Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen

Gestart door Lex, 19/12/2015 | 16:32 uur

jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter)

Citaat van: Flyguy op 26/07/2024 | 11:08 uurGriekenland... bizarre dierentuin aan types, waaronder een Frans-Amerikaanse mix van 5 verschillende soorten fighters. Ongelooflijk.

Ben wel jaloers, ons gevecht in de lucht zou er ook baat bij hebben om de strike/SEAD rol, waar de F-35 eigenlijk voor is geoptimaliseerd, aan te vullen met een secondair multirole type voor DCA en CAS. Maarja, gun ik dat de KLu?

Aanvullend aan 3 squadrons F-35A zou ik een aanvulling met 2 sqn F-15EX en een x aantal Collaborative combat aircraft (CCA) voor de KLu geen straf vinden, blijkbaar is/wordt dit een uitstekende combinatie.

Maar eerst (of gelijktijdig) meer aandacht voor uitbreidng (naast slechts vervanging) voor KM en KL.

Uiteraard gaat dit wensenlijstje hand in hand met meer PAX.


Citaat van: Flyguy op 26/07/2024 | 11:08 uurGriekenland... bizarre dierentuin aan types, waaronder een Frans-Amerikaanse mix van 5 verschillende soorten fighters. Ongelooflijk.

Ben wel jaloers, ons gevecht in de lucht zou er ook baat bij hebben om de strike/SEAD rol, waar de F-35 eigenlijk voor is geoptimaliseerd, aan te vullen met een secondair multirole type voor DCA en CAS. Maarja, gun ik dat de KLu?

Kijk eens naar Indonesië daar is dat ook het geval.


Citaat van: Flyguy op 26/07/2024 | 11:08 uurGriekenland... bizarre dierentuin aan types, waaronder een Frans-Amerikaanse mix van 5 verschillende soorten fighters. Ongelooflijk.

Landen als Griekenland, Spanje en Turkije hadden altijd al een 'dierentuin' op de flightline aan verschillende Amerikaanse en Europese types tegelijkertijd. Eerst afdankers en later wel nieuw af fabriek.
A fighter without a gun . . . is like an airplane without a wing.

-- Brigadier General Robin Olds, USAF.


Griekenland... bizarre dierentuin aan types, waaronder een Frans-Amerikaanse mix van 5 verschillende soorten fighters. Ongelooflijk.

Ben wel jaloers, ons gevecht in de lucht zou er ook baat bij hebben om de strike/SEAD rol, waar de F-35 eigenlijk voor is geoptimaliseerd, aan te vullen met een secondair multirole type voor DCA en CAS. Maarja, gun ik dat de KLu?


En de F-35 was helemaal niks, werd niks..blabla. op dit forum zouden we die roeptoeters eigelijk aan de schandpaal moeten nagelen.

Hoeveel jaar we wel niet geblaat, ongehinderd door gebrek aan kennis, aan hebben moeten horen.

Inmiddels weer grootste verkoop succes na de F-16.
"Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordion" US secmindef - Jed Babbin"


Citaat van: op 26/07/2024 | 08:34 uurGreece signs deal for 20 F-35A fighters

Greece becomes the 19th country to fly the F-35.

Greece has officially signed off on the procurement of 20 F-35A Joint Strike Fighters, becoming the 19th country to operate the Lockheed Martin-made fifth-generation jet, according to defense minister Nikos Dendias.

"Greece is building powerful armed forces by purchasing the most modern combat aircraft in the world," Dendias said about the agreement, according to a translation from EPT News.


En Griekenland had al goedkeuring voor minstens 40 x F-35A. Deze (eerste) order is rap gegaan.

