Onrust in de wereld => Conflict gebieden => Midden Oosten => Topic gestart door: Lex op 14/02/2012 | 16:51 uur

Titel: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 14/02/2012 | 16:51 uur
Vervolg van: het topic omtrent Iran (
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 14/02/2012 | 16:56 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 14/02/2012 | 16:04 uur
Waar is die Fransoos gebleven die de Lincoln begeleide?
In openbare bronnen niets meer over te vinden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: VandeWiel op 14/02/2012 | 16:58 uur
Citaat van: jurrienvisser op 14/02/2012 | 16:51 uurAls het gaat gebeuren zal het wellicht overwacht eerder komen dan waar nu de speculaties van uitgaan.

Volgens mij waren de voorbereidingen van de voorgaande grote oorlogen ook vrij zichtbaar ;)

Ik weet het niet, de VS zijn meer pragmatisch. Eerst een gedegen opbouw, dan de daadwerkelijke aanval. Het lijkt me bij de VS vrij voorspelbaar. Israel is natuurlijk een heel ander verhaal... Vooralsnog houd ik het op geloofwaardig dreigen met een aanval, maar als Iran daar niets mee doet vrees ik dat er geen weg terug is als alles daar klaar ligt gezien alle andere pogingen om Iran te stoppen die al zijn mislukt.

En eerlijk gezegd heb ik liever die actie zo snel als mogelijk. Hoe eerder het voorbij is hoe eerder de olieprijzen kunnen dalen. Als dit nog een jaar of twee door duurt is de wereldeconomie even zo goed kapot.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/02/2012 | 17:02 uur
Citaat van: VandeWiel op 14/02/2012 | 16:58 uur
Citaat van: jurrienvisser op 14/02/2012 | 16:51 uurAls het gaat gebeuren zal het wellicht overwacht eerder komen dan waar nu de speculaties van uitgaan.

Volgens mij waren de voorbereidingen van de voorgaande grote oorlogen ook vrij zichtbaar ;)

Ik weet het niet, de VS zijn meer pragmatisch. Eerst een gedegen opbouw, dan de daadwerkelijke aanval. Het lijkt me bij de VS vrij voorspelbaar. Israel is natuurlijk een heel ander verhaal... Vooralsnog houd ik het op geloofwaardig dreigen met een aanval, maar als Iran daar niets mee doet vrees ik dat er geen weg terug is als alles daar klaar ligt gezien alle andere pogingen om Iran te stoppen die al zijn mislukt.

En eerlijk gezegd heb ik liever die actie zo snel als mogelijk. Hoe eerder het voorbij is hoe eerder de olieprijzen kunnen dalen. Als dit nog een jaar of twee door duurt is de wereldeconomie even zo goed kapot.

Mee eens. En vwb de onvewachte snelheid, hiermee doelde ik idd op Israel.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: VandeWiel op 14/02/2012 | 17:07 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 14/02/2012 | 17:02 uur
Mee eens. En vwb de onvewachte snelheid, hiermee doelde ik idd op Israel.

En juist die kans is nu kleiner :)

Als de voorbereidingen van de VS zo duidelijk lijken, waarom zou Israel dan nu aanvallen? Als ze nog even wachten ligt de VS volledig klaar om deel te nemen!?

Die aanslagen van de laatste dagen, die zouden zo maar bedoeld kunnen zijn om Israel uit te lokken van haar eigen planning af te stappen. Hetzij om een conflict met Syrie uit te lokken hetzij om preventief een oorlog met Iran te starten. De komende tijd gaat zeer spannend worden, zeker als Iran overtuigd raakt dat een conflict niet meer te voorkomen valt.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: VandeWiel op 14/02/2012 | 17:15 uur
Stel dat je uit gaat van een oorlog in maart. Even een paar gedachten sprongen.

Wat nu als die aanslagen in India en Georgie False Flag waren en als doel een eerste stap te zetten in het conflict. Of Iran besluit dat het tij niet meer te keren valt of Syrie gered moet worden. Hezbollah krijgt de schuld en Israel besluit Hezbollah aan te pakken. In de oorlog die volgt ontneemt Israel Iran de belangrijkste mogelijkheid om terug te slaan, namelijk via de 60.000 raketten van Hezbollah. Een mogelijke volgende stap is dan de inmenging van Syrie aangezien zij tegen die tijd ook belang hebben bij het internationaliseren van hun eigen problemen. Mogelijk dat Syrie deze stappen ook ziet en daarom nu al harder ingrijpt tegen de eigen bevolking. Tegen de tijd dat het volledig uit de hand loopt en Iran besluit deel te gaan nemen, lees Hormuz te sluiten, is het twee weken verder en zitten we in maart. Ik weet niet wanneer exact de 3e carrier er moet liggen, maar kwa planning nog niet volledig onmogelijk.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/02/2012 | 18:07 uur
Iran onthult nieuwe kernprojecten

TEHERAN - De Iraanse president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad onthult woensdag een aantal nieuwe projecten binnen het omstreden Iraanse atoomprogramma. Dat heeft het Iraanse staatspersbureau IRNA dinsdag gemeld.

IRNA zei niet wat de nieuwe projecten inhouden. Een onafhankelijke website die regelmatig bericht over het Iraanse atoomprogramma meldde echter dat de nieuwe ondergrondse verrijkingsfabriek in Fordo officieel in gebruik zal worden genomen. Daarnaast wordt een aantal centrifuges in Fordo woensdag opgestart, zo meldde de website Irannuc. Ahmadinejad zal volgens Irannuc ook de laatste fase van de productie van nieuwe splijtstaven aankondigen.

De Verenigde Staten en andere landen verdenken Iran ervan aan een kernwapen te werken. Iran ontkent deze aantijgingen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/02/2012 | 18:11 uur
Israelis: Iran Behind Bangkok Bombings, 'Coordinated Attacks' Around the World


Feb. 14, 2012

The failed bomb attack by an Iranian national in Bangkok today is just the latest in what Israeli officials say is "a coordinated series of attacks" that began in January, and includes Monday's attacks in India and Georgia, as well as a foiled attempt to assassinate the Israeli ambassador in Azerbaijan.

In Tuesday's bombing, an Iranian named Saeid Moradi was in a Bangkok house when a cache of explosives detonated, apparently by accident, taking off a section of the roof.

Thai police say that Moradi, wounded by the explosion, tried to flag down a cab on the street. "He was covered in blood, and the driver refused to take him," said Police General Pansiri Prapawat.

PHOTOS: Covert War? Iran vs. the West

Moradi then allegedly threw a grenade at the taxi and started running. When he tried to hurl a second grenade at police, the bomb bounced off a tree. It exploded near Moradi and took off his legs. Police will interview him as soon as they are able in order to determine what he was plotting to attack.

Four Thai nationals were injured in the explosion. After the incident, Thai police detained a second Iranian national who was attempting to fly from Bangkok to Malaysia.

Israeli officials told ABC News "we don't know" what Moradi's intended target was "because he was caught."

A spokesman for Israel's foreign ministry has said there is no sign yet that Moradi's alleged targets were Jewish or Israel. Defense Minister Ehud Barak, however, placed the blame on the Iranian government. "The attempted terror attack in Thailand proves once again that Iran and its proxies continue to operate in the ways of terror and the latest attacks are an example of that," said Barak

According to Israeli records, one of the most serious of the coordinated wave of attacks came in January, when three Azerbaijani nationals were intercepted before they could attack Israeli ambassador Michael Lotem and a rabbi and a woman at the Chabad center in Baku, the capital. In the 2008 Mumbai attack, terrorists invaded the Chabad center in Mumbai and killed the rabbi, his wife and four hostages.

Israeli officials say that three people have been arrested and they were in direct contact with Iranian intelligence. According to the Israelis, the suspects had been promised 150,000 U.S. dollars on completion of the assassination of the ambassador.

At the homes of the suspects, local police allegedly discovered drawings of the Israeli embassy, information on the Israeli diplomatic vehicles and specific information on the ambassador.

Ambassador Lotem told local media in Azerbaijan Tuesday that Iran's "direct involvement" in both the Indian and Bangkok bombings "is non-disputable."

On Monday, a motorcyclist placed a sticky bomb on a minivan belonging to the Israeli embassy in New Delhi, India. Four people were injured in the explosion, including the wife of a diplomat and her driver. A bomb placed on an Israeli car in Tblisi, Georgia failed to detonate and was defused.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/02/2012 | 18:14 uur
U.S.: No decision yet from Israel on Iran

WASHINGTON (AP) – Defense Secretary Leon Panetta says he does not think Israel has made a decision to launch a military strike on Iran to thwart its nuclear ambitions.

By J. Scott Applewhite, AP

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, right, accompanied by Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey, testifies Tuesday in front of the Senate Armed Services Committee on Capitol Hill.

By J. Scott Applewhite, AP

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, right, accompanied by Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey, testifies Tuesday in front of the Senate Armed Services Committee on Capitol Hill.

Testifying before the Senate Armed Services Committee Tuesday, Panetta was pressed on the growing possibility that Israel would attack Iran. Israel has blamed Iran for recent diplomatic attacks overseas. Tehran has denied responsibility.

Panetta said Iran was a great concern and the U.S. has a common cause with Israel and the international community to ensure that Iran does not develop a nuclear weapon. He said the U.S. and other nations have taken strong steps with sanctions and stressed the importance of keeping the international community together.

Panetta said that as President Barack Obama suggested, the administration does not think Israel has made a decision.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/02/2012 | 18:21 uur
Een uitgebreid passage verlag in navytimes.

Iranian boats shadow Navy's Hormuz patrol

By Adam Schreck - The Associated Press
Posted : Tuesday Feb 14, 2012 11:06:05 EST

ABOARD THE ABRAHAM LINCOLN — Iranian patrol boats and aircraft shadowed a U.S. aircraft carrier strike group as it transited the Strait of Hormuz on Tuesday.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/02/2012 | 18:23 uur
Israel Will 'Settle The Score' For Bangkok Explosions

An Iranian man blew off his legs with grenades and wounded four civilians Tuesday in Bangkok, the Associated Press reported. The man was identified as Saeid Moradi from Iran by a passport found at the scene. CBS and the AP reported that an Israeli Cabinet minister said his country will "settle the score" with the perpetrators of the bombing.

According to the AP, a blast earlier that day had shaken the house Moradi was sharing with two other Iranian men. A part of the roof was blown off and the two other men quickly left the house.

Police Gen. Pansiri Prapawat told the AP that Moradi was seriously injured by the blast and attempted to wave down a taxi. He was covered in blood so the driver refused to take him. Moradi then threw an explosive that damaged the taxi.

Police responded to a call about the first blast and tried to apprehend Moradi. He threw a grenade but it "somehow bounced back" and blew off his legs, Pansiri told the AP.

Israel has blamed Iran for this blast, as well as the Monday bombing of an Israeli diplomatic car in India. Tensions are high over Iran's nuclear program. Israel doesn't believe Iran's claims that it's not pursuing nuclear weapons. Iran has blamed Israel for a series of assassinations of nuclear scientists.

The AP reported:

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said the Bangkok blasts were attempted terrorist attacks backed by Iran. Another government minister strongly implied Israel would seek revenge, without mentioning Iran explicitly.

"We know who carried out the terror attacks, we know who sent them, and Israel will settle the score with them," Public Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch told Israel Radio.

One of the other men staying with Moradi was arrested later at an airport.

Three Thai men and a Thai woman were treated for injuries.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 14/02/2012 | 18:42 uur

The US aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln has sailed through the Strait of Hormuz, close to the coast of Iran, for the second time in recent weeks.

A BBC reporter on board said an Iranian patrol boat at one point came within about half a mile of the carrier.

The vessel was protected by a US cruiser and destroyer. Iranian officials recently threatened to close the channel, through which 20% of the world's oil exports pass, in a row over oil trade embargoes.

The BBC's Jonathan Beale on board the Abraham Lincoln says the US has insisted it will keep the vital shipping lane open. A French warship and UK naval vessels accompanied the aircraft carrier in a journey through the strait last month.

The EU last month banned all oil imports from Iran amid growing concern over Tehran's nuclear program me
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/02/2012 | 18:52 uur
Attacks Raise Specter of Escalating Israel-Iran War

By John Walcott - Feb 14, 2012 1:53 PM GMT+0100 .

Indian security and forensic officials after an explosion of a car belonging to the Israel Embassy in New Delhi on Feb. 13, 2012. The driver and a diplomat's wife were injured, according to Indian officials. Photographer: Saurabh Das/AP
U.S. officials and defense analysts are concerned that a covert war of assassinations between Israel and Iran could escalate out of control.

"Things are heating up and there is a surge" of assassination attempts, Matthew Levitt, a former U.S. Treasury Department official and now director of the Stein Program on Counterterrorism and Intelligence at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, said in a telephone interview.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu yesterday blamed Iran for car bombings of Israeli diplomatic vehicles in New Delhi and the Georgian capital of Tbilisi. The attacks come after the deaths of several Iranian nuclear scientists, the most recent in a Jan. 11 car bombing in Tehran that Iran said Israel had orchestrated.

Israeli leaders have said time is running out for sanctions to deter Iran from developing nuclear weapons and have not ruled out a military strike. The U.S. and its allies have tightened economic restrictions on Iran while seeking to avert a military conflagration in a region that holds more than half of global oil reserves.

The attacks came a day after the fourth anniversary of the killing of Imad Mughniyeh, who was a leader of the military wing of the Iranian-backed Lebanese Hezbollah movement, which Israel and the U.S consider a terrorist organization.

Israeli Vow

Four people were injured in New Delhi, including the wife of an Israeli diplomat and her Indian driver, in a blast about 500 meters (1,640 feet) from Israel's embassy, Indian Foreign Ministry spokesman Syed Akbaruddin said in a text message. A bomb planted in an Israeli embassy employee's car in Tbilisi was discovered and defused before it exploded. Officials in Thailand said an Iranian was critically injured in a grenade explosion today as he and two others tried to escape arrest in Bangkok.

"Israel will act methodically and with determination and steadfastness against international terrorism originating from Iran," Netanyahu said in comments to parliament sent to reporters by text message.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton condemned yesterday's attacks, and Iran denied any connection to them. White House press spokesman Jay Carney said the U.S. is concerned about the targeting of Israeli interests, adding that the American government doesn't have information about who sponsored the operations.

U.S. intelligence officials and analysts said the latest incidents appear to fit a pattern of escalating violence between Israel and Iran, some of it probably carried out by Hezbollah in concert with elements of Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps.

Changed Calculus

In his annual threat assessment to Congress on Jan. 31, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said an alleged plot last year to assassinate the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the U.S. "shows that some Iranian leaders -- probably including Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei -- have changed their calculus and are now more willing to conduct an attack in the United States in response to real or perceived U.S. actions that threaten the regime. We are also concerned about Iranian plotting against U.S. or allied interests overseas."

Another U.S. intelligence official, speaking on condition of anonymity because intelligence matters are classified, said there is growing concern that Khamenei, who he said controls the Revolutionary Guard and its elite Qods Force, is becoming more isolated and radical and less risk-averse, partly in reaction to heightened Western economic pressure on his country and its nuclear program.

Coincidence of Interests

Four U.S. officials who spoke on condition of anonymity cited a planned Hezbollah attack that was prevented in Thailand and what they said were other anti-Israeli operations that were disrupted in Azerbaijan and Bulgaria. Thai police charged a Swedish-Lebanese man they said was linked to Hezbollah with possessing illegal substances after he was detained last month in connection with a plan to attack tourist sites frequented by Americans and Israelis, Charamporn Suramanee, the assistant police chief, said on Jan. 16.

Levitt said this period resembles the years 1992-1994, when Hezbollah and Iran had a coincidence of interests in attacking Israeli targets similar to the situation that exists today. That period included a 1992 bomb attack on an Israeli embassy building in Buenos Aires and a 1994 attack on a Jewish community center in the Argentine capital, both blamed on Hezbollah.

This time, Hezbollah is seeking to avenge Mughniyeh's 2008 death in Damascus and Iran is responding to the killings of its nuclear scientists, having blamed Israel in both cases, Levitt said.

'Iranian Retaliation'

"The most likely possibility is that this is Iranian retaliation for assassinations of the scientists," said Paul Pillar, a former CIA analyst who now teaches at Georgetown University, in an e-mail response to a query. "Even the method used was the same as the most recent such assassination" of the Iranian scientist.

Khamenei pledged Feb. 3 to help "any nation or group that confronts the Zionist regime."

Indian and Georgian authorities said they were trying to determine who was behind the attacks.

The attack in New Delhi was carried out by somebody who had been "well trained," India's Home Minister Palaniappan Chidambaram told reporters today. The government is not "pointing the finger" at any group as its investigation is continuing, he said.

"There is reason to believe that the target was the Israeli diplomat's wife and, therefore, one has to proceed on the basis that it was a terrorist attack," he said.

Israeli Bonds Fall

The Israeli injured in the Delhi explosion was in stable condition in a hospital in the city, Police Commissioner B.K. Gupta told reporters. A fire engulfed the car moments after the blast and was responsible for most of the damage to the vehicle, he said.

"The Israeli car was targeted, there is no doubt about it," Gupta said.

Israel's benchmark bonds fell yesterday, lifting yields to the highest level in almost two months. The yield on the 5.5 percent notes due January 2022 rose two basis points, or 0.02 percentage point, to 4.6 percent, the highest since Dec. 15. The Tel Aviv Stock Exchange's benchmark TA-25 Index fell 0.1 percent to 1119.49.

Initial investigations suggest that a magnetic device was attached to the car in New Delhi before it exploded, Gupta said. At least three other people including the driver were hurt in the explosion that occurred as the car drove toward the city's American Embassy School, he said.

'Propaganda War'

Iran's ambassador to India, Mahdi Nabizadeh, rejected charges his country was behind the attacks. According to Iran's official news agency IRNA, Nabizadeh called the Israeli accusations "lies" and said his government condemned any "terrorist" acts. Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said the accusations "are part of a propaganda war" by Israel, according to a report on state-run Press TV's website today.

In Tbilisi, an Israeli embassy employee discovered the bomb and reported it to police, who defused it, Georgian Interior Ministry spokesman Shota Utiashvili said by phone. There were no injuries and the embassy wasn't evacuated, he said.

The incident in Thailand followed an explosion at a rented house, according to officials in Bangkok. Five people were hurt. Police said two men, possibly Iranian, escaped.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/02/2012 | 18:56 uur
Iran will not yield to threats: defense minister

TEHRAN – Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi has said that in line with the "strategy of threat against threat," which has been adopted at the behest of the Supreme Leader, the Islamic Republic will not give in to the enemy's threats and budge from its principles. 

"The Supreme Leader's remarks indicate that we will never and under no circumstances back down and give in to the enemy's threats, but we will make threats against them using appropriate mechanisms," Brigadier General Vahidi told the Persian service of the Fars News Agency on Tuesday. 

In November 2011, Hossein Salami, the deputy commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps, announced that Iran has adopted the "strategy of threat against threat" in the face of new threats against the Islamic Republic by Israel and the U.S. as its main ally.

"Based on the strategy of threat against threat, which was recently declared by the Supreme Leader, we are revising our defense doctrine... and this revision meets all our needs for a reliable defense and strong deterrence," Salami said.

Defense Minister Vahidi also said that the Islamic Republic will continue supporting the groups that oppose the Zionist regime.

In addition, Vahidi said Iran's firm responses to Israel's acts of hostility against the Islamic Revolution have placed the regime in its weakest position in the region and brought it to the verge of disintegration.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/02/2012 | 18:58 uur
Ook nog tijd voor iets luchtigs...  ;D

Iran's Model Drone Now Available Online
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 14/02/2012 | 20:57 uur
Citaat van: VandeWiel op 14/02/2012 | 16:58 uur
En eerlijk gezegd heb ik liever die actie zo snel als mogelijk. Hoe eerder het voorbij is hoe eerder de olieprijzen kunnen dalen. Als dit nog een jaar of twee door duurt is de wereldeconomie even zo goed kapot.

En wat zal een nieuwe oorlog in de regio gaan doen met de olieprijzen ?. Laten dalen......denkt het niet.

Duidelijk is dat Iran niet onder de indruk is van het wapengekletter en dreigementen en zeker huilend in een hoekje zal kruipen als er oorlog komt. De gevolgen zullen hevig zijn, ben ik bang.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 15/02/2012 | 08:36 uur
'Israëlische aanval op Iran vergt uiterst complexe en geraffineerde operatie'

15 feb 2012

Een Israëlische aanval op Iran vergt een uiterst complexe militaire operatie, waarbij talloze vliegtuigen het Iraanse luchtruim moeten penetreren om tegelijkertijd een dozijn doelwitten te treffen. Dat zegt Charles Wald, een generaal op rust van de Amerikaanse Air Force, die de coalitie leidde die de Taliban uit Afghanistan verdreef na de aanslagen van 11 september 2001.

Wald spreekt in USA Today van een 'complexe en geraffineerde aanval'. Toen Israël in 2007 Syrië aanviel hoefde slechts één bovengronds object te worden geraakt. Daarenboven had het aangevallen land had weinig capaciteit om zich te verdedigen tegen luchtartillerie.

Iran kan dat wel. De nucleaire productie is verspreid over verschillende sites dwars doorheen het land. Enkele locaties zijn zo beschut en beschermd dat ze een bominslag kunnen weerstaan. Vijandelijke vliegtuigen zullen vanuit Iran onmiddellijk worden bestookt door raketten. Wald waarschuwt er ook voor dat Iran vanuit het buitenland een tegenaanval in kan zetten. Bijvoorbeeld via Hamas in Gaza en Hezbollah in Libanon. 

Een bijkomend probleem vormen tussenlandingen die de Israëlische piloten zouden moeten maken om bij te tanken. Het is weinig waarschijnlijk dat naburige landen bereid zou zijn Israëlische gevechtsvliegtuigen op hun grondgebied te dulden. De kortste weg naar Iran loopt via Irak, maar dat land kan sinds het vertrek van de Amerikanen niet langer zijn luchtruim beschermen. Een geheime landingsplaats in de woestijn is een mogelijke optie. De gevechtsvliegtuigen zouden ook moeten worden begeleid door andere vliegtuigen die radars kunnen neutralizeren.

Toch heeft Israël kans van slagen. "De Israëliërs zijn zeer creatief. Niemand weet precies hoe ze het zullen aanpakken",  zegt de voormalige Pentagon-medewerker Colin Kahl.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 15/02/2012 | 08:39 uur
What Israel can do about Iran

George Jonas, National Post · Feb. 15, 2012 | Last Updated: Feb. 15, 2012 2:13 AM ET

Israel has a dilemma ... I'll start this again. Israel has several dilemmas, but a big one is that a neighbour, Iran, not next door but close enough, has repeatedly announced it wishes to wipe "the Zionist entity" off the map.

The Islamic theocracy's founding ayatollah, Ruhollah Khomeini, said it first, echoed by successive leaders, including current president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Iran's mullahs have tried to make their threats credible by major efforts to develop and/or buy nuclear technology and weapon delivery systems.

Faced with this, what are Israel's - or any target country's - options?

Well, Israel could say: Oh, that's just talk. They don't mean it.

Reckless, though, isn't it? What if they do? Fanatics often mean what they say.

Israel could say: Oh, that's just wishful thinking. They can't do it.

But what if they can? Iran has enough brain power to develop the technology, plus oil revenue to buy anything it can't develop. Israel could say: The world wouldn't let them wipe us off the map.

Wouldn't it, though? History is a tale of one power wiping another off the map. Even if the world interferes, which it seldom does, it's usually too late. Bad guys may be punished but maps stay wiped.

Israel could say, hell, it isn't as if we were defenceless. If the mullahs attack, we can give as good as we get. If they wipe us out, we wipe them out ten-fold.

But what if the mullahs don't give a damn? Mutually assured destruction is a deterrent only against a rational enemy that wishes to survive; an irrational enemy who can hardly wait to collect his heavenly reward won't be deterred, at least not reliably. M.A.D., an adequate defence against evildoers, is useless against maniacs.

Israel can slow down a threat by skirmishing around the edges. It can explore peripheral actions such as sabotage, espionage, targeted assassination and so on, to discourage, turn or incapacitate enemy assets. Noodling around the fringes to gain time while searching for a political solution can be helpful, although it can also aggravate some situations. In any event, it's unlikely to be decisive.

Israel could - maybe - launch a preemptive attack and destroy its foe before it can build enough muscle to do it to Israel. This works if it works, and everyone expects Israel or the United States to try it, and indeed they might. The problem with pre-emptive strikes - well, there are several problems. One is that the enemy's capacity to retaliate must be substantially - or better still, completely - eliminated. If it isn't, a preemptive strike becomes just the first act of M.A.D., which is a totally different scenario.

The second problem is that the reduction in the foe's retaliatory capacity needs to be not only complete but surgical - that is, you can't just nuke the enemy back into the Pleistocene, civilians and all. To do so would turn a military victory into a political disaster. A successful preemptive strike in the 21st century must be fatal militarily, as well as neat around the edges, uncluttered by civilian debris.

This being an impossibly tall order, chances are Israel isn't going to attempt it. The Jewish state may have the technology to defeat Iran, but not to surgically incapacitate it. The United States probably does, but predicting what the United States might do, especially in an election year, is something I won't undertake.

This doesn't leave Israel with too many choices. One gambit analyzed last week in The New York Times was an ingenuous end run around the nuclear mullahs in what the author calls "Iran's Achilles heel," Syria. Efraim Halevy, a British-born Israeli who headed the Mossad between 19982002, argues (in essence, rather than in so many words) that tackling Iran inside Iran would be a mistake second only to doing nothing and hoping for the best.

As a canny player of the Great Game, Halevy sees Iran most vulnerable in its former playpen, Syria, currently an armed camp masquerading as a country. Early in the Arab spring, so-called, Syria's inmates (and even some guards) have risen up against the camp commandant, Bashir al-Assad. "Iran is intent on assuring its hold over the country regardless of what happens to Mr. Assad," Halevy writes, "and Israel and the West must prevent this at all costs."

The former spy chief points out that the crucial question isn't whether or not Assad falls in Syria, but whether or not Iran remains standing. Iran's hegemony over Syria surviving the Assad-regime, as Halevy puts it, "would rob Mr. Assad's departure of any significance."

I wrote a year ago that until we know who replaces whom we know nothing. I've only contemplated pieces on the chessboard, but Halevy moves them. Cutting off Iran's access to its proxies in Lebanon (Hezbollah) and in Gaza (Hamas) is a way of "possibly forcing a hemorrhaging regime in Tehran to suspend its nuclear policies." No muss, no fuss, no need to nuke anyone. May be too good to be true, but hey ... If the Persian winter is here, can the Arab spring be far behind?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 15/02/2012 | 10:11 uur
Die vertalingsfout is wel hardnekkig zeg.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 15/02/2012 | 13:35 uur
Iran staakt olie-export Nederland

TEHERAN -  Iran stopt met het leveren van olie aan zes Europese landen, waaronder Nederland. Dat heeft de Iraanse staatstelevisie woensdag bekendgemaakt. Het boycot is een reactie op de verscherpte sancties die onlangs door de EU zijn opgelegd vanwege het Iraanse atoomprogramma.

Het olieboycot geldt behalve voor Nederland ook voor Spanje, Italië, Frankrijk, Griekenland en Portugal. De ambassadeurs van Nederland en de overige vijf Europese landen werden eerder vandaag door het Iraanse ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken op het matje geroepen vanwege de EU-sancties.

wo 15 feb 2012, 13:27
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: VandeWiel op 15/02/2012 | 13:48 uur
Iran trumpets atom advances, deepening standoff with West

Iran trumpeted advances in nuclear technology on Wednesday, citing new uranium enrichment centrifuges and domestically made reactor fuel, in a move abetting a drift towards confrontation with the West over its disputed atomic ambitions.

The announcement underlined Iranian determination to pursue a nuclear program its Islamic clerical rulers see as a pillar of power, protection and prestige despite Western sanctions that are inflicting increasing damage on Iran's oil-based economy.

Iran has been resorting to barter to import basic staples as sanctions, imposed over its pursuit of nuclear activity seen in the West as geared to developing atomic bombs, have spread to block its oil exports and central bank financing of trade.

Tehran has for some years been developing and testing new generations of centrifuges to replace an outdated, breakdown-prone model. In January it said it had successfully manufactured and tested its own fuel rods for use in nuclear power plants.

The aim of its announcements on Wednesday was to show that international sanctions are failing to stop it making progress in nuclear know-how despite trade embargoes and to strengthen its hand in any renewed negotiations with six world powers.

"The fourth generation of domestically made centrifuges have a higher speed and production capacity ... It will be unveiled on Wednesday," state television said, without giving a source.

It was the latest display of Iran thumbing its nose at a series of U.N. resolutions demanding that it suspend uranium enrichment and open up to U.N. nuclear inspectors.

Last year, Iran installed two newer models for large scale testing at a research site near the central town of Natanz. But it remains unclear whether Tehran, subject to increasingly strict trade sanctions, has the means and components to make the more sophisticated machines in industrial quantity.

If Iran eventually succeeded in introducing modern centrifuges for production, it could significantly shorten the time needed to stockpile enriched uranium, which can generate electricity or, if refined much more, nuclear explosions.

Tehran has worked for several years to perfect faster, more reliable centrifuge machines than the 1970s-vintage P-1 model it now uses to refine uranium.

Western analysts were skeptical of the proclaimed advances.

"We have seen this before. We have seen these announcements and these grand unveilings and it turns out that there was less there than meets the eye. I suspect this is the same case," said Shannon Kile at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).


The United States and Israel have not ruled out military action if diplomacy and sanctions are ultimately judged futile in reining in Tehran's nuclear activity.

Iran has threatened retaliation for any attack or effective ban on its oil exports, suggesting it could seal off the main Gulf export shipping channel, the Strait of Hormuz, used by a third of the world's crude oil tankers.

Iranian officials have refused to negotiate curbs on the program, saying it aims solely to produce electricity for booming domestic demand in OPEC's No. 2 oil-exporting state.

A senior Iranian official said Iran would load domestically made nuclear fuel rods into its Tehran Research Reactor on Wednesday for the first time to keep it running.

"The first home-made nuclear fuel rods will be loaded in the Tehran Nuclear Research Reactor in the presence of the president," Ali Baqeri, deputy head of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, told ISNA.

The Tehran reactor produces radio-isotopes for use in medical treatments and agriculture.

Iran says it was forced to manufacture its own fuel for the Tehran reactor after failing to agree terms for a deal to obtain it from the West to replenish imported Argentinian stocks that will run out in the near future.

In 2010, Iran alarmed the West by starting to enrich uranium to a fissile purity of 20 percent for the stated purpose of conversion into special fuel for the Tehran reactor.

In boosting enrichment up from the 3.5 percent level suitable for powering civilian nuclear plants, Iran moved significantly closer to the 90 percent threshold suitable for the fissile core of a nuclear warhead.

"Another achievement to be unveiled today is the inauguration of a project of producing 20 percent enriched uranium at the Natanz facility, as well as producing 20 percent fuel plates," state television said.

Analysts remained doubtful that Iran would be able to operate the research reactor with its own special fuel.

"As usual, the announcement surely is exaggerated.

Producing the fuel plates ... is not so hard. But the plates have to be tested for a considerable period before they can be used safely in the reactor," said Mark Fitzpatrick of London's International Institute for Strategic Studies.

"If Iran is really running the reactor with untested fuel plates, then my advice to the residents surrounding the building would be to move somewhere else. It will he unsafe."

Spent fuel can be reprocessed into plutonium, the alternative key ingredient in atomic bombs. But Western worries about Iran's nuclear program have focused on its enrichment program, which has accumulated enough material for up to several bombs, in the view of nuclear proliferation experts.

Analysts say the fuel rod development itself will not put Iran any closer to producing nuclear weapons, but could be a way of telling Tehran's adversaries that time is running out if they want to find a negotiated solution to the dispute.

The most recent talks between world powers and Iran failed in January 2011 because of Tehran's unwillingness to discuss transparent limits on enrichment, as demanded by several U.N. Security Council resolutions passed since 2006.

But Iran said recently it is ready to hold fresh talks with no preconditions. "We will also a reply to the EU's foreign policy chief (about nuclear talks) today," Baqeri said.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: ARM-WAP op 15/02/2012 | 15:37 uur
Citaat van: Lex op 15/02/2012 | 13:35 uur
Iran staakt olie-export Nederland
Het olieboycot geldt voor Nederland Spanje, Italië, Frankrijk, Griekenland en Portugal. wo 15 feb 2012, 13:27
Ik veronderstel dat dit dan de enige EU landen zijn die Iraanse olie kopen?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: VandeWiel op 15/02/2012 | 16:59 uur
Lol, ik zat er voor deze keer niet ver naast vwb de "grootse" aankondiging van Iran  ;)

Ahmadinejad loads nuclear fuel rods into reactor

By REUTERS02/15/2012 15:07

Iranian president loads 20% enriched rods to show "Iranian scientists' achievement."

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad loaded nuclear fuel rods into the Tehran Research Reactor on Wednesday, state TV reported.

"The president loaded 20 percent enriched rods into the Tehran Reactor... it is a sign of Iranian scientists' achievements," said state TV, which broadcast the ceremony live.

The country is also set to unveil a new generation of its domestically made uranium enrichment centrifuges. "The fourth generation of domestically made centrifuges have higher speed and production capacity... it will be unveiled on Wednesday," state TV said.

The moves appeared designed to show that increased sanctions are failing to halt Iran's technical progress and to strengthen its hand in any renewed negotiations with the major powers.

Diplomats believe Iran has in the past overstated its nuclear achievements to gain leverage in its standoff with Western powers, which suspect Iran is seeking to develop the means to make atom bombs, a charge the country denies.

Ahmadinejad said on Saturday Iran would soon announce new advances in its nuclear program.

"Fuel elements, for the first time created by Iranian scientists, will in the presence of the president ... be loaded into the Tehran research reactor," Bagheri, deputy secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, was quoted as saying.

Mark Hibbs, a nuclear expert at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, said he did not believe the Iranian announcement signaled any mass production of nuclear fuel.

"We are talking about laboratory-scale production of a single element for the reactor," he said.

Spent fuel can be reprocessed to make plutonium, potential bomb material, but Western worries about Iran's nuclear program are focused on its enrichment of uranium, which can also provide the core of nuclear weapons if refined much more.

Western powers fear that Iran's uranium enrichment program is part of a covert bid to develop the means to build atomic weapons - suspicions that were given independent weight by a detailed UN nuclear watchdog report late last year.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 16/02/2012 | 07:10 uur
Israëli's doelwit aanslag Bangkok
Man zwaargewond bij explosie in Bangkok
AFP Toegevoegd: donderdag 16 feb 2012, 06:23

De Iraniërs die zijn gearresteerd na een aantal explosies in de Thaise hoofdstad Bangkok waren van plan daar Israëlische diplomaten op te blazen. Dat heeft het hoofd van de Thaise politie, generaal Prewpan Dhamapong, bevestigd in een televisieprogramma.

De Iraniërs wilden individuele diplomaten opblazen met 'kleefbommen' die identiek waren aan bommen die waren gebruikt bij aanslagen in India en Georgië. De actie in Bangkok mislukte doordat enkele bommen voortijdig explodeerden en het huis van de Iraniërs verwoestten.

De drie mannen vluchtten, maar een van hen raakte zwaar gewond toen hij op de vlucht een bom naar een politieman wilde gooien. De bom gleed uit zijn hand en explodeerde voor zijn eigen voeten. De twee anderen werden later gearresteerd toen zij probeerden naar Teheran te vliegen.

Iran ontkent elke betrokkenheid bij de aanslag in Bangkok en wijst Israël als dader aan.

Bron: NOS
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: VandeWiel op 16/02/2012 | 15:19 uur
Auws, kun je voorstellen wat er gebeurt als het je lukt een minister van defensie om te leggen?! 


Report: Attempt on Barak's life foiled in Singapore
Kuwait's Al-Jarida newspaper claims Israel was able to prevent assassination attempt on defense minister during his recent visit to Singapore

Kuwait's Al-Jarida newspaper reported Thursday that Israel was able to prevent an assassination attempt on Defense Minister Ehud Barak, during his visit to Singapore this week.

According to the report, the Mossad – collaborating with local authorities – was able to stop the assassins, who planned on targeting Barak during his visit to the Singapore Air Show.

The newspaper based its report on information from "high ranking Israeli defense officials."

Al-Jarida went on to quote the sources as saying that prior to Barak's visit, the Israeli intelligence agency contacts Singapore authorities and gave them "highly classified information suggesting a cell comprising of Iranian and Hezbollah operatives were planning to assassinate the Israeli defense minister."

A covert operation based on the information resulted in the arrest of three suspects.

The paper added that the cell had "very accurate information" about Barak's itinerary and planned to have him under surveillance during his stay in Singapore. The assassination was to take place in Barak's hotel.

According to the report, the Mossad is taking an active part in the suspect's interrogation.,7340,L-4190665,00.html
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 16/02/2012 | 15:23 uur
Citaat van: VandeWiel op 16/02/2012 | 15:19 uur
Auws, kun je voorstellen wat er gebeurt als het je lukt een minister van defensie om te leggen?! 


Ik vraag me af of Israel wel zijn geduld kan bewaren tot het voorjaar...

Of hebben we sneller dan verwacht Breaking news op CNN?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 16/02/2012 | 15:38 uur
Dit is allemaal grootpraat van vooral Iran.
het laatste wat Iran wilt is oorlog, haar economie gaat echt verschrikkelijk slecht. De groene "revolutie" gaf dit al genoeg aan 2 jaar geleden.
Was gisteren op BNR nog een heel praatprogramma over.

Iran wil de boycot die in juli dit jaar ingaat echt niet op haar dak krijgen, daarmee voert het nu de druk hoog op om uiteindelijk een deal te kunnen sluiten de olieboycot van juli niet door te laten gaan.

Een sterk Iran had op de aangekondigde boycot gereageerd door simpelweg de boycot zelf al meteen in te stellen.
Er komt geen oorlog, dat weet ik zeker.

Dit is allemaal een spelletje op hoog niveau.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 16/02/2012 | 16:26 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 16/02/2012 | 15:38 uur
Er komt geen oorlog, dat weet ik zeker.

Dit is allemaal een spelletje op hoog niveau.

Natuurlijk is het een spel op hoog niveau maar de stelling: er komt geen oorlog, die durf ik (nog) niet aan te gaan, we hebben immers ook een partij (Israel) die zich in haar existentie bedreigd voelt.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Poleme op 16/02/2012 | 18:48 uur
Je hoeft je niet af te vragen of er wel of niet oorlog komt.  Die komt er, de enigste vraag die over blijft is wanneer.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 16/02/2012 | 19:51 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 16/02/2012 | 18:48 uur
Je hoeft je niet af te vragen of er wel of niet oorlog komt.  Die komt er, de enigste vraag die over blijft is wanneer.

Ja, dat vind ik dus echt een veel te oppervlakkige globale uitspraak. Wat bedoel je hiermee?
Dat de hutsi's en te tutsi's een keertje aan t knokken gaan?

Er zal ergens vast wel oorlog komen, maar ik durf je te vertellen dat dit echt niet de komende jaren met Iran gaat gebeuren.
Noem mij eens op wat Iran daaruit zou kunnen slepen behalve naast het totaal ten gronde brengen van haar economie ook nog eens het totaal neerhalen van het land en volk ?

Er liggen ik geloof nu 3 carriers incluis bakvulling in de Perz. Golf... Israel alleen al zou het moeten lukken Iran te vernietigen.
Ze zijn misschien enorm kortzichtig en redelijk benadeeld qua intelligentie in dat land, maar dom zijn ze echt niet.

Even realistisch blijven.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 16/02/2012 | 19:59 uur
Citaat van: VandeWiel op 16/02/2012 | 15:19 uur
Report: Attempt on Barak's life foiled in Singapore

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Mourning op 16/02/2012 | 20:04 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 16/02/2012 | 19:59 uur
Citaat van: VandeWiel op 16/02/2012 | 15:19 uur
Report: Attempt on Barak's life foiled in Singapore


:confused: Dat het mislukte of dat ze het probeerden?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 16/02/2012 | 20:06 uur
Citaat van: Mourning op 16/02/2012 | 20:04 uur


:confused: Dat het mislukte of dat ze het probeerden?

Dat het mislukte natuurlijk.

De wereld is beter af zonder van die mafkezen. (Wat natuurlijk ook geldt voor maffe ayatollahs.)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 16/02/2012 | 20:10 uur
Pfff ik snap bepaalde lui echt niet.
Oorlog is no fun, al helemaal niet voor mijn portomonnee.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Mourning op 16/02/2012 | 20:12 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 16/02/2012 | 20:06 uur
Citaat van: Mourning op 16/02/2012 | 20:04 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 16/02/2012 | 19:59 uur
Citaat van: VandeWiel op 16/02/2012 | 15:19 uur
Report: Attempt on Barak's life foiled in Singapore


:confused: Dat het mislukte of dat ze het probeerden?

Dat het mislukte natuurlijk.

De wereld is beter af zonder van die mafkezen. (Wat natuurlijk ook geldt voor maffe ayatollahs.)

Ik zal mezelf modereren door niet te zeggen wat ik hiervan vindt  :lol: :lol: :lol:  ;)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 16/02/2012 | 20:18 uur
Citaat van: dudge op 16/02/2012 | 20:07 uur
jij kan niet wachten tot je weer met popcorn op de bank een oorlog kan volgen?

Eigenlijk lijkt mij dat absoluut niet verstandig omdat Obama ons er ongetwijfeld bij betrekt en dat het funest zou zijn voor onze economie.

Maar ik blijf erbij, Barak is een grote schurk die ik het dubbel en dwars gun. En het is niet politiek correct maar zionisten zijn gewoon allemaal zonder uitzondering schurken van het ergste soort. En nee ik verdedig geen theocratische regimes.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Tanker op 16/02/2012 | 20:38 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 16/02/2012 | 20:18 uur
Citaat van: dudge op 16/02/2012 | 20:07 uur
jij kan niet wachten tot je weer met popcorn op de bank een oorlog kan volgen?

Eigenlijk lijkt mij dat absoluut niet verstandig omdat Obama ons er ongetwijfeld bij betrekt en dat het funest zou zijn voor onze economie.

Maar ik blijf erbij, Barak is een grote schurk die ik het dubbel en dwars gun. En het is niet politiek correct maar zionisten zijn gewoon allemaal zonder uitzondering schurken van het ergste soort. En nee ik verdedig geen theocratische regimes.

Je bent een antisemiet of moslim ?, of allebei kan natuurlijk ook........
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 16/02/2012 | 20:44 uur
Citaat van: Tanker op 16/02/2012 | 20:38 uur
Je bent een antisemiet of moslim ?, of allebei kan natuurlijk ook........

Anti-zionist en anti-islamist.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 16/02/2012 | 20:58 uur
Geachte leden,

Er staan hier een aantal postings, die niet te begrijpen/onleesbaar zijn door het feit dat het citeren niet op de correcte wijze gedaan wordt.
Kapt. Rob heeft daar onlangs ook op gewezen.
Vzke uw postings aan te passen.

Algeheel beheerder
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 16/02/2012 | 21:14 uur
Gefixt, nu kunnen jullie blij het CIDI achter me aan sturen :-*.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 16/02/2012 | 21:21 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 16/02/2012 | 21:14 uur
Gefixt, nu kunnen jullie blij het CIDI achter me aan sturen
Nee, nog steeds niet gefixt. Er is nog steeds sprake van multiple en incorrect citeren.

Algeheel beheerder
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 16/02/2012 | 23:17 uur
German Defense Chief Urges Israel To Hold-Off On Iran Strike

By Staff|2/16/2012 4:07 PM

German Defense Minister Thomas de Maizièr said Thursday that he hopes Israel refrains from carrying out unilateral military action against Iran.

"We have to use every opportunity for [a] peaceful solution," de Maizièr said through an interpreter from the Pentagon briefing room.

De Maizièr added that Germany will ultimately stand by Israel, but the specifics of this support remain to be seen.

Worden nu de Duitsers zelfs voor het Amerikaanse karretje gespannen? In dat geval moet de angst voor een aanstaande Israelische aanval haast wel gebaseerd zijn op een reëele verwachting.

Of toch maar weer een beetje extra druk op de ketel om de Isreali maar niet in de verleiding te laten komen?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 16/02/2012 | 23:19 uur

De Duitsers zeggen zelf dat ze wat er ook gebeurt toch wel dogmatisch achter de Israëliërs blijven staan ook al schieten ze heel Iran plat, net als de rest van de NAVO landen overigens.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 16/02/2012 | 23:28 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 16/02/2012 | 23:19 uur

De Duitsers zeggen zelf dat ze wat er ook gebeurt toch wel dogmatisch achter de Israëliërs blijven staan ook al schieten ze heel Iran plat, net als de rest van de NAVO landen overigens.

Natuurlijk blijven de Duitsers achter Israel staan, al was het maar uit schuld gevoel. Ik vindt het alleen opvallend dat juist de Duitsers op dit moment in tijd komen met een dergelijk oproep (via het Pentagon), dus een gecoördineerde Amerikaans - Duitse (politieke) actie.

Alsof we aan de vooravond staan van een Israelische actie (eerder dan de veronderstellingen)

Dit... of de actie is niet bedoeld voor Israel maar simpelweg om de druk op Iran nog wat verder op te voeren.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 16/02/2012 | 23:29 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 16/02/2012 | 23:28 uur
Natuurlijk blijven de Duitsers achter Israel staan, al was het maar uit schuld gevoel. Ik vindt het alleen opvallend dat juist de Duitsers op dit moment in tijd komen met een dergelijk oproep (via het Pentagon), dus een gecoördineerde Amerikaans - Duitse (politieke) actie.

Alsof we aan de vooravond staan van een Israelische actie (eerder dan de veronderstellingen)

Dit... of de actie is niet bedoeld voor Israel maar simpelweg om de druk op Iran nog wat verder op te voeren.

Als ze echt druk willen uitoefenen zou men moeten dreigen geen enkele steun aan de Israëliërs te verlenen (of ze dat dan als het er op aan komt ook doen daargelaten). Dit versterkt juist hun zelfverzekerdheid ben ik bang.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 17/02/2012 | 01:51 uur
Israelische propaganda om de eigen bewoners te laten zien wat er kan gebeuren wanneer Iran de bom zou hebben:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: VandeWiel op 17/02/2012 | 07:44 uur
Citaat van: Jah op 17/02/2012 | 01:51 uur
Israelische propaganda om de eigen bewoners te laten zien wat er kan gebeuren wanneer Iran de bom zou hebben:

Enge filmpjes over de bom. Helaas zeer overtuigend gedaan. Dan zie je dat angst creëren een van de sterkste vormen van propaganda is.

Eigenlijk is het al meer dan 25 jaar geleden dat er protesten waren tegen "de bom". Als je dit soort filmpjes ziet is het eigenlijk vreemd dat we het op dit moment normaal vinden dat deze wapens er zijn.   
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 17/02/2012 | 08:20 uur
Iran unlikely to abandon suspected nuclear weapons program: U.S. intelligence

Reuters Feb 17, 2012 – 1:06 AM ET | Last Updated: Feb 17, 2012 1:12 AM ET
By Tabassum Zakaria

WASHINGTON — U.S. intelligence agencies predict Iran will respond if attacked but is unlikely to start a conflict, and they believe Israel has not taken a decision to strike Iranian nuclear sites, a top U.S. intelligence official said Thursday.

With those comments, Lieutenant-General Ronald Burgess, director of the Defence Intelligence Agency, answered two key questions surrounding escalating tensions with Iran after the United States increased sanctions over its nuclear program.

Lt.-Gen. Burgess also said despite the ratcheting up of sanctions on Iran, the country's leaders are unlikely to abandon their suspected nuclear weapons program.

Iran responded to the new sanctions that target its central bank and oil exports by threatening to close a key oil shipping lane. There have also been concerns Israel might strike Iranian nuclear facilities and escalate tensions further.

The West suspects Iran's nuclear program is aimed at developing weapons, while Tehran says it is peaceful.

"Iran can close the Strait of Hormuz at least temporarily, and may launch missiles against United States forces and our allies in the region if it is attacked," Lt.-Gen. Burgess told a Senate armed services committee hearing.

"Iran could also attempt to employ terrorist surrogates worldwide. However, the agency assesses Iran is unlikely to initiate or intentionally provoke a conflict."

Asked bluntly whether intelligence agencies believed Israel had made a decision to attack Iran, he replied, "To the best of our knowledge Israel has not decided to attack Iran."

On the sanctions, the defence intelligence chief said Iran was nowhere near giving up its nuclear aspirations.

"Iran today has the technical, scientific and industrial capability to eventually produce nuclear weapons. While international pressure against Iran has increased, including through sanctions, we assess that Tehran is not close to agreeing to abandoning its nuclear program," he said.

Iran proclaimed advances in nuclear know-how on Wednesday, including new centrifuges that can enrich uranium much faster, a move that may hasten a drift toward confrontation with the West over its nuclear program.

U.S. intelligence agencies assess Iran's leaders have so far not decided to build a nuclear weapon.

"They are keeping themselves in a position to make that decision, but there are certain things they have not yet done and have not done for some time," James Clapper, director of national intelligence, said at the same hearing without providing details.

Mr. Clapper said U.S. and Israeli assessments generally are in agreement, and he was visiting Israel next week to discuss intelligence sharing.

The United States wants sanctions to pressure Iran into serious talks to curb its nuclear program.

While vowing no retreat from its atomic path, Tehran has also told world powers it wants to resume stalled talks quickly with "new initiatives" in hand.

© Thomson Reuters 2012
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 17/02/2012 | 08:23 uur
Striking Iran's nuclear program is out of Israel's league

An attack on insane Iran is out of our league and could prove a tragedy for generations to come.
By Yoel Marcus

Our favorite duo, Bibi and Barak, operate like Sylvester Stallone's Rambo. Real macho men who win in every movie. Against his powerful enemies, Rambo sweats, gets a black eye or two, bleeds, but in the end he wins, to the appropriate background music. Rambo's weakness, at least early in his films, is that he doesn't seem to think ahead, even when he's bleeding after what happened to him. The viewers in the movie theater know that the blood is paint and in the end he'll be victorious.

Unlike a film, where the director decides on the script and happy end, we're living with lots of question marks. While the team that's called a government makes threats as Rambo does, it's not clear if it knows how the Iranian adventure will end. We're not the ones who can stop Iran's nuclear trance; all we can do is delay it, at the price of turning Israel into a target of Iranian revenge for generations to come.

Iran is endangering world peace, and by the very fact we think we have the power and option to take action against it, we're annoying the world. According to spokespeople for the U.S. administration, we're even endangering the world with our trigger-happy approach, as in a Western.

That's why when I read the passionate articles and politicians' battle cries calling on us to strike Iran, I don't know whether to laugh or cry. With all due respect to our exaggerated self-confidence, we're out of our league here. And it's no coincidence that the former Mossad chief and senior defense officials are warning our leaders against attacking Iran. Some of them are revealing that Iran has 200,000 long-range missiles, not to mention Syria's large arsenal of chemical weapons, which could fall into the hands of Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas.

When you read those figures, it's clear that Israel must think twice before taking suicidal steps against Iran. Israel is showing a great degree of arrogance; after all, even America couldn't stop the manufacture of nuclear weapons in North Korea, India and Pakistan, regions that are combustible to the whole neighborhood. And America is walking on tiptoe when it comes to Iran, whose lethal influence in the regions of oil and extremist Islam is liable to undermine world peace.

Before Benjamin Netanyahu and Ehud Barak lead us to an irreversible military operation, the cabinet must ask questions that receive unequivocal answers before each member votes.

1. Are we capable of stopping Iran's nuclear program entirely, as we did in Iraq by bombing the nuclear reactor before it was completed? And can we do it even though Iran learned its lesson from that operation and has dispersed its facilities deep inside rocky ground all over the country, and even the Pentagon has announced that none of its bombs penetrate so deep?

2. Is it possible that the attack will only delay the development of the bomb and lead us into a long war with Iran?

3. Are we prepared to have Jewish organizations and Israeli embassies all over the world become revenge targets (as in Argentina )?

4. Do we understand the significance of having dozens of missiles launched daily on Tel Aviv by Iran and its allies, which will empty the city, end tourism and spark a flight from the country?

5. Is the government aware of the global worldwide economic damage that would be caused by a unilateral Israeli operation and the reaction by an insane Iran?

6. What price is Israel ready to pay in its relations with the United States after an attack without U.S. consent or coordination?

7. Until the final screw is turned in the Iranian bomb, not only Israel but the entire free world is in danger. If we want to be part of the sane and free world, we must strive to reach an agreement as soon as possible with the Palestinians, in coordination with the United States and Europe.

An attack on insane Iran is out of our league and could prove a tragedy for generations to come.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 17/02/2012 | 08:25 uur
Panetta: 'We will not allow Iran to develop a nuclear weapon'

February 17, 2012 

WASHINGTON -- Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said Thursday that U.S. intelligence shows Iran is enriching uranium in a disputed nuclear program but that Tehran has not made a decision on whether to proceed with development of an atomic bomb.

Fears of a nuclear-armed Iran produced tough talk from Panetta and top intelligence officials, all of whom offered insights on the secretive regime in separate congressional hearings. Their testimony came amid increasing fears of a Mideast conflagration as Iran boasted of advances in producing nuclear fuel and threatened an oil embargo in retaliation for economic and diplomatic sanctions.

Israel has accused Iran of being behind recent attacks of its diplomats in Thailand, Georgia and India and has threatened military strikes against Iran's nuclear facilities.

"We will not allow Iran to develop a nuclear weapon," Panetta told the House Appropriations Committee's defense subcommittee. The Obama administration recently imposed sanctions on Iran's Central Bank, the latest round of penalties that have widespread support in Congress. The Treasury Department announced Thursday it was slapping sanctions on Iran's ministry of intelligence and security, asserting that it supports global terrorism, commits human rights abuses against Iranians and participates in ongoing repression in Syria.

Panetta and lawmakers insist the sanctions are working. But Israel is not unified on the issue. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the sanctions have not been effective; his defense minister and vice premier said the penalties have the Iranians panicking.

Despite the tough talk from Netanyahu, National Intelligence Director James Clapper and Defense Intelligence Agency chief Lt. Gen. Ronald Burgess said they do not believe that Israel has decided to strike Iran.

"The agency assesses Iran is unlikely to initiate or intentionally provoke a conflict," Burgess said.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 18/02/2012 | 15:19 uur
UK FM: Attack on Iran has 'enormous downsides'

RAPHAEL SATTER, Associated Press

LONDON (AP) — An attack on Iran would carry huge costs, Britain's foreign minister warned Saturday.

British Foreign Secretary William Hague said in a newspaper interview that while Iran's suspected drive for atomic weapons could lead to a dangerous nuclear standoff in the Middle East, he favored more time to let diplomacy and economic pressure run its course.

Hague told the right-leaning The Daily Telegraph that striking at Iran's disputed nuclear program would have "enormous downsides."

"We are very clear to all concerned that we are not advocating military action," he said.

Tensions over Iran's nuclear program are running high. Israel, the U.S., Britain and others suspect that the Islamic Republic is using the program as cover for the manufacture of atomic weapons and observers fear that a pre-emptive strike may be in the works. Recent attacks on Israeli diplomats in Thailand, Georgia and India have increased the pressure, with Israel accusing Iran of being behind the assaults.

Hague said that allowing Iran to proceed with its nuclear program unchecked would lead to a Cold War-style arms race in the Middle East, with neighboring countries rushing to match what Hague said would be an Iranian arsenal.

"And so, the most serious round of nuclear proliferation since nuclear weapons were invented would have begun with all the destabilizing effects in the Middle East," he said. "That would be a disaster for world affairs."

Still, Hague endorsed European efforts to head off any nuclear weapons program through economic and diplomatic pressure.

"We support a twin-track strategy of sanctions and pressure and negotiations on the other hand," he said. "We are not favoring the idea of anybody attacking Iran at the moment."

Hague didn't spell out what the downsides to an attack would be, but former British ambassador to Tehran Richard Dalton told BBC television that they would likely include a drawn-out conflict, retaliatory strikes against U.S. facilities, terrorist attacks and serious disruption to world energy supplies.

"We couldn't assume that a strike would be over quickly," Dalton said Saturday. There would be large scale and long-lasting repercussions."

Read more:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 18/02/2012 | 15:23 uur
Obama sends top security aide to Israel as tension builds over nuclear Iran

A senior US security official arrived in Israel on Saturday as international tension over Iran's nuclear development reached an all-time high.

By Phoebe Greenwood in Tel Aviv

1:56PM GMT 18 Feb 2012

Tom Donilon, the US president's top security aide, arrived in Tel Aviv on Saturday morning for three days of meetings with Israeli defence and security chiefs.

While Washington claims the visit is simply the latest in a series of "regular, high level consultations between the United States and Israel", it came just days after coordinated attacks launched against Israeli embassies across the world provoked outrage in Jerusalem, which claims with certainly that Iran is responsible.

Israel'soption of launching a strike on Iranian nuclear facilities was expected to be the urgent topic of discussion during Mr Donilon's visit.

Hours before he arrived Iran's navy claimed its warships entered the Mediterranean to show its 'might' to regional countries.

In recent weeks, Israeli government officials have remained resolutely tight-lipped on their position on the Iranian threat but a string of high-ranking US officials have expressed the belief that Israel is preparing to act, with or without American support.

The rising tensions came as Foreign Secretary William Hague warned in Saturday's edition of The Daily Telegraph of the danger of a nuclear Cold War in the Middle East because of Iran's nuclear programme.

Mr Donilon's visit follows a trip by Mossad chief Tamir Pardo to Washington in December to discuss the possibility of military action against Iran, in which the security chief asked his counterparts in the CIA what the US reaction would be to an independent Israeli attack on Tehran.

In an interview with the New York Times late last year, Ehud Barak, Israel's minister of defence, suggested that an Israeli strike on Iran is all but inevitable.

General Uzi Eilam, a former director general of Israel's ministry of defence, revealed earlier this week that he may be "among the only ones [Israeli defence officials]" who does not think a strike is necessary.

He added that the perception of Iran's nuclear threat has, in his opinion, been overblown. "I don't accept that there has been an urgent deterioration [in attempts to prevent a nuclear Iran]," he said.

"I would be more reserved as far as ringing the big bell goes. But if a country like Iran is determined to develop a nuclear weapon, sooner or later they will get there. If a poor country like North Korea can do it, so can Iran. The question is: how soon can they get there?"

Iran remains adamant that its nuclear development is for peaceful purposes. It announced three significant advances this week, including the development of centrifuges capable of producing higher quality enriched uranium in a bigger quantities and more quickly that its old technology.

A letter written by Tehran expressing a willingness to discuss its nuclear activity was received with cautious optimism on Friday.

Victoria Nuland, the US State Department spokeswoman, said Washington and its allies were wary of "false starts" to a negotiation process.

"We've had negotiations that started and fizzled, or negotiations that ate up a lot of time and didn't go where they needed to go," Nuland said.

Israel is yet to react to the letter. Following the botched attempts to bomb Israeli embassy staff in Israel, Georgia and Thailand, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urged the international community to "draw a red line" under Tehran's efforts to promote terrorist activity.

"Iran is the biggest exporter of terror in the world. Iran's terror operations are now exposed for all to see," Mr Netanyahu told Knesset members.

Leon Panetta, the US defence secretary, has indicated in his clearest terms yet that Washington will act to prevent a nuclear Iran and will not tolerate it if Iran attempts to block the Straits of Hormuz, a naval trade route supplying one fifth of the world's oil.

"We, the United States, have all options on the table," he said.

"If you're a nation that wants to be part of the international family of nations, then join it... Join us in an effort to try to diplomatically reduce your efforts in terms of nuclear capability," Panetta said.

"So that pressure needs to continue, and Israel has been part of that. My hope is that Israel will be part of that international effort to keep the pressure on. That's the most effective way to isolate Iran and to keep the pressure on," he added.

Alain Juppe, the French foreign minister, said on Thursday that a two-day visit to Iran by top UN nuclear watchdog officials scheduled would help determine whether Tehran was serious about tackling international concerns.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 18/02/2012 | 15:26 uur
The Ticking Clock Of Iran's Nuclear Threat

Saturday, February 18th 2012 11:45

The chatter over the possibility of an Israeli pre-emptive strike against Iran's nuclear programme is reaching fever pitch in London and Washington.

President Barack Obama has dispatched his National Security Advisor to Jerusalem for talks amid growing concern among US officials that Israel will launch an attack before the end of the year.

At the same time, British Foreign Secretary William Hague has warned that the any military action against Iran would have "enormous downsides".

So the race is on to bring Iran to heel through diplomatic pressure and sanctions against the backdrop of a very loud ticking clock.

Iran has indicated that it is ready for talks. But its willingness to pursue negotiations, after a week in which President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad proudly and defiantly trumpeted his country's nuclear achievements, is in doubt.

His display of Iran's new domestically produced uranium enrichment centrifuges and nuclear fuel rods was a deliberately provocative move at a time of rising tensions.

The question remains as to whether it was a negotiating ploy or a sign that Iran is intent on defying the world at all costs.

Israel has made it clear that it will not allow Iran to develop a nuclear weapon that would threaten the Jewish State.

What is still unclear is just how long it is prepared to wait.

Israeli and western intelligence suggests that Iran is already approaching the point of "invulnerability" where a military strike on its nuclear facilities would be ineffective.

Key elements of the programme - including uranium enrichment - have been moved to the underground facility near Qom where even a bunker busting bomb may not harm them.

Israel knows it needs to be seen to be giving sanctions time to work but it also cannot afford to delay too long.

US officials believe Israel is working towards a strike in September or October.

It is far from ideal timing for President Obama who would prefer to focus on trying to get re-elected in November rather than becoming embroiled in another conflict in the Middle East.

The US and UK seem to be eager to send a message to Tehran that they are struggling to "hold back" Israel.

It could be the stick to speed up Iran's compliance. But the threat seems to be real.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 18/02/2012 | 15:29 uur
Israel seeks tighter sanctions against Iran

Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak Saturday called on the world to tighten sanctions on Iran before the country enters a "zone of immunity" against a physical attack to stop its nuclear programme.

"We have to accelerate the pace of imposing sanctions," he told a news conference in Tokyo.

The world must force the Iranians to ask themselves, "Are we ready to pay the price of isolation by most, if not all, of the world or should we decide to stop the nuclear effort?" he said.

"The world should ratchet up the sanctions," he said, "before the Iranians fully enter this immunity zone."

Barak, also Israel's deputy prime minister, has often used the phrase "zone of immunity" to mean a point where Tehran's nuclear programme becomes invulnerable to physical attack.

But he brushed aside a February 3 article in the Washington Post that US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta thinks Israel may possibly strike Iran's nuclear installations in the coming months.

Post columnist David Ignatius wrote Panetta "believes there is a strong likelihood that Israel will strike Iran in April, May or June" before Iran enters a "zone of immunity."

Panetta told reporters later he had no comment on the article as his views were just his own.

But he added: "Israel indicated they're considering this (a strike), we've indicated our concerns."

Asked about the article, Barak said US support for Israel's security had been "extremely advanced and deep" under President Barack Obama.

"We appreciate the Americans standing behind Israel in the issue of security. But we could not conclude from this anything about details about what could happen in Iran," Barak said.

"We are still in the sanctions stage and expect them to get even more tight."

Iran has been slapped with four sets of UN sanctions and a raft of unilateral US and European Union sanctions over its nuclear drive which Tehran maintains is peaceful but which much of the international community suspects masks a weapons programme.

Barak was visiting Tokyo as tensions between Israel and Iran flared following bombings in New Delhi, Tbilisi and Bangkok earlier this week, but Iran angrily rejected accusations that it was behind the "terrorist" acts.

Tehran also said it had developed new centrifuges capable of enriching uranium at a much faster rate.

In a meeting with Barak on Wednesday, Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda warned military action could be "extremely dangerous," according to foreign ministry officials quoted by Japanese media.

Foreign Minister Koichiro Gemba told Barak on Thursday: "Using a military option would not only provide an excuse to Iran but could unite the Arab world against Israel," according to the officials.

But, in a show of solidarity, Noda said Japan would strive to reduce its oil imports from Iran. Tokyo currently imports around 10 percent of its oil consumption from the Islamic country.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 18/02/2012 | 16:35 uur
Als  de VS wat MOAB bommen gebruikt zijn die bunkers zo kapot.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 18/02/2012 | 21:03 uur
Dat ze eens even gaan praten aub daar, de benzineprijs is godverdorie te gek voor woorden!
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: VandeWiel op 19/02/2012 | 08:50 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 18/02/2012 | 21:03 uur
Dat ze eens even gaan praten aub daar, de benzineprijs is godverdorie te gek voor woorden!

Ik sta er volledig omgekeerd in. Dat ze als de sodemieter daar de boel kapot gooien (sorry, een grote oorlog is natuurlijk nooit iets om voor te zijn) om daarna de prijzen in te laten storten. Hoe sneller het gedaan is hoe sneller we naar een normaler niveau gaan. Als Iran de kans blijft houden om de spanningen te laten bestaan of zelfs met regelmaat op te voeren zitten we over 5 jaar nog met dit probleem en zelfs erger. Een oorlog is in mijn ogen al bijna niet meer te voorkomen door de continue escalatie en de dreiging de straat af te sluiten.

Overigens zijn de prijzen niet alleen hoog vanwege Iran. Er zijn nu eenmaal ook steeds meer mensen in de wereld die een gouden koets hebben en de droom van een welvarend bestaan met alle energie gebruik die er bij hoort.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 19/02/2012 | 09:50 uur
BBC: Iran bouwt nucleaire fabriek bij Qom

zondag 19 februari 2012 | 07:28 | Laatst bijgewerkt op: zondag 19 februari 2012 | 09:18

LONDEN - Iran is van plan om een ondergrondse nucleaire fabriek te bouwen vlakbij de stad Qom. Dat heeft een diplomaat vrijdag tegen televisiezender BBC gezegd.

Het land zou voorbereidingen treffen voor de installatie van duizenden nieuwe uraniumcentrifuges op de locatie in het noorden van Iran. Uranium kan gebruikt worden om kernenergie en atoomwapens te maken.

Woensdag maakte president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad op de staatstelevisie bekend dat Iran 3000 nieuwe centrifuges in gebruik heeft genomen voor het verrijken van uranium. Daarmee komt het totaal op 9000 centrifuges.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Tanker op 19/02/2012 | 10:08 uur
Ik ben ook voor grof geweld en z.s.m. graag, dit pappen en nathouden beleid leidt tot niets. Iran heeft maling aan de wereld, en sancties sorteren geen effect..... Misschien is er wel een kans voor een regime change in de chaos na grootschalige aanvallen..... Misschien moeten ze vast contact zoeken met de oppositie....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 19/02/2012 | 10:19 uur
Citaat van: VandeWiel op 19/02/2012 | 08:50 uur
Ik sta er volledig omgekeerd in. Dat ze als de sodemieter daar de boel kapot gooien (sorry, een grote oorlog is natuurlijk nooit iets om voor te zijn) om daarna de prijzen in te laten storten. Hoe sneller het gedaan is hoe sneller we naar een normaler niveau gaan. Als Iran de kans blijft houden om de spanningen te laten bestaan of zelfs met regelmaat op te voeren zitten we over 5 jaar nog met dit probleem en zelfs erger. Een oorlog is in mijn ogen al bijna niet meer te voorkomen door de continue escalatie en de dreiging de straat af te sluiten.

Het lijkt in een rap tempo richting confrontatie te gaan, het "praat" scenario heeft alleen zin als resultaten behaald worden.

Tot nu lijkt het praat scenario alleen in het "voordeel" van Iran te werken, ze kopen immers tijd, tijd die wordt gebruikt om de wereld met een nog groter probleem op te zadelen.

Zachte heelmeesters maken stinkende wonden, wat mij betreft maken "we" er een einde aan, liever gisteren dan vandaag.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 19/02/2012 | 11:29 uur
Isreal 'Unwise' To Launch Military Strike On Iran, Says William Hague

First Posted: 19/02/2012 10:13 Updated: 19/02/2012 10:13

William Hauge has said it would be a mistake for Israel to launch a military strike against Iran in an attempt to destroy its alleged nuclear weapons programme.

Speaking on the BBC's Andrew Marrr programme on Sunday morning, the foreign secretary said Israel should put its efforts into making sure there were effective sanctions against Tehran.

"I don't think the wise thing for Israel to do is launch a military attack," he said.

There are growing fears that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will not be deterred by sanctions, the preferred route of the US and Britain to pressure the regime into abandoning its nuclear weapons programme.

Israel is rumoured to be planning military strikes within months. Ahmadinejad claimed this week that Iran had loaded its first domestically-made fuel rod into a nuclear reactor.

Hague said that Israel had not shown the British government any plans for an attack on Iran but acknowledged there had been some discussion by Israeli politicians in public about the possibility of a strike.

"They are not sharing any plans with us, they are not asking us to join in any plans, we are not calling for any military action against Iran," he said.

He added: "Our approach is 100% diplomatic and economics focused."

However he said that "no one wants Iran to have nuclear weapons" and said Britain did not take "any option off the table".

Hague warned there would be only two outcomes for Iran if they developed a nuclear bomb, either "they will be attacked and there will be a war, or there will be a Cold War".

He also said that Tehran had recently "increased its willingness" for "utterly illegal activities" including terrorist acts around the world. However he said he had no specific information that it intended to target the London Olympics.

On Saturday Hague warned that Iran's nuclear ambitions could plunge the world into "a new Cold War" with the Middle East.

He predicted a nuclear arms race among rival Middle Eastern states that would carry the dangers without the safety mechanisms of the old rivalry between the West and the USSR.

In an interview with The Daily Telegraph, he a warned there was a "crisis coming down the tracks" that could result in "disaster" for world affairs.

"(The Iranians) are clearly continuing their nuclear weapons programme," Hague said.

"If they obtain nuclear weapons capability, then I think other nations across the Middle East will want to develop nuclear weapons.

"And so, the most serious round of nuclear proliferation since nuclear weapons were invented would have begun with all the destabilising effects in the Middle East. And the threat of a new Cold War in the Middle East without necessarily all the safety mechanisms. That would be a disaster in world affairs."
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 19/02/2012 | 11:32 uur
Is war with Iran inevitable?

Posted: Sunday, February 19, 2012 5:00 am | Updated: 4:21 pm, Fri Feb 17, 2012.


Oil-rich and with a population of 67 million spread over an area the size of Alaska, Iran aspires to be an atomic power and the leader of the Islamic world, a goal that Washington and Israel have promised to block with force if necessary. Washington and Tel-Aviv have told Iran that it cannot cross two red lines. First, if Tehran closes the Strait of Hormuz, through which 20 percent of the world's oil flows, we will use our military to keep the sea lanes open. The fleet is already in place. Second, if Iran fabricates an atomic bomb, we have threatened to employ "bunker busting," deep penetration bombs to destroy its underground reactors.

While the exact timetable may still be up in the air, it has been reported that Israel is planning a spring attack, since it believes that Iran is just months away from realizing its goal. What we do know is that Israel has acquired four of the most advanced conventional submarines armed with cruise missiles from Germany and has drone aircraft the size of Boeing 737s. Israel's prime minister has said over and over that Iran poses an "existential threat." Steeled by a post-Holocaust mentality and an obsession for security, Tel-Aviv is not going to wait for the missiles to arrive. Israel has little faith in sanctions and far less in appeasement, believing Hitler could have been stopped at Munich in 1938 through timely action.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 19/02/2012 | 11:34 uur
Chamoun says "wants war on Iran"

February 19, 2012   

National Liberal Party leader MP Dori Chamoun said on Sunday that he "wants a war on Iran," and that he is not "afraid" of such a war.

"Everything has limits, and [Western powers] will not allow Iran to possess the atomic bomb," Chamoun told the Voice of Lebanon (93.3) radio station according to the National News Agency.

Tensions between Iran and Israel have been risen with Iranian warships entering the Mediterranean through the Suez Canal in a show of "might", a move Israel said it would closely monitor.

On Wednesday, Iran said it had installed another 3,000 centrifuges to increase its uranium enrichment capabilities and was stepping up exploration and processing of uranium yellowcake.

Israel also blamed a recent wave of attacks targeting Israeli diplomats on agents of Tehran, allegations Iran denies.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 19/02/2012 | 11:37 uur
Iran Threatens 'Crushing Response' If Attacked

Iran heats up tensions and warns Israel of a "crushing response to Israel's slightest move." US jawbones against a pre-emptive strike.

By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
First Publish: 2/19/2012, 11:36 AM

Iran has threatened a "crushing response to Israel's slightest move" as the United States raises the volume against a pre-emptive strike. Iran also has announced new war games for next month.

The Ahmadinejad regime chose its ambassador to Lebanon, Qazanfar Roknabadi, to deliver a message on Saturday that "Iran will not start a possible war with the Zionist regime but will deliver a decisive response to any aggression by the regime." As usual, he refrained from using the term "Israel."

Regardless of Israel's intentions, Iran's Revolutionary Guards Corps is planning new war games next month in a desert area in the central part of the country.

Commander of the IRGC Ground Forces, Brigadier General Mohammad Pakpour, said on Saturday that the drill will implement "modern defensive tactics,...taking advantage of advanced indigenous military equipment," the state-run Fars News Agency reported.

Iran's media, most of it government controlled, played up advice by General Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff,  that it would be unwise to attack Iran now.

"It's not prudent at this point to decide to attack Iran," Dempsey told CNN on Saturday. "I think it would be premature to exclusively decide that the time for a military option was upon us. A strike at this time would be destabilizing and wouldn't achieve their (the Israelis') long-term objectives. I wouldn't suggest, sitting here today, that we've persuaded them that our view is the correct view and that they are acting in an ill-advised fashion."

The Obama administration has been jaw-boning in the media against a military strike, claiming that harsh sanctions against Iran are working and that Israel should wait. the dilemma for Israel is that most military and intelligence officials warn that postponing military action will close the "window of opportunity" as Iran continues to race ahead towards nuclear capability, especially at its underground nuclear facilities.

The BBC reported Sunday that Iran appears to be preparing to speed up production of enriched uranium, a key ingredient of a nuclear weapon. It announced last week it has installed an additional 3,000 centrifuges in its underground nuclear plant near the city of Qom.

The Obama administration is increasing pressure on Israel by sending U.S. National Security Advisor Tom Donilon to Jerusalem for talks with government and military officials.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 19/02/2012 | 13:01 uur
De situatie lijkt zich  te beperken tot verbaal  "geweld" als je het mij vraagt. Niemand is ook zo te zien bereid de eerste steen te werpen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 19/02/2012 | 13:28 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 19/02/2012 | 13:01 uur
De situatie lijkt zich  te beperken tot verbaal  "geweld" als je het mij vraagt. Niemand is ook zo te zien bereid de eerste steen te werpen.

Iedereen? Bij Israel weet ik het niet zo zeker (zie ook alle Amerikaanse inspanningen om Israael van die eerste steen af te houden)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 19/02/2012 | 17:27 uur
'Aanval op Iran voorbarig'

De hoogste militair in het Amerikaanse leger waarschuwt tegen een aanval op Iran. De economische sancties van het Westen beginnen te werken en daarom ,,vind ik het voorbarig om te beslissen dat de tijd voor de militaire optie is gekomen''. Dat zegt generaal Martin Dempsey in een interview dat nieuwszender CNN zondag uitzendt.

Dempsey laat ook weten dat het Westen zich beter moet voorbereiden op eventueel ingrijpen. ,,Dan gaat het nu vooral om een betere defensieve voorbereiding'', aldus de bevelhebber.

De Verenigde Staten, Europa en Israël vrezen dat Iran in het geheim een atoombom bouwt. Israël zinspeelt daarom op een aanval, Europa werkt aan strengere sancties. Iran zegt dat zijn nucleaire programma alleen vreedzame doelen heeft, zoals het opwekken van kernenergie.

19 februari 2012, 15:49
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 19/02/2012 | 19:20 uur
zo 19 feb 2012, 15:24 Geen Iraanse olie naar Britten en Fransen

TEHERAN -  Iran levert geen olie meer aan Groot-Brittannië en Frankrijk. Dat heeft het ministerie van Olie in Teheran zondag bekendgemaakt. Veel effect zal het besluit niet hebben: Frankrijk importeerde nauwelijks olie uit Iran, Groot-Brittannië helemaal niet.

De exportstop is waarschijnlijk vooral een waarschuwing aan grotere importeurs van Iraanse olie, zoals Italië en Griekenland. De Europese Unie wil de komende maanden de grenzen sluiten voor olie uit Iran. Europa vreest dat het Iraanse bewind in het geheim werkt aan een atoombom.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 19/02/2012 | 19:22 uur
Iran, Russia naval presence in Syrian ports message to US: MP

19 - A senior Iranian lawmaker says the presence of Iranian and Russian naval forces in Syria's coastal waters is a clear warning to the US to refrain from any possible military adventurism.

"The United States should take Iran's warning about [refraining from any possible] military intervention in Syria seriously," Hossein Ebrahimi, deputy chairman of Iran Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Committee, said Sunday.

He added that in the event of a US strategic mistake in Syria, Washington may receive a crushing response from Iran, Syria and a few other countries.

On Sunday, January 8, a large Russian navy flotilla led by an aircraft carrier arrived at the Syrian port of Tartus in the Mediterranean Sea for a six-day port call, to show Moscow's solidarity with Damascus.

Two Iranian Navy ships also docked in the Syrian port of Tartus on Friday, February 17, to train Syrian naval forces under an agreement signed between Tehran and Damascus one year ago.

"Syrians are against any form of foreign intervention in their country, but the United States by arming opposition groups is trying to harm the [anti-Israeli] axis of resistance in the region [in order to] affect Islamic Awakening in regional countries," Ebrahimi added. /-
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 19/02/2012 | 19:25 uur
U.S., Britain Urge Israel Not To Attack Iran

By The Associated Press
Feb 19, 2012, 1:01 PM

JERUSALEM — The U.S. and Britain on Sunday urged Israel not to attack Iran's nuclear program as the White House's national security adviser arrived in the region, reflecting growing international jitters that the Israelis are poised to strike.

In their warnings, both the U.S. joint chiefs of staff, Gen. Martin Dempsey, and British Foreign Minister William Hague said an Israeli attack on Iran would have grave consequences for the entire region and urged Israel to give international sanctions against Iran more time to work. Dempsey said an Israeli attack is "not prudent," and Hague said it would not be "a wise thing."

Both Israel and the West believe Iran is trying to develop a nuclear bomb – a charge Tehran denies. But differences have emerged in how to respond to the perceived threat.

The U.S. and the European Union have both imposed harsh new sanctions targeting Iran's oil sector, the lifeline of the Iranian economy. With the sanctions just beginning to bite, they have expressed optimism that Iran can be persuaded to curb its nuclear ambitions.

On Sunday, Iran's Oil Ministry said it has halted oil shipments to Britain and France in an apparent pre-emptive blow against the European Union. The semiofficial Mehr news agency said the National Iranian Oil Company has sent letters to some European refineries with an ultimatum to either sign long-term contracts of two to five years or be cut off. The 27-nation EU accounts for about 18 percent of Iran's oil exports.

Israel has welcomed the sanctions. But it has pointedly refused to rule out military action and in recent weeks sent signals that its patience is running thin.

Israel believes a nuclear-armed Iran would be a threat to its very existence, citing Iran's support for Arab militant groups, its sophisticated arsenal of missiles capable of reaching Israel and its leaders' calls for the destruction of the Jewish state.

Last week, Israel accused Iran of being behind a string of attempted attacks on Israeli diplomats in India, Georgia and Thailand.

There is precedent for Israeli action. In 1981, the Israeli air force destroyed an unfinished Iraqi nuclear reactor. And in 2007, Israeli warplanes are believed to have destroyed a target that foreign experts think was an unfinished nuclear reactor in Syria.

Experts, however, have questioned how much an Israeli operation would accomplish. With Iran's nuclear installations scattered and buried deep underground, it is believed that an Iranian strike would set back, but not destroy, Iran's nuclear program.

There are also concerns Iran could fire missiles at Israel, get its local proxies Hezbollah and Hamas to launch rockets into the Jewish state, and cause global oil prices to spike by striking targets in the Gulf.

In an interview broadcast on CNN Sunday, Dempsey said Israel has the capability to strike Iran and delay the Iranians "probably for a couple of years. But some of the targets are probably beyond their reach."

He expressed concern that an Israeli attack could spark reprisals against U.S. targets in the Gulf or Afghanistan, where American forces are based.

"That's the question with which we all wrestle. And the reason that we think that it's not prudent at this point to decide to attack Iran," Dempsey said.

Describing Iran as a "rational actor," Dempsey said he believed that the international sanctions on Iran are beginning to have an effect. "For that reason, I think, that we think the current path we're on is the most prudent path at this point."

The arrival of White House National Security Adviser Tom Donilon was the latest in a series of high-level meetings between Israel and the U.S. Last month, Dempsey visited Israel, and next month, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is expected to visit the White House.

Donilon was set to meet with Netanyahu late Sunday, and with Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Monday before leaving.

Asked whether he believed Israel could be deterred from striking, Dempsey said: "I'm confident that they understand our concerns, that a strike at this time would be destabilizing and wouldn't achieve their long-term objectives. But, I mean, I also understand that Israel has national interests that are unique to them."

Hague delivered a similar message in Britain. Speaking to the BBC, he said Britain was focused on pressuring Iran through diplomatic means.

"I don't think a wise thing at this moment is for Israel to launch a military attack on Iran," he said. "I think Israel like everyone else in the world should be giving a real chance to the approach we have adopted on very serious economic sanctions and economic pressure and the readiness to negotiate with Iran."

In a sign that the diplomatic pressure might be working, Iran's foreign minister said Sunday that a new round of talks with six world powers on the nuclear program will be held in Istanbul, Turkey. Ali Akbar Salehi didn't give any timing for the talks.

The last round of talks between Iran and the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council plus Germany were held in Istanbul in January 2011 but ended in failure.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 19/02/2012 | 19:27 uur
Congress subtly pushing US towards Iran war: Report

US Senator Joe Lieberman

Sun Feb 19, 2012 6:6PM GMT

To deny Iran the 'capability' would almost surely require a war between the United States and Iran, a course that some neocons have been quietly desiring for at least the past decade."

Robert Parry, award-winning investigative journalist

The US Congress has officially moved Washington closer to a military confrontation with Tehran by introducing a resolution that subtly shifts the "red line" policy regarding Iran's nuclear program, a columnist says.

"Sen. Joe Lieberman is leading a group of nearly one-third of the US Senate urging that the red line on war with Iran be shifted from building a nuclear weapon to the vague notion of Iran having the "capability" to build one," Robert Parry wrote on on Saturday.

The award-winning investigative journalist and author added that the distinction between Iran's alleged "pursuit of a nuclear weapon" to its alleged "pursuit of a nuclear weapons capability" is a subtle but "important" one.

"The distinction is important because a 'capability' can mean almost anything, since peaceful nuclear research also can be applicable to bomb building."

In a statement published last Thursday on his website, Lieberman announced that 32 senators - both Republicans and Democrats - have banded together to introduce a resolution urging action to prevent Iran from pushing "forward in its pursuit of a nuclear weapons capability."

"By rejecting any policy that would rely on containment of a nuclear-weapons capable Iran, this bi-partisan resolution sends a clear message to Iran's rulers that the United States will stop them from acquiring nuclear weapons capability," the statement continued.

This new shift in Washington's line on the Iranian nuclear program comes as recent comments by US and Israeli military leaders indicate that Mossad and the CIA both agree that Iran has "not" decided to build a nuclear bomb.

US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta admitted in an interview on January 8 that despite progress in its nuclear program, Iran has yet to build a nuclear bomb.

Later on January 18, the Israeli daily Ha'aretz published a report indicating that Tel Aviv is seeking Washington's assessment on Iran.

"Israel believes Iran itself has not yet decided whether to make a nuclear bomb, according to intelligence assessment to be presented later this week to US Joint Chiefs of Staff Dempsey," Ha'aretz wrote.

The United States, Israel, and some of their allies accuse Iran of pursuing military objectives in its nuclear program and have used this pretext to impose international and unilateral sanctions on the Islamic Republic and to call for a military strike against Tehran.

Iran has repeatedly refuted Western allegations, arguing that as a signatory to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency, it is entitled to develop and acquire nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.

"To deny Iran the 'capability' would almost surely require a war between the United States and Iran, a course that some neocons have been quietly desiring for at least the past decade," Parry concluded.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 20/02/2012 | 06:39 uur
Israel to deploy battery of rocket interceptors; Iran stages land military exercises

Monday, 20 February 2012

The decision to site an Iron Dome battery at Tel Aviv comes amid heightened regional tensions and speculation about a possible Israeli attack targeting Iran's controversial nuclear program. (File photo)

By Al Arabiya with Agencies

The Israeli military will on Monday deploy a battery of rocket interceptors from its "Iron Dome" system in the Tel Aviv region, a military spokesman said on Sunday, as Iran began land military exercise to upgrade its capabilities to defend the country against possible external threats.

"Iron Dome is being incorporated into the heart of the Israeli military. As part of this process, the system is deployed in different sites and will be in the Gush Dan region (of Tel Aviv) in the coming days," he said in a statement that clarified the deployment would begin on Monday.

This deployment "is part of the annual training plan for this system," he added, according to AFP.

The decision to site an Iron Dome battery at Tel Aviv comes amid heightened regional tensions and speculation about a possible Israeli attack targeting Iran's controversial nuclear program.

Two Iranian warships also entered the Mediterranean at the weekend, and were within striking distance of Israel.

Israel has denied that a decision has been taken to launch a pre-emptive strike on Iranian nuclear facilities.

The first battery of the unique multi-million-dollar Iron Dome system was deployed last March 27 outside the southern desert city of Beersheva, after it was hit by Grad rockets fired by Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip.

On April 4, the system was also deployed around the southern port city of Ashkelon.

Rocket interception system

The first of its kind in the world and still at the experimental stage, it is not yet able to provide complete protection, but it has successfully brought down several rockets fired from Gaza.

Designed to intercept rockets and artillery shells fired from a range of between four and 70 kilometers (three and 45 miles), Iron Dome is part of an ambitious multi-layered defense program to protect Israeli towns and cities.

Two other systems make up the program -- the Arrow long-range ballistic missile defense system and the so-called David's Sling, or Magic Wand, system, intended to counter medium-range missiles.

Iran's Revolutionary Guard, meanwhile, said it has begun a two-day land military exercise to upgrade its capabilities to defend the country against possible external threats, according to The Associated Press.

Commander of the Guard's ground forces Mohammad Pakpour said on comments posted on the force's website that the maneuvers dubbed Valfajr, or Dawn, began Sunday outside the city of Yazd in central Iran.

The Guard is Iran's most powerful military unit.

The exercises are the latest in a series of maneuvers held amid escalating tensions between Iran and the West over Iran's nuclear program.

The U.S. and Israel have not ruled out military strikes against Iran's program, which they say aims at developing weapons technology. Iran says the program is for peaceful purposes.

IAEA team heads to Iran

Iran, meanwhile, will host a high-level team from the U.N. nuclear watchdog on Monday as part of efforts to defuse dire international tensions over its atomic activities through dialogue.

But other words being spoken in Israel, the United States and Britain -- and Iran's defiant moves to boost its nuclear activities -- underlined the prospect of possible Israeli military action against the Islamic republic.

Iran also signaled on Sunday that it is ready to hit back hard at sanctions threatening its economy, by announcing it has halted its limited oil sales to France and Britain.

Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi said his country was keen to quickly resume mooted talks with world powers, once a place and date were agreed.

The last talks collapsed in Istanbul in January 2011, but Tehran has responded positively to an EU offer to look at reviving them.

"We are looking for a mechanism for a solution for the nuclear issue in a way that it is win-win for both sides," Salehi said.

But he added that Iran remained prepared for a "worst-case scenario."

British Foreign Secretary William Hague warned on the BBC on Sunday: "I don't think the wise thing at this moment is for Israel to launch a military attack on Iran."

Israeli calculations will take into account a Wednesday announcement by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that Iranian scientists are boosting uranium enrichment by adding 3,000 more centrifuges to a facility at Natanz.

Iran also appeared to be about to install thousands of new centrifuges in another, heavily fortified enrichment facility near Qom, a diplomat accredited to the U.N. nuclear watchdog told the BBC.

Iran says the enrichment is part of a purely peaceful civilian nuclear program.

Not optimistic

Mark Fitzpatrick of the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies told AFP he was not optimistic.

He said this was "because I think any honest answers to the IAEA's questions would confirm that Iran had been involved in weapons-related development work and Iran wouldn't want to admit that for fear of being penalized."

A top U.S. security official met Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday amid rising concerns over Iran and ahead of a trip by the Israeli premier to Washington.

Public radio said he and U.S. National Security Advisor Tom Donilon had a two-hour meeting that focused on "regional threats," despite Netanyahu's office refusing to confirm any meeting or to comment, according to AFP.

The White House had said Donilon would discuss a range of issues with senior Israeli officials, including Syria, and an Israeli official had said he would meet Netanyahu on Sunday afternoon.

In recent weeks, there has been feverish speculation that Israel was getting closer to mounting a pre-emptive strike on Iran's nuclear program, though Israel has denied reaching such a decision.

Tensions between Iran and Israel also have been simmering with Iranian warships entering the Mediterranean in a show of "might," a move Israel said it would closely monitor.

Netanyahu said at Sunday's weekly cabinet meeting that on the agenda was a review by defense officials of the state of Israel's civil defense readiness.

"This is part of continuous action we have been taking in recent years in order to prepare Israel for the new age," he said. "An age of threats to the Israeli home front." He did not elaborate.

On Sunday night, Netanyahu spoke to a conference of the presidents of Jewish American organizations, and said Israel faced "four threats."

"The first is nuclear, the second is missiles with many thousands aimed at Israel and its cities, the third is cyber-attacks, the fourth is border infiltration not only by terrorists, but by mainly foreigners who threaten the Jewish nature of our small state."


Israeli media on Sunday quoted a CNN interview with the chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey, warning that an Israeli military strike on Iran would be "destabilizing."

"It's not prudent at this point to decide to attack Iran," the Jerusalem Post quoted him as saying in a transcript of the interview.

"The U.S. government is confident that the Israelis understand our concerns," it quoted Dempsey as saying.

"A strike at this time would be destabilizing and wouldn't achieve (Israel's) long-term objectives."

Israel's former national security adviser Uzi Dayan called Dempsey's choice of words significant.

"I would emphasize Martin Dempsey's use of the phrase 'at this point'," he told public radio, pointing to Iran's latest offer to resume stalled nuclear talks with the five permanent U.N. Security Council members -- the United States, Russia, China, France and Britain -- plus Germany.

Israel is widely believed to be the sole nuclear-armed power in the Middle East, albeit undeclared.

Donilon's visit comes ahead of a trip in early March by Netanyahu to Washington for talks with U.S. President Barack Obama which are likely to focus on Iran and stalled peace talks between Israeli and Palestinian negotiators.

Top-selling Israeli daily Yediot Aharonot said on Sunday that U.S. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper would visit Israel later in the week for talks with defense and intelligence officials.

Both Clapper and Donilon "plan to deliver a calming message, that even if talks are resumed with Iran, this will not be at the expense of the sanctions, which will continue to mount unless Iran puts an immediate halt to its nuclear program and allows serious supervision," the paper said.

It added that Defense Minister Ehud Barak would make a preparatory trip to Washington ahead of Netanyahu.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Tanker op 20/02/2012 | 10:23 uur
Ik kwam wat foto's tegen uit "den ouden doosch" van Iran in de jaren '60 en '70.....wat een verschil met nu.....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 20/02/2012 | 10:46 uur
JERUZALEM - De Verenigde Staten en Groot-Brittannië hebben Israël zondag op het hart gedrukt niet over te gaan tot een aanval op de atoominstallaties van Iran.

Volgens de Amerikaanse stafchef generaal Martin Dempsey en de Britse minister van buitenlandse zaken William Hague zou een aanval ernstige gevolgen hebben voor de gehele regio.

Israël moet volgens hen internationale economische en financiële sancties tegen Iran hun werk laten doen.


Dempsey en Hague noemden een eventuele aanval 'niet verstandig'. Volgens Dempsey zou Israël met een aanval de nucleaire ambities van Iran misschien een paar jaar terug kunnen zetten, maar zullen sommige doelwitten waarschijnlijk buiten het bereik van Israël blijven.

Een aanval zou allerlei gevolgen kunnen hebben voor Amerikaanse doelwitten in het Golfgebied en Afghanistan. Omdat Iran 'rationeel' handelt, denkt Dempsey dat internationale sancties effect zullen sorteren. In een interview met CNN zei Dempsey dat ook Israël zal inzien 'dat een aanval destabiliserend zou zijn en het langetermijndoel niet zou verwezenlijken'.


De Britse minister Hague zei voor de BBC dat Israël de sancties die westerse landen hebben getroffen hun werk moet laten doen.

Ondertussen is de Amerikaanse nationale veiligheidsadviseur Tom Donilon voor besprekingen in Israël aangekomen. Hij zou praten met premier Benjamin Netanyahu en minister van defensie Ehud Barak alvorens maandag weer te vertrekken.


Een delegatie van het Internationaal Atoomenergie Agentschap (IAEA) is maandag in Teheran aangekomen om te spreken over het vooral in westerse ogen omstreden nucleaire programma van het land.

Het is de tweede keer in 3 weken tijd dat een belangrijke delegatie van het IAEA poolshoogte neemt in Iran.

Het IAEA wil vooral weten in hoeverre Iran bereid is in alle openheid te spreken over de activiteiten die het agentschap als mogelijk verdacht inschat. Teheran zou in het geheim aan kernwapens kunnen werken. De Iraanse regering spreekt deze beschuldiging al jaren fel tegen.

Aan het hoofd van de delegatie die 2 dagen in Iran is, staat nucleair inspecteur Herman Nackaerts.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 20/02/2012 | 10:53 uur
Nu is het nog "op het hart drukken". Als Israel echt verder wil dan de sancties zal dit waarschijnlijk worden "wij staan er niet achter".  Het is dus vrijwel zeker dat Israel niet zal aanvallen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Tanker op 20/02/2012 | 11:40 uur

bij deze alsnog......
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 20/02/2012 | 12:01 uur
Citaat van: Tanker op 20/02/2012 | 11:40 uur

bij deze alsnog......

Je moet je wel realiseren dat dat de elite was. Op het platteland was het toen niet veel anders als nu ben ik bang.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 20/02/2012 | 18:37 uur
Netanyahu, Obama schedule Iran meeting

US president, Israeli prime minister to meet in White House on March 5th against backdrop of reports on possible Iran strike; Bibi to arrive in Washington next month for AIPAC conference

Yitzhak Benhorin Published:  02.20.12, 19:26 / Israel News  
WASHINGTON – Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will meet US President Barack Obama in Washington on March 5th, the White House announced Monday.

The meeting between the two leaders will take place against the backdrop of a flurry of reports about the possibility of a military strike on Iran's nuclear facilities.

The president's national security advisor, Tom Donilon, presented Netanyahu with an invitation on behalf of Obama in a meeting in Jerusalem. THe prime minister is scheduled to travel to the American capital early next month in order to appear at AIPAC's annual conference.

President Shimon Peres will also take part in AIPAC's annual event and may meet with Obama at the margins of the conference.

Meanwhile, speculation on a possible strike continues, with American officials and military analysts telling the New York Times that an Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear sites would be a highly complex operation and would require at least 100 planes.

According to the officials, whose assessment was published by the newspaper on Monday, Israeli jets would have to refuel in the air en route, fight off Iran's air defenses and attack multiple underground sites simultaneously.

Meanwhile, Iran announced Monday that its aerial defense forces have embarked on a drill meant to contend with the threats to strike the country's nuclear facilities.

Iranian news agency Fares reported that the drill started in the Bushehr region, where one of Iran's nuclear reactors is located. According to the report, aerial defense forces embarked on "tactical maneuvers in order to boost preparedness for coping with possible threats on the homeland, and especially on its vital and sensitive nuclear centers.",7340,L-4192421,00.html
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 20/02/2012 | 18:42 uur
'Israel will need 100 planes to attack Iran'

February 20, 2012

Israel will need at least 100 fighter planes to strike Iran, a media report said on Monday.

Israeli forces will also have to fly over 1,000 miles above unfriendly airspace should it decide to attack Iran, the Haaretz daily said citing a report in the New York Times.

According to the Times report, American military analysts and defence officials believe an Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear facilities would be a highly complex operation.

It will be different from Israel's 'surgical' strike on Iraq's Osirak reactor in 1981 and also differ from the strike it is believed to have carried out in Syria in 2007.

"All the pundits who talk about 'Oh, yeah, bomb Iran,' it ain't going to be that easy," the report quoted Lt. Gen. David A. Deptula, who retired last year as the US Air Force's top intelligence official, as saying.

The report also cited comments by former CIA director Michael Hayden, who said that Israel is not capable of carrying out airstrikes that would seriously set back Iran's nuclear program, partly due to the distance the aircraft would have to travel.

According to the report, US military analysts believe that Israel will have a serious problem reaching Iran's four major nuclear sites - the urnainum enrichment facilities at Natanz and Fordo, the heavy water reactor near Arak, and the uranium conversion plant near Isfahan.

Israel has three possible routes to those facilities - north over Turkey, south over Saudi Arabia, or a central route across Jordan and Iraq.

US defence analysts believe that the route over Iraq would be preferable, since Iraq effectively has no air defences and the US is no longer defending Iraq's airspace.

According to officials, should Jordan allow Israel to fly over its territory, the next issue for Israel is that the range of its fighter jets falls short of the 2,000-mile round trip.

For this reason, officials say, Israel would need to use airborne refuellers which would need to be protected by more fighter planes, which significantly increases the number of planes needed for the operation.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: VandeWiel op 20/02/2012 | 19:12 uur
Citaat van: deccanchronicle op 20/02/2012 | 18:42 uur
'Israel will need 100 planes to attack Iran'

Hmmm, hoeveel langeafstandsraketten is dat? En nog de acties van Special Forces. 100 kisten is niet per definitie de aanpak. Vergeet ook niet de lange afstands Heron drones. En volgens mij doen 3 EMP's hetzelfde werk mocht Israel het echt als een levensbedreiging zien. Dus ja, als je alleen van vliegtuigen uit gaat. Bovendien zal de actie meerdere dagen duren.

Voor de rest vind ik de hoeveelheid "chatter" zorgwekkend. Dit is niet langer meer gewoon "good guy-bad guy". Maar we zullen het toch niet weten  ;D
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 20/02/2012 | 23:01 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 19/02/2012 | 13:01 uur
De situatie lijkt zich  te beperken tot verbaal  "geweld" als je het mij vraagt. Niemand is ook zo te zien bereid de eerste steen te werpen.

Dat zeg ik, dat gaat ook helemaal niet gebeuren.
Puur omdat Iran het toch nooit zover zal laten komen...
Ze zijn niet debiel in Iran. Dat staatshoofd is natuurlijk een mentaal beperkt wezen maar
ze begrijpen zelf ook wel dat als ze te veel provoceren ze hun eigen land naar de vernieling helpen.

Als er oorlog komt, wordt het een preemptive strike.
Dat zou ik echt hardstikke dom vinden. Het volk in Iran moet die vent eruit wippen..wij niet.
Ik ben echt niet bereid te sterven voor wat olieprijzen en gezeik in de wereld dat in principe enkel gaat om wat macht in een regio waar ik niet in leef. Dit gaat enkel om olie en geld.

Jullie wel dan?

Een oorlog tussen grote idealen is heel wat anders dan een laffe oorlog om macht,geld en olie.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 20/02/2012 | 23:31 uur
Wil overigens ook duidelijk maken dat ik niet bang ben om te knokken, maar als ik ervoor ga. Dan ga ik liever voor iets wat meer betekent dan een kwestie van wie heeft hier de grootste pik in het midden-oosten. Bombardeer het via afstand, prima, het nare effect is dat dit hoe dan ook mensenlevens aan " onze kant"  gaat kosten.

Dat is Iran niet waard.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: VandeWiel op 21/02/2012 | 08:12 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 20/02/2012 | 23:01 uur
Een oorlog tussen grote idealen is heel wat anders dan een laffe oorlog om macht,geld en olie.

Tsja, Japan viel de VS aan vanwege een olie embargo, Duitsland viel Rusland aan in de hoop de Kaukasus te nemen en Irak zag in Kuweit ook wel wat olie inkomsten. En vroeger, lang voor het grootschalig gebruik van olie, gingen de oorlogen om de zoutvoorraden.

Probleem is dat Iran de mogelijkheid heeft om de totale wereldeconomie te doen crashen. En dus ook jouw portemonnee flink te gijzelen. Wil je dat wel toelaten?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: VandeWiel op 21/02/2012 | 08:22 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 20/02/2012 | 23:31 uur
Wil overigens ook duidelijk maken dat ik niet bang ben om te knokken, maar als ik ervoor ga. Dan ga ik liever voor iets wat meer betekent dan een kwestie van wie heeft hier de grootste pik in het midden-oosten. Bombardeer het via afstand, prima, het nare effect is dat dit hoe dan ook mensenlevens aan " onze kant"  gaat kosten.

Dat is Iran niet waard.

Mocht het zover komen zullen er in Iran misschien ook wel tot 100.000 slachtoffers vallen. Dat zou het ook niet waard moeten zijn. En met alleen op afstand bombarderen zal je het met Iran niet redden. Alleen al een marine inzet is essentieel.

Ik zie op dit moment heel veel acties van zaken die eerst geregeld moeten worden. Griekenland lijk gestabiliseerd, Syrie wordt verder verzwakt, Iran wordt uitgesloten van de wereldhandel om zo de impact van een directe stop van handel met Iran te beperken.

In Syrie wordt niet ingegrepen omdat het misschien wel nog gewoon te vroeg is. Als Syrie van binnen uit voldoende verzwakt is zal dat ook een minder belangrijke factor zijn zodra het begint.

Ik lees met veel interesse vandaag de berichten die alle chatter over een aanval door Israel juist weer ontkrachten. Zo maar ineens uit verschillende hoeken. Daaruit haal je dat de berichten over Amerikaanse druk georchestreerd zijn om de opstartende sancties extra impact te geven door een geloofwaardige dreiging. Als dat zo is hebben we nog steeds tot juli om diplomatie te laten werken.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Tanker op 21/02/2012 | 09:28 uur
Van mij mogen ze het vandaag nog "regelen" daar, het is effe crisis dan.
Maar daar zitten we toch al in, en de olie prijzen zijn toch al hoog.

Dit door laten etteren heeft geen zin, Iran wilt geen concessies doen en zachte heelmeesters maken nu eenmaal stinkende wonden....

We moeten met zijn alleen gaan wachten en hopen dat ze geen Atoombom aan het produceren zijn ergens onder een berg, dat zal de oplossing zijn....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 21/02/2012 | 10:35 uur
IAEA-team bezoekt geen nucleaire complexen in Iran

Laatste update:  21 februari 2012 09:56 info.

TEHERAN - Inspecteurs van het Internationaal Atoomenergie Agentschap zullen in Iran geen nucleaire faciliteiten bezoeken.

Er wordt alleen met de autoriteiten in Teheran gesproken. Dat heeft het Iraanse ministerie van buitenlandse zaken dinsdag gezegd.

De inspecteurs voeren overleg in Teheran om de samenwerking met het IAEA te 'versnellen', zei woordvoerder van het ministerie Ramin Mehmanparast.

Het tweedaagse bezoek van de inspecteurs begon maandag en is het tweede in een maand tijd. Het overleg vindt plaats in het kader van de toenemende ongerustheid over de mogelijke ontwikkeling van een Iraans kernwapen.

De Iraanse radio meldde maandag dat het team van inspecteurs had gevraagd om een militair complex in de buurt van Teheran te bezoeken. Toen al werd niet verwacht dat hier toestemming voor zou worden gegeven.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 21/02/2012 | 10:37 uur
Iran Warships Return from Syria via Suez

by Naharnet Newsdesk

Two Iranian warships sent by Tehran to the Mediterranean last week to help "train the Syrian navy" entered the Suez canal early on Tuesday on their way back to Iran, a canal authorities source told Agence France Presse.

The ships, a destroyer and supply vessel, came from the Syrian port of Tartus and were heading south towards the Red Sea, the source said, adding that they were due to complete their transit of the canal by Tuesday afternoon.

Their arrival in Tartus, announced by Iranian state media on Monday, came amid heightened tensions between Iran and Israel, fuelled by a longstanding row over Tehran's nuclear program, and as unrest continues to rock Syria.

Speculation has been rising that Israel might launch air strikes against Iranian atomic facilities.

Iran is a key ally of President Bashar Assad, and accuses Israel and the West of seeking to destabilize Syria, where activists say the regime's 11-month crackdown on pro-democracy activists has left more than 6,000 people dead.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: ARM-WAP op 21/02/2012 | 11:31 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 21/02/2012 | 10:37 uur
The ships, a destroyer and supply vessel...
Iemand enige foto's gevonden van deze "destroyer"?
Vorige keer ging het om de Kharg (de bevoorrader) en een Alvand fregat.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 21/02/2012 | 12:31 uur
Iran threatens pre-emptive action amid nuclear tensions

'If we feel our enemies want to endanger Iran's national interests, and want to decide to do that, we will act without waiting for their actions'
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 21/02/2012 | 12:58 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 21/02/2012 | 12:31 uur
Iran threatens pre-emptive action amid nuclear tensions

'If we feel our enemies want to endanger Iran's national interests, and want to decide to do that, we will act without waiting for their actions'

Iran is dol op een potje pokeren...........oppassen dat zij niet te hoog inzetten  :confused:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 22/02/2012 | 07:42 uur
The Playbook for an Israeli Airstrike on Iran's Nuclear Facilities

Thanks to a host of military analysts, cartographers, and TV graphics departments, we have plenty of ideas about how an Israeli airstrike on Iran's nuclear facilities would be carried out.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 22/02/2012 | 15:36 uur
IAEA weg uit Iran - en wat nu?

Sacha Kester − 22/02/12, 13:36

Inspecteur Herman Nackaerts van het IAEA arriveert op de luchthaven in Wenen na zijn verblijf in Iran. © afp

De oorlogsretoriek was al niet van de lucht, maar nu de inspecteurs van het Internationaal Atoomenergie Agentschap (IAEA) uit Iran zijn vertrokken omdat ze een militaire installatie niet mochten bezoeken, neemt de spanning toe.
De inspecteurs hebben twee dagen met Teheran onderhandeld, maar ze mochten een militair complex in Parchin (enkele tientallen kilometers ten zuidoosten van Teheran) niet bezoeken. Vermoed wordt dat deze installatie een belangrijke rol speelt in het kernwapenprogramma van Iran.

Daarmee neemt de spanning rond Iran toe. In de Verenigde Staten en Israël pleiten sommigen voor militair ingrijpen voordat het 'te laat' is. Zij geloven dat Iran immuun is voor internationale druk, en dat Teheran alleen maar wil onderhandelen om tijd te rekken zodat ze een wapen kunnen ontwikkelen.

Tegelijkertijd is iedereen het er over eens dat de risico's van militair ingrijpen enorm zijn. Vermoedelijk wordt het Iraanse nucleaire programma er alleen maar mee vertraagd, en niet gestopt. Waarschijnlijk komen er veel onschuldige Iraanse burgers bij om het leven en de kans is groot dat een aanval op Iran de hele regio destabiliseert en de belangen van de Verenigde Staten over de hele wereld schaadt.

Vijf vragen aan Ko Colijn, defensiedeskundige en directeur van Instituut Clingendael

Waarom zou Iran inspecteurs weghouden bij die militaire installatie? Is dit niet een teken dat Teheran echt iets te verbergen heeft?
'Het is onderdeel van een politiek spel. Teheran houdt zich aan de minimale inspectieregels en als de internationale gemeenschap meer wil zien, zal deze zelf over de brug moeten komen en Iran moeten toestaan aan vreedzame nucleaire energie te werken. Die onderhandelingstroef geeft Teheran niet zomaar prijs.'

Wat betekent dit op de korte termijn?
'Het leidt in ieder geval tot een negatief rapport van het IAEA, waarin weer zal staan dat 'niet met zekerheid is vastgesteld dat het Iraanse programma alleen voor civiele doeleinden bedoeld is'. Er zal zeker politieke druk op de IAEA worden uitgeoefend om de tekst zo scherp mogelijk te formuleren, wat landen weer slagkracht geeft om voor bijvoorbeeld zwaardere sancties te pleiten. Maar ze kunnen niet schrijven dat Teheran daadwerkelijk probeert om kernwapens te ontwikkelen, en dat weet Iran.'

Israël zegt precies te willen weten wat er in Iran gebeurt en niet te willen wachten tot het te laat is om nog in te grijpen. Een dergelijk rapport zal Tel Aviv niet bepaald gerust stellen.
'Het is een soort pokerspel. De Israëlische premier Benjamin Netanyahu dreigt Iran aan te vallen, met of zonder de Verenigde Staten, en de Amerikaanse president Barack Obama wil daar niet in meegesleept worden. Het helpt echter niet dat er dit jaar verkiezingen worden gehouden. Daardoor kan Obama niet met de vuist op tafel slaan en tegen Netanyahu zeggen dat de VS geen aanval op Iran willen, en hem ook niet steunen als Tel Aviv zelf actie onderneemt. Dan zou Obama de president worden die Israël in de steek laat, en om die reden zou hij de verkiezingen prompt verliezen.

Obama zoekt dan ook steun bij bondgenoten en vroeg hij de Britse William Hague bijvoorbeeld om er ook iets over te zeggen. Het zou ook Nederland, met zijn pro-Israëlische houding, zeker niet misstaan om zich hier zorgen over te maken. '

Waarom staan de Amerikanen positief tegenover militair ingrijpen? Na ruim tien jaar oorlog zijn ze blij dat ze weg zijn uit Irak, willen ze zo snel mogelijk weg uit Afghanistan, en toch keurt 58 procent van de Amerikanen militair ingrijpen in Iran goed, volgens een peiling van het Pew Research Center die deze maand is gehouden.
'Er is altijd hoop op een goede, gemakkelijke oorlog, en door Libië denken mensen dat het mogelijk is om een oorlog te winnen met alleen maar luchtbombardementen. Waarom zou dat in Iran niet lukken? Ik denk niet dat de Amerikanen ook bereid zouden zijn om grondtroepen in te zetten.'

Is de kans reëel dat Israël op eigen houtje actie onderneemt?
'Ik sluit dat zeker niet uit - ik schat dat die kans dertig of veertig procent groot is. Maar die angst is weer hét drukmiddel van Netanyahu om de internationale gemeenschap tot scherpere sancties te dwingen. En daar is Iran zeker gevoelig voor: een volledige olieboycot en een stop van alle geldtransacties zou funest zijn voor het land. Naast alle retoriek voor de bühne, probeert Iran achter de schermen mensen aan de onderhandelingstafel te krijgen.'
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 22/02/2012 | 23:37 uur
VS: Iran schuldig aan mislukken nucleaire besprekingen

door Pim van den Dool

Iran is schuldig aan het mislukken van de nucleaire besprekingen met atoomwaakhond IAEA van de afgelopen dagen. Dat hebben de Verenigde Staten vanavond gezegd. Iran zelf liet intussen weten gewoon door te gaan met zijn nucleaire programma.

De besprekingen tussen Iran en het IAEA liepen gisteren op een mislukking uit, onder meer omdat een delegatie van het IAEA geen toestemming van Iran kreeg voor een bezoek aan de militaire faciliteit van Parchin waar proeven zouden zijn genomen in verband met de ontwikkeling van een nucleaire wapenkop. Het IAEA noemde dat teleurstellend, "want we wilden constructieve gesprekken voeren".

De Verenigde Staten, die Iran ervan verdenken aan kernwapens te werken, spraken vanavond hun teleurstelling uit over het mislukken van de besprekingen, maar gaven Iran daarvan de schuld. Het feit dat het IAEA geen toegang kreeg tot de faciliteit van Parchin toont volgens de Amerikanen aan dat de Iraniërs hun gedrag "als het gaat om het nakomen van hun internationale verplichtingen" niet hebben veranderd. De opperste leider van Iran, ayatollah Khamenei, zei vanochtend dat Iran door zal gaan met zijn nucleaire programma, maar "geen atoomwapen nastreeft".

Rusland: aanval Israël op Iran zou 'catastrofe' zijn

Verwacht wordt dat door het mislukken van het overleg de spanning tussen Iran en internationale mogendheden als de VS en Israël nog verder oploopt. Deze beide landen sluiten het gebruik van geweld niet uit als steeds zwaardere economische sancties niet werken. Rusland stelde vandaag dat er geen gehaaste conclusies over het nucleaire programma van Iran moeten worden getrokken en waarschuwde dat een militaire aanval van Israël "catastrofaal" zou zijn voor de regio. De Israëlische minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Lieberman reageerde door te zeggen dat Israël zelf zal beslissen over een eventuele aanval:

"...met alle respect voor de Verenigde Staten en Rusland, het is hun zaak niet. De veiligheid van Israël en zijn inwoners en de toekomst van Israël zijn de verantwoordelijkheid van de Israëlische regering."
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 22/02/2012 | 23:41 uur
Israël schuift waarschuwingen over Iran terzijde

Laatste update:  22 februari 2012 20:11 info.

JERUZALEM - Israël zal niet buigen onder druk van het Westen bij het nemen van een beslissing over een aanval op Iran.

Dat heeft de Israëlische minister van buitenlandse zaken Avigdor Lieberman in een interview met de Israëlische tv-zender Channel 2 gezegd.

In het interview werd gesuggereerd dat waarschuwingen van de Verenigde Staten en Rusland om geen aanval uit te voeren op Iran gevolgen hebben voor de beslissing van Israël. Lieberman wees dit direct van de hand en noemde het 'niet hun zaak'.

Hij verklaarde dat de 'veiligheid van Israëlische burgers en de toekomst van de staat Israël de verantwoordelijk van de Israëlische regering zijn'.

Israël vreest dat Iran een kernwapen ontwikkelt. Teheran ontkent dit echter met klem. De afgelopen tijd heeft Israël meerdere keren laten doorschemeren dat het mogelijk een aanval op het Iraanse atoomprogramma gaat uitvoeren. De Verenigde Staten menen dat een Israëlische aanval op Iran 'niet verstandig' is.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: VandeWiel op 23/02/2012 | 08:07 uur
En ondertussen is het gewoon een spel van blufpoker geworden waarbij Iran er gewoon vanuit gaat dat ze toch niet kan verliezen...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 23/02/2012 | 09:03 uur
Analysis: Hyper-speculation over Iran

By HERB KEINON02/23/2012 03:20

There's way too much talking going on, quite possibly indicating that the shooting isn't as close as the media would have us fear.
By Reuters

To read the headlines and watch the news these days is to walk away with a distinct feeling that the US and Israel are at loggerheads over Iran.

"Senior administration officials are arriving to pressure Israel," read the overline to a front page Yediot Aharonot headline Sunday.

Two days later the same paper, reporting on the White House's announcement of a March 5 meeting between US President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu that has been in the works for weeks, headlined their page-two story as follows: "The pressure reaches the presidential level."

And Yediot Aharonot is not alone by far. The media hysteria of a few months ago about an impending Israeli attack on Iran has now given way to media hysteria about a crisis in US-Israeli relations over how to deal with Iran. The surprise visit over the weekend by White House National Security Adviser Tom Donilon only fed the frenzy.

Donilon's visit was, indeed, rare. Obama's top foreign policy adviser does not fly in unannounced for high-level meetings every day. And even if his visit did come fast on the heels of trips to the US by Defense Minister Ehud Barak, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman and Mossad chief Tamir Pardo – as well as a visit here by US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Martin Dempsey – the very fact that Donilon did come for a visit does not necessarily signal tension or US pressure.

Donilon's visit was extremely hush-hush. Neither Israeli nor American officials reported anything about the discussions. No one outside of the participants, in truth, really knows what was said and what messages were passed on. And those who do know are not telling.

While the conventional wisdom is that Donilon's talks with his Israeli interlocutors were dedicated to pressuring Israel to refrain from an attack, for all we know, he was mapping out flight routes into Iran with his counterparts.

That no one knows what was really discussed, however, need not get in the way of whipping up an Iran-related frenzy.

Truth be told, Dempsey fed the hysteria with a CNN interview Sunday in which he stated, "We think that it's not prudent at this time to decide to attack Iran. I mean that's been our counsel to our allies, the Israelis, well-known, well-documented."

There are two telling factors in this comment.

Firstly, that the US does not think it is prudent "at this time" to attack. As Intelligence Agencies Minister Dan Meridor noted, that could mean the US will think it is prudent at another time.

Secondly, no one in Israel has said they think it is prudent to attack at this point either.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said in Cyprus last Thursday that the sanctions have not worked thus far. That does not mean Israel is saying they will not work, or cannot work; only that so far the world is imposing sanctions, and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is paying high-profile visits to his centrifuge halls. Saying they have not worked is a lot different than maintaining that they will not be effective, and Netanyahu pointedly did not say Israel would not give them a chance.

Israel and the West are locked in a dangerous dance with Iran. Only a handful of people on the Israeli and US side really know what is going on, and what messages are truly being conveyed between the sides. The rest is speculation.

Even US Senator John McCain (R-Arizona), when talking Tuesday in Jerusalem about "daylight" and "tension" between the US and Israel on the matter, was relying on media reports, having not been privy – by his own acknowledgment – to inside information from the meetings.

And if the crisis is indeed exaggerated, there may be a good reason why. Despite conventional wisdom that it is critical that Israel and the US are on the same page on this issue, perhaps it is beneficial if Iran actually perceives that there is "daylight" between the two allies. Maybe this will keep them guessing as to what Israel will do.

If one man sees someone else coming in his direction with a pitbull on a leash, it is good if he knows the leash is tight. All this noise might be to get the Iranians wondering whether the US does indeed have a tight leash on Israel. And if not, maybe Jerusalem really will attack.

When engaging in speculation – and all talk about an Israeli attack, and tension between the US and Israel at this point, is speculation – it would be wise to keep the following in mind: When Israel, according to foreign reports, took out a nascent nuclear installation in Syria in September 2007, no one had any inkling of what was going to happen beforehand, and no one knew about it for days afterward. Not until the Turkish media reported that fuel tanks jettisoned from Israeli fighter jets were found in Turkish territory did it become known that Israel had struck inside Syria.

Which only proves the dictum from the classic 1966 spaghetti western, "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly": "When you have to shoot: shoot. Don't talk." There is way too much talking going on, quite possibly an indication that the shooting is not as close as the media frenzy would have us fear.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 23/02/2012 | 12:32 uur
Citaat van: op 22/02/2012 | 23:41 uur

JERUZALEM - Israël zal niet buigen onder druk van het Westen bij het nemen van een beslissing over een aanval op Iran.

Nou trek de stoute schoenen aan en gaan met de banaan zou ik zeggen. Probeer het dan zonder backup......... :hrmph:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 23/02/2012 | 18:57 uur
Als ze dan raketten om de oren krijgen gaan ze weer eens huilie huilie over hoe ze het zielige weerloze slachtoffer van de boze terroristen doen en mogen wij het vuile werk weer opknappen :hrmph:.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 24/02/2012 | 21:41 uur
IAEA: Iran verrijkt meer uranium
De Iraanse kerninstallatie in Natanz
Foto: EPA Toegevoegd: vrijdag 24 feb 2012, 19:09

Iran heeft de productie van verrijkt uranium de afgelopen vier maanden opgevoerd. Dat staat in een rapport van het Internationaal Atoomenergieagentschap (IAEA).

Het land heeft de uraniumproductie volgens het IAEA verdriedubbeld. De kwaliteit van het verrijkte uranium zou in de buurt komen van het niveau waarmee een atoombom kan worden gemaakt.

In het rapport worden ook zorgen geuit over een onbekende hoeveelheid vermist uranium. Iran kan volgens het IAEA geen geloofwaardige verklaring geven voor die vermissing. Buitenlandse diplomaten zeggen dat het vermiste uranium kan worden gebruikt bij experimenten met kernwapens.

Woensdag vertrokken inspecteurs van de IAEA na twee dagen zonder resultaat uit Iran. Ze wilden onder meer een militaire basis in Parchin bezoeken, maar kregen geen toestemming van de autoriteiten.

Het Westen vreest dat Iran het nucleaire programma gebruikt om een kernwapen te ontwikkelen. Iran zelf zegt dat het de nucleaire installaties gebruikt om kernenergie op te wekken.

Bron: NOS
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Tanker op 24/02/2012 | 22:47 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 23/02/2012 | 18:57 uur
Als ze dan raketten om de oren krijgen gaan ze weer eens huilie huilie over hoe ze het zielige weerloze slachtoffer van de boze terroristen doen en mogen wij het vuile werk weer opknappen :hrmph:.

"Wij" ?, wij hebben geen leger meer, dus van ons hoeven ze weinig te verwachten.......misschien een verdwaalde mijnenveger en een patriot batterij...... :'(
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 24/02/2012 | 22:54 uur
Citaat van: Tanker op 24/02/2012 | 22:47 uur
"Wij" ?, wij hebben geen leger meer, dus van ons hoeven ze weinig te verwachten.......misschien een verdwaalde mijnenveger en een patriot batterij...... :'(

Nog...  :sick:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 24/02/2012 | 23:35 uur
Citaat van: Tanker op 24/02/2012 | 22:47 uur
"Wij" ?, wij hebben geen leger meer, dus van ons hoeven ze weinig te verwachten.......misschien een verdwaalde mijnenveger en een patriot batterij...... :'(

Dat spreek ik niet tegen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 25/02/2012 | 11:37 uur
Pumping arms: Pentagon's bigger stick to beat Iran

Published: 25 February, 2012, 13:43

Pentagon wants $100 million extra to be prepared for a war with Iran. The money, requested from the Congress, is to beef up US military presence in the Persian Gulf and rapidly upgrade weapons to more effectively combat Iranian armed forces.

US Central Command, which oversees American forces in the Gulf region, wants them prepared to defeat the Iranian fleet and shore artillery. They also want additional drone capabilities and mine swiping equipment to clear the Strait of Hormuz, should Iran act to set mines there as it threatened to, reports The Wall Street Journal.

As part of the push, US spec-op team stationed in the United Arab Emirates has also been ordered to be prepared to take parting in military action in the region, the newspapers says citing defense sources. The unit is currently training elite forces of the UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait and other US allies in the region.

The Pentagon submitted the request for extra funding on February 7, saying it is needed "bridge near-term capability gaps" in the Persian Gulf. The request is yet to be made officially public after lawmakers review it.

It comes on top of changes made last summer that provided Central Command with about $200 million for additional upgrades, some of which could be used in areas outside the Gulf region. The earlier request asked money for a torpedo defense system, airborne anti-mine weapons and new cyber weapons. It was approved by the Congress.

The Iranian Navy deploys relatively small fast-moving heavily armed vessels. US naval forces have been made to fight against larger targets and may lag in efficiency against Iranian, American military planners believe. To close the gap, US warships would need to be equipped with rapid-fire machine guns, anti-tank weapons and smaller caliber guns.

The planned upgrade comes on top of the nearly $82 million program to improve the Massive Ordnance Penetrator, the largest bunker-buster bomb deployed by the Pentagon. The weapon may be used against Iranian fortified sites, but some experts believed the bomb would not be good enough to destroy those.

Tension has been building rapidly over the months over Iranian controversial nuclear program. The US and its allies accuse Tehran of secretly developing a nuclear weapon under the guise of civilian research, an allegation the Islamic Republic denies. There is no conclusive proof of the allegation, and even US intelligence doubts Iranian nuclear ambitions. Nevertheless, the US and the EU issued sanctions against Iranian oil exports in a bid to put leverage on the country.

There is speculation that Israel may launch an attack on Iranian military facilities in a pre-emptive strike. Tehran threatened to respond with military force against such an attack. It also said in case of a conflict it would block the Strait of Hormuz, through which some 20 per cent of all world's traded crude passes.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 25/02/2012 | 11:41 uur
Attacking Iran leads to Israel's disintegration: Vahidi

Iran's Defense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi

Sat Feb 25, 2012 10:2AM GMT

Iran's Defense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi says Tel Aviv's attack against the Islamic Republic will undoubtedly result in the disintegration of Israel.

"The Zionist regime [of Israel] is on the verge of dissolution... a military attack by the Zionist regime will undoubtedly lead to the collapse of this regime," Vahidi said on Thursday.

"Israeli officials' remarks about launching an attack against Iran are ridicules," the Iranian defense minister added.

Vahidi said the Islamic Awakening in the Middle East and North Africa was a result of Hezbollah's 33-day and Palestine's 22-day resistance wars against Israel.

The comments come as Israeli officials have recently ramped up their war rhetoric against Iran over its peaceful nuclear activities.

On February 2, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak warned that if the Western sanctions imposed against Tehran fail to stop its nuclear program, military action against the country must be put on agenda.

The United States, Israel and some of their allies accuse Tehran of pursuing military objectives in its nuclear program and have used this pretext to impose sanctions against Iran.

Iran has refuted the allegations, arguing that as a committed signatory to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and member of the International Atomic Energy Agency, it has the right to use nuclear technology for peaceful use.

Iranian officials have promised a crushing response to any military strike against the country, warning that any such measure could result in a war that would spread beyond the Middle East.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 25/02/2012 | 12:09 uur
Citaat van: NOS op 24/02/2012 | 21:41 uur
Iran heeft de productie van verrijkt uranium de afgelopen vier maanden opgevoerd.

Het land heeft de uraniumproductie volgens het IAEA verdriedubbeld.

In het rapport worden ook zorgen geuit over een onbekende hoeveelheid vermist uranium.

en dan, na deze bevindingen en conclusie.................

Woensdag vertrokken inspecteurs van de IAEA na twee dagen zonder resultaat uit Iran.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: VandeWiel op 25/02/2012 | 13:07 uur
En blijkbaar is die hoeveelheid al sinds augustus "kwijt" :

IAEA: Iran uranium 'discrepancy' still unresolved

US said issue of "discrepancy" in quantity of uranium, discovered last August, requires immediate resolution; experts say missing nuclear material could be relevant to weapons-linked tests.

UN inspectors have sought information from Iran to help explain the issue after their inventory last August of natural uranium metal and process waste at the research facility in Tehran measured 19.8 kg less than the laboratory's count.

Experts say such a small quantity of natural uranium could not be used for a bomb, but that the metal could be relevant to weapons-linked tests.

Gelukkig blijkbaar nog niet genoeg om een "life" test te doen, mocht het tot een treffen komen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 25/02/2012 | 13:22 uur
 U.S. Bulks Up Iran Defenses

Pentagon Plans New Sea, Land Measures to Counter Any Attempt to Close Persian Gulf Oil Gateway

The Pentagon is beefing up U.S. sea- and land-based defenses in the Persian Gulf to counter any attempt by Iran to close the Strait of Hormuz.

The U.S. military has notified Congress of plans to preposition new mine-detection and clearing equipment and expand surveillance capabilities in and around the strait, according to defense officials briefed on the requests, including one submitted earlier this month.

The military also wants to quickly modify weapons systems on ships so they could be used against Iranian fast-attack boats, as well as shore-launched cruise missiles, the defense officials said.

The readiness push is spearheaded by the military's Central Command, which oversees U.S. forces in the Gulf region, these officials said. It shows the extent to which war planners are taking tangible steps to prepare for a possible conflict with Iran, even as top White House and defense leaders try to tamp down talk of war and emphasize other options.

The changes put a spotlight on what officials have singled out as potential U.S. shortcomings in the event of conflict with Iran. The head of Central Command, Marine Gen. James Mattis, asked for the equipment upgrades after reviews by war planners last spring and fall exposed "gaps" in U.S. defense capabilities and military preparedness should Tehran close the Strait of Hormuz, officials said.

The Central Command reviews, in particular, have fueled concerns about the U.S. military's ability to respond swiftly should Iran mine the strait, through which nearly 20% of the world's traded oil passes.

"When the enemy shows more signs of capability, we ask what we can do to checkmate it," a U.S. military officer said. "They ought to know we take steps to make sure we are ready."

Tensions with Iran have soared as the U.S. and its allies have tightened sanctions against the country over its nuclear program. Tehran has responded by threatening to close the strait. Israel has accused Iran of being behind a recent series of botched bombing plots targeting Israeli diplomats, a charge Iran denies. Iranian officials, in turn, accuse Israel and the U.S. of conducting a secret campaign to assassinate scientists working on Iran's nuclear program. The U.S. has denied the accusation, while Israel has declined to comment.

New suspicions over Iran's nuclear ambitions emerged Friday. In a report, the International Atomic Energy Agency, the United Nations' nuclear watchdog, said Iran has increased its stockpile of uranium that is enriched beyond the purity level needed for civilian power reactors, and begun producing it under a mountain of rock and soil that some U.S. and Israeli officials say could be immune from attack.

Iran denies it is trying to build atomic weapons. It refused this week to allow U.N. inspectors access to suspected weapons sites, adding doubts to prospects for negotiations.

The U.S. is concerned that Israel—which believes that Tehran will soon be able to assemble a weapon, and that time is running short to stop the bid—may choose to strike Iran by this autumn to stymie such a program. That, defense officials worry, could provoke retaliation that could prompt U.S. military action to defend its troops and key allies, and to keep the Strait of Hormuz open.

The U.S. moves outline the potential shape of a conflict between Iran and the West: Iran could rapidly mine the strait and use heavily armed speedboats to attack or ram Western ships trying to clear the waterway. A successful Iranian attack on a U.S. warship could drag America into a larger conflict.

Central Command officials have told lawmakers they want the new mine-detection systems fielded before this fall, according to defense officials, underlining the urgency of preparedness.

In addition, U.S. special-operations teams stationed in the United Arab Emirates would take part in any military action in the strait should Iran attempt to close it, defense officials said. A military official said these forces have been working to train elite local forces in Gulf nations including the U.A.E., Bahrain and Kuwait, but added: "They would be used in the event of active operations."

According to defense officials, the Pentagon submitted a request to Congress on Feb. 7 on behalf of Central Command seeking to reallocate $100 million in defense funding to "bridge near-term capability gaps" in the Persian Gulf.

The request has yet to be made public because it is still being studied by lawmakers, defense officials said. The money will be used to upgrade patrol craft and unmanned drones, as well as to add small arms on surface ships, the officials said.

Congress was told the money was urgently needed, according to an official briefed on the plan. "You can buy it and deploy it rapidly," the official said.

The new money comes on top of changes made last summer that provided Central Command with about $200 million for additional upgrades, some of which could be used in areas outside the Persian Gulf, defense officials said. The earlier request, which included money for a torpedo defense system, airborne antimine weapons and new cyber-weapons, was made by defense officials and backed without fanfare by Congress.

That request also included additional deployments of the SeaFox underwater drone, which is launched from a helicopter and uses a warhead to destroy mines. The system was deemed "an urgent operational need" by the U.S. Fifth Fleet, according to Navy officials.

The Pentagon and other U.S. agencies generally submit such reprogramming requests when they can't wait until the next fiscal year. The Pentagon started making some adjustments as early as a year ago, but those didn't require reprogramming.

The Pentagon told Congress that some of the new money would be used to modify existing weapons systems to be used against seaborne threats in the Persian Gulf and, specifically, the Strait of Hormuz.

Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard deploys some of the fastest naval vessels in the Persian Gulf. These craft may be small—only 17 meters, or 56 feet, long in some cases—but they can carry machine guns, torpedoes and the Iranian-made "Kowsar" antiship cruise missile. Some can reach speeds of 60 to 70 knots, according to U.S. military intelligence analysts.

Antitank weapons are being reconfigured for use against swarms of these boats that could threaten U.S. warships, the Pentagon told Congress. Similarly, rapid-fire machine guns designed to shoot down missiles are being tested for use against small boats.

Pentagon war planners believe the addition of smaller-caliber guns would quickly make U.S. destroyers, which were designed mainly to fight other large ships, more effective against the Iranian craft.

"We are using capabilities we already have in a different way," a senior defense official said.

The additional money for equipment upgrades is on top of the nearly $82 million the Pentagon sought in January to improve its largest conventional bunker-buster bomb, the 30,000-pound Massive Ordnance Penetrator.

The bomb, officials said, was designed to take out bunkers like those used by Iran to protect its most sensitive nuclear development work.

Western intelligence agencies had long suspected that the Iranian navy had between 2,000 and 3,000 mines, largely of Soviet or Chinese origin. But new intelligence suggests Iran may have as many as 5,000, including newer types that may be more powerful and harder to detect.

U.S. forces would also need to contend with Iran's coastal air-defense system, shore-based artillery, Kilo-class and midget submarines, remote-controlled boats and unmanned kamikaze aerial vehicles, according to current and former U.S. officials.

The U.S. Navy has 14 minesweepers, three of which are stationed in Bahrain. Mackenzie Eaglen, a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, said U.S. minesweeping capabilities have slipped because the military has deferred critical maintenance, a shortcoming it is "working overtime" to address.

WSJ, FEBRUARY 25, 2012
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 25/02/2012 | 22:10 uur
Nou als het poep wordt, dan gaan ze achteraf wensen de goalkeeper te hebben gehad ipv de Phalanx.
Er staan nogal wat raketten gemikt op die schepen vermoed ik,
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 26/02/2012 | 11:08 uur
Only burning White House will compensate for burning Quran:

Iran military official

Sunday, 26 February 2012

In a move likely to irk tension between Iran and United States, a top Iranian military commander said on Saturday that nothing short of burning the White House and hanging American military commanders can compensate for the burning of Qurans at a U.S. military base in Afghanistan last week.

"The U.S. has committed such an ugly act and burnt Qurans because of the heavy slap it has been given by Islam," commander of Iran's Basij force, Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Naqdi told the semi-official Fars news agency.

U.S. President Barack Obama wrote a letter of apology to his Afghan counterpart Hamid Karzai on Thursday, in an effort to quell furor among Afghans who have been protesting for five days after charred remains of the Muslim holy book was found at the Bagram air base outside of Kabul.

However in response to Obama's apology, Nagdi said "nothing but burning the White House can relieve the wound on us, the Muslims, caused by burning the Quran."

"Their apology can be accepted only by hanging their commanders; hanging their commanders means an apology," he added.

According to Fars, Nagdi stressed that Muslims can no longer give consent to U.S. apologies, since the Americans have made numerous mistakes in Afghanistan and continue to so only to then offer an apology and "this is simply not acceptable."

Nagdi's comments came after two U.S. military advisers took the death toll from raging anti-U.S. protests in Afghanistan to around 30.

The Taliban claimed responsibility for Saturday's shooting, saying it was in revenge for the burning of Qurans

Karzai issued a statement urging demonstrators and Afghan security forces to exercise restraint, saying the government was pressing Washington "on the need to bring to justice the perpetrators of the crime".

On Friday, the prayer leader in Tehran said the burning of the Quran was intentional and proves American aggression towards Islam.

"Based on reports by reporters, this was an intentional move prompted by the hatred of American statement for Islam," Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami said.

"I announced with a loud voice, the world should know that the U.S. administration is hostile to Islam; Americans' insult was not a mistake, rather deliberately because Washington rulers are hostile to Islam."

On Saturday, Karzai issued a statement urging demonstrators and Afghan security forces to exercise restraint, saying the government was pressing Washington "on the need to bring to justice the perpetrators of the crime."

Ook een manier om de (Amerikaanse) publieke opinie nog verder tegen je te krijgen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 26/02/2012 | 12:05 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 26/02/2012 | 11:08 uur
Ook een manier om de (Amerikaanse) publieke opinie nog verder tegen je te krijgen.

Iran voelt zich zo zeker van haar zaak dat het land zich dergelijke uitspraken kan permitteren, of denkt dit te kunnen doen. Zuigen en sarren in de wetenschap dat er toch geen actie ondernomen zal worden. Voor de publieke opinie in Iran is het in ieder geval positief.

De publieke opinie in de VS zal op dit moment eerder bepaald worden door de prijs van brandstof dan  door een paar kreten vanuit Iran.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 26/02/2012 | 12:08 uur
Het lijkt me overduidelijk dat dit een poging is om de islamitische wereld wat meer aan de Iraanse kant te krijgen in het conflict met de Amerikanen (en Israel). En het zou me niets verbazen als ze daar (deels) meer en meer in gaan slagen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 26/02/2012 | 12:20 uur
Lijkt mij ook voor de hand liggend. Er zijn zijn inmiddels twee duidelijke voorbeelden hoe het een Islamitisch land  vergaat als de VS en Co. er binnen komen stampen.

Ik denk ook wel dat de kans dat Iran aangevallen zal worden zeer klein is, mits Iran geen rare dingen gaat doen. Het is in ieder geval te hopen dat de situatie stabiel is als de verkiezingen in de VS achter de rug zijn. Als er een verschuiving is van Democraten naar Republikeinen zou het wel eens anders uit kunnen pakken.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 26/02/2012 | 12:23 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 26/02/2012 | 12:20 uur
Lijkt mij ook voor de hand liggend. Er zijn zijn inmiddels twee duidelijke voorbeelden hoe het een Islamitisch land  vergaat als de VS en Co. er binnen komen stampen.

Ik denk ook wel dat de kans dat Iran aangevallen zal worden zeer klein is, mits Iran geen rare dingen gaat doen. Het is in ieder geval te hopen dat de situatie stabiel is als de verkiezingen in de VS achter de rug zijn. Als er een verschuiving is van Democraten naar Republikeinen zou het wel eens anders uit kunnen pakken.

Mee eens!
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 26/02/2012 | 12:27 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 26/02/2012 | 12:20 uur
Lijkt mij ook voor de hand liggend. Er zijn zijn inmiddels twee duidelijke voorbeelden hoe het een Islamitisch land  vergaat als de VS en Co. er binnen komen stampen.

Er zijn ook nog wat voorbeelden te noemen hoe het een islamitisch land vergaat als de VS en Co. er niet naar binnen komen stampen.

Citaat van: Ros op 26/02/2012 | 12:20 uur
Ik denk ook wel dat de kans dat Iran aangevallen zal worden zeer klein is, mits Iran geen rare dingen gaat doen. Het is in ieder geval te hopen dat de situatie stabiel is als de verkiezingen in de VS achter de rug zijn. Als er een verschuiving is van Democraten naar Republikeinen zou het wel eens anders uit kunnen pakken.

Ach natuurlijk, de democraten zijn de nobele duiven en de republikeinen de achterbakse havikken.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 26/02/2012 | 12:33 uur
Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 26/02/2012 | 12:27 uur
Ach natuurlijk, de democraten zijn de nobele duiven en de republikeinen de achterbakse havikken.

Obama bewijst het tegendeel.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 26/02/2012 | 12:45 uur
A strike on Iran would pose tough test for Israelis

Israel would need more than 100 warplanes to attack Iran's nuclear facilities, according to military analysts

An Israeli pre-emptive strike on Iran's nuclear sites would amount to a roll of the dice against elusive targets, drawing in the United States if the gamble fell short, analysts and former US military officers say.

Iran's air defenses and ageing fighters would be no match for Israel's high-tech aircraft and cyber warfare, but the outcome of a raid would largely hinge on intelligence and whether Tehran is able to hide key elements of its uranium enrichment network.

Israel's military has earned a reputation for lightning assaults that blindside their enemies, but the Iranian nuclear program presents a much more complicated task for Israel compared to previous raids that took out reactors in Iraq and Syria.

In 1981, Israeli fighters destroyed an Iraqi atomic reactor in Osirak without losing a plane and in 2007 the Israelis are widely believed to have knocked out a clandestine reactor in Syria. Israeli dilemma

But flying fighter jets 1,600 kilometers (1,000 miles) all the way to Iran would stretch Israel's limited supply of aerial refueling aircraft, while Tehran's dispersed, hidden nuclear sites -- including a facility dug into the side of a mountain -- present a daunting challenge.

"This is not a pinpoint, single target, one strike and it's over," said William Fallon, a retired navy admiral who led US Central Command in 2007-8.

An assault designed to delay Iran's nuclear work would be "very difficult" partly because the Iranians have "been pretty clever about distributing stuff," Fallon told an audience Thursday at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).

Unlike in Syria or Iraq, Iran's nuclear program does not have a single vulnerable point that, if hit, would leave the project crippled for years.

Iran has developed the know-how to enrich uranium and a supporting industrial network to build centrifuges, which it has worked to conceal. As a result, Iran could potentially withstand a bombing campaign and still have enough centrifuge components and assembly plants to renew uranium enrichment work, analysts said.

"Equipment to make centrifuges can be moved relatively quickly. Centrifuge components that are finished can easily be moved and probably are. So what you may know one month, it may not be good the next month," said David Albright, president of the Institute for Science and International Security.

"If they (Iranians) feel that a strike is imminent they may move a lot of things... That's really the question, how much do the Israelis know about the program?" he told AFP.

Amid growing speculation that Israel may strike at Iran, the potential success of such a raid is the subject of intense debate in and outside the US military, but there is wide agreement that -- at best -- an attack would postpone and not paralyze Tehran's nuclear project.

Experts are assessing how long an Israeli attack could be sustained, how effective the bombing would be and what ultimate goal would be achieved.

Israel would need its entire fleet of about 125 high-end American-made fighter jets, including its 101 F-16Is and 24 F-15Is, to carry out such an ambitious raid, as well as all eight of its KC-707 refueling tankers, said Scott Johnson, an analyst at IHS Jane's defense consultants.

"They would use everything they have. Everything would be ready and everything would be in play," Johnson said.

Israeli fighter jets, using precision-guided bombs, cruise missiles and air-to-ground missiles, would likely be focusing on crucial links in the nuclear program, including an underground uranium enrichment center in Natanz, a centrifuge plant in Tehran and the recently revealed Fardow facility built into the side of mountain near Qom.

The Fardow site lies at least 80 meters (260 feet) underground and likely beyond the reach of even America's most powerful conventional bomb.

Israel would be under pressure to stage a quick attack, as any operation extending beyond one night could open the way to untenable military and political risks, said Daniel Levy, a senior fellow at the New America Foundation think tank.

"Both for technical and political reasons, the capacity for several repeat runs is a stretch," said Levy, who worked in Ehud Barak's Israeli government in 1999-2001.

Apart from triggering massive diplomatic fallout, a prolonged attack over days would remove any surprise element and Iran's air defenses would have a better chance of countering Israeli warplanes, Western officials said.

A job half-finished, with Iran's nuclear program bruised but not battered, could pull America into the fray with Tehran staging retaliatory strikes against Israel and attacks on US targets.

"When Israel games this scenario, strongly built into that is that America gets dragged into this," Levy said.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 26/02/2012 | 12:49 uur
Closer to war

Published: Sunday, February 26, 2012 at 3:00 a.m.

EDITOR: The risk of war between Iran and Israel seems to be increasing every day and may potentially draw the United States into another Middle East conflict which would wreck the U.S. and global economic recovery.

To prevent this catastrophe, the U.S. should declare: "any attack (or imminent threat of attack) against the state of Israel by Iran (or its proxies) will be considered an attack on the United States, and the United States will respond with every weapon in its military arsenal to completely eliminate the Iranian threat to Middle East peace and to the world economy."

This deterrence strategy worked for many years against communist nations which posed a military threat to ourselves and to our NATO and Japanese allies. The object of this new declaration is to avoid war with Iran — not start a war — by confining Iran's military and nuclear threats against Israel to rhetoric only, while re-assuring our ally, Israel, that they do not have to pre-emptively attack Iran for self preservation.

Israel will henceforth have the full protection of the United States military (and nuclear) umbrella against any attack or imminent threat of attack from Iran (or its proxies). Then perhaps the diplomats can finally resolve all of the issues surrounding Israel and Iran as well as Iran's nuclear ambitions.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 26/02/2012 | 12:57 uur
Iran weigert olie voor Griekenland
Toegevoegd: zondag 26 feb 2012, 12:45

Iran weigert een olieleverantie aan Griekenland van 500.000 vaten ruwe olie. Dat meldt het Iraanse persbureau Fars. Het is nog onduidelijk waarom Iran de olie niet naar Griekenland wil verschepen.

Griekenland is sinds de schuldencrisis voor zijn energievoorziening voor eenderde afhankelijk van Iraanse olie.

Westerse oliemaatschappijen weigeren Griekenland olie te leveren, omdat zij bang zijn dat Athene de olie niet kan betalen. Griekenland koopt daarom zijn olie in in Iran.

Iran dreigde enkele weken geleden al met een olieboycot voor de Europese Unie als die de bestaande sancties tegen het land verder zou aanscherpen. Dat is in januari gebeurd en mogelijk reageert Teheran nu met een olieboycot voor het al in problemen verkerende Griekenland.

De EU heeft al toegezegd Griekenland te helpen in het geval van een Iraanse olieboycot.

Bron: NOS
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 26/02/2012 | 13:20 uur
En nog even als extra tractatie  Europa's zorgenkindje een hak zetten en indirect Europa een muilpeer geven. 
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 26/02/2012 | 13:24 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 26/02/2012 | 13:20 uur
En nog even als extra tractatie  Europa's zorgenkindje een hak zetten en indirect Europa een muilpeer geven. 

Per onmiddelijk onze OPV's er op af en knallen maar  :devil:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 26/02/2012 | 13:26 uur
Citaat van: op 26/02/2012 | 12:49 uur

To prevent this catastrophe, the U.S. should declare: "any attack (or imminent threat of attack) against the state of Israel by Iran (or its proxies) will be considered an attack on the United States,

The object of this new declaration is to avoid war with Iran — not start a war — by confining Iran's military and nuclear threats against Israel to rhetoric only, while re-assuring our ally, Israel, that they do not have to pre-emptively attack Iran for self preservation.

Wat is het nu....ja zeggen en nee bedoelen. Iran zal vast onder de indruk zijn en haar kernprogramma onmiddelijk staken. De VS moet nu een stevige opstelling richting Israel tonen en duidelijk maken dat Israel er alleen voor komt te staan als zij Iran aanvallen. Ik denk dat er dan ook veel beter te onderhandelen is met Iran.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 26/02/2012 | 13:28 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 26/02/2012 | 13:24 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 26/02/2012 | 13:20 uur
En nog even als extra tractatie  Europa's zorgenkindje een hak zetten en indirect Europa een muilpeer geven. 

Per onmiddelijk onze OPV's er op af en knallen maar  :devil:

Niet te doen.....het is weekend  8)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 26/02/2012 | 13:50 uur
Britain draws up battle plan against Iran

Submitted by admin4 on 26 February 2012 - 5:21pm


London : Britain is reportedly drawing up a battle plan for a war with Iran as top defence officials believe London will be "sucked into" any new conflict with Tehran.

Plans are being made to send hundreds of troops and an nuclear submarine to the Gulf region, The Sun reported.

Defence officials believe it is just a matter of when the war breaks out -- with the timescale set between 18 and 24 months.

"Ministry of defence planners went into overdrive at the start of the year. Conflict is seen as inevitable as long as the regime pursue their nuclear ambitions. Britain would be sucked in whether we like it or not, probably via Iranian attacks on our forces in Afghanistan next door to them," an unnamed official said.

The report said Britain will first fly an infantry battalion to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the country's strong ally in the Gulf region.

It would also mean a "public show of support" that would demonstrate that Britain was ready to defend the UAE if it comes under attack from Iran.

The UAE is separated from Iran by just over 50 km of sea across the Strait of Hormuz.

If other allies like Oman, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Qatar ask for help, Britain could fly in further troops.

The Royal Navy has already gathered seven warships in the Gulf.

The HMS Daring, a powerful destroyer, arrived in January to join Type 23 frigate HMS Argyll.

Minesweepers Pembroke, Quora, Middleton and Ramsey are based in Bahrain and a nuclear submarine is reportedly also in the area, the report said.

Under the war plan, a second submarine armed with Tomahawk cruise missiles would be deployed.

The Royal Air Force would send Typhoon and Tornado fighter jets to reinforce helicopter and transport plane crews already stationed in Qatar, Oman, Bahrain and the UAE.

En het Nederlandse battle plan is....

We graven ons nog dieper in achter de duinen en proberen te verzinnen: hoe kunnen we hier onderuit komen, maar eureka (!)... we hebben nog een paar, niet inzetbare mijnenjagers... (die we anders graag ingezet hadden)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 26/02/2012 | 14:08 uur
Ehhhhmmmmmm, waarom zouden wij een gevechtsplan moeten hebben?

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 26/02/2012 | 14:12 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 26/02/2012 | 14:08 uur
Ehhhhmmmmmm, waarom zouden wij een gevechtsplan moeten hebben?

Waarom de Amerikanen, de Engelsen en de Fransen wel?

Hebben wij geen gemeenschappelijke belangen?

Of willen we straks weer met het beschuldigende vingertje kunnen wijzen?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 26/02/2012 | 14:40 uur
Sunday Feb 26, 2012

Iran, Washington, and Israel

The latest nonsense to come out of the summit of American government is that there is "no hard evidence that Iran has decided to build a nuclear bomb."       

By some reports, American analysts are talking about "absolute certainty" as a standard for concluding that Iran is intent on nuclear weapons.

Nonsense is a stronger word than I usually allow myself, but one should expect more for all the money the United States invests in intelligence gathering and analysis.

While I am not informed about the details, I feel comfortable enough about the principles to protest against policy reliance on a standard like "absolute certainty," or even "hard evidence" in the analysis of secretive authorities further from Washington than San Francisco.

The use of such standards in the case of Iran suggests someone too close to the Committee to Re-Elect Barack Obama.

Media analysts who also sound like supporters of Obama's reluctance to face up to the Iranian threat are speculating that the Iranians only want to assure themselves international respect, and a secure place at the table in determining what happens in the Middle East. In this context, they may want to show the world that they can create nuclear weapons, even while they have not decided to.

Barack Obama takes great pride in the killing of Osama bid Laden. That may close his account with 9-11. But Iranian nuclear capacity can reduce that disaster to a trivial incident.

From my own sceptical vantage point, I am troubled by what seems like an effort to avoid more serious sanctions or military action.

If Iran only wants greater respect, why is spending so much, requiring its population to endure the burdens of high inflation and other effects of the sanctions to date, pushing ahead with one project after another against countries throughout the West, and from the majority of Muslim countries wary of Shi'ite intentions?

The Iranians have been invited time and again to negotiate, and to open their sites to international inspection. The responses have been obfuscation. Even the International Atomic Energy Agency, which was Iran-friendly when it was headed by an Egyptian, has thrown up its hands at the lack of Iranian cooperation.

One should not casually escalate to military conflict on the basis of suspicions. Remember all that was done for the sake of Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction. On the other hand, one can be too assiduous in looking for "hard evidence," whatever that means, in the case of a regime like Iran. In may be necessary to use all that expensive intelligence at the disposal of American authorities to assess what can be known from public utterances as well as the activities open to the media, plus efforts to hide, and repeated refusals to be candid or to negotiate.

I have no greater clue than any other newspaper reader about what Israel or the United States will do. It is impossible for us common folk to penetrate the ambivalence and what may be disinformation coming from national summits.

One can hope that sanctions will bring Iranian leaders to change their tone. If not, I see no limits to what Israel would be justified in doing against a country whose leaders deny the Holocaust and call for Israel's destruction.

At a time like this, one has to rely on the wisdom of elected leaders. Experience has given me sufficient confidence in those running this country to expect that they will not exaggerate in their use of military power.

But if they do, we'll have to accept the consequences.

If what we hear from Washington truly is a preoccupation with something that would satisfy standards of "hard evidence" or "absolute certainty, then Barack Obama and his administration do not justify a great deal of confidence.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 26/02/2012 | 15:07 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 26/02/2012 | 14:12 uur
Waarom de Amerikanen, de Engelsen en de Fransen wel?

Hebben wij geen gemeenschappelijke belangen?

Of willen we straks weer met het beschuldigende vingertje kunnen wijzen?

Volgens mij hebben wij geen belang bij een oorlog tegen Iran?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 26/02/2012 | 15:32 uur
Citaat van: dudge op 26/02/2012 | 15:09 uur
dat betekend dat we op zijn minst voorbereid moeten zijn. Ik neem aan dat hier ook wel aan gewerkt wordt, al is het op bondgenootschappelijk niveau.

De Natres heeft de LUPA al in de koelkast liggen, ready to go........ :P
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lynxian op 26/02/2012 | 16:58 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 26/02/2012 | 15:07 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 26/02/2012 | 14:12 uur
Waarom de Amerikanen, de Engelsen en de Fransen wel?

Hebben wij geen gemeenschappelijke belangen?

Of willen we straks weer met het beschuldigende vingertje kunnen wijzen?

Volgens mij hebben wij geen belang bij een oorlog tegen Iran?
Een oorlog tegen Iran zal zich afspelen in de straat van Hormuz. Aangezien we nogal veel goederen door die straat vervoeren zal enige disruptie van de civiele scheepsvaart ons wel degelijk raken. Al helemaal wanneer civiele schepen omwegen gaan maken om het geweld te ontvluchten om vervolgens in piratenterritorium terecht te komen.

Hillen zal vast wel met natte palmen aan 't kijken zijn wat hij precies waarheen zal verplaatsen, wat we dan ook maar kunnen missen. Ik vermoed: Een Patriot batterij, een LPDtje (special ops en medisch), LCFje, misschien een M, één of twee mijnenvegers, een sub, en heel misschien 6 F16s. Let wel: dan zit de krijgsmacht meteen aan haar limiet, dus ik vermoed dat wanneer Nederland help, het weer indirect zal zijn. Oh, en vergeet de Apaches niet: die dingen werken in iedere situatie. *kuch*
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 26/02/2012 | 18:49 uur
Te duur.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 26/02/2012 | 19:19 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 26/02/2012 | 18:49 uur
Te duur.

IPA NG... Onze nieuwe boekhouder.

P.s. misschien sturen de Zweden wel iets van Saab.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: VandeWiel op 26/02/2012 | 21:28 uur
Citaat van: Lynxian op 26/02/2012 | 16:58 uur
Een oorlog tegen Iran zal zich afspelen in de straat van Hormuz. Aangezien we nogal veel goederen door die straat vervoeren zal enige disruptie van de civiele scheepsvaart ons wel degelijk raken. Al helemaal wanneer civiele schepen omwegen gaan maken om het geweld te ontvluchten om vervolgens in piratenterritorium terecht te komen.

Hillen zal vast wel met natte palmen aan 't kijken zijn wat hij precies waarheen zal verplaatsen, wat we dan ook maar kunnen missen. Ik vermoed: Een Patriot batterij, een LPDtje (special ops en medisch), LCFje, misschien een M, één of twee mijnenvegers, een sub, en heel misschien 6 F16s. Let wel: dan zit de krijgsmacht meteen aan haar limiet, dus ik vermoed dat wanneer Nederland help, het weer indirect zal zijn. Oh, en vergeet de Apaches niet: die dingen werken in iedere situatie. *kuch*

Als Nederland inzet stuurt zal dat op basis van een concrete vraag en een verhouding met andere landen zijn. Patriots in Turkije is eerder gebeurd en zou in kader van navo bijstand zeer waarschijnlijk zijn, een "M" en zeker een mijnenjager is in aantal wat mij betreft een max en een sub zal niet publiekelijk zijn. Nederland zie ik in Iran niet snel offensief bezig gaan dus F16s zouden voor rondjes vliegen zijn. In de golf zijn meer dan genoeg capabele luchtmachten om dat te doen.

Misschien dat de F16s vanuit Turkije Syrie in het oog mogen houden aangezien een oorlog met Iran betekent dat alle haarden in de regio kunnen ontbranden.

Meer marine inzet is volgens mij niet nodig en met twee schepen voldoen we prima in verhouding tot andere marines.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 26/02/2012 | 21:42 uur

De KM heeft geen mijnenvegers, maar mijnenjagers.  :mad:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 27/02/2012 | 07:04 uur
Zet u schrap voor de nieuwe olieschok

Emmanuel Vanbrussel − 27/02/12, 06u21

De geopolitieke spanning rond Iran drijft de olieprijs naar recordhoogte. Wereldwijd draait het diplomatieke overleg op volle toeren om de prijzenschok te dempen. Saoedi-Arabië heeft weer eens de sleutel in handen.

Iran kan veel doen om de wereldeconomie te schaden. We doen er alles aan om dat risico te verkleinen 
VS-minister van Financiën Timothy Geithner
De prijs voor een ruwe Brentolie is geklommen tot 124 dollar per vat, tegenover 101 dollar een jaar geleden. Brent is de oliesoort die in Londen wordt verhandeld en richtinggevend is voor de Europese brandstofprijzen. De olieprijs klimt nu al vijf weken op rij en is in amper een maand met 13 procent gestegen.

Directe aanleiding is het dispuut tussen het Westen en Iran over het Iraanse atoomprogramma. Iran behoort met een dagelijkse export van 2,2 miljoen vaten tot de grootste olieleveranciers ter wereld. Maar de EU voerde op 23 januari een olie-embargo in tegen het land. De lidstaten mogen sindsdien geen nieuwe oliecontracten afsluiten met Iran. Lopende contracten moeten ten laatste op 1 juli afgebroken worden. Ook de VS voerden sancties in.

Iran reageerde gepikeerd en draaide de oliekraan voor onder meer het Brits-Nederlandse Shell en het Franse Total dicht. De EU importeert in normale tijden ongeveer 700.000 vaten per dag vanuit Iran.

Schiet de olieprijs verder door naar zijn historische record, 146 dollar per vat in juli 2008? Volgens de Iraniërs wel en ook westerse olie-experts achten de kans groot. Een absolute piek komt er vrijwel zeker aan als de Iraanse crisis verder escaleert en Israël overgaat tot militaire actie tegen Iran. Israël beschouwt elke opbouw van kerntechnologie in Iran als een bedreiging.

In euro's uitgedrukt zijn we al op het recordniveau van 2008 beland. Olie wordt in dollars verhandeld. Hoe zwakker de euro staat tegenover de dollar, hoe duurder olie wordt voor de eurolanden. De Londense olieprijs komt omgerekend uit op een recordprijs van 93 euro per vat. Dat betekent dat er geen uitzicht is op een daling van de torenhoge energieprijzen in Europa.

Sommige experts wijzen erop dat de recente prijsklim eigenlijk nog meevalt in vergelijking met de stijgingen bij vorige geopolitieke spanningen. Olieconsultant Bob McNally, voormalig adviseur van het Witte Huis: "De kansen die Washington toedicht op een Israëlische aanval op Iran zijn groter dan de inschatting door de oliemarkten." De bodem voor de olieprijs lijkt 100 dollar per vat, want dat heeft marktleider Saoedi-Arabië aangemerkt als "een faire olieprijs in de huidige marktomstandigheden".

De dure olie komt bovenaan op alle politieke agenda's. Topman Robert Zoellick van de Wereldbank: "De energieprijzen en de bijbehorende politieke risico's vormen een van de twee grote vraagtekens voor de wereldeconomie, naast de eurocrisis." De Britse regering noemt de duurdere olie zelfs een grotere bedreiging dan de eurocrisis.

Strategische reserves
Het diplomatieke overleg draait niet alleen om de aanpak van Iran, maar ook om een mogelijke verhoging van het olieaanbod uit andere landen, wat de prijsstijging tijdelijk kan kalmeren. Daartoe zijn er twee mogelijkheden: olielanden kunnen hun productie optrekken, of landen als de VS en Duitsland kunnen hun strategische reserves gecoördineerd op de markt brengen.

Volgens Amerikaans minister van Financiën Timothy Geithner wordt dat laatste zeker overwogen. "Iran kan uiteraard veel doen om de wereldeconomie te schaden. We doen er alles aan om dat risico te verkleinen", verklaarde hij. Newt Gingrich, een van de Republikeinse presidentskandidaten, vindt dat "de VS zo snel mogelijk weer de grootste olieproducent ter wereld moeten worden". Voor de Duitse regering is het nog te vroeg om de strategische reserves aan te spreken.

Italiaans viceminister van Economie Vittorio Grilli, na de financiële top van de G20 zaterdag in Mexico: "De olieproducerende landen zijn zich bewust van het mogelijke risico en hebben verklaard dat ze de gepaste maatregelen zullen nemen."

Grootste olieproducent Saoedi-Arabië is, zoals meestal bij oliecrisissen, het land waar de meeste ogen op gericht zijn. De Saoedi's hebben vorige week alvast tijdelijk hun olie-export opgetrokken. De Europese klanten kunnen ook bij Irak, Libië en Rusland terecht, al kunnen die landen hun productie minder makkelijk optrekken dan de Saoedi's. Ook toppolitici uit de VS rekenen op hun bondgenoot Saoedi-Arabië. "Een publieke belofte van Saoedi-Arabië om zijn olie aan volle capaciteit op te pompen, zou de oliemarkten kalmeren", schrijft de Democratische senator Charles Schumer aan minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Hillary Clinton. Hij roept Clinton in de brief op om de Saoedische regering over de streep te trekken. Als Saoedi-Arabië alle kranen openzet, verhoogt het zijn productie met 2,5 miljoen vaten tot 12,5 miljoen vaten per dag. Dat is voldoende om de weggevallen export uit Iran op te vangen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 27/02/2012 | 19:20 uur
Een  bombardement  op Iran gaat geen appeltje eitje worden Iran is er in geslaagd om aan  4 S-300   missiles te komen  en daardoor heeft men een eigen versie van de S-300   gemaakt vermoedelijk gekopiert?

Iran official: We have obtained the S-300 missile system

Fars news agency says Tehran signs deal with Belarus after Russia reportedly refused to provide Iran with the surface-to-air system over recent UN sanctions.

A semiofficial Iranian news agency says Iran has obtained four S-300 surface-to-air missiles despite Russia's refusal to deliver them.

The Fars news agency said Wednesday that Iran has obtained two missiles from Belarus and two others from another unspecified source.

Russia signed a contract in 2007 to sell the missiles to Iran but said in June that new UN Security Council sanctions against Tehran prevent delivery. The sale would have substantially boosted the country's defense capacities, raising Israeli fears it would tip the military balance in the Middle East.

In June, a senior Iranian official said that that if Russia persisted in its refusal "to deliver the systems, we are well capable of producing missile defense systems that are very much similar to Russia's S-300 apparatus."

Since the recently approved UN sanctions resolution against Iran, Russia has released several contradicting reports regarding it missile deal with Iran.

The senior Iranian official added that if Russia eventually refused "to deliver the systems, we are well capable of producing missile defense systems that are very much similar to Russia's S-300 apparatus."

Since the UN sanctions resolution against Iran was approved last Wednesday, Russia has released several contradicting reports regarding it missle deal with Iran. Russia said on Thursday it was in discussions with Iran on possible new nuclear power plants in the Islamic state, the country's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told reporters

Israel and the United States have asked Russia not to deliver the missile systems, which can shoot down several aircraft or missiles simultaneously and could potentially be used to protect nuclear facilities.

Western diplomats in Moscow believe Russia is eager to keep the deal in reserve as a bargaining chip. Iran has expressed increasing frustration over the unfulfilled contract.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 27/02/2012 | 19:29 uur
Hier een filmpje van de Iraanse  S-300 missiles

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 27/02/2012 | 22:03 uur
February 27, 2012 5:14 pm

Israel gets ready for Iran retaliation

By Tobias Buck in Jerusalem

As they ponder the option of a military strike against Iran, Israeli leaders have started to worry about targets closer to home.

Prompted by concern over a possible Iranian counter-attack, they are debating how well their own country is prepared for war. Iranian leaders have left Israel in no doubt that a strike on its nuclear facilities would invite harsh retaliation. The latest threat came on Saturday, when Gen Ahmad Vahidi, the Iranian defence minister, warned that "a military attack by the Zionist regime will undoubtedly lead to the collapse of this regime".

On previous occasions, Gen Vahidi has warned of a "crushing response" to any Israeli strike.

Though some in Israel dismiss such threats as bluster, most senior Israeli officials fear that the country's home front would indeed be severely tested in a conflict with Iran.

"The paradigm of war has changed," Dan Meridor, the deputy prime minister in charge of intelligence and nuclear affairs, told foreign journalists in a recent briefing. "In the past there was a battlefield where tanks fought tanks and planes fought planes ... now the war is mainly in the home front."

The last time Israel faced a sustained attack, during the 2006 war with Hizbollah, the "real battlefield" was in northern cities such as Haifa and Kiryat Shmona, Mr Meridor said.

He added: "If there is a war, and I hope there won't be war, they are not going to hit just Israeli soldiers. They are mainly aiming at the civilian population."

Much like the debate on a strike on Iran, the discussion about its aftermath is marked by sharply diverging opinions. Officials and analysts are split on the question of Iran's capability and willingness to hit back, but also on the likely role of Tehran's allies in Syria, Lebanon and Gaza. Israel estimates that the Lebanese Hizbollah group, for example, has an arsenal of 50,000 rockets and missiles, which are stationed just across Israel's northern border.

Should it decide to enter the fray and help its Iranian sponsor, Hizbollah could strike at targets deep inside Israel, including the densely-populated coastal plain around Tel Aviv.

The most catchy estimate of the likely Iranian response is expressed in a simple mathematical formula: x(1991 + 2006 + BA). The formula, as one former senior security official explains, is meant to capture the combination of threats faced by Israel in the aftermath of a strike.

The first is that of an Iranian missile attack on Israel, echoing the barrage fired by Saddam Hussein during the first Gulf War in 1991. The second threat is that of a rocket and missile attack by Hizbollah, as happened during the brief 2006 war between Israel and the Lebanese group. BA stands for Buenos Aires, scene of deadly bomb attacks against the Israeli embassy in 1992 and a Jewish cultural centre in 1994.

Israeli officials believe that such sites abroad could be targeted once again should there be a conflict with Iran.

The 'x' of the formula is a multiplier, suggesting that this time the impact of all three lines of attack would be worse than before: Hizbollah's arsenal, for example, is larger and more sophisticated today than it was in 2006. Israel believes Iran itself has hundreds of missiles that can reach Israel, and is probably in a position to inflict more damage than Iraq was two decades ago.

"The Iranians will not set the Middle East on fire," the former official said. "They will react and they will retaliate...but the reaction will be calculated and according to Iran's means."

He added: "Is 40 missiles on Tel Aviv nice? No. But it is better than a nuclear Iran."

The problem, according to Zeev Bielski, a lawmaker from the centrist Kadima party, is that Israel's cities are less prepared for such a barrage than they should be. "Iran [and its allies] will shoot hundreds and maybe thousands of rockets and missiles at our heavily-populated cities. That is what we have to be ready for," he said.

Mr Bielski, who chairs the parliamentary subcommittee on home front readiness, points out that 1.7m Israelis currently live in homes without shelter or safe rooms, and that more than half the population has no gas masks. "All these years, we were concentrating on the readiness of our army," Mr Bielski said. "But today the readiness of the home front dictates to a large degree the readiness on the front itself."

He added that Israelis were indeed ready to face an initial Iranian response, but cautioned that more needed to be done to prepare the home front for a more protracted conflict. "Sometimes a war doesn't finish in 24 hours," he said.

Experts point out that Israel boasts one of the most comprehensive and sophisticated anti-missiles shields in the world. The country has developed and installed the Arrow system to intercept ballistic missiles fired from a distance, and the Iron Dome system to counter the threat from shorter-range rockets and missiles. Both have been tested repeatedly and found to be effective – but neither offers complete protection.

Some Israeli leaders, most notably Ehud Barak, talk down the danger of Iranian retaliation. The defence minister has repeatedly dismissed the chances of heavy Israeli casualties, saying there was "no chance" that an Iranian military response would kill more than 500 Israelis.

Few found that assessment, given in November last year, reassuring. "For a small country like Israel, 500 is a lot," Mr Bielski said.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 28/02/2012 | 07:39 uur
'Israël zal VS niet waarschuwen voor aanval op Iran'

Redactie − 28/02/12, 04:11

Israël zal de Verenigde Staten niet van tevoren op de hoogte stellen van een mogelijke aanval op Iran. Dat hebben Israëlische betrokkenen laten weten, meldt een Amerikaanse inlichtingenbron aan het persbureau AP.
De boodschap zou de afgelopen tijd herhaaldelijk zijn overgebracht aan Amerikaanse diplomaten die in onderhandeling zijn met de Israëlische regering. De veronderstelling dat Iran binnen afzienbare tijd een bruikbaar kernwapen produceert, heeft tot een vertrouwenscrisis geleid tussen Israël en de Verenigde Staten.

De VS proberen Israël in een reeks topontmoetingen ervan te overtuigen dat een aanval op Iran op zijn best een tijdelijk oponthoud betekent van de nucleaire ambities die het land koestert. Israël zou hebben laten weten dat het de VS een eventuele aanval niet vooraf zal melden, omdat het dan minder waarschijnlijk is dat de VS er medeverantwoordelijk voor worden gehouden omdat ze Israël niet hebben kunnen tegenhouden.

De komende weken zullen de Israëlische minister van Defensie Ehud Barak en premier Benjamin Netanyahu bezoeken afleggen aan Washington.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 28/02/2012 | 14:18 uur
Is Israel Set to Ally with Saudi Arabia against Iran?

By Anissa Haddadi

February 28, 2012 12:19 PM GMT

Latest speculation linked to an Israeli attack on Iran suggest that Tel Aviv could drop the US and instead turn to Saudi Arabia for help.

As talks of an Israeli-led strike on Iran's nuclear facilities intensify, a US official speaking on condition of anonymity told the AP that Tel Aviv will not warn the US if it decides to go ahead with the pre-emptive strike.

The warning came as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said his upcoming meeting with President Obama in Washington on March 5 will focus on Iran.

According to the official, Israel's decision to keep one of its closes ally in the dark stems from a will to protect the US from Iran's wrath in case of such an attack.

Despite diplomatic refutation that Israel's relationship with the US has suffered under Obama's office, rumours are mounting that Israel's ally in the case of an attack on Iran will not be the US but the Islamic Kingdom of  Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia and Israel's estrangement from the US

Hints from the Persian Gulf suggest Saudi Arabia would back an Israeli-led attack on Iran.

While Netanyahu's frosty relationship with Obama is well known in the diplomatic world, Saudi is also became increasingly estranged from the US following Obama's call on the long-time ally and former president of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak, to step down.

At the time, a small uprising was underway in Saudi and while protests were rapidly crushed Shia demonstrators in neighbouring Bahrain refused to back down, openly criticising the Sunni-based elite and demanding for more democracy.

With Shias in eastern Saudi Arabia increasingly supporting the Bahraini uprising, theSaudi became upset at the US apparent refusal to help fight off the the threat from Shia Iran.

An Israel-Saudi Alliance against Iran?

One of the most important warnings coming out of the Arab Spring to the Arab rulers was that taking an anti-Zionist stance was not sufficient to guarantee the survival of a regime anymore.

Despite Saudi's public call for support of the Palestinian cause, Riyadh and Jerusalem were revealed by WikiLeaks to have secret communications.

A leaked cable dating from 2009 showed the head of the Israeli Middle East division of the Foreign Ministry, Yaakov Hadas saying Israel enjoyed a good relationship with the Gulf States.

During a meeting with Marc Sievers the political advisor of the U.S. embassy in Tel Aviv, Hadas acknowledged Israel and Saudi shared secret communications.

In 2002, Saudi also led the Arab peace plan initiative which opposed for a normalisation of the relationship with Israel in exchange for a complete withdrawal from the occupied territories and in 2010 the Times reported Saudi had allowed Israeli warplanes to use its airspace in any bombing raid on Iran's nuclear facilities.

Moreover, the two have common enemies in the region: Iran followed by other Shia-led powers such as Syria or Hezbollah in Lebanon.

With Bashar al-Assad battling a serious and bloody crisis and Hezbollah's asserting, at least rhetorically, its independence vis-a-vis patrons such as Syria and Iran, a window of opportunity to attack Tehran would appear to be opening.

Sources told Forbes this week that Israel will use Saudi Arabia as a base for its attack in June.

The source, a weapon smuggler, said he had been travelling between "Tel Aviv and Jeddah to meet with military leaders who are loading up on his specific weapon category in anticipation of a war with Iran."

While the oil profits deriving from an attack on Iran would incontestably benefit Saudi Arabia, another bonus could come up in the form of regime collapse, not only in Iran but also in Israel.

© Copyright 2012 International Business Times. All Rights Reserved.

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Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 28/02/2012 | 14:58 uur
Hmmmmmm. Lijkt mij vergezocht.

Dat zal zowel het Saoedische volk als het leiderschap geen al te leuk idee vinden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 28/02/2012 | 15:10 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 28/02/2012 | 14:58 uur
Hmmmmmm. Lijkt mij vergezocht.

Dat zal zowel het Saoedische volk als het leiderschap geen al te leuk idee vinden.

Let wel: de vijand van mijn vijand is mijn vriend.  :angel:

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 28/02/2012 | 15:54 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 28/02/2012 | 07:39 uur
'Israël zal VS niet waarschuwen voor aanval op Iran'

Redactie − 28/02/12, 04:11

Israël zal de Verenigde Staten niet van tevoren op de hoogte stellen van een mogelijke aanval op Iran. Dat hebben Israëlische betrokkenen laten weten, meldt een Amerikaanse inlichtingenbron aan het persbureau AP.
De boodschap zou de afgelopen tijd herhaaldelijk zijn overgebracht aan Amerikaanse diplomaten die in onderhandeling zijn met de Israëlische regering. De veronderstelling dat Iran binnen afzienbare tijd een bruikbaar kernwapen produceert, heeft tot een vertrouwenscrisis geleid tussen Israël en de Verenigde Staten.

De VS proberen Israël in een reeks topontmoetingen ervan te overtuigen dat een aanval op Iran op zijn best een tijdelijk oponthoud betekent van de nucleaire ambities die het land koestert. Israël zou hebben laten weten dat het de VS een eventuele aanval niet vooraf zal melden, omdat het dan minder waarschijnlijk is dat de VS er medeverantwoordelijk voor worden gehouden omdat ze Israël niet hebben kunnen tegenhouden.

De komende weken zullen de Israëlische minister van Defensie Ehud Barak en premier Benjamin Netanyahu bezoeken afleggen aan Washington.

Bwhahaha ja hoor natuurlijk...

Nu stop ik echt met het volgen van dit nieuws ....  :cute-smile:

Gelooft toch niemand dit? Kom op zeg..

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 28/02/2012 | 20:37 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 28/02/2012 | 14:58 uur
Hmmmmmm. Lijkt mij vergezocht.

Dat zal zowel het Saoedische volk als het leiderschap geen al te leuk idee vinden.

Waarom niet IPA NG zowel Saudi Arabia als Israel  zien Iran als een vijand en de vijand van de vijand is in dit geval je vriend.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Enforcer op 28/02/2012 | 20:43 uur
Inderdaad toch mooi voor SA als Israel de vuile was opruimt voor SA, en dat zij hun handen in onschuld kunnen wassen?!

"Vrienden in opportuniteit"
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 28/02/2012 | 20:47 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 28/02/2012 | 20:37 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 28/02/2012 | 14:58 uur
Hmmmmmm. Lijkt mij vergezocht.

Dat zal zowel het Saoedische volk als het leiderschap geen al te leuk idee vinden.

Waarom niet IPA NG zowel Saudi Arabia als Israel  zien Iran als een vijand en de vijand van de vijand is in dit geval je vriend.

Het zou wel de strategische/tactiche verrassing van het jaar zijn.

Wordt er op alle fronten openlijk getwijfelt aan de haalbaarheid van een succesvolle (directe) aanval van de Israeli op Iran, vanuit SA, eventueel met (SA) actieve ondersteunibg, wordt het opeens een heel ander verhaal.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 28/02/2012 | 23:08 uur
Israel ready to strike Iran with its aircraft

Tel Aviv, Israel - Massive offensive ability developed by IAF during last years

(WAPA) - It doesn't surprise Israel, ever on the American side in preventive destruction of Iranian nuclear sites, is ready to strike another attack thanks to its modern IAF (Israeli Air Force) almost definitely conceived for this long-range missions.

More revelations today (February 27, 2012) seems to be the umpteenth force demonstration and also a warning to Iran which, as well-known, is recently under the world attentions due to the oil economic situation upon which Iran premptory imposed vetoes operating an aggressive policy as much of American to reply to Western coercion.

The situation is also complicated more by the recent development of Iranian nuclear technology that, despite last decades raids (in fact, Israel already bombed some neighbouring regions already in 1981, striking the Iraqi reactor in Osirak, near Baghdad, and recently a Syrian plant in 2007), seems to be concluded (about it, it could be useful to read something about IAEA declarations (International Atomic Energy Agency) reported in this AVIONEWS).

Israeli Air Force, moreover, is conceived since two decades at least expressly for this kind of missions, including the most advanced versions of American 4Th generation fighters such as F-15S and F-16, the latter particularly is completely fitted with national technology by Israeli and take the designation of F-16I "Sufa", conceived to improve the range and able of a remarkable weaponry for strategic strikes, also able to oppose an excellent air deterrent thanks to modern air-to-air medium to short range missiles, such as the AIM-120 Amraam and the latest version (the "X" one) of the AIM-9 Sidewinder.

For more information about technical specification of this aircraft, is also possible to read about the recent supply purchased by United Emirates and Pakistan, described in the following AVIONEWS.

Below, the choreographic video of the last IAF purchase.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 28/02/2012 | 23:22 uur
What Nasty Surprises Await Our Warmongers in the Gulf?

Stu Littlewood
"... Unlike Iraq, which the warmonger neoconservatives told us would be a 'cakewalk' — easily conquered in six weeks — Iran is unlikely to offer its American and Israeli antagonists easy opportunities..." Dr Lasha Darkmoon


(LONDON) - The most important thing I've read these last few days is the excellent article 'Armageddon Approaches' by Dr Lasha Darkmoon , a cautionary piece which points the reader towards some very scary background information.

For example, according to Russ Winter of The Wall Street Examiner , Iran's Sunburn missiles, acquired from Russia and China over the last 10 years, have the capability of creating "a world of hurt" for the US Navy's 5th Fleet.

"The Sunburn is perhaps the most lethal anti-ship missile in the world, designed to fly as low as 9 feet above ground/water at more than 1,500 miles per hour (mach 2+). The missile uses a violent pop-up maneuver for its terminal approach to throw off Phalanx and other US anti-missile defense systems. Given their low cost, they're perfectly suited for close quarter naval conflict in the bathtub-like Persian Gulf."

With its 90-mile range, the Sunburn can be fired from practically any platform, including a flat bed truck, and could hit a ship in the Strait in less than a minute.

Mark Gaffney adds this warning: "The US Navy has never faced anything in combat as formidable as the Sunburn missile."

He mentions the even more-advanced SS-NX-26 Yakhonts missiles, also Russian-made (speed: Mach 2.9; range: 180 miles) deployed by the Iranians along the Gulf's northern shore.

"Every US ship will be exposed and vulnerable. When the Iranians spring the trap, the entire lake will become a killing field...

"In the Gulf's shallow and confined waters evasive manoeuvres will be difficult, at best, and escape impossible. Even if US planes control of the skies over the battlefield, the sailors caught in the net below will be hard-pressed to survive. The Gulf will run red with American blood."

As both writers point out, the Iranians will have mapped every firing angle along their Gulf coastline. And the rugged terrain will not make detection easy.

"Shooting fish in a barrel"... but who are the fish this time?

Britain recently announced the deployment of HMS Daring, a new Type 45 destroyer, to the Gulf in order to send a significant message to the Iranians because of the firepower and world-beating technology carried by this warship. A Daily Telegraph report says she has been fitted with new technology that will give it the ability to "shoot down any missile in Iran's armoury. The £1 billion destroyer... also carries the world's most sophisticated naval radar, capable of tracking multiple incoming threats from missiles to fighter jets." Her 48 Sea Vipers can shoot down fighters as well as sea skimming missiles.

Apart from HMS Daring, Britain is believed to have at least 3 other vessels in the Persian Gulf, and more can be sent. Are they all equipped with the same world-beating technology?

Dr Darkmoon observes:

"Both America and Israel are unfortunately just not ready to wage the type of warfare they prefer to wage and at which they so excel: shooting fish in a barrel. Unlike Iraq, which the warmonger neoconservatives told us would be a 'cakewalk' — easily conquered in six weeks — Iran is unlikely to offer its American and Israeli antagonists easy opportunities to indulge in their fish-in-a-barrel fantasies."

The spectacle of the world's school-yard bully, the United States, flanked by hooligan helpmates Britain, France and Canada all menacing Iran is building up to a chilling climax. If what I'm reading is correct, British ships in the bathtub of the Persian Gulf will be among the fish in the barrel on this occasion, with Iran doing the shooting. Britain's chief hooligans, Hague and Cameron, could be courting disaster for the much-vaunted HMS Daring. Why are they getting us involved anyway? It's obviously not for Britain, whose best interests are served by making friends and doing business with Iran.

No, they suffer the same delusions as their erstwhile partner in crime, the disgraced former Defence Secretary Liam Fox and the many others in our Parliamentary establishment who have swallowed the daft idea that Israel's enemies are Britain's enemies. How much sense can you expect from people who are signed-up Friends of Israel – in Hague's case since the tender age of 15?

Diplomacy? What diplomacy?

As the whole world surely knows by now the US-British track record in Iran doesn't bear examination. And when they get on their high horse and spout about democracy everyone falls about laughing. Who overthrew Iran's fledgling democracy in 1953? Who trashed Palestine's democracy in 2006? Who keeps banging on about Israel being the "only democracy in the Middle East" when, actually, it's a racist ethnocracy?

For over 30 years Britain has had no high-level diplomatic contact with Iran except for Jack Straw's visits a decade ago. Hague won't answer questions about the diplomatic efforts he has made, if any. In a fit of lunacy he shut down the embassy in Tehran last year and chucked the Iranians out of London, and he's now straining at the bit to get our young men needlessly embroiled in what is essentially a nuke-bristling US/Israel quarrel with non-nuke Iran... the ulterior motive and ultimate prize being Iran's oil.

The US hasn't had a proper embassy in Tehran since 1979. But a few months ago it set up a virtual embassy with this sick-making address to the Iranian people :

"We have created Virtual Embassy Tehran to offer you another perspective and another source of information, so you can make up your own minds about the US, our concerns about the Iranian government's activities at home and abroad, and our serious efforts to achieve a resolution to those concerns.

"This website is not a formal diplomatic mission, nor does it represent or describe a real US Embassy accredited to the Iranian Government. But, in the absence of direct contact, it can work as a bridge between the American and Iranian people. As President Obama said earlier this year and Secretary Clinton affirmed in her recent VOA and BBC appearances, 'You – the young people of Iran – carry within you both the ancient greatness of Persian civilization, and the power to forge a country that is responsive to your aspirations. Your talent, your hopes, and your choices will shape the future of Iran, and help light the world. And though times may seem dark, I want you to know that I am with you.'

"It is in that spirit that we launch our Virtual US Embassy Tehran. It is our Mission to the Iranian people."

Yeah. A US mission that's accompanied by vicious sanctions imposed with the help of gullible friends like Britain and the EU and calculated to cripple Iran's economy and make the lives of its young people hell. The consequences for us are damaging too.

Britain's defence chief Philip Hammond, who replaced Fox after the scandal that exposed his 'special friend' Adam Werritty and behind-scenes plotting with Israel against Iran, has publicly warned Iran that any blockade of the Strait of Hormuz would be "illegal and unsuccessful".

But why escalate matters to the point where a blockade becomes likely?

And why, asks Dr Darkmoon, do it for Israel anyway?

"Cui bono? Iran has much more to offer America than Israel does.

"Iran has oil in abundance, Israel has none. Iran does not hold America's political class to ransom. Iran does not try to browbeat successive American administrations into putting Iranian interests before American ones. Iran's dual citizens do not spy on America or sell American military secrets to Russia and China—there are no Iranian Rosenbergs or Jonathan Pollards. Iran does not coerce Americans into fighting and dying for it in foreign wars. Iran does not expect $3 billion a year in handouts, and even more in loan guarantees that never get repaid.

"Iran would be a far greater asset to America than Israel could ever be. Israel is a liability and a burden.

"More fool America for cuddling up to a 'friend' who has stabbed it in the back in the past — the Lavon affair, the USS Liberty incident, the Jonathan Pollard betrayal — and is more than likely to stab it in the back again at some time in the foreseeable future.

"Dump Israel. That's my advice. Before Israel sets the world on fire, taking America with it."

The question certainly needs to be asked, she says.

"What hold does Israel have over America? Is America prepared to sustain immense damage to its vital interests on behalf of an unstable and insolent ally that remains, if numerous polls are to be believed, the world's most hated nation?"

Ask it here too. What hold does Israel have over Britain? The only people impressed by Israel are MPs and ministers whom the pro-Israel lobby has 'groomed' and funded, the Jewish community (though by no means all of them) and a rabble of Christian Zionists. No-one else.

no-one else wants to fight Israel's unjust wars or help America do Israel's dirty work.

So if Hague, Hammond and Cameron love Israel so much let them and the regime's other admirers don uniform and flak-jacket and go play battleships in the Gulf's "bathtub" themselves. Who in their right mind would volunteer to be that trio's cannon-fodder?

Stuart Littlewood

28 February 2012
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Harald op 01/03/2012 | 12:30 uur
USAF Prepared If Diplomacy with Iran Fails: General

WASHINGTON — The United States has powerful bombs at the ready in the case of possible military action against Iran and work is under way to bolster their firepower, the air force chief said Feb. 29.

Gen. Norton Schwartz, Air Force chief of staff, declined to say whether U.S. weapons — including a 30,000-pound massive ordnance penetrator (MOP) bomb — could reach nuclear sites in Iran that were concealed or buried deep underground.

"We have an operational capability and you wouldn't want to be there when we used it," said Schwartz, when asked about the MOP bomb.

"Not to say that we can't continue to make improvements and we are," he told defense reporters.

Amid speculation that a nuclear site dug into the side of a mountain near Qom is beyond the reach of American weapons, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has acknowledged shortcomings with the giant MOP bomb and said the Pentagon was working to improve the explosive.

"The bottom line is we have a capability but we're not sitting on our hands, we'll continue to improve it over time," Schwartz said.

Asked about recent comments from retired senior officers that some targets in Iran are immune from U.S. air power, Schwartz said: "It goes without saying that strike is about physics. The deeper you go the harder it gets."

But he added that the U.S. arsenal "is not an inconsequential capability."

The former vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, retired Gen. James Cartwright, suggested last week that one nuclear facility in Iran could not be taken out in a bombing campaign.

Cartwright appeared to be referring to the Fordo plant built deep inside a mountain near the Shiite shrine city of Qom, some 150 kilometers (90 miles) south of Tehran.

Schwartz also declined to say whether air power would be effective against Iran's nuclear program but said that the outcome of any preemptive attack would depend on the goal of the strike.

"What is the objective? Is it to eliminate, is to delay, is to complicate? I mean what is the national security objective. That is sort of the imminent argument on all of this," he said.

"There's a tendency I think for all of us to get tactical too quickly and worry about weaponeering and things of that nature."

The general's carefully calibrated remarks coincided with a visit to Washington this week by Israel's defense minister, Ehud Barak, amid renewed speculation of a potential Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear program.|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 01/03/2012 | 18:53 uur
Israeli officials: Starve Iranians to stop nukes

West should adopt North Korean model vis-à-vis Tehran, hunger in Iran could prompt regime to 'consider whether nuclear adventure is worthwhile', Jerusalem official says.

Iran's citizens should be starved in order to curb Tehran's nuclear program, officials in Jerusalem said Wednesday ahead of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's upcoming trip to Washington.

"North Korea is halting its nuclear program in order to receive aid in food, and this is what should be done with Iran as well," one unnamed official said.

"Suffocating sanctions could lead to a grave economic situation in Iran and to a shortage of food," the source said. "This would force the regime to consider whether the nuclear adventure is worthwhile, while the Persian people have nothing to eat and may rise up as was the case in Syria, Tunisia and other Arab states."

"The Western world led by the United States must implement stifling sanctions at this time already, rather than wait or hesitate," the official said. "In order to suffocate Iran economically and diplomatically and lead the regime there to a hopeless situation, this must be done now, without delay."

'Iran has hidden capabilities'

Earlier Wednesday, North Korea said that it has agreed to suspend uranium enrichment and adopt a moratorium on nuclear and long-range missile tests.

US State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said Wednesday the North has also agreed to allow International Atomic Energy inspectors to verify and monitor the moratorium on uranium enrichment and confirm disablement of its nuclear reactor at Yongbyon.

On Tuesday, Iranian Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi said the Islamic Republic has yet to reveal all of its military capabilities, the semi-official Fars news agency reported.

"The Islamic Republic of Iran has many hidden capabilities which are kept for rainy days," Vahidi said, adding, "We have not yet revealed all our capabilities."

Addressing Israeli strike threats, the Iranian minister said Washington objects to statements on an Iran strike as the US is aware of Iran's power and realizes that anyone who becomes embroiled in a conflict with Tehran will be defeated.,7340,L-4196885,00.html
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 01/03/2012 | 20:51 uur
Wat dat betreft hebben de Israeli's de lessen van een jaar of 70 geleden goed onthouden............... :sick: Iraanse burgers laten kreperen van honger. Ik kan mij er inmiddels iets bij voorstellen dat sommige landen Israel het liefst van de kaart zien verdwijnen.

Israel moet of de mond dichthouden en braaf luisteren naar de VS of de ballen hebben om Iran aan te pakken en de gevolgen onder ogen zien.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Mourning op 01/03/2012 | 21:30 uur
Ik vind het interessant dat, sorry dat ik het nu op de man speel, voor zover ik kan zien alle alternatieven van de tafel hebt geveegd/hebt bekritiseerd, behalve laat Iran maar lekker die Nuke ontwikkelen. Nou zeg ik niet dat dat de slechtste "oplossing" zou zijn, maar ook daaraan zitten grote gevolgen voor de regio en daarbuiten. Er moet toch meer te doen zijn dan business as usual lijkt me?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 02/03/2012 | 07:33 uur
Iraanse jongeren nauwelijks naar stembus:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Tanker op 02/03/2012 | 09:15 uur
Citaat van: Jah op 02/03/2012 | 07:33 uur
Iraanse jongeren nauwelijks naar stembus:
Niet zo vreemd toch, er valt weinig te kiez :(en daar.....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 02/03/2012 | 12:45 uur
Citaat van: Mourning op 01/03/2012 | 21:30 uur
behalve laat Iran maar lekker die Nuke ontwikkelen.

Naar mijn idee is dat wellicht beter en waarschijnlijk ook de uitkomst van het schreeuwen en wapengekletter van alle betrokken partijen dat nu aan de orde is. De ervaring heeft wel bewezen dat indien twee of meerdere landen over een "rode knop" beschikken het elkaar in de haren vliegen uitgesloten is.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/03/2012 | 08:10 uur
US, Britain Gear Up For War On Iran

Written by Bill Van Auken   

Posted: 03 March 2012 13:37

The military commands in both the US and Britain have sought increased funding and stepped up deployments of arms and personnel to the Persian Gulf in preparation for an anticipated war against Iran.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the Pentagon, acting on the request of the Central Command, which oversees US military operations in the region, has requested the re-allocation of some $100 million in military spending to ratchet up war preparations.

The Journal cast these preparations as defensive measures aimed at countering an Iranian threat to close the Strait of Hormuz, the waterway through which some 20 percent of the world's exported oil flows. Iran's threat came in response to trade sanctions and embargoes imposed by the US and Western Europe that amount to a blockade, an act of war, as well as open Israeli threats to bomb the country.

"The US military has notified Congress of plans to preposition new mine-detection and clearing equipment and expand surveillance capabilities in and around the strait, according to defense officials briefed on the requests," the Journal reports. "The military also wants to quickly modify weapons systems on ships so they could be used against Iranian fast-attack boats, as well as shore-launched cruise missiles, the defense officials said."

Under the Pentagon's plans, US warships would be equipped with anti-tank weapons, rapid-fire machine guns and light weapons for use against the Iranian navy's small speedboats. They would be backed by increased numbers of unmanned drones.

The Journal adds that "US special-operations teams stationed in the United Arab Emirates would take part in any military action in the strait should Iran attempt to close it."

The US has already doubled the number of aircraft carrier battle groups it has stationed in the Persian Gulf area, deploying both the USS Abraham Lincoln and the USS Carl Vinson. It also has substantial numbers of warplanes operating out of the Arabian Peninsula and tens of thousands of troops near Iran's borders in Afghanistan and Kuwait.

The new war preparations, the Journal states, show "the extent to which war planners are taking tangible steps to prepare for a possible conflict with Iran, even as top White House and defense leaders try to tamp down talk of war and emphasize other options."

The report in the Journal indicates that the Pentagon wants the military buildup in the Gulf in place by autumn, when Pentagon planners anticipate that Israel will launch an unprovoked military strike on Iran.

High-level discussions on Iran between Washington and the Israeli state are scheduled over the next several days, with Defense Minister Ehud Barak having left Israel Monday for two days of talks with US officials, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu set to hold talks with Obama on March 5.

The newspaper noted that the latest move to fund an anticipated war with Iran follows the Pentagon's request in January for $82 million "to improve its largest conventional bunker-buster bomb, the 30,000-pound Massive Ordnance Penetrator. The bomb, officials said, was designed to take out bunkers like those used by Iran to protect its most sensitive nuclear development work."

There are indications that a heated debate continues over whether to supply Israel with these 30,000-pound weapons, which are substantially more powerful than the 5,000-pound Guided Bomb Unit 28 (GBU-28) bunker busters that the Obama administration transferred to the Zionist state last year.

David Sanger, the chief Washington correspondent for the New York Times, summed up the growing drumbeat within sections of the US ruling establishment Sunday as follows: "Arm the Syrian rebels! And, while we're at it, give the Israelis the tools they need — bunker-busters, refueling aircraft — so that if they decide to strike Iran's nuclear facilities, they'll get it right the first time."

Acknowledging that Washington's aims in Syria have everything to do with weakening Iran in preparation for "regime change" there as well, Sanger continued: "The argument commonly heard inside and outside the White House these days is that if the Assad government cracks, Iran's ability to funnel weapons to Hezbollah and Hamas will be badly damaged — and its influence will wither accordingly. Similarly, if Iran's effort to walk up to the edge of a nuclear weapons capability can be set back with a few well-placed GBU-31 bunker-busters, the country's hopes of challenging Israel and Saudi Arabia to be the region's biggest power will be deferred."

In other words, behind all of the hyped warnings about Iran's imminent acquiring of nuclear weapons, the reality is that US imperialism and its allies are engaged in a campaign of economic, political and military aggression against Iran, whose aim is to prevent the country from emerging as a regional power capable of challenging Washington's hegemony over the energy-rich regions of the Persian Gulf and Central Asia.

The nuclear issue has been used as the pretext for preparing a new war in the region, just as the claims about "weapons of mass destruction" were employed in the run-up to the US invasion of Iraq in 2003.

Just as in Iraq a decade ago, the International Atomic Energy Agency's nuclear inspection regime serves as a cat's paw in preparing imperialist aggression. As in Iraq, the IAEA, manipulated by US, Israeli and Western European intelligence agencies, is demanding that Iran do the impossible: prove a negative, that it is not engaged in the development of nuclear weapons. And, similar to its operations against Baghdad, the IAEA is provoking Tehran by demanding that it submit to diktats that are in no way required of signatories to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Thus, the IAEA issued a report last Friday, stressing that a small amount of uranium metal was missing from a nuclear research site—far less than would be needed for building a bomb—and that Iran has increased its enrichment of uranium, not to the grade necessary for weapons, but rather for nuclear power plant fuel, perfectly legal under the treaty.

It also charged that a team it sent to Iran was denied permission to visit the Parchin military complex, located about 18 miles southeast of Tehran. The US has repeatedly incited the IAEA to demand inspections of the site, which is a non-nuclear facility and not subject to the agency's oversight. Between 2004 and 2006 Iran allowed inspectors into the sensitive facility after Washington charged that a bunker there was being used to test explosive triggers for nuclear bombs. The inspections found nothing of the kind.

Iranian officials, who have insisted that the country's nuclear program is for peaceful purposes, said that the IAEA team sent to Tehran was there to negotiate a "framework" for continued collaboration between the agency and Tehran and that it was not composed of nuclear inspectors and had no right to request entry to the Parchin facility.

Both Israel and the US seized upon the report as the pretext for escalating pressure against Iran. Netanyahu issued a statement saying that it "provides more proof that Israel's estimations are accurate, Iran is continuing with its nuclear program unchecked." Israel itself has refused to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty or accept any IAEA oversight of its nuclear facilities, which have produced an estimated 400 nuclear weapons.

"Iran's actions demonstrate why Iran has failed to convince the international community that its nuclear program is peaceful," White House spokesman Tommy Vietor said. Unless Iran submitted to US and Western European pressure, "its isolation from the international community will only continue to grow," he added.

Meanwhile, under the jingoistic headline "Britain's battle plan for war with Iran", Rupert Murdoch's Sunday Sun cited unnamed British "defense chiefs" as saying "it is a matter of WHEN not IF war breaks out—with 18 to 24 months the likely timescale."

In preparation for an attack on Iran, the paper reported, Britain will "fly an infantry battalion to the United Arab Emirates, our strong ally in the region."

The Sun added. "Under the war plan, a second sub armed with Tomahawk cruise missiles would be deployed. The RAF would send Typhoon and Tornado Jets to reinforce helicopter and transport plane crews already stationed in Qatar, Oman, Bahrain and the UAE."

The paper quoted a senior Whitehall official as saying: "MoD [Ministry of Defense] planners went into overdrive at the start of the year. Conflict is seen as inevitable as long as the regime pursue their nuclear ambitions."

By Bill Van Auken

28 February 2012

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/03/2012 | 08:13 uur
Netanyahu issues warning over Iran


The Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netayahu, has demanded that Iran must dismantle its underground nuclear facilities and get rid of all enriched material.

Mr Netayahu warned western countries that they shouldn't enter into talks on the issue -- he said Iran would use negotiations as an excuse to advance its nuclear programme which Israel, and Western countries, believe is aimed at weapons production.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/03/2012 | 10:37 uur
U.S. 'not bluffing' on warning to Iran over nuclear ambitions

The Daily Telegraph March 2, 2012

Barack Obama has delivered his starkest threat so far over Iran's nu-clear ambitions, saying the United States is "not bluffing" when it warns military action could be used to stop Tehran acquiring the bomb.

Raising the spectre of a "nuclear arms race in the most volatile region in the world," the U.S. president predicted that if Tehran's apparent ambitions succeeded, four or five countries in the Middle East would scramble to acquire nuclear weapons in a "free for all."

Speaking before talks in Washington with Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, Obama moved to delay Israel from attacking Iran by stressing the U.S. was prepared to "watch Israel's back." He said: "Both the Iranian and the Israeli governments recognize that when the United States says it is unacceptable for Iran to have a nuclear weapon, we mean what we say."

He dismissed Israeli fears that the U.S. might resign itself to containing a nuclear Iran, telling The Atlantic magazine this ran "completely contrary" to his policy of nuclear non-proliferation. "I think that the Israeli government recognizes that, as president of the United States, I don't bluff," he said. "I also don't, as a matter of sound policy, go around advertising exactly what our intentions are."

Obama emphasized that the U.S.'s policy included diplomatic pressure, political isolation and "unprecedented and crippling" economic sanctions. He also mentioned "a military component" adding: "When I say we are not taking any option off the table, we mean it. We are going to continue to apply pressure until Iran takes a different course."

He claimed the risk of an Iranian bomb being passed to terrorist groups - which Tehran would feel emboldened in supporting - was "profound."

"It is almost certain that other players in the region would feel it necessary to get their own nuclear weapons," he said.

The president is due to meet Netanyahu at the White House on Monday amid mounting tensions between their two administrations over the Iranian crisis. While Obama is anxious to avoid being sucked into a fresh conflict months before the U.S. presidential election, Israeli officials have threatened to pre-emptively strike Iran's nuclear facilities unless Washington delivers a more bellicose warning to Tehran.

Netanyahu is said to be frustrated with mixed messages from Washington. Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, last month cautioned that an attack on Iran now would destabilize the region.

© Copyright (c) The Edmonton Journal

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/03/2012 | 10:48 uur
Obama Warns Both Iran and Israel, 'I Don't Bluff'

By ANNE GEARAN AP National Security Writer

WASHINGTON March 3, 2012 (AP)

President Barack Obama delivered his most explicit threat yet that the United States will attack Iran if that's what it takes to prevent it from developing a nuclear bomb. At the same time, he warned Israelis they would only make a bad situation worse if they moved pre-emptively against Iranian nuclear facilities.

The double-barreled warning, in an interview published Friday, came before Obama's high-stakes meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday and a speech Sunday to the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee, a powerful pro-Israeli lobby. Obama said an Israeli strike would stir sympathy for the Islamic republic in a region where it has few allies. But he made clearer than before that Iran could face attack from the United States.

"I think both the Iranian and the Israeli governments recognize that when the United States says it is unacceptable for Iran to have a nuclear weapon, we mean what we say," Obama told The Atlantic magazine. "I don't bluff."

He said Iran and Israel both understand that "a military component" is among a mix of many options for dealing with Iran, along with sanctions and diplomacy, making plain a threat to attack that had previously been more subtly implied.

The warning reveals how the threat that Iran could pose to Israel has eclipsed every other issue in the close but often contentious U.S. relationship with Israel, and raised the political stakes for Obama. Iran's disputed nuclear ambitions dwarf the unfinished business of peace with the Palestinians and Obama's sometimes testy relationship with Netanyahu.

The White House dispute with Israel is about the risks versus the benefits of a military strike in the near term, not whether one is ever appropriate. The issue is infused with domestic politics in both the United States and Israel, and Obama is at pains to show American Jewish voters that he is not being harder on Israel than on Iran.

"Every single commitment I have made to the state of Israel and its security, I have kept," he said in the magazine interview. "Why is it that despite me never failing to support Israel on every single problem that they've had over the last three years, that there are still questions about that?"

Obama then suggested an election-year answer to his own question, accusing Republicans of trying to fan the doubts and slam a wedge "between Barack Obama and a Jewish-American vote that has historically been very supportive of his candidacy."

He firmly rejected the notion that the United States might settle for a strategy of letting the Iranians build a nuclear weapon but deterring them from using one.

"You're talking about the most volatile region in the world," he said. "It will not be tolerable to a number of states in that region for Iran to have a nuclear weapon and them not to have a nuclear weapon. Iran is known to sponsor terrorist organizations, so the threat of proliferation becomes that much more severe. "

Israel has been publicly debating whether to launch air strikes on Iran's known nuclear facilities in the next several months, before Israel judges that Iran's program would be too far along to stop. The Obama administration argues that the time for a strike is farther away, and that there is still time to persuade Iran's leaders to back down. Iran insists its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes.

Israel wants U.S. backing for any military action against Iran, but has signaled it would go it alone if need be. Israeli officials have said they have made no decision yet, but the Obama-Netanyahu meeting comes amid a growing sense in Israel and in Washington that a strike is likely.

Israeli officials appear unmoved by the U.S. arguments, and Obama is unlikely to talk Netanyahu out of launching a strike if the Israeli leader decides not to wait. Both governments maneuvered Friday to set the terms for their discussion.

Netanyahu warned the world Friday not to fall into the "trap" of renewed nuclear talks. Speaking in Canada, the hawkish Israeli leader said he not would set down "red lines" for Israeli or U.S. action on Iran — a reference to reports in Israel that the country intended to press the United States to set such demands.

Until now, Obama has said a nuclear Iran is unacceptable but has not spelled out just what the U.S. would do or when. White House press secretary Jay Carney told reporters Friday that Obama does not intend to tip his hand to Iran about what lines it cannot cross because doing so would not be in U.S. interests.

Three delegations of senior U.S. national security officials made the case against an Israeli strike in visits to that country over the past month. They argued that launching a strike before the last possible moment, and without international support, would do more harm than good.

It could actually make Israel less safe by angering neighbors that don't like either Israel or Iran but would be forced to side with Iran in the event it is attacked, the U.S. has argued. In that sense, an attack coming from Israel could be even more polarizing in the region than one launched by the United States.

An Israeli strike would also be unlikely to eradicate the Iranian nuclear program, and would at best set it back a few years, the U.S. argument goes. In the end, the Iranian program could grow back stronger.

"At a time when there is not a lot of sympathy for Iran and its only real ally (Syria) is on the ropes, do we want a distraction in which suddenly Iran can portray itself as a victim?" Obama asked in the interview.

Israel takes little comfort in the U.S. assessment, reiterated Tuesday by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, that Tehran has not decided whether to build a nuclear bomb.

Israel has refused to guarantee any notice to the U.S. ahead of time, a U.S. intelligence source told The Associated Press. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because much of the planning for Iran is classified. A preemptive Israeli strike would probably be similar to Israel's 1981 strike on an Iraqi weapons site that Israeli officials cite as a success.

Iran's nuclear ambitions pose a "grave threat to the peace and security of the world," Netanyahu said, and other nations cannot stand by and allow it to happen. In the past he has likened the growing Iranian nuclear threat to the risk that Nazi Germany represented before the Holocaust.

"As for Israel, like any sovereign country, we reserve the right to defend ourselves against a country, against a country that calls and works for our destruction," Netanyahu said Friday.

The meeting and Obama's address to the lobby will also revisit what the U.S. sees as lackluster Israeli efforts toward peace with the Palestinians. It's a sore subject, despite Obama's strong defense of Israeli actions before the United Nations and in other venues. Before his AIPAC speech last year, Obama outlined U.S. terms for resuming Palestinian peace talks that infuriated Netanyahu and many Israel supporters in the United States.

Netanyahu speaks to the group's annual conference Monday evening.

The group's influence and the importance of Jewish voters in American politics have made its glossy Washington conference a must-do for both American and Israeli politicians. Republican presidential candidates Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum will also address the group this year

Associated Press writer Amy Teibel contributed to this report from Ottawa.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 03/03/2012 | 12:02 uur

TEHERAN - De uitslagen van de parlementsverkiezingen in Iran lijken een tegenvaller te worden voor president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Iraanse media meldden zaterdag dat tegenstanders van het staatshoofd een meerderheid hebben gekregen in het 290 zetels tellende parlement.

Bovendien zou de zus van Ahmadinejad, die voor de stad Garmsar een parlementszetel wilde veroveren, niet in de volksvertegenwoordiging zijn gekozen. Garmsar is de thuisbasis van de president.

De officiële uitslagen van de parlementsverkiezingen van vrijdag worden vermoedelijk zondag bekendgemaakt. Volgens staatsmedia ging circa 65 procent van de stemgerechtigden naar de stembus.

De verkiezing is uitgedraaid op een krachtmeting tussen Ahmadinejad en geestelijk leider ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Zij liggen openlijk overhoop. De afgelopen maanden zijn tientallen medestanders van Ahmadinejad op een zijspoor gezet of opgepakt. Toen Ahmadinejad een minister ontsloeg, draaide Khamenei dat terug.

Beneiuwd naar de gevolgen voor het kat en muis spelletje ?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 03/03/2012 | 12:15 uur
Veel mensen zijn niet op de hoogte van de strijd tussen Ahmadinejad en de hoogste geestelijke leider van het land, Khamenei. Die strijd is al een tijd aan de gang waarbij Ahmadinejad wordt beschuldigt van het feit dat hij de geestelijken in Iran uit de politiek zou willen verdrijven. Ahmadinejad staat enigszins voor een meer nationalistischer Iran, terwijl de geestelijken zich blijven vastklampen aan een islamitische koers. Interessant, de uitslag van de niet-democratische verkiezingen in Iran, waar Ahmadinejad nu een forse nederlaag heeft geleden en het in feite zijn ondergang betekent.

De vraag is wat Ahmadinejad nu zal gaan doen; hij heeft dacht ik (intern) al een keer gedreigd om een aantal 'geheimen' te verhullen die schadelijk zouden zijn voor Khamenei en consorten. Ze zou de zoon Khamenei ongeveer een miljard aan oliegeld hebben verduisterd en op allerlei buitenlandse rekeningen hebben gezet en Ahmadinejad zou in bezit zijn van die documenten. Overigens betekent de nederlaag van Ahmadinejad en de overwinning van Khamenei een sterker anti-Israel/VS beleid. Ahmadinejad zou al langer tijd meer toenadering tot het westen zoeken en dat wordt vanaf het begin al steeds verhinderd.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Tanker op 03/03/2012 | 12:19 uur
Citaat van: Jah op 03/03/2012 | 12:15 uur
Veel mensen zijn niet op de hoogte van de strijd tussen Ahmadinejad en de hoogste geestelijke leider van het land, Khamenei. Die strijd is al een tijd aan de gang waarbij Ahmadinejad wordt beschuldigt van het feit dat hij de geestelijken in Iran uit de politiek zou willen verdrijven. Ahmadinejad staat enigszins voor een meer nationalistischer Iran, terwijl de geestelijken zich blijven vastklampen aan een islamitische koers. Interessant, de uitslag van de niet-democratische verkiezingen in Iran, waar Ahmadinejad nu een forse nederlaag heeft geleden en het in feite zijn ondergang betekent.

De vraag is wat Ahmadinejad nu zal gaan doen; hij heeft dacht ik (intern) al een keer gedreigd om een aantal 'geheimen' te verhullen die schadelijk zouden zijn voor Khamenei en consorten. Ze zou de zoon Khamenei ongeveer een miljard aan oliegeld hebben verduisterd en op allerlei buitenlandse rekeningen hebben gezet en Ahmadinejad zou in bezit zijn van die documenten. Overigens betekent de nederlaag van Ahmadinejad en de overwinning van Khamenei een sterker anti-Israel/VS beleid. Ahmadinejad zou al langer tijd meer toenadering tot het westen zoeken en dat wordt vanaf het begin al steeds verhinderd.

Misschien wordt die verdreven en vraagt hij politiek asiel aan in de VS
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 03/03/2012 | 13:52 uur
Of in Israel een Burger King beginnen...............Bunker Buster met Nuke saus....heerlijk  :lol:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/03/2012 | 14:04 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 03/03/2012 | 13:52 uur
Of in Israel een Burger King beginnen...............Bunker Buster met Nuke saus....heerlijk  :lol:

Ros wat heb je toch weer een "starlend" humeur vandaag.  :angel:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 03/03/2012 | 15:47 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 03/03/2012 | 13:52 uur
Of in Israel een Burger King beginnen...............Bunker Buster met Nuke saus....heerlijk  :lol:

Ros spoor je toch wel?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 04/03/2012 | 09:50 uur
Israel delivers ultimatum to Barack Obama on Iran's nuclear plans

At Monday's meeting between Benjamin Netanyahu and Barack Obama the Israeli prime minister will deliver a stark warning, reports Adrian Blomfield in Jerusalem

By Adrian Blomfield, in Jerusalem

8:31PM GMT 03 Mar 2012

Their relationship, almost from the outset, has been frostier than not, a mutual antipathy palpable in many of their previous encounters.

Two years ago, Barack Obama reportedly left Benjamin Netanyahu to kick his heels in a White House anteroom, a snub delivered to show the president's irritation over Israel's settlement policy in the West Bank. In May, the Israeli prime minister struck back, publicly scolding his purse-lipped host for the borders he proposed of a future Palestinian state.

When the two men meet in Washington on Monday, Mr Obama will find his guest once more at his most combative. But this time, perhaps as never before, it is the Israeli who has the upper hand.

Exuding confidence, Mr Netanyahu effectively brings with him an ultimatum, demanding that unless the president makes a firm pledge to use US military force to prevent Iran acquiring a nuclear bomb, Israelmay well take matters into its own hands within months.

The threat is not an idle one. According to sources close to the Israeli security establishment, military planners have concluded that never before has the timing for a unilateral military strike against Iran's nuclear facilities been so auspicious.

It is an assessment based on the unforeseen consequences of the Arab Spring, particularly in Syria, which has had the result of significantly weakening Iran's clout in the region.

Israel has always known that there would be an enormous cost in launching an attack on Iran, with the Islamist state able to retaliate through its proxy militant groups Hamas and Hizbollah, based in Gaza and Lebanon respectively, and its ally Syria.

Each is capable of launching massive rocket strikes at Israel's cities, a price that some senior intelligence and military officials said was too much to bear.

But with Syria preoccupied by a near civil war and Hamas in recent weeks choosing to leave Iran's orbit and realign itself with Egypt, Iran's options suddenly look considerably more limited, boosting the case for war.

"Iran's deterrent has been significantly defanged," a source close to Israel's defence chiefs said. "As a result some of those opposed to military action have changed their minds. They sense a golden opportunity to strike Iran at a significantly reduced cost." Not that there would be no cost at all. With the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Hamas has chosen to throw its lot in with its closest ideological ally and forsake Iran and its funding, but it could still be forced to make a token show of force if smaller groups in Gaza that are still backed by Tehran unleash their own rockets.

Likewise, Bashar al-Assad, the Syrian president, could seek to reunite his fractured country with military action against Israel.

Iran would almost certainly launch its long-range ballistic missiles at Israel, while Hizbollah, with an estimated arsenal of 50,000 rockets, would see an opportunity to repair its image in the Middle East, battered as a result of its decision to side with Mr Assad.

Even so, it is not the "doomsday scenario" that some feared, and a growing number in the security establishment are willing to take on the risk if it means preventing the rise of a nuclear power that has spoken repeatedly of Israel's destruction.

"It won't be easy," said a former senior official in Israel's defence ministry. "Rockets will be fired at cities, including Tel Aviv, but at the same time the doomsday scenario that some have talked of is unlikely to happen. I don't think we will have all out war." In itself, the loss of two of Iran's deterrent assets would probably not be enough to prompt Israel to launch unilateral military action.

The real urgency comes from the fact that Israeli intelligence has concluded that it has only between six and nine months before Iran's nuclear facilities are immune from a unilateral military strike.

After that, Iran enters what officials here call a "zone of immunity", the point at which Israel would no longer be able, by itself, to prevent Tehran from becoming a nuclear power.

By then, Israel assesses, Iran will have acquired sufficient technological expertise to build a nuclear weapon. More importantly, it will be able to do so at its Fordow enrichment plant, buried so deep within a mountain that it is almost certainly beyond the range of Israel's US-provided GBU-28 and GBU-27 "bunker busting" bombs.

It is with this deadline in mind that Mr Netanyahu comes to Washington. Mr Obama's administration has little doubt that their visitor's intent is serious. Leon Panetta, the US defence secretary, stated last month that there was a "strong likelihood" of Israel launching an attack between April and June this year.

Senior US officials have, unusually, warned in public that such a step would be unwise and premature, a sentiment echoed by William Hague, the Foreign Secretary.

Mr Obama is determined that beefed up US and EU sanctions targeting Iran's central bank and energy sector be given the chance to work and is desperate to dissuade Israel from upsetting his strategy.

But to give sanctions a chance, Mr Netanyahu would effectively have to give up Israel's ability to strike Iran and leave the country's fate in the hands of the United States – which is why he is demanding a clear sign of commitment from the American president.

"This is the dilemma facing Israel," the former senior military officer said. "If Iran enters a zone of immunity from Israeli attack can Israel rely on the United States to prevent Iran going nuclear?"

Mr Netanyahu's chief demand will be that Washington recognises Israel's "red lines". This would involve the Barack administration shifting from a position of threatening military action if Iran acquired a nuclear weapon to one of warning of the use of force if Tehran acquired the capability of being able to build one.

Mr Obama will be reluctant to make such a commitment in public, though he might do so in private by pledging action if Iran were to expel UN weapons inspectors or begin enriching uranium towards the levels needed to build a bomb, according to Matthew Kroenig, a special adviser to the Pentagon on Iran until last year.

"Israel is facing the situation of either taking military action now or trusting the US to take action down the road," Mr Kroenig, an advocate of US military strikes against Iran, said. "What Netanyahu wants to get out of the meeting are clear assurances that the US will take military action if necessary." The American president may regard Mr Netanyahu as an ally who has done more to undermine his Middle East policy of trying to project soft power in the Arab world than may of his foes in the region.

But, on this occasion at least, he will have to suppress his irritation.

Mr Netanyahu is well aware that his host is vulnerable to charges from both Congress and his Republican challengers for the presidency that he is weak on Iran, and will seek to exploit this as much as possible.

Tellingly, Palestinian issues, the principal source of contention between the two, will be sidelined and Mr Obama has already been forced to step up his rhetoric on Iran beyond a degree with which he is probably comfortable.

Last week, in a notable hardening of tone, he declared his seriousness about using military force to prevent Iran acquiring a nuclear weapon, saying: "I do not bluff." Yet whatever commitments he might give to Mr Netanyahu it is far from clear that it will be enough to dissuade Israel from taking unilateral action.

Among the Israeli public, there is a sense of growing sense that a confrontation with Iran is inevitable. Overheard conversations in bars and restaurants frequently turn to the subject, with a growing popular paranoia fed by the escalation in bomb shelter construction, air raid siren testing and exercises simulating civilian preparedness for rocket strikes.

Last week, Israeli newspapers fretted that the government was running short of gas masks, even though more than four million have already been doled out.

But while the growing drumbeat of war is unmistakable, it is unclear whether or not Mr Netanyahu, for all his bellicose rhetoric, has yet fully committed himself to the cause.

Ostensibly, a decision for war has to be approved by Mr Netanyahu's inner cabinet. But everyone in Israel agrees that the decision ultimately rests with Ehud Barak, the defence minister who is unabashedly in favour of military action, and, most importantly, the prime minister.

"Netanyahu is a much more ambiguous and complex character," said Jonathan Spyer, a prominent Israeli political analyst. "We know where Barak stands but with Netanyahu it is less clear.

"Netanyahu is not a man who likes military adventures. His two terms as prime minister have been among the quietest in recent Israeli history. Behind the Churchillian character he likes to project is a very much more cautious and vacillating figure."

Were Mr Netanyahu to overcome his indecisiveness, as many observers suspect he will, real questions remain about how effective an Israeli unilateral strike would be.

With its US-supplied bunker busters, Israel's fleet of F-15i and F-16i fighter jets, and its recently improved in-air refuelling capabilities, Israel could probably cause significant damage to the bulk of Iran's nuclear facilities, including the Natanz enrichment plant.

But the second enrichment plant at Fordow, buried beneath more than 200 feet of reinforced concrete, could prove a challenge too far.

"Natanz yes, but I don't think they could take out Fordow," said Mark Fitzpatrick, an Iran expert at the International Institute of Strategic Studies in London. "They could take out the entrance ramps but not the facility itself."

With its Massive Ordnance Penetrator bunker busters, each weighing almost 14 tonnes, the United States stands a much better chance of striking Fordow successfully, thus disrupting Iran's nuclear programme for far longer than the one to three years delay an Israeli attack is estimated to cause.

But whether Israeli is prepared to leave its fate in American hands is another matter.

"Israelis are psychologically such that they prefer to rely on themselves and not on others, given their history," the Israeli former senior defence ministry official said. "We feel we have relied on others in the past, and they have failed us."
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 04/03/2012 | 10:08 uur
Israel will decide on Iran for itself says FM

(AFP) – 30 minutes ago 

JERUSALEM — Israel will decide on what to do about Iran's nuclear activities as an "independent state," Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said on Sunday, on the eve of a US-Israel summit in Washington.

"Clearly, the United States is the biggest world power and the biggest and most important country that is a friend of Israel, but we are an independent state," Lieberman told Israeli public radio.

"Ultimately, the state of Israel will make the decisions that are most appropriate based on its evaluation of the situation," he said.

Lieberman's comments came shortly before Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is due to hold talks in Washington with US President Barack Obama on Monday, a meeting expected to focus heavily on Iran's nuclear activities.

Israel, Washington and much of the international community believes that Iran's nuclear programme masks a weapons drive, a charge Tehran denies.

US intelligence is said to believe that Iran does not currently intend to produce nuclear weapons, though it may be seeking the capacity to do so, and Washington has emphasised the importance of deterrent sanctions and diplomacy.

But Israel is reportedly eager to move more quickly and decisively against Iran's nuclear activities, using a military strike to prevent it from obtaining even the capacity to take a decision to produce nuclear weapons.

"The Iranian file is well-known," Lieberman said. "The direction taken by Iran is clear."

But he added that any decisions should be made "calmly, weighing the pros and cons. All this chatter doesn't help anyone."

Lieberman also warned that the international community's failure to deal with the bloodshed in Syria, where a crackdown on anti-regime protesters has killed thousands, showed Israel could rely only on itself for protection.

"If the international community is incapable of stopping the massacres in Syria, what is the value of its promises to protect the security of Israel?"

Copyright © 2012 AFP.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 04/03/2012 | 12:36 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 03/03/2012 | 15:47 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 03/03/2012 | 13:52 uur
Of in Israel een Burger King beginnen...............Bunker Buster met Nuke saus....heerlijk  :lol:

Ros spoor je toch wel?

Nee.....uuhhh ja. Ik haakte alleen maar in op een eerder bericht om Ahmadinejad asiel aan te laten vragen in de VS. De optie Israel leek mij ook een leuk altermatief  :devil:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 04/03/2012 | 20:03 uur
Het blijft er dus om spannen.....nog speciale "windows of opportunities" komende maanden?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Enforcer op 04/03/2012 | 20:31 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 04/03/2012 | 20:03 uur
Het blijft er dus om spannen.....nog speciale "windows of opportunities" komende maanden?

Olympische spelen
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 05/03/2012 | 16:14 uur
Stalen balen?  ;D

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Enforcer op 05/03/2012 | 17:28 uur
Zeker als je wat van die liedjes van Toby Keith beluisterd.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 05/03/2012 | 19:49 uur
Hoe Israël Iran kan aanvallen
Afweergeschut bij de nucleaire installatie in Natanz, Iran.
Foto: Hamed Saber / Flickr / Creative Commons / by Toegevoegd: maandag 5 mrt 2012, 17:17
Update: maandag 5 mrt 2012, 18:32

"Moeilijk en zeer riskant", noemen militaire deskundigen een Israëlische aanval op Iran. Er zijn waarschijnlijk zo'n honderd gevechtsvliegtuigen met loodzware bommen voor nodig, mogelijk gevolgd door een rakettenregen. De Israëliërs willen hiermee naar verwachting vier of vijf Iraanse doelen uitschakelen. Als dat lukt, is het Iraanse nucleaire programma weliswaar vertraagd, maar nog niet vernietigd.

Geruchten dat Israël plannen heeft om Iraanse nucleaire installaties aan te vallen, zijn er al jaren. Maar de laatste maanden speculeren Israëlische politici openlijk over zo'n aanval, omdat Iran volgens hen binnenkort al een kernbom kan maken. De grote vraag is of Israël in staat is tot zo'n militaire aanval, zonder hulp van de Verenigde Staten.

Volgens de meeste deskundigen is het antwoord ja. De Israëlische luchtmacht heeft de laatste jaren de vloot flink uitgebreid. Zo hebben ze 125 hypermoderne F-16's en F-15's gekocht en speciale munitie aangeschaft om te kunnen doordringen tot de betonnen bunkers in Iran. Ook heeft Israël zo'n honderd Jericho-raketten klaarstaan die Iraanse doelen kunnen bereiken.

Eerder gedaan
Bovendien heeft Israël twee keer eerder een mogelijk kernwapenprogramma een gevoelige klap toebedeeld. In 1981 bombardeerde het in Irak de kernreactor Osirak en in 2007 een geheime (Noordkoreaanse) reactor in Syrië. Israël beweert dat beide aanvallen cruciaal waren om te voorkomen dat respectievelijk Saddam Hoessein en Bashar al-Assad kernwapens konden maken.

Maar deze geslaagde bombardementen zijn onvergelijkbaar met een aanval op Iran. In Irak en Syrië ging het om maar één doel, dat bovendien bovengronds was. In Iran gaat het om vier tot vijf doelen tegelijk, waarvan er twee diep beschermd onder de grond zitten. Had Israël in Irak maar acht gevechtsvliegtuigen nodig om de kernreactor plat te leggen, in Iran moeten waarschijnlijk 100 tot 125 vliegtuigen worden ingezet.

Bunkers penetreren
De Israëliërs zullen een eenmalige, nachtelijke aanval uitvoeren, denkt defensiespecialist Ko Colijn van het Instituut Clingendael. Ze zullen zich richten op de uraniumverrijkingsfabrieken in Natanz en in Fordow (bij de heilige stad Qom), de zwaarwaterreactor bij Arak, de uraniumopwerkingsfabriek in Isfahan en het militaire complex bij Parchin.

Het lastigst worden de bombardementen op de centrifuges in Natanz en Fordow. De verrijkingsfabriek in Natanz ligt 23 meter onder de grond en die van Fordow zit 80 meter diep verscholen in een berg. Beide zijn beschermd door een dikke laag beton. Een van de weinige bommen die er waarschijnlijk kan doordringen is de GBU-28, een zware bunkerbuster van 2300 kilo. Volgens militaire experts kan elk gevechtsvliegtuig maar één zo'n bom meenemen, vandaar dat er zoveel vliegtuigen nodig zijn. Die zullen hun bommen loodrecht moeten afwerpen, willen ze met succes de bunkers penetreren.

Een probleem is de afstand. De doelen liggen bijna 2000 kilometer van Israël en de vliegtuigen moeten ook nog terug. Dat betekent dat ze in de lucht moeten worden bijgetankt. Israël heeft volgens deskundigen acht tot tien tankvliegtuigen om mee te sturen. Dat is weinig als de operatie om onvoorziene redenen langer duurt.

Daarnaast moet Israël een route bepalen boven andere landen. De noordelijke route via Syrië en Turkije lijkt onwaarschijnlijk, omdat de relatie tussen Israël en Turkije de laatste jaren erg is verslechterd. Over Jordanië en Irak is mogelijk, omdat sinds het vertrek van de Amerikanen het luchtruim boven Irak niet zwaar meer wordt gecontroleerd en omdat de Israëliërs geen toestemming meer hoeven te vragen aan de VS.

Via Saudie-Arabië is ook een optie. Saudie-Arabië zal de Israëlische vliegtuigen waarschijnlijk niet hinderen, omdat het land bang is voor een Iraanse atoombom. Maar het is wel de langste route en er moet dus meer worden bijgetankt.

Verschillende militaire experts denken dat Israël ook raketten zal afvuren vanaf de basis Hirbat Zekharyah. Het wordt dan een tweetraps-aanval. Eerst zullen de gevechtsvliegtuigen met hun zware bommen de buitenkant van de nucleaire fabrieken vernietigen. Daarna zullen de nauwkeurige Jericho-raketten de installaties binnenin vernietigen. Hoewel Israël ze kan uitrusten met kernkoppen, wordt dat niet verwacht. De aanval is niet bedoeld om mensen te doden, alleen om de installaties te vernietigen.

Andere militaire opties zijn de inzet van grote Israëlische onbemande vliegtuigen, zoals de Heron-drone, die de schade kan bestuderen, de luchtafweer kan misleiden en zelfs kan worden geladen met explosieven. Daarnaast kunnen ook commando's worden ingezet, die bijvoorbeeld midden in de nacht met lasers de doelwitten verlichten, zoals ze in 2007 ook hebben gedaan in Syrië.

Al met al wordt het een gecompliceerde operatie. Toch is volgens militair deskundigen de kans van slagen meer dan 70 procent. Maar dan is natuurlijk de vraag hoe Iran zal terugslaan en of de aanval zal leiden tot een regionale oorlog met vele doden en/of tot grote wereldwijde spanningen.

De Israëlische leiders dreigen dit risico te willen nemen. Ze lijken bereid hun luchtmacht op het spel te zetten en een oorlog te riskeren om te voorkomen dat Iran een kernbom krijg. Maar ook Israël weet dat de dreiging dan nog niet voorbij is, omdat zelfs een geslaagde aanval het Iraanse het nucleaire programma hooguit met twee tot vijf jaar zal vertragen.

Bron: NOS
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 05/03/2012 | 19:50 uur
Obama steunt Netanyahu
President Obama en premier Netanyahu praten onder meer over het atoomprogramma van Iran
AFP Toegevoegd: maandag 5 mrt 2012, 17:55

De Verenigde Staten zullen Israël altijd steunen. Dat zei president Barack Obama voorafgaand aan gesprekken met de Israëlische premier Benjamin Netanyahu.

De twee leiders praten met elkaar over onder meer het atoomprogramma van Iran. De VS wil Iran met sancties dwingen om het omstreden atoomprogramma te staken. Israël zegt dat de dreiging te groot is en wil ingrijpen.

Volgens Obama zijn diplomatieke gesprekken nog mogelijk. Wel zegt hij dat de Verenigde Staten Iran aanvallen als dat de enige manier is om te voorkomen dat het land een kernwapen ontwikkelt.

Voorafgaand aan het overleg zei Netanyahu dat Israël en de VS bondgenoten zijn. Wel benadrukt hij dat Israël een soevereine staat is, die het recht heeft zichzelf te verdedigen.

Binnen de Israëlische regering gaan steeds meer stemmen op om doelen in Iran aan te vallen

Bron: NOS
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 05/03/2012 | 20:15 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 05/03/2012 | 19:50 uur
Obama steunt Netanyahu

De vraag is of na vandaag een datum bekend is en of dit met instemming van de Amerikanen is of dat de israeli het simpelweg hebben medegedeeld... onder het mom van we doen het dan... tenzij...

Het wordt een "interessant" voorjaar.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 05/03/2012 | 20:17 uur
Het is maar de vraag ook hoeveel mensen Israel al binnen de installaties heeft weten te infiltreren die cruciale stappen kunnen zetten...

Vooral de periode na de aanval ben ik benieuwd naar....hoe zal Iran reageren e.d....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 05/03/2012 | 20:52 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 05/03/2012 | 20:17 uur
Het is maar de vraag ook hoeveel mensen Israel al binnen de installaties heeft weten te infiltreren die cruciale stappen kunnen zetten...

Vooral de periode na de aanval ben ik benieuwd naar....hoe zal Iran reageren e.d....

Na alle (Iraanse) retoriek kunnen ze haast niet anders dan alle of minimaal veel kaarten in te zetten op een massieve tegenactie.

Een tegenactie zal al heel snel na de aanval moeten plaatsvinden (misschien wel tijdens) want zodra een tegenactie zich niet alleen beperkt tot de Israeli, maar bijvoorbeeld ook eenheden van de Amerikaanse vloot zal treffen (kan ook in Bahrein zijn) dan is het snel afgelopen met de Iraanse capaciteit om iets te kunnen uitrichten.

Wellicht zal men terugvallen op massale aanslagen in Israel en America (misschien/wellicht zijn de cellen reeds aanwezig)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 05/03/2012 | 20:59 uur
Raketten vanuit Iran en Zuid-Libanon
Aanvallen in de Perzische Golf
Aanslagen door Iraanse geheim agenten en sympatisanten in Israel en daarbuiten. Ik denk dat er heel wat cellen aanwezig zijn al en mogelijk al explosieven geplaatst.
Aanvallen op Amerikaanse doelen in Irak en Afghanistan als de Amerikanen mee gaan doen.
Inzet van vooral menselijke "wapens" dan materiaal. En dat maakt het verdedigen daartegen niet bepaald makkelijker.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 05/03/2012 | 21:00 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 05/03/2012 | 20:59 uur
Raketten vanuit Iran en Zuid-Libanon
Aanvallen in de Perzische Golf
Aanslagen door Iraanse geheim agenten en sympatisanten in Israel en daarbuiten. Ik denk dat er heel wat cellen aanwezig zijn al en mogelijk al explosieven geplaatst.
Aanvallen op Amerikaanse doelen in Irak en Afghanistan als de Amerikanen mee gaan doen.

Ik ben bang dat je gelijk gaat krijgen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Enforcer op 05/03/2012 | 21:00 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 05/03/2012 | 21:00 uur
Ik ben bang dat je gelijk gaat krijgen.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 05/03/2012 | 21:06 uur
Ik denk zomaar dat Iran na een dergelijke aanval zich helemaal niet beperkt tot Israelische en Amerikaanse doelen en veel wilder om zich heen gaat slaan m.n. in en rond de straat van Hormoez.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 05/03/2012 | 21:11 uur
Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 05/03/2012 | 21:06 uur
Ik denk zomaar dat Iran na een dergelijke aanval zich helemaal niet beperkt tot Israelische en Amerikaanse doelen en veel wilder om zich heen gaat slaan m.n. in en rond de straat van Hormoez.
Ik denk juist van niet. Zeker als de schade aan haar systemen meevalt. Men wil de Islamitische wereld achter zich krijgen in een anti-Israelische en Amerikaanse woede......Ook kan men pogen Amerika zover te krijgen niet echt stevig te reageren. Maar het is onvoorspelbaar. Escaleren zal eenvoudig plaats vinden. 
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 05/03/2012 | 21:15 uur
Ik verwacht van Iran ook nog raketten op Saoedi-Arabië en dan met name op de olievelden in het Oosten van het land.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 05/03/2012 | 21:15 uur
Laat ik het specificeren: wild om zich heen gaat slaan richting westerse doelen in en rond de straat van Hormoez.....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 05/03/2012 | 21:20 uur
Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 05/03/2012 | 21:15 uur
Laat ik het specificeren: wild om zich heen gaat slaan richting westerse doelen in en rond de straat van Hormoez.....

Die actie lijk ook waarschijnlijk, de vraag is alleen hoe lang ze die capaciteit zullen hebben, uren of dagen, maar daarna is het met de grootste militaire capaciteit vermoedelijk wel gedaan.

Tenzij de Russen en de Chinese Iran de afgelopen jaar meer hebben opgetopt dan wij nu vermoeden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 05/03/2012 | 21:22 uur
Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 05/03/2012 | 21:15 uur
Laat ik het specificeren: wild om zich heen gaat slaan richting westerse doelen in en rond de straat van Hormoez.....
waarom? Iran heeft er meer aan landen uit elkaar te spelen en verdeeldheid te zaaien over hoe men verder reageert na een Israelische aanval. Dus zal Iran selectief reageren verwacht ik.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 05/03/2012 | 21:23 uur
Citaat van: Jah op 05/03/2012 | 21:15 uur
Ik verwacht van Iran ook nog raketten op Saoedi-Arabië en dan met name op de olievelden in het Oosten van het land.
Alleen als Saudi-Arabie actief meedoet of dingen mogelijk maakt denk ik. Anders niet denk ik. Mee dreigen of 1 aanslag als voorbeeld uitvoeren kan ik me wel wat bij voorstellen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 05/03/2012 | 21:23 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 05/03/2012 | 21:22 uur
waarom? Iran heeft er meer aan landen uit elkaar te spelen en verdeeldheid te zaaien over hoe men verder reageert na een Israelische aanval. Dus zal Iran selectief reageren verwacht ik.

De vraag is meer: heeft Iran wel de tijd om selectief te reageren?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Enforcer op 05/03/2012 | 21:24 uur
Citaat van: Jah op 05/03/2012 | 21:15 uur
Ik verwacht van Iran ook nog raketten op Saoedi-Arabië en dan met name op de olievelden in het Oosten van het land.

Ik verwacht het niet, want dan denk ik dat Saoudi Arabie volledig losgaat. En dan is het klaar met Iran en delft het land het onderspit tegen haar grootste Arabische tegenpool in de regio. En het ging nu net om het controleren van het Midden-Oosten.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 05/03/2012 | 21:26 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 05/03/2012 | 21:23 uur
Citaat van: Jah op 05/03/2012 | 21:15 uur
Ik verwacht van Iran ook nog raketten op Saoedi-Arabië en dan met name op de olievelden in het Oosten van het land.
Alleen als Saudi-Arabie actief meedoet of dingen mogelijk maakt denk ik. Anders niet denk ik. Mee dreigen of 1 aanslag als voorbeeld uitvoeren kan ik me wel wat bij voorstellen.

De vraag is inderdaad of Saoedi-Arabie Israel zal toestaan om van het luchtruim gebruik te maken, maar ik zie zelfs zonder die toestemming nog een aanval van Iran op de olievelden daar mocht het echt compleet escaleren.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 05/03/2012 | 21:26 uur
Citaat van: Enforcer op 05/03/2012 | 21:24 uur
Ik verwacht het niet, want dan denk ik dat Saoudi Arabie volledig losgaat. En dan is het klaar met Iran en delft het land het onderspit tegen haar grootste Arabische tegenpool in de regio. En het ging nu net om het controleren van het Midden-Oosten.


Het zou een alliantie opleveren tussen SA en Isael.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 05/03/2012 | 21:27 uur
Citaat van: Enforcer op 05/03/2012 | 21:24 uur
Citaat van: Jah op 05/03/2012 | 21:15 uur
Ik verwacht van Iran ook nog raketten op Saoedi-Arabië en dan met name op de olievelden in het Oosten van het land.

Ik verwacht het niet, want dan denk ik dat Saoudi Arabie volledig losgaat. En dan is het klaar met Iran en delft het land het onderspit tegen haar grootste Arabische tegenpool in de regio. En het ging nu net om het controleren van het Midden-Oosten.

Ik denk nu niet echt dat Iran zich druk maakt over de reactie van die Arabieren aan de overkant.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 05/03/2012 | 21:29 uur
Ik denk dat Iran erg zal proberen de Islamitische wereld (en vooral diens bevolking) te mobiliseren in reactie op zo'n Israelische aanval. En datr zou best eens kunnen lukken. Dat zal ook het gedrag van de regeringen van betrokken Islamitische landen beinvloeden. Mogelijk blijven die openbaar erg neutraal en terughoudend en geven ze alleen achter de schermen soms steun aan de VS/Israel coalitie.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 05/03/2012 | 21:33 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 05/03/2012 | 20:59 uur
Raketten vanuit Iran en Zuid-Libanon
Aanvallen in de Perzische Golf
Aanslagen door Iraanse geheim agenten en sympatisanten in Israel en daarbuiten. Ik denk dat er heel wat cellen aanwezig zijn al en mogelijk al explosieven geplaatst.
Aanvallen op Amerikaanse doelen in Irak en Afghanistan als de Amerikanen mee gaan doen.
Inzet van vooral menselijke "wapens" dan materiaal. En dat maakt het verdedigen daartegen niet bepaald makkelijker.

In die richting inderdaad. De Israeliers/Amerikanen bombarderen de nucleaire faciliteiten van Iran. Iran reageert direct met raketten die gericht zijn op de grote steden van Israel. Hezbollah vuurt vanuit Zuid-Libanon meteen haar raketten af op de haven van Haifa, Tel-Aviv en andere doelwitten. Twijfelachtig is hoe Hamas zal reageren. We weten dat Hams o.a. door de Iraanse regering gefinancierd wordt, maar de vraag is hoeverre de Iraanse invloed reikt. De kans is dus groot dat Israel straks op drie fronten oorlog voert. Vervolgens zal Iran de strategische Straat van Hormuz (proberen) afsluiten en waarschijnlijk één van de belangrijkste centra voor de aardolie-industrie in het oosten van Saoedi-Arabië (Dharan) aanvallen. Ook zullen Israelische/Amerikaanse schepen in de Perzische Golf aangevallen worden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 05/03/2012 | 21:40 uur

Without telling the U.S. in advance, Israel strikes at six of Iran's most critical nuclear facilities, using a refueling base hastily set up in the Saudi Arabian desert without Saudi knowledge. (It is unclear to the Iranians if the Saudis were active participants or not.)

Already-tense relations between the White House and Israel worsen rapidly, but the lack of advance notice allows Washington to say truthfully that it had not condoned the attack.



In a series of angry exchanges, the U.S. demands that Israel cease its attacks, though some in Washington view the moment as an opportunity to further weaken the Iranian government, particularly the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

Telling Israel it has made a mess, Washington essentially instructs the country to sit in a corner while the United States tries to clean things up.


Even while calling for restraint on all sides, the U.S. deploys more Patriot antimissile batteries and Aegis cruisers around the region, as a warning to Iran not to retaliate. Even so, some White House advisers warn against being sucked into the conflict, believing that Israel's real strategy is to lure America into finishing the job with additional attacks on the damaged Iranian facilities.


Despite warnings, Iran fires missiles at Israel, including its nuclear weapons complex at Dimona, but damage and casualties are minimal. Meanwhile, two of Iran's proxies, Hezbollah and Hamas, launch attacks in Israel and fire rockets into the country.


Believing it already has achieved its main goal of setting back the nuclear program by years, Israel barely responds.


Iran, while wounded, sees long-term opportunities to unify its people - and to roll over its opposition parties - on nationalistic grounds. Its strategy is to mount low-level attacks on Israel while portraying the United States as a paper tiger - unable to control its ally and unwilling to respond to Iran.

Convinced that the Saudis had colluded with the Israelis, and emboldened by the measured initial American position, Iran fires missiles at the Saudi oil export processing center at Abqaiq, and tries to incite Shiite Muslims in eastern Saudi Arabia to attack the Saudi regime.

Iran also conducts terror attacks against European targets, in hopes that governments there will turn on Israel and the United States.


After a meeting of its divided leadership, Iran decides against directly attacking any American targets - to avoid an all-out American response.



Though Iran's retaliation against Israel causes only modest damage, critics in the Israeli media say the country's leaders, by failing to respond to every attack, have weakened the credibility of the nation's deterrence. Hezbollah fires up to 100 rockets a day into northern Israel, with some aimed at Haifa and Tel Aviv.

The Israeli economy comes to a virtual halt, and Israeli officials, urging American intervention, complain that one-third of the country's population is living in shelters. Hundreds of thousands flee Haifa and Tel Aviv.


Israel finally wins American acquiescence to retaliate against Hezbollah. It orders a 48-hour campaign by air and special forces against Lebanon and begins to prepare a much larger air and ground operation.


Knowing that its ultimate weapon is its ability to send oil prices sky high, Iran decides to attack Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, an oil industry center, with conventional missiles and begins mining the Strait of Hormuz.


A Panamanian-registered, Americanowned tanker and an American minesweeper are severely damaged. The price of oil spikes, though temporarily.


Unable to sit on the sidelines while oil supplies and American forces are threatened, Washington begins a massive military reinforcement of the Gulf region.


The game ends eight days after the initial Israeli strike. But it is clear the United States was leaning toward destroying all Iranian air, ground and sea targets in and around the Strait of Hormuz, and that Iran's forces were about to suffer a significant defeat. Debate breaks out over how much of Iran's nuclear program was truly crippled, and whether the country had secret backup facilities that could be running in just a year or two.


1. By attacking without Washington's advance knowledge, Israel had the benefits of surprise and momentum - not only over the Iranians, but over its American allies - and for the first day or two, ran circles around White House crisis managers.

2. The battle quickly sucked in the whole region - and Washington. Arab leaders who might have quietly applauded an attack against Iran had to worry about the reaction in their streets. The war shifted to defending Saudi oil facilities, and Iran's use of proxies meant that other regional players quickly became involved.

3. You can bomb facilities, but you can't bomb knowledge. Iran had not only scattered its facilities, but had also scattered its scientific and engineering leadership, in hopes of rebuilding after an attack.

4. No one won, and the United States and Israel measured success differently. In Washington, officials believed setting the Iranian program back only a few years was not worth the huge cost. In Israel, even a few years delay seemed worth the cost, and the Israelis argued that it could further undercut a fragile regime and perhaps speed its demise. Most of the Americans thought that was a pipe dream. —D.E.S.

Illustrations by Alicia Cheng and Sarah Gephart, Mgmt. Design.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 05/03/2012 | 21:42 uur
Ik verwacht dus juist geen all-out war meteen....Iran heeft daar geen direct belang bij denk ik. VS en Israel ook niet want de olieprijs zal stevig stijgen. Hoe het gaat en escaleert is voor mij dus nog een groot vraagteken. Wel verwachtt ik stevige reacties tegen Hezbollah.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 05/03/2012 | 23:28 uur
G8 summit die op 18 en 19 mei in Chicago gehouden zou worden is verplaatst naar Camp David.
Zou het mogelijk met dit onderwerp te maken hebeen?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/03/2012 | 07:01 uur
Netanyahu voert druk op Iran op
De Israëlische premier Netanyahu
AFP Toegevoegd: dinsdag 6 mrt 2012, 05:17

Premier Netanyahu van Israël lijkt de druk op Iran te willen opvoeren. In een toespraak in Washington voor de pro-Israël-lobbygroep AIPAC zei hij dat Israël het zich niet kan veroorloven om veel langer te wachten op een diplomatieke oplossing.

"Iedereen praat over de kosten van een aanval op Iran. Het wordt tijd om het te hebben over de kosten van niet ingrijpen", aldus de Israëlische premier.

Israël vreest dat Iran werkt aan een kernbom en zinspeelt de laatste tijd openlijk op een aanval op de nucleaire installaties van Iran.

Diplomatieke oplossing
Netanyahu sprak gisteren in Washington met president Obama over Iran. Na afloop zei Netanyahu dat Israël zich moet kunnen verdedigen. Iran als kernmacht is onacceptabel, zei hij. Obama zei in Washington dat hij nog ruimte ziet voor een diplomatieke oplossing in de kwestie-Iran.

Bron: NOS
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/03/2012 | 07:06 uur
Citaat van: Lex op 05/03/2012 | 23:28 uur
G8 summit die op 18 en 19 mei in Chicago gehouden zou worden is verplaatst naar Camp David.
Zou het mogelijk met dit onderwerp te maken hebeen?

Het past wel binnen het tijdsbeeld en het is hermetisch te beveiligen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 06/03/2012 | 10:08 uur
Iran geeft IAEA toegang tot militair complex
TEHERAN - Iran gaat de nucleaire waakhond van de Verenigde Naties toch toegang geven tot het militair complex in Parchin.

Dat meldde het Iraanse persbureau ISNA dinsdag.

In een rapport van het Internationaal Atoomenergie Agentschap (IAEA) van vorig jaar stond dat in Parchin een speciale ruimte is gebouwd waar tests zijn gedaan die mogelijk wijzen op een militaire dimensie van het nucleaire programma van Iran.

Een diplomaat van het IAEA stelde vorige week nog anoniem dat hij ''zeer bezorgd'' is over verhalen van een grote schoonmaak op het complex in Parchin. Hij suggereerde dat Teheran de toegang tot de faciliteit mogelijk heeft vertraagd om zo voldoende tijd te creëren om sporen van verdachte activiteiten te verwijderen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 06/03/2012 | 10:10 uur
Met het toestaan van de inspectie is het weer een beetje gas terug nemen......... Iran speelt het spelletje slim mee  :cute-smile:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/03/2012 | 10:12 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 06/03/2012 | 10:10 uur
Met het toestaan van de inspectie is het weer een beetje gas terug nemen......... Iran speelt het spelletje slim mee  :cute-smile:

Dat dan weer wel.... "who blinks first"?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 06/03/2012 | 10:56 uur
In dat geval had Israel al gereageerd denk ik........zelfs in Noord-Korea zelf.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 06/03/2012 | 12:37 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 06/03/2012 | 10:56 uur
In dat geval had Israel al gereageerd denk ik........zelfs in Noord-Korea zelf.

Ik durf het te betwijfelen........
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 06/03/2012 | 13:07 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 06/03/2012 | 12:37 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 06/03/2012 | 10:56 uur
In dat geval had Israel al gereageerd denk ik........zelfs in Noord-Korea zelf.
Ik durf het te betwijfelen........
Ik denk dat Israel ook zeker zeer actief is in Noord-Korea....gezien de relaties tussen dat land en Iran op dit vlak. Genoeg missies daar waar wij niks van weten.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 06/03/2012 | 17:00 uur
CitaatIk denk dat Israel ook zeker zeer actief is in Noord-Korea....gezien de relaties tussen dat land en Iran op dit vlak. Genoeg missies daar waar wij niks van weten.

Dat betwijfel ik.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 06/03/2012 | 17:18 uur
Verzoeke op de correcte wijzen te citeren!!

Algeheel beheerder
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 06/03/2012 | 19:28 uur
Azerbaijan to strike Karabakh after Iran is attacked

YEREVAN - The third world war over Iran may start this summer, head of Russian Liberal-Democratic Party Vladimir Zhirinovsky said.

"After Syria is rolled over, Iran will be attacked. Azerbaijan will use it to seize Nagorno-Karabakh. Armenia will oppose, Turkey will support Azerbaijan. It is how Russia may be involved in war this summer," he said addressing the participants of party's demonstration.

Russia must protect its southern borders, Zhirinovsky considers. He offers to hold president's inauguration in April, as the armed conflict can break out in May, Interfaxreports.

Presidential elections in Russia are scheduled for March 4.

Met die mogelijke neveneffecten lijkt niemand rekening te houden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 06/03/2012 | 21:11 uur
Israël heeft onlansg voor 1.6 miljard Dollar wapens verkocht aan de Azeri's, die op hun beurt er over aan het nadenlen zijn hun naar te veranderen in Noord-Azerbeidzjan omdat zij vinden dat Iran land en hen zou moeten geven. (1/3 van de Iraniërs is Azeri voor zover ik weet, inclusief Khamenei himself).

Dat ze N-K terug willen begrijp ik heel goed maar grote stukken van Iran annexeren :lol:. Er bestaat natuurlijk een kans dat wanneer Obama en zijn enge zionistische vriendjes Iran plat gaan schieten dat de Azeri's een gokje gaan wagen en het zwakke Iran binnentrekken.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 06/03/2012 | 21:17 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 06/03/2012 | 21:11 uur
Israël heeft onlansg voor 1.6 miljard Dollar wapens verkocht aan de Azeri's, die op hun beurt er over aan het nadenlen zijn hun naar te veranderen in Noord-Azerbeidzjan omdat zij vinden dat Iran land en hen zou moeten geven. (1/3 van de Iraniërs is Azeri voor zover ik weet, inclusief Khamenei himself).

Dat ze N-K terug willen begrijp ik heel goed maar grote stukken van Iran annexeren :lol:. Er bestaat natuurlijk een kans dat wanneer Obama en zijn enge zionistische vriendjes Iran plat gaan schieten dat de Azeri's een gokje gaan wagen en het zwakke Iran binnentrekken.

Dat zal de Azeri's niet gaan lukken, al is het maar omdat die separatistische gevoelens niet of nauwelijks bij de Azeri's in Iran leven. Of ze eventueel gebruik maken van de chaos en N-K trachten te veroveren kan zomaar gebeuren.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 06/03/2012 | 21:27 uur
Nee, maar je weet maar nooit met van die maffe irredentisten.
Misschien moeten wij onszelf ook eens Noord-Nederland gaan noemen en alles tot aan de Somme claimen :crazy:.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 07/03/2012 | 23:45 uur
'Iran probeert straling op te ruimen'

Op satellietbeelden is te zien hoe trucks en graafmachines af en aan rijden bij een Iraanse legerbasis. De werkzaamheden wijzen erop dat er wordt geprobeerd elk spoor van radioactiviteit bij de basis te verwijderen. Dat hebben anonieme diplomaten woensdag tegen persbureau AP gezegd.

De werkzaamheden zijn er mogelijk op gericht de straling die is vrijgekomen bij een test met een neutronenontsteker op te ruimen, aldus twee van de diplomaten. Een neutronenontsteker is cruciaal voor de ontwikkeling van een kernbom. Een derde diplomaat kon dit niet bevestigen, maar zei wel dat een neutronenontsteker geen enkel ander doel dient dan de ontwikkeling van kernwapens.

Het zou gaan om het Parchin-complex. Iran weigerde tot enkele weken geleden nog inspecteurs van het Internationaal Atoomenergie Agentschap (IAEA) tot de basis toe te laten. Het IAEA maakte dinsdag echter bekend dat Iran bereid is de inspecteurs toegang te verschaffen.

De satellietbeelden zijn afkomstig van de lidstaten van het IAEA, aldus de diplomaten. Ze zijn recent en er worden constant nieuwe beelden geleverd. De diplomaten zijn experts op het gebied van kernfysica bij het IAEA. Ze bedongen anonimiteit om vertrouwelijke informatie te bespreken.

Het IAEA verdenkt Iran er al langer van in het Parchin-complex aan een kernwapen te werken. Het agentschap zei in november dat er mogelijk testen waren uitgevoerd op de basis met conventionele explosieven, die weer worden gebruikt om een kernreactie op gang te brengen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 08/03/2012 | 08:53 uur
"Israel will Attack Iran"

Chairperson of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Diane Feinstein, said Israel would attack Iran based on the decisiveness of PM Netanyahu on the subject.

