
Gestart door VandeWiel, 12/08/2009 | 12:10 uur


Embraer secures Super Tucano sale into Uruguay

Brazil's Embraer announced on 26 August 2024 that it has sold up to six A-29 Super Tucano aircraft to the Uruguayan Air Force (FAU).

The contract, which is part of a fleet renewal programme to expand the FAU's operational capacity, provides for the acquisition of one aircraft plus the commitment to acquire five more, with deliveries scheduled from 2025, including mission equipment, integrated logistics services and a flight simulator.

With this order Uruguay thus becomes the sixth nation to operate the A-29 Super Tucano in South America, alongside Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Paraguay. The aircraft is used for various missions, such as the interdiction of illegal activities, border monitoring, reconnaissance and advanced training. A regional fleet of more than 160 Super Tucanos operate in the most austere and demanding environments in South America, "from the humid and warm Amazon rainforest, the cold regions of southern Chile to the heat of the desert further north, from mountainous regions of Colombia and Ecuador to the Atlantic and Pacific coasts", Embraer noted in a press release.

"We are honoured by the decision of the Uruguayan Air Force, another South American nation to choose the A-29 Super Tucano: an aircraft that is a reference in its segment in the international market," Bosco da Costa Junior, president and CEO of Embraer Defense & Security, was quoted as saying. "With this acquisition, Uruguay will have differentiated capabilities that will greatly contribute to the surveillance of its borders and increase the FAU's operational readiness."

Uruguayan Minister of National Defense Armando Castaingdebat was quoted as saying, "With this addition, we are taking a great leap forward in improving our defence capabilities and responding to the needs of controlling our territorial sovereignty and fighting crime in all its forms."

The commander-in-chief of the FAU, General Luis H. De León, added, "It should be noted that since 1981 our country has not acquired new combat aircraft. It is precisely for this reason that the aforementioned purchase of aircraft will generate great motivation and professional satisfaction within the air force."

The FAU currently operates a fleet of A-37B Dragonfly light attack aircraft as its main offensive airborne capability, although only a handful of these aircraft, 19 of which were delivered from 1976, are believed to be operational at any one time. The FAU has been looking to phase out its A-37Bs since 2016.



Calidus Unveils Giant Attack Aircraft

One of the big surprises at the Dubai Airshow proved to be the public unveiling of the mock-up of the Calidus B-350, a large turboprop-powered attack aircraft. Equipped with 12 underwing hardpoints, the B-350 can carry a huge array of weaponry, ranging from precision-guided bombs to air-to-air missiles for self-defense.

The B-350 follows on from the Novaer-designed Calidus B-250, which appeared at Dubai in 2017 and is on show again this year. The much larger B-350 takes the turboprop trainer/attack/counter-insurgency aircraft to a whole new level. Power comes from a 2,600-shp Pratt & Whitney Canada PW127 turboprop and the wingspan extends more than 50 feet. Maximum takeoff weight is in the region of 9 tonnes. As well as the 12 hardpoints, the B-350 has under-fuselage carriage points for sensors, including a large multi-sensor targeting/surveillance turret, and radar/electronic warfare antennas.

The plethora of wing stores and powerful engine have drawn comparisons with the legendary Douglas Skyraider of Vietnam war fame. However, the two-seat B-350 is a thoroughly 21st-century aircraft. Like the B-250, it is mostly constructed of carbon-fiber composites.

Powered by a 1,600-shp Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-68, the earlier B-250 is also an advanced/weapons trainer and light attack platform akin to the AT-6 Wolverine and AT-29 Super Tucano. It has seven hardpoints for up to 3,960 pounds of stores and can carry an electro-optic/infrared targeting turret. At the 2019 Dubai Airshow, the UAE announced an order for 24.

Calidus is also marketing the B-250T, a dedicated trainer version with a 950-shp PT6A-62 engine. The company markets the aircraft as both a basic and advanced training vehicle, with virtual training functions such as radar and sensor simulation, simulated air-to-air and air-to-ground weapons, and night vision goggle compatibility offered to meet advanced training requirements.


Thailand is international launch customer for AT-6

Thailand has become the international launch customer for Beechcraft AT-6 Wolverine.

The Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF) has placed an order for six AT-6TH that will be based at 41st Wing in Chiang Mai Air Base.

Training of maintenance personnel will start in Thailand in 2023 and pilot training will commence in Wichita in 2024. Delivery of aircraft will start in 2024.

