Internationale 4x4 ontwikkelingen

Gestart door Sparkplug, 07/09/2020 | 13:10 uur


Citaat van: Harald op 26/06/2024 | 15:06 uurIdd, de Noren hebben nu ook zoiets op hun CV90 !

Dan zie ik liever zo een vervanging van de fennek voor 43 en een andere variant voor 13 dan die patria van de Duitsers.


"Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordion" US secmindef - Jed Babbin"


Citaat van: Kornet43 op 25/06/2024 | 21:18 uurTextron heeft een nieuw 6X6 verkenningsvoertuig Cottonmouth voor de US marines. Zou een mooie opvolger zijn voor de Fennek.

Citaat van: Kornet43 op 25/06/2024 | 23:48 uurJa, dat is de Cottonmouth.

Die Textron ARV Cottonmouth is best interessant met zijn mast, is een tijd terug ook al eens gepost. Maar als Fennek vervanger, vind ik het persoonlijk geen optie.

In de Fennek vervangingstopic is er ook over geschreven. Wat wel (voor mij) een optie is waar zo'n Textron ARV -achtig voertuig ondersteunend kan opereren achter de verkenners met hun Fenneks, maar dan op basis van een Boxer 8x8 met een intell/recce mast met drone's/UAV's en deze voertuigen te voorzien van loitering munitions om de door de verkenners ontdekte doelen, eenheden e.d. te monitoren of aan te grijpen.     



Citaat van: Kornet43 op 25/06/2024 | 21:18 uurTextron heeft een nieuw 6X6 verkenningsvoertuig Cottonmouth voor de US marines. Zou een mooie opvolger zijn voor de Fennek.
Deze Advanced Reconnaissance Vehicle (ARV) bedoel je.


Citaat van: Kornet43 op 25/06/2024 | 21:18 uurTextron heeft een nieuw 6X6 verkenningsvoertuig Cottonmouth voor de US marines. Zou een mooie opvolger zijn voor de Fennek.

People are sheep


Citaat van: Harald op 25/06/2024 | 16:59 uur

:hrmph: Dit doet me denken aan herr Flick met zijn "little tank" uit de
serie Allo Allo..  ;)  ;D

De versie van Textron (oude naam ; Cadillac Gage), de Commando Select 90mm Direct Fire, daar heb ik nog meer gevoel bij dan deze.

Textron heeft een nieuw 6X6 verkenningsvoertuig Cottonmouth voor de US marines. Zou een mooie opvolger zijn voor de Fennek.


Citaat van: Harald op 25/06/2024 | 15:53 uur4×4 armoured fighting vehicles: recent developments

4×4 armoured fighting vehicles fill a niche requirement, providing combat forces with a unique combination of protection, mobility, and firepower.

It is generally accepted that 4×4 armoured fighting vehicles (AFVs) cannot maximise any particular characteristic of the so-called 'Iron triangle' of firepower, survivability, and mobility. They are generally less mobile than unarmoured vehicles and less protected than larger 6×6, 8×8 or tracked vehicles. Given their smaller size, and weaker suspension and drivetrain, they are generally unable to mount the same level of weaponry or carry the same number of personnel (although there are some exceptions). However, they combine sufficient levels of firepower, survivability, and mobility, along with relatively low procurement and operating costs, to make them well suited to a wide variety of missions for which either unarmoured or heavier vehicles would be unsuited or less than optimal.

These include armed reconnaissance, strike missions, convoy escort, and direct fire support for light infantry. Even within the 4×4 AFV category there remains a range of attributes, giving different vehicles their unique identity. Also, many of these vehicles are offered in different configurations, so that a given base armoured vehicle may be classified as either a fighting vehicle or as a transport or support vehicle depending on its equipment. Numerous new or upgraded 4×4 AFVs have been either presented by manufacturers or introduced into service over the past five years alone.


:hrmph: Dit doet me denken aan herr Flick met zijn "little tank" uit de serie Allo Allo..  ;)  ;D

De versie van Textron (oude naam ; Cadillac Gage), de Commando Select 90mm Direct Fire, daar heb ik nog meer gevoel bij dan deze.


4×4 armoured fighting vehicles: recent developments

4×4 armoured fighting vehicles fill a niche requirement, providing combat forces with a unique combination of protection, mobility, and firepower.

