren besteld ter aanvulling/in afwachting van de vertraagde F35C ontwikkeling/levering.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 08/10/2015 | 11:38 uur
Citaat van: Zander op 08/10/2015 | 10:40 uur
Het zal mij niets verbazen als de productielijn langer open zal blijven. Volgens mij heeft de US Navy onlangs nog enkele exemplaren besteld ter aanvulling/in afwachting van de vertraagde F35C ontwikkeling/levering.

12 stuks, betekend bij een gereduceerde productielijn capaciteit van 3 naar 2 per maand: 6 maanden langer (asl het hier bij blijft)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 12/10/2015 | 13:10 uur
F-35B Tests Aim To Cut Fighter Jet's Rolling Landing Risk

By Guy Norris, Aviation Week & Space Technology | October 12, 2015

While early sea trials of the Joint Strike Fighter have focused on ship suitability for the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps, a wave of upcoming tests are about to evaluate roles geared primarily for U.K. operations of the Lockheed Martin F-35B short-takeoff-and-vertical landing (Stovl) version.

Lockheed Martin, BAE Systems and U.S. and U.K. military test units are set to begin an intensive second phase of envelope expansion flights using the ski jump ramp at the U.S. NAS Patuxent River, Maryland, site in the build-up to trials with the ramp-configured U.K. Royal Navy's new HMS Queen Elizabeth carrier in 2018-19. In addition, a new round of work is about to further refine techniques for the shipborne rolling vertical landing (SRVL) technique in development for the U.K. and potentially other F-35B operators.

The ski jump tests are aimed at risk-reduction measures "as well as some development to make sure it works as advertised," says BAE Systems lead F-35B Stovl test pilot Peter "Wizzer" Wilson. Speaking to Aviation Week at the Society of Experimental Test Pilots symposium in Anaheim, California, Wilson says only three takeoffs have so far been made using the ramp at Patuxent River, "but we have a backlog of over 100 to clear that capability, so we have quite a long way to go."

The ski jump idea was conceived in the 1970s as a means of improving the slow-speed-takeoff performance of the Harrier from a ship's deck. However, unlike the Harrier, which has a separate inceptor for controlling the angle of the nozzles that vector engine thrust for short takeoffs, the operation of the F-35's lift system is automatic.

There was the potential for cognitive errors in the Harrier that led to failures," says Wilson. The Harrier ski jump takeoff technique required pilots to move the nozzle control lever to vector thrust down as the aircraft exited the deck. However, pilots would sometimes accidentally move back the throttle lever instead. "A few people didn't fly away from that. With the F-35B that cognitive action has been designed out," says Wilson.

Future F-35B testing also includes completion of external stores trials. "We haven't completed that in Stovl mode and [have] not yet completed it in up-and-away mode, particularly at high alpha [angle-of-attack]," Wilson adds. "Nor have we gone to the maximum speeds yet that you can go to with external stores. So nearly every flight we do now is with external stores, either symmetric or asymmetric."

External weapons testing will also form part of the focus for a third set of F-35B sea trials provisionally planned for the second half of 2016. This work will also include more night-flight and performance testing, including deliberately slower-than-normal takeoffs from the deck to assess tolerance to errors. Wilson expects the margin to be satisfactory because of the F-35B's slow speed lift capability, despite its relatively small wing. "The aircraft does well at slow speed because of the amount of lift you get off the wing. You are getting 1,000s of pounds of lift at speeds you would drive your car at."

The U.K. in particular is counting on this lift performance for successful development of its SRVL technique, which will be used to increase the "bring-back" weight of stores and fuel the F-35B will be able to land with on the ship. In SRVL, the aircraft will be brought in to land in hover mode but with sufficient forward, or "overtake" speed to generate useful lift. Although the U.K.'s F-35Bs are expected to be capable of bringing back a typical internal weapons load of around 5,000 lb., the SRVL technique is under development to boost that by over 2,000 lb. for high-temperature conditions. The added capacity will allow the aircraft to return with large pylon-mounted weapons, such as the U.K.'s Storm Shadow standoff, air-launched missile.

Trials will look at two potential concerns with the SRVL, namely pilot workload and failure cases. Once on the deck, the relatively narrow landing path (between parked aircraft, vehicles and other deck objects) and limited stopping distance means "you can't afford to burst a tire too often," says Wilson. "I'm concerned about the possibility of a tire burst and whether you can keep it straight on touchdown. The simulations suggest we'll be OK as long as we limit our speed, so we will have a maximum overtake speed. We don't know what that will be yet but it is on the order of 40 kt."

This is a summary of the article "Test Plan To Cut F-35B Rolling Landing Risk". Click here to read the full article, which reveals more technical detail behind the trials, available to subscribers only.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 13/10/2015 | 14:55 uur
F-35C completes flight testing in second at-sea trials on board US Navy aircraft carrier

Grace Jean, USS Dwight D Eisenhower - IHS Jane's Navy International | 12 October 2015

Key Points
• The F-35C completed the flight test portion of a two-week period on board USS Dwight D Eisenhower
• The carrier-based fighter flew for the first time with weapons including inert GBU-31 and AMRAAM missiles embarked in the internal payload bay

The US Navy's (USN's) Lockheed Martin F-35C Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) completed its second round of flight tests on board a Nimitz-class nuclear-powered aircraft carrier on 9 October during at-sea trials off the coast of Virginia.

Two F-35Cs from the 'Salty Dogs' Air Test and Evaluation Squadron (VX) 23 operated from USS Dwight D Eisenhower (CVN 69) as part of a two-week series of developmental tests (DT).

Marking the second time the carrier-based fighter has conducted at-sea trials, the F-35C conducted full afterburner catapult launches and also flew with internal weapons bay stores during the tests, known as DT-II. Test pilots were able to fly with the new F-35 helmet, known as Gen III (3), which incorporated improvements on the previous generation head gear.

"Throughout the programme... some areas of improvement [were] needed for the helmet. One of them was the green-glow improvement, [and] also the ability to align it in the jet," said Commander Christian Sewell, the government flight test director for F-35 Integrated Test Force. "The Gen III gives us that. This was our first opportunity for us to fly that off this ship."

The two F-35Cs also flew with inert versions of the GBU-31, a 2,000-lb Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM), stored in the right-hand weapons bay, as well as the AIM-120 Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile (AMRAAM) stored in both weapons bays, the commander added.

"That helps to get our gross weight up, so we're going to higher gross weight for launches than DT-I," said Cdr Sewell. Loaded with the simulated munitions, the heavier aircraft enabled testers to conduct 5,000-lb and 6,000-lb launches off the catapults.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 13/10/2015 | 14:57 uur
Fault Forces Germany to Stop Eurofighter Orders

The | October 13, 2015

The German defence ministry has suspended [deliveries] of new Eurofighter Typhoon jets after finding further flaws in the troubled and expensive warplane.

Defence ministry officials told the Bundestag (German parliament) on Monday that the plane has a "manufacturing defect" which affects "the connection between the fin and the rear end of the jet."

Damage to the structure of the jet could not be ruled out, the ministry has concluded in documents seen by the Süddeutsche Zeitung.

The defence ministry has now suspended orders of further Eurofighters, although the discovery will have "no immediate effect" on the flight plans for the German air force's existing fleet.

Germany has ordered 143 of the twin-engined fighter up until 2018. But the jet has been beset by technical problems and has been criticized for overshooting its budget by billions of Euros.

In October 2014 the defence ministry discovered a fault in the jet's fuselage, leading it to temporarily suspend orders.

In 2010 Eurofighters were grounded due to fears over the safety of ejector seats after a Saudi Arabian pilot's seat failed to activate during a training flight, leading to his death.

The Typhoon, a multi-purpose twin-engine fighter jet introduced in 2003, is built by a consortium made up of [Airbus Defence and Space], Britain's BAE Systems and Alenia / Finmeccanica of Italy. It also serves with the British and Italian air forces.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Mourning op 13/10/2015 | 15:00 uur
En Spanje, Oostenrijk, Saoedie-Arabie en waarschijnlijk nog wel ergens anders in het Midden Oosten ofzo...
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 13/10/2015 | 15:06 uur
Citaat van: Mourning op 13/10/2015 | 15:00 uur
En Spanje, Oostenrijk, Saoedie-Arabie en waarschijnlijk nog wel ergens anders in het Midden Oosten ofzo...

Punt aftrek voor de schrijver en/of editor  :lol:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Mourning op 13/10/2015 | 15:16 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 13/10/2015 | 15:06 uur
Punt aftrek voor de schrijver en/of editor  :lol:

:crazy: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 14/10/2015 | 11:14 uur
Eurofighter identifies 'non-conformance' issue with Typhoon assembly

Gareth Jennings, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly | 13 October 2015

Customers of the Eurofighter Typhoon combat aircraft have been notified of a build issue with the jet that relates to how the tail is fitted to the fuselage, a consortium spokesperson confirmed to IHS Jane's on 13 October.

The confirmation that a "manufacturing non-conformance" has been identified during assembly came in response to a report in the German media that the country's government has suspended further deliveries as a consequence of the issue.

"Today [it was] confirmed that a manufacturing non-conformance has been identified during the assembly of the fin to the rear fuselage of the aircraft manufactured to date. The topic is related to the holes drilled for four of the bolts that connect the fins to the rear fuselages," the spokesperson said in a statement, adding: "The non-conformance does not affect flight safety of the aircraft delivered to the customers. As a consequence, there are no operational or life-time limitations to the Eurofighter Typhoon."

While the spokesperson did not directly address the report in the Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper that the German Ministry of Defence had put a hold on any further deliveries for the time being, he did note that "a way forward to deliver further aircraft is in discussion with the customers who have already been notified".

To date, 444 of 599 Typhoons committed to by Austria, Germany, Italy, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Spain, and the United Kingdom have been delivered.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 14/10/2015 | 20:31 uur
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 14/10/2015 | 20:36 uur
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 15/10/2015 | 15:16 uur
Lockheed Wins $17M Order to Retrofit Two Export F-35As   (zouden dat onze 2 testtoestellen kunnen zijn ? of voor de Noren ?)

Pentagon Contract Announcement
(Source: US Department of Defense; issued Oct 14, 2015)

Lockheed Martin Corp., Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co., Fort Worth, Texas, is being awarded a $17,599,996 not-to-exceed delivery order (550302) against a previously issued basic ordering agreement (N00019-14-G-0020).

This order provides for the procurement of retrofit modification kits and associated engineering installation services in support of the Block 3F upgrade of two F-35A aircraft for non-Department of Defense (DoD) participants.

Work will be performed in Fort Worth, Texas (90 percent); and Baltimore, Maryland (10 percent), and is expected to be completed in September 2021.

Non-DoD participant funds in the amount of $8,799,999 are being obligated at the time of award and will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year.

The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Maryland, is the contracting activity.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 15/10/2015 | 15:23 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 14/10/2015 | 20:36 uur
Nu houdt Zwitserland nog maar vijf van de oorspronkelijke acht F/A-18D toestellen over  :(

Blij dat de vlieger ongedeerd is.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Zander op 15/10/2015 | 16:19 uur
Ben benieuwd wat die Zwitsers nou eigenlijk gaan doen met hun vloot gevechtsvliegtuigen.
Er zal toch binnen afzienbare tijd eea vervangen moeten gaan worden dacht ik.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 15/10/2015 | 16:24 uur
Citaat van: Zander op 15/10/2015 | 16:19 uur
Ben benieuwd wat die Zwitsers nou eigenlijk gaan doen met hun vloot gevechtsvliegtuigen.
Er zal toch binnen afzienbare tijd eea vervangen moeten gaan worden dacht ik.

Voorlopig blijft de Flugwaffe doorvliegen met de 31 overgebleven F/A-18 Hornet (26 x F/A-18C en 5 x F/A-18D). Wel is de F-5E/F Tiger II aan vervanging toe.

In 2017 wordt er weer gekeken naar de opvolger.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Zander op 15/10/2015 | 16:27 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 15/10/2015 | 16:24 uur
Voorlopig blijft de Flugwaffe doorvliegen met de 31 overgebleven F/A-18 Hornet (26 x F/A-18C en 5 x F/A-18D). Wel is de F-5E/F Tiger II aan vervanging toe.

In 2017 wordt er weer gekeken naar de opvolger.

Mij lijkt de Saab Gripen een ideaal toestel voor de Zwitsers.
Niet te complex, niet te duur en toch tot alles instaat.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 19/10/2015 | 22:23 uur
Does the U.S. Navy Need a 21st Century F-14 Tomcat?

Possibly, if the Navy finds itself in dogfights with Chinese jets

While the requirement for a carrier-based long-range strike capability is a frequent subject of discussion around Washington, the U.S. Navy's need for improved air superiority capabilities is often neglected.

The service has not had a dedicated air-to-air combat aircraft since it retired the Grumman F-14 Tomcat in 2006. But even the Tomcat was adapted into a strike aircraft during its last years in service after the Soviet threat evaporated.

Now, as new threats to the carrier emerge and adversaries start to field new fighters that can challenge the Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet and Lockheed Martin F-35C Joint Strike Fighter, attention is starting to shift back to this oft-neglected Navy mission — especially in the Western Pacific.

"Another type of new aircraft required is an air superiority fighter," states a recent Hudson Institute report titled Sharpening the Spear: The Carrier, the Joint Force, and High-End Conflict, which is written by The National Interest contributors Seth Cropsey, Bryan McGrath and Timothy A. Walton. "Given the projection of the Joint Force's increased demand for carrier-based fighter support, this capability is critical."

The report notes that both the Super Hornet and the F-35C are severely challenged by new enemy fifth-generation fighter aircraft such as the Russian-built Sukhoi T-50 PAK-FA and Chengdu J-20.

Indeed, certain current adversary aircraft such as the Russian Su-30SM, Su-35S and the Chinese J-11D and J-15 pose a serious threat to the Super Hornet fleet. It's a view that shared by many industry officials, U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force and even U.S. Marine Corps aviators.

"Both F/A-18E/Fs and F-35Cs will face significant deficiencies against supercruising, long-range, high-altitude, stealthy, large missile capacity adversary aircraft, such as the T-50, J-20, and follow-on aircraft," the authors note.

"These aircraft will be capable of effectively engaging current and projected U.S. carrier aircraft and penetrating defenses to engage high value units, such as AEW aircraft, ASW aircraft, and tankers. Already, the F/A-18E/F faces a severe speed disadvantage against Chinese J-11 aircraft, which can fire longer range missiles at a higher kinematic advantage outside of the range of U.S. AIM-120 missiles."

Nor does the F-35C—which suffers from severely reduced acceleration compared to even the less than stellar performance of other JSF variants — help matters. "Similarly, the F-35C is optimized as an attack fighter, resulting in a medium-altitude flight profile, and its current ability to only carry two AIM- 120 missiles internally [until Block 3] limits its capability under complex electromagnetic conditions," the authors wrote.

"As an interim measure, the Navy and Air Force should significantly accelerate the F-35C's Block 5 upgrade to enable the aircraft to carry six AIM-120 missiles internally."

The F-35C was never designed to be an air superiority fighter. Indeed, naval planners in the mid-1990s wanted the JSF to be a strike-oriented aircraft with only a 6.5G airframe load limit with very limited air-to-air capability, according to one retired U.S. Navy official. Indeed, some naval planners at the time had discussed retiring the F-14 in favor of keeping the Grumman A-6 Intruder in service.

During this period, many officials believed air combat to be a relic of the past in the post-Cold War era. They anticipated most future conflicts to be air-to-ground oriented in those years immediately following the Soviet collapse. Together with a lack of funding, that's probably why the Navy never proceeded with its Naval Advanced Tactical Fighter or A/F-X follow-on program.

The Navy's F/A-XX program could be used to fill the service's air superiority gap — which has essentially been left open since the F-14's retirement and the demise of the NATF and A/F-X programs. But the problem is that the Navy is pursuing the F/A-XX as a multirole Super Hornet replacement rather than an air superiority-oriented machine.

"The danger in its development is that it suboptimizes the fighter role in the quest for a hybrid fighter/attack jet," the Hudson Institute report notes. "This would leave the Joint Force without a carrier-based sixth generation air superiority fighter."

As the Navy's current director of air warfare, Rear Adm. Mike Manazir, has stated in the past, the authors also note that such "an aircraft could feature large passive and active sensor arrays, relatively high cruising speed (albeit not necessarily acceleration), could hold a large internal weapons bay capable of launching numerous missiles, and could have space to adopt future technologies, such as HPM [high-powered microwaves] and lasers."

"This air superiority asset would contribute to Outer Air Battle integrated air and missile defense requirements and would be capable of countering enemy weapons, aircraft, and sensor and targeting nodes at a distance."

Outer Air Battle, of course, refers to a Navy concept from the 1980s to fend off a concerted attack by hordes of Soviet Tupolev Tu-22M Backfire bombers, Oscar-class nuclear-powered guided missile submarines and surface action groups lead by warships like the Kirov-class nuclear-powered battlecruisers — as now deputy defense secretary Bob Work [he was the CEO of the Center for a New American Security at the time] described to me in 2013.

These Soviet assets would have launched their arsenals of anti-ship cruise missiles from multiple points of the compass.

As Work described it, the Navy was relatively confident it could sink the Oscarsand surface ships before they could launch their missiles. They were far less confident about their ability to take out the Tu-22Ms before they could get into launch position.

The Tomcats, under Outer Air Battle, would try to "kill the archers" — the Backfires — before they could shoot and attempt to eliminate any cruise missiles that they launched. But, Work notes, no one knows how well it would have worked during a shooting war with the Soviet Union — and it's a good thing we never got to find out. But with China's emerging anti-access/area denial strategy, the threat is back.

While the F/A-XX and the Air Force's F-X are in their infancy, it has become clear that they will be different aircraft designs that will probably share common technologies. The Navy does seem to be focusing on a more defensive F-14 like concept while the Air Force is looking for a more offensively oriented air superiority platform that could replace the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor.

"As you'll see over the coming years, the differences between the primary mission and the likely threats will drive significant differences between the F/A-XX and F-X programs as well as legacy systems like the F-22 and F-35," one senior defense official told me.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Belgje op 20/10/2015 | 09:19 uur
Deze nacht hebben de Liberals in Canada de verkiezingen gewonnen. Slecht nieuws voor de F-35...
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 20/10/2015 | 09:26 uur
Citaat van: Belgje op 20/10/2015 | 09:19 uur
Deze nacht hebben de Liberals in Canada de verkiezingen gewonnen. Slecht nieuws voor de F-35...
Maar afwachten of de Liberals woord houden. Het is niet de eerste keer dat een winnende partij op een geven terug komt op wat eerder is gezegd.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 20/10/2015 | 09:31 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 20/10/2015 | 09:26 uur
Maar afwachten of de Liberals woord houden. Het is niet de eerste keer dat een winnende partij op een geven terug komt op wat eerder is gezegd.

Zeker, ben benieuwd hoe dit verlopen gaat.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 20/10/2015 | 09:52 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 20/10/2015 | 09:26 uur
Maar afwachten of de Liberals woord houden. Het is niet de eerste keer dat een winnende partij op een geven terug komt op wat eerder is gezegd.

Handig zou het, om meerdere redenen, niet zijn als ze hun verkiezingsuitspraken zouden nakomen al maakt de Canadese overheid in zaken defensiebeslissingen, historisch gezien, wel vaker blunders.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 20/10/2015 | 10:09 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 20/10/2015 | 09:52 uur
Handig zou het, om meerdere redenen, niet zijn als ze hun verkiezingsuitspraken zouden nakomen al maakt de Canadese overheid in zaken defensiebeslissingen, historisch gezien, wel vaker blunders.
Dat dan weer wel. En dan te bedenken dat in 1980 de Canadese regering onder leiding van Pierre Trudeau voor de F/A-18A/B Hornet koos.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 20/10/2015 | 10:27 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 20/10/2015 | 09:26 uur
Maar afwachten of de Liberals woord houden. Het is niet de eerste keer dat een winnende partij op een geven terug komt op wat eerder is gezegd.

Dit is wat ze beloofden :
•Make Canada a "world leader" at multinational institutions.
•Reverse the decline in foreign aid.
•Re-open nine Veterans Affairs regional offices closed by the Conservative government.
•Create a cabinet committee to oversee and manage Canada's relationship with the United States.
•Host a new trilateral summit with the United States and Mexico.

Aug. 24: $300 million a year to reform veterans' benefits and delivery of services to vets.

Sept. 20: Scrap the purchase of the F-35 fighter jet and instead buy cheaper planes to replace the aging CF-18s and use the savings to pay for offshore Arctic patrol vessels for the navy being built in Halifax.

Sept. 25: Ease rules to speed up family reunification for immigrants. Scrap the visa requirement for Mexicans travelling to Canada.

We zullen zien, de Liberals pleiten wel voor een open en eerlijk vergelijk in de afweging van de opvolger voor de CF-18. Dus dan maar de F-35 altijd nog een kans, maar door de uitspraak van 20 September is de kans op CF-35 er niet meer.

Tja.... politiek .. alles kan nog
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 20/10/2015 | 15:40 uur
ADEX 2015: Boeing sniffs FX-III opportunity over F-35 technology transfer issues

Gareth Jennings, Seoul - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly | 19 October 2015

Boeing remains ready to re-submit its F-15 Advanced Eagle to South Korea should the country's FX-III sale fall through over technology transfer issues related to the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter, an official told IHS Jane's on 20 October.

Speaking at the Seoul International Aerospace and Defence Exhibition (ADEX) 2015, Howard Berry, director business development TACAIR International Global Strike, said Boeing is following developments with the FX-III sale of the F-35 to the Republic of Korea Air Force (RoKAF), and the US government's refusal to allow technology transfer of key components for use in South Korea's follow-on KFX fifth-generation fighter project.

"I can't really say too much, but we are watching with interest," he said. "We have stayed engaged with the RoKAF, and we are ready to engage again should the call come."

Along with Eurofighter and its Typhoon, Boeing lost out to the F-35 when the FX-III decision was announced in September 2014. Valued at KRW7.3 trillion (USD6.5 billion today), the deal would see the RoKAF begin to take delivery of 40 F-35s from 2018. A major offset component of the deal was to be the transfer of technology to help the South Koreans develop their indigenous KFX fighter, but it was reported just ahead of ADEX that the US government is now refusing to allow this for fear of undermining its own commercial interests.

According to South Korea's Defense Acquisition Program Administration, the US government has denied four of the 25 technology suites requested as part of the F-35 offset package. Specifically, these are related to active electronically scanned array (AESA) radars, electro-optic/infrared targeting pods, infrared search-and-track systems, and radio-frequency jammers. Technology pertaining to the remaining 21 technology suites - including flight control systems, avionics, system integration, materials, and unspecified weaponry - is expected to be approved.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 20/10/2015 | 15:43 uur
Alenia Aermacchi reveals dual-role M-346 sales target

By Dominic Perry, Turin | 20 October 2015

Alenia Aermacchi believes it could sell around 100 armed examples of a dual-role M-346 that it is in the early stages of developing, with the model to provide operators with an affordable asset for use in low- and medium-intensity conflicts.

"This is the gap that the [Lockheed Martin] F-35 has created," says Marco Venanzetti, Alenia Aermacchi's director of flight operations. "There was an argument for one aircraft for all missions, but new scenarios suggest that operators will never use the F-35 for 80% of the likely missions over the next 20 years."

Key requirements for a dual-role asset include persistence, precision, connectivity and speed to market, Venanzetti said.

"It must be something that can be done quickly, without a lot of need for changes or redesign, and must still be able to fulfil primary role," he said, identifying a goal of having a product available within a 24-month period.

"We have arrived at this point, where we have an advanced trainer that is very capable and that can be used in such theatres with few modifications," Venanzetti says of the M-346.

Weapons under evaluation for a dual-role version include the ATK/Elbit Systems GATR, Boeing Small Diameter Bomb I, Elbit Lizard 2, MBDA Brimstone and Rafael Spice, with the latter's Litening targeting pod also being considered. The M-346 already can carry external fuel tanks, and is capable of being refuelled in-flight.

A Link 16-standard tactical data link would be used, and the aircraft also would gain defensive aids system equipment. Its existing Honeywell F124 engines also have the growth potential to support at 10% increase in available power.

"All of these can be installed with minimum changes or work on the aircraft," Venanzetti said. He confirmed that the company has decided against installing a radar as, he said, "any change has to be simple, quick and cheap."

Development is in the very first phase, but a package of modifications could be available by late 2017 or early 2018. "We are beginning with the [Italian] air force to define what is required. We have started to investigate all the technical solutions," he says.

"In Europe, potential customers are telling us they can't afford to do a daily air-policing role, and would need this kind of capability in the future," Venanzetti notes. M-346 trainer customer Poland has been identified as one potential buyer for a dual-role development, due to an air-force requirement to replace its Sukhoi Su-22s by around 2025.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: MasterChief1971 op 20/10/2015 | 17:36 uur
Zou je dit moeten willen? Zonder radar?
Voor een vector naar een bogey kun je GCI gebruiken maar BVR is al slecht mogelijk.
Misschien met een hele goede IRST-sensor en een goede IR-missile.

Denk dat een bommetje leggen goed kan maar of dat nou zo cheap kan....

Wie het weet mag het zeggen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: JdL op 20/10/2015 | 18:21 uur
Ik de M-346 in deze dual role als toekomstige aanvuller op de F-35 en de apache
Missies zoals nu in irak en bvb baltic air policing voor de F-35 en missies zoals in het verleden in afghanistan en zoals de franse luchtmacht nu in Mali voor de M-346
Naast zijn rol als advanced trainer (eventueel in samenwerking met andere F-35 gebruikers zoals noorwegen)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: MasterChief1971 op 20/10/2015 | 18:45 uur
Ik begrijp de strekking van het verhaal wel. Maar cheap is cheap. Geen radar ea geavanceerde sensoren.
Betekent dus dat je 's nachts en bij slecht weer niet alles kan. En air policing kan, zeker in de Baltic, best link wezen.
Dan zijn betere sensoren (en dus duurder) en geavanceerdere wapens (dus duurder) best handy.

Ik zag dat een Litening-pod er dan wel weer op zit. My bad.
Maar denk toch dat een FA-50 oid dan een betere keus zou zijn.
Of gewoon Gripen. Of gewoon een jonge, misschien nieuwe F-16 Block 87,6.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 20/10/2015 | 18:47 uur
Citaat van: JdL op 20/10/2015 | 18:21 uur
Ik de M-346 in deze dual role als toekomstige aanvuller op de F-35 en de apache
Missies zoals nu in irak en bvb baltic air policing voor de F-35 en missies zoals in het verleden in afghanistan en zoals de franse luchtmacht nu in Mali voor de M-346
Naast zijn rol als advanced trainer (eventueel in samenwerking met andere F-35 gebruikers zoals noorwegen)

Als we Europees zouden kijken zouden we misschien gewoon een mik naar moderne standaard nieuw te bouwen AMX'en moeten bestellen, of iets vergelijkbaars.

De vraag van Tentara is wel belangrijk, ik denk dat Alenia natuurlijk niet zomaar met dit voorstel komt, maar de vraag is wel in hoeverre de M346 kan groeien naar een volwaardig platform.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 20/10/2015 | 19:02 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 20/10/2015 | 18:47 uur
Als we Europees zouden kijken zouden we misschien gewoon een mik naar moderne standaard nieuw te bouwen AMX'en moeten bestellen, of iets vergelijkbaars.

De vraag van Tentara is wel belangrijk, ik denk dat Alenia natuurlijk niet zomaar met dit voorstel komt, maar de vraag is wel in hoeverre de M346 kan groeien naar een volwaardig platform.

Ik gok in dit kader op de Saab-Boeing T/X, een trainer ++
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 20/10/2015 | 19:07 uur
Citaat van: tentara71 op 20/10/2015 | 17:36 uur
Zou je dit moeten willen? Zonder radar?
Voor een vector naar een bogey kun je GCI gebruiken maar BVR is al slecht mogelijk.
Misschien met een hele goede IRST-sensor en een goede IR-missile.
Een bewapende M-346 is een dagjager met alleen WVR capaciteit. Een all-weather radar en BVR capaciteit toevoegen, verhoogt de prijs behoorlijk.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 20/10/2015 | 19:17 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 20/10/2015 | 19:07 uur
Een bewapende M-346 is een dagjager met alleen WVR capaciteit. Een all-weather radar en BVR capaciteit toevoegen, verhoogt de prijs behoorlijk.

Het is daarbij de vraag of dat uberhaupt past binnen het airframe, of dat er aanzienlijke modificaties voor nodig zijn.
Zeker een goede BVR suite lijkt me redelijk onzinnig voor het type. Light attack zou misschien mogelijk zijn.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 20/10/2015 | 19:17 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 20/10/2015 | 19:02 uur
Ik gok in dit kader op de Saab-Boeing T/X, een trainer ++

Voor wat?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 20/10/2015 | 19:19 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 20/10/2015 | 19:17 uur
Voor wat?

Waar ze nu de M-346  voor willen inzetten.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 20/10/2015 | 19:23 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 20/10/2015 | 19:19 uur
Waar ze nu de M-346  voor willen inzetten.

Duurt nog een hele tijd, en er is nog weinig over bekend.
Daarbij betreft het andere bedrijven, zullen dus gewoon de concurrentie aan gaan.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 21/10/2015 | 12:15 uur
The Defence Forces get a mandate from the Minister of Defence to start the HX fighter project

Finnish Ministry of Defence | 21 October 2015

The Defence Forces got a mandate from Defence Minister Jussi Niinistö to start the HX fighter project. The aim is to replace the operational capability of the Air Force F/A-18 aircraft which will be phased out as of 2025. The decision on starting the project is based on the Government programme.

Developments in Finland's operating environment and the tasks of the Defence Forces, the Air Force and air defence require that the capabilities provided by the Hornet fleet be replaced by the end of the 2020s. The working group which was set up to assess the replacement of the Air Force F/A-18 aircraft proposed in June the procurement of multi-role fighters.

The capabilities of multi-role fighters play a significant role in securing a pre-emptive threshold which would stop a possible aggressor from using military force against Finland. The capabilities of the Hornet fleet are an integral part of air defence and the joint fire capability of the Defence Forces to engage land- and sea-based targets. In addition, these capabilities support intelligence, surveillance and C2 systems in the Defence Forces.

The life-span of the Hornet fleet which will end by the end of the 2020s is limited by three main factors: weakening of relative capabilities, fatigue of structures and the availability of the aircraft's systems, spare parts and software. To extend the life-span of the Hornet fleet would not be cost-effective and, from the perspective of Finland's defence, a sufficient decision.

As the project to replace the capabilities of the Hornet fleet will take about 15 years to complete the decision was taken to act on the recommendation of the working group. The decision on submitting requests for information and calls for tenders will be made during this parliamentary term while the actual procurement decision will have to be made in the early 2020s.

The replacement is not possible within the framework of the current defence budget and therefore requires separate funding. The parliament will decide on the funding under its budgetary authority.

For more information, please contact Project Coordinator Lauri Puranen at the Ministry of Defence, tel. +359 295 140403.

The final report of the working group can be found at
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 21/10/2015 | 13:03 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 21/10/2015 | 12:15 uur
The Defence Forces get a mandate from the Minister of Defence to start the HX fighter project

Tot gisteren had ik slecht 2 types, als keuze,  in gedachte voor de Finnen (F35A en Gripen E/F) maar na het "feestje" in Canada zou de Super Hornet zomaar eens uit de bijna dood kunnen herrijzen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 21/10/2015 | 13:20 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 21/10/2015 | 13:03 uur
Tot gisteren had ik slecht 2 types, als keuze,  in gedachte voor de Finnen (F35A en Gripen E/F) maar na het "feestje" in Canada zou de Super Hornet zomaar eens uit de bijna dood kunnen herrijzen.

Als Canada of een ander land, kiest voor de F-18E/F dan zie ik ook nog wel kansen voor de Growler.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 21/10/2015 | 13:21 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 21/10/2015 | 13:03 uur
Tot gisteren had ik slecht 2 types, als keuze,  in gedachte voor de Finnen (F35A en Gripen E/F) maar na het "feestje" in Canada zou de Super Hornet zomaar eens uit de bijna dood kunnen herrijzen.

Veel zal afhangen van het nieuwe tijdschema.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 21/10/2015 | 13:25 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 21/10/2015 | 13:21 uur
Veel zal afhangen van het nieuwe tijdschema.

Ja, het wordt alsnog de F35A of de F18E, de EU-eendenbekkies doen slechts voor spek en bonen mee, wordt het dan toch nog de SH dan groeien de kansen voor deze kist in België en Denemarken enorm.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 21/10/2015 | 13:36 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 21/10/2015 | 13:25 uur
Ja, het wordt alsnog de F35A of de F18E, de EU-eendenbekkies doen slechts voor spek en bonen mee, wordt het dan toch nog de SH dan groeien de kansen voor deze kist in België en Denemarken enorm.

Zonde, technisch lijkt de Rafale me de beste keuze.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 21/10/2015 | 13:40 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 21/10/2015 | 13:36 uur
Zonde, technisch lijkt de Rafale me de beste keuze.

Vind ik ook, een kist die mijn voorkeur geniet maar dat zie ik voor Canada niet gebeuren... hooguit de verrassing dat Boeing alsnog haar F15 in SA of SE variant naar voren schuift.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 21/10/2015 | 13:46 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 21/10/2015 | 13:40 uur
Vind ik ook, een kist die mijn voorkeur geniet maar dat zie ik voor Canada niet gebeuren... hooguit de verrassing dat Boeing alsnog haar F15 in SA of SE variant naar voren schuift.

Boeing heeft voor Zuid Korea haar SE variant ook al weer naar voren geschoven in verband met het NEE tegen de technologie overdracht voor de Koreaanse KX programma door de VS

Maar voor Canada, ook gezien dat ze nu vliegen met de CF-18, dat ze voor de F-18E/F gaan en als aanvulling daarop eventueel de G-versie voor SEAD en Elektronische oorlogsvoering/jamming in het hoge noorden   
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 21/10/2015 | 13:51 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 21/10/2015 | 13:40 uur
Vind ik ook, een kist die mijn voorkeur geniet maar dat zie ik voor Canada niet gebeuren... hooguit de verrassing dat Boeing alsnog haar F15 in SA of SE variant naar voren schuift.
Boeing biedt de F-15SE variant inmiddels niet meer aan.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 21/10/2015 | 14:00 uur
F-16V Takes Flight

FORT WORTH, Texas, Oct. 21, 2015 – Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) successfully completed the maiden flight of the F-16V, the latest and most advanced F-16 on the market today. The October 16 flight marks the first time an F-16 has flown with Northrop Grumman's advanced APG-83 Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) Scalable Agile Beam Radar (SABR), which will deliver a quantum leap in capability for the venerable F-16.

The F-16V "Viper" advanced avionics configuration also includes a new cockpit Center Pedestal Display, a modernized mission computer, a high-capacity Ethernet data bus, and several other missions systems enhancements that collectively add significant combat capabilities to address the dynamic threat environments emerging in the coming decades.

"This flight marks a historic milestone in the evolution of the F-16," said Rod McLean, vice president and general manager of Lockheed Martin's F-16/F-22 Integrated Fighter Group. "The new F-16V configuration includes numerous enhancements designed to keep the F-16 at the forefront of international security, strengthening its position as the world's foremost combat-proven 4th Generation fighter aircraft."

The F-16V, an option for both new production F-16s and F-16 upgrades, is the next generation configuration that leverages a common worldwide sustainment infrastructure and provides significant capability improvements to the world's most affordable, combat-proven multi-role fighter.

Northrop Grumman's APG-83 SABR AESA fire control radar provides 5th Generation air-to-air and air-to-ground radar capability. Northrop Grumman also provides AESA radars for the F-22 Raptor and F-35 Lightning II.

With more than 4,550 F-16s delivered to date, the F-16V is a natural step in the evolution of the world's most successful 4th Generation fighter.

For additional information, visit our website:

About Lockheed Martin

Headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland, Lockheed Martin is a global security and aerospace company that employs approximately 112,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services. The Corporation's net sales for 2014 were $45.6 billion.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 21/10/2015 | 14:16 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 21/10/2015 | 13:51 uur
Boeing biedt de F-15SE variant inmiddels niet meer aan.

Boeing heeft nu de "Advanced F-15".
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 21/10/2015 | 14:20 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 21/10/2015 | 14:16 uur
Boeing heeft nu de "Advanced F-15".

Daar wordt je ook niet mee gestraft.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: JdL op 21/10/2015 | 15:52 uur
Citaat van: tentara71 op 20/10/2015 | 18:45 uur
Ik begrijp de strekking van het verhaal wel. Maar cheap is cheap. Geen radar ea geavanceerde sensoren.
Betekent dus dat je 's nachts en bij slecht weer niet alles kan. En air policing kan, zeker in de Baltic, best link wezen.
Dan zijn betere sensoren (en dus duurder) en geavanceerdere wapens (dus duurder) best handy.

Ik zag dat een Litening-pod er dan wel weer op zit. My bad.
Maar denk toch dat een FA-50 oid dan een betere keus zou zijn.
Of gewoon Gripen. Of gewoon een jonge, misschien nieuwe F-16 Block 87,6.
Daarom ook baltic air policing enz door de F-35 laten doen
Ik zie de M-346 als opvolger van de alpha jet dus een hoofdtaak als trainer voor de voortgezette opleiding met een secundaire taak in wapentraining en COIN en als aanvulling op de F-35 misschien ook lichte grondaanval
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 22/10/2015 | 07:29 uur
ANALYSIS: Canadian F-35 exit could signal wider air force review
21 October, 2015BY: James Drew

Washington DC - Canada's change of government this week, after a decade of conservative rule, could see Ottawa swiftly exit the multinational F-35 programme and instead pursue a fighter competition, which defence analysts suggest could favour the Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet or F-15SE, or Dassault's Rafale.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 22/10/2015 | 08:55 uur
Finnish air force launches Hornet replacement project

The Finnish air force has launched a five-year process to select a new fighter to replace 61 active Boeing F/A-18C/Ds acquired in the 1990s.

Defence minister Jussi Niinistö authorised the air force on 20 October to begin the selection process for the HX fighter project.

Five fighters – the Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, Dassault Rafale, Eurofighter Typhoon, Lockheed Martin F-35 and Saab Gripen E – were named as candidates in a preliminary HX fighter project assessment released by the defence ministry.

The 64-page assessment recommends that the air force send requests for information to the potential bidders in February 2016, with responses due next October.

Requests for quotations will be sent out in February 2018, followed by the release of a final tender 12 months later. Contract award is recommended to occur in February 2021, with initial operational capability to be declared by the end of 2026 and full operational capability set for mid-2031.

Cost and low-observability have been an early focus of inquiry for the HX fighter project.

A report on lifecycle costs for current and future fighter capabilities was completed by a defence ministry working group last April. Another project analysing the utility of low observable – or stealth – technology now and in the future is due to conclude by the end of the year.

The ministry's working group has recommended that the current F/A-18C/D fleet be retired as scheduled between 2025 and 2030. The cost of a service life-extension programme is considered risky and prohibitive, as is the prospect of becoming the sole operator of C/D-model Hornet's existing mission computer after 2021.

The acquisition cost of the new fighter fleet is not possible within the defence ministry's normal funding allotment, according to Niinistö's statement. The Finnish parliament must decide how to finance the project under the legislature's budget authority.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 22/10/2015 | 08:56 uur
Gezien de samenwerking op defensie gebied tussen Zweden en Finland schat ik de kansen voor de Saab Gripen E hoog in.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 22/10/2015 | 08:59 uur
​ADEX: Lockheed sees KF-16 upgrade deal as imminent

Lockheed Martin anticipates that it will soon get the greenlight to commence a long-awaited upgrade programme for South Korea's KF-16 fighter fleet.

The $2.7 billion Foreign Military Sales (FMS) programme, originally announced in July, will see Lockheed Martin upgrade South Korea's 134 C- and D-model KF-16s with new avionics, weapons and Northrop Grumman's Scalable Agile Beam Radar (SABR). The package has been subject to discussions between Washington DC and Seoul.

"We support those discussions to the extent that the two governments need us to support it, and my assessment at this point is that those discussions are very mature, and Lockheed is looking forward to the conclustion of those discussions so that we can more forward with an agreement this year," says Lockheed Martin executive Randy Howard, who leads the company's international sales efforts for the F-16.

He hastens to add, however, that since Lockheed is "not in the middle" of these discussions, it cannot give a firm date. Howard spoke to Flightglobal at the Lockheed Martin chalet at the Seoul Interational Aerospace & Defense Exhibition 2015.

When the deal is signed off, Lockheed will upgrde two South Korean KF-16s – one single seat C model and one twin-seat D model – to its F-16V configuration. The two aircraft are already in storage in the US. The two fighters were originally flown to the US in support of a collapsed bid by BAE Systems to upgrade South Korea's KF-16 fleet, which is now subject to litigation in the US.

Once the validity of the upgrade is proven with these two aircraft, the remaining 132 aircraft will be upgraded in South Korea.

"It's been a long process for Southt Korea and their F-16s need to be upgraded," says Howard. "They have very real challenges here and the F-16V upgrade will significantly enhance its capability."
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 22/10/2015 | 09:05 uur
Bogdan: Martin-Baker will cover cost of F-35 ejection seat fix

The F-35 joint programme office expects British firm Martin-Baker to cover the cost modifying the US16E Lightning II ejection seat after it was deemed too dangerous for lightweight pilots.

The seat is meant to safely accommodate pilots weighing 46.7kg (103lbs) to 111.1kg (245lbs), but flying has been restricted to F-35 pilots weighing more than 61.7kg (136lbs) as a stopgap safety measure.

Lt Gen Christopher Bogdan, who heads the F-35 JPO, says two seat-related fixes are being pursued and the government "is not paying a penny for the engineering and implementation of these fixes".

"The supply chain from Lockheed through BAE Systems through Martin-Baker will bear the cost of fixing this, as they should," he told reporters after a 21 October congressional heading.

At the hearing, Bogdan said the neck stress for lightweight pilots through the catapult ejection, wind blast and parachute opening phases at low speeds is too high. The chance of a potentially fatal neck injury from an ejection in the low-speed flight envelope is one in 50,000 flight hours for pilots under 61.7kg and the odds for those weighing 61.7kg to 74.8kg (165lbs) is one in 200,000.

"That is a very, very small risk," Bogdan says. "There are many other airplanes in our inventory that we accept similar risks on."

To resolve the problem, the programme office intends to install a head support panel between the parachute risers to prevent the pilot's head from going back too far during ejection. Secondly, a switch will allow lighter pilots to slightly delay parachute deployment, thereby reducing the opening shock.

The programme office has also been working for six months to slim down the third-generation helmet-mounted display, produced by Rockwell Collins and Elbit Systems of America through their VSI joint venture. Today, the helmet weighs 2.31kg (5.1lbs) and the target is 2.18kg (4.8lbs).

The weight of the helmet is a significant cause of neck stress in the last-resort scenario of an ejection. Bogdan says the Gen-3 helmet mounted display has two visors, one for day and one for night flying, but one can be removed and the two can be made interchangeable.

The one US Air Force pilot that was deemed to light to fly received his own specially modified 2.13kg helmet, but a more production-representative light helmet is in the works. That pilot has since changed his career field.

Upwards of 140 aircraft have been delivered to date, and each will require all three modifications before the weight restriction can be lifted.

In another update related to the catastrophic engine failure at Eglin AFB last June, Bogdan says every Pratt & Whitney engine will be retrofitted with new parts by June 2016. About 44% of the fleet has already received the fix. "It was unfortunate, but we're putting it behind us," says Bogdan.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 22/10/2015 | 09:11 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 22/10/2015 | 08:55 uur
Finnish air force launches Hornet replacement project

The 64-page assessment recommends that the air force send requests for information to the potential bidders in February 2016, with responses due next October.
Dit bericht stond al in post #1033 inclusief link naar de assessment.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 22/10/2015 | 09:19 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 22/10/2015 | 09:11 uur
Dit bericht stond al in post #1033 inclusief link naar de assessment.

Jij hebt er een andere link onderstaan.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 22/10/2015 | 09:25 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 22/10/2015 | 09:19 uur
Jij hebt er een andere link onderstaan.

De link van de Finse ministerie van defensie.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 22/10/2015 | 13:42 uur
Officieel verslag over de voortgang van de F-35 Lightning II ontwikkeling.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 22/10/2015 | 17:58 uur
View of the US Air Force in 2035
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 23/10/2015 | 07:09 uur
Billions In F-35 Upgrades Debated; Canada Election Fallout
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 26/10/2015 | 10:49 uur
Learning from the Master – Inside the M-346 training base

At Lecce airbase in southern Italy, there's a new kid in town. Or actually, there are two. One has wings while the other one has legs and arms and, in a way, wings. They are pinned to his Royal Netherlands Air Force (RNLAF) flight suit, the suit that sets him apart from other instructor pilots here in the hot Puglia region of Italy. He's here to learn to fly the Alenia Aermacchi M-346 Master, the advanced trainer aircraft that in fact is the other new kid here in Lecce. It's the newest and most sophisticated addition to the Alenia Aermacchi trainer aircraft family. Hence the Dutch interest.

The Dutch instructor pilot started flying the M-346 in order to train RNLAF student pilots here next Spring, when they will fly the M-346 for the first time as a Lead in Fighter Trainer (LIFT). If all goes to plan, the M-346 Master will be their final step towards the F-16 and, some years from now, the Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II. At Lecce, they are confident the M-346 – designated T-346 in Italian service – will deliver combat ready pilots. For many decades, that's what the airfield and the based 61st Wing have been all about.

Base commander Colonel Paolo Tarantino knows like no one else about the M-346 and what it can do for trainee-pilots. Up in the air today the M-346 on his wings is flown by anything but a student. Tarantino and fellow instructor pilots are on their way back to Lecce after visiting the big airshow in Rivolto, celebrating 55 years of the Frecce Tricolori. Tarantino once even commanded the Italy's national aerobatic team. The formation counts two M-346s, two MB-339Cs and two older MB-339As. Upon arrival, the formation buzzes sun-drenched Lecce a few times. After landing and exiting his M-346, Tarantino's comments are plain and simple: "Great, great aircraft."

Later in the airbase mess he adds: "Because it is such a great aircraft I had ordered to start training student pilots on the M-346 several months earlier than originally planned. I came to the conclusion that the jet, the new syllabus and all of us here at Lecce were ready. Over the past year, instructor pilots gained a total of over 1,000 flying hours on the five M-346s available to us. That's a lot of experience, and we are now training future Italian Air Force fast jet pilots on the M-346."

The new Alenia Aermacchi jet replaces the MB-339CD which was the platform for Phase 4 or Lead-in Fighter Training (LIFT) for two decades. The new M-346 offers an enormous improvement to student and instructor pilots, especially in combination with the extensive ground based training systems at Lecce, all involved say. The single full-mission simulator is as effective as it is impressive, and that's why a second will be build. Currently, 50 percent of flight training takes place in the simulator on the ground, but this percentage could grow to as much as 80 percent in the future, not in the least thanks to the M-346's data link capability.

The M-346 learns future combat pilots that flying an advanced aircraft like the Eurofighter Typhoon or the Lockheed Martin F-35 is all about systems management and tactics. The Master is capable of mimicking those systems. It can provide its pilots with a real time radar image provided by ground based or airborne radar systems, and it can replicate and attack threats on the ground and in the air. Soon, a pilot flying a real M-346 will able to 'see' fellow pilots flying right next to him, although they are actually inside one of the simulators on the ground – all of this thanks to Alenia Aermacchi's Live Virtual Constructive (LVC) training system and symbology on the Helmet Mounted Display (HMD) of the pilot actually flying.

It's all very Star Wars-like compared to the MB-339CD, which will remain in use for some time to come as a LIFT platform. Not only for Italian student pilots, but also for future fighter jocks from Austria, Greece, Kuwait and Singapore who all take to the skies at Lecce. However, the number of available M-346s will slowly rise from the current five to eight aircraft in 2016. More will follow the years after. While Italian and Royal Netherlands Air Force aviators already started on the M-346, Polish Air Force pilots will find their way to the aircraft at Lecce soon too. In total, sixteen Polish instructors are to be qualified on the Master, with the first starting in November. Poland is to receive its first own of eight ordered M-346s next year and along with Italy and Singapore is to be part of a newly formed M-346 user group.


In the meantime the Italian Air Force is also looking at the M-346 as a 'red air' asset. Test were already done at Grosseto Airbase, flying the M-346 as an aggressor aircraft against Eurofighter Typhoons. The great flight characteristics and performance of the Master come into play here. The M-346 has excellent roll and turn rates, a climb rate of up to 22,000 feet/min and a maximum level speed of 590 knots. The aircraft is certified for +8G and -3G manoeuvres and can handle a angle of attack to 40 degrees. That's good enough for bagging a Typhoon or two. The Master is in fact so fighter-like, that the 61st Wing at Lecce changed its emblem from a Penguin to an actual bird of prey. Alenia Aermacchi meanwhile is developing a ground attack variant of the aircraft.

The M-346 is mostly being explored as a 'companion trainer' to serve alongside cutting edge but costly 5th generation fighter aircraft. Having an F-35 pilot perform operation training missions on a highly capable trainer such as the M-346 while saving F-35 flight hours for actual combat missions seems to be a cost effective solution indeed. It has certainly sparked the interest of the top Royal Netherlands Air Force commanders, as the Dutch fear the number of F-35s on order (37) won't allow for effective operational training. The M-346 version – designated T-100 – Alenia Aermacchi is about to offer to the US Air Force as a replacement for the T-38 trainer under the T-X program, should be even more suited because of its more powerful engines and a large MFD in the cockpit, similar to the F-35. Alenia Aermacchi official statement is that it is 'in talks' with a US partner for the T-X program.

The Dutch interest seems solid, given the three year contract for Dutch fighter pilot training at Lecce. So the new kid in town will be followed by many more, and they will all learn from the Master.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 26/10/2015 | 11:06 uur
October 26/15:
French firm Dassault has offered the Rafale fighter to Canada as an alternative to the F-35. The new Canadian PM looks set to withdraw from the international Joint Strike Fighter program, pushing up the cost of the other partners' fighter in the process, although this still remains to be officially finalized. Dassault has offered the country its Rafale fighter.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 26/10/2015 | 11:15 uur
Citaat van: Vandaag om 11:06
October 26/15:
French firm Dassault has offered the Rafale fighter to Canada as an alternative to the F-35.

Als de F35A voor Canada wordt uitgesloten (ook in een eventuele) nieuwe competitie dan heb ik zo het vermoeden dat de Europese producenten beter hun pijlen kunnen gaan richten op potentiële kopers waar ze wel een kans maken.

Eendenbekkies zijn, m.i., kansloos.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 26/10/2015 | 11:23 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 26/10/2015 | 11:15 uur
Als de F35A voor Canada wordt uitgesloten (ook in een eventuele) nieuwe competitie dan heb ik zo het vermoeden dat de Europese producenten beter hun pijlen kunnen gaan richten op potentiële kopers waar ze wel een kans maken.

Eendenbekkies zijn, m.i., kansloos.
Een kwestie van nee heb je en ja kun je krijgen. Bij definitieve uitsluiting van de F-35A maken de F/A-18E/F en F-15SE meer kans t.o.v. de Europese kandidaten, maar je weet het nooit.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 26/10/2015 | 11:30 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 26/10/2015 | 11:23 uur
Een kwestie van nee heb je en ja kun je krijgen. Bij definitieve uitsluiting van de F-35A maken de F/A-18E/F en F-15SE meer kans t.o.v. de Europese kandidaten, maar je weet het nooit.

Dat is waar al acht ik het voor een Europeaan voor 99% uitgesloten.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 26/10/2015 | 12:13 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 26/10/2015 | 11:30 uur
Dat is waar al acht ik het voor een Europeaan voor 99% uitgesloten.

ja, je hebt nog een Franstalig deel in Canada, dus de Franse Rafale is dan wel 1 van de alternatieven.
Maar de grootste kans zie ik dan voor de F-18E/F
Mijn gevoel zegt dan ook dat als de Super Hornet gekozen wordt, deze aangevuld met een aantal Growlers voor SEAD en Electronisch oorlogsvoering voor boven de ijsvlakten, waar de Russen zich ook steeds meer tonen in relatie met hun Noordpool activiteiten.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 26/10/2015 | 12:20 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 26/10/2015 | 12:13 uur
ja, je hebt nog een Franstalig deel in Canada, dus de Franse Rafale is dan wel 1 van de alternatieven.
Maar de grootste kans zie ik dan voor de F-18E/F
Mijn gevoel zegt dan ook dat als de Super Hornet gekozen wordt, deze aangevuld met een aantal Growlers voor SEAD en Electronisch oorlogsvoering voor boven de ijsvlakten, waar de Russen zich ook steeds meer tonen in relatie met hun Noordpool activiteiten.
De Franstaligheid zou een reden kunnen zijn, maar dat hoeft niet. Australië koos ook ooit de de Mirage III en dat was ook niet vanwege hun Franse achtergrond.