Speaking to CNN she said, "Israel believes it can carry out the attack, but the question remains, what will happen afterwards. She added that it was important to give diplomacy, sanctions and negotiations a chance to influence Tehran
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 08/03/2012 | 18:34 uur
Global powers urge Iran to open site to U.N. inspectors

Reuters, 08/03 18:06 CET

By Fredrik Dahl

VIENNA (Reuters) – Six world powers demanded on Thursday that Iran fulfil a promise to let international inspectors visit a military installation where the U.N. nuclear watchdog believes that explosives tests geared to developing atomic bombs may have taken place.

The joint call demonstrated unusual unity among the powers on Iran ahead of a planned revival of high-level talks as well as widening disquiet about the nature of Tehran's nuclear quest, with Israel threatening last-ditch military action.

Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei welcomed comments by U.S. President Obama about a diplomatic "window of opportunity" offered by renewed talks, but said Washington's simultaneous moves to "bring the Iranian people to their knees" with harsh sanctions were driven by delusion.

Heaping pressure on Iran to come clean on its nuclear activity, the United States, Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany used a U.N. nuclear watchdog governors' meeting to urge Tehran to grant prompt access to its Parchin military facility.

They voiced concerned that no deal was reached between Iran and International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors at talks in January and February, "including on the access to relevant sites in Iran, requested by the agency ... In that context we urge Iran to fulfil its undertaking to grant access to Parchin."

Iran has said inspectors can go to Parchin, but only after a broader deal is reached on how to address all outstanding issues between Tehran and the U.N. agency — an approach Western diplomats dismissed as a procedural stalling tactic.

Iran's IAEA ambassador, Ali Asghar Soltanieh, told reporters outside the board meeting that the suspicions aired about Parchin were "childish" and "ridiculous". He did not elaborate.

Robert Wood, acting U.S. envoy to the IAEA, said the powers had signalled to Iran that it was "on notice to comply with its obligations" and he suggested agency governors may take further action if Tehran did nothing before they reconvened in June.


Western diplomats briefed by a senior IAEA official said Iran might be delaying an inspectors' trip to Parchin so that it could first clear away evidence of research with high explosives tests relevant to designing a nuclear bomb.

They referred to a recent sequence of satellite pictures of the Parchin complex showing apparent changes to its structure.

The six powers made no mention of "sanitizing" the Parchin premises in their statement at a closed-door session of the 35-nation International Atomic Energy Agency governing board.

But their language regarding Parchin and other aspects of Iran's shadowy nuclear programme sent a message to Tehran of a cohesive stance within the group on how to diplomatically tackle the long-running stand-off, which has stirred fears of war that could inflame the Middle East and send oil prices skyrocketing.

The six powers voiced "regret" about Iran's escalating campaign to enrich uranium, which can yield material for electricity or nuclear bombs and is now centred in a mountain bunker chosen as protection from air strikes.

Iran, now facing sanctions targeting its oil exports for defying international demands to curb its nuclear activities, denies suspicions of a camouflaged bid to develop atom bombs, insisting it wants nuclear power for electricity generation.

But Israel, feeling in mortal danger from Iran's nuclear advances, openly doubts sanctions and diplomacy will rein in its arch-enemy's nuclear activity and is speaking more stridently of resorting to pre-emptive bombings of Iranian nuclear sites.

Continuing the war of words, Soltanieh warned that any Israeli attack on Iranian atomic sites would lead to the collapse of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

Iran is a party to the 1970 pact aimed at preventing the spread of nuclear weapons. But some analysts believe Iran may quit the NPT if attacked and race to build atomic bombs. Israel is not an NPT member and is believed to harbour the Middle East's only nuclear arsenal.

"Inevitably attacks on safeguarded nuclear installations of a party to the NPT by a non-party shall lead to the collapse of the NPT," Soltanieh said in a speech to the IAEA governors.


Temporarily quieting the sabre-rattling, the European Union's foreign policy chief said on Tuesday the six powers had accepted Iran's offer to revive talks after a year's standstill.

To that end, the six powers said in their statement to the IAEA board read out by China's envoy: "We call on Iran to enter, without preconditions, into a sustained process of serious dialogue which will produce concrete results".

The Islamic Republic's chief nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili last month promised to float "new initiatives" at the talks, whose venue and date are not yet decided.

But Iran's ambassador to France, Ali Ahani, said on Thursday its "inalienable" right to enrich uranium would not be on the table – a stance redolent of past talks that ran aground over an inability to agree even on an agenda.

Iran has long declared its nuclear work non-negotiable and rejected, on sovereignty grounds, closer international inspections and oversight as guarantees that its enrichment activity remains peaceful, as called for by Western powers.

Ahani said all parties must be realistic in their approach to negotiations and the powers should not be worried by Iran's nuclear activities. "We have to try through dialogue to resolve them (issues) and reach a compromise and in my opinion it's better not to prejudge these negotiations in advance."


Obama on Monday warned against "bluster" and "loose talk of war" over Iran, which he felt had driven up oil prices, and said he was convinced "that an opportunity remains for diplomacy – backed by pressure – to succeed".

Khamenei hailed Obama's reference to opportunity. "We heard two days ago that the U.S. president said that (they) are not thinking about war with Iran. These words are good words and an exit from delusion," Khamenei was quoted by IRNA as saying.

But Khamenei's praise for a U.S. leader, rare for Iran's paramount conservative clerical leader, was tempered by criticism of what he called an Obama remark about "bringing the Iranian people to their knees through sanctions".

"This part of his comments shows that the illusion continues," Khamenei said, according to IRNA.

The United States has succeeded in severely limiting Iran's access to global financial services and in extending its own ban on Iranian oil to the European Union and beyond.

Khamenei has stressed that no obstacle can hinder Iran's nuclear drive, which he called a "pillar of national dignity".

Preparing for war contingencies, Israel has asked Washington for advanced "bunker-buster" bombs and refuelling planes that could improve its ability to attack Iran's subterranean nuclear sites, an Israeli official said.

"Such a request was made" around the time of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's visit to Washington for talks with Obama earlier this week, said the official.

Israel's conventional military firepower may not be enough to deliver lasting damage to Iran's distant, widely dispersed and well-fortified facilities, many experts say.

Reflecting its concern that Islamist militants could attack Israel in retaliation for any military action against Iran by tunnelling in from neighbouring Lebanon or Palestinian territories, Israel is training its troops to hunt below ground with robot probes and sniffer dogs.


An IAEA report last year revealed a trove of intelligence pointing to research activities in Iran of use in developing the means and technologies needed to assemble nuclear weapons, should it decide to do so.

One salient finding was information that Iran had built a large containment chamber at Parchin in which to conduct high-explosives tests that the IAEA said are "strong indicators of possible weapon development".

IAEA chief Yukiya Amano this week said there were indications of unspecified "activities" at Parchin and that this made the agency want to visit the site sooner rather than later.

Suspicions about activities at the Parchin complex date back to at least 2004, when a prominent nuclear expert said satellite images showed it might be a site for nuclear weapons research.

U.N. inspectors did in fact visit Parchin in 2005. But they did not see the place where the IAEA now believes the explosives chamber was built.

Iran, one of the world's largest oil producers, has dismissed intelligence suggesting it has a nuclear weapons, rather than nuclear energy, agenda as forged and baseless.

(Additional reporting by John Irish in Paris, Marcus George in Dubai, Mayaan Lubell in Jerusalem; Writing by Mark Heinrich; Editing by Peter Millership)

euronews provides breaking news articles from Reuters as a service to its readers, but does not edit the articles it publishes.

Copyright 2012 Reuters.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 08/03/2012 | 18:39 uur
Panetta: Pentagon Planning for Potential Iran Strikes

By Yochi J. Dreazen
Updated: March 8, 2012 | 12:34 p.m.
March 8, 2012 | 12:02 p.m.

Chet Susslin

is preparing an array of military options for striking Iran if hard-hitting diplomatic and economic sanctions fail to persuade Tehran to drop its nuclear ambitions, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told National Journal in an interview on Thursday.

Panetta said such planning had been under way "for a long time," a reflection of the Obama administration's mounting concern over Iran's continued progress towards a nuclear weapon.

In the interview, Panetta said he didn't believe Israeli leaders had made up their minds about whether to order a high-risk raid against Iran's nuclear facilities. Panetta, President Obama, and an array of other senior U.S. military and civilian officials have counseled Israel to give the sanctions more time to work before resorting to military force. They've also warned that an attack would set Iran's nuclear program back only by a few years, a high price to pay for the inevitably violent Iranian retaliation likely to follow.

"As the president himself has said, I don't believe they've made a final decision here," Panetta told NJ. "I feel confident that they really are seriously weighing all of the ramifications of how best to deal with Iran."

Panetta said in the interview that a unilateral Israeli strike against Iran would be less effective than one conducted by the U.S., which has a significantly larger air force and an array of advanced weapons more powerful than any possessed by the Jewish state. An American strike doesn't appear imminent; Panetta and Obama have said that "all options are on the table" when it comes to ending Iran's nuclear push, but the administration has made clear that it prefers to use diplomatic and economic pressure against Iran instead of resorting to military force.

"If they decided to do it there's no question that it would have an impact, but I think it's also clear that if the United States did it we would have a hell of a bigger impact," Panetta said in the interview.

The comments came one day after Panetta told the Senate Armed Services Committee that the U.S. was reviewing "possible military options" for an armed intervention into Syria, underscoring the real possibility that Washington could soon find itself embroiled in a pair of new—and risky—Mideast conflicts.

Asked in Thursday's interview if the Pentagon was conducting similar planning for strikes on Iran, Panetta didn't hesitate. "Absolutely," he said.

The Defense chief stressed that the administration didn't simply believe that Iran's nuclear push posed a threat to Israel. Washington, he said, also saw Iran's efforts as a direct threat to the U.S.

"I think they're serious about the threat that they view from Iran and its impact on Israel," Panetta said in the interview. "I think they also understand that we view Iran as a threat to our security as well."

Panetta's remarks echoed his tough talk on Iran earlier this week. Speaking to a powerful pro-Israel lobby on Tuesday, Panetta said that "if all else fails, we will act" to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.

"Let me be clear—we do not have a policy of containment," he told the crowd. "We have a policy of preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons."

In his remarks to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, Panetta said Obama's new budget requests $3.1 billion in security assistance to Israel, a sharp increase over the $2.5 billion provided in 2009. He also noted that the administration had committed more than $650 million in U.S. funding for Israeli missile defense, double the Bush administration's pledge of $320 million over the same period. Panetta didn't mention Iran in those remarks, but his concern about Iran came through loud and clear. In Thursday's interview, they came through even clearer.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 08/03/2012 | 18:40 uur
Iran's Ayatollah Praises Obama

Who knew that Iran would be praising the U.S.? Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei appeared on the state-run Press TV Thursday and delivered the customary critiques of America, lashing out at President Obama's threat to impose more sanctions on Iran if the country's nuclear program continues. But in a surprise move that might signal a willingness to back off from the aggressive rhetoric, he also praised Obama for his speeches this week saying that he is not thinking of military action at this point, and that "loose talk" of war against Iran is dangerous. Khamenei said Obama's remarks were "positive"—and then promptly warned him that his talk of sanctions will backfire on the U.S.

Read it at CNN

March 8, 2012 11:48 AM
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 08/03/2012 | 18:43 uur
Iran''s supreme leader

Praise Obama could do without

Mar 8th 2012, 16:23 by Lexington

WELL this is a turn-up for the books.  Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has just praised Barack Obama in public.

"Two days ago, we heard the president of America say: 'We are not thinking of war with Iran.' This is good. Very good. These are wise words. This is an exit from illusion," said Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, according to state television.""

Praise from Iran is, of course, is the last thing the president needs in an election season. It is also not quite what Mr Obama said. He implied strongly that he would at some point consider military options, if sanctions and diplomacy failed to deter Iran from pursuing nuclear weapons. He said only that there was a "window" during which peaceful methods should be tried.

The timing of Ayatollah Khamenei's remarks was not good for me either. My print column had already gone to press, and in it I had tried to imagine precisely what the supreme leader must have thought about all the Iran talk emanating from Washington this week during the visit of Israel's prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu.

For what it's worth, here it is:

HERE in Iran I have been finding it hard to make sense of all the strident utterances about the Islamic Republic emanating from America's capital this week. Being Supreme Leader, I need to understand what my enemy is thinking. Being an ayatollah, I can modestly say that I am something of an expert in textual exegesis. Nonetheless, I confess that I'm puzzled.

The first thing we need to know is whether America or Israel intends to attack our nuclear facilities, and if so when. So I decided to read first what Barack Obama told Israel's visiting prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, and the 13,000 delegates to the annual policy conference of the mighty American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), as the Zionist lobby is known.

From the beginning of his presidency, Mr Obama has pronounced himself determined to prevent our revolution from acquiring nuclear weapons. This week he seemed to sharpen things up. He told AIPAC that prevention meant prevention. Contrary to some reports, he did not intend merely to "contain" a nuclear-armed Iran but to make sure that we never got a bomb in the first place. Moreover, stopping it was in America's national interest, not just in Israel's, and to this end all options, including military ones, were on the table.

So far, so clear: Mr Obama may attack if we proceed towards nuclear weapons. He seems utterly unimpressed by my assurances that we do not want one. On the other hand, he is not thirsting for a fight. His main point this week seemed to be that the sanctions he imagines to be "crippling" should be given time to work and that this was therefore not the moment for "bluster". Too much "loose talk" of war had already helped Iran, by driving up the price of oil. He said it would be better right now to heed Teddy Roosevelt's advice to speak softly and carry a big stick.

From here in Tehran it looked as if the intended recipient of Mr Obama's strictures was the leader of the Zionist entity, which the American hegemon does so much to prop up. It was therefore a little startling to see Mr Netanyahu, speaking to AIPAC a day later and only hours after visiting the White House, pay almost no heed to what his American patron said.

Far from speaking softly, this Zionist upstart presumed to mimic the roar of Winston Churchill, the unlamented British imperialist. Israel, he said, could not give diplomacy and sanctions much longer to work. As prime minister, he would never let the Jewish people live "in the shadow of annihilation". Those who argued against stopping Iran from getting a bomb were like those who in 1944 refused the Jewish plea to bomb the alleged death factory in Auschwitz. "We deeply appreciate the great alliance between our two countries," he said, "but when it comes to Israel's survival, we must always remain the masters of our fate."

Though ayatollahs are well versed in subtle distinctions, I am not quite sure how to interpret this apparent rift between the Greater and Lesser Satans. Mr Netanyahu sounds seriously reckless. It is even possible—and this is a worry—that he is not altogether rational. Will little Israel, with its 8m people, really dare to go to war alone against our 80m? Perhaps this is just a bluff, to goad Mr Obama into further sanctions, or make him take the military action he plainly wants to avoid. On the other hand, what if Israel does launch an impetuous attack, in defiance of Mr Obama's plea for time? Would the American president still feel obliged to defend Israel from the consequences of its own folly?

Maybe not. I am looking now at a transcript of a press conference in the White House on March 6th, the day after Mr Netanyahu's speech to AIPAC. Mr Obama says here that Israel is a sovereign nation that has to make its own decisions about its national security. But then he adds this:
One of the functions of friends is to make sure that we provide honest and unvarnished advice in terms of what is the best approach to achieve a common goal—particularly one in which we have a stake. This is not just an issue of Israeli interest; this is an issue of US interests. It's also not just an issue of consequences for Israel if action is taken prematurely. There are consequences to the United States as well.
That can surely mean only one thing. Mr Obama will be incandescent if Israel provokes a war which he has said is not yet necessary, and on the eve of an election. And now that I have agreed to let my nuclear experts start talks again with the Europeans, Americans, Russians and Chinese, the Zionists will find an attack even harder to justify. True, the sanctions are hurting, but while these talks continue (we know how to spin them out), and for as long as Mr Obama continues to call the war talk "bluster", it is tempting to conclude that our programme is safe from bombing.

The Republican angle

That said, I did not become Supreme Leader by being naive about America. It is a flighty country, whose policies chop and change as presidents come and go. As Supreme Leader, I've already seen out two Bushes and one Clinton. Next year a Republican may be president, and they too have been rude about Iran this week. One, Newt Gingrich, thinks that he can magically cut the price of gasoline to $2.50 a gallon. The man is an eejit, as we say in Farsi.

Mitt Romney seems a bit more serious. My aides have translated his article this week in the Washington Post and the message he sent to AIPAC. On the face of it, he sounds like a warmonger. He says that Mr Obama has "dawdled" on sanctions, and that if he were president he would send more warships and carriers to our coast. But I'm not convinced. Our intelligence people point out that this Romney is just a businessman from an unloved minority sect. Our own bazaaris tend not to like war. He is probably just pandering to the Zionists, as they all do. Still, it is hard to be sure. I would feel a lot safer if we already had that bomb."
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 09/03/2012 | 08:36 uur
Voorlopig geen aanval op Iran’
Toegevoegd: vrijdag 9 mrt 2012, 08:14

Israël zal Iran de komende tijd niet aanvallen. Premier Netanyahu wil eerst zien of hardere sancties tegen het land werken. Dat zei hij gisteren in een tv-interview.

"Ik sta hier niet met een stopwatch in de handen. Het is geen kwestie van dagen of weken", verzekerde Netanyahu. "Maar het kan ook geen jaren duren, dat begrijpt iedereen."

Netanyahu overlegde eerder deze week met de Amerikaanse president Obama over het omstreden atoomprogramma van Iran. Obama gaf hem in dat gesprek de garantie dat wat de VS betreft geen enkele optie van tafel is als het gaat om het kernprogramma van Iran.

Hoewel hij zei blij te zijn met die verzekering, zei Netanyahu ook zelfstandig te kunnen optreden. "De VS is groot en ver weg. Israël is kleiner en ligt dichter bij de dreiging. Daarom is de tijdsdruk voor de VS om te voorkomen dat Iran kernwapens krijgt, anders dan die voor Israël."

Iran heeft altijd ontkend dat het werkt aan een kernbom en zegt dat het kernprogramma slechts voor vreedzame doeleinden wordt gebruikt.

Bron: NOS
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 09/03/2012 | 08:39 uur
Israel won't debate publicly before Iran action: Peres

LOS ANGELES: Israel does not need a "public debate"before taking military action against Iran, President Shimon Peres said Thursday, reiterating that all options remain on the table.

Speaking in Los Angeles, he said economic sanctions were the first course of action in pressing the Islamic republic to give up its nuclear ambitions and its threat to the Jewish state, but not the only one.

"I think we have to try first sanctions, and then we shall see," he said, noting that "in the case of South Africa, sanctions did the job," as they arguably did in Libya and Ukraine.

"If we have to choose, let's start with the non-violent ... saying very clearly (that) all other options are on the table," he told an audience in Beverly Hills.

Pressed about the threat of military strikes against Iran — much discussed during a visit by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Washington this week — Peres said: "I don't think that we have to make a public debate ahead of time."

In Washington last weekend Peres vowed that Israel "shall prevail" if forced to fight Iran, which he referred to as "an evil, cruel and morally corrupt regime" bent on controlling the Middle East.

"Iran's ambition is to control the Middle East, so it can control a major part of the world's economy. It must be stopped. And it will be stopped," the Nobel Peace Prize winner told a powerful pro-Israel lobbying group on Sunday.

The 88-year-old former Israeli prime minister and foreign minister is ending his week-long US visit on the West Coast, including stops in Silicon Valley where he launched his own Facebook page earlier this week.

On Friday he is due to visit the headquarters of Dreamworks Animation in Glendale, outside Los Angeles, while much of the rest of his schedule is private, before he heads home on Sunday.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 09/03/2012 | 16:19 uur
vr 09 mrt 2012, 16:12

Israël vraagt VS om wapens

TEL AVIV -  Israël heeft de Verenigde Staten gevraagd om bommen en tankvliegtuigen. Het land wil de wapens gebruiken voor een eventuele aanval op nucleaire gebieden in Iran, zo meldt het persbureau Reuters.

Het Israëlische verzoek zou zijn ingediend in de periode dat premier Benjamin Netanyahu een bezoek bracht aan Washington, vorige week.

De anonieme Israëlische functionaris die dit bericht heeft bevestigd, laat bovendien weten dat het onrealistisch zou zijn als de VS niet zou helpen met een aanval op Iran.

Netanyahu sprak met de Amerikaanse president Barack Obama af dat er geen militaire actie wordt ondernomen. Wel willen de landen de diplomatieke druk op het nucleaire programma van de islamitische republiek blijven opvoeren.

Westerse landen vermoeden al langere tijd dat Iran in het geheim werkt aan kernwapens. Iran blijft volhouden dat haar nucleaire programma bedoeld is om energie op te wekken.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 11/03/2012 | 14:04 uur
Ahmadinejad Says Iran Will Not Bow to Threats, State TV Reports

By Glen Carey - Mar 11, 2012 1:12 PM GMT+0100

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said the citizens of the Shiite Islamic republic will never bow to international military threats, the official state television station reported on its website.

Iran doesn't "care about your bombs, warships and planes," state television cited Ahmadinejad as saying today during a speech in the city of Karaj in Alborz province, northwest of Tehran. "Western powers should recognize the rights of nations and cooperate with them to survive," Ahmadinejad said.

Iran's economy is being squeezed by tougher sanctions imposed this year by the U.S. and the European Union, which say they are needed to restrain the country's nuclear program. The U.S. and its allies say Iran is seeking the capability to make an atomic bomb. Iran says its program is for civilian energy and medical research.

President Barack Obama said on March 6 that there is a "window of opportunity" for diplomacy and sanctions to compel Iran to give up any effort to develop nuclear weapons. Two days later, Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Obama's comments were "good words."
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 11/03/2012 | 14:06 uur
Military preparing for 'what may come' from Iran: MacKay

8:57 am, March 11th, 2012

Canada's military is preparing for all possibilities involving Iran, according to Defence Minister Peter MacKay.
"We are pursuing every diplomatic means, but he fact remains we have to be prepared for what may come and that's something the national defence department takes very seriously," MacKay said in an a one-on-one interview with Sun News Network set to air on Sunday. "We are always planning, always preparing."

MacKay said Iran's "brutal" regime against its people, its failure to co-operate with nuclear facility inspections and its "aggressive" tone towards Israel is concerning to Canada and other countries around the world.

"We, like all countries, are taking this risk very seriously. We are working with our partner nations," said the defence minister.

MacKay said Canada is looking to the leadership of the United Nations with respect to sanctions, adding that Canada has been among the most aggressive countries in the world when it comes to imposing sanctions on Iran.

On a visit to Ottawa this month, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called Iran's nuclear program "perhaps the most troubling development in a sea of troubles" in the Middle East.

During the visit, Prime Minister Stephen Harper said the government has been absolutely "clear on the dangers of a nuclear-armed Iran," but he said Canada is rallying for peaceful resolution.

Netanyahu also paid a visit to Washington last week to discuss the matter with U.S. President Barack Obama. Following the meeting, White House spokesman Jay Carney noted there is a high-level co-operation between the Israeli and U.S militaries.

Western nations are concerned Iran is trying to build a nuclear weapon, but Iran insists it is developing nuclear rods to generate electricity and medical radioisotopes for cancer treatments.

Israel is believed to be considering a pre-emptive strike on Iran's nuclear facilities.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 11/03/2012 | 14:10 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 11/03/2012 | 14:06 uur
Military preparing for 'what may come' from Iran: MacKay

Steeds meer (westers/NAVO) landen  zijn zich op een eventuele confrontatie aan het voorbereiden en in Den Haag blijft het zoals gewoonlijk weer erg stil.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 11/03/2012 | 14:28 uur
Make Israel a member of NATO

9:00 a.m. EDT, March 11, 2012

I read with interest Robert O. Freedman's op-ed column discussing the possibility of Israel bombing Iran to prevent it from developing nuclear weapons ("Is reelection driving Obama's Israel policy?, March 6).

Critics of that policy have advocated stricter economic sanctions to prevent Iran from getting a bomb. However, there is a third choice of action which hasn't been discussed: Making Israel the 29th member of NATO.

Article 5 of the NATO Charter reads: "The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them ... will assist the Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain security of the North Atlantic area."

This would truly deter Iran from attacking Israel with conventional or nuclear weapons and give Israel the security and piece of mind it needs.,0,5508591.story

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Enforcer op 11/03/2012 | 15:47 uur
Israel ligt echter niet in Noord-Amerika of Europa, dus dan zou het verdrag aangepast moeten worden. Wordt dus niet zo makkelijk.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 11/03/2012 | 15:52 uur
Citaat van: Enforcer op 11/03/2012 | 15:47 uur
Israel ligt echter niet in Noord-Amerika of Europa, dus dan zou het verdrag aangepast moeten worden. Wordt dus niet zo makkelijk.

Ach ze doen ook mee aan het Eurovisiesongfestival.... en Turkije ligt voor het over grootste deel in Azië.

Maar je hebt gelijk, ik zie dat ook nog niet zo snel gebeuren.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 11/03/2012 | 15:54 uur
Citaat van: Enforcer op 11/03/2012 | 15:47 uur
Israel ligt echter niet in Noord-Amerika of Europa, dus dan zou het verdrag aangepast moeten worden. Wordt dus niet zo makkelijk.

Enforcer dat geldt ook voor Turkije dat ligt voor 98% in Azie en maar 2 procent in Europa. Misschien offtopic Isreal doet wel mee aan het Eurosongfestival en is lid van de Uefa, dus mag meedoen aan de voorrondes van de Champions League en aan de voorrondes van de Europa League
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lynxian op 11/03/2012 | 16:23 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 11/03/2012 | 14:28 uur
Make Israel a member of NATO

9:00 a.m. EDT, March 11, 2012

I read with interest Robert O. Freedman's op-ed column discussing the possibility of Israel bombing Iran to prevent it from developing nuclear weapons ("Is reelection driving Obama's Israel policy?, March 6).

Critics of that policy have advocated stricter economic sanctions to prevent Iran from getting a bomb. However, there is a third choice of action which hasn't been discussed: Making Israel the 29th member of NATO.

Article 5 of the NATO Charter reads: "The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them ... will assist the Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain security of the North Atlantic area."

This would truly deter Iran from attacking Israel with conventional or nuclear weapons and give Israel the security and piece of mind it needs.,0,5508591.story
Nouja, met Israël's verleden met haar buurlanden is 't een goede reden om meteen ons defensiebudget te moeten verhogen naar 3,5% van het BNP. Want feitelijk bereid je je dan voor op een oorlog met het halve Midden-Oosten. Ik zie potentie!
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 11/03/2012 | 16:47 uur
Citaat van: Lynxian op 11/03/2012 | 16:23 uur
Nouja, met Israël's verleden met haar buurlanden is 't een goede reden om meteen ons defensiebudget te moeten verhogen naar 3,5% van het BNP. Want feitelijk bereid je je dan voor op een oorlog met het halve Midden-Oosten. Ik zie potentie!

Je voorbereiden op een oorlog is dé beste defensie!

Als ik de investeringplannen van Azië, Rusland en het Midden Oosten voorij zie komen dan wordt de NAVO steeds meer een papieren tijger en zouden we zonder de VS tot militaire kleine speler worden gedegradeert waarbij Engeland en Frankrijk nog de laatste (voor zolang het duurt)voortrekkersrol kunen spelen.

Israel binnen de NAVO, het heeft zo z'n voor- en nadelen.

Wellicht denken ze in Den Haag: dat zijn ruim meer dan 100 gevechtsvliegtuigen er bij, dan kunnen wij weer 18 oude barrels extra verkopen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 11/03/2012 | 17:42 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 11/03/2012 | 16:47 uur
Israel binnen de NAVO, het heeft zo z'n voor- en nadelen.

Wellicht denken ze in Den Haag: dat zijn ruim meer dan 100 gevechtsvliegtuigen er bij, dan kunnen wij weer 18 oude barrels extra verkopen.

Op dit moment 18 oude barrels extra verkopen is geen slecht idee hoef je minder onderhoud te doen en onderdelen te kopen maar in 2025 wel er voor zorgen dat je 18 extra toestelen  terug hebt.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 11/03/2012 | 17:44 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 11/03/2012 | 17:42 uur
Op dit moment 18 oude barrels extra verkopen is geen slecht idee hoef je minder onderhoud te doen en onderdelen te kopen maar in 2025 wel er voor zorgen dat je 18 extra toestelen  terug hebt.

Met dat laatse kan ik leven!
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 11/03/2012 | 20:10 uur
Lijkt mij een zeer slecht plan. Kijk, dat zij het zo nodig vonden een half continent tegen zich in het harnas te jagen is één ding maar dat wilt wel zeggen dat wij er met een grote boog omheen moeten lopen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: VandeWiel op 11/03/2012 | 20:17 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 11/03/2012 | 16:47 uur
Israel binnen de NAVO, het heeft zo z'n voor- en nadelen.

Wellicht denken ze in Den Haag: dat zijn ruim meer dan 100 gevechtsvliegtuigen er bij, dan kunnen wij weer 18 oude barrels extra verkopen.

Ik dacht dat Israel er een kleine 400 had ;)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 11/03/2012 | 20:23 uur
Citaat van: dudge op 11/03/2012 | 19:30 uur
Hoezo? Jullie weten dat er tussen nu en 25 niks gebeurt? En daarna wel, omdat ze dan weer nodig zijn?

Die garantie heb je nooit dudge maar gezien de bezuinigen kun je misschien beter 18 kisten voorkopen zodat je nu nog iets voorkrijgt dan na 2020 en je bespaart ook op onderhoud en onderdelen die vervangen moeten worden maar misschien verstandig om deze discussie in de topic vervanging F16 deel 6?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: VandeWiel op 11/03/2012 | 20:23 uur
Citaat van: Enforcer op 11/03/2012 | 15:47 uur
Israel ligt echter niet in Noord-Amerika of Europa, dus dan zou het verdrag aangepast moeten worden. Wordt dus niet zo makkelijk.

Ik vraag me zelfs af of Israel zelf wel gebaad is bij lidmaatschap van de Navo. Het zou haar mogelijkheden om preventief actie ondernemen scherp beperken. Een voorbeeld is de actie tegen de vermoedelijke kerncentrale van Syrie in 2007. Overeenkomstig het natomanifest had Israel dit politiek moeten oplossen.    ;D

Een huidig partnerschap met de Navo is in principe meer dan voldoende, zeker als de VS en een aantal significante landen een memorandum of understanding opstellen waarin ze vaststellen dat bij een aanval op Israel dit wordt gezien als aanval op eigen gebied en er ingesprongen wordt.

Van de andere kant moet je dan eerst nadenken of Israel wel veilig is met zelfs de hulp van de hele wereld. Je moet dan eerst vaststellen of de Iraniers rationeel zullen handelen of niet. En wat maakt het uit, 300 nukes van Israel of 7000 van de VS. Eindresultaat is voor een land met de omvang van Iran een heel eind hetzelfde...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 11/03/2012 | 20:34 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 11/03/2012 | 14:28 uur
Make Israel a member of NATO
Israël maakt reeds deel uit van NATO's Mediterranean Dialogue.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Harald op 11/03/2012 | 22:11 uur
Israel is voor z'n "bunkerbuster" niet afhankelijk van Amerika. Weer een staaltje van doorontwikkeling van/met bestaande middelen.

Israel Unveils New Bunker Buster

TEL AVIV — Israel last week unveiled an improved precision, bunker-burrowing weapon, the latest in a series of operational upgrades aimed at honing what one official here labeled "a very credible military option" against the Iranian nuclear threat.

Built by state-owned Israel Military Industries (IMI), the 500-pound MPR-500 is an electro-optical or laser-guided projectile that can penetrate double-reinforced concrete walls or floors without breaking apart. It is designed as an upgrade to the U.S. Mk82, thousands of which are in Israel Air Force stocks, and can use Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) kits or Paveway for guidance.

In an operational test video released March 6, the MPR-500 is seen penetrating four reinforced concrete walls, with fragmentation from the explosion limited to a radius of less than three meters.

"The lethality, precision ... and relatively low weight enables its use against multiple targets in a single pass; an element that increases the operational effectiveness of attack," according to IMI.

The MPR-500 bridges an operational gap between the 250-pound U.S. GBU-39 small-diameter bomb — 1,000 of which were approved for sale to Israel — and the 5,000-pound GBU-28.

In parallel, the Air Force is planning to enlarge its Boeing 707-based aerial refueling tanker fleet.

Once deployed, the expanded tanker fleet will be capable of providing nearly 2 million pounds of fuel, allowing dozens of Israeli F-15 and F-16 fighters to carry more weapons for long-range strategic bombing missions.

The Israeli daily Ma'ariv newspaper reported March 8 that Washington had offered to augment Israel's aerial refueling and limited bunker-busting capabilities on condition that Israel refrain from waging an independent attack on Iran this year. An Israeli security source denied that report, insisting there was no "quid pro quo" linkage between the timing of future Israeli operations and additional capabilities that may be forthcoming from Washington.

A U.S. government source confirmed that additional GBU-28s were a subject of bilateral talks. However, he insisted that beyond the 100 GBU-28s authorized for Israel in 2005 and another 50 approved in 2007, there have been no new notifications to Congress regarding potential sales.

Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz, Israel Defense Forces chief of staff, is expected to discuss options for enhancing Israel's so-called qualitative military edge in meetings with U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, scheduled next week in Washington.|topnews|img|FRONTPAGE

Info MPR-500 :
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 11/03/2012 | 22:17 uur
Citaat van: dudge op 11/03/2012 | 19:30 uur
Hoezo? Jullie weten dat er tussen nu en 25 niks gebeurt? En daarna wel, omdat ze dan weer nodig zijn?

Geen idee, maar ik heb niet de illusie dat we ze "alle" 68 in de lucht krigen.

In de komende halve eeuw vrees ik de nodige escalaties... hopenlijk niet met een formidabele tegenstander.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 11/03/2012 | 23:49 uur
En dat is (wordt) nr drie in de regio!!!

Enterprise begint laatste reis
Het vliegdekschip is het grootste en oudste van de Amerikaanse marine
US Navy Toegevoegd: zondag 11 mrt 2012, 22:22

Het grootste en oudste marineschip van de Amerikaanse strijdkrachten is begonnen aan zijn laatste missie. De USS Enterprise verliet vandaag zijn thuishaven Norfolk in de staat Virginia, op weg naar het Midden-Oosten.

De Enterprise was het eerste vliegdekschip dat werd aangedreven door kernenergie. Acht reactoren zorgen ervoor dat vier, 32 ton zware schroeven in beweging komen. Het schip is met ruim 340 meter lengte ook het langste schip van de Amerikaans marine.

Cuba Crisis
Het 50 jaar oude schip kent een vermaarde geschiedenis. Zo werd het op zijn eerste missie ingezet tijdens de Cuba Crisis in oktober 1962, om de blokkade van het eiland te garanderen. Daarvoor had het al gediend als volgstation voor John Glenn, toen hij de eerste bemande ruimtevlucht van de VS uitvoerde. Later volgden onder de oorlogen in Vietnam, de Arabische Golf en Afghanistan. Daarnaast werd de film 'Top Gun' er opgenomen.

Het schip, dat plaats biedt aan meer dan 4000 bemanningsleden, is een drijvende stad. Er zijn meerdere kapperszaken, een bibliotheek, een winkel en een koffiebar. Bovendien heeft het schip een eigen krant en televisiezender.

Het was oorspronkelijk de bedoeling dat er nog vijf van deze giganten gebouwd zouden worden, maar vanwege het prijskaartje van 450 miljoen dollar zag het Amerikaanse Congres daarvan af. Wel werd in 1979 besloten het schip grondig te renoveren, zodat het langer meekon dan de geplande 25 jaar.

Het schip wordt nu afgedankt omdat het te oud wordt. "Het is net als mensen die ouder worden", legt de kapitein uit. "Het wordt wat moeilijker om uit je bed te komen 's ochtends. Je hebt een paar uur nodig en dan gaat het wel weer. Zo is het ook met de Enterprise."

Het schip zal na de laatste missie gesloopt worden in Virginia. Hoewel dit soort schepen vaak tot museum wordt omgebouwd, is dat bij de Enterprise niet mogelijk, omdat er grote gaten moeten worden gemaakt om de kernreactoren te verwijderen. Herstel zou te duur worden.

De Enterprise zal de komende maanden in de Indische Oceaan Somalische piraten gaan bestrijden. Mocht het niet tot een oorlog met Iran komen, dan zal het schip op 1 december uit de vaart genomen worden.

Bron: NOS
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/03/2012 | 07:46 uur
'Tel-Aviv wordt een ruïne na Iraanse aanval; Iran beschikt over tientallen nucleaire sites'

12 mrt 2012

'Een aanval op Iran betekent het begin van een regionale oorlog. Nu weten we hoe oorlogen beginnen, wat we niet weten is wanneer ze beëindigd worden. Indien Israël Iran aanvalt, is de kans groot dat de Islamitische Republiek terugslaat door Tel Aviv te treffen, de rijkste en modernste stad van Israël. Dat zou een vernietigend effect hebben en ons daglijks leven hier totaal verstoren. Israël zou geruime tijd in grote problemen zitten.'

Dat heeft Meir Dagan, de voormalige topman van de Israëlische geheime dienst Mossad gezegd in een exclusief vraaggesprek met het tv-programma CBS 60 minutes. Dagan stond acht jaar lang aan het hoofd van de Mossad. Het is de eerste keer dat een voormalig Israëlisch topfunctionaris zich openlijk tegen een aanval op Iran uitspreekt.

Dagan werpt ook een nieuw licht op de nucleaire capaciteit van Iran. Geruchten als zou Iran over vier gebetonneerde nucleaire sites beschikken verwijst Dagan naar het rijk der fabelen: 'Het is veel ingewikkelder dan dat. Er zijn tientallen sites... Niet vier. Israël zou met een groot aantal doelwitten rekening moeten houden. Trouwens niets kan het Iraanse nucleaire programma stoppen. Het kan enkel worden vertraagd.'

Dagan denkt dat ook het Iraanse regime - dat er meermaals mee heeft gedreigd Israël te willen vernietigen -  rationeel denkt in deze zaak: 'Het is niet dezelfde ratio die wij hier in het Westen gewend zijn, maar op hun manier zijn ook zij rationeel. Ze hebben ongetwijfeld al nagedacht over de implicaties van zo'n aanval op de Joodse staat.'
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/03/2012 | 12:56 uur
Washington wordt concreter over aanpak van Iran

Terwijl de Israëlische premier Netanyahu zei, dat een Israëlische militaire aanval op Iraanse nucleaire installaties niet op handen is, maar ook niet wordt uitgesteld tot volgend jaar, was de Amerikaanse minister van Defensie Leon Panetta concreter en directer dan zijn president.

'De VS heeft militaire plannen tegen Iran. Een Amerikaanse aanval is beter dan een Israëlische' zei Panetta donderdag in een interview met de National Journal. Een paar dagen geleden sprak president Obama er over, dat 'alle opties op tafel liggen', maar nu klinken er duidelijke geluiden uit de VS.
De VS heeft betere militaire mogelijkheden om Iraanse nucleaire installaties aan te vallen, staat in het artikel te lezen. Het Amerikaanse leger heeft meer geavanceerde wapens en een grotere luchtmacht.

Twee dagen geleden stelde ook het Britse onderzoeksinstituut IISS (International Institute for Strategic Studies), dat alleen de VS een belangrijke militaire operatie tegen Iran kan uitvoeren. Zou dit veel effectiever zijn dan een Israëlische?

'Israël neemt de dreiging uit Iran serieus en voelt zich echt bedreigd,' zei de Amerikaanse minister van Defensie in het interview. De Israëlische stafchef Benny Gantz en de chef van de Israëlische luchtmacht Ido Nehuschtan vliegen binnenkort voor besprekingen naar Washington.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 13/03/2012 | 07:57 uur

Israel's long-range fighters plan practice runs

Source reports: 'They've got to get off simulators and do it in the real plane'
Published: 6 hours ago

WASHINGTON – As the debate rages between Washington and Israel over whether to attack Iran's nuclear facilities, U.S. intelligence sources tell Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin that Israel has decided to conduct long-range missions with U.S.-supplied F-15 jets in what Israeli officials say are practice runs leading up to a possible attack.

Until now, sources say, practice was being conducted on simulators to mask the extent of preparations.

"Not sure if the flights are supposed to be a message, per se (to the Iranians), but at some point they've got to get off the simulators and do it in the real airplane," said one source who also pointed to preparations continuing with arming and fueling Israel's nuclear-capable Jericho II missiles.

Until now, the Israeli Air Force has been practicing on simulators which, a source said, was to hide preparations from U.S. detection of "Indications and Warnings" of impending conflicts.

A source for G2Bulletin also suggests that the Israelis may rely more on "stand-off" warfare when it comes to any military strike against Iran, using missiles and drones, while deploying almost all military aircraft to protect the immediate home front.

These developments were under way as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with President Obama to try to get him to agree to a pre-emptive strike on Iran's nuclear facilities.

The U.S. position now is to let diplomacy and sanctions take their course to contain the Iranians, while the Israelis increasingly are concerned that Iran is quickly approaching the "zone of immunity" beyond which its nuclear program cannot be stopped.

For that reason, the Israelis have made it clear that the "c" word – containment – is not a viable option, as Washington proposes.

With timing being the central question, regional analysts believe that an Israeli unilateral military strike – without initial U.S. participation – may be just weeks away.

Analysts say that the timing will be a political dynamic for Obama and his re-election efforts in November.

For the rest of this report, and other G2 Intelligence Briefs, please go to Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin: (Helaas een betaald abonnement service)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 13/03/2012 | 08:11 uur
Israeli plans for Iran go back years

March 12, 2012|Josef Federman, Associated Press

more than a decade, Israel has systematically built up its military specifically for a possible strike on Iranian nuclear facilities. It has sent its air force on long-distance training missions, procured American-made "bunker-busting'' bombs and bolstered its missile defenses.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's threats to strike Iran, voiced last week during a high-profile visit to the White House, were not empty bluster. Although a unilateral Israeli attack would probably not destroy Iran's nuclear program, it appears capable, at least for now, of inflicting a serious blow.

"If Israel attacks, the intention is more to send a message of determination, a political message instead of a tactical move,'' said Yiftah Shapir, a former Israeli air force officer who is now a military analyst at the INSS think tank in Tel Aviv.

Israel, along with the United States and other Western countries, believes Iran has taken key steps toward developing nuclear weapons. The U.N.'s nuclear watchdog agency has cited this concern in reports, but notes its inspectors have found no direct evidence that Iran is moving toward an atomic weapon.

Israeli leaders, however, argue that time is quickly running out. They have grown increasingly vocal in their calls for tough concerted international action against Iran while stressing they are prepared to act alone if necessary.

Israeli defense officials believe Iran is capable of producing highly enriched weapons-grade uranium within six months. After that, it would require another year or two to develop a means of delivering a nuclear bomb, they predict.

But Israel believes the window to act will close much sooner than that. Officials say in the coming months Iran will have moved enough of its nuclear facilities underground and out of reach of conventional airpower, and that the world will be powerless to stop it. Defense Minister Ehud Barak calls this the "zone of immunity.''

Defense officials acknowledge that plans to go after Iran have been in the works for years, with the air force expected to take the lead in what would be an extremely complicated operation. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were discussing sensitive military deliberations.

Israel has a total of 300 warplanes, but about 100 front-line planes would participate in the mission, officials suggest. They would include attack aircraft as well as others used to escort, target enemy warplanes and anti-aircraft batteries and provide support like communications and search and rescue.

The most powerful is the squadron of 24 F15i warplanes, American-made aircraft capable of carrying heavy payloads that could include 5,000-pound (2,200 kilogram), laser-guided GBU-28 bombs purchased from the U.S. These "bunker-busting'' bombs would be at the heart of any operation.

In addition, Israel has four squadrons, or about 100, F-16i warplanes. These planes are more nimble in the air, capable of attacking ground targets but also ideal for escorting the heavier attacking aircraft. The air force also has developed long-range unmanned drones that can provide intelligence, communications and other support in any mission.

Experts believe that some of the Israeli warplanes, even F16s with upgraded fuel tanks, could not make the round trip without refueling in flight — depending on the route as well as the weight of their payload. Israel, which has eight tanker planes, can refuel an airplane in flight in a matter of minutes, though it's unclear where the task would take place since much of the airspace in the region is hostile.

There is precedent: Israeli warplanes destroyed an unfinished Iraqi nuclear reactor in 1981, and did the same thing to a nascent reactor in Syria in 2007. But an operation in Iran would be far more difficult — complicated by distance, stronger Iranian defenses and the Iranian strategy of scattering its nuclear installations in underground locations.

The Israeli air force has carried out a series of long-distance training runs that could serve as models for striking Iran. In 2008, 100 jets participated in a drill in Greece. The air force has carried out similar drills more recently with both Greece and Italy, officials say.

Probable targets in Iran, including the Natanz and Fordo enrichment facilities south of Tehran, lie some 1,000 miles (1,600 kilometers) from Israel.

Shafir, the former air force officer, said planners would need to choose among three likely flight paths, all of which carry grave risks.

The shortest, most direct flight would be to cross over neighboring Jordan and through Iraq.

Neither country has the capability to stop an Israeli warplanes from crossing through its airspace. But this would deeply embarrass them.

Such an operation would raise the likelihood of a diplomatic spat with Jordan, Israel's closest ally in the Arab world, and potentially Jordan it to Iranian retaliation. Jordanian officials refused to comment on how the government would react if Israel uses its airspace.

A second route would be to fly south and through Saudi Arabia. The Saudis have no relations with Israel, and while they feel deeply threatened by a nuclear Iran, any signs of cooperation with the Jewish state would unleash fierce criticism throughout the Arab world. The Saudis would also be an easy target for an Iranian counter-strike.

The last possibility would be crossing through Turkey, as Israel illicitly did in the 2007 airstrike in Syria. But Turkey is believed to have upgraded its radar systems since then, and Israel's relations with Turkey, once a close ally, have deteriorated.

A Turkish official said it was "out of the question'' for Israel to use Turkish airspace. He said the jets would be "brought down'' if Israel attempted to use the airspace without permission. He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to comment publicly on the matter.

Once Israeli planes reach Iran, they would come under fire from Iranian air-defense systems and warplanes. Israeli officials say they take these threats seriously, but believe Israel's superior firepower and radar-jamming technology would allow them to perform the mission.

Iran's air attack capabilities depend heavily on domestically modified versions of long-outdated warplanes, including former Soviet MiGs and American F14A Tomcats from the 1970s.

Iran is also believed to possess retooled versions of Russia's state-of-the-art S-300 anti-aircraft missiles, as well as advanced Chinese radar systems. Russia has held up an official sale of S-300 defenses for five years, citing technical glitches.

Outside experts say Iranian capabilities, particularly homegrown technologies, are limited.

The biggest challenge to Israel may be the limits of its firepower. Iran's main uranium-enrichment facility at Natanz is believed to be about six meters (25 feet) underground and protected by two concrete walls.

This would stretch the capabilities of Israel's arsenal of bunker busters and explains why the Israelis would much prefer that the U.S. take the lead in an operation. The U.S. has forces near Iran in the Gulf and possesses bunker busters even more powerful than Israel's.

Iran has also been shifting its enrichment operations to the far more fortified Fordo site, dug 300 feet (90 meters) into a mountain south of Tehran. Further complicating the task, Israeli officials say Iran uses special Russian-made nets that conceal the facilities and distort the detection of Western spycraft.

Iran has threatened to retaliate and has developed sophisticated Shahab missiles capable of striking the Jewish state. It also could encourage its local proxies, Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in the Gaza Strip, to unleash their arsenals of tens of thousands of rockets.

Hezbollah has not said what it would do, while Hamas has signaled it does not want to get dragged into an Israel-Iran war.

Nonetheless, Israel has developed a series of air-defense systems for the various threats. It has begun testing the third generation of its Arrow system, designed to shoot down incoming missiles from more distant origins like Iran. It also has deployed its "Iron Dome'' rocket defense system, which has successfully shot down about 90 percent of incoming rockets from Gaza in a new round of fighting in recent days.

Many experts believe Iran would retaliate against American targets in the Gulf, as well as U.S. allies like Saudi Arabia for their perceived support of an Israeli strike.

Any unilateral strike would likely also draw fierce international criticism. That means an Israeli operation would have to be short-lived, perhaps a one-time attack, and not a sustained air campaign.

Scott Johnson, an analyst at the IHF Jane's military research firm, said that given these limitations, Israel would at best set back, but not neutralize, the Iranian program. Success, he added, would depend on the effectiveness of the bunker busters.

Danny Yatom, a former director of Israel's Mossad spy agency, said even if Israel cannot destroy Iran's nuclear program altogether, a serious disruption would be enough.

"This might delay the appearance of the bomb by many years,'' he said.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 13/03/2012 | 10:34 uur
CIP zijn enge christen-zionistische lui met apocalyptische waandenkbeelden, niet al te serieus nemen dus.

EDIT: Of was dan nou een door op gelijkende site...?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 13/03/2012 | 13:13 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 13/03/2012 | 10:34 uur
CIP zijn enge christen-zionistische lui met apocalyptische waandenkbeelden, niet al te serieus nemen dus.

Ik neem idioten die denken dat ze door een zelfmoordaanslag op onschuldige burgers in een of ander paradijs worden opgewacht door 72 maagden ook niet serieus.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 13/03/2012 | 13:22 uur
Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 13/03/2012 | 13:13 uur
Ik neem idioten die denken dat ze door een zelfmoordaanslag op onschuldige burgers in een of ander paradijs worden opgewacht door 72 maagden ook niet serieus.


Maar mensen die denken dat de Messiahs wederkeert als men Eretz Yisrael maar genoeg koloniseert sporen ook niet. En in ieder geval een deel van de christen-zionisten geloven dan ook nog eens dat een oorlog van de christenen en de joden tegen de moslims de eindtijd zal inluiden. Gevaarlijke lui dus.

Mensen die zich verzetten tegen landjepikkende Russen/Polen/Marokkanen kan ik daarentegen nog wel respecteren.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 13/03/2012 | 22:44 uur
'Amerikanen achter aanval op Iran om kernbom'

dinsdag 13 maart 2012 | 22:38

WASHINGTON (ANP) - Een meerderheid van de Amerikanen zou een aanval op Iran steunen als wordt bewezen dat het land werkt aan een kernwapen. Dat beek dinsdag uit een opiniepeiling van Reuters en onderzoeksbureau Ipsos.
Volgens de peiling kan 62 procent van de Amerikanen zich vinden in een militaire actie van Israël tegen Iran. 56 procent staat achter een aanval door de Verenigde Staten. Voorwaarde is wel dat er bewijs bestaat dat Iran werkt aan een kernbom. Volgens de peiling is 39 procent hoe dan ook gekant tegen een aanval.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 13/03/2012 | 22:51 uur
Het zit er echt vuistdiep in bij die lui.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 13/03/2012 | 22:55 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 13/03/2012 | 22:51 uur
Het zit er echt vuistdiep in bij die lui.

Dat wel.. maar als de cijfers correct zijn, dan wordt Obama meer en meer geinspireerd om de Israeli en "de wereld" te helpen. (het is immers een verkiezingsjaar voor de VS)

Kortom: het "warme voorjaar" komt met de dag dichterbij.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 13/03/2012 | 23:41 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 13/03/2012 | 22:55 uur
Dat wel.. maar als de cijfers correct zijn, dan wordt Obama meer en meer geinspireerd om de Israeli en "de wereld" te helpen. (het is immers een verkiezingsjaar voor de VS)

Kortom: het "warme voorjaar" komt met de dag dichterbij.

Obama  zit in een dilemma grijpt hij en het mislukt dan wordt hij een tweede Jimmy Carter die ook zijn vingers brande aan Iran in 1980, grijp hij niet in dat loopt hij risico om de stemmen van de Joodse Amerikanen + geld voor zijn verkiezingscampange mis te lopen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/03/2012 | 00:24 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 13/03/2012 | 23:41 uur
Obama  zit in een dilemma grijpt hij en het mislukt dan wordt hij een tweede Jimmy Carter die ook zijn vingers brande aan Iran in 1980, grijp hij niet in dat loopt hij risico om de stemmen van de Joodse Amerikanen + geld voor zijn verkiezingscampange mis te lopen.

Kortom: de Israeli hebben hem bij zijn ba**en!
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/03/2012 | 07:42 uur
US nuclear expert finds Iran explosive site in imagery

WASHINGTON:  A US non-proliferation expert said on Tuesday he has identified a building at the Parchin military site in Iran suspected of containing, currently or previously, a high-explosive test chamber the UN nuclear watchdog wants to visit.

David Albright, founder of the Institute for Science and International Security, said he studied commercial satellite imagery and found a building located on a relatively small and isolated compound at Parchin that fit a description in the November 2011 International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) report.

The building has its own perimeter security wall or fencing and there is a berm between the building and a neighbouring building, Albright said in a report.

The compound is located more than four kilometers away from high-explosive related facilities at Parchin which the IAEA visited in 2005, Albright's report said.

Iran refused access to Parchin, southeast of Tehran, during two rounds of talks with IAEA inspectors. Western diplomats say Iran may be delaying access to give it time to sanitize the facility of any incriminating evidence of explosive tests that would indicate efforts to design nuclear weapons.

"We have information that some activity is ongoing there," IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano said recently, referring to Parchin.

The IAEA has evidence that the test chamber was placed at Parchin in 2000 and that a building was subsequently constructed around it, Albright's report said.

The information was that a large explosive test chamber was used to conduct experiments possibly related to the development of nuclear weapons in the early years after 2000, Albright said.

He was not able to gauge the level of activity at this particular site without comparing it to multiple images over a short period of time.

The ISIS report and satellite imagery can be found here. via de link zie je de sateliet foto.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 14/03/2012 | 07:45 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 13/03/2012 | 23:41 uur
dan wordt hij een tweede Jimmy Carter die ook zijn vingers brande aan Iran in 1980

Ik vind dat een kromme vergelijking!
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/03/2012 | 07:48 uur
Russia told to warn Iran of 'last chance' to avoid military strikes: report

Wednesday, 14 March 2012
The United States has asked Russia to warn Iran it has a last chance in negotiations expected in April to avoid military strikes against its nuclear program, a report said on Wednesday.

Russia's Kommersant daily said U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had told Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov that the talks between Iran and world powers were a "last chance" to resolve the crisis.

"She asked her Russian colleague to make this clear to the Iranian authorities" as Washington has no diplomatic relations with the Islamic Republic, the newspaper said, according to AFP.

Their discussion took place after Monday's U.N. Security Council meeting on Syria in New York, it added.

The newspaper said that a precise date and location for the talks is still being decided. Turkey's Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said last month he expected the discussions to start in April at the latest.

The report gave no further details on the kind of military action Tehran faced but it said Russian diplomats at the United Nations believed it was a "matter of when, not if" Israel would strike against Iran.

Israel, as well as its main ally the United States, has repeatedly refused to rule out using force against Iran over its nuclear program, which the West suspects is aimed at making nuclear weapons, a claim denied by Tehran.

Russia has always warned in public that military action against Iran risked having catastrophic consequences and has said that the crisis must be solved diplomatically.

But Kommersant said the Russian military was now at a state of "mobilized readiness" to protect the country from the knock-on effects of a possible conflict like an influx of refugees into neighboring Azerbaijan.

Israel's Arrow II ready for Iran's missiles

Israel, meanwhile, has emerged from the past few days of fighting with Palestinians in Gaza more confident that its advanced missile shield and civil defenses can perform well in any war with Iran.

Describing how the flare-up in violence had provided an impromptu opportunity to test out Israel's defenses, one Israeli official said on Tuesday it gave useful indicators for any potential conflict with Tehran: "In a sense, this was a mini-drill," the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity, according to Reuters.

"There are significant differences, of course, but the basic principles regarding the 'day after' scenarios are similar," the official added, alluding to Iran's threat to respond to any "pre-emptive strike" on its nuclear facilities by firing missiles at Israel.

While Iron Dome is deployed against rockets from Gaza, Israel's answer to the bigger, ballistic missiles of Iran and Syria is Arrow II, an interceptor that works in a similar way but at far higher altitudes.

After counting 170 incoming missiles from Gaza over four days, Israeli officials said Iron Dome had shot down 77 percent of those it had identified as a threat. The system does not fire on rockets it calculates will land in empty fields. Developers of the Arrow II, which has so far proved itself only in trials, boast a shoot-down rate for that system of some 90 percent.

Uzi Rubin, a veteran of the Arrow program, cautioned, however, against relying too far on such defenses as Iranian missiles, if not intercepted, could wreak far more damage than Gazan rockets, many of which are improvised from drainage pipes.

"We are talking about 750-kg (1,650-lb) warheads, enough to level a city block," Rubin said, noting there would be a greater impact if Iran's allies on Israel's borders -- Syria, Lebanon's Hezbollah guerrillas, and Palestinian fighters -- joined in.

Yet some Israeli experts see that axis bending to new domestic political pressures, notably after the popular Arab revolts of the past year, which may reduce the extent to which Tehran can count on their support in any conflict with Israel.

Indeed, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak has recently predicted that "maybe not even 500" of Israel's civilians would die in any counter-attack after a strike on Iran.

If it is planning to attack Iran, which denies seeking the bomb while preaching the Jewish state's destruction, Israel must contend with unprecedented tactical hurdles and the disapproval of the United States -- underwriter of Arrow II and Iron Dome.

Israel would also depend on Washington's grants for the two projects to bear the lopsided cost of each interception -- between $25,000 and $80,000 for Iron Dome, and $2 million and $3 million for Arrow.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 14/03/2012 | 11:24 uur
Laten we hopen dat als de poep de ventilator raakt dat we geen schepen in de Straat hebben.
Die lui hebben honderden Sunburns.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 14/03/2012 | 11:44 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 14/03/2012 | 11:24 uur
Laten we hopen dat als de poep de ventilator raakt dat we geen schepen in de Straat hebben.
Die lui hebben honderden Sunburns.

Inderdaad, laten we vooral andere landen de poep opruimen en de ventilator afzetten.......
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 14/03/2012 | 11:46 uur
Uiteraard! Wij hebben geen problemen met Iran, de oorlogshitsers in DC en Tel Aviv hebben problemen met Iran. Zij hebben de ventilator aangezet.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/03/2012 | 11:53 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 14/03/2012 | 11:46 uur
Uiteraard! Wij hebben geen problemen met Iran, de oorlogshitsers in DC en Tel Aviv hebben problemen met Iran. Zij hebben de ventilator aangezet.

Nu kan ik deze stelling niet beamen...

Oorloghitserij of niet... je betaalt je inmiddels blauw aan de pomp en daarnaast ligt Nederland binnen berijk van de Iraanse lange afstandsraketten.

Haatbaarden (?) en kernwpens vind ik persoonlijk niet de meest ultieme combinatie.

Daarnaast heeft NL haar internationale verantwoordelijkheden, als je alles in de handen legt van, laten we eens veronderstellen, de rest van de  westerse wereld, dan geef je diverse politici hier in Nederland gelijk met hun stelling dat ons achter de veilige duinen niets/nooit meer iets zal gebeuren.

Ik voorzie dan de oprichting van een staats padvinderij corps aangevuld met 12 Saab Gripens (uitsluitend voor QRA) en een  "uitbreiding"van de KM met 4 OPV's en de rest kan exit... moet je ook niet willen.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 14/03/2012 | 12:06 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 14/03/2012 | 11:46 uur
Uiteraard! Wij hebben geen problemen met Iran

Ach natuurlijk, daarom willen ze geen olie meer leveren aan ons.....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 14/03/2012 | 12:09 uur
Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 14/03/2012 | 12:06 uur
Ach natuurlijk, daarom willen ze geen olie meer leveren aan ons.....

Wij kiezen toch partij? De EU heeft toch ook sancties tegen Iran ingesteld?

Waarom? Omdat ze niet de hielen likken van de Israëliërs?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 14/03/2012 | 13:17 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 14/03/2012 | 11:53 uur
Oorloghitserij of niet... je betaalt je inmiddels blauw aan de pomp

Schuld van Iran ?. 48 % accijnsen en 16% -----> Nederlandse staatskas. Om de Nederlandse econiomie te helpen had Den Haag al lang iets kunnen doen. En waarom voeren onze vriendjes in de andere zandbakken de productie niet op ?...........GELD....en dat mogen jij en ik ophoesten. De invloed van Iran in deze is minimaal.

daarnaast ligt Nederland binnen berijk van de Iraanse lange afstandsraketten.

En........... ik durf voor 100% te beweren dat Iran het niet in het hoofd zal halen om iets dergelijks te doen. Iran weet donders goed dat een actie als deze ongetwijfeld zal leiden tot een tegenreactie. Zelfs na een aanval door Israel en/of de VS zal de reactie van Iran niet zo fel zijn als iedereen denkt. In beide gevallen zal dat een reactie uitlokken die Iran uiteindelijk jaren van stilstand zal bezorgen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Tanker op 14/03/2012 | 13:46 uur
Daarom nu ingrijpen militair ingrijpen nu het nog niet te laat is, oppositie steunen zodat zij in de chaos na een aanval gelijk een regime change kunnen bewerkstelligen......
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/03/2012 | 14:02 uur
Citaat van: Tanker op 14/03/2012 | 13:46 uur
Daarom nu ingrijpen militair ingrijpen nu het nog niet te laat is, oppositie steunen zodat zij in de chaos na een aanval gelijk een regime change kunnen bewerkstelligen......

Ben ik voor... want als het dit jaar niet gebeurt, dan gebeurt het wellicht wel in de aankomende jaren (tenzij er een regime change heeft plaats gevonden)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Tanker op 14/03/2012 | 14:12 uur
Wat mij betreft zo snel mogelijk, ook in de hoop dat de rust z.s.m. weer terugkeert na een aanval....
Hoe langer men wacht hoe langer men blijft speculeren op een evt. en hoe langer de olieprijzen onder druk blijven staan...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 14/03/2012 | 14:20 uur
Oh, we gaan er weer eens blind vanuit dat "de oppositie" eerlijk, oprecht en democratisch is? En door wie gelegitimeerd?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 14/03/2012 | 16:51 uur
Welke regime/regering er ook aan de macht komt in Iran maakt m.i. niets uit. Ook deze zal het nucliair programma voortzetten danwel nieuw leven inblazen.

Het kernwapen dreigement van Iran legt het af tegen de benzineprijs als ik het goed zie  :devil:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 14/03/2012 | 16:52 uur
Principes versus portemonnaie.....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/03/2012 | 17:48 uur
Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 14/03/2012 | 16:52 uur
Principes versus portemonnaie.....

C'est la vie!

Daarnaast zit ik niet te wachten op een totalitair regime met dit soort speelgoed, dit geldt natuurlijk voor meerdere landen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/03/2012 | 19:13 uur
Obama: Window for diplomacy in Iran is 'shrinking'

Posted: Wednesday, March 14, 2012 11:01 am | Updated: 12:01 pm, Wed Mar 14, 2012.

President Barack Obama is warning Iran that the window for dealing with its nuclear program through diplomatic channels is "shrinking."

Obama says he still prefers to use diplomacy to get Iran to abandon its nuclear program. But he says diplomacy requires having somebody on the other side of the table who is taking the matter seriously.

The president says he hopes Iran understands that diplomacy is their "best bet" and the Islamic regime needs to seize that opportunity. Iran insists its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes and says it is not seeking a bomb.

Obama is speaking at a White House news conference alongside British Prime Minister David Cameron.

© 2012 The Associated Press.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 15/03/2012 | 13:40 uur
Most of Israel security cabinet backs Iran strike:

report March 15, 2012 02:21 PM

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM: A majority of Israel's security cabinet now supports an attack on Iran in a bid to end its nuclear programme, an Israeli newspaper reported on Thursday, citing political sources it did not identify.

Writing in the Maariv daily, influential columnist Ben Caspit said most of the 14-member security cabinet was now leaning in favour of a pre-emptive strike on Iran's nuclear facilities, a move which he said was supported by both Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defence Minister Ehud Barak.

"According to the most recent assessments, at this point eight ministers tend to support Netanyahu and Barak's position, while six object to it," Caspit wrote.

"It should be noted that the security cabinet has yet to hold a decisive meeting on the issue and the assessments are based on secret talks being held between the prime minister and his ministers, one at a time."

Caspit noted that Netanyahu has convened neither his security cabinet, nor the more intimate Forum of Eight -- a consultative body of his closest ministers -- since returning from talks about Iran with US President Barack Obama.

"The longer the silence from Netanyahu and Barak's direction continues, the more concerned the opponents of an attack on Iran become," Caspit said.

Ynet news website reported on Thursday that the members of Netanyahu's inner circle had expressed resentment about his lack of consultation with them in recent weeks.

They said they had not been briefed on either Iran or on the recent violence in and around Gaza.

"Some of the ministers feel that they are being used as a rubber stamp," a cabinet member told Ynet.

"We weren't briefed on the situation in Gaza even once. Netanyahu apparently feels confident enough to make all the decisions by himself, or with Barak, without including any of the other ministers."

Sources close to Netanyahu confirmed that neither the security cabinet nor the Forum of Eight had been convened recently, Ynet said, but added that Netanyahu "consults with the relevant people constantly."

In recent months speculation has been rising about the possibility of an Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear programme, which the Jewish state and much of the international community believe masks a weapons drive.

Iran denies the charges, saying the programme is for civil power generation and medical purposes only.

The United States has said it opposes an attack for now, calling for time to allow tough new sanctions against Tehran to bite.

Read more:
(The Daily Star :: Lebanon News ::
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 15/03/2012 | 19:26 uur
Why Israel Won't Rush to War With Iran

Posted: 03/15/2012 2:03 pm

The prevailing view among experts seems to be that there is a strong likelihood of an Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear installations. This may be the only point on which the opponents and proponents of that move agree. But the consensus is questionable.

True, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu says that he won't wait for definitive proof that Iran's nuclear program is aimed at bomb building before deciding to strike, adding that the American and Israeli clocks are not in sync on this matter. But this rhetorical flourish amounts to an admission that Netanyahu couldn't get Obama's unconditional support during their recent meeting, despite his efforts to influence the President by campaigning for public and Congressional solidarity. Nor was the Prime Minister mollified by the President's statement that the United States will not allow Iran to acquire nuclear weapons and that military option is not "off the table."

But applying Netanyahu's standard would entail waging preventive war, which is altogether different from a preemptive one. The Israeli government would be claiming the right to attack based not an evident and compelling threat from Iran but on its assessment that Iran might acquire the wherewithal to harm Israel at some undefined juncture. That's an extremely permissive justification, one that few countries, even those well disposed toward Israel, will endorse, not least because Israel itself has nuclear weapons and thus a deterrent. While it's hard to imagine a U.S. president reproaching Israel, Netanyahu shouldn't bet that Obama would order American forces to join in. As for the reaction elsewhere, it will range from tepid support (at best) to condemnation, with the latter being the predominant one.

The Arab Spring has increased Israel's isolation in its neighborhood, and bombing Iran will make matters far worse. It's said that several Sunni Arab states fear the prospect of an Iran wielding nuclear weapons. Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf sheikdoms are most often mentioned, but so is Egypt. But no matter what the leaders of these countries might think, or communicate subtly to Washington or Tel Aviv, none will stand up and approve an Israeli attack for fear of a backlash from "the street," particularly after the mass protests of the Arab Spring. Nor will Israel find support elsewhere in the Muslim world. Take Turkey, for instance. Ankara believes that a nuclear-armed Iran would make the Middle East an even more dangerous place. The Turks nevertheless insist that the evidence on Tehran's intentions remains inconclusive; that Iran is, in any event, not close to manufacturing a bomb; and that diplomacy, not sanctions, let alone force, is the best solution.

Then there's Israeli public opinion. If you've assumed that Netanyahu's bellicosity has deep support among Israelis, you are not alone. Yet the reality is different. A recent poll shows that only 19 percent of Israelis support an attack without American support and that only 43 percent favor proceeding without it. Only 28 percent expect America to join an Israel strike, 39 percent anticipate only political support, while a third believes that Washington would stay neutral or even punish Israel. The vast majority does not think that an attack would delay an Iranian nuclear weapons program for more than five years, and a third opines that it will either accelerate it or make no difference. Similarly, prominent Israelis (including two former heads of the Mossad, Ephraim Halevy and Meir Dagan, and a former Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defense Forces, Amnon Lipkin-Shahak) have declared that an attack on Iran is unnecessary to safeguard Israel and would indeed be counterproductive. Now, Netanyahu could ignore polls and pundits, but, like all politicians in democracies, he cares for votes and cannot dismiss the electoral consequences of a decision, the ripple effects of which leave Israelis more vulnerable.

The operational obstacles that Israel will confront in executing a successful attack -- whatever that means -- have received much attention: the distance Israeli jets will have to fly (1,861 miles to and fro); the need to refuel them en route, using aerial tankers; the size of the strike force that will be needed to overcome Iran's substantial air defense network; and Iran's dispersal of its nuclear facilities, some of which are deep underground and reinforced so as to protect them against even America's most powerful bunker-busting bomb, the 30,000 lb. GBU-57 A/B "Massive Ordnance Penetrator," which Israel lacks.

While these are important, the bigger problem is strategic rather than operational. An Israeli strike would likely guarantee that Iran makes a determined and explicit bid to build nuclear weapons because its leaders will conclude that Israel would never have struck if Iran had them. That assessment will have wide support in Iran, even among those who dislike the current regime. It would be strategically obtuse to attack Iran knowing this, and there's no reason to assume that Netanyahu doesn't know it.

Moreover, Israel leaders have been sending continual warnings intended to sway Iran's leaders (insisting, nevertheless, that they are irrational and hence immune to nuclear deterrence) -- an odd thing to do if Netanyahu is counting on maximizing surprise and effectiveness.

An Israeli attack on Iran will have consequences that are multiple, prolonged, and pernicious. But it's hardly a foregone conclusion that it will occur; indeed, it's less likely than generally assumed
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 15/03/2012 | 19:30 uur
5 Signs that a War in Iran is Close

The clock is ticking closer to the midnight hour regarding a strike in Iran. Israel might do it alone, but will likely have the backing of the US.

Is a war imminent, or are these moves just meant to scare Iran? Here are 5 signs that have piled up very recently.
1.SWIFT Cuts Iran Off: The international institution responsible for around 80% of the world's financial transactions announced that it will cut off Iranian financial institutions from its system from Saturday. This unprecedented move is a big blow to Iran, and follows up on EU sanctions.

2.Majority in Israeli cabinet for strike: Israeli newspaper Maariv (Hebrew link, quote in English) by Ben Caspit saying that 8 out of 14 Israeli cabinet members now support a strike on Iran's nuclear facilities. The cabinet can give Prime Minister Netanyahu the green light for a strike, at the time he sees fit.

3.Netanyahu preparing Israeli public: The Israeli Prime Minister continues the tough rhetoric against Iran also after coming back from his long visit in the US. Analysts see this as a preparation of the Israeli public for a war.

4.Using Oil Reserves: There was a report, later denied, that the US and the UK decided on releasing oil from the emergency reserves in order to lower prices. This could be another preparation.

5."Last Chance" Warning: According to Russian sources, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton asked the Russians to send a message to Iran that the upcoming talks 6 nation talks with Iran are the last chance before military action.

Needless to say, oil prices certainly play a role in the considerations of all sides. Iran is the world's 5th largest producer of oil, and sits on the Straights of Hormuz, where 40% of the world's shipments pass through.

All these moves could mount to a preparation for a US backed Israeli strike against Iran's nuclear facilities. It could also just add to pressure against Iran, trying to force it to comply without really engaging in military action.

Read more:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 16/03/2012 | 11:16 uur
U.S. Doubling Minesweepers in Persian Gulf

Four more minesweepers and four more minesweeping helicopters are to be sent to the Persian Gulf, the U.S. Navy's top officer said March 15, a move which will increase the number of mine countermeasure forces available to keep open the sea lanes around the Strait of Hormuz should Iran choose to mine that critical waterway.

"We are moving four more minesweepers to the region, making .....

Defense News,
Mar. 15, 2012 - 08:12PM   

Vanwege copyright niet geheel geplaatst.


Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Enforcer op 16/03/2012 | 12:20 uur
Het zou mij niet verbazen als het daar echt los gaat, dat NL toch ook een tweetal mijnenvegers gaat sturen. Die olie aanvoer is ook voor onze economie erg belangrijk, zeker met een Shell...........
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 16/03/2012 | 12:42 uur
Citaat van: Enforcer op 16/03/2012 | 12:20 uur
Het zou mij niet verbazen als het daar echt los gaat, dat NL toch ook een tweetal mijnenvegers gaat sturen. Die olie aanvoer is ook voor onze economie erg belangrijk, zeker met een Shell...........

Zodra het angstvallig stil wordt.. dan is het tijd voor CNN
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 16/03/2012 | 13:57 uur
Citaat van: Enforcer op 16/03/2012 | 12:20 uur
Het zou mij niet verbazen als het daar echt los gaat, dat NL toch ook een tweetal mijnenvegers gaat sturen. Die olie aanvoer is ook voor onze economie erg belangrijk, zeker met een Shell...........

We hebben al jaren geen mijnenvegers meer.... Daarbij, moeten derden onze mijnenjagers dan beschermen?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 16/03/2012 | 14:11 uur
Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 16/03/2012 | 13:57 uur
We hebben al jaren geen mijnenvegers meer.... Daarbij, moeten derden onze mijnenjagers dan beschermen?

Hebben we geen LCF beschikbaar?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 16/03/2012 | 14:22 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 16/03/2012 | 14:11 uur
Hebben we geen LCF beschikbaar?

Kwestie van kippen en konijnen, maar als ik het goed gehoord heb, zit de RUYT nu in SNMG1 en gaat na aflossing door EVTN met de NH-90 aan de rit. De ZPRV ligt in onderhoud en v.w.b. de TRMP hou ik even mijn mond, maar die heeft schijnbaar ook een leuk klusje toebedeeld gekregen na het zomerverlof. Maar ja, indien nodig kun je van alles omgooien dus een LCF kun je altijd wel ergens vandaan trekken. En de VSPK komt uiteindelijk ook weer uit MJO.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 16/03/2012 | 14:25 uur
Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 16/03/2012 | 14:22 uur
Kwestie van kippen en konijnen, maar als ik het goed gehoord heb, zit de RUYT nu in SNMG1 en gaat na aflossing door EVTN met de NH-90 aan de rit. De ZPRV ligt in onderhoud en v.w.b. de TRMP hou ik even mijn mond, maar die heeft schijnbaar ook een leuk klusje toebedeeld gekregen na het zomerverlof. Maar ja, indien nodig kun je van alles omgooien dus een LCF kun je altijd wel ergens vandaan trekken. En de VSPK komt uiteindelijk ook weer uit MJO.

Laat ze in Den Haag eerst maar eens een signaal afgeven (als ze het lef hebben)

Anders is er vast nog wel een onderzeeboot in de regio ondergedoken (ver weg van de publiciteit)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 16/03/2012 | 14:53 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 16/03/2012 | 14:25 uur
Anders is er vast nog wel een onderzeeboot on de regio ondergedoken (ver weg van de publiciteit)

Sssstttt.... Iets met een Dolfijn?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 16/03/2012 | 15:27 uur
Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 16/03/2012 | 14:53 uur
Sssstttt.... Iets met een Dolfijn?

Al zou het dol-fijn zijn als De Haag de wereld zou vertellen dat, in het geval van escalatie, een dergelijke eenheid ergens in de regio ter plekke zou kunnen zijn.

Hierbij hoeft de eenheid fysiek niet eens in de directe regio te zijn, het signaal zou al voldoende zijn om te zeggen dat er een bijdrage van Nederlandse zijde is.

Daarnaast zouden de Iraniërs in een mogelijk conflict middelen moeten reserveren en inzetten voor een tegenstander die er wel of niet is, iets wat ook een bijdrage levert.

Het nadeel na zo'n uitspraak is natuurlijk dat hier in Nederland, per direct, weer een aantal politieke partijen op de, toch al niet hoge, kast zitten.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Marc66 op 16/03/2012 | 15:48 uur
Het is niet slim van de bv Nederland om een of enkele eenheden in het gebied te hebben op dit moment, dat staat nl. gelijk aan provocatie en, nou ja, Radio 10 is er niets bij, maar het is niet slim.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 16/03/2012 | 16:01 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 16/03/2012 | 15:27 uur
Al zou het dol-fijn zijn als De Haag de wereld zou vertellen dat, in het geval van escalatie, een dergelijke eenheid ergens in de regio ter plekke zou kunnen zijn.

Dit heb ik al enige tijd geleden geventileerd en er zijn mensen die dat onverstandig vinden of zelfs betrekken op de veiligheid van de bemanning van zo'n dolfijneboot. Ik ga e.e.a. niet herhalen....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 16/03/2012 | 16:47 uur
Netanyahu Warns Again of Israel Taking Unilateral Action Against Iran

J. Robert Smith

A wire service is reporting that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is renewing his pledge to attack Iran's nuclear facilities, even in the teeth of Obama administration objections. The wire service report appears at the online edition of the Washington Times.

Mr. Netanyahu is correctly blaming the Iranians for stepped up rocket attacks from Gaza and an increase in cross-border violence initiated from Palestinian territory. The Prime Minister would be wise to attack Iran this year if his cabinet and he have any belief that President Obama will win re-election.

There's quite a bit of complicated political and military arithmetic that is going into Mr. Netanyahu's calculation when - not if - to go after Iranian nuclear facilities. Though it's hard to say what's going on behind the scenes, certainly the Prime Minister is weighing President Obama's re-election chances as a critical factor in timing an attack.

As American Thinker readers appreciate, a lame duck term for Mr. Obama gives him a free hand to act even more boldly in pursuing his leftist agenda at home and abroad. Mr. Obama has been hostile to Israel for the better part of his term.

Erosion of support for Mr. Obama among the nation's Jewish voters has caused him to soften his anti-Israel stances. The president's election year posturing isn't fooling the Israelis and shouldn't fool Israel's American supporters.

Mr. Obama receives daily national security briefings. Intelligence data simply must confirm Mr. Netanyahu's charge about continued Iranian complicity in Palestinian attacks on Israel. Moreover, Mr. Obama is fully apprised of the Iranians' longstanding financial and logistic support for terrorism against the United States, its allies, and American interests overseas. Retarding Iran's nuclear weapons development is an imperative for Israeli and American security.

But hard realities have never stopped Mr. Obama and the American left from stubbornly clinging to their fancies - or their prejudices. Civil and democratic Israel ranks below the Islamic thugocracies and the terrorist-controlled Palestinian territories in Mr. Obama's universe. You know about Mr. Obama and the left: Third World solidarity and all that gunk.

Prime Minister Netanyahu is correct to insist that the Israel's exercise their fundamental right to strike the Iranians in self-defense, regardless Mr. Obama's objections. Let's hope that the elections of a Republican president and Congress become more evident as the election season progresses. It would certainly be optimal for the Israelis to strike the Iranians at a time of their choosing rather than being forced to do so by the American election clock.

And it would be most helpful for the Israelis to strike Iran with the blessings and full backing of an American president whose name isn't Obama.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 17/03/2012 | 14:14 uur
Iran may have weapons able to hit British forces in Cyprus and Afghanistan

17 March, 2012

British Foreign Minister Alistair Burt, giving evidence to a House of Lords Select Committee regarding Iran's nuclear programme, has warned that the country already has weapons which could hit British forces in Cyprus and Afghanistan, and was now seeking to acquire the nuclear bomb.

Burt also highlighted concern over Iran's missile programme after Prime Minister David Cameron said last week it appeared to be seeking an intercontinental ballistic missile force in the Middle East with 200-300 medium range missiles, including the Shabab 3 that has been tested to hit targets at a distance of 2,000 km.

''To put this into perspective, Cyprus and UK troops in Afghanistan fall within that range with Israel, Turkey and Saudi Arabia,'' he said.

Iran, he concluded, is taking a ''grave risk'' if it does not end its banned nuclear programme and show the world it is not seeking to acquire the bomb.

He said UK authorities were on alert for possible terrorist activity of Iranian agents against British targets.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 18/03/2012 | 10:32 uur
Gunboat diplomacy: America launches Persian Gulf surge

Published: 18 March, 2012, 04:44

Washington is planning to deploy even more ships, subs and choppers to the Persian Gulf despite the fact that it already stations aircraft carriers in the region. This was confirmed by Chief of Naval Operations Jonathan W. Greenert.

­Speaking during a Friday breakfast in Washington, Greenert told reporters about the bold plans to deploy more patrol boats, minesweepers, Sea Stallion helicopters and drone subs – all keeping an eye on Iran, which is clearly uncomfortable with being surrounded by the warships of a hostile country.

While Greenert had already announced plans to up the number of minesweepers in the region to eight on Wednesday, his latest statements shine a light on the Navy's long-term perspective.

First of all, Greenert talked about deploying five more patrol boats equipped with Gatling guns and close-range missiles capable of hitting Iranian shores from four miles away.

"It's like being in an alley with a rifle and maybe what you need is a sawed-off shotgun," he said, talking about the Gatling guns.

Secondly, the Navy is planning on sending torpedoes that can compensate for the "turbidity" and "particulate" drags of the Gulf waters, as Greenert put it.

Thirdly, Drone minesweeping submarines, or as Greenert called them "some underwater unmanned neutralization autonomous units."

And finally, more aircraft carriers, though this is still to be discussed with Defense Secretary Leon Panetta.

All these new vessels will arrive equipped the latest infrared and electro-optical visibility systems to help navigate through the foggy Gulf even at night. In the meantime, BAE Systems, one of the Pentagon's military contractors, is working on a new Gatling/laser gun mashup. While Greenert said nothing on equipping the patrol boats in question with these guns, Iran had earlier promised to block the Strait of Hormuz, which is used to transport about a fifth of the world's oil, in retaliation against sanctions imposed by the US and the EU with the intention of forcing Iran to quit its nuclear program.

In January, General Michael Dempsey, Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, confirmed that Iran has the capability to block the Strait of Hormuz for a certain period of time, and that the US must be prepared to reopen it by force.

Greenert openly admitted that America's naval presence in the region is already superior to Iran's. So why deploy so much weaponry and equipment to region? Are Obama and his military advisors already covertly thinking about a military solution to the Iranian crisis? Or is it just the implementation of Dempsey's call for preparedness?

With the Pentagon asking for an additional $100 million to beef up its military presence in the Persian Gulf, it seems like the US is increasingly leaning towards military action. Although President Obama did insist on using sanctions and diplomacy to force Tehran to quit its controversial nuclear program, he admitted that "no options are off the table."
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 18/03/2012 | 11:46 uur
Former Minister: Iran to Close Strait of Hormoz if Threatened

TEHRAN (FNA)- Former Iranian intelligence minister Ali Fallahian underlined the strategic significance of the Strait of Hormoz for Iran's defensive power, and repeated the country's earlier warnings that it would cut off the world oil lifeline if it is threatened militarily.

Fallahian warned Western countries not to underestimate Iran's ability to close the strategic Strait of Hormuz in reaction to the West's escalating pressures.

Reacting to reports about the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) decision to discontinue offering service to the Iranian banks, Fallahian said on Saturday that closing SWIFT to Iran is "like closing international waterways".

"If the United States or Europe considers it its right to ignore international laws to meet its own interests, Iran may also decide to respond in kind wherever possible," he added.

Israel and its close ally the United States have recently intensified their war rhetoric against Iran. The two arch foes of the Islamic Republic accuse Iran of seeking a nuclear weapon, while they have never presented any corroborative document to substantiate their allegations. Both Washington and Tel Aviv possess advanced weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear warheads.

Iran vehemently denies the charges, insisting that its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes only. Tehran stresses that the country has always pursued a civilian path to provide power to the growing number of Iranian population, whose fossil fuel would eventually run dry.

Iran has, in return, warned that it would target Israel and its worldwide interests in case it comes under attack by the Tel Aviv.

The United States has long stressed that military action is a main option for the White House to deter Iran's progress in the field of nuclear technology.

Iran has warned that in case of an attack by either the US or Israel, it will target 32 American bases in the Middle East and close the strategic Strait of Hormuz.

An estimated 40 percent of the world's oil supply passes through the waterway.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 18/03/2012 | 14:07 uur
Irak buigt exportroutes olie om

BAGDAD -  Irak werkt aan alternatieve exportroutes voor zijn voornaamste inkomstenbron, olie. Dat zei een regeringswoordvoerder zondag. De zoektocht naar alternatieven heeft alles te maken met het dreigement van buurland en aartsrivaal Iran om de voornaamste route, de Straat van Hormuz, te blokkeren.

Tot de alternatieven behoren onder meer het verhogen van de export via een pijleiding naar Turkije, het overschakelen van schepen op vrachtwagens en het repareren van leidingen die al jaren buiten gebruik zijn.

Irak produceert momenteel ruim 3 miljoen vaten ruwe olie per dag, waarvan er circa 2,1 miljoen geëxporteerd worden. Circa 80 procent van de export gaat via de Straat van Hormuz, die Iran wil blokkeren als wraak voor sancties tegen het land van onder meer de Verenigde Staten en de Europese Unie.

Bron: De Financiele Telegraafg dd. 180312
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 19/03/2012 | 06:52 uur
March 19, 2012
Israelis agree Iran hasn't decided on atom bomb

JERUSALEM (AP) — Despite saber-rattling from Jerusalem, Israeli officials now agree with the U.S. assessment that Tehran has not yet decided on the actual construction of a nuclear bomb, according to senior Israeli government and defense figures.

Even so, there is great concern in Israel about leaving Iran "on the cusp" of a bomb — explaining why Israel continues to hint at a military attack on Iran's nuclear installations before it moves enough of them underground to protect them from Israel's bombs.

Israel's leaders have been charging in no uncertain terms for years that Iran is trying to build nuclear weapons. Though officials say they accept the more nuanced American view, they warn that it is just a matter of semantics, because an Iran on the verge of being able to build a bomb would still be a danger.

The United States is playing up its assessment that Iran has not made its final decision in a public campaign to persuade Israel to call off any attack plan and allow the increasingly harsh sanctions against Iran time to persuade Tehran to back down.

The concern — which is widely shared in Israel as part of a complex calculation — is of an Iranian retaliation that might spark regional conflict and send oil prices soaring, at a time when the world economy is already struggling and U.S. presidential elections loom.

Also in the equation are concerns about the ability of the Israeli home front to withstand a sustained barrage of Iranian missiles fired in retaliation. Iranian surrogates Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in the Gaza Strip could also bombard Israel with thousands of rockets, and U.S. troops in the Gulf region could also become targets.

Several senior Israeli officials who spoke in recent days to The Associated Press said Israel has come around to the U.S. view that no final decision to build a bomb has been made by Iran. The officials, who are privy to intelligence and to the discussion about the Iranian program, said this is the prevailing view in the intelligence community, but there are also questions about whether Tehran might be hiding specific bomb making operations.

The concern, they said, is about allowing the Iranian program to reach the point where there is enough enriched weapons grade material that a bomb could quickly be assembled, within a year.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday, "Iran, whose leader foments terrorism and violence around the globe and calls for our destruction ... this regime must never be allowed to have nuclear weapons."

Israel officials have said that with Iran moving its installations underground, Israel's level of bunker-busting capability leaves it with a window of no more than several months to act effectively. The United States, with more powerful bombs, would have a much longer period — but leaders here are loathe to be entirely dependent on U.S. determination on the issue.

The suspicion in Israel is that the Iranians have held off on a decision in order to deny Israel — and other countries — the pretext for an attack, officials said, noting that to a certain extent the matter is semantic and therefore secondary.

All the officials spoke on condition of anonymity because the subject is deemed too delicate to be discussed on the record, and the government has ordered silence.

Israel views Iran as a threat to its survival and, like the West, sees Tehran's ramped-up enrichment of uranium, a key element of bomb making, as undercutting its claims that its nuclear program is purely civilian. The U.N. nuclear agency cited its concerns about Iran's ultimate designs in reports, but notes its inspectors have found no direct evidence that Iran is moving toward an atomic weapon.

Netanyahu ratcheted up the tough talk this month, emphasizing during a White House visit and in a high-profile speech at home that Israel was prepared to act alone if necessary, even over U.S. objections.

In advance of Netanyahu's White House visit and during a speech to a powerful pro-Israel lobby, President Barack Obama took an increasingly assertive tone about U.S. refusal to tolerate a nuclear Iran and willingness to block that militarily.

Still, he tempered this tone by saying there was "too much loose talk of war" and emphasized his preference for diplomacy and sanctions. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton reiterated shortly before Netanyahu arrived in Washington the prevailing U.S. view that Tehran has not decided to produce weapons.

Iran reported in February that it possesses up to 100 kilograms of uranium enriched to 20 percent, which would be enough for four bombs if further processed. Uranium must be enriched to 90 percent to be military grade.

Israeli intelligence officials, like other intelligence agencies worldwide, estimate that once a decision to build a bomb is reached, it would take months to upgrade the enrichment and months more to build a crude bomb — in all, a year to 18 months.

Then, to fit a bomb to a Shahab-3 missile capable of striking Israel would take Iran two years, Israeli defense officials say.

Israeli officials who favor a strike do not want Iran even to reach the point where work on a bomb could begin.

Israeli leaders have invoked the Nazi Holocaust of World War II, when 6 million Jews were killed, in their warnings about Iran, citing its nuclear program, repeated references to Israel's destruction, support for anti-Israel militants on the southern and northern borders and development of missiles capable of being fitted with nuclear warheads.

There is also fear of an Iranian bomb sparking a nuclear arms race across an already volatile region with an active illicit, cross-border weapons trade.

Israel itself is widely believe to have an arsenal of nuclear weapons, though it has a policy of neither confirming nor denying that.

Israel has been warning of an Iranian nuclear threat since the 1990s and has been working on a possible military strike for years.

Leaders here have welcomed the increased sanctions on Iranian oil exports and banks, but they remain skeptical of an Iranian climbdown, especially because Russia and China refuse to join the effort.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 20/03/2012 | 07:03 uur
Iraans nieuwjaar vandaag en de eerste boodschap, van de Israëlische president, is al binnen:

Nu wachten op die van Obama.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 20/03/2012 | 15:05 uur
Kuwait says Iran has assured it will not shut Hormuz

Published on Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 18:52 |  Source : Reuters

DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran has assured Kuwait it will not try to close the vital Strait of Hormuz shipping route, Kuwait's ruler said in remarks carried by state-run news agency KUNA on Tuesday.

Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad al-Sabah said Kuwait nevertheless had been working for "a long time" on building up an oil stocks outside the Gulf to ensure steady supplies to customers.

After threats by Iran that it could shut the most important oil transit channel in the world, if Western governments stop it from selling crude, Kuwait's emir and other Gulf leaders have sought assurances that Tehran will not follow through with the threats.

"(We) have contacted officials in Iran to ensure that no action is taken to close the Strait of Hormuz," according an English version of his remarks to Japanese press distributed by Kuwait state news agency KUNA.

"We have received assurances from Iran that it will not take this step," the emir said during a visit to Japan, one of the Gulf oil exporter's biggest customers.

"For a long time, Kuwait has been working on providing a stockpile of oil through its global companies outside the Gulf region to ensure constant supply," he said.

Several Iranian officials have said Iran should block the waterway in response to sanctions targeting its nuclear programme. Western governments suspect Iran is trying to make atomic weapons. Tehran denies this.

OPEC member Kuwait, which is producing around 3 million barrels a day, ships all its oil exports through Hormuz.

(Reporting by Sylvia Westall, editing by Daniel Fineren and Reed Stevenson)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 20/03/2012 | 19:24 uur
Obama's boodschap:

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Harald op 21/03/2012 | 09:12 uur
Germany Confirms Sale of Nuclear-Capable Sub to Israel

BERLIN — Germany will sell Israel a sixth nuclear capable Dolphin-class submarine, Germany's defense minister confirmed on March 20 after talks in Berlin with his Israeli counterpart Ehud Barak.

"An additional submarine will be delivered to Israel," Thomas de Maiziere told a joint press conference with Barak, adding that Germany would subsidize the cost although he did not say by how much.

A German government source in November said Germany would foot a third of the bill, amounting to a maximum of 135 million euros ($178 million).

Germany reconsidered the sale of the submarine to Israel in the wake of tensions over Jewish settlement construction in the occupied Palestinian territories, Israeli newspaper Yediot Aharonot reported in October.

But Berlin then agreed to sell Israel the vessel after the Jewish state released millions of dollars in customs duties to the Palestinian Authority, Israeli army radio reported two months later.

The Israeli navy currently has three German-made Dolphin-class submarines, two of which were bought after the 1991 Gulf War.

Two others are under construction at Kiel shipyard and are due for delivery in 2012. An option for a sixth was also included in the contract.

Media reports have said the submarines can carry nuclear warheads and have an operating range of 4,500 kilometers (2,800 miles).|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 22/03/2012 | 07:05 uur
VS bezig aan militaire opbouw in golfregio

21-03-2012 10:27 | Mr. Richard Donk

TEHERAN/JERUZALEM – Het gaat vrijwel onopgemerkt, maar de Verenigde Staten zijn bezig aan een gestage militaire opbouw in de Perzische Golf. Intussen groeit de vrees voor een Israëlische aanval op Iran. Met alle mogelijke gevolgen van dien.

Enkele weken geleden maakte de Amerikaanse marine bekend dat ze een extra vliegdekschip naar de Perzische Golf zou sturen. Dat leek een belangrijk signaal in een tijd dat het Westen verwoede pogingen doet om de omstreden nucleaire aspiraties van Iran een halt toe te roepen.

Het blijkt echter nog maar het begin te zijn van een massieve versterking van de Amerikaanse maritieme aanwezigheid in de golfregio. Volgens het Amerikaanse blad Wired, gespecialiseerd in internationale veiligheidsvraagstukken, zullen de VS hun strijdkrachten in het gebied de komende weken meer dan verdubbelen.

Te beginnen met de vloot van mijnenvegers, die nu in Bahrein is gestationeerd. Het aantal mijnen­bestrijdingsvaartuigen wordt van vier naar acht uitgebreid. Niet onbelangrijk, na het Iraanse dreigement om de strategische Straat van Hormuz, cruciaal voor de export van ruwe olie, af te sluiten. De schepen krijgen assistentie van vier extra MH-53 Sea Stallionhelikopters, die eveneens zijn gespecialiseerd in het opsporen en vernietigen van mijnen.

Het aantal kanonneer­boten, uitgerust met het nieuwste type wapentuig, wordt eveneens uit­gebreid. Ook zal een onbekend aantal hyper­moderne, op afstand bestuurbare onderzeeërs aan de Vijfde Vloot worden toegevoegd. Daarmee brengt 
Washington in de Perzische Golf de op wereldschaal grootste maritieme militaire capaciteit samen. En alsof dat nog niet genoeg is, maakte de bevelhebber van de marine, admiraal Jonathan Greenert, vorige week bekend dat minister van Defensie Leon Panetta hem hoogst­persoonlijk heeft verzekerd dat hij de komende tijd gaat bekijken of er meer vliegdekschepen in de golfregio nodig zijn.

De Amerikaanse militaire opbouw in de Perzisch Golf heeft uiteraard alles te maken met het conflict rond het omstreden atoomprogramma van Iran. De vrees bestaat dat Israël –mogelijk al volgende maand– een aanval op de Iraanse nucleaire installaties zal uitvoeren.

Niet voor niets hielden de Amerikaanse strijdkrachten deze maand een twee weken durende training waarin de mogelijke gevolgen van een Israëlische aanval op Iran werden gesimuleerd. Een woordvoerder van het Amerikaanse ministerie van Defensie onthulde maandag tegenover The New York Times dat de oefening aan het licht bracht dat een Israëlisch offensief vrijwel zeker de VS in een regionale oorlog zou meeslepen en honderden Amerikaanse doden tot gevolg zou hebben.

De oefening ging uit van een scenario waarin een Amerikaans marineschip, na een eerdere Israëlische aanval op Iran, door een Iraanse raket zou worden getroffen, waarbij 200 doden zouden vallen. De VS zouden vervolgens reageren met vergeldingsaanvallen, onder andere op Irans nucleaire faciliteiten.

Het Pentagon benadrukte dat de oefening geen training is voor een geplande Amerikaanse militaire actie in de golfregio. Ook beklemtoonde het ministerie dat het geschetste scenario slechts een van de mogelijke uitkomsten is van een Israëlische aanval op Iran.

,,De aard van een Israëlische aanval en een tegenaanval van Teheran is volstrekt onvoorspelbaar en oncontroleerbaar", aldus een defensiewoordvoerder tegenover The New York Times.

Intussen gaan analisten ervan uit dat Iran een grootschalige oorlog op zijn eigen grondgebied zal willen voorkomen. Er staan Teheran echter genoeg andere middelen ter beschikking om terug te slaan.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 23/03/2012 | 07:48 uur

Israël en VS oneens over Iran

JERUZALEM - Israël en de Verenigde Staten zijn het oneens over een realistisch tijdpad voor het beëindigen van het Iraanse atoomprogramma. Dat heeft de Israëlische minister van defensie Ehud Barak donderdag gezegd tegen de zender Israel Radio.

Israël kan niet achterover leunen terwijl Iran aan een atoombom werkt, zei de minister. Barak ging echter niet zover om Iran met unilateraal optreden te dreigen. De joodse staat kan het nog wel opbrengen om enkele maanden geduld te betrachten en de effecten van tegen Iran ingestelde sancties af te wachten, zei hij.

Volgens Barak kijken de VS als superieure militaire mogendheid en wereldmacht anders tegen de zaak. Washington dringt er al langer bij Jeruzalem op aan de effecten van sancties af te wachten. Het Iraanse atoomprogramma wordt in Israël echter als acute dreiging ervaren, aldus Barak, wat de agressievere opstelling van de joodse staat zou verklaren.

In een interview met de Duitse televisie zei Barak dat een preventieve ingreep, een precisiebombardement op Irans nucleaire instellingen, geen kwestie van jaren, maar ook zeker geen van weken is. "Amerika heeft meer mogelijkheden dan Israël", verklaarde Barak de onenigheid tussen Washington en Jeruzalem over de tijd die Iran nog geboden moet worden. "Je kunt je indenken dat er een moment komt dat Israël in zijn vermogen tot handelen ernstig wordt belemmerd."
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 23/03/2012 | 11:51 uur
Met andere woorden Israel heeft de spreekwoordelijke keutel ingetrokken op last van Big Brother USA  ;D
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 23/03/2012 | 12:06 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 23/03/2012 | 11:51 uur
Met andere woorden Israel heeft de spreekwoordelijke keutel ingetrokken op last van Big Brother USA  ;D

Uitstel of afstel is dan de uiteindelijk vraag.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 23/03/2012 | 14:28 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 23/03/2012 | 12:06 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 23/03/2012 | 11:51 uur
Met andere woorden Israel heeft de spreekwoordelijke keutel ingetrokken op last van Big Brother USA  ;D

Uitstel of afstel is dan de uiteindelijk vraag.

Het zal afhangen, kom maar op  :cute-smile:, van de situatie in de VS. Als daar straks een Republikeinse "warpresident" aan de macht komt zou het weleens hommeles kunnen worden in het Midden-Oosten.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 23/03/2012 | 14:31 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 23/03/2012 | 14:28 uur
Het zal afhangen, kom maar op  :cute-smile:, van de situatie in de VS. Als daar straks een Republikeinse "warpresident" aan de macht komt zou het weleens hommeles kunnen worden in het Midden-Oosten.

Hier heb je absoluut een punt al blijft de vraag of de Israeli zo lang kunnen of willen (mogen) wachten.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 24/03/2012 | 04:58 uur
Een kijkje in de interne conflicten binnen het Iraanse regime:

More vulnerable than ever

Domestic tension and foreign policy

The first months of 2012 have been dominated by analysis and speculation over a possible attack on Iran over its nuclear plans. In this delicate situation, understanding the calculations of the authorities in Iran is clearly vital. So what is happening in Iran, and how is the combination of internal political developments and external pressures on the government in Tehran - such as tripling sacntions and the threat of war - being played out?

A place to start in answering these questions is the comment by Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on 8 March 2012 which responded favourably to President Barack Obama's statement that he was not considering war with Iran. Khamenei, speaking to members of the Assembly of Experts (one of Iran's leading constitutional bodies), said: "This talk is good talk, and is indicative that [Obama] is outside of the illusion. But the president of America continued to say that we want to bring the Iranian people to their knees with the sanctions. This part of his talk is indicative that the illusion continues in this respect... Continuing this illusion will hurt American officials and their calculations will fail."

The comment had been preceded by the parliamentary elections in Iran on 2 March which gave a solid majority to the circle around the supreme leader. This outcome raises the question of how current power-struggles within the Iranian elite are likely to affect Iran's foreign-policy course, particularly over its ambitious and costly nuclear programme.

The power-struggle

Ayatollah Khamenei is ultimately in charge of Iran's major foreign-policy decisions, including the nuclear programme. Yet internal factional conflicts, broadly between conservatives and reformists (often perceived as the two wings of Iran's political system - with the supreme leader the central figure in the former camp) can strongly affect the pace of decision-making. Until recently, the balancing factor of inter-party struggles provided Khamenei with political cover. But Khamenei, with his supporting base in major political institutions, has gradually managed - both in the turbulent aftermath of the presidential election in 2009, and again in the 2012 parliamentary elections - to remove reformist forces from Iran's political scene.

Now, conservatives rule almost all major civil and military institutions and the supreme leader has established a commanding role in managing the country's major policies. Thus, any damaging rift between pro-leader conservatives would now put Khamenei in the spotlight, damage his authority, and make him vulnerable to blame for any wrongdoing by his supporters.

Khamenei's awareness of this, and his desire to deflect responsibility for failures and unpopular policies, mean that he tries consistently to present all decision-making (even when carried out with his direct orders or in consultation with him) as a product of collective thinking by his subordinates.

Khamenei enjoys the complete support of the leadership of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and is ultimately in charge of all the country's powerful military and intelligence organisations. He has avoided implementing policies that could accelerate the existing rift among the conservatives. This will have an impact on the actions of the newly elected parliament and on the ongoing crackdown on Iran's internal critics and dissidents.

This crackdown has seen many journalists, filmmakers, bloggers, civil-society activists, and workers who attempt to demand their labour rights face the state's iron fist, and are rotinelyroutinely charged with offenses such as "acting against national security" or "presenting a dark portrayal of the state." In addition most reformist leaders, including the opposition presidential candidates Mir-Hossein Moussavi and Mehdi Karroubi, are either in prison or under house-arrest. Many prominent reformists, such as former president Seyyed Mohammad Khatami, face serious limitations on their political activities. There are restrictions on journalists' reporting of their predicament or news related to them.

The reformists played no part in Iran's parliamentary elections. In part as a result, Khamenei has been able to shape the most homogenous ruling group in the history of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Yet a side-effect of this outcome is that failures and shortcomings in the country's policies can no longer be blamed on reformists, who were in charge for eight years before Mahmoud Ahmadinejad became president in June 2005, and not even on those conservatives who have distanced themselves with the leader.

In this sense, Iran's supreme leader is now in a more vulnerable position than it would appear. Even in the new parliament, again comprised of a conservative majority loyal to Khamenei and critical of Ahmadinejad, support for him is not absolutely assured. Two major conservative groups won more than half of the seats - the Islamic Revolution Stability Front and the United Principalists Front - but the true affiliations of more than 100 new MP's are unclear. Some analysts believe that a large proportion of these could be backed by Iran's vice-president Esfandiar Rahim Mashaei, who is scorned by supporters of the supreme leader. In addition, a small group of the newly elected - which includes Ali Motahari and Ahmad Tavakoli - are staunch critics of the government. But since the nominees (under velayat-e faqih, the rule of the jurist), it is almost impossible to find out whose vow of loyalty is real and authentic until they start their work in the parliament.

The political timetable

There are fifteen months to go before Iran's next presidential election in June 2013. Until then a powerful, critical parliament will be able to limit the activities of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - perhaps even impeach him after an investigation into his financial affairs. Just days after the parliamentary elections, the president was questioned before the current MPs. In the style of his seven years in office, his provocative performance was matched by angry reactions from some MPs. Some of them now talk of impeaching Ahmadinejad for his incompetent performance, something that in principle will be easier to pursue in the new parliament.

For his part, Ayatollah Khamenei will seek to prevent the incumbent president from using funds and influence over the next two years to choose a potential successor from among his own friends and affiliates. Khamenei will want to promote his own favourite, possibly Gholamali Haddad Adel, the current deputy speaker of parliament and a close relative of the supreme leader.

The embattled Ahmadinejad thus faces a struggle to survive even until the end of his term in office. But as head government he still holds two powerful cards: Iran's booming oil revenues (partly as a result of the threats of attack) and access to the intelligence ministry. He has insinuated several times that he has information potentially damaging to the supreme-leader's supporters, which he could reveal if necessary. So Ahmadinejad could retaliate in kind if (for example) he is accused of corruption or if he or or his inner circle are put under extreme pressure.

The probability of continued tension between president and supreme leader - where (for example) the president seeks to obstruct any major political decisions taken by the supreme leader or groups under his oversight, especially in areas such as Iran's nuclear programme or its foreign policy - is a recipe for paralysis until the end of Ahmadinejad's term. The implication is that even if the west opens the way to negotiations over Iran's nuclear programme, the chances of a successful result that meets the west's concerns are minimal.

The only way out of a political standoff of this kind could be a sweeping crisis in which military groups, particularly the IRGC, practically take control over the country and marginalise the president. That scenario may be why some groups within the Iranian leadership and the IRGC might even welcome any short-lived military attack as a pretext to cement their power inside Iran's ruling elite.

Iran, after all, has long experience of internal forces using foreign policy as a tactic to gain more political power. The case of a military attack by the US or Israel (or both) on Iran's nuclear or military facilities - or even accelerated verbal threats to this effect - would be convenient for those seeking to impose a state of emergency in the country that enabled the IRGC, under the oversight of the supreme leader, to replace Iran's civilian politicians and take control of all state affairs.

Most signals of war from the west suggest that any military attack on Iran would be limited, intended to disable Iran's nuclear facilities and postpone the country's acquisition of nuclear weapons. Whether any assault succeeded in this, Iran's more extreme factions could use it to concentrate power in their hands, to suppress dissidents even further, and to reach out to public opinion in the region. It is at least certain that they would be strengthened by an attack.

There are very few options that could today lead to a sudden change in Iran's foreign policy. One is for Ahmadinejad to present the supreme leader with a fait accompli regarding important decisions, such as over Iran's nuclear activities (in 2009 the president acted in this way by dismissing the intelligence minister that Khamenei had handpicked). Another is for Khamenei to reduce the president's authority and delegate fundamental decisions to committees under his control.

This rooted internal tension means that substantial changes in the balance of political forces are unlikely before the presidential election of 2013. But the pattern could alter if Iran's leadership becomes convinced that intensified economic sanctions or military action could lead to irreparable damage to the Islamic Republic's political life.

Iranian leaders know that extreme conditions could challenge the state's rule at its very heart. The defence of the state is the red line that Ayatollah Khomeini and now Ayatollah Khamenei have observed since the Islamic Republic's inception in 1979. In this sense the west's policies towards Iran in the coming months could be more influential over Iran's foreign policy than internal developments.

First published in

Omid Memarian is a journalist who writes for the IPS (Inter Press Service) news agency and the Daily Beast, and whose work has been published in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the San Francisco Chronicle.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 27/03/2012 | 08:26 uur
Israelis prefer preemptive strike to nuclearised Iran
Confidence in military action

JERUSALEM, March 26, (Agencies): Nearly two-thirds of Israeli Jews believe that the consequences for the Jewish state of a nuclear-armed Iran would be worse than those of an Israeli attack on the Islamic Republic, a poll showed on Monday.
The poll, published in Haaretz newspaper, found that 65 percent of Jewish Israelis agreed with the statement that "the price Israel would have to pay for living with the threat of an Iranian bomb would be greater than the price it would pay for attacking Iran's nuclear facilities."
Commissioned by the right-leaning Jerusalem Centre for Public Affairs, the survey found 26 percent disagreed with the statement, while nine percent said they were unsure.
It also found that six out of 10 respondents — 60 percent — agreed that only military action could halt Iran's nuclear programme, which Tehran claims is for peaceful civilian purposes but Israel and much of the international community believes masks a weapons drive.
But another 37 percent disagreed with the claim that only military action could halt Iran's nuclear programme, which has prompted the international community to impose tough sanctions on Tehran's exports and financial sector.
A majority of respondents, 64 percent, said they were confident that Israel's military forces could "significantly" damage Iran's nuclear programme, compared to 29 percent who disagreed.
And 63 percent said they believed Israel would suffer the same consequences whether an attack against Iran was carried out by the Jewish state or the United States.
The poll surveyed 505 Jewish Israelis, religious and secular, Haaretz said, without specifying a margin of error.
Israel has said frequently it is keeping all options open for responding to Iran's nuclear programme, which it says poses an existential threat to the Jewish state.
But the United States and other countries have called for time to allow biting sanctions to take effect.
Earlier this month, a poll published by Haaretz showed that 58 percent of Israelis opposed a strike on Iran without US backing.
The same poll, conducted by among 497 Israelis, also found that over half of the respondents trusted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defence Minister Ehud Barak to deal with the Iran issue.
Iran and six world powers have agreed to meet on April 13 for new talks about Tehran's nuclear program, but the failure of previous meetings and disputes over what should be discussed are keeping them from choosing a venue, diplomats told The Associated Press on Monday.
No formal announcement about a date and venue for the talks has been made, and Michael Mann, a spokesman for EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton, insisted in Brussels that even the date is not yet fixed.
But three diplomats from Western nations accredited to the International Atomic Energy Agency said the starting date is set and they expect the dispute over the venue to be resolved in time.
The bickering between Iran and the world powers over the location after days of talks appeared to reflect the deep differences that have doomed previous meetings during which Iran has refused to even discuss international demands that it curb nuclear activities that could be used as part of a weapons program.
The main stumbling block remains uranium enrichment.
Iran says the expansion of its enrichment program is meant only to provide nuclear fuel, denies any interest in developing the atomic bomb, and says the right of countries to enrich nuclear power is enshrined in the Nonproliferation Treaty.
But the US and others say Iran's nuclear record is causing concern. Tehran started enriching in secret, has refused offers of nuclear fuel shipments from abroad, and last year began enriching to higher levels that bring it closer to point where it could turn its program into producing fissile warhead material at an underground bunker that could be impervious to attack from the air.
The IAEA also has warned of growing suspicions, based on intelligence from the United States, Israel and elsewhere, that the Islamic Republic has hidden research and development on how to make and deliver a nuclear warhead - allegations that Tehran strenuously denies.
The US and its Western allies have agreed on a series of punishing sanctions in recent weeks designed to add weight to UN penalties on Iran because of its enrichment program, while attempting to persuade Israel that there is currently no need to attack Iran's nuclear facilities.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 27/03/2012 | 09:52 uur
Intelligence community hobbles plans to strike Iran


American and Israeli intelligence agencies are openly deviating from the political script on Iran's nuclear program. While Washington and Tel Aviv are bent on ratcheting up the ante with assertions that Tehran seeks nuclear weapons and threats of military strikes on Iranian nuclear facilities, intelligence chiefs are singing from an entirely different hymn sheet.

It seems they've wizened-up after the Iraq War intelligence debacle when intelligence was sculptured around the Bush administration's regime change goal, purposefully exaggerated -- and, in some cases, fabricated.

When no WMD turned up in Iraq politicians conveniently threw up their hands in faux astonishment and re-directed the heat toward their intelligence bureaus. What's clear is that the 2003 US/UK propaganda scam that oiled the road to war has exceeded its shelf life. This time, the saber-rattlers need a genuine smoking gun but, unfortunately for them, thus far, there isn't even a whiff of proof that Tehran is actively building a nuclear bomb.

Predictions by Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak and others that Iran will succeed in developing nukes in two years, five years, ten years etc., seem to be random timelines they've drawn from a hat if you believe US National Intelligence Estimates (NIEs) compiled by 16 different agencies suggesting Iran halted its efforts to build a nuclear warhead in 2003.

Earlier this month, the New York Times reported that the Mossad agrees with the assessment of US spy agencies. Former Mossad spymaster Meir Dagan told CBS News of his opposition to Israel striking Iran warning of potentially devastating repercussions including the ignition of regional war. Moreover, "There's no military attack that can halt the Iranian nuclear project. It could only delay it", Dagan claimed.

So, in that case, those politicians champing at the bit to launch missiles in Iran's direction have no solid ground to stand on.

An article published in the Los Angeles Times and headed "US does not believe Iran is trying to build a nuclear bomb" quotes US officials as saying they've seen no "evidence that has caused them to significantly revise that judgment" -- and, according to those officials, Israel doesn't "dispute the basic intelligence or analysis" but, nevertheless regards Iran as a threat to its existence.

In other words, Israel wants to bring Tehran under its heel just in case the ayatollahs decide to reconstitute a nuclear weapons program at some future point. This is a scenario straight out of Steven Spielberg's futuristic movie "Minority Report" wherein a specialized police department called "PreCrime" arrests "criminals" before they commit a crime based on psychic foreknowledge.

It's mind-boggling to think a country could come under attack simply because some pundits believe it might one day decide to develop a nuclear arsenal with which to threaten its enemies; foes that are themselves nuclear powers with vast stockpiles of nukes.

It's worth recalling that the only nation to have used at atom bomb in warfare is the US while, unlike Iran, Israel is not a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). To this day, with Washington's collusion, Israel retains the policy of nuclear ambiguity and ruffles its feathers when any UN Security Council member state inadvertently refers to its activities in the Negev, exposed by former nuclear technician Mordechai Vanunu in the mid-1980s.

Indeed, the moral platforms of both joined-at-the-hip allies on this issue are far shakier than that of Iran which hasn't breached NPT rules and does allow monitoring of its nuclear facilities by the international nuclear watchdog the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). By its failure to issue Iraq with a clean bill of health under heavy US pressure, the IAEA virtually rubber-stamped the invasion of Iraq. According to former senior IAEA officials, including weapons inspector Robert Kelley and former IAEA director Hans Blix, the IAEA may be on the point of making the same mistake with Iran. They accuse IAEA Chief Yukiya Amano of pro-Western bias and over-reliance on unsubstantiated intelligence.

Amano has been portraying the Iranians as uncooperative but after Iran's permanent representative to the IAEA spoke before the IAEA board of governors laying out the facts, Amano admitted that talks between the Agency and Iran "took place in a constructive spirit", adding, "Differences between Iran and the Agency appeared to have narrowed."

A recent op-ed by author Mark H. Gaffney supports my contention that the nuclear issue is being deliberately hyped. Urging the American people not to fall for this "phony crisis", Gaffney says "Despite public perceptions, and all the rhetoric about nukes, the present crisis has nothing to do with Iran's alleged nuclear weapons program. In my opinion, that is just a cover story. The real issue is the fact that Iran has upgraded its medium-range conventionally-armed missiles with GPS technology making its missiles much more accurate. This means Iran can now target Israel's own nuclear, bio and chemical weapons stockpiles, located inside Israel, as well as the Dimona nuclear reactor."

I largely agree with Gaffney on this latter point but believe the real aim of the US and Israel is regime change -- an illegal casus belli under the UN Charter and International law -- although for different reasons. The stronger Iran becomes the more Israel feels vulnerable; the US seeks total domination of the oil-rich Gulf region and its waterways.

Many of Iran's neighbors bless regime change too, concerned that Tehran is whipping up Shiite passions against governments, using its oil wealth to lure some Arab states into its sphere of influence, arming non-state actors and making territorial claims on Arab lands. A free and democratic Iran, as it was briefly in the early 1950s before Dr. Mohammed Mossadegh was ousted by Britain's scheming, would be in just about everyone's interest including that of the Iranian people themselves. But as long as the West tries to indoctrinate them with WMD fairytales, kills off their nuclear scientists and threatens missile attacks, the ayatollahs are there to stay.

© Arab News 2012
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 29/03/2012 | 19:56 uur
'Azerbaijan granted Israel access to air bases on Iran border'

Foreign Policy quotes U.S. diplomats as saying that 'Israel is deeply embedded in Azerbaijan' and says intelligence officials worried that Israel's military involvement in Azerbaijan would complicate efforts to reduce Israeli-Iranian tensions.

Israel has been granted access to air bases in Azerbaijan on Iran's northern border, Foreign Policy reported Wednesday, quoting senior U.S. diplomats and military intelligence officials.

"The Israelis have bought an airfield," a senior U.S. administration official told Foreign Policy's Mark Perry, "and the airfield is called Azerbaijan."

According to the report, U.S. intelligence officials are worried that Israel's military involvement in Azerbaijan would make it more difficult for the U.S. to reduce Israeli-Iranian tensions. Apparently now, military planners must prepare for a war scenario that would also involve the Caucasus.

"We're watching what Iran does closely," said a U.S. intelligence officer involved in assessing the consequences of a potential Israeli strike on Iran. "But we're now watching what Israel is doing in Azerbaijan. And we're not happy about it."

In February, Israel signed a $1.6 billion arms deal with Azerbaijan, committing to sell drones and anti-aircraft missile defense systems to Baku. According to a retired U.S. diplomat, the deal left Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan "sputtering in rage," since Israel had previously canceled a contract to develop drones with the Turkish military.

The report said that the Azeri military has four abandoned, Soviet-era airfields that could be available to Israel and four air bases for their own aircraft, quoting the International Institute for Strategic Studies' Military Balance 2011.

U.S. officials told Foreign Policy that they believe Israel has been granted access to these air bases through a "series of quiet political and military understandings."

"I doubt that there's actually anything in writing," said a former U.S. diplomat who spent his career in the region. "But I don't think there's any doubt - if Israeli jets want to land in Azerbaijan after an attack, they'd probably be allowed to do so. Israel is deeply embedded in Azerbaijan, and has been for the last two decades."

The report states that Israel's embassy in Washington, the IDF, the Mossad, and the Shin Bet were all asked to comment on the story but failed to respond. Also, the Azeri embassy to the U.S. did not respond when asked about Azerbaijan's security agreements with Israel.

Earlier this month, Azerbaijan authorities arrested 22 people suspected of plotting to attack the Israeli and American embassies in the capital Baku. Iran's Revolutionary Guards was reportedly behind the plan to attack Israeli and U.S. targets in the country, according to Azerbaijan's national security ministry.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 31/03/2012 | 21:40 uur
Citaat van: NOS op 11/03/2012 | 23:49 uur
Het grootste en oudste marineschip van de Amerikaanse strijdkrachten is begonnen aan zijn laatste missie. De USS Enterprise verliet vandaag zijn thuishaven Norfolk in de staat Virginia, op weg naar het Midden-Oosten.
Na een tussenstop bij Ibiza en een Passex met SNMG1 brengt het schip nu een bezoek aan Piraeus.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 04/04/2012 | 08:48 uur
Israël verwacht laag dodenaantal bij oorlog met Iran

Door: redactie
3/04/12 - 16u21  Bron: © reuters.

De wereld kijkt met bezorgdheid naar een mogelijk conflict tussen Israël en Iran. De hele regio kan getroffen worden als Israëlische gevechtsvliegtuigen het land van de mollahs aanvallen.

Volgens Israël zijn de gevolgen te overzien, tenminste in eigen land. Militaire deskundigen rekenen nu in geval van oorlog met Iran op hoogstens 300 dodelijke slachtoffers in Israël. Er kunnen volgens het leger wel heel wat gewonden vallen en er kan aanzienlijke schade aan privé-eigendommen en infrastructuur aangericht worden. Dat stellen de Israëlische media vandaag op basis van een rapport van het leger voor het kabinet van premier Benjamin Netanyahu. Defensieminister Ehud Barak had in november al gezegd dat er bij een oorlog "niet eens 500 slachtoffers" zouden te betreuren zijn.

Maar er wordt gewaarschuwd dat de Israëlische civiele verdediging niet voldoende voorbereid is op raketaanvallen door Iran en zijn bondgenoten in Zuid-Libanon, Syrië en de Gazastrook. Zo zijn er voor een kwart van de Israëlische bevolking geen schuilkelders voorzien.

Israël waarschuwt al langer dat het Iraans atoomprogramma in geval van nood ook alleen militair zal stoppen of minstens vertragen. Net zoals vele andere landen beschuldigt Israël de regering in Teheran ervan het atoomprogramma niet enkel voor vreedzame kernenergie aan te wenden, maar ook om kernwapens te ontwikkelen.

De Verenigde Staten en Europa dringen er bij Israël op aan in elk geval nu nog niet toe te slaan. De steeds harder wordende sancties tegen het land moeten tijd krijgen.

Volgens een peiling eind maart beschouwt 65 procent van de Israëli's de gevolgen van een nucleair bewapend Iran als erger dan de consequenties van een spoedige militaire aanval op de atoominstallaties. Bijna 60 procent achten een militaire oplossing van het probleem uiteindelijk als onvermijdelijk.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/04/2012 | 08:04 uur
'Hezbollah has 300 operatives in NYC'

US officials debate virulence of Hezbollah's threat on US soil as NYPD says Hezbollah's infrastructure in the Big Apple substantial

Yitzhak Benhorin, Reuters Published:  04.06.12, 08:36 / Israel News 
WASHINGTON – A recent report by the House of Representatives Committee on Homeland Security states that there are hundreds, perhaps even thousands, people he described as "Iranian and Hezbollah terrorists" in the United States.

An alarming part of the officials' assessments focuses on the apparent surveillance missions that Iranian diplomats and possible Hezbollah operatives have been seen conducting at sensitive targets such as New York City's subways and bridges, and at nuclear power plants and tunnels elsewhere in the United States in the past 10 years.

At the same time, US officials caution that Hezbollah, a Shiite militia based in Lebanon, has largely avoided attacking US targets since it carried out mass-casualty bombings in the 1980s against the US Embassy and Marine barracks in Beirut. One reason may be that it does not want to endanger its lucrative North American fund-raising operations.

The renewed focus on Hezbollah – which US counter-terrorism officials regard as the most potent and disciplined of Islamic militant groups, even more so than al-Qaeda – comes amid a growing confrontation over Iran's nuclear program.

An Israeli or US strike on Iran's nuclear sites could prompt Hezbollah to change strategy, moving from surveillance and fund-raising in North America to launching retaliatory attacks on either country, several US officials said.

Israel, while acknowledging the likelihood of retaliation by Iran or its agents, has sometimes downplayed the risk of a broader conflict.

Iranian-inspired surveillance missions in the United States have been scattered over a period of years. But, when combined with a handful of recent attacks or plots around the world, they have contributed to an assessment within the US government that considerable violence directed against US targets – at overseas installations or businesses, or at American soil – could follow any strike on Iran's nuclear program.

US intelligence and law enforcement officials, along with private experts, say there is little doubt Hezbollah has an extensive network of supporters, fund-raisers and potential operatives in the United States.

'Thousands of sympathizers'
A law enforcement official said that the New York Police Department, whose monitoring of Muslim communities has prompted political controversy, believes that between 200 and 300 Hezbollah sympathizers live in New York City. Between 10 and 20 of those are relatives of Hezbollah leaders or fighters who were killed in action, said the official.

The NYPD's knowledge of Hezbollah's infrastructure is sufficiently detailed that it has identified three Lebanese towns, Bint Jbeil, Yanoun and Yatar, to which suspected sympathizers of the group have ties. At least a handful of people in New York connected with Hezbollah have also undergone military training in Lebanon, the official said.

A preliminary Homeland Security report said that pinpointing the number of Hezbollah operatives inside the United States was difficult because of the group's operational security. The report nonetheless cited the estimates of "some officials" that the group "likely" has "several thousand sympathetic donors" in the United States as well as "hundreds" of operatives.

But other officials said there was a big difference between a Hezbollah "supporter" and someone who would be willing to engage in violent activity. The officials said such distinctions have been blurred in public discussions about the domestic threat the group allegedly poses.

Over the years, US federal authorities have brought numerous criminal cases against alleged Hezbollah operatives, most of them related to fund-raising or other support activity rather than plotting against US targets.

The access to potential funding sources is one reason why Hezbollah has avoided targeting the United States or its interests, experts say.

Because the United States is such a critical source for funds and equipment, Hezbollah might be reluctant to embark on attacks inside the United States – even if prodded to do so by patrons in Iran. Attacks against US targets overseas might be more likely, the report said.

Some of the officials said that anxieties about possible Hezbollah – or Iranian-related attacks were increased in the wake of an alleged plot by Iranian agents to kill the Saudi ambassador in Washington and other alleged Iranian plots uncovered recently in Thailand, India, Azerbaijan and Georgia.,7340,L-4213306,00.html
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/04/2012 | 18:14 uur
'Iran in staat kernbom te maken'


TEHERAN - Iran heeft de kennis en wetenschappelijke bekwaamheid in huis om atoomwapens te vervaardigen, maar zal daartoe nooit overgaan. Dat heeft het vooraanstaande parlementslid Gholamreza Mesbahi Moghadam vrijdagavond gezegd.

Het is voor het eerst dat een prominent politicus in Iran openlijk claimt dat zijn land in staat is een kernbom te maken. Iran kan met gemak het voor atoomwapens vereiste hoogverrijkte uranium produceren, beweerde Moghadam op de website van het Iraanse parlement, maar dat zou niet stroken met het beleid van de regering in Teheran.

De Verenigde Staten en hun bondgenoten betichten Teheran ervan onder het mom van civiele toepassingen van atoomenergie te werken aan een kernarsenaal. Iran spreekt die beschuldigingen tegen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 08/04/2012 | 09:33 uur
Iraanse commando's arresteren piraten die een Chinees schip in de Indische Oceaan hadden gegijzeld:

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 09/04/2012 | 14:14 uur
U.S. Navy deploys second aircraft carrier to Persian Gulf amid rising tensions with Iran

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates— The Associated Press

Published Monday, Apr. 09, 2012 7:20AM EDT

The U.S. Navy says it has deployed a second aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf amid rising tensions with Iran over its nuclear program.

Cmdr. Amy Derrick-Frost of the Bahrain-based 5th Fleet said on Monday that the deployment of the nuclear-powered USS Enterprise along the Abraham Lincoln carrier strike group marks only the fourth time in the past decade that the Navy has had two aircraft carriers operating at the same time in the region.

The two carriers will support the American military operations in Afghanistan and anti-piracy efforts off Somalia's coast and in the Gulf of Aden.

The warships also patrol the Gulf's strategic oil routes that Iran has threatened to shut down in retaliation for economic sanctions.

The deployment of the second aircraft carrier is "routine and not specific to any threat," Cmdr. Derrick-Frost added. She did say how long the Navy will keep the increased military presence in region.

It was in June 2010 that the U.S. had two carriers operating in the region. Before then, the carriers were deployed in March 2003 during the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq and in February 2007 in support of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The Enterprise is based in Norfolk, Va. It is the Navy's first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier that is now on its last mission.

The Enterprise was commissioned in November 1961. The carrier is scheduled to be deactivated this fall.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 10/04/2012 | 11:25 uur
Iran's Submarine Force: The Undersea World Of Ali Khamenei – Analysis

April 10, 2012

By Scott Charney

In the middle of all the discussion of the possibility of attacks on Iran and a war in the Persian Gulf region, one factor in particular has been largely overlooked. The Iranians have evidently fallen in love with submarines. Brief news stories about the launch of new submarines have appeared repeatedly in the past few years, and yet this phenomenon receives only a passing mention in most articles and reports. No other country in the area (unless one counts Pakistan) operates any submarines. By contrast, the Iranians now could potentially have more than 20.

Obviously the Iranian naval establishment thinks it's on to something, and that their near-term future lies beneath the waves. What do they have in mind?

What They Have

An Iranian Kilo class submarine, the Yunes

Accurate information about Iran's submarine force is difficult to acquire. The announcements of new submarines often emanate from semi-governmental Iranian sources, which are known to boast about the capabilities of their indigenous weapons systems.For their part, international journalists often vary widely in their estimates of the size of Iran's submarine force, with no consistent pattern emerging..

In the 1990s and shortly thereafter, the Iranians purchased three Kilo class submarines from Russia.  These submarines are diesel-electric attack subs, well-known for being quiet. The Iranians subsequently began constructing their own midget submarines, with one craft of the Nahang class and many more of the Ghadirclass. The Iranians may also have acquired a few midget submarines from North Korea, though details are hazy, and these craft may no longer be operational. All of these midget subs can carry two torpedoes or anti-ship missiles, lay mines, and transport commando teams.

More recently, the Iranians seem to be seeking to bridge the gap between the midget subs and the Kilos by constructing what they call "semi-heavy" submarines of the Qaaem and/or Fateh class, with more possibly to come. Such submarines, if successful, could complement the Kilos at first and eventually supplant them when the larger submarines reach the end of their service lives. The upshot of all of this is that, even by the most conservative estimates, the Iranians have a sizable submarine force, are seeking to make it larger, and have a substantial head start over any of the other states bordering the Persian Gulf.

Why They Want Them

The reason for this submarine construction binge is very similar to the reason for Iran's missile program:  it circumvents their aerial deficiencies and, in so doing, creates a deterrent to attack. The Persian Gulf is mostly shallow and is littered with shipwrecks from centuries of traffic. Antisubmarine warfare is complicated in such an environment, and smaller submarines have particular advantages. All of the Arab states bordering the Persian Gulf have small navies, and suffering losses to Iranian submarines would leave these kings, sheiks, and emirs able to protect neither their exports of oil nor their imports of vast quantities of consumer goods. The Saudis have the most powerful navy in the region by far, but they are cursed by geography. Some of their most powerful ships are based at a port on the Red Sea, and transferring these elements to the Persian Gulf would necessitate sailing through the Straits of Hormuz. This would likely be a suicide mission in the face of Iran's mines, submarines, shore-launched missiles, warships, air strikes, and so on.

The Arab air forces would surely attempt to eliminate Iran's naval bases. But the Iranians have likely constructed missiles with that in mind. The multi-billion dollar air forces and navies of the Gulf states are concentrated at very few bases such that even an inaccurate missile is likely to land on something valuable.

In the case of a conflict with the United States, the Iranians could not win per se, but this is where deterrence comes into play. Before being overwhelmed and destroyed, Iranian submarines could conceivably sink one or more American ships and/or submarines, resulting in unacceptable casualties for the United States. This strategy is behind most of Iran's recent military moves, and is common around the world. For this reason, among others, many current and retired American senior military officers oppose any attack on Iran. The military situation for the Israelis is similar. They would love to add the firepower of their own submarines' cruise missiles to any strike on Iran, but risking the subs would be very foolish at a time of terrible relations with Turkey, upheaval in Syria, and an uncertain future with Egypt.

The Iranians would not have acquired so many submarines if they did not think they would come in handy. Thanks in part to these undersea craft, the regime in Tehran may have developed the ability to dominate its neighbors and ward off attack from faraway powers even as most of the foreign policy community has been chasing the specter of nuclear weapons.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Harald op 10/04/2012 | 12:18 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 10/04/2012 | 11:25 uur
Iran's Submarine Force: The Undersea World Of Ali Khamenei – Analysis

Welke andere Subs zijn in de Golf dan ? .... als counter-force

- Amerikaanse nuc. fast attack subs, aantal ? .... 1 a 2 per carrier, ik denk 4 stuks ?
- Israel, Dolphin-klasse aantal : 1
- .......
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 10/04/2012 | 12:54 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 10/04/2012 | 12:18 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 10/04/2012 | 11:25 uur
Iran's Submarine Force: The Undersea World Of Ali Khamenei – Analysis

Welke andere Subs zijn in de Golf dan ? .... als counter-force

- Amerikaanse nuc. fast attack subs, aantal ? .... 1 a 2 per carrier, ik denk 4 stuks ?
- Israel, Dolphin-klasse aantal : 1
- .......

Geen idee. Dit soort info is bij niet ingewijden vrees ik niet bekend.

Ergens in de regio zou ook zo maar een "Flipper" aanwezig kunnen zijn.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 10/04/2012 | 13:38 uur
Netherlands: 1 Walrusklasse..... ??
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 10/04/2012 | 13:41 uur
Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 10/04/2012 | 13:38 uur
Netherlands: 1 Walrusklasse..... ??

Dat zou dol-fijn zijn.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Harald op 10/04/2012 | 13:53 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 10/04/2012 | 12:54 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 10/04/2012 | 12:18 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 10/04/2012 | 11:25 uur
Iran's Submarine Force: The Undersea World Of Ali Khamenei – Analysis

Welke andere Subs zijn in de Golf dan ? .... als counter-force

- Amerikaanse nuc. fast attack subs, aantal ? .... 1 a 2 per carrier, ik denk 4 stuks ?
- Israel, Dolphin-klasse aantal : 1
- .......

Geen idee. Dit soort info is bij niet ingewijden vrees ik niet bekend.

Ergens in de regio zou ook zo maar een "Flipper" aanwezig kunnen zijn.

Dat gevoel had ik ook al ....  of op piraten jacht

Het water in de persische Golf is niet zo heel diep, gemiddeld 50 meter. met een max naar 90 meter, langs de kust veel ondiepe gedeelten.
Niet het beste terrein voor een onderzeeboot. Golf van Oman en Aden zijn veel dieper.

Walrus klasse , hoogte 11,7 meter
Sea Wolf klasse, hoogte 16,1 meter   (mooie nederlandse kaart van de Golf, maar hoop dat ze wel nieuwere kaarten hebben)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 10/04/2012 | 15:04 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 10/04/2012 | 13:53 uur
Dat gevoel had ik ook al ....  of op piraten jacht

Het water in de persische Golf is niet zo heel diep, gemiddeld 50 meter. met een max naar 90 meter, langs de kust veel ondiepe gedeelten.
Niet het beste terrein voor een onderzeeboot. Golf van Oman en Aden zijn veel dieper.

Walrus klasse , hoogte 11,7 meter
Sea Wolf klasse, hoogte 16,1 meter   (mooie nederlandse kaart van de Golf, maar hoop dat ze wel nieuwere kaarten hebben)

je kunt je ook afvragen hoeveel subs je daar nodig hebt, en waarvoor? Het is een redelijk smalle golf, dus heel veel kun je vanaf land doen. 
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 10/04/2012 | 15:34 uur
Met subs vang je het beste (Iraanse) subs.....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 10/04/2012 | 16:39 uur
Iran claims arrest of terror operatives tied to Israel

Official Iranian media reports "major terrorist group from the Zionist regime" uncovered and several members arrested "while preparing to carry out terrorist acts"; bombs, machine guns reportedly seized.

DUBAI - Iran said on Tuesday it had identified a "major terrorist group" it said was affiliated to its arch-foe Israel and had arrested some of its members, the official IRNA news agency reported, citing a report by the country's Intelligence Ministry.
"Iran's Intelligence Ministry announced it has identified a major terrorist group from the Zionist regime (of Israel) and has arrested some of its protected operational members inside the country," IRNA reported without making clear when the arrests had taken place.

The semi-official Fars news agency said the suspects were arrested "while preparing to carry out terrorist acts", adding that a considerable number of bombs, machine guns, military and communication equipments were seized.
Tehran has in the past accused Israel of being behind the killings of its nuclear scientists.

The Islamic state blamed Israel in January when a nuclear scientist was killed by a bomb placed on his car by a motorcyclist in Tehran.
Iran denies Western suspicions that its nuclear program has military goals, saying it is for purely peaceful purposes.
Fars cited the Intelligence Ministry's statement as saying that further information would be announced later.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/04/2012 | 11:23 uur
WSJ(4/14)In War Against Iran, US Firepower Would Vie With Guerrilla Tactics

Saturday, Apr 14, 2012
(From THE WALL STREET JOURNAL)    By Nathan Hodge

Adm. Jonathan Greenert made an important observation last fall from the tower of the aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis while in the Strait of Hormuz on the southern coast of Iran, the world's busiest oil-shipping lane.

The chief of naval operations was sailing in a flotilla that showed off the Navy's overwhelming power to strike at long distances: F-18 fighter jets, Tomahawk cruise missiles and deck guns able to fire a shell 15 miles.

Yet in the claustrophobic waters of the strait, which narrows to just 24 miles, Adm. Greenert noted that all that long-range firepower could potentially be countered by the Iranian patrol boats that came out to track the U.S. warships. Faced with a fight in close quarters, Adm. Greenert told a Senate panel recently, "You also may need a sawed-off shotgun."

As the U.S. and other Western powers prepare to meet Saturday in Istanbul with Iran to resume negotiations over its nuclear program, the U.S. military is sharpening its contingency planning. Advocates of peaceful engagement say economic sanctions against the Islamic regime are starting to bite, and are hopeful that Tehran will give up its uranium-enrichment program. Iran says the program is for use in electricity generation, but intelligence services say the regime is close to developing the capability of building a nuclear weapon. The Obama administration plays down the chances of a breakthrough at this meeting, the first face-to-face encounter between U.S. and Iranian diplomats in more than a year, saying the best outcome may be agreement for a second round.

Should all else fail and the U.S. or Israel decide to attack Iran, say analysts, they would face a miniature version of the U.S. military, circa 1975 -- sustained, barely, by a world-wide spare-parts bazaar. Experts say the Islamic Republic's claims of advanced weaponry -- such as armed, Predator-style drones -- are mere boasts.

Military officers and defense analysts say the U.S. could quickly overwhelm Iran's air defenses, leaving evenly spaced bomb craters, for example, on runways to disable Iranian air bases. Pinpoint airstrikes would attempt to destroy all Iran's known nuclear facilities -- a goal complicated by the fact that the regime has buried some of its production sites. The Pentagon is rushing to upgrade its largest conventional bomb to better penetrate fortified underground facilities.

Naval officers believe Iran would retaliate by waging the naval equivalent of guerrilla warfare in the Persian Gulf by mining the Strait of Hormuz or swarming U.S. naval vessels with small boats.

Such threats, so-called asymmetric warfare, could prove as dangerous and unpredictable as roadside bombs in Afghanistan or Iraq, with a low-cost mine potentially crippling or sinking a billion-dollar warship.

In such a scenario, the U.S. military would face a time-consuming and often perilous effort to reopen shipping lanes to international oil traffic.

"They have stayed true to their stripes," said a senior military officer in the Middle East. "They have always taken an asymmetric approach, going back to the '80s."

Before the 1979 Islamic Revolution, Iran had among the most formidable conventional arsenals in the region, equipped with modern weaponry sold to the Shah by U.S. defense firms.

Iran's military was later battered during eight years of war with Iraq in the 1980s. Iran has since cobbled together an array of weapons -- some homegrown but much acquired from China, North Korea and the former Soviet Union.

Iran has already threatened to block the Strait of Hormuz in response to tighter international sanctions. Military analysts now estimate Iran has amassed as many as 5,000 naval mines, ranging from rudimentary devices that explode on contact, to high-tech mines that, tethered to the seafloor, can identify the acoustic signature of specific types of ships and explode only under the richest targets.

Scott Truver, a mine warfare analyst, said finding and clearing Iranian mines would be a cat-and-mouse game for the Navy. Mine warfare, he said "is as tough and dangerous as the IEDs on land were. Mines are equally hard to detect, if not harder."

The U.S. Navy knows firsthand. In April 1988, the frigate USS Samuel B. Roberts struck an Iranian mine, which blew a hole the size of a pickup truck in the hull, and nearly sank the ship. The U.S. retaliated by attacking two Iranian oil platforms and sinking several Iranian vessels.

Among the newest threats are sophisticated torpedoes Iran acquired from Russia that can home in on the turbulence of a ship's wake and aren't easily fooled by the decoys commonly used by warships.

Military planners worry about torpedoes launched from Iran's three Russian-built Kilo submarines, as well as approximately four North Korean Yono-class mini-submarines, the class of vessel that sank a South Korean warship in 2010, killing 46 sailors.

Iran's mini-subs cannot range far or stay long under water. But in the close quarters of the Strait of Hormuz, they could be easily positioned for attacks.

Iran also is known for its fleet of hundreds of small speedboats that can carry everything from machine guns to large antiship missiles. While a single speedboat may not imperil a warship, a swarm of small boats could overwhelm a larger ship's defenses. In early 2008, a cluster of Iranian patrol boats sailed close to a convoy of U.S. warships. No shots were fired, but the provocation underscored potential dangers.

Conventional naval vessels aren't the only concern. Iran can deploy mines or even missiles from merchant vessels, or dhows. Such threats would be nearly impossible to spot in the crowded shipping lanes of the Persian Gulf.

Ten years ago, the Rumsfeld-era Pentagon held a top-secret war game to test a Persian Gulf scenario. A maverick Marine Corps general, Lt. Gen. Paul Van Riper, led the "Red Team," the fictional Iranian adversary. Gen. Van Riper relayed orders to his front-line troops by motorcycle messenger, so the U.S. couldn't hack into his networks; he sent out speedboats armed with missiles and explosives to swarm U.S. warships. After the fictional smoke cleared, more than a dozen U.S. warships were at the bottom of the Persian Gulf.

That exercise, known as Millennium Challenge, was a wake-up call about the potential of asymmetric warfare. The Navy has since unveiled plans to boost the defenses of its ships in the Gulf.

Adm. Greenert said the Navy is interested in new robotic underwater vehicles that can search for mines and submarines and improved Gatling guns to counter Iranian small-boat attacks. The Navy has rushed to test and field a new antitorpedo torpedo -- a weapon that would potentially counter Iran's more sophisticated torpedoes.

The Navy recently announced plans to double its fleet of Avenger-class minesweeping ships in the Persian Gulf.

The U.S. military is taking other steps. Earlier this year, the Pentagon unveiled plans to refit a transport ship as a staging platform for different kinds of missions, from countering mines to launching remotely piloted aircraft. It also could be used as a platform for launching commando operations with small patrol boats to intercept Iranian vessels, escort ships or protect oil platforms.

Beyond the waters of the Persian Gulf, military planners worry about Iran's expanding arsenal of ballistic missiles, built with North Korean cooperation and know-how. The Defense Department estimates Iran has around 1,000 short- and long-range missiles that can travel from 90 to 1,200 miles, the largest inventory in the Middle East.

The longer-range Shahab-3, which could reach Israel, has received the most attention. But Iran's shorter-range Scuds are on mobile platforms, allowing them to more easily evade detection.

Within striking distance of Iranian missiles are U.S. Army installations in Kuwait, a command post in Qatar, and the U.S. Fifth Fleet in Bahrain.

While relatively inaccurate, those missiles may have the potential to strike panic or provoke a wider war if they hit U.S. allies in the region. A retired Navy officer said the missiles don't have sophisticated targeting but could score a blind hit on a Saudi oil field, a Qatari gas production facility or a city in the United Arab Emirates. "Face it, how accurate does it need to be?" he said.

Officials with Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards threaten reprisals against any country used as a launch pad for strikes against Iran. A conflict with Iran, then, could be a real-world test for U.S. missile-defense plans. As part of a shift from Bush-era missile defense, which focused on defending U.S. territory from a long-range missile attack, the Obama administration has sought defenses against shorter-range Iranian missiles targeting U.S. troops overseas, as well as allies.

There is also a presumed terror threat. Iran's Ministry of Intelligence and Security could activate so-called sleeper agents for acts of sabotage or terror attacks, according to U.S. officials. Militants sponsored or trained by Iran might attack U.S. diplomatic facilities in Iraq or bases in the Middle East.

"The assumption is that there are sleeper cells all around that would be activated in some way," said retired Marine Corps Gen. Anthony Zinni, the former head of U.S. Central Command, the U.S. military headquarters that oversees the region.

Military professionals generally agree that U.S. forces would quickly overwhelm Iran's air defenses. Former Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. T. Michael Moseley, an architect of the shock-and-awe air campaign against Saddam Hussein in 2003, said a U.S. air campaign could inflict "a sense of strategic paralysis" on Iran's air defenses by targeting command-and-control facilities, early warning radars and airfields.

But, Gen. Moseley said, Iran's air-defense system -- comprised of mostly older U.S. Hawk missiles and some surface-to-air missiles of Soviet design -- was "not a trivial" threat to U.S. aircraft. "Anything that shoots at you merits some respect," he said.

(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/04/2012 | 12:30 uur
Om het allemaal nog wat "spannender" te maken!

Russia Planning Troops Deployment On Iran's Northern Border And Waiting For A Western Attack

Saturday, 14 April 2012 13:16

By F. Michael Maloof 

April 12, 2012 "Information Clearing House"

WASHINGTON – The Russian military anticipates that an attack will occur on Iran by the summer and has developed an action plan to move Russian troops through neighboring Georgia to stage in Armenia, which borders on the Islamic republic, according to informed Russian sources.

Russian Security Council head Viktor Ozerov said that Russian General Military Headquarters has prepared an action plan in the event of an attack on Iran.

Dmitry Rogozin, who recently was the Russian ambassador to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO, warned against an attack on Iran.

"Iran is our neighbor," Rogozin said. "If Iran is involved in any military action, it's a direct threat to our security." Rogozin now is the deputy Russian prime minister and is regarded as anti-Western. He oversees Russia's defense sector.

Russian Defense Ministry sources say that the Russian military doesn't believe that Israel has sufficient military assets to defeat Iranian defenses and further believes that U.S. military action will be necessary.

The implication of preparing to move Russian troops not only is to protect its own vital regional interests but possibly to assist Iran in the event of such an attack. Sources add that a Russian military buildup in the region could result in the Russian military potentially engaging Israeli forces, U.S. forces, or both.

Informed sources say that the Russians have warned of "unpredictable consequences" in the event Iran is attacked, with some Russians saying that the Russian military will take part in the possible war because it would threaten its vital interests in the region.

The influential Russian Nezavisimaya Gazeta newspaper has quoted a Russian military source as saying that the situation forming around Syria and Iran "causes Russia to expedite the course of improvement of its military groups in the South Caucasus, the Caspian, Mediterranean and Black Sea regions."

This latest information comes from a series of reports and leaks from official Russian spokesmen and government news agencies who say that an Israeli attack is all but certain by the summer.

Because of the impact on Russian vital interests in the region, sources say that Russian preparations for such an attack began two years ago when Russian Military Base 102 in Gyumri, Armenia, was modernized. It is said to occupy a major geopolitical position in the region.

Families of Russian servicemen from the Russian base at Gyumri in Armenia close to the borders of Georgia and Turkey already have been evacuated, Russian sources say.

"Military Base 102 is a key point, Russia's outpost in the South Caucasus," a Russian military source told the newspaper. "It occupies a very important geopolitical position, but the Kremlin fears lest it should lose this situation."

With Vladimir Putin returning to the Russian presidency, the prospect that he again would order an attack on Georgia as he did in August 2008 also has become a possibility, these informed sources say.

The Russians believe that Georgia would cooperate with the United States in blocking any supplies from reaching Military Base 102, which now is supplied primarily by air. Right now, Georgia blocks the only land transportation route through which Russian military supplies could travel.

Fuel for the Russian base in Armenia comes from Iran. Russian officials believe this border crossing may be closed in the event of a war.

"Possibly, it will be necessary to use military means to breach the Georgian transport blockade and establish transport corridors leading into Armenia," according to Yury Netkachev, former deputy commander of Russian forces in Transcaucasia. Geography of the region suggests that any such supply corridor would have to go through the middle of Georgia approaching Georgia's capital of Tbilisi given the roads and topography of the country.

In September, the Russian military plans to hold its annual military exercises called Kavkaz 2012. However, informed Russian sources say that preparations and deployments of military equipment and personnel already have begun in anticipation of a possible war with Iran.

These sources report that new command and control equipment has been deployed in the region capable of using the Russian GPS system, GLONASS for targeting information.

"The air force in the South Military District is reported to have been rearmed almost 100 percent with new jets and helicopters," according to regional expert Pavel Felgenhauer of the Washington-based Jamestown Foundation.

In 2008, Felgenhauer pointed out, Kavkaz 2008 maneuvers allowed the Russian military to covertly deploy forces that successfully invaded Georgia in August of that year.

Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov already has announced that new Spetznaz, or Special Forces units, will be deployed in Stavropol and Kislovodsk, which are located in the North Caucasian regions.

Russian sources say that the Russian military believes that if the U.S. goes to war with Iran, it may deploy forces into Georgia and warships in the Caspian Sea with the possible help of Azerbaijan, which since has stated that it will not allow its territory to be used by Israel to launch an attack on neighboring Iran.

There had been speculation that given the improved relations between Israel and Azerbaijan, the Jewish state may use bases from which to launch air attacks on neighboring Iran's nuclear sites. Israel recently agreed to sell Azerbaijan $1.6 billion in military equipment.

A further irritant to Georgia's President Mikhail Saakashvili is the prospect that Russian assault airborne troops, or VDV units, with helicopters could be moved into Georgia's two breakaway provinces of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. These two provinces were taken by the Russian military during the August 2008 Russian-Georgian war. Initially they were declared by Moscow to be independent countries, but now the Kremlin is indicating they may be annexed to Russia.

Similarly, Lt. General Vladimir Shamanov, commander of the VDV, has announced that Russian troops in Armenia will be reinforced by paratroopers, along with attack and transport helicopters.

"The Russian spearhead (from the Transcaucasia region) may be ordered to strike south to prevent the presumed deployment of U.S. bases in Transcaucasia, to link up with the troops in Armenia and take over the South Caucasus energy corridor along which Azeri, Turkmen and other Caspian natural gas and oil may reach European markets," Felgenhauer said.

"By one swift military strike, Russia may ensure control of all the Caucasus and the Caspian states that were its former realm, establishing a fiat accompli the West, too preoccupied with Iran, would not reverse," he said.

"At the same time, a small victorious war would unite the Russian nation behind the Kremlin, allowing it to crush the remnants of the prodemocracy movement 'for fair elections,' and as a final bonus, Russia's military action could perhaps finally destroy the Saakashvili regime."

Putin has made no secret that he despises Saakashvili and with his return to the presidency, he may consider taking out the Georgian president as unfinished business. Just as in 2008, Putin will not have much to worry about if he sends Russian troops into Georgia, since there was muted reaction from the U.S. and the European countries to the Russian invasion and subsequent occupation.
F. Michael Maloof, staff writer for WND's G2Bulletin, is a former senior security policy analyst in the Office of the Secretary of Defense.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 14/04/2012 | 16:40 uur
BRUSSEL, zaterdag

In de aanloop naar de top over Iraans omstreden nucleaire installaties vandaag in Istanbul, hebben de Amerikanen jachtvliegtuigen, bommenwerpers, spionagetoestellen en vliegkampschepen naar de Perzische Golf gedirigeerd. Het net rond 'schurkenstaat' Iran is in recordtijd hermetisch gesloten.

Op bases in de Emiraten, Qatar, Bahrein en Koeweit staan grote aantallen U-2 spionagetoestellen, KC-10 tankers, B-1B bommenwerpers en complete squadrons Apache gevechtshelikopters en F-15 en F-16 jachtbommenwerpers.

Satellietfoto's van Al Dhafra Air Base in de Emiraten, Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar en Sheik Isa Air Base in Bahrein tonen tientallen op rij geparkeerde vliegtuigen. Naar Ali Al Salem, in de woestijn bij Koeweit-Stad, zijn onbemande Predators, Reapers en Global Hawks gestuurd.


Om de opbouw van luchtstrijdkrachten compleet te maken, arriveerde donderdag een tweede vliegkampschip in de regio. Het is voor het eerst sinds de Golfoorlog van 2003 dat het Pentagon met twee 'carrier strike groups' actief is in de Perzische Golf. USS Abraham Lincoln patrouilleert zij aan zij met de eveneens nucleair aangedreven USS Enterprise in de wateren rondom Iran.

De vliegkampschepen hebben in totaal 180 toestellen aan boord, waaronder 76 F/A-18 Super Hornet jachtbommenwerpers.

Een Amerikaanse generaalmajoor op het NAVO-hoofdkwartier in Brussel verklaart tegenover deze krant dat een aanval op de nucleaire installaties van Iran minstens zeven dagen van intensief bombarderen inhoudt. Naast een belangrijke rol voor bondgenoot Israël zullen de Amerikanen het uitschakelen van de ondergrondse opwerkingsfabrieken zelf voor hun rekening nemen. Reden is dat alleen de US Air Force over de grote vliegtuigen beschikt die de zwaarste 'bunker busters' kunnen afwerpen.

,, B-1B's vanuit Qatar en B-52H's, die van overzee komen", aldus de Amerikaan. ,,De hoofdprijs, de scalp van de ayatollahs, ligt zestig meter diep in rotsen verscholen. Het gaat om de opwerkingsfabriek van Natanz in Centraal-Iran en de nieuwe Fordow-installatie voor het verrijken van uranium, noordelijk van heilige stad Qom. Daar draaien duizenden ultracentrifuges 24 uur per dag. Er is maar één wapensysteem dat honderd procent garantie biedt voor vernietiging van beide complexen."

De generaal refereert aan een speciale uitvoering van de 13.600 kilo zware Massive Ordnance Penetratorbom, bijgenaamd Big Blu.

Het projectiel heeft een raketvorm en boort zich ruim vijftig meter diep in rotsen of gewapend beton, voordat nog eens 2.400 kilo aan explosieven alles in de omgeving vernietigt.

Acht Big Blu's zijn volgens luitenant-kolonel Jack Miller van de Amerikaanse luchtmacht recent door fabrikant Boeing zo aangepast dat ze Natanz en de deels in de bergen verscholen installatie bij Fordow kunnen vernietigen. ,,Voor een prijskaartje van 32 miljoen dollar hebben we nu acht superbommen die elke klus klaren."


De zes meter lange Big Blu's worden door B-2 Spirit intercontinentale zware bommenwerpers afgeworpen. Deze voor de radar vrijwel onzichtbare vliegende vleugels zijn gestationeerd bij de 509e bomb wing op Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri. De Amerikanen hebben twintig van de twee miljard dollar per stuk kostende vliegtuigen, ,,duurder dan goud."

De Amerikaanse generaalmajoor op het NAVO-hoofdkwartier: ,,B-2's hebben eerder al Taliban- en Al-Qaedaeenheden gebombardeerd, diep in de bergen van Afghanistan. Ze vliegen missies langer dan veertig uur, één keer in de lucht bijtanken is voldoende om de hele wereld te bestrijken. De crew bestaat uit twee piloten die elkaar afwisselen. Terwijl de een slaapt of eet, vliegt de ander. Tot beiden arriveren boven het doel, onzichtbaar op ruim vijftien kilometer hoogte. Als er een eenheid is die deze missie tot een goed einde weet te brengen, dan is het wel het 509e squadron."

Bron: Telegraaf

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lynxian op 14/04/2012 | 16:48 uur
Oef, spannend! Zouden we dan toch eindelijk de klassieker US-Rusland krijgen?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Tanker op 14/04/2012 | 17:53 uur
Wanneer gaan we beginnen......
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/04/2012 | 18:07 uur
We lijken naar de climax te gaan...

Snacks: check
Biertjes/wijntje: check
CNN: check
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 14/04/2012 | 19:06 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 14/04/2012 | 18:07 uur
Snacks: check
Biertjes/wijntje: check
CNN: check

Benzinetank gevuld: check
Zonnepanelen op het dak: check
Waterput geslagen: check
Noodrantsoenen op zolder: check
Munitievoorraad aangevuld: check

Okay, voorlopig alleen de tank gevuld....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Marc66 op 14/04/2012 | 19:34 uur

Allen, tank morgen een dag niet, even geen bijna 2 euro (dat is bijna vijf GULDEN!) per liter betalen. Even een dag de tank boycotten, moet je opletten hoe snel de prijs van olie en daarmee benzine gaat zakken! Het dichtgooien van een Straat weegt echt niet op tegen het boycotten van een bezinestation voor een dag!

Ik doe al meer, ik fiets!
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/04/2012 | 20:01 uur
Citaat van: Marc66 op 14/04/2012 | 19:34 uur

Allen, tank morgen een dag niet, even geen bijna 2 euro (dat is bijna vijf GULDEN!) per liter betalen. Even een dag de tank boycotten, moet je opletten hoe snel de prijs van olie en daarmee benzine gaat zakken! Het dichtgooien van een Straat weegt echt niet op tegen het boycotten van een bezinestation voor een dag!

Ik doe al meer, ik fiets!

Dan is het maandag extra druk. (gelukkig zit mijn tak vol)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Marc66 op 14/04/2012 | 20:04 uur
En dan is de bezineprijs ook stukken lager, dussssss......................, 15 april, ban de tank-dag!
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lynxian op 14/04/2012 | 20:36 uur
Citaat van: Marc66 op 14/04/2012 | 20:04 uur
En dan is de bezineprijs ook stukken lager, dussssss......................, 15 april, ban de tank-dag!

Kan je dit even in een eigen thread doen?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Poleme op 14/04/2012 | 21:01 uur
Citaat van: Tanker op 14/04/2012 | 17:53 uur
Wanneer gaan we beginnen......
Binnen nu en 21 April wordt besloten om Iran aan te vallen!  Israel heeft geen groen licht nodig van Washington DC.  Deze beslissing wordt genomen in de Knesset.  Amerikanen moet je nooit vertrouwen!   Daarna is het up to the Kirya (Hoofdkwartier IDF in Tel Aviv)
Spoedig zal jullie wereld er heel anders uit zien.  Wees niet bang, mijn lieve Kaakskoppen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 14/04/2012 | 21:06 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 14/04/2012 | 21:01 uur
Spoedig zal jullie wereld er heel anders uit zien.  Wees niet bang, mijn lieve Kaakskoppen.

Inderdaad; de sensatiefans zullen zichzelf nog wel eens tegen kunnen komen.......
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Poleme op 14/04/2012 | 21:25 uur
Beste admeur, ik ben absoluut geen sensatiefan ;)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 14/04/2012 | 21:48 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 14/04/2012 | 21:25 uur
Beste admeur, ik ben absoluut geen sensatiefan ;)

Beste torendeskundige, ik had het dan ook niet tegen jou maar tegen die lieden die niet kunnen wachten tot de hel rond Iran losbreekt. Lieden die zich naar mijn inschatting niet realiseren wat de gevolgen voor ons zouden kunnen zijn. Wat jij ook al aanstipte.....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/04/2012 | 22:40 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 14/04/2012 | 21:01 uur
Binnen nu en 21 April wordt besloten om Iran aan te vallen!  Israel heeft geen groen licht nodig van Washington DC.  Deze beslissing wordt genomen in de Knesset.  Amerikanen moet je nooit vertrouwen!   Daarna is het up to the Kirya (Hoofdkwartier IDF in Tel Aviv)
Spoedig zal jullie wereld er heel anders uit zien.  Wees niet bang, mijn lieve Kaakskoppen.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 15/04/2012 | 00:04 uur
Nieuw overleg met Iran 23 mei

ISTANBUL - De vijf permanente leden van de VN-Veiligheidsraad (Verenigde Staten, Rusland, China, Frankrijk, Groot-Brittannië) en Duitsland zijn zaterdag tijdens overleg in Istanbul met Iran overeengekomen de gesprekken over het omstreden atoomprogramma voort te zetten. 

Overleg atoomprogramma Iran Fotoserie

Dat heeft de buitenlandcoördinator van de Europese Unie, Catherine Ashton, zaterdag gezegd.

De gesprekken worden 23 mei voortgezet in de Iraakse hoofdstad Bagdad.

Ashton noemde de gesprekken 'constructief'.

Het Westen meent dat Teheran bezig is een atoombom te maken, maar de Iraanse regering ontkent dat en zegt dat het programma alleen bedoeld is voor vreedzame doeleinden

Concrete stappen

''We verwachten dat de volgende ontmoeting zal leiden tot concrete stappen naar een alomvattende oplossing, die het internationale vertrouwen herstelt in het uitsluitend vreedzame karakter van het Iraanse nucleaire programma'', aldus Ashton.

Ze waarschuwde Teheran wel dat er bij de volgende gespreksronde meer gedetailleerd op de materie moet worden ingegaan en dat er dan wel echt vooruitgang moet worden geboekt.


De gesprekken van zaterdag in Istanbul waren de eerste in ruim een jaar tijd. Ook Iran was tevreden en verwelkomde de ''positieve'' houding van de Westerse landen tijdens de besprekingen.

De Britse regering liet weten dat het overleg van zaterdag een eerste stap was naar een vreedzame oplossing, maar waarschuwde wel dat er nog een ''lange weg'' te gaan was.

Het Westen heeft Iran strenge sancties opgelegd om het land over te halen het nucleaire programma te stoppen. Eerder deze week liet Teheran nog weten niet overstag te gaan en zijn nucleaire rechten niet te willen opgeven.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 15/04/2012 | 00:06 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 15/04/2012 | 00:04 uur
Nieuw overleg met Iran 23 mei

Zit onze torendeskundige er naast? Of misschien toch niet?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Marc66 op 15/04/2012 | 00:07 uur
 ;D en zo gaat het steeds weer. Iran of welk ander land dan ook gaat dreigen, de media gaat stoken en ineens(?) wil iedereen met elkaar praten (en stijgen de olieprijzen ineens)  :(

Vuile werkzaamheden? Ga de politiek in  :(
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 15/04/2012 | 11:06 uur
Iran wijst verzoek overleg kernprogramma af

Bewerkt door: Redactie − 14/04/12, 18:41  − bron: Reuters

Eerste gesprekken 'constructief'

Iran gaat niet in op een verzoek van de Verenigde Staten voor bilateraal overleg over zijn nucleair programma. Dat heeft het Iraanse staatspersbureau IRNA vandaag gemeld. Volgens een bron die nauwe banden heeft met de Iraanse delegatie bij het overleg over het Iraanse programma in Istanbul, hebben de Amerikanen het voorstel talrijke keren gedaan, maar heeft Iran het steeds afgewezen.

Een ander persbureau ISNA had eerder gemeld dat het hoofd van de Iraanse Nationale Veiligheidsraad, Saeed Jalil, de uitnodiging van de Amerikanen had aanvaard om met een Amerikaanse gezant te praten. Het semi-officiële Iraanse persbureau Fars citeerde een 'welingelichte bron', die het bericht van ISNA tegensprak. Het bericht zou deel uitmaken van een 'nieuwsgolf tegen de Iraanse delegatie'.

De gesprekken tussen Iran en zes landen over de nucleaire ambities van Iran vinden plaats in een 'constructieve sfeer', volgens een woordvoerder van de Europese Unie.

De vijf permanente leden van de VN-Veiligheidsraad (Verenigde Staten, Rusland, China, Frankrijk en Groot-Brittannië) en Duitsland praten zaterdag met de Iraanse onderhandelingsdelegatie. Het is het eerste overleg over de kwestie in een jaar tijd. Het hoofd van de Iraanse Nationale Veiligheidsraad, Saeed Jalili, staat aan het hoofd van de Iraanse delegatie.

Teheran liet deze week weten dat het zijn nucleaire rechten niet wil opgeven en niet wil toegeven aan de druk van het Westen. Volgens het Westen werkt Iran in het geheim aan een atoomwapen, maar Teheran zegt dat de nucleaire installatie alleen bedoeld is voor vreedzame doeleinden. Iran zei ook met 'nieuwe voorstellen' te komen, maar gaf geen details. De zes landen hopen dat Teheran genoeg speelruimte biedt om de besprekingen voort te zetten.

De VS hebben Iran strenge sancties opgelegd en lieten vorige maand weten ook sancties te willen opleggen aan landen die olie blijven importeren uit Iran. De Iraanse president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad liet deze week weten niet onder de indruk te zijn van de blokkade en zei dat zijn land een algeheel olie-embargo jaren kan volhouden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 16/04/2012 | 16:43 uur
Iranian nuclear scientists were present at failed North Korean missile launch, says source

Anonymous diplomatic source tells South Korea's state news agency 12 Iranian officials observed the failed missile launch last week in North Korea.

A dozen Iranian nuclear experts visited North Korea last week to observe its failed rocket launch on Friday, South Korean state news agency Yonhap's Washington correspondent reported on Sunday.

"On March 31, 12 Iranians of the Shahid Hemmat Industrial Group (SHIG) arrived in North Korea. "The Iranians undoubtedly were there to observe the missile launch and receive test data from North Korea," the correspondent quoted a diplomatic source, who wished to remain anonymous, as saying.

Defying international pressure, Pyongyang launched a long range missile, but U.S. and South Korean officials said it crashed into the sea a few minutes after launch, dealing a blow to the reclusive state

The launch of the three-stage Unha-3 rocket took place at 7:39 A.M. local time on Friday, according to South Korean officials. Pyongyang has claimed that the launch was meant to place a communications satellite in space, but the U.S., Japan, South Korea and other nations view it as part of North Korea's attempt to advance its military ballistic missile capacity.

The launch was timed to celebrate the 100th birthday of Kim Il-sung, the deceased founder of the state, and to coincide with the ascent to power of his grandson Kim Jong-un.

North Korea admitted its long-range rocket failed to deliver a satellite into orbit on Friday, and the U.S. condemned the provocative action as a threat to regional security.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 16/04/2012 | 16:46 uur
Israeli TV report shows air force gearing up for Iran attack, says moment of truth is near

'IAF expects losses, and knows it can't destroy entire Iranian program'


A major Israel TV station on Sunday night broadcast a detailed report on how Israel will go about attacking Iran's nuclear facilities in the event that diplomacy and sanctions fail and Israel decides to carry out a military strike.

The report, screened on the main evening news of Channel 10, was remarkable both in terms of the access granted to the reporter, who said he had spent weeks with the pilots and other personnel he interviewed, and in the fact that his assessments on a strike were cleared by the military censor.


Ben-David said that if negotiations break down, and Iran moves key parts of its nuclear program underground to its Qom facility, the IAF "is likely to get the order and to set out on the long journey to Iran."

"Years of preparations are likely to come to realization," he said, adding that "the moment of truth is near."

Ben-David interviewed several squadron leaders, pilots and other officers. He noted that some of the IAF personnel, "it is likely, will not return from the mission." An officer named

Gilad said it would be "naive" to think there would be no losses.
The IAF is said to be worried about the advanced anti-aircraft systems that Russia has sold to countries in the region, the report said. Among those systems, the SA 17 and 22 in Syria and Iran present a challenge.

According to the report, it's the older versions of the F-15 that can fly further than any other plane in Israel's arsenal, and this puts them on the front line of any potential attack.
One pilot said in the report that the F-15 "is a plane with a very wide range of operation — a combination of relatively energy-efficient engines, and significant flightworthiness regarding weapons and fuel."

The IAF has a full-sized unmanned plane, the "Eitan," that is said to be able to fly to Iran, the report indicated. "This plane can do all that is required of it when the order is given," a pilot said, without elaboration.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Marc66 op 16/04/2012 | 17:11 uur
En ik altijd maar denken dat de media ultra-links georienteerd is, maar ik lees, hoor en zie steeds vaker in de media dat deze oorlogspraat uit. Er gebeurd niet veel, de media is op zoek naar sensatie, bangmakerij, stemmingmakerij of heeft gewoon echt niets anders te doen?  :(
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 17/04/2012 | 07:59 uur
Iran's Best Defense

Posted by Michael Widlanski Bio ↓ on Apr 17th, 2012

As US officials again ask Iran to stop its atom bomb program, President Barack Obama seems to be working hard to shield Iran and to prevent Israel from striking at Iran's nuclear weapons potential. US officials are believed to be behind stories about Israel readying basing and refueling options in countries near Iran, like Azerbaijan.

The Azeris quickly denied they allowed Israel to use their land., and this is a sign the Azeris are feeling pressure not to help Israel, even as Obama reportedly used the Islamist and strongly anti-Israel leader of Turkey, Recep Erdogan, to send a message to Iran that the US would be willing to accept "an Iranian civilian nuclear program."

For Israel—and for Saudis, Jordanians and Egyptians—Iran's  bomb is not a matter that can be indefinitely delayed in a diplomatic ping-pong match.

President Obama has been rotating his top officials on and off the diplomatic playing field to deter an attack on Iran. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, National Security Advisor Tom Donilon, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Martin Dempsey, and many others have been sent to Jerusalem to tell Israel NOT to attack Iran.

"It's not prudent at this point to decide to attack Iran," said General Dempsey, in  an interview with CNN. Meanwhile, Secretary Panetta openly discussed some of Israel's options and possible time tables in ways that make them less surprising and effective for possible use against Iran.

At the same time, Obama has been seen using the playbook of his favorite pundit,  CNN's Fareed Zakaria, whose book is often under Obama's  arm, and  Zakaria  says "Within the context of Iranian politics, Ahmadinejad is the pragmatist." For more than three years, President Obama has agreed, trying to "engage" such "pragmatists."

"Pragmatist" has a special meaning for Zakaria/Obama or maybe they have not heard Ahmadinajad brag about how he felt a halo appear around him when he told the UN that everyone should pray for the Mahdi,  an Islamic messiah Ahmadinajad believes has to be born out of a fire that will cleanse the world.

Ahmadinajad and Iran's supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, want such a mighty Mahdi. Their ideas are so extreme that Ayatollah Khomeini—hardly a moderate—outlawed them when he was alive. He felt the Mahdi cult would cause Iran's destruction.

Zakaria thinks attacking Iran is dumb because Iran is run by "rational" men like those who led the Soviet Union.  Zakaria has said this for a long time, and he has been wrong for a long time.

The Soviets were led by conservative old men who said Communism would beat the West as part of an "inevitable dialectic."  They could afford to wait. They did not run around handing out weapons of mass destruction to terrorists or client states. Iran is different. It helped Syria build a nuclear program and sends missiles to Venezuela.

Iran's leaders are not careful old atheists who are deterred or avoid confrontation. They feel God is on their side. They think God wants them to move things along quickly to His paradise on Earth. They sent thousands of children to certain death, to clear minefields with their bare hands, with only "keys to paradise" dangling from their necks. Blood clearly does not deter Iran's leaders, not even the blood of children.

Obama feels Iran can be swayed by non-military means before it gets a bomb. Recently, Obama has urged "tough" sanctions on Iran, but it took him three years to move away from engaging Iran to trying to strangle it.

However, this is not a real option. Russia and the China will not allow real sanctions, vetoing it at the UN. Obama's earlier model of talking nicely to the Iranians was really just a huge waste of time, but for Iran, it was time used  building a bomb

For a decade, Iran has played the world for fools, processing yellow cake uranium to uranium hexafluoride  gas and then to weapons grade uranium. Iran claimed it was  working for "civilian purposes." There is method to Iran's madness, but it is not playing by the Western playbook or US-Soviet doctrines of deterrence.

Some suggest President Obama wants to reserve for himself the option to face Iran himself in a way that can achieve a dramatic victory a few days before the November elections. More likely, Obama just does not like to use force and also has trouble admitting his various game plans of "engaging Iran" and now "sanctions" have failed.

Still, President Obama needs to recall that this is no game for the Israelis and Iran's Arab neighbors who realize that Iran is not just playing games.

Israel and many Arab countries—Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia—are not going to wait forever for President Obama to get his game plan together.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 17/04/2012 | 08:02 uur
Barak: We did Not Promise Not to Attack Iran

Defense Minister Ehud Barak said, Tuesday morning, that Israel has not pledged not to attack Iran during talks with the West.

In an interview with Israel Defense Forces Radio, Barak said: "I do not believe the attempts of the international community to stop Iran's nuclear program will bear fruit." Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made ​​it clear, Monday evening, that the United States will continue to impose sanctions and put pressure on the regime in Tehran despite the resumption of talks
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 19/04/2012 | 11:53 uur
AIV waarschuwt voor escalatie rond Iran

DEN HAAG - De Adviesraad voor Internationale Vraagstukken, een belangrijk adviesorgaan van het kabinet, waarschuwt voor een escalatie in de crisis rond het nucleaire programma van Iran. 

De raad doet dat donderdag in een advies aan minister Uri Rosenthal van Buitenlandse Zaken.

De internationale controverse rond Iran brengt ''grote veiligheidsrisico's met zich mee, terwijl er geen harde aanwijzingen zijn dat Iran op korte termijn over een kernwapen zal beschikken'', aldus de AIV.

De raad pleit voor nieuwe diplomatieke initiatieven om een oplossing te vinden.


De AIV constateert dat de al decennia durende controverse tussen Iran en de internationale gemeenschap over het nucleaire programma van Iran is opgelaaid. ''Een mogelijke Israëlische aanval op Iraanse nucleaire installaties is daarbij een dreigend scenario.''

De AIV vindt dat het westen in de diplomatieke contacten ook rekening moet houden met Iraanse gevoeligheden zoals de veiligheidsrisico's die het Iraanse regime zelf ervaart in de eigen regio. De AIV pleit ook voor verlichting van de economische sancties tegen Iran, mits het meewerkt aan de beantwoording van openstaande vragen van het Internationaal Atoomenergie Agentschap (IAEA). Europa zou Iran moeten helpen bij de ontwikkeling van andere, duurzame energiebronnen, aldus de adviesraad.

19 april 2012 11:09
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Enforcer op 21/04/2012 | 11:01 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 14/04/2012 | 21:01 uur
Binnen nu en 21 April wordt besloten om Iran aan te vallen!  Israel heeft geen groen licht nodig van Washington DC.  Deze beslissing wordt genomen in de Knesset.  Amerikanen moet je nooit vertrouwen!   Daarna is het up to the Kirya (Hoofdkwartier IDF in Tel Aviv)
Spoedig zal jullie wereld er heel anders uit zien.  Wees niet bang, mijn lieve Kaakskoppen.

Nog maar een paar uurtjes?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 21/04/2012 | 11:30 uur
Citaat van: Enforcer op 21/04/2012 | 11:01 uur
Nog maar een paar uurtjes?

Beslissing betekend nog niet dat er ook actie volgt. Met die Israeli's weet je het nooit, suprise is their middle name.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 21/04/2012 | 12:05 uur
Citaat van: dudge op 21/04/2012 | 11:30 uur
Citaat van: Enforcer op 21/04/2012 | 11:01 uur
Nog maar een paar uurtjes?

Beslissing betekend nog niet dat er ook actie volgt. Met die Israeli's weet je het nooit, suprise is their middle name.

Nu zijn de vervolg "besprekingen" met Iran gepland voor 23 mei a.s.

Maar idd Israel heeft een reputatie hoog te houden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 22/04/2012 | 12:34 uur
Iran Decodes US Drone Intel

TEHRAN (FNA)- Senior Iranian military officials announced that the country's experts have decoded the intelligence gathering system and memory hard discs of the United States' highly advanced RQ-170 Sentinel stealth aircraft that was downed by Iran in December after violating the country's airspace.

Speaking to FNA, Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Aerospace Forces Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh revealed some data taken from the aircraft's intelligence system to discourage his counterparts in Pentagon who had alleged that Iranians would not succeed in decoding the spy drone's memory and intelligence devices.

"This plane is seen as a national capital for us and our words should not disclose all the information that we have very easily."

"Yet, I provide four cues in here to let the Americans know how deep we could penetrate into (the intelligence systems and devices of) this drone," he added.

Hajizadeh stated that the drone parts had been transferred to California for technical works in October 2010, adding that the drone was later transferred to Kandahar, Afghanistan in November 2010 and had a flight in there.

The commander said that the drone had experienced some technical flaws in its Kandahar flight in November, but the US experts failed resolve the problems at the time.

Hajizadeh added that the RQ-170 was then sent back to an airfield near Los Angeles in December 2010 for tests on its censors and parts, adding that the drone had a number of test flights in there.

As a forth cue to prove Iran's access to the drone's hidden memory, the commander mentioned that the spy drone's memory device has revealed that it had flown over Al-Qaeda Leader Osama bin Laden's hideout in Pakistan two weeks before his death.

"Had we not accessed the plane's soft wares and hard discs, we wouldn't have been able to achieve these facts," Hajizadeh said, reiterating that Iran's military experts are in full command of the drone intel and hold a good knowledge of the drone parts and programs.

The unmanned surveillance plane lost by the United States in Iran was a stealth aircraft being used for secret missions by the CIA.

The aircraft is among the highly sensitive surveillance platform in the CIA's fleet that was shaped and designed to evade enemy defenses.

The drone is the first such loss by the US.

The RQ-170 has special coatings and a batwing shape designed to help it penetrate other nations' air defenses undetected. The existence of the aircraft, which is made by Lockheed Martin, has been known since 2009, when a model was photographed at the main US airfield in Kandahar, Afghanistan.

The revelation came after Russia and China asked Tehran to provide them with information on the capture US drone.

Ahmad Karimpour, an adviser to Iran's defense minister, said on Friday that Tehran has received requests from many countries for information on the RQ-170 Sentinel, but Moscow and Beijing have been most aggressive in their pursuit of details on the drone.

Fars News Agency,
News numbre:  8101300601
2012-04-22 - 12:39
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 23/04/2012 | 09:00 uur

Iraniers lopen zo'n 30 jaar achter met hun computer technologie ten op zichte van boeing, lockheed etc.
Alsof ze maar iets kunnen met een stroom gedecodeerde enen en nullen.
80% van de code is bedoeld om het signaal te blokkeren en om te leiden en iedere ontvanger/zender/scanner voor de gek te houden, 10 % voor besturing van dat ding en het overige is niet te filteren.

Ze mogen natuurlijk een feestje bouwen daar en vooruit , dan nog maar eens een keer hun oorlogsbuit tentoonstellen.
Enkel, het is nu wel genoeg en ze moeten niet denken dat ze nu in 1 klap jaren lange achterstand hebben ingehaald. Wanneer de VS dit wil is Iran nog steeds in 1 klap weg en die haatbaarden daar verdienen het bijna om eens goed op hun plaats te worden gezet. Die oorlogszuchtige taal van ze.. enig idee hoe dat de wereld verneukt? Eikels.... ik sta elke keer met een zuurder gezicht bij de Kassa door die haatopruiende shalla's en welke andere mafkees beweert profeet van wie te zijn die alle ongelovige honden wel eens een lesje gaat leren.

Leven die lui nog in de jaren 30 van de vorige eeuw dan? De Iraanse economie is net zo goed als die van elk ander land gekoppeld aan dat van een ander.... Misschien kunnen we Kees de Jager sturen in ruil voor onderhandelingen.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 25/04/2012 | 08:17 uur
Netanyahu says Iran must stop 'all enrichment'

Wednesday, Apr 25, 2012

WASHINGTON - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Tuesday that Iran should remain under biting sanctions until it halts all uranium enrichment, appearing to exceed UN demands on Tehran.

His remarks appeared aimed at stepping up pressure on Iran as it engages in revived international nuclear negotiations amid increased speculation in recent months that Israel may soon take military action to halt its nuclear drive.

"They have to stop all enrichment," Netanyahu told CNN in an interview in Jerusalem, adding that he would not accept Iran enriching uranium to even three per cent, which is near the level required for peaceful atomic energy.

"After you stop all enrichment... you will get these (fuel) rods from another country that can allow you to use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes," he said.

Netanyahu said Iran must also "dismantle the underground bunker," apparently referring to the Fordo site near the holy city of Qom, where UN inspectors say it has begun enriching uranium to 20-per cent purity.

When asked if he worried that his language might commit Israel to launching a military strike against Iran's nuclear facilities, Netanyahu replied: "I'm not worried what we look like. I'm worried about stopping this."

Iran has already developed the capacity to enrich uranium to 3.5 per cent, the level required for atomic energy, and to 20 per cent, which is used to create medical isotopes.

It would have to enrich to 90 per cent in order to make nuclear weapons.

Israel has long seen Iran as the greatest threat to its survival, both because of Tehran's nuclear program and because of its leaders' calls for the Jewish state to be wiped off the map.

Tehran has insisted its nuclear program is entirely peaceful and has claimed the right to enrich uranium for civilian purposes.

An Iranian envoy is scheduled to meet with representatives of the P+5 group, which includes the five permanent UN Security Council members and Germany, in Baghdad on May 23 for fresh talks aimed at resolving the nuclear impasse.

US and EU diplomats are reportedly planning to demand that Iran close and dismantle the Fordo site, stop enriching uranium to 20 per cent and ship existing stockpiles out of the country, demands already rejected by Tehran.

Iran and the P5+1 met in Istanbul on April 14 for the first time in 15 months.

The UN Security Council has imposed four rounds of sanctions on Iran over suspicions that its avowed civilian nuclear program is a cover for a secret atomic weapons drive, a charge vigorously denied by Tehran.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 25/04/2012 | 18:19 uur
Legerchef Israël: Iran wil geen bom
Toegevoegd: woensdag 25 apr 2012, 17:50

Door correspondent Monique van Hoogstraten

De Israëlische opperbevelhebber Benny Gantz denkt niet dat Iran een atoombom gaat maken. Dat zegt hij vandaag in een interview in de Israëlische krant Haaretz. Volgens hem is het Iraanse leiderschap "zeer rationeel" en beseft het maar al te goed dat het een "enorme fout" zou zijn een kernwapen te produceren.

Israël dreigt Iran aan te vallen als het een kernwapen ontwikkelt. Premier Netanyahu en zijn minister van Defensie Barak zijn daar heel uitgesproken over. Maar opperbevelhebber Gantz neemt een wat gematigder positie in. Hij wil dat alle andere opties eerst zijn uitgeput, voordat een militaire aanval in zicht komt. Zijn interview in Haaretz gebruikt hij om zijn voorzichtige aanpak nog maar eens duidelijk te maken en de oververhitte oorlogstaal van de politici wat af te koelen.

Het moment is welgekozen, want op dit moment onderhandelen westerse diplomaten met Iran over het atoomprogramma. Die gesprekken lijken anders dan eerder, perspectief te bieden: eind mei wordt er verder gepraat in Bagdad.

Volgens premier Netanyahu is die pauze in de gesprekken alleen maar verlies van kostbare tijd. Iran zal die tijd volgens hem benutten om door te gaan met het verrijken van uranium. Maar de opperbevelhebber denkt dat het diplomatieke offensief en de economische sancties tegen Iran vruchten beginnen af te werpen. Ofwel: dat Iran bereid is te buigen.

Dat neemt niet weg dat Gantz alle voorbereidingen treft voor een militaire actie: "De militaire optie is de laatste om in te zetten, maar de eerste om voor te bereiden, wil je geloofwaardig zijn". Dat betekent een voorbereiding op alle fronten: niet alleen tegen Iran, maar ook tegen het aangrenzende Libanon (Hezbollah) en Gaza (Islamitische Jihad). Volgens Gantz beschikken die over vier tot vijf keer zo veel wapenkracht als een paar jaar geleden.

Hij houdt ook rekening met aanvallen vanuit Syrië. "Ik weet niet wat er in Syrië gaat gebeuren, maar je kunt ervan uitgaan dat de Golanhoogten niet zo rustig zullen zijn als voorheen." De hoogvlakte is Syrisch, maar sinds 1967 bezet door Israel. Er wonen nog steeds veel Syriërs.

Gantz zegt dat 2012 een kritisch jaar wordt, maar niet per se een "go/no-go"-jaar: een jaar waarin het erop aan zal komen of Israël Iran aanvalt. "Maar we zitten wel dichter bij het einde van het hele debat, dan er middenin", zegt hij.

Bron: NOS
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 28/04/2012 | 00:46 uur
Weer een (voormalig) hooggeplaatst figuur van de Israelische veiligheidsdienst die zich afzet tegen het beleid dat door Netanyahu gevoerd wordt:

Israel's former Shin Bet chief: I have no confidence in Netanyahu, Barak

Yuval Diskin says Israel's leaders are misleading the public on Iran, accuses country's leadership of making decisions 'based on messianic feelings.'

Former Shin Bet chief Yuval Diskin expressed harsh criticism of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Friday in a meeting with residents of the city of Kfar Sava, saying the pair is not worthy of leading the country.

"My major problem is that I have no faith in the current leadership, which must lead us into an event on the scale of war with Iran or regional war," Diskin told the "Majdi Forum," a group of local residents that meets to discuss political issues.

"I don't believe in either the prime minister or the defense minister. I don't believe in a leadership that makes decisions based on messianic feelings," he added.  

Diskin deemed Barak and Netanyahu "two messianics - the one from Akirov or the Assuta project and the other from Gaza Street or Caesarea," he said, referring to the residences of the two politicians.

"Believe me, I have observed them from up close... They are not people who I, on a personal level, trust to lead Israel to an event on that scale and carry it off. These are not people that I would want to have holding the wheel in such an event," Diskin said.  

"They are misleading the public on the Iran issue. They tell the public that if Israel acts, Iran won't have a nuclear bomb. This is a misrepresentation. Actually, many experts say that an Israeli attack would accelerate the Iranian nuclear race," concluded the former security chief.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 28/04/2012 | 00:52 uur
Jerusalem Post over dit bericht:

Diskin says he has 'no faith' in current leadership

Former Shin Bet chief says leaders are not fit to lead, says they mislead the public about Iran: "Attacking Iran will encourage them to develop a bomb all the faster."

Former Shin Bet chief Yuval Diskin sharply criticized Israel's top leadership at the Majdi Forum in Kfar Saba Friday night, saying he has no faith in it and its ability to lead Israel, Army Radio reported.

Referring to the leaders as "our two messiahs," a likely reference to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak, Diskin said "they are not fit to hold the steering-wheel of power. I have no faith in the current leadership in Israel and its ability to conduct a war."

Regarding their handling of the Iranian nuclear issue, Diskin said the leadership "presents a false view to the public on the Iranian bomb, as though acting against Iran would prevent a nuclear bomb. But attacking Iran will encourage them to develop a bomb all the faster."

On Tuesday, Netanyahu told CNN that while sanctions against Iran are visibly impairing its economy, they have not impacted its continuing nuclear activities.

"They're certainly taking a bite out of the Iranian economy, but so far they haven't rolled back the Iranian program or even stopped it by one iota," Netanyahu said. "I hope that changes, but so far, I can tell you the centrifuges are spinning."

"If the sanctions are going to work, they better work soon," he emphasized.

Thursday, Barak cast doubt on the success of upcoming nuclear negotiations between the West and Iran.

Despite the strongest-ever sanctions against the Islamic Republic, Barak said in an Independence Day speech, "the chances that, at this pressure level, Iran will respond to international demands to irreversibly stop its program seem low. I would be happy to be proven wrong."

The United States, France, Germany, Britain, China and Russia (the P5+1) are due to meet Iran for a second round of nuclear negotiations on May 23 in Baghdad.

Diskin also said Friday that political killings like the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin may reappear in Israel. "There are tens of Jewish extremists in the territories and in Israel that are ready to use firearms against Jews," he said.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 28/04/2012 | 14:15 uur
US deploys F-22s to base near Iran

The U.S. military has deployed several F-22s, the nation's most advanced fighter jets, to an allied base less than 200 miles from Iran.

The Air Force strongly denies this deployment is meant as a show of force against Iran or that it is in some way related to a potential strike on Iran's nuclear facilities. Rather, it says this is all part of a routine deployment and "security cooperation with regional partners."

The Air Force won't say how many jets were sent or exactly where they are stationed, but privately, U.S. officials have told Fox News the jets are in hangars at the United Arab Emirates' Al Dafra Air Base, a fact first reported by Aviation Week.

The F-22 has not yet seen combat. The jets were not used in Iraq, Afghanistan or Libya. They are stealth, and they specialize in air-to-air combat, but can also strike air-to-ground if needed. As one Air Force official put it, "this is America's premier fighter jet. It has no rival."

The next round for Iran nuclear negotiations, which many consider to be the country's last diplomatic opportunity, takes place on May 23 in Baghdad.

"The United States Air Force has deployed F-22s to Southwest Asia. Such deployments strengthen military-to-military relationships, promote sovereign and regional security, improve combined tactical air operations, and enhance interoperability of forces, equipment and procedures," Lt.Col. John Dorrian, Air Force public affairs, said in a written statement. 

Published April 27, 2012

Read more:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 28/04/2012 | 23:06 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 23/04/2012 | 09:00 uur
Misschien kunnen we Kees de Jager sturen in ruil voor onderhandelingen.

Die knopen ze daar gelijk op, dat is wat ze daar doen met Homo's.

Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 23/04/2012 | 09:00 uur
Iraniers lopen zo'n 30 jaar achter met hun computer technologie ten op zichte van boeing, lockheed etc.
Alsof ze maar iets kunnen met een stroom gedecodeerde enen en nullen.
80% van de code is bedoeld om het signaal te blokkeren en om te leiden en iedere ontvanger/zender/scanner voor de gek te houden, 10 % voor besturing van dat ding en het overige is niet te filteren.

Ze mogen natuurlijk een feestje bouwen daar en vooruit , dan nog maar eens een keer hun oorlogsbuit tentoonstellen.
Enkel, het is nu wel genoeg en ze moeten niet denken dat ze nu in 1 klap jaren lange achterstand hebben ingehaald.
Maar het kan erg veel helpen. Zeker als deze technologie weer geruild kan worden met China of Rusland in tegen meer bruikbare technologie, bijvoorbeeld S300's....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 30/04/2012 | 16:10 uur
Exclusive: What nobody else will tell you about the U.S. F-22 stealth fighters deployed near Iran April 30, 2012
Posted by David Cenciotti in Military Aviation.

The news that a multiple F-22 stealth fighters were deployed "near Iran" has already been reported by the most important media outlets all around the world.

However, nobody has been able to provide some important details that could be useful to better understand the scope of this overseas deployment: when did the Raptors deploy? How many aircraft were deployed? Where?

And, above all, are those plane capable to perform strike missions in addition to the standard air-to-air sorties?

Thanks to the information provided by several sources, The Aviationist is able to fill the gaps, provide a more accurate view of the deployment and debunk some myths that fueled the media hype.

The six F-22 Raptors currently at Al Dhafra, UAE, belong to the 49th Fighter Wing, based at Holloman AFB, New Mexico. They flew as "Mazda 91″ to Moron, Spain, on Apr. 17 and departed again for their final destination on Apr. 20.

Since they spent some 4 days in Spain, during their stay, the stealthy planes were photographed by several local spotters that were able to provide the exact list of all the examples involved in the deployment:

#04-4078, #04-4081, #05-4093, #05-4094, #05-4098, #05-4099.

If they were not willing to let the world know of such deployment they would not make a stopover in Spain, during daylight.

They are all Block 3.0 (or Block 30) examples meaning that neither of them has received  the latest upgrade (Block 3.1) that has brought the capability to find and engage ground targets using the Synthetic Aperture Radar mapping and eight GBU-39 SDBs (Small Diameter Bombs) to the troubled stealthy fighter.

Therefore they are hardly involved in any build-up process in the region, since their role in case of war on Iran, would be limited to the air-to-air arena: mainly fighter sweep (missions with the aim to seek out and destroy enemy aircraft prior to the arrival of the strike package), HVAA (High Value Air Asset) escort and DCA (Defensive Counter Air).

Image credit: U.S. Air Force

Considered the limited effectiveness of the Iranian Air Force, it is much more likely that the F-22s involved in any kind of attack on Iran would be those of the 3rd Fighter Wing, based at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, in Alaska, that was the first U.S. Air Force unit to receive the Block 3.1 planes and has already started training in the air-to-surface role.

Furthermore, the deployment is among those scheduled several month in advance and this is not the first time the F-22 deploys in the United Arab Emirates. In November 2009, some 1st Fighter Wing's Raptors from Langley AFB, flew to Al Dhafra, to train with the French Air Force Rafales and the RAF Typhoons during exercise ATLC 2009. The episode is quite famous because in late December of the same year the French Ministry of Defense released the captures taken by the Rafale's OSF (Optronique Secteur Frontal) showing an F-22 killed in aerial combat. In fact, although the U.S. Air Force pilots told that their plane was undefeated during the exercise, the French were able to score one kill in six 1 vs 1 WVR (Within Visual Range) engagements versus the F-22 (the other 5 ended with a "draw").

Here's the famous capture released at the time and published for the first time by Air & Cosmos magazine.

Image credit: French MoD via Air & Cosmos
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Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 01/05/2012 | 07:41 uur
'Aanwezigheid VS in VAE schadelijk'

TEHERAN - De stationering van Amerikaanse stealth-gevechtsvliegtuigen in de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten is een bedreiging voor de regionale veiligheid. Dat heeft de Iraanse minister van defensie Ahmad Vahidi maandag gezegd, aldus het Iraanse persbureau ISNA.

Vahidi noemde de stationering van de gevechtsvliegtuigen 'psychologische oorlogvoering'. Hij meent dat de veiligheid in de regio moet worden geregeld door de regio zelf en niet door de VS. Militaire aanwezigheid van een land van buiten de regio 'heeft geen positieve gevolgen, maar zorgt alleen maar voor onveiligheid en complicaties', aldus de minister.

30-04-2012 - 21.15
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Marc66 op 01/05/2012 | 09:29 uur
Wie is er nu eigenlijk aan het provoceren?  :confused:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 01/05/2012 | 09:52 uur
Citaat van: Marc66 op 01/05/2012 | 09:29 uur
Wie is er nu eigenlijk aan het provoceren?  :confused:

Neem posting 363 door waaruitje kan opmaken dat onderhavige F-22's helemaal geen belangrijke rol zouden hebben bij een aanval op het Iraanse atoomprogramma. De Amerikanen zitten sowieso verspreid over de halve wereld, dus om te gaan roepen dat ze provoceren? Dan doen ze dat die redenatie volgend continu en overal.....  :crazy:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 01/05/2012 | 17:24 uur
Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 01/05/2012 | 09:52 uur
Citaat van: Marc66 op 01/05/2012 | 09:29 uur
Wie is er nu eigenlijk aan het provoceren?  :confused:
Neem posting 363 door waaruitje kan opmaken dat onderhavige F-22's helemaal geen belangrijke rol zouden hebben bij een aanval op het Iraanse atoomprogramma. De Amerikanen zitten sowieso verspreid over de halve wereld, dus om te gaan roepen dat ze provoceren? Dan doen ze dat die redenatie volgend continu en overal.....  :crazy:
feit is wel dat bewuste F-22s in bewuste rol een beschermende paraplu kunnen aanbrengen boven een reeks aanvallende toestellen. Dat kan natuurlijk ook met "gewone" Amerikaanse gevechtsvliegtuigen in de regio...maar de stealth kwaliteiten van de F-22 maken het bijzonder...want zij kunnen die beschermende taak minder zichtbaar dan wel voor de Iraanse luchtverdediging onzichtbaar uitvoeren. In dat kader snap ik de Iraanse reactie wel.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 11/05/2012 | 11:41 uur
Een diepere geopolitieke analyse over de strategie die Iran hanteert:

By George Friedman

For centuries, the dilemma facing Iran (and before it, Persia) has been guaranteeing national survival and autonomy in the face of stronger regional powers like Ottoman Turkey and the Russian Empire. Though always weaker than these larger empires, Iran survived for three reasons: geography, resources and diplomacy. Iran's size and mountainous terrain made military forays into the country difficult and dangerous. Iran also was able to field sufficient force to deter attacks while permitting occasional assertions of power. At the same time, Tehran engaged in clever diplomatic efforts, playing threatening powers off each other.

The intrusion of European imperial powers into the region compounded Iran's difficulties in the 19th century, along with the lodging of British power to Iran's west in Iraq and the Arabian Peninsula following the end of World War I. This coincided with a transformation of the global economy to an oil-based system. Then as now, the region was a major source of global oil. Where the British once had interests in the region, the emergence of oil as the foundation of industrial and military power made these interests urgent. Following World War II, the Americans and the Soviets became the outside powers with the ability and desire to influence the region, but Tehran's basic strategic reality persisted. Iran faced both regional and global threats that it had to deflect or align with. And because of oil, the global power could not lose interest while the regional powers did not have the option of losing interest.

Whether ruled by shah or ayatollah, Iran's strategy remained the same: deter by geography, protect with defensive forces, and engage in complex diplomatic maneuvers. But underneath this reality, another vision of Iran's role always lurked.

Iran as Regional Power

A vision of Iran -- a country with an essentially defensive posture -- as a regional power remained. The shah competed with Saudi Arabia over Oman and dreamed of nuclear weapons. Ahmadinejad duels with Saudi Arabia over Bahrain, and also dreams of nuclear weapons. When we look beyond the rhetoric -- something we always should do when studying foreign policy, since the rhetoric is intended to intimidate, seduce and confuse foreign powers and the public -- we see substantial continuity in Iran's strategy since World War II. Iran dreams of achieving regional dominance by breaking free from its constraints and the threats posed by nearby powers.

Since World War II, Iran has had to deal with regional dangers like Iraq, with which it fought a brutal war lasting nearly a decade and costing Iran about 1 million casualties. It also has had to deal with the United States, whose power ultimately defined patterns in the region. So long as the United States had an overriding interest in the region, Iran had no choice but to define its policies in terms of the United States. For the shah, that meant submitting to the United States while subtly trying to control American actions. For the Islamic republic, it meant opposing the United States while trying to manipulate it into taking actions in the interests of Iran. Both acted within the traditions of Iranian strategic subtlety.

The Islamic republic proved more successful than the shah. It conducted a sophisticated disinformation campaign prior to the 2003 Iraq war to convince the United States that invading Iraq would be militarily easy and that Iraqis would welcome the Americans with open arms. This fed the existing U.S. desire to invade Iraq, becoming one factor among many that made the invasion seem doable. In a second phase, the Iranians helped many factions in Iraq resist the Americans, turning the occupation -- and plans for reconstructing Iraq according to American blueprints -- into a nightmare. In a third and final phase, Iran used its influence in Iraq to divide and paralyze the country after the Americans withdrew.

As a result of this maneuvering, Iran achieved two goals. First, the Americans disposed of Iran's archenemy, Saddam Hussein, turning Iraq into a strategic cripple. Second, Iran helped force the United States out of Iraq, creating a vacuum in Iraq and undermining U.S. credibility in the region -- and sapping any U.S. appetite for further military adventures in the Middle East. I want to emphasize that all of this was not an Iranian plot: Many other factors contributed to this sequence of events. At the same time, Iranian maneuvering was no minor factor in the process; Iran skillfully exploited events that it helped shape.

There was a defensive point to this. Iran had seen the United States invade the countries surrounding it, Iraq to its west and Afghanistan to its east. It viewed the United States as extremely powerful and unpredictable to the point of irrationality, though also able to be manipulated. Tehran therefore could not dismiss the possibility that the United States would choose war with Iran. Expelling the United States from Iraq, however, limited American military options in the region.

This strategy also had an offensive dimension. The U.S. withdrawal from Iraq positioned Iran to fill the vacuum. Critically, the geopolitics of the region had created an opening for Iran probably for the first time in centuries. First, the collapse of the Soviet Union released pressure from the north. Coming on top of the Ottoman collapse after World War I, Iran now no longer faced a regional power that could challenge it. Second, with the drawdown of U.S. forces in the Persian Gulf and Afghanistan, the global power had limited military options and even more limited political options for acting against Iran.

Iran's Opportunity

Iran now had the opportunity to consider emerging as a regional power rather than solely pursuing complex maneuvers to protect Iranian autonomy and the regime. The Iranians understood that the moods of global powers shifted unpredictably, the United States more than most. Therefore it knew that the more aggressive it became, the more the United States may militarily commit itself to containing Iran. At the same time, the United States might do so even without Iranian action. Accordingly, Iran searched for a strategy that might solidify its regional influence while not triggering U.S. retaliation.

Anyone studying the United States understands its concern with nuclear weapons. Throughout the Cold War it lived in the shadow of a Soviet first strike. The Bush administration used the possibility of an Iraqi nuclear program to rally domestic support for the invasion. When the Soviets and the Chinese attained nuclear weapons, the American response bordered on panic. The United States simultaneously became more cautious in its approach to those countries.

In looking at North Korea, the Iranians recognized a pattern they could use to their advantage. Regime survival in North Korea, a country of little consequence, was uncertain in the 1990s. When it undertook a nuclear program, however, the United States focused heavily on North Korea, simultaneously becoming more cautious in its approach to the North. Tremendous diplomatic activity and periodic aid was brought to bear to limit North Korea's program. From the North Korean point of view, actually acquiring deliverable nuclear weapons was not the point; North Korea was not a major power like China and Russia, and a miscalculation on Pyongyang's part could lead to more U.S. aggression. Rather, the process of developing nuclear weapons itself inflated North Korea's importance while inducing the United States to offer incentives or impose relatively ineffective economic sanctions (and thereby avoiding more dangerous military action). North Korea became a centerpiece of U.S. concern while the United States avoided actions that might destabilize North Korea and shake loose the weapons the North might have.

The North Koreans knew that having a deliverable weapon would prove dangerous, but that having a weapons program gave them leverage -- a lesson the Iranians learned well. From the Iranians' point of view, a nuclear program causes the United States simultaneously to take them more seriously and to increase its caution while dealing with them. At present, the United States leads a group of countries with varying degrees of enthusiasm for imposing sanctions that might cause some economic pain to Iran, but give the United States a pretext not to undertake the military action Iran really fears and that the United States does not want to take.

Israel, however, must take a different view of Iran's weapons program. While not a threat to the United States, the program may threaten Israel. The Israelis' problem is that they must trust their intelligence on the level of development of Iran's weapons. The United States can afford a miscalculation; Israel might not be able to afford it. This lack of certainty makes Israel unpredictable. From the Iranian point of view, however, an Israeli attack might be welcome.

Iran does not have nuclear weapons and may be following the North Korean strategy of never developing deliverable weapons. If they did, however, and the Israelis attacked and destroyed them, the Iranians would be as they were before acquiring nuclear weapons. But if the Israelis attacked and failed to destroy them, the Iranians would emerge stronger. The Iranians could retaliate by taking action in the Strait of Hormuz. The United States, which ultimately is the guarantor of the global maritime flow of oil, might engage Iran militarily. Or it might enter into negotiations with Iran to guarantee the flow. An Israeli attack, whether successful or unsuccessful, would set the stage for Iranian actions that would threaten the global economy, paint Israel as the villain, and result in the United States being forced by European and Asian powers to guarantee the flow of oil with diplomatic concessions rather than military action. An attack by Israel, successful or unsuccessful, would cost Iran little and create substantial opportunities. In my view, the Iranians want a program, not a weapon, but having the Israelis attack the program would suit Iran's interests quite nicely.

The nuclear option falls into the category of Iranian manipulation of regional and global powers, long a historical necessity for the Iranians. But another, and more significant event is under way in Syria.

Syria's Importance to Iran

As we have written, if the Syrian regime survives, this in part would be due to Iranian support. Isolated from the rest of the world, Syria would become dependent on Iran. If that were to happen, an Iranian sphere of influence would stretch from western Afghanistan to Beirut. This in turn would fundamentally shift the balance of power in the Middle East, fulfilling Iran's dream of becoming a dominant regional power in the Persian Gulf and beyond. This was the shah's and the ayatollah's dream. And this is why the United States is currently obsessing over Syria.

What would such a sphere of influence give the Iranians? Three things. First, it would force the global power, the United States, to abandon ideas of destroying Iran, as the breadth of its influence would produce dangerously unpredictable results. Second, it would legitimize the regime inside Iran and in the region beyond any legitimacy it currently has. Third, with proxies along Saudi Arabia's northern border in Iraq and Shia along the western coast of the Persian Gulf, Iran could force shifts in the financial distribution of revenues from oil. Faced with regime preservation, Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states would have to be flexible on Iranian demands, to say the least. Diverting that money to Iran would strengthen it greatly.

Iran has applied its strategy under regimes of various ideologies. The shah, whom many considered psychologically unstable and megalomaniacal, pursued this strategy with restraint and care. The current regime, also considered ideologically and psychologically unstable, has been equally restrained in its actions. Rhetoric and ideology can mislead, and usually are intended to do just that.

This long-term strategy, pursued since the 16th century with the resurgence of Persian nationalism in the form of the Safavid Empire, now sees a window of opportunity opening, engineered in some measure by Iran itself. Tehran's goal is to extend the American paralysis while it exploits the opportunities that the U.S. withdrawal from Iraq has created. Simultaneously, it wants to create a coherent sphere of influence that the United States will have to accommodate itself to in order to satisfy the demand of its coalition for a stable supply of oil and limited conflict in the region.

Iran is pursuing a two-pronged strategy toward this end. The first is to avoid any sudden moves, to allow processes to run their course. The second is to create a diversion through its nuclear program, causing the United States to replicate its North Korea policy in Iran. If its program causes an Israeli airstrike, Iran can turn that to its advantage as well. The Iranians understand that having nuclear weapons is dangerous but that having a weapons program is advantageous. But the key is not the nuclear program. That is merely a tool to divert attention from what is actually happening -- a shift in the balance of power in the Middle East.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 15/05/2012 | 13:48 uur
New US battle strategy against Iran in US movements and Israeli drill

DEBKAfile Special Report May 15, 2012, 11:57 AM (GMT+02:00)

A series of apparently unconnected military movements observed in Middle East seas and skies in the last tendays  have a common factor: introduction of the new US Air Sea Battle (ASB) doctrine, which is designed to make the most of tightly coordinated operations by air, land, sea, undersea, space and cyberspace capabilities for defeating those of the enemy.

Monday, May 14, the day that Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal warned Iran not to meddle in the evolving Saudi-Bahraini union, large US Navy and Marine forces put into Jeddah port for first time in 11 years.
Last week, Israel's Navy and Air Force and their special operations units - Shaldag, Shayetet 13 and 960 Task Force - carried out their largest combined exercise ever in the Mediterranean. It ended with Israeli surface ships and submarines arrayed in a dense defensive line against enemy vessels armed with unconventional weapons approaching the Israeli coast.
The Israeli exercise, which ended May 13, practiced the new American ABS doctrine of simultaneously massing large-scale sea and air strength against Iran on two seas, in this case, the Mediterranean and Persian Gulf. It also drilled operating in unison with their American counterparts under the same doctrine.
debkafile's military sources report that Washington timed the unveiling of the new battle strategy for May 10, two weeks before the Six Power nuclear talks with Iran resume in Baghdad.

US Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jon Greenert explained that the ASB concept was developed  "to defeat A2AD (Anti-Access/Area Denial) strategies such as the closure of the (Hormuz) strait, cyber attack, mines, cruise and ballistic missiles and air defense systems, threats enhanced by technological advancements."

Our military sources add: The concept is also closely applicable to American tactics for defending the Persian Gulf nations against possible Iranian aggression as the GCC takes its first unification steps to shore up its defenses against that threat.
Adm. Greenert wrote:  "There's been attention recently about closing an international strait using, among other means, mines, fast boats, cruise missiles and mini-subs."
debkafile: Those are precisely the systems Iran's Revolutionary Guards hold ready for a decision to block the strategic Strait of Hormuz to international oil traffic.

ABS concepts include "submarines hitting air defense and cruise missiles in support of Air Force bombers: F-22 Air Force stealth fighters taking out enemy cruise missile threats to Navy ships."
Adm. Greenert was the first senior American commander to put on public record the measures for repelling Iranian cruise missile attacks on US aircraft carriers deployed in the Persian Gulf. He also spelled out the mission for which a squadron of F-22 jets was stationed at the Al Dhafra air base in late April.

DEBKA-Net-Weekly 539 revealed on May 4 that a second squadron was due to land soon in the Gulf region.

On May 16, Adm. Greenert and US Air Force chief Gen. Norton Schwartz are to discuss the ABS in a public event at the Brookings Institute in Washington.
US and Israeli air, sea and special forces have meanwhile begun operating under the new doctrine in the Mediterranean, the Red Sea and Persian Gulf.  Monday, the US Amphibious Ready Group, 24th MEU, led by the USS Iwo Jima put into Jeddah, the Saudi Navy's Red Sea command port, with 2,200 Marines aboard.
It was the first time since the 2001 Gulf War that the Saudis had permitted US naval and air units of this size to anchor in one of their ports and, moreover, allowed American military personnel to show themselves in its streets.
The GCC summit which began in Riyadh on the same day had three key items on its agenda: Iran's military, political and covert threat to the region's stability; the Syrian crisis; and unification steps between Saudi Arabia and Bahrain to ward off Iranian interference in the Shiite-led unrest.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 17/05/2012 | 10:33 uur
Plans to strike Iran 'ready', says US Israel envoy

By Reuters

Published: May 17, 2012

JERUSALEM: US plans for a possible military strike on Iran are ready and the option is "fully available", the US ambassador to Israel said, days before Tehran resumes talks with world powers which suspect it of seeking to develop nuclear arms.         

Like Israel, the United States has said it considers military force a last resort to prevent Iran using its uranium enrichment to make a bomb. Iran insists its nuclear programme is for purely civilian purposes.

"It would be preferable to resolve this diplomatically and through the use of pressure than to use military force," Ambassador Dan Shapiro said in remarks about Iran aired by Israel's Army Radio on Thursday.

"But that doesn't mean that option is not fully available – not just available, but it's ready. The necessary planning has been done to ensure that it's ready," said Shapiro, who the radio station said had spoken on Tuesday.

The United States, Britain, France, Russia, China and Germany have been using sanctions and negotiations to try to persuade Iran to curb its uranium enrichment, which can produce fuel for reactors, medical isotopes, and, at higher levels of purification, fissile material for warheads.

New talks opened in Istanbul last month and resume on May 23 in Baghdad.

Israel, which is widely assumed to have the Middle East's only atomic arsenal, feels threatened by the prospect of its arch-foe Iran going nuclear and has hinted it could launch preemptive war.

But many analysts believe the United States alone has the military clout to do lasting damage to Iran's nuclear programme.

In January, Shapiro told an Israeli newspaper the United States was "guaranteeing that the military option is ready and available to the president at the moment he decides to use it".

US lawmakers are considering additional legislation that would increase pressure on Iran, with further measures to punish foreign companies for dealing with Iran in any capacity.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 17/05/2012 | 11:27 uur
Weinig nieuws...natuurlijk zijn alle voorbereidingen gemaakt en is het scenario/draaiboek klaar. Dat gebeurd zo vaak. Ook ten aanzien van Noord-Korea liggen allerlei scenario's en draaiboeken klaar voor het geval...Dat het wederom wordt gemeld is onderdeel van de psychologische oorlogsvoering die nu plaats vindt.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 17/05/2012 | 11:36 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 17/05/2012 | 11:27 uur
Weinig nieuws...natuurlijk zijn alle voorbereidingen gemaakt en is het scenario/draaiboek klaar. Dat gebeurd zo vaak. Ook ten aanzien van Noord-Korea liggen allerlei scenario's en draaiboeken klaar voor het geval...Dat het wederom wordt gemeld is onderdeel van de psychologische oorlogsvoering die nu plaats vindt.

Om de a.s. besprekingen idd wat "kleur" mee te geven en de druk op de ketel te houden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 18/05/2012 | 10:34 uur
Iran attack decision nears, Israeli elite locks down

In in-depth overview Reuters tries to explain Israeli officials' silence on possible Iran strike. 'They've gone into lockdown mode now,' senior Western diplomat says. 'Whatever happens next, we won't find out until it happens'

Reuters Published:  05.18.12, 08:23 / Israel News

De rest van het verhaal via de link:,7340,L-4230878,00.html
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 18/05/2012 | 10:58 uur
Russia says action on Syria, Iran may go nuclear

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev (R) speaks at the second St. Petersburg International Legal Forum May 17, 2012. REUTERS/Dmitry Astakhov/RIA Novosti/Pool

By Gleb Bryanski

MOSCOW | Thu May 17, 2012 3:35pm EDT

(Reuters) - Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev warned on Thursday that military action against sovereign states could lead to a regional nuclear war, starkly voicing Moscow's opposition to Western intervention ahead of a G8 summit at which Syria and Iran will be discussed.

"Hasty military operations in foreign states usually bring radicals to power," Medvedev, president for four years until Vladimir Putin's inauguration on May 7, told a conference in St. Petersburg in remarks posted on the government's website.

"At some point such actions which undermine state sovereignty may lead to a full-scale regional war, even, although I do not want to frighten anyone, with the use of nuclear weapons," Medvedev said. "Everyone should bear this in mind."

Medvedev gave no further explanation. Nuclear-armed Russia has said publicly that it is under no obligation to protect Syria if it is attacked, and analysts and diplomats say Russia would not get involved in military action if Iran were attacked.

Russia has adamantly urged Western nations not to attack Iran to neutralize its nuclear program or intervene against the Syrian government over bloodshed in which the United Nations says its forces have killed more than 9,000 people.

Medvedev will represent Russia at the Group of Eight summit in place of Putin, whose decision to stay away from the meeting in the United States was seen as muscle-flexing in the face of the West.

Putin said previously that threats will only encourage Iran to develop nuclear weapons. Analysts have said that Medvedev also meant that regional nuclear powers such as Israel, Pakistan and India could get involved into a conflict.

As president, Medvedev instructed Russia to abstain in a U.N. Security Council vote on a resolution that authorized NATO intervention in Libya, a decision Putin implicitly criticized when he likened the resolution to "medieval calls for crusades".

Medvedev rebuked Putin for the remark, and some Kremlin insiders have said the confrontation over Libya was a factor in Putin's decision to return to the presidency this year instead of letting his junior partner seek a second term.

Russia has since accused NATO of overstepping its mandate under the resolution to help rebels oust long-time leader Muammar Gaddafi, and has warned it will not let anything similar happen in Syria.

Since Putin announced plans last September to seek a third presidential term and make Medvedev prime minister, Russia has vetoed two Security Council resolutions condemning Assad's government, one of which would have called on him to cede power.

Russia's G8 liaison Arkady Dvorkovich said Russia will try to influence the final version of the G8 statement at a summit in Camp David this weekend to avoid a "one-sided" approach that would favor the Syrian opposition.

"In the G8 final statement we would like to avoid the recommendations similar to those which were forced upon during the preparations of the U.N. Security Council resolutions," Dvorkovich said. "A one-sided signal is not acceptable for us."

Russia successfully managed to water down the part of the statement on Syria at a G8 summit in France in May 2011, removing the calls for action against the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

"We believe that the United Nations is the main venue to discussing such issues," Dvorkovich said.


The G8 summit is likely to be the last appearance among all the leaders of industrialized nations for Medvedev, who embraced U.S. President Barack Obama's "reset", improving strained ties between the nations.

Dvorkovich said Putin's absence from the summit, the first time a Russian president has skipped one, would not affect the outcome: "All the leaders, I saw their reaction, are ready to comprehensively work with the chairman of the government (Medvedev)."

Dvorkovich said that at a bilateral meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama, Medvedev will raise opposition to attempts by some U.S. lawmakers to introduce legislation which will address human rights violations in Russia.

Such legislation could take a form of the so-called Sergei Magnitsky bill, named after the Russian lawyer who died in prison in 2009. The Kremlin human rights council says he was probably beaten to death.

The bill would require the United States to deny visas and freeze the assets of Russians or others with links to his detention and death as well as those who commit other human rights violations.

"New legislation which will address new political issues as imagined by some U.S. congressmen or senators is unacceptable," Dvorkovich said, promising a retaliation.

(Editing by Michael Roddy)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 18/05/2012 | 11:03 uur
De retoriek in de regio wordt in aanloop naar de besprekingen van 23 mei weer danig opgevoerd. Enigs sinds verontrustend (maar zal ook wel bij de retoriek horen) is de "lock down" in Israel. (voor zover daar werkelijk sprake  van is)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 18/05/2012 | 17:40 uur
VS: Iran, test ons niet

Als het moet zal Amerika de wapens oppakken om Iran te weerhouden verder te gaan met het ontwikkelen van nucleaire wapens. Ondanks dat er nog geen keiharde bewijzen zijn dat de Iraanse president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad bezig is met de productie van de 'weapons of mass destruction', heeft de ambassadeur van de Verenigde Staten in Israël een duidelijk signaal afgegeven.

Ambassadeur Dan Shapiro zei in zijn speech onder meer dat Iran niet moet proberen de hoge piefen in Washington te testen in hun vastberadenheid om het omstreden nucleaire programma op te geven.

Shapiro hoopt niet dat Amerika daadwerkelijk zal moeten gaan vechten, "maar dat betekent niet dat oorlog geen optie is. Alle plannen zijn al gemaakt."

De VS en Israël verdenken Iran al enige tijd van het produceren van nucleaire wapens. Door middel van waarschuwingen en boycotten proberen de landen Iran op de knieën te krijgen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Marc66 op 18/05/2012 | 18:09 uur
Wil Obama niet stoppen met sheriff spelen?  :confused:

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 18/05/2012 | 18:19 uur
Citaat van: Reuters op 17/05/2012 | 10:33 uur
US plans for a possible military strike on Iran are ready and the option is "fully available", the US ambassador to Israel said,.....
In hoeverre dit klopt, zal de toekomst uitwijzen, maar het is wel opvallend dat het aantal vluchten met als roepnaam Dragon of Havoc de afgelopen weken is toegenomen. De roepnamen zijn regelmatig te horen als zij zich melden bij de verkeersleiding van o.a. Malta, Spanje etc.
Voor de niet-ingewijden: Dragon = U2 en Havoc = B52. Het refuellen gebeurt boven de Med, met US kisten die vertrekken vanaf Kreta of Spanje.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Marc66 op 18/05/2012 | 18:30 uur
Lex, Amerika wil de nieuwe wereldorde leiden en leider zijn, dat is niets bijzonders. Ooit was Rome zo en niet zo heel lang geleden wilde Duitsland het ook zijn. Niets bijzonders.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 18/05/2012 | 18:48 uur
Citaat van: Marc66 op 18/05/2012 | 18:30 uur
Lex, Amerika wil de nieuwe wereldorde leiden en leider zijn, dat is niets bijzonders. Ooit was Rome zo en niet zo heel lang geleden wilde Duitsland het ook zijn. Niets bijzonders.
Dank voor deze wijze woorden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 18/05/2012 | 18:48 uur
Citaat van: Marc66 op 18/05/2012 | 18:30 uur
Lex, Amerika wil de nieuwe wereldorde leiden en leider zijn, dat is niets bijzonders. Ooit was Rome zo en niet zo heel lang geleden wilde Duitsland het ook zijn. Niets bijzonders.

Rome kreeg dan ook aardig klop van de Iraniërs:

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Marc66 op 18/05/2012 | 18:52 uur
En de Duitsers van o.a. de Australiers, what's your point?

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 18/05/2012 | 18:57 uur
Citaat van: Marc66 op 18/05/2012 | 18:52 uur
En de Duitsers van o.a. de Australiers, what's your point?

Slechts een les in geschiedenis.

Overigens lijken de berichten te melden dat Iran en de IAEA bijna een deal hebben bereikt.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 18/05/2012 | 19:09 uur
Iran doet er dan slim aan de minisub en Sunburn productie op te voeren...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 18/05/2012 | 19:14 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 18/05/2012 | 19:09 uur
Iran doet er dan slim aan de minisub en Sunburn productie op te voeren...

De minisub kun je gewoon bij de Subway kopen....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Tanker op 18/05/2012 | 19:22 uur
Citaat van: Marc66 op 18/05/2012 | 18:30 uur
Lex, Amerika wil de nieuwe wereldorde leiden en leider zijn, dat is niets bijzonders. Ooit was Rome zo en niet zo heel lang geleden wilde Duitsland het ook zijn. Niets bijzonders.
Ik heb liever dat de VS de baas is dan pak hem beet Iran, Saudi-Arabie, Noord-Korea, Pakistan etc....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 18/05/2012 | 19:24 uur
Citaat van: Tanker op 18/05/2012 | 19:22 uur
Citaat van: Marc66 op 18/05/2012 | 18:30 uur
Lex, Amerika wil de nieuwe wereldorde leiden en leider zijn, dat is niets bijzonders. Ooit was Rome zo en niet zo heel lang geleden wilde Duitsland het ook zijn. Niets bijzonders.
Ik heb liever dat de VS de baas is dan pak hem beet Iran, Saudi-Arabie, Noord-Korea, Pakistan etc....

Heb liever dat we onze eigen baas zijn.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 19/05/2012 | 13:39 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 18/05/2012 | 19:24 uur
Heb liever dat we onze eigen baas zijn.

Ahh, er was een tijd dat een Nederlandse vlag betekende 'spot niet met mij', en dat de meeste dat ook niet aandurfden.
Uiteindelijk is het best knap dat een relatief klein land als Iran toch zo'n prominente plaats op het wereldtoneel weet te veroveren. Welliswaar staan ze daar redelijk eenzaam en aan wat wij de verkeerde kant vinden, maar toch, het toont maar aan dat macht altijd relatief is, en nooit eendimensionaal.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 22/05/2012 | 08:34 uur
Rusland: Westerse landen overwegen aanval op Iran

maandag 21 mei 2012 10:14

Westerse landen denken serieus na over militair ingrijpen in Iran. Dat heeft de Russische onderminister van Buitenlandse Zaken dit weekend gezegd na afloop van de G8-top in de Verenigde Staten.

De Russische onderminister Ryabkov vreest een oorlog

'Een aanval op kerncentrales in Iran zou enorme gevolgen hebben – een groot regionaal conflict dreigt en duizenden Iraanse raketten staan op scherp.'

De leiders van de zeven grootste industrielanden plus Rusland spraken in het Amerikaanse Camp David over de mogelijkheid om strategische oliereserves aan te spreken indien de olieprijs verder stijgt. De Russen interpreteren dat als bewijs dat het Westen een aanval op Iran overweegt.

'Het is een van de vele signalen dat de militaire optie als realistisch en mogelijk wordt gezien,' zei minister Sergei Ryabkov op zondag.

Hij voegde eraan toe dat Moskou zich zorgen maakt over de oorlogstaal die door westerse landen, waaronder Israël, wordt uitgeslagen. 'We willen niet dat de regio en de wereld vervalt in nieuwe scheidslijnen en politieke verdeeldheid.'

Westerse landen vermoeden dat Iran in het geheim aan een atoomwapen werkt. Volgens Iran dient het uraniumverrijkingsprogramma van het land slechts vreedzame doeleinden, zoals het opwekken van energie en het vervaardigen van medische isotopen die gebruikt kunnen worden bij het behandelen van kanker.

Israël zou een Iraanse kernbom beschouwen als een existentiële dreiging en heeft gewaarschuwd dat het bereid is tot militair ingrijpen tenzij de Iraniërs hun programma stopzetten.

Een inspecteur van het Internationaal Energieagentschap kwam maandag in Iran aan om wederom over het omstreden kernprogramma te praten.

Europese landen zijn van plan in juli een boycot van Iraanse olie af te kondigen. De Amerikanen kopen al geen Iraanse olie meer. De olie-export van het islamitische land is dit jaar met 20 procent gedaald.

De vraag naar olie blijft echter wereldwijd stijgen waardoor de prijs oploopt. De Amerikaanse president Barack Obama en premier David Cameron van het Verenigd Koninkrijk willen oliereserves aanspreken om de prijs te drukken.

Andere Europese landen en ook de Republikeinse oppositie in de Verenigde Staten zijn het hier niet mee eens. De reserves bestaan immers niet om tijdelijke prijsstijgingen het hoofd te bieden, maar om een plotselinge afname in het aanbod op te vangen zoals in het geval van een Arabische boycot.

Hoge prijs
Rusland gedijt bij de hoge olieprijs. De Russische staat is zeer afhankelijk van olie- en gasexport.

Als de olieprijs onder de 100 dollar per vat zakt, komen olieproducerende landen als Rusland en Saudi-Arabië in de financiële problemen.

Door Nick Ottens
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 22/05/2012 | 08:36 uur
Senaat VS verscherpt sancties Iran

WASHINGTON - De Amerikaanse Senaat heeft maandag ingestemd met strenge nieuwe strafmaatregelen tegen Iran om de nucleaire ambities van de regering in Teheran te dwarsbomen. Mikpunt van de sancties zijn de Iraanse Revolutionaire Garde en bedrijven die zaken doen met Iran.

Op Amerikaanse beurzen genoteerde bedrijven worden verplicht alle transacties met Iran te melden bij de beurswaakhond, de Securities and Exchange Commission. Personen en bedrijven die Iran van middelen voorzien waarmee het regime tegen eigen burgers kan optreden, zoals traangas, rubberkogels en bewakingsapparatuur, kunnen te maken krijgen met beslaglegging en onthouding van visa.

Het Huis van Afgevaardigden stemde in december met soortgelijke maatregelen in.

De Verenigde Staten en vijf andere landen praten woensdag in Bagdad met Iran over het Iraanse atoomprogramma. Teheran zegt dat dit uitsluitend vreedzame doeleinden dient, maar de VS en hun bondgenoten vermoeden dat Iran heimelijk werkt aan kernwapens.

22-05-2012 - 8.30
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 22/05/2012 | 08:39 uur
Iran wants to destroy Israel - Netanyahu

Tue 22 May 2012 06:27 GMT | 8:27 Local Time

Benjamin Netanyahu

Iran wants to destroy Israel and it is developing nuclear weapons to fulfill that goal, Israeli Prime Minister says.

Iran is seeking atomic weapons to destroy Israel and world powers should not make any concessions over its nuclear program, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says.

Netanyahu made the remarks as the head of the UN nuclear watchdog was in Teheran on a key mission that could lead to the resumption of probes on whether Iran has secretly worked on a nuclear weapon.

Much of the West believe Iran is seeking to develop nuclear weapons, a charge Iran denies. Israel views a nuclear Iran as an existential threat due to frequent calls by Teheran for its destruction along with its support of violent anti-Israel groups and its long-range missile program.

'Iran wants to destroy Israel and it is developing nuclear weapons to fulfill that goal,' Netanyahu said at a conference for public servants on Monday.

'Against this malicious intention, leading world powers need to display determination and not weakness. They should not make any concessions to Iran,' he said.

Sky News
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 22/05/2012 | 12:42 uur
Atoomagentschap rekent op snel akkoord met Iran

dinsdag 22 mei 2012 12:35

De chef van het Internationaal Atoomenergieagentschap (IAEA) verwacht 'zeer gauw' een akkoord te kunnen tekenen met Iran over het omstreden nucleaire programma van het islamitische land.

Yukiya Amano bezoekt Iran om over het kernprogramma te onderhandelen

'De EU laat haar tanden zien met olieboycot. Maar nieuwe klanten voor de Iraanse olie staan al in de rij en het anti-westerse sentiment zal alleen maar groeien.'

Lees het Elsevier-commentaar van Robbert de Witt: EU-boycot Iraanse olie: goedbedoeld maar zinloos

De Japanner Yukiya Amano deed zijn uitspraak dinsdag bij aankomst in Wenen waar het hoofdkwartier van het IAEA is gevestigd. Hij is een dag in Teheran geweest om de Iraniërs te spreken over hun kernprogramma.

De atoomwaakhond van de Verenigde Naties hoopt Iran ervan te overtuigen weer inspecties van kerncentrales toe te staan.

Op woensdag komen vertegenwoordigers van de vijf permanente leden van de VN-Veiligheidsraad in de Iraakse hoofdstad Bagdad bijeen om met de Iraniërs te praten.

Westerse landen vermoeden dat Iran in het geheim aan een atoomwapen werkt en hebben sancties afgekondigd om het land op andere gedachten te brengen. De Amerikaanse senaat stemde maandag nog in met strengere strafmaatregelen waardoor het voor Iran moeilijker wordt olie te verkopen.

Het Westen hoopt een akkoord te bereiken waaronder Iran belooft geen hoogverrijkt uranium te produceren wat geschikt zou zijn voor het maken van kernwapens.

Volgens de Iraniërs dient hun uraniumverrijkingsprogramma slechts vreedzame doeleinden. Zij willen energie opwekken en medische isotopen vervaardigen die worden gebruikt om kanker te behandelen.

Israël vreest een Iraanse kernbom en waarschuwt dat het bereid is tot militair ingrijpen tenzij het islamitische land het programma stopzet.

Enkele weken geleden liet de Israëlische minister van Defensie Ehud Barak echter weten dat zijn land bereid is tot een compromis waarbij Iran een kleine hoeveelheid laagverrijkt uranium zou mogen produceren. Zo kan het aan de binnenlandse vraag naar medische isotopen voldoen zonder kernwapenmateriaal te maken.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 24/05/2012 | 08:25 uur
National Security Council considers plan for Israel strike on Iran

Ministers have considered contingency plans for how Britain would respond to a crisis in the Gulf triggered by any Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear facilities.

By David Blair, and Thomas Harding

7:55PM BST 23 May 2012

The National Security Council has discussed a range of possibilities, including how Iran might retaliate by trying to close the Strait of Hormuz.

This vital waterway at the entrance to the Gulf is only 21 miles wide at his narrowest point and serves as the conduit for about 35 per cent of the world's seaborne oil shipments.

The Royal Navy retains a permanent presence in the Gulf, currently led by HMS Daring, a Type 45 destroyer and one of the most advanced warships in the world.

Whitehall sources confirmed that ministers discussed the range of contingencies when the National Security Council gathered for a routine meeting last Wednesday. However, a source said this was not prompted by any expectation of an imminent Israeli strike on Iran.

The meeting focused on the possibility of a "third party" taking action – which means Israel rather than Britain or America.
But neither London nor the United States has ruled out launching military action against Iran's nuclear facilities if diplomacy and economic pressure fail to resolve the confrontation.

Britain has treaty obligations to defend almost all of the Arab states in the Gulf. "Our hands are pretty much tied if any of the states invokes the agreements saying they need our aid then we will have to turn up," said a Whitehall source.

Since the Libyan campaign last year, the RAF is understood to have updated its plans for joining a possible US-led attack on Iran. Tornado GR4 bombers would lead any assault by flying direct from RAF Marham in East Anglia to the Gulf region to fire their Stormshadow cruise missile at a range of up to 350 miles from any targets in Iran. They would then land at a Gulf state where they would be based for future missions.

Eurofighter Typhoons, whose ground attack technology is less advanced, could be used to provide air defence.

Sentinel reconnaissance aircraft of the RAF are already based in one Gulf state. They could provide "real time" surveillance and eavesdropping on Iranian targets.

A Royal Navy attack submarine has also deployed to the Indian Ocean with an arsenal of Tomahawk cruise missiles that could hit targets 400 miles away.

But any British contribution would be a fraction of the firepower that the US has discreetly amassed in the region over the last year. Six F22 Raptors, the world's most advanced fighters, have been deployed to the Gulf, joining a squadron of up to 18 F15E Strike Eagles, designed for long range bombing raids.

B1 Lancer bombers and an array of surveillance and drone aircraft are already based in Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait.

Meanwhile, two American carriers are in the region: USS Carl Vinson and Abraham Lincoln, which deploy a total of 80 F18 Super Hornets capable of striking more than 200 targets in a single day.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 24/05/2012 | 08:27 uur
Iran: Westerse druk en intimidatie zinloos

woensdag 23 mei 2012 |

DUBAI - Druk van het Westen op Iran tijdens gesprekken over het nucleaire programma in het land is zinloos. Dat zei de Iraanse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken woensdag.

"Druk en intimidatie zijn zinloos. Ze moeten hun goede wil tonen om deze kwestie op te lossen", aldus de minister. Hij maakte zijn opmerkingen in de aanloop naar het overleg dat Iran woensdag heeft met zes wereldmachten over het omstreden nucleaire programma van het land.

Westerse landen, Israël en soennitische regimes in het Midden-Oosten vermoeden dat Iran in het geheim aan kernwapens werkt. Israël vreest die wapens. Teheran spreekt dat tegen en stelt dat het slechts vreedzame bedoelingen heeft met de opwekking van kernenergie.

Als voorbereiding op de bijeenkomst in Bagdad voerde de topman van het Internationaal Agentschap voor Atoomenergie (IAEA), Yukiya Amano, maandag overleg in Teheran. Een goede samenwerking met het IAEA bij de inspectie van nucleaire installaties is een voorwaarde die de zes wereldmachten aan Iran stellen
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 24/05/2012 | 08:29 uur
Hakken in het zand bij gesprekken met Iran

Het topoverleg over het nucleaire programma van Iran lijkt stroef te verlopen. De grote mogendheden hebben de islamitische republiek woensdag voorstellen gedaan, maar Teheran wil daar niets van weten. ,,Achterhaald, niet allesomvattend en onevenwichtig'', meldden Iraanse staatsmedia. Het overleg gaat waarschijnlijk donderdag door.

Iran spreekt op de top in Bagdad met de Verenigde Staten, Rusland, China, Groot-Brittannië, Frankrijk, Duitsland en de Europese Unie. Wat die hebben voorgesteld is niet bekendgemaakt. Mogelijk zou Iran uraniumverrijking moeten stilleggen in ruil voor een financiële beloning. Iran eist echter dat de internationale sancties worden versoepeld en zou een tegenvoorstel hebben gedaan.

Westerse landen, Israël en enkele Arabische landen vermoeden dat Iran in het geheim aan kernwapens werkt, onder meer om aartsvijand Israël te vernietigen. Teheran zegt dat het alleen vreedzame doelen heeft, zoals kernenergie.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 24/05/2012 | 08:34 uur
Detailed, 'engaged' Iran nuclear talks enter 2nd day


05/24/2012 09:18

BAGHDAD - Talks between Iran and world powers to defuse a dispute about Iran's nuclear goals entered a second day on Thursday with Washington cautiously hopeful of progress towards an agreed framework for addressing concerns that Tehran wants to build an atom bomb.

"I believe we have the beginning of a negotiation," a senior US official said of the discussions, which opened on Wednesday in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, in a renewed effort at diplomacy that will seek to ease decades of ingrained mistrust.

"We have got engaged ... we have had detailed discussions" for a potential further round of talks, the official said, adding the meeting would continue into a second day on Thursday.

The discussions, watched closely by global oil markets as well as by Iran's arch-enemy Israel, are aimed at exploring ways to settle a long-standing dispute about a nuclear energy program the West suspects is aimed at nuclear bomb research. Tehran has long stated the program is strictly for peaceful purposes.

Both sides - Iran on the one hand and the United States, Russia, China, France, Britain and Germany on the other - have been publicly upbeat about the scope for an outline deal following a 15-month diplomatic freeze and exploratory talks in Istanbul last month.

In previous meetings, the two sides could not even agree on an agenda, with each largely repeating known positions and Tehran refusing any dialogue on changes to its nuclear path.

But international energy markets remain nervous, unsettled by extended Western sanctions imposed on Iran's crude exports and the specter of a Middle East conflict arising from possible Israeli strikes against Iran's nuclear installations.

Speaking after the first day of discussions, the senior US official said the meeting revealed a "fair amount of disagreement" but also areas of common ground.

"But still we have to come to closure ... about what are the next appropriate steps."

The overall goal of the six countries jointly negotiating with Tehran is an Iranian agreement to curb uranium enrichment in a transparent, verifiable way to ensure it is for peaceful purposes only. Iran's priority is to secure an end to sanctions isolating the country and damaging its economy.

The senior US official later confirmed that the six powers had also put specific measures to lessen sanctions pressure on the table in the discussions as part of a possible confidence-building package, but declined to elaborate.

Iran hints at flexibility

The pivotal proposal by the six, led by European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, was for Iran to halt its enrichment of uranium to the higher fissile concentration of 20 percent, her spokesman, Michael Mann, said as talks got under way.

That is the Iranian nuclear advance most worrying to the West since it largely overcomes technical obstacles to reaching 90 percent, or bomb-grade, enrichment. Iran says it is enhancing the fissile purity to such a degree only for medical research.

Tehran has repeatedly ruled out suspending enrichment as called for by several UN Security Council resolutions.

But Iran has hinted at flexibility on higher-grade enrichment, although analysts caution that it would be unlikely to compromise much while sanctions remain in place.

Iranian media close to the Tehran government said its chief negotiator, Saeed Jalili, presented its own five-point package of proposals covering a "comprehensive" range of nuclear and non-nuclear issues.

But a European diplomat, referring to the reported Jalili proposals, said: "We are not quite sure what these five points are. We are trying to find out. There are no details."
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 24/05/2012 | 08:37 uur
Israel revives military option after Obama rejects its nuclear demands of Iran

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report May 24, 2012, 9:23 AM (GMT+02:00) Tags:  Iran nuclear   Israel   military option   Barack Obama   Ehud Barak   A fateful decision is reached on IranIsrael has withdrawn its pledge to US President Barack Obama not to strike Iran's nuclear sites before the November presidential election after he rejected its minimal demands for nuclear negotiations with Iran. This is reported exclusively by debkafile's Washington sources.

In public, Israeli ministers still talk as though they believe in results from the Six-Power talks with Iran, which Thursday May 24 limped into their second day in Baghdad with the parties still miles apart. But the presidential veto has essentially cast Israel outside the loop of influence on the outcome of diplomacy.
When Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak met US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta at the Pentagon on May 17 he was told that Obama had rejected Israel's toned-down demands for Iran to at least to halt high-grade uranium enrichment, export its stocks of material enriched higher than 3.5 percent grade and shut down production at the Fordo nuclear plant near Qom. For six months, the Obama administration tried to sweeten the bitter pill of this rejection by bumping up security aid. The latest appropriation covered another $70 million for manufacturing more Iron Dome short-range missile interceptors.
After talking to Panetta, Barak turned to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and National Security Adviser Tom Donilon in the hope of winning their support for softening Obama's ruling. Clinton replied she was not involved in the negotiations with Iran and Donilon, that a personal decision by the president was not open to change.
A week of consultations followed the defense minister's return home, during which it was decided to tear up Israel's pledge to refrain from attacking Iran during the US presidential campaign. Wednesday, May 23, the day the Baghdad talks began, Barak signaled Washington to this effect.
It was conveyed in a little-noticed early morning radio interview with the defense minister. To make sure his words reached the proper address without misunderstandings, the defense minister's office issued a verbatim English translation from the Hebrew:
"There is no need to tell us what to do, and we have no reason to panic. Israel is very, very strong, but we do know that the Iranians are accomplished chess players and will try to achieve nuclear capabilities. Our position has not changed. The world must stop Iran from becoming nuclear. All options remain on the table."

As the Baghdad talks went around in circles, Israel's military option was put back firmly on the table and on the US-Iranian chessboard.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 24/05/2012 | 08:54 uur
Iran face-off drives new naval small ship focus
Wed May 23, 2012 8:29am EDT

* U.S. Navy sends almost all its small patrol boats to Gulf

* British Navy mulls new small "Black Swan" class warship

* But larger, pricier warships exert strong hold on navies

By Peter Apps, Political Risk Correspondent

WASHINGTON, May 23 (Reuters) - For decades, Western navies have built ever larger, more expensive warships. Those vessels now look increasingly vulnerable to thousands of small, fast Iranian attack boats that could dominate the Gulf in the event conflict there.

In response, the U.S. Navy has sent almost its entire fleet of small patrol boats and minesweepers to the region, hastily refitting some to dramatically increase their firepower

Concerns over the Gulf, a key oil conduit, play into a much wider debate about whether developed navies waste their money in pursuing a small number of sophisticated ships. Perhaps, some argue, they should follow the example of poorer states like Iran, who invest in large numbers of smaller ships rather than a handful of larger vessels that could be easily sunk.

In readiness for any potential war with the U.S. Navy and regional allies, Iran's navy and Revolutionary Guard have poured resources into small gunboats.

That, military officials and analysts say, would allow them to launch potentially devastating ""swarm" attacks.

Iran has said it would close off the Gulf if it were attacked by powers, including the United States and Israel, who accuse it of developing nuclear arms.

Western militaries say they are more than capable of meeting any threat and analysts believe that, given the sheer weight of U.S. military force in the region, Tehran would inevitably prove the ultimate loser in any conflict.

But privately, officers worry that their navies are relatively ill-equipped to manage an initial onslaught. Even the loss of a single large Western warship, with a crew of 700 and a cost of running to hundreds of millions of dollars, would be regarded as politically catastrophic.

"We are very concerned with the small boat threat out of Iran," said one Western naval officer with considerable experience in the region, speaking on condition of anonymity.

"They've got thousands of them that come from a bunch of locations, armed with everything from two crazy guys with a machine gun all the way up to antiship cruise missiles. Very dangerous for an unsuspecting target."

Certainly, the lessons of the only recent conflict to involve the kind of small boat attacks likely in the Gulf -- Sri Lanka's three decade civil war with Tamil Tiger rebels -- make alarming reading.

After losing several of its larger warships to small boat "Sea Tiger" attacks, particularly suicide strikes, the Sri Lankan Navy largely withdrew them from the conflict area to fight back with much smaller Israeli-built Dvora and locally manufactured fast attack craft that bristled with machine guns.

The U.S. Navy currently has five small Cyclone-class patrol craft based in Bahrain, with five more on the way, making almost all of its 13 such craft deployed in region, a source familiar with the matter said.

Until recently, these craft, with a crew of less than 30 but almost a dozen machine guns or cannon mounted on their decks, had been seen as something of an irrelevance. Several had been sold off to other navies or scrapped. But now, they are being refitted and having ever heavier weaponry added.

Washington has also deployed more than half its entire minesweeper force - 8 out of 14 vessels - to the Gulf, with four of the remainder based in Japan but ready to sail to the region.

"There's just never been a focus on small ships," says Nikolas Gvosdev, professor of national security studies at the U.S. Naval War College. "Navies, and perhaps particularly defence contractors and shipbuilders, just tend to like larger ships."


That, some naval experts say, ignores the fact that it has often been mass produced small ships that win wars.

With the size of frigates and destroyers in particular, the workhorses of modern navies, ballooning in the six decade since World War Two, even some political leaders have become exasperated.

"A Royal Navy locked into a cycle of ever smaller numbers of ever more expensive ships," British Prime Minister David Cameron complained in the House of Commons shortly after taking power in 2010. "We cannot go on like this."

Large warships still have a crucial role, naval experts say. The U.S. Navy's giant aircraft carriers, in particular, are seen as crucial to its ability to project force as a global superpower.

But for many current or predicted tasks, be it operating in an increasingly contested Arctic, tackling pirates in the Indian Ocean or operating in the Gulf or an increasingly restive Southeast Asia, the answer could be a much greater number of smaller multipurpose ships.

This month, Britain's Ministry of Defence Developments, Concepts and Doctrine Centre (DCDC) released their blueprint for a new class of ship they believe could become the mainstay of the fleet - the "Black Swan-class sloop".


The DCDC estimate the cost per vessel could be as low as some 65 million pounds, allowing several to be built for the cost of one large state-of-the-art destroyer. With a crew that could be as low as eight or as high as 60 when circumstances demanded, its flight deck could operate either a large troop-carrying Chinook helicopter or a menagerie of unmanned drones and weapons systems, although such extras would cost more.

Inspired by the fast sailing frigates of the Napoleonic Wars and the corvettes, destroyers and submarines hunters of the Second World War, the "Black Swan" project is controversial. It remains far from clear whether the concept will be adopted and taken further.

Most of Britain's admirals rose through the ranks as officers on large warships, insiders say, and remain hugely attached to expensive, world-class large warships.

"There is always a schism between the big ship and the little ship community," said one officer on condition of anonymity. "Pushing the "Black Swan" is almost certainly career death."


Certainly, for now, the Ministry of Defence seems lukewarm at best. A spokesman told Reuters that studies had shown frigate-sized warships or larger remained the best way for the Royal Navy to meet its requirements, which included "complex war fighting scenarios".

"This... was merely a think piece that speculated on the future shape of the maritime battlespace and made a number of assumptions on future technology, much of which is not yet sufficiently advanced to commit future equipment plans to," he said of the "Black Swan" concept document.

The experience of the U.S. Navy in their attempts to build a not dissimilar ship, the Littoral Surface Combatant, suggests keeping things simple could prove far from easy.

The eventual vessel - stealthy, fast and displacing close on 3,000 tons - is not only rather larger than some of the initial concepts plan, but also strikingly more expensive. Having initially embraced the concept of a small, light vessel, the Pentagon changed its mind mid-process and demanded more armour and safety features.

Critics say the assorted competing demands meant the project ultimately ran out of control, although the U.S. Navy says the ships will be a powerful new system in its inventory.

In April, pressure group the Project on Government Oversight (POGO) reported that the first ship of the $120 billion fleet, the USS Freedom, had been plagued by a total of 648 "chargeable" equipment failures since its delivery in September 2008. They included engine failures and at least 17 serious cracks in the four year old hull.

Even before they reach their planned deployment ports in Southeast Asia as part of the Pentagon's strategic "pivot" , they have also also enraged China - a nation with a uniquely particular historic sensitivity to being surrounded by western gunboats. An editorial in the Communist Party mouthpiece "People's Daily" last month said their arrival would help "spread the smell of gunpowder" across the region.

China's navy itself has long been built around small craft, and most of its top admirals commanded fast attack boats in the early stages of their careers. But in the last decade, Beijing looks to have become increasingly drawn to following the Western model of ever larger ships.

While analysts say China has struggled with its first aircraft carrier, a former Soviet carrier initially imported ostensibly to be used as a casino, it is now believed to be building several of its own from scratch.

"It's interesting," says Gvosdev at the US Naval War College. "They seem to be coming down with the same syndrome." (Reporting By Peter Apps; editing by Ralph Boulton)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 24/05/2012 | 09:24 uur
Een stuk of 40 hamina class achtige schepen zouden idd wel effectiever kunnen zijn in de perzische golf.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Tanker op 24/05/2012 | 09:32 uur
Nou dat belooft wat met al die kleine attack bootjes van Iran, het zal ze toch lukken om een vliegdekschip te kelderen......
Hoeveel mensen zitten daar aan boord 4500 of iets dergelijks ?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 24/05/2012 | 10:55 uur
Citaat van: Tanker op 24/05/2012 | 09:32 uur
Nou dat belooft wat met al die kleine attack bootjes van Iran, het zal ze toch lukken om een vliegdekschip te kelderen......
Hoeveel mensen zitten daar aan boord 4500 of iets dergelijks ?

Maak daar maar 6 á 7.000   5.500 van! (zie bijdrage Rob)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 24/05/2012 | 11:32 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 24/05/2012 | 10:55 uur
Citaat van: Tanker op 24/05/2012 | 09:32 uur
Hoeveel mensen zitten daar aan boord 4500 of iets dergelijks ?

Maak daar maar 6 á 7.000 van!

Iets meer dan 5500....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Maurice op 24/05/2012 | 15:24 uur
Lijkt mij de Holland classe hier wel geschikt voor. Zeker met de Frisc en NH 90.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Hyperion op 24/05/2012 | 15:28 uur
Citaat van: Maurice op 24/05/2012 | 15:24 uur
Lijkt mij de Holland classe hier wel geschikt voor. Zeker met de Frisc en NH 90.

En het krioelt daar van de zeedoelrakketen in oorlogstijd...Een Goalkeepertje is wel handig dan!
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 24/05/2012 | 15:30 uur
Citaat van: Maurice op 24/05/2012 | 15:24 uur
Lijkt mij de Holland classe hier wel geschikt voor. Zeker met de Frisc en NH 90.

Aha, die langzame, logge badkuip die alles aan ziet komen maar zich nauwelijk kan verweren?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 24/05/2012 | 15:31 uur
Citaat van: Hyperion op 24/05/2012 | 15:28 uur
En het krioelt daar van de zeedoelrakketen in oorlogstijd...Een Goalkeepertje is wel handig dan!

Ach, je ziet alles op tijd aankomen, dus tijd zat om verlaatrol op post te praaien....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 24/05/2012 | 15:34 uur
Maar om op de Iraanse taktiek van de kleine bootjes die kunnen bijten terug te komen. In het topic over de piraterij heb ik al eens de suggestie gedaan om met een soort wapentechnisch opgepepte versie van de kustwachtcutters aan de slag te gaan, bijgestaan door een helidragend moederschip. Dus ongeveer zoiets als de Amerikanen dus nu overwegen. Nu heb je in de PG geen moederschip nodig vanwege de korte afstand tot westzijde van de PG, maar ik had dat concept veel interessanter gevonden dan dat geneuzel met die OPV's. Omdat je dan een kwantitatieve plus tot je beschikking hebt. Toepasselijk mastje uit Hengelo erop.....   ;)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Maurice op 24/05/2012 | 16:02 uur
Rob, ik ben het zeker met je eens dat in zo´n geval kwantiteit en snelheid telt.
Nou ben ik zelf ook geen fan van die OPV´s maar.. ik begrijp dat men per OPV 2 FRISC mee kan nemen plus NH 90. Dit in combinatie met de Gatekeeper en de 76 mm lijkt mij het toch wel aardig geschikt.

Nadeel van een kustwachtkutter is het gebrek aan sensoren lijkt mij. 

een groot aantal FRISC lijkt mij effectiever tegen een Swarm dan een kustwacht kutter...?
Je kan een kutter wel volhangen met wapens maar hij kan niet op 100 plekker tegenlijk zijn.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 24/05/2012 | 16:09 uur
Citaat van: Maurice op 24/05/2012 | 16:02 uur
Rob, ik ben het zeker met je eens dat in zo´n geval kwantiteit en snelheid telt.
Nou ben ik zelf ook geen fan van die OPV´s maar.. ik begrijp dat men per OPV 2 FRISC mee kan nemen plus NH 90.

Waarmee je dus zelf al aangeeft dat kwantiteit telt. Zo'n FRISC kun je naar ik aanneem op een cutterslipway kwijt. De heli kan vanaf het "moederschip" of de wal opereren.

Citaat van: Maurice op 24/05/2012 | 16:02 uur
Dit in combinatie met de Gatekeeper en de 76 mm lijkt mij het toch wel aardig geschikt.

Waarmee je dus ervan uitgaat dat de FRISC's onder de paraplu van het OPV opereren. En dus beperkt zijn in hun actieradius.

Citaat van: Maurice op 24/05/2012 | 16:02 uur
Nadeel van een kustwachtkutter is het gebrek aan sensoren lijkt mij.  

En jij denkt dat Thales niet een leuk mastje voor een cutter in elkaar kan flansen?

Citaat van: Maurice op 24/05/2012 | 16:02 uur
een groot aantal FRISC lijkt mij effectiever tegen een Swarm dan een kustwacht kutter...?

Wat moet die FRISC dan doen? Alle mee te voeren bemanningsleden met hun C7 laten vuren? Of eenzelfde mitrailleur meevoeren als die Iranzen dan bij zich (kunnen) hebben. Mwa, of je er dan van uit kan gaan dat je vuuroverwicht hebt...... Voor de Iranezen is zo'n FRISC een mooie schietschijf.....

Citaat van: Maurice op 24/05/2012 | 16:02 uur
Je kan een kutter wel volhangen met wapens maar hij kan niet op 100 plekker tegenlijk zijn.

Ik weet niet wat een cutter kost met wat leuke gadgets erop, maar ik vermoed dat je toch een veelvoud van 4 OPV's ervoor had kunnen aanschaffen. En een OPV met 2 FRISC's kan ook niet op 100 plaatsen tegelijk zijn.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 24/05/2012 | 18:29 uur
Als een fregat door een zwerm van die Iraanse bootjes wordt aangevallen kan hij het moeilijk krijgen....maar je ziet zo'n zwerm toch wel aankomen van veraf ?..ja, natuurlijk ! alleen begin je met je paar Harpoons niet komen pakweg 400 fast patrol's op je af...
Dan heb je volgens mij heli's nodig die de zooi met hellfire's uitschakelen en miltrailleurs/gatling/mini-guns. In iedergeval zou het plaatsen van twee milenium kanonnen of 30mm kanonnen per fregat extra geen overbodige luxe zijn, evenals een raketsysteem om kleine bootjes te grazen te nemen. Maar daar zal wel geen ruimte voor zijn aan boord vrees ik. Tegen dit soort taktieken is weinig opgewassen. Maar om een aanval met zoveel bootjes te lanceren is ook niet eenvoudig lijkt me.
Het is een beetje hetzelfde verhaal als wanneer 200 Mig's opstijgen met ieder een anti-ship raket onder hun buik, en die vallen tegelijkertijd een vliegdekschip aan....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 24/05/2012 | 18:37 uur
En jij denkt dat die heli's rustig kunnen gaan knallen?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 24/05/2012 | 18:39 uur
Tegen dit soort "overkill" is het moeilijk/lastig/onmogelijk adequate tegenmaatregelen te nemen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 24/05/2012 | 21:41 uur
Wat is de Absalon-klasse dan toch een prachtig schip wederom ;)

127mm kanon om al op afstand wat bootjes af te knallen. Dan nog twee 35mm millenniums die het wat dichterbij overnemen en 7x 12,7mm's (en vast nog de nodige 7.62mm's). Dan nog 36x Sea Sparrow en 4x Stinger...en 2x heli's en 2x te bewapenen en 42 knots varende eigen "speedboten" (plus 2 RHIBs)....Maar de vijf StanFlex module slots kunnen in later stadium vast ook wel worden uitgerust voor een kleiner type raketsysteem dat speciaal voor het bestrijden van deze "zwerm-aanvallen" bedoeld is.

Belangrijkste lijkt mij goede sensoren en middelen (UAVs?!) om de speedbootjes als zo ver mogelijk vanaf het moederschip waar te nemen. Zeker omdat daar ook stealthy-exemplaren onder zitten die moeilijker waarneembaar zijn vanaf net boven het wateroppervlak. Voor dat doel heb je volgens mij toch echt een groter schip nodig om de nodige capaciteit te creëren. Maar wel zo flexibel als bijv. de Absalon-klasse.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 24/05/2012 | 21:50 uur
Het in een eerder artikel genoemde Black Swan Class sloop concept...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 24/05/2012 | 21:52 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 24/05/2012 | 21:41 uur
127mm kanon om al op afstand wat bootjes af te knallen.

