Internationale ontwikkelingen maritiem

Gestart door Parera, 17/04/2018 | 18:32 uur


Die Jappen weten wel hoe ze fregatten moeten bouwen en ook hoe ze productie moeten draaien! Sinds de bouw begon in 2019 zijn er 6 afgeleverd en liggen er nog 4 op de stapel met 2 nog in de planning. Origineel had het een serie van 22 fregatten moeten worden, dit wordt een serie van 12x Batch I + 10x Batch II.


Citaat van: Master Mack op 26/07/2024 | 20:57 uurHoppa gewoon verlengen. Dus OPV's in tweeën zagen en kruisers van maken🤣

Zo werkt het niet het ontwerp moet modulair zijn. Dat is bij de Sigma klasse wel mogelijk.

Master Mack

Citaat van: Harald op 26/07/2024 | 08:29 uur"Upgraded Mogami Class" Is The New "New FFM", With Japan Aiming For Australian "Tier 2"-Requirement

Seemingly minor modifications set up the Mogami-successor as a more viable contender for Australian frigate-requirement.

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) at the Indian Ocean Defence & Security Conference 2024 (IODS24) in Perth, Western Australia, revealed new information on the Mogami frigate-successor previously known as "New FFM". The program, now dubbed "Upgraded Mogami", carries significant importance to Australia. This is because the effort is widely understood to represent MHI's effective offer of a general purpose-frigate (GP-F) to the Royal Australian Navy. Australia seeks to procure up to 11 GP-F capable to perform a wide range of missions. The Japanese presentation ostensibly aims directly at the Australian "Tier 2"-requirement intended to supplement "Tier 1"-combatants such as the Hobart-class AAW destroyer and the "Hunter"-class ASW-frigate.

Mogami-successor in context of Australian "Tier 2"
The Australian government intends to buy the first three frigates as overseas builds, touted as "unmodified" from an existing builder specification. Subsequent units will then see local production in Australia, possibly including substantial modifications.

The independent review establishing the foundations for an expanded Australian surface combatant fleet listed four, realistically five "exemplar"-designs. These include the German Meko A-200, Spanish Alfa 3000, Korean FFX Batch II/III and Japanese Mogami class FFG. Notably MHI since the Indo Pacific International Maritime Exhibition 2023 prominently advertised the "New FFM"-successor to the Mogami-class FFG. MHI has a contract for twelve Mogami-class general purpose frigates for the Japanese Maritime Self-Defence Force (JMSDF). The design focuses on ASW, patrol and mine warfare, emphasizing affordability over multirole capability. The Mogami-procurement notably features a scaling down of the original program for 24 frigates of the type. After delivering the 12th Mogami in 2027 MHI will instead move on to construction of the "New FFM"-successor. The new design, now termed "Upgraded Mogami" includes more capable anti-air capability and increased weapons load. The ship nevertheless maintains the lean crewing of the Mogami-class frigate.

"Upgraded Mogami" represents a significant evolution of the original design, growing the frigate in size and capability. However, compared to the design shown at Indopacific 2023 the updated presentation now displayed at IODS24 appears to indicate an adjusted effort more in line with a Mogami-evolution compared to the slightly larger design shown before.


"Upgraded Mogami" model at IODS24

Hoppa gewoon verlengen. Dus OPV's in tweeën zagen en kruisers van maken🤣


Intermarine And Leonardo Sign Contract With The Italian Directorate Of Naval Armaments For New Generation Minehunter Procurement

Intermarine and Leonardo entered into a contract with the Directorate of Naval Armaments of the General Secretariat of Defence and National Armaments Directorate for the procurement of Vessels for research and clearance of sea mines - New Generation Minehunters/Coastal (NGM/C) and related integrated logistical support, for a value of 1.6 billion euros, for the delivery of 5 Vessels and an addition of approximately 1 billion options for the completion of the program.

Intermarine's share of the committed tranche is 1.165 billion euros, corresponding to approximately 73% and the one of Leonardo is approximately 0.43 billion euros, which corresponds to approximately 27%. A similar breakdown applies to the optional tranche. Intermarine, with the role of leader of the Temporary Grouping of Companies, is the design authority of the Naval Units and will provide the platform system; Leonardo is the design authority and supplier of the combat system.