Het rijtje Europese Landen met definitieve orders:
België - F-35A
Denemarken - F-35A
Duitsland - F-35A
Finland - F-35A
Griekenland - F35A
Italië - F-35A & F-35B
Nederland - F-35A
Noorwegen - F-35A
Polen - F-35A
Roemenië - F-35A
Tsjechië - F-35A
Verenigd Koninkrijk - F-35B
Zwitserland - F-35A

Op RAF Lakenheath F-35A (493rd FS & 495th FS, 48th FW)

Portugal zit in de wachtkamer en Spanje is een mogelijkheid.
A fighter without a gun . . . is like an airplane without a wing.

-- Brigadier General Robin Olds, USAF.


USAF Should Look At China's Future Multi-Crew Fighter Model For F-15EX

The F-15EX's currently empty rear cockpit needs to be taken advantage of by adding a new kind of second crewmen, an Air Mission Commanding Officer.

Amidst strategic shifts in its force posture, the U.S. Air Force (USAF) faces pivotal decisions on the deployment of its next-generation fighter fleet. With plans to retire aging F-15C/D Eagles and scale back F-15E Strike Eagle operations, the USAF is poised to integrate a limited number of F-15EX Eagle IIs into the fleet. Yet, while the F-15EX boasts advancements as an evolution of the F-15E Strike Eagle family of fighters, current strategies overlook the aircraft's rear cockpit potential.

Meanwhile, the People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) advocates for multi-seat configurations to manage data-rich combat environments effectively. USAF plans, on the other hand, currently exclude utilizing the F-15EX's rear cockpit, limiting its role to air-to-air missions and possibly limited air-to-ground missions sometime in the future.

In this era of transformative air combat, as the PLAAF pioneers new operational concepts with multi-seat fighters, the USAF stands at a crossroads, balancing legacy strategies with the imperative for adaptive, integrated command and control of unmanned systems and network-centric operations. With the F-15EX, however, the USAF has an opportunity to lead the way regarding future air combat by fully embracing the Eagle II's two-crew capability.


With every new set of roles, responsibilities, and mission expansion, however, comes new training requirements. For the F-15EX to adopt similar roles and responsibilities of the AMCO, the F-15E training pipeline can leverage existing training plans either by restructuring F-15E training flights that develop these specific tasks or by creating a new AMCO training pipeline in concert with the F-15EX syllabus being constructed to prepare future Eagle II pilots. Taking qualified F-15E WSO instructors into an AMCO pipeline that runs in concert with the F-15EX syllabus, the Air Force can fully realize a cohesive multi-seat aircraft ready for the high-end environment.

Unfortunately, however, the USAF has chosen to focus the utilization of the F-15EX on a single mission: long-range air-to-air. While capable of conducting close air support (CAS), combat search and rescue (CSAR), long- and medium-range air interdiction, maritime air interdiction, defensive counter-air, suppression of enemy air defenses (SEAD), and more, leaving the rear cockpit empty in this high-tech piece of machinery and conducting only long-range air-to-air engagements leaves all this potential capability on the table.

Equipped with outsized, long-range weapons and specialized pods, and the ability to command CCAs and swarms of other drones while directing combat fires and disseminating multi-platform intelligence from a multi-crew platform, the F-15EX offers a broader spectrum of capabilities beyond solely engaging in long-range air-to-air combat. Additionally, much of the necessary technology for these functions is already integrated into the aircraft.

For these reasons, it is imperative that the Air Force not let preconceived notions of traditional roles and responsibilities obstruct decision-making concerning the future of air warfare and the potential evolution of roles and responsibilities.

The character of warfare is evolving, necessitating the utilization of both machinery and personnel in innovative ways that align with the changing environment. The multi-operator platform direction currently pursued by the PLAAF yields operational insights worthy of consideration by USAF planners for the near- and mid-term, even as the USAF continues to develop advanced AI solutions for the long term.


Greece signs deal for 20 F-35A fighters

Greece becomes the 19th country to fly the F-35.

Greece has officially signed off on the procurement of 20 F-35A Joint Strike Fighters, becoming the 19th country to operate the Lockheed Martin-made fifth-generation jet, according to defense minister Nikos Dendias.