Hopelijk komt de nieuwe Canadese regering snel met een officieel standpunt.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ros op 26/10/2015 | 12:25 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 26/10/2015 | 12:13 uur
ja, je hebt nog een Franstalig deel in Canada, dus de Franse Rafale is dan wel 1 van de alternatieven.

En die hebben een eigen luchtmacht  :confused:

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 26/10/2015 | 12:41 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 26/10/2015 | 12:25 uur
En die hebben een eigen luchtmacht  :confused:

:dead:  (dooddoener)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 26/10/2015 | 14:41 uur
De problemen rondom het FX-III en KF-X programma gaan verder.

De Koreanen hadden verwacht via het KF-III programma en de keuze voor de F-35 de benodigde kennis te krijgen en systemen te kunnen aanschaffen en deze gebruiken in het eigen KF-X vliegtuig ontwikkelingsprogramma maar de VS zegt nu NEE tegen het gebruik van o.a. :
- de AESA radar,
- een electro-optical targeting pod,
- infrared systemen,
- radio frequency jammer

Ook de totstandkoming voor de F-35 keuze wordt nu ter discussie gesteld.

Toch, systemen buiten de VS aanschaffen ? ... Of een geheel ander vliegtuig keuze in het KF-III programma ?

Seoul Debates Best Strategy To Acquire AESA Radar

Park Adviser Pressured to Take KF-X Project Heat
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: StrataNL op 26/10/2015 | 15:09 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 26/10/2015 | 14:41 uur
- infrared search-and-rescue systemen,

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 26/10/2015 | 15:14 uur
Citaat van: Strata op 26/10/2015 | 15:09 uur

Ik zie het nu ook, tja stond er ... dat heb je met knippen en plakken ..  :mad:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 26/10/2015 | 19:39 uur
Sweden Offers Integrated Package

JAKARTA -- Sweden has officially offered its air power package to Indonesia, banking on lower lifecycle cost coupled with attractive financing solutions and a commitment to fulfill its obligation of transferring the technology.

The offer was announced by Swedish Ambassador to Jakarta Johanna Brismar Skoog during a breakfast briefing at her residence in Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, on Thursday morning.

Indonesia is looking to replace its aging, US-made F-5 E/F Tiger II jet fighter and the Swedish offer is thus far the only comprehensive one.

Rather than offering only the latest generation of its light, single engine Gripen jet fighter, Swedish defense and security giant Saab throws a complete set of air defense systems.

The offer also includes Erieye airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) for maritime surveillance and control; ground-based Command and Control; tactical data link to share data among various platforms; industrial cooperation, including transfer of technology and local production; and extensive job creation, reaching into the thousands.

"We have a proven track record on transfer of technology and industrial cooperation," Skoog said, citing Brazil, the Czech Republic, Hungary, South Africa and Thailand as examples.

"We have the best capacities and capabilities in air defense allowing you to control your territory."

She added that the air power package offered by Sweden was not only limited to military purposes but also civilian, such as monitoring illegal fishing, smuggling and piracy.

Meanwhile, Saab Indonesia head Peter Carlqvist said Saab was offering the most cost-efficient air defense solution.

Citing a study by Jane's, he said Gripen had the lowest flight hour cost when compared with its competitors at US$4,700 per hour. Another light, single-engine fighter contender, the US-made F-16 Fighting Falcon is at $7,700. The cost increases for heavy, twin-engine fighters. French-made Dassault Rafale costs $16,500 and Eurofighter Typhoon $18,000.

Carlqvist said that the Russian-made Sukhoi Su-27/30 Flanker, tipped as Indonesia's ultimate choice, was the costliest at between $40,000 and $50,000.

With the same amount of money, he said, Indonesia could afford to operate four-times as many Gripens instead of the Sukhois. "Or the money can be channeled somewhere else, such as universities or hospitals," he said.

He added that the most important consideration was the total lifecycle cost, with acquisition cost contributing only some 20 percent.

On industrial cooperation, Carlqvist said it would include local production and technology transfer to local companies. "We are committed to fulfilling the obligation of 35 percent direct offset and 50 percent indirect offset," he said.

Saab, for example, will transfer the know-how on designing and making tactical data link complete with cryptography so that Indonesia could have its own system guaranteeing a high level of security.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 27/10/2015 | 08:50 uur
Pentagon orders 15 EA-18Gs

Boeing has been awarded a $898 million contract for 15 EA-18Gs
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 27/10/2015 | 14:16 uur
FXM Responds Croatia Concerning the Gripen

Swedish Defence and Security Export Agency | October 24, 2015

FXM, the Swedish Defence and Security Export Agency, responded today, Friday 23 October, to a request for information from Croatia concerning the procurement of Gripen aircraft.

The request concerns 8 to 12 newly built aircraft of the C/D model.

The request for information that FXM responded to was sent from the Croatian Ministry of Defence in June this year. Sweden has had a positive dialogue with Croatia regarding the Gripen since the year 2007.

With today's answer FXM wishes to emphasize that Croatia is seen as a possible valuable future Gripen partner in an important region where other countries already are flying the Gripen.

JAS Gripen is operational in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Sweden, South Africa and Thailand. Brazil has procured the next generation Gripen, Gripen NG.

FXM is negotiating with Brazil on an interim solution regarding Gripen C/D. FXM is also negotiating with Slovakia, also here the negotiations concern the Gripen C/D.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 27/10/2015 | 17:26 uur
Een sterke C/D markt is natuurlijk ook goed nieuws voor de E/F.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 27/10/2015 | 17:34 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 27/10/2015 | 17:26 uur
Een sterke C/D markt is natuurlijk ook goed nieuws voor de E/F.

Het is maar wat je sterk noemt, een eventuele groei van de vloot met 8-12 toestellen  :hrmph:

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Poleme op 27/10/2015 | 19:57 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 27/10/2015 | 17:34 uur
Het is maar wat je sterk noemt, een eventuele groei van de vloot met 8-12 toestellen  :hrmph:
Voor de prijs van 1 'goud beplaat' M-fregat kon men bijna 13 F-16A/B's kopen.  De marines die belangstelling hadden voor het zeer capabele M-fregat, kochten het toch maar niet, want een te hoog prijskaartje.

Voor de prijs van 1 M-fregat vervanger, die niet meer 'goud beplaat' maar hooguit ' RVS of pisbakken ijzer beplaat' wordt, kan men 1,5 tot hooguit 2 F-35A's kopen of ruwweg 4,5 - 6 JAS39 E/F Gripens.

Dus de tijd van jachtvliegtuig orders in de grote van drie of vier cijferige aantallen gaat toch echt een (grote) uitzondering worden.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 27/10/2015 | 20:00 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 27/10/2015 | 19:57 uur
Voor de prijs van 1 'goud beplaat' M-fregat kon men bijna 13 F-16A/B's kopen.  De marines die belangstelling hadden voor het zeer capabele M-fregat, kochten het toch maar niet, want een te hoog prijskaartje.

Voor de prijs van 1 M-fregat vervanger, die niet meer 'goud beplaat' maar hooguit ' RVS of pisbakken ijzer beplaat' wordt, kan men 1,5 tot hooguit 2 F-35A's kopen of ruwweg 4,5 - 6 JAS39 E/F Gripens.

Dus de tijd van jachtvliegtuig orders in de grote van drie of vier cijferige aantallen gaat toch echt een (grote) uitzondering worden.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 27/10/2015 | 20:32 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 27/10/2015 | 17:34 uur
Het is maar wat je sterk noemt, een eventuele groei van de vloot met 8-12 toestellen  :hrmph:

Niet alleen dat, er komt ook een gebruiker bij. Er komen nog wat programma's aan in die regio, en zoals het er nu naar uitziet gaat de Gripen centraal Europa en de Balkan veroveren.

Het blijft eeuwig zonde dat Polen voor de F16 is gegaan, zou een goed Europees powerhouse zijn geweest.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 27/10/2015 | 20:57 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 27/10/2015 | 20:32 uur
Niet alleen dat, er komt ook een gebruiker bij. Er komen nog wat programma's aan in die regio, en zoals het er nu naar uitziet gaat de Gripen centraal Europa en de Balkan veroveren.

Het blijft eeuwig zonde dat Polen voor de F16 is gegaan, zou een goed Europees powerhouse zijn geweest.

Hier heb je een punt tenzij de Amerikanen massaal occasion F16's gaan dumpen, gewoon omdat ze het kunnen en daarmee een concurrent het leven aardig zuur kunnen maken.

We gaan het zien...
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 28/10/2015 | 10:25 uur
Canadian Liberal party confirms it will rewrite fighter requirement

A source inside Canada's Liberal Party, which secured a parliamentary majority in the country's federal elections on 19 October, confirmed to Reuters on 26 October that the party will completely restart the process of finding a replacement for the country's CF-18 Hornets.

Party leader and Prime Minister-elect Justin Trudeau, who will form a government on 4 November, had announced during the election campaign that he would end Canada's commitment to the multinational Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter programme, but Monday's news is the first suggestion that the entire procurement process will be scrapped.

The programme, which resulted in an order of 65 F-35s in 2010, has been suspended since 2013 to facilitate a review into the escalating costs and lack of transparency within the project.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 28/10/2015 | 10:33 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 27/10/2015 | 20:32 uur
Het blijft eeuwig zonde dat Polen voor de F16 is gegaan, zou een goed Europees powerhouse zijn geweest.
De Poolse F-16C/D Block 52 was op dat moment verder dan de JAS 39C/D Gripen. Ook schafte Polen meteen de AIM-9X en AIM-120C aan. Ook een voordeel t.o.v. de luchtdoelbewapening van de Gripen C/D.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 28/10/2015 | 10:59 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 28/10/2015 | 10:33 uur
De Poolse F-16C/D Block 52 was op dat moment verder dan de JAS 39C/D Gripen. Ook schafte Polen meteen de AIM-9X en AIM-120C aan. Ook een voordeel t.o.v. de luchtdoelbewapening van de Gripen C/D.

Dan hadden ze een IRIS-T gehad, en fatsoenlijke offset, want de gouden bergen die de Amerikanen beloofd hadden zijn niet gekomen, niet voor niets dat de minister achteraf spijt betuigde dat hij voor de F16 was gegaan.

En de Gripen kan toch ook met de Amraam overweg? Is dat alleen de B dan?
Daarbij stond de Meteor natuurlijk al in de planning.
Ik wil niet zeggen dat de F16 een technisch slechte keuze was, absoluut niet, de betere keuze wil ik ook nog wel accepteren. Maar blijft staan dat het, voor Europa en de Europese defensie industrie gewoon jammer is dat Polen niet voor de Gripen is gegaan. Want hoewel de Gripen ook zeker zijn successen kent, een 'grote' luchtmacht die haar steunt had goed nieuws geweest, en misschien ook meerdere kleinere luchtmachten eerder over de streep kunnen trekken. Ook zou de outlook voor de Gripen NG dan beter geweest zijn.

Ook in relatie tot de eerder door NikeHercules aangehaalde tactieken/technieken.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 28/10/2015 | 11:31 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 28/10/2015 | 10:59 uur
Dan hadden ze een IRIS-T gehad, en fatsoenlijke offset, want de gouden bergen die de Amerikanen beloofd hadden zijn niet gekomen, niet voor niets dat de minister achteraf spijt betuigde dat hij voor de F16 was gegaan.

En de Gripen kan toch ook met de Amraam overweg? Is dat alleen de B dan?
Daarbij stond de Meteor natuurlijk al in de planning.
Ik wil niet zeggen dat de F16 een technisch slechte keuze was, absoluut niet, de betere keuze wil ik ook nog wel accepteren. Maar blijft staan dat het, voor Europa en de Europese defensie industrie gewoon jammer is dat Polen niet voor de Gripen is gegaan. Want hoewel de Gripen ook zeker zijn successen kent, een 'grote' luchtmacht die haar steunt had goed nieuws geweest, en misschien ook meerdere kleinere luchtmachten eerder over de streep kunnen trekken. Ook zou de outlook voor de Gripen NG dan beter geweest zijn.

Ook in relatie tot de eerder door NikeHercules aangehaalde tactieken/technieken.
Polen kon in 2006 al meteen beschikken over de AIM-9X en AIM-120C. Alle bestaande operationele Gripen versies kunnen alleen de AIM-120A en AIM-120B uitvoeringen gebruiken. Deze hebben een korter bereik dan de C versie. En de Meteor zat in 2006 midden in de lange testfase.

Het is dat Polen al in 1997 een opvolger zocht. Als zij wat later hiermee waren begonnen, dan denk ik dat de NATO compatible Gripen C/D meer kans had gemaakt.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 29/10/2015 | 09:02 uur
Israel's all-inclusive F-35I deal doesn't grant full tech access

By James Drew, Washington DC | 29 October 2015

Despite the Lockheed Martin F-35 programme's "unique relationship with Israel," the country has not been granted unfettered access to every component on the 33 aircraft it intends to purchase.

Tel Aviv is demanding much from the joint programme office (JPO), including a local maintenance, repair and overhaul facility and pilot and maintainer training with full-motion simulators, even though those types of capabilities are being centralised at planned regional F-35 centres in America, Asia and Europe.

The Israeli Air Force has relative freedom to upgrade, modernise and weaponise its Boeing F-15s and Lockheed Martin F16s, and will have extended access to F-35 hardware, but there are still some aspects of the aircraft that will remain off limit, according to the US programme director.

"It is a true statement that some portions of the F-35 are not releasable to any partners or customers on the F-35, not uniquely Israel," says F-35 JPO head Lt Gen Christopher Bogdan. "Only the US services and US industry can do certain things on the airplane. That's not unique."

"[With Israel], is if there's anything unique to put on the airplane, if we can let you do it we will, and if not we'll work it, in your country or in the US. Israel should be able to do anything it wants to the airplane, sometimes with our help and sometimes not."

One of Israel's contributions to the F-35 is the "Gen 3" helmet mounted display produced by Rockwell Collins and Elbit Systems' Vision Systems joint venture.

James Drew/Flight International

Bogdan's comments were delivered at the US Navy's F-35 test site at Naval Air Station Patuxent River in Maryland, where defence secretary Ash Carter and Israeli defence minister Moshe Yaalon were due to hold a joint press conference until the meeting was scrubbed to poor weather.

The flexibility afforded Israel extends weapons testing, with Bogdan confirming the country will have the ability to trial its own indigenously produced weapons at home.

Additionally, Israeli F-35Is will come equipped with Tel Aviv's own choice of command-and-control, radio and electronic warfare systems, says Bogdan.

"Israel has a bilateral relationship with US on the airplanes they're going to buy," he says. "They can uniquely set their own requirements, and we will meet their requirements."

Regarding follow-on modernisation of the F-35, which is due to start in 2019, Bogdan says mounting requirements from the 14 Lightning II customers could make the "Block 4" project unaffordable without a more realistic rephasing. He says Israel can choose its own upgrade package for its F-35s, but the timing and number of items ultimately depends on how much the country is willing to pay and wait.

Bogdan reiterated that US policy prevents the sale of F-35s to any Middle East nation besides Israel, and that policy will remain in place for the "foreseeable future". The first two F-35Is are on track to arrive in Israel in December 2016, he says, and the balance of the 33-aircraft order arrive over the next three or four years.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 29/10/2015 | 09:09 uur
Voorspelling winnaar US T-X competitie: Boeing-Saab

Door de winst van Northrop Grumman in de LRS-B competitie en de gevulde orderportefeuille van Lockheed  Martin middels de F35 familie is de meest logische keuze voor de T-X de Boeing-Saab.

Boeing zal het nodig hebben wil het actief kunnen blijven in de fighter business, immers, de verwachting (tot nu toe) is dat de productielijnen van zowel de F18 als de F15 voor het einde van dit decennium gesloten zullen worden.

Het Pentagon wil  geen verdere fusies van de grote spelers om de industriële capaciteit en diversiteit in takt te houden en zal kiezen voor een Amerikaans product.

NGC, LM en Boeing  zijn gedrieën belanghebbende in de T-X ontwikkeling, mijn verwachting is dan ook dat Boeing als winnaar uit de bus gaat komen, wat tevens een geweldige opsteker voor  de Europese partner Saab zal zijn.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 29/10/2015 | 10:13 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 29/10/2015 | 09:09 uur
Voorspelling winnaar US T-X competitie: Boeing-Saab

Door de winst van Northrop Grumman in de LRS-B competitie en de gevulde orderportefeuille van Lockheed  Martin middels de F35 familie is de meest logische keuze voor de T-X de Boeing-Saab.

Boeing zal het nodig hebben wil het actief kunnen blijven in de fighter business, immers, de verwachting (tot nu toe) is dat de productielijnen van zowel de F18 als de F15 voor het einde van dit decennium gesloten zullen worden.

Het Pentagon wil  geen verdere fusies van de grote spelers om de industriële capaciteit en diversiteit in takt te houden en zal kiezen voor een Amerikaans product.

NGC, LM en Boeing  zijn gedrieën belanghebbende in de T-X ontwikkeling, mijn verwachting is dan ook dat Boeing als winnaar uit de bus gaat komen, wat tevens een geweldige opsteker voor  de Europese partner Saab zal zijn.

Het zou een slimme zet zijn. Gelijkertijd, het staat erg ver van het competitie idee af, en het lijkt me ook wenselijk dat een product gewoon inhoudelijk beoordeeld gaat worden.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 29/10/2015 | 10:21 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 29/10/2015 | 10:13 uur
Het zou een slimme zet zijn. Gelijkertijd, het staat erg ver van het competitie idee af, en het lijkt me ook wenselijk dat een product gewoon inhoudelijk beoordeeld gaat worden.

Zeker, er wordt weinig prijsgegeven van de clean sheet ontwerpen (Boeing-Saab zij niet verder gekomen dan een animatie van een stukje van de neus) maar na verwachting zal het ontwerp moeten voldoen aan de trainer eisen maar ook invulling kunnen geven aan een "red air" concept, een trainer ++ zeg maar en aanvullend op de F22/F35.

Inhoudelijk denk ik dat Boeing-Saab een prima product zal neer zetten, na verwachting meer capabel dan de reeds bestaande en voor de T-X competitie aangepaste (Europese) modellen.

NGC is na verluid ook actief in deze competitie maar na de hoofdprijs van afgelopen week heb ik zo het vermoeden dat die het (ongezien) niet gaat worden.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 29/10/2015 | 16:31 uur
USN Growler order complete as Boeing seeks F/A-18 orders

By James Drew, Washington DC | 29 October 2015

The US Navy has contracted Boeing to deliver its final tranche of EA-18G Growlers, and the company is now looking to the Pentagon and abroad for more orders to sustain the common Growler and F/A-18E/F Super Hornet assembly line in St Louis beyond 2017.

The $898 million order for 15 aircraft, announced this week, rounds out the navy's total requirement for 153 EA-18G advanced electronic attack jets – although Boeing says there are ongoing discussions and analysis with the navy about additional Growler and Super Hornet orders.

Boeing is in the process of cutting the output rate at St Louis from three aircraft per month to two by the first quarter of 2016 in an attempt to keep the line viable until at least 2019.

The need to secure future Super Hornet deals has gained more importance for Boeing in the light of Tuesday's selection of Northrop Grumman to build the US Air Force's Long-Range Strike Bomber. Unless Boeing wins the USAF's forthcoming T-X trainer contest, its future in combat aircraft manufacturing looks bleak.

Boeing confirms that the latest Growler order will sustain the line through 2017, and the company remains hopeful of another dozen Super Hornet orders from the Pentagon following budget deliberations in Congress. More commitments could also come from "a Middle East customer" – a package estimated at two-dozen or so aircraft.

In addition, a change of government in Canada last week could see Boeing compete to replace the Royal Canadian Air Force's outdated CF-18s, if the new prime minister Justin Trudeau follows through with his promise to reject the Lockheed Martin F-35. Boeing is also awaiting an F-16 replacement decision from Denmark by the end of the year.

The F/A-18E/F is also a candidate to replace Finland's 61 legacy C/D Hornets, where it is up against the Dassault Rafale, Eurofighter Typhoon, Lockheed Martin F-35 and Saab Gripen E.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: JdL op 29/10/2015 | 17:11 uur
Ik vermoed dat er nog wel orders aankomen
Zwitserland,denemarken, kuwait, belgie ,canada, finland en zo zijn er nog een paar
Grote kans dat minimaal 1 van die landen voor de SH gaat
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 29/10/2015 | 17:26 uur
Citaat van: JdL op 29/10/2015 | 17:11 uur
Ik vermoed dat er nog wel orders aankomen
Zwitserland,denemarken, kuwait, belgie ,canada, finland en zo zijn er nog een paar
Grote kans dat minimaal 1 van die landen voor de SH gaat

Dan zullen ze wel voor einde productielijn de order(s) moeten afgeven, sommige long lead items moet tot 4 jaar voor de feitelijke assemblage besteld worden. De aankomende periode wordt heel belangrijk voor Boeing met de vooralsnog beste kansen (op korte termijn) op een order uit Koeweit.

Met eventueel 28 kisten voor Koeweit kunnen ze de lijn met minimale productie ruim 2 jaar langer open houden, dat zou in principe tijd genoeg moeten zijn voor de andere door jou genoemde landen om een keuze te maken.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: JdL op 29/10/2015 | 17:40 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 29/10/2015 | 17:26 uur
Dan zullen ze wel voor einde productielijn de order(s) moeten afgeven, sommige long lead items moet tot 4 jaar voor de feitelijke assemblage besteld worden. De aankomende periode wordt heel belangrijk voor Boeing met de vooralsnog beste kansen (op korte termijn) op een order uit Koeweit.

Met eventueel 28 kisten voor Koeweit kunnen ze de lijn met minimale productie ruim 2 jaar langer open houden, dat zou in principe tijd genoeg moeten zijn voor de andere door jou genoemde landen om een keuze te maken.
De geruchten over kuwait blijven wel hardnekkig standhouden dus ik vermoed dat deze binnenkort een order gaat plaatsen
Of dit de eerder genoemde 28 worden weet ik niet na de order voor de EF maar bvb 12 kisten zou wss ook al genoeg zijn om  denenmarken, zwitserland en belgie een beslissing te laten maken
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 29/10/2015 | 17:44 uur
Citaat van: JdL op 29/10/2015 | 17:40 uur
De geruchten over kuwait blijven wel hardnekkig standhouden dus ik vermoed dat deze binnenkort een order gaat plaatsen
Of dit de eerder genoemde 28 worden weet ik niet na de order voor de EF maar bvb 12 kisten zou wss ook al genoeg zijn om  denenmarken, zwitserland en belgie een beslissing te laten maken
Vermoed dat Zwitserland pas later dan België en Denemarken een beslissing zal nemen. Hun C/D Hornets zijn net als de Finse C/D Hornets de jongste van alle legacy Hornets.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: JdL op 29/10/2015 | 18:49 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 29/10/2015 | 17:44 uur
Vermoed dat Zwitserland pas later dan België en Denemarken een beslissing zal nemen. Hun C/D Hornets zijn net als de Finse C/D Hornets de jongste van alle legacy Hornets.
IK heb het over de vervanging van de F-5E....
In het land van de zuinige bankiers zullen die legacy hornets helemaal opgevlogen worden zoals ook gebeurde/gebeurd met hunters en F-5E's
De F-5E wordt gebruikt voor elektronische oorlogsvoering en grondaanval dus een combi van SH, growler en legacy hornets zie ik wel zitten voor de zwitserse luchtmacht
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 29/10/2015 | 19:03 uur
Citaat van: JdL op 29/10/2015 | 18:49 uur
IK heb het over de vervanging van de F-5E....
In het land van de zuinige bankiers zullen die legacy hornets helemaal opgevlogen worden zoals ook gebeurde/gebeurd met hunters en F-5E's
De F-5E wordt gebruikt voor elektronische oorlogsvoering en grondaanval dus een combi van SH, growler en legacy hornets zie ik wel zitten voor de zwitserse luchtmacht

De F5 zou worden vervangen door de Gripen E, die is per referendum door het volk afgeschoten, de nieuw vervangingscompetitie wordt verwacht in 2017 waarbij het mij niet zal verbazen als de winnaar hiervan tevens de vervanger wordt van de legacy Hornets.

De keuze mogelijkheid voor de F18E wordt zeer krap.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 29/10/2015 | 19:12 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 29/10/2015 | 19:03 uur
De F5 zou worden vervangen door de Gripen E, die is per referendum door het volk afgeschoten, de nieuw vervangingscompetitie wordt verwacht in 2017 waarbij het mij niet zal verbazen als de winnaar hiervan tevens de vervanger wordt van de legacy Hornets.

De keuze mogelijkheid voor de F18E wordt zeer krap.
Benieuwd of reservisten capabel genoeg zijn dan om de SH te vliegen...ook dat speelt mee bij de keuze. En maakte de Gripen extra aantrekkelijk.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 29/10/2015 | 19:18 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 29/10/2015 | 19:12 uur
Benieuwd of reservisten capabel genoeg zijn dan om de SH te vliegen...ook dat speelt mee bij de keuze. En maakte de Gripen extra aantrekkelijk.

Ik verwacht dan ook hele goede kansen voor de Gripen E/F in Zwitserland in de nieuwe competitie om zowel de F5E als de F18C/D te vervangen, een 1 op 1 kan je dan vermoedelijk vergeten en gaat de Zwitserse luchtmacht over op 1 type in een lager aantal.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 29/10/2015 | 19:25 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 29/10/2015 | 19:18 uur
Ik verwacht dan ook hele goede kansen voor de Gripen E/F in Zwitserland in de nieuwe competitie om zowel de F5E als de F18C/D te vervangen, een 1 op 1 kan je dan vermoedelijk vergeten en gaat de Zwitserse luchtmacht over op 1 type in een lager aantal.
zolang Zwitserland uit blijft gaan van (strikte) neutraliteit zal ze 2 types willen behouden. Plus deel voor beroeps...deel voor reservisten.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 29/10/2015 | 19:29 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 29/10/2015 | 19:25 uur
zolang Zwitserland uit blijft gaan van (strikte) neutraliteit zal ze 2 types willen behouden. Plus deel voor beroeps...deel voor reservisten.

Als NL zich geen 2 types kan/wil veroorloven... dan zou de keuze voor 1 type uit een neutraal land niet geheel onlogisch zijn. Kortom, we gaan het zien.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 29/10/2015 | 19:36 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 29/10/2015 | 19:29 uur
Als NL zich geen 2 types kan/wil veroorloven... dan zou de keuze voor 1 type uit een neutraal land niet geheel onlogisch zijn. Kortom, we gaan het zien.
daarmee zou het Zwitserland te afhankelijk zijn van 1 type en dus leverancier(=land)...en dat willen ze niet. Maar mogelijk speelt dat nu minder mee..ze zitten ook erg op de centen nu dus..
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 29/10/2015 | 20:29 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 29/10/2015 | 19:36 uur
daarmee zou het Zwitserland te afhankelijk zijn van 1 type en dus leverancier(=land)...en dat willen ze niet. Maar mogelijk speelt dat nu minder mee..ze zitten ook erg op de centen nu dus..

De Gripen E is door het volk afgeschoten, niet om de vliegtuig keuzen maar puur voor de centen.... dus ja, ook daar heeft men pecunia issues, waarbij ik van mening ben dat je dergelijke keuzes niet aan het vol moet over laten.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 29/10/2015 | 21:06 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 29/10/2015 | 20:29 uur
De Gripen E is door het volk afgeschoten, niet om de vliegtuig keuzen maar puur voor de centen.... dus ja, ook daar heeft men pecunia issues, waarbij ik van mening ben dat je dergelijke keuzes niet aan het vol moet over laten.
In 2017 probeert Zwitserland het opnieuw.

Onderstaande link heb ik eerder in dit topic vermeld.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 30/10/2015 | 10:05 uur
Ter info.

F-35 Lightning II Program Status and Fast Facts 4Q 2015
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 31/10/2015 | 10:39 uur
Canada said to consult Obama before opening fighter-jet bidding

By Josh Wingrove, Bloomberg

October 30, 2015, 11:20 PM

OTTAWA - Incoming Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will consult with President Barack Obama before restarting a process to replace Canada's aging fleet of combat jets, in a bid to head off damage to relations between the two countries, according to an official familiar with the plans.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Zander op 31/10/2015 | 10:44 uur
Lieve Barack,

ik denk er over om de F35 niet te kopen, hij is wel heeeeeel mooi maar mijn achterban staat er niet achter.
Blijven we wel vriendjes??

Je Canadese BFF
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 31/10/2015 | 10:49 uur
Citaat van: Vandaag om 10:39

OTTAWA - Incoming Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will consult with President Barack Obama before restarting a process to replace Canada's aging fleet of combat jets, in a bid to head off damage to relations between the two countries, according to an official familiar with the plans.

Welke open competitie?

Voor de vorm, wellicht open... resultaat: Alsnog deelname van de F35 aan de competitie: winnaar F35A, als deze definitief wordt uitgesloten: winnaar: F18E/F.

Ik zou als Europese concurrentie geen geld uitgeven (zoals Saab al eerder heeft gedaan) in dit aankoop proces.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Zander op 31/10/2015 | 10:53 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 31/10/2015 | 10:49 uur
Welke open competitie?

Voor de vorm, wellicht open... resultaat: Alsnog deelname van de F35 aan de competitie: winnaar F35A, als deze definitief wordt uitgesloten: winnaar: F18E/F.

Ik zou als Europese concurrentie geen geld uitgeven (zoals Saab al eerder heeft gedaan) in dit aankoop proces.

Het zal uiteindelijk vast alsnog de F35 worden. Het oplichten van de achterban is niet iets Hollands.
Mocht het wel Hollands zijn, dan hebben we dat maar mooi geëxporteerd naar de rest van de wereld.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 31/10/2015 | 10:57 uur
Citaat van: Zander op 31/10/2015 | 10:53 uur
Het zal uiteindelijk vast alsnog de F35 worden. Het oplichten van de achterban is niet iets Hollands.
Mocht het wel Hollands zijn, dan hebben we dat maar mooi geëxporteerd naar de rest van de wereld.

We gaan het zien, maar ik ben er van overtuigd dat het een Amerikaanse keuze wordt en dan zijn de smaken beperkt, waarbij het uitermate verrassend zou zijn als Boeing haar F15 aan de competitie weet toe te voegen.

Het zou mij overigens niet verbazen als Obama achter gesloten deuren de F18E/F zal promoten immers 65 (of een paar meer) garandeert wel veel extra werkgelegenheid en een live line voor Boeing welke deze club in staat stelt haar productielijn bij minimale productie van 2 F18's per maand bijna 3 jaar langer open te houden.

Het zou Boeing de gelegenheid geven ook wat andere export orders naar binnen te hengelen zodat met enig mazzel rek gevonden kan worden tot de FA/XX het levenslicht ziet.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 31/10/2015 | 11:43 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 31/10/2015 | 10:57 uur
We gaan het zien, maar ik ben er van overtuigd dat het een Amerikaanse keuze wordt en dan zijn de smaken beperkt, waarbij het uitermate verrassend zou zijn als Boeing haar F15 aan de competitie weet toe te voegen.

Ik sluit het  niet uit dat Boeing een F15 variant aan de  competitie weet toe te voegen als de canadezen een toestel willen wat ook in het Noord Pool gebied acttief kan zijn ik zie dat een Super Hornet nog niet doen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 31/10/2015 | 13:25 uur
Finnish Air Force Officials Visit F-35 Facility

Pat Host, Defense Daily | October 30, 2015

FORT WORTH, Texas--Finnish Air Force officials visited Lockheed Martin's [LMT] F-35 facility here Wednesday, ostensibly to evaluate future fighter jet procurement options as part of its HX program.

A pair of signs welcoming Finnish Air Force Commander Major General Kim Jäämeri were spotted on video boards at the entrance to the facility. A handful of Finnish Air Force airmen were seen inside the administrative portion of the sprawling complex that assembles and puts the finishing touches on F-35 aircraft before they are deployed to base locations and partner nations.

The Finnish Ministry of Defence in June said a working group proposed buying multi-role fighter jets after making a preliminary assessment of how to replace its F/A-18 aircraft. Finland said the life cycle of its F/A-18s will end by the end of 2020s.

The project to replace the F/A-18s will last about 15 years and needs to be launched this fall at the latest. Finland said the procurement decision should be made in the early 2020s.

In its report, the Finnish Ministry of Defence said three major factors limit the service life of the F/A-18s: weakening comparative capabilities, structural fatigue, and challenges in obtaining system support. Substantial additional costs would be incurred if the service life of the aircraft were extended. This would also not provide additional options for replacing its capabilities.

Other key deadlines for Finland's fighter procurement include decisions associated with requests for information (RFI) and quotation during 2015-2019 with a decision to procure in the early 2020s. Finland said separate financing must be earmarked for the project as it is not possible to replace the capabilities of the F/A-18 fleet within the framework of current defense budget levels.

Finland is rumored to be debating leaving its tradition of military neutrality for NATO membership in light of Russian military efforts. The F/A-18 is developed by Boeing [BA].
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 31/10/2015 | 14:42 uur
Ik denk alleen dat de F35A te licht uitgevoerd en te kwetsbaar is voor het Finse klimaat en de omstandigheden op haar vliegvelden. Dus als de F35 al in beeld komt zou dat denk ik de C versie zijn. Daarnaast hebben zowel de F18 SH en de Gripen NG de capaciteiten die aansluiten bij de omstandigheden in Finland.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 31/10/2015 | 14:47 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 31/10/2015 | 14:42 uur
Ik denk alleen dat de F35A te licht uitgevoerd en te kwetsbaar is voor het Finse klimaat en de omstandigheden op haar vliegvelden. Dus als de F35 al in beeld komt zou dat denk ik de C versie zijn. Daarnaast hebben zowel de F18 SH en de Gripen NG de capaciteiten die aansluiten bij de omstandigheden in Finland.
Als Canada nu toch definitief de F-35 kiest, dan gaat het ook om de F-35A variant. Wat te denken van het Noorse klimaat en hun keuze voor de F-35A?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 31/10/2015 | 15:07 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 31/10/2015 | 14:47 uur
Als Canada nu toch definitief de F-35 kiest, dan gaat het ook om de F-35A variant. Wat te denken van het Noorse klimaat en hun keuze voor de F-35A?
Dat is in Canada dan ook onderdeel van de kritiek. En de Noren zullen maatregelen moeten nemen om de F35A beschikbaar te houden onder die omstandigheden. Het is een gevoelige kist..dat is inmiddels wel bekend. Het gaat in Finland daarbij niet alleen om het klimaat, maar ook om bijvoorbeeld het gebruik van alternatieve landingsbanen (delen snelwegen ed)...zoals we dat ook zien in Zweden. Dat vraagt vaak meer van het landingsgestel en de hogere dalingssnelheid en hoeken. De Finse keuze voor de F18 was dan ook geen toeval. De Canadeze voor de F18 geloof ik ook niet. Zeker nu het strategisch belang van de Noordpoolgebied groeit.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 31/10/2015 | 15:31 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 31/10/2015 | 15:07 uur
Dat is in Canada dan ook onderdeel van de kritiek. En de Noren zullen maatregelen moeten nemen om de F35A beschikbaar te houden onder die omstandigheden. Het is een gevoelige kist..dat is inmiddels wel bekend. Het gaat in Finland daarbij niet alleen om het klimaat, maar ook om bijvoorbeeld het gebruik van alternatieve landingsbanen (delen snelwegen ed)...zoals we dat ook zien in Zweden. Dat vraagt vaak meer van het landingsgestel en de hogere dalingssnelheid en hoeken. De Finse keuze voor de F18 was dan ook geen toeval. De Canadeze voor de F18 geloof ik ook niet. Zeker nu het strategisch belang van de Noordpoolgebied groeit.
De F-35A moet in alle klimaten kunnen opereren. Ze moeten de F-16's in Alaska vervangen en zo de daar al gestationeerde F-22's ondersteunen. De Noorse (en Nederlandse) F-35A's krijgen zelfs een afneembare gondel met remparachute vanwege dezelde redenen waarom hun F-16's ze hebben.

In de Finse competitie van begin jaren 90 zat de F-16C/D niet ver achter de F/A-18C/D.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 31/10/2015 | 15:41 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 31/10/2015 | 15:31 uur
De F-35A moet in alle klimaten kunnen opereren. Ze moeten de F-16's in Alaska vervangen en zo de daar al gestationeerde F-22's ondersteunen. De Noorse (en Nederlandse) F-35A's krijgen zelfs een afneembare gondel met remparachute vanwege dezelde redenen waarom hun F-16's ze hebben.

In de Finse competitie van begin jaren 90 zat de F-16C/D niet ver achter de F/A-18C/D.
De F22 en ook de F35 kunnen dat ook..maar met extra middelen op de hoofdbases. Dat is voor de Amerikanen geen probleem. Alternatieve tijdelijke bases vragen dus andere eisen..zeker bij slechte weersomstandigheden. F35..en zeker F22 zijn daar minder geschikt voor. Dus kiezen deze landen vaak voor marine-varianten of die er speciaal op zijn ontworpen. 
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 31/10/2015 | 16:16 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 31/10/2015 | 15:41 uur
De F22 en ook de F35 kunnen dat ook..maar met extra middelen op de hoofdbases. Dat is voor de Amerikanen geen probleem. Alternatieve tijdelijke bases vragen dus andere eisen..zeker bij slechte weersomstandigheden. F35..en zeker F22 zijn daar minder geschikt voor. Dus kiezen deze landen vaak voor marine-varianten of die er speciaal op zijn ontworpen. 
Als alternatieve start/landingsbanen nog niet zijn getest, dan kan dat altijd alsnog. De F-16 kan het ook. De F-16's van Singapore trainen op het gebruik van (snel)wegen.

De Gripen E/F is voor Finland een voor de hand liggende keuze, maar we zullen het mee gaan maken. De Hornet was destijds ook een soort van verrassende keuze. Niet vanwege de eigenschappen, maar wel vanwege de afkomst.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Poleme op 01/11/2015 | 00:59 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 31/10/2015 | 16:16 uur
Als alternatieve start/landingsbanen nog niet zijn getest, dan kan dat altijd alsnog. De F-16 kan het ook. De F-16's van Singapore trainen op het gebruik van (snel)wegen.

De Gripen E/F is voor Finland een voor de hand liggende keuze, maar we zullen het mee gaan maken. De Hornet was destijds ook een soort van verrassende keuze. Niet vanwege de eigenschappen, maar wel vanwege de afkomst.
De F-16 en F-18 kunnen beiden opereren van korte banen of (korte) stukken snelweg.
Maar in het hoge Noorden van Canada zijn deze vaak kortere startbanen ook vaker nat en glad.
Dan is een rem parachute niet meer voldoende.  En moet je gebruik maken van je remhaak. De remhaak van de F-16 en F-35A zijn echter alleen bedoeld voor nood situaties en niet voor regelmatig gebruik zoals de veel zwaarder uitgevoerde remhaak onder een F-18.
En dan hebben we het nog niet gehad over het feit dat de F-35A een veel langere startbaan nodig heeft dan een F-16 of F-18.
Dat red je niet met een standaard NAVO baan van 8.000 voet / 2.440 meter.  ;)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 01/11/2015 | 11:27 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 01/11/2015 | 00:59 uur
De F-16 en F-18 kunnen beiden opereren van korte banen of (korte) stukken snelweg.
Maar in het hoge Noorden van Canada zijn deze vaak kortere startbanen ook vaker nat en glad.
Dan is een rem parachute niet meer voldoende.  En moet je gebruik maken van je remhaak. De remhaak van de F-16 en F-35A zijn echter alleen bedoeld voor nood situaties en niet voor regelmatig gebruik zoals de veel zwaarder uitgevoerde remhaak onder een F-18.
En dan hebben we het nog niet gehad over het feit dat de F-35A een veel langere startbaan nodig heeft dan een F-16 of F-18.
Dat red je niet met een standaard NAVO baan van 8.000 voet / 2.440 meter.  ;)
Als de zware vanghaak een vereiste is, dan twijfel ik zelfs aan de F-15(SE) als mogelijke keuze voor Canada. Dan blijven alleen de F/A-18E/F, F-35C en Rafale M over. F-35C is de duurste F-35 variant en betwijfel ten zeerste of Finland hiervoor gaat.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 01/11/2015 | 12:03 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 01/11/2015 | 11:27 uur
Als de zware vanghaak een vereiste is, dan twijfel ik zelfs aan de F-15(SE) als mogelijke keuze voor Canada. Dan blijven alleen de F/A-18E/F, F-35C en Rafale M over. F-35C is de duurste F-35 variant en betwijfel ten zeerste of Finland hiervoor gaat.

Mocht de SeaGripen (in samenwerking met de Brazilianen) het levenslicht zien, dan zou dit een optie kunnen zijn al heeft men in Canada wel heel duidelijk aangegeven dat dat men niet gecharmeerd is van een één pitter, voor Finland is dat een ander verhaal.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 02/11/2015 | 12:37 uur
Israel requests extra squadron of F-15s

By Arie Egozi, Tel Aviv | 02 November 2015

An additional squadron of advanced Boeing F-15s has been revealed as one of the elements of a so-called "compensation package" requested by Israel in exchange for the US government backing a lifting of sanctions against Iran.

Israeli sources confirm that details of the request were agreed during a recent meeting between the defence ministers of the USA and Israel in Washington DC. This included the Israeli air force expressing its operational need for another squadron of F-15s, to ensure that the type can remain the "backbone" of its capabilities.

While details of the F-15 request have not been released, the sources say that it involves the latest Silent Eagle-standard aircraft, which would also be equipped with Israeli-developed systems. Enhancements introduced with the advanced strike asset include the ability to carry an increased number of air-launched weapons and the addition of conformal fuel tanks for extended-range performance.

Flightglobal's Fleets Analyzer database records the Israeli air force as operating 25 F-15Is – the youngest of which are 16 years old – and a combined 58 older F-15A/Cs.

Israel's "compensation package" has taken shape since an international agreement was reached in Vienna on 14 July, which will remove sanctions in exchange for Iran halting its nuclear activities. The Israeli government opposes the agreement, claiming that it will not stop Tehran from achieving its nuclear weapons ambitions.

Other systems being requested by Israel in order to maintain its operational edge include Bell Boeing V-22 tiltrotors, Boeing KC-46A tankers, additional Lockheed Martin F-35s and bunker-busting bombs that have until now not been exported by the USA.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 02/11/2015 | 12:49 uur
Citaat van: op 02/11/2015 | 12:37 uur
While details of the F-15 request have not been released, the sources say that it involves the latest Silent Eagle-standard aircraft, which would also be equipped with Israeli-developed systems. Enhancements introduced with the advanced strike asset include the ability to carry an increased number of air-launched weapons and the addition of conformal fuel tanks for extended-range performance.

Goede nieuws voor Boeing de F-15 saga gaat dus verder, misschien dat Israeli afziet van de F-35?

Israel's all-inclusive F-35I deal doesn't grant full tech access

Despite the Lockheed Martin F-35 programme's "unique relationship with Israel," the country has not been granted unfettered access to every component on the 33 aircraft it intends to purchase.

Tel Aviv is demanding much from the joint programme office (JPO), including a local maintenance, repair and overhaul facility and pilot and maintainer training with full-motion simulators, even though those types of capabilities are being centralised at planned regional F-35 centres in America, Asia and Europe.

The Israeli Air Force has relative freedom to upgrade, modernise and weaponise its Boeing F-15s and Lockheed Martin F16s, and will have extended access to F-35 hardware, but there are still some aspects of the aircraft that will remain off limit, according to the US programme director.

"It is a true statement that some portions of the F-35 are not releasable to any partners or customers on the F-35, not uniquely Israel," says F-35 JPO head Lt Gen Christopher Bogdan. "Only the US services and US industry can do certain things on the airplane. That's not unique."

"[With Israel], is if there's anything unique to put on the airplane, if we can let you do it we will, and if not we'll work it, in your country or in the US. Israel should be able to do anything it wants to the airplane, sometimes with our help and sometimes not."
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 02/11/2015 | 12:59 uur
Citaat van: Vandaag om 12:37 
While details of the F-15 request have not been released, the sources say that it involves the latest Silent Eagle-standard aircraft, which would also be equipped with Israeli-developed systems. Enhancements introduced with the advanced strike asset include the ability to carry an increased number of air-launched weapons and the addition of conformal fuel tanks for extended-range performance.

Hiermee  zou Israël launching customer van de SE zijn, met daarnaast goed nieuws voor Boeing die haar F15 lijn hiermee tot het volgende decennium weet op te houden.

Wellicht biedt het zelfs extra kansen immers in Z-Korea zijn ze behoorlijk "pissed-off" op LM.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 02/11/2015 | 13:09 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 02/11/2015 | 12:49 uur
Goede nieuws voor Boeing de F-15 saga gaat dus verder, misschien dat Israeli afziet van de F-35?

Israel's all-inclusive F-35I deal doesn't grant full tech access

Despite the Lockheed Martin F-35 programme's "unique relationship with Israel," the country has not been granted unfettered access to every component on the 33 aircraft it intends to purchase.


Dit artikel had ik al in post #1082 vermeld  ;)  ;D

Het gaat Israël ondanks de niet complete toegang tot de F-35 toch om de F-15 en F-35. Zij werken graag met meerdere type toestellen.

Zie ook de laatste alinea van het artikel van vandaag.
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 02/11/2015 | 12:37 uur
Israel requests extra squadron of F-15s


Other systems being requested by Israel in order to maintain its operational edge include Bell Boeing V-22 tiltrotors, Boeing KC-46A tankers, additional Lockheed Martin F-35s and bunker-busting bombs that have until now not been exported by the USA.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 02/11/2015 | 19:02 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 02/11/2015 | 12:59 uur
Hiermee  zou Israël launching customer van de SE zijn, met daarnaast goed nieuws voor Boeing die haar F15 lijn hiermee tot het volgende decennium weet op te houden.

Wellicht biedt het zelfs extra kansen immers in Z-Korea zijn ze behoorlijk "pissed-off" op LM.

Als men bij de F15 SE de 3D thrust vectoring nozzles van de F-15 STOL / MTD toevoegt heeft men een toestel wat de SU 35 en de SU PAK FAT-50 aankan
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 02/11/2015 | 19:15 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 02/11/2015 | 19:02 uur
Als men bij de F15 SE de 3D thrust vectoring nozzles van de F-15 STOL / MTD toevoegt heeft men een toestel wat de SU 35 en de SU PAK FAT-50 aankan

Voor een dergelijke kist mogen ze wat mij betreft de F35A voor de KLu afbestellen.  :angel:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 02/11/2015 | 19:52 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 02/11/2015 | 19:15 uur
Voor een dergelijke kist mogen ze wat mij betreft de F35A voor de KLu afbestellen.  :angel:
+1  8)

F-15 als missile truck
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 02/11/2015 | 20:13 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 02/11/2015 | 19:02 uur
Als men bij de F15 SE de 3D thrust vectoring nozzles van de F-15 STOL / MTD toevoegt heeft men een toestel wat de SU 35 en de SU PAK FAT-50 aankan

+1    oooo yeah. any time any place  ;) :big-smile: 

maar ja... te groot, 2 motoren .....  :'(
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 02/11/2015 | 20:18 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 02/11/2015 | 20:13 uur
+1    oooo yeah. any time any place  ;) :big-smile:  

maar ja... te groot, 2 motoren .....  :'(

Volgens de specialisten (kan ook het verkooppraatje zijn) niet duurder in gebruik dan de F35A en te groot is een relatief begrip... shelters werken niet tegen smart bombs.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Poleme op 02/11/2015 | 20:49 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 02/11/2015 | 19:02 uur
Als men bij de F15 SE de 3D thrust vectoring nozzles van de F-15 STOL / MTD toevoegt heeft men een toestel wat de SU 35 en de SU PAK FAT-50 aankan
Straalsturing, a.k.a. Thrust Vectoring Nozzles(TVN)  zijn altijd populair op fora.

Maar waarom zien we straalsturing niet op de nieuwste versies van F-15, F-16 en F-18 of F-35?

1.  TVN's zijn nogal zwaar en ze zitten helemaal 'op de spiegel' (achterkant) van je kist, dus dat heeft gevolgen voor het zwaartepunt van je kist.
2. Het gebruik van TVN's heeft negatieve gevolgen voor de manoeuvreer snelheid.  Want je stuwkracht is niet meer parallel aan je beweeg richting.

Waarom heeft het F-22A bul dan wel TVN's.  De Raptor moet goed kunnen manoeuvreren op grote hoogte, waar roeren niet meer zo snel reageren.
Een TVN heeft ook nog voordeel voor het vliegbereik.  Je kunt ze gebruiken bij het trimmen van je kist en dan neemt het bereik met 7 - 8 % toe.

Onderschat de F-15C Eagle niet.  Die kan ook in de huidige configuratie de Su-27 - 35 uitstekend aan.  ;)
Ik noem hier opzettelijk de F-15C, want de vlieg eigenschappen van de F-15E 'mudhen' zijn door toepassing van de Conformal Fuel Tanks, die tegen de romp flanken zitten ' geplakt' aanzienlijk anders.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Poleme op 02/11/2015 | 20:53 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 02/11/2015 | 20:18 uur
Volgens de specialisten (kan ook het verkooppraatje zijn) niet duurder in gebruik dan de F35A en te groot is een relatief begrip... shelters werken niet tegen smart bombs.
Velen in de US Air Force schatten dat de F-35A exploitatie kosten per vlieguur op hetzelfde niveau zitten als de F-15E Strike Eagle.
Uit mijn hoofd rond de USD 44.000+.  Maar door ervaringen met o.a. het (nog) onbetrouwbare avionica pakket en de Radar Absorbent Materials schatten sommige experts de F-35A Cost Per Fight Hour al op USD 50.000 !
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 02/11/2015 | 21:10 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 02/11/2015 | 20:53 uur
Velen in de US Air Force schatten dat de F-35A exploitatie kosten per vlieguur op hetzelfde niveau zitten als de F-15E Strike Eagle.
Uit mijn hoofd rond de USD 44.000+.  Maar door ervaringen met o.a. het (nog) onbetrouwbare avionica pakket en de Radar Absorbent Materials schatten sommige experts de F-35A Cost Per Fight Hour al op USD 50.000 !

Dat maakt een nieuw gebouwde 2015 versie van de C een hele interessante kist.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 02/11/2015 | 21:21 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 02/11/2015 | 20:49 uur
Onderschat de F-15C Eagle niet.  Die kan ook in de huidige configuratie de Su-27 - 35 uitstekend aan.  ;)
Ik noem hier opzettelijk de F-15C, want de vlieg eigenschappen van de F-15E 'mudhen' zijn door toepassing van de Conformal Fuel Tanks, die tegen de romp flanken zitten ' geplakt' aanzienlijk anders.
Dit gaat inderdaad op voor de F-15A-D zonder Conformal Fuel Tanks (CFT). De F-15C/D van de 57th FIS op Keflavik (IJsland) hadden deze wel. Zij hadden daarmee ook aangepaste vliegeigenschappen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 02/11/2015 | 21:59 uur
Niet voor niets, gaat de VS zijn F-15 vloot, upgraden zodat ze nog tot 2040 door kunnen, dat zegt toch genoeg !

Het zou ook (vind ik) een klap in het gezicht zijn voor LM, als de Israëli's gaan voor vergroting van hun aantal F-15's
Maar zou op het internationale vliegtuig-markt een gehele nieuwe stimulans geven voor de F-15 en uitbreidingsmogelijkheden ook in Zuid-Korea.
Ze hebben de Zuid-Koreaanse luchtmacht, defensie-industrie een flinke oor aangenaaid.

En ik had graag de F-15 met NL-kleuren rond zien vliegen, vooral omdat het een 2-zitter is en zijn A-A en A-G capaciteiten.
maar helaas was de keuze al voor 2000 bepaald. Maar als dit niet zo was, dan hadden we allang met de F-16 vervanger gevlogen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 02/11/2015 | 22:03 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 02/11/2015 | 21:59 uur
Niet voor niets, gaat de VS zijn F-15 vloot, upgraden zodat ze nog tot 2040 door kunnen, dat zegt toch genoeg !