The contract signed today is the result of a process characterized by massive investments in research and development on new materials and innovative and cutting-edge manufacturing technologies. It follows an intense preliminary studies activity following the contract signed in 2021 between Intermarine and the Directorate of Naval Armaments focused on "Risk reduction studies and definition of the NGM Vessel project".

Thanks to the New Generation Minehunters program, the Italian Navy will rely on innovative Minehunters with the most modern construction techniques and advanced combat system based on high level of integration and automation of operations. The New Generation Minehunters will represent a unique and most modern solution worldwide in terms of operational capabilities and cutting-edge technologies in the specialistic sector of seabed surveillance and protection of critical underwater infrastructures.

The program aims to avoid the capability gap and start the enhancement of the National Mine Countermeasures National Component at a time marked by increasing international tensions and growing threats posed in the maritime domain, above and under the surface, as experienced in the recent ongoing conflicts in the areas of national strategic interest (Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, Red Sea, Persian Gulf and Baltic Sea).

Thanks to the exclusive characteristics of the hulls (resistance to shocks generated by underwater explosions and low magneto-acoustic signature), and to the operational potential offered by the most modern combat system technologies – such as mine hunting sonar, command and multi-domain control system including integrated management of unmanned vehicles – the New Generation Minehunters will be able to perform a wide spectrum of missions. In addition to the constabulary roles of search and clearance operations, the modern assets will carry on the so-called seabed surveillance operations for the control and protection of critical underwater infrastructures (i.e. oil & gas pipelines and maritime data networks) and the protection of cultural heritage and the marine environment.

With a length of approximately 63 meters and a displacement of approximately 1,300 tonnes, the NGM/C will be distinguished by their capacity for conducting Mine Countermeasures operations operating inside the minefields, guaranteeing the safety of the crews and using different types of autonomous vehicles as force multipliers and capability gap fillers.

Due to their technical and operational characteristics, the New Generation Minehunters will be the most innovative Mine Countermeasures Units in the world, reaffirming Italy's role as a leading country in terms of technology and doctrine in the sector of Mine Warfare and Underwater Domain. In an international context in which all the navies of NATO and of the most advanced countries must renew their fleets of conventional minehunters, the NGM program will undoubtedly represent a game changer, a source of interest and potential for export and international cooperation.

The Vessels will be constructed at the Intermarine shipyard facilities in Sarzana (La Spezia), with significant employment repercussions, leading to a significant increase in the company workforce. The entire combat system, composed of the cyber-resilient SADOC 4 command and control system, advanced radar and electro-optical sensors, a new broadband sonar with mine detection and classification capabilities, as well as an integrated multi – communications bandwidth and data link to ensure the highest and most effective level of interoperability, will be produced and supplied by Leonardo.

– End –

Here is our coverage about the New Generation Coastal MCM vessel at DIMDEX 2024 in Doha.


"Upgraded Mogami Class" Is The New "New FFM", With Japan Aiming For Australian "Tier 2"-Requirement

Seemingly minor modifications set up the Mogami-successor as a more viable contender for Australian frigate-requirement.

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) at the Indian Ocean Defence & Security Conference 2024 (IODS24) in Perth, Western Australia, revealed new information on the Mogami frigate-successor previously known as "New FFM". The program, now dubbed "Upgraded Mogami", carries significant importance to Australia. This is because the effort is widely understood to represent MHI's effective offer of a general purpose-frigate (GP-F) to the Royal Australian Navy. Australia seeks to procure up to 11 GP-F capable to perform a wide range of missions. The Japanese presentation ostensibly aims directly at the Australian "Tier 2"-requirement intended to supplement "Tier 1"-combatants such as the Hobart-class AAW destroyer and the "Hunter"-class ASW-frigate.

Mogami-successor in context of Australian "Tier 2"
The Australian government intends to buy the first three frigates as overseas builds, touted as "unmodified" from an existing builder specification. Subsequent units will then see local production in Australia, possibly including substantial modifications.