Gewoon van achteren naderen..... :crazy:

Citaat van: Elzenga op 24/05/2012 | 21:41 uur
Dan nog 36x Sea Sparrow en 4x Stinger...

Luchtdoelraketten tegen speedboten?

Citaat van: Elzenga op 24/05/2012 | 21:41 uur
en 2x heli's

Ik herhaal mijn eerder getselde vraag: denk je dat de Iranezen die heli's rustig laten vuren? Ik vermoed dat ze op die speedboten heus wel wat andere rommel meenemen die ze kunnen gebruiken om een heli mee naar beneden te halen.

Citaat van: Elzenga op 24/05/2012 | 21:41 uur
en 42 knots varende eigen "speedboten" (plus 2 RHIBs)....

Geen idee welke types zij hebben, maar in de NL-versies zou ik niet graag Iranezen speedboten tegemoet varen....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 24/05/2012 | 22:01 uur
Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 24/05/2012 | 21:52 uur
Gewoon van achteren naderen..... :crazy:
Alsof het schip als een sitting duck stil ligt :crazy:
Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 24/05/2012 | 21:52 uur
Luchtdoelraketten tegen speedboten?
Wat denk je dat die speedboten afvuren?!!? :-*
Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 24/05/2012 | 21:52 uur
Ik herhaal mijn eerder getselde vraag: denk je dat de Iranezen die heli's rustig laten vuren? Ik vermoed dat ze op die speedboten heus wel wat andere rommel meenemen die ze kunnen gebruiken om een heli mee naar beneden te halen.
De heli's zijn zeer nuttig om de "ogen" van het schip te helpen die kleine en soms stealthy speedboten op te sporen.
Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 24/05/2012 | 21:52 uur
Geen idee welke types zij hebben, maar in de NL-versies zou ik niet graag Iranezen speedboten tegemoet varen....
Met een RWS op het dak denk ik dat men aardig effectief van zich kan afbijten tegen menig Iraanse speedboot.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 24/05/2012 | 22:01 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 24/05/2012 | 21:50 uur
Het in een eerder artikel genoemde Black Swan Class sloop concept...

Jammer dat ook dit weer een langzaam bootje is. En dus geen escorte taken kan uitvoeren, tenminste, niet goed in de Golf van Aden tegen piraterij. Civiele schepen willen zo snel mogelijk varen. Omdat dat hen een moeilijker doelwit maakt voor de piraten.

Ook in geval van Iran, die Iraniërs gaan op volle snelheid manoeuvreren, en lopen die sloop er dus aan alle kanten uit, waardoor die geen initiatief meer heeft.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 24/05/2012 | 22:05 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 24/05/2012 | 22:01 uur
Wat denk je dat die speedboten afvuren?!!? :-*

Geen idee. Anti-schip raketten?

Citaat van: Elzenga op 24/05/2012 | 22:01 uur
De heli's zijn zeer nuttig om de "ogen" van het schip te helpen die kleine en soms stealthy speedboten op te sporen.

1. Hebben de Iranezen "stealthy speedboten"?
2. Dan nog moeten ze niet in de buurt gaan hangen van dat kleine Iranese grut.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 24/05/2012 | 22:11 uur
Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 24/05/2012 | 22:05 uur
Geen idee. Anti-schip raketten?
yep...en daar heb je die RIM-162 ESSM/RIM-7 Sea Sparrow voor nodig...als ook de Millenniums. Tegen aanvallende drones kun je nog de Stingers inzetten.
Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 24/05/2012 | 22:05 uur
1. Hebben de Iranezen "stealthy speedboten"?
2. Dan nog moeten ze niet in de buurt gaan hangen van dat kleine Iranese grut.
ja...zelfs semi submersibles...deels gekopieerd van Noord-Koreaanse modellen..
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 24/05/2012 | 22:15 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 24/05/2012 | 22:11 uur
en daar heb je die RIM-162 ESSM/RIM-7 Sea Sparrow voor nodig

Ik heb weinig verstand van al dat wapentuig, maar ik weet niet beter of de Sea Sparrows zijn tegen inkomende luchtdoelen. Niet tegen inkomende speedboten.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 24/05/2012 | 22:20 uur
Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 24/05/2012 | 22:15 uur
Ik heb weinig verstand van al dat wapentuig, maar ik weet niet beter of de Sea Sparrows zijn tegen inkomende luchtdoelen. Niet tegen inkomende speedboten.
De Sea Sparrow kan ook in de surface mode gebruikt worden. Maar of je dat tegen ajkkb'tjes wil doen is een moeilijke afweging.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 24/05/2012 | 22:23 uur
Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 24/05/2012 | 22:15 uurIk heb weinig verstand van al dat wapentuig, maar ik weet niet beter of de Sea Sparrows zijn tegen inkomende luchtdoelen. Niet tegen inkomende speedboten.
Ik doelde op die anti-scheepsraketten....die op veel van die speedboten gemonteerd zitten...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 25/05/2012 | 05:35 uur
Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 24/05/2012 | 22:05 uur
1. Hebben de Iranezen "stealthy speedboten"?



De zogeheten Peykaap klasse.

Vraag me of men eigenlijk wel in staat is om zich te verweren tegen dit soort 'swarm' tactieken.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 25/05/2012 | 07:50 uur
Iran Nuclear Talks Move To Moscow

Posted Friday, May 25th, 2012 at 1:40 am

Iran and six world powers have agreed to hold a new round of talks in Moscow next month to try to resolve concerns about Tehran's nuclear program, after talks in Baghdad achieved few results.

The two sides will meet in the Russian capital on June 18 and 19. EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton said the meeting would be used to expand common ground.

Ashton said the Baghdad talks were "very intense." She commented on Thursday, at the end of the two-day meeting in which she represented the six world powers. She also said Iran declared a "readiness" to address international concerns about its enrichment of uranium to 20 percent purity.

Western powers fear Iran could quickly upgrade its uranium to the 90 percent purity needed for nuclear weapons.

However, Iran said it wants an easing of international sanctions in return for any concession on enrichment work, which it says is meant for medical research and generating electricity.

Iran's chief negotiator Saeed Jalili emphasized what he called "the absolute right" of Iran to enrich uranium for peaceful purposes. He told reporters the Baghdad talks were "detailed but unfinished."

Analyst Michael Adler, who is writing a book on the Iranian nuclear crisis, tells VOA the Baghdad talks were a "get acquainted" session for the two sides and core issues would be debated in Moscow.

"Moscow will be, perhaps, what we thought Baghdad would be which is a chance to really start talking because between now and the meeting in June in Moscow, there will be a lot of chance for the two sides to think about their positions and to think about how to go forward."

Earlier, EU spokesman Michael Mann told VOA that the six nations presented a "clear" proposal calling on Iran to address international concerns about its nuclear program in return for "reciprocal measures" that the group believes will be attractive to Tehran. He said it is important for Iran to engage in the negotiations "seriously."

Iran's delegation in Baghdad offered its own proposal for ending the dispute. Iranian state media said Thursday that offer is more comprehensive than that of the world powers and accused the United States of being unwilling to express a position on it.

Diplomats said the world powers offered Iran incentives to stop production of highly enriched uranium and transfer the material abroad in exchange for nuclear fuel for its research reactor in Tehran. Iranian diplomats expressed disappointment with that offer, complaining that it makes too many demands of Iran without enough benefit.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 25/05/2012 | 07:53 uur
Iran rejects West's plan, talks to continue in June-A +APublished 25 May 2012

Iran and six world powers wrapped up talks yesterday (24 May) still far apart over how to oversee Tehran's nuclear  program, but with resolve to keep dialogue going as an alternative to possible military action.

"It is clear that we both want to make progress, and that there is some common ground," European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, who is formally leading the talks, told reporters. "However, significant differences remain. Nonetheless, we do agree on the need for further discussion to expand that common ground."

Envoys said they will meet again next month in Moscow after negotiations stretched out for extra hours.

At the heart of the dispute is Iran's insistence that it has the right to enrich uranium and that economic sanctions should be lifted before it stops activities that could lead to its achieving the capability to make nuclear weapons.

Western powers insist Tehran must first shut down enrichment activities before sanctions can be eased.

But both sides have powerful reasons not to abandon diplomacy. The powers want to avert the danger of a new Middle East war raised by Israeli threats to bomb Iran, while Tehran also wants to avoid a looming Western ban on its oil exports.

"We will maintain intensive contacts with our Iranian counterparts to prepare a further meeting in Moscow," Ashton said.

The next meeting, the third in the latest round of talks that began in Istanbul last month, will be held in Moscow on June 18-19.

Ashton leads the negotiations for the six-country group made up of the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council - Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States - which together with Germany is known as the P5+1.

"Talks were intensive and long," said Iranian chief negotiator Saeed Jalili. "They were detailed, but are left unfinished."

While there was little if any concrete progress, the fact that the two sides agreed to continue talks was a sign of progress in itself, after more than a year of not meeting at all before the latest round of negotiations began in April.

"The two sides' commitment to diplomacy in the absence of any clear agreement is a positive sign," said Ali Vaez, Iran expert at the International Crisis Group think-tank.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 25/05/2012 | 07:56 uur
Iran lijkt gewoon aan het traineren......
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 25/05/2012 | 07:59 uur
Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 25/05/2012 | 07:56 uur
Iran lijkt gewoon aan het traineren......

En de US presidentsverkiezingen komen steeds dichterbij...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 26/05/2012 | 08:11 uur
Uraniumverrijking Iran naar nieuw niveau

vrijdag 25 mei 2012 | 19:46

WENEN (ANP) - Iran is erin geslaagd uranium meer te verrijken dan tot nu toe bekend was, een stap die de islamitische republiek dichterbij een atoombom zou brengen. Dat stelt het Internationaal Atoomenergie Agentschap (IAEA), de atoomwaakhond van de Verenigde Naties, in een vrijdag uitgelekt rapport. Volgens het rapport beweert Iran dat het om een technische fout gaat.

Iran kon uranium al tot 20 procent verrijken. Bij het ondergrondse nucleaire complex Fordow zijn sporen van 27 procent verrijkt uranium gevonden, aldus de IAEA. De organisatie zag op satellietbeelden ,,uitvoerige activiteiten'' bij een andere nucleaire installatie. VN-inspecteurs willen de locatie graag controleren, maar Iran laat ze niet toe.

Iran zegt dat het alleen vreedzame doelen nastreeft met zijn nucleaire programma. Het Westen gelooft dat niet en verdenkt Iran ervan in het geheim bezig te zijn met de ontwikkeling van kernwapens. Dat vereist de productie van verrijkt uranium tot 90 procent.

Zes wereldmachten hebben deze week in Teheran geprobeerd tot een akkoord te komen met Iran over de nucleaire activiteiten van het land. De gesprekken leidden niet tot een doorbraak, maar slechts tot de afspraak om volgende maand in Moskou verder te praten.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 26/05/2012 | 08:15 uur
Israël neemt geen risico met Iran

25-05-2012 21:30 | Alfred Muller

BAGDAD – Israëlische leiders lieten deze week al voorafgaand aan de besprekingen over het Iraanse nucleaire programma weten dat ze geen risico's nemen.

Deze uitspraken waren bedoeld om de zogeheten "P5-plus-1" (de VS, Rusland, China, Groot-Brittannië, Frankrijk plus Duitsland) aan te moedigen een harde positie in te nemen tegenover de Iraanse nucleaire ambities. De gesprekken begonnen deze week in de Iraakse hoofdstad Bagdad.

Premier Benjamin Netanyahu wenst Iran geen speelruimte te geven. Hij riep de leidinggevende landen op vastbesloten te zijn en geen zwakheid te tonen. Ze moeten drie eisen stellen. Dat is dat Iran de verrijking van het nucleaire materiaal stopzet, dat het land al dit materiaal van zijn grondgebied verwijdert en dat de ondergrondse nucleaire faciliteit in Qom wordt ontmanteld. ,,Dat alleen garandeert dat Iran geen nucleaire bom krijgt."

Hij wees er ook op dat de Iraanse chef-staf deze week duidelijk zei dat Iran zich inzet voor de vernietiging van Israël.

Iraanse leiders hebben gezegd dat ze geen kernwapen nastreven. Israël en andere landen zijn daar allesbehalve zeker van. Volgens Israëlische commentatoren kan Iran ook proberen ,,op de drempel" te blijven. Dat wil zeggen dat het niet zal overgaan tot de vervaardiging van atoomwapens, maar dat het wel alle voorbereidingen treft.

Amos Yadlin en Yoel Guzansky van het Instituut voor Nationale Veiligheidsstudies schreven in het blad Strategic Assessment dat bij dit scenario Iran de productie van nucleaire wapens uitstelt. Iraanse leiders blijven dan claimen dat hun land deze wapens niet wil maken. Maar intussen wordt het kookboek helemaal voorbereid. Iran zou al bijna een 'drempelstaat' zijn.

Deze drempelstatus kan het aanzien van Iran in binnen- en buitenland vergroten. Iran zal in de loop van de tijd kans zien afspraken met de P5-plus-1 te maken om de economische druk te verminderen. Een bijkomstig voordeel is dat Iran ondertussen verder kan werken aan de ,,zone van immuniteit." Dat wil zeggen dat het kan werken aan een betere bescherming van de nucleaire faciliteiten.

De Amerikaanse president Obama heeft gezegd dat hij niet zal toestaan dat Iran nucleaire wapens produceert. Maar Israël is er niet van overtuigd dat de VS in staat zijn precies te weten op welk moment Iran overgaat van voorbereiding naar productie. En Israël is niet bereid met dit risico te leven.

De vooraanstaande Israëlische politicoloog prof. Yehezkel Dror noemt in een publicatie van de Bar-Ilanuniversiteit het Iraanse bezit van nucleaire wapens een ernstig gevaar voor Israël.

Hij hoopt dat de internationale sancties ertoe leiden dat Iran geen kernwapens krijgt of dat de Verenigde Staten tot een preventieve aanval overgaan. ,,Maar Israël kan de toekomst van zijn nationale veiligheid niet overlaten aan anderen. Als de Iraanse opmars naar de vervaardiging van nucleaire wapens niet wordt stopgezet, heeft Israël geen andere keus dan de Iraanse nucleaire en militaire faciliteiten aan te vallen zolang deze nog kwetsbaar zijn."

Een groot risico is de verkoeling van de betrekkingen met de Verenigde Staten en de consequenties voor het Arabisch-Israëlisch conflict. Het ergst mogelijke gevolg is dat Iran doorgaat met zijn nucleaire activiteiten en vastbesloten is wraak te nemen op Israël.

Om de negatieve gevolgen te verminderen moet Israël volgens Dror een aanval gepaard laten gaan met een vredesinitiatief, dat gedeeltelijk is gebaseerd op het Arabisch-Islamitisch Vredesinitiatief. Dit vredesplan van 2002 voorziet in een volledige terugtrekking uit bezette gebieden, de oprichting van een Palestijnse staat naast Israël en de normalisatie van relaties tussen Israël en de Arabische landen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 26/05/2012 | 08:16 uur
Rosenthal: gesprekken met Iran niet bemoedigend

Nieuwsbericht | 25-05-2012

'De informatie die ik over de gesprekken met Iran ontvang is niet bemoedigend', aldus minister Rosenthal (Buitenlandse Zaken). 'Er is weinig concrete vooruitgang geboekt'. Op 23 en 24 mei hebben de Verenigde Staten, Rusland, China, Frankrijk, het Verenigd Koninkrijk en Duitsland onder leiding van EU Hoge Vertegenwoordiger Ashton (P5+1) gesprekken gevoerd met Iran over het Iraanse nucleaire programma in Bagdad.

'Ik heb waardering voor de inzet van de P5+1 om Iran te bewegen aan zijn internationale verplichtingen te voldoen. Iran moet openheid van zaken geven over zijn nucleaire programma', aldus de minister. 'Het is aan Iran om aan te tonen dat het nucleaire programma geheel vreedzaam van aard is. Wanneer Teheran er voor kiest om geen concrete stappen te zetten, moet er geen twijfel bestaan dat we de druk op Iran zullen opvoeren, ook via het olie-embargo dat op 1 juli volledig van kracht wordt'.

De gesprekken met Iran worden voortgezet op 18 en 19 juni in Moskou.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 26/05/2012 | 08:27 uur
Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 25/05/2012 | 07:56 uur
Iran lijkt gewoon aan het traineren......

Conclusie: Iran is gewoon aan het traineren.....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 26/05/2012 | 10:14 uur
Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 26/05/2012 | 08:27 uur
[Conclusie: Iran is gewoon aan het traineren.....

Yep... en de vraag is hoelang pikken de Israeli dit?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 26/05/2012 | 10:15 uur
Iran Navy building advanced destroyers: Commander Sayyari

Sat May 26, 2012 7:47AM GMT

Iran's Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari says the country is building new destroyers in order to beef up its strength.

Rear Admiral Sayyari said on Saturday that the Iranian Navy is producing destroyers that are more advanced and sophisticated than the indigenously-manufactured Jamaran as part of its broader plans for boosting its fleets in the international waters.

He noted that Iran's Navy embarked on a self-sufficiency program in the production of military equipment and systems following the victory of the Islamic Revolution in 1979, stressing that Iranian naval forces are now equipped with state-of-the-art technology.

The Iranian Navy launched its first indigenous Jamaran destroyer in the waters of the Persian Gulf in February 2010. The vessel completed its first international mission on December 18, after conducting counter-piracy operations in the Gulf of Aden.

The 1,420-ton destroyer, which is part of the 16th fleet of Iranian warships, is equipped with modern radars and electronic warfare capabilities.

It has a top speed of up to 30 knots and a helipad. The destroyer features highly advanced anti-aircraft, anti-surface- and anti-subsurface systems. The vessel has also been equipped with torpedoes and naval cannons.

The Iranian Navy has been conducting patrols in the Gulf of Aden since November 2008 in order to safeguard merchant containers and oil tankers owned or leased by Iran or other countries.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Tanker op 26/05/2012 | 10:15 uur
Vroeg of laat gaat het daar toch mis, dat is mij wel duidelijk.
Zou mooi zijn als de jeugd in het land gelijk een regime change kan bewerkstelligen als de boel onder vuur ligt, weg met die achterlijke reli-idiote Ayatollahs....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 26/05/2012 | 10:16 uur
Citaat van: Tanker op 26/05/2012 | 10:15 uur
Vroeg of laat gaat het daar toch mis, dat is mij wel duidelijk.
Zou mooi zijn als de jeugd in het land gelijk een regime change kan bewerkstelligen als de boel onder vuur ligt, weg met die achterlijke reli-idiote Ayatollahs....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 26/05/2012 | 10:38 uur
Ik weet niet wat de definitie van een destroyer in Iran is?
Maar een destroyer van 1440 ton is tegenwoordig een korvet.

Wat bedoeld Commander Sayyari met advanced, ik zie op foto een korvet met jaren 70 of jaren 80 techniek en men is stealht vergeten en ik mis een CIWS systeem?


Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 26/05/2012 | 10:55 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 26/05/2012 | 10:38 uur
Ik weet niet wat de definitie van een destroyer in Iran is?
Maar een destroyer van 1440 ton is tegenwoordig een korvet.

Wat bedoeld Commander Sayyari met advanced, ik zie op foto een korvet met jaren 70 of jaren 80 techniek en men is stealht vergeten en ik mis een CIWS systeem?

AGM-84 (Harpoon) voer  :devil:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 26/05/2012 | 11:02 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 26/05/2012 | 10:55 uur
AGM-84 (Harpoon) voer  :devil:

Jurrien dat vind ik verspilling van een Harpoon, een 127mm kanon met Vulcano munitie  volstaat om dat karweitje te doen.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 26/05/2012 | 11:12 uur
Iran has enough uranium for five bombs: expert

By Fredrik Dahl

VIENNA | Sat May 26, 2012 4:57am EDT

(Reuters) - Iran has significantly stepped up its output of low-enriched uranium and total production in the last five years would be enough for at least five nuclear weapons if refined much further, a U.S. security institute said.

The Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS), a think-tank which closely tracks Iran's nuclear program, made the analysis on the basis of data in the latest quarterly U.N. watchdog report which was issued on Friday.

Progress in Iran's nuclear activities is closely watched by the West and Israel as it could determine how long it could take Tehran to build atomic bombs, if it decided to do so. Iran denies any plan to and says its aims are entirely peaceful.

During talks in Baghdad this week, six world powers failed to convince Iran to scale back its uranium enrichment program. They will meet again in Moscow next month to try to defuse a decade-old standoff that has raised fears of a new war in the Middle East that could disrupt oil supplies.

Friday's report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), a Vienna-based U.N. body, showed Iran pressing ahead with its uranium enrichment work in defiance of U.N. resolutions calling on it to suspend the activity.

It said Iran had produced almost 6.2 metric tons (6.83 tons) of uranium enriched to a level of 3.5 percent since it began the work in 2007 - some of which has subsequently been further processed into higher-grade material.

This is nearly 750 kg more than in the previous IAEA report issued in February, and ISIS said Iran's monthly production had risen by roughly a third.

"This total amount of 3.5 percent low enriched uranium hexafluoride, if further enriched to weapon grade, is enough to make over five nuclear weapons," ISIS said in its analysis.

It added, however, that some of Iran's higher-grade uranium had been converted into reactor fuel and would not be available for nuclear weapons, at least not quickly.

Enriched uranium can be used to fuel power plants, which is Iran's stated purpose, or to provide material for bombs, if refined to a much higher degree. The West suspects that may be Iran's ultimate goal despite the Islamic Republic's denials.

Iran began enriching uranium to a fissile concentration of 20 percent in 2010, saying it needed this to fuel a medical research reactor. It later expanded the work sharply by launching enrichment at an underground site, Fordow.

It alarmed a suspicious West since such enhanced enrichment accomplishes much of the technical leap towards 90 percent - or weapons-grade - uranium.

The IAEA report said Iran had installed more than 50 percent more enrichment centrifuges at Fordow, which is buried deep under rock and soil to protect it against any enemy attacks.

Although not yet being fed with uranium, the new machines could be used to further boost Iran's output of uranium enriched to 20 percent.

ISIS said Iran still appeared to be experiencing problems in its testing of production-scale units of more advanced centrifuges that would allow it to refine uranium faster, even though it had made some progress.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 26/05/2012 | 11:15 uur
Iran letter to UN condemns Israeli 'threats'

In complaint sent to Security Council, Iran's UN envoy accuses Israeli officials of threatening to strike Islamic Republic despite nuclear program's peaceful nature

Dudi Cohen Published:  05.26.12, 11:38 / Israel News 
Iran's ambassador to the UN has lodged a complaint against Israel at the Security Council on Friday, slamming Defense Minister Ehud Barak and other Israeli officials for remarks about a potential strike on the Islamic Republic.

Barak said on Tuesday that the deal reached between the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency and Tehran does not eliminate the possibility of an Israeli attack meant to stunt Iran's nuclear program.

The Iranian envoy, Mohammad Khazaee, said in the complaint letter that Barak "unwarrantedly and under erroneous and false presumptions on Iran's peaceful nuclear activities" threatened to use force against the Islamic Republic.

Khazaee claimed that it is ironic that the "inflammatory remarks" are made by a state infamous for its "atrocities" and "crimes against humanity." He added that Israel's clandestine nuclear development is the primary threat to peace in the region and the world.

Moreover, the official stressed that Iran has been a leader in rejecting all kinds of weapons of mass destruction, but noted that the country wouldn't hesitate to defend itself in the face of an attack.

Meanwhile, Iran's envoy to the IAEA said that the new report issued by the UN's nuclear watchdog agency offers "proof" that Tehran's atom program is peaceful. He added that the report indicates that Tehran is cooperating with the UN agency, according to the semi-official Islamic Republic News Agency.

Ali Asghar Soltanieh made the comment late Friday on Iranian state television, despite the fact the report showed that uranium traces of an unprecedentedly higher grade have been detected.,7340,L-4234362,00.html
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 27/05/2012 | 14:40 uur
The Nixon option for Iran?

2012-05-27 20:02

WASHINGTON ― Rearranging the deck chairs would not have saved the Titanic. Nor did the endless debates on the shape of the table in the Vietnam negotiations advance the effort to end that malign conflict. Nevertheless, many American presidents have successfully redesigned talks with adversaries in bold new ways to strengthen national security without war. Such boldness is now needed in the negotiations over Iran's nuclear program.

In 1933, Franklin D. Roosevelt negotiated personally with Soviet Foreign Minister Maxim Litvinov to open diplomatic relations between the two countries. Dwight D. Eisenhower invited Nikita Khrushchev to the United States in 1959 to open the eyes of the first Soviet leader ever to visit America. The bilateral U.S.-China talks in Warsaw in the 1960s were fruitless until Richard M. Nixon and National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger opened a different, more direct discussion through the auspices of Pakistan.

International negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program also need a new concept and broader agenda. The Istanbul meeting last month concluded on a positive note. Both sides decided to find a way to avoid the pattern of mutual recrimination and sterile exchanges. The door is now open to an initial agreement with modest goals.

But don't count on a new era without some form of direct U.S.-Iran discussions. The talks with the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council plus Germany (P5+1) are formulaic, stagnant, and not likely to achieve any breakthrough on their own. The Iranians feel outnumbered by diverse participants with varying agendas. The U.S. needs to reshape the environment to make it easier for Iran to compromise.

The U.S. should press for bilateral talks. One lesson provided by former American presidents is the value of direct, high-level contacts with key adversaries. Of course, a face-to-face meeting between President Barack Obama and Ayatollah Ali Khamenei seems absurd to imagine ― now. But could any meeting have seemed more absurd in 1969 than the 1971 meeting between Nixon and Mao Zedong? The U.S. and Iran need to set a path toward broad bilateral discussions on worldviews, regional security, and plans to improve mutual understanding in order to minimize differences.

Even without direct U.S.-Iran talks now, the current negotiations need reshaping. The P5+1 should continue to negotiate with Iran on its uranium-enrichment program, while the International Atomic Energy Agency should negotiate with Iran on strengthening the transparency of its nuclear program. The Iranians want to resolve their problems directly with the IAEA, and to avoid negotiating under the cloud of U.N. Security Council resolutions, which impose sanctions on Iran to force suspension of enrichment.

This situation suggests a phased approach. First, during the talks in Baghdad, the P5+1 might seek an early confidence-building agreement by which Iran voluntarily ceases enriching to 20 percent content in the U-235 fissile isotope and blends down or ships out their stockpile of such uranium, which is closer to weapons grade. They might also seek a standstill on the deep underground enrichment facility at Fordow in exchange for provision of fuel rods for Iran's research reactor and a freeze on some sanctions.

Second, the P5+1 could then agree to agree to some Iranian enrichment as an incentive for Iran to conclude a parallel agreement with the IAEA on greater transparency. These parallel steps would reshape the process to achieve a key U.S. objective: ensuring that Iran abides by Khamenei's own fatwa (religious decree) against nuclear weapons.

Third, both sides will need to outline the long-term objectives of the negotiations. As the IAEA presses Iran for agreements on greater transparency, Iran wants to know where such agreements might lead, particularly regarding sanctions.

Iranians claim that each time they move toward cooperation with the U.S., a new problem emerges to block improved relations. Iran wants to know which sanctions might be delayed, frozen, or lifted in exchange for current and future concessions, fearing that the U.S. will continue to impose sanctions on human-rights, security, or other grounds.

The U.S., for its part, views Iran as a duplicitous and unreliable negotiator that is committed to nuclear weapons and unserious about talks. The time has come to test Iran's intentions by reaching something like the two-phased agreements outlined here ― a longer-term, step-by-step process with reciprocal actions, in which each side must give something to get what it needs.

Finally, even with step-by-step progress on Iran's nuclear program, broader discussions are needed to address the many non-nuclear issues that threaten regional stability. There is currently no forum to discuss Afghanistan, Iraq, drug trafficking, Persian Gulf security, emergency communications to avoid accidental conflict, and the sources of deep distrust and misunderstanding.

Some of these discussions might involve representatives of states that are not part of the P5+1, including governments that have closer relations with Iran. To organize discussion of these broader issues, the U.S. and others should explore the possibility of appointing a special envoy ― perhaps a former Chief of State under U.N. auspices ― to engage Iran in new ways.

If Obama were to take the lead in reshaping the setting and the process by which the U.S. and others talk with Iran, progress could become easier. The Istanbul talks opened the door to an initial ― if incremental ― breakthrough agreement. The U.S. now has an opportunity to establish new ways to explore common ground and reach a more durable political solution.

By William H. Luers and Thomas R. Pickering

William H. Luers served as U.S. ambassador to Czechoslovakia and Venezuela, and president of the United Nations Association from 1999 to 2009. Thomas R. Pickering, under secretary of state for political affairs in the Clinton administration, served as U.S. ambassador to Russia, Israel, Jordan, and the United Nations. ― Ed.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 28/05/2012 | 11:14 uur

'Internationale gemeenschap moet ons nucleair recht erkennen'

maandag 28 mei 2012 om 10u36

Iran is bereid tot toegevingen op nucleair vlak op voorwaarde dat de internationale gemeenschap erkent dat het land recht heeft op een nucleair programma.

Iran is bereid om zijn programma voor het verrijken van uranium tot 20 procent stop te zetten, op voorwaarde dat de internationale gemeenschap erkent dat het land recht heeft op een nucleair programma. Dat is meegedeeld door het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken in Teheran.

"De erkenning van ons nucleair recht moet de basis vormen voor verdere nucleaire onderhandelingen. Dat is de enige manier om tot een doorbraak te komen", zegt Ramin Mehmanparast, de woordvoerder van het Iraanse ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken. "In dat geval kan door Iran zelfs worden overwogen om te stoppen met het verrijken tot 20 procent, als het westen het vreedzame karakter erkent".

Mehmanparast stelde voorts dat Iran tot het verrijken van uranium "gedwongen" werd, aangezien het westen geweigerd had om nucleaire brandstof te leveren voor de medische reactor in Teheran.

Bij een internationale erkenning van de nucleaire rechten van Iran, zal het land ook bereid zijn om meer inspecties toe te staan van het Internationaal Atoomenergieagentschap (IAEA), luidt het tot slot.

Tweede kerncentrale

Iran heeft ook laten weten om dat het begin volgend jaar start met de bouw van een tweede kerncentrale in Bushehr, in het zuiden van het land. Die komt naast de nucleaire kerncentrale die er nu al staat en gebouwd werd door Rusland. Het is niet bekend of Rusland opnieuw in het project instapt.

De Iraanse leiders hebben al herhaaldelijk laten optekenen dat ze een twintigtal kerncentrales willen bouwen, goed voor een totaal vermogen van 20.000 megawatt. De centrale die nu al in Bushehr staat, werd in 2010 ingehuldigd, na 35 jaar van werken en ontelbare politieke, technische en financiële moeilijkheden. (Belga/INM
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Enforcer op 28/05/2012 | 11:32 uur
Hoe slim is het om zoveel kerncentrales te bouwen als je daar wat breuklijnen hebt lopen?! Je zou denken dat men wat van Fukusjima zou leren.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 28/05/2012 | 11:41 uur
Citaat van: Enforcer op 28/05/2012 | 11:32 uur
Hoe slim is het om zoveel kerncentrales te bouwen als je daar wat breuklijnen hebt lopen?! Je zou denken dat men wat van Fukusjima zou leren.

Handig (vvorzichtig uitgedrukt) is anders.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 28/05/2012 | 11:58 uur
Citaat van: Enforcer op 28/05/2012 | 11:32 uur
Hoe slim is het om zoveel kerncentrales te bouwen als je daar wat breuklijnen hebt lopen?! Je zou denken dat men wat van Fukusjima zou leren.

Insha'Allah 'dat komt wel goed '
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Enforcer op 28/05/2012 | 12:01 uur
Uiteindelijk lost dat het Iraanse probleem dan wel op, want zo'n "shake" komt er toch wel een keer.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 29/05/2012 | 23:02 uur
Iran Overhauls Russian-Built Sub

MOSCOW, May 29 (RIA Novosti)

The Iranian Navy has brought back into operation a Russian-built submarine, after major repairs with locally produced components, the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting company, IRIB, reported on Tuesday.

Some 18,000 components, including propellers and radars, were replaced on the Tareq (Russian Project 877EKM Paltus), one of Iran's three Kilo-class submarines, which entered service in 1992.

The submarine was relaunched from a dry dock in an Iranian port.

The other two Kilo-class subs are the Nooh (1993) and the Yunes (1997).
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 29/05/2012 | 23:33 uur
Citaat van: RIA Novosti op 29/05/2012 | 23:02 uur
Some 18,000 components, including propellers and radars, were replaced on the Tareq (Russian Project 877EKM Paltus), one of Iran's three Kilo-class submarines, which entered service in 1992.
18k componenten is best wel heftig. Je zou bijna gaan denken, dat alles, behalve de hull is vervangen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 30/05/2012 | 07:50 uur
Iran doelwit van ongekend spionagevirus

dinsdag 29 mei 2012 | 11:33 | Laatst bijgewerkt op: dinsdag 29 mei 2012 | 17:07


MOSKOU - Een ongekend destructief computervirus voert aanvallen uit op landen, vooral Iran. Dat hebben organisaties die zijn gespecialiseerd in het beveiligen van computers laten weten.

Een ongekend destructief computervirus voert aanvallen uit op landen, vooral op Iran. 'Flame' is veel groter en complexer dan de tot nu toe bekende virussen. Dat hebben organisaties die zijn gespecialiseerd in het beveiligen van computers, laten weten.

2 jaar oud
Het Flamevirus is mogelijk meer dan 2 jaar oud. De 'meesterspion' kan behalve gegevens stelen ook computers bedienen en zo microfoons aanzetten en cameraatjes inschakelen. Orla Cox van virusbestrijder Symantec vermoedt dat een regering achter de code van Flame zit . "Het is professioneel opgesteld'' en er moeten veel middelen en mensen bij betrokken zijn, zei ze tegen CNN.

Flame zou op dit moment zijn binnengedrongen in computersystemen in Iran, Egypte, Israël, de Palestijnse gebieden, Libanon, Saudi-Arabië, Sudan en Syrië. De code van Flame zou deels overeenkomen met het virus dat in april het Iraanse ministerie van Olie aanviel.

Iran beweert dat het al een programma tegen Flame heeft gemaakt. De antivirussoftware "is vanaf vandaag beschikbaar voor organisaties en bedrijven die hem willen'', liet de cyberveiligheidsdienst van de Iraanse overheid dinsdag weten.

Volgens virusbestrijder Kaspersky is Flame 20 keer zo groot en ingewikkeld als Stuxnet. Die worm, die in 2010 werd ontdekt, voerde aanvallen uit op computersystemen van Iraanse nucleaire projecten. Flame betekent daarom een nieuwe fase in de cyberoorlog, aldus Kaspersky.

Wie achter Flame zit is niet bekend. Bij aanvallen op Iran gaat de verdenking vaak uit naar aartsvijand Israël, maar de Joodse staat geeft niets toe. Minister Moshe Yaalon van Strategische Zaken zegt wel dat ,,het redelijk is dat wie Iran als een grote bedreiging ziet, verschillende maatregelen neemt, zoals deze, om te dwarsbomen''.

© Gelderlander 2012
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 30/05/2012 | 07:56 uur
Iran confirms Flame virus attacked computers of high-ranking officials

By Chris Irvine, Damien McElroy

6:00AM BST 30 May 2012

The admission came as a United Nations agency responsible for regulating the internet warned that the virus is the most powerful espionage tool ever to target member states.

Iran's cyber defence organisation, the Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Centre, in a message posted on its website, warned that the virus is potentially more harmful than the Stuxnet worm that attacked Tehran's nuclear programme. It is estimate that the malicious software is 20 times more powerful than other known cyber warfare programmes, that could only have been made by a state.

Kamran Napelian, an Iranian cyber defence official told The New York Times that the virus "has a special pattern which you only see coming from Israel".

"The virus copies what you enter on your keyboard, it monitors what you see on your computer screen," he told the newspaper.

He said he was not authorised to disclose how much damage Flame had caused, but estimated it had been active for at least six months and had caused a "massive" data loss. He added that Iran had developed software to combat Flame, something the international community has yet to do.

Orla Cox, a security analyst at the security firm Symantec, said that Flame was targeting specific individuals, apparently Iranian related. "The way it has been developed is unlike anything we've seen before," she said. "It's huge. It's like using an atomic weapon to crack a nut."

Meanwhile Marco Obiso, cyber security coordinator for the UN's Geneva-based International Telecommunications Union yesterday said the warning they issued was the "most serious warning we have ever put out".

The formal warning tells member nations that the Flame virus is a dangerous espionage tool that could potentially be used to attack critical infrastructure, he said. "They should be on alert," he said adding "I think it is a much more serious threat than Stuxnet."

Figures released by the Kaspersky Lab, the Russian cyber security software maker that took credit for discovering the infections, show that infections by the programme were spread across the Middle East with 189 attacks in Iran, 98 incidents in the West Bank, 32 in Sudan and 30 in Syria.

Other countries where the virus was detected include Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Egypt.

Unlike the Stuxnet virus, which attacked an Iranian enrichment facility, causing centrifuges to fail, Flame does not disrupt or terminate systems.

Iran believes the US and Israel are trying to sabotage its programme. It denies the allegation that its programme is weapons related.

A leading Israeli politician hinted at the country's involvement in the virus.

"Whoever sees the Iranian threat as a significant threat is likely to take various steps, including these, to hobble it," Vice Premier Moshe Yaalon told Army Radio. "Israel is blessed with high technology, and we boast tools that open all sorts of opportunities for us."
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 31/05/2012 | 00:25 uur
Iran: geen doorbraak nucleaire top

Reuters Toegevoegd: woensdag 30 mei 2012, 21:06

De Iraanse president Ahmadinejad verwacht weinig van het overleg met zes wereldmachten in Moskou. Dat zei hij in een interview met de Franse televisie.

De zes landen, de Verenigde Staten, Rusland, China, Frankrijk, Groot-Brittannië en Duitsland, komen volgende maand bij elkaar om Iran ervan te overtuigen het nucleaire programma te staken. Vorige week was er ook overleg met Iran, maar dat leidde niet tot concrete resultaten.

Volgens Ahmadinejad is er bij het overleg in Moskou op 18 en 19 juni geen doorbraak te verwachten. "Wij zijn niet gek. Wij verwachten geen wonderen bij de volgende ontmoeting."

De Iraanse president onderstreepte nog eens het recht van zijn land om uranium te verrijken voor vreedzame doeleinden. Volgens Ahmadinejad moeten andere landen uitleggen waarom Iran dat niet zou mogen en wat ze zullen bieden in ruil voor stopzetting van het programma.

Bron: NOS
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 31/05/2012 | 18:30 uur
Satellite photos said to show Iran nuke clean up

By GEORGE JAHN - Associated Press

A nonproliferation think tank has published satellite images of an Iranian military site linked to suspected secret work on nuclear arms that it says shows strong evidence of a cleanup.

The May 25 commercial satellite photos obtained by the Institute for Science and International Security of Iran's Parchin facility appear to show that two buildings there were demolished. According to ISIS, that and other activities at the site, such as digging up and moving earth, strengthen U.N. suspicions of a cleanup.

A senior diplomat who was shown the images said that they showed apparent work similar to what is seen on spy satellite photos supplied to the International Atomic Energy Agency by member nations closely tracking Iran's nuclear activities. He demanded anonymity because his information is privileged.

klik voor foto's op de link.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 04/06/2012 | 06:54 uur
Cyber-attacks on Iran bought U.S. time

The United States under former President George W. Bush began building a complex cyber-weapon to try to prevent Tehran from completing suspected nuclear weapons work without resorting to risky military strikes against Iranian facilities, current and former U.S. officials familiar with the program said.

Barack Obama accelerated the efforts after succeeding Bush in 2009, according to the sources who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the classified nature of the effort. The weapon, called Stuxnet, was eventually used against Iran's main uranium enrichment facilities.

The effort was intended to bridge the time of uncertainty between U.S. administrations after the 2008 presidential election in which Obama was elected, and allow more time for sanctions and diplomacy to avert Iranian nuclear weapon development, according to the current and former officials.

The sources gave rare insight into the U.S. development of its cyber-warfare capabilities and the intent behind it.

One source familiar with the Bush administration's initial work on Stuxnet said it had stalled Iran's nuclear program by about five years.

"It bought us time. First, it was to get across from one administration to the next without having the issue blow up. And then it was to give Obama a little more time to come up with alternatives, through the sanctions, et cetera," said the source.

Only in recent months have U.S. officials become more open about the work of the United States and Israel on Stuxnet, the sophisticated cyber-weapon directed against Iran's Natanz nuclear enrichment facility that was first detected in 2010.

The cyber-attacks provided the United States with an avenue to try to stop Iran from producing a suspected weapon without turning to military strikes against Iranian facilities – all at a time when U.S. forces already were fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the sources said.

In the end, senior U.S. officials agreed the benefit of stalling Iran's nuclear program was greater than the risks of the virus being harnessed by other countries or terrorist groups to attack U.S. facilities, one source said.


Two sources with direct knowledge of the U.S. program said it cost hundreds of millions of dollars to carry out.

The United States for years has been developing – and using – offensive cyber-capabilities to interfere with the computers of adversaries, including during the Battle of Falluja in Iraq in 2004 and in finding Osama bin Laden and other al Qaeda figures, the sources said.

Last year, the United States also explicitly stated for the first time that it reserved the right to retaliate with military force against a cyber-attack.

The New York Times reported on Friday that from his first months in office, Obama secretly ordered attacks of growing sophistication on the computer systems running the main Iranian nuclear enrichment facilities, greatly widening the first sustained U.S. use of cyber-weapons. The Times said the attacks were code-named Olympic Games.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest declined comment on the substance of the New York Times article, but denied "in the strongest possible terms" that it was an authorized leak of classified information. Obama is seeking re-election on November 6 in part on the strength of his foreign policy achievements.

Reuters reported on May 29 that the United Nations agency charged with helping member nations secure their national infrastructures plans to issue a sharp warning about the risk of the Flame computer virus that was recently discovered in Iran and other parts of the Middle East.

Stuxnet is one of many weapons in the U.S. cyber-arsenal, which some experts say also includes a data-gathering tool known as Duqu that was deployed to cull information about Iran's weapons programs.

Iranian officials have described the cyber-attacks as part of a "terrorist" campaign backed by Israel and the United States.

Some current and former U.S. officials, who asked not to be named, criticized the Obama administration for talking too freely to the media about classified operations.

Representative Peter King, the Republican chairman of the House of Representatives Committee on Homeland Security, said, "I believe that no one, including the White House, should be discussing cyber-attacks."

"The U.S. will now be blamed for any sophisticated, malicious software, even if it was the Chinese or just criminals," added Jason Healey, who has worked on cyber-security for the Air Force, White House and Goldman Sachs, and is now with the Atlantic Council research group.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Harald op 04/06/2012 | 10:24 uur
Israel Arming German-Supplied Subs With Nukes: Report

BERLIN — Israel is arming submarines supplied and largely financed by Germany with nuclear-tipped cruise missiles, influential German newsweekly Der Spiegel reports in its issue to be published June 4.

The magazine said in a cover story likely to touch off a debate in Germany that Berlin had until now denied any knowledge that German submarines were being used as part of an Israeli atomic arsenal.

In Israel, foreign ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor confirmed only that his country had German submarines in its navy.

"I can confirm that we have German submarines. It's no secret," the spokesman told AFP. "As for the rest, I am not in a position to talk about their capacity."

Israel is the Middle East's sole, if undeclared, nuclear-armed power.

However, former high-ranking officials of the German defense ministry told Der Spiegel that the government always assumed Israel was putting nuclear warheads on the Dolphin-class vessels.

The article, based on a months-long probe, cited files from the foreign ministry in Berlin indicating that the West German state was aware of the practice as early as 1961.

Germany has already supplied Israel with three of the submarines in question, footing most of the bill, and another three are to be delivered by 2017 under a recently signed contract.

Meanwhile, Israel is weighing whether to order three more, according to the report.

"The Germans can be proud to have ensured the existence of the state of Israel for several years to come," Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak was quoted by Der Spiegel as saying.

The opposition Social Democrat Party called on Chancellor Angela Merkel's government for an explanation June 3.

"The federal government must provide information so that we know if the submarines delivered by Germany can be potentially equipped with nuclear warheads," party spokesman Rolf Muetzenich told Der Spiegel.

Merkel's spokesman Steffen Seibert said all submarines had been delivered unarmed.

"The federal government will not speculate on subsequent arming," he said.

The report said Germany hoped to see Israeli concessions on settlements on Palestinian land and approval for the completion of a sewage treatment plant in the Gaza Strip in exchange for the assistance.

Israel sees its existence under threat if its arch-foe Iran goes nuclear. Like the U.S., it has refused to rule out bombing Iranian nuclear sites.

Germany, bearing the historical guilt of the Holocaust, is Israel's closest ally in Europe.

But it has sharply criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's pro-settlement policies in the West Bank and east Jerusalem as undermining peace efforts with the Palestinians.

Tensions between Germany and Israel flared in April when Nobel prize-winning German author Gunter Grass published an inflammatory poem warning that a nuclear-armed Israel "could wipe out the Iranian people (with a) first strike."|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 05/06/2012 | 12:44 uur
Sources: Raptors sent to help Israel

But critics note procedure would combine untested plan with troubled jets
Published: 9 hours ago

WASHINGTON – A U.S. decision to send Air Force F-22 Raptors to the United Arab Emirates apparently is more than a mere training mission, according to informed sources close to the U.S. intelligence community, Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin reports.

The sources suggest that despite continuing technical problems lurking within the advanced multi-purpose fighter, the Raptors are being staged in the UAE in preparation to assist the Israelis should they decide to launch a military attack on Iran's nuclear facilities. Israel and the U.S. believe the Islamic republic is developing nuclear weapons.

The jets also would be used to bolster the military capabilities of the U.S.-backed Gulf Arab countries.

The dispatch of the Raptors is said to be part of a new but untested Defense Department Air Sea Battle, or ASB, strategy to keep open the vital Strait of Hormuz through which up to 40 percent of the world's oil and other commerce transit.

The Iranians have threatened to shut down the narrow Strait that touches Iranian territorial waters at one point.

Such a shutdown, even for a short time, would cause major economic disruptions in an already serious global economic downturn, which is getting worse by the day.

The Raptors would supplement an Israeli attack that could deploy U.S.-made aircraft, nuclear-capable Jericho II missiles and nuclear-capable cruise missiles on electric submarines acquired from Germany.

The ASB strategy appears to be what Defense Secretary Leon Panetta referred to recently when he said that the U.S. had contingency plans in place to back up Israel should it attack Iran's nuclear facilities.

The ASB, according to the open intelligence service Lignet's former intelligence officers, would have the Raptors perform "exotic jobs" such as tracking Iranian submarine-launched cruise missiles and turning the missiles around to hit targets inside Iran.

The uncertainty in this scenario is that the Raptors are untested in combat and continue to experience some serious technical issues.

For example the oxygen supply to the pilots can fail, which not only endangers their lives but could crash this almost half-a-billion-dollar aircraft.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 11/06/2012 | 07:12 uur
Iran speelt spelletje met atoomagentschap

Geplaatst door Nick Ottens op 10 juni, 2012 - 13:59

Nog maar twee weken geleden leek er vooruitgang te zitten in de onderhandelingen tussen Iran en het IAEA. Het hoofd van de organisatie zei er vertrouwen in te hebben dat hij tot een akkoord kon komen met Iran. Wat blijkt? Iran hield hem voor de gek.

Het Internationaal Atoomenergieagentschap wil weer toegang tot alle kerncentrales van het islamitische land. Het gaat de waakhond vooral om het complex bij Parchin in het noorden van Iran. Daar zouden tests met explosieven hebben plaatsgehad die wijzen op de intentie een atoomwapen te bouwen. Uit satellietbeelden bleek recentelijk dat Iran die locatie aan het opschonen is. Verdacht dus.

IAEA-chef Yukiya Amano sprak er hoogstpersoonlijk met de Iraniërs over en die verzekerden hem een paar weken geleden dat zij bereid tot een deal. Vrijdag moest Yukiya toegeven dat het niet tot een afspraak was gekomen.

De Iraniërs lijken het spel geleerd te hebben van de Noord-Koreanen: dreigende taal uitslaan, een aantal raketten afvuren en vervolgens zo veel mogelijk concessies winnen van Westerse landen zonder zelf in te binden.

Iran gaat volgende week weer met de vijf permanente leden van de VN-Veiligheidsraad plus Duitsland om de tafel in Moskou. Het is in de aanloop naar die onderhandelingen dat het land het IAEA voor schut zet. Immers, waarom inspecteurs toelaten als je er niets voor terugkrijgt? Het is voor Iran gunstiger inspecties onderdeel te maken van de onderhandelingen met de P5+1, die willen namelijk geen van allen dat Iran ook een kernmacht wordt.

De Iraniërs onderschatten echter de bereidwilligheid van Westerse landen om militair in te grijpen. Des te langer de onderhandelingen voortduren, des te meer tijd krijgt Iran om een kernwapencapaciteit te ontwikkelen (nog geen daadwerkelijk wapen, dat duurt langer) en des te ongeruster wordt Israël. Hoe lang is Jerusalem nog bereid dit spel aan te zien?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/06/2012 | 14:40 uur
Iran Plans to Build Nuclear-Fueled Submarines

TEHRAN (FNA)- A senior Iranian Navy commander stressed Iran's high capabilities in designing and manufacturing different types of submarines, and announced the country's move towards manufacturing nuclear-powered submarines.
Speaking to FNA on Tuesday, Lieutenant Commander of the Navy for Technical Affairs Rear Admiral Abbas Zamini pointed to the navy's plan to manufacture super heavy nuclear-powered submarines, and stated, "Right now, we are at the initial phases of manufacturing atomic submarines."

He noted Iran's astonishing progress in developing and acquiring civilian nuclear technology for various power-generation, agricultural and medical purposes, and said such advancements allow Iran to think of manufacturing nuclear-fueled submarines.

He further reminded that using nuclear power to fuel submarines is among the civilian uses of the nuclear technology and all countries are, thus, entitled to the right to make such a use.

On May 29, Iranian Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari lauded Iranian experts' success in repairing heavy submarines, saying their outstanding capabilities and mastery of the hi-tech used in naval vessels display the failure of enemy sanctions and pressures.

Addressing a ceremony to launch a heavy submarine after the subsurface vessel was overhauled by Iranian experts, Sayyari said that Iran is among the very few world countries with the ability to carry out full or partial repairs for submarines.

He said the submarine, called 'Tareq', is now fully ready to be dispatched to the high seas.

Last year, the Iranian Navy's Tareq-class submarine, 'Younus', managed to set a new record in sailing the international waters and high seas for 68 days.

Iran's Younus submarine, sailing alongside warships of the 14th fleet of the Iranian Navy, returned home in early June 2011 following an over two-month-long mission in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.

The deployment of the Iranian submarine in the Red Sea was the first such operation by the country's Navy in far-off waters.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 13/06/2012 | 15:05 uur
U.S. braces for action in Persian Gulf

The U.S. Navy has sent four additional mine countermeasures ships to the region to oppose an Iranian threat to close the vital oil artery.

Published: June 11, 2012 at 12:41 PM

MANAMA, Bahrain, June 11 (UPI) -- Amid dimming expectations that next week's talks in Moscow will defuse the U.S.-Iranian confrontation in the Persian Gulf, the U.S. Navy has sent four additional mine countermeasures ships to the region to oppose an Iranian threat to close the vital oil artery.

The deployment doubles the number of mine-hunting warships the U.S. 5th Fleet, which has headquarters in Bahrain, will have operating in the region, through which one-fifth of the world's oil supplies pass.

The U.S. Navy has identified the mine-hunters as the Avenger class USS Sentry, USS Devastator, USS Pioneer and USS Warrior out of San Diego.

These slow-moving 1,379-ton ships, all transported to the gulf aboard heavy-lift vessels, will join their forward-deployed sister ships USS Scout, USS Gladiator, USS Ardent and USS Dextrous.

The British navy also has four mine countermeasures vessels in the gulf.

The Americans plan to deploy at least four mine-sweeping MH-53E Sea Dragon helicopters to the gulf as well.

The Iranians have threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz, the only way in and out of the gulf, if its vital oil exports are cut off or if it is attacked.

They are reputed to have in excess of 5,000 mines, many of them advanced Russian-built variants that are hard to detect and disarm. They also have batteries of Chinese-designed cruise missiles along the waterway's eastern shore.

Iran's air force has strike aircraft, although these are largely outdated U.S.-built F-14 Tomcats bought during the days of the shah. They have some Russian-made MiG-29s as well.

If a shooting war does break out, the U.S. Central Command believes it's capable of destroying or seriously degrading Iran's forces within three weeks, U.S military sources say.

This would be achieved largely through air and sea strikes using aircraft and missiles, the sources say.

The Americans have two navy carrier battle groups in the region.

In April, the Pentagon deployed an unspecified number of Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor strike jets, the most advanced operational fighter in the world, to Al-Dhafra airbase near Abu Dhabi, capital of the United Arab Emirates.

Al Dhafra is being used by U.S. Air Force KC-10 aerial tankers along with U.S. surveillance aircraft, including the venerable U-2 and the unmanned Global Hawk.

At about the same time, the Air Force deployed 20 upgraded F-15C Eagles of the 104th Fighter Wing of the Massachusetts Air National Guard to an undisclosed base in the Central Command area of operations.

Military sources say the Boeing F-15s are either at Al Dhafra or the large U.S. air base at Al Udaid in the Gulf emirate of Qatar. Al Udaid also houses Central Command's forward headquarters.

The F-22s and the 104th's F-15s are believed to have been training to operate together in the air-to-air fighting role, tasked with eliminating the Iranian air force's fighter squadrons.

"The Raptor-Eagle team has been honing special tactics for clearing the skies of Iranian fighters in the event of war," reported David Axe of, which specializes in military weapons systems.

Axe noted that the "U.S. dogfighting armada" assembling in the Arab monarchies on the gulf's western shore that face Iran would likely operate in small groups, using silent electronic exchanges of data to "wipe out the antiquated but determined Iranian air force" with state-of-the-art missiles systems.

The U.S. air assets would provide a "significant dogfighting presence" in the gulf, Axe noted.

The F-22 has been deployed to the Pacific theater several times but has yet to make its combat debut since it was declared operational in 2005. But for all its vaunted combat capabilities, the aircraft's been plagued a serious flaw in its oxygen generating system that has caused some pilots to lose consciousness.

U.S. forces also have a heavy air component aboard the carrier battle groups headed by the USS Enterprise and the USS Abraham Lincoln in the region. Between them they can muster more than 100 combat F/A-18 Hornet and Super Hornet strike aircraft.

But former CIA officer Philip Giraldi has warned that U.S. Internal Look war games conducted in March indicated that the Navy "would have considerable problems dealing with Iranian offensive operations" in the narrow waters of the strait.

The games "revealed that there is a high probability that Americans vessels will be sunk, with considerable loss of life," Giraldi observed.

Read more:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 20/06/2012 | 06:54 uur
Top Iran en wereldmachten mislukt

AFP Toegevoegd: woensdag 20 jun 2012, 01:42

Een tweedaagse top over het nucleaire programma van Iran heeft geen resultaat opgeleverd. In Moskou spraken vertegenwoordigers van de internationale gemeenschap met onderhandelaars uit Iran.

EU- buitenlandcoördinator Ashton leidde de gesprekken en constateerde na afloop dat er nog altijd "significante verschillen" zijn. Volgens haar is het nu aan Iran om te bepalen of het land concrete stappen wil zetten om het vertrouwen van de wereldmachten terug te winnen. Begin juli wordt verder gesproken.

De Franse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, Laurent Fabius, zei na afloop van de ontmoeting dat Frankrijk de sancties tegen Iran wil aanscherpen. Hij wees onder meer op de Europese boycot van olie uit Iran die op 1 juli van kracht wordt.

Iran zegt dat het nucleaire programma alleen is bedoeld voor vreedzame doeleinden, maar de internationale gemeenschap vermoedt dat Iran kernwapens ontwikkelt.

Bron: NOS
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 20/06/2012 | 07:13 uur
The Failure in Moscow

Moscow Talks between Iran and the six major powers ended in failure today. The two sides, after seven rounds of talks in the past four years, could not even work out a minor technical agreement, even though the host Russia was desperate to show some progress. At the end, they decided to hold a low-level meeting in Istanbul on 3 July to "focus purely on technical details rather than the broader political issues," as EU's Catherine Ashton said

The Iranian delegation came to Moscow determined not to give an inch on enrichment issue. The Iranian thinking behind such determination can be summarized as follow:

•The U.S. has lost its war in Iraq and is losing in Afghanistan. It is in no shape to start another conflict with Iran.
•Israel is unable to attack Iran without active support from the Americans.
•The EU is in the midst of a financial crisis and cannot afford to worsen or prolong the crisis through a conflict in the Persian Gulf.
•The West cannot afford to keep the Iranian crude out of the market for long and will have to ease or scrap the oil embargo sooner than later.
•Russia and China would veto any action against Iran at the UN and the latter will keep purchasing the Iranian crude.
•Then why compromise now, the thinking goes. If Iran stands firm on its demand of continuing to enrich uranium even at 20-percent purity, the West will have no choice but to give in by this summer, the height of the US presidential campaign, and ease or lift the sanctions, at least the upcoming oil embargo.
•The West will be unable to stop Iran's nuclear program even if it wanted to and did make the bomb.

The problem with such thinking is not the accuracy or lack of any of these points. The danger inherent in such thinking, however, is for the Iranian leaders to overplay their hands, a tendency they have demonstrated over the years, like in the hostage crisis, the last years of war with Iraq and now going nuclear.

What if the world could survive without the Iranian crude, what if taking hard line against Iran could help both candidates during the US presidential campaign, what if Israel really sees a nuclear Iran as an 'existential' threat, what if the US would have more firepower available after the end of the Iraq war and the drawdown in Afghanistan... The Iranian leadership cannot afford to construct the best-case scenario and starts believing it in its entirety. There are not-so-well scenarios as well where Iran could suffer economic disaster or gets involved in a prolonged conflict, with all the uncertainties they would create for the country and its leadership.

The more prudent course of action is to compromise on some part of the enrichment program, like the 20-percent variety. After all, it was originally Ahmadinejad's own proposal to forego the 20-percent enrichment through a uranium fuel swap agreement with the West, a proposal that didn't go well with the hardliners in the West and especially in Iran.

For the West, there is also the danger of overplaying its own hands. In the current political atmosphere in Iran, the acceptance by the senior leadership of the halt to 20-percent enrichment, closure of Fordo plant and signing the IAEA additional protocol without lifting of all sanctions would be simply a political suicide. The settlement of the decade-old dispute would require the end of all sanctions.

By Nader Uskowi
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 20/06/2012 | 07:47 uur
Column Bernard Hammelburg | Heimwee naar de Koude Oorlog

Door Bernard Hammelburg

2012-06-20 06:48:29.0 |

Tijdens de Koude Oorlog stonden de Amerikanen en Russen 46 jaar lang tegenover elkaar met zoveel atoombommen dat ze elkaar twee keer konden vernietigen.

Tijdens de Koude Oorlog stonden de Amerikanen en Russen 46 jaar lang tegenover elkaar met zoveel atoombommen dat ze elkaar twee keer konden vernietigen. Door die enorme slagkracht weerhielden zij elkaar van die ene druk op de knop. In het jargon heette dat 'deterrence' – afschrikking. Het werkte omdat de leiders van beide blokken net iets meer van hun eigen volkeren hielden dan ze elkaar haatten. Wat het conflict met Iran en de burgeroorlog in Syrië zo griezelig maken is dat het daar net andersom is. Daar winnen haat en koppigheid het van elke vorm van logica.

Iran speelt letterlijk met vuur. De kans dat het land echt de atoombom bouwt die Israël, Saoedi-Arabië, de Europese Unie en Amerika zo vrezen is nog altijd klein. Maar het land saboteert consequent alle onderhandelingen, en de handreikingen die het westen biedt. In Israël is de oplopende spanning voelbaar. De militaire inlichtingendiensten twijfelen of de bom er echt komt, maar Israël is als de dood om het risico te nemen en af te wachten. Al drie jaar wordt de aanval op Iran tot in de kleinste details voorbereid, met grootscheepse oefeningen door de luchtmacht en de inrichting van een basis in Azerbeidzjan, vlak bij de grens met Iran. Doodgriezelig dat er een oorlog dreigt om een atoombom die er waarschijnlijk niet is.

Even griezelig zijn de ontwikkelingen in Syrië. Het gaat niet alleen meer om de barbarij van Assad, en de evenredig groeiende wraakacties van de oppositie, maar om wat er in de marge gebeurt. Assad beschikt over grote hoeveelheden biologische en chemische wapens. Westerse inlichtingendiensten zijn als de dood dat die wapens in handen vallen van de grootste oppositiegroep, de Soennieten.  Minstens zo groot is de angst voor de groeiende contacten tussen het Vrije Syrische Leger van de oppositie en Al Qaeda.

Zoals de Israëliërs zich voorbereiden op oorlog met Iran, zo bereiden de Amerikaanse strijdkrachten een aanval voor op Syrië. Het kan gaan om steun aan buurlanden, een no-fly zone, of gerichte aanvallen met onbemande vliegtuigen en Special Forces op specifieke doelen in Syrië.

Het zijn allemaal noodscenario's, en je moet hopen dat het daarbij blijft, net als tijdens die 46-jarige Koude Oorlog. Je krijgt bijna heimwee naar de mannen die elkaar toen voor verdorven communisten en schunnige imperialisten uitmaakten. In elk geval waren ze verstandiger dan de krankzinnige machtswellustelingen die het in Iran en Syrië voor het zeggen hebben.

Bernard Hammelburg
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 20/06/2012 | 14:27 uur
Bernard Hammelburg schijnt niet te (willen) begrijpen dat Iran redelijk rationeel handelt m.b.t. dit soort geo-politieke vraagstukken.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Sandgroper op 20/06/2012 | 14:40 uur
Leg uit,  want ik en waarschijnlijk velen op dit forum hebben niet zo'n uitgebreid inzicht in de psyche van de Iraanse regering.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 20/06/2012 | 14:56 uur
Iran calculeert haar acties voortdurend en heeft aangetoond nauwe afwegingen te maken wanneer ze zich op het internationale toneel begeven.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 20/06/2012 | 15:52 uur
Citaat van: Jah op 20/06/2012 | 14:56 uur
Iran calculeert haar acties voortdurend en heeft aangetoond nauwe afwegingen te maken wanneer ze zich op het internationale toneel begeven.

Maar dat is toch precies wat er in dat artikel staat?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 20/06/2012 | 15:55 uur
Citaat van: dudge op 20/06/2012 | 15:52 uur
Maar dat is toch precies wat er in dat artikel staat?

Dat zie ik er niet in terug...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 21/06/2012 | 07:56 uur
Iran nuclear negotiations: The dawn of the zombie talks

After Moscow, there is no discernible life left in this diplomatic process but it has to be kept going in the hope of a miracle and because the alternative is so grim.

The diplomatic process to resolve the Iranian nuclear crisis was always a very frail patient, bustled from one clinic to another around the world, from Istanbul in April to Baghdad in May in the hope of imbuing it with vigour. Yesterday in Moscow, by any reasonable assessment, it stopped showing signs of life.

However, because this was a fiercely proud Russian-run hospital, and because the global implications of declaring diplomacy dead are so grave, it is being made to look like it is staggering on. If it is to officially keel over, the Russians made clear, let it be somewhere else, like Istanbul.

So it is that a technical working group is to assemble in the Turkish city on July 3 to pore over the papers presented in Moscow ostensibly lest some detail of nuclear science had been overlooked by the diplomats. This is of course a nonsense. There were plenty of experts on hand in Moscow and these issues have been studied by both sides in depth for years. Everyone involved is well aware of the science. They just don't agree.

But it is a worthwhile nonsense. It is an excuse to keep contacts alive and the door open to a change of mind which could be dressed up as a working group breakthrough. And as long as there is some diplomatic engagement it makes it that small bit harder for Israel to mount military action. As former IDF brigadier general, Michael Herzog, put it, talks represent a "complication" in Israeli decision-making on a strike.

Iran's chief negotiator, Saeed Jalili, hailed the working group wheeze as a diplomatic triumph last night, welcoming "the fact that the other side has come to agree with us although it took them [so] long."

In fact Jalili wanted at least three working groups, with others dealing with politics and legal issues. Catherine Ashton, the EU foreign policy chief acting on behalf of the six powers at the talks, argued that the legal issues had been looked at exhaustively, and the political decisions, by their nature, had to be taken at a senior level, which is what Istanbul, Baghdad and Moscow were supposed to be about.

There seems little doubt that the Iranian side are enamoured of working groups because they use up time. The hawks in Israel, the US and elsewhere, see this as proof that Tehran is stalling while it makes a bomb, but there is little evidence that a concerted effort to make weapons is underway.

However, as time goes by, Iran's centrifuges are spinning and more fissile facts on the ground are being created in the form of low-enriched and 20%-enriched uranium. Stalling is also useful for a regime that is incapable of making a strategic decision because it is weak and paranoid.

In many ways what went on in Moscow, and in Baghdad last month, was an illusion of negotiations. To give an example, a member of the Iranian delegation came through the lobby of the talks venue, a Moscow hotel, and lightened the tedium of the journalists slumped on the sofas by suggesting that the Russians had brought new ideas to the table which could close the gap between the sides. It turned out the 'ideas' were an article by Vladimir Putin written during the presidential campaign in February in which he suggested Iran should be allowed to enrich uranium. In the negotiating room, the Russians quickly dismissed the article presented by the Iranians, saying that could be the end-point of negotiations not an opening gambit.

In another example, in Jalili's PowerPoint presentation on Monday, he had a slide on confidence-building measures which referred to the international community providing fuel plates for the Tehran research reactor which makes medical isotopes. This was a hopeful sign as the six powers had offered the fuel as part of a deal for suspension of 20% uranium production. However, when the negotiators finally got hold of the paper version of the presentation yesterday, it appeared that Jalili was presenting the international community's opportunity to participate in the reactor's operation as an Iranian concession, for which Tehran wanted payment in sanctions relief.

Much of the rest of the two-day talks were taken up by lengthy screeds on history delivered by Jalili. He had been asked to clarify Iran's negotiating position in Moscow and in a sense he did, going into intricate detail. It was like a history buff who, on being politely told his monograph could be a little sharper, had read out the entire university thesis on which it was based. It did not get any clearer; there was just much more of it.

The interminable lecturing is likely to be symptom of a lack of trust. On one level, the Tehran regime seems to suspect that if it got involved in bargaining any offer it makes would be pocketed by the other side with nothing in return, and to a certain extent the mistrust here is mutual. But there is also deep lack of trust inside Tehran, where no one wants to be seen as giving any part of the great national nuclear achievement away for fear of being knifed in the back for it at some later date. That is what happened to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who was pilloried - even by the 'reformists' - for tentatively agreeing to a uranium swap deal in 2009.

The deal on the table in Baghdad and Moscow is considerably more advantageous for Iran. Under the Ahmadinejad version, Iran would give up some of its low-enriched uranium (LEU) stockpile in return for fuel plates for the Tehran reactor. In the new deal, it keeps all its LEU and just gives up its 150 kg or so of 20%-enriched fuel. As well as fuel plates it gets nuclear safety help and much needed spare parts for planes.

That said, the six powers may have missed an opportunity by not offering some sanctions relief as part of the deal. The EU oil embargo, due to take effect on July 1, is being imposed largely in response to an IAEA report last November spelling out evidence of past weapons activity, which all six nations had known about for years anyway. Both the Arms Control Association, and National Iranian American Council in Washington are both arguing today for the sanctions to be be on the table.

The Europeans are now reluctant to make such an offer in part because it would be seen as rewarding intransigence, and because they believe the pressure is working. The head of NIAC, Trita Parsi disagrees. he says:

If a compromise is not vigorously pursued, war will become far more likely. As Western countries escalate economic warfare against Iran, Iran is likely to escalate in kind, exacerbating the already perilous spiral towards conflict. This begs an important question: Are we willing to risk war for the sake of never lifting any sanctions?

The former IAEA chief inspector, Olli Heinonen also thinks the Iranian response will be to up the stakes "to pepper the talks to come":

I bet that it will be more enriched uranium, and perhaps more 20% uranium together with more 'good news on further nuclear achievements. This may come with some harder statements like the Iranian plans of using uranium for nuclear submarines. That sends two messages: uranium enrichment continues, and that future submarines are not only for the Hormuz. You do not need nuclear submarines to defend home waters; they are to be used faraway from home.

Asked if he was frustrated, a senior western diplomat at the Moscow talks said he did not use the word. Sitting though such negotiations is all part of he is paid to do, he said. It is what diplomacy is all about. It often seems absurd, time-consuming and futile, and it costs a lot of time and resources. But to paraphase something often said about education and ignorance, if you think diplomacy is costly, try war.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 21/06/2012 | 08:00 uur
Iran kan binnen enkele maanden een atoombom bouwen

donderdag 21 juni 2012 om 01u13

"Het is duidelijk dat Iran zeer snel een kernwapen zou kunnen bouwen als het dat zou beslissen", zei Stephen  Rademaker van het Bipartisan Policy Center, een thinktank in Washington, tijdens een hoorzitting in het Amerikaanse Congres.

Volgens de experts bezit Iran voldoende uranium dat tot 3,5 procent verrijkt werd, om twee atoombommen te maken. Om in een atoombom gebruikt te worden, moet uranium verrijkt zijn tot bijna 90 procent.

Splijtbaar materiaal

Teheran heeft al 3.345 kilogram tot 3,5 procent verrijkt uranium geproduceerd, luidde het nog. In de fabrieken van Natanz en Fordo produceren de meer dan 9.000 centrifuges elke maand 158 kilogram van dergelijk uranium.

Met die voorrad kunnen de Iraniëers binnen 25 tot 106 dagen genoeg splijtbaar matriaal maken voor een bom, zei Rademaker. (Belga/TV)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 21/06/2012 | 10:08 uur
Citaat van: Jah op 20/06/2012 | 15:55 uur
Dat zie ik er niet in terug...

Ah, ik zat scheef te kijken, was 1 post eerder.

Maar dan nog, het artikel van Hammelburg gaat eigenlijk niet echt over Iran, maar voornamelijk over wat andere landen van Iran denken.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 23/06/2012 | 10:43 uur
An impasse with Iran

Published 06/23/2012 12:00 AM

Negotiations with Iran about its nuclear program are close to an impasse - an outcome that should surprise no one. At a meeting in Moscow on Monday and Tuesday, Iranian envoys continued to resist a proposal for an interim deal that would stop the most dangerous parts of the program in exchange for modest economic concessions from a coalition composed of the five permanent U.N. Security Council members and Germany. Iran countered with maximalist demands for the lifting of sanctions and recognition of its right to enrich uranium.

"It remains clear that there are significant gaps," said a sober statement by the European Union's Catherine Ashton.

If there is a positive aspect to this outcome, it is that the United States and its partners appear to be sticking to their position on what Iran must do to open the door to a diplomatic solution - and are prepared to let the process lapse. No further negotiations have been scheduled - only an experts' session early next month to go over technical details, followed by contacts between the deputies and chiefs of the delegations.

Western officials say further meetings will depend on whether Iran shows itself ready to carry out the package of steps originally proposed last month, including a freeze of its most advanced form of uranium enrichment, the export of its existing stockpile of that enriched uranium, and the closure of an underground processing facility known as Fordow.

"The choice is Iran's," said Ms. Ashton's statement.

Before Tehran makes that choice, some of the sanctions it has been trying to head off will go into effect, including an EU oil embargo and a block on insurance for ships carrying Iranian oil. Already Iranian oil exports, and the country's economy at large, appear to have been significantly damaged in recent months. Since the collapse of negotiations could also prompt Israel to move toward the military action it has been threatening, it's still conceivable that Iranian leader Ali Khamenei will decide to accept the interim package - which would leave most of Iran's enrichment infrastructure in place - rather than risk economic ruin and war.

The Obama administration must nevertheless be prepared to take an Iranian "no" for an answer. It should resist any effort by Russia or other members of the international coalition to weaken the steps that Iran must take, or to grant Tehran major sanctions relief for partial concessions. It should continue to reject recognition of an Iranian "right" to enrich uranium.

The United States and its allies also should have a strategy for quickly and significantly increasing the pressure on the Khamenei regime if the negotiations break down. Israel may press for military action; if that option is to be resisted, there must be a credible and robust alternative.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 23/06/2012 | 18:08 uur
Iran general: Military strike would be end of Israel


06/23/2012 18:04

If Israel wants to act illogically, "it is they who will be destroyed," Iran's deputy chief of staff says.
Photo: Baz Ratner / Reuters

DUBAI - A high-ranking Iranian general said on Saturday Israeli military action against Iran's nuclear program would lead to the collapse of the Jewish state, Fars news agency reported.

Last week's round of nuclear talks between Iran and world powers in Moscow failed to secure a breakthrough, heightening fears Israel might take unilateral military action to curb Iran's nuclear activities.

The two sides agreed to a follow-up meeting of technical experts on July 3, saving the process from outright failure.

"They cannot do the slightest harm to the (Iranian) revolution and the system," Brigadier-General Mostafa Izadi, deputy chief of staff of Iran's armed forces, told Fars.

"If the Zionist regime takes any (military) actions against Iran, it would result in the end of its labors," he added.

"If they act logically, such threats amount to a psychological war but if they want to act illogically, it is they who will be destroyed."

Izadi's comments are an apparent response to Vice Prime Minister Shaul Mofaz's calls for tougher sanctions against Tehran and his indication that military action was still an option.

Analysts say Iranian officials use such rhetoric as a way of stoking Western concerns of chaos in the Middle East and the disruption of oil supplies in the event of military action.

During negotiations in Moscow the six powers - the United States, China, Russia, France, Britain and Germany - demanded Iran scale back its nuclear work and, in particular, stop enriching uranium to levels that could bring it close to making an atom bomb.

The demands included the shutting down of the Fordow underground uranium enrichment facility and the shipping of any stockpile out of the country.

In return, they offered fuel to keep Iran's medical isotope reactor running, assistance in nuclear safety and an end to a ban on spare parts for Iran's aging civilian aircraft.

Iran denies its work has any military purpose and says the powers should offer it relief from sanctions and acknowledge its right to enrich uranium before it meets their demands.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 24/06/2012 | 09:20 uur
Report: Venezuela supplied Iran with F-16 to prepare for possible strike

Timing of the story's publication probably timed to coincide with the current visit of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Venezuela, which began Friday.

By Barak Ravid | Jun.24, 2012

Venezuela has transferred at least one F-16 fighter to Iran in an attempt to help it calibrate its air defenses, in preparation for a possible Israeli or U.S. strike on its nuclear facilities, reports Spanish newspaper ABC.

ABC, one of the three largest Spanish dailies and aligned with the ruling rightist party, wrote that the transfer, in 2006, was supervised by one of Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez's closest aides. The paper's Washington correspondent, Emili J. Blasco, said the story was based on both sources in Venezuela's air force and classified documents, following a tip- off by a non-Western intelligence agency.

The timing of the story's publication was probably timed to coincide with the current visit of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Venezuela, which began Friday. Ahmadinejad told Chavez that Iran will always support Chavez's Venezuela: "We appreciate your opposition to imperialism," he said.

Chavez reportedly told his guest that "we are aware of the threats on Iranian sovereignty and independence. You can count on our support. I will support Ahmadinejad under all circumstances, since our ties with Iran are a holy issue for us."

In 1983, years before Chavez came to power, Venezuela purchased 23 F-16 fighter jets. At least half of these have been transferred in recent years to other states, in breach of the 1983 agreement with the U.S.

At least one F-16 was transferred to Iran in 2006. According to the report, the jet was disassembled and packed in several sealed and unmarked wooden containers. These were loaded on a Boeing 707 Venezuelan air force plane that took off from the El Libertador Air Base, stopping in Brazil and Algeria before landing in Tehran, where it was reassembled. Venezuelan pilots instructed Iranian pilots and technicians as to the jet's capabilities.

According to the news report, the F-16 was given to Iran so it could test its antiaircraft radar systems and become familiar with its capabilities, in preparation for a possible strike.

The trial flights in Iran were used to calibrate the Iranian air defense systems. Iranian officers also studied the speed of the F-16 on the radar screens.

It is as yet unclear how useful the jet fighter is for Iran's preparations, since the model transferred is relatively dated. The Israeli Air Force currently uses more advanced models fitted with Israeli electronic systems.

Apart from the plane supplied in 2006, information exists regarding further jet fighters supplied in 2009, when the director of the Venezuelan military industry paid a visit to Tehran. According to the ABC report, the minutes of the talks in Tehran, signed, among others, by Iran's Deputy Defense Minister, imply that Venezuela promised to speed up the transfer of more jet fighters.

Meanwhile, Iran's deputy chief of staff, Gen. Mostafa Izadi, said yesterday that an Israeli strike agains Iranian nuclear facilities would lead to the "collapse of the Zionist regime."

Izadi said that Israel "cannot harm Iran. If the Zionists attack us, they will be the ones annihilated in the end
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 24/06/2012 | 15:14 uur
Senior Commander: Iran Can Hit All Mobile Targets with Ballistic Missiles

TEHRAN (FNA)- Lieutenant Commander of Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Brigadier General Hossein Salami underlined that Iran can hit and destroy all mobile targets with its ballistic missiles with 100 percent precision capability.

"I hold doubt if the US and Russia which once pioneered in the missile industry have this capability, but as far as our country is concerned I announce very decisively that we have made this achievement that we can hit all mobile targets with 100 percent success," Gen. Salami told Iran's state-run TV Saturday night.

He further reminded that Iran, for sure, enjoys the same capability with regard to fixed targets, and said, "In regard to other components of defense power, we are capable of attacking enemy's strategy and its vital interests in any place and at the same level that it acts."

"And we can act in a way that we will be in charge of escalation control," he added.

"When designing our strategy, we defined a radius of deterrence which encircles all the strategic interests of the enemy in the region to enable ourselves to manage the battle if a war breaks out," the IRGC lieutenant commander added.

In recent years, Iran has made giant progress in missile production. The Iranian Armed Forces always display the most modern home-made ballistic missiles during military parades in Tehran and other cities.

The most advanced long-range missile developed by Iran is Sejjil which is considered as the third generation of Iran-made long-range missiles.

Iran successfully tested second generation of Sejjil missiles and brought it into mass production in 2010.

The solid-fuel, two-stage Sejjil missile with two engines, is capable of reaching a very high altitude and therefore has a longer range than that of the Shahab 3 model.

The missile has boosted the Islamic republic of Iran's defense capabilities.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 25/06/2012 | 08:08 uur
Standoff with Iran focus of Putin visit to Israel June 25, 2012 09:01 AM

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM: The West's standoff with Iran over its nuclear program will be the hot topic when Russian President Vladimir Putin huddles with Israeli leaders during a 24-hour visit here.

Israel wants Russia to pressure Iran to abandon its uranium enrichment program, which Israeli and world leaders believe is designed to produce bombs, not energy as Iran claims.

Russia has worked with China to water down international sanctions against Iran.

Israel has warned that if the sanctions don't force Tehran to curb its nuclear ambitions, then a military strike against Iranian nuclear facilities might follow.

Putin is expected to arrive Monday morning and meet with Israel's Russian-speaking foreign minister, Avigdor Lieberman, President Shimon Peres and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

On Tuesday, he heads to the Palestinian Authority and Jordan.

Read more:
(The Daily Star :: Lebanon News ::
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 25/06/2012 | 10:16 uur
Eyeballing Iran? US commissions 361 cruise missiles

US Navy to get 361 new Tomahawk cruise missiles, most of which are meant for Fifth Fleet destroyers based in Bahrain. Meanwhile, pressure to mount military strike against Tehran is permeating presidential campaign

Yitzhak Benhorin Published:  06.24.12, 07:43 / Israel News,7340,L-4246311,00.html
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 25/06/2012 | 11:06 uur
Dan hoop ik voor ze dat ze hun Sunburns in fatsoenlijke bunkers hebben opgeslagen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 25/06/2012 | 11:44 uur
How not to write an analysis piece on a possible war with Iran

A report published on the Business Insider website, saying Israel and the U.S. are preparing for a strike against Iran, contains nothing exclusive, no new information, and is riddled with gross inaccuracies.

By Anshel Pfeffer | Jun.23, 2012 |

A great deal gets written about Iran and a possible war between the Islamic Republic, Israel and the United States. How much of that is reliable and worth reading is another question. Take for example a piece that appeared today on the American financial website, Business Insider. The headline is "Here's How US and Israel Are Preparing For a Possible War With Iran" and it has an "exclusive" banner over it. It is a lesson of how not to write an analysis on such an issue.

For a start, there is nothing "exclusive" about it - all there is in the piece is a collection of quotes and links culled from other publications, the connection between them often tenuous at best. Second, the piece doesn't tell you anything about how the U.S. and Israel are preparing for a war on Iran, not even if they are indeed doing so. Instead, there is a list of recent US defense acquisitions, which probably have no connection to a possible operation in Iran, and some quotes from Israeli officials on the need to "prepare other options" for countering Iran's nuclear program. Nothing new there then.

There is one very interesting detail though. According to Business Insider, there is "an Iranian F-16 acquisition" in the works, which would be groundbreaking news, if only it could be true. But besides this report, there has been no indication anywhere the U.S. is about to reverse its arms embargo against the Islamic Republic, in force for 33 years (except for some clandestine deals such as Iran-Contras). After that dreadful mistake, nothing else in the piece really matters, but still, just a few pointers.

The writers highlight recent arms deals by the Pentagon such as the purchase of 361 Tomahawk cruise missiles and another for a 17 thousand sonar buoys. The U.S. has been buying from Raytheon thousands of Tomahawks from the early 1980s, it has been the most effective and widely-used ship-launched missile in all the armed confrontations America has fought since then. An additional 361 is just keeping up operational levels, and making sure that wherever the U.S. Navy will find itself, it will be able to launch a devastating strike. With regard the sonar buoys, they are a standard, if advanced, instrument used to pinpoint the location of enemy submarines. But the old Soviet-era submarines of the Iranian Navy are hardly a reason for the Americans to buy advanced hardware – the threat to American ships in the Persian Gulf is not underwater; it is small and fast surface-attack boats and anti-shipping missiles.

Another detail that seems significant to the writers is the passing of the United States-Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation Act last month in Congress. This is an important bill, but it is designed in part to reassure Israel that America is resolutely guaranteeing its security, and therefore it does not have to launch a strike on Iran.

Two other small but not irrelevant inaccuracies: The report mentions that Israel just ordered "its fourth German-made sub." Actually, it ordered its sixth sub and just took delivery of the fourth. Not that this has any connection with a possibly impending strike on Iran, which would almost certainly be airborne.

The other inaccuracy is their writing that the Iranians are preparing for war with "some of the most advanced military technology of anyone out there." Not to belittle Iran's power, but it is not based on "advanced military technology." Most of the military technology Iran has is what is left from the Shah's purchases from the US in the 1970s, augmented by some nascent attempts to develop an indigenous arms industry, with North Korean assistance. There are a number of nations in the region with much more advanced military technology - Israel, Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the other Gulf States. That's why General David Petraeus said in 2009 that the United Arab Emirates air force, a much smaller country, "could take out the entire Iranian air force."

The basic premise of the piece could be true – the U.S. and Israel may be preparing a possible war on Iran, though it still seems that the U.S. is mainly trying to prevent such a war. But none of the details in the report actually support the headline
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 29/06/2012 | 17:51 uur
Iran warns its Strait of Hormuz ships will soon be armed with missiles

Reuters  Jun 29, 2012 – 11:05 AM ET

DUBAI — Iran expects to equip its ships in the Strait of Hormuz soon with shorter-range missiles, a Revolutionary Guards commander was quoted as saying, in the latest apparent warning to the West not to attack it over its disputed nuclear program.

The Islamic Republic has threatened to shut the Strait, the conduit out of the Gulf for 40% of the world's seaborne oil trade, if Western sanctions aimed at curbing its nuclear works block its own crude exports.

The European Union plans to impose a total embargo on Iranian oil from Sunday and has told Tehran that more punitive steps could follow if it keeps defying UN demands for limits nuclear activity that could be of use in developing bombs.

"We have already equipped our vessels with missiles with a range of 220 km (136 miles) and we hope to introduce missiles with a range of over 300 km (186 miles) soon," Ali Fadavi said, the semi-official Mehr news agency reported on Friday.

"We could target from our shores all areas in the Persian Gulf region, the Strait of Hormuz and the Sea of Oman."

Iran is about 225 km (140 miles) at its nearest point from Bahrain, where the U.S. Fifth Fleet is based, and about 1,000 km (625 miles) from its arch-enemy Israel. Tehran's longest-range missile, the Sajjil-2, can fly up to 2,400 km (1,500 miles).

Iran's military and security establishment often asserts its strength in the region, particularly in the Strait of Hormuz, the world's most important oil transit channel carrying supplies from Gulf producers to the West.

But it has increasingly flexed its military muscle in the face of U.S. and Israeli warnings that last-resort military action against Iran cannot be ruled out if diplomacy and sanctions fail to resolve the nuclear dispute.

In January, the Islamic Republic said it had successfully test-fired what it called two long-range missiles.

Earlier this month, the Iranian navy announced plans to build more warships and increase its presence in international waters such as the Gulf of Aden and northern Indian Ocean.

Iran denies Western suspicions that it is trying to develop technology and material required to produce nuclear weapons, saying it needs the know-how solely to generate electricity.

Tehran has said it would retaliate for any attack with missile strikes against Israel and U.S. assets in the Gulf.

A third round of nuclear talks between world powers and Iran on June 18-19 aimed ultimately at curbing Iranian nuclear activity in exchange for sanctions relief failed to ease the stalemate. With that process seemingly close to collapse, Israel renewed veiled threats to hit Iranian nuclear installations that it considers a mortal threat.

© Thomson Reuters 2012
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 01/07/2012 | 09:18 uur
Report: Iran to deploy submarines in Caspian Sea

The Associated Press

Published: Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012 - 6:23 am

TEHRAN, Iran -- A semiofficial Iranian news agency says Tehran plans to deploy submarines in the Caspian Sea.

The Saturday report by Fars quotes Adm. Abbas Zamini as saying Iran plans to deploy "light submarines" to the oil-rich sea that adjoins Iran, Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan. He did not elaborate.

Relations between Iran and Azerbaijan have soured in the past year. Iran accuses Azerbaijan of harboring anti-Iranian terrorists linked to Israel's Mossad spy agency. Azerbaijan in return says Iran supports Islamist dissidents. Both countries deny each other's charges.

Earlier this month Iran said it has begun the "initial stages" of designing nuclear-powered submarines.

Iran has domestically built several small submarines over the past years. It has recently overhauled one of the three non-nuclear Russian Kilo-class submarines it bought in the 1990s.

Read more here:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 01/07/2012 | 11:41 uur
EU olieboycot Iran van kracht

EPA Toegevoegd: zondag 1 jul 2012, 11:16

De boycot van Iraanse olie, waartoe de Europese Unie begin dit jaar heeft besloten, gaat vandaag in.

Met de sancties wil de EU de regering in Teheran onder druk zetten om zijn nucleaire programma stop te zetten. Brussel vreest dat Iran uranium verrijkt om een atoombom te maken. Om dezelfde reden importeert ook de VS geen Iraanse olie meer.
De afgelopen maanden is de olie-export van Iran fors afgenomen. Volgens het Internationaal Energie Agentschap verkocht het land in mei 1,5 miljoen vaten olie per dag aan het buitenland, tegen 2,5 miljoen een half jaar geleden.


Analisten van de oliemarkt schatten dat Iran door de Europese en Amerikaanse boycot vanaf nu zo'n 40 procent minder olie uitvoert dan een jaar geleden.

Door de maatregelen loopt Iran dagelijks vele tientallen miljoenen dollars mis. Tot nu toe zijn er geen aanwijzingen dat de Iraanse regering zijn nucleaire ambities opzijzet.

Tot begin dit jaar ging bijna een kwart van de Iraanse olie-export naar de EU. Grote afnemers waren Spanje, Italië en vooral Griekenland. Het gemis aan Iraanse olie wordt opgevangen door meer olie aan te voeren uit Saoedi-Arabië, Irak en Rusland.

De BBC berichtte gisteren dat Iran de boycot probeert te omzeilen, door zijn olietankers onder de vlag te laten varen van het ministaatje Tuvalu in de Grote Oceaan. Volgens de Britse omroep zouden 15 van de 39 tankschepen zijn 'omgevlagd'.

Bron: NOS
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 01/07/2012 | 11:54 uur
Citaat van: NOS op 01/07/2012 | 11:41 uur
De BBC berichtte gisteren dat Iran de boycot probeert te omzeilen, door zijn olietankers onder de vlag te laten varen van het ministaatje Tuvalu in de Grote Oceaan. Volgens de Britse omroep zouden 15 van de 39 tankschepen zijn 'omgevlagd'.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 01/07/2012 | 11:55 uur
Gaan we nu meer betalen voor brandstof?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 01/07/2012 | 12:21 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 01/07/2012 | 11:55 uur
Gaan we nu meer betalen voor brandstof?

Prijzen schijnen al iets omhoog te zijn gegaan.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 01/07/2012 | 12:49 uur
Citaat van: Jah op 01/07/2012 | 12:21 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 01/07/2012 | 11:55 uur
Gaan we nu meer betalen voor brandstof?

Prijzen schijnen al iets omhoog te zijn gegaan.

We helpen onszelf naar de kloten en waarom?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 01/07/2012 | 12:55 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 01/07/2012 | 12:49 uur
We helpen onszelf naar de kloten en waarom?

Om te (trachten) te voorkomen dat er straks spontaan paddenstoeltjes goeien in het midden oosten?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 01/07/2012 | 13:00 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 01/07/2012 | 12:55 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 01/07/2012 | 12:49 uur
We helpen onszelf naar de kloten en waarom?

Om te (trachten) te voorkomen dat er straks spontaan paddenstoeltjes goeien in het midden oosten?

Want dat gaat ook gebeuren...

Volgens mij gaat het om niks anders dan het veiligstellen van Obama's campagnegelden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 01/07/2012 | 13:03 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 01/07/2012 | 13:00 uur
Want dat gaat ook gebeuren...

Volgens mij gaat het om niks anders dan het veiligstellen van Obama's campagnegelden.

Het een sluit het ander niet uit.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 01/07/2012 | 13:08 uur
Ik heb geen zin om in mijn portefeuille geraakt te worden omdat 'onze leiders' zo nodig de Joodse kooltjes uit het vuur moeten halen voor de Amerikanen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 01/07/2012 | 13:28 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 01/07/2012 | 13:08 uur
Ik heb geen zin om in mijn portefeuille geraakt te worden omdat 'onze leiders' zo nodig de Joodse kooltjes uit het vuur moeten halen voor de Amerikanen.

IPA NG wat let jou om te gaan emigreren naar bv zweden of zwitserland dan graag in de buurt van een luchtmachtbasis gaan wonen zodat je iedere  dag Gripens NG ziet? :devil:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 01/07/2012 | 15:34 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 01/07/2012 | 13:28 uur
IPA NG wat let jou om te gaan emigreren naar bv zweden of zwitserland dan graag in de buurt van een luchtmachtbasis gaan wonen zodat je iedere  dag Gripens NG ziet? :devil:

Leuker neutraal en zonder €uro... een NG heaven!
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 01/07/2012 | 15:52 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 01/07/2012 | 15:34 uur
Leuker neutraal en zonder €uro... een NG heaven!

En daardoor heb je geen last meer van spanningen in het Midden-oosten en zuid-west Azië, of van de hoge brandstof prijzen?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 01/07/2012 | 16:12 uur
Citaat van: dudge op 01/07/2012 | 15:52 uur
En daardoor heb je geen last meer van spanningen in het Midden-oosten en zuid-west Azië, of van de hoge brandstof prijzen?

Natuurlijk heb je daar last van maar sommigen schuiven graag alles af op o.a. een grote broer om vervolgens te vertellen dat de grote broer het weer niet goed doet.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 01/07/2012 | 20:14 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 01/07/2012 | 12:55 uur
Om te (trachten) te voorkomen dat er straks spontaan paddenstoeltjes goeien in het midden oosten?
Die kans is uiterst klein. Iran wil volgens mij kernwapens om dezelfde reden als Israel ze heeft...zelfbescherming en afschrikking. Zo ontstaat een MAD en is de rol van kernwapens verder uitgespeeld. Iran binnenvallen om een regime-change te bewerkstelligen is dan wel uiterst onwaarschijnlijk geworden. En dat is wat volgens mij mede de VS niet ziet zitten.   
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 01/07/2012 | 21:42 uur
Helemaal mee eens. Hoe sneller Iran beschikt over een paar Nukes hoe beter voor de uiteindelijke stabiliteit in de regio en wie weet een kans op eindelijk vrede........
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 01/07/2012 | 21:56 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 01/07/2012 | 21:42 uur
Helemaal mee eens. Hoe sneller Iran beschikt over een paar Nukes hoe beter voor de uiteindelijke stabiliteit in de regio en wie weet een kans op eindelijk vrede........

En hoe groter de kans dat ook Saudi-Arabie over Nuke's zal (willen) beschikken. En als SA het heeft, wil Egypte het ook, enz enz.

Hoe goed en stabiel 'MAD' ook is, het is niet 100% waterdicht, en als het mis gaat, gaat het flink mis....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Enforcer op 01/07/2012 | 22:20 uur
Het zou mogelijk nog niet zo'n probleem zijn als deze landen zeer goede beveliging zouden hebben om hun wapens. Aangezien dat niet zo snel zal zijn is de kans dat terroristen groepen daar wel dat soort wapens kunnen bemachtigen een stuk groter. Niet aan beginnen is het meest veilige.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 01/07/2012 | 23:44 uur
Citaat van: dudge op 01/07/2012 | 21:56 uur
Hoe goed en stabiel 'MAD' ook is, het is niet 100% waterdicht, en als het mis gaat, gaat het flink mis....

Geen enkele constructie/strategie is 100% waterdicht. Het is in de Koude Oorlog ook wel eens kantje boord geweest en dat er handjes verdomd dicht bij de rode knop hebben gezeten. De situatie rond Iran is nu heel erg onstabiel en het kan ieder moment flink fout gaan als bijvoorbeeld Israel de stoute schoenen zou aantrekken. Met alle gevolgen voor de westerse economie.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 02/07/2012 | 00:13 uur
Citaat van: Enforcer op 01/07/2012 | 22:20 uur
Het zou mogelijk nog niet zo'n probleem zijn als deze landen zeer goede beveliging zouden hebben om hun wapens. Aangezien dat niet zo snel zal zijn is de kans dat terroristen groepen daar wel dat soort wapens kunnen bemachtigen een stuk groter. Niet aan beginnen is het meest veilige.

Dat deze regeringen het kunnen beschermen tegen Terroristen wil ik wel geloven.
Immers, van alle CBRN wapen programma's die er zijn (geweest) hebben de terroristen tot nu toe weinig geprofiteerd. Chemische wapens in bijvoorbeeld Syrië, Irak of Libië zijn voor zover we weten niet buitgemaakt en gebruikt in westerse landen.

Wel is er altijd een risico als die landen instorten door interne of externe druk. En dat is wel een moment om er met eea aan rotzooi vandoor te gaan, denk ook aan alle libische wapens die in Egypte opduiken.

En je weet niet wat voor regering/regime er daarna weer komt.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 02/07/2012 | 00:15 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 01/07/2012 | 23:44 uur
Geen enkele constructie/strategie is 100% waterdicht. Het is in de Koude Oorlog ook wel eens kantje boord geweest en dat er handjes verdomd dicht bij de rode knop hebben gezeten. De situatie rond Iran is nu heel erg onstabiel en het kan ieder moment flink fout gaan als bijvoorbeeld Israel de stoute schoenen zou aantrekken. Met alle gevolgen voor de westerse economie.

Precies, en dan is de vraag: is het het waard?
Want al die landen daar straks over atoom wapens laten beschikken maakt de kans dat er een ingezet wordt een heel stuk groter. En als er 1 gaat gaan ze allemaal. Dát doet pas schade aan de westerse economieën.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 02/07/2012 | 17:14 uur
Iraans wetsvoorstel in de maak om Straat van Hormuz te blokkeren

door Hans Klis

Iraanse comités voor binnenlandse veiligheid en buitenlands beleid bereiden een wetsvoorstel voor om een blokkade van de Straat van Hormuz mogelijk te maken. Hiermee zou Teheran vrachtschepen kunnen tegenhouden die olie vervoeren naar landen die sancties tegen Iran hebben ingesteld.

Dat meldt persbureau Reuters. Een zesde van de tankers uit olieproducerende landen varen door de Straat van Hormuz.

In december dreigde Iran ook al om dit zeegebied te blokkeren nadat de internationale gemeenschap sancties afkondigde tegen het land. Iran wordt ervan verdacht kernwapens te ontwikkelen onder het mom van een civiel kernprogramma. Teheran ontkent de aantijgingen.

Snel meer.

2 juli 2012, 17:07
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Nikehercules op 02/07/2012 | 17:38 uur
Goed bezig PvdA, afschaffen die onderzeedienst, wapen uit het verleden. :dead:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 02/07/2012 | 18:35 uur
Citaat van: Nikehercules op 02/07/2012 | 17:38 uur
Goed bezig PvdA, afschaffen die onderzeedienst, wapen uit het verleden. :dead:

Het is tijd om de PvdA afteschaffen.   :angel:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 02/07/2012 | 19:02 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 02/07/2012 | 18:35 uur
Het is tijd om de PvdA afteschaffen.   :angel:
Waarschijnlijk kan dat ook na 12 september want dan is de SP de grootse linkse partij.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 02/07/2012 | 21:33 uur
Citaat van: dudge op 02/07/2012 | 00:15 uurPrecies, en dan is de vraag: is het het waard?
Want al die landen daar straks over atoom wapens laten beschikken maakt de kans dat er een ingezet wordt een heel stuk groter. En als er 1 gaat gaan ze allemaal. Dát doet pas schade aan de westerse economieën.
Die kans is nog steeds uiterst klein. Zie daarbij ook situatie Pakistan. De VS en zelfs de VS in samenwerking met andere grote landen zouden direct ingrijpen als de locaties waar deze landen hun kernwapens hebben gestationeerd (Zie bijv. locatie Saudi-Arabie en mogelijke deal met Pakistan) in echt verkeerde handen dreigen te vallen. En als je ziet hoe men de USSR in het verleden beschreef in onze propaganda hier had er al lang een kernoorlog geweest. Dus tja....

Je kunt daarnaast ook stellen dat als Israel geen kernwapens had geproduceerd en de VS en coalitie niet landen rond Iran waren binnen gevallen en Iran nadrukkelijk in Washington onder Bush werd genoemd als mogelijk volgende doelwit voor een militaire regime change...het Iraanse regime niet zo'n noodzaak voelde een kernwapen te produceren. Het is een ultiem verdedigingswapen.   
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 02/07/2012 | 23:01 uur
Het schijnt dat iran zelfs steun heeft aangeboden aan de vs in 2001, voor operaties in afghanistan.

Maar we kunnen wel denken dat de vs oppermachtig is en direct zal ingrijpen, óók zij hebben vaak zat laten zien dat dat niet het geval is.

De koude oorlog is óók bijna op een atoom strijd uitgelopen, heeft meerdere keren echt maar een haartje gescheeld.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 02/07/2012 | 23:44 uur
Citaat van: dudge op 02/07/2012 | 23:01 uur
De koude oorlog is óók bijna op een atoom strijd uitgelopen, heeft meerdere keren echt maar een haartje gescheeld.

En dan hebben we het slecht over twee partijen.

Ook hier zal (?) Murphy's Laws best wel eens van toepassing kunnen zijn/worden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 03/07/2012 | 20:09 uur
Citaat van: dudge op 02/07/2012 | 23:01 uurDe koude oorlog is óók bijna op een atoom strijd uitgelopen, heeft meerdere keren echt maar een haartje gescheeld.
geloof ik niet zo is veel gedreigd...maar men had snel genoeg door wat de gevolgen zouden zijn. Het heeft niet zo lang geduurd volgens mij dat men kernwapens nog echt als bruikbaar in te zetten wapens zag. En ook dictators en dictatoriale regimes blijven graag leven leert de ervaring...die offeren zich meestal niet voor het door hen gepredikte ideaal. Dat laten ze aan anderen over en dat blijft meestal beperkt qua schaal. Ik vrees meer de "vuile" bommen in handen van terroristen. Maar daar waren/zijn er meer problemen met niet goed beveiligde opslagplaatsen in de voormalige USSR dan bij het programma in bijv. Iran. Maar ook daar hielp o.a. de VS dit probleem snel en zoveel mogelijk in te dammen. En verder dan geregelde geruchten dat er kleine kernwapens rondzwerven op de wereld komt het tot nu toe niet. Angst is een slechte raadgever.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 03/07/2012 | 20:51 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 03/07/2012 | 20:09 uur
geloof ik niet zo is veel gedreigd...maar men had snel genoeg door wat de gevolgen zouden zijn. Het heeft niet zo lang geduurd volgens mij dat men kernwapens nog echt als bruikbaar in te zetten wapens zag. En ook dictators en dictatoriale regimes blijven graag leven leert de ervaring...die offeren zich meestal niet voor het door hen gepredikte ideaal. Dat laten ze aan anderen over en dat blijft meestal beperkt qua schaal. Ik vrees meer de "vuile" bommen in handen van terroristen. Maar daar waren/zijn er meer problemen met niet goed beveiligde opslagplaatsen in de voormalige USSR dan bij het programma in bijv. Iran. Maar ook daar hielp o.a. de VS dit probleem snel en zoveel mogelijk in te dammen. En verder dan geregelde geruchten dat er kleine kernwapens rondzwerven op de wereld komt het tot nu toe niet. Angst is een slechte raadgever.

Tijdens de Korea oorlog, is het er heel dicht bij geweest. De Amerikanen hebben toen zelfs wapens naar het theater gebracht, maar op het laatste moment afgezien van inzet.

Tijdens de Cuba crisis, was de spanning behoorlijk hoog. Ondanks dat op dat moment het MAD idee al aarde had gevat, was het niet zo dat een nuclair conflict toen niet mogelijk was. Als er toen een andere president had gezeten had het anders kunnen lopen. Binnen beide kampen is er namenlijk door stevige partijen voor gepleit om het conflict verder te laten escaleren, met alle mogelijke gevolgen van dien. Bekend met het werk van Allison en Zelikow omtrend dit onderwerp (Essence of Decision: Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis)? Interessant werk, zowel met betrekking tot de crisis zelf als de politieke besluitvorming in het algemeen.

Diezelfde JFK wilde overigens Atoomwapens inzetten tegen China, toen dat land zelf die wapens ontwikkelde eind jaren '50. De aanslag op zijn leven voorkwam een definitief besluit daaromtrend. Dezelfde situatie eigenlijk als nu met Iran.

Tijdens oefening able archer, en de periode daar vlak voorafgaand, is het ook erg dicht bij geweest. De Soviets dachten dat er een werkelijke First strike op komst was, en wilden dat voor zijn. Nieuw ontwikkelde Amerikaanse wapens waren, zo vreesde ze daar, in staat om ernstige schade te berokkenen aan de retaliation capaciteit van de Soviets. Op het hoogtepunt van de spanning gingen er in de Soviet-unie ook nog wat waarschuwingssystemen af. De commandant daar hield zijn hoofd koel en belsoot te onderzoeken, waaruit hij concludeerde dat het om een foutieve waarschuwing ging. De geschiedenis zit vol met commandanten en beslissers die hun hoofd wat minder koel hielden. Recentelijk misschien bij Syrië nog.

Punt is, inzet is gewoonweg niet uit te sluiten. Ook al wordt er dertig keer over nagedacht, probleem is, soms begrijpen de partijen elkaar niet. En als dat wordt gedaan kan dat verschrikkelijke gevolgen hebben.
Ooit is mij de (in mijn ogen niet geheel bruikbare) formule 'risico=kansxeffect' geleerd. De kans is klein, maar met een enorm effect, blijft het 'risico' in mijn ogen gewoon te hoog.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 03/07/2012 | 21:07 uur
Punt blijft wat mij betreft dat de kans klein is....en het een ultiem verdedigingswapen is voor staten en regimes die zich ernstig bedreigd voelen. Het zijn die staten en regimes die ze hebben of ontwikkelen nu. Dat proces zal zich geleidelijk voortzetten...zolang staten of regimes zich bedreigd voelen. In mijn optiek hebben de invasie van Irak en Afghanistan het proces in het Midden-Oosten in een stroomversnelling gebracht die vermoed ik niet meer te stoppen is. Of tegen een nieuwe oorlog of Iran blijkt te bluffen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 03/07/2012 | 21:13 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 03/07/2012 | 21:07 uur
Punt blijft wat mij betreft dat de kans klein is....en het een ultiem verdedigingswapen is voor staten en regimes die zich ernstig bedreigd voelen. Het zijn die staten en regimes die ze hebben of ontwikkelen nu. Dat proces zal zich geleidelijk voortzetten...zolang staten of regimes zich bedreigd voelen. In mijn optiek hebben de invasie van Irak en Afghanistan het proces in het Midden-Oosten in een stroomversnelling gebracht die vermoed ik niet meer te stoppen is. Of tegen een nieuwe oorlog of Iran blijkt te bluffen.

Dat het erg moeilijk is om te stoppen, betekend niet dat we het niet hoeven te proberen en non-proliferatie kunnen opgeven.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 03/07/2012 | 21:18 uur
Citaat van: dudge op 03/07/2012 | 21:13 uurDat het erg moeilijk is om te stoppen, betekend niet dat we het niet hoeven te proberen en non-proliferatie kunnen opgeven.
Dat had men moeten bedenken toen met Afghanistan en Irak binnen viel. Maar ja...Iran en Syrie stonden toen geloof ik ook nog op het "bevrijdingslijstje" van de toenmalige Regering Bush I....het liep alleen even iets minder vlot. Zo blij als verwacht was men niet met hun "bevrijding". En nu zien we de gevolgen. En daarbij...waarom de 1 wel kernwapens en de ander niet? Israel behoudt ze en de buurlanden mogen ze niet krijgen? dat zijn geen logische argumenten/redenaties...en dan werkt zoiets niet.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 03/07/2012 | 23:00 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 03/07/2012 | 21:18 uur
Dat had men moeten bedenken toen met Afghanistan en Irak binnen viel. Maar ja...Iran en Syrie stonden toen geloof ik ook nog op het "bevrijdingslijstje" van de toenmalige Regering Bush I....het liep alleen even iets minder vlot. Zo blij als verwacht was men niet met hun "bevrijding". En nu zien we de gevolgen. En daarbij...waarom de 1 wel kernwapens en de ander niet? Israel behoudt ze en de buurlanden mogen ze niet krijgen? dat zijn geen logische argumenten/redenaties...en dan werkt zoiets niet.

Voor de spijt van Bush is het een beetje laat nu.
En ja, dat Israel ze vermoedelijk wel heeft, keuren ook maar weinig partijen goed, al keuren de meeste westerse partijen het ook niet af. Waarbij dat land toevallig ook nog een van de meest stabiele democratieën in de regio is.

Het lijkt mij in ieder geval geen goed idee als elk M-O land straks kerwapens heeft.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/07/2012 | 23:18 uur
Citaat van: dudge op 03/07/2012 | 23:00 uur
Het lijkt mij in ieder geval geen goed idee als elk M-O land straks kerwapens heeft.

Mee eens!

Daarnaast ligt murphy's law op de loer, hoe meer landen, hoe groter de kans.

Dan kunnen wij als "westerlingen" wel denken dat het allemaal niet zo'n vaart loopt en dat het allemaal rationeel is te beargumenteren, echter als Iran ooit zo ver komt om daadwerkerkelijk kernwapens te bezitten, dan volgen er meer in die regio.

De westerse ratio is onze grootse valkuil, wij denken alles met praten op te kunnen lossen en dat gaat toch goed in de VN  :cute-smile:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 03/07/2012 | 23:20 uur
Citaat van: dudge op 02/07/2012 | 23:01 uur
Het schijnt dat iran zelfs steun heeft aangeboden aan de vs in 2001, voor operaties in afghanistan.

Niet alleen schijnt. De Iraanse special forces hebben zelfs samen gewerkt met de Amerikaanse special forces in Afghanistan:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: michielnr op 04/07/2012 | 09:03 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 03/07/2012 | 21:18 uur
En daarbij...waarom de 1 wel kernwapens en de ander niet?

Het leven is niet eerlijk :) Een gefragmenteerd en onstabiel regime zoals dat binnen Iran aanwezig is, met aan de ene zijde radicaal religieuze elementen en aan de andere kant als je gelukt hebt min of meer gematigde elementen, lijkt me nou niet de beste kandidaat om lanceercodes te geven.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 04/07/2012 | 10:26 uur
US moves military to Gulf

Washington, July 03, 2012

The US has moved more warships and fighter aircraft to the Persian Gulf to keep the strategic Straits of Hormuz open and strike deep within Iran if the stand-off over its nuclear programme escalates.

Quoting senior American officials, The New York Times said the new deployment to bolster military presence in the gulf is aimed at reassuring Israel that Washington is serious about neutralising Iran's nuclear ambitions.

The reports of the US moving new forces to the region came as Tehran announced that it had test-fired a new range of ballistic missiles capable of striking Israel. Iranian news agency IRNA said Iran's revolutionary guards had fired missiles in the Kavir Desert in central Iran to show its ability to hit back, if attacked.

IRNA also said that along with the medium range Shahab-3, Iran had also test-fired 300-500 km strike distance Shahab-1 and Shahab-2 missiles.

The Times quoted senior US officials as saying that Washington was determined to keep the strategic waterway open at all costs. "The message to Iran is, 'Don't even think about it'," a defence department official said.

"Don't even think about closing the strait. We'll clear the mines. Don't even think about sending your fast boats out to harass our vessels or commercial shipping. We'll put them on the bottom of the gulf," the official said.

Times said since late spring, stealth F-22 and older F-15C warplanes had moved into two separate bases in the Persian Gulf to bolster the combat jets already in the region and the carrier strike groups that are on constant tours of the area.

These new deep penetration strike aircraft give the US military greater capability against coastal missile batteries that could threaten shipping, as well as the reach to strike other targets deeper inside Iran.

Iran has threatened to close the strategic Straits of Hormuz at the entrance to the oil-rich Gulf if its nuclear programme is targeted by air strikes. With an eye on the threat of Iran, the US administration is also seeking to expand military ties with the six nations in the Gulf Cooperation Council: Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the UAE and Oman.

West dragging its feet at N-talks: Iran

Iran on Wednesday accused world powers of dragging their feet in negotiations over its nuclear activities, as both sides were about to hold a new, downgraded round of talks in Istanbul.

Foreign ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast told a weekly briefing that, if the powers ignored Iran's nuclear "rights" and failed to bargain on equal terms, the negotiations could lead to an "impasse".

"All that can reinforce the idea that there is a desire to drag out the negotiations or prevent their success," he said.

He also said to reporters after the briefing that "illogical, irresponsible" Western sanctions "amount to a hostile act against Iran and its national interests."
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 04/07/2012 | 10:29 uur
Russia threatens to sell deadly missiles to Iran

Bloomberg News

MOSCOW — Russia may scrap its ban on S-300 antiaircraft missile sales to Iran if Syrian President Bashar Assad is replaced, said Ruslan Pukhov, who heads a Russian defense think tank.

Then-President Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree prohibiting the sale of Russian weapons, including S-300s, to Iran in 2010 after the United Nations imposed sanctions against the Islamic republic. Iran has sued Russia for breach of contract.

"The S-300 ban was a political decision and these systems are not actually subject to sanctions," Pukhov, director of the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies in Moscow, said in an interview Tuesday. "If the Syrian regime is changed by force or if Russia doesn't like the outcome" of a peaceful transition to a new government, "it most likely will respond by selling S-300s to Iran."

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, along with his counterparts from the United States, Britain, France and China, endorsed a United Nations plan for political transition in Syria on Saturday. Lavrov said the road map doesn't imply Assad's ouster and Russia says it will continue to block efforts in the U.N. Security Council to impose sanctions on Syria to force him out.

Assad's government is fighting a growing insurrection in which as many as 17,000 people have died in the last 16 months, according to non-governmental organizations. At least 114 people were killed in Syria Monday, the Local Coordination Committees in Syria said in an e-mail.

"The fall of the Syrian government would significantly increase the chances of a strike on Iran," said Pukhov, who also sits on a Defense Ministry advisory board. "Resuming S-300 shipments to Iran may be a very timely decision."

Western powers say the Persian Gulf nation is hiding a nuclear-weapons program, and the United States and Israel have declined to discount the possibility of military strikes against its atomic installations.

Due to the export ban on S-300 exports to Iran Russia lost about $1 billion dollars, according to Pukhov's think tank. Russia built Iran's $1 billion Bushehr atomic plant, the country's first, and the country has said it would like to order new Russian-made nuclear power stations.

After shipments of S-300 were stopped in 2009, Iran also canceled talks on buying 40 TU-204 passenger aircraft, which would have added about $3.5 billion of revenue, CAST says.

President Vladimir Putin may resume shipments to Iran in retaliation for the U.S. selling weapons to Georgia and at the same time to promote Russia as an arms exporter, Pukhov said.

"Russia needs to bolster its image as an exporter as a decline in weapons exports is inevitable" because the country "is fulfilling its contract obligations in arms trade quicker than it gets new contracts," he said.

Russia has signed export contracts worth $5.7 billion this year, up from $3.3 billion in the first half of 2011, Putin said. It shipped $6.5 billion of defense equipment overseas in the first half of 2012, up 14 percent from a year earlier.

Arms exports more than doubled to $13.7 billion in 2011 from $6 billion in 2005 and exceeded $44 billion over the last seven years, Putin said on July 2 in the Black Sea resort of Sochi. Defense accounts for 2.5 percent of Russian exports.

Fifty-five countries including India, China, Venezuela, Syria and the U.S. buy Russian weapons. Sales of new-generation air defense system S-400s to China may begin as early as 2015, Pukhov said.

In Syria, Putin has focused on negotiations over sanctions or military intervention after Russia lost billions of dollars of arms and civilian contracts as a result of the Arab Spring uprisings that toppled autocratic regimes in the region.

Since 2006 Syria signed with Russia arms contracts for about $5.5 billion, according to CAST estimates. In 2012, Syria is due to receive Russian weapons for about $500 million, CAST estimates.

Russia has contracts with Syria to deliver fighter jets, antiaircraft systems and anti-tank systems, according to Pukhov's think tank. Vyacheslav Davidenko, a spokesman for Rosoboronexport, Russia's arms export monopoly, declined to comment
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 04/07/2012 | 16:34 uur
Iran dreigt met vergelding op Amerikaanse bases

TEHERAN - Als Iran door het Westen wordt aangevallen kan Teheran binnen enkele minuten vergeldingsaanvallen uitvoeren op Amerikaanse bases in de regio en op Israël.

Dat heeft het Iraanse persbureau Fars woensdag gemeld.

Generaal Ami Ali Hajizadeh van de Iraanse Republikeinse Garde zei tegen Fars dat de Amerikaanse bases en Israël, wat hij bezette gebieden noemt, binnen het bereik van Iraanse raketten liggen.

"We hebben stappen genomen zodat we al deze bases in de eerste minuten van een aanval kunnen uitschakelen", aldus Hajizadeh.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 04/07/2012 | 21:42 uur
Weinig verrassend nieuws....lijkt me een logische reactie. Omgekeerd zou men hetzelfde doen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 04/07/2012 | 21:44 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 04/07/2012 | 21:42 uur
Weinig verrassend nieuws....lijkt me een logische reactie. Omgekeerd zou men hetzelfde doen.

Idd weinig nieuws onder de zon. Wel blijven de Amerikanen op alle fronten versterkingen aanvoeren, voor wat het waard is (op dit moment)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 04/07/2012 | 21:54 uur
Of neemt Israel in de nabije toekomst de gok dat Uncle Sam wel zal komen helpen als Israel een aanval doet ?.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 04/07/2012 | 22:04 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 04/07/2012 | 21:54 uur
Of neemt Israel in de nabije toekomst de gok dat Uncle Sam wel zal komen helpen als Israel een aanval doet ?.
Daar zullen ze of vanuit gaan....of zal al de bedoeling zijn...of zal het gevolg worden van een eenzijdige Israelische aanval. In die zin heeft Israel de VS mijns inziens in de tang en moet de VS veel drukmiddelen gebruiken om Israel in toom te houden en tegemoet te komen. De grote vraag is wat men te winnen heeft bij zo'n aanval en de oorlog die daarop zal volgen. Ik zie voor met name rechts Israel de nodige voordelen (om wat problemen "op te lossen"). Maar misschien wacht men daar even af of Obama opnieuw president wordt of dat er een meer meewerkende Republikein aan de macht komt in de VS.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 04/07/2012 | 22:17 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 04/07/2012 | 22:04 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 04/07/2012 | 21:54 uur
Of neemt Israel in de nabije toekomst de gok dat Uncle Sam wel zal komen helpen als Israel een aanval doet ?.
Daar zullen ze of vanuit gaan....of zal al de bedoeling zijn...of zal het gevolg worden van een eenzijdige Israelische aanval. In die zin heeft Israel de VS mijns inziens in de tang en moet de VS veel drukmiddelen gebruiken om Israel in toom te houden en tegemoet te komen. De grote vraag is wat men te winnen heeft bij zo'n aanval en de oorlog die daarop zal volgen. Ik zie voor met name rechts Israel de nodige voordelen (om wat problemen "op te lossen"). Maar misschien wacht men daar even af of Obama opnieuw president wordt of dat er een meer meewerkende Republikein aan de macht komt in de VS.

Los van politieke redenen: wat is ook al weer "the window of opportunity"?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 04/07/2012 | 22:21 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 04/07/2012 | 22:17 uur
Los van politieke redenen: wat is ook al weer "the window of opportunity"?
Vlak voor de Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen bijvoorbeeld....en dan zien hoe Obama reageert. Zou nog zo maar eens de Republikeinen de winst kunnen opleveren als Obama niet stevig optreedt...gezien de grote populariteit van Israel in de States (als ik het goed heb begrepen).
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 04/07/2012 | 22:35 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 04/07/2012 | 21:54 uur
Of neemt Israel in de nabije toekomst de gok dat Uncle Sam wel zal komen helpen als Israel een aanval doet ?.

Het heeft inderdaad de steun van Amerika nodig, maar Israel weet ook dat de VS bij zal moeten springen mocht Israel tot eenzijdige actie overgaan. Daar bestaat geen twijfel over. Het zal wellicht een diplomatieke rel veroorzaken, maar 'In the heat of the moment' zal de VS Israel onvoorwaardelijk steunen. Je kan daarom stellen dat Israel de VS in een soort morele gijzeling heeft. Wat Mearsheimer en Walt ook wel als 'the tail wagging the dog' beschreven. Het is niet de hond die de staart beweegt, maar andersom.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 04/07/2012 | 22:41 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 04/07/2012 | 22:21 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 04/07/2012 | 22:17 uur
Los van politieke redenen: wat is ook al weer "the window of opportunity"?
Vlak voor de Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen bijvoorbeeld....en dan zien hoe Obama reageert. Zou nog zo maar eens de Republikeinen de winst kunnen opleveren als Obama niet stevig optreedt...gezien de grote populariteit van Israel in de States (als ik het goed heb begrepen).
Jurriën stelt de vraag los van politieke redenen. M.i. is jouw antwoord gebaseerd op politieke redenen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Enforcer op 05/07/2012 | 09:14 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 04/07/2012 | 10:26 uur
US moves military to Gulf

Washington, July 03, 2012

The US has moved more warships and fighter aircraft to the Persian Gulf to keep the strategic Straits of Hormuz open and strike deep within Iran if the stand-off over its nuclear programme escalates.

Quoting senior American officials, The New York Times said the new deployment to bolster military presence in the gulf is aimed at reassuring Israel that Washington is serious about neutralising Iran's nuclear ambitions.

Het zou mij niets verbazen als Israel tegen de USA gezegd heeft dat ze gaan aanvallen, maar dat ze nog geen datum genoemd hebben.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 05/07/2012 | 09:38 uur
Citaat van: Enforcer op 05/07/2012 | 09:14 uur
Het zou mij niets verbazen als Israel tegen de USA gezegd heeft dat ze gaan aanvallen, maar dat ze nog geen datum genoemd hebben.

Of inclusief datum.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 05/07/2012 | 13:26 uur
De sancties beginnen nu echt pijn te doen in Iran.

Oil Backed Up, Iranians Put It on Idled Ships

BANDAR ABBAS, Iran — The hulking tanker Neptune was floating aimlessly this week in the warm waters of the Persian Gulf, a fresh coat of black paint barely concealing its true identity as an Iranian ship loaded with hundreds of thousands of barrels of oil that no one is willing to buy.

The ship's real name was Iran Astaneh, and it was part of a fleet of about 65 Iranian tankers serving as floating storage facilities for Iranian oil, each one given a nautical makeover to conceal its origin and make a buyer easier to find. The Neptune had been floating there for a month, and local fishermen said there were two even larger tankers anchored nearby.

Iran, faced with increasingly stringent economic sanctions imposed by the international community to force it to abandon any ambitions to develop nuclear weapons, has been reluctant to reduce its oil production, fearing that doing so could damage its wells. But Iran has insufficient space to store the crude it cannot sell. So while it furiously works to build storage capacity on shore, it has turned to mothballing at sea.
"We have never seen so many just waiting around," said Rostam, a fisherman and smuggler who regularly works these waters.

After years of defiance and insistence that sanctions were barely being felt at home, Iranians are acknowledging the latest round with growing alarm. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Tuesday that they were "the strongest yet."

International oil experts say Iranian exports have already been cut by at least a quarter since the beginning of the year, costing Iran roughly $10 billion so far in forgone revenues. Many experts say the pain is only beginning, since oil prices have been falling and Iran's sales should drop even more with the European embargo that went into effect on Sunday.

"They are getting squeezed," said Sadad Al Husseini, former executive vice president for exploration and development of Saudi Aramco, the state oil company. "It's too much trouble to buy Iranian oil. Why alienate the United States and Europe? And the rest of OPEC is not very happy with Iran either."

On Wednesday, a Kenyan oil official told Reuters that the country was canceling an agreement to import up to 80,000 barrels of oil a day from Iran after Britain warned Kenya that it could run afoul of the sanctions. Meanwhile, South Korea said its imports of Iranian oil fell by nearly 50 percent in May, compared with April.

The drop in crude sales has hit Tehran with multiple challenges. Besides the financial impact, Iran has to figure out what to do with all the oil it continues to produce. Iran is pumping about 2.8 million barrels a day - already down about one million barrels daily since the start of the year. But it is exporting only an estimated 1.6 to 1.8 million barrels a day.

The unsold crude is being stored in what has been estimated to be two-thirds of the Iranian tanker fleet. Most of the ships are sailing in circles around the Persian Gulf as Iran tries to sell the mostly heavy crude at bargain-basement prices.

International oil experts estimate that Iran is now warehousing as much as 40 million barrels - roughly two weeks of production - on the tankers. An additional 10 million barrels are in storage on shore.

"We are now forced to sell our most valuable export product in secret," said Nader Karimi Joni, an Iranian journalist specializing in oil. "Iran had a great reputation; now we have to falsify bills of lading, hide the oil's origin and store oil on ships."

The subterfuge operates on several levels, but here, on the waters off Bandar Abbas, it is all about the tanker, Neptune. Beneath the fresh black paint, the ship's hulk bore the name in English and Persian of the tanker company, NITC.

The ship, one of Iran's smallest, was built in 2000 in South Korea. It carried no flag, and its home port - Bushehr - had first been changed to Valletta, Malta, which had also been painted over. It now said Funafuti, the capital of the Pacific Ocean island nation of Tuvalu.

To conceal their positions - and perhaps to hide just how many loaded ships are at sea - Iran's oil tankers also frequently turn off their GPS tracking devices, according to IHS Fairplay, a London-based ship tracking data company. It mapped out the last-known destinations of all NITC tankers, including the Iran Astaneh, and concluded that 21 were last seen in the Persian Gulf.

"I hear there are a lot more up north close to the oil terminals," said Rostam, the smuggler, as he pulled his small craft up alongside the tanker.

Smugglers regularly zip across the Strait of Hormuz in small speedboats to the northern tip of Oman, Rostam and others said, picking up boxes of all kinds of black-market goods. Along the way, Rostam said, he sees the physical evidence of growing tension in the narrow waterway where one-fifth of the world's oil must travel to get to market.

"We constantly run into United States Navy," Rostam said. "They only stop us when our boat is filled with people. Not when we are shipping merchandise."

Iran's Revolutionary Guards navy is also present in the waters and has its headquarters in this port city, he said. The Iranian Navy operates mainly speedboats with missile launchers mounted on top, intending to swarm much larger American Navy ships with dozens of such boats in case of a confrontation.

Such conflict has happened before, and a defeat prompted Iran to change its navy's military doctrine. During a one-day conflict in these waters in 1988 between Iran and the United States, one Iranian frigate was sunk, while Iranian forces claimed to have brought down an American helicopter. Some months later, an American Navy ship shot down an Iranian civilian airliner, killing 290 people, an event that Iran commemorated on Monday. The country maintains the plane was deliberately shot down, while the United States says it was an accident.

The prospect of a confrontation now could grow as the pressure builds on Iran while the sanctions, and dropping oil prices, cut deeper into Tehran's financial lifeline.

Oil prices have fallen by nearly 10 percent since the beginning of the year - and roughly 20 percent from their peak in March - because of weakening demand from Europe, the United States and parts of the developing world, as well as increased production from Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Libya. Oil experts estimate that Iran's oil export revenues are down about 35 percent compared with the beginning of the year.

Increasingly, Iran's officials are warning its citizens to prepare for tough times ahead. On Monday, Ali Akbar Salehi, Iran's foreign minister, made comparisons to the eight-year war between Iran and Iraq when he discussed with reporters the mounting pressures on Iran.

Iran's vice president, Mohammad-Reza Rahimi, speaking during a religious conference on Sunday, said his country would never be stopped, and he asked for people's support, state television reported. "Today, we are facing the heaviest of sanctions, and we ask people to help officials in this battle," he said.

Aboard the Neptune, the crew knew what that meant: killing more time baby-sitting for crude at sea. On Sunday, members of the crew trudged out beneath a blazing sun and hauled up the anchor. They knew they were not going anywhere, but they took the opportunity to clean off the rust. Then they shouted to passengers in a skiff below, trying to make a joke.

"Wait five minutes," a sailor said. "When we drop anchor again, you'll get great pictures."

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/07/2012 | 11:15 uur
Iran Inaugurates Production Line of New Anti-Armor Missile System

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi on Saturday inaugurated the production line of a new home-made anti-armor missile system named 'Dehlaviyeh'.

"The Dehlaviyeh missile is one of the most hi-tech anti-armor missiles designed for destroying different advanced tanks which are equipped with reactive armor," Vahidi said at the inauguration ceremony of the missile system.

He also reiterated that the missile has been equipped with a special guiding system (which is resistant to different types of enemy's electronic warfare), a warhead and a missile-launcher and a portable engine-propeller.

"The missile system has been designed in a way that it can hit both fix ground targets and mobile armored targets," Vahidi said.

Last August, the Iranian Defense Ministry started mass-production of 73-mm anti-armor rockets capable of piercing and destroying armored vehicles from a 1,300-meter distance.

"The weapon is mobile and due to its low weight, it can be carried by an individual trooper," Vahidi told reporters on the sidelines of a ceremony held to launch the production line of the rocket at the time.

Tehran launched an arms development program during the 1980-88 Iraqi imposed war on Iran to compensate for a US weapons embargo. Since 1992, Iran has produced its own tanks, armored personnel carriers, missiles and fighter planes.

Yet, Iranian officials have always stressed that the country's military and arms programs serve defensive purposes and should not be perceived as a threat to any other country.

The Iranian Army recently test-fired different types of newly-developed missiles and torpedoes and tested a large number of its home-made weapons, tools and equipments, including submarines, military ships, artillery, choppers, aircraft, UAVs and air defense and electronic systems, in a series of massive military drills.

Defense analysts and military observers say that Iran's wargames and its advancements in weapons production have proved as a deterrent factor, specially at a time of heightened threats by the US.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/07/2012 | 14:56 uur
Iran to shut Hormuz Strait "if threatened": commander   2012-07-07 20:16:55

TEHRAN, July 7 (Xinhua) -- The chairman of Iran's Joint Chiefs of Staff said Iran will close Hormuz Strait if threatened, Press TV reported on Saturday.

Iran does have the plan to shut down the strategic Strait of Hormuz, but would execute it only if the nation's security is threatened, Major General Hassan Firuzabadi said.

"We do have the plan to close the Strait of Hormuz, since a member of the military must plan for all scenarios," Firuzabadi said Friday on the sidelines of a conference in Tehran.

An Iranian lawmaker also reiterated Wednesday threats that the Islamic republic would close the strategic strait in the Persian Gulf if the Western sanctions against Iran increase.

"If we completely go under the sanctions, we will not let a single drop of oil pass through the Hormuz Strait," said Arsalan Fathipour, head of the Economic Commission of Iranian Majlis ( parliament).

Some Iranian government and military officials have already threatened to use all means, particularly closing the Strait of Hormuz, if the Western sanctions over Tehran's controversial nuclear activities halt Iran's exports and hurt the interests of the Islamic republic.

In January, EU foreign ministers approved new sanctions against Tehran, which prevent its member states from buying the Iranian crude. The sanctions went into effect Sunday.

Moreover, the United States imposed a new round of sanctions of its own in June, targeting financial institutions of any country that buys Iranian oil. However, it has exempted 20 economies from the sanctions for a period of 180 days.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 09/07/2012 | 16:24 uur
'China investeert $ 20 mrd in Iraanse olievelden'

De Iraanse autoriteiten claimen dat een Chinees bedrijf ruim euro 16 mrd investeert in de ontwikkeling van twee Iraanse olievelden. Om welk Chinees bedrijf het zou gaan, is niet duidelijk. Dat meldde de Iraanse olieminister Rostam Qasemi zondag.

Een dergelijke deal is opmerkelijk na de nieuwe embargo's tegen Iran die vorige week zijn ingegaan. Europa heeft de import van olie uit Iran verboden en de Amerikaanse autoriteiten verbieden financiële transacties met de centrale bank van Iran. Landen die zich daar niet aan houden, mogen geen zaken meer doen in Amerika.

Het bericht uit Teheran wordt bevestigd noch ontkend op de Chinese website China Daily, een belangrijke spreekbuis van de Chinese autoriteiten. Kenners zeggen dat slechts drie Chinese oliebedrijven de slagkracht hebben voor dergelijke investeringen: PetroChina, Cnooc en Sinopec. Deze bedrijven melden niets van de deal op hun websites.

Embargo omzeilen

Afgelopen weekeind meldden de Iraanse autoriteiten ook dat er een manier is gevonden om het Europese olie-embargo te omzeilen. Teheran zegt dat met Europese raffinaderijen is afgesproken ze via een omweg te beleveren. Daarbij zou een privaat consortium een aparte entiteit hebben opgezet. Ook in dit bericht worden geen namen van bedrijven genoemd.

Internationale persbureau's melden tegelijk dat de sancties in Iran duidelijk voelbaar worden. Minder goederen bereiken het land, vooral door het Amerikaanse embargo.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 12/07/2012 | 18:42 uur
Navy sends tiny submersibles to Persian Gulf

WASHINGTON — The Navy is rushing dozens of unmanned underwater craft to the Persian Gulf to help detect and destroy mines in a major military buildup aimed at preventing Iran from closing the strategic Strait of Hormuz in the event of a crisis, U.S. officials said.

The tiny SeaFox submersibles each carry an underwater television camera, homing sonar and an explosive charge. The Navy bought them in May after an urgent request by Marine Gen. James Mattis, the top U.S. commander in the Middle East.

Each submersible is about 4 feet long and weighs less than 100 pounds. The craft are intended to boost U.S. military capabilities as negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program appear to have stalled. Three rounds of talks since April between Iran and the five countries in the United Nations Security Council plus Germany have made little progress.

Some U.S. officials are wary that Iran may respond to tightening sanctions on its banking and energy sectors, including a European Union oil embargo, by launching or sponsoring attacks on oil tankers or platforms in the Persian Gulf. Some officials in Tehran have threatened to close the narrow waterway, a choke point for a fifth of the oil traded worldwide.

The first of the SeaFox submersibles arrived in the Gulf in recent weeks, officials said, along with four MH-53 Sea Dragon helicopters and four minesweeping ships, part of a larger buildup of U.S. naval, air and ground forces in the region aimed at Iran.

The U.S. already has sent two aircraft carriers and a squadron of F-22 fighters to the Persian Gulf, and is keeping two U.S. army brigades in Kuwait. Though much of the buildup has been publicly acknowledged by the Pentagon, the deployment of the submersibles has not been publicly disclosed, apparently to avoid alerting Iran.

The SeaFox is small enough to be deployed from helicopters and even small rubber boats, but it also can be dropped off the back of a minesweeper. It is controlled by a fiber optic cable and sends live video back to a camera operator.

It can be used against floating or drifting mines, which Iran has used in the past. It operates up to 300 meters deep, and moves at speeds of up to six knots. But the $100,000 weapon is on what amounts to a suicide mission. The "built-in, large caliber shaped charge" it carries destroys the mine but also the vehicle itself.

Tribune Washington Bureau
July 11, 2012
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 12/07/2012 | 22:04 uur
Major military buildup?


Is mij iets ontgaan of ligt daar enkel een vloot en wat versterkte usaf  ?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: VandeWiel op 12/07/2012 | 22:45 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 12/07/2012 | 22:04 uur
Major military buildup?


Is mij iets ontgaan of ligt daar enkel een vloot en wat versterkte usaf  ?

Definieer build up anno 2012 ;)

Maar, 1 squadron F22's, 8 mijnenvegers ipv 4, de Ponce nieuw in functie als floating base en een bericht dat de USS Stennis vervroegd naar de Golf gaat als derde carrier (CDG is 4e) is gezien wat er al in de regio aanwezig is en gezien wat je "slechts" nodig hebt om Iran een flinke tik te geven ruimschoots voldoende.

Uiteindelijk draait het de komende weken nog om de onderhandelingen. Sancties zijn blijkbaar niet voldoende voor Iran dus worden er berichten rondgestuurd dat het serieus is. En ik verwacht niet dat de Iraniers het serieus gaan nemen.

Daarnaast is er door het ingaan van de sancties het risico op pesterijtjes van Iran in Hormuz. Daar moet je ook klaar voor liggen. Het merendeel van de huidige versterkingen zijn vooral gericht op het counteren van a-symmetrische acties om ze zo af te raden omdat ze toch zinloos zullen zijn met de nieuwe middelen.

Waar ik het meest bang voor ben is dat er op een gegeven moment een week van te voren een beslissing wordt genomen en dingen in gang worden gezet die dan niet meer te stoppen zijn. Dat punt kan wel eens heel snel en toch onverwacht (voor de Iraniers) gaan komen.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 13/07/2012 | 08:41 uur
War in August? US sends fourth aircraft carrier and dozens of underwater drones towards Iran

Published: 13 July, 2012

The US Navy has unexpectedly dispatched a fourth aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf, along with a fleet of underwater drones in what is being considered just the latest move in a series of escalations leading towards a potential war with Iran.

The deployment of dozens of small, unmanned submarine-like watercraft was confirmed by the Los Angeles Times this week, which cites military officials speaking on condition of anonymity.

This particular type of craft, unmanned SeaFox submersible, are reported to be sent to the Gulf so that the US military can detect and destroy any mines that may be planted in the waterway by Iranian officials if they escalate efforts to block the Strait of Hormuz, a strategically important narrow stretch of water that exists as an immensely important conduit for any resources being moved in or out of the Middle East.

The Times says that the subs, at only 4 feet long and fewer than 100 pounds apiece, can move at speeds up to six knots at depths of 300 feet. The price-tag is reported to be $100,000 each, which includes an intricate waterproof television camera and a homing sonar system. The US rush-ordered a shipment in May in a deal with Germany under the direct of Marine Gen. James Mattis, the top US commander in the Middle East. It is reported that a fleet of SeaFox subs were deployed overseas several weeks back, but has only been confirmed now.

The United States has already sent three massive aircraft carriers to the waterways outside of Iran, including the USS Enterprise, the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower and the USS Abraham Lincoln, and will now add the USS John C Stennis to that fleet in August. Unlike these behemoth ships equipped with billions worth of weaponry and service personnel, America's other new addition to the battlefront is invisible to those on land and can be controlled from anywhere in the world.

"In the Cold War, minesweeping warfare was a large part of what the Navy did, but we have lost a lot of our minesweeping capability," Christopher Harmer, a senior analyst at the Institute for the Study of War, tells the Times. "The SeaFox is a relatively simple, off-the-shelf system that we can put off our minesweepers but also any surface ship."

Harmer adds to the paper that although Iran has the capabilities of coming through with its threats of closing the strait, the latest addition to the United States Navy would make sure a blockade wouldn't last long.

"If they wanted to close the Strait of Hormuz, they could do it, but they would only be able to do it one time," he says.

The new fleet of SeaFox subs will accompany two massive aircraft carriers and a collection of F-22 fighter jets that America has already sent towards Iran. When the United States upped its presence in Persian Gulf earlier this year, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told reporters, "We want them to know that we are fully prepared to deal with any contingency and it's better for them to try to deal with us through diplomacy."
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Harald op 13/07/2012 | 08:52 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 13/07/2012 | 08:41 uur
War in August?

Tijdens de Ramadan ?? ...

De Ramadan zal in 2012 waarschijnlijk beginnen op 20 juli 2012 en het einde van de Ramadan (ied al-fitr / suikerfeest) zal waarschijnlijk vallen op 19 augustus 2012.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 13/07/2012 | 22:52 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 13/07/2012 | 08:52 uur
Tijdens de Ramadan ?? ...

De Ramadan zal in 2012 waarschijnlijk beginnen op 20 juli 2012 en het einde van de Ramadan (ied al-fitr / suikerfeest) zal waarschijnlijk vallen op 19 augustus 2012.

Dat kan.
Dan mag men ook eten en drinken overdag, als men het maar later inhaalt.  (dat wordt aangemoedigt)

Er zijn verschillende redenen dat een moslim niet aan de ramandan kan houden. 
- zwangerschap
- vrouwen die ongesteld zijn
- soldaten in oorlog
- zieken
- jonge kinderen
- reizigers
- bedreiging voor de gezondheid / genezing van de ziekte in de weg staat.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 13/07/2012 | 23:18 uur
Breder denken, de meeste iraniërs willen denk ik geen oorlog, en zeker niet met ramadan.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 13/07/2012 | 23:33 uur
Het kan wel een "goed" moment zijn om dan te starten...  het wordt misschien niet verwacht..
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 13/07/2012 | 23:41 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 13/07/2012 | 23:33 uur
Het kan wel een "goed" moment zijn om dan te starten...  het wordt misschien niet verwacht..

O.a. 4 (!) carriers in de omgeving is niet echt onverwacht. Daarnaast zijn er in november president verkiezingen in de VS en (ook op dit forum gepubliseerd) de window of opportunity voor een aanval op Iran (zeker vanuit Israel) zou liggen tussen april en oktober.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Enforcer op 14/07/2012 | 10:13 uur
Over 2 weken starten de Olympische Spelen. Dit soort grote evenementen zijn ook wel eens als cover gebruikt.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/07/2012 | 10:30 uur
Iran tripling its fleet of mini–submarines and producing more sea mines

Iran July 12, 2012

By: Robert Tilford

Iran is rumored to have significantly ramped up production of mini-submarines, sometimes called "midget subs".

If true this could pose a serious threat to U.S. warships in the area.

I asked one U.S. Navy seaman on facebook about the threat from mini-subs and he said some interesting things off the record.

"Looking for small subs, that carry one or two frogmen and a couple of torpedo's in shallow water is unimaginably difficult . This is because the acoustics are so much more difficult to detect", he said.

In other words the smaller it is the harder it is to detect.

In addition Iran may also be doubling it sea mine production as well (see video: IRAN MILITARY HAVE 15000+ NAVAL MINES READY FOR CLOSE THE STRAIT OF HORMUZ ).

The Iranians are clearly strengthening their asymmetric naval warfare capabilities, as opposed to trying to take on the US Navy directly.

See also: Iran's Doctrine of Asymmetric Naval Warfare - Naval Swarming Tactics

Meanwhile U.S. forces are also quietly preparing for war as well.

The U.S. has three aircraft battle groups in the region now with more ships arriving daily. Including four Avenger-class minesweepers arrived in Bahrain on June 24 of this year.

The Navy has also sent additional minesweeping helicopters called "Sea Dragons" to help assist in naval operations.

Sea Dragons are those really huge helicopters you may have seen on TV used to deliver bulk food supplies to Haiti as part of the relief effort...

If you have never seen a Sea Dragon and are curious what they look like (see video: U.S Navy MH-53E SEA DRAGON FROM HM-15 BAHRAIN ).
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/07/2012 | 11:47 uur
Dangerous game: 'US almost daring Tehran to strike first'

Published: 14 July, 2012

With sanctions against Iran gradually showing their ineffectiveness, Washington is escalating the situation in the Persian Gulf, as if encouraging Tehran to attack first, a US politics professor told RT.

­Amid pressure mounting on Tehran, a major Indian company, United India Insurance Co., has agreed to provide insurance for tankers carrying oil from Iran. Insurances are vital for sea transportation. Without insurance, tankers are unable to deliver oil from one destination to another.

The decision of an Indian company means a serious blow to the effectiveness of the US sanctions against Iran in a bid to crank up the pressure over the country's nuclear activities. The sanctions target companies accused of breaching a European ban on buying oil from Tehran.

Simultaneously, to give their sanctions policies some military support, the US is sending fourth air carrier to the Persian Gulf region. It has also been announced that America deploys underwater drones to deal with sea mines Iran might plant in the Strait of Hormuz to block the vital route.

"The more warships the US moves [to the region], the more threatened Iran is going to feel and there is more chance of triggering some kind of mistake," explains Patricia DeGennaro, professor of politics at New York University.

She says the act of sending more warships to the region is a dangerous game of "dare".

"I don't know what they are going to achieve by putting more warships in the region. This is a very bad move. Maybe they are trying to make Israel feel safer, but in fact again that is a very dangerous game that is almost daring somebody to strike first," the professor believes.


'Mrs. Clinton should better promote peace instead of war'

A naval clash in the Persian Gulf region is very real, DeGennaro told RT, because military communications do not often go as they are expected to.

"The Iranian military is organized a bit differently than the American military. They can get orders not normally understood... within a context of a country being threatened."

"We should do more negotiations and more diplomacy," the professor concluded. "I'd like to see Mrs. [Hillary] Clinton lead the State Department as Secretary of State instead of really promoting more war in the region."

Western intelligence claims Iran might be just a year away from building a nuclear weapon, while Tehran denies allegations of developing nuclear power for military use. This confrontation need to be resolved given neither side wants to lose face, which means negotiations in the first place, believes Patricia DeGennaro.

"Let's sit down and talk before we start pointing weapons at each other, which should really facilitate a really large scale conflict in the region."
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 14/07/2012 | 11:53 uur
Dangerous game: 'US almost daring Tehran to strike first'

Iran is niet gek !.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/07/2012 | 11:54 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 14/07/2012 | 11:53 uur
Iran is niet gek !.

Zeker niet.. de Amerikanen (en de Israeli) ook niet, maar je hebt genoeg aan één happy trigger finger!

Persoonlijk zou ik (al ik er iets te zoeken zou hebben) de regio in de aankomende periode niet opzoeken.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/07/2012 | 12:53 uur
Hormuz alarm bells

Iran's supreme guide believes that making a nuclear bomb is a simulation of the North Korean model, and a safety measure for his regime in the coming quarter of a century

Ahmed Eleiba , Saturday 14 Jul 2012

Although talks in Istanbul last week failed between experts and technicians of the P5+1 -- the third such meeting in the past two months after talks in Baghdad and Moscow -- a significant development occurred on the eve of talks, a source close to the talks told the Russian newspaper Kommersant. Iran proposed a plan to build a nuclear-fuelled submarine, in an attempt to legitimise its uranium enrichment project, and argued that using nuclear material as vessel fuel is a peaceful use of nuclear energy.

The Iranian project to manufacture a nuclear submarine would not be a problem for the Iranian Revolutionary Guard (RG) that owns production capabilities, whether or not they need it. But the reasons why the Islamic Republic is pursuing this project have puzzled Western states.

For Iranian expert Ali Nourzadah, director of the Arab-Iranian Studies Centre, the answer is obvious. Iran's Supreme Guide Sayed Ali Khamenei has a flawed vision about his country's ability to reproduce the North Korean nuclear model in Iran, he told Al-Ahram Online in a telephone interview from London. Tehran was able to acquire nine nuclear bombs that have deterred the US for attacking it.

"Khamenei told several advisers that if Iran had possessed one nuclear bomb, the revolution and rule of the clerics would be protected for at least another 25 years during confrontations with the US and Israel," Nourzadah said, even though Washington views this as a red line and Tel Aviv sees it as a much more serious infraction.

It is true that Tehran has the capability to manufacture such vessels and submarines, but within limits. The RG sometimes holds war games and sees US aircraft carriers cruising in the Gulf guarded by six to seven vessels and a nuclear submarine below the surface. This is a temptation for them, according to Brigadier Safwat El-Zayat who has spoken to several Iranians in close to military strategies. Iran's normal submarines that run on diesel fuel require refuelling from time to time, and every few years need to be changed. On the other hand, nuclear energy can operate for 15-20 years.

"I asked Iranians whether there are commercial ships that can reach the Indian Ocean and beyond without escort protection of this kind of submarine," stated El-Zayat. He viewed them as exaggerations in the media by Tehran, which has high aspirations about what he termed as the negotiations battle in several directions. These include assassinations of its nuclear scientists, stifling sanctions including the latest by the EU on Iranian oil imports. The difficulties are not in oil exports to Europe, but 90 per cent of insurance companies in the Eurozone that protect the passage of Iranian oil to North Korea are outside this zone.

Iran is also jockeying with other international players. While it attends talks in Moscow, Iran's Shura Council threatens it will pass a law to close the Straits of Hormuz as Great Prophet 7 war games were taking place. Meanwhile, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declared that his country will bear the unbearable, sending a message to the world that Iran will survive these sanctions.

"It seems that the Iranian regime is dismissive of social conditions in the country under sanctions," opined Nourzadah, "especially after the value of its currency was slashed by half when sanctions were imposed on the Central Bank, followed by a ban on oil exports to EU countries." He added: "The Iranian regime is parading in front of its people the Syrian model and is waiting to see what will happen there, although it is unlikely that the Iranian street will wait much longer."

The Straits of Hormuz are a lifeline for Gulf oil supplies to the outside world, and an international treaty on international corridors signed in 1958 under the Shah stipulates that the straits are an international corridor that is not subject to local sovereignty, according to what is known as law of the sea convention. However, the regime of the supreme guide did not sign the treaty on transit passage, which gives parliament the right to condone the closing of the straits if the issue is referred to the Guardian Council.

"If Tehran closes the Straits of Hormuz it will be equivalent to a declaration of war," argued Fathi El-Maraghi, an expert on Iranian affairs at Ain Shams University. "It will also give Arab countries reason for more aggressive responses to Iran that might go beyond sanctions, because Iran will be rattling its sabre," El-Maraghi said.

Suddenly, Iran reversed its combative tone and several statements were made that the Straits of Hormuz will not be closed, although El-Zayat believes it could shut down the waterway for 11-15 weeks but that would be political folly. Now the US is also flaunting its powers by unprecedented mobilisation in the Gulf, using F-22 jets for the first time -- which Washington may not have even used before the war in Libya. He added that the RG may not shut down the Straits of Hormuz but it could hamper navigation in the waterway through suicide missions or mines or firing Cruise missiles across the Zagros Mountains.

Experts anticipate a war scenario and Nourzadah stated that Washington obtained a pledge from Tel Aviv not to go to war against Tehran before the upcoming presidential elections. The question now is whether Israel will keep its word. Nourzadah believes Israel will probably continue its policy of attrition of Iran's nuclear programme. If there are reports, however, that Iran is close to manufacturing a nuclear bomb, it will breach its promise to the Obama administration and the US will be forced to go to war the next day without a choice.

"Israel is closely watching the dramatic changes taking place in Arab Spring countries and the Islamist rise there," Jackie Khoury, a political analyst and 1948 Arab who is an expert on Arab affairs, wrote in Haaretz newspaper. "The most it can do right now is a sweeping operation to cripple progress in the nuclear programme, like it did with the Iraqi reactor Osirak. It will keep in mind, however, Arab reactions because it knows this would destablise the region and open several fronts that it will not be able to repel at once.

El-Zayat agrees with this analysis, but noted that a strike similar to Israel's attack against Syria's Deir Al-Zur reactor three years ago is more likely, since the operation was backed by the US to avoid confrontation on several fronts at once. Thus, it will be very cautious about initiating an attack irrespective of how far the Iranian nuclear programme progresses, because Tel Aviv's plan would be fraught with danger. Meanwhile, Iran is unlikely to take another step beyond "advanced nuclear capabilities", meaning that it will stop just before the manufacturing phase because circumstances are not conducive for that either. This phase will end once Tehran leaves the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

For now, more talks are expected that will deepen the chasm between Iran and the world, according to Nourzadah. "Israel has infiltrated Iran and its nuclear programme, and knows well how far Tehran has gone in manufacturing the bomb. Therefore, if we are surprised by an attack on Iran, we will know that Tehran was very close to this capability -- perhaps only one month away from production. At such a time, the possible scenarios are endless."
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/07/2012 | 13:12 uur
U.K. intel: Iran 2 years from nukes

By Alan Cowell / New York Times News Service
Published: July 14. 2012 4:00AM PST

In an unusually public forum, the head of Britain's foreign intelligence agency, MI6, has forecast that Iran would likely achieve a nuclear weapons capability within two years, a British newspaper reported Friday.

The newspaper, The Daily Telegraph, quoted Sir John Sawers, once the ranking British diplomat on the Iranian nuclear issue and now head of the Secret Intelligence Service, as making the disclosure last week to a gathering of around 100 high-ranking civil servants.

The reported remarks play into a highly contentious debate over Iran's intentions and capabilities, in which estimates have varied widely.

U.S. intelligence agencies have cited a 2007 assessment stating that Iran, in fact, suspended research on nuclear weapons technology in 2003 and had not decided to take the final steps needed to build a bomb.

But Britain and Israel, in particular, have interpreted the same data to mean that a decision has been made to move to a nuclear weapons capability. For its part, Iran has frequently said it has no intention to build such weapons.

Sawers was also said to have maintained that covert operations by British intelligence agents had prevented Iran from acquiring the technology as early as 2008. A British government official, speaking in return for anonymity under departmental rules, said Sawers had been "speaking off the record to civil servants at a leadership event, and what he said has been said by others before."

According to The Daily Telegraph, the remarks were Sawers' first publicly reported assessment of Iran's nuclear ambitions since his appointment as head of MI6 in 2009. Iran, he said, was now "two years away" from becoming a "a nuclear weapons state," The Daily Telegraph reported, and when it achieved that status, the United States and Israel would have to decide whether to strike.

"The Iranians are determinedly going down a path to master all aspects of nuclear weapons; all the technologies they need," he said. "It's equally clear that Israel and the United States would face huge dangers if Iran were to become a nuclear weapon state."

Iran says its nuclear program is designed for peaceful purposes but, reflecting the assessment that Tehran is seeking a nuclear weapons capability, the United States and its allies have imposed a tightening vise of economic sanctions, the latest Thursday, accompanying thus far inconclusive diplomatic efforts to persuade Iran to abandon nuclear enrichment.

"I think it will be very tough for any prime minister of Israel or president of the United States to accept a nuclear-armed Iran," Sawers said.

Without previous efforts by British intelligence, he was quoted as saying, "You'd have Iran as a nuclear weapons state in 2008 rather than still being two years away in 2012."

He did not elaborate.

In recent years, several Iranian scientists have been assassinated on the streets of Tehran and a computer virus called Stuxnet has disrupted computer systems at nuclear facilities in Iran. Tehran has accused the U.S., Israeli and British secret services of conducting covert operations against it.

Sawers said MI6 has "run a series of operations to ensure that the sanctions introduced internationally are implemented, and that we do everything we can within the Middle East to slow down these remaining problems."

Earlier this month, low-level talks between Iran and the group of big powers over the Iranian nuclear program ended early with both sides saying the deputies of their top negotiators would meet at a later date. Their announcement gave no hint of progress but nonetheless suggested that neither side was ready to declare the effort a failure.

The talks, in Istanbul, were part of a series of negotiations this year and were held against a backdrop of increasingly bellicose oratory by Iran and the United States because of the nuclear impasse, which has started to raise tensions again in the Middle East.

Iran has renewed a threat to close the Strait of Hormuz, a vital Persian Gulf oil conduit, in response to intensified U.S. and European sanctions meant to paralyze the Iranian oil industry as a pressure tactic in the nuclear talks. Iran has also said the new sanctions will have no effect on its resolve to prevail in the nuclear dispute.

Since 2010, Iran has been enriching some of its processed uranium to raise its purity from around 5 to 20 percent, saying it needs the concentrated fuel for a research reactor in Tehran. The purity is less than the 90 percent level needed for nuclear weapons, but facilitates further purification to weapons grade.

In 2011, Tehran said it would triple the amount of uranium enriched to 20 percent and slowly move the operation to a once-secret enrichment plant known as Fordo deep inside a mountain near the holy city of Qum and widely considered by experts to be invulnerable to bombing.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/07/2012 | 16:29 uur
Iran issues new oil blockade warning

8:23 a.m. CDT, July 14, 2012

DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran could prevent even "a single drop of oil" passing through the Strait of Hormuz if its security is threatened, a naval chief said on Saturday, as tensions simmer over Tehran's nuclear program.

Tehran will increase its military presence in international waters, said Ali Fadavi, naval commander in Iran's elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

"The IRGC's naval forces have had the ability since the (Iran-Iraq) war to completely control the Strait of Hormuz and not allow even a single drop of oil to pass through."

Fadavi added: "IRGC special naval forces are present on all of the Islamic Republic of Iran's ships in the Indian Ocean and to its east and west, to prevent any movement.

"This IRGC naval force presence in international waters will increase."

Iran has repeatedly threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz shipping channel, through which 40 percent of the world's sea-borne oil exports passes, in retaliation for sanctions placed on its crude exports by Western powers.

The sanctions were imposed over Iran's nuclear program, which the West suspects is aimed at creating an atomic weapon. Iran says the program is for peaceful energy purposes.

The United States has beefed up its presence in the Gulf, adding a navy ship last week to help mine-clearing operations if Iran were to act on threats to block the strait.

Tehran said last month it was building more warships, in part to guard Iranian cargo ships from pirates, and Iranian military leaders often assert Iran's strength in the region and dominance in the Strait of Hormuz.

Military analysts have cast doubt on Iran's willingness to block the slender waterway, given the massive U.S.-led retaliation it would likely incur.

(Reporting By Yeganeh Torbati; Editing by Pravin Char),0,7038769.story
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 15/07/2012 | 11:24 uur
Iran top leader one to decide on Strait of Hormuz

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -- The chairman of Iran's Joint Chiefs of Staff says the decision over whether Tehran would block the strategic Strait of Hormuz, the passageway through which a fifth of the world's oil flows, rests in the hands of the country's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Gen. Hasan Firouzabadi says Iran has a contingency plan to close the key route, but Khamenei, as commander in chief of the armed forces, would have to make the final decision.

Firouzabadi's comments come two weeks after the European Union enforced a total oil embargo against Iran for its refusal to halt its uranium enrichment program. His comments were reported by the semi-official Fars news agency Sunday.

Iran's Revolutionary Guard has previously warned that Tehran would order the closure if the country's oil exports were blocked.

Jul 15, 4:44 AM EDT
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 15/07/2012 | 21:34 uur
UAE starts up pipeline to bypass Strait of Hormuz

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — The United Arab Emirates on Sunday inaugurated a much-anticipated overland oil pipeline that bypasses the Strait of Hormuz, giving the OPEC member insurance against Iranian threats to block the strategic waterway.
The 380-kilometer (236-mile) Abu Dhabi Crude Oil Pipeline snakes across western desert dunes and over the craggy Hajar mountains to the city of Fujairah on the UAE's Indian Ocean coast, south of the strait.


Until now, all Emirati exports were loaded in the Gulf and then sailed out through Hormuz. Once it is running at full capacity, the pipeline could allow the country, OPEC's third biggest exporter, to ship as much as two-thirds of its peak production through the eastern port city.
It is designed to carry at least 1.5 million barrels a day of crude, though capacity is expected to eventually rise to 1.8 million barrels daily.
Efforts to bring the long-awaited export route online have gained increased urgency in recent months because of repeated threats by Iranian officials to close Hormuz if the country's own exports are blocked.
The narrow strait is patrolled by Iranian warships as well as by the U.S. Navy and its allies. It is the export route for about 17 million barrels of oil a day, or a fifth of the world's oil supply.
The chairman of Iran's Joint Chiefs of Staff said Sunday that Tehran has a contingency plan to close the key route, though any decision to shut it rests with the country's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
Gen. Hasan Firouzabadi's comments come two weeks after the European Union enforced a total oil embargo against Iran. The move is part of a series of sanctions meant to force Tehran to halt its uranium enrichment program. The West suspects Iran is aiming to build nuclear weapons. Iran denies the charge.
Emirati officials quietly began filling the new pipeline with oil on June 30, according to the UAE embassy in Washington. A statement from the embassy said the project underscores the U.S. ally's "commitment to ensuring the reliable and safe delivery of crude oil ... to global markets."
Officials including the Emirates' energy minister gathered in Fujairah for the formal inauguration of the pipeline, said Mohammed Saif al-Afkham, the director general of Fujairah municipality.
The International Petroleum Investment Co., the state-run company behind the project, confirmed that the pipeline became operational with the first commercial shipment being loaded onto a tanker for export.
The U.S. ambassador to the UAE attended the inauguration, underscoring the project's strategic significance. Ambassador Michael H. Corbin called the launch "a historic step in establishing multiple routes for the vital flow of oil from the Arabian Peninsula."
Although several Gulf Arab oil and gas producers fear a shutdown of the strait could block exports, only the UAE and Oman have coastlines on the Indian Ocean side of the strait. Saudi Arabia also can avoid Hormuz by shipping its Gulf fields' oil output through ports on the Red Sea, but it would have to significantly improve its transport infrastructure to get its full production out.

Jul. 15 1:19 PM EDT

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 15/07/2012 | 21:44 uur
Het zal voor Iran niet zo moeilijk zijn deze pijplijn te saboteren. Al zal dit natuurlijk een sterk escalerend effect hebben en een directe aanval zijn op UAE grondgebied.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Tanker op 15/07/2012 | 21:51 uur
Waarom graven ze geen kanaal dwars door die punt heen ? Zou een optie kunnen zijn....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Harald op 16/07/2012 | 10:15 uur
Israel's First Strike on Iran's Nuclear Facilities – Part 1

Inbound: Part 1 of a scenario for the first Israeli air strike on Iran's nuclear weapons program

The Eitans take off first. They're the slowest, only 220 knots flat out, and for best endurance, they'll cruise at 180 knots. It's 800 miles to their stations, just outside the range of Iranian air defense radar, south of the Saudi coast of the Persian Gulf.

Operated by the 210th Squadron of the Israeli Air Force at Tel Nof airbase, the Eitan (Hebrew for "steadfast") is a big UAV, with a twenty-six meter wingspan. It has a reduced radar signature, although it's probably not stealthy. It can carry different payloads: EO/IR imagers, synthetic aperture radar, ELINT or COMINT gear.

The two aircraft taking off now, at H-minus six hours, will relieve two already on station over Saudi airspace. Those birds carried ELINT and COMINT gear, monitoring Iranian radar and communications. At this point, there should be no surprises, but they'll keep watch all the same.

The four-and-a-half hour flight there barely dents the Eitan's twenty-four hour endurance. On-board satellite communications allow controllers to monitor the relief and make sure both new aircraft are good to go.

The tankers have to take off early as well. The refuel point, "Delek Station," is located just short of the IP, over Saudi territory, but close to the coast.

The Shavit Special Electronic Missions Aircraft (SEMA), based on a Gulfstream business jet, would likely be an integral part of any attack. 
The Saudis, like all the Persian Gulf nations, do not want the Iranians to have nuclear weapons, but they lack the ability to physically stop development. If the Iranians get close to actually assembling a bomb, the Saudis might agree to an Israeli campaign to destroy their nuclear program, especially if the Israelis offer a significant political concession as part of the deal.

That agreement allows the Israelis to operate freely over their "associate's" territory without the risk of being intercepted, or even reported. A reasonable, if inconvenient Saudi proviso is that Israeli aircraft cannot operate from Saudi bases.

The first Israeli raid is a big one, four squadrons, and will need eight of Israel's nine Boeing 707 tankers to refuel it. The ninth one was only purchased in 2010, a Boeing 707 airframe converted by Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI). They will be wheels-up from Nevatim airbase at H-minus four hours.

Next to take off, at H-minus three hours, is a single Shavit aircraft, also flying from Nevatim. The 120th Nachson ('Pioneer") squadron operates the Shavit ("Comet") Special Electronics Mission aircraft. That uninformative title describes a Gulfstream G550 business jet converted by IAI to carry SIGINT and ELINT gear, a communications suite, and space for a command staff. It can monitor and control the Eitan UAVs launched earlier, as well as all the aircraft involved in the raid.

At 480 knots, the Shavit will be on station in two hours, but the raid commander is already working – tracking the strikers' preparations and probably holding the hands of some nervous government officials.

It will also make the first offensive move in the Israeli attack on Iran. The "special mission" in its name comes from the ability to make Suter attacks. The term "Suter" comes from a United States program called Senior Suter, which is in turn part of another program called Big Safari, which is all about attacking an enemy's information systems.

By feeding Iranian radar and communications antennas false data, the electronic attackers create fake contacts, delete real ones, insert false instructions, and possibly even crash the entire air defense network. At a minimum, a successful Suter attack allows the Israelis to see the status of the Iranian air defenses.

It's a Jedi mind trick, cyber-style: "These aren't the planes you're looking for." If the Israelis do their jobs really well, the Iranians won't even know they're being hacked until it's too late.

Since the Shavit can monitor Iranian radar and communications directly, the two Eitan UAVs carry a different payload: electronics designed to support the intrusion effort by either locat­ing emitters or transmitting signals at close range, without risking the Shavit directly.

The strikers, four squadrons of F-16I Sufas, take off half an hour after the Shavit. Slowed by ordnance and drop tanks, they cruise at 520 knots. It takes them an hour and a half to reach Delek Station, then half an hour to refuel. Because the target is just over 1,100 nautical miles (nm) away, the Sufas cannot carry a full load of ordnance – just two SPICE 2000 PGMs, as well as three drop tanks, targeting and navigation pods on the inlet stations, and two AIM-120 AMRAAMs on the wingtips.

Unlike most countries, Israeli squadrons have 24 planes instead of 12, so this first raid in the Israeli campaign will be sending 96 aircraft into Iranian airspace.

They aren't all strikers. As insurance, in case the Suter attack is not completely effective, eight F-16s are armed with HARM missiles, decoys, and cluster munitions. They will suppress the enemy defenses in the general area, knocking out radars, command centers, and SAM batteries that could threaten the incoming raid. If the Suter attack is effective, they will either accompany the raid all the way to the target or perhaps prepare the way for the second attack tomorrow.

Another eight Sufas are dedicated fighter escorts. Instead of PGMs, they each carry four AMRAAMs and two Python 5 AAMs. With a range of 44 nautical miles, the AIM-120C-5 missiles they carry outrange everything in the Iranian inventory. They're not as good as the "D" model AMRAAM (60 nm) used by the U.S., but the best the Iranians can put up is the Russian-made R-27R [AA-10 Alamo] with a range of 29 nm. With luck, the escort fighters won't even have to use afterburner, which would be a good thing so far from home.

Finally, eight F-16s will be assigned to suppress the local defenses at the target. They also carry HARM missiles and a Sky Shield Jamming pod. Thanks to electronic reconnaissance, the Israelis know which SAMs are operating near the target and what their operating patterns are.

Of the 96 fighters, 72 will carry ordnance, while another twenty-four support and protect the rest. Altogether, the raid will be able to bring 144 precision-guided munitions to the target.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Harald op 16/07/2012 | 10:19 uur
Israel's First Strike on Iran's Nuclear Facilities – Part 2

The Strike: Part 2 of a scenario for the first Israeli air strike on Iran's nuclear weapons program

In the first part of this series, we described the strike package of fighters and supporting aircraft making the first attack in Israel's air campaign against the Iranian nuclear weapons program.

Where are they going? Isfahan. Why not Natanz? After all, that's the famous, underground, heavily defended uranium enrichment facility that's always in the news.

The Iranians are pursuing two paths to a nuclear weapon: The uranium route and the plutonium route. Natanz, Fordow, and possibly other enrichment facilities are on the uranium path, increasing the concentration of U235 to weapons grade levels. The Arak nuclear reactor (still not operational) will serve as a source for the plutonium option.

But there are several steps on either path. Yellowcake uranium must be converted to uranium hexaflouride gas (UF6) that the centrifuges can use, and the enriched gas must then be processed to uranium metal to be fabricated into bomb components. The Arak reactor uses fuel made from uranium dioxide (UO2). After it has been used in the reactor, the spent fuel must be chemically treated to extract the Pu238. All of these processes are performed at one place: Isfahan.

Google Map of the facilities at Isfahan and the surrounding area, illustrating the need for precision munitions.

The complex at Isfahan is made up of three facilities vital to nuclear weapons development: The Uranium Conversion Facility, where yellowcake is processed to UF6 and UO2, the Fuel Manufacturing Plant, where UO2 is converted to reactor fuel, and the Zirconium Processing Plant. This not only provides zirconium used by the Fuel Manufacturing Plant, it specializes in refining, smelting, and machining exotic metals. It would extract the uranium or plutonium and make it into bomb components.

These three industrial-level installations are located next to each other, are completely exposed (nothing buried, no concrete roofs), and have only half or a third of the defenses present at Natanz. Hitting Natanz first is a "sucker play."

The Isfahan defenses include an elderly S-200 (SA-5 Gammon) site nearby, two I-Hawk batteries about a dozen kilometers to the west and north, a Tor-M1 (SA-15 Gauntlet) battery, and a mix of 35mm and 23mm guns.

There are thirty-one structures at the three facilities that are worth bombing. Most need to be serviced with two or three bombs to be completely destroyed, and the raid has one hundred and forty-four weapons. That sounds like overkill, but even PGMs don't work every time. Against targets of this size, they have an 80 percent chance of hitting, so four per target is not out of line.

During the transit, the F-16s are electronically silent. When they reach Delek Station, they refuel silently as well. It's not easy, but possible with proper training.

By the time the raiders finish refueling, the commander on the Shavit will have executed his Suter attack. If it goes well, he can shut down some or all of the SAM and radar sites along the raid's path. Or he can order the raid to abort, if the defenses have somehow been alerted.

After they leave the refueling point, the raiders cross the Saudi coast. The defense suppressors, hitting targets up to fifty miles away from the raid's path, break off from the main raid now. They'll execute their part of the mission, then return home on their own. The fighter escorts fan out as well, radars still off but in position so that they can get their shots before any interceptors are in range of the strikers.

The raiders now descend to stay below the horizon of the Iranian radars. Whether or not the Suter attack has been successful, if Iranian radar doesn't see them, the Iranians won't react.

There's a temptation to go to full military power, to minimize the time they spend in Iranian airspace, but full military triples their fuel consumption, for a speed increase of 130 knots, or just 25 percent. The Sufas can't go supersonic with their ordnance and drop tanks, and low altitude does enough damage to their fuel consumption. Besides, since the Shavit is listening in, the Israelis will know about any detections as soon as the Iranians do.

Flying at a few hundred feet above ground level, their radars are still off.  Their fighter escort is a little higher, flanking them on each side. The route is mostly scrubby desert, rising from sea level near the coast to about two thousand meters inland. A series of ridgelines lays perpendicular to their path, a low part of the Zagros mountain chain. It's sparsely settled, and there are few lights at night marking the landscape.

It's three hundred nautical miles from the Delek Station to Isfahan, or about thirty-five minutes' flight time. During this time, the Iranians will begin to suffer cyber attacks and diversionary raids. For instance, powered decoys are launched in the direction of Tehran. The goal is to confuse and distract.

At seventy miles and ten minutes from the target, and cued by the Shavit, the close-in defense suppressors climb until they're above the Iranian radar horizon. They may or may not be visible to Iranian radar, but it doesn't matter. They loft HARM antiradar missiles pretuned to the Iranian radars' frequencies. Any radiating surveillance or fire control radar will collect one or two missiles. Planes that have fired all their HARMs join the fighter escort. Those that still have HARMs orbit on electronic overwatch.

The HARMs hit two minutes later, and if the defenders weren't awake before, they are now. It takes a few minutes for the gun crews to fully man their weapons, but they put up a storm of fire. Few of the 35mm guns are (or were) radar-guided, and none of the 23mm are. All they can do is shoot into their assigned zone and hope somebody flies through it.

The strikers never get close to the guns. They're already climbing. This is the only time since takeoff they've used full military power, to gain speed and altitude as they zoom to medium altitude. Guided by their nav systems and cued by their HUDs, wave after wave of Israeli pilots release their weapons, lofting them toward the target, then pull back on the stick in a precise Immelman turn, rolling level onto an outbound course. The lob-toss delivery is the optimal method for delivering GPS-guided ordnance. Without coming closer than twelve miles to the target, the entire strike is outbound before their bombs even reach the target.

There are four Tor-M1 vehicles protecting Isfahan, each with its own search and fire control radars and eight Gauntlet missiles. When the guns start firing, the crews light off their radars, and they're on line in seconds. Electronically netted though a battery command vehicle, they can cooperate to make sure they don't engage the same targets.

The Israelis detect the signals, but by the time they launch their HARMs, all four SAM vehicles are firing.

The Tor missile only has a range of six nautical miles, but they aren't after the retreating Israeli aircraft, or even the defense suppression planes, orbiting safely out of range. The Tor's radar is good enough to spot and engage the incoming PGMs. Each vehicle can shoot at two targets at once, and they devote one guidance channel to the incoming HARMs and the other to the PGMs. Two manage to shoot down the HARMs coming at them, and one of the remaining two HARMs misses. One vehicle is lost, but the first thirty-second exchange of fire has allowed the Tor battery to destroy three of the PGMs.

Like they should have done in the first salvo, the Israelis now fire two HARMs at each remaining launcher, killing all three vehicles, but several more PGMs are also gone.

Outbound and clear of the defenses, the raid begins the hour and a half flight back to base. They're up at high altitude now, for best fuel efficiency. They're almost in the clear, but the Iranians have prepared a going-away party.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 17/07/2012 | 09:41 uur
Clinton voert de druk op Iran op tijdens haar bezoek aan Israël

16 juli 2012

Hillary Clinton, de Amerikaanse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, heeft tijdens haar bezoek aan Israël gezegd dat de Verenigde Staten "alle middelen binnen hun politieke macht" zullen inzetten om te voorkomen dat Iran een nucleair wapen ter beschikking krijgt.

Ook noemde Clinton de voorstellen die Iran heeft gedaan tijdens gesprekken met diverse wereldleiders "non-uitgangspunten", zo schrijft persbureau Reuters vanavond. De minister deed haar uitspraken vandaag aan het einde van haar overleg met Israëlische en Palestijnse leiders, waaronder de Israëlische premier Benjamin Netanyahu.

Ze benadrukte dat de VS sterk de voorkeur geven aan diplomatieke oplossingen om de impasse te beëindigen die veroorzaakt wordt door de westerse angst dat Iran nucleaire wapens aan het ontwikkelen is:

"Iran heeft nog de tijd en de gelegenheid de juiste beslissing te nemen, maar de voorstellen die we tot dusver van het land hebben gezien zijn eigenlijk non-voorstellen."

Militaire aanwezigheid versterkt in de Perzische Golf

De VS hebben de afgelopen tijd hun militaire aanwezigheid in de Perzische Golf al versterkt om een aanval op Iran te kunnen uitvoeren als het conflict met Iran over het nucleaire programma van het land escaleert, zo bleek eerder deze maand.

De Amerikanen hebben onder meer marineschepen naar de Perzische Golf gestuurd die een eventuele blokkade van de Straat van Hormuz, de belangrijke doorvoerroute voor olie uit Saoedi-Arabië en andere Golfstaten, door Iran onschadelijk kan maken. Ook zijn sinds het einde van het voorjaar het aantal F22- en F-15-gevechtsvliegtuigen op hun luchtmachtbases in de Golf vergroot.

De Amerikaanse militaire opbouw in de Perzische Golf zou ook een belangrijk signaal zijn richting Israël, dat nog sterker dan de VS zelf bevreesd is voor het nucleaire programma van Iran. De Israëlische regering heeft de afgelopen jaren regelmatig gedreigd Iran aan te vallen als de internationale gemeenschap het land niet met diplomatie of sancties kan dwingen te stoppen met het verrijken van uranium. Israël en de VS verdenken Iran van het bouwen van atoomwapens, hoewel Iran zelf altijd ontkend heeft te streven naar het bezit van kernwapens.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 17/07/2012 | 19:10 uur
Panetta Accelerates Stennis Carrier Strike Group Deployment

WASHINGTON, July 16, 2012 – The Navy will deploy the aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis and its strike group four months early and shift its destination to the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility, DOD officials said here today.

The deployment late this summer is in response to Central Command's requirement for an extended carrier presence, Pentagon Press Secretary George Little said. The move affects 5,500 sailors aboard the Stennis and the Aegis cruiser USS Mobile Bay.

Last week, Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta approved a request from Central Command commander Marine Corps General James N. Mattis to accelerate Stennis' deployment. "The decision will help support existing naval force requirements in the Middle East and reduce the gap caused by the upcoming departure of the USS Enterprise Strike Group," Little said. "It is in keeping with our long-standing commitments to the region."

Aircraft carrier strike groups provide commanders with ample and flexible air assets to enhance interoperability with partner nations and maintain strong military-to-military relations as well as respond to a wide variety of contingencies, Little said.

The Bremerton, Wash.-based Stennis strike group was due to deploy at the end of the year to U.S. Pacific Command. The group returned from duty in the Middle East in March.

The accelerated deployment to the Central Command area of responsibility is not aimed at any specific threat. "In keeping with Centcom's requirements, this is a very important region for our defense strategy," Little said. "We've had a presence in the region for decades and we have a range of interests that this extension of our capabilities will support."

Nor, he said, is the deployment a direct response to tensions with Iran. The U.S. military is "always mindful of the challenges posed by Iran, but ... this is not a decision based solely on the challenges posed by Iran," Little said.

Currently the USS Enterprise and USS Abraham Lincoln carrier strike groups are deployed to U.S. Central Command. The USS Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group is due to relieve the Lincoln group shortly. The Stennis group will relieve Enterprise.

The Navy continues to operate at a high operational tempo in order to meet U.S. security needs around the world,. "Our deployment strain is as great as or greater today than it has been at any time in the past 10 years," a Navy official said.

Sailors and their families have been informed of the change, Little said. Navy officials looked at a wide range of options to ensure Navy commitments and combatant commander mission requirements are met and to lessen the impact of schedule changes.

The carrier strike group will be ready to deploy even given the accelerated timeline, Little said. "The U.S. Navy is well-equipped to ensure our sailors are trained and ready for this deployment," he said.

Navy leaders understand the operational and personnel impacts this accelerated deployment will have. These include training cycle adjustments, crew and family uncertainty and reductions to quality of life port visits.

As more information becomes available, the Navy will release it, officials said, noting defense leaders are "committed to keeping sailors and their families informed about current and future deployments to the best of our ability."

By Jim Garamone
American Forces Press Service
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 18/07/2012 | 10:29 uur
Neemt Iran wraak na Stuxnet en Flame?

door Jaap de Wreede op woensdag, 18 juli 2012

Een nieuw virus in het Midden-Oosten lijkt het werk te zijn van Iraniërs. Het nieuwe nummer van PC-Active, waarin een cyberaanval door Iran wordt voorspeld, lijkt bewaarheid te worden. Of is het regime van Ahmadinejad opnieuw slachtoffer van een dirty trick?

Eerder deze week maakten onderzoekers van Kaspersky Lab de resultaten bekend van een onderzoek met betrekking tot Madi. Dit oorspronkelijk door beveiligingsbedrijf Seculert ontdekte virus is de hoofdrolspeler in een infiltratiecampagne van computernetwerken. Madi is een kwaadaardig Trojaans paard dat via social engineering programma's wordt afgeleverd bij zorgvuldig geselecteerde doelwitten.

Israëli's en studenten
Kaspersky Lab en Seculert slaagden er samen in om de Command & Control (C&C) servers van Madi binnen te dringen en zo de campagne te volgen. De onderzoekers wisten meer dan achthonderd slachtoffers te identificeren in Iran, Israël en andere landen over de hele wereld die de afgelopen acht maanden verbinding hadden gemaakt met de C&C-servers.

Uit de statistieken blijkt dat de slachtoffers voornamelijk mensen zijn uit het bedrijfsleven die werken voor Iraanse en Israëlische kritieke infrastructuurprojecten, Israëlische financiële instellingen, technische studenten uit het Midden-Oosten en diverse overheidsinstellingen in het Midden-Oosten.

Onderzoek van de malware toonde een grote hoeveelheid religieuze en politieke documenten en beelden aan, die verzonden werden tijdens de initiële infectie om de aandacht van de ontvanger af te leiden.

"Hoewel de malware en de infrastructuur erg eenvoudig zijn in vergelijking met andere, soortgelijke projecten, bleken de Madi-aanvallers in staat een aanhoudende surveillanceoperatie uit te voeren tegen high-profile slachtoffers," aldus Nicolas Brulez, Senior Malware Researcher bij Kaspersky Lab. "Misschien hielp de amateuristische en rudimentaire aanpak de operatie juist onder de radar te blijven en ontdekking te vermijden."

Aviv Raff, Chief Technology Officer bij Seculert, vult aan: "Interessant is dat we tijdens onze gezamenlijke analyse veel Perzische tekenreeksen aantroffen in de malware en de C&C-tools, wat ongebruikelijk is in kwaadaardige code. De aanvallers spraken deze taal ongetwijfeld vloeiend."

Dit zou kunnen duiden op een Iraans maaksel, en dan ligt het voor de hand om te denken aan een tegenaanval na de Stuxnet- en Flame-virussen. Die waren beide gericht tegen het Iraanse kernprogramma en als daders vallen de namen van de Verenigde Staten en Israël.

Maar voordat we al te snelle conclusies trekken: de Perzische code kan heel goed een afleidingsmanoeuvre zijn van een land dat of groepering die Teheran in een kwaad daglicht wil stellen... Bovendien is het door het brede scala aan slachtoffers nog niet meteen duidelijk wie belang heeft bij deze aanval.

Madi's informatie-stelende Trojan stelt externe aanvallers in staat gevoelige bestanden te stelen van geïnfecteerde Windows-computers. Ook houdt het toezicht op gevoelige communicatie zoals e-mail en instant messaging, neemt het audio op, houdt het een log bij van toetsaanslagen en maakt het screenshots van activiteiten van zijn slachtoffers. Data-analyse suggereert dat diverse gigabytes aan gegevens zijn geüpload vanaf de computers van slachtoffers.

Veelvoorkomende toepassingen en websites die werden bespioneerd, zijn accounts van Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo! Mail, ICQ, Skype, Google+ en Facebook. Ook werd surveillance uitgevoerd op geïntegreerde ERP/CRM-systemen en financiële managementsystemen.

PC-Active # 260
Wie meer wil weten over de cyberoorlog in het Midden-Oosten: het nieuwe nummer van PC-Active beschrijft alle achtergronden van de Flame- en Stuxnet-malware. Ook schetsen we een worst case scenario: wat gebeurt er als Iran onze infrastructuur aanvalt? Over dit laatste artikel schreef Leon Krijnen van Dutch Cowboys:

"Koen Vervloesem schetst een realistische en indringende toekomstvisie van een cyberoorlog zoals die zich ook in Nederland zou kunnen afspelen. Het scenario is opgebouwd na een studie van alle beschikbare actuele data, op basis van een diepgaande kennis van hacking skills. En inderdaad: het las als een kruising tussen een thriller van (Tom, red.) Clancy en een geopolitieke analyse van Stratfor, met veel informatie over lekke SCADA-systemen en het laatste nieuws over het Echelon-spionageprogramma."
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 18/07/2012 | 10:32 uur
Iran announces plans to hold massive naval drills

July 18, 2012 - 11:55 AMT

PanARMENIAN.Net - A senior commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps announced that the IRGC Navy plans to stage massive naval wargames in the near future, Fars News Agency reported.

Lieutenant Commander of IRGC Navy Rear Admiral Javad Mashidi said the IRGC naval forces will stage wargames soon, and added that the necessary equipment has already been supplied for the drills.

"The IRGC Navy is fully prepared to carry out the maneuvers and will once again display its military might to protect Iran's borders," the commander stated.

Earlier this month, the IRGC Aerospace Force wrapped up three days of massive missile drills, codenamed Payambar-e Azam 7
(The Great Prophet 7).

Commander of the IRGC Aerospace Force Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh said at the time that the IRGC has detailed contingency plans to hit 35 U.S. bases in the region in case of a conflict.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 18/07/2012 | 10:36 uur
US Navy Plans Exercise In Persian Gulf

Anti-Mining Exercise Focuses On Transport Routes

By Adam Levine CNN, July 17, 2012

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The United States will conduct an anti-mining naval exercise in the Middle East in September, the Pentagon said.
The action comes amid concern about Iran blocking key oil transport routes with underwater mines.
The exercise, scheduled for September 16-27, will involve more than 20 countries and take place in multiple locations, Pentagon spokesman George Little said.

"This is a defensive exercise aimed at preserving freedom of navigation in the international waterways of the Middle East and aimed at promoting regional stability," Little told reporters at a Pentagon press conference. "These exercises are designed to enhance cooperation (and) develop mutual maritime capabilities, and are aimed at promoting long-term regional stability."
Little said the military event is not meant to deliver a message to Iran.
"This is an exercise that's designed to, within this multinational forum, increase our capabilities and cooperation."
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 18/07/2012 | 10:39 uur
Pentagon: 20 nations plan exercise in Mideast

Posted: Jul 17, 2012 By PAULINE JELINEK

WASHINGTON (AP) - In a move to bolster military strength against Iran, 20 nations will stage an anti-mining exercise in Mideast waterways.

Defense Department press Secretary George Little said the large minesweeping exercise Sept. 16-27 is a defensive drill and is "not ... aimed to deliver a message to Iran."

But Iran has threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz, the route for one-fifth of the world's oil, in retaliation for international sanctions over Tehran's nuclear program.

The upcoming exercise will focus on "a hypothetical threat from an extremist organization to mine the international strategic waterways of the Middle East, including the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, the Gulf of Oman, and the Persian Gulf, although exercise activities will not extend into the Strait of Hormuz," U.S. Central Command said in a statement.

"This is a defensive exercise aimed at preserving freedom of navigation in the international waterways of the Middle East and aimed at promoting regional stability," Little told Pentagon reporters on Tuesday.

Word of the exercise follows Monday's announcement that a second aircraft carrier will be sent to the region in September - several months earlier than planned - to ensure there will be two carriers in the region through early next year. The Pentagon also recently doubled the number of minesweepers in the region. And it sent the USS Ponce, an amphibious transport dock recently retrofitted to become what is known as an afloat forward staging base.

The buildup comes amid a stalemate in talks over Iran's nuclear program, which Tehran says is for peaceful purposes and other nations fear is to develop a nuclear weapon.

The exercise will practice mine countermeasures in multiple waterways. It will demonstrate "the international community's ability to work together to ensure free and secure trade," said Gen. James Mattis, commander for the region.

"Of the approximately 40 bilateral and multilateral exercises we'll conduct this year, this exercise also represents the extensive cooperation we enjoy with our international partners - both in and outside the region - with mutual economic and security interest," Mattis said.

Officials declined to name the other nations participating, saying they should identify themselves.

Copyright 2012 The Associated Press.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 18/07/2012 | 11:11 uur
U.S To Build Missile Defense Radar Station In Qatar To Counter Iranian Missiles

Tue, Jul 17, 2012 11:46 CET

      The U.S. is setting up missile radar battery in the Middle East to counter the threat posed by Iran as it continues testing long range ballistic missiles.

      Earlier this month, Iran tested a surface-to-surface missile which successfully hit their targets. The so-called Shahab-3 missile is capable of reaching Israel and southern Europe. The missiles are also capable of hitting U.S. bases in the region.

      In an effort to protect U.S interests and allies against Iranian rockets, the Pentagon has chosen a secret site in Qatar to build a missile-defense radar station and is organizing its biggest-ever minesweeping exercises in the Persian Gulf.

      The new radar base will house a powerful AN/TPY-2 radar, also known as X-Band radar, and supplement two similar arrays already in place in Israel's Negev Desert and in central Turkey. In turn, the radar installations are being linked to missile-interceptor batteries throughout the region and to U.S. ships with high-altitude interceptor rockets.

      Forming an arc, the three radar sites together can detect missile launches from northern, western and southern Iran enabling U.S. officials and allied militaries to track missiles launched from deep inside Iran.

      U.S officials believe Iran could have a ballistic missile as early as 2015 that could threaten the U.S. Qatar was chosen to host the new radar site because it is home to the largest U.S. military air base with more than 8,000 troops stationed there.

      According to the Pentagon, it will cost $12.2 million to construct a pad for the radar, roads, barracks and security measures at the Qatar site.

      The move comes after months of futile negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program although Tehran disputes claims of building nuclear weapons.

      Although the U.S officials say the radar site and upcoming naval exercises are defensive in nature, the move could be reflected as provocative to Iran.

      According to reports, the U.S. moves are intended to address the two Iranian offensive capabilities Pentagon planners most worry about: Tehran's arsenal of ballistic missiles and its threat to shut down the oil-shipping lanes of the Strait of Hormuz by mining them.

      Meanwhile, the Pentagon announced on Monday that it is sending an aircraft carrier to the Middle East several months early to ensure two carriers are present in the region at all times.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 18/07/2012 | 16:51 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 18/07/2012 | 10:39 uur
Pentagon: 20 nations plan exercise in Mideast

Zou Nederland ook van de partij zijn?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 18/07/2012 | 16:55 uur
Citaat van: Jah op 18/07/2012 | 16:51 uur
Zou Nederland ook van de partij zijn?

Wat denk je zelf?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 18/07/2012 | 16:58 uur
Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 18/07/2012 | 16:55 uur
Citaat van: Jah op 18/07/2012 | 16:51 uur
Zou Nederland ook van de partij zijn?

Wat denk je zelf?

Redelijk onwaarschijnlijk, maar sluit het niet uit.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Tanker op 18/07/2012 | 17:04 uur
We hebben F-16's die foto's kunnen maken of een mijnenjager die op mijnen kan jagen  :'(
Dat is onze bijdrage zouden onze politici zeggen....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 18/07/2012 | 17:14 uur
Citaat van: Jah op 18/07/2012 | 16:51 uur
Zou Nederland ook van de partij zijn?

Moet dat dan?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 18/07/2012 | 17:20 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 18/07/2012 | 17:14 uur
Moet dat dan?

Pesoonlijk denk ik de de regio vol ligt met materiaal, wat mij betreft zou de beste NL bijdrage een Sub zijn.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 18/07/2012 | 17:43 uur
Het is "niet zo ver" van de piratenarea naar de wateren bij Iran. Zolang we geen OPV's sturen valt er altijd wel iets bij te dragen. Als we dat al zouden willen....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 18/07/2012 | 17:48 uur
Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 18/07/2012 | 17:43 uur
Het is "niet zo ver" van de piratenarea naar de wateren bij Iran. Zolang we geen OPV's sturen valt er altijd wel iets bij te dragen. Als we dat al zouden willen....

Precies en volgens mij heeft NL de aankomende periode zijn meest indrukwekkende presentie sinds jaren in die regio (LPD en LCF) en  ik heb geen zicht op SSK bewegingen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 18/07/2012 | 17:51 uur
LPD lost LCF af, dus die situatie duurt maar heel kort.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 18/07/2012 | 17:58 uur
Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 18/07/2012 | 17:51 uur
LPD lost LCF af, dus die situatie duurt maar heel kort.


Nog een wat meer steelse presentie in de regio?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 18/07/2012 | 18:08 uur
Het zou zo kunnen zijn dat NL meedoet met een of meedere duikteams van de DDG. Ze hebben vorig jaar  tenslotte nog deelgenomen aan RIMPAC.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 18/07/2012 | 19:26 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 18/07/2012 | 17:58 uur
Nog een wat meer steelse presentie in de regio?

Staat er niet ergens (nog) een Hercules op Mirage?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 18/07/2012 | 21:20 uur
US unveils anti-mine operation near Gulf

The United States and about 20 other nations will hold a major anti-mine operation near the Gulf in September, the Pentagon said Tuesday, after Iran threatened it could block oil shipments.
The maneuvers, including a symposium on mine countermeasures, will be held between September 16 to 27, Pentagon spokesman George Little said.
"It's a defensive exercise aimed at preserving freedom of navigation in international waterways in the Middle East," Little said.
The United States has deployed the USS Ponce to serve as logistical backup in the anti-mine effort.
It has doubled to eight the number of minesweepers in the Gulf and sent in four MH-53 Sea Stallion anti-mine choppers as well as underwater drones.
"This is not an exercise that's aimed to deliver a message to Iran," Little said. "This is an exercise that's designed to, within this multinational forum, increase our capabilities and cooperation."
Washington has warned Tehran not to block the strategic Strait of Hormuz, which the Islamic republic has threatened to do if international sanctions against its nuclear program begin to bite.
The Pentagon is also building a missile defense radar station at a covert location in Qatar, The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday.
The site will be part of a system intended to defend the interests of the United States and its regional allies against Iranian rockets, unnamed US officials told the newspaper.
A similar radar has existed on Mount Keren in the Negev Desert since 2008 and another is installed in Turkey as part of NATO's missile defense shield.

Read more:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Harald op 19/07/2012 | 10:54 uur
Israel's First Strike on Iran's Nuclear Facilities – Part 3

Outbound and aftermath: Part 3 of a scenario for the first Israeli air strike on Iran's nuclear weapons program

In the first and second parts of this series, we described the strike package of fighters and supporting aircraft making the first attack in Israel's air campaign against the Iranian nuclear weapons program. With their weapons delivered, the Israelis must now get safely out of Iranian territory.

Word of the Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear facilities only reached the fighter squadrons as the bombs were falling. Four air bases are in position to intercept the outbound strike: Tactical Airbase (TAB) 4 at Vahdati, TAB 5 at Omidiyeh, TAB 6 at Bushehr, and TAB 7 at Shiraz.

The alert birds at Vahdati are a pair of F-5Es detailed from one the three squadrons based there. Omidiyeh has three F-7 squadrons (Chinese MiG-21 clones), but they are Iranian Republican Guard Corps (IRGC), with no air-to-air training. They launch the alert planes anyway. They're still fighter pilots, after all. Shiraz is no help. It only has one abbreviated squadron of F-5s, and none of them are on alert.

Bushehr, on Iran's southern coast, has the best chance, launching two pairs of alert F-4s and an F-14 "Persian Cat." The F-14 is carrying Sparrow and Sidewinder missiles for self-defense, but the back-seater's main role is as a fighter intercept controller.

The Iranians still have only the vaguest idea where the strike is heading, probably to the south-southwest, and the F-14's job is to find it using its AWG-9 radar. Thirty-six years after being delivered to the Shah's Iran, the F-14's radar is still the most powerful sensor in the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force.

The silenced Iranian radars now work against Israel as well as Iran. The Israeli eavesdroppers know where interceptors have taken off from, and they can listen to voice reports from the Iranian pilots, but they don't know the exact positions of the hostile fighters. In a dark sky, flying at 500 – 600 knots, both sides are blindly groping for the other.

The Israeli raid commander can see the signal from the F-14's AWG-9, and immediately vectors a pair of the fighter escorts to shoot it down, but it's too late. The Tomcat has spotted the outbound Israeli raid and broadcast its location, course, and speed to the interceptors, who immediately adjust their course. The F-14 driver then immediately shuts down his radar and repositions southwest at full military. He'll set up for another look in a few minutes.

The jig is up, as far as the Israeli commander's concerned. There's no point in concealment, and he orders all fighter escorts and defense suppression aircraft to energize their radars. Sixteen fighters ranged on either side of the outbound strikers immediately sweep the airspace. The F-5s and F-7s, both only armed with IR-homing missiles, are spotted and killed well out of range.

The Bushehr F-4s use a "high-low" tactic, and while the upper pair is quickly found and killed, again outside of range, the lower pair, on burner, gets close enough to each launch a pair of Sparrow missiles at the strikers. The four elderly Sparrow missiles are met with a wall of chaff and jamming, and the second pair of F-4s, committed to guide the Sparrows in, are destroyed, rendering their missiles useless.

The rest of the trip back to base is uneventful, and all aircraft land safely.

This hypothetical account is based on the research, design, and gameplay involved in developing Persian Incursion, a wargame published by Clash of Arms in 2010 and written by Chris Carlson, Jeff Dougherty, and myself. It details both Israeli and Iranian military capabilities in an extended air campaign intended to destroy Iran's nuclear weapons program. During the design and gameplay, we did our best to reproduce the tactics and techniques each side would use. There are several important points that we came away with, and that appear in this account:
There can be no Israeli campaign without an arrangement with one of three countries that lie between Israel and Iran. The government of Saudi Arabia, Turkey, or Iraq must explicitly, if secretly, give the Israelis permission to use their airspace for a period as long as a week. This involves not just the airstrikes, but pre-and post-strike reconnaissance missions, tanker flights, and potentially damaged aircraft and rescue missions.
The Israeli Air Force outclasses the Iranian Air Force and Air Defense Forces (a separate service). They have better equipment and better training. They're not just a little better, they're a lot better.
In the end, the military outcome doesn't matter. In the narrative above, I didn't bother resolving the attack, because those PGMs are really aimed at the minds of the Iranian leadership. To win this campaign, not against a physical enemy but Iranian intentions, the Israelis must demonstrate the ability to not just destroy one installation, but all of them. Easily. With little or no loss.

Those hundred-plus PGMs will almost certainly blow to oblivion the three nuclear facilities at Isfahan, but what will the Iranian Supreme Leader think when he looks at the destruction? Will he conclude that there's no future in an Iranian nuclear bomb program, or will he just start rebuilding?

And what will he think tomorrow, when a second raid destroys the reactor and heavy water plant at Arak?

And the day after that?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Tanker op 19/07/2012 | 11:02 uur
mooi verhaal, is het ook realistisch ?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 21/07/2012 | 10:12 uur
Iran parliament backs draft law to close Hormuz

Just over half of Iran's parliament has backed a draft law to block the Strait of Hormuz, a lawmaker said, threatening to close the Gulf to oil tankers in retaliation against European sanctions on Iranian crude.

The assembly has little say in defence and foreign policy, where Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has the last word, but the law would lend political support to any decision to close the strait - a threat that Iran's foreign minister recently played down.

Lawmaker Javad Karimi Qodoosi said 150 of parliament's 290 members had signed the bill, describing the strait as 'the world's lock' to which Iran holds the key.

'If the sanctions continue, the countries that have imposed sanctions have no right to cross the Strait of Hormuz without harm,' the Iranian Students' News Agency quoted Qodoosi as saying.

A heavy Western naval presence in the Gulf and surrounding area is a big impediment to any attempt to block the vital shipping route through which 40 per cent of the world's seaborne oil exports passes. Qodoosi dismissed this obstacle.

'From a military standpoint, the power to close the Strait of Hormuz is 100 per cent there ... if we close the Strait of Hormuz, no country will be able to open it'.

Iranian threats to close the shipping channel have multiplied in response to sanctions placed on its crude exports by Western powers. The European Union banned imports from July 1 and non-EU Turkey has slashed purchases.

The sanctions were imposed over Iran's nuclear programme, which the West suspects is aimed at creating an atomic weapon and Tehran says is for peaceful energy purposes.

Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi told Reuters earlier this month Iran was unlikely to follow through on the treat to close the strait.

'Probably those who have suggested this idea have in mind that if Iran is denied access to the Persian Gulf for whatever reason ... then Iran will probably react appropriately ... But I don't think such a time will ever come,' he said.-Reuters
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 21/07/2012 | 13:14 uur
Senior MP: US Warships Unable to Counter Iranian Navy

TEHRAN (FNA)- A senior Iranian legislator played down deployment of new US warships in the Persian Gulf, saying that the US navy is not able to counter the Iranian naval forces in the region.

"These warships are not able to counter the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) and the Army's Navies," Mohammad Javad Kolivand told FNA on Saturday.

"In case of the smallest mistake by the Americans or any other country against our country's interests, we will send the US warships down to the deep waters of the Persian Gulf," he added.

Kolivand said that as the Iranian military commanders have underlined frequently, the US warships are the best targets for the Iranian missiles and the IRGC speed boats.

His remarks came after Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps naval force General Ali Fadavi said that the US warships in the Persian Gulf are fully respecting Iran's warnings since dire consequences will be waiting for them otherwise.

"Considering that in the end of the (Iraqi imposed) war (in the 1980s) a one-billion-dollar US warship and its choppers were destroyed, naturally now that the IRGC navy enjoys full might and power in the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz, Americans comply with the IRGC warnings, otherwise very bad consequences will be waiting for them, although we have never seen them disobey in the Strait of Hormuz and the Persian Gulf," General Fadavi said last Saturday.

Asked about the possibility of a military conflict between Iran and the US, the General said, "The possibility of a conflict depends on the level of the stupidity of the westerners."
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 21/07/2012 | 13:51 uur
Dreiging uit Teheran: "uraniumverrijking tot 56 procent"

zaterdag 21 juli 2012 om 13u41

(Belga) Voor de volgende ronde van de atoomgesprekken met Iran komen uit Teheran dreigende woorden om voortaan uranium te verrijken naar een hoger percentage. "Als jullie (de wereldmachten) verder druk blijven uitoefenen, zullen we het niveau van de verrijking naar 56 procent opschroeven", zei Reza Taqavi, een vooraanstaand geestelijke en nauwe adviseur van ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Dat meldde het Iraanse persagentschap Isna.

Tot nog toe verrijkt Teheran uranium tot 20 procent. Het Westen wil daaraan een eind maken, omdat gevreesd wordt dat Iran onder de dekmantel van civiel onderzoek aan kernwapens werkt. De Verenigde Staten hebben onlangs hun sancties tegen het regime uitgebreid en de militaire aanwezigheid in de regio versterkt. De vastgelopen onderhandelingen zullen dinsdag in Istanboel voortgezet worden. (KAV)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Tanker op 21/07/2012 | 15:53 uur
Met die lui valt toch geen zaken te doen, laat staan een serieuze afspraak te maken.
Wanneer sluit het net zich en grijpt men daar in ?

Wij doen uiteraard niks, ach misschien hebben we nog wel een mijnenjagertje over die gebruikt kan worden in de straat van Hormuz.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 21/07/2012 | 16:17 uur
Citaat van: Tanker op 21/07/2012 | 15:53 uur
Met die lui valt toch geen zaken te doen, laat staan een serieuze afspraak te maken.
Wanneer sluit het net zich en grijpt men daar in ?

Wij doen uiteraard niks, ach misschien hebben we nog wel een mijnenjagertje over die gebruikt kan worden in de straat van Hormuz.
Tja....degene die de serieuze afspraken willen maken zijn daar ook niet echt serieus over...waren een decenium geleden nog van plan het Iraanse regime gewapenderhand omver te werpen en pogen dat al sinds 1979. Dus tja...zal geen traan laten als het Iraanse regime verdwijnt, maar of de motieven van de andere betrokken partijen zo zuiver zijn...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 21/07/2012 | 23:38 uur
De vorige keer toen 'het Westen' een Iraanse leider omver wierp kregen we Khomeini...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 22/07/2012 | 09:17 uur
Report: Israel fears Iranian terror attack at London 2012 Olympics

According to the Sunday Times, U.K. launches largest security operation in peacetime Britain.

Israeli officials have warned that an Iranian terror squad in Europe may be planning to attack its athletes at the 2012 Olympic Games, sparking the largest security operation in peacetime Britain, The Sunday Times reported.

According to a report by the Sunday Times, more than 17,000 troops and 7,000 private security guards will secure the Olympic Park and 26 other venues, and an additional 12,500 police will be deployed to patrol London's streets in a "series of 'rings of steel.'"

The Sunday Times reports further that "panic rooms have been installed beneath the stadium as a haven for VIPs and spectators in the event of an attack."

MI5 and New Scotland Yard are reportedly thought to have raised their threat assessment in light of the terrorist attack in Bulgaria on Wednesday that killed 5 Israelis, the bus driver and a suicide bomber. In addition, the Sunday Times reports, the Israeli government has dispatched agents from the Shin Bet and Mossad to protect its 38-strong delegation.

The Mossad, says the Sunday Times, "is hunting a group of white Europeans who are thought to have converted to Islam and to be working with the Iranian Quds force and Hezbollah, the terrorist group backed by Tehran.

"One of the Israelis' targets is thought to be a terrorist carrying a US passport under the name of David Jefferson, who is believed to have fled after the Burgas attack" and "is thought to have another powerful device" like that used in last week's bombing, said the report.

According to the Sunday Times, "Security experts say the Quds force — a unit of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards — has recruited a number of white European Islamic converts, including two Germans, one from Sweden and a couple of Britons."

New York police believe Iranian Revolutionary Guards or their proxies have been involved so far this year in nine plots against Israeli or Jewish targets around the world, according to restricted police documents obtained by Reuters.

Reports prepared this week by intelligence analysts for the New York Police Department say three plots were foiled in January, three in February and another three since late June. Iran has repeatedly denied supporting militant attacks abroad.

The documents, labeled "Law Enforcement Sensitive," said that this week's suicide bomb attack in Bulgaria was the second plot to be unmasked there this year.

The reports detail two plots in Bangkok and one each in New Delhi, Tbilisi, Baku, Mombasa and Cyprus. Each plot was attributed to Iran or its Lebanese Hezbollah militant allies, said the reports, which were produced following the bombing in Burgas, Bulgaria of a bus carrying Israeli tourists.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 25/07/2012 | 09:52 uur
Iran, World Powers End Talks in Istanbul, Results not Clear 

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Talks between Iran and world powers at expert level on the country's disputed nuclear programme ended Tuesday evening in Istanbul, dpa reported.
Michael Mann, a spokesman for the European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, confirmed to dpa that the talks had ended, but did not give details of the results.
"As foreseen in Moscow, the next step is that there will be a conversation between Mrs Ashton and (Iran's chief nuclear negotiator Saeid) Jalili," Mann said.
Before the talks, Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast reiterated Iran's right to a nuclear programme. "Our position is clear: We want clear and official recognition of our rights to a peaceful nuclear programme," Mehmanparast said.
The so-called 5+1 nations - China, Germany, France, Britain, Russia and the United States - suspect Iran of building a nuclear weapon and are pressing the Islamic republic to halt its nuclear enrichment activities.
Tehran insists that its nuclear programme is of a peaceful nature.

Following a breakdown in talks between the two sides in Moscow in mid-June, the leading negotiators - European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton and Iran's chief nuclear negotiator Saeid Jalili - agreed to move ahead with expert-level contacts in the interim.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 25/07/2012 | 11:28 uur
Iran increases uranium enrichment activities

Iran is defiantly forging on with its controversial nuclear activities by activating hundreds more uranium enrichment centrifuges, according to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

25 Jul 2012

"There are currently 11,000 centrifuges active in enrichment facilities" in Iran, he was quoted by state media as saying late on Tuesday in a meeting with supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and senior regime officials.

That was more than the 10,000 centrifuges Iran was last said to have had operating, according to a May 25 report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Ahmadinejad's reported comments did not give a more precise figure nor detail how many centrifuges were now working at each of Iran's two enrichment sites: Natanz and the heavily fortified underground bunker of Fordo.

Fordo has emerged as one of the most contentious points in fruitless negotiations between Iran and the P5+1 group of nations, which comprises the top UN Security Council powers the United States, Britain, France, Russia, and China, plus Germany.

The Security Council has demanded Iran suspend all uranium enrichment and has imposed four sets of sanctions to pressure it to comply. The IAEA, the UN's nuclear watchdog, has said it suspects there is a military dimension to Iran's nuclear programme.

The United States and the European Union have added their own sanctions on Iran, but the Islamic republic has defiantly said it would continue with its nuclear activities.

The IAEA report in May said there were 9,330 installed centrifuges in Natanz, of which 8,818 were being fed uranium hexafluoride gas to produce enriched uranium.

The Fordo facility, near the holy city of Qom, had 696 working centrifuges, the report said.

The enrichment activities have produced stockpiles of uranium enriched to purities of 3.5 per cent and 19.75 per cent.

Iran says the former is to fuel its nuclear power reactor in the southern city of Bushehr, while the higher-grade uranium is to make medical isotopes for cancer patients in its Tehran research reactor.

Western powers, though, fear the 19.75-per cent enriched uranium could, in just a few technical steps more, be processed into bomb-grade, 90-percent uranium.

Iran insists its nuclear programme is entirely peaceful, but has rebuffed repeated attempts by the IAEA to expand its ongoing surveillance and inspections, notably to include a suspect sprawling military facility in Parchin, outside Tehran.

Source: AFP
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 26/07/2012 | 12:57 uur
Iran and the Time of "Last Resort" Ponce in the Gulf

by VIJAY PRASHAD (source:
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

In early July, the United States Navy moved a converted transport ship, USS Ponce, into the Persian Gulf to its temporary home off Bahrain's waters. The Ponce is a floating forward base for military operations in the region. This ship, originally built in 1966 but now retrofitted, is a platform for U.S. Special Forces in the region. It uses an array of helicopters as well as marine divers whose putative work is to assist minesweeping ships but whose other purpose is underwater sabotage. The Ponce joins USS Enterprise and USS Lincoln, both first class warships that are supported by a considerable battle group. Alongside these vessels are the U.S. Air Force's quotient of F-22 bombers and F-15C warplanes and the various marine and amphibious Task Forces of the U.S. Fifth Fleet based at the Naval Support Activity station in Manama, Bahrain. There is a traffic jam of American power in the Persian Gulf. The arrival of the Ponce, the first of a number of "afloat forward staging bases", raises the capacity of the U.S. forces in the region. It can hover in international waters, housing hundreds of Special Forces troops who can be taken anywhere in the region in helicopters or on fast boats. If the al-Khalifa regime in Bahrain or the Nouri al-Maliki government in Iraq decides that it will not sanction a U.S. attack from its territory, the Ponce will become crucial. It allows the U.S. government freedom to decide when and where it will launch its next assault.

The military build-up in the Gulf comes in the context of a stalemate in the diplomatic effort and an intensified U.S.-European sanctions regime on Iran. The P5+1 (the U.S., United Kingdom, France, China, Russia and Germany) meetings with Iran have largely collapsed through an impossible agenda: the U.S. wants maximum concessions (ending uranium enrichment to the 20 per cent level), which Iran finds unreasonable.

Meanwhile, on July 1, the U.S.-European intensified sanctions went into effect. Its immediate outcome has been a catastrophic decline of up to 40 per cent of Iran's oil exports. Pressure on India to curtail its import of Iranian oil, if successful, would reduce Iran's exports further. That India's General Insurance Corporation has agreed to provide limited cover to tankers carrying Iranian oil to India is an indication that this pipeline may not be secure.

It was always going to be tough to have a genuine dialogue about Iran's nuclear programme when the U.S. and Europe ramped up their belligerent rhetoric and consolidated their plans to isolate Iran economically. The use of various computer worms (Stuxnet and the Flame malware) combined with the assassination of Iranian scientists reduced the possibility of trust in diplomatic negotiations.

The arrival of the Ponce in the Persian Gulf is not simply about Iran's nuclear programme. When asked to explain the endgame, a senior Defence Department official told The New York Times, "This is not about Iranian nuclear ambitions, but about Iran's regional hegemonic ambitions." The military cognate of this statement is in a 2008 report, which notes that a U.S. military strike "would have to target not only Iran's nuclear infrastructure, but also its conventional military infrastructure in order to suppress an Iranian response".

The Obama administration has erased U.S. complicity with the Hosni Mubarak and Zine El Abidine Ben Ali regimes, using the Arab Spring to its advantage and positioning itself as the champion of democracy, mainly through the Syrian theatre. A friendly international media enabled the U.S. to paint Iran as the deterrent to the democratic ambitions of the Arab peoples, given Iran's links to the Bashar al-Assad regime in Damascus. A military build-up, in this context, appears not as the authoritarian hand of U.S. power but as a mechanism to ensure "democracy" against "Iran's regional hegemonic ambitions". The monarchical Gulf Cooperation Council, the so-called Arab NATO, has expanded military ties with the U.S., and its six members, along with 11 other countries, will join the U.S. in a massive military exercise off the Iranian coast in September.

Diplomacy was fated to fail. In the U.S., there is a bipartisan consensus that Iran is beyond conversation. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad provides the caricature of the Oriental despot, and Israel's siege mentality enables grotesque exaggerations of Iranian intentions to stifle reasonable debate on U.S. policy towards Iran. Like conjoined twins, the Republicans and the Democrats battle each other to appear tougher in the fight against Iran. With the domestic economy in the doldrums, President Barack Obama is running for re-election as the more sane political choice who is tough on foreign policy (illustrated by the drones and the extrajudicial assassinations). This is a much better platform than health care or job creation. The Republican's Mitt Romney can only tail Obama's belligerent foreign policy. A U.S. peace bloc vis-à-vis Iran effectively does not exist.

The Gulf of Hormuz provides a theatre for U.S. power in the absence of any discomfort among the U.S. political class. It also provides the two leading political candidates a platform to demonstrate their fealty to Israel and its own ambitions in the region.

Not many people care to articulate or to understand the Iranian position on the conflict, and few realise that Obama's rhetoric is seen amongst the Iranian intelligentsia and the ruling clerics as a sequel to the Central Intelligence Agency's 1953 Operation Ajax, which overthrew Iran's democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh. It suits the ruling clerics to maintain a level of ambiguity regarding Iran's nuclear programme, particularly given the example before them of Libya. Muammar Qaddafi ended his country's programme in 2004 and turned over his centrifuges and other materials to the U.S. (it was on these Iranian designed centrifuges that the U.S. scientists first tested the Stuxnet worm, used against Iran in 2011). His fate reinforces the policy of nuclear ambiguity. Many Iranians see the U.S. demands for a drawdown of its nuclear programme as precisely the first salvo in a new kind of Operation Ajax.

The Iranians do have cause for concern. Obama's foreign policy advisers in the election campaign of 2008 (Anthony Lake, Susan Rice and Dennis Ross) made common cause with the neoconservatives on the issue of Iran. The Washington Institute for Near Eastern Policy's (WINEP) 2008 Presidential Task Force included Lake and Susan Rice and it produced an acidic report called "Strengthening the Partnership: How to Deepen U.S.-Israel Cooperation on the Iranian Nuclear Challenge". The report cautioned that the U.S. might "be reconciling itself to the idea of 'living with an Iranian nuclear bomb'", and so proposed "preventative military action" to circumvent such a situation. The lessons of Iraq had not deterred the neoconservatives or the interventionist liberals. Both wanted a repeat performance in Iran.

The WINEP report appears timid beside the September 2008 Bipartisan Policy Centre report ("Meeting the Challenge: U.S. Policy Toward Iranian Nuclear Development"), which included in its drafting Obama's close Middle East (West Asia) adviser, Dennis Ross. This report debunked diplomacy and called for a muscular, military showdown with Iran. "It must be clear," the report noted, "that any U.S.-Iranian talks will not be open-ended but will be limited to a pre-determined time period so that Teheran does not try to 'run out the clock'." In other words use the time of diplomacy to hasten its nuclear programme.

Since the talks are fated to fail, the report noted, the U.S. needs to "preposition military assets" and to use these for a "show of force" in the waters around Iran. Iran's oil exports had to be blockaded and the U.S. needed to conduct the mysteriously worded "kinetic actions".

All this has come to pass. The oil blockade is in place, the "kinetic actions" (computer worms, sabotage, assassinations) are ongoing, and the show of force is now in the Strait of Hormuz as USS Ponce drops anchor. "We believe a military strike is a feasible option," says the 2008 report, "and must remain a last resort to retard Iran's nuclear programme." The time of the "last resort" seems to have presented itself
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 27/07/2012 | 09:50 uur
Beyond the point of no return?

Former defense establishment top brass share concerns over recent bellicose statements by government leaders about an Israel offensive against Iran, and agree that in the coming months such an attack would do more harm than good.

By Amos Harel | Jul.27, 2012

"I am terribly confused. For the first time, after many years of experience in this field, I think I have a better grasp of the calculations that are motivating the enemy than of our own." Thus said an experienced intelligence analyst who spent many years in the inner sanctum of Israel's security system. Realities in the Middle East have changed drastically during the past two years, the man observed. It seems that for the first time in a very long time, Israel cannot really take steps to curb the developments that threaten it - from the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt to the potential worrisome collapse of the Assad regime in Syria. Yet in one area, Israeli action can have significant, dramatic repercussions, ones that will influence life in the region as a whole - and that area is Iran.

In recent weeks I've held discussions with five retired defense establishment officials, each of whom held a top post. In fact, between them, they held virtually every major command post that one can imagine in the Israel Defense Forces. The talks were held separately (some of these figures loathe one another, due to disagreements which are personal, not strategic in nature ). The troublesome thing about the conversations was their consistent, uniform tone: All these interlocutors are very worried about what they perceive as the prime minister's, and the defense minister's, increasing inclination to attack Iran.

None of the five has publicly voiced opposition to such an attack, nor did they always see eye to eye about specific details of the Iranian issue. Most of them take exception to the outspoken statements by former Mossad chief Meir Dagan and former Shin Bet security service head Yuval Diskin, who expressed opposition to oppose bombing Iran under any circumstances (Dagan ), and characterized the Netanyahu-Barak position on this subject as being irrational and "messianic" (Diskin ). What unites the five is doubt about the timing: An attack during the next two months, they say, without international backing and in defiance of American preferences, would bring more harm to Israel than good.

At the end of 2011, Ehud Barak introduced into international discourse about Iran's nuclear program the concept of Tehran's "immunity threshold." This idea, devised originally by the IDF's Intelligence Corps, refers to the regime's desire to establish vital components of its nuclear program in various fortified sites that will essentially be safe in the event of external military attack. Now, it seems that, with respect to that scenario, the point of no return may have already come and gone: The Iranians have developed sufficient production capability and knowledge regarding how to respond to attacks, to be able to provide their nuclear program with a kind of insurance policy.

Barak's assessments implied that by the end of 2012, Iran will have passed the immunity threshold. Indeed, such protection against an Israeli attack is being attained relatively quickly. The U.S. Air Force, with its enhanced attack capabilities, might have a few more months than Israel to launch a crippling strike against Iran's program.

Delivering a speech at a Defense Ministry reception on Independence Day last April, Barak elaborated on the details of the immunity threshold concept. Thereafter, however, it seemed to vanish from Barak's public pronouncements; in a fairly assertive speech he delivered on Wednesday at the National Defense College, he had nary a word to say about the idea.

Some people believe that the concept is no longer germane, because months ago, Iran passed the threshold and now hosts well-protected nuclear facilities. The Iranians have moved a large number of uranium enrichment centrifuges to the underground facility at Fordo, near the holy city of Qom, which helps render an air attack against the nuclear program useless, these experts contend. What remains for Israel to do, they suggest, is to consider carrying out an aerial attack as a display of its deterrent powers, not as a substantive strike intended to decapitate the Iranian program.

The brilliance of the minds behind the operative planning in Israel should not be belittled. If we consider past operations attributed to Israel in this area, it seems plausible to argue that Israel would be able to pull off an operational success this time as well, in Iran. Yet the positive strategic dividends of such as an operation would be limited. Moreover, they could be offset by a number of dangers: from a rift in relations with Washington to, in extreme circumstances, a regional war.

Cynics would argue that the immunity threshold concept serves an utterly different goal: The Iranian threat bolsters Barak's own political immunity, since he has survived by being known as Netanyahu's right-hand man on sensitive security matters.

Duan-Iran deal

In the middle of this past week, the political arena was rattled by the so-called Duan-Iran deal, by the prime minister's effort to lure four MKs from the Kadima party (including MK Avi Duan ) to join the government, together with former MK Tzachi Hanegbi. This political jockeying was associated by some media outlets with the Iranian issue: Netanyahu, they suggested, initially declared that early elections would be held, and then suddenly brought Kadima into the coalition in May, for the purposes of paving the road to an attack on Iran. According to some analysts, Kadima chairman Shaul Mofaz quit the coalition in mid-July due to his reservations about an attack on Iran (this issue was arguably more important to him than the crisis about conscription of Orthodox men to the IDF ). Furthermore, pundits say, Hanegbi was going to join the coalition so as to help give Netanyahu the sweeping support for a strike that Mofaz was supposed to have garnered.

This scenario has many loose ends, however. Mofaz presented himself publicly as a vehement opponent of a unilateral Israeli attack. So why would Netanyahu rely on him as a potential supporter of just such a strike? This strategic explanation of recent occurrences in the political arena also overlooks the extent to which sheer political survival affects the thinking of figures such as the prime minister and also Mofaz - especially at moments when they consider signing a coalition agreement between parties. And the benefits (strategic, moral, political or otherwise ) to be accrued by Hanegbi's inclusion in the government remain hard to fathom.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 27/07/2012 | 09:53 uur
Published: Friday, July 27, 2012, 12:01 a.m.

Iranian weapons pose increased threat to U.S. warships

Iran is rapidly gaining new capabilities to strike at U.S. warships in the Persian Gulf, amassing an arsenal of sophisticated anti-ship missiles while expanding its fleet of fast-attack boats and submarines, U.S. and Middle Eastern analysts say.

The new systems, many of them developed with foreign assistance, are giving Iran's commanders new confidence that they could quickly damage or destroy U.S. ships if hostilities erupt, the officials say.

Although U.S. Navy officials are convinced that they would prevail in a fight, Iran's advances have fueled concerns about U.S. vulnerabilities during the opening hours of a conflict in the gulf.

Increasingly accurate short-range missiles - combined with Iran's use of "swarm" tactics involving hundreds of heavily armed patrol boats - could strain the defensive capabilities of even the most modern U.S. ships, current and former military analysts say.

In recent weeks, as nuclear talks with world powers have faltered and tensions have risen, Iran has repeated threats to shut down shipping in the oil-rich gulf region. Its leaders also have warned of massive retaliation for any attacks on its nuclear facilities, which the United States believes are civilian covers for an Iranian drive to acquire a nuclear-weapons capability.

Last week, Iran's Foreign Ministry declared that the presence of U.S. warships in the gulf constituted a "real threat" to the region's security.

Pentagon officials have responded by sending more ships, urged on by Congress as well as U.S. allies in the region. This month, the Navy announced that it would deploy the aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis to the Middle East four months ahead of schedule. The shift will keep two carriers in the gulf region.

The United States also has announced new military exercises in the region, including a mine-sweeping drill in the gulf, and has moved to add new radar stations and land-based missile-defense batteries in Qatar.

The likelihood that Iran would risk an all-out attack on a vastly superior U.S. fleet is judged to be small. But Iranian leaders could decide to launch a limited strike if Israel or the United States bombed the country's nuclear facilities. Analysts also cautioned that a conflict could be sparked by an Iranian attempt to close the Strait of Hormuz - the narrow passage through which about 20 percent of the world's oil passes from the Persian Gulf into open seas - in retaliation for international economic sanctions.

In either scenario, Iran's ability to inflict significant damage is substantially greater than it was a decade ago. A Pentagon study in April warned that Iran had made gains in the "lethality and effectiveness" of its arsenal. The Pentagon declined to comment for this article.

Iran's increased power to retaliate has led some military experts to question the wisdom of deploying aircraft carriers and other expensive warships to the gulf if a conflict appears imminent.

A 2009 study prepared for the Naval War College warns of Iran's increasing ability to "execute a massive naval ambush" in the Strait of Hormuz, a narrow waterway dotted with small islands and inlets and perfectly suited for the kind of asymmetric warfare preferred by Iran's commanders.

"If the U.S. chooses to station warships in the Strait of Hormuz during the buildup to conflict, it cedes the decision of when to fight and allows the fight to begin in the most advantageous place for Iran," wrote the study's author, Navy Lt. Cmdr. Colin Boynton. "This could lead to a devastating first salvo on U.S. Navy warships, which would most likely be operating under restrictive rules of engagement."

Since 2009, analysts say, Iran has added defensive and offensive capabilities. Some of them have been on display in recent months in a succession of military drills, including a missile exercise in early July dubbed Great Prophet 7. The exercise included a demonstration of Iran's newly deployed Khalid Farzh anti-ship missile, which has an internal guidance system, a powerful 1,400-pound warhead and a range of 180 miles.

Iran's arsenal already included a variety of anti-ship missiles such as the Chinese-made Silkworm. More recently, Iran has boasted of progress in developing high-speed torpedoes based on Russian designs. Such claims are often exaggerated, but the April Pentagon assessment noted that Iran's arsenal now includes ballistic missiles with "seekers" that enable them to maneuver toward ships during flight.

Modern U.S. warships are equipped with multiple defense systems, such as the ship-based Aegis missile shield. But Iran has sought to neutralize the U.S. technological advantage by honing an ability to strike from multiple directions at once. The emerging strategy relies not only on mobile missile launchers but also on new mini-submarines, helicopters and hundreds of heavily armed small boats known as fast-attack craft.

These highly maneuverable small boats, some barely as long as a subway car, have become a cornerstone of Iran's strategy for defending the gulf against a much larger adversary. The vessels can rapidly deploy Iran's estimated 2,000 anti-ship mines or mass in groups to strike large warships from multiple sides at once, like a cloud of wasps attacking much larger prey.

A Middle Eastern intelligence official who helps coordinate strategy for the gulf with U.S. counterparts said some Navy ships could find themselves in a "360-degree threat environment," simultaneously in the cross hairs of adversaries on land, in the air, at sea and even underwater.

"This is the scenario that is giving people nightmares," said the official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity in discussing strategy for defending against a possible Iranian attack.

The Navy has ordered new systems for defending against small-boat "swarms," including ship-launched unmanned aerial vehicles and special missiles and artillery rounds for use against fast-attack craft. But many of the new defenses will not be deployed for several months, said Michael Eisenstadt, a former military adviser to the Pentagon and the State Department.

"We're behind and we're catching up," Eisenstadt said. "But if there's a conflict in the near term, we may not be completely ready."

U.S. forces would probably recover quickly from any early losses, but Iranian leaders could claim a psychological victory if the world's media carried images of burning U.S. warships in the gulf, Eisenstadt said. Al-Qaeda landed a similar blow in 2000 when suicide bombers on a small boat heavily damaged the destroyer USS Cole in the Yemeni port of Aden, an attack that killed 17 sailors and wounded nearly 40 others.

"A lot of Iranian ships would be at the bottom of the gulf, but ⅛Iran€ would be able to point to a victory," Eisenstadt said. "The outcome would never be in doubt when you're dealing with the most powerful military in the world. But in their minds they would have shown the world that if you mess with us, you'll pay a heavy price."

The Iranian naval buildup is described by U.S. officials as part of an effort by the Islamic Republic to bolster its military credibility in the region.

The Pentagon's April assessment said Iran was making steady progress in developing ballistic missiles capable of striking targets in Israel and beyond. It also said Tehran was enhancing its well-established capacity to launch terrorist attacks using surrogates such as Hezbollah, the Lebanon-based militia movement that operates a network of cells around the world.

U.S. and Israeli intelligence officials have linked Iran and Hezbollah to a string of assassination attempts and terrorist attacks on three continents in the past six months - from the foiled plot to kill a Saudi diplomat in Washington last fall to the deadly bombing of a tour bus filled with Israelis last week in Bulgaria. Current and former U.S. officials say more attacks are likely if Israel launches a preemptive strike on Iran's uranium-enrichment plants.

"Iran has the capacity to attack, from Argentina to Venezuela, in Asia, in Europe and throughout the Middle East," Danielle Pletka, a defense expert at the American Enterprise Institute, said Wednesday in testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. "It seems naïve to believe it does not have the capacity to launch attacks in the United States."

The arms buildup in the gulf comes as Israeli officials continue to weigh an airstrike that many experts believe would ignite a larger conflict. A stream of Barack Obama administration officials, including Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta, have visited Israel in recent weeks to lobby against a unilateral attack. Middle East experts say that Israel has not decided to attack but that the risk of an Israeli strike is rising as hopes of a diplomatic settlement to the nuclear crisis evaporate.

David Makovsky, a Middle East expert with the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, said after discussions with top Israeli officials that he assessed the chances of a strike at "50-50 . . . before the U.S. elections" in November. "There's this feeling that Israel's window is closing."

U.S. ships, meanwhile, continue steaming toward the gulf as the Obama administration seeks to reassure allies in the region and discourage Iran from moving to block the flow of oil through the Strait of Hormuz. U.S. and Middle Eastern officials acknowledge that deployments carry inherent risk, but they say there are no good alternatives.

"It is a dilemma," the Middle East intelligence official said. "When the Navy ships are in the strait, they are vulnerable to attack. But if you were to take them away, the gulf countries would feel more vulnerable. And already they feel very, very vulnerable."
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 29/07/2012 | 09:40 uur
'VS hebben plan voor aanval op Iran om nucleaire plannen'

29-7-12 - 08:57  bron: ANP

Een hoge veiligheidsadviseur van de Amerikaanse president Barack Obama zou de Israëlische premier Benjamin Netanyahu hebben ingelicht over een Amerikaans plan om Iran aan te vallen als dat land niet stopt met zijn nucleaire programma.

Dat schrijft de Israëlische krant Haaretz vandaag.

Het gesprek tussen Netanyahu en de nationale veiligheidsadviseur Thomas Donilon zou eerder deze maand hebben plaatsgevonden. De bedoeling van het gesprek was Israël te weerhouden zelf een aanval uit te voeren op Iran.

Een adviseur van de Israëlische premier wilde geen commentaar geven op het bericht in de krant.

Het bekend worden van het gesprek valt samen met het bezoek van de Amerikaanse presidentskandidaat Mitt Romney aan Israël. Romney heeft zondag een ontmoeting met Netanyahu.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 29/07/2012 | 09:44 uur
Obama aide tells Israel of Iran attack plan in secret briefing

Sunday, 29 July 2012

By Al Arabiya with Agencies

President Barack Obama's national security adviser has briefed Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on a U.S. contingency plan to attack Iran should diplomacy fail to curb its nuclear program, an Israeli newspaper reported on Sunday.

The Haaretz newspaper said that the U.S. adviser - Thomas Donilon - had described the plan in talks with Netanyahu earlier this month.

A senior Netanyahu aide, Harel Locker, refused to comment on the report when asked about it in an interview with an Israeli radio station. Another Israeli official reached by telephone, said "we do not comment on closed-door diplomatic meetings".

Haaretz said the secret briefing was the most significant effort by high-level U.S. officials who had visited Israel in the past month, including Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, to try to dissuade Israel from launching its own military strike on Iran.

The report coincided with a visit to Israel by Obama's main rival in his reelection bid this November, Republican candidate Mitt Romney, who is due to meet Netanyahu on Sunday.

Quoting a senior U.S. official it said spoke on condition of anonymity, Haaretz said Donilon had told Netanyahu the Pentagon was planning for a possible decision to attack Iran's nuclear sites, and had shown him some of the plans.

In their talks, the same official said Donilon had also detailed the U.S. military's ability to penetrate nuclear facilities buried deep underground, and had said that such contingency plans were being drawn up in case of a possible deadlock in diplomacy with Iran.

However according to Haaretz, another U.S. official involved in the talks with Israel said that "based on the intelligence we have, we think there is still time for diplomacy, and the time for a military operation against Iran has not yet come."

The secretary of the U.S. Air Force, Michael Donley, told the Capitol Hill Club last week that the force's new bunker buster bombs were ready for use if needed, the paper added reported.

In recent months, the bombs, each weighing 15 tons, have undergone technical improvements and are intended for fortified bunkers deep underground where chemical or nuclear weapons are stored. This would include the uranium enrichment facility Fordu, hidden deep inside the mountains near the Iranian city of Qom.

Israel, the U.S. and most other Western nations are convinced that Iran is racing to create an atomic weapon of mass destruction, which it may then aim at the Jewish State.

The Islamic Republic has continued its nuclear development activities despite increased sanctions and four resolutions by the U.N. Security Council condemning Iran for its defiance of the ban on its nuclear development.

There are currently 11,000 centrifuges active in enrichment facilities" in Iran, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was quoted by state media as saying late on Tuesday in a meeting with supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and senior regime officials.

That was more than the 10,000 centrifuges Iran was last said to have had operating, according to a May 25 report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

The failure of talks between Iran and six world powers to secure a breakthrough in curbing what the West fears is a drive to develop nuclear weapons has raised international concerns that Israel, widely assumed to be the Middle East's only nuclear-armed state, may opt for a go-it-alone military strike.

Israel has warned the West it thinks it is only a matter of time before Iran's nuclear program achieves a "zone of immunity" in which bombs will not be able to effectively strike uranium enrichment facilities buried deep underground.

Iran says its program is solely for peaceful purposes.

On a visit to Jerusalem this month, Clinton said Israel and Washington were "on the same page" with respect to Iran, calling Iran's latest proposals to world power talks on the issue "nonstarters."

"Our own choice is clear, we will use all elements of American power to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon," Clinton said.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 29/07/2012 | 10:44 uur
'Romney steunt Israëlisch militair ingrijpen in Iran'

Bewerkt door: Redactie − 29/07/12, 10:16  − bron: AP/ANP

De Amerikaanse Republikeinse presidentskandidaat Mitt Romney zou Israël steunen wanneer het besluit militair geweld te gebruiken tegen Iran, om het de ontwikkeling van nucleaire wapens daar te stoppen. .

Dat heeft Romneys adviseur voor buitenlands beleid Dan Senor vandaag gezegd. Als Israël actie moet ondernemen om te voorkomen dat Iran de materialen produceert voor een atoombom, zou Romney dat besluit respecteren, zei Senor. Een dergelijk oorlogszuchtig standpunt werd niet eerder door Romney ingenomen.

De Amerikaanse presidentskandidaat Mitt Romney is gisteravond aangekomen in Israël. Daar spreekt de Republikein naar verwachting met Israëlische en Palestijnse leiders. Romney houdt vandaag in Jeruzalem een toespraak waarin hij zal vertellen dat hij en de Verenigde Staten 'niet weg zullen kijken' van Iran. De mogelijkheid van een Amerikaanse aanval ligt ook 'op tafel'. Daarnaast staat een onderhoud met Israëls leiders op het programma.

Romney is een voorstander van nauwere banden tussen de VS en Israël en onderhoudt een vriendschappelijke relatie met premier Benjamin Netanyahu. De Republikein hoopt met het bezoek aan de Amerikaanse kiezers te laten zien dat hij een staatsman is.

Naast Israël doet de presidentskandidaat daarom ook diverse andere landen aan, al leverde een bezoek aan Groot-Brittannië hem vorige week niet de gewenste positieve publiciteit op. Romney kreeg een tik op de vingers van de Britse premier David Cameron nadat hij zich kritisch had uitgelaten over de veiligheidssituatie rond de Olympische Spelen in Londen. .
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 29/07/2012 | 11:33 uur
Israël ontkent Amerikaans aanvalsplan

zondag 29 juli 2012 | 11:04

JERUZALEM – Israël heeft zondag tegengesproken dat een hoge veiligheidsadviseur van de Amerikaanse president Barack Obama de Israëlische premier Benjamin Netanyahu heeft ingelicht over een Amerikaans plan om Iran aan te vallen als dat land niet stopt met zijn nucleaire programma.

De Israëlische krant Haaretz schreef zondag op basis van een anonieme Amerikaanse bron dat de Amerikaanse nationale veiligheidsadviseur Thomas Donilon in een gesprek eerder deze maand Netanyahu zou hebben geïnformeerd. De bedoeling was Israël te weerhouden zelf een aanval te beramen op Iran.

,,Niets in dat artikel is correct", aldus een eveneens anonieme Israëlische zegsman. Donilon zou volgens hem geen een-op-een gesprek met de Israëlische premier hebben gehad en ook geen plannen hebben gepresenteerd.

Het geharrewar over het vermeende gesprek valt samen met het bezoek van de Amerikaanse presidentskandidaat Mitt Romney aan Israël. Romney heeft zondag een ontmoeting met Netanyahu en heeft laten weten een Israëlische aanval op Iran te zullen steunen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 29/07/2012 | 19:42 uur
Het mag duidelijk zijn wie de regering Netanyahu graag in het Witte Huis ziet zitten straks.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 29/07/2012 | 21:55 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 29/07/2012 | 19:42 uur
Het mag duidelijk zijn wie de regering Netanyahu graag in het Witte Huis ziet zitten straks.

En met al die enge lobbygroepen en geldschieters zal het me niet verbazen als die de verkiezingen gaat winnen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 30/07/2012 | 16:42 uur
Iran significantly speeds up pace of enrichment - report

Monday, July 30, 2012 05:13:32 PM

Tel Aviv - Iran has significantly stepped up the pace at which it is enriching uranium, shortening the time it would take for it to reach a nuclear threshold, two Israeli newspapers reported on Monday.

"Iran has broken new records in terms of the pace at which it has been enriching uranium, and it has continued to race ahead so as to create as short a 'storming distance' as possible between it and the bomb," the Maariv daily said.
Sourcing the story to unspecified "intelligence reports," the paper said Iran had been able to up the pace of enrichment due to the fact that it was now operating "close to 10,000 centrifuges" including "a new type of centrifuge that is far more sophisticated".

Israel says a nuclear Iran would pose an existential threat to the Jewish state and officials believe Tehran may be on the cusp of "break out" capacity - the moment when it could quickly produce weapons-grade uranium.

A similar report on the Ynet news website, the online version of the Yediot Aharonot newspaper, had identical figures but did not cite a source.

"The data indicate that Iran has significantly increased the pace of its uranium enrichment over the past four months," it said, without giving details.

"Currently the Islamic republic produces 230kg (507 pounds) of LEU (low-enriched uranium) each month and 12kg (about 26 pounds) of uranium enriched to a fissile concentration of 20 per cent," it said.

It said Tehran currently held stocks of some 160kg (352 pounds) of 20 per cent enriched uranium, which was about 100kg, or 220 pounds, less than the amount required to produce a bomb.

"Should the Iranians continue to enrich uranium at the current pace, they will have some 260kg (about 570 pounds) of uranium refined to a fissile concentration of 20 per cent in January or February of 2013," the website said.

"With this amount, it would take Iran only about two months to produce weapons-grade uranium for a nuclear warhead or bomb - a 'nuclear threshold' situation."

In May, the IAEA nuclear watchdog published figures showing Iran had already produced 146 kilos of 20 per cent-enriched uranium since February, of which just under a third had been converted into fuel plates for the Tehran research reactor, rendering it unsuitable for further enrichment.

Israel, which is widely believed to have the Middle East's only, albeit undeclared, nuclear arsenal, has warned that a military option cannot be ruled out to prevent Iran from developing an atomic weapons capability. Tehran insists its nuclear programme is for peaceful purposes only.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 01/08/2012 | 10:05 uur
Iran tops agenda as Pentagon chief visits Israel
Published on 1 August 2012

US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta was on Wednesday to hold top-level talks in Israel expected to focus on ways of resolving the international standoff over Iran's disputed nuclear programme.

As the Pentagon chief touched down in Tel Aviv late on Tuesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave an interview in which he said he had not yet decided on whether to launch a pre-emptive strike on Iran.

But at the same time, he warned that Israel would not rely on anyone else to guarantee its security -- not even Washington.

Speaking in Cairo before taking off for Tel Aviv, Panetta ruled out discussions about "potential attack plans" against Iran's nuclear programme, which Israel and much of the West believes is a bid to develop a bomb.

Tehran insists its nuclear programme is entirely peaceful, but Israel says a nuclear Iran would pose an existential threat to the Jewish state, and has refused to rule out a pre-emptive military strike on Tehran's facilities.

"I think it's the wrong characterisation to say that we're going to be discussing potential attack plans," Panetta told reporters in Cairo. "What we are discussing are various contingencies on how we would respond."

Washington, he said, was continuing to "work on a number of options in that area." He did not give further details.

On Wednesday morning, Panetta met Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak in Tel Aviv with the two expected to later visit a battery of the Iron Dome missile defence system in a nearby town.

He was then expected to head to Jerusalem for talks with Netanyahu and President Shimon Peres.

Panetta last visited Israel in October when he held talks with Netanyahu and Barak, and also with Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas.

His visit comes just weeks after a secret visit by US National Security Adviser Tom Donilon, who reportedly briefed Netanyahu on US contingency plans for a pre-emptive strike on Iran's nuclear facilities, Haaretz newspaper reported earlier this week.

Israeli officials denied the report.

Shortly after Panetta's arrival, Netanyahu said he had not yet decided whether Israel would strike Iran.

"I have not taken a decision," he told Israel's private Channel 2 television.

"Israel's fate depends solely on us and no other country, however friendly," he said, in reference to the United States.

Panetta's arrival also coincided with Washington's imposition of fresh economic sanctions on Iran's oil sector.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 01/08/2012 | 12:44 uur
An Israeli strike on Iran risks messy US war

Commentary: Hezbollah would almost certainly attack, drawing the US into war with a capable guerilla force.

Malou Innocent and Ehud Eilam August 1, 2012

WASHINGTON --- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has claimed that Hezbollah—the Lebanon-based, Iranian-backed, politico-military terrorist organization—was responsible for the suicide bombing in Bulgaria that killed five Israeli tourists. Amid ongoing U.S. and Israeli threats to strike Iran's nuclear facilities, the bombing raises a critical concern about any potential conflict: a very capable Hezbollah, together with Iran, would likely strike back hard and not only in the Middle East, drawing the United States into another prolonged and bloody conflict in the Muslim world that it doesn't need. Such a scenario should make those advocating war with Iran take pause.

War-weary Lebanese do not want their country turning into another battleground against Israel. Hezbollah would also risk alienating its predominately Shiite political constituency. But the ideological and financial ties between top leaders in Tehran and Hezbollah could trump such considerations, especially in the event of an Israeli or Israeli-U.S. attack on fellow Muslims in Iran.

Iranian leaders—in danger of losing a vital ally in Syria—may not risk another surrogate's fall in a confrontation with Israel. But that is far from a sure thing. Current and former U.S. officials recently told the Washington Post that should Israel strike Iran, Hezbollah's global network would launch more terrorist attacks. A multi-front conflict could ensue that would rope in America. If Israel starts a war with Iran it is unable to finish, Israel could leave the heavy lifting to the United States while it defends its own borders against Hezbollah.

As President Barack Obama proclaimed earlier this year, "We've got Israel's back." On the one hand, America's historic—and expanding—cooperation with the Jewish state signifies an enduring commitment to Israel's security. On the other hand, the unpredictable nature of any potential conflict speaks to the importance of U.S. diplomacy with Hezbollah's patron, Iran.

Iran's Revolutionary Guards have been training Hezbollah since it emerged in the early 1980s. The group eventually came into its own, launching sophisticated guerilla attacks against Israeli military units. Today, the U.S. Department of Defense estimates that Hezbollah receives $100 to $200 million annually from Tehran, as well as training, weapons, and other assistance.

More from GlobalPost: Bulgaria bus bomb: Police unable to identify suspect

Based on the historical record, it is unlikely that Hezbollah would remain on the sidelines. In 1996's Operation Grapes of Wrath, the group contested Israel's massive air and ground firepower with hundreds of rocket attacks into Israel proper. In the summer of 2006, following Hezbollah's abduction of two Israeli soldiers, Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) launched air and ground attacks over Lebanon, and Hezbollah used real-time signals intelligence to ambush Israeli commandos, and fired more than 4,000 rockets into northern Israel, one of the most serious assaults on the Jewish state. Neither Israel nor Hezbollah scored a decisive victory. A stalemate between the Levant's American and Iranian clients could play out again.

As Hezbollah has evolved from guerilla incursions to conventional campaigns, the group has exposed Israel's conventional weaknesses, but also provided Israel an opportunity to correct its mistakes. Hezbollah could face massive Israeli ground and air assaults. Nevertheless, leaders in Washington and Tel Aviv also have a troubling history of underestimating their adversaries. Regional expert Nicholas Noe describes Hezbollah as "one of the more successful actors the U.S. has dealt with in hiding capabilities."

Indeed, rigorous accounting of Hezbollah's current military tactics and capabilities is lacking. Last year, Hezbollah successfully unraveled the CIA's spy network in Lebanon, identifying and capturing American spies who had infiltrated Hezbollah's ranks. Little is known about the group since the 2006 war. U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice, has accused Syria of colluding with Iran to arm Hezbollah with more potent weapons. The IDF's assessment is that Hezbollah possesses long-range, surface-to-air missiles and Russian-made air-defense systems. Additionally, it is estimated that the group has a firebase of over 10,000 fighters and between 60-80,000 missiles and rockets.

Hezbollah would certainly face torrential Israeli ground and air offensives. But the possibility that any conflict could result in a pyrrhic deadlock is worrying, not only for Israel but also for America.

Over the past year, American leaders have ratcheted up tensions with Tehran while doing little to reassure Israelis reluctant to rely on America. Beating the drums of war could spell doom as a form of psychological pressure. If Israel attacks Iran and Hezbollah missiles rain down on Israeli streets, America may be pulled into conflict with a capable and resilient guerilla foe that it knows very little about.

More from GlobalPost: Israel: Romney backpedals on support for Israeli strike on Iran

Malou Innocent is a foreign policy analyst at the Cato Institute. Dr. Ehud Eilam formerly served in the Israeli Ministry of Defense, and specializes on the Middle East and Israeli military doctrine.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 01/08/2012 | 15:32 uur
Panetta: US Force an Option Against Iran Nukes

Aug 01, 2012

ASHKELON, Israel -- U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said Wednesday that Iran must either negotiate acceptable limits on its nuclear program or face the possibility of U.S. military action to stop it from getting the bomb.

Panetta made his remarks outside the city of Ashkelon in southern Israel, with an "Iron Dome" anti-rocket defense system as a backdrop.

The Pentagon chief said repeatedly that "all options," including military force, are on the table to stop Iran, should sanctions and diplomacy -- the preferred means of persuasion -- ultimately fail.

He said he still hopes Iran will see that negotiations are the best way out of this crisis.

However, Panetta said, "If they continue and if they proceed with a nuclear weapon, ... we have options that we are prepared to implement to ensure that that does not happen."

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak, standing beside Panetta, said he sees an "extremely low" probability that sanctions will ever compel Iran to give up its nuclear activities.

Barak said Israel "has something to lose" by waiting for sanctions and diplomacy to run their course because Iran is continually accumulating enriched uranium as the key ingredient for a nuclear bomb.

Iran says its nuclear work is for civilian energy uses, but suspicions that the Islamic republic will use enriched uranium for nuclear weapons have resulted in international sanctions and saber-rattling from Israel, which perceives a nuclear Iran as an existential threat. The United States has discouraged Israel from a unilateral, pre-emptive military strike on Iran, but has said it would keep all options available.

The Panetta visit with his Israeli counterpart comes just days after U.S. Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney met with top Israeli officials about Iran and other issues. Romney has accused the Obama administration of being too soft on Iran and not providing sufficient support to Israel.

In greeting Panetta Wednesday at Israeli defense headquarters, Barak said, "The defense ties between Israel and the United States are stronger and tighter than they have ever been and the credit now has to go, most of it, to you, Leon."

Panetta responded: "We are a friend, we are a partner, we have, as the defense minister has pointed out, probably the strongest U.S.-Israel defense relationship that we have had in history. What we are doing, working together, is an indication not only of our friendship but of our alliance to work together to try to preserve peace in the future."

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who was scheduled to meet later Wednesday with Panetta, told Israeli Channel 2 TV on Tuesday that despite reservations about an Iranian attack among former Israeli security officials and Israel's current army chief, the country's political leadership would make the final decision on any attack.

"I see an ayatollah regime that declares what it has championed: to destroy us," Netanyahu said. "It's working to destroy us, it's preparing nuclear weapons to destroy us. ... If it is up to me, I won't let that happen."

With "matters that have to do with our destiny, with our very existence, we do not put our faith in the hands of others, even our best of friends," Netanyahu said, hinting that Israel might act alone despite American misgivings.

Netanyahu said both Romney and Obama have said "Israel has the right to defend itself."

The trip to Ashkelon on Wednesday gave Panetta a chance to inspect and get briefed on an Israeli air defense system known as Iron Dome. It is designed to shoot down short-range rockets and artillery shells such as those that have been fired into the Jewish state in recent years from Islamic militants linked to Iran and based in southern Lebanon and the Gaza Strip.

Obama last week announced he was releasing an additional $70 million in military aid for Israel, a previously announced move that appeared timed to upstage Romney's trip to Israel. The stepped-up U.S. aid, first announced in May, will go to help Israel expand production of the Iron Dome system.

The Panetta visit to Israel comes at a critical time, with the U.S. considering more direct involvement in Syria's civil war and weighing its course on Iran.

Panetta acknowledged Monday that international sanctions have not pressured Tehran to give up its nuclear ambitions. But the Obama administration thinks tougher sanctions eventually will compel Iran to submit and it doesn't want Israel to attack prematurely.

Associated Press writers Amy Teibel and Daniel Estrin in contributed to this report.

© Copyright 2012 Associated Press.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 02/08/2012 | 12:25 uur
VS sluiten actie tegen Iran niet uit


ASHKELON (AP) – Iran heeft een eenvoudige keus tussen onderhandelen over de beperking van zijn atoomprogramma of rekening houden met de mogelijkheid van Amerikaans militair ingrijpen.

Dat heeft de Amerikaanse minister van Defensie, Leon Panetta, woensdag gezegd tijdens een bezoek aan Israël. Panetta stelde echter wel dat er pas van militair ingrijpen sprake kan zijn als alle andere mogelijkheden zijn uitgeput.

De Israëlische premier Netanyahu verwierp het voorstel van Panetta om diplomatie meer tijd te geven. Netanyahu betwijfelt of Iran doorheeft dat het het Westen ernst is. ,,Op dit moment denkt het Iraanse regime dat de internationale gemeenschap niet de wil heeft om een eind te maken aan het atoomprogramma. Dit moet veranderen", aldus Netanyahu.

Eerder op de dag gaf ook de Israëlische minister van Defensie, Ehud Barak, al blijk van ongeduld. Ook hij meent dat het slechts een kwestie van tijd is voordat Iran over een kernwapen beschikt. ,,Het is duidelijk dat we iets te verliezen hebben", aldus Barak, omdat Iran (terwijl de wereld wacht totdat de sancties effect sorteren) gewoon doorgaat met het verrijken van uranium dat gebruikt kan worden voor een kernwapen.

De Verenigde Staten hebben er bij de Israëlische regering herhaaldelijk op aangedrongen geduld te betrachten en heeft een preventieve aanval sterk ontraden. Volgens Panetta liggen alle opties nog op tafel, ook militair ingrijpen. Hij sprak echter de hoop uit dat Iran gaat inzien dat onderhandelingen de beste oplossing voor de crisis zijn.

Netanyahu heeft al laten weten dat Israël bereid is Iran aan te vallen. Panetta verklaarde dat Israël dergelijke beslissingen zelf moet nemen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 02/08/2012 | 12:51 uur
Former Mossad chief: Iran should be very fearful over next 12 weeks

Ephraim Halevy quoted by New York Times amid speculation of Israeli plans to attack Iran, and just following U.S. Defense Secretary's visit to Israel.

By Haaretz | Aug.02, 2012

Former Mossad chief and national security adviser Ephraim Halevy was quoted by the New York Times on Thursday saying that if he were Iranian he "would be very fearful of the next 12 weeks".

Halevy also told Israel Radio on Thursday that if the Iranians "continue to play their games" in nuclear talks with world powers, they would be underestimating Israel's resolve.

"[The Iranians' math is off if they think they have open-ended immunity" in these talks," he said.

His remarks came just after U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta's visit to Israel, and amid circulating speculations of possible Israeli plans to strike Iran over its contentious nuclear program.

Panetta's visit coincided with an executive order by U.S. President Barack Obama to increase sanctions against Iran, targeting foreign banks that help Tehran sell its oil.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said earlier this week that Israel had not yet decided whether to strike Iran.  After meeting with Panetta, he said Wednesday that U.S. statements of solidarity with Israel and its assurances that military strikes are still an option aren't working to convince Iran that the West is "serious about stopping" the Islamic republic from developing nuclear weapons.

Standing with the U.S. defense secretary, Netanyahu said, "Neither sanctions nor diplomacy have yet had any impact on Iran's nuclear weapons program."

"America and Israel have also made clear that all options are on the table. You yourself said a few months ago that when all else fails, America will act. But these declarations have also not yet convinced the Iranians to stop their program," he added.

"However forceful our statements, they have not convinced Iran that we are serious about stopping them. Right now the Iranian regime believes that the international community does not have the will to stop its nuclear program. This must change and it must change quickly, because time to resolve this issue peacefully is running out," the prime minster said.

Defense Minister Ehud Barak also told Panetta that he sees an "extremely low" probability that sanctions will ever compel Iran to give up its nuclear activities.

Panetta, meanwhile, denied reports Tuesday  that he was to discuss with Israeli leaders plans for attacking the Islamic Republic: "I think it's the wrong characterization to say we are going to be discussing potential attack plans. What we are discussing are various contingencies and how we would respond," he said.

Asked whether these included military options, he said: "We obviously continue to work on a number of options in that area, but the discussions that I hope to have with Israel are going to be more about what is the threat that we're confronting and to try to share both information and intelligence on that."
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 02/08/2012 | 12:57 uur
Citaat van: Vandaag om 12:51
Former Mossad chief and national security adviser Ephraim Halevy was quoted by the New York Times on Thursday saying that if he were Iranian he "would be very fearful of the next 12 weeks".

Retoriek? Een laatste waarschuwing om ze in Iran verder onder druk te zetten? of is de aanvalbeslissing al genomen?

Hoe wordt een spannende zomer of herfst!
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 02/08/2012 | 12:59 uur
Tijd om de Alkmaar weer lichtgrijs te spuiten?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 02/08/2012 | 13:01 uur
Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 02/08/2012 | 12:59 uur
Tijd om de Alkmaar weer lichtgrijs te spuiten?

Lang leve de Tupperware vloot.

Maar serieus, wat hebben we officieel/onofficieel in de aankomende 3 maanden in die regio?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 02/08/2012 | 13:10 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 02/08/2012 | 13:01 uur
Maar serieus, wat hebben we officieel/onofficieel in de aankomende 3 maanden in die regio?
Hangt ervan af wat je exact onder het begrip "regio" verstaat.
In ieder geval op korte termijn een LCF, na passage Suez-kanaal van Zuid naar Noord, met een stop op Malta.  :angel:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 02/08/2012 | 13:14 uur
Citaat van: Lex op 02/08/2012 | 13:10 uur
In ieder geval op korte termijn een LCF, na passage Suez-kanaal van Zuid naar Noord, met een stop op Malta.  :angel:

Met de regio bedoel ik alles ten zuiden van het Sues Kanaal of, in jouw voorbeeld een LCF op Malta die gemakkelijk een 180 graden draai kan maken.

En de tweede vraag is: hoeveel LCF's, MFF's en Subs zijn opgewerkt en op korte termijn inzetbaar?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 02/08/2012 | 13:33 uur
Israel's intentions towards Iran – the pressing question

Israeli media weigh up likelihood of any action following visit by senior US officials to Netanyahu

Speculation over whether Israel is preparing for a unilateral military strike on Iran's nuclear facilities has intensified in the past few weeks after a period in which the atmosphere was less febrile.