Het zou ook (vind ik) een klap in het gezicht zijn voor LM, als de Israëli's gaan voor vergroting van hun aantal F-15's
Maar zou op het internationale vliegtuig-markt een gehele nieuwe stimulans geven voor de F-15 en uitbreidingsmogelijkheden ook in Zuid-Korea.
Ze hebben de Zuid-Koreaanse luchtmacht, defensie-industrie een flinke oor aangenaaid.

En ik had graag de F-15 met NL-kleuren rond zien vliegen, vooral omdat het een 2-zitter is en zijn A-A en A-G capaciteiten.
maar helaas was de keuze al voor 2000 bepaald. Maar als dit niet zo was, dan hadden we allang met de F-16 vervanger gevolgen.

:angel: Ik ook.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Lex op 02/11/2015 | 22:15 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 02/11/2015 | 21:59 uur
..... gevolgen.
Mag ik aannemen dat dit "gevlogen" moet zijn?  :angel:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 02/11/2015 | 23:13 uur
Fighter jet Fight Club: F-35 vs. Silent Eagle!

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 03/11/2015 | 08:56 uur
'Austria looking at M-346 and Hawk'  (nieuwe trainers voor Oostenrijk ? )

Austria is looking towards the Alenia Aermacchi M-346 and BAE Systems Hawk to replace its age old Saab 105 trainer jets, news outlet reports. The Saabs are set to retire in 2020 and a decision about their replacement is to be made over the next few months. Austrian Alouette III helicopters are also due to retire, while Black Hawk transport choppers are updated.

Austrian Eurofighter pilots already receive their training at Lecce airbase in Italy, the same bases that houses Italy's M-346 trainers. The Alpine country is studying the purchase of 8 to 12 new trainer jets, which may as well be BAE Systems Hawks. A lease option is also said to be under consideration, similar to the option considered by the Netherlands.

Austria received its first Saab 105 in 1970. Out of forty aircraft delivered, 18 are still used on a daily basis for operational tasks and training purposes.

Black hawk helicopters are scheduled for an update at a cost of 70 million EUR. The 24 remaining Alouette IIIs will leave service.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 03/11/2015 | 09:01 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 03/11/2015 | 08:56 uur
'Austria looking at M-346 and Hawk'  (nieuwe trainers voor Oostenrijk ? )

A lease option is also said to be under consideration, similar to the option considered by the Netherlands.

M-346 leasen ?? net als door Nederland bekeken optie ?

Zou Nederland M-346 gaan gebruiken via een lease contract met de Italianen voor de opleidingen ?
Dat betekend dat Nederland de keuze gaat maken om langdurig te blijven in het Italiaanse Lecce om daar de opleidingen te doen ipv in de VS, ... opmerkelijk !
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 03/11/2015 | 09:11 uur
Weapons testers fire F-35's 25mm gun over Edwards AFB

By James Drew, Washington DC | 02 November 2015

Lockheed Martin's F-35 is steadily gaining more venom after weapons testers successfully carried out the first aerial firing of the Lightning II's 25mm cannon at Edwards AFB in California.

The four-barrel, internally mounted GAU-22/A Gatling gun produced by General Dynamics recently completed ground trials and shot its first three bursts from the air on 30 October. Joint Strike Fighter test pilot Maj Charles Trickey fired one 30-round burst and two 60-round bursts from the AF-2 systems development and demonstration aircraft.

The F-35 programme office has been keen to advertise progress on weapons integration for the F-35, particularly the gun, amid criticism from some that the aircraft is coming online too late and with too few advanced weapons.

The US Marine Corps declared its F-35Bs "combat ready" in July with a limited number of basic air-to-air and air-to-ground weapons and without the external gun pod being developed for the B- and C-model aircraft. USAF will also declare initial operational capability (IOC) for the A-model without its internal gun, since the GAU-22/A will enter service in 2017 for Block 3F at the conclusion of the development phase.

AF-2 fires the first aerial gun test burst of the General Dynamics GAU-22/A 25mm gun over Edwards AFB on 30 October.
US Air Force

Ground testing of the gun involved 13 ground test firing events over three months and concluded ahead of schedule. F-35 programme chief Lt Gen Christopher Bogdan said in written testimony to Congress that air-to-ground accuracy testing had been due to start in August 2016, but is now evidently underway.

The gun system carries 181 rounds, which rattle off in seconds. The A-model houses the gun internally to maintain the aircraft's low-observable characteristics while the short-takeoff/vertical-landing (STOVL) and carrier-variants have an external pod for certain missions.

"The successful aerial gun test sortie was a culmination of several years of planning, which intensified in the first half of 2015 at the Edwards F-35 Integrated Test Force (ITF) Flight Test Squadron with a team of [USAF], Lockheed Martin, Pratt & Whitney, General Dynamics, and Northrop Grumman personnel," says Edwards ITF flight test director Mike Glass. "The results of this testing will be used in future blocks of testing, where the accuracy and mission effectiveness capabilities will be evaluated."

The final test step involves testing the gun from a production aircraft in operational conditions.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 03/11/2015 | 09:12 uur
Stealthy F-15 Silent Eagle May Get A Reprieve As Israel Requests More Eagles

A report from states that Israel is requesting a batch of F-15s as part of a compensation program for the U.S. making a deal with Iran over its nuclear program. According to the report, not just any F-15 was requested, but the F-15SE Silent Eagle.

The F-15SE was Boeing's attempt to compete internationally with the F-35A Joint Strike Fighter, especially for major purchasing competitions like those recently held in Korea and Japan, both of which are F-15 users. These users ended up selecting the F-35, and Israel also opted for the F-35 even though they are among the most prevalent F-15 operators in the world.

The F-15SE concept included conforming internal weapons bays, V-shaped tails, radar baffles over its engine-fan faces, radar absorbent coatings, along with other enhancements used to lower the jet's radar signature, especially from the forward hemisphere. It also would feature many of the options found on the latest F-15 Strike Eagle derivatives today, including fly-by-wire controls, a wide-screen cockpit, updated electronic warfare and radar warning systems, an infrared search and track system (IRST) and the most powerful fighter-based AESA radar in the world.

The idea was that an F-15SE could be outfitted in a stealthy configuration with conforming weapons bays for "first days of war" operations. Once the enemy's air defense have been degraded, the jet can be quickly reconfigured to the hard-hitting enhanced Strike Eagle configuration with many external stores configurations. This flexibility is an enticing capability mix for what is already a highly proven and low-risk platform.

If this report is correct, and Israel wants more Eagles to join their 25 F-15Is and mix of earlier F-15A/B/C/Ds, many of which have been converted into multi-role fighters are quite old, it could be great news for Boeing's St. Louis plant.

Currently, there are no F-15 orders after the Saudi Arabian F-15SA order is fulfilled in 2019, and future Super Hornet orders also remain an unsure thing at this point. With the recent loss of the Long Range Strike Bomber contract to Northrop, and the fact that T-X competition for a new Air Force jet trainer remains highly competitive, Boeing is facing slim pickings when it comes to its tactical military aircraft production outfit. Boeing has recently pitched a new upgrade path for existing Eagles, but producing upgrade kits is not the same as keeping an aircraft in production.

Not only does extending the production time of a fighter open up new possibilities for more sales, but if the Silent Eagle really is the aircraft Israel wants, and gets, its capabilities can be showcased in a real-world environment. Seeing the F-15SE in action could lead to other air-arms' interest in the type. This is especially true if Israel's order pays for the sub-type's development costs.

Also on Israel's wish list via a multi-year U.S. foreign aid program are V-22 Ospreys, KC-46 tankers, additional F-35s and bunker buster bombs that are currently not available for export. Offering more F-35s would fit the Obama's Administration dedication to the type as a synergistic foreign policy tool, but it would also mean giving Israel an even greater military edge in the region.

Additionally, an F-15 can be tailored to support Israel's current air combat fleet, whereas the F-35 can be tailored to a far smaller degree. With this in mind, new F-15s may be more necessary for the IAF to work as force multipliers for its larger F-16 fleet than just procuring more F-35s.

Even if this report is wrong, and Israel is actually looking for more Eagles based on the newest non-stealthy Strike Eagle derivative option, and they get them, it would mean the F-15 production line lives to fight on into the 2020s. Considering that would mean surviving through yet another Presidential election cycle, it could be a very good thing for Boeing.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/11/2015 | 09:27 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 03/11/2015 | 09:01 uur
M-346 leasen ?? net als door Nederland bekeken optie ?

Zou Nederland M-346 gaan gebruiken via een lease contract met de Italianen voor de opleidingen ?
Dat betekend dat Nederland de keuze gaat maken om langdurig te blijven in het Italiaanse Lecce om daar de opleidingen te doen ipv in de VS, ... opmerkelijk !

Zomaar een gedachte....  bovengenoemde is tijdelijk.... hou de winnaar van de US T-X competitie in de gaten en plaats die in he NL plaatje... ik zet mijn kaarten in op de Boeing-Saab.

Maar wellicht is de wens de vader van de gedachte  :angel:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 03/11/2015 | 10:19 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/11/2015 | 09:27 uur
Zomaar een gedachte....  bovengenoemde is tijdelijk.... hou de winnaar van de US T-X competitie in de gaten en plaats die in he NL plaatje... ik zet mijn kaarten in op de Boeing-Saab.

Maar wellicht is de wens de vader van de gedachte  :angel:

Jij met je Amerikanen  ;D
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Mourning op 03/11/2015 | 10:33 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/11/2015 | 09:27 uur
Zomaar een gedachte....  bovengenoemde is tijdelijk.... hou de winnaar van de US T-X competitie in de gaten en plaats die in he NL plaatje... ik zet mijn kaarten in op de Boeing-Saab.

Maar wellicht is de wens de vader van de gedachte  :angel:

Heel eerlijk? Het zal me worst wezen. Als het maar zo goedkoop mogelijk is, want elke Euro die weer naar een KLU-projectje gaat, gaat af van mogelijke investeringen op eerstelijns eenheden van de KL en de vervangsprojecten van de KM...
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: JdL op 03/11/2015 | 10:37 uur
wat mij betreft leasen we als tussenoplossing een paar M-346's van de italianen en houden we later een competitie tussen de T-X en de M-346 als advanced trainer en wat mij betreft ook als licht aanvalsvliegtuig om het lage aantal F-35's aan te vullen
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 03/11/2015 | 10:41 uur
Citaat van: JdL op 03/11/2015 | 10:37 uur
wat mij betreft leasen we als tussenoplossing een paar M-346's van de italianen en houden we later een competitie tussen de T-X en de M-346 als advanced trainer en wat mij betreft ook als licht aanvalsvliegtuig om het lage aantal F-35's aan te vullen
Dat laatste gaat alleen op als het mogelijk is om een deel van de advanced trainers voor andere taken te kunnen gebruiken. Als ze allemaal enkel en alleen voor de voortgezette opleiding zijn, dan blijven ze in het buitenland.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: JdL op 03/11/2015 | 10:45 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 03/11/2015 | 10:41 uur
Dat laatste gaat alleen op als het mogelijk is om een deel van de advanced trainers voor andere taken te kunnen gebruiken. Als ze allemaal enkel en alleen voor de voortgezette opleiding zijn, dan blijven ze in het buitenland.
in mijn alternatieve defensieopzet (die ik binnenkort aan jullie zal tonen) worden er 20-40 M-346/T-X aangekocht waarvan de helft op woensdrecht/leeuwarden/in de VS wordt gestationeerd voor de voortgezette opleiding en eventueel ook wapentraining terwijl de andere helft op volke het heropgerichte 311 sq gaat bemannen in een lichte aanvals en eventueel ook agressor rol
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: JdL op 03/11/2015 | 10:46 uur
maar als het er minder dan 20 worden is het idd beter om ze in de VS of in italie te stationeren en zo veel mogelijk samen te werken met de amerikanen/de italianen
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/11/2015 | 10:50 uur
Citaat van: Mourning op 03/11/2015 | 10:33 uur
Heel eerlijk? Het zal me worst wezen. Als het maar zo goedkoop mogelijk is, want elke Euro die weer naar een KLU-projectje gaat, gaat af van mogelijke investeringen op eerstelijns eenheden van de KL en de vervangsprojecten van de KM...

Tja... dillema's.

De krijgsmacht heeft crisis opvang en intensive care nodig. krijgen we die niet dan gaat een deel naar palliatieve zorg  :silent:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/11/2015 | 10:56 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 03/11/2015 | 10:41 uur
Dat laatste gaat alleen op als het mogelijk is om een deel van de advanced trainers voor andere taken te kunnen gebruiken. Als ze allemaal enkel en alleen voor de voortgezette opleiding zijn, dan blijven ze in het buitenland.

Volgens ingewijden moeten zeker de clean sheet ontwerpen geschikt zijn voor  meer dan  alleen trainer doeleinden, noem het trainer + of multirole figter -
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 03/11/2015 | 11:02 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/11/2015 | 10:56 uur
Volgens ingewijden moeten zeker de clean sheet ontwerpen geschikt zijn voor  meer dan  alleen trainer doeleinden, noem het trainer + of multirole figter -
Dat was al duidelijk, maar daar ging het mij niet om. Het moet duidelijk zijn of de KLu een dusdanige kwantiteit heeft om ze voor andere taken naast de voortgezette vliegopleiding te kunnen inzetten. Pas dan wordt duidelijk of er iets naar Nederland komt. Gezien de ervaring met Sheppard en binnenkort Lecce zal men de vliegopleiding graag in het buitenland laten.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/11/2015 | 11:12 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 03/11/2015 | 11:02 uur
Dat was al duidelijk, maar daar ging het mij niet om. Het moet duidelijk zijn of de KLu een dusdanige kwantiteit heeft om ze voor andere taken naast de voortgezette vliegopleiding te kunnen inzetten. Pas dan wordt duidelijk of er iets naar Nederland komt. Gezien de ervaring met Sheppard en binnenkort Lecce zal men de vliegopleiding graag in het buitenland laten.

Hier heb je een punt. Wat mij betreft houden we het aantal F35A op 37 met hooguit een kleine 2e batch om uit te komen op 42 exemplaren de aanvulling, na 2025, zou dan kunnen bestaan uit trainers ++ om de KLu meer kwantiteit geven: 20-24 exemplaren lijkt me dan een goede (betaalbare) aanvulling.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 03/11/2015 | 11:18 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/11/2015 | 11:12 uur
Hier heb je een punt. Wat mij betreft houden we het aantal F35A op 37 met hooguit een kleine 2e batch om uit te komen op 42 exemplaren de aanvulling, na 2025, zou dan kunnen bestaan uit trainers ++ om de KLu meer kwantiteit geven: 20-24 exemplaren lijkt me dan een goede (betaalbare) aanvulling.
Klinkt goed. Deze extra F-35A maakt 3 squadrons in Nederland met elk 12 stuks mogelijk. Net wat JdL al schreeft, zijn minimaal 20 advanced trainers nodig voor opleiding en het kunnen uitvoeren van andere taken.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 03/11/2015 | 11:26 uur
Als men in de toekomst de inzetbaarheid van de F-35 willen garanderen moeten ze ... 1) extra F-35 kopen of ... 2) een trainer++ aankopen

Door gebruik van deze trainer++ moet het aantal inzetbare F-35's hoger worden, doordat er minder F-35's voor opleidingen en bijvoorbeeld QRA gebruiken worden.
Door deze trainer++ extra capaciteiten te geven, zowel A-A en A-G, waarbij de aankoop en onderhoud/exploitatie van deze toestellen goedkoper moeten zijn dan de F-35, moet het haalbaar zijn en zelfs financieel aantrekkelijk zijn. waarbij gezegd moet worden door deze mix dat (denk ik) de inzetbaarheid van de KLU voor missie's (algeheel) hoger wordt.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 03/11/2015 | 11:29 uur
Als dat ding A-A en A-G moet gaan doen, waarom dan niet gewoon de Gripen kopen?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 03/11/2015 | 11:40 uur
T-X Trainer Grows Into Fighter Territory


There's still some operator pressure on the requirement. T-X has become more fighter-like because Air Combat Command has embraced the idea of "downloading" – moving training time and events from fighters to trainers. The complexity and cost of the F-22 and F-35, and the fact that they have no two-seat versions, is important – F-22 units already use T-38 companion aircraft. The fiscal 2016 budget includes a companion-trainer package for T-X, including radar, datalink and pylons.

Boeing/Saab and Northrop Grumman have already had to decide whether or not to match the supersonic speed of the T-38 and the T-50.  Supersonic speed is desirable for a companion trainer that has to emulate a threat, less so for a pure trainer: there is exactly one supersonic exercise in the Air Force's T-38 course. The trick is to minimize the life-cycle cost of adding supersonic speed to the already demanding T-X requirement.

The next question is: What do you call an agile supersonic aircraft with provision for radar and external stores? A fighter. Not one that you would fly head-on into a nest of S-400s, but certainly something that could do air policing, event protection or armed overwatch. That could be useful for an air force worried about rising unit costs and a smaller high-end fighter fleet. Conversely, however, it might be less costly to relax the trainer specification while retaining a few specialized lead-in fighter training aircraft.

Fighter-like performance may expand the market for the contractor, but the risk is that it comes with a fighter-like price tag. Making sure that doesn't happen is the customer's job.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 03/11/2015 | 11:42 uur
Het lijkt mij sterk dat de T-X winnaar over een all-weather radar zal beschikken en BVR bewapening kunnen dragen. De KLu zie ik ook niet meer de QRA uitvoeren zonder deze mogelijkheden, zoals dat met de F-16 voor 1998 (clean weather met alleen M61A1 en AIM-9L) gebeurde.

Om de kosten te kunnen drukken, zal de advanced trainer toch iets moeten missen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 03/11/2015 | 11:55 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 03/11/2015 | 11:29 uur
Als dat ding A-A en A-G moet gaan doen, waarom dan niet gewoon de Gripen kopen?

Is een optie ..  ;) 

Citaat van: Sparkplug op 03/11/2015 | 11:42 uur
Het lijkt mij sterk dat de T-X winnaar over een all-weather radar zal beschikken en BVR bewapening kunnen dragen. De KLu zie ik ook niet meer de QRA uitvoeren zonder deze mogelijkheden, zoals dat met de F-16 voor 1998 (clean weather met alleen M61A1 en AIM-9L) gebeurde.

Om de kosten te kunnen drukken, zal de advanced trainer toch iets moeten missen.

Ik denk zelf dat de VS wel op een trainer++ versie aanstuurt, een toestel zonder het toverwoord "stealth" , wat simpel te onderhouden is met een lagere aanschafprijs dan de F-35. Een toestel met fighter elementen.
Waarom ? ... ten eerste voor gebruik bij hun eigen USAF en USAF Reserve / Air National Guard (ANG) eenheden. Maar ten tweede veel landen gaan geen F-35 aanschaffen en om toch een alternatief te hebben en al die F-16's die nu bij veel landen in dienst zijn , een goed "low-cost" alternatief te kunnen bieden.

Kijk naar de F-16, hoe deze low-cost fighter is door ontwikkeld kwa capaciteiten. 
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/11/2015 | 11:55 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 03/11/2015 | 11:42 uur
Het lijkt mij sterk dat de T-X winnaar over een all-weather radar zal beschikken en BVR bewapening kunnen dragen. De KLu zie ik ook niet meer de QRA uitvoeren zonder deze mogelijkheden, zoals dat met de F-16 voor 1998 (clean weather met alleen M61A1 en AIM-9L) gebeurde.

Om de kosten te kunnen drukken, zal de advanced trainer toch iets moeten missen.

Men doet redelijk spastisch over de a.s. competitie, zeker de clean sheets zijn nog steeds geheim (net als het LRS-B concept), het enige wat het daglicht heeft gehaald is een animatie van een stukje van de neus en canopy van het Boeing Saab concept)

Wel wordt aangegeven dat de eisen ook gaan richting red air, CAS en QRA.... voorzichtig wordt er dan ook gesproken over meer T-X voor de Amerikanen, zo lijkt ook een rol voor de Air National Guard tot de mogelijkheden te behoren.

Kortom: afwachten tot de presentatie.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/11/2015 | 11:57 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 03/11/2015 | 11:55 uur
Ik denk zelf dat de VS wel op een trainer++ versie aanstuurt, een toestel zonder het toverwoord "stealth" , wat simpel te onderhouden is met een lagere aanschafprijs dan de F-35. Een toestel met fighter elementen.
Waarom ? ... ten eerste voor gebruik bij hun eigen USAF en USAF Reserve / Air National Guard (ANG) eenheden. Maar ten tweede veel landen gaan geen F-35 aanschaffen en om toch een alternatief te hebben en al die F-16's die nu bij veel landen in dienst zijn , een goed "low-cost" alternatief te kunnen bieden.

Kijk naar de F-16, hoe deze low-cost fighter is door ontwikkeld kwa capaciteiten. 

Ik vermoed: de spijker op z'n kop.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 03/11/2015 | 12:28 uur
Nog even over de USAF, F-15 en de toekomst, de F-15's binnen de USAF worden geupgrade, de nodigde processen/programma's lopen reeds ; waaronder de radar vernieuwing (nieuwe APG-82 AESA)  , het vernieuwen van de EW-systemen

Boeing gets development deal for USAF F-15 EW suite

Air Force Updates F-15 Fleet's Radars, Sensors

En met de aankondiging van Boeing voor het vergroten van het aantal mee te nemen raketten door aanpassen van de pylons, zal de F-15 een onmisbare positie geven binnen de USAF.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Mourning op 03/11/2015 | 12:29 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/11/2015 | 11:12 uur
Hier heb je een punt. Wat mij betreft houden we het aantal F35A op 37 met hooguit een kleine 2e batch om uit te komen op 42 exemplaren de aanvulling, na 2025, zou dan kunnen bestaan uit trainers ++ om de KLu meer kwantiteit geven: 20-24 exemplaren lijkt me dan een goede (betaalbare) aanvulling.

Ik reken graag toch even vanuit de bestaande begroting, met mogelijk een lichte toename, waardoor in ieder geval alles wat er nu is draaiende kan worden gehouden, er kleren genoeg zijn, genoeg reserve onderdelen en munititie, etc. Zonder m.a.w. extra materiele investeringen.

Mijn vraag: daarvan uitgaande... waar gaat het geld voor:

A. een 2e batch van 5-6 F35A's en
B. 20-24 Jet fighter/trainers vandaan komen?

Zeg het maar wat gaan we opofferen voor nog wat KLU-ideen?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/11/2015 | 12:40 uur
Citaat van: Mourning op 03/11/2015 | 12:29 uur
Ik reken graag toch even vanuit de bestaande begroting, met mogelijk een lichte toename, waardoor in ieder geval alles wat er nu is draaiende kan worden gehouden, er kleren genoeg zijn, genoeg reserve onderdelen en munititie, etc. Zonder m.a.w. extra materiele investeringen.

Mijn vraag: daarvan uitgaande... waar gaat het geld voor:

A. een 2e batch van 5-6 F35A's en
B. 20-24 Jet fighter/trainers vandaan komen?

Zeg het maar wat gaan we opofferen voor nog wat KLU-ideen?

Met een huidige begroting + een fooi.... gebeurt er helemaal niets, ergo: de inflatie zal de capaciteiten nog verder opvreten.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Mourning op 03/11/2015 | 12:49 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/11/2015 | 12:40 uur
Met een huidige begroting + een fooi.... gebeurt er helemaal niets, ergo: de inflatie zal de capaciteiten nog verder opvreten.

Dat bedoel ik. Ook ik ben voor een (forse) structurele financiele investering in Defensie, maar laten we wel even enigzins bij de realiteit blijven. Het gaat hier om het toevoegen van ongev. 30 toestellen, waar tussen neus en lippen over wordt gesproken, waarvan 6 F35A's... Dat is veel geld.

Zelfs met een forse investering zou dat m.i. eerst naar (veel) te lang uitgestelde investeringen moeten gaan bij o.a. de KM (vervangers M-fregatten, ruimer en realistischer budget Walrus-vervangers en ondertussen ook broodnodige Alkmaar-klasse mijnenjager-vervangers) en de KL (opbouwen munitie en reserve delen voorraad en het beter gevechtsklaar maken van m.n. 13 Licht en 43 Mech met o.a. investeringen in meer tanden/vuurkracht voor de Boxers om maar eens wat te noemen of meer bemanningen voor de artilleriestukken).
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/11/2015 | 13:14 uur
Citaat van: Mourning op 03/11/2015 | 12:49 uur
Dat bedoel ik. Ook ik ben voor een (forse) structurele financiele investering in Defensie, maar laten we wel even enigzins bij de realiteit blijven. Het gaat hier om het toevoegen van ongev. 30 toestellen, waar tussen neus en lippen over wordt gesproken, waarvan 6 F35A's... Dat is veel geld.

Zelfs met een forse investering zou dat m.i. eerst naar (veel) te lang uitgestelde investeringen moeten gaan bij o.a. de KM (vervangers M-fregatten, ruimer en realistischer budget Walrus-vervangers en ondertussen ook broodnodige Alkmaar-klasse mijnenjager-vervangers) en de KL (opbouwen munitie en reserve delen voorraad en het beter gevechtsklaar maken van m.n. 13 Licht en 43 Mech met o.a. investeringen in meer tanden/vuurkracht voor de Boxers om maar eens wat te noemen of meer bemanningen voor de artilleriestukken).

Zeker, bij voorkeur!! Uitbreiding luchtvloot zou dan ook pas op de agenda komen na 2025.

Als we nu eens steven naar, om te beginnen, een structureel jaarlijks defensie budget van 10 miljard (+/1 1.4 a 1.5% BNP) met een gewenst investeringspercentage van 20% (volgens NAVO afspraken) op nieuw materieel in combinatie met een 5 of 10 jarige planning en begroting dan is gedurende die periode 10 respectievelijk 20 miljard beschikbaar voor nieuw materieel.

Lijkt me niet onmogelijk en ook dan voldoen we niet aan de NAVO doelstelling en bungelen we nog steeds in de middenmoot.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Mourning op 03/11/2015 | 13:56 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/11/2015 | 13:14 uur
Zeker, bij voorkeur!! Uitbreiding luchtvloot zou dan ook pas op de agenda komen na 2025.

Als we nu eens steven naar, om te beginnen, een structureel jaarlijks defensie budget van 10 miljard (+/1 1.4 a 1.5% BNP) met een gewenst investeringspercentage van 20% (volgens NAVO afspraken) op nieuw materieel in combinatie met een 5 of 10 jarige planning en begroting dan is gedurende die periode 10 respectievelijk 20 miljard beschikbaar voor nieuw materieel.

Lijkt me niet onmogelijk en ook dan voldoen we niet aan de NAVO doelstelling en bungelen we nog steeds in de middenmoot.

Eens hoor, maar de sprong van 7,5 naar 10 miljard... is 2,5 miljard. Er zullen heel wat jaartjes overheen gaan alvorens we daar op uit zullen komen (als we dat ooit komen). Dus 2025? Ik zou op zijn vroegst rekenen op 2030, behoudens verdere (vrij extreme) escalaties op geo-politiek niveau.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/11/2015 | 14:07 uur
Citaat van: Mourning op 03/11/2015 | 13:56 uur
Eens hoor, maar de sprong van 7,5 naar 10 miljard... is 2,5 miljard. Er zullen heel wat jaartjes overheen gaan alvorens we daar op uit zullen komen (als we dat ooit komen). Dus 2025? Ik zou op zijn vroegst rekenen op 2030, behoudens verdere (vijr extreme) escalaties op geo-politiek niveau.

Of we het gaat redden is maar de vraag, maar als niemand er naar streeft dan is  alles wat resteert een veredelde padvinderij, waarbij ik me afvraag welke doelgroep dan, na defensie, het "haasje" zal zijn, immers als het fooien bakje leeg is dan zal de rollator ergens anders van betaald moeten worden in onze sociaal culturele knuffelmaatschappij.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Poleme op 03/11/2015 | 14:57 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/11/2015 | 11:12 uur
Hier heb je een punt. Wat mij betreft houden we het aantal F35A op 37 met hooguit een kleine 2e batch om uit te komen op 42 exemplaren de aanvulling, na 2025, zou dan kunnen bestaan uit trainers ++ om de KLu meer kwantiteit geven: 20-24 exemplaren lijkt me dan een goede (betaalbare) aanvulling.
;D  Er komen never / nunca / nimmer / nooit 37 F-35A's in dienst bij de KLu.  Hoeveel keer moet ik dat nog schrijven.
Enkele maanden geleden gaf de KLu zelf al aan dat het aantal door slechte US dollar - euro koers onder de 30 kisten komt.
Intern houden ze al een aardig aantal jaren rekening met het feit dat de toekomstige KLu een QRA only jachtvliegtuig vloot krijgt.
Qua aantallen moet je dan denken aan circa 18 - 24 F-35A's.

Het idee van 20 -24 trainers '++' aanschaffen is goed, maar helaas is daar geen enkel muntje voor beschikbaar.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 03/11/2015 | 15:05 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 03/11/2015 | 14:57 uur
;D  Er komen never / nunca / nimmer / nooit 37 F-35A's in dienst bij de KLu.  Hoeveel keer moet ik dat nog schrijven.
Enkele maanden geleden gaf de KLu zelf al aan dat het aantal door slechte US dollar - euro koers onder de 30 kisten komt.
Intern houden ze al een aardig aantal jaren rekening met het feit dat de toekomstige KLu een QRA only jachtvliegtuig vloot krijgt.
Qua aantallen moet je dan denken aan circa 18 - 24 F-35A's.

Het idee van 20 -24 trainers '++' aanschaffen is goed, maar helaas is daar geen enkel muntje voor beschikbaar.

Als dit de werkelijkheid wordt, dus 18-24 F-35A. En dat is de toekomstige KLU !
Volgens mij ben je dan niet meer instaat om "op missie" te gaan

Dan kun je beter stoppen !
En je geld zetten op (voor mijn gevoel) "vernieuwde" A-10C+ en deze gebruiken voor ondersteuning van je grondtroepen.
Het geld wat je overhoud investeren in de KL en KM     

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Mourning op 03/11/2015 | 15:36 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 03/11/2015 | 15:05 uur
Als dit de werkelijkheid wordt, dus 18-24 F-35A. En dat is de toekomstige KLU !
Volgens mij ben je dan niet meer instaat om "op missie" te gaan

Dan kun je beter stoppen !
En je geld zetten op (voor mijn gevoel) "vernieuwde" A-10C+ en deze gebruiken voor ondersteuning van je grondtroepen.
Het geld wat je overhoud investeren in de KL en KM    

Ja, hoewel rigoreus lijkt me dat een verdedigbare keuze. En op dat vlak zou je bijv. wel door internationaal bindende afspraken wel wat kunnen regelen omdat je dan ook een dedicated toestel kunt aanbieden waar maar weinig bondgenoten over kunnen beschikken.

Vraag: hoe lang zijn die A10 toestellen nog efficient in de lucht te houden zonder dat de onderhoudskosten het geheel niet meer interessant maken? Hoe zit het met evt. toekomstige updates?

Je zal dan voor QRA een aantal jettrainers kunnen aanschaffen om in die rol te voorzien naast als licht grondaanvals- en trainingstoestel.

Hoe het ook zij... de Lightning II gaat er gewoon komen, beter om dat maar gewoon te accepteren en er voor te zorgen dat dit KLU-spielerei project niet echt alle overige investeringen wegdrukt c.q. onmogelijk maakt en die fucking KLU-lobby zich nog even meester gaat maken over een extra deel van het reeds bedroevende investeringsbudget, door huilerig te wijzen naar onze 24 F35 toestellen, met haar spreekwoordelijke vingertje, uitkramend ''te weinig!  :'( :'( :'( ", ''we kunnen niet eens maar een jaar 4 toestellen uitzenden!  :annoyed: :mad:"...

De KLU heeft er (m.i. zonder meer bewust) voor gekozen om volledig irrelevant te worden. Eigen schuld, dikke bult. Doeg.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 03/11/2015 | 15:45 uur
Citaat van: Mourning op 03/11/2015 | 15:36 uur
Vraag: hoe lang zijn die A10 toestellen nog efficient in de lucht te houden zonder dat de onderhoudskosten het geheel niet meer interessant maken? Hoe zit het met evt. toekomstige updates?
De originele uit dienst datum voor de A-10 is door de U.S. Air Force op 2028 gezet. Ondanks dat zij dit type eigenlijk eerder uit dienst willen nemen, vermoed ik dat 2028 wel zal worden gehaald. De A-10C uitvoering was al een behoorlijke update. De constructie zal nog wel een aantal updates krijgen om de komende 13 jaar te kunnen overbruggen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: StrataNL op 03/11/2015 | 16:44 uur
Citaat van: Mourning op 03/11/2015 | 15:36 uur
De KLU heeft er (m.i. zonder meer bewust) voor gekozen om volledig irrelevant te worden. Eigen schuld, dikke bult. Doeg.

+1. Is al heel vaak geroepen hier, en begint steeds meer realiteit te worden. De KLu is zichzelf (of in ieder geval de jachtvliegerij) aan het afschaffen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/11/2015 | 17:25 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 03/11/2015 | 14:57 uur
;D  Er komen never / nunca / nimmer / nooit 37 F-35A's in dienst bij de KLu.  Hoeveel keer moet ik dat nog schrijven.
Enkele maanden geleden gaf de KLu zelf al aan dat het aantal door slechte US dollar - euro koers onder de 30 kisten komt.
Intern houden ze al een aardig aantal jaren rekening met het feit dat de toekomstige KLu een QRA only jachtvliegtuig vloot krijgt.
Qua aantallen moet je dan denken aan circa 18 - 24 F-35A's.

Het idee van 20 -24 trainers '++' aanschaffen is goed, maar helaas is daar geen enkel muntje voor beschikbaar.

Ik weet dat het karig is en het door jou genoemde scenario maar zo werkelijkheid kan worden. Het muntjes verhaal is helaas een bekend gegeven.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 03/11/2015 | 20:56 uur
Will India Purchase 154 Fighter Jets From Russia?

A contract for the delivery of the aircraft might be signed this month.
A collaboration contract for joint work and delivery of 154 Perspective Multirole Fighter (PMF), the derivative Indian version of the PAK FA T-50 fifth generation fighter jet, is expected to finally be signed during the Indo-Russian summit this December, The Financial Express reports.

The agreement, which already was supposed to have been signed this July, includes a fixed order of 154 aircraft, a definite work share commitment, and a detailed order of the number of single- versus double-seat PMF (aka Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft) fighter planes. According to the draft agreement, the aircraft will be built in India, but all of the components will be manufactured in Russia.

Additionally, the contract will likely include specifications regarding the 40 changes that the Indian Air Force (IAF) wants in comparison to the current T-50 prototype such as the aircraft's AL-41F1 engine and its stealth and weapon-carrying capability.

As I reported previously (See: "What's the Status of the Indian-Russian Fifth Generation Fighter Jet?"), in early 2007 India and Russia agreed to jointly develop a fifth generation fighter jet. Unfortunately, the program has been plagued by delays, cost overruns, and unsteady technology; which, among other things,  has affected the IAF's plan to increase the number of combat squadrons from currently 32 (some sources say 35) to 42 by 2027 (See: "India's Air Force Will Field 42 Combat Squadrons by 2027").

As a result, according to a senior official in the Indian Ministry of Defense quoted by The Financial Express, the Indian government might need to reevaluate its negotiation position vis-à-vis Russia when it comes to details of the contract:

    Given the current situation, where the Indian Air Force (IAF) is in deep trouble due to its fast depleting force structure, the Indian government will need to take well thought out decision with long-term and strategic foresight. There is no doubt that the PAK-FA (Sukhoi Design Proposal) will be emerge as a major FGFA in the world. Hence, it would be better for India to take a reality check on the FGFA and recalibrate its position.

Speaking to The Financial Express, retired Air Marshall M. Matheswaran provided some additional background info on the FGFA program:

    The origins of FGFA proposals go back to 2002, when it was suggested by the Russians for an inter-governmental program. Given the urgency of its requirement for the badly-depleted Russian Air Force and the need for financial investment to cover the huge cost of the program, Russia hoped to address it through India as its partner. Besides, a huge order from the IAF would retain continuity in India-Russia military aircraft production relationship and help the Russian aircraft industry.

     In the meantime, many things have happened. The IAF has downsized its requirement to just 64 aircraft as off-the shelf buy. Discussions on costs and role in non-existent design and development have resulted in a messy situation. The defense minister will have a tough call to make.

The Russian Air Force is slated to receive its first batch of PAK FA T-50 fifth generation fighter jets by late 2016 or early 2017. However, the current head of the Indian Air Force, Air Chief Marshal Arup Raha, is not counting on the successful completion of the Indo-Russian project:

     If the FGFA comes through it is fine, otherwise the Indian FGFA — that is the AMCA, the advanced medium combat aircraft — we still have over 15 years to work on it before the MiG-29 upgraded aircraft retire, before the Mirage 2000 upgraded ones retire, as well as Jaguar upgraded ones retire in another 15 years.

Both countries have already invested around $230 million into the program. If the $35 billion deal is signed,  it would be one of India's most expensive defense procurement programs ever. (
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 03/11/2015 | 21:04 uur
Als India deze niet koopt, zou dat de Russen wel eens een fiks probleem in de maag kunnen splitsen. Zelfs als deze order (gedeeltelijk) omgezet wordt in andere Russische toestellen als de Su30 of Mig29. Zeker gezien de economische crisis in Rusland hebben ze zelf weinig vermogen om dat gat op te vangen. Het zou kunnen dat de Amerikanen hier op inzetten, en voor een schappelijk prijsje wat toestellen aan de man proberen te brengen. Al denk ik niet dat ze dat durven.

Ik denk dat die order er wel komt, maar het zou een fikse klap zijn als die om wat voor reden dan ook uitgesteld, gekort of zelfs geannuleerd wordt.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: ARM-WAP op 04/11/2015 | 00:15 uur
Nmm zijn de Indiers lastige klanten...
Hebben ze bewezen met hun gesprongen deal over de Rafale met de Fransen.
(niet dat ik de Fransen met hun arrogantie niets verwijt :) )
Maar ook...
Je zou verwachten dat ze geleerd hebben van al hun vorige deals met de Russen...
Telkenmale geplaagd door problemen: uitstel, contract opnieuw onderhandelen, late oplevering, niet voldoen aan gestelde eisen...
En toch shoppen ze er telkens opnieuw...
Zelf bakken ze er trouwens ook niet te veel van: wat van hun scheepswerven komt lijdt net zo goed aan dezelfde problemen als wanneer ze bij de Russen nieuw of tweedehands kopen.
Ontploffing aan boord van subs/schepen...
't Komt wat amateuristisch over...
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 04/11/2015 | 09:16 uur
Lockheed pushes F-16 stress test to 27,000h

By James Drew, Washington DC | 03 November 2015

Lockheed Martin has tested the structural integrity of an F-16C Block 50 over 27,700 equivalent flight hours as it seeks to life-extend the aircraft from 8,000h to 12,000h.

The company says full-scale stress and fatigue testing at the company's durability test facility in Fort Worth, Texas, concluded in July after reaching 27,713h over 32 cycles and the aircraft is now being pulled apart and inspected for structural aberrations.

The extensive testing allows Lockheed engineers to develop a roadmap for keeping Block 40 to Block 52 versions operational beyond their original design life of 8,000h.

An F-16C Block 50 aircraft has been undergoing stress testing over two years at Lockheed's durability test facility in Fort Worth, Texas.
Lockheed Martin

The US Air Force plans on life-extending approximately 300 F-16C/Ds after cancelling a more comprehensive modernisation package, since the Lockheed F-35 will come online far later than originally expected. Lockheed is also looking to the structural needs of 27 other F-16 operators, particularly Taiwan and South Korea.

The life-extension preparations come as Lockheed flight tests its F-16V configuration for the first time at Fort Worth, Texas. The type features Northrop Grumman's APG-83 scalable agile-beam radar (SABR) and is being offered as a new-build or upgrade, preferably as an integrated upgrade and life-extension package.

Lockheed continues to produce F-16s at very low rate and recently delivered its final tranche of Egyptian F-16 Block 52s. Four aircraft arrived at Cairo West AFB on 29 October and have been immediately integrated into the force. The four add to the eight that were delivered in June after the Obama Administration lifted its ban on deliveries of military equipment to Cairo.

Iraq continues to receive aircraft and Lockheed expects to receive further orders to sustain the production line beyond 2017.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 04/11/2015 | 10:29 uur
Citaat van: ARM-WAP op 04/11/2015 | 00:15 uur
Nmm zijn de Indiers lastige klanten...
Hebben ze bewezen met hun gesprongen deal over de Rafale met de Fransen.
(niet dat ik de Fransen met hun arrogantie niets verwijt :) )
Maar ook...
Je zou verwachten dat ze geleerd hebben van al hun vorige deals met de Russen...
Telkenmale geplaagd door problemen: uitstel, contract opnieuw onderhandelen, late oplevering, niet voldoen aan gestelde eisen...
En toch shoppen ze er telkens opnieuw...
Zelf bakken ze er trouwens ook niet te veel van: wat van hun scheepswerven komt lijdt net zo goed aan dezelfde problemen als wanneer ze bij de Russen nieuw of tweedehands kopen.
Ontploffing aan boord van subs/schepen...
't Komt wat amateuristisch over...

Klopt, ze hebben een lange weg te gaan voor ons niveau van ontwikkeling bereiken.
Maar juist gezien hun verleden, is het ook helemaal niet onmogelijk dat ze zich verder terugtrekken uit het project. En Rusland moet dan eigenlijk wel doorgaan, maar het zal ze dermate veel kosten dat andere projecten er flink onder zullen lijden. In dat opzicht zou het mooi zijn als dit contract verstierd wordt. 
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 04/11/2015 | 13:40 uur
Lockheed Gets $5.37B for 55 F-35 Fighters

By Christopher P. Cavas 9:35 p.m. EST November 3, 2015

WASHINGTON — Contracts worth $5.37 billion have been awarded to Lockheed Martin to produce 55 Lot IX F-35 Joint Strike Fighters, the Pentagon announced Tuesday evening
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 04/11/2015 | 13:43 uur
Citaat van: Vandaag om 01:40
Lockheed Gets $5.37B for 55 F-35 Fighters

We gaan de goede kant op met de prijsontwikkeling..... vermoedelijk blijft het nu doodstil in de pers, het is immers niet zo sexy als een  wisselkoers of een land wat zich eventueel terug trekt uit de voorgenomen samenwerking.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 04/11/2015 | 13:48 uur
U.S. Navy official eyes more Boeing F/A-18 fighter jet orders

WASHINGTON  |  By Andrea Shalal


The U.S. Navy on Tuesday underscored its desire to buy more Boeing Co F/A-18E/F Super Hornets in coming years to deal with higher-than-expected operational demands and past delays in the Lockheed Martin Corp F-35 fighter jet program.

Rear Admiral Michael Manazir, director of air warfare for the U.S. chief of naval operations, told lawmakers that the Navy was working to speed up maintenance of older-model F/A-18s, but would also need to buy more new F/A-18E/F jets to avert a shortfall in strike fighters for its aircraft carriers.

Manazir, testifying before the readiness subcommittee of the House Armed Services Committee, echoed a call earlier this year by former Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Jonathan Greenert, who said the Navy would need two to three more squadrons of Super Hornets, or 24 to 36 more aircraft, to meet its needs.

U.S. lawmakers are poised to approve the purchase of 12 F/A-18E/Fs in fiscal 2016, which began Oct. 1.

Manazir said problems could be avoided if the Navy bought more Super Hornets in both fiscal 2017 and 2018, and was able to start using an initial squadron of F-35 fighter jets as now planned in August 2018.

F-35 delays forced the Navy several years ago to extend the service life of its older F/A-18C Hornets from 6,000 hours to 10,000 hours, a project that turned out to be more intensive and take much longer than expected.

Manazir's comments spell good news for Boeing, which needs more F/A-18E/F orders to extend its St. Louis production line beyond the end of 2017, when it is currently slated to end.

Manazir said it would not make sense for the Navy to accelerate its purchases of F-35 C-model jets instead since work had not been completed on the required Block 3F software needed for the jets to carry all the weapons required by the Navy.

Navy acquisition chief Sean Stackley reassured lawmakers that the F-35C aircraft the Navy is buying in fiscal 2016 would be delivered in 2018 with the needed software package.

Boeing spokesman Todd Blecher said it was premature to comment on Manazir's comments since the Pentagon is still finalizing its fiscal 2017 budget plans.

If Congress finalizes the order of 12 jets in fiscal 2016, the Boeing F/A-18 production line will extend through mid-2018, while an expected order of 28 more jets from Kuwait could push production out until 2019 or beyond.

Read more at Reuters
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 04/11/2015 | 14:05 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 04/11/2015 | 13:43 uur
We gaan de goede kant op met de prijsontwikkeling..... vermoedelijk blijft het nu doodstil in de pers, het is immers niet zo sexy als een  wisselkoers of een land wat zich eventueel terug trekt uit de voorgenomen samenwerking.

Tsja, goed nieuws i geen nieuws, maar het is ook maar de vraag wat dit betekend voor NL, het Amerikaanse aanschaf process verloopt wel wat anders dan bij ons namelijk.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: StrataNL op 04/11/2015 | 14:35 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 04/11/2015 | 13:43 uur
We gaan de goede kant op met de prijsontwikkeling..... vermoedelijk blijft het nu doodstil in de pers, het is immers niet zo sexy als een  wisselkoers of een land wat zich eventueel terug trekt uit de voorgenomen samenwerking.

En hoe zit het met de prijs van de motor?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 04/11/2015 | 14:46 uur
Citaat van: Strata op 04/11/2015 | 14:35 uur
En hoe zit het met de prijs van de motor?

Staat er niet bij,  in lot 8 sprake was van 108 miljoen US$ inclusief motor voor de F35A.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 04/11/2015 | 14:51 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 04/11/2015 | 14:46 uur
Staat er niet bij,  in lot 8 sprake was van 108 miljoen US$ inclusief motor voor de F35A.
En een Lot 8 F-35A exclusief motor is 94,8 miljoen USD.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 04/11/2015 | 14:52 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 04/11/2015 | 14:05 uur
Tsja, goed nieuws i geen nieuws, maar het is ook maar de vraag wat dit betekend voor NL, het Amerikaanse aanschaf process verloopt wel wat anders dan bij ons namelijk.

Zo kan je alles plat slaan...

Als een eventueel vertrek van Canada ons eventueel 1 mjn US$ per kist extra zou kosten (als ze een andere export klant toevoegen dan compenseert dat wel weer) dan zouden we dus het "zuur" pakken en van een prijsdaling niet het zoet?

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 04/11/2015 | 14:55 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 04/11/2015 | 14:52 uur
Zo kan je alles plat slaan...

Als een eventueel vertrek van Canada ons eventueel 1 mjn US$ per kist extra zou kosten (als ze een andere export klant toevoegen dan compenseert dat wel weer) dan zouden we dus het "zuur" pakken en van een prijsdaling niet het zoet?

Goed nieuws is nu eenmaal minder interesant. Waarom iedereen dol is op ellende blijft verwonderenswaardig natuurlijk, maar is nu eenmaal zo.... (
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 04/11/2015 | 14:58 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 04/11/2015 | 14:55 uur
Goed nieuws is nu eenmaal minder interesant. Waarom iedereen dol is op ellende blijft verwonderenswaardig natuurlijk, maar is nu eenmaal zo....

Dat is waar...

Hier ligt dan de schone taak voor Mindef (eventueel icm het NIDV) om te communiceren dat de kist goedkoper wordt.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 04/11/2015 | 15:25 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 03/11/2015 | 14:57 uur
;D  Er komen never / nunca / nimmer / nooit 37 F-35A's in dienst bij de KLu.  Hoeveel keer moet ik dat nog schrijven.
Enkele maanden geleden gaf de KLu zelf al aan dat het aantal door slechte US dollar - euro koers onder de 30 kisten komt.
Intern houden ze al een aardig aantal jaren rekening met het feit dat de toekomstige KLu een QRA only jachtvliegtuig vloot krijgt.
Qua aantallen moet je dan denken aan circa 18 - 24 F-35A's.

Het idee van 20 -24 trainers '++' aanschaffen is goed, maar helaas is daar geen enkel muntje voor beschikbaar.
ze beginnen nu steeds over die wisselkoers, maar waarom hebben ze die dollars niet gekocht toen ze de prijs van die 37 stuks hadden ze hadden eerder moeten scheelt dit al weer 7 toestellen.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 04/11/2015 | 15:28 uur
Kunnen we niet bij een aantal van 24 F-35 's wat veel te weining is..een squadron F-16's er naast houden van 24 stuks ?

Dan kunnen we de overige F-16's gebruiken voor de onderdelen/kannibaliseren

We pakken dan de F-16's met de laagste vlieguren hiervoor.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 04/11/2015 | 15:30 uur
UK considering retaining early model Typhoons to maintain fighter numbers

Gareth Jennings, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly | 03 November 2015

The United Kingdom is considering the option of retaining some or all of its early-model Eurofighter Typhoon combat aircraft as it looks to prevent fighter numbers falling to their lowest levels since the Royal Air Force (RAF) was formed in 1918.

Speaking in the House of Commons on 3 November, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Defence, Philip Dunne, said that the Ministry of Defence (MoD) is currently reviewing its earlier decision to retire the 53 Tranche 1 Typhoons in 2018. While he said that this work is being done in anticipation of the upcoming Strategic Defence and Security Review (SDSR), he declined to be drawn on when a decision might be announced.

"The Ministry of Defence is reviewing the potential utility of all its current platforms, including its fleet of Tranche 1 Typhoon aircraft, as part of the ongoing Strategic Defence and Security Review. Where there is clear merit in extending the life of existing equipment in terms of both military utility and value-for-money, the opportunity to do so will be considered in the context of the wider review. It is therefore not appropriate to anticipate decisions on the Typhoon Tranche 1, or other capabilities, that have not yet been made," he said.

The minister's comments come on the back of a government disclosure in July that the UK's frontline fast-jet force is set to fall to its lowest numerical strength just ahead of the turn of the decade, with the almost simultaneous retirement of both the Panavia Tornado GR.4 and Tranche 1 Eurofighter Typhoon fleets in 2019.

The RAF currently fields 192 frontline combat aircraft, made up of 87 Tornados; 53 Tranche 1 Typhoons; and 52 Tranche 2 and Tranche 3A Typhoons (deliveries of which are ongoing). Although all 40 Tranche 3A Typhoons should be with the RAF by 2019 and deliveries of the Lockheed Martin F-35B Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter will have begun, under current plans the UK will have just 127 frontline combat jets in 2019 - the lowest number since the RAF was formed more than a century earlier.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 04/11/2015 | 15:37 uur
Citaat van: Oorlogsvis op 04/11/2015 | 15:28 uur
Kunnen we niet bij een aantal van 24 F-35 's wat veel te weining is..een squadron F-16's er naast houden van 24 stuks ?

Dan kunnen we de overige F-16's gebruiken voor de onderdelen/kannibaliseren

We pakken dan de F-16's met de laagste vlieguren hiervoor.

Die zijn tegen die tijd  echt veel te afgeracht, had met destijds de NF5A/B vervangen door de F16C/D block 40 dan hadden we de kisten wellicht nog een end life update kunnen geven, wellicht zelfs in de V variant... maar helaas... het moesten destijds A en B zijn.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: StrataNL op 04/11/2015 | 16:53 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 04/11/2015 | 14:51 uur
En een Lot 8 F-35A exclusief motor is 94,8 miljoen USD.
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 04/11/2015 | 14:46 uur
Staat er niet bij,  in lot 8 sprake was van 108 miljoen US$ inclusief motor voor de F35A.

F135 engine unit cost (loopt niet synchroon met die van het airframe).

Lot       Totale waarde Aantal      Delivery       Unit cost
LRIP 1     $87.5M            4         FY2010        $21,9M
LRIP 2     $508.7M         16        FY2010        $31,8M
LRIP 3     $710,8M         20        FY2011        $35,5M
LRIP 4     $1.158,2M      37         FY2012       $31,3M
LRIP 5     $1.016.4M      36         FY2013       $28,2M
LRIP 6     $1.135M         38         FY2014       $29,9M
LRIP 7      TBD               36          FY2015      TBD         LRIP 7 zit nu op $943M, definitieve contractwaarde begin 2016 verwacht.
LRIP 8      TBD               48         FY2016       TBD         LRIP 8 zit nu op $1.052M

Let op: totale contractwaarde van de LRIP! Dus niet alleen het aanschafcontract zoals we in veel artikelen zien, dat geeft een incompleet beeld.