Texan AT-6 Wolverines


Citaat van: vlincent op 08/06/2018 | 21:14 uur
Denk jullie dat Ukraine baat heeft bij een Super Tucano? Ik verwacht namelijk dat de separatisten, in Ukraine, diverse Anti-Air systemen tot zijn beschikking hebben. Ukraine heeft niet veel berggebied, maar wel veel platte vlaktes. Een sloom propellertoestel zou in een omgeving met veel luchtruimte niet ideaal zijn.
Ik verwacht eerder een groter land zoals Frankrijk voor operaties zoals nu in Mali. Voor Ukraine lijkt mij het niet echt ideaal met de geavanceerde SAM die beschikbaar is.


Denk jullie dat Ukraine baat heeft bij een Super Tucano? Ik verwacht namelijk dat de separatisten, in Ukraine, diverse Anti-Air systemen tot zijn beschikking hebben. Ukraine heeft niet veel berggebied, maar wel veel platte vlaktes. Een sloom propellertoestel zou in een omgeving met veel luchtruimte niet ideaal zijn.


Embraer pitches Super Tucano to Europe

Embraer is looking to secure its first European customer for the EMB-314/A-29 Super Tucano light attack turboprop, a company official said on 7 June.

Speaking at the SMi Close Air Support (CAS) conference in London, Embraer's vice president for sales in Europe and North Africa, Simon Johns, said that the Super Tucano could provide European air arms with a lower-cost alternative to jets and helicopters for many of their missions.

Embraer also pointed to nations like Ukraine that lack funding for a new multirole combat aircraft, and which would find the Super Tucano an affordable option that would add considerable combat power. Furthermore, the Super Tucano's ability to operate close to the frontline makes it agile and flexible enough to respond to events in a timely fashion.

As part of this drive into Europe, Embraer is offering some enhancements to the baseline aircraft. As Johns noted, the changes "include the integration of dedicated anti-tank munitions, like the Lockheed Martin [AGM-114] Hellfire missile, which [is] already in the roadmap of the aircraft, as well as laser guided rockets.

"There are scenarios where the Super Tucano, operating in a battlespace with a benign or semi-degraded air defence system on the opposing side, could perform the tank-killing mission that has largely been left to helicopter gunships until now."

Pursuant to being equipped to perform these missions, the Super Tucano now has a radar warning receiver and missile approach warning system in development for an increased threat environment in the European theatre.


Paris Air Show: Kenya close to 'Longsword' contract

L3 Technologies expects to receive a contract to supply 12 new AT-802L 'Longsword' light-attack aircraft to Kenya later this year, after an FMS case was approved in January.

According to officials speaking to Shephard, the firmed up government-to-government contract will then be followed by weapon release trials supported by the US Air Force for military qualifications.

Joseph Siniscalchi, senior vice president, business development at L3 Aerospace Systems, told Shephard that the company will work with the USAF's Seek Eagle office to qualify weapons on the platform in line with the first customer contract expected 'in the fall'.

'We have some [potential orders] that are pending that we expect will be done soon,' he said.

Siniscalchi said that there were 'several' other potential orders being discussed right now, including in the Middle East, North Africa, Asia and South America.

The aircraft will also take part in the US Air Force's OA-X trials, which will see the service trial several aircraft that could eventually lead to the acquisition of a fleet of low-cost, light-attack aircraft.

In January it was announced that the US State Department had approved a $418 million FMS deal for 12 AT-802Ls to Kenya, which are planned to supplement the country's ageing, and increasingly expensive to operate, F-5 fighter fleet.

The sale has proved controversial, however, with at least one US lawmaker calling for an investigation into the FMS case over 'irregularities'. Unsurprisingly, the lawmaker in question represents the state where the IOMAX Archangel is built, an aircraft sold to the UAE and very similar to the Longsword.

'The US Air Force and US government did not have any dealings in the selection process, so therefore the statement that we misrepresented the capability really had no basis in fact,' said Siniscalchi.

The Longsword aircraft is an Air Tractor AT-802 cropduster at heart, but has been heavily-modified to perform ISR and strike missions.

Development of the aircraft has been led by L3's Aerospace Systems along with Air Tractor for supply of the aircraft. Integration work is carried out by L3's Platform Integration division in Waco, Texas.