The independent review establishing the foundations for an expanded Australian surface combatant fleet listed four, realistically five "exemplar"-designs. These include the German Meko A-200, Spanish Alfa 3000, Korean FFX Batch II/III and Japanese Mogami class FFG. Notably MHI since the Indo Pacific International Maritime Exhibition 2023 prominently advertised the "New FFM"-successor to the Mogami-class FFG. MHI has a contract for twelve Mogami-class general purpose frigates for the Japanese Maritime Self-Defence Force (JMSDF). The design focuses on ASW, patrol and mine warfare, emphasizing affordability over multirole capability. The Mogami-procurement notably features a scaling down of the original program for 24 frigates of the type. After delivering the 12th Mogami in 2027 MHI will instead move on to construction of the "New FFM"-successor. The new design, now termed "Upgraded Mogami" includes more capable anti-air capability and increased weapons load. The ship nevertheless maintains the lean crewing of the Mogami-class frigate.

"Upgraded Mogami" represents a significant evolution of the original design, growing the frigate in size and capability. However, compared to the design shown at Indopacific 2023 the updated presentation now displayed at IODS24 appears to indicate an adjusted effort more in line with a Mogami-evolution compared to the slightly larger design shown before.


"Upgraded Mogami" model at IODS24


Op 9 Augustus zal het 1e fregat van de Tamandaré klasse te water gelaten worden in Brazilië.

jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter)

NAVO landen zulle zich moeten gaan richten op kwantiteit (schepen en slagkracht) uiteraard wel van kwaliteit. Uiteraard is voorwaarde dat bouwcapaaciteiten meer gestoomlijnd worden.


Het artikel is vertaald met google translate uit het Portugees.

Masterproef toont een nieuwe generatie torpedobootjagers gebaseerd op Type 055
Een masterscriptie van de Harbin Engineering Universiteit, gebaseerd op de Type 055 torpedobootjager, toont interessante details van het nieuwe generatie escorteschip van de Chinese marine.

Lees de rest van het artikel zelf in de link hieronder.

Het ontwerp dat gebaseerd is op de Type 055 Destroyers heeft een lengte van 200 m en breedte van 25 m, het tonnage zal ergens tussen de 14 en 16.000 ton liggen. Het basis ontwerp van de Type 055 is een stuk kleiner met 180x20 m en weegt 11 tot 13.000 ton.

Nieuw in dit ontwerp zijn de opbouw en de mast vorm, een 130 mm railgun, 144 VLS cellen en de beide CIWS's H/PJ-11 (goalkeeper) & HQ-10 (RAM) zijn vervangen door high energy laser wapensystemen. Daarnaast zien we achterop een nieuw CIWS wat een combinatie lijkt tussen beide oude systemen en het beste te zien is op het achteraanzicht. Het lijkt op een (30 mm) gatling gun met aan beide kanten een aantal raketten (11 per kant?). Daarnaast heeft het schip ook ruimte voor onbemande systemen aan boord en heel opvallend is de pod aandrijving.


New Carrier-Based Version Of The Gambit Family Of Combat Drones Is In The Works

General Atomics has revealed work for a carrier-capable fifth member of its Gambit drone family, which is based around a common modular core 'chassis' concept. The company has also presented a larger vision for how this new uncrewed aircraft could fit into a future air wing aboard the United Kingdom's Queen Elizabeth class carriers. Carrier-based Gambits could be of interest to other potential customers, including the U.S. Navy, and a stepping stone to future pilotless naval aviation capabilities.

Een interessante ontwikkeling van deze relatief kleine elektromagnetische katapult voor UAV's.
De skijump van de QE klasse heeft een lengte van 60 meter. Dat betekend dat deze katapult een lengte heeft van 40 a 45 m lengte. In dit geval gaat het om een door ontwikkeling van General Atomic's haar Gambit 2 UCAV waarbij de originele versie een air-to-air taak had maar de carrier variant mogelijk als ISR platform fungeert of een combinatie van beide versies.

Met haar korte afstand zou deze katapult en ontwikkelde UAV's voor dit systeem ook eventueel interessant kunnen worden voor het Nederlandse LPX concept als er word besloten om (een deel van) deze klasse te bouwen als flattop.