Het aanschafcontract van LRIP 7 bedroeg $680M = $18.8M per motor
Het aanschafcontract van LRIP 8 bedroeg $793M = $16.5 per motor

Het gaat hier om het gemiddelde van alle drie de varianten, de $13,2M zoals hierboven aangegeven voor de F35A variant zou op zich kunnen kloppen als we er vanuit gaan dat de motoren van de F35B en C variant duurder zijn.

P&W claimt een reductie van 3.5 to 4.5% tov LRIP 6 en het zelfde voor LRIP 8 tov LRIP 7.

We zien dus een voorzichtige daling, maar te weinig om de geclaimde fly-away cost á $80-85M voor de F35A in 2019 te halen.

Dit zijn dus de kale aanschafprijzen. Er wordt niet gerekend met de totale contractwaarde.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Poleme op 04/11/2015 | 20:36 uur
Citaat van: Oorlogsvis op 04/11/2015 | 15:25 uur
ze beginnen nu steeds over die wisselkoers, maar waarom hebben ze die dollars niet gekocht toen ze de prijs van die 37 stuks hadden ze hadden eerder moeten scheelt dit al weer 7 toestellen.
Van het machtige MinFin mag MinDef geen valuta termijn contracten meer sluiten.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Poleme op 04/11/2015 | 20:43 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 04/11/2015 | 13:43 uur
We gaan de goede kant op met de prijsontwikkeling..... vermoedelijk blijft het nu doodstil in de pers, het is immers niet zo sexy als een  wisselkoers of een land wat zich eventueel terug trekt uit de voorgenomen samenwerking.
:doh:  Wie zegt dat?

Feit is dat LockheedMartin zelf heeft verklaard dat de F-35 aanschafprijs pas na een productie van 1.600 LightningII's gaat stabiliseren of dalen.

In de post van vorige pagina zit niet inbegrepen: de motor, long lead production items en ontwikkelingskosten.
De ontwikkelings kosten per F-35 bedroegen in 2001 rond de USD 20 miljoen.
En dat bedrag ligt nu uiteraard veel hoger.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 04/11/2015 | 21:04 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 04/11/2015 | 20:36 uur
Van het machtige MinFin mag MinDef geen valuta termijn contracten meer sluiten.
En mi terecht!!..want dat werd in 1995 "misbruikt" om een bepaalde voorkeur erdoor te drukken. En bij goed en evenwichtig beleid hou je altijd rekening met dit soort zaken...en ga je geen valse beelden schetsen...zoals ook nu weer wel is gedaan. Jammer...
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: StrataNL op 04/11/2015 | 21:17 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 04/11/2015 | 20:43 uur
:doh:  Wie zegt dat?

Feit is dat LockheedMartin zelf heeft verklaard dat de F-35 aanschafprijs pas na een productie van 1.600 LightningII's gaat stabiliseren of dalen.

In de post van vorige pagina zit niet inbegrepen: de motor, long lead production items en ontwikkelingskosten.
De ontwikkelings kosten per F-35 bedroegen in 2001 rond de USD 20 miljoen.
En dat bedrag ligt nu uiteraard veel hoger.

Dat probeer ik dus ook duidelijk te maken. Er wordt niet met het complete plaatje gerekend. Alleen de motor is dus al bijna twee keer zo duur als je met de totale kosten gaat rekenen ipv de kale stukprijs.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Lex op 04/11/2015 | 21:18 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 04/11/2015 | 20:36 uur
Van het machtige MinFin mag MinDef geen valuta termijn contracten meer sluiten.
Citaat van: Elzenga op 04/11/2015 | 21:04 uur
En mi terecht!!..want dat werd in 1995 "misbruikt" om een bepaalde voorkeur erdoor te drukken. En bij goed en evenwichtig beleid hou je altijd rekening met dit soort zaken...en ga je geen valse beelden schetsen...zoals ook nu weer wel is gedaan. Jammer...
Hoe men ook wendt of keert ..... er zijn zowel voor- als nadelen die op dergelijke aankopen van toepassing zijn. Dit valt niet van te voren in te calculeren.
Btw: de opmerking over "misbruik" in 1995, zal wellicht niet aanslaan bij een aantal leden.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 04/11/2015 | 21:38 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 04/11/2015 | 20:36 uur
Van het machtige MinFin mag MinDef geen valuta termijn contracten meer sluiten.
maar als defensie het correct wil doen en je ruimt een budget in van bijvoorbeeld 5 miljard euro voor de aankoop van F-35 kisten in USD moet je eigenlijk die USD ook hedgen anders ben je afhandelijk van valuta perikelen.

Dat doet het bedrijfsleven ook zo..
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 04/11/2015 | 22:12 uur
Citaat van: Oorlogsvis op 04/11/2015 | 21:38 uur
maar als defensie het correct wil doen en je ruimt een budget in van bijvoorbeeld 5 miljard euro voor de aankoop van F-35 kisten in USD moet je eigenlijk die USD ook hedgen anders ben je afhandelijk van valuta perikelen.

Dat doet het bedrijfsleven ook zo..

Geen punt als je dit vlak na het afronden van de besluitvorming zou doen. Mijns inziens wel een probleem als je dit vooraf daaraan doet...en daar stevig mee gaat lopen wapperen richting toch vooral een bepaalde keuze te onderschrijven. Dat gebeurde in 1995.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 04/11/2015 | 22:52 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 04/11/2015 | 22:12 uur
Geen punt als je dit vlak na het afronden van de besluitvorming zou doen. Mijns inziens wel een probleem als je dit vooraf daaraan doet...en daar stevig mee gaat lopen wapperen richting toch vooral een bepaalde keuze te onderschrijven. Dat gebeurde in 1995.

Tja wil je dit niet in het "spel" betrekken dan blijven alleen de Euro landden over en hoeven we niet meer te kijken naar andere valuta landen waaronder ook de  Zweedse Kronen... of is het in het laatste geval anders?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 04/11/2015 | 23:23 uur
Citaat van: Oorlogsvis op 04/11/2015 | 15:28 uur
Kunnen we niet bij een aantal van 24 F-35 's wat veel te weining is..een squadron F-16's er naast houden van 24 stuks ?

Dan kunnen we de overige F-16's gebruiken voor de onderdelen/kannibaliseren

We pakken dan de F-16's met de laagste vlieguren hiervoor.

Nog niet zo gek om er gewoon de f16 naast te houden.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: StrataNL op 04/11/2015 | 23:27 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 04/11/2015 | 23:23 uur
Nog niet zo gek om er gewoon de f16 naast te houden.

Twee logistieke staarten.... scheelt natuurlijk dat je de hele keten al hebt, maar goedkoper wordt het er zeker niet op.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 04/11/2015 | 23:28 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 04/11/2015 | 23:23 uur
Nog niet zo gek om er gewoon de f16 naast te houden.

Zie bijdrage 1188  :angel:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Micheltje op 04/11/2015 | 23:36 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 04/11/2015 | 23:23 uur
Nog niet zo gek om er gewoon de f16 naast te houden.

Een F16 schijnt ook nog eens samen met de F35 te kunnen vliegen door informatie te delen
Is dus alleen maar mooie bij komstigheid
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 04/11/2015 | 23:44 uur
Citaat van: Micheltje op 04/11/2015 | 23:36 uur
Een F16 schijnt ook nog eens samen met de F35 te kunnen vliegen door informatie te delen
Is dus alleen maar mooie bij komstigheid

Bekijk het 10 jaar een 2.000 vlieguur verder... waren onze F16's van het niveau block 52+ dan zou je een zinvol argument hebben...

Wil je onze oude kisten vanaf +/- 2025 nog eens 10 jaar en 2.000 uur (of nog meer) extra laten maken?

Laten we dan een squadron (20-24 kisten) kopen van de winnaar van de  T-X competitie, vermoedelijk goedkoper en efficiënter.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Micheltje op 04/11/2015 | 23:51 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 04/11/2015 | 23:44 uur
Bekijk het 10 jaar een 2.000 vlieguur verder... waren onze F16's van het niveau block 52+ dan zou je een zinvol argument hebben...

Wil je onze oude kisten vanaf +/- 2025 nog eens 10 jaar en 2.000 uur (of nog meer) extra laten maken?

Laten we dan een squadron (20-24 kisten) kopen van de winnaar van de  T-X competitie, vermoedelijk goedkoper en efficiënter.

Daar heb je idd een goed punt bij
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 05/11/2015 | 00:04 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 04/11/2015 | 23:44 uur
Bekijk het 10 jaar een 2.000 vlieguur verder... waren onze F16's van het niveau block 52+ dan zou je een zinvol argument hebben...

Wil je onze oude kisten vanaf +/- 2025 nog eens 10 jaar en 2.000 uur (of nog meer) extra laten maken?

Laten we dan een squadron (20-24 kisten) kopen van de winnaar van de  T-X competitie, vermoedelijk goedkoper en efficiënter.

We kunnen toch gewoon nu al M346'en kopen. Als er geld zou zijn. Maar aangezien we daar nu al mee bezig zijn lijkt dat me handiger.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 05/11/2015 | 07:07 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 05/11/2015 | 00:04 uur
We kunnen toch gewoon nu al M346'en kopen. Als er geld zou zijn. Maar aangezien we daar nu al mee bezig zijn lijkt dat me handiger.

Kan natuurlijk ook.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Zander op 05/11/2015 | 09:40 uur
We kunnen ook de F35 NIET kopen. Dan hoeven we ook geen ethische keuzes te maken.....

Nee, serieus dat ding komt er en we hebben GEEN financiële middelen om er een tweede type naast te kopen/behouden en inzetbaar te houden.
Ik denk dat de enige optie een advanced trainer met CAS mogelijkheden is.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 05/11/2015 | 09:47 uur
USN to continue buying Boeing Super Hornets as F-35Cs arrive

By James Drew, Washington DC | 05 November 2015

The US Navy officials have reaffirmed plans to procure an additional 24 to 36 Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornets through fiscal year 2018 while also boosting F/A-18C life-extension rates, primarily due to delays in fielding the carrier-based Lockheed Martin F-35C.

Boeing has been trying desperately to shore up Super Hornet and EA-18G Growler production in St Louis, Missouri, but the company's difficulty in securing international sales has raised doubts.

However, comments by navy officials at a congressional hearing this week suggest more F/A-18 orders in fiscal 2017 and 2018. That's in addition to the dozen aircraft that are likely to be funded in the current fiscal 2016 budget.

"We have a strike fighter inventory management challenge," says navy air warfare director Rear Adm Michael Manazir. "If you look at the demands in the strike fighters into 2030, we have a shortfall. The shortfall in the early part of the 2020s is about 138 airplanes."

The navy expects to overcome that shortfall by life-extending the F/A-18C from 6,000h to 10,000h and through the procurement of "two to three squadrons" of Super Hornets.

The service has had difficulty life-extending those aircraft because of depot throughput limitations and an unanticipated amount of internal corrosion. Unlike shore-based aircraft, naval airframes must withstand corrosive seawater and the stress of arrested landings, making the life-extension process much more uncertain.

The navy overhauled approximately 30 legacy jets last year, according to Manazir, and throughput rates have increased by 40% this year. In 2017, the navy hopes to life-extend 104 F/A-18Cs.

All this activity relates to the delayed introduction of the F-35, which has been in development since 2001. The navy has pushed out its F-35C procurement profile, contending that aircraft without the Block 3F software load don't meet the needs of the carrier air wings.

Block 3F includes the full complement of F-35 capabilities and weapons at the end of system development and demonstration (SDD), and is the configuration the navy intends to declare initial operational capability with in August 2018.

The navy eventually aim to field one F-35C squadron per carrier air wing initially, with those squadrons operating alongside Super Hornets and Growlers.

"F-18Es and Fs are the majority of our force going to 2035," says Manazir. "We might even fly those airplanes close to 2040."
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 05/11/2015 | 10:00 uur
Citaat van: Zander op 05/11/2015 | 09:40 uur
We kunnen ook de F35 NIET kopen. Dan hoeven we ook geen ethische keuzes te maken.....

Nee, serieus dat ding komt er en we hebben GEEN financiële middelen om er een tweede type naast te kopen/behouden en inzetbaar te houden.
Ik denk dat de enige optie een advanced trainer met CAS mogelijkheden is.

Slechts een politieke beslissing, niet meer en niet minder.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Micheltje op 05/11/2015 | 13:24 uur
Zou best eens kunnen dat er op de langere termijn ineens besloten word dat ze er nog een paar bij bestellen
Vooral als er een andere regering zit
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Mourning op 05/11/2015 | 13:31 uur
Ik mag hopen van niet...
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 06/11/2015 | 14:15 uur
F-35A successfully fires first airborne shots

By Rebecca Amber, Edwards Air Force Base Public Affairs | November 04, 2015

EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. (AFNS) --  For the first time, an F-35A Lightning II successfully fired the four-barrel 25 mm GAU-22/A Gatling gun while in flight Oct. 30.

Maj. Charles Trickey, a 461st Flight Test Squadron F-35 experimental test pilot, was in the cockpit of tail number AF-2, and fired one burst of 30 rounds and two 60-round bursts at 20,000 feet from the 25 mm gun that is embedded in the F-35's left wing. The GAU-22 is hidden behind closed doors to reduce its radar cross section until the trigger is pulled. At full rate, it can fire 3,000 rounds per minute.

"We took off out of (Edwards Air Force Base) and went up to China Lake. We had this hazard pattern and we did three cold passes and three hot passes interspersed with each other," Trickey said.

The weapons system did exactly what it was supposed to do, he said, but data still needed to be collected and reviewed.

Jennifer Schleifer, a Lockheed Martin AF-2 lead flight test engineer and the test director, said the team expects to fire the gun once or twice a week until this phase of airborne gunfire testing is complete. She added that they could be done by the end of the year, weather permitting.

According to sources, the first firing was not aimed at any target, but the goal was only to make sure the gun functions properly in flight. When the pilot is ready to fire, a complex system of doors exposes the muzzle and allows for ventilation. Keeping the gun hidden behind closed doors until the trigger is pulled allows the aircraft to remain in stealth.

"I like having a gun integrated with the airplane personally," Trickey said. "The airplanes that this is replacing for the Air Force, the F-16 (Fighting Falcon) and A-10 (Thunderbolt II), have internal guns."

Todd Ankeny, a Lockheed Martin flight test engineer and test conductor, added that it's an important capability for the F-35. The GAU-22 was primarily designed for air-to-ground attack, such as taking out lightly armored vehicles. It can also be used for air-to-air combat.

As the testing continues, many test pilots in the squadron will get a chance to test the GAU-22.

"We're going to try to get as much exposure to this as possible. There are a lot of test pilots in the squadron and there's some value in getting more opinions and getting more pilots exposed to it," Trickey said.

In upcoming sorties the pilot will expand the envelope by performing 7G turns, 3G turns, flying at Mach 1.44, and reaching 40,000 feet. They will also do a burst fire to empty all 181 rounds. Some of the tests will be done at China Lake, but most of the remaining flights will be done over the Sea Test Range at Naval Air Station Point Mugu, California.

"We're going to have elevated G and supersonic flights, and some of those things you really can't do over the land range," Trickey said.

The F-35A is a conventional take-off and landing aircraft and the only model with the GAU-22 system mounted internally. The Marine Corps variant B-model and Navy variant C-model will eventually have the gun in a pod mounted to the center line.

"They haven't shot (their guns) airborne either so you could say this was the first F-35 airborne gunfire ever on any variant and that's why we're so excited about it," Trickey said.

Tail number AF-2 is a flight sciences airplane and has more hours than any other F-35 in the world. Typically, it has been used as a loads airframe and for expanding the envelope for structures. For this test, it underwent an extensive structural modification at Edwards, to a full production representative internal gun configuration. AF-2 is instrumented differently than other F-35s for data collection.

Clearing the gun for airborne use is a key milestone toward the Air Force's initial operating capability of the F-35A. The program's development and demonstration phase is scheduled to end in 2017, at which point the F-35 will have an operational gun.

The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Integrated Test Force started testing the gun last June when the first shots were fired from the ground at the Edwards Gun Harmonization Range.

"We want to clear it so when the guy is supporting troops on the ground or fighting someone, they don't have to think about whether the gun's going to work or not. They just have to worry about getting the (predicted impact point marker) on the right spot," Trickey said. "There's a lot of trust that people have put into us to make sure that we got the test right, and I feel like at the end of the day, we did."
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 07/11/2015 | 17:04 uur
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 08/11/2015 | 19:04 uur
DUBAI: Customer sought for AVIC's new stealth fighter

By Greg Waldron, Singapore | 08 November 2015

Chinese airframer AVIC has delivered a shock at Dubai by revealing a surprising level of detail about its proposed FC-31 Gyrfalcon fifth-generation multi-role fighter, even though the type has yet to secure a launch customer.

The aircraft being promoted appears to be a follow-on development of the company's J-31, a mysterious black fighter aircraft that appeared in at the flying display at Airshow China in Zhuhai last November. The J-31 had its first flight in 2012, but virtually no details have been publicly released.

In a Dubai press briefing, Gyrfalcon designer Lin Peng said the FC-31 is envisaged as a low-observable jet with "multi-spectrum, low-observability characteristics."

The fighter will be capable of a range of missions, including offensive/defence counter air, deep strike, suppression of enemy air defences, interdiction, close air support, and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance.

In a video shown during the presentation, a squadron of FC-31s communicated with each other through secure datalinks. Another slide showed how the aircraft's small cross section reduces the threat radius of enemy sensors and weapons.


No details were given about the FC-31's sensor suite or weapons, but AVIC says this equipment and communications equipment can be tailored to customer requirements.

The aircraft has six external hardpoints, with an internal weapons bay that can carry a further four munitions. Payload is 8,000kg (17,600lb), of which 2,000kg can be carried internally. Combat radius with internal weapons is 648nm (1,200km), and maximum take-off weight is 25,000kg (55,000lb).

The first flight of a production example is planned for 2019, followed by initial operating capability in 2022 and final operating capability three years' later.

AVIC's disclosures were striking given the veil of secrecy that has covered the J-31 programme – at Zhuhai, company representatives flatly declined to discuss the aircraft or its performance characteristics.

Still, there is a great deal of mystery about the FC-31. AVIC did not allow time for a question and answer session after the briefing, obliging reporters to crowd around executives as they attempted to exit the chalet.

During this ad hoc Q&A it emerged that the FC-31 has yet to find a launch customer, although there are discussions with the Chinese air force. Executives also decline to comment on the engines that power the J-31, believed to be the Klimov RD-93s that power the RAC MiG-29, or the powerplants for the FC-31.

Achieving the first flight in 2019 is also contingent upon securing a "well-funded" customer, it says.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 08/11/2015 | 19:07 uur
Russia Negotiating With UAE Over Delivery of Su-35 Jets

© Sputnik/ Artem Zhitenev


Russia is negotiating with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) possible deliveries of Sukhoi Su-35 fighters, Russia's state technologies corporation Rostec head Sergey Chemezov said Sunday.

Read more:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 08/11/2015 | 19:10 uur
Indonesia to Purchase Russian Su-35 Fighters, Construct Service Centers



Jakarta decided to purchase newest Russian Su-35 Fighters and discusses the construction of service centers in Indonesia, the head of the International Cooperation Department of Russian state technology corporation Rostec said Sunday.

Read more:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 09/11/2015 | 09:31 uur
DUBAI: Irkut upbeat on Su-30SM prospects

Dubai | 09 November 2015

Moscow-based aircraft manufacturer Irkut is showcasing the multirole Sukhoi Su-30SM fighter at the Dubai air show, among a host of military products on display from the Russian industry delegation.

The forecast for Su-30SM orders exceeds more than 100 aircraft, but Russian officials are already planning a major upgrade programme for the twin-engined fighter.

Rostec chief executive Sergey Chemezov, who toured the show's exhibit hall on 8 November, has previously announced that a "major upgrade" of the Su-30SM is being planned to improve combat effectiveness.

Simultaneously, the Indian government also has expressed interest in upgrading an improved version of the Su-30SM – dubbed the Su-30MKI – with new avionics and radar systems. That upgrade programme is expected to lead to a collaboration with Russian and Indian industry, Chemezov has said.

Another upgrade already in development with India adds the supersonic Brahmos cruise missile, which is itself a Russian-Indian collaboration. The first test flight of a Brahmos-equipped Su-30MKI is still planned by the end of this year, with the first missile launch scheduled in 2016.

In the Middle East and African region, Irkut is continuing to deliver Su-30SM fighters to Algeria. The Algerian government signed an order for a third batch of Su-30SMs last April, involving 14 aircraft deliveries.

"Contrary to popular opinion about Russian fighters, the Irkut-built Su-30 demonstrates quite a high operability of the aircraft fleet in the hands of qualified operators. This is particularly true in the case of Algerian air force," Irkut says.

Russia is also continuing to deliver Su-30SMs to export customer Kazakhstan. The nation's order may kick-off a wave of fighter modernisation programmes in former Soviet republics. Earlier this year, for example, Belarus announced plans to acquire the Su-30SM after 2020.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 09/11/2015 | 13:50 uur
DUBAI: Storm Shadow release strengthens Typhoon

By Craig Hoyle, Dubai | 09 November 2015

MBDA's Storm Shadow cruise missile has for the first time been released from a Eurofighter Typhoon, as part of an extensive capability update.

Conducted over the Aberporth test range in the UK on 6 November, the milestone event involved releasing the precision-strike weapon from beneath the wing of Alenia Aermacchi's instrumented production aircraft IPA2.

"The integration of the missile with the aircraft's weapon system was successfully demonstrated," the Eurofighter consortium says. "The trials also verified the interface of the missile with the weapon system for pre-launch checks, demonstrated post-launch safe separation and the subsequent commencement of missile flight."

More than 5m (16.4ft) in length and weighing 1,300kg (2,860lb), the Storm Shadow has a range of more than 135nm (250km). The weapon is the "whopper" of the European manufacturer's air-launched portfolio, notes MBDA UK military advisor Russ Martin.

Alenia Aermacchi

Integration of the new Typhoon weapon forms part of an ongoing programme of enhancements for the European type, along with MBDA's Meteor beyond-visual-range air-to-air missile and Brimstone 2 air-to-surface missile.

Referring to the ongoing test programme, Sqn Ldr Alex Tennant from the UK's Typhoon combined test team says Storm Shadow should be available for use following the delivery of approved P2E-standard software around the middle of 2017. While the UK is looking to introduce the weapon with the Eurojet EJ200-powered type to coincide with the retirement of its Panavia Tornado GR4s around 2019, other operators are interested in fielding the enhancement sooner, he says.

During a briefing at the show, Eurofighter capability development manager Paul Smith highlighted the Typhoon's current role in providing air defence services for operator nations Austria, Germany, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Spain and the UK, plus during NATO's Baltic Air Policing mission. He also referred to the Royal Saudi Air Force's current combat employment of the aircraft during "simultaneous, high-tempo operations on two fronts".

Meanwhile, Alenia Aermacchi chief executive Filippo Bagnato has provided a brief update on the status of contract discussions between the Italian and Kuwaiti governments about the latter's planned acquisition of 28 Typhoons. A deal is expected to be signed "shortly – very shortly", he says.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 09/11/2015 | 14:10 uur
US Software Stranglehold Threatens F-35 Foreign Operations

The F-35 is entirely dependent on the ALIS system for its maintenance, and on US-based software laboratories for its mission data loads, so that its operation requires secure and high-speed Internet links between its operating bases and the US.

PARIS --- The unilateral decision by the United States to locate all F-35 software laboratories on its territory, and to manage the operation and sustainment of the global F-35 fleet from its territory, has introduced vulnerabilities that are only beginning to emerge.

The biggest risk is that, since the F-35 cannot operate effectively without permanent data exchanges with its software labs and logistic support computers in the United States, any disruption in the two-way flow of information would compromise its effectiveness.

All F-35 aircraft operating across the world will have to update their mission data files and their Autonomic Logistic Information System (ALIS) profiles before and after every sortie, to ensure that on-board systems are programmed with the latest available operational data and that ALIS is kept permanently informed of each aircraft's technical status and maintenance requirements. ALIS can, and has, prevented aircraft taking off because of an incomplete data file.

Given that the United States hopes to sell hundreds of F-35s to allies in Europe, Asia and Australia, the volume of data that must travel to and from the United States is gigantic, and any disruption in Internet traffic could cripple air forces as the F-35 cannot operate unless it is logged into, and cleared by, ALIS.

For example, "Mission data load development and testing is a critical path to combat capability," Pentagon OT&E director Michael Gilmore said in his fiscal 2014 report. "Accuracy of threat identification and location depend on how well the mission data loads are optimized to perform in ambiguous operational environments."

Updating and uploading mission data loads depends on a functioning Internet, and as noted in an Oct. 29 story, "undersea Internet cables are surprisingly vulnerable." It quoted Nicole Starosielski, a media scholar at New York University, as saying that "people would be surprised to know that there are a little over 200 systems that carry all of the internet traffic across the ocean, and these are by and large concentrated in very few areas. The cables end up getting funneled through these narrow pressure points all around the globe."

Recent activity by Russian ships near crucial undersea cables has added to concerns about the vulnerability of Internet, as recently illustrated by the New York Times, which noted that "Russian submarines and spy ships are aggressively operating near the vital undersea cables that carry almost all global Internet communications, raising concerns among some American military and intelligence officials that the Russians might be planning to attack those lines in times of tension or conflict."

The fear is that an "ultimate Russian hack on the United States could involve severing the fiber-optic cables at some of their hardest-to-access locations to halt the instant communications on which the West's governments, economies and citizens have grown dependent," the article said.

Whatever the other repercussions, such an event would severely limit the ability of the world's F-35 fighters to fly – due to a loss of ALIS link – and to operate effectively, as their fighting ability would disappear if their software and mission data files could not be updated.

No Internet, No F-35 Operations

In a recent article, Aviation Week explored how F-35 operators "are being compelled to fund $150 million software laboratories, based in the U.S. and almost 50% staffed by U.S. personnel, that generate data crucial to the fighter's ability to identify new radio-frequency threats."

It noted that the MDFs "are twice as large as the equivalent data load in the F-22," and that there are 12 packages covering different regions.

The JSF program is establishing two centers to produce and update MDFs, at Eglin AFB, Florida, and NAS Point Mugu, California. The latter will support Japanese and Israeli F-35s, Aviation Week reported, while an Australia/U.K. facility and a laboratory to support Norway and Italy will be established at Eglin. (Click here for a description of the Point Mugu reprograming lab.)

Given that the ALIS mainframe is located at Fort Worth, Texas, operating the F-35 will require three very large data conduits to and from these locations, again using Internet cables as the volume of data is too great for satellite transmission.

In fact, if the F-35 performs as advertised, it should gather very argue amounts of tactical data during each mission – data that it will have to transmit to the software labs in the US so they can be used to update the mission data files, adding another large volume data flow in both directions.

In addition, according to the OT&E FY 2014 report, 18,049 Joint Technical Data (JTD) modules have been developed for the aircraft, 3,123 for its engine and 1,775 for Supportable Low Observables; all are required for ALIS to operate as designed. While no information is available as to the data volumes involved, it seems logical to assume it is considerable.

The OT&E report mentions that "Maintenance downloads using the ground data receptacle ... usually takes an hour, delaying access to maintenance information." This is an indication of the data volume involved, especially as the upgraded ALIS runs on a standard Windows 7 operating system.

This was confirmed by Lt Gen Christopher Bogdan, the head of the F-35 Joint Program Office, in recent Congressional testimony.

"Currently, the pilot debrief timeline is too long as it takes approximately 1.5 hours to download a 1.5 hour flight. This is unacceptable and [we] are in the process of fielding an improved system [which] will decrease the timeline to download mission data by a factor of 8, meaning a 1.5 hour flight will be downloaded in about fifteen minutes," he told the Subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land Forces of the House Armed Services Committee on Oct 21.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 09/11/2015 | 14:22 uur
Citaat van: Defence Aerospace op 09/11/2015 | 14:10 uur
US Software Stranglehold Threatens F-35 Foreign Operations
Moet je deze afhankelijkheid wel willen?!..zeker als je in toenemende mate je eigen (militaire) strategische onafhankelijkheid uitbouwt als de EU doet...
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: StrataNL op 09/11/2015 | 14:22 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 09/11/2015 | 14:10 uur
ALIS can, and has, prevented aircraft taking off because of an incomplete data file.

Juist ja... de software is de baas dus. De VS weten straks gewoon alles wat we met die F35 doen, en als het ze niet bevalt is er maar één druk op de knop nodig om de zaak plat te leggen.

Citaat van: Harald op 09/11/2015 | 14:10 uur
The OT&E report mentions that "Maintenance downloads using the ground data receptacle ... usually takes an hour, delaying access to maintenance information." This is an indication of the data volume involved, especially as the upgraded ALIS runs on a standard Windows 7 operating system.

This was confirmed by Lt Gen Christopher Bogdan, the head of the F-35 Joint Program Office, in recent Congressional testimony.

"Currently, the pilot debrief timeline is too long as it takes approximately 1.5 hours to download a 1.5 hour flight. This is unacceptable and [we] are in the process of fielding an improved system [which] will decrease the timeline to download mission data by a factor of 8, meaning a 1.5 hour flight will be downloaded in about fifteen minutes," he told the Subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land Forces of the House Armed Services Committee on Oct 21.

Een snelle turn-around time van een paar minuten zit er dus sowieso niet in.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 09/11/2015 | 19:46 uur
DUBAI: Approvals wait threatens Kuwait Super Hornet deal

By James Drew, Dubai | 09 November 2015

Boeing officials say there is some anxiety and frustration over how long it is taking the US government to approve a potential fighter deal with Kuwait.

The Gulf nation is seeking 28 Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornets with options for 12 more, but a sluggish approvals process in Washington, that has more recently been complicated by the Iran nuclear deal, has company executives worried Kuwait could back out and instead complete a purchase of a European alternative: the Eurofighter Typhoon.

Speaking at the Dubai air show, Boeing sales and business development executives Tom Bell and Jeff Kohler, who would not name Kuwait specifically, said the company's prospective "Middle East customer" is frustrated with the approvals process. Kuwait reportedly selected the Super Hornet earlier this year, before signing an agreement with the Italian government for 28 Typhoons.

"We're just worried that the delay could cause them to turn to another provider outside the United States," says Kohler. "Once they do that, once they sign a contract with Eurofighter, then you lose them for 30 or 40 years. There is a little bit of anxiety."

Kuwait operates 27 F-18C Hornets that it acquired in the 1990s after the first Gulf War, and would have little trouble introducing the newer Super Hornet. Boeing needs to close the deal to shore up production in St Louis, Missouri, which faces closure without more orders.

The US Navy is continuing to purchase the type, but Boeing needs an order of 12 aircraft from the service in 2016 and from the Middle Eastern customer to keep the line economically viable. It says the approvals process is likely to drag into early 2016, and that a dozen-aircraft order from the USN is more certain – although still subject to budget approval by Congress.

Bell and Kohler say the issue is complicated by politics and high-level diplomacy over the Iran nuclear agreement, but mainly because the US government's Foreign Military Sales process is slow and not built to handle the volume of transactions requiring approval by the state department.

The approvals office is built to handle $15 billion in sales comfortably, but increased demand has seen an average of between $30 billion and $35 billion over the past five years and the government has not adapted, they add. "The acquisition system just takes too much time," says Kohler.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 09/11/2015 | 20:16 uur
DUBAI: Doubts raised about Brazil's lofty Gripen goal

By James Drew, Dubai | 07 November 2015

Brazil's economic troubles appear to be dampening the Brazilian air force's hopes of recapitalising its entire outdated fighter force, with one official saying the final number of Saab Gripen NGs may be closer to 40 than the original F-X2 programme target of 108 new fighters.

Maj Brig Waldeísio Ferreira Campos, vice-director of the air force's air education and training command, has his doubts that the Brazilian government will be able to procure the expected total number of Gripens. "I don't know. Maybe we will go to 40, but not 100," he told Flightglobal at the Dubai Air Chiefs Conference on 7 November.

Campos says the Gripen NG selection was a "good deal for Brazil", and when the programme is fully implemented the nation's industry will be producing about 70% of the aircraft. He confirms that the first aircraft are due to arrive in 2019 and that Brazilian pilots have already begun their training programme in Sweden.

Brazilian air force

He expects to stand up an initial squadron of 12 aircraft in central Brazil near the capital, and aircraft deliveries will continue at a rate of two per year thereafter. The location of the second squadron has not been defined, he says.

The Gripen NG was chosen over the Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet and Dassault Rafale for its favourable terms and technology transfer, and the minimum requirement was for 36, including eight two-seat trainers. Campos says the requirement for a new fighter has been around for 20 years, and he was glad to see the deal with Saab close. However, whether the nation can afford to recapitalise its entire legacy fighter force of Embraer/Alenia AMXs and Northrop F-5s amid the downturn in defence spending and the declining value of the Brazilian real remains to be seen.

Embraer is partnered with Saab on production, plus the development of a two-seat version with export potential. Almost 50 Embraer and AEL Sistemas employees are already in Linköping, Sweden, supporting the Gripen programme.

Campos is upbeat about the nation's fleet of Embraer A-29 Super Tucano light attack aircraft, and the introduction of Embraer KC-390, planned for 2018. He says the transport and tanker programme is one of the most important to Brazil and is progressing "on the agenda".
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 10/11/2015 | 09:03 uur
Hoezo CAS en A-10 niet meer van deze tijd ?

Raytheon has completed flight testing of DARPA's Persistent Close Air Support external link program which is intended to provide ground controllers and air crews with real-time situational data and the ability to target multiple enemy positions simultaneously. This technology having been in development since 2010, DARPA is looking to field the technology on MV-22 Ospreys and A-10C Thunderbolt aircraft.

Persistent Close Air Support (PCAS)

Raytheon completes DARPA Persistent Close Air Support flight test phase
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 10/11/2015 | 09:10 uur
DUBAI: Eurofighter tests six appeal with Marte ER missile fit

By Craig Hoyle, Dubai | 09 November 2015

Eurofighter has responded to demand from potential customers to add an anti-ship missile capability to the multi-role Typhoon, by conducting a fit test of a configuration with six of the weapons.

An image released by the Eurofighter consortium during the Dubai air show shows an Italian example of the twin-engined combat aircraft loaded with six MBDA Marte ER missiles.


Weighing 260kg (572lb), the weapons would be carried and fired with the Typhoon maintaining a subsonic flight envelope, with the fighter also capable of carrying air-to-air missiles at the same time.

Eurofighter partner company BAE Systems has previously conducted sub-scale windtunnel tests on the Typhoon carrying three Boeing AGM-84 Harpoon anti-ship missiles. Other potential candidate weapons could include the RBS 15 weapon produced by Saab.

More than 450 Eurofighters have been delivered so far to the air forces of partner nations Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK, plus export operators Austria and Saudi Arabia. The type is also on order for Oman, and was recently selected for a 28-aircraft deal yet to be finalised with Kuwait.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 10/11/2015 | 09:22 uur
En dan te bedenken dat deze JAS39 vloot een van de meer conventionele projecten van de Brazilianen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 10/11/2015 | 14:02 uur
DUBAI: New-generation Gripen enters final assembly

By Craig Hoyle, Dubai | 10 November 2015

Saab has lifted the joined fuselage section for its first Gripen NG prototype into final assembly, and says its programme is on track to deliver advanced capability to Sweden and export customer Brazil.

Revealing the advance at the Dubai air show on 10 November, Ulf Nilsson, head of Saab's aeronautics business area, said the fighter's three main sections required only one minor adjustment before they could be joined. "We had less [production line] feedback on the first aircraft than we have on the running production of the [Gripen] C/D," he notes, attributing this to the new model's all-digital design.


Nilsson confirms that lead prototype aircraft 39-8 is on schedule to enter flight-testing during 2016, but will not reveal a target date.

He also highlights the progress being made with the manufacturer's Gripen E/F deal with Brazil. A first group of 50 Embraer engineers and their families recently arrived in Linköping, with a total of 300 to spend up to two years in Sweden to build the Brazilian company's design and production expertise on the type. "It's full-speed ahead – a real long-term partnership," he says, adding: "they call it a Brazilian aircraft; they are committed to the programme."

With Saab holding contracts to produce 60 new-generation aircraft for Sweden and 36 for Brazil, Nilsson says the company is looking to build on its success. It is looking with interest at emerging requirements in Finland and Belgium, and also hopes to meet the needs of nations including Bulgaria, Croatia and Slovakia through deals supported by the Swedish government.

Noting that Saab already has the Czech Republic and Hungary as operators, he quips: "Maybe Gripen will be the true 'Euro fighter'!"

Longer-term opportunities could also lie with Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and potentially in southern Africa, but Saab notes that it is not promoting the aircraft to nations in the Middle East.

Meanwhile, Saab last month delivered its new MS20 operating standard software for the Gripen C/D to its Swedish customer, with final flight testing now under way. The enhancement – which will soon enter operational service – includes the addition of MBDA's Meteor beyond-visual-range air-to-air missile.

The company also took advantage of the Dassault-led Neuron unmanned combat air vehicle's recent visit to the Vidsel test range in Sweden, by flying its Gripen NG demonstrator in partnership with the stealthy type.

Pia Ericsson/FMV

Nilsson declines to provide details of the test activity conducted by the Gripen, but confirms: "we can feel comfortable that we have the right performance for the future in this area."
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: StrataNL op 10/11/2015 | 14:13 uur
Nog een paar foto's van twitter:

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 10/11/2015 | 14:51 uur
JSM carries out airborne launch test

By Beth Stevenson, London | 10 November 2015

Kongsberg has carried out an airborne launch test of the Lockheed Martin F-35's future Joint Strike Missile in the lead up to the 2017 qualification target for the weapon.

During the test the missile was launched at 22,000ft over the Utah Test and Training Range from an Edwards AFB, California-based Lockheed Martin F-16, the aircraft that the Royal Norwegian Air Force F-35As will be replacing.

The medium-range anti-ship and land-attack JSM is being developed with Raytheon and the Norwegian ministry of defence. It can fit inside the weapons bay of the conventional take-off and landing F-35A, but can also be adapted to other aircraft; in November 2013 Kongsberg completed a fit check on a Boeing F/A-18F Super Hornet's hardpoints.

In July 2014 the Norwegian Defence Logistics Organisation awarded Kongsberg a NKr1.1 billion ($177 million) Phase III contract to complete the development and integration of JSM on the F-35, ready for the introduction of the first Norwegian F-35 in 2017.

The missile flight-test programme began earlier in 2015, and the success of this test, plus previous captive carry tests on an F-35, are all contributing towards Kongsberg meeting this target, it says.

"This is a major accomplishment for the JSM programme, and in addition several critical capabilities beyond the scope of the test were verified," Harald Ånnestad, president of Kongsberg Defence Systems, said. "The test demonstrates that we are on track with the qualification of JSM, which brings critical capability to F-35 and the warfighter."


Oslo reaffirmed its commitment to the purchase of 52 F-35As during a budget proposal for 2016 that was released in October that would see a near-doubling of funding for the Lockheed Martin F-35, plus an authorisation request for six more to be delivered in 2020. The Norwegian parliament had already authorised the procurement of 22 of the 52 F-35s that Norway plans to procure, covering deliveries up to and including 2019.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 10/11/2015 | 22:29 uur
USAF considers A-10 retirement delay

Marina Malenic, Washington, DC - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly | 10 November 2015

Key Points
• The USAF is considering a delay of its planned retirement for the A-10C Thunderbolt II
• Congress has for several years provided funding to continue maintenance and use of the ground attack aircraft, despite USAF efforts to retire it

The US Air Force (USAF) could delay its planned retirement of the Fairchild-Republic A-10C Thunderbolt II ground attack aircraft for several years due to its high usage rates, a top USAF general said on 10 November.

"We have to retire the airplanes, but I think moving it to the right and starting it a bit later and maybe keeping around the airplane a bit longer is something that's being considered based on things as they are today and what we see in the future," said General Herbert Carlisle, head of US Air Combat Command.

The USAF has been trying for years to retire the A-10 despite lawmakers' insistence on funding its continued use. However, the "demand signal" for the heavily armoured aircraft has recently changed, justifying a re-examination of the retirement timing, the general said during a Defense Writers Group breakfast in Washington, DC.

"One of our challenges today is capacity," he added. "If you look at the demand signal that's placed on the US Air Force across all of our mission areas, the demand signal has gone up, things have changed a bit, obviously we're in Turkey now which we weren't before the fight against [the Islamic State militants]".

The United States in October deployed 12 A-10s to Incerlik Air Base in Turkey to support airstrikes in Syria and Iraq. The A-10s, from Moody Air Force Base in Georgia, replaced six Lockheed Martin F-16Cs. The deployment is not the first time A-10s have been used in Operation 'Inherent Resolve'. In November 2014 Thunderbolts were deployed to Ahmed al-Jabr Air Base in Kuwait to support the operation.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 10/11/2015 | 23:14 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 10/11/2015 | 22:29 uur
USAF considers A-10 retirement delay

Marina Malenic, Washington, DC - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly | 10 November 2015

Key Points
• The USAF is considering a delay of its planned retirement for the A-10C Thunderbolt II
• Congress has for several years provided funding to continue maintenance and use of the ground attack aircraft, despite USAF efforts to retire it

The US Air Force (USAF) could delay its planned retirement of the Fairchild-Republic A-10C Thunderbolt II ground attack aircraft for several years due to its high usage rates, a top USAF general said on 10 November.

"We have to retire the airplanes, but I think moving it to the right and starting it a bit later and maybe keeping around the airplane a bit longer is something that's being considered based on things as they are today and what we see in the future," said General Herbert Carlisle, head of US Air Combat Command.

The USAF has been trying for years to retire the A-10 despite lawmakers' insistence on funding its continued use. However, the "demand signal" for the heavily armoured aircraft has recently changed, justifying a re-examination of the retirement timing, the general said during a Defense Writers Group breakfast in Washington, DC.

"One of our challenges today is capacity," he added. "If you look at the demand signal that's placed on the US Air Force across all of our mission areas, the demand signal has gone up, things have changed a bit, obviously we're in Turkey now which we weren't before the fight against [the Islamic State militants]".

The United States in October deployed 12 A-10s to Incerlik Air Base in Turkey to support airstrikes in Syria and Iraq. The A-10s, from Moody Air Force Base in Georgia, replaced six Lockheed Martin F-16Cs. The deployment is not the first time A-10s have been used in Operation 'Inherent Resolve'. In November 2014 Thunderbolts were deployed to Ahmed al-Jabr Air Base in Kuwait to support the operation.

Prachtig deze situatie. Ze komen er maar niet vanaf, ding is te goed en efficient.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 10/11/2015 | 23:30 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 10/11/2015 | 23:14 uur
Prachtig deze situatie. Ze komen er maar niet vanaf, ding is te goed en efficient.

;D Ja, als voorstander van de F35 ben ik tegenstander om de A10 te vervangen door de F35, ik zie liever een A10C voor haar specifieke taak en tzt een waardige opvolger.

Wellicht gaat dit ten koste van het aantal USAF A10's... so be it.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Poleme op 11/11/2015 | 01:42 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 10/11/2015 | 23:14 uur
Prachtig deze situatie. Ze komen er maar niet vanaf, ding is te goed en efficient.
Goed om dat te horen van een coniferenbroeder.  Heb je trouwens ook ervaringen met de Warthog (A-10) ?

Wat is natuurlijk wel triest is dat de 'rode neusjes brigade' (*) blijkbaar maar niet begrijpt wat grond oorlogvoering inhoudt.

(*,  de zuurstofmaskers die o.a. KLu vliegers dragen hebben speling, want niet op maat gemaakt voor de tronie van de vliegeniers.
Daardoor schuurt dat masker over hun neuzen, welke leidt tot een rode neus en op langere termijn ook ongewilde botvorming op de neus.
Hierdoor hebben al aardig wat vliegers een 'nose lift' moeten ondergaan.)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 11/11/2015 | 02:46 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 11/11/2015 | 01:42 uur
Goed om dat te horen van een coniferenbroeder.  Heb je trouwens ook ervaringen met de Warthog (A-10) ?

Wat is natuurlijk wel triest is dat de 'rode neusjes brigade' (*) blijkbaar maar niet begrijpt wat grond oorlogvoering inhoudt.

(*,  de zuurstofmaskers die o.a. KLu vliegers dragen hebben speling, want niet op maat gemaakt voor de tronie van de vliegeniers.
Daardoor schuurt dat masker over hun neuzen, welke leidt tot een rode neus en op langere termijn ook ongewilde botvorming op de neus.
Hierdoor hebben al aardig wat vliegers een 'nose lift' moeten ondergaan.)

New, tenzij je oefeningen meetelt. Heb ze in actie gezien in Beverloo en Grafenwohr... machtig.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 11/11/2015 | 09:05 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 11/11/2015 | 01:42 uur
Wat is natuurlijk wel triest is dat de 'rode neusjes brigade' (*) blijkbaar maar niet begrijpt wat grond oorlogvoering inhoudt.

(*,  de zuurstofmaskers die o.a. KLu vliegers dragen hebben speling, want niet op maat gemaakt voor de tronie van de vliegeniers.
Daardoor schuurt dat masker over hun neuzen, welke leidt tot een rode neus en op langere termijn ook ongewilde botvorming op de neus.
Hierdoor hebben al aardig wat vliegers een 'nose lift' moeten ondergaan.)
@Poleme Heb je het over de huidige MBU-20/P of voorgaande modellen?

Als ze bij de U.S. Air Force en ANG niet zo'n tekort aan grondpersoneel e.d. hadden, dan was er mede hierdoor niet zo'n discussie over afstoting van de A-10. Laat de A-10 maar tot aan de eerder gestelde einddatum van 2028 vliegen  8)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Zander op 11/11/2015 | 10:06 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 11/11/2015 | 02:46 uur
New, tenzij je oefeningen meetelt. Heb ze in actie gezien in Beverloo en Grafenwohr... machtig.

Ik heb ze zien huishouden in Afghanistan.
De Taliban zaten in een dorp verscholen, na een hele dag runs van A10's was er geen drop meer.............................................
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 11/11/2015 | 19:45 uur
Wed Nov 11, 2015 8:37am EST
UAE in final stages of talks to buy Rafale jets

DUBAI  |  By Tim Hepher

Read more at Reuters
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 13/11/2015 | 10:42 uur
French Navy's Rafales M Successfully Assess the RBE2 "AESA" Radar Capabilities In Combat Operations

From February to April 2015, French Navy's Rafale M F3 omnirole combat aircraft, equipped with the brand-new RBE2 Active Electronically-Scanned Array (AESA) radar and assigned to the 11th Fleet Air Squadron (Flotille 11F), operated in the Arabian Gulf from the Charles de Gaulle nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.

Tasked for Close Air Support (CAS) missions and Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) missions to the benefit of Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR) over Iraq, the French Navy pilots had the opportunity to assess the cutting-edge capabilities of the Rafale's RBE2 "AESA" radar in a very demanding environment.

The RBE2 "AESA" radar's extended range capabilities supporting low-observable target detection tremendously enhance the situational awareness during the ISR missions performed over the battlefield. Indeed, many UAVs or unknown flights were detected and reported by the "Rafale-RBE2 'AESA'" duo.

Reliable and resistant to jamming, the AESA radar brought confidence and efficiency to the pilots, a key to success in these complex missions.

• Rafale is the only European combat aircraft in operational service to incorporate today the cutting-edge "AESA" radar technology.

• Export versions of the Rafale also incorporate the AESA radar technology.

• The RBE2 "AESA", developed and produced by Thales, brings the Rafale a number of key operational benefits:
-- extended range capabilities supporting low-observable target detection and full use of the capabilities of new weapon systems such as the Meteor air-to-air missile;
-- higher reliability for reduced maintenance and lower through-life support costs;
-- greater waveform agility for SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) imaging and improved resistance to jamming.

• For example, thanks to the extended range capability of its RBE2 "AESA" radar, the Rafale equipped with the Meteor long-range air-to-air missile (BVRAAM) will be able, from 2018, to intercept targets at very long range, while the currently used MICA (RF/IR) missile will complement this impressive air-to-air capability, both for combat interception and self-defence. On April 28, 2015, teams from the French Ministry of Defence, Dassault Aviation and MBDA successfully carried out the first guided firing of the Meteor BVRAAM against an air target from a Rafale.

• In October 2012, the French defence procurement agency (DGA: Direction Générale de l'Armement) officially took delivery of the Rafale "C137" (a single-seater aircraft for the French Air Force), the first production Rafale equipped with the Thales RBE2 "AESA" radar.

• On September 12, 2013, the French defence procurement agency (DGA) officially took delivery of the first Rafale - the two-seater "B339" for the French Air Force - issued from the "Tranche 4" production batch, which covers the production of 60 aircraft. All of them will be equipped with new-generation, advanced sensors, and, therefore, will be the most advanced Rafales delivered to the warfighters. Apart from the RBE2 "AESA" radar, the new sensors are the DDM-NG (DDM-NG: Détecteur de Départ Missile de Nouvelle Génération, a new missile warning system), and the Front-Sector Optronics (FSO) "IT" (Identification and Telemetry).

• On May 26, 2014, the French Navy officially received its first Rafale M issued from the "Tranche 4" production batch. This aircraft - the single-seater "M40" (see the photograph below) - landed at Landivisiau Naval Air Station on April 25, 2014 and, on May 26, 2014, it was formally assigned to the 11th Fleet Air Squadron (Flottille 11F).

The Rafale is already an extremely effective new-generation, combat proven (Afghanistan, Libya, Mali, Central African Republic, Iraq, and Syria), omnirole tactical fighter, but development is continuing apace to exploit more and more of the aircraft's tremendous capabilities, and to seamlessly add new ones.

1. To date, 180 production aircraft have been ordered for the Air Force (in two versions: the single-seater Rafale C and the two-seater Rafale B) and for the Navy (the single-seater Rafale M).

2. As of November 9, 2015, 139 production aircraft have been delivered to the warfighters (42 Rafales M for the French Navy; 46 Rafales C and 51 Rafales B for the French Air Force).

3. A decade before the still-to-come Lockheed Martin F-35 "Lightning II"/Joint Strike Fighter, the Rafale is the first aircraft to have been designed, from the outset, to take off and land both from land bases and from aircraft carriers. The Rafale will ultimately replace all the current types of legacy fighter aircraft in the inventory of the French Air Force and the French Navy.

4. Missions of the Rafale omnirole fighter:
-- air defence and air superiority;
-- close air support;
-- deep strike;
-- engagement of surface targets (with laser-guided bombs, all-weather stand-off precision weapons, or cruise missiles); SEAD/DEAD capabilities;
-- anti-ship attack;
-- nuclear strike;
-- real time tactical and strategic reconnaissance (ground and naval targets);
-- in-flight refuelling ("buddy-buddy" tanker capability for the Rafale M).

-ends- (
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 13/11/2015 | 15:03 uur
UPDATE 1-AIRSHOW-Mystery cancelled air show deal sets Dubai abuzz

By Tim Hepher and Nadia Saleem | November 12, 2015

The Dubai Airshow ended in a fog of speculation on Thursday when UAE organisers abandoned plans to announce a multi-billion-dollar deal that could have reversed a slump in orders at the Middle East's largest aviation event.

A senior UAE official said the deal would have added 10-15 percent to total deals which he estimated at $39.8 billion, but denied it involved a keenly awaited French fighter purchase.

He was speaking on the last day of the Nov. 8-12 event, a day after the UAE's air force chief told Reuters that talks to buy the French Rafale were in the "final stages".

Word of the hurriedly arranged news conference swept through the exhibition, sending Western defence executives and government officials scurrying to join a depleted press corps to hear what two of them predicted would be a Rafale order.

Major General Abdullah al-Hashimi, executive director of strategic analysis at the UAE defence ministry, told the news conference that the deal he had hoped to announce could not be finalised but was not a combat jet deal.

"It's too sad that we couldn't announce it. The deal was looking good," al-Hashimi said.

"If it was the UAE armed forces, it would be announced at the Dubai Airshow, but it's not," he added.