The visit of four senior US administration officials – secretary of state Hillary Clinton, defence secretary Leon Panetta, national security adviser Tom Donilon and counter-terrorism chief John Brennan – suggests that Washington is renewing its efforts to rein in Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu's inclinations towards military action.

It can be assumed that the administration is also anxious to reassure Netanyahu that it is committed to tackling the Iranian nuclear threat following presumptive Republican candidate Mitt Romney's visit to Jerusalem earlier this week. Romney, assisted by his senior aide Dan Senor, positioned himself in hawkish solidarity with Israel. Senor even suggested that Romney would back unilateral action launched by Israel, although there was some later backtracking on that stance.

The message to Israel from administration officials boils down to this: the US is serious about preventing a nuclear-armed Iran, you need to trust us on this, we will in the end use force if we have to and we are much better equipped to do so than you, so don't muck it all up by going ahead on your own.

An analysis in the Jerusalem Post by Yaakov Katz summarises the debate within Israel's political and military establishment:

"The debate that is raging within the government and the defence establishment is not about the value of an attack, since no one really wants Iran to be allowed to go nuclear. The question, however, is about the timing of such an attack and whether it needs to happen over the summer, before the US elections, or if it can wait until afterward, maybe as far away as next spring.

At the heart of this question are two additional questions – first, whether Israel can afford to wait that long and second, if Israel can really rely on the US to use military force one day if and when everything else has clearly failed."

Some commentators believe Netanyahu will only respond to a clear and powerful message from President Obama himself. Writing in Haaretz, Ari Shavit says: "The key to preventing disaster is... in the hands of the US president. Barack Obama is a brilliant orator. Obama has made quite a few exemplary speeches both as presidential candidate and as president. But the American president's most important speech is the one he has not made so far - the Iran speech. A speech in which the leader of the free world pledges in public that the free world will prevent Iran from obtaining military nuclear ability - at any price. A speech in which the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff says that if the sanctions don't stop Iran, America's military power will.

A speech in which the US president stands before the citizens of the United States and its allies and says – it's on me. I will not ignore your existential needs nor abandon our strategic interests, nor let Iran become a nuclear power. In my name and in the name of Mitt Romney and the bipartisan leadership, I hereby pledge that in the course of 2013 America will paralyse the Iranian centrifuges that could bring an historic catastrophe on us all."

Such a speech will prevent an Israeli strike and "almost" guarantee Obama's re-election, says Shavit.

An unusual view is taken by Larry Dernfer, writing on the +972 website. In a piece headlined It's over – there will be no Israeli attack on Iran, he says: "Israel is not going to attack Iran. Not before the 6 November presidential election, not afterward if Obama wins, and maybe not afterward even if Romney wins, which is unlikely.

"It's not that Netanyahu doesn't want to bomb Iran - he does, and he makes that clearer every day. What's happened is that there's been such a torrent of opposition in the Israeli media this week from the security establishment, starting with IDF chief Benny Gantz, and backed by the Obama administration and Pentagon, that there's no way Bibi can get his cabinet to vote for a war, and without the cabinet's backing, he can't do it. The ministers will not support Bibi in an extremely risky war opposed by the heads of the IDF, IDF intelligence, the Air Force, the Mossad, the Shin Bet and the United States of America....

"So I think the game is up. Making the case for war with Iran is now a losing battle, and people are going to start running away from it, beginning, I expect, with Ehud Barak, who has been Bibi's equal partner in this whole scaremongering affair."
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 02/08/2012 | 13:37 uur
Israel would lose 300 lives in Hezbollah, Syria, Iran war August 02, 2012 01:36 PM

The Daily Star

BEIRUT: Israeli experts estimate 300 fatalities should their country be pitted against Hezbollah, Syria and Iran in a war, an Israeli newspaper reported Thursday.

According to Haaretz, the estimate is based on the number of missiles Hezbollah, Syria and Iran possess, the level of preparedness by the Jewish state and its experiences in the 2006 war.

"Defense Ministry experts estimate that in a war with Iran and Hezbollah, some 200 Israeli civilians will die. If Syria joins the war as well, the number of fatalities could rise to 300," the paper said.

The ministry's forecasts, which merely provide a general view of a possible future war with Israel's rivals, were prepared by its research operation experts, who have presented their findings to Israeli army officers and government leaders.

"The assumption here is that even if Israel attacks the Iranian nuclear facilities and Tehran strikes back, it will not use its entire missile reservoir. Some of the missiles will fail to launch or will be hit on the ground by the Israeli Air Force. Others will miss and fall in open areas," the paper quoted the experts as saying.

The theory also considers it probable that a few dozen missiles will hit populated areas in Israel such as the Dan region.

The level of predicted fatalities in a possible war is linked to the "function of the Israeli public's behavior and its level of preparedness."

The assumption that fatalities can be limited is also based on Israel's experiences in the 2006 war with Lebanon.

The report cited the experts as saying that when the public's obedience to instructions was high during the 2006 war with Lebanon, the number of causalities was low.

"The Katyusha shells from Lebanon killed people who were outside or in unprotected areas inside their homes, as opposed to inside a shelter or protected space," the experts said, adding that "the high number of protected spaces and shelters could also reduce the number of casualties."

The experts cited another factor for the low number of casualties, saying that the time between the alert and the missile's landing could play a critical role in preventing fatalities.

"The American X-band radar can give a 15-minute alert before an Iranian missile is expected to land in the center of the country, a reasonable time to prepare," the paper said, adding that such factors could statistically limit casualties to less than one fatality for every ballistic missile.

But a military confrontation with Hezbollah is different, the experts say, given the resistance party's possession of short and medium-range Katyusha rockets as well as hundreds of what the experts described as "relatively accurate M-600 rockets, which could strike the center of the country."

"In a possible confrontation with Hezbollah, much depends on the Air Force and intelligence community's ability to strike the long-range rockets on the ground before they are launched," the Israeli defense experts said.

They added that in the next conflict with Hezbollah, Israel would be less capable than it was in 2006 of destroying the party's medium-range rockets.

"Some 4,200 rockets, mostly Katyushas, were fired at Israel's north, killing 54 people, 42 of them civilians. The estimate, based on the past war, says one civilian will be killed for every 80 rockets from Lebanon," Haaretz quoted the experts as saying.

Read more:
(The Daily Star :: Lebanon News ::

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 02/08/2012 | 14:10 uur
Source: Iran readies attacks against Saudi Arabia, Qatar

Iran is preparing for a direct attack on Saudi Arabia should Syria's Bashar Assad be in danger of falling to rebel forces that the Islamic regime believes are being supported by the Arab kingdom, according to a source within Iran's Revolutionary Guards. Iran also blames the Saudis for unrest in two of its provinces.

"Dozens of Iranian ballistic missiles have been preprogrammed to hit Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia," the source said. "Qatar will also be hit at the same time as it is directly involved with the events in Syria."

Iranian officials have increased their verbal attacks recently on Saudi Arabia, seeing the monarchy as behind the unraveling in Syria and the suppression of the Shiite uprising in Bahrain.

"A change of regime in Syria is but a delusion," said Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi in a meeting on Sunday with Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al Moallem. Salehi said Iran will fully support the Syrian regime, according to the Keyhan newspaper, which is directly under the supervision of the Iranian supreme leader.

Salehi claimed the Syrian civil war and the push for regime change are being spearheaded by Israel. "It's surprising that the regional regimes [referring to Saudi Arabia and Qatar] have taken the same position as the Zionist regime," Salehi said.

According to the source, the proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia is heating up and the Guards' intelligence unit has arrested several people in the Iranian provinces of Khuzestan and Azerbaijan. Under interrogation, the suspects admitted to plans for armed rebellion from those two regions to create conditions similar to those in Syria, the source said.

Khuzestan Province, home to a large Arab-Iranian population and a major oil-producing region, has been a hotbed of Arab separatism, which the central government has suppressed.

Days ago, Iranian Gen. Masoud Jazayeri, deputy chief of staff of the Revolutionary Guards, warned Arab countries against arming and funding Syrian revolutionaries. "Syria's allies will not allow Bashar al-Assad's regime to be toppled and will deal fatal blows to the enemies of Damascus," Jazayeri warned.

Days after the bombing in Damascus that killed Assad's top military officials, including the defense minister, Fars News Agency reported that a bomb exploded in Saudi intelligence headquarters in Riyadh, killing the deputy intelligence chief. Saudi Prince Bandar Bin Sultan, who was recently appointed to head Saudi intelligence, was rumored to also have been killed in the attack. Saudi officials have so far refused to comment.

Iran, through the Revolutionary Guards' Unit 110 and Unit Madinah, has infiltrated agents into the Persian Gulf countries to support uprisings and at times to use terrorism to overthrow the monarch in Bahrain, control events in Yemen and increase uncertainty in Saudi Arabia.

The Guards on Saturday also revealed the existence of another special ground forces unit — Saberin — that they say is capable of dealing a heavy blow to the enemy.

According to Jahan News, an Iranian media outlet, the commander of the Saberin unit and the deputy commander of the Guards ground forces bragged that his forces not only can match any world power's special forces but be victorious, because his unit is the most faithful and is composed of expert snipers and scuba divers who have other skills as well.

In addition to the Persian Gulf states, Iran is also preparing for possible attacks against the U.S. Iranian commanders, in expanding their range of attack on U.S. targets, have armed all naval vessels with ballistic missiles and have prepared those vessels to navigate into the Atlantic Ocean.

"The navy has carried out successful activities [to expand] its presence in open seas, and we will witness the presence of the navy in the Atlantic Ocean in the near future," Rear Adm. Habibollah Sayyari said then. "As the global arrogance [forces of imperialism] have a [military] presence near our sea borders, we also plan to have a strong presence near the U.S. sea borders."
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 02/08/2012 | 14:22 uur
Citaat van: Vandaag om 02:10
Source: Iran readies attacks against Saudi Arabia, Qatar

De retoriek wordt steeds uitgebreider en "fraaier"

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Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: michielnr op 02/08/2012 | 14:45 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 02/08/2012 | 14:22 uur
Tickeds te koop voor een knalfuif  :cute-smile:

Begint er idd steeds meer op te lijken dat het op korte termijn "los" gaat. Ik hoop dat de schade beperkt blijft maar ik vrees van niet.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 02/08/2012 | 15:17 uur
Citaat van: michiel81 op 02/08/2012 | 14:45 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 02/08/2012 | 14:22 uur
Tickeds te koop voor een knalfuif  :cute-smile:

Begint er idd steeds meer op te lijken dat het op korte termijn "los" gaat. Ik hoop dat de schade beperkt blijft maar ik vrees van niet.

Ik bereid me al voor op 3 euro (of meer) voor een liter diesel aan de pomp....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 02/08/2012 | 16:04 uur
Ahmadinejad: Annihilate Israel, 'Axis of Unity of World Powers'

Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad once again called for the annihilation of Israel, "the axis of unity of the world hegemonic powers."

By Chana Ya'ar
First Publish: 8/2/2012, 4:35 PM

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has once again called for the annihilation of Israel, which he labeled "the axis of unity of the world hegemonic powers."

Speaking in advance of International Qods Day, set this year for August 17, Ahmadinejad repeated his annual litany of hate for the Jewish State in a meeting with ambassadors and embassy personnel of Islamic nations in Tehran, according to the official state-run Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA), quoting from a statement posted on the website of his presidential office.

"It has now been some 400 years that a horrendous Zionist clan has been ruling the major world affairs, and behind the scenes of the major power circles, in political, media, monetary and banking organizations in the world, they have been the decision makers..." the Iranian president claimed.

"The Zionist regime is both the symbol of the hegemony of the Zionism over the world and the means in the hand of the oppressor powers for expansion of their hegemony in the region and in the world," he went on.

"The Qods Day is not merely a strategic solution for the Palestinian problem, as it is to be viewed as a key for solving the world problems; any freedom lover and justice seeker in the world must do its best for the annihilation of the Zionist regime in order to pave the path for the establishment of justice and freedom in the world," he declared.

"Zionism is the modern times plight of the human society and when we meet the European politicians they say speak transparently about everything, but they refrain from talking about the Zionist regime, which proves that Israel is the axis of unity of the world hegemonic powers," he added.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 02/08/2012 | 16:10 uur
Ik hoop dat ik in ieder geval volgend jaar met een gerust hart naar Iran kan gaan.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 02/08/2012 | 16:25 uur
Een LPD en een sub....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/08/2012 | 10:04 uur
MILITARY: America's uneasy Gulf allies adding to arsenals

By BRIAN MURPHY Associated Press

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates ---- While Iran's military loudly trumpets every new project or purported advance in hopes of rattling the U.S. and its Gulf Arab allies, the U.S. is quietly answering with an array of proposed arms sales across the region as part of a wider effort to counter Tehran.

In the past two months, the Defense Department has notified Congress of possible deals totaling more than $11.3 billion to Gulf states such as Qatar and Kuwait, which are seen as some of America's critical front-line partners in containing Iran and protecting oil shipping lanes.

The proposed sales ---- including Patriot missile batteries and Apache attack helicopters ---- are still modest compared with massive Gulf purchases such as Saudi Arabia's $60 billion package last year. That deal included more than 80 new F-15SA fighter jets, missiles, radar warning systems and other equipment.

But the recent flurry of expected sales from U.S. firms, approved by the Pentagon and outlined in notifications to Congress, underscores the growing emphasis among nervous Gulf states on seeking quick upgrades to existing firepower and defensive networks.

The arms sales need congressional approval, but usually few objections are raised for key allies such as Gulf nations.

Gulf worries about possible military action against Iran have increased, with diplomatic efforts making little headway in easing the showdown over Tehran's nuclear program, which the West and others fear could eventually develop atomic weapons. Iran says it only seeks reactors for energy and medical uses.

An Israeli newspaper, Haaretz, reported Sunday that National Security Adviser Tom Donilon briefed Israeli officials on possible U.S. attack plans if diplomacy and sanctions fail to pressure Tehran to scale back its nuclear enrichment program. A senior Israeli official, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss confidential talks, denied the Haaretz report.

The news reports reflect the uncertainties in the region, with negotiations nearly stalled and Iran trying to push back against deepening sanctions on its vital oil exports.

"There was a bit of a breather in the region when (nuclear) talks resumed," said Bruno Tertrais, senior researcher at the Foundation for Strategic Research in Paris. "That is quickly fading."

In its place: a sense of military adjustments moving at a faster pace.

Washington plans to keep at least 13,500 troops in Kuwait ---- down slightly from the current 15,000 ---- but with an expanded mission as a potential rapid-reaction force for the region. The Pentagon also has scores of warplanes and other assets across the Gulf, including air bases in the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia.

At sea, the U.S. Navy plans to lead maneuvers in September that include minesweeping drills ---- a clear response to Iran's threats to block oil tankers from passing through the Strait of Hormuz at the mouth of the Gulf in retaliation for the tightening Western sanctions.

The U.S. is also boosting its Gulf flotilla, directed by the Navy's 5th Fleet in Bahrain. Among the additions: a floating assault base aboard the retrofitted USS Ponce and accelerated deployment of the aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis to ensure two carriers are in the Gulf region at all times.

"We are seeing more and more bluster from the Iranian side and the U.S. and Gulf allies showing the Iranians they are a united front," said Theodore Karasik, a regional security expert at the Dubai-based Institute for Near East and Gulf Military Analysis. "The Gulf states are nervous. They show this nervousness by buying more weapons."

Among the proposed U.S. sales is a $4.2 billion package to Kuwait for 60 Patriot missiles and related systems to "strengthen its homeland defense and deter regional threats," the Defense Department said in a statement. Kuwait could also buy, pending congressional approval, a $49 million arsenal of 300 Hellfire II missiles, which can be launched from helicopters or drones.

For Qatar ---- which hosts one of the Pentagon's command hubs ---- the Defense Department is seeking clearance for a $6.6 billion air support upgrade that includes 24 AH-64D Apache attack helicopters, 12 Blackhawk helicopters and 22 Seahawk helicopters, with options to buy six more.

The Apaches would assist with "protection of key oil and infrastructure and platforms which are vital to U.S. and Western economic interests," the Defense Department said.

Oman, which shares control of Hormuz with Iran, is seeking an $86 million purchase that includes 55 Sidewinder missiles as part of plans to upgrade its F-16 fighter fleet.

For decades, the Gulf had looked mostly to Washington for its weapons, but European arms deals also appear on the rise.

In Berlin, German government spokesman Georg Streiter said Monday there has been an "expression of interest" by Qatar in about 200 Leopard II tanks. A similar Leopard tank deal with Saudi Arabia was reported last year by German media.

In May, Saudi Arabia signed a $3 billion deal with Britain for Air Force training planes apparently linked to a 2007 agreement to buy 72 Eurofighter Typhoon fighters.

The weapons requests also reinforce the toughening stance against Iran by main rival Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf Arab states. The six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council has repeatedly warned Tehran about "meddling" in Gulf affairs. Saudi Arabia and Qatar have taken a leading role in supporting Syrian rebels trying to topple Bashar Assad's regime, which is Iran's main Mideast ally.

Last week, a commander of Iran's powerful Revolutionary Guards warned that "hated Arab" rivals could face repercussions for their efforts to bring down Assad.

Although the Gulf Arab states have no direct ties to Israel, any military strike on Iran by the Jewish state could require some degree of coordination, with Washington likely to play an intermediary role. Gulf military forces also could be quickly drawn into a wider conflict or a confrontation over the Strait of Hormuz, the passageway for one-fifth of the world's oil.

"Amid the standoff between Iran, Israel and the West, there's another side that is often overlooked," said Sami al-Faraj, director of the Kuwait Center for Strategic Studies. "It is the Gulf states. They are the ones caught in the middle."
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/08/2012 | 10:08 uur
Iran prepares for 60 percent uranium enrichment

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report August 3, 2012

The months of negotiations with the six world powers were happily used by Iran for great strides toward bringing its nuclear weapon program to fruition. Tehran's back-channel dialogue with Washington leading up to the negotiations served the same purpose. Since diplomacy ran aground, war has become inevitable and preparations for cutting short Iran's rapid progress have accelerated.
Former Israeli Mossad director Ephraim Halevi commented to the New York Times Thursday, Aug. 2, that if he was an Iranian he would be very worried in the next 12 weeks. 
Developments in Iran and the region at large are generating the current eve-of-war climate in the Middle East:

1. While Saeed Jalili communed at leisure with Catherine Ashton in world capitals, uranium enrichment levels in Iran crept past 20 percent in expanded quantities. The six powers are understandably reluctant to admit that in the time bought by negotiations, Iran was able to refine uranium up to 30-percent grade or even a higher and go into advanced preparations for 65 percent grade enrichment. Now the Iranians are well on the way to an 80-90 percent weapons grade.
The talk in Tehran about the need for nuclear-powered ships and submarines offered a fictitious pretext for crossing that threshold. Iran is not about to build those vessels or engines for lack of technology, materials and infrastructure. But nuclear-powered ships' engines require the same highly-enriched uranium (90 percent) as bombs.

2.  Iran has launched a crash mega-fortification program for sheathing in steel and concrete nuclear facilities whose transfer to underground "immune zones" for escaping bombardment would be too costly, cumbersome and time consuming.
If the US and Israel leaves Iran alone to complete this project, they will have forfeited the opportunity of pre-empting Iran's nuclear program – only inflicting partial and temporary damage at best.
3.  President Barack Obama is under very heavy pressure from Saudi Arabia and other Gulf oil states to waste no more time and destroy that program without further shilly-shallying.
4.  Riyadh, Doha and Abu Dhabi tried to achieve that objective indirectly by massively backing the Syrian revolt against Tehran's best friend Bashar Assad in the hope that his fall would stop the Iranians in their tracks. They never came close: Assad is still fighting tenaciously and his army is in intact after 17 months.

5.  Instead of capitulating to the odds against the Syrian ruler, Tehran increased its military stake in Assad's battles.
debkafile's military sources say that without Iran's lavish and timely air and ground supply corridors, the Syrian army would have long since run out of arms for defending the Assad regime against revolt.
The Gulf governments are therefore forced to accept that their plans to weaken Iran by toppling Assad have backfired in more ways than one.
6.   Turkey and Iraq, each for its own reasons, are letting Iranian arms pass through their territories to Damascus, a move which is counter-productive to Gulf interests on the Middle East keyboard. Ankara, in particular, hosts rebel command centers and training camps with one hand, while, with the other, lets arms shipments through to Assad's army for destroying those same rebels the moment the cross into Syria.
7. UN, American and European sanctions have failed to drive Tehran into giving up its nuclear program, as even the White House admitted Wednesday, Aug. 1, or slowed down its development of ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear warheads.

8. US and Israeli intelligence experts agree that Iran will be able to produce dirty bomb within three months, ready to hand out to the terrorist networks run by the Revolutionary Guards external clandestine arm, the Al Quds Brigades. They are designed for use in time of war against Israelis abroad and Americans in the Persian Gulf and Middle East. Israel fears the radioactive bombs will find their way to Tehran's surrogates, the Lebanese Hizballah or the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

9. Those experts also agree that the Tehran-sponsored terrorist campaign against Israel has already begun. Launched by Hizballah or the Al Quds Brigades, it is expected to gain impetus.  The July 18 attack in the Bulgarian town of Burgas, in which five Israelis and a Bulgarian were killed, is seen as the precursor of more attacks whose dimensions will expand in a way that forces Israel to retaliate.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 04/08/2012 | 09:43 uur
Former Mossad head: Iran should fear next 12 weeks
08/02/2012 11:49

Former Mossad chief's statement comes as Netanyahu warns time for diplomacy running out amid speculation an attack may take place before US elections.

Former Mossad chief Efraim Halevy added to speculation of an impending Israeli military strike against Iran's nuclear program in a statement published by The New York Times Wednesday.
"If I were an Iranian, I would be very fearful of the next 12 weeks," Halevy said.

Speculation in the media and in political circles about the timing of a potential attack on Iran has focused in recent weeks on whether it needs to happen over the summer, before the US elections, or if it can wait until afterward, maybe as far away as next spring.

Earlier in the week, both Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak warned that time was running out for sanctions and diplomacy to have an effect on Iran's nuclear ambitions. Both men made the statements during a visit to Israel by US Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta.

"We clearly have something to lose by this stretched time [during] which sanctions and diplomacy takes place, because the Iranians are moving forward, not just in enrichment," Barak said.
Speaking before meeting Panetta in his office, Netanyahu said the constant rhetoric about all options being on the table regarding Iran has not moved the ayatollahs.

Although acknowledging that sanctions have had an affect, and predicting the recent sanctions US President Barack Obama and Congress have advanced will have an even greater impact, Netanyahu said neither the sanctions nor the diplomacy have had any influence on the Islamic Republic's nuclear weapons program.

Noting that Panetta said recently that if all else fails America would act, the prime minister said that "however forceful our statements, they have not convinced Iran that we are serious about stopping them. Right now the Iranian regime believes that the international community does not have the will to stop its nuclear program. This must change and it must change quickly, because time to resolve this issue peacefully is running out."

In an interview on Channel 2 on Tuesday evening, Netanyahu – when asked whether he believes the US when its leaders say unequivocally that they won't allow Iran to gain nuclear weapons – replied that the "source and foundation of the State of Israel is that we will not leave in the hands of others, not even our best friends, matters concerning our fate."

Yaakov Katz and Herb Keinon contributed to this report.

Bron:  (
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 05/08/2012 | 10:34 uur
Iran Is Wants To Pay $4 Billion To Buy $900 Million Worth Of These Missiles

Robert Johnson|Aug. 3, 2012

While the world went back and forth about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction in 2002, Saddam Hussein was planning for the worst and did all he could to acquire a batch of Russian S-300 surface-to-air missiles.

Say what you will about Saddam Hussein, but the man had a pretty well-defined sense of self-preservation and knew the S-300s were all that stood between him and spending his final days in a "spider hole."

Perhaps thinking it's staring down a similar fate as Iraq, Iran has been doing everything it can to acquire the same missiles in the hope of developing the ability to thwart any potential attacks.

Tehran actually pinned down a deal to buy the highly capable missiles from Russia in 2007, but then president Dmitry Medvedev quashed the deal three years later citing UN sanctions prohibiting the exchange.

Iran obviously disagreed with the decision and took Russian defense contractor Rosoboronexport to international arbitration court in Geneva last April, and sued them for $900 million.

The court sided with Iran and not only granted it their requested damages, but tacked on another $4 billion fine for good measure.

Iran doesn't want the money so much as it wants those S-300s, and has now come out saying it'll forget all about the $4 billion if Russia simply agrees to fulfill its original contract.

The S-300 is the best anti-ballistic missile, anti-aircraft ordnance Russia has to offer and has enjoyed nearly 50 years of improvements and modifications. They're what China has lined up along the no-nonsense Taiwan Strait.

They're very effective, very hard to jam, and very difficult to stop. They're reputed to be one of the most advanced "multi-target anti-aircraft missile systems in the world ... [with] a reported ability to track up to 100 targets simultaneously while engaging up to 12 at the same time."

If Iran's acquisition of the S-300s didn't put the brakes on a possible attack scenario, it would certainly send military planners back to the drawing board to reconsider any eventual attack scenarios.

Forgiving the $4 billion may not be enough to spur Russia's desire to do the deal, but if it actually finds itself abandoning its Syrian base in Tartus all bets may be off.

Ilya Arkhipov at Bloomberg reports a Russian Think Tank believes that if Syria falls to the opposition, the Kremlin may be prompted to give Iran what it wants.

Russia is nearly as reluctant to see an attack on Iran as Tehran, and will likely do what it can to keep that from happening.

In the meantime, the pressure is building within Iran as a new round of deep and biting sanctions received approval from House and Senate negotiators Monday.

None of this is good news for the Iranian people who are already struggling to maintain their way of life and put a decent meal on the table.

Read more:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/08/2012 | 08:25 uur
Israel's EMP Attack Can Send Iran Back to the Stone Age

Published: Monday, August 06, 2012 8:09 AM

There is no question that Iran is now a de facto nuclear state - a "casus belli" for Israeli military action.

Israeli resolve, it is clear that the diplomatic dance of deceit and empty bluster for years is over. The die is cast and Israel has crossed the Rubicon, since a significant spectacle of events is set to begin to work against Iran come October.

While the onus is on Iran to abide by its international obligations, the wild card is in Israel's hand - with Electrnonic Magnetic Pulse (EMP) inscribed on it. Since diplomacy and sanctions were an abject failure, war has become inevitable and preparations for preventing Iran's rapid nuclear progress have, thus far, accelerated.

Despite Israel's highly advanced technology and strategic military advantage, Israel's fear of an Iranian existential threat is understandable. In any case, Israel has done it the past with flawless precision when it destroyed Iraq's Osiraq reactor in 1981 and a Syrian reactor being built by North Koreans in 2007. Both surprise attacks were immensely successful and kept Israel's enemies scratching their heads in disbelief, stunning the world.

Iran has reached the 'zone of immunity.'

There are five solid reasons that Iran has now entered what Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak termed as the "zone of immunity":

First, Iran plans to ratchet up enrichment up to 60 per cent uranium which is now on the way to an 80-90 percent weapons grade.

Second, Iran has accelerated its forced projection and tested ballistic missiles delivery system in an EMP mode with North Korean assistance.

Thirdl, Iran's stockpile of low grade enriched uranium can be converted to five nuclear weapons if refined further, according to the Institute for Science and International Security.

Fourth, satellite imagery shows mega-fortification of underground nuclear facilities impervious to U.S. super bunker buster bombs.

Finally, Iran has started the process of loading 163 fuel rods into the core of Bushehr nuclear power plant reactor.

In light of the latest developments, there is no question that Iran is now a de facto nuclear state - a "casus belli" for Israeli military action. Although the military option is unattractive and untenable, failure to act would be much worse if Iran got the atomic bomb.

A large majority of Israelis and Americans believes that Israel would be better off if the U.S. would lead the attack on Iran.

For the most part, Israel's dilemma is focused singly on the use of electromagnetic pulse (EMP) without informing the U.S. Regardless of the consequences, the U.S. would have no choice but to support Israel. The stakes are simply too high to ignore this time. However, trust deficit and loss of U.S. credibility compels Israel not to depend on others to protect the Jewish people.

The reality on the ground is revealing: Iran needs only one or two nuclear bombs to start a thermonuclear war against Israel and the United States, to hasten what these religious nuts believe is the coming of the Islamic messiah.

Evidentially, a nuclear-capable Iran can unleash a single atomic bomb on Israel with simultaneous asymmetric proxy attacks in the U.S. and other western targets. But thanks to heaven - and Israel - the Islamic republic is not there yet.

In addition, intelligence sources have now indicated Iran is within two years of bringing the Islamic revolution to the U.S. in the form of an EMP attack.

So  the game-changer would be a significant EMP event that would take Iranians back to the Stone Age.

What would an EMP attack look like?

If Israel chooses one of its Jericho III missiles to detonate a single EMP warhead at high altitude over north central Iran, there will be with no blast or radiation effects on the ground.

Coupled with cyber-attacks, Iranians would not know it happened except for a massive shutdown of the electric power grid, oil refineries and a transportation gridlock. Food supply would be exhausted and communication would be largely impossible, leading to economic collapse. Similarly, the uranium enrichment centrifuges in Fordo, Natanz and widely scattered elsewhere, would freeze for decades.

Iran's response to an EMP attack would be futile and uncannily tragic. Before the elite Qods force could mine the Strait of Hormuz and wreak havoc to Arab Gulf states oil refineries, the Fifth Fleet and U.S. military installations, Iran's administrative-industrial-military complex infrastructures would have been laid to waste without the ruling clerical regime knowing about it

In this scenario, a rain of missiles from Lebanon's Hizbullah, Hamas in Gaza would have to be endured by Israel. Frankly, one thing is certain- Israel won't nuke Iran unless it unleashes chemical, biological or nuclear weapons to Israel's enemies.

Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has stressed that Israel would consider the transfer of Syrian chemical weapons to Hizbullah a "casus belli" and act "without hesitation or restraint."

On a constructive note, Iranian Green opposition forces would have an opportunity to take to the darkened streets of Tehran and rid themselves of the fanatical regime.

Hence, if Iran doesn't blink, Israel certainly will attack in the fall with no ifs and or buts.

Furthermore, the mathematical probability of Iran winning the war is naught, since as Israel knows best, when it comes to Israel's security, there can be no substitute for victory.

Speculation aside, war becomes inevitable for reasons beyond logic and difficult to explain - and the consequences are actually unpredictable and messy. Typically, in these most challenging and uncertain times, it is very difficult indeed. This is yet another reason why Israel's risks and dilemmas, difficult as they are, will never be brought to a peaceful conclusion.

As former Mossad chief and national security adviser Ephraim Halevy, quoted by the New York Times, said, if he were Iranian he "would be very fearful of the next 12 weeks".

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/08/2012 | 08:27 uur
Iran's military might worries UK

Britain has expressed concerns over Iran's military might after Iran successfully tested an upgraded version of its short-range ballistic missile.

On Saturday 4 August, Iran successfully test-fired the fourth generation of the domestically-made Fateh 110 precision missile.

The latest surface-to-surface 300-kilometer (190-mile) range missile was built by Iranian experts as part of a plan to bolster the country's military might.

"The 4th generation of the Fateh 110 precision missile with a range of more than 300 kilometers (190 miles) was successfully test-fired by the Defense Ministry's Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO)", said Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi.

Nevertheless, Britain's Foreign Office raised concerns over Iran's military might saying "we remain concerned that Iran continues to develop missile technology with the clear intention of extending the range and sophistication of its missiles."

Moreover, Britain's Foreign Office claimed that the missile tests carried out by Iran indicated that Iran's nuclear program was military oriented.

The claim is made as Iran, which has cooperated with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) more than any other country throughout the history of the agency, has repeatedly stressed that its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes.

Meanwhile, earlier this year, Iran's Ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Ali Asghar Soltanieh said some of the nuclear-armed states including Britain have violated the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear weapons (NPT) by modernizing their nuclear arsenals and should be held accountable to their people and the international community.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/08/2012 | 09:58 uur
Michael Oren: The World Talks as Iran Acts to Destroy Israel

The world wasted 10 years of Israeli warnings on Iran's nuke program and another eight years before imposing belated sanctions, says Oren.

By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
First Publish: 8/7/2012

The world wasted 10 years of Israeli warnings on Iran's nuclear program and another eight years before imposing belated sanctions, says Michael Oren, Israel's Ambassador to the United States.

His op-ed article in The Wall Street Journal was another implied hint that Israel cannot wait much longer before trying to delay Iran's nuclear program with a military attack, and such articles by the ambassador to the United States presumably are coordinated with Israel's highest officials.

"Historically, Israel has exercised that right [to defend itself] only after exhausting all reasonable diplomatic means," he wrote. "But as the repeated attempts to negotiate with Iran have demonstrated, neither diplomacy nor sanctions has removed the threat."

Oren noted that Israel exposed to the world in 2002 that Iran built a secret nuclear enrichment plant at Natanz. Since then, "The ayatollahs systematically lied about their nuclear operations, installing more than 10,000 centrifuges, a significant number of them in a once-secret underground facility at Qom.

"Iran is also the world's leading state sponsor of terror. It has supplied more than 70,000 rockets to terrorist organizations deployed on Israel's borders and has tried to murder civilians across five continents and 25 countries, including in the United States... By providing fighters and funds, Iran is enabling Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad to massacre his own people."

Oren underscored that Iran has become a global terror threat even without nuclear weapons, and if they are acquired, it will be easier for Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to carry out his policy stated last week that "the annihilation of the Zionist regime is the key for solving the world problems."

The Israelis ambassador, a native of the United States, said that Iran's rhetoric makes it clear it has no plans for forfeiting its nuclear ambitions.   

"Iran will continue to drag out the negotiations while installing more centrifuges. These, according to the IAEA, are spinning even faster. The sanctions, which have dealt a blow to Iran's economy, have not affected the nuclear program. Meanwhile, more of Iran's expanding stockpile will be hidden in fortified bunkers beyond Israel's reach."

Oren diplomatically wrote that Israel appreciates "the determination of President Obama and the U.S. Congress to advance the sanctions and their pledge to keep all options on the table" and reminded readers that "the president has affirmed Israel's right "to defend itself, by itself, against any threat," and "to make its own decision about what is required to meet its security needs."

Oren said that sanctions along with "a credible military threat—a threat that the ayatollahs still do not believe today – may yet convince Iran to relinquish its nuclear dreams. But time is dwindling and, with each passing day, the lives of eight million Israelis grow increasingly imperiled.

"The window that opened 20 years ago is now almost shut."
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/08/2012 | 10:04 uur
Saudis go to battle stations

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

David Ignatius

WASHINGTON - By appointing Prince Bandar bin Sultan as its new intelligence chief, Saudi Arabia has installed what looks like a war Cabinet at a time of rising tensions with Iran and growing internal dissent from its Shiite minority.

The Saudis have also heightened their alert level in other ways to prepare for possible regional conflict. Some Saudi military and security personnel were mobilized last month - called back from summer leave or told to cancel planned vacations. One explanation of the mobilization making the rounds in Riyadh is that the Saudis expected that Turkey might retaliate against Syria for the shoot-down of one of its fighters in late June.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/08/2012 | 11:16 uur
Bunkerbom VS ,,klaar voor gebruik" (met video) (via de link)

APELDOORN – Te midden van stijgende spanningen tussen Iran en Israël hebben de Amerikanen de bunkerbom GBU-57 gereedgemaakt voor gebruik. Dat berichtten diverse media vorige week.

Het wapen, dat ook bekendstaat onder de naam Massive Ordnance Penetrator (MOP), heeft een lengte van ruim 6 meter, weegt zo'n 14 ton en zou in staat zijn binnen te dringen in een bunker van gewapend beton met een dikte van 60 meter. De bunkerbom zou zo'n 5 ton explosieven met zich meevoeren. Het is daarmee het zwaarste conventionele explosief ter wereld.

The Jerusalem Post baseert zich in een artikel op mededelingen van de Amerikaanse luchtmachtbaas Michael Donley in het tijdschrift Air Force Times. Volgens Donley is de MOP nu ,,beschikbaar voor gebruik als dat nodig is."

Het Pentagon heeft ruim 314 miljoen dollar geïnvesteerd in het ontwikkelen van de MOP, die gefabriceerd wordt door Boeing. De Amerikaanse luchtmacht heeft twintig MOP's besteld. De laatste zou in 2013 moeten zijn afgeleverd.

De MOP kan worden vervoerd met Amerikaanse B-52- en B-2-bommenwerpers. De laatste zijn voorzien van stealthtechnologie, waardoor ze op radarschermen moeilijk zijn waar te nemen.

De Iraanse nucleaire faciliteiten in Natanz zijn ondergebracht in betonnen bunkers waarvan de muren zijn afgedekt met 
10 meter grond. De installaties in Fordo, dicht bij de heilige plaats Qom, zijn ondergebracht in een berg. Volgens militaire analisten zijn de laatste faciliteiten het moeilijkst uit te schakelen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 07/08/2012 | 17:26 uur
hier het filmpje waar Jurrien het over had.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 07/08/2012 | 17:44 uur
Tijd om de Sunburns in stelling te brengen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 07/08/2012 | 22:20 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 07/08/2012 | 17:44 uur
Tijd om de Sunburns in stelling te brengen.

En de Persian Gulf (Khalije Fars) missiles die nog iets beter zijn.... (

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 09/08/2012 | 08:51 uur
Report: Saudis Threaten to Shoot Down Iran-Bound Israeli Planes

The Saudis said they would shoot down any Israeli planes that fly over its airspace on their way to or from Iran

By David Lev
First Publish: 8/9/2012, 8:49 AM

Saudi Arabia has informed Israel in recent weeks that it will shoot down any Israeli planes that fly over its airspace on their way to or from Iran. A report in Yediot Achronot Thursday said that the Saudis have made it known that they will not allow their airspace to be used for any attack on Iran's nuclear facilities by Israel, the U.S., or any other country.

According to the report, the Saudis transferred the message to Israel via senior officials in the administration of U.S. President Barack H. Obama. The officials had just recently returned from talks in Israel with senior members of the government.

IDF intelligence, the report said, had identified four air routes that could be used to attack Iran – one of them over Saudi Arabia. The Saudi route would have Israeli fighter jets flying south, turning into Saudi territory for a short time, and then exiting into the Persian Gulf and Iran.

As a result of the warning, the report said, Israeli officials are now concerned that they will have to figure out a way to avoid a battle with the Saudi air force if the southern route is chosen. Although Saudi pilots are not known for their skills, the country has a wide array of sophisticated defensive and offensive systems and weapons, thanks to massive American arms sales.

However, some Israeli officials were doubtful that the message had been the idea of the Saudis' alone, saying that message was part of the ongoing pressures by American officials to prevent Israel from attacking Iran without Washington's permission.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 09/08/2012 | 11:39 uur
'US, Israeli intel assessments on Iran closer than ever'


08/09/2012 12:05

Barak asserts that despite increased urgency in Washington, decisions about Israel's security will be made in Jerusalem, clarifies that any order to attack will be made by the cabinet.

Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Thursday said that the latest US National Intelligence Estimate is closer than ever to Israel's own intelligence estimates on Iran. The latest US estimate, he told Israel Radio, gives much more urgency to stopping Iranian nuclear proliferation.

"We and the Americans agreed not to allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons and all options are on the table," Barak said. Ultimately, however, it is the Israeli government that will make decisions regarding its security and future.

The defense minister also addressed criticism of the government's perceived decision-making process, saying that the cabinet would need to approve any military strike on Iran. "The description in the media as if two people are sitting around and hatching attack plans is utterly ridiculous," he proclaimed.

Earlier in the week, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu once again shot down the idea that a nuclear-armed Iran could be contained. If Iran gets a nuclear bomb, it may actually use it, he said in a meeting with Australian Foreign Minister Bob Carr on Monday.

That the Iranians might actually use the bomb is a reality that cannot be denied, Netanyahu said.

"This is a regime that has broken every rule in the book," he added. "They very likely could use weapons of mass death."

Netanyahu said there was an illusion among many in the world that if Iran acquired nuclear weapons, it would behave responsibly like the world's other nuclear states.

The prime minister, during the discussion dominated by the Iranian issue, said Iran is governed by a "fanatical regime" that sees itself on a sacred mission of global Islamic domination, and destroying Israel was just one step toward its larger vision.

Everyone talks about the cost of stopping Iran, "but they shouldn't ignore the cost of not stopping Iran," he said.

Netanyahu's comments come a week after he said that the decision to attack Iran would be taken by the country's elected political leadership, and not by the defense and security establishment.

Those remarks followed media reports of Israel's top security officials being opposed to an Israeli attack without US backing.

Herb Keinon contributed to this report.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 10/08/2012 | 08:24 uur
Frankrijk maakt plannen om zijn burgers uit Israël te evacueren

vrijdag 10 augustus 2012
Door : Monique Smits

De Franse krant La Tribune meldt dat er een evacuatieplan op handen is voor 200.000 Franse burgers die in Israël wonen.
Franse diplomatieke bronnen vertelden de krant dat het plan in de maak is vanwege de toenemende kans op een conflict met Iran.
Enkele tientallen Fransen zijn aangesteld om een evacuatie voor te bereiden. Daarbij zal gebruik worden gemaakt van kleinere boten om de burgers aan boord te krijgen van Franse marineschepen bij Jaffa, de buurt van Tel Aviv.

De evacuatieplannen worden gevoed door uitlatingen van Israëlische functionarissen over het nucleaire programma van Iran. Daardoor wordt aangenomen dat er binnenkort een militair conflict zal losbarsten tussen Iran en Israël.  Een voormalig hoofd van de Mossad zei vorige week in de New York Times "Als ik Iran was , zou ik bang zijn voor de komende 12 weken."
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Flyguy op 10/08/2012 | 10:39 uur
Citaat van: welingelichtekringen op 10/08/2012 | 08:24 uur
"Als ik Iran was , zou ik bang zijn voor de komende 12 weken."

Ho ho ho ho, wat?
Heb ik iets gemist ofzo?
Dit soort uitspraken worden vaak gemaakt, maar dan niet met een tijdsvak erbij. Even in de gaten houden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 10/08/2012 | 11:11 uur
Citaat van: fly3rguy op 10/08/2012 | 10:39 uur
Ho ho ho ho, wat?
Heb ik iets gemist ofzo?
Dit soort uitspraken worden vaak gemaakt, maar dan niet met een tijdsvak erbij. Even in de gaten houden.
Ik denk dat we erg dichtbij dat moment gaan komen. Kijk alleen maar eens naar de verschillende reacties/statements van (oud-)officials uit Israël en de US, ze volgen elkaar steeds sneller op voor mijn gevoel...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Flyguy op 10/08/2012 | 11:18 uur
En net als altijd (1991, 2003 etc) ga ik dit weer live kijken als het zo ver is.  :sleep:
Dat is dan de 2e oorlog om WMD's in minder dan 10 jaar tijd (als we van 2012 uit gaan).
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 10/08/2012 | 11:29 uur
Citaat van: Soldier 4 Him (Dennis) op 10/08/2012 | 11:11 uur
Ik denk dat we erg dichtbij dat moment gaan komen. Kijk alleen maar eens naar de verschillende reacties/statements van (oud-)officials uit Israël en de US, ze volgen elkaar steeds sneller op voor mijn gevoel...

Populistisch gedrag; het lijkt wel of gehele politiek uit dit gedrag bestaat.     In VS zijn er binnenkort verkiezingen dus het roepen wordt alleen maar meer, denk je echt dat er zo vlak voor de Amerikaanse verkiezingen een aanval op Iran gaat plaats vinden?  Ik denk het echt niet.

En wat hebben 'oud'-politicus nog voor invloed?  Het lijkt hoe "ouder" ze worden hoe harder ze beginnen te roepen alsof men bang is dat ze vergeten worden...

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 10/08/2012 | 12:40 uur
Wij zullen in de aanloop naar 12 september ook onder andere Dries van Agt en Hans Wiegel weer voorbij zien komen..............

En ik denk persoonlijk dat Iran zich voorlopig nog geen zorgen hoeft te maken.......zonder goedkeuring van de VS doet Israel niets.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 10/08/2012 | 12:46 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 10/08/2012 | 11:29 uur
Populistisch gedrag; het lijkt wel of gehele politiek uit dit gedrag bestaat.     In VS zijn er binnenkort verkiezingen dus het roepen wordt alleen maar meer, denk je echt dat er zo vlak voor de Amerikaanse verkiezingen een aanval op Iran gaat plaats vinden?  Ik denk het echt niet.

En wat hebben 'oud'-politicus nog voor invloed?  Het lijkt hoe "ouder" ze worden hoe harder ze beginnen te roepen alsof men bang is dat ze vergeten worden...
Dat kan natuurlijk ook, hoop dat je gelijk hebt.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 10/08/2012 | 14:17 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 10/08/2012 | 11:29 uur
In VS zijn er binnenkort verkiezingen dus het roepen wordt alleen maar meer, denk je echt dat er zo vlak voor de Amerikaanse verkiezingen een aanval op Iran gaat plaats vinden?  Ik denk het echt niet.

Een Amerikaanse president in oorlogstijd, zeker in het begin, is vrijwel verzekerd van herverkiezing.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 10/08/2012 | 15:52 uur
REFILE-Israel media talk of imminent Iran war push

10 augustus 2012

* Newspaper: Netanyahu seeks strike before US ballot

* Israeli opinions shifting, but consensus elusive

By Dan Williams

JERUSALEM, Aug 10 (Reuters) - Israel's prime minister and defence minister would like to attack Iran's nuclear sites before the U.S. election in November but lack crucial support within their cabinet and military, an Israeli newspaper said on Friday.

The front-page report in the biggest-selling daily Yedioth Ahronoth came amid mounting speculation - fuelled by media leaks from both the government and its detractors at home and abroad - that war with Iran could be imminent even though it might rupture the bedrock ties between Israel and the United States.

"Were it up to Benjamin Netanyahu and Ehud Barak, an Israeli military strike on the nuclear facilities in Iran would take place in the coming autumn months, before the November election in the United States," Yedioth said in the article by its two senior commentators, which appeared to draw on discussions with the defence minister but included no direct quotes.

Spokesmen for Prime Minister Netanyahu and Barak declined to comment.

Yedioth said the top Israeli leaders had failed to win over other security cabinet ministers for a strike on Iran now, against a backdrop of objections by the armed forces given the big tactical and strategic hurdles such an operation would face.

"The respect which in the past formed a halo around prime ministers and defence ministers and helped them muster a majority for military decisions, is gone, no more," Yedioth said. "Either the people are different, or the reality is different."

Israel has long threatened to attack its arch-foe, seeing a mortal menace in Iranian nuclear advances and dwindling opportunities to deal them a blow with its limited military clout. Washington has urged Israel to give diplomacy more time.

The war talk is meant, in part, to stiffen sanctions on Tehran - which denies seeking the bomb and says its nuclear programme is for peaceful purposes - by conflict-wary world powers. Israel and the United States have publicly sought to play down their differences, the latter saying military force would be a last-ditch option against Iran.

A Reuters survey in March found that most Americans would support such action, by their government or Israel's, should there be evidence Iran was building nuclear weapons - even if the result was a rise in gas prices.


But U.S. President Barack Obama, seeking re-election in November, has counselled against what he would deem premature Israeli unilateralism. He recently sent top officials to try to close ranks with the conservative Netanyahu.

Obama's Republican challenger, Mitt Romney, an old friend of Netanyahu who casts himself as a more reliable bulwark for Israeli security, also visited Jerusalem last month.

The Yedioth article said, without citing sources, that some government advisers in Israel and the United States believed a pre-November strike might "embarrass Obama and contribute to Romneys chances of being elected."

Yedioth said the aim of an initial Israeli attack on Iran could be to trigger an escalation that would draw in superior U.S. forces - but described Barak as dismissive of this theory.

"He believes that America will not go to war, but will do everything in its power to stop it. It will give Israel the keys to its emergency (munitions) stores, which were set up in Israel in the past. Israel needs no more than this," Yedioth said.

Netanyahu, apparently trying to avoid being seen as meddling in U.S. politics, has voiced gratitude for cross-partisan support of Israel in Washington, while insisting his country remains responsible for its own security.

Haaretz, an influential liberal Israeli newspaper, quoted an unnamed senior official in the Netanyahu government as saying the Jewish state - widely assumed to have the region's only atomic arsenal - potentially faced a greater danger from Iran than on the eve of its 1967 war with several Arab neighbours.

That thinking seems to be gaining ground domestically.

A poll published on Friday by the mass-circulation Maariv daily found that 41 percent of Israelis saw no chance of non-military pressure on Iran succeeding, versus 22 percent who thought diplomacy could work.

While 39 percent of Maariv's respondents said dealing with Iran should be left to the United States and other world powers, 35 percent said they would support Israel going it alone as a last resort - up from previous polls that found around 20 percent support for the unilateral option.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Flyguy op 10/08/2012 | 15:55 uur
Ik ben bang dat deze oorlog de hele regio nog verder doet afzakken  :'(
Maar goed, dit wordt spannend.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 10/08/2012 | 15:56 uur
Friday, August 10 2012|Noam Sheizaf

"Anonymous decision maker" advocating war with Iran is Ehud Barak

The top stories in all Israeli dailies this weekend discuss a coming strike on Iran's nuclear facilities. Thirty-seven percent of Israelis think President Obama would stop Iran from developing a bomb, while only 29 percent doubt it.

The front page headlines in all major daily papers in Israel deal with the increased likelihood of a war with Iran.

Yedioth Aharonoth has an important expose: the paper's diplomatic correspondents, Nahum Barnea and Shimon Shifer, report that Defense Minister Ehud Barak has gathered senior army generals twice (the latest meeting took place at Mossad headquarters) in order to obtain their support for a military strike on Iran's nuclear facilities. He met fierce opposition on both occasions; the army is very reluctant to carry out the attack in the absence of American support, it seems. "Not a single security chief supports the attack," Barnea and Shiffer write. Yedioth's headline declares: "Barak and Natanyahu are determined to strike Iran in the autumn."

The pro-Netanyahu tabloid Israel Hayom claims that "Iran has speed up its effort to gain a bomb."

Maariv has a poll according to which 37 percent of the public think that an Iranian bomb would mean "a second Holocaust." Forty percent of the Jewish public – that's 33 percent of the population – believes that Israel should strike the Iranian nuclear facilities on its own. Forty-one percent think that Israeli should leave the mission of stopping Iran to the United States and the international community.

More Israelis (37 percent) believe that president Obama will prevent Iran from getting a nuclear bomb than those who think he won't keep his promise (29) percent.

Haaretz cites a senior Israeli official speaking in favor of an Israeli attack on Iran ("Iran nuclear threat bigger than one Israel faced before Six Day War"). It's not hard to figure out that the official is Defense Minister Ehud Barak.

Ari Shavit offers a few hints to the identity of his interlocutor (the source is "known for his sharp analytical skills"; has a piano in his living room; was at the center of decision making twice; and more.) It is also widely known that Shavit has very good relationship with Barak; and this is not the first time he has citied the same "senior source" (including a hit job on Tzipi Livni before the last elections). Even Meretz leader Zehava Gal-On wrote on her Facebook page explicitly that the source in Shavit's article is Ehud Barak.

The daily media roundup by the 7th eye (a media watchdog site) also states that "Shavit's source is Barak."

In the interview, Defense Minister Barak responds to arguments made by those opposing the attack. He tells Shavit that Israel will be able to cause considerable damage to Iran's nuclear program, delaying it for a few years – possibly until the Iranian regime falls; he expects no American guarantee to attack the nuclear facilities next year, and he insists that Israel must attack soon and not hand the problem over to the Americans (according to reports in the Israeli media, the IAF would not be able to cause significant damage to the Iranian nuclear program unless the attack is carried out in the coming months). Barak says:

"Israel is a strong nation... we have good capabilities. The number of dead to be expected on the home front in the event of war with Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas is less than the number of casualties in the Fourth Battalion of the Harel Brigade in 1948. But in 1948 it was clear to all that there was no choice. And that gave us national strength and resilience. If it turns out that now, too, there is no choice, we will also need that national strength. Remember that in any dimension – including in terms of preserving human life – dealing with a nuclear Iran will be much more complicated than dealing with preventing a nuclear Iran," the official said.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 10/08/2012 | 15:56 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 10/08/2012 | 14:17 uur
Een Amerikaanse president in oorlogstijd, zeker in het beign, is vrijwel verzekerd van herverkiezing.

Je houd in iedergeval een slag om arm...
De vraag is of de Amerikanen niet oorlogsmoe zijn.  

Citaat van: fly3rguy op 10/08/2012 | 15:55 uur
Ik ben bang dat deze oorlog de hele regio nog verder doet afzakken  :'(

Niet alleen die regio, ben ik  bang voor.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 10/08/2012 | 15:58 uur
National Security Brief: U.S. Disputes Israeli Reports On Iran Nukes

A White House National Security Council spokesman disputed Israeli media reports that new U.S. intelligence has found that Iran is closer to having a nuclear weapon than ever before. "We believe that there is time and space to continue to pursue a diplomatic path, backed by growing international pressure on the Iranian government," the spokesman said. "We continue to assess that Iran is not on the verge of achieving a nuclear weapon."
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Flyguy op 10/08/2012 | 16:06 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 10/08/2012 | 15:56 uur
Citaat van: fly3rguy op 10/08/2012 | 15:55 uur
Ik ben bang dat deze oorlog de hele regio nog verder doet afzakken  :'(

Niet alleen die regio, ben ik  bang voor.

Als dit WW3 sparkt dan wordt ik pissig. Hebben we sinds 1949 tot 1991 constant paraat gestaan, starten ze 20 jaar later...
Geen 480000 man en 1000 tanks, nee, 26000 man en 0 tanks. Daar wordt je toch boos van?
En dan willen ze 12 september gewoon verder gaan met hakken. Laat deze onvermijdelijke oorlog een les zijn voor Nederland, nee een reminder van alles dat we na 1945 geloofden en we nu kapot maken.

En 'when the shit hits the fan' wat gebeurt er dan?
Israeli strikes op nucleaire facilities en dan? Grond troepen naar binnen? De Amerikanen vragen om grondtropen?
En china en rusland dan? Ik ben er gewoon een beetje boos over hoe dit 'conflict' vaart neemt.                         :annoyed:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 10/08/2012 | 16:27 uur
Citaat van: fly3rguy op 10/08/2012 | 16:06 uur
Als dit WW3 sparkt dan wordt ik pissig. Hebben we sinds 1949 tot 1991 constant paraat gestaan, starten ze 20 jaar later...
Geen 480000 man en 1000 tanks, nee, 26000 man en 0 tanks. Daar wordt je toch boos van?
En dan willen ze 12 september gewoon verder gaan met hakken. Laat deze onvermijdelijke oorlog een les zijn voor Nederland, nee een reminder van alles dat we na 1945 geloofden en we nu kapot maken.

Ik vermoed een andere soort oorlog  waarbij door Europa bijna geen gebruik kan worden gemaakt van de tanks.
Waar ik bang voor ben is een "oorlog"  van aanslagen door mensen die in Europa "geïntregeerd" zijn.   Er zijn al meerdere slapende cellen gevonden, in mijn optiek, de meeste niet.

Hiervoor waren we met 480000 man  en 1000 tanks ook niet op voorbereid.

Met wat we na 1945 in geloofden hebben we anderen boos gemaakt ..........
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Poleme op 10/08/2012 | 18:17 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 10/08/2012 | 15:56 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 10/08/2012 | 14:17 uur
Een Amerikaanse president in oorlogstijd, zeker in het beign, is vrijwel verzekerd van herverkiezing.

Je houd in iedergeval een slag om arm...
De vraag is of de Amerikanen niet oorlogsmoe zijn.  
Oorlogsmoe? Het echte werk moet nog gebeuren,  Iraqi Freedom en Enduring Freedom zijn maar klein in vergelijking met wat er op ons af komt.   De Amerikanen hebben nu in ieder geval al heel wat man en materieel samengetrokken in de Golf regio.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 10/08/2012 | 18:20 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 10/08/2012 | 18:17 uur
De Amerikanen hebben nu in ieder geval al heel wat man en materieel samengetrokken in de Golf regio.
Refresh my memory. Is dat voldoende? En waarom horen we niets over bijv. Israel? Zijn er eeds voldoende luchtvaartuigen overegebracht naar bases, ter ondersteuning? Etc.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Tanker op 10/08/2012 | 20:26 uur
Deels onze eigen schuld, hadden we al die Marokkanen, Turken, Somaliers, Algerijnen etc. niet toe moeten laten tot ons land.... Dat mag je niet zeggen want dan vind men je een racist...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 10/08/2012 | 20:59 uur
Dat kan ik effe niet volgen, tanker. Wat heeft dat met de spanningen rond Iran te maken?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 10/08/2012 | 21:45 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 10/08/2012 | 18:17 uur
Oorlogsmoe? Het echte werk moet nog gebeuren,  Iraqi Freedom en Enduring Freedom zijn maar klein in vergelijking met wat er op ons af komt.   De Amerikanen hebben nu in ieder geval al heel wat man en materieel samengetrokken in de Golf regio.

Met de Amerikanen bedoelde ik de burgers van de V.S. en niet de regering.     Jij bedoelt met de Amerikanen schijnbaar de regering: even een miscommunicatie.      

De Amerikaanse regering kan er niet genoeg krijgen om de spierballen te laten zien maar als het weer zo ver is dan kan de NAVO weer komen helpen....  Misschien eens eerst overleggen met de NAVO   :devil:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 10/08/2012 | 21:52 uur
Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 10/08/2012 | 20:59 uur
Dat kan ik effe niet volgen, tanker. Wat heeft dat met de spanningen rond Iran te maken?

Dat deze voor de Iraanse kant kunnen kiezen.  Een aantal van hen zijn behoorlijk anti-westers / pro-islamitisch
Als weer een Islamitisch land wordt aangevallen door de VS (en vervolgens de NAVO gaat steunen) kan het zo zijn dat de stoppen bij hen doorslaan  georganiseerd of ongeorganiseerd. 
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Flyguy op 10/08/2012 | 22:34 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 10/08/2012 | 21:52 uur
Dat deze voor de Iraanse kant kunnen kiezen.  Een aantal van hen zijn behoorlijk anti-westers / pro-islamitisch
Als weer een Islamitisch land wordt aangevallen door de VS (en vervolgens de NAVO gaat steunen) kan het zo zijn dat de stoppen bij hen doorslaan  georganiseerd of ongeorganiseerd. 

Als je niet mee wilt doen aan de Nederlandse kant en terrorisme gaat steunen tijdens de 'westen vs midden-oosten oorlog' ga je wat mij betreft 123 een internerings kamp in. We hebben nu toch al asielzoekerscentra, dat zijn ook gewoon kampen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 10/08/2012 | 22:45 uur
Citaat van: fly3rguy op 10/08/2012 | 22:34 uur
We hebben nu toch al asielzoekerscentra, dat zijn ook gewoon kampen.
Heb je ervaring daarmee?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: michielnr op 11/08/2012 | 10:48 uur
Citaat van: fly3rguy op 10/08/2012 | 22:34 uur
Als je niet mee wilt doen aan de Nederlandse kant en terrorisme gaat steunen tijdens de 'westen vs midden-oosten oorlog' ga je wat mij betreft 123 een internerings kamp in. We hebben nu toch al asielzoekerscentra, dat zijn ook gewoon kampen.

Enge gedachtes hoor, want hoe bepaal je aan welke kant iemand staat? Lijkt een beetje op de (overtrokken) manier waarop er met japanse amerikanen is omgegaan tijdens WO2.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Flyguy op 11/08/2012 | 10:54 uur
Citaat van: michiel81 op 11/08/2012 | 10:48 uur
Enge gedachtes hoor, want hoe bepaal je aan welke kant iemand staat? Lijkt een beetje op de (overtrokken) manier waarop er met japanse amerikanen is omgegaan tijdens WO2.
Als een Iraans gezin verontwaardigd is over de invasie van hun land en gaat protesteren dan is er niks aan de hand.
Ik heb het over extremisten en de haatzaaibaarden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 11/08/2012 | 10:56 uur
Ik vind de discussie nu afdwalend van het onderwerp. Verzoeke ontopic te blijven of anders een separaat topic te openen indien men over de laatste postings door wil bomen.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 11/08/2012 | 14:52 uur
Ik denk dat men na een aanval eerst hoopt dat een deel van de Iraanse bevolking zelf in opstand komt. Er is veel onvrede in Iran, met name onder de jeugd (die percentagegewijs een groot deel van de bevolking uitmaakt), voor men uberhaupt overweegt grondtroepen te sturen. Het doel is het verzwakken van het regime, zodat die als vorige keer... in staat is de onrust onder de  bevolking de kop in te drukken. Al is een instabiel Iran natuurlijk ook geen pretje. En een situatie als in Libie of Syrie nu ook niet.

Ik denk dat het Israel verder niet alleen om mogelijke kernwapenprogramma's in Iran gaat. Maar ook de min of meer definitieve uitschakeling of verdrijving van Hezbollah in Zuid-Libanon en Hamas in Gaza. Als ook het trekken van nieuwe grenslijnen met de Palestijnen, of zelfs het verdrijven van hen en de annexatie van de Bezette Gebieden. Er wordt volgens mij mede daarom in grootse en dramatische termen gesproken...een soort welhaast Bijbelse gebeurtenis... en de Holocaust erbij gehaald. Deze hele operatie zal immers ook een flink aantal Israeli het leven gaan kunnen kosten en een langdurige crisissituatie veroorzaken.

Obama zou met een "meedoen" voor de verkiezingen een deel van de rechts-christelijke bevolking kunnen paaien...en zich als ook als sterke president kunnen laten zien ten tijden van (zo'n) crisis. Nu "beheerd" hij alleen maar twee mislukte operaties, waarvan 1 afgerond en de ander in dat proces. Als hij niets doet tegen Iran kunnen de Republikeinen dit uitbuiten.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Flyguy op 11/08/2012 | 16:14 uur
De bevolking is nu ontevreden, maar ik denk niet dat ze de Amerikanen en zeker niet de Israelis waarderen, zelfs de jeugd niet.
Als je een land binnenvalt moet je ze helemaal de grond in boren anders heb je kans dat patriotisme toe neemt en de steun aan de overheid ook.
Bij Iran is er helaas wel een tijdgebrek; we willen ze hebben voordat ze een bom hebben. Israel moet niet overhaasten want oorlog kan overslaan naar de hele wereld en dan is de Joodse staat, symbool van de 2e wereld oorlog en 'grootste' slachtoffer', de starter van een nieuwe wereld oorlog.

We zijn mensen, oorlog is ons ding helaas.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 11/08/2012 | 16:28 uur
IDF redeploys munitions, supply reserves
Military said to be dispersing rations, munitions and strategic supplies among facilities nationwide in order to protect them during wartime
Yossi Yehoshua Published:  08.11.12, 15:13 / Israel News

The IDF is gearing for the possibility of an armed conflict on several fronts and has decided to boost the munitions and supply reserves in a large number of military bases across Israel, Yedioth Ahronoth reported.

The Friday report said that the IDF plans to store tens of thousands of rations and non-classified ordnances in private locations nationwide, as the location of the major bases is known and they may be targeted by enemy rockets.

Military sources told the newspaper that the IDF understands that the next war is likely to take place on multiple fronts, prompting the decision to disperse supplies across all bases, as a precautionary measure.

Colonel Nissim Peretz, of the IDF's Central Technological, Logistics, and Medical Directorate, headed the project. The military's reserves were prioritized and dispersed accordingly and the defense establishment has also decided to bolster the defenses of all strategic warehouses.

Technology and Logistics Directorate Chief Maj.-Gen. Kobi Barak has also issued a special tender for private companies, to use their warehouses for military storage purposes.

The companies entering and winning the bid will be required to abide by rigorous confidentially standards and will also need to prove what the IDF has called "reasonable fortification measures."

The IDF also plans to use the facilities of several civilian defense contractors for its purposes.

Bron:,7340,L-4267093,00.html (,7340,L-4267093,00.html)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 11/08/2012 | 16:32 uur
IDF plans supply depots protected against missiles

08/10/2012 03:05

Underground supply depots will be protected in the event of a major missile bombardment on military bases.

The IDF plans to build underground supply depots that will be protected in the event of a major missile bombardment on military bases throughout the country.

Led by OC IDF Technology and Logistics Directorate Maj.-Gen. Kobi Barak, the program – which the General Staff has budgeted – will lead to the construction of three integrated, centralized and advanced supply depots in northern, southern and central Israel.

Under the current format, the IDF maintains a fuel depot, a separate food supply center, a base for spare parts and additional bases that supply ammunition.

"These new bases will have all of the supplies under a single roof," a senior officer from the Technology and Logistics Directorate said. "It will make the process of supplying units more effective and will be done with advanced technology and automated systems."

Since the bases will become prime targets for Syria, Hezbollah, Iran and Hamas, the IDF is planning to fortify them with significant defenses and to eventually protect them with Iron Dome counter- rocket batteries. Part of the supply depots will be buried underground to prevent it from being damaged in any future missile onslaught.

In addition to supplying units, the Technology and Logistics Directorate is also responsible for opening supply lines to units operating behind enemy lines and ensuring the flow of supplies – fuel, food, ammunition and spare parts – for the duration of what could be an extended conflict.

Last year, The Jerusalem Post revealed that the IDF was dispersing spare parts and ammunition throughout central and southern Israel to protect them against missile fire in a future war, expected to primarily affect the ability to receive supplies in the North.

In addition, the IDF has also dispersed kits in undisclosed locations throughout the Golan Heights and the Galilee so that they will be close to the northern front in the event of a war and at the same time provide protection from potential missile fire, expected to be directed at IDF bases.

The IDF is now also planning to lease civilian warehouses where it can store nonsensitive equipment – such as dry foods and uniforms – and protect them from future missile attacks.

"The enemy knows where IDF bases are located but will not know which civilian warehouses we are storing supplies in," the officer explained.

Under the Ground Forces Command's operational doctrine, infantry, armored and artillery units are expected to take with them enough supplies to support operations inside enemy territory for a limited number of days. Afterward, they are expected to open supply lines, which will be used to resupply them throughout a war.

Bron: (
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 11/08/2012 | 16:37 uur
'US, Israeli intel Iran closer than ever'

08/09/2012 12:05

Barak asserts that despite increased urgency in Washington, decisions about Israel's security will be made in Jerusalem.

Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Thursday said that a recently disseminated US intelligence report is closer than ever to Israel's own intelligence estimates on Iran.

The latest US estimate, he told Israel Radio, gives much more urgency to stopping Iranian nuclear proliferation.
"As far as we know it [the intelligence assessment] brings the American assessment much closer to ours... it makes the Iranian issue even more urgent and [shows it is] less clear and certain that we will know everything in time about their steady progress toward military nuclear capability," the defense minister told Israel Radio.

"We and the Americans agreed not to allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons and all options are on the table," Barak said.

Ultimately, however, it is the Israeli government that will make decisions regarding its security and future, he added.

The defense minister also addressed criticism of the government's perceived decision-making process, saying that the cabinet would need to approve any military strike on Iran.
"The description in the media as if two people are sitting around and hatching attack plans is utterly ridiculous," he proclaimed.

Earlier in the week, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu once again shot down the idea that a nuclear-armed Iran could be contained. If Iran gets a nuclear bomb, it may actually use it, he said in a meeting with Australian Foreign Minister Bob Carr on Monday.

That the Iranians might actually use the bomb is a reality that cannot be denied, Netanyahu said.

"This is a regime that has broken every rule in the book," he added. "They very likely could use weapons of mass death."

Netanyahu said there was an illusion among many in the world that if Iran acquired nuclear weapons, it would behave responsibly like the world's other nuclear states.

The prime minister, during the discussion dominated by the Iranian issue, said Iran is governed by a "fanatical regime" that sees itself on a sacred mission of global Islamic domination, and destroying Israel was just one step toward its larger vision.

Everyone talks about the cost of stopping Iran, "but they shouldn't ignore the cost of not stopping Iran," he said.

Netanyahu's comments came a week after he said the country's elected political leadership, and not the defense and security establishment, would make the decision to attack Iran.

Those remarks followed media reports of Israel's top security officials opposing an Israeli attack without US backing.

Herb Keinon and Reuters contributed to this report.

Bron: (
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 11/08/2012 | 16:39 uur
Gewoon wat berichtjes uit Israël......  :silent:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 11/08/2012 | 17:22 uur
Citaat van: Soldier 4 Him (Dennis) op 11/08/2012 | 16:39 uur
Gewoon wat berichtjes uit Israël......  :silent:

Ook nog gewoon wat berichtjes uit Iran?

Op deze manier wordt het eea lekker van éénzijde bericht......

En ooit beweerde iemand dat wij niet werden gemanipuleerd.....  Hier het voorbeeld dat dit wel gebeurd....... 
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 11/08/2012 | 17:37 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 11/08/2012 | 17:22 uur
Ook nog gewoon wat berichtjes uit Iran?

Op deze manier wordt het eea lekker van éénzijde bericht......

En ooit beweerde iemand dat wij niet werden gemanipuleerd.....  Hier het voorbeeld dat dit wel gebeurd.......  
Kom op zeg.... Zie: (
Hoe moeilijk is het?

Ik post gewoon wat nieuws uit Israël, mag dat ook al niet? Doe niet zo paranoïde... Ik wilde alleen maar laten zien dat men het daar steeds meer heeft over een eventuele confrontatie met Iran. En dat valt mij op, vandaar dat ik het nieuws hier plaatste en ik zie helemaal niet uit naar WO III, juist niet! Vandaar ook de:  :silent: smiley...  Ik promoot niets, ik manipuleer niemand. Gewoon rustig ademhalen..
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 11/08/2012 | 17:47 uur

Iran's response to a war in the region unpredictable: admiral

TEHRAN – The deputy commander of the Iranian Navy has said that if a war breaks out in the region, Iran's response would be unpredictable. 

"It is not predictable that what will be Iran's response if a war breaks out in the region, and this issue is still a confusing issue for extra-regional forces and the United States," Rear Admiral Gholam Reza Khadem-Bigham said in an interview with the Al-Alam News Network on Thursday.

In reply to a question about the capability of Iranian naval forces to block the Strait of Hormuz, he said, "Iran's response in regard to the Strait of Hormuz, which is one of the important regions in the world for the shipment of oil... is unclear and they are not able to (predict) our response."   

On the current situation in the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman and the presence of foreign forces in the region, he said that the global arrogance (forces of imperialism) is trying to suggest that the situation in the region is tense and promotes Iranophobia, but Iran's strong presence in the region and its friendly relations with regional countries have so far foiled their plots.

On the Navy's decision to send vessels to Atlantic Ocean, Khadem-Bigham said that the decision has been made at the behest of the Supreme Leader who has said that naval vessels have the capability and the right to be present on the open seas to the point that they do not threaten the interests of other countries.       


Bron: (

Nou tevreden..? Kom op zeg...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 11/08/2012 | 18:04 uur
Citaat van: Soldier 4 Him (Dennis) op 11/08/2012 | 17:37 uur
Ik post gewoon wat nieuws uit Israel, mag dat ook al niet? Doe niet zo paranoïde... Ik wilde alleen maar laten zien dat men het daar steeds meer heeft over een eventuele confrontatie met Iran.

Waar schrijf ik dat het niet mag: ik zeg alleen dat het een éénzijdige berichtgeving is*......  dat is wat ik wil laten zien .....als in jouw optiek paranoïde is: dat mag je vinden.

*wat logisch is van iemand met z'n onderschrift: waarom zet je het niet in het Nederlands er onder?  

edit: moet ik met één berichtje tevreden zijn? Kom op zeg.........
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 11/08/2012 | 18:14 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 11/08/2012 | 18:04 uur
[Waar schrijf ik dat het niet mag: ik zeg alleen dat het een éénzijdige berichtgeving is*......  dat is wat ik wil laten zien .....als in jouw optiek paranoïde is: dat mag je vinden.

*wat logisch is van iemand met z'n onderschrift: waarom zet je het niet in het Nederlands er onder? 

Ik wilde alleen maar laten zien dat er in de Israelische media, naar mijn bescheiden mening, steeds meer gepraaat wordt over een op handen zijnde confrontatie. Dat jij dat meteen als eenzijdigheid en beïnvloeding bestempeld is jouw probleem, en jouw overtrokken reactie op het woordje 'Israël'.... Post jij dan lekker berichtjes uit Iran, blijft het lekker in evenwicht...

* Omdat het 2 citaten zijn, 1 uit een Hebreeuws liedje en 1 uit een Engels liedje, ga toch ook niet "God Save the Queen" vertalen of wel soms?

edit: moet ik met één berichtje tevreden zijn? Kom op zeg.........
Doe niet zo sneu, ik heb het nu al 2x uitgelegt waarom ik die berichten hier plaats. Als je het dan nog niet begrijpt, of wat ik eerder denk, niet wilt begrijpen dan is dat jouw zaak. Val mij er dan niet mee lastig.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 11/08/2012 | 18:17 uur
Citaat van: Soldier 4 Him (Dennis) op 11/08/2012 | 18:14 uur
* Omdat het een ciitaat uit een hebreeuws lied is, ga toch ook niet "God Save the Queen" vertalen of wel soms?

heel "toevallig" een citaat waarin een vrouw een teef wordt genoemd daar maak ik toch enigszins bezwaar tegen!  (beledigend / laster)
Daarnaast in God save the Queen in een taal die de meeste mensen begrijpen  en het woord teef komt daar volgens mij niet in voor....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 11/08/2012 | 18:20 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 11/08/2012 | 18:17 uur
heel "toevallig" een citaat waarin een vrouw een teef wordt genoemd daar maak ik toch enigszins bezwaar tegen!  (beledigend / laster)
Daarnaast in God save the Queen in een taal die de meeste mensen begrijpen  en het woord teef komt daar volgens mij niet in voor....

Gut, de rest van mijn verhaal kun je niet meer weerleggen dus we gaan het maar ad hominem (Ja, da's Latijn, Moet ik zeker ook gaan vertalen? Google het maar..) spelen?

Daarnaast, Google Translate werkt niet altijd vlekkenloos  ;) :dead: Dus zoek het liedje maar lekker op, of ga hebreeuws leren... Laten we maar weer Back on Topic gaan, en dat gaat, suprise suprise, over Iran...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 11/08/2012 | 18:31 uur
Citaat van: Soldier 4 Him (Dennis) op 11/08/2012 | 18:20 uur
Gut, de rest van mijn verhaal kun je niet meer weerleggen dus we gaan het maar ad hominem (Ja, da's Latijn, gebruik google maar..) spelen? Daarnaast, Google Translate werkt niet altijd vlekkenloos  ;) :dead:  Laten we maar weer Back on Topic gaan, en dat gaat, suprise suprise, over Iran...

Tussen "niet kunnen" en "geen zin"  zit een verschil .....   In deze heb ik geen weer te zeggen dat het eea allemaal pro-israëls is...
wat niet zo gek is met z'n onderschrift  (je hebt deze onderschrift bewust gekozen maar men mag er schijnbaar niets van vinden......typisch Israëls / joods = mijn mening)
Daarnaast is het makkelijk om te zeggen dat ik "google translate" heb gebruikt = een aanname.  ..  dan doe ik een aanname: je kan het niet weerleggen want je wilt "back on topic"..... dat zegt mij genoeg!

Het topic gaat over meer dan alleen Iran.   (suprise.....)  

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 11/08/2012 | 18:53 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 11/08/2012 | 18:31 uur
Tussen "niet kunnen" en "geen zin"  zit een verschil .....   In deze heb ik geen weer te zeggen dat het eea allemaal pro-israëls is...
wat niet zo gek is met z'n onderschrift  (je hebt deze onderschrift bewust gekozen maar men mag er schijnbaar niets van vinden......typisch Israëls / joods = mijn mening)
Ik heb nergens gezegt dat je er niets van mag vinden opnieuw lees je meer dan er staat. Leer toch eerst eens lezen, dan nadenken en dan pas reageren.
Daarnaast is het makkelijk om te zeggen dat ik "google translate" heb gebruikt = een aanname.  ..  
Een gegronde aanname omdat je a. geen hebreeuws kent en b. je die vertaling van jou alleen terug vind bij.... juist ja: Google Translate.
dan doe ik een aanname: je kan het niet weerleggen want je wilt "back on topic"..... dat zegt mij genoeg!
Nee, ik hou me aan Forum-regels. Als een gesprek afdwaalt (en het gaat inmiddels over Google Translate en mijn onderschrift) moet je weer terug naar het onderwerp toe. Basic regels op internetfora. Opnieuw, gewoon even rustig ademhalen, en weer verder...
Het topic gaat over meer dan alleen Iran.   (suprise.....)    
Maar het I woord mag niet gezegd worden, of in ieder geval, geen nieuws uit dat land! Stel je voor!  :devil:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 11/08/2012 | 20:27 uur
Volgens mij gaat er iets moois bloeien tussen onderofficier en Soldier 4 Him (Dennis)? ;)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 11/08/2012 | 20:29 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 11/08/2012 | 20:27 uur
Volgens mij gaat er iets moois bloeien tussen onderofficier en Soldier 4 Him (Dennis)? ;)
Nog iemand die meer leest dan er staat...  ;)  ;D
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 11/08/2012 | 20:30 uur
Citaat van: Soldier 4 Him (Dennis) op 11/08/2012 | 20:29 uur
Nog iemand die meer leest dan er staat...  ;)  ;D

Nee hoor ik zie juist iets moois tussen jou en onderofficier ontstaan. :devil:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 11/08/2012 | 20:31 uur
Citaat van: Soldier 4 Him (Dennis) op 11/08/2012 | 18:53 uur
Nee, ik hou me aan Forum-regels.

O, staat toch duidelijk in dat je niet mag mijn optiek is een onderschrift ook iets wat je post: sterker nog dat wordt bij elk bericht weer gegeven...   over leren lezen gesproken......  had je niet eens iets in het Duits gepost......  Ja hoor jij houd je aan de forumregels.. met nadruk op het meervoud.....terwijl je één ding aanhaalt......en er anderzijds zelf off-topic er op doorgaat........ meten met twee maten...

Ook heb ik nergens gezegd dat er geen nieuws uit Israël mag worden geplaatst   over leren lezen gesproken..... Waar haal je dat vandaan?

Schijnbaar mag er niets tegen Israël worden gevonden.......meteen een hoon er over heen.   Dat valt me trouwens vaker op bij je. Ik vraag me af waarom Israël zo heilig bij je is.

Ik vraag me af als er een onderschift in een vreemde taal komt waarin iets antisemitisme / anti-Israëls staat je dit dan accepteert: als dit uit een liedje komt wel zeker....  :angel:          En dat heb je dan via google transalte vertaald...... ps er zijn meer wegen om iets te laten vertalen.....
maar ja jouw a en b aanname, ook je zogenaamde "gegronde aanname" =  een aanname....    
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 11/08/2012 | 20:47 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 11/08/2012 | 20:31 uur
O, staat toch duidelijk in dat je niet mag mijn optiek is een onderschrift ook iets wat je post: sterker nog dat wordt bij elk bericht weer gegeven...   over leren lezen gesproken......  
Je reageert nu op basis van je eigen aannamen... Erg sneu, er staat namelijk iets anders in mijn onderschrift. Leer daarom eerst eens goed vertalen voordat je reageert. Want je reageert nu op iets wat er niet eens staat. Beetje dom....

had je niet eens iets in het Duits gepost......  Ja hoor jij houd je aan de forumregels.. met nadruk op het meervoud.....terwijl je één ding aanhaalt......en er anderzijds zelf off-topic er op doorgaat........ meten met twee maten...
Ik wordt (verbaal) aangevallen, dan verdedig ik mij (verbaal). Zo gaat dat toch? Ik heb al 2x voorgesteld om verder te gaan, maar blijkbaar wil je nog even in je eigen gevoelens zwelgen, prima. Be my guest.

Ook heb ik nergens gezegd dat er geen nieuws uit Israël mag worden geplaatst   over leren lezen gesproken..... Waar haal je dat vandaan?
Omdat ik een aantal berichtjes uit Israël plaatste, en ik wordt meteen aangevallen en beschuldigd van eenzijdigheid... Door jou. (en door niemand anders, toeval?)

Schijnbaar mag er niets tegen Israël worden gevonden.......meteen een hoon er over heen.   Dat valt me trouwens vaker op bij je. Ik vraag me af waarom Israël zo heilig bij je is.
Wat je vindt moet je bij de politie brengen. Je mag vanalles zeggen, maar blijkbaar mag er geen tegengeluid worden gegeven. Over eenzijdigheid gesproken... Als het i-woord valt gaan meteen alle seinen op rood en is het "verdacht"... Ik laat gewoon een ander geluid horen.

Ik vraag me af als er een onderschift in een vreemde taal komt waarin iets antisemitisme / anti-Israëls staat je dit dan accepteert: als dit uit een liedje komt wel zeker....  :angel:  En dat heb je dan via google transalte vertaald...... ps er zijn meer wegen om iets te laten vertalen.....
maar ja jouw a en b aanname, ook je zogenaamde "gegronde aanname" =  een aanname....    
Oh ja, ik ben Bing en Babelfish vertalingen vergeten.... Dom toch  :crazy: Zou ik vooral doen als ik jou was. Nogmaals, je reageert op iets wat er niet staat. Zoek eerst maar es de juiste betekenis en reageer dan eens inhoudelijk.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: MasterChief1971 op 11/08/2012 | 20:56 uur
Alwééér een b**ch-fight (pun intended). Normaal zou je er kaartjes voor kopen maar ik doe het toch maar niet.
Begint alwééér met spijkers op laag water zoeken, op alle slakken zout leggen en elkaar vliegen afvangen.

Ga lekker de planten water geven, of zo.
Is goed voor ze en ook voor het forum. Minder topic-vervuiling, weet je wel?

Of neem een hond, vriend of vriendin.

En nee, je privé-leven interesseert me helemaal niks.
Hoef hier ook niet het effect van géén privé-leven te zien.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 11/08/2012 | 21:08 uur
Ga gewoon zelf die dingen doen die je adviseert: je hoeft het namelijk niet te lezen of er op te reageren.... heb je een gebrek aan een privé-leven?  Dat interesseert me trouwens ook niet.......

edit: we kunnen natuurlijk ook afspreken om alleen maar krantenberichten te plaatsen.....(gebeurt in mijn optiek door sommige al te veel) of alleen maar elkaar iedereen gelijk geven...dus geen meningen meer want dit is topic-vervuiling (de vele krantenberichten niet)....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 11/08/2012 | 21:37 uur
Ik verzoek de leden on-topic te gaan en te blijven.

Algeheel beheerder
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/08/2012 | 10:06 uur
Iran omzeilt boycot door omvlaggen

Toegevoegd: zondag 12 aug 2012, 09:59

Iran heeft 26 schepen laten varen onder de vlag van het Afrikaanse land Tanzania, zonder dat de autoriteiten in Tanzania daarvan op de hoogte waren. Een scheepsagent in Dubai heeft de schepen ingeschreven via het autonome, islamitische Zanzibar.

Het omvlaggen brengt Tanzania in een lastig parket, omdat de Verenigde Staten en Europa een boycot hebben ingesteld tegen Iran. De boycot houdt in dat geen olie mag worden geïmporteerd uit Iran.

Schepen die varen onder de Iraanse vlag kunnen vanwege de boycot hun lading bijna niet verzekeren. Ook is het lastig om kopers en financiers te vinden. Varen onder de vlag van een ander land haalt die belemmeringen weg, zonder dat de schepen worden opgemerkt door Amerikaanse en Europese autoriteiten.

Vlak voordat de boycot werd ingesteld heeft de National Iranian Tanker Company (NITC) de namen van veel olietankers aangepast. Internationale autoriteiten kunnen de schepen daardoor bijna niet herkennen.

Tanzania startte een maand geleden met een onderzoek naar de schepen, na een beschuldiging van het Amerikaanse parlementslid Howard Berman. Berman dreigde Tanzania met strafmaatregelen vanwege de boycot.

Zanzibar, het autonome eiland dat deel uit maakt van Tanzania, zegt zich misleid te voelen en heeft het contract met de scheepsagent verbroken. De schepen worden weer uitgeschreven.

Tanzania zal niet verder meewerken aan het omvlaggen van schepen, maar de vice-president van Zanzibar, Seif Iddi, benadrukt dat andere banden met Iran behouden blijven. Tanzania heeft in het verleden gezegd dat het de Iraanse ontwikkeling van een vreedzaam nucleair programma steunt.

Volgens Howard Berman vlagt ook het eilandstaatje Tuvalu in de Stille Oceaan Iraanse olietankers om. Hij heeft ook Tuvalu gevraagd te stoppen met het omvlaggen van de tankers.

Bron: NOS
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/08/2012 | 10:54 uur
Iran steps up nuclear warhead work, Israel media report

By Dan Williams

JERUSALEM | Sun Aug 12, 2012

(Reuters) - Iran has stepped up work to develop a nuclear warhead, Israeli newspapers said on Sunday, citing officials in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government and leaked U.S. intelligence.

The front-page reports in the liberal Haaretz, a frequent Netanyahu critic, and in the conservative, pro-government Israel Hayom could intensify Israeli debate about whether to go to war against Iran - and soon - over its disputed atomic projects.

Doing so would defy appeals by U.S. President Barack Obama, seeking re-election in November, to allow more time for international diplomacy. Tehran says its nuclear ambitions are peaceful and has threatened wide-ranging reprisals if attacked.

Citing an unnamed senior Israeli official, Haaretz said a new National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) compiled by the Obama administration included a "last-minute update" about significant Iranian progress in the development of a nuclear warhead "far beyond the scope known" to U.N. inspectors.

Israel Hayom reported NIE findings that Iran had "boosted efforts" to advance its nuclear program, including work to develop ballistic missile warheads, and said U.S. and Israeli assessments largely tallied on this intelligence.

Neither daily newspaper provided direct quotes or detailed evidence. For Haaretz, it was the second report since Thursday purporting to draw on a new NIE.

Israeli government spokesmen had no immediate comment. Asked about the reports in an Israel Radio interview, Cabinet Secretary Zvi Hauser suggested they be taken at face value.

"There is too much attribution of manipulation, which does not exist, to this or that official," Hauser said. "There are a great many things that are just as they are, for better or worse."

Washington has not commented on whether such an NIE exists. But its officials say the U.S. intelligence assessment remains that the Islamic republic is undecided on whether to build a bomb and is years away from any such nuclear capability.


Israel, widely reputed to have the region's sole atomic arsenal, sees a nuclear-armed Iran as a mortal menace and has long threatened to attack its arch-foe preemptively.

The war talk is meant, in part, to stiffen sanctions on Tehran by conflict-wary world powers. Israel and the United States have publicly sought to play down their differences.

Much of the media scrutiny has been on opposition to the war option within the Israeli cabinet, military and public, given the tactical and strategic risks involved. But opinion polls suggest support for an attack is growing.

Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper suggested on Friday that a destabilizing Israeli attack on Iran before November could undermine Obama, a Democrat whose ties with Netanyahu have been testy, and help Republican rival Mitt Romney, who casts himself as a better friend of the Jewish state.

But a senior Israeli official quoted in a separate Haaretz story spoke of the question of who would head the next U.S. administration as largely irrelevant regarding Iran given Israel's belief that "we cannot place our fate in the hands of others" and "in statesmanship there are no future contracts".

That official was described by Haaretz as a "decision-maker" and veteran security figure who owns a grand piano - strong signals it was Ehud Barak, Israel's longtime, centrist defense minister. Ex-general Barak is also an accomplished pianist who has recently briefed media in his Tel Aviv penthouse.

Though the Obama administration has refused to rule out a U.S. war of last resort to deny Iran the means to make a bomb, the Israeli official quoted by Haaretz said "expectation of such a binding American assurance now is not serious".

"And if Mitt Romney is elected, history shows that presidents do not undertake dramatic operations in their first year in office unless forced to," the Israeli official said.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/08/2012 | 11:01 uur
Vice prime minister: There's still time for sanctions to thwart Iran's nuclear drive

Silvan Shalom comes out against notion that economic pressure won't work; former army operations chief warns of regional war if Israel attacks

By Gabe FisherAugust 12, 2012

While Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak have reportedly almost made up their minds on a fall strike on Iran, Vice Prime Minister Silvan Shalom said Sunday that Israel should give sanctions more time.

In an interview with Army Radio, Shalom said that Israel and the United States need to work together to achieve international agreement on harsher Iran sanctions.

"If the sanctions are for real, they get the job done. We saw that with the apartheid era in South Africa, we saw it with Libya's nuclear program and we saw it with North Korea," said Shalom. "Maybe we'll see them work against Iran."

Shalom said that the current sanctions placed by the international community on Iran were not effective enough to bring about a 180 degree shift in Iran's nuclear policy, but that if the regime is made to feel it is at risk, it could abandon its nuclear ambitions.

To do that, Shalom said, there is a need for even harsher restrictions to be placed on the Iranian economy.

The former foreign minister said that Russia and China were not going to support tougher sanctions, fearing rising energy costs and the loss of regional influence, but that the US and Europe could do more than they were doing at present.

When asked if he sided with the prime minister on the necessity of an Israeli strike on Iran, Shalom said, "I believe we still have time to convince the Americans to implement tougher sanctions."

Meanwhile, retired Maj.-Gen. Israel Ziv warned that an Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear facilities would result in another regional war.

Ziv, a former IDF chief of operations, said that a potential strike on Iran is very different from Operation Opera, the 1981 mission that saw Israeli planes knock out Iraq's Osirak nuclear reactor, because Iran has "a series of systems" that need to be taken out rather than just a single target.

Whether or not Israel was successful in destroying Iran's nuclear facilities, Ziv said, the result would almost certainly be war. Hamas and Hezbollah would be sure to respond, he said, and the possibility of avoiding a full-scale war was "very slight."

Ziv added that the media campaign in favor of an Israeli strike by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak displayed the "insecurity of the political elite."

On Friday, Channel 2 News devoted much of its evening program to the issue of Iran, positing that Netanyahu and Barak are "almost ready" to approve an Israeli military attack despite opposition from the Obama administration and from many Israeli security chiefs. Several Hebrew newspapers have carried similar assessments, apparently based on briefings by people close to the prime minister and defense minister.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/08/2012 | 11:17 uur
PM: Iranian nukes dwarf threats from Sinai


08/12/2012 11:42

The threat of a nuclear-armed Iran dwarfs all the threats emanating from Sinai, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said at Sunday's cabinet meeting.

"Every threat against the home front is dwarfed by one threat. Iran cannot be allowed to have a nuclear weapon," Netanyahu said.

Though additional measures were required, he added, there have been significant improvements in securing the home front. Specifically, he cited the advancements of the Iron Dome rocket system and the Arrow missile defense system as improving security.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/08/2012 | 12:10 uur
Verbazend hoe weinig aandacht er in de Nederlandse pers en politiek is voor de ontwikkelingen rondom Iran in een soapserie  die aan de muziek te horen zijn "hoogtepunt" begint te naderen  met als resultaat een (militaire) actie die de conflicten in Irak en Afghanistan marginaliseren.

Daarnaast is er het gevaar dat het niet beperkt blijft tot één brandhaard maar dat het een (groot) deel van de regio wordt meegezogen in de waan van de dag.

Een dergelijk conflict blijft ook voor ons niet zonder militaire en economische gevolgen en toch blijft het muis stil in Nederland.

Misschien wordt het in dit navel starende land louter gezien als retoriek of een "ver-van-mijn-bed-show" of slechts als onrealistisch gebeuren waar wij, veilig achter de duinen en het Duitse leger, de Engels marine en de Amerikaanse luchtmacht, totaal niets mee van doen zullen krijgen.

Wanneer stopt Nederland eens met dromen over Utopia, wanneer worden we wakker?

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 12/08/2012 | 12:22 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 12/08/2012 | 12:10 uur
Verbazend hoe weinig aandacht er in de Nederlandse pers en politiek is voor de ontwikkelingen rondom Iran in een soapserie  die aan de muziek te horen zijn "hoogtepunt" begint te naderen  met als resultaat een (militaire) actie die de conflicten in Irak en Afghanistan marginaliseren.

Alleen in Nederland is er (te) weinig aandacht hiervoor?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/08/2012 | 12:32 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 12/08/2012 | 12:22 uur
[Alleen in Nederland is er (te) weinig aandacht hiervoor?

Ik zie meer persberichten uit de internatioale pers die revu passeren dan uitingen in de Nederlandse media al lijkt het er op dat er in heel Europa niet zo vreselijk veel aandacht is voor het MO, men heeft het te druk met de eigen (economische) problemen en de vakanties natuurlijk niet te vergeten.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 12/08/2012 | 12:33 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 12/08/2012 | 12:10 uur
Verbazend hoe weinig aandacht er in de Nederlandse pers en politiek is voor de ontwikkelingen rondom

Waarom zouden we? De zon schijnt, olie importeren we niet uit Iran, we hebben 6 mijnenjagers, krijgen heus nog wel 6 F-16's met fotocamera's de lucht in, hebben een MINBUZA die weet hoe je van je af moet bijten en een MINDEF die vindt dat zijn organisatie nog sterk/groot genoeg is om onze veiligheid te waarborgen en wereldwijde belangen te verdedigen.

Citaat van: jurrien visser op 12/08/2012 | 12:10 uur
in een soapserie 

Een soapserie is nog amusant, de ontwikkelingen rond Iran vind ik zeer zorgwekkend te noemen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/08/2012 | 12:41 uur
Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 12/08/2012 | 12:33 uur
Een soapserie is nog amusant, de ontwikkelingen rond Iran vind ik zeer zorgwekkend te noemen.

Het is ook zeer zorgwekkend te noemen vandaar dat ik mij afvraag: "wanneer stopt Nederland eens met dromen over Utopia, wanneer worden we wakker?"

En wat voor Nederland geldt, geldt natuurlijk voor een groot deel van Europa.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 12/08/2012 | 12:46 uur
"We" worden wakker als het MO in brand staat en de benzinepompen droog staan.

Dan sturen we 3 brandblussende Cougars en gaan met z'n allen in de trein in de Spits lezen dat onze 2 mijnenjagers prima werk verrichten door en route naar de Golf van Aden een vlot met "hoogstwaarschijlijk illegalen" te verlinken aan de Spaanse kustwacht...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/08/2012 | 12:50 uur
Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 12/08/2012 | 12:46 uur
"We" worden wakker als het MO in brand staat en de benzinepompen droog staan.

Dan sturen we 3 brandblussende Cougars en gaan met z'n allen in de trein in de Spits lezen dat onze 2 mijnenjagers prima werk verrichten door en route naar de Golf van Aden een vlot met "hoogstwaarschijlijk illegalen" te verlinken aan de Spaanse kustwacht...

Nederland slaap lekker, droom maar fijn over Utopia.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 12/08/2012 | 12:52 uur
En wat zou Nederland dan moeten doen ?. Actief mee doen met het wapengekletter, voormalige politici en officieren buiten dienst dikke artikelen laten schrijven over wat er allemaal gaat gebeuren of juist niet ?. Speculeren over hoe lang het nog gaat duren dat Israel de aanval op Iran in gaat zetten ?.De media aandacht rond Iran begint al aardig op het twitter cultuur te lijken. Iedereen is er geweldig druk mee om nietszeggende woorden naar elkaar te slingeren.

Aan de europese crisis hebben wiij de handen al vol aan. Laten we eerst maar zien dat wij dit zo snel mogelijk onder controle krijgen. De situatie rond Iran gaat nog een tijd voortslepen zonder enige stappen voorwaarts. De nieuwe Amerikaanse president zal in januari 2013 worden aangesteld en tot dan gebeurt er niets.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/08/2012 | 13:01 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 12/08/2012 | 12:52 uur
En wat zou Nederland dan moeten doen ?. Actief mee doen met het wapengekletter, voormalige politici en officieren buiten dienst dikke artikelen laten schrijven over wat er allemaal gaat gebeuren of juist niet ?. Speculeren over hoe lang het nog gaat duren dat Israel de aanval op Iran in gaat zetten ?.De media aandacht rond Iran begint al aardig op het twitter cultuur te lijken. Iedereen is er geweldig druk mee om nietszeggende woorden naar elkaar te slingeren.

Aan de europese crisis hebben wiij de handen al vol aan. Laten we eerst maar zien dat wij dit zo snel mogelijk onder controle krijgen. De situatie rond Iran gaat nog een tijd voortslepen zonder enige stappen voorwaarts. De nieuwe Amerikaanse president zal in januari 2013 worden aangesteld en tot dan gebeurt er niets.

Wie heeft het over een Nederlandse bijdrage, al sta ik daar positief tegen over, het gaat om het simpele feit dat we in Nederland nauwelijks op de hoogte zijn van de exposieve situatie die de regio volledig kan ontregelen, gevolgen die ook een impact op Europa/Nederland zullen hebben, al was het maar de explosieve stijging van de brandstof/energie kosten en dan hebben we het nog niet hehad over eventuele vergeldingsacties van een land uit die regio op het Europese continent...

De stelligheid waarmee jij beweert dat er "niets" gebeurd tot de aanstelling van de "nieuwe" Amerikaanse president durf ik, gezien recente ontwikkelingen (retoriek of niet), niet voor mijn rekening te nemen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 12/08/2012 | 13:27 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 12/08/2012 | 13:01 uur

Wie heeft het over een Nederlandse bijdrage, al sta ik daar positief tegen over, het gaat om het simpele feit dat we in Nederland nauwelijks op de hoogte zijn van de exposieve situatie die de regio volledig kan ontregelen,

Ik durf met zekerheid te stellen dat het "Haagsche" voor 100% op de hoogte is wat er allemaal speelt in het MO. Dat het een gevoeloige situatie is die kan zorgen voor een hoop ellende zullen zij ook wel weten. De vraag is wat wij er op dit moment aan kunnen doen ?. Naar mijn idee....niets. Het heeft dus ook weinig toegevoegde waarde om er ellelange discussies voor in gang te zetten. laat staan al een standpunt in te nemen.

Het is een Israel vs Iran aangelegenheid met de VS als partij die de regie heeft. Zonder besluit van de VS gebeurt er niets is mijn stellige overtuiging.Waarbij wij niet uit het oog mogen verliezen dat de situatie in Europa ook voor de VS een reden is om het niet tot een oorlog te laten komen.

Het is alleen te hopen dat Israel en Iran beide handen van de trekker kunnen houden en geen "domme" fouten maken.

En.....hopenlijk komen wij er nooit achter.... Stel dat Israel tot een aanval over gaat. Wat is dan de reactie van Iran ?. Zijn zij echt in staat om terug te slaan zoals zij altijd beweren ?.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 12/08/2012 | 13:31 uur
Ik vind dat we als Nederland in ieder geval "middelen" in (de buurt van) die contreien moeten hebben om in NAVO- of Europees verband onze belangen te beschermen. Dat kan tankerbegeleiding zijn, of mijnenjaagcapaciteit, etc. Dus niet actief met Iran bemoeien, maar wel klaar staan voor de gevolgen die het voor ons land kan hebben.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/08/2012 | 13:38 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 12/08/2012 | 13:27 uur
En.....hopenlijk komen wij er nooit achter.... Stel dat Israel tot een aanval over gaat. Wat is dan de reactie van Iran ?. Zijn zij echt in staat om terug te slaan zoals zij altijd beweren ?.

Ik hoop het met je mee.

Een reactie van Iran zal zich wellicht beperken tot, voor zolang ze daartoe in staat zijn, raket barrage(s) met daarnaast het inzetten van pro Iraanse groeperingen in de regio aangevuld met "speciale" eenheden die wellicht al in de regio aanwezig zijn om ter plekke de boel te ontregelen.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/08/2012 | 13:40 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 12/08/2012 | 13:27 uur
Ik durf met zekerheid te stellen dat het "Haagsche" voor 100% op de hoogte is wat er allemaal speelt in het MO.

Hier ben ik het mee eens, natuurlijk wete ze dat, vele malen beter dan wij het weten.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/08/2012 | 13:41 uur
Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 12/08/2012 | 13:31 uur
Ik vind dat we als Nederland in ieder geval "middelen" in (de buurt van) die contreien moeten hebben om in NAVO- of Europees verband onze belangen te beschermen. Dat kan tankerbegeleiding zijn, of mijnenjaagcapaciteit, etc. Dus niet actief met Iran bemoeien, maar wel klaar staan voor de gevolgen die het voor ons land kan hebben.

Mee eens!
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 12/08/2012 | 13:42 uur
Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 12/08/2012 | 13:31 uur
Ik vind dat we als Nederland in ieder geval "middelen" in (de buurt van) die contreien moeten hebben om in NAVO- of Europees verband onze belangen te beschermen.

De situatie is denk ik nog niet zo dreigend om "onze belangen" te willen beschermen, of er klaar voor te willen/moeten zijn. En als het uit de klauwen loopt vallen er geen belangen meer te beschermen.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 12/08/2012 | 13:44 uur
Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 12/08/2012 | 13:31 uur
Ik vind dat we als Nederland in ieder geval "middelen" in (de buurt van) die contreien moeten hebben om in NAVO- of Europees verband onze belangen te beschermen. Dat kan tankerbegeleiding zijn, of mijnenjaagcapaciteit, etc. Dus niet actief met Iran bemoeien, maar wel klaar staan voor de gevolgen die het voor ons land kan hebben.

Indien er mijnjagers naar toe gaan graag dan deze uitrusten met stinger teams, zoals dat in de eerste golf oorlog gebeurde.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 12/08/2012 | 13:49 uur
Ik denk dat het uiteindelijk gewoon met sisser afloopt.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/08/2012 | 13:51 uur
Citaat van: Jah op 12/08/2012 | 13:49 uur
Ik denk dat het uiteindelijk gewoon met sisser afloopt.

Hopelijk heb en hou je gelijk.

Wellicht is dat ook de gedachte bij politiek en pers om het weinig aandacht tegeven, onder het motto: storm in een glas water, maar toch!
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 12/08/2012 | 13:57 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 12/08/2012 | 13:51 uur
Hopelijk heb en hou je gelijk.

Idem. Uiteindelijk worden de nucleaire aspiraties van Iran toch enkel vertraagd. Een aanval van Israel zal die complete nucleaire infrastructuur niet kunnen vernietigen. Een Amerikaanse aanval wellicht wel, maar de vraag is uberhaupt of de VS daarop zit te wachten of dat ze in een mogelijke confrontatie ingezogen worden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 12/08/2012 | 14:30 uur
Ik denk ook dat de internationele belangen in het MO veel groter zijn dan nu naar buiten word gedragen. De hele wereld heeft er belang bij dat het daar niet tot een militaire confrontatie komt. Wie wil de tweede grootste olie exportland van de wereld plat leggen ? Wie weet wat de rol in deze is van Rusland en China ?. Welke rol pakken zij als het daar mis gaat, welke kant kiezen zij ?.

Vanuit de VN zijn er vanaf 2006 al sancties opgelegd aan het adres van Iran. Wat gebeurt hier verder mee ?. De VN heeft ook nog niets gezegd wat opgevat kan worden als een dreigement om met militaire middelen in te grijpen.

Hoe sneller Iran een paar Nukes in de schuur heeft staan hoe beter voor de regio. Bact to business !. Jammer dan voor Israel die vanaf dat moment "normaal" moet gaan doen en niet alles met militair geweld meer op kan lossen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 12/08/2012 | 14:57 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 12/08/2012 | 13:42 uur
De situatie is denk ik nog niet zo dreigend om "onze belangen" te willen beschermen, of er klaar voor te willen/moeten zijn.

Je moet n.m.m. immer klaar zijn om je primaire belangen (waar grondstoftoevoer wat mij betreft zeker onder valt) te willen en kunnen beschermen. En ik vind de situatie explosief en dus dreigend.

Citaat van: Ros op 12/08/2012 | 13:42 uur
En als het uit de klauwen loopt vallen er geen belangen meer te beschermen.

Dat vind ik onzin. Juist als het uit de klauwen loopt, moet je je belangen beschermen. En hou je maar vast als Russen en Chinezen zich er (ook) mee zouden gaan bemoeien. Dan kan het plotsklaps veel breder uitslaan en dan helpen rode tomaatjes om mee te gooien niet.....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/08/2012 | 14:59 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 12/08/2012 | 14:30 uur
Ik denk ook dat de internationele belangen in het MO veel groter zijn dan nu naar buiten word gedragen. De hele wereld heeft er belang bij dat het daar niet tot een militaire confrontatie komt. Wie wil de tweede grootste olie exportland van de wereld plat leggen ? Wie weet wat de rol in deze is van Rusland en China ?. Welke rol pakken zij als het daar mis gaat, welke kant kiezen zij ?.

Vanuit de VN zijn er vanaf 2006 al sancties opgelegd aan het adres van Iran. Wat gebeurt hier verder mee ?. De VN heeft ook nog niets gezegd wat opgevat kan worden als een dreigement om met militaire middelen in te grijpen.

Hoe sneller Iran een paar Nukes in de schuur heeft staan hoe beter voor de regio. Bact to business !. Jammer dan voor Israel die vanaf dat moment "normaal" moet gaan doen en niet alles met militair geweld meer op kan lossen.

Voor Israel zijn Iraanse nukes een casis belli, dus het is maar afwachten of Israel aan de leiband van de Amerikanen blijft lopen.

De Israelische retoriek is uiteraard bedoeld om de Amerikanen en de Iraniërs aan te sporen tot een volgende stap en in dit "spel" is een "happy trigger finger" genoeg om te komen tot escaltie.

We gaan gaa het zien, en volgens recent een persbericht, binnen drie maanden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/08/2012 | 15:08 uur
Is an IDF Attack Against Iran Imminent?

(Sunday, August 12th, 2012)

The speculation in the media and among the so-called experts is mounting as the general consensus points to the likelihood of Israel ordering a military strike against Iran's nuclear facilities sometime in the fall of 2012, in October. Military analysts are filling the news magazine programs with their analysis and predictions and newspapers are signaling the IAF attack against Iran is only weeks away. The reasons given have a great deal to do with intelligence reports signaling Tehran is making significant advances towards building a nuclear bomb despite US intelligence reports to the contrary as well as the US presidential elections in November 2012.

Back in Israel the IDF Homefront Command is testing its SMS text messaging system this week, adding a measure to credibility to reports of a planned strike according to some. Others state this is not so and the IDF is simply continuing to test and train equipment and troops in line with preparedness policies in all areas of warfare and system notification, which is part of the Homefront Command's responsibilities.

Testing begins on Sunday, 24 Menachem Av 5772, and will continue through Thursday. Messages will be sent out to approximately half of the cellular telephones in Israel in a number of languages, including Hebrew, English, Arabic and Russian in an effort to test the effectiveness of the alert notification system that will be used in the event of a true emergency chas v'sholom.

Testing will be conducted in Ramle on Sunday and Monday. Tuesday will include Haifa, the Carmel region, Tzfas, Yahud, Kfar Shaba, Netanya, Tel Aviv, Nahariya, Yaffa, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Kiryat Gat, Sderot and Netivot.

Wednesday will include Kiryat Shmona, Metula, Yesud HaMa'aleh, Rishon L'Tzion, Rechovot, Gadera, Yavne, Mazkeret Batya, Sdei Boker, Mitzpei Ramon, Dimona and Yerucham.

Thursday will include Afula, Hadera, Upper Nazareth, Zichron Yaakov, Yerushalayim, Modi'in, Mevaseret Tzion, Beit Shemesh, Ofakim, Netivot, Arad and Ein Gedi in addition to nationwide testing between 10:00-12:00.

The test message will read "IDF Homefront Command mobile alert system test" and it will contain a unique message number.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/08/2012 | 15:09 uur
Minister Shalom: Iranians Ignoring Sanctions

Deputy PM Minister Silvan Shalom related Sunday to the speculations on a raid on Iran. "The Iranians are ignoring the current sanctions. The US and Israel agree that Iran cannot be allowed to obtain nuclear weapons. We also agree the Iran must be stopped at all costs. We are, nevertheless, at odds over the timetable in which to accomplish this goal."
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 12/08/2012 | 15:25 uur
Citaat van: op 12/08/2012 | 15:09 uur
We are, nevertheless, at odds over the timetable in which to accomplish this goal."

Dus eens op allerlei gebieden alleen over het tijdsplan nog niet. Voorzichtig concluderend dat Israel snel wil handelen en de VS niet ?. En dat Iran zich niet aan sancties wil houden is al sinds 2006 een feit.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/08/2012 | 15:32 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 12/08/2012 | 15:25 uur
Dus eens op allerlei gebieden alleen over het tijdsplan nog niet. Voorzichtig concluderend dat Israel snel wil handelen en de VS niet ?. En dat Iran zich niet aan sancties wil houden is al sinds 2006 een feit.

Dat is eigenlijk het verhaal.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 12/08/2012 | 15:50 uur
Ik zie het eea toch anders: Israël is handig om andere landen voor het karretje te spannen   Daar het gedrag van Israël richting de buurlanden en de behandeling van de Palestijnen zet steeds meer kwaad bloed in die regio.  Inplaats zich eens te gedragen kunnen we lezen dat er door wordt gegaan met oa "Palestijntje pesten"   (en dat wordt door sommige hier met gejuich ontvangen........) Bepaalde landen zijn dat meer dan zat.
Als Israël de eerste aanval doet, mogen ze het van mij geheel zelf uitzoeken. Misschien ook als zij een aanval ter verdure krijgt.  
Het is al duidelijk wie de schuld gaat krijgen: Israël in ieder geval niet........  Ik vind zo vreemd dat Israël ongestraft op deze manier landen / mensen behandelt.  We zijn Israël niets verschuldigd  (als mede de VS)    

Het kan best zo zijn dat Iran net zoveel kernwapens heeft als Irak toendertijd massavernietigingswapens..... :devil:. en als Iran wel kernwapens heeft en deze niet inzet wat dan nog? Het is kolder een land aan te vallen omdat zij net als andere landen kernwapens heeft / willen hebben.

De westerse regeringen hebben zichzelf (en ons) olie-verslaafd gemaakt: andere bronnen om bijv auto's te laten rijden worden niet of mondjes maat gesteund puur en alleen om bedrijven als Shell en zichzelf veel geld te laten verdienen.  Wij zelf hebben deze regio rijk gemaakt / maken ze rijk én zijn we afhankelijk geraakt van deze landen.  
Aan de ene kant willen we Islamitische landen onze levenswijze opleggen maar als bijv. Saudi Arabia weer eens een vrouw-onvriendelijke beleid in voert blijft het opvallend stil......  

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 12/08/2012 | 16:02 uur
Als Iran geen nukes nastreeft, waarom wordt het internationaal atoomagentschap dan niet overal toegelaten en waarom zitten al die vredelievende apparaten dan ver onder de grond of zelfs in een berg? Als je niets te verbergen hebt, waarom dan de poorten niet open gooien en installaties bovengronds bouwen?

En wellicht is menigeen vergeten dat de Iraanse president enige tijd geleden heeft opgeroepen tot vernietiging van Israel. En dat Iran actief Hezbollah steunt. Dus ik kan me een Israelische angst voor een Iraans atoomwapen wel voorstellen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 12/08/2012 | 16:09 uur
Israël bereidt zich voor op oorlog

JERUZALEM -  Israël treft grootschalige voorbereidingen voor een gewapend conflict op meerdere fronten. Israëlische media speculeerden de afgelopen dagen steeds vaker over een op handen zijnde aanval op het atoomprogramma van Iran. Als Iran aangevallen wordt, verwacht Israël dat de door Iran gesteunde beweging Hezbollah vanuit Libanon raketten op het land zal afvuren. Hezbollah-leider Hassan Nasrallah claimde dit voorjaar dat zijn raketten heel Israël kunnen bereiken.

Ook de groeiende onrust in de Egyptische Sinaï-woestijn en de opstand in Syrië brengen het land in opperste staat van paraatheid.

zo 12 aug 2012, 16:01
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 12/08/2012 | 16:35 uur
Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 12/08/2012 | 16:02 uur
Als Iran geen nukes nastreeft, waarom wordt het internationaal atoomagentschap dan niet overal toegelaten en waarom zitten al die vredelievende apparaten dan ver onder de grond of zelfs in een berg? Als je niets te verbergen hebt, waarom dan de poorten niet open gooien en installaties bovengronds bouwen?
Noord-Korea laat ook het internationaal atoomagentschap niet binnen: ook maar aanvallen ......
De V.S. doet wel altijd zijn deuren open...... tuurlijk...  Israël die nodigt het internationaal atoomagentschap geregelt uit voor een bezoek en laat dan zien het kernwapenarsenaal  :devil: : het is een publiek geheim dat Israël kernwapens heeft..........
Ik heb nergens beweerd dat deze apparaten vredeslievend zijn.......maar de vraag blijft staan waarom het ene land wél en een ander land niet.
En wie bepaalt dit?   

Nederland was ook voorbereid voor deze apparaten en weet je waar? Diep onder de grond in Darp en Woensdrecht. Want bergen hebben we niet....
Deze vredeslievende apparaten staan in de V.S. en in Israël in de open lucht?  Niet in een berg of diep onder de grond.........en al de basissen zijn bekend...

Als Israël zich beter had gedraagt tegen over de palestijnen had zij, in mijn optiek, nu minder vijandigheid om zich heen gehad......
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 12/08/2012 | 18:00 uur
Welke staat wordt door N-Korea met vernietiging bedreigd zoals Iran dat richting Israel doet/deed?

Welke terreurbrweging ontvangt wapens van Noord-Korea?

Iran zegt geen atoomwapens na te streven of te ontwikkelen. Je vergelijkingen met atoomwapenlanden zijn dus niet correct. Appels en peren...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 12/08/2012 | 18:53 uur
Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 12/08/2012 | 18:00 uur
Welke staat wordt door N-Korea met vernietiging bedreigd
Iran zegt geen atoomwapens na te streven of te ontwikkelen. Je vergelijkingen met atoomwapenlanden zijn dus niet correct. Appels en peren...

Volgens mij heeft N-Korea, Z-Korea nog wel eens bedrieigt.

Isreäl zegt geen atoomwapens te hebben......     dus géén appels met peren... wel héél makkelijk dat te roepen..... 

Het Internationaal Atoomenergie Agentschap (IAEA) heeft op 20 september 2007 in een resolutie Israël veroordeeld, omdat het land zijn atoomwapenprogramma niet onder internationaal toezicht wil plaatsen. En welke 2 landen tegen deze resolutie waren: Israël en de V.S.
En dan vreemd vinden dat andere landen de toegang van IAEA weigert....  Beweren dat het eea appels met peren is, is gewoon vreemd: het ene land moet zich onderwerpen aan de IAEA zo niet sancties met name van de V.S. (Europa hobbelt weer eens achter de V.S. aan) en een ander land hoeft zich met name van de V.S. zich te onderwerpen aan de IAEA........... en dat wordt ook nog goed gepraat: schiet mij maar lek.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 12/08/2012 | 19:07 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 12/08/2012 | 18:53 uur
Volgens mij heeft N-Korea, Z-Korea nog wel eens bedrieigt.

Dreigen met reageren op provocaties en oefeningen tussen ruziënde buurlanden met een gemeenschappelijk verleden lijkt me wat anders dan roepen dat een complete staat vernietigd moet worden.

Citaat van: onderofficier op 12/08/2012 | 18:53 uur
Isreäl zegt geen atoomwapens te hebben......   

Onjuist: Israël bevestigt noch ontkent het. Dat is iets heel anders, dus wel appels en peren.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 12/08/2012 | 22:02 uur
Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 12/08/2012 | 13:31 uur
Ik vind dat we als Nederland in ieder geval "middelen" in (de buurt van) die contreien moeten hebben om in NAVO- of Europees verband onze belangen te beschermen. Dat kan tankerbegeleiding zijn, of mijnenjaagcapaciteit, etc. Dus niet actief met Iran bemoeien, maar wel klaar staan voor de gevolgen die het voor ons land kan hebben.
Mee eens...of de middelen voor de kust van Somalie moeten snel die kant op kunnen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 12/08/2012 | 22:18 uur
Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 12/08/2012 | 19:07 uurDreigen met reageren op provocaties en oefeningen tussen ruziënde buurlanden met een gemeenschappelijk verleden lijkt me wat anders dan roepen dat een complete staat vernietigd moet worden.
Volgens mij wil Iran Israel niet vernietigen, maar wil het dat de nu vooral Joodse staat Israel overgaat in een Joods/Palestijnse staat Palestina. Zoals de oorspronkelijke bedoeling was van de Volkenbond/VN (zij het dan toen nog zonder de grote aantallen Joodse immigranten die in de loop der jaren naar Palestina werden overgebracht). Dat is wat anders dan het nuken van Israel om de Joden te vernietigen. Het zou namelijk een onleefbaar gebied opleveren, waar ook geen Palestijn kan wonen...en ook vele doden en gewonden onder Palestijnen...die niet over de beschermmiddelen beschikken als de Israeli. Netanyahu zit vooral op het sentiment te spelen...punt is namelijk dat als Iran en het regime daar kernwapens krijgen, zij niet meer militair uit het zadel te wippen zijn. En dat is niet iets dat Israel en ook de VS graag zien (als ook wat Arabische buurlanden...die net als Iran ook leidersambities hebben in de regio).   
Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 12/08/2012 | 19:07 uurOnjuist: Israël bevestigt noch ontkent het. Dat is iets heel anders, dus wel appels en peren.
Het feit dat ze kernwapens hebben is al bevestigd door iemand die er aan heeft meegewerkt...en vervolgens de cel in ging (Mordechai Vanunu). En er zijn meer aanwijzingen...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 12/08/2012 | 22:27 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 12/08/2012 | 22:02 uur
Mee eens...of de middelen voor de kust van Somalie moeten snel die kant op kunnen.
NATO heeft dan natuurlijk de mogelijkheid om SNMG-1 die kant op te dirigeren. Ben wel benieuwd naar de art. 100 brief en de discussie binnen de NL politiek.
Hetgeen a/b RDAM is, zou te denken kunnen geven. Zeker gezien het feit dat er een  role 2 hospitaal (;msg278206#msg278206) is.
Voor nadere info hieromtrent:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/08/2012 | 13:35 uur
14 August 2012 - 12H54   

Iran confident Israel won't launch 'stupid' attack

AFP - Iran on Tuesday said it is dismissing Israeli threats of an imminent attack against it, explaining that even some Israeli officials realised such a "stupid" act would provoke "very severe consequences."

"In our calculations, we aren't taking these claims very seriously because we see them as hollow and baseless," foreign ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast told reporters in a weekly briefing.

"Even if some officials in the illegitimate regime (Israel) want to carry out such a stupid action, there are those inside (the Israeli government) who won't allow it because they know they would suffer very severe consequences from such an act," he said.

Iran's defence minister, General Ahmad Vahidi, was quoted by the ISNA news agency saying that Israel "definitely doesn't have what it takes to endure Iran's might and will."

He called the Israeli threats "a sign of weakness" by "brainless leaders."

The comments were a response to bellicose rhetoric from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defence Minister Ehud Barak in recent days suggesting they were thinking more seriously of military action against Iranian nuclear facilities.

"We are determined to prevent Iran from becoming nuclear (armed), and all the options are on the table. When we say it, we mean it," Barak told Israeli radio last Thursday.

Israeli media have underlined the threat, reporting that a decision could be made within weeks. They have also highlighted opposition to the idea by current and former Israeli military officials.

The United States has recently multiplied visits by top officials to Israel in what appears to be an attempt to dissuade the Jewish state from targeting the Islamic republic.

"We continue to believe there is time and space for diplomacy," White House spokesman Jay Carney said on Monday.

Israel insists that Iran is on the point of developing nuclear weapons, and says it reserves the right to act to prevent that.

The Jewish state has in the past launched air strikes to destroy nuclear facilities in Iraq and, reportedly, in Syria to protect its own regional nuclear weapons monopoly, whose existence it refuses to officially confirm.

Iran says its nuclear programme is exclusively for peaceful, civilian uses.

In the past couple of years it has ramped up uranium enrichment to a level just a few steps short of military-grade fissile material, saying those stocks are needed to create medical isotopes. It has also refused UN nuclear inspectors access to suspect military installations.

Renewed negotiations between Iran and the five top UN Security Council powers, plus Germany, have taken place this year. They have been downgraded after it became clear they were in an impasse, but not ended.

In the meantime, Iran is suffering from increasingly tough US and EU economic sanctions that have crippled its all-important oil exports
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/08/2012 | 13:38 uur
Israel picks new home front defence minister

Jerusalem, Aug 14 (AFP) Israeli former internal security minister Avi Dichter is to be named home front defence minister, media reported today, as speculation grows that the Jewish state will launch an attack on Iran.

Dichter, also a former head of the country's internal intelligence agency Shin Bet, will leave his post in the opposition Kadima party to join the government, media reports said.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 14/08/2012 | 23:27 uur
Gezien de meningsverschillen die er hier zijn ontstaan, worden alle berichten hieromtrent afgesplitst naar een nieuw topic onder en vervolgens Off topic Iran.

Algeheel beheerder
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 15/08/2012 | 07:44 uur
VS: Israël zal Iran nog niet aanvallen

Door: Redactie − 15/08/12, 02:37  − bron: AFP, Reuters

Het staat nog niet vast dat Israël op korte termijn luchtaanvallen zal uitvoeren op nucleaire installaties in Iran. Dat heeft de Amerikaanse minister van Defensie Leon Panetta gisteren gezegd. .

Tijdens een persconferentie in het Pentagon zei Panetta dat hij erop rekent dat er nog ruimte is om te onderhandelen over een diplomatieke oplossing van het conflict.

Panetta's commentaar volgt op het aanzwellende gerucht dat Israël zou hebben besloten Iran op zeer korte termijn aan te vallen. Dat zou gebeuren uit vrees voor de Iraanse ambitie voor de ontwikkeling van een eigen kernwapen, dat een ontwrichtende uitwerking kan hebben op de situatie in het Midden-Oosten.

Laatste uitweg
Panetta legde twee weken geleden nog een bezoek af aan Israël. Hij hield verslaggevers in het Pentagon gisteren voor dat militaire actie door alle betrokkenen wordt gezien als laatste uitweg.

Zijn opmerkingen staan haaks op de waarschuwingen die de laatste dagen opklonken in het Israëlische kamp. De Israëlische ambassadeur in de Verenigde Staten zei maandag tegen nieuwszender CNN dat de klok van Israël in dit verband sneller tikt dan die van Washington.

Iran houdt vol dat zijn nucleaire activiteiten alleen zijn bedoeld voor vreedzame doeleinden. Militaire analisten verwachten dat een Israëlische aanval de mogelijke ontwikkeling van een kernwapen door Iran niet kan tegenhouden, maar hooguit vertragend werkt.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 15/08/2012 | 08:14 uur
Israel Plans for Iran Strike, Citizens Fear Worst

By Calev Ben-David on August 14, 2012

Dozens of Israelis crowded in front of a storefront at a Jerusalem shopping mall yesterday to pick up new gas masks, part of civil defense preparations in case the military strikes Iran and the Islamic Republic or its allies retaliate.

"Our leaders seem to have gotten very hawkish in their speeches and this time it seems they mean what they say," said Yoram Lands, 68, a professor of business administration, who was picking up new masks for himself and his wife at a distribution center in the mall.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told visiting U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta on Aug. 1 that time "is running out" for a peaceful solution to Iran's atomic program. The Tel Aviv-based Haaretz newspaper reported Aug. 10 that Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak are considering bombing Iran's nuclear facilities before U.S. elections on Nov. 6. Netanyahu spokesman Mark Regev said government policy is not to comment on media speculation.

"It seems that Netanyahu and Barak are making a special effort now to prepare the Israeli public for an attack on Iran," said Shlomo Brom, a former commander of the army's Strategic Planning Division, who said that any strike could come within the next six months. In the past, rhetoric was directed at pushing the international community to take stronger action against Iran, said Brom, a senior research fellow at the Institute for National Security Studies at Tel Aviv University.

New System

While Israeli leaders repeatedly have said that they could strike Iran's facilities, the words are now being accompanied by civil defense measures, including a new system that uses text messages to alert the public to missile attacks, wider distribution of gas masks and the appointment of a new Home Front Defense minister. The threats also come as nuclear talks between Iran and world powers have stalled and increased sanctions have so far failed to stop Iran's atomic progress.

Concern that the Israeli moves may herald a possible strike helped weaken the shekel to its lowest value in almost 15 months this week, sent government benchmark bond yields climbing and pushed the Tel Aviv Stock Market (TA-25) to a three-week low on Aug. 13. The Bloomberg Israel-US Equity Index of the most-traded Israeli companies in New York sank the most in three months, making the benchmark gauge the cheapest in two years relative to the Standard & Poor's 500.

"With the headlines and saber-rattling we've had the last week, there is a higher risk premium, so it's logical you see the currency weaken," said Jonathan Katz, a Jerusalem-based economist for HSBC Holdings Plc.

Destabilizing Region

U.S. officials, concerned that a conflict could destabilize the region and send oil prices soaring, have been urging caution. Panetta told reporters yesterday that the "window is still open" to resolve the dispute through diplomacy and that he thinks Israel hasn't made a decision "at this time" to attack Iranian nuclear sites.

"From our point of view, the window is still open to try to work toward a diplomatic solution," he said during a briefing at the Pentagon outside Washington.

David Rothkopf, a visiting scholar at the Washington-based Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, said it is "extremely unlikely Israel could do anything without a regional ally or the cooperation of the U.S."

Iranian officials have dismissed the threats of an attack.

"We don't think any of the officials in this illegitimate regime wants to do something as illogical as this," Ramin Mehmanparast, Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman, told reporters at a Tehran press conference yesterday. Iran says its nuclear program aims to produce electricity for a growing population.

Tougher Sanctions

Amid earlier Israeli threats, the U.S. and its European allies passed tougher sanctions against Iran that have been taking a toll on the country's economy.

Iranian oil production has declined 20 percent this year to 2.86 million barrels a day, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Crude oil futures in New York have advanced 19 percent in the seven days ending Aug. 7 as Iranian exports have fallen, according to an Aug. 10 report of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission's Commitments of Traders.

Prices of meat, rice and bread have spiraled in Iran as inflation accelerated to 22.4 percent in the 12 months through June 20.

There are concerns that repeated Israeli threats to strike Iran may force Israel's hand if the West doesn't take more serious action.

Third Threat

The Israelis are "almost in the comic situation of threatening to strike repeatedly -- this is the third threat in three months -- but nothing ever happens, which in my view is damaging to their credibility," said Aaron David Miller, a former State Department official and a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, a Washington policy group.

Barak in February said that Israel would need to act militarily within months, before Iran reaches a "zone of immunity" where its underground enrichment facilities would be invulnerable to Israeli air strikes.

Polls show that the Israeli public's opposition to a strike has been declining. Some 46 percent of Israelis are against an attack on Iran without U.S. support, according to a poll by the Dialog Institute reported on Channel 10 on Aug. 12. That compares with 58 percent opposed to such a move in a survey by Dialog published March 8 in Haaretz. Both surveys questioned 500 Israeli adults.

U.S. presidential elections may influence an Israeli decision.

Israelis "believe there's a closing window of opportunity and they also believe politically it's far more complex if they wait until after November to strike," said David Makovsky, director of research at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.

'They're Concerned'

"I think they're concerned that if they attack during a lame-duck period they have a lot more uncertainty about American reaction," he said.

An attack would also come as one of Iran's closest allies, Syria, is busy battling domestic insurgents who control parts of the country's cities and countryside. That also has weakened Lebanon's Hezbollah movement, an Iranian ally that depends on Syria for arms and support.

"This is the best window Israel is going to get," said Gerald Steinberg, professor of political science at Bar Ilan University outside Tel Aviv. "If a strike doesn't happen in the next six months and Iran doesn't back down, then the Israeli threat will lose its credibility."
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 15/08/2012 | 13:33 uur
Israel ready for 30-day war after Iran strike: minister

JERUSALEM - Agence France-Presse

Israel is prepared for a 30-day war on multiple fronts should it decide to strike Iran, and is "ready as never before" for such a clash, the outgoing home front defence minister said Wednesday.

In an interview with the Maariv newspaper, Matan Vilnai said Israel was ready to face the consequences of a clash with Iran that could be sparked if the Jewish state decides to launch a strike against Tehran's nuclear programme.

But he warned that any military engagement should be weighed carefully, and cautioned that Israel should "always coordinate" with the United States.

"The assessments are for a war that will last 30 days on a number of fronts," he said, repeating the predictions of other senior Israeli officials that the Jewish state would suffer around 500 deaths in such a clash.

"It could be that there will be less fatalities, but it could be there will be more, that is the scenario that we are preparing for according to the best experts." Speculation has risen in recent weeks about the possibility of an Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear programme, which the Jewish state and much of the international community believes masks a weapons drive.

Tehran vehemently denies those accusations, saying the programme is for peaceful energy and medical purposes.

As the speculation grows, observers in Israel have raised concern about the country's preparedness for war.

But Vilnai brushed aside such concerns, saying there was "no reason for hysteria." "I can say in the most authoritative manner that the home front is ready as never before in the country's history," he said.

Vilnai declined to say whether he thought Israel should take military action against Iran, but warned any such decision required serious consideration.

"The only question is if a clash is necessary. War is something that is better to postpone and weigh carefully," he said, adding that he thought the Jewish state should coordinate its military activity with Washington.

"I don't want to be dragged into an argument, but I say that the United States is our greatest friend and we must always coordinate such things with it," he said.

Some Israeli officials have warned that the Jewish state could launch a unilateral attack on Iranian nuclear facilities if it believes Tehran is close to acquiring a nuclear weapon, even over objections from Washington.

Vilnai is set to be replaced by Avi Dichter, a former internal security minister and ex-head of the country's Shin Bet domestic intelligence agency.

The post, which Vilnai is leaving to become ambassador to China, was reportedly turned down by a slew of other top officials.

Israel is widely suspected to have the region's sole, if undeclared, nuclear arsenal.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Flyguy op 15/08/2012 | 13:42 uur
Geen sussende taal... soon, very soon.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 15/08/2012 | 15:01 uur
First Published: 2012-08-15

Israel's 'Bomb Iran' Timetable

As the clock ticks down to the US elections in November, another clock is ticking in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, whether Israeli forces should exploit the American political timetable to pressure President Obama to support an attack on Iran's nuclear sites, writes ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern.

Middle East Online

More Washington insiders are coming to the conclusion that Israel's leaders are planning to attack Iran before the US election in November in the expectation that American forces will be drawn in. There is widespread recognition that, without US military involvement, an Israeli attack would be highly risky and, at best, only marginally successful.

At this point, to dissuade Israeli leaders from mounting such an attack might require a public statement by President Barack Obama warning Israel not to count on US forces — not even for the "clean-up." Though Obama has done pretty much everything short of making such a public statement, he clearly wants to avoid a confrontation with Israel in the weeks before the election.

However, Obama's silence regarding a public warning speaks volumes to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The recent pilgrimages to Israel by very senior US officials — including the Secretaries of State and Defense carrying identical "PLEASE DON'T BOMB IRAN JUST YET" banners — has met stony faces and stone walls.

Like the Guns of August in 1914, the dynamic for war appears inexorable. Senior US and Israeli officials focus publicly on a "window of opportunity," but different ones.

On Thursday, White House spokesman Jay Carney emphasized the need to allow the "most stringent sanctions ever imposed on any country time to work." That, said Carney, is the "window of opportunity to persuade Iran ... to forgo its nuclear weapons ambitions."

That same day a National Security Council spokesman dismissed Israeli claims that US intelligence had received alarming new information about Iran's nuclear program. "We continue to assess that Iran is not on the verge of achieving a nuclear weapon," the spokesman said.

Still, Israel's window of opportunity (what it calls the "zone of immunity" for Iran building a nuclear bomb without Israel alone being able to prevent it) is ostensibly focused on Iran's continued burrowing under mountains to render its nuclear facilities immune to Israeli air strikes, attacks that would seek to maintain Israel's regional nuclear-weapons monopoly.

But another Israeli "window" or "zone" has to do with the pre-election period of the next 12 weeks in the United States. Last week, former Mossad chief Efraim Halevi told Israeli TV viewers, "The next 12 weeks are very critical in trying to assess whether Israel will attack Iran, with or without American backup."

It would be all too understandable, given Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's experience with President Obama, that Netanyahu has come away with the impression that Obama can be bullied, particularly when he finds himself in a tight political spot.

For Netanyahu, the President's perceived need to outdistance Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney in the love-for-Israel department puts Obama in a box. This, I believe, is the key "window of opportunity" that is uppermost in Netanyahu's calculations.

Virtually precluded, in Netanyahu's view, is any possibility that Obama could keep US military forces on the sidelines if Israel and Iran became embroiled in serious hostilities. What I believe the Israeli leader worries most about is the possibility that a second-term Obama would feel much freer not to commit US forces on Israel's side. A second-term Obama also might use US leverage to force Israeli concessions on thorny issues relating to Palestine.

If preventing Obama from getting that second term is also part of Netanyahu's calculation, then he also surely knows that even a minor dustup with Iran, whether it escalates or not, would drive up the price of gasoline just before the election — an unwelcome prospect for Team Obama.

It's obvious that hard-line Israeli leaders would much rather have Mitt Romney to deal with for the next four years. The former Massachusetts governor recently was given a warm reception when he traveled to Jerusalem with a number of Jewish-American financial backers in tow to express his solidarity with Netanyahu and his policies.

Against this high-stakes political background, I've personally come by some new anecdotal information that I find particularly troubling. On July 30, the Baltimore Sun posted my op-ed, "Is Israel fixing the intelligence to justify an attack on Iran?" Information acquired the very next day increased my suspicion and concern.

Former intelligence analysts and I were preparing a proposal to establish direct communications links between the US and Iranian navies, in order to prevent an accident or provocation in the Persian Gulf from spiraling out of control. Learning that an official Pentagon draft paper on that same issue has been languishing in the Senate for more than a month did not make us feel any better when our own proposal was ignored. (Still, it is difficult to understand why anyone wishing to avoid escalation in the Persian Gulf would delay, or outright oppose, such fail-safe measures.)

Seeking input from other sources with insight into US military preparations, I learned that, although many US military moves have been announced, others, with the express purpose of preparation for hostilities with Iran, have not been made public.

One source reported that US forces are on hair-trigger alert and that covert operations inside Iran (many of them acts of war, by any reasonable standard) have been increased. Bottom line: we were warned that the train had left the station; that any initiative to prevent miscalculation or provocation in the Gulf was bound to be far too late to prevent escalation into a shooting war.


A casus belli — real or contrived — would be highly desirable prior to an attack on Iran. A provocation in the Gulf would be one way to achieve this. Iran's alleged fomenting of terrorism would be another.

In my op-ed of July 30, I suggested that Netanyahu's incredibly swift blaming of Iran for the terrorist killing of five Israelis in Bulgaria on July 18 may have been intended as a pretext for attacking Iran. If so, sadly for Netanyahu, it didn't work. It seems the Obama administration didn't buy the "rock-solid evidence" Netanyahu adduced to tie Iran to the attack in Bulgaria.

If at first you don't succeed ... Here's another idea: let's say there is new reporting that shows Iran to be dangerously close to getting a nuclear weapon, and that previous estimates that Iran had stopped work on weaponization was either wrong or overtaken by new evidence.

According to recent Israeli and Western media reports, citing Western diplomats and senior Israeli officials, US intelligence has acquired new information — "a bombshell" report — that shows precisely that. Imagine.

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak told Israeli Radio that the new report is "very close to our [Israel's] own estimates, I would say, as opposed to earlier American estimates. It transforms the Iranian situation to an even more urgent one."

Washington Post neocon pundit Jennifer Rubin was quick to pick up the cue, expressing a wistful hope on Thursday that the new report on the Iranian nuclear program "would be a complete turnabout from the infamous 2007 National Intelligence Estimate that asserted that Iran had dropped its nuclear weapons program."

"Infamous?" Indeed. Rubin warned, "The 2007 NIE report stands as a tribute and warning regarding the determined obliviousness of our national intelligence apparatus," adding that "no responsible policymaker thinks the 2007 NIE is accurate."

Yet, the NIE still stands as the prevailing US intelligence assessment on Iran's nuclear intentions, reaffirmed by top US officials repeatedly over the past five years. Rubin's definition of "responsible" seems to apply only to US policymakers who would cede control of US foreign policy to Netanyahu.

The 2007 NIE reported, with "high confidence," the unanimous judgment of all 16 US intelligence agencies that Iran stopped working on a nuclear weapon in the fall of 2003 and had not restarted it. George W. Bush's own memoir and remarks by Dick Cheney make it clear that this honest NIE shoved a steel rod into the wheels of the juggernaut that had begun rolling off toward war on Iran in 2008, the last year of the Bush/Cheney administration.

The key judgments of the 2007 NIE have been re-asserted every year since by the Director of National Intelligence in formal testimony to Congress.

And, unfortunately for Rubin and others hoping to parlay the reportedly "new," more alarmist "intelligence" into an even more bellicose posture toward Iran, a National Security Council spokesman on Thursday threw cold water on the "new" information, saying that "the US intelligence assessment of Iran's nuclear activities had not changed."

Relying on the unconfirmed Israeli claim about "new" US information regarding Iran's nuclear program, Rubin had already declared the Obama administration's Iran policy a failure, writing:

"Foreign policy experts can debate whether a sanctions strategy was flawed from its inception, incorrectly assessing the motivations of the Iranian regime, or they can debate whether the execution of sanctions policy (too slow, too porous) was to blame. But we are more than 3 1/2 years into the Obama administration, and Iran is much closer to its goal than at the start. By any reasonable measure, the Obama approach has been a failure, whatever the NIE report might say."

Pressures Will Persist

The NSC's putdown of the Israeli report does not necessarily guarantee, however, that President Obama will continue to withstand pressure from Israel and its supporters to "fix" the intelligence to "justify" supporting an attack on Iran.

Promise can be seen in Obama's refusal to buy Netanyahu's new "rock-solid evidence" on Iran's responsibility for the terrorist attack in Bulgaria. Hope can also be seen in White House reluctance so far to give credulity to the latest "evidence" on Iran's nuclear weapons plans.

An agreed-upon casus belli can be hard to create when one partner wants war within the next 12 weeks and the other does not. The pressure from Netanyahu and neocon cheerleaders like Jennifer Rubin — not to mention Mitt Romney — will increase as the election draws nearer, agreed-upon casus belli or not.

Netanyahu gives every evidence of believing that — for the next 12 weeks — he is in the catbird seat and that, if he provokes hostilities with Iran, Obama will feel compelled to jump in with both feet, i. e., selecting from the vast array of forces already assembled in the area.

Sadly, I believe Netanyahu is probably correct in that calculation. Batten down the hatches.

Ray McGovern works with Tell the Word, a publishing arm of the ecumenical Church of the Saviour in inner-city Washington. During his 27 years in CIA's analysis division, his duties included preparing and delivering the President's Daily Brief and chairing National Intelligence Estimates.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 15/08/2012 | 16:12 uur
Germany arrests 4 suspected of supplying Iran with parts for nuclear reactor
The four, one German and three German-Iranian dual citizens, are accused of supplying parts used for Iran's nuclear program, breaking imposed sanctions.
By Reuters and The Associated Press | Aug.15, 2012 | 2:15 PM

German police have arrested four men suspected of delivering valves for a heavy water reactor to Iran and breaking an embargo on such exports to the Islamic Republic imposed over its disputed nuclear program.
Prosecutors said some 90 customs officers arrested the men - one German and three with dual German and Iranian citizenship, at their homes in the northern cities of Hamburg and Oldenburg and the eastern town of Weimar, and searched flats and offices.

"In 2010 and 2011 the suspects are believed to have helped in the delivery of special valves for the construction of a heavy water reactor in Iran and therefore to have broken the Iran embargo," prosecutors said in a statement on Wednesday.
"The deliveries were part of an order worth several million euros which Iran was trying to use to secure the necessary valve technology to make a heavy water reactor," said the prosecutors.

The men were therefore suspected of breaking Germany's law on foreign trade and breaching military weapons controls.

Prosecutors' spokesman Marcus Koehler said suspects Rudolf M., a German, and dual citizens Kianzad Ka., Gholamali Ka. and Hamid Kh., were taken into custody on suspicion they had illegally supplied valves needed for the reactor's construction in 2010 and 2011.

The three, whose last names were not released in accordance with German privacy laws, are accused of supplying the parts to Iran through front companies in Turkey and Azerbaijan.

Iran has been hit with several rounds of UN sanctions, plus tougher measures imposed by the European Union and United States, since 2006 due to its refusal to suspend enrichment of uranium, a process that yields fuel for nuclear power stations but also nuclear bombs, depending on the level of refinement.
Iran, the world's No. 5 oil exporter, says it does not want to build a bomb but rather needs nuclear energy for electricity to meet the needs of a rapidly expanding population.

Earlier, Standard Chartered Plc reached a e340 million settlement with New York's bank regulator for transactions linked to Iran although the bank may still face investigations into transactions by other U.S. agencies.
The New York Financial Services Superintendent had this month accused Standard Chartered of breaking U.S. sanctions on Iran, saying it had hidden Iran-linked transactions worth a total of e250 billion from regulators.

Bron (
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Poleme op 15/08/2012 | 19:03 uur
Citaat van: Lex op 10/08/2012 | 18:20 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 10/08/2012 | 18:17 uur
De Amerikanen hebben nu in ieder geval al heel wat man en materieel samengetrokken in de Golf regio.
Refresh my memory. Is dat voldoende? En waarom horen we niets over bijv. Israel? Zijn er eeds voldoende luchtvaartuigen overegebracht naar bases, ter ondersteuning? Etc.
De Amerikanen zijn enkele jaren geleden begonnen met het uitbreiden van militaire installaties in diverse Golfstaten.   Denk bijvoorbeeld aan een aaznzienlijk aantal speciale hangars die nodig zijn voor de steelse F-22A Raptors.
In ieder geval sinds de lente van dit jaar hebben de Amerikanen het aantal gevechtsvliegtuigen en marine schepen in de Golf aanzienlijk, maar stilletjes opgevoerd tot een krijgsmacht die Iran moet afschrikken om een militaire tegenaanval uit te voeren. Bron: US Air Force.
Israel heeft al toestemming gekregen om het luchtruim van diverse landen op het Arabisch schiereiland te mogen gebruiken.
En Israelische F-15's hebben al verkenningsvluchten uitgevoerd boven Iran!  Zij vlogen overigens niet via Turkije.
Welke landen toestemming hebben gegeven en via welke luchtruimen werd gevlogen behoort overigens niet tot het publieke domein.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 15/08/2012 | 19:14 uur
Meer en meer tekenen wijzen op een Israelische actie voor 6 november 2012 (Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen) al kan het natuurlijk zijn dat de retoriek wordt opgevoerd om de Iraniërs (of de VS) nog verder onder druk te zetten.

September en/of oktober lijken mij de "go or no go" maanden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Poleme op 15/08/2012 | 19:25 uur
Citaat van: Jah op 12/08/2012 | 13:49 uur
Ik denk dat het uiteindelijk gewoon met sisser afloopt.
En waarom denk je dat?  Denk je dat Iran op dezelfde manier gaat reageren op een Israelische lucht (en misschien in dit geval wel gecombineerde grond) aanval als Irak en Syrïe toendertijd?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 15/08/2012 | 20:18 uur
New Evidence That Israel Is Bluffing About Iran

By Robert Wright

Israel to world: This time we mean it!

Given the number of times Israeli officials have convinced journalists to report that Israel is really, really, really going to bomb Iran pretty soon unless somebody takes the problem off its hands, you'd think that nobody would pay attention to these alarms any more.

Maybe that explains why this time around Israeli officials have cranked the volume up louder than ever. (See the first few paragraphs of this Jeffrey Goldberg post for a partial summary of the media blitz, which has continued since he wrote them.) This volume has led credible analysts--such as former Obama pentagon official Colin Kahl, interviewed here by Laura Rozen--to say that this time Israel does seem to mean it.

But in the past 24 hours two pieces of evidence have emerged suggesting that, once again, Israel isn't broadcasting its actual intentions, but, rather, trying to influence President Obama--not necessarily trying to get him to bomb Iran now, but at least trying to get him to amp up his threat to do so if necessary.

First piece of evidence : Israeli journalist Ron Ben-Yishai conveys a clear message from an unnamed Israeli official in the first sentence of a piece on Ynet: "Israel may rule out a unilateral attack in Iran should the US toughen its stance with regards to the Islamic Republic's nuclear program, a senior official in Jerusalem claimed."

What does "toughen its stance" mean? It could mean that Obama has to redefine his "red line"--the line that if crossed by Iran would bring American military action. Specifically: The line could move from Iran's actually trying to build a nuclear weapon (where Obama currently has it) to Iran's possessing mere nuclear "capability," (which, as I explained here, is a concept so vague that it could be used to justify bombing now even though Iran isn't close to having a nuke).

But it could be--as Time's Tony Karon and Foreign Policy's Blake Hounshell suggested on Twitter--that Israel is just hoping for a high-profile reaffirmation of Obama's existing red line. In particular: Obama could say at the UN General Assembly meeting in September what he's already said: that America would use military force to keep Iran from actually getting a bomb. (One side benefit for Netanyahu, Karon suggested, would be to distract the world from a Palestinian attempt to use the General Assembly meeting to again raise the issue of statehood.)

Second piece of evidence : The Times of Israel, citing Israel's Channel 10, reports that Israeli and White House officials are "working to arrange" a meeting between Netanyahu and Obama this fall at which Obama will agree to "attack Iran by June 2013″ if "the Iranian nuclear weapons drive has not halted by then." The suggestion that American officials have more or less signed on to this deal may be total nonsense--but the point is that if so it's probably nonsense leaked by Israeli officials who hope to make it a self-fulfilling prophecy. So it's yet more evidence that their hope is to get action out of Obama, not to bomb Iran themselves.

None of this means that Israel couldn't possibly wind up bombing Iran in the next few months. Bluffs can be hard to back away from, and a bluff this loud makes for a particularly embarrassing climbdown. But the calculation seems to be that Obama, in high-anxiety pre-election mode, will deliver at least enough rhetoric--if only a more high-profile or in some other sense more binding articulation of things he's already said--to make for a graceful climbdown.

Personally, I hope Obama doesn't deliver.

I understand why Israelis, both for historical reasons and because of their current geopolitical environment, are themselves in high-anxiety mode. But the fact is that the Iran threat is exaggerated in the minds of many Israelis along all three dimensions: (1) Iran's proximity to actually having a deliverable weapon (at least two years, and we'd know long before that if Iran embarked on an attempt to actually build one); (2) the chances of a nuclear Iran launching a nuclear strike (which even Ehud Barak, lately competing with Netanyahu for the title of alarmist-in-chief, acknowledged is roughly zilch back when his political station permitted candor); and (3) the extent to which possession of a nuke would give Iran greater ability to throw its weight around--which is only slightly more than zilch, as Paul Pillar has powerfully argued. (Also, there's the fact that bombing Iran--whether the U.S. or Israel does it-- will not keep Iran from getting a nuclear weapon in the long run, but will ensure its determination to do so.)

A country situated in a hostile environment, as Israel is, needs to be coolly rational and to avoid freaking out in ways that could spin out of control. A true friend of such a country would try to abet the rationality and would not indulge the freaking out. If Bibi Netanyahu has to endure an embarrassing climbdown, that will teach him a valuable lesson. And if he can't endure the embarrassment and does something as unfathomably reckless as bombing Iran within the next few months--which I consider very unlikely--then the chances of keeping him from starting a war were never very good to begin with.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 15/08/2012 | 20:59 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 15/08/2012 | 19:25 uur
Citaat van: Jah op 12/08/2012 | 13:49 uur
Ik denk dat het uiteindelijk gewoon met sisser afloopt.
En waarom denk je dat?  Denk je dat Iran op dezelfde manier gaat reageren op een Israelische lucht (en misschien in dit geval wel gecombineerde grond) aanval als Irak en Syrïe toendertijd?

Ik denk dat de Iraanse mogelijkheden Israel ervan weerhoudt om zo maar even aan te vallen. Zij realiseren zich donders goed fat het niet bij een Isrealisch luchtaanval zal/kan blijven............
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 15/08/2012 | 21:47 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 15/08/2012 | 19:03 uur
De Amerikanen zijn enkele jaren geleden begonnen met het uitbreiden van militaire installaties in diverse Golfstaten.   Denk bijvoorbeeld aan een aaznzienlijk aantal speciale hangars die nodig zijn voor de steelse F-22A Raptors.
Voor kennisgeving aangenomen.
Citaat van: Poleme op 15/08/2012 | 19:03 uur
In ieder geval sinds de lente van dit jaar hebben de Amerikanen het aantal gevechtsvliegtuigen en marine schepen in de Golf aanzienlijk, maar stilletjes opgevoerd tot een krijgsmacht die Iran moet afschrikken om een militaire tegenaanval uit te voeren. Bron: US Air Force.
Bron USAF en stilletjes gaat er bij mij niet in. Maar als ik je goed begrijp zijn er in de Golf regio genoeg eenheden aanwezig voor een [mogelijke] aanval op Iran.
Citaat van: Poleme op 15/08/2012 | 19:03 uur
Israel heeft al toestemming gekregen om het luchtruim van diverse landen op het Arabisch schiereiland te mogen gebruiken.
Wat is de bron hiervan? Gezien:
Citaat van: Poleme op 15/08/2012 | 19:03 uur
Welke landen toestemming hebben gegeven en via welke luchtruimen werd gevlogen behoort overigens niet tot het publieke domein.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 16/08/2012 | 07:41 uur
BBC: Israel plant massieve aanval op Iran

woensdag 15 augustus 2012 om 23u11

De aanval, die het Iraanse kernprogramma moet uitschakelen, zou bestaan uit verschillende golven van raketten, vliegtuigen en elektronische oorlogsvoering. Israel zou onder andere een geheime technologie gebruiken die vliegtuigen 'onzichtbaar' maakt.

De BBC baseert zich op een geheime nota die door een voormalige Israëlische minister gelekt zou zijn aan de Amerikaanse blogger Richard Silverstein. De Israëlische premier Benjamin Nethanyahu en minister van Defensie Ehud Barak zouden de tekst gebruiken om sceptische leden van het Israëlische kabinet te overtuigen van het nut van een aanval op Iran.

De BBC waarschuwt dat ze niet meer in handen heeft dan de door Silverstein uit het Hebreeuws vertaalde tekst van de nota, en geen officieel Israëlisch document. Silverstein, de auteur van de blog Tikun Olam, die ook voor de Britse krant The Guardian schrijft, zou echter overtuigd zijn van zijn bron.


Volgens de nota zou de Israëlische aanval beginnen met een grootsheepse cyberaanval. Die moet het Iraanse regime totaal verlammen en ervoor zorgen dat het niet weet wat er zich afspeelt binnen zijn landsgrenzen. Het Iraanse elektriciteitsnetwerk, internet, radio, televisie en andere communicatie-infrastructuur zouden lamgelegd worden.

Vervolgens zou Israel vanop zijn eigen grondgebied en van duikboten in de buurt van de Perzische Golf tientallen ballistische raketten lanceren. Die zouden uitgerust worden met conventionele explosieven.

Een aantal van de raketten zouden bovengrondse doelwitten uitschakelen, zoals de kernreactor in Arak en de nucleaire brandstoffabrieken in Isfahan. Anderen zouden speciaal ontworpen zijn om ondergrondse doelwitten aan te vallen, zoal de nucleaire opwerkingsfabriek in Fordo.

'Onzichtbare' gevechtsvliegtuigen

Honderden kruisraketten zouden ingezet worden om commando- en controlesystemen, nucleaire onderzoeks- en ontwikkelingsfaciliteiten en de woningen van de toplui van het Iraanse kernprogramma te vernietigen. Bedoeling is om dat programma "compleet te onthoofden."

Na de eerste aanvalsgolf zou de schade opgemeten worden met satellietbeelden, waarna de informatie zou doorgegeven worden aan Israëlische gevechtsvliegtuigen die zich op dat moment al in de lucht bevinden. Die moeten doelwitten uitschakelen die nog niet helemaal vernietigd zijn.

Opmerkelijk: die gevechtsvliegtuigen zouden uitgerust zijn met technologie die hen 'onzichtbaar' maakt. Volgens de nota is die technologie "onbekend bij het grote publiek en zelfs niet bekendgemaakt aan onze Amerikaanse bondgenoten."

500 doden in Israel

Wat de nota niet bevat, is een inschatting van hoe Iran zou reageren, bijvoorbeeld door Sjiitische Hezbollah-militie raketten te laten afschieten op Israel vanuit Libanon, en hoeveel Israëlische – en Iraanse – slachtoffers te verwachten zijn.

Ehud Barak, geciteerd door de BBC zei aan de Israëlische krant Maariv dat de regering rekening houdt met "een oorlog van dertig dagen op meerdere fronten.' Aanvallen zouden volgens hem ook kunnen komen van islamisten in de Palestijns gebieden.

De Israëlische regering verwacht dat er honderden raketten zouden afgeschoten worden op het land. Barak zei dat hij 500 Israëlische doden verwacht. "Het kunnen er minder zijn, of misschien meer, mar dat is het scenario waar we ons op voorbereiden."

Iran houdt vol dat het geen atoombommen wil bouwen en dat zijn kernprogramma er alleen is voor burgerlijke doeleinden. (TV)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 16/08/2012 | 07:59 uur
Ambassador Oren: Israel willing to strike Iran


08/16/2012 08:43

Israel is willing to strike Iran's nuclear facilities even if doing so only delayed the Islamic Republic's nuclear progress for a few years, Ambassador to the US Michael Oren told Bloomberg in Washington Wednesday.

"One, two, three, four years are a long time in the Middle East - look what's happened in the last year," he said in reference to the ongoing upheaval throughout the Arab world.

"Diplomacy hasn't succeeded" in halting Iran's nuclear program, Oren warned, adding that "we've come to a very critical juncture where important decisions do have to be made."

Oren described the Iranian nuclear threat as unprecedented in Israel's 64-year existence.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 16/08/2012 | 09:14 uur
Wat extra olie op het vuur... zolang ze elkaar met woorden aanvallen gebeurd er weinig, zodra het stil wordt gaan we wellicht naar het CNN moment.

Leader Says Israel Will Be Wiped Out, Urges Massive Participation in Quds Day  

Local Editor
As he stresses that the Israel is an artificial entity and will be wiped out, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei called for massive turnout on International Quds Day.

During a meeting with hundreds of veterans from the Iraq-Iran war on Wednesday, Ayatollah Khamenei said that a high turnout on Quds Day would give a crushing response to the enemies of Islam and Palestinians.

The Leader said that the Zionist entity was an artificial one and would be wiped out from the region, describing the occupation of the Palestinian territories and the formation of the Israeli regime as the root of evil in the Middle East.

"Had this conspiracy not taken place, these wars, divisions, and interventions by colonialists and oppressors would not have occurred," the Leader stated.

Ayatollah Khamenei urged Muslims to counter attempts made by Israel and its allies to push the issue of Palestine into oblivion, describing the Islamic Revolution in Iran as a major "historical obstacle" against the enemy plot to smother the Palestinian cause.

The Leader condemned enemy schemes to create sectarian divisions among Muslims as part of the effort to avert attention from the West's silence and support for the decades-long occupation of the Palestinian territories.

Imam Khamenei noted that liberating Palestine from the grip of Israel and its allies is a religious duty for all Muslims across the world.

The late founder of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Ayatollah Rouhollah Khomeini declared in August 1979 the last Friday of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan as International Quds Day, calling on Muslims across world to commemorate the annual occasion.

Source: Agencies

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 16/08/2012 | 15:31 uur
Barak: We must make Iran decision now

Defense minister asserts that decision on military strike against Islamic Republic must be made now; says 'In all of Israel's history there is no issue that has been dealt with as deeply as the issue of Iran'

Moran Azulay Published:  08.16.12, 15:39 / Israel News 
Defense Minister Ehud Barak continued to address speculation of a possible military attack against Iran on Thursday during the Knesset plenum, and explained why a decision on Iran must be made now.

Barak said that dealing with a nuclear Iran would be incomparably more dangerous and more expensive. 

"Dealing with Iran is not risk-free but in fact there are outcomes that we can't predict." However, Barak asserted that the government would be able to make the decision on the matter. "Any decision made, will be decided upon by the government and not civilian groups or editorials," he said.

Speaking at the swearing in of Avi Dichter as Israel's new Home Front Defense Minister, Barak said that "In all the wars and peacemaking (efforts) in Israel's history, there is no issue that has been dealt with as deeply as the issue of Iran has."

Barak further said that "there are differences of opinion, but the subject of Iran is being dealt with. Neither the First Lebanon War, nor the Second Lebanon War or even the Oslo Accords were dealt with in this manner."

Regarding the possible strike against Iran, Kadima chairman Shaul Mofaz further said that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is blatantly interfering in the US election and is "risking our children's lives" for the sake of political survival.

Mofaz further criticized Netanyahu, claiming that the Israeli government headed by the PM has not invested enough in protecting the home front. "The new home front defense minister might have a fancy title but he has no true authority or the means to deal with such threats," he said.

"You can cast the legal responsibility on Dichter but the moral responsibility is still on you," Mofaz added with regards to Netanyahu.

"Netanyahu is trying to create a panic and scare us, and the truth is that we are scared – scared of his lack of judgment, scared that he is being led and not leading, but most of all, we're scared that he is executing a policy that is both dangerous and irresponsible," Mofaz said.,7340,L-4269454,00.html
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Poleme op 16/08/2012 | 18:16 uur
Citaat van: Lex op 15/08/2012 | 21:47 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 15/08/2012 | 19:03 uur
De Amerikanen zijn enkele jaren geleden begonnen met het uitbreiden van militaire installaties in diverse Golfstaten.   Denk bijvoorbeeld aan een aaznzienlijk aantal speciale hangars die nodig zijn voor de steelse F-22A Raptors.
Voor kennisgeving aangenomen.
Citaat van: Poleme op 15/08/2012 | 19:03 uur
In ieder geval sinds de lente van dit jaar hebben de Amerikanen het aantal gevechtsvliegtuigen en marine schepen in de Golf aanzienlijk, maar stilletjes opgevoerd tot een krijgsmacht die Iran moet afschrikken om een militaire tegenaanval uit te voeren. Bron: US Air Force.
Bron USAF en stilletjes gaat er bij mij niet in. Maar als ik je goed begrijp zijn er in de Golf regio genoeg eenheden aanwezig voor een [mogelijke] aanval op Iran.
Citaat van: Poleme op 15/08/2012 | 19:03 uur
Israel heeft al toestemming gekregen om het luchtruim van diverse landen op het Arabisch schiereiland te mogen gebruiken.
Wat is de bron hiervan? Gezien:
Citaat van: Poleme op 15/08/2012 | 19:03 uur
Welke landen toestemming hebben gegeven en via welke luchtruimen werd gevlogen behoort overigens niet tot het publieke domein.
Met de USAF, bedoel ik de schaarse persberichten die verschenen zijn en USAF officieren die in persoon vertelden over deze opbouw.
De toestemming die Israel heeft gekregen om Arabisch luchtruim te gebruiken, heb ik van een Heyl Avir officier.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 16/08/2012 | 23:33 uur
Israëlische berichten over aanval op Iran zijn bedoeld voor VS

16/08/12, 16:40  − bron: IPS

Met de nieuwe golf van mediaberichten over een mogelijke aanval op Iran wil de Israëlische regering de Verenigde Staten tot een harder standpunt dwingen. Dat geven twee recente interviews met Israëlische regeringsbronnen aan. .

In een interview dat Ynet News woensdag had met een Israëlische regeringsbron, legt Israël voor het eerst een expliciet verband tussen de mogelijkheid van een unilaterale Israëlische aanval en de doelstelling om president Barack Obama's publieke standpunt te verscherpen.

In het interview stelt de niet met naam genoemde hooggeplaatste persoon aan de regering-Obama een deal voor: als Obama zijn standpunt verhardt over het Iraanse nucleaire programma, dan zou Israël kunnen afzien van een eenzijdige aanval.
Obama onder druk

Volgens Ynet News-reporter Ben Yishai moet Obama afstappen van zijn eis dat er eerst bewijs moet zijn voor Irans intentie om uranium te verrijken met het oog op de productie van kernwapens. De Amerikaanse president moet op het Israëlische standpunt gaan staan dat Iran zelfs geen verrijkingscapaciteit mag hebben.

Als Obama zijn standpunt publiekelijk verhardt, dan zou dat als "een virtueel engagement om desnoods militair op treden" worden gezien, zegt de regeringsbron.

Het interview geeft aan dat premier Benjamin Netanyahu en defensieminister Ehud Barak aansturen op een Amerikaans standpunt dat Israël kan gebruiken om Obama onder druk te zetten om Iran aan te vallen als hij herkozen wordt.

Kans op Amerikaanse actie
Dat Israël de dreiging van een eenzijdige aanval gebruikt om de Amerikaanse houding te veranderen, wordt ook gesuggereerd door een interview dat de krant Haaretz op 10 augustus had met een eveneens hooggeplaatste bron. Volgens de beschrijving van de interviewer gaat het zo goed als zeker om defensieminister Barak.

De geïnterviewde linkt de dreiging van de eenzijdige aanval aan de noodzaak om het VS-beleid te beïnvloeden. "Als Israël afstand doet van de mogelijkheid om op te treden en het duidelijk wordt dat het niet langer bij machte is om op te treden, dan vermindert de kans op een Amerikaanse actie."

Hij verwijst ook naar een interne discussie binnen de Israëlische regering - mogelijk tussen Netanyahu en Barak zelf - over wat verwacht kan worden van Washington: "We kunnen dus geen jaar wachten om te kijken wie gelijk had: diegene die zei dat de kans op een Amerikaanse actie groot was of diegene die zei dat de kans op een Amerikaanse actie klein was."

De twee interviews laten zien dat Israël wanhopig probeert om Obama op dezelfde lijn te krijgen. Het suggereert dat de nieuwe golf van berichten in de
Israëlische media over de mogelijkheid van een eenzijdige aanval niet zomaar geloofd kunnen worden.
Een centrale doelstelling van de recente mediaberichten - en van de ruimere campagne die Netanyahu en Barak eerder dit jaar begonnen zijn - is om het idee van een eenzijdige aanval door Israël geloofwaardig te maken.

Op 10 augustus bijvoorbeeld berichtte de Israëlische televisie dat er volgens Netanyahu en Barak een "relatief kleine kans" is dat een aanval op Iran "in een grote regionale oorlog zou uitmonden." Volgens het bericht houdt de Israëlische regering rekening met vergeldingsacties van Hezbollah en Hamas maar zou Syrië niet reageren als Iran wordt aangevallen.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 17/08/2012 | 14:48 uur
Ahmadinejad noemt Israël kankerachtig gezwel
TEHERAN - De Iraanse president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad heeft vrijdag de beroerde relatie met Israël verslechterd door het land een ''kankerachtig gezwel'' te noemen dat spoedig vernietigd zal worden.

Hij zei dit tijdens een demonstratie tegen het bestaan van de joodse staat, aldus de staatstelevisie.

''De naties in de regio zullen de zionistische overweldiger in het Palestijnse land spoedig afmaken'', liet Ahmadinejad weten.

Israël is momenteel bezig voorbereidingen te treffen voor een eventueel gewapend conflict met Iran. In de media wordt gespeculeerd over een op handen zijnde aanval op het atoomprogramma van Iran.

De Israëlische geheime dienst Mossad zou de afgelopen maanden al betrokken zijn geweest bij dodelijke aanslagen op Iraanse atoomgeleerden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 17/08/2012 | 14:51 uur
Het hoofd koel het motto.

Weer een sneer aan het adres van Israel......"ik heb dit gezegd en wat ga je er aan doen ?".
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 17/08/2012 | 16:15 uur
Het is in dit soort gevallen qua uitspraken altijd handig de bron ervan te bekijken. Er is een organisatie die veel van de Iraanse uitspraken vertaald voor ook de Westerse organisatie is alleen wel sterk pro-Israel. Deze organisatie zat ook achter de vertaling van vorige "omstreden" uitspraken. Zo heeft Mahmoud Ahmadinejad het vaak niet over Israel maar het zionisme. Het 1 komt wel uit het ander voort, maar het zijn geen uitspraken waarin hij oproept Joden te vernietigen of te verdrijven. Dat is vaak wel de suggestie die de Israelische PR er van maakt. Doet niets af aan de scherpte en bedenkelijkheid van zulke uitspraken gezien de realiteiten op de grond. Want Israel als staat is wat mij betreft gewoon een feit. Alleen de grenzen en voortgaande bezettingspolitiek en annexatiepogingen vind ik omstreden en niet juist.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 17/08/2012 | 16:37 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 17/08/2012 | 16:15 uur
Dat is vaak wel de suggestie die de Israelische PR er van maakt.
[wellicht offtopic]

Kleine correctie. Ook binnen Israël werd en wordt erkent dat die vertaling misschien niet de beste was. Zie bijvoorbeeld Israëls vice-premier Dan Meridor:
CitaatIsrael's deputy prime minister acknowledged this week that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has never actually said Israel must be "wiped off the map."

Zie verder ook het interview met hem op Al-Jazeera:
Citaat"They [Iranian leaders] all come basically ideologically, religiously with the statement that Israel is an unnatural creature, it will not survive," Meridor says. "They didn't say 'we'll wipe it out', you are right, but 'it will not survive, it is a cancerous tumour, it should be removed'. They repeatedly said 'Israel is not legitimate, it should not exist'."

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 17/08/2012 | 20:36 uur
Iran's Response 'Huge' If Targeted by Israel, Hezbollah Says

Donna Abu-Nasr, ©2012 Bloomberg News

Published 10:51 a.m., Friday, August 17, 2012

Aug. 17 (Bloomberg) -- Iran's response to an attack by Israel would be "huge," Hezbollah's Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah said, reacting to warnings by Israeli leaders that time is running out for a diplomatic solution to the Islamic Republic's atomic work.

A strike by Israel would give Iran the "golden opportunity" it has been seeking for years, Nasrallah said today in a speech relayed to supporters in southern Beirut.

Israel would have attacked Iran's nuclear facilities a long time ago had the Persian Gulf country been weak, Nasrallah told supporters marking Quds Day, or Jerusalem Day. The late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, designated the last Friday of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan for that occasion.

"Iran is powerful and courageous," Nasrallah said, adding that he and the Israelis know Iran's response to any assault would be "huge and lightning."

Israel says Iran is working to develop an atomic weapon and considers its enemy's nuclear work to be an existential threat. Iran says its program is peaceful.

Lebanon-based Hezbollah is a militant Islamist group with close ties to Iran and is classified as a terrorist organization by the U.S. The group, which is also backed by Syria, fought a month-long war with Israel in 2006. Nasrallah said any future war with Israel would be more painful to the Israelis than the 2006 conflict.

'Very Costly'

"When our country is attacked, we won't take permission from anyone," he said. "War with Lebanon is going to be very, very costly."

Separately, the U.S. Embassy in Beirut warned its citizens today of "an increased possibility of attacks" in Lebanon, including abductions and the potential for an upsurge in violence. The warning came after Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, the U.A.E. and Qatar warned their citizens to leave Lebanon amid kidnapping threats.

Nasrallah distanced his organization from the recent spree of abductions, saying they are "out of Hezbollah's control."

He said Hezbollah has identified some targets in Israel that it can reach with just a small number of missiles that are already in place and inflict "tens of thousands of Israeli deaths."

"At any stage of the war, we will not hesitate to use these missiles against these targets and the Israelis should know that the cost of aggression against Lebanon will be high and cannot be compared to the cost of the 2006 war," he said.

While Hezbollah can't destroy Israel, it can turn the lives of millions of Israelis into "real hell," Nasrallah said. "We can change the face of Israel."

Read more:

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 17/08/2012 | 20:39 uur
Israelis Against War on Iran

Friday, 17 August 2012

Polls show most Israelis and Americans oppose war with Iran. Political leaders pay no attention nor ask why Iran, with or without nuclear weapons, would strike Israel or any other country?

Iran hasn't attacked another nation in over 200 years. It threatens none now. It's not developing or producing nuclear weapons. Washington, Israeli, and most other world leaders know it.

Iran's nuclear program is red herring cover. It's used as pretext to replace an independent state with a subservient pro-Western one. It's also about furthering Israeli regional dominance.

Waging full-scale war on Syria and/or Iran is madness. War with either country is all lose, no gain, and potential catastrophic consequences if things spin out of control. Warmongers push ahead with plans anyway.

Israel will be gravely affected if they're implement. Why else would most Israelis oppose war and Netanyahu for threatening it. Last spring, hundreds marched in Tel Aviv against it. They chanted anti-Netanyahu slogans and railed against AIPAC.

They never went away. Expect them back. They're joined by many others. On August 16, Haaretz headlined "Hundreds of Israelis petition IDF pilots: Refuse orders to bomb Iran, saying:

Tel Aviv law professors Menachem Mautner and Chaim Gans joined them. Petition language calls attacking Iran a "highly mistaken gamble."

Besides fundamental legal issues, at best it will delay, not destroy, Iran's nuclear program. Doing so also exacts "an exorbitant price."

Petition language said "No."

"Certainly, this is not a simple option. It involves profound professional and moral dilemmas, and carries the risk of losing a career which is important to you and also the possibility of being prosecuted."

"Nevertheless, it is your duty to consider most carefully and seriously the possibility that by saying the little word 'No,' you will be rendering an important and vital service to the State of Israel and all who live here. This service would be infinitely more important than blind obedience to this particular order."

The petition also explained that bombing Iran's nuclear facilities involves irradiating large areas. Doing so harms civilians. "Israel as a country, as well as those carrying out the bombing might be charged with war crimes."

Professor Gans explained why he signed the petition, saying:

"It is clear that the consequences of (war on Iran) would be destructive in every possible way."</blockquote>

Haaretz said Physicians for Human Rights-Israel and senior Israeli "health establishment" doctors wrote Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak. They oppose war. They expressed fears of unavoidable catastrophic consequences.

<blockquote>They said "(w)e will be the ones you will seek out to heal and put together what you have broken. We call on you: Don't break. First do no harm."

On August 16, Israeli Ynet News headlined "Flurry of petitions against strike on Iran," saying:

Resistance to war appears growing. Twenty IDF reserve officers wrote Netanyahu. They expressed concerns like others. Imminent dangers focus minds on what's not previously considered.

Hopefully it's a good sign. It better be in dealing with sociopaths impersonating leaders. Netanyahu and Barak are two of the worst. No one's safe with them in charge.

On August 15, Richard Silverstein wrote about "Bibi's Secret War Plan." He published "an important leaked Israeli government document." A "trusted source" sent it. He's a "former Israeli government minister." He got it from an IDF officer.

He sent it because he and his source oppose war. He revealed it to expose Israeli leadership plans "to take Israel to war." His "mission" is to prevent it. He said no Israeli official denied the authenticity of what he revealed.

His source said he normally wouldn't leak this type document. "These are not normal times," he explained. "I'm afraid Bibi and Barak are dead serious."

Silverstein calls them a "two-headed warrior." Monster would be more appropriate. Virtually no "senior (Israeli) military or intelligence officer wants this war." It's unlikely current officials wrote the leaked material.

"It feels more likely it came from....national security advisor Yaakov Amidror, a former general, settler true-believer, and Bibi confidant." Barak acolytes perhaps also were involved.

Material was prepared for Netanyahu's eight-member security cabinet. They stand "4-3" against war. Bibi's pitching recalcitrant ministers. He's manipulating them to go along. His argument is that Israel can wage "a pure technology war" with few Israeli casualties.

His "sleight of hand" omits a certain Iranian counterattack. Silverstein calls what Netanyahu and Barak have in mind a "product of the Israeli dream factory."

It manufactures threats and clean strategies to address them. It never produces what's promised. Mission accomplished may be catastrophic. This genie can't be rebottled if unleashed.

Silverstein translated from the original Hebrew. Key portions are as follows:

"The Israeli attack will open with a coordinated strike, including an unprecedented cyber-attack which will totally paralyze the Iranian regime and its ability to know what is happening within its borders."

"The internet, telephones, radio and television, communications satellites, and fiber optic cables leading to and from critical installations—including underground missile bases at Khorramabad and Isfahan—will be taken out of action."

"The electrical grid throughout Iran will be paralyzed and transformer stations will absorb severe damage from carbon fiber munitions which are finer than a human hair, causing electrical short circuits whose repair requires their complete removal."

"This would be a Sisyphean task in light of cluster munitions which would be dropped, some time-delayed and some remote-activated through the use of a satellite signal."

"A barrage of tens of ballistic missiles would be launched from Israel toward Iran. 300km ballistic missiles would be launched from Israeli submarines in the vicinity of the Persian Gulf."

"The missiles would not be armed with unconventional warheads [WMD], but rather with high-explosive ordnance equipped with reinforced tips designed specially to penetrate hardened targets."

"The missiles will strike their targets—some exploding above ground like those striking the nuclear reactor at Arak–which is intended to produce plutonium and tritium—and the nearby heavy water production facility; the nuclear fuel production facilities at Isfahan and facilities for enriching uranium-hexaflouride. Others would explode under-ground, as at the Fordo facility."

"A barrage of hundreds of cruise missiles will pound command and control systems, research and development facilities, and the residences of senior personnel in the nuclear and missile development apparatus. Intelligence gathered over years will be utilized to completely decapitate Iran's professional and command ranks in these fields."

"After the first wave of attacks, which will be timed to the second, the "Blue and White" radar satellite, whose systems enable us to perform an evaluation of the level of damage done to the various targets, will pass over Iran."

"Only after rapidly decrypting the satellite's data, will the information be transferred directly to war planes making their way covertly toward Iran."

"These IAF planes will be armed with electronic warfare gear previously unknown to the wider public, not even revealed to our U.S. ally.  This equipment will render Israeli aircraft invisible."

"Those Israeli war planes which participate in the attack will damage a short-list of targets which require further assault."

"Among the targets approved for attack—Shihab 3 and Sejil ballistic missile silos, storage tanks for chemical components of rocket fuel, industrial facilities for producing missile control systems, centrifuge production plants and more."

Despite a detailed battle plan, USC Chemical Engineering Professor Muhammad Sahimi explained flaws. Current Iranian Revolutionary Guards head Mohammad Ali Jafari addressed what he called the over-centralization of command and control.

He divided Iran into 31 districts. Each operates independently. To succeed, Israel would have to destroy or disable all. Doing so seems unlikely, especially before Tehran can respond defensively.

If Israel strikes, Netanyahu's waging the last war. Iranian generals learned from Saddam's mistakes. Even with "new tricks" up his sleeve, Netanyahu doesn't know his adversary, its defenses, its structure, and overall preparedness to hit back hard. Attacking Iran assures no winners.

A Final Comment

On August 15, The New York Times suggested a window of opportunity exists to avoid war. Uzi Dayan was quoted. He formerly served as IDF deputy chief of staff. He's Moshe Dayan's nephew. He said:

"This window is closing, but if the United States would be much clearer and stronger about the sanctions on one hand and about what can happen if Iran won't make a U-turn - there is not a lot of time, but there is still time to make a difference."

On August 13, Dayan met with Netanyahu and Barak privately. They discussed current security issues. Iran was topic one. A media blitz awakened Israelis to the impending danger. They responded by opposing war.

Dayan thinks Netanyahu/Barak saber rattling has a purpose. It's pushing Obama to do more. It's about imposing more punishing sanctions than now in place. The only way is by creating a likely military option.

Both Israeli officials also want Washington leading an eventual attack. They're uncertain how successful Israel can be alone. America's might could make the difference. No matter that war with Iran assures no winners.

Dayan added that Netanyahu and Barak will choose war "only if they feel that there is no other way. They will do it only as the last, last thing, but then they will be pretty determined about it."

Once again, The Times suppressed what readers most need to know. It bears repeating. Iran has no nuclear weapons program. It threatens no one. Attacking nonbelligerent states violates fundamental international law.

Nations doing so stand guilty of war crimes. If large numbers of civilians are harmed, add crimes against humanity. If numbers run into the millions or close to it, genocide charges are warranted.

Responsible journalists would explain and condemn what they tacitly or overtly support. Failure makes them complicit in crimes too grave to ignore.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 18/08/2012 | 11:35 uur
VN-leider verbijsterd door opmerkingen Iran

zaterdag 18 augustus 2012 |NEW YORK - VN-leider Ban Ki-moon is "verbijsterd" door de opmerkingen tegen Israël van de Iraanse leiders. "De secretaris-generaal is verbijsterd door de opmerkingen die het bestaan van Israël bedreigen en die worden toegeschreven aan de hoogste leider en de president van Iran", laat een woordvoerder weten.

De Iraanse president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad noemde Israël vrijdag een "kankerachtig gezwel'' dat spoedig vernietigd zal worden. Hij zei dit tijdens een demonstratie tegen het bestaan van de joodse staat. Grootayatollah Ali Khamenei, de hoogste leider van Iran, zei dat Israël zal verdwijnen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 18/08/2012 | 11:40 uur
Ongetwijfeld moeten we de Iraanse woorden "in hun context zien"....

Ik krijg zo langzamerhand de indruk dat Iran graag aangevallen wil worden, om zo vanuit een (dan terechte?) slachtofferpositie te kunnen handelen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 18/08/2012 | 12:09 uur
Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 18/08/2012 | 11:40 uur
Ongetwijfeld moeten we de Iraanae woorden "in hun context zien"....

Ik krijg zo langzamerhand de indruk dat Iran graag aangevallen wil worden, om zo vanuit een (dan terechte?) slachtofferpositie te kunnen handelen.

Als ze dat zo graag willen, dan zijn ze goed op weg.

Ik zou iig dit jaar geen herfstvakantie boeken in Eilat of omgeving, het zou wel een warmer kunnen worden dan je zou willen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 18/08/2012 | 12:19 uur
De Iraanse leiders zeggen bes wel logische dingen als je de geschiedenis er op na leest, maar dat religieus sausje verpest het dan weer.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 18/08/2012 | 12:31 uur
Zou Iran inderdaad een reactie/actie van Israel willen uitlokken dan moeten zij wel een verassing achter de hand hebben ?.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 18/08/2012 | 12:36 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 18/08/2012 | 12:31 uur
Zou Iran inderdaad een reactie/actie van Israel willen uitlokken dan moeten zij wel een verassing achter de hand hebben ?.

Nee hoor, zo'n aanval brengt n.m.m. een aantal landen in het MO op Iraanse hand en het politiek correcte Europa zal grotendeels meehuilen met Teheran. En de Iranezen hebben dan voor een groot aantal mensen een punt, want aangevallen door de gemene Israeli's....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 18/08/2012 | 12:40 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 18/08/2012 | 12:31 uur
Zou Iran inderdaad een reactie/actie van Israel willen uitlokken dan moeten zij wel een verassing achter de hand hebben ?.

Hun verassing bestaat toch uit honderden ASM's?

Persoonlijk zou ik niet op een Nimitz willen zitten als de poep de ventilator raakt of de Amerikanen moeten denken dat ze het overgrote deel snel kunnen uitschakelen, wat ik betwijfel.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 18/08/2012 | 12:53 uur
Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 18/08/2012 | 12:36 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 18/08/2012 | 12:31 uur
Zou Iran inderdaad een reactie/actie van Israel willen uitlokken dan moeten zij wel een verassing achter de hand hebben ?.

Nee hoor, zo'n aanval brengt n.m.m. een aantal landen in het MO op Iraanse hand en het politiek correcte Europa zal grotendeels meehuilen met Teheran. En de Iranezen hebben dan voor een groot aantal mensen een punt, want aangevallen door de gemene Israeli's....

Het lijkt mij heel sterk dat Iran het kernprogramma dat waarschijnlijk tot nu miljarden heeft gekost plat laat bombarderen om een slachtoffer rol aan te kunnen nemen ?. Ik kan mij er iets bij voorstellen dat Iran steun zal vinden bij diverse groeperingen maar van landen ?.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 18/08/2012 | 13:30 uur
Israeli could attack Iran without causing a major war in the region

While it is likely Israel will attack Iran in the near future, it is not in either party's interest to allow retaliation to escalate

Tom Rogan, Saturday 18 August 2012 11.30 BST

Over the last few days, Israeli newspapers have been consumed by reports that the prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, has decided to launch an attack on Iranian nuclear facilities some time this autumn. Although Netanyahu has an obvious interest in increasing pressure on Iran, it would be an error to regard these reports as simple rhetorical sensationalism. In my opinion, whether this year or next, Israel is likely to use its airforce to attack Iran.

While it is impossible to know for sure whether Netanyahu will act, it is possible to consider the likely repercussions that would follow an Israeli attack. While it is likely that Iran would retaliate against Israel and possibly the US in response to any attack, it is unlikely that Iran will instigate a major war. Albeit for different reasons, Iran, Israel and the US all understand that a war would not serve their interests.

First, the Israeli policy angle. If Netanyahu decides to order an attack on Iran, his focus will be on maximising the success of that action and minimising any negative consequences that might follow. In terms of Iranian retaliation, Israel would expect Iran's core non-state allies Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah to launch rocket attacks into Israeli territory.

However, present success with advanced defence systems has helped increase Israeli confidence in their ability to absorb this method of retaliation. Beyond rocket attacks, the Israeli leadership also understands that a likely mechanism for Iranian retaliation is via attacks against Israeli interests internationally. Whether carried out by the Iranian Quds Force or Hezbollah, or a combination of both, various incidents this year have shown Israel that Iran continues to regard covert action as a powerful weapon.

The key for Israel is that, while these Iranian capabilities are seen as credible, they are not seen to pose intolerable threats to Israel. Faced with rocket strikes or limited attacks abroad – to which the likely response would be air strikes or short-duration ground operations (not a repeat of 2006) in Lebanon and Gaza – Israel would be unlikely to pursue major secondary retaliation against Iran. Certainly, Israel would not want to encourage intervention by Syria's Assad alongside Iran (an outcome that might follow major retaliatory Israeli action).

If Netanyahu does decide to take action, Israeli objectives would be clearly limited. The intent would be to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear capability while minimising escalation towards war. Israel has no interest in a major conflict that would risk serious damage to the Israeli state.

Though holding opposite objectives, Iran's attitude concerning a major war is similar to Israel's.

While Iran regards nuclear capability as prospectively guaranteeing the survival of its Islamic revolution, clerical leaders also understand that initiating a major war would make American intervention likely. Such intervention would pose an existential threat to the theocratic project that underpins the Islamic Republic.

Thus, in the event of an Israeli attack, Iran's response would be finely calibrated towards achieving three objectives:

• First, punishing Israel for its attack.

• Second, deterring further Israeli strikes and so creating space for a reconstituted Iranian nuclear programme.

• Finally, weakening US/international support for Israel so as to increase Israeli isolation and vulnerability.

Hezbollah, Hamas and other non-state allies would play a major role in effecting Iranian retaliation. Iran may also attempt to launch a number of its new Sajjil-2 medium-range missiles against Israel. Again, however, using these missiles would risk major retaliation if many Israeli citizens were killed.

As a preference, Iran would probably perceive that utilising Hamas and Hezbollah would allow retaliation without forcing Netanyahu into a massive counter-response. Crucially, I believe Iran regards that balancing its response would enable it to buy time for a reconstituted, hardened nuclear programme. In contrast to the relatively open current structure, sites would be deeper underground and far less vulnerable to a future attack. The nuclear ambition would not be lost, simply delayed.

As a final objective for retaliation, Iran would wish to weaken Israel's relationship with the US and the international community. This desire might encourage Iran to take action against US navy assets in the Gulf and/or attempt to mine the Strait of Hormuz, so as to cause a price spike in global oil markets and increased international discomfort.

However, beyond their rhetoric, the Iranian leadership understand that they cannot win a military contest against the US, nor hold the strait for longer than a few days. For Iran then, as with Israel, regional war is far from desirable.

Finally, consider the US. It is now clear that Obama and Netanyahu disagree on Iran. In my opinion, Netanyahu does not believe Obama will ever be willing to take pre-emptive military action against Iran's nuclear programme. Conversely, Obama believes Netanyahu's diplomatic expectations are too hasty and excessively restrictive.

The policy distance between these two leaders appears increasingly irreconcilable. If Netanyahu decides to go it alone and attack Iran, the US president will face the unpleasant scenario of having to protect American interests while avoiding an escalation dynamic that might spin out of control towards war. This difficulty is accentuated by Obama's re-election race and his fear of the domestic economic fallout that may come from the decisions that he might have to make. Again, the simple point is that the US government has no interest in a war with Iran.

If Netanyahu decides to take military action, he will do so in a strategic environment in which Israel, Iran and the US have no preference for a major war. Each state views the prospect of a war as counter to their particular long-term ambitions.

Because of this, while serious, Iranian retaliation would be unlikely to produce an escalatory dynamic leading to war. The leadership of each of these states will restrain their respective actions in the pursuit of differing long-term objectives but common short-term ones.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 18/08/2012 | 15:09 uur
Ik kan me niet voorstellen dat Israel bij de escalatie na een aanval geen korte metten wil maken met Hezbollah en Hamas. Anders blijven die een voortdurende bedreiging...mogelijk uiteindelijk met zelfs chemische wapens. Het nu verzwakte Syrische regime zal niet veel doen verwacht ik als Israel Hezbollah "opruimt"...wat de vorige keer niet gelukt is. Hamas uitschakelen en de Gaza heroveren past ook binnen de Groot-Israel gedachte die bij verschillende kabinetsleden en partijen leeft. Dit conflict zou juist een uitgelezen kans zijn om die gedachte een stap verder te brengen en meer duidelijke en beter te verdedigen "grenzen" te stellen/af te dwingen. Ook Egypte is dermate verzwakt en verdeeld dat een militaire reactie ook daar waarschijnlijk zal uitblijven...zolang Israel de Egyptische grenzen niet schendt.

Ook geloof ik niet dat de Israëlische luchtverdediging en systemen al talrijk genoeg zijn om tientallen en mogelijk honderden raketten van Hezbollah en Hamas uit de schakelen. Alleen een snelle grondaanval op de mogelijk lanceergebieden zal dan helpen. En daar heeft de IDF de laatste jaren ook uitvoerig op getraind.

Het is de vraag of de VS een interventie in Iran zal uitvoeren. Mogelijk beperkt zij die aanval....maar brengt zo genoeg onrust en problemen voor het Iraanse regime....dat de oppositie een gerede kans krijgt de macht te grijpen via een nieuwe revolutie...gesteund door de VS. Ook daar wordt al jaren naartoe zijn eerdere pogingen tot nu toe mislukt.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Mourning op 18/08/2012 | 15:39 uur
Ik denk dat Syrie niet in Zuid Libanon zal ingrijpen/intervenieren mocht Israel daar op korte termijn aanleiding zien om de Hezbollah een koppie kleiner trachten te maken. Syrie heeft het intern veel te druk, bovendien is het maar de vraag welk gedeelte van het Syriched nationale grondgebied door het nationale leger wordt gecontroleerd, bovendien zal Israel zeker reageren op Syrische inmenging en dat zal dan weer leiden tot een waarschijnlijke redelijk schrootschalige verzwakking van de capaciteiten van het Syrische nationale leger.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 18/08/2012 | 15:46 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 18/08/2012 | 15:09 uur
...dat de oppositie een gerede kans krijgt de macht te grijpen via een nieuwe revolutie...gesteund door de VS.

Ik snap em.....dezelfde succes formule als in Irak en Afghanistan  :omg: Dit zijn toch voorbeelden dat het je nooit zal lukken om alle neuzen dezelfde kant op te krijgen in deze landen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 18/08/2012 | 16:01 uur
Citaat van: Mourning op 18/08/2012 | 15:39 uur
Ik denk dat Syrie niet in Zuid Libanon zal ingrijpen/intervenieren mocht Israel daar op korte termijn aanleiding zien om de Hezbollah een koppie kleiner trachten te maken. Syrie heeft het intern veel te druk, bovendien is het maar de vraag welk gedeelte van het Syriched nationale grondgebied door het nationale leger wordt gecontroleerd, bovendien zal Israel zeker reageren op Syrische inmenging en dat zal dan weer leiden tot een waarschijnlijke redelijk schrootschalige verzwakking van de capaciteiten van het Syrische nationale leger.

Syrie zal niet zo heel veel tegen Israel kunnen/willen uitrichten. Volgens mij hebben de Israeli een redelijk "veilige" lucht corridor over het het land voor een eventuele actie richting Iran.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 18/08/2012 | 16:22 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 18/08/2012 | 15:46 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 18/08/2012 | 15:09 uur
...dat de oppositie een gerede kans krijgt de macht te grijpen via een nieuwe revolutie...gesteund door de VS.

Ik snap em.....dezelfde succes formule als in Irak en Afghanistan  :omg: Dit zijn toch voorbeelden dat het je nooit zal lukken om alle neuzen dezelfde kant op te krijgen in deze landen.

Irak en Afghanistan zijn niet te vergelijken met Iran.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 18/08/2012 | 16:25 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 18/08/2012 | 15:46 uurIk snap em.....dezelfde succes formule als in Irak en Afghanistan  :omg: Dit zijn toch voorbeelden dat het je nooit zal lukken om alle neuzen dezelfde kant op te krijgen in deze landen.
nee dat zijn niet de voorbeelden. Ik denk eerder aan het verstoren van allerlei zaken, waardoor het regime de bevolking niet meer kan "bedienen" en deze in opstand komt. Het regime heeft enige onderdrukkingsmiddelen, maar als dat kan op een bepaald moment ineffectief/contraproductief worden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Mourning op 18/08/2012 | 16:25 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 18/08/2012 | 16:01 uur
Syrie zal niet zo heel veel tegen Israel kunnen/willen uitrichten. Volgens mij hebben de Israeli een redelijk "veilige" lucht corridor over het het land voor een eventuele actie richting Iran.

M.b.t. evt. Syrische Jachtvliegtuigen zonder meer. Moet geen enkel probleem voor de Israelies zijn. Ik weet niet wat de status van de Syrische SAM-luchtverdediging is. Hadden dit land ook niet de beschikking over S-300 systemen? Geen idee hoeveel en hoe operationeel deze zijn en of ze uberhaupt nog in de handen van Assad zijn, hoewel het me waarschijnlijk lijkt van wel anders hadden de opstandelingen inmiddels wel meer dan een enkele straaljager van Assad uit de lucht geschoten.

Bij de bombardementen van een paar jaar geleden van de Israelische luchtmacht waren die S-300 systemen toen ook al operationeel? Indien dit het geval was en deze "nabij" de geraakte doelen waren gestationeerd (nabij zijnde relatief door het groote bereik van dit SAM-systeem) dan hebben de Israelies het Syrische SAM-netwerk in het algemeen en dit systeem waarschijnlijk goed weten te storen of misleiden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 18/08/2012 | 16:35 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 18/08/2012 | 16:25 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 18/08/2012 | 15:46 uurIk snap em.....dezelfde succes formule als in Irak en Afghanistan  :omg: Dit zijn toch voorbeelden dat het je nooit zal lukken om alle neuzen dezelfde kant op te krijgen in deze landen.
nee dat zijn niet de voorbeelden. Ik denk eerder aan het verstoren van allerlei zaken, waardoor het regime de bevolking niet meer kan "bedienen" en deze in opstand komt. Het regime heeft enige onderdrukkingsmiddelen, maar als dat kan op een bepaald moment ineffectief/contraproductief worden.

En na de opstand komt er een door he hele volk gesteunde regering en ze leefden nog lang en gelukkig  :silent:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 18/08/2012 | 16:37 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 18/08/2012 | 16:35 uur
En na de opstand komt er een door he hele volk gesteunde regering en ze leefden nog lang en gelukkig  :silent:

Dat zit er wel dik in.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 18/08/2012 | 16:39 uur
Iran leaves The Internet
August 18, 2012: Iran is taking some advice from its ally North Korea and cutting government agencies off from the Internet. This will be done by establishing an intranet. This is an Internet that is used only within Iranian government offices and the homes of some senior officials. In North Korea, the only "Internet" is a similar intranet, a private network built using Internet technology but not connected to the Internet. The few North Koreans allowed access to the Internet do so through a government approved and monitored connection. The North Korea has over a decade of managing this kind of intranet.
This sort of private Internet is not unique to North Korea. Back in the 1980s the U.S. Department of Defense (which invented the Internet) created NIPRNET. This is an unclassified network, using Internet technology and contains only traffic from Department of Defense users. Later the Department of Defense created SIPRNET another intranet where everything is encrypted so you can discuss highly classified material and even transmit it freely. Some corporations have similar private intranets.

While these networks are not connected directly to the Internet, outsiders can still reach them. This is usually done via a memory stick or CD/DVD containing secret software (malware) that always searches the PC it is connected to in order to figure out what kind of network connections are available. If the malware detects what it is looking for (like the North Korean or other specific intranet), the malware starts collecting information, and secretly copying it to memory sticks or writable CDs/DVDs it can reach, so that the collected date can eventually find its way to whoever created the malware. Thus an intranet will not entirely protect you from hacking. Barring the use of memory sticks and optical media (CD/DVD) is difficult to enforce, as is keeping users from plugging an intranet PC into an Internet connection.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 19/08/2012 | 14:44 uur
'Irak helpt Iran om sancties te ontduiken'
WASHINGTON - Iraakse banken en instellingen helpen Iran om de sancties te ontduiken die tegen het land zijn ingesteld vanwege het nucleaire programma.

Dat meldt de New York Times dit weekeinde. Een netwerk van banken die geld witwassen van onder meer oliesmokkel vanuit Iran helpen het land aan dollars, stelt de krant die zich baseert op Iraakse en Amerikaanse overheidsfunctionarissen en deskundigen.

Volgens sommige bronnen profiteren mensen dicht bij de Iraakse premier Nuri Kamal al-Maliki direct van de praktijken.

De Amerikaanse regering is er echter niet happig op om nog geen jaar na de terugtrekking van de Amerikaanse troepen uit Irak een publieke confrontatie met Maliki aan te gaan.


Washington protesteerde wel toen Irak aan Iran de gelegenheid leek te bieden om spullen naar Syrië te laten overvliegen. In veel andere gevallen kijken de VS de andere kant op.

Wel legde president Barack Obama afgelopen week een kleine Iraakse bank een verbod op om met de Verenigde Staten zaken te doen wegens contacten met Iran. Maar deze Ilaf Islamic Bank is slechts het topje van de ijsberg, zeggen kenners.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 20/08/2012 | 10:47 uur
US, Israel view Iran threat with different 'clocks': general

Monday, 20 August 2012

BAGRAM, Afghanistan (AFP)— The United States and Israel have different interpretations of the same intelligence reports on Iran's nuclear programme, the US military's top general said.

General Martin Dempsey, at the start of a trip to Afghanistan and Iraq, said late Sunday that Israel viewed the threat posed by Tehran's atomic ambitions with more urgency, as a nuclear-armed Iran could endanger Israel's very existence.

Dempsey, the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, said he conferred with his Israeli counterpart Benny Gantz on a regular, "bi-weekly" basis.

"We compare intelligence, we discuss regional implications. And we've admitted to each other that our clocks are turning at different rates," he said.

"They are living with an existential concern that we are not living with."

Amid intense speculation in the Israeli press that Israel soon may launch a unilateral strike against Iran's nuclear sites, Dempsey said the US military felt no pressure from Israel to back possible bombing raids.

Speaking to reporters aboard his plane before landing Sunday night at Bagram air base in Afghanistan, Dempsey reiterated his view that any air strikes by Israel would delay but not destroy Iran's disputed nuclear project.

Similar remarks by the general last week were widely analysed in the Israeli media but Dempsey said his comments were not designed with an Israeli audience in mind.

"You can take two countries and interpret the same intelligence and come out with two different conclusions. I'd suggest to you that's what's really happening here," he said.

The four-star general also struck a cautious note on any possible US military action against the Syrian regime.

Asked about the possibility of the United States backing a no-fly zone over Syria, Dempsey hinted that such a move might draw away military resources needed to deter Iran in the Gulf.

"I am helping shape the discussion (on potential military options for Syria)," he said.

"And I'll tell you we have to clearly define our national interest. What you do in one place, whether it's Syria or the Strait of Hormuz, there are trade offs.

"It's a conversation that we should proceed with cautiously."
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 20/08/2012 | 10:49 uur
Study: Attack on Iran Would Cost Economy NIS167 Billion

Estimates made ​​by the BDI business research firm indicate that the cost of an attack on Iran and the resulting regional war will cost the Israeli economy at least 167 billion shekels, according to a Monday report by Channel 10 television. The figures reflect a war lasting 30 days.

First among the several components of the estimate are eight billion shekels for replenishment of ammunition and reinforcement of missing inventory, including the renovation of buildings damaged by a potential missile attack. The loss of working days and consumer spending will add another 39 billion. The collapse of 10% of businesses for five years is a conservative estimate of indirect damages of the war.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 20/08/2012 | 12:18 uur
US eyes Iran proxy war through Israel: Analyst

A prominent political analyst says the United States is desperately seeking to launch a proxy war against Iran, goading the Israeli regime into initiating the aggression.

"The US is intent on fighting a proxy war against Iran through Israel as it did in the past through Iraq. In fact, this Washington does only to gratify its own morbid temptation in attacking Iran," eminent Middle East expert Dr. Ismail Salami wrote in an article on Press TV website.

The Iranian author pointed out that Iraq served as the agent of the United States during the 8-year war with Iran. Salami alluded to a covert American program during the Reagan administration, revealed in a New York Times report in 2002, that "provided Iraq with critical battle planning assistance at a time when American intelligence agencies knew that Iraqi commanders would employ chemical weapons in waging the decisive battles of the Iran-Iraq war."

However, after the war ended, and the US "was bitterly frustrated in its subversive gambit against Iran, it sought another adversary to replace Iraqi Saddam."

"Israel was thought to be a perfect substitute and a formidable foe for this mission as it was a Jewish population repeatedly condemned by Iranian leaders as an occupying regime. For its part, the Zionist regime harbored some covert and overt aversion for the Islamic Iran," he noted.

The eminent political analyst praised Iran's military might in averting any possible threats against the country's nuclear facilities, saying Israel will receive a crushing response from Iran's military forces if it dares attack the Islamic Republic.

"The fact is that Israel has a long history of showing teeth to and spewing out threats against Iran and that it has never mustered up enough courage to launch such an attack as it knows the consequences of such grave foolhardiness."

"Strangely, western and Israeli media aggrandize the military prowess of Israel to the skies and underestimate that of Iran. Playing on a paradoxical plane, the US-led psyops against Iran are geared towards inflating the Iranian nuclear threat and manufacturing a nuclear illusion over Iran while the same authors of anti-Iran plots relegate the country's military might to such a pitiful minimum that Iran will eventually have no choice but to buckle under the military might of the Zionist regime," he pointed out.

The senior anaylst dismissed the US allegations that the Islamic Republic's nuclear energy program includes a military component as a pretext to push Tel Aviv into launching an attack against Iran.

"Under the pretext that Iran is seeking a nuclear weapons program and that it might jeopardize or even exterminate the Zionist regime, Washington handed Israel some feeble excuse to initiate a series of threats against the Islamic Republic. All this chicanery has been done with the sole purpose of destroying the Iranian nation."

Salami reiterated the peaceful nature of Iran's nuclear activities, which has been attested to even by the US intelligence community.

"To that effect, a highly classified 2011 US intelligence assessment also largely affirms that Iran is not seeking a nuclear weapons program, a view, originally made in 2007. Known as national intelligence estimates (NIE), the reports conclude that 'Tehran halted efforts to develop and build a nuclear warhead in 2003,'" he noted.

"Yet, despite the testimony of their own intelligence agencies, Washington keeps a mulishly adamant stance on Iran, disseminates falsity on its nuclear energy program and goads Israel into attacking Iran," Salami concluded.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 21/08/2012 | 09:43 uur
Israël wil VN-veroordeling Iran

NEW YORK - Israël wil dat de Veiligheidsraad van de Verenigde Naties zijn veroordeling uitspreekt over de oproepen van Iran tot vernietiging van de joodse staat. Israël beschouwt Iran als een existentiële bedreiging.

In brieven aan de Veiligheidsraad en aan VN-chef Ban Ki-moon refereerde de Israëlische zaakgelastigde Israël Nitzan aan recente uitspraken van Iraanse leiders. Volgens Nitzan zijn dat de uitlatingen van 'rationele fanatici met irrationele haatgevoelens'.

Nitzan doelde op uitspraken van Irans hoogste geestelijk leider ayatollah Ali Khamenei, de Iraanse president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad en het hoofd van de luchtmacht van de Iraanse Revolutionaire Garde, generaal Amir Ali Hajizadeh.

Zo zei de laatste zaterdag dat hij hoopt dat Israël Iran zal aanvallen omdat dat Iran een goede aanleiding geeft om terug te slaan en 'voor altijd' van Israël af te komen. Ahmadinejad noemde het bestaan van Israël vrijdag 'een belediging voor de gehele mensheid'. Volgens de Iraanse president moet de confrontatie met Israël worden aangegaan 'om de waardigheid van alle mensen te beschermen'. Ayatollah Khamenei heeft de joodse staat 'een kankergezwel' genoemd dat moet worden uitgeroeid.

Volgens Nitzan moet de internationale gemeenschap deze uitlatingen veroordelen. "Zwijgen is geen optie." Iran en Israël zijn gezworen vijanden. In Israël wordt inmiddels openlijk gesproken over de vraag of Iran moet worden aangevallen vanwege het omstreden Iraanse atoomprogramma.

21-08-2012 - 9.30
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 21/08/2012 | 09:47 uur
100 Officers to PM: We'll Follow Your Orders on Iran

Letter is a response to letter from academicians who asked that soldiers disobey Iran attack order.

By Gil Ronen
First Publish: 8/21/2012

One hundred officers in the IDF reserves, including battalion and company commanders, have sent a letter to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is which they express their full confidence in the IDF and the government, and their opposition to calls for refusal of orders.

The letter's initiators, Capt. (res.) Raz Levy and Capt. (res.) Aviel Siman Tov, say that the letter was written in response to the letter by 400 academicians, who called on IAF pilots to refuse orders in case they are instructed to attack Iran.

"We, 100 IDF officers in the reserves, in the Air Force, Navy and ground forces, hereby state that we will follow any order we are given and carry out any mission we are sent to by the military and civilian command," the letter to Netanyahu says.

"It is a well known and clear fact that our very participation in military service is an expression of the trust we place in the system. However, we feel that these days, there is a need to clarify even the obvious.

"We decided to write this letter following the initiative calling upon Air Force pilots to refuse an order if one is given, and in order to inform you and the public that the IDF's reserve array has been and still is a strong support for the nation in Israel.

"We strongly denounce any kind of call to refuse an order and breach the solidarity, as well as the social and national responsibility, upon which service in the IDF and its reserves rests."
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 21/08/2012 | 09:51 uur
'Nethanyahu vastbesloten om Iran aan te vallen nog voor de Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen'

21 aug 2012

De Israëlische premier Benjamin Netanyahu "is vasbesloten om Iran aan te vallen nog voor de Amerikaanse verkiezingen'. Dat zegt Alon Ben-David, de militaire specialist van de Israëlische televisiezender Channel 10. 'Nooit eerder stond het land dichter bij een aanval die Irans nucleaire plannen moet dwarsbomen'.

Ben-David kreeg eerder dit jaar ruime toegang tot de Israëlische luchtmacht terwijl het zich voorbereidt op een mogelijke aanval. 'Vanuit het standpunt van de premier komt het tijdstip om in te grijpen steeds dichterbij,' zei de journalist maandagavond in een reportage.

Ben-David betwijfelt dat Nethanyahu wacht tot na zijn ontmoeting met de Amerikaanse president Barack Obama, die gepland is voor eind september na de Algemene Vergadering van de VN in New York. 'Het is niet eens duidelijk of zo'n onmoeting er zal komen. Trouwens ik betwijfel of Obama nog iets kan zeggen dat de premier ervan zou overtuigen om een mogelijke aanval uit te stellen.'

Volgens Ben-David denken zowel Nethanyahu als minister van Defensie Ehud Barack dat Amerika geen andere optie heeft dan een Israëlische aanval op Iran voor de Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen te steunen.

Hoewel er in Israël ruime tegenstand is voor zo'n aanval, zou Nethanyahu binnen zijn regering wel aan een meerderheid raken. De premier zou ook gesprekken zijn gestart om de steun te winnen van rabbi Ovadia Yosef, de ultra-orthodoxische leider van de Shaspartij.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 21/08/2012 | 10:24 uur
Little boat, big danger: how a British-made speedboat has become a weapon in Iran's standoff with the US

As tensions rise in the Gulf, does a British speedboat pose the biggest threat to coalition naval forces?

By Jon Stock, 20 Aug 2012

When the four-man crew of the Bradstone Challenger crossed the finish line at the Royal Yacht Squadron in Cowes on August 12 2005, spirits were high. They had just smashed the world record for circumnavigating the British Isles, completing the journey in 27 hours and 10 minutes. Their powerboat, a 51ft Bladerunner, had averaged 55 knots (63mph), at one point reaching 72 knots (83mph). It was an impressive achievement, beating the old record by more than three hours and 40 minutes, and the record still stands today.

What nobody knew was that the sound of the finish cannon at Cowes marked the beginning of a race for ownership of the Bradstone Challenger. Seven years on, after a series of clandestine transactions worthy of a Bond film, the British boat is berthed in Bandar Abbas, on the southern coast of Iran, where the West fears it has been fitted out with a deadly array of weapons systems. The naval port is home to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Navy (IRGN), who hope the Bradstone Challenger's record-beating speed will prove decisive in any military engagement with American and Royal Navy warships in the Persian Gulf.

Tensions are currently running dangerously high in the region. On Friday, Iran's President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, described Israel's existence as an "insult to humanity", just as Israel's defence leaders openly debated whether to launch air strikes against Iran's nuclear facilities. If Israel does attack, all eyes will be on Iran's response. Options include using its arsenal of Shahab-3 ballistic missiles, authorising Hizbollah to fire rockets at Tel Aviv from its bases in South Lebanon, and blocking the Strait of Hormuz with mines.

It's the last option that most concerns the West. Thirty-five per cent of the world's seaborne oil shipments pass through the narrow Strait. A blockade would lead to soaring oil prices and inevitably drag America's Fifth Fleet, based in Bahrain, into any conflict. And a naval exchange might just represent Iran's best chance of landing a blow on the West.

It would certainly explain why the Iranians have been busy acquiring Western speedboats. (In the past, they have bought fast patrol boats from Italy, too.) Acknowledging the David-and-Goliath discrepancy between its own armed forces and the West's, Iran has developed various "asymmetric" approaches to warfare. On land, it has supported Hizbollah's hit-and-run guerilla strikes against Israel. At sea, it has been perfecting the art of "swarm attacks", in which up to 100 armed speedboats approach an enemy warship from all directions. Surprise, confusion and speed are key to their success. And unleashed in the Strait of Hormuz, which is only 20 miles across at its narrowest point, the consequences could be devastating.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 21/08/2012 | 10:30 uur
De rest van het artikel....  ;)

"There is no doubt the asymmetric maritime threat is currently concentrating the minds of coalition naval forces operating in the Gulf," says Dr Lee Willett, senior research fellow in maritime studies at the Royal United Services Institute. "Swarm attacks are one of a number of asymmetric threats, which include the role of three Russian-made Kilo class submarines, the enduring risk from mines, and the presence of land-based cruise missiles. When combined, these threats present the US and its allies with a significant potential challenge, but it's one they remain very focused on countering."

Most of the speedboats in any swarm attack would be destroyed by US helicopter gunships, unmanned aerial vehicles and ship-mounted Phalanx close-in weapons systems (a radar-guided gattling gun that fires up to 4,500 rounds a minute), but it would only need one suicide boat to get through for such an attack to be successful. If the target were an aircraft carrier, the images of a stricken, $4.5 billion flagship would reverberate around the world like September 11.

"It's the nightmare scenario," a US naval officer confided in me when I was researching my new spy thriller, Dirty Little Secret, which features an Iranian swarm attack on the USS Harry S. Truman. "It's the sort of thing that has captains in the Gulf breaking out in cold sweat in the middle of the night."

In a show of strength, the Pentagon sent the USS John C Stennis, an aircraft carrier, to join the USS Dwight Eisenhower carrier in the Gulf, four months ahead of schedule. The USS Ponce, an amphibious transport dock, has also arrived to support counter‑mine operations. Carriers, however, are increasingly perceived as vulnerable in modern theatres of war, despite the protection of a formidable accompanying strike group – an "onion" layer of guided missile cruisers and anti-submarine destroyers or frigates, and an air wing of 80 aircraft.

Iran, for one, has long believed that large warships are at risk in the unique confines of the Strait after its own experience in April 1998, when the Americans launched Operation Praying Mantis, the US navy's largest surface engagement since the Second World War.

Iran lost a frigate, suffered damage to another and lost one gunboat, but it also saw how attacks on commercial tankers by its own small, fast-moving Boghammer craft could be successful. The bombing of the USS Cole in Aden in 2000, in which a small boat packed with explosives killed 17 sailors, confirmed their thinking.

Since then, Iran has made no secret of its tactics. In 2008, a small swarm of speedboats buzzed the USS Hopper in what President Bush called a "provocative act". And in recent months, its navy has been holding exercises featuring an array of heavily armed small craft, including unmanned high-speed Ya Mahdi vessels, Bavar 2 flying boats, Seraj-1 high-speed patrol boats and Zolfaghar fast attack craft.

The Bradstone Challenger has not been seen since it was purchased in 2009, but analysts suspect that the Iranians are keeping it under wraps for a reason. Its unique monohull design creates a stable firing platform from which to launch weapons at speed. At a gleeful press conference in August 2010, Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi of the IRGN told reporters: "The Bladerunner is a British ship that holds the world speed record. We got a copy [on which] we made some changes so it can launch missiles and torpedoes." Fadavi added that Iran would soon be reverse-engineering many Bradstone Challengers. "In case of a conflict, we will be everywhere and nowhere to face the enemies."

But does Iran really possess the technology to copy the boat's twin 1,000hp Caterpillar engines and Arneson surface drive propellers? Dr Theodore Karasik, research director at the Institute of Near East and Gulf Military Analysis, thinks so. "The Iranian defence industry prides itself in acquiring Western technology using false fronts and then cloning its own versions. Why haven't we seen the Bradstone Challenger yet? It's quite possible they are holding back some of their more potent capabilities for a surprise purpose."

The speedboat would never have made it as far as Iran if the United States Department of Commerce had got its way. After passing through several private owners in the Mediterranean, the record-breaking boat was put up for sale by a broker as "the ultimate toy for someone looking for something a little bit special". In January 2009, a third party in South Africa arranged for it to be shipped out of Durban on the Iran Mutafeh, a cargo ship registered to the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines (IRISL).

Both were on a UN-sanctions related watch list. After docking, the Iran Mutafeh changed its name to the Diplomat, hoisted a Hong Kong flag and re-registered with a company called Starry Shine, a known front for the IRISL. At this point alarm bells rang at the US Commerce Department's Bureau of Industry and Security. An export stop order was faxed to Durban, citing the speedboat's US-made components, but the ship had already set sail for Iran.

"It's incredibly frustrating," says Jeremy Watts, director of Ice Marine, the Surrey-based company that built Bradstone Challenger. "All that hard work and passion that we put into an amazing boat, only to see it in the hands of the enemy."

Meanwhile, the American Navy remains bullish. Lt Greg Raelson, a spokesman for the US 5th Fleet, based in Bahrain, told the Telegraph: "The US Navy is a flexible, multi-capable force committed to regional security and stability, always ready to counter malevolent actions to ensure freedom of navigation and the safe flow of maritime traffic in waterways critical to global commerce."

Or, as a senior US defence official warned Iran last month: "Don't even think about sending your fast boats out to harass our vessels or commercial shipping. We'll put them on the bottom of the Gulf."
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 21/08/2012 | 10:32 uur
Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 21/08/2012 | 10:30 uur
De rest van het artikel....  ;)

Bedankt... ik was het vergeten te plakken.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 21/08/2012 | 13:09 uur
Iran unveils new missile, other weapons

DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran unveiled upgrades to six weapons on Tuesday, including a more accurate short-range missile and a more powerful naval engine, Iranian media reported, in what seemed to be its latest response to international pressure over its nuclear program.

The hardware was presented at a ceremony marking Defence Industry Day and attended by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Defence Minister Ahmad Vahidi.

Israel has said it is considering air strikes on Iran's nuclear sites if the Islamic Republic does not resolve Western fears it is developing the means to produce atomic weapons, something the Islamic Republic denies.

Iran says it could hit Israel and U.S. bases in the region if it comes under attack.

It has also threatened to block the Strait of Hormuz, the neck of the Gulf through which 40 percent of the world's sea-borne oil exports pass. Such a move would probably invite a military response from the United States.

Ahmadinejad said on Tuesday that Iran's military advances are purely for defensive purposes and should not be taken as a threat, but said they would dissuade world powers from imposing their will on Iran.

"Defensive advances are meant to defend human integrity, and are not meant to be offensive moves toward others," Ahmadinejad said, according to Mehr news agency.

"I have no doubt that our defensive capabilities can stand up to bullying and put a halt to their plans."

The United States has also not ruled out military action against Iran but says the priority of world powers remains the use of diplomacy and sanctions to rein in its nuclear activity.

Among the upgrades was a fourth generation of the Fateh-110 missile, which boasts a range of about 300 km (180 miles).

Iran said earlier this month that it had successfully test-fired the new model and that it was equipped with a more accurate guidance system.

"This missile is one of the most precise and advanced land-to-land ballistic missiles using solid fuel," Vahidi was quoted as saying by Fars news agency. "In the last decade it has had a significant role in promoting the Islamic Republic of Iran's defence capabilities."

In July, Iran said it had successfully test-fired medium-range missiles capable of hitting Israel, and tested dozens of missiles aimed at simulated air bases.

It also presented a more powerful, 5,000-horsepower sea-borne engine, the Bonyan-4, Fars quoted Vahidi as saying. A previous version had 1,000 horsepower, the Iranian Students' News Agency (ISNA) said.


Military experts have cast doubt on Iran's claims of weapons advances, especially its assertions about its missile program, saying Tehran often exaggerates its capabilities.

"The Fateh-110 has a crude guidance and control system that operates during the missile's ascent" rather than during final descent, said Michael Elleman, senior fellow for missile defence at the International Institute for Strategic Studies.

"The Fateh-110 appears to lack the subsystems needed to effect terminal steering," he said in an email.

Iran also presented Armita, an "airborne laboratory" to help test aircraft launch systems and oxygen generation and train fighter pilots, Fars reported.

Vahidi said it was named after the daughter of Dariush Rezaeinejad, an Iranian scientist who was shot dead last year.

Iran believes agents working with foreign intelligence services including the American CIA and Israel's Mossad are behind the assassinations of several of its nuclear scientists.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 22/08/2012 | 09:32 uur
Attack West as payback for Syria: Iran ayatollah

Published: Wednesday, Aug 22
By Con Coughlin

Iran's supreme leader has ordered the elite Quds Force unit of the country's Revolutionary Guards to intensify its campaign of terrorist attacks against the West and its allies in retaliation for supporting the overthrow of President Bashar al-Assad in Syria.

According to Western intelligence officials, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei gave the order following a recent emergency meeting of Iran's National Security Council in Tehran. The meeting was held to discuss a specially commissioned report into the implications for Iran of the Assad regime's overthrow.

Damascus is Iran's most important regional ally, and the survival of the Assad regime is regarded as vital to sustaining the Iranian-backed Hizbollah militia that controls southern Lebanon.

The report, which was personally commissioned by Khamenei, concluded that Iran's national interests were being threatened by a combination of the UN sanctions imposed over Iran's nuclear programme and the West's continuing support for Syrian opposition groups attempting to overthrow the Syrian government.

Intelligence officials said the report concluded that Iran "cannot be passive" to the new threats posed to its national security, and warned that Western support for Syrian opposition groups was placing Iran's "resistance alliance" in jeopardy, and could seriously disrupt Iran's access to Hizbollah in Lebanon. It advised that the Iranian regime should demonstrate to the West that there were "red lines" delineating what Iran would accept in Syria, and that a warning should be sent to "America, the Zionists, Britain, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and others that they cannot act with impunity in Syria and elsewhere in the region".

Khamenei responded by issuing a directive to Qassem Suleimani, the Quds Force commander, to intensify attacks against the West and its allies. The Quds Force has recently been implicated in a series of terrorist attacks against Western targets. Last year US officials blamed the organisation for a failed assassination attempt against the Saudi Arabian ambassador to Washington. It was also implicated in three bomb attacks against Israeli diplomats in February; a planned attack on the Eurovision Song Contest in Azerbaijan; and the arrest of two Iranians with explosives in Kenya last month.

Intelligence officials believe the recent spate of attacks has been carried out by the Quds Force's Unit 400, which runs special overseas operations.

"Unit 400 seems to have been involved in all the recent Iranian terrorist operations," said a senior Western intelligence official. "The Iranian regime now seems determined to retaliate for what they regard as the West's attempts to influence the outcome of the Syrian unrest."

Iran has been actively supporting the Assad regime in the civil war. Iranian opposition groups claim teams of experienced Revolutionary Guard officers have been flying to Damascus on specially chartered Iranian aircraft on a weekly basis to advise Assad's officers.

The extent of Iran's support for the regime was exposed earlier this month when 48 Iranians were captured and taken hostage by Syrian rebels. The Iranians, who are said to include senior Revolutionary Guard officers, claimed they were conducting "reconnaissance missions". The rebels have threatened to kill the hostages unless Iran ceases its support.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 22/08/2012 | 19:08 uur
Israëliërs steggelen over preventieve oorlog met Iran

Sander Becker − 22/08/12

De Israëlische pers staat er al weken bol van: moet Israël aartsvijand Iran aanvallen voordat ze daar beschikken over een kernbom? Voor- en tegenstanders van zo'n offensief beschuldigen elkaar van kortzichtigheid en roekeloosheid. Dat is winst, vindt Aloef Benn, commentator bij de Israëlische krant Haaretz. Want nooit eerder debatteerden Israëliërs vooraf over een oorlog - de premier en de minister van defensie besloten en het leger viel gewoon aan. .

Aanstichter van het debat is premier Benjamin Netanjahoe. Die beschouwt Iran als 'existentiële bedreiging' van zijn land. Hij voorziet een 'tweede Holocaust' als Iran een kernbom in handen krijgt. Zelf laat de premier weinig los, maar via anonieme woordvoerders wakkert hij de dreiging flink aan. Zo onthulde een 'anonieme beleidsmaker' in Haaretz onlangs dat Iran de komende lente al genoeg nucleair materiaal heeft verzameld voor een bom. Vanaf dan zou Israël in één klap geschiedenis kunnen zijn.

Snel ten strijde
Terwijl de dreiging breed wordt uitgemeten, probeert de regering de schade van een oorlog juist te bagatelliseren. De Israëlische minister van defensie, Ehoed Barak, ook van de harde lijn, heeft laten doorschemeren dat Israël hooguit 500 burgerdoden hoeft te betreuren als gevolg van raketten uit Iran. De impliciete boodschap: die 500 slachtoffers vallen in het niet bij de vernietiging van het land, dus laten we alsjeblieft snel ten strijde trekken. Barak en Netanjahoe zouden liefst nog vóór de herfst aanvallen, meldde de Israëlische krant Jediot Ahronot onlangs op basis van - opnieuw - anonieme bronnen.

De oorlogsretoriek roept weerstand op, bijvoorbeeld bij de Israëlische president Sjimon Peres. Die waarschuwde vorige week dat Israël in geen geval buiten de Verenigde Staten om Iran moet aanvallen. Zo zou Israël namelijk de belangrijkste bondgenoot van zich vervreemden. Peres vertrouwt erop dat de Amerikaanse president Obama Iran zover krijgt dat het stopt met zijn omstreden kernprogramma, zodat er nooit een bom komt. Maar Netanjahoe-getrouwen zetten Peres meteen na die uitlating weg als een extreme naïeveling.

Veel te verliezen
Stevige bezwaren tegen de aanval heeft ook Sjaoel Mofaz, leider van de grootste Israëlische oppositiepartij Kadima. De militaire operatie is volgens hem gevaarlijk en duur, en kan Israël internationaal verder isoleren. Hij noemt een aanval op dit moment - een paar maanden voor de Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen, die Obama tot behoedzaamheid dwingen - 'immoreel, onlogisch en ineffectief'.

Hoge Israëlische militairen, inclusief opperbevelhebber Benny Gantz, keren zich eveneens tegen het offensief. Een aanval zal het kernprogramma van Iran hooguit een paar jaar vertragen, zeggen ze. En de risico's in de instabiele regio zijn groot. Wat doen Syrië en de Hezbollah? Hoe reageren andere Arabische landen? Welke zijde kiest de nieuwe Egyptische president Morsi, die binnenkort een staatsbezoek aan Iran brengt? Er valt kortom veel te verliezen en weinig te winnen.

De Verenigde Staten willen het conflict met Iran liefst zonder oorlog oplossen. Een solistische aanval van Israël keuren ze af. In maart zou een adviseur van Obama weliswaar aan Netanjahoe hebben toevertrouwd dat Amerika een plan-B heeft klaarliggen dat voorziet in een preventieve aanval. Maar dit bericht, vorige maand in Haaretz, werd van alle kanten ontkend.

Vanwege de wijdverbreide weerstand tegen een aanval denken veel analisten dat Netanjahoe bluft. Hij zou Europa en Amerika alleen tot verdergaande sancties tegen Iran willen dwingen.

De premier gaat er sowieso van uit dat sancties pas werken als ze gepaard gaan met een geloofwaardige militaire dreiging. Maar wie weet meent de premier het echt. Israël heeft eerder bewezen dat het nucleaire installaties durft te bombarderen; in 1981 deed het dat in Irak, en in 2007 in Syrië - al ligt de situatie in Iran een stuk gecompliceerder.

Iran is vooralsnog niet onder de indruk. En ook de Iraanse president Ahmadinedjad voert de retoriek verder op. Vorige week noemde hij Israël nog een kankergezwel dat nodig moest worden uitgeroeid. En de chef van de luchtmacht van de Revolutionaire Garde zei dat hij de aanval van Israël zou verwelkomen. Hij heeft dan namelijk een excuus om Israël 'voorgoed van de kaart te vegen'.

Steun 91-jarige Israëlische 'ayatollah' cruciaal
De 91-jarige rabbijn Ovadja Josef krijgt deze dagen van alle kanten politiek bezoek. Zowel voor- als tegenstanders van een aanval op Iran willen de kleurrijke maar bovenal invloedrijke figuur, een soort Israëlische ayatollah, in hun kamp binnenhalen. Netanjahoe zond een boodschapper om Josef te verleiden. En ook Eli Jisjai, minister van binnenlandse zaken en politiek leider van de ultra-orthodoxe Sjas-partij - waarvan Josef de spiritueel leider is - kwam langs, maar dan om te pleiten tégen de oorlog. De rabbijn heeft nog geen voorkeur geuit. En zoals vaker spreekt hij nog in raadselen. In zijn preek van zaterdag zei hij alleen: "U weet in welke situatie we zitten. Er zijn slechte mensen, in Iran, die ons willen vernietigen... Laten we bidden bij de Almachtige, met heel ons hart."
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 23/08/2012 | 08:45 uur
Israel unlikely to warn U.S. in advance of attack on Iran

Aug 22, 2012

Israel is unlikely to provide much if any advance notice to the United States if it attacks Iran's nuclear facilities, Middle East experts say.

Advance warning is important because a surprise could hurt the United States' ability to respond and safeguard its many assets in the Persian Gulf.

The assumption is that U.S. warning of an Israeli attack would come "significantly less than an hour" before it began, said Jon Alterman, director of the Middle East program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "How much of that would come from Israeli notification and how much would come from sensors we have in the region, I don't know."

In the past, Israel has given the Americans "very general notice," said Yoram Peri, director of the Israel studies program at the University of Maryland. "They would never talk in advance."

For example, Israel unilaterally attacked nuclear facilities in Iraq in 1981 and Syria in 2007 and didn't give the United States advance warning.

That puts the United States at a disadvantage. Getting a warning would allow the United States to reposition military and other assets to defend against a counterattack by Iran or its surrogates in the Gulf and around the world, says Michele Dunne, an analyst with the Atlantic Council.

A unilateral attack without warning could also hurt relations between Israel and the United States.

Israel and the United States agree Iran should not be allowed to build a nuclear weapon. But Israel appears to be running out of patience quicker than the United States.

The divergence of views was evident in Jerusalem earlier this month, when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Defense Secretary Leon Panetta that the "time to resolve this issue peacefully is running out."

Panetta said non-military pressure on Iran should be exhausted first, such as sanctions designed to squeeze Iran's economy. "We will not allow Iran to develop a nuclear weapon," he said.

Danny Danon, deputy speaker of the Israeli parliament, said an Israeli strike against multiple targets spread across Iran would likely last several days and would not be quick strikes, such as the attacks on Syria and Iraq. He said he hopes the United States joins in, but says Israel will go it alone if necessary.

"We cannot afford to make the mistake and take the chance of allowing Iran to become nuclear. It could damage the United States, but for Israel it could be deadly," Danon said.

Martin Indyk, U.S. ambassador to Israel under President Clinton and now director of the foreign policy program of the Brookings Institution, doesn't think Israel will strike before the U.S. presidential election in November because it would be disruptive at a time when Israel would need U.S. help.

Whether Israel needs U.S. diplomatic support, help dealing with Iranian counterattacks or to replenish U.S.-supplied weapons expended in the attack, "he surely knows he's going to need the United States," Indyk said.

The United States might provide assistance initially, but in the long run it could hurt diplomatic relations if the United States gets dragged into another long war in the Middle East, Alterman said.

"It creates the potential to change the way the American public starts to think about the alignment between the United States and Israel," Alterman said.

Copyright 2012 USA TODAY
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 23/08/2012 | 20:07 uur
U.S. sends aircraft carrier back to Gulf to face Iran, Syria

REUTERS | August 23, 2012

By Daniel Fineren

DUBAI (Reuters) – The U.S. Navy is cutting short home leave for the crew of one of its aircraft carriers and sending them back to the Middle East next week to counter any threat from Iran, according to the official Navy News Service.

Defence Secretary Leon Panetta told sailors aboard the USS Stennis in their home port of Seattle on Wednesday they were needed back in the Middle East soon, after approving calls from the U.S. Central Command for Stennis to return to the region.

"Obviously, Iran is one of those threats," the U.S. military news service quoted Panetta as saying during a send-off event at a military base on the U.S. West Coast.

"Secondly, it is the turmoil in Syria," he said. "We're obviously following that closely as well."

The Stennis' departure in January from the Bahrain-based U.S. Fifth Fleet area of operations prompted Iranian army chief Ataollah Salehi to threaten action if it returned, saying Iran was "not in the habit of warning more than once".

The threats started a war of words between Iran and the United States that spooked oil markets, and fears over possible military confrontation remain high.

Panetta cited Iran's nuclear program and its threats to oil tankers in the Strait of Hormuz as two concerns the Stennis strike group could counter in the U.S. Central Command's area of responsibility, which also includes Syria and Afghanistan.

U.S. attention on Syria is focused on providing humanitarian aid, monitoring chemical and biological weapon stockpiles, and offering non-lethal assistance to forces opposing President Bashar al-Assad, he said.

A spokesman for the Fifth Fleet in Bahrain said the redeployment was not a build-up in the Gulf because the USS Enterprise is due to leave the region on its final voyage back to the United States before being decommissioned after over 50 years of service.

"The presence of two aircraft carriers changes based on needs and requirements," Lieutenant Greg Raelson said.

Iranian threats to block the waterway through which about 17 million barrels a day sailed in 2011 have grown in the past year as U.S. and European sanctions aimed at starving Tehran of funds for its nuclear program have tightened.

A heavy western naval presence in the Gulf is a big deterrent to Tehran actually trying to block the shipping route through which most of the crude exported from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Iraq sails.

The Stennis had been due to deploy next to the Pacific towards the end of 2012 but its return to active duty has been brought forward by four months because of tension in the Gulf.

(Reporting by Daniel Fineren; Editing by Angus MacSwan)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 23/08/2012 | 20:09 uur
Iran expands nuclear capacity in underground bunker: sources

August 23, 2012 • 01:50 PM

Iran has installed more uranium enrichment machines in an underground bunker, diplomatic sources said on Thursday, potentially paving the way for a significant expansion of work the West fears is ultimately aimed at making nuclear bombs.

If confirmed, the development in Iran's Fordow facility - which is buried deep inside a mountain to protect it against foes - is likely to be seen as a signal of Iran's continued defiance of international demands to curb its nuclear program.

Iran denies Western allegations that is seeking nuclear a weapons capability. But its refusal to suspend enrichment has been met with increasingly tough Western sanctions and heightened speculation that Israel may attack its nuclear sites.

(Reporting by Fredrik Dahl; Editing by Jon Hemming),4842236679459310VgnVCM3000009acceb0aRCRD.html
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 24/08/2012 | 14:56 uur
PM accuses Iran of accelerating work towards atomic weapons

By REUTERS 08/24/2012 15:42

Netanyahu says Islamic Republic "totally ignoring" demands on nuclear program; IAEA presses Iran to address suspicious activity in Vienna meetings; sources say Iran adding enrichment capacity to underground bunker.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu accused Iran on Friday of making "accelerated progress towards achieving nuclear weapons", adding that it was "totally ignoring" Western demands to rein in its atomic program.

Netanyahu made the remarks to a visiting US congressman the day after diplomatic sources told Reuters that Iran had installed more uranium enrichment machines in an underground bunker, potentially paving the way for a significant expansion of its nuclear work.

"Only yesterday we received additional proof that Iran is continuing accelerated progress towards achieving nuclear weapons and is totally ignoring international demands," Netanyahu was quoted as saying by his office.

Meanwhile, in Vienna, the UN nuclear watchdog pressed Iran to address suspicions about nuclear bomb research in the Islamic state, part of diplomatic efforts to resolve the dispute before any possible military action by Israel or the United States.

A flurry of bellicose rhetoric from some Israeli politicians this month has ignited speculation that Israel might strike nuclear sites before the US presidential election in November.

On the eve of Friday's talks between Iran and the United Nations' International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), diplomatic sources told Reuters that Iran had installed many more uranium enrichment centrifuges at its Fordow underground facility.

Though the new machines are not yet operating, the move signalled Tehran's defiance of international demands to suspend enrichment and may strengthen the Israeli belief that toughened sanctions are failing to make Tehran change course.

The sources also said satellite imagery indicated Iran had used a brightly colored, possibly pink, tent-like structure to cover a building at a military site which the UN watchdog wants to inspect, raising new concerns about suspected cleansing of evidence of illicit past nuclear work there.

Iran, the Jewish state's arch-enemy and a major oil producer, denies it is seeking nuclear weapons and has threatened wide-ranging reprisals if attacked.

Iran's envoy to the IAEA, Ali Asghar Soltanieh, said he expected progress in Friday's meeting: "Both sides are trying to bridge the gap," he told reporters at Iran's mission in Vienna.

Chief UN inspector Herman Nackaerts, in charge of the agency's long-stalled inspection effort, said the aim was to reach an agreement on how to resolve the IAEA's questions about possible military dimensions to Iran's nuclear program.

Nackaerts, who headed the IAEA delegation, said he would reiterate his request for access to the Parchin military facility, where he believes Iran has undertaken explosives tests relevant for developing a nuclear weapons capability.

Their meeting is separate from Tehran's negotiations with world powers that have made little headway since they resumed in April after a 15-month hiatus, but the focus on suspicions about Iran's nuclear ambitions mean they are still closely linked.

Washington says there is still time for diplomatic pressure to work in making Iran curb its nuclear enrichment program, which is the immediate priority of the six powers - the United States, Britain, Russia, China, France and Germany. Refined uranium can have both civilian and military purposes.

IAEA chief not optimistic

Iran says it seeks only civilian nuclear energy.

But its refusal to limit and open up its atomic activity to unfettered IAEA inspections that could determine whether it is purely peaceful or not has led to tightening punitive measures and speculation about Israeli or US military action.

Western diplomats expect no major breakthrough on Friday but say Iran could offer a concession to UN inspectors seeking access to sites, officials and documents in an attempt to blunt their upcoming quarterly report on Iran, which is due next week.

Such a move would likely be intended to undermine a planned Western push to rebuke Iran at an IAEA board meeting next month over its failure to cooperate with the agency's inquiry, and should be treated with skepticism, one envoy said.

The IAEA's immediate priority is to gain prompt access to Parchin, even though Western diplomats say it may now have been purged of any evidence of nuclear weapons research, possibly carried out a decade ago.

Citing satellite images, the diplomats say Iran has demolished some small buildings and moved earth at Parchin.

On Thursday, diplomatic sources said the building believed to be housing an explosives chamber - if it is still there - had been "wrapped" with scaffolding and tarpaulin, hiding any sanitisation or other activity there from satellite cameras.

Iran says Parchin, about 30 km (20 miles) southeast of the capital Tehran, is a conventional military site and has dismissed allegations aired about it as "ridiculous". It says a broad framework agreement for how the IAEA should conduct its probe is needed before possibly allowing access to Parchin.

IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano this week said the agency would pursue access to Parchin, even though the suspected sanitisation would probably "hamper our verification activities," if and when inspectors can go there.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 24/08/2012 | 15:02 uur
Tik tak, tik tak...

Na alle retoriek vande afgelopen periode en de steeds meer groeiende spanning vraag ik me af of we het nu over dagen of weken hebben voordat de Israeli de daad bij het woord voegen, immers niets doen tast zolangzamerhand de geloofwaardigheid van Israel aan en ik zie weinig beweging van Iran in een voor iedereen acceptabele richting.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 24/08/2012 | 15:12 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 24/08/2012 | 15:02 uur
ik zie weinig beweging van Iran in een voor iedereen acceptabele richting.

Bestaat dat?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 24/08/2012 | 18:12 uur
Citaat van: dudge op 24/08/2012 | 15:12 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 24/08/2012 | 15:02 uur
ik zie weinig beweging van Iran in een voor iedereen acceptabele richting.

Bestaat dat?

Dat is hét probleem: Wat is een acceptabele richting voor iedereen..........
Dus niet alleen voor Israël / de V.S. 
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 24/08/2012 | 20:41 uur
IAEA gets no deal with Iran on bomb research suspicions


VIENNA (Reuters) – The U.N. nuclear watchdog and Iran failed on Friday to strike a deal aimed at allaying concerns about suspected nuclear weapons research by Tehran, a setback in efforts to resolve the stand-off diplomatically before any Israeli or U.S. military action.

A flurry of bellicose rhetoric from some Israeli politicians this month has fanned speculation that Israel might hit Iran's nuclear sites before the U.S. presidential election in November.

Tensions rose another notch on the eve of Friday's talks between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) when diplomatic sources said Iran had installed many more uranium enrichment centrifuges at its Fordow underground site.

While the new machines are not yet operating, the move reaffirmed Iranian defiance of international demands on it to suspend enrichment and may strengthen the Israeli belief that toughened sanctions and concerted diplomacy are failing to make the Islamic Republic change course.

"The discussions today were intensive but important differences remain between Iran and the U.N. that prevented agreement," Herman Nackaerts, the International Atomic Energy Agency's chief inspector, told journalists after about seven hours of talks with an Iranian delegation in Vienna.

"At the moment we have no plans for another meeting."

Little headway appeared to have been made on the IAEA's most urgent request – access for its inspectors to the Parchin military site where the IAEA believes Iran has done explosives tests relevant for developing a nuclear weapons capability.

Iran's ambassador to the Vienna-based IAEA, Ali Asghar Soltanieh, said that "undoubtedly some progress" was made but that differences remained.

"Because it is a very complex issue ... issues related to national security of a member state are something very delicate," the veteran Iranian diplomat said.

"But I have to say that we are moving forward ... and we are going to continue this process so that we at the end of the day will have a framework agreed by both sides."

Soltanieh had said before the talks began: "Both sides are trying to bridge the gap."

The diplomatic sources who revealed the expansion of centrifuge capacity at Fordow also said satellite imagery indicated Iran had used a brightly coloured tent-like structure to cover a building at Parchin, increasing concern about a possible removal of evidence of illicit past nuclear work there.


Israel signalled its patience with diplomacy was fading.

"Only yesterday we received additional proof that Iran is continuing accelerated progress towards achieving nuclear weapons and is totally ignoring international demands," Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Friday before the talks ended.

Asked about the outcome of the Vienna meeting, a Western diplomat accredited to the IAEA said: "As dismal as expected."

A U.S. State Department official, asked about the revelation of more enrichment capacity at Iran's Fordow plant, said world powers would keep using diplomacy and sanctions to press Iran into nuclear restraint, but time was running out.

"We and our (big power) partners remain strongly committed to keeping a nuclear weapon out of the hands of the Iranian regime ... The window of opportunity to resolve this diplomatically is open, but is rapidly closing," he said.

Iran, Israel's arch-enemy and the world's No. 5 oil exporter, says it wants nuclear energy for more electricity to serve a rapidly growing population, not nuclear weapons, and has threatened wide-ranging reprisals if attacked.

Nackaerts, the IAEA's global chief of inspections, said before the meeting that the broader goal was a deal on greater, overall inspector access to answer the U.N. watchdog's questions about possible military dimensions to Iran's nuclear programme.

It was the first meeting between the two sides since discussions in early June petered out inconclusively, dashing previous hopes that an accord might be on the cards.

Friday's talks were separate from Tehran's negotiations with six world powers that have made little headway since resuming in April after a 15-month hiatus, but the focus on suspicions about Iran's nuclear ambitions mean they are still closely linked.

Washington has said there is still time for diplomatic pressure to work in making Iran curb its enrichment programme, which is the immediate priority of the six powers – the United States, Britain, Russia, China, France and Germany.

Refined uranium can fuel nuclear power plants or nuclear bombs, depending on the level of enrichment.


Iran says it seeks only civilian nuclear energy.

But its refusal to limit and open up its atomic activity to unfettered IAEA inspections that could determine whether it is purely peaceful, or not, has led to harsher punitive sanctions and louder talk about possible military action.

Western diplomats had expected no breakthrough on Friday but said Iran could offer a concession to inspectors – who want access to sites, officials and documents – in hopes of blunting their upcoming quarterly report on Iran, which is due next week.

In so doing, Iran would also seek to deflect a planned Western move to have the 35-nation IAEA board of governors, meeting next month, to formally rebuke Tehran over its failure to cooperate with the agency's inquiry.

So any Iranian concession should be treated with scepticism, one diplomat accredited to the IAEA said.

The IAEA's immediate priority remains access to Parchin, even though Western diplomats say it may now have been purged of any evidence of nuclear weapons research, possibly carried out a decade ago.

Citing satellite images, diplomats said this week Iran has demolished some small buildings and moved earth at Parchin.

On Thursday, diplomatic sources said the building believed to be housing an explosives chamber – if it is still there – had been "wrapped" with scaffolding and tarpaulin, hiding any sanitisation or other activity there from satellite cameras.

Iran says Parchin, about 30 km (20 miles) southeast of the capital Tehran, is a conventional military facility and has dismissed allegations aired about it as "ridiculous". It says a broad framework agreement for how the IAEA should conduct its inquiry is needed before possibly allowing access to Parchin.

(Additional reporting by Allyn Fisher-Ilan in Jerusalem and Andrew Quinn in Washington; Editing by Mark Heinrich)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 26/08/2012 | 13:47 uur
Iran to produce new generation of fighter jets, destroyers

The Iranian Defense Ministry has announced plans for producing a new generation of Saeqeh fighter jets and heavy destroyers in line with the country's defensive doctrine.

Deputy Head of the Industry and Research Institute of the Iranian Defense Ministry, Mohammad Eslami said on Sunday that the indigenous Velayat destroyer would be launched by the end of the year.

Eslami added that "the capabilities, agility and systems installed on Velayat destroyer" would be more advanced than those of Jamaran.

Eslami said producing heavy destroyers with the capability of carrying helicopters were on Defense Ministry's agenda.

The Iranian Navy launched its first domestically-manufactured destroyer, Jamaran, in the waters of the Persian Gulf in February 2010.

The 1,420-ton destroyer is equipped with modern radars and electronic warfare capabilities. It has a top speed of up to 30 knots and has a helipad. It also features highly advanced anti-aircraft, anti-surface and anti-subsurface systems. The vessel has also been equipped with torpedoes and naval cannons.

The Iranian official added that the new generation of Saeqeh fighter jets will be delivered to Iran's Air Force by the next year.

The Iranian single-seat bomber has the ability to track down enemy aircraft, engage in combat, target locations on the ground, and carry a load of assorted weapons and ammunition.

Iran unveiled its first squadron of Saeqeh fighter-bombers in an air show in September 2010.

"We have several projects to equip planes with missiles," Eslami explained.

In recent years, Iran has made great achievements in its defense sector and attained self-sufficiency in producing essential military equipment and systems.

Iran has repeatedly assured other nations, especially regional neighbors, that its military might poses no threat to other countries, insisting that its defense doctrine is merely based on deterrence.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 26/08/2012 | 15:03 uur
Countdowns in Teheran and Jerusalem

Op-ed: The belief among the press and political establishments is that Netanyahu is an obstinate paranoid who is playing games with them.

By Daniel Greenfield
First Publish: 8/26/2012

If Israel jets show up in Iranian airspace, it will most likely happen while Obama is too busy accusing Mitt Romney of secretly storing all his money in a giant cave in the Rocky Mountains to do more than dispatch a flunky to chew out Netanyahu over the phone. The election is the perfect window for a strike on Iran's nuclear program, because Team Obama will be too tied down on the Romney Front to do much damage to Israel.

Despite the signs being brandished at your local Anarchists for Peace rally, accusing the United States of being a puppet of the Zionist regime, the United States and Israel have different interests. Israel is interested in not getting bombed and the United States is interested in regional stability. And regional stability means keeping the Sunni Arab oil countries happy.

The United States is interested in somehow making Iran's nuclear capabilities go away in the interests of regional stability. Particularly the regional stability of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain and Qatar. But the last thing that this form of regional stability needs is Israeli planes flying over Saudi Arabia to take out that nuclear capability.

Just like during the Gulf War, regional stability demands that the United States protect Saudi Arabia and the Gulfies, while keeping Israel out of it. Since Iran's Revolutionary Guard isn't camped out in Kuwait City, protecting them is a matter of posture. That posture is there as a deterrent, a warning that Iran had better not interfere with our oil suppliers or there will be hellfire missiles to pay.

The posturing is hollow because everyone knows that Obama is not about to bomb Iran on behalf of Saudi Arabia and its colony in Bahrain. He is as likely to do it for Israel as he is to move to South Carolina and join the NRA. But he isn't alone in that regard. Despite the fevered fantasies of everyone from Noam Chomsky to Ron Paul, no American president would ever bomb Iran for Israel. If a third Gulf War is fought, it will be fought for Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, one more time.

The last time the United States fought Iran, in 1988, it was to protect Kuwaiti oil tankers. If Iran interferes with oil tankers from our friendly Gulfie terrorist states, then a future administration is likely to bomb Iran. If oil prices go high enough to potentially cost Obama the election, then he might pry away his foreign policy people from drawing up maps of Syrian targets and actually hit some Iranian naval installations.

None of this has anything to do with Iran's nuclear program... and that's the point. George W. Bush did appear to think that Iranian nuclear weapons might be bad news for the United States, not just for the balance of power in the region. He was nearly unique in that regard. The diplomatic and military establishment is full of experts who view Iranian nuclear weapons purely as factors in the balance of power and utterly refuse to look at them from any other angle. To them, Israel isn't really concerned about a nuclear attack, it's only playing a regional power game along with everyone else.

For Israel, violence is not a posture or a theory. It has few trading connections and no alliances in the region. Its foreign policy has always been about dissipating physical threats to its people, whether through diplomatic or military means. It does not follow this line because it is a saintly state, but because it is a state always on the edge. It has too little territory and too many enemies around it to follow any other path.

Surrounded by countries for whom destroying it is a matter of national pride and religious fervor, its only real deterrent is military. Winning several wars won it enough breathing room to try diplomatic solutions. And now the first and last of those diplomatic solutions has failed. It can still count on the military as a deterrent, but there is no deterrent against a nuclear attack carried out by terrorists under plausible deniability. The only remaining deterrent after a nuclear attack is killing as many of those responsible as possible before succumbing to radiation poisoning.

To the United States, Iranian nukes and an Israeli attack on them are equally unacceptable because they both disturb regional stability. The opponents of an attack insist on calling it a "War", not that a war is even structurally possible unless Iran decides to march an army through Iraq and Syria to get to Israel. They spread hysterical bulletins warning that an Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear program could spark "another" recession.

Their message is that the cost of attacking Iran is more than the cost of allowing it to go nuclear. That may be true for the United States, which did not suffer too much from accepting that the Bolsheviks had taken over Russia, that Mao had taken over China and other once unacceptable phenomena that forced it the up its defense spending, but did not do any lasting damage. A nuclear weapon in the hands of people who believe that the world needs to be cleansed by fire for the arrival of the Mahdi and have dozens of terrorist front groups at their disposal may be a different story. Or it may not.

Washington D.C. did not get overrun by Communist forces. Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Tibet and a few hundred million other people who did not have oceans to protect them from the reasonable commissars in Moscow and Beijing, did. And that is why Israel's interests fundamentally diverge from those of the United States. Israel is not playing a grand game from across the ocean; it is trying to survive in a region that is as hostile to it, as Asia and Eastern Europe became to non-Communist countries.

That is why, no matter what speeches politicians deliver, the actual interests of the United States and Israel are only loosely aligned. The United States is trying to protect the tattered fabric of regional stability from Iran and Israel. Israel is trying to protect itself from Iran. The United States needs Israel to promote regional stability by going back to the table and negotiating with the terrorist front groups backed by Saudi Arabia and the Gulfies. Israel needs to protect itself while Obama is too busy telling senior citizens that Paul Ryan will cook them in a frying pan to pay attention to what it's doing.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has been cobbling together a national unity government, which in Israeli terms means that he is either running for sainthood or trying to get as much of the political system behind him as possible in a critical time. It could all be a monumental bluff, a way to panic Obama into taking action out of fear that Israel will act instead. But that would make Netanyahu a very stupid man, and while he is not all that Americans think he is, neither is he likely to be playing such a silly game.

Everyone in the region understands the nature of the countdown. Most of the Sunni Gulfies also privately welcome Israel doing something about Iran's nuclear weapons, even as they redouble their efforts against the Jewish State to avoid allowing their Shiite enemies to benefit ideologically from a confrontation with the Zionist Entity. The rhetoric out of Iran now echoes the rhetoric out of Egypt in the 1960's. That buildup eventually ended in a preemptive Israeli strike that destroyed Egypt's air force.

But in Washington D.C., the countdown is not a real thing. The received wisdom among the press and the political and diplomatic establishments is that Netanyahu is an obstinate paranoid man who is playing games with them. They don't believe that Israel will do anything about Iran, because they wouldn't do anything about Iran and they assume that Netanyahu is just like them, only more deceptive because he pretends that he will do something about Iran.

The problem is that Israel really isn't playing a game. Its political establishment is as bad as that of any Western country. Its politicians are no better than their American or French counterparts, but its survival actually is on the line. Iran isn't playing a game. That's why Israel can't afford to play a game either.

It has become fashionable among Western elites to view aggression as either a posture or madness. They have forgotten that sometimes violence isn't a move on an international chessboard or a prelude to a set of political steps. Sometimes it's as simple as one side wanting to kill the other and the other side not wanting to be killed.

In the Middle East ideas that are considered aberrant insanity in the West are commonplace. Killing people is no great big thing. Most regimes do it from time to time to stay in power. Iran dispatched its Islamic militias to kill its own best and brightest in the streets of its capital. Virginity is believed to act  as an instant pass to heaven for a woman, so teenage girls sentenced to death must first be forcibly married to their jailers and raped, before being hanged.

The very idea that people think this way is incomprehensible in Washington D.C. But the simple question that Israel has to answer is, if this is what the Ayatollahs do to their own daughters, what would they do to those they consider the spawn of pigs and apes?

Israel already knows the answer to that. When Muslim mobs got their hands on Israeli Jews, before or after independence, they tore them to pieces and then sold snapshots of the remains. The policy of targeting all Jews, men, women and children, is not just something that terrorists do because they have no choice, it is the ideological position of Islamist leaders like Yusuf Al-Qaradawi in Egypt or Rashid Al-Ghannushi in Tunisia, and the policy of the Arab countries fighting Israel.

The liberal West has its illusions about the enemy. Israel has little room for those illusions. It will act when Washington is too busy fighting itself to focus on restraining it. It will act because it is alone as few other countries on earth are. It will act because it cannot afford to be Poland, Czechoslovakia or Tibet-- sacrificed in the great game of nations. It will act because it has no real choice but to act. It will act because for it this is not a set of talking points, a diplomatic program or a regional agenda, it is life or death. It will act, because for all its flaws, its survival is on the line.

That sense of a nation's survival and the life of a people hinging on a single course of action has become an alien one in an insulated world. It is not a thing that Washington D.C or Brussels can take seriously. It is not even a thing that all Israelis take seriously anymore. But those who hear the clock ticking know what is coming. They know the hard choices that will come in the months ahead.

And they will make those choices as they made them before, because they will choose to survive.

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam. He is completing a book on the international challenges America faces in the 21st century. He blogs at
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 27/08/2012 | 17:27 uur
Carrier strike group rushes to PersianGulf

WASHINGTON, Aug. 27 (UPI) -- WASHINGTON, Aug. 27 (UPI) -- The U.S. Navy aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis is being rushed to the Persian Gulf as tensions between Israel and Iran edge closer to the boiling point.

The Nimitz class carrier, with an air wing of about 90 aircraft, sets sail Monday on an eight-month deployment to the region -- four months ahead of schedule.

In the gulf it will join the USS Enterprise Strike Group, giving the United States a powerful deterrent to any Iranian attack on commercial oil tankers in the Persian Gulf and Strait of Hormuz or a counterpunch to Iranian military action against U.S. military facilities in the region or those of its allies.

"It's tough," U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said to sailors recalled early from leave. "We're asking an awful lot of each of you. And frankly, you are the best I have -- and when the world calls, we have to respond."

Panetta said the Stennis Strike Group, which includes a guided missile cruiser and four guided missile destroyers, is necessary in the gulf to guard against threats to U.S. national security interests and "obviously, Iran is one of those threats," he said.

The word "crisis" has become nearly a synonym for the Middle East. U.S. and Israeli ally Hosni Mubarak, for decades the president of Egypt, has been ousted and replaced by a Muslim fundamentalist regime that has sent tanks to the Sinai border in violation of peace accords; and Syrian strongman Bashar Assad is battling a rebellion that has left thousands dead and threatens his demise.

Syria is known to have chemical weapons, which the West fears could fall into the hands of jihadist groups or be used in what is as close to a civil war as you can get in Syria.

But the United States is hindered in how much it can do to aid Syrian rebels – Assad is an ally of Iran, which funnels money and weaponry to Hezbollah in Lebanon, who in turn use the largesse in terror attacks on Israel.

Tehran has slammed Western powers and gulf allies for supporting the Syrian rebellion and warned of unspecified consequences.

Yet as serious as those issues are, none has topped the conundrum of Iran's nuclear ambitions, which Tel Aviv views as a direct threat to Israel's very existence, an existence that Tehran's leadership repeatedly vows to end.

"The very existence of the Zionist regime is an insult to humankind and an affront to all world nations," the official Islamic Republic News Agency reported Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad saying in a recent speech.

"Confronting Zionists will also pave the way for saving the whole humankind from exploitation, depravity and misery."

Annihilating Israel, he said, was the duty of humankind.

Iran's railing against the Jewish state is nothing new since the overthrow of Shah Reza Palavi in 1979 but Iran is now believed to have missiles capable of hitting Israel and is suspected of being intent on building a nuclear weapon.

Since Iranian dissidents first disclosed the existence of nuclear sites that Tehran had not reported to the International Atomic Energy Agency – a U.N. body – the Iranian government has played an unending game – agreeing to cooperate with international inspectors and then not doing so; agreeing to international negotiations over its suspected weapons programs and nuclear fuel enrichment, and then stonewalling on substantive discussions.

Iran is processing nuclear fuel at a 20 percent enrichment level, higher than that needed for civilian nuclear energy, which it claims are its true ambitions. Nuclear power facilities, it insists are a sovereign right.