Citaat van: Harald op 16/07/2024 | 23:02 uurF126...  :hrmph: voor de looks zou je die willen kopen, maar kwa bewapening is ie in vergelijking met zijn grootte aan de matige kant. Ook de aanschafprijs is hoog.
Maar daar kan de Duitse overheid wel wat aan doen in een GtoG overeenkomst.

Op Duits forum zouden ze graag de F127 willen verkopen aan de Noren. Duitsland gaat waarschijnlijk eind van het jaar een beslissing in het ontwerp, uitvoering nemen. Maar productie en aflevering is te laat. 1e schip zou in 2031/32 er moeten zijn voor Duitsland. Te laat voor de Noren . Tevens willen de Noren "van de plank" kopen.

Welk forum is dat?


Navy Destroyer Modified With Naval Strike Missiles Sailing In RIMPAC Wargames

Stealthy Naval Strike Missiles in place of Harpoon anti-ship missiles could give older Arleigh Burke destroyers a valuable capability boost.

The U.S. Navy's Arleigh Burke class destroyer USS Fitzgerald is taking part in the biennial Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) exercise off Hawaii with a unique modification: Naval Strike Missile (NSM) anti-ship cruise missiles in place of its RGM-84 Harpoons. The stealthy NSM has been growing in popularity within the U.S. military, in ship and ground-launched forms, as well as with foreign navies, for years now. Certain subclasses of Arleigh Burke destroyers are also in the process of receiving various other upgrades, some of which involve radical physical changes to support new radars and electronic warfare systems.

Naval News was first to spot the USS Fitzgerald (DDG-62) sporting its new NSM launchers after the destroyer's arrival at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii for RIMPAC 2024, which kicked off on June 27. It is unknown when the ship swapped out its Harpoons for the new missiles and details about the integration are limited. The War Zone has reached out to the Navy for more information.

At the time of writing, Fitzgerald is the only one of the Navy's 73 Arleigh Burke destroyers known to have gotten NSMs. The entire Arleigh Burke class fleet includes examples of three main subclasses (Flights I, II, and III), as well as several Flight II subvariants. The service just recently took delivery of another Arleigh Burke, the future USS John Basilone, a Flight IIA Technology Insertion type, but that ship has yet to be formally commissioned into service.

Only Flight I and baseline Flight II Arleigh Burkes are armed with Harpoon. Fitzgerald is an early Flight I version.

So far, Fitzgerald has only been observed with a pair of missile canisters loaded on one of its two NSM launchers at the aft end of the ship. The launchers can hold up to four missiles each at a time. The destroyer's previous Harpoon anti-ship missile installation also included two four-round launchers.



U.S. Navy Tests Underway VLS Reloading Mechanism

The U.S. Navy's Transferrable Rearming Mechanism (TRAM), a system capable of reloading missile cells while underway, successfully completed its first ground-based test last week.

Sailors from the Naval Expeditionary Logistics Support Group and USS Chosin (CG 65) guide a missile canister using the U.S. Navy's Transferrable Rearming Mechanism as they demonstrate the ability to reload a Vertical Launching System cell on July 11 at Naval Surface Warfare Center, Port Hueneme Division's Underway Replenishment Test Facility.

A new mechanism capable of reloading the U.S. Navy's vertical launching system (VLS) cells while underway at sea completed its first ground-based test at Naval Surface Warfare Center Port Hueneme Division last week.

In 2023, Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) Carlos Del Toro said in his speech at the American Society of Naval Engineers Combat Systems Symposium 2023 that reloading at sea was a "main priority." His remarks also included the first mention of the Transferrable Rearming Mechanism (TRAM), a 20-year-old concept declared to be the most feasible to allow ships to reload their missile cells while underway. While the service used strike-down cranes on Ticonderoga-class cruisers and early Arleigh Burke-class destroyers, these cranes were deemed impractical and dangerous due to relative motion issues.