Pressed on why the news conference was being hosted by the armed forces if the deal did not concern them, he said, "We are a committee of the Dubai airshow. That's the reason I'm sitting here, that's the reason I'm announcing this and that's the reason I'm thanking you for being here."

Abu Dhabi's negotiations to buy 60 fighter jets have dragged on for years and have a history of producing surprise announcements coinciding with the show, held every two years.

The theatrical end to an otherwise quiet event - subdued by low oil prices and concerns over the cost of Middle East conflicts - highlighted the stakes involved for France's competitors as they try to dampen a surge in Rafale exports.

Military analyst Francis Tusa however said the $4-6 billion value implied by al-Hashimi's remarks was too low to involve 60 of the planes, based on prices paid by Egypt and Qatar.

"If Rafale were in the bag they would have signed it on day one; they never leave the big announcements until the end."

A fresh Rafale order would be a setback for the four-nation Eurofighter programme and Lockheed Martin, which had offered upgrades to existing F-16s.

Rafale export hopes rose as Britain's BAE Systems said it was cutting Eurofighter production. (Additional reporting by Andrea Shalal, editing by William Maclean and David Evans)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/11/2015 | 10:01 uur
Trudeau orders new bidding for Canadian fighter jets


Ottawa (AFP) - Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has ordered a reopening of the bidding process to replace Canada's aging fleet of fighter jets, according to a letter unsealed Friday.

Trudeau's Liberal Party had pledged to scrap the multibillion-dollar purchase of the Lockheed Martin F-35 fighter jet -- the apparent frontrunner to replace Canada's CF-18s -- during the election campaign that swept it into power last month, calling the buy a boondoggle.

In a so-called mandate letter to Defense Minister Harjit Sajjan -- a letter from the prime minister laying out his policy goals and expectations -- Trudeau told Sajjan he would be "working with the minister of public services and procurement to launch an open and transparent competition to replace the CF-18 fighter aircraft, focusing on options that match Canada's defence needs."

This would mark the second reboot in three years of the largest military procurement project in Canadian history.

Canada had joined the United States and its allies in 1997 to develop the F-35 Lightning II stealth fighter, and later announced it would buy 65 of them for Can$44.8 billion ($33.6 billion).

But after coming under fire over its spiraling costs and an apparent lack of transparency and competition in the procurement process, the previous Conservative government widened its search for a new fighter jet in 2012.

Those models now expected to be in the running include the Eurofighter Typhoon, the Dassault Rafale and Boeing's Super Hornet.

Opening up the bidding again, however, does not preclude Canada sticking with the F-35.

Canada's fleet of CF-18 fighter jets, built by McDonnell Douglas, which merged with Boeing in 1997, were scheduled to be retired in 2020. But Ottawa has ordered an upgrade to keep them flying through 2025.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 18/11/2015 | 13:10 uur
Milestones Close For Denmark And Belgium Fighter Contests

By Bill Sweetman | November 18, 2015

LONDON—Denmark's government is expected to recommend the Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) in December as the replacement for the F-16, according to industry executives attending the Defense IQ International Fighter Conference.

Also, Belgium is likely to release a request for proposals (RFP) in January and February for its own F-16 replacement.

The Danish recommendation is not a surprise, European executives say, because the nation was previously a JSF partner and the air force has longstanding ties to the U.S. Air Force. (Saab had previously pulled out of the contest, leaving Eurofighter and the Boeing F/A-18 Super Hornet as the only challengers to JSF.) However, it is expected to spark a public debate over the costs and risk associated with the JSF, the number of aircraft that Denmark can afford, and the balance between air-to-ground and air-to-air missions in the future.

Belgium, meanwhile, is believed to be starting a process aimed at a decision before April-May 2018, within the lifespan of the current government. So far, five candidates—JSF, the Super Hornet, Saab Gripen, Dassault Rafale and Eurofighter Typhoon—are participating. At this point, it appears that Belgium—whose F-16s are currently tasked with delivering U.S.-controlled B61 nuclear weapons stored in Belgium—will not include nuclear capability in the RFP, a condition that would likely eliminate both Rafale and Gripen. The nation will decide separately what to do about the weapons, which would have to be replaced in any event by the new, guided B61-12.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: ARM-WAP op 18/11/2015 | 13:53 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 18/11/2015 | 13:10 uur
Milestones Close For Denmark And Belgium Fighter Contests
Also, Belgium is likely to release a request for proposals (RFP) in January and February for its own F-16 replacement.

Belgium, meanwhile, is believed to be starting a process aimed at a decision before April-May 2018, within the lifespan of the current government. So far, five candidates—JSF, the Super Hornet, Saab Gripen, Dassault Rafale and Eurofighter Typhoon—are participating. At this point, it appears that Belgium—whose F-16s are currently tasked with delivering U.S.-controlled B61 nuclear weapons stored in Belgium—will not include nuclear capability in the RFP, a condition that would likely eliminate both Rafale and Gripen. The nation will decide separately what to do about the weapons, which would have to be replaced in any event by the new, guided B61-12.
Dat is een heel interessante wending...
Lijkt me alsof men toch alle vijf de fbrikanten bij de vervanging wil betrekken. 't Kan dus nog zeer interessant worden.

Vind ik wel goed... ipv meteen bij de F-35 uit te komen...
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 18/11/2015 | 14:02 uur
Citaat van: ARM-WAP op 18/11/2015 | 13:53 uur
Dat is een heel interessante wending...
Lijkt me alsof men toch alle vijf de fbrikanten bij de vervanging wil betrekken. 't Kan dus nog zeer interessant worden.

Vind ik wel goed... ipv meteen bij de F-35 uit te komen...

Cosmetisch... stel dat er een andere kandidaat uit komt dan de Amerikaan... wie gaat de Yanks dan vertellen dat ze hun goodies mogen komen ophalen?

Het zou natuurlijk een politicus kunnen zijn die als ambitie heeft een NGO kantoorbaantje na afloop van zijn/haar politieke avontuur.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Mourning op 18/11/2015 | 14:25 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 18/11/2015 | 14:02 uur
Het zou natuurlijk een politicus kunnen zijn die als ambitie heeft een NGO kantoorbaantje na afloop van zijn/haar politieke avontuur.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 19/11/2015 | 14:54 uur
Russia, China Sign $2 Billion Contract on Delivery of Su-35 Fighters

Sputniknews | November 19, 2015

MOSCOW --- Russia and China have signed a contract, estimated to be worth $2 billion, on the delivery of 24 Russian Sukhoi Su-35 fighter jets, Russia's state technologies corporation Rostec head Sergey Chemezov announced.

"The long negotiations on the delivery of Su-35 to China are over, we have signed a contract," Chemezov said as quoted by the Russian Kommersant daily on Thursday.

The Su-35 fighter jet (NATO reporting name Flanker-E) is an upgraded version of the Su-27 multirole fighter. It was first introduced to a foreign audience at the 2013 Paris Air Show.

Indonesia, Brazil and the United Arab Emirates have also expressed interest in purchasing Su-35 jets, according to Rostec.

On Wednesday, Indonesian Ambassador to Russia Djauhari Oratmangun said that a Russian-Indonesian joint commission on military-technical cooperation will discuss the purchase of the Russian Sukhoi Su-35 fighters in late November in Jakarta.


Immaculate Choice: Indonesia Poised to Buy Russian Su-35 Fighters

Sputniknews | November 18, 2015

MOSCOW --- Earlier in November, head of the International Cooperation Department of Russian state technology corporation Rostec Viktor Kladov stated Jakarta decided to purchase newest Russian Su-35 Fighters and discussed the construction of service centers in Indonesia.

According to the diplomat, the fact that the Indonesian Defense Minister has recently made an official statement on the issue confirms the existence of the plans for the purchase of Su-35.

"It is a good sign, after which real agreements will emerge. In late November, a technical meeting of the joint commission on military-technical cooperation will be held, and this issue will be one of the main topics," Oratmangun told RIA Novosti in an interview.
However, he noted, a tender for the purchase of aircraft has not been announced so far.

The Su-35 fighter (NATO reporting name Flanker-E) jet is an upgraded version of the Su-27 multirole fighter. It was first introduced to a foreign audience at the 2013 Paris Air Show.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 20/11/2015 | 19:29 uur
F-35 Too Expensive: US Air Force Might Buy 72 New F-15 or F-16 Fighter Jets

The U.S. Air Force is contemplating adding 72 F-15, F-16 or even F-18 fighter aircraft due to low F-35 production rates.

By Franz-Stefan Gady
November 21, 2015

The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter might not be produced in sufficient numbers to maintain the U.S. Air Force's current operational capabilities due to budgetary constraints, according to Aerospace Daily & Defense Report. As a result the service is considering filling the capabilities gap with 72 Boeing F-15s, Lockheed-Martin F-16's, or even Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornets.

"F-15s and F-16s are now expected to serve until 2045, when an all-new aircraft will be ready, and plans to modernize F-16s with active electronically scanned array radars and other improvements are being revived," the article states.

U.S. Air Force officials and industry officials revealed as much at the Defense IQ International Fighter Conference, which took place November 17-19 in London. The U.S. Air Force "is struggling to afford 48 F-35s a year" for the first years of full-rate production a senior Air Force officer told Aerospace Daily & Defense Report.

Full rate-production is slated to begin in 2019 and the U.S. Air Force wants to buy 60 planes in 2020, and 80 F-35 per year after that. This year, the Air Force is to receive 28 F-35s, whereas in 2016 the number is slated to increase to 44. By 2038, the service wants to have 1763 F-35 aircraft in service. However, this procurement schedule might not be financially feasible for the Air Force.

"Consequently, F-15s and F-16s will serve longer and will outnumber F-35s and F-22s through the late 2020s," Aerospace Daily &Defense Report notes. The article furthermore explains:

The service is looking at a three-tier force, with 300 F-16s and some F-15s being modernized "to augment the F-35 and F-22 in a high-end fight" and others assigned to low-end operations, while the contemplated 72-aircraft buy (an Air Force wing) would sustain force numbers and provide additional modern aircraft.

Interestingly, a senior U.S. Air Force official revealed that "the last time we looked, this was more expensive than buying F-35s in bulk." However, he confirmed that the option of purchasing 72 aircraft is nevertheless still on the table.

The U.S. Air Force has already asked for cost estimates on procuring new F-15s and life-extension/upgrade options. "Also under consideration is a plan to augment U.S. Air Force electronic attack capabilities by fitting some F-15Es with a version of the Raytheon Next Generation Jammer pod," the article states.

Overall, the Pentagon is planning to procure 2,457 aircraft by 2038. Total acquisition costs are estimated at over $400 billion making it the U.S. military's most expensive acquisition program. Operation and support costs throughout the aircraft's lifetime are estimated at over a $1 trillion.

The supersonic fifth-generation F-35 Joint Strike Fighter exists in three variants:  The F-35A conventional takeoff and landing variant for the U.S. Navy; the F-35B short takeoff and vertical
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 23/11/2015 | 15:44 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 20/11/2015 | 19:29 uur
F-35 Too Expensive: US Air Force Might Buy 72 New F-15 or F-16 Fighter Jets

The U.S. Air Force has already asked for cost estimates on procuring new F-15s and life-extension/upgrade options. "Also under consideration is a plan to augment U.S. Air Force electronic attack capabilities by fitting some F-15Es with a version of the Raytheon Next Generation Jammer pod," the article states.

Dit is wel een interessante ontwikkeling; nieuwe F-15's voorzien van NGJ voor electronic attack. Toch nog een EA toestel binnen de USAF, na de EF-111A Raven. De EA-6B Prowler heeft eigenlijk altijd bij de USN en USMC gevlogen en niet bij de USAF, alhoewel ze menig USAF missie heeft begeleid.
De EA-18G Growler is in dienst bij de USN. De Next Generation Jammer pod is eigenlijk in eerste instantie ook alleen maar ontwikkeld voor de Growler en nu dus misschien voor een EA-15G ?? 

Het tijdperk van de F-15 is nog niet teneinde ! De F-15 is de ruggengraat van de USAF, samen met de F-16.

Al gaan er ook stemmen op om een EA versie van de F-35 ontwikkelen, maar zowel in de Raven als de Prowler waren ze met zijn 4-en in het toestel, de F-18 en F-15 zijn 2-zitters en de F-35 is een 1-zitter. Natuurlijk kan er veel automatisch en overgenomen worden door computers. Maar 1 persoon kan niet alles, zeker niet in een oorlogssituatie. 

Dan denk ik eerder dat de LRB (Long Range Bomber) ontwikkeling extra's krijgt voor electronic attack, maar .... de LRB is er nog niet en dan zou een EA-15G een juiste beslissing zijn.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 23/11/2015 | 15:50 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 23/11/2015 | 15:44 uur
Al gaan er ook stemmen op om een EA versie van de F-35 ontwikkelen, maar zowel in de Raven als de Prowler waren ze met zijn 4-en in het toestel, de F-18 en F-15 zijn 2-zitters en de F-35 is een 1-zitter. Natuurlijk kan er veel automatisch en overgenomen worden door computers. Maar 1 persoon kan niet alles, zeker niet in een oorlogssituatie. 
Alleen de EA-6B Prowler heeft een crew van vier. De EF-111A Raven had net als alle andere uitvoeringen van de F-111 een crew van twee  ;)

Maar zien of de U.S. Air Force 72 stuks van F-15, F-16 of zelfs F/A-18E/F zal aanschaffen. Het zou in ieder geval een grote verrassing zijn.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 23/11/2015 | 16:29 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 23/11/2015 | 15:50 uur
Alleen de EA-6B Prowler heeft een crew van vier. De EF-111A Raven had net als alle andere uitvoeringen van de F-111 een crew van twee  ;)

Maar zien of de U.S. Air Force 72 stuks van F-15, F-16 of zelfs F/A-18E/F zal aanschaffen. Het zou in ieder geval een grote verrassing zijn.
Idd  >:( ;) ..... (wist ik ook eigenlijk wel, zat nog met de andere voorloper in mijn hoofd uit de Vietnam tijdperk)
We zullen zien, maar of de USAF de Growler gaat kopen .....  :hrmph:   nee, dat denk ik niet en ook geen SH.
Maar een verrassing zal het worden, met zulke berichten, kun je er zeker van zijn dat de aantallen F-35 naar beneden bijgesteld zullen gaan worden, maar dan .... ?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 23/11/2015 | 16:32 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 23/11/2015 | 16:29 uur
Maar een verrassing zal het worden, met zulke berichten, kun je er zeker van zijn dat de aantallen F-35 naar beneden bijgesteld zullen gaan worden, maar dan .... ?
Het kan ook maar zo zijn dat de F-35A aanschaf (het gaat immers om de USAF en ANG) met een jaarlijks kleiner aantal over nog meer jaren zal worden uitgesmeerd.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 23/11/2015 | 16:54 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 23/11/2015 | 16:29 uur
Idd  >:( ;) ..... (wist ik ook eigenlijk wel, zat nog met de andere voorloper in mijn hoofd uit de Vietnam tijdperk)
We zullen zien, maar of de USAF de Growler gaat kopen .....  :hrmph:   nee, dat denk ik niet en ook geen SH.
Maar een verrassing zal het worden, met zulke berichten, kun je er zeker van zijn dat de aantallen F-35 naar beneden bijgesteld zullen gaan worden, maar dan .... ?

Het meest logisch zou zijn: nieuwe F15's in diverse uitvoeringen incl. missile truck capaciteit, met als bijkomend voordeel: het houdt Boeing in de fighter business totdat de FA/XX geleverd  kan worden.

Voor de lichte aanvalsvliegtuigen, red air, homeland security en training heeft men dan ook (naast de F35A) de T-X

Bovenstaand scenario gaat m.i. ten koste van een aanzienlijk aantal F35A's voor de USAF en dan hebben we het nog niet gehad over de wens uit diverse hoeken om het aantal LRS-B te verhogen vaan 100 naar 160 of zelfs 200.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 23/11/2015 | 17:04 uur
F-35 to expensive en dan nog moeten wij hiermee doorgaan ? laten we ook voor de F-15 gaan dan !!!! de SE vesie dan....50 stuks
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: JdL op 23/11/2015 | 17:07 uur
Citaat van: Oorlogsvis op 23/11/2015 | 17:04 uur
F-35 to expensive en dan nog moeten wij hiermee doorgaan ? laten we ook voor de F-15 gaan dan !!!! de SE vesie dan....50 stuks
Ben wel onder de indruk van de F-15 maar die is denk ik nog duurder in onderhoud enz
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 23/11/2015 | 17:07 uur
Citaat van: Oorlogsvis op 23/11/2015 | 17:04 uur
F-35 to expensive en dan nog moeten wij hiermee doorgaan ? laten we ook voor de F-15 gaan dan !!!! de SE vesie dan....50 stuks

Daar zou ik vandaag nog voor tekenen. (split buy, 50/50, vind ik ook goed)  :angel:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 23/11/2015 | 17:11 uur
Citaat van: JdL op 23/11/2015 | 17:07 uur
Ben wel onder de indruk van de F-15 maar die is denk ik nog duurder in onderhoud enz

Volgens diverse post van o.a. Poleme is dat niet het geval (als is niet gekeken naar de SE variant).
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 23/11/2015 | 17:15 uur
Citaat van: JdL op 23/11/2015 | 17:07 uur
Ben wel onder de indruk van de F-15 maar die is denk ik nog duurder in onderhoud enz

de F-15 is een doorontwikkeld toestel ...zeg maar de Porsche 911 onder de jachtvliegtuigen ..maar die F-35 is een nieuw toestel dat net als de NH-90 vol met kinderziektes zal zitten :devil:

of...25 F-15 SE aangevuld met 40 nieuwe F-16's ?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 23/11/2015 | 17:17 uur
Citaat van: Oorlogsvis op 23/11/2015 | 17:15 uur
de F-15 is een doorontwikkeld toestel ...zeg maar de Porsche 911 onder de jachtvliegtuigen ..maar die F-35 is een nieuw toestel dat net als de NH-90 vol met kinderziektes zal zitten :devil:

of...25 F-15 SE aangevuld met 40 nieuwe F-16's ?

Ik denk dat LM zijn F16 productielijn niet open zal houden.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: JdL op 23/11/2015 | 17:20 uur
2 verschillende type is sowieso geen optie meer voor NL
Tenzij beide types boven de 50 gaan maar dat zie ik echt niet gebeuren
Wat wel zou kunnen is naast de F-35 een straaltrainer/lightattack/ISR toestel zoals bvb de M-346 of de T-X of de textron scorpion
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 23/11/2015 | 17:28 uur
De F15 Saga is nog niet vootbij.

Boeing doubles F-15C missile load in '2040C' Eagle upgrade

Boeing has unveiled an up-gunned version of its supersonic F-15C air superiority jet designed to keep the aging fleet operationally relevant through 2040.

Called 2040C, the upgrade package includes "quad pack" munitions racks designed to double the aircraft's air-to-air missile payload to 16 and conformal fuel tanks for extended-range flights.

For communications, Boeing is naturally offering "Talon HATE" – the air force's programme of record for connecting the F-15 with Lockheed Martin's F-22 Raptor.

In terms of survivability, Boeing's package includes Raytheon's APG-63(v)3 active synthetically scanned array (AESA) radar and a long-range infrared search and track (IRST) sensor for "first sight, first shot, first kill" air-to-air combat.

2040C continues delivery of the Eagle Passive/Active Warning Survivability System (EPAWSS) systems – a programme designed to equip the fourth-generation F-15 with the latest electronic warfare capabilities. A contract announcement for that effort is expected soon.

Boeing vice president of F-15 programs Mike Gibbons says the 2040C concept is an evolution of the Silent Eagle proposed to South Korea, with some low-observable improvements but mostly a focus on the latest air capabilities and lethality.

Boeing's up-gunned F-15C "2040C" Eagle upgrade package would double's the aircraft's missile capacity.

"F-15s and F-22s in the fight together in the future out there in the 2030s; the assessment and analysis we've done points to this as a nice solution set for the air force," he said at an Air Force Association conference in Washington. "The air force has funded some of these and we're in discussions about the others, but many are funded programmes of record."

"Doubling the number of missiles on the jet is not something that's a current programme of record, but it is something we know is of interest to the air force."

Gibbons says instead of carrying weapons internally to reduce the Eagle's radar cross section, the "evolving threat" – Russia and China's fielding of advanced fighter jets – favours more weapons, according to Boeing.

The Pentagon capped F-22 production at 195, forcing the air force to keep the F-15C in service far longer than planned, and current operating concepts team the two jets for a high-low mix.

Boeing sees a market for more than 200 active-duty and air national guard F-15C upgrades, and the new payloads could be delivered as part of a future service-life-extension programme (SLEP).

Gibbons says some USAF F-15Cs have more than 20,000h of flight time remaining on the airframe, whereas other are in the low teens and would require new wings and vertical tales.

Speaking at a media roundtable 15 September, Air Combat Command commander Gen Hawk Carlisle said the F-15C will require a life-extension programme in the near future and the added capabilities being offered by Boeing will be considered as part of that.

The upgrade would be a "significant bill," but he says the planning for that needs to start now in the absence of more F-22s. Boeing is also targeting international F-15C operators including Japan, Israel and Saudi Arabia.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 23/11/2015 | 17:35 uur
Citaat van: JdL op 23/11/2015 | 17:20 uur
2 verschillende type is sowieso geen optie meer voor NL
Tenzij beide types boven de 50 gaan maar dat zie ik echt niet gebeuren
Wat wel zou kunnen is naast de F-35 een straaltrainer/lightattack/ISR toestel zoals bvb de M-346 of de T-X of de textron scorpion

Voor NL is het zo wie zo een gepasseerde discussie, al zie ik wel gebeuren dat een aantal trainers worden aangekocht, als de pecunia het toelaten, om de F35 te ontlasten en te zorgen voor kwantiteit.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Micheltje op 23/11/2015 | 18:02 uur
Citaat van: JdL op 23/11/2015 | 17:20 uur
2 verschillende type is sowieso geen optie meer voor NL
Tenzij beide types boven de 50 gaan maar dat zie ik echt niet gebeuren
Wat wel zou kunnen is naast de F-35 een straaltrainer/lightattack/ISR toestel zoals bvb de M-346 of de T-X of de textron scorpion

Zou een hele goede optie kunnen zijn

Het huidige aantal is ontoereikend voor de vele missies die we met regelmaat hebben en gaan krijgen
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: JdL op 23/11/2015 | 18:24 uur
De laatste 10 jaar werden F-16 luchtverdedigingsjagers ingezet boven gebieden waar weinig/geen air-to-air dreiging was  en de ground-to-air dreiging niet verder ging dan schoudergelanceerde wapens en enkele verouderde sam systemen zoals bvb in afghanistan en nu Irak
dit soort taken kan je ook veel goedkoper laten doen door de T-X en de M-346 de scorpion is er zelfs speciaal voor ontworpen
zo kan je de F-16 en in de toekomst de F-35 bewaren voor missies met een grotere air-to-air en grond-lucht dreiging zoals de BAP eventueel boven syrie en een paar jaar geleden boven libie
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Poleme op 23/11/2015 | 19:34 uur
Citaat van: JdL op 23/11/2015 | 17:07 uur
Ben wel onder de indruk van de F-15 maar die is denk ik nog duurder in onderhoud enz
Operational Cost Per Flight Hour (directe + indirecte kosten) in Fiscal Year 2014:

Type                              CPFH in US Dollars      index
F-16C/D                          21.415                       64,4
F-15E Strike Eagle        33.260                      100
F-22A Raptor                 ~66.000                      198,4
B-1B Lancer                     58.838                      176,9

F-35A LightningII         67.549                      203,1          

Noot: er vliegen nu ruim 160 F-35's rond, die zitten door de hoge initieele kosten nog ergens in het 'hoge voeteneinde'  van de levensduurkosten 'badkuip doorsnede'.
Diverse ingewijden in de US Air Force schatten de uiteindelijke F-35A CPFH tussen de USD 40.000 - 50.000.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 23/11/2015 | 20:17 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 23/11/2015 | 19:34 uur
Diverse ingewijden in de US Air Force schatten de uiteindelijke F-35A CPFH tussen de USD 40.000 - 50.000.
Dus ruim hoger dan een F-15E en dubbel zoveel dan een F-16C .... oeps  :crazy: ...

Dat is wel lastig in je exploitatie-plaatje als altijd gezegd is in de verkoopfolder dat de vlieguurkosten lager zullen zijn dan je huidige vliegtuigtype, voor NL de F-16.
Trainingstijd realtime .. halveren om de kosten te drukken .. tja en dan, dan hebben we het probleem dat de piloten te weinig training krijgen en dus dan is de enigste manier om deze cirkel te doorbreken is een ander toestel te gebruiken voor de training van de piloten.
Een toestel welke goedkoper moet zijn in aanschaf en exploitatiekosten/gebruik.

Dus de weg die NL nu ingeslagen is om in Italië te trainen in M-346 is dan ook het gevolg. Een weg terug is er niet (helaas), de F-35 zal er zeker komen. Ik denk zeker dat als we voor een ander toestel als bijv. Rafale of F-15 hadden gekozen we het bij 1 type hadden kunnen laten. Maar ik denk zeker dat er in de toekomst de keuze er zal komen om een 2de type toestel zoals M-346 of T-X met extra capaciteiten aan te schaffen om de kosten lager te houden en het 2de type toestel te kunnen gebruiken voor QRA, lichte aanvalstaken in lage dreigingscenario's
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 23/11/2015 | 20:39 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 23/11/2015 | 20:17 uur
Dus ruim hoger dan een F-15E en dubbel zoveel dan een F-16C .... oeps  :crazy: ...

Dat is wel lastig in je exploitatie-plaatje als altijd gezegd is in de verkoopfolder dat de vlieguurkosten lager zullen zijn dan je huidige vliegtuigtype, voor NL de F-16.
Trainingstijd realtime .. halveren om de kosten te drukken .. tja en dan, dan hebben we het probleem dat de piloten te weinig training krijgen en dus dan is de enigste manier om deze cirkel te doorbreken is een ander toestel te gebruiken voor de training van de piloten.
Een toestel welke goedkoper moet zijn in aanschaf en exploitatiekosten/gebruik.
Daarom heeft Poleme het niet voor niets over de 'badkuip doorsnede' grafiek. Nu zijn de kosten hoog, maar over vijf jaar liggen deze lager.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 23/11/2015 | 20:48 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 23/11/2015 | 20:39 uur
Daarom heeft Poleme het niet voor niets over de 'badkuip doorsnede' grafiek. Nu zijn de kosten hoog, maar over vijf jaar liggen deze lager.
Dan zullen er ook meer F-35 toestellen moeten komen om het voordeel van efficiency groter te laten worden, volgens mij
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 23/11/2015 | 20:53 uur
hmm...volgens mij wordt het de miskoop van de eeuw en ook die van die eeuw ervoor.

Om de stekker eruit te trekken is ook moed voor nodig..wat kan het kosten alleen dat bedrag van 800 miljoen wat we jaren geleden al betaald hadden ?..peanuts als je kijkt wat Griekenland ons land heeft gekost.

Even slikken ..en dan gewoon die F-15 aanschaffen en de luchtmacht moet zijn kop houden.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 23/11/2015 | 21:00 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 23/11/2015 | 20:48 uur
Dan zullen er ook meer F-35 toestellen moeten komen om het voordeel van efficiency groter te laten worden, volgens mij
Dat zeker, maar deze komen er. De kosten van een 2014/LRIP toestel is ook anders dan die van een 2020/Full Rate Production toestel.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ros op 23/11/2015 | 21:59 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 23/11/2015 | 20:48 uur
Dan zullen er ook meer F-35 toestellen moeten komen om het voordeel van efficiency groter te laten worden, volgens mij

Ja.......100 auto's leasen is goedkoper dan 50 stuks  :cute-smile:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 23/11/2015 | 22:25 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 23/11/2015 | 21:59 uur

Ja.......100 auto's leasen is goedkoper dan 50 stuks  :cute-smile:

Om jou te plezieren, laten we NATRES opheffen... is ook goedkoper.  :angel:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 23/11/2015 | 22:32 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 23/11/2015 | 21:59 uur

Ja.......100 auto's leasen is goedkoper dan 50 stuks  :cute-smile:
Dit antwoord valt in de categorie ; de klok horen luiden , maar niet weten waar de klepel hangt.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: DvdW op 23/11/2015 | 22:55 uur
Nee, gewone logica noemen we dat. Kwestie van vraag en aanbod......
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ros op 23/11/2015 | 23:14 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 23/11/2015 | 22:32 uur
Dit antwoord valt in de categorie ; de klok horen luiden , maar niet weten waar de klepel hangt.

OK, leg eens uit dan ? 60 F-35's zijn goedkoper dan 37 F-35's.......behalve dat de aanschafprijs mogelijk iets lager zal liggen.

Het verhaal gaat dat de kosten per vlieguur per toestel naar beneden gaat als je er wat langer mee operationeel ben. Neemt niet weg dat er bij meer toestellen meer mensen nodig zijn voor onderhoud en om de kist te vliegen. Die kosten gaan niet omlaag, eerder omhoog. Meer toestellen is meer kosten in infrastructuur en het onderhoud er van.  Aan het eind, als je de "badkuip" uit vliegt, ben je per saldo duurder uit met meer toestellen. Vandaar mijn vergelijking met de 100 vs 50 leasebakken+  :cute-smile:  

Uiteindelijk moet je puur kijken naar het bedrag dat je per jaar in je budget op moet nemen om om het zaakje draaiende te houden....all-in.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ros op 24/11/2015 | 00:04 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 23/11/2015 | 22:25 uur
Om jou te plezieren, laten we NATRES opheffen... is ook goedkoper.  :angel:

Dan nog liever LMB opheffen, nog goedkoper. De NATRESSER is in verhouding tot de beroepscollega een stuk goedkoper als je per "vlieguur" gaat rekenen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 24/11/2015 | 00:18 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 23/11/2015 | 23:14 uur
OK, leg eens uit dan ? 60 F-35's zijn goedkoper dan 37 F-35's.......behalve dat de aanschafprijs mogelijk iets lager zal liggen.

Het verhaal gaat dat de kosten per vlieguur per toestel naar beneden gaat als je er wat langer mee operationeel ben. Neemt niet weg dat er bij meer toestellen meer mensen nodig zijn voor onderhoud en om de kist te vliegen. Die kosten gaan niet omlaag, eerder omhoog. Meer toestellen is meer kosten in infrastructuur en het onderhoud er van.  Aan het eind, als je de "badkuip" uit vliegt, ben je per saldo duurder uit met meer toestellen. Vandaar mijn vergelijking met de 100 vs 50 leasebakken+  :cute-smile:  

Uiteindelijk moet je puur kijken naar het bedrag dat je per jaar in je budget op moet nemen om om het zaakje draaiende te houden....all-in.

De kosten per toestel en per vlieguur kun wel degelijk dalen bij een grotere vloot, en daar ging de post van Poleme over. Totaal ben je natuurlijk meer kwijt bij meer toestellen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Poleme op 24/11/2015 | 01:34 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 23/11/2015 | 21:00 uur
Dat zeker, maar deze komen er. De kosten van een 2014/LRIP toestel is ook anders dan die van een 2020/Full Rate Production toestel.
Maar deze komen er.   Oei, de US Air Force alleen al schermt met een plan aantal van 1.763 aan te schaffen F-35A's.
Terwijl in het congres al meer dan 10 jaar fighter road maps circuleren die uitgaan van maximaal 850 USAF F-35A's en zelfs scenario's met slechts 325 tot 480 F-35A's.  Andere klanten zullen idem dito aanzienlijk veel minder F-35's gaan afnemen dan nu gepland.
Het JSF business model is ook gebaseerd op een hoge jaarlijkse productie op slechts 1 full continue eind assemblage lijn in Fort Worth.
Daar ga je dan, de USAF zou graag circa 80 F-35A's per jaar aanschaffen, maar heeft slechts muntjes voor maximaal 48 LightningII's per jaar.

LockheedMartin heeft zelf ook verklaard dat de F-35 aanschafprijs pas zal stabiliseren na 1.600 gebouwde kisten.
Die 1.600 halen kan wel eens een uitdaging gaan worden.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 24/11/2015 | 08:03 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 24/11/2015 | 00:18 uur
De kosten per toestel en per vlieguur kun wel degelijk dalen bij een grotere vloot, en daar ging de post van Poleme over. Totaal ben je natuurlijk meer kwijt bij meer toestellen.
Dat is wat ik bedoelde. En tevens de prijs voor de eerste keer onderhoud is duurder en duurt langer dan bij het 100ste toestel en bijvoorbeeld na de 400ste onderhoudsbeurt die gedaan wordt. De leerkurve.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 24/11/2015 | 08:58 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 24/11/2015 | 01:34 uur
Maar deze komen er.   Oei, de US Air Force alleen al schermt met een plan aantal van 1.763 aan te schaffen F-35A's.
Terwijl in het congres al meer dan 10 jaar fighter road maps circuleren die uitgaan van maximaal 850 USAF F-35A's en zelfs scenario's met slechts 325 tot 480 F-35A's.  Andere klanten zullen idem dito aanzienlijk veel minder F-35's gaan afnemen dan nu gepland.
Het JSF business model is ook gebaseerd op een hoge jaarlijkse productie op slechts 1 full continue eind assemblage lijn in Fort Worth.
Daar ga je dan, de USAF zou graag circa 80 F-35A's per jaar aanschaffen, maar heeft slechts muntjes voor maximaal 48 LightningII's per jaar.

LockheedMartin heeft zelf ook verklaard dat de F-35 aanschafprijs pas zal stabiliseren na 1.600 gebouwde kisten.
Die 1.600 halen kan wel eens een uitdaging gaan worden.
Het kan natuurlijk dat het aantal over een groter aantal jaren wordt verdeeld, dan mogelijk eerder was gepland. De U.S. Air Force (en ANG) kreeg al over een periode van 25 jaar (1978-2003) F-16 productie toestellen geleverd. Misschien wordt de F-35A wel over een periode van 30 jaar geleverd.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 24/11/2015 | 09:07 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 24/11/2015 | 08:58 uur

Misschien wordt de F-35A wel over een periode van 30 jaar geleverd.

Dat denk ik niet, als alles volgens "planning" verloopt dan zullen FA/XX en F/X over 20 jaar aan de operationele sterkte worden toegevoegd, daarnaast geloof ik niet de USAF met een fighter model, ontworpen in de twintigste eeuw de tweeëntwintigste eeuw (bijna) operationeel gaat halen...
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 24/11/2015 | 09:14 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 24/11/2015 | 09:07 uur
Dat denk ik niet, als alles volgens "planning" verloopt dan zullen FA/XX en F/X over 20 jaar aan de operationele sterkte worden toegevoegd, daarnaast geloof ik niet de USAF met een fighter model, ontworpen in de twintigste eeuw de tweeëntwintigste eeuw (bijna) operationeel gaat halen...
Dan zal men wel nu met het ontwerpen van de F/A-XX en F-X moeten beginnen om deze over 20 jaar operationeel (IOC of zelfs FOC) te laten vliegen. Alle ontwerpen sinds eind jaren 80 doen er al vele jaren/decennia over om het operationeel te krijgen.

Tenzij het toch anders loopt, verwacht ik dat de USAF/ANG F-35A levering de USAF/ANG F-16 levering qua tijd minstens zal evenaren.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 24/11/2015 | 09:35 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 24/11/2015 | 09:14 uur
Dan zal men wel nu met het ontwerpen van de F/A-XX en F-X moeten beginnen om deze over 20 jaar operationeel (IOC of zelfs FOC) te laten vliegen. Alle ontwerpen sinds eind jaren 80 doen er al vele jaren/decennia over om het operationeel te krijgen.

Zeker, en ik heb zo het vermoeden dat hier vaart achter gezet gaat worden, met name voor de FA/XX, de beoogde F18E/F opvolger voor de USN.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 24/11/2015 | 10:45 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 24/11/2015 | 09:07 uur
Dat denk ik niet, als alles volgens "planning" verloopt dan zullen FA/XX en F/X over 20 jaar aan de operationele sterkte worden toegevoegd, daarnaast geloof ik niet de USAF met een fighter model, ontworpen in de twintigste eeuw de tweeëntwintigste eeuw (bijna) operationeel gaat halen...

Je hebt er veel vertrouwen in.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 24/11/2015 | 11:03 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 24/11/2015 | 10:45 uur
Je hebt er veel vertrouwen in.

Er zit een verschil tussen doelstelling en realisatie.

De VS zal wel moeten innoveren aangezien tegenvoeters niet bepaald stil zitten.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 24/11/2015 | 11:06 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 24/11/2015 | 11:03 uur
Er zit een verschil tussen doelstelling en realisatie.

De VS zal wel moeten innoveren aangezien tegenvoeters niet bepaald stil zitten.

Het toestel zal er ook wel komen, maar over 20 jaar operationeel lijkt me zeer ambitieus.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 24/11/2015 | 11:15 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 24/11/2015 | 11:06 uur
Het toestel zal er ook wel komen, maar over 20 jaar operationeel lijkt me zeer ambitieus.

Er wordt tot op heden gesproken over 2035... aan de andere kant ze vertelden ooit dat de F35 nu, anno 2015, al jaren operationeel zou zijn.

Wat te denken geeft over de Europese inspanning om te komen tot een opvolger(s) van de eendenbekkies.... naast wat UCAV experimenten is het doodstil op dit vlak (in het publieke domein)

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 24/11/2015 | 11:25 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 24/11/2015 | 11:15 uur
Er wordt tot op heden gesproken over 2035... aan de andere kant ze vertelden ooit dat de F35 nu, anno 2015, al jaren operationeel zou zijn.

Wat te denken geeft over de Europese inspanning om te komen tot een opvolger(s) van de eendenbekkies.... naast wat UCAV experimenten is het doodstil op dit vlak (in het publieke domein)

Dat hoeft niets te betekenen. Amerikanen praten graag over hoe geweldig ze zijn, dat ze binnen een paar jaar de wereld totaal zullen domineren met eoa wapen wat er vervolgens ofwel niet komt ofwel gewoon niet doet wat het beloofd. Europeanen zijn wat realistischer, en hebben ook nog te maken met de politieke omgeving. Er wordt ook in Europa nagedacht over de jachtvliegtuigvloot van de toekomst, alleen is het niet opportuun om deze discussie nu publiekelijk te voeren.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 24/11/2015 | 11:30 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 24/11/2015 | 11:06 uur
Het toestel zal er ook wel komen, maar over 20 jaar operationeel lijkt me zeer ambitieus.

Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 24/11/2015 | 11:15 uur
Er wordt tot op heden gesproken over 2035... aan de andere kant ze vertelden ooit dat de F35 nu, anno 2015, al jaren operationeel zou zijn.

In 2035 zijn de meeste F/A-18E/F Super Hornets van de U.S. Navy wel aan vervanging toe. Aangezien de F/A-XX primair op de U.S. Navy is gericht, zou dit mede de ontwikkelingstijd 'kort' kunnen houden.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 24/11/2015 | 11:33 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 24/11/2015 | 11:25 uur
Dat hoeft niets te betekenen. Amerikanen praten graag over hoe geweldig ze zijn, dat ze binnen een paar jaar de wereld totaal zullen domineren met eoa wapen wat er vervolgens ofwel niet komt ofwel gewoon niet doet wat het beloofd. Europeanen zijn wat realistischer, en hebben ook nog te maken met de politieke omgeving. Er wordt ook in Europa nagedacht over de jachtvliegtuigvloot van de toekomst, alleen is het niet opportuun om deze discussie nu publiekelijk te voeren.

Gedachten zijn er zeker maar vooralsnog ben ik absoluut niet onder de indruk van de Europese toekomstplannen op dit vlak versus Amerikaanse, Russische en Aziatische (bekende) ambities.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 24/11/2015 | 11:36 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 24/11/2015 | 11:33 uur
Gedachten zijn er zeker maar vooralsnog ben ik absoluut niet onder de indruk van de Europese toekomstplannen op dit vlak versus Amerikaanse, Russische en Aziatische (bekende) ambities.

Wederom, wat bekend is. Maar is dat een goede indicator voor wat er werkelijk op tafel ligt?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 24/11/2015 | 11:42 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 24/11/2015 | 11:30 uur
In 2035 zijn de meeste F/A-18E/F Super Hornets van de U.S. Navy wel aan vervanging toe. Aangezien de F/A-XX primair op de U.S. Navy is gericht, zou dit mede de ontwikkelingstijd 'kort' kunnen houden.

Exact en aangezien de F35B en C vooralsnog bedoeld zijn om de legacy hornets te vervangen en niet de SH, dit gecombineerd met aanwijsbare tekortkomingen in het bereik van de huidige carrier wings (geldt voor zowel de F18C/E als de F35C) zou maar zo kunnen leiden tot een versnelde ontwikkeling van de FA/XX.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 24/11/2015 | 11:52 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 24/11/2015 | 11:36 uur
Wederom, wat bekend is. Maar is dat een goede indicator voor wat er werkelijk op tafel ligt?

Een intentie om te komen tot een gezamenlijke ontwikkeling, vermoedelijk voortkomend uit een Frans-Brits UCAV programma is het zo'n beetje het enige wat het publieke domein gehaald heeft... heel magertjes.

Maar wie weet, misschien worden we verrast en duikt een dezer dagen het antwoord op de vraag op wat Europa als volgende generatie op de mat zou willen brengen in de periode vanaf 2035/40.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 24/11/2015 | 11:53 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 24/11/2015 | 11:30 uur
In 2035 zijn de meeste F/A-18E/F Super Hornets van de U.S. Navy wel aan vervanging toe. Aangezien de F/A-XX primair op de U.S. Navy is gericht, zou dit mede de ontwikkelingstijd 'kort' kunnen houden.

Het zou kunnen ja. Het zou ook kunnen betekenen dat er extra F18's komen of meer F35's. Het scheelt dat de marine grotere prioriteiten heeft, en dus misschien wat realistischer is. Maar met wat er nu bekend is zou het ook zomaar een Avenger III kunnen worden.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 24/11/2015 | 11:54 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 24/11/2015 | 11:52 uur
Een intentie om te komen tot een gezamenlijke ontwikkeling, vermoedelijk voortkomend uit een Frans-Brits UCAV programma is het zo'n beetje het enige wat het publieke domein gehaald heeft... heel magertjes.

Maar wie weet, misschien worden we verrast en duikt een dezer dagen het antwoord op de vraag op wat Europa als volgende generatie op de mat zou willen brengen in de periode vanaf 2035/40.

Maar waarom zou je je programma in het publieke domein brengen, als dat nadelig is?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 24/11/2015 | 12:04 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 24/11/2015 | 11:53 uur
Het zou kunnen ja. Het zou ook kunnen betekenen dat er extra F18's komen of meer F35's. Het scheelt dat de marine grotere prioriteiten heeft, en dus misschien wat realistischer is. Maar met wat er nu bekend is zou het ook zomaar een Avenger III kunnen worden.
Zelfs met extra F-35C wordt het hoogstens de helft van het aantal VFA squadrons van een Carrier Air Wing (vier VFA squadrons per CVW). Ook extra nieuw gebouwde F/A-18E/F zal de einddatum maar iets oprekken, omdat ze niet meer in de eerdere grote aantallen zullen worden gebouwd.

De F/A-XX heeft inderdaad een groter bereik nodig. Het zou een definitieve opvolger van zowel de A-6 als de F-14 kunnen worden.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 24/11/2015 | 12:06 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 24/11/2015 | 11:54 uur
Maar waarom zou je je programma in het publieke domein brengen, als dat nadelig is?

Zoals we reeds constateerden, het is zelfs voor de VS pittig om over 20 jaar een nieuwe generatie operationeel te hebben, dit nog los van de vele tientallen miljarden euro's/dollars die dit met zich mee brengt.

Een programma van een dergelijk omvang en belang (of de intentie hiervan) zou nu al meer bekendheid genieten tenzij men voorzichtig en op zeer beperkte schaal bezig is met een concept studie waar voor het einde van dit decennium commitment zal worden gevraagd.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 24/11/2015 | 12:12 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 24/11/2015 | 12:06 uur
Zoals we reeds constateerden, het is zelfs voor de VS pittig om over 20 jaar een nieuwe generatie operationeel te hebben, dit nog los van de vele tientallen miljarden euro's/dollars die dit met zich mee brengt.

Een programma van een dergelijk omvang en belang (of de intentie hiervan) zou nu al meer bekendheid genieten tenzij men voorzichtig en op zeer beperkte schaal bezig is met een concept studie waar voor het einde van dit decennium commitment zal worden gevraagd.

In Europa zou ik er zo lang mogelijk mee wachten. Dus inderdaad eigenlijk de hele conceptstudies/voorstudies en projectplanning maken en dan pas naar buiten treden. Het geeft de gelegenheid om bondgenootschappen te sluiten zonder dat nationalistische politici er mee aan de haal gaan, of groenlinksige politici je budget alvast wegkapen, danwel je later aanvallen omdat eerder gedane beloftes niet waargemaakt gaan worden.

Of die FA/XX werkelijk een super stealthy, mach 6 vliegend, met ultra sensoren uitgerust, laser schietend en ontzettend goedkoop toestel gaat worden moet nog maar blijken bijvoorbeeld. De eisen terugstellen naar een wat reeeler aantal geeft ook alleen je tegenstanders stokken om mee te slaan.

Rusland aan de andere kant kan vrolijk roepen wat ze willen, of ze het waarmaken of niet is niet heel belangrijk, het eigen volk heeft weinig in te brengen, en 'het westen' wordt alvast op kosten gejaagd.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 24/11/2015 | 12:27 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 24/11/2015 | 12:12 uur
In Europa zou ik er zo lang mogelijk mee wachten. Dus inderdaad eigenlijk de hele conceptstudies/voorstudies en projectplanning maken en dan pas naar buiten treden. Het geeft de gelegenheid om bondgenootschappen te sluiten zonder dat nationalistische politici er mee aan de haal gaan, of groenlinksige politici je budget alvast wegkapen, danwel je later aanvallen omdat eerder gedane beloftes niet waargemaakt gaan worden.

Hier heb je absoluut een punt...
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 24/11/2015 | 12:40 uur
SDSR 2015: Typhoon service life extended and numbers increased

Gareth Jennings, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly | 23 November 2015

The UK is to extend the service life of its Eurofighter Typhoon combat aircraft at the same time as boosting overall numbers, as it looks to maintain its frontline fighter strength.

The plan, which was disclosed in the Strategic Defence and Security Review (SDSR) released on 23 November, will see the Typhoon out-of-service date (OSD) extended from 2030 to 2040, with 24 aircraft that would have been retired before this date now being retained to form two new frontline squadrons.

There are currently 53 Tranche 1 and 67 Trance 2 Typhoons in service, and the RAF has begun receiving the first of 40 Tranche 3A aircraft (the status of the proposed buy of 43 Tranche 3B aircraft has not been confirmed). The Tranche 1s were slated for retirement between 2015 and 2019, and while it appears that the 24 'new' platforms will come from this stock a Ministry of Defence (MoD) spokesperson told IHS Jane's that the exact mix of Tranche 1, 2, and 3 aircraft to be retained and flown out to the 2040 OSD has yet to be determined.

In addition to the increasing Typhoon numbers and service dates, the government has also recommitted itself to the capability enhancements for the aircraft that include the integration of additional air-to-air and air-to-surface weapons types, as well as an active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar.

Given the software limitations of the Tranche 1, it is likely that, if as expected it is these platforms that are retained, these earlier aircraft will be used for air defence duties that do not require the Phase Enhancements (PE) upgrade packages earmarked for the Tranche 2 and Tranche 3 platforms. Indeed, the MoD told IHS Jane's that the Tranche 2 and 3 platforms will be prioritised for upgrades to include AESA and enhanced ground attack capabilities.

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(325 of 816 words)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 24/11/2015 | 12:42 uur
SDSR 2015: UK commits to full F-35B procurement, fast tracks initial deliveries

Gareth Jennings, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly | 23 November 2015

The UK government has committed itself to the full programme-of-record of 138 Lockheed Martin F-35B Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) aircraft, as part of the Strategic Defence and Security Review (SDSR) released on 23 November.

Under the announcement the Royal Air Force (RAF) and Royal Navy (RN) are to get all of the short take-off and vertical landing (STOVL) F-35Bs that they requested to equip the two Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carriers at sea and to replace the Panavia Tornado GR4 on land.

Under its previously held plans, the UK had committed itself to just 48 F-35s, of which only eight would be ready for use on the carriers by 2023 (the date that the full operating capability for both the ships and the aircraft were set to be declared). In pre-empting the government's announcement for the first 42 jets to be procured at an accelerated rate (24 will be deployed on the carriers with 18 to be used for training), Chancellor George Osborne said that the 24 F-35s deployed aboard Queen Elizabeth and Prince of Wales would afford the UK the second most powerful carrier strike capability after the United States.

"We are going to step up the aircraft carrier punch of the United Kingdom. We are going to make sure that when these aircraft carriers are available, they are going to have planes that can fly from them in force," he told the Sunday Times .

However, while all 138 F-35Bs have been committed to, financing announced in the SDSR itself covers only the first 42 aircraft to be in service by 2023.

The UK currently has two operational test and evaluation [BK-1 and BK-2] and one training aircraft [BK-3] delivered and flying out of Eglin Air Force Base (AFB) in Florida, with a third test aircraft [BK-4] signed for and due to be delivered in early 2016.

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(333 of 935 words)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 26/11/2015 | 17:03 uur
USAF denies seeking more F-16 or F-15 combat jets

By James Drew, Washington DC | 25 November 2015

The US Air Force has denied any plans to purchase another tranche of Lockheed Martin F-16 or Boeing F-15 combat jets following reports it could seek bids for up to 72 new aircraft.

According to comments attributed to a senior US Air Combat Command official at an international fighter conference in London last week, the current Lockheed F-35 procurement plan could prove unaffordable, and another fighter wing of F-15s, F-16s or perhaps even F/A-18s is being considered to supplement the current fleet – which will serve into the 2040s as F-35s are delivered.

The air force is seeking 1,763 F-35As through 2038, and in the interim it intends to modernise and upgrade its F-16s and F-15s with new active electronically scanned array (AESA) radars and electronic warfare systems.

Asked to categorically confirm or deny any new fighter purchase, a spokesman for the service's acquisition office says: "At this time the air force has no plans to acquire 72 new F-15s or F-16s, although the air force is always looking at options to be prepared for a dynamic global security environment."

In his final press engagement at the Pentagon on 24 November, outgoing air force acquisition chief Bill LaPlante was dismissive of suggestions that another F-15 or F-16 fighter wing is being sought, but he agrees that the F-35 is difficult to afford.

"That story was news to me," he quipped. "We're always struggling to get the production rate as high as we can get it on F-35. That's as true as saying it's cold outside. It's always true."

The conventional take-off and landing A-model costs just shy of $100 million per aircraft, but LaPlante says the F-35 joint programme office and the Lockheed industry team are trying to reduce that to $85 million as the manufacturing process matures.

The service stopped acquiring fourth-generation F-16s and F-15s many years ago to instead focus on developing and procuring stealthy F-22s and F-35s, but both acquisitions were far more expensive and lengthy than originally planned.

The opportunity to purchase more legacy jets, which have been kept in production through foreign military sales, is closing fast, with the Lockheed F-16 and Boeing F-15 and F/A-18 assembly lines potentially closing before the turn of the decade if no more domestic or foreign orders materialise.

The air force has budgeted for 44 F-35s in fiscal year 2016 and 48 in 2017, and is building toward a production cadence of 60 jets per year by 2018 and then 80 beyond 2020.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 27/11/2015 | 14:18 uur
Russia welcomes new modified MiG-31 Foxhounds    ( ... en de gehele defensie vernieuwing gaat ondertussen gewoon door ..)

The Russian Air Force base in Nizhny Novgorod recently saw the delivery of a wing of new modernized MiG-31BM Foxhound fighter-interceptor aircraft, the Minsitry of Defense in Moscow reported on Thursday 26 November.

Pilots and maintenance personnel of the air base, located 250 miles (400 km) east of Moscow, passed transition training for the new aircraft and will shortly start flight practice. In total, Russia aims to modify 110 MiG-31s to the BM standard, giving them at least a decade more of usable service life. The Foxhound first flew on 16 September 1975.

Tver Fighter Wing at Borisovsky Khotilovo, about 235 miles (378 km) from NATO's border of Estonia, was the first to operate the BM version in december 2014.