It is generally accepted that 4×4 armoured fighting vehicles (AFVs) cannot maximise any particular characteristic of the so-called 'Iron triangle' of firepower, survivability, and mobility. They are generally less mobile than unarmoured vehicles and less protected than larger 6×6, 8×8 or tracked vehicles. Given their smaller size, and weaker suspension and drivetrain, they are generally unable to mount the same level of weaponry or carry the same number of personnel (although there are some exceptions). However, they combine sufficient levels of firepower, survivability, and mobility, along with relatively low procurement and operating costs, to make them well suited to a wide variety of missions for which either unarmoured or heavier vehicles would be unsuited or less than optimal.

These include armed reconnaissance, strike missions, convoy escort, and direct fire support for light infantry. Even within the 4×4 AFV category there remains a range of attributes, giving different vehicles their unique identity. Also, many of these vehicles are offered in different configurations, so that a given base armoured vehicle may be classified as either a fighting vehicle or as a transport or support vehicle depending on its equipment. Numerous new or upgraded 4×4 AFVs have been either presented by manufacturers or introduced into service over the past five years alone.



AM General Beats Out Oshkosh Defense For Potential $8.7 Billion JLTV Re-Compete Deal

The Army has selected AM General to build the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) fleet, beating out current manufacturer Oshkosh Defense [OSK] for the potential 10-year, $8.7 billion re-compete production contract.

AM General has received an initial $230.9 million contract for JLTV production, according to the Pentagon?s contracts announcement on Thursday evening.



Optimized Joint Light Tactical Vehicles for British Armed Forces

Jankel and Oshkosh Defense are collaborating to lead a UK based team that delivers the Oshkosh Joint Light Tactical Vehicle to meet crucial protected mobility requirements of the British Armed Forces

UK-based Jankel has signed a teaming agreement with Oshkosh Defense in the US to deliver optimized Oshkosh Joint Light Tactical Vehicles (JLTVs) to meet the protected mobility requirements of the British Armed Forces.

This agreement sees the initiation of a dynamic UK-based team of experts in vehicle design, integration, support, and project delivery with significant experience in repeatedly solving UK specific defense vehicle related challenges.

By procuring the JLTV through this newly formed team, the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) maintains the economies of scale offered by the US JLTV program whilst also leveraging local manufacture, design, integration, on-shore SME supply chain, and through life support capabilities.

"We have been providing vehicles and support to the UK MoD for over 20 years. Our collaboration with Jankel leverages the successful innovation of UK industry to provide the UK Armed Forces the enduring capabilities required for the modern battlefield," said John Lazar, Oshkosh Defense Vice President & General Manager, International Programs.

"Jankel has been providing protected vehicles to the British Forces for many years and we are extremely excited to be teaming with Oshkosh Defense, working together to provide innovative solutions to meet the UK's defense equipment challenges. This partnership allows us to deliver an enduring multi-year program with an agile UK team," said Andrew Jankel, Chairman at Jankel. "Looking ahead, this partnership supports our long-term strategy to develop a UK based center of excellence that integrates the best of British technology and innovation into world-leading vehicle platforms."



Voor DOWV had Mercedes Benz NL BV met VDL een oplossing aangeboden die ze toch niet konden leveren. Rheinmetall lijkt samen met ACS de Enok 4.8 aan te bieden.
Dit is een nieuw en degelijk voertuig, een gedugte concurrent voor de Defenture Vector.
Meer producenten lijken op de mega order van Duitsland en Nederland in te spelen.
GDELS LTV; IDV & DMV Anaconda SOF enz.


Citaat van: StrataNL op 13/06/2022 | 19:53 uur
Overduidelijk gebaseerd op de G-serie, dus geen compleet nieuw voertuig.

