Internationale AEW&C ontwikkelingen

Gestart door Sparkplug, 23/03/2019 | 10:56 uur


USAF learns E-7A capabilities and techniques from RAAF

Published: 16 June 2024   Last Updated: 16 June 2024

Credit photos: USAF

From 20 May through 12 June 2024, the USAF Weapons School at Nellis AFB (NV) hosted Royal Australian Air Force No. 2 Squadron, based at RAAF Williamtown (Australia).

During the aforementioned period, No. 2 Sq's Boeing E-7A Wedgetail A30-006 flew missions with integrated USAF/RAAF aircrew and alongside OK coded E-3G Sentry Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) aircraft. During April 2022, the Department of the Air Force (DAF) selected the E-7A to replace the aging Boeing E-3 Sentry fleet.

The RAAF flew their Wedgetail for the first time during the latest Weapons School's INTegration (WSINT) phase at Nellis. This, as part of the USAF and RAAF joint exercises and training efforts to maximise the E-7A's command and control capabilities in combined operations. Also, the unique capabilities of the E-7A, the survivability and lethality of the joint and combined force (which also includes the Royal Air Force) has increased significantly. To further highlight the enduring nature of the combined partnership, RAAF's No. 2 Squadron has trained and continues to train USAF and RAF aircrew, maintainers and support staff.

For the USAF, the E-7A will be a critical node in the Air Force's ability to gain and maintain air superiority in support of combatant commander priority missions. The Wedgetail will provide advanced airborne moving target indication and battle management, command and control capabilities. It also has an advanced multi-role electronically scanned array radar that enhances Airborne Battle
Management (ABM) and enables long-range kill chains against potential adversaries.

In the past, the USAF and RAAF agreed to an expanded exchange programme to train with RAAF, Royal Australian Navy, US Navy and RAF aircrew and personnel, supporting the E-7A aircraft's USAF service introduction. These seventy Airmen, from thirteen career fields, will return from the programme by the end of 2024 and support its integration. In the end it is expected that the tri-lateral E-7A acquisition and operations initiative between the USAF, RAAF and RAF will lead to an interoperable and interchangeable coalition E-7A community.

Credit photos: USAF
A fighter without a gun . . . is like an airplane without a wing.

-- Brigadier General Robin Olds, USAF.


Saab signs GlobalEye AEW&C aircraft support contract with UAE

Saab and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Ministry of Defence have signed a contract and Saab has received an order regarding in-service support for the GlobalEye Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) solution. The order value is approximately USD 190 million with a three-year contract period that runs until 2026. The contract includes maintenance and logistics support, as well as training services.

"This agreement solidifies Saab's role in ensuring that GlobalEye remains mission-ready. We look forward to further strengthening our partnership with the UAE Air Force and Air Defence and providing long-term local support," says Carl-Johan Bergholm, head of Saab's business area Surveillance.

On January 4, 2024, Saab announced it had received a follow-on contract with the UAE regarding the sale of two GlobalEyes, whose order value is USD 1.018 billion and the contract period is 2020-2025. The original contract with the United Arab Emirates for GlobalEye was signed in 2015. This contract was an amendment to that signed in 2015.

GlobalEye is an advanced multi-domain AEW&C solution that provides simultaneous air, maritime and ground surveillance. It combines sophisticated radar technology with the ultra-long-range Global 6000 aircraft from Bombardier. By providing real-time information to units in air forces, armies and navies, GlobalEye enables enhanced situational awareness of the surrounding areas and early detection of threats.


E-7A Wedgetails gaan E-3A Sentries vervangen

BRUSSEL – De NAVO heeft haar volgende generatie commando- en controlevliegtuigen geselecteerd, nu de bestaande Airborne Warning and Control (AWACS) vloot bijna met pensioen gaat. Er worden de komende jaren zes nieuwe Boeing E-7A Wedgetail-vliegtuigen gebouwd, waarvan de eerste naar verwachting in 2031 klaar zal zijn voor operationele dienst.

Een consortium van Bondgenoten heeft deze maand zijn goedkeuring gehecht aan het project, een van de grootste capaciteitsaankopen van de NAVO ooit.