Compared to the old Foxhound the new MiG-31BM has a modern weapons management system, a target detection range of almost 200 miles (320 km) and the ability to engage enemy aircraft at a distance of 170 miles (about 280 km). The aircraft is capable of simultaneously hitting six air targets and track up to ten.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 27/11/2015 | 17:31 uur
Ze moeten ook wel denk ik, heb het idee dat hun hele vloot achter loopt, en dergelijke modernisering programma's zijn dan toch vooral bedoeld om te voorkomen dat deze toestellen obsolete worden.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 27/11/2015 | 19:56 uur
Indonesia finally confirms to purchase Sukhoi Su-35 fighter jets
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 27/11/2015 | 21:35 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 27/11/2015 | 19:56 uur
Indonesia finally confirms to purchase Sukhoi Su-35 fighter jets

Tjonge jonge, Su-35 toestellen als vervanging voor de F-5E/F. Wat een klasse verschil !!, niet alleen in afmetingen, maar vooral in capaciteiten, range, snelheid, vermogen, wapens ..   Van een Lada naar een Ferrari gaan.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 27/11/2015 | 21:38 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 27/11/2015 | 21:35 uur
Tjonge jonge, Su-35 toestellen als vervanging voor de F-5E/F. Wat een klasse verschil !!, niet alleen in afmetingen, maar vooral in capaciteiten, range, snelheid, vermogen, wapens ..   Van een Lada naar een Ferrari gaan.

Tja... daar geen geze*k over te groot, te agressief, te duur etc.. (al zijn het natuurlijk maar een beperkt aantal)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 27/11/2015 | 21:52 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 27/11/2015 | 21:38 uur
Tja... daar geen geze*k over te groot, te agressief, te duur etc.. (al zijn het natuurlijk maar een beperkt aantal)
Desondanks dat zal het aantal van 16 zeer waarschijnlijk niet worden gehaald. Wat dat betreft heeft Indonesië van elk type (F-5/F-16/Su-27/Su-30) maar een handje vol.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 27/11/2015 | 21:56 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 27/11/2015 | 21:38 uur
Tja... daar geen geze*k over te groot, te agressief, te duur etc.. (al zijn het natuurlijk maar een beperkt aantal)

En aangezien ze dat 'gezeik' niet hadden moeten ze nu een ruim 5000 km breed land verdedigen met minder straaljagers dan wij F16's hebben. Nou nou, wat een voorbeeld.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: JdL op 27/11/2015 | 22:10 uur
Waarom kiest een land als indonesie voor 4 type in kleine aantallen ipv 1/2 type in grotere aantallen zoals bvb NL?
Is dat nu alleen om op de grote parade 4 verschillende type te kunnen showen of zit er meer achter?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 27/11/2015 | 22:11 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 27/11/2015 | 21:56 uur
En aangezien ze dat 'gezeik' niet hadden moeten ze nu een ruim 5000 km breed land verdedigen met minder straaljagers dan wij F16's hebben. Nou nou, wat een voorbeeld.

Ook weer waar maar bedenk dat ze partner zijn in het Z-Koreaanse KFX programma (als het ooit goed van de grond komt) dus voor Indonesië zit wellicht nog wat interessants in het vat.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 27/11/2015 | 22:12 uur
Citaat van: JdL op 27/11/2015 | 22:10 uur
Waarom kiest een land als indonesie voor 4 type in kleine aantallen ipv 1/2 type in grotere aantallen zoals bvb NL?
Is dat nu alleen om op de grote parade 4 verschillende type te kunnen showen of zit er meer achter?

Op termijn zijn dat (vermoedelijk) 2 types: SU-35 en KFX.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 27/11/2015 | 22:29 uur
Ze hebben idd veel typen. Alhoewel nu de F-16 kwa aantal de boventoon voert met Su-27, mig 30 en nu een 12-tal Su-35.
De oude F-16's zullen op termijn weer vervangen worden. Zal me niet verbazen idd dat de Su-35 de basis wordt bij de Indonesische Luchtmacht
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 27/11/2015 | 22:34 uur
Het meest recente nieuws over de KFX en Indonesië.

Korea Aerospace Industries agrees KFX investment deal with Indonesia

Jon Grevatt, Bangkok - IHS Jane's Defence Industry | 22 November 2015

A model of KAI's KFX concept at ADEX 2015 in Seoul. Source: IHS/Gareth Jennings

Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) and the Indonesian government signed an agreement on 22 November to formalise proposed investment and workshare arrangements to support the development of the Korean Fighter Experimental (KFX) 4.5-generation fighter aircraft.

The agreement is framed by an accord signed by the governments of South Korea and Indonesia in October 2014 under which South Korea will pay 80% of the costs associated with the joint engineering and development phase of the KFX, with Indonesia paying the remaining 20%.

The newly signed deal, which in essence reaffirms Indonesia's investment in the project, will become operational once KAI formally secures the contract with South Korea's Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) to complete the development of KFX aircraft. KAI was named preferred developer of the KFX in March, and a contract to undertake the work is expected to be signed before the end of the year.

Under the terms of the newly announced agreement, Indonesia has agreed to invest about KRW1.7 trillion (USD1.5 billion) of the total KRW8.7 trillion in KFX development costs.

KAI said that in return for its investment, Indonesia's state-owned aerospace manufacturer, PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI), will participate in the design phase of the aircraft and produce unidentified components. PTDI will also secure rights to some areas of intellectual property involved in developing the KFX and have access to one of six planned prototypes.

KAI plans to commence manufacturing the KFX from 2025. Company officials have previously suggested that about 250 KFX fighter aircraft could replace the Republic of Korea Air Force's ageing F-4E Phantom and F-5E Tiger II aircraft and, ultimately, its F-16 Fighting Falcon platforms. KAI also expects to export several hundred KFX fighters to countries that include Indonesia.

The KFX is envisaged as a single-seat, twin-engine, multirole aircraft equipped with stealth features, active electronically scanned array radar, and internal weapons carriage.

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(329 of 504 words)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 30/11/2015 | 15:52 uur
Safe, saver, simulation    ( ... wordt dit het nieuwe "toverwoord" .. simulator-training .... , goedkoper, veiliger .. )

4th generation fighter jet can cost 50,000 euro to fly per hour. That's a lot of cash. More advanced missions are flown by four-ships. That's 200k per flying hour. Then they need someone to fight.  That means a second 4-ship:  400k. Add air-to-air refuelling, a ground based target to drop a weapon on, chaff, flares plus some more fancy stuff and the bill is easily at 500k per hour. Some high end missions cost 1 million euro. It's easy to see how suddenly the cost becomes quite crippling. If that training can be flown in a simulator for "mere" thousands, it is easy to understand the huge advances the synthetic world offers.


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Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 01/12/2015 | 15:02 uur
T-X: Next Big USAF Aircraft Contest

Forecast International | 30 November 2015

Now that the U.S. Air Force has awarded the Long Range Strike-Bomber (LRS-B) contract to Northrop Grumman, and the inevitable protest of the award has been lodged, the service's next big aircraft procurement program is the T-X. The T-X effort involves acquisition of an advanced trainer to replace the Air Force's fleet of some 447 Northrop T-38C trainers.

As is the T-38C, the T-X aircraft will be used for advanced training of fighter, attack, and bomber pilots. Unlike the T-38C, the T-X aircraft will also be required to assume lead-in fighter training duties, due to the fact that neither the F-22 nor the F-35 are available in two-seat variants as were the F-15 and F-16.

Preliminary USAF plans call for procurement of 350 aircraft under the T-X program. The sheer size of the acquisition has drawn interest from a number of companies eager to compete for the contract. One of these companies is the Italian firm Alenia Aermacchi, which plans to bid the T-100, a version of its
M-346 advanced jet trainer.

Partnering with a U.S. company is likely necessary for a non-U.S. firm to be successful in the T-X contest. At one time, Alenia Aermacchi had been teamed with General Dynamics on its T-X bid but, in late 2014, the latter withdrew from the partnership. Alenia Aermacchi hopes to find another U.S. firm to act as T-100 prime contractor, replacing General Dynamics. Unconfirmed press reports indicate that Raytheon has been holding discussions with Alenia Aermacchi about filling the prime contractor role on the bid.

Northrop Grumman has partnered with BAE Systems to pursue the T-X contract. The team intends to bid an all-new, clean-sheet design for the program, having abandoned in late 2014 its previous plans to propose a version of BAE's Hawk 128 trainer. Northrop Grumman will act as prime contractor on the bid. A prototype of the new aircraft is being built by Northrop Grumman subsidiary Scaled Composites.

Korea Aerospace Industries produces an advanced jet trainer called the T-50, on which the South Korean company is partnered with Lockheed Martin. The two companies' teaming arrangement extends to the T-X contest. Should the T-50 be selected for the T-X contract, final assembly of aircraft for the program would occur in the U.S. Major components, such as the wings and fuselage, would be produced in South Korea.

As a backup plan, Lockheed Martin is working on a clean-sheet T-X design that would be proposed if USAF requirements evolve to such an extent that the T-50 could be excluded.

Boeing and Saab signed an agreement in December 2013 to work together to pursue the T-X contract with a clean-sheet design. The team is currently assembling a demonstrator aircraft.

Other contenders could emerge as well. Textron AirLand, a joint venture of Textron Inc and AirLand Enterprises, had initially considered pursuing the T-X contract with a modified version of its new twin-engine Scorpion ISR/strike aircraft. The firm later decided against proposing the Scorpion for the program though, believing that the aircraft does not match the T-X requirements. Textron AirLand continues to be interested in the T-X program, and has floated the possibility of proposing a clean-sheet design.

Contract award for the T-X program is planned for the second half of 2017. The program schedule calls for delivery of the first of six developmental flight test aircraft in late 2019, initial deliveries of production aircraft in the second half of 2022, and Initial Operational Capability (IOC) in late 2023. These plans are heavily dependent on funding availability and prioritization, and delays are certainly possible.

Even in an era of constrained funding, though, the T-X effort is almost certain to proceed eventually. Outright cancellation of the program is unlikely. The Air Force's T-38C fleet is beginning to encounter sustainability issues. Plus, the service would prefer not to train pilots for its new F-22 and F-35 fighters on these older trainers.

The Air Force's planned buy of 350 T-X trainers could be just the start for the selected aircraft and its manufacturers. The service's total acquisition could increase by as many as 200 aircraft should it decide that the winning design will also assume all or part of the specialized tanker/transport pilot training currently performed on Raytheon/Beech T-1As. The Air Force has also shown some interest in acquiring aggressor and light attack versions of the winning T-X design. Export sales are also a possibility, as the USAF imprimatur would make the T-X winner a very strong candidate on the advanced jet trainer market.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 01/12/2015 | 16:45 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 30/11/2015 | 15:52 uur
Safe, saver, simulation    ( ... wordt dit het nieuwe "toverwoord" .. simulator-training .... , goedkoper, veiliger .. )

4th generation fighter jet can cost 50,000 euro to fly per hour. That's a lot of cash. More advanced missions are flown by four-ships. That's 200k per flying hour. Then they need someone to fight.  That means a second 4-ship:  400k. Add air-to-air refuelling, a ground based target to drop a weapon on, chaff, flares plus some more fancy stuff and the bill is easily at 500k per hour. Some high end missions cost 1 million euro. It's easy to see how suddenly the cost becomes quite crippling. If that training can be flown in a simulator for "mere" thousands, it is easy to understand the huge advances the synthetic world offers.


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Sowieso zal die rol toenemen. En de belangrijkste driver is gewoon dat er ook steeds meer mee kan. Niet alleen voor vliegers, ook bij de KL kan er steeds meer vwb virtueel trainen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 01/12/2015 | 17:17 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 01/12/2015 | 16:45 uur
Sowieso zal die rol toenemen. En de belangrijkste driver is gewoon dat er ook steeds meer mee kan. Niet alleen voor vliegers, ook bij de KL kan er steeds meer vwb virtueel trainen.

klopt, weet ik. en aan de ene kant is dat ook goed. Maar aan de andere kant .... zie ik zo dat ze de innovatie met simulatie gaan benutten als wondermiddel om kosten te reduceren. Piloten niet meer in "dure" toestellen real-time laten vliegen maar grotendeels in simulatoren.
Dus daarom mij toevoeging dat het het nieuwe toverwoord wordt (voor de politiek)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 01/12/2015 | 17:26 uur
En de overstap van simulator naar U(C)AV-"vlieger" is ook makkelijker te maken...

Inzet simulatoren moet inderdaad niet primair een bezuinigingsoogmerk hebben. Teveel kan simpelweg nog niet worden nagebootst in een simulator. Gezonde mix van beiden..en dat zal wat be it.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 01/12/2015 | 17:30 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 01/12/2015 | 17:26 uur
En de overstap van simulator naar U(C)AV-"vlieger" is ook makkelijker te maken...

Inzet simulatoren moet inderdaad niet primair een bezuinigingsoogmerk hebben. Teveel kan simpelweg nog niet worden nagebootst in een simulator. Gezonde mix van beiden..en dat zal wat be it.

Het omgekeerde ook, veel dat wel in een simulator kan worden nagebootst, kan niet in het echt.

Citaat van: Harald op 01/12/2015 | 17:17 uur
klopt, weet ik. en aan de ene kant is dat ook goed. Maar aan de andere kant .... zie ik zo dat ze de innovatie met simulatie gaan benutten als wondermiddel om kosten te reduceren. Piloten niet meer in "dure" toestellen real-time laten vliegen maar grotendeels in simulatoren.
Dus daarom mij toevoeging dat het het nieuwe toverwoord wordt (voor de politiek)

Klopt, politiek zal het willen misbruiken, maar het voordeel is, defensie komt al zoveel tekort, dat meer focus op simulatoren geen enkele budgetruimte geeft.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 01/12/2015 | 19:35 uur
Who Will Win Asia's Fifth-Generation Fighter Race?

China, Japan, South Korea and India are all developing advanced aircraft. How and why is this happening?

By Benjamin David Baker

December 01, 2015
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 01/12/2015 | 19:52 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 01/12/2015 | 19:35 uur
Who Will Win Asia's Fifth-Generation Fighter Race?

China, Japan, South Korea and India are all developing advanced aircraft. How and why is this happening?

By Benjamin David Baker

December 01, 2015

Ik verwacht heel veel van de Mitsubishi ATD-X Shinshin dit zou weleens de nieuwe Zero kunnen worden en verder schijnt Lockheed Martin bij de ontwikkeling betrokken zijn.

The reports also say that there was a possible involvement of US Lockheed Martin in the development of ATD-X.

Dat zou wel kunnen kloppen want ik zie overeenkomsten tussen de Mitsubishi ATD-X Shinshin en de YF22.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 01/12/2015 | 19:59 uur
Japan is, gok ik, in ieder geval het land dat het sterkst technisch onderlegd is.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Zeewier op 01/12/2015 | 20:30 uur
Toch ongelofelijk he dat Japan en Zuid-Korea elkaar nergens vinden in industriële participatie. Dure kisten, kleine productieaantallen, heel weinig export kansen.

En de Chinese overheid verteld echt niet hoe verschrikkelijk veel geld ze in de J-20 en J-31 steken. Het kan niet anders of dat overstijgt ook de honderd miljard USD wanneer vast staat in welke aantallen de productielijnen lopen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 01/12/2015 | 21:22 uur
Citaat van: Zeewier op 01/12/2015 | 20:30 uur
Toch ongelofelijk he dat Japan en Zuid-Korea elkaar nergens vinden in industriële participatie. Dure kisten, kleine productieaantallen, heel weinig export kansen.

En de Chinese overheid verteld echt niet hoe verschrikkelijk veel geld ze in de J-20 en J-31 steken. Het kan niet anders of dat overstijgt ook de honderd miljard USD wanneer vast staat in welke aantallen de productielijnen lopen.

Dat is dus gewoon niet zo. Is geen "commerciele" markt
En dat kent veel nadelen..maar ook voordelen.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 01/12/2015 | 21:26 uur
Citaat van: Zeewier op 01/12/2015 | 20:30 uur
En de Chinese overheid verteld echt niet hoe verschrikkelijk veel geld ze in de J-20 en J-31 steken. Het kan niet anders of dat overstijgt ook de honderd miljard USD wanneer vast staat in welke aantallen de productielijnen lopen.

Alleen de programmakosten van de Rafale waren/zijn al meer dan 45 miljard euro....
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 02/12/2015 | 09:26 uur
Lockheed Martin wins contract to upgrade Singapore's F-16s

By Ellis Taylor, Singapore | 02 December 2015

Lockheed Martin has been awarded a $914 million foreign military sales contract to upgrade Singapore's F-16 fighter jets.

Work on the aircraft will be performed at Fort Worth, and is expected to be completed by 30 June 2023, the US Department of Defense says in an update on contracts awarded.

Lockheed was awarded the contract on a single-source basis, however details on what the upgrade will involve were not disclosed.

Singapore's defence ministry declined to comment on the contract when contacted by Flightglobal, but pointed to earlier statements that it planned to fit the aircraft with active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar and more advanced avionics to enhance its all-weather, ground attack capability.

In May, the US State Department approved the sale of $130 million worth of equipment related to the upgrade of the F-16s, including 50 Boeing joint helmet-mounted cueing systems (JHMCS), 90 BAE Systems AN/APX-126 advanced identification friend and foe (IFF) interrogator/transponders, and 92 Link-16 terminals.

Industry insiders have told Flightglobal previously that Northrop Grumman's Scalable Agile Beam Radar will be supplied for the upgrade, although it was not mentioned in the May approval.

Flightglobal's Fleets Analyzer shows that Singapore's air force operates 60 F-16C/Ds which range in age from 10 to 17 years in age.

The upgrade has long been on the cards, and Lockheed rival BAE Systems had been pushing Singapore to consider an open tender for the upgrade..

BAE Systems previously won a contract to develop an upgrade programme for South Korea's F-16s, but had its contract terminated in late-2014 following disagreements over price.

Argentina retires Dassault Mirage fleet

Gabriel Porfilio, Orlando, Florida - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly | 01 December 2015

During a large-scale public air show, the Argentine Air Force (AAF) on 30 November officially decommissioned its fleet of ageing Dassault Mirage fighters after over four decades of active service.

The air display comprised one sample of each Mirage type used by the AAF: a Mirage IIIEA, a Mirage IIIDA, an IAI Finger, an IAI Dagger, and a Mirage 5P. Each aircraft was specially painted with a colour scheme including some from the Falklands War and others with tail art representing the years of service and remembering the names of the pilots killed in action.

A variety of aircraft from different AAF bases were showcased during the event, including the FAdeA (ex FMA) IA-58 Pucara and Lockheed Martin C130H Hercules.

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(120 of 209 words)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 02/12/2015 | 14:44 uur
France to Extend Service Life of Mirage 2000D | December 02, 2015

France's defense ministry has given the go-ahead for the mid-life upgrade of at least 45 of the French air force's 71 Mirage 2000D strike fighters, with possibly another 10 to follow later. (Photo by Dennis Sprock)

PARIS --- The French defense ministry has approved the service life extension program of at least 45 of its 71 its Mirage 2000 strike fighters, and has approved additional funding of €160 million for the program. This will allow the aircraft to remain in service into the 2030s.

The program was authorized on Dec 01 by the Ministerial Investment Committee, an internal defense ministry board, according to the French news website LaTribune.

The number of aircraft to be upgraded is slightly lower than the 55 called for by the previous air force chief of staff, which will likely complicate fleet management as these single-seat strike fighters are widely used by French forces for ongoing operations in Africa and the Middle East.

225 combat aircraft

Upgrading the 45 Mirage 2000Ds is crucial to meeting the goal of the 2013 defense white paper of having 225 combat aircraft in service by 2019. As Rafale deliveries have been cut back (from 180 to 152) because of budgetary constraints, the air force needs these Mirage 2000D, as well as a number of Mirage 2000-5s, to reach the planned total.

"The renovation of the Mirage 2000D should achieve the format of 225 combat aircraft by 2019," the deputy chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence, Jacques Gautier, was quoted as saying by La Tribune.

Upgrade options undecided

The scope of the upgrade is still a subject of dispute between the air force, which wants a high-end package, while the DGA procurement agency favors a less extensive option.

As of today, it is agreed that the SLEP will fix issues related to technological obsolescence of its radar and avionics, adapt the Mirage 2000D for air-to-ground gunnery and integrate MICA infrared guided missiles for self-protection.

A more extensive package would include integration of the next-generation MICA NG and of the Sagem AASM precision-guided weapon which, unlike US-supplied Paveway GBUs, can be fired from stand-off distances of over 50 km.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 03/12/2015 | 09:15 uur
USN upgrades EA-18G with long-range targeting system

By Stephen Trimble, Washington DC | 03 December 2015

The US Navy has decided to upgrade the Boeing EA-18G Growler with a new datalink and other systems that allow the aircraft to identify vessels at long-range without using radar, Boeing announced on 1 December.

The retrofit and forward fit decision for the Rockwell Collins tactical targeting network technology (TTNT) datalink comes after the new identification capability was validated during the FLEX 2015 fleet experiment.

"This enhanced targeting capability provides our aircrews with a significant advantage, especially in an increasingly designs threat environment where longer-range targeting is critical to the fight," US Navy F/A-18 and EA-18G programme manager Capt David Kindley said in a statement provided by Boeing.

Naval officials first disclosed the new capability for the Growler fleet last August, unveiling a new development in a decades-old game of adversaries using new techniques to elude and enable electronic identification.

The EA-18G already can use an active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar – the Raytheon APG-79 – to identify targets at long-range, but using that emitter exposes the aircraft to detection by the intended target's radar warning systems.

Alternatively, a set of wingtip-mounted electronic receivers – the Northrop Grumman ALQ-218 – also has used a processing technique called long baseline interferometry to identify targets. That technique keeps the EA-18G electronically stealthy, but it only works at short ranges.

More recently, however, the navy has been testing a new system enabled by the high-bandwidth TTNT datalink, a faster targeting processor with an open architecture.

The ALQ-218 receivers on each EA-18G first detect electronic signals emitting from a target. Then, the faster processor uses time difference of arrival techniques to determine the location of the emitter. That information is then shared with other EA-18Gs and the Northrop E-2D Advanced Hawkeye using the TTNT and open architecture-based processors. That combined processing power allows the group of aircraft to positively identify targets at long-range.

"This long-range targeting technology is essential as we advance electronic attack capabilities for the conflicts of today and tomorrow," says Dan Gillian, Boeing's vice-president for F/A-18 and EA-18G programmes.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 03/12/2015 | 14:09 uur
BAE chosen to assist with Turkey's TFX fighter project

By Tolga Ozbek, Istanbul | 03 December 2015

Turkey's Undersecretariat of Defence Industries (SSM) has chosen BAE Systems to assist with the design of the nation's next-generation fighter.

Ankara launched its TFX project in 2011, with a trio of concepts designed by Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) in conjunction with Gripen manufacturer Saab. These comprise single- and twin-engined models, which served as the basis for studies by the SSM.

Following the selection of BAE, Ankara is expected to choose one of the concepts within the next few weeks, and sign an agreement with its development partner by February 2016. It has named Airbus Defence & Space as its second choice, and for now will continue talks with both parties.

If confirmed as partner, BAE will join the Turkish team for four years, and following this development phase, Ankara plans to roll out its TFX aircraft in 2023. The type is expected to enter service with the nation's air force in 2030.

In addition to BAE and Airbus, the SSM had invited Alenia Aermacchi, Saab and China's CATIC to submit interest as potential partners on the development activity.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 03/12/2015 | 16:47 uur
Pentagon, McCain Voice Doubts About F-35 Numbers

Is dit het begin van de "openbare" discussie in de VS, dat de aantallen naar beneden wordt bij gesteld welke door de VS zullen worden aangeschaft.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 03/12/2015 | 16:50 uur
Syria Conflict: Half of German Tornado Jets 'Not Airworthy'

Only 29 of Germany's 66 Tornado jets are airworthy, a defence ministry report has revealed. It comes two days before German MPs are expected to vote in favour of military action against Islamic State (IS) militants in Syria.

Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen has stressed that only six of the operational Tornado jets would be needed for the proposed mission.

A vote on the UK's involvement takes place in parliament on Wednesday.

Germany decided to join the fight against IS after an appeal by French President Francois Hollande in the wake of the 13 November Paris attacks. But the readiness of Germany's armed forces has long been the subject of criticism.

'Long and dangerous'
"The state of our flying systems remains unsatisfactory," the German army's chief of staff General Volker Wieker was quoted as saying on Wednesday.

The defence ministry report, obtained by German media, blamed the problem on the "lack of availability of various spare parts".

Six Tornado reconnaissance aircraft, a naval frigate and a 1,200-strong force will be sent to Syria under the proposals backed by the German cabinet on Tuesday.

The Bundestag is set to start debating the plans on Wednesday, with a vote expected on Friday.

Speaking to German TV channel ARD (in German) on Wednesday, Defence Minister von der Leyen said: "Thirty Tornados are ready for action, and we need six of them. That gives us a wide margin."

She stressed that any military operation against IS in Syria would be "long and dangerous".

Poor repair
The latest defence ministry report showed Germany's air force capability further depleted from the year before, when 38 of 89 Tornado fighters were operational.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/12/2015 | 17:07 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 03/12/2015 | 16:47 uur
Pentagon, McCain Voice Doubts About F-35 Numbers

Is dit het begin van de "openbare" discussie in de VS, dat de aantallen naar beneden wordt bij gesteld welke door de VS zullen worden aangeschaft.

Die speelt al langer al houdt het Pentagon vast aan het meest recente plangetal.

Inmiddels is het sommetje niet zo heel moeilijk meer, ik zie de USN het aantal C stevig naar beneden bijstellen daar zou het mij niet verbazen als er extra F18E worden besteld om de gaten te dichten (elke nieuwe kist gaat 30 jaar mee en rond 2045/50 worden die echt niet meer door de F35 vervangen.... )

Het zelfde geldt voor de USAF, ook hier wordt openbaar gesproken en ontkend dat men voorzichtig plannen maakt voor additionele (nieuw te bouwen) F15's en/of F16's. (er wordt gesproken over 1 wing = 72 kisten).

Zo zijn er meer tekenen aan de wand.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Mourning op 03/12/2015 | 17:11 uur
Wat een DROL van een wijf is die Duitse MinDef toch... gadverr wat een gladjakker...  :sick:

Alles in orde hoor! Minder dan de helft van onze toestellen is inzetbaar, maar ja we hebben er toch maar 6 nodig dus wtf is het probleem? Dat meer dan de helft niet inzetbaar is, stomme wegkijkdoos! En waarom? Door een tekort aan reserveonderdelen, m..a.w. geld... goh waar heb ik dat toch eerder gehoord, want 't komt me zoooo bekend voor.

Gewoon blijven wegkijken en doen alsof er niets aan het handje is...

Lekker politiek carriere maken over de ruggen van je militairen en het apparaat wat je (wan)bestuurd.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/12/2015 | 17:13 uur
Citaat van: Mourning op 03/12/2015 | 17:11 uur
Wat een DROL van een wijf is die Duitse MinDef toch... gadverr wat een gladjakker...  :sick:

Alles in orde hoor! Minder dan de helft van onze toestellen is inzetbaar, maar ja we hebben er toch maar 6 nodig dus wtf is het probleem? Dat meer dan de helft niet inzetbaar stomme wegkijkdoos! En waarom? Door een tekort aan reserveonderdelen, m..a.w. geld... goh waar heb ik dat toch eerder gehoord, want 't komt me zoooo bekend voor.

Gewoon blijven wegkijken en doen alsof er niets aan het handje is...

Zij heeft Polen als buffer... dus waarom zou zij zich zorgen maken?  :cute-smile:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Mourning op 03/12/2015 | 17:25 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/12/2015 | 17:13 uur
Zij heeft Polen als buffer... dus waarom zou zij zich zorgen maken?  :cute-smile:

En wij, met die redenatie,... haar Duitsland  :big-smile:

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/12/2015 | 17:29 uur
Citaat van: Mourning op 03/12/2015 | 17:25 uur
En wij, met die redenatie,... haar Duitsland  :big-smile:


Zeker, Duitsland en België, een geruststellen gevoel.... toch?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/12/2015 | 17:41 uur
Citaat van: Mourning op 03/12/2015 | 17:36 uur
Ik mis op dit forum een smilie die van een gebouw afspringt...

Gelukkig delen wij in de misère door steeds intensievere samenwerking met onze what can go wrong?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Lex op 03/12/2015 | 17:42 uur
Citaat van: Mourning op 03/12/2015 | 17:11 uur
Wat een DROL van een wijf is die Duitse MinDef toch... gadverr wat een gladjakker...  :sick:
Heeft niets met dit topic te maken, maar nu heeft ze aangegeven te kijken naar de mogelijkheid om de Duitse strijdkrachten in aantal te verhogen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: JdL op 03/12/2015 | 18:00 uur
Citaat van: Lex op 03/12/2015 | 17:42 uur
Heeft niets met dit topic te maken, maar nu heeft ze aangegeven te kijken naar de mogelijkheid om de Duitse strijdkrachten in aantal te verhogen.
Waarvan dan ook maar de helft inzetbaar is?    :angel:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Mourning op 03/12/2015 | 18:03 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/12/2015 | 17:41 uur
Gelukkig delen wij in de misère door steeds intensievere samenwerking met onze what can go wrong?

Haha, dit topic verdient echt de prijs voor het meest sarcastische en cynische topic van het jaar!  :lol: :lol: :lol:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Mourning op 03/12/2015 | 18:06 uur
Citaat van: Lex op 03/12/2015 | 17:42 uur
Heeft niets met dit topic te maken, maar nu heeft ze aangegeven te kijken naar de mogelijkheid om de Duitse strijdkrachten in aantal te verhogen.

Misschien moet ze eerst maar eens kijken wat er nodig is om de gereedheid/beschikbaarheid van de beschikbare eenheden te vergroten, maar dan zou zo.... moeten toegeven dat ze een keiharde faaltante is? Terwijl als je zegt dat je gewoon meer eenheden in het algemeen nodig hebt... dan kun je natuurlijk mooi wijzen op de veranderde geo-politieke omstandigheden en hoef je niets over niet beschikbare eenheden/materiaal te brabbelen...
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 04/12/2015 | 10:32 uur
(heb al even gezocht maar weet eigenlijk geen goed topic om dit artikel te plaatsen daarom even hier)

Ukraine's Antonov Will Westernize This Huge Soviet-Era Cargo Plane   (wordt dit een optie voor de pooling and sharing heavy-lift binnen NAVO)

Antonov aircraft is looking to inject western technologies and spare parts into its giant An-124 Condor and An-225 Mriya designs. So instead of having one giant plane constructed under one giant design philosophy, they'll both now be a mix of both West and East. Neat.


NATO countries in particular, who have relied heavily on the Antonov's fleet for war-zone and training logistics, also has a lot to lose if a stable supply chain for the Condors and the Mriya cannot be established. Hopefully this dichotomy will only help Antonov in its endeavor.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 04/12/2015 | 12:19 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 04/12/2015 | 10:32 uur
(heb al even gezocht maar weet eigenlijk geen goed topic om dit artikel te plaatsen daarom even hier)

Ukraine's Antonov Will Westernize This Huge Soviet-Era Cargo Plane   (wordt dit een optie voor de pooling and sharing heavy-lift binnen NAVO)

Antonov aircraft is looking to inject western technologies and spare parts into its giant An-124 Condor and An-225 Mriya designs. So instead of having one giant plane constructed under one giant design philosophy, they'll both now be a mix of both West and East. Neat.


NATO countries in particular, who have relied heavily on the Antonov's fleet for war-zone and training logistics, also has a lot to lose if a stable supply chain for the Condors and the Mriya cannot be established. Hopefully this dichotomy will only help Antonov in its endeavor.

En een topic open met nieuwe ontwikkelingen op Antonov An-124s?

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Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 04/12/2015 | 13:55 uur
Japan Preparing to Test-Fly MHI-Built Stealth Jet

The Japan Times | December 03, 2015

Like China, South Korea and Turkey, Japan is looking at stealth fighters, and should fly the Mitsubishi-built ATD-X demonstrator during the first quarter of 2016. (Japan MoD photo)

Japan is closing in on becoming the fourth nation to test fly its own stealth jet, a move that could further antagonize neighboring Asian countries that oppose Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's bid to strengthen the role of the Self-Defense Forces.

The aircraft is scheduled to make its maiden flight within the first three months of next year, Hirofumi Doi, a program manager at the Defense Ministry, said in an interview in Tokyo. The plane, called Advanced Technology Demonstrator X, will then be handed over to the SDF, which will start conducting its own tests, he said.

The Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd.-made plane builds on Abe's military ambitions after he succeeded in pushing through U.S.-endorsed legislation to allow Japanese forces to fight in overseas conflicts, despite concerns voiced abroad and at home. Japanese militarism is a particularly sensitive topic for China and South Korea because of the aggression they endured before and during World War II.

"The security environment around Japan is becoming increasingly complex and Japan needs to maintain air capabilities commensurate to those of other air forces in the region," said Rukmani Gupta, an analyst in New Delhi at IHS Jane's. "Should the ATD-X test be deemed successful, it is very likely that Japan will pursue production of a next-generation fighter."

The 14-meter-long jet, equipped with engines from IHI Corp., will cost ¥40 billion ($325 million) to develop, Doi said. The ATD-X could become the basis for a new fighter jet to replace the nation's F-2, said Takahiro Yoshida, a director in the ministry.

Should Japan decide to make a fighter jet version, its engines would be about three times the strength of the stealth jet's, and the plane would have enough internal space for missiles, Doi said.

It's not certain that Japan will go ahead with the project.

"These experimental fighters are an exercise in the realm of the possible," said Lance Gatling, head of aerospace consultancy Nexial Research. "In terms of international relations, it's a bargaining chip. They can say: 'We did a credible job on this, we may just build our own if you don't give us a better deal or you don't give us a portion of the production in Japan.'"

IHI is fully supporting flight tests of the latest jet, said Yuki Takahashi, a Tokyo-based spokeswoman. Hideo Ikuno, a spokesman for Mitsubishi Heavy in Tokyo, declined comment on the jet's development.

The U.S., Russia and China have all built and flown stealth planes, known as fifth-generation jets, which are harder to detect by radar. Other countries such as India and Turkey are also developing stealth jets, according to Gupta at IHS Jane's. South Korea and Indonesia are also investing in the joint development of a next-generation fighter aircraft, he said.

Back in Japan, the government will make a decision on a replacement for its F-2 fighter jets by the end of March 2019, Doi said.

"We're building this in preparation for the development of a new fighter jet," Doi said. "Neighboring countries are developing stealth jets and so this research is to allow us to understand what technology is needed for such a project."
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 06/12/2015 | 12:23 uur
Denmark Further Postpones Fighter Selection Until 2016

By Gerard O'Dwyer | December 05, 2015

HELSINKI — Elected in June, the conservative-liberal Danish government continues to grapple with funding issues around the estimated $4.5 billion Fighter Replacement Program (FRP).


This Danish government is set to announce a selection in the first quarter of 2016.


Zie onderstaande link voor het complete artikel.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 06/12/2015 | 12:42 uur
Go Gripen boys, als je maar 4 miljard hebt moet je je geld laten tellen.
Als je 24 toestellen hebt ga je toch vrijwel alleen QRA doen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: StrataNL op 06/12/2015 | 13:07 uur
De luchtmacht van noordwest Europa kan straks nog geen deuk in een pakje boter slaan met hun "airpower". Dat was het toverwoord anno 2015 toch?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Zander op 06/12/2015 | 17:33 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 06/12/2015 | 12:42 uur
Go Gripen boys, als je maar 4 miljard hebt moet je je geld laten tellen.
Als je 24 toestellen hebt ga je toch vrijwel alleen QRA doen.

Beter meer van een oudere generatie kopen dan van het nieuwste ver onder de behoefte.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/12/2015 | 17:38 uur
Citaat van: Strata op 06/12/2015 | 13:07 uur
De luchtmacht van noordwest Europa kan straks nog geen deuk in een pakje boter slaan met hun "airpower". Dat was het toverwoord anno 2015 toch?

Als voorspellen, dat worden 24 x F35A voor de Denen en 24 x F35A voor de Belgen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: StrataNL op 06/12/2015 | 17:40 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/12/2015 | 17:38 uur
Als voorspellen, dat worden 24 x F35A voor de Denen en 24 x F35A voor de Belgen.

En 24-37 voor NL, dat is dan 72-85... iirc nog niet zo heel lang terug hadden we nog meer F16's dan dat  ;D
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/12/2015 | 17:46 uur
Citaat van: Strata op 06/12/2015 | 17:40 uur
En 24-37 voor NL, dat is dan 72-85... iirc nog niet zo heel lang terug hadden we nog meer F16's dan dat  ;D

Helaas.... 150 blauwe stoeltjes   :mad:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 06/12/2015 | 17:58 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 06/12/2015 | 12:42 uur
Go Gripen boys, als je maar 4 miljard hebt moet je je geld laten tellen.
Als je 24 toestellen hebt ga je toch vrijwel alleen QRA doen.

Citaat van: Zander op 06/12/2015 | 17:33 uur
Beter meer van een oudere generatie kopen dan van het nieuwste ver onder de behoefte.

Saab had zich al teruggetrokken uit de Deense competitie. Weinig kans dat Saab alsnog de JAS 39E Gripen aan Denemarken weet te verkopen. Misschien weer wel aan Finland.

Gezien de genoemde aantallen in het artikel, maakt het eigenlijk niet eens zoveel uit of het een Typhoon of een Super Hornet wordt.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Poleme op 06/12/2015 | 18:35 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 06/12/2015 | 17:58 uur
Saab had zich al teruggetrokken uit de Deense competitie. Weinig kans dat Saab alsnog de JAS 39E Gripen aan Denemarken weet te verkopen. Misschien weer wel aan Finland.

Gezien de genoemde aantallen in het artikel, maakt het eigenlijk niet eens zoveel uit of het een Typhoon of een Super Hornet wordt.
Koeweit is spoedig van plan om 28 Typhoons te kopen voor EUR 7 - 8 miljard.  Uiteraard is dit bedrag vertekend, doordat dit soort landen in het aanschaf bedrag ook een groot deel van de (initiële) exploitatie kosten opnemen.
In februari 2013 deed Australia een verzoek voor 12 F-18F 'Super Bugs' en 12 EA-18 Growlers, alleen voorzien van de specifieke bekabeling maar zonder de specifieke Growler avionica voor geschat USD 3,7 miljard.
En Boeing bood Koeweit afgelopen voorjaar 28 F-18E/F 'Super Bugs' aan voor USD 3+ miljard.

Naast een aanzienlijk verschil in aanschaf kosten zit er ook een aanzienlijk verschil in inzetbaarheid.
En daar is de 'Super Bug' toch flink beter in dan de Typhoon.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 07/12/2015 | 09:40 uur
Rolls-Royce Offers Engine for Turkish-Made Fighter Jet

By Burak Ege Bekdil | December 06, 2015

ANKARA, Turkey — Rolls-Royce is offering its EJ200 engine to power the first Turkish-made fighter jet, Turkish officials said.

Procurement sources said the Ankara government and Rolls Royce may be coming near to a deal depending on what the company's solution will entail in terms of production, know-how and export licenses.


Zie onderstaande link voor het complete artikel.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 07/12/2015 | 09:44 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 07/12/2015 | 09:40 uur
Rolls-Royce Offers Engine for Turkish-Made Fighter Jet

By Burak Ege Bekdil | December 06, 2015

ANKARA, Turkey — Rolls-Royce is offering its EJ200 engine to power the first Turkish-made fighter jet, Turkish officials said.

Procurement sources said the Ankara government and Rolls Royce may be coming near to a deal depending on what the company's solution will entail in terms of production, know-how and export licenses.


Zie onderstaande link voor het complete artikel.

EJ200, zouden ze volgens de orginele roadmap niet inmiddels een EJ220 hebben die meer vermogen tegen minder verbruik levert?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Mourning op 07/12/2015 | 10:02 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 06/12/2015 | 12:42 uur
Go Gripen boys, als je maar 4 miljard hebt moet je je geld laten tellen.
Als je 24 toestellen hebt ga je toch vrijwel alleen QRA doen.

Of F-18E/F...
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/12/2015 | 10:28 uur
Citaat van: Mourning op 07/12/2015 | 10:02 uur
Of F-18E/F...

De toekomst van (nieuwe) F18E/F zier er rooskleuriger uit dan enge tijd gleden, zeker met dreigen orders van de USN en Koeweit, prima kist, toch blijft de vraag of het handig is als vermoedelijk het enigste Europese NAVO land met de SH te gaan opereren... Als ze de Belgen weten te motiveren wordt het verhaal wellicht anders.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 07/12/2015 | 10:37 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/12/2015 | 10:28 uur
De toekomst van (nieuwe) F18E/F zier er rooskleuriger uit dan enge tijd gleden, zeker met dreigen orders van de USN en Koeweit, prima kist, toch blijft de vraag of het handig is als vermoedelijk het enigste Europese NAVO land met de SH te gaan opereren... Als ze de Belgen weten te motiveren wordt het verhaal wellicht anders.
Dit is voor Denemarken wel van belang als één of meerdere Europese landen voor de F/A-18E/F zal kiezen. Eventueel met Canada erbij, als ook zij voor deze kiezen.

Maar zien of Boeing met onderstaande link Denemarken weet over te halen  ;D

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/12/2015 | 10:45 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 07/12/2015 | 10:37 uur
Dit is voor Denemarken wel van belang als één of meerdere Europese landen voor de F/A-18E/F zal kiezen. Eventueel met Canada erbij, als ook zij voor deze kiezen.

Als meerder Europese (NAVO) landen en Canada voor de SH optie kiezen, dan komt deze fighter natuurlijk in een heel ander daglicht te staan en wordt het weer een attractief alternatief (zeker als ze dan ook het plangetal handhaven en niet down-sizen onder het motto: als 24 F35 voldoende zijn dan ga ik niet meer van een ander model kopen)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 07/12/2015 | 10:57 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/12/2015 | 10:45 uur
Als meerder Europese (NAVO) landen en Canada voor de SH optie kiezen, dan komt deze fighter natuurlijk in een heel ander daglicht te staan en wordt het weer een attractief alternatief (zeker als ze dan ook het plangetal handhaven en niet down-sizen onder het motto: als 24 F35 voldoende zijn dan ga ik niet meer van een ander model kopen)
De F/A-18E/F zal een aantal modificaties nodig hebben om de komende 25/30 jaar mee te kunnen komen. Het is niet te hopen dat de Block III uitvoering de prijs enorm opdrijft.

Ergens zie ik het er wel van komen dat Denemarken twee bestellingen (een grote en kleine) zal doen om een totaal van 30 of heel misschien zelfs 36 stuks te krijgen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/12/2015 | 11:04 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 07/12/2015 | 10:57 uur
De F/A-18E/F zal een aantal modificaties nodig hebben om de komende 25/30 jaar mee te kunnen komen. Het is niet te hopen dat de Block III uitvoering de prijs enorm opdrijft.

Ergens zie ik het er wel van komen dat Denemarken twee bestellingen (een grote en kleine) zal doen om een totaal van 30 of heel misschien zelfs 36 stuks te krijgen.

We gaan het in Q1/16 vermoedelijk mee maken, het is iig voor de Belgische beslissing, ze zouden elkaar kunnen beïnvloeden (immers ook desgewenst geschikt voor Amerikaans speciaal knalvuurwerk).
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 07/12/2015 | 12:02 uur
Denmark Further Postpones Fighter Selection Until 2016  ( ... Denemarken stelt zijn keuze nog weer uit tot in 2016 .. )

Elected in June, the conservative-liberal Danish government continues to grapple with funding issues around the estimated $4.5 billion Fighter Replacement Program (FRP).

Progress in the FRP has also been complicated by rising development costs and technical problems relating to Lockheed Martin's F-35 Lightning 11, which along with Boeing's F/A-18 Super Hornet and the Eurofighter consortium's Typhoon, is one of three short-listed candidate aircraft in the Danish competition.

That the Ministry of Defense has seen three different ministers come and go in the past two years, with political oversight for the FRP moving from Nicolai Wammen to Carl Holst and to the present minister, Peter Christensen, has also been a contributing factor in extending the decision-making process.

Christensen has told the Parliamentary Defense Committee (PDC) there will be no announcement on aircraft selection until all funding issues have been resolved and the government finalizes a finance plan.

This Danish government is set to announce a selection in the first quarter of 2016.


Voor gehele artikel, zie LINK
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Zander op 07/12/2015 | 12:05 uur
Zoals de algehele tendens in Europa.
Schuif het maar voor je uit dan heb je er nog even geen last van.
Tot dat........................................
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 07/12/2015 | 12:07 uur
Israeli air force details F-35 transition plan

By Arie Egozi, Tel Aviv | 07 December 2015

The Israeli air force plans to close one of its Lockheed Martin F-16C/D squadrons in 2017, in parallel with the service's new-generation F-35 "Adir" achieving initial operational capability.

Halting operations with the F-16C/D unit will be part of a major adjustment programme aimed at tailoring the air force's inventory to future challenges, while taking into account the limitations of the nation's defence budget.

Earlier this year, a contract was signed for the purchase of another 14 F-35 (Adir) fighters for the Israeli air force. The service and defence ministry had wanted to 31, but strong opposition in the Israeli cabinet limited the number in a $2.82 billion deal. The order includes options for the 17 additional aircraft, and Flightglobal has previously quoted defence ministry sources as saying efforts will continue to acquire the additional number needed to match the air force's operational needs.

According to the Israeli defence ministry – which signed a first, 19-aircraft order in 2010 – the first two F-35s will land in the nation at the end of 2016.

Flightglobal's Fleets Analyzer database records Israel as operating 77 F-16C fighters and 48 D-model trainers.

Citaat van: Harald op 07/12/2015 | 12:02 uur
Denmark Further Postpones Fighter Selection Until 2016  ( ... Denemarken stelt zijn keuze nog weer uit tot in 2016 .. )

Elected in June, the conservative-liberal Danish government continues to grapple with funding issues around the estimated $4.5 billion Fighter Replacement Program (FRP).

Progress in the FRP has also been complicated by rising development costs and technical problems relating to Lockheed Martin's F-35 Lightning 11, which along with Boeing's F/A-18 Super Hornet and the Eurofighter consortium's Typhoon, is one of three short-listed candidate aircraft in the Danish competition.

That the Ministry of Defense has seen three different ministers come and go in the past two years, with political oversight for the FRP moving from Nicolai Wammen to Carl Holst and to the present minister, Peter Christensen, has also been a contributing factor in extending the decision-making process.

Christensen has told the Parliamentary Defense Committee (PDC) there will be no announcement on aircraft selection until all funding issues have been resolved and the government finalizes a finance plan.

This Danish government is set to announce a selection in the first quarter of 2016.


Voor gehele artikel, zie LINK

Dit artikel staat al in Antwoord #1344.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 07/12/2015 | 15:40 uur
'Restart KF-X Project from Square One'

The government is facing growing calls to restart its problematic fighter jet development program from square one ― and cancel a deal with Lockheed Martin to purchase F-35 stealth fighters, if necessary.

Some politicians and critics say it seems almost impossible for the nation to develop its own fighter jet by the designated year of 2025 due to growing uncertainties over technology transfers from Washington.

"It is not an easy decision to cancel the F-35 deal, but the idea is well worth considering if it is hard for Korea to acquire the U.S. technology through the deal," said Rep. Kim Kwang-jin of the main opposition New Politics Alliance for Democracy (NPAD) to The Korea Times.

Kim noted that the government appeared to have already considered cancelation, citing that the Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) has estimated expenses that the nation must pay as a cancellation charge if the F-35 deal is canceled.

During a session of the National Assembly Defense Committee on Nov. 25, a DAPA official told lawmakers that the cost of cancelation would be an estimated $1.2 billion.

"It would take about two years to calculate the exact amount," the official said. "There is a possibility that the amount could go down from the estimate after a detailed examination."

The state-run procurement agency noted that it has also considered reducing the number of F-35s to be purchased from 40 to 20.

"In this case, the total cost is expected to go down by one third," said the official.

The transfer of 25 technologies was included in an offset deal with Lockheed Martin in return for Korea's purchase of 40 F-35s at 7.3 trillion won ($6.33 billion), signed in September last year, as the Air Force's next-generation fighter.

But what has happened this year indicates the unlikelihood of the transfer of some important technologies.

In April, the U.S. government refused to allow Lockheed to hand over four core technologies, including its active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar, to Korea for security reasons.

Speculation is now being raised that Washington is negative about transferring some others among the remaining 21 technologies to Korea. Officials from DAPA and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have been conducting negotiations with the U.S. defense giant company and the U.S. State Department.

Rep. Chung Doo-un of the ruling Saenuri Party, who chairs the National Assembly Defense Committee, claimed that the nation is experiencing difficulties in acquiring the U.S. technologies as Washington does not want Korea to be capable of developing its own fighter jets.

The lawmaker said Washington is mindful that Seoul might become a potential future competitor of Washington in the fighter jet export market.

"One of the reasons why the KF-X project is facing difficulties is that the U.S. is not too happy about Korea developing its own fighter jets," he said. "The U.S. is concerned about the possible decline of its fighter jet exports, which would also reduce the level of dependence of its allies on Washington."

Some defense experts note that Indonesia's participation in the KF-X project also complicates the technology transfer from Washington. The U.S. shares few technologies with the Southeast Asian country because of its close defense ties with Russia.

They say Jakarta is the no. 1 importer of Russian weapons, and Washington is concerned about a possible leakage of the core technologies in high-tech fighter jets.

Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI), KF-X's preferred bidder, signed tentative deals at the end of last month, under which Indonesia will pay 20 percent of the costs and participate in the design process and component production, as well as acquiring one prototype and technology data afterward.

Critics now question why Korea should maintain the contract with the U.S. side and risk its possible refusal to transfer core parts of the F-35 technology, which would be a serious setback to the nation's 8.5 trillion won KF-X project.

The program is aimed at building fighter jets to replace the Air Force's aging fleet of F-4s and F-5s. If any setbacks occur to the program, it could lead to an airpower vacuum in the mid-2020s.

Rep. Kim of the NPAD said the government intended to receive technologies worth about 2 trillion won through the offset deal in the 7.3 trillion won contract to purchase 40 F-35 stealth fighters. "If the transfer of technologies is not realized, the government should consider a variety of options to make up for the loss, including changing the model of the nation's next-generation fighters after canceling the F-35s," the lawmaker said.

Those who call for cancelation of the nation's purchase of F-35s cite Canada's example.

In October, Canada's new Liberal Party government announced its decision to cancel the country's planned 65-plane purchase, becoming the first partner among nine countries to withdraw from the Pentagon's F-35 joint strike fighter program.

Canada's move to drop the F-35s came as then-Prime Minister Stephen Harper of the Conservative Party was accused in 2012 of having lied about the true cost of operating the stealth fighters.

According to Defense News, an American military news website, many Canadian companies have spent years building components for the new plane and stand to lose as much as $8.3 billion in work over the life of the jet.

But Justin Trudeau, the new Prime Minister elected in the Oct. 19 election, argued that an open competition for Canada's fighter jet replacement would more than make up for the loss of the F-35 business, according to DefenseNews.

Trudeau vowed to move quickly on replacing Ottawa's aging CF-18s with another plane through a competition after pulling out of the F-35 program.

Kim Jong-dae, who is in charge of defense reform planning in the Justice Party, said, "Countries such as Canada, Turkey, the Netherlands and Norway have dropped their F-35 purchase deals or moved to reduce the number of stealth fighters to be purchased."

Kim added that this is leading to an increase in the price of the jets.

Park Seok-jin, an activist dedicated to improving the nation's military, argued that there was a problem from the beginning in the government's process to select F-35s over Boeing's F15-SEs, citing the Defense Acquisition Program Executive Committee's decision to go with Lockheed after rejecting the F-15SEs, first recommended by DAPA, in September 2013.

At the time, DAPA officials noted that the decision to reject the F-15SE was unexpected as Boeing was more positive in handing over core technologies.

"The purchase of F-35s and the nation's KF-X project was a case of fraud," he said in his recent column. "I urged the government to reexamine them from square one."

For his part, DAPA spokesman Col. Kim Si-cheol said there is nothing he can confirm as of now regarding the ongoing negotiation with the U.S. side due to the sensitivity of the government-to-government issue.

"There have been some regrettable issues regarding the KF-X project including the delayed negotiation with Lockheed Martin," he said. "We are continuing to seek the transfer of technologies we want."