Een nieuw voertuig in de zin van deze deed vorige keer niet mee in de aanbesteding  ;)


Citaat van: Parera op 13/06/2022 | 19:12 uur
Dus niet een voertuig dat eerder niet voldeed maar een compleet nieuw voertuig voor de Duits-Nederlandse tender die nu loopt.
Overduidelijk gebaseerd op de G-serie, dus geen compleet nieuw voertuig.
Je Maintiendrai! Blog: Krijgsmacht Next-Generation


Citaat van: Harald op 13/06/2022 | 10:06 uur
Nieuwe Mercedes Caracal, SOF voertuig   (  :hrmph:  was dit eerst voor NL bedoeld ??, welke later toch niet voldeed aan de gestelde eisen ? )

Het antwoord is te vinden op de website van Rheinmetall

CitaatThe brand new CARACAL is Rheinmetall's answer to the upcoming airborne vehicle requirements in Germany, The Netherlands and various armies around the world.

Dus niet een voertuig dat eerder niet voldeed maar een compleet nieuw voertuig voor de Duits-Nederlandse tender die nu loopt.


Citaat van: DiepFries op 13/06/2022 | 13:56 uur
Ook GDELS komt met een LTV op Eurosatory, de Merlin LTV (Defenture was kort onderdeel van GDELS in 2014 meen ik):

Die nieuwe Merlin van GDELS heeft wel "trekjes" van de Vector, vind ik, misschien hebben ze bij GDELS hun oren en ogen goed de kost gegeven bij een bezoek aan Defenture. 


Ook GDELS komt met een LTV op Eurosatory, de Merlin LTV (Defenture was kort onderdeel van GDELS in 2014 meen ik):

GM heeft een Duitse brochure voor hun bakjes (pdf):


Nieuwe Mercedes Caracal, SOF voertuig   (  :hrmph:  was dit eerst voor NL bedoeld ??, welke later toch niet voldeed aan de gestelde eisen ? )


Gelukkig zijn ze opgehouden met het opdringen van zooi die niemand meer nodig heeft. Mooi systeem.
"Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordion" US secmindef - Jed Babbin"


Cockerill i-X 4x4 combat vehicle with 25mm turret unveiled in Saudi Arabia   ( wel erg veel aandacht besteed aan design, uiterlijk van het voertuig, moet ik zeggen .. ) 

Video WDS 2022: Belgian Company John Cockerill unveils its new 4x4 combat vehicle Cockerill i-X at World Defense Show 2022, International Defense Exhibition in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.


Will US Army go hybrid-electric in next JLTV buy?

The US Army has allocated $7.3 billion to purchase 15,425 JLTVs, potentially including hybrid or electric-drive vehicles to reduce fuel consumption.

The US Army is seeking ways to improve its Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) while maintaining its affordability and has released on 9 February an RfP for a $7.3 billion follow-on contract to purchase 15,425 platforms and 7,644 JLTV trailers.

The goal is procuring a vehicle possibly featuring hybridisation or electrification to reduce fuel consumption in line with the new Climate Strategy from the US Army.

The recompete programme will comprise a single five-year requirements contract with initial deliveries scheduled to take place 18 months after the deal is awarded.


A fighter without a gun . . . is like an airplane without a wing.

-- Brigadier General Robin Olds, USAF.


Oshkosh Defense unveils first-ever Silent Drive Hybrid Electric JLTV

January 25, 2022

Adds silent drive, extended silent watch, increased fuel economy and exportable power without sacrificing performance or protection

OSHKOSH, Wis. (January 25, 2022) — Oshkosh Defense, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Oshkosh Corporation (NYSE: OSK), unveiled the first-ever silent drive hybrid-electric Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV), the eJLTV.

The eJLTV offers the U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps the same level of performance and protection as the base JLTV with the addition of silent drive, extended silent watch, enhanced fuel economy, and increased exportable power that enables it to be used in combat and reconnaissance scenarios.

The eJLTV charges the battery while in use, fully recharging the lithium-ion battery within 30 minutes.  This eliminates the need for a charging infrastructure, which remains one of the most significant challenges to the widespread electrification of the tactical wheeled vehicle fleet.

"For many years, we've been developing, testing and evolving hybrid-electric variants of our heavy and medium-duty tactical wheeled vehicles," said John Bryant, Executive Vice President for Oshkosh Corporation and President of Oshkosh Defense.  "Now, with the eJLTV, we're offering our military customers an affordable way to electrify their light tactical wheeled vehicle fleet without compromising the off-road performance or superior protection necessary in combat operations."