De op de Boeing 737 gebaseerde E-7 Wedgetail is uitgerust met een krachtige radar om vijandige vliegtuigen, raketten en schepen op grote afstand detecteren en NAVO-straaljagers op hun doelen te richten. De Verenigde Staten, het Verenigd Koninkrijk en Turkije vliegen al met de Wedgetail of zijn dat van plan.

De NAVO beschikt sinds de jaren tachtig over een vloot van E-3A Airborne Warning and Control (AWACS)-vliegtuigen die gestationeerd zijn vliegbasis Geilenkirchen in Duitsland. Deze AWACS hebben bij elke grote NAVO-operatie gevlogen, inclusief de strijd tegen ISIS en op de oostflank van de NAVO na de Russische invasie van Oekraïne. De E-7 krijgt naar verwachting eveneeens zijn hoofdbasis in Geilenkirchen, maar kan vanuit verschillende locaties in Europa opereren.

De Wedgetail zal deel uitmaken van het toekomstige surveillance- en controleproject van het Bondgenootschap, dat vanaf het midden van de jaren 2030 de volgende generatie surveillancesystemen van de NAVO zal inzetten.


Saab GlobalEye could be jointly operated by Scandinavian countries

Saab has revealed ongoing discussion in expanding collaboration among Scandinavian nations, highlighting the aspiration for Sweden, Finland and Denmark to share common GlobalEye AEW&C platforms.

Finland, Sweden and Denmark have been engaging in discussions with Saab to potentially jointly operate the company's GlobalEye Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) aircraft, a Saab official told Shephard at the Dubai Airshow 2023.

Sweden has ordered two GlobalEyes under a US$710 million deal. Deliveries have been slated for 2027 and the contract included a potential extension for two more aircraft.

'It comes down to the Swedish Defence Force to make that choice [about the extension], but we are having discussions with the neighbouring countries in Scandinavian – Finland and Denmark –, to see whether scaling up from two or more aircraft in the region could be part of the equation in the region,' said Tomas Lundin, head of marketing and sales of AEW&C business at Saab.

When asked whether the countries involved could jointly use the same platforms, Lundin commented 'Why not? That's a good idea'. He emphasised, however, that the collaboration between the Scandinavian neighbours was only 'aspirational' at this point.

Although Scandinavian countries have been known for their close collaboration on dispersed air operations conducted with fighter jets, the concept of multiple nations owning a shared defence platform does not seem to have a clear precedent.

Lundin could not confirm when a decision could be expected regarding the potential collaboration, but he said Saab believed GlobalEye would 'be an important asset' for countries in the region and 'they are showing a great deal of interest in the capability'.


Citaat@IndraCompany showcasing Global 6000-based special mission platform at #IFC23. In #Spain AF markings, so presumably intended as a replacement for the Citation V aircraft...


De defensie poot van Saab heeft vrijdag (29 september) tijdens een ceremonie de eerste van twee voor Polen bestemde Saab 340 Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) turboprops gepresenteerd.

De multi-role multi-mission systemen werden in juli 2023 besteld en moeten tussen 2023 en 2025 aan Polen worden afgeleverd die ze voor zowel militaire al civiele doeleinden wil gaan gebruiken.

Naast Erieye AEW&C.zullen ook meerdere sensoren worden ingebouwd waardoor de tweemotorige turboprops ook gebruikt kunnen worden voor grens patrouilles en Search and Rescue (SAR) missies.

Master Mack

Is er nou geen knappe manier om die staaf op het dak weg te werken. Oerlelijk


Poland signs for Saab 340 AEW&C aircraft

Saab receives order for airborne early warning aircraft from Poland

Saab has received an order from Poland's Ministry of National Defence for two Saab 340 Airborne Early Warning (AEW) aircraft. The order value is approximately SEK 600 million and the contract period is 2023-2025.


Citaat#BombardierDefense delivers #Global6000 aircraft to Saab's #GlobalEye program destined to join the Swedish Air Force.