Four aircraft have already been sold and delivered to Jordan in a non-weaponised ISR configuration under a foreign military sales contract.

'We chose this aircraft for its ease of maintenance and its ability to operate in harsh environment,' said Jim Wise, business development at L3 Platform Integration. 'And it's the largest aircraft in its can carry a lot of stuff.'

The aircraft is 16,000lb and has four weapon hard points per wing, with the aircraft at the Paris Air Show displaying a loadout consisting of Hellfire missiles, GBU-12 Paveways, machine gun pods, 2.75" rocket pods and Mk82 unguided bombs on the centreline.

L3 has already completed drop trials with the GBU-12 Paveway and Mk82 general-purpose bomb last summer.

'Even with that bomb load, we can get three hours out of the aircraft which is similar to a Super Tucano with a much smaller weapons load,' Wise explained. 'As far as that persistence, we'll still be there as [our competitors] are going home for gas.'

In addition, the aircraft has a MX-15 EO/IR sensor, a comprehensive communications suite, an integrated mission operator station with L3 ForceX Widow mission management system and the Thales-developed Scorpion HMD.

Longsword also comes with stronger wings, self-sealing fuel tanks, armoured cockpit and armoured fuel lines.


IOMAX negotiating Archangel sale to UAE, upgrading AT-802s for Jordan and Egypt

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is in the final stage of negotiations with IOMAX for the sale of 12 Archangel Block 2 Border Patrol Aircraft (BPA) with the option of 12 more, Jane's was told on 22 June.

The direct commercial sale (DCS) will see the UAE Air Force and Air Defence (UAE AF & AD) receive the additional aircraft to augment the 24 Block 1 Archangels it began receiving in 2015. These original 24 Archangels were procured to replace the UAE's 24 IOMAX AT-802s that have since largely been donated to allied countries.

"Using self-funded [research] and customer input over the past seven years, IOMAX is set to produce the Block 2 Archangel, which will allow the UAE AF & AD to further expand its mission scope," IOMAX told Jane's .


Argentina procures T-6C+ Texan II turboprop trainer and light-attack aircraft  (24 stuks T-6C+ voor $300 miljoen USD )

Argentina has procured four Beechcraft T-6C+ Texan II turboprop trainer and light-attack aircraft under a contract valued at USD88.2 million, it was announced on 25 April.

The contract, which was awarded by the US Department of Defense (DoD) under the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) scheme, will see the aircraft delivered to the Argentine Air Force (Fuerza Aérea Argentina: FAA) by 30 April 2018. Included in the deal are maintenance and pilot training, as well as interim contractor support for maintenance.

The contract follows US State Department approval for the sale of up to 24 T-6C+ aircraft that was announced in August 2016. At that time, it was said the estimated USD300 million procurement deal was needed to replace the FAA's Embraer EMB-312 Tucanos, only a handful of which are still in an airworthy condition.

According to the US Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA), the proposed sale would "revitalise Argentina's capability to train its pilots and fulfill border control missions, especially along its porous northern border. The Argentine Air Force will use the enhanced capability to redevelop a professional pilot corps and as a deterrent to illicit activity."

According to Jane's All the World's Aircraft: Development and Production , the T-6 has a top speed of 270 kt, an endurance of three hours at maximum cruise speed, a range of 1,574 km, and a service ceiling of 35,000 ft.

The T-6C features an integrated 'glass' cockpit and advanced avionics, including head-up display, up-front control panel, three-colour multifunction displays, and HOTAS (hands on throttle and stick) controls. It differs from the standard T-6B in having wings that are plumbed for the carriage of auxiliary fuel tanks. The enhanced T-6C+ variant procured by Argentina (and previously Mexico) is also capable of carrying up to a payload of 1,415 kg of external stores.

Ronald Elzenga

France receives 17 Pilatus PC-21 training aircraft
Jan 5, 2017

Pilatus Aircraft Ltd is delighted to announce the signing of three PC-21 fleet orders by end of December 2016, for a total of 21 PC-21s, of which 17 are for the French Air Force and two each for the Royal Jordanian Air Force and QinetiQ, a British company which operates the "Empire Test Pilots' School". Together, these orders are worth over 300 million Swiss francs and will help to ensure jobs at Stans.

Babcock France and Dassault Aviation have signed a partnership which would initially materialize in the delivery of the French "FOMEDEC" training contract with the creation of a joint company under the leadership of Babcock France.