IAEA reports show indications that Iran may indeed be moving toward acquiring a nuclear weapon.

Israel, meanwhile, has responded by warning it has a right to defend itself and a pre-emptive military strike against Iranian nuclear facilities is a distinct possibility, something which the West fears will draw them into a conflict that could spiral out of control.

Iran, for its part, has threatened to use force to close the Strait of Hormuz -- through which about 40 percent of the world's seaborne crude passes – strike back at Israel and also hit U.S. military installations in gulf countries.

International efforts to pressure Iran on its nuclear program and sidestep a military confrontation are hurting Iran but Tehran remains defiant. EU countries, which accounted for about 18 percent of Iranian petroleum exports, have stopped importation of oil from Iran and banned companies from insuring Iranian oil tankers or tankers carrying Iranian petroleum products.

U.S. sanctions, which bars financial dealings between U.S. banks and those abroad that facilitate payments for Iranian petroleum are also taking their toll on the Iranian economy, which depends on oil exports for about 80 percent of foreign exchange earnings. U.S. measures, however, allow for exemptions for countries that are heavily dependent on Iranian oil but are scaling back on their importation of it -- most notably, Japan, South Korea.

Others are believed to be engaged in sub-rosa deals with Tehran and Iranian front companies to obtain oil, but at lower prices that the Tehran regime would like.

Israel is doubtful of the efficacy of the sanctions regime and made it clear it will act with force to keep Iran from becoming a nuclear power. In recent weeks speculation has been rife of an imminent strike, possibly before the U.S. presidential election. Israel, however, is apparently divided on the issue.

Given the ratcheting up of tensions, two U.S. carrier strike groups in the Persian Gulf appears a sensible.,
Published: Aug. 27, 2012 at 6:30 AM

Read more:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 28/08/2012 | 00:11 uur
Gezien de haast om de USS John C. Stennis in de regio terug te krijgen, 4 maanden voor haar eigenlijke retourdatum, zou het begin september toch best wel eens extra spannend kunnen wordenin de regio.

Ik vraag me af wanneer de USS John C. Stennis in "striking distance" is?

Het kan natuurlijk ook het "zoveelste" statement zijn richting zowel Iran als Israel, 90K ton schip, 90 vliegtuigen en escorte is opzich al een aardige boodschap.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 28/08/2012 | 18:19 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 28/08/2012 | 00:11 uurHet kan natuurlijk ook het "zoveelste" statement zijn richting zowel Iran als Israel, 90K ton schip, 90 vliegtuigen en escorte is opzich al een aardige boodschap.
Kijk, en dat is precies waar ik op doel als ik over nut en noodzaak van onze krijgsmacht heb. De "signaal"-functie. Daarbij hoeft geen schot gelost te worden...vaker nog wordt dat zo juist voorkomen.

Maar goed terug ontopic. Ik ben benieuwd hoe dit gaat lopen. Zoveel druk, zoveel harde uitspraken...zoveel mensen die hun geloofwaardigheid verliezen als ze niks doen uiteindelijk....het begint haast een selffulfilling prophecy te worden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 28/08/2012 | 18:26 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 28/08/2012 | 00:11 uur
Ik vraag me af wanneer de USS John C. Stennis in "striking distance" is?
Deze vraag kan op verschillende manieren uitgelegd worden:
1. de afstand waarop de carrier haar vliegtuigen kan inzetten voor een strike op Iran;
2. de afstand waarop de carrier onder het bereik van Iraanse missiles valt. 
etc.  :angel:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 28/08/2012 | 18:59 uur
USS Stennis departs Bremerton for Middle East

BREMERTON, Wash. — The aircraft carrier John Stennis has left Bremerton, Wash., for another tour of duty in the Middle East.

The carrier set out Monday afternoon.

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta spoke to crew members Wednesday and thanked them for making a quick turnaround and returning to action four months earlier than expected.

The Stennis returned in March from a seven-month deployment that included missions in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Panetta said the Pentagon is keeping the Stennis and another carrier in the Persian Gulf to deal with any contingency that develops in the Middle East.

The Associated Press
Tuesday Aug 28, 2012 7:48:16 EDT
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 28/08/2012 | 23:10 uur
De afstand van Bremerton naar de Straat van Hormuz bedraagt +/- 9300 nm.
Bij een behoud van 18 kts duurt de reis 21.5 dgn.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 28/08/2012 | 23:17 uur
Citaat van: Lex op 28/08/2012 | 23:10 uur
De afstand van Bremerton naar de Straat van Hormuz bedraagt +/- 9300 nm.
Bij een behoud van 18 kts duurt de reis 21.5 dgn.

Rond medio september is blijkbaar een "goed" moment.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 29/08/2012 | 20:30 uur
Zet Iraans antisemitisch tuig Den Haag uit!

woensdag 29 augustus 2012 10:02

In Teheran heerst tijdelijk een militair regime. Om de Iraanse hoofdstad te beveiligen tegen de vijand, hebben de ayatollahs bijna tweehonderdduizend gewapende mannen ingezet.

In Teheran wordt de vergadering van de Niet-Gebonden Landen gehouden. En als u het was vergeten: deze organisatie werd door Jawaharlal Nehru (India) en Josip Tito (Joegoslavië) opgericht om een derde weg te vinden - een weg tussen de Sovjet-Unie en het Westen.

Het werd niks. Het stelt ook niks voor.

Teheran is gastheer van de leider van Noord-Korea en de president van Egypte, moslimbroeder Mohammed Morsi. Dit is voor het eerst sinds de Iraanse islamitische revolutie dat een Egyptische hoogwaardigheidsbekleder naar Teheran gaat.

Wel benadrukte Caïro dat de diplomatieke betrekkingen met Iran niet zullen worden hervat. De Moslimbroeders in Syrië vormen een struikelblok bij het aangaan van diplomatieke betrekkingen tussen Morsi en de ayatollahs. Teheran steunt nog steeds het Assad-regime, dat de geestverwanten van Morsi platbombardeert.

De leiders van de Niet-Gebonden Landen maken zich geen zorgen over de politieke gevangenen in Iran. Tja, de Noord-Koreaanse leider is ook in Teheran.

Recentelijk werd oppositieleider Mir-Hussein Mousavi met ernstige hartklachten opgenomen in een Teherans ziekenhuis. Voor zijn arrestatie was hij kerngezond. Iedereen maakt zich zorgen om de gezondheid van Mousavi. Hij en Karoubi hebben al ruim anderhalf jaar huisarrest.

De Iraanse intellectuelen hebben Ban Ki-moon, secretaris-generaal van de Verenigde Naties, gevraagd een bezoek te brengen aan de politieke gevangenen. Zou hij dat doen?

Ook de Europese Unie (EU) is gevraagd openheid te eisen over de toestand van Mousavi. De EU moet de onmiddellijke vrijlating van Mir-Hussein Mousavi eisen. Maar de EU doet niks, behalve onderhandelen met Teheran.

Het Iraanse nucleaire programma gaat onverminderd voort. De diplomatieke onderhandelingen zijn op niets uitgelopen. Volgens satellietfoto's heeft Teheran de militaire basis in Parchin met dikke lagen plastic bedekt om de spionagesatellieten tegen te werken.

Parchin mag van Teheran niet worden geïnspecteerd. Westerse landen hebben ook geen foto's van activiteiten in andere, echte nucleaire sites in Iran.

De conclusie mag duidelijk zijn. Het Iraanse regime is ongevoelig voor westerse druk. De Iraanse leiders gaan door met de onderdrukking van andersdenkenden en met hun geheimzinnige nucleaire programma. Alle onderhandelingen met Teheran zijn mislukt, er is geen diplomatieke ruimte meer. Alle mogelijke sancties tegen het Iraanse regime zijn al van kracht. Of die sancties op lange termijn zullen werken, weet niemand.

Joodse staat
Volgens The Wall Street Journal stuurde Iran recentelijk honderden militairen van de buitenlandse arm van de Revolutionaire Garde - de Quds-divisie en hun commandanten - naar Damascus, om Assad te assisteren bij de Syrische burgeroorlog.

Generaal Salar Abnoush van de Revolutionaire Garde zei in een toespraak dat de Garde in Syrië betrokken is bij alle vormen van oorlogvoering: zowel militair als cultureel.

Khamenei en Ahmadinedjad gaan door met hun oproepen voor de vernietiging van de Joodse staat. Terecht hebben Kamerleden Wim Kortenoeven en Marcial Hernandez hierover vragen gesteld aan de minister van Buitenlandse Zaken. Deze twee Kamerleden zijn niet met de verkiezingen bezig, maar met hun werk.

De kernvraag is hoe Nederland en Europa verdergaan met Iran. Recent publiceerde een Britse krant een bericht over de mogelijke aanslagen door Iran in Europa, ter verdediging van het regime van Assad of voor het geval er een militaire confrontatie komt tussen het Iran en het Westen. De krant baseerde zich op inlichtingenbronnen. Ook hierover heeft Kortenoeven vragen gesteld.

Al een tijdje is de inlichtingenwereld bezorgd over de toestand rond Iran. Daarbij wordt een beeld geschetst van de veiligheidseffecten van een militaire confrontatie tussen Iran en het Westen: welke activiteiten zouden Iran en hun handlangers ontplooien in de Europese steden? Dit is een serieus veiligheidsvraagstuk.

Volgens Kortenoeven werken er te veel Iraanse diplomaten in Den Haag. De vijand heeft dus te veel agenten rondlopen in Den Haag. Wat doen ze daar? En waarom zijn ze er zo sterk aanwezig?

Heeft de Islamitische Republiek een militaire attaché in Den Haag? Zijn het inlichtingenofficieren van de Revolutionaire Garde? Wat heeft de militaire attaché van Teheran in Den Haag te zoeken? Vreemd. Ook hierover heeft Kortenoeven vragen gesteld.

Het is wonderbaarlijk dat zo veel Iraanse agenten in Den Haag mogen zijn. Ze vormen een gevaar voor de nationale veiligheid. Elk moment kan een oorlog uitbreken met het islamitische Iran.

Bovendien hebben wij veel minder diplomaten in Teheran. Ik vind dat Nederland de diplomatieke post van Iran moet terugbrengen tot hooguit drie personen. En geen militaire attaché.

Veeg Den Haag schoon van het antisemitische tuig uit Iran. Onmiddellijk.

Afshin Ellian
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 29/08/2012 | 20:32 uur
wo 29 aug 2012, 20:21

Ban veroordeelt 'offensieve' houding Iran NEW YORK -  Secretaris-generaal Ban Ki-moon van de Verenigde Naties (VN) heeft recente anti-Israëlische opmerkingen door de Iraanse leiders veroordeeld als ,,beledigend en opruiend". Dat zei een VN-woordvoerder woensdag tegen journalisten in Teheran.

Ban veroordeelde de opmerkingen 'ten sterkste' in een vergadering met de opperste leider ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Die noemde Israël onlangs ,,een tumor" en president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad twijfelde recentelijk aan het bestaansrecht van Israël.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 30/08/2012 | 21:15 uur
IAEA: Iran verrijkt meer uranium

AFP Toegevoegd: donderdag 30 aug 2012, 20:00

Iran heeft zijn capaciteit om uranium te verrijken fors vergroot. In de ondergrondse verrijkingsfabriek bij Fordo staan nu 2140 centrifuges. In mei waren dat er nog 1064, zegt het Internationaal Atoomagentschap IAEA. De nieuwe centrifuges zijn nog niet in gebruik.

Het IAEA maakt zich grote zorgen over de uitbreiding. Iran zegt dat het uranium voor medische doeleinden en als brandstof voor energiecentrales wordt gebruikt.

Veel landen zijn bang dat Iran het uranium ook voor de productie van kernwapens wil gebruiken. Israëlische politici hebben de afgelopen maanden aangedrongen op een preventieve aanval op Iran, om te voorkomen dat het zover komt.

Het IAEA maakt zich ook zorgen over de legerbasis Parchin, ten zuiden van de hoofdstad Teheran. Op de basis worden onder meer rakketten ontwikkeld en geproduceerd.

Het agentschap wil het complex graag inspecteren, omdat er mogelijk kernwapens worden gemaakt. Iran noemt de verdenking "belachelijk" en geeft geen toestemming voor inspectie.

Bron: NOS
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 30/08/2012 | 22:03 uur
Dempsey does not want to be 'complicit' in Iran strike


08/30/2012 22:45

US top general says strike unlikely to destroy nuclear program; White House says window on Iran diplomacy not open 'indefinitely'; IAEA reports Iran doubled number of centrifuges at underground site.

Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs Martin Dempsey said Thursday that he did not want to be "complicit" if Israel chose to strike Iran's nuclear program, saying a premature attack would dissolve the international pressure on the Islamic Republic, The Guardian reported.

Speaking to journalists in London, Dempsey said an attack would "clearly delay but probably not destroy Iran's nuclear program," but added that the "international coalition" pressuring Iran "could be undone if it was attacked prematurely".

"I don't want to be complicit if they [Israel] choose to do it," he added.

Dempsey's comments come as the White House said that Iran had a limited window of time to stop its atomic work and diplomatic terms offered by the Western world will not remain open "indefinitely."

A UN report released earlier in the day revealed that Iran doubled the number of uranium enrichment machines it has in an underground bunker, showing that Tehran continued to defy Western pressure to stop its atomic work and the threat of Israeli attack.

"We are closely studying the details of the report, but broadly speaking it is not surprising that Iran is continuing to violate its obligations," White House Press Secretary Jay Carney told reporters when asked about the UN International Atomic Energy Agency's (IAEA) quarterly report on Iran. "As the report illustrates, we are in a position to closely observe Iran's program," he said.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 30/08/2012 | 22:13 uur
Ik denk dat het uur 0 steeds sneller genaderd wordt...en Israël wel degelijk plannen heeft om het Iraanse nucleaire kernwapen programma niet slechts te vertragen maar langdurig uit te schakelen. Het zal me niets verbazen als men diep de Iraanse infrastructuur en organisaties is geïnfiltreerd op dit vlak. En zelfs zelfmoord-acties zal uitvoeren om het programma te vernietigen. Vervolgens zal men hopen dat verdere sancties en gevechten het Iraanse regime dermate zullen destabiliseren dat er ook in Iran een volksopstand uitbreekt. Het Iraanse regime heeft al vaker Israël en de VS beschuldigt van het betalen en "ophitsen" van oppositionele groeperingen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 30/08/2012 | 22:26 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 30/08/2012 | 22:13 uur
Ik denk dat het uur 0 steeds sneller genaderd wordt...en Israël wel degelijk plannen heeft om het Iraanse nucleaire kernwapen programma niet slechts te vertragen maar langdurig uit te schakelen. Het zal me niets verbazen als men diep de Iraanse infrastructuur en organisaties is geïnfiltreerd op dit vlak. En zelfs zelfmoord-acties zal uitvoeren om het programma te vernietigen. Vervolgens zal men hopen dat verdere sancties en gevechten het Iraanse regime dermate zullen destabiliseren dat er ook in Iran een volksopstand uitbreekt. Het Iraanse regime heeft al vaker Israël en de VS beschuldigt van het betalen en "ophitsen" van oppositionele groeperingen.

Ik denk het ook, daarnaast zal de VS snel "gedwongen" worden om te participeren in de actie, iets wat Obama ook, na mijn verwachting, geen windeieren zal leggen immers het land zal zich (zeker in het begin) als één man achter hun commander and chief scharen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 30/08/2012 | 22:51 uur
Does Shift Rotation In Gulf Signify Preparations For War? – OpEd

August 30, 2012

By Ilya Kramnik

The US is sending its aircraft carrier John Stennis, accompanied by warships and a submarine, to the Persian Gulf, where it will replace the Enterprise aircraft carrier. The John Stennis will start its mission in the Gulf four months ahead of schedule, and its deployment will allow the US Central Command to keep two aircraft carriers in the region.

A possibility of a new conflict in the Middle East remains high, with Washington seeking to continue to have a free hand, according to Moscow-based Middle East expert Yevgeny Satanovsky.

USS John Stennis

"All signs point to a strong possibility of a war in the Gulf," Satanovsky says, praising an array of attempts to prevent this war. "Right now, efforts are being made to ease pressure on Iran, improve ties between Tehran and the Arab countries and unblock the Iranian-Israeli conflict. I don't rule out that the US President will have to take a decision to meddle in the military conflict or launch a pre-emptive strike on Iran, something that stipulates the US President having a host of relevant instruments for the purpose."

At present, the possibility of the conflict remains as high as at the beginning of this year, when many believed that the war was inevitable. At the time, all those war-related speculations prompted the US to dispatch the Enterprise aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf even though the warship was to be mothballed in the spring of 2012, says Moscow-based defense expert Konstantin Bogdanov.

"This is little more than a planned rotation," Bogdanov says. "The Enterprise's terms of service has repeatedly been prolonged, and it is only natural that it will be replaced with the John Stennis aircraft carrier. This is a sign that Americans are poised to keep its naval task force of two aircraft carriers in the Persian Gulf region," he concludes.

Meanwhile, experts say that the two carriers' arsenal will hardly be enough to launch a full-blown air campaign against Iran. In this vein, speaking of a possible war in the Gulf is now irrelevant, they say, adding, however, that the potential deployment of a third US aircraft carrier would add significantly to the possibility of a war.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 31/08/2012 | 12:47 uur
Israel under international pressure not to attack Iran alone

By Crispian Balmer

JERUSALEM | Fri Aug 31, 2012 3:41pm IST

(Reuters) - Israel is facing growing international pressure not to attack Iran unilaterally, with the United States in particular making clear its firm opposition to any such strike.

Recent rhetoric by Israeli leaders that time is running out to halt Iran's contested nuclear programme has raised concern that military action might be imminent, despite repeated calls from abroad to give sanctions and diplomacy more time to work.

The U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey, has always cautioned against a go-it-alone approach, but he appeared to up the ante this week by saying Washington did not want to be blamed for any Israeli initiative.

"I don't want to be complicit if they (Israel) choose to do it," Dempsey was quoted as saying by Britain's Guardian newspaper on Friday, suggesting that he would view an Israeli attack as reprehensible or illegal.

He went on to repeat that although Israel could delay Iran's nuclear project, it would not destroy it. He said that unilateral action might unravel a strong international coalition that has applied progressively stiff sanctions on Iran.

"(This) could be undone if (Iran) was attacked prematurely," he was quoted as saying.

While Tehran says its nuclear programme is peaceful, Western powers believe it is trying to produce an atomic bomb. Israel, believed to have the only nuclear arsenal in the Middle East, views a nuclear-armed Iran as a threat to its existence.

Adding to the sense of urgency, the U.N. International Atomic Energy Agency said on Thursday Iran had doubled the number of uranium enrichment centrifuges in an underground bunker, showing its desire to expand its nuclear work.


Israel's vice prime minister Moshe Yaalon said on Friday he feared Iran did not believe it faced a real military threat from the outside world because of mixed messages from foreign powers.

"We have an exchange of views, including with our friends in the United States, who in our opinion, are in part responsible for this feeling in Iran," he told Israel's 100FM radio station.

"There are many cracks in the ring closing tighter on Iran. We criticise this," he said, also singling out U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon for travelling to Tehran this week.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said he will speak out about the dangers of Iran in an address next month to the U.N. General Assembly in New York.

He is also expected to hold talks with U.S. President Barack Obama during his visit. A senior Israeli official told Reuters this month that Netanyahu would be looking for a firm pledge of U.S. military action if Iran does not back down.

However, the meeting might well be icy.

Israel's top-selling daily Yedioth Ahronoth reported on Friday that there had been an "unprecedented" and "angry" exchange between Netanyahu and the U.S. ambassador in Tel Aviv earlier this month over Iran.

Quoting a source who was present at the meeting, Netanyahu had criticised Obama for not doing enough to tackle Iran. The U.S. ambassador Daniel Shapiro took exception and accused the prime minister of distorting Obama's position.

The prime minister's office declined to comment on the report and there was no initial response from the U.S. embassy.

Adding to the growing chorus of concern facing Netanyahu, Haaretz newspaper reported on Friday that German Chancellor Angela Merkel had delivered a "harsh message" to Netanyahu 10 days ago, telling him to hold off on any attack plans.

The German embassy in Tel Aviv declined comment.

Israeli officials have repeatedly said that a growing array of sanctions against Iran are not having any impact on the Tehran leadership and believe they will only back down in the face of a credible threat of military action.

However, Netanyahu faces an uphill task persuading his own military and inner circle of the wisdom of a unilateral strike. Political sources told Reuters on Tuesday an ultra-orthodox party in his coalition was opposed to war.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 01/09/2012 | 17:07 uur
Iran to hold major air defence drill: commander

DUBAI | Sat Sep 1, 2012 10:54am EDT

(Reuters) - Iran will hold a large-scale military drill involving all its air defence systems next month, an Iranian commander was quoted as saying on Saturday, one of a number of military simulations it has carried out this year.

The air defence drill will include fighter jets and simulate emergency situations, said Farzad Esmaili, commander of the Iranian army's air defence force, according to Iran's English-language Press TV.

The drill will include both the army and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, Esmaili said, and follows a series of large-scale military simulations such as the "Great Prophet 7" missile exercises in July.

Israeli leaders' warnings that time is running out to halt Iran's controversial nuclear program have raised concern they may order an attack on Iranian nuclear sites, though Israel has come under growing international pressure not to act alone.

Israel and major Western powers suspect Iran is secretly trying to acquire the ability to produce nuclear bombs, but Tehran says its program is for purely peaceful purposes.

"Today our systems are prepared in a serious way for modern air threats, such that the performance of the systems compared to the previous profile has improved," Esmaili was quoted as saying on Friday by the Iranian newspaper Hamshahri.

"The army air defence command's mission, with the development of the national defence mission and coordination between the armed forces, is to undertake appropriate operations against the threats of the enemies," he said, without mentioning any country by name.

Iran announced last month that it had tested a short-range missile with a new guidance system capable of striking land and sea targets.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/09/2012 | 08:15 uur
US to Iran: In case of Israeli strike, don't fire on our bases

Washington tells Tehran that it will not join in an Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear program, Yedioth Ahronoth reports

By Ron FriedmanSeptember 3, 2012, 8:16 am

he United States has no intention of joining in a preemptive Israeli strike on Iran and expects the Islamic Republic to refrain from attacking US targets in the case of such an attack, senior Washington officials told their Iranian counterparts, according to a report in Yedioth Ahronoth on Monday.

In recent days, senior administration officials reportedly sent messages to Iran, through diplomats from two European states, addressing the possibility that Israel would launch a unilateral strike and establishing that the US expects Iran to not draw it into a conflict by firing on American army bases and aircraft carriers in the Persian Gulf.

Monday's report came amid widespread debate over the level of coordination between Israel and the US on halting Iran's nuclear program, which despite assurances by US Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro on Sunday that the relationship is as good as ever, appeared to be showing cracks.

While Israel has warned that the Iranians are quickly approaching weapons capability and that the use of force must be seriously considered, the US says sanctions and international diplomacy must be given more time to work.

Highlighting the disagreement between the two countries on the use of force were reports of a scaling-down of joint US-Israel missile defense exercises in October, and public comments by the Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff Martin Dempsey, who said last Thursday that he did not want to be "complicit" in an Israeli attack on Iran.

Earlier on Sunday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hinted at criticism of the US position on Iran, telling ministers at the weekly Cabinet meeting that the international community has failed to send a clear message to Iran regarding its nuclear program. Netanyahu said that while international sanctions have harmed Tehran, they haven't done "anything to stall the progress of the nuclear program."

On Saturday, former minister Tzachi Hanegbi said the United States is not determined to halt Iran from getting a bomb and this week's IAEA report, which indicated that Iran has expanded its capacity for uranium enrichment, granted Israel even more legitimacy to strike Iran on its own.

Meanwhile, the New York Times reported on Monday that the Obama Administration is installing new curbs against Iran as a way to calm Israel and keep Jerusalem from launching an attack, asserting that included in these measures may be a declaration of American "red lines."
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/09/2012 | 14:56 uur
US rattles saber against Iran in attempt to stall Israeli strike

Published: 03 September, 2012, 16:30

The US announced it will take further indirect action against Iran in an effort to delay a possible Israeli strike against the country. Washington's plans to halt Iran's embattled nuclear program include military exercises in the Persian Gulf.

In addition to increasing US naval activity in the region, Washington is also preparing to intensify economic sanctions against Iran's oil industry, the New York Times reported.

The US – along with 25 other countries – will conduct extensive joint minesweeping exercises in the Persian Gulf in October. The move aims to increase pressure on Iran and prevent it from closing the Strait of Hormuz. Iran has also scheduled war games for this autumn, which are intended to dissuade the international community against an attack.

Washington is currently treading a fine line in the Israel-Iran dispute amid increasingly hawkish rhetoric from the Israeli government, which is pressing for an immediate strike on Iran's nuclear facilities.

The Obama administration has urged Israel to refrain from military action and allow more time for diplomatic initiative. On Sunday, Israeli PM Benjamin Netanhayu called on world leaders to draw a "clear red line" for action against Iranian nuclear activities.

Israel has criticized Washington for its perceived unwillingness to back an Israeli strike against Iran's nuclear program.

A UN report released on Thursday said that although Iran had more than doubled the number of centrifuges in its fortified underground facility at Fordo since May, the new machines are still not operational. Israel and the US accuse Iran of enriching uranium for in order to build atomic weapons. Iran denies the claims, maintaining that its nuclear activities are purely for civilian purposes.

The Israeli PM cited the new centrifuges as overwhelming evidence that the sanctions implemented by the US and other western countries had been ineffective.

"The report confirms what I have been saying for a long time, international sanctions are a burden on Iran's economy but they are not in any way delaying the advancement of Iran's nuclear program," Netanyahu said.

The Obama administration has faced increasing criticism from Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney for being "soft'"on Iran.

Romney previously stated that he would never allow Iran the capability to produce weapons-grade uranium. He also slammed Obama's diplomatic stance on Iran, accusing him of endangering the US and alienating Israel.

The Obama administration is also weighing the use of covert espionage and direct military action, the New York Times reported.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/09/2012 | 16:38 uur
Analyse: Jeruzalem en Washington verdeeld over Iran

3-09-2012 16:03 | Mr. Richard Donk

JERUZALEM/WASHINGTON – Israël en de Verenigde Staten verschillen van mening over de aanpak van Iran. Met de Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen in zicht, komt de kwestie steeds nadrukkelijker op de agenda.

Officieel geldt Amerika nog steeds als trouwste bondgenoot van Israël. Politici van beide landen laten dan ook geen gelegenheid onbetuigd om die hechte relatie te benadrukken. Strategisch gezien zullen die betrekkingen ook niet snel schade oplopen.

Achter de schermen rommelt het echter al geruime tijd. Het is publiek geheim dat president Obama en premier Netanyahu niet zo goed met elkaar overweg kunnen.

Obama joeg Israëliërs en Amerikaanse Joden tegen zich in het harnas met zijn oproep de bouw van Joodse nederzettingen op de Westelijke Jordaanover stop te zetten. Netanyahu haalde zich op zijn beurt het ongenoegen van Obama op de hals door hem voor de camera de les te lezen over de geschiedenis van de staat Israël. En dan was er nog het 'ongelukje' toen Obama en de toenmalige Franse president Sarkozy tegen elkaar klaagden over de ,,zeurpiet" Netanyahu, terwijl ze dachten dat hun microfoon dicht stond.

Deze incidenten mogen dan vervelende diplomatieke onhandigheden zijn, ze vallen in het niet bij het verschil van inzicht dat Obama en Netanyahu hebben ten aanzien van de nucleaire ambities van Iran.

Obama wil vooralsnog door strenge sancties proberen het regime in Teheran te dwingen geen atoomwapens te ontwikkelen. Israël gelooft echter niet in de effectiviteit van strafmaatregelen. Netanyahu en zijn minister van Defensie Ehud Barak dreigen daarom de laatste tijd steeds vaker met een eenzijdige Israëlische aanval op Iran.

De timing van het opvoeren van deze Israëlische dreigementen is niet toevallig. Op 6 november staan de Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen gepland. De kwestie Iran ligt dan ook uiterst gevoelig in de Amerikaanse politiek.

De Republikeinse kandidaat Mitt Romney liet al eerder doorschemeren dat hij Iran militair wil aanpakken als hij in het Witte Huis terechtkomt. Dat kwam hem dit weekeinde nog op felle kritiek van de Democratische vicepresident Joe Biden te staan. Volgens hem is Romney veel te oorlogszuchtig.

De vraag is natuurlijk wat de échte bedoelingen van Israël zijn. Als Israël daadwerkelijk op eigen houtje Iran aanvalt, zal dat Amerika dwingen zich achter zijn bondgenoot te scharen. Dat zou Obama enerzijds de steun van de machtige Joodse lobby in de VS opleveren. Maar het zou hem ook veel stemmen kunnen kosten van Amerikanen die vinden dat hij de zoveelste president is die zijn land in een oorlog stort.

Het kan echter ook zijn dat Israël die dreigende taal alleen maar uit om Obama nog vóór de verkiezingen tot beloftes en standpunten te dwingen. Mocht Obama op 6 november worden herkozen, dan is de politieke druk om Israël terwille te zijn aanzienlijk minder, aangezien een Amerikaanse president maximaal twee ambtstermijnen mag uitdienen.

Intussen zijn er steeds meer tekenen dat Israël voorbereidingen voor militaire actie treft. Volgende maand staat een grootschalige gezamenlijke militaire oefening met het Amerikaanse leger gepland. Vorige week kondigde het Pentagon echter plotseling aan dat het aantal Amerikaanse militairen dat aan de training zal deelnemen met ongeveer driekwart wordt teruggebracht. Sommige waarnemers zagen daarin een nieuw bewijs van de verslechterende betrekkingen tussen Israël en de VS. Maar de meeste analisten interpreteerden dat als een teken dat de VS hun soldaten niet aan Iraanse vergeldingsaanvallen willen blootstellen als Israël tot een offensief besluit.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/09/2012 | 19:05 uur
Israeli officials play down report of Iran-U.S. deal

By Jeffrey Heller

JERUSALEM, Sept 3 (Reuters) - Israeli officials played down a report in an Israeli newspaper on Monday that accused Washington of secretly negotiating with Tehran to keep the United States out of a future Israel-Iran war.

Israel's most widely-read newspaper, Yedioth Ahronoth, said Washington had approached Tehran through two unidentified European countries to convey the message that the United States would not be dragged into hostilities if Israel attacked Iran over its nuclear programme.

The paper said the United States told Iran it expected Tehran in return to refrain from retaliating against U.S. interests, including its military in the Gulf. The report did not disclose any source for its information.

An Israeli official, who asked not to be identified, described the report as illogical.

"It doesn't make sense," the official said. "There would be no need to make such a promise to the Iranians because they realise the last thing they need is to attack U.S. targets and draw massive U.S. bombing raids."

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment over the Israeli newspaper story, which appeared during the Labor Day holiday.

President Barack Obama is fighting accusations from his Republican challenger Mitt Romney that he is lax in support for Israel, Washington's long-term ally in the Middle East.

The Obama administration says it is strongly committed to Israel's security and to preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. White House spokesman Jay Carney said on Sunday: "I can tell you that there is absolutely no daylight between the United States and Israel when it comes to the necessity of preventing Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon."

The United States and Israel both accuse Iran of developing nuclear capability that could be used to make a weapon, and have both said they reserve the right to take military action to prevent Iran from making a bomb.

However, the Obama administration has repeatedly made clear in public that it thinks diplomacy and tough new sanctions have not yet run their course, even as Israeli officials say the window for effective military action is rapidly closing.

Israel's Deputy Prime Minister Dan Meridor said he still believed Obama's assurances that Washington was prepared to use force if needed to prevent Iran from developing a bomb.

"I don't know what kind of messages Yedioth Ahronoth heard," Meridor said. "But I think the Iranians understand ... that if they cross a line towards a bomb, they could encounter very strong resistance, including all the options that are on the table - as the American president has said."

Yedioth Ahronoth is a mainstream newspaper, not known for taking a particular political line on U.S.-Israeli ties.

Iran denies it is seeking a weapon and has threatened to retaliate fiercely against both the United States and Israel if either attacks it.

Obama has had frosty relations with Israel's rightwing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is due to visit the United States this month.


The Nov. 6 presidential election is seen hinging mostly on the U.S. economy with foreign policy taking a back seat. But support for Israel is an important issue for many U.S. voters, including evangelical Christians as well as Jews who could prove critical in battleground states like Florida and Pennsylvania.

Obama wants to shore up his advantage among Jewish voters. He received 78 percent of the Jewish vote in the 2008 election, but a nationwide Gallup poll in June showed him down to 64 percent backing versus Romney's 29 percent.

Obama said in March "I have Israel's back". But administration officials have also made clear they regard the prospect of an Israeli attack on Iran with alarm.

General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was quoted in Britain's Guardian newspaper as saying of a prospective Israeli attack on Iran: "I don't want to be complicit if they choose to do it."

Setting what is expected to be the main talking point for his coming U.S. visit, Netanyahu said on Sunday the time had come for world powers to declare a "clear red line" - which he did not define - for Iran's nuclear activities.

The West had failed so far to convince Tehran it was truly determined to halt Iran's nuclear activity, Netanyahu said, in remarks widely portrayed in Israel as a critique of Obama.

The Obama administration and the European Union imposed harsh new sanctions on Iran which took effect in July. U.S. officials say they hope that this will persuade Iran to give up its nuclear ambitions.

Of Dempsey's comments, Meridor said: "I'm sorry we've reached the situation where Dempsey said what he said, but this campaign (against Iran) is continuing and it must be conducted very wisely."

Netanyahu's cabinet is divided over the wisdom of attacking Iran, and Israeli officials have dropped heavy hints of a climbdown strategy, under which Netanyahu would shelve threats of an attack now in return for a stronger public pledge from Obama on conditions that would provoke U.S. action in future.

(Additional reporting by Matt Spetalnick in Washington; Editing by Peter Graff)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/09/2012 | 19:07 uur
Iran to install new missile system to protect its nuclear sites

Iran has claimed it is on the path to installing a sophisticated domestically-produced air defence system that will shield the country's nuclear facilities.

By Robert Tait
5:34PM BST 03 Sep 2012
Amid intensifying speculation over an imminent Israeli attack, a senior Revolutionary Guard commander announced that a system which would replace high-precision Russian missiles whose delivery was cancelled due to international sanctions was almost one-third complete and would be ready for deployment next March.

Brigadier General Farzad Esmaili, commander of the Khatam al-Anbiya air defence base, claimed the Iranian system, the Bavar (Belief) 373 would be an improvement on the Russian model, which Iran wanted to buy as protection against a potential US or Israeli bombardment.

"The new system has higher and more developed capabilities than the S300 for discovering, identifying and destroying the targets while tracking them," Brig Gen Esmaili told a conference in Tehran held to mark the Islamic republic's Air Defence Day.

He said its name had been coined by Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who had told its inventor that if he had belief, it would come true.

If Brig Gen Esmaili's boasts of the Bavar 373's capabilities are justified, the system would bolster Iran's air defences significantly.

The S300 is said to be capable of shooting down planes, cruise missiles and ballistic missile warheads at ranges of more than 90 miles and at altitudes of around 90,000 feet.

Brig Gen Farzard Esmaili said the new system had been developed solely by domestically-based defence contractors based on research conducted in Iranian universities. He said it had no need for foreign-manufactured spare parts, making it immune to the effects of ever-tightening sanctions.

However, other Iranian sources have said the project incorporates technology from China.

Iran embarked on the programme after Russia pulled out of an US$800m (£503m) contract to supply S300s two years ago under pressure from the west and Israel, who argued that it would be a violation of UN embargoes imposed on Tehran's nuclear activities.

The decision caused a chill in the previously warm relations between the two countries, with Tehran seeking compensation in the International Court of Justice. Russia has reportedly pressed Iran to drop the case by threatening to take a harder line on its nuclear programme, which the west and Israel suspect is aimed at producing a bomb despite Iranian denials.

In further moves to step up preparedness, Iranian commanders say they will stage major air defence manoeuvres over the next 50 days. Brig Gen Esmaili said defences against air raids had been constructed at 3,600 locations throughout the country.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/09/2012 | 19:14 uur
Israeli leader calls for 'clear red line' on Iran

September 3, 2012 Associated Press

JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel's prime minister on Sunday urged the international community to get tougher against Iran, saying that without a "clear red line," Tehran will not halt its nuclear program.

The tough language from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reflected differences that have emerged between Israel and its allies, particularly the U.S., over how to deal with Iran.

Israel has warned that the Iranians are quickly approaching weapons capability and that the threat of force must be seriously considered. The U.S. says sanctions and international diplomacy must be given more time to work.

Netanyahu, speaking to his Cabinet, said that a new report issued by the U.N. nuclear agency showing progress in the Iranian nuclear program bolstered his claim that international pressure is not working.

"I believe that the truth must be said, the international community is not drawing a clear red line for Iran, and Iran does not see international determination to stop its nuclear program," Netanyahu said.

"Until Iran sees this clear red line and this determination, it will not stop its advancement of the Iranian nuclear program. Iran must not have a nuclear weapon," he declared.

Iran says its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes only, a claim that is rejected by the West.

Israel believes a nuclear-armed Iran would pose a mortal threat, citing Iranian calls for Israel's destruction, its development of missiles capable of striking Israel and its support for anti-Israel militant groups.

Israeli leaders have repeatedly hinted they are growing impatient and could soon be compelled to use force against Iran.

The United States opposes a unilateral Israeli strike.

The strain between Washington and its longtime Israeli ally has been on full display in recent weeks, with the U.S. military chief, Gen. Martin Dempsey, twice speaking out against a go-it-alone strike. Last week he said he would "not want to be complicit" in such an assault.

Washington worries that a premature Israeli attack could send global oil prices soaring and touch off a broad conflict possibly drawing in U.S. forces just as the U.S. is preparing to hold presidential elections.

The U.S. ambassador to Israel, Dan Shapiro, played down the rift over Iran, calling it an "overheated narrative in the media."

Commenting on Netanyahu's remarks Sunday, Shapiro told Israel's Channel 2 TV that Washington was pursuing a diplomatic path, but "we also ensure that the military options are available in case they are needed."

The United States, which has promised Israel it will not allow Iran to go nuclear, has a more powerful air force that gives it a wider window for action.

Given Israel's more limited military means, many here believe time is running out. Last week's U.N. report has only reinforced that view.

The report concluded that Iran has expanded its nuclear activity at a heavily fortified underground site and effectively shut down inspections of a separate site suspected of being used for weapons-related experiments.

"The report confirms what I have been saying for a long time - the international sanctions are burdening Iran's economy, but they are not delaying the development of the Iranian nuclear program," Netanyahu said.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/09/2012 | 22:03 uur
Iran could strike U.S. bases if Israel attacks: Hezbollah

BEIRUT | Mon Sep 3, 2012 3:56pm EDT

(Reuters) - Iran could strike U.S. bases in the Middle East in response to any Israeli strike on its nuclear facilities, the leader of Lebanon's Iranian-backed militant group Hezbollah said on Monday.

"A decision has been taken to respond and the response will be very great," Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said in an interview with the Beirut-based Al Mayadeen television.

"The response will not be just inside the Israeli entity - American bases in the whole region could be Iranian targets."

"If Israel targets Iran, America bears responsibility."

(Reporting by Dominic Evans; Editing by Alison Williams)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 04/09/2012 | 10:51 uur
Die Iranezen gaan een beetje naast hun schoenen lopen nu.
Iran uitschakelen en terug naar het stenen tijdperk bombarderen ligt volop binnen de mogelijkheden van zowel Israel als de Verenigde Staten.
Omgekeerd is dit totaal niet het geval.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 04/09/2012 | 11:04 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 04/09/2012 | 10:51 uur
Die Iranezen gaan een beetje naast hun schoenen lopen nu.
Iran uitschakelen en terug naar het stenen tijdperk bombarderen ligt volop binnen de mogelijkheden van zowel Israel als de Verenigde Staten.
Omgekeerd is dit totaal niet het geval.

Ik ben er niet zo van overtuigd dat Iran niks zou kunnen uithalen. Uiteindelijk leggen ze het af, natuurlijk. Maar ze hebben gewoon aardig wat tijd voor ze overgaan, en ze hebben aardig wat mogelijkheden om terug te slaan. Denk even hoe lang Libië of Servië het uithield onder de bombardementen. Daarbij, de VS is inderdaad ver buiten de macht van Iran, maar Israel zullen ze een flinke beuk kunnen uitdelen. Kunnen, of dat ze lukt is een ander verhaal.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 04/09/2012 | 22:23 uur
Citaat van: dudge op 04/09/2012 | 11:04 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 04/09/2012 | 10:51 uur
Die Iranezen gaan een beetje naast hun schoenen lopen nu.
Iran uitschakelen en terug naar het stenen tijdperk bombarderen ligt volop binnen de mogelijkheden van zowel Israel als de Verenigde Staten.
Omgekeerd is dit totaal niet het geval.

Ik ben er niet zo van overtuigd dat Iran niks zou kunnen uithalen. Uiteindelijk leggen ze het af, natuurlijk. Maar ze hebben gewoon aardig wat tijd voor ze overgaan, en ze hebben aardig wat mogelijkheden om terug te slaan. Denk even hoe lang Libië of Servië het uithield onder de bombardementen. Daarbij, de VS is inderdaad ver buiten de macht van Iran, maar Israel zullen ze een flinke beuk kunnen uitdelen. Kunnen, of dat ze lukt is een ander verhaal.

Er is nogal een verschil tussen een no-fly zone en een complete invasie ofwel aanval op een land.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 05/09/2012 | 00:14 uur
Dat snap ik. Maar ik bedoel meer dat dat 'terug naar het stenen tijdperk bombarderen' best nog een maand of wat kan duren. En in die tijd kan iran aardig wat missiles afvuren op US bases en israël.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 05/09/2012 | 06:07 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 04/09/2012 | 10:51 uur
Die Iranezen gaan een beetje naast hun schoenen lopen nu.
Iran uitschakelen en terug naar het stenen tijdperk bombarderen ligt volop binnen de mogelijkheden van zowel Israel als de Verenigde Staten.
Omgekeerd is dit totaal niet het geval.

Waarom zou je het land naar "het stenen tijdperk" willen bombanderen?  Waarom niet alleen de "doelen" bestoken?
Dat heeft nogal wat nadelige gevolgen voor Europa om een land naar "het stenen tijdperk" te bombanderen,  ja de VS ontloopt deze ellende weer eens.  

Er zal een stroom mensen naar Europa doen komen  hoe wil je deze mensen opvangen?   Misschien eens die lui door sturen naar de VS.
Uit eindelijk zal het wel weer zo zijn dat deze (economische) vluchtelingen niet meer uit Europa weg te krijgen zijn.
Dat kost dan weer behoorlijk wat geld, iets dat Europa niet neer heeft.......  Niet alleen de opvang kost geld maar die mensen moeten ook een uitkering hebben, gezinshereniging, opleiding(en), een huis (met inrichting) e.d.    

Ik denk dat je de plank nog wel eens mis kan gaan slaan dat Iran niet een land naar de stenen tijdperk kan terug brengen.
Pure westerse arrograntie. (wie loopt er trouwens naar zijn schoenen?)    Misschien niet met bommen en granaten maar misschien wel met het uitschakelen van stroom, internet  en de satelieten. Dan houd trouwens redelijk snel de aanval op Iran op......  We hebben ons behoorlijk afhankelijk gemaakt van deze 3 dingen. En zal totale chaos veroorzaken. Zonder dat er bom is gevallen.......  al heeft Iran wapentuig genoeg.  
Of dat wapentuig functioneert is aan de felheid van de miltiaren die deze bedienen.  Als deze net zo gemotiveerd zijn als die van Irak dan hoeven we niet gek bang te zijn......maar daar kunnen we niet vanuit gaan.

En wat denk je van de landen Syrië en Libanon*, deze gaan dan hun "kans" grijpen.
* misschien zijn er nog andere niet-westerse landen die hun "kans" grijpen......
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 05/09/2012 | 09:29 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 05/09/2012 | 06:07 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 04/09/2012 | 10:51 uur
Die Iranezen gaan een beetje naast hun schoenen lopen nu.
Iran uitschakelen en terug naar het stenen tijdperk bombarderen ligt volop binnen de mogelijkheden van zowel Israel als de Verenigde Staten.
Omgekeerd is dit totaal niet het geval.

Waarom zou je het land naar "het stenen tijdperk" willen bombanderen?  Waarom niet alleen de "doelen" bestoken?
Dat heeft nogal wat nadelige gevolgen voor Europa om een land naar "het stenen tijdperk" te bombanderen,  ja de VS ontloopt deze ellende weer eens.  

Er zal een stroom mensen naar Europa doen komen  hoe wil je deze mensen opvangen?   Misschien eens die lui door sturen naar de VS.
Uit eindelijk zal het wel weer zo zijn dat deze (economische) vluchtelingen niet meer uit Europa weg te krijgen zijn.
Dat kost dan weer behoorlijk wat geld, iets dat Europa niet neer heeft.......  Niet alleen de opvang kost geld maar die mensen moeten ook een uitkering hebben, gezinshereniging, opleiding(en), een huis (met inrichting) e.d.    

Ik denk dat je de plank nog wel eens mis kan gaan slaan dat Iran niet een land naar de stenen tijdperk kan terug brengen.
Pure westerse arrograntie. (wie loopt er trouwens naar zijn schoenen?)    Misschien niet met bommen en granaten maar misschien wel met het uitschakelen van stroom, internet  en de satelieten. Dan houd trouwens redelijk snel de aanval op Iran op......  We hebben ons behoorlijk afhankelijk gemaakt van deze 3 dingen. En zal totale chaos veroorzaken. Zonder dat er bom is gevallen.......  al heeft Iran wapentuig genoeg.  
Of dat wapentuig functioneert is aan de felheid van de miltiaren die deze bedienen.  Als deze net zo gemotiveerd zijn als die van Irak dan hoeven we niet gek bang te zijn......maar daar kunnen we niet vanuit gaan.

En wat denk je van de landen Syrië en Libanon*, deze gaan dan hun "kans" grijpen.
* misschien zijn er nog andere niet-westerse landen die hun "kans" grijpen......

Mooi verhaal voor een goed boek. Maar ik ben niet zo onder de indruk van legers die in beheer zijn van een totalitair regime waar promotie, rang en stand zijn gebaseerd op loyaliteit aan de partij in plaats van promotie en rang gebaseerd op ervaring en expertise. Worden de communicatie centra gebombardeerd stort net zoals alle andere landen alles daar als een kaartenhuis in elkaar.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 05/09/2012 | 14:50 uur
 The Royal Air Force to deploy Tornado fighter bombers in the United Arab Emirates September 5, 2012
Posted by Richard Clements in Military Aviation.

After the U.S. F-22 Raptor stealth fighters one in April, another deployment will take place in the United Arab Emirates (thus, not far from Iran), in the coming weeks.

In fact, the UK's Royal Air Force has announced that aircraft and personnel from RAF Marham in Norfolk are to take part in Exercise "Shaheen Star" in the UAE.

Although it was not made public, the aircraft should be be based at the largest airbase in the area, Al Dhafra.

Tornado GR4 fighter bombers from 31 Squadron (that are going to be forward deployed to Afghanistan during March 2013) "will conduct intensive training over a number of weeks, working alongside air forces from partner nations in the region."

The deployment will be supported by a huge (leased) Antonov An-124 arrived at RAF Marham, which was loaded with all of the support equipment and left on Sept. 2.

What the website doesn't say is that the Tornado GR4 aircraft left Marham at 11.15am local on Tuesday 4. Sept and met up with a tanker over southern England before departing over France.

31 Squadron saw action over Libya during 2011.

Richard Clements for
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 05/09/2012 | 15:47 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga link=Richard Clements for Vandaag om 02:50
The Royal Air Force to deploy Tornado fighter bombers in the United Arab Emirates September 5, 2012

Alle pionnen schuiven op hun plaats.

Ik zou geen herfstvakantie boeken in de regio.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Laurens op 05/09/2012 | 16:11 uur
Voor degene die op benzine rijden, sla maar vast wat Jerrycans in om de winter door te komen... ;)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 05/09/2012 | 16:59 uur
Citaat van: Laurens op 05/09/2012 | 16:11 uur
Voor degene die op benzine rijden, sla maar vast wat Jerrycans in om de winter door te komen... ;)

Dat geldt ook voor de diesel slurpers (zoals ik)  :cute-smile:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Laurens op 05/09/2012 | 17:48 uur
Durf op gas te rijden, die komt tenminste uit eigen bodem  ;)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 05/09/2012 | 17:49 uur
Citaat van: Laurens op 05/09/2012 | 17:48 uur
Durf op gas te rijden, die komt tenminste uit eigen bodem  ;)

Gekoppeld aan de olieprijs is idd "goed" voor de (staats)kas.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 05/09/2012 | 19:19 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 05/09/2012 | 16:59 uur
Citaat van: Laurens op 05/09/2012 | 16:11 uur
Voor degene die op benzine rijden, sla maar vast wat Jerrycans in om de winter door te komen... ;)

Dat geldt ook voor de diesel slurpers (zoals ik)  :cute-smile:

Ik neem aan dat de baas genoeg op voorraad heeft..............   ik suggereer niets   :angel:     :crazy:  :big-smile:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 06/09/2012 | 09:37 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 05/09/2012 | 09:29 uur
Mooi verhaal voor een goed boek. Maar ik ben niet zo onder de indruk van legers die in beheer zijn van een totalitair regime waar promotie, rang en stand zijn gebaseerd op loyaliteit aan de partij in plaats van promotie en rang gebaseerd op ervaring en expertise.
Worden de communicatie centra gebombardeerd stort net zoals alle andere landen alles daar als een kaartenhuis in elkaar.

Het kan werkelijkheid worden maar je moet het maar willen zien.......

Geen vriendjespolitiek in de Westerse (Nederlandse) legers?       Uit welk boek heb je dat?
Dus die burger die generaal (en plv C-Kmar) is geworden is puur op haar ervaring (ook haar militaire ervaring) en expertise  en dat zij de gehele top op facebook o.i.d. had staan was zeker toeval...
Ken je de uitdrukking in ons leger dan niet:  het is niet wat je kent, maar wie je kent........       Nee:  bij deze.
Promotie en rang is bij ons dus niet alleen gebaseerd op ervaring en expertise.....    maar ook (vooral) op netwerken.       

Uit welke tijd kom jij?  Men hoeft de communicatie centra niet meer te bombarderen om deze uit te schakelen....
Een "simpele" virus is voldoende. 
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 06/09/2012 | 11:33 uur
Die landen als Iraq, egypte, syrie, Iran etc hebben op de belangrijke posities in het leger lui zitten die daar niet zitten omdat ze hun werk zo goed kunnen, maar dat is vooral gebaseerd op hun loyaliteit aan het regime. Daarom presteren die legers altijd zo slecht.. En ja dat is in het Westen veel minder het geval.

En sorry, ik denk dat als het Westen en Israel toch besluit aan te vallen ze het niet met een virus gaan doen maar met bommen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 06/09/2012 | 15:00 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 06/09/2012 | 11:33 uur
Die landen als Iraq, egypte, syrie, Iran etc hebben op de belangrijke posities in het leger lui zitten die daar niet zitten omdat ze hun werk zo goed kunnen, maar dat is vooral gebaseerd op hun loyaliteit aan het regime. Daarom presteren die legers altijd zo slecht.. En ja dat is in het Westen veel minder het geval.

Ik denk dat het tegendeel echt wel bewezen gaat worden.....
Resultaten uit het verleden bieden geen garantie voor de toekomst ...

Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 06/09/2012 | 11:33 uur
En sorry, ik denk dat als het Westen en Israel toch besluit aan te vallen ze het niet met een virus gaan doen maar met bommen.

Volgens mij had ik het er over wat de gevolgen voor ons zouden kunnen zijn.....    
(dat goede boek zeg maar)

Maar het eea zou wel op die manier kunnen maar men wil "gewoon" de spierballen laten zien met een hoop ellende.
Dit kan nog voor een hele grote problemen gaan zorgen, zeker als Israël betrokken is bij deze aanvallen. 
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 06/09/2012 | 19:12 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 06/09/2012 | 11:33 uur
Die landen als Iraq, egypte, syrie, Iran etc hebben op de belangrijke posities in het leger lui zitten die daar niet zitten omdat ze hun werk zo goed kunnen, maar dat is vooral gebaseerd op hun loyaliteit aan het regime. Daarom presteren die legers altijd zo slecht.. En ja dat is in het Westen veel minder het geval.
wat je bij Iran niet moet onderschatten is hun nationalisme en trots. Die ontbrak bij die andere staten.
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 06/09/2012 | 11:33 uur
En sorry, ik denk dat als het Westen en Israel toch besluit aan te vallen ze het niet met een virus gaan doen maar met bommen.
het zullen bommen zijn...maar er komt ook het nodige "terug"....en als de Iraniërs willen zal dat bloederig en heftig worden. Vergeet niet dat Iran zich vanaf het begin heeft ingesteld op een David tegen Goliath situatie. Dat was met Irak indertijd niet het geval. Dat was pantserdivisie tegen pantserdivisie. Nu krijgen we te maken met raketten, swarms, IEDs en de nodige zelfmoordaanvallen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 06/09/2012 | 21:16 uur
In hoeverre zijn de Iraanse grondtroepen eigenlijk getraind in asymmetrische oorlogsvoering?
Die antieke tanks hebben ze niet zo veel aan.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 06/09/2012 | 22:16 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 06/09/2012 | 21:16 uur
In hoeverre zijn de Iraanse grondtroepen eigenlijk getraind in asymmetrische oorlogsvoering?
Die antieke tanks hebben ze niet zo veel aan.
Die trainen daar ook in. Tanks zullen een beperkte rol spelen waarschijnlijk. Iran is daarbij groot en probeer dat maar eens onder controle te krijgen. Als het regime niet implodeert of de ontevreden vooral jeugdige bevolking niet in opstand komen kan Iran het wel even uithouden vrees ik en de nodige verliezen toebrengen. Ook via Hezbollah en waarschijnlijk agenten/cellen in verschillende landen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/09/2012 | 09:21 uur
Israël kan ongestoord een aanval op Iran voorbereiden

Koos van der Bruggen, secretaris Onderzoekscommissie Irak (commissie-Davids) − 06/09/12, 18:00

opinie Het is nu tien jaar geleden dat de Verenigde Staten en het Verenigd Koninkrijk zich opmaakten voor hun oorlog tegen het Irak van Saddam Hoessein. Vandaag wordt een vergelijkbare 'kroniek van een aangekondigde oorlog' geschreven door Israël dat zich lijkt voor te bereiden op een aanval op nucleaire installaties in Iran (Trouw, 22 augustus). Naast verschillen zijn er opvallende parallellen. Een tijdige herkenning daarvan kan er wellicht toe leiden dat deze nieuwe oorlog nog kan worden voorkomen.

Allereerst gaat het in beide gevallen om autoritaire en omstreden regimes. Om regime change zullen weinig mensen treuren. Maar formeel was dat geen overweging bij de aanval op Irak, en ook Israël gebruikt dat argument nu niet, ondanks de antisemitische uitlatingen van Ahmadinejad.

De rechtvaardiging - en dat is de tweede parallel - wordt gevonden in het veronderstelde bezit van massavernietigingswapens. In beide gevallen is er wel de zorg dat er massavernietigingswapens zijn, maar is er geen bewijs. Naar dat bewijs werd en wordt intensief gezocht door inlichtingendiensten. Ook hier een opvallende parallel. Zoals bekend zijn in Irak destijds de bedoelde wapens nooit aangetroffen. Ook nu geven de inlichtingendiensten weer verontrustende signalen af over een toenemende Iraanse dreiging. Uiteraard is er (nog) geen bewijs van het tegendeel, maar enige relativering zou dus niet onverstandig zijn.

In Irak waren op verzoek van de Veiligheidsraad in 2002-2003 nog volop inspectiewerkzaamheden gaande, toen de VS en het VK zich daaraan niet langer gebonden achtten en Irak binnenvielen. Het Internationaal Atoom Agentschap (IAEA) voert nu eveneens inspecties uit in Iran. Daarnaast vinden (moeizame) gesprekken plaats met de groep-5+1: de vijf permanente leden van de Veiligheidsraad (VS, VK, Rusland, China, Frankrijk) plus Duitsland. Israël - niet betrokken bij dit overleg - heeft herhaaldelijk aangegeven geen vertrouwen te hebben in de uitkomst. Het land volgt zijn eigen koers, net als de VS en het VK tien jaar geleden.

Ongerechtvaardigde oorlog
Daarmee komen we op een verschil met destijds. De VS en het VK waren als Veiligheidsraadsleden direct betrokken bij het diplomatiek overleg. Desondanks volgden zij hun eigen plan, wat leidde tot een in volkenrechtelijk opzicht ongerechtvaardigde oorlog, zoals onder meer door de commissie-Davids is vastgesteld. Voor een eenzijdige en niet door de Veiligheidsraad van de VN goedgekeurde actie tegen Iran zal eenzelfde oordeel gelden.

Overigens is het de vraag hoe de VS aankijken tegen de positie die Israël nu kiest. Publiekelijk is door de Amerikaanse regering enkele keren zorg uitgesproken over de mogelijke intenties van Israël, maar er zijn ongetwijfeld veel Amerikanen die er heimelijk blij mee zijn dat Israël in deze verkiezingstijd de kastanjes uit het vuur haalt.

Er wordt wel gezegd dat de internationale politiek geen moraal kent. Wellicht is er eerder sprake van een dubbele moraal. Het o zo bezorgde Israël heeft immers zelf kernwapens; wellicht een van de belangrijkste redenen voor de mogelijke nucleaire ambities van Iran. Het land is, net zomin als de kernwapenstaten India en Pakistan en anders dan Iran, partij in het non-proliferatieverdrag. En dan mag het - onder het motto 'Don't ask, don't tell' - blijkbaar wel.

Stilte in de media
Een opvallend verschil met tien jaar geleden is de oorverdovende stilte in de media, de publieke opinie en de vredesbeweging. In 2002 gingen miljoenen mensen de straat op om te protesteren tegen een inval in Irak. Nu blijft de berichtgeving beperkt tot de buitenlandpagina's in de kranten, en publieke protesten worden ook niet gehoord. Ook de meeste regeringen zwijgen in alle talen over een mogelijke Israëlische actie. En dit terwijl zo'n aanval in deze tijd van economische crisis en van een instabiel Midden-Oosten (Syrië) een nog veel desastreuzer sneeuwbaleffect kan hebben dan de aanval op Irak van 2003.

Tot slot, wat mogen we van Nederland verwachten? In 2002-2003 werd vanuit een 'Atlantische reflex' vrijwel kritiekloos steun gegeven aan het Amerikaans-Britse beleid. Gegeven de zo mogelijk nog sterkere 'pro-Israel-reflex' van het huidige kabinet lijkt er weinig reden om optimistisch te zijn over een kritische Nederlandse houding. Maar juist een vriend mag en moet kritiek kunnen geven. Het is nog niet te laat!
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/09/2012 | 09:25 uur
U.S. congressman confirms high-level U.S.-Israel spat over Iran September 07, 2012 10:12 AM By Tabassum Zakaria

WASHINGTON: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu blew up at the U.S. ambassador last month because he was "at wits' end" over what he sees as the Obama administration's lack of clarity on Iran's nuclear program, a U.S. congressman who was at the meeting said.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers, a Republican, made his first public comments about the late August meeting in Israel in an interview with Michigan's WJR radio on Tuesday.

Continued controversy over the meeting comes as President Barack Obama on Thursday night will accept his party's nomination at the Democratic National Convention, where the level of the Obama administration's support for Israel was a contentious topic.

"Right now the Israelis don't believe that this administration is serious when they say all options are on the table, and more importantly neither do the Iranians. That's why the program is progressing," Rogers said.

Iran says its nuclear program is for peaceful energy purposes.

Israel is facing growing international pressure not to unilaterally attack Iran's nuclear infrastructure and the United States has made clear it opposes any such strike.

Rogers said if the United States does not show Israel more clarity on where it draws "red lines" on Iran's nuclear program, then Israel might conduct a strike.

"If I were betting my house today, I would guess that they probably will do it if we don't have a change in more clear red lines from the United States," he said.

A spokesman for Israel's embassy in Washington declined to comment. The State Department would not comment on private diplomatic meetings but spokesman Edgar Vasquez said, "We have a rock solid relationship and an ironclad commitment to Israel."

The spat between Netanyahu and U.S. Ambassador to Israel Daniel Shapiro appears to confirm a deep chasm over how to deal with Iran, which the two allies have tried to play down publicly.

Obama has vowed to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, but says there is still time for sanctions and diplomacy to work. The White House says it has brokered international oil and banking sanctions that are far tougher on Iran than previous administrations achieved.

The original purpose of the meeting was for Netanyahu and Rogers to discuss intelligence cooperation and other matters. But it "devolved" into a sharp exchange in which Netanyahu confronted Shapiro with a lot of frustration about the lack of clarity on the administration's position on Iran's nuclear program, Rogers said.

"The uncertainty about where the United States' position is on those questions has created lots of problems and anxiety that I think doesn't serve the world well and doesn't serve peace well," Rogers said.

In an interview with an Israeli television station on Sunday, Shapiro dismissed an Israeli newspaper account of the heated closed-door exchange as "a very silly story" that did not reflect what actually happened in the meeting where the conversations were "friendly and professional." Netanyahu has not commented on the exchange, which was first reported by the daily newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth.

Israel has its own undeclared nuclear arsenal that is believed to contain as many as 200 warheads.

Rogers said the Israeli and U.S. timelines differed on how quickly Iran could put a nuclear weapon on a missile, if it decided to move in that direction.

Netanyahu believes "if they decide to do the dash it could be four weeks to eight weeks," while U.S. intelligence analysts believe it would "take a little longer than that," Rogers said. "But the problem is nobody really knows for sure."

Read more:
(The Daily Star :: Lebanon News ::
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/09/2012 | 09:28 uur
Israel may not carry out unilateral attack on Iran: Barak

07 Sep 2012

Emphasising its right to act independently to safeguard security interests, Israel has expressed hopes that it may not have to unilaterally carry out an attack against Iran to foil its nuclear ambitions due to an unprecedented concentration of US forces in the Persian Gulf.

Israel's Defence Minister, Ehud Barak, hinted yesterday evening that there may be no need for an Israeli strike on Iran shortly after meeting with Admiral James Winnefeld, US Vice-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who is visiting Israel.

"Israel retains its right to make sovereign decisions and the United States respects that," Barak said at his Atzmaut party gathering.

"However, one should not ignore the impressive preparations by the Americans to counter Iran on all fronts,"he added in a mellowed down message after weeks of hard-hitting rhetoric responded in equal measure by Tehran.

Barak made the comments after he and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu were briefed by US Secretary of Defence Leon Panetta and National Security Advisor Tom Donilon regarding US preparations for a possible confrontation with Iran, daily Ha'aretz reported.

The Israeli Defence Minister said that while there are differences between the Israeli and American points of view on Iran, "the US is our most important ally.

The intelligence cooperation and security backing Israel receives at present is exceptional in its scope." "As opposed to the Bush administration, the Obama administration is indeed carrying out steps in the Gulf,transferring forces and preparing bases," a top Israeli official separately told Ha'aretz.

"There is an unprecedented US deployment opposite Iran," the source was quoted as saying echoing Barak's sentiments.
Israel has dubbed Iran's nuclear programme an existential threat, vowing from time to time to bomb the Islamic Republic's nuclear installations.Iran maintains that its nuclear programme is for peaceful purposes
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 07/09/2012 | 18:35 uur
Canada sluit ambassade Iran

OTTAWA -  De Canadese regering heeft vrijdag de sluiting bevolen van de Iraanse ambassade in Ottawa en heeft de Iraanse diplomaten die daar nog werkzaam zijn, opgedragen het land binnen 5 dagen te verlaten.

De Canadese minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, John Baird, zei dat Iran nu de belangrijkste bedreiging van vrede en veiligheid in de wereld vormt. Dat komt volgens hem door de nucleaire activiteiten van Iran en de steun van Teheran aan het regime van president Bashar al-Assad in Syrië.

vr 07 sep 2012, 16:41
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 08/09/2012 | 15:10 uur
Citaat van: Telegraaf op 07/09/2012 | 18:35 uur
Canada sluit ambassade Iran

OTTAWA -  De Canadese regering heeft vrijdag de sluiting bevolen van de Iraanse ambassade in Ottawa en heeft de Iraanse diplomaten die daar nog werkzaam zijn, opgedragen het land binnen 5 dagen te verlaten.

De Canadese minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, John Baird, zei dat Iran nu de belangrijkste bedreiging van vrede en veiligheid in de wereld vormt. Dat komt volgens hem door de nucleaire activiteiten van Iran en de steun van Teheran aan het regime van president Bashar al-Assad in Syrië.

vr 07 sep 2012, 16:41
Opvallende berichten...sluiting en wegsturen van diplomaten is vaak voorteken van iets dat komen gaat. Gebeurde geloof ik ook in aanloop van Golfoorlog en latere invasie van Irak. Interessant om dit soort berichten te blijven benadrukken.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 09/09/2012 | 11:24 uur
Arab Analyst: Israel's N. Sites within Reach of Iranian Missiles

9 september 2012

TEHRAN (FNA)- A prominent Arab analyst questioned Tel Aviv's military capability to wage an attack against Iran, reminding that Iran's missile capability is strong enough to hit and destroy 7 Israeli nuclear facilities, including Dimona.

In an article published in the Syrian Jouhaina (JP News) news website, Kafah al-Nasr pointed to Israel's threats against Iran's nuclear facilities and Zionist officials' dream of waging an attack against Iran, and stressed that Iran enjoys the capability to repel Israel's aerial threats.

As regards Iran's retaliation against Israel's potential aggression, Nasr said Iran's missile capability is much stronger than that of Israel's, and stated, "Destroying the Dimona nuclear facility in Israel is easier than destroying any Iranian (uranium) enrichment center."

"Despite all defensive measures, the Zionist regime's air defense is not able to shield Israel against missiles and can only trace just half of the incoming (Iranian) missiles and intercept only one fourth of these missiles. Thus, destruction of Dimona would be inevitable."

Nasr noted that Iran can also hit six other nuclear power plants in Israel, in addition to Dimona.

Israel and its close ally the United States accuse Iran of seeking a nuclear weapon, while they have never presented any corroborative document to substantiate their allegations. Both Washington and Tel Aviv possess advanced weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear warheads.

Iran vehemently denies the charges, insisting that its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes only. Tehran stresses that the country has always pursued a civilian path to provide power to the growing number of Iranian population, whose fossil fuel would eventually run dry.

Speculation that Israel could bomb Iran mounted since a big Israeli air drill three years ago. In the first week of June, 2008, 100 Israeli F-16 and F-15 fighters reportedly took part in an exercise over the eastern Mediterranean and Greece, which was interpreted as a dress rehearsal for a possible attack on Iran's nuclear installations.

Iran has, in return, warned that it would target Israel and its worldwide interests in case it comes under attack by the Tel Aviv.

Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Commander Mohammad Ali Jafari said in March 2009 that all nuclear facilities in different parts of Israel are within Iran's missile range.

"Today the Islamic Republic of Iran has missiles with the range of 2,000 km and based on this fact all the territories under the control of the Zionist regime, including its nuclear facilities, are within our missile range," Major General Jafari said at the time.

He stressed the defensive nature of Iran's doctrine, but meantime, warned if Iran is faces with any enemy attacks, including those by the Zionist regime, it will respond with utmost power using all its capabilities.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 09/09/2012 | 13:32 uur
Israel could send Iran 'back to the stone age' with electromagnetic bomb

Detonation would disrupt all the enemy's technological devices, Sunday Times reports

By Aaron KalmanSeptember 9, 2012

srael could destroy Iran's electric network with a specially designed electromagnetic bomb in the event of a military conflict between the countries, The Sunday Times reported on Sunday.

An electromagnetic bomb of this sort would be detonated above the ground, creating an electromagnetic pulse that would "disrupt all the technological devices working on the ground," an American expert was quoted as saying to the London paper.

The use of the new technology by Israel was brought up in discussions regarding a possible attack on Tehran's nuclear facilities, the report claimed. Such a move would send Iran "back to the stone age," the British paper said.

This kind of bomb would operate based on the nonlethal technology of gamma rays, the report explained. The outburst of energy would "fry" electric devices and currents around the source of the explosion.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: KapiteinRob op 09/09/2012 | 14:16 uur
Nieuwe technologie? De EMP kreeg ik al in mijn eerste NBCD-opleiding....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 09/09/2012 | 14:30 uur
Iran readying to unveil major breakthrough in missile industry

Senior Iranian defense ministry officials announced on Sunday that they plan to unveil a highly advanced cruise missile seen as a huge advancement in Iran's missile capability as its range is several times more than the country's most advanced cruise products.

"God willing, Meshkat (Lantern) Cruise Missile with a range of 2,000km will be unveiled in the near future," Deputy Defense Minister and head of the ministry's Aerospace Organization General Mehdi Farahi told FNA on Sunday.

"Meshkat Cruise Missile can be fired from land, air and sea," Farahi added.

He further pointed to the wide array of Iranian cruise missiles, saying Tehran's products include Zafar (Triumph), Nasr (Victory), Nour (Light), Qader (Mighty) and Ghadir.

He mentioned that the country plans to increase the number of its cruise collection to 14.

According to the General, Ra'd (Thunderbolt) and Meshkat are the latest products of Iran's cruise missile industry.

The new cruise missile, Meshkat, is widely believed to go on display during the military parades marking the Week of Sacred Defense in September.

As far as range is concerned, Iran's formerly best cruise missile could travel a distance not more than 300km, meaning that the country has stretched the range of its cruise missiles almost 7 times.

Iran has made giant progress in arms production, specially in area of missile technology, in the last decade.

Last September, Iran displayed its (then) latest cruise missile production Qader (Mighty) to the public during the military parades marking the Week of Sacred Defense.

Later in September, the Iranian Defense Ministry supplied large numbers of the Qader anti-ship cruise missiles to the Iranian Army's and the IRGC naval forces to boost the country's naval power.

The Iranian defense minister said at the time that Qader is an anti-ship cruise missile with a range of 200km and enjoys a short launch time and is able to hit all naval vessels, including frigates and warships, as well as onshore enemy targets.

Also on November 21, the Iranian Defense Ministry supplied a large number of highly advanced coast-to-sea cruise missiles to the Army's naval forces.

The move came on the verge of the National Navy Day on November 28.

A few months later in January the Iranian Navy fired a large number of anti-ship Qader cruise missiles during a series of exercises, codenamed Velayat 90, in international waters in the Sea of Oman and the Indian Ocean.

The successful firing of the missile which was a remarkable achievement of the Iranian scientists displayed the missile power of the Iranian navy during the last day of the ten-day drills.

Following the exercises, Deputy Commander of the Iranian Navy and Spokesman of the Drills Admiral Seyed Mahmoud Moussavi informed the media that the missile hit the specified targets with 100 percent precision and destroyed them completely.

He said the ultra-advanced missile system had remarkably improved in radar, satellite, precision, range and navigation terms compared to its predecessors.

Then in February, Iran inaugurated the production line of another naval cruise missile, called Zafar (Triumph).

The production line was inaugurated by Defense Minister Vahidi in a ceremony at the Aerospace Industries Organization on the occasion of the Ten-Day Dawn ceremonies, celebrating the anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution back in 1979.

The ceremony was also attended by Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Naval Force Brigadier General Ali Fadavi.

During the ceremony, the first cargo of Zafar missiles was delivered to the IRGC.

Speaking to reporters, Vahid said that "Zafar is a short-range, anti-ship, radar guided missile capable of hitting and destroying small and medium-sized targets with high precision".

He added that the missile can be mounted onto light and speed boats, enjoys a high capability in anti-electronic warfare and is highly destructive.

Tehran launched an arms development program during the 1980-88 Iraqi imposed war on Iran to compensate for a US weapons embargo. Since 1992, Iran has produced its own tanks, armored personnel carriers, missiles and fighter planes.

Yet, Iranian officials have always stressed that the country's military and arms programs serve defensive purposes and should not be perceived as a threat to any other country.

Dit zou weleens een echte doorbraak kunnen zijn. Momenteel zijn er slechts 3 landen - VS, Rusland en China - die over 2000+km range cruise missiles beschikken.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 09/09/2012 | 14:34 uur
Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 09/09/2012 | 14:16 uur
Nieuwe technologie? De EMP kreeg ik al in mijn eerste NBCD-opleiding....

Het gevolg van een nucleaire explosie op grote hoogte.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 09/09/2012 | 14:42 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 09/09/2012 | 14:34 uur
Het gevolg van een nucleaire explosie op grote hoogte.

Volgens Uzi Rubin, de meest gerespecteerde Israëlische missile expert, is het detoneren van een EMP op grote hoogte niet aan een orde. Het opereren van een EMP vanaf de grond zou immers ook kunnen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 09/09/2012 | 15:04 uur
Ik heb juist begrepen dat een EMP is feite niet heel veel schade aanricht, en dat het snel te herstellen is.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Poleme op 09/09/2012 | 15:12 uur
Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 09/09/2012 | 14:16 uur
Nieuwe technologie? De EMP kreeg ik al in mijn eerste NBCD-opleiding....
Het natuurkundige fenomeen Elektro Magnetische Puls werd voor het eerst gezien tijdens een 1,4 megaton A-bom test op 400 km hoogte.
Op 1.300 km afstand ging straatverlichting in Hawaii stuk, telefoonverbindingen vielen uit en stopten auto's ermee.
De nieuwe technologie betreft de conventionele wijze waarop een EMP wordt opgewekt.  Onze KM kan dat ook.  ;)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 09/09/2012 | 15:14 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 09/09/2012 | 15:12 uur
Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 09/09/2012 | 14:16 uur
Nieuwe technologie? De EMP kreeg ik al in mijn eerste NBCD-opleiding....
Het natuurkundige fenomeen Elektro Magnetische Puls werd voor het eerst gezien tijdens een 1,4 megaton A-bom test op 400 km hoogte.
Op 1.300 km afstand ging straatverlichting in Hawaii stuk, telefoonverbindingen vielen uit en stopten auto's ermee.
De nieuwe technologie betreft de conventionele wijze waarop een EMP wordt opgewekt.  Onze KM kan dat ook.  ;)

Zo heeft zo'n I mast de nodige voordelen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 11/09/2012 | 23:12 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 09/09/2012 | 15:12 uur
Citaat van: Kapitein Rob op 09/09/2012 | 14:16 uur
Nieuwe technologie? De EMP kreeg ik al in mijn eerste NBCD-opleiding....
Het natuurkundige fenomeen Elektro Magnetische Puls werd voor het eerst gezien tijdens een 1,4 megaton A-bom test op 400 km hoogte.
Op 1.300 km afstand ging straatverlichting in Hawaii stuk, telefoonverbindingen vielen uit en stopten auto's ermee.
De nieuwe technologie betreft de conventionele wijze waarop een EMP wordt opgewekt.  Onze KM kan dat ook.  ;)

Hoe kan de KM dat voor ons betekenen dan Poleme :) ?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/09/2012 | 07:30 uur
Israël en VS ruziën over Iran
AFP Toegevoegd: woensdag 12 sep 2012, 05:30

De VS en Israël zijn "samen vastberaden" om te voorkomen dat Iran kernwapens krijgt. Dat is de uitkomst van een telefonisch overleg tussen de Amerikaanse president Barack Obama en de Israëlische premier Benjamin Netanyahu. Dat heeft het Witte Huis laten weten.

De ongebruikelijke verklaring komt na berichten dat Obama de Israëlische premier niet zou willen ontvangen als hij volgende maand in de VS is om de VN te bezoeken. In de media werd dat opgevat als vernedering aan het adres van Netanyahu. Maar volgens een woordvoerder past een ontmoeting gewoon niet in de agenda's. "Er is geen verzoek gekomen en er is geen verzoek afgewezen."


Het botert al lang niet tussen de twee leiders. De afgelopen periode bleek al vaker dat ze van mening verschillen over hoe Iran moet worden aangepakt. Obama voelt zich onder druk gezet door Netanyahu. Die zei gisteren dat "zij die weigeren duidelijke grenzen te stellen aan Iran geen moreel recht hebben om een rood stoplicht voor Israël neer te zetten''.

Obama zit in verkiezingstijd niet te wachten op kritiek uit Israël. Netanyahu's woorden kunnen de relatie nog verder onder druk zetten. Israël wil uit zelfverdediging militaire actie tegen Iran kunnen ondernemen en wil deadlines richting Teheran. Washington kiest voor diplomatie en sancties tegen Iran en zijn vermeende nucleaire wapenprogramma.

Bron: NOS
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 13/09/2012 | 07:36 uur
US strikes on Iran would risk major war

Sep. 12 10:35 PM EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. military strikes on Iran would shake the regime's political control and damage its ability to launch counterstrikes, but the Iranians probably would manage to retaliate, directly and through surrogates, in ways that risked igniting all-out war in the Middle East, according to an assessment of an attack's costs and benefits.

The assessment said extended U.S. strikes could destroy Iran's most important nuclear facilities and damage its military forces but would only delay — not stop — the Islamic republic's pursuit of a nuclear bomb.

"You can't kill intellectual power," said retired Army Lt. Gen. Frank Kearney, who endorsed the report. He is a former deputy director at the National Counterterrorism Center and former deputy commander of U.S. Special Operations Command.

The report compiled by former government officials, national security experts and retired military officers is to be publicly released Thursday. It says achieving more than a temporary setback in Iran's nuclear program would require a military operation — including a land occupation — more taxing than the Iraq and Afghanistan wars combined.

An advance copy of the report was provided to The Associated Press.

The assessment emerges against the backdrop of escalating tensions between Israel and the U.S. over when a military strike on Iran might be required. The Israelis worry that Iran is moving more quickly toward a nuclear capability than the United States believes. The U.S. has not ruled out attacking but has sought to persuade Israel to give diplomacy more time.

Israel views a nuclear-armed Iran as a mortal threat, citing Iran's persistent calls for the destruction of the Jewish state, its development of missiles capable of striking Israel and Iranian support for Arab militant groups.

Tehran insists its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes only.

An oft-stated argument against striking Iran is that it would add to a perception of the U.S. as anti-Muslim — a perception linked to the U.S.-led invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan and hardened by Internet-based video excerpts of an anti-Muslim film that may have fueled Tuesday's deadly attack on a U.S. diplomatic office in Libya.

"Planners and pundits ought to consider that the riots and unrest following a Web entry about an obscure film are probably a fraction of what could happen following a strike — by the Israelis or U.S. — on Iran," retired Lt. Gen. Gregory Newbold, an endorser of the Iran report and a former operations chief for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said in an interview.

The report was compiled and endorsed by more than 30 former diplomats, retired admirals and generals and others who said their main purpose was to provide clarity about the potential use of military force against Iran. They reached no overall conclusion and offered no recommendations.

"The report is intended to have what we call an informing influence and hopefully something of a calming influence, but that's something readers will have to answer for themselves," said Thomas Pickering, a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations who has held informal contacts with Iranian officials as recently as the past few months.

Kearney said the assessment was meant to stimulate thinking in the U.S. about the objectives of a military attack on Iran beyond the obvious goal of hitting key components of Iran's nuclear program. "Clearly there is some (U.S.) ability to do destruction, which will cause some delay, but what occurs after that?" he said in an interview.

Other endorsers of the report include Brent Scowcroft, who was President George H.W. Bush's national security adviser; former deputy secretary of state Richard Armitage, former Sens. Sam Nunn and Chuck Hagel and two retired chiefs of U.S. Central Command, Marine Gen. Anthony Zinni and navy Adm. William J. Fallon.

The analysis includes stark assertions about one of the most volatile and complex issues facing the U.S. in a presidential election year. President Barack Obama's failure to get Iran to negotiate acceptable limits on its nuclear program is cited by his opponents as emblematic of a misguided and weak foreign policy.

The report said the Obama administration's stated objective — shared by Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney — of preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear bomb is unlikely to be achieved through military force if action is limited to a combination of airstrikes, cyberattacks, covert operations and special operations strikes.

It says an extensive U.S. military assault could delay for up to four years Iran's ability to build a nuclear weapon. It also could disrupt Iranian government control, deplete its treasury and raise internal tensions.

"We do not believe it would lead to regime change, regime collapse or capitulation," it said, adding that such an attack would increase Iran's motivation to build a bomb, in part because the Iranian leadership would see building a bomb as a way to inhibit future U.S. attacks "and redress the humiliation of being attacked."

A more ambitious military campaign designed to oust the Iranian regime of hardline clerics or force an undermining of Iran's influence in the Mideast would require the U.S. to occupy part or all of the country, the report said.

"Given Iran's large size and population, and the strength of Iranian nationalism, we estimate that the occupation of Iran would require a commitment of resources and personnel greater than what the U.S. has expended over the past 10 years in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars combined," the report said.

The U.S. had as many as 170,000 troops in Iraq at the height of the 2003-10 war, and U.S. troop levels in Afghanistan peaked last year at 100,000. Eleven years into the Afghan war the U.S. still has about 74,000 troops there.

Early drafts of the report were coordinated by the nonpartisan Iran Project, a private group funded in part by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, a philanthropy that promotes peace and democracy. The final version includes contributions from others with national security expertise. It is based on publicly available documents, including unclassified intelligence reports.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Tanker op 13/09/2012 | 10:02 uur
Mooi verhaal, als het leger van Iran gedecimeerd word met grootschalige luchtaanvallen en er een regime change bewerkstelligd kan worden dan moet er toch wel iets te bereiken zijn daar ?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 13/09/2012 | 22:34 uur
Citaat van: Tanker op 13/09/2012 | 10:02 uur
Mooi verhaal, als het leger van Iran gedecimeerd word met grootschalige luchtaanvallen en er een regime change bewerkstelligd kan worden dan moet er toch wel iets te bereiken zijn daar ?
Dat is dus maar de vraag. Er was wel veel onrust en onvrede onder de overwegend jonge Iraanse bevolking. Zie spanningen rond laatste verkiezingen. Maar Iraniërs staan ook bekend om hun nationalisme. Een aanval zou het regime dus misschien meer baten dan schaden. In dat kader lijken sancties beter te werken. Als die echt pijn gaan doen en de bevolking nog meer belasten. Algehele kust en landblokkade? Vliegen boven en van en naar Iran onmogelijk maken? Wat doet een bevolking die op een gegeven moment allerlei primaire zaken niet meer krijgt? Wat doen het Iraanse nationalisme? Hopelijk valt die dan de goede kant op en betekent een nieuwe revolutie het einde van het huidige regime.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 14/09/2012 | 08:29 uur
Is het einde van het regime echt een oplossing?  Ik denk dat het juist problemen veroorzaakt.

Kijk eens naar de landen waarvan de regime zijn verdreven met de hulp van de Amerikanen; een ontzettende islamisering en daardoor een anti-Amerikaanse houding.   Het zal mij echt verbazen als de VS om weer een regime (totaal) wilt gooien.     
Aan de andere kant de Amerikanen hebben dit al vaker gedaan en meegemaakt en bleef toch regimes omgooien.....  mompelt over een ezel en wat stenen.......

Dan gooien ze deze regime omver en dan? Als resultaat:  een ergere anti-Amerikaanse regering (en anti-Israelische) met kernwapens.... want men zal niet alle kernwapens (als deze er al zijn) in handen (kunnen) krijgen.   
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 14/09/2012 | 17:21 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 14/09/2012 | 08:29 uur
Dan gooien ze deze regime omver en dan? Als resultaat:  een ergere anti-Amerikaanse regering (en anti-Israelische) met kernwapens.... want men zal niet alle kernwapens (als deze er al zijn) in handen (kunnen) krijgen.   

Een ergere regime is niet mogelijk. Je hebt nu al de meest extreme fundamentalisten aan de macht. Iraniers zijn, vergeleken met de landen in de regio, redelijk verwesterd en gematigd.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/09/2012 | 18:56 uur
'Ook zonder steun VS Iran aanvallen'

JERUZALEM - Israël kan waarschijnlijk niet rekenen op de steun van de Verenigde Staten om een aanval uit te voeren op het Iraanse atoomprogramma. Dat heeft de Israëlische premier Benjamin Netanyahu vrijdag laten doorschemeren.

In een interview met dagblad Israel Hayom, dat vrijdag verscheen, leek Netanyahu te suggereren dat Israël een aanval overweegt, zelfs als daarvoor geen steun van de VS is. Israël wil daarmee voorkomen dat Iran de beschikking krijgt over een kernwapen. Het is een teken dat Netanyahu niet van plan is zijn nauwelijks verhulde kritiek op de regering van de Amerikaanse president Barack Obama in te trekken, ondanks een telefoontje van Obama eerder deze week dat erop gericht was de plooien glad te strijken.

Netanyahu zei te hebben geluisterd naar diegenen die hebben gezegd dat tot het laatste moment moet worden gewacht. Daarna vraagt hij zich hardop af: "Maar wat als de VS niets doen?"

14-09-2012 - 16.00
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 15/09/2012 | 13:21 uur
Citaat van: Jah op 14/09/2012 | 17:21 uurEen ergere regime is niet mogelijk. Je hebt nu al de meest extreme fundamentalisten aan de macht. Iraniers zijn, vergeleken met de landen in de regio, redelijk verwesterd en gematigd.
En met dat laatste moet ook het regime rekening houden.....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 16/09/2012 | 13:02 uur
Armada of British naval power massing in the Gulf as Israel prepares an Iran strike

An armada of US and British naval power is massing in the Persian Gulf in the belief that Israel is considering a pre-emptive strike against Iran's covert nuclear weapons programme.

By Sean Rayment, Defence Correspondent
10:00PM BST 15 Sep 2012

Battleships, aircraft carriers, minesweepers and submarines from 25 nations are converging on the strategically important Strait of Hormuz in an unprecedented show of force as Israel and Iran move towards the brink of war.

Western leaders are convinced that Iran will retaliate to any attack by attempting to mine or blockade the shipping lane through which passes around 18 million barrels of oil every day, approximately 35 per cent of the world's petroleum traded by sea.

A blockade would have a catastrophic effect on the fragile economies of Britain, Europe the United States and Japan, all of which rely heavily on oil and gas supplies from the Gulf.

The Strait of Hormuz is one of the world's most congested international waterways. It is only 21 miles wide at its narrowest point and is bordered by the Iranian coast to the north and the United Arab Emirates to the south.

In preparation for any pre-emptive or retaliatory action by Iran, warships from more than 25 countries, including the United States, Britain, France, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, will today begin an annual 12-day exercise.

The war games are the largest ever undertaken in the region.

They will practise tactics in how to breach an Iranian blockade of the strait and the force will also undertake counter-mining drills.

The multi-national naval force in the Gulf includes three US Nimitz class carrier groups, each of which has more aircraft than the entire complement of the Iranian air force.

The carriers are supported by at least 12 battleships, including ballistic missile cruisers, frigates, destroyers and assault ships carrying thousand of US Marines and special forces.

The British component consists of four British minesweepers and the Royal Fleet Auxiliary Cardigan Bay, a logistics vessel. HMS Diamond, a brand-new £1billion Type 45 destroyer, one of the most powerful ships in the British fleet, will also be operating in the region.

In addition, commanders will also simulate destroying Iranian combat jets, ships and coastal missile batteries.

In the event of war, the main threat to the multi-national force will come from the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps navy, which is expected to adopt an "access-denial" strategy in the wake of an attack, by directly targeting US warships, attacking merchant shipping and mining vital maritime chokepoints in the Persian Gulf.

Defence sources say that although Iran's capability may not be technologically sophisticated, it could deliver a series of lethal blows against British and US ships using mini-subs, fast attack boats, mines and shore-based anti-ship missile batteries.

Next month, Iran will stage massive military manoeuvres of its own, to show that it is prepared to defend its nuclear installations against the threat of aerial bombardment.

The exercise is being showcased as the biggest air defence war game in the Islamic Republic's history, and will be its most visible response yet to the prospect of an Israeli military strike.

Using surface-to-air missiles, unmanned drones and state-of-the-art radar, Iran's Revolutionary Guards and air force will combine to test the defences of 3,600 sensitive locations throughout the country, including oil refineries and uranium enrichment facilities.

Brigadier General Farzad Esmaili, commander of the Khatam al-Anbiya air defence base, told a conference this month that the manoeuvres would "identify vulnerabilities, try out new tactics and practise old ones".

At the same time as the Western manoeuvres in the Gulf, the British Response Task Forces Group — which includes the carrier HMS Illustrious, equipped with Apache attack helicopters, along with the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle - will be conducting a naval exercise in the eastern Mediterranean. The task force could easily be diverted to the Gulf region via the Suez Canal within a week of being ordered to do so.

The main naval exercise comes as President Barack Obama is scheduled to meet Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, today to discuss the Iranian crisis.

Many within the Obama administration believe that Israel will launch a pre-emptive strike against Iran's nuclear facilities before the US presidential elections, an act which would signal the failure of one of Washington's key foreign policy objectives.

Both Downing Street and Washington hope that the show of force will demonstrate to Iran that Nato and the West will not allow President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian leader, to develop a nuclear armoury or close Hormuz.

Sir John Sawers, the head of MI6, the Secret Intelligence Service, reportedly met the Israeli prime minister and Ehud Barak, his defence secretary, two weeks ago in an attempt to avert military action against Iran.

But just last week Mr Netanyahu signalled that time for a negotiated settlement was running out when he said: "The world tells Israel 'Wait, there's still time.' And I say, 'Wait for what? Wait until when?'

"Those in the international community who refuse to put red lines before Iran don't have a moral right to place a red light before Israel."

The crisis hinges on Iran's nuclear enrichment programme, which Israel believes is designed to build an atomic weapon. Tehran has long argued that the programme is for civil use only and says it has no plans to an build a nuclear bomb, but that claim has been disputed by the West, with even the head of MI6 stating that the Islamic Republic is on course to develop atomic weapons by 2014.

The Strait of Hormuz has long been disputed territory, with the Iranians claiming control of the region and the entire Persian Gulf.

Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps recently boasted that "any plots of enemies" would be foiled and a heavy price exacted, adding: "We determine the rules of military conflict in the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz."

But Leon Panetta, the US defence secretary, warned that Iranian attempts to exercise control over the Strait of Hormuz could be met with force.

He said: "The Iranians need to understand that the United States and the international community are going to hold them directly responsible for any disruption of shipping in that region — by Iran or, for that matter, by its surrogates."

Mr Panetta said that the United States was "fully prepared for all contingencies" and added: "We've invested in capabilities to ensure that the Iranian attempt to close down shipping in the Gulf is something that we are going to be able to defeat if they make that decision."

That announcement was supported by Philip Hammond, the Defence Secretary, who added: "We are determined to work as part of the international community effort to ensure freedom of passage in the international waters of the Strait of Hormuz."

One defence source told The Sunday Telegraph last night: "If it came to war, there would be carnage. The Iranian casualties would be huge but they would be able to inflict severe blows against the US and British.

"The Iranian Republican Guard are well versed in asymmetrical warfare and would use swarm attacks to sink or seriously damage ships. This is a conflict nobody wants, but the rhetoric from Israel is unrelenting."
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 16/09/2012 | 13:10 uur
Iran trains female ninjas as potential assassins

Three thousand Iranian women being trained as ninja warriors say they will use their martial arts skills to defend the country if necessary.

Scores of black-clad female "ninja" fighters whose ages range from 5 to 56 are just a handful of 3,000 women in Iran who are being trained as lethal warriors at a school in Tehran.

"We train women to have strength and ability. We have to do everything in our power to protect our homeland," said Akbar Faraji, who runs the school.

One of the fighters who has been training for over 13 years said, "Our aim is for Iranian women to be strengthened and if a problem arises, we will definitely declare our readiness to defend our Islamic homeland."

Iran has proclaimed advances in nuclear technology, including new centrifuges able to enrich uranium, a move that has heightened its confrontation with the West over suspicions it is planning to make nuclear weapons.

On Friday, the Home Secretary, William Hague told The Telegraph that Iran's pursuit of weapons of mass destruction could trigger a "new Cold War."
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 16/09/2012 | 13:17 uur
Iran dreigt Israël te vernietigen
Toegevoegd: zondag 16 sep 2012, 13:12

Iran zal "niets heel laten" van Israël als het land militaire actie onderneemt tegen Irans nucleaire programma. Dat zegt een van de leiders van de Revolutionaire Garde, de Iraanse elite-eenheid. Generaal Jafari deed zijn stevige uitspraken op een persconferentie in Teheran.

Een tegenaanval van Iran zal volgens de generaal beginnen bij de grens van Israël met Gaza en Libanon, omdat Iran nauwe banden heeft met de militanten in dat grensgebied.

Jafari uitte meer dreigende taal aan landen die Iran zouden willen aanvallen. Zo zei hij dat Iran de Straat van Hormuz zal blokkeren als er een oorlog uitbreekt met de VS. De straat is een belangrijke route voor het vervoer van olie tussen de Perzische Golf en de Golf van Oman.

Verder zei Jafari dat Iran niet meer mee zal werken aan de nucleaire controles van de Verenigde Naties als er een aanval op Teheran wordt uitgevoerd. Dat betekent volgens de generaal niet dat Iran nu bezig is met de bouw van atoomwapens.

Bron: NOS
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 16/09/2012 | 13:19 uur
Ik blijf er bij: geen herfsvakantie planning in de gehele regio.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 16/09/2012 | 13:26 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 16/09/2012 | 13:19 uur
Ik blijf er bij: geen herfsvakantie planning in de gehele regio.

Kerstvakantie wel?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 16/09/2012 | 13:32 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 16/09/2012 | 13:26 uur
Kerstvakantie wel?

Onderofficier de Inca kalender eindigt op 21-12-12, dus je kerstvakantie boeken is dan overbodig. :P
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 16/09/2012 | 13:34 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 16/09/2012 | 13:26 uur
Kerstvakantie wel?

:angel: Dan zit ik op Curacao.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 16/09/2012 | 14:26 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 16/09/2012 | 13:32 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 16/09/2012 | 13:26 uur
Kerstvakantie wel?

Onderofficier de Inca kalender eindigt op 21-12-12, dus je kerstvakantie boeken is dan overbodig. :P

Om gaan met teleurstelling.............. 

Maar heeft het dan wel nut dat Israël Iran gaat aanvallen?   Of is het een kwestie van dingen op maken / gebruiken die we hebben?   :devil:

Ik ben weg: geld over de balk aan het smijten....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 16/09/2012 | 14:27 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 16/09/2012 | 14:26 uur
Ik ben weg: geld over de balk aan het smijten....

Je kan het ook gewoon storten op mijn privé rekening...  :cute-smile:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 16/09/2012 | 14:45 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 16/09/2012 | 14:27 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 16/09/2012 | 14:26 uur
Ik ben weg: geld over de balk aan het smijten....

Je kan het ook gewoon storten op mijn privé rekening...  :cute-smile:

Dat had ook gekund... maar het is al reeds op   8)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 16/09/2012 | 15:16 uur
Citaat van: NOS op 16/09/2012 | 13:17 uur
Iran dreigt Israël te vernietigen
Toegevoegd: zondag 16 sep 2012, 13:12

Iran zal "niets heel laten" van Israël als het land militaire actie onderneemt tegen Irans nucleaire programma. Dat zegt een van de leiders van de Revolutionaire Garde, de Iraanse elite-eenheid. Generaal Jafari deed zijn stevige uitspraken op een persconferentie in Teheran.

Een tegenaanval van Iran zal volgens de generaal beginnen bij de grens van Israël met Gaza en Libanon, omdat Iran nauwe banden heeft met de militanten in dat grensgebied.

Jafari uitte meer dreigende taal aan landen die Iran zouden willen aanvallen. Zo zei hij dat Iran de Straat van Hormuz zal blokkeren als er een oorlog uitbreekt met de VS. De straat is een belangrijke route voor het vervoer van olie tussen de Perzische Golf en de Golf van Oman.

Het positieve is wél dat men alleen aanvalt als men wordt aangevallen   dat is het doel van een defensie.....  (er zal wel gezegt gaan worden dat Israël (/VS) aanvalt om zich te verdedigen....... :devil:)

De kop is dan ook niet geheel correct.

Is het dreigende taal om te zeggen wat men van plan is als men wordt aangevalt?   Wat moet men anders?  Bloemen inkopen?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 16/09/2012 | 16:24 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 16/09/2012 | 14:45 uur
Dat had ook gekund... maar het is al reeds op   8)

Je kan natuurlijk ook je maand salaris van de maand september op mijn bankrekening storten? :-*
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 16/09/2012 | 16:30 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 16/09/2012 | 16:24 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 16/09/2012 | 14:45 uur
Dat had ook gekund... maar het is al reeds op   8)

Je kan natuurlijk ook je maand salaris van de maand september op mijn bankrekening storten? :-*

Nadat de vaste lasten eraf zijn .... is het eea echt niet noemenswaardig   :'(       hetzelfde geldt voor de maanden okt en nov.   ;)

Je bent een crimineel..... mij een beetje gek maken met die maya kalender maar ondertussen aan je slachtoffers geld vragen  
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Flyguy op 16/09/2012 | 16:50 uur
Mijn vrouw zit in gedurende november Israel... :neutral:
Laten ze Nederlanders wel heel?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 16/09/2012 | 16:55 uur
Citaat van: Flyguy op 16/09/2012 | 16:50 uur
Mijn vrouw zit in gedurende november Israel... :neutral:
Laten ze Nederlanders wel heel?

Misschien/wellicht gebeurd er helemaal niets, maar om de "pret" nu op te zoeken...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 16/09/2012 | 16:59 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 16/09/2012 | 16:55 uur
Citaat van: Flyguy op 16/09/2012 | 16:50 uur
Mijn vrouw zit in gedurende november Israel... :neutral:
Laten ze Nederlanders wel heel?

Misschien/wellicht gebeurd er helemaal niets, maar om de "pret" nu op te zoeken...

Misschien zijn er wel Nederlanders die moeten en die daar niet zijn voor de "pret"     dus voor zaken
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Flyguy op 16/09/2012 | 17:05 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 16/09/2012 | 16:59 uur
Misschien zijn er wel Nederlanders die moeten en die daar niet zijn voor de "pret"     dus voor zaken
Werk idd, ben vorig jaar trouwens wel in Libanon op vakantie geweest   ;D
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 16/09/2012 | 17:14 uur
Ik plaatste het woordje "pret"  niet voor niets tussen aanhalingstekens. For business or pleasure is het misschien verstandig om de komende periode heel zorgvuldig naar de planning te kijken.

En bij een blauwe lucht is er niets aan de hand.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 16/09/2012 | 17:19 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 16/09/2012 | 17:14 uur
En bij een blauwe lucht is er niets aan de hand.

Met name tijdens de nacht............. :cute-smile:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 16/09/2012 | 17:23 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 16/09/2012 | 17:14 uur
Ik plaatste het woordje "pret"  niet voor niets tussen aanhalingstekens. For business or pleasure is het misschien verstandig om de komende periode heel zorgvuldig naar de planning te kijken.

Als werknemer heb je, denk ik, weinig invloed......  maar ook als ZZP-er er moet toch geld binnen komen   
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 16/09/2012 | 17:30 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 16/09/2012 | 17:23 uur
Als werknemer heb je, denk ik, weinig invloed......  maar ook als ZZP-er er moet toch geld binnen komen   

Dat zeg ik ook niet, maar als je instaat bent om de regio te mijden in de komende periode dan is daar iets voor te zeggen. Als ik voor business in Tel Aviv zou moete zijn, dan zou ik gewoon gaan.

Maar ik zou, met de kennis van nu, niet morgen naar het reisbureau stappen om een zon, zee en duik vakantie in Eilat te boeken.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 16/09/2012 | 17:49 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 16/09/2012 | 16:30 uur
Je bent een crimineel..... mij een beetje gek maken met die maya kalender  

Onderofficier in tegendeel ik bezit nog geen strafblad, dus ik ben onschuldig, overigens kun je dat bij Jurrien Visser en André Herc  navragen hoe ik ben, deze personen kennen mij in real life.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 16/09/2012 | 17:53 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 16/09/2012 | 17:49 uur
Onderofficier in tegendeel ik bezit nog geen strafblad, dus ik ben onschuldig, overigens kun je dat bij Jurrien Visser en André Herc  navragen hoe ik ben, deze personen kennen mij in real life.

Een slimmer crimineel heeft ook geen strafblad  ;D

Terug naar het onderwerp.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 16/09/2012 | 18:32 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 16/09/2012 | 17:49 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 16/09/2012 | 16:30 uur
Je bent een crimineel..... mij een beetje gek maken met die maya kalender  

Onderofficier in tegendeel ik bezit nog geen strafblad, dus ik ben onschuldig, overigens kun je dat bij Jurrien Visser en André Herc  navragen hoe ik ben, deze personen kennen mij in real life.

Het (offtopic) antwoord van Jurrien zegt mij genoeg....  :-*   

Citaat van: jurrien visser op 16/09/2012 | 17:30 uur
Maar ik zou, met de kennis van nu, niet morgen naar het reisbureau stappen om een zon, zee en duik vakantie in Eilat te boeken.

Israël trek me niet als vakantieland.... net als Iran   maar dat is meer omdat ik in burka moet lopen  ooit eens willen boeken een reisje naar Iran.

Het is niet de regering waar men heeft te maken maar met de bevolking; mijn ervaring is dat de bevolking in dit soort landen echt aardig is.
Ik heb me nooit onveilig gevoeld in dit soort landen.    In tegenstelling: juist zeer veilig.   
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 16/09/2012 | 18:36 uur
In Iran hoeft men niet in een burka rond te lopen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Flyguy op 16/09/2012 | 18:46 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 16/09/2012 | 18:32 uur
Israël trek me niet als vakantieland.... net als Iran   maar dat is meer omdat ik in burka moet lopen  ooit eens willen boeken een reisje naar Iran.

Het is niet de regering waar men heeft te maken maar met de bevolking; mijn ervaring is dat de bevolking in dit soort landen echt aardig is.
Ik heb me nooit onveilig gevoeld in dit soort landen.    In tegenstelling: juist zeer veilig.   
Iran is een prachtig land met aardige mensen, de overheid is iets minder. Je voelt je juist minder veilig door die mannen met zonnebrillen van de republikeinse garde  ;D
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 16/09/2012 | 18:51 uur
Citaat van: Flyguy op 16/09/2012 | 18:46 uur
Iran is een prachtig land met aardige mensen, de overheid is iets minder. Je voelt je juist minder veilig door die mannen met zonnebrillen van de republikeinse garde  ;D

Ik zou er graag eens heen willen. Maar tegen die tijd dat dit voor mij mogelijk is, is het land vast verworden tot een hellegat door toedoen van de Amerikanen waar je niet veilig zult zijn.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 16/09/2012 | 18:51 uur
Citaat van: Jah op 16/09/2012 | 18:36 uur
In Iran hoeft men niet in een burka rond te lopen.

Het reisburo zei, ook een paar jaar geleden, dit.......    

Van de KLM weet ik dat zij het personeel niet in Iran laten overnachten wat te maken heeft met oa de "kledingvoorschriften".  

Het eea verandert?    Maar ik wacht nog wel ff.....   ;)

Citaat van: Flyguy op 16/09/2012 | 18:46 uur
Iran is een prachtig land met aardige mensen, de overheid is iets minder.

Dat zei ik toch..... dat de mensen in dat soort landen aardig zijn   (ik heb weinig te maken gehad met mensen van de overheden)  

Het blijft echt wel op mijn lijstje staan

Citaat van: IPA NG op 16/09/2012 | 18:51 uur
Ik zou er graag eens heen willen. Maar tegen die tijd dat dit voor mij mogelijk is, is het land vast verworden tot een hellegat door toedoen van de Amerikanen waar je niet veilig zult zijn.
Zoals Egypte en Libië......   (ben blij dat ik al reeds in Libië ben geweest, Egypte trok me al niet)  
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 16/09/2012 | 18:56 uur
Nee inderdaad, Syrië zou ik graag heen gewild hebben :'(.

Maar vrouwen moeten in Iran hun haar bedekken en loszittende kleding dragen, een chador hoef je alleen aan in heilige plaatsen en boerka's kennen ze daar niet.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Flyguy op 16/09/2012 | 18:59 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 16/09/2012 | 18:51 uur

Dat zei ik toch..... dat de mensen in dat soort landen aardig zijn   (ik heb weinig te maken gehad met mensen van de overheden)  

Het blijft echt wel op mijn lijstje staan
Iran, Libanon, Syrie en Egypte, Ik kan ze allemaal aanraden, althans dat kon ik...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 16/09/2012 | 19:00 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 16/09/2012 | 18:56 uur
Nee inderdaad, Syrië zou ik graag heen gewild hebben :'(.


Citaat van: IPA NG op 16/09/2012 | 18:56 uur
Maar vrouwen moeten in Iran hun haar bedekken en loszittende kleding dragen, een chador hoef je alleen aan in heilige plaatsen en boerka's kennen ze daar niet.

Dat wil ik ook niet....   een hoofddoekje om...      daarom ook niet naar Pakistan geweest  ......    
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 16/09/2012 | 19:22 uur
US to flex naval might in Persian Gulf war games

Published: 16 September, 2012, 17:16

The US Navy is leading its largest-ever war games in the Persian Gulf, with warships from 25 countries being deployed in the region. Tehran, in return, is preparing for its biggest air defense war game in the history of Islamic Republic next month.

The countries that deployed the largest number of warships for the 12-day training mission are the US, Britain, France, Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

The exact number of aircraft carriers, battleships and submarines taking part is unclear. Three American aircraft carriers out of the four currently in commission are reportedly gathering in the Persian Gulf for the training. USS Enterprise, USS John C. Stennis, USS Dwight D. Eisenhower have reportedly arrived.

The USS George Washington is believed to be on patrol in the Pacific Ocean but its exact whereabouts are a mystery. It was sighted near the island of Guam one week ago, and the air carrier's Facebook page claims that it is still in the Pacific. But since the ship can travel at over 30 knots, it could be on its way to the Persian Gulf.

The aircraft carriers are supported by at least a dozen warships: Ballistic missile cruisers, destroyers, frigates and assault ships carrying thousand of US Marines and spec ops ships.

Britain dispatched six vessels to the Persian Gulf war games: the HMS Diamond, a brand-new £1 billion worth destroyer, four minesweepers and a logistics vessel.

The joint fleet is expected to simulate destroying Iranian fighter jets, battleships and coastal military defenses like missile batteries.

Attacking Iran cuts both ways for US

­Tensions between Iran and Israel over Tehran's controversial nuclear program have been on the uptick. Iran has blamed the US for Israel's possible attack on Iran's nuclear facilities, and promised to retaliate against American interests in the event of such an attack.

On Sunday, Iranian General Mohammad Ali Jafari confirmed that in a conflict with Israel, Iran considers the entrance of the Persian Gulf – the Strait of Hormuz – a legitimate target.

"The US has many vulnerable targets around Iran, and its bases are within the range of the Guards' missiles. We have other capabilities as well, particularly when it comes to the support of Muslims for the Islamic republic," the general said during a press conference in Tehran.

Jafari revealed that Tehran is aware of Israel's unsuccessful attempts to push the US towards military action against Iran, but claimed it was unlikely that an Israeli strike against Tehran's nuclear facilities "would be carried out without US permission."

If Israel attacked Iran, "nothing of Israel will be left, considering its size," he said.

In response, the US, which maintains a heavy military presence in the region, and its allies are increasing military patrols to protect the Strait of Hormuz, which accounts for 40 percent of the world oil shipped by sea.

Hawkish US rhetoric towards the Islamic Republic has lessened in the face of the coming presidential election in November. The Obama administration indicated that domestic matters have taken precedence over Tel Aviv's hawkish stance towards Iran.

Israeli decision-making is greatly affected by various factors, including Barack Obama himself. If GOP presidential contender Mitt Romney defeats Obama in the election and becomes president, it would take him months to set a new foreign policy towards Iran, giving Tehran more time to prepare for war.

A second Obama term is also an unappealing option for the current Israeli cabinet, for different reasons.

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu despises American President Barack Obama "personally and politically," researcher and author F. William Engdahl told RT. The pair could be hard-pressed to find common ground on Iran, leading Israel to calculate that a unilateral strike is an option, since America would be forced protect its bases and assets in the event of a regional war.

In Armenia, a country in the Caucasus bordering Iran, a large war game by the Russian-led Collective Security Treaty Organization has been launched.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Flyguy op 16/09/2012 | 19:27 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 16/09/2012 | 19:00 uur
Dat wil ik ook niet....   een hoofddoekje om...      daarom ook niet naar Pakistan geweest  ......    
Als je dat er niet voor hebt... Je hoeft ze alleen om als je een heilige plaats in gaat, is dat zo veel moeite?
Of ben je zelf streng gelovig?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 16/09/2012 | 19:33 uur
3 carriers inclusief escort en een 4e die zomaar kan opduiken lijkt mij een aardig signaal dat donkere wolken zich snel samen pakken boven de regio, iets wat natuurlijk geen conflict hoeft te beteken maar "showing the flag" krijgt zo wel extra betekenis.

Laten wij een OPV sturen... dat maakt ook indruk  :cute-smile:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Flyguy op 16/09/2012 | 19:46 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 16/09/2012 | 19:33 uur
3 carriers inclusief escort en een 4e die zomaar kan opduiken lijkt mij een aardig signaal dat donkere wolken zich snel samen pakken boven de regio, iets wat natuurlijk geen conflict hoeft te beteken maar "showing the flag" krijgt zo wel extra betekenis.

Laten wij een OPV sturen... dat maakt ook indruk  :cute-smile:

Die opv kan nog wat uithalen, Iran vertrouwt op een swarm tactiek met kleine bootjes, daar is een opv voor gemaakt toch?  ;D
Stuur 4 opv's die elkaar dekking geven  :P
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 16/09/2012 | 19:50 uur
Citaat van: Flyguy op 16/09/2012 | 19:46 uur
Die opv kan nog wat uithalen, Iran vertrouwt op een swarm tactiek met kleine bootjes, daar is een opv voor gemaakt toch?  ;D
Stuur 4 opv's die elkaar dekking geven  :P

Met 22 kts en een paar proppenschiers?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Flyguy op 16/09/2012 | 20:03 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 16/09/2012 | 19:50 uur

Met 22 kts en een paar proppenschieters?

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 16/09/2012 | 21:08 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 16/09/2012 | 19:50 uur
Met 22 kts en een paar proppenschieters?

Jurrien ook voor die proppenschieters is er een alternatief een marineversie van de Thales LLM

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 16/09/2012 | 22:40 uur
Citaat van: Flyguy op 16/09/2012 | 19:27 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 16/09/2012 | 19:00 uur
Dat wil ik ook niet....   een hoofddoekje om...      daarom ook niet naar Pakistan geweest  ......    
Als je dat er niet voor hebt... Je hoeft ze alleen om als je een heilige plaats in gaat, is dat zo veel moeite?
Of ben je zelf streng gelovig?

Nee ik pas me wel wat aan maar constant met een hoofddoek lopen, zeer wijde kleding te gaan gaat me echt te ver.  
In Iran en Pakistan is het ook op straat.  Het heeft niets met moeite te maken want in de moskeeën kerken maar ook in andere tempels ben ik heel gepast gekleed  

Maar als ik me moet aanpasen aan mannen die (door hun geloof) niet van vrouwen kunnen afblijven omdat deze geen hoofddoek en wijde kleding dragen is voor mij de grens....        Of de hand niet willen schudden omdat ze dan bang zijn overspel te plegen   :devil:   

Ik ben ongelovig; heb respect voor één ieder hoe die is maar verwacht dat ook terug.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Flyguy op 16/09/2012 | 22:45 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 16/09/2012 | 22:40 uur
Nee ik pas me wel wat aan maar constant met een hoofddoek lopen, zeer wijde kleding te gaan gaat me echt te ver. 
In Iran en Pakistan is het ook op straat.  Het heeft niets met moeite te maken want in de moskeeën kerken maar ook in andere tempels ben ik heel gepast gekleed  dat is mijn grens.

Nee ik ben ongelovig. 
Ik weet er eerlik gezegd weinig van, ik kan altijd overal naar binnen  ;D

In libanon liepen vrouwen zoder hoofddoek, zelfde geldt voor egypte en libie, volgens mij iran (tehran) ook maar dat weet ik niet zeker.
Ben ik al een tijdje niet geweest.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 16/09/2012 | 22:53 uur
Citaat van: Flyguy op 16/09/2012 | 22:45 uur
In libanon liepen vrouwen zoder hoofddoek, zelfde geldt voor egypte en libie, volgens mij iran (tehran) ook maar dat weet ik niet zeker.
Ben ik al een tijdje niet geweest.

Iran is groter dan Teheran, in Kabul liepen de vrouwen ook zonder hoofddoek.....ooit......

Wat ik al aangaf ik ben ik verschillende islamitische landen / gebieden geweest (in meer dan aangegeven) daar had ik mijn eigen kleding aan ook buiten de steden.  Nooit problemen gehad.    In moskeeën een hoofddoek om; geen probleem voor mij.     

Egypte wordt ook minder, als ik de kranten mag geloven:  Vrouwelijke journalisten die worden betast. 
En om nu naar een resort te gaan ..... laat maar. 
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 16/09/2012 | 23:16 uur
Citaat van: Flyguy op 16/09/2012 | 22:45 uur
volgens mij iran (tehran) ook maar dat weet ik niet zeker.

In Iran is het dragen van een hoofddoek overal verplicht. In Teheran, maar ook in andere grote steden, is het daarentegen wel zo dat het hoofddoek iets 'lichter' wordt het gedragen, waardoor het bijna een soort fashion-achtig-iets wordt. Zoiets als dit dus:

Veel moderner dus als men in eerste instantie denkt.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 16/09/2012 | 23:36 uur
Citaat van: Jah op 16/09/2012 | 23:16 uur
Veel moderner dus als men in eerste instantie denkt.

Nou, wat modern.......... :devil:  
Het is afwachten wanneer deze "moderne trend" /  "fashion-achtig-iets"  naar Europa komt als zijnde verplichting..... :devil:   :dead:  
Dan vertrek ik......
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 16/09/2012 | 23:50 uur
Netanyahu: Iran six to seven months from nuclear bomb capability
The Israeli premier calls the U.S. to spell out limits that Tehran must not cross or else face military action - something Obama has refused to do.
By The Associated Press   and Reuters   | Sep.16, 2012 | 5:18 PM

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned on Sunday that Iran would be on the brink of nuclear weapons capability in six to seven months, adding new urgency to his demand that President Barack Obama set a clear "red line" for Tehran in what could deepen the worst U.S.-Israeli rift in decades.

Taking his case to the American public, Netanyahu said in U.S. television interviews that by mid-2013, Iran would be 90 percent of the way toward enough enriched uranium for a bomb. He urged the United States to spell out limits that Tehran must not cross or else face military action - something Obama has refused to do.

"You have to place that red line before them now, before it's too late," Netanyahu told NBC's "Meet the Press" program, saying that such a U.S. move could reduce the chances of having to attack Iran's nuclear sites.

The unusually public dispute - coupled with Obama's decision not to meet with Netanyahu later this month - has exposed a deep U.S.-Israeli divide and stepped up pressure on the U.S. leader in the final stretch of a tight presidential election campaign.

The message implicitly fit in with Romney's harsh rhetoric on Iran. Romney, like Obama, has said he would not allow Iran to add a nuclear weapon to its arsenal. The Republican nominee has been critical of Obama for not acting quickly or forcefully enough, but has not offered specifics about what he would do that is different. Neither Obama nor Romney have called for U.S. military intervention any time soon.

Obama insists that time remains for tough sanctions imposed by the U.S. and its allies to force a diplomatic solution. Netanyahu argues time is running out and that Washington must quickly draw "red lines" past which Iran cannot move in its nuclear program without engendering an American military attack.

Netanyahu has threatened that Israel would attack Iran alone if it determines Tehran is reaching a point beyond which the Israeli military could do little to stop the march toward building a nuclear weapon.

The United States, its Western allies and Israel all accuse Iran of using what it says is a nuclear program designed only for electricity generation and medical research as cover to build a weapon.

The savvy Netanyahu, who lived many years in the United States and once worked at the same financial firm as Romney, denied he was intervening in the U.S. presidential race. He and Obama have a cool relationship, and earlier this summer he accorded Romney the trappings of a visiting head of state when the candidate made a gaffe-filled foreign tour to build his standing on foreign policy.

As Muslim demonstrators threaten U.S. diplomatic missions throughout the Islamic world, Netanyahu's remarks on NBC sought to draw on the violence to bolster his argument.

"Iran, with nuclear weapons, would mean that the kind of fanaticism that you see storming your embassies would have a nuclear weapon. Don't let these fanatics have nuclear weapons," he said.

That came on the heels of renewed and untrue Romney assertions that Obama had run a foreign policy in the Islamic world that was based on apologies for past American actions, especially in the Arab world. Romney then amped up his criticism in the first hours of the start of the current chaos at U.S. embassies, by ill-timed remarks that the Obama administration was not standing up for U.S. ¬ideals.

Netanyahu says containment policy for Iran... by reuters

He spoke before an assault on the U.S. embassy in Cairo and the attack on the consulate in Benghazi, Libya, in which Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were killed. Romney came under heavy political fire for those remarks and even sterner comments the next day. He was blasted by Democrats and some Republicans for issuing statements before he knew the facts and for breaking with the U.S. tradition of bipartisanship in times of foreign crises.

Romney and his surrogates also have been deeply critical of Obama's handling of U.S.-Israeli relations, with some Republican surrogates saying the administration has "thrown Israel under the bus."

Netanyahu denied he was joining that argument. Asked if he viewed Romney as the candidate who would keep Israel safer, the Israeli leader told NBC:

"God, I'm not going to be drawn into the American election. And what's guiding my statements is not the American political calendar, but the Iranian nuclear calendar."

But his appearance on widely viewed and important U.S. television news programs when he did, whether knowingly or not, could affect the outcome of the race.

While the struggling U.S. economy is the top issue among American voters, much of Romney's most conservative base, especially evangelical Christians, are determined to tie the United States even more closely to the needs of Israel.

Netanyahu contends Iran poses an existential threat and would use a nuclear weapon to make good on his rhetorical threats to wipe Israel off the map.

While polls show Obama gaining ground on Romney's standing among voters as the best candidate to handle the economy, the president holds a significant lead as the best man to run U.S. foreign policy.

Romney sees the turmoil in the Islamic world and attacks on U.S. embassies as an opportunity to cut into that advantage. He no doubt is taking pleasure, as well, over the timing of Netanyahu's remarks and the audience he was addressing.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 17/09/2012 | 00:04 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 16/09/2012 | 23:36 uur
Nou, wat modern.......... :devil:  
Het is afwachten wanneer deze "moderne trend" /  "fashion-achtig-iets"  naar Europa komt als zijnde verplichting..... :devil:   :dead:  
Dan vertrek ik......

De illegale feestjes in Noord-Teheran zouden nochtans wel aardig zijn.

Maar goed, ontopic.

Iran is géén Arabisch land en kent ook een andere geschiedenis. Een groot deel van de bevolking is helemaal geen radicale haatbaard zoals in de Arabische landen m.i. wel het geval is.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 17/09/2012 | 06:41 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 17/09/2012 | 00:04 uur
Iran is géén Arabisch land en kent ook een andere geschiedenis. Een groot deel van de bevolking is helemaal geen radicale haatbaard zoals in de Arabische landen m.i. wel het geval is.

Dat vraag ik me dus af: Of in de Arabische landen een groot deel (grootste deel?) van de bevolking "radicale haatbaarden" zijn.
Persoonlijk denk ik niet.   Waardoor er volgens mij deze situatie ook in Iran kan ontstaan indien de huidige regering van Iran wordt verjaagd.   

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 17/09/2012 | 08:26 uur
Ex-envoy to Israel: US will go to war with Iran in 2013

Former US Ambassador to Israel estimates US to go to war with Iran in 2013; says Israel's insistence that US publicly declare 'red line' Iran won't be permitted to cross is 'unreasonable requirement'

Ynet Published:  09.17.12, 09:19 / Israel News 
US Ambassador to Israel has predicted that the US will go to war with Iran as early as 2013. "I'm afraid that 2013 is going to be a year in which we're going to have a military confrontation with Iran," Martin Indyk said in an interview on CBS's 'Face the Nation.'

During the interview, Indyk pointed out that the time has not come, yet, that the US needs to take military action. "Iran doesn't have a nuclear weapon. While there's still time, there's not a lot of time," he said.

Indyk's remarks came during a discussion with foreign policy experts on the latest protests in the Middle East and Israel's public statements pressuring the United States over Iran.

As for the public dispute between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Barack Obama over Iran, Indyk said he doesn't think "the difference between Netanyahu and Obama on this is that great, in terms of the President's commitment not to allow Iran to acquire nuclear weapons."

On Israel's insistence that the US publicly declare a 'red line' that Iran is not permitted to cross, Indyk said "that is an unreasonable requirement."

"The idea of putting out a public red line – in effect issuing an ultimatum – is something that no president would do," he said.

"If you noticed, Governor Mitt Romney is not putting out a red line; Senator McCain didn't, either. And neither is Netanyahu for that matter, in terms of Israel's own actions," he added.

Richard Haas, president of the Council on Foreign Relations, echoed Indy's assessment that negotiations with Iran have not dissuaded the Iranians to halt their nuclear program. He said Netanyahu has sought to increase pressure publicly because "he doesn't want these things to be drawn out indefinitely.",7340,L-4282097,00.html
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 17/09/2012 | 19:29 uur
Krijgt massa-liquidatie een hele andere wending? Een "ontmoeting" werd door een huurmoordenaar/geheim agent land X aangegrepen tot deze liquidatie?. En die andere fietser die het ontdekte? "toevallig" een Engelsman of niet?

'Voorbijganger mogelijk doelwit moord Annecy'

ANNECY - De politie onderzoekt of de man die als 'toevallige' getuige wordt beschouwd van een moordpartij in de Franse Alpen eerder deze maand, misschien het eigenlijke doelwit was.
Foto:  AFP

Dat heeft de leider van het politieonderzoek Benedict Vinnemann maandag gezegd in de Britse krant Daily Mail.

Op 5 september werden drie leden van de Brits-Iraakse familie al-Hilli doodgeschoten bij het Meer van Annecy.

Twee zusjes van 4 en 7 jaar overleefden de schietpartij. De 45-jarige Sylvain Mollier werd op zijn fiets doodgeschoten. De politie onderzoekt nu ook of hij er een dubbelleven op nahield. De twee zusjes zijn inmiddels terug in Groot-Brittannië.


Mollier werkte voor het bedrijf Cezus, een dochter van het Franse energieconcern Areva. De eigenaar van Cezus zou in het verleden hebben geprobeerd VN-sancties te ontduiken en verrijkt uranium te leveren aan Iran. Het bedrijf sprak dat tegen.

Sylvain Mollier werd zondag stiekem begraven, tegen de wens van zijn familie in. Zijn verwanten wilden hem cremeren. Naar verluidt willen forensische rechercheurs de mogelijkheid openhouden om zijn lichaam op te graven voor nader onderzoek.
Door: ANP
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 17/09/2012 | 20:00 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 17/09/2012 | 19:29 uur
Krijgt massa-liquidatie een hele andere wending? Een "ontmoeting" werd door een huurmoordenaar/geheim agent land X aangegrepen tot deze liquidatie?. En die andere fietser die het ontdekte? "toevallig" een Engelsman of niet?

'Voorbijganger mogelijk doelwit moord Annecy'

ANNECY - De politie onderzoekt of de man die als 'toevallige' getuige wordt beschouwd van een moordpartij in de Franse Alpen eerder deze maand, misschien het eigenlijke doelwit was.
Foto:  AFP

Dat heeft de leider van het politieonderzoek Benedict Vinnemann maandag gezegd in de Britse krant Daily Mail.

Op 5 september werden drie leden van de Brits-Iraakse familie al-Hilli doodgeschoten bij het Meer van Annecy.

Twee zusjes van 4 en 7 jaar overleefden de schietpartij. De 45-jarige Sylvain Mollier werd op zijn fiets doodgeschoten. De politie onderzoekt nu ook of hij er een dubbelleven op nahield. De twee zusjes zijn inmiddels terug in Groot-Brittannië.


Mollier werkte voor het bedrijf Cezus, een dochter van het Franse energieconcern Areva. De eigenaar van Cezus zou in het verleden hebben geprobeerd VN-sancties te ontduiken en verrijkt uranium te leveren aan Iran. Het bedrijf sprak dat tegen.

Sylvain Mollier werd zondag stiekem begraven, tegen de wens van zijn familie in. Zijn verwanten wilden hem cremeren. Naar verluidt willen forensische rechercheurs de mogelijkheid openhouden om zijn lichaam op te graven voor nader onderzoek.
Door: ANP

Het kan zo een boek van Tom Clancy zijn......
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 17/09/2012 | 20:15 uur
De fietser mogelijk betrokken bij verboden levering vanuit Frankrijk aan Iran. En man van het gezin betrokken bij Iraaks nucleair programma? Heeft Irak misschien op laatste moment nucleair materiaal overgebracht naar Iran? En nu betrokkenen uit de weg ruim-tijd?

Inderdaad...prachtig materiaal voor een spannende roman of film.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 17/09/2012 | 21:55 uur
Toen ik de foto zag van Netanyahu en Barak die toost uitbrengen met IDF staf op Rosh Hashanah (Joods Nieuw Jaar)

ben ik even verder gaan lezen....Als ik het goed begrijp wordt dit feest afgesloten op Jom Kipoer (Grote Verzoendag) op woensdag 26 september 2012. Jom Kipoer, dat de Israëli ook doet denken aan dezelfde dag in oktober 1973, toen Israël pijnlijk werd verrast door een grote aanval van de Arabische buurlanden, die haar meer schade en verliezen berokkende dan de oorlogen daarvoor, ook al won ze hem weer glansrijk.

Hoe symbolisch zou het zijn...een aanval op Iran voor, tijdens of direct na Jom Kipoer dag...Israëli vrij en dus thuis....Netanyahu met een prachtige propagandistische toespraak...waarin hij aangeeft dat Israël zich niet nog eens laat verrassen door haar vijanden...dus ook niet door een mogelijk kernwapenbezit van dit maal Iran.

26 september....window of opportunity? symbolisch in ieder geval wel lijkt mij. 
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 17/09/2012 | 21:58 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 17/09/2012 | 21:55 uur
Toen ik de foto zag van het  Netanyahu die toost uitbrengt met IDF staf op Rosh Hashanah (Joods Nieuw Jaar)

ben ik even verder gaan lezen....Als ik het goed begrijp wordt dit feest afgesloten op Jom Kipoer (Grote Verzoendag) op woensdag 26 september 2012. Jom Kipoer, dat de Israëli ook doet denken aan dezelfde dag in oktober 1973, toen Israël pijnlijk werd verrast door een grote aanval van de Arabische buurlanden, die haar meer schade en verliezen berokkende dan de oorlogen daarvoor, ook al won ze hem weer glansrijk.

Hoe symbolisch zou het zijn...een aanval op Iran voor, tijdens of direct na Jom Kipoer dag...Israëli vrij en dus thuis....Netanyahu met een prachtige propagandistische toespraak...waarin hij aangeeft dat Israël zich niet nog eens laat verrassen door haar vijanden...dus ook niet door een mogelijk kernwapenbezit van dit maal Iran.

26 september....window of opportunity? symbolisch in ieder geval wel lijkt mij. 

Die Israëliers beseffen dit ook wel.
( hoop ik )
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 23/09/2012 | 10:49 uur
"Oorlog van Israël tegen Iran zal er komen"


De oorlog van Israël tegen Iran zal er komen. Dat verklaarde generaal Mohammad Ali Jafari, de bevelhebber van de Iraanse Revolutionaire Garde of Pasdaran, vandaag. Ook bevestigde hij dat Iran er klaar voor is en Israël zal vernietigen.

"De oorlog zal er komen, maar we weten niet wanneer en waar", zei Jafari, zo berichten de nieuwsagentschappen Isna en Fars. "De kankertumor die Israël is, wil een oorlog tegen ons beginnen, maar we weten niet wanneer dat zal gebeuren. De Israëli's beschouwen een oorlog als de enige manier om ons het hoofd te bieden, maar ze zijn zo dwaas dat hun meesters (de Verenigde Staten) hen zouden moeten tegenhouden", aldus de generaal. "Als ze beginnen, zal dat hun vernietiging betekenen."

Israël dreigde er meermaals mee de Iraanse nucleaire sites aan te vallen, als de sancties en diplomatieke inspanningen er niet toe leiden dat Teheran stopt met zijn gevoelige nucleaire activiteiten.

Gisteren waarschuwde Iran Israël en de VS nog voor een aanval, eraan toevoegend dat hun antwoord er "onmiddellijk" zal komen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 23/09/2012 | 11:19 uur
zondag 23 september 2012

Lessen uit een Amerikaans-Iraanse wargame
"Misschien was het de 'mist van de simulatie'. Maar het meest enge aspect van een Amerikaans-Iraanse wargame die deze week is uitgevoerd, was de manier waarop beide zijden zich verkeken op de reacties van de ander en verplaatsten in de richting van de oorlog, zelfs als de spelers dachten dat ze behoudende opties kozen."

David Ignatius
Aldus David Ignatius in zijn artikel in The Washington Post over een wargame tussen voormalige beleidsmakers van de Verenigde Staten en prominente Iraanse Amerikanen die 'Iran' naspeelden. Het 'oorlogsspel' was georganiseerd door Kenneth Pollack – Midden-Oostenexpert bij het Saban Center for Middle East Policy van de denktank Brookings Institution. Ignatius was als waarnemer bij de wargame aanwezig, op voorwaarde dat hij de namen van de deelnemers niet openbaar zou maken.

Recente uitspraken van prominenten plaatsen de wargame, zoals die afgelopen week is uitgevoerd, in een ander licht. Zo gaf Martin Indyk, voormalig Amerikaans ambassadeur in Israël, op 16 september jl. in het CBS-programma Face the Nation aan: "I'm afraid that 2013 is going to be a year in which we're going to have a military confrontation with Iran."

En gisteren nog zei generaal Mohammad Ali Jafari - bevelhebber van de Revolutionaire Gardes, de elitetroepen van de islamitische republiek – dat de dreigementen van Israël bewijzen "dat hun vijandige houding tegenover de islam en de revolutie menens is, en dat die vijandschap uiteindelijk zal leiden tot een fysiek conflict."

Volgens Ignatius liet de wargame zien hoe gemakkelijk signalen van beide kanten verkeerd werden geïnterpreteerd. In de wargame was het juli 2013. Uitgangspunten waren dat Barack Obama was herkozen tot president, de P5+1-landen in een diplomatieke impasse met Iran zaten, en Israël Iran niet eenzijdig had aangevallen.

Verdere uitgangspunten voor het spelscenario: regelmatig werden Iraanse wetenschappers vermoord; de VS, Israël en Groot-Brittannië ontwikkelden een nieuw cyberwapen om de invloed van Iraanse nucleaire en militaire installaties aan banden te leggen; de Iraanse leider meende dat de Amerikanen "[...]are led by a weak man with no stomach for the struggle"; en Iran had over 3 à 4 maanden genoeg verrijkt uranium voor twee kernwapens.

Startpunt van de wargame was een Iraanse terreuroperatie in de Amerikaanse achtertuin. Op 6 juli 2013 verwoestte een bom een hotel op Aruba. 137 mensen kwamen om het leven, vooral Amerikaanse vakantiegangers. En een Amerikaanse nucleaire wetenschapper.

Het Amerikaanse wargame-team vond dat Iran hiermee een "unacceptable threshold" had overschreden en adviseerde een zware vergelding. De VS bombardeerde een kamp van de Revolutionaire Garde in Iran, startte een cyberaanval in dat land en gaf Iraanse agenten in tientallen andere landen de hint dat ze onderkend en dus kwetsbaar waren.

Iran onderschepte vervolgens een Amerikaans bericht dat het waarschuwde voor "ernstige gevolgen" als het nucleaire programma niet zou worden gestopt. Het Iraanse wargame-team wilde weliswaar krachtig reageren, maar géén aanval op haar nucleaire installaties uitlokken. De Iraanse wargamers verwierpen de meest agressieve optie – zoals een aanval op U.S. Fifth Fleet HQ in Bahrein – en kozen voor het bemijnen van de Straat van Hormuz en intimideren van Amerikaanse schepen in de Perzische Golf. De Amerikanen kregen niet mee dat Iran haar voorraad uranium had gehalveerd om haar bereidheid tot onderhandelen aan te geven.

Aldus vond de denkbeeldige Amerikaanse veiligheidsadviseur in het spel dat de "red line" was overschreden. De conclusie van het Amerikaanse wargamers was dat de Iraniërs de Straat van Hormuz afsloten en Amerikaanse schepen aanvielen.

Met vijf stemmen vóór en drie tegen kozen de Amerikanen tot slot voor het uitschakelen van Iran's nucleaire installaties en, met het vernietigen van de Iraanse kustverdediging, voor het heropenen van de zeestraat.

Organisator Kenneth Pollack concludeerde na afloop dat "small miscalculations are magnified very quickly."

(Met dank aan de schrijver van dit artikel die het verkiest anoniem te blijven, HdV)

Washington Post: Lessons from an Iranian war game
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 23/09/2012 | 18:39 uur
Iran dreigt met aanval op VS

TEHERAN - Als er een oorlog uitbreekt tussen Israël en Iran dan valt Iran Amerikaanse bases in de regio aan. Daarmee heeft een bevelhebber van de Iraanse Revolutionaire Garde zondag gedreigd. Israël kan zonder hulp van de Verenigde Staten nooit een aanval op Iran uitvoeren, waarmee de VS automatisch een legitiem doelwit zijn, aldus Amir Ali Hajizadeh.

Andere staten in de regio worden ook betrokken bij de oorlog, omdat Amerikaanse bases in Bahrein, Qatar en Afghanistan aangevallen zullen worden door Iran, zei Hajizadeh in een interview met de Iraanse staatstelevisie.

De VS en hun bondgenoten menen dat Iran bezig is een kernwapen te ontwikkelen. Israël heeft eerder al gezegd een aanval op de Iraanse nucleaire faciliteiten te overwegen. Teheran houdt echter vol dat het atoomprogramma slechts vreedzame doeleinden dient.

23-09-2012 - 17.15
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 24/09/2012 | 06:33 uur
Iran may launch pre-emptive strike on Israel, conflict could grow into WWIII - senior commander

Published: 23 September, 2012, 23:07

An Iranian military official has warned that military conflict between Iran and Israel could "turn into World War III." He added that if Israel "is putting the final touches on attacking Iran," a preemptive strike against Tel Aviv would ensue.

­Israel "cannot imagine" the force of Iran's response if Tel Aviv attacks it, Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh told Iran's Arabic-language television network. "It will sustain heavy damage and that will be a prelude to its obliteration," he said.

Hajizadeh added that Iran does not see this happening at the moment because he does not believe that Israel will conduct an attack without its strongest ally – the United States.

If America does decide to back an Israeli plan to strike Iran, Hejizadeh insists Tehran will retaliate against both Tel Aviv and Washington.

"Tehran will definitely attack US bases in Bahrain, Qatar and Afghanistan...there will be no neutral country in the region," Hajizadeh said. "To us, these bases are equal to US soil."

The statement comes after the head of the Revolutionary Guards, General Mohammad Ali Jafari, said that a war between Iran and Israel "will eventually happen." Jafari did not speculate on a possible date or location of the war. 

"If they begin [aggression], it will spell their destruction and will be the end of the story," Jafari told local news agencies.

Jafari's deputy backed up his statements, telling Fars news agency that Iran will not start a war with Israel, but will respond to provocation.

"Iran's defensive strategy is based on the assumption that we will engage in a war, a massive battle against a global coalition led by the US," Deputy Commander of Iran's Revolutionary Guard Brig.-Gen. Hossein Salami said.

"If the Zionists act against Iran, it will be a historic opportunity for the Islamic Revolution to wipe them off the world's geographic history," he continued.

The latest statements come in response to Tel Aviv's threats to strike Iranian nuclear facilities. Israel insists that numerous sanctions have failed to curb Tehran's alleged nuclear weapons program.

On September 2, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused world powers, including the US, of failing to draw a "clear red line."

"Until Iran sees this clear red line and this determination, it won't stop advancing its nuclear program. Iran must never be allowed to acquire nuclear arms," Netanyahu said.

The Obama administration refused to meet Israel's demand. On September 14, President Obama said that there would not be any "red lines or deadlines" because "there remains time and space for diplomacy."

The statements coincide with US led anti-mine sweeping exercises currently taking place in the Persian Gulf. The drills are being interpreted as a show of force – warning Tehran not to disrupt vital oil routes in the Strait of Hormuz.

American officials insist that the exercises were entirely defensive in nature and not directed at any particular country.

As tension continues to mount between Israel and Iran, Tehran continues to insist that its nuclear program is only for peaceful purposes.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 24/09/2012 | 07:02 uur
23 september 2012-19:59

'Iran kan Israël verslaan binnen 24 uur'

De plaatsvervangend commandant van de Iraanse Revolutionaire Garde heeft beweerd dat Iran de slagkracht heeft om Israël binnen 24 uur te vernietigen.

"Een regime dat op sommige plaatsen land bezit dat slechts 24 kilometer breed is, kan door één van onze bataljons binnen 24 uur verslagen worden" aldus Hossein Salami.

"Onze verdediging is gericht op het uitgangspunt dat we het moeten opnemen tegen een coalitie geleid door de VS. We hebben verschillende zwakke plekken geïdentificeerd en hebben een structuur ontwikkeld om belangrijke plekken uit te schakelen", aldus Hossein.

Hossein geeft echter wel aan dat Iran nooit de oorlog zou beginnen: "Onze doctrines zijn gericht op de verdediging. Dat betekent dat we geen oorlog zullen beginnen, maar dat we wel een tegenaanval zullen lanceren wanneer we aangevallen worden."

De verhoudingen tussen Israël en Iran zijn de afgelopen jaren verslechterd naar aanleiding van de bouw van kernreactors in Iran.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Tanker op 24/09/2012 | 10:52 uur
Als ik de nieuws berichten volg op dit gebied, lijkt de spanning toe te nemen....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ton de Zwart op 24/09/2012 | 13:10 uur
Dat is ook zo.  De spanning loopt gestaag op. Maar die heroïsche uitspraken van Iraanse opperhoofden mogen we wel met een korreltje zout nemen.  Ze zullen nooit beweren dat ze zwak staan, slechte soldaten hebben of een incapabele legertop. Ze zullen zelfs nooit zeggen dat de ayatollahs wereldvreemde figuren zijn die met open ogen hun land de afgrond in sturen. Blijkbaar zijn ze in Iran vergeten, dat zij de atoombom nog niet operationeel hebben en Israël zeer waarschijnlijk wel.  Dus welk land zou er in geval van uiterste nood nou van de kaart geveegd gaan worden?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 24/09/2012 | 13:46 uur
Romney denkt verkiezingen VS te gaan winnen
AMSTERDAM - De Amerikaanse presidentskandidaat Mitt Romney denkt dat hij goede kansen heeft om in november de verkiezingen in zijn land te winnen.

Dat heeft Romney op zondagavond (Amerikaanse tijd) verklaard in het televisieprogramma 60 Minutes op de Amerikaanse zender CBS.

Volgens de laatste peilingen heeft de huidige president Barack Obama nog steeds een voorsprong op zijn opponent en is deze voorsprong zelfs gegroeid naar 51 procent tegenover 43 procent voor Romney.

Romney beschuldigde Obama daarnaast van ondermaats binnen- en buitenlands beleid.

Volgens Romney heeft Obama onvoldoende opgetreden tegen het conflict in Syrie en het mogelijke nucleaire programma van Iran en heeft hij zelfs een grote fout gemaakt door te weigeren de Israelische premier Bejamin Netanyahu persoonlijk te ontmoeten tijdens de Algemene Vergadering van de Verenigde Naties afgelopen week in New York.

Persoonlijke gesprekken

Obama reageerde in hetzelfde programma dat hij regelmatig persoonlijke gesprekken voert met premier Netanyahu, ook wat betreft de mogelijke dreiging van Iran, en hij noemde Israel een van de belangrijkste bondgenoten van de Verenigde Staten.

De president daagde op zijn beurt zijn opponent Romney uit door te suggereren dat 'als gourverneur Romney een oorlog wil beginnen, hij daar eerlijk voor moet uitkomen.'


Volgens Obama had hij, toen hij vier jaar geleden president van de Verenigde Staten werd, te maken met de grootste staatsschuld in de geschiedenis van het land. Romney beschuldigde Obama in 60 Minutes van het feit dat hij die staatsschuld alleen maar heeft laten oplopen.

Obama bevestigde dat, maar liet weten dat de oorzaak lag bij zijn voorganger (George Bush jr., red.) en dat hij in overleg met de Republikeinse partij ook bezuinigingen heeft doorgevoerd.


Het interview met beide presidentskandidaten gold als een mogelijk voorproefje op de presidentiele debatten die in oktober van start gaan. Obama en Romney zullen dan voor het eerst oog in oog met elkaar staan. Het eerste debat vindt plaats op 3 oktober in Denver in de Amerikaanse staat Colorado.

Lees alles over de Amerikaanse verkiezingen in ons dossier
Door: Postma
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 24/09/2012 | 13:50 uur
Ik plaatste onderstaande bericht in dit topic omdat er zeer nadrukkelijk wordt gewezen op Syrië, Iran en Israël. Omdat ik inmiddels overtuigd ben dat Netanyahu Romney steunt en liever ziet dan Obama vond ik deze woorden van Romney opvallend...en krijg ik de indruk dat er mogelijk wat gaat gebeuren de komende weken. Net als er nog steeds sterke vermoedens zijn, dat...hoe toevallig...Iran indertijd de gevangen genomen Amerikanen pas liet gaan nadat Ronald Reagan president Carter had verslagen. Er zijn sterke aanwijzingen, en Carter is er zelfs zeker van, dat een vertegenwoordiger voor de Republikeinse partij hier een deal over had gesloten met het Iraanse regime. In ruil voor wapens en reserve-onderdelen voor het Amerikaanse materiaal dat Iran nog had.

Achter de schermen gebeuren smerige spelletjes. Maar de belangen zijn dan ook groot...ook dit keer.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 24/09/2012 | 14:03 uur
@Elzenga..dan moet Romney wel eerst de verkiezingen gaan winnen en dat zie ik heb nog niet zo maar doen. Denk dat Obama als president beter voor de wereld vrede zal zijn dan een Romney, wat wil die Romney dan ? een grondaanval op Iran gevolgd door 12 jaar lang een soort Irak 2 maar dan nog erger. Er staan daar miljoenen idioten klaar om martelaar te worden...ik zal me wel twee keer bedenken zo niet drie keer om daar heen te gaan.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 24/09/2012 | 15:23 uur
Citaat van: Oorlogsvis op 24/09/2012 | 14:03 uur
@Elzenga..dan moet Romney wel eerst de verkiezingen gaan winnen en dat zie ik heb nog niet zo maar doen. Denk dat Obama als president beter voor de wereld vrede zal zijn dan een Romney, wat wil die Romney dan ? een grondaanval op Iran gevolgd door 12 jaar lang een soort Irak 2 maar dan nog erger. Er staan daar miljoenen idioten klaar om martelaar te worden...ik zal me wel twee keer bedenken zo niet drie keer om daar heen te gaan.
Ik weet het zo net nog niet....Zo eind september aanval van Israël op Iran....Iran slaat terug richting Israël...Israël gevoelig punt in Amerika, zeker in de politiek daar...wat zal president Obama doen? Stevig meedoen? Israël straffen? Romney kan hier scoren als Obama niet op de juiste manier reageert. En oh, wat kan premier Netanyahu dit uitbuiten. De man spreekt goed Engels en kent de trucjes, kent de VS, rond en hoe dit uit te buiten. En met Romney krijgen ze zeker een Amerikaanse president die meer (rechts) pro-Israel is dan Obama. Dus mogelijk kan deze Israëlische Regering dan meteen wat andere zaken in hun ogen "recht" zetten...herovering Gaza, annexatie Westelijke Jordaanoever, Palestijnen verjagen naar buurlanden...Dus tja...moment in history...window of opportunity. Misschien wel voor het laatst...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 24/09/2012 | 16:50 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 24/09/2012 | 15:23 uur
Citaat van: Oorlogsvis op 24/09/2012 | 14:03 uur
@Elzenga..dan moet Romney wel eerst de verkiezingen gaan winnen en dat zie ik heb nog niet zo maar doen. Denk dat Obama als president beter voor de wereld vrede zal zijn dan een Romney, wat wil die Romney dan ? een grondaanval op Iran gevolgd door 12 jaar lang een soort Irak 2 maar dan nog erger. Er staan daar miljoenen idioten klaar om martelaar te worden...ik zal me wel twee keer bedenken zo niet drie keer om daar heen te gaan.
Ik weet het zo net nog niet....Zo eind september aanval van Israël op Iran....Iran slaat terug richting Israël...Israël gevoelig punt in Amerika, zeker in de politiek daar...wat zal president Obama doen? Stevig meedoen? Israël straffen? Romney kan hier scoren als Obama niet op de juiste manier reageert. En oh, wat kan premier Netanyahu dit uitbuiten. De man spreekt goed Engels en kent de trucjes, kent de VS, rond en hoe dit uit te buiten. En met Romney krijgen ze zeker een Amerikaanse president die meer (rechts) pro-Israel is dan Obama. Dus mogelijk kan deze Israëlische Regering dan meteen wat andere zaken in hun ogen "recht" zetten...herovering Gaza, annexatie Westelijke Jordaanoever, Palestijnen verjagen naar buurlanden...Dus tja...moment in history...window of opportunity. Misschien wel voor het laatst...
ja natuurlijk zou dat kunnen....ben het met je eens dat het soms zo gespeeld wordt.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 24/09/2012 | 17:31 uur
Eén bataljon? Of de vertaler is een persoon die geen ene drol van militaire zaken begrijpt of ze zijn wel erg zeker van hun zaak :devil:.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 24/09/2012 | 21:34 uur
 ma 24 sep 2012, 19:14   
Iran: Westen negeert atoomkoppen Israël
NEW YORK -  Westerse mogendheden spannen zich in de Veiligheidsraad in ,,om sancties tegen Iran af te kondigen, maar negeren volkomen de kernkoppen van het oplichtersregime". Dat zei de Iraanse president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad maandag op een bijeenkomst in het hoofdkwartier van de VN. Hij bedoelde met het oplichtersregime Israël.

Westerse mogendheden proberen de wetenschappelijke ontwikkeling van landen te dwarsbomen en zwijgen over de kernwapens van Israël, klaagde Ahmadinejad in de marge van de jaarlijkse top van de VN. Iran zegt kernenergie te ontwikkelen, terwijl landen, de VS en Israël voorop, Teheran ervan beschuldigen kernwapens te ontwikkelen. Israël heeft die naar verluidt allang.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 24/09/2012 | 21:35 uur
Tja, dit blijft een gevoelig punt daar, waar ik de Iraanse president, hoezeer ik die ook verafschuw, geen ongelijk in kan geven. Meten met deze dubbele standaard doet meer kwaad dan goed.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 24/09/2012 | 21:40 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 24/09/2012 | 21:35 uur
Tja, dit blijft een gevoelig punt daar, waar ik de Iraanse president, hoezeer ik die ook verafschuw, geen ongelijk in kan geven. Meten met deze dubbele standaard doet meer kwaad dan goed.
Ik ben het hierin helemaal met je eens.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 24/09/2012 | 23:14 uur
Iran: groot bereik nieuwe drone

TEHERAN - Een nieuw door Iran vervaardigd onbemand vliegtuig is in staat raketten te dragen en heeft een bereik van tweeduizend kilometer. Daarmee kunnen doelen in een groot deel van het Midden-Oosten worden getroffen. Dat meldde het semi-officiële persbureau Fars maandag.

Iran kondigde het bestaan van de drone vorige week aan. De beschrijving van het toestel door de luchtmachtchef van de invloedrijke Republikeinse Garde doet erg denken aan de Amerikaanse drone die vorig jaar op Iraans grondgebied neerstortte. In april liet Iran weten aan een kopie van deze drone, een RQ-170 Sentinel, te werken.

24-09-2012 - 23.00
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 25/09/2012 | 08:19 uur
Iran's arsenal poses threat to U.S. military, citizens

September 25, 2012 

by Oren Dorell, USA TODAY

Threats from Iran that it will attack the forces of the U.S. or any country that tries to take out its nuclear program are not mere boasts, experts say, but any such strike could be met with devastating counterattacks.

Iran's high-flying ballistic missiles could overwhelm U.S. missile defenses in the Persian Gulf, where much of the world's oil passes. Its fast-attack boats could swarm a battleship and sink it. And its fleet of hard-to-find submarines carry torpedoes faster than any torpedo in the U.S. fleet.

But Iran cannot sustain an attack against the U.S., said Christopher Harmer, a former U.S. Navy commander who participated in war planning for U.S. forces the Persian Gulf.

"The Iranian navy could hit us one time at sea or on shore. If they did that, we would eliminate all of their navy and probably most of their land-based missile capability," Harmer said.

Iran has been expanding its defense and offensive capabilities with the help of China, Russia and other nations amid demands from the United Nations and Western nations that it prove its nuclear program is not for making a bomb in violation of its international agreements. Iran insists its program is for peaceful purposes.

Israel has said Iran will have bomb-making capability in as early as six months, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has asked President Obama to set a "red line" for Iran's nuclear progress that could trigger a military attack.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said the U.S. would set no deadlines for Iran to comply with the U.N. inspections, and two weeks ago the White House declined to grant Netanyahu's request for a meeting on the matter.

The Obama administration said financial sanctions against Iran will persuade the Islamic nation to prove its nuclear program is peaceful by opening up to U.N. inspectors. But two years of sanctions have not done so. Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said this month the sanctions targeting the Iranian oil and banking sectors will never interrupt the country's nuclear program.

"We are going ahead, and God willing we will succeed," he said on Iranian state TV.

To protect against a strike on its nuclear facilities, Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps is moving forward with an air-defense installation in the Abadeh area that would be the largest in that part of the country.

"If (the enemy) ever has the intent of attacking this soil, we will make the Persian Gulf their grave," said Abadeh's governor, Mohammad Javad Askari.

A sophisticated arsenal, however, has not been Iran's chief weapon. The U.S. State Department says Iran has significant influence over terrorist networks, which analysts say could easily target American civilians in the Middle East and Europe, and its civilian ships could launch poison-gas rockets onto the U.S. homeland.

State says Iranian terror proxies such as Hezbollah have killed hundreds of American citizens, including the 1983 attack that killed 241 U.S. servicemembers at a barracks in Beirut, and the FBI said it uncovered an Iranian plot in October to kill Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the U.S. in Washington.

Iranian leaders and their allies have made "a lot of statements" that they would attack U.S. targets if Israel hit Iran's nuclear program, said Richard Wachtel of the Middle East Media Research Institute, a Washington-based independent translation service.

The latest was Sunday, when Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh of the Revolutionary Guard Corps told Iran's Al-Alam TV that U.S. targets would be fair game in an Israeli attack because it wouldn't happen without U.S. approval. U.S. facilities in Bahrain, Qatar and Afghanistan would be targeted, he said.

U.S. military planners worry most about a few basic weapons that Iran has obtained from other countries, like Russia, China and North Korea, and then improved.

* Missiles -- Land-based cruise missiles could target U.S. warships and the U.S. Navy's 5th Fleet headquarters across the Persian Gulf in Bahrain. U.S. ships and bases have anti-missile defenses, but they could be overwhelmed if Iran shoots enough missiles at the same target at once, Harmer said.

* Super-fast Hoot torpedoes -- Based on a Russian design, these rocket-propelled torpedoes can be shot from a submarine and travel 200 mph, faster than any torpedo in the U.S. arsenal.

While a ship has a reasonable chance of evading a traditional torpedo, "there's no chance of a ship evading a rocket-propelled torpedo," Harmer said.

* Mini-submarines -- At least 20 mini-submarines that are hard to track and easy to hide if they sit still on the seafloor can target passing U.S. ships and possibly sink them. The U.S. Navy uses satellites and other means to monitor and destroy them, if necessary, but the subs are small and can remain hidden for weeks at a time.

* Fast-attack patrol boats -- Iran has hundreds of fast boats armed with missiles and loaded with explosives to swarm the Strait of Hormuz while an aircraft carrier group is passing through.

To counter the threats, the Pentagon has bolstered the U.S. defenses in the Persian Gulf as a pre-emptive measure to counter an attempt by Iran to close the Strait of Hormuz. U.S.attack helicopters and aircraft routinely patrol the waters around aircraft carriers. U.S. Navy ships are armed with a range of guns that would penetrate the thin-hulled fast boats and sink them, Harmer said.

Harmer agrees that a swarm of small boats may overwhelm and sink a U.S. battleship, but, "They could do that one time, and then the U.S. Navy would essentially destroy the Iranian navy," in as little as four days, he said.

John Pike, director of the defense think tank, said Iran also has chemical weapons that it could launch from civilian ships at U.S.' East Coast. While U.S. policy since 2010 is not to respond to chemical weapons attacks with nuclear weapons, Iran and North Korea are exempt from that policy, according to the Union of Concerned Scientists.

Michael O'Hanlon, a scholar at the Brookings Institution who serves on the CIA's external advisory board, said Iran's terror capabilities are widespread and could be employed quickly if desired.

"They're capable of doing that in a couple dozen countries across the Middle East," and could kill dozens to hundreds of vulnerable American travelers, embassy workers and business people, O'Hanlon said.

The U.S. could respond with airstrikes on Iranian military installations, he said. But, "there's no way to know where this would end or who would get hurt worse," O'Hanlon said.

Copyright 2012 USA TODAY
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 25/09/2012 | 21:12 uur

Ook Nederlandse duikers aan boord?!

De oefening....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 26/09/2012 | 00:18 uur
Iran Preps New Drones

American assets put at risk by new Iranian UAVs

Intelligence from a downed U.S. drone could have helped Iranian engineers produce a newly unveiled unmanned aircraft reportedly capable of shooting targets from 31 miles away and reaching an altitude of 15,000 feet, according to a U.S. Army analysis.

The increased weaponization of remote controlled Iranian planes could imperil U.S. warships, fighter jets, and even domestic airliners in the region, experts warn.

"A growing [unmanned] fleet might embolden the [Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps] to test the defense of American naval vessels and the [fleet's] armament might also require U.S. or other international forces to fire sooner upon intruders," Michael Rubin, a former Pentagon adviser on Iran and Iraq, observed in a recent analysis published by the U.S. Army's Foreign Military Studies Office (FMSO).

The Iranian press in recent months has carried a slate of stories detailing the military's increased manufacture of unmanned aerial vehicles, otherwise known as UAVs or drones.

It is suspected that Iran has capitalized on technology gleaned from the downing of a U.S.-made stealth drone last year.

Military officials revealed in July that they had decoded and extracted information from the CIA-owned drone, an RQ-170 Sentinel produced by Lockheed Martin, according to the Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA).

"You have to think there's a certain amount of technology that was compromised," retired Admiral James Lyons Jr. told the Free Beacon.

"They couldn't have given the Iranian engineers a better Christmas present," Rubin said in an interview.

Less than two months after Iran claimed to have decoded the captured American drone, a slate of reports emerged indicating that Iran had armed its newest drones with missiles capable of carrying a 17-pound payload.

Senior Iranian military officials claim the country is close to designating these drones as fully operational, according to Iran's official Fars News Agency.

"We observed the operation of Iran's combat Unmanned Arial Vehicles in the recent war-games conducted by the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps, and we plan to mount missile systems onto these drones," Mohammad Eslami, Iran's Deputy Defense Minister for Industrial and Research, told Fars earlier this month.

While Iran is known for its military bluster—even doctoring photos to alter the appearance and capabilities of its attack equipment—experts such as Rubin believe the regime has invested great resources in its UAV program.

"Iranian UAV development appears to be real," Rubin wrote in his analysis, which was published this month in the FMSO's Operational Environment Watch publication.

"If unarmed Iranian UAVs already posed a growing threat to aircraft and helicopters operating in international airspace over the Persian Gulf, then armed UAVs can throw gasoline onto an already combustible situation," Rubin wrote.

Iran's interest in UAV technology is a sign that the regime wants to ratchet up tension with the West, according to Admiral Lyons.

"It's not going to be helpful at all," said Lyons, CEO of the consulting firm Lion Associates. "It will not help in any way to stabilize, but will be a further factor ratcheting up the problem with face in the Middle East."

Armed UAVs could prompt an unnecessary conflict, Rubin noted.

"It really changes the way we do business in the Persian Gulf," he said. "We may not have had relations for more than three decades [with Iran], but our ships and air traffic controllers talk to the Iranians each and every day. But you can't talk to a drone.

Even civilian airliners could be targeted, Rubin warned.

"We have to worry about them sending drones into the path of civilian airliners, let alone our own fighter jets," Rubin explained. "The drone can go from on guard to combat mode in a matter of a second."

U.S. military helicopters also could find themselves in the line of fire, Rubin said.

"Most people forget, whenever our aircraft carriers are operating, the issue isn't just the fighters and ships, but we have helicopters" containing rescue divers hovering above, he said. "Basically, the drones make our helicopters sitting ducks. They're actually the most vulnerable."

U.S. forces will not tolerate Iranian aggression, Lyons said.

"We're certainly not going to present ourselves as targets and I think Iran needs to understand an attack on an American ship is an attack on our homeland, and they'd get a response they don't like."

Iran's military has announced the completion of several new drones in recent months. They are reportedly capable of performing various military operations, as well as hauling cargo, according to various reports in the Iranian media. Iranian officials have stressed the military's ability to dispatch its drones to all parts of the country at any time, according to Fars.

One domestically produced drone, dubbed Liko, is said to be capable of hauling 220 pounds of material 62 miles, Iran's PressTV reported over the weekend.

The Liko drone can fly uninterrupted for three hours and reach heights of 16,000 feet, according to PressTV.

Two other drones are reportedly capable of conducting "rescue operations" and territorial patrols, as well as towing "light cargo," according to Fars.

Another domestically made UAV, the Shahed 129, can "carry out combat and reconnaissance missions with its 24-hour nonstop flight capability," Iranian Chief Major General Mohammad-Ali Jafari was quoted as saying earlier this month.

The Shahed 129 also can carry "long range" missiles, according to Press TV.

However, some experts doubt that the Shahed is authentic.

"I'm skeptical about the Iranian claim to have a new operational combat UAV called the Shahed 129," Michael Eisenstadt, a retired Army reservist who formerly served in the Pentagon and at U.S. Central Command in Afghanistan, told the Free Beacon. "The Islamic Republic frequently exaggerates the achievements of its defense industries, and I suspect they are doing the same in this case."

Just as Iran has lied about its past military accomplishments, it is deceiving the West about its latest array of drones, Eisenstadt said.

"Iranians have released at least two still photos of what they claim is the Shahed 129 that show two very different UAVs," he explained. "One of the photos shows what looks like a static mock-up of a UAV carrying mock-ups of two missiles. The other shows a very different UAV in flight, but without any ordnance."

Eistenstadt said that until he sees video showing the Shahed 129 in flight, "I will consider this an unverified claim."

Still, "Iran has money and we have unhelpful countries such as China, North Korea and Russia willing to provide the materials" necessary to produce next generation weapons, Lyons said.

Iran has also provided its UAV technology to other rogue regimes and terror organizations, according to the London-based Al-Sharq al-Awsat Online, a Saudi news outlet.

In addition to providing drone technology the regime of Syrian President Bashal al-Assad, who has spied on and slaughtered scores of his own citizens, Iran has helped the terror group Hezbollah.

"Hezbollah has also relied on drones, while Iran helps Venezuela develop its own unmanned spy planes," Al-Sharq reported.

Iran also has unveiled new missile defense capabilities and cruise missiles in recent weeks.

The defense system, which Iran claims to have successfully tested over the weekend, is reportedly capable of reaching targets up to 75,000 feet in the air.

A recently developed Iranian cruise missile is said to be capable of reaching any Israeli city.

As Iran gets closer to enriching enough uranium to producing a nuclear weapon, it will rely more on its air defenses to deter a possible Israeli or American attack, experts said.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 27/09/2012 | 20:44 uur
Het wordt een prachtige heldere nacht in de regio...ook de wind staat gunstig... :angel:

Netanyahu nog lang in de VS of al weer op weg naar Israël? Krijgt niet zijn zin over de getrokken rode lijn, dat lijkt duidelijk...was dat zijn laatste warning?!
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 27/09/2012 | 20:55 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 27/09/2012 | 20:44 uur
Het wordt een prachtige heldere nacht in de regio...ook de wind staat gunstig... :angel:

Netanyahu nog lang in de VS of al weer op weg naar Israël? Krijgt niet zijn zin over de getrokken rode lijn, dat lijkt duidelijk...was dat zijn laatste warning?!

Benjamin Netanyahu‏@netanyahu
Jews have lived in the land of Israel throughout the ages. The Jewish people have defied the laws of history, returning to our homeland
Geretweet door JuVi
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 27/09/2012 | 21:35 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 27/09/2012 | 20:44 uur
Krijgt niet zijn zin over de getrokken rode lijn, dat lijkt duidelijk...was dat zijn laatste warning?!

Als hij nu had voorgesteld om ook Israel terug te trekken naar de goede kant van de rode lijn zoals men dat van Iran verwacht, had ik er nog begrip voor op kunnen brengen.

Kijken wat er gaat gebeuren. Iran is in ieder geval goed voorbereid en laat zich niet verleiden om de rol van aggressor opgespeld te krijgen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Flyguy op 27/09/2012 | 21:48 uur
Stilte voor de storm?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 27/09/2012 | 21:55 uur
Ik weet niet of stilte voor de storm de juiste uitdrukking is ?. Zou er wat aan zitten te komen kan dat niet stil gehouden worden. Ik durf met stelligheid te beweren dat er Iraanse agenten in Israel actief zijn die verdachte "bewegingen" direct door zullen geven aan het thuisfront.

En de Iraanse verdediging is, denk ik, al een tijdje in status rood.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 27/09/2012 | 22:05 uur
Benjamin Netanyahu‏@netanyahu

The Jewish State will live forever Am Yisrael Chai! the People of Israel live!
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 27/09/2012 | 22:15 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 27/09/2012 | 20:55 uur
The Jewish people have defied the laws of history, returning to our homeland

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 27/09/2012 | 22:49 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 27/09/2012 | 22:15 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 27/09/2012 | 20:55 uur
The Jewish people have defied the laws of history, returning to our homeland


Het is natuurlijk niet mijn quote maar die van Benjamin Netanyahu‏ via Rwitter.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 27/09/2012 | 23:04 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 27/09/2012 | 22:49 uur
Het is natuurlijk niet mijn quote maar die van Benjamin Netanyahu‏ via Rwitter.

Ach zolang je het domme volk in het Westen dit soort onzin kan laten geloven zul je altijd van steun hebben, lees deze reacties eens bijvoorbeeld:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 28/09/2012 | 11:32 uur
Smart Rocks Invade Iran

September 28, 2012

Iran recently reported that security troops outside a new underground nuclear enrichment plant went to investigate a suspicious looking rock and the rock exploded. Later investigation revealed that the rock was, indeed, not a real rock but an electronic device that was apparently monitoring activity around the nuclear facility (that enriched uranium sufficiently for use in a bomb) and transmitting it, via satellite, back to somewhere. The rock was also rigged to self-destruct if anyone got close.
The usual suspects for such a ploy were the Americans (who have been using the fake rocks thing for decades) and the Israelis (who also use fake rocks, and use them quite a lot in Lebanon). The Iranians are not only upset with the exploding rocks, but also with how someone was blowing up electrical transmission towers and cutting off electricity of the underground nuclear facility. This happened twice last month. On top of all these explosions, Iran is also alarmed at the unending attacks by Cyber War weapons. Stuxnet was the first, but there have been several more and indications are that many of these weapons are at work inside Iran but as yet undetected. Again, the usual suspects include the United States and Israel. Britain is often included for nostalgia value.

As for the exploding rocks, details on stuff like that is rarely released, and then usually after the item in question is retired. Some equipment of this sort does receive some publicity. Such was the case a decade ago with WolfPack. This is a 2.73 kg (six pound) sensor/jammer that is dropped into enemy territory to get information and, if needed, jam enemy communications. These were painted camouflage colors, but it would be no problem to enclose the device in a container that looked like a rock.

Hollywood isn't the only place where old hits are recycled. Such miniature gadgets were first developed and used in the 1960s. These early devices were just a microphone and transmitter. An aircraft overhead could pick up the transmissions, record them, and get them back to a base where the activity (trucks, troops marching, or whatever), where it occurred and the time, could be recorded. In this way, operations along the carefully hidden (under the tall jungle canopy) "Ho Chi Minh" trail could be studied, plotted and bombed. The trail, run by the North Vietnam through Laos (just east of Vietnam), was vital to keeping their troops in South Vietnam supplied.

WolfPack faced the same problem airdropped sensors in Vietnam did; the enemy will go looking for them once they realize the sensors were a danger to them. During the Vietnam War, a partial solution to this problem was to build some of the airdropped sensors so they looked like a bamboo plant. This deception would not stand up to close scrutiny, but the enemy troops were not going to closely examine every bamboo plant when they were sweeping an area for sensors. So this worked (except when, after the war, surplus sensors of this type were shipped to Europe for use there in a future war.)

When the WolfPack units are dropped in enemy territory (or manually placed outside friendly positions), they will not only pick up electronic information, but will be able to jam enemy signals (including cell phones) on command or as part of their programmed instructions. The ability of WolfPack units to detect other WolfPack units and form a network, and then collectively sort out who is doing what electronically, was a major advance in sensor and jamming warfare. Even if some of the WolfPack units were destroyed, the network would just reconfigure itself. The units cost $10,000 each, and if they work as predicted, the troops will always try to recover them for reuse.

Russia was known to have adopted this "intelligent rock" technology after the 1960s and is still using it. China probably has it as well and someone is using it in Iran.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 28/09/2012 | 15:05 uur
Deze ochtend nog rustig. Voorspelling dus niet juist. ;) maar ja de Israëli willen wel enige verrassing inbouwen en misschien een aanleiding. Blijft gissen. Maar vrees dat de aanval er wel een keertje komt.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 28/09/2012 | 15:18 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 28/09/2012 | 15:05 uur
Deze ochtend nog rustig. Voorspelling dus niet juist. ;) maar ja de Israëli willen wel enige verrassing inbouwen en misschien een aanleiding. Blijft gissen. Maar vrees dat de aanval er wel een keertje komt.

Ik heb de kurk alweer op de fles gedaan, de chips zakken al weer opgeruimd en vanavond wordt het "verplicht" Tvoh kijken.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 28/09/2012 | 16:43 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 28/09/2012 | 15:18 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 28/09/2012 | 15:05 uur
Deze ochtend nog rustig. Voorspelling dus niet juist. ;) maar ja de Israëli willen wel enige verrassing inbouwen en misschien een aanleiding. Blijft gissen. Maar vrees dat de aanval er wel een keertje komt.

Ik heb de kurk alweer op de fles gedaan, de chips zakken al weer opgeruimd en vanavond wordt het "verplicht" Tvoh kijken.

Op welke datum ga je dit weer te voorschijn halen?   (ik denk dat je de wijn niet zo lang goed houd aangezien deze al geopend is) 
ps ook op de zakken chips staat een houdbaarheidsdatum   

Als men steeds de datum verschuift is het zo maar mogelijk dat deze eens "gelijk" gaat krijgen...... :devil:   :dead:   en neer zetten zie jullie wel die datum had ik voorspelt............   :silent:   
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 28/09/2012 | 16:46 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 28/09/2012 | 16:43 uur
Op welke datum ga je dit weer te voorschijn halen?   (ik denk dat je de wijn niet zo lang goed houd aangezien deze al geopend is) 
ps ook op de zakken chips staat een houdbaarheidsdatum   

Als men steeds de datum verschuift is het zo maar mogelijk dat deze eens "gelijk" gaat krijgen...... :devil:   :dead:   en neer zetten zie jullie wel die datum had ik voorspelt............   :silent:   

Op punt 1: vanavond, maar dan omdat mijn partner het gezellig vindt om TVOH te kijken met een chippie en een glas goede wijn.

punt 2: mijn voorspellen blijft staan: voor de presidentverkiezingen in de VS.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Tanker op 28/09/2012 | 16:47 uur
Ik ga " weapons of ass destruction 6" maar kijken vanavond, volgens onderofficier is dit wel een aanradertje....... :devil:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 28/09/2012 | 17:20 uur
Citaat van: Tanker op 28/09/2012 | 16:47 uur
Ik ga " weapons of ass destruction 6" maar kijken vanavond, volgens onderofficier is dit wel een aanradertje....... :devil:

Dat heb ik nooit gezegd; ik had de titel "weapons of ass destruction" (dus niet eens "6") via google gevonden dat heb ik er nog speciaal bij gezet.....    Om dit soort reacties te voorkomen maar ik wist het wel dat dit ging gebeuren.     Misschien wilt jurrien visser wel samen met je gaan kijken; hij heeft nog wijn en chips over    (o, sorry, ik lees net dat die iets met zijn vrouw gaat doen)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Flyguy op 28/09/2012 | 19:50 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 28/09/2012 | 17:20 uur
(o, sorry, ik lees net dat die iets met zijn vrouw gaat doen)
Hij zei partner, niet vrouw.  ;)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 28/09/2012 | 19:56 uur
Citaat van: Flyguy op 28/09/2012 | 19:50 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 28/09/2012 | 17:20 uur
(o, sorry, ik lees net dat die iets met zijn vrouw gaat doen)
Hij zei partner, niet vrouw.  ;)

Om alle onduidelijkheid weg te halen mijn partner is een vrouw en heet Angélique.

En wie weet kijken wij na TVOH wel deel 6  ;D

En hiermee kunnen we wat mij betreft wel weer terug naar het topic.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 28/09/2012 | 20:13 uur
Hoe zijn we van Iran bij TVOH beland?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 28/09/2012 | 20:27 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 28/09/2012 | 20:13 uur
Hoe zijn we van Iran bij TVOH beland?
Op deze manier:  
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 28/09/2012 | 15:18 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 28/09/2012 | 15:05 uur
Deze ochtend nog rustig. Voorspelling dus niet juist. ;) maar ja de Israëli willen wel enige verrassing inbouwen en misschien een aanleiding. Blijft gissen. Maar vrees dat de aanval er wel een keertje komt.

Ik heb de kurk alweer op de fles gedaan, de chips zakken al weer opgeruimd en vanavond wordt het "verplicht" Tvoh kijken.

Doordat het dus rustig is in Iran.   Ik hoop stiekum dat het weer wat onrustiger gaat worden in Iran zodat Tanker geen film verslag gaat doen ......
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 28/09/2012 | 21:42 uur
How many A-10 combat planes can you count in this photo? All of them are deploying to the Middle East... September 28, 2012
Posted by David Cenciotti in Military Aviation.

Although the caption of the following picture reads "more than a dozen A-10 Thunderbolt...." I can count 19 such combat planes belonging to the 354 FS, 355th Fighter Wing from Davis Monthan Air Force Base, Arizona at Westover Air Reserve Base.

Westover airfield, in Massachusetts, has long runways, ample ramp space (to accomodate C-5 Galaxy cargo planes) that make it an ideal stop for combat units on their way overseas.

The aircraft passed through Westover on their way to the Middle East. Once again, although their final destination is (currently) unknown, they are believed to be part of the U.S. military build up in the area near Syria, Iran, Libya and Northern Mali.

The A-10 is the ideal type of aircraft to perform close air support (CAS) by attacking tanks and armored vehicles. The deployment of this kind of aircraft, along with the unusual presence of AC-130U gunships, special operations helicopters, drones and tankers could be the sign that something big is going to take place in the coming weeks...

Zie link voor de foto
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Flyguy op 28/09/2012 | 21:51 uur
How many? 19.

Wat zouden ze gaan doen?  :devil:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 28/09/2012 | 23:03 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 28/09/2012 | 16:43 uurOp welke datum ga je dit weer te voorschijn halen?   (ik denk dat je de wijn niet zo lang goed houd aangezien deze al geopend is) 
ps ook op de zakken chips staat een houdbaarheidsdatum   

Als men steeds de datum verschuift is het zo maar mogelijk dat deze eens "gelijk" gaat krijgen...... :devil:   :dead:   en neer zetten zie jullie wel die datum had ik voorspelt............   :silent:   
Ik praat niet voor niets over windows of opportunity steeds. Ik voorspel dus niet wanneer het gaat gebeuren, maar wanneer er een moment komt of is dat bepaalde zaken gunstig zijn om een aanval uit te voeren. D-day werd ook verschillende keren uitgesteld zoals menig andere operatie. Het zou dus zo maar eens kunnen zijn dat als bepaalde nu nog geheime informatie over Israëlische besprekingen over dit onderwerp vrijgegeven worden men inderdaad op bepaalde momenten overwogen heeft die aanval te starten. Maar daar uiteindelijk toch weer vanaf zag wegens x redenen.

Ik vind het totaal niet boeiend of ik iets dus juist kan voorspellen...als wel het complexe besluitvormingsproces wat er zich afspeelt tussen en binnen bepaalde regeringen en landen. En waarin dus wel degelijk windows of opportunity voorkomen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Harald op 28/09/2012 | 23:05 uur
The 354th Fighter Squadron is a combat-coded A/OA-10 squadron of 22 aircraft and more than 245 combat-ready professionals poised to deploy at a moment's notice anywhere in the world. The squadron performs close air support, air interdiction and combat search and rescue missions in support of in-place and deployed contingency/joint and combined Army and Air Force close air support units world wide.

Waarschijnlijk samen met "Spooky" als back-up / begeleiding voor SF en CSAR missies. ... Een kwestie van tijd !!

354th Fighter Squadron, nickname : The Bulldogs , das geen Bullshit.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 28/09/2012 | 23:06 uur
White House irked by Netanyahu's "red line" speech, reverts to Iran diplomacy
DEBKAfile Special Report September 28, 2012, 7:53 AM (GMT+02:00)

Netanyahu's red line shown to the UN

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton berated Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu for the powerful presentation of his case for confronting Iran with red lines instead of hitherto failed diplomacy and sanctions in his speech to the UN General Assembly Thursday, Sept. 27. This is reported by debkafile's Washington sources.
Neither released a statement from their conversation of an hour and a quarter one-on-one shortly after the speech.
Our sources report that Clinton made it clear that President Barack Obama would not tolerate the Israeli prime minister having a say in his Iran agenda. He remained committed to diplomacy regardless of Netanyahu's warning that it was getting "late, very late" to stop a nuclear Iran.
Clinton accordingly announced a decision by the world powers to go into another round of nuclear negotiations with Iran, although after the breakdown of diplomacy in July, they expected an improved Iranian offer. EU foreign executive Catherine Ashton was directed to get in touch with Iran's nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalilee for another attempt to set up talks, although when the two officials met in Istanbul on Sept. 18, they made no headway.
debkafile: US steps early Friday Sept. 28 put the clock back five days to Monday when Obama dismissed Netanyahu's advocacy of agreed red lines for warning Iran off its nuclear bomb program as "background noises" which he systematically blocked. This reversal came after White House and Israeli officials had begun discussing moving the critical timeline for that program to late spring, early summer 2013, instead of this year.
debkafile reported earlier:  

Addressing the UN General Assembly Thursday, Sept. 27  Israel Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu graphically depicted Israel's red line for Iran. He held up a simple diagram showing that Iran had covered 70 percent of the distance to a nuclear bomb and must be stopped before it reached the critical stage next spring or early summer of 2013.
He stressed that it is getting late, very late to stop a nuclear Iran.
The best way, he said, is to lay down a clear red line on the most vulnerable element of its nuclear program: uranium enrichment. "I believe that if faced with a clear and credible red line, Iran will back down and may even disband its program," he said.  

Red lines prevent wars, don't start them and in fact deterred Iran from blocking the Strait of Hormuz.
Israel and the US are in discussion over this issue, said Netanyahu. "I'm sure we can forge a way forward together."
He went on to accuse Iran of spreading terrorist networks in two dozen countries and turning Lebanon and Gaza into terror strongholds. Hoping a nuclear-armed Iran will bring stability is like hoping a nuclear al Qaeda will bring world peace, the prime minister remarked.
debkafile quotes some Washington sources as disclosing that the White House and Israel emissaries have come to an understanding that Israel will hold back from attacking Iran's nuclear sites before the US election in November, while a special team set up by President Barack Obama completes a new paper setting out the end game for Iran.
He put the team to work after concluding that negotiations with Iran had exhausted their usefulness. Gary Samore, top presidential adviser on nuclear proliferation, leads the team.
Netanyahu's citing of late spring, early summer 2013, as the critical point on Iran's path to a nuclear bomb appears to confirm that he has agreed to delay military action against Iran following negotiations with the White House on the next agreed steps. Our sources report that the prime minister was represented in those talks by Defense Minister Ehud Barak and National Security Adviser Yakov Amidror.
According to another view, which is current in Washington's intelligence community, Israel was finally persuaded to delay by fresh intelligence presented by the Obama administration which showed that Israeli estimates were overly pessimistic in judging the timeline for Iran's nuclear facilities to be buried in "immunity zones." That timeline extended to spring 2013, leaving Israel five to six months up to April-May for ordering a military operation against those sites.
However, we have learned that Israeli intelligence circles dispute their American colleagues' estimate as "interesting" but inaccurate.  Netanyahu, in his speech, confirmed that Washington and Jerusalem were constantly exchanging views and evaluations on the state of Iran's nuclear program.
He also made the point that while intelligence services, American and Israeli alike, had remarkable aptitudes, their estimates on Iran were not foolproof. He was referrng to the Pentagon claim that when Iran was ready to build a bomb, American intelligence would know about it in good time.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 28/09/2012 | 23:39 uur
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 29/09/2012 | 00:15 uur
The Entebbe Option [How Israel maystrike Iran's nuclear program]
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 29/09/2012 | 12:16 uur
Iran nuclear tensions sharpen

Published on 28 September 2012

Western powers stepped up pressure on Iran on Friday, as Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Barack Obama stressed their "shared goal" to stop Iran getting a nuclear bomb.

Netanyahu, who is in New York to attend the UN General Assembly, followed up on his demand for a "clear red line" to be drawn on Iran's nuclear drive with a telephone call to the US president focused on the nuclear showdown.

And, in a more sure to infuriate Tehran, the US State Department said it had removed an exiled Iranian opposition group, the People's Mujahedeen of Iran, from its list of designated terrorist organizitions.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's decision to take the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq or People's Mujahedeen of Iran (PMOI) off the terror list will increase its fund raising clout in the United States and annoy Tehran.

"Property and interests in property in the United States or within the possession or control of US persons will no longer be blocked, and US entities may engage in transactions with the MEK without obtaining a license," the State Department said.

Iran, meanwhile, demanded the UN Security Council act after it was hit by cyber-warfare and a series of Iranian nuclear scientists were assassinated in attacks it blames on Israel and the United States.

According to a White House statement, Obama and Netanyahu "underscored that they are in full agreement on the shared goal of preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon."

They "took note of the close cooperation and coordination" between the United States and Israel on "the threat posed by Iran" and agreed to continue regular consultations, the statement added.

Netanyahu grabbed the world's attention at the UN General Assembly with his fierce attack on Iran and his demand for action to stop it enriching uranium to a level that could make a bomb.

The Israeli used a cartoon drawing of a bomb with a fizzing fuse a graph to represent Iran's progress towards having enough enriched uranium to arm a bomb, and drew a red line across it to mark the limit of his tolerance.

He did not mention Israel's threats to stage a unilateral attack, but said Iran's uranium enrichment plants were a credible "target".

"At this late hour, there is only one way to peacefully prevent Iran from getting atomic bombs -- and that's by placing a clear red line on Iran's nuclear weapons program," Netanyahu told the 193-member UN assembly.

"The red line must be drawn on Iran's nuclear enrichment program because these enrichment facilities are the only nuclear installations that we can definitely see and credibly target."

He said Iran could have enough enrichment uranium in the next 12 months to move on to the final stage of making a bomb.

"Faced with a clear red line, Iran will back down," Netanyahu added. "Red lines don't lead to war, red lines prevent war."

Netanyahu and Obama have had a testy relationship, particularly over how to deal with Iran. But Netanyahu welcomed Obama's vow at the UN General Assembly on Tuesday to "do what we must" to stop an Iranian bomb, the White House said.

Iran responded to Netanyahu's speech by saying it would "retaliate" against any military strike.

Without naming Israel or the United States, Iran's Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi said Friday his country has been a victim of "nuclear terrorism."

Salehi said the Security Council, which has passed four rounds of sanctions against Iran's uranium enrichment, should stop using nuclear weapons fears "as a pretext to act as a legislative body."

The council should "utilize its authority to act against those states undertaking cyber attacks and sabotage in the peaceful nuclear facilities and kill nuclear scientists of other countries," Salehi told the General Assembly.

"Any such act committed by a state, as certain countries continue to commit such crimes in my country, is a manifestation of nuclear terrorism," he added.

The United States has denied involvement in the killings of four Iranian scientists since 2010. Israel has refused to comment on the killings.

According to US media, the United States and Israel were behind the Stuxnet computer virus which temporarily crippled Iran's uranium enrichment at its Natanz plant.

The United States is part of a six-nation group which has approved sanctions against Iran while pursuing diplomatic talks on its program. The group has also stepped up warnings to Iran.

Foreign ministers from the United States, Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany met on Thursday on the sidelines of the UN summit and demanded the Islamic state act "urgently" to ease international fears about its plan.

"I call on Iran to stop playing for time. The situation is serious," Germany's Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle told the UN on Friday.

EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton said she would talk with Iranian negotiators to see if new talks are to be held.


Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 29/09/2012 | 12:24 uur
Experts: Strike may speed up nuclear plan

In article titled, 'How to help Iran build a bomb,' New York Times quotes scholars and military experts who argue that airstrike on Iran's nuclear facilities could actually lead Tehran to ensure realization of bomb

Ynet Published:  09.29.12, 11:46 / Israel News 
On the backdrop of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's "red lines" address at the United Nations General Assembly this week, leading American media outlets continue to engage in the Iranian nuclear issue.

In a New York Times article titled, "How to help Iran build a bomb," writer William J. Broad says a surprising number of experts argue that an airstrike on Iran's nuclear facilities could actually lead to Iran's speeding up its efforts, ensuring the realization of a bomb and hastening its arrival.

Scott D. Sagan, a political scientist at Stanford University's Center for International Security and Cooperation, said an attack would increase the likelihood of an Iranian nuclear weapon.

Michael V. Hayden, director of the Central Intelligence Agency during the George W. Bush administration, recalls that the view among Bush's top advisors was that a strike "would drive them to do what we were trying to prevent."

According to these sources, such a move would free officials in Tehran of many constraints. "An attack, for instance, would all but certainly lead to the expulsion of international inspectors, which, in turn, would allow the government to undo hundreds of monitoring devices and safeguards, including seals on underground storage units."

In addition, Iran would be permitted to present itself to the world as the victim of an attack and would receive sympathy and perhaps vital imports from nations that once backed trade bans. According to the analysts, the thinking also goes that a strike would allow Iran to further direct its economy to military ends.

Perhaps the strongest argument is that "an attack could unite what is now a fractious state... and build an atmosphere of mobilizing rage."

History, the analysts say, demonstrates that airstrikes and military threats often result in unbending resolve among the beleaguered to do whatever it takes to acquire nuclear arms.

Jeffrey Lewis, a nuclear nonproliferation specialist at the Monterey Institute of International Studies, was quoted as saying that "people always assume the bad guys want nukes, but my sense is that the threat of military action makes bad guys feel like they need the bomb."

He mentioned that Pakistan's Foreign Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto seemed to have embodied that kind of determination when he said famously in 1965, "If India builds the bomb, we will eat grass or leaves, even go hungry, but we will get one of our own."

Mark Fitzpatrick, a senior nonproliferation official at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, a prominent London-based arms analysis group, told the NY Times that it was "almost certain" that a military strike on Iran would result in "a Manhattan-style rush to produce nuclear weapons as fast as possible."

Lewis and other experts often cite Iraq, whose Osirak reactor was bombed by Israel in 1981. The attack, they argue, hardened the resolve of Saddam Hussein and gave his nuclear ambitions new life.

"All of the historical evidence that I have seen," Lewis wrote recently, "suggests Saddam had yet to decide to seek nuclear weapons until the humiliation of the strike."

Top Israeli officials disagree of course, citing the Iraqi case as an example of why Iran should be attacked.

According to the NY Times, nuclear historians say intimidation alone can spur an atomic response, as when American hostility prompted China to seek nuclear arms. Beijing succeeded in 1964 with a thunderous blast.

'Iranian Entebbe' option
Foreign Policy magazine published a feature by Mark Perry, who served as the unofficial advisor of former Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat in 1989-2004 and presented the Palestinian stance in interviews to US television stations.

According to several high-level US military and civilian intelligence sources quoted by Perry, Pentagon war planners have had to "fly blind" in sketching out what Israel might do and have concluded that there are at least three possible Israeli attack options, including a daring and extremely risky special operations raid on Iran's nuclear facility at Fordow , which they call "Iranian Entebbe".

In that scenario, named after Israel's 1976 commando rescue of Israeli hostages held in Uganda, Israeli commandos would storm the complex, which houses many of Iran's centrifuges; remove as much enriched uranium as they found or could carry; and plant explosives to destroy the facility on their way out.

According to Perry, however, it's not clear that Israel can pull off a successful strike: Netanyahu may not simply want the US on board politically; he may need the US to join militarily.

"All this stuff about 'red lines' and deadlines is just Israel's way of trying to get us to say that when they start shooting, we'll start shooting," retired Admiral Bobby Ray Inman was quoted as saying.

"Bottom line? We can do this and they can't, because we have what the Israelis don't have," said retired Air Force Colonel Sam Gardiner.

In the Washington Post, David Igantius, a columnist associated with the US administration, criticized Barack Obama's foreign policy, saying that the American president's election campaign engages in internal issues only.

The Washington Post also published a joint op-ed written by former head of US Central Command Retired Adm. William Fallon, former Republican Senator Chuck Hage, former Congressman Lee Hamilton, former Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Thomas Pickering, and former head of US Central Command Retired Gen. Anthony Zinni.

According to the five men, war with Iran is not inevitable. They support leaving all options on the table and believe that Iran should be pressured to achieve a diplomatic solution, but most of all they call for a "nonpartisan, reasoned debate about the implications for the US of another war in the wider Middle East.",7340,L-4286880,00.html
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 29/09/2012 | 12:29 uur
Ik ben het niet eens met experts e.d. die stellen dat een aanval de kans op een nucleair wapen voor Iran alleen maar bespoedigd. Het Iraanse regime is volgens mij namelijk nu als in de hoogste versnelling om zo snel mogelijk een kernwapen te krijgen. Want dan heeft elke aanval op haar nucleaire installaties geen zin meer omdat er een situatie van MAD ontstaat. Dat is precies waar het regime op uit is volgens mij. Kernwapens als ultiem beschermingsmiddel tegen buitenlandse pogingen het regime omver te werpen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 29/09/2012 | 12:33 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 29/09/2012 | 12:29 uur
Ik ben het niet eens met experts e.d. die stellen dat een aanval de kans op een nucleair wapen voor Iran alleen maar bespoedigd. Het Iraanse regime is volgens mij namelijk nu als in de hoogste versnelling om zo snel mogelijk een kernwapen te krijgen. Want dan heeft elke aanval op haar nucleaire installaties geen zin meer omdat er een situatie van MAD ontstaat. Dat is precies waar het regime op uit is volgens mij. Kernwapens als ultiem beschermingsmiddel tegen buitenlandse pogingen het regime omver te werpen.

Ik deel jouw mening en na ik verwacht wordt deze mening op Israelische sleutelposties wordt gedeeld.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: bergd op 29/09/2012 | 12:37 uur
Op 6 november wordt er in Amerika de nieuwe president gekozen. De ogen van de wereld zijn dan op Amerika gericht. Het zal maar zo kunnen zijn dat Israel rond die tijd tot actie overgaat.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 29/09/2012 | 12:42 uur
Citaat van: bergd op 29/09/2012 | 12:37 uur
Op 6 november wordt er in Amerika de nieuwe president gekozen. De ogen van de wereld zijn dan op Amerika gericht. Het zal maar zo kunnen zijn dat Israel rond die tijd tot actie overgaat.
Ik zou dan zeggen een week voor de verkiezingen...dan is nog zichtbaar hoe president Obama reageert op de Israëlische aanval en daarop volgende vergeldingsacties van Iran. Hoe de regering en president Obama reageren kan dan heel bepalend worden voor de uitslag van de verkiezingen. Zeker als Mitt Romney geen domme fouten maakt de komende weken. Volgens mij ziet de regering Netayahu liever Romney als president, gezien zijn zeer uitgesproken steun voor Israël en zelfs haar annexatiewensen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 29/09/2012 | 12:42 uur
Citaat van: bergd op 29/09/2012 | 12:37 uur
Op 6 november wordt er in Amerika de nieuwe president gekozen. De ogen van de wereld zijn dan op Amerika gericht. Het zal maar zo kunnen zijn dat Israel rond die tijd tot actie overgaat.

Mij zou het niet verbazen als ze voor die tijd met een verrassing komen. We moeten denk ik kijken naar het minst voor de hand liggende moment, waarbij we ons moeten realiseren dat veel, zo niet alle, Israelische (en westerse) middelen reeds in het theater aanwezig zijn, iets wat niet eeuwig volgehouden kan worden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: bergd op 29/09/2012 | 13:03 uur
Als je kijkt naar het conflict Gazastrook 2008-2009, het einde van het bestand tussen de partijen was ten tijde van de presidentsverkiezingen? Een maand later werd de aanval ingezet. Maar idd Elzenga, Romney heeft een sterke pro-Israel lobby en ik denk ook dat Israel hier het beste van profiteerd net voor de verkiezingen. De tijd zal het leren.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 29/09/2012 | 13:24 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 29/09/2012 | 12:29 uur
Kernwapens als ultiem beschermingsmiddel tegen buitenlandse pogingen het regime omver te werpen.

En al zou door buitenlandse invloed/inmenging het Iraans regime vallen.....wat komt er dan voor in de plaats ?. Laat ik gokken met een redelijke kans dat ik win..........een nieuwe regime met net zo veel, of meer, haat jegens Israel. Politiek en geloof liggen in Iran op een kussen en ik geloof niet dat dat anders gaat worden.

Er is denk ik maar een oplossing. Israle moet het lef hebben om uit te spreken dat Israel (ook) over kernwapens beschikt. Voila...........balans in de regio.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 29/09/2012 | 13:31 uur
Hoe willen de Israeli's überhaupt Iran aanvallen? Voor een fatsoenlijke luchtcampagne hebben ze amper de middelen en enkele tientallen bommen gaan het programma niet slopen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 29/09/2012 | 13:42 uur
Israëlische aanval op Iran is een riskante operatie

29-09-2012 13:03 | Gerard ten Voorde

De spanning stijgt. Iran werkt onverstoorbaar aan zijn nucleaire programma, Israël maakt zich op voor een –mogelijke– aanval op de islamitische republiek. Een riskante operatie.

Het geduld van Israël raakt op. Met kromme tenen moet premier Netanyahu toezien hoe Iran –ondanks internationale sancties– zijn omstreden nucleaire ontwikkeling doorzet.

Persbureau Reuters meldde woensdag dat Iran de ingebruikname van de zwaarwaterreactor in Arak zelfs versnelt. Donderdag riep Netanyahu de VN ertoe op een ,,rode lijn" te trekken. ,,Over zes tot zeven maanden kan Iran beschikken over een kernbom."

Het is voor de Joodse staat onverteerbaar te moeten leven onder de permanente dreiging van kernwapens in handen van ayatollahs. De voortdurende oorlogsverklaringen uit Teheran over de vernietiging van Israël spreken boekdelen.

Netanyahu dreigt met een grootscheepse, preventieve aanval op Iran. De Israel Air Force (IAF) prepareert zich al jaren op een dergelijke langeafstandsoperatie, boven de Middellandse Zee – van Tel Aviv tot Gibraltar.

Israël deinst niet terug voor hachelijke operaties in vijandelijk gebied. In juni 1981 bombarderen acht F-16's de Iraakse kernreactor in Osirak, bij Bagdad. Vier jaar later schieten acht F-15's het PLO-hoofdkwartier in Tunesië in puin. In september 2007 vernietigen zeven F-15's bij een precisieaanval de nucleaire al-Kibarreactor in aanbouw in Syrië.

Iran is echter gans anders. De operaties in Irak, Tunesië en Syrië kwamen –letterlijk– uit de lucht vallen. Een mogelijk gewapend optreden tegen Iran komt niet onverwacht, maar is al jaren bron van –toenemende– speculaties.

Bovendien is Iran vele malen complexer en riskanter. De Israëlische verrassingsaanvallen in Irak en Syrië richtten zich op één, bovengronds doelwit. De nucleaire complexen in Iran liggen echter verspreid over ten minste vier locaties, waarvan enkele diep ingegraven.


De vraag is of Israël in staat is zo'n gecompliceerde operatie tegen Iran uit te voeren.

Het wapenarsenaal van de Joodse staat is omvangrijk en uiterst geavanceerd, met bijvoorbeeld –naar schatting– 350 jachtvliegtuigen.

Israël maakt sinds 1980 gebruik van Amerikaanse F-16's, waarvan de eerste –ironisch genoeg– bedoeld waren voor Iran. De revolutie in de islamitische republiek dwarsboomde echter de levering.

Israël heeft tussen 1996 en 2009 125 geavanceerde F-15i's en F-16i's aangekocht, speciaal aangepast voor strategische doelen op lange afstand en voorzien van Israëlische navigatietechnologie.

Om Iran te bereiken moeten de jachtvliegtuigen pakweg 1500 tot 1800 kilometer afleggen. De F-15i's Ra'am (donder) en F-16i's Sufra (storm) dienen voldoende capaciteit te hebben om hun doelen aan te vallen én om zich eventuele vijandelijke vliegtuigen van het lijf houden.

De IAF moet z'n gevechtjagers hoe dan ook bijtanken in de lucht. Anthony H. Cordesman, een gerenommeerd Amerikaanse defensieanalist van het Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), heeft berekend dat voor één aanval op Iran pakweg twaalf tankvliegtuigen nodig zijn.

De IAF zou beschikken over acht tot tien KC-707's. De capaciteit van een tankvliegtuig is echter ook maar beperkt. Een Boeing 707 kan ongeveer acht F-16's of vier (grotere) F-15's bijtanken in de lucht.

,,De laatste paar jaar hebben Israëlische vertegenwoordigers overal ter wereld elke oude Boeing 707 in goede staat opgekocht en omgebouwd tot tankvliegtuig", meldt defensie-specialist Anshel Peffer van het Israëlische dagblad Ha'aretz. Ook het oude privévliegtuig van de Egyptische president Anwar Sadat doet nu in Israël dienst als vliegend tankstation.

Een grootschalig gewapend optreden tegen Iran vindt waarschijnlijk plaats via verschillende aanvalsgolven. De Israëliërs zullen vooraf proberen de Iraanse luchtafweer uit te schakelen of te verstoren via "elektronic warfare", succesvol toegepast in 2007 in Syrië.

Israël kan verder gebruikmaken van ballistische Jericho II-raketten voor de middellange afstand (bereik 2500 kilometer), kruisraketten (1500 kilometer) aan boord van Dolfijn 800-onderzeeërs en hypermoderne Eitan-/Heron TP-drones (7400 kilometer).

Analisten verschillen van mening over de slagkracht van de Iraanse luchtverdediging, die bestaat uit Amerikaanse Hawk­raketten van vóór de Iraanse revolutie, Russische SA-2's, SA-5's en mobiele SA-15's.

De verouderde systemen zouden echter onderling verbonden zijn via een zeer geavanceerd netwerk. Verder kan niet worden uitgesloten dat Rusland in het diepste geheim toch moderne SA-12's Giant of SA-300-luchtafweer heeft geleverd aan Teheran.

Iran kan de tegenaanval inzetten met een mengelmoes aan militair materieel: een handvol Amerikaanse F-14 Tomcats en F-5 Tigers, omgedoopt in Azarakhshs en Shafaqs. Verder beschikken de ayatollahs over pakweg veertig relatief moderne Mig-29's, Mirages en Chinees materieel.

Bunker busters

Israël moet bij een aanval een keus maken uit de lijst van uit te schakelen doelen. In de top vijf staan de uraniumverrijkingsinstallaties in Natanz (ten zuiden van Teheran) en Fordow (bij de heilige stad Qom), evenals de IR-40 zwaarwaterreactor in Arak en de uraniumopwerkingsfabriek in Isfahan. Ook de munitietestfaciliteit in Parchin, bij Teheran, gooit hoge ogen.

Vooral Natanz en Fordow leveren de Israëliërs hoofdbrekens op. De eerste bevindt zich op 23 meter diepte onder metersdik beton, de tweede is op pakweg 90 meter diepte ingebouwd in een bergmassief.

Het bombarderen van ondergrondse faciliteiten vereist specifieke munitie. Israël beschikt hiervoor over Amerikaanse, lasergestuurde Guided Bomb Units: de 900 kilo zware GBU-27's en de 2268 kilo zware GBU-28's, mogelijk door de Israëliërs verder geperfectioneerd.

De zwaarste GBU-28 "bunker busters" met 286 kilo hoogexplosieve springstof zijn in staat tot 6 meter door te dringen in zwaargewapende beton of 30 meter in de grond, voor ze tot ontploffing komen. De capaciteit in Iraans hoogsterkte beton beperkt zich mogelijk tot maximaal een meter.

De bunker busters zijn de zwaarste penetratiewapens voor jachtvliegtuigen. ,,Een Israëlische F-15i kan echter hooguit één bom tegelijk meenemen", waarschuwt Robert Hewson van defensieanalysebureau IHS Jane's. Om een doel in puin te gooien zijn daarom meerdere aanvallen op exact dezelfde locatie nodig.

Verder kan Israël gebruikmaken van 1000 kilo zware GPU-31's. Het grote voordeel is dat deze bom met gps wordt gestuurd door middel van vooraf ingevoerde coördinaten. Het explosief kan daardoor een doel –vanaf grote hoogte– op 3 meter nauwkeurig treffen, ongeacht weersomstandigheden.

Veel liever zouden de Israëliërs echter de ruim 13 ton zware, gps-geleide GBU-57 –de "super bunker buster"– inzetten. Echter, alleen de VS beschikken over deze zware jongens, die liefst 60 meter door zwaargewapend beton dringen. Hiervoor is echter een B-2 Spirit stealthbommenwerper nodig.

Niet bekend is of de hoogwaardige Israëlische defensie-industrie inmiddels eigen penetrerende bommen heeft ontwikkeld. ,,Veel is onbekend over Israëls militaire capaciteit, in het bijzonder over zelfontwikkelde systemen", aldus Douglas Barrie van het International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS).

Amerikaanse bronnen suggereren dat Israël een elektromagnetische bom heeft gebouwd, waarmee ondergrondse en bovengrondse elektronica kan worden uitgeschakeld. Een dergelijk wapen, waarvan het bestaan niet vaststaat, is alleen al voor psychologische oorlogsvoering uiterst doeltreffend.

Cordesman, oud-topambtenaar op het Pentagon, wijst erop dat de Joodse staat, gezien afstand en tussenliggend vijandelijk territorium, niet de kans krijgt om meerdere dagen achtereen aan te vallen. ,,Israël krijgt slechts één kans om Irans nucleaire faciliteiten te raken." Geruststellend: ,,Eén aanval kan al veel doen."

Analisten hebben becijferd dat voor een gelijktijdige aanval op Natanz, Fordow, Arak en Isfahan minimaal negentig jachtvliegtuigen nodig zijn. Inclusief een handvol jagers voor de bescherming en ondersteuning zou het aantal ruim boven de honderd kisten uitkomen.

De meningen lopen uiteen over de effectiviteit van een aanval. Israël kan Iran een forse klap uitdelen, maar bij lange na niet de vernietigende slag die de Amerikanen zouden kunnen toebrengen. Een aanval zou, volgens veel analisten, het Iraanse atoomprogramma niet kunnen stoppen, maar wel twee tot drie jaar kunnen vertragen.

Volledige verwoesting van de ondergrondse opwerkingsfabrieken lijkt uitgesloten. ,,Is ook niet nodig", stelt Cordesman. ,,Al lukt het niet het gewapend beton te doorbreken, dan nog is de kracht van de explosie van één of twee bunker busters voldoende om het kwetsbare proces van de ultracentrifuges te ruïneren."


Het liefst treedt Israël schouder aan schouder op met de Amerikanen. President Obama ziet echter nog altijd tijd voor diplomatie. Deskundigen houden daarom rekening met een eenzijdige Israëlische operatie, mogelijk nog vóór 6 november, de dag van de Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen.

Voor Israël zijn de consequenties van een aanval op Iran groot, ook gezien een mogelijke reactie van groepen als Hezbollah en Hamas. De consequenties van niets doen, lijken voor Israël echter groter.

De tijd tikt.


Israël kan Iran aanvallen via drie routes

Israël staat voor een reeks militaire en logistieke obstakels bij een aanval op Iran.

Israëlische gevechtsjagers moeten een afstand van 1500 tot 1800 kilometer overbruggen om hun doelen te bereiken. En, ook niet onbelangrijk, eenzelfde afstand afleggen om weer veilig terug te keren op hun bases.

Israël kan kiezen uit drie aanvalsroutes. Een noordelijke langs de grens Turkije/Syrië, een zuidelijke over Saudi-Arabië en de Perzische Golf, of de kortste over Jordanië en Irak.

De noordelijke route (2200 kilometer) is complex. Israël kan profiteren van de chaos in Syrië, maar krijgt ongetwijfeld geen toestemming van Turkije om gebruik te maken van het luchtruim. De relatie met Ankara is ernstig bekoeld, sinds het dodelijke incident (mei 2010) rond een maritieme 'hulpactie' voor de Gazastrook. Bovendien moet Israël op deze route vijf Iraanse luchtmachtbases passeren.

Voor de zuidelijke route (2400 kilometer) moet Saudi-Arabië toestemming geven. Niet uitgesloten is dat de Saudiërs bereid zijn even de andere kant op te kijken op het moment dat Israëlische gevechtjagers passeren.

Het soennitische Saudi-Arabië maakt zich ernstig zorgen over de regionale aspiraties van het sjiitische Iran. Volgens WikiLeaks zou Saudi-Arabië zelfs voorstander zijn van een aanval. Maar ook op deze route liggen Iraanse vliegbases.

De centrale route Jordanië-Irak (1750 kilometer) is volgens een rapport van het Amerikaanse Congressional Research Service (CRS) de ,,meest directe en meest voor de hand liggende."

Irak mist sinds de Golfoorlog een adequate luchtverdediging. Bovendien zijn de Amerikanen sinds de terugtrekking uit Irak niet langer verantwoordelijk voor het Iraakse luchtruim. Israël hoeft Washington daarom in elk geval geen toestemming te vragen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 29/09/2012 | 13:45 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 29/09/2012 | 13:24 uurEn al zou door buitenlandse invloed/inmenging het Iraans regime vallen.....wat komt er dan voor in de plaats ?. Laat ik gokken met een redelijke kans dat ik win..........een nieuwe regime met net zo veel, of meer, haat jegens Israel. Politiek en geloof liggen in Iran op een kussen en ik geloof niet niet dat dat anders gaat worden.
Ik denk dat dit wel meevalt. De overwegend jonge Iraanse bevolking is relatief modern ingesteld en wil graag veranderen. De conservatieve krachten hebben dit nog (net) onder controle...m.i. mede juist door die buitenlandse dreiging. Ik bedoel, je denkt toch niet dat de huidige sancties alleen tot doel hebben dat Iran geen kernwapens hoopt eerder dat er zoveel onvrede onder de burgers ontstaat dat als paar jaar straat op gaan en al protesterend het regime "verwijderen" of tot een andere opstelling dwingen. Ook het Iraanse regime zal net als in China de bevolking meer vrijheid en welvaart moeten geven wil het blijven bestaan. Maar dan wel graag met een kernwapen...zodat buitenlandse krachten het regime niet meer durven te bedreigen met een gewapende regime change. Dat is namelijk wel wat o.a. de regering Bush jr. jarenlang deed.
Citaat van: Ros op 29/09/2012 | 13:24 uur
Er is denk ik maar een oplossing. Israle moet het lef hebben om uit te spreken dat Israel (ook) over kernwapens beschikt. Vola...........balans in de regio.
De regering Netanyahu en andere conservatieve krachten willen juist niet die MAD toestand. Omdat ze het Iraanse regime niet geloven, de kans groot is dat dan meer landen in de regio kernwapens gaan ontwikkelen..en dit de "bewegingsruimte" voor zowel Israël als de VS daar drastisch zal beperken. Ik bedoel...reken maar dat men anders op Syrië reageert als de Syrische president dreigt dat hij kernwapens op Israël en Amerikaanse middelen in de omgeving afvuurt als hij echt in het nauw komt en ten onder dreigt te gaan. Dat probleem speelt in zekere zin ook nu met de Syrische chemische wapens.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 29/09/2012 | 13:46 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 29/09/2012 | 13:31 uur
Hoe willen de Israeli's überhaupt Iran aanvallen? Voor een fatsoenlijke luchtcampagne hebben ze amper de middelen en enkele tientallen bommen gaan het programma niet slopen.

Zie het bovenstaande artikel. En onbemiddeld wil ik de Israeli nu niet bepaald noemen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 29/09/2012 | 14:09 uur
Oeps, even het aantal F-16's met zo'n 150 onderschat...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Laurens op 29/09/2012 | 14:50 uur
Wat is de kans dat de Saoedi's meedoen in een gezamenlijke aanval?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 29/09/2012 | 14:57 uur
Openlijk samenwerken met de Israëliërs zal veel mensen in het verkeerde keelgat schieten. Dat zullen ze nooit doen denk ik.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 29/09/2012 | 15:02 uur
Citaat van: Laurens op 29/09/2012 | 14:50 uur
Wat is de kans dat de Saoedi's meedoen in een gezamenlijke aanval?

Niet groot. Officieel zijn ze natuurlijk tegen een Israëlische/Amerikaanse aanval, maar onofficieel - enigszins geopenbaard door Wikileaks - zien ze zo'n aanval nog liever vandaag dan morgen. Overigens kan Saoedi-Arabie een regen aan Iraanse raketten op z'n olieraffinaderijen - bijvoorbeeld die in Dhahran - verwachten mochten ze enigszins betrokken zijn bij een dergelijke aanval. Sterker nog, ik denk dat Iran een dergelijke vergeldingsactie überhaupt al overweegt. Geen groter klap voor de financiële wereld dan een aanval op Dhahran.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 29/09/2012 | 15:30 uur
Citaat van: Laurens op 29/09/2012 | 14:50 uur
Wat is de kans dat de Saoedi's meedoen in een gezamenlijke aanval?

Die zijn als de dood dat de Iran een nucleaire mogendheid wordt en je weet het nooit bij die koninklijke club en voormalig kamelen hoeders, aan de andere kant zal ze dat moeite kosten omdat aan de eigen bevolking te verkopen.

Een oogje dicht is één....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 29/09/2012 | 15:32 uur
Citaat van: Jah op 29/09/2012 | 15:02 uur
Sterker nog, ik denk dat Iran een dergelijke vergeldingsactie überhaupt al overweegt. Geen groter klap voor de financiële wereld dan een aanval op Dhahran.
Daarmee geven ze de Saoedi wel het perfecte excuus om een agressor met hun niet onbemiddelde luchtmacht aan te vallen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 29/09/2012 | 15:34 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 29/09/2012 | 14:09 uur
Oeps, even het aantal F-16's met zo'n 150 onderschat...

Je moet internationaal ook het klein polder model denken loslaten.  ;D
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 29/09/2012 | 17:32 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 28/09/2012 | 23:03 uur
Ik praat niet voor niets over windows of opportunity steeds. Ik voorspel dus niet wanneer het gaat gebeuren, maar wanneer er een moment komt of is dat bepaalde zaken gunstig zijn om een aanval uit te voeren. D-day werd ook verschillende keren uitgesteld zoals menig andere operatie. Het zou dus zo maar eens kunnen zijn dat als bepaalde nu nog geheime informatie over Israëlische besprekingen over dit onderwerp vrijgegeven worden men inderdaad op bepaalde momenten overwogen heeft die aanval te starten. Maar daar uiteindelijk toch weer vanaf zag wegens x redenen.

Ik vind het totaal niet boeiend of ik iets dus juist kan voorspellen...als wel het complexe besluitvormingsproces wat er zich afspeelt tussen en binnen bepaalde regeringen en landen. En waarin dus wel degelijk windows of opportunity voorkomen.

Besluitvorming in dit soort zaken is inderdaad extreem complex. Zo complex dat niet alleen jij, maar eigenlijk niemand daarin ver vooruit kan kijken, zelfs Netanyahu zelf kan dat niet.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 30/09/2012 | 10:23 uur
'Netanjahoe valt Iran echt niet aan'

Sander Becker − 29/09/12, 14:00

Oorlog met Iran? Welnee. Daar durft de Israëlische premier Benjamin Netanjahoe niet aan te beginnen. "Hij heeft de steun van Amerika niet kunnen verwerven, en dan houdt het op", zegt de Israëlische militair-historicus Martin van Creveld. "Want Netanjahoe mag dan de slechtste en meest onverantwoordelijke premier zijn die we hier ooit gehad hebben, het is gelukkig ook een lafaard." .

De deskundige reageert op het spraakmakende optreden van Netanjahoe, donderdag bij de VN. Dat had iets komisch en kneuterigs, maar was dreigend en resoluut bedoeld. De premier trok een dikke rode streep door een tekenfilmachtig plaatje van een bom. Tot daar en niet verder. Als Iran bijna een kernbom in handen had, waarschuwde de premier, zou Israël hard toeslaan en het gevaar uitschakelen.

De visuele stoerdoenerij moest volgens Van Creveld verhullen dat de premier in werkelijkheid terugkrabbelde. De laatste maanden liet de premier voortdurend doorschemeren dat Israël en de Verenigde Staten nog vóór de Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen van november Iran moesten aanvallen. Anders was het te laat; Israël stond aan de vooravond van een tweede holocaust. Maar donderdag rekte Netanjahoe de tijdlijn ineens op. Er bleek nu ruimte tot de zomer van 2013. Pas dan zou Iran het punt bereiken waarop ingrijpen noodzakelijk werd.

Dit uitstel betekent waarschijnlijk dat Israël de komende zes maanden niet aanvalt. En daarna evenmin, garandeert Van Creveld, die nooit in de preventieve oorlog heeft geloofd. "Er kleven te veel bezwaren aan. Je kunt het Iraanse kernprogramma bijvoorbeeld niet vernietigen, maar hooguit een paar jaar vertragen. Bevelhebbers van de Israëlische land- en luchtmacht zijn ook bijna allemaal tegen, net als de bevolking. En Amerika wil na twee niet erg succesvolle oorlogen - Irak en Afghanistan - geen nieuw avontuur aangaan."

De steun van de Verenigde Staten is onmisbaar voor een aanval op Iran. Israël beschikt namelijk niet over de zware, zes meter lange GBU-57-bommen die nodig zijn om de ondergrondse kernreactor bij de Iraanse heilige stad Kom te vernietigen. Op die locatie wordt het uranium verrijkt waarmee de Iraniërs hun bom zouden willen vullen, iets wat ze zelf ontkennen. In theorie kan Israël de reactor ook platgooien met kleine kernwapens, maar daarmee zou het in één klap al zijn internationale krediet verspelen, ook bij bondgenoot Amerika.

De naderende presidentsverkiezingen in de Verenigde Staten speelden mogelijk een rol bij Netanjahoes knieval. Volgens sommige analisten had de premier gehoopt dat de Republikeinse kandidaat Mitt Romney zou winnen, waarna Amerika wellicht steun aan een aanval op Iran zou verlenen. Maar president Obama loopt in de peilingen steeds verder voor. Netanjahoe zou daarom de hoop hebben opgegeven en onopvallend de aftocht willen blazen.

Langdurige strijd
Goed mogelijk, denkt Van Creveld. Maar volgens hem zouden de VS onder Romney niet heel anders reageren dan onder Obama; Amerika heeft simpelweg even geen trek meer in oorlog. En dat zo'n aanval op een goed voorbereid land als Iran kan leiden tot een langdurige strijd, daarover zijn de meeste analisten het wel eens.

De komende tijd staat vermoedelijk weer in het teken van moeizame onderhandelingen met Iran over het omstreden kernprogramma. De gesprekken liggen stil sinds juli. Maar tijdens de afgelopen VN-top hebben de vijf permanente leden van de Veiligheidsraad en Duitsland hun hernieuwde voorkeur voor een diplomatieke oplossing benadrukt. Tot medewerking van Teheran heeft de dialoog nooit geleid. Wel tot sancties. En die werpen hun vruchten af, concludeert de Israëlische overheid in een deze week verschenen rapport: de Iraanse economie lijdt zwaar onder de boycot van Europa en de VS, en dat kan de stabiliteit van de regering schaden. Nog wat extra sancties, luidt het advies, en dan zal Iran wellicht buigen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 30/09/2012 | 10:28 uur
Citaat van: Vandaag om 10:23
'Netanjahoe valt Iran echt niet aan'

Israëlische militair-historicus Martin van Creveld, deskundige

Een wederom vraag ik mij af hoe deskundig een bureau deskundige is?

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 30/09/2012 | 10:42 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 30/09/2012 | 10:28 uur
Citaat van: Vandaag om 10:23
'Netanjahoe valt Iran echt niet aan'

Israëlische militair-historicus Martin van Creveld, deskundige

Een wederom vraag ik mij af hoe deskundig een bureau deskundige is?

Ik heb dat elders ook eens gevraagd   wie is een deskundige?   is dat de gebruiker, iemand die gestudeerd heeft in die richting, een combinatie er van of......  Ook vroeg ik me af wie bepaald dat eigenlijk?      Of is een deskundige iemand waar men het mee eens is?
Volgens mij kwam er toen geen duidelijk antwoord   misschien komt dat duidelijke antwoord hier wel..........
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 30/09/2012 | 10:51 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 30/09/2012 | 10:42 uur
Ik heb dat elders ook eens gevraagd   wie is een deskundige?   is dat de gebruiker, iemand die gestudeerd heeft in die richting, een combinatie er van of......  Ook vroeg ik me af wie bepaald dat eigenlijk?      Of is een deskundige iemand waar men het mee eens is?
Volgens mij kwam er toen geen duidelijk antwoord   misschien komt dat duidelijke antwoord hier wel..........

Zo maar een voorbeeld over "deskundigheid", hiernaar past alleen een afkorting: Q.E.D.

vrijdag 12 januari 2007 - 19:32
De Beursgorilla heeft voor de zevende keer op rij de AEX-index verslagen. De beleggende gorilla Jacko haalde dit jaar een rendement van 27,9 procent, terwijl de AEX-index bleef steken op een wint van 13,4%.

Jacko begaf zich in 2000 voor het eerst op de beursvloer. Bij wijze van experiment werd de gorilla, die in een dierentuin in Berlijn woont, een bak met 75 gemarkeerde bananen voorgezet. Elke banaan correspondeerde met een beursgenoteerd bedrijf. Van de tien bananen die Jacko het eerste pakte, werden aandelen gekocht.

Sindsdien wordt de portefeuille van Jacko maandelijks aangepast. Er worden telkens twee bakken met bananen voor Jacko neergezet: één bak met de bedrijven waarvan al aandelen zijn gekocht en één bak met alle overige fondsen. Jacko haalt uit elke bak één banaan en beslist zo welk fonds wordt verkocht en welk fonds wordt aangekocht.

Overigens is 2006 niet eens Jacko's beste jaar. Het eerste jaar dat hij aandelen bezat behaalde hij een rendement van 35,6 procent, terwijl de AEX index destijds een verlies van 5,1 procent noteerde.

Sieto de Vries, de eigenaar van de site, denkt dat 2007 het eerste jaar van Jacko wel eens zou kunnen overtreffen. "Zijn portefeuille is momenteel redelijk offensief. Daarnaast is de marktverwachting voor 2007 erg gunstig. Dit jaar moet dus wel een top jaar worden", aldus de Vries.

Een overzicht van Jacko's rendementen over de afgelopen jaren is op deze pagina te vinden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 30/09/2012 | 11:18 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 30/09/2012 | 10:51 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 30/09/2012 | 10:42 uur
Ik heb dat elders ook eens gevraagd   wie is een deskundige?   is dat de gebruiker, iemand die gestudeerd heeft in die richting, een combinatie er van of......  Ook vroeg ik me af wie bepaald dat eigenlijk?      Of is een deskundige iemand waar men het mee eens is?
Volgens mij kwam er toen geen duidelijk antwoord   misschien komt dat duidelijke antwoord hier wel..........

Zo maar een voorbeeld over "deskundigheid", hiernaar past alleen een afkorting: Q.E.D

vrijdag 12 januari 2007 - 19:32
De Beursgorilla heeft voor de zevende keer op rij de AEX-index verslagen. De beleggende gorilla Jacko haalde dit jaar een rendement van 27,9 procent, terwijl de AEX-index bleef steken op een wint van 13,4%.

Gebruikers zijn dus beperkt deskundig wat hen wordt een "kunstje" geleerd.....  net als deze aap.   De uitdrukking "een aap een kunstje leren" klopt dus.  

Maar nu de overige deskundige nog analyseren      :devil:    
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 30/09/2012 | 11:18 uur
Israel Means Business on Iran

September 30, 2012

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian President, had quite the week when he visited New York to address, as he has done in past years, the United Nations General Assembly. Having landed a room at the venerable Warwick Hotel on Manhattan's west side—incidentally, readers, if you're planning a visit to this great city, make sure you stay somewhere else—Ahmadinejad ran the gauntlet of angry demonstrators every time he made the short trip to the UN building on First Avenue.

On one memorable occasion, Ahmadinejad's spokesman received a well-aimed kick in the backside from a protester. And each day, the New York press made it crystal clear that the Iranian tyrant was not welcome. The New York Daily News, for example, poked fun at the sight of Ahmadinejad's underlings going on shopping trips to outlets like Costco and Duane Reed to stock up on shampoo and vitamins. Even the normally anemic New York Times reported on Ahmadinejad's remarks—"he has no fear of an Israeli attack on his country's nuclear facilities, regards the Israelis as fleeting aberrations in Middle East history, is neutral in the Syria conflict, and considers homosexuality an ugly crime" —with a modicum of disgust. But the winner of the "Bait Ahmadinejad" competition was hands-down the New York Post, which ran the legend "Peace of Sh!t" across a photo of a grinning Ahmadinejad in its Tuesday, Sept. 25 edition.

All this, of course, was a fitting riposte to the continued tolerance of Ahmadinejad's annual jaunt to New York, particularly as, this year, his speech to General Assembly took place on Yom Kippur. Yet again, the UN disgraced itself by allowing its podium to be used for a viciously anti-Semitic speech—Ahmadinejad referenced "uncivilized Zionists" and denied the historic Jewish connection to the Land of Israel—on the holiest day of the Jewish calendar, no less. Those looking for some comfort in the face of this insult may wish to consider that—in theory at least—this should be the last time we have to put with Ahmadinejad on our soil, as his term as president ends in nine months.

However, away from the circus that the UN General Assembly has become, there is precious little comfort to be had on the vital issue of Iran's nuclear ambitions. Relations between the mullahs who rule in Tehran and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA,) the global body with the thankless task of ensuring that Iran's nuclear program respects international agreements, have reached their lowest point. Iran has accused the IAEA of being infiltrated by "terrorists" and of passing its nuclear secrets to Israel. At this juncture, the most pressing item on IAEA chief Yukiya Amano's desk is how to secure safe passage out of Iran for his inspectors in the event of an Israeli attack on the country's nuclear facilities.

Skeptics will counter, not without good reason, that this is nothing new under the sun. Every few months, the rhetoric around Iran's nuclear program ratchets up: Iran makes belligerent statements, some Israeli officials warn that a pre-emptive attack is inevitable while others play this prospect down, and the United States wearily appeals for calm while restating the mantra that "all options are on the table." Yet there are equally good reasons to believe that the bluff is over.

For one thing, the diplomatic process resembles a corpse in search of a decent funeral. Over the summer, Catherine Ashton, the European Union's foreign policy chief, heralded a new round of talks with Iran as the unveiling of a serious offer to cooperate on Tehran's part. But the Iranian offer remains the same: Tehran will suspend its uranium enrichment to 20 per cent, well below the level needed to produce a nuclear weapon, in exchange for a substantive easing of sanctions. Given Iran's record of deceiving the IAEA inspectors, and the lack of certainty about how many of its facilities are open and how many are concealed, there is really no reason to take the regime seriously.

Additionally, sanctions appear to have impacted nearly every area of Iranian life except for the one where they are most needed: the nuclear program. Over the past few months, the little glimpses we have had into Iran's nuclear facilities have shown that Tehran is making progress at alarming speed. Its uranium enrichment facility at the Fordow plant— a site that we only know about because western intelligence agencies revealed its existence in September 2009—has doubled its capability. Moreover, Iran is proceeding with the construction of a heavy-water reactor near the town of Arak, which scientists believe could produce plutonium for nuclear arms if the spent fuel is reprocessed.

Small wonder, then, that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's own speech to the UN General Assembly focused on the dangers posed by an Iran armed with nuclear weapons. The danger, recall, lies not just in their potential use, but in their actual ownership. Countries armed with nuclear weapons have a remarkable ability to change their balance of power in their regions. At stake in the Middle East is the prospect that Israel's military edge—the main reason why the region has avoided a full-scale conflagration for the past several decades—might be blunted by an Iranian bomb.

Netanyahu is rightly frustrated that the Obama Administration remains unwilling to define a red line for Iran. "Those in the international community who refuse to put red lines before Iran don't have a moral right to place a red light before Israel," Netanyahu declared recently. Perhaps this wasn't the most diplomatic formulation, but it's an opportunity for the Obama Administration to understand a truth about Israel that it hasn't yet grasped: no Israeli government, least of all Netanyahu's, wants to go down in history as having fatally compromised the security of the Jewish state. And this isn't Bibi interfering in the forthcoming U.S. presidential election, as some left-wing pundits have argued. It's about preserving his reputation in the Israeli domestic arena and, beyond that, dealing effectively with a genuine existential threat.

In dismissing Israeli alarm as "noise," President Obama overlooks the fact that it's hard to think of another responsible leader who would behave differently in the face of such a threat. Like it or not, Israel really does mean business. Better that we should allow Iran policy to be determined by the imperatives of our closest ally than by our worst enemy.

Ben Cohen is the Shillman Analyst for His writings on Jewish affairs and Middle Eastern politics have been published in Commentary, the New York Post, Ha'aretz, Jewish Ideas Daily and many other publications.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 30/09/2012 | 11:23 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 30/09/2012 | 11:18 uur
Maar nu de overige deskundige nog analyseren      :devil:    

Voor elke deskundige geldt: deze heeft gelijk als hij/zij achteraf gelijk heeft gekregen, de meesten slaan, na mijn idee, de plank continu mis waardoor ik mijn deskundigheid geen hoge pet op heb van de zgn. "deskundigen"
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 30/09/2012 | 11:39 uur
Benjamin Netanyahu ‏@netanyahu

I will continue to make every effort to ensure that the world's most dangerous country doesn't obtain the world's most dangerous weapon

Benjamin Netanyahu Benjamin Netanyahu ‏@netanyahu
and we strengthened our coordination with the U.S. administration on the issue

Benjamin Netanyahu Benjamin Netanyahu ‏@netanyahu
During my visit here we drew a clear red line for Iran's nuclear program

Benjamin Netanyahu Benjamin Netanyahu ‏@netanyahu
I'll be flying back to Israel from the United States in a few hours to celebrate the Sukkot holiday with the Israeli people.

(Sukkot holiday duurt van 's avonds 30 september tot 's avonds 7 oktober.)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 30/09/2012 | 12:12 uur
Citaat van: Benjamin Netanyahu ‏@netanyahu op 30/09/2012 | 11:39 uur
Benjamin Netanyahu Benjamin Netanyahu ‏@netanyahu
During my visit here we drew a clear red line for Iran's nuclear program

We drew moet zijn I drew.........en als er al uberhauot een rode lijn is getrokken is het niet duidelijk wat er dan met Iran zal gebeuren.

Mij bekruipt steeds meer de gedachte dat Israel straks verantwoordelijk is voor een totale chaos in het Midden-Oosten. Los van de reactie/acties van Iran zal het terrorisme verder groeien. Israel en alle landen die het land steunen gaan hier problemen mee krijgen.

Israel zou zich moeten realiseren dat zij militair niet echt aan te pakken zijn door Iran en dat Iran zich dan gaat storten op methodes die wel werken.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 30/09/2012 | 13:43 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 30/09/2012 | 11:18 uur
Gebruikers zijn dus beperkt deskundig wat hen wordt een "kunstje" geleerd.....  net als deze aap.   De uitdrukking "een aap een kunstje leren" klopt dus.  

Maar nu de overige deskundige nog analyseren      :devil:    

Dergelijke processen zijn erg complex, en worden vaak tegelijkertijd door hele kleine zaken ernstig beïnvloed.  Nu is Van Creveld wel iemand met hoog aanzien, maar garanties geven, dat is ook voor hem een onmogelijkheid.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 01/10/2012 | 23:31 uur
Analysis: Obama, Netanyahu got what they hoped for at U.N. meeting

By Louis Charbonneau

UNITED NATIONS | Mon Oct 1, 2012 4:02pm EDT

(Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appeared to get what they hoped for at the annual U.N. General Assembly after closing ranks to send a message to Iran that it may face war over its nuclear program.

Obama and Netanyahu did not meet with each other at the United Nations, where leaders and foreign ministers from the world body's 193 member states have gathered since last week to give speeches and hold private talks to resolve conflicts and boost trade.

But the two men left the U.N. meeting with more than they arrived with: Obama with an assurance that Israel would not attack Iran's nuclear sites before the November 6 U.S. presidential election, and Netanyahu with a commitment from Obama to do whatever it takes to prevent Iran from producing an atomic bomb.

The General Assembly, concluding on Monday, was notable for what was not accomplished. World powers failed to break deadlocks over Iran's nuclear program, the conflicts in Syria, Mali and Congo, and the stalled Israel-Palestinian peace talks.

As in previous years, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad assailed the United States, Israel and Europe, while calling for a new world order. He made his eighth and likely final address to a U.N. General Assembly.

The lack of substantive progress on the world's protracted conflicts led diplomats and analysts to question the relevance of the United Nations, saying it was incapable of moving decisively as it did last year on Libya.

"The diplomatic situation at the U.N. may have to get worse before it gets better," said Richard Gowan of New York University. "Perhaps we need a diplomatic debacle on the scale of Iraq - or a peacekeeping failure like Srebrenica (Bosnia) - before big states wake up and ask why the U.N. is stagnating."

In July 1995, U.N. peacekeepers in Bosnia failed to prevent the massacre of some 8,000 Muslim men and boys in Srebrenica.

Analysts and diplomats argue that the lack of U.N. backing for the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003 highlighted the need for a U.N. seal of approval for military interventions. Widely seen as "illegal," as former U.N. chief Kofi Annan described it, Western powers made certain that the NATO intervention in Libya last year had the backing of the U.N. Security Council unlike the Iraq war.

While the United States and Israel have long refused to rule out the use of military force to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, Netanyahu has criticized Obama for failing to make clear to Tehran under what circumstances Western powers would be prepared to attack Iranian nuclear facilities.

Suggestions from Israel that he was letting down the Jewish state were an irritant Obama did not want to put up with in the final weeks before an election, especially given the way the issue has been leveraged by Republican challenger Mitt Romney.

Meanwhile, Western officials say, Netanyahu may want to avoid antagonizing Israel's main ally and poisoning ties with the man who could occupy the White House for another four years.


Iran rejects Western allegations that it is developing the capability to produce atomic bombs - it says its nuclear program is for peaceful energy and medical purposes - and refuses to comply with Security Council demands to halt nuclear enrichment.

This has led to increasingly harsh U.N. and Western sanctions, which have caused the value of Iran's currency to plummet.

Israel sees a nuclear-armed Iran as a threat to its existence.

In his speech to the General Assembly on Thursday, Netanyahu held up a cartoonish diagram of a bomb with a fuse to illustrate the threat of Iran's nuclear program. He used a red marker to draw a line at the point where Iran would be close to producing an atomic bomb.

Images of "Bibi's bomb" - referring to Netanyahu's nickname - with its graphic "red line" representing the moment Iran can no longer be stopped from getting a nuclear weapon will likely be the defining image of this year's assembly.

It may also join other memorable moments when visual aids were used in U.N. speeches. These include: U.S. Ambassador Adlai Stevenson's unveiling of U-2 spy plane photos of Cuba during the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, and U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell's flawed intelligence briefing seeking to make the case for war with Iraq before the March 2003 U.S.-led invasion.

Netanyahu praised Obama for telling the General Assembly that the United States will "do what we must" to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons and acknowledged that there was still room for diplomacy. Harsh sanctions, Netanyahu said, could probably persuade Tehran not to build a nuclear weapon.

But the Israeli leader also hinted at war. He said Iran's enrichment plants were visible and vulnerable to attack and suggested that a decision on force could come by next spring. Tehran's U.N. mission responded by saying Iran has the means and right to retaliate with full force against any attack.

Israel, presumed to be the region's only nuclear power, has twice destroyed sites it feared could be used to develop atomic weapons - in 1981 in Iraq and in 2007 in Syria.

Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moualem was among the last speakers to address the General Assembly. On the final day of the session on Monday, he accused the United States, France, Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia of hijacking what was a domestic crisis by supporting rebels with arms and money.

Russia, an ally of Syria, and China have vetoed three Security Council resolutions condemning Assad's government. Both made clear they still oppose U.N. sanctions against Syria or new measures against Iran, which Western nations accuse of propping up Assad's government.

One Western ambassador, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Reuters: "If I were a member of Assad's government, I'd be very happy Syria's getting short shrift at the U.N. If I were a rebel, I'd be pretty disappointed with the U.N. right now."

The Palestinians, whose aspirations for their own state are now taking a back seat at the United Nations to Iran, Syria and the Arab Spring, were probably also disappointed by the General Assembly.

A year ago in New York, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas announced his bid for full U.N. membership for a Palestinian state, sparking excitement at the General Assembly and the West Bank. The request wilted in the face of U.S. opposition.

This year, Abbas announced he was looking for a less-ambitious status upgrade at the world body that would make it a "non-member state" like the Vatican, instead of an "entity." There was no excitement at the General Assembly or the West Bank.

(Editing by Will Dunham)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 02/10/2012 | 11:37 uur
Iraanse munteenheid keldert dramatisch

TEHERAN (AFN) - De waarde van de Iraanse munteenheid de rial is in een week tijd circa 40 procent afgenomen. Westerse sancties en de volgens waarnemers gerechtvaardigde angst van veel Iraniërs dat de regering al geruime tijd een economisch wanbeleid voert, jagen de inflatie omhoog.

Dinsdagmorgen moest er bijna 35.000 rial worden betaald voor een Amerikaanse dollar. Een week eerder was dat nog 24.600 rial. En dinsdagmiddag moesten kopers alweer zeker 2500 rial meer neertellen voor een dollar.

De vrije val van de munt was maandag zo diep dat websites die koersen gaven, plotseling uit de lucht werden gehaald. Geregistreerde geldwisselaars stopten met de verkoop van dollars.

di 02 okt 2012, 11:30
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/10/2012 | 19:26 uur
'Iran schoot op passagiersvliegtuigen'

Door: redactie

3-10-12 - 15:38  bron: ANP/NYT

Het leger van Iran is zo bevreesd voor een Israëlische luchtaanval op nucleaire installaties, dat het per ongeluk op passagiersvliegtuigen heeft geschoten. Dat schrijft de krant The New York Times, op basis van een rapport van de Amerikaanse inlichtingendiensten.

In één geval is zelfs het vuur geopend op een straaljager van de eigen luchtmacht. De incidenten gebeurden in 2007 en 2008. De luchtverdediging gebruikte raketten en kanonnen tegen de passagiersvliegtuigen. Ook zijn gevechtsvliegtuigen afgestuurd op toestellen die verkeerd waren geïdentificeerd, aldus de Amerikanen. De toestellen zijn niet neergehaald.

In één geval onderschepte een Iraans gevechtsvliegtuig een Iraaks passagiersvliegtuig. Het toestel van Iraqi Airways werd niet beschoten. Volgens het rapport waren de Iraanse strijdkrachten bang dat Israëlische vliegtuigen zich zouden voordoen als passagierstoestellen.

In september 2007 bombardeerde de Israëlische luchtmacht een kernreactor in het noordoosten van Syrië. Israël is ook fel gekant tegen het Iraanse nucleaire programma.

In het verleden zijn enkele malen passagierstoestellen neergehaald, omdat ze voor een vijandelijk toestel werden gehouden. Een van de ernstigste incidenten was boven Iran. Een Amerikaans marineschip schoot in 1988 een toestel van Iran Air met bijna 300 inzittenden neer boven de Straat van Hormuz.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 03/10/2012 | 21:01 uur
 3 oktober 2012, 16:49
Rellen in Teheran na harde koersval Iraanse munt door sancties
door Pim van den Dool

In de Iraanse hoofdstad Teheran zijn vanmiddag rellen uitgebroken bij protesten naar aanleiding van de harde koersval van de Iraanse munt van de afgelopen dagen. Onder Iraniërs is onrust ontstaan over de dialende rial, die tot prijsstijgingen leidt.

De autoriteiten gebruikten vanmiddag traangas om de demonstranten in Teheran uiteen te drijven, die autobanden en vuilnisbakken in brand hadden gestoken. Volgens ooggetuigen die de BBC sprak werden er een hoop arrestaties verricht. Rondom het gebouw van de centrale bank verzamelden zich tientallen betogers die leuzen tegen het regime riepen.

De rial, een munt die tot 2009 stabiel was, verloor gisteren 17 procent in waarde, tegenover alle buitenlandse valuta. Momenteel koop je in Iran met 34.450 rial één dollar. In 2009 was diezelfde dollar nog te koop voor ongeveer 9500 rial. Ging de devaluatie eerst stapsgewijs, dit jaar en met name de laatste weken gaat het steeds sneller, met steeds grotere sprongen.

De problemen worden veroorzaakt door de Amerikaanse en Europese sancties tegen de Iraanse olie- en bankensector die het land moeten dwingen zijn nucleaire verrijkingsprogramma te bevriezen. De Iraanse leiders kunnen hierdoor veel minder olie verkopen en verdienen dus ook minder valuta.
'Grondstoffen en luxeproducten zijn onbetaalbaar geworden'

De koersdaling van de rial zorgt in Iran voor grote paniek, schreef onze correspondent in Teheran Thomas Erdbrink gisteren in NRC Handelsblad:

    In alle sectoren van de economie is de paniek groot. Grondstoffen, voor zover die al het land binnen konden komen door de sancties, zijn onbetaalbaar geworden, net als andere geïmporteerde producten. Voor Levi's spijkerbroeken, iPhones en Dell computers moeten nu opeens astronomische prijzen worden betaald. Reisbureaus, die de afgelopen tien jaar Iraniërs massaal naar Dubai, Thailand en Turkije brachten. sluiten nu hun deuren. Gisteren protesteerden studenten die normaal in het buitenland studeren in hun zomervakantie voor het parlement omdat ze geen buitenlandse valuta met korting meer krijgen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 05/10/2012 | 13:35 uur
Why Israel May Go It Alone

Rafael D. Frankel
October 5, 2012

"There are two clocks ticking, one in Washington . . . and one in Israel . . . neither of them in sync."

On the face of it, these words appear as if they were lifted from any report over the past year characterizing the discord over American and Israeli efforts to halt Iran's nuclear program. But in fact they were spoken forty-five years ago by Israeli foreign minister Abba Eban on the eve of the Six Day War.

Eban had just returned to Jerusalem from Washington, where he was anxiously pressing the Lyndon Johnson administration to provide U.S. guarantees for Israel's security in the event that Egypt attacked. Previously confident that America would have Israel's back in the event of renewed warfare, Eban was now despondent at the likelihood that Israel would be forced to face the combined Arab armies alone, again.

For two weeks, Gamal Abdel Nasser had been building up his forces in the Sinai peninsula to the point where they posed a credible threat to the young Jewish state's existence. Now, Nasser had dismissed UN peacekeepers from the Egyptian-Israeli border and closed the Straits of Tiran, cutting off Israel's vital access to the Red Sea, through which it imported a majority of its energy supplies. Nasser had provided Israel with casus belli and then proclaimed that "if war comes it will be total and the objective will be Israel's destruction."

Two weeks earlier, President Johnson promised to deliver a consignment of military hardware, food, economic aid and loans to Israel totaling nearly $70 million to demonstrate American support and tide Israel over. The U.S. administration also vowed not to let Nasser close the Straits of Tiran. But as Nasser continued his military buildup, as the Soviet Union egged on Egypt and Syria to war and as the Arab World worked itself into a frenzy over the eminent demise of the "Zionist entity," the commitments that Washington provided to Jerusalem were not met.

In addition to the backtracking, Johnson poignantly warned Israel against initiating hostilities. "Israel will not be alone unless it decides to go it alone," Johnson wrote to Eban. "We cannot imagine that it will make this decision."

The wavering of Israel's only ally in the face of what the Israeli security establishment genuinely felt could be an eminent holocaust had the opposite effect of what Johnson intended. Rather than rely on the noncommittal American administration to provide aid in the event of a combined Arab attack, the Israeli cabinet and army felt they had no choice but to attack first and on their own terms, lest they cede the initiative to Nasser and risk being overwhelmed by Arab forces on three fronts.

That Israeli leaders decided to attack in 1967 should have come as no surprise to anyone who understands the Israeli mentality, which remains largely unchanged.

In the political-security realm, the Israeli psyche is governed by one overriding emotion: fear. This fear is a byproduct not just of the Holocaust, which is still a vivid memory there, but of the wars every generation of Israelis has fought. On a collective level, Israel is a society in a perpetual state of post-traumatic stress. But unlike American veterans who return from war to a "safe" environment, the fear of attack remains a rational constant for Israelis.

Even before Israel's establishment, collective fear derived from the often tragic Jewish history produced the prime tenant within Zionism that Jews should always be strong enough to defend themselves. With the birth of Israel, this belief was translated into the policy that the Jewish state must never rely on another country for its defense.

During its sixty-four-year history, one partial exception has been made to that rule. Since the end of the Six Day War, Israel has allowed itself to be somewhat dependent on the United States because for forty-five years American leaders, strongly supported by the American people, have stood by Israel's right to exist as a secure Jewish state.

It is this unique trust and semidependency that convinced Golda Meir to refrain from launching a preemptive attack on Egypt in 1973. It was the security and financial guarantees offered by President Carter that persuaded Menachem Begin to sign a peace treaty with Egypt in 1978, despite Begin's deep reservations to relinquishing land. And it was similar promises made by the George H. W. Bush administration that kept Israel out of the 1991 Gulf War while Scud missiles rained down on Tel Aviv. By contrast, it was a lack of trust Israel had in the Johnson administration in 1967 that produced an aggressive Israeli action.

Forty-five years after the Six Day War, the names have changed, but a remarkably similar scenario is unfolding. Once again, Israel is threatened by an enemy that is developing a military capability that poses an existential threat to the Jewish state. Once again, that enemy's leaders speak frequently of seeking Israel's destruction. Once again, Jerusalem is seeking assurances from Washington that the United States will not allow blatant aggression to stand. And once again, an American administration appears, publicly at least, to be wavering on the commitments it made to Israel at the very moment when the stakes are the highest.

In the wake of IAEA reports that Iran has made substantial progress toward enriching uranium and even on preparations to build a nuclear weapon, the Obama administration continues to be ambiguous as to what milestones Iran would have to reach before it decided to act militarily against the Islamic Republic.

As was the case in 1967, Washington is offering rhetorical support for Israel, with President Obama repeating that "Israel's security is non-negotiable." But on the other hand, Israel is, once again, being warned by high-level American officials not to initiate hostilities.

Israel may now posses the most powerful military in the Middle East (with a nuclear deterrent to boot), but the Israeli mentality has not changed.

"Those in the international community who refuse to put red lines before Iran don't have a moral right to place a red light before Israel," Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu said recently.

Netanyahu's statement should be read in light of rising domestic opposition in Israel to a unilateral strike on Iran and the likely reelection of President Obama—two developments with which Bibi is not pleased. Nevertheless, his words are instructive of the corner into which many Israelis feel they are being painted—no firm material commitments from Washington regarding preventing an Iranian nuclear weapon and yet strongly warned not to act themselves.

If the Obama administration truly wants to prevent a unilateral Israeli attack against Iran, it must take the opposite course. Rather than simply directing Israel not to act, it should give the Netanyahu administration clear guidelines regarding when Washington will decide the diplomatic option to halt Iran's nuclear program has been exhausted and the military option will be implemented. Otherwise, history tells us clearly how Israeli leaders will resolve this dilemma: by trusting the only people they have ever fully trusted—themselves—and initiating an attack.

As Deputy Israeli Prime Minister Yigal Alon said the night before Israel launched the Six Day War: "They will condemn us . . . and we will survive."

Rafael D. Frankel was a Middle East correspondent for The Christian Science Monitor and is an adjunct professor at Georgetown University.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 05/10/2012 | 22:36 uur
Citaat van: Rafael D. Frankel op 05/10/2012 | 13:35 uur
That Israeli leaders decided to attack in 1967 should have come as no surprise to anyone who understands the Israeli mentality, which remains largely unchanged.

In the political-security realm, the Israeli psyche is governed by one overriding emotion: fear. This fear is a byproduct not just of the Holocaust, which is still a vivid memory there, but of the wars every generation of Israelis has fought. On a collective level, Israel is a society in a perpetual state of post-traumatic stress. But unlike American veterans who return from war to a "safe" environment, the fear of attack remains a rational constant for Israelis.
Ik vind dit een stevige vertekening en het bekende "slachtoffer-verhaal" dat je vaak leest..vooral ook in Christelijke kringen.

Dat de Israëlische regering en leiders de ....volstrekt niet voor een oorlog voldoende en benodigde....stappen van het Egyptische regime aangrepen om de aanval te openen en zo hun eigen "Eretz Israël" droom een stapje dichterbij te brengen wordt niet gezien of er wordt naar buiten toe angstvallig over gezwegen (in de propaganda, en stukken van pro-Israëlische auteurs). Alleen al het feit dat er na de verovering van de Sinai direct werd begonnen met de creatie van Joodse nederzettingen daar onderschrijft de hele andere agenda die hier speelde. En die zeker niet werd ingegeven door angst, maar door zionistische veroveringdrang om het grote ideaal te verwezenlijken...Groot-Israel.

De enige oorlog die voor de Israëli als een verrassing kwam was die in 1973 op Jom Kipoer. Maar zelfs deze Arabische vergeldingsaanval werd redelijk eenvoudig afgeslagen en omgezet in een nieuwe veroveringstocht. Die slecht onder druk van de VS werd gestaakt en omgezet in een vredesverdrag tussen Israël en Egypte...op voorwaarde dat Israël de geannexeerde Sinaï weer teruggaf aan Egypte.

Dat Israël Iran wil aanvallen heeft mijns inziens niets te maken met wordt daar wel weer op gespeeld in de propaganda en PR richting buitenlandse supporters. Israël wil gewoon niet dat er een MAD ontstaat...en Israël en de VS na de komst van het Iraanse kernwapen geen mogelijkheid meer hebben structureel iets te veranderen in Iran....via een geforceerde regime-change. 

Het Iraanse regime wil dat laatste juist voorkomen,  geschrokken door wat er in Afghanistan en Irak gebeurde... en wetende dat Iran hoog op het Amerikaanse lijstje stond voor een regime-change binnen de Bush-doctrine. Een kernwapen is als "weapon of the last resort" geschikt om zo'n scenario voorgoed te voorkomen. Het Iraanse regime wil dat graag, de Israëli en VS juist niet.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 09/10/2012 | 08:04 uur
08 oktober 2012-20:59

'Iran heeft binnen vier maanden kernkop'

Iran is in staat om binnen twee tot vier maanden voldoende hoogverrijkt uranium te produceren voor een kernkop. Er zijn echter nog wel enkele serieuze ontwerpproblemen die eerst opgelost moeten worden voordat het land daadwerkelijk de beschikking krijgt over een kernwapen. Dat zei de Amerikaanse denktank Institute for Science and International Security vandaag.

Iran mag dan ontkennen dat het een kernwapen nastreeft, toch vreest de internationale gemeenschap dat Iran zijn uraniumverrijkingsprogramma gebruikt voor het maken van wapens. Nu Iran steeds meer centrifuges in gebruik neemt en de voorraad verrijkt uranium steeds verder uitbreidt neemt deze zorg alleen maar toe.

Volgens bronnen bij het Amerikaanse leger en de Amerikaanse inlichtingendiensten is de Iraanse regering nog niet van plan een kernwapen te bouwen. Toch waarschuwen ook zij dat de situatie waarin Iran in staat is een kernwapen te vervaardigen niet ver weg meer is, zo schrijft persbureau Novum.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 09/10/2012 | 08:06 uur
Think tank: Iran's many months from bomb

Associated Press

Published 10:22 p.m., Monday, October 8, 2012

Iran could produce enough weapons-grade uranium to arm a nuclear bomb within two to four months but would still face serious "engineering challenges" - and much longer delays - before it succeeds in making the other components needed for a functioning warhead, a respected U.S. think tank said Monday.

While Iran denies any interest in possessing nuclear arms, the international community fears it may turn its peaceful uranium enrichment program toward weapons making - a concern that is growing as Tehran expands the number of machines it uses to enrich its stockpile of enriched uranium. As those fears grow, so does concern that Israel could carry out its threats to attack Iran's nuclear facilities before that nation reaches the bomb-making threshold.

In a strident call for an internationally drawn "red line" on what he said is Iran's move toward nuclear arms, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sept. 28 that the world has until next summer at the latest to stop Tehran before it can build an atomic bomb. Flashing a diagram of a cartoon-like bomb before the U.N. General Assembly, Netanyahu said Iran is ready to move to the "final stage" of making such a weapon by then.

For now, U.S. military and intelligence officials say they don't believe Iran's leadership has made the decision to build a bomb, while also warning that the country is moving closer to the ability to do so.

The Institute for Science and International Security did not make a judgment on whether Iran plans to turn its enrichment capabilities toward weapons making. But in its report made available ahead of publication Monday, it drew a clear distinction between Tehran's ability to make the fissile core of a warhead by producing 55 pounds of weapons-grade uranium from its lower enriched stockpiles and the warhead itself.

"Despite work it may have done in the past," Iran would need "many additional months to manufacture a nuclear device suitable for underground testing and even longer to make a reliable warhead for a ballistic missile," the report said.

Read more:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 09/10/2012 | 19:12 uur
Israel abandons plans for imminent Iran attack

Israel has abandoned plans for an imminent attack on Iran's nuclear facilities after new intelligence said Tehran had diverted part of its uranium stockpile to a medical research reactor.

by Phoebe Greenwood in Tel Aviv and Damien McElroy
5:59PM BST 09 Oct 2012
Defence officials told Israel's Haaretz newspaper that Israeli intelligence had gathered evidence that Iran had used part of its enriched uranium stockpile.

The quantity of material involved was enough to delay efforts to produce a nuclear weapon by eight months.

The Israeli conclusions support findings from the International Atomic Energy Association (IAEA) that half of Iran's 20 per cent enriched uranium had been diverted to produce power rods for a reactor developing isotopes to treat cancer.

Iranian officials have attempted to portray the transfer of the material as a gesture to address the concerns of its critics. While the Israeli leadership remains convinced it is engaged in an urgent race to prevent the Islamic Republic from gaining a nuclear bomb, it has indicated that it cannot launch an attack as diplomats examine evidence that international sanctions could yet curtail the programme.

Benjamin Netanyahu's defiant address to the United Nations General Assembly at the end of September has been seen in Iran – and elsewhere – as something of a climb down.

In an interview with the German magazine Der Spiegel, Ali Akbar Salehi, the foreign minister, said Israel was deterred by the knowledge that aggression would come at a "high price".

"If the Israelis had wanted to attack us, and if they could have done so, they would have done so long ago," he said.

The Israeli prime minister, who had previously dismissed as absurd any suggestion that Iran was pursuing its nuclear programme for civilian ends, accepted the IAEA's findings.

But close aides said that a deadline of early 2013 must loom for Iranian co-operation with international diplomacy.

"We remain very, very concerned by Iran's enrichment of uranium, which is continuing at unprecedented levels," an anonymous Israeli official from within the prime minister's camp said.

While Iran has repeatedly insisted that its is developing its nuclear programme for peaceful purposes, it has refused to grant international requests to delay its uranium enrichment or grant IAEA officials access to all of its nuclear development facilities.

Washington has so far preferred economic and political sanctions over military threats but according to a former US official, a joint military operation with Israel was still on the table.

Writing in Foreign Policy magazine, David Rothkopf said plans for a series of 'surgical strikes' on Iran's nuclear facilities had been drawn up.

The only point of disagreement, according to Rothkopf, is the "red line" that would trigger this military response.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 14/10/2012 | 15:35 uur
'Iran heeft plan voor opzettelijke olieramp'

De Iraanse Revolutionaire Garde heeft plannen gemaakt voor een opzettelijke catastrofe met een olietanker in de Straat van Hormuz. Daardoor zou een milieuramp ontstaan, meldt Der Spiegel.
Het Duitse weekblad zegt een document in handen te hebben van westerse inlichtingendiensten, waarin het plan staat omschreven. Het plan zou zijn gemaakt door de commandant van de Revolutionaire Garde, generaal Mohammad Ali Jafari. Opperste Leider ayatollah Ali Khamenei zou uiteindelijk beslissen over de uitvoering.

Het doel is de scheepvaart te blokkeren in de zeestraat, die erg belangrijk is voor de doorvoer van olie. Westerse landen zouden zo gedwongen zijn de olie op te ruimen. Omdat dat alleen zou kunnen met de technische steun van Iran, moeten de internationale sancties tegen Iran tijdelijk worden versoepeld, is de gedachte.

De blokkade zou tegelijkertijd een straf zijn voor de olie-exporterende Arabische landen rond de Perzische Golf die Israël en het Westen steunen. De Straat van Hormuz verbindt de Perzische Golf met de Golf van Oman.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 21/10/2012 | 19:55 uur
U.S. prepared for direct talks with Iran

By Matthew Daly - The Associated Press
Posted : Sunday Oct 21, 2012 11:12:50 EDT

WASHINGTON — The White House says it is prepared to talk one-on-one with Iran to find a diplomatic settlement to the impasse over Tehran's reported pursuit of nuclear weapons, but there's no agreement now to meet.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 21/10/2012 | 22:26 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 14/10/2012 | 15:35 uur
'Iran heeft plan voor opzettelijke olieramp'

De Iraanse Revolutionaire Garde heeft plannen gemaakt voor een opzettelijke catastrofe met een olietanker in de Straat van Hormuz. Daardoor zou een milieuramp ontstaan, meldt Der Spiegel.
Het Duitse weekblad zegt een document in handen te hebben van westerse inlichtingendiensten, waarin het plan staat omschreven. Het plan zou zijn gemaakt door de commandant van de Revolutionaire Garde, generaal Mohammad Ali Jafari. Opperste Leider ayatollah Ali Khamenei zou uiteindelijk beslissen over de uitvoering.

Het doel is de scheepvaart te blokkeren in de zeestraat, die erg belangrijk is voor de doorvoer van olie. Westerse landen zouden zo gedwongen zijn de olie op te ruimen. Omdat dat alleen zou kunnen met de technische steun van Iran, moeten de internationale sancties tegen Iran tijdelijk worden versoepeld, is de gedachte.