This year, the U.S. Army plans to recompete the JLTV program and issue a follow-on production contract in September 2022.  The follow-on contract, valued at $6.5 Billion, includes an additional 15,468 vehicles and five order years followed by five options years, extending production through FY32.

"While the U.S. Army has not requested a hybrid-electric JLTV as part of the JLTV recompete, the eJLTV proves that Oshkosh Defense has the team and technical capabilities to produce this highly capable vehicle today," Bryant concluded.

About the eJLTV:

  • Maintains the performance and protection of the proven Oshkosh Defense JLTV
  • Improves fuel economy by more than 20%
  • Provides battery capacity of 30kWh with opportunity for growth
  • Eliminates the need for a towed generator by providing export power capacity of up to 115kW
Oshkosh Defense and its parent company, Oshkosh Corporation, have a rich history in electrification and are pushing the boundaries of innovation for customers. One example is the Oshkosh Defense diesel electric Light Combat Tactical Vehicle (LCTV), from which the Oshkosh JLTV is derived. The LCTV was the world's first military vehicle to finish the grueling SCORE Baja 1000 off-road race. In addition, Oshkosh Defense was awarded the contract to develop and manufacture the U.S. Postal Service's Next Generation Delivery Vehicle (NGDV), which calls for the delivery of between 50,000 and 165,000 vehicles over a period of 10 years and will consist of both zero-emission battery electric vehicles (BEV) and fuel-efficient low-emission internal combustion engine vehicles (ICE), upgrading the USPS fleet to be increasingly sustainable.
A fighter without a gun . . . is like an airplane without a wing.

-- Brigadier General Robin Olds, USAF.


New 464 G-Class Mercedes-Benz test drive and technical review

Army Recognition editorial team was in Graz, Austria for the World Premiere of the new-generation G-Class (model series 464) for emergency crews working on behalf of the state and authorities took place: in Graz, Mercedes-Benz is opening a new chapter in the success story of the off-road vehicle with the largest product revision of the G-Class for Rescue and Special Operations in 29 years (here, "special operations" must be understood as uncommon use, not militarily speaking, as special ops vehicle are designed in a much different shape).

Summary of this video:

Summary of this video:
00:00 INTRO
00:14 Army Recognition has conducted a test drive of new 464 G-Class Mercedes-Benz 4x4 light tactical vehicle
00:59 Daimler Truck AG presents its 464 G-Class 4x4 light tactical vehicle
03:18 Daimler Truck AG unveils its demonstrator of LAPV Light Armored Patrol Vehicle based on new G-Class 464
04:13 Review of Mercedes-Benz Zetros 4x4 military truck by Army Recognition editorial team
05:06 Alain Henry de Frahan Army Recognition Chief Editor conducts test drive of Mercedes-Benz Zetros 4x4 military truck
05:30 SISU demonstrates its GTP 4×4 General Purpose Vehicle
06:26 Technical review of SISU GTP by Army Recognition editorial team
07:54 Subscribe to Defense Web TV news channel, a subdivision of Army Recognition Group
08:00 OUTRO


A fighter without a gun . . . is like an airplane without a wing.

-- Brigadier General Robin Olds, USAF.


Gemodificeerde G door ACS voor luchtlandingstroepen (Duitse tender). Met achteras sturing zoals de Vector van Defenture..

Al een Oostblok klant.


Mercedes-Benz unveils new-generation 464 G-Class for Rescue and Special Operations

The world premiere of the new-generation G-Class (model series 464) for emergency crews working on behalf of the state and authorities took place: in Graz, Mercedes-Benz is opening a new chapter in the success story of the off-road vehicle with the largest product revision of the G-Class for Rescue and Special Operations in 29 years (here, "special operations" must be understood as uncommon use, not militarily speaking, as special ops vehicle are designed in a much different shape). A very robust vehicle, the new G-Class for Rescue and Special Operations (model series 464) ensures maximum mobility even under the most difficult conditions. The already brilliant reputation will certainly get new credentials. The first vehicles are already in production for some customers.



Jankel displays its full range of tactical and armored vehicles LLTV - TUV - Fox RRV

At DSEI 2021, International Defense Exhibition in London, UK, the British company Jankel introduces advanced technologies and support services to extend the business activities of the company. At the same time, Jankel also presents three converted vehicles for military use including the LLTV (Light Tactical Transport Vehicle), the TUV new 4x4 Tactical Utility Vehicle, and the FOX RRV Rapid Reaction Vehicle.