Following a competitive bid process, the France's Direction Générale de l'Armement (DGA) has awarded Babcock France with the FOMEDEC contract to provide and maintain a training platform and related services for the French Air Force (Armée de l'Air).

This 11-year contract will provide new training aircraft (Pilatus PC 21), related simulators (CAE) and modernised training facilities for the training of fighter jet crews to be performed by the Air Force itself at the Cognac Air Base. The first aircraft will be delivered in March 2018.

Archie Bethel, Chief Executive of Babcock International Group, said:

"We are delighted that our French company will be working as a key support partner on this major French defence contract. The project will draw on our expertise in the European aviation industry and our experience of delivering long-term military flight training programmes. It is also a great satisfaction to engage a partnership with such a recognized aviation leader as Dassault. We look forward to working with the French Air Force over the next decade."

Eric Trappier, Chairman and CEO of Dassault Aviation, said:

"As the manufacturer of the Rafale, the spearhead of the French fighters, and of its advanced training companion, the Alpha Jet, Dassault Aviation bolsters this new project with Babcock, an outstanding provider of support environments, for the benefit of the French Ministry of Defence. With this programme, we are very proud to keep on our enduring participation to the training of the French fighter pilots. Since 1959, our company has been the provider of the French fighter training cursus."


Je Maintiendrai! Blog: Krijgsmacht Next-Generation


AAD: Paramount unveils military version of AHRLAC

South African defence contractor Paramount showed two sides of its AHRLAC single prop pusher - literally. At its exhibit, the left half of its single prototype example was presented in its recently-announced Mwari militarised version, with the other half in civil, surveillance guise.

Paramount, which flew the aircraft on the 10min flight to Waterkloof from its nearby Wonderboom airport facility ahead of the opening day, believes there is a promising market for both variants, and - while it has not revealed any customers - is showing its faith in the programme by pressing on with the construction of a new dedicated factory at Wonderboom, able to produce around two aircraft per month initially.

Paramount, a majority shareholder in AHRLAC Holdings, which produces the twin-cockpit aircraft, first flew the AHRLAC in 2014. It is working on the second airframe, which is likely to fly early in 2017 and will be the certificated design. The principle behind the Pratt & Whitney Canada PW600-powered aircraft is that a range of equipment, from sensors to a cannon, can be "plugged" into 25 separate hard points, says Paramount.

Although Boeing earlier this year agreed with Paramount to offer an advanced mission system on the militarised version, Paramount insists that both variants can be offered "completely ITAR [US International Traffic in Arms Regulations] free".

Although much of its defence business has traditionally been with African states, Paramount is pitching the AHRLAC - the first indigenously-produced mainstream manned aircraft in South Africa since the Denel Rooivalk attack helicopter - globally.

"We have produced an aircraft to the highest engineering standards, with the first world as our target," says founder and executive chairman Ivor Ichikowitz, "This will be for sale into the US, Europe and India. We have enough indication of serious intent for us to be taking these markets seriously."

He says that Paramount's advantage is that it is nimble enough to develop products much quicker than many Western defence firms. "This has been privately funded from concept to production five years. We are conducting a military-level flight test programme at a fraction of what it would cost in Europe or the US."


The Deadly Super Tucanos of South America

A cheap, lightweight attack plane from Brazil turns up in conflicts from Colombia to Afghanistan

jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter)

Citaat van: Oorlogsvis op 07/04/2016 | 14:52 uur
De luchtmacht zal wel moeten in mijn ogen, met die paar F-35's JSF gaan ze het zo niet redden kwa budget niet en ook niet in die aantallen om voldoende luchtsteun te geven aan de grondtroepen.

En wat kost het nou een klein squadron Super Tucano's of dergelijke toestellen ? , de luchtmacht is gewoon bang dat men gaat denken in Den haag, dat als die kleine propellor toestelletjes hetzelfde werk kunnen doen voor en dan pakweg met een budget dat een fractie is van de 36 F-35's.....ze diezelfde F-35 wel op hun buik kunnen schrijven.

Ben voor een gezonde mix net als Jurrien.....

Apache / Tucano of A-10 / F-35 (omdat we die toch gaan nemen)

Met kanttekening: ik zie mogelijkheden voor de winnaar van de US T-X competitie als aanvulling op de F35, dan snijdt het mes aan meerdere kanten.