De blokkade zou tegelijkertijd een straf zijn voor de olie-exporterende Arabische landen rond de Perzische Golf die Israël en het Westen steunen. De Straat van Hormuz verbindt de Perzische Golf met de Golf van Oman.

Slim bedacht.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 22/10/2012 | 11:33 uur
Mwa, slim, laten we wel wezen, ook in de Iran Iraq oorlog waren er wat oil spills in de PG. Ik betwijfel of het erg goed zal werken.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 23/10/2012 | 17:56 uur
Iran dreigt olie-export te staken

DUBAI - Iran zegt geen olie meer te exporteren als het Westen nog meer economische sancties treft tegen het land. ,,Als jullie doorgaan steeds meer sancties te nemen, staken wij onze export van olie naar de wereld'', zei minister van Olie, Rostam Qasemi, dinsdag in de marge van een energieconferentie in Dubai.

Zonder de Iraanse olie zou de olieprijs fors omhoog schieten, waarschuwde de minister.

Iran zegt 4 miljoen vaten olie per dag te produceren, hoewel de OPEC schat dat het om 2,7 miljoen vaten per dag gaat. Europese landen kopen al geen ruwe olie meer van Iran.

23 oktober 2012 17:23
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 27/10/2012 | 18:07 uur
Britain And The US Are Finalizing A Possible Military Operation Against Iran

LONDON (AP) — Britain is involved in military contingency planning with the United States over Iran and other potential flashpoints in the Middle East, officials said Friday — but they insisted the talks are not a prelude to a pre-emptive strike against Tehran's nuclear program.

Prime Minister David Cameron's office confirmed that routine military planning is being carried out with the U.S. and other allies on a range of scenarios, including on the potential use by American forces of British bases, some of which can act as staging posts for missions to the Middle East.

The Guardian newspaper reported in Friday's editions that the U.S. had asked Britain to use its bases in Cyprus, and British territory in the Atlantic and Indian Ocean, to help build up forces in the Gulf. It reported that move was regarded as a contingency in case of the need for strikes to halt Tehran's nuclear program.

"Contingency planning is something which we do as a matter of routine. Obviously we are working closely, for example with the United States, as we have done in the past, regarding the use of U.K. bases," a spokeswoman for Cameron told reporters, on condition of anonymity in line with policy.

"We routinely speak to our counterparts in the United States. We don't get into details of those discussions, but we have in the past cooperated on the use of U.K. bases," she said. The U.S. military used British bases in the buildup to the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

Britain's Foreign Office said that the U.K. was involved in "prudent" contingency planning with its allies, including the U.S.

"The government does not believe that military action against Iran is the right option at this time, but we are not taking any option off the table," Cameron's spokeswoman said.

She insisted that Britain remained committed to a policy of imposing ever tighter sanctions against Iran, while also seeking to engage Tehran in talks aimed at ensuring the country has access to civilian nuclear power but abandons its alleged pursuit of an atomic weapon. Tehran insists it is not developing nuclear arms.

Britain's government declined to comment on The Guardian's claim that U.K. attorney general Dominic Grieve had issued legal advice cautioning that any involvement in a pre-emptive strike on Iran — including cooperating on bases — would violate international law.

The newspaper, citing unnamed government sources, reported that in his advice, the government's chief legal advisor had stated Iran did not constitute "a clear and present threat."

Israel has been especially wary of Iran's nuclear plans, and has warned it would use military force to prevent the Islamic Republic from obtaining atomic weapons.

In a speech earlier this month, Cameron said he had warned Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that any strike on Iran would risk bolstering support for the regime in Tehran. He insisted that international measures, including a European ban on Iranian oil imports, were crippling Iran's economy.

"We need the courage to give these sanctions time to work," Cameron said.

Oct. 27, 2012, 9:08 AM
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: StrataNL op 27/10/2012 | 22:27 uur
VS én GB, zouden dat de enige landen zijn?... Israel doet wss graag mee, en nodigt haar bondgenoten (incl NL) ook uit...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 27/10/2012 | 22:43 uur
Citaat van: Strata op 27/10/2012 | 22:27 uur
VS én GB, zouden dat de enige landen zijn?...
Waarschijnlijk wel. Ga je er meer landen in betrekken, dan zou je te maken kunnen krijgen met meer vragen/beperkingen, etc.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: BadMuts op 27/10/2012 | 23:00 uur
Zal me benieuwen op wat voor termijn een dergelijk iets zal gaan plaats vinden...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 28/10/2012 | 01:42 uur
Britain views pre-emptive strike on Iran nuclear facilities as illegal

26 Oct 2012

Britain views a pre-emptive strike on Iran's nuclear facilities as illegal under present circumstances and would not allow UK military bases to be used for this purpose, according to reports.

The Foreign Office declined to comment on suggestions that British ministers have been advised that a strike on Iran would breach international law because no imminent threat currently exists.

If the US were to attack Iran's nuclear plants, it could request permission to use the RAF base at Akrotiri in Cyprus and the American military facilities located on the British territory of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean. However, The Guardian reports that the Britain would reject any such request under present conditions.

A Foreign Office spokesman declined to comment on "hypothetical scenarios" or confidential legal advice given to ministers. The US would not necessarily need these bases for a strike on Iran. Washington could rely instead on aircraft carriers and its established military facilities in the Gulf region.

The Foreign Office spokesman added that Britain believes there is "still an opportunity for a negotiated solution" to the confrontation over Iran's nuclear ambitions. Three rounds of talks between Iran and the world's six leading powers made no progress on this issue earlier this year.

But a possible window of opportunity might open after the US election on November 6. Tighter sanctions are having a severe effect on the Iranian economy, with a European Union oil embargo costing the country billions of dollars in lost sales. The value of the national currency, the Rial, has slumped relative to the US dollar.

Britain believes that the twin-track approach of sanctions plus diplomacy could yet produce results. "We don't think that military action against Iran is the right option at the moment, but we're not taking anything off the table," added the spokesman.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 28/10/2012 | 13:45 uur
Goh wat principieel ineens die Britten. Hadden ze bij de eveneens illegale invasies van Afghanistan en Irak blijkbaar minder moeite mee.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 28/10/2012 | 13:47 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 28/10/2012 | 13:45 uur
Goh wat principieel ineens die Britten. Hadden ze bij de eveneens illegale aanval op Afghanistan en Irak blijkbaar minder moeite mee.

;D Principes veranderen heel snel als de portemonnee (vrijwel) leeg is....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Oldenhave op 28/10/2012 | 21:15 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 28/10/2012 | 13:45 uur
Goh wat principieel ineens die Britten. Hadden ze bij de eveneens illegale invasies van Afghanistan en Irak blijkbaar minder moeite mee.

Ik geloof dat de aanval op Afghanistan geen illegale invasie was hoor, VN Mandaat geloof ik.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 28/10/2012 | 21:21 uur
Citaat van: Oldenhave op 28/10/2012 | 21:15 uur
Ik geloof dat de aanval op Afghanistan geen illegale invasie was hoor, VN Mandaat geloof ik.

In iedergeval de ISAF-missie  maar of de OEFmissie een VN mandaat had betwijfel ik. 
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Nikehercules op 28/10/2012 | 21:33 uur
We moeten maar eens van het idee af dat het van de Veiligheidsraad bepaald of een missie al dan niet illegaal is. Kom op zeg... kijk eens welke landen er in zitten.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 28/10/2012 | 21:50 uur
Citaat van: Nikehercules op 28/10/2012 | 21:33 uur
We moeten maar eens van het idee af dat het van de Veiligheidsraad bepaald of een missie al dan niet illegaal is. Kom op zeg... kijk eens welke landen er in zitten.

Wie gaat dat dan wel bepalen?  

Een land of landen kunnen niet "zomaar" een land binnen vallen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 28/10/2012 | 22:05 uur
Citaat van: Oldenhave op 28/10/2012 | 21:15 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 28/10/2012 | 13:45 uur
Goh wat principieel ineens die Britten. Hadden ze bij de eveneens illegale invasies van Afghanistan en Irak blijkbaar minder moeite mee.
Ik geloof dat de aanval op Afghanistan geen illegale invasie was hoor, VN Mandaat geloof ik.
Ik dacht niet dat daar een mandaat voor was toen. Dat kwam pas na de feitelijke bezetting. Hetzelfde geldt voor Irak.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 28/10/2012 | 23:51 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 28/10/2012 | 21:50 uur
Wie gaat dat dan wel bepalen?  

Een land of landen kunnen niet "zomaar" een land binnen vallen.

Zolang ze een veto recht hebben en een millitaire macht die je niet over het hoofd kan zien kunnen en mogen ze dat wel. (er is namelijk helemaal niemand die er iets aan kan doen.. tijd voor een nieuw systeem?)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 29/10/2012 | 09:13 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 28/10/2012 | 23:51 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 28/10/2012 | 21:50 uur
Wie gaat dat dan wel bepalen?  

Een land of landen kunnen niet "zomaar" een land binnen vallen.

Zolang ze een veto recht hebben en een millitaire macht die je niet over het hoofd kan zien kunnen en mogen ze dat wel. (er is namelijk helemaal niemand die er iets aan kan doen.. tijd voor een nieuw systeem?)

"Ze"  op welk land doel je dan?

Dus China en Rusland kunnen ook zo "brandhaarden" binnen vallen.......... 

Als "ze" het willen, dan moeten "ze" ook niet vragen om steun "ze" heeft immers een militaire macht die je niet over het hoofd kan zien......
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 29/10/2012 | 09:38 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 29/10/2012 | 09:13 uur
"Ze"  op welk land doel je dan?

Dus China en Rusland kunnen ook zo "brandhaarden" binnen vallen.......... 

Als "ze" het willen, dan moeten "ze" ook niet vragen om steun "ze" heeft immers een militaire macht die je niet over het hoofd kan zien......

Eigenlijk op alle 5 maar voornamelijk de VS, Rusland en China. De wereld zal  moord en brandschreeuwen en daar blijft het bij. Feitelijk kan men doen en laten wat men wil, immers het zal niet door de VN afgestraft worden.

De enige afstraffing tussen bijvoorbeeld China en de VS is dat een van beide het niet pikt en daar haar maatregelen op baseerd en wij staan er bij en kijken er naar...

Vandaar: De hoogste tijd om de VN Veiligheidsraad te moderniseren.

Neem het voorbeeld US: die hoeft in principe niemand om steun te vragen, self supporting.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 29/10/2012 | 09:52 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 29/10/2012 | 09:38 uur
Neem het voorbeeld US: die hoeft in principe niemand om steun te vragen, self supporting.

Hopelijk doet de VS dat eens   :devil:   

Maar bij mij brand de vraag waarom de VS dat eigenlijk wel doet......
Ook bij een eventuele aanval op Iran (mooi bruggetje terug) zal de VS om steun vragen van andere landen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 29/10/2012 | 09:56 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 29/10/2012 | 09:52 uur
Hopelijk doet de VS dat eens   :devil:   

Maar bij mij brand de vraag waarom de VS dat eigenlijk wel doet......
Ook bij een eventuele aanval op Iran (mooi bruggetje terug) zal de VS om steun vragen van andere landen.

Omdat de VS het kan en omdat er helemaal niemand is die daar iets tegen kan doen.

Het staat natuurlijk beter op je CV als het een coalitie is en daarnaast is er natuurlijk altijd weer geld.

Simpeler kan ik het niet maken, leuker ook niet.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 29/10/2012 | 17:31 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 29/10/2012 | 09:13 uur
"Ze"  op welk land doel je dan?

Dus China en Rusland kunnen ook zo "brandhaarden" binnen vallen.......... 

Als "ze" het willen, dan moeten "ze" ook niet vragen om steun "ze" heeft immers een militaire macht die je niet over het hoofd kan zien......
denk aan China in Tibet en Rusland in Tsjetsjenië en Georgië.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 29/10/2012 | 17:36 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 29/10/2012 | 09:52 uur
Hopelijk doet de VS dat eens   :devil:   

Maar bij mij brand de vraag waarom de VS dat eigenlijk wel doet......
Ook bij een eventuele aanval op Iran (mooi bruggetje terug) zal de VS om steun vragen van andere landen.
Er is binnen bepaalde kringen in de VS nog een grote mate van wrok betreffende de ontwikkelingen in 1979...en het langdurig gijzelen van Amerikaans ambassadepersoneel. Zeker in Republikeinse kringen. Daarom heb ik wel eens het vermoeden geuit dat eigenlijk Irak en vervolgens Iran doelwit waren van de Bush-doctrine vanaf 2001. En Afghanistan en het vervolgens tegenvallen van Irak...een aanval op Iran hebben doen uitblijven.

Het is wel interessant dat wederom dezelfde landen, de VS en UK, stappen zetten in de richting van een militaire actie tegen Iran. Maar ik blijf vermoeden dat die door Israël zal worden ingezet. En vervolgens de Iraanse vergeldingsaanvallen en terreur tegen Israël zal worden aangegrepen om Israël te gaan Amerikaanse publieke opinie wordt hierin opgezweept dan....dat arme kleine Israël.... en de VS en UK Iran ook zelf aan te vallen. 
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 01/11/2012 | 07:11 uur
Confrontatie met Iran uitgesteld tot 2013

donderdag 1 november 2012
Door : Menno Grootveld

In een interview met de Daily Telegraph zegt de Israëlische minister van Defensie Ehud Barak (zie foto) dat Iran deze zomer op het laatste moment een onmiddellijke crisis heeft afgewend door een deel van zijn verrijkte uranium te bestemmen voor gebruik in een civiele kernreactor. De afgelopen maanden deden hardnekkige geruchten de ronde dat Israel een aanval zou voorbereiden op de nucleaire installaties van Iran om te verhinderen dat het land een kernbom zou kunnen maken.

Barak, die het naar eigen zeggen als zijn belangrijkste missie ziet om te voorkomen dat een met kernbommen bewapend Iran Israel kan bedreigen, zegt dat Iran door de beslissing het 'moment van de waarheid' met acht tot tien maanden heeft uitgesteld. Maar Barak vermoedt dat sancties en diplomatie alleen niet zullen helpen, zodat Israel en zijn bondgenoten waarschijnlijk in 2013 voor de vraag zullen komen te staan of ze in actie moeten komen.

Gevraagd naar de redenen waarom Iran tot zijn besluit is gekomen, zegt de minister: "Er zijn minstens drie verklaringen mogelijk. De eerste is dat ze zijn teruggeschrokken door de publieke discussie over een mogelijke Israëlische of Amerikaanse operatie. De tweede is dat ze niet willen dat deze kwestie op de spits wordt gedreven vóór de Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen. En de derde is dat ze de controleurs van het Internationale Atoom Agentschap om de tuin wilden leiden."

Hoe dan ook is een crisis voorlopig vermeden. Op de vraag wanneer het cruciale moment anders zou zijn gekomen, antwoordde hij: "Zo ongeveer nu."
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 02/11/2012 | 07:53 uur
Exclusive: PM on standby to send warplanes to Gulf as Iranian tensions rise

Cameron weighs use of jets amid fears move could inflame situation

Friday 02 November 2012, by Taboola

Britain is considering stationing warplanes in the Persian Gulf as the confrontation with Iran over its nuclear programme continues amid rising tension in the region, The Independent has learnt.

The possible deployment of the Eurofighter Typhoons follows talks with the United Arab Emirates to bolster the UK's presence in the region at a time when Israel is threatening  military strikes against Tehran and much of the Middle-East is in turbulence in the aftershock of the Arab Spring and Syria's civil war.

The decision on whether to send the planes at such a volatile time will be made by David Cameron, after further talks with the rulers of Dubai and Abu Dhabi, and an announcement is expected to be made in the near future.

The arrival of British aircraft is bound to fuel the Iranian sense of insecurity even if there are assurances that the move is not aimed at them. The Defence Secretary Philip Hammond yesterday said European nations must be prepared to "take a bigger role in relation to North Africa and the Middle East".

Israel, whose Defence Minister Ehud Barak is in London at the moment with the Iran crisis the main topic of discussion, is said to be "fully aware" and supportive of the discussions over the warplanes.

The British Government has urged Israel to exercise restraint over Iran, pointing out that sanctions are having a crippling effect on the Iranian economy – with the fall-out from the punitive measures making the government of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad increasingly unpopular and creating frictions in the ruling hierachy.

However, at the same time, UK military commanders are looking at the possibility of sending British jets to a base in Abu Dhabi which is currently being used by American and French forces as a confidence building measure but also, crucially, in case there are attempts by the Iranians to block the Strait of Hormuz, the waterway through which 40 per cent of the world's oil supplies are shipped.

The Ministry of Defence said in a statement: "The UK regularly deploys Typhoon to UAE as part of our routine exercise programme and to demonstrate our military commitment to UAE and the security of the wider region. We have a mutual interest with our GCC [Gulf] partners in ensuring peace and stability in the region, and exercises such as this allow us to practice working together." The MoD added: "These deployments are not due to our concerns over Iran's nuclear programme. As we continue to make clear, the Government does not believe military action against Iran is the right course of action at this time, although no option is off the table."

However, The Independent has learnt from highly senior military and diplomatic sources that the Al Dhafra airbase, 20 miles south of Abu Dhabi, is being looked at as a possible station for the Typhoons. The base is in use by French Mirage fighter-bombers as well as the 380th Air Expeditionary Wing of the US Air Force with jets and Patriot missile batteries and well located for operations in the Gulf.

Tehran has been bitterly critical about the American and French presence in the Gulf saying that it was an attempt to intimidate and that it posed a threat to their national interests.

Mr Barak said in London this week that Iran appears to have pulled back from proceeding full-steam to acquire nuclear weapons. But he reiterated Israel's determination to carry out a military strike without warning if it felt this was necessary and met senior British military commanders as well as ministers.

One senior British officer said: "We do not think there is any need for military action at the moment. But we are considering all eventualities and where the UK should position itself. The decision on deployment will be made on mutual interest and growing interdependence between the UK and the UAE in the long-term."

It has not yet been decided which country would pay for the Typhoons' presence. However, the UAE government picks up the operational costs for the French, which has been variously estimated to be between €20 million and €45 million per year.

The UK has carried out two air exercises with the UAE, one codenamed Al Khanjar in 2010, involving Eurofighter Typhoons, and another one this year, with Tornado GR4s. The Tornados are, however, being phased out by 2019 and BAE has stated that the UAE has "real and genuine" interest in buying 60 of its Typhoons in preference to the French Dassault Rafale.

A massive contract for the Indian Air Force has gone to the the Rafale instead of the Typhoon, but British military commanders insist the Typhoon deployment to Abu Dhabi is guided by strategic rather than commercial considerations.

Weapon of choice: Eurofighter Typhoon

The Eurofighter Typhoon, introduced in 2003, was the result of an ambitious project by the governments of the UK, Germany, Italy and Spain to build the most advanced multi-function fighter jet in the world. Despite coming in almost 75 per cent over budget and being delayed several times, the jet is seen as a technologically advanced modern aircraft with few rivals.

The Typhoon's performance in the Libyan conflict last year, where it flew over 600 missions, earned it plaudits – and interest from the governments of India and Brazil. With a top speed of 1,320mph and impressive manoeuvrability in the air, the Typhoon has often been compared to the US Air Force's F-35 fighter jet. In 2007, Saudi Arabia confirmed it had signed a £4.43bn contract for 72 Typhoons.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 08/11/2012 | 23:24 uur
Pentagon: Iran fired on Air Force Predator drone

By Bob Brewin

The Pentagon, in a rare disclosure, said today that an Iranian Su-25 jet fired multiple rounds at an Air Force Predator drone conducting a classified surveillance mission in international waters off the country's coast on Nov. 1.

At a press briefing today, Pentagon spokesman George Little said the drone was flying 16 miles off the Iranian coast. When fired on by the Su-25 -- a close air support aircraft developed by the Soviet Union in 1975 -- it moved further offshore. The international boundary starts 12 miles off the coast.

Little said this is the first time Iran has fired on a Predator mission, an indication that the Defense Department has conducted other unmanned surveillance flights off the Iranian coast. He said Defense Secretary Leon Panetta was quickly informed of the attack.

Defense rarely discusses Predator surveillance missions, but Little said he did so after the "unauthorized release of classified information" about the Iranian attack, apparently referring to a CNN blog post earlier today.                                                                                                                                           

Predator drones are equipped with day and night cameras that relay the pictures over Ku-band satellite links to pilots operating from a number of stateside locations, including Creech Air Force Base in Nevada and Davis Monthan Air Force Base in Arizona.

The United States will continue to conduct surveillance flights off Iran, Little said, and added the State Department registered a complaint with Iran through the Swiss Embassy in Tehran.

In December 2011, Iran claimed it shot down an Air Force stealth Sentinel drone, but Little declined to discuss that incident Thursday.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 09/11/2012 | 11:42 uur
Iran beschiet Amerikaanse drone:

Iranian missiles hit Afganistan border posts:

Iran is er klaar voor?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: bergd op 10/11/2012 | 12:43 uur
Blogger Iran bekoopt kritiek met de dood
PARIJS - Frankrijk, Groot-Brittannië en diverse organisaties, waaronder Amnesty International, willen dat de Iraanse autoriteiten opheldering verschaffen over de dood van de dissidente activist en blogger Sattar Beheshti.

De 35-jarige blogger was eind oktober gearresteerd en opgesloten wegens 'het in gevaar brengen van de Iraanse veiligheid'. Hij overleed enkele dagen later in de gevangenis, volgens Iraanse activisten als gevolg van marteling. Amnesty International acht dat waarschijnlijk, gezien de manier waarop Iran omgaat met gevangenzittende dissidenten. Net als Parijs en Londen wil Amnesty dat Iran duidelijkheid verschaft over de omstandigheden waaronder Beheshti is overleden. Een woordvoerder van het Franse ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken zei 'het onderdrukking van vreedzame stemmen van dissidenten in Iran' onaanvaardbaar te vinden.

Beheshti schreef in zijn blog op Facebook over politieke en sociale zaken en uitte daarbij kritiek op de Iraanse machthebbers. Vermoedelijk is hij daarom aangepakt. In zijn laatste blog voor hij gearresteerd werd, meldde hij dat leden van de veiligheidsdiensten hem doorlopend telefonisch lastigvielen. 'Ze dreigden mijn moeder te vertellen dat zij spoedig in het zwart gekleed zou gaan', schreef hij.

De blogger werd op 30 oktober in zijn woning in Robat-Karim opgepakt door leden van de Iraanse internetpolitie. Zij brachten hem eerst naar de beruchte Evin-gevangenis, in de hoofdstad Teheran, maar later werd hij naar een andere, onbekende locatie overgebracht.

Op dinsdag 6 november werd zijn familie opgebeld met de mededeling dat zij het lichaam van Beheshti de volgende dag kon ophalen bij het detentiecentrum Kahrizak, even buiten Teheran. Volgens Reporters zonder Grenzen, een organisatie die zich sterk maakt voor persvrijheid, kreeg de familie de opdracht Beheshti 'snel en in stilte' te begraven. Dat gebeurde donderdag in Robat-Karim, onder zware bewaking van veiligheidsagenten. Alleen een zwager van de overledene mocht daarbij zijn.

Het nieuws over de dood van de blogger kwam naar buiten via de nieuwssite Kaleme, een site die dicht bij oppositieleider Mir Hossein Mousavi staat. De staatsmedia hebben er niet of nauwelijks aandacht aan geschonken. Maar de website Baztab, die nauwe banden zou hebben met Mohsen Rezaei, voormalig commandant van de Revolutionaire Garde, bevestigde dat Beheshti was 'gestorven terwijl hij werd ondervraagd'.

Mansour Haghighatpour, lid van de parlementaire commissie voor nationale veiligheid, verklaarde tegenover de semi-officiële nieuwssite Ilna een onderzoek door het parlement 'niet nodig' te achten.

De Verenigde Naties hebben in juni vorig jaar Ahmed Shaheed aangesteld als speciaal rapporteur over de mensenrechten in Iran. Reporters zonder Grenzen eist dat Teheran Shaheed toestaat de dood van Beheshti en die van andere dissidenten te onderzoeken.

10-11-2012 - 9.53
auteur:redactie buitenland
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 11/11/2012 | 16:18 uur
Iran warns US it will act firmly if airspace violated

Iran warned today it will react strongly against any US intrusion into its airspace after two of its warplanes fired at an American drone 10 days ago, the ISNA news agency reported.

"Yes, we opened fire, and it was with warning shots. If they do it again they can expect an even stronger response," the agency quoted General Amir-Ali Hadjizadeh, head of the elite Revolutionary Guards air and space forces, as saying.

Pentagon spokesman George Little said on Thursday the Iranian Su-25 Frogfoot fighters fired at the robotic Predator drone on November 1 but did not hit it.

"They intercepted the aircraft and fired multiple rounds," he said.

The American drone was "never in Iranian airspace" and came under fire from the fighter jets off the Iranian coast over international waters, Little said.

In a warning to Tehran, the Pentagon spokesman said the United States was prepared to safeguard its forces.

"We have a wide range of options, from diplomatic to military, to protect our military assets and our forces in the region and will do so when necessary," Little said.

On Friday, Iranian Defence Minister Ahmad Vahidi confirmed the incident, saying the drone had "entered the space over the territorial waters of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Persian Gulf area."

Hadjizadeh was reported as saying on Sunday: "This spy drone entered Iranian airspace and had to turn around because of the immediate reaction by fighters of the Revolutionary Guards." He added that the US unmanned aircraft had been "flying over Kharg island to gather information about economic activity on the island, and the arrival and departure of oil tankers." Kharg, 25 kilometres (15 miles) off the Iranian mainland, is the Islamic republic's main export terminal for its oil.

The United States and the European Union have both imposed economic sanctions against Iran over its controversial nuclear ambitions which Western powers and Israel believe are aimed at producing atomic weapons.

Tehran denies the charge, sayings its programme of uranium enrichment is entirely peaceful and is for energy and medical purposes.

The November 1 drone incident came less than a week before America's presidential election, but the Pentagon kept it quiet until reports of the confrontation leaked out.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 11/11/2012 | 16:21 uur
Het lijkt me niet onwaarschijnlijk dat de Iraniërs inderdaad bewust hebben misgeschoten als waarschuwing. Om zo geen aanleiding te geven tot verdere escalatie. Want Iran heeft ook luchtdoelraketten in het arsenaal...waarmee de drone eenvoudig uit de lucht was geschoten als men dat had gewild.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 13/11/2012 | 10:47 uur
Iran Unveils Home-Made Missile Launching Hovercraft

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran on Monday unveiled a highly advanced home-made hovercraft which can launch missiles and serve as launch pad for drones.

The vessel was unveiled in a ceremony attended by the Iranian Defense Minister, Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi, today.

The newly unveiled hovercraft has been designed and developed by Iranian experts in two models for combat and transportation missions and the combat model, called 'Tondar" (Thunderbolt), was unveiled by Vahidi today.

Addressing the ceremony, Vahidi said that Tondar can be equipped with different types of weapons produced by the Iranian defense industries, including rockets, guns and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs).

The minister said that Tondar can be used for "coastal patrolling, as a command vessel, offensive reconnaissance operations, mid-range amphibious missions, asymmetric defense, as a personnel and equipment carrier for logistical support for islands and coastal areas or as a sea ambulance for relief and rescue missions".

He further added that the new hovercraft will increase the combat and reconnaissance capabilities as well as the mobility of the Iranian Armed Forces.

The Iranian Armed Forces have recently test-fired different types of newly-developed missiles and torpedoes and tested a large number of home-made weapons, tools and equipments, including submarines, military ships, artillery, choppers, aircrafts, UAVs and air defense and electronic systems, during massive military drills.

Defense analysts and military observers say that Iran's wargames and its advancements in weapons production have proved as a deterrent factor, specially at a time of heightened threats by the US.

Zie link voor filmpje
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 13/11/2012 | 17:25 uur
Een kat in het nauw kan rare sprongen maken.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 16/11/2012 | 17:39 uur
Via Twitter

Reuters Top News‏@Reuters

FLASH: Iran has removed nuclear fuel from core of Bushehr reactor, IAEA says, gives no reason
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 16/11/2012 | 18:59 uur
IAEA: Iran klaar voor uitbreiding uraniumproductie

Bewerkt door: redactie − 16/11/12, 18:39  − bron: AP

Iran staat op het punt om de productie van hoogverrijkt uranium te verdubbelen. Dat heeft het Internationaal Atoomenergie Agentschap (IAEA) vrijdag gezegd. Hoogverrijkt uranium kan worden gebruikt voor de productie van een kernkop. .

De bevindingen van het IAEA staan in een rapport dat vrijdag rondging onder de IAEA-leden. Persbureau AP wist de hand te leggen op het rapport.

Volgens het IAEA is Iran technisch klaar om binnen enkele dagen bij de kerncentrale in Fordo met de productie van twintig procent verrijkt uranium te beginnen. Daarmee wordt de productie bijna verdubbeld en kost het Iran veel minder tijd om voldoende hoogverrijkt uranium te produceren om een kernwapen te maken.

Iran ontkent zich bezig te houden met de productie van een atoombom.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 16/11/2012 | 19:04 uur
Citaat van: Vandaag om 06:59
Volgens het IAEA is Iran technisch klaar om binnen enkele dagen bij de kerncentrale in Fordo met de productie van twintig procent verrijkt uranium te beginnen. Daarmee wordt de productie bijna verdubbeld en kost het Iran veel minder tijd om voldoende hoogverrijkt uranium te produceren om een kernwapen te maken.

Als het een juiste conclusie is dan kan Israel, na Gaza, in één moeite door met een "surprise party" voor Iran.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 16/11/2012 | 19:53 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 16/11/2012 | 19:04 uur
Citaat van: Vandaag om 06:59
Volgens het IAEA is Iran technisch klaar om binnen enkele dagen bij de kerncentrale in Fordo met de productie van twintig procent verrijkt uranium te beginnen. Daarmee wordt de productie bijna verdubbeld en kost het Iran veel minder tijd om voldoende hoogverrijkt uranium te produceren om een kernwapen te maken.

Als het een juiste conclusie is dan kan Israel, na Gaza, in één moeite door met een "surprise party" voor Iran.

Dat is het probleem want het kan geen juiste conclusie zijn aan gezien de basis  "kan" zal zijn van die conclusie.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 17/11/2012 | 07:46 uur
Iran verdubbelt aantal centrifuges

zaterdag 17 nov 2012

Iran staat op het punt om het aantal centrifuges dat verrijkt uranium kan produceren te verdubbelen. Op dit moment telt het ondergronds nucleaire centrum Fordo bij de stad Qom zo'n 700 werkzame centrifuges. In een uitgelekt rapport van het Internationaal Atoomagentschap (IAEA) staat dat Iran dit binnen enkele maanden kan verdubbelen naar 1400.

Door het aantal centrifuges te verdubbelen zou het land sneller genoeg materiaal voor een kernwapen kunnen produceren. De toenemende capaciteit zorgt voor groeiende bezorgdheid in het Westen. Dat verdenkt Iran van het ontwikkelen van een atoomwapen. Iran zegt dat zijn nucleaire programma bedoeld is voor vreedzame doeleinden.

Voorraad groeit
In het IAEA-rapport staat dat de Iraanse voorraad nucleair materiaal groeit. Het Atoomagentschap zegt dat het niet mogelijk is om vast te stellen dat al het nucleair materiaal bestemd is voor vreedzame doeleinden.

De nucleaire waakhond van de VN schrijft in het rapport ook dat inspecteurs zo snel mogelijk toegang moeten krijgen tot het militaire complex Parchin ten zuidoosten van de hoofdstad Teheran. Volgens de IAEA is er veel activiteit op het terrein, wat zou kunnen betekenen dat Iran zijn sporen uitwist. Het vermoeden bestaat dat Iran op het terrein testen heeft uitgevoerd voor zijn nucleaire programma.

De Amerikaanse vertegenwoordiger bij het Internationaal Atoomagentschap beschuldigde Iran in september van het "systematisch vernietigen" van bewijsmateriaal in Parchin. Gesprekken dit jaar tussen zes wereldmachten - VS, Rusland, China, Groot-Brittannië, Frankrijk en Duitsland - en Iran over het omstreden nucleaire programma hebben vooralsnog niets opgeleverd.

Israël heeft al verscheidene keren gedreigd met luchtaanvallen op Iraanse installaties om te voorkomen dat het land een atoommacht wordt. President Obama zei na zijn herverkiezing op 6 november dat hij denkt dat er nog tijd is om het conflict via diplomatieke weg op te lossen.

Bron: NOS
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 17/11/2012 | 09:10 uur
De vraag die in mij opkomt is: maken de Iraniërs gebruik/misbruik van de Gaza affaire om de wereld voor een feit te plaatsen?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 17/11/2012 | 09:15 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 17/11/2012 | 09:10 uur
De vraag die in mij opkomt is: maken de Iraniërs gebruik/misbruik van de Gaza affaire om de wereld voor een feit te plaatsen?

De vraag die in mij opkwam is maakt de IEAE gebruik van de Gaza affaire om de wereld voor een feit te plaatsen ......aangezien er in het rapport staat dat het Atoomagentschap zegt dat het niet mogelijk is om vast te stellen dat al het nucleair materiaal bestemd is voor vreedzame doeleinden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 17/11/2012 | 10:29 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 17/11/2012 | 09:10 uur
De vraag die in mij opkomt is: maken de Iraniërs gebruik/misbruik van de Gaza affaire om de wereld voor een feit te plaatsen?
Ik denk dat Iran dit juist doet ten gevolge van de uitslag van de Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen...en wat er in Gaza gebeurd...en waarschijnlijk bij de Iraanse inlichtingendiensten al langer bekend was.

Ik zie namelijk een scenario zich ontvouwen..waarbij het geweld rond Gaza misschien nog wel eens kan voortduren tot de Israëlische verkiezingen...en een voor Israël existentieel aanvoelende atmosfeer creëert waarin Netanyahu (met zijn retorische kwaliteiten) zal gaan excelleren, de verkiezingen zal winnen en vervolgens een aanval op Iran zal gaan inzetten. Mede door "bewijzen" dat Hamas een vazal van Iran en er in Gaza nog dodelijkere raketten e.d. werden geproduceerd (past ook aanval op Soedan in).
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 18/11/2012 | 09:07 uur
Israel Iran News: Operation Pillar of Defense Could Pave the War for War With Iran

Jake Horowitz
18 november 2012

In an unguarded moment on Friday, Israel's Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks told the BBC that the current escalation of tensions between Israel and Hamas has "got to do with Iran, actually." The comment came after Sacks finished his Thought for the Day on Radio 4 Today, when presenter Evan Davis asked him to comment on the Gaza situation before he left the studio. Sacks was unaware that he was still live, and said, "I think it's got to do with Iran, actually."

Davis' co-presenter Sarah Montague whispered, "We, we're live," after which Sacks' tone changed dramatically and he called for "a continued prayer for peace ... no one gains from violence."

BBC has since apologized to Sacks for the incident, but the comment from Israel's most influential rabbi begs the question: To what extent is the current flare-up related to geopolitics, and specifically, Israel's relations with Iran?

Thus far, it is unclear. Israel's left-wing newspaper Haaretz has been publishing a series of articles all week suggesting that the Gaza offensive could be a "warm-up" for an Iran strike. Here's an excerpt:

"Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak have not given up the dream of carrying out a major operation in Iran. For some time, prior to the recent American election, they were in disagreement: Barak was against creating facts on the ground which President Barack Obama would be forced to deal with, whereas Netanyahu entertained the idea of exploiting the sensitive political period preceding what he thought would be the surefire victory of his esteemed ally, Mitt Romney.

... For Netanyahu ... the dark cloud in the Gaza skies might serve as an alternative, or preface to, an Iran operation. It all depends on circumstances and what happens further down what may be a long road.

... In theory, a force which is able to strike against Ahmed Jabari would be able to pinpoint the location of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. And a force that destroyed Fajr rockets would be able to reach their bigger siblings, the Shihabs, as well as Iran's nuclear installations.

... So as not to leave a shred of doubt, the IDF Spokesman emphasized that "the Gaza Strip has become Iran's frontline base." At first glance, Operation Pillar of Defense seems to be aimed at the Palestinian arena, but in reality it is geared toward Iranian hostility against Israel."

The article goes on to state that Operation Pillar of Defense, the new name for Israel's mounting escalation with Hamas, represents a test for the country, before it deals with Iran.

"Operation Pillar of Defense represents a practical test of expertise for the Israel Air Force commander and the head of IDF Intelligence, Maj. Gens. Amir Eshel and Aviv Kochavi, respectively. Washington alone."

Still, it is unclear how true these allegations are. The theory is that much like the Bush administration needed the Afghanistan war to justify, and sell, the Iraq war, Israel is doing the same with Gaza, and will soon go after Iran.

For its part, Iran has ramped up its own rhetoric toward Israel. On Saturday, Iran's defense minister Ahmad Vahidi said that Islamic countries must come together and respond to Israel's deadly attacks on Gaza. "Putting an end to the Zionist (Israeli) regime's crimes is only possible through a united, revolutionary retaliation by the Muslim world."

But whether that is mere rhetorical posturing, or a genuine threat of force against Israel is more difficult to project.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 21/11/2012 | 11:02 uur
West concerned about fuel move at Iran nuclear power plant

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

By Fredrik Dahl

VIENNA (Reuters) - Western officials voiced concern on Tuesday about what they described as an unexpected unloading of fuel at Iran's first nuclear energy plant and said Tehran, which has dismissed it as a normal step, must clarify the issue.

The U.N. nuclear agency said in a confidential report on Friday that fuel assemblies were transferred last month from the reactor core of the Russian-built Bushehr plant to a spent fuel pond, but it gave no reason for the move.

The 1,000-megawatt Bushehr plant - whose start-up has been delayed for years - is a symbol of what Iran calls its peaceful nuclear ambitions, disputed by the West, and any new hitch would probably be seen as an embarrassment both for Tehran and Moscow.

"This is not a routine matter or something that's quite ordinary," a senior Western official who declined to be identified said. "So this is of great concern. We need answers."

Another Western diplomat in Vienna, where the U.N. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is based, said he did not know what had happened at Bushehr but that the fuel development raised possible safety-related questions.

"It sounds a safety bell and then it potentially sounds a safeguards bell if it is used in a weird way," the diplomat said, referring to the fact that plutonium usable for nuclear bombs could in theory be extracted from spent fuel.

The removal of the fuel came some two months after Russian state nuclear corporation Rosatom said the long-postponed plant on Iran's Gulf coast was operating at full capacity.

It was plugged into Iran's national grid in September 2011, a move intended to end protracted delays in its construction.

Iran's envoy to the IAEA, Ali Asghar Soltanieh, said the fuel transfer was part of a "normal technical procedure" linked to transferring responsibility for the plant to Iranian from Russian engineers.

Iran's ambassador to Moscow, Reza Sajjadi, said there was no reason for concern: "Before the handover of the station to Iranian specialists, the inspection work needs to be completed ... Nothing unforeseen is happening there."

But a senior diplomat familiar with Bushehr said last week about the fuel transfer: "It was certainly not foreseen, that's for sure."


Iran is the only country with an operating nuclear power plant that is not part of the 75-nation Convention on Nuclear Safety (CNS), which was negotiated after the 1986 nuclear disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear plant.

Early last year, Iran said it was having to remove fuel for tests. A source close to the matter then said it was done due to concern that metal particles from nearly 30-year-old equipment used in the reactor's construction had contaminated the fuel.

Russian builder NIAEP - part of Rosatom - was in October quoted as saying Bushehr would be formally "handed over for use" to Iran in March 2013, whereas earlier officials had said that would happen by the end of this year.

Iran, a major oil producer, says electricity generation is the main purpose of its nuclear activity but its adversaries say Tehran's underlying goal is the ability to make atom bombs.

Bushehr is not considered a major proliferation risk by Western powers, whose concern is focused on sites where Iran enriches uranium, which can have civilian and military purposes.

Its construction was started by Germany's Siemens before the 1979 Islamic Revolution that toppled the U.S.-backed shah, and it was taken over by Russian engineers in the 1990s.

Nuclear expert Greg Thielmann said Bushehr did not pose an "acute" proliferation threat as Iran was required to return any spent fuel to the Russian supplier and it did not have a reprocessing plant needed to separate out the plutonium.

But spent fuel from Iranian reactors poses "a long-term proliferation concern, because they would provide material from which fissile material could be derived", said Thielmann, of the Washington-based Arms Control Association.

(This story corrected paragraph 10 to say that ambassador is from Iran, not Russia)

(Additional reporting by Steve Gutterman in Moscow; Editing by Kevin Liffey)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 21/11/2012 | 20:18 uur
As Iran achieves nuclear weapons capability, a red line is passed

By Ron Kampeas · November 21, 2012

WASHINGTON (JTA) – The debate about red lines on Iran appears to be over.

With its massive increase of operative centrifuges at a secured uranium enrichment site, Iran appears to have moved beyond the question of whether capability to build a nuclear weapon or actual acquisition of a nuclear weapon is the appropriate red line.

Iran already has achieved nuclear weapons capability, according to Michael Adler, an Iran expert at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.

Adler studied the latest report of the International Atomic Energy Agency on Iran, which was leaked last week. It said that Iran soon could double the number of operating centrifuges at its underground Fordo nuclear site from 700 to 1,400. In all, the site has nearly 2,800 centrifuges in place, according to the report.

Fordo, near the holy city of Qom, is built into a mountainside. Israeli and Western officials say the site has been fortified against attack.

"As always with Iran, as time goes on they increase the facts on the ground," Adler said. "Let's see what they do with the facts on the ground. What they do with their capability will determine whether they intend to be more threatening or reassuring.

"They've built up capacity -- let's see whether they use it or not," Adler said.

The notion of  what constitutes capability to produce a nuclear weapon long has been controversial. Groups that oppose military engagement with Iran charge that the term itself is unclear and the aim of those promoting it as a red line was to encourage a military strike. Others argued that with evidence of uranium enriched to "medium" levels -- just a step or two short of weapons grade -- Iran already had capability.

A Gallup poll published Monday found that Americans cited keeping Iran from developing a nuclear weapon as among the top three priorities of President Obama's second term, with 79 percent of respondents ranking the issue as "extremely" or "very" important.

For years, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government had led calls to set nuclear capability as the red line. Both parties in Congress backed that language, inserting it into a number of laws. The Obama administration resisted, instead seeking through diplomatic and economic pressures to persuade Iran to halt its suspected nuclear weapons program.

Netanyahu appeared to back down in September following months of pressure from Obama administration officials seeking to head off an Israeli strike on Iran. In a U.N. speech, Netanyahu set the Israeli red line at the point where Iran has made the decision to manufacture a bomb – essentially the position Obama had staked out.

In that speech at the U.N. General Assembly, Netanyahu said that point might come as soon as spring, and Obama appears to agree. Last week, Obama said the window for diplomacy is several months.

"I will try to make a push in the coming months to see if we can open up a dialogue between Iran, and not just us but the international community, to see if we can get this thing resolved," the U.S. leader said. "I can't promise that Iran will walk through the door that they need to walk through, but that would be very much the preferable option."

Western diplomats have told JTA that such a dynamic likely would culminate in one-on-one talks between the United States and Iran. The New York Times last week reported that the Obama administration was seeking such talks, though the White House denied it.

Heather Hurlburt, a speechwriter during the Clinton administration who now directs the National Security Network, a liberal/realist foreign policy think tank, noted that administration officials did not reject outright the prospect of one-on-one talks.

"There's this interesting dance about one-on-one talks," she said. "It's clear both sides are looking forward to having one on one."

Obama, after his decisive election victory this month, has the mandate for such talks, Hurlburt said, partly because his challenger, Mitt Romney, toward the end of the campaign aligned his Iran policy with Obama's, emphasizing diplomacy as the best way forward.

"There are a number of areas where Romney adopted the president's foreign policy, and Iran was one," she said, adding that polling shows the public prefers a diplomatic option.

Polling also shows that the public sees Iran as a priority, which could spur forward Obama administration urgency toward securing a deal.

Stephen Rademaker, a nuclear arms negotiator for the George W. Bush administration, said Obama deserves breathing space to explore such a deal – but that negotiations should be subject to close scrutiny.

"I would never fault the U.S. government for exploring whether Iran is prepared to reach a diplomatic settlement to suspend the enrichment program. Now is a good a time as any to test them on that," said Rademaker, now a principal at a lobbying outfit, the Podesta Group. "My larger concern about negotiations with Iran is that the Iranians may say yes to what we see is a good deal, but the reverse is also true."

One positive outcome, Rademaker said, would be a verifiable reduction in readily available enriched uranium, either through export or dedicated use in non-weapon capacities.

Michael Makovksy, a Bush administration Pentagon official who focused on Iraq and now directs the Bipartisan Policy Center's foreign policy projects, said pressure should increase at least until a deal is achieved.

"You could increase those chances" of a deal "if you have much tougher sanctions, a much tougher embargo on Iran, but it's unclear whether other countries will go along with that," Makovsky said.

Another option is to ratchet up pressure by sharing with Israel advanced weapons, including the latest generation of bunker-busting bombs, and increasing the U.S. profile in the Persian Gulf, he said.

"The element we need to be focusing on is boosting the credibility of the U.S. military option and of Israel's," Makovsky said.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 21/11/2012 | 23:18 uur
Navy to briefly reduce carriers in Persian Gulf

By By ROBERT BURNS, AP National Security Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Navy says it will temporarily shrink its aircraft carrier presence in the Persian Gulf area from two to one this winter because of a mechanical problem with the USS Nimitz, a carrier based in Bremerton, Wash.

Navy officials said Wednesday the Nimitz, which had been scheduled to deploy to the region in January to relieve the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, will put that off until summer in order to complete repairs to its propulsion system.

As a result, the Navy decided to bring the Eisenhower home in December and resurface its flight deck so it can go back to the Gulf area in February and remain for four months. That means that in December and January the USS John C. Stennis will be the only carrier in that area.

Copyright © 2012 The Associated Press.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 23/11/2012 | 08:31 uur
Window for nuclear diplomacy on Iran is now open but not for long

IAEA inspectors say Iran may soon speed up its uranium enrichment, making the search for a deal even more urgent
Having delivered its latest quarterly report on Iran's nuclear programme to its board, the nuclear safeguards department of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) gave a technical briefing on Wednesday to an audience of ambassadors in Vienna about the same material but with some pictures to make the whole thing clearer. At such briefings, ambassadors can also ask questions to sound out the head of safeguards, Herman Nackaerts, on his impressions.

On this occasion, the main message western ambassadors came away with was that Iran appears to be just days away from starting feeding uranium hexafluoride gas into four new cascades of centrifuges at its underground enrichment site at Fordow. Those cascades, of 174 centrifuges each, are being vacuum tested which is usually the last step before piping in the uranium gas. The impression given at the technical briefing was that these new cascades would almost certainly be producing 20%-enriched uranium, which is the main proliferation concern and the leading source of international tension over the Iranian programme.

For the past six months Iran has been producing 20% uranium at the rate of 14 to 15 kg a month. It now has a stockpile of about 135 kg, while Israel has declared that 240 kg, enough to make a single warhead if further enriched, is its red line, implying it would take military action to stop Iran reaching that point. If the four new cascades work properly and starting spinning uranium, the production rate would go up to 25 kg a month, so the red line would be breached in about four months, rather than seven.

In the first half of the year, Iran had been diverting some of its 20% production to making reactor fuel and so taking it out of the stockpile. By August, it had taken about 96 kg for that purpose, thereby putting off the moment it had enough to theoretically make a bomb. Israeli officials claim it was for this reason that they did not take action this year.

The bad news is that in the past three months, Iran did not divert any of its 20% uranium for fuel, so the stockpile kept rising. The slightly good news from Wednesday's technical breaking is that this pause did appear to be for purely technical reasons. There seems to be a fault in the fuel fabrication plant in Isfahan which turns uranium powdered fuel into pellets, so there is a backlog. If this problem can be fixed, 20% uranium would once again be taken to Isfahan to make fuel, and the growth in the stockpile would be slowed. But it would not be stopped. As the red line starts to looms large, western capitals are likely to ask the IAEA to start briefing them on the progress of the Iran programme on a more frequent basis than just once every three months.

The bottom line is that the window for diplomacy that opened with the US election is now closing again at an accelerating rate. All sides had been waiting for the November 6 vote as that was to determine the course of US policy. Barack Obama's administration was known to be resolved to give talks another go, but was not going to lay its cards on the table during the election campaign, for fear of appearing 'soft' on Iran.

On the same day as the Nackaerts briefing in Vienna, senior diplomats from the six major powers conducting talks with Iran met for the first time since the election in Brussels to discuss what their new negotiating position might be. However, by all accounts, there was dramatic new blueprint put on the table.

The six foreign ministry political directors generally agreed that some form of sanctions relief would have to be put more clearly on the table to help draw Iran into negotiating away its 20% uranium, but there were no specifics. The six declared, through their convenor, the EU foreign policy chief, Cathy Ashton, that they are ready to meet their Iranian counterpart, Saeed Jalili to resume high-level talks as soon as possible. But that meeting, if it happens, is now not going to be in November as had been planned. It will slip into December, or possibly even January.

By that time, the Israeli elections will be imminent, and if the IAEA inspectors are right, the rate of Iranian enrichment will have been stepped up. As always, the centrifuges are working far faster than the diplomacy.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 23/11/2012 | 10:18 uur
De vraag is alleen of Iran het nucleaire wapen zo compact kan maken dat het in de kop van hun raketten voor de langere afstand past. Mogelijk krijgt Iran hier steun bij van Noord-Korea. Dat lijkt mij althans de snelste weg om deze technisch moeilijke hobbel te nemen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 23/11/2012 | 10:31 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 23/11/2012 | 10:18 uur
De vraag is alleen of Iran het nucleaire wapen zo compact kan maken dat het in de kop van hun raketten voor de langere afstand past. Mogelijk krijgt Iran hier steun bij van Noord-Korea. Dat lijkt mij althans de snelste weg om deze technisch moeilijke hobbel te nemen.

Dat is een, Pakistan is wellicht twee.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 23/11/2012 | 13:42 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 23/11/2012 | 10:31 uur
Dat is een, Pakistan is wellicht twee.
Mogelijk dat daar inderdaad wederom kernwapendeskundigen om te kopen zijn.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 24/11/2012 | 14:24 uur
Iran accuses US Navy of 'illegal' activity in Gulf

UNITED NATIONS –  Iran is accusing the U.S. Navy of carrying out "illegal and provocative acts" in the Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman.

In identical letters to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and the Security Council, Iran's U.N. Ambassador Mohammad Khazaee said the Navy repeatedly violated the country's airspace.

He cited flights over the coastal areas of Bushehr on seven occasions in October and most recently a U.S. drone flight on Nov. 1 which disregarded all radio warnings and penetrated Iranian airspace.

The letters, circulated Friday, urged Ban to warn the U.S. "against the continuation of acts in violation of international law and of the adverse consequences of any provocative and dangerous acts for which the United States government would be held responsible."

The White House had no comment Friday night.

November 24, 2012
Associated Press
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 25/11/2012 | 03:05 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 23/11/2012 | 10:18 uur
De vraag is alleen of Iran het nucleaire wapen zo compact kan maken dat het in de kop van hun raketten voor de langere afstand past. Mogelijk krijgt Iran hier steun bij van Noord-Korea. Dat lijkt mij althans de snelste weg om deze technisch moeilijke hobbel te nemen.

De Shahab-3 is in staat om een nucleaire warhead te dragen volgens mij. Bovendien, Iran is Noord-Korea inmiddels al voorbij gestreefd m.b.t. rakettechnologie. En Pakistan zal Iran niet helpen, gezien haar goede relaties met Saoedie-Arabie.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 25/11/2012 | 15:33 uur
Citaat van: Jah op 25/11/2012 | 03:05 uur
De Shahab-3 is in staat om een nucleaire warhead te dragen volgens mij. Bovendien, Iran is Noord-Korea inmiddels al voorbij gestreefd m.b.t. rakettechnologie. En Pakistan zal Iran niet helpen, gezien haar goede relaties met Saoedie-Arabie.
Ik heb begrepen dat het niet alleen om de draagraket gaat, maar of met een nucleair wapen zo klein kan maken dat het in een warhead van zo'n raket past.

Pakistan is inderdaad minder waarschijnlijk, zijn ook goeddeels soennieten...maar voor veel geld is er veel mogelijk. Noord-Korea kan dat geld ook wel gebruiken. En ook Westerse en Russische deskundigen zijn om te kopen blijkt.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 26/11/2012 | 08:01 uur
Attack on Iran now unlikely

byPatrick Cockburn
November 26, 2012

No sooner was Israel's bombardment of Gaza over than Israeli and US officials started to ratchet up the prospects of an Israeli air attack on Iran in the next few months.

This is scarcely surprising. The threat has served Tel Aviv and Washington well in the past because it enabled them to persuade the rest of the world to impose swingeing sanctions on Iran as the only alternative to war. Even so, claims that a final confrontation with Iran is only months away are looking a bit dog-eared, given that this must be one of the most frequently postponed wars in history.

Within hours of the ceasefire being announced, anonymous Israeli and American sources were claiming that the air strikes on Gaza were a dry run for an assault on Iran. Michael Oren, the Israeli ambassador in Washington, compared what happened in Gaza this month to the Cuban missile crisis in 1962. He said that "in the Cuban missile crisis, the US was not confronting Cuba, but rather the Soviet Union. In Operation Pillar of Defence [Israel's name for its Gaza operation] Israel was not confronting Gaza, but Iran."

This flatters the Iranians who, at best, are only a regional power and nowhere near a superpower like the old Soviet Union. And even as a regional power it is in retreat as its main ally in the Arab world, Syria, collapses into civil war. The backers of Hamas in Gaza these days are not Iran and Syria but a powerful array of Sunni states including Egypt, Qatar, Turkey, Tunisia and others.

Gaza itself is a defenceless slum jam-packed with 1.7 million people living in an area 25 miles long and six miles wide that is exactly the same size as Rutland, the smallest English county. For all the talk of its deadly missile arsenal, the ability of Hamas to hit anything with a rocket is very limited as is shown by the disparity between Palestinian and Israeli casualties.

Iran would be very different. It is almost 1,000 miles from Tel Aviv to Tehran. If the Israelis wanted to destroy Iranian nuclear or missile manufacturing facilities they have probably left it too late, even if such an operation was ever feasible. The Iranians have had a long time to hide whatever they want to conceal, or bury it in deep bunkers.

The Israelis could only do serious damage to Iran if the US air force joined it in a prolonged and wide-ranging assault similar to that the Americans carried out in Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2003. But this is unlikely to happen because the one thing American voters do not want is another war in the Middle East. This is significant because the support of the US is all important to Israeli security. For all the talk of Israel acting unilaterally against Iran, this is not going to happen. Israel's resources are too small and its dependence on the US too great.

Israeli voters do not like prime ministers who are on permanently bad terms with Washington, as Netanyahu found to his cost when he lost the general election in 1999. In reality, the lessons of the latest Gaza conflict are the opposite of what the US and Israel claim.

It was a more than usually cautious re-run of previous Israeli bombardments of Gaza and Lebanon over the last 20 years, usually at four-yearly intervals.

The political difficulties Israel had in carrying out even a quite minor operation like "Operation Pillar of Defence" against a puny enemy underlines the problems the country would face if it confronted Iran. There is another lesson to be learned from what has just happened in Gaza: For all his bellicose and defiant rhetoric, Netanyahu is a cautious political leader. He ended the latest crisis much more quickly than his predecessors as Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, in 2006 and 2008, or Shimon Peres in 1996. He is not a gambler. This makes it unlikely that he would launch a risky venture such as attacking Iran.

Moreover, by showing that he is prepared to use military force on a small scale in Gaza, Netanyahu has made it easier to back away from his threats against Iran without being accused of weakness.

Another hopeful sign of the latest bombardment of Gaza is that Israel was a little more careful about who and what it blew up. Israeli reporters say that, although the Israeli army claimed publicly that "Cast Lead", the operation in 2008 when 1,400 people were killed, was a success, its generals recognised privately that it was a disaster.

Israel was portrayed as a butcher, Hamas emerged the stronger.

Had Netanyahu and Ehud Barak, the Defence Minister, launched a ground offensive inflicting heavier civilian casualties, the bad publicity would have been even worse this time round.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 26/11/2012 | 08:04 uur
Israel may strike at ship allegedly carrying Iranian rockets to Gaza – report

Published: 25 November, 2012, 14:38

Israel has reportedly vowed to destroy rockets and other weapons being sent to Gaza by Iran. Tel Aviv issued this threat despite a recent ceasefire following eight days of bitter conflict between Gaza and Israel.

Israeli spy satellites spotted a cargo vessel in the Iranian port of Bandar Abbas that was allegedly Gaza-bound and carrying arms, the Sunday Times reported.

"Regardless of the ceasefire agreement, we will attack and destroy any shipment of arms to Gaza once we have spotted it," an Israeli defense official told the newspaper.

The vessel reportedly began its voyage last week just as Israel and Hamas agreed to a ceasefire ending eight days of violence in Gaza, in which over 150 Palestinians died. The cargo is believed to include Fajr-5 rockets, similar to those used by Hamas in the conflict, and Shahab-3 ballistic missiles.

The ship is set to travel through the Red Sea, Sudan and Egypt, according to the Sunday Times report. The newspaper also cited Israeli officials speculating that Iran could be moving longer-range ballistic missiles into Sudan, which could be aimed at Israel from the African country.

The Sunday Times' report comes a day after the Hamas leadership announced they aren't ready to stop arming themselves, despite the recently-agreed truce and ceasefire.

"We have no choice but to continue to bring in weapons by all possible means," senior Hamas leader Mahmoud al-Zahar told reporters, adding that he expected Tehran would "increase its military and financial support to Hamas."

Earlier on Wednesday, exiled Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal thanked Shia-majority Iran for what he described as arms and funding.

On Saturday, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad expressed support for Gaza in the bloody conflict, praising what he called Palestinian "resistance and perseverance" against Israel, which he said must now "bow" to Palestinian rights, IRNA news agency reported.

The eight-day Israeli assault on Gaza killed 168 Palestinians, mostly civilians. It also led to $300 million in economic damage, a Palestinian Chamber of Commerce report said.

Hamas fired Fajr-5 rockets against Israel, an unsettling revelation for the Israeli public. The country was last targeted by the 3-meter-long missiles during its 2006 war with Lebanon, and was expecting smaller-range rockets to be used in the recent conflict.

Hamas' Farj-5 arsenal was able to strike Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, cities that were not attacked during the previous escalation of violence between Israel and Gaza in 2008. The IDF was forced to rapidly deploy an additional battery of its Iron Dome air defense system to counter the threat.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Harald op 26/11/2012 | 10:02 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 26/11/2012 | 08:01 uur
Attack on Iran now unlikely

Of juist een flinke stap dichterbij !

Met een Iraans schip in aantocht met raketten en de spanningen in de Gaza op z'n top, zal een levering van raketten een trigger (kunnen) zijn voor een grondoorlog en luchtaanvallen en niet alleen op de Gaza, maar juist op Iran.
En juist richting Iran om een statement te geven.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 26/11/2012 | 18:17 uur vraag is alleen of men wacht tot na de Israëlische verkiezingen van eind januari 2013?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 26/11/2012 | 19:34 uur
Two Iranian navy ships to visit Sudan again

KHARTOUM | Mon Nov 26, 2012

Nov 26 (Reuters) - Two Iranian navy ships will dock in Sudan this week to refuel, state news agency SUNA said on Monday, the second such visit in a month since Sudan accused Israel of bombing an arms factory.

Sudan blamed Israeli military planes for a huge explosion last month at the Yarmouk plant in Khartoum, the country's biggest small arms and ammunition factory. Four people were killed during the blast, according to Sudan.

Israel has not commented on the accusations but Israeli officials have accused Sudan of funnelling weapons via the Egyptian Sinai desert to the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip. Sudan has good ties with Iran and Hamas.

Sudan's army spokesman al-Sawarmi Khalid told SUNA two Iranian navy ships would dock on Friday at the Red Sea port of Port Sudan to refuel and take "logistical provisions" on board.

"They will stay for three days as part of normal and routine work which the Sudanese navy is undertaking," he said.

SUNA did not mention the ships' names. Last month, an Iranian destroyer and a helicopter carrier docked at Port Sudan.

Sawarmi also said a Pakistani navy ship would dock at the port the day before for refueling.

Iran said in June it had plans to build more warships and increase its presence in international waters, particularly to protect its cargo ships around the world.

Pirates in the Gulf of Aden in January hijacked an Iranian ship carrying 30,000 tonnes of petrochemical products to a North African country.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 29/11/2012 | 23:26 uur
Israeli Defense Chief Sounds Ready to Hit Iran, Thanks in Part to Iron Dome

By Spencer Ackerman

Israel's retiring defense chief thinks Iran needs to be "coerced" in 2013 from building an atom bomb, despite any U.S. hopes that sanctions will bring Tehran to the negotiating table. And the recent success of his new, U.S.-funded missile defenses seems to have convinced him that Israel is better able than ever to deter its Iran-backed foes.

"Of course, we would love to see some heavenly intervention that will stop them, to wake up some morning and learn that they've given up on their nuclear intentions," Barak told reporters at the Pentagon Thursday during a joint press conference with Leon Panetta, his American counterpart. "You cannot build a strategy based on these wishes or prayers. Sanctions are working and they are more hurting than anything I remember from the past vis-a-vis Iran, but I don't believe these kinds of sanctions will bring the ayatollahs to a moment of truth where they sit around a table, look into each others' eyes and decide that the game is over."

Not exactly what Panetta wanted to hear during what was supposed to be a friendly press conference in which they celebrated how the U.S.-backed Iron Dome rocket defense system stopped Hamas' rocket attacks cold. The U.S. defense chief, who effused over the retiring Barak as "a man of peace" and praised their long friendship, said the "unprecedented pressure" on Iran from international sanctions present "time and space for an effort to try to achieve a diplomatic solution."

Not likely, thinks the retiring Barak. "During the coming year and hopefully before they reach what I have called a 'zone of immunity'" — a point at which Israeli airstrike couldn't meaningfully hinder Iranian nuclear work — Iran "will be coerced into putting an end to it this way or another way," Barak said. "The physical attack option is an option that should be there, should remain on the table, never be removed."

That may be short of a pledge to attack Iran next year, but it's hardly a vote of confidence in any alternative. And it reflects a lingering divide in U.S. and Israeli goals on Iran, despite the rhetoric of unity. "We will prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon," Panetta said, "and that remains our policy." Barak's policy is different: to stop Iran from even getting to the point in its technological nuclear work where an airstrike is senseless, before Iran gets the bomb. The Israeli defense chief acknowledged "sometimes slight differences" with U.S. policy "that should be better discussed behind closed doors."

However much Barak seems resigned to Iran's determination "to go in the footsteps of Pakistan and North Korea," he also mused out loud about Iron Dome as a security game changer for Israel. Not because a system that was about "extremely successful" at stopping unguided Qassam rockets can also stop Iranian Shahab-3 ballistic missiles — it can't. But because of the demonstration effect that Israeli missile-defense technology can have on Iran and its proxies.

"The very knowing of the other side that you have such an effective system, especially when we'll be equipped with many more interceptors, it will change the balance of contemplation on the other side," Barak said. "It creates a logical kind of deterrent, not a psychological one, because any enemy that tries against Israel is exposed to the effectiveness of our efforts that we've seen during in this operation." Especially since, Barak noted, Iron Dome's big brothers — David's Sling and the Arrow — are in development to stop more powerful missiles launched by Iran and Hezbollah.

Barak won't be defense minister next year, as he announced this week he's retiring from politics. But if other prominent Israeli decision-makers think that Iron Dome restored Israel's ability to deter adversaries, imagine the value they might place on an Iran attack next year.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 30/11/2012 | 08:09 uur
Iran is building a big nuclear bomb, confirm inspectors

Thursday, November 29, 2012 |  Ryan Jones   

For the handful of people who might still believe Iran's nuclear program is benign, an Associated Press report confirmed by inspectors with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) revealed that not only is Iran building a nuclear bomb, it is building a big one.

Earlier this week, the AP reported on diagrams it had obtained showing calculations for "nuclear explosive yield." The desired payload was 50 kilotons.

IAEA officials who spoke to the news agency confirmed that the diagram was the same as the one discovered by inspectors recently at an Iranian nuclear facility.

The IAEA included the diagram in a report on Iran's nuclear program, but some in the international community continued to downplay the possibility that Iran was seeking atomic weapons.

According to the AP report, more than a few IAEA officials are frustrated by the way the Western powers are handling what is clearly a very dangerous and urgent situation.

One of the inspectors noted that the diagram could not possibly be construed as anything other than plans for a weapon, debunking all Iranian claims that its nuclear program is for civilian purposes only.

It should also be pointed out that if all Iran wanted to achieve was a demonstration that it had nuclear capabilities, it could do so with a much smaller bomb. Fifty kilotons is three times the explosive yield of the bombs that destroyed the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in World War II.

A bomb that large in likely intended for use against an enemy.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Tanker op 30/11/2012 | 09:46 uur
Niks aan de hand zal Nobama zeggen, let op mijn woorden.....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 01/12/2012 | 19:33 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 30/11/2012 | 08:09 uur
Iran is building a big nuclear bomb, confirm inspectors

Thursday, November 29, 2012 |  Ryan Jones   

For the handful of people who might still believe Iran's nuclear program is benign, an Associated Press report confirmed by inspectors with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) revealed that not only is Iran building a nuclear bomb, it is building a big one.

Earlier this week, the AP reported on diagrams it had obtained showing calculations for "nuclear explosive yield." The desired payload was 50 kilotons.

IAEA officials who spoke to the news agency confirmed that the diagram was the same as the one discovered by inspectors recently at an Iranian nuclear facility.

The IAEA included the diagram in a report on Iran's nuclear program, but some in the international community continued to downplay the possibility that Iran was seeking atomic weapons.

According to the AP report, more than a few IAEA officials are frustrated by the way the Western powers are handling what is clearly a very dangerous and urgent situation.

One of the inspectors noted that the diagram could not possibly be construed as anything other than plans for a weapon, debunking all Iranian claims that its nuclear program is for civilian purposes only.

It should also be pointed out that if all Iran wanted to achieve was a demonstration that it had nuclear capabilities, it could do so with a much smaller bomb. Fifty kilotons is three times the explosive yield of the bombs that destroyed the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in World War II.

A bomb that large in likely intended for use against an enemy.

Objectieve bron ook. Maar goed, 50kt is niet echt groot hoor.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 01/12/2012 | 20:00 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 01/12/2012 | 19:33 uur
Objectieve bron ook. Maar goed, 50kt is niet echt groot hoor.

Objectief is een ander verhaal. 50kt is idd geen mega knaller maar voldoende om van Tel Aviv of Jaruzalem een aardige puinhoop te maken.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Flyguy op 01/12/2012 | 20:22 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 01/12/2012 | 20:00 uur
Objectief is een ander verhaal. 50kt is idd geen mega knaller maar voldoende om van Tel Aviv of Jaruzalem een aardige puinhoop te maken.
Al was het een 1kt bom, dat maakt niet uit. Het gaat er gewoon om dat ze er een hebben...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 01/12/2012 | 20:34 uur
Citaat van: Flyguy op 01/12/2012 | 20:22 uur
Al was het een 1kt bom, dat maakt niet uit. Het gaat er gewoon om dat ze er een hebben...

Wat is daar mis mee?

Waarom mag Frankrijk, Israël(?? :angel:) en noem de rest van de landen op er wel één hebben?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Flyguy op 01/12/2012 | 21:06 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 01/12/2012 | 20:34 uur
Wat is daar mis mee?

Waarom mag Frankrijk, Israël(?? :angel:) en noem de rest van de landen op er wel één hebben?
Iedereen mag ze van mij hebben. Kans dat ze vallen wordt dan alleen groter. We houden de club het liefst zo klein mogelijk, Nederland heeft een guest-pass en staat op naam van de VS. Dus wij horen er ook een beetje bij. Misschien had Iran het zo kunnen regelen?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 01/12/2012 | 21:08 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 01/12/2012 | 20:00 uurObjectief is een ander verhaal. 50kt is idd geen mega knaller maar voldoende om van Tel Aviv of Jaruzalem een aardige puinhoop te maken.
Ik vrees alleen voor je dat het Iraanse regime het kernwapen daarvoor helemaal niet wil inzetten. Kernwapens zijn weapons of the last resort....praktisch onbruikbaar binnen een gewoon conflict of ruzie...alleen bruikbaar als de ander je dreigt te overlopen. Al is het dan nog de vraag of men tot inzet overgaat....Hitler gebruikte de strijdgassen niet...en Saddam onthield zich daar ook van..... Maar dat Iran kernwapens maakt om Israël te vernietigen lijkt me uitgesloten.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 01/12/2012 | 21:13 uur
Citaat van: Flyguy op 01/12/2012 | 21:06 uur
Iedereen mag ze van mij hebben. Kans dat ze vallen wordt dan alleen groter. We houden de club het liefst zo klein mogelijk, Nederland heeft een guest-pass en staat op naam van de VS. Dus wij horen er ook een beetje bij. Misschien had Iran het zo kunnen regelen?

Wie is "we" die de club zo klein mogelijk houd......
De VS bepaalt.... NL heeft géén guest-pass.... NL heeft het publieke geheim maar kan en mag er niets mee..... 

Waarom zou Iran er bij willen horen?  Waarbij trouwens?  Bij de schoothondjes-club?  Waarom wil Frankrijk of Isreäl er niet een beetje bij horen?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Flyguy op 01/12/2012 | 21:21 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 01/12/2012 | 21:13 uur
Wie is "we" die de club zo klein mogelijk houd......
De VS bepaalt.... NL heeft géén guest-pass.... NL heeft het publieke geheim maar kan en mag er niets mee..... 

Waarom zou Iran er bij willen horen?  Waarbij trouwens?  Bij de schoothondjes-club?  Waarom wil Frankrijk of Isreäl er niet een beetje bij horen?
1) Relax.
2) 'We' zijn de nuclear, nuclear-sharing en nuclear capable states.

Waarom zou Iran daarbij willen horen? Veiligheid en macht.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 01/12/2012 | 21:35 uur
Citaat van: Flyguy op 01/12/2012 | 21:21 uur
1) Relax.
2) 'We' zijn de nuclear, nuclear-sharing en nuclear capable states.

Waarom zou Iran daarbij willen horen? Veiligheid en macht.

1) ben ik   drankje/hapje, muziekje op,  defensie-forum.....   
2) we willen dus bepalen wat een ander wel / niet mag....  al weet ik nog steeds niet wie "we" zijn........   noem eens wat landen...... zal me niets verbazen dat het voornamelijk westerse landen zijn........   

Iran wil onafhankelijk zijn dus voor de eigen veiligheid zorgen en macht hebben.  Als je afhankelijk bent, zoals NL, heb je geen macht en is de veiligheid betrekkelijk.  Want de enige manier om de veiligheid te blijven garanderen is mee doen met diegene die je de veiligheid geeft.
Indien je niet mee doet met die dan is je veiligheid niet meer gegarandeerd.  Maar je hebt eigenlijk ook geen macht want je hebt je afhankelijk gemaakt.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Flyguy op 01/12/2012 | 21:50 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 01/12/2012 | 21:35 uur
1) ben ik   drankje/hapje, muziekje op,  defensie-forum.....  
2) we willen dus bepalen wat een ander wel / niet mag....  al weet ik nog steeds niet wie "we" zijn........   noem eens wat landen...... zal me niets verbazen dat het voornamelijk westerse landen zijn........  
1) Mooi.
2) Natuurlijk bepalen we dat, wij hebben de grootste stok. Landen noemen? De VS, GB, Frankrijk, China, Rusland om er maar een paar te noemen. Tuurlijk zijn die landen westers. De VS heeft de nuke uitgevonden met hulp van Nazi Duitsland. Toen hebben ze de tech. aan Europa doorgespeeld die er ook mee aan de slag ging. De USSR heeft het zelf uitgevogeld... Maar dit staat vast allemaal duidelijker beschreven op wikipedia.

Iran wil iets dat geen enkel land mag maar sommige toch hebben verkregen. Dus als we die club, de nuclear states, zo klein mogelijk houden houden we de wereld ook veiliger. Anders hebben we nog een hysterische baby met een gigantische stok erbij op de wereld en nog erger; we hebben dan 2 nuclear landen tegenover elkaar staan die tot het uiterste zullen gaan. Nu is alleen Israel nog nuclear armed...

Hoe minder variabelen, hoe beter.  8)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 01/12/2012 | 21:59 uur
Citaat van: Flyguy op 01/12/2012 | 21:50 uur1) Mooi.
2) Natuurlijk bepalen we dat, wij hebben de grootste stok. Landen noemen? De VS, GB, Frankrijk, China, Rusland om er maar een paar te noemen. Tuurlijk zijn die landen westers. De VS heeft de nuke uitgevonden met hulp van Nazi Duitsland. Toen hebben ze de tech. aan Europa doorgespeeld die er ook mee aan de slag ging. De USSR heeft het zelf uitgevogeld... Maar dit staat vast allemaal duidelijker beschreven op wikipedia.
de USSR had die technologie geloof ik ook via meegenomen geleerden uit Nazi Duitsland...of dat speelde alleen met de rakettechnologie. Al was de USSR al beducht op zijn raketten..(Stalin orgels).
Citaat van: Flyguy op 01/12/2012 | 21:50 uur
Iran wil iets dat geen enkel land mag maar sommige toch hebben verkregen. Dus als we die club, de nuclear states, zo klein mogelijk houden houden we de wereld ook veiliger. Anders hebben we nog een hysterische baby met een gigantische stok erbij op de wereld en nog erger; we hebben dan 2 nuclear landen tegenover elkaar staan die tot het uiterste zullen gaan. Nu is alleen Israel nog nuclear armed...

Hoe minder variabelen, hoe beter.  8)
Geen idee of de wereld wel veiliger is met weinig landen met kernwapens. Wat de wereld de afgelopen decennia op dit vlak veiliger maakte was dat juist zowel de VS als de USSR kernwapens had...en er sprake was van een MAD. En dat landen die helemaal geen vrienden van elkaar zijn beiden kernwapens hebben hoeft ook niet dramatisch te zijn...zie we ook bij Pakistan versus India en India versus China. Zolang er maar weer genoeg explosieve lading is om (een soort) MAD te creeren. En gek, maar er zijn heel weinig leiders, ook onder de dictaturen, die graag hun eigen leven opofferen om een ander met kernwapens te bestoken...en dan de vergeldingsaanval af te wachten.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Flyguy op 01/12/2012 | 22:23 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 01/12/2012 | 21:59 uur
Geen idee of de wereld wel veiliger is met weinig landen met kernwapens. Wat de wereld de afgelopen decennia op dit vlak veiliger maakte was dat juist zowel de VS als de USSR kernwapens had...en er sprake was van een MAD. En dat landen die helemaal geen vrienden van elkaar zijn beiden kernwapens hebben hoeft ook niet dramatisch te zijn...zie we ook bij Pakistan versus India en India versus China. Zolang er maar weer genoeg explosieve lading is om (een soort) MAD te creeren. En gek, maar er zijn heel weinig leiders, ook onder de dictaturen, die graag hun eigen leven opofferen om een ander met kernwapens te bestoken...en dan de vergeldingsaanval af te wachten.
Tuurlijk maakte het de wereld 'veiliger', en als de bommen vielen bleven grote delen van de wereld intact. Alleen delen van Amerika en Rusland (en Europa) gingen naar de maan. Als iedereen een A-bom heeft blijft er minder over van de aarde. Als meer landen atoombommen hebben zijn er ook meer handen bij de knop. Het valt op verschillende manieren te omvatten.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 01/12/2012 | 22:25 uur
Citaat van: Flyguy op 01/12/2012 | 21:50 uur
2) Natuurlijk bepalen we dat, wij hebben de grootste stok. Landen noemen? De VS, GB, Frankrijk, China, Rusland om er maar een paar te noemen. Tuurlijk zijn die landen westers. De VS heeft de nuke uitgevonden met hulp van Nazi Duitsland. Toen hebben ze de tech. aan Europa doorgespeeld die er ook mee aan de slag ging. De USSR heeft het zelf uitgevogeld... Maar dit staat vast allemaal duidelijker beschreven op wikipedia.

Iran wil iets dat geen enkel land mag maar sommige toch hebben verkregen. Dus als we die club, de nuclear states, zo klein mogelijk houden houden we de wereld ook veiliger. Anders hebben we nog een hysterische baby met een gigantische stok erbij op de wereld en nog erger; we hebben dan 2 nuclear landen tegenover elkaar staan die tot het uiterste zullen gaan. Nu is alleen Israel nog nuclear armed...

Hoe minder variabelen, hoe beter.  8)

China westers??   ;)   Rusland is een twijfelgeval......................
Er staat genoeg op wikipedia maar ik vraag me af of het wel een betrouwbare bron is....

Men is gewoon bang dat zij de macht verliezen als andere landen ook een nuclear wapen hebben.  Met name Israël.   In hoeverre is dit land bereid om dit wapen in te zetten bij een eventuele militaire nederlaag..... Ik denk ver. Dan is het goed dat er een vijand van dit land ook in het bezit is van een neclear wapen. Het evenwicht is dan hersteld.  Natuurlijk iets wat ook de VS niet wil.  

Het verbaast me eigenlijk niet dat de IAEA Israël niet op de nek zit..... aangezien de IAEA (ook) een Amerikaans schoothondje is.   Het IAEA doet precies wat de VS van hen verlangt.  :devil:

Je geeft aan wat ik bedoel  de VS wilt bepalen welke land wel en welke land niet. Want je geeft aan dat de VS de tech. heeft doorgespeeld.... De landen die het niet gekregen hebben en het willen hebben het eea zelf uitgezocht / ontwikkeld wat is daar mis mee?  In mijn optiek niets behalve dat het eigen onderzoek / ontwikkeling een hoop extra geld heeft gekost terwijl de bevolking in armoede leefde / leeft.............  

De VS is alleen bang dat zij de macht verliest. Die "gevaarlijke" landen bedenken zich ook wel om dit wapen in te zetten want men weet ook echt wel de gevolgen.  Dit door de inzet van de VS van dit wapen!! op burgerdoelen!!!  De VS is het enige land dat een nuclear wapen daadwerkelijk heeft ingezet. Dus dat is wel het laatste land wat eigenlijk recht tot spreken heeft.  Maar ja de winnaar in oorlogen doet niet aan oorlogsmisdaden....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 02/12/2012 | 18:55 uur
Citaat van: Flyguy op 01/12/2012 | 22:23 uurTuurlijk maakte het de wereld 'veiliger', en als de bommen vielen bleven grote delen van de wereld intact. Alleen delen van Amerika en Rusland (en Europa) gingen naar de maan. Als iedereen een A-bom heeft blijft er minder over van de aarde. Als meer landen atoombommen hebben zijn er ook meer handen bij de knop. Het valt op verschillende manieren te omvatten.
Ik denk dat je het effect van een full-out nucleaire oorlog tussen de VS en de USSR op de rest van de wereld wat onderschat nu. Laten we daarbij niet vergeten dat het enige land dat kernwapens daadwerkelijk heeft ingezet en vaker heeft overwogen om dat te doen een democratische rechtstaat is...namelijk de VS. En de komst van meer kernwapenlanden heeft niet direct tot een groter risico geleid. Ik maak me veel meer zorgen om de zogenaamde dirty bombs....die terroristische organisaties kunnen laten bouwen. Voor genoeg geld zijn zelfs Westerse deskundigen "te koop".
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 04/12/2012 | 13:14 uur
Beelden van een schijnbaar door Iran neergehaalde Scan Eagle.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 04/12/2012 | 13:18 uur
Iran claimt vangst drone VS
Iran heeft een onbemand spionagevliegtuigje van de Amerikanen in handen gekregen, melden Iraanse media.

Volgens onder meer Fars News en Press TV gaat het om een ScanEagle drone van de Amerikaanse vliegtuigbouwer Boeing. Het vliegtuigje is ruim 1 meter lang en heeft een spanwijdte van 3 meter.

De ScanEagle zou informatie hebben verzameld boven de Perzische Golf toen hij het Iraanse luchtruim schond. De Iraanse marine wist het vliegtuigje daarop te onderscheppen. Hoe dat precies is gelukt en wanneer het voorval plaatsvond, is niet bekendgemaakt.

De Amerikaanse marine is op de hoogte van de berichten uit Iran en onderzoekt de zaak.


"Ik heb er geen beelden van gezien", zegt correspondent Thomas Erdbrink in Teheran. "Het is nu aan de Iraniërs om de wereld ervan te overtuigen dat ze dit echt is gelukt. Het kan natuurlijk ook zijn dat ze overdrijven."

De mogelijke vangst is het derde drone-incident tussen Iran en de VS in een jaar. "Het laat zien dat er een toenemende drone-oorlog is tussen beide landen", zegt Erdbrink. "Als het bericht klopt, dan is dat zeer pijnlijk voor de Amerikanen. Het is nergens ter wereld gebeurd dat een Amerikaanse drone als het ware is gevangengenomen."


Precies een jaar geleden haalde Iran een ander onbemand spionagetoestel neer, een RQ-170 Sentinel. De Amerikaanse president Obama vroeg de Iraanse regering om het vliegtuig terug te geven, maar dat verzoek legde Teheran naast zich neer.

Vorige maand schoten de Iraniërs op een Amerikaanse Predator-drone, omdat die volgens hen in het Iraanse luchtruim vloog. De Predator raakte niet beschadigd.

De Verenigde Staten zouden drones inzetten om inlichtingen te verzamelen over het Iraanse nucleaire programma. Iran zegt dat dat bedoeld is voor vreedzame doeleinden, maar het Westen denkt dat het land een kernwapen ontwikkelt.,
dinsdag 4 dec 2012, 09:55
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Harald op 04/12/2012 | 14:04 uur
- Australia: Australian Defence Force
- Canada: Royal Canadian Air Force
- Colombia
- Netherlands: Royal Netherlands Army,  Royal Netherlands Navy
- Singapore: Republic of Singapore Navy
- Poland
- United States: United States Marine Corps, United States Navy

Dus om te zeggen dat het gelijk van de Amerikanen is, iets te voorbarig, er zijn meerdere gebruikers.
Maar naar alle waarschijnlijkheid is de Scan Eagle van de US Navy

..... kan zo'n drone ook gebruikt / begeleid worden vanuit een onderzeeboot welke op perisoopdiepte vaart ?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 07/12/2012 | 12:56 uur
Nieuw Iraanse schip:




6 Noor AshMs launchers op de achterkant van de schip:


4x2 Mehrab (RIM-66) launchers op de voorkant van de schip:


Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 13/12/2012 | 16:01 uur
Van wat ik weet van schepen is dat vooral sensoren een grote rol spelen.
Die zullen nog niet het niveau zijn als dat van Westerse schepen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 15/12/2012 | 00:35 uur
Bereik Iraanse Missiles.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 15/12/2012 | 17:20 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 15/12/2012 | 00:35 uur
Bereik Iraanse Missiles.


Nee, foto klopt niet helemaal. Het bereik is veel groter wanneer we de Shahab-3, Sejjil and Ghadr-110 missiles in rekening nemen:

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 15/12/2012 | 17:40 uur
Verder moeten we er rekening meehouden dat Iran van vrachtschepen  missiles kan lanceren.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Flyguy op 15/12/2012 | 18:40 uur
Was er in de jaren 80(?) ook niet de vrees dat Rusland met behulp van 'civiele' containerschepen aanvallen zou uitvoeren?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 15/12/2012 | 19:59 uur
Citaat van: Flyguy op 15/12/2012 | 18:40 uur
Was er in de jaren 80(?) ook niet de vrees dat Rusland met behulp van 'civiele' containerschepen aanvallen zou uitvoeren?

Zou kunnen alleen toen was er een grotere marine die daar op kon reageren en je had toen ook nog een MLD met PC-3 Orions waarmee men civiele containerschepen kon opsporen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 28/12/2012 | 11:27 uur
Iran oefent in Straat van Hormuz

DUBAI - De Iraanse marine is vrijdag begonnen met zes dagen van manoeuvres in onder meer de Straat van Hormuz. De zeestraat tussen Iran en Oman is cruciaal voor de export van olie en gas uit Arabische Golfstaten. Ongeveer 40 procent van alle olie die over zee wordt uitgevoerd, gaat door de Straat van Hormuz.

Marinecommandant Habibollah Sayyari kondigde vrijdag aan dat de oefening onder de naam Velayat 91 ook wordt gehouden in de Golf van Oman en delen van de Indische Oceaan. Ze moet tonen dat de Iraanse strijdkrachten in staat zijn de grenzen van Iran te verdedigen.

Iran heeft herhaaldelijk gedreigd de zeestraat af te sluiten indien het wordt aangevallen. In Israël en de VS wordt vaak geopperd dat een aanval op Iran een goed idee is om de nucleaire ambities van dat land weg te vagen.

28 december 2012 8:55
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 28/12/2012 | 11:28 uur
Net nu er een Amerikaans vliegdekschip de Golf is binnen gevaren om met een aantal Golfstaten ook een oefening te houden...hoe de zeestraat open te houden ;)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 28/12/2012 | 13:50 uur
Misschien gaan ze wel samen oefenen  :angel:
Train as you fight immers.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 02/01/2013 | 17:36 uur
Iran claims shooting down two US-made RQ-11 drones

From: AFP
January 03, 2013

IRAN said it had shot down two US-made RQ-11 reconnaissance drones in the past 15 months, adding to a ScanEagle drone and RQ-170 Sentinel stealth aircraft it already claims to have captured.

"The army's air defence shot down two... RQ-11 drones," Rear Admiral Amir Rastegari told state television and Fars news agency, adding that the army was carrying out "research" on the downed unmanned aircraft.

He said the first had been brought down in Shahrivar 1390 (August-September 2011) and the second in Aban 1391 (October-November 2012), but gave no details of their location.

He did not offer proof for the claim.

Iran has in the past claimed to have hunted down a number of US drones, showing detailed images of the alleged spoils.

In December it said it had captured a small US ScanEagle drone in its airspace above the Gulf, which the US navy denied.

before that, it claimed to have captured a much bigger and more sophisticated CIA stealth drone, an RQ-170 Sentinel.

The AeroVironment RQ-11 type aircraft that Mr Rastegari said had been shot down is a small, hand-launched and remote-controlled drone used by US military intelligence, and has also been adopted by some US allies.

It has a range of over 10 kilometres and can fly at up to 95 kilometres per hour for 80 minutes.

Mr Rastegari made the announcement after a six-day Iranian naval exercise in the Gulf of Oman and the Strait of Hormuz, through which a third of the world's marketed oil passes.

Several surface-to-air missiles were fired as part of the manoeuvres, according to Iranian media.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/01/2013 | 09:13 uur
Officials: Iran's Ability to Hit Back at Israel Limited

Iran's ability to attack Israel has been compromised significantly in the past year, intelligence officials said

By David Lev
First Publish: 1/3/2013

Iran's ability to attack Israel has been compromised significantly in the past year, Israeli diplomats meeting in Jerusalem were told by Defense Ministry intelligence officials. According to the study by the officials, Iran's attempts to prop up Bashar al-Assad and the weakness of Hizbullah has taken a great toll in manpower and treasure from the Islamic Republic.

The officials, quoted in Maariv, said that neither Syria nor Hizbullah are in any position to not only start a war with Israel, but would also be largely unable to respond on behalf of Iran in the event of an Israeli strike at Iran's nuclear facilities. Syria is too badly divided at this point to respond, and without the material support in men and weapons from Damascus, Hizbullah would be too feeble to respond effectively.

Only if Iran were to directly aid Hizbullah could the Lebanese terrorist group fight Israel as it did in 2006, the officials said, but Iran was likely not to do so, because violating Lebanon's sovereignty was likely to bring the U.S. and Europe directly into the conflict. Hizbullah realizes its weakened position, the officials said, and was unlikely to provoke Israel into a massive invasion of Lebanon, which would put Hizbullah into a much more vulnerable position than it has been in the past.

The officials also discussed Egypt, and said that after Operation Pillar of Defense Israel was in a better position, because Cairo was taking active steps to prevent Gaza terrorists from attacking Israel. Egypt fears that it would be dragged into a Hamas conflict with Israel, and Egypt, which is practically broke, cannot afford to alienate foreign governments and banks that it is relying on for an economic recovery, they said.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 13/01/2013 | 10:52 uur
Iranian Weapons Support for Hamas Shows No Signs of Slowing

New report shows Iran is committed towards rebuilding Hamas weapons stockpile.

By Annie Lubin / First Publish: 1/13/2013

Iran will continue to play a key role in supplying Hamas with weapons

It's no secret that Iran has been supplying Hamas with weapons and rockets to use against Israel, but a special report by the  Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center concluded just how deep the terror link between Iran and Hamas runs, and showed how Operation Pillar of Defense marked a major turning point in the relationship between the terrorist organization and the renegade state.

In Operation Pillar of Defense, the IDF struck hard at the military power of Hamas and the Islamic Jihad, mainly hitting their weapons stockpile, either supplied directly by iran or built in Gaza using Iranian technology.

It has long been known that the major military capabilities of Hamas were the product of massive Iranian support. The medium-range Fajr-5 rockets (made in Iran) and M75s (manufactured in Gaza with technology from Iran) targeted Israeli civilian population centers, including Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

The report noted that aid from Iran to Hamas was being sent over in massive numbers in the years leading up to the military operation.

"The main route for smuggling arms was from Iran to Sudan and from Sudan to Egypt and into the Gaza Strip through the smuggling tunnels controlled by Hamas," said the report, adding that sea routes were also used to smuggle in weapons, as revealed on March 15, 2011 when the freighter Victoria was seized by the IDF. "The ship was carrying arms bound for the Gaza Strip by way of Egypt, whose arrival would upgrade military capabilities of the terrorist organizations. Among the weapons on board the Victoria were C704 anti-ship missiles, which could be used to attack not only military and civilian vessels but also strategic targets in the southern Israeli cities of Ashdod and Ashkelon," the report noted.

The main turning point that came with Operation Pillar of Defense is that before the operation Iranian aid to Hamas and the smuggling of weapons was always kept secret and always denied by Iran. However, after the operation, Iran decided to reveal that it had been giving military aid to the terrorist organizations in Gaza.

"In our assessment, that was because of Iran's deep frustration with the way Egypt and other Muslim countries, such as Turkey and Qatar, had made political and propaganda capital from their support for Hamas during Operation Pillar of Defense," the report stated. "By exposing its military aid Iran hoped, in our assessment, to make political capital."

"Hamas' dependence on Iran for military support is still strong, and is, in our assessment, a necessary condition for rebuilding the military infrastructure damaged by Operation Pillar of Defense."

Islamic Jihad leader Ramadan Shallah said in a recent speech that the arrival of weapons from Iran though Egypt would "continue in the future as well." In addition, a Hizbullah-affiliated Lebanese newspaper reported that Hassan Nasrallah, meeting with Hizbullah operatives, said that Iran, as it had in the past, would continue sending "large quantities of high-quality weapons" to Hamas.

Therefore, the report noted, Iran is fully expected to play a key role in rebuilding the weapons stockpile of Hamas and Islamic Jihad. "Special attention will be paid to medium-range rockets, whose existence in the Gaza Strip serves Iran's clear interest in creating a rocket threat to Israel from both the north (through Hizbullah) and the south (through Hamas and the Islamic Jihad)," the report stated.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 13/01/2013 | 11:20 uur
Gezien de achtergrond van dit "Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center" geen onverwacht bericht en boodschap.

Past ook goed in de beeldvorming om Iran ook zeer nauw te linken aan Hamas. Laat zich raden waar dit toe kan leiden als het directe conflict tussen Israël en Iran uitbreekt. Zal m.i. gebruikt worden om het militair herbezetten van Gaza te rechtvaardigen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: mikemans op 13/01/2013 | 11:46 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 13/01/2013 | 11:20 uur
Gezien de achtergrond van dit "Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center" geen onverwacht bericht en boodschap.

Past ook goed in de beeldvorming om Iran ook zeer nauw te linken aan Hamas. Laat zich raden waar dit toe kan leiden als het directe conflict tussen Israël en Iran uitbreekt. Zal m.i. gebruikt worden om het militair herbezetten van Gaza te rechtvaardigen.

En dan begint het hele feest gewoon weer opnieuw. Destabiliseren is schijnbaar nog steeds volksvermaak nummer 1 onder ' de landen'
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 16/01/2013 | 17:43 uur
Is Iran nog te stoppen?

'Israël Loves Iran' Nieuwsuur

Toegevoegd: woensdag 16 jan 2013, 16:06

Volgens Amerikaanse experts is Iran volgend jaar in staat een kernbom te maken. Vandaag begonnen in Teheran gesprekken tussen het regime van Ahmadinejad en het Internationaal Atoomagentschap. Het zou wel eens de laatste kans op een diplomatieke oplossing kunnen zijn.


De Verenigde Naties en vooral veel westerse landen verdenken Iran ervan in het geheim bezig te zijn met het bouwen van een kernbom. Iran ontkent dat in alle toonaarden, maar de IAEA gaat door met de gesprekken en controles in het land. "We mikken er op dat we het eens worden over de manier waarop we gestructureerd kunnen onderzoeken of het programma een militaire dimensie heeft", zei Herman Nackaerts, vicedirecteur-generaal van de IAEA, gisteren.


De onderhandelingen worden met argusogen gevolgd in Israël, waar volgende week verkiezingen zijn. Politici daar laten keer op keer weten dat zij niet zullen terugschrikken voor geweld om Iran te stoppen. De Israëlische verkiezingen zijn beslissend voor de vraag of er een Israëlische aanval op Iran komt.


Maar uit de hoek van het leger en de geheime diensten klinkt kritiek. En uit peilingen blijkt dat ook een meerderheid van de bevolking tegen een aanval is. Want Israël en Iran mogen elkaars aartsrivalen zijn, tegelijkertijd hebben ze ook iets met elkaar, blijkt wel uit het initiatief 'Israel loves Iran'. Verslaggever Jan Eikelboom sprak in Tel Aviv onder anderen met Ronny Edry, de initiatiefnemer van het project.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 20/01/2013 | 06:28 uur
'Iran beefed up cyber capabilities after Stuxnet'


US official warns that after alleged US-Israeli cyber attack on Iran's nuclear facilities, Tehran has become a cyber force.


General William Shelton, who heads Air Force Space Command and oversees the Air Force's cyber operations, declined to comment about Iran's ability to disrupt US government computer networks, but said Tehran had clearly increased its efforts in that arena after the 2010 incident.


Western analysts say Iran has launched increasingly sophisticated cyber attacks in a growing confrontation with its adversaries, including the United States, Israel and Gulf Arabs, at a time of rising pressure on Tehran to curb its nuclear program.


This week, a senior Iranian commander was quoted as saying that the Islamic Republic could disrupt enemy communication systems as part of its growing "electronic warfare" capabilities.


"The Iranian situation is difficult to talk about," Shelton told reporters. "It's clear that the Natanz situation generated reaction by them. They are going to be a force to be reckoned with, with the potential capabilities that they will develop over the years and the potential threat that will represent to the United States."

Shelton said the Air Force expected orders in coming months to expand its cyber workforce of about 6,000 by 1,000 people. He said he was pressing Air Force leaders to boost funding for cyber operations, but added there were competing demands and the budget outlook remained uncertain.

We kunnen dus rustig stellen dat de VS enkel een blowback heeft veroorzaakt.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 22/01/2013 | 07:32 uur
Iran verdwijnt van Israëlische radar

Redactie − 21/01/13 − bron: IPS

Aan de vooravond van de verkiezingen in Israël zijn de Iraanse nucleaire plannen daar bijna helemaal van de radar verdwenen. .

Deze maand nog zouden Iran en de grootmachten (de vijf permanente leden van de VN-Veiligheidsraad en Duitsland) elkaar moeten spreken over de nucleaire plannen van Iran. De vorige gesprekken vond plaats in juni in Moskou.

Iran eist het recht op uranium te verrijken, de grootmachten willen van Iran de verzekering dat het geen kernwapens maakt.
Het Amerikaanse Instituut voor Wetenschap en Internationale Veiligheid stelde begin vorige week dat Iran tegen 2014 minstens één kernbom kan maken. Woensdag hield het Internationaal Atoomenergieagentschap (IAEA) gesprekken met Iran over Parchin, de militaire basis waar tests in verband met kernwapens zouden hebben plaatsgevonden.

Geen duimbreed toegeven
Maar Israël, dat morgen naar de stembus trekt, ligt er niet wakker van. De grote kandidaten verwijzen nauwelijks naar de nucleaire plannen van Iran.

Premier Benjamin Netanjahoe mag het dan wel zijn grootste prestatie vinden dat hij Iran geen duimbreed heeft toegegeven, door met oorlog te dreigen - alleen maar bluf, volgens zijn tegenstanders - heeft hij oorlog voorkomen, zegt hij. Maar tijdens het televisieoptreden waarmee zijn campagne startte, vermeldde hij Iran maar één keer, en dan nog niet eens rechtstreeks.

Zijn campagne focust op de versteviging van de Israëlische defensie, met vooral het antiraketsysteem, de muur aan de Egyptische grens en de versterking aan de Syrische Golanhoogte. Slogans en valse debatten over vrede en oorlog - vooral over oorlog tegen Iran - leiden in dat verband nergens toe.

Voorzichtige Netanjahoe
Met vuur spelen en met eenzijdige militaire actie tegen Iran dreigen ligt ook niet echt in de lijn van de voorzichtige Netanjahoe. Om te beginnen legt de Amerikaanse president Barack Obama vandaag de eed af, net aan de vooravond van Netanjahoe's mogelijke herverkiezing. Netanjahoe heeft geen zin dat feest, en straks dat van hemzelf, te verstoren.

Dat Chuck Hagel de nieuwe Amerikaanse minister van Defensie wordt, zal de meningsverschillen met Washington er niet kleiner op maken, maar Netanjahoe heeft niet de gewoonte Obama openlijk uit te dagen. Als Hagel in het te zware defensiebudget moet gaan snoeien, kan Netanjahoe alleen maar hopen dat de militaire steun aan Israël gespaard blijft.

Ondertussen zal hij de gesprekken tussen Iran en de grootmachten een kans blijven geven. Mocht er geen diplomatieke doorbraak komen, dan rekent hij erop om tegen de lente samen met Obama een strategie ten aanzien van Iran uit te werken, om zo zelf geen strategie te moeten formuleren.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 22/01/2013 | 18:36 uur
Citaat van: Trouw op 22/01/2013 | 07:32 uur
Zijn campagne focust op de versteviging van de Israëlische defensie, met vooral het antiraketsysteem, de muur aan de Egyptische grens en de versterking aan de Syrische Golanhoogte.
Het versterken van de grenzen met Egypte en Syrie lijkt logisch maar verontrust me toch enigszins. Want worden dit straks de nieuwe buitengrenzen van het binnen rechtse kringen zo geliefde Groot-Israël? En dan exit Palestijnen en annexeren van Westoever en Gaza?

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 22/01/2013 | 18:48 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 22/01/2013 | 18:36 uur
Het versterken van de grenzen met Egypte en Syrie lijkt logisch maar verontrust me toch enigszins. Want worden dit straks de nieuwe buitengrenzen van het binnen rechtse kringen zo geliefde Groot-Israël? En dan exit Palestijnen en annexeren van Westoever en Gaza?

Het is volledig logisch. En daarom niet persee verontrustend. Het zijn nu al Israëlische grenzen, afgezien van een stukje gaza misschien, maar al met al maakt dat weinig uit.

De vraag is meer, wat verwachten de Israeli's nog uit die regio? Zowel Syrië als Egypte kan escaleren.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 22/01/2013 | 18:53 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 22/01/2013 | 18:48 uurHet is volledig logisch. En daarom niet persee verontrustend. Het zijn nu al Israëlische grenzen, afgezien van een stukje gaza misschien, maar al met al maakt dat weinig uit.

De vraag is meer, wat verwachten de Israeli's nog uit die regio? Zowel Syrië als Egypte kan escaleren.
ja, juist omdat het in de setting zo "volledig logisch" voelt, verontrust me het. Natuurlijk had Israël al een barrière aan haar grenzen met Syrie en Egypte. Maar die wordt blijkbaar stevig versterkt. Ik vrees omdat dit mogelijk nog wel eens het "gevechtsveld" kan worden in de toekomst. Met aan de ene kant Israël en aan de andere kant instabiele regeringen en Palestijnse strijdgroepen. Zou me niets verbazen als ook de grens met Jordanië en Libanon wordt versterkt door Israël.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 22/01/2013 | 19:13 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 22/01/2013 | 18:53 uur
ja, juist omdat het in de setting zo "volledig logisch" voelt, verontrust me het. Natuurlijk had Israël al een barrière aan haar grenzen met Syrie en Egypte. Maar die wordt blijkbaar stevig versterkt. Ik vrees omdat dit mogelijk nog wel eens het "gevechtsveld" kan worden in de toekomst. Met aan de ene kant Israël en aan de andere kant instabiele regeringen en Palestijnse strijdgroepen. Zou me niets verbazen als ook de grens met Jordanië en Libanon wordt versterkt door Israël.

Waar het in Nederland steevast gaat om meer blauw op straat, gaat het daar steevast om meer groen op straat. In die zin is het niet zo gek dat politici in verkiezingstijd met dergelijke plannen komen. Een verdedigingsmaatregel is altijd lastig. Enerzijds wil je altijd het minimum doen, anderzijds is het nooit genoeg, maar in ieder geval kost het allemaal geld. En daarmee sturen deze politici, komt er meer geld voor dat hek met Egypte? Dit is m.i. nog geen reden om me zorgen te gaan maken. Sterker nog, misschien is er wel ruimte voor een beetje hoop, als Iran zo'n kleine rol speelt in de verkiezingen, en Obama een strengere koers voor Israël gaat varen, zijn dat best wel remmen op een eventueel conflict.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: VandeWiel op 22/01/2013 | 21:53 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 22/01/2013 | 18:53 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 22/01/2013 | 18:48 uurHet is volledig logisch. En daarom niet persee verontrustend. Het zijn nu al Israëlische grenzen, afgezien van een stukje gaza misschien, maar al met al maakt dat weinig uit.

De vraag is meer, wat verwachten de Israeli's nog uit die regio? Zowel Syrië als Egypte kan escaleren.
ja, juist omdat het in de setting zo "volledig logisch" voelt, verontrust me het. Natuurlijk had Israël al een barrière aan haar grenzen met Syrie en Egypte. Maar die wordt blijkbaar stevig versterkt. Ik vrees omdat dit mogelijk nog wel eens het "gevechtsveld" kan worden in de toekomst. Met aan de ene kant Israël en aan de andere kant instabiele regeringen en Palestijnse strijdgroepen. Zou me niets verbazen als ook de grens met Jordanië en Libanon wordt versterkt door Israël.

De grens bij Libanon is inmiddels versterkt. Daar was vorig jaar nog een officier bij omgekomen.

Ik snap je reactie, maar ik zie eigenlijk vooral heel erg logische strategische keuzes. Er is een bedreiging (zelfmoordaanslagen of infiltratie ) en die counter je met een hek. Gelukt. Er is een dreiging (vele duizenden raketten) en die counter je met een afweersysteem. Ook gelukt. Beide strategische voordelen van andere partijen zijn nu gecounterd.

Een hek leidt meer tot isolatie van israel zelf. Ook psychologisch in hoe het land met buren omgaat. Dat is dus zeker niet enkel voordelig voor Israel.

Verder worden er geen nieuwe grenzen geschept door de hekken zelf. Dit gebeurt enkel door kolonisme in de westelijke jordaanoever wat ik volkomen afwijs. Maar dat is dus een andere discussie ;)

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 22/01/2013 | 22:08 uur
Citaat van: VandeWiel op 22/01/2013 | 21:53 uur
Verder worden er geen nieuwe grenzen geschept door de hekken zelf. Dit gebeurt enkel door kolonisme in de westelijke jordaanoever wat ik volkomen afwijs. Maar dat is dus een andere discussie ;)
En daar ben ik dus zo bevreesd voor...dat de grenzen versterkt worden ook omdat ze zo meteen de buitengrenzen vormen van een weliswaar meer geïsoleerd Israël, maar wel een veel completer Israël...inclusief de dan geannexeerde Westelijke Jordaanoever en (al dan niet) Gaza. De extra versterkte grenzen en de nieuwe luchtafweer moeten Israël dan gaan beschermen tegen aanvallen vanuit de buurlanden (in zoverre die dit dan toelaten op hun grondgebied).
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 23/01/2013 | 07:43 uur
Netanyahu: Iran grootste uitdaging

woensdag 23 jan 2013

De Israëlische premier Netanyahu heeft vanavond de overwinning bij de parlementsverkiezingen opgeëist. De combinatie van zijn partij Likud en het nationalistische Ons Huis lijkt net genoeg zetels te hebben gehaald om samen met andere rechtse partijen door te regeren.

In een speech voor jubelende aanhangers in Tel Aviv zei Netanyahu dat het voorkomen van de nucleaire bewapening van Iran de komende jaren zijn belangrijkste uitdaging is. "Dat was zo en dat blijft zo", aldus Netanyahu.

De Likud-leider zei de komende tijd te willen gaan werken aan een zo breed mogelijke regeringscoalitie. "Daar ben ik vanavond al mee begonnen."

Bron: NOS
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 24/01/2013 | 11:10 uur
Showdown With Iran? Maybe Not In 2013

By Michael Adler  / Published: January 24, 2013

WASHINGTON: Is 2013 the big year for Iran? Many think a decade of confrontation over Iran's nuclear progress will finally boil down to a stark binary choice of living with an Iranian atomic bomb or having to bomb the Islamic Republic to stop this.

Time magazine's international guru, Fareed Zakaria, claims this is the year "we reckon with Iran" and that we we will "face a crisis" in dealing with the country.

But 2013 may not be so decisive.

A report released this month by a group of non-proliferation experts, the Project on U.S. Middle East Non-Proliferation Strategy at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, has placed mid-2014, and not this year, as when Iran would be able to break out and sneak making enough fissile material for a bomb. Meanwhile, the United States leads its allies in saying that there is still room for diplomacy. The result may very well be that the crisis will limp on, as it has since secret Iranian nuclear work was first uncovered in August 2002 and the UN investigation began in February 2003.

There is no doubt things look increasingly critical. New talks, perhaps last-ditch ones, between Iran and the international community had been expected this month, but that isn't happening. Now they may come next month -- or later. At the same time, the United States continues to ratchet up punitive sanctions to try and force Iran to make a deal.

Iran has responded with the traditional response of those facing sanctions: do more of what you're not supposed to do. They have installed yet more centrifuges at the key sites of Natanz and Fordow, where uranium is enriched for what can be civilian reactor fuel or the raw material for atom bombs. Iran also continues to stonewall the UN nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). A meeting in Tehran this month ended without an agreement on letting IAEA inspectors visit the Parchin site where testing the implosion trigger for an atomic bomb may have taken place.

The argument for 2013 being decisive is that Iran will have the capability for making a bomb in place by the middle of the year. This, analysts say, would force the decision of either winning an agreement to de-fang Iran's nuclear program or neutralizing it with a military strike.

But such a fatal moment may be not months but at least a year off. Iran could hold off from picking up the pace of enrichment, or its stockpile could look less menacing if the average enrichment level of its stored uranium remains well below weapon-grade level. Uranium for power reactors is normally enriched up to five percent of the U-235 isotope while weapon-grade level is over 90 percent. Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak acknowledged last November that Iran's making of 20 percent enriched uranium – a major leap towards weapon-grade – was looking less threatening since much of the 20 percent uranium was used to make fuel for a research reactor making medical isotopes, rather than stockpiled for possibly enriching for weapons.

Also, the red lines being enunciated now about Iran's nuclear capabilities could look less critical in the months to come, as long as Iran is not imminently heading for the bomb. Many previous red lines have faded away. Among them:

In 2006, Iran resumed enrichment, after having suspended it in 2003. Resumption of enrichment did not lead to war.
In 2007, Iran passed another red line, that of having 3,000 centrifuges turning. Iran went on in the next five years to more than triple this number of machines enriching uranium.
In 2012, a third point of no return was reached when Iran managed to fully outfit, with almost 3,000 centrifuges, its second enrichment plant at Fordow, built under a mountain and so possibly impregnable to air attack.

All these red lines were crossed without Israeli or US warplanes launching strikes.

The struggle to get back to talks is a sign that, despite diplomacy's slow and uncertain pace, it remains a stubborn source of hope. The United States and its negotiating partners -- Britain, China, France, Germany, and Russia -- have hardened, not softened, a proposal which Iran had already rejected in talks last year. The six major powers still insist that Iran dismantle its 20 percent enrichment before it can get significant sanctions relief, and have modified this demand to reflect Iran's increasing the number of centrifuges in Fordow.

Iran's reaction to this, say diplomats, is to seek to draw out the process of negotiating as long as possible, leaving it free to develop its nuclear program.The United States proposed at least two dates in January for talks and indicates it will basically meet Iran anywhere it chooses. But Iran never responded about the first date in the middle of the month and has only tentatively signed on to talk January 28-29, with no location set.

Several venues have been proposed. We do not exclude any, but Iran is proposing different venues all the time. The venue is not the issue, but Iran appears to be trying to delay the process by coming up with new conditions.

Said one Western diplomat: "I think their purpose all along was to get as many meetings as they could get in order to talk as little as they can." He added, somewhat cynically, that the purpose of meeting at this point, is to test the Iranians to see, for instance, "[if] one of the reasons they were reluctant to engage before the [US presidential] election was the election.... We have to engage them regularly to see whether they are serious and if they are not serious whether they are potentially serious if we put this or that on the table. At the same time we have to keep up the pressure [with sanctions]. That's the key."

The response of the international community has been to crank up the toughest round of sanctions against Iran since the crisis began, including sanctioning the Iranian central bank to cut into oil sales. In 2012, the Iranian currency the rial dropped at least 50 percent, with some unofficial estimates claiming by up to 80 percent. Oil and gas revenues dropped 45 percent in the last nine months of 2012. US officials feel these measures will only become more effective as the months go by, and that time is needed. This does not sound like a process which is ready to end anytime soon.

President Barack Obama underlined this in his inaugural address Monday. While he did not mention Iran by name in a speech that focused on domestic issues he appeared to set some guideposts Iran should heed. The first restated the military option in the most general way, when the president said: "We will defend our people and uphold our values through strength of arms and rule of law." The preference for engagement, however, was stated more strongly and with more detail: "We will show the courage to try and resolve our differences with other nations peacefully – not because we are naïve about the dangers we face, but because engagement can more durably lift suspicion and fear."

This focus on giving engagement every chance possible has also been made with the nominations of John Kerry for Secretary of State and Chuck Hagel for Defense Secretary. Both these Vietnam veterans and seasoned Washington politicians know war first hand and are believed to envisage it only as a last resort.

Kerry, who would step down as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee if his nomination is approved, reportedly tried during his leadership of this committee to travel to Iran for discussions, but the Iranians rejected the overture. Kerry may have more luck as the diplomatic chief for the second Obama administration.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 25/01/2013 | 08:36 uur
Sabotage! Key Iranian nuclear facility hit?

Source: Explosion destroys much of underground installation


An explosion deep within Iran's Fordow nuclear facility has destroyed much of the installation and trapped about 240 personnel deep underground, according to a former intelligence officer of the Islamic regime.

The previously secret nuclear site has become a center for Iran's nuclear activity because of the 2,700 centrifuges enriching uranium to the 20-percent level. A further enrichment to weapons grade would take only weeks, experts say.

The level of enrichment has been a major concern to Israeli officials, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu repeatedly has warned about the 20-percent enriched stockpile.

The explosion occurred Monday, the day before Israeli elections weakened Netanyahu's political control.

Iran, to avoid alarm, had converted part of the stockpile to fuel plates for use in the Tehran Research Reactor. However, days after the recent failed talks with the International Atomic Energy Agency, Iranian officials announced the enrichment process will not stop even "for a moment."

The regime's uranium enrichment process takes place at two known sites: the Natanz facility with more than 10,000 centrifuges and Fordow with more than 2,700. The regime currently has enough low-grade (3.5 percent) uranium stockpiled for six nuclear bombs if further enriched.

Get the inside story in Reza Kahlili's "A Time To Betray" and learn how the Islamic regime "bought the bomb" in "Atomic Iran.

However, more time is needed for conversion of the low-grade uranium than what would be needed for a stockpile at 20 percent. It takes 225 kilograms of enriched uranium at the 20-percent level to further enrich to the 90-percent level for one nuclear bomb.

According to a source in the security forces protecting Fordow, an explosion on Monday at 11:30 a.m. Tehran time rocked the site, which is buried deep under a mountain and immune not only to airstrikes but to most bunker-buster bombs. The report of the blast came via Hamidreza Zakeri, formerly with the Islamic regime's Ministry of Intelligence and National Security,

The blast shook facilities within a radius of three miles. Security forces have enforced a no-traffic radius of 15 miles, and the Tehran-Qom highway was shut down for several hours after the blast, the source said. As of Wednesday afternoon, rescue workers had failed to reach the trapped personnel.

The site, about 300 feet under a mountain, had two elevators which now are out of commission. One elevator descended about 240 feet and was used to reach centrifuge chambers. The other went to the bottom to carry heavy equipment and transfer uranium hexafluoride. One emergency staircase reaches the bottom of the site and another one was not complete. The source said the emergency exit southwest of the site is unreachable.

The regime believes the blast was sabotage and the explosives could have reached the area disguised as equipment or in the uranium hexafluoride stock transferred to the site, the source said. The explosion occurred at the third centrifuge chambers, with the high-grade enriched uranium reserves below them.

The information was passed on to U.S. officials but has not been verified or denied by the regime or other sources within the regime.

Though the news of the explosion has not been independently verified, other sources previously have provided WND with information on plans for covert operations against Iran's nuclear facilities as an option before going to war. The hope is to avoid a larger-scale conflict. Israel, the U.S. and other allies already have concluded the Islamic regime has crossed its red line in its quest for nuclear weapons, other sources have said.

However, this information was not revealed for security reasons until several days ago when sources said the regime's intelligence agency, through an alleged spy in the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad, had learned of the decision to conduct sabotage on Iran's nuclear sites on a much larger scale than before.

As reported, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called an urgent meeting Tuesday with the intelligence minister, the head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization and other officials to discuss the threat, and now it's clear the meeting included the sabotage at Fordow.

Several Iranian nuclear scientists have been assassinated in recent years. Last year, saboteurs struck the power supply to the Fordow facility, temporarily disrupting production. And a computer worm called Stuxnet, believed to have originated in the U.S., set Iran's plans for nuclear weapons back substantially.

The 5+1 (the United States, Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany) hope to resume talks with Iran over its illicit nuclear program. The talks ended last year after regime officials refused to negotiate.

Sources in the Islamic regime previously have revealed exclusively to WND the existence of:
•A secret nuclear site in Najaf Abad.
•A list of Iranian scientists working on a nuclear bomb.
•A secret uranium enrichment site in Khondab, where the Russians and North Korean scientists are helping with Iran's nuclear bomb program.
•The secret bio-weapons site in Marzanabad, where, with the help of Russia, Iran has mastered production of eight microbial agents, arming its missiles with biological warheads.
•Another nuclear site at Bonab, where, with the help of Russians, uranium enrichment is taking place using laser technology.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 27/01/2013 | 10:56 uur
Israel may rely on US 'scalpels' to contain Iran – defense minister

Published: 27 January, 2013

Instead of going to a full-scale war with Iran over its nuclear program Israel may be satisfied with a US-led operation, says Defense Minister Ehud Barak. Previously Tel Aviv was determined to resolve the issue on its own, if the US refuses to help.

Apparently after the Knesset election this month left the Netanyahu cabinet weakened, Israeli hawks are toning down their war drumming rhetoric. In an interview at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Barak said the Pentagon had prepared a surgical operation that can be used as a last-ditch measure to slow Iranian progress.

"I used to tell them [American friends], you know, when we are talking about surgical operations we think of a scalpel, you think of a chisel with a 10-pound hammer," Barak joked as cited by The Daily Beast. But that's not the case with the plan, he noted. "The Pentagon prepared quite sophisticated, fine, extremely fine, scalpels. So it is not an issue of a major war or a failure to block Iran. You could under a certain situation, if worse comes to worst, end up with a surgical operation."

Such an operation "will delay [the Iranians] by a significant time frame and probably convince them that it won't work because the world is determined to block them," Barak said.

"We of course prefer that some morning we wake up and see that the Arab Spring was translated into Farsi and jumped over the Gulf to the streets of Tehran, but you cannot build a plan on it," he added.

Israel's right-wing government under PM Benjamin Netanyahu has been trumpeting war drums for months, saying it is prepared to do anything to stop Iran from building a nuclear weapon and would launch an attack before its own window of opportunity closes. It called on its American allies to draw a red line after which a military action should follow. The pressure antagonized the Barack Obama administration, which refused to sign up for a new major conflict and called for non-military effort.

Tel-Aviv, Washington and some other countries believe that Iran is trying to build a nuclear weapon under the guise of its nuclear program. They want Tehran to shut down uranium enrichment facilities. Iran insists that it pursues strictly civilian goals with its nuclear industry, including production of fuel for nuclear reactors and radioactive isotopes for medical and research applications.

In a move aimed at dispersing international fears Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei issued a religious decree banning nuclear weapons last year. The decree is binding for the Iranian government, Tehran stressed earlier this month ahead of a new round of international talks on the issue.

Earlier the US and Israel reportedly launched several clandestine operations against the Iranian nuclear program. Those include infecting Iranian industrial computer networks at enrichment facilities with a sophisticated virus, which damaged the sensitive equipment. There have also been several assassinations of Iranian nuclear scientists, which Tehran says were orchestrated by Israel.

The US also championed a set of strict economic sanctions against Iran, which crippled its oil exports.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 28/01/2013 | 07:27 uur
WND report blows Iran nuke program wide open

Islamic regime scrambles as news of explosion catches fire worldwide

News of an explosion at one of Iran's nuclear facilities – broken exclusively by WND – is exploding around the world, with independent confirmation and international response pouring in.

Israeli intelligence officials have confirmed the explosion to the Times of London, which is now reporting: "Sources in Tel Aviv said yesterday that they thought the explosion happened last week. The Israeli Government is investigating reports that it led to extensive structural damage and 200 workers had been trapped inside.

"Israel believes the Iranians have not evacuated the surrounding area. It is unclear whether that is because no harmful substances have been released, or because Tehran is trying to avoid sparking panic among residents."

Also on Sunday, Israel's acting defense minister called the news "welcome," and a German newspaper said its own source in Tehran confirmed the report, even while Iran is trying to keep the news under wraps.

WND's exclusive report revealed an explosion last Monday deep within Iran's Fordow nuclear facility destroyed much of the installation, trapping scores of people, including scientists and workers, many of whom are foreign nationals.

According to a member of the security forces at the site, both elevators and the emergency exit had collapsed, and the regime fears loss of lives due to possible radiation after the explosion.

The information comes through Hamidreza Zakeri, a former member of the regime's intelligence ministry.

Get the inside story in Reza Kahlili's "A Time To Betray" and learn how the Islamic regime "bought the bomb" in "Atomic Iran."

The Iranian regime further believes the blast was sabotage and the explosives could have reached the area disguised as equipment or in the uranium hexafluoride stock transferred to the site, the source said. The explosion occurred at the third centrifuge chambers, with the high-grade enriched uranium reserves below them.

At midnight Sunday, Tehran time, however, all regime-controlled media published a two-line announcement by the deputy of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, Shamsoldin Berberoodi, that no explosion had taken place at Fordow.

Iran does not want word of the sabotage to leak out because it would badly damage its negotiating position in talks with the 5+1 (the United States, Britain, France, Russia, China and Germany), WND's source said. Indeed, the two-line announcement said the reports of the explosion are meant to bring pressure on Iran at the talks.

The regime's defense ministry, which runs the country's nuclear program, has dispatched the drill team from the Revolutionary Guards Khatam al-Anbia base to the site, the source said, but as of today no progress had been made to reach those trapped within.

According to the source, the regime has enforced a total blackout on the media and the families of the employees who work at the site. The security forces have also created a security zone around the site to control access and manage the rescue efforts.

The source said the regime's security forces have attacked many moderate media offices, shutting down their activity and Internet sites. There is no information if these attacks were related to the Fordow explosion.

The site, which is about 300 feet under a mountain and immune to airstrikes and most bunker-buster bombs, is the Islamic regime's main site, with its more than 2,700 centrifuges to enrich uranium to the 20 percent level, raising international concern about Iran's nuclear bomb program.

WND's Jan. 24 report on the sabotage was covered internationally on Sunday with Israeli Acting Defense Minister Avi Dichter stating that, "Any explosion in Iran that doesn't hurt people but hurts its assets is welcome."

Israel's biggest daily, Yediot Ahronot, led its Sunday paper with a headline: "The most significant incidence of sabotage in the Iranian nuclear program to date."

As reported by Globes Online out of Israel, "Yediot Ahronot cites U.S. conservative website 'WND' as reporting ... that former Iranian Republican Guard commander Reza Kahlili, recruited by the CIA and who defected to the U.S., claimed that Iranian sources reported a huge explosion last Monday at Fordow's centrifuges room. They claim that the explosion destroyed a significant portion of the facility and that 240 workers were trapped underground."

The Jerusalem Post mentioned WND's report and added a quote from Emily Landau, director of the Arms Control and Regional Security Project at the Tel Aviv-based Institute for National Security Studies, who noted that Iran is enriching uranium to 20 percent at Fordow, "and it raises concerns because it is buried deep in a mountain."

Germany's Die Welt published the report with a headline, "Expert reports severe explosion at nuclear plant."

"According to a report by Iran expert Reza Kahlili on the Iranian nuclear facility of Fordow, a few days ago a huge explosion took place which destroyed large parts of the plant," Die Welt said. "Kahlili says he got this information from a former Iranian intelligence official."

Die Welt, with sources close to the German intelligence agency BND (Bundesnachrichtendienst), corroborated the WND report by stating that now, Welt am Sonntag (a well-respected German Sunday newspaper) "has received information from an Iranian intelligence service contact confirming that the explosion had actually happened and that 190 workers at the nuclear plant were cut off from the outside world."

The German newspaper Spiegel also gave big coverage to the story, along with others worldwide.

Interestingly, the Israeli DEBKAfile, known to be close to Israeli intelligence in covering the WND story, stated that on Jan. 24, Israeli Chief of Staff, Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz and Military Intelligence Director Maj. Gen. Aviv Kochavi ceremonially promoted "Col. G.," commander of the elite Sayeret Matkal, to the rank of major general in recognition of his unit's "outstanding covert operations."

As reported Jan. 21, also exclusively on WND, the Iranian regime's intelligence ministry had received information from an alleged spy planted inside Israel's spy agency, Mossad, that Israel and certain Western countries, quite aware of Iran's nuclear bomb program and believing time is of the essence, have drawn up plans for covert operations to destroy Iran's nuclear installations, thereby avoiding a large-scale war.

Regime officials held two high-level meetings on Tuesday afternoon, one at the presidential building and the other at the supreme leader's residence. The source for this information could only say that all high-level officials participated in the meeting with Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and that it lasted till about 9:30 p.m. Tehran time.

Several Iranian nuclear scientists have been assassinated in recent years, and last year saboteurs struck the power supply to the Fordow facility, temporarily disrupting production. A computer worm called Stuxnet, believed to have originated in the United States, also set Iran's plans for nuclear weapons back substantially.

Any blow to the Fordow facility would be a huge blow to the regime because, despite severe international pressure and sanctions, it has refused to halt the 20 percent uranium-enrichment process at this site. It takes only weeks to further enrich the stock at the 20 percent level to weapon grade for a nuclear bomb.

Sources in the Islamic regime previously have revealed exclusively to WND the existence of:
•A secret nuclear site in Najaf Abad.
•A list of Iranian scientists working on a nuclear bomb.
•A secret uranium enrichment site in Khondab, where the Russians and North Korean scientists are helping with Iran's nuclear bomb program.
•The secret bio-weapons site in Marzanabad, where, with the help of Russia, Iran has mastered production of eight microbial agents, arming its missiles with biological warheads.
•Another nuclear site at Bonab, where, with the help of Russians, uranium enrichment is taking place using laser technology.


Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 28/01/2013 | 08:33 uur
Iran ontkent explosie op nucleair complex

door Jules Seegers / 28 januari 2013

Iran heeft berichten proberen te ontkrachten over een grote explosie op een van de complexen waar het uranium verrijkt. Het land doet het af als "Westerse propaganda" in het licht van de komende onderhandelingen over het atoomprogramma.

Reuters kreeg berichten over de explosie, die vrijdag zou hebben plaatsgevonden, niet bevestigd. Israëlische en Westerse media berichtten toen over "aanzienlijke schade" die zou zijn ontstaan in de ondergronds ebunker Fordow, nabij de stad Qom.

Teheran beschuldigde Israël en de VS er eerder al van cyber aanvallen te plegen op het atoomprogramma van Iran. Ook zouden zij achter moordaanslagen zitten op nucleaire wetenschappers.
"Het onware nieuws van een explosie in Fordow is Westerse propaganda in aanloop naar de nucleaire onderhandelingen. Het is een poging deze te beïnvloeden." – Saeed Shamseddin Bar Broudi, plaatsvervangend chef van de Iraanse Atoomenergieorganisatie.

De IRNA ontkent dat er een explosie heeft plaatsgehad. In Fordow wordt sinds 2011 hoogwaardig uranium verrijkt. Dit tot grote zorg van het Westen dat vermoedt dat Iran nucleaire wapens ontwikkelt.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/02/2013 | 10:52 uur
3 februari 2013 

Iran bereid tot onderhandelingen met VS

MÜNCHEN - Iran is bereid om met de Verenigde Staten te onderhandelen over zijn omstreden nucleaire programma. Dit zei de Iraanse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Ali Akbar Salehi zondag op de Veiligheidsconferentie in München.

Salehi zei dat er ''geen beletsel is voor bilaterale onderhandelingen'' zolang de andere partij de werkelijke bedoeling heeft om het probleem op te lossen.

De vijf permanente leden van de Veiligheidsraad en Duitsland hebben voorgesteld op 25 februari in Kazachstan een nieuwe ronde van gesprekken te beginnen met Iran.

Salehi noemde dit ''goed nieuws'', maar hij maakte niet duidelijk of Iran al had ingestemd met de ontmoeting.

Door: ANP
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 04/02/2013 | 08:10 uur
North Koreans among 40 dead at Iran nuke plant

Meanwhile, Tehran's official news agency calls WND 'mouthpiece of CIA'

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 05/02/2013 | 07:52 uur
Iran talks planned, but diplomatic window may be closing; Israel, US examine options

Published February 04, 2013 / Associated Press

VIENNA –  Judging by its expanding nuclear program, harsh sanctions against Iran have done little but impose hardship on its people, while diplomacy has also failed to slow the Islamic Republic's atomic progress. And while more talks are planned for later this month, there is a growing sense that the nuclear standoff between Iran and the international community is reaching a tipping point.

Iran can theoretically back down. But because it insists that all of its nuclear work is peaceful and protected by international law it is unlikely to go further than repeating its top leader's religious edicts against nuclear weapons in pushing for an end to sanctions. That in turn will lead to another negotiating failure — and mounting pressure for military intervention to prevent Tehran from becoming a threshold nuclear weapons power.

Each side wants what the other is bringing to the table at the planned Feb. 25 talks in Kazakhstan. The problem is that both want the other to blink first.

For the P5 +1 — the five permanent U.N. Security Council members plus Germany — the onus is on Iran. They want Tehran to stop enriching uranium to 20 percent — a grade that is only a technical step away from the level used to arm nuclear warheads. Then, they want it to transfer its 20-percent stockpile out of the country. They also demand that Iran shut down Fordo — the bomb-resistant underground bunker where Iran is enriching uranium to 20 percent. Only then are they ready to discuss sanctions relief on Iranian oil and financial transactions.

But Iran insists it is enriching only to make reactor fuel and for scientific and medical programs — a right that all nations have. It denies any interest in nuclear weapons, considers Security Council demands that it stop enrichment invalid, and U.N. and other sanctions illegal. Tehran wants a promise that non-U.N. sanctions at least will be lifted if it makes even the smallest commitments on uranium enrichment.

Demands and counter-demands have shifted since the talks began in 2003 between Iran and Britain, France and Germany, later expanded to include the United States, Russia and China. But one constant remains: failure not only to reach a breakthrough but even to make substantive progress.

Neither side is known to be bringing new proposals beyond what was in play the last time they met, in June in Moscow. Success seems even more elusive thanks to Iran's recent announcement that it would speed up the pace of its uranium enrichment, and with planned new U.S. sanctions to take effect Wednesday.

"The situation has changed for the worse for both sides since last summer," says Mark Fitzpatrick, a non-proliferation expert and former senior official at the U.S. State Department. With further enriching, Iran already has enough material for several nuclear weapons, and Fitzpatrick says that since the Moscow talks, Iran has produced enough additional low-enriched uranium to produce an additional weapon with further enrichment. As for Tehran, "the sanctions bite has gotten worse" since the two sides last met.

Even ahead of the new U.S. penalties, Iran's revenues from oil and gas exports are now down by 45 percent from normal levels. That, and severe restrictions on its ability to access international banking networks led the rial, Iran's currency, to lose 45 percent of its value last year. Over three years, it is 350 percent down.

But Iran shows no sign of budging, and Israel's threat to hit Tehran's nuclear targets if negotiations fail stands, as does the possibility that such a move would draw the United States into the conflict. Iran could enrich uranium to arm one weapon within half a year even though analysts say it would take years longer for it to actually create a full working nuclear weapon.

That is a longer time line than Israel accepts. But independently of Israel, President Barack Obama may not have more than a year or two to decide whether Iran has embarked on making nuclear weapons or whether it has only reached the ability to do so. If it's the latter, he has to judge whether Iran is content to stay on the nuclear threshold and if America can tolerate that status.

For diplomacy to succeed, "both sides need to move with greater urgency and flexibility toward a lasting solution," says Daryl Kimball, executive director of the Arms Control Association. "Iran apparently does not yet have the necessary ingredients for an effective nuclear arsenal, but its capabilities are improving. "

An Iran with the capability to make the bomb might choose not to do so. Iran could be shaping its nuclear ambitions after Japan, which has the full scope of nuclear technology — including the presumed ability to produce warhead-grade material — but has stopped short of actually producing a weapon. It creates, in effect, a de facto nuclear power with all the parts but just not pieced together.

In that light, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's recent repetition of his fatwa, a proclamation that nuclear weapons are banned by Islam, could be another way of stating Iran's nuclear goals — ready to assemble weapons but doing so only if threatened.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed that he would not allow the Islamic Republic to reach that level of weapons capability. But he is unlikely to attack without U.S. military backing — and he and Obama may have different interpretations of when such action may be needed.

"Our policy toward Iran's nuclear program has been defined by Obama's red lines, not Netanyahu's, meaning that the U.S. isn't likely to use military force unless and until it's clear that Iran is taking active steps to weaponize its program," says Karim Sadjadpour, an Iran specialist at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Read more:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 05/02/2013 | 07:55 uur
Iran Accelerates Nuclear Program

February 5, 2013  •  From

By Anthony Chibarirwe

Iran will speed up its controversial nuclear weapons program at its Natanz facility by installing more advanced nuclear enrichment centrifuges, it announced January 23. Iran informed the International Atomic Energy Agency that it would install approximately 3,000 new-generation IR2m centrifuge machines, which are three to five times faster than current models.

This new development could be "a most unfortunate game changer," said Mark Fitzpatrick, a nuclear expert at the International Institute for Strategic Studies. The 3,000 centrifuge machines may take up to a year to install and operate, but after that, Tehran will be much closer to developing a nuclear weapon. "Once installed and in operation, the centrifuges could give Iran the capability to make a dash for the bomb faster than the U.S. and its allies could react," wrote cbs News.

Israeli officials estimate a time frame even shorter than that. Former head of Israel's military intelligence and now head of the Institute for National Security Studies, Amos Yadlin, said on Monday that Iran has all it needs to build a nuclear bomb in a matter of four to six months.

The blatant announcement came amid on-going wrangling between Iran and the group of six world powers—the United States, France, Germany, Britain, Russia and China—over when and where they may resume stalled negotiations aimed at curbing Iran's enrichment activities and submitting the Islamic Republic to stricter United Nations nuclear inspections.

But, as a senior official from the Israeli prime minister's office said, "While the world is discussing where and when the next meeting with Iran will be, Iran is rapidly advancing towards obtaining a nuclear bomb."

Iran is a state sponsor of terrorism, and is hasting to enhance its weapons arsenal with weapons of mass destruction. It has masterfully used deception to avoid too much confrontation while still maintaining its belligerence. Little wonder that White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters that Iran's "provocative step" did not come as a surprise. The economic sanctions on Iran, while debilitating, have not deterred its mullahs from speeding up nuclear enrichment, and from doing so well beyond the level necessary for mere civilian purposes.

The six world powers still expect to engage Iran in fruitful talks this month. But a decade of history shows that Iran will not surrender its nuclear weapons ambitions. Moreover, Bible prophecy indicates that Iran will increase its pushy belligerence to a point where Europe—not America—will retaliate. To understand more about this development and what is prophesied to happen beyond that, request our free booklet The King of the South. ▪
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 06/02/2013 | 18:34 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 05/02/2013 | 07:55 uur
Iran Accelerates Nuclear Program

February 5, 2013  •  From

By Anthony Chibarirwe

Iran will speed up its controversial nuclear weapons program at its Natanz facility by installing more advanced nuclear enrichment centrifuges, it announced January 23. Iran informed the International Atomic Energy Agency that it would install approximately 3,000 new-generation IR2m centrifuge machines, which are three to five times faster than current models.

This new development could be "a most unfortunate game changer," said Mark Fitzpatrick, a nuclear expert at the International Institute for Strategic Studies. The 3,000 centrifuge machines may take up to a year to install and operate, but after that, Tehran will be much closer to developing a nuclear weapon. "Once installed and in operation, the centrifuges could give Iran the capability to make a dash for the bomb faster than the U.S. and its allies could react," wrote cbs News.

Israeli officials estimate a time frame even shorter than that. Former head of Israel's military intelligence and now head of the Institute for National Security Studies, Amos Yadlin, said on Monday that Iran has all it needs to build a nuclear bomb in a matter of four to six months.

The blatant announcement came amid on-going wrangling between Iran and the group of six world powers—the United States, France, Germany, Britain, Russia and China—over when and where they may resume stalled negotiations aimed at curbing Iran's enrichment activities and submitting the Islamic Republic to stricter United Nations nuclear inspections.

But, as a senior official from the Israeli prime minister's office said, "While the world is discussing where and when the next meeting with Iran will be, Iran is rapidly advancing towards obtaining a nuclear bomb."

Iran is a state sponsor of terrorism, and is hasting to enhance its weapons arsenal with weapons of mass destruction. It has masterfully used deception to avoid too much confrontation while still maintaining its belligerence. Little wonder that White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters that Iran's "provocative step" did not come as a surprise. The economic sanctions on Iran, while debilitating, have not deterred its mullahs from speeding up nuclear enrichment, and from doing so well beyond the level necessary for mere civilian purposes.

The six world powers still expect to engage Iran in fruitful talks this month. But a decade of history shows that Iran will not surrender its nuclear weapons ambitions. Moreover, Bible prophecy indicates that Iran will increase its pushy belligerence to a point where Europe—not America—will retaliate. To understand more about this development and what is prophesied to happen beyond that, request our free booklet The King of the South. ▪

Zelfs Homer Simpson zou hieruit zijn conclusie nog kunnen trekken.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 06/02/2013 | 18:38 uur
CitaatThe six world powers still expect to engage Iran in fruitful talks this month. But a decade of history shows that Iran will not surrender its nuclear weapons ambitions. Moreover, Bible prophecy indicates that Iran will increase its pushy belligerence to a point where Europe—not America—will retaliate. To understand more about this development and what is prophesied to happen beyond that, request our free booklet The King of the South. ▪

Ohh, de uitkomst staat al in de Bijbel....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 06/02/2013 | 21:48 uur
Natuurlijk, Evangelische Christenen denken dat een grote oorlog tussen Iran en Israël zal uitmonden in de apocalypse met enerzijds de Christenen en de Joden en anderzijds de Moslims. Dit zijn zeer gevaarlijke mensen. Ook in Nederland heb je ze en ze hebben een grote invloed in de politiek.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/02/2013 | 21:53 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 06/02/2013 | 21:48 uur
Natuurlijk, Evangelische Christenen denken dat een grote oorlog tussen Iran en Israël zal uitmonden in de apocalypse met enerzijds de Christenen en de Joden en anderzijds de Moslims. Dit zijn zeer gevaarlijke mensen. Ook in Nederland heb je ze en ze hebben een grote invloed in de politiek.

"Apocaliptisch" zal het niet worden maar wederzijdse rake klapen lijken haast onvermijdelijk.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 06/02/2013 | 21:58 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 06/02/2013 | 21:53 uur
"Apocaliptisch" zal het niet worden maar wederzijdse rake klapen lijken haast onvermijdelijk.

Dat klopt maar er zijn dus relatief grote groepen mensen, vooral in de VS, waar ze ook een machtspositie van formaat hebben, die dat denken. Gevaarlijke mensen waar we ons niet mee in moeten laten.

Maar ik denk dat Iran weinig kan doen tegen Israël. Ballistische raketten lijken mij relatief makkelijk neer te halen.
Een Amerikaanse vloot daarentegen zie ik nog wel weggevaagd worden door honderden Sunburns, of zou dat wel meevallen?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/02/2013 | 22:06 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 06/02/2013 | 21:58 uur
Dat klopt maar er zijn dus relatief grote groepen mensen, vooral in de VS, waar ze ook een machtspositie van formaat hebben, die dat denken. Gevaarlijke mensen waar we ons niet mee in moeten laten.

Maar ik denk dat Iran weinig kan doen tegen Israël. Ballistische raketten lijken mij relatief makkelijk neer te halen.
Een Amerikaanse vloot daarentegen zie ik nog wel weggevaagd worden door honderden Sunburns, of zou dat wel meevallen?

Mijns inziens zullen de Iraniërs wel het e.e.a. aan schade kunnen toebrengen, niet gericht en effectief  maar wel door in een heel kort tijdbestek een barrage aan raketten op het land los te laten. Veel tijd zullen ze daarvoor niet krijgen.

De 5e vloot zal niet weggevaagd worden al denk ik dat elementen uit de "swarm" hun uitwerking niet zullen missen, 1 of 10 Sunburns/speadbootjes hebben bij een carrier (groep), vermoed ik, weinig kans, tientallen c.q. honderden daarintegen?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Hyperion op 07/02/2013 | 09:26 uur
Iran is begonnen met de bouw van de ScanEagle

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Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/02/2013 | 11:47 uur
7 februari 2013

Iran slaat gesprek met VS af

DUBAI - Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, de hoogste autoriteit in Iran, heeft donderdag directe gesprekken met de Amerikaanse vice-president Joe Biden afgewezen.

Hij zei dat onderhandelingen niets oplossen, schreven Iraanse media.

Volgens hem zien sommige mensen onderhandelingen met de VS wel zitten, maar ''onderhandelingen lossen de problemen niet op'', aldus Khamenei.

''Als sommige mensen weer Amerikaanse heerschappij in Iran willen hebben, dan zal de natie tegen hen in opstand komen'', zei de Iraanse leider in een toespraak tegen hoge ambtenaren en leden van de Iraanse luchtmacht.

Door: ANP
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 07/02/2013 | 12:17 uur
@IPA, een vloot uitschakelen met zeg maar 1000 onbemande vliegtuigjes die heel laag over de zee zich op de US vloot storten van alle richtingen...dat moet volgens mij mogelijk zijn. Iedereen gaat altijd uit van bv een aanval van een groep jachtvliegtuigen die een Kruiser makkelijk kan neerhalen (alhoewel de Englsen hadden ook grote moeite met de Argentijnse A4 skyhawks die hun schepen met bommen aanvielen)
Als er een massa aanval komt met 1000 kleine vliegtuigjes zeg maar vliegende bommen..dan moet ik het nog zien hoor..als die aanval van alle richtingen komt krijgt een schip daar problemen mee.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 07/02/2013 | 18:17 uur
Citaat van: Oorlogsvis op 07/02/2013 | 12:17 uur
@IPA, een vloot uitschakelen met zeg maar 1000 onbemande vliegtuigjes die heel laag over de zee zich op de US vloot storten van alle richtingen...dat moet volgens mij mogelijk zijn. Iedereen gaat altijd uit van bv een aanval van een groep jachtvliegtuigen die een Kruiser makkelijk kan neerhalen (alhoewel de Englsen hadden ook grote moeite met de Argentijnse A4 skyhawks die hun schepen met bommen aanvielen)
Als er een massa aanval komt met 1000 kleine vliegtuigjes zeg maar vliegende bommen..dan moet ik het nog zien hoor..als die aanval van alle richtingen komt krijgt een schip daar problemen mee.


ASM's zul je bedoelen, gelanceerd vanaf het land, honderden kleine bootjes en heli's.
Ook hebben ze midgetsubs met supercaviterende torpedo's.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 07/02/2013 | 18:37 uur
Citaat van: Hyperion op 07/02/2013 | 09:26 uur
Iran is begonnen met de bouw van de ScanEagle

Niemand nu aan het lachen....??     :devil:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 07/02/2013 | 18:39 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 06/02/2013 | 21:48 uur
Natuurlijk, Evangelische Christenen denken dat een grote oorlog tussen Iran en Israël zal uitmonden in de apocalypse met enerzijds de Christenen en de Joden en anderzijds de Moslims. Dit zijn zeer gevaarlijke mensen. Ook in Nederland heb je ze en ze hebben een grote invloed in de politiek.
Dat is inderdaad ook iets waar ik me zorgen over maak. Tijdens de 1e regering Bush zaten mensen die dit geloven zelfs in zijn kabinet.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 07/02/2013 | 20:24 uur
Iran heeft ook beelden van de RQ-170 drone, die ze vorig jaar gehackt zouden hebben, vrijgegeven. De beelden zouden van de data zijn gecodeerd. Op de beelden zou de Amerikaanse vliegbasis in Kandahar te zien zijn. Ook zien we de Avenger Predator C en RQ-9 Reaper voorbij komen.

Complete documentaire, waarbij de IRGC-commander uitlegt hoe ze de drone hadden geborgen, etc. hier met engelse ondertiteling. Opmerkelijk: Iran dacht aan de scenario dat de VS de plek waar de drone was buitgemaakt zou bombarderen, en had vervolgens alle 'missile units' de opdracht gegeven om standby te staan om een mogelijk aanval te vergelden:  

Foto's van hoe ze de drone hadden getransporteerd die dag:





Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: VandeWiel op 07/02/2013 | 21:28 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 06/02/2013 | 22:06 uur
De 5e vloot zal niet weggevaagd worden al denk ik dat elementen uit de "swarm" hun uitwerking niet zullen missen, 1 of 10 Sunburns/speadbootjes hebben bij een carrier (groep), vermoed ik, weinig kans, tientallen c.q. honderden daarintegen?

De VS heeft inmiddels 6-7 jaar de tijd gehad om na te denken hoe dit te counteren. Onder andere door bewapende helikopters tegen speedboten naar het gebied te brengen. En er zullen vast nog wat verrassingen uit de hoed van de VS komen als het zover komt. 

Een lucky shot zal altijd mogelijk zijn. De US houdt regelmatig war game simulaties en het lijkt me zeer onwaarschijnlijk dat daarin niet een aantal antwoorden op swarming naar boven zijn gekomen. Zo lang een aanval maar niet totaal onverwacht komt.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 07/02/2013 | 22:08 uur
Heeft de Amerikaanse marine een fatsoenlijke verdediging tegen ASM's?

De Phalanx is inadequaat en de RAM durf ik niet te beoordelen maar ik begrijp dat een kanonsysteem toch het beste is.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 07/02/2013 | 22:36 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 07/02/2013 | 22:08 uur
Heeft de Amerikaanse marine een fatsoenlijke verdediging tegen ASM's?

De Phalanx is inadequaat en de RAM durf ik niet te beoordelen maar ik begrijp dat een kanonsysteem toch het beste is.
vergeet ook de grotere raketten niet....en mogelijkheden aanvalslocaties of middelen zelf aan te grijpen. Daarbij zijn de Amerikanen op hun belangrijkste schepen niet echt zuinig wat betreft de CIWSs. Ik maak me op dat punt meer zorgen om de Nederlandse schepen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/02/2013 | 22:42 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 07/02/2013 | 22:36 uur
Ik maak me op dat punt meer zorgen om de Nederlandse schepen.

Als er in de aankomende periode een conflict uit breekt, dan gok ik dat de NL schepen niet echt in de problemen zullen komen omdat zij vermoedelijk zullen schitteren door afwezigheid.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 08/02/2013 | 10:04 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 07/02/2013 | 22:42 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 07/02/2013 | 22:36 uur
Ik maak me op dat punt meer zorgen om de Nederlandse schepen.

Als er in de aankomende periode een conflict uit breekt, dan gok ik dat de NL schepen niet echt in de problemen zullen komen omdat zij vermoedelijk zullen schitteren door afwezigheid.

Nou ja, als ik naar de laatste situatie kijk met dit scenario ( Falkland ) vliegen de raketten de schepen niet om de oren. En ik verwacht dat bij een conflict met Iran dit ook niet het geval zal zijn. Raketten tegen schepen zijn enorm duur. De Goalkeepers moeten daar echt wel mee om kunnen gaan.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 08/02/2013 | 10:09 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 08/02/2013 | 10:04 uurNou ja, als ik naar de laatste situatie kijk met dit scenario ( Falkland ) vliegen de raketten de schepen niet om de oren. En ik verwacht dat bij een conflict met Iran dit ook niet het geval zal zijn. Raketten tegen schepen zijn enorm duur. De Goalkeepers moeten daar echt wel mee om kunnen gaan.
Ik heb begrepen dat Iran juist inzet op het op grote schaal gebruiken van deze ASMs...ze immers geen illusie hebben dat ze het met andere middelen zouden redden tegen de Amerikanen in de Perzische Golf. Al liet de Falklandoorlog zien dat de inzet van gevechtsvliegtuigen met gewoon "domme bommen"...ook een moeilijk te counteren dreiging was. Dat aspect is met de komst van de CIWS en meer geavanceerde SAMs wel voldoende afgedekt denk ik.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: ARM-WAP op 08/02/2013 | 11:42 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 08/02/2013 | 10:04 uurNou ja, als ik naar de laatste situatie kijk met dit scenario ( Falkland ) vliegen de raketten de schepen niet om de oren. En ik verwacht dat bij een conflict met Iran dit ook niet het geval zal zijn. Raketten tegen schepen zijn enorm duur. De Goalkeepers moeten daar echt wel mee om kunnen gaan.
De Falklands en de toegang tot de Perzische Golf en de Gof zelf zijn helemaal niet met elkaar te vergelijken.
De Argentijnen beschikten toen slechts over een beperkt aantal combinaties Etendard+AM39 (Excocet) en hun piloten hadden met moeite ervaring met de Etendards. Laat staan met het landeren van zo'n AM39. Ook omdat de afstand tussen het vasteland en de Falklands in vergelijiing groot was en de Argentijnen ook niet echt een idee hadden omtrent de vlootposities en samenstelling ervan tastten deze in het duister en werd er op goed geluk gelanceerd na enkele 'blips' gezien te hebben op hun scope...
De combo A4+domme bommen heeft ook een beperkt aantal slachtoffers geeist bij de Britten omdat deze ofwel hun doel misten, of niet detoneerden omdat ze te laag afgeworpen hebben en het interne firing pin mechanism niet kon wapenen/de veiligheid niet volledig weggewerkt werd.
Al bij al hebben de Britten daar toch "veel geluk" gehad...

Ik sluit me bij Elzenga aan wanneer hij schrijft dat de Iraniers juist inzetten op saturation attacks met rockets, ASM's, artillerie, enz...
Zoals al meermaals beschreven in dit forum, CIWS heeft beperkingen (beperkt aandal doelen dat aangepakt kan worden: de magazijnvoorraad is beperkt, en dat geldt ook voor de VLS-silo's...
Iran grenst gewoon aan de hele Oostkust van de Golf, straat van Hormoes en dan nog een heel stuk Indische Oceaan...
Volgens mij kan je er van uitgaan dat de Iraanse kustrook aan de straat gewoon bezaaid is met allerlei kustbatterijen...
Dan spreken we nog niet over de potentiele Swarms van zelfmoordkandidaten op jetski's en kleine bootjes en mini-subs...
Een heel ander scenario dus...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 08/02/2013 | 18:24 uur
Omtrent de situatie rondom de Perzische Golf; in 2002 had de VS z'n grootste 'war game' ooit gehouden waarbij team 'rood' Iran voorstelde en team blauw de VS. Resultaat: Iran wist 16 Amerikaanse schepen tot zinken te brengen, waaronder één vliegdekschip, 10 kruisers en 5 amfibie schepen. Slachtoffers? 20.000 Amerikanen zouden het leven hebben 'gelaten'.

Meer over deze war game:

CitaatThe scenario in the 2002 war game started with the U.S., codenamed "Blue," giving Iran a one-day ultimatum to surrender in the year 2007. The war game's date of 2007 would chronologically correspond to U.S. plans to attack Iran after the Israeli attack on Lebanon in 2006, which was to extend, according to military plans, into a broader war against Syria. The war against Lebanon, however, did not go as planned and the U.S. and Israel realized that if Hezbollah could challenge them in Lebanon then an expanded war with Syria and Iran would be a disaster.

In Millennium Challenge 2002's war scenario, Iran would react to U.S. aggression by launching a massive barrage of missiles that would overwhelm the U.S. and destroy sixteen U.S. naval vessels – an aircraft carrier, ten cruisers, and five amphibious ships. It is estimated that if this had happened in real war theatre context, more than 20,000 U.S. servicemen would have been killed in the first day following the attack.

Next, Iran would send its small patrol boats – the ones that look insignificant in comparison to the U.S.S. John C. Stennis and other large U.S. warships – to overwhelm the remainder of the Pentagon's naval forces in the Persian Gulf, which would result in the damaging and sinking of most of the U.S. Fifth Fleet and the defeat of the United States. After the U.S. defeat, the war games were started over again, but "Red" (Iran) had to operate under the assumption of handicaps and shortcomings, so that U.S. forces would be allowed to emerge victorious from the drill. This outcome of the war games obviated the fact that the U.S. would have been overwhelmed in the context of a real conventional war with Iran in the Persian Gulf.

Hence, the formidable naval power of Washington is handicapped both by geography as well as Iranian military capabilities when it comes to fighting in the Persian Gulf or even in much of the Gulf of Oman. Without open waters, like in the Indian Ocean or the Pacific Ocean, the U.S. will have to fight under significantly reduced response times and, more importantly, will not be able to fight from a stand-off (militarily safe) distance. Thus, entire tool boxes of U.S. naval defensive systems, which were designed for combat in open waters using stand-off ranges, are rendered unpractical in the Persian Gulf.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 08/02/2013 | 21:43 uur
Citaat van: Jah op 08/02/2013 | 18:24 uur
Omtrent de situatie rondom de Perzische Golf; in 2002 had de VS z'n grootste 'war game' ooit gehouden waarbij team 'rood' Iran voorstelde en team blauw de VS. Resultaat: Iran wist 16 Amerikaanse schepen tot zinken te brengen, waaronder één vliegdekschip, 10 kruisers en 5 amfibie schepen. Slachtoffers? 20.000 Amerikanen zouden het leven hebben 'gelaten'.

Meer over deze war game:
Interessant om te lezen. Versterkt het beeld dat ik al een aantal weken heb...namelijk dat het erop lijkt dat de VS juist schepen uit de Perzische Golf terug trekt...Leek te gaan om "bezuinigingen"...maar ik vermoed dat men bewust het aantal wat omlaag brengt. Mogelijk juist om deze dreiging. Ik kan me voorstellen dat de VS namelijk eerst met haar luchtwapen vanaf bases in omliggende Golfstaten de Iraanse dreiging zoveel mogelijk wil uitschakelen...en dan pas daarna extra schepen de Golf in stuurt.

Kan het mis hebben, maar vond de ontwikkelingen van de laatste weken wat gek ergens...Zeker gezien de gegroeide dreiging in de regio van een escalatie.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 10/02/2013 | 14:10 uur
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: Iran is nu een nucleaire staat

door Shari Deira 10 feb 2013

Iran viert zondag de 34e verjaardag van de islamitische revolutie in het land. Reden voor president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad om te benadrukken dat zijn land een 'nucleaire staat' is.

'Iran is tegenwoordig een land met nucleaire kennis, of het Westen dat nou leuk vindt of niet,' zei Ahmadinejad tijdens een bijeenkomst vanwege de viering van de revolutie.


Ahmandinejad zei dat druk of intimidatie geen enkel effect hebben. De president sprak het Iraans volk toe op het Vrijheidsplein in Teheran.

Iran staat onder druk van het Westen en Israël vanwege zijn nucleaire programma. Het land streeft naar eigen zeggen vreedzame doelen na maar gevreesd wordt dat het land aan een atoomprogramma werkt.


Eerder deze week wees ayatollah Ali Khamenei, de hoogste leider in Iran, gesprekken met de Verenigde Staten af. Onderhandelingen over het Iraanse kernprogramma lossen volgens Khamenei niets op.

Miljoenen Iraniërs in het hele land vieren vandaag de revolutie. In februari 1979 leidde een door ayatollah Khomeini geleidde revolutie tot de val van de Sjah van Perzië.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 10/02/2013 | 14:40 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 08/02/2013 | 21:43 uur
Interessant om te lezen. Versterkt het beeld dat ik al een aantal weken heb...namelijk dat het erop lijkt dat de VS juist schepen uit de Perzische Golf terug trekt...Leek te gaan om "bezuinigingen"...maar ik vermoed dat men bewust het aantal wat omlaag brengt. Mogelijk juist om deze dreiging. Ik kan me voorstellen dat de VS namelijk eerst met haar luchtwapen vanaf bases in omliggende Golfstaten de Iraanse dreiging zoveel mogelijk wil uitschakelen...en dan pas daarna extra schepen de Golf in stuurt.

Kan het mis hebben, maar vond de ontwikkelingen van de laatste weken wat gek ergens...Zeker gezien de gegroeide dreiging in de regio van een escalatie.

Maar hierdoor wordt het aantal doelen wat Iran zal moeten bestoken kleiner.... Nu alleen maar de basissen van in de omliggende Golfstaten waarvan men eigenlijk niet weet hoe deze (of de bevolking) reageert op een eventuele aanval op Iran.  Op het moment dat dan pas de schepen opstomen dan kan het te laat zijn. 

De opmerking van Turkije ligt mij nog vers in het geheugen.... dat zij niet passief blijven bij een aanval (door Israël) op een moslimland.
Wat als het de VS én Israël het is, zal Turkije dan nog de VS steun geven? Maar niet alleen Turkije maar ook de rest van de golfstaten waar de VS schijnbaar op rekent........

Wordt dit een oorlog waarin de VS zich (weer) misrekent?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 10/02/2013 | 15:53 uur
De eerste actie zal niet uit de koker van de VS komen of Iran moet een stomme stunt uithalen. Tevens denk ik dat de VS achter de schermen flink druk op Israel aan het uitoefenen is om ook geen domme dingen (Iran aanvallen) te doen. De VS weet donders goed dat een oorlog met Iran niet te vergelijken de afgelopen avonturen in Irak en Afghanistan. En dat deze oorlog door diverse landen en organisaties uitgelegd gaat worden als een oorlog tegen de Islam. De mogelijke gevolgen overal ter wereld kan een ieder zich wel voorstellen. De economische gevolgen zullen ook enorm zijn. De recessie hier in Europa zou zo maar een jaar of meer langer gaan duren.

En afwachten hoe snel Iran kan aantonen over een kernwapen te beschikken om echt de rust in de regio te herstellen. Dit is wat mij betreft de enige middel om Israel in het gareel te houden en de autoritaire wangedrag aan banden te leggen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 10/02/2013 | 16:23 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 10/02/2013 | 15:53 uur
De eerste actie zal niet uit de koker van de VS komen

Nee, maar ze proberen het (vast) uit te lokken......

Nu via allerlei sancties via de VN.  

Citaat van: Ros op 10/02/2013 | 15:53 uur
De VS weet donders goed dat een oorlog met Iran niet te vergelijken de afgelopen avonturen in Irak en Afghanistan.

Ik hoop het....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 10/02/2013 | 17:01 uur
Van de sancties, door de VN opgelegd, ligt Iran niet wakker. Ondanks deze santies steekt Iran toch ook voorzichtig een hand uit naar de VS om te praten. Zij snappen het schijnbaar wel dat een oorlog niet de oplossing is. Denk ook niet dat Iran zich zal laten verleiden tot een openlijke militaire confrontatie met Israe. Achter de schermen bommenleggers  sponsoren is natuurlijk iets anders.

De VS, zij zullen het nooit toegeven, zit op economisch vlak in zware problemen en kunnen zich een grootschalige oorlog zoals tegen Irak niet veroorloven.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 10/02/2013 | 17:18 uur
Om eerlijk te zijn is het leger van Iran vergelijkbaar met dat van Irak destijds. In hoeverre hun inheemse upgrades een doorslaggevend verschil kunnen maken durf ik niet te zeggen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 10/02/2013 | 18:03 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 10/02/2013 | 17:18 uur
Om eerlijk te zijn is het leger van Iran vergelijkbaar met dat van Irak destijds. In hoeverre hun inheemse upgrades een doorslaggevend verschil kunnen maken durf ik niet te zeggen.

Het Iraanse leger is niet te vergelijken met het leger van Irak destijds. De Iraanse doctrine is veel meer asymmetrisch.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 10/02/2013 | 23:02 uur
Citaat van: Jah op 10/02/2013 | 18:03 uur
Het Iraanse leger is niet te vergelijken met het leger van Irak destijds. De Iraanse doctrine is veel meer asymmetrisch.

Toch heeft het leger van Iran ook veel gemechaniseerde eenheden met verouderd materiaal.

Ik vraag me af hoe je met zulke spullen een beetje weerstand kan bieden aan een superieure (maar numeriek waarschijnlijk inferieure) tegenstander met luchtoverwicht.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 11/02/2013 | 09:49 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 10/02/2013 | 14:40 uurMaar hierdoor wordt het aantal doelen wat Iran zal moeten bestoken kleiner.... Nu alleen maar de basissen van in de omliggende Golfstaten waarvan men eigenlijk niet weet hoe deze (of de bevolking) reageert op een eventuele aanval op Iran.  Op het moment dat dan pas de schepen opstomen dan kan het te laat zijn.
Dat is inderdaad een zijn die landbases misschien beter te verdedigen dan schepen op zee. Maar inderdaad, bij minder schepen zijn er ook minder doelen en dus meer dreiging voor dat kleiner aantal schepen. 
Citaat van: onderofficier op 10/02/2013 | 14:40 uur
De opmerking van Turkije ligt mij nog vers in het geheugen.... dat zij niet passief blijven bij een aanval (door Israël) op een moslimland.
Wat als het de VS én Israël het is, zal Turkije dan nog de VS steun geven? Maar niet alleen Turkije maar ook de rest van de golfstaten waar de VS schijnbaar op rekent........
Het is inderdaad afwachten wat Turkije doet...Zich achter Iran scharen lijkt me niet waarschijnlijk...maar dat men boos is wel...
Citaat van: onderofficier op 10/02/2013 | 14:40 uur
Wordt dit een oorlog waarin de VS zich (weer) misrekent?
weet niet of de VS dat zal doen...zeker niet als het door een Israëlische aanval gedwongen wordt om ook in actie te komen...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 11/02/2013 | 10:18 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 10/02/2013 | 23:02 uur
Toch heeft het leger van Iran ook veel gemechaniseerde eenheden met verouderd materiaal.

Ik vraag me af hoe je met zulke spullen een beetje weerstand kan bieden aan een superieure (maar numeriek waarschijnlijk inferieure) tegenstander met luchtoverwicht.

Iran heeft beide capaciteiten, zoals de meeste landen trouwens, ook de VS heeft deze capaciteit. Iran heeft daarbij steeds sterker ingezet op de asymmetrische oorlogsvoering, ondanks alle retoriek weten ook zij wel dat ze het in een conventioneel conflict snel gaan afleggen. 

Citaat van: Sun Tzu
De allerbeste strategie bij oorlogsvoering is het aanvallen van de strategie van de vijand
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 11/02/2013 | 10:39 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 10/02/2013 | 23:02 uur
Citaat van: Jah op 10/02/2013 | 18:03 uur
Het Iraanse leger is niet te vergelijken met het leger van Irak destijds. De Iraanse doctrine is veel meer asymmetrisch.

Toch heeft het leger van Iran ook veel gemechaniseerde eenheden met verouderd materiaal.

Ik vraag me af hoe je met zulke spullen een beetje weerstand kan bieden aan een superieure (maar numeriek waarschijnlijk inferieure) tegenstander met luchtoverwicht.

Iran verwacht geen conventionele oorlog. Vandaar dat de focus compleet op ballistische raketten, snelle boten en asymmetrische groepen in het buitenland is gelegd. Daarbij is het vermogen om de Straat van Hormuz te sluiten natuurlijk de grootste troef die Iran in handen heeft. Plus dat het natuurlijk in staat is om olievelden in het oosten van Saoedi-Arabie te bestoken, wat een enorme chaos op de oliemarkt zal veroorzaken.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 11/02/2013 | 19:28 uur
Flaws found in US missile shield

WASHINGTON (AP) — Secret Defense Department studies cast doubt on whether a multibillion-dollar missile defense system planned for Europe can ever protect the U.S. from Iranian missiles as intended, congressional investigators say.

Military officials say they believe they can overcome the problems and are moving forward with plans. But proposed fixes could prove difficult. One possibility has been ruled out as technically unfeasible. A second, relocating missile interceptors planned for Poland and possibly Romania to ships on the North Sea, could be diplomatically troublesome.

The studies are the latest to highlight serious problems for a plan that has been criticized on several fronts.

Republicans claim it was developed hastily in an attempt to appease Russia, which had opposed an earlier system. But Russia is also critical of the plan, which it believes is really intended to counter its missiles. A series of governmental and scientific reports has raised questions about whether it would ever work as planned.

At a time that the military faces giant budget cuts, the studies could lead Congress to reconsider whether it is worthwhile to spend billions for a system that may not fulfill its original goals.

The classified studies were summarized in a briefing for lawmakers by the Government Accountability Office, Congress' nonpartisan investigative and auditing arm, which is preparing a report. The GAO briefing, which was not classified, was obtained by The Associated Press.

Military officials declined repeated requests to discuss the studies on the record, noting they were classified. Even speaking on condition of anonymity, officials declined to say whether the GAO accurately had reported its conclusions. But the briefing had been reviewed by several Defense Department officials and the revisions they requested were incorporated. There was no indication they had objected to how the studies had been described.

The officials who spoke to the AP emphasized that the interceptor intended to protect the United States is in the early stages of development and its capabilities are not known. They said that the U.S. is already protected by other missile defense systems. Even if European-based interceptors are unable to directly defend the United States, they say they would protect not only European allies and U.S. troops stationed on the continent, but also U.S. radars there that are necessary for all U.S. missile defense plans.

Missile defense has been a contentious issue since President George W. Bush sought to base long-range interceptors in Central Europe to stop missiles from Iran. Some Democrats criticized the plans, saying they were rushed and based on unproven technology. Russia believed the program was aimed at countering its missiles and undermining its nuclear deterrent.

It might seem logical for the U.S. to want to have a defense against Russian missiles, but it's not that simple.

A new missile defense system aimed at Russia could undermine the balance between the nuclear powers, leading Moscow to add to its arsenal and build up its own defenses. It would undermine prospects for further cuts in nuclear weapons, which are a priority for President Barack Obama, and could hurt U.S.-Russian cooperation on other issues of international importance.

Obama reworked the plans soon after taking office in 2009, saying the threat from long-range Iranian missiles was years off. His plans called for slower interceptors that could address Iran's medium-range missiles. The interceptors would be upgraded gradually over four phases, culminating early next decade with those intended to protect both Europe and the United States.

The plans have gained momentum in Europe with the signing of basing agreements in Poland, Romania and Turkey, as well as backing by NATO.
Russia initially welcomed the plan, but now strongly opposes it, especially the interceptors in the final stage. Russia fears those interceptors could catch its intercontinental missiles launched at the U.S.

It is that fourth stage that is now at issue.

The GAO investigators said that the classified reports by the Missile Defense Agency concluded that Romania was a poor location for an interceptor to protect the U.S. It said the Polish site would work only if the U.S. developed capabilities to launch interceptors while an Iranian missile was in its short initial phase of powered flight.

But the administration is not pursuing that capability because it does not believe it is feasible, according to one senior defense official.
The military has considered deploying interceptors on ships, but the Navy has safety concerns that have not yet been resolved. The suggestion of attempting intercepts from ships on the North Sea probably would aggravate tensions with Russia. That could put it right in the path that some Russian ICBMs would use, further reinforcing Russia's belief that it, not Iran, is the target of the system.

The GAO investigators also took the administration to task for not conducting studies earlier that could have revealed the problems. Reports by the GAO and scientific bodies advising the government have raised other concerns about the missile shield, citing production glitches, cost overruns, problems with radars and sensors that cannot distinguish between warheads and other objects.

One report by the National Academy of Sciences recommended canceling the fourth phase of the system and deploying the interceptors to the East Coast.

The GAO study was requested by Rep. Michael Turner, R-Ohio, who until recently led a panel that oversees missile defense. He said he is concerned that the interceptor in development might be useless in protecting the United States.

"This report really confirms what I have said all along: that this was a hurried proposal by the president," he said.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 11/02/2013 | 19:36 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 08/02/2013 | 21:43 uur
Citaat van: Jah op 08/02/2013 | 18:24 uur
Omtrent de situatie rondom de Perzische Golf; in 2002 had de VS z'n grootste 'war game' ooit gehouden waarbij team 'rood' Iran voorstelde en team blauw de VS. Resultaat: Iran wist 16 Amerikaanse schepen tot zinken te brengen, waaronder één vliegdekschip, 10 kruisers en 5 amfibie schepen. Slachtoffers? 20.000 Amerikanen zouden het leven hebben 'gelaten'.

Meer over deze war game:
Interessant om te lezen. Versterkt het beeld dat ik al een aantal weken heb...namelijk dat het erop lijkt dat de VS juist schepen uit de Perzische Golf terug trekt...Leek te gaan om "bezuinigingen"...maar ik vermoed dat men bewust het aantal wat omlaag brengt. Mogelijk juist om deze dreiging. Ik kan me voorstellen dat de VS namelijk eerst met haar luchtwapen vanaf bases in omliggende Golfstaten de Iraanse dreiging zoveel mogelijk wil uitschakelen...en dan pas daarna extra schepen de Golf in stuurt.

Kan het mis hebben, maar vond de ontwikkelingen van de laatste weken wat gek ergens...Zeker gezien de gegroeide dreiging in de regio van een escalatie.

Dat is inderdaad een opmerkelijke en merkwaardige ontwikkeling. Kan er wellicht op duiden dat we interessante tijden tegemoet gaan.

Maar het lijkt mij dat in geval van oorlog de schepen uit de Perzische Golf worden terug getrokken en daarentegen in de Arabische zee worden gestationeerd?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/02/2013 | 08:30 uur
New Iran centrifuges could shorten path to atomic bomb: Netanyahu

By Ori Lewis / JERUSALEM | Mon Feb 11, 2013

(Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Monday that new centrifuges Iran was installing for its uranium enrichment program could cut by a third the time needed to create a nuclear bomb.

As Iran and world powers prepare to resume talks aimed at easing a dispute that has raised fears of a new Middle East war, Tehran announced late last month it planned to install the new machines at its main enrichment plant.

The move underlined Iran's defiance of international demands to scale back the uranium enrichment which Tehran says is for civilian purposes but which could also potentially be used to make material for atomic bombs.

Netanyahu touched on the subject in an address to American Jewish leaders and his words came ahead of a planned visit to Israel next month by President Barack Obama.

"Iran's ... nuclear weapons program continues unabated ... I drew a line at the U.N. last time I was there," Netanyahu said. "They haven't crossed that line but what they are doing is to shorten the time that it will take them to cross that line and the way they are (doing it) is by putting in new, faster centrifuges that cut the time by one third."

In a speech to the U.N. General Assembly in September, Netanyahu gave a rough deadline of summer 2013 as the date by which Iran could have enough highly enriched material to produce a single nuclear bomb.

He said on Monday that world powers must put more pressure on Tehran "for the interests of peace and security".

"You have to upgrade the sanctions and they have to know that if the sanctions and diplomacy fail, they will face a credible military threat. That's essential. Nothing else will do the job, and it's getting closer," he said.

Diplomats believe, however, that Iran may have resumed converting small amounts of its higher-grade enriched uranium into reactor fuel thereby slowing a growth in stockpiles that could be used to make weapons.

The White House announced last Tuesday that Obama planned to visit Israel, the West Bank and Jordan this spring. It gave no exact dates for the trip, Obama's first to Israel since taking office.

Netanyahu, who was last week nominated to form a new government after January 22 elections that his rightist Likud party won, has said Iran would top his administration's agenda. He has five more weeks to complete forming his new coalition.

Israel's Channel 10 television cited unnamed sources in Washington last week saying Obama's visit to Israel would start on March 20, by when Netanyahu's new government should be in place.

Israeli political commentators have speculated that Obama had opted to visit Israel before the summer deadline that Netanyahu laid down at the United Nations to caution him against any go-it-alone attack against Iran's nuclear facilities.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 12/02/2013 | 21:51 uur
En wie zegt niet dat Iran gewoon de kernproeven in Noord-Irak uitvoert...en in ruil voor geld en grondstoffen zo meteen alle info en middelen van de Noord-Koreanen krijgt?!. Zo'n deal is al eens eerder gesloten namelijk...(vrijwel zeker) tussen Saoedi-Arabië en Pakistan. Geld en olie in ruil voor nucleaire technologie.

Ik zou vooral de vliegtuigen en schepen die tussen Noord-Korea en Iran pendelen goed in de gaten houden dus...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 12/02/2013 | 21:56 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 12/02/2013 | 21:51 uur
En wie zegt niet dat Iran gewoon de kernproeven in Noord-Irak uitvoert...
Noord Irak?  8)
Zal vermoedelijk een typo zijn ..... Noord Korea?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 13/02/2013 | 11:23 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 12/02/2013 | 21:51 uur
En wie zegt niet dat Iran gewoon de kernproeven in Noord-Irak uitvoert...en in ruil voor geld en grondstoffen zo meteen alle info en middelen van de Noord-Koreanen krijgt?!. Zo'n deal is al eens eerder gesloten namelijk...(vrijwel zeker) tussen Saoedi-Arabië en Pakistan. Geld en olie in ruil voor nucleaire technologie.

Ik zou vooral de vliegtuigen en schepen die tussen Noord-Korea en Iran pendelen goed in de gaten houden dus...

"Iran was Involved in the North Korean Test"

The North Korean announcement regarding the nuclear test it carried out is not within the bounds of foreign news as far as Israel is concerned. There is more than just reasonable grounds to assume Iran was involved in the test, and that it represents a another step which brings it closer towards the ability to assemble a nuclear warhead on a missile that can pose a threat to Israel.

Assessing elements in the West have been identifying signs of considerable Iranian involvement in the North Korean nuclear program for a while now. In order to set the record straight, it is important to clarify that the North Korean nuclear program is ahead of the Iranian project in its technological capabilities, yet both of the central countries of the Axis of Evil have a clear interest in cooperation. This interest is both in the refinement of a nuclear bomb, and in the technology needed for producing a weapon that will threaten the world, and not just Israel (via missiles that can reach Europe and even the US from Iran, not just Israel).

According to the same assessments, it can be assessed that Iranian scientists arrived ahead of the test held this week in North Korea, which was felt as a regional earthquake. There is more that Iran can do besides merely learning from the technological capabilities achieved so far by North Korean scientists. Iran also supports the poor country that suffers from global sanctions, as it does, and may use North Korea as a playground and testing field in the framework of its project. Iran is even ahead of North Korea, with regards to some of the technologies necessary for the production of a nuclear bomb.

Beyond the Iranian involvement in the test carried out by North Korea, the test can also constitute an instructive lesson for the whole world on how economic sanctions are not necessarily efficient against a country that is determined to obtain a nuclear bomb. The Koreans, like the Iranians, take advantage of the fact that countries like Russia and China are presently undermining the absolute hegemony that the US had in the world for more than 20 years; they "play" between nations, even though all of them have an identical interest of preventing countries such as Iran and North Korea from obtaining nuclear weapons.

What else can the Iranians learn? That leaders who actually surrendered to the West and halted their nuclear program, such as Muammar Qaddafi in Libya or Saddam Hussein in Iraq, are not among us anymore. However, the stubborn North Korean leadership has survived, and has even passed the nuclear project on to the next generation. As it seems, Iran is riding towards a bomb along with North Korea.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 13/02/2013 | 11:26 uur
Niet helemaal verwonderlijk natuurlijk. De Iraniërs hadden de Noord-Koreanen ook geassisteerd in eerdere rakettesten.

What North Korea's Rocket Launch Tells Us About Iran's Role

CitaatU.S. officials say the satellite put into orbit by North Korea's rocket launch this week is wobbling, but that doesn't necessarily mean the launch itself was unsuccessful.

U.S. analysts say the North Koreans' main goal was not to put a satellite into orbit, but just to see all three stages of their rocket work, to show that the rocket could carry its payload a long distance. That it did. In the last test, in April, the first rocket stages worked as designed, but the third stage failed. Charles Vick, a missile expert at, credits the North Koreans with learning from their past mistakes.

"They have demonstrated not merely an ability to identify problems, but to resolve those problems and get the total system to work together, all three stages working as a single launch vehicle," he said.

So, the North Koreans are making progress.

Iran's Role

Next question: What, if anything, did this launch mean for Iran?

We know North Korea and Iran have worked together in missile design. Vick says the evidence can be seen by comparing the North Korean Nodong missile with Iran's Shahab missile.

"In every detail, right down to the re-entry vehicles, Nodong-A is the Shahab-3," he says. "The technology is being transferred in both directions, and I think that's what's going on in the nuclear technology, too."

This cooperation may well have contributed to the success of this week's rocket launch.

Theodore Postol, a missile expert at MIT, says the third stage of the North Korean rocket launched this week looks like a comparable stage in a rocket designed by the Iranians.

"They were able to collaborate with equipment given to them or sent to them from North Korea, and at the same time do a lot of the research and engineering development needed to build this upper stage," Postol says.

What this means, Postol thinks, is that this week's North Korean rocket was actually a joint production between North Korean and Iranian engineers.

"While the North Koreans were working on the first stage, these guys were working on the third stage," he says. "So there's no doubt, looking at the technology, you don't need access to the intelligence information to see that these programs are very, very strongly collaborating."

Who's Helping Whom?

Missile analysts think the rocket technology now used by Iran came originally from North Korea. But Jeffrey Lewis, a proliferation expert at the Monterey Institute of International Studies, thinks nowadays it's the Iranians assisting the North Koreans with missile development.

"The Iranians were doing innovation and change, taking things apart and putting them back together, and it now, to me, looks like the Iranians are better at this than the North Koreans," Lewis says. "And so the North Koreans have gone from being a technology supplier to possibly the recipient of technologies and services back from the Iranians."

This reversal — from North Korea helping Iran to Iran helping North Korea — is important. Remember, a big question is whether this week's rocket launch helped Iran as well as North Korea. Some U.S. officials have worried about that, but Lewis is not convinced.

"I look at this test as a contribution to North Korea's program, but I think it's probably a pretty marginal contribution to the Iranian program," he says.

Of course, Lewis says, every test is a learning experience. Iran may want to develop its own long-range, intercontinental ballistic missile; North Korea's demonstration of such a capability this week should provide data that Iranian engineers can put to good use.

A final point: Successfully testing a long-range missile is one thing; putting a nuclear warhead on the missile is quite another. Experts say both North Korea and Iran are still a long way from being able to do that.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 13/02/2013 | 14:51 uur
Iran Started Installing New Centrifuges at Natanz

Fereydoun Abbasi, director of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), said in Tehran today that Iran has started installation of the new generation IR2 uranium enrichment centrifuges at Natanz uranium enrichment facility. 

"From last month the installation of the new generation of these machines started in the Shahid Ahmadi Roshan complex (Natanz)," Abbasi said. (ISNA/Reuters, 13 February)

IR2 centrifuges are 3-6 times faster that the first generation IR1 machines that have been used in Natanz. The efficiency of the new centrifuges will depend on number of factors, such as the quality of raw material used, by 3-6 range is commonly believed to be how much faster they would produce enriched uranium. Natanz will be able to at least double its production when the installation of IR2s is completed.

On 23 February 2003, Natanz nuclear facility was uncovered. In ten years since then, Iran has installed nearly 11,000 IR1 centrifuges at Natanz, producing 3.5-percent enriched uranium, and another 4,000 centrifuges at Fordo, enriching uranium at 20-percent purity.

Meanwhile, Iran started new round of negotiations with IAEA today. The agency's delegation, headed by the IAEA Deputy Director General And Chief Inspector Herman Nackaerts, arrived in Tehran last night.

IAEA's access to Parchin military base, suspected to have housed a nuclear weapon research unit, will be at the top of IAEA's demands. Iran has signaled recently that it might accept the IAEA's investigation at Parchin if the two sides could agree on the conditions under which such investigations would go forward.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 13/02/2013 | 14:56 uur
Oil Sanctions Cost Iran $40 Billion in 2012

Iran lost an estimated $40 billion in 2012 in oil export revenues, the International Energy Agency (IAE) reported today. Meanwhile, oil production in January hit a 30-year low. (Rëuters, 13 February)

Iranian oil output fell to 2.65 million barrels per day in January, and the fall is likely to continue, the IEA said in its report. In 2011, before the oil sanctions, Iran produced 3.7 million bpd.

On 6 February, a new round of U.S. sanctions went into effect, barring Iran from repatriating earnings from its oil exports, depriving the country of much needed cash. The countries that buy Iranian oil will have to retain their payment for the oil and Iran will be able to use the proceeds only to buy goods in the countries where it exports its oil, effectively bartering oil for locally produced goods at those countries.

"For Iran, the latest expansion of sanctions is expected to further undermine government finances as its oil export earnings are now effectively locked into the buyers' countries," the IEA said.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 13/02/2013 | 16:21 uur
Citaat van: uskowioniran op 13/02/2013 | 14:56 uur
Oil Sanctions Cost Iran $40 Billion in 2012

Iran lost an estimated $40 billion in 2012 in oil export revenues, the International Energy Agency (IAE) reported today. Meanwhile, oil production in January hit a 30-year low. (Rëuters, 13 February)

Iranian oil output fell to 2.65 million barrels per day in January, and the fall is likely to continue, the IEA said in its report. In 2011, before the oil sanctions, Iran produced 3.7 million bpd.

On 6 February, a new round of U.S. sanctions went into effect, barring Iran from repatriating earnings from its oil exports, depriving the country of much needed cash. The countries that buy Iranian oil will have to retain their payment for the oil and Iran will be able to use the proceeds only to buy goods in the countries where it exports its oil, effectively bartering oil for locally produced goods at those countries.

"For Iran, the latest expansion of sanctions is expected to further undermine government finances as its oil export earnings are now effectively locked into the buyers' countries," the IEA said.
Is dit exclusief of inclusief de "illegale"/geheime Iraanse olieleverancies?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 13/02/2013 | 19:12 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 13/02/2013 | 16:21 uurIs dit exclusief of inclusief de "illegale"/geheime Iraanse olieleverancies?

Ik neem aan van niet, natuurlijk.

'Iraanse centrifuges geïnstalleerd'

AMSTERDAM - Iran is in de belangrijkste kerncentrale van het land begonnen met de installatie van nieuwe centrifuges voor de verrijking van uranium.

Dat heeft het hoofd van het Iraanse kernprogramma Fereidoun Abbasi woensdag gezegd.

Abbasi zei volgens staatspersbureau IRNA dat Iran vorige maand is begonnen met de installatie van de centrifuges in Natanz.
Hij zei dat ze alleen worden gebruikt om laagverrijkt uranium te produceren.


Technisch hoogstaande centrifuges kunnen de verrijking van uranium in Iran aanzienlijk versnellen. Het Westen vreest dat ze uiteindelijk worden gebruikt voor de vervaardiging van materiaal voor een kernwapen. Iran zegt alleen kernenergie te willen produceren voor vreedzame doeleinden.

Abbasi's opmerkingen vallen samen met gesprekken die hoge VN-inspecteurs woensdag met Iran voeren over uitgebreider onderzoek naar verdachte wapentesten. De installatie van de centrifuges kan de druk op de geplande onderhandelingen later deze maand tussen Iran en zes wereldmachten over Irans kernprogramma doen toenemen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 13/02/2013 | 19:23 uur
Deze IR2 centrifuges zijn gebaseerd op Duitse technologie overigens, and waren ook operationeel in Pakistan. Iran had toegang tot Pakistaanse nucleaire technologie, dus waarschijnlijk komt de kennis hiervandaan. De IR2 and nieuwere IR2m worden geproduceerd in Iran gebaseerd op deze modellen.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 13/02/2013 | 19:30 uur
Citaat van: Jah op 13/02/2013 | 19:23 uur
Deze IR2 centrifuges zijn gebaseerd op Duitse technologie overigens, and waren ook operationeel in Pakistan. Iran had toegang tot Pakistaanse nucleaire technologie, dus waarschijnlijk komt de kennis hiervandaan. De IR2 and nieuwere IR2m worden geproduceerd in Iran gebaseerd op deze modellen.
Een Pakistaanse link zie je vaker...nucleaire specialisten waren voor de nodige pecunia wel bereid hun kennis aan andere door te geven. Dus ook aan Iran en Noord-Korea. Maar blijkbaar niet in voldoende mate om Iran een werkend kernwapen te bezorgen. Die hulp zie ik dus eerder uit Noord-Korea komen. Men heeft immers dezelfde (hoofd) VS. Zou me niet verbazen als de kennis van de laatste grotere kernproef in Noord-Korea binnenkort ook in Iran bekend is....en de Iraanse kernproef dan niet lang meer op zich laat wachten. Of misschien wel uitblijft...Iran direct over gaat tot de productie van kernwapens...en pas later met een proef komt...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 13/02/2013 | 19:37 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 13/02/2013 | 19:30 uur
...en pas later met een proef komt...

Of men komt niet tot een proef   :devil:

Maar ik geloof niet dat Iran deze daadwerkelijk gaat inzetten, ik zie het meer als een machtsmiddel.   
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 14/02/2013 | 12:51 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 13/02/2013 | 19:37 uur
Of men komt niet tot een proef   :devil:

Maar ik geloof niet dat Iran deze daadwerkelijk gaat inzetten, ik zie het meer als een machtsmiddel.   

Niet als je het bekijkt vanuit je eigen rationaliteit. Maar er zijn best situaties denkbaar waarbij de wapens een reëel gevaar vormen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 14/02/2013 | 13:07 uur
misschien bouwen ze niet eens een kernwapen, maar zijn ze op zoek naar een goede techniek van Kernfusie ( geen kernsplitsing ) om energie op te wekken
Die technologie is misschien wel waardevoller dan olie en kernwapens bij elkaar.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 14/02/2013 | 13:11 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 14/02/2013 | 13:07 uur
misschien bouwen ze niet eens een kernwapen, maar zijn ze op zoek naar een goede techniek van Kernfusie ( geen kernsplitsing ) om energie op te wekken
Die technologie is misschien wel waardevoller dan olie en kernwapens bij elkaar.

Kenrfusie werkt andersom. Het bouwen van een kerncentrale is dus niet wat je doet als je daarmee wilt experimenteren. En ja, de techniek is waardevol, maar de zelfstandige weg die Iran daarin dan gekozen zou hebben zal ze er niet mee helpen. Deelnemen in internationaal verband had ze waarschijnlijk geholpen om sneller een dergelijke techniek in handen te krijgen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/02/2013 | 13:26 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 14/02/2013 | 13:07 uur
misschien bouwen ze niet eens een kernwapen, maar zijn ze op zoek naar een goede techniek van Kernfusie ( geen kernsplitsing ) om energie op te wekken
Die technologie is misschien wel waardevoller dan olie en kernwapens bij elkaar.

Kernfusie is het ei van Columbus.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 14/02/2013 | 13:56 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 14/02/2013 | 13:26 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 14/02/2013 | 13:07 uur
misschien bouwen ze niet eens een kernwapen, maar zijn ze op zoek naar een goede techniek van Kernfusie ( geen kernsplitsing ) om energie op te wekken
Die technologie is misschien wel waardevoller dan olie en kernwapens bij elkaar.

Kernfusie is het ei van Columbus.

Ehm? Nee lijkt me niet.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 14/02/2013 | 13:58 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 14/02/2013 | 13:11 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 14/02/2013 | 13:07 uur
misschien bouwen ze niet eens een kernwapen, maar zijn ze op zoek naar een goede techniek van Kernfusie ( geen kernsplitsing ) om energie op te wekken
Die technologie is misschien wel waardevoller dan olie en kernwapens bij elkaar.

Kenrfusie werkt andersom. Het bouwen van een kerncentrale is dus niet wat je doet als je daarmee wilt experimenteren. En ja, de techniek is waardevol, maar de zelfstandige weg die Iran daarin dan gekozen zou hebben zal ze er niet mee helpen. Deelnemen in internationaal verband had ze waarschijnlijk geholpen om sneller een dergelijke techniek in handen te krijgen.

Waarom werkt dit andersom? Jij bent geen kerngeleerde. Daarnaast weet je helemaal niet wat ze al hebben bereikt met hun programma, je weet ook niet of Pakistan/India/Syrie en bovenal Noord Korea met hun testen hun uitkomsten en informatie met Iran hebben gedeeld.
Ik zie niet in waarom het andersom zou moeten werken.

En misschien zijn ze wel iets op het spoor, en hebben ze daardoor het idee dat ze evengoed op zichzelf dit pad kunnen afleggen, dat levert ze veel meer geld op. Ze kunnen dan namelijk verdienen aan deze techniek. Dat zou niet het geval zijn als ze dit met andere landen doen.

Ik zou deze theorie niet zomaar de prullenbak inschuiven.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 14/02/2013 | 14:17 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 14/02/2013 | 13:58 uur
Waarom werkt dit andersom? Jij bent geen kerngeleerde. Daarnaast weet je helemaal niet wat ze al hebben bereikt met hun programma, je weet ook niet of Pakistan/India/Syrie en bovenal Noord Korea met hun testen hun uitkomsten en informatie met Iran hebben gedeeld.
Ik zie niet in waarom het andersom zou moeten werken.

En misschien zijn ze wel iets op het spoor, en hebben ze daardoor het idee dat ze evengoed op zichzelf dit pad kunnen afleggen, dat levert ze veel meer geld op. Ze kunnen dan namelijk verdienen aan deze techniek. Dat zou niet het geval zijn als ze dit met andere landen doen.

Ik zou deze theorie niet zomaar de prullenbak inschuiven.

Je hoeft er ook geen kerngeleerde voor te zijn. Met HAVO/VWO natuurkunde ben je er al. Kernsplitsing werkt dmv de splitsing van kernatomen, dit zijn doorgaans zware atomen als uranium. Kernfusie is het omgekeerde, daar breng je twee, juist hele lichte atomen, bij elkaar. Het zou kunnen wat je zegt, dat Iran daar iets op het spoor is, maar dan hebben ze geen enorme reactor en opwerkingsfabrieken nodig, althans, wel, maar anders. Andere techniek, andere centrales, andere materialen. 

Overigens zag ik laatst bij De Wereld Draaid Door, dat een groep EU landen binnenkort zal beginnen aan de bouw van een grote fusie reactor, die vanaf 2030 rendabel moet gaan zijn.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 14/02/2013 | 15:52 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 14/02/2013 | 14:17 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 14/02/2013 | 13:58 uur
Waarom werkt dit andersom? Jij bent geen kerngeleerde. Daarnaast weet je helemaal niet wat ze al hebben bereikt met hun programma, je weet ook niet of Pakistan/India/Syrie en bovenal Noord Korea met hun testen hun uitkomsten en informatie met Iran hebben gedeeld.
Ik zie niet in waarom het andersom zou moeten werken.

En misschien zijn ze wel iets op het spoor, en hebben ze daardoor het idee dat ze evengoed op zichzelf dit pad kunnen afleggen, dat levert ze veel meer geld op. Ze kunnen dan namelijk verdienen aan deze techniek. Dat zou niet het geval zijn als ze dit met andere landen doen.

Ik zou deze theorie niet zomaar de prullenbak inschuiven.

Je hoeft er ook geen kerngeleerde voor te zijn. Met HAVO/VWO natuurkunde ben je er al. Kernsplitsing werkt dmv de splitsing van kernatomen, dit zijn doorgaans zware atomen als uranium. Kernfusie is het omgekeerde, daar breng je twee, juist hele lichte atomen, bij elkaar. Het zou kunnen wat je zegt, dat Iran daar iets op het spoor is, maar dan hebben ze geen enorme reactor en opwerkingsfabrieken nodig, althans, wel, maar anders. Andere techniek, andere centrales, andere materialen. 

Overigens zag ik laatst bij De Wereld Draaid Door, dat een groep EU landen binnenkort zal beginnen aan de bouw van een grote fusie reactor, die vanaf 2030 rendabel moet gaan zijn.

Kernfusie is zeer intressant, en niemand is tot nu toe het gelukt een reactor te produceren die netto meer energie opwekt. De britten hebben het geprobeerd, en het lukte ze maar het kostte ze meer energie om erin te stoppen. Er wordt er nu een in Frankrijk gebouwd inderdaad. Blijkbaar is het zo interessant dat er veel tijd, geld en energie in wordt gestoken. Misschien hebben de iraniers een basis nodig wat verrijkt uranium vereist. Wij weten het niet? misschien kost het ook wel veel verrijkt uranium om mee te experimenteren voordat ze de sleutels nodig hebben om aan kernfusie te beginnen. Tenslotte hebben de britten ook niet laten weten hoe ze de reactor hebben kunnen bouwen, net zoals de landen die er nu mee bezig zijn in Frankrijk. Een feit is dat al die landen wel toegang hebben tot verrijkt uranium, wat goed een startpunt kan zijn voor het begrijpen van kerntechnologie. Als ze iets op het spoor zijn van kernfusie is een kernwapen de perfecte dekmantel. Want ik geloof goed dat het Westen niet graag ziet dat Iran een monopolie hierop krijgt en vervolgens selectief deze technologie kan verhandelen.

Daarnaast is een preëmptieve strike op Iran, danwel oorlog met Iran makkelijker te verkopen aan het publiek wegens het gevaar van Iran die een Kernbom bemachtigd..dan het willen voorkomen dat Iran een technologie bemachtigd waar we allemaal stikjaloers op zijn.

In een wereld waar fossiele brandstof opraakt is kernfusie een groter wapen dan kernsplitsing. En energie is geld en dus ook macht.
Who knows... ze spelen het spelletje in ieder geval goed mee. De russen helpen Iran een goed handje mee, en dit vind ik interessant. Want ze schreeuwen altijd hoog van de toren als het gaat om machtsverhoudingen en interventie. De Iraniers klaagden nog over de Russische vrouwen in de wetenschapcomplexen. Deze zouden te schaars gekleed gaan. Ze zijn er dus, en ik zie die Russen eerder helpen aan een kerntechnologie programma dan aan een kernbom voor Iran.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 14/02/2013 | 17:39 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 13/02/2013 | 19:37 uurOf men komt niet tot een proef   :devil:

Maar ik geloof niet dat Iran deze daadwerkelijk gaat inzetten, ik zie het meer als een machtsmiddel.
Een kernproef zonder al kernwapens te kunnen inzetten is niet zo verstandig zal men mogelijk in Teheran denken. Want dan volgt er direct een Israëlische en Amerikaanse militaire reactie. Men kan dus pas kenbaar maken kernwapens te hebben als men die ook direct kan inzetten. Dat zou met de samenwerking met Noord-Korea bereikt kunnen worden. Ik denk dat de kennis voor een kernkop al aanwezig is...Iran ook al een kernproef kan houden...maar men worstelt met het verkleinen van het kernwapen en het ontwikkelen van een werkende langeafstandsraket.

Kernwapens zijn wat mij betreft "weapons of the last resort". Niet geschikt voor offensieve inzet...maar wel om een militaire regime dit geval in Iran en te schrikken. En dat men reden heeft daarvoor...mag duidelijk zijn....gezien de invasies van Afghanistan en Irak. 
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 14/02/2013 | 18:36 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 14/02/2013 | 13:07 uur
misschien bouwen ze niet eens een kernwapen, maar zijn ze op zoek naar een goede techniek van Kernfusie ( geen kernsplitsing ) om energie op te wekken
Die technologie is misschien wel waardevoller dan olie en kernwapens bij elkaar.

Nieuwsbericht van twee jaar geleden:

Iran will in 2012 kernfusiereactor:

Iran heeft zich ten doel gesteld om in 2020 de eerste experimentele kernfusiereactor voor het opwekken van energie te bouwen. Het bouwen van een dergelijke reactor is een prestatie die nog door geen enkel ander land is verwezenlijkt. Het onderzoek naar de bouw van de reactor is in juli van start gegaan.

Kernfusie, het proces waarmee de zon en de sterren energie opwekken, is tot op heden alleen in gebruik voor wapens. De krachtige explosies van waterstofbommen worden veroorzaakt door kernfusie. Tot dusver is het nog niet gelukt het proces in te zetten voor het opwekken van energie.

Asghar Sediqzadeh, het hoofd van het nieuwe onderzoekscentrum voor kernfusie, zei dat er honderd deskundigen worden aangenomen om deel te nemen aan het project.

Voorzover bekend heeft Teheran slechts basisonderzoek gedaan naar kernfusie.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 14/02/2013 | 20:00 uur
Citaat van: Jah op 14/02/2013 | 18:36 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 14/02/2013 | 13:07 uur
misschien bouwen ze niet eens een kernwapen, maar zijn ze op zoek naar een goede techniek van Kernfusie ( geen kernsplitsing ) om energie op te wekken
Die technologie is misschien wel waardevoller dan olie en kernwapens bij elkaar.

Nieuwsbericht van twee jaar geleden:

Iran will in 2012 kernfusiereactor:

Iran heeft zich ten doel gesteld om in 2020 de eerste experimentele kernfusiereactor voor het opwekken van energie te bouwen. Het bouwen van een dergelijke reactor is een prestatie die nog door geen enkel ander land is verwezenlijkt. Het onderzoek naar de bouw van de reactor is in juli van start gegaan.

Kernfusie, het proces waarmee de zon en de sterren energie opwekken, is tot op heden alleen in gebruik voor wapens. De krachtige explosies van waterstofbommen worden veroorzaakt door kernfusie. Tot dusver is het nog niet gelukt het proces in te zetten voor het opwekken van energie.

Asghar Sediqzadeh, het hoofd van het nieuwe onderzoekscentrum voor kernfusie, zei dat er honderd deskundigen worden aangenomen om deel te nemen aan het project.

Voorzover bekend heeft Teheran slechts basisonderzoek gedaan naar kernfusie.

Ah, kijk daar....
En dat is van twee jaar terug, toen waren slechts basisonderzoeken gedaan ja.
Wie weet waar ze nu zijn. Dus de theorie is een stuk plausibeler geworden, dat ze misschien helemaal niet met een kernwapen bezig zijn. En het dus in principe waar is wat ze beweren. Ze willen enkel de eerste zijn misschien met een kernfusiereactor. Die is een boel boel centjes waard als dat ze lukt.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 17/02/2013 | 10:57 uur
Iran plans to establish new navy base near Pakistan border

By Associated Press,

Sunday, February 17, 2013

TEHRAN, Iran — Iran's official news agency says the country's navy plans to establish a new base near Pakistan's border in the Sea of Oman.

The plans are part of Iranian ambitions to exert its naval power outside the Persian Gulf, including sending warships to the Mediterranean and claiming it might someday have ships in the Atlantic.

The IRNA report on Sunday quotes Adm. Habibollah Sayyari as saying that the base will be built in Pasabandar, about 30 kilometers (100 miles) west of Pakistani major port of Gwadar.

Iran has conducted numerous naval drills in past years as it increases its presence in regional waterways.

Copyright 2013 The Associated Press.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 17/02/2013 | 11:34 uur
Citaat van: Washington Post op 17/02/2013 | 10:57 uur
The IRNA report on Sunday quotes Adm. Habibollah Sayyari as saying that the base will be built in Pasabandar, about 30 kilometers (100 miles) west of Pakistani major port of Gwadar.
Interessant, want China wil een basis opzetten in Gwadar. (zie berichten hierover op het DF)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 17/02/2013 | 12:25 uur
Citaat van: Lex op 17/02/2013 | 11:34 uur
Interessant, want China wil een basis opzetten in Gwadar. (zie berichten hierover op het DF)

Heb je een link in gedachten? En wat voor link? Zo makkelijk Chinese hulp aan Iran mogelijk maken? Juist elkaar counteren?

Van de Iraniers snap ik het wel, de Iraanse marine heeft weinig meer te zoeken in de Perzische golf, derhalve is een dergelijk basis aan de Indische oceaan voor hun wel makkelijker.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 18/02/2013 | 07:56 uur
Iran..? atlantische oceaan? Pff..gaan ze weer. waarmee? Met die lichtbruinwater marine van ze ?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 18/02/2013 | 08:16 uur
Iran nuclear expert was at North Korean test

by:The Sunday Times
From: The Sunday Times (UK)
February 18, 201312:00AM

IRAN'S leading nuclear scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh-Mahabadi, is believed to have travelled to North Korea to observe its third nuclear test last week, according to Western intelligence sources.

Fakhrizadeh-Mahabadi has ventured outside Iran rarely, if at all, since several Iranian nuclear scientists were assassinated.

He was in charge of developing a warhead small enough to fit one of the ballistic missiles developed by Iran from North Korean prototypes, the sources said. His trip may have been worth the risk because North Korea's announcement of the blast hinted that it was a compact, powerful device.

Iran maintains it is pursuing nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, but North Korea openly declares it is building weapons as a deterrent to the "hostile" US and its allies.

Japanese sources and defence officials in South Korea said last week the main aim of the test was to develop a missile-ready warhead, a critical achievement that has previously eluded both Iran and North Korea.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 18/02/2013 | 21:34 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 17/02/2013 | 12:25 uur
Heb je een link in gedachten? En wat voor link? Zo makkelijk Chinese hulp aan Iran mogelijk maken? Juist elkaar counteren?

Van de Iraniers snap ik het wel, de Iraanse marine heeft weinig meer te zoeken in de Perzische golf, derhalve is een dergelijk basis aan de Indische oceaan voor hun wel makkelijker.

De Iraanse Chahbahar haven concurreert juist met de Pakistaanse haven in Gwadar. Gwadar wordt door de Chinezen gebruikt als een maritieme route (en in de toekomst wellicht een marine basis) tot de Arabische zee, terwijl India daarentegen weer Iran steunt met de Chahbahar haven, voornamelijk om een logistieke route tot Afghanistan te hebben.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 18/02/2013 | 21:49 uur
Zwaarste bom ter wereld staat klaar

Tests met de zwaarste bom ter wereld, de Massive Ordnance Penetrator (MOP), zijn afgerond. Het 14.000 kilo zware wapen ligt nu operationeel in Missouri in de VS. Dit voert de druk op Iran weer verder op.

De 'Mother of all Bombs' zoals het wapen wordt genoemd, ligt klaar in een B-2 stealth vliegtuig. Dat vliegtuig zou ontzichtbaar voor de radar, binnen 14 uur boven Iran kunnen zijn. Het is het enige conventionele wapen dat ondergrondse faciliteiten, zoals Irans ondergrondse nucleaire installatie 'Fordo' in Qom kan vernietigen, zo meldt De Volkskrant vandaag. Dat is van belang want het inzetten van - nog sterkere - nucleaire wapens wordt als onacceptabel gezien door de internationale gemeenschap.


Hoewel dat officieel ontkend wordt is de bekendmaking dat deze bom klaar voor gebruik is een duidelijk signaal tegenover Iran.  Het streng islamitische land wil namelijk geen afstand doen van zijn nucleaire programma. Hiervan wordt door veel defensiedeskundigen veronderstelt dat het niet alleen voor vreedzame doeleinden is. De Verenigde Staten hebben met de bekendmaking impliciet aangegeven op ieder moment binnen 14 uur Irans nuclaire programma te kunnen vernietigen.

In 2009 werd de tot dan toe geheime nuclaire installatie met apparatuur voor uraniemverrijking ontdekt in een berg onder 100 meter steen. Na de ontdekking van deze fabriek zetten de VS vaart achter de ontwikkeling van de MOP. Het MOP project kostte oorspronkelijk 245 miljoen dollar, maar werd vorig jaar nog aangepast voor 61 miljoen dollar, omdat ze toch niet sterk genoeg zou zijn. Nu is de bom - waarvan de VS er twintig hebben - dus operationeel.


De bom is zo zwaar dat het alleen door de B-2 stealth bommenwerper kan worden vervoerd. Luchtmachtgeneraal James Kowalski, zei daarover: "We zijn bevoegd om dit wapen op de B-2 te gebruiken". Amerikaanse functionarissen hebben anoniem bevestigd dat deze bom vooral gericht is tegen Iran.

Iran maakte woensdag bekend een nieuwe nucleaire faciliteit te openen in Natanz, waarna president Obama waarschuwde dat "We zullen doen wat noodzakelijk is om te voorkomen dat ze (Iran, red.) kernwapens krijgen."
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 21/02/2013 | 08:22 uur
Diplomats: Iran Starts Upgrade of Nuclear Site

By GEORGE JAHN Associated Press

VIENNA February 20, 2013 (AP)

In a disheartening signal to world powers at upcoming Iran talks, Tehran has started installing high-tech machines at its main uranium enrichment site that are capable of accelerating production of reactor fuel and — with further upgrading — the core of nuclear warheads, diplomats said Wednesday.

Iran already announced last week that it had begun mounting the new enriching centrifuges, but one diplomat said at the time that the announcement was premature with only a "small number" on site and not yet installed.

Diplomats told The Associated Press on Wednesday, however, that installation was now well on its way, with inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency seeing close to 100 or more machines mounted when they toured the site a few days ago. Depending on experts' estimates, the new-generation centrifuges can enrich uranium three to five times faster than Iran's present working model.

The Islamic Republic insists it is not working on a nuclear weapons program, but rather is enriching uranium only to make reactor fuel and for scientific and medical purposes — as allowed by international law.

But many nations are suspicious because Iran went underground after failing to get international help for its uranium enrichment program in the 1980s, working secretly until its activities were revealed a decade ago. More recent proposals for international shipments of reactor fuel in exchange for Iranian enrichment concessions have foundered, with each side blaming the other.

Shrugging off demands to mothball enrichment — and growing international sanctions — Iran has instead vastly expanded the program to where experts say it already has enough enriched uranium for several weapons if the material is further enriched.

The start of the centrifuge upgrade at Natanz, Iran's main enrichment site southeast of Tehran, flies in the face of world-power efforts to induce Iran to scale back on enrichment. As such, it is likely to hurt chances of progress at Feb. 26 talks in Kazakhstan between the two sides — adding to a string of negotiating failures.

When Iran announced its intentions last month, Western diplomats downplayed the proclamation's significance, noting Tehran did not say when it would start populating Natanz with the new machines. But any start of an upgrade is sure to increase international concerns, particularly if verified as expected in an IAEA report later this week.

The three diplomats speaking to the AP on Wednesday all are involved in the Vienna-based IAEA's attempts to monitor Iran's nuclear program. They demanded anonymity because they were not allowed to discuss confidential information.

Meeting Iran in Kazakhstan are the United States, Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany.

Russia and China often are at odds with the West on how harshly Iran's nuclear activities should be censured, and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said recently that Iran was within its legal rights to install new generation centrifuges. At the same time, he called for a suspension of uranium enrichment during negotiations to improve the political atmosphere.

While moving to increase the potency of its enrichment program with the new centrifuges, however, Tehran also has recently resumed converting some of its higher-level enriched uranium at its Fordo enrichment site into reactor fuel plates after suspending the activity last year. That is likely to provide some reassurance to nations concerned about Iran's nuclear aims because the plates are difficult to reconvert back into weapons usable material.

About 700 of the old machines at Fordo are churning out higher-enriched material that is still below — but just a technical step away — from weapons-grade uranium. Iran says it needs that higher-enriched level to fuel a research reactor

With higher-enriched uranium their immediate concern, the six powers over the past months have inched toward meeting Iranian demands of sanctions relief but say Tehran must first suspend its output at Fordo. Iran, in turn, wants sanctions eased before it commits to even a discussion of an enrichment cutback.

The diplomats said Iran was also upgrading its enrichment capabilities at Fordo but declined to provide further details ahead of the release of the IAEA report.
In first revealing plans to update last month, Iran indicated that It could add more than 3,000 of the new-generation centrifuges to the more than 10,000 older models it has at Natanz turning out enriched uranium at grades lower than at Fordo. The lower the grade, the harder it would be to turn into weapons-grade material.

Olli Heinonen, the former IAEA deputy director general in charge of Iran, told the AP last week that Iran could install 3,000 or more of the high-tech centrifuges at Natanz within six to nine months, assuming that Tehran had the material to make the machines.

Iran, in its dealings both with the six powers and the IAEA, has continually acted as if it were in the position of strength. On Saturday, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran's Supreme Leader, asserted that his country was not seeking nuclear weapons, but that if Tehran intended to build them, "the U.S. could in no way stop the Iranian nation."

David Albright, whose Institute for Science and International Security is a source for the U.S. government on proliferation issues, said Iran's hopes that the new centrifuges could strengthen its hand at the Kazakhstan talks could backfire.

"Given the low expectations for negotiations during the next several months, Iran risks giving the impression to the West that it is racing to the bomb rather than strengthening its negotiating position," he said Wednesday.

But analyst Yousaf Butt, professor and scientist-in-residence at the Monterey Institute of International Studies, said that — with Iran legally entitled to enrich —the six powers first "should consider rolling back some sanctions" if they want Iran to respond.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 21/02/2013 | 08:28 uur
Washington Watch: Iran watching US response to NK nuke test


Secretary Kerry has said Iran will be watching the response to the latest North Korean nuclear and missile tests. So will the rest of the world.

Secretary of State John Kerry called for a "swift, clear, strong and credible response" to last week's North Korean nuclear test and said America's reaction would send a message to Iran.

If that's true, the message is: "Don't worry, go nuclear."

That's because years of sanctions, resolutions, negotiations, threats, pleas and assorted attempts to influence Pyongyang have produced three atomic bomb explosions, ballistic missiles that can reach the United States and increased belligerency from a nation that thinks itself immune to outside pressure and doesn't feel obligated to honor its commitments.

The North Korean experience provides a lesson in the risks of overblown rhetoric and the difficulties in devising realistic strategies for preventing extremist regimes and fanatical leaders from crossing the nuclear threshold.

Experts say the latest test was the most successful yet and indicates progress toward producing a warhead for an ICBM. That it came hours before President Barack Obama's State of the Union address can hardly be a coincidence.

The president called the incident a provocation that required a firm response, but gave no indication of anything beyond more of the same.

Kerry warned of "significant action" if Pyongyang tested another bomb or ICBM. "Just as it's impermissible for North Korea [DPRK] to pursue this kind of reckless effort, so we have said it's impermissible with respect to Iran," he said.

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told a Pentagon news conference, "We have to take steps to make very clear to them that that kind of behavior is unacceptable."

Again, no specifics, just more rhetoric.

The response from Pyongyang seems to be: You guys can moan and groan and threaten all you wish, we've broken every agreement we've made with you and nothing happened; you are impotent and can't stop us. You go blah, blah, blah and we go blast, blast, blast.

As if to make their point for them, Western intelligence sources report the DPRK is preparing for another test firing of a long-range missile and may explode two more nukes before year's end.

The Iranians – who had their own scientists at the all three North Korean nuclear tests and several missile launchings – are watching to see what, if anything, Kerry had in mind when he called for a "swift, clear, strong and credible response" by the international community.

One of the Iranian scientists believed to have been there was Mohsen Fakhrizadeh-Mahabadi, considered the father of Iran's nuclear program and the man responsible for developing a warhead small enough to fit atop a ballistic missile developed by Iran with DPRK help.

If an isolated pariah state like North Korea can ignore all these years of resolutions, sanctions and threats and not only build but detonate its nukes, what's going to stop a richer country like Iran, with nuclear allies like Russia, China, Pakistan and North Korea from doing the same thing? The North Koreans gave Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu the news peg he needed to repeat his insistence that "sanctions alone" don't work and must "be coupled with a robust, credible military threat. If they are not, then there's no chance to stop them."

He said Iran will be atop his agenda when President Obama comes to Jerusalem next month.

THERE IS no easy military answer – if that is even the right answer – in either case. Obama knows that after the two longest wars in American history – and with dubious results – the American people don't want to send their troops into another war. And he knows drones alone can't do job.

Both Iran and North Korea use diplomacy to stall while they move full speed ahead on their WMD programs.

Iran has consistently sent mixed signals. In recent weeks it announced it is converting some of its enriched uranium into nuclear fuel rods which cannot be used for weapons, while at the same time it revealing it was installing faster, more advanced uranium enrichment centrifuges at its Natanz facility.

UN inspectors left talks in Teheran last week complaining of Iranian refusal to give required access to its nuclear sites and charging Iran was not negotiating in good faith; no new talks are scheduled.

UN Secretary-General Ban Kimoon warned that Teheran could use diplomacy to buy time to build a nuclear weapon. "We have seen what happened with the DPRK," he said.

Israel's deputy prime minister Dan Meridor said it bodes ill for negotiations between Iran and the United States, Britain, France, Russia, China and Germany aimed at preventing Iran from building a nuclear weapon that are scheduled to resume next week in Kazakhstan.

He said Washington needs to convince Iran that "all options were still on the table."

There are noteworthy similarities between Iran and DPRK. Neither has shown any interest in slowing much less halting its nuclear and missile development programs.

Both use negotiations to buy time, not reach compromises, while they continue plowing ahead, and neither takes prior commitments very seriously. For both countries, nukes may be more valuable as leverage to extort concessions from others than as weapons that could provoke regime-destroying retaliation.

There's no denying a nuclear arsenal has deterrent value, which may make it too important ever to surrender, but it is also highly likely to spark a destabilizing regional nuclear arms race, which raises by several orders of magnitude the risk of nuclear conflict and the chances a terror group could acquire its own.

There's also a very big difference between the two. DPRK already has the bomb and Iran doesn't. US policy is to make sure that doesn't change and President Obama has said all options, including military force, are on the table.

"Iran seems so committed to going nuclear that it has been ready to endure crippling sanctions and risk foreign attack," according to a recent article in Foreign Affairs.

Secretary Kerry has said Iran will be watching the response to the latest North Korean nuclear and missile tests. So will the rest of the world.

©2013 Douglas M. Bloomfield bloomfield
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 21/02/2013 | 10:17 uur
Found! Iran's secret ballistic missile base

Weapons in silos armed with microbial warheads
Published: 21.2.13
byReza Kahlili

WND has learned of the existence of a secret ballistic missile base in Iran's Semnan Province to which the Islamic regime has moved missiles armed with microbial warheads.

The Badr base, a center for air defense which has about 50 underground missile silos housing Iran's Shahab 3 ballistic missiles, serves as Iran's second-largest missile-launching site, and is under the control of the Revolutionary Guards.

Voor de rest van de tekst en foto's zie link

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: andré herc op 24/02/2013 | 00:15 uur
Iran: drone onderschept

Toegevoegd: zondag 24 feb 2013, 00:10

Het Iraanse leger claimt dat het een buitenlands onbemand vliegtuig heeft onderschept. Een woordvoerder van de Revolutionaire Garde zei niet uit welk land de drone afkomstig is.

Volgens Iran werd de drone opgemerkt tijdens een 3 dagen durende militaire oefening, genaamd Grote Profeet 8. Militairen ontdekten signalen van het vliegtuig toen het de grens over kwam in het zuiden van het land.

De woordvoerder claimt dat militairen de besturing van het vliegtuig wisten over te nemen en het ongeschonden aan de grond wisten te krijgen. Dat lukte het land in december 2011 ook al eens met een Amerikaanse drone.

Een woordvoerder van de CIA wilde geen commentaar geven op de berichten.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 24/02/2013 | 00:25 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 21/02/2013 | 10:17 uur
Found! Iran's secret ballistic missile base

Weapons in silos armed with microbial warheads
Published: 21.2.13
byReza Kahlili

WND has learned of the existence of a secret ballistic missile base in Iran's Semnan Province to which the Islamic regime has moved missiles armed with microbial warheads.

The Badr base, a center for air defense which has about 50 underground missile silos housing Iran's Shahab 3 ballistic missiles, serves as Iran's second-largest missile-launching site, and is under the control of the Revolutionary Guards.

Voor de rest van de tekst en foto's zie link


"WorldNetDaily (WND) is an American web site that publishes news and associated content from the perspective of U.S. conservatives and the political right."
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 27/02/2013 | 17:27 uur
Netanyahu urges 'military sanctions' against Iran


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urged the international community on Wednesday to threaten Iran with "military sanctions." The international community should "intensify the sanctions and clarify that if Iran continues its [nuclear] program, there will be military sanctions," Reuters quoted Netanyahu as saying in a statement. The premier did not specify what such measures would entail, but said that any other means would be unlikely to "make Iran heed the international community's demands." It was his first remarks on the issue after two days of talks between Tehran and a group of six world powers.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 27/02/2013 | 19:12 uur
"military sanctions"?! is dat een ander woord voor militair ingrijpen?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 27/02/2013 | 19:19 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 27/02/2013 | 19:12 uur
"military sanctions"?! is dat een ander woord voor militair ingrijpen?

Yes.. hij laat daarmee open in hoeverre, maar inderdaad een militaire toepassing op een probleem.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Zeewier op 01/03/2013 | 01:01 uur
Heb het net zelf op Google Maps gevonden:
Coördinaten: 35.431879,53.756254

Daar niet ver vandaan zijn nog twee grote militaire structuren te zien:

Citaat van: jurrien visser op 21/02/2013 | 10:17 uur
Found! Iran's secret ballistic missile base

Weapons in silos armed with microbial warheads
Published: 21.2.13
byReza Kahlili

WND has learned of the existence of a secret ballistic missile base in Iran's Semnan Province to which the Islamic regime has moved missiles armed with microbial warheads.

The Badr base, a center for air defense which has about 50 underground missile silos housing Iran's Shahab 3 ballistic missiles, serves as Iran's second-largest missile-launching site, and is under the control of the Revolutionary Guards.

Voor de rest van de tekst en foto's zie link

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/03/2013 | 17:02 uur
Iran says building 3,000 advanced centrifuges

Sun, Mar 03 10:41 AM EST

By Yeganeh Torbati

DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran is building about 3,000 advanced uranium-enrichment centrifuges, Iranian media reported on Sunday, in a development likely to add to Western concerns about the Islamic state's disputed nuclear program.

Iran said earlier this year that it would install the new-generation centrifuges at its Natanz uranium enrichment plant in central Iran, but Sunday's reports in Iranian agencies appeared to be the first time a specific figure had been given.

The announcement, which comes after talks between Iran and world powers in Kazakhstan about its nuclear work ended with an agreement to meet again, underlines Iran's continued refusal to bow to Western pressure to curb its nuclear program.

The International Atomic Energy Agency said in February 180 so-called IR-2m centrifuges and empty centrifuge casings had been put in place at the facility near the town of Natanz in central Iran. They were not yet operating.

Iranian media on Sunday paraphrased Fereydoun Abbasi-Davani, the head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organisation, as saying Iran was producing 3,000 new-generation centrifuges.

"The final production line of these centrifuges has reached an end and soon the early generations of these centrifuges with low efficiency will be set aside," Abbasi-Davani said in statements in the Iranian city of Isfahan on Sunday, according to the Fars news agency.

An IAEA note informing member states in January about Iran's plans implied Iran could install up to 3,000 or so of the new centrifuges. Natanz is designed for tens of thousands of the machines.

If launched successfully, such machines could enable Iran to speed up significantly its accumulation of material that the West fears could be used in a nuclear weapon. Iran says it is refining uranium only for peaceful purposes.

Iran has for years been trying to develop centrifuges more efficient than the erratic 1970s IR-1 model it now uses, but their introduction for full-scale production has been dogged by delays and technical hurdles, experts and diplomats say.


In his statements on Sunday Abbasi-Davani also addressed problems at the nuclear power plant near the Gulf city of Bushehr. The plant is not considered a major weapons proliferation risk but recent shutdowns there have raised concerns about its safety.

In its latest report on Iran, the IAEA said it had visited the Bushehr plant in mid-February and that Iran then told it the reactor was shut down. No reason was given.

The plant had previously been shut down in October 2012 and fuel had to be unloaded. A Russian nuclear industry source told Reuters in November the shutdown was due to the discovery of stray bolts beneath the fuel cells.

The 1,000-megawatt plant was originally started in 1975 by German company Siemens, and Russian engineers took over the project in the 1990s.

"In the last year and a half it (the Bushehr plant) has faced problems because of old equipment and hybrid technology from Russia and Germany," Abbasi-Davani was quoted as saying by Fars.

"In the last year we have had no problem in the nuclear portion of the reactors and the outages have been linked to the generators, because of problems in their Russian design and resulting energy leakage."

Iran has repeatedly said the delays at Bushehr were in part due to the need to ensure safety.

(Additional reporting by Fredrik Dahl in Vienna; editing by Philippa Fletcher)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 10/03/2013 | 18:14 uur
Israel unlikely to attack Iran before summer, senior officials say
Iran will obviously be high on the agenda when U.S. President Barack Obama visits Israel next month, but the prevailing assessment here is that the discussion is already closed.

lees verder....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 10/03/2013 | 18:14 uur
Onwaarschijnlijk? Maar zal Israël niet juist aanvallen als de "buitenwereld" dat onwaarschijnlijk acht?! Verrassingseffect is immers nodig om de moeilijke missie tot een succes te maken....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 10/03/2013 | 22:42 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 10/03/2013 | 18:14 uur
Onwaarschijnlijk? Maar zal Israël niet juist aanvallen als de "buitenwereld" dat onwaarschijnlijk acht?! Verrassingseffect is immers nodig om de moeilijke missie tot een succes te maken....

Het gaat misschien wel een nieuwe jomkippoer of hoe je het ook spelt feestdag aanval worden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 10/03/2013 | 23:08 uur
Wat kunnen ze doen?

Een redelijk kleinschalig bombardement of iets met een aanslag door special forces.
Tot meer acht ik ze niet in staat gezien de afstand.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 10/03/2013 | 23:52 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 10/03/2013 | 23:08 uur
Wat kunnen ze doen?

Een redelijk kleinschalig bombardement of iets met een aanslag door special forces.
Tot meer acht ik ze niet in staat gezien de afstand.

Je vergeet iets namelijk dat  Israël ook onderzeeers en korvetten heeft waarop Tomahawk en  Harpoon Standoff Land Attack Missile mssiles kunnen worden afgevuurd.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 10/03/2013 | 23:56 uur
Klopt maar alles bij elkaar kunnen ze niet echt hard toeslaan, en of een precisie aanval voldoende is?

Anderzijds kan Iran ook niks behalve Hezbollah wat MLRS raketten laten afschieten en een paar ballistische raketten afschieten die hoogstwaarschijnlijk wel onderschept kunnen worden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 11/03/2013 | 00:03 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 10/03/2013 | 23:56 uur
Klopt maar alles bij elkaar kunnen ze niet echt hard toeslaan, en of een precisie aanval voldoende is?

Anderzijds kan Iran ook niks behalve Hezbollah wat MLRS raketten laten afschieten en een paar ballistische raketten afschieten die hoogstwaarschijnlijk wel onderschept kunnen worden.

Daarnaast kan Israël vanaf een bevoorrader of een vrachtschip ook  MLRS missiles inzetten.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 11/03/2013 | 00:08 uur
Wie de eerste stap zet is verantwoordelijk voor de gevolgen. En die zijn voor beide partijen, Iran en Israel, niet gering. Als ik durf te gokken.....geen van beide zal een groot offensief beginnen.

De VS zal Israel in toom houden en Iran zal hopenlijk zo slim zijn geen domme dingen te doen en flink door blijven klussen aan het nucliar programma.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 11/03/2013 | 16:30 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 10/03/2013 | 23:52 uur
Je vergeet iets namelijk dat  Israël ook onderzeeers en korvetten heeft waarop Tomahawk en  Harpoon Standoff Land Attack Missile mssiles kunnen worden afgevuurd.
En dus een flink aantal gevechtsvliegtuigen...zowel F-16 als F-15...special forces...als ook de Popeye Turbo SLCM vanaf onderzeeboten...

Dit is bij elkaar een flinke slagkracht. Bovendien zal er waarschijnlijk een escalatie optreden...of Iran moet zich qua vergelding enorm gaan inhouden...waar ook de VS waarschijnlijk dan bij betrokken raakt....en die kan het karwei "afmaken"....misschien is dat waar Israël dan op hoopt of op koerst..
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 11/03/2013 | 22:32 uur
Iran dient vooral niets te doen. De Israeli's kunnen waarschijnlijk geen grote schade toebrengen. Het bruut vermoorden van wetenschappers is denk ik effectiever.

Iran moet zich focussen op het verkrijgen van Pantsyr en S-300 vanuit Syrië en deze verbeteren en produceren. Daarnaast dient men er voor te zorgen dat hun kustbatterijen niet door de VS in een verrassingsaanval uit te schakelen zijn. Tot slot moet men de commandostructuur van hun landstrijdkrachten sterk decentraliseren zodat men een effectieve verdediging kan voeren wanneer de hogere staven uitgeschakeld zijn.

Daarnaast zijn chemische warheads denk ik een goede interim oplossing voordat men kernkoppen heeft gefabriceerd.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Hyperion op 12/03/2013 | 08:36 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 11/03/2013 | 22:32 uur
Iran dient vooral niets te doen. De Israeli's kunnen waarschijnlijk geen grote schade toebrengen. Het bruut vermoorden van wetenschappers is denk ik effectiever.

Iran moet zich focussen op het verkrijgen van Pantsyr en S-300 vanuit Syrië en deze verbeteren en produceren. Daarnaast dient men er voor te zorgen dat hun kustbatterijen niet door de VS in een verrassingsaanval uit te schakelen zijn. Tot slot moet men de commandostructuur van hun landstrijdkrachten sterk decentraliseren zodat men een effectieve verdediging kan voeren wanneer de hogere staven uitgeschakeld zijn.

Daarnaast zijn chemische warheads denk ik een goede interim oplossing voordat men kernkoppen heeft gefabriceerd.

Iran heeft zelf genoeg S-300's en Syrie heeft er geen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 12/03/2013 | 08:42 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 10/03/2013 | 22:42 uur
Het gaat misschien wel een nieuwe jomkippoer of hoe je het ook spelt feestdag aanval worden.
Met het kleine verschil dat op Jom Kippoer 1973 (de heiligste dag van de Joodse kalender) Israël zelf aangevallen werd...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 12/03/2013 | 17:59 uur
Iran heeft geen S-300's.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 12/03/2013 | 18:00 uur
Iran Repels U-2 Reconnaissance Plane – Military

A senior Iranian commander says the country identified and repelled an American U2 reconnaissance plane that was trying to intrude into Iranian airspace above the Sea of Oman.

Commander of Khatam al-Anbiya Air Defense Base Brigadier General Farzad Esmaili said on Tuesday that the country's air defense systems identified the radar-evading plane on February 10 but it left the area after receiving a warning from Iran's air-defense units.

"The US U2 plane was flying from Pakistan's southwest to the east of the Sea of Oman and was being monitored by our radar and electronic surveillance systems every moment," the Iranian commander said, adding that Iran's Persian Gulf radar gave it a warning when it was trying to enter Iran's airspace above the Sea of Oman and southeast of the Strait of Hormuz.

The plane, which is one of the world's most technologically-advanced reconnaissance aircraft, probably intended to take images of and gather information about Iran's southern region, he added.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 14/03/2013 | 21:07 uur
Thread: Iran confronts U.S. drone over Persian Gulf

Iranian military aircraft targeted a U.S. Predator drone over the Persian Gulf this week, administration officials said. It was the latest in Iranian efforts to thwart the U.S. military's airborne intelligence collections efforts in the region.

Three administration officials have separately confirmed details of the incident, although the Pentagon has not publicly acknowledged it.

The drone was flying in international airspace off Oman when Iran detected it and launched its own manned aircraft, according to the officials who have direct knowledge of the incident. The Iranian planes then shadowed the drone, which eventually left the area. No shots were fired. However, the officials said the U.S. is concerned about Iranian intentions in incidents like this and whether it could unintentionally trigger hostility.

"They have done this before. We are fully prepared to defend our aircraft. We were definitely in international airspace," one of the officials said.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 14/03/2013 | 21:07 uur
Warning flare fired at Iranian jet trailing U.S. Predator

An American fighter jet was forced to shoot a flare to deter an Iranian F-4 on Thursday as it pursued an Air Force MQ-1 Predator over international waters.

The MQ-1 was flying unarmed reconnaissance over the Persian Gulf when it was approached by the F-4, Pentagon spokesman George Little said in a statement. The Iranian jet came within 16 miles of the unmanned Predator.

Two American fighter jets were escorting the Predator and fired the flare as a warning, ending the situation. All American aircraft remained in international waters, Little said.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 14/03/2013 | 22:32 uur

Laatste update:
14 maart 2013 21:32
14 maart 2013 21:31

'Iran nog jaar verwijderd van atoombom'
Iran heeft nog ongeveer een jaar nodig om een atoombom te vervaardigen. Dat heeft de Amerikaanse president Barack Obama gezegd in een donderdag op de Israëlische televisie uitgezonden vraaggesprek.

De Verenigde Staten doen alles wat in hun vermogen ligt om dat te voorkomen, verzekerde Obama de Israëlische kijkers.

De Amerikaanse president, die volgende week Israël bezoekt, verkiest diplomatie nog altijd boven militair ingrijpen. Maar als Israëls aartsvijand in het bezit van kernwapens dreigt te komen, deinst Obama voor niets terug om dat te beletten, verklaarde hij.

De Israëlische premier Benjamin Netanyahu liet eerder blijken dat hij minder geduld heeft met Iran dan zijn Amerikaanse beschermheer.

Het wordt al de komende maanden erop of eronder, denkt Netanyahu. Israël heeft al meermalen gedreigd desnoods op eigen houtje naar de wapens te grijpen als Iran in staat lijkt te geraken om een atoombom te maken.
Door: Novum
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 14/03/2013 | 22:34 uur
Het lijkt nu menens te worden...Obama zet alle deuren open nu en ook Netanyahu lijkt de gong voor de laatste ronde te hebben geslagen. Een jaar is in internationale politiek een wel erg korte periode. Er komt een Israëlische vakantie aan van ruim een week...window of opportunity?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 14/03/2013 | 22:42 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 14/03/2013 | 22:34 uur
Het lijkt nu menens te worden...Obama zet alle deuren open nu en ook Netanyahu lijkt de gong voor de laatste ronde te hebben geslagen.
Of is het (s)preken voor de bühne..? Let wel, hij is in Israel, niet in bijv. Rusland....
Er komt een Israëlische vakantie aan van ruim een week...window of opportunity?
Of niet...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 14/03/2013 | 22:45 uur
Citaat van: Soldier 4 Him (Dennis) op 14/03/2013 | 22:42 uur
Of is het (s)preken voor de bühne..? Let wel, hij is in Israel, niet in bijv. Rusland....Of niet...

Zie ook:

Shapiro: Obama unlikely to set Iran deadline

US Ambassador Dan Shapiro cautions against expecting US president to set calendar during Israel visit.

US Ambassador Dan Shapiro cautioned Wednesday against expecting US President Barack Obama to set a firm calendar deadline on Iran during his visit next week, saying there are numerous variables in play that are constantly in flux.

Shapiro, speaking on a panel at the Herzliya Conference discussing Obama's upcoming visit, was responding to a Yediot Aharonot report claiming Obama would tell Israeli leaders that if it becomes clear by October that there is no chance for a diplomatic solution to the Iranian crisis, the US will seriously consider an attack on Iranian nuclear installations.

"The difficulty in trying to pin a date down is that it is subject to very many dynamic factors: What does the intelligence show about what is going on inside the program? What is the evolving impact the sanctions are having, both economically and politically inside Iran? What is happening in the talks?" Shapiro said. "All of these are in constant flux that requires literally daily dialogue at very high levels between our governments to make sure we are coordinated."

Shapiro said that Israel and the US had a number of shared principles on Iran, and reiterated that the two countries shared a common understanding of the Iranian threat, a common intelligence picture and a common goal: prevention, not containment.

Former deputy foreign minister Danny Ayalon, during his comments, signaled that there were, however, differences. While the US speaks of keeping Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, Israel talks about keeping them from obtaining nuclear capability.

"The two leaders [Obama and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu] should make absolutely sure that the Iranians understand that we have a commonalty of purpose and objectives," he said.

He defined those objectives as "not preventing Iran from possessing nuclear arms, but preventing Iran from developing nuclear arms."

Shapiro said he did not believe these were "massively different principles" between the US and Israel, and hinted that in closed discussions it was clear there is not that wide a gap between the two countries' positions.

Another panelist, Dov Zakheim – a former undersecretary of defense in the Reagan administration – said that America's "number one priority, apart from stopping the Iranians themselves, is stopping this country [Israel] from an attack."

America and Israel's timetables on Iran are "not entirely congruent," he said.

"But the United States wants to be sure that if there is an attack, it is not something the United States has to then react to. In other words, we don't want the tail wagging the dog. In all due respect to Israel, we are still the dog."

Zakheim said that one of the reasons the Obama visit was so important is that it will send a message to Israel and the region that the US has not withdrawn from the world. If Israel believes that Washington has withdrawn from the world, he said, it will strike Iran.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 14/03/2013 | 22:53 uur
Citaat van: Soldier 4 Him (Dennis) op 14/03/2013 | 22:42 uur
Of is het (s)preken voor de bühne..? Let wel, hij is in Israel, niet in bijv. Rusland....Of niet...
1 jaar is erg kort...

En een vakantieperiode kan gunstig zijn...omdat burgers dan thuis zijn als Iraanse vergeldingsaanvallen volgen (burgers goed bereikbaar en dicht bij schuilkelders)...Of zijn de Israëli deze week niet vrij?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/03/2013 | 22:56 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 14/03/2013 | 22:53 uur
1 jaar is erg kort...

En een vakantieperiode kan gunstig zijn...omdat burgers dan thuis zijn als Iraanse vergeldingsaanvallen volgen (burgers goed bereikbaar en dicht bij schuilkelders)...Of zijn de Israëli deze week niet vrij?

Zie ook de "spontane" aanwezigheid van wel heel veel maritieme hardware in het oostelijke deel van de Middellandse Zee, toeval?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 15/03/2013 | 09:05 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 14/03/2013 | 22:53 uur
En een vakantieperiode kan gunstig zijn...omdat burgers dan thuis zijn als Iraanse vergeldingsaanvallen volgen (burgers goed bereikbaar en dicht bij schuilkelders)...Of zijn de Israëli deze week niet vrij?
Komende week is het Pesach en dat duurt van komende dinsdag tot volgende week maandag of dinsdag (de eerste en de laatste dag ligt alles plat, daar tussen in zijn deels feestdagen, deels werkdagen). Maar dit is één van de grotere feesten in Israel, zeker voor de religieuze Joden. Ik betwijfel ten zeerste dat men juist dan in actie komt.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 15/03/2013 | 23:08 uur
Israël moet dit alleen op gaan knappen, en snel ook. Zodra die bom er komt, is het veel en veel te laat. st
Er moet een strike komen, ook al heeft dit een gigantisch conflict tot gevolg. Zodra Iran die bom heeft zie ik ze nog wel aan om hun radioactieve afval te verkopen aan elke haatbaard die Israël of het Westen iets aan wilt doen....

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 16/03/2013 | 06:22 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 15/03/2013 | 23:08 uur
Israël moet dit alleen op gaan knappen, en snel ook. Zodra die bom er komt, is het veel en veel te laat. st
Er moet een strike komen, ook al heeft dit een gigantisch conflict tot gevolg. Zodra Iran die bom heeft zie ik ze nog wel aan om hun radioactieve afval te verkopen aan elke haatbaard die Israël of het Westen iets aan wilt doen....

Wat een complete nonsens zeg.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 16/03/2013 | 14:51 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 15/03/2013 | 23:08 uur
Zodra Iran die bom heeft zie ik ze nog wel aan om hun radioactieve afval te verkopen aan elke haatbaard die Israël of het Westen iets aan wilt doen....

Ga eens even googlen dan zie je dat er al een illegale handel is in uranium en plutonium daar hebben die "haatbaarden" Iran dus helemaal niet voor nodig......  En dan ben je nog bang dat Iran het radioactieve afval gaat verkopen en dat die "haatbaarden" tevreden zijn met afval'

Hier een  brief ( uit 1994(!!!!)  
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 16/03/2013 | 14:58 uur
Citaat van: Jah op 16/03/2013 | 06:22 uur
Wat een complete nonsens zeg.

Je kan dus zien dat de propagande machine goed werkt................   ondanks men nu zelf verschillende bronnen kunnen raadplegen houd men dus vast aan wat er gezegd wordt vanuit de Westerse regeringen. 

Net als elk land heeft Iran ook het recht om zich te verdedigen en dit kan dus ook met een aanval zijn........ :devil:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 16/03/2013 | 15:45 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 16/03/2013 | 14:58 uur
Je kan dus zien dat de propagande machine goed werkt................   ondanks men nu zelf verschillende bronnen kunnen raadplegen houd men dus vast aan wat er gezegd wordt vanuit de Westerse regeringen. 
Gelukkig lopen hier nog verlichte profeten rond die het Licht hebben gezien  :crazy: Het heeft iets te maken met ieder z'n mening/opvatting enzo. Maar laat maar. Want dat snapt niet iedereen hier..  :cute-smile:

Net als elk land heeft Iran ook het recht om zich te verdedigen en dit kan dus ook met een aanval zijn........ :devil:
Een pre-emptive strike? En door wie worden ze dan aangevallen? Inderdaad, niemand...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 16/03/2013 | 16:41 uur
Citaat van: Soldier 4 Him (Dennis) op 16/03/2013 | 15:45 uur
Gelukkig lopen hier nog verlichte profeten rond die het Licht hebben gezien  :crazy: Het heeft iets te maken met ieder z'n mening/opvatting enzo. Maar laat maar. Want dat snapt niet iedereen hier..  :cute-smile:

Ook ik zei gewoon mijn mening / opvatting maar opeens heb je het over verlichte profeten die hier rondlopen........  
Je laat zien dat je het eigenlijk zelf niet snapt......... :devil:      

Citaat van: Soldier 4 Him (Dennis) op 16/03/2013 | 15:45 uur
Een pre-emptive strike? En door wie worden ze dan aangevallen? Inderdaad, niemand...

De dreiging om aan gevallen te worden door Isreäl / de VS is genoeg want de aanval is de beste verdedigin

Het is dus je mening hen ( de VS en Israël) niemand te noemen............. Er liep ook niemand voorop qua boycotten....?

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 16/03/2013 | 18:25 uur
Citaat van: Soldier 4 Him (Dennis) op 16/03/2013 | 15:45 uur
Een pre-emptive strike? En door wie worden ze dan aangevallen? Inderdaad, niemand...
Al sinds 1979 krijgt het Iraanse regime geregeld te maken met Amerikaanse dreigementen over militair ingrijpen en forced regime-change. Dit is heel erg dichtbij gekomen met de invasie van Afghanistan en Irak. Iran stond toen ook op het lijstje...maar de invasies bleken iets minder voortvarend te gaan dan de regering Bush en de haviken daarin hadden verwacht en voorspeld. Israël heeft deze plannen sterk gepromoot indertijd...en wil ook nu nog de Iraanse nucleaire installaties met militair geweld vernietigen. Dus ja, wat ik ook van het Iraanse regime vind....dat ze zich bedreigd voelen en daar stappen tegen nemen lijkt me vrij begrijpelijk.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 17/03/2013 | 01:01 uur
Citaat van: Jah op 16/03/2013 | 06:22 uur
Wat een complete nonsens zeg.

Goede onderbouwing.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 18/03/2013 | 02:32 uur
Iran onthult nieuwe fregat in de Kaspische Zee:

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 19/03/2013 | 00:51 uur
Citaat van: Jah op 18/03/2013 | 02:32 uur
Iran onthult nieuwe fregat in de Kaspische Zee:

Iran kennende zal er meer werk hebben gezeten over het instuderen van alle bombarie dan de daadwerkelijke bouw van die boot.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 19/03/2013 | 14:55 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 19/03/2013 | 00:51 uur
Iran kennende zal er meer werk hebben gezeten over het instuderen van alle bombarie dan de daadwerkelijke bouw van die boot.

Leg eens uit?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: StrataNL op 19/03/2013 | 16:12 uur
Het zijn echt meesters in reverse-engeneering...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 19/03/2013 | 16:12 uur
Citaat van: Jah op 19/03/2013 | 14:55 uur
Leg eens uit?
Zie o.a. dit topic: (
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Tanker op 19/03/2013 | 16:52 uur
Citaat van: Soldier 4 Him (Dennis) op 19/03/2013 | 16:12 uur
Zie o.a. dit topic: (

Dat is echt een lachertje, ze zeggen wel eens "beter goed gestolen dan slecht gekopieerd"
Deze is en heel slecht gestolen en waardeloos gekopieerd, wat een clowns daar......
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 19/03/2013 | 17:23 uur
Citaat van: Soldier 4 Him (Dennis) op 19/03/2013 | 16:12 uur
Zie o.a. dit topic: (

Slechts één geval. Als je een beetje op de hoogte zou zijn geweest van Iran's militaire ontwikkeling, dan had je kunnen weten dat Iran al jaren relatief hoogontwikkelde militaire apparatuur produceert.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 20/03/2013 | 02:37 uur
Citaat van: Jah op 19/03/2013 | 17:23 uur
Slechts één geval. Als je een beetje op de hoogte zou zijn geweest van Iran's militaire ontwikkeling, dan had je kunnen weten dat Iran al jaren relatief hoogontwikkelde militaire apparatuur produceert.

Slechts een geval?

Een totaal niet bestaand vliegtuig prijzen als hun nieuwste r&d overwinning en filmpjes laten zien van een vliegend speelvliegtuigje en daarmee
Denken iedereen te kunnen foppen vind jij nietszeggend? Dat is de grootste pr fout in de militaire moderne geschiedenis, zelfs de noord koreanen zijn niet zo achterlijk. Slechts een geval..pff.. word even wakker zeg.

Zet ff je oogkleppen af, en neem hierin mee dat irans maritieme moderne ervaring evengroot is als mijn schoenmaat..en je begrijpt mijn post.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 20/03/2013 | 02:42 uur
Citaat van: Strata op 19/03/2013 | 16:12 uur
Het zijn echt meesters in reverse-engeneering...

Oja? Vertel.. omdat ze zeggen die drone te hebben nagebouwd? Omdat ze zeggen dat ze de tomcats nog prima in de lucht te kunnen houden? Omdat zezeggen een nieuw vliegtuig te hebben ontwikkeld? Omdat ze zeggen een aap de ruimte in te hebben geschoten?Ze zeggen een hele boel. Even voor jezelf blijven denken en beseffen dat dat hele land een of andere ayatholla achternaloopt die een heleboel zegt. Oogkleppen afdoen. Totdat je zelf hebt gewerkt met spul is er altijd een heleboel wat mensen zeggen en beweren. Al helemaal als dit plaatsvind in stuk woestijn 9000km verderop wat niemand eigelijk ene rats ass interesseert behalve omdat een stel middeleeuwse idioten bezig zijn met een nucleair programma.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 20/03/2013 | 03:58 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 20/03/2013 | 02:42 uur
Even voor jezelf blijven denken en beseffen dat dat hele land een of andere ayatholla achternaloopt die een heleboel zegt. Oogkleppen afdoen. Totdat je zelf hebt gewerkt met spul is er altijd een heleboel wat mensen zeggen en beweren. Al helemaal als dit plaatsvind in stuk woestijn 9000km verderop wat niemand eigelijk ene rats ass interesseert behalve omdat een stel middeleeuwse idioten bezig zijn met een nucleair programma.

Zelden zoveel nonsens en vooroordelen gehoord. Anders lees je even de reisverslagen van mensen die daadwerkelijk het land hebben bezocht. De mensen lopen allesbehalve achter één ayatollah na. De protesten van 2009 alweer vergeten? Iran is ook allesbehalve een woestijn. Sterker nog, het kent meer groen dan Nederland en België bij elkaar. Voor de rest hebben we het over een land dat:

1) De snelst wetenschappelijke groei ter wereld kent.
2) Op terreinen als nanotechnologie, stamcelonderzoek en nucleaire technologie op Nederland vooruit loopt.
3) Al jaren goed vertegenwoordigd is op verscheidene robotica competities.
4) Op het gebied van 'cyberwarfare' tot de top van de wereld behoort.
5) Over de meest diverse en hoogontwikkelde arsenaal aan raketten in de regio beschikt.

Dit is die middeleeuwse woestijn waar je over spreekt overigens:











Anders sla je eens een boek open?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 20/03/2013 | 04:14 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 20/03/2013 | 02:42 uuromdat ze zeggen die drone te hebben nagebouwd?

Welke drone zouden ze hebben nagebouwd? Die RQ-170? Daar zouden ze nog mee bezig zijn. De ScanEagle hebben ze overigens al nagebouwd en getest. Er zijn daar al foto's op het internet van te vinden. Hier:


CitaatOmdat ze zeggen dat ze de tomcats nog prima in de lucht te kunnen houden?

Een jaar geleden: Iraanse Tomcats die Russische Flankers assisteren over Iraanse luchtruim:


Een meer recente foto; een paar dagen geleden vrijgegeven, waarin een gemoderniseerde Tomcat met nieuwe camo te zien is:

CitaatFirst photo of first F-14AM (M is abbreviation of "Modernized"). IRIAF`s technicians and experts modernized this bird during its overhaul. Modernization program is covering structure life-extention, avionic and armament systems upgrade. The work was massive and hundreds of hours was spent on upgrading this 37 years old Interceptor. It has painted in edged three tone Asian Minor II camo pattern. Two new AA missiles has adapted with its fire control system, R-73E and AIM-54A + "Fakkur" furthermore AIM-54A, AIM-7E-4, AIM-9J, and MIM-23C.

CitaatOmdat zezeggen een nieuw vliegtuig te hebben ontwikkeld?

Dat was niets meer dan een PR-stunt, waarschijnlijk om interne redenen. Ze hebben overigens al zelfstandig een vliegtuig ontwikkeld: de Saeqah.

CitaatOmdat ze zeggen een aap de ruimte in te hebben geschoten?

Wat bevestigd is door NASA. Doe eens wat meer onderzoek voordat je de meest oppervlakkige dingen over tafel gooit.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 20/03/2013 | 15:00 uur
Nooit durven denken dat er nog lui zijn die zo enorm in die propaganda trappen zeg. Blijf voor jezelf denken. Alles wat naar buiten komt in dat land ondervind een meer hevige censuur dan goebbels zijn hand in de jaren veertig van de vorige eeuw. Ennem..die aap. Dat was ineens een hele andere bij de lqnding.
Prachtig dit.

Niemand op dit forum heeft ook maar iets van iran met eigen ogen gezien. Jullie twee praten alles heerlijk na van wat er daar naar buiten wordt gegooid.  Genieten
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 20/03/2013 | 19:18 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 20/03/2013 | 15:00 uur
Niemand op dit forum heeft ook maar iets van iran met eigen ogen gezien. Jullie twee praten alles heerlijk na van wat er daar naar buiten wordt gegooid.  Genieten

Enorm suggestief.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Flyguy op 20/03/2013 | 19:19 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 20/03/2013 | 15:00 uur
Niemand op dit forum heeft ook maar iets van iran met eigen ogen gezien. Jullie twee praten alles heerlijk na van wat er daar naar buiten wordt gegooid.  Genieten
Ik vond het een mooi land met aardige, slimme mensen. :angel:

De top van het land, daar zit het 'm in.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 20/03/2013 | 19:40 uur
Citaat van: Flyguy op 20/03/2013 | 19:19 uur
Ik vond het een mooi land met aardige, slimme mensen. :angel:

De top van het land, daar zit het 'm in.

Volgens mij geldt dat voor de meeste landen.....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Flyguy op 20/03/2013 | 19:44 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 20/03/2013 | 19:40 uur
Volgens mij geldt dat voor de meeste landen.....
Niet voor Noord-korea, daar wordt je opgegeten door een horde hongerige gehersenspoelde zombies.

En laten we eerlijk zijn, Nederlanders hebben over het algemeen een afkeer tegen buitenlanders, zowel toeristen als immigranten, terwijl de overheid over het algemeen van buitelanders houdt. ;D
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: StrataNL op 20/03/2013 | 20:32 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 20/03/2013 | 02:42 uur
Oja? Vertel.. omdat ze zeggen die drone te hebben nagebouwd? Omdat ze zeggen dat ze de tomcats nog prima in de lucht te kunnen houden? Omdat zezeggen een nieuw vliegtuig te hebben ontwikkeld? Omdat ze zeggen een aap de ruimte in te hebben geschoten?Ze zeggen een hele boel. Even voor jezelf blijven denken en beseffen dat dat hele land een of andere ayatholla achternaloopt die een heleboel zegt. Oogkleppen afdoen. Totdat je zelf hebt gewerkt met spul is er altijd een heleboel wat mensen zeggen en beweren. Al helemaal als dit plaatsvind in stuk woestijn 9000km verderop wat niemand eigelijk ene rats ass interesseert behalve omdat een stel middeleeuwse idioten bezig zijn met een nucleair programma.

Het nieuwe marineschip van Iran bevat een oto 76mm kloon, standard missile 1 kloon, torpedolauncher kloon, bofors 40mm kloon.
en ik zie nog wat fake Thales apparatuur. Ze hebben een Scaneagle kloon en zometeen een Sentinel kloon...

Je moet niet denken dat ze helemaal gek zijn natuurlijk. Het zal allemaal niet zo soepel werken als het originele spul, maar het werkt wel. Als iran niet serieus genomen hoeft te worden zoals jij suggereert, vanwaar dan de vrezen van landen in die regio en het westen?

Daarom ben ik ook tegen de verkoop van korvetten aan Indonesie, Marokko, Vietnam en dat soort landen. Omdat al dat spul zoals SMART-S radars, doelaanwijzers etc etc daar gewoon niet veilig is. Het word uit elkaar gehaald en gekopieerd waar je (niet) bij staat.

Natuurlijk moeten Damen en Thales etc. geld verdienen maar je geeft wel je high-tech apparatuur weg aan de (mogelijke) vijand. ik hoop dat de westerse fabrikanten van hoogwaardig militair materieel hier rekening mee houden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 20/03/2013 | 20:35 uur
Citaat van: Strata op 20/03/2013 | 20:32 uur

Natuurlijk moeten Damen en Thales etc. geld verdienen maar je geeft wel je high-tech apparatuur weg aan de (mogelijke) vijand. ik hoop dat de westerse fabrikanten van hoogwaardig militair materieel hier rekening mee houden.
Ik vrees de fabrikanten van niet....dus heb ik meer hoop dat de politiek dat doet.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 20/03/2013 | 20:41 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 20/03/2013 | 20:35 uur
Ik vrees de fabrikanten van niet....dus heb ik meer hoop dat de politiek dat doet.

Zinloos als je ziet welke high tech middelen met karrenvrachten tegelijk  naar het Midden- en Verre Oosten gaan. (maar ik deel de bezorgdheid)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 20/03/2013 | 21:23 uur
Iraanse schepen in China deze maand:







Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 20/03/2013 | 21:34 uur
Citaat van: Jah op 20/03/2013 | 21:23 uur
Iraanse schepen in China deze maand:

Eigenlijk zijn dit roeiboten maar doordat ze er een kartonnen-omhulsel er om heen hebben gezet lijkt het echte marine schepen...... 
Je denkt toch niet dat deze middeleeuwse idioten echte marine schepen hebben...... ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

(voor de duidelijkheid cynisch bedoelt)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 20/03/2013 | 22:00 uur
Iran word neergezet als een of ander onderontwikkeld land dat ergens in de middeleeuwen is blijven hangen. De pro-Israel fans zijn daar het bewijs van met het oproepen tot een aanval om 'eventjes' het kernprogramma van Iran lam te leggen. Het dringt schijnbaar niet door dat Iran militair niet te vergelijken is met Irak, om een voorbeeld te noemen. Een oorlog met Iran zal niet misselijk zijn en de kans is zeer groot dat Israel daar flink mee op de plaat gaat.

Hoe Iran naar buiten over komt is verwarrend en dit kan de aanleiding zijn dat mensen op het verkeerde been worden gezet.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 20/03/2013 | 22:03 uur
Citaat van: Jah op 20/03/2013 | 21:23 uur
Iraanse schepen in China deze maand:
Zie in dit kader ook  dit ( bericht.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 20/03/2013 | 22:05 uur
Citaat van: Jah op 18/03/2013 | 02:32 uur
Iran onthult nieuwe fregat in de Kaspische Zee:

Dat is geen Fregat maar een Korvet.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 20/03/2013 | 22:23 uur
Citaat van: Lex op 20/03/2013 | 22:03 uur
Zie in dit kader ook  dit ( bericht.

Klopt. Overigens meerden ook Russische schepen een aantal weken geleden in Iran aan. Het lijkt erop alsof Rusland en China een 'boodschap' aan de VS willen overbrengen.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 20/03/2013 | 22:27 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 20/03/2013 | 22:00 uur
Iran word neergezet als een of ander onderontwikkeld land dat ergens in de middeleeuwen is blijven hangen. De pro-Israel fans zijn daar het bewijs van met het oproepen tot een aanval om 'eventjes' het kernprogramma van Iran lam te leggen. Het dringt schijnbaar niet door dat Iran militair niet te vergelijken is met Irak, om een voorbeeld te noemen. Een oorlog met Iran zal niet misselijk zijn en de kans is zeer groot dat Israel daar flink mee op de plaat gaat.

Hoe Iran naar buiten over komt is verwarrend en dit kan de aanleiding zijn dat mensen op het verkeerde been worden gezet.

Mwa, Iran is inderdaad niet zo achterlijk als dat sommige het doen voorkomen. Sterker, ik heb het vermoeden dat de bevolking minder conservatief is dan de bevolking van Saudi-Arabië. Al kun je je afvragen over welke van de twee dit wat zegt....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 20/03/2013 | 22:31 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 20/03/2013 | 22:05 uur
Dat is geen Fregat maar een Korvet.

Volgens onze standaarden inderdaad niet.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 20/03/2013 | 22:31 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 20/03/2013 | 22:27 uur
Mwa, Iran is inderdaad niet zo achterlijk als dat sommige het doen voorkomen. Sterker, ik heb het vermoeden dat de bevolking minder conservatief is dan de bevolking van Saudi-Arabië. Al kun je je afvragen over welke van de twee dit wat zegt....

Iraniers zijn redelijk modern en tolerant, in tegenstelling tot hun buren.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 20/03/2013 | 22:53 uur
Citaat van: Jah op 20/03/2013 | 22:31 uur
Volgens onze standaarden inderdaad niet.

die standaard is inmiddels achterhaald, Iran hanteert nog de standaard van marineschepen uit de tweede wereld oorlog.

Een tonnage van tussen de 600 ton en 2500 ton is een Korvet

Een tonnage van tussen de 2600 ton en 5900 ton is een Fregat

Een tonnage tussen 6000 ton  en 11000 ton is een Destroyer.

Een tonnage boven de 12000 ton is een Kruiser.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 20/03/2013 | 23:36 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 20/03/2013 | 22:53 uur
Iran hanteert nog de standaard van marineschepen uit de tweede wereld oorlog.


Ik zie mijn Suzuki Wagon - R nog altijd als een SUV  8)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 20/03/2013 | 23:48 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 20/03/2013 | 22:53 uur
die standaard is inmiddels achterhaald, Iran hanteert nog de standaard van marineschepen uit de tweede wereld oorlog.