"Greece is building powerful armed forces by purchasing the most modern combat aircraft in the world," Dendias said about the agreement, according to a translation from EPT News.

The deal gives the NATO nation a major modernization boost for its air force, replacing older F-4 and Mirage 2000 aircraft. In January, Greece was cleared by the US State Department to purchase up to 40 F-35A conventional take off and landing variants, for an estimated $8.6 billion.


Citaat van: Lynxian op 25/07/2024 | 11:14 uurIk heb geen idee naar de ontwikkelingen, maar is er met al dat onbemand helemaal geen risico meer dat dit wordt gejamd, gehackt of anders dan ook wordt verstoord? Mij persoonlijk zou een volledig onbemande vloot me alleen maar de kriebels geven.

Geen besturing op afstand, dat werkt ook veel te traag, maar AI. Of een hybride vorm. Je hoeft niet de hele tijd in verbinding te zitten met een onbemand jachtvliegtuig. Alleen wellicht op autorisatie verzoeken reageren. Bv het aangrijpen van een doel, maar kan ook op tig manieren.
"Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordion" US secmindef - Jed Babbin"


Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 25/07/2024 | 10:52 uurBeetje raar dat die tempest gebouwd wordt om bemand te zijn. Hoeft allang niet meer.
Ik heb geen idee naar de ontwikkelingen, maar is er met al dat onbemand helemaal geen risico meer dat dit wordt gejamd, gehackt of anders dan ook wordt verstoord? Mij persoonlijk zou een volledig onbemande vloot me alleen maar de kriebels geven.


Beetje raar dat die tempest gebouwd wordt om bemand te zijn. Hoeft allang niet meer.
"Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordion" US secmindef - Jed Babbin"


Tempest Stealth Fighter Flying Demonstrator Takes Shape

For the first time, we have gotten a look at the Flying Technology Demonstrator that will feed into the Tempest fighter program.

The United Kingdom is advancing the build of a new fighter demonstrator as part of its Tempest next-generation air combat program. The crewed flight test vehicle, so far only known as the Flying Technology Demonstrator, is planned to take to the skies within the next three years and its progress is an important boost for the Tempest stealth fighter and the wider Future Combat Air System (FCAS) programs, the future of which has recently begun to be questioned in some quarters.

At the Farnborough International Airshow in England today, Team Tempest released photos showing the progress made so far on the demonstrator aircraft. The program partners confirm that over 50 percent of the aircraft, by structural weight, is now being built or has already been completed. A pair of photos shows the forward fuselage section of the demonstrator taking shape on the production line at the BAE Systems facility in Warton, England.


Boeing eyes converting F-15EX into Growler-like electronic attack jet

"There's a lot of conversation internally, could we turn this into a Growler," Boeing F-15 business development lead Rob Novotny told Breaking Defense. "So we're looking at some trade work."

Boeing is actively studying whether it can turn the F-15EX Eagle II into a platform similar to an EA-18G Growler, the Navy's electronic warfare jet, a company executive tells Breaking Defense.

"The Growler line has ended," Rob Novotny, Boeing's business development lead for the F-15, said in an interview with Breaking Defense over the weekend. The Growler is a modified version of the F/A-18, with the jet's production slated to end in 2027.

"There's a lot of conversation internally, could we turn this [the F-15EX] into a Growler," he added. "So we're looking at some trade work."

In pushing the Growler line of logic, Novotny argued for a different definition of stealth enabled by features like electronic warfare (EW) capabilities. Stealth, Novotny contended, shouldn't be understood strictly in terms of low-observable coatings — where competitor Lockheed Martin currently enjoys a monopoly on stealth fighter production.

"Stealth means, to me, I can go to a place where the enemy doesn't want me to go, and I can operate in their environment, achieve my objective, and not be targeted," he said.

The F-15EX is already equipped with EW capabilities via its BAE-supplied Eagle Passive Active Warning Survivability System (EPAWSS). In seeking a Growler-like role for the jet, Boeing would presumably seek to expand the fighter's EW capabilities with tools like additional jamming pods and other enabling subsystems.