The British company Jankel is a developer and producer of and systems that are deployed in military, humanitarian and security operations around the world, where terrain, climate, environment and operational effectiveness are critical to the success of a mission.

As armoring, ballistic and survivability experts, Jankel is constantly testing new materials, designs and processes to help improve the safety and protection of troops, forces and peacekeepers worldwide.

The current portfolio of products and services of Jankel is wholly defense and security focused and covers the design, development, prototyping and production of armored vehicles, light tactical vehicles, counter-terrorism vehicles and equipment, and customized occupant survivability solutions for military, security, government, aid agencies and non-governmental organizations.

At DSEI 2021, Jankel has unveiled its new TUV, a 4x4 Tactical Utility Vehicle which is based on the Toyota LC79 platform which is also used for the FOX 4x4 light tactical vehicles. The TUV is also available in 6x6 configurations to increase payload and capacity, whilst maintaining the mobility and tactical fighting capability of the well-proven 4x4 configurations.

The LLTV (Light Tactical Transport Vehicle) is based on a standard Mercedes Benz Unimog U5000 light tactical truck powered by a 4-stroke direct injection Diesel engine coupled to an 8 forward and 6 reverse gears. The LTTV has modular blast and ballistic systems as well as a modular rear section which is configured for various users and installed via ISO standard connections which also allow for a 20ft container.

The FOX RRV (Rapid Reaction Vehicle) is a 4x4 light tactical vehicle designed and manufactured by the British Company Jankel. The RRV is based on a 4x4 Toyota Land Cruiser 79 chassis militarized and upgraded to provide each vehicle with optimized performance including improved engine power, weight carrying capacity, braking efficiency, and mobility.


Lithuania presents JLTVs

18 AUGUST 2021

by Nicholas Fiorenza

The Lithuanian Army presented its first batch of Joint Light Tactical Vehicles (JLTVs) at Rukla on 17 August, the Ministry of National Defence (MND) announced on its website later the same day.

The Lithuanian Army presented its first batch of JLTVs on 17 August. (Lithuanian MND/Pliadis)

The Lithuanian MND said it had ordered a total of 200 JLTVs from the US government in 2019. The US Foreign Military Sale includes JLTV equipment, armaments, staff training, purchase and maintenance of spare parts, transportation, and installation of equipment, which along with the vehicles are scheduled to be delivered by 2024.

The first batch of 50 Lithuanian JLTVs was shipped from the United States to Lithuania via Germany. They were received by Lithuanian Armed Forces training units in Rukla and Kazlų Rūda, where dozens of JLTV drivers and 15 mechanics have been trained so far.

The MND said the JLTVs were delivered without turrets, which will be installed soon and be armed with M2 QCB (quick change barrel) 12.7 mm machine guns.

The JLTVs will be assigned to the Lithuanian 'Iron Wolf' Mechanised Infantry Brigade and Žemaitija Brigade, with priority given to units assigned to the National Rapid Reaction Force.

Deputy Defence Minister Margiris Abukevičius said the acquisition was "one of the most important steps in the modernisation of the Lithuanian Armed Forces. They will provide better protection of our troops and improve intelligence, artillery, and air support operations. The [JLTVs] were manufactured according to Lithuanian Armed Forces requirements for both national defence and international missions [and will] also improve interoperability between Lithuanian and US forces".

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A fighter without a gun . . . is like an airplane without a wing.

-- Brigadier General Robin Olds, USAF.


Sisu heeft een prachtig voertuig afgeleverd als je het mij vraagt, simpel in uitstraling en het ziet er toch goed uit. Helaas net te laat voor onze aanbesteding.



Oy Sisu Auto Ab has delivered the complete batch of SISU GTP 4×4 vehicles based on an order from Finnish Defence Forces in June, 2020. The delivery includes two different armored vehicle configurations, a five-seater general purpose vehicle and a ten-seater armored personnel carrier vehicle, as such suitable for numerous operational needs calling for protection and mobility, as well as suitability for today's missions of asymmetric nature.