Je hebt gelijk, maar Iran kent helemaal geen standaard wat betreft marineschepen. Iran noemt elk relatief groot schip een 'destroyer', wat simpelweg komt door het feit dat er geen woord voor 'fregat' of 'korvet' in het Perzisch is.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 20/03/2013 | 23:50 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 20/03/2013 | 23:36 uur

Ik zie mijn Suzuki Wagon - R nog altijd als een SUV  8)

Een Suzuki Wagon - R  is geen SUV maar een MPV ( multiple purpose vehicle )

Een Suzuki Jimny  is wel een SUV (sports utility vehicle) een SUV moet nu eenmaal vier wielaandrijving hebben.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 20/03/2013 | 23:59 uur
Iran to make "ultra heavy" destroyer next year

Iran plans to manufacture a new, ultra heavy destroyer next Iranian calendar, deputy director of Iranian Ministry of Defense' Industrial Research department, Mohammad Eslami said, speaking on Iranian tv channel, Tasnim News Agency reported.

"We've already started to design the overall look of the destroyer, and the work in this area continues to speed up," he said.

He further spoke of country's other achievements, namely noting that Iran next year plans to manufacture country's first 500-ton submarine, and release it on water by the end of 2013.

Eslami also said that Iran has recently completed manufacturing of "Jamaran 2" destroyers, which have new propulsion system, an improved combat management system, and better navigation systems over its predecessor.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 21/03/2013 | 00:07 uur
Wat me opvalt is dat die Jamaran Fregatten die ik tot nu toe heb gezien geen CIWS hebben en de Radar Technologie
Doet me aan de jaren 80/90 vorige eeuw denken.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 21/03/2013 | 00:18 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 21/03/2013 | 00:07 uur
Wat me opvalt is dat die Jamaran Fregatten die ik tot nu toe heb gezien geen CIWS hebben en de Radar Technologie
Doet me aan de jaren 80/90 vorige eeuw denken.

Daarom is de 'fregat' (Jamaran 2) die ze een aantal dagen geleden hebben gemoderniseerd, waaronder een nieuw 'phased radar', etc. Ik verwacht meer ontwikkelingen de komende jaren wat betreft Iraanse scheepsbouw. Ze zijn net bezig. Het wordt inderdaad wel eens tijd voor een CIWS.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 23/03/2013 | 17:18 uur
Hier info over de luchtverdediging van Iran.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 25/03/2013 | 06:33 uur
Iran confirms secret nuclear 'Quds' site

Images lead experts to warn Tehran may have bomb sooner than expected

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 25/03/2013 | 17:52 uur
Citaat van: Jah op 20/03/2013 | 23:59 uur
Iran to make "ultra heavy" destroyer next year

Iran plans to manufacture a new, ultra heavy destroyer next Iranian calendar, deputy director of Iranian Ministry of Defense' Industrial Research department, Mohammad Eslami said, speaking on Iranian tv channel, Tasnim News Agency reported.

"We've already started to design the overall look of the destroyer, and the work in this area continues to speed up," he said.

He further spoke of country's other achievements, namely noting that Iran next year plans to manufacture country's first 500-ton submarine, and release it on water by the end of 2013.

Eslami also said that Iran has recently completed manufacturing of "Jamaran 2" destroyers, which have new propulsion system, an improved combat management system, and better navigation systems over its predecessor.

Geniaal. Ik wacht nog steeds op het moment dat de verenigde staten een aankondiging doen van een nieuw super heavy ultra battleship en dan uiteindelijk met de Thinderbird 3 komen ofzo. Wat een faalhazen die Iraniers. Halve volk heeft honger, reuze inflatie, maar die meneren gaan zich bezighouden met hun ultra super destroyer wat uiteindelijk niet echt zo wereldschokkend zal zijn als ze verkondigen.

Met een beetje geluk zien we overmorgen al het eindproduct, een half overgeschilderd chinees vrachtschip.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 25/03/2013 | 18:15 uur
Ze zullen zich toch moeten voorbereiden op die invasie. Zolang Syrië nog wat weerstand biedt hebben ze nog even tijd.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 25/03/2013 | 18:46 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 25/03/2013 | 18:15 uur
Ze zullen zich toch moeten voorbereiden op die invasie. Zolang Syrië nog wat weerstand biedt hebben ze nog even tijd.
Ik ben juist bang van niet...want de instabiliteit in Syrië lijkt me juist een uitgelezen kans om Iran aan te pakken...omdat Iran nu op meerdere fronten moet opereren....en het Syrische regime ook meer aan zijn hoofd heeft dan om ook Israël nog aan te vallen of te bevechten.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 25/03/2013 | 19:01 uur
Israël is inderdaad aan het timen, dat is logisch.
Zoiets wat gebeurde tijdens de Hongaarse opstand, maar dan omgekeerd.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 25/03/2013 | 22:06 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 25/03/2013 | 18:46 uur
...want de instabiliteit in Syrië lijkt me juist een uitgelezen kans om Iran aan te pakken...omdat Iran nu op meerdere fronten moet opereren....en het Syrische regime ook meer aan zijn hoofd heeft dan om ook Israël nog aan te vallen of te bevechten.

Ik zie het nog gebeuren dat dan de opstandelingen en "Assad"  zij aan zij tegen Israël gaan vechten indien Israël Iran aanvalt.
De haat tegen Israël is groter dan die onderlinge haat.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 25/03/2013 | 22:10 uur
Die opstandelingen zitten diep in de zak van Israël.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 25/03/2013 | 22:14 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 25/03/2013 | 22:06 uur
Ik zie het nog gebeuren dat dan de opstandelingen en "Assad"  zij aan zij tegen Israël gaan vechten indien Israël Iran aanvalt.
De haat tegen Israël is groter dan die onderlinge haat.
Ik denk van niet....maar het is precies deze verwarring die Israël juist heel goed kan gebruiken denk ik. Met Israël bedoel ik eigenlijk de regering Netanyahu. Netanyahu heeft al vaker grote problemen of conflicten elders gezien als mogelijke "bliksemafleider" voor stappen tegen de Palestijnen...en in dit geval...Iran (en Hezbollah).
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 25/03/2013 | 22:18 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 25/03/2013 | 22:10 uur
Die opstandelingen zitten diep in de zak van Israël.

De salafisten en jihadisten in de zak van Israël, tuurlijk.    :angel: :angel:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 25/03/2013 | 22:26 uur
Wahabisten wonderbaarlijk genoeg wel.

Die zijn gelieerd aan Saoedi-Arabië en Qatar. Dat zijn landen die (waarschijnlijk uit vanwege hun band met de USA) poeslief doen tegen Israël. Voor hen zijn Wahabisten een minder groot gevaar dan seculiere Arabieren en Shiiten die nog steeds de bevrijding van Palestina van de Joodse kolonisten voor ogen hebben.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 26/03/2013 | 09:03 uur
Waarschijnlijk een repost, maar blijft interessant: Iemand met teveel vrije tijd en Google Earth =
Bluffer's guide: Fortress Iran 1 (
Bluffer's guide: Fortress Iran 2 (
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 27/03/2013 | 10:09 uur
Report: Iran mulling 6-month 20% uranium enrichment freeze

Al-Monitor cites sources as saying US officials "had the most substantive conversation they ever had" with Iran over nuclear program; US may be looking to add further incentives at upcoming Kazakhstan talks, report adds.

Iran is considering an international proposal to suspend uranium enrichment to a fissile concentration of 20 percent for a period of six months and converting their existing stockpile of 20% enriched uranium to an oxide for medical use, Al-Monitor reported on Tuesday, citing diplomatic sources.

According to the report, Iranian nuclear experts discussed the proposal at technical talks in Istanbul last week with the P5+1 group of world powers which consists of the US, Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany.

Al-Monitor quoted an analyst briefed on the talks as saying that US officials "had the most substantive conversation they ever had" with Iran at the Istanbul technical talks.

The Iranians, however, rejected other demands that the world powers' proposed in exchange for loosening economic sanctions against the Islamic Republic, sources said. At the previous round of talks in Kazakhstan last month, the Iranians reportedly raised objections to a number of proposed steps, including, suspending operations at the underground Fordow nuclear facility, allowing for enhanced inspections by the UN nuclear watchdog and shipping the country's supply of 20% enriched uranium out of the country.

According to Al-Monitor, the US may be looking at adding further incentives to sweeten the offer to Iran at the upcoming round of talks scheduled for April 5-6 in Kazakhstan.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 27/03/2013 | 11:27 uur
Interessante artikel over hoe Iran tot op de dag van vandaag z'n F-14's wist/weet te onderhouden:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 27/03/2013 | 18:52 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 25/03/2013 | 22:14 uur
Ik denk van niet....maar het is precies deze verwarring die Israël juist heel goed kan gebruiken denk ik. Met Israël bedoel ik eigenlijk de regering Netanyahu. Netanyahu heeft al vaker grote problemen of conflicten elders gezien als mogelijke "bliksemafleider" voor stappen tegen de Palestijnen...en in dit geval...Iran (en Hezbollah).

Dat doet iedereen natuurlijk. Politici, generaals,media.. dat is een van de eerste lessen. Je doet nu alsof dat een Israëlisch/Netanyahuaan's truuqje is.
Zoals ik al zei, de hongaarse opstand maar dan helemaal omgekeerd.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 27/03/2013 | 19:52 uur
Citaat van: Jah op 27/03/2013 | 11:27 uur
Interessante artikel over hoe Iran tot op de dag van vandaag z'n F-14's wist/weet te onderhouden:

Ok, duidelijk.

We kopen een partij D's uit de boneyard en hangen er een nieuwe radar in. Klaar.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 27/03/2013 | 19:54 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 27/03/2013 | 18:52 uur
Dat doet iedereen natuurlijk. Politici, generaals,media.. dat is een van de eerste lessen. Je doet nu alsof dat een Israëlisch/Netanyahuaan's truuqje is.
Zoals ik al zei, de hongaarse opstand maar dan helemaal omgekeerd.
Ik zeg nergens dat het een Netanyahu trucje is.... Ik stel alleen dat er een geval bekend is waarbij Netanyahu dat eerder heeft geopperd....dus geen politicus is die daar niks mee heeft. Dat is iets op mee te wegen...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 27/03/2013 | 20:01 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 27/03/2013 | 19:52 uur
Ok, duidelijk.

We kopen een partij D's uit de boneyard en hangen er een nieuwe radar in. Klaar.

:angel: Wat mij betreft, tot nu toe, wel de mooiste kist allertijden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Nikehercules op 27/03/2013 | 20:08 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 27/03/2013 | 20:01 uur
:angel: Wat mij betreft, tot nu toe, wel de mooiste kist allertijden.

I totally agree! Iig vanaf die generatie.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 27/03/2013 | 20:17 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 27/03/2013 | 19:54 uur
Ik zeg nergens dat het een Netanyahu trucje is.... Ik stel alleen dat er een geval bekend is waarbij Netanyahu dat eerder heeft geopperd....dus geen politicus is die daar niks mee heeft. Dat is iets op mee te wegen...

Duidelijk :) En ik ben het met je eens. Daar wacht hij natuurlijk op.
Beste is om een strike uit te voeren, en dat er de dag erop in een Westers land iets groots gebeurd.
In de media is het "dauwdruppel" effect heel erg bekend.
Je moet het boek "Wat is nieuws" eens lezen. Geschreven door Teunissen.
Dun boekje, en het gaat geheel over Colin. Powell.. Minister van Defensie van Amerika tijdens de inval in Irak. Als er in de westerse wereld wat gebeurd, zit de media daar veel meer op. Dat is namelijk dichtbij in afstand, en tegelijkertijd dichtbij in tijd.

Wordt de truuq waar jij het over hebt heel goed uitgehaald. Zo waren de Hongaren tijdens de opstand tegen de Soviet unie laaiend over het optreden van het Westen in het midden oosten. Het haalde alle wereld media aandacht op hongarije weg, en de soviet unie kon naar wens optreden omdat de spotlight er niet meer opstond. De opstand die de hongaren ondernamen werd overigens een groot succes, totdat de media aandacht verschoof naar het midden oosten. Toen was de praktisch geslaagde opstand binnen enkele dagen door de Soviets opgelost.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 28/03/2013 | 19:42 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 27/03/2013 | 19:52 uur
Ok, duidelijk.

We kopen een partij D's uit de boneyard en hangen er een nieuwe radar in. Klaar.

F-14 + de low bypass turbofan van de F-22 + OVT = Superieur. AIM-54 + de AWG-9 radar is nog steeds ongeëvenaard.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 28/03/2013 | 19:44 uur
Die Phoenix was wel een interessant ding, alleen niet echt betrouwbaar.

De Russen hebben nog wel zulks spul en hebben ook een nieuwe versie met een bereik van 600km ten behoeve van hun MiG-31, dat enorme retesnelle ding met ditto radar en FLIR.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 28/03/2013 | 19:57 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 28/03/2013 | 19:44 uur
Die Phoenix was wel een interessant ding, alleen niet echt betrouwbaar.

Volgens mij al redelijk achterhaald. De Phoenix was redelijk succesvol in de Iran-Irak oorlog. Wat essentieel is, is een goede samenwerking tussen de piloot en de radar intercept officer. Als ik het goed heb, wisten de Iraniërs ooit eens een target drone op een afstand van 212 km met een AIM-54 uit te schakelen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 28/03/2013 | 20:03 uur
En voor de geïnteresseerden, Tom Cooper's alom bekende en geroemde boek over 'Iranian F-14 units in combat':

Een aanradertje.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 28/03/2013 | 22:06 uur
Citaat van: Jah op 28/03/2013 | 20:03 uur
En voor de geïnteresseerden, Tom Cooper's alom bekende en geroemde boek over 'Iranian F-14 units in combat':

Een aanradertje.

Mooi stuk. Het doet me afvragen waar iedereen zich zo druk om maakt. Hoeveelste generatie vliegtuig is die F-14? 3e? 4e? Als dat nog zo'n dreiging vormt, waarom doen wij dan zo moeilijk over onze F-16's? En het generatie probleem daarvan? Ik bedoel, zijn wij dan hypocriet en moeten we ons niet blindstaren op generatie.? Of gaat het nergens over als we die f-14's aan het vrezen zijn?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 28/03/2013 | 22:14 uur
Generaties. Wij staren ons blind op de 5e generatie wil je zeggen?

Is dat voor of nadat LM de definitie heeft veranderd zodat supercruise en 360 graden LO niet meer vereist zijn? :devil:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Harald op 28/03/2013 | 22:45 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 28/03/2013 | 22:14 uur
Generaties. Wij staren ons blind op de 5e generatie wil je zeggen?

Is dat voor of nadat LM de definitie heeft veranderd zodat supercruise en 360 graden LO niet meer vereist zijn? :devil:

Inderdaad, eigenlijk is de F-35 een toestel van de 4,5 generatie

de enigste 5de generatie toestel is de Raptor F-22
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 28/03/2013 | 22:53 uur
Exact! De F-35 is niet beter dan de 4.5e generatie kisten op de markt. Dat hele stealth verhaal is marketing als je het mij vraagt want schijn er een radar op van de zijkant en bingo. Want hij is toch te log om die (eveneens logge) radargeleide SAM te ontwijken.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 28/03/2013 | 22:58 uur
Een zijsprong is niet erg maar de discussie over de gevechtstoestellen word elders gevoerd.......

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 29/03/2013 | 10:06 uur
Zou het wel leuk vinden als iemand inhoudelijk in kan gaan op mijn post :P.
Want of we zijn met iran heisa aan het maken om niets, of wij maken met onze F-16's heisa om niets.

Als wat oude F-14's zo veel aandacht moeten krijgen omdat ze nog zo gevaarlijk zijn, dan geldt dit ook voor onze F16's.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 29/03/2013 | 15:00 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 28/03/2013 | 22:06 uur
Mooi stuk. Het doet me afvragen waar iedereen zich zo druk om maakt. Hoeveelste generatie vliegtuig is die F-14? 3e? 4e? Als dat nog zo'n dreiging vormt, waarom doen wij dan zo moeilijk over onze F-16's? En het generatie probleem daarvan? Ik bedoel, zijn wij dan hypocriet en moeten we ons niet blindstaren op generatie.? Of gaat het nergens over als we die f-14's aan het vrezen zijn?
Ik denk dat we niet zoveel te vrezen hebben van de Iraanse F-14s....ook niet als mogelijk een Nederlandse F-16 er eentje zou tegen komen. Belangrijker is de generatie/capaciteit van de raketten die de F-14s meevoeren. Als die ook door onze verdedigingssystemen zijn te misleiden of er eenvoudig uitgevlogen kunnen worden dan zie ik in die F-14s geen serieuze dreiging.

Ik maak me rond Iran meer zorgen om de minder "klassieke" wapensystemen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Hyperion op 29/03/2013 | 15:11 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 29/03/2013 | 15:00 uur
Ik denk dat we niet zoveel te vrezen hebben van de Iraanse F-14s....ook niet als mogelijk een Nederlandse F-16 er eentje zou tegen komen. Belangrijker is de generatie/capaciteit van de raketten die de F-14s meevoeren. Als die ook door onze verdedigingssystemen zijn te misleiden of er eenvoudig uitgevlogen kunnen worden dan zie ik in die F-14s geen serieuze dreiging.

Ik maak me rond Iran meer zorgen om de minder "klassieke" wapensystemen.

( (

De raketten die de F-14AM kan meenemen zijn: R-73E, Fakkur, AIM-54A, AIM-7E-4, AIM-9J, and MIM-23C.

Meer info over de upgrade: F-14AM (M is abbreviation of "Modernized"). IRIAF`s technicians and experts modernized this bird during its overhaul. Modernization program is covering structure life-extention, avionic and armament systems upgrade. The work was massive and hundreds of hours was spent on upgrading this 37 years old Interceptor. It has painted in edged three tone Asian Minor II camo pattern.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Harald op 29/03/2013 | 15:30 uur
Citaat van: Hyperion op 29/03/2013 | 15:11 uur
( (

De raketten die de F-14AM kan meenemen zijn: R-73E, Fakkur, AIM-54A, AIM-7E-4, AIM-9J, and MIM-23C.

Meer info over de upgrade: F-14AM (M is abbreviation of "Modernized"). IRIAF`s technicians and experts modernized this bird during its overhaul. Modernization program is covering structure life-extention, avionic and armament systems upgrade. The work was massive and hundreds of hours was spent on upgrading this 37 years old Interceptor. It has painted in edged three tone Asian Minor II camo pattern.

Het is en blijft een gaaf toestel, toch maar niet onderschatten !
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 29/03/2013 | 15:37 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 29/03/2013 | 15:30 uur
Het is en blijft een gaaf toestel, toch maar niet onderschatten !
in no time uit de lucht geschoten...zullen weinig kans maken...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Hyperion op 29/03/2013 | 15:44 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 29/03/2013 | 15:37 uur
in no time uit de lucht geschoten...zullen weinig kans maken...

Iran weet dit en investeert daarom weinig in haar luchtmacht.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 29/03/2013 | 18:29 uur
Citaat van: Hyperion op 29/03/2013 | 15:44 uur
Iran weet dit en investeert daarom weinig in haar luchtmacht.
En stuurt ook rustig grotere marineschepen op pad naar elders....ook die zijn redelijk kansloos. Het gevaar zal zitten in andere strijdmiddelen en methodes.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 30/03/2013 | 12:50 uur
Aantal foto's van de Dezful 2013 Air Show:












Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Mourning op 30/03/2013 | 12:52 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 29/03/2013 | 18:29 uur
En stuurt ook rustig grotere marineschepen op pad naar elders....ook die zijn redelijk kansloos. Het gevaar zal zitten in andere strijdmiddelen en methodes.

Iran was toch bezig met "suicide FAC's" of iets dergelijks? Verder beschikken ze natuurlijk over behoorlijke hoeveelheden oude en nieuwe land-based SSM's. En hebben ze nog hun bondgenoten in het buitenland (hallo Hezbollah!).
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 30/03/2013 | 13:52 uur
Citaat van: Mourning op 30/03/2013 | 12:52 uur
Iran was toch bezig met "suicide FAC's" of iets dergelijks? Verder beschikken ze natuurlijk over behoorlijke hoeveelheden oude en nieuwe land-based SSM's. En hebben ze nog hun bondgenoten in het buitenland (hallo Hezbollah!).

Tijdens de Iran-Irak oorlog stationeerde men op de Iraanse olieplatforms in de  Perzische Golf  Zijde rups raketten, dat trukje kan men weer uithalen. Hezbollah zit toch alleen in Libanon?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 30/03/2013 | 17:13 uur
Citaat van: Mourning op 30/03/2013 | 12:52 uur
Iran was toch bezig met "suicide FAC's" of iets dergelijks? Verder beschikken ze natuurlijk over behoorlijke hoeveelheden oude en nieuwe land-based SSM's. En hebben ze nog hun bondgenoten in het buitenland (hallo Hezbollah!).

Interessanter zijn de bootjes met SSM en de bootjes met supercaviterende torpedo's. Ook hebben ze midgetsubs met die dingen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 31/03/2013 | 18:32 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 29/03/2013 | 15:37 uur
in no time uit de lucht geschoten...zullen weinig kans maken...

Eindelijk iemand die ook  niet meegaat in de F-14 aanbidding. Die dingen krijgen ( net als het overige van Iran) veel te veel aandacht.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/04/2013 | 23:39 uur
EU foreign policy chief says nuclear talks with Iran have failed

Published April 06, 2013

Associated Press

ALMATY, Kazakhstan –  Iran and six world powers failed to reach agreement Saturday on how to reduce fears that Tehran might use its nuclear technology to make weapons, extending years of inconclusive talks and adding to concerns the diplomatic window on reaching a deal with Tehran may soon close.

Expectations the negotiations were making progress rose as an afternoon session continued into the evening. But comments by the two sides after they ended made clear that they fell far short of making enough headway to qualify the meeting as a success.

"What matters in the end is substance, and ... we are still a considerable distance apart," Catherine Ashton, the European Union's head of foreign policy, told reporters at the end of the two-day talks.

Ashton, the convener of the meeting, said negotiators would now consult with their capitals. She made no mention of plans for new talks -- another sign that the gap dividing the two sides remains substantial. She said she would talk with chief Iranian negotiator Saeed Jalili by telephone over further steps.

Jalili spoke of "some distance between the positions of the two sides." He suggested Iran was ready to discuss meeting a key demand of the other side -- cutting back its highest-grade uranium enrichment production and stockpile -- but only if the six reciprocated with rewards far greater than they are now willing to give.

While no breakthrough had been expected, the lack of forward movement in international negotiations that started a decade ago was certain to increase concerns that diplomacy was ineffective as a tool to stop Iran from moving toward nuclear-weapon making capacity.

Israel is most worried. The Jewish state says Iran is only a few months away from the threshold of having material to turn into a bomb and has vowed to use all means to prevent it from reaching that point. The U.S. has not said what its "red line" is, but has said it will not tolerate an Iran armed with nuclear weapons.

"The Iranians are using the round of talks to pave the way toward a nuclear bomb," said Yuval Steinitz, the Israeli minister for intelligence and strategic affairs, in a text message to reporters. "Israel has already warned that the Iranians are taking advantage of the rounds of talks in order to buy time to advance in uranium enrichment, step by step, toward a nuclear weapon."

Urging the international community to set a `'short, clear and final timetable" for further talks, he said `'the time has come for the world to show a more aggressive position and make it abundantly clear to the Iranians that their game of negotiations is coming to an end."

Any strike on Iran could provoke fierce retaliation directly from Iran and through its Middle East proxies in Syria, Lebanon and Palestine, raising the specter of a larger Middle East conflict and adding to the urgency of keeping both sides at the negotiating table.

At the talks in the Kazakh city of Almaty, the U.S., Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany were asking Tehran to greatly limit its production and stockpiling of uranium enriched to 20 percent, which is just a technical step away from weapons-grade uranium. That would keep Iran's supply below the amount needed for further processing into a weapon.

But the group views that only as a first step in a process. Iran is operating more than 10,000 centrifuges. While most are enriching below 20 percent, this material, too could be turned into weapons-grade uranium, although with greater effort than is the case for the 20-percent stockpile.

Tehran also is only a few years away from completing a reactor that will produce plutonium, another pathway to nuclear arms.

The U.N. Security Council has demanded a stop to both that effort and all enrichment in a series of resolutions since 2006. Iran denies any interest in atomic arms, insists its enrichment program serves only peaceful needs, says it has a right to enrich under the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and describes U.N. Security Council demands as illegal.

The lack of progress at Almaty was a clear indication that Tehran wants greater rewards for any concessions that the six are ready to give. Among other incentives, they have offered to lift sanctions on Iran's gold transactions and petrochemical trade. But Iran demands much more substantial sanctions relief, including an end to international penalties crippling its oil trade and financial transactions

A senior U.S. official cited Iranian officials who described the six-power offer of limited sanctions relief in exchange for meeting their demands on 20-percent uranium as a "turning point" when the two sides met last month. The official said the U.S. administration was "disappointed that this rhetoric did not carry over into our negotiations."

The official demanded anonymity as a condition for participation in a post-meeting briefing for reporters.

Jalili in turn urged the six powers to demonstrate their "willingness and sincerity" by taking appropriate confidence-building steps in the future" -- shorthand for Iran's demand to lift major sanctions and offer other concessions.

At the same time, he suggested some potential give on the Iranian side, suggesting discussion on some curbs of 20-percent enrichment `'can be continued in the talks" if the six `'move away from hostile treatment ... of the Iranian people."

With Iran previously describing the crushing sanctions on its oil exports and financial transactions as hostile acts, his comments suggested that Iran would consider compromise only if those penalties were lifted. That is far more than the relief being offered, with the six prepared to remove sanctions only on Tehran's gold transactions and petrochemical exports.

In demanding recognition of its right to enrich, Iran may hope to exploit some differences among the six, with Russia in recent months pushing for concessions on that point as a way to break negotiating deadlock.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov, who led his country's delegation at Almaty, said after the talks that Moscow "considers that it's necessary to recognize all rights of Iran, including enrichment." In exchange, he said Iran must accept more international monitoring of its nuclear program.

A British Foreign Office statement said "a wide gap remains between the parties. Iran's current position falls far short of what is needed to achieve a diplomatic breakthrough."

Indirectly warning of further sanctions, the statement urged Tehran to `'consider carefully whether it wants to continue on its current course, and face increasing pressure and isolation from the international community, or to enter into meaningful negotiations."

But Ryabkov described the meeting as "undoubtedly a step forward." Those remarks, and his comments on enrichment, both to Russian news agencies, suggested differences exist among the six, despite assertions by negotiators from Western nations of total unity at the negotiations.

Read more:

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/07/2013 | 15:41 uur

Pentagon: Raketten Iran kunnen VS bereiken in 2015


Amerikaanse geheime diensten verwachten dat Iran al in 2015 over intercontinentale ballistische raketten zal beschikken, waarmee het land de Verenigde Staten zou kunnen aanvallen.

Dat blijkt uit een rapport van het Pentagon, het Amerikaanse ministerie van Defensie. De Jerusalem Post bericht er over.

,,Iran heeft een ambitieus ballistisch en ruimtevaartprogramma. Het land blijft werken aan het vergroten van het bereik, de kracht en de nauwkeurigheid van zijn ballistische raketten", aldus het rapport.

Volgens het Pentagon zijn China en Noord-Korea medeverantwoordelijk voor een snelle verspreiding van technologie om kernkoppen te bouwen. Beide landen zouden ook het Iraanse raketprogramma ondersteunen, aldus de VS.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 12/07/2013 | 15:57 uur
Hoe lang zal Israël nog wachten?!?...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 12/07/2013 | 16:05 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 12/07/2013 | 15:57 uur
Hoe lang zal Israël nog wachten?!?...

Of... hoelang zullen de Amerikanen de Israëli nog afremmen?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: BadMuts op 12/07/2013 | 17:33 uur
De vraag is ook niet OF dit fout gaat, maar eerder WANNEER dat dit fout gaat.....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 12/07/2013 | 21:10 uur
Citaat van:  op 12/07/2013 | 15:41 uur
Volgens het Pentagon zijn China en Noord-Korea medeverantwoordelijk voor een snelle verspreiding van technologie om kernkoppen te bouwen. Beide landen zouden ook het Iraanse raketprogramma ondersteunen, aldus de VS.

Mijn mening is dat niet alleen China en Noord-Korea medeverantwoordelijk voor de snelle verspreiding van technologie om kernkoppen te bouwen, Ik denk dat buurland Pakistan daar ook verantwoordelijk voor is en dat in de persoon van Abdul Quadir Khan.
verder is  deze kennis natuurlijk ook te koop in oud Sovjet landen waar diverse kerngeleerden zonder werk zitten en deze maar al te goed willen verkopen voor geld.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 13/07/2013 | 06:34 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 12/07/2013 | 15:57 uur
Hoe lang zal Israël nog wachten?!?...
Moet Israël de VS beschermen?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: BadMuts op 13/07/2013 | 13:12 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 13/07/2013 | 06:34 uur
Moet Israël de VS beschermen?

Israël heeft al vaker gezegd niet te zullen wachten tot Iran zijn kernwapens klaar heeft, aangezien Iran ook meermalen geroepen heeft dat Israël van de kaart geveegd moet worden. Daarom wacht Israël dus niet ;)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: ARM-WAP op 13/07/2013 | 14:59 uur
Ben dan toch zeer curieus wanneer, waar en hoe Israel actie zal ondernemen.
Ondertussen weet de hele wereld adhv satelietbeelden dat er op verscheidene plaatsen ondergrondse infrastructuur gebouwd.
Dat maakt het er zeker niet makkelijker op.

Ik vrees dat Iran vroeg of laat toch over dé bom zal beschikken, al dan niet (met hulp) verstrekt door de Chinezen, N-Koreanen of Pakistani's.
De Geest is uit de fles en dan moeten "wij, Westerners" niet beginnen met eenzijdig te ontwapenen.
Ik ben al lang blij dat de Amerikanen, Britten en zelfs de Fransen nog over zo'n arsenaal zullen beschikken wanneer meer en meer andere landen 'nucleaire ambities' hebben.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: onderofficier op 13/07/2013 | 17:59 uur
Citaat van: BadMuts op 13/07/2013 | 13:12 uur
Israël heeft al vaker gezegd niet te zullen wachten tot Iran zijn kernwapens klaar heeft, aangezien Iran ook meermalen geroepen heeft dat Israël van de kaart geveegd moet worden. Daarom wacht Israël dus niet ;)

Als je de reacties gelezen had zie je dat de reacties een bericht waren op het nieuws dat de raketten in 2015 de VS zouden kunnen bereiken.
Waarom zou Israel wachten tot de raketten VS kunnen bereiken met aanvallen? Ipv aanvallen als de kernwapens klaar zijn?
Dus Israel zit te wachten op andere slachtoffers namelijk VS burgers. Zodat er meer waardering voor hen zou zijn?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: BadMuts op 13/07/2013 | 22:39 uur
Citaat van: onderofficier op 13/07/2013 | 17:59 uur
Als je de reacties gelezen had zie je dat de reacties een bericht waren op het nieuws dat de raketten in 2015 de VS zouden kunnen bereiken.
Waarom zou Israel wachten tot de raketten VS kunnen bereiken met aanvallen? Ipv aanvallen als de kernwapens klaar zijn?
Dus Israel zit te wachten op andere slachtoffers namelijk VS burgers. Zodat er meer waardering voor hen zou zijn?

Dat denk ik niet.
Ik denk dat Israël wacht tot men in de VS wel MOET aanvallen door de dreiging die dan ook direct zal gaan gelden voor de VS wanneer Iran over zulke wapens beschikt.
Men kan/zal dan niet alleen meer naar Israël wijzen, wat nu wel het geval zou zijn als Israël zou aanvallen op dit moment.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 21/07/2013 | 09:32 uur
Iran Could Reach Critical Capability by 2014

July 20, 2013

Iran is expected to achieve a critical capability in mid-2014, which is defined as the technical capability to produce sufficient weapon-grade uranium from its safeguarded stocks of low enriched uranium for a nuclear explosive, without being detected. The Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS) reported in its recent analysis last week. Iran would achieve this capability principally by implementing its existing, firm plans to install thousands more IR-1 centrifuges, and perhaps a few thousand IR-2m centrifuges, at its declared Natanz and Fordow centrifuge sites. Iran's criticality date could be achieved a few months earlier, if Iran successfully deploys and operates several thousand advanced centrifuges and continues installing thousands of IR-1 centrifuges. A priority is preventing Iran from achieving a critical capability through sanctions, increased frequency of international inspections, and negotiations.

Iran's nuclear weapons capabilities continue to grow. However, by charting Iran's possible future paths to obtaining a nuclear weapon, the United States and its allies can identify opportunities to slow this growth. One critical factor affecting Iran's potential timeline to the bomb is the speed at which its declared centrifuge capacity could reach a level where it could use its existing, safeguarded stockpile of low enriched uranium to "dash," without timely warning for the international community, to the production of sufficient weapon-grade uranium for a nuclear explosive device. Adequate warning would allow enough time for a response to this action. During the final presidential debate of the 2012 campaign, President Barack Obama characterized such a time as when "we would not be able to intervene in time to stop [Iran's] nuclear program." When Iran reaches the technical capability to produce sufficient weapon-grade uranium for a nuclear explosive without being detected, it can be understood to have achieved what is defined here as a "critical capability."

ISIS has assessed that in a breakout or dash to nuclear weapons Iran could produce a significant quantity (25 kilograms of uranium enriched to above 90 percent U-235) at its declared centrifuge enrichment plants in as little as a few months.1 During the next several months of 2013, this minimum timeline could decrease to about one month, depending on the growth of Iran's stock of near 20 percent low enriched uranium and the number of centrifuges it deploys to enrich uranium. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which regularly inspects Iran's declared centrifuge plants and the low enriched uranium these sites have produced, would be able to detect breakout within these time periods.

As Iran continues to expand the numbers of its deployed centrifuges at its declared Natanz and Fordow gas centrifuge sites, its breakout times are expected to further decrease. The number of centrifuges it can build and install in cascades depends, among other factors, on its ability to smuggle key goods in violation of other countries' national trade control laws and United Nations Security Council sanctions. But current efforts to stop Iranian smuggling are not sufficient. Iran has installed new centrifuges at a very fast rate over the past year, implying that it is still obtaining key supplies from abroad for its IR-1 centrifuges. Nonetheless, the available information is insufficient to conclude Iran has all it needs in hand to deploy thousands more IR-1 centrifuges or predict with certainty how many additional IR-1 centrifuges Iran will deploy in the next year.

The number of centrifuges deployed in Iran's uranium enrichment facilities 207 – 2013. Source: ISIS report.
Another factor that will likely decrease breakout times is Iran's deployment of the advanced centrifuge, the IR-2m, at the Natanz Fuel Enrichment Plant. Predicting the effect of this deployment remains difficult because Iran has not begun enriching in these centrifuges as of mid-June 2013 and little hard data are available about their performance.

Given uncertainty over the success of efforts to stop Iranian smuggling efforts to outfit its centrifuge program and its continued deployment of centrifuges, an assessment of future enrichment capabilities and reduced breakout timelines is warranted. This report evaluates Iran's ability to increase its number of deployed centrifuges beyond current levels and when Iran could produce sufficient weapon-grade uranium without the IAEA being able to provide timely and reliable warning of that breakout, or when Iran is first estimated to reach what is defined here as a critical capability. The report assesses this date by projecting the number of IR-1 and IR-2m centrifuges Iran could deploy in the next year and by estimating the resulting impact on breakout times.

A central conclusion is that Iran is expected to achieve a critical capability in mid-2014. To delay that date, this report recommends measures to head off significant increases in deployed centrifuges and improve chances of timely detection of a breakout.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 21/07/2013 | 14:09 uur
Ik ben benieuwd hoe lang Israel nog kan wachten. Waarschijnlijk eerst nog even de sterke schijn ophouden dat er een serieuze poging wordt gedaan om met de Palestijnen tot een vredesverdrag te komen...tot dit mislukt...dan tijd rijp voor andere stappen...ook tegen Iran.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 21/07/2013 | 14:44 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 21/07/2013 | 14:09 uur
Ik ben benieuwd hoe lang Israel nog kan wachten. Waarschijnlijk eerst nog even de sterke schijn ophouden dat er een serieuze poging wordt gedaan om met de Palestijnen tot een vredesverdrag te komen...tot dit mislukt...dan tijd rijp voor andere stappen...ook tegen Iran.

De vraag is: wanneer is de window of opportunity voor Israel? En wanneer stelt Iran de wereld voor een voldongen feit?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 21/07/2013 | 15:29 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 21/07/2013 | 14:44 uur
De vraag is: wanneer is de window of opportunity voor Israel? En wanneer stelt Iran de wereld voor een voldongen feit?
Ik denk dat de regering Netanyahu eerst nog het traject van het vredesoverleg moet volgen...vraag me serieus af of dit niet een Amerikaanse zet is om andere Israëlische plannen te dwarsbomen. Eerst moet de goede wil worden getoond. Pas als het proces weer is mislukt...en de Palestijnen hier weer de schuld van krijgen...gaan er m.i. omstandigheden ontstaan die een militaire ingreep rechtvaardigen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Poleme op 21/07/2013 | 19:01 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 21/07/2013 | 15:29 uur
Ik denk dat de regering Netanyahu eerst nog het traject van het vredesoverleg moet volgen...vraag me serieus af of dit niet een Amerikaanse zet is om andere Israëlische plannen te dwarsbomen. Eerst moet de goede wil worden getoond. Pas als het proces weer is mislukt...en de Palestijnen hier weer de schuld van krijgen...gaan er m.i. omstandigheden ontstaan die een militaire ingreep rechtvaardigen.
Sorry, maar ik heb geen Israelisch - Palestijns vredesoverleg op mijn radar. Ik ben helemaal niet onder de indruk van de Obama 'Yes we can' (wat dan ?) regering.  Ik zie deze regering bijvoorbeeld geen initiatief tot nieuwe Camp David onderhandelingen nemen.
Het feit dat Hezbollah zich met geschat 3.000 man in de Syrische burger oorlog heeft gemengd, zorgt al voor een brandbare mix.  Deze brandbare mix kan aangewend worden om Hezbollah aan te vallen op een grootschaliger manier dan in 2006.  Tegelijkertijd kan dan die bondgenoot van Hezbollah, Iran, worden aangevallen.
De enorme onrust die de 'Arabische Lente' te weeg bracht in Libya, Egypte, Yemen, Bahrein, Libanon, Irak en vooral de Syrische burgeroorlog.  Heeft ook invloed op de besluitvorming jegens (een) Israelische aanval(len) op Iran.
Er waren Israelische militairen en intel mensen, die bang waren dat deze aanval(len) een regionale oorlog zouden ontketenen.  De chaos is er al, dus dan kunnen deze aanvallen er ook nog wel bij.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 21/07/2013 | 19:34 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 21/07/2013 | 19:01 uur
Sorry, maar ik heb geen Israelisch - Palestijns vredesoverleg op mijn radar. Ik ben helemaal niet onder de indruk van de Obama 'Yes we can' (wat dan ?) regering.  Ik zie deze regering bijvoorbeeld geen initiatief tot nieuwe Camp David onderhandelingen nemen.
Het feit dat Hezbollah zich met geschat 3.000 man in de Syrische burger oorlog heeft gemengd, zorgt al voor een brandbare mix.  Deze brandbare mix kan aangewend worden om Hezbollah aan te vallen op een grootschaliger manier dan in 2006.  Tegelijkertijd kan dan die bondgenoot van Hezbollah, Iran, worden aangevallen.
De enorme onrust die de 'Arabische Lente' te weeg bracht in Libya, Egypte, Yemen, Bahrein, Libanon, Irak en vooral de Syrische burgeroorlog.  Heeft ook invloed op de besluitvorming jegens (een) Israelische aanval(len) op Iran.
Er waren Israelische militairen en intel mensen, die bang waren dat deze aanval(len) een regionale oorlog zouden ontketenen.  De chaos is er al, dus dan kunnen deze aanvallen er ook nog wel bij.
precies...zo zie ik dat ook....maar het zou me dus niet verbazen als de regering Obama op deze manier nog probeert de regering Netanyahu en de haviken daarin te vertragen...maar betwijfel of dat nog helpt. Die chaos rondom is niet alleen een prima excuus om toe te slaan..maar ook de groter-Israel gedachte en realisering te rechtvaardigen. Het past prima binnen de denkbeelden van zoverre ik het zo inschat.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 03/09/2013 | 12:21 uur
Ineens moet de precisie aanval op syrie zorgen voor een afschrikkend effect op iran.
Mccain gooit het nu daar op.

Faalhazen daar in Amerika.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Harald op 03/09/2013 | 12:31 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 03/09/2013 | 12:21 uur
Ineens moet de precisie aanval op syrie zorgen voor een afschrikkend effect op iran.
Mccain gooit het nu daar op.

Faalhazen daar in Amerika.

volgens mij heeft elke aanval die je doet op Syrie effect op een reactie van Iran..... die krijg je ! ... zo-wie-zo.

ze krijgen weinig back-support van de rest van de "bondgenoten", alleen Frankrijk roept bijna nog harder dan de US.
Een aanval/reactie had eigenlijk al moeten gebeuren om een standpunt te geven, is nu te laat

uitstel is afstel
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/09/2013 | 12:38 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 03/09/2013 | 12:31 uur
uitstel is afstel

Toch denk ik dat het Amerikaanse congres Obama zal steunen immers de geloofwaardigheid van de VS staat op het spel, niets doen is vrijwel onmogelijk en wel iets doen levert wellicht meer ellende op dan niet valt te voorspelen.

Ik verwacht van dit uitstel geen afstel, wel een uitermate zwak optreden met onvoorzienbare gevolgen.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 03/09/2013 | 12:57 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 03/09/2013 | 12:31 uur
volgens mij heeft elke aanval die je doet op Syrie effect op een reactie van Iran..... die krijg je ! ... zo-wie-zo.

ze krijgen weinig back-support van de rest van de "bondgenoten", alleen Frankrijk roept bijna nog harder dan de US.
Een aanval/reactie had eigenlijk al moeten gebeuren om een standpunt te geven, is nu te laat

uitstel is afstel

Dat begrijp ik. Het gaat erom dat dit ging en gaat om Syrie. De hele lijn die werd getrokken was in verband met de escalaties in Syrië. De gasaanval die wordt gestraft gebeurde in Syrie. Iran werd never nooit genoemd behalve om het feit dat het Syrië steunt. Nu ineens kwam Mc cain op de proppen met dat dit een waarschuwing is voor Iran. En dat de precisieaanval er komt om Iran te waarschuwen.

Dat hele Iran is er gewoon bijgehaald omdat ze daar ook wel begrijpen dat je met een bombardement niets opschiet. En om het gehele zaakje een beetje een nuttige invulling te geven wordt er een doel bijgeplakt.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 03/09/2013 | 13:17 uur
Oud, maar hij blijft mooi:

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Harald op 03/09/2013 | 13:22 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 03/09/2013 | 12:57 uur
Dat begrijp ik. Het gaat erom dat dit ging en gaat om Syrie. De hele lijn die werd getrokken was in verband met de escalaties in Syrië. De gasaanval die wordt gestraft gebeurde in Syrie. Iran werd never nooit genoemd behalve om het feit dat het Syrië steunt. Nu ineens kwam Mc cain op de proppen met dat dit een waarschuwing is voor Iran. En dat de precisieaanval er komt om Iran te waarschuwen.

Dat hele Iran is er gewoon bijgehaald omdat ze daar ook wel begrijpen dat je met een bombardement niets opschiet. En om het gehele zaakje een beetje een nuttige invulling te geven wordt er een doel bijgeplakt.

klopt, misschien wordt dit ook wel ingefluisterd door de Generals en MinDef, van let op een reactie/aanval op Syrie krijg je ook te maken met Iran, dus denk daar ook gelijk aan hoe je daar mee omgegaan gaat worden. En anders leg je in de media iets met Iran in de week.
Baat het niet schaad het niet
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 27/09/2013 | 10:48 uur
Iran tempert verwachtingen snelle deal IAEA
Een snelle doorbraak in gesprekken tussen Iran en het Internationaal Atoomenergie Agentschap (IAEA) zit er niet in.

Dat heeft de Iraanse gezant vrijdag in Wenen gezegd, voorafgaand aan gesprekken over het omstreden kernprogramma van het land.

De Iraanse ambassadeur bij het IAEA, Reza Najafi, reageerde op vragen over een verwachte deal. ''Dit is de eerste ontmoeting, dus ik denk dat niemand moet verwachten dat we in één dag onze problemen kunnen oplossen.''

De internationale gemeenschap vreest dat Iran zijn kernprogramma gebruikt om nucleaire wapens te maken. Het land zegt zelf dat de kerncentrales alleen zijn bedoeld om energie op te wekken.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 27/09/2013 | 10:52 uur
In gesprek gaan en blijven op internationaal niveau is een slimme zet van Iran. Er blijft in ieder geval genoeg druk op Israel om geen actie in gang te zetten. Ondertussen vrolijk doorsleutelen aan het nucliair programma en straks vol trots de eerste nuke te presenteren. Macht aan de zijde van Iran en een stuk (meer) rust in de regio.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 27/09/2013 | 11:02 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 27/09/2013 | 10:52 uur
In gesprek gaan en blijven op internationaal niveau is een slimme zet van Iran. Er blijft in ieder geval genoeg druk op Israel om geen actie in gang te zetten. Ondertussen vrolijk doorsleutelen aan het nucliair programma en straks vol trots de eerste nuke te presenteren. Macht aan de zijde van Iran en een stuk (meer) rust in de regio.
En laten we ook meteen een nuke geven aan Assad, en ook aan de FSA anders is het niet eerlijk. Wordt het alleen maar rustiger van... Toch?  :angel:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 27/09/2013 | 11:16 uur
Misschien wel......... :angel:

Er zijn meer mensen waaronder deskundigen die geloven dat  kernwapens voor een bepaalde stabiliteit kunnen zorgen. De mensen en landen die er tegen zijn, zijn voornamelijk bang om macht te verliezen. Bewust inzetten van kernwapens in een conflict zal wat mij betreft niet gebeuren. Dit zal het einde betekenen van de "dader". En daar is zelfs de grootste boef slim genoeg voor om dit niet te laten gebeuren.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 27/09/2013 | 11:16 uur
Ik ben erg benieuwd naar de toespraak van premier Netanyahu bij de VN..
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Mourning op 27/09/2013 | 11:19 uur
Citaat van: DvdW op 27/09/2013 | 11:02 uur
En laten we ook meteen een nuke geven aan Assad, en ook aan de FSA anders is het niet eerlijk. Wordt het alleen maar rustiger van... Toch?  :angel:


Bovendien wordt er aan voorbijgegaan dat Iran weleens een stuk intimiderender zou kunnen gaan optreden in en om de Arabische Golf en meer provocaties zal uitvoeren, want de kans op serieuze consequenties voor Iran zijn met een Iraans nucleair wapen wel kleiner geworden m.i..
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 27/09/2013 | 11:21 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 27/09/2013 | 11:16 uur
Misschien wel......... :angel:

Er zijn meer mensen waaronder deskundigen die geloven dat  kernwapens voor een bepaalde stabiliteit kunnen zorgen. De mensen en landen die er tegen zijn, zijn voornamelijk bang om macht te verliezen. Bewust inzetten van kernwapens in een conflict zal wat mij betreft niet gebeuren. Dit zal het einde betekenen van de "dader". En daar is zelfs de grootste boef slim genoeg voor om dit niet te laten gebeuren.
Nog nooit gehoord van terroristen? Met name de zelfmoord-tak zal het echt aan de neus roesten wat er met hen gebeurd. De martelaarsdood is voor hen alleen maar de kroon op hun werk. Wees a.u.b. niet zo naïef! We leven niet meer in de jaren 50...!!!!
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 27/09/2013 | 11:30 uur
Wapens kunnen altijd in verkeerde handen vallen, niets met naiviteit te maken.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 27/09/2013 | 11:39 uur
Citaat van: DvdW op 27/09/2013 | 11:21 uur
Nog nooit gehoord van terroristen? Met name de zelfmoord-tak zal het echt aan de neus roesten wat er met hen gebeurd. De martelaarsdood is voor hen alleen maar de kroon op hun werk. Wees a.u.b. niet zo naïef! We leven niet meer in de jaren 50...!!!!
bij terrorisme is men niet zozeer bang voor het verkrijgen van nucleaire wapens..als wel dat terroristen zelf een "vuile bom" produceren. Dat kunnen ze ook zonder hulp van de bewuste landen. Die wel uitkijken dat hun kernwapens niet in handen van terroristen valt.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 27/09/2013 | 11:43 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 27/09/2013 | 11:30 uur
Wapens kunnen altijd in verkeerde handen vallen, niets met naiviteit te maken.
Ik stelde dat iedereen dan in die regio nucleaire wapens moet krijgen, ook de FSA, Hezbollah, Al Qaida, ISIS, etc. anders is het speelveld nog niet 'eerlijk' (en daar pleit jij immers voor). En dan kom jij aanzetten met een stuk koude-oorlog sentiment. Daar hebben wij nu niets meer aan!

CitaatBewust inzetten van kernwapens in een conflict zal wat mij betreft niet gebeuren. Dit zal het einde betekenen van de "dader". En daar is zelfs de grootste boef slim genoeg voor om dit niet te laten gebeuren.
Dat is puur naïef gedacht. Want wat nu als die 'grootste boef' een zelfmoordterrorist is? Oeps, daar gaat je MAD evenwicht...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 27/09/2013 | 11:53 uur
Ik sluit mij aan bij de reactie van Elzenga Want zo is het nu eenmaal. En bij het bezit van kernwapens hebben wij het altijd over landen en niet over groeperingen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 27/09/2013 | 11:54 uur
Citaat van: DvdW op 27/09/2013 | 11:43 uurDat is puur naïef gedacht. Want wat nu als die 'grootste boef' een zelfmoordterrorist is? Oeps, daar gaat je MAD evenwicht...
Dat een leider van een land dat kernwapens heeft of krijgt over gaat tot een zelfmoordmissie ermee acht ik zeer klein...daarvoor vinden dit soort leiders/regimes zich toch in leven iets te belangrijk. Wat wel kan is dat ze deze wapens inzetten als hun bestaan wordt bedreigd bij bijv. een invasie van hun land. Maar zelfs dan is de drempel hoog blijkt.  
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 27/09/2013 | 11:55 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 27/09/2013 | 11:53 uur
Ik sluit mij aan bij de reactie van Elzenga Want zo is het nu eenmaal. En bij het bezit van kernwapens hebben wij het altijd over landen en niet over groeperingen.
Dan had je duidelijker moeten zijn. Ik stelde voor om ze aan de FSA te geven waarop jij zegt:
CitaatMisschien wel.....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 27/09/2013 | 11:55 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 27/09/2013 | 11:54 uur
Dat een leider van een land dat kernwapens heeft of krijgt over gaat tot een zelfmoordmissie ermee acht ik zeer klein...daarvoor vinden dit soort leiders/regimes zich toch in leven iets te belangrijk. Wat wel kan is dat ze deze wapens inzetten als hun bestaan wordt bedreigd bij bijv. een invasie van hun land. Maar zelfs dan is de drempel hoog blijkt.  
We praten langs elkaar heen. Ik heb het over groeperingen, niet landen, zie mijn reactie hieronder op Ros
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 27/09/2013 | 12:04 uur
Citaat van: DvdW op 27/09/2013 | 11:55 uur
We praten langs elkaar heen. Ik heb het over groeperingen, niet landen, zie mijn reactie hieronder op Ros
Duidelijk...maar die groeperingen krijgen geen kernwapens van welk regime/land ook. Maar ze zelf de vorm van een vuile wel mogelijk. Maar daar heeft een regime als het Iraanse volgens mij net zoveel belang bij om dat te voorkomen dan zeg de Amerikaanse regering.

Maar ik heb zo'n idee dat dat soort groeperingen nu meer focussen op de productie van chemische wapens. En ook niet zozeer voor inzet.....het blijven beroerd lastig in te zetten wapens....maar ook voor afschrikking. Denk aan Hezbollah. Ik hou het nog steeds voor mogelijk dat het Hezbollah was die de chemische aanval in Syrië heeft uitgevoerd. Als signaal richting met name Israël. Van..als jullie ons willen vernietigen..dan hebben we dit afschrikkingswapen nu.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Mourning op 27/09/2013 | 13:19 uur
Nou staat me toch bij dat in 2009 de Taliban in Pakistan o.a. de Swat vallei in bezit namen en het regeringsleger alle zeilen bij moest zetten om de Taliban, die fors aan het oprukken waren, te stuiten. Er werd indertijd ook over gesproken dat Pakistan op het punt van instorten stond en dat alleen nog delen van het leger in staat waren om een machtsovername tegen te houden.

Overdreven of niet? Ik weet het niet, maar dat er al over gespeculeerd werd geeft wel aan dat de situatie daar, Pakistan is m.i. hard op weg een "failed state" te worden als ze het al niet is, allesbehalve stabiel is/was en dan hebben we het over een land met nucleaire wapens welke dan in handen zouden kunnen vallen van een groepering met een militant Middeleeuws islamitisch gedachtengoed. Niet echt geruststellend wat mij betreft.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 27/09/2013 | 13:25 uur
Citaat van: Mourning op 27/09/2013 | 13:19 uur
Nou staat me toch bij dat in 2009 de Taliban in Pakistan o.a. de Swat vallei in bezit namen en het regeringsleger alle zeilen bij moest zetten om de Taliban, die fors aan het oprukken waren, te stuiten. Er werd indertijd ook over gesproken dat Pakistan op het punt van instorten stond en dat alleen nog delen van het leger in staat waren om een machtsovername tegen te houden.

Overdreven of niet? Ik weet het niet, maar dat er al over gespeculeerd werd geeft wel aan dat de situatie daar, Pakistan is m.i. hard op weg een "failed state" te worden als ze het al niet is, allesbehalve stabiel is/was en dan hebben we het over een land met nucleaire wapens welke dan in handen zouden kunnen vallen van een groepering met een militant Middeleeuws islamitisch gedachtengoed. Niet echt geruststellend wat mij betreft.
Die nucleaire wapens zullen nog voor ze in handen zouden komen van zo'n groepering zijn geneutraliseerd of verplaatst naar buiten Pakistan. Ik denk dat dan de VS zal ingrijpen (daar dreigden ze bij die opmars indertijd ook mee geloof ik). En als die het al niet doen zal het India zijn.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 27/09/2013 | 13:29 uur
En zelfs als er regeringen aan de macht komen met "militant Middeleeuws islamitisch gedachtengoed"  denk ik dat zij geen kernwapens in zullen zetten en/of in handen laten komen van groeperingen die hetzelfde gedachtegoed koesteren. Het bezit van kernwapens is dan wel de garantie dat er niet even snel ingegrepen zal worden om een ander clubje aan de macht te helpen zoals dit in Afghanistan en Irak is gedaan.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 27/09/2013 | 13:42 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 27/09/2013 | 13:29 uur
En zelfs als er regeringen aan de macht komen met "militant Middeleeuws islamitisch gedachtengoed"  denk ik dat zij geen kernwapens in zullen zetten en/of in handen laten komen van groeperingen die hetzelfde gedachtegoed koesteren. Het bezit van kernwapens is dan wel de garantie dat er niet even snel ingegrepen zal worden om een ander clubje aan de macht te helpen zoals dit in Afghanistan en Irak is gedaan.
precies...en dat laatste is volgens mij nu precies waarom het Iraanse regime wel degelijk kernwapens wil hebben en daar mijns inziens ook aan werkt.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 27/09/2013 | 16:12 uur
Iran heeft vandaag een nieuwe drone onthuld:









Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 27/09/2013 | 16:28 uur
Specificaties drone:

CitaatIt has an effective operational radius of 1,700 km in terms of precision targeting, flight endurance of 24 hours on a single fuel run and a flight ceiling of 24,000 feet. It has a monitoring capability of 200 km radius.

Voor de rest claimt een Israëlische krant dat Iran al in het bezit ven nucleaire bom is:

'Iran already has a nuclear bomb,' Israeli paper claims

Some Israeli government analysts believe Iran already has at least one nuclear bomb, an Israeli journalist wrote in an article published Friday.

Shalom Yerushalmi, writing in the national daily Maariv, said that "government security sources up to date on development in Iran," told him recently that Tehran has crossed all points of no return and already has its first nuclear weapon, and maybe more.

The report marks the first time a government official has been quoted saying Iran already has a nuclear weapon. No sources in the piece were named.

The information, if true, would mark a major shift in international relations and would be a game changer in terms of a regional power balance.

"It's too late for Israel [to prevent an Iranian bomb]. Iran has crossed all the borders and all the constraints, and it has a first nuclear bomb in its possession, and maybe more than that," Yerushalmi writes, basing himself on what he says is the assessment he heard this week from state security sources. "We are facing a historic change in the strategic balance of forces in the region."

He then quotes a source who he says is deeply familiar with what he calls the relentless war against the Iranians. "This is no longer about how to prevent a bomb," the source is quoted saying, "but about how to prevent its being launched, and what to do if and when."

Yerushalmi, still basing himself on the anonymous security sources' assessment, goes on to compare the current behavior of Iran's Supreme leader Ali Khamenei, and new President Hasan Rouhani, in their interactions with the West, to a soccer coach at the end of a hard-fought match which he knows he has now won. The Iranian leadership is behaving with the air of "those who have achieved their target, and therefore can today afford to be more generous and to offer new (self-serving) messages." The Iranian leadership can afford to be friendlier, he writes, "because victory has been secured."

Maariv led its Friday paper with a photograph of a smiling Rouhani, alongside the headline, "What's hiding behind the smile," and a sub-headline quoting the security sources saying Iran now has "at least one bomb." It then adds that most in the security establishment, however, still believe that this "nightmare scenario has not yet been realized."

While most Western countries believe Iran's nuclear program is intended for military purposes, officials in Israel, the US and elsewhere say Tehran has yet to "break out" toward a bomb, a process that could take over a year.

Iran, which on Thursday agreed to renewed talks with world powers on curbing its nuclear program, says its program is for peaceful purposes.

On Friday, Iranian and UN officials met to discuss whether to resume inspections meant to determine whether Tehran worked on atomic arms, in a test of pledges by Iran's new president to reduce nuclear tensions.

Iranian envoy Reza Najafi said in Vienna that it would be unrealistic to expect that "in just one day of meeting we can solve our problems."

Herman Nackaerts of the International Atomic Energy Agency said only that he hoped the meeting could "intensify the dialogue."

The UN agency wants access to a site it suspects was used to test conventional explosive triggers meant to set off a nuclear blast.

A report released last month by the IAEA said that while Iran was testing new centrifuges, which could help it eventually create a nuclear weapon, its uranium stockpile was still below the amount needed for a bomb.

"It is unlikely, at this point, that Iran could dash toward further enrichment to weapons-grade without the IAEA detecting Tehran's activities," Reuters quoted the Arms Control Association, a Washington-based advocacy and research group.

Israel sees an Iranian nuclear weapon as an existential threat, and Jerusalem has campaigned vigorously around the world for heavy sanctions to be placed on Iran, with a threat of military action should those fail to stop the nuclear program.

Next week, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is due to deliver a speech at the United Nations during which he is expected to press for maintaining pressure on Iran despite a recent easing of tensions between Tehran and the West. In comments Tuesday, Netanyahu urged the world not to be "fooled" by Iran's newly moderate rhetoric, which he said was a "smokescreen" to obscure its continued drive toward nuclear weapons.

"Israel would welcome a genuine diplomatic solution that truly dismantles Iran's capacity to develop nuclear weapons," Netanyahu said. "But we will not be fooled by half-measures that merely provide a smokescreen for Iran's continual pursuit of nuclear weapons. And the world should not be fooled either."
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: ARM-WAP op 27/09/2013 | 16:55 uur
Eigenlijk doet het er niet echt aan toe of Iran al dan niet de bom nu reeds heeft.
Indien niet, dan is het volgens mij echt maar een kwestie van maanden, mss noeg enkele jaartjes.
Maar ooit worden we wakker en horen we in het nieuwsbulletin dat Iran een test heeft uitgevoerd.

We worden nu wat zand in de orgen gestrooid door 's lands nieuwe president die "de toestemming heeft van de Ayatollah om te onderhandelen" met de VS. Kerry mag dan wel aan tafel zitten met zijn Iraanse tegenpoot en na het "officieel gedeelte" verder keuvelen...
Volgens mij is dit gewoon schone schijn.
Iran wil de bom en zal ze ook hebben.

Wat ze er uiteindelijk mee zullen (laten) doen, dat is wat anders...
Zoals er nu reeds Iraanse surface-surface missiles hun weg vinden naar Libanon om daarmee een Iraans korvet te beschieten...
is het mss nog makkelijker om een "pocket"- kernwapen te smokkelen naar...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 29/09/2013 | 06:57 uur
Iran onthult wederom een nieuwe drone, gebaseerd op de Amerikaanse ScanEagle drone die Iran een jaar geleden wist te hacken en reverse-engineering:



Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 29/09/2013 | 11:43 uur
Iran's Air Defense Force Displays Indigenous Radar System Capable to Detect Stealth Aircraft


On Sunday Sept. 22, 2013, during the annual military parade in Tehran that marks the anniversary of the outbreak of the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war, Iran displayed a new indigenous passive phased array radar system for detecting stealth targets and cruise missiles.

According to Iran's FARS News Agency, the radar systems was developed by the experts of Khatam ol-Anbia Air Defense Base in order to detect fast moving targes at any altitude and speed.

The tactical radar system has been dubbed "Silent Radar System" because it acts passively: it does not emit any radar wave and can't be detected by the enemy systems.

Furthermore, it can be moved quite easily and can be installed in a short time.

Commander of Khatam ol-Anbia Air Defense Base Brigadier General Farzad Esmayeeli said "The radar is capable of detecting stealth (radar-evading) targets and cruise missiles and enjoys a high movement and mobility capabilities and acts in different ranges," FARS reported.

Actually, this is not the first time Iran announces a new radar system capable to detect radar-evading planes, cruise and ballistic missiles: in May 2012, the IRGC (Islamic Revolution Guards Corps) Aerospace Commander Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh announced a 1,100 km range radar system, called Gahdir, designed and built to identify aerial targets, stealth planes and low-altitude satellites.

Still, at least according to what the U.S. Air Force has recently disclosed, in March 2013, Iranian radars were unable to detect F-22 Raptors flying a few miles off their coastline: one the U.S. stealth fighters intercepted two F-4 Phantoms without them noticing it until the American fighter jock radioed: "you really ought to go home!"

In December 2011, Tehran announced that the country had installed advanced radars capable of detecting Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs): according to what Iran claimed, they could detect, track and shoot down any drone violating their airspace.

Anyway, in December 2011, Iran somehow managed to capture an RQ-170 Sentinel and later they proved to have put their hands on some smaller ScanEagle UAVs.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 29/09/2013 | 11:46 uur
Iranian F-14 Tomcat's "new" indigenous air-to-air missile is actually an (improved?) AIM-54 Phoenix replica


Among the hardware on display during the annual military parade in Tehran, on Sunday Sept. 22, 2013, Iran not only displayed a new indigenous passive phased array radar system for detecting stealth targets and cruise missiles, but it also showed the country's latest home-made missile productions, including the Fakour-90.

The Fakour-90 missile is one of the latest "state-of-the-art productions" of the Iranian Armed Forces which can be mounted on F-14 fighter jets.

It's almost identical to the AIM-54 Phoenix and, more than a brand new missile, is just a domestically upgraded, partially reverse engineered version of the famous long range missile carried by the U.S. Navy Tomcat.

The AIM-54 was developed in the mid-sixties and the IRIAF has operated some of them. Even if we can't talk of a "new missile", we can't but notice that the Iranians managed to keep them in service and, maybe, upgrade them a little bit. What's even more surprising is that Tehran managed to keep the F-14s airworthy, considered the sanctions on Iran and the consequent lack of spare parts for the Tomcats.

The different component is hidden inside the missile's nose cone and is (probably) a semi-active homing system of the Shalamcheh surface-to-air missile – once again a reverse engineered, improved version of the U.S. MIM-23 Hawk SAM.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 29/09/2013 | 11:50 uur
Iran has unveiled two new indigenous air-to-surface missiles


On Sept. 25, Iran's Defense Minister, Brigadier General Hossein Dehghan together with a group of high-ranking air force officers unveiled the Qader and Nasr, two new indigenous air-to-surface missiles.

Qader is a medium-range cruise missile which can attack ground targets in the range of 200 kilometers, while Nasr is a short-range missile with a range of 35 km.

Actually, the Qader is derivative from Chinese C802 supersonic ASM (Anti-Ship Missile) whereas Nasr is an under license production of C704 subsonic ASM with two IR and radar seekers.


According to the information released by the Iranian authorities both missiles, that were successfully tested, feature anti-jamming technology, and can be used against maritime targets.

The two missiles were showcased next to an F-4 (a Qader was carried by the Phantom on an underwing pylon) that will be the main platform to employ the new weapons.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 29/09/2013 | 11:56 uur
Something the regime won't publicize: a deadly crash of an Iranian F-4E Phantom


ran has recently unveiled some new missiles (including the Fakour-90, a reviewed AIM-54 Phoenix), air defense systems, it has announced to have reverse engineered the RQ-170 Sentinel etc.
However, in the same hours such achievements were advertised, the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force suffered a loss that was not made public nor mentioned by any local media outlet.

According to eye witness accounts, an Iranian 'F-4E Phantom II' of the 61st Tactical Fighter Squadron crashed on Bushehr air base's runway 31L on Sept. 23.

The cause of the accident according to such sources was "a violent tire burst" that forced the aircraft off the runway. As a result, the crew attempted to eject which resulted in the unfortunate death of the F-4 pilot Major Rezaee and injuring WSO Capt. Salimi (shown in the above photo).

Bushehr is home to two squadrons of F-4E Phantom IIs, and one permanent detachment of F-14A Tomcats originally out of the 8th Isfahan Tactical Air Base. Bushehr is also the same base where the drone harassing F-4E had flown from, which was later intercepted by a USAF F-22 Raptor.

This is the second such incident at this air base. Back in January 2012, an F-14A crashed at night immediately after take-off killing the pilot and RIO. Needless to say, the port city of Bushehr is also home to the Iranian regime's sole nuclear power reactor built by the Russians.

The 'Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force' was the second largest operator of the F-4 and RF-4E Phantoms after Germany. The service has managed to keep the US built type fly-worthy by obtaining spare parts from the global black markets, or through indigenous aircraft industries. It is said to have around 65 flyable F-4E Phantom II aircraft mainly based at 3rd Hamedan, 6th Bushehr and 9th Bandar Abbas tactical fighter bases, with a few aging F-4D aircraft based in Chahbahar 10th AB.

As said, this deadly incident did not receive any media coverage inside of Iran as it coincided with the regime's "Sacred Defense Week" festivities commemorating the beginning of the 8 year long Iraq-Iran war of the 1980s.

Winston Smith for
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 29/09/2013 | 11:58 uur
Iran will soon display upgraded copy of the captured U.S. stealth RQ-170 drone


In February 2013, a video, aired by an Iranian TV proved that Iran had accessed some of the data stored inside the U.S. stealthy RQ-170 drone captured in December 2011.

The footage was the first evidence that Iran has found something interesting in the UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) and its internal hard disks.

On Sept. 22, FARS News Agency reported the news that an indigenous Iranian drone, manufactured through reverse engineering of the captured "Beast of Kandahar" will be publicly displayed soon.

"All the memories and computer systems of this plane have been decoded and some good news will be announced in the near future not just about the RQ-170 and the optimizations that our forces have done on the reversed engineered model of this drone, but also in area of other important defense achievements," IRGC Lieutenant Commander General Hossein Salami said to the FNA.

According to the Iranian officials, the Sentinel-replica will soon perform its maiden flight and will later be added to the Iranian Air Force order of battle.

Iran has hunted/recovered two more UAV types since then: two RQ-11s and at least one ScanEagle that had penetrated the Iranian airspace from the Persian Gulf.

By the way, the RQ-170 has been already copied, as images coming from China show.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 29/09/2013 | 12:05 uur
U.S. F-22 stealth fighter pilot taunted Iranian F-4 Phantom combat planes over the Persian Gulf


Earlier this year, Pentagon Press Secretary George Little, said that an IRIAF (Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force) F-4 Phantom combat plane attempted to intercept a U.S. MQ-1 drone flying in international airspace off Iran.

As we reported back then, one of the two F-4 Phantom jets came to about 16 miles from the UAV but broke off pursuit after they were broadcast a warning message by two American planes escorting the Predator.

The episode happened in March 2013, few months after a two Sukhoi Su-25 attack planes operated by the Pasdaran (informal name of the IRGC – the Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution) attempted to shoot down an American MQ-1 flying a routine surveillance flight in international airspace some 16 miles off Iran, the interception of the unmanned aircraft failed. After this attempted interception the Pentagon decided to escort the drones involved in ISR (intelligence surveillance reconnaissance)  missions with fighter jets (either F-18 Hornets with the CVW 9 embarked on the USS John C. Stennis whose Carrier Strike Group is currently in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of responsibility or F-22 Raptors like those deployed to Al Dhafra in the UAE.

New details about the episode were recently disclosed by Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh who on Sept. 17 not only confirmed that the fighter jets providing HVAAE (High Value Air Asset Escort) were F-22 stealth fighters but also said that:

"He [the Raptor pilot] flew under their aircraft [the F-4s] to check out their weapons load without them knowing that he was there, and then pulled up on their left wing and then called them and said 'you really ought to go home'"

If the episode went exactly as Welsh described it, it was something more similar to Maverick's close encouter with Russian Mig-28s in Top Gun movie than a standard interception.

It would be interesting to know how the Raptor managed to remain stealth (did they use their radar? were they vectored by an AWACS? etc.) and why it was not the E-2 most probably providing Airborne Early Warning in the area to broadcast the message to persuade the F-4 to pursuit the drone before the Iranian Phantoms and the U.S. Raptors got too close in a potentially dangerous and tense situation?

Anyway the U.S. pilot achieved to scare the Iranian pilots off and save the drone. A happy ending worthy of an action movie.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 29/09/2013 | 12:09 uur
[Photo] Iranian F-4 Phantom (as one of those taunted by a U.S. F-22 Raptor in a Top Gun-like encounter)


The following image depics an Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force (IRIAF) F-4E Phantom landing at Tehran – Mehrabad International airport at the end of its test flight over overhaul activity conducted at the local Mehrabad center.

Noteworthy, the image was taken in March 2013, hence in the same days of the weird, Top Gun-like intercept of two F-4s that were getting a bit too close to an American MQ-1 Predator drone flying an intelligence gathering mission in international airspace some 16 miles off Iran: as already reported, Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh explained that an F-22 stealth fighter escorting the UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) silently flew next to the two Iranian Phantoms, checked their armament, popped up on their left wing and then radioed: "you really ought to go home!"

Something like the famous "Watch the birdie" of Goose and Maverick in Top Gun.

Reportedly, F-4E Phantoms of the IRIAF (multi-role aircraft mainly focused on the air-to-surface role), armed with AIM-9Ps and AIM-7E air-to-air missiles fly routine patrol flights over the Persian Gulf.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 29/09/2013 | 17:06 uur
Ik denk dat we dat 'Top Gun verhaal' met een korreltje zout moeten nemen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 18/11/2013 | 07:50 uur
Israel, S. Arabia planning joint Iran strike

November 18, 2013

Are Israel and Saudi Arabia working together against Iran? "The Sunday Times" reports that Mossad agents met top Saudi officials to draw up contingency plans for a possible attack on Iran if an agreement is signed with Tehran that is not acceptable to the two countries.

According to the report, which is based on diplomatic sources, Saudi Arabia has agreed to allow Israel to use its air space and to provide Israel with assistance in the form of drones, rescue helicopters, and air-to-air refueling tankers. The report quotes a source as saying that Saudi Arabia is furious at the West and that it is prepared to give Israel whatever assistance in needed for a military confrontation with Iran.

"Both the Israeli and Saudi governments are convinced that the international talks to place limits on Tehran?s military nuclear development amount to appeasement and will do little to slow its development of a nuclear warhead," "The Sunday Times" report states. It adds that both countries believe that the military option should stay on the table, because Iran is not showing flexibility.

"Once the Geneva agreement is signed, the military option will be back on the table," "The Sunday Times" quotes the source as saying. "The Saudis are determined against Iran and are prepared to give Israel the support it needs."

Today's report from "The Sunday Times" follows earlier reports that, in secret talks between Israel and Saudi Arabia, it was agreed that the Saudis would allow Israeli jets to use its air space to attack Iran. However, "The Sunday Times" report indicates that there has been substantial progress in the relations between the two countries – progress based on a common Iranian enemy.

This rapprochement is happening amid a crisis in Israel's relations with the US over the Iranian negotiations. While Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reiterates that the Iranians cannot be trusted, the Americans and other Western parties are determined to reach a deal and scale back the sanctions imposed on Iran.

Despite the crisis, US Secretary of State John Kerry sought to allay Israel's fears about the talks. "We're having a very friendly and civil conversation about this," Kerry said of the dialogue with Netanyahu in an interview with MSNBC, "I respect completely his deep concerns – as a prime minister of Israel should have – about the existential nature of this threat to Israel. We understand that."

French President Francois Hollande is arriving in Israel on Sunday. Netanyahu is expected to ask that France should continue its support for the Israeli position that there should be no agreement. France has thus far supported the Israeli position, and scuttled an agreement with Iran that was against Israel's interests as presented by Netanyahu.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 20/03/2014 | 19:32 uur
En waar plaats je dit bericht.....  de kop in dit topic en het volledige bericht in het Oekraïne topic

Russia Warns It May Play The 'Iran Card' Over Ukraine Sanctions

Brett LoGiurato / Mar. 19, 2014   

A senior Russian diplomat signaled a possible shift Wednesday in Russia's position on the ongoing Iranian nuclear talks amid tensions with the United States and other Western countries, according to The Associated Press.

Read more:

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 21/03/2014 | 19:01 uur
22 Mar 2014

US puzzled by Iran's mock aircraft carrier

Source  AAP 

Iran is building a crude mock-up of an American aircraft carrier at a ship yard on its Gulf coast and US officials say the goal of the project remains a mystery.

Iran has made no attempt to hide its "curious" construction effort near Bandar Abbas on the Gulf, as commercial satellite imagery has shown a vessel gradually taking shape, resembling the outlines of a Nimitz-class carrier, three administration officials said.

"They got this barge and threw some wood on top of it to make it look like the USS Nimitz. That's all we know for sure," a defence official said on Friday, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

"We think they're going to try to get some propaganda value out of it," he said.

"We find it very curious...We don't know what Iran hopes to gain by building it."

Defence officials stressed that the vessel was not a working aircraft carrier, had no nuclear propulsion system and was essentially a barge outfitted to look - but not operate - like a carrier.

Officials said the Iranians have previously used barges in military exercises and later broadcast television footage of the vessels being blown up with missiles.

The project was first reported by the New York Times, which quoted officials speculating the Iranians may blow up the fake carrier for television cameras as a propaganda exercise.

"It is not surprising that Iranian naval forces might use a variety of tactics - including military deception tactics - to communicate and possibly demonstrate their resolve in the region," said a third US official, who asked not to be named.

Commercial satellite photos show a ship under construction in Gachin shipyard on the Gulf and more recent images reveal a vessel with the unmistakable design of a Nimitz-class carrier, along with fake aircraft parked on the deck.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 22/03/2014 | 08:28 uur
Lekker laten gaan. Ben wel benieuwd naar de foto, is zo niet te vinden helaas.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 22/03/2014 | 08:32 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 22/03/2014 | 08:28 uur
Lekker laten gaan. Ben wel benieuwd naar de foto, is zo niet te vinden helaas.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 22/03/2014 | 09:12 uur

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Harald op 22/03/2014 | 16:18 uur
Naar mijn idee is het "gewoon" een oefendoel voor de Iraanse marine en/of luchtmacht, om aanval oefeningen zo realistisch mogelijk te maken voor een aanval op een (US Navy) carrier.
Hebben jullie ook die cirkel in het midden van het schip gezien !

Een richtpunt voor een vrije val nucleaire bom ? ... of voor andere bommen/wapens ... :hrmph:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 22/03/2014 | 16:20 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 22/03/2014 | 08:32 uur

link werkt niet
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 22/03/2014 | 20:45 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 22/03/2014 | 16:20 uur
link werkt niet

Ik ervaar na check geen probleem
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 22/03/2014 | 21:08 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 22/03/2014 | 16:18 uur
Naar mijn idee is het "gewoon" een oefendoel voor de Iraanse marine en/of luchtmacht, om aanval oefeningen zo realistisch mogelijk te maken voor een aanval op een (US Navy) carrier.
Hebben jullie ook die cirkel in het midden van het schip gezien !

Een richtpunt voor een vrije val nucleaire bom ? ... of voor andere bommen/wapens ... :hrmph:
helikopter landingsplaats om personeel van en aan boord te brengen!?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Harald op 25/03/2014 | 08:34 uur
Analyst: Iran's Carrier Replica Unlikely To Be Movie Prop

Iranian media reports that Iran is building a replica of a US aircraft carrier for a prop in an upcoming movie strain credibility, a naval analyst told Military Times.

The New York Times first reported that satellite photographs show the Iranians are building a non-working replica of the USS Nimitz that is two-thirds the size of the actual ship. Iranian newspapers have subsequently reported that the mockup is a prop for an upcoming movie about an Iranian airliner shot down by a US cruiser in 1988, according to The Guardian.


It is far more likely that the Iranians are building a replica of a U.S. aircraft carrier to practice their swarm techniques, Harmer said. After losing battles with the US Navy in the 1980s, the Iranians realized that they could not defeat the US. Navy in a conventional fight, so they have adopted Kamikaze tactics in which hundreds or thousands of small boats armed with rocket launchers or machine guns would launch suicide attacks against US warships.

"What they need is a big ship that looks roughly like an aircraft carrier so they can practice attacking it so they can see what they think would be the vulnerabilities," Harmer said.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 25/03/2014 | 12:10 uur
Als het oefen-scenario klopt zal de Amerikaanse marine met grote interesse de oefeningen volgen. Lijkt me nu niet de manier om je vijand te kunnen verrassen...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 25/03/2014 | 13:03 uur

Ik ben de enige?

Niemand die nog meer aan een omgekeerde Argo denkt?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Harald op 25/03/2014 | 13:45 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 25/03/2014 | 12:10 uur
Als het oefen-scenario klopt zal de Amerikaanse marine met grote interesse de oefeningen volgen. Lijkt me nu niet de manier om je vijand te kunnen verrassen...

Ik denk dat Iran juist wil laten zien dat ze oefenen en manieren bedenken om een carrier (group) aan te vallen. Dus niet alleen maar woorden, maar ook willen laten zien naar de wereld dat ze ook oefenen voor daden.

Dus je kunt dit zien als een waarschuwing aan de wereld.

Tevens is zo'n groot oefendoel natuurlijk ideaal voor/om je eigen defensie materiaal en scenario's te oefenen, waarbij ook ik denk aan de mini-subs van Iran, bijvoorbeeld de Ghadir-klasse hier hebben ze er 21 stuks van. Om ongezien te naderen en torpedo's te oefenen en ook je eigen ASW te oefenen door de fregatten en corvetten
Ook niet te vergeten de 3 stuks Kilo-klasse onderzeeboten.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 25/03/2014 | 13:51 uur
En..het kan ook een oefen-model zijn. Dat Iran op termijn een eigen vliegdekschip zou bouwen is denk ik helemaal niet zo raar als je haar globale ambities ziet.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 25/03/2014 | 14:11 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 25/03/2014 | 13:51 uur
En..het kan ook een oefen-model zijn. Dat Iran op termijn een eigen vliegdekschip zou bouwen is denk ik helemaal niet zo raar als je haar globale ambities ziet.

Ik verwachtte nog enig maritiem inzicht van je Elzenga, maar een carrier is gezien de geografische  ligging en dreiging van Iran wel het allerlaatste wat ik ze zou adviseren moeite, kosten en mankracht in te steken.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Harald op 25/03/2014 | 14:32 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 25/03/2014 | 13:51 uur
En..het kan ook een oefen-model zijn. Dat Iran op termijn een eigen vliegdekschip zou bouwen is denk ik helemaal niet zo raar als je haar globale ambities ziet.

Daar heb ik ook al aan gedacht, maar dan moet die carrier altijd nog gedeeltelijk door de straat van Hormuz als je Bandar Abbas als Naval Base aanhoudt, dus niet zo aannemelijk. Maar dat Iran zijn blik verder heeft dan de Persische Golf is wel duidelijk.
Iran heeft natuurlijk wel "vrienden", zoals Syrie, China, Rusland, Sudan en gebruikt natuurlijk havens zoals Port Sudan, Tartus en die van Sri Lanka, waardoor een aanwezigheid in de Middellandse zee en de Indische Oceaan veel makkelijker wordt.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jooop op 25/03/2014 | 15:46 uur
Hmmmm  :glare:

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 25/03/2014 | 15:49 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 25/03/2014 | 14:11 uur
Ik verwachtte nog enig maritiem inzicht van je Elzenga, maar een carrier is gezien de geografische  ligging en dreiging van Iran wel het allerlaatste wat ik ze zou adviseren moeite, kosten en mankracht in te steken.
Blijkbaar ben je niet zo goed ingelezen op dit onderwerp dan... Iran claimt al jaren een veel globalere ambitie en investeert daar ook stevig in. Zo ook in havenfaciliteiten in het Zuiden van Iran aan de Indische oceaan en golf van Oman. Allemaal misschien nog niet zo indrukwekkend..maar ja..zo zijn meer landen begonnen... die nu wereldspeler zijn. Never underestimate your...etc etc.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 25/03/2014 | 18:47 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 25/03/2014 | 15:49 uur
Blijkbaar ben je niet zo goed ingelezen op dit onderwerp dan... Iran claimt al jaren een veel globalere ambitie en investeert daar ook stevig in. Zo ook in havenfaciliteiten in het Zuiden van Iran aan de Indische oceaan en golf van Oman. Allemaal misschien nog niet zo indrukwekkend..maar ja..zo zijn meer landen begonnen... die nu wereldspeler zijn. Never underestimate your...etc etc.

ja, ze willen ook hun eigen ruimteprogramma, en ze vertellen hun volk vast elke dag via de staatstelevisie dat ze ook de regionale grootmacht zijn, en dit en ze willen dat...  ze blaffen vooral een heleboel.

Iran met een Carrier.... je snapt natuurlijk wel dat als je een carrier hebt dan nog helemaal niet klaar bent en je carrier redelijk nutteloos is zonder begeleidende carrier battle group. Daarnaast investeren ze al decennia lang in een swarm techniek en als allerlaatste zou het olie dom zijn van ze omdat ze slim moeten zijn als ze indruk willen maken op de VS en niet al die dure energie, financiën en tijd gaan wijden om een carrier te bouwen die zoiezo gigantisch zal achterlopen op het wereldtoneel in zowel kwalitatief als kwantitatief perspectief.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 25/03/2014 | 21:57 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 25/03/2014 | 18:47 uurja, ze willen ook hun eigen ruimteprogramma, en ze vertellen hun volk vast elke dag via de staatstelevisie dat ze ook de regionale grootmacht zijn, en dit en ze willen dat...  ze blaffen vooral een heleboel.

Iran met een Carrier.... je snapt natuurlijk wel dat als je een carrier hebt dan nog helemaal niet klaar bent en je carrier redelijk nutteloos is zonder begeleidende carrier battle group. Daarnaast investeren ze al decennia lang in een swarm techniek en als allerlaatste zou het olie dom zijn van ze omdat ze slim moeten zijn als ze indruk willen maken op de VS en niet al die dure energie, financiën en tijd gaan wijden om een carrier te bouwen die zoiezo gigantisch zal achterlopen op het wereldtoneel in zowel kwalitatief als kwantitatief perspectief.
Eens...maar er wordt daar in Iran dus klaarblijkelijk soms anders over gedacht. En tja..nog niet zolang geleden dachten we ook dat India en China bluften...maar we weten nu beter. Iran is in potentie een heel rijk en ontwikkelt land. Het huidige regime heeft daar flink de rem op gezet..maar hoopt klaarblijkelijk toch de grote sprong voorwaarts te maken nu...en het sterke Iraanse patriottisme/nationalisme hierbij aan te wakkeren om tot grotere projecten te komen.

En wie weet..misschien gebruiken ze dit vaartuig wel op een heel "aparte" manier. Kijk..zag het van de week nog op kunt ook met een moderne en bewapende prop op een vliegdekschip landen en opstijgen...zonder katapults en remkabels te gebruiken. Geen partij voor een modern uitgeruste tegenstander...maar toch bruikbaar in allerlei andere scenario's en voor show the flag operaties.

Dus ja..enige scepsis deel ik wel...maar we zijn al vaker verrast. Time will tell.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 25/03/2014 | 22:45 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 25/03/2014 | 21:57 uur
Eens...maar er wordt daar in Iran dus klaarblijkelijk soms anders over gedacht. En tja..nog niet zolang geleden dachten we ook dat India en China bluften...maar we weten nu beter. Iran is in potentie een heel rijk en ontwikkelt land. Het huidige regime heeft daar flink de rem op gezet..maar hoopt klaarblijkelijk toch de grote sprong voorwaarts te maken nu...en het sterke Iraanse patriottisme/nationalisme hierbij aan te wakkeren om tot grotere projecten te komen.

En wie weet..misschien gebruiken ze dit vaartuig wel op een heel "aparte" manier. Kijk..zag het van de week nog op kunt ook met een moderne en bewapende prop op een vliegdekschip landen en opstijgen...zonder katapults en remkabels te gebruiken. Geen partij voor een modern uitgeruste tegenstander...maar toch bruikbaar in allerlei andere scenario's en voor show the flag operaties.

Dus ja..enige scepsis deel ik wel...maar we zijn al vaker verrast. Time will tell.

Heb je überhaupt naar de foto's van dat ding gekeken?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 25/03/2014 | 22:50 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 25/03/2014 | 22:45 uur
Heb je überhaupt naar de foto's van dat ding gekeken?
zeker ... maar Iran heeft al eens vaker verrast. Dus ik hou de opties nog even heb ik zo mijn vermoeden in deze.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 25/03/2014 | 23:34 uur
Iraans carnaval.......optocht, praalwagen ?.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 27/03/2014 | 20:28 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 25/03/2014 | 14:11 uur
Ik verwachtte nog enig maritiem inzicht van je Elzenga, maar een carrier is gezien de geografische  ligging en dreiging van Iran wel het allerlaatste wat ik ze zou adviseren moeite, kosten en mankracht in te steken.

Ze zouden het zo doen, als ze het geld en de mogelijkheden hebben. Maar die lui zijn nauwelijks in staat een fatsoenlijk fregat de zee op te sturen. Met pijn en moeite bouwen ze nu een apparaat van 2000 ton dat er van een afstandje uitzien als een jaren '70 design. Wat wel een stap vooruit is op de huidige jaren '60 schepen.

In het beste geval kunnen ze een heli ervan laten opstijgen en landen, en claimen vervolgens een carrier te hebben. Dat dat vervolgens geen enkele militaire waarde heeft is bijzaak voor hun.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 27/03/2014 | 20:42 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 27/03/2014 | 20:28 uur
Ze zouden het zo doen, als ze het geld en de mogelijkheden hebben. Maar die lui zijn nauwelijks in staat een fatsoenlijk fregat de zee op te sturen. Met pijn en moeite bouwen ze nu een apparaat van 2000 ton dat er van een afstandje uitzien als een jaren '70 design. Wat wel een stap vooruit is op de huidige jaren '60 schepen.

In het beste geval kunnen ze een heli ervan laten opstijgen en landen, en claimen vervolgens een carrier te hebben. Dat dat vervolgens geen enkele militaire waarde heeft is bijzaak voor hun.
Al slepen ze het met sleepboten ergens valt van op te stijgen door heli's en propellervliegtuigen. Voor propaganda doeleinden voldoende..zie je ook met die "eskaders" richting Middellandse Zee en Atlantische Oceaan.

Maar goed..het kan ook een oefendoel zijn. Of voor een film. Even afwachten.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 27/03/2014 | 20:54 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 27/03/2014 | 20:42 uur
Al slepen ze het met sleepboten ergens valt van op te stijgen door heli's en propellervliegtuigen. Voor propaganda doeleinden voldoende..zie je ook met die "eskaders" richting Middellandse Zee en Atlantische Oceaan.

Maar goed..het kan ook een oefendoel zijn. Of voor een film. Even afwachten.

Zoiets ja. Dat die propaganda van ze zo lachwekkend is gaat blijkbaar aan ze voorbij.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 27/03/2014 | 21:06 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 27/03/2014 | 20:54 uur
Zoiets ja. Dat die propaganda van ze zo lachwekkend is gaat blijkbaar aan ze voorbij.
lachwekkend voor ons...maar dat kan thuis en elders heel anders worden ervaren. Al vliegen er op die manier props langs de Amerikaanse oostkust..voor een Iraanse nationalist is het heel wat..
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 27/03/2014 | 22:41 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 27/03/2014 | 21:06 uur
lachwekkend voor ons...maar dat kan thuis en elders heel anders worden ervaren. Al vliegen er op die manier props langs de Amerikaanse oostkust..voor een Iraanse nationalist is het heel wat..

Tsja, laat ze hun energie er maar lekker in steken, prima. Alle middelen die daar naar gaan, kunnen niet naar effectieve militaire middelen gaan.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 28/03/2014 | 22:08 uur
Twee nieuwe foto's..
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Harald op 28/03/2014 | 22:26 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 28/03/2014 | 22:08 uur
Twee nieuwe foto's..

Ze hebben zelf een Jolly Roger F-18 op het dek geplaatst ..  :big-smile:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 28/03/2014 | 22:39 uur
En niemand weet nog wat Iran met dit bouwpalkket wil gaan doen. Hoe maak ik iedereen zo gek als een deur  :lol:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/04/2014 | 08:06 uur
Iran's fake aircraft carrier features fake F/A-18 Hornet in Jolly Rogers livery

Apr 02 2014

By David Cenciotti

Recent satellite imagery showed Tehran is building a fake U.S. aircraft. New photographs prove that Iran's Nimitz class mock flattop hosts several (fake) planes, including some CAG birds and a Jolly Rogers F/A-18 Hornet.

Iran is not only working on a mock American aircraft carrier. New images posted on Facebook show that the USS Nimitz class ship being assembled in an Iranian shipyard on the Persian Gulf most probably for propaganda purposes (do you remember the F-313 Qaher stealth jet?) or as a movie prop, now features also some embarked planes.

Noteworthy, along with some F-5 Tiger aircraft (serving with the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force but not existing in a carrier-variant) parked on the flight deck of the fake Iranian carrier there are also some fake F/A-18 Hornets.

One of the two in special color scheme sports the unique livery and markings of the legendary VFA-103 "Jolly Rogers".

The Jolly Rogers are one of the most famous squadron in U.S. Navy. They currently fly the F/A-18F Super Hornet adorned with Ensign Jack Ernie's skull-and-crossbones on all-black tails, their symbol and probably the most recognizable one in Naval Aviation (to such an extent you can find it in Disney's "Planes" cartoon).

The reason for using CAG (Carrier Air Group) planes in special colors makes Iran's mysterious aircraft carrier's flight deck slightly more realistic but the question remains: why did Tehran spend so much money to build such a huge model?

As mentioned before, it might be a prop for an upcoming movie (about an Iranian airliner shot down by a U.S. cruiser in 1988) as reported by some media outlets; still, considering the effort in building the mock up it is also possible that the ship will serve for more military purposes: for instance testing new technologies and/or training warplanes to attack a U.S. flattop in the Persian Gulf exploiting its vulnerabilities.

In either cases, just a waste of money...

Voor het nieuwe plaatje, zie link:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 03/04/2014 | 08:53 uur
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Harald op 03/04/2014 | 09:11 uur
Gebeurtenis in begin 2012 : ........... (waarschijnlijk hebben ze toen ook wat foto's genomen..  ;) )

Iranian plane flies close to US aircraft carrier. F-18 Hornet intercepts it.

In 2012 a P-3 Orion (Iran) decided to fly close to a U.S. carrier at sea. And these images show what happened next.
The images in this post, published on an Iranian site (that is currently down) were probably between January and June 2012, when USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72) operated in the Persian Gulf.

They show what happens each time an Iranian Navy Fokker 27 or P-3 Orion (as in this case) decides to skirt an American flattops that is operating within the Fifth Fleet AOR (Area Of Responsibility): it's intercepted and escorted (in this case by an F/A-18E Super Hornet of the VFA-137 "Kestrels" in cool digital color scheme.

Since these maritime patrol planes fly in international airspace and don't pose a real threat to the Strike Group, the aircraft carrier doesn't need to take any real defensive action other than tracking the surveillance plane all time or divert one of its fighter jets to intercept it.

Aircraft carriers don't even need to change their course if a spyplane pops up on the radar, provided that it is not armed and it doesn't show an aggressive behaviour.

Every now and then even Iranian speedboats and maybe subs pay visit to the U.S. nuclear-powered carriers.

(mooi kleurenschema van die P-3 Orion)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 04/04/2014 | 12:11 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 03/04/2014 | 08:53 uur

Wie was ook alweer degene die zei dat ze ons met dit schip wel eens zouden kunnen verassen en het in de vaart nemen als heli carriër of iets dergelijks?  :angel:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 04/04/2014 | 16:13 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 04/04/2014 | 12:11 uur
Wie was ook alweer degene die zei dat ze ons met dit schip wel eens zouden kunnen verassen en het in de vaart nemen als heli carriër of iets dergelijks?  :angel:
Ik opperde dat als nog een optie...heb never nooit niet gezegd dat dit het doel zou zijn. Film of oefendoel wel. Maar dat Iran ons in deze al vaker heeft verrast. Staan een hele reeks Iraanse straaljagers op..model dan. Naast 2 F-18 modellen. Dus ja..het blijft gek ;)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 04/04/2014 | 18:15 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 04/04/2014 | 16:13 uur
Staan een hele reeks Iraanse straaljagers op..model dan. Naast 2 F-18 modellen. Dus ja..het blijft gek ;)
Volgens mij zijn dat aan de  rechterkant allemaal F18's of wat er voor door moet gaan. ......
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 04/04/2014 | 18:34 uur
Citaat van: DvdW op 04/04/2014 | 18:15 uur
Volgens mij zijn dat aan de  rechterkant allemaal F18's of wat er voor door moet gaan. ......
zou kunnen..maar Iran heeft ook een F-5 omgebouwd met dubbele HESA Saeqeh..
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 04/04/2014 | 23:44 uur
Boeing mag onderdelen verkopen aan Iran

De Amerikaanse vliegtuigbouwer Boeing heeft van de Amerikaanse overheid toestemming gekregen om onderdelen te leveren aan Iran. 

Dat maakte de onderneming vrijdag bekend.

Het besluit past binnen de afspraken die de VS begin dit jaar met Iran heeft gemaakt over een tijdelijke en beperkte verlichting van de sancties tegen het regime in Teheran.

Iran kan nu van Boeing onderdelen kopen waarmee het oude vliegtuigen, die door het bedrijf nog voor de islamitische revolutie van 1979 aan het land zijn verkocht, in de lucht kan houden. Boeing mag nog steeds geen nieuwe toestellen aan Iran verkopen.

ANP, 4 april 2014 22:53
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 05/04/2014 | 01:02 uur
Citaat van: Lex op 04/04/2014 | 23:44 uur
Boeing mag onderdelen verkopen aan Iran

De Amerikaanse vliegtuigbouwer Boeing heeft van de Amerikaanse overheid toestemming gekregen om onderdelen te leveren aan Iran. 

Dat maakte de onderneming vrijdag bekend.

Het besluit past binnen de afspraken die de VS begin dit jaar met Iran heeft gemaakt over een tijdelijke en beperkte verlichting van de sancties tegen het regime in Teheran.

Iran kan nu van Boeing onderdelen kopen waarmee het oude vliegtuigen, die door het bedrijf nog voor de islamitische revolutie van 1979 aan het land zijn verkocht, in de lucht kan houden. Boeing mag nog steeds geen nieuwe toestellen aan Iran verkopen.

ANP, 4 april 2014 22:53

Gaat dus om onderdelen van Boeings 707 en 747, 727?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 11/04/2014 | 01:35 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 28/03/2014 | 22:39 uur
En niemand weet nog wat Iran met dit bouwpalkket wil gaan doen. Hoe maak ik iedereen zo gek als een deur  :lol:

Heel simpel; die carrier mock-up is gebouwd voor een nieuwe Iraanse film over dit incident:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 11/04/2014 | 01:41 uur
Overigens is gisteren boven Syrië Iran's meest geavanceerde UCAV gespot. De Shahed-129.

CitaatIranian Shahed 129 drone appears over Damascus

A "Shahed 129″, type of drone based on the Israeli Hermes 450 model or the Watchkeeper 450 model, but larger than those types, was spotted over Syria on Apr. 10.

The Shahed 129 is a remotely piloted vehicle claimed to have an endurance of 24 hours and an operative range up to 2,000 kilometers. Noteworthy, in September 2013, Tehran unveiled a version of Shahed 129 domestically modified to carry weapons, making the Iranian drone a real UCAV (Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle).

Still, the Shahed filmed today doesn't seem to carry any weapon, at least based on the blurry images currently available.

It's not the first time a new Iranian drone was delivered to Assad: in November 2013, a Yasir drone, a modified copy of the Boeing ScanEagle (captured by the Iranians in 2012) was filmed over Damascus suburb Hujaira AlBalad, in Syria.

The comment we made back then is still valid today: it's at least funny how fast any "new" Iranian UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) is delivered to Assad's forces.


De drone in kwestie:


Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 11/04/2014 | 09:20 uur
Waarom presenteren die Iraniers altijd alles in een sportzaal  :angel:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 11/04/2014 | 12:22 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 11/04/2014 | 09:20 uur
Waarom presenteren die Iraniers altijd alles in een sportzaal  :angel:

Omdat Irak heeft aangetoond dat grote, militaire complexen te snel identificeerbaar en vernietigbaar zijn voor machten zoals de VS. Iran gebruikt daarentegen onopvallende, sportzaal-achtige complexen voor dit soort gelegenheden. Zijn veel makkelijker te verstoppen in het land.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 11/04/2014 | 13:37 uur
Citaat van: Jah op 11/04/2014 | 12:22 uur
Omdat Irak heeft aangetoond dat grote, militaire complexen te snel identificeerbaar en vernietigbaar zijn voor machten zoals de VS. Iran gebruikt daarentegen onopvallende, sportzaal-achtige complexen voor dit soort gelegenheden. Zijn veel makkelijker te verstoppen in het land.
Want een sportzaal in een woestijn valt niet op?  :-*
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 11/04/2014 | 14:38 uur
Citaat van: Jah op 11/04/2014 | 12:22 uur
Omdat Irak heeft aangetoond dat grote, militaire complexen te snel identificeerbaar en vernietigbaar zijn voor machten zoals de VS. Iran gebruikt daarentegen onopvallende, sportzaal-achtige complexen voor dit soort gelegenheden. Zijn veel makkelijker te verstoppen in het land.

Succes met dat kontverhaal maar ik koop het niet.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 11/04/2014 | 15:28 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 11/04/2014 | 09:20 uur
Waarom presenteren die Iraniers altijd alles in een sportzaal  :angel:

Groene vloer? kunnen ze mooi een nep presentatie van maken (zoals in de film met een blue of green screen)  ;D
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 11/04/2014 | 18:10 uur
Citaat van: DvdW op 11/04/2014 | 13:37 uur
Want een sportzaal in een woestijn valt niet op?  :-*

Uuuh, Iran is geen woestijn. In ieder geval niet de regio's waar de bevolking grotendeels geconcentreerd is. Deze hallen zijn dan ook gewoon gebouwd in bewoond gebied.

Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 11/04/2014 | 14:38 uur

Succes met dat kontverhaal maar ik koop het niet.

Is anders gewoon bekend.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 11/04/2014 | 18:15 uur
Overigens lijkt de Iraanse Shahed-129 drone die gisteren boven Damascus was gespot te zijn gemodificeerd. De neus heeft meer weg van een Predator drone, en ook de antenne bovenop de drone is nieuw.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 11/04/2014 | 18:59 uur
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jah op 11/04/2014 | 20:13 uur
Iranian UAV spotted over Syria could be a heavily modified drone (with Predator inputs)

CitaatNew screenshots coming from Syria give a better view of the Shahed 129 spotted over Damascus on Apr. 10.

Noteworthy, such photos show that the version used by the Syrian Armed Forces of the made-in-Iran UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle), is sensibly different by the one unveiled in September 2013 in Tehran.

Indeed, the remotely piloted aircraft features a nose section whose shape resembles that of a U.S. Predator/Reaper and a tall antenna mounted on top of it.

This seemingly extensive modifications make the drone's front part more similar to an MQ-9/1 than a Israeli Hermes 450 model.

Iran is not unfamiliar with domestic modifications to western drones: they have been able to recover/capture some U.S. remotely piloted aircraft, including a Scan Eagle (and the famous stealthy RQ-170).

The question is: did they put their hands on some parts of an MQ-9 as well?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 28/04/2014 | 10:41 uur
Iran to Target Decoy US Aircraft Carrier in Drills

TEHRAN, Iran April 27, 2014 (AP)

An Iranian newspaper is reporting that the country's military plans to target a mock-up American aircraft carrier during upcoming war games.

The Sunday report by independent Haft-e Sobh daily quotes Adm. Ali Fadavi, navy chief of the powerful Revolutionary Guards as saying Iranian forces should "target the carrier in the trainings, after it is completed."

Adm. Fadavi said: "We should learn about weaknesses and strengths of our enemy."

This is the first reaction by Iranian officials to a March report that said Iran is building a simple replica of the USS Nimitz in a shipyard in the southern port of Bandar Abbas. Iranian officials did not comment then but state TV said it would be used in a movie.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/05/2014 | 10:15 uur
An Iranian stealth submarine sinks before targeting a mock US carrier in an a naval exercise

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report May 6, 2014

A new Iranian Ghadir-class stealth mini-submarine, home-built with Chinese technology, recently sank near the Strait of Hormuz, while preparing for a Revolutionary Guards naval exercise to practice sinking or disabling a mock-up US aircraft carrier, debkafile's military and intelligence sources report exclusively.
The sub was launched just a year ago.

The Iranians drew a tight veil of secrecy over the accident, curtailing the search for the estimated 10 crewmen to avoid drawing the notice of US or other intelligence agencies in the region.
Chinese and Russian teams secretly enlisted to help search for the sunken mini-submarine, quickly abandoned it saying that none of the crew could have survived. It was up to Iran to decide, they said, whether to continue the search at the risk of exposing its plans for sinking US carriers in a war contingency. So long as the sub stayed on the bottom, its stealth technology would make it hard for Western intelligence to locate it.
The ill-fated submarine was to have shown its paces by striking a replica of the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier Iran had built at the Bandar Abbas naval base.

The replica was spotted by US satellites. Challenged for an explanation, the Iranians first tried claiming it was to be used in a film documenting the naval forces present in the Persian Gulf.
But then on April 27, the Navy Commander Rear Adm. Ali Fadavi gave the game a way by saying: "Iranian forces should target the carrier in the trainings. We should learn about the weaknesses and strengths of our enemy."

On May 6, Adm. Fadavi made a more warlike statement that clearly defined "the enemy" when he said: "They [Americans] know nothing. We have been making and sinking replicas of US destroyers, frigates and warships for long years, and we have sunk the replica of their vessels in 50 seconds through a series of operational measures."

The semi-official Fars agency quoted him as saying also: "Destroying the US navy remains one of the top operational goals of the Tehran forces. If war with the United States breaks out, the Iranians will attack American aircraft carriers in the Persian Gulf, their size making them easy to target."
Tehran assumed its aggressive face the day before US National Security Adviser Susan Rice and senior US nuclear negotiator Wendy Sherman were due in Israel to persuade Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to live with the comprehensive nuclear accord shortly to be signed with Iran by the six world powers. They will also demand an Israel guarantee not to attack Iran's nuclear facilities, although the prime minister made this threat on Holocaust Day on April 27.

The Iranian navy chief's words were a message to Washington that if Netanyahu does engage in military action against Iran, the American fleet will be at risk.
Iran's military planners had assigned the new Ghadir-class mini-submarines the task of an attack to bring the US navy fleet, especially the carriers, to a halt - easy prey for a thousand IRGC torpedo boats armed with sea-to-sea missiles to strike the stationary vessels from all directions.
Iranian naval experts count on sinking a carrier or leaving it too crippled to move to safety and forced to call on US bases in Qatar, Kuwait, Oman and Yemen for air cover.
Adm. Fadavi's words, placing "destroying the US navy" among the operational goals of the Tehran forces" were meant to deter the US and Israel against military action.

debkafile's military sources reveal that IRGC chiefs are also looking at ways of disabling US warships in the Mediterranean, to put them out of action for a second-strike attack on the Lebanese Hizballah by missiles or for sending bombers over Iran.
Not all Western naval experts agree on Tehran's objectives or capabilities. Some discount the Iran's speedboats' ability to carry more than one sea-to-sea rocket - or two at most. And the US helicopters taking off from the targeted warship or ground bases would soon be able to sink them.

Iranian forces recently tested the option of arming the explosive speedboat's crews with shoulder-carried anti-helicopter rockets, but gave up after 10 boats tipped over during the test.
The Revolutionary Guards Corps has a fleet of 10,000 small boats which are capable of great speed but easily overbalance.
If the US or Israel do decide to strike Iran's nuclear facilities, the anchorages of these boats would be among their first targets. Each of these anchorages, which are strung along the Iranian Persian Gulf coast, houses around 100 boats.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 07/05/2014 | 17:52 uur
Mijn god wat denken die Iraniers nou...
Hun hoogste doel is het aanvallen van de US navy?

Zonder dat de US army eraan te pas hoeft te komen rolt de US navy en usmc al 40 keer op en neer over en door Iran heen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 07/05/2014 | 18:14 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 07/05/2014 | 17:52 uur
Mijn god wat denken die Iraniers nou...
Hun hoogste doel is het aanvallen van de US navy?

Zonder dat de US army eraan te pas hoeft te komen rolt de US navy en usmc al 40 keer op en neer over en door Iran heen.
Als het gaat om de reguliere Iraanse strijdkrachten wel denk ik (ook). Maar suicide-attacks...en daar weten ze bij de Iraanse Revolutionaire Garde ook wel raad toch een ander verhaal...met meer dreiging en kansen op schade. Ik denk dat veel afhangt van of Iran het verrassingselement heeft of niet.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 07/05/2014 | 18:44 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 07/05/2014 | 18:14 uur
Als het gaat om de reguliere Iraanse strijdkrachten wel denk ik (ook). Maar suicide-attacks...en daar weten ze bij de Iraanse Revolutionaire Garde ook wel raad toch een ander verhaal...met meer dreiging en kansen op schade. Ik denk dat veel afhangt van of Iran het verrassingselement heeft of niet.

Hmwoah.. heb toch wel aardig vertrouwen in het 7 gangen diner van een flinke dosis Tomahawks afgeblust met een sausje van niet ophoudende luchtaanvallen, hiermee opgevolgd door het 's werelds grootste toetjemet meest uitgebreide en ervaringsdeskundige Marine korps ter wereld.

Dit miniatuur vliegdekschip is een dure propaganda maquette van Iran.. niet meer en niet minder.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 27/08/2014 | 17:23 uur
Iran heeft een tweede deadline voor een oplossing van haar nucleaire programma niet gehaald.
Iran heeft nog een reden erbij gekregen om kernwapens snel in haar bezit te krijgen = IS.
Zal Israel dit accepteren?
Israel heeft van 3 partijen die na een Israelische aanval op Iran zouden kunnen terug slaan.... Iran, Hezbollah en Hamas, de laatste nu sterk verzwakt. Minder raketten..veel minder tunnels nu...bevolking en samenleving Gaza murf.
Luchtafweer Iran getest met drone?
Nog geen luchtmacht in Irak.
Israelische scholen zijn nog dicht geloof ik tot maandag.
Weersomstandigheden zijn gunstig boven de regio.
Relatie Amerika Israel op een dieptepunt.
Een nieuwe window of opportunity voor Israelische aanval op Iran?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 27/08/2014 | 17:52 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 27/08/2014 | 17:23 uur
Een nieuwe window of opportunity voor Israelische aanval op Iran?

Er komt een keer een moment dat de wereld wordt geconfronteerd met een voldongen feit, zijde: of Iran is een kernmacht of Israël pakt zijn moment.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 27/08/2014 | 18:03 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 27/08/2014 | 17:52 uur
Er komt een keer een moment dat de wereld wordt geconfronteerd met een voldongen feit, zijde: of Iran is een kernmacht of Israël pakt zijn moment.
Precies...en als premier Netanyahu 1 ding steeds heeft gesteld is dat hij nimmer zal accepteren dat Iran een kernmacht tijd tikt voorbij...en snel.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 27/08/2014 | 21:34 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 27/08/2014 | 18:03 uur
Precies...en als premier Netanyahu 1 ding steeds heeft gesteld is dat hij nimmer zal accepteren dat Iran een kernmacht tijd tikt voorbij...en snel.

Wij moeten ook niet willen dat Iran een kernmacht wordt.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 28/08/2014 | 13:36 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 27/08/2014 | 17:23 uur
Iran heeft een tweede deadline voor een oplossing van haar nucleaire programma niet gehaald.
Iran heeft nog een reden erbij gekregen om kernwapens snel in haar bezit te krijgen = IS.
Zal Israel dit accepteren?
Israel heeft van 3 partijen die na een Israelische aanval op Iran zouden kunnen terug slaan.... Iran, Hezbollah en Hamas, de laatste nu sterk verzwakt. Minder raketten..veel minder tunnels nu...bevolking en samenleving Gaza murf.
Luchtafweer Iran getest met drone?
Nog geen luchtmacht in Irak.
Israelische scholen zijn nog dicht geloof ik tot maandag.
Weersomstandigheden zijn gunstig boven de regio.
Relatie Amerika Israel op een dieptepunt.
Een nieuwe window of opportunity voor Israelische aanval op Iran?

wat heeft IS te maken met Irans deadline m.b.t atoombom ontwikkeling?
Juist, niets...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 28/08/2014 | 14:47 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 28/08/2014 | 13:36 uur
wat heeft IS te maken met Irans deadline m.b.t atoombom ontwikkeling?
Juist, niets...
Wel degelijk. IS is een grote bedreiging voor Iran. Kernwapens kunnen daarbij een rol spelen om te voorkomen dat IS eventueel Iran probeert te veroveren...dmv afschrikking en zelfs beperkte inzet.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 28/08/2014 | 15:03 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 28/08/2014 | 14:47 uur
Wel degelijk. IS is een grote bedreiging voor Iran. Kernwapens kunnen daarbij een rol spelen om te voorkomen dat IS eventueel Iran probeert te veroveren...dmv afschrikking en zelfs beperkte inzet.

Nee? Wat is dit weer een onzin van de bovenste plank Elzenga.
Een nucleair wapen is bij voorbaat niet tactisch, het werkt al helemaal niet tegen een organisatie als Isis of AQ.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 28/08/2014 | 15:26 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 28/08/2014 | 14:47 uur
dmv afschrikking en zelfs beperkte inzet.

Afschrikking is op IS niet van toepassing. 'Beperkte inzet ?'......... een beetje collateral damage is geen probleem neem ik dan maar aan  :cute-smile:

IS is te stoppen en wel met conventionele middelen. De islamitische landen in de regio moeten de koppen bij elkaar steken en de krachten bundelen om dit mogelijk te maken. Daarmee ook duidelijk maken aan de wereld maken dat de Islam niet staat voor wat IS predikt en doet.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 28/08/2014 | 15:49 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 28/08/2014 | 15:03 uur
Nee? Wat is dit weer een onzin van de bovenste plank Elzenga.
Een nucleair wapen is bij voorbaat niet tactisch, het werkt al helemaal niet tegen een organisatie als Isis of AQ.
Wel degelijk. Het is juist onzin het tegenovergestelde te beweren. IS heeft ook al een aantal steden onder controle. Raqqa, stad in Syrie is haar hoofdkwartier...waar waarschijnlijk ook de "regering" en kalief van IS verblijft. Op het moment dat IS een echt gevaar gaat worden voor Iran zal het nog meer steden en gebied in handen hebben. Daar kun je kernwapens tegen inzetten, ook tactisch..als je eigen land overlopen dreigt te worden. Want dat is het enige scenario waar ik het over heb en waar Iran kernwapens voor wil hebben volgens mij.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: colourmaster2010 op 28/08/2014 | 16:09 uur
Iran is en blijft tevens een Sjiietische minderheid samen met groot gedeelte van Irak, alles eromheen is Soenitisch en accepteerd schijnbaar de rol van IS.
Denk zelf dat IS een veel groter gevaar voor Israël vormt dan Iran op dit moment, gezien de snelheid van handelen is het niet te hopen dat IS de controle gaat hebben in Syrië, dit zal een grote bedreiging vormen voor de staat Israël,.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 28/08/2014 | 16:48 uur
Jullie hebben samen drugs gebruikt?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 29/08/2014 | 17:45 uur
Citaat van: colourmaster2010 op 28/08/2014 | 16:09 uur
Iran is en blijft tevens een Sjiietische minderheid samen met groot gedeelte van Irak, alles eromheen is Soenitisch en accepteerd schijnbaar de rol van IS.
Denk zelf dat IS een veel groter gevaar voor Israël vormt dan Iran op dit moment, gezien de snelheid van handelen is het niet te hopen dat IS de controle gaat hebben in Syrië, dit zal een grote bedreiging vormen voor de staat Israël,.

Volgens mij wonen er ook Sjiieten in Libanon en Syrië?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: colourmaster2010 op 29/08/2014 | 20:31 uur
Zeker, ik bedoel de grootste concentratie bevindt zich in Iran en Irak.

En nee geen drugs gebruikt, ik zou wel willen zien als men IS de vrije hand zou laten en niet ingrijpt, we zien toch allemaal hoe snel het om zich heen grijpt, een vlek die zich verspreidt, vanuit het niets ineens op de kaart, ja ja, een gevaar voor de hele regio, tevens voor ons, met groeiende extremistische jongeren die zien hoe succesvol IS is in hun strijd.
Ik zie Iran nog niet met grote eenheden stukken land innemen, de strijd tegen de gemeenschappelijke vijand laten ze voeren door Hamas en Hezbollah, wat niet te vergelijken is met de Blitz krieg die IS nu voert.
Dit gaat een gevaar vormen voor de hele regio en zeker voor Israël na verloop van tijd, die tijd zou sneller aan kunnen breken dan de dreiging komende van Iran, een dreiging die zou kunnen ontaarden in gemeenschappelijke aanval, al is het met verdeelde belangen....
Mag hopen dat je geen strategische functie vervuld...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 30/08/2014 | 12:19 uur
Geloof één ding en dat is dat Iran totaal niet aan de kant van ISIS staat. Totaal niet. Nooit niet.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 30/08/2014 | 12:36 uur
Citaat van: IPA NG op 30/08/2014 | 12:19 uur
Nooit niet.

Altijd dus  :angel:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 30/08/2014 | 13:23 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser op 30/08/2014 | 12:36 uur
Altijd dus  :angel:

Je snapt wat ik bedoel.

Iran zal altijd totaal niet aan de kant van ISIS staan. Dat is één zekerheid in het leven.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 07/09/2014 | 20:09 uur
What's wrong with the story of Iran shooting down an Israeli stealth drone near Natanz nuclear facility


Few days ago Iran reportedly shot down an Israeli "stealth" drone near one of its nuclear enrichment facilities. But there are several weird things in Tehran authorities report of the shooting down.
On Aug. 24, several Iranian media outlets reported the news of an Israeli drone shot down near Natanz nuclear enrichment facility in central Iran.

According to FARS, the Revolutionary Guards Public (IRGC) Relations Department said that the drone was a stealth, radar-evading  model targeted by a surface-to-air missile. Then, on Aug. 25, Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Aerospace Force Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh said that "The downed spy drone is Hermes and made in Israel.


Even if the news that an Israeli drone was operating inside Iranian airspace is not a big surprise, what makes IRGC claims a bit weird is the fact that Hermes drones are not stealth and their operational range is known to be much lower than the 800 kilometers claimed by Hajizadeh (who added that the unmanned aircraft is capable of flying 1,600 kilometers without refueling). And, above all, the shape of the aircraft does not resemble that of a Hermes 180 or 450.


Indeed, the drone is identical to a mysterious drone shot down in 2011 by Armenian forces in the disputed territory of Nagorno Karabakh. At that time Azerbaijan denied the unmanned aircraft belonged to Baku. Then a drone of the same type, most probably made in Israel (with inputs from both the Hermes 180 and 450) was displayed during an Armenian parade as the following image shows.


Interestingly, the "Azeri" drone showcased in the parade (nose section has been highlighted to help identifying it in the images of wreckage) didn't carry any national flag/roundel, unlike the other models operated by the Azerbaijani forces.

We don't know anything about this somehow mysterious drone but its range is unlikely to make a round trip to Natanz possible from both Azerbaijan and northern Iraq (someone suggested this could be the launch area). Actually, the size of the drone is quite small, much smaller than a Hermes 450, meaning that it's most probably a tactical, short-medium range UAV.

Indeed, most recent reports said that the aircraft was shot down "on the way" to Natanz. So, it seems more likely that the drone, made-in-Israel (although it's not confirmed) and possibly launched from Azerbaijan was shot down/crashed somewhere closer to the border and then moved near Natanz.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 07/09/2014 | 20:20 uur
Toch lijkt het erg op een Hermes 180....en die kan wel eens van een heel onverwachte locatie zijn gelanceerd om Iraanse luchtverdediging te testen..(ik denk bijv. aan een schip..of SOF team in Iran zelf).
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 07/09/2014 | 22:41 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 07/09/2014 | 20:20 uur
Toch lijkt het erg op een Hermes 180....en die kan wel eens van een heel onverwachte locatie zijn gelanceerd om Iraanse luchtverdediging te testen..(ik denk bijv. aan een schip..of SOF team in Iran zelf).

Geloof jij nu echt alles wat Iran zegt? :sick:

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 09/09/2014 | 08:38 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 07/09/2014 | 22:41 uur
Geloof jij nu echt alles wat Iran zegt? :sick:


Dit ding ziet eruit alsof het het broertje van de V1 uit 1940 is.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 09/09/2014 | 16:14 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 07/09/2014 | 22:41 uur
Geloof jij nu echt alles wat Iran zegt? :sick:

Ik niet...maar ik ben ook bekend met het vernuft van de Israeli in deze. Wie weet zitten ze ergens op een civiel vrachtschip in de Kaspische Zee. Ze hebben goede relaties met Azerbeidzjan. En gebruiken denk ik alle mogelijkheden om intel te vergaren over Iran en zijn defensiesystemen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 20/09/2014 | 00:02 uur
Niemand heeft iets te zeggen over het uiterlijk van de Herpes 180?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 20/09/2014 | 14:27 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 20/09/2014 | 00:02 uur
Niemand heeft iets te zeggen over het uiterlijk van de Herpes 180?
jij wel?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 20/09/2014 | 14:52 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 20/09/2014 | 00:02 uur
Niemand heeft iets te zeggen over het uiterlijk van de Herpes 180?

Maakt het wat uit ?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 24/09/2014 | 00:12 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 20/09/2014 | 14:52 uur
Maakt het wat uit ?

Ja, ik vind van wel.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 24/09/2014 | 07:54 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 24/09/2014 | 00:12 uur
Ja, ik vind van wel.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 26/09/2014 | 09:19 uur
Citaat van: DvdW op 24/09/2014 | 07:54 uur

Ik vind het een apart bouwwerk.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 26/09/2014 | 10:25 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 26/09/2014 | 09:19 uur
Ik vind het een apart bouwwerk.
Dus..? Als het werkt, dan werkt het. al had het de vorm van Gretta Duisenberg...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 08/10/2014 | 19:48 uur
Iraanse dissidenten: Teheran wil kernwapens

08-10-2014 / auteur: Novum

Teheran is nog altijd bezig met de ontwikkeling van kernwapens in speciaal daarvoor ingerichte fabrieken. Die fabrieken zijn verplaatst naar nieuwe locaties in Teheran om sancties te ontlopen. Dat hebben Iraanse dissidenten van de Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (MEK) woensdag gezegd.

De MEK baseert zich op bronnen bij de Iraanse overheid, die de organisatie niet wil onthullen. Volgens de MEK heeft de Iraanse Defensie-organisatie voor Onderzoek en Informatie (SPND) het gevoeligste onderzoek 'de afgelopen maanden' verplaatst naar een nieuwe locatie in Teheran.

Aan het hoofd van de SPND staat volgens de MEK Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, die wordt omschreven als een brigadegeneraal van de Revolutionaire Garde.

Een deel van de informatie was eerder al bevestigd door het Westen en het Internationaal Agentschap voor Atoomenergie, dat onderzoek doet naar het Iraanse atoomprogramma. De Verenigde Staten hebben de SPND omschreven als 'eerste verantwoordelijke voor onderzoek naar kernwapens'.

Iran ontkent nog altijd ten stelligste dat het over kernwapens wil beschikken.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: IPA NG op 09/10/2014 | 19:41 uur
MEK is al vele jaren een soort proxy van de CIA. Zij hebben vele aanslagen gepleegd en waren ooit een soort marxistisch clubje dat vrolijk met de Ayatollah's meedeed in hun strijd tegen de Boze Shah. Maar toen werden ze buiten spel gezet...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 23/11/2014 | 14:58 uur
Tick Tick Tick


Iran Nuke Deal: A Matter of War or Peace

It's not a matter of a breakthrough in the Vienna talks or muddling through indefinitely if they fail. If that happens, Iran will be much more dangerous, and so will Israel.

Only a few hours are left before time runs out on negotiations with Iran to contain its nuclear program, and everyone's asking, "Deal or no deal?" But the real question is, "War or peace?"

"People forget where we were two years ago," says Rouzbeh Parsi, a Swedish academic who was briefed last week with a handful of other observers by Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif. In those days, the world faced the very real threat that Israel would launch a military strike against Iran that, inevitably, would suck the United States into another massive war in the Middle East.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held up a cartoon bomb in a September 2012 speech to the United Nations General Assembly and drew a red line under the fuse, showing how close Iran was to accumulating the highly enriched uranium needed to make a nuclear weapon. The doodle seen round the world was a not very subtle threat by an Israeli prime minister who describes the Iranian program as a threat to his country's very existence.

The United States, beginning under the George W. Bush administration, expressed doubts about Iran's intent to build a bomb, and had persuaded Israel to hold back by targeting the Iranian program in what amounted to a covert war. Its most important element was the extremely sophisticated Stuxnet computer virus that infected the operating systems and crippled some of the machinery used to enrich uranium. (The United States, to date, has not been directly implicated in the several murders and attempted murders of Iranian nuclear scientists over the years, widely thought to be the work of Israeli agents.)

President Barack Obama declared flatly that Iran would never be allowed to obtain nuclear weapons, and Israeli leaders were persuaded, as then-Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak told me in January 2013, that the "the Pentagon prepared quite sophisticated, fine, extremely fine, 'scalpels,'" with which to attack Iran if necessary. "So it is not an issue of a major war or a failure to block Iran. You could under a certain situation, if worse comes to worst, end up with a surgical operation."

But the imposition of tough new United Nations sanctions on Iran and the election of the relatively moderate Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in the summer of 2013 opened the way for new dialogue. That culminated in the "Joint Action Plan," an interim agreement that was signed exactly one year ago on Monday, which froze Iran's nuclear program, and which both sides have observed.

Why aren't we hearing 'Kumbaya' from the Palais Coburg hotel?

Importantly, as part of the interim plan, Iran has diluted or converted its stockpile of 20 percent enriched uranium. It also has allowed much more extensive, although not entirely satisfactory, UN inspections. So, for the moment at least, Netanyahu's red line on the cartoon bomb has faded. Iran is considerably farther from a weapons –building capacity than it was one year ago unless it has an entirely hidden covert operation that no one has yet detected. But, as Americans learned with the invasion of Iraq, suspicions about what former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld used to call "unknown unknowns"  are a very poor reason to wage a war.

Iran, for its part, has said repeatedly that it is not developing nuclear weapons and does not want them, and points out that it is a signatory of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). True, it has been held in "material breach" of that agreement in the past, but Israel is not a signatory at all, which means Iran allows at least some U.N. inspections, while Israel does not and, for that matter, does not officially acknowledge it is a nuclear weapons state.

A successful agreement between Iran and the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council plus Germany (P5+1) would lock in the gains already made with the interim agreement and expand on them considerably while alleviating sanctions that are crippling much of Iran's economy. But if the current Vienna talks fail, then all bets are off. Yes, there is the possibility of an extension. But the option of replacing a new diplomatic breakthrough with open-ended diplomatic muddle-through is not on the table.

That's why we see even the not-very-helpful-these-days Russians playing an important role in these talks. Nobody in Vienna wants them to fail, and Moscow's offer to sell new nuclear reactors to the Iranians with the fuel tightly monitored by the International Atomic Energy Agency and reprocessed outside Iran, is seen by U.S. officials as a sweetener in these negotiations. Secretary Kerry has been working the phones with Netanyahu, and is due to meet Sunday afternoon with Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal, whose country is at least as worried as Israel is about a nuclear Iran.

So, why aren't we hearing "Kumbaya" from the Palais Coburg hotel, where the talks are taking place? It's not just a matter of devilish details, it's fundamentally a problem of politics back home in Tehran and Washington, where neither the Obama administration nor the Rouhani administration have enough authority, at this point, to guarantee a solid deal on their own.

American politicians who want to be seen to be as tough or tougher defending Israel's interests than the Israeli government itself, which is saying something, have dominated the U.S. Congress for years, and now that the Senate is about to be run by the Republicans, that situation is only likely to get more pronounced. Meanwhile powerful members of Iran's parliament, and, more importantly, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, have expressed major skepticism about a deal that would ask Iran to give up a lot of nuclear technology, which would be hard to get back, in order to have sanctions lifted gradually, which could be re-imposed from one day to the next.

But, really, the situation is worse than that. Many of those demanding new and tougher sanctions and a much more dramatic dismantling of Iran's nuclear program are, in fact, hopeful that such measures and such demands will lead to the collapse of the current regime in Iran. And many members of that regime think that is precisely the intent of the United States and Israel, no matter what happens in Vienna.

If no deal is reached, then the Iranian government certainly will look for something else to guarantee its survival, like, say, nuclear weapons. And Israel will look for a way to stop it, like, war.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 23/11/2014 | 19:43 uur
'Nucleair akkoord met Iran nog niet haalbaar'


Een akkoord met Iran over inperking van zijn nucleaire activiteiten in ruil voor verlichting van de sancties tegen de Islamitische Republiek voor dinsdag lijkt niet haalbaar. De Verenigde Staten en vijf andere landen die met Iran onderhandelen zijn daarom zondag onderling besprekingen begonnen over een verlenging van de onderhandelingen. Dat hebben diplomaten in Wenen gezegd.

De VS, Rusland, China, Groot-Brittannië, Frankrijk en Duitsland bespreken welke benaderingen zij aan Iran kunnen voorleggen. Over verlenging van de onderhandelingen wordt nog niet gesproken met Iran zelf, maar een lid van de Iraanse delegatie zei dat de deelnemers aan het overleg zondagavond tot de conclusie kunnen komen dat hun geschillen te groot zijn om maandag nog te overbruggen. In dat geval zouden de onderhandelaars zich kunnen gaan richten op het bereiken van een 'algemene politieke overeenkomst' over wat de partijen willen oplossen. Als die overeenkomst er eenmaal ligt, dan kan er verder worden onderhandeld over de zaken die nog open staan, zei de Iraanse diplomaat.

De VS zouden een dergelijke overeenkomst alleen willen sluiten als op zijn minst vooruitgang is geboekt bij het overbruggen van de bestaande geschillen. Behalve garanties dat Iran niet alleen maar probeert tijd te rekken wil de Amerikaanse regering aan sceptici in het Congres kunnen tonen dat het wel degelijk zin heeft om verder te onderhandelen. Die onderhandelingen zouden dan in de eerste week van december kunnen plaatshebben, als de Amerikaanse minister van buitenlandse zaken John Kerry toch al in Europa is voor een NAVO-beraad in Brussel en een internationale conferentie in Londen.

Volgens ingewijde diplomaten bestaat er nog een grote mate van onenigheid tussen de VS en Iran over hoe ver Teheran zijn nucleaire activiteiten die kunnen leiden tot het ontwikkelen van kernwapens terug moet schroeven. Iran ontkent uit te zijn op zulke wapens, maar onderhandelt omdat het af wil van de internationale sancties die in verband met zijn nucleaire activiteiten zijn ingesteld.

De onderhandelingen zijn vertrouwelijk, maar de Amerikaanse president Barack Obama schetste in een interview met ABC in grote lijnen het geschil tussen Washington en Teheran.

"Ons doel is steeds geweest wegen af te sluiten waarlangs Iran aan een kernwapen zou kunnen komen, en tegelijkertijd ervoor zorgen dat de sancties stap voor stap worden teruggedraaid, al naar gelang wat Iran doet dat het verondersteld wordt te doen", zei Obama. "Ik denk dat Iran graag zou willen dat die sancties onmiddellijk ophouden en dan toch nog enkele wegen over te hebben die niet helemaal zijn afgesloten, maar daar kunnen wij niet in meegaan."
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 30/03/2015 | 10:23 uur
Verbergt Iran z'n atoomwapens in Noord-Korea? Er zijn steeds meer aanwijzingen voor

Mick Van Loon, editor newsmonkey

30 maart 2015

Er zijn steeds meer aanwijzingen dat de mullahs van Iran een geheim nucleair programma hebben. Maar niet op eigen bodem, wat de verregaande inspecties die het Westen wil doen in Iran zelf behoorlijk zinloos maakt. Iran heeft een ideale partner gevonden in Noord-Korea. Dit is wat we weten:

In oktober 2012 stuurde Iran personeel om een militaire basis te bemannen in de bergachtige grensstreek tussen Noord-Korea en China. Ahmed Vahidi, de Iraanse minister van Defensie ontkende dat toen.

Maar Westerse inlichtingendiensten zijn er nu quasi zeker van dat er daar gewerkt wordt aan zowel raketten als atoombommen. Eerder dat jaar sloten Noord-Korea en Iran een "technical cooperation pact". En er is bewijs dat minstens vier Iraanse topwetenschappers met in hun zog een hoop technici uit het nucleaire programma transfereerden naar de "geheime" basis op 85 kilometer van de Chinese grens.


Momenteel wordt een nucleaire deal met Iran gesmeed. Het hete hangijzer daarin is de mogelijkheid van inspecteurs van het Internationale Atoomagentschap (IAEA) om onaangekondigd en zonder restricties inspecties te kunnen doen in Iraanse nucleaire faciliteiten, in het bijzonder van de centrifuges die het potentieel hebben om uranium te verrijken tot iets wat je kan gebruiken in wapens.

Maar zelfs als dat erdoor geraakt, waarschuwen waarnemers, neemt dat fundamenteel de dreiging niet weg.


Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, de chief nuclear scientist van Teheran, reisde de jongste jaren heel wat heen en weer tussen Iran en Noord-Korea. Spionnen stelden vast dat hij zeker aanwezig was bij de derde keer dat Pyongyang een atoombom testte, in februari 2013. De eerste twee testen was hij er wellicht ook bij. Zeker is in elk geval dat die testen bijgewoond werden door een Iraanse delegatie.

Je kan je dus de vraag stellen: als Iran bij hoog en bij laag volhoudt niet geïnteresseerd te zijn in het bouwen van een nucleair wapenarsenaal, waarom stuurt het dan z'n topwetenschappers naar testen met atoomwapens in Punggye-ri in Noord-Korea?

Al meer dan tien jaar bezig

Het is trouwens al een poosje bezig. We weten redelijk zeker bijvoorbeeld dat Noord-Korea Iran al jaren weapons-grade uranium verkoopt. Van voor 2002, toen het een keer misliep. Een vat Noord-Koreaans uranium ging toen stuk bij het uitladen op de luchthaven van Teheran en besmette de runway. De luchthaven werd zeven weken gesloten, zogezegd uit "veiligheidsmaatregelen".

Volgens Larry Niksch van het Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington DC schat dat Noord-Korea voor anderhalf à twee miljard per jaar aan verrijkt uranium verkoopt aan Iran en "dan kan je best wel van een programma spreken."

Resort vol Noord-Koreanen

Noord-Korea heeft ook geholpen bij het bouwen van een plutoniumreactor, iets anders dat de Iraniërs nodig hebben om atoomwapens te maken. We weten dat honderden Noord-Koreanen tussen 2003 en 2011 aan de slag waren in Iran op een tiental sites. Ze hadden er zelfs een eigen kustresort ter beschikking.

Het grote gevaar volgens insiders is dat, moest er nu een akkoord komen met Iran, de acties opgeheven worden tegen dat land, waardoor het weer meer geld gaat hebben. Geld dat het kan gebruiken om verrijkt uranium te kopen van Noord-Korea.

Want, zeggen ze, Iran moet dat niet per se zelf maken. "Wanneer de onderhandelaars en Washington zeggen dat Iran nog x-aantal jaar verwijderd is van de ontwikkeling van een eigen nucleair arsenaal, dan vergissen ze zich: het is maar een dag verwijderd daarvan, of de tijd die een vlucht tussen Pyongyang en Teheran duurt."

Pakistan en China

De Noord-Koreanen zijn overigens niet de enigen die Iran helpen. Pakistan leverde de eerste centrifuges. China zou volgens het IAEA ook flink materiaal bezorgd hebben aan Iran tussen 2004 en 2007 om dingen te bouwen waarmee je atoomwapens kan maken. En het doet dat wellicht nog steeds. In Kuala Lumpur, Maleisië, werden nog niet zo lang geleden twee containers ontdekt op een schip onderweg van China naar Iran met daarin allemaal materiaal dat gebruikt kan worden voor het maken van atoomwapens.

Die ontdekking was zo belangrijk blijkbaar dat ze de Amerikaanse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, John Kerry noopte, om een trip naar Beijng te maken.

Thunder God Mountain

Maar de meest prangende vraag blijft toch: waarom zitten Iraanse wetenschappers en militairen op een "geheime" basis ergens in de bergen in Noord-Korea?

Of twee zelfs. Er is eigenlijk verrassend veel en aardig gedetailleerde intel over. Er zijn tussen 250 en 300 Iraniërs werkzaam in Nyŏngbyŏn, zo'n 80 kilometer van Pyongyang enerzijds en in anderzijds in de geheime bergbasis (de codenaam is Thunder God Mountain) aan de Chinese grens. In de eerste wordt plutonium opgewerkt, in de tweede zouden kernwapens gemaakt worden die op MIRV's kunnen worden gemonteerd.

MIRV's zijn draagraketten waarop meerdere warheads kunnen worden gemonteerd. Er zou ook een "klein kader" van leden van de Iraanse Republikeinse Garde zijn, dat moet instaan voor de veiligheid van de technici en wetenschappers. Sinds december 2012 is er een toename van het heen en weer vliegen van Iraanse cargovliegtuigen - 747's en Antonovs - tussen Noord-Korea en Teheran vastgesteld. Sommige bronnen claimen zelfs dat Iran al 14 uitgeruste kernraketten zou hebben tegenwoordig.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: slaydo op 30/03/2015 | 13:17 uur
Dit zou erg pijnlijk kunnen worden als dit echt zo is....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 30/03/2015 | 13:34 uur
Citaat van: slaydo op 30/03/2015 | 13:17 uur
Dit zou erg pijnlijk kunnen worden als dit echt zo is....

Ja, en helemaal gek is de gedachtegang ook niet.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 30/03/2015 | 14:06 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 30/03/2015 | 13:34 uur
Ja, en helemaal gek is de gedachtegang ook niet.
eenzelfde soort formule die Saudi-Arabie volgens verschillende analisten toepast...fors meebetaald aan het kernwapenprogramma van Pakistan in ruil voor een aantal kernkoppen..die echter voorlopig in Pakistan blijven.

Vraag ik me dan wel af waarom Israel daar niet meer op hamert...en naar handelt... en Iran toch zoveel voorzieningen heeft gebouwd om ondergronds allerlei zaken te ontwikkelen en produceren in eigen land. Waar zij een hele tijd over zweeg.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 30/03/2015 | 14:22 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 30/03/2015 | 14:06 uur
eenzelfde soort formule die Saudi-Arabie volgens verschillende analisten toepast...fors meebetaald aan het kernwapenprogramma van Pakistan in ruil voor een aantal kernkoppen..die echter voorlopig in Pakistan blijven.

Vraag ik me dan wel af waarom Israel daar niet meer op hamert...en naar handelt... en Iran toch zoveel voorzieningen heeft gebouwd om ondergronds allerlei zaken te ontwikkelen en produceren in eigen land. Waar zij een hele tijd over zweeg.

Indien waar: wedden op twee paarden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Neo-Baathist op 07/04/2015 | 13:54 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 30/03/2015 | 10:23 uur
Verbergt Iran z'n atoomwapens in Noord-Korea? Er zijn steeds meer aanwijzingen voor

Mick Van Loon, editor newsmonkey

30 maart 2015

Er zijn steeds meer aanwijzingen dat de mullahs van Iran een geheim nucleair programma hebben. Maar niet op eigen bodem, wat de verregaande inspecties die het Westen wil doen in Iran zelf behoorlijk zinloos maakt. Iran heeft een ideale partner gevonden in Noord-Korea. Dit is wat we weten:

In oktober 2012 stuurde Iran personeel om een militaire basis te bemannen in de bergachtige grensstreek tussen Noord-Korea en China. Ahmed Vahidi, de Iraanse minister van Defensie ontkende dat toen.

Maar Westerse inlichtingendiensten zijn er nu quasi zeker van dat er daar gewerkt wordt aan zowel raketten als atoombommen. Eerder dat jaar sloten Noord-Korea en Iran een "technical cooperation pact". En er is bewijs dat minstens vier Iraanse topwetenschappers met in hun zog een hoop technici uit het nucleaire programma transfereerden naar de "geheime" basis op 85 kilometer van de Chinese grens.


Momenteel wordt een nucleaire deal met Iran gesmeed. Het hete hangijzer daarin is de mogelijkheid van inspecteurs van het Internationale Atoomagentschap (IAEA) om onaangekondigd en zonder restricties inspecties te kunnen doen in Iraanse nucleaire faciliteiten, in het bijzonder van de centrifuges die het potentieel hebben om uranium te verrijken tot iets wat je kan gebruiken in wapens.

Maar zelfs als dat erdoor geraakt, waarschuwen waarnemers, neemt dat fundamenteel de dreiging niet weg.


Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, de chief nuclear scientist van Teheran, reisde de jongste jaren heel wat heen en weer tussen Iran en Noord-Korea. Spionnen stelden vast dat hij zeker aanwezig was bij de derde keer dat Pyongyang een atoombom testte, in februari 2013. De eerste twee testen was hij er wellicht ook bij. Zeker is in elk geval dat die testen bijgewoond werden door een Iraanse delegatie.

Je kan je dus de vraag stellen: als Iran bij hoog en bij laag volhoudt niet geïnteresseerd te zijn in het bouwen van een nucleair wapenarsenaal, waarom stuurt het dan z'n topwetenschappers naar testen met atoomwapens in Punggye-ri in Noord-Korea?

Al meer dan tien jaar bezig

Het is trouwens al een poosje bezig. We weten redelijk zeker bijvoorbeeld dat Noord-Korea Iran al jaren weapons-grade uranium verkoopt. Van voor 2002, toen het een keer misliep. Een vat Noord-Koreaans uranium ging toen stuk bij het uitladen op de luchthaven van Teheran en besmette de runway. De luchthaven werd zeven weken gesloten, zogezegd uit "veiligheidsmaatregelen".

Volgens Larry Niksch van het Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington DC schat dat Noord-Korea voor anderhalf à twee miljard per jaar aan verrijkt uranium verkoopt aan Iran en "dan kan je best wel van een programma spreken."

Resort vol Noord-Koreanen

Noord-Korea heeft ook geholpen bij het bouwen van een plutoniumreactor, iets anders dat de Iraniërs nodig hebben om atoomwapens te maken. We weten dat honderden Noord-Koreanen tussen 2003 en 2011 aan de slag waren in Iran op een tiental sites. Ze hadden er zelfs een eigen kustresort ter beschikking.

Het grote gevaar volgens insiders is dat, moest er nu een akkoord komen met Iran, de acties opgeheven worden tegen dat land, waardoor het weer meer geld gaat hebben. Geld dat het kan gebruiken om verrijkt uranium te kopen van Noord-Korea.

Want, zeggen ze, Iran moet dat niet per se zelf maken. "Wanneer de onderhandelaars en Washington zeggen dat Iran nog x-aantal jaar verwijderd is van de ontwikkeling van een eigen nucleair arsenaal, dan vergissen ze zich: het is maar een dag verwijderd daarvan, of de tijd die een vlucht tussen Pyongyang en Teheran duurt."

Pakistan en China

De Noord-Koreanen zijn overigens niet de enigen die Iran helpen. Pakistan leverde de eerste centrifuges. China zou volgens het IAEA ook flink materiaal bezorgd hebben aan Iran tussen 2004 en 2007 om dingen te bouwen waarmee je atoomwapens kan maken. En het doet dat wellicht nog steeds. In Kuala Lumpur, Maleisië, werden nog niet zo lang geleden twee containers ontdekt op een schip onderweg van China naar Iran met daarin allemaal materiaal dat gebruikt kan worden voor het maken van atoomwapens.

Die ontdekking was zo belangrijk blijkbaar dat ze de Amerikaanse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, John Kerry noopte, om een trip naar Beijng te maken.

Thunder God Mountain

Maar de meest prangende vraag blijft toch: waarom zitten Iraanse wetenschappers en militairen op een "geheime" basis ergens in de bergen in Noord-Korea?

Of twee zelfs. Er is eigenlijk verrassend veel en aardig gedetailleerde intel over. Er zijn tussen 250 en 300 Iraniërs werkzaam in Nyŏngbyŏn, zo'n 80 kilometer van Pyongyang enerzijds en in anderzijds in de geheime bergbasis (de codenaam is Thunder God Mountain) aan de Chinese grens. In de eerste wordt plutonium opgewerkt, in de tweede zouden kernwapens gemaakt worden die op MIRV's kunnen worden gemonteerd.

MIRV's zijn draagraketten waarop meerdere warheads kunnen worden gemonteerd. Er zou ook een "klein kader" van leden van de Iraanse Republikeinse Garde zijn, dat moet instaan voor de veiligheid van de technici en wetenschappers. Sinds december 2012 is er een toename van het heen en weer vliegen van Iraanse cargovliegtuigen - 747's en Antonovs - tussen Noord-Korea en Teheran vastgesteld. Sommige bronnen claimen zelfs dat Iran al 14 uitgeruste kernraketten zou hebben tegenwoordig.
Lijkt op een broodje aap verhaal. Maar hopelijk kunnen de Iraniers een fatsoenlijk kernarsenaal opbouwen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Mourning op 07/04/2015 | 13:56 uur
Nou, hopelijk gebeurt dat dus echt niet, want op een (nog) assertievere Iraanse Islamitische Republiek onder bescherming van haar eigen atoomparaplu zit, behalve Iran, m.i. eigenlijk niemand echt te wachten.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Neo-Baathist op 07/04/2015 | 13:59 uur
Citaat van: Mourning op 07/04/2015 | 13:56 uur
Nou, hopelijk gebeurt dat dus echt niet, want op een (nog) assertievere Iraanse Islamitische Republiek onder bescherming van haar eigen atoomparaplu zit, behalve Iran, m.i. eigenlijk niemand echt te wachten.

Heel Midden Oosten en de wereld is gebaat met Iran als nucleaire macht. Een nucleaire afschrikking is het beste medicijn tegen agressie oorlogen als in 2003.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 07/04/2015 | 14:08 uur
Citaat van: Neo-Baathist op 07/04/2015 | 13:54 uur
Lijkt op een broodje aap verhaal. Maar hopelijk kunnen de Iraniers een fatsoenlijk kernarsenaal opbouwen.


Ik ken je niet, maar ik begin al te vrezen als ik lees dat Iran van je een kernarsenaal mag opbouwen.
Je laat ermee zien dat je niet veel begrijpt van internationale spannings,machts,sociale en politieke verhoudingen.
Dat non-profilatie verdrag is er niet voor niets en is al meerdere malen de redding geweest voor de wereld zoals we hem kennen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Neo-Baathist op 07/04/2015 | 15:05 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 07/04/2015 | 14:08 uur

Ik ken je niet, maar ik begin al te vrezen als ik lees dat Iran van je een kernarsenaal mag opbouwen.
Je laat ermee zien dat je niet veel begrijpt van internationale spannings,machts,sociale en politieke verhoudingen.
Dat non-profilatie verdrag is er niet voor niets en is al meerdere malen de redding geweest voor de wereld zoals we hem kennen.
Je kent mij inderdaad niet. Maar jouw aanname dat ik geen verstand heb, is gebaseerd op onwetendheid.

Iran is ondertekenaar van NPT. Nergens is bewijs gevonden dat Iran een actieve kernwapenprogramma had. Nergens is bewijs gevonden dat de Iraniers nucleaire inspanningen gebruikten voor iets anders dan vreedzame doeleinden. Rapporten van de CIA en Mossad hebben dat keer op keer bevestigd.

Desalniettemin is Iran met sancties gestraft. Het land had recht op nucleaire technologie van het buitenland. Maar zag zichzelf door Westers sanctie steeds geïsoleerd worden. Hierdoor werd een belangrijke onderdeel van NPT onderuit gehaald. Namelijk: Afzien van kernwapens inruil voor nucleaire technologie. Helaas hebben de Iraniërs zich aan NPT gehouden.

Dan komt 2003. Amerikaanse agressie-oorlog tegen Irak op basis van een leugen dat Irak beschikking heeft over WMD. Waarmee de Amerikanen het evangelie van regime change en pre emptive strikes, in praktijk brachten. Uiteraard werden alle internationale verdragen en rechtsorde met voeten getreden.

Denk daarbij het feit dat openlijk werd gesproken over ontwikkeling en inzet van tactische kernwapens. En het aanwezigheid van een Amerikaans/Brits/Frans oorlogsmateriaal en personeel. Tel daarbij dreigingen van een land als Israel. Dan mag je gerust concluderen dat Iran alle redenen had om liever vandaag dan morgen een kernmacht te worden.

Helaas besloten de Iraanse machthebbers van niet. Spijtig.

Dus jij mag gerust vanuit gaan dat ik heel veel begrijp van internationale spannings,machts,sociale en politieke verhoudingen in de wereld.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Mourning op 07/04/2015 | 15:15 uur
Citaat van: Neo-Baathist op 07/04/2015 | 13:59 uur
Heel Midden Oosten en de wereld is gebaat met Iran als nucleaire macht. Een nucleaire afschrikking is het beste medicijn tegen agressie oorlogen als in 2003.

Probleem is natuurlijk wel dat Iran zelf ook lekker roert in andersmans aangelegenheden, hetgeen je uiteraard niet vermeld, en daarmee wel een aantal van de grootste spanningen in de regio veroorzaken en vertegenwoordigen. Tel daarbij de retoriek bij op en het verhaal krijgt m.i. toch echt een andere lading dan jij hier probeert mee te geven.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 07/04/2015 | 19:19 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 07/04/2015 | 14:08 uur

Ik ken je niet, maar ik begin al te vrezen als ik lees dat Iran van je een kernarsenaal mag opbouwen.
Je laat ermee zien dat je niet veel begrijpt van internationale spannings,machts,sociale en politieke verhoudingen.
Dat non-profilatie verdrag is er niet voor niets en is al meerdere malen de redding geweest voor de wereld zoals we hem kennen.

Huzaar1 dit forumlid is hier al een aantal jaar aktief en je hoort hem alleen als het over Iran of Syrie gaat of als iemand een scheet in het Midden Oosten laat.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 07/04/2015 | 20:12 uur
Citaat van: Neo-Baathist op 07/04/2015 | 13:59 uur
Heel Midden Oosten en de wereld is gebaat met Iran als nucleaire macht. Een nucleaire afschrikking is het beste medicijn tegen agressie oorlogen als in 2003.
Ik heb niets tegen het Iraanse volk volgens mij is de gemiddelde Iranier helemaal niet oorlogszuchtig en wil de gemiddelde Iraanse vrouw niets liever dan zonder haar hoofddoekje naar een mc Donalds een hamburger eten en dansen op westerse muziek.
Maar het land wordt geleid door godsdienst waanzinnige waar Mullah's en Imam de dienst uitmaken en alles bepalen...ze hebben het rare idee dat Israel van de kaart geveegd moet worden en hun revolutie moeten worden uitgebreid over het midden-oosten. Godsdienst fanatici en een atoombom is /lijkt mij een gevaarlijke combinatie.

Suleiman de Iraanse Generaal heeft trouwens de Taliban en ook Iraakse terroristen voorzien van bermbommen die heel moeilijk/bijna niet te detecteren zijn om zo meer slachtoffers te maken onder de Amerikanen en bondgenoten.
Iran speeld een smerig spelletje.....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 08/04/2015 | 10:03 uur
Citaat van: Neo-Baathist op 07/04/2015 | 15:05 uur
Je kent mij inderdaad niet. Maar jouw aanname dat ik geen verstand heb, is gebaseerd op onwetendheid.

Iran is ondertekenaar van NPT. Nergens is bewijs gevonden dat Iran een actieve kernwapenprogramma had. Nergens is bewijs gevonden dat de Iraniers nucleaire inspanningen gebruikten voor iets anders dan vreedzame doeleinden. Rapporten van de CIA en Mossad hebben dat keer op keer bevestigd.

Desalniettemin is Iran met sancties gestraft. Het land had recht op nucleaire technologie van het buitenland. Maar zag zichzelf door Westers sanctie steeds geïsoleerd worden. Hierdoor werd een belangrijke onderdeel van NPT onderuit gehaald. Namelijk: Afzien van kernwapens inruil voor nucleaire technologie. Helaas hebben de Iraniërs zich aan NPT gehouden.

Dan komt 2003. Amerikaanse agressie-oorlog tegen Irak op basis van een leugen dat Irak beschikking heeft over WMD. Waarmee de Amerikanen het evangelie van regime change en pre emptive strikes, in praktijk brachten. Uiteraard werden alle internationale verdragen en rechtsorde met voeten getreden.

Denk daarbij het feit dat openlijk werd gesproken over ontwikkeling en inzet van tactische kernwapens. En het aanwezigheid van een Amerikaans/Brits/Frans oorlogsmateriaal en personeel. Tel daarbij dreigingen van een land als Israel. Dan mag je gerust concluderen dat Iran alle redenen had om liever vandaag dan morgen een kernmacht te worden.

Helaas besloten de Iraanse machthebbers van niet. Spijtig.

Dus jij mag gerust vanuit gaan dat ik heel veel begrijp van internationale spannings,machts,sociale en politieke verhoudingen in de wereld.

Ik vind je naam uitererst interessant.
Verder kan ik niet veel met je verhaal.
Urenco maakt hier in NL ook verarmd uranium en dat kunnen ze bij wijze van spreken aan de straatstenen niet kwijt.
Iran  is niet open over het programma, laat geen inspecties toe op alle locaties.
Dat is genoeg reden imo om dat land compleet te isoleren aangezien ze iets te verbergen hebben.
Daarnaast weet iedereen van de deal die Saoedi arabie heeft gesloten met Pakistan omtrent kernwapens en Iran heeft waarschijnlijk exact hetzelfde spelletje gespeeld met Noord-korea.
Echt iets om trots op te zijn.
Chapeau, in je eentje de hele internationale nucleaire verhoudingen vernaggelen en daarmee het non profilatie verdrag schenden.
Natuurlijk zijn er van die recalcitrante personen met namen als wat jij hebt die dat lopen te verdedigen,Ik beschouw dat als puberale uitwas.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Neo-Baathist op 08/04/2015 | 11:09 uur
Citaat van: Mourning op 07/04/2015 | 15:15 uur
Probleem is natuurlijk wel dat Iran zelf ook lekker roert in andersmans aangelegenheden, hetgeen je uiteraard niet vermeld, en daarmee wel een aantal van de grootste spanningen in de regio veroorzaken en vertegenwoordigen. Tel daarbij de retoriek bij op en het verhaal krijgt m.i. toch echt een andere lading dan jij hier probeert mee te geven.
Nergens heb ik gezegd dat Iran een lieverdje is. Sterker nog: Ik heb geen sympathie voor Iran. Maar uit pragmatisch oogpunt kan ik niet anders concluderen dat de Iraanse rol 1000x minder kwalijk is dan andere spelers.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Neo-Baathist op 08/04/2015 | 11:11 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 07/04/2015 | 19:19 uur
Huzaar1 dit forumlid is hier al een aantal jaar aktief en je hoort hem alleen als het over Iran of Syrie gaat of als iemand een scheet in het Midden Oosten laat.
Yep. Ik ben gelukkig wel inhoudelijk.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Neo-Baathist op 08/04/2015 | 11:21 uur
Citaat van: Oorlogsvis op 07/04/2015 | 20:12 uur
Ik heb niets tegen het Iraanse volk volgens mij is de gemiddelde Iranier helemaal niet oorlogszuchtig en wil de gemiddelde Iraanse vrouw niets liever dan zonder haar hoofddoekje naar een mc Donalds een hamburger eten en dansen op westerse muziek.
Maar het land wordt geleid door godsdienst waanzinnige waar Mullah's en Imam de dienst uitmaken en alles bepalen...ze hebben het rare idee dat
De Mullahs zijn inderdaad fanatici. Maar je hebt ook gematigde elementen tussen. Het zijn die elementen die Rouhani hebben gesteund met het bereiken van een akkoord in Zwitserland.

De mullahs zijn heel pragmatisch. Zij hebben een doel: Handhaving. Dit bereiken zij door in tijden van buitenlandse druk de touwtjes strak te trekken en in tijden van toenadering, te laten vieren.

Maar hoe dan ook. Iran met of zonder een kernwapen, is een aflopende zaak voor de Mullahs. Bij toenemende welvaart worden zij geconfronteerd met steeds assertieve bevolking. Met het uitblijven van een akkoord, een steeds assertieve bevolking. Uitkomst zal altijd in nadeel van de mullahs komen. Het zal niet binnen nu en 5 jaar plaatsvinden. Maar wel binnen nu en 30 jr.

Israel van de kaart geveegd moet worden en hun revolutie moeten worden uitgebreid over het midden-oosten.
Er is verschil tussen retoriek en acties. 
CitaatGodsdienst fanatici en een atoombom is /lijkt mij een gevaarlijke combinatie.
Niet in het geval van Iran. Wel in geval van Israël met haar uitverkoren volk.
Suleiman de Iraanse Generaal heeft trouwens de Taliban en ook Iraakse terroristen voorzien van bermbommen die heel moeilijk/bijna niet te detecteren zijn om zo meer slachtoffers te maken onder de Amerikanen en bondgenoten.
Iran speeld een smerig spelletje.....

A. Er is nergens bewijs te vinden dat Iran Taliban heeft geholpen.
B. De Iraniers hadden alle recht om het Iraaks verzet te steunen tegen buitenlandse bezetting.
C. De Iraniers waren voorstander van Amerikaanse acties tegen Taliban. Zij hadden zelfs toegezegd om neergestorte Amerikaanse piloten te redden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Neo-Baathist op 08/04/2015 | 11:38 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 08/04/2015 | 10:03 uur
Ik vind je naam uitererst interessant.
Goed om te horen!
Verder kan ik niet veel met je verhaal.
Hoezo? Het is op feiten gebaseerd!

Urenco maakt hier in NL ook verarmd uranium en dat kunnen ze bij wijze van spreken aan de straatstenen niet kwijt.
Iran  is niet open over het programma, laat geen inspecties toe op alle locaties.
Dat is genoeg reden imo om dat land compleet te isoleren aangezien ze iets te verbergen hebben.
Weer haal jij bepaalde zaken door elkaar. Iran heeft in het begin toegang verleend aan IAEA. Cru zat in het feit dat de Amerikanen in het begin helemaal tegen een Iraanse nucleaire programma waren, ook als het civiel was. Argument van Clinton en Bush administratie: Iran heeft genoeg olie, dus het heeft geen nucleaire energie nodig.

Hiermee hebben de Amerikanen fundament gelegd voor het verdere wantrouwen tussen Iran en andere landen van IAEA. Gelukkig zat Iran niet alleen. Het werd gesteund door Latijns Amerikaanse landen en landen als Zuid Afrika binnen IAEA.

Hierdoor moest Amerika en co bakzeil halen. Maar begonnen zij steeds strengere inspecties te eisen op plekken die, uit soevereiniteit oogpunt, buiten NPT gehouden werden. Denk daarbij aan militaire basis als Parchin.  Een ander eis: Brandstof moet buiten Iran opgewekt worden. Eisen die niet voorkomen in NPT. Iran stond vervolgens geheel in haar recht om dat te weigeren. Jammer voor Urenco en anderen dat zij daarmee geen afzetmarkt hadden gevonden in Iran.

Dus kennelijk gelden voor andere landen geheel andere regels dan een bepaalde land. Iran had en heeft alle recht, om die eisen te verwerpen. Ze hadden zelfs het recht om eenzijdig NPT op te zeggen en een nucleaire wapen te ontwikkelen. Helaas hebben zij dat niet gedaan.


Daarnaast weet iedereen van de deal die Saoedi arabie heeft gesloten met Pakistan omtrent kernwapens
Toch een lichtpuntje vanuit SA.

Citaaten Iran heeft waarschijnlijk exact hetzelfde spelletje gespeeld met Noord-korea.
Nergens bewijs voor gevonden. Er is wel bewijs gevonden dat Iran met Pakistan heeft samen gewerkt. Iraanse centrifuges zijn gebaseerd op ontwerp van Urenco.
Echt iets om trots op te zijn.
Chapeau, in je eentje de hele internationale nucleaire verhoudingen vernaggelen en daarmee het non profilatie verdrag schenden.
Verdrag is niet door Iran geschonden. Graag met bewijzen komen dat het geval was! Enige wat de Iraniers 'verkeerd' hebben gedaan. Was het feit dat zij geen openheid van zaken gaven en nucleaire installaties verborgen hielden. Overigens geheel begrijpelijk. Met oorlogsdrums die warm lopen in bepaalde steden. Zou ik ook mijn mond dicht houden.
Natuurlijk zijn er van die recalcitrante personen met namen als wat jij hebt die dat lopen te verdedigen,Ik beschouw dat als puberale uitwas.
Beschouw het hoe je het wilt. Maar het is een feit dat jij je vergist had in mijn persoon. Jij ging er gemakkelijk vanuit dat ik geen kennis had over materie en/of geen doordachte argumenten.

Helaas heb je danig in mijn persoon vergist.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 08/04/2015 | 11:53 uur
Citaat van: Neo-Baathist op 08/04/2015 | 11:09 uur
Nergens heb ik gezegd dat Iran een lieverdje is. Sterker nog: Ik heb geen sympathie voor Iran. Maar uit pragmatisch oogpunt kan ik niet anders concluderen dat de Iraanse rol 1000x minder kwalijk is dan andere spelers.
Dus Iran is wel een lieverdje? Je zegt het immers zelf dat ze 1000x minder kwalijk = liever zijn dan de rest. Of is de rest de spelers dan zo ontzettend verderfelijk?

Citaat van: Neo-Baathist op 08/04/2015 | 11:21 uur
Er is verschil tussen retoriek en acties.   Niet in het geval van Iran. Wel in geval van Israël met haar uitverkoren volk.
Ooooh. Dus als je wat zegt is het niet erg? Het is allemaal maar retoriek? Dan kunnen we alle rechtszaken rondom bedreigingen ook wel overboord kiepen. Het waren immers alleen maar woorden? En wat bedoel je met het uitverkoren volk? Verklaar je nader.

A. Er is nergens bewijs te vinden dat Iran Taliban heeft geholpen.
A. dat is nog maar zeer de vraag of er echt geen enkel bewijs is en b. zonder bewijs kan iets nog wel waar zijn....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 08/04/2015 | 12:23 uur
Citaat van: Neo-Baathist op 08/04/2015 | 11:38 uur
Toch een lichtpuntje vanuit SA.
Fundamentalisten met kernwapens zou ik geen lichtpuntje noemen.

Citaat van: Neo-Baathist op 08/04/2015 | 11:38 uur
Dus kennelijk gelden voor andere landen geheel andere regels dan een bepaalde land. Iran had en heeft alle recht, om die eisen te verwerpen.

Wij hebben ook alle recht om Iran sancties op te leggen. In dat opzicht is er niets fout gegaan. Maar, acties hebben consequenties.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 08/04/2015 | 12:25 uur
Ik vergis me niet in je hoor, ik neem graag gepaste afstand in een disccussie met iemand die de naam neo baathpartij draagt.
Recalcitrantie ten top en dat toejuichen van nucleaire wapens in die barbaarse landen geeft aan dat je er echt geen kaas van gegeten hebt.
Succes met jezelf. Wanneer verhuis je? Zodra je niet meer leerplichtig bent?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 08/04/2015 | 12:28 uur
Citaat van: DvdW op 08/04/2015 | 11:53 uur
en zonder  bewijs kan iets nog wel waar zijn....

Daar hebben sommige landen een handje van en we weten wat dat het ons heeft gebracht. En in het bijzonder de huidige onstabiele situatie in het Midden Oosten.

M.a.w. onzin, wil je een schuldige aan willen/kunnen wijzen zal je wel moeten komen met tastbaar bewijs.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 08/04/2015 | 13:24 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 08/04/2015 | 12:25 uur
Ik vergis me niet in je hoor, ik neem graag gepaste afstand in een disccussie met iemand die de naam neo baathpartij draagt.
Recalcitrantie ten top en dat toejuichen van nucleaire wapens in die barbaarse landen geeft aan dat je er echt geen kaas van gegeten hebt.
Succes met jezelf. Wanneer verhuis je? Zodra je niet meer leerplichtig bent?

Iemand kan het goed begrepen hebben, maar als ze tot de vijfde kolonne behoren streven ze andere doelen na. Echt gewonnen hebben we nooit, maar die Arabieren zijn in de afgelopen 1400 jaar tegen aardig wat barrières opgelopen, dat die in Europa bestond uit Christenen maakt alles wel wat pijnlijk.

Baathist, je kunt een groot Arabisch rijk wensen wat je wil, het komt er niet. Ook niet met kernwapens.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 08/04/2015 | 13:25 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 08/04/2015 | 12:28 uur
Daar hebben sommige landen een handje van en we weten wat dat het ons heeft gebracht. En in het bijzonder de huidige onstabiele situatie in het Midden Oosten.

M.a.w. onzin, wil je een schuldige aan willen/kunnen wijzen zal je wel moeten komen met tastbaar bewijs.

Je hebt bewijs en bewijs Ros, is voor meerdere uitleg vatbaar.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 08/04/2015 | 13:39 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 08/04/2015 | 13:25 uur
Je hebt bewijs en bewijs Ros, is voor meerdere uitleg vatbaar.

Leg maar eens uit dan......zeer benieuwd  :confused:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Neo-Baathist op 08/04/2015 | 13:41 uur
Citaat van: DvdW op 08/04/2015 | 11:53 uur
Dus Iran is wel een lieverdje? Je zegt het immers zelf dat ze 1000x minder kwalijk = liever zijn dan de rest. Of is de rest de spelers dan zo ontzettend verderfelijk?
Naar mijn weten heeft Iran nooit een agressie oorlog gevoerd of een land binnengevallen. Ook hebben zij nooit evangelie van regime change verkondigd en dat met kanonnenboot-diplomatie uitgevoerd. Mocht je andere geschiedenisbronnen hebben die iets anders beweren. Dan hoor ik het graag.
Ooooh. Dus als je wat zegt is het niet erg? Het is allemaal maar retoriek?
Hebben zij iets gedaan om Israel van het kaart te vegen? Nee. Zelfs met kernbommen gaat het niet lukken. En het is aan getoond dat Iran helaas geen pogingen had gewaagd om een nucleaire wapen te ontwikkelen.
an kunnen we alle rechtszaken rondom bedreigingen ook wel overboord kiepen.
Van mijn part mag zelfs Wilders zeggen wat hij wilt. Ik geloof heilig in vrije woord.
Het waren immers alleen maar woorden? En wat bedoel je met het uitverkoren volk?Verklaar je nader.
Sommige geloofsfanatici zien zichzelf uitverkoren omdat zij een bepaalde religie hebben. En beweren dat bepaalde stukken grondgebied door God beloofd is.
A. dat is nog maar zeer de vraag of er echt geen enkel bewijs is en b. zonder bewijs kan iets nog wel waar zijn....
Dus je beweert dat de Amerikanen ondanks hun satellieten, UAV`s, special forces en air power, niet instaat waren om de Iraans-Afghaans grens te monitoren en bewijs te vergaren dat de Iraniers wapens leveren aan Taliban????????

En voor jouw info: Iran is langs haar grensgebied met Afghanistan verwikkeld in een bloedige strijd tegen smokkelbendes. Die opium voor Taliban naar Europa smokkelen. Daarnaast heeft Iran hartelijke relaties met de Afghaanse regering. Verdiep je eerst in lokale geopolitiek voordat je duiding gaat geven.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Neo-Baathist op 08/04/2015 | 13:43 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 08/04/2015 | 12:23 uur
Fundamentalisten met kernwapens zou ik geen lichtpuntje noemen.
Met je eens. Maar helaas is dat nodig om evenwicht te bieden aan fundamentalisten in hun beloofde land.
Wij hebben ook alle recht om Iran sancties op te leggen. In dat opzicht is er niets fout gegaan. Maar, acties hebben consequenties.
Yep. En Iran heeft alle recht om haar eigen acties uit te voeren. Wat kan het soms simpel zijn.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Neo-Baathist op 08/04/2015 | 13:49 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 08/04/2015 | 12:25 uur
Ik vergis me niet in je hoor, ik neem graag gepaste afstand in een disccussie met iemand die de naam neo baathpartij draagt.
Recalcitrantie ten top en dat toejuichen van nucleaire wapens in die barbaarse landen geeft aan dat je er echt geen kaas van gegeten hebt.
Succes met jezelf. Wanneer verhuis je? Zodra je niet meer leerplichtig bent?
Goh, wat een kinderachtig reactie. Ik voer hier een volwassen en een inhoudelijke discussie. Het is duidelijk dat het boven jouw niveau stijgt.

Wat betreft mijn nickname. Ik ben aanhanger van Arabisch eenheid en sympathiseer met seculiere ideologie van Baathisme. Helaas is het baatishme van Saddam en Assad gecorrumpeerd. Desalniettemin sta ik nog steeds achter doctrine van Baathisme en daarom noem ik mezelf Neo-Baathist.

Wat betreft de barbaarse landen. Die landen buigen op 1000en jaren van beschaving. Op dit moment voeren zij hun eigen politieke strijd. Het is bloedig en barbaars. Maar ook Europa heeft democratie omarmt na een barbaarse politieke strijd dat WO2 heet.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 08/04/2015 | 17:31 uur
Citaat van: Neo-Baathist op 08/04/2015 | 13:43 uur
Met je eens. Maar helaas is dat nodig om evenwicht te bieden aan fundamentalisten in hun beloofde land. Yep. En Iran heeft alle recht om haar eigen acties uit te voeren. Wat kan het soms simpel zijn.

Israel als je doelt op de geloofsfanatici in Israël, die hebben weinig te vertellen in het seculiere land. En dat is over de grenzen wel anders.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 08/04/2015 | 17:37 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 08/04/2015 | 13:39 uur
Leg maar eens uit dan......zeer benieuwd  :confused:

Stel je voor dat je een inlichtingen officier, Rechter en een natuurkundige aan een tafel plaatst. Intel stelt bijvoorbeeld dat hij bewijs heeft, foto's en afgeluisterde gesprekken, waarvan de rechter stelt dat er geen bewijs is, want niet op legale wijze verkregen, de natuurkundige zal het ook geen bewijs vinden, omdat het niet in een wetenschappelijk experiment is aangetoond. Dus hebben we daar drie vormen van bewijs.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Zander op 09/04/2015 | 10:17 uur
Er word in politie/justitie kringen ook gewerkt met het zo aannemelijk mogelijk maken van schuld aan een misdrijf.
Opplussen noemt men dat.

Bijvoorbeeld bij een inbraak is er een manspersoon gezien, athletisch postuur, donkergekleed, basebalpetje en witte sneakers.

In de omgeving treft men een manspersoon aan die voldoet aan het signalement. Is nog niet direct in verband met de inbraak te brengen maar, wat deed meneer om 03:00 uur in de nacht in een woonwijk?
waarom heeft meneer dunne stoffen handschoennen aan?
is deze meneer bekend bij politie/justitie met inbraken?
mogen wij (de politie) even in uw tas kijken? nee, waarom niet.............

Meneer is nog niet schuldig maar heeft alle schijn tegen door oa zijn reputatie en zijn medewerking.
Hier heeft men voldoende om meneer als verdachte aan te merken.
Waarom, omdat er een redelijk vermoeden van schuld aan enig strafbaar feit voortvloeit uit het feit dat hij in de omgeving word aangetroffen, voldoet aan het signalement en de omstandigheden (het bij zich hebben van handschoenen een een verleden op het gebied van inbraken)wijzen ernstig in de richting van betrokkenheid bij de inbraak. Dan volgt er een onderzoek naar sporen getuigen en de verklaring van de verdachte.

Trek hem even gelijk met geschetste situaties in het M-O en.......................
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Neo-Baathist op 09/04/2015 | 12:01 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 08/04/2015 | 17:31 uur
Israel als je doelt op de geloofsfanatici in Israël, die hebben weinig te vertellen in het seculiere land. En dat is over de grenzen wel anders.
Verdiep je maar in Israël zal ik zeggen. Het land kent geen grondwet waar scheiding tussen staat en kerk vastgelegd is.  Geen enkel kabinet blijft in macht, als fundamentalistische partijen hun steun opzeggen. Probeer als vrouw voorin in de bus te zitten in Jeruzalem. Dan zijn er nog tal van voorbeelden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 09/04/2015 | 12:24 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 08/04/2015 | 17:37 uur
Stel je voor dat je een inlichtingen officier, Rechter en een natuurkundige aan een tafel plaatst. Intel stelt bijvoorbeeld dat hij bewijs heeft, foto's en afgeluisterde gesprekken, waarvan de rechter stelt dat er geen bewijs is, want niet op legale wijze verkregen, de natuurkundige zal het ook geen bewijs vinden, omdat het niet in een wetenschappelijk experiment is aangetoond. Dus hebben we daar drie vormen van bewijs.

Geen 3 maar 1 vorm van "echt bewijs" dat tegen de wetgeving gehouden niet gebruikt mag worden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 09/04/2015 | 13:20 uur
Citaat van: Neo-Baathist op 09/04/2015 | 12:01 uur
Verdiep je maar in Israël zal ik zeggen. Het land kent geen grondwet waar scheiding tussen staat en kerk vastgelegd is.  Geen enkel kabinet blijft in macht, als fundamentalistische partijen hun steun opzeggen. Probeer als vrouw voorin in de bus te zitten in Jeruzalem. Dan zijn er nog tal van voorbeelden.

Ben vaak zat in Jeruzalem geweest, en kom gewoon met m'n vriendin voorin de bus zitten, geen enkel probleem.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 09/04/2015 | 13:25 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 09/04/2015 | 12:24 uur
Geen 3 maar 1 vorm van "echt bewijs" dat tegen de wetgeving gehouden niet gebruikt mag worden.

Je kunt het anders noemen, maar uiteindelijk zijn de drie heren het er niet over eens of er bewijs is of niet. Jan op de hoek heeft genoeg aan wat krantenartikelen als bewijs dat alle politici corrupt zijn.

Als je het heel constructionistisch gaat bekijken kun je je afvragen of bewijs überhaupt bestaat.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Neo-Baathist op 09/04/2015 | 15:09 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 09/04/2015 | 13:20 uur
Ben vaak zat in Jeruzalem geweest, en kom gewoon met m'n vriendin voorin de bus zitten, geen enkel probleem.
Misschien een bepaalde lijn die bepaalde wijken aandoet.

En hoe zit het met mijn andere argumenten?

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 09/04/2015 | 15:37 uur
Citaat van: Neo-Baathist op 09/04/2015 | 12:01 uur
Het land kent geen grondwet waar scheiding tussen staat en kerk vastgelegd is.  
Dan is het dus net zoals in Nederland en veel west europese landen?  :angel: Wij kennen ook geen grondwet rondom de scheiding kerk en staat...
Geen enkel kabinet blijft in macht, als fundamentalistische partijen hun steun opzeggen.
Zo werkt een democratie... Je moet een meerderheid hebben...
Probeer als vrouw voorin in de bus te zitten in Jeruzalem. Dan zijn er nog tal van voorbeelden.
Al besproken en onderuit gehaald...

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Harmony op 09/04/2015 | 15:54 uur
In Nederland en meerdere Europese landen is misschien geen scheiding tussen religie en politiek en is de scheiding tussen kerk en staat niet vastgelegd in de grondwet. Dit houdt echter niet in dat deze scheiding er niet is. In de wet zijn immer verschillende principes vastgelegd. o.a. gelijkheidsbeginsel, neutraliteitsbeginsel en de godsdienstvrijheid, welke ervoor zorgen dat effectief er wel een scheiding is tussen kerk en staat. Dit houdt niet in dat de staat en religie geen invloed op elkaar uitoefenen. Of dit wenselijk is of niet is een andere vraag, maar verschillende beginselen die wij nu kennen vloeien voort uit het canonieke recht, zeker niet alle, maar zeker verschillende principes wel.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Neo-Baathist op 09/04/2015 | 17:15 uur
Citaat van: DvdW op 09/04/2015 | 15:37 uur
Dan is het dus net zoals in Nederland en veel west europese landen?  :angel: Wij kennen ook geen grondwet rondom de scheiding kerk en staat.
Israel kent helemaal geen grondwet.

CitaatZo werkt een democratie... Je moet een meerderheid hebben...Al besproken en onderuit gehaald...
Women Fight Israeli Bus Segregation - WSJ (http://women%20fight%20israeli%20bus%20segregation%20-%20wsj)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 09/04/2015 | 17:53 uur
Citaat van: Neo-Baathist op 09/04/2015 | 17:15 uur
Israel kent helemaal geen grondwet
En? Ze kennen wel basis wetten ('Basic Laws of Israel')
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Harmony op 09/04/2015 | 18:27 uur
De basic wetten is nog niet eens het belangrijkst al hebben deze een hoger normatieve waarde toegekend gekregen.
Zij hebben een rechtstelsel dat ook gegrond is op het zogenaamde star decises systeem.
Dit houdt in dat de leer van de case law in bepaalde gevallen wetten is.
Daarbij hebben deze landen enorm veel gewoonterecht, waar zij onderhand een begin aan het maken zijn deze te codificeren.

De UK heeft ook geen grondwet en hier neemt iedereen automatisch aan dat er gesproken kan worden van een rechtssysteem. Hun niet dezelfde waardering geven voor hun "regels" is onjuist. Dan heb ik het niet over de inhoud van deze regels, daar kan ik geen uitspraak over doen, maar wetten constitutioneel, gewoonte of basiswetten, moeten allemaal op waarde geschat worden.

" LPF-kamerlid Joost Eerdmans en rechtsfilosoof Paul Cliteur hanteren een 'volstrekt onjuiste interpretatie van de scheiding tussen kerk en staat', betoogt historicus Jan Dirk Snel. 'Zij doen alsof die scheiding vanzelfsprekend moet leiden tot verbanning van religie uit het politieke domein. Dat is misleidend. Historisch gezien leidde de scheiding van kerk en staat juist tot een veel grotere invloed van de religie op de politiek.'"
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 13/04/2015 | 20:30 uur
Rusland gaat weer raketten leveren aan Iran

13 april 2015

Rusland gaat weer S-300-luchtafweerraketten leveren aan Iran. Dat was lange tijd niet mogelijk vanwege een exportverbod tegen Teheran. De Russische president Poetin tekende vandaag een decreet dat dat verbod opheft.

In Iran is verheugd gereageerd op de beslissing, terwijl Israël er met bezorgdheid naar kijkt. Door de raketten vergroot Teheran zijn militaire macht in de regio.

Deal in ijskast

Rusland verkocht de S-300-raketten al in 2007 aan de Iraniërs. Tot levering kwam het niet, omdat de Verenigde Staten en Israël protesteerden. Nu gaat de levering alsnog door.

Moskou ziet de levering als een logische stap nu er een akkoord is over het Iraanse atoomprogramma. Daarin staat dat het Westen de economische sancties afbouwt als Iran zich aan de afspraken houdt.

Alleen ter verdediging

De Russische minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Lavrov zei dat Iran de raketten vooral voor zijn defensie nodig heeft. "Het S-300-raketsysteem is niet ontworpen om aanvallen mee uit te voeren en zal daarom geen gevaar zijn voor de regio. Ook niet voor Israël."

De Verenigde Staten zijn boos over de opheffing van het exportverbod, heeft  minister Kerry van Buitenlandse Zaken telefonisch aan Lavrov laten weten. Een woordvoerder van het Witte Huis zei vanmiddag dat de levering van de raketten het akkoord met Iran in gevaar kan brengen.

Bron: NOS
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Harald op 14/04/2015 | 09:19 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 13/04/2015 | 20:30 uur
Alleen ter verdediging

De Russische minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Lavrov zei dat Iran de raketten vooral voor zijn defensie nodig heeft. "Het S-300-raketsysteem is niet ontworpen om aanvallen mee uit te voeren en zal daarom geen gevaar zijn voor de regio. Ook niet voor Israël."

Das een goede .... dus een raketschild van de NAVO in Europa is ook geen gevaar voor Rusland, want het is niet ontworpen om aanvallen uit te voeren ....      8)  ;)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 14/04/2015 | 11:01 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 14/04/2015 | 09:19 uur
Das een goede .... dus een raketschild van de NAVO in Europa is ook geen gevaar voor Rusland, want het is niet ontworpen om aanvallen uit te voeren ....      8)  ;)
Het raketschild van de NAVO heeft een negatieve impact op het "beperkt" of escalerend gebruiken van kernwapens. En is in die zin dus bedreigend.

Levering van de S300 "bedreigt" de militaire mogelijkheden om Iraanse nucleaire faciliteiten aan te vallen. Daarom zijn de VS en Israel er volgens mij op tegen. Rusland wil denk ik met deze levering een stap extra doen nu om die militaire optie minder waarschijnlijk te maken en de druk op een diplomatieke oplossing te vergroten. Het gevaar schuilt er echter denk ik wel in dat Israel nu serieuzer nadenkt over een militaire aanval zolang de S300s nog niet geleverd zijn.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 14/04/2015 | 12:40 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 14/04/2015 | 11:01 uur
Het raketschild van de NAVO heeft een negatieve impact op het "beperkt" of escalerend gebruiken van kernwapens. En is in die zin dus bedreigend.

Levering van de S300 "bedreigt" de militaire mogelijkheden om Iraanse nucleaire faciliteiten aan te vallen. Daarom zijn de VS en Israel er volgens mij op tegen. Rusland wil denk ik met deze levering een stap extra doen nu om die militaire optie minder waarschijnlijk te maken en de druk op een diplomatieke oplossing te vergroten. Het gevaar schuilt er echter denk ik wel in dat Israel nu serieuzer nadenkt over een militaire aanval zolang de S300s nog niet geleverd zijn.

Elk wapen heeft een tegen maatregel, zo kun je alles stuk redeneren.
Het navo raketschild is een raketschild voor de navo, niet meer of minder.
De Russen jengelen alleen maar omdat het blijkbaar een enorm krachtig wapen is waar ze nog geen tegenmaatregel voor hebben.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 14/04/2015 | 12:45 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 14/04/2015 | 11:01 uur
Het gevaar schuilt er echter denk ik wel in dat Israel nu serieuzer nadenkt over een militaire aanval zolang de S300s nog niet geleverd zijn.

Dat zou zeer dom zijn...... denk ook niet dat het een grote kans is dat Israel dit gaat doen. Zou alle inspanningen van de VS en andere landen te niet doen.

Citaat van: Harald op 14/04/2015 | 09:19 uur
Das een goede .... dus een raketschild van de NAVO in Europa is ook geen gevaar voor Rusland, want het is niet ontworpen om aanvallen uit te voeren ....      8)  ;)

In alle gevallen zal gesproken worden over defensieve inzet, het voorkomen 'van'...... Zou voor Iran en de regio een goede zet zijn als de Russen daadwerkelijk gaan leveren.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 14/04/2015 | 12:49 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 14/04/2015 | 12:45 uur
Dat zou zeer dom zijn...... denk ook niet dat het een grote kans is dat Israel dit gaat doen. Zou alle inspanningen van de VS en andere landen te niet doen.

In alle gevallen zal gesproken worden over defensieve inzet, het voorkomen 'van'...... Zou voor Iran en de regio een goede zet zijn als de Russen daadwerkelijk gaan leveren.

We hebben al vaker gezien dat ze daar niet veel mee doen en nu Netan is herkozen is deze optie wel aanwezig.

Met de huidige situatie in het midden-oosten gaat er in ieder geval iets gebeuren. De saudi's roeren zich.
hebben de afgelopen jaren denk ik het meeste uitgegeven aan hun bewapening.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 14/04/2015 | 13:08 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 14/04/2015 | 12:45 uur
Dat zou zeer dom zijn...... denk ook niet dat het een grote kans is dat Israel dit gaat doen. Zou alle inspanningen van de VS en andere landen te niet doen.

Dom voor wie? is denk ik de vraag dus. Want Israel heeft goede ervaringen met het bombarderen van Iraakse en Syrische nucleaire zo de nucleaire ambities van beide landen te frustreren. En president Obama heeft de afgelopen dagen nogmaals benadrukt dat de Israëlische veiligheid en bescherming tegen raketten van Iran en Hezbollah ook een Amerikaanse zaak is. Ook is niet iedereen overtuigd van de serieusheid van dreiging daarvan. Israel..en zeker premier Netanyahu..lijken niet overtuigd van de nu behaalde onderhandelingsresultaten. De Israelische minister van Defensie pleit voor veel strengere afspraken..maar haalt de militaire optie ook niet van tafel. Daarbij komt dat zij met een oorlog tegen Iran ook de Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen (in hun voordeel) kunnen beïnvloeden. En de grote chaos en conflicten in de regio een mooi excuus als ook afleiding vormen voor zo'n aanval.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 14/04/2015 | 13:16 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 14/04/2015 | 12:40 uur
Elk wapen heeft een tegen maatregel, zo kun je alles stuk redeneren.
Het navo raketschild is een raketschild voor de navo, niet meer of minder.
De Russen jengelen alleen maar omdat het blijkbaar een enorm krachtig wapen is waar ze nog geen tegenmaatregel voor hebben.
Als het raketschild nu een "raketschild voor de NAVO" zou zijn is dat al een stevige uitbreiding van waar het oorspronkelijk voor stond..beperkt en alleen gericht tegen ICBMs vanuit Iran en Noord-Korea. Het is de reden waarom Rusland er fel tegen ageert. Want eenmaal uitgebreid..en niets staat verdere uitbreiding in de weg...kan het wel degelijk een negatieve invloed hebben op de nucleaire escalatie-ladder binnen de nucleaire afschrikking tussen NAVO en Rusland. Moeten er sneller meer nucleaire wapens worden ingezet om afschrikkingseffect te behouden. En dat is een serieuzer probleem dan je hier suggereert. De VS wil juist de kans op eigen inzet van kernwapens zo beperken. Als ook door het aanbieden van het raketschild haar dominante invloed op de Europese veiligheid behouden. 
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 14/04/2015 | 13:53 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 14/04/2015 | 13:16 uur
Als het raketschild nu een "raketschild voor de NAVO" zou zijn is dat al een stevige uitbreiding van waar het oorspronkelijk voor stond..beperkt en alleen gericht tegen ICBMs vanuit Iran en Noord-Korea. Het is de reden waarom Rusland er fel tegen ageert. Want eenmaal uitgebreid..en niets staat verdere uitbreiding in de weg...kan het wel degelijk een negatieve invloed hebben op de nucleaire escalatie-ladder binnen de nucleaire afschrikking tussen NAVO en Rusland. Moeten er sneller meer nucleaire wapens worden ingezet om afschrikkingseffect te behouden. En dat is een serieuzer probleem dan je hier suggereert. De VS wil juist de kans op eigen inzet van kernwapens zo beperken. Als ook door het aanbieden van het raketschild haar dominante invloed op de Europese veiligheid behouden. 
Rusland heeft zelf de grootste invloed op hoe wij Rusland zien. Dat er een verdedigingsnetwerk komt om die dreiging te tackelen is niet meer dan logisch, dat weten de Russen ook. Ze gooien het er nu op dat andere landen het buitenlandse ICBM beleid van Rusland kunnen bepalen terwijl ze zelf ook wel weten dat het komt omdat het een van de meest onbetrouwbare naties op aarde zijn met invloed.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 14/04/2015 | 14:09 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 14/04/2015 | 13:53 uur
Rusland heeft zelf de grootste invloed op hoe wij Rusland zien. ...
Als het zo zou werken zag de wereld er heel anders uit. Het ligt wel iets complexer. Niet iedereen was even blij met de steeds nauwere en groeiende relatie van Rusland met de EU en de samenwerkingsplannen van Poetin. En er is veel gedaan dat tegen te werken...wat ook hier in een nog deels vruchtbare bodem terecht kwam...en dat is best aardig gelukt. Ook gezien de felle Russische reacties. Ook het raketschild is duidelijk in deze context ontworpen en geïmplementeerd. En doet zijn even beschadigende werk. Al heeft Obama dit al enigszins getemperd door de omvang te beperken.

Nadeel is nu wel dat Rusland door deze containmantpolitiek een eigen koers vaart in de ontwikkelingen rond Syrië en Iran. En nu dus stappen zet die niet bijster enthousiast worden ontvangen door de VS en Israel. En daar zal het niet bij blijven. De Russen zijn wat heetgebakerd..maar zeker niet gek.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Harald op 14/04/2015 | 14:46 uur
Net of Rusland geen voorzorgmaatregelen treft omtrent een eigen "radarschild" langs zijn grenzen, zowel aan de Europakant als aan de Zuidkant richting Iran, Syrie, Midden OOsten en straks ook bij de Noordpool, daar zullen ze zeker wat neerzetten om ook via de Noord alles te kunnen "zien"

Maar ook de krim is belangrijk met het radarstation in Sevastopol, zeker een punt geweest in het achterhoofd van Putin bij het inlijven.

Russia will modernize and relaunch a Soviet-era radar station on the Crimean peninsula annexed from Ukraine to provide early warning of missile strikes, a senior defence official said Saturday.

The radar station in the port city of Sevastopol will become fully operational in 2016, the commander of the air and space defense forces, Alexander Golovko, was quoted as saying by the TASS news agency.

"The radar station's Dnepr warning system on air strikes, based in Sevastopol, will become part of Russia's missile warning system after modernization, and will become operational in 2016," Golovko said.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 14/04/2015 | 15:14 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 14/04/2015 | 14:46 uur
Net of Rusland geen voorzorgmaatregelen treft omtrent een eigen "radarschild" langs zijn grenzen, zowel aan de Europakant als aan de Zuidkant richting Iran, Syrie, Midden OOsten en straks ook bij de Noordpool, daar zullen ze zeker wat neerzetten om ook via de Noord alles te kunnen "zien"

Maar ook de krim is belangrijk met het radarstation in Sevastopol, zeker een punt geweest in het achterhoofd van Putin bij het inlijven.
Zeker...ook Rusland is zeer actief in deze. Stratego op regionaal en globaal niveau.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 14/04/2015 | 17:26 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 14/04/2015 | 14:46 uur
Net of Rusland geen voorzorgmaatregelen treft omtrent een eigen "radarschild" langs zijn grenzen, zowel aan de Europakant als aan de Zuidkant richting Iran, Syrie, Midden OOsten en straks ook bij de Noordpool, daar zullen ze zeker wat neerzetten om ook via de Noord alles te kunnen "zien"

Maar ook de krim is belangrijk met het radarstation in Sevastopol, zeker een punt geweest in het achterhoofd van Putin bij het inlijven.

Russia will modernize and relaunch a Soviet-era radar station on the Crimean peninsula annexed from Ukraine to provide early warning of missile strikes, a senior defence official said Saturday.

The radar station in the port city of Sevastopol will become fully operational in 2016, the commander of the air and space defense forces, Alexander Golovko, was quoted as saying by the TASS news agency.

"The radar station's Dnepr warning system on air strikes, based in Sevastopol, will become part of Russia's missile warning system after modernization, and will become operational in 2016," Golovko said.

Toe maar, kan weer bij het lijstje.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Zander op 16/04/2015 | 10:57 uur

'Iran voert steeds meer cyberaanvallen uit op VS' 

Er worden vanuit Iran steeds meer cyberaanvallen uitgevoerd op de Verenigde Staten die bovendien van geavanceerder zijn dan voorheen. Het zou daarbij gaan om duizenden aanvallen.

Dat blijkt uit onderzoek van American Enterprise Institute en beveiligingsbedrijf Norse dat vrijdag gepubliceerd wordt, meldt The New York Times.

"Cyberaanvallen geven landen bruikbare wapens die nucleaire aanvallen niet geven", verklaart het American Enterprise Institue. "En het is tot een bepaalde hoogte mogelijk te ontkennen, dat is aantrekkelijk voor veel landen."

Het onderzoek liep van januari 2014 tot maart 2015 en zag een groei van 115 procent. In de eerste helft van maart werden er per dag meer dan 900 aanvallen vanuit Iran verricht.

De VS ziet al geruime tijd Iran en Noord-Korea als grootste bedreiging op het gebied van cybercriminaliteit. De duizenden cyberaanvallen op de VS zouden voornamelijk gericht zijn op spionage.


Sommige Amerikanen beweren dat Iran banken heeft aangevallen uit wraak voor eerder opgelegde sancties. Ook zouden computers van oliegigant Saudi Aramanco zijn vernietigd omdat Amerika warme banden met Saoedi-Arabië heeft. Deze beschuldiging zijn echter niet bewezen

De aanvallen zijn opvallend aangezien het land begin april een akkoord bereikte met zes grote mogendheden over het conctroversiële atoomprogramma van Iran. De VS wil in ruil daarvoor een aantal sancties tegen Iran opheffen.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: dudge op 28/04/2015 | 16:56 uur

'Iraanse troepen escorteren Amerikaans vrachtschip naar haven in Iran'

Foto: AFP
Gepubliceerd: 28 april 2015 16:28 Laatste update: 28 april 2015 16:49

Iraanse troepen hebben een Amerikaans schip overgenomen en gedwongen naar een Iraanse haven te varen. Het vrachtschip en de 34 opvarenden zijn naar de havenstad Bandar Abbas gedirigeerd.

Aan boord van het schip bevinden zich zeker 34 bemanningsleden, meldt al-Arabiya.

Volgens de staatstelevisie van Iran hebben de Iraanse militairen geschoten. Onduidelijk is vooralsnog of mensen zijn omgekomen of gewond zijn geraakt.

Het is ook niet duidelijk waarom de Iraniërs het schip hebben overgenomen.

Meer informatie volgt. (
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 28/04/2015 | 17:02 uur
Het betreft de "Maersk Tigris" varend onder de vlag van de Marshall eilanden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 28/04/2015 | 17:22 uur
Haar koers tot zo'n 25 minuten geleden..

Officiële statement namens Iran:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 01/05/2015 | 15:39 uur
VS escorteren schepen in Iraanse wateren 

De Amerikaanse marine gaat de komende tijd koopvaardijschepen die onder de vlag van de Verenigde Staten varen, escorteren door Iraanse wateren. Zo zijn de schepen beschermd als ze door de belangrijke Straat van Hormuz bij Iran varen, meldde CNN vrijdag op basis van Amerikaanse defensiebronnen.
De marine heeft tot nu toe vier schepen begeleid. Er waren geen incidenten. Eerder deze week enterden Iraanse militairen het containerschip Maersk Tigris en dwongen dat naar een Iraanse haven te varen. Volgens de Iraniërs had dat te maken met een lopende rechtszaak, maar het komt op een moment waarop de relatie tussen de VS en Iran onder druk staat. Zo is een atoomdeal met Iran nog niet afgerond en maakt dat land zich boos over de steun van de VS aan een Arabische coalitie die in Jemen strijdt tegen de Houthi-rebellen.

Telegraaf, vr 01 mei 2015, 15:34
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 01/05/2015 | 16:04 uur
Slimme zet van de Amerikanen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 01/05/2015 | 19:35 uur
Uit de berichten maak ik op dat het niet gaat om direct escorteren van schepen. De Amerikaanse marine positioneert zich in het gebied waarin de schepen zo sneller in actie te kunnen komen als er wat mis gaat.

Het schijnt te gaan om het vergoeden van een partij Iraanse containers die zijn verdwenen tijdens een overtocht van een Maersk schip. Eerst leek het te worden afgekocht...maar de eigenaren van de containers eisen nu een hoger bedrag voor het verlies.

Waar is de EUropese marine in dit verhaal?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 01/05/2015 | 19:38 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 01/05/2015 | 19:35 uur
Waar is de EUropese marine in dit verhaal?

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 01/05/2015 | 20:09 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 01/05/2015 | 19:38 uur
Er zijn dat ik ook permanent Britse marineschepen daar...dacht mijnenjagers. En het Franse vliegdekschip Charles de Gaulle is er geloof ik net weer vertrokken. Maar uitgelezen kans voor de EU om daar ook militair zichtbaar op te treden en aanwezig te zijn.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 01/05/2015 | 20:14 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 01/05/2015 | 20:09 uur
Er zijn dat ik ook permanent Britse marineschepen daar...dacht mijnenjagers. En het Franse vliegdekschip Charles de Gaulle is er geloof ik net weer vertrokken. Maar uitgelezen kans voor de EU om daar ook militair zichtbaar op te treden en aanwezig te zijn.

De Charles de Gaulle  is richting India vertrokken en idd de EU verschuild zich wederom.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 15/05/2015 | 10:22 uur
Obama ontvangt Golfstaten over wrijving Iran

De Amerikaanse president Barack Obama heeft donderdag in zijn buitenverblijf Camp David afgezanten van zes Arabische staten aan de Perzische Golf ontvangen en geprobeerd hun zorgen over Iran weg te nemen.

De zes landen van de Golf Samenwerkingsraad (GCC) worden over het algemeen absoluut geregeerd in monarchieën die door soennitische clans zijn gevestigd. Ze vrezen de grote sjiitische mogendheid aan de overzijde van de golf, Iran.

De VS werken samen met onder meer de andere permanente leden van de VN-Veiligheidsraad aan een nucleair akkoord met Iran, dat het einde inluidt van de strenge internationale sancties tegen Iran. De GCC (Bahrein, Koeweit, Oman, Qatar, Saudi-Arabië en de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten) keert zich tegen het voornemen Iran uit zijn isolement te verlossen. Iran en vooral Saudi-Arabië staan in de strijd in Syrië en Jemen tegenover elkaar.

De onvrede in het Arabische kamp over de Amerikaans-Iraanse toenadering is zo groot, dat de topontmoeting die Obama voor ogen had, niet echt van de grond is gekomen. De landen stuurden wel allemaal vertegenwoordigers, maar de staatshoofden van vier van de zes hebben om verschillende redenen afgezegd. Hoofdrolspeler koning Salman van Saudi-Arabië aanvaardde de uitnodiging eerst wel, maar kwam daar uiteindelijk op terug. Alleen de staatshoofden van Koeweit en Qatar zijn naar Camp David gekomen.

Obama heeft de GCC een speciale status als 'bondgenoot buiten de NAVO' in het vooruitzicht gesteld. Ondertussen was er in de Perzische Golf weer spanning. De Iraanse Revolutionaire Garde zou donderdag vanaf kleine vaartuigen een tanker die onder Singaporese vlag voer, hebben beschoten. Het schip ontkwam naar de Emiraten.

Of de VS uiteindelijk zelf instemmen met de internationale nucleaire deal met Iran, blijft onzeker. Het Huis van Afgevaardigden heeft donderdag in navolging van de Senaat ingestemd met een wetsvoorstel waarmee het parlement zich met het akkoord met Iran gaat bemoeien. Het parlement kan dan het beleid van toenadering tot Teheran blokkeren.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 14/07/2015 | 12:33 uur
Wereldmachten bereiken historisch akkoord atoomprogramma Iran 

Er is na jaren onderhandelen een akkoord bereikt over de afbouw van het atoomprogramma van Iran.

Dat hebben EU-buitenlandchef Federica Mogherini en de Iraanse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Javad Zarif dinsdagochtend gemeld.  

De ministers van de zes wereldmachten, Iran en de VN hebben het akkoord inmiddels ondertekend. In het akkoord staat dat Iran zijn nucleaire programma zal afbouwen. In ruil worden internationale sancties tegen het land opgeheven.

Ministers van de zes wereldmachten - de Verenigde Staten, Rusland, China, Frankrijk, Groot-Brittannië en Duitsland - en Iran zijn om 10.30 uur in Wenen bij elkaar gekomen voor deze beslissende vergadering.


"De beslissing die we vandaag hebben genomen is een teken van hoop", aldus Mogherini. Volgens haar kan de overeenkomst "de weg openen naar nieuwe internationale relaties''.

Zarif sprak van een historisch moment. "Het is een win-winsituatie. We bereiken een akkoord dat niet voor iedereen perfect is, maar het is een belangrijk resultaat. Een nieuw hoofdstuk, laten we van hieruit verder bouwen", aldus Zarif.

De Duitse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Frank-Walter Steinmeier grapte dat hij al had verwacht dat 30 juni, de eigenlijke deadline die de onderhandelaars zichzelf hadden gesteld, een lange dag zou worden. "Maar dat hij 348 uur zou duren, daar had ik geen rekening mee gehouden.''


Iran zou westerse inspecteurs volledige toegang geven tot zijn nucleaire complexen. In ruil voor de afbouw van het programma worden de internationale sancties tegen het land en het VN-wapenembargo afgebouwd.

Volgens diplomaten blijft het VN-wapenembargo nog vijf jaar van kracht. In het akkoord is volgens de diplomaten verder vastgelegd dat de sancties weer worden opgelegd zodra Iran de afspraken schendt.


Het Iraanse nationale persagentschap IRNA meldt dat Iran weer de beschikking krijgt over miljarden dollars die door de sancties jarenlang waren bevroren.

Sancties en beperkingen troffen Iran jarenlang op allerlei terreinen, waarbij met name de gevolgen voor investeringen op het gebied van olie en gas hard aankwamen. Aan die restricties komt nu een einde.

Ook andere sectoren zullen volgens IRNA flink profiteren: luchtvaart, de centrale bank van Iran, scheepvaartlijnen, machine-industrie, technologie en de nationale luchtvaartmaatschappij.


''Het harde werk is beloond en we hebben een akkoord gesloten'', zei een Iraanse diplomaat dinsdagochtend tegen Reuters.

In de nacht van maandag op dinsdag verstreek een deadline die eerder deze maand werd gesteld.

Twee eerdere deadlines werden uitgesteld sinds de Amerikaanse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken John Kerry eind juni in Wenen arriveerde voor de besprekingen. Kerry zei maandag nog dat de gesprekken in ieder geval niet "tot het einde der tijden" zouden gaan duren.


Nog voor het akkoord met Iran officieel een feit was, had de Israëlische premier Benjamin Netanyahu daar al een oordeel over. Hij noemde de overeenkomst een ''historische vergissing''.

Volgens Netanyahu maakt het akkoord voor Iran de weg vrij om atoomwapens te maken. ''Veel van de beperkingen die zijn opgelegd, zullen worden omzeild'', aldus de premier.


Intussen heeft het Internationaal Atoomenergieagentschap (IAEA) laten weten met Iran een stappenplan te zijn overeengekomen waarmee alle vragen over het nucleaire programma van het land worden beantwoord.

Inzicht voor de IAEA in de militaire mogelijkheden van dat atoomprogramma was een van de belangrijkste voorwaarden in het akkoord om sancties tegen het land op te heffen.

Volgens de IAEA zullen voor 15 december alle vragen over Irans programma zijn beantwoord. Zo zullen inspecteurs van de IAEA ook toegang krijgen tot het Parchincomplex, het belangrijkste militaire complex in Iran.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 14/07/2015 | 12:44 uur
Mooi resultaat en weer een stap in de goede richting. De standaard reactie van Israel als het Iran betreft nemen we ter kennisname aan........meer niet.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 14/07/2015 | 14:07 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 14/07/2015 | 12:44 uur
Mooi resultaat en weer een stap in de goede richting. De standaard reactie van Israel als het Iran betreft nemen we ter kennisname aan........meer niet.
Nou prachtig ! gelooft toch niet dat Iran niet gaat proberen een atoomwapen te maken he ?, ik begrijp de Israelische reactie wel maar er valt weinig aan te doen geloof ik.

Van de andere kant doet Iran goed werk in de strijd tegen ISIS en steunen ze de enige juiste partij in dat conflict die van Assad....We kunnen alleen maar raden naar de reden daarvan waarsch is dat weer om zo dicht bij Israel te zitten en hun macht aan de Israelische grens uit te breiden.
Het juiste antwoord van Israel zou in mijn ogen moeten zijn dat ze Assad gaan steunen en zo de Iraanse invloed daar onderuit halen, want als IS of al Nusra de macht in Syrie zou gaan overnemen (geloof nooit dat dat ze gaat lukken) maar als...dan heeft Israel ook een probleem want al die terroristen willen Jeruzalem bevrijden. In Israel gaan trouwens ook al stemmen op om Assad te ondersteunen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 14/07/2015 | 17:31 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 14/07/2015 | 12:44 uur
Mooi resultaat en weer een stap in de goede richting. De standaard reactie van Israel als het Iran betreft nemen we ter kennisname aan........meer niet.

We? Heb je je account aan je grote leider uitgeleend of denk je voor "ons" te kunnen spreken?
ik neem zijn woorden wel degelijk serieus.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 14/07/2015 | 17:36 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 14/07/2015 | 17:31 uur
We? Heb je je account aan je grote leider uitgeleend of denk je voor "ons" te kunnen spreken?
ik neem zijn woorden wel degelijk serieus.
Zeker omdat de kans denk ik levensgroot is dat hij dit feestje gaat verstoren...(samen met zijn nieuwe vrienden in Saudi-Arabie)....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 14/07/2015 | 17:47 uur
Het vervolg van deel 2 (

Algeheel beheerder
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 14/07/2015 | 17:49 uur
Dit topic wordt hier (;new#new) vervolgd.

Algeheel beheerder
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 14/07/2015 | 18:15 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 14/07/2015 | 17:31 uur
We? Heb je je account aan je grote leider uitgeleend of denk je voor "ons" te kunnen spreken?
ik neem zijn woorden wel degelijk serieus.

De landen, waaronder de VS, en de VN hebben een deal met Iran gesloten  in de wetenschap dat Iran kernwapens gaat produceren om Israel van de kaart te vegen...........?

Citaat van: Elzenga op 14/07/2015 | 17:36 uur
Zeker omdat de kans denk ik levensgroot is dat hij dit feestje gaat verstoren...(samen met zijn nieuwe vrienden in Saudi-Arabie)....

Wie is "hij" en welk feestje bedoel je ?

Israel is gewoon op de uitverkoren pik getrapt omdat Iran nu weer mee telt en zich kan en mag laten horen op het internationaal toneel.  En dat het door toedoen van grote vriend de VS tot stand is gekomen zal helemaal zeer doen. Dat de kans van een aanval op Iraanse installaties hiermee ook naar de prullenbak gaat zal mede voor het jankgedrag gezorgd hebben.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 14/07/2015 | 18:54 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 14/07/2015 | 18:15 uurWie is "hij" en welk feestje bedoel je ?

Hij is premier Netanyahu en zijn regering. En nee, de mogelijkheid militair in te grijpen is volgens mij nog niet verkeken (met focus op uitschakelen bestaande nucleaire installaties..dus geen regime change). Zeker niet als er een rijke Arabische buurman met heel veel geld en heel veel wapens/munitie je daarin zal gaan steunen. Hopelijk heb ik het mis, maar gerust ben ik er nog steeds niet op. Zeker niet als iemand in zulke grootste termen spreekt als Netanyahu de laatste tijd doet.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 14/07/2015 | 19:32 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 14/07/2015 | 18:15 uur
De landen, waaronder de VS, en de VN hebben een deal met Iran gesloten  in de wetenschap dat Iran kernwapens gaat produceren om Israel van de kaart te vegen...........?

Wie is "hij" en welk feestje bedoel je ?

Israel is gewoon op de uitverkoren pik getrapt omdat Iran nu weer mee telt en zich kan en mag laten horen op het internationaal toneel.  En dat het door toedoen van grote vriend de VS tot stand is gekomen zal helemaal zeer doen. Dat de kans van een aanval op Iraanse installaties hiermee ook naar de prullenbak gaat zal mede voor het jankgedrag gezorgd hebben.

Ik snap hun houding wel als ze keer na keer zijn 'verrast' door hun buren die gezamenlijk zouden tekenen voor een nieuwe holocaust.
Nu er ook nog eens een land bijkomt welke er een politiek punt van maakt om desbetreffend land van de kaart te gummen snap ik de woorden dondersgoed.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/07/2015 | 22:23 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 14/07/2015 | 18:54 uur
Hij is premier Netanyahu en zijn regering. En nee, de mogelijkheid militair in te grijpen is volgens mij nog niet verkeken (met focus op uitschakelen bestaande nucleaire installaties..dus geen regime change). Zeker niet als er een rijke Arabische buurman met heel veel geld en heel veel wapens/munitie je daarin zal gaan steunen. Hopelijk heb ik het mis, maar gerust ben ik er nog steeds niet op. Zeker niet als iemand in zulke grootste termen spreekt als Netanyahu de laatste tijd doet.

De vijand van mijn vijand is mijn vriend!
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 21/07/2015 | 10:55 uur
Iran noemt nucleaire deal nederlaag voor Israël 

De recente overeenkomst tussen Iran en zes grote mogendheden over de nucleaire capaciteiten van Iran is een grote nederlaag voor Israël.   

''Nog nooit was het zionistische regime (Israël) zo geïsoleerd, zelfs ten opzichte van zijn bondgenoten.'' Dit zei de Iraanse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, Mohammed Javad Zarif, dinsdag in het Iraanse parlement.

Met de overeenkomst is volgens Javad Zarif ook de Israëlische propagandacampagne geneutraliseerd die decennialang Iran heeft afgeschilderd als een agressieve staat die kernwapens wil.

De overeenkomst, afgelopen week bereikt in Wenen, biedt Iran uitzicht op opheffing van de internationale sancties die de economie ondermijnen.

Iran moet dan concessies doen ten aanzien van de eigen nucleaire ambities en moet controle toestaan. De deal is omstreden in de Iraanse politiek, waar sommigen stellen dat Javad Zarif veel te veel heeft toegegeven aan de buitenlandse mogendheden .

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 21/07/2015 | 11:01 uur
Een dergelijke reactie/uitspraak was te verwachten  :cute-smile:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 21/07/2015 | 11:02 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 21/07/2015 | 11:01 uur
Een dergelijke reactie/uitspraak was te verwachten  :cute-smile:

Wat de Israëli ook een kat in het nauw zou kunnen maken.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 21/07/2015 | 11:09 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 21/07/2015 | 11:02 uur
Wat de Israëli ook een kat in het nauw zou kunnen maken.
Israël is al bezig met een 'boodschappenlijst' (o.a. F-35, KC-46A, V-22)

Israel wants US 'compensation' for Iran nuclear deal

By Arie Egozi, Tel Aviv | July 17, 2015

Israel is preparing to deliver a list of aircraft and weapons it wants from the USA as a "compensation package" for the recent agreement with Iran that limited Tehran's nuclear ambitions.

The pact between Iran and the USA, Europe, China and Russia was signed on 14 July in Vienna and sees sanctions – including those preventing the sale of commercial aircraft – lifted on the nation in return for a halt to the country's nuclear weapons programme.

However, the Israeli government has rejected the deal, claiming that it will not prevent Tehran from acquiring a nuclear capability.

Tel Aviv sees its armed forces as providing an effective bulwark against an Iranian military expansion that could add further tension to an already unstable region.

Its shopping list is likely to include additional Lockheed Martin F-35 combat aircraft, Boeing KC-46A tankers, Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey tiltrotors, and additional munitions not previously exported by the USA.

Tel Aviv is already a customer for the F-35A, but may now look to firm the 17 options it has for the stealthy type. In addition, a deal for the V-22 – previously rejected by the government on cost grounds – may now be resurrected.

Israeli sources indicate that in the wake of the agreement with Iran it believes Washington will be "more flexible" and facilitate future military acquisitions.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 21/07/2015 | 12:00 uur
De Amerikaanse wapenindustrie vaart er wel bij. En in het geval dat Israel aangevallen zou worden kunnen zij zich goed verdedigen. Een aanval op Iran blijft nog steeds een natte droom. Zonder instemming/goedkeuring van de VS zal dit niet gebeuren nu er een deal met Iran is gesloten.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 21/07/2015 | 14:42 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 21/07/2015 | 12:00 uur
De Amerikaanse wapenindustrie vaart er wel bij. En in het geval dat Israel aangevallen zou worden kunnen zij zich goed verdedigen. Een aanval op Iran blijft nog steeds een natte droom. Zonder instemming/goedkeuring van de VS zal dit niet gebeuren nu er een deal met Iran is gesloten.
instemming/goedkeuring van de VS? waarom? Israel kan rustig Iran aanvallen als ze willen...daar hebben ze Amerikaanse toestemming niet voor nodig. Juist daarom probeert de VS zo'n Israelische stap "af te kopen" met veiligheidsgaranties, anti-raket-systemen, miljarden aan steun en militair materiaal. De vraag is of het voldoende zal zijn. Netanyahu heeft zich inmiddels zo klem gepraat dat hij het afblazen van een aanval nauwelijks meer geloofwaardig kan verkopen aan zijn achterban. Dus ben benieuwd.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 21/07/2015 | 15:26 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 21/07/2015 | 14:42 uur
instemming/goedkeuring van de VS? waarom? Israel kan rustig Iran aanvallen als ze willen...

Zelfs het uitverkoren volk zal het niet wagen tegen het Amerikaans buitenlandbeleid in te gaan. Zo lang er geen snoeihard bewijs is dat Iran een kernwapen klaar heeft staan, gericht op Tel Aviv, en met de hand boven de rode knop zal Israel geen aanval wagen. En daar zal  Netanyahu, ondanks de stoere taal,  zich aan houden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 21/07/2015 | 15:42 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 21/07/2015 | 15:26 uur
Zelfs het uitverkoren volk zal het niet wagen tegen het Amerikaans buitenlandbeleid in te gaan. Zo lang er geen snoeihard bewijs is dat Iran een kernwapen klaar heeft staan, gericht op Tel Aviv, en met de hand boven de rode knop zal Israel geen aanval wagen. En daar zal  Netanyahu, ondanks de stoere taal,  zich aan houden.
Ik hoop het voor je...maar er is volgens mij geen enkele reden waarom Israel het niet zou doen. Ook de huidige deal stelt Iran getting nuclear weapons slechts uit. Dat doet een geslaagde militaire aanval ook..maar dan weet Israel het wel zeker. Daarbij heeft een militaire aanval nog een aantal andere politiek strategische voordelen...zeker nu de regio flink in brand staat. Ik denk dat het dan ook geen toeval is dat Saudi-Arabie en Israel recent nogal intensief contact hebben en bezoeken over en weer. 

Maar goed, ik hoop dat je gelijk krijgt... het is mij daar al onrustig genoeg...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: JdL op 22/07/2015 | 22:41 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 21/07/2015 | 15:42 uur
Ik hoop het voor je...maar er is volgens mij geen enkele reden waarom Israel het niet zou doen. Ook de huidige deal stelt Iran getting nuclear weapons slechts uit. Dat doet een geslaagde militaire aanval ook..maar dan weet Israel het wel zeker. Daarbij heeft een militaire aanval nog een aantal andere politiek strategische voordelen...zeker nu de regio flink in brand staat. Ik denk dat het dan ook geen toeval is dat Saudi-Arabie en Israel recent nogal intensief contact hebben en bezoeken over en weer. 

Maar goed, ik hoop dat je gelijk krijgt... het is mij daar al onrustig genoeg...
En israel is een land wat doet wat ze zeggen
Dus als israel het te zat is zullen ze echt niet aarzellen om de eersts klap uit te delen
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Harald op 24/11/2015 | 09:05 uur
Media claim Russia has begun delivery of S-300 missile system to Iran

Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehghan said in early November that Iran would get Russian S-300 air defense missile systems by March 2016

TEHRAN, November 23. /TASS/. Russia has launched the procedure of the delivery of the S-300 air defence missile systems to Iran, the Iranian news agency Tasnim reported on Monday, referring to statements made by the Iranian Ambassador to Russia, Mehdi Sanai.

"The process of the S-300 system's delivery to Iran has entered the implementation stage," the diplomat is quoted by the agency.

Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehghan said in early November that Iran would get Russian S-300 air defense missile systems by March 2016.

Earlier this month, Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehghan said that Iran would receive Russia's S-300 air defense missile systems by the end of the year that, according to the Iranian calendar, ends on March 20, 2016. "Iran will get the Russian S-300 'ground-to-air' antiaircraft defense missile systems by March 2016," he was quoted by the Press TV.

Dehghan added that Iran will get "the better part" of the missile systems' batch in less than two months. The minister also said that "Iran bought as many S-300 air defence missile systems as it needs." In addition, according to the minister, the Iranian military are currently undergoing training in Russia in the use of the systems.

Sergey Chemezov, the head of state hi-tech corporation Rostec, which integrates Rosoboronexport state arms seller, said previously that Russia's contract for the delivery of S-300 air defence missile systems to Iran has been signed and came into force on November 9. "The contract on S-300 systems has been signed," Chemezov said, without specifying the modification of antiaircraft missile systems that would be delivered to Iran. "I believe that Iran will withdraw its claims to us, when the first part [of the contract] is completed," the Rostec CEO said.

Russia and Iran signed a contract in 2007 for the supply of five S-300PMU-1 battalions but in the autumn of 2010 then-President Dmitry Medvedev banned the supply of these systems to Teheran. The contract worth more than $800 million was annulled and the paid advance was returned to Iran. Iran filed an almost $4 billion lawsuit against Russia at the Geneva Court of Arbitration over Russia's nonfulfillment of the contract.

In the spring of 2015, Russian President Vladimir Putin lifted the ban on the supply of S-300 systems to Teheran.

TASS learned at the Dubai Airshow 2015 international aerospace exhibition that Iran will get the S-300PMU-2 version of the air defense system.

The S-300 is a series of Russian long range surface-to-air missile systems produced by NPO Almaz, all based on the initial S-300P version. The S-300 system was developed to defend against aircraft and cruise missiles for the Soviet Air Defence Forces. Subsequent variations were developed to intercept ballistic missiles. The S-300 system was first deployed by the Soviet Union in 1979, designed for the air defense of large industrial and administrative facilities, military bases, and control of airspace against enemy strike aircraft.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 12/01/2016 | 22:42 uur
Iran detains US sailors after craft stopped in the Gulf

Breaking News

Iran has detained several US sailors after their vessels were stopped in the Gulf, a US official said.

The incident happened near Farsi Island after one of the ships encountered mechanical problems.

Fox News reported that the sailors had drifted into Iranian waters, but that has not been independently confirmed.

Iran has assured the US that the sailors and two small vessels would be returned promptly, the Associated Press reported.

BBC News, 12-01-2016 31:29 GMT
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 12/01/2016 | 23:27 uur
Citaat van: BBC op 12/01/2016 | 22:42 uur
Iran detains US sailors after craft stopped in the Gulf

Breaking News

Iran has detained several US sailors after their vessels were stopped in the Gulf, a US official said.

The incident happened near Farsi Island after one of the ships encountered mechanical problems.

Fox News reported that the sailors had drifted into Iranian waters, but that has not been independently confirmed.

Iran has assured the US that the sailors and two small vessels would be returned promptly, the Associated Press reported.

BBC News, 12-01-2016 31:29 GMT

Niet slim van Iran juist nu de spanningen tuusen Iran en het westen begonnen te minderen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 12/01/2016 | 23:40 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 12/01/2016 | 23:27 uur
Niet slim van Iran juist nu de spanningen tuusen Iran en het westen begonnen te minderen.
Er kan een verschil zijn tussen de berichten in de media en wat er daadwerkelijk gebeurd is. De huidige berichtgeving is prematuur. Misschien dat vervolg berichten meer duidelijkheid verschaffen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 13/01/2016 | 11:34 uur
Iran laat boten Amerikaanse marine weer gaan

ANP, | Gepubliceerd: 13 januari 2016 08:22 Laatste update: 13 januari 2016 11:10

Iran laat de twee Amerikaanse marineboten, die dinsdag binnen de territoriale wateren van Iran waren gekomen, hun tocht weer vervolgen. Iran hield de schepen tot en met woensdagochtend vast.

Dat heeft minister Javad Zarif van Buitenlandse Zaken zijn Amerikaanse ambtgenoot John Kerry inmiddels laten weten, aldus en persbericht van het ministerie.

De matrozen werden in Iran verhoord, maar zijn inmiddels weer vrijgelaten, zo melden Iraanse staatsmedia. Wel vindt Zarif dat de Verenigde Staten hun excuses moeten maken.

Het draait om twee kleine vaartuigen die op weg waren van Koeweit naar Bahrein. De Amerikaanse marine verloor dinsdag het contact met de schepen.

De vaartuigen bleken door de Iraanse marine te zijn onderschept en werden naar een basis van de Revolutionaire Garde in de Perzische Golf gebracht. De Amerikanen hebben verklaard dat zij in de Iraanse territoriale wateren terecht zijn gekomen, omdat hun navigatieapparatuur defect was.


De afgelopen jaren zijn er meerdere incidenten geweest tussen Amerikaanse en Iraanse schepen op de Perzische Golf.

Vorige maand nog schoot een Iraans schip raketten af bij een oefening, terwijl vlakbij het Amerikaanse vliegdekschip USS Harry S. Truman passeerde.

Ook is het niet voor het eerst dat Iran beslag heeft gelegd op schepen. Zo werden in 2004, 2007 en 2009 in totaal 26 Britten aan boord van marineschepenen tijdens een racejacht gearresteerd. Telkens werden ze spoedig vrijgelaten om hun tocht te vervolgen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 17/01/2016 | 12:17 uur
Iran houdt zich aan afspraken atoomverdrag

ANP, | Gepubliceerd: 16 januari 2016 21:56 Laatste update: 17 januari 2016 01:00

Iran heeft zijn atoomactiviteiten op grote schaal teruggeschroefd volgens de afspraken die daarover vorig jaar juli zijn vastgelegd in een verdrag met de zes belangrijkste wereldmachten.

Dat heeft het Internationaal Energieatoomagentschap (IAEA) van de Verenigde Naties zaterdag in Wenen meegedeeld.

Door de uitkomst van het onderzoek van het agentschap is de weg vrij om op korte termijn de internationale sancties tegen Iran op te heffen.

De sancties waren merendeels al tien jaar van kracht.


Het regiem in Teheran was onder meer verplicht het aantal centrifuges dat zorgde voor de verrijking van uranium te beperken tot ongeveer zesduizend. Ook moesten de voorraden verrijkt uranium drastisch worden verminderd. Verrijkt uranium kan worden toegepast in kerncentrales, maar ook in kernwapens.

Iran onderhandelde vorig jaar zomer met de Verenigde Staten, Rusland, China, Frankrijk, Groot-Brittannië en Duitsland over de beperking van zijn atoomactiviteiten.

Voor de zes onderhandelingspartners was het belangrijkste doel te voorkomen dat Iran een atoombom zou ontwikkelen en zijn nucleaire energie uitsluitend voor vreedzame doelen zou aanwenden.

Ook Iran was zaterdagavond vlot met een eerste reactie, namelijk dat het snel zijn olie-export zal vergroten. Binnen enkele weken zal de export worden opgevoerd tot 500.000 vaten per dag.

De uitkomsten van het IAEA werden zaterdag voorafgegaan door een uitruil van gevangenen tussen Iran en de VS. Onder anderen de bekende Amerikaanse journalist Jason Rezaian werd in Teheran vrijgelaten.

President Obama verraste met een extra geste, namelijk door drie Iraans-Amerikaanse mannen die waren beschuldigd van ontduiking van de sanctieregels, amnestie te verlenen.

De Amerikaanse presidentskandidate Hillary Clinton zei zaterdag dat er alsnog nieuwe sancties tegen Iran moeten worden ingesteld vanwege het testprogramma voor ballistische raketten van het land.

"Iran schendt nog steeds de resoluties van de Veiligheidsraad van de VN met zijn programma voor ballistische raketten, daarom moeten er nieuwe sancties komen", aldus Clinton. Als ze aan het einde van het jaar zou worden gekozen tot nieuwe president van Amerika zou ze Iran met wantrouwen blijven benaderen.

Ze is wel blij dat de Amerikaanse gevangenen zijn vrijgelaten. "Ik ben enorm opgelucht door de veilige terugkeer van Amerikaanse gevangenen uit Iran."
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 17/01/2016 | 18:24 uur
VS legt Iran nieuwe sancties op wegens eerdere test met raketten | Gepubliceerd: 17 januari 2016 16:40 Laatste update: 17 januari 2016 17:50

De Verenigde Staten legt Iran zondag nieuwe sancties op wegens een test met ballistische raketten die Iran afgelopen oktober uitvoerde.

De sancties zouden voor elf personen en nutsbedrijven gelden, melden verschillende media.

Amerika veroordeelde de test in december al, maar volgens VN-experts wachtte het land met het opleggen van de sancties tot Iran Amerikaanse gevangenen zou vrijlaten. Zondagmiddag is een vliegtuig met vier Amerikaanse gevangenen uit Teheran vertrokken.

Zaterdag hebben de VS en de Europese Unie nog economische sancties tegen Iran opgeheven nadat het land de atoomactiviteiten op grote schaal had teruggeschroefd.

De VS zullen ondertussen direct een overeenkomst met Iran nakomen voor de betaling van 400 miljoen dollar (circa 370 miljoen euro), een bedrag dat al in 1981 in een fonds in de Verenigde Staten werd bevroren. De Amerikanen hebben zich tevens verplicht de rente over de afgelopen 34 jaar te voldoen: 1,3 miljard dollar (bijna 1,2 miljard euro).


De Amerikaanse president Barack Obama bevestigde zondag tijdens een persconferentie dat er nog steeds sancties op Iran van toepassing zijn. "Voor het schenden van mensenrechten, het steunen van terrorisme en het testen van ballistische raketten", aldus Obama.

Wel noemt Obama het opheffen van bepaalde sancties maandag en het vrijlaten van de gevangenen "mijlpalen". "Het naleven van het verdrag door Iran, betekent dat dit land op geen enkele manier een atoombom kan ontwikkelen", zo zei hij. "En de hele wereld kan vieren dat onschuldige Amerikanen weer worden herenigd met hun families."

"Dit is een goede dag 'omdat we eens temeer hebben kunnen zien wat er allemaal mogelijk is door krachtige Amerikaanse diplomatie. Het herinnert ons eraan wat we kunnen bereiken met kracht en wijsheid", aldus Obama.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: bergd op 17/01/2016 | 20:10 uur

Iran koopt 114 vliegtuigen van Airbus
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 10/02/2016 | 11:51 uur
Iran werkt aan verbeterde versie ballistische raketten | Gepubliceerd: 10 februari 2016 11:26 Laatste update: 10 februari 2016 11:53

Iran is bezig met het vernieuwen van het raketarsenaal. Er wordt gewerkt aan een nieuwe generatie van de ballistische Emad-raket. De gemoderniseerde middellangeafstandsraketten zijn accurater dan de voorgangers.

Minister Hossein Dehghan van Defensie zei dinsdagavond dat de nieuwe raketten in het nieuwe Iraanse jaar worden onthuld, meldt persbureau Reuters. Dat begint op 20 maart.

De Verenigde Naties en de Verenigde Staten hebben eerder al kritiek geuit op het plan om het raketarsenaal te moderniseren.

Volgens de VS kunnen de nieuwe raketten worden uitgerust met een kernkop. Dat is in strijd met sancties van de VN. Volgens Dehghan is daar geen sprake van.

"De Emad-raket is niet in strijd met het atoomakkoord of welke VN-resolutie ook, omdat we er nooit een kernkop op zullen zetten. Het zijn slechts aantijgingen", aldus de minister van Defensie.


Ook zei Dehghan dat hij verwacht dat in de komende twee weken kan worden begonnen met de levering van een raketsysteem door Rusland. Het gaat om het S300-systeem met raketten voor luchtdoelen.

Rusland en Iran hadden eerder al afspraken gemaakt over de koop van een S300. Onder druk van het Westen werd de deal in 2010 door Rusland geschrapt, omdat het mogelijk in strijd was met VN-sancties.


Een deel van de sancties van de VN tegen Iran werd in januari opgeheven, nadat Iran en zes wereldmachten een akkoord hadden bereikt over het Iraanse atoomprogramma.

De levering van wapens aan het islamitische land blijft een gevoelig punt. Moskou en Teheran zijn ook in gesprek over de koop van Russische gevechtsvliegtuigen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 08/03/2016 | 14:02 uur
Iran test ballistische raketten | Gepubliceerd: 08 maart 2016 10:36 Laatste update: 08 maart 2016 13:32

Iran heeft dinsdag verschillende ballistische raketten getest vanaf meerdere locaties in het land.

De Revolutionaire Garde stelt dat Iran met de proef de "afschrikwekkende kracht" van het land wil laten zien.

In februari maakte Iran bekend het raketarsenaal te vernieuwen. Er wordt gewerkt aan een nieuwe generatie van de ballistische Emad-raket. De gemoderniseerde middellangeafstandsraketten zijn accurater dan de voorgangers.

De Verenigde Naties en de Verenigde Staten hebben eerder al kritiek geuit op het plan om het raketarsenaal te moderniseren. Volgens de VS kunnen de nieuwe raketten worden uitgerust met een kernkop, wat in strijd is met sancties van de VN. Iran stelt de raketten alleen voor conventioneel gebruik gereed te maken.

Een deel van de sancties van de VN tegen Iran werd in januari opgeheven, nadat Iran en zes wereldmachten een akkoord hadden bereikt over het Iraanse atoomprogramma.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 08/03/2016 | 15:11 uur
Niemand heeft het bericht hier geplaatst over dat de Nederlandse inlichtingendiensten erachter zijn gekomen dat Rusland de Iranezen actief heeft voorzien van de kennis en kunde over atoom technologie voor gebruik als wapen?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 09/03/2016 | 09:33 uur
Iran lanceert opnieuw ballistische raketten

ANP | Gepubliceerd: 09 maart 2016 08:59 Laatste update: 09 maart 2016 08:59

Iran heeft woensdag weer ballistische raketten getest. Dat meldden de Iraanse nieuwsagentschappen Fars en Tasnim.

Dinsdag lanceerde de Revolutionaire Garde ook al diverse raketten. Dat leverde kritiek op van de VS.

Het ging woensdag om twee raketten van het type Qadr H die in het noorden van het land werden afgevuurd. De projectielen raakten doelen in het zuidoosten op een afstand van ongeveer 1400 kilometer.

Volgens een commandant bij de garde zijn de raketten ontworpen om Israël te raken. ''De reden dat we onze raketten ontwerpen voor 2000 kilometer, is dat we dan in staat zijn onze zionistische vijand te raken vanaf een veilige afstand'', citeerde het persbureau ISNA een brigadegeneraal.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 30/03/2016 | 09:57 uur
'Iran trotseert VN met lancering raketten'

ANP | Gepubliceerd: 29 maart 2016 23:17 Laatste update: 29 maart 2016 23:17

Met de recente lancering van raketten die een nucleaire lading kunnen dragen, heeft Iran een resolutie van de Verenigde Naties getrotseerd. 

Dat schrijven de Verenigde Staten en hun Europese bondgenoten in een brief aan onder anderen secretaris-generaal Ban Ki-moon van de VN.

De betreffende resolutie uit juli vorig jaar heeft betrekking op het atoomakkoord dat Iran sloot met de Verenigde Staten en Europese landen en waardoor de economische sancties tegen het land werden opgeheven.

De brief maakt aan de VN gewag van 'Iraanse raketten die nucleaire wapens kunnen dragen'. De Veiligheidsraad van de VN wordt gevraagd om passende maatregelen tegen Iran te nemen, nu het regiem in Teheran zijn beloften inzake het akkoord niet is nagekomen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 30/03/2016 | 16:31 uur
En elders de nucleaire lading ontwikkelen...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 30/03/2016 | 16:45 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 30/03/2016 | 16:31 uur
En elders de nucleaire lading ontwikkelen...

Goede banden met N-Korea en/of Pakistan doen wonderen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 30/03/2016 | 17:21 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 30/03/2016 | 16:31 uur
En elders de nucleaire lading ontwikkelen...

Ah..precies zoals SA het heeft gedaan dus.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 30/03/2016 | 17:27 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 30/03/2016 | 17:21 uur
Ah..precies zoals SA het heeft gedaan dus.

Na verluid liggen die op afroep klaar.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 30/03/2016 | 18:09 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 30/03/2016 | 17:21 uur
Ah..precies zoals SA het heeft gedaan dus.
Inderdaad...naar het schijnt. Ik heb het op Twitter ook gesuggereerd...ook gezien de berichten dat Iran en Noord-Korea op nucleair terrein schijnen samen te werken...maar het wordt nog niet erg opgepakt. Mogelijk hebben de Amerikanen er voldoende vertrouwen in de verplaatsing van kernkoppen van Noord-Korea naar Iran te onderscheppen. Of houdt men het net als bij Saudi-Arabie/Pakistan liever bij geruchten.

Iran stelt dat het gaat om haar conventionele vergeldingsmacht. Ook een punt dunkt mij. Maar ik denk dat dit regime daar toch ook wel de optie van een nucleair antwoord bij wil hebben.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 30/03/2016 | 19:10 uur
Conventionele vergeldingsmacht?
Vergeldingsmacht tegen wat? Een land?

Ze gaan dus 250.000 van die dingen bouwen?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 30/03/2016 | 19:27 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 30/03/2016 | 19:10 uur
Conventionele vergeldingsmacht?
Vergeldingsmacht tegen wat? Een land?

Ze gaan dus 250.000 van die dingen bouwen?
Tegen Saudi-Arabie, Israel en de VS. Welke laatste in 2003 naast Irak ook Iran en Syrië op het oog had voor een forced regime change in het kader van de Bush-doctrine. In dat kader denk ik nog steeds dat het Iraanse regime kernwapens wil hebben. Nu dus via een omweg.

(Iran wil niet zozeer de VS kunnen raken..dat doen ze meer met terreuraanvallen dan.. als wel haar belangen en militaire eenheden in de regio zelf..als ook haar bondgenoten Israel en SA)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Poleme op 30/03/2016 | 19:29 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 08/03/2016 | 15:11 uur
Niemand heeft het bericht hier geplaatst over dat de Nederlandse inlichtingendiensten erachter zijn gekomen dat Rusland de Iranezen actief heeft voorzien van de kennis en kunde over atoom technologie voor gebruik als wapen?
Er staat mij iets bij van enkele jaren geleden, maar op google niets meer kunnen vinden.
In de jaren 90 waren er al berichten dat Russische wetenschappers Iran hielpen bij haar nuke-leaire programma.
Het Iraanse nuke-leaire programma dateert al sinds het Sjah tijdperk.  Toen was het ... Frankrijk dat assisteerde en deze assistentie ging door toen de ayatollah's aan de macht kwamen
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 30/03/2016 | 19:45 uur
Citaat van: Elzenga op 30/03/2016 | 19:27 uur
Tegen Saudi-Arabie, Israel en de VS. Welke laatste in 2003 naast Irak ook Iran en Syrië op het oog had voor een forced regime change in het kader van de Bush-doctrine. In dat kader denk ik nog steeds dat het Iraanse regime kernwapens wil hebben. Nu dus via een omweg.

(Iran wil niet zozeer de VS kunnen raken..dat doen ze meer met terreuraanvallen dan.. als wel haar belangen en militaire eenheden in de regio zelf..als ook haar bondgenoten Israel en SA)

Aha, de VS en Israel. Met een conventionele vergeldingsmacht. Dan hebben ze er meer dan 2,5 miljoen nodig.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 30/03/2016 | 19:47 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 30/03/2016 | 19:29 uur
Er staat mij iets bij van enkele jaren geleden, maar op google niets meer kunnen vinden.
In de jaren 90 waren er al berichten dat Russische wetenschappers Iran hielpen bij haar nuke-leaire programma.
Het Iraanse nuke-leaire programma dateert al sinds het Sjah tijdperk.  Toen was het ... Frankrijk dat assisteerde en deze assistentie ging door toen de ayatollah's aan de macht kwamen

Klopt, heb ik onlangs nog gelezen zelfs.
Werd zelfs door het ministerie van blabla in Rusland bestempeld als 'go for it' destijds.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Elzenga op 30/03/2016 | 21:30 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 30/03/2016 | 19:45 uur
Aha, de VS en Israel. Met een conventionele vergeldingsmacht. Dan hebben ze er meer dan 2,5 miljoen nodig.
voldoende om een forced regime change tegen Iran af te schrikken..het gaat het regime denk ik immers primair om zelfbehoud. Heb je conventioneel wel wat raketten voor nodig..maar Iran claimt de laatste tijd dat ze er vele tunnels met lanceerinrichtingen vol hebben staan en massa-produceren. Voor een volwaardige afschrikking in deze denk ik dat een nucleair wapen door het regime op termijn gewenst blijft. Ze die nu dus via een andere constructie SA/Pakistan formule. Waarmee ze zo dus ook niet achterlopen op hun Saudische aartsrivaal...hun main focus volgens mij nu de dreiging van een forced regime change door de VS voorlopig even buiten beeld is geraakt.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 25/08/2016 | 23:16 uur
VS-marineschip waarschuwt Iraanse marine in Perzische Golf

Een Amerikaans marineschip in de Perzische Golf heeft drie waarschuwingsschoten afgevuurd op een snel vaartuig van de Revolutionaire Garde van Iran. De gardisten zouden de Amerikanen hebben uitgedaagd door heel dicht in de buurt te gaan varen.

Volgens nieuwszender CNN vuurden de Amerikanen eerst lichtkogels af. Ook probeerden ze de Iraniërs via een radioverbinding duidelijk te maken dat ze niet welkom waren. Daarna werden drie waarschuwingsschoten afgevuurd die, zoals de bedoeling was, in het water terechtkwamen.

Een woordvoerster van het Amerikaanse ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken zei dat incidenten als deze de spanningen tussen beide landen onnodig doen toenemen.

USS Nitze

Het incident volg op een eerder incident vandaag tussen de Amerikaanse marine van de Iraanse Revolutionaire Garde. In de Straat van Hormuz voeren vier Iraanse boten met hoge snelheid op de USS Nitze af. Volgens de Amerikaanse marine gebeurde dat in internationale wateren, die voor iedereen vrij toegankelijk zijn. De Amerikanen noemden het gedrag van de Iraniërs "gevaarlijk en onprofessioneel".

Een Iraanse generaal waarschuwde daarna dat ieder buitenlandse schip dat zonder toestemming de Iraanse territoriale wateren binnenvaart, gewaarschuwd en zo nodig  tegengehouden zal worden.

De Perzische Golf en de Straat van Hormuz zijn van groot strategisch belang voor het transport van olie van het Midden-Oosten naar de rest van de wereld. VS en Iran liggen in deze wateren geregeld met elkaar in de clinch. In januari nam Iran tien Amerikaanse marinemensen gevangen, nadat zij Iraanse wateren waren binnen gevaren.  In december vuurde Iran waarschuwingsschoten af op een Amerikaans marineschip en andere schepen.

NOS, 25-08-2016, 20:35
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 13/09/2016 | 23:08 uur
Iran Dismisses US Claims of Navy Harassment in Gulf

A senior Iranian military commander on Sunday dismissed claims from Washington that US patrol ships have been harassed by Iranian boats in the Persian Gulf, saying Tehran acted according to international law.

"Iranian boats continue to act based on defined standards and are well aware of the international laws and regulations, so the claims are not only untrue, but stem from their fear of the power of Iran's soldiers," said Brigadier General Masoud Jazayeri, deputy chief of staff of Iran's armed forces, according to state news agency IRNA.

The Pentagon last week said seven Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps fast-attack boats approached the USS Firebolt on September 4 with their machine guns uncovered, though not trained on the Americans.

It was at least the fifth incident revealed by the Pentagon in the past month, with US military officials repeatedly criticising the Iranian military for its behavior in the Gulf.

But Jazayeri said the claims were exaggerated.

"When Iranian boats pass by them at a distance of a few kilometres, Americans claim that Iranian boats have approached them within a range of one kilometre," he said.

"Iran's marine corps will never be stopped by the propaganda of extra-regional enemies and their vassals in the region in guarding the Islamic Republic of Iran's sea borders and economic interests," he added.

U.S. Navy officials say ships from the two countries interacted more than 300 times in 2015 and more than 250 times in the first half of this year, and claims 10 percent of those encounters were unsafe and unprofessional.

Agence France Presse | Sep 12, 2016
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 24/11/2016 | 18:00 uur
Iran Claims Navy Fleet Entered Atlantic Ocean for First Time

State-sponsor of terrorism Iran has boasted that the Islamic Republic Navy's 44th flotilla of warships has entered the Atlantic ocean for the first time via state-controlled media.
Nevertheless, Al Monitor has questioned the claim, which is based on comments from Rear Adm. Habibollah Sayyari, commander of the Iranian Navy.
"For the first time, the Navy's 44th flotilla, comprised of Bushehr logistic warship and Alvand destroyer, has sailed around the African continent and arrived in the Atlantic Ocean," Tasnim News Agency quotes the Iranian commander as saying on Monday.
The state-controlled news agency goes on to note that the Iranian naval fleet has docked at the Port of Durban.
However, Al Monitor claims that Durban is actually located on the Indian Ocean, an estimated 930 miles from the Atlantic Ocean.
Earlier this month, Iran's state-run Press TV reported that the 44th flotilla of the Iranian Navy was heading to the Atlantic Ocean.
"The dispatched fleet of the Iranian Navy will continue to sail toward the Atlantic Ocean after South Africa if the conditions are suitable," Cmdr. Sayyari told reporters at the time.
"When a fleet establishes its presence in an ocean and the high seas, it shows the capabilities of the Iranian Army's naval forces, which can hoist Iran's flag on the high seas," he also said.
Sayyari indicated that the move "can strengthen Iran's ties with regional countries, prevent Iranophobia and convey Iran's message of peace and friendship to other countries."
Tasnim News Agency published a video of the 44th fleet at sea, claiming it was on the Atlantic Ocean.
Sayyari explained that the fleet's mission is to protect Iranian vessels and oil tankers against pirates.
"The Iranian navy has escorted 3,844 oil tankers and vessels in the Gulf of Aden to safeguard the country's economy," he said, according to Al Monitor.
Press TV quotes the Navy commander as adding that "the dispatch of the 44th flotilla to the high seas shows the naval forces' might and strength."
In October 2015, Cmdr. Sayyari revealed that Iran had been planning to deploy a "fleet of warships" to patrol the Atlantic Ocean, the state-run Fars News Agency reported.
The recent reports claiming Iran's Navy is navigating on the Atlantic Ocean come as provocative clashes between ships from the Islamic Republic and the U.S. Navy in the Persian Gulf have increased.
In May, Rear Adm. Ali Fadavi, commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Navy, threatened to "drown" U.S. warships that pose a threat to the Iran.
Press TV reports that the 44th fleet embarked on the voyage that allegedly reached the Atlantic Ocean on October 5.
"It first crossed the Gulf of Aden and then docked at Tanzanian port city of Dar es Salaam on October 29 and remained there for three days," it notes. "It later sailed through Mozambique's maritime border."
"The flotilla successfully saved two Iranian ships from three pirate attacks on October 17 in the Gulf of Aden," adds Press TV.
Since March, the Iranian navy has traveled to India, Pakistan, Oman, Tanzania, Azerbaijan, and South Africa and plans to go to Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, in addition to countries that border the Indian Ocean countries and are located in Southeast Asia, said the Iran Navy commander.
Iran has said its military presence in international waters is in line with international efforts against piracy.
Moreover, senior Iranian navy officials have repeatedly said that "Iranian fleets carry a message of peace and friendship to other countries," reports Al Monitor.

Al Jazeera, 24-11-2016
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 25/11/2016 | 13:15 uur
Wat een raar geschreven artikel. Na twee keer lezen snap ik nog steeds niet wat nu allemaal word beweerd en gezegd met welke ondertoon.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 09/01/2017 | 16:08 uur
Amerikaanse marine waarschuwt Iraniërs in straat van Hormuz

9 januari 2017

Een Amerikaans marineschip heeft gisteren in de Straat van Hormuz waarschuwingsschoten afgevuurd om Iraniërs af te schrikken. Dat gebeurde toen boten van de Iraanse Revolutionaire Garde met hoge snelheid op de torpedojager USS Mahan afkwamen.

Anonieme bronnen bij het Amerikaanse leger zeiden tegen persbureau Reuters dat de Gardisten niet reageerden op pogingen tot contact via de radio. Toen zij de Mahan en twee andere Amerikaanse marineschepen tot op 800 meter waren genaderd, schoten de Amerikanen lichtkogels af. Vanuit een helikopter werd een rookgordijn neergelaten. Daarna werden de waarschuwingsschoten gelost.

Eind augustus deed zich een soortgelijke situatie voor. Toen voeren er ook vier boten af op een Amerikaans schip.


De Straat van Hormuz is een strategisch belangrijke plek, omdat die de Perzische Golf met de Golf van Oman verbindt. Door de zeestraat worden grote hoeveelheden olie van het Midden-Oosten naar de rest van de wereld vervoerd.

Tijdens zijn campagne zei de toekomstige president van de VS, Donald Trump, dat Iraanse schepen die dergelijke manoeuvres uitvoeren "uit het water zullen worden geschoten". Volgende week vrijdag wordt hij geïnaugureerd als president.

Bron: NOS
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/06/2017 | 18:36 uur
Reuters Top News‏ Geverifieerd account @Reuters 

JUST IN: Iran's revolutionary guards say Saudi Arabia was behind deadly attacks in Tehran - statement

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/06/2017 | 18:47 uur
Iran: Saoedi-Arabië zit achter aanslagen parlement en mausoleum
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 07/06/2017 | 20:10 uur
Spannende (en bizarre) tijden...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 07/06/2017 | 23:10 uur
Terroristen Teheran waren Iraniërs 
TEHERAN -  De terroristen die woensdag het parlementsgebouw en het mausoleum van ayatollah Khomeini in Teheran aanvielen en dertien mensen doodden, waren afkomstig uit Iran. Dat heeft het plaatsvervangend hoofd van de nationale veiligheidsraad gezegd in een tv-interview.

,,Over de identiteit van de daders kan ik zeggen dat ze uit bepaalde delen van Iran kwamen, en dat ze zich hadden aangesloten bij Islamitische Staat", aldus Reza Seifollha. Behalve de doden vielen er ook nog 43 gewonden.

Telegraaf, 07-06-2017, 23:02
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 08/06/2017 | 09:33 uur
Iran minister calls Trump's condolences for attacks 'repugnant'

Iran's foreign minister on Thursday rejected Donald Trump's condolences for deadly attacks in Tehran, calling the U.S. president's words repugnant.

Trump had said he prayed for the victims of Wednesday's attacks that were claimed by Islamic State, but added that "states that sponsor terrorism risk falling victim to the evil they promote."

Mohammad Javad Zarif wrote on his Twitter account: "Repugnant White House statement .... Iranian people reject such U.S. claims of friendship."

Suicide bombers and gunmen attacked the Iranian parliament and Ayatollah Khomeini's mausoleum in Tehran, killing at least 13 people in an unprecedented assault that Iran's Revolutionary Guards blamed on regional rival Saudi Arabia.

Islamic State claimed responsibility and threatened more attacks against Iran's majority Shi'ite population, seen by the hardline Sunni militants as heretics. Saudi Arabia said it was not involved.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Zander op 11/11/2017 | 15:07 uur

wordt zo langzamerhand een spannend optel sommetje
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 11/11/2017 | 18:19 uur
'Saudi-Arabië is op oorlogspad tegen Iran'
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 16/11/2017 | 20:02 uur
AFP news agency‏Geverifieerd account @AFP · 5 u5 uur geleden 

#BREAKING Israel ready to cooperate with Saudi Arabia to face Iran: defence chief

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 26/11/2017 | 10:28 uur
Iran waarschuwt Europa en dreigt bereik raketten te vergroten via @NOS
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 30/04/2018 | 16:40 uur
Netanyahu to address country with 'dramatic news about Iran' Monday night
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 30/04/2018 | 16:57 uur
Israel Closes Airspace Near Syria Border Ahead Of Netanyahu Speech With "Dramatic News About Iran"; Oil Surges | Zero Hedge
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 30/04/2018 | 16:59 uur
Het bericht zou volgens geruchten gaan over bewijs dat Israël gevonden heeft over het niet houden aan de deal omtrent kernwapens/ atoom onderzoek door Iran.

Schijnbaar heeft Israël haar luchtruim gesloten voor civiel vliegverkeer en al het vliegverkeer verplicht het luchtruim te verlaten. Geruchten op twitter gaan zelfs zover dat er een oorlog tussen Israël en Iran aan zou zitten te komen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 30/04/2018 | 18:32 uur
CitaatSenior Israeli official told me: Israeli intelligence uncovered huge amount of new and dramatic information on the Iranian nuclear program. whoever still believes Iran signed the nuclear deal with honest intentions is going to have a very interesting time this evening
Barak David op Twitter
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 30/04/2018 | 18:48 uur
Citaat van: DvdW op 30/04/2018 | 18:32 uur
Barak David op Twitter

Ik zie berichten vanuit Israel dat er zware militaire bewegingen te zien zijn richting het Noorden van het land.
Ze zijn bang voor aanvallen vanuit Syrie door Iraanse troepen /vliegtuigen o.i.d. in de aanloop naar de speech.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 30/04/2018 | 19:10 uur
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 30/04/2018 | 19:36 uur
Citaat van: DvdW op 30/04/2018 | 19:10 uur

De presentatie gezien, indien waar zeker gevaarlijk en zal de internationale gemeenschap actie moeten ondernemen. En dan niet afwachten met sancties zoals bij Noord-Korea gebeurd is maar een andere manier.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 30/04/2018 | 19:44 uur
BBC News - Israel says Iran breaking nuclear deal
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 30/04/2018 | 19:59 uur
Trump reageert nu op de persco van Netanyahu.

''De VS wil niet meer de werelds politie agent zijn''

Verder blijft hij vaag over zijn plannen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/05/2018 | 14:47 uur
Israel vs. Iran: Winds of war in Jerusalem – with backing from Washington
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 03/05/2018 | 15:30 uur
Citaat van: Parera op 30/04/2018 | 19:36 uur
De presentatie gezien, indien waar zeker gevaarlijk en zal de internationale gemeenschap actie moeten ondernemen. En dan niet afwachten met sancties zoals bij Noord-Korea gebeurd is maar een andere manier.

Ik denk niet dat de internationale gemeenschap zich gaat scharen achter Israël en Iran aan gaat pakken op een "andere" manier. Laat de internationale gemeenschap alles op alles zetten om een militair conflict tussen de beide landen te voorkomen.

Citaat van: Parera op 30/04/2018 | 19:59 uur
Trump reageert nu op de persco van Netanyahu.

''De VS wil niet meer de werelds politie agent zijn''

Verder blijft hij vaag over zijn plannen.

Impulsief om even later de keutel weer in te (moeten) trekken.....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 03/05/2018 | 17:30 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 03/05/2018 | 15:30 uur
Ik denk niet dat de internationale gemeenschap zich gaat scharen achter Israël en Iran aan gaat pakken op een "andere" manier. Laat de internationale gemeenschap alles op alles zetten om een militair conflict tussen de beide landen te voorkomen.

Impulsief om even later de keutel weer in te (moeten) trekken.....

Ik hoor de geruchten dat Ros samen met Admiral Halsey boven Iran worden gedropt door een C-130 en dat deze 2 dan de Nuke installatie van Iran moeten gaan uitschakelen  :devil:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/05/2018 | 12:33 uur
Netanyahu: Conflict with Iran better now than later via @timesofisrael
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 06/05/2018 | 15:42 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 03/05/2018 | 17:30 uur
Ik hoor de geruchten dat Ros samen met Admiral Halsey boven Iran worden gedropt door een C-130 en dat deze 2 dan de Nuke installatie van Iran moeten gaan uitschakelen  :devil:

Spuit 11 geeft ook weer modder...........

EDIT: Spuit elf geeft (ook nog) modder is een standaard uitdrukking in de Nederlandse taal. Het geeft aan dat een – onbeduidend – persoon (ook nog) iets wil zeggen,
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/05/2018 | 15:49 uur
Macron: If Trump pulls out of Iran deal 'it could mean war' via @timesofisrael
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/05/2018 | 19:34 uur
Report: Iran planning to launch a barrage of missiles against Israel
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/05/2018 | 20:33 uur
Iraanse president Rohani waarschuwt Trump via @NOS
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/05/2018 | 20:55 uur
Opmerkelijk weinig aandacht voor de ontwikkelingen tussen Israël en Iran, dit terwijl donkere wolken zich in rap tempo boven die regio samenpakken...

Zijn we op weg naar Israëlische preemptive strike(s)?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ton de Zwart op 06/05/2018 | 21:05 uur
Bloedlink!  Het wordt waarschijnlijk onderschat. Of men denkt dat het wel mee zal vallen. De internationale olieconcerns weten het wel beter in te schatten. De olieprijs vliegt omhoog. Zorg maar dat je tank vol zit.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Poleme op 06/05/2018 | 21:34 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 06/05/2018 | 20:55 uur
Opmerkelijk weinig aandacht voor de ontwikkelingen tussen Israël en Iran, dit terwijl donkere wolken zich in rap tempo boven die regio samenpakken...

Zijn we op weg naar Israëlische preemptive strike(s)?
De vijand van mijn vijand, is mijn vriend.

Een preventieve aanval werd al besproken in de eerste helft van het vorige decennium.  De Mossad was echter tegen, want dat zou de start van een regionale oorlog betekenen.
De gehele regio is inmiddels betrokken bij de conflicten in Syrie, Irak en Jemen.  Wijlen Saddam Hoessein werd altijd gezien als tegenwicht tegen de Iraanse ambities om een regionale grootmacht te worden.  Maar zijn soennitische regime is weggevaagd en de Iraakse soennieten zijn nu de onderliggende partij.
De Coalitie invasie in Irak, in 2003, verstoorde de regionale machtsbalans al.
De Iraanse invloed in Irak, Syrie en Gazastrook is groeiende tot niveau's waar ze in Jeruzalem en diverse Arabische hoofdsteden 'pijn in de buik' van krijgen.
Eens gaat de slinger terug slaan.

Dus Israel hoeft zich nu veel minder of helemaal niet ongerust te maken dat soennitische regimes zich na een Israelische preemptive strike tegen hun zullen keren.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Poleme op 06/05/2018 | 21:53 uur
Citaat van: Ton de Zwart op 06/05/2018 | 21:05 uur
Bloedlink!  Het wordt waarschijnlijk onderschat. Of men denkt dat het wel mee zal vallen. De internationale olieconcerns weten het wel beter in te schatten. De olieprijs vliegt omhoog. Zorg maar dat je tank vol zit.
Bloedlink door regionale Broedertwisten.  Ishmael en Isaac.

Kijk ook eens naar de wapen "shopping spree" van de afgelopen 15 jaar in de Golf oorlog.  Bijvoorbeeld Patriots en bunkerbuster bommen in grote aantallen, waar wij alleen maar van kunnen dromen.