Bombardier Defense Delivers Global 6000 Aircraft to Saab's GlobalEye Program Destined to Join the Swedish Air Force

- Saab's GlobalEye is an Airborne Early Warning & Control solution based on Bombardier's Global family of aircraft that supports military and civil authorities with all-domain situational awareness in real-time.
- Bombardier Defense provides an array of flexible, trusted and customizable aircraft, that serve as the ultimate platform for the most demanding missions around the world.

Bombardier Defense recently celebrated the sixth delivery of a Global 6000 aircraft to Swedish defense supplier Saab, ready to be transformed by Saab into their Airborne Early Warning and Control solution known as GlobalEye. This aircraft will join the Swedish Air Force once Saab completes the transformation, further highlighting the illustrious capabilities of both companies in providing forward-looking solutions for nations across the globe.

Bringing together the best of Canadian and Swedish innovation, Saab's GlobalEye program integrates their renowned radar, command, control and communication systems into a multi-domain airborne surveillance solution using Bombardier's class-leading Global 6000 aircraft. The highly efficient and agile Global family of aircraft is valued for its ultimate combination of speed, range, and endurance – making it the platform of choice for government defense needs worldwide.

"Our jets are internationally recognized as modern, go-to platforms by some of the world's largest defense contractors, such as Saab," said Jean-Christopher Gallagher, Executive Vice-President, Aircraft Sales and Bombardier Defense. "The Global aircraft family represents the right-sized solution for multi-mission, surveillance and VIP transport. Time and time again, it has met customers' expectations for their most demanding mission needs. The Bombardier team is proud to associate its aircraft with strong partners to create the next-generation defense solutions around the world."


Poland is in talks to acquire Saab AEW aircraft

Poland is set to acquire early warning aircraft from Sweden, marking a significant step in enhancing the country?s air defense. Minister of National Defense Mariusz Błaszczak announced the decision, emphasizing its importance in fortifying Poland?s defense infrastructure.

Poland?s acquisition of early warning aircraft signifies a strong commitment to bolstering its air defense. Detailed negotiations between Poland and Sweden, led by Minister Błaszczak, have been progressing well. The positive outcome of discussions held during the Northern Group Meeting in Legionowo, where Minister Błaszczak met with Swedish Minister of Defense Pale Jonson, highlights the shared dedication to enhancing defense cooperation.

While specific aircraft details are undisclosed, Sweden?s renowned defense manufacturer Saab is known for its expertise in producing early warning aircraft such as the GlobalEye. Poland?s decision to explore procurement options with Sweden demonstrates their commitment to acquiring cutting-edge technology aligned with their defense requirements. The GlobalEye aircraft, with its exceptional surveillance capabilities, offers comprehensive situational awareness by detecting and tracking multiple threats simultaneously.

Poland?s investment in early warning aircraft showcases its commitment to maintaining a modern and capable defense force. By bolstering air traffic control capabilities, Poland assumes a crucial role in regional security and strengthens the NATO alliance. This decision exemplifies Poland?s proactive approach to safeguarding its interests and maintaining a vigilant defense posture.


Boeing Receives U.S. Air Force E-7 Airborne Early Warning & Control Aircraft Contract

‒ The E-7 will provide the U.S. Air Force with a 360-degree critical domain awareness and Advanced Battle Management System capabilities
‒ Open systems architecture and agile software design will evolve the E-7?s capabilities to meet future threats

Feb 28, 2023
An artist?s depiction shows the E-7A in flight. The E-7A will allow the U.S. Air Force to retain air dominance for decades to come. (Boeing image)

SEATTLE, Feb. 28, 2023 ? Boeing [NYSE:BA] will begin development of two new U.S. variants of the E-7 Airborne Early Warning & Control (AEW&C) aircraft through a $1.2 billion Undefinitized Contract Action.

The E-7 provides a fully integrated, combat-proven, flexible command and control node that delivers multi-domain awareness in the most challenging operational environments. The E-7?s open systems architecture and agile software design enable the aircraft's capabilities to evolve and remain ahead of future threats.