The F-15EX — the most modern version of the F-15 — hit initial operational capability following deliveries of the first operational combat jets to the Air National Guard in June. At the Farnborough air show here, Boeing is showcasing the F-15QA, a Qatari version of the jet that closely mirrors the design on order by the US Air Force.

Novotny seemed bullish about the updated F-15's prospects in international campaigns, which Boeing is pitching to customers like Saudi Arabia and Poland, while Indonesia has already committed to a buy and Israel is set for a large order of its own. The US Air Force's own order has been somewhat in flux in recent years, and is set for a program of record for 98 fighters absent congressional intervention or further changes in future budgets.

"I think what my big takeaway is, there's a lot of excitement in the global defense market for fighter jets. And I mean, unfortunately, world events have created a kind of refocus on air superiority and air dominance platforms," Novotny said.


Israel's IAI announces new Wind Demon air-to-surface missile

The weapon is "a new generation of air-to-surface cruise missile, combining new capabilities based on years of experience in missiles and loitering munition development," Guy Bar Lev, executive vice-president and general manager of IAI's Systems Missiles and Space Group, said.

Israel Aerospace Industries announced today a new air-to-surface cruise missile dubbed Wind Demon, what the company says is a lightweight, reasonably priced munition.

"We see a growing market demand for effective and affordable systems that will offer attacks in mass," said Guy Bar Lev, executive vice-president and general manager of IAI's Systems Missiles and Space Group.

The weapon is "a new generation of air-to-surface cruise missile, combining new capabilities based on years of experience in missiles and loitering munition development," he said.

Unveiling the new missile, IAI pitched it as an "accurate response to the changing nature of warfare where affordability is a key factor." Bar Lev did not specify the unit cost, though large cruise missiles such as the Storm Shadow or Tomahawk can cost more than $1 million.

Weighing 140 kilograms (308 pounds) and with a range of over 200 kilometers (124 miles), IAI says the missile can be launched from various aerial platforms such as helicopters or warplanes. The system includes laser-homing seekers and electro-optics for day or night operations. It also has automatic target recognition built in.

IAI also said that the system includes "enhanced connectivity features [that] enable real-time video transmission, person-in-the-loop control, and low altitude hold throughout the mission. Additionally, its selectable fast/slow/fast speed profile allows for high-speed reactions and selective slow velocity approaches at points of interest."

IAI said the munition's warhead, "which exceeds" 20 kilograms or 44 pounds, "is adaptable for blast, fragmentation, and penetration effects."

The missile is smaller than other well-known Israeli armaments such as the Popeye and the Gabriel family of systems, as well as the more recently introduced Sea Breaker.

In addition to its purported affordability, IAI also referenced the ability to use the missile in large numbers, noting it "offers a pragmatic response to the changing nature of warfare where affordable mass can deliver lethality." A brochure for the system showed it aiming at targets such as air defense systems and radars. These include moving targets as well.

The wars in Ukraine and Gaza have illustrated the need for countries to have large amounts of various munitions, but also highlighted the high pricetag that can come with such acquisitions. The cost disparity has been especially stark in the area of counter-unmanned aerial systems, where some militaries are using high-end missiles to knock out cheaply made drones — though the Wind Demon is designed to hit targets on the ground in numbers, potentially flipping the script on affordable mass munitions.


Citaat van: Parera op 23/07/2024 | 11:50 uurDe Frans/Duitse FCAS zal wel iets kleiner blijven omdat deze carrier based moeten opereren. Iets wat het Britse toestel niet hoeft te kunnen.

Het wordt ook een lastig verhaal om de wensen van een 6e generatie fighter te huisvesten in een klein airframe. Zoals het er nu naar uit ziet moeten zowel de
tempest alsmede de NGAD en de FA-XX (mits ze nog doorgaan) qua grootte bijna 2x zo groot worden als de F22.