The delivery project was carried out in close cooperation with the Customer. During the project, pre-serial vehicles were tested by various troops, and user feedback was collected, and implemented as features in the delivered vehicles. As a result, the delivered vehicles are configured to meet with demanding user and operation specific requirements. In addition, the vehicle technology of these armored products is based on mass-produced truck components. Therefore, the life cycle costs are low and the support network is extensive, ensuring the security of supply and maintainability both domestically and internationally.

The SISU GTP vehicle family is modular and therefore easily variable for different operational tasks. The vehicles have congruent backbones, and the mission module -type body structures are interchangeable. Thanks to this truly modular design, the delivery of vehicles in task-specific configurations is quick and economical.

In addition to the SISU GTP 4×4 APC and SISU GTP 4×4 GP vehicles, the delivery scope included comprehensive operation and maintenance instructions and spare parts kits suitable for field use.

This entry was posted in front_page_news, news, Yleinen on 8.7.2021.

(Klik op afbeelding voor vergroting)

A fighter without a gun . . . is like an airplane without a wing.

-- Brigadier General Robin Olds, USAF.


Australia's Hawkei lightweight protected vehicle achieves initial operational capability

12 JULY 2021

by Gabriel Dominguez & Julian Kerr

The Australian-designed and manufactured Hawkei Protected Mobility Vehicle – Light (PMV-L) has achieved initial operational capability (IOC) under the Project Land 121 Phase 4, the Department of Defence (DoD) in Canberra announced on 11 July.

"Defence and Thales Australia have resolved a braking issue identified in late 2020, with a technical solution being rolled out across the Hawkei fleet. With appropriate controls in place, Defence has lifted the Hawkei's operating restrictions, enabling the recommencement of full-rate production and rollout of the capability," said the DoD.

Minister for Defence Peter Dutton said the AUD2 billion (USD1.49 billion) project will see the new fleet of 1,100 Hawkei vehicles – and 1,058 companion trailers – rolled out to Australian army and air force units, adding that this capability will provide "a high level of protection for soldiers" from blast and ballistic threats, with significantly improved mobility enabling it to operate in high threat environments".

The minister noted that the 4×4, 7-tonne Hawkei, which is expected to reach full operational capability (FOC) in 2023, is joining the Bushmaster and protected medium heavy capability trucks to create a "suite of protected mobility vehicles".

An Australian Army Hawkei PMV-L reverses onto a light landing craft from HMAS Adelaide at Cowley Beach in Queensland during Exercise 'Sea WADER 2020'. The DoD announced on 11 July that the Hawkei has achieved IOC. (Commonwealth of Australia)

The Hawkei vehicles, which are to replace the majority of the Australian Army's blast-protected Land Rover fleet in command, liaison, utility, and reconnaissance roles, are being manufactured in Victoria at the Thales Protected Vehicles facility in Bendigo.

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A fighter without a gun . . . is like an airplane without a wing.

-- Brigadier General Robin Olds, USAF.


Australia's Hawkei light protected vehicle approved for full-scale production


by Julian Kerr

The Australian-designed and manufactured Hawkei Protected Mobility Vehicle – Light has received approval from Canberra to enter full-rate production, Defence Minister Linda Reynolds announced on 3 September.

The minister said in a statement that the 4×4 vehicle had performed exceptionally well throughout comprehensive ballistic and blast testing, meeting the Department of Defence's (DoD's) stringent requirements for protection.

Full-rate production is expected to commence in mid-2021, said Reynolds, with a local senator disclosing that this would involve about 50 vehicles a month.

In October 2015 Thales Australia was awarded a AUD1.3 billion (USD947 million) contract under Project Land 121 Phase 4 to supply 1,100 of the 7-tonne vehicles, along with 1,058 companion trailers, to replace the majority of the Australian Army's blast-protected Land Rover fleet in command, liaison, utility, and reconnaissance roles.

Hawkei's scaleable protection fit-out features the Super Multi-hit Armor Technology (SMART) developed by Israeli company Plasan.

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Hawkei vehicles operated by the 1st Battalion Royal Australian Regiment. Canberra announced on 3 September that full-rate production of the Hawkei is expected to commence in mid-2021. (1st Battalion Royal Australian Regiment)
A fighter without a gun . . . is like an airplane without a wing.

-- Brigadier General Robin Olds, USAF.