Through TRAM, the Navy looks to overcome these issues. Rich Hadley, Director of the NSWC Port Hueneme Underway Replenishment Division, stated in a press release of the test that "by solving key relative motion challenges, TRAM is a capability enabling reloading operations while underway in significant sea states, TRAM will greatly expand the fleet's logistical flexibility, resilience, as well as volume and tempo of long-range fires."

The Navy has traditionally conducted VLS reloading pier side with cranes, requiring warships to return to port for extended periods to replenish missiles. With lessons from the Red Sea and concerns about great power competition in the Indo-Pacific, the need to reload missiles underway has only increased since the inception of the concept in 2022. Movement on the system's development has also been fast, with the testing facility at NSWC Port Hueneme appearing in Dec. 2023.

"This demonstration that you superbly delivered on the Secretary's aggressive timeline sends a powerful message. This revolution in surface warfare will make our existing fleet even more formidable, both in sustained forward presence and lethality—and will create a powerful new near-term deterrent that will disrupt the strategic calculus of our adversaries."
Steve Brock, Senior Advisor to the Secretary of the Navy,

While the specifics of TRAM are not yet known, statements from SECNAV and images of the ground-based testing facility at NSWC Port Hueneme indicate that the system involves the transfer of missiles from a supply vessel to the warship. According to Hadley, TRAM will "allow our ships to reload missiles just like they refuel—using connected underway replenishment, steaming at speed and in open ocean." Unlike the old strike-down crane, missile canisters appear to be secured to the crane during the reloading process.

Naval Sea Systems Command guided sailors from USS Chosin (CG-65) and the Expeditionary Reload Company during the test, which reportedly involved "real-time analytics and in situ monitoring through instrumentation." While the system has yet to complete its at-sea test, which is set to occur in the fall, data collected from this test will be used to inform its future trial.


Citaat van: Harald op 16/07/2024 | 23:02 uurF126...  :hrmph: voor de looks zou je die willen kopen, maar kwa bewapening is ie in vergelijking met zijn grootte aan de matige kant. Ook de aanschafprijs is hoog.
Maar daar kan de Duitse overheid wel wat aan doen in een GtoG overeenkomst.

Op Duits forum zouden ze graag de F127 willen verkopen aan de Noren. Duitsland gaat waarschijnlijk eind van het jaar een beslissing in het ontwerp, uitvoering nemen. Maar productie en aflevering is te laat. 1e schip zou in 2031/32 er moeten zijn voor Duitsland. Te laat voor de Noren . Tevens willen de Noren "van de plank" kopen.

Duitse Noorse samenwerking gaat natuurlijk op andere gebieden ook parten spelen. Is vast veel met de prijs te doen.
"Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordion" US secmindef - Jed Babbin"


Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 16/07/2024 | 22:21 uurKlopt, ben wel benieuwd naar het voorstel. Productie capaciteit moet redelijk eenvoudig te vergroten zijn met de werven in het portofolio. Denk dat de Duits-Damen combi zo de beste kaarten hebben.
F126...  :hrmph: voor de looks zou je die willen kopen, maar kwa bewapening is ie in vergelijking met zijn grootte aan de matige kant. Ook de aanschafprijs is hoog.
Maar daar kan de Duitse overheid wel wat aan doen in een GtoG overeenkomst.

Op Duits forum zouden ze graag de F127 willen verkopen aan de Noren. Duitsland gaat waarschijnlijk eind van het jaar een beslissing in het ontwerp, uitvoering nemen. Maar productie en aflevering is te laat. 1e schip zou in 2031/32 er moeten zijn voor Duitsland. Te laat voor de Noren . Tevens willen de Noren "van de plank" kopen.


Citaat van: Parera op 16/07/2024 | 21:45 uurIk weet wel dat het volgende statement klopt:

''Damen maakt 2 keer zoveel kans om te winnen als Naval Group''

Dit komt omdat Damen met 2 ontwerpen mee doet ;)

Klopt, ben wel benieuwd naar het voorstel. Productie capaciteit moet redelijk eenvoudig te vergroten zijn met de werven in het portofolio. Denk dat de Duits-Damen combi zo de beste kaarten hebben.
"Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordion" US secmindef - Jed Babbin"