The U.S. State Department said last week that it would provide maximum support for Korea's fighter jet development project, dismissing speculation that the department was negative about approving the transfer of some technologies.

"The United States continues to support the Republic of Korea's defense programs and priorities through the transfer of many of our most sensitive defense technologies," said State Department spokeswoman Katina Adams.

"We seek to support the KF-X indigenous fighter program to the maximum extent possible," she said. "The U.S. government is in discussions with Lockheed Martin to address ROK areas of concern. We will continue to work closely with Lockheed Martin throughout this process to ensure continued support to the KF-X program."
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 07/12/2015 | 16:05 uur
Ok, dus de Amerikanen komen hun contract niet na en daardoor moet Korea een boete van 1,2 miljard betalen?

Goed geregeld.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 07/12/2015 | 16:13 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 07/12/2015 | 16:05 uur
Ok, dus de Amerikanen komen hun contract niet na en daardoor moet Korea een boete van 1,2 miljard betalen?

Goed geregeld.
Ergens is het wel vreemd dat Lockheed Martin (LM) wel instemde met de technologie overdracht en de Amerikaanse overheid niet. Lijkt mij sterk dat LM dit niet heeft geweten.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 07/12/2015 | 16:27 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 07/12/2015 | 16:13 uur
Ergens is het wel vreemd dat Lockheed Martin (LM) wel instemde met de technologie overdracht en de Amerikaanse overheid niet. Lijkt mij sterk dat LM dit niet heeft geweten.

Plausible deniability en 1,2 miljard maakt dat al wat minder vreemd.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 08/12/2015 | 09:10 uur
USN moves to modify Super Hornet for Blue Angels role (nieuws van een lichtere noot  ;))

By Stephen Trimble, Washington DC | 08 December 2015

The US Navy has started a process to replace the Blue Angels demonstration team's aircraft with a squadron of Boeing F/A-18E Super Hornets.

Boeing will receive a contract to draw up the engineering plans needed to convert the single-seat Super Hornet into a configuration specific to the Blue Angels role, the navy said in a 3 December acquisition notice.

The engineering work will support engineering change proposal 6480, which is entitled, "Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron (Blue Angels) Super Hornet Conversion", the acquisition document shows.

The Blue Angels squadron is composed of a mix of one-seat F/A-18As and Cs and two-seat F/A-18Bs and Ds. The F/A-18A/B Hornets replaced the Douglas A-4 Skyhawk as the Blue Angels aircraft in 1986, and recently have been showing their age. Structural panels escaped from two different F/A-18As in aerial demonstrations a week part in late May and early June.

Since 2010, the navy has been moving F/A-18C/Ds into the squadron, but now the service is considering moving the Super Hornet into the role.

To perform the Blue Angels role, the F/A-18E will likely need similar design changes that the navy has performed on the original Hornet fleet.

These included removing the fighter's gun and missile launchers, installing flight auxiliary fuel pumps that can operate in sustained inverted manoeuvres and inserting an oil pump in the tail to emit blue smoke. Also, a spring is added to the control stick for better handling in formation and inverted flight.

Though sharing a common naming and design heritage as the classic Hornets, the F/A-18E would mark a significant change for the Blue Angels. The Super Hornet is 25% larger and has 40% more range than the F/A-18C/D, making the aircraft substantially larger.

A note on the Blue Angels' official web site cites the Super Hornet's extra heft as one reason why the older model is favoured for the public demonstration role.

"While the Super Hornet has more recent technology, the Hornet is more suitable to the needs of the current team due to its light weight and slick manoeuvrability," the navy document says.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 09/12/2015 | 09:00 uur
Italy receives first Cameri-assembled F-35A

By Luca Peruzzi, Turin | 08 December 2015

Italy has received its initial Lockheed Martin F-35A – the first example of the stealthy type to have been assembled outside of the USA.

The Joint Strike Fighter, aircraft AL-1, was handed over to the nation's defence ministry on 3 December, during a closed-doors ceremony at Italy's final assembly and check out (FACO) facility at Cameri air base.

It will for now remain at the site for pilot familiarisation work, before being transferred in early 2016 to Luke AFB in Arizona, where it will support international training activities. During its flight to the USA it will be accompanied by an Italian air force Boeing KC-767A tanker.

Two of the service's pilots have already begun receiving instruction on the JSF, and flew aircraft AL-1 for the first time on 6 November.

Rome's second F-35A – AL-2 – will make its first flight from the Cameri site in the coming weeks, ahead of planned delivery in February 2016. This, along with three further Italian-completed examples, will also subsequently transfer to the USA. Aircraft AL-6 will be the first Italian-assembled JSF destined for a front-line unit, with the delivery milestone scheduled for the end of 2016.

In addition to final assembly work, the Cameri facility – which is owned by the defence ministry but operated by Alenia Aermacchi – also produces wing shipsets for the whole F-35 programme. Three full wing assemblies have been delivered so far, with a least another dozen in varying stages of completion.

Italy has previously indicated its intention to acquire 90 JSFs, including 60 conventional take-off and landing F-35As for the air force and 30 short take-off and vertical landing F-35Bs, to be split equally between the air force and navy.

However, so far it has placed firm orders for just eight A-model aircraft. An April 2015 defence white paper suggested a purchase of 38 examples in the period to 2020, after which Rome will consider placing additional orders.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 09/12/2015 | 14:38 uur
Flight tests of Russia's 5th-generation fighter jet "practically completed"

TASS Military & Defense | December 07, 2015

MOSCOW, December 7. /TASS/. The tests confirming the flight characteristics of Russia's fifth-generation PAK FA (Prospective Airborne Complex of Frontline Aviation) fighter jet have been actually completed, Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov said in an interview with Rossiya 24 TV Channel on Monday.

"Several planes are now primarily testing airborne avionics. The tests proving the aircraft's flight characteristics have practically been completed," the deputy defense minister said.

Deputy Defense Minister Borisov earlier told the media the Russian military would purchase only a squadron of PAK FA fighter jets, compensating this with a larger order for Sukhoi Su-35 (NATO reporting name: Flanker-E) fighters.

The Sukhoi PAK FA (Prospective Airborne Complex of Frontline Aviation) is a fifth-generation fighter program of the Russian Air Force. The T-50 is the name of the prototype aircraft designed by Sukhoi for the PAK FA program. The aircraft is a stealthy, single-seat, twin-engine jet fighter, and will be the first operational aircraft in Russian service to use stealth technology. It is a multipurpose fighter designed for the air superiority and attack roles. The fighter is planned to have super-cruise, stealth, super-manoeuvrability and advanced avionics to overcome the prior generation of fighter aircraft as well as ground and maritime defences.

The PAK FA is intended to be the successor to the MiG-29 and Su-27 in the Russian Air Force and serve as the basis for the Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft being co-developed by Sukhoi and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) for the Indian Air Force. PAK FA fighter first flew in 2010.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: JdL op 09/12/2015 | 18:07 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 08/12/2015 | 09:10 uur
USN moves to modify Super Hornet for Blue Angels role (nieuws van een lichtere noot  ;))

By Stephen Trimble, Washington DC | 08 December 2015

The US Navy has started a process to replace the Blue Angels demonstration team's aircraft with a squadron of Boeing F/A-18E Super Hornets.

Boeing will receive a contract to draw up the engineering plans needed to convert the single-seat Super Hornet into a configuration specific to the Blue Angels role, the navy said in a 3 December acquisition notice.

The engineering work will support engineering change proposal 6480, which is entitled, "Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron (Blue Angels) Super Hornet Conversion", the acquisition document shows.

The Blue Angels squadron is composed of a mix of one-seat F/A-18As and Cs and two-seat F/A-18Bs and Ds. The F/A-18A/B Hornets replaced the Douglas A-4 Skyhawk as the Blue Angels aircraft in 1986, and recently have been showing their age. Structural panels escaped from two different F/A-18As in aerial demonstrations a week part in late May and early June.

Since 2010, the navy has been moving F/A-18C/Ds into the squadron, but now the service is considering moving the Super Hornet into the role.

To perform the Blue Angels role, the F/A-18E will likely need similar design changes that the navy has performed on the original Hornet fleet.

These included removing the fighter's gun and missile launchers, installing flight auxiliary fuel pumps that can operate in sustained inverted manoeuvres and inserting an oil pump in the tail to emit blue smoke. Also, a spring is added to the control stick for better handling in formation and inverted flight.

Though sharing a common naming and design heritage as the classic Hornets, the F/A-18E would mark a significant change for the Blue Angels. The Super Hornet is 25% larger and has 40% more range than the F/A-18C/D, making the aircraft substantially larger.

A note on the Blue Angels' official web site cites the Super Hornet's extra heft as one reason why the older model is favoured for the public demonstration role.

"While the Super Hornet has more recent technology, the Hornet is more suitable to the needs of the current team due to its light weight and slick manoeuvrability," the navy document says.
Gaan ze hiervoor nieuwe SH's bouwen om zo ook de productielijn langer open te laten?
Of worden het SH's van operationele sq,
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 09/12/2015 | 18:13 uur
Citaat van: JdL op 09/12/2015 | 18:07 uur
Gaan ze hiervoor nieuwe SH's bouwen om zo ook de productielijn langer open te laten?
Of worden het SH's van operationele sq,
Voor de Blue Angels worden altijd bestaande toestellen gekozen. Zij vliegen toestellen welke om technische redenen echt niet meer vanaf een vliegkampschip kunnen opereren, maar nog wel vanaf land.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 10/12/2015 | 13:35 uur
US approves F-35 offset technology transfer to South Korea

Jon Grevatt, Bangkok - IHS Jane's Defence Industry | 09 December 2015

The US government has approved the export of technologies to South Korea to support its development of the Korean Fighter Experimental (KFX) 4.5-generation fighter aircraft.

South Korea's Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) said on 9 December that approvals for 21 technology suites have been granted by the United States following negotiations that continued through November.

The technologies form a central part of the defence offset programme attached to Lockheed Martin's sale of F-35 Lightning II fighter aircraft to the Republic of Korea Air Force. Seoul agreed to purchase 40 F-35s in September 2014 for around USD7 billion.

The technologies to be transferred under offset linked to the F-35 purchase will be channelled into the KFX programme.

To read the full article, Client Login

(116 of 613 words)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 10/12/2015 | 13:54 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 10/12/2015 | 13:35 uur
US approves F-35 offset technology transfer to South Korea

South Korea's Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) said on 9 December that approvals for 21 technology suites have been granted by the United States following negotiations that continued through November.

Dus 21 stuks van de gevraagde 25, de hobbel op de weg is er nog steeds. LM heeft beloofd de 25 te kunnen leveren, maar de US regering wil er maar 21 vrijgeven. 4 niet

The U.S. government refused to honor Lockheed Martin's pledge to transfer four core technologies in return for sales of 40 F-35 stealth fighters to Korea, posing a threat to the nation's project to develop its own fighter jets.

"The U.S. government rejected transferring the technologies for security reasons," an official from the Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) said Tuesday.

The four technologies are :
- the multifunction, active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar,
- infrared search and track (IRST),
- electronic optics targeting pod (EOTGP)
- RF jammer.

During a National Assembly audit session, Rep. Ahn argued that Lockheed promised to hand over a total of 25 technologies related to the stealth fighter, including the four, to Korea as an offset program under the 7.3 trillion won deal, signed in September last year.

citaten uit een artikel, zie voor het gehele artikel, onderstaande LINK
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: StrataNL op 10/12/2015 | 15:21 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 10/12/2015 | 13:54 uur
Dus 21 stuks van de gevraagde 25, de hobbel op de weg is er nog steeds. LM heeft beloofd de 25 te kunnen leveren, maar de US regering wil er maar 21 vrijgeven. 4 niet

The U.S. government refused to honor Lockheed Martin's pledge to transfer four core technologies in return for sales of 40 F-35 stealth fighters to Korea, posing a threat to the nation's project to develop its own fighter jets.

"The U.S. government rejected transferring the technologies for security reasons," an official from the Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) said Tuesday.

The four technologies are :
- the multifunction, active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar,
- infrared search and track (IRST),
- electronic optics targeting pod (EOTGP)
- RF jammer.

During a National Assembly audit session, Rep. Ahn argued that Lockheed promised to hand over a total of 25 technologies related to the stealth fighter, including the four, to Korea as an offset program under the 7.3 trillion won deal, signed in September last year.

citaten uit een artikel, zie voor het gehele artikel, onderstaande LINK

De belangrijkste 4 dus....
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 11/12/2015 | 08:30 uur
'Gripen off the table in Slovakia'

Slovakia is not leasing or buying Saab Gripen fighter jets and neither is it seeking a joint Gripen unit with the Czech Republic anymore. According to local media this week, funds don't allow for eight JAS39 Gripens to be leased or purchased.

A possible lease of Gripens to Slovakia was subject of discussion for quite some time and even looked quite feasible as talks were progressing, also with neighbouring Czech Republic. The Czechs have been operating Gripen for well over ten years out of Čáslav airbase, and a joint squadron of 22 aircaft was also talked about.

Other purchases

The recent purchase of two Alenia Aermacchi C-27J Spartans and UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters doesn't allow for more defense spending, the government in Bratislava has said. The former replace An-26 cargo aircraft, while the latter come in place of Mi-17 Hip helos.

In Slovakia, the Saab Gripen would have replaced a small fleet of ageing MiG-29 Fulcrum fighter jets that have been in service since the late eighties. The country is now looking to keep  eight MiGs in the air for longer, with contacts already with Russian suppliers.

Czech Gripens may still be called upon in case this change of plans leads to reduced serviceability of Slovakian MiGs. The Czechs would be able to guard Slovakian airspace for roughly three months.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 11/12/2015 | 08:55 uur
Citaat van: Strata op 10/12/2015 | 15:21 uur
De belangrijkste 4 dus....

idd, dus de problemen voor het Korean Fighter Experimental (KFX) programma, zijn nog lang niet opgelost. Als de VS bij zijn beslissing blijft om deze 4 niet vrij te geven, dan denk ik dat de aankoop nog wel eens op losse schroeven kan komen te staan.
Tja .. en dan ... ?
Terug naar eigenlijk de echte winnaar van het FX-III progrmma  en bij Boeing aankloppen voor de F-15SE, of eigenlijk de F-15 C2040
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 11/12/2015 | 10:54 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 11/12/2015 | 08:30 uur
'Gripen off the table in Slovakia'

Slovakia is not leasing or buying Saab Gripen fighter jets and neither is it seeking a joint Gripen unit with the Czech Republic anymore. According to local media this week, funds don't allow for eight JAS39 Gripens to be leased or purchased.

A possible lease of Gripens to Slovakia was subject of discussion for quite some time and even looked quite feasible as talks were progressing, also with neighbouring Czech Republic. The Czechs have been operating Gripen for well over ten years out of Čáslav airbase, and a joint squadron of 22 aircaft was also talked about.

Other purchases

The recent purchase of two Alenia Aermacchi C-27J Spartans and UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters doesn't allow for more defense spending, the government in Bratislava has said. The former replace An-26 cargo aircraft, while the latter come in place of Mi-17 Hip helos.

In Slovakia, the Saab Gripen would have replaced a small fleet of ageing MiG-29 Fulcrum fighter jets that have been in service since the late eighties. The country is now looking to keep  eight MiGs in the air for longer, with contacts already with Russian suppliers.

Czech Gripens may still be called upon in case this change of plans leads to reduced serviceability of Slovakian MiGs. The Czechs would be able to guard Slovakian airspace for roughly three months.

Zonde, hoewel een kleine speler zou het binnen het groter geheel een belangrijke zet geweest zijn.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ros op 11/12/2015 | 11:17 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 11/12/2015 | 10:54 uur
Zonde, hoewel een kleine speler zou het binnen het groter geheel een belangrijke zet geweest zijn.

Toch wel weer het bewijs dat de centen de mogelijkheden bepalen en niet de noodzaak en belang van veiligheid.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Mourning op 11/12/2015 | 11:28 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 11/12/2015 | 11:17 uur
Toch wel weer het bewijs dat de centen de mogelijkheden bepalen en niet de noodzaak en belang van veiligheid.

Of het belang wat er aan wordt toegekend, met als gevolg het geld dat men er in wil spenderen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 11/12/2015 | 11:53 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 11/12/2015 | 11:17 uur
Toch wel weer het bewijs dat de centen de mogelijkheden bepalen en niet de noodzaak en belang van veiligheid.

Ja duhu, anders had nu iedereen wel 8763 F22's gevlogen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 11/12/2015 | 12:25 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 11/12/2015 | 11:17 uur
Toch wel weer het bewijs dat de centen de mogelijkheden bepalen en niet de noodzaak en belang van veiligheid.
Niet perse de centen zelf..maar wat je er mee doet en ze voor gebruikt. Ook Slowakije heeft genoeg geld voor een sterkere defensie, maar men kiest daar er niet voor het beschikbare geld daaraan te besteden. Net als in Nederland.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 11/12/2015 | 12:30 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 11/12/2015 | 12:25 uur
Niet perse de centen zelf..maar wat je er mee doet en ze voor gebruikt. Ook Slowakije heeft genoeg geld voor een sterkere defensie, maar men kiest daar er niet voor het beschikbare geld daaraan te besteden. Net als in Nederland.

Idd, vanochtend heeft de Nederlandse zorg weer de kosten van 1 F35 verbruikt... vanmiddag volgt een 2e. Dit weekend gaat er een LCF doorheen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 11/12/2015 | 12:34 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 11/12/2015 | 12:25 uur
Niet perse de centen zelf..maar wat je er mee doet en ze voor gebruikt. Ook Slowakije heeft genoeg geld voor een sterkere defensie, maar men kiest daar er niet voor het beschikbare geld daaraan te besteden. Net als in Nederland.

Ze behoren tot de sterkere landen van de Eurozone, hebben een goede economische groei, lage staatsschuld, maar wel een aanzienlijk begrotingstekort en werkeloosheid. Ze geven relatief gezien inderdaad te weinig uit aan defensie, maar nog steeds meer dan Nederland.
De Migs zijn inmiddels 25 jaar oud, dus uiteindelijk zullen ze met 5 tot 10 jaar alsnog met een oplossing moeten komen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ros op 11/12/2015 | 12:55 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 11/12/2015 | 12:25 uur
Niet perse de centen zelf..maar wat je er mee doet en ze voor gebruikt. Ook Slowakije heeft genoeg geld voor een sterkere defensie, maar men kiest daar er niet voor het beschikbare geld daaraan te besteden. Net als in Nederland.

Het komt op hetzelfde neer. Punt is nog steeds, en dat gaat vrees ik niet doorbroken worden, dat men beleid en budget los van elkaar ziet.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 11/12/2015 | 13:17 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 11/12/2015 | 12:30 uur
Idd, vanochtend heeft de Nederlandse zorg weer de kosten van 1 F35 verbruikt... vanmiddag volgt een 2e. Dit weekend gaat er een LCF doorheen.
in deze verzorgingsstaat waarbij iedereen feitelijk te weinig gemiddeld betaald voor zijn ziektekosten verzekering zal er altijd tekort geld voor de gezondheidszorg zijn.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 11/12/2015 | 13:25 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 11/12/2015 | 12:34 uur
De Migs zijn inmiddels 25 jaar oud, dus uiteindelijk zullen ze met 5 tot 10 jaar alsnog met een oplossing moeten komen.
Misschien zien ze tegen die tijd wel het licht en het ging/gaat nog altijd over slechts acht JAS 39C/D Gripens.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 11/12/2015 | 17:05 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 11/12/2015 | 13:25 uur
Misschien zien ze tegen die tijd wel het licht en het ging/gaat nog altijd over slechts acht JAS 39C/D Gripens.

Klopt, de regionaalpolitieke gevolgen zijn belangrijker dan de operationele. Maar er zijn natuurlijk al wat spelers die op deze kist inzetten, en zeker in samenwerking met Tsjechië en Hongarije krijg je een sterker blok, ze lopen nu mogelijk in de pas met Bulgarije, misschien dat dat nog wat invulling geeft.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: JdL op 11/12/2015 | 17:25 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 11/12/2015 | 12:30 uur
Idd, vanochtend heeft de Nederlandse zorg weer de kosten van 1 F35 verbruikt... vanmiddag volgt een 2e. Dit weekend gaat er een LCF doorheen.
Het amerikaanse zorgsysteem moet je ook niet willen maar hier in NL zijn we compleet doorgeslagen
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 11/12/2015 | 17:33 uur
Citaat van: JdL op 11/12/2015 | 17:25 uur
Het amerikaanse zorgsysteem moet je ook niet willen maar hier in NL zijn we compleet doorgeslagen

Het was dan ook maar een voorbeeld mbt tot beschikbaar geld... en het Amerikaanse zorgsysteem moeten we hier zeker niet willen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: DvdW op 11/12/2015 | 20:59 uur
Citaat van: JdL op 11/12/2015 | 17:25 uur
Het amerikaanse zorgsysteem moet je ook niet willen maar hier in NL zijn we compleet doorgeslagen
en waarin is het dan 'doorgeslagen'
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 11/12/2015 | 21:21 uur
Citaat van: DvdW op 11/12/2015 | 20:59 uur
en waarin is het dan 'doorgeslagen'

Bijna euro per jaar?

Het systeem moet op de schop, met speciale aandacht voor de verzekeraars, de farmaceutische industrie. de poli's en het management waterhoofd.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: JdL op 11/12/2015 | 21:36 uur
Citaat van: DvdW op 11/12/2015 | 20:59 uur
en waarin is het dan 'doorgeslagen'
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 11/12/2015 | 21:21 uur
Bijna euro per jaar
Ik ben geen zorgexpert maar deze bedragen zijn denk ik compleet uit verhouding
Natuurlijk wil ik ook goede zorg en weet ik dat het duur is
Maar elk jaar er zoveel tegenaan smijten slaat nergens op
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 11/12/2015 | 21:55 uur
Citaat van: JdL op 11/12/2015 | 21:36 uur
ditIk ben geen zorgexpert maar deze bedragen zijn denk ik compleet uit verhouding
Natuurlijk wil ik ook goede zorg en weet ik dat het duur is
Maar elk jaar er zoveel tegenaan smijten slaat nergens op

Daarnaast: er komt elk jaar minimaal 3 tot 4% bij (ongeveer een halve defensiebegroting)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 12/12/2015 | 10:53 uur
Northrop: Beating heat leads sixth-generation fighter challenges

By Stephen Trimble, Los Angeles | 12 December 2015

Thermal management will be a critical factor in a brewing competition to replace hundreds of Lockheed Martin F-22s and Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornets, says a top Northrop Grumman executive.

Releasing a new artistic concept of a so-called sixth-generation fighter on 11 December, Northrop Aerospace Systems president Tom Vice singled-out the critical but often overlooked quality of managing all the heat generated by ever-more powerful weapons and sensors anticipated on future combat aircraft.

Northrop's sixth-generation fighter concept shows the stealthy, swept-wing fighter using a powerful laser weapon to engage multiple targets. Even the best high-power lasers are only 32-33% efficient, meaning 2MW of heat is generated for every 1MW of energy that can be formed into a laser beam, Vice says.

Northrop Grumman

That creates a difficult problem for a stealthy combat aircraft. Venting the heat offboard only raises the aircraft's visibility to heat-sealing sensors. Another option is to develop a thermal accumulator, which is a path the Air Force Research Laboratory is pursuing under the INVENT programme. An electrical accumulator stores the energy onboard in the same way as a hydraulic accumulator, releasing the latent energy as necessary to generate a surge of power.

But Northrop's sixth-generation fighter concept eschews the accumulator concept for thermal management. According to Vice, such a system imposes a limitation on the laser weapon's magazine size or firing rate, forcing the pilot to exit combat until the accumulator is refilled with energy. Northrop is pursuing a concept instead that does not rely on accumulators or offboard venting to manage the heat, but Vice declines to elaborate on the company's specific approach to solving the thermal management problem.

Northrop's concept shows a tailless, possibly supersonic vehicle, promising a new breakthrough in manoeuvrability, speed and stealth for a combat aircraft. It also departs from previous sixth-generation fighter concepts released by Northrop by featuring a swept wing, replacing an aft-mounted straight or slightly forward swept wing on previous designs.

The Lockheed Martin F-22 was the first aircraft to blend supersonic cruising speed, advanced stealth and extreme agility in the same package, building on the Northrop's B-2's breakthrough combination of stealth and size.

Putting all of those qualities in a package with a new revolution in thermal management technology is the goal for winning the US Air Force's F-X programme and the US Navy's FA-XX programme, Vice says.

"The B-2 brought a lot of technology together in a very unique package," he says. "This airplane will now combine a lot of that, and thermodynamics will be a key discriminator in who wins."
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 12/12/2015 | 12:20 uur
Northrop Grumman offers sneak-peek of full T-X concept

A private unveiling of a "slightly" outdated Northrop Grumman's T-X advanced trainer model reveals an unmistakeable likeness with the T-38 Talon and a strategic focus on cost control to win the hotly-contested US Air Force competition.

Northrop plans to publicly unveil and fly an internally funded prototype of the company's T-X trainer concept early next year. Offering a sneak-peek to journalists on 10 December, Tom Vice, president of Northrop's Aerospace Systems sector, appeared visibly conflicted over whether he should give away key features of the concept up to the last concept.

In the end, he decided to lift the veil on the model, but not allow pictures. The aircraft unveiled early next year at Northrop's flight test base in Mojave, California, will include small changes, he adds.

"When you're in Mojave and see the final design you'll see a slightly different airplane," Vice says, "but this will give you a good indication of where we're heading."

The model revealed a low-winged trainer with cheek-mounted fan inlets, an area-ruled fuselage, a structural chine running backward from the nose and a conventional single tail. Comparisons to the existing T-38 design were unavoidable, a fact acknowledged by Kevin Mickey, vice-president of advanced design at Northrop.

"In every Porsche you can see a little bit of a 360 in it. You can go all the way back to 1957 and see a little 360 in it," Mickey says, "and Tom said to me, 'I can see a little bit of T-38 in it'."

One journalist replied with a note of sarcasm, "Just a little bit?"

After a viewing lasting less than 90s, Vice directed his staff to recover the model.

"I really don't want my competitors to know just how innovative that airplane is because they have time to modify there designs and compete with us," Vice says.

The T-X competitors – which include Boeing, Lockheed Martin and Alenia Aermacchi – have to meet a set of challenging performance requirements for a high sustained g and a high sustained angle of attack, but for a price lower than it costs to build a Lockheed Martin F-16.

"All of that is really hard, but not nearly as hard as doing it at a cost the country can afford," Vice says.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/12/2015 | 12:24 uur
Citaat van: Vandaag om 10:53
Northrop: Beating heat leads sixth-generation fighter challenges

En dat is nr. 3.

Het zal mij benieuwen wat toekomstige keuzes gaan worden en wie er met de hoofdprijs vandoor gaat, het F35 concept wordt in ieder geval, gelukkig, losgelaten en we kunnen ons opmaken voor wellicht 2 operationele types, geleverd door 2 producenten, na 2035.

Waar blijft het Europese initiatief?

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 12/12/2015 | 12:47 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/12/2015 | 12:24 uur
Waar blijft het Europese initiatief?

Buiten het publieke domein. Al zou er in de komende 2 jaar wel eens iets kunnen gaan uitlekken  ;)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ros op 12/12/2015 | 12:51 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/12/2015 | 12:24 uur
Waar blijft het Europese initiatief?

Kopie maken.......F E-16  :cute-smile:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/12/2015 | 12:54 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 12/12/2015 | 12:47 uur
Buiten het publieke domein. Al zou er in de komende 2 jaar wel eens iets kunnen gaan uitlekken  ;)

Zou mooi zijn, zeker gezien de mondiale ontwikkelingen op het vlak van nieuwe fighter types... het eeuwig updaten van bestaande Europese systemen plaats ons een keer buiten het speelveld, al zullen diverse initiatieven eerst nog maar eens feitelijk het operationele levenslicht moeten gaan zien.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 12/12/2015 | 12:56 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/12/2015 | 12:24 uur
Waar blijft het Europese initiatief?

Die zijn er in een Alenia Aermacchi - M-346 en een BEA Systems  HAWK ADVANCED JET TRAINER
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/12/2015 | 13:01 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 12/12/2015 | 12:56 uur
Die zijn er in een Alenia Aermacchi - M-346 en een BEA Systems  HAWK ADVANCED JET TRAINER

Dit kan je geen initiatief noemen... ik heb het over een Europese tegenvoeter van aanstormende Aziatische, Russische en Amerikaanse fighters, niet over een relatief simpel trainertje met wat + opties.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 12/12/2015 | 13:06 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 12/12/2015 | 12:56 uur
Die zijn er in een Alenia Aermacchi - M-346 en een BEA Systems  HAWK ADVANCED JET TRAINER
Nieuwe/vernieuwde Lead-In Fighter Training (LIFT) toestellen kunnen natuurlijk geen initiatieven worden genoemd  ;)  :lol:

De Europese fabrikanten/consortia zullen toch met iets de komende 20/25 jaar moeten komen. Hoe langer ze wachten, des te moeilijker het wordt om de intercontinentale concurrentie aan te kunnen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 12/12/2015 | 13:10 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/12/2015 | 13:01 uur
Dit kan je geen initiatief noemen... ik heb het over een Europese tegenvoeter van aanstormende Aziatische, Russische en Amerikaanse fighters, niet over een relatief simpel trainertje met wat + opties.

Ik zie beide toestelen ook als Light Attack Aircrafts

Niet voor niets heeft de IAF (Israeli Air Force) 30 M346's gekocht en de IAF is toch de beste luchtmacht in het Midden Oosten of wil je het tegenovergestelde beweren?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/12/2015 | 13:11 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 12/12/2015 | 13:06 uur
De Europese fabrikanten/consortia zullen toch met iets de komende 20/25 jaar moeten komen. Hoe langer ze wachten, des te moeilijker het wordt om de intercontinentale concurrentie aan te kunnen.

Aangezien je van gedachte tot operationeel inzetbaar zo maar 20 jaar verder bent.... dan lijkt mij de tijd te dringen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/12/2015 | 13:15 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 12/12/2015 | 13:10 uur
Ik zie beide toestelen ook als Light Attack Aircrafts

Niet voor niets heeft de IAF (Israeli Air Force) 30 M346's gekocht en de IAF is toch de beste luchtmacht in het Midden Oosten of wil je het tegenovergestelde beweren?

Dat is niet het punt... het punt is wat gaat Europa op de mat brengen tegen de PAK-FA's, J-20's etc van deze wereld in 2035+... kom niet met een lullig trainertje als primair systeem... kost wel niet zo veel maar je geeft een godsvermogen uit aan bodybags.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 12/12/2015 | 13:15 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 12/12/2015 | 13:06 uur
Nieuwe/vernieuwde Lead-In Fighter Training (LIFT) toestellen kunnen natuurlijk geen initiatieven worden genoemd  ;)  :lol:

De Europese fabrikanten/consortia zullen toch met iets de komende 20/25 jaar moeten komen. Hoe langer ze wachten, des te moeilijker het wordt om de intercontinentale concurrentie aan te kunnen.

Ik zou me meer zorgen maken om de Politici die straks geld beschikbaar moeten gaan stellen om de concepten om te gaan zetten naar operationele toestellen. De industrie is er in ieder geval klaar voor.

CitaatAirbus has won a patent for a hypersonic passenger plane which could potentially fly from London to New York in an hour.
The idea would also not be limited to commercial flights. In the patent, Airbus also lists military applications for the jet.

En als het met de fighter niet lukt, kunnen we op deze basis misschien een leuke bomber bouwen. Komen de Ami's met hun sub sonic 'zeeuws meisje' oplossing  :lol: (
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 12/12/2015 | 13:17 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 12/12/2015 | 13:06 uur
Nieuwe/vernieuwde Lead-In Fighter Training (LIFT) toestellen kunnen natuurlijk geen initiatieven worden genoemd  ;)  :lol:

De Europese fabrikanten/consortia zullen toch met iets de komende 20/25 jaar moeten komen. Hoe langer ze wachten, des te moeilijker het wordt om de intercontinentale concurrentie aan te kunnen.

Leg mij dan uit waarom de  Alenia Aermacchi - M-346  dan meedoet met de  USAF T-X Trainer Competition?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/12/2015 | 13:17 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 12/12/2015 | 13:15 uur
Ik zou me meer zorgen maken om de Politici die straks geld beschikbaar moeten gaan stellen om de concepten om te gaan zetten naar operationele toestellen. De industrie is er in ieder geval klaar voor.

En als het met de fighter niet lukt, kunnen we op deze basis misschien een leuke bomber bouwen. Komen de Ami's met hun sub sonic 'zeeuws meisje' oplossing  :lol: (

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 12/12/2015 | 13:18 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/12/2015 | 13:11 uur
Aangezien je van gedachte tot operationeel inzetbaar zo maar 20 jaar verder bent.... dan lijkt mij de tijd te dringen.
Ja, dan zal men nu al moeten beginnen. Zeker met ontwikkelingstijden van de types van de afgelopen 25 jaar in het achterhoofd.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/12/2015 | 13:25 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 12/12/2015 | 13:17 uur
Leg mij dan uit waarom de  Alenia Aermacchi - M-346  dan meedoet met de  USAF T-X Trainer Competition?

Een trainer is een volledig ander verhaal... daarnaast heb ik zo het vermoeden dat de Italiaan volledig kansloos is in de VS T-X competitie, ik zou mijn kaarten zetten op een Amerikaans clean sheet ontwerp en geeft met name Boeing-Saab uitermate goede kansen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 12/12/2015 | 13:26 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 12/12/2015 | 13:17 uur
Leg mij dan uit waarom de  Alenia Aermacchi - M-346  dan meedoet met de  USAF T-X Trainer Competition?

De T-346/M-346 doet mee, omdat het een Trainer (met LIFT capaciteiten) is en het om de T-X competitie gaat  ;)

Edit. Teruglezend vermoed ik dat er verwarring is ontstaan over de volgende quote.
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/12/2015 | 12:24 uur
Het zal mij benieuwen wat toekomstige keuzes gaan worden en wie er met de hoofdprijs vandoor gaat, het F35 concept wordt in ieder geval, gelukkig, losgelaten en we kunnen ons opmaken voor wellicht 2 operationele types, geleverd door 2 producenten, na 2035.

Waar blijft het Europese initiatief?
Hiermee wordt dus een initiatief bedoeld wat betreft nieuwe Europese fighter ontwerpen, en heeft het niets te maken met de USAF T-X Competition.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 13/12/2015 | 09:25 uur
Asia's Quest For Stealth: Advanced Combat Aircraft Projects [PART 1]

By Stephen Paul Brooker  • on December 12, 2015

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 13/12/2015 | 10:51 uur
This Is Northrop Grumman's Idea Of A Sixth-Generation Fighter, But Is It Feasible?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 13/12/2015 | 11:19 uur
Citaat van: FA op 13/12/2015 | 10:51 uur
This Is Northrop Grumman's Idea Of A Sixth-Generation Fighter, But Is It Feasible?
In fact, I have been leery about discussing the whole "sixth-generation fighter" hype at all because it just sounds silly—almost childish, really, at this point. Not only will it likely be totally unaffordable in light of the F-35 program's drain on future tactical air combat dollars

Het idee dat we tegen 2030 te maken hebben met stealth, mach 6 vliegende en laser schietende toestellen komt ook mij wat vergezocht over. Misschien als er een directe oorlog met China komt ofzo, maar anders is het volgens mij echt te vergeten.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 13/12/2015 | 11:46 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 13/12/2015 | 11:19 uur
Het idee dat we tegen 2030 te maken hebben met stealth, mach 6 vliegende en laser schietende toestellen komt ook mij wat vergezocht over. Misschien als er een directe oorlog met China komt ofzo, maar anders is het volgens mij echt te vergeten.

Ik denk ook dat dit 2 bruggen te ver is voor 2030/2040, wel denk ik dat in de periode 2 nieuwe toestellen rondvliegen, de FA/XX voor de USN in een bemande en onbemande variant waarbij de focus zal liggen op bereik gezien de beperkingen waar een carrier strike fleet momenteel tegen aan loopt.

De USAF zal ongetwijfeld sterk inzetten op de F/X als F22 en F15 vervanger, een pure air dominance kist immers alle/veel ander capaciteiten zullen worden overgenomen door onbemande systemen.

Een revolutionaire 6e generatie kist is denk ik meer toekomst muziek voor het laatste kwart van deze  eeuw, de FA/XX en de F/X zullen niet meer zijn dan 5e generatie aangevuld met de LRS-B en een behoorlijk aantal minder geavanceerde systemen mede mogelijk gemaakt door een aanzienlijke reductie van het aantal F35A en C.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 13/12/2015 | 12:57 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 13/12/2015 | 11:46 uur
Ik denk ook dat dit 2 bruggen te ver is voor 2030/2040, wel denk ik dat in de periode 2 nieuwe toestellen rondvliegen, de FA/XX voor de USN in een bemande en onbemande variant waarbij de focus zal liggen op bereik gezien de beperkingen waar een carrier strike fleet momenteel tegen aan loopt.

De USAF zal ongetwijfeld sterk inzetten op de F/X als F22 en F15 vervanger, een pure air dominance kist immers alle/veel ander capaciteiten zullen worden overgenomen door onbemande systemen.

Een revolutionaire 6e generatie kist is denk ik meer toekomst muziek voor het laatste kwart van deze  eeuw, de FA/XX en de F/X zullen niet meer zijn dan 5e generatie aangevuld met de LRS-B en een behoorlijk aantal minder geavanceerde systemen mede mogelijk gemaakt door een aanzienlijke reductie van het aantal F35A en C.

Precies, die toestellen, als die er al gaan komen, en niet gewoon een F35E word ofzo, zullen meer op de huidige generatie lijken dan op de tekeningetjes van de PR afdelingen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 13/12/2015 | 16:03 uur
Asia's Quest For Stealth: Advanced Combat Aircraft Projects [PART 2]

By Stephen Paul Brooker  • on December 13,
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Poleme op 13/12/2015 | 16:26 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 13/12/2015 | 11:19 uur
Het idee dat we tegen 2030 te maken hebben met stealth, mach 6 vliegende en laser schietende toestellen komt ook mij wat vergezocht over. Misschien als er een directe oorlog met China komt ofzo, maar anders is het volgens mij echt te vergeten.
1988, de F-117A Nighthawk stealth bommenwerper wordt onthult.  Hollandse Signaal Apparaten is niet onder de indruk en vindt deze technologie maar controversieel.  Citaat: we verhogen de kwaliteit van onze radars en dan is die steelsheid ook weer geneutraliseerd.
Lente 2002, het eerste LCF komt in de vaart en de radar operators kijken hun ogen uit.  Later blijkt het LCF ook stealth kisten zoals de F-117A en B-2A op te kunnen sporen.  De Amerikanen zijn niet gecharmeerd.  

Oorspronkelijk zou de semi-steelse F-35 veel verder moeten kunnen vliegen dan de 'teen fighters'.
Helaas, op de F-35A zit al ongeveer 650 kg radar absorberend materiaal (RAM).  En de 'moon pool' voor de LiftFan en relatief zware en veel ruimte vretende wapenschachten zorgen voor een plompe en dus veel luchtweerstand leverende romp.  De Israelische luchtmacht verwijderd een groot deel van die RAM, om toch nog aardig ver toe te kunnen slaan.
Tegelijkertijd maken ze hun F-35I's, F-15's en F-16's juist steels door de vijandelijke radars electronisch af-, of te misleiden of door inkomende radar straling te neutraliseren door actieve annulering van de teruggekaatste golven.

Mach 6.  Ik lees in de link daar niets over.  Maar zowel in zwarte als de witte wereld zijn er al meer dan 30 jaar allerlei ontwikkelingen aan de gang.
Ik geloof niet in die veel te dure Long Range Strike Bomber (LRSB).   Vliegend met een kruissnelheid van ruwweg 830 - 975 km/u en vertrouwend op fysieke steelsheid in de vorm van radar deflecterende constructies en RAM.
Ik denk dat je op de lange afstand alleen kan overleven door veel hoger en veel sneller te gaan vliegen.
Dan moet je denken aan snelheden >Mach 5 en hoogtes > 30 km.

Laserwapens.  Beam him down Scotty!
In de oren van velen van jullie klinkt dit nog steeds als science fiction.
Beter kunnen we spreken over Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) en daar wordt ook al decennia aan gewerkt.
In werkelijkheid is er al een anti schip / land attack raket op de markt, die beschikt over een DEW.
En, de F-22A Raptor kan haar radar inzetten als High Power Microwave wapen.  De F-35A gaat ook beschikken over deze capaciteit.  In eerste instantie tegen inkomende raketten, maar je kunt er ook in een Within Visual Range gevecht de elektrische apparatuur van je tegenstander mee storen of vernietigen.
De invoering van DEW's gaat heel wat veranderen in de lucht oorlog.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/12/2015 | 09:23 uur
Israel, US examining F-35B sale
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 14/12/2015 | 09:36 uur
Norway authorizes purchase of 6 more Lockheed F-35 fighter jets (En nu nog goedkeuring voor de jaren 2021 t/m 2024)

By Andrea Shalal, Washington DC | December 11, 2015

Norway has approved a defense budget that authorizes the purchase of six additional Lockheed Martin Corp F-35 fighter jets for delivery in 2020, Endre Lunde, a spokesman for Norway's F-35 program, said on Friday.

The purchase will bring the total number of jets authorized by Norway to 28, Lunde said.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 14/12/2015 | 10:11 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/12/2015 | 09:23 uur
Israel, US examining F-35B sale

Ik kan me niet voorstellen dat IAF gaat voor de F-35B, in alles de mindere dan de F-35A(I), die ze al hebben.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 14/12/2015 | 10:32 uur

PALMDALE -- Amid signs of growing U.S. Air Force and Navy interest in a sixth-generation combat aircraft, Northrop Grumman is accelerating studies of key technologies for directed energy weapons and thermal management, which it says will be fundamental to future capability. The company, whose last venture into the air dominance arena in the 1980s, the YF-23, lost out to Lockheed Martin's F-22 in the advanced tactical fighter contest, has unveiled new  images

Als ik kijk naar de afmeting van de cockpit en de rest van het toestel, dan wordt het een groot toestel.
Groter betekend waarschijnlijk ook ; meer brandstof, groter bereik, meer interne ruimte, meer wapens.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 14/12/2015 | 10:39 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 14/12/2015 | 10:32 uur

PALMDALE -- Amid signs of growing U.S. Air Force and Navy interest in a sixth-generation combat aircraft, Northrop Grumman is accelerating studies of key technologies for directed energy weapons and thermal management, which it says will be fundamental to future capability. The company, whose last venture into the air dominance arena in the 1980s, the YF-23, lost out to Lockheed Martin's F-22 in the advanced tactical fighter contest, has unveiled new  images

Als ik kijk naar de afmeting van de cockpit en de rest van het toestel, dan wordt het een groot toestel.
Groter betekend waarschijnlijk ook ; meer brandstof, groter bereik, meer interne ruimte, meer wapens.

In ieder geval een sleek ding om te zien.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Poleme op 14/12/2015 | 15:05 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 14/12/2015 | 10:32 uur

PALMDALE -- Amid signs of growing U.S. Air Force and Navy interest in a sixth-generation combat aircraft, Northrop Grumman is accelerating studies of key technologies for directed energy weapons and thermal management, which it says will be fundamental to future capability. The company, whose last venture into the air dominance arena in the 1980s, the YF-23, lost out to Lockheed Martin's F-22 in the advanced tactical fighter contest, has unveiled new  images

Als ik kijk naar de afmeting van de cockpit en de rest van het toestel, dan wordt het een groot toestel.
Groter betekend waarschijnlijk ook ; meer brandstof, groter bereik, meer interne ruimte, meer wapens.
Harry Hillaker van General Dynamics ontwierp ooit de F-111 Aardvark.  Deze kist kan ruim 19.000 liter peut intern meenemen en intern ook nog eens 4x 2.000 ponders.  Toch gingen jongens uit het veld klagen bij Hillaker, kan dat nou niet anders?

Toen de F-15 Eagle door McDonnell Douglas werd ontworpen, was deze vergeleken met zijn voorganger, de F-4 Phantom, minder geavanceerd.
Jullie willen betere acceleratie, meer klimvermogen?   Goed, dan bouwen we sterkere motoren in.   Jullie willen meer vliegbereik en een langere vliegduur?   Okee, dan verhogen we de peut voorraad.

Toen kwam de 'fighter maffia'.  Wij willen een jachtvliegtuig met een zo hoog mogelijke verhouding tussen motorvermogen en gewicht Thrust - Weight ratio, T/W).  Zoveel mogelijk Specific Engine Power, zodat je bij scherpe manoeuvres nog voldoende motorvermogen overhoud om die scherpe manoeuvres vol te houden.
En een zo laag mogelijke vleugelbelasting, in andere woorden: heel veel vleugel oppervlak tegen een zo laag mogelijk gewicht.
Deze kist moest ook nog eenvoudig, licht gewicht, klein en dus goedkoop zijn.
EN ... ze eisten een groot vliegbereik en lange vliegduur.
Heel veel 'paardenkrachten',  een grote veel luchtweerstand leverende vleugel, een grote 'zeepbel' achtige cockpit kap zodat je goed rondom zicht hebt;  een zo licht en klein mogelijke casco en nog ver kunnen vliegen ook.

Meestal eindigen zulk soort ontwerpen in heel veel motor en heel weinig beschikbare peut.  Denk aan de Britse Lightning, de MiG-21 en de '104' (Starfighter).
De ontwerpers van de Light Weight Fighter (LWF), later Air Combat Fighter,  moesten hun kist rondom de krachtige F100 motor ontwerpen.
In plaats van een recht toe recht aan ontwerp wijze als bij de F-15 Eagle.   Ging men de LWF juist op een heel verfijnde manier ontwerpen.
Was de F-15 (net als de F-111 overigens) een kist die in de McDonnell Douglas traditie altijd wat zwaarder /sterker werd geconstrueerd dan nodig. Kan altijd handig zijn bij een te harde landing of gevecht schade.
Werd de LWF net als de Japanse A6M 'Zero' over al net sterk genoeg geconstrueerd om het gewicht zo minimaal te houden.
In dat kleine vliegtuig probeerde men toch zoveel mogelijk peut te stouwen als mogelijk.
Maar om aan de tegenstrijdige eisen van grote wendbaarheid en toch groot vliegbereik te voldoen.
Focuste men op een zo minimaal mogelijke totale luchtweerstand.  
Kom daar maar eens om bij de F-18C/D Hornet, die een 1,5 keer grotere luchtweerstand heeft dan de F-15C/D Eagle.

De totale fighter markt heeft er qua geproduceerde aantallen altijd uitgezien als een piramide.
Een kleine marktsegment met grote, zware en (zeer) dure gevechtsvliegtuigen in de top van de piramide.
En een veel groter marktsegment met goedkope kleine, lichte en niet al te complexe kisten, die soms heel capabel kunnen zijn.

De '104' koste NLG 6 miljoen / dik EUR 2,7 miljoen, dat was duur voor die tijd.  De F-16A/B koste fly-away NLG 22 miljoen / EUR 10 miljoen en had een systeemprijs van NLG 40 / EUR 18,15 miljoen.   En de F-35A gaat volgens een Noorse juridisch bindende Request For Information USD 165 - 235 miljoen kosten.

Hoeveel gaan die F-X en F-XX kosten ?
USD 450 en 550 miljoen per stuk, misschien wel USD 750 miljoen?   En hoeveel worden er dan gebouwd ?

Eens komt er een tijd dat een luchtmacht maar uit 1 gevechtsvliegtuig bestaat.

'Maar hoe verging het ook al weer met die grote en zware dinosauriërs ?  Ze werden vervangen door veel lichtere en doelmatiger zoogdieren.'   ;)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 14/12/2015 | 16:06 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 14/12/2015 | 15:05 uur

Eens komt er een tijd dat een luchtmacht maar uit 1 gevechtsvliegtuig bestaat.

'Maar hoe verging het ook al weer met die grote en zware dinosauriërs ?  Ze werden vervangen door veel lichtere en doelmatiger zoogdieren.'   ;)
Door voor de Gripen NG te kiezen hadden we die ontwikkeling binnen Europa enigszins kunnen afremmen...maar helaas...het is hem niet geworden. En dus gaan we mee in deze ontwikkeling in de Amerikaanse gevechtsvliegtuigontwikkeling. Al is de komst van de UCAV misschien wel weer een nemen ook daar de kosten heel snel toe.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 14/12/2015 | 16:20 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 14/12/2015 | 10:32 uur

PALMDALE -- Amid signs of growing U.S. Air Force and Navy interest in a sixth-generation combat aircraft, Northrop Grumman is accelerating studies of key technologies for directed energy weapons and thermal management, which it says will be fundamental to future capability. The company, whose last venture into the air dominance arena in the 1980s, the YF-23, lost out to Lockheed Martin's F-22 in the advanced tactical fighter contest, has unveiled new  images

Als men de afbeelding bekijkt van de artist impressie van Northrop Grumman, dan lijkt het wel dat ze de UCAV X-47B vleugel samen gevoegd hebben met de romp van de YF-23, beide van Northrop.
ach  ..... een artist impressie veranderd zo weer ...
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/12/2015 | 16:30 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 14/12/2015 | 16:20 uur
Als men de afbeelding bekijkt van de artist impressie van Northrop Grumman, dan lijkt het wel dat ze de UCAV X-47B vleugel samen gevoegd hebben met de romp van de YF-23, beide van Northrop.
ach  ..... een artist impressie veranderd zo weer ...

Volgens mij zal de focus van de FA/XX komen te liggen op air dominance met een aanzienlijk groter bereik dan de huidige F18E en de aanstaande F35C, meer een echte vervanger van de F14A. Voor aanvalsdoeleinden zal veel meer ingezet worden op onbemande systemen met een aanzienlijk groter bereik dan dit nu het geval is.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: JdL op 14/12/2015 | 16:36 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/12/2015 | 16:30 uur
meer een echte vervanger van de F14A.
die krijgt de US navy en ook de NAVO hard nodig in de toekomst
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 14/12/2015 | 16:39 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/12/2015 | 16:30 uur
Volgens mij zal de focus van de FA/XX komen te liggen op air dominance met een aanzienlijk groter bereik dan de huidige F18E en de aanstaande F35C, meer een echte vervanger van de F14A. Voor aanvalsdoeleinden zal veel meer ingezet worden op onbemande systemen met een aanzienlijk groter bereik dan dit nu het geval is.
Het zou niet vreemd zijn als het winnende F/A-XX ontwerp maximaal de grootte van de F-14 krijgt. En dat de nadruk al air dominance zal liggen, sluit niet uit dat het ontwerp ook goed genoeg is voor de grondaanvalstaak. De Tomcat kreeg halverwege de jaren 90 niet voor niets de bijnaam Bombcat (Grumman wist al begin jaren 70 dat de F-14 hiervoor geschikt was).
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/12/2015 | 16:45 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 14/12/2015 | 16:39 uur
Het zou niet vreemd zijn als het winnende F/A-XX ontwerp maximaal de grootte van de F-14 krijgt. En dat de nadruk al air dominance zal liggen, sluit niet uit dat het ontwerp ook goed genoeg is voor de grondaanvalstaak. De Tomcat kreeg halverwege de jaren 90 niet voor niets de bijnaam Bombcat (Grumman wist al begin jaren 70 dat de F-14 hiervoor geschikt was).

Dat was de "D" versie... het is gemakkelijker van een fighter een muli-role kist te maken dan andersom.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 14/12/2015 | 17:44 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/12/2015 | 16:45 uur
Dat was de "D" versie... het is gemakkelijker van een fighter een muli-role kist te maken dan andersom.
En ook de F-14B. Dat laatste is een waarheid. Zeker als je de ontwikkeling van de Tornado ADV volgt.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 14/12/2015 | 19:43 uur
Ik denk ook dat het goed is om de focus bij de navy te leggen op een Tomcat II. Na de uitfasering van de F-14 moest de F-18 deze overnemen. Maar de F-18 moest ook al de taken overnemen van A-6 en A-7. Daarom werd het ook multiroll. Door weer taken te splitsen krijg je straks de F-35C In combi met UCAV als aanvalstoestel/ bommenwerper en een echte fighter in de FA/XX
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 15/12/2015 | 09:14 uur
Boeing Phantom Works keeping T-X and F-X plans under wraps

By James Drew, Washington DC | 14 December 2015

Boeing Phantom Works president Darryl Davis is refusing to take Northrop's bait by disclosing new information about his advanced research and design unit's secretive "T-X" and future fighter projects.