?The E-7 is a proven platform,? said Stu Voboril, E-7 program vice president and general manager. ?It is the only advanced aircraft that is capable of meeting the U.S. Air Force?s near-term Airborne Early Warning & Control requirement while enabling integration across the joint force.?

The E-7 tracks multiple airborne and maritime threats simultaneously with 360-degree coverage via the Multi-role Electronically Scanned Array (MESA) sensor. MESA provides the warfighter with critical domain awareness to detect and identify adversarial targets at long range and dynamically adjusts to emerging tactical situations.

Other E-7 operators include the Royal Australian Air Force, Republic of Korea Air Force, Turkish Air Force and the United Kingdom?s Royal Air Force.

The E-7 uses a well-established supply chain which significantly reduces maintenance and logistics costs and increases mission readiness on day one. Converted from the Next-Generation 737-700, the E-7 capitalizes on existing commercial derivative aircraft design, certification and modification processes, allowing E-7s to be fielded to meet Air Force needs.
A fighter without a gun . . . is like an airplane without a wing.

-- Brigadier General Robin Olds, USAF.


RAF Wedgetail AEW Mk1 new paint scheme (Livery) revealed

15 Jul 2022

The Royal Air Force has revealed the livery of its new Wedgetail AEW Mk1 (E-7) aircraft.

The three aircraft will be operated by VIII Squadron from RAF Lossiemouth whose Arabian dagger badge appears on the tail fin. The dagger, known as a jambiya, was adopted in recognition of the unit's long association with Arabia and is sheathed to symbolise the Squadron's guardian duties.

On the nose is the shield of the NATO Airborne Early Warning and Control Force, reflecting the UK's commitment to continue to provide the Alliance with air surveillance, command and control, aerospace battle management and communications.

To see the jambiya of 8 Squadron and NATO Airborne Early Warning & Control Force shield brought to life on the Wedgetail Airborne Early Warning Mk1 livery reflects our continued commitment to NATO, and marks a significant step in delivery of this capability.

Air Commodore Hicks
Wedgetail Programme Senior Responsible Owner

Wedgetail, which is being procured for the RAF by Defence Equipment and Support, provides long-range air surveillance and control of an area of operations.

It uses a Multi-role Electronically Scanned Array (MESA) Sensor and on-board passive systems to collect information to provide the crew with a real-time picture of aircraft and ships present across a broad area of responsibility. The crew use this information to provide direction and guidance to aircraft and commanders on the ground.
A fighter without a gun . . . is like an airplane without a wing.

-- Brigadier General Robin Olds, USAF.


Chile buys three Boeing E-3D Sentry aircraft from UK

19 JANUARY 2022

by Santiago Rivas

The Chilean Air Force (FACh) has purchased three Boeing E-3D Sentry airborne early warning Mk 1 (AEW1) aircraft from the UK Royal Air Force (RAF) for an undisclosed amount, FACh sources told Janes .

The aircraft, one of which will be used for spare parts, will replace the FACh's single Boeing 707-385C that was modified in Israel for AEW missions, called IAI Phalcon in Israel and Cóndor in Chile.

The RAF retired the last of its E-3D in 2021, when the FACh started negotiations to buy three. A source told Janes that crews and technicians were sent to the UK in late 2021 to inspect the aircraft and create training courses on their operation. The E-3Ds could fly to Chile this year, the source added.

The 707 Cóndor is near the end of its operational life. Built in 1965 it served as Boeing's demonstrator and testbed before being sold in 1969 to LAN Chile airline and then to the FACh in 1990.

The E-3Ds selected by the FACh are registered ZH 101 (c/n 24109/993), ZH 103 (c/n 24111/1004), and ZH 106 (c/n 24114/1011), the source told Janes .

A fighter without a gun . . . is like an airplane without a wing.

-- Brigadier General Robin Olds, USAF.



And this one was also posted besides all the J-35 & J-20B euphoria Partying face ... The KJ-600 carrier-borne AEW.

As it seems, this is one of the clearest images we have so far.


A fighter without a gun . . . is like an airplane without a wing.

-- Brigadier General Robin Olds, USAF.