In an interview with Flightglobal in Washington this week, Davis stayed tight-lipped on when the company intends to fly the clean-sheet, next-generation trainer it is developing with Saab for the air force.

The most that has been revealed about the Boeing T-X alternative is an artist's impression of the twin-seat advanced pilot trainer's long nose and forward cockpit.

More was revealed to VIPs attending the Air Warfare Symposium in September, but reporters were not granted access.

"We've publically stated that Boeing is working with Saab on clean sheet design. Beyond that, I'm not going to share any more details," he said on the sidelines of the CNAS National Security Forum.

Northrop recently assembled reporters in California where it unveiled a "slightly outdated" model of its clean-sheet T-X design, which it intends to unveil and fly early next year. Northrop also released an image of a stealthy, laser-armed, swept-wing "sixth-generation" fighter for next-generation air dominance.

Davis contends that "it's not about a pointy-ended airplane just yet".

Instead, the Phantom Works is working on a range of technologies that collectively might enable the US military to dominate the skies.

"From where I sit in Phantom Works, what are we doing to make sure those technologies are in some state of development, and are they on a path to mature?" he says. "You have sensors, you have airplanes, you have weapons, you have electronic effects, you have cyber. There's a whole kitbag of effects you can apply.

"You obviously want to defeat your enemy, but there are many ways to do defeat an enemy."

He says the US air force and navy may take different approaches for their respective F-X and F-XX requirements to follow the F/A-18 and F-22 and ensure Western air dominance into the 2030s – but there will also be plenty of commonality. It also too early to tell if it will evolve into a joint endeavour like the Lockheed Martin F-35 or separate airplanes or close derivatives, Davis adds.

One main piece of the air dominance puzzle is weapons, and whether a platform can perhaps trade speed and manoeuvrability for more agile long-range weapons.

"Wherever you move that requirement, it costs money somewhere on that kill chain, so it's about understanding where is the best leverage for that particular attribute and that cost-effective breakdown."

There is currently plenty of work on directed energy weapons, like lasers and high-power microwave beams, he says. Phantom Works is also known to be working on nearer-term weapons, like the DARPA Triple Target Terminator (T3).

Wherever Boeing stands today, it will undoubtable be at a disadvantage if can't reverse the air force's selection of Northrop to design and built the Long-Range Strike Bomber. That programme is worth upwards of $80 billion and its development will involve some of the most classified, cutting-edge aerospace technologies.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 15/12/2015 | 12:14 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 15/12/2015 | 09:14 uur
Northrop also released an image of a stealthy, laser-armed, swept-wing "sixth-generation" fighter for next-generation air dominance.

Zouden we ook weer swept-wing concepten te zien krijgen ?
Gaan ze het in 1993 gestopte A/F-X programma weer nieuw leven inblazen en 30 jaar latere systemen/technologie toevoegen? .. F/A-XX

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 15/12/2015 | 12:34 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 15/12/2015 | 12:14 uur
Zouden we ook weer swept-wing concepten te zien krijgen ?
Gaan ze het in 1993 gestopte A/F-X programma weer nieuw leven inblazen en 30 jaar latere systemen/technologie toevoegen? .. F/A-XX
Met swept-wing wordt pijlvleugel bedoeld en niet swing-wing (F-14, F-111, Tornado, enz).
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Harald op 15/12/2015 | 13:07 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 15/12/2015 | 12:34 uur
Met swept-wing wordt pijlvleugel bedoeld en niet swing-wing (F-14, F-111, Tornado, enz).
idd  :'(  erg jammer
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 16/12/2015 | 09:21 uur
Production of first Japan-built F-35A commences

By Greg Waldron, Singapore | 16 December 2015

Mitsubishi Heavy Industry has started work on the first Lockheed Martin F-35A to be assembled in Japan.

The work took place at a Mitsubishi factory in Nagoya, and saw the mating of the aircraft's wings, fuselage, and tail, says Lockheed in a statement.

The aircraft is designated AX-5, and will be the fifth F-35A produced for the Japanese air force. Japan's first four aircraft, designated AX-1-4, will be produced at the main F-35 factory in Fort Worth, Texas. Japan is to receive its first F-35, AX-1, in 2016.

In 2012 Japan selected the F-35A over the competing Boeing F/A-18 E/F Super Hornet for a 42 aircraft requirement. The deal, conducted under the US government's Foreign Military Sales (FMS) programme, will see 38 F-35As produced at a final assembly and check-out (FACO) facility in Japan.

In 2014 the US selected the Nagoya FACO to be the F-35's main heavy MRO and upgrade facility in North Asia.

Lockheed and Mitsubishi are working to complete installation of tooling and other equipment for the Nagoya F-35 FACO.

The Nagoya FACO will be the second international F-35 production facility. The other is located at Italy's Cameri air base, which delivered its first completed F-35A to the Italian air force earlier this month.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 17/12/2015 | 09:14 uur
F-22, Typhoon and Rafale tested in new joint combat exercise

By James Drew, Washington DC | 16 December 2015

The increasingly cluttered warzone in Syria and the recent shoot down of a Russian Su-24 fighter-bomber by Turkey underscore the need for deeper interoperability, deconfliction and coordination between coalition fighters, according to US Air Force's top general.

The USA, UK and France have assembled their premiere fighters at Langley AFB for a rare high-end training exercise, which tested interoperability between the fourth and fifth-generation jets.

USAF F-22s have been flying alongside RAF Typhoons and French Air Force Rafales against F-15E Strike Eagles in a two-week deployment that began last week.


"The same kind of deconfliction and communication process that's being used here is in place in the Middle East," explained USAF chief of the staff Gen Mark Welsh at a press conference at the base yesterday. "Our air forces there do a lot of work to try and stay in communication so there is less chance for miscommunication or confusion that leads to mistakes or bad decisions."

The inaugural Trilateral Exercise has been designed to test fighter pilots in realistic "full-spectrum" combat scenarios against advanced air and ground threats with support from combat rescue helicopters and airborne warning and control aircraft.


With relative air superiority in the most recent coalition campaigns in Iraq, Afghanistan and now in Syria against the Islamic State terrorist group, air-to-air engagements remain a real possibility.

That risk was brought to the fore last month when a Turkish F-16 using a Raytheon AIM-9X Sidewinder destroyed a Russian Su-24 for allegedly straying into Turkish airspace.

"It's a dangerous business. Don't cross somebody's border without permission," Welsh says of the deadly incident. "Any time there are a number of forces operating in close proximity, there is the potential for errors and mistakes and bad things that happen. It's an ugly environment any time you're actually conducting combat operations, so people must coordinate and cooperate to do it properly."

American's top air superiority fighter, the Lockheed Martin F-22 has trouble communicating with other aircraft including the F-35, and relies on voice radios to relay battlespace information. It can receive but not transmit information via Link 16.

US Air Combat Command datalink and aerial networking requirements official Lt Col Scott Hamilton says it could take another five or six years before the F-22 is modified to join Link 16 networks. As the most common coalition datalink, Hamilton recommended more investment in Link 16 infrastructure modernisation by both American and coalition air forces.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 17/12/2015 | 11:25 uur
PICTURES: KAI, Lockheed rollout T-X prototype

17 December, 2015   | BY: Greg Waldron|Twitter|Flightglobal|sf17137418&CMPID=sf17137418
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 17/12/2015 | 11:35 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 17/12/2015 | 11:25 uur
PICTURES: KAI, Lockheed rollout T-X prototype

Op de gok: de eerste afvaller in beeld.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 17/12/2015 | 15:07 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 17/12/2015 | 11:35 uur
Op de gok: de eerste afvaller in beeld.

De Korea Aerospace Industries T50 schijnt een geweldige kist te zijn met de techniek van de F16 ik denk niet dat deze kansloos is.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 17/12/2015 | 15:10 uur
Rafale contract in Qatar comes into force

Dassault Aviation, Saint-Cloud, France, 17 December 2015

The contract for the purchase of 24 Rafale aircraft by Qatar came into force today.

Signed in Doha on 4 May 2015, in the company of His Highness Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Emir of the State of Qatar, and Mr. François Hollande, President of the French Republic, this contract represents a new milestone in the strategic partnership between Qatar and France. It also confirms the historical ties that have been forged with Dassault Aviation for almost forty years.

"In a demanding geopolitical context, Qatar wants to benefit from the Rafale's qualities in the same way as it was able to do previously with those of the Mirage F1, Alpha Jet and Mirage 2000. Dassault Aviation and the 500 French companies associated with the Rafale program are honored by this demonstration of trust", said Eric Trappier, CEO of Dassault Aviation.

About the Rafale:

The Rafale is a twin-jet fighter aircraft able to operate from both an aircraft carrier and a shore base. The fully versatile Rafale is able to carry out all combat aviation missions: air defense, interception, ground support, in-depth strikes, reconnaissance, anti-ship strikes and nuclear deterrence. The Rafale entered service with the French Navy in 2004 and with the French Air Force in 2006. The Egyptian Air Force received its first aircraft in 2015. The Rafale has proven its worth in combat in Afghanistan, Libya, Mali, Iraq and Syria. On 30 June 2015, 138 Rafale aircraft had been delivered.

About Dassault Aviation:

With more than 8,000 military and civil aircraft delivered to more than 90 countries over the past 60 years, and having logged nearly 28 million flight hours to date, Dassault Aviation can offer recognized know-how and experience in the design, development, sale and support of all types of aircraft, from the Rafale fighter to the Falcon range of high-end business jets, as well as military unmanned air systems. In 2014, Dassault Aviation reported revenues of €3.68 billion. The company has almost 11,700 employees.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: JdL op 17/12/2015 | 15:16 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 17/12/2015 | 11:25 uur
PICTURES: KAI, Lockheed rollout T-X prototype

17 December, 2015   | BY: Greg Waldron|Twitter|Flightglobal|sf17137418&CMPID=sf17137418

Ik vermoed dat de amerikanen voor amerikaans spul gaan
Maar misschien maken de koreanen een kans
Lijkt me goed om de winnaar van T-X een competitie tegen de M-346 te laten houden in de EU om een europees opleidingscomando te vormen
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Poleme op 17/12/2015 | 16:33 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 17/12/2015 | 09:14 uur
F-22, Typhoon and Rafale tested in new joint combat exercise.

By James Drew, Washington DC | 16 December 2015

The increasingly cluttered warzone in Syria and the recent shoot down of a Russian Su-24 fighter-bomber by Turkey underscore the need for deeper interoperability, deconfliction and coordination between coalition fighters, according to US Air Force's top general.

The USA, UK and France have assembled their premiere fighters at Langley AFB for a rare high-end training exercise, which tested interoperability between the fourth and fifth-generation jets.

USAF F-22s have been flying alongside RAF Typhoons and French Air Force Rafales against F-15E Strike Eagles in a two-week deployment that began last week.

"The same kind of deconfliction and communication process that's being used here is in place in the Middle East," explained USAF chief of the staff Gen Mark Welsh at a press conference at the base yesterday. "Our air forces there do a lot of work to try and stay in communication so there is less chance for miscommunication or confusion that leads to mistakes or bad decisions."

The inaugural Trilateral Exercise has been designed to test fighter pilots in realistic "full-spectrum" combat scenarios against advanced air and ground threats with support from combat rescue helicopters and airborne warning and control aircraft.

With relative air superiority in the most recent coalition campaigns in Iraq, Afghanistan and now in Syria against the Islamic State terrorist group, air-to-air engagements remain a real possibility.

That risk was brought to the fore last month when a Turkish F-16 using a Raytheon AIM-9X Sidewinder destroyed a Russian Su-24 for allegedly straying into Turkish airspace.

"It's a dangerous business. Don't cross somebody's border without permission," Welsh says of the deadly incident. "Any time there are a number of forces operating in close proximity, there is the potential for errors and mistakes and bad things that happen. It's an ugly environment any time you're actually conducting combat operations, so people must coordinate and cooperate to do it properly."

American's top air superiority fighter, the Lockheed Martin F-22 has trouble communicating with other aircraft including the F-35, and relies on voice radios to relay battlespace information. It can receive but not transmit information via Link 16.

US Air Combat Command datalink and aerial networking requirements official Lt Col Scott Hamilton says it could take another five or six years before the F-22 is modified to join Link 16 networks. As the most common coalition datalink, Hamilton recommended more investment in Link 16 infrastructure modernisation by both American and coalition air forces.
F-22A's duelleren in deze oefening ook met Rafale's en Typhoon's.  De Typhoon's moeten hun PIRATE infra rood camera echter uitschakelen als ze oefenen tegen F-22A Raptors  ;)
De Raptor kan met zijn ALR-94 radar peil apparatuur elke radar uitzending tot op 465 kilometer opsporen, identificeren en via triangulatie met 2 andere Raptors heel nauwkeurig deze radars volgen.  Helaas kunnen ze deze info niet met andere types delen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Poleme op 17/12/2015 | 16:41 uur

Hoe expeditionair is de F-35B STOVL eigenlijk ?

Het kost 17 tot 60 dagen om een landing pad te bouwen voor een US Marines F-35B squadron in vredestijd.

En wat kost deze STOVL, voorwaarts geschoven mythe ?

Aanschaf prijzen in 2015,  EXCLUSIEF Research & Development kosten !:
F-35A:  USD 148 miljoen
F-35B:  USD 251 miljoen
F-35C:  USD 337 miljoen
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 17/12/2015 | 16:55 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 17/12/2015 | 15:07 uur
De Korea Aerospace Industries T50 schijnt een geweldige kist te zijn met de techniek van de F16 ik denk niet dat deze kansloos is.

Ik wel.. ik gok blind op het clean sheet model van Boeing en Saab, al was het maar om politieke reden:

Northrop grumman heeft de LRS-B
LM de F35
Boeing: nog niets
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 17/12/2015 | 17:08 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 17/12/2015 | 16:55 uur
Ik wel.. ik gok blind op het clean sheet model van Boeing en Saab, al was het maar om politieke reden:

Northrop grumman heeft de LRS-B
LM de F35
Boeing: nog niets

Is wel iets simplistisch, zoals je zelf al aangeeft, een blinde gok, maar het kan veel kanten op. Boeing heeft bijvoorbeeld wel het KC contract, om maar eens wat te noemen. En je kunt ook stellen dat de lobby van Boeing verzwakt is.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 17/12/2015 | 17:43 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 17/12/2015 | 17:08 uur
Is wel iets simplistisch, zoals je zelf al aangeeft, een blinde gok, maar het kan veel kanten op. Boeing heeft bijvoorbeeld wel het KC contract, om maar eens wat te noemen. En je kunt ook stellen dat de lobby van Boeing verzwakt is.

Maar niets meer wat op een gevechtsvliegtuig en/of een bommenwerper lijkt... Daarnaast denk ik dat de keuze gaat naar een clean sheet ontwerp.

We gaan het zien.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: JdL op 17/12/2015 | 17:46 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 17/12/2015 | 17:43 uur
Maar niets meer wat op een gevechtsvliegtuig en/of een bommenwerper lijkt... Daarnaast denk ik dat de keuze gaat naar een clean sheet ontwerp.

We gaan het zien.
Ik gok ook op boeing om de zelfde reden
Maar ja gokken kan een slechte bezigheid zijn ;)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Zander op 17/12/2015 | 18:22 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 17/12/2015 | 17:08 uur
En je kunt ook stellen dat de lobby van Boeing verzwakt is.

Valt wel mee denk ik, ze hebben ook de P8 Poseidon nog.
Dus voor Boeing zit er ook genoeg in de pot.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 17/12/2015 | 18:37 uur
Citaat van: Zander op 17/12/2015 | 18:22 uur
Valt wel mee denk ik, ze hebben ook de P8 Poseidon nog.
Dus voor Boeing zit er ook genoeg in de pot.

Niet op een fighter productielijn, na de F15 en de F18 is het zonder alternatief voorlopig klaar.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 17/12/2015 | 18:39 uur
Citaat van: JdL op 17/12/2015 | 17:46 uur
Ik gok ook op boeing om de zelfde reden
Maar ja gokken kan een slechte bezigheid zijn ;)

Zeker, alles is natuurlijk mogelijk, er zijn immers 4 kandidaten.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 17/12/2015 | 18:40 uur
Citaat van: Zander op 17/12/2015 | 18:22 uur
Valt wel mee denk ik, ze hebben ook de P8 Poseidon nog.
Dus voor Boeing zit er ook genoeg in de pot.

Ging mij er meer om dat stellen dat Boeing gegarandeerd de TX krijgt 'omdat ze nog niks hebben' dubbel fout is, enerzijds is het niet zo dat ze niks hebben, anderzijds zijn er heel veel verklaringen te verzinnen waarom ze dan niks hebben.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: JdL op 17/12/2015 | 18:42 uur
Boeing heeft de afgelopen jaren wel een behoorlijk aantal contracten verloren
Bvb de JSF
Of recent nog de L-RSB
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 17/12/2015 | 18:49 uur
Citaat van: JdL op 17/12/2015 | 18:42 uur
Boeing heeft de afgelopen jaren wel een behoorlijk aantal contracten verloren
Bvb de JSF
Of recent nog de L-RSB

Dus? Lobby niet in orde? Politici niet betaald? Slechte producten?

Uiteindelijk, er kan bij elk contract maar 1 speler winnen, het aantal verliezers is meestal een stuk groter. Daarbij, als je aan meer competities meedoet kun je ook vaker verliezen.

Er valt heel veel over te zeggen, maar een garantie voor TX zie ik er niet in.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 17/12/2015 | 18:54 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 17/12/2015 | 18:40 uur
Ging mij er meer om dat stellen dat Boeing gegarandeerd de TX krijgt 'omdat ze nog niks hebben' dubbel fout is, enerzijds is het niet zo dat ze niks hebben, anderzijds zijn er heel veel verklaringen te verzinnen waarom ze dan niks hebben.

Ik gok er blind op, dat is wat anders dan dat ik het zeker weet!

Daarnaast gok ik op een clean sheet ontwerp als trainer ++

In 2017 zullen we het vermoedelijk zeker weten.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: JdL op 17/12/2015 | 19:13 uur
omdat het om een trainer++ gaat heb je een grotere kans dat er voor een nieuw ontwerp gekozen wordt wat er speciaal voor gebouwd is
de T-50 en M-346 zijn pure trainers die ook ingezet kunnen worden voor CAS
een trainer++ zal waarschijnlijk ook radar hebben enz om de taken van de ANG eenheden die nu met de F-16 vliegen te kunnen doen
boeing kan dat er allemaal al in het ontwerp instoppen terwijl de andere firma's bestaande modellen ervoor moeten aanpassen
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 17/12/2015 | 19:27 uur
Citaat van: JdL op 17/12/2015 | 19:13 uur
omdat het om een trainer++ gaat heb je een grotere kans dat er voor een nieuw ontwerp gekozen wordt wat er speciaal voor gebouwd is
de T-50 en M-346 zijn pure trainers die ook ingezet kunnen worden voor CAS
een trainer++ zal waarschijnlijk ook radar hebben enz om de taken van de ANG eenheden die nu met de F-16 vliegen te kunnen doen
boeing kan dat er allemaal al in het ontwerp instoppen terwijl de andere firma's bestaande modellen ervoor moeten aanpassen

De T50 is een trainer, de TA50 en FA50 zijn van begin af aan bedoeld voor gevechtstaken, en beschikken ook over radar etc.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 17/12/2015 | 19:32 uur
Citaat van: JdL op 17/12/2015 | 19:13 uur
omdat het om een trainer++ gaat heb je een grotere kans dat er voor een nieuw ontwerp gekozen wordt wat er speciaal voor gebouwd is
de T-50 en M-346 zijn pure trainers die ook ingezet kunnen worden voor CAS
een trainer++ zal waarschijnlijk ook radar hebben enz om de taken van de ANG eenheden die nu met de F-16 vliegen te kunnen doen
boeing kan dat er allemaal al in het ontwerp instoppen terwijl de andere firma's bestaande modellen ervoor moeten aanpassen


Hier op dit forum zouden ze toch bijna lyrische moeten zijn over de Boeing-Saab optie gezien de selectieve adoratie van deze fabrikant.  :cute-smile:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 17/12/2015 | 19:51 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 17/12/2015 | 19:32 uur

Hier op dit forum zouden ze toch bijna lyrische moeten zijn over de Boeing-Saab optie gezien de selectieve adoratie van deze fabrikant.  :cute-smile:

Misschien bestaat er wel niet zoveel SAAB adoratie, en ligt eea bij de meeste leden toch wat genuanceerder ;).
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 17/12/2015 | 20:18 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 17/12/2015 | 19:51 uur
Misschien bestaat er wel niet zoveel SAAB adoratie, en ligt eea bij de meeste leden toch wat genuanceerder ;).

Misschien ook niet...  :angel:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 17/12/2015 | 20:42 uur
Citaat van: JdL op 17/12/2015 | 19:13 uur
een trainer++ zal waarschijnlijk ook radar hebben enz om de taken van de ANG eenheden die nu met de F-16 vliegen te kunnen doen
boeing kan dat er allemaal al in het ontwerp instoppen terwijl de andere firma's bestaande modellen ervoor moeten aanpassen
Het zou vreemd zijn als speciaal voor de ANG een trainer++ wordt aangekocht, terwijl de F-35A daar uiteindelijk ook terecht komt.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Poleme op 17/12/2015 | 21:25 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 17/12/2015 | 19:32 uur

Hier op dit forum zouden ze toch bijna lyrische moeten zijn over de Boeing-Saab optie gezien de selectieve adoratie van deze fabrikant.  :cute-smile:
IK ben niet lyrisch, maar wel fan van dat specifieke Saab product.
En nee Jurrien , ik werk niet bij Saab, maar een concurrent.  ;)

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Poleme op 17/12/2015 | 21:45 uur
Citaat van: JdL op 17/12/2015 | 19:13 uur
omdat het om een trainer++ gaat heb je een grotere kans dat er voor een nieuw ontwerp gekozen wordt wat er speciaal voor gebouwd is
de T-50 en M-346 zijn pure trainers die ook ingezet kunnen worden voor CAS
een trainer++ zal waarschijnlijk ook radar hebben enz om de taken van de ANG eenheden die nu met de F-16 vliegen te kunnen doen
boeing kan dat er allemaal al in het ontwerp instoppen terwijl de andere firma's bestaande modellen ervoor moeten aanpassen
Trainer ++ ?

Van de M-346 of T-346 bestaat inderdaad een gewapende versie.  De Russen hebben hun variant, de Yak-130, te licht bevonden voor de CAS taak.
Want de grotere en zwaardere Sukhoi-25 Frogfoot is namelijk gepantserd, de Yak-130 en M / T-346 hebben daarvoor te weinig gewicht marge !

De T-346 hoeft ook helemaal geen wapens, radar of doelaanwijs pod mee te voeren, want dat wordt allemaal gesimuleerd in de stuurhut zelf.
Een 'trainer ++' kan ook helemaal geen F-16C vervangen.  Blijf dan nieuwe F-16C's bouwen om het uiteindelijke kleine aantal F-35A's en F-35B/C's aan te vullen en voor export klanten die de F-35 niet kunnen veroorloven.
De US Air Force krijgt waarschijnlijk, maar minimaal 325, misschien 480 en maximaal 850 F-35A's.  Terwijl de US Navy en US Marines waarschijnlijk eindigen met in totaal 300 - 400 F-35B's en F-35C's.  Geen gok, maar gebaseerd op al meer dan 10 oude road plans en ontwikkelingen bij andere F-35 klanten, die gemiddeld slechts ongeveer 1/3 af gaan nemen van hun originele plan aantallen.

Dan die T-X, komt pas op zijn vroegst in 2023 in dienst, maar waarschijnlijker tegen 2030.
En dat is voor veel luchtmachten TE laat.  ;)
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 17/12/2015 | 22:59 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 17/12/2015 | 21:25 uur
 IK ben niet lyrisch, maar wel fan van dat specifieke Saab product.
En nee Jurrien , ik werk niet bij Saab, maar een concurrent.  ;)

Gelukkig maar, dat komt de objectiviteit ten goed (waarbij ik overigens helemaal niets tegen Saab heb), sterker nog ik hoop op een Boeing-Saab overwinning in de TX competitie... het opent wellicht deuren die anders gesloten zouden blijven.

De Gripen E staat, zoals bekend, niet op mijn wensenlijstje, waarbij ik wellicht totaal anders had aangekeken naar het Nederlandse F16 vervangingsdossier als Saab was gegaan voor de FS2020 ipv de Gripen E/F....  helaas het is anders gelopen!
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Poleme op 18/12/2015 | 14:19 uur

Opinion: Why Does U.S. Air Force Want New F-15s Or F-16s?

The first step is admitting there is a problem                                 Dec 17, 2015 Bill Sweetman | Aviation Week & Space Technology

The U.S. Air Force's Air Combat Command (ACC) is thinking about buying a wing of new F-15s, F-16s or even F/A/-18s, yet it is having trouble finding money for even 60 (*) F-35A Joint Strike Fighters (JSF) per year, said a senior ACC commander at a November conference in London. A week later, outgoing air force acquisition chief William LaPlante said it was the first he had heard of any such idea and speculated the report was "garbled," which it was not. It is not the ...

"Both the Air Force and the U.S. Navy have been talking more about future air-to-air fighters and weapons. The ACC leader who spoke in London stated flatly that "any F-16 beats the F-35 in basic fighter maneuvering," although an Air Force public affairs guidance, issued last summer, states four times in eight pages that the F-35's maneuverability is "comparable" to current fighters."

* = 60 F-35A's per jaar?  Dream on.
The Congressional Research Service (CRS) has released a new report titled, "The Air Force Aviation Investment Challenge".

It states that there is little hope for the services aircraft recapitalisation as dreamed. Especially tac-air.


Between FY2016-2020 the F-35A, KC-46, and C-130 and RPA (UAV's) will account for 99% of the USAF's aircraft acquisition budget.

Because of the protected status of the F-35, even if its' procurement plan of record is cut (note with all the delays in the program USAF is already short hundreds of F-35s) it will suck the air out of the room in budget discussions.

--"The F-35A and KC-46 programs will continue for decades, offering little prospective relief."--

"Decades?" Seriously?

Taking out the A-10 will mean a real capability gap for those that want to sustain various kinds of 'small wars' in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan.

The document states that the USAF intends to aquire "60 F-35As per year".

Odd, that is a cut of almost half from the 110 per year up to 2005. When price climb appeared, USAF stated in 2006, that 80 F-35s per years would be the new full-rate-production normal, moving the last order year from 2027 to 2037.

The new CRS report states that 48 per year can be ordered freeing up $1B per year.

Funny about that magic 48 **. This is the exact number that in 2008, USAF plans and programs, (the office that tells the boss what can be paid for each year) said would be the limit per year when full-rate production started in 2014. There wasn't enough money to buy more F-35s per year.

USAF thinking about 48 full-rate production F-35s per year in 2008...

The only thing they stated could change this is if Congress gave them more money.
48 !

Kan nog leuk worden voor de F-35A aanschafprijs die wij uiteindelijk gaan betalen met deze Death Spiral.

En waarom wil Israel nu extra F-15I's ?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 18/12/2015 | 22:55 uur
Update: Finland issues RfI for HX fighter replacement effort

Gareth Jennings, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly | 17 December 2015

Finland has issued requests for information (RfI's) regarding its fighter replacement requirement (HX) to five manufacturers with the aim of fielding a replacement for its current fleet of F/A-18 Hornet aircraft by 2025.

The RfI, which was issued on 16 December and announced two days later, was sent to BAE Systems for the Eurofighter Typhoon; to Boeing for the F/A-18 Hornet and F-15 Eagle; to Dassault for the Rafale; to Lockheed Martin for the F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) and F-16 Fighting Falcon; and to Saab for the Gripen. Although not specified in the Ministry of Defence's (MoD's) announcement, it is almost certain that it is requesting information on the latest variant F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, F-15 Advanced Eagle, and Gripen E/F.

Responses to the RfI are expected no later than October 2016, with a request for proposals (RfP's) due in the spring of 2018 and a contract award in 2021.

In October Finland formally launched its HX project to replace the air force's 55 F/A-18C and seven F/A-18D Hornets that have been in service since the mid-1990s. According to the MoD, the Hornet fleet is expected to reach the end of its service life by the end of the 2020s due to overall structural fatigue, the weakening of relative capabilities, and the availability of the aircraft's systems, spare parts, and software, and this out-of-service date ties in with the planned entry-into-service of its replacement in 2025. Full operational capability is expected around 2030.

As well as procuring a replacement platform, Finland is also looking to establish in-country maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) facilities through an industrial offset package. According to the MoD, the HX programme will require separate funding as it cannot be financed under the country's current defence budget framework.

This story, first published on 18 December, has been updated with additional information and infographics.

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Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 18/12/2015 | 23:01 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 18/12/2015 | 22:55 uur

The RfI, which was issued on 16 December and announced two days later, was sent to BAE Systems for the Eurofighter Typhoon; to Boeing for the F/A-18 Hornet and F-15 Eagle; to Dassault for the Rafale; to Lockheed Martin for the F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) and F-16 Fighting Falcon; and to Saab for the Gripen. Although not specified in the Ministry of Defence's (MoD's) announcement, it is almost certain that it is requesting information on the latest variant F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, F-15 Advanced Eagle, and Gripen E/F.

Verrassend dat de RFI ook de F15 en F16 bevat...
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Poleme op 19/12/2015 | 01:44 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 18/12/2015 | 23:01 uur
Verrassend dat de RFI ook de F15 en F16 bevat...
Nee hoor,  zie enkele berichten terug: Why does wants US Air Force new F-15's or F-16's.
Plus het Israelische verzoek om F-15SE Silent Eagles aan de VS.  Want ze schijnen niet tevreden te zijn met het bereik, nuttige lading en manoeuvreerbaarheid van de F-35A.  En dan heeft dit type nog een lange ontwikkeling weg te gaan.  En hoog risico op veel kinderziektes, want een grote overlapping in ontwikkeling en productie.  Tjonge, niets geleerd van de B-1B Lancer, die bij wijze van spreken al werd gebouwd toen de bouwvakkers nog de fabriekshallen aan het neerzetten waren.
Tel daar nog eens de opgeleefde interesse in nieuwe F-16's bij (Arabische) klanten in het Midden-Oosten.  Want dit type geeft toch van alle op de fighter markt aangeboden types veruit de meeste bang for the buck.

Finland heeft te maken met een assertiever wordende Russische beer.  Het Noordpool gebied wordt geo-politiek steeds belangrijker i.v.m. delfstoffen.  Heeft die buur Sukhoi 27 -30's, dan zal een vloot F-15 (Advanced) Eagles het beste antwoord daarop zijn.
En dan ga je je bondgenoten niet zoeken in het zwakke en verdeelde West-, en Zuid-Europa.  Nee, net als je Noorse en Zweedse buren zoek je die dan in Noord-Amerika.  En een bondgenootschap kun je versterken door bij elkaar defensie materieel te kopen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Zeewier op 19/12/2015 | 02:20 uur
Finland heeft niet het geld voor de F-15. Check inwoneraantal. Daarin verschilt het van Canada. Voor een land aan de Russische grens is snelle reactie belangrijk. Een snelle wendbare F-16 of Gripen is goed genoeg. Uiteraard met een goede radar. Finland en Zweden gaan elkaar vinden uit wederzijds eigenbelang, dat is zo goed als gelopen.

Nederland heeft de onmeetbare luxe zich in de oksel van supermachten Groot-Brittanië, Duitsland en Frankrijk te bevinden. Daarnaast zelf de 17e economische macht ter wereld. Van ons wordt verwacht net dat wat luxere materieel aan te schaffen opdat de kleinere NAVO-landen dat niet kunnen. Zoals de crisis in de Donbass van Oekraïne (of Syrië) laat zien: daar aan de grens staat zoveel modern luchtdoelgeschut dat een stealth interdictie bommenwerper wel iets is wat Europa nodig heeft wil het de machtsbalans gelijk trekken. En de Nederlandse F-16 piloten voeren hoofdzakelijk bombardementen uit, geen dogfights. Voor wat wij met onze luchtmacht willen doen kan ik de keuze voor de F -35 wel verklaren.

Moest ik een keuze maken voor een jager aan boord van een kleiner vliegkampschip, waar combat readiness het meest belangrijke is, dan zou de F -35 juist afvallen. Er is geen tijd en plaats aan boord om eens lekker aan de uitgebouwde motoren van 24 F-35's te gaan sleutelen. Robuustheid is prio over stealth.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: JdL op 19/12/2015 | 10:00 uur
Ik denk dat het de grippen of de eurofighter word
De F-16 heeft niet genoeg toekomstperspectief
De F-15 en F-18 zijn waarschijnlijk te duur
Hetzelfde geldt voor de F-35 die waarschijnlijk ook niet robuust genoeg is voor de weersomstandigheden daar en niet zo uitblinkt in luchtverdediging
De banden met frankrijk zijn niet zo enorm en de typhoon is beter in het luchtgevecht
De grippen zie ik als beste keus
Vrij goedkoop, geschikt voor alle taken, ontworpen voor een buur die met de zelfde (weers)omstandigheden te maken heeft en je kiest voor een neutrale leverancier waardoor je niet direct partij kiest
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Zander op 19/12/2015 | 10:10 uur
Citaat van: Zeewier op 19/12/2015 | 02:20 uur
Finland heeft niet het geld voor de F-15. Check inwoneraantal. Daarin verschilt het van Canada. Voor een land aan de Russische grens is snelle reactie belangrijk. Een snelle wendbare F-16 of Gripen is goed genoeg. Uiteraard met een goede radar. Finland en Zweden gaan elkaar vinden uit wederzijds eigenbelang, dat is zo goed als gelopen.

Nederland heeft de onmeetbare luxe zich in de oksel van supermachten Groot-Brittanië, Duitsland en Frankrijk te bevinden. Daarnaast zelf de 17e economische macht ter wereld. Van ons wordt verwacht net dat wat luxere materieel aan te schaffen opdat de kleinere NAVO-landen dat niet kunnen. Zoals de crisis in de Donbass van Oekraïne (of Syrië) laat zien: daar aan de grens staat zoveel modern luchtdoelgeschut dat een stealth interdictie bommenwerper wel iets is wat Europa nodig heeft wil het de machtsbalans gelijk trekken. En de Nederlandse F-16 piloten voeren hoofdzakelijk bombardementen uit, geen dogfights. Voor wat wij met onze luchtmacht willen doen kan ik de keuze voor de F -35 wel verklaren.

Moest ik een keuze maken voor een jager aan boord van een kleiner vliegkampschip, waar combat readiness het meest belangrijke is, dan zou de F -35 juist afvallen. Er is geen tijd en plaats aan boord om eens lekker aan de uitgebouwde motoren van 24 F-35's te gaan sleutelen. Robuustheid is prio over stealth.

Wat men van "ons" verwacht vind ik minder van belang dan wat wij noodzakelijkerwijs voor onze eigen behoefte nodig hebben.
Ondanks alle betoog voor de F35 zie ik het nog steeds niet als een noodzakelijk toestel voor een kleine krijgsmacht als de onze.
Wij mogen dan wel een economische grootmacht zijn maar in aantallen stellen wij weinig voor.(ook als we aan de 2% norm zouden voldoen)
Om het maximale uit je budget te halen moet je niet altijd voor het meest veel omvattende(duurste) middel gaan maar soms een stapje terug durven zetten. 37 F35's zetten zeker geen zoden aan de dijk en ik zie er de komende decennia geen aantallen bij komen. Het gaat niet alleen om de kwaliteit maar ook om de balans met kwantiteit. Deze balans is er domweg niet.
Nee, we hoeven niet alles zelf te doen maar een beetje zelfstandigheid is wel een pré. Je kunt bij je bondgenoten niet aankomen met heel misschien kunnen we 4 kisten inzetten in internationaal verband maar dan hebben we van jullie nodig......... O ja, dan moeten we ook nog even gaan schuiven met geld en reserve delen slopen we wel uit de kisten thuis.

Andere kisten met voldoende CAS en air to air capaciteiten voldoen naar mijn inzien prima. Doe mij maar nieuwe F16's of een gelijkwaardig toestel. In jou betoog zet je neer dat voor het hoge noorden een Gripen goed genoeg is. Dat vind ik nou voor onze luchtmacht.
Als het maar een veelvoud is van de beoogde 37 zeepkisten. En een aantal jaren achter lopen vwbt ontwikkeling, jammer dan. Als we maar kunnen voldoen aan de grondwettelijke verplichting om Nederland veilig te houden.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: JdL op 19/12/2015 | 10:15 uur
Ik vermoed dat als we voor de grippen gegaan waren we er ook niet meer dan 40 gekregen hebben
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 19/12/2015 | 10:20 uur
Citaat van: JdL op 19/12/2015 | 10:15 uur
Ik vermoed dat als we voor de grippen gegaan waren we er ook niet meer dan 40 gekregen hebben

De gebruikskosten van een Grippen zijn aanzienlijk lager dan van de F35A, dus dat is speculeren wat je zegt. Zelf denk ik dat een aantal van 68 Grippens mogelijk zou kunnen geweest.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Zander op 19/12/2015 | 10:27 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 19/12/2015 | 10:20 uur
De gebruikskosten van een Grippen zijn aanzienlijk lager dan van de F35A, dus dat is speculeren wat je zegt. Zelf denk ik dat een aantal van 68 Grippens mogelijk zou kennen geweest.

Ik denk dat een 1 op 1 vervanging zeker mogelijk "kan" zijn met de aanschaf van het juiste toestel.
Daarnaast zal het inzetten en het inzetbaar houden met nagenoeg elk ander toestel vele malen goedkoper uitvallen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 19/12/2015 | 11:04 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 19/12/2015 | 01:44 uur
Nee hoor,  zie enkele berichten terug: Why does wants US Air Force new F-15's or F-16's.
Plus het Israelische verzoek om F-15SE Silent Eagles aan de VS.  Want ze schijnen niet tevreden te zijn met het bereik, nuttige lading en manoeuvreerbaarheid van de F-35A.  En dan heeft dit type nog een lange ontwikkeling weg te gaan.  En hoog risico op veel kinderziektes, want een grote overlapping in ontwikkeling en productie.

De U.S. Air Force heeft ook net zo vaak ontkend dat zij nieuw gebouwde F-15's en F-16's willen. Laten we afwachten totdat zij met echte orders komen.

Diverse media (m.u.v. o.a. Flightglobal en Janes) heeft het ervan gemaakt dat Israël de Silent Eagle graag wil. Israël wil zelf één extra squadron aan F-15. Aangezien Boeing de diverse Strike Eagle varianten kan moderniseren, zonder dat het qua uiterlijk de Silent Eagle wordt, is de kans zeer groot groot dat deze mogelijke Israëlische bestelling niet veel zal afwijken van de F-15I.

Via wordt het zeker duidelijk of Israël de Silent Eagle wil, vanwege goedkeuring van de VS.

Finland kan wat de RfI's betreft van alles aanvragen. Het gaat er juist om welke RfP wint. Er zal in ieder geval een hoop kaf van het koren worden gescheiden voordat de RfP's bekend zijn.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 19/12/2015 | 11:09 uur
Citaat van: Zander op 19/12/2015 | 10:27 uur
Ik denk dat een 1 op 1 vervanging zeker mogelijk "kan" zijn met de aanschaf van het juiste toestel.
Daarnaast zal het inzetten en het inzetbaar houden met nagenoeg elk ander toestel vele malen goedkoper uitvallen.

Zoals al vaker uiteen gezet.. het waren er vermoedelijk niet meer dan 40 geworden (zeker niet meer dan de huidige 61 F16's) en dit heeft alles te maken met  diverse  gepubliceerde "visies" en politieke onwil om meer kisten aan te schaffen.

Tijdens Rutte 1 wilde men tijdens het Catshuis overleg de KLu al decimeren tot 40 kisten. Zelfs Wouter Bos is in het "geheim" naar Engeland gevlogen voor een gesprek met David Cameron voor de overnamen van 40 occasion Eurofighters....

De kans was toen al groot, en m.i. is die niet verkleind dat de politiek het verschil tussen 37 F35 en 40 Gripens of 40 occasion EF's simpelweg had  afgeroomd en aan de pot algemene middelen had toegevoegd.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 19/12/2015 | 11:39 uur
Citaat van: JdL op 19/12/2015 | 10:15 uur
Ik vermoed dat als we voor de grippen gegaan waren we er ook niet meer dan 40 gekregen hebben dezelfde taken te kunnen uitvoeren had men meer Grippens moeten aankopen dan F35s..en dat had ook gekund binnen het budget. Daarmee hadden we wel het ambitieniveau kunnen invullen..dat is nu om de keuze voor de "zeer gewilde" F35 verlaagd.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ros op 19/12/2015 | 13:11 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 19/12/2015 | 11:39 uur dezelfde taken te kunnen uitvoeren had men meer Grippens moeten aankopen dan F35s..en dat had ook gekund binnen het budget. Daarmee hadden we wel het ambitieniveau kunnen invullen..dat is nu om de keuze voor de "zeer gewilde" F35 verlaagd.

Welk ambitieniveau ? Het ontbreekt de huidige regering, de vorige en met enige zekerheid de volgende regering aan enige visie en of ambitie wat men met de krijgsmacht wil.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 19/12/2015 | 13:38 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 19/12/2015 | 11:09 uur
Zoals al vaker uiteen gezet.. het waren er vermoedelijk niet meer dan 40 geworden (zeker niet meer dan de huidige 61 F16's) en dit heeft alles te maken met  diverse  gepubliceerde "visies" en politieke onwil om meer kisten aan te schaffen.

Tijdens Rutte 1 wilde men tijdens het Catshuis overleg de KLu al decimeren tot 40 kisten. Zelfs Wouter Bos is in het "geheim" naar Engeland gevlogen voor een gesprek met David Cameron voor de overnamen van 40 occasion Eurofighters....

De kans was toen al groot, en m.i. is die niet verkleind dat de politiek het verschil tussen 37 F35 en 40 Gripens of 40 occasion EF's simpelweg had  afgeroomd en aan de pot algemene middelen had toegevoegd.

We hebben nu ook 61 F16's omdat we voor de F35 kozen, misschien is de relatie dus wel omgekeerd ;).
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Zander op 19/12/2015 | 13:48 uur
En iedereen blijft nu ook lekker in de waan dat er echt 37 gaan komen?
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ace1 op 19/12/2015 | 13:48 uur
Citaat van: Zander op 19/12/2015 | 13:48 uur
En iedereen blijft nu ook lekker in de waan dat er echt 37 gaan komen?

Nee want het gaan er 24 worden.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 19/12/2015 | 13:54 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 19/12/2015 | 13:48 uur
Nee want het gaan er 24 worden.
of 56!  :angel:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 19/12/2015 | 13:56 uur
Het is nog net niet dat er een weddenschap over het aantal wordt afgesloten  :lol: In ieder geval zijn het er minimaal 10 (2 + 8 ).
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 19/12/2015 | 13:58 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 19/12/2015 | 13:38 uur
We hebben nu ook 61 F16's omdat we voor de F35 kozen, misschien is de relatie dus wel omgekeerd ;).

Het getal 40 dateert van voor de (definitieve) beslissing....

Al blijft het feit dat 24, 37, 40 of 61 onvoldoende is.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ros op 19/12/2015 | 14:00 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 19/12/2015 | 13:48 uur
Nee want het gaan er 24 worden.

16 - 24 stuks is nu de schatting. Ligt er aan wat een volgend kabinet gaat doen en de noodzaak dat zij zien om stroop om Amerikaanse bekjes te blijven smeren. Als het er 24 stuks worden heb je in ieder geval geen zelfstandige luchtcomponent meer op dit gebied. Plak er dan maar een EU vlaggetje op....heb je dat alvast gehad.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ros op 19/12/2015 | 14:04 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 19/12/2015 | 13:54 uur
of 56!  :angel:

Zeer waarschijnlijk 85 stuks naast de 120 Leopards, 8 subs en 12 fregatten............... :crazy:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Zander op 19/12/2015 | 14:06 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 19/12/2015 | 14:00 uur
16 - 24 stuks is nu de schatting. Ligt er aan wat een volgend kabinet gaat doen en de noodzaak dat zij zien om stroop om Amerikaanse bekjes te blijven smeren. Als het er 24 stuks worden heb je in ieder geval geen zelfstandige luchtcomponent meer op dit gebied. Plak er dan maar een EU vlaggetje op....heb je dat alvast gehad.

Een absoluut minimum is voor mij 48.
Alles daar onder is operationeel niet te doen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: JdL op 19/12/2015 | 14:16 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 19/12/2015 | 14:04 uur
Zeer waarschijnlijk 85 stuks naast de 120 Leopards, 8 subs en 12 fregatten............... :crazy:
En 2 LHD's, 2JSS , 60 SPG, 20 light ulity heli's en 10 A400M :silent:
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Elzenga op 19/12/2015 | 14:16 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 19/12/2015 | 14:04 uur
Zeer waarschijnlijk 85 stuks naast de 120 Leopards, 8 subs en 12 fregatten............... :crazy:
Hoe was het ook al weer Ros?..jouw voorspellingen?! nimmer tanks meer terug!...verdere bezuinigingen!..geen geld erbij!. Oeps..oeps2.0..geen 1 voorspelling is tot nu toe uitgekomen...

Ik werk dagelijks keihard om mijn voorspellingen voor defensie uit te laten komen...en ik mag tot nu toe niet ontevreden zijn..kan beter..maar eerste stapjes zijn gezet!
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: DvdW op 19/12/2015 | 14:41 uur
Wat was jullie stopwoord ook al weer?  "Omslagpunt"? "De weg omhoog"? Alsof dat zo lekker uit de verf komt.... Hoe veel tweetjes ene Ronald er ook tegenaan gooit. Puntje voor de moeite, maar verder...?  BOT maar weer
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 19/12/2015 | 15:29 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 19/12/2015 | 13:58 uur
Het getal 40 dateert van voor de (definitieve) beslissing....

Al blijft het feit dat 24, 37, 40 of 61 onvoldoende is.

Wat bij ons het aantal naar beneden deed gaan, washet stijgen van de prijs. In eerste instantie steeg het budget mee, tot 8 miljard oid, zonder enige dekking of uitleg waar dat geld vandaan moest komen, en uiteindelijk werd die discrepantie maar weer rechtgetrokken, en kwamen we op 'ongeveer' 37.

En dat is niet alleen bij ons het geval, om maar weer eens on-topic te gaan. Elke klant heeft er last van dat de F35 geen 35 miljoen per stuk kost, maar ietsje meer, en dat is dan ook de m.i. belangrijkste reden dat er voorlopig geen 6.000 F35's besteld gaan worden.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 19/12/2015 | 15:38 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 19/12/2015 | 15:29 uur
Wat bij ons het aantal naar beneden deed gaan, washet stijgen van de prijs. In eerste instantie steeg het budget mee, tot 8 miljard oid, zonder enige dekking of uitleg waar dat geld vandaan moest komen, en uiteindelijk werd die discrepantie maar weer rechtgetrokken, en kwamen we op 'ongeveer' 37.

En dat is niet alleen bij ons het geval, om maar weer eens on-topic te gaan. Elke klant heeft er last van dat de F35 geen 35 miljoen per stuk kost, maar ietsje meer, en dat is dan ook de m.i. belangrijkste reden dat er voorlopig geen 6.000 F35's besteld gaan worden.

Dat is waar al heeft het getal 40, in de genoemde periode, niet zo veel te malen met de prijs van de kist, het zou ook gelden voor alternatieven.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Ros op 19/12/2015 | 15:44 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 19/12/2015 | 14:16 uur
Hoe was het ook al weer Ros?..jouw voorspellingen?! nimmer tanks meer terug!...verdere bezuinigingen!..geen geld erbij!. Oeps..oeps2.0..geen 1 voorspelling is tot nu toe uitgekomen...

Tot nu toe hebben wij nog  geen MBT capaciteit terug van enige betekenis waar wij zelf iets over te zeggen hebben en het geld dat erbij is gekomen is niet van enige betekenis. Een pleister extra op een ontstoken wond. Dit fooitje verdwijnt, als sneeuw voor de zon in het potje met tekorten. En bezuinigen is nog steeds dagelijkse kost binnen de organisatie.

Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: dudge op 19/12/2015 | 15:47 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 19/12/2015 | 15:38 uur
Dat is waar al heeft het getal 40, in de genoemde periode, niet zo veel te malen met de prijs van de kist, het zou ook gelden voor alternatieven.

Het was een heel ander dossier geweest, veel minder politiek, en dan is de vraag of Rutte 1 er überhaupt over had gesproken, dwz, het had niet uitgesprongen boven de rest, de botte bijl was er toch wel. Maar dat gaat vooral op voor de Europeanen, de Amerikanen, Australiërs, Israëli's en Aziaten zitten er net anders in.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 19/12/2015 | 15:56 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 19/12/2015 | 15:44 uur
Tot nu toe hebben wij nog  geen MBT capaciteit terug van enige betekenis waar wij zelf iets over te zeggen hebben en het geld dat erbij is gekomen is niet van enige betekenis. Een pleister extra op een ontstoken wond. Dit fooitje verdwijnt, als sneeuw voor de zon in het potje met tekorten. En bezuinigen is nog steeds dagelijkse kost binnen de organisatie.

Dat is helaas dan wel weer waar.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 19/12/2015 | 15:57 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 19/12/2015 | 15:47 uur
Het was een heel ander dossier geweest, veel minder politiek, en dan is de vraag of Rutte 1 er überhaupt over had gesproken, dwz, het had niet uitgesprongen boven de rest, de botte bijl was er toch wel. Maar dat gaat vooral op voor de Europeanen, de Amerikanen, Australiërs, Israëli's en Aziaten zitten er net anders in.

We zullen het wellicht nooit weten.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 19/12/2015 | 15:59 uur
Citaat van: DvdW op 19/12/2015 | 14:41 uur
Wat was jullie stopwoord ook al weer?  "Omslagpunt"? "De weg omhoog"? Alsof dat zo lekker uit de verf komt.... Hoe veel tweetjes ene Ronald er ook tegenaan gooit. Puntje voor de moeite, maar verder...?  BOT maar weer

Wat weer heerlijke negatieve grondhoudingen, zelfs van mensen die pro defensie zijn!
Het is natuurlijk gemakkelijker om te heulen met de beulen, dan zit je meestal veilig en kan je altijd roepen: "I told you so"

Defensie is helaas al honderden jaren, met een paar zeer tijdelijke oplevingen, een stiefkind van de Nederlandse samenleving wat ons al diverse keren meer heeft gekost dan ons lief is en toch.... toch leren we niet van onze fouten.

Langzaam maar zeker dringt zelfs in deze tijd, bij "onze" politici en het "gewone" volk door dat economische macht hand in hand gaat met militaire kracht en is de quote van  Theodore Roosevelt's "speak softly, and carry a big stick" tot de dag van vandaag actueel.

Het besef groeit, het budget daar in tegen is een zorgenkindje maar laten we optimist zijn, besef is het begin van de oplossing van het probleem.

2% van het BNP voor defensie is nu zeker een brug te ver, het zou neerkomen op een verdubbeling van de begroting en daar is simpelweg geen politieke draagkracht voor, tenzij het Nederlandse bloed tot  trottoirband hoogte door de straten vloeit. Het Europees NAVO gemiddelde van +/-  1.6 procent, is een percentage wat mijn inziens wel tot de mogelijkheid behoord.

Wil dit volk zijn levensstandaard behouden dan zal het moeten inzien dat dit verdedigd moet (kunnen) worden,  met thee drinken alleen kom je er niet, dat is voor de naïevelingen die graag vasthouden een dialoogcultuur, iets wat prima werkt in west Europa maar de rest van de wereld heeft hier geen enkele boodschap aan.

1,6% BNP is +/- 11 miljard structureel (in 2016) per jaar, ruim 3 miljard meer dan het nu is, hiervan zou 20% bedoeld moeten zijn  als jaarlijkse investering in nieuw materieel, ruim  2 miljard, iets wat ons in staat stelt om het e.e.a. uit diverse visies te realiseren zeker als men het weet te verpakken in een planperiode die een regeerperiode overstijgt waardoor opportunisten minder vat op 's-Lands veiligheid krijgen.
Titel: Re:Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen, deel 5
Bericht door: Lex op 19/12/2015 | 16:33 uur
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