In 1979 begon de Islamitische Revolutie in Iran.  Het Iran onder de Shah, voor 1979, was al bezig met een kernwapen programma, daarbij gesteund door ... Frankrijk.
Na deze Islamitische Revolutie ging Frankrijk hiermee door, want volgens hen zaten ze aan verdragen met Iran vast. Tja.
Frankrijk stopte op een gegeven moment toch onder grote druk, ik geloof dat dat rond 1997 was.
Russen en Pakistani namen het nuke-leaire stokje over.  En Pakistan leverde haar P1 ultra-centrifuges aan Iran.  Een kopie van de ultra-centrifuges uit ... Almelo.

Landen zoals bijvoorbeeld Egypte, Saoedi-Arabie en Iran ambiëren traditioneel om in de regio te heersen als een plaatselijke grootmacht.
Dus begon de Shah een atoom-programma als tegenhanger van dat van Israel.  Saddam Hoessein wilde niet achter blijven en liet in Osirak ook een reactor bouwen,
maar die werd door Israel gebombardeerd.
Saoedi-Arabie en diverse kleine Golfstaten ambiëren niet een atomair programma.  Hoewel Saoedi-Arabie na de Golfoorlog van 1991 wel Chinese ballistische raketten en Pakistaanse kernkoppen kreeg.
Deze landen op en aan het Arabische schiereiland gingen echter net als Iran het terrorisme steunen.  In tegenstelling tot het merendeel naïeve Westerlingen zien zij, net als de Russen, Chinezen en Israeli's dit terrorisme wel als een strategisch wapen, of als je aan de 'ontvangende' kant zit, een strategische dreiging !

Ik heb zelf in het Midden-Oosten gewoond.
De haat jegens Joden zit diep en is intens.
Maar de haat tussen soennieten en shiieten is even diep en intens en waarschijnlijk wel erger dan de haat jegens Joden en Christenenen.

Deze situatie wordt in het Westen schromelijk onderschat.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 07/05/2018 | 20:25 uur
Iran seeks revenge on Israel without claiming responsibility – taking a page from Israel's playbook
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 07/05/2018 | 23:07 uur
Trump maakt dinsdag beslissing over Iran-deal bekend
De Amerikaanse president Donald Trump kondigt dinsdag aan of de Verenigde Staten zich wel of niet terugtrekt uit de nucleaire overeenkomst met Iran.
Om 20.00 uur Nederlandse tijd zal Trump in een toespraak bij het Witte Huis zijn beslissing onthullen en toelichten, zo meldde de president zelf op zijn Twitteraccount. Trump had tot 12 mei om een keuze te maken.

In 2015 bereikten zes wereldmachten na jaren onderhandelen een akkoord met Iran over de nucleaire ontwapening van dat land. Aan de andere kant van de tafel zaten de VS, het Verenigd Koninkrijk, Rusland, Frankrijk, China en Duitsland.

Het belangrijkste doel van het akkoord was voorkomen dat Iran in staat is om een atoomwapen te ontwikkelen. Het land moest de voorraad uranium inleveren en faciliteiten ontmantelen. Daarnaast kregen inspecteurs van het internationale atoomenergieagentschap (IAEA) de mogelijkheid om de activiteiten in Iran continu te monitoren.

In ruil voor de nucleaire ontwapening van Iran werden de economische sancties op dat land opgeheven. Het eventuele opheffen van de vrijstelling kan voor Iran reden zijn om niet langer aan hun voorwaarden voor de deal te voldoen. Donderdag waarschuwde het land dan ook uit het akkoord te stappen als de Amerikanen "weglopen".
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 08/05/2018 | 20:29 uur
Trump: VS stapt uit atoomakkoord met Iran, stelt sancties opnieuw in

President Trump heeft bekendgemaakt dat de VS zich terugtrekt uit de atoomdeal met Iran. De VS stelt de Amerikaanse sancties tegen Iran per direct weer in. De deal maakte het Iran volgens Trump mogelijk door te gaan met het verrijken van plutonium en dus het ontwikkelen van een kernwapen. "Deze rampzalige overeenkomst gaf Iran miljarden dollars. We hebben bewijs dat Irans belofte om op te houden met het maken van een kernwapen een leugen was, zoals Israël vorige week liet zien", zei hij. Als de overeenkomst in stand blijft, dan zal er snel een nucleaire wapenwedloop in het Midden-Oosten ontstaan, aldus Trump. Hij noemde Iran de belangrijkste staatssponsor van terreur. Geen actie van het regime is gevaarlijker dan het najagen van kernwapens, zei hij.

Volgens het in 2015 gesloten akkoord aanvaardt Iran beperkingen op zijn nucleaire activiteiten en staat het controles daarop toe door het Internationaal Atoomenergieagentschap (IAEA), in ruil voor opheffing van economische sancties. Zo heeft Iran een groot deel van zijn voorraad uranium naar Rusland gebracht en het aantal centrifuges om uranium te verrijken drastisch teruggebracht. De deal werd gesloten met de vijf permanente leden van de VN-Veiligheidsraad plus Duitsland. De sancties, zoals het bevriezen van Iraanse tegoeden bij buitenlandse banken, zijn sindsdien gedeeltelijk opgeheven. Europese landen hebben zich de afgelopen tijd sterk gemaakt voor het akkoord en hebben er bij Trump op aangedrongen dat de VS de deal blijft steunen. Trump heeft steeds gezegd dat de overeenkomst "de slechtst mogelijke deal ooit" is. Met tegenzin ondertekende hij tot nu toe elke vier maanden de opheffing van Amerikaanse sancties. Iran heeft steeds gezegd dat zijn nucleair onderzoek alleen civiele doelen diende, maar er zijn sterke aanwijzingen dat er wel degelijk is gewerkt aan de ontwikkeling van een kernwapen.

[Bron: Nos @ Artikel (]
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 08/05/2018 | 20:38 uur
Israel Opens Public Shelters in North Over 'Unusual Movement of Iranian Forces' in Syria
The Israel Defense Forces on Tuesday ordered Israeli communities in the northern Golan Heights to open shelters to the public after identifying "unusual" movements of Iranian forces in Syria, the military said in a statement.

Israeli military bases were preparing for a possible Iranian attack.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 08/05/2018 | 20:45 uur
Citaat van: DvdW op 08/05/2018 | 20:38 uur
Israel Opens Public Shelters in North Over 'Unusual Movement of Iranian Forces' in Syria
The Israel Defense Forces on Tuesday ordered Israeli communities in the northern Golan Heights to open shelters to the public after identifying "unusual" movements of Iranian forces in Syria, the military said in a statement.

Israeli military bases were preparing for a possible Iranian attack.

Ik leest op Twitter ook berichten over verschillende Iron Dome opstellingen die geplaatst zijn, grote troep bewegingen in Israël en het opstijgen van Israëlische gevechtstoestellen richting het zuiden van Libanon.

BREAKING Rouhani: From now on, the Iran nuclear deal will be a deal between Iran and five countries. The P5+1 has lost one of its members.
I've ordered the foreign ministry to start talks with other parties to the nuclear deal within the coming weeks. After these talks, if we are assured that we can achieve what we wanted from the deal through cooperation with other parties, JCPOA will remain in place.
Otherwise, I'll soon address the nation and share with them the Establishment's decision regarding the Iran nuclear deal.

Op twitter word een mogelijke luchtaanval gemeld op Damascus door Israelische gevechtstoestellen. Nog niet bevestigd,mogelijk BS.

Rouhani: We will restart the enrichment of Uranium in the coming weeks if negotiations with major powers fail.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 08/05/2018 | 21:23 uur
De hele toverdoos gaat open !...vriend Trump zit diep bij Netanyahu in zijn hol..dammmmmmmmm.. :devil: . Iran heeft helemaal niet de power om vanuit Syrie even Israel aan te vallen het IDF is superieur en kan met een hand op zijn rug alle vijanden in het Midden-Oosten aan. Wat moet Iran doen nu dan ? een blinde infantarie aanval met die paar duizend IRGC gasten die daar zitten ? Of Hezbollah vanuit Libanon die duizenden raketten laten afvuren op Haifa en Tel Aviv en zo Libanon weer laten meesleuren in een oorlog waar ze eigenlijk nog steeds van aan het herstellen zijn ?

Nee Iran kan niets en gaat niets doen...misschien indirect dat is altijd mogelijk een laffe bomaanslag op een Amerikaans of Joods doel daar zijn ze goed in en dat is hun stijl.

Ik denk dat Netanyahu en Trump samen heel andere plannen hebben en dat dit het voorprogramma is voor wat nog gaat komen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 08/05/2018 | 21:29 uur
Ook beelden vanuit Damascus, schijnbaar is er een industrie gebied aangevallen bij Al-Kissweh ten zuiden van Damascus.

Israël zou ook een deel van de reserve troepen hebben opgeroepen zich te melden in het Noorden van het land en bij de Golan hoogte.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 08/05/2018 | 21:34 uur
Israeli Military Believes Iran Planning Imminent Retaliation; Calls Up Some Reserves

The Israeli army believes Iran is making efforts to carry out an imminent retaliation against Israel. Intelligence officers and other specialized forces have been called up, though reserve combat units have not been drafted.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 08/05/2018 | 21:37 uur
En nu wachten wat de vijf permanente leden van de VN-Veiligheidsraad en Duitsland aan het akkoord met Iran gaan doen. Blijven steunen of braaf achter de VS aanhobbelen. Iran is nu als een getergd dier en het is maar de vraag wat zij gaan doen als tegenactie op het Amerikaans besluit.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 08/05/2018 | 23:00 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 08/05/2018 | 21:37 uur
En nu wachten wat de vijf permanente leden van de VN-Veiligheidsraad en Duitsland aan het akkoord met Iran gaan doen. Blijven steunen of braaf achter de VS aanhobbelen. Iran is nu als een getergd dier en het is maar de vraag wat zij gaan doen als tegenactie op het Amerikaans besluit.

Want de hele veiligheidsraad hobbelt braaf achter de VS aan?

Man wat voor rare boeken lees jij.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 08/05/2018 | 23:15 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 08/05/2018 | 23:00 uur
Want de hele veiligheidsraad hobbelt braaf achter de VS aan?

Het is een vraag, geen conclusie. Ik denk dat de hele wereld nu op antwoorden wacht en de vraag stelt wat er allemaal staat te gebeuren.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: A.J. op 08/05/2018 | 23:41 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 08/05/2018 | 21:37 uur
En nu wachten wat de vijf permanente leden van de VN-Veiligheidsraad en Duitsland aan het akkoord met Iran gaan doen. Blijven steunen of braaf achter de VS aanhobbelen. Iran is nu als een getergd dier en het is maar de vraag wat zij gaan doen als tegenactie op het Amerikaans besluit.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 09/05/2018 | 11:18 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 08/05/2018 | 23:15 uur
Het is een vraag, geen conclusie. Ik denk dat de hele wereld nu op antwoorden wacht en de vraag stelt wat er allemaal staat te gebeuren.

Dat noem je een oprechte eerlijke vraag? Je laat niet echt ruimte voor antwoord over, beetje retorisch.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 09/05/2018 | 12:10 uur
Citaat van: A.J. op 08/05/2018 | 23:41 uur

" vijf permanente leden: China (voorheen de Republiek China), Frankrijk, Rusland (voorheen de Sovjet-Unie), de Verenigde Staten en het Verenigd Koninkrijk ".

En de VS hoort er nog steeds bij ondanks het breken met de deal.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: A.J. op 09/05/2018 | 12:16 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 09/05/2018 | 12:10 uur
" vijf permanente leden: China (voorheen de Republiek China), Frankrijk, Rusland (voorheen de Sovjet-Unie), de Verenigde Staten en het Verenigd Koninkrijk ".

En de VS hoort er nog steeds bij ondanks het breken met de deal.

De VS heeft al duidelijk gemaakt hoe ze over die deal denken dus die kun je eraf halen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 09/05/2018 | 14:50 uur
Citaat van: A.J. op 09/05/2018 | 12:16 uur
De VS heeft al duidelijk gemaakt hoe ze over die deal denken dus die kun je eraf halen.

Klopt, maar wil niet zeggen dat het overleg/beraad ook niet meer aan de orde is.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 09/05/2018 | 14:51 uur
De Israeli's lopen te stressen over Iraanse acties ...maar de enige die zich agressief gedragen zijn de Israeli's zelf..gisteravond ook meteen weer
aanvallen op doelen in Syrie ..dammmmmmmmmm.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: A.J. op 09/05/2018 | 16:36 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 09/05/2018 | 14:50 uur
Klopt, maar wil niet zeggen dat het overleg/beraad ook niet meer aan de orde is.

Je denkt dat het deel wat in de VN raad zit plotseling een andere mening heeft? Als dat zo was zou de deal nog gewoon staan.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: A.J. op 09/05/2018 | 16:37 uur
Citaat van: Oorlogsvis op 09/05/2018 | 14:51 uur
De Israeli's lopen te stressen over Iraanse acties ...maar de enige die zich agressief gedragen zijn de Israeli's zelf..gisteravond ook meteen weer
aanvallen op doelen in Syrie ..dammmmmmmmmm.

Want alleen Israel valt doelen aan in Syrie... :cute-smile:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 09/05/2018 | 23:53 uur
Hoewel het strikt gesproken niet over Iran gaat heeft het er m.i. wel mee te maken:

Syrians Report Israeli Strike on Assad Targets in Golan Heights; Rocket Alerts Sound in North
Alleged and unconfirmed strike comes day after Syria claimed Israel hit a military base near Damascus
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Poleme op 10/05/2018 | 00:51 uur
Citaat van: Oorlogsvis op 09/05/2018 | 14:51 uur
De Israeli's lopen te stressen over Iraanse acties ...maar de enige die zich agressief gedragen zijn de Israeli's zelf..gisteravond ook meteen weer
aanvallen op doelen in Syrie ..dammmmmmmmmm.
Wat wil jij dan, dat Israel gaat zitten afwachten tot ze de eerste klap van de Perzen of Hezbollah krijgen ?

Krijgskundige grondbeginselen van militaire operaties zijn: concentratie, doelgerichtheid, economisch gebruik van middelen, eenheid van inspanning, eenvoud, initiatief,
offensief handelen en verrassing.

De eerste klap is een daalder waard.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Brandnetel op 10/05/2018 | 02:34 uur
Blijkbaar schieten ze over en weer op dit moment.

"Rockets fired at Israel from Syria, Israel says"

Hier zie je aantal de lucht in gaan:

Israel heeft blijkbaar gereageerd door toe te slaan met raketten op damascus:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 10/05/2018 | 12:26 uur
'Israël heeft bijna alle Iraanse doelen in Syrië geraakt met raketten' 

Israël zegt dat het bijna de gehele Iraanse militaire infrastructuur in Syrië heeft geraakt met de raketten die het donderdag op het land heeft afgevuurd.

De projectielen die Iraanse strijdkrachten daarvoor afvuurden op Israëlische gebieden raakten geen enkel doel, zeggen de Israëliërs. Verschillende militaire faciliteiten zouden hierbij het doelwit zijn geweest.

Tot zover bekend zijn er bij de acties geen slachtoffers gevallen. Het ging om de heftigste aanvallen van Israël op Syrië sinds het begin van de burgeroorlog daar in 2011. In die strijd steunt Iran het regiem van de Syrische president Bashar al-Assad.

Van diverse kanten worden de partijen gemaand rustig aan te doen. Onder meer Rusland en Frankrijk roepen op tot kalmte.

De Israëlische minister van Defensie zegt te hopen dat de gevechten nu zijn afgelopen. ''Ik hoop dat we dit hoofdstuk kunnen afsluiten en dat iedereen de boodschap heeft begrepen", aldus minister Avigdor Lieberman.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 10/05/2018 | 14:38 uur
Mooi zo!
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 10/05/2018 | 16:14 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 10/05/2018 | 00:51 uur
Wat wil jij dan, dat Israel gaat zitten afwachten tot ze de eerste klap van de Perzen of Hezbollah krijgen ?

Krijgskundige grondbeginselen van militaire operaties zijn: concentratie, doelgerichtheid, economisch gebruik van middelen, eenheid van inspanning, eenvoud, initiatief,
offensief handelen en verrassing.

De eerste klap is een daalder waard.
Israel is sterk genoeg om die paar Iraniers de baas te kunnen hoor, jij weet ook dat in de Golan-heights grote olie voorraden gevonden zijn toch ?...echt groot en die
kunnen de Israeli goed gebruiken.

En de hele grens met Israel bestaat uit twee bufferzone's eerste is de bezette Golan hoogte zelf en daarna nog eens langs de hele grens door Israel gesteunde proxi's troepen
zoals ISIS en FSA, Al Qaida enz enz......als Iran dus een aanval zou willen uitvoeren apart van die oude vuurpijlen die ze hebben afgestopen zoals een paar Grad raketjes moeten ze altijd nog
langs die proxies.

Wat me irriteerd is dat Israel het slachtoffer aan het uithangen is terwijl ze bijna wekelijks doelen in Syrie bombarderen....gesteund door hun vriend de US...juist dit soort dingen zetten
kwaad bloed in het midden Oosten (behalve in Saudi Arabie)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Mourning op 10/05/2018 | 18:25 uur
Ik wordt zooooooooooooo fuckin' moe van die alt-right-achtige samenzweringsverhaaltjes, helemaal als die de agenda van Rusland dienen. Hoe noemde ze dergelijke figuren in de Sovjet Unie ook alweer?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 10/05/2018 | 18:53 uur
Citaat van: Mourning op 10/05/2018 | 18:25 uur
Ik wordt zooooooooooooo fuckin' moe van die alt-right-achtige samenzweringsverhaaltjes, helemaal als die de agenda van Rusland dienen. Hoe noemde ze dergelijke figuren in de Sovjet Unie ook alweer?
Hoe denk jij dan dat al die proxi moslim rebellen groepen overleven als ze ingeklemd zijn tussen het Syrische en het Israelische ? ga een kaart pakken van het gebied en je ziet meteen dat als die lui geen steun krijgen van een land ze binnen een maand exit zijn.

Israel support al die proxi troepen aan zijn grens om zo een extra buffer te hebben tussen de Golan hoogvlakte en Syrie ...ze worden met wapens , munitie , voedsel en medische hulp gesteund. De ziekenhuizen daar liggen vol met gewonde ISIS gasten enz enz....dat is 100% waar.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: A.J. op 10/05/2018 | 19:03 uur
Citaat van: Oorlogsvis op 10/05/2018 | 18:53 uur
dat is 100% waar.

Heb je ook nog wat bronnen voor deze claim?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 22/05/2018 | 13:14 uur
CitaatSaudi Arabia threatens to build nuclear weapons if Iran restarts its atomic program

Saudi Arabia's foreign minister told CNN on Wednesday that his country stands ready to build nuclear weapons if Iran restarts its atomic weapons program.
Adel Al-Jubeir told CNN's Wolf Blitzer that "we will do whatever it takes to protect our people. We have made it very clear that if Iran acquires a nuclear capability we will do everything we can to do the same." "We believe the nuclear deal was flawed," al-Jubeir said, criticizing portions of the agreement that expire and the fact that its scope is limited to nuclear issues. "We believe the deal does not deal with Iran's ballistic missile program nor does it deal with Iran's support for terrorism." While Trump's decision has pleased allies in Israel and Persian Gulf countries like Saudi Arabia, it pits the US against its closest European allies, leaves the future of Tehran's nuclear ambitions in question and raises the prospects of a regional arms race. "As long as Iran was constrained and closely inspected, the Saudis could afford to put off their nuclear ambitions," Mark Fitzpatrick, executive director of the American branch of the International Institute for Strategic Studies, said on Tuesday. "Now their calculations change. ... Trump's rejection of the diplomatic solution to the Iran nuclear crisis undermines multilateral diplomacy and the very underpinnings of the nuclear order. It gives a new writ to nuclear lawlessness, since Iran's having abided by the agreed rules will be proven to have been in vain." Energy-rich Saudi Arabia, a fierce regional foe of Iran's, is already seeking US help in starting a nuclear program of its own, giving rise to concerns that it might be trying to compete with Iran's nuclear program and create its own nuclear weapons program.

[Source: ]
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 22/05/2018 | 14:57 uur
Citaat van: A.J. op 10/05/2018 | 19:03 uur
Heb je ook nog wat bronnen voor deze claim?
Bron : Jeruzalem Post

Jerusalem Post  Middle East
Israel has reportedly been discreetly supporting Syrian rebel groups for years in order to protect its northern border from the war raging in Syria.
BY JOY BERNARD   JUNE 19, 2017 02:20 
2 minute read.

> Israelis step up Syrian aid efforts, but plan to absorb orphans is held up
> Watch: Israel admits additional wounded Syrians for medical treatment
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An IDF soldier stands atop a tank near Alonei Habashan on the Golan Heights, close to the ceasefire
An IDF soldier stands atop a tank near Alonei Habashan on the Golan Heights, close to the ceasefire line between Israel and Syria. (photo credit: REUTERS)

Israel has reportedly been discreetly supporting Syrian rebel groups for years to protect its northern border from the war raging in Syria, The Wall Street Journal reported on Sunday night.

The WSJ based its report on interviews with rebel soldiers and other sources. A spokesman for the rebel group Fursan al-Joulan told the newspaper that Israel's help to his group was essential and significant.

"We wouldn't have survived without Israel's assistance," Moatasem al-Golani was quoted as saying. "Israel stood by our side in a heroic way," he added.

According to the WSJ, Israel has offered rebel groups medical supplies, food, funding and even hard cash in order to safeguard the country's border from the ever-deepening crisis taking place in Israel's northern neighbor Syria, which is suffering from the consequences of the bloody and grueling civil war raging in the country since 2011.

Israel's motivation behind its continued and discreet assistance has been to stave off attacks from Iranian proxies operating in Syria, such as Hezbollah, the WSJ explained, basing the reasoning on similar claims that were associated with unnamed sources.

The report alleged that the aid was mainly provided via a military unit set up in the IDF and tasked with supporting independent rebel groups that do not receive help from other Western powers. The funds directed to the groups are used to purchase ammunition and to pay fighters.

The WSJ report said that the Fursan al-Joulan rebel group was the main faction to coordinate its activities with Israel, and reportedly started this collaboration back in 2013. The group, reportedly comprised of 400 members, has worked with other groups in the area that have also enjoyed Israel's assistance.

Israel has been providing the group with a monthly stipend estimated at $5,000, the paper reported, citing the group's commander as its source.

The WSJ contacted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office for comment, and was referred to the IDF.
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IDF soldiers in the Golan Heights transfer injured Syrians from Syria into Israel for medical treatment on April 6, 2017 (IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)

According to the paper, the IDF refrained from commenting on the report that it has been operating a unit tasked with the mission to help the rebel groups, but did say that it was "committed to securing the borders of Israel and preventing the establishment of terror cells and hostile forces... in addition to providing humanitarian aid to the Syrians living in the area."

Syrian President Bashar Assad accused Israel in the past of supporting the rebel groups.

The Syrian opposition has claimed that Israel was actually collaborating with Iran and Hezbollah to help Assad maintain his power.

Israel has been openly helping Syrian refugees for years, mostly by providing medical aid to injured or displaced people. The IDF has in the past set up field hospitals along the border to help injured Syrians, and since 2013 – when the country first started to offer aid – it has treated some 3,000 wounded Syrians.

However, the country strongly maintains that it remains uninvolved in the fighting, and has denied previous allegations that it did take part in one way or another.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 19/09/2018 | 20:18 uur
U.S. seeking to negotiate a treaty with Iran

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States is seeking to negotiate a treaty with Iran to include Tehran's ballistic missile program and its regional behavior, the U.S. special envoy for Iran said on Wednesday ahead of U.N. meetings in New York next week. Iran has rejected U.S. attempts to hold high-level talks since President Donald Trump tore up a nuclear deal between Tehran and six world powers earlier this year. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo listed a dozen demands in May that he said could make up a new agreement, although Hook's reference to a treaty, which would have to be approved by the U.S. Senate, appears to be a new focus.

"The new deal that we hope to be able to sign with Iran, and it will not be a personal agreement between two governments like the last one, we seek a treaty," envoy Brian Hook told an audience at the Hudson Institute think tank. Among Pompeo's demands was the release of Americans jailed by Tehran, an end to its nuclear and missile programs and for Iran to withdraw its forces and end financial support for sides in the conflicts in Syria and Yemen. But Hook acknowledged Iranian leaders have not been interested in talks despite statements by Trump this year that the administration was willing to meet.

The 2015 deal was an executive agreement that was not ratified by the U.S. Senate and covered only Iran's nuclear program. A treaty would require approval by the Senate. Some opponents of the nuclear agreement have argued that Obama's failure to seek Senate approval of the deal allowed Trump to unilaterally withdraw. "They did not have the votes in the U.S. Senate so they found the votes in the U.N. Security Council. That is insufficient in our system of government if you want to have something enduring and sustainable," Hook said, adding that Washington hoped U.S. sanctions would force Tehran to negotiate.

Iran views the United States as acting in bad faith by withdrawing from a deal and has longed blamed Washington for stoking instability in the Middle East. It has said Trump's offer to negotiate contradicts his actions and accused Washington of trying to foment regime change. Trump will chair a session on Iran during the U.N. General Assembly meetings in New York next week. In July, Trump said he was willing to meet Iran's leaders "anytime they want" prompting speculation that a meeting might take place at the U.N. meetings next week. "The Ayatollah, the president and foreign minister have all indicated they are not interested in talking," Hook said, referring to Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, President Hassan Rouhani and Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif.

"We respect that though that does not change our plans. We have a sanctions regime that is underway, stronger measures are yet to come," he added. Hook said the administration was expanding its diplomatic efforts to ensure that purchases of Iranian oil are drastically reduced by Nov. 4 when Washington reimposes oil sanctions against Tehran. Hook said Iran posed an international threat to peace and security that went beyond the six major powers that signs the initial nuclear deal. European and Asian countries have been trying to salvage the nuclear deal despite new U.S. sanctions against Tehran. "If we want to have a stable and prosperous Middle East it starts with constraining Iran," Hook said.

[Source: Reuters ]
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 22/09/2018 | 11:06 uur
Doden bij aanslag op militaire parade Iran

Bij een aanslag op een militaire parade in Iran zijn doden en gewonden gevallen. Er zouden zeker acht doden en twintig gewonden zijn gevallen. De aanslag vond plaats in de zuidwestelijke stad Ahvaz. Aanvallers op een motorfiets namen de deelnemers onder vuur. De doden zouden allemaal leden van de Revolutionaire Garde zijn. Onder de gewonden zouden ook een vrouw en een kind zijn. De aanslag is nog niet opgeëist. Volgens de Iraanse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Zarif zijn de aanslagplegers "gerekruteerd, getraind, bewapend en betaald door een buitenlands regime". Hij houdt "terreursponsors in de regio en hun Amerikaanse bazen" verantwoordelijk voor de aanslag en stelt dat Iran "snel en kordaat" zal reageren.

Plaatselijke media spreken van 'takifiri-schutters', een omschrijving die in het verleden werd gebruikt voor leden van IS. Als die soennitische terreurorganisatie inderdaad achter de aanval zit, is het de tweede grote aanslag in het sjiitische land. In juni vorig jaar voerde IS in Teheran een dubbele aanval uit op het parlement en het graf van ayatollah Khomeini. Daarbij kwamen achttien mensen om het leven.

[Bron: NOS ]
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 22/09/2018 | 23:05 uur
'Iran roept Nederlandse ambassadeur ter verantwoording na aanval bij parade'

Iran heeft de ambassadeurs uit Nederland, Denemarken en het Verenigd Koninkrijk ter verantwoording geroepen na de dodelijke aanval op de militaire parade. Dit meldt het ​Iraanse staatspersbureau IRNA zaterdag.

Volgens IRNA worden de ambassadeurs beschuldigd van het onderdak bieden aan Iraanse oppositiegroepen.

Volgens het persbureau vindt Iran het daarnaast "onacceptabel" dat de oppositiegroepen niet op de Europese terrorismelijst staan. Het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken in Nederland heeft nog niet gereageerd.

Eerder op zaterdag legde de hoogste leider van Iran, Ali Khamenei, de schuld nog bij door de Verenigde Staten gesteunde Golfstaten. Op zijn website schreef Khameini dat het "de zoveelste aanval is van de 'marionetten' van de VS". Hun doel zou zijn om Iran te ontwrichten, aldus de leider. Hij noemde de Golfstaten niet bij naam.

Zowel IS als een Arabische oppositiegroep eisten de verantwoordelijkheid voor de aanslag op.

Schutters doodgeschoten tijdens aanval
Zeker vier schutters openden zaterdag het vuur bij de militaire parade, waardoor 25 mensen om het leven kwamen. De schutters zijn tijdens de aanval doodgeschoten.

Onder de dodelijke slachtoffers zijn zeker twaalf leden van de Revolutionaire Garde. Dat machtige elitekorps staat los van de reguliere strijdkrachten., 22-09-2018, 23:25

Aanvullende info toegevoegd
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 25/09/2018 | 10:38 uur
Tijdens de parade heeft iran weer een aantal van hun ontwikkelingen gepresenteerd waaronder deze nieuwe ''SPAAG'', wederom iets dat ''zelf ontwikkeld'' is en niet zelf rijd tijdens de parade's.
Waar het op lijkt ? Een oerlikon 35 mm GDF op een 2e hands crashtender (vliegveld blus voertuig)  ;D Zolang ze dit soort dingen uitvinden moeten we ons niet druk maken om dit land als je het mij vraagt, behalve de raketten want daarvoor krijgen ze hulp van China en/of DPRk en/of Rusland.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 25/09/2018 | 17:36 uur
Als ze wisten wat voor beeld dit echt schetst hadden de Iraniërs er nooit voor gekozen zulke dingen te presenteren als "succes". Dit is echt niveau IS
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: A.J. op 25/09/2018 | 18:01 uur
Citaat van: Parera op 25/09/2018 | 10:38 uur
Tijdens de parade heeft iran weer een aantal van hun ontwikkelingen gepresenteerd waaronder deze nieuwe ''SPAAG'', wederom iets dat ''zelf ontwikkeld'' is en niet zelf rijd tijdens de parade's.
Waar het op lijkt ? Een oerlikon 35 mm GDF op een 2e hands crashtender (vliegveld blus voertuig)  ;D

Ze hebben gewoon de eerste de beste takeldoos gepakt, het kraan gedeelte eraf geschroefd en die twin erop gezet...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 25/09/2018 | 19:00 uur
Citaat van: A.J. op 25/09/2018 | 18:01 uur
Ze hebben gewoon de eerste de beste takeldoos gepakt, het kraan gedeelte eraf geschroefd en die twin erop gezet...

Ik hoop dat ze beseffen dat een joekel apparaat als dit als een honingfabriek in een wespennest werkt als het komt op ER/IR/geefdestralingmaareennaam gebied. Daarnaast is hiermee van de weg af rijden al een slecht idee.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 30/11/2018 | 13:12 uur
Trump administration: Maintaining Saudi Arabian relations is critical to combating Iranian threat

CitaatAs US lawmakers seek to hold Saudi Arabia accountable for the death of reporter Jamal Khashoggi, the Trump administration is pushing back and saying the nation is a critical ally against a growing Iranian threat. On 29 November the US unveiled new "evidence" of this threat including an Iranian Sayyad-2c surface-to-air missile that was reportedly recovered by the Saudis in Yemen. Source: IHS Markit/Ashley Roque

Facing a bipartisan backlash from Senators over the handling of US-Saudi Arabian relations, the Trump administration is presenting its case: Riyadh's support is key to batting down the growing Iranian threat.

On 29 November the US special representative for Iran, Brian Hook, stood in front of an Iranian Sayyad-2c surface-to-air missile that was reportedly recovered in Yemen calling it "a clear violation" of several UN resolutions including 2231, or the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on Iran's nuclear programme.

"The Iranian threat is growing and we are accumulating risk of escalation in the region if we fail to act," Hook said.

"Tehran is intent on increasing the lethality and reach of these weapons to deepen its presence throughout the region," he later added. "This is why it is especially important that we get a de-escalation of conflicts in places like Yemen right."

The administration is pushing for a ceasefire and a negotiated peace agreement between Yemen's Iranian-backed Ansar Allah (Houthi) rebels and pro-government forces that are supported by the Saudi-led coalition. However, mounting Yemeni civilian casualties and Saudi Arabia's role in the murder of reporter Jamal Khashoggi are complicating the situation.

Earlier in the month the CIA concluded that Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman had ordered Khashoggi's killing, but President Donald Trump has continued to shoot down that finding. Trump has cited US weapons sales to Riyadh and the two nation's ties as reasons not to hold the nation accountable either via sanctions or curtailing Foreign Military Sales or support.

Senators, however, are not pleased. Despite a White House veto threat, on 28 November the Republican-controlled chamber voted 63-37 to enable consideration of a resolution that would cut off most US military aid to Saudi Arabia for operations in Yemen.

[Source: ]
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 30/11/2018 | 14:03 uur
Kiezen tussen Iran en Saudi Arabie ? hetzelfde als kiezen tussen Jos Bregh of Marc Dutroux..twee compleet fucked
up landen die gek zijn op geiten en Allah. :devil:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 09/12/2018 | 12:04 uur
'Iran verdubbelde rakettesten, zuidoosten Europa in bereik'

Iran heeft afgelopen jaar het aantal rakettesten verdubbeld, meldt de Duitse krant Welt am Sonntag. Ook heeft het middellangeafstandsraketten getest die het zuidoosten van Europa kunnen bereiken. De testen kunnen een overtreding zijn van de afspraken die zijn gemaakt in het atoomakkoord of VN-resoluties.

Welt am Sonntag baseert zich op rapporten van westerse inlichtingendiensten die de krant heeft ingezien. Het land testte afgelopen jaar zeven middellangeafstandsraketten en vijf raketten met een kleiner bereik. Twee korteafstandsraketten werden gelanceerd bij een aanval op IS.

In 2017 testte het land vier middellangeafstandsraketten en een korteafstandsraket. De Duitse regering heeft de recentste test veroordeeld en zegt dat die in strijd is met een VN-resolutie. Samen met Groot-Brittannië en Frankrijk heeft Duitsland eerder al in een brief aan de VN-veiligheidsraad zorgen geuit over het raketprogramma van Teheran.

Ook de Amerikaanse minister Pompeo heeft zich onlangs bezorgd uitgelaten over het Iraanse raketprogramma. De VS trok zich in mei terug uit het atoomakkoord met Iran. De andere partners uit het akkoord, onder wie de Europese landen, proberen de deal overeind te houden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lynxian op 09/12/2018 | 15:45 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 09/12/2018 | 12:04 uur
'Iran verdubbelde rakettesten, zuidoosten Europa in bereik'

Iran heeft afgelopen jaar het aantal rakettesten verdubbeld, meldt de Duitse krant Welt am Sonntag. Ook heeft het middellangeafstandsraketten getest die het zuidoosten van Europa kunnen bereiken. De testen kunnen een overtreding zijn van de afspraken die zijn gemaakt in het atoomakkoord of VN-resoluties.

Welt am Sonntag baseert zich op rapporten van westerse inlichtingendiensten die de krant heeft ingezien. Het land testte afgelopen jaar zeven middellangeafstandsraketten en vijf raketten met een kleiner bereik. Twee korteafstandsraketten werden gelanceerd bij een aanval op IS.

In 2017 testte het land vier middellangeafstandsraketten en een korteafstandsraket. De Duitse regering heeft de recentste test veroordeeld en zegt dat die in strijd is met een VN-resolutie. Samen met Groot-Brittannië en Frankrijk heeft Duitsland eerder al in een brief aan de VN-veiligheidsraad zorgen geuit over het raketprogramma van Teheran.

Ook de Amerikaanse minister Pompeo heeft zich onlangs bezorgd uitgelaten over het Iraanse raketprogramma. De VS trok zich in mei terug uit het atoomakkoord met Iran. De andere partners uit het akkoord, onder wie de Europese landen, proberen de deal overeind te houden.
Zou wel een klap in het gezicht zijn van Europese politici als Trump in deze gelijk krijgt.  :cute-smile:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Admiral Halsey op 04/01/2019 | 16:16 uur
Iran to send warships to the Atlantic, closer to U.S. waters (

CitaatIran to send warships to the Atlantic, closer to U.S. waters

LONDON (Reuters) - The Iranian navy will send warships to deploy in the Atlantic from March, a top commander said on Friday, as the Islamic Republic seeks to increase the operating range of its naval forces to the backyard of the United States, its arch foe.

Iran sees the presence of U.S. aircraft carriers in the Gulf as a security concern and its navy has sought to counter that by showing the flag near American waters.

A flotilla will leave for the Atlantic early in the Iranian new year, starting from March, Iran's naval deputy commander said.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 08/01/2019 | 17:31 uur
'Ongekend hard signaal'

Iran betrokken bij moorden op Iraniërs in Nederland, sancties opgelegd

Omdat er sterke aanwijzingen zijn dat Iran betrokken is geweest bij twee moorden op Iraniërs in Almere en Den Haag heeft Nederland sancties opgelegd tegen de Iraanse overheid. "Dit is een ongekend hard signaal", zegt minister Stef Blok.

In 2015 en in 2017 werden twee Iraniërs vermoord in Almere en Den Haag. Het zou gaan om de elektromonteur Ali Motamed (in werkelijkheid heette hij Mohammad Samadi) en Ahmed Mola Nissi. Zij waren beiden tegenstanders van het Iraanse regime.

Voor de moord op elektromonteur Ali zitten twee mannen vast. Zij zouden zijn ingehuurd om de moord te plegen.

Meerdere aanslagen en liquidaties
Volgens informatie van de AIVD en Buitenlandse Inlichtingendiensten is de Iraanse overheid betrokken geweest bij die moorden. Ook is Iran waarschijnlijk betrokken geweest bij meerdere aanslagen en liquidaties in Europa, onder meer in Parijs en Kopenhagen.

Daarom heeft de Europese Unie, op voordracht van Nederland, sancties opgelegd aan Iran. Dat houdt in dat er sancties zijn opgelegd tegen twee Iraanse personen en tegen de Iraanse geheime dienst. De personen mogen niet meer door Europa reizen en kunnen ook niet meer bij hun geld.

Eerdere maatregelen
In juni vorig jaar heeft Nederland al twee diplomaten het land uitgezet en de ambassadeur op het matje geroepen. Toen werd niet bekendgemaakt waarom Nederland hiertoe overging.

In de tussentijd heeft Nederland nauw contact gehad met andere Europese landen en is er verder onderzoek geweest, vertelt Blok nu. "Doordat we als Europa gezamenlijk optreden kunnen we een harder signaal geven. Het gedrag van Iran is onacceptabel. Dit is een ongekend harde maatregel."

'Heel opmerkelijk'
Politiek verslaggever Fons Lambie zegt dat het heel opmerkelijk is dat Nederland hier nu pas mee naar buiten komt. "Het is bizar dat Iran op Europese bodem dit soort liquidaties laat uitvoeren. Het is wel heel opmerkelijk dat Nederland nu pas met deze link officieel naar buiten komt. In juni zijn al twee diplomaten uitgezet en is de ambassadeur ontboden."

Lambie vervolgt: "Nadat Denemarken en Frankrijk hebben aangedrongen op Europese actie moest Nederland wel. Het is een gezamenlijke actie van meerdere Europese landen, dus daarom verwachten diplomaten in Den Haag dat dit wel degelijk hard aankomt in Teheran."

'Niet echt hoge prijs'
Of Iran hier wakker van ligt? Correspondent Olaf Koens denkt dat dat wel meevalt. "Ik denk niet echt dat Iran hier wakker van ligt. De Iraanse veiligheidsdiensten zijn hun boekje ver te buiten gegaan. Dat daar een prijs voor betaald moet worden is duidelijk, en een hoge prijs is dit niet. Er zijn een aantal diplomaten met stille trom uitgezet, nu komen er sancties bij op de Iraanse inlichtingendienst. Ook die konden dat van ver zien aankomen."

Koens vervolgt: "Door de harde sancties uit Amerika en de druk die buurlanden als Saoedi-Arabië opvoeren is Iran internationaal gezien in een hoek gedreven. De Europese Unie probeert de nucleaire deal, eenzijdig opgezegd door Amerika, in leven te houden. Ook in deze verklaring lees je dat. Ondanks de aantijgingen, het duidelijke signaal en de beschuldigingen wil Europa het liefst blijven samenwerken met Iran."

"Die tweeslachtigheid zal in Teheran worden uitgelegd als zwakte. Ik verwacht dat de reactie, als die al komt, erg gematigd zal zijn."
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 08/01/2019 | 17:47 uur
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 08/01/2019 | 19:38 uur
Het waren natuurlijk ook ex-terroristen die hier een leven hadden....kan je nagaan wat voor een zootje je ook
binnenhaald met al die buitenlanders daar uit het Midden Oosten.

Er zijn natuurlijk ook honderden Syrische vluchtelingen die zo fout waren als het maar kan en die hier nu
lekker in een huurhuis wonen en een uitkering genieten op kosten van de belastingbetaler  :devil:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Mourning op 08/01/2019 | 19:52 uur
Oh ja, hoe weet je zo zeker dat dat terroristen waren dan? Is daar iets over bekend gemaakt dan? En die honderden Syrische "foute vrienden" is daar wel eens iets over gepubliceerd? Dat laatste zou kunnen, maar laat het maar zien...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 13/01/2019 | 13:36 uur
'Witte Huis wilde info over aanval op Iran, ministerie geschokt'

WASHINGTON - Het Witte Huis heeft vorig jaar aan het ministerie van Defensie in Washington gevraagd wat de mogelijkheden waren om Iran aan te vallen. De vraag verontrustte niet alleen Defensie, maar ook het Amerikaanse Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken.

De vraag kwam van John Bolton, de belangrijkste veiligheidsadviseur van president Trump. ,,Mensen waren geschokt. Het was verbijsterend hoe lichtzinnig ze dachten over een aanval op Iran", zegt een voormalige regeringsfunctionaris anoniem tegen The Wall Street Journal. De zakenkrant meldt zondag dat het Pentagon heeft nagedacht over de mogelijkheden om Iran aan te vallen, maar het is niet duidelijk of de uitkomsten zijn terechtgekomen in het Witte Huis. Het is ook niet duidelijk of Trump zelf wist van het verzoek.

Het verzoek van Bolton kwam er nadat een pro-Iraanse groepering in Irak begin september drie mortiergranaten had afgevuurd op een diplomatieke wijk in de Iraakse hoofdstad Bagdad. Daar zit onder meer de Amerikaanse ambassade. Bolton is een havik ten opzichte van Iran.

[Bron: Telegraaf ]
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 13/01/2019 | 19:18 uur
Nixon's madman theorie deel zoveel.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 15/01/2019 | 12:56 uur
Iraanse spion ontmaskerd in Duitse leger

Het Duitse openbaar ministerie heeft een 50-jarige man gearresteerd die wordt verdacht van spionage voor Iran. De man, een Duits-Afghaanse staatsburger, werkte voor de Duitse strijdkrachten als taalspecialist en cultureel adviseur.

Volgens het Duitse weekblad Der Spiegel, dat de spionagezaak naar buiten bracht, had de man in die functie toegang tot gevoelige informatie, zoals de inzet van troepen in Afghanistan. Hij zou al jaren spioneren voor de Iraanse inlichtingendienst.

De man wordt vandaar voorgeleid aan de onderzoeksrechter van het Federale Hof van Justitie.

Veiligheidsdiensten in Europa vrezen al langer voor de activiteiten van Iraanse geheime diensten. Vorig jaar nog werd een in Oostenrijk gestationeerde Iraanse diplomaat gearresteerd.

Die zou twee van zijn informanten opdracht hebben gegeven een aanslag te plegen op een bijeenkomst van Iraanse oppositieleden in Parijs. De mannen werden gearresteerd voor de aanval kon plaatsvinden.

[Bron: NOS ]
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 26/01/2019 | 12:35 uur
Via @MEMRIReports

Iran's Nuclear Chief Salehi: We Had Secretly Purchased Replacements for Nuclear Equipment That the JCPOA Had Required Us to Destroy; Yellowcake Production Facilities are Operational; We Are Advancing in Nuclear Propulsion

De link bevat een video fragment waar de uitspraken gedaan worden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 27/01/2019 | 12:30 uur
Ik zie via meerdere INTEL twitter accounts dat er grote activiteit is in het Israëlische luchtruim en dit hint mogelijk op een ophanden zijnde  luchtaanval op Iraanse doelen in Syrië.

Er hangt een Gulfstream AEW&C in de lucht om 2 Iraanse vracht toestellen in de gaten te houden. Daarbij hangen er 6 F-16's in de lucht die zijn opgestegen met elk 4 Delilah kruisraketten onder de vleugels. Vorige week vuurde Iran als reactie op de luchtaanvallen ook een SRBM af op Israël.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 24/02/2019 | 13:46 uur

Citaat#BREAKING: Today, #Iran Navy unveiled its capability of launching anti-ship cruise missiles from submarines during exercise "Velayat-97". From now on, all Ghadir-class, Fateh-class and Kilo
Class submarines are able to launch C-801/2 anti-ship cruise missiles.

[youtube width=750 height=500][/youtube]
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 08/04/2019 | 18:34 uur
VS bestempelen Iraanse Garde officieel als terroristen

WASHINGTON/TEHERAN - De Verenigde Staten hebben de Iraanse Revolutionaire Garde (IRGC) aangemerkt als terreurorganisatie. Dat heeft president Donald Trump maandag bekendgemaakt, na er in het weekeinde al op te hebben gezinspeeld. Het is nog niet eerder voorgekomen dat Washington strijdkrachten van een ander land formeel heeft gekarakteriseerd als terroristische groepering.

De maatregel komt een jaar nadat Trump de VS uit het nucleaire akkoord met Iran terugtrok, uit het tijdperk Obama, en vervolgens de economische duimschroeven weer aandraaide.

Critici hebben gewaarschuwd dat deze maatregel kan leiden tot vergelijkbare acties van vijandige regeringen tegen Amerikaanse legeronderdelen en inlichtingendiensten. De VS hadden al wel tientallen entiteiten en personen op de zwarte lijst gezet wegens banden met de elite-eenheden van de IRGC, maar nog niet de militaire organisatie in zijn geheel.

Teheran reageerde vrijwel onmiddellijk op het Amerikaanse besluit en noemde dat illegaal en in strijd met de internationale wetgeving. ,,Geen enkel land heeft het recht het leger van een ander land te bestempelen als terroristisch. De invloed van Iran in het Midden-Oosten en zijn succes in de strijd tegen Islamitische Staat zijn de reden voor deze betiteling", aldus een regeringsverklaring op de Iraanse tv.

Telegraaf, 08-04-2019, 18:16
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 06/05/2019 | 03:11 uur
via @IntelCrab
CitaatBreaking: US to deploy USS Abraham Lincoln and bomber task force to @CENTCOM region as a 'clear and unmistakable message' to #Iran.


via @L0gg0l


Het deel over de ''proxies'' heeft mogelijk betrekking op de groepen die op dit moment aanvallen uitvoeren op Israel. Deze groepen zouden worden gesteund door Iran en ook de raketten die ze gebruiken zijn afkomstig uit Iran en/of ontwikkeld met hulp van Iran.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 06/05/2019 | 10:08 uur
Citaat van: Parera op 24/02/2019 | 13:46 uur

[youtube width=750 height=500][/youtube]

Ze hebben werkelijk geen idee vermoed ik betreft de moderne verdedigingssystemen en rakettechnologie van het westen. Zouden ze dat wel doen zouden ze zich hier niet zo mee bezig houden en de kostbare middelen anders toewenden. Ze lopen zo'n 50 jaar achter op dit gebied. Ik weet niet of de Iraanse staat nog zo lang heeft, een dergelijk wapen inkopen lijkt me op de lange termijn vruchtbaarder.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 07/05/2019 | 18:32 uur
Via @idreesali114
CitaatU.S. officials say the bomber task force being sent the Middle East will likely include four B-52 bombers.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 08/05/2019 | 11:37 uur
Iran zegt nucleair akkoord deels op

Vandaag, 07:50 Buitenland

Iran trekt zich terug uit delen van het atoomakkoord van 2015. Volgens staatspersbureau Isna heeft president Rohani zijn besluit bekendgemaakt in brieven aan Duitsland, Frankrijk, Groot-Brittannië, Rusland en China.

Al die partijen waren betrokken bij de deal waarin werd afgesproken dat Iran het verrijken van uranium zou beperken in ruil voor het opheffen van economische sancties.

De stap van Rohani komt precies een jaar na het terugtrekken van de Verenigde Staten uit het akkoord. De VS voerde zijn sancties tegen Iran daarna weer in. Ondanks de zware economische gevolgen bleef Iran zich volgens controleurs van het Internationale Atoomagentschap (IAEA) houden aan de gemaakte afspraken.

Verrijking uranium

Rohani wil nu een nieuw akkoord sluiten met de overgebleven partijen in de deal. "Deze actie is bedoeld om het akkoord te redden, niet te vernietigen", zegt hij. "Als de vijf overgebleven partijen komen onderhandelen en Iran willen helpen, zal Iran zich weer houden aan gemaakte afspraken."

Volgens onderzoeker Sico van der Meer van Instituut Clingendael moet de stap van Rohani worden gezien als een dreigement aan met name de Europese Unie. "De EU zei na de terugtrekking van de Verenigde Staten uit de deal dat Europa Iran zou helpen om het economische leed te verzachten, maar eigenlijk is dat niet gelukt. De EU levert niet echt", zei Van der Meer in het NOS Radio 1 Journaal.


De Iraanse president geeft Duitsland, Frankrijk, Groot-Brittannië, Rusland en China nu zestig dagen om de Iraanse olie- en financiële sector te beschermen tegen de Amerikaanse sancties. Als ze niet over de brug komen, zal lran na die zestig dagen de productie van verrijkt uranium verhogen. Rohani zegt daarnaast dat hij geen overtollig uranium en zwaar water meer zal verkopen aan andere landen.

Mochten de Europese leiders naar de VN-Veiligheidsraad stappen voor nieuwe sancties, dan volgt een "sterke reactie", zegt Rohani. Hij legde niet uit wat hij daarmee bedoelde.

"Iran zegt nu eigenlijk: deze deal had twee kanten", legt Van der Meer uit. "Het Westen had als voordeel dat Iran geen nucleair programma meer had, maar Iran had als voordeel dat de economie een impuls zou krijgen. Maar door de Amerikaanse terugtrekking zijn alle Westerse bedrijven weggetrokken uit Iran, met alle economische gevolgen van dien, terwijl het land zich nog wel aan de strenge eisen van de deal moet houden. Iran houdt zich nu dus eigenlijk aan de afspraken terwijl het er niets mee wint."
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 08/05/2019 | 15:01 uur
Iran heeft dat programma nooit gestopt... deal was vooral fijn voor Iran.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 09/05/2019 | 13:14 uur
Via @Liveuamap

Acting Defense Sec. canceled his European visit
State Sec has canceled his Germany and Greenland visits
Bolton has canceled any visits

Er is iets aan het broeien in Washington...

De USS Lincoln CSG is op dit moment bezig met de tocht door het Suez kanaal.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Zander op 09/05/2019 | 13:25 uur
Citaat van: Parera op 09/05/2019 | 13:14 uur
Via @Liveuamap

Er is iets aan het broeien in Washington...

De USS Lincoln CSG is op dit moment bezig met de tocht door het Suez kanaal.
Dat laatste is niet zo bijzonder.
Waarom leg je met bovenstaande de link met Iran?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 09/05/2019 | 14:11 uur
Citaat van: Zander op 09/05/2019 | 13:25 uur
Dat laatste is niet zo bijzonder.
Waarom leg je met bovenstaande de link met Iran?

''USS Lincoln strike group deployed to send Iran 'clear and unmistakable' message, Bolton says''

Het gaat om de CSG van de USS Lincoln + een aantal B-52's.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 09/05/2019 | 14:32 uur
Een oorlog met Iran is echt, nou ja een regelrechte ramp.
Het heeft direct effect op de gehele wereld, de hele Moslimwereld zal over het Westen vallen, in ieder geval de VS.
Dat heeft zulke grote onvoorspelbare consequenties en kan gemakkelijk uitmonden in een wereldwijde oorlog, nr3.

Ja, er is een regime change nodig daar, maar die moeten ze toch echt van binnenuit bewerkstelligen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 09/05/2019 | 14:41 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 09/05/2019 | 14:32 uur
Een oorlog met Iran is echt, nou ja een regelrechte ramp.
Het heeft direct effect op de gehele wereld, de hele Moslimwereld zal over het Westen vallen, in ieder geval de VS.
Dat heeft zulke grote onvoorspelbare consequenties en kan gemakkelijk uitmonden in een wereldwijde oorlog, nr3.

Ja, er is een regime change nodig daar, maar die moeten ze toch echt van binnenuit bewerkstelligen.

Nu een conflict met Iran kan inderdaad wel eens het begin betekenen van ww3, met de spanningen in Venezuela erbij (Iran steunt Venezuela en andersom) kan dat voor de VS nog wel eens een lastig pakket worden. En ze zullen ook de rest van de wereld / NAVO er in mee slepen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: bergd op 09/05/2019 | 14:43 uur
Waarom het niet botert tussen Iran en de VS
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 09/05/2019 | 14:59 uur
Citaat van: Parera op 09/05/2019 | 13:14 uur
Via @Liveuamap

Er is iets aan het broeien in Washington...

De USS Lincoln CSG is op dit moment bezig met de tocht door het Suez kanaal.
maar heeft dat met Venezuela of Iran te maken..... ?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 09/05/2019 | 15:02 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 09/05/2019 | 14:32 uur
Een oorlog met Iran is echt, nou ja een regelrechte ramp.
Het heeft direct effect op de gehele wereld, de hele Moslimwereld zal over het Westen vallen, in ieder geval de VS.
Dat heeft zulke grote onvoorspelbare consequenties en kan gemakkelijk uitmonden in een wereldwijde oorlog, nr3.

Ja, er is een regime change nodig daar, maar die moeten ze toch echt van binnenuit bewerkstelligen.
Iran staat in de Moslim wereld practisch alleen ...hun enige moslim- bondgenoten zijn Syrie, Libanon, Irak...een aanval
of oorlog tegen Iran zal worden gesteund door Egypte en Saudi Arabie .

Ben het met je eens Huzaar dat die regime change van binnenuit moet komen...anders werkt het niet.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 09/05/2019 | 15:12 uur
Citaat van: Oorlogsvis op 09/05/2019 | 14:59 uur
maar heeft dat met Venezuela of Iran te maken..... ?

De beide regimes steunen elkaar en hebben ook voor een groot deel dezelfde partners ; Rusland, China, Turkije, Cuba.

De beide problemen hebben niets met elkaar te maken maar als de VS straks besluit om aanvallen uit te voeren op Iran kan dat invloed hebben op de situatie rondom Venezuela.
Het is bekend dat de Amerikanen rondvliegen met ELINT toestellen, het is niet ondenkbaar dat Maduro zich dan achter Iran schaart en besluit te gaan dreigen met het uit de lucht te schieten van die toestellen of wat dan ook.

Venezuela kan zich op dit moment geen conflict veroorloven met de VS maar het kan ook fout gaan dat hebben we gezien met het neerhalen van die Russische jet door de Turken.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 09/05/2019 | 15:45 uur
Citaat#BREAKING: 3 US intelligence officials tell @NBCNews that Iran has told some of its proxies and surrogates they can now go after American military targets in the region
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 09/05/2019 | 16:10 uur
Citaat van: Oorlogsvis op 09/05/2019 | 15:02 uur
Iran staat in de Moslim wereld practisch alleen ...hun enige moslim- bondgenoten zijn Syrie, Libanon, Irak.

Ik denk dat er ook bedoeld is de steun vanuit de Islamitische wereld. Niet ondenkbaar dat extremistische groepering uit deze hoek alles zullen aangrijpen om de Amerikanen waar ook ter wereld aan te pakken met aanslagen etc.

Voorlopig hou ik het nog op spierballen laten zien en een keutel er half uit en dan weer intrekken die we van Trump  gewend zijn. Eenzijdig uit het verdrag stappen, sancties opleggen en het dan vreemd vinden dat Iran reageert ? Had de VS kunnen weten. Iran is in ieder geval geen makkelijke tegenstander. Proberen of Israel de kolen uit het vuur wil halen is ook een optie. Wat er dan mogelijk zal volgen moet je niet aan willen denken.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 09/05/2019 | 16:23 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 09/05/2019 | 16:10 uur
Ik denk dat er ook bedoeld is de steun vanuit de Islamitische wereld. Niet ondenkbaar dat extremistische groepering uit deze hoek alles zullen aangrijpen om de Amerikanen waar ook ter wereld aan te pakken met aanslagen etc.

Voorlopig hou ik het nog op spierballen laten zien en een keutel er half uit en dan weer intrekken die we van Trump  gewend zijn. Eenzijdig uit het verdrag stappen, sancties opleggen en het dan vreemd vinden dat Iran reageert ? Had de VS kunnen weten. Iran is in ieder geval geen makkelijke tegenstander. Proberen of Israel de kolen uit het vuur wil halen is ook een optie. Wat er dan mogelijk zal volgen moet je niet aan willen denken.

Ach Iran ligt als de VS het wil in een dag terug in de middeleeuwen. Er zal in het pentagon een plan liggen wat al decennia aandacht krijgt.

We gaan het zien.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 09/05/2019 | 16:24 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 09/05/2019 | 16:10 uur
Proberen of Israel de kolen uit het vuur wil halen is ook een optie. Wat er dan mogelijk zal volgen moet je niet aan willen denken.

Dan zou je willen dat wij (en de rest van Europa) onze krijgsmacht wel op orde zouden hebben...

Onze politiek, zoals telkens weer blijkt, heeft van onvoorspelbare geopolitiek geen enkele kaas gegeten en die vertrouwen wij wel onze nachtrust toe... Handig wel...  :cute-smile:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 09/05/2019 | 16:25 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 09/05/2019 | 16:23 uur
Ach Iran ligt als de VS het wil in een dag terug in de middeleeuwen. Er zal in het pentagon een plan liggen wat al decennia aandacht krijgt.

We gaan het zien.

Iets met hete soep en eten....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 09/05/2019 | 21:30 uur
Toch ga je zo op deze manier naar twee grote machtblokken...Rusland , China, Turkije, Iran VS Amerika ....en wij in Europa
zitten hier helemaal niet op te wachten eerste irritaties tussen Amerika en Europa zijn er al en kunnen zo ook
uitmonden in een handels confict tussen Europa en Amerika daar moet je toch niet aan denken lijkt mij.

Het probleem met de Amerikanen is dat ze op een heel vervelende manier de baas aan het spelen zijn in de wereld
en als je niet met hun meedoet krijg je te maken met sancties of een vliegdekschip voor je deur.
Terwijl een land als Saudi Arabie dat zo fout is als de pest overal mee wegkomt omdat het honderden miljarden
uitgeeft in de US.

En wat voor foto's of informatie de Mossad over Trump heeft weet ik niet maar die zit tot zijn oksel
bij Netanyahu in zijn darmkanaal.......ook niet echt gezond :devil:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jooop op 10/05/2019 | 00:43 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 09/05/2019 | 14:32 uur
Een oorlog met Iran is echt, nou ja een regelrechte ramp.
Het heeft direct effect op de gehele wereld, de hele Moslimwereld zal over het Westen vallen, in ieder geval de VS.
Dat heeft zulke grote onvoorspelbare consequenties en kan gemakkelijk uitmonden in een wereldwijde oorlog, nr3.

Ja, er is een regime change nodig daar, maar die moeten ze toch echt van binnenuit bewerkstelligen.

Ik denk met name aan een enorme vluchtelingen golf. Syrië had rond 20 mln inwoners, en heeft geleid tot miljoenen vluchtelingen.
Iran heeft 80mln inwoners + miljoenen Afgaanse vluchtelingen. We kunnen Trump beter vragen om de muur in Griekenland te zetten ipv aan de Mexicaanse grens.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 10/05/2019 | 10:13 uur
UPDATED: USS Abraham Lincoln Operating in Middle East After 'Expedited' Transit
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 11/05/2019 | 02:18 uur
Fully Armed F-15Cs Have Arrived In The Middle East Amid Accusations Of Iranian Threats (Updated)

Citaat#BREAKING #SCOOP Defense official tells VOA that another ship and a Patriot battery are being sent to the Middle East

Het gaat om de USS Arlington (LPD-24) een San Antonio klasse LPD, het schip gaat de USS Fort McHenry (LSD-43) vervangen in de regio. Ook schijnt de USS Boxer (LHD-4) onderweg te zijn naar de regio met aan boord de 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 11/05/2019 | 10:23 uur
Citaat van: Parera op 11/05/2019 | 02:18 uur
Het gaat om de USS Arlington (LPD-24) een San Antonio klasse LPD, het schip gaat de USS Fort McHenry (LSD-43) vervangen in de regio. Ook schijnt de USS Boxer (LHD-4) onderweg te zijn naar de regio met aan boord de 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit.

Dan wordt het druk daar, want de USS Arlington (LPD-24) en de Fort McHenry (LSD-43) zijn onderdeel van de Amphibious Ready Group (ARG) onder leiding van de USS Kearsage (LHD-3) in de Perzische Golf.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Harald op 14/05/2019 | 08:52 uur
Spanje houdt het voor gezien.... en vertrekt...

Spanje trekt fregat terug uit eskader Amerikaans vliegkampschip op weg naar Iran
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 14/05/2019 | 11:43 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 14/05/2019 | 08:52 uur
Spanje houdt het voor gezien.... en vertrekt...

Spanje trekt fregat terug uit eskader Amerikaans vliegkampschip op weg naar Iran

Zeer waarschijnlijk ook door druk vanuit de EU. Goede keuze van de EU om afstand te nemen van het beleid van de VS.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/05/2019 | 11:52 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 14/05/2019 | 11:43 uur
Goede keuze van de EU om afstand te nemen van het beleid van de VS.

Is dat zo.. of spreek hier het eigen onderbuikgevoel?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 14/05/2019 | 12:13 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/05/2019 | 11:52 uur
Is dat zo.. of spreek hier het eigen onderbuikgevoel?

Wat mij betreft een goede keuze. Wij staan nog steeds achter de deal met Iran. Vraag is alleen wat de EU gaat doen met het ultimatum dat door Iran is gesteld ? De opgelegde VS sancties kunnen wij niet terugdraaien en Iran zal waarschijnlijk verder gaan met het realiseren van een eigen atoomwapen. Dan is de kans groot dat de spreekwoordelijke 'shit hits de fan' werkelijkheid gaat worden. Inbinden naar aanleiding van het VS machtsvertoon gaat Iran m.i. niet doen en Trump kan zicht het gezichtsverlies niet (weer) veroorloven.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 14/05/2019 | 12:58 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 14/05/2019 | 12:13 uur
Wat mij betreft een goede keuze. Wij staan nog steeds achter de deal met Iran. Vraag is alleen wat de EU gaat doen met het ultimatum dat door Iran is gesteld ? De opgelegde VS sancties kunnen wij niet terugdraaien en Iran zal waarschijnlijk verder gaan met het realiseren van een eigen atoomwapen. Dan is de kans groot dat de spreekwoordelijke 'shit hits de fan' werkelijkheid gaat worden. Inbinden naar aanleiding van het VS machtsvertoon gaat Iran m.i. niet doen en Trump kan zicht het gezichtsverlies niet (weer) veroorloven.
En dan........als ik in Israel woonde zou ik ook best een beetje zenuwachtig worden hiervan...ik wil in Oktober naar Israel gaan op vakantie met mijn gezin
maar het zou zomaar kunnen dat ergens in Oktober de spanningen hun hoogtepunt bereiken.

Iran zal moeten gaan "bellen" met Trump en een soort Iran/US top gaan houden...ook al is het gezichtsverlies voor zowel Iran als de US..beide
zullen water bij de wijn moeten doen om ervoor te zorgen dat er geen conflict komt waarbij het hele Midden-Oosten los gaat.

Iran zal zijn troepen uit Syrie moeten terugtrekken en stoppen met de steun aan Hezbollah dat zal volgens mij al genoeg zijn.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Harald op 14/05/2019 | 13:14 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 14/05/2019 | 12:13 uur
Wat mij betreft een goede keuze. Wij staan nog steeds achter de deal met Iran. Vraag is alleen wat de EU gaat doen met het ultimatum dat door Iran is gesteld ? De opgelegde VS sancties kunnen wij niet terugdraaien en Iran zal waarschijnlijk verder gaan met het realiseren van een eigen atoomwapen. Dan is de kans groot dat de spreekwoordelijke 'shit hits de fan' werkelijkheid gaat worden. Inbinden naar aanleiding van het VS machtsvertoon gaat Iran m.i. niet doen en Trump kan zicht het gezichtsverlies niet (weer) veroorloven.

:hrmph: Maar ..... als het Iran is die zich niet helemaal aan de deal houdt en toch verder gaat met het ontwikkelen van atoomwapens ? 

Staan wij dan nog steeds achter de deal met Iran ? ....

Zomaar een hypothese ... vingerwijzen is altijd makkelijk en snel, we weten niet wat er precies allemaal speelt ... 

ik denk dat het van de VS ook een manier is om aan te geven aan Iran dan ze hun (negatieve) invloed richting Syrie moeten beperken. Syrie is de achter en voortuin van Iran en door de steun aan Assad, zodat deze aan de leiding blijft, heeft Iran directe invloed op Israel.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Harald op 14/05/2019 | 13:20 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 14/05/2019 | 12:13 uur
Vraag is alleen wat de EU gaat doen met het ultimatum dat door Iran is gesteld ?

Net of de EU goed dingen doet ? , onderstaande is natuurlijk koren op de molen voor Assad en Iran, maar slecht voor de gehele "spanning" situatie daar, deze zal alleen maar toenemen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/05/2019 | 13:28 uur
Let wel... Een Amerikaanse tik tegen Iran levert vermoedelijk een alles of niets actie van Iran tegen Israël (een 2e kans krijgen ze immers vermoedelijk niet).
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 14/05/2019 | 14:51 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/05/2019 | 13:28 uur
Let wel... Een Amerikaanse tik tegen Iran levert vermoedelijk een alles of niets actie van Iran tegen Israël (een 2e kans krijgen ze immers vermoedelijk niet).
Ja dat bedoel ik....een regen van raketten afgevuurd door Hezbollah en die hebben er heel veel..dan zit ik daar niet graag
in Tel Aviv of Jeruzalem op vakantie
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/05/2019 | 14:54 uur
Citaat van: Oorlogsvis op 14/05/2019 | 14:51 uur
Ja dat bedoel ik....een regen van raketten afgevuurd door Hezbollah en die hebben er heel veel..dan zit ik daar niet graag
in Tel Aviv of Jeruzalem op vakantie

Geeft wel een extra dimensie aan het Eurovisie Songfestival  :cute-smile:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 14/05/2019 | 20:08 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 14/05/2019 | 14:54 uur
Geeft wel een extra dimensie aan het Eurovisie Songfestival  :cute-smile:
Dat publiek vh Eurovisie is gek op raketachtinge voorwerpen.... :devil:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 14/05/2019 | 20:18 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 14/05/2019 | 12:13 uur
Wat mij betreft een goede keuze. Wij staan nog steeds achter de deal met Iran. Vraag is alleen wat de EU gaat doen met het ultimatum dat door Iran is gesteld ? De opgelegde VS sancties kunnen wij niet terugdraaien en Iran zal waarschijnlijk verder gaan met het realiseren van een eigen atoomwapen. Dan is de kans groot dat de spreekwoordelijke 'shit hits de fan' werkelijkheid gaat worden. Inbinden naar aanleiding van het VS machtsvertoon gaat Iran m.i. niet doen en Trump kan zicht het gezichtsverlies niet (weer) veroorloven.

Ik quote Harald even, maar ben namelijk benieuwd naar hetzelfde antwoord:

Maar ..... als het Iran is die zich niet helemaal aan de deal houdt en toch verder gaat met het ontwikkelen van atoomwapens ? 
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 15/05/2019 | 15:24 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 14/05/2019 | 20:18 uur
Ik quote Harald even, maar ben namelijk benieuwd naar hetzelfde antwoord:

Maar ..... als het Iran is die zich niet helemaal aan de deal houdt en toch verder gaat met het ontwikkelen van atoomwapens ?
Het enige wat je dan kan doen...als...als Iran toch atoomwapens ontwikkeld...moet je het aanvallen en Israel het
laten doen..die willen het namelijk zo graag...en kunnen het ook !
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Harald op 15/05/2019 | 15:50 uur
Citaat van: Oorlogsvis op 15/05/2019 | 15:24 uur
...en kunnen het ook !

been there, done that...

Operatie Orchard :

Operatie Opera :
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 15/05/2019 | 21:10 uur
Nederlandse trainingsmissie in Irak opgeschort vanwege dreiging
De Nederlandse trainingsmissie van Defensie in Irak is opgeschort vanwege de toegenomen dreiging in de regio. Wat de aard van deze dreiging is, is niet bekend.

Een woordvoerder van het ministerie van Defensie laat aan weten dat de commandant van de internationale coalitie die de trainingen coördineert de trainingsmissie heeft stilgelegd.

De tijdelijke stop geldt voor alle internationale bondgenoten die trainingen verzorgen in het gebied.

Voor Nederland geldt dat de ongeveer vijftig tot zestig trainers die de Koerdisch-Iraakse strijdkrachten trainen, hun werkzaamheden "tot nader order" moeten staken vanwege een verhoogde dreiging.

Eerder op woensdag werd ook al de Duitse trainingsmissie stilgelegd.

Opgelopen spanningen tussen VS en Iran
Over de aard van de dreiging doet Defensie geen uitspraken. Ook wil de woordvoerder niet zeggen of het iets te maken heeft met de opgelopen spanningen tussen de Verenigde Staten en Iran, het buurland van Irak.

De VS is bang dat Iran Amerikaanse burgers, organisaties, militairen en bondgenoten in de regio zal aanvallen.

Woensdagochtend beval het Amerikaanse ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken dan ook zijn ambassademedewerkers in Irak, die daar zijn voor "niet-spoedeisende" zaken, het land te verlaten.

Een officiële reden voor dit onmiddellijke vertrek is niet genoemd, maar het is zeer aannemelijk dat de oproep te maken heeft met de opgelopen spanningen in de regio.

Militaire bijdrage van Nederland in Irak
Nederland draagt in Irak bij aan de internationale strijd tegen de terroristische organisatie Islamitische Staat (IS). Nederlandse militairen geven Iraakse strijdkrachten in het noorden van het land advies over en trainingen in onder andere schietvaardigheid en militaire EHBO.

Daarnaast doet Nederland mee aan een opbouwmissie van de NAVO, die zich richt op het versterken van de Iraakse veiligheidssector.

Tot voor kort waren er ook Nederlandse F-16's actief boven Irak, maar deze missie is op 31 december 2018 beëindigd., 15-05-2019, 14:55
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 15/05/2019 | 22:23 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 14/05/2019 | 20:18 uur
Maar ..... als het Iran is die zich niet helemaal aan de deal houdt en toch verder gaat met het ontwikkelen van atoomwapens ?

Een luchtaanval om de plannen van Iran te dwarsbomen of te vertragen zal best wel lukken.....maar dan ? Dit zal middels een (nieuwe) deal moeten worden geregeld. "We" hebben van Irak al een zooitje gemaakt, om daar Iran ook aan toe te voegen lijkt mij niet wenselijk. Een nieuwe voedingsbodem voor extremistische bewegingen moet je zeker niet willen. Iran was toen bereid om te praten en zal opnieuw daar toe bewogen moeten worden. En Israel moet je er helemaal buiten houden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 15/05/2019 | 22:25 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 15/05/2019 | 22:23 uur
Een luchtaanval om de plannen van Iran te dwarsbomen of te vertragen zal best wel lukken.....maar dan ? Dit zal middels een (nieuwe) deal moeten worden geregeld. "We" hebben van Irak al een zooitje gemaakt, om daar Iran ook aan toe te voegen lijkt mij niet wenselijk. Een nieuwe voedingsbodem voor extremistische bewegingen moet je zeker niet willen. Iran was toen bereid om te praten en zal opnieuw daar toe bewogen moeten worden. En Israel moet je er helemaal buiten houden.

En als Israel er door Iran niet buiten gehouden wordt? En wat als blijkt dat Iran wel aan een kernwapen werkt? Wat moet Europa dan doen?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 15/05/2019 | 22:59 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 15/05/2019 | 22:23 uur
Israel moet je er helemaal buiten houden.

Dat is het vervelende in dit "spel", bij een Amerikaanse (grote) aanval op Iran zal Iran vermoedelijk alles wat ze nog naar Israël kunnen sturen naar Israël sturen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 15/05/2019 | 23:38 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 15/05/2019 | 22:25 uur
En als Israel er door Iran niet buiten gehouden wordt? En wat als blijkt dat Iran wel aan een kernwapen werkt? Wat moet Europa dan doen?

En als de hemel valt..........

Israel moet er door VS buiten gehouden worden. Het 'bewijs' zal wel geleverd worden dat Iran nukes aan het knutselen is. Europa kan m.i. beter de rol van bemiddelaar proberen te spelen. Denk eerder dat China en de Russen hier een grotere rol in kunnen pakken.

Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 15/05/2019 | 22:59 uur
Dat is het vervelende in dit "spel", bij een Amerikaanse (grote) aanval op Iran zal Iran vermoedelijk alles wat ze nog naar Israël kunnen sturen naar Israël sturen.

Ook dit. En als Iran hele harde klappen krijgt kunnen andere islamitische spelers zich er weleens mee gaan bemoeien. En IS zou zo maar weer uit de as kunnen verrijzen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Mourning op 15/05/2019 | 23:52 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 15/05/2019 | 23:38 uur
En als de hemel valt..........

Israel moet er door VS buiten gehouden worden. Het 'bewijs' zal wel geleverd worden dat Iran nukes aan het knutselen is. Europa kan m.i. beter de rol van bemiddelaar proberen te spelen. Denk eerder dat China en de Russen hier een grotere rol in kunnen pakken.

Ook dit. En als Iran hele harde klappen krijgt kunnen andere islamitische spelers zich er weleens mee gaan bemoeien. En IS zou zo maar weer uit de as kunnen verrijzen.

Je bent je ervan bewust dat IS waarschijnlijk ter aanmoediging extra gebedjes zal verordeneren als het ketterse Iran kruisraketten op de kop krijgt, onafhankelijk van wie dat explosieve presentje afkomstig is? En die gebedjes zijn niet omdat IS denkt dat de islamitische wereld zich dan woedend op de VS zal richten...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 16/05/2019 | 08:09 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 15/05/2019 | 23:38 uur
En als de hemel valt..........

Israel moet er door VS buiten gehouden worden. Het 'bewijs' zal wel geleverd worden dat Iran nukes aan het knutselen is. Europa kan m.i. beter de rol van bemiddelaar proberen te spelen. Denk eerder dat China en de Russen hier een grotere rol in kunnen pakken.

Ook dit. En als Iran hele harde klappen krijgt kunnen andere islamitische spelers zich er weleens mee gaan bemoeien. En IS zou zo maar weer uit de as kunnen verrijzen.

Als de hemel valt? Je doet dit dus af als iets onmogelijks?

Je snapt dat de halve wereld daaraan twijfelt maar voor jou is het even uitgesloten als het ontdekken van buitenaards leven.
Jeetje wat een rare manier om discussies te voeren. Het is het andere standpunt in deze hele reële stelling hoor.

Je bent nu net die Iraakse defensiewoordvoerder tijdens de laatste Golfoorlog.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: JdL op 16/05/2019 | 10:08 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 16/05/2019 | 08:09 uur
Je bent nu net die Iraakse defensiewoordvoerder tijdens de laatste Golfoorlog.
'There are no American troops in Bagdad'
Terwijl Fox News een liveverbinding had met eenheden voor het paleis van Saddam. ;D

Beweren dat Israël in deze situatie niet door Iran aangevallen zal worden is inderdaad de grootste onzin.

Daarnaast heb ik zeker het vermoeden dat Iran ergens echt wel doorknutseld aan zijn nukes, die gasten willen uiteindelijk maar een ding, Israël plat gooien. De deal was om te voorkomen dat ze economisch gewurgd werden, maar hun einddoel bleef gewoon staan.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 16/05/2019 | 11:59 uur
Citaat van: JdL op 16/05/2019 | 10:08 uur
Daarnaast heb ik zeker het vermoeden dat Iran ergens echt wel doorknutseld aan zijn nukes, die gasten willen uiteindelijk maar een ding, Israël plat gooien. De deal was om te voorkomen dat ze economisch gewurgd werden, maar hun einddoel bleef gewoon staan.

De haat jegens Israel is en zal groot blijven maar om daar zelfdestructie van Iran voor over te hebben is vergezocht. Iran zal een kernmacht willen worden om dezelfde reden als Noord Korea. Je heb iets om mee te dreigen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 16/05/2019 | 13:01 uur
Israel heeft Iran trouwens geholpen in de oorlog tegen Irak.....hebben veel heel veel wapens gestuurd.

Iran heeft een ziekelijke haat naar Israel...dat moeten ze opgeven en mee stoppen..alles was daar
beter toen de Sjah er nog zat !
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 16/05/2019 | 14:23 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 16/05/2019 | 11:59 uur
De haat jegens Israel is en zal groot blijven maar om daar zelfdestructie van Iran voor over te hebben is vergezocht. Iran zal een kernmacht willen worden om dezelfde reden als Noord Korea. Je heb iets om mee te dreigen.

Nu wordt ie helemaal mooi, je vindt het dus wel een reeele mogelijkheid.....

Waarom doe je dt eerst dan af als 'la de hemel valt' ?

Exact dat is wat de wereld probeert te voorkomen, leg uit.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 16/05/2019 | 15:08 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 16/05/2019 | 14:23 uur
je vindt het dus wel een reeele mogelijkheid.....

Wat ?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 16/05/2019 | 15:32 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 16/05/2019 | 15:08 uur
Wat ?

Je moet wel zelf bijhouden wat je quote.
Lees maar even terug. Iets met kernwapens.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 16/05/2019 | 17:04 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 16/05/2019 | 15:08 uur
Wat ?

En spreek met 2 woorden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 17/05/2019 | 11:46 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 16/05/2019 | 14:23 uur
Nu wordt ie helemaal mooi, je vindt het dus wel een reeele mogelijkheid.....

Nog maar eens........."wat" zou ik dus zien als reële mogelijkheid ? Dat Iran Israel wil verpletteren met een kernwapen aanval of dat zij graag een kernmacht willen worden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 17/05/2019 | 12:54 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 17/05/2019 | 11:46 uur
Nog maar eens........."wat" zou ik dus zien als reële mogelijkheid ? Dat Iran Israel wil verpletteren met een kernwapen aanval of dat zij graag een kernmacht willen worden.
zullen die Ayatollaha's echt zo dom zijn dat ze denken dat ze Israel zomaar kunnen nuken....ermee wegkomen...en dat er niet
een vergeldingsaanval komt op Iran die 20 keer erger is...een aanval die heel Iran vd aardbodem zou kunnen vegen ?

Maar even heel cru....zonder het midden-oosten zou het een stuk rustiger zijn in de wereld ! :devil:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 17/05/2019 | 12:57 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 17/05/2019 | 11:46 uur
Nog maar eens........."wat" zou ik dus zien als reële mogelijkheid ? Dat Iran Israel wil verpletteren met een kernwapen aanval of dat zij graag een kernmacht willen worden.

Jij bent hier degene die mij daarop zelf quote, dat doet toch niemand anders?
Lees even terug joh, dan staat er heel keurig waar je op hebt gequote.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: JdL op 17/05/2019 | 14:24 uur
Citaat van: Oorlogsvis op 17/05/2019 | 12:54 uur
zullen die Ayatollaha's echt zo dom zijn dat ze denken dat ze Israel zomaar kunnen nuken....ermee wegkomen...en dat er niet
een vergeldingsaanval komt op Iran die 20 keer erger is...een aanval die heel Iran vd aardbodem zou kunnen vegen ?
Nee zo dom zijn ze niet, de vraag is eerder of ze het als een probleem zien dat zij dan zelf ook een paar Nukes op hun kop krijgen van de Israeli's
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 17/05/2019 | 14:45 uur
Citaat van: Oorlogsvis op 17/05/2019 | 12:54 uur
zullen die Ayatollaha's echt zo dom zijn dat ze denken dat ze Israel zomaar kunnen nuken....

Daarom stelde ik ook......zelfdestructie wil Iran ook niet.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Mourning op 17/05/2019 | 14:53 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 17/05/2019 | 14:45 uur
Daarom stelde ik ook......zelfdestructie wil Iran ook niet.

Uiteraard. De vraag is: kan de wereld leven met een over nucleaire wapens beschikkende Islamitische Republiek Iran? Niet omdat we denken dat het land direct deze wapens zal gebruiken tegen haar vijanden, maar omdat het Iran een scala aan mogelijkheden en vrijheden bezorgt om haar geo-politieke agenda te bevorderen omdat men minder hoeft te vrezen voor een buitenlandse aanval  n.a.v. bijv. een operatie elders in de wereld door Iran.

Dat is waar het om gaat en reken er maar op dat Iran daar absoluut ten volle gebruik van zal trachten te maken.

Disclaimer: voorgaande betekend niet dat ik voorstander ben van militair ingrijpen, echter maak jij, Ros, je er m.i. wel heel makkelijk vanaf door een nucleair Iran zonder meer te accepteren en de evt. consequenties daarvan verder niet te benoemen. M.i. blijft het een moeilijke afweging.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Harald op 17/05/2019 | 15:37 uur
Misschien zal Iran geen Nucl. wapens gaan gebruiken, maar als Iran meer en meer invloed en macht gaat krijgen in Syrie, de directe buur van Israel. Dan is een directe aanval voor Iran via Syrie veel makkelijker gemaakt en tevens Iran kan Syrie als voortuin, bufferzone gebruiken in verband met een (tegen) aanval van alle "vijanden" van Iran.

Iran breid zijn territorium steeds verder uit richting Israel en gebruikt Syrie als opstap en  als buffer voor eigen land

Waarom is Israël plots zo openhartig over aanvallen op Iraanse doelen in Syrië?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 17/05/2019 | 20:50 uur
Citaat van: Mourning op 17/05/2019 | 14:53 uur
Disclaimer: voorgaande betekend niet dat ik voorstander ben van militair ingrijpen, echter maak jij, Ros, je er m.i. wel heel makkelijk vanaf door een nucleair Iran zonder meer te accepteren..........

Conclusies trekken die beter uitkomen is wel heel makkelijk  :silent:

Waar stel ik dat ik een nucleair Iran zonder meer  accepteer. Ik schat m.i. in wat de intenties van Iran zijn en wat zij er mee willen bereiken. Een militair ingrijpen  zal wat resultaat hebben voor de langere of of korte duur. De deur gaat dan wel direct dicht en de mogelijkheden tot onderhandelen verdwijnen dan voor goed van de kaart.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: MasterChief1971 op 17/05/2019 | 21:44 uur
Onderhandelen veronderstelt een rationele gesprekspartner en geen chantagedictaat waar de EU nu aan vast wil houden. Een chantagedictaat waar de EU en Obama met open ogen ingetrapt zijn.
Slechts weinig ten voordele van de EU en de US maar veel voordelen voor Iran.
En de EU er maar aan vast blijven houden...

Áls je onderhandelt dien je niet al vantevoren je hoofd te buigen en je staart in te trekken. Je moet wel degelijk sterk willen zijn. En dat wil Mogherini (lees de EU) niet.
En nu, Ros? Hoe wil je dan betekenisvol onderhandelen?
Of ga je nu zeggen dat we n ieder geval.met elkaar in gesprek moeten blijven....???
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 17/05/2019 | 21:49 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 17/05/2019 | 20:50 uur
Conclusies trekken die beter uitkomen is wel heel makkelijk  :silent:

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 27/06/2019 | 12:09 uur
Via @ELINTNews

CitaatToday Iran is predicted to breach JCPOA limits on the quantity of low-enriched uranium it is allowed. Calculations estimate that at some point in the next 24 hours Iran will cross the 300kg cap. Nothing to be nervous about right now, they're still 12+ months away from the bomb.

Misschien niet genoeg voor een echte kernkop maar een ''dirtybomb'' kunnen ze wel maken. Ze beschikken over een groot arsenaal aan kruisraketten / SRBM en MRBM's waarmee ze een zeer kleine (ruwe) kernkop zonder moeite kunnen afschieten.

Al heeft het een kracht van 1 kt zou dat afgevuurd op Dubai al bijna 20.000 doden tot gevolg hebben. Een zelfde bom met de kracht van 5 kt komt al snel richting de 75.000 doden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 27/06/2019 | 16:39 uur
Citaat van: Parera op 27/06/2019 | 12:09 uur
Via @ELINTNews

Misschien niet genoeg voor een echte kernkop maar een ''dirtybomb'' kunnen ze wel maken. Ze beschikken over een groot arsenaal aan kruisraketten / SRBM en MRBM's waarmee ze een zeer kleine (ruwe) kernkop zonder moeite kunnen afschieten.

Al heeft het een kracht van 1 kt zou dat afgevuurd op Dubai al bijna 20.000 doden tot gevolg hebben. Een zelfde bom met de kracht van 5 kt komt al snel richting de 75.000 doden.
Dan hoop ik dat ze die op Saudi Arabie pleuren...het liefst op het paleis van MBS
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 01/07/2019 | 15:56 uur
Iran erkent schenden atoomakkoord uit 2015

Iran erkent dat het inmiddels meer laagverrijkt uranium opslaat dan het atoomakkoord uit 2015 toestaat. Het is voor het eerst dat Iran toegeeft dat het akkoord geschonden wordt sinds de Verenigde Staten er in mei vorig jaar uitstapten. Een woordvoerder van het Iraanse ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken zegt erbij dat de stap ook weer ongedaan gemaakt kan worden. Het Internationaal Atoomagentschap IAEA, dat controleert of Iran zich aan de afspraken houdt, heeft de schending nog niet bevestigd. De organisatie laat weten dat er inspecteurs in het land zijn die op korte termijn met hun bevindingen naar buiten komen. Het atoomakkoord was bedoeld om te voorkomen dat Iran aan een nucleair wapen zou komen. In ruil werden sancties tegen Iran geschrapt.

Druk op Europa
Dat Iran de norm van 300 kilo overschrijdt, komt niet uit de lucht vallen. Teheran had al aangekondigd dat het zich niet langer gebonden voelt aan de afspraken als Europese landen niet meer zouden doen om Iran te ontlasten. Iran vindt dat de EU zich meer moet inspannen om tegenwicht te bieden aan de Amerikaanse sancties. Er is inmiddels wel een handelssysteem van de EU operationeel, waardoor buiten de sancties om handel kan worden gedreven met Iran, maar de reikwijdte ervan is beperkt. Door de opslagnorm te overschrijden, lijkt Iran een boodschap aan Europese landen te willen afgeven dat ze meer moeten doen. Tot nu toe heeft de EU zich steeds loyaal verklaard aan het akkoord uit 2015; anders dan de VS was de EU, met het Atoomagentschap, nog niet tot de conclusie gekomen dat Iran de afspraken schendt.

Iraanse olie
Met het overschrijden van de norm is een nucleair wapen overigens nog lang niet binnen handbereik voor Iran. Dat wordt wel anders als het land de opslag verder uitbouwt. Sinds de VS in mei de sancties verzwaarde, is er nog meer druk komen te staan op de Iraanse economie. Tot die tijd konden een aantal landen nog Iraanse olie importeren. De Iraanse president Rohani zei toen al dat het land zich niet meer aan de uraniumopslagafspraken hoeft te houden. De afgelopen maanden is de spanning tussen Iran en de VS scherp opgelopen. Vorige maand schoot Iran een Amerikaanse drone uit de lucht. Ook beschuldigt de VS Iran van aanvallen op olietankers in de Straat van Hormuz. President Trump zag naar eigen zeggen op het laatste moment af van een aanval op Iran omdat daarbij te veel slachtoffers zouden vallen. De VS heeft nog niet gereageerd op de laatste berichtgeving.

[Bron: NOS ]
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 01/07/2019 | 15:57 uur
Via @ELINTNews
Citaat#UPDATE: Reuters quoting Senior Iranian MP: If US attacks Iran, Israel will be destroyed within half an hour

Libanese media waarvan het bericht afkomstig is (Arabisch)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 01/07/2019 | 16:37 uur
Wellicht alleen in een natte Iraanse droom.

Mochten ze in het voorkomende geval een poging ondernemen dan vrees ik dat delen van Iran plots aanzienlijk heter zullen worden en dat heeft in dit geval weinig met het klimaat te maken.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 01/07/2019 | 17:40 uur
Ik vraag me f hoe. Alles wat de iranezen hebben is te counteren door Israël.

Maargoed, dit zal allemaal voor de bühne zijn. Indien Iran dat waar zou maken geeft dt iedereen een vrijbrief voor de totale vernietiging van de restjes van Iran.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 01/07/2019 | 17:42 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 01/07/2019 | 17:40 uur
Ik vraag me f hoe. Alles wat de iranezen hebben is te counteren door Israël.

Maargoed, dit zal allemaal voor de bühne zijn. Indien Iran dat waar zou maken geeft dt iedereen een vrijbrief voor de totale vernietiging van de restjes van Iran.

Of beschikt Iran over wapens waar de wereld niks vanaf weet? Bijvoorbeeld enkele kleine kernkoppen?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 01/07/2019 | 18:00 uur
Citaat van: Parera op 01/07/2019 | 17:42 uur
Of beschikt Iran over wapens waar de wereld niks vanaf weet? Bijvoorbeeld enkele kleine kernkoppen?

Nog niet, maar die zijn ook geen probleem.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 01/07/2019 | 18:03 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 01/07/2019 | 18:00 uur
Nog niet, maar die zijn ook geen probleem.

We gaan het zien wat er gaat gebeuren ;

Via @AmichaiStein1

Citaat#BREAKING: Israel PM Netanyahu: "more evidence will be revealed soon" that Iran lied all the time regarding its nuclear program
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 01/07/2019 | 18:17 uur
Toont direct aan dat de Israëliërs de hele tijd gelijk hebben gehad. Ook de Amerikanen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: A.J. op 01/07/2019 | 18:56 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 01/07/2019 | 18:17 uur
Toont direct aan dat de Israëliërs de hele tijd gelijk hebben gehad. Ook de Amerikanen.

Neo-Baathist is iig alweer een tijdje in geen velden en wegen te bekennen...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 01/07/2019 | 18:59 uur
Citaat van: A.J. op 01/07/2019 | 18:56 uur
Neo-Baathist is iig alweer een tijdje in geen velden en wegen te bekennen...

Ach had iemand dan wat anders verwacht ;)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 01/07/2019 | 21:51 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 01/07/2019 | 16:37 uur
Wellicht alleen in een natte Iraanse droom.

Mochten ze in het voorkomende geval een poging ondernemen dan vrees ik dat delen van Iran plots aanzienlijk heter zullen worden en dat heeft in dit geval weinig met het klimaat te maken.
Volgens mij heeft Israel permanent een sub ergens voor de Iraanse kust liggen..met kernraketten
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 01/07/2019 | 21:55 uur
Citaat van: Parera op 01/07/2019 | 15:57 uur
Via @ELINTNews
Libanese media waarvan het bericht afkomstig is (Arabisch)
Een kat in het nauw maakt rare sprongen...maar ze zijn eng die baarden daar :devil:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 01/07/2019 | 23:55 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 01/07/2019 | 16:37 uur
Wellicht alleen in een natte Iraanse droom.

Stoere taal, meer niet. Iran is zeker niet zo dwaas om een echte, grootschalig conflict over zich af te roepen. Beetje vergelijkbaar met de dreigende taal die Trump met enige regelmaat uitkraamt.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: A.J. op 02/07/2019 | 01:51 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 01/07/2019 | 23:55 uur
Stoere taal, meer niet. Iran is zeker niet zo dwaas om een echte, grootschalig conflict over zich af te roepen. Beetje vergelijkbaar met de dreigende taal die Trump met enige regelmaat uitkraamt.

Ik heb even gemist waar Trump heeft geroepen dat bij een aanval op Amerika een willekeurig land de klos is.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 02/07/2019 | 13:44 uur
Citaat van: A.J. op 02/07/2019 | 01:51 uur
Ik heb even gemist waar Trump heeft geroepen dat bij een aanval op Amerika een willekeurig land de klos is.

Dit zeg ik ook niet. Hij heeft onder andere hel en verdoemenis gedreigd op Noord Korea los te laten. In het conflict met China heeft hij genoeg geroepen, naar Mexico ook en zelfs de EU heeft hij op niet mis te verstane bewoording aangepakt. En de NAVO leden niet te vergeten.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 02/07/2019 | 16:58 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 02/07/2019 | 13:44 uur
Dit zeg ik ook niet. Hij heeft onder andere hel en verdoemenis gedreigd op Noord Korea los te laten. In het conflict met China heeft hij genoeg geroepen, naar Mexico ook en zelfs de EU heeft hij op niet mis te verstane bewoording aangepakt. En de NAVO leden niet te vergeten.

Dat is dan nog steeds alles behalve van het soort idiote beloftes welke Iran uit.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Poleme op 02/07/2019 | 21:35 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 01/07/2019 | 18:17 uur
Toont direct aan dat de Israëliërs de hele tijd gelijk hebben gehad. Ook de Amerikanen.
In de jaren 90 oefende Israel al grote druk op o.a. de VS, het VK, Frankrijk, Duitsland en Rusland uit om het Iraanse atoom programma proberen te stoppen.

Maar ... dit programma begon al in de jaren 50 met steun van de ... VS en later Frankrijk.  In 1979 werd de Shah weggejaagd, met Franse steun werd de Parijse banneling Khomeini per Air France naar Iran gebracht.  Frankrijk was door verdragen gebonden om hun assistentie ook na de Islamitische Revolutie voort te zetten.
Onder grote druk stopte Frankrijk toch in de jaren 90, maar Pakistan nam hun rol over en leverde o.a. hun P1 ultra-centriuges.  Een kopie van nucleaire apparatuur uit ... Almelo.

Begin deze eeuw stond dat Iraanse atoomprogramma hoog op de Israelische politieke agenda.  Ik kan mij nog herinneren dat Ariel Sharon op 11 april 2005 een bezoek bracht aan George Bush Jr..  Tijdens dat bezoek stond volgens State Department (BuZa) medewerkers dat atoomprogramma met stip op agenda punt 1.

Vanaf die periode tot en met begin dit decennium waren er regelmatig speculaties, wanneer Israel over zou gaan tot het aanvallen van het Iraanse nuke-leaire project.
Sinds het 'atoom'-verdrag met Iran horen we daar nooit meer over.  Alleen Israel en later Donald Trump, denk aan zijn befaamde "North-Korean Rocketman" toespraak voor de VN, bleven de trom roeren dat dat verdrag hooguit het Iraanse atoom programma zal vertragen.  Trump stapte daar in mei '18 dan ook uit.

In november / december 2018 voerde Iran een test uit met een ballistische raket, die meerdere oorlogskoppen kan vervoeren naar elke bestemming in het Midden-Oosten en ook West-Europa kan bereiken.  De Amerikanen reageerden assertief, maar in Europa zelf bleef het stil.
En dan doken vorige maand weer van die opmerkingen op: "De Amerikanen zeiden ook dat het Irak van Saddam Hoessein over NBC wapens zou (gaan) beschikken.
Dus geloven we ze ook niet meer."

Israel en de VS zien het, maar de meeste Europese landen willen het (nog) niet zien.

Gelukkig gaan wij de B61-12 invoeren, die is zo nauwkeurig, dat je hem bij wijze van spreken binnen in een B61 krater kunt gooien.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 02/07/2019 | 22:04 uur
Wat zou de wereld toch gelukkig zijn zonder Islamieten......hier op grote schaal terroriseren ze de Nederlandse vrouwen
en kinderen die op een warme zomerdag naar het zwembad willen...en op een hoger niveau plegen ze aanslagen op metro
, het WTC 9/11 ....toeristen die de piramides bezoeken of op het strand liggen... steek partijen op ongelovigen , Theo
van Gogh hier vermoord door een baard....ISIS en Nusra terreur in Syrie...en nu IRAN die even dreigt Israel van de
kaart te vegen met een atoom wapen.

Deze reactie aub niet verwijderen want her is gewoon 100% de waarheid die bijna niemand hardop durft te zeggen !
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 02/07/2019 | 22:34 uur
Citaat van: Oorlogsvis op 02/07/2019 | 22:04 uur
Wat zou de wereld toch gelukkig zijn zonder Islamieten......hier op grote schaal terroriseren ze de Nederlandse vrouwen
en kinderen die op een warme zomerdag naar het zwembad willen...en op een hoger niveau plegen ze aanslagen op metro
, het WTC 9/11 ....toeristen die de piramides bezoeken of op het strand liggen... steek partijen op ongelovigen , Theo
van Gogh hier vermoord door een baard....ISIS en Nusra terreur in Syrie...en nu IRAN die even dreigt Israel van de
kaart te vegen met een atoom wapen.

Deze reactie aub niet verwijderen want her is gewoon 100% de waarheid die bijna niemand hardop durft te zeggen !

Natuurlijk :dead: Het is zo gemakkelijk om iedereen van een bepaalde godsdienst over dezelfde kam te scheren.

En weer back on topic.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: A.J. op 02/07/2019 | 23:40 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 02/07/2019 | 13:44 uur
Dit zeg ik ook niet. Hij heeft onder andere hel en verdoemenis gedreigd op Noord Korea los te laten. In het conflict met China heeft hij genoeg geroepen, naar Mexico ook en zelfs de EU heeft hij op niet mis te verstane bewoording aangepakt. En de NAVO leden niet te vergeten.

Oh... Maar dan mis ik nog steeds de belofte van de VS dat ze in een half uurtje tijd een willekeurig land naar de steentijd gaan bombarderen. Doe eens een linkje?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 03/07/2019 | 10:42 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 02/07/2019 | 22:34 uur
Natuurlijk :dead: Het is zo gemakkelijk om iedereen van een bepaalde godsdienst over dezelfde kam te scheren.

En weer back on topic.
Makkelijk he....maar ik hoor nou nooit dat Katholieken, Kopten, boedisten of normale christenen dit soort
dingen doen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: bergd op 03/07/2019 | 11:27 uur
Citaat van: Oorlogsvis op 03/07/2019 | 10:42 uur
Makkelijk he....maar ik hoor nou nooit dat Katholieken, Kopten, boedisten of normale christenen dit soort
dingen doen.
Als Christen moet ik je helaas vertellen dat het niet waar is, geschiedenis kent teveel zwarte bladzijden van allerlei pluimage
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 03/07/2019 | 15:20 uur
Citaat van: bergd op 03/07/2019 | 11:27 uur
Als Christen moet ik je helaas vertellen dat het niet waar is, geschiedenis kent teveel zwarte bladzijden van allerlei pluimage
De geschiedenis....ja vroeghurrrrr....maar we praten over nu...over de laatste 50 jaar..iedere dag plegen
moslims terreur.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Umbert op 03/07/2019 | 16:47 uur
Citaat van: Oorlogsvis op 03/07/2019 | 15:20 uur
De geschiedenis....ja vroeghurrrrr....maar we praten over nu...over de laatste 50 jaar..iedere dag plegen
moslims terreur.

Nou in Noord Ierland was het toch niet zolang geleden nog bijna dagelijkse kost, nu veel minder maar nog niet voorbij, maar daar vielen onder de daders weinig doden want het was niet de bedoeling dat ze mee dood gingen, in tegenstelling tot een moslim die je dood wil zien, als je alleen god al een DJ ofzo iets noemt, moet hij daarvoor zelf ook sterven is dat alleen maar een pre in hun geloof.  Misschien moeten ze gewoon meer humor krijgen van hun schepper.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 03/07/2019 | 18:26 uur
Citaat van: Umbert op 03/07/2019 | 16:47 uur
Nou in Noord Ierland was het toch niet zolang geleden nog bijna dagelijkse kost, nu veel minder maar nog niet voorbij, maar daar vielen onder de daders weinig doden want het was niet de bedoeling dat ze mee dood gingen, in tegenstelling tot een moslim die je dood wil zien, als je alleen god al een DJ ofzo iets noemt, moet hij daarvoor zelf ook sterven is dat alleen maar een pre in hun geloof.  Misschien moeten ze gewoon meer humor krijgen van hun schepper.
De IRA had alleen militaire doelen...die gingen echt niet een zelfmoord aanslag plegen. Maar de IRA is net als de ETA een totaal ander soort
organisatie dan bijvoorbeeld ISIS die gewoon alles wat westers of SHIA is wil vernietigen.

Heb ook nog nooit gehoord dat roodharige Ieren in een zwembad vrouwen gaan lastigvallen zoals die Marokkanen hier in Nederland
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 04/07/2019 | 14:35 uur
Via @AmichaiStein1

Citaat#BREAKING: Iran's intelligence minister says if U.S. lifts sanctions and Supreme Leader Khamenei permits, Tehran and Washington can talks

En ze kondigde eerder af dat deze man geen last zou hebben van de sancties want hij heeft geen middelen buiten Iran. :silent:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 05/07/2019 | 00:01 uur
Dit is hier vandaag eigenlijk helemaal niet gepost;

Via @ConflictsW

CitaatThe Grace 1 supertanker (VLCC) has been detained by authorities in Gibraltar after it was boarded by the Royal Marines for sanctions evasions. The tanker was heading to Syria from Iran and was reportedly full of crude oil #Iran #Syria #Gibraltar

Statement over de inbeslagname van de tanker (+ video)

Iran summons UK ambassador in tanker seizure row

Via @ELINTNews

Citaat#UPDATE: UK Ministry of Defence releases photo of Royal Marines during raid and capture tanker 'Grace 1' carrying Iranian oil to Syria Via-  @larisamlbrown

Approx 30 Marines reportedly fast roped from helicopter & secured the vessel, followed by Gibraltan police via boats.


Ik hoop voor de Britten dat ze de komende dagen / weken  en maanden hun tankers in de golf goed beschermen, voor je het weet neemt Iran wraak door er een in beslag te nemen of op te blazen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 15/07/2019 | 22:51 uur
EU: Nucleair akkoord met Iran kan nog worden gere
Volgens de Britse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Jeremy Hunt kan het nucleaire akkoord met Iran uit 2015 nog worden gered. Hij zei dit voorafgaand aan een EU-top in Brussel met zijn ambtsgenoten. Ook andere Europese ministers willen "er alles aan doen" om het akkoord te redden.

De EU-ministers kwamen maandag bijeen op een speciale top om te praten over de oplopende spanningen tussen de Verenigde Staten en Iran.

De Amerikaanse president Donald Trump trok zich in 2018 terug uit het nucleaire akkoord. Als gevolg legde hij weer economische sancties op aan Iran. Teheran reageerde daarop met het verhogen van de uraniumproductie en -verrijking.

Het Internationaal Atoomenergieagentschap (IAEA) bevestigde vorige week dat het land de volgens het akkoord afgesproken toegestane hoeveelheid uraniumverrijking inderdaad heeft overschreden.

Frankrijk, Duitsland en Groot-Brittannië staan, ondanks dat Teheran zich niet aan de afspraken houdt, nog wel achter het akkoord.

De Europese Unie wil dat de VS en Iran met elkaar in gesprek gaan. De Franse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Jean-Yves Le Drian zei op de top dat Europa voor het redden van de deal moet samenwerken. Ook moet Iran zich aan de afspraken houden, aldus de minister.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 16/07/2019 | 22:02 uur
Report to Congress on Iran Sanctions

Rapport (12-07-2019):
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 18/07/2019 | 22:34 uur
Trump naast Rutte: we hebben Iraanse drone neergeschoten

WASHINGTON - Precies op het moment waarop Nederland zijn dankbaarheid wilde tonen voor een van de meest belangrijke militaire gebeurtenissen uit de geschiedenis, D-day, meldde de Amerikaanse president Donald Trump dat de Verenigde Staten een Iraanse drone hebben neergeschoten.

Dat gebeurde bij de straat van Hormuz, vertelde Donald Trump zojuist bij het bezoek van premier Rutte. Volgens Trump bedreigde de drone het Amerikaanse gevechtschip USS Boxer. ,,En wij hebben het recht om onze schepen te verdedigen. Ik vraag onze bondgenoten datzelfde te doen." Trump benadrukte dat het marineschip meermaals een waarschuwing had gegeven. Hij noemde het 'een defensieve daad'.

Volgens Trump waren de acties van de drone een voorbeeld van 'de vele provocaties en vijandelijke acties van Iran' rond de Golf, waar de spanningen behoorlijk zijn opgelopen.

Rollen omgedraaid
Het incident komt op een pikant moment. Eerder hadden de VS bondgenoten, waaronder Nederland, al opgeroepen hun eigen schepen 'te beveiligen'. Nederland denkt erover na een fregat te sturen.

In juni claimde Iran het neerhalen van een Amerikaanse drone, die het Iraanse luchtruim bij de Perzische Golf had geschonden. Teheran diende daarover een officiële klacht in bij de Verenigde Naties. Volgens de VS vloog het toestel boven internationale wateren.

'De' vlag
Na de mededeling van Trump volgde de ceremonie waarbij Rutte een uniek cadeau kon uitdelen dankzij de Rotterdamse zakenman Bert Kreuk. ,,Zeventig jaar geleden werd begonnen met de bevrijding van Europa vanaf de Normandische kust", zei Rutte in zijn praatje bij de onthulling van een originele Amerikaanse vlag die D-day heeft 'meegemaakt'.

Rutte prees de duizenden Amerikaanse soldaten. ,,Door het koude water woelend, terwijl machinegeweren hun kogels vuurden, en granaten ontploften, hielden ze standvastig vast. Het is onmogelijk om hun moed in woorden te vangen. Ook dit cadeau, deze vlag, kan niet in woorden worden gevat", zei Rutte. Hij noemde de vlag 'een symbool van onze goede band'. ,,Onze landen staan schouder aan schouder als het moeilijk wordt."

De premier oogste applaus. Eerder op de dag had president Donald Trump al gezegd dat de relatie tussen Nederland en de VS 'nog nooit zo goed is geweest'. ,,Nederland is een fantastisch en zeer succesvol land", zei hij. Hij en 'Mark' zoals de president Rutte steevast noemt, zijn 'vrienden', zei Trump op een perspraatje dat, in tegenstelling tot de ceremonie, nog erg in het teken stond van Amerikaanse politiek.

[Bron: Telegraaf ]
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 18/07/2019 | 22:37 uur
De drone zou volgens Trump op ongeveer 1000 yards (914 m) afstand van de USS Boxer (LHD-4) zijn neergeschoten.

Toevoeging: De drone zou zijn neergehaald door het jammen van het signaal en het digitaal uitschakelen van de drone (Electronic Warfare systeem van de USMC).
Iran ontkent dat het een drone is kwijtgeraakt en zegt van niets te weten.

De onderstaande foto is volgens de berichten gemaakt tijdens de passage door de straat van Hormuz eerder vandaag. Op het vliegdek is het EW systeem dat gebruikt is om de drone uit te schakelen te zien. Het gaat om de nieuwe Light Marine Air Defense Integrated System (LMADI) op een Polaris MRZR ATV.

Foto via @ryankakiuchan

Een interessant systeem met grote potentie op zowel land als maritiem vlak.

Overigens waren er vandaag meerdere incidenten tussen de US Navy en Iraanse strijdkrachten.

- Een onbewapende Bell 212 helikopter van de Iraniers vloog naast de USS Boxer op enkele meters afstand. Een Amerikaanse heli heeft het toestel ''weggejaagd''.
- Een konvooi van 6 Amerikaanse oorlogsschepen* werd lastig gevallen door Fast Attack Crafts van Iran.
- Na het vertrek van de FAC's werd het konvooi achtervolgd door een groter Iraans marineschip. Dit schip voer op een kleine 457 m (500 yards) van de USS Boxer. Ook hier is een heli ingezet om het schip weg te jagen.
- Iran had ook een Y-12 vliegtuig op het konvooi afgestuurd.

Hierna is de drone neergehaald door de VS.

Voor wat bekend is bestond het konvooi uit 6 schepen waaronder de USS Boxer (LHD-4), USS John P Murtha (LPD-26) & USS Harpers Ferry (LSD-49), deze 3 schepen vormen de Boxer Amphibious Ready Group. Tijdens de passage door de straat van Hormuz zijn er nog 3 andere schepen aan toegevoegd;  USS Bainbridge (DDG-96), een Henry J. Kaiser klasse tanker & USS Lewis B. Puller (ESB-3) een Expeditionary Mobile Base.

Samen met de Lincoln carrier strike group hebben de Amerikanen 21 schepen in de golf regio.

USS Lewis B. Puller in 2016
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 20/07/2019 | 02:03 uur
Iemand dit gekeken?

Trump is hier enorm gevoelig voor. Rutte is een van z'n vrienden, en die eigenaar van de vlag, die Mr. Crook ;) , die steekt me er een partij veren bij.
1:42 , 10:00 en 13:35
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 20/07/2019 | 02:48 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 20/07/2019 | 02:03 uur
Iemand dit gekeken?

Trump is hier enorm gevoelig voor. Rutte is een van z'n vrienden, en die eigenaar van de vlag, die Mr. Crook ;) , die steekt me er een partij veren bij.
1:42 , 10:00 en 13:35

Dit is inderdaad iets waar POTUS heel erg gevoelig voor is, zolang het maar met veel show en ceremonie gaat vind hij dat geweldig. Het ontbrak nog aan een fly-over, tank parade en vuurwerkshow  ;D

Jammer dat hij de vlag niet is komen ophalen, maar ja dat is gewoon net iets te veel gevraagd voor hem. Obama had de vlag waarschijnlijk met alle liefde opgehaald in Nederland, maar Trump is de #1 en de vlag moet dus naar hem toekomen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Umbert op 20/07/2019 | 07:32 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 20/07/2019 | 02:03 uur
Iemand dit gekeken?

Trump is hier enorm gevoelig voor. Rutte is een van z'n vrienden, en die eigenaar van de vlag, die Mr. Crook ;) , die steekt me er een partij veren bij.
1:42 , 10:00 en 13:35

Toch leuk dat frontbeeeld van de video. hoe Rutte naar Trump kijkt zo van sukkel, zo smeer je stroop om de bek en komt ermee weg, en met die aankondiging dat wij nog extra F35 bestellen doet hij de rest, zeker nu hij erbij gefluisterd heeft van er komen nog meer. En die veren dat zijn CEO's in optima forma en ook Cook weet dat zijn toekomst in de VS roze kleurig is :)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 26/07/2019 | 00:22 uur
Via @ELINTNews

Citaat#BREAKING: Late Wednesday Iran test fired a medium range ballistic missile (MRBM) which traveled 1,000 km. The Shabaab-3 missile did not pose a threat to US assets, but is part of Iran's efforts to improve range & accuracy- US official to @barbarastarrcnn

Copy +Paste gedrag van de Noord-Koreanen.

Volgens de berichten gaat het om een Shahab-3 MRBM, een Iraanse kopie van de Noord-Koreaanse Nodong-1 wat op zijn beurt weer een vergrote variant van de Scud raket is.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 26/07/2019 | 13:06 uur
Via @BabakTaghvaee

Citaat#BREAKING: The test launch of a Shahab-3 ballistic missile by #IRGC Aerospace Force is just an attempt to assess the reaction of the west toward the incoming test of nuclear Shahab-5 intercontinental ballistic missile by #Iran's Islamic Regime from #Shahrud missile test center.



Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 27/07/2019 | 16:27 uur
Via @ELINTNews

CitaatIRGC Quds Force Commander, Qasem Soleimani, reportedly visited the Al-Bukamal border crossing between Iraq & Syria & T4 Airbase in Syria recently. He told Iran-backed Shi'a militias at these locations to be ready for possible impending war with America.

CitaatHe confirmed that the Assad Government would be working with them in the event of any war.

De Iraniërs houden dus serieus rekening met een oorlog met de VS  :hrmph: Als de info klopt dan gaat Assad dus aan de Iraanse zijde vechten, dat zou dan ook (kunnen) betekenen dat de Russen aan die kant komen te staan want die steunen Assad.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Enforcer op 27/07/2019 | 16:49 uur
Citaat van: Parera op 27/07/2019 | 16:27 uur
Via @ELINTNews

De Iraniërs houden dus serieus rekening met een oorlog met de VS  :hrmph: Als de info klopt dan gaat Assad dus aan de Iraanse zijde vechten, dat zou dan ook (kunnen) betekenen dat de Russen aan die kant komen te staan want die steunen Assad.

Denk dat de Russen zich zullen beperken tot levering van wapens en intell.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 27/07/2019 | 17:01 uur
Citaat van: Enforcer op 27/07/2019 | 16:49 uur
Denk dat de Russen zich zullen beperken tot levering van wapens en intell.

Dat kan meer dan genoeg zijn om er voor te zorgen dat een eventuele VS - Iran oorlog heel lang kan duren. Dat scenario is eigenlijk wat ze in Vietnam ook deden als Soviet Unie, het leveren van wapens, geld en training. Dit zien we grotendeels terug in Syrië maar daar zitten de Russen ook echt actief in het gebied, ik verwacht niet dat ze bij Iran ook echt gaan mee vechten (buiten wat SOF om).
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 27/07/2019 | 18:03 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 27/07/2019 | 17:07 uur
Je bent wel een hele domme boer als je daar niet serieus rekening mee houd.
Daarbij zijn dit soort uitlatingen ook gewoon onderdeel van het stratcom spel.

Het is maar hoe je het bekijkt, je kan er publiek rekening mee houden maar je kan er ook ''echt'' rekening mee houden.

Publiek rekening houden is niets meer dan de schijn ophouden voor in de media en voor de rest van de wereld. De andere manier is veel gevaarlijker.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 27/07/2019 | 20:31 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 27/07/2019 | 20:27 uur
Als jij nu een Iraanse generaal bent, en je bent niet serieus bezig met je warplanning, thank you. Dat maakt 'onze' job een stuk makkelijker when it comes to it. Binnen het Iraanse etablissement zou het als verraadt moeten gelden, je doet je job niet.

Ik weet niet wat de rol van die vent is, maar dit soort veldbezoekjes zijn doorgaans meer PR dan dat er daadwerkelijk nut is. En vwb de uitlatingen, het is stratcom, bedoeld of niet.

Het betekent allemaal niet dat er binnen enkele dagen raketten gaan vliegen. Dat is echt wat anders.

Ja maar ik bedoelde meer dat ik niet verwachte dat Iran ook echt voorbereid is op een gewapend conflict met de VS. Deze bewoording laat zien dat ze toch misschien wel echt aan het voorbereiden zijn en alvast enkele bondgenoten aan het zoeken zijn.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: MasterChief1971 op 27/07/2019 | 23:37 uur
Citaat van: Parera op 27/07/2019 | 20:31 uur
Ja maar ik bedoelde meer dat ik niet verwachte dat Iran ook echt voorbereid is op een gewapend conflict met de VS. Deze bewoording laat zien dat ze toch misschien wel echt aan het voorbereiden zijn en alvast enkele bondgenoten aan het zoeken zijn.

In meer of mindere mate is Iran al sinds1979 voorbereid op oorlog met de US. Ging met Praying Mantis niet zo goed maar er zijn een paar jaar voorbijgegaan. De situatie is niet die van 30 jaar terug.
Betekent dat dat Iran nu onoverwinnelijk is? Nee. Betekent dat dat ze van de US kunnen winnen? Definieer winstparameters. Betekent dat dat ze geen klappen.zullen krijgen van de US?
Hell no! Hoe meer ze de US een bloedneus slaan, hoe meer ze de botten gebroken wordt!
Zitten we erop te wachten? Nee maar wat gedaan moet worden moet worden gedaan.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 28/07/2019 | 16:06 uur

Citaat#BREAKING: Iran intends to restart activities at the Arak heavy water nuclear reactor

40 megawatt reactor die instaat is om ''weapons grade plutonium'' te produceren. In 2016 hebben de Iraniërs bevestigd dat deze reactor's ''core'' verwijderd is en dat ze die zouden vol gieten met beton zodat de reactor onbruikbaar is. Blijkbaar kunnen ze het toch omdraaien nu. :sleep:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Admiral Halsey op 28/07/2019 | 22:20 uur
RTL-Nieuws: "Iraniërs kunnen huizen niet afbouwen door sancties VS" (

CitaatIraniërs kunnen huizen niet afbouwen door sancties VS

Vandaag is er weer topoverleg over Iran. Donald Trump voerde harde sancties in, waarvan de Iraanse bevolking nu de dupe is. Ze moeten halverwege de bouw of renovatie van huizen stoppen, omdat bouwmaterialen simpelweg te duur zijn geworden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 28/07/2019 | 23:11 uur
Citaat van: Admiral Halsey op 28/07/2019 | 22:20 uur
RTL-Nieuws: "Iraniërs kunnen huizen niet afbouwen door sancties VS" (

Dan wordt het tijd voor revolutie in Iran zodat de  Ayatollahs afgezet kunnen worden dat lost het probleem van sancties op.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Admiral Halsey op 29/07/2019 | 07:49 uur
Telegraaf: "'Europa moet compensatie geven voor sancties VS' Iran voert druk op" (
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 02/08/2019 | 00:34 uur

Citaat#BREAKING: Video allegedly from Capsian ports of Iran shows possible electronic warfare equipment on trucks, seemingly of Russian origin.


Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 20/08/2019 | 01:23 uur
Via @ConflictsW

CitaatUS Department of State: Any assistance from Greece to the Iranian oil tanker can be considered as support for a foreign terrorist organization according to the American classification
#Iran #Greece #US
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 27/08/2019 | 11:53 uur
Iran reageert op Trump: 'Alleen nieuw gesprek als sancties verdwijnen'
De Iraanse president Hassan Rohani wil dat alle sancties tegen zijn land worden opgeheven voordat hij opnieuw om de tafel gaat met de Verenigde Staten, zegt hij dinsdag op de Iraanse staatstelevisie. Rohani reageert met zijn uitspraken op de Amerikaanse president Donald Trump, die maandag op de G7-top in Frankrijk zei dat een nieuwe ontmoeting realistisch is.

Volgens Trump zouden beide partijen binnen enkele weken weer aan de onderhandelingstafel plaats kunnen nemen om over het nucleaire verdrag te praten.

Rohani zegt dat Iran klaar is voor nieuwe gesprekken, maar dat eerst de "illegale, oneerlijke en onrechtvaardige sancties" moeten verdwijnen. Anders blijven de gesprekken wat hem betreft "op slot" en zal Iran zijn verplichtingen uit het internationale akkoord "steeds minder nakomen".

De ruzie tussen beide landen escaleerde in de afgelopen maanden. Trump trok de Verenigde Staten terug uit de deal die was gesloten om de bezorgdheid van de internationale gemeenschap over een Iraanse kernbom weg te nemen.

Sinds mei botsten de landen nog vaker nadat er olietankers in de Straat van Hormuz werden aangevallen. Drones van beide partijen zouden zijn neergeschoten en Trump blies een raketaanval op het laatste moment af.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 27/08/2019 | 11:57 uur
En nu is Trump weer aan zet. Kijken wie de langste adem heeft, in goed Nederlands "two can play this game".  Als Iran problemen blijft veroorzaken voor de scheepvaart zal de VS iets moeten doen. En in afwachting wat er in de nabije toekomst gaat gebeuren zal een besluit van de EU uitblijven. Je kan heel snel in een ongewilde situatie terecht komen, waar de VS misschien wel op hoopt.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Poleme op 27/08/2019 | 20:23 uur
Nee Ros, Donald Trump heeft tot nu laten zien terughoudend te zijn met inzet van "the last resort" (allerlaatste middel, laatste uitweg), of te wel inzet van zijn krijgsmacht.
Het is ook niet in belang van hem en zijn partij om te hopen op een "ongewilde situatie" of escalatie vanwege de aankomende presidentsverkiezingen.

In de 'Golf' mag dan de sfeer om te snijden zijn.  Op het land in Irak, Libanon en Syria zit Iran in een veel gevaarlijkere dynamiek verwikkeld tegen een klein land en de Arabische landen in de buurt.
Dat zit ook in een verkiezingen tijd, maar daar moet men juist niet alleen de spierballen tonen, maar ook laten zien dat men de tegenvoeters krachtig en hard weet aan te pakken.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Poleme op 27/08/2019 | 20:28 uur
Citaat van: Parera op 28/07/2019 | 16:06 uur

40 megawatt reactor die instaat is om ''weapons grade plutonium'' te produceren. In 2016 hebben de Iraniërs bevestigd dat deze reactor's ''core'' verwijderd is en dat ze die zouden vol gieten met beton zodat de reactor onbruikbaar is. Blijkbaar kunnen ze het toch omdraaien nu. :sleep:
Een nucleaire reactor die slechts 40 MW kan opwekken, zal nooit, maar dan ook nooit winstgevend elektriciteit op kunnen wekken, want te klein.  En dat in een land dat rijk is aan aardolie.   ;)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 27/08/2019 | 20:46 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 27/08/2019 | 20:23 uur
Nee Ros, Donald Trump heeft tot nu laten zien terughoudend te zijn met inzet van "the last resort" (allerlaatste middel, laatste uitweg), of te wel inzet van zijn krijgsmacht.
Het is ook niet in belang van hem en zijn partij om te hopen op een "ongewilde situatie" of escalatie vanwege de aankomende presidentsverkiezingen.

In de 'Golf' mag dan de sfeer om te snijden zijn.  Op het land in Irak, Libanon en Syria zit Iran in een veel gevaarlijkere dynamiek verwikkeld tegen een klein land en de Arabische landen in de buurt.
Dat zit ook in een verkiezingen tijd, maar daar moet men juist niet alleen de spierballen tonen, maar ook laten zien dat men de tegenvoeters krachtig en hard weet aan te pakken.
De kreet  'last resort' is blijkbaar voor mererlei uitleg vatbaar, want er zijn wat dat betreft ook verwijzingen naar de inzet van nucleaire wapens.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Nikehercules op 27/08/2019 | 20:46 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 27/08/2019 | 20:28 uur
Een nucleaire reactor die slechts 40 MW kan opwekken, zal nooit, maar dan ook nooit winstgevend elektriciteit op kunnen wekken, want te klein.  En dat in een land dat rijk is aan aardolie.   ;)

Dat lijkt mij en veilige aanname
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 27/08/2019 | 21:51 uur
Iran is goed bevriend met Noord-Korea .....en die zijn iets verder volgens mij dan Iran met de ontwikkeling van kernwapens, ik denk
dat Iran op termijn ook zelf een atoomwapen zal hebben daar kan je niets tegen doen of je moet Iran binnenvallen en bezetten met
ongeveer 1.5 miljoen Amerikanen want Iran is een enorm groot land.

Israel heeft ook kernwapens ...atoombommen en zijn onderzeeboten zijn met raketten met atoomkoppen uitgerust als Iran iets
probeerd dan slaat Israel meteen terug en dat weten die baarden/jurken in Teheran ook en is hun islamitische heilstaat zo
van de kaart geveegd.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 27/08/2019 | 23:29 uur
Citaat van: Oorlogsvis op 27/08/2019 | 21:51 uur
Israel heeft ook kernwapens ...atoombommen en zijn onderzeeboten zijn met raketten met atoomkoppen uitgerust als Iran iets probeerd dan slaat Israel meteen terug

Zo dom is Iran zeker niet. Redelijke kans dat Israelische doelen ergens ter wereld te maken gaan krijgen met aanslagen enz.

Israel moet wel in de gaten gehouden worden want het land zou zo maar alles kunnen laten escaleren in de regio en dan zijn de rapen gaar.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Zander op 28/08/2019 | 00:00 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 27/08/2019 | 23:29 uur
Zo dom is Iran zeker niet. Redelijke kans dat Israelische doelen ergens ter wereld te maken gaan krijgen met aanslagen enz.

Israel moet wel in de gaten gehouden worden want het land zou zo maar alles kunnen laten escaleren in de regio en dan zijn de rapen gaar.
Zo dom is Israël ook niet.
Israël ligt in een kruitvat. Daar zijn zij zich wel degelijk van bewust.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: A.J. op 28/08/2019 | 01:00 uur
Citaat van: Zander op 28/08/2019 | 00:00 uur
Zo dom is Israël ook niet.
Israël ligt in een kruitvat. Daar zijn zij zich wel degelijk van bewust.

Dit dus. Als er een land bestaat wat zich bewust is van zijn positie in de regio is het Israel wel.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 05/09/2019 | 22:36 uur

Via @JonathanHolslag
CitaatSo, the F-35 might not be so bad after all... The Chinese have copied it and are close to signing a first export contract... with Iran. Imagine Iran getting its F-35 clone before Belgium gets its real ones.


Iran wil dus de J-31?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 04/12/2019 | 22:35 uur
Marine VS onderschept raketonderdelen

WASHINGTON - Een Amerikaans marineschip heeft een ,,aanzienlijke voorraad" geavanceerd wapentuig onderschept, vermoedelijk afkomstig uit Iran. Het gaat om onderdelen voor geleide raketten die bestemd waren voor rebellen in Jemen. Dat hebben Amerikaanse autoriteiten woensdag bevestigd.

De vangst werd vorige week gedaan in het noorden van de Arabische Zee, nadat tijdens een routineoperatie een verdacht vaartuig zonder nationale vlag tot stoppen was gedwongen.

Volgens Amerikaanse regeringsfunctionarissen toont dit incident aan dat er ondanks het VN-verbod nog steeds wapens worden gesmokkeld naar de Houthi-rebellen in Jemen. Onder meer de VS en Israël beschouwen Iran als kwade genius.

Telegraaf, 04-12-2019, 22:30
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Admiral Halsey op 05/12/2019 | 22:02 uur
Telegraaf: "Iraanse raketten staan paraat" (

CitaatIraanse raketten staan paraat

TEL AVIV - Iran brengt door heel het Midden-Oosten raketten in stelling voor, wat Amerikaanse functionarissen vrezen, een nieuwe aanval als vergelding voor de sancties tegen het land. De Verenigde Staten overwegen tot 14.000 extra soldaten naar de regio te sturen om de Iraanse dreiging het hoofd te bieden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 05/12/2019 | 22:16 uur
Via @ ELINTNews

Citaat#BREAKING: Al-Jazeera reports two shells landed inside Balad airbase itself, no casualties reported

Volgens nieuwe berichten overweegt de VS ook om extra troepen en materieel naar het midden-oosten te sturen. De eerste berichten gaat het om 4000 tot 7000 troepen en SHORAD.

Ook is de eerste foto van de vangst van de USS Forest Sherman opgedoken.(

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Admiral Halsey op 07/12/2019 | 09:25 uur
AD: "Marine Iran gaat oefenen met China en Rusland" (
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: artemivanov op 03/01/2020 | 09:17 uur

De shit is aan, wilde wat links delen, maar kan het beste het hele dossier van AD doorlinken:

Kijk ook eens naar dit twitter account(of anderen) naar het indrukwekkende troepentransport sinds 1/1 van de amerikanen;
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 03/01/2020 | 10:00 uur
Citaat van: artemivanov op 03/01/2020 | 09:17 uur
De shit is aan, wilde wat links delen, maar kan het beste het hele dossier van AD doorlinken:

Kijk ook eens naar dit twitter account(of anderen) naar het indrukwekkende troepentransport sinds 1/1 van de amerikanen;

Een aantal interessante twitter feeds om te volgen :


Volgens berichten op Twitter is ook de Israëlische premier onderweg naar Israel naar aanleiding van deze ontwikkelingen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Enforcer op 03/01/2020 | 10:06 uur
Blijkbaar is ook zijn plaatsvervanger omgekomen.

Vraag mij wel af waarom de US voor deze opzichtige aanpak heeft gekozen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: PieBie op 03/01/2020 | 11:29 uur
Citaat van: Enforcer op 03/01/2020 | 10:06 uur

Vraag mij wel af waarom de US voor deze opzichtige aanpak heeft gekozen.

ziehier je antwoord volgens een dagblad:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Admiral Halsey op 03/01/2020 | 11:44 uur
AD: "Nederlands marineschip gewoon naar zeestraat Iran" (
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Enforcer op 03/01/2020 | 11:59 uur
Citaat van: PieBie op 03/01/2020 | 11:29 uur
ziehier je antwoord volgens een dagblad:

"No more Benghazi" heeft zeker meegespeeld. Dat ligt nog redelijk vers in het geheugen.

De vraag gaat meer om of men snel wilde handelen en zeggen "nu is het genoeg", of een subtielere uitschakeling op een later moment.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Admiral Halsey op 03/01/2020 | 12:42 uur
NOS: "D66 wil opnieuw kijken naar Hormuz-missie" (

CitaatD66 wil opnieuw kijken naar Hormuz-missie

Regeringspartij D66 wil dat er opnieuw wordt gekeken naar de Nederlandse missie in de straat van Hormuz. Dat schrijft D66-Kamerlid Sjoerd Sjoerdsma op Twitter. Eind deze maand moet het fregat vertrekken naar de straat bij Iran om daar onder meer olietankers te beschermen, maar Sjoerdsma vreest dat de liquidatie van de Iraanse generaal zal leiden tot escalaties in de regio.
"De eerste prioriteit van het kabinet moet nu de veiligheid van Nederlanders in de regio zijn", aldus Sjoerdsma, die de missie nu belangrijk, maar ook "extra risicovol' noemt.

De SP wil zelfs dat er helemaal een streep door de missie gaat. De oppositiepartij was al tegen. "En het sturen van een Nederlands oorlogsschip naar de straat van Hormuz is onder deze omstandigheden alleen maar onverstandiger geworden", aldus SP-Kamerlid Karabulut.

Ze vindt dat de Amerikaanse president Trump met het doden van Soleimani heeft gekozen "voor een verdere escalatie". De PVV is juist blij dat Soleimani is geliquideerd. PVV-leider Wilders noemt de generaal een "misdadiger" met " bloed aan zijn handen": "Opgeruimd staat netjes"."
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 03/01/2020 | 12:53 uur
Militair gezien wil je daar zijn. Politiek echt niet.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 03/01/2020 | 13:07 uur
Citaat van: PieBie op 03/01/2020 | 11:29 uur
ziehier je antwoord volgens een dagblad:

De zaak op scherp zetten voor politiek gewin in eigen land. Alsof met het  uit de weg ruimen een hoge  functionaris het beleid van Iran gaat veranderen. Tijd voor Den Haag om een streep te halen door de aanstaande missie. 
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: A.J. op 03/01/2020 | 13:38 uur
Heeft Neo-Baathist (;u=3467) zich al gemeld?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Enforcer op 03/01/2020 | 13:56 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 03/01/2020 | 13:07 uur
De zaak op scherp zetten voor politiek gewin in eigen land. Alsof met het  uit de weg ruimen een hoge  functionaris het beleid van Iran gaat veranderen. Tijd voor Den Haag om een streep te halen door de aanstaande missie.

Trump heeft wel gereageerd in een taal die men daar goed verstaat. Bij Obama wisten men dat ze niks te duchten hadden om hun macht zo snel mogelijk uit te breiden en dat is Soleimani buitengewoon goed gelukt. De vraag is of het zijn opvolger wel gaat lukken. Dit soort zaken draaien ook vaak om persoonlijk vertrouwen. Het beleid zal Iran inderdaad niet veranderen, maar de vraag is wel of zij nog zo effectief zullen zijn.

Volgens mij is besloten om dat schip te sturen om de vaarroutes veilig te stellen en juist niet om de US te ondersteunen, zoals zij wel verzocht hadden. Eigenlijk te belachelijk voor woorden dat we uberhaupt maar 1 schip kunnen sturen om onze NL scheepvaart en handelsbelangen te behartigen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 03/01/2020 | 14:25 uur
Iran zweert wraak en benoemt opvolger van door VS gedode generaal
Iran heeft vrijdag gedreigd hard te zullen terugslaan nadat een Amerikaanse luchtaanval in Bagdad een einde maakte aan het leven van Qassem Soleimani, de op een na machtigste man van Iran en de architect van de groeiende invloed van dat land in het Midden-Oosten. Grootayatollah Ali Khamenei heeft Soleimani's vicecommandant tot opvolger benoemd.

In het kort
VS doodt Iraanse generaal bij luchtaanval in Bagdad
Generaal Qassem Soleimani gold als op een na machtigste man van Iran
Iran dreigt met vergeldingsacties
Spanningen tussen VS en Iran lopen al langer op
De Amerikaanse aanval markeert een dramatische escalatie van de 'koude oorlog' tussen Iran, de Verenigde Staten en Amerikaanse bondgenoten in de regio, zoals Saoedi-Arabië en Israël.

Soleimani was razend populair in zowel zijn eigen land als Irak, waar hij hielp de orde te herstellen nadat de opmars van Islamitische Staat het Iraakse leger tot een wilde terugtocht dwong. Hij stond aan het hoofd van de Quds-brigade, een speciale eenheid van de Iraanse Revolutionaire Garde.

"Alle vijanden moeten weten dat de jihad van verzet zal doorgaan met een verdubbelde motivatie en dat de strijders in de heilige oorlog de definitieve overwinning wacht", zei Khamenei in een verklaring. In Iran worden de landen en organisaties in de regio die vijandig tegenover de VS en Israël staan vaak aangeduid als een "front van verzet".

Khamenei benoemde de waarnemend commandant van de Quds-brigade, generaal Esmail Ghaani, tot opvolger van Soleimani.

De Amerikaanse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, Mike Pompeo, noemde de aanval "wettig" en stelde dat de risico's enorm waren geweest als de VS geen actie tegen Iran had ondernomen. "Wij zijn niet op zoek naar oorlog met Iran, maar we zullen niet langs de zijlijn blijven staan als Amerikaanse levens worden bedreigd", zei hij.

Pro-Iraanse milities in Irak nemen mogelijk wraak
"Het martelaarschap van Soleimani zal Iran vastberadener maken om zich te verzetten tegen de Amerikaanse uitbreidingsdrang en onze islamitische waarden te verdedigen", liet de Iraanse president Hassan Rohani vrijdag weten. "Iran en andere landen in de regio die naar vrijheid streven, zullen zonder twijfel wraak nemen."

De premier van Irak, Adel Abdul Mahdi, zei in een reactie op de aanval dat de VS de Iraakse soevereiniteit en internationale afspraken heeft geschonden. Hij riep alle betrokken partijen op terughoudend te zijn.

Ook de invloedrijkste sjiitische geestelijke in Irak, ayatollah Ali Al Sistani, veroordeelde de aanval op het vliegveld als een "onbeschaamde schending van de Iraakse soevereiniteit". Hij riep alle partijen op zich "terughoudend op te stellen en wijs te handelen".

Amerikaanse bondgenoten huiverig na aanval
Israël, de andere grote vijand van Iran en de belangrijkste bondgenoot van de VS, heeft zijn strijdkrachten in een verhoogde staat van paraatheid gebracht naar aanleiding van de Amerikaanse aanval. Premier Benjamin Netanyahu brak een bezoek aan Griekenland voortijdig af.

Europese bondgenoten van de VS, waaronder het Verenigd Koninkrijk, Frankrijk en Duitsland, hebben gezegd zich zorgen te maken over een verdere escalatie van de spanningen.

De Amerikaanse ambassade heeft alle Amerikanen in Irak aangeraden het land te verlaten. Nederlanders in Bagdad kregen hetzelfde advies van het Nederlandse ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken en Frankrijk adviseerde zijn burgers vrijdag om uit de buurt te blijven van publieke bijeenkomsten en op straat geen foto's te maken.

Deskundigen zeggen dat het onwaarschijnlijk is dat Iran zal aansturen op een open conflict, aangezien de Iraanse strijdkrachten niet zijn opgewassen tegen de Amerikaanse. Ze achten het waarschijnlijker dat Iran zijn invloed in de regio zal aanwenden om vergeldingsacties op een kleinere schaal uit te voeren, bijvoorbeeld via pro-Iraanse milities in landen als Irak, Syrië en Libanon.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Admiral Halsey op 03/01/2020 | 15:06 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 03/01/2020 | 14:25 uurDeskundigen zeggen dat het onwaarschijnlijk is dat Iran zal aansturen op een open conflict, aangezien de Iraanse strijdkrachten niet zijn opgewassen tegen de Amerikaanse. Ze achten het waarschijnlijker dat Iran zijn invloed in de regio zal aanwenden om vergeldingsacties op een kleinere schaal uit te voeren, bijvoorbeeld via pro-Iraanse milities in landen als Irak, Syrië en Libanon.

Of dat Iran terreurgroepen in Europa, de VS en in andere westerse landen de opdracht geeft om aanslagen te plegen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Zander op 03/01/2020 | 15:09 uur
Citaat van: A.J. op 03/01/2020 | 13:38 uur
Heeft Neo-Baathist (;u=3467) zich al gemeld?
Nee, die zit samen met Jah is een andere jaartelling.......
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Admiral Halsey op 03/01/2020 | 15:14 uur
NOS: "Al jullie vragen (én antwoorden) over de liquidatie van de Iraanse generaal" (
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Poleme op 03/01/2020 | 15:58 uur
Citaat van: Enforcer op 03/01/2020 | 11:59 uur
"No more Benghazi" heeft zeker meegespeeld. Dat ligt nog redelijk vers in het geheugen.

De vraag gaat meer om of men snel wilde handelen en zeggen "nu is het genoeg", of een subtielere uitschakeling op een later moment.
Qassam Soleimani speelde een belangrijke rol in de destabilisering van de regio.  Komen nog bij de toegenomen acties van pro-Iraanse milities tegen Amerikanen in Irak, van vooral de afgelopen 12 maanden.  Het neerschieten van een Amerikaanse MQ-4C Triton en een MQ-9 Reaper.  De verschillende aanvallen van de Revolutionaire garde met kleef-mijnen op tankers.  En dan de uitgebreide drone aanval op Saoedische olie installaties.

Sancties lijken effectief, maar er blijken altijd weer wegen gevonden om deze te ontwijken.
En ervaringen in o.a. Zuid-Afrika (apartheid) leren dat door sancties getroffen bevolkingen, juist de gelederen sluiten.   De andere grote smeerlappen in Teheran snappen dat brandende autowrak juist heel goed. 

'Jankende' Europeanen die escalatie vrezen, snappen niet hoe het werkt in die achterbuurt, die ook wel het Midden-Oosten wordt genoemd.  In achterbuurten geldt het recht van de sterkste.  Bij je opponenten op de thee gaan en zalvende woorden spreken, wordt daar juist als een uiting van grote zwakte gezien.  En ze zullen dat dan als signaal opvatten om over je heen te lopen.   Op zijn tijd een knock-out opleverende "sucker punch" uitdelen kan daarom helemaal geen kwaad. 

United States of America gefeliciteerd met de verwijdering van die ziekte kiem.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: A.J. op 03/01/2020 | 16:16 uur
Citaat van: Zander op 03/01/2020 | 15:09 uur
Nee, die zit samen met Jah is een andere jaartelling.......

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Admiral Halsey op 03/01/2020 | 16:38 uur
RTL-Nieuws: "#WWIII trending Wordt het oorlog? Vijf vragen over dodelijke aanval op Iraanse generaal" (
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 03/01/2020 | 16:52 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 03/01/2020 | 15:58 uur
United States of America gefeliciteerd met de verwijdering van die ziekte kiem.

Voor het Midden Oosten is het olie op het vuur en voor de bondgenoten niets meer dan een zeer domme zet op een verkeerd moment. De kiem kan dan wel weg zijn. De opvolger is al naar voren geschoven en deze zal moeten/willen bewijzen dat hij een waardige opvolger is.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Admiral Halsey op 03/01/2020 | 17:06 uur
AD: "Politieke partijen bezorgd over deelname missie in Golfregio" (
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: A.J. op 03/01/2020 | 17:47 uur
Citaat van: Admiral Halsey op 03/01/2020 | 16:38 uur
RTL-Nieuws: "#WWIII trending Wordt het oorlog? Vijf vragen over dodelijke aanval op Iraanse generaal" (

WWIII trending...

Kan er nou niemand meer rationeel nadenken? Er gaat geen fuck gebeuren.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 03/01/2020 | 17:49 uur
Ho stop. Wij zijn bezig met onhoudbare zorgkosten wereld.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 03/01/2020 | 17:52 uur
Citaat van: A.J. op 03/01/2020 | 17:47 uur
WWIII trending...
Kan er nou niemand meer rationeel nadenken?
De wereld wordt nog gekker gemaakt door Social Media, MSM etc.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Admiral Halsey op 03/01/2020 | 18:27 uur
Citaat van: Lex op 03/01/2020 | 17:52 uur
De wereld wordt nog gekker gemaakt door Social Media, MSM etc.

Een oorlog in het Midden-Oosten uitvechten via Social Media als Facebook en Twitter? Social Media zijn prachtige wapens in handen van militairen én burgers.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Zander op 03/01/2020 | 18:28 uur
Citaat van: Admiral Halsey op 03/01/2020 | 18:27 uur
Een oorlog in het Midden-Oosten uitvechten via Social Media als Facebook en Twitter? Social Media zijn prachtige wapens.
Misschien hebben de Russen nog een leuke cursus op de plank liggen  :cute-smile:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 03/01/2020 | 19:01 uur
En ondertussen stuurt de VS nog eens 3500 troepen extra naar koeweit. Eenheden zijn afkomstig van de 82nd airborne division en zijn eerder deze week op stand-by gezet en komen boven op de 650 troepen die eerder aankwamen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 03/01/2020 | 19:34 uur
Beveiliging, meer mankracht.. niets schokkends.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 03/01/2020 | 20:20 uur
Citaat van: Parera op 03/01/2020 | 19:01 uur
En ondertussen stuurt de VS nog eens 3500 troepen extra naar koeweit. Eenheden zijn afkomstig van de 82nd airborne division en zijn eerder deze week op stand-by gezet en komen boven op de 650 troepen die eerder aankwamen.
Een goeie zaak ...want dat het uit de hand gaat lopen staat bijna vast. Moqtada al Sadr heeft opgeroepen om het Mehdi leger weer op te richten wat
in 2008 ontmanteld was door hem. Ik vrees voor de US dat die 3500 niet genoeg zullen zijn omdat ze nu echt als bezettingsmacht van Irak moeten gaan
fungeren ...en dan praat je snel oper +100K of beter nog 200K manschappen als al die militie leden appels en peren naar je gaan gooien.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 03/01/2020 | 20:37 uur
Citaat van: Oorlogsvis op 03/01/2020 | 20:20 uur
Een goeie zaak ...want dat het uit de hand gaat lopen staat bijna vast. Moqtada al Sadr heeft opgeroepen om het Mehdi leger weer op te richten wat
in 2008 ontmanteld was door hem. Ik vrees voor de US dat die 3500 niet genoeg zullen zijn omdat ze nu echt als bezettingsmacht van Irak moeten gaan
fungeren ...en dan praat je snel oper +100K of beter nog 200K manschappen als al die militie leden appels en peren naar je gaan gooien.

Dit is ook nog maar de voorhoede, volgens verschillende twitter feeds zijn er ook andere vliegbewegingen gezien die niet aangekondigd zijn.

O.a.een 4 tal KC-135's van Mildenhall naar het midden-oosten. Mogelijk begeleiding van fighters of zelfs bommenwerpers.

Voor grote operaties moet de VS nog heel wat materieel in vliegen of varen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: RTB op 03/01/2020 | 20:44 uur
Even los van de implicaties van de drone strike, blijft toch indrukwekkend hoe het militaire apparaat van de VS dit allemaal doet. 24/7 ISR capaciteit, 24/7 bewapende drone capaciteit en nu worden er weer 40+ C-5/C-17/C-130/KC-10/KC-135's ingezet om een volledige brigade binnen 24u over te ferryen vanuit de VS.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 03/01/2020 | 20:47 uur
Citaat van: Parera op 03/01/2020 | 20:37 uur
O.a.een 4 tal KC-135's van Mildenhall naar het midden-oosten. Mogelijk begeleiding van fighters of zelfs bommenwerpers.
De vier kisten zijn geland op Aviano en na een uur weer teruggekeerd naar Mildenhall. Dat wsl volgens dezelfde bron. 8)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 03/01/2020 | 20:52 uur
Citaat van: RTB op 03/01/2020 | 20:44 uur
Even los van de implicaties van de drone strike, blijft toch indrukwekkend hoe het militaire apparaat van de VS dit allemaal doet. 24/7 ISR capaciteit, 24/7 bewapende drone capaciteit en nu worden er weer 40+ C-5/C-17/C-130/KC-10/KC-135's ingezet om een volledige brigade binnen 24u over te ferryen vanuit de VS.
niet normaal respect voor hun....daar kunnen wij nog wat van leren !
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Admiral Halsey op 03/01/2020 | 21:05 uur
Volkskrant: "Iraakse premier ziet doden Iraanse generaal als een oorlogsverklaring" (
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/01/2020 | 21:52 uur
Trump: 'We zijn niet uit op een verandering van het regime in Iran' via @NOS
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Zander op 03/01/2020 | 22:05 uur
En dan is de vraag, waar zijn de carriers?
En de rest van de US vloot natuurlijk.

Vanaf hun carriers kunnen ze met gemak grootschalige operaties uitvoeren ter verdediging van hun eigen posities.
Of om terug te slaan.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/01/2020 | 22:12 uur
Citaat van: Zander op 03/01/2020 | 22:05 uur
En dan is de vraag, waar zijn de carriers?
En de rest van de US vloot natuurlijk.

Vanaf hun carriers kunnen ze met gemak grootschalige operaties uitvoeren ter verdediging van hun eigen posities.
Of om terug te slaan.

USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: Dec. 30, 2019
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 03/01/2020 | 22:25 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/01/2020 | 22:12 uur
USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: Dec. 30, 2019[
Hoe betrouwbaar schat je deze info in?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: RTB op 03/01/2020 | 22:29 uur
Citaat van: Zander op 03/01/2020 | 22:05 uur
En dan is de vraag, waar zijn de carriers?
En de rest van de US vloot natuurlijk.

Vanaf hun carriers kunnen ze met gemak grootschalige operaties uitvoeren ter verdediging van hun eigen posities.
Of om terug te slaan.
USAF zit al in Irak, Koeweit, Qatar, Afghanistan, VAE, Saudi Arabië, Jordanië en Turkije. Echt nodig zijn ze niet
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/01/2020 | 22:33 uur
Citaat van: Lex op 03/01/2020 | 22:25 uur
Hoe betrouwbaar schat je deze info in?

Er zit vast een afwijking in t.o.v. de realiteit.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 03/01/2020 | 23:15 uur
Lui komop... als iets als een drone strike waarbij een belangrijke flapdrol als die Iraanse frikadel wordt gedood..gaan de amerikanen echt niet wachten met eventuele beteknisvolle bewegingen NA de strike.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 03/01/2020 | 23:17 uur
Citaat van: RTB op 03/01/2020 | 22:29 uur
USAF zit al in Irak, Koeweit, Qatar, Afghanistan, VAE, Saudi Arabië, Jordanië en Turkije. Echt nodig zijn ze niet

Dat is dan ook weer zo en de B2's kunnen gewoon vanaf huis thuisbasis het openingsrondje vliegen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Poleme op 03/01/2020 | 23:36 uur
Citaat van: Oorlogsvis op 03/01/2020 | 20:20 uur
Een goeie zaak ...want dat het uit de hand gaat lopen staat bijna vast. Moqtada al Sadr heeft opgeroepen om het Mehdi leger weer op te richten wat
in 2008 ontmanteld was door hem. Ik vrees voor de US dat die 3500 niet genoeg zullen zijn omdat ze nu echt als bezettingsmacht van Irak moeten gaan
fungeren ...en dan praat je snel oper +100K of beter nog 200K manschappen als al die militie leden appels en peren naar je gaan gooien.
Toen Islamitische Staat in 2014 opkwam, waren er ook mensen die vonden dat de VS 100.000+ of zelfs enkele honderden duizenden militairen moesten sturen om IS de kop in te drukken.  Toen reageerde iemand van de US Army dat hun toenmalige krijgsmacht totaal niet te vergelijken was met die uit 1991 en 2003.  Al in 2014 waren ze al niet meer in staat om zo een 100.000+ macht op de breen te krijgen in voornamelijk Irak.

Barack Obama deed in zijn eerste termijn al de belofte om het grootste deel van zijn troepen uit Irak weg te halen.  Want vele Amerikanen waren die oorlog helemaal beu.
Het ironische is, dat door die ingeloste verkiezing belofte de door zijn voorganger in 2007 in gang gezette succesvolle "Surge".  In feite het eerste deel van een "Clear - Hold - Build" contra-guerilla stappenplan, voortijdig werd stopgezet.  In 2007, vierde de guerrilla en terroristische activiteiten van de buitenlandse en Iraakse Soennieten hoogtij.
  Dit kwam doordat de Amerikanen in 2004, de Soennieten van hun macht, banen en pecunia beroofden, om zo voorgoed met het Ba 'ath regime af te kunnen rekenen.  Tijdens de "surge" kregen de Soennieten weer pecunia, wapens, training en meer macht in handen.   Moqtada al Sadr en zijn Mehdi militie deden in eind 2003 / '04 al van zich spreken en zijn zo extremistisch als de pest.  Zijn machtsbasis ligt in een Shi'itische buurt in Bagdad.  Maar in 2008 besloot dit luidruchtige varken zijn militie dus te ontmantelen. Want er ontstond een evenwichtiger binnenlandse machtsbalans.

Echter, door de door Obama ingezette vroegtijdige terugtrekking werd die machtsbalans weer verstoord.  Wat natuurlijk weer zeer veel kwaad zette bij de Soennieten en wederom bewees dat de VS een onbetrouwbare partij zijn.  Dit werkte als een grote katalysator op de ontwikkeling van IS.  De Arabisch-Soennietische landen zagen die verstoorde machtsbalans met lede ogen aan.  En begonnen aan een "push-back" van de gehate Shi 'iten.

Er is geen haar op Donald Trump zijn lichaam te vinden, die wil escaleren en al helemaal niet eentje om weer een gruwelijk geld verslindend militair  avontuur aan te gaan.
In de rest van Washington D.C. zullen de meningen hierin niet veel afwijken.  Laat staan in de Amerikaanse bevolking.  Daarnaast is de Amerikaanse schatkist totaal niet meer in staat om zulke grootschalige uitzendingen te financieren.

Dus zal Trump en zijn opvolgers hetzelfde model volgen als bij de anti-IS Coalitie.   Een zeer beperkte 'voet afdruk' op de grond in de vorm van intel diensten, contractors, SOF en semi-SOF zoals de US Rangers.  Ondersteunt vanuit de lucht door (jacht)-bommenwerpers, drones en Intel Surveillance Recon (ISR) vliegtuigen.
Daarnaast vooral politieke, financiele, logistieke en opleiding-, plus training ondersteuning van niet-Shi 'itische groepen.  De huidige Iraakse (Rijks)overheid is al zwak.
Om zodoende de machtsbalans weer te doen omslaan ten gunste van vooral het Soennitische deel van Irak.  Waarbij Irak en andere Soennitische landen de overgrote rol zullen moeten spelen. 

Hedendaagse Westerlingen zijn beste mensen hoor.  Maar ze missen de nodige doortastendheid en wreedheid om succes te boeken in het Midden-Oosten.
En het maakt natuurlijk een heel groot verschil of bijvoorbeeld een wijk plat gegooid wordt door een stel 'kafirs' of een stel Arabieren.
De Romeinen vochten al in Irak, toen hun rijk eigenlijk al weer bergafwaarts ging.   De Britten moesten na WO 1 ook in Irak vol aan de bak, om de opstanden daar neer proberen te slaan.  Maar hun economie en krijgsmacht waren uitgemergeld.  Toen het in 1922 militair gezien helemaal verkeerd dreigde te gaan.  Besloot ene Churchill om dan maar de RAF naar Irak te sturen.  Winston gaf zijn troepen de opdracht om aan alle stammen te vragen of ze voor of tegen de Britten waren.  Waren ze tegen, dan werden die tweedekkertjes erop af gestuurd, met een keur aan overtollige chemische wapens.   En werd vervolgens de hele stam gedecimeerd.   En dat werkte !
Ruwweg 60 jaar later deed wijlen Saddam Hoessein het nog eens dunnetjes over.
Of kijk eens naar Jemen.  De Saoedi's krijgen regelmatig een groot pak slaag van de Jemenitische krijgers.  Maar de Saoedi's redeneren net als Napoleon: een leger marcheert op zijn maag.  En een samenleving draait op een volle maag.  Dus blokkeert de Arabische Coalitie de toevoer van voedsel en medicijnen.  Het schijnt niet de eerste keer te zijn dat de Saoedi's tegen Jemen vechten.  En toen werkte een voedsel en medicijnen blokkade ook doeltreffend.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Poleme op 04/01/2020 | 00:08 uur
Hoe George Bush Jr. en Obama hun andere wang toekeerden aan een terrorist en schurkenstaat.

The Pentagon has confirmed that, at the direction of President Donald Trump, the United States military struck a convoy near Baghdad airport killing Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani, the notorious commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps' Quds force, and his Iraqi lieutenant, who is known by his nom de guerre Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis.

At one stroke, the U.S. president has decapitated the Iranian regime's chief terror arm and its most prominent extension in Iraq, where the U.S. Embassy was set on fire last week. Strategically, the killing of Osama bin Laden and, more recently, of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, pale by comparison. In addition to being responsible for killing hundreds of U.S. soldiers during the Iraq War, Soleimani directed a larger state project, which has shaped the geopolitics of the region.

Soleimani, who arguably was the second most important man in the Iranian power hierarchy, led Iran's military campaigns throughout the Middle East—campaigns that resulted in the lengthening of Iran's shadow across Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon. The armies, militias, and terrorist groups that Soleimani directed, supported, trained, and equipped have killed hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians, devastated civilian infrastructure, and turned millions of people into refugees.

Soleimani's main job was commanding a network of Shiite militias subordinate to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), which have served as the foot soldiers for his military campaigns. His subcommander in Iraq was al-Muhandis, an old Iranian asset who headed the Hezbollah Brigades and oversaw the so-called Popular Mobilization Units, the umbrella structure under which Iranian-controlled Iraqi militias were grouped. Over much of the previous decade, many of these militias were deployed in Syria, alongside the IRGC's Lebanese unit, Hezbollah, to defend Iran's interests there in support of the genocidal regime of the Syrian dictator Bashar Assad.

Soleimani's militias, which are integrated formally into the Iraqi security apparatus, have long been the real power in Baghdad. They also have taken advantage of U.S. support, especially during the Obama years, as part of the anti-ISIS campaign, to take control of large sections of the Iraqi border with Syria, which allowed Soleimani to move missiles, personnel, and other materiel across the border and point them at Israel's head. Recent Israeli strikes along the Iraqi-Syrian border and inside Iraq are testament to Iran's use of Iraqi territory in its broader geopolitical play, which includes the positioning of missiles on Iraqi and Syrian soil after having turned Lebanon into a forward missile base.

Israel is hardly the only target. Soleimani also used Iraq as a forward base to target another U.S. ally, Saudi Arabia. This is the kind of strategic threat that only a state with large resources could pose, and which terror group leaders bin Laden and al-Baghdadi could only dream of while hiding in caves.

Despite the size of the threat Soleimani posed, two U.S. presidents shied from taking him out. Even as Soleimani was harvesting American soldiers in Iraq with antitank missiles and roadside IEDs, President George W. Bush and his military commanders were too afraid to pull the trigger. Gen. Stanley McChrystal revealed a year ago how, when he was serving as the head of the Joint Special Operations Command in 2007, he had an opportunity to kill Soleimani, and very good reason to do so: "At the time, Iranian-made roadside bombs built and deployed at his command were claiming the lives of U.S. troops across Iraq." But he didn't, in order "to avoid a firefight, and the contentious politics that would follow."

A year later, another opportunity to kill Soleimani was wasted. During the operation to assassinate Hezbollah's senior military commander, Imad Mughniyeh, in Damascus in 2008, Soleimani was present with Mughniyeh. "At one point, the two men were standing there, same place, same street. All they had to do was push the button," a former U.S. official disclosed in 2015. "But the operatives didn't have the legal authority to kill Soleimani ... There had been no presidential finding to do so."

Seemingly immune from U.S. retaliation, Soleimani spent the Obama years strutting around Iraq and Syria like a peacock in '70s-style turtleneck sweaters and an array of tailored military style jackets like an IRGC version of Al Pacino in Scarface, while garnering admiring magazine profiles.

This nauseating treatment started at the top. Under President Obama, the U.S. was realigning with Iran, which meant providing its regime with billions of dollars, some of it hand delivered by U.S. officials in the form of large pallets of cash. The U.S. also provided direct military support to Soleimani's Iraqi militias as part of the anti-ISIS campaign. It was important not to cross Iran's red lines, administration officials regularly leaked at the time, so as not to jeopardize the safety of U.S. soldiers while they killed Iran's enemies in Iraq and Syria–a strategy that was variously labeled as "counterterrorism" or "the fight against Al Qaeda" or "the war against ISIS," and which invariably involved aligning with Iran to kill Sunni Arabs, who form the majority of the region's population.

Taking the red-carpet treatment for granted, Iran appears to have badly miscalculated with President Trump. The Trump administration had made clear last week that it would hold Iran directly accountable for any attack by its assets that harmed American personnel. The president personally tweeted that "Iran will be held fully responsible for lives lost, or damage incurred, at any of our facilities. They will pay a very BIG PRICE! This is not a Warning, it is a Threat. Happy New Year!"

Not only did Iran and its militias kill an American in one such attack, but they then orchestrated an attack on the U.S. Embassy designed for maximum public humiliation. Al-Muhandis and other senior Iranian assets took part in the attack. Graffiti on the embassy walls declared Soleimani to be the attackers' commander.

There were no pretenses as to who was responsible for the attack. Iran's head of state, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who is often pictured with Soleimani at his side, publicly mocked the U.S., declaring that "You can't do anything." The stage was set for a replay of the Iranian U.S. Embassy takeover of 1979 in Tehran.

Apparently, Khamenei, who according to Iranian regime doctrine exercises the authority of the missing 12th Shiite imam on earth, didn't imagine what was coming next.

After 15 years of Iran spreading its power throughout the region while degrading the U.S. strategic architecture in the Middle East and killing tens of thousands of people with impunity, President Trump attempted to stop the merry-go-round by disentangling the U.S. from Obama's deal and reimposing sanctions on Iran. But the administration left some waivers in place, and there have been some mixed signals about negotiating a new nuclear deal with Iran. Apparently, neither Khamenei nor Soleimani was impressed.

Now, Trump has shown that the U.S. is willing to strike back at Iran, and strike hard. What comes next is anyone's guess, including possible Iranian strikes on Israel or on Saudi Arabia, Iranian strikes on U.S. troops in Iraq, anti-Iranian unrest inside Iraq, and anti-regime unrest within Iran itself, but one thing is already clear beyond any doubt: Iran can no longer expect to kill U.S. citizens and strike U.S. embassies with impunity.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 04/01/2020 | 01:00 uur
wat een paniekzaaiers zeg. Iraanse aanvallen op Amerikaanse doelwitten, jaja, de Iranezen zijn gek zeker.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Admiral Halsey op 04/01/2020 | 09:15 uur
Volkskrant: "Iraakse tv: zes doden bij nieuwe Amerikaanse luchtaanval Bagdad" (

CitaatDe VS hebben vrijdagavond laat opnieuw een luchtaanval uitgevoerd op een konvooi van Iraakse milities bij Bagdad. Daarbij zouden zes leden van de door Iran gesteunde militiegroepering Popular Mobilisation Forces (PMF) om het leven zijn gekomen. Dat meldt de Iraakse staatstelevisie.

Zie ook NOS "Twijfel over nieuwe aanval op pro-Iraanse militie" ( en  'Aanslag op Soleimani staat gelijk aan oorlogsverklaring' (
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Zander op 04/01/2020 | 10:39 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 04/01/2020 | 01:00 uur
wat een paniekzaaiers zeg. Iraanse aanvallen op Amerikaanse doelwitten, jaja, de Iranezen zijn gek zeker.
Zal misschien links en rechts een speldenprikje worden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 04/01/2020 | 10:51 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 04/01/2020 | 01:00 uur
wat een paniekzaaiers zeg. Iraanse aanvallen op Amerikaanse doelwitten, jaja, de Iranezen zijn gek zeker.

Dan begrijp je het niet Iran voert dat zelf niet uit maar laat dit doen door milities  in Irak, Syrië, Libanon, Jemen en Gazastrook. Denk hierbij aan Hamas,  Hezbollah en Sjiietische milities in Irak.
Je kunt niet alleen aanvallen op Amerikaanse doelwitten verwachten er zullen namelijk ook aanvallen komen op Israël, Saoedi-Arabië en andere golfstaten. Ook Afrika en Zuid-Amerika en Europa zullen niet veilig zijn.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 04/01/2020 | 12:27 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 04/01/2020 | 10:51 uur
Dan begrijp je het niet Iran voert dat zelf niet uit maar laat dit doen door milities  in Irak, Syrië, Libanon, Jemen en Gazastrook. Denk hierbij aan Hamas,  Hezbollah en Sjiietische milities in Irak.
Je kunt niet alleen aanvallen op Amerikaanse doelwitten verwachten er zullen namelijk ook aanvallen komen op Israël, Saoedi-Arabië en andere golfstaten. Ook Afrika en Zuid-Amerika en Europa zullen niet veilig zijn.

Iran controleert niet de agenda van alle terroristische groeperingen op aarde.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 04/01/2020 | 12:35 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 04/01/2020 | 12:27 uur
Iran controleert niet de agenda van alle terroristische groeperingen op aarde.

Wel in  in Irak, Syrië, Libanon, Jemen en Gazastrook en daarnaast sponsort Iran veel  terroristische groeperingen en leidt ze ook op.
Je begrijpt zeker niet dat  Qassem Soleimani verantwoordelijk was voor terreuraanslagen in Afrika en Zuid-Amerika?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 04/01/2020 | 12:38 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 04/01/2020 | 10:51 uur
Dan begrijp je het niet Iran voert dat zelf niet uit maar laat dit doen door milities  in Irak, Syrië, Libanon, Jemen en Gazastrook. Denk hierbij aan Hamas,  Hezbollah en Sjiietische milities in Irak.
Je kunt niet alleen aanvallen op Amerikaanse doelwitten verwachten er zullen namelijk ook aanvallen komen op Israël, Saoedi-Arabië en andere golfstaten. Ook Afrika en Zuid-Amerika en Europa zullen niet veilig zijn.

Een 1:1 link met de Iraanse strijdkrachten zal worden voorkomen. Inderdaad zullen de genoemde milities graag Iran van dienst willen zijn om de ongelovige honden aan te pakken. Men vergeet nog wel eens dat westerse acties gezien worden als aanval op de Islam en dat schept al snel een band.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 04/01/2020 | 13:29 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 04/01/2020 | 12:56 uur
Men vergeet ook nogal eens dat de Islam ook enorm in oorlog is met zichzelf.

Dat hebben wij in het verleden ook gehad  met de 80 jarige oorlog en Noord-Ierland.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 04/01/2020 | 13:34 uur
Citaat van: RTB op 03/01/2020 | 22:29 uur
USAF zit al in Irak, Koeweit, Qatar, Afghanistan, VAE, Saudi Arabië, Jordanië en Turkije. Echt nodig zijn ze niet

Vergeet de luchtmachtbasis  en marinebasis van de USAF en US Navy op Diego Garcia niet hier staan B52's en B1's.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 04/01/2020 | 13:51 uur
Is iig die drone obama onzinnige retoriek over. Maar het wordt wel een puinhoop in de wereld zo.

Als de Russen zich straks ook vrij voelen om dit te gaan doen in proxy landen is het snel los.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 04/01/2020 | 13:57 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 04/01/2020 | 12:56 uur
Men vergeet ook nogal eens dat de Islam ook enorm in oorlog is met zichzelf.

Dat klopt, maar bij een westerse aanval staan gelijk bijna alle neuzen dezelfde kant op.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 04/01/2020 | 13:59 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 04/01/2020 | 13:57 uur
Dat klopt, maar bij een westerse aanval staan gelijk bijna alle neuzen dezelfde kant op.
Jij lolbroek. Onzin machine maar weer aangezet? ;D ;D
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 04/01/2020 | 14:47 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 04/01/2020 | 13:57 uur
Dat klopt, maar bij een westerse aanval staan gelijk bijna alle neuzen dezelfde kant op.

Dat geldt alleen voor de Sjiietische  moslims en niet voor de Soennitisch moslims
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Poleme op 04/01/2020 | 15:52 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 04/01/2020 | 12:35 uur
Wel in  in Irak, Syrië, Libanon, Jemen en Gazastrook en daarnaast sponsort Iran veel  terroristische groeperingen en leidt ze ook op.
Je begrijpt zeker niet dat  Qassem Soleimani verantwoordelijk was voor terreuraanslagen in Afrika en Zuid-Amerika?
Dat klopt.  En Iran zat ook achter de kleef-mijn aanvallen op tankers, schoot 2 drones neer, kaapte een aantal tankers en bombardeerde later een flink deel van de Saoedische olie installaties.  De Amerikanen en Arabieren besloten bewust niet tot vergelding om een escalatie in de al zeer gespannen sfeer in die regio te voorkomen.
De laatste 6 a 12 maanden was er wel een stille op de achtergrond gaande escalatie in Irak zelf tussen Amerikanen vs pro-Iraanse milities en waarschijnlijk Iraanse groepen.

Echter, vorige week werd de Amerikaanse ambassade in Bagdad met stenen bekogeld en brand gesticht.  Een januari jl. was er een reportage op het Vlaamse TV nieuws over deze protesten.  En een journalist nam een kort interview af van een demonstrant.  De ruwweg 45 jarige man zei dat ze demonstreerden, omdat ze vinden dat de Amerikanen volledig uit Irak moeten vertrekken.  Maar ... hij sprak geen Arabisch of Engels, maar juist in het Farsi, welke in Iran gesproken wordt.  ;)

Nou is het een publiek geheim dat Iran geïnfiltreerd is in de militaire, politieke, economische en religieuze gelederen van de Iraakse samenleving.
Niet de Amerikanen, maar de Soennietische Arabieren hebben de hoofdrol in allerlei manieren die Iraanse invloed in Irak, maar ook in geheel het Midden-Oosten terug te dringen.

De alarmbellen in Washington D.C. gingen pas echt rinkelen na de belagingen van hun ambassade.  Er doken weer de iconische foto's op van de laatste helikopters, die rijen mensen uit de Amerikaanse ambassade in Saigon evacueerden.
En een paar andere trauma's speelden ook weer op.  Ten eerste de in mijn ogen zogenaamde studenten die de Amerikaanse ambassade in Teheran in 1979 bezette.  En dan Benghazi, Libya, rond 2011.  Beide hadden nogal wat politieke gevolgen.  En vooral de ambassade bezetting in Teheran was ingrijpend.  Het kostte president Jimmy Carter de verkiezingen.   Gezien de leeftijd van Trump, zal '1979' best goed in zijn geheugen zijn geprent.  En vooral de eventuele gevolgen voor hem als President of the USA.

If you want to fuck up my government, I will fuck up your government.  En zo gebeurde, door een sleutel figuur uit te schakelen.  In Bagdad werd op straat gedanst en geschreeuwd: ze hadden hem al vele jaren geleden moeten omleggen.   Anderen ging de straat op om te demonstreren tegen de 'grote Satan' en hun vlaggen te verbranden.

Maar deze uitschakeling kwam wel heel duidelijk en hard aan in Teheran.  En zullen zeer waarschijnlijk denken: "We kunnen niet meer ongestraft onze gang gaan."
Escalatie is voor Teheran geen optie.  Hun avonturen in Irak, Syria, Libanon en Jemen zijn natuurlijk succesvol, maar hebben ook vele miljarden gekost.
En soennitische landen zijn volop bezig om deze toegenomen Iraanse invloed weer terug te dringen.  Een effectieve manier is om de zeer grote binnenlandse onrust proberen aan te wakkeren.  Want een groot deel van de Iraanse bevolking is het regime helemaal beu, gezien de zeer wijdverspreide protesten eind vorig jaar.

Ik verwacht dat Iran daarom besluit om of helemaal niet te vergelden.  Of een of meerder beperkte actie(s), die geen of zeer weinig escalatie risico hebben.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 04/01/2020 | 21:22 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 04/01/2020 | 14:47 uur
....... en niet voor de Soennitisch moslims

En daar zitten geen geloofsfanaten tussen en zij zijn allemaal pro-westen ?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Admiral Halsey op 04/01/2020 | 21:33 uur
NOS: "Raketten afgevuurd op centrum Bagdad en Iraakse vliegbasis" (
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 04/01/2020 | 22:25 uur
Zie ook:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 04/01/2020 | 22:47 uur
En als het te lang gaat duren de militairen terugtrekken uit Irak ? Want dit gaat geen weken duren maar veel langer. Lijkt mij dat landen die een kleine(re) bijdrage leveren hun mensen niet voor spek en bonen daar gaan houden.

Het opschorten van de trainingsmissie  zal al als een overwinning worden gezien door Iran.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 04/01/2020 | 23:02 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 04/01/2020 | 22:47 uur
En als het te lang gaat duren de militairen terugtrekken uit Irak ?
Er zijn tot op heden geen berichten over terugtrekken, slechts op opschorten van de trainingsmissie.
Citaat van: Ros op 04/01/2020 | 22:47 uur
Want dit gaat geen weken duren maar veel langer. Lijkt mij dat landen die een kleine(re) bijdrage leveren hun mensen niet voor spek en bonen daar gaan houden.
Hoe lang dit gaat duren in koffiedik kijken. En wat de landen gaan doen evenzo.
Citaat van: Ros op 04/01/2020 | 22:47 uur
Het opschorten van de trainingsmissie  zal al als een overwinning worden gezien door Iran.
Tsja, het is maar net hoe men dit benadert.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 04/01/2020 | 23:48 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 04/01/2020 | 22:47 uur
En als het te lang gaat duren de militairen terugtrekken uit Irak ? Want dit gaat geen weken duren maar veel langer. Lijkt mij dat landen die een kleine(re) bijdrage leveren hun mensen niet voor spek en bonen daar gaan houden.

Het opschorten van de trainingsmissie  zal al als een overwinning worden gezien door Iran.

Ros je praat er wel heel makkelijk over ben jij soms bereid om die trainingsmissie te doen?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 05/01/2020 | 01:52 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 04/01/2020 | 23:48 uur
Ros je praat er wel heel makkelijk over ben jij soms bereid om die trainingsmissie te doen?

Ros en militaire ervaring is zoiets als olie en water. Die kerel heeft ooit verplicht in dienst gezeten en vind dat alles wat moeilijk is voor zijn resterende leven de schuld is vam defensie.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 05/01/2020 | 10:26 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 05/01/2020 | 01:52 uur
Ros en militaire ervaring is zoiets als olie en water. Die kerel heeft ooit verplicht in dienst gezeten en vind dat alles wat moeilijk is voor zijn resterende leven de schuld is vam defensie.

Je bedoelt dat Ros toen een trauma heeft opgelopen toen hij in militaire dienst zat?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 05/01/2020 | 10:49 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 05/01/2020 | 10:26 uur
Je bedoelt dat Ros toen een trauma heeft opgelopen toen hij in militaire dienst zat?

Met achter een forumlid aanhollen die graag conclusies trekt gebaseerd op wat hij denkt te zien, kom je er niet. Ik denk dat "Ros" heel diep in de twee hersencelletjes verankerd zit  :devil:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 05/01/2020 | 10:51 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 04/01/2020 | 23:48 uur
Ros je praat er wel heel makkelijk over ben jij soms bereid om die trainingsmissie te doen?

Nee, heb wel wat beters te doen dat wel vooruitgang boekt.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 05/01/2020 | 10:56 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 05/01/2020 | 10:49 uur
Met achter een forumlid aanhollen die graag conclusies trekt gebaseerd op wat hij denkt te zien, kom je er niet. Ik denk dat "Ros" heel diep in de twee hersencelletjes verankerd zit  :devil:

Je hapt anders toch wel  8)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 05/01/2020 | 11:00 uur
Trump dreigt met 'harde en snelle aanval' op 52 Iraanse doelwitten via @NUnl
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 05/01/2020 | 11:04 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 05/01/2020 | 11:00 uur
Trump dreigt met 'harde en snelle aanval' op 52 Iraanse doelwitten

Of je nu voor,  tegen of neutraal bent richting Trump is niet zo relevant, duidelijk is wel dat hij doet wat hij zegt en dat weten ze in Iran ook.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 05/01/2020 | 11:10 uur
Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 05/01/2020 | 11:00 uur
Trump dreigt met 'harde en snelle aanval' op 52 Iraanse doelwitten via @NUnl

Die 52 doelen zullen vermoedelijk met kruisraketten gebeuren.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 05/01/2020 | 11:38 uur
Citaat van: Thomasen op 05/01/2020 | 11:35 uur
Toch zonde dat ze net de CALCM door de shredder hebben gegooid. Heb het vermoeden dat die 52 doelen wel aangegrepen moeten worden.

Het zou mij niets verbazen als er meer dan 52 doelen zijn.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Admiral Halsey op 05/01/2020 | 11:50 uur
Daily Mail: "UK forces brace for revenge attacks by Iran: Two warships and SAS are mobilised in the Gulf and troops armed with more firepower to protect citizens and assets - as Trump threatens more attacks after Soleimani killing (and Boris jets home)" (

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 05/01/2020 | 12:49 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 05/01/2020 | 11:38 uur
Het zou mij niets verbazen als er meer dan 52 doelen zijn.

Het gaat om het  symbolische aantal van 52 doelen als je de tweet van Trump leest. Het aantal van 52 vertegenwoordigt volgens Trump de 52 Amerikanen die in 1979 lange tijd werden gegijzeld in de Amerikaanse ambassade in Teheran.  Moeilijk om deze actie niet los te zien van de komende verkiezingen in de VS.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 05/01/2020 | 17:16 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 05/01/2020 | 12:49 uur
Het gaat om het  symbolische aantal van 52 doelen als je de tweet van Trump leest. Het aantal van 52 vertegenwoordigt volgens Trump de 52 Amerikanen die in 1979 lange tijd werden gegijzeld in de Amerikaanse ambassade in Teheran.  Moeilijk om deze actie niet los te zien van de komende verkiezingen in de VS.

Dat was mij al bekend.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Admiral Halsey op 05/01/2020 | 17:36 uur
NOS: "Iraakse parlement wil dat Amerikaanse militairen vertrekken" (
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 05/01/2020 | 17:53 uur
Oeh lala.. de get out of jail free card voor de VS uit Irak. Waarempel.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Admiral Halsey op 05/01/2020 | 17:58 uur
RTL-Nieuws: "EU wil praten met Iran om situatie niet te laten escaleren" (
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Zander op 05/01/2020 | 18:29 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 05/01/2020 | 17:53 uur
Oeh lala.. de get out of jail free card voor de VS uit Irak. Waarempel.
En vervolgens de komende decennia geen enkele ingreep meer doen daar. Alles ongecontroleerd af laten fakkelen.
Succes ondankbaar kut volk.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Reinier op 05/01/2020 | 18:41 uur
Citaat van: Zander op 05/01/2020 | 18:29 uur
En vervolgens de komende decennia geen enkele ingreep meer doen daar. Alles ongecontroleerd af laten fakkelen.
Succes ondankbaar kut volk.
Waar zouden de Irakezen dankbaar voor moeten zijn? Dat de Amerikanen ongevraagd een ongelofelijke tyfuszooi van hun land heeft gemaakt? Een klerezooi waar ze de komende 25 - 50 jaar niet uit zullen komen?

Zijn die weapons of mass destruction nu al eens gevonden? [sarcasme off]
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Zander op 05/01/2020 | 19:30 uur
Citaat van: Reinier op 05/01/2020 | 18:41 uur
Waar zouden de Irakezen dankbaar voor moeten zijn? Dat de Amerikanen ongevraagd een ongelofelijke tyfuszooi van hun land heeft gemaakt? Een klerezooi waar ze de komende 25 - 50 jaar niet uit zullen komen?

Zijn die weapons of mass destruction nu al eens gevonden? [sarcasme off]
Ze waren maar wat blij dat Saddam weg was. Dat ze vervolgens zelf niet de discipline hadden om als één volk hun land weer op te bouwen..........

Ik heb het ooit eerder gezegd. Ieder volk krijgt de leider die het verdient. Dat ze er dan eindelijk vanaf zijn en vervolgens niet van de gelegenheid gebruik maken om wel iets van hun zandbak te maken is niet de schuld van de VS die kosten nog moeite hebben bespaart om na de val van Saddam weer een beetje stabiliteit te creëren.
Ik blijf er bij, ondankbaar kut volk!

Van een regio die opgebouwd is uit een stammencultuur valt niets stabiels te maken.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 05/01/2020 | 20:08 uur
Citaat van: Zander op 05/01/2020 | 19:30 uur
Ze waren maar wat blij dat Saddam weg was. Dat ze vervolgens zelf niet de discipline hadden om als één volk hun land weer op te bouwen..........

Ik heb het ooit eerder gezegd. Ieder volk krijgt de leider die het verdient. Dat ze er dan eindelijk vanaf zijn en vervolgens niet van de gelegenheid gebruik maken om wel iets van hun zandbak te maken is niet de schuld van de VS die kosten nog moeite hebben bespaart om na de val van Saddam weer een beetje stabiliteit te creëren.
Ik blijf er bij, ondankbaar kut volk!

Van een regio die opgebouwd is uit een stammencultuur valt niets stabiels te maken.

Dit soort landen heeft nu eenmaal een dictator nodig ze kunnen niet zonder. Kijk eens naar het Rusland van Jeltsin wat voor puinhoop het was en hoe is het nu met Tsjaar Poetin aan de macht?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Poleme op 05/01/2020 | 20:20 uur
Citaat van: Zander op 05/01/2020 | 19:30 uur
Ze waren maar wat blij dat Saddam weg was. Dat ze vervolgens zelf niet de discipline hadden om als één volk hun land weer op te bouwen..........
;D  Irak een volk ?

De naam "Irak" is bedacht door de Britten en betekend:  "Land met de diepe wortels".
Die diepe wortels sloegen op het oude Mesopotamie, waar de mensheid voor het eerst landbouw ging bedrijven.  Hierdoor nam de welvaart toe en ontstond er een beschaving.
De Britten namen dit gebied over van de Ottomanen.  Maar het Ottomaanse Rijk was veel realistischer.  In dit gebied leven zowel Koerden, kleine christelijke minderheden, als wel Arabische soennieten en shiieten (ca. 65 % van de bevolking).  Die moesten en moeten elkaar nog steeds niet.  Dus gaven de Ottomanen deze 3 groepen een flinke mate van autonomie, door deze elk hun eigen "waliya", is provincie te geven.   Dat zorgde voor rust, maar de Romeinen en Britten kregen juist te maken met grote opstanden.
Winston Churchill werd uiteindelijk gedwongen om te opstandige stammen letter en figuurlijk het zwijgen op te leggen, door ze bombarderen met gifgas.

Saddam Hoessein was soenniet, maar was ook een bedoeïen, dit is een minderheid in Irak.  En de Tikriti stam waar hij toe behoorde, was ook nog eens een kleine stam.
Dus zijn machtsbasis was dus zeer smal.  Nu worden de meeste Midden-Oosten landen geregeerd door een minderheid.  Maar hun machtsbasis is over het algemeen toch groter en breder dan die van wijlen Saddam Hoessein.  Zijn regime compenseerde dat, door de bevolking vele malen bruter te onderdrukken, dan andere dictaturen.  En hoopte op die manier voor voldoende afschrikking te zorgen, zodat iedereen zich koest hield.

Toen Saddam Hoessein's regime van het toneel verdween.  Hadden de bevrijders / bezetters geen enkel plan om deze 'snelkook pan' onder controle te krijgen.  Anders gezegd, men opende hiermee een 'doos van Pandora'.
Etnisch en historisch gezien, zou men het beste het post-Hoessein Irak moeten omvormen in een federale staat.  Met flinke autonomie voor de 3 deel-staten.  Maar ja, Saddam Hoessein werd door de soennieten vooral gezien als tegenwicht tegen het shiitische Iran.  Dat vanaf 1979, via zijn Islamitische Revolutie haar shiitische invloed wilde uitbreiden.
Saoedi-Arabie, Egypte en de Golfstaten reageren daar weer op en zien het liefste dat het huidige Irak weer volledig door soennieten wordt geleidt.
In Syria, Turkije en Iran worden ze heel zenuwachtig van een Koerdische deel-staat.  Want dat kan wel eens gevolgen hebben voor de nationale aspiraties van de Koerden op hun grondgebieden.

Irak werd (in 2003) en is nog steeds een geopolitiek en geo-religieus slagveld in de Midden-Oosten regio en islamitische wereld.
Saddam Hoessein zei niet voor niets tijdens de Golfoorlog van 1991: "Deze veldslag is de moeder van alle veldslagen".

De huidige Iraakse regering is democratisch gekozen.  Maar pas je deze regeringsvorm toe in het Midden-Oosten, dan krijg je een zwakke regering.
Daar maakt Iran heel goed misbruik van, hun zeer grote invloed in de Iraakse economie, samenleving, politiek en religie wordt in Irak aangeduid als de 'verborgen staat'.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 05/01/2020 | 20:39 uur
Trainingsmissie Nederlandse militairen in Noord-Irak gaat door

De trainingsmissie van Nederlandse militairen in het noorden van Irak gaat voorlopig gewoon door. Bij Bagdad ligt de training van Iraakse special forces wel stil. Dat laat een woordvoerder van Defensie weten.

De spanningen in het land zijn hoog opgelopen na de de dood van de Iraanse generaal Qassem Soleimani. Hij kwam eerder deze week in de Iraakse hoofdstad Bagdad om door een Amerikaanse raketaanval.

De Nederlandse militairen maken deel uit van de internationale coalitie tegen terreurgroep Islamitische Staat (IS). Het hoofdkwartier van deze missie meldde zondag nog dat er een pauze is ingelast.

Zo'n vijftig mariniers trainen in het relatief rustige noorden Koerdische militairen. Hun activiteiten lagen de afgelopen week stil in verband met de jaarwisseling, maar ze gaan weer aan de slag. "De trainingsactiviteiten gaan door volgens schema", aldus de woordvoerder.

Bij de stilgelegde trainingsmissie in Bagdad werken tussen de vijf en twaalf Nederlandse commando's.

ANP, 05-01-2020
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 05/01/2020 | 20:43 uur
Stoltenberg belegt spoedvergadering NAVO-raad

BRUSSEL (ANP) - Secretaris-generaal Jens Stoltenberg heeft de leden van de NAVO-raad bijeengeroepen voor spoedberaad maandagmiddag. Belangrijkste agendapunt is de gespannen situatie in Irak en het Midden-Oosten na de Amerikaanse droneaanval in Bagdad. De machtige Iraanse generaal Qassem Soleimani kwam daardoor om het leven evenals een Iraakse militaire leider.

ANP, 5 januari 2020 - 17:33
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Admiral Halsey op 05/01/2020 | 20:48 uur
Volkskrant: "Iran zet streep door nucleaire deal" (

CitaatIran zet streep door nucleaire deal

Iran zal zich niet langer houden aan de voorwaarden van internationale atoomakkoord uit 2015. Dat laat de regering via de staatstelevisie weten.

Iran heeft gezworen de VS te straffen voor de moord op de geliefde generaal 'waar ze ook maar te raken zijn'. Een hoge officier van de Revolutionaire Garde zei dat zeker 35 Amerikaanse doelen en het Israëlische Tel Aviv binnen bereik zijn. Hij suggereerde ook schepen aan te vallen in de straat van Hormuz. 'De straat van Hormuz is vitaal voor het westen waar een groot aantal Amerikaanse vernietigers en oorlogsschepen vaart', zo zei generaal Gholamali Abuhamzeh tegen het Iraanse persbureau Tasnim.

NOS: "Nederland schort deel missie Irak op en overlegt hoe het verder moet" (
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 05/01/2020 | 21:02 uur
Citaat van:  Volkskrant op 05/01/2020 | 20:48 uur
Iran zal zich niet langer houden aan de voorwaarden van internationale atoomakkoord uit 2015. Dat laat de regering via de staatstelevisie weten.

Dat besluit kan betekenen dat Teheran zijn nucleaire programma zonder beperkingen gaat voortzetten en ook doorgaat met de verdere verrijking van uranium.

"Iran zet streep door nucleaire deal" (

Wat een onzin, Iran ging in het diepste geheim verder met haar nucleaire programma.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 05/01/2020 | 21:05 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 05/01/2020 | 21:02 uur
Wat een onzin, Iran ging in het diepste geheim verder met haar nucleaire programma.

Iran moet toch wat om de vermoorde onschuld te kunnen blijven spelen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Zander op 05/01/2020 | 21:07 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 05/01/2020 | 20:20 uur
;D  Irak een volk ?

Heb je mijn laatste zin niet gelezen?
Die handschoen hadden ze kunnen oppakken maar.......
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Zander op 05/01/2020 | 21:07 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 05/01/2020 | 21:05 uur
Iran moet toch wat om de vermoorde onschuld te kunnen blijven spelen.
Lijken wel Russen.... :silent:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 05/01/2020 | 21:08 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 05/01/2020 | 21:02 uur
Wat een onzin, Iran ging in het diepste geheim verder met haar nucleaire programma.
Men kan daar verschillend over denken, maar er is een verschil tussen 'in het diepste geheim' en het feit 'zich niet langer te houden aan de afspraak uit 2015'.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 05/01/2020 | 21:24 uur
Citaat van: Zander op 05/01/2020 | 19:30 uur
Van een regio die opgebouwd is uit een stammencultuur valt niets stabiels te maken.

En dit is al heeeel lang bekend. Meest stabiele situatie heb je alleen als je er een sterke leider heb zitten die de boel goed onder de duim heeft. Zoals Saddam en Assad. Met ingrijpen bereik je alleen nog meer instabiliteit zoals nu in Irak en Afghanistan.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 05/01/2020 | 22:15 uur
Citaat van: Zander op 05/01/2020 | 18:29 uur
En vervolgens de komende decennia geen enkele ingreep meer doen daar. Alles ongecontroleerd af laten fakkelen.
Succes ondankbaar kut volk.

je denkt werkelijk dat het Iraakse parlement een dergelijke beslissing maakt zonder overleg vooraf met de Amerikanen?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Zander op 05/01/2020 | 22:46 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 05/01/2020 | 22:15 uur
je denkt werkelijk dat het Iraakse parlement een dergelijke beslissing maakt zonder overleg vooraf met de Amerikanen?
Ja dat denk ik.
Die klacht bij de VN zullen de VS niet tof vinden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Poleme op 06/01/2020 | 01:25 uur
Citaat van: Zander op 05/01/2020 | 21:07 uur
Heb je mijn laatste zin niet gelezen?
Die handschoen hadden ze kunnen oppakken maar.......
Nee die had ik niet gelezen.  Maar in Jordanie hebben ze ook een stammen cultuur en daar bestaat 60 % van de bevolking ook nog eens uit Palestijnse vluchtelingen en hun nakomelingen.
Andere Arabische landen hebben verhoudingsgewijs veel minder Palestijnen opgenomen.  En daar kregen ze in tegenstelling tot Jordanie geen staatsburgerschap en worden zodoende behandeld als tweederangs ingezetenen.  Turkije en vooral Libanon en alweer Jordanie hebben grote aantallen Irakese en Syrische vluchtelingen opgenomen.
Afghanistan, een land dat bij uitstek een verzameling van stammen is, heeft stabiele periodes in haar geschiedenis gekend.

Marokko is ook een ware 'melting pot' aan zeer uiteenlopende bevolkingsgroepen.  Maar het is toch een stabiele natiestaat.  In het Westen wordt er regelmatig gemokt op die moslims met hun terrorisme.  Maar velen vergeten even dat veruit de meeste terrorisme slachtoffers vallen in islamitische landen.  Die landen hebben dus veel meer last van wat in feite een "strategische bedreiging" is voor een samenleving.

Tel daar nog eens zeer snel groeiende bevolkingen.  Dus je krijgt op een gegeven moment verhoudingsgewijs in je bevolking een hele grote groep tieners en twintigers.  Die allemaal een Huisje, Boompje (inkomen) en een Beestje (partner en kinderen) willen hebben. Dat zet een enorme druk op je economie, door massa-werkloosheid.  Grote groepen rondhangende jongeren, die zich miskend en buitengesloten voelen.  Gaat uiteindelijk ook op maatschappelijk vlak gedonder opleveren.
Van deze landen beschikken in ieder geval Egypte, Syria, Irak en Iran over grote arealen aan zeer vruchtbare landbouw grond.  Alleen dan moeten er wel voldoende technische, geografische, financiele en organisatorische (coöperaties) mogelijkheden tot irrigatie zijn.  Meestal zijn een meerderheid van deze factoren niet of onvoldoende aanwezig.  Woestijn en half-woestijnen zijn ecologisch gezien ook nog eens zeer kwetsbaar voor klimaat veranderingen en destabilisering en vervuiling, denk o.a. aan verzilting door irrigatie.  Dus deze landen hebben zeer weinig mogelijkheden om een arbeidsintensieve agrarische sector op te zetten.  Voedsel moet grotendeels worden geïmporteerd en drukt dus ook nog eens op de handelsbalans met het buitenland.

Maar-uh ze hebben toch hun olie en gas rijkdom ?   Ja, maar bijna altijd is dat meer een vloek dan een zegen voor het betreffende land.  Ik ben in zeker 25 Afrikaanse landen geweest.  En alleen het aan diamanten rijke Botswana is er in geslaagd om van die grote inkomsten een zeer goed functionerende overheid op te zetten.  Waarbij de diamant inkomsten ten goede komen aan de gehele samenleving, door bijvoorbeeld de aanleg van een uitstekende infrastructuur.  Maar de olie- en gashandel is een aparte handel waar de 'hand van de macht' (politiek) en de 'hand van de koopman en zijn pecunia' met elkaar verweven zijn.  Gaat die handel dan plaats vinden met een tribaal land, waar dus structureel veel meer clientelisme en corruptie plaatsvindt.   Dan gaan die grote sommen pecunia ook in een klein groepje terechtkomen en de corruptie zal flink toenemen.
Dus dat geeft nog meer ongelijkheid en dus nog schevere maatschappelijke en economische verhoudingen.

Toch slagen veel natiestaten in het Midden-Oosten en Noord-Afrika erin om een stabiele regering en overheid neer te zetten., ondanks deze tribale samenlevingen; een zeer snel groeiende en overwegend jonge bevolking; toenemend extremisme en georganiseerde misdaad; een alreeds niet gematigd klimaat dat verslechterd door klimaat verandering en vervuiling en een smalle en relatief kleine industriële basis.

De Amerikanen en Coalitie bondgenoten hebben natuurlijk vele miljarden en vele mensenlevens geïnvesteerd in de opbouw van Irak.  Maar laten we wel eerlijk zijn.  Ze hadden wel plannen voor de Clear / Sweep fase, door middel van "shock and awe". Maar helemaal niet nagedacht over de opvolgende "Hold" en (nation) "Building" vervolg fases.
En daar ook regelrechte blunders begaan, door o.a. in 2003 en 2004 de soennieten die ervaring hadden met landsbestuur op straat te zetten.  Dag baan, pecunia en macht, maar dat zette wel enorm kwaad bloed.  George Bush Jr. zette dat grotendeels weer recht middels de "surge", die in 2007 werd ingezet.  Maar Obama had een verkiezing belofte dat hij de troepen uit Irak zou terug trekken.  Dat deed hij ook, maar de "surge", Hold en Building fase waren toen echter nog niet afgerond.  Wederom kwaad bloed, met als gevolg de opkomst van IS.  Het Irakese leger bleek tegen IS nog geen deuk in een pak boter te kunnen slaan.  Maar Qassem Soleimani wist met de door hem aangestuurde milities IS, in samenwerking met dit keer o.a. de Amerikanen, wel de nederlaag te kunnen toedienen. 

Dit succes is samen met zijn succesvolle strijdplan voor Syria, uiteraard door Iran uitgebuit om haar machtspositie in het Midden-Oosten te kunnen versterken.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Zander op 06/01/2020 | 09:01 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 06/01/2020 | 01:25 uur
Nee die had ik niet gelezen.  Maar in Jordanie hebben ze ook een stammen cultuur en daar bestaat 60 % van de bevolking ook nog eens uit Palestijnse vluchtelingen en hun nakomelingen.
Andere Arabische landen hebben verhoudingsgewijs veel minder Palestijnen opgenomen.  En daar kregen ze in tegenstelling tot Jordanie geen staatsburgerschap en worden zodoende behandeld als tweederangs ingezetenen.  Turkije en vooral Libanon en alweer Jordanie hebben grote aantallen Irakese en Syrische vluchtelingen opgenomen.
Afghanistan, een land dat bij uitstek een verzameling van stammen is, heeft stabiele periodes in haar geschiedenis gekend.

Marokko is ook een ware 'melting pot' aan zeer uiteenlopende bevolkingsgroepen.  Maar het is toch een stabiele natiestaat.  In het Westen wordt er regelmatig gemokt op die moslims met hun terrorisme.  Maar velen vergeten even dat veruit de meeste terrorisme slachtoffers vallen in islamitische landen.  Die landen hebben dus veel meer last van wat in feite een "strategische bedreiging" is voor een samenleving.

Tel daar nog eens zeer snel groeiende bevolkingen.  Dus je krijgt op een gegeven moment verhoudingsgewijs in je bevolking een hele grote groep tieners en twintigers.  Die allemaal een Huisje, Boompje (inkomen) en een Beestje (partner en kinderen) willen hebben. Dat zet een enorme druk op je economie, door massa-werkloosheid.  Grote groepen rondhangende jongeren, die zich miskend en buitengesloten voelen.  Gaat uiteindelijk ook op maatschappelijk vlak gedonder opleveren.
Van deze landen beschikken in ieder geval Egypte, Syria, Irak en Iran over grote arealen aan zeer vruchtbare landbouw grond.  Alleen dan moeten er wel voldoende technische, geografische, financiele en organisatorische (coöperaties) mogelijkheden tot irrigatie zijn.  Meestal zijn een meerderheid van deze factoren niet of onvoldoende aanwezig.  Woestijn en half-woestijnen zijn ecologisch gezien ook nog eens zeer kwetsbaar voor klimaat veranderingen en destabilisering en vervuiling, denk o.a. aan verzilting door irrigatie.  Dus deze landen hebben zeer weinig mogelijkheden om een arbeidsintensieve agrarische sector op te zetten.  Voedsel moet grotendeels worden geïmporteerd en drukt dus ook nog eens op de handelsbalans met het buitenland.

Maar-uh ze hebben toch hun olie en gas rijkdom ?   Ja, maar bijna altijd is dat meer een vloek dan een zegen voor het betreffende land.  Ik ben in zeker 25 Afrikaanse landen geweest.  En alleen het aan diamanten rijke Botswana is er in geslaagd om van die grote inkomsten een zeer goed functionerende overheid op te zetten.  Waarbij de diamant inkomsten ten goede komen aan de gehele samenleving, door bijvoorbeeld de aanleg van een uitstekende infrastructuur.  Maar de olie- en gashandel is een aparte handel waar de 'hand van de macht' (politiek) en de 'hand van de koopman en zijn pecunia' met elkaar verweven zijn.  Gaat die handel dan plaats vinden met een tribaal land, waar dus structureel veel meer clientelisme en corruptie plaatsvindt.   Dan gaan die grote sommen pecunia ook in een klein groepje terechtkomen en de corruptie zal flink toenemen.
Dus dat geeft nog meer ongelijkheid en dus nog schevere maatschappelijke en economische verhoudingen.

Toch slagen veel natiestaten in het Midden-Oosten en Noord-Afrika erin om een stabiele regering en overheid neer te zetten., ondanks deze tribale samenlevingen; een zeer snel groeiende en overwegend jonge bevolking; toenemend extremisme en georganiseerde misdaad; een alreeds niet gematigd klimaat dat verslechterd door klimaat verandering en vervuiling en een smalle en relatief kleine industriële basis.

De Amerikanen en Coalitie bondgenoten hebben natuurlijk vele miljarden en vele mensenlevens geïnvesteerd in de opbouw van Irak.  Maar laten we wel eerlijk zijn.  Ze hadden wel plannen voor de Clear / Sweep fase, door middel van "shock and awe". Maar helemaal niet nagedacht over de opvolgende "Hold" en (nation) "Building" vervolg fases.
En daar ook regelrechte blunders begaan, door o.a. in 2003 en 2004 de soennieten die ervaring hadden met landsbestuur op straat te zetten.  Dag baan, pecunia en macht, maar dat zette wel enorm kwaad bloed.  George Bush Jr. zette dat grotendeels weer recht middels de "surge", die in 2007 werd ingezet.  Maar Obama had een verkiezing belofte dat hij de troepen uit Irak zou terug trekken.  Dat deed hij ook, maar de "surge", Hold en Building fase waren toen echter nog niet afgerond.  Wederom kwaad bloed, met als gevolg de opkomst van IS.  Het Irakese leger bleek tegen IS nog geen deuk in een pak boter te kunnen slaan.  Maar Qassem Soleimani wist met de door hem aangestuurde milities IS, in samenwerking met dit keer o.a. de Amerikanen, wel de nederlaag te kunnen toedienen. 

Dit succes is samen met zijn succesvolle strijdplan voor Syria, uiteraard door Iran uitgebuit om haar machtspositie in het Midden-Oosten te kunnen versterken.
Goed verhaal lekker kort ook :silent:
Marokko is nou niet het beste voorbeeld van een stabiel land.
Ook daar worden grote groepen mensen onderdrukt en steken grote protesten(rifgebied) zo nu en dan de kop op.
In Afghanistan lijkt het aan de oppervlakte rustig maar onderling voeren stammen strijd.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 06/01/2020 | 11:40 uur
Citaat van: Zander op 05/01/2020 | 22:46 uur
Ja dat denk ik.
Die klacht bij de VN zullen de VS niet tof vinden.

Natuurlijk zijn de Amerikanen betrokken, die hebben de huidige staat opgebouwd, houden hem overeind en in stand. Een dergelijke beslissing zal eerst worden voorgelegd. Dit gebeurt praktisch altijd. We worden  (het publiek) hiermee altijd beduveld..
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 06/01/2020 | 12:11 uur
"Wij willen jullie het land uitschoppen, kunnen jullie je daarin vinden ?"  ;D

Denk eerder dat de Iraki's overlegd hebben met Iran dan met de VS. Dreigen met sancties tegen Irak gaat ze niet weerhouden om de wet er door te drukken. Een militaire VS actie zonder de Iraakse regering in kennis te stellen kan Irak niet goedkeuren. Zou puur gezichtsverlies inhouden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 06/01/2020 | 12:13 uur
Coalitie legt ook Nederlandse missie in Noord-Irak stil wegens spanningen
06 januari 2020 10:41
De internationale coalitie in Irak heeft besloten ook de Nederlandse trainingsmissie in Noord-Irak stil te leggen vanwege de spanningen tussen Iran en de VS. Dat werd zondag besloten, meldt het ministerie van Defensie aan In eerste instantie leek het alleen te gaan om het stopzetten van een kleinere Nederlandse missie in Bagdad.

Ongeveer vijftig Nederlanders zijn actief in Noord-Irak. Ze leiden daar strijders op van Iraaks-Koerdische milities, de peshmerga's. Die speelden in de afgelopen jaren een belangrijke rol bij de strijd tegen Islamitische Staat.

De commandant ter plekke van de door de Verenigde Staten geleide missie besloot zondag vanwege de spanningen tussen Iran en de VS alle trainingsactiviteiten in het land tijdelijk te staken, aldus een woordvoerder van Defensie. De aanwezige militairen blijven voorlopig wel op hun plek.

Dat besluit leek voor de Nederlandse inzet alleen betrekking te hebben op het trainen van commando's in de Iraakse hoofdstad Bagdad. Maandag werd duidelijk dat ook de training van Iraaks-Koerdische milities, de peshmerga's, in de stad Erbil in het noorden van het land wordt gestaakt. Nederlandse trainers brengen de Koerden onder meer schietvaardigheid en beveiligingsvaardigheden bij.

De verhoudingen tussen de Verenigde Staten en Iran en Irak staan op scherp sinds de Iraanse topgeneraal Qassem Soleimani afgelopen vrijdag werd gedood bij een Amerikaanse droneaanval in Bagdad. Ook Abu Mahdi Al Muhandis, leider van de pro-Iraanse Iraakse militie Kataib Hezbollah, kwam daarbij om het leven.

Verontwaardiging in Irak en Iran

In Irak heerst grote verontwaardiging over de onaangekondigde Amerikaanse operatie op Iraaks grondgebied. Zondag nam het Iraakse parlement een niet-bindende resolutie aan, waarin staat dat buitenlandse troepen het land moeten verlaten. De Iraakse premier Adel Abdul Mahdi zegt achter die resolutie te staan.

Soleimani, die gold als de tweede machtigste man van Iran, werd maandag begraven in Teheran. Enorme menigtes woonden de plechtigheden bij of gingen elders in het land de straat op om te rouwen. Volgens Iraanse staatsmedia betrof het miljoenen mensen. De uitvaart werd geleid door de Iraanse opperleider, grootayatollah Ali Khamenei, die openlijk weende voor de gedode generaal.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 06/01/2020 | 12:16 uur
De volgende stap is inpakken en wegwezen.....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 06/01/2020 | 12:24 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 06/01/2020 | 12:16 uur
De volgende stap is inpakken en wegwezen.....

Als vliegtuigen hard genoeg vooruitgaan stijgen ze op.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Poleme op 06/01/2020 | 12:41 uur
Citaat van: Zander op 06/01/2020 | 09:01 uur
Goed verhaal lekker kort ook :silent:
Marokko is nou niet het beste voorbeeld van een stabiel land.
Ook daar worden grote groepen mensen onderdrukt en steken grote protesten(rifgebied) zo nu en dan de kop op.
In Afghanistan lijkt het aan de oppervlakte rustig maar onderling voeren stammen strijd.
Habibeh, 'sorry dat ik zo kort van stof was.  Ik zweer het je, dat ik er nu wat dieper op in ga.'

Voor de duidelijkheid: ik bekijk hier het Midden-Oosten niet door een Westerse bril.
Westerlingen denken totaal onterecht dat elk land daar een homogene tot zeer homogene bevolkingssamenstelling heeft.
Toen de Rotterdamse burgemeester Aboutaleb een werk-bezoek bracht aan New York City.  Werd deze stad aan hem aangeprezen als: "Welcome in our melting pot".
Hij begon toen te lachen en zei toen, dat ze maar eens in Marokko een kijkje moesten nemen.  Aboutaleb: "New York is duidelijk een diverse stad, maar de diversiteit van Marokko is toch echt groter !

Marokko bestaat net als bijvoorbeeld Irak en Afghanistan uit clans en stammen.  Tussen de diverse stammen bestaat ook nog eens een sterke hiërarchie, welke nogal eens hardhandig bevochten wordt.  In het Marokkaanse Rif-gebergte zitten de Berber stammen.  Die hebben vergeleken met de Arabieren een andere taal, andere cultuur en andere mentaliteit.  Zo zijn de Berbers veel opportunistischer, crimineler en vrijbuiters die zich niets van bijvoorbeeld staatsgrenzen aantrekken.  De Touareg, die ook in Mali voor onrust zorgen, zijn ook Berber stammen !

Nou kan je die onlusten onder de Berbers op 2 manieren proberen op te lossen.  Of je geeft ze en bepaalde mate van bestuurlijke autonomie.  Maar hier bestaat het risico dat Berber stammen dat opvatten als de bekende "ze geven ons een vinger, dus we pakken de hele hand".
Of je zorgt dat je centrale overheid zeer autoritair is, waarbij het voor de gehele bevolking kristal helder is dat zij de sterksten zijn, waarmee niet te spotten valt.

Tito hield Joegoslavië bij elkaar.         Tito-kenner Marius Broekmeyer: 'Ik heb nooit iets gemerkt van haat en nijd'

Door: Sander Peters, zie:
Na Tito's dood in 1980 gaat het snel bergafwaarts met Joegoslavië. De steeds slechtere verhoudingen tussen de verschillende bevolkingsgroepen culmineren uiteindelijk in een burgeroorlog. Hoe is het Tito gelukt 35 jaar lang het land bijeen te houden? Een gesprek met Oost-Europa-deskundige en Tito-specialist Marius Broekmeyer. 'Tito zei gewoon: "Niet zeuren, bek houden."'
Maar liefst 35 jaar lang was maarschalk Tito hét gezicht van Joegoslavië. Met bravoure bewoog hij zich op het toneel van de wereldpolitiek: hij joeg de almachtige Sovjet-Unie tegen zich in het harnas, zijn titoïsme vormde voor het Westen de ideale buffer tegen het stalinisme en hij was jarenlang een van de leiders van de zogenaamde niet-gebonden landen, waartoe ook Soekarno's Indonesië behoorde. Kort gezegd zette Tito Joegoslavië op de wereldkaart. Belangrijker nog is dat Tito al die jaren de stabiliteit in Joegoslavië heeft weten te handhaven. Gezien de ellende die zich na zijn dood in 1980 heeft afgespeeld – met als dieptepunt de bloedige burgeroorlog – is het bewaren van die nationale eenheid een prestatie van formaat. Hoe kreeg Tito dat voor elkaar? Hoe slaagde hij erin die zeer heftige nationalistische gevoelens al die jaren in toom te houden?
Volgens slavist en Joegoslavië-kenner Marius Broekmeyer, die 34 jaar op het Oost- Europa Instituut van de Universiteit van Amsterdam werkte en tientallen keren een bezoek aan Tito's Joegoslavië bracht, is het een samenspel van factoren: 'Enerzijds was het een kwestie van regeren met harde hand, doodgewone repressie. Maar anderzijds heeft hij het ook heel subtiel aangepakt door alle republieken een bepaalde mate van autonomie te verlenen. Het belangrijkste was dat Tito er met een uitgekiende strategie voor zorgde dat geen enkel volk zich een minderheid voelde. Dat zie je mooi terug in zijn opvatting over de geschiedenis van Joegoslavië in de oorlog. Hij zei: "Alle volkeren hebben in gelijke mate Joegoslavië en daarmee ook zichzelf bevrijd. Niemand is beter of meer waard dan een ander. Dus ga nou geen oude narigheid oprakelen. Niet zeuren, bek houden!" Punt uit.'

Zeg Zander, hierbij op zijn Berbers: Bes-lami habibeh = goeden dag vriend.  (beslami, bestaat uit de woorden "leh-bes" = goed en salaam = dag of gegroet.)

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Admiral Halsey op 06/01/2020 | 13:01 uur
RTL-Nieuws: "Nederlandse trainingsmissie ook in Noord-Irak stilgelegd" ( Zie ook op NOS "Ook Nederlandse trainingsmissie in Noord-Irak stilgelegd" (
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 06/01/2020 | 13:01 uur
Toen ISIS nadat ze Mosul hadden verroverd omdat het Iraakse leger in totale paniek op de vlucht sloeg na
achterlating van al hun wapens en voorraden waaronder 2000 Humvees en tientallen Abrahms Tanks trok
ISIS op naar Bagdad....ze werden echter tegengehouden door de Shia Milities die waren getraind door
IRAN en Soleimani....dus nog voordat de Amerikanen een vinger uitstoken was Iran al bezig de ISIS
opmars te stuiten. Iran heeft dus grote invloed in Irak ..en de Amerikanen zijn nu de lul ..die moeten vertrekken
al zullen ze dat echt niet doen denk ik dat zou gezichtsverlies zijn.

Eigenlijk moeten de Amerikanen nu doorpakken en meteen Iran ook maar bezetten...als je A zegt moet
je ook B zeggen ...en niet zeggen dat je geen oorlog wil als je hun belangrijkste man om zeep helpt .

gevolg is veel dode Amerikanen ...en Trump verliest de verkiezingen :devil:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Zander op 06/01/2020 | 13:43 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 06/01/2020 | 12:11 uur
"Wij willen jullie het land uitschoppen, kunnen jullie je daarin vinden ?"  ;D

Denk eerder dat de Iraki's overlegd hebben met Iran dan met de VS. Dreigen met sancties tegen Irak gaat ze niet weerhouden om de wet er door te drukken. Een militaire VS actie zonder de Iraakse regering in kennis te stellen kan Irak niet goedkeuren. Zou puur gezichtsverlies inhouden.
In deze denk ik dat je zeker een punt hebt.
De VS verliest in hoog tempo invloed in Irak en daarmee in het hele M-O.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 06/01/2020 | 15:51 uur
Citaat van: Oorlogsvis op 06/01/2020 | 13:01 uur
Eigenlijk moeten de Amerikanen nu doorpakken en meteen Iran ook maar bezetten...als je A zegt moet
je ook B zeggen ...en niet zeggen dat je geen oorlog wil als je hun belangrijkste man om zeep helpt

Zoveel troepen hebben zij niet eens. Het wel behoorlijk groot, 1.6 miljoen km².
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Poleme op 06/01/2020 | 19:21 uur
Citaat van: Zander op 06/01/2020 | 13:43 uur
In deze denk ik dat je zeker een punt hebt.
De VS verliest in hoog tempo invloed in Irak en daarmee in het hele M-O.
Na de Golfoorlog van '91 kwam een deel van de Irakese bevolking in opstand.  Maar de Amerikanen schoten niet te hulp en Saddam kon deze rebellen in de pan hakken.
Heel veel Irakezen kregen na deze oorlog ook kanker onder de leden.  Dankzij 'Depleted Uranium', of te wel hergebruikt kernafval in munitie.  Dat gaat bij temperaturen van ruwweg 300 - 600 graden ook zelf branden. Verwordt tot as / fijnstof en ingeademd en ingeslikt krijg je radioactieve besmetting in je lichaam.

Tijdens ops Iraqi Freedom werden de Amerikanen ook niet bepaald feestelijk als bevrijders ontvangen.  Om nog maar niet te spreken over de vele bloedbaden daarna tot op heden.

De Irakese regering liet afgelopen dagen heel duidelijk via haar steunbetuigingen en rouw-ceremonie's, blijken aan welke kant zij staan.
Dus de Amerikaanse invloed in Irak was al klein.

Afgelopen weekend hoorde ik iemand in de media zeggen dat Irak nog steeds de Amerikanen & Co. nodig hebben voor opleiding en training van militairen en veiligheidsdiensten.   Dan denk ik, bijna 17 jaar na het begin van de Coalitie invasie, kunnen de Irakezen het nog steeds niet af zonder deze buitenlandse ondersteuning.
Of, er moeten andere Amerikaanse belangen spelen.  Denk aan het op zijn minst in de gaten houden van de Iraanse invloed.  En bescherming van het Koerdische en soennitische deel van de bevolking.

Maar dat kunnen de Amerikanen samen met bijvoorbeeld Saoedi-Arabie en de Golfstaten ook op indirectere manieren uitvoeren. 
De grote demonstraties en rellen van de afgelopen 2 a 3 maanden lieten zien dat de centrale Irakese regering in feite al voor aanvang van deze onrust ingestort is.
Wijdverspreide corruptie, een kleptocratie; een niet-effectief overheidsapparaat, gefaald economisch beleid en teveel Iraanse invloed waren de aanleidingen tot deze betogingen.  Premier Mahdi trat af, maar niemand verving hem echt en bleef in feite aan.  Irak is dus een "failed state".

Dus zit er niets anders op dan het spel van "verdeel en heers" te spelen.  Een spel dat bijna geheel door de Arabieren, Turken, Israel, Chinezen en de Russen gespeeld wordt.
De Arabische bondgenoten van de VS zullen waarschijnlijk blij zijn, dat de yanks eindelijk Iran eens hard aanpakken.  Maar ze zullen zich ongetwijfeld ook afvragen of hier überhaupt wel een strategie achter steekt.  Zit die strategie er (zeer waarschijnlijk) niet achter, dan is het afschrikkend effect van de 'extractie' van Qassem Soleimani slechts beperkt.  De Arabieren adviseerden de Amerikanen met klem, niet Irak binnen te vallen, in 2003.  De Yanks sloegen dat in de wind en daardoor is de Amerikaanse invloed in het M-O al flink gaan terug lopen.  Als dat al niet aanving na de Golfoorlog van '91, toen Saoedi-Arabie werd gedwongen om mee te betalen in de kosten van ops Desert Storm. 
En daarna (in hun ogen) nog eens werd gedwongen om voor USD 25 miljard aan wapens af te nemen van de VS.  En dat zette heel veel kwaad bloed.  Plus voeg daar het zwakke beleid van Obama nog aan toe.

Het past allemaal in de  geo-politieke tektonische aardverschuiving van het Westen naar het Oosten.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 06/01/2020 | 21:16 uur
Op CNN is te zien dat het Iraanse volk massaal maar dan ook massaal achter hun leiders staat honderduizenden
idioten op de straten die om wraak schreeuwen...denk dat Trump zijn klauwen in het wespen nest heeft gestoken
om zijn vriend Netanyahu blij te maken.

Wat Trump ook gaat doen ...oorlog voeren ....of met de staart tussen de benen uit het midden oosten wegvluchten...
het is  een verlies.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 06/01/2020 | 21:23 uur
Citaat van: Oorlogsvis op 06/01/2020 | 21:16 uur
Op CNN is te zien dat het Iraanse volk massaal maar dan ook massaal achter hun leiders staat honderduizenden
idioten op de straten die om wraak schreeuwen...denk dat Trump zijn klauwen in het wespen nest heeft gestoken
om zijn vriend Netanyahu blij te maken.
Waarbij de vraag rijst of dit spontaan en uit vrije wil is, of 'gedwongen'?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 06/01/2020 | 21:34 uur
CNN  geeft zojuist aan dat 6x B-52 toestellen naar Diego Garcia gestuurd worden voor het geval dat.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 06/01/2020 | 21:35 uur
Citaat van: Lex op 06/01/2020 | 21:23 uur
Waarbij de vraag rijst of dit spontaan en uit vrije wil is, of 'gedwongen'?
zo massaal ? ...het zijn er meer dan dat er zijn als AJAX kampioen wordt..heb jezelf gekeken ?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 06/01/2020 | 21:47 uur
Iraanse president waarschuwt dreigende Donald Trump

TEHERAN - De Iraanse president Hassan Rohani heeft gereageerd op een tweet van Donald Trump waarin de Amerikaanse president dreigt 52 Iraanse doelen aan te vallen. Rohani waarschuwt dat Iran nooit moet worden bedreigd.

De Iraanse president verwijst ook naar vlucht 655 van Iran Air. Dat was een passagiersvliegtuig dat in 1988 door een Amerikaans oorlogsschip uit de lucht werd geschoten. Alle 290 inzittenden kwamen om het leven. ,,Degenen die het getal 52 aanhalen, moeten ook het getal 290 onthouden. #IR655", aldus Rohani. ,,Bedreig Iran nooit."

Those who refer to the number 52 should also remember the number 290. #IR655
Never threaten the Iranian nation.

Trump dreigde op Twitter 52 Iraanse doelen aan te vallen waaronder culturele sites als Iran wraak neemt voor de moord op de Iraanse generaal Qassem Soleimani. 52 staat voor het aantal Amerikanen dat sinds eind 1979 ruim een jaar gegijzeld werd gehouden in de Amerikaanse ambassade in Teheran.

Telegraaf, 06-01-2020, 21:32
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 06/01/2020 | 21:47 uur
Citaat van: Oorlogsvis op 06/01/2020 | 21:35 uur
zo massaal ? ...het zijn er meer dan dat er zijn als AJAX kampioen wordt..heb jezelf gekeken ?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 06/01/2020 | 21:58 uur
Citaat van: Lex op 06/01/2020 | 21:23 uur
Waarbij de vraag rijst of dit spontaan en uit vrije wil is, of 'gedwongen'?

Dit is de typische reactie waar de westerse politiek ook mee zal komen. Zij zijn gedwongen, het is geregisseerd. De VS heeft in deze haar hand behoorlijk overspeeld. Hoe lang gaat het nog duren voor bondgenoten ook eieren voor hun geld kiezen ?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Zander op 06/01/2020 | 22:23 uur
Ik denk dat hier weinig tot niets aan is geregisseerd. Trump heeft de juiste keuze gemaakt door deze Iraanse staatsterrorist uit te schakelen. Echter de opvolgende borstklopperij had hij achterwege moeten laten.
Sterker nog, hij had moeten doen alsof er nooit iets is gebeurd.

Wel ben ik benieuwd hoe de Iraki's de Yanks er fysiek uit gaan wippen, mocht het echt zo ver komen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 06/01/2020 | 22:45 uur
Kamerbrief: Ontwikkelingen in Irak

De brief (

Kamerstuk, 06-01-2020
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: bergd op 06/01/2020 | 22:50 uur
Citaat van: Zander op 06/01/2020 | 22:23 uur
Echter de opvolgende borstklopperij had hij achterwege moeten laten.
Sterker nog, hij had moeten doen alsof er nooit iets is gebeurd.
De spijker op zijn kop, zeer risicovol voor zijn landgenoten
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 06/01/2020 | 23:47 uur
Iemand heeft per ongeluk een klad brief verstuurd naar de Iraakse regering. In de brief staat dat de VS zich in de komende weken zal gaan terug trekken uit Irak.

Volgens de minister van defensie is er nog geen besluit genomen maar ik denk eerder dat de president nog niet is geïnformeerd. :angel:


Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Sandgroper op 07/01/2020 | 01:41 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 06/01/2020 | 21:58 uur
Dit is de typische reactie waar de westerse politiek ook mee zal komen. Zij zijn gedwongen, het is geregisseerd. De VS heeft in deze haar hand behoorlijk overspeeld. Hoe lang gaat het nog duren voor bondgenoten ook eieren voor hun geld kiezen ?
Volgens Amnesty International vielen er de afgelopen maanden in de zeer wijdverspreide protesten in Iran 408 doden.  Enkele weken geleden gaf het Iraanse regime zelf aan dat er toen maar liefst 1500 doden waren gevallen.

En dan moeten wij geloven dat de bevolking daar massaal gaat rouwen / demonstreren tegen de VS.  Omdat de rechterhand van de Iraanse fuhrer het loodje heeft moeten leggen.  Tuuuurlijk Ros.

In totalitaire staten zoals Venezuela, Iran, China en Noord-Korea gebeurd het regelmatig dat demonstraties of manifestaties worden georganiseerd van hoger hand.
En doe maar mee, want anders mag je velen jaren brommen of komt een enge goochelaar je voor altijd weg toveren. 

Die hele grote heisa na de dood van Soleimani wordt natuurlijk door Irak en Iran uitgebuit om de grote maatschappelijke onvrede af te leiden en af te reageren op de VS.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Umbert op 07/01/2020 | 02:59 uur
Citaat van: Parera op 06/01/2020 | 23:47 uur
Iemand heeft per ongeluk een klad brief verstuurd naar de Iraakse regering. In de brief staat dat de VS zich in de komende weken zal gaan terug trekken uit Irak.

Volgens de minister van defensie is er nog geen besluit genomen maar ik denk eerder dat de president nog niet is geïnformeerd. :angel:



Zie geen handtekening van de beste man, dus is niet van waarde lijkt me zo een ieder kan dat geschreven hebben.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 07/01/2020 | 06:55 uur
Citaat van: Umbert op 07/01/2020 | 02:59 uur
Zie geen handtekening van de beste man, dus is niet van waarde lijkt me zo een ieder kan dat geschreven hebben.

Niet van waarde maar er is wel bevestigd dat het om een klad versie ging van het kantoor van de generaal maar deze had gewoon (nog) niet verstuurd mogen worden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: artemivanov op 07/01/2020 | 07:33 uur
USA eruit, China erin. (Irak, maar dit topic loopt nu een beetje door elkaar)

CitaatChina's Ambassador to #Iraq talked to the Iraqi PM today. China's Ambassador told the PM of Beijing's readiness to provide military assistance.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 07/01/2020 | 08:09 uur
Militaire  assistentie ter verwijdering van de Amerikanen. Zou geniaal zijn, maar Irak is niet gek.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Harald op 07/01/2020 | 08:16 uur
Citaat van: artemivanov op 07/01/2020 | 07:33 uur

Wel de kans voor China om meer grip te krijgen in de regio en nog belangrijker, meer grip op olie.

Olie de motor voor de industrie en hierdoor ook je land en ook je defensie. 
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 07/01/2020 | 11:01 uur
Citaat van: artemivanov op 07/01/2020 | 07:33 uur
USA eruit, China erin.

Voor Irak wel een oplossing. China neemt de trainingen over van de VS en partners en krijgt gelijk een vinger in de pap. Benieuwd wat de VS wil doen/beloven om in Irak te mogen blijven.

En Nederland kan beter zo snel mogelijk naar huis gaan, nu Bijleveld heeft uitgesproken dat Nederland het ombrengen van de generaal steunt.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Umbert op 07/01/2020 | 11:41 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 07/01/2020 | 11:01 uur
Voor Irak wel een oplossing. China neemt de trainingen over van de VS en partners en krijgt gelijk een vinger in de pap. Benieuwd wat de VS wil doen/beloven om in Irak te mogen blijven.

En Nederland kan beter zo snel mogelijk naar huis gaan, nu Bijleveld heeft uitgesproken dat Nederland het ombrengen van de generaal steunt.

Kan ook een strategie zijn van de VS, zij niet meer de politie van de wereld, dus ook de negatieve kanten van deze rol zal vervallen aan China of anderen (EU niet, die hebben al moeite genoeg om hun eigen leefruimte leefbaar te houden), en de leiding daar moet zich dan bezinnen op hoe het te doen en dat zal zeker ook thuis voor positieve veranderingen/verplichtingen zorgen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 07/01/2020 | 12:38 uur
Citaat van: Umbert op 07/01/2020 | 11:41 uur
Kan ook een strategie zijn van de VS, zij niet meer de politie van de wereld,

Mocht dit het geval zijn zou ik het niet echt een strategische zet willen noemen. De invloed zo maar overdragen aan de Chinezen ?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 07/01/2020 | 13:01 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 07/01/2020 | 12:38 uur
Mocht dit het geval zijn zou ik het niet echt een strategische zet willen noemen. De invloed zo maar overdragen aan de Chinezen ?
Soms denk ik wel eens dat geklaag vd Amerikanen dat ze overal militair de kastanjes uit het vuur moeten halen ....maar
stiekem vinden ze het wel lekker dat ze bijna in ieder land zitten dat doen ze heel slim. Alleen onder Trump gaan ze een stapje
verder dan ze altijd deden, en dat kan zomaar het einde zijn vd Amerikaanse heerschappij omdat vele landen dit niet meer
pikken...zelfs Frankrijk begint te klagen en Turkije ben je al kwijt.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 07/01/2020 | 13:30 uur
Citaat van: Oorlogsvis op 07/01/2020 | 13:01 uur
Soms denk ik wel eens dat geklaag vd Amerikanen dat ze overal militair de kastanjes uit het vuur moeten halen ....maar
stiekem vinden ze het wel lekker dat ze bijna in ieder land zitten dat doen ze heel slim. Alleen onder Trump gaan ze een stapje
verder dan ze altijd deden, en dat kan zomaar het einde zijn vd Amerikaanse heerschappij omdat vele landen dit niet meer
pikken...zelfs Frankrijk begint te klagen en Turkije ben je al kwijt.

Op militair en economisch gebied zijn zij in ieder geval niet slim bezig.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Enforcer op 07/01/2020 | 14:01 uur
Citaat van: Umbert op 07/01/2020 | 11:41 uur
Kan ook een strategie zijn van de VS, zij niet meer de politie van de wereld, dus ook de negatieve kanten van deze rol zal vervallen aan China of anderen (EU niet, die hebben al moeite genoeg om hun eigen leefruimte leefbaar te houden), en de leiding daar moet zich dan bezinnen op hoe het te doen en dat zal zeker ook thuis voor positieve veranderingen/verplichtingen zorgen.

En via MO en Afrika zorgen dat de Chinezen zich overstretchen met daarbij de binnenlandse problemen die ze al hebben en Oeigoeren gaan steunen?! Zou wel briljant zijn...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 07/01/2020 | 14:59 uur
Citaat van: Oorlogsvis op 07/01/2020 | 13:01 uur
Soms denk ik wel eens dat geklaag vd Amerikanen dat ze overal militair de kastanjes uit het vuur moeten halen ....maar
stiekem vinden ze het wel lekker dat ze bijna in ieder land zitten dat doen ze heel slim. Alleen onder Trump gaan ze een stapje
verder dan ze altijd deden, en dat kan zomaar het einde zijn vd Amerikaanse heerschappij omdat vele landen dit niet meer
pikken...zelfs Frankrijk begint te klagen en Turkije ben je al kwijt.

Op je 1e 2 zinnen na..een wereldvreemde redenatie.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 07/01/2020 | 15:30 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 07/01/2020 | 14:59 uur
Op je 1e 2 zinnen na..een wereldvreemde redenatie.
dat kan zomaar ...het zet veel kwaad bloed de manier waarop de Amerikanen zich gedragen
als je even niet doet wat ze willen is het meteen economische sancties enz...dan gaan meer landen
zich van je afkeren let maar op (het gebeurd al)...ik ben ook pro Trump USA ...maar vele
landen niet en daar moet je anders mee omgaan
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 07/01/2020 | 15:32 uur
Citaat van: Oorlogsvis op 07/01/2020 | 15:30 uur
dat kan zomaar ...het zet veel kwaad bloed de manier waarop de Amerikanen zich gedragen
als je even niet doet wat ze willen is het meteen economische sancties enz...dan gaan meer landen
zich van je afkeren let maar op (het gebeurd al)...ik ben ook pro Trump USA ...maar vele
landen niet en daar moet je anders mee omgaan

Man... de fransen zijn al 2x uit de NAVO gestapt.. en alsof het aan de VS ligt hoe Turkije zich nu opstelt.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 07/01/2020 | 16:30 uur
Uitvaart Soleimani uitgesteld na tientallen doden door vertrapping
De uitvaart van de Iraanse generaal Qassem Soleimani is uitgesteld, nadat volgens Iraanse staatsmedia zeker 50 mensen omkwamen door vertrapping. Zeker 213 anderen zouden gewond zijn geraakt.

Op sociale media zijn beelden te zien van tientallen mensen die levenloos op de weg liggen, terwijl hulpverleners zich bezighouden met reanimaties.

Volgens staatsmedia vond de verdrukking plaats in Kerman, waar Soleimani begraven zou worden. Het is onduidelijk waarom de verdrukking plaatsvond. Een nieuw tijdstip voor de uitvaart wordt op een later moment aangekondigd.

Soleimani kwam vorige week om het leven door een Amerikaanse raket, die het voertuig waarin hij bij de luchthaven van Bagdad reed opblies. Door de aanval zijn de spanningen tussen de Verenigde Staten en Iran verder opgelopen.

De Iraanse regering zweert wraak voor de dood van Soleimani, terwijl de VS dreigt met aanvallen op 52 Iraanse doelwitten, inclusief cultureel erfgoed, als de Iraniërs vergeldingsacties uitvoeren.

Iran: 'We zullen proportioneel reageren'
Volgens het Witte Huis bereidde Soleimani aanvallen op Amerikaans personeel en Amerikaanse belangen voor. President Trump liet weten dat hij opdracht gaf de Iraanse generaal te doden om oorlog te voorkomen.

Critici stellen dat de bewijzen die vooralsnog voor die stelling zijn geleverd flinterdun zijn. De NAVO is een andere mening toegedaan: de VS legde de overige lidstaten van de verbondsorganisatie maandag achter gesloten deuren uit waarom Soleimani werd gedood. NAVO-secretaris-generaal Jens Stoltenberg liet vervolgens weten dat alle NAVO-landen achter de VS staan in het conflict met Iran.

De Iraanse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, Mohammad Javad Zarif, noemde de moord op Soleimani dinsdag "staatsterrorisme" in een interview met CNN. "Dit is een daad van agressie tegen Iran, die neerkomt op een gewapende aanval op Iran, en we zullen daarop reageren. Maar we zullen proportioneel reageren", zei hij.

Atoomakkoord onder dreiging
Iran maakte maandag bekend dat het zich niet meer zal houden aan de bepalingen van het atoomakkoord dat het in 2015 sloot met de VS, de EU en andere grootmachten. Teheran kondigde aan meer centrifuges te zullen inzetten voor verrijking van uranium. De Amerikaanse president Trump trok zijn land al eerder terug uit de nucleaire deal, maar de Europese landen dringen er bij Iran op aan die levend te houden.

Deskundigen zeggen dat Iran niet definitief uit het akkoord is gestapt, maar de deur nog steeds op een kier laat. Het opvoeren van uraniumverrijking is dan wel een stap op de weg naar de ontwikkeling van kernwapens, het is ook een stap die relatief klein is en makkelijk is terug te draaien.

Moord leidt tot grote woede in Irak
Een andere directe consequentie van de moord op Soleimani is grote woede in Irak, waar een sjiitische regering zetelt en Iran veel invloed heeft. Het Iraakse parlement nam zondag een resolutie aan waarin de Amerikaanse schending van de Iraakse soevereiniteit wordt veroordeeld en alle buitenlandse troepen bevel krijgen het land te verlaten.

Soennitische en Koerdisch-Iraakse politici boycotten de parlementaire zitting waar die resolutie werd aangenomen. Zij vrezen instabiliteit en geweld als buitenlandse militairen uit Irak verdwijnen.

Maandag lekte een memo van de Amerikaanse legerleiding in Irak uit, waarin een terugtrekking van alle Amerikaanse militairen werd aangekondigd. Later liet de Amerikaanse regering weten dat die memo slechts een concept was.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Admiral Halsey op 07/01/2020 | 16:36 uur
RTL-Nieuws: "Waarom oorlogsdreiging en aanslagen de oliemarkt niet laat exploderen" (
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Poleme op 07/01/2020 | 16:41 uur
Citaat van: Enforcer op 07/01/2020 | 14:01 uur
En via MO en Afrika zorgen dat de Chinezen zich overstretchen met daarbij de binnenlandse problemen die ze al hebben en Oeigoeren gaan steunen?! Zou wel briljant zijn...
Zo een 10 jaar geleden ontmoette ik een Nederlandse zakenman in China.  Die vertelde dat hij niet ver van Peking getuige was van een grote aanslag.  Hij wilde daar foto's nemen, maar zijn begeleider hield hem tegen.  En wees hem erop dat de Chinese overheid terroristische aanslagen net als bijvoorbeeld bruggen, tunnels, treinstations gelijk stelt aan militaire objecten en dus absoluut niet gefotografeerd of gefilmd mogen worden.  Thuis, brief ik dit door aan een Amerikaanse BuZa functionaris, die ik al veel langer ken.
En zegt vervolgens dat het Chinese volksleger haar handen vol heeft aan het onderdrukken van binnenlandse opstanden.
Een van mijn kinderen is half-Chinese en ging vorig jaar meedoen aan de rellen in Hong Kong.   Toen contact onderhouden, was heel moeilijk, maar mejuffrouw ging begin Oktober gelukkig naar moeders toe in Melbourne.  Daar vertelde ze dat het in China niet alleen onrustig is in Hong Kong en bij de Oeigoeren, maar ook in andere delen.
China is een ware etnische lappendeken, met zeker 50 verschillende grote ethnische groeperingen.  De afgelopen 40 jaar mag hun economie danwel hard gegroeid zijn.
Die economische groei is geografisch, etnisch en demografisch gezien heel ongelijk verdeeld.  Door de een kind politiek, zijn er heel veel mannen die geen vrouw weten te vinden.  Er is een groeiende middenklasse, die door hard leren / studeren en hard werken een goed inkomen weten te verwerven.  Maar ze zien dan een politieke kliek, die juist een heel goed inkomen wist en weet te verwerven, door vriendjes politiek, corruptie en door zich boven de wet te stellen.  Die ambtelijke en politieke kliek zien die groeiende middenklasse als bedreiging en gaan een repressiever beleid voeren.  En dan zijn in steden zoals Hong Kong de prijzen van onroerend goed enorm de pan uit gerezen.  Zo betaal je voor een in Nederlandse ogen zeer kleine flat in Hong Kong zo USD 1 miljoen.  Je krijgt dan een te krappe slaapkamer, waar je alleen een vouw of opklap bed kwijt kan.  En een zeer smalle keuken, waar je elkaar alleen zijdelings kunt passeren.  Deze giftige cocktail zorgt voor veel spanningen en onrust.
En China heeft natuurlijk een dik 5.000 jaar lange geschiedenis vol met vooral binnenlands geweld.

Terug naar het Midden-Oosten.  De Roemeinen vertilden zich in Irak.  De Britten moesten daar vanaf 1920 proberen orde op zaken te stellen.  Maar ja WO 1 had de Britse economie en krijgsmacht flink uitgemergeld en de Britten moesten in Irak aardig wat nederlagen incasseren.  Dus gingen zij in 1922 te opstandige stammen decimeren met strijdgas.  De Ottomanen hadden daarvoor voor lange tijd de dienst uitgemaakt.  Maar de hedendaagse Turken hebben daardoor een spreekwoord dat luidt: "Steekt uw neus niet in Arabische zaken".   De Arabieren hebben op hun beurt ook een spreekwoord over de Turken: "De laatste daad van een Turk, is een mes in je rug".

Dus is het begrijpelijk dat de Amerikanen hun schalie olie-, en gas productie in zoverre hebben opgevoerd.  Dat ze niet alleen onafhankelijk zijn geworden van het Midden-Oosten, maar nu ook bijna zelf voordienend zijn geworden. De VS zijn sinds 2015 de derde energieproducent ter wereld, na Saoedi-Arabië en Rusland.

China en de rest van de Oost-Aziatische landen zitten echter in een geheel ander bootje.
Tegen 2035 zullen de Aziatische landen bijna 90 % van de olie uit het Midden-Oosten importeren, denkt het Wereld Energie Agentschap, terwijl de VS netto in hun eigen behoefte zullen voorzien.
Vooral China wordt een enorme importeur van olie uit de Arabische wereld. De olieproductie van Irak zal sterk groeien. Het land zorgt voor 45 procent van de groei van de olieproductie wereldwijd, en wordt in 2035 de op één na grootste exporteur.
De nieuwe energiestromen hebben vrijwel zeker politieke gevolgen, onder meer voor de landen in het Midden-Oosten die geen rol meer spelen in de Amerikaanse energievoorziening. 'Het effect zal worden gevoeld ver buiten Noord-Amerika en de energiesector', stelt het agentschap.

Minder dan tien jaar geleden keek de VS aan tegen een enorme import van olie en voorspelde men in 2008 nog dat in korte tijd de import-afhankelijkheid van aardgas zou stijgen naar 30% van de totale consumptie. In een bestek van tien jaar is de VS veranderd van een grote importeur in een exporteur van olie en aardgas. Dat brengt niet alleen veel economische veranderingen, maar ook politieke.

De importafhankelijkheid van de VS van landen als Saoedi-Arabië en Venezuela was niet alleen een bron voor ingewikkelde politieke en economische relaties, maar ook een belangrijke reden om een vrije internationale olie- en gasmarkt af te dwingen. Niet zozeer het eigendom van de bronnen verzekerde de toevoer naar de VS en haar bondgenoten, maar het vrije internationale marktmodel waar olie in dollars werden verhandeld. Om deze markt te faciliteren werden belangrijke zeeroutes en knooppunten beveiligd door de Amerikaanse strijdkrachten. Van dit beleid profiteerden ook andere olie-importerende landen, die zonder de beveiligingskosten konden rekenen op toegang tot de internationale olie- en gasstromen.   bron:

Maar hoe afhankelijk zijn wij van het Midden-Oosten en Noord-Afrika ?

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 07/01/2020 | 20:51 uur
First Two Of Six B-52 Bombers Deploying To Diego Garcia Amid Growing Tensions With Iran
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 07/01/2020 | 21:01 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 07/01/2020 | 15:32 uur
Man... de fransen zijn al 2x uit de NAVO gestapt.. en alsof het aan de VS ligt hoe Turkije zich nu opstelt.

ik denk dat jij ieder moment een telefoontje kan verwachten voor een top functie binnen de Navo !

...iemand met jou kwaliteiten :big-smile:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 08/01/2020 | 03:20 uur
En daar is de vergelding vanuit Iran :

10 raketten afgevuurd op Al-Assad airbase en 1 op Erbil , de overige 4 hebben hun doel niet gehaald.

De eerste basis word ook gebruikt door de coalitie en er zijn door de Amerikanen geen gewonden gemeld. Het is afwachten op reactie van Trump. (
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 08/01/2020 | 08:31 uur
DOD Says Iran Launched Ballistic Missiles at US Personnel in Iraq
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Zander op 08/01/2020 | 08:38 uur
Citaat van: Parera op 08/01/2020 | 03:20 uur
En daar is de vergelding vanuit Iran :

10 raketten afgevuurd op Al-Assad airbase en 1 op Erbil , de overige 4 hebben hun doel niet gehaald.

De eerste basis word ook gebruikt door de coalitie en er zijn door de Amerikanen geen gewonden gemeld. Het is afwachten op reactie van Trump. (
Volgens CNN mogelijk een aanval waarbij Iran geen of minimaal slachtoffers wilden maken.
Ben benieuwd of Trump zich laat verleiden en terug gaat slaan.
Doet hij dat niet dan is hij een sterkere staatsman dan ik dacht. In de ogen van velen zal het als een zwakte worden gezien.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 08/01/2020 | 09:47 uur
Citaat van: Zander op 08/01/2020 | 08:38 uur
Volgens CNN mogelijk een aanval waarbij Iran geen of minimaal slachtoffers wilden maken.
Ben benieuwd of Trump zich laat verleiden en terug gaat slaan.
Doet hij dat niet dan is hij een sterkere staatsman dan ik dacht. In de ogen van velen zal het als een zwakte worden gezien.

Iran kan niks en ik vind je motivatie (van cnn) vreemd. Iran die zo min mogelijk slachtoffers wil maken. Nou, ik denk dqt het best in de buurt had mogen komen van het aantal dood gedrukte mensen op het begrafenis partijtje van die kakkerlak.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Zander op 08/01/2020 | 11:01 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 08/01/2020 | 09:47 uur
Iran kan niks en ik vind je motivatie (van cnn) vreemd. Iran die zo min mogelijk slachtoffers wil maken. Nou, ik denk dqt het best in de buurt had mogen komen van het aantal dood gedrukte mensen op het begrafenis partijtje van die kakkerlak.
Iran kan veel meer. Ze hebben voldoende middelen om harder de doeltreffender schade aan te richten. Ze durven gewoon niet omdat zij dondersgoed weten dat ze het uiteindelijk afleggen en dat de hele regio zich misschien ook militair wel tegen ze zal keren.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Jooop op 08/01/2020 | 11:44 uur
Een potje shadowboxing van Iran
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Sandgroper op 08/01/2020 | 12:51 uur
Citaat van: Zander op 08/01/2020 | 08:38 uur
Volgens CNN mogelijk een aanval waarbij Iran geen of minimaal slachtoffers wilden maken.
Ben benieuwd of Trump zich laat verleiden en terug gaat slaan.
Doet hij dat niet dan is hij een sterkere staatsman dan ik dacht. In de ogen van velen zal het als een zwakte worden gezien.
Beste man, in het Midden-Oosten geldt een ijzeren regel: je vergeldt altijd, doe je dat niet, dan wordt dat als zwak beschouwt.  Wordt je in die oorden als zwakkeling gezien, dan roep je nog meer narigheid over je af.

Trump heeft afgelopen week gezegd, dat hij 52 doelen in Iran wil aanvallen, waaronder ook doelen met een culturele waarde.
Ik zie dat als een zeer zeer late wraakneming op de 52 gegijzelde ambassade medewerkers in 1979 - 1980.  Aanvallen op doelen met een culturele waarde kunnen gezien worden als een aanval  op het gehele volk, hun manier van leven.  Als je wilt dat het gehele Iraanse volk zich als een man achter Khamenei en consorten gaat scharen.  Dan moet je dat vooral doen. 
Hou trauma's en emoties buiten de besluitvorming.  Want er zijn namelijk een aantal zeer uitdagende strategische doelstellingen ten aanzien van Iran te verwezenlijken.
Hun invloedssfeer moet weer beperkt worden, hun steun aan terroristische groepen worden beperkt of gestopt.  En er moet een definitieve oplossing komen voor hun ballistische missile en nucleaire programma's.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: A.J. op 08/01/2020 | 13:04 uur
Citaat van: Zander op 08/01/2020 | 08:38 uur
Volgens CNN mogelijk een aanval waarbij Iran geen of minimaal slachtoffers wilden maken.
Ben benieuwd of Trump zich laat verleiden en terug gaat slaan.
Doet hij dat niet dan is hij een sterkere staatsman dan ik dacht. In de ogen van velen zal het als een zwakte worden gezien.

Als dat zo was had Iran wel oude rommel de woestijn ingeschoten. Het lijkt erop dat ze oa de Fateh-313 (de opvolger van de Fateh-110) gebruikt hebben.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Admiral Halsey op 08/01/2020 | 13:11 uur
RTL-Nieuws: "Nep-sms roept dienstplichtigen in VS op voor oorlog Iran" (
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 08/01/2020 | 13:15 uur

Citaat'VS moet weg uit regio'
De Iraanse ayatollah Khamenei zegt dat Amerikaanse troepen de regio moeten verlaten. De VS, Israël en het "arrogante systeem", waarmee hij naar het westen verwijst, zijn de vijanden van Iran, volgens Khamenei. De Iraanse leider ziet niets in het hervatten van nucleaire gesprekken met de VS. Volgens hem zou dat "de weg vrijmaken" voor Amerikaanse dominantie. Hij noemt de raketaanvallen een "klap in het gezicht" van de VS.

Het lijkt erop dat die 15 raketten voornamelijk afgevuurd zijn als interne propoganda.

En ik hoop dat Den Haag onze mensen ASAP terughaalt daar voor hun eigen veiligheid.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 08/01/2020 | 14:44 uur
Citaat van: Parera op 08/01/2020 | 13:15 uur

Het lijkt erop dat die 15 raketten voornamelijk afgevuurd zijn als interne propoganda.

En ik hoop dat Den Haag onze mensen ASAP terughaalt daar voor hun eigen veiligheid.
Iran heeft eerst de Iraakse regering ervan op de hoogte gebracht dat er een aantal vuurpijlen hun richting op komt...toen
hebben die meteen de Yanks gewaarschuwd die optijd in de schuilkelders zaten.
Lijkt erop of Iran wel meevalt dus ...zijn niet allemaal gekkies in jurken daar.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Poleme op 08/01/2020 | 15:24 uur
Citaat van: Parera op 08/01/2020 | 13:15 uur

Het lijkt erop dat die 15 raketten voornamelijk afgevuurd zijn als interne propoganda.

En ik hoop dat Den Haag onze mensen ASAP terughaalt daar voor hun eigen veiligheid.
In juni 2016 werd Teheran getroffen door terroristische aanslagen, die geclaimd werden door Islamitische Staat.   Iran sloeg dezelfde maand nog terug, door zes Zolfaghar missiles vanuit West-Iran op IS doelen in Oost-Syria te lanceren.  Iran verklaarde publiekelijk dat dit niet alleen een vergelding betrof, maar ook een duidelijke boodschap gericht was aan de VS en Israel.  De Zolfaghar heeft een dracht van 700 km en een geschatte CEP van 100 meter.  Deze missile beschikt over een Initial Navigation, met behulp van gyro-tollen en (waarschijnlijk) GPS.

Met een bereik van 700 km schiet deze natuurlijk tekort om Israel te bereiken.
In 2018 maakte Qassem Soleimani een video gericht aan Trump: "Weet, u gokker, dat wij ons veel dichter bij u bevinden dan jullie vermoeden".
Een intel rapport in augustus 2018, toonde aan dat Iran enkele dozijnen Short Range Ballistic Missiles had geleverd aan bevriende non-statelijke actoren.  Deze leveringen bevatte o.a. de  Zelzal (150-250 km), Fateh-110 (200-300 km) en Zolfaghar (700 km) missiles.  Als aanvulling op de grote aantallen ongeleide 107-mm and 122-mm 'Katyusha' rockets van deze milities.  Hierna volgden meer leveringen en in dat rapport werden deze geinterpreteerd als compensatie voor de mislukte pogingen van Iran om vooruitgeschoven bases in Syria op te zetten.

Begin mei 2019, maakte BuZa minister Mike Pompeo een onaangekondigd bezoek aan Irak, om de gevaren van Iraanse ballistische raket proliferatie te bespreken.
Zowel Trump als het congres hebben herhaaldelijk gewaarschuwd dat de VS elke vorm van offensief door Iraanse proxies / bondgenoten, zal beschouwen als een Iraanse aanval.   Israel heeft in 2019, op zijn minst zeven keer Irakese missile opslagplaatsen aangevallen.  Dit als uitbreiding op hun beleid om Iraanse of door Iran geleverde raket opslagplaatsen in Syria aan te vallen.  Deze Israelische aanvallen in Irak hebben niet alleen (neven) schade en tientallen doden opgeleverd.  Ze bemoeilijken ook de relatie tussen de VS en Irak en vervolgens tussen de VS en Israel.  In de loop van 2019 werden militaire vluchten in Iraaks luchtruim door niet-Irakese toestellen al aan banden gelegd. Dus ging Iran verder met de transfer van ballistische wapens naar Irak.  Uiteraard met de hoop op escalerende reacties van Israel.  In de hoop dat de relaties tussen de VS en Irak nog verder verslechteren.  En dat Irak de Amerikanen en hun coalitie genoten vroeg of laat zouden dwingen om zich terug te trekken.

Tijdens de gecombineerde drone en kruisvluchtwapen aanvallen op Saoedische olie installatie, bleek de Saoedische (Patriot) lucht afweer gericht te zijn op Jemen.  Maar deze aanval kwam echter uit het Noorden.   Proliferatie / verspreiding van short range Tactical Ballistic Missiles (TBM's) naar Jemen, Irak, Syria en Libanon is voor Iran een vorm van regionale "power projection".  Dit opent ook de mogelijkheid om doelen vanuit meerdere of onverwachte richtingen met TBM's aan te vallen.  Dat maakt de Ballistic Missile Defense veel moeilijker en duurder.  En Iran kan bij zo een eventuele ballistische missile aanval uit onverwachte hoek gemakkelijker ontkennen dat zij er wat mee te maken hebben.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 08/01/2020 | 16:47 uur
@Poleme is dat zo dat een Patriot systeem niet 360 graden in het rond kan kijken ? ...geloof er niets van
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 08/01/2020 | 17:34 uur
Citaat van: Oorlogsvis op 08/01/2020 | 16:47 uur
@Poleme is dat zo dat een Patriot systeem niet 360 graden in het rond kan kijken ? ...geloof er niets van

Zie je iets rond draaien op die patriot radar dan?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 08/01/2020 | 18:17 uur
Nieuwsuur hedenavond:

Iran neemt wraak met raketaanval
Iran kondigde het vrijdag al aan: de liquidatie van generaal Soleimani door de VS zou worden vergolden. Dat gebeurde vannacht. Vanuit Iran zijn vijftien raketten afgevuurd op twee Amerikaanse luchtmachtbases in Irak. Slaat de VS terug en escaleert de situatie in het Midden-Oosten?

Te gast is Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, oud-secretaris-generaal van de NAVO.

NPO2, 21:30 uur
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 08/01/2020 | 18:41 uur
Trump onderneemt geen nieuwe militaire actie tegen Iran

De Amerikaanse president Donald Trump onderneemt geen nieuwe militaire actie tegen Iran. Dat heeft hij woensdag op een persconferentie gezegd. Hij legt Iran wel per direct nieuwe en "zware economische sancties" op.

"Onze economische en militaire kracht werkt afschrikwekkend voor Iran", aldus Trump. "We zullen nooit toestaan dat Iran nucleaire wapens krijgt of mensen blijft doden, maar wij willen het liefst een nieuwe deal met het land sluiten."

Trump riep de landen die het atoomakkoord met Iran sloten op dat te beëindigen. "Niets staat Iran in de weg om nucleaire wapens te maken. Beëindig de deal. Dan kunnen we aan een nieuw akkoord gaan werken."

Open voor nieuwe relatie
De Amerikaanse president zegt open te staan voor een nieuwe relatie met Iran. "Iran kan een mooi land zijn. Aan alle Iraniërs: wij willen dat jullie een mooie en goede toekomst tegemoet gaan, de toekomst die jullie verdienen. We zijn klaar om vrede te bewerkstelligen."

Trump wil ook dat de NAVO een grotere rol gaat spelen in het Midden-Oosten, om de spanningen te doen afnemen.

ANP, 08-01-2020, 17:50
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 08/01/2020 | 18:48 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 08/01/2020 | 17:34 uur
Zie je iets rond draaien op die patriot radar dan?

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 08/01/2020 | 19:15 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 08/01/2020 | 18:48 uur


Ok, ja hij kan gericht worden naar nee. De patriot radar draait niet. Statisch, het antwoord is nee. Geen 360 graden.

Is wel een optie/upgrade mogelijkheid begreep ik nog van mn laatste functie bij DGLC.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 08/01/2020 | 19:44 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 08/01/2020 | 19:15 uur
Is wel een optie/upgrade mogelijkheid begreep ik nog van mn laatste functie bij DGLC.

Men is bezig met een nieuwe radar.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 08/01/2020 | 22:35 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 08/01/2020 | 19:44 uur
Men is bezig met een nieuwe radar.

Thales Hengelo's SMART-L MM/D

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Poleme op 08/01/2020 | 23:38 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 08/01/2020 | 19:15 uur
Ok, ja hij kan gericht worden naar nee. De patriot radar draait niet. Statisch, het antwoord is nee. Geen 360 graden.

Is wel een optie/upgrade mogelijkheid begreep ik nog van mn laatste functie bij DGLC.
Die 360 graden optie/opwaardering is er inderdaad, maar te duur bevonden voor Nederland.

In 1987 werd het Siemens Compatriot (1) verbindingssysteem ingevoerd.  Naar een Nederlands idee, dus goedkoop, konden de 360 graden rondzoek radars van het HAWK systeem worden gekoppeld aan de niet ronddraaiende Patriot Radar Set passive phased array / Passive Electronically Scanning Array, die een kijkhoek heeft van 120 graden.

Omdat Compatriot 1 rond 2009 technisch en operationeel verouderd was.  Want o.a. door het ontbreken van moderne (Internet Protocol) netwerktechnologie, was Compatriot beperkt tot spraak-, en faxverbindingen.  En werd pas in 2017 vervangen door Compatriot 2.  Nu zou men dan bijvoorbeeld Patriot systemen kunnen koppelen aan NASAMS.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: A.J. op 09/01/2020 | 01:57 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 08/01/2020 | 23:38 uur
Die 360 graden optie/opwaardering is er inderdaad, maar te duur bevonden voor Nederland. :omg: :confused: :P

In 1987 werd het Siemens Compatriot (1) verbindingssysteem ingevoerd.  Naar een Nederlands idee, dus goedkoop, konden de 360 graden rondzoek radars van het HAWK systeem worden gekoppeld aan de niet ronddraaiende Patriot Radar Set passive phased array / Passive Electronically Scanning Array, die een kijkhoek heeft van 120 graden.

Omdat Compatriot 1 rond 2009 technisch en operationeel verouderd was.  Want o.a. door het ontbreken van moderne (Internet Protocol) netwerktechnologie, was Compatriot beperkt tot spraak-, en faxverbindingen.  En werd pas in 2017 vervangen door Compatriot 2.  Nu zou men dan bijvoorbeeld Patriot systemen kunnen koppelen aan NASAMS.

Uh, nee. Daar is compatriot helemaal niet voor bedoeld en is ook nooit zo geweest. Waar haal je dit soort verhalen toch altijd vandaan?

Het was en is niks meer dan een soort van uitgekleed mini link 16 systeem wat vnl voor de commandovoering gebruikt wordt (doelverdeling etc).

Maar je spreekt jezelf ook gewoon gigantisch tegen, beginnen over de HAWK radar dat die gekoppeld kan worden middels compatriot om vervolgens te melden dat er alleen maar spraak fax overheen kon...
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: A.J. op 09/01/2020 | 02:16 uur
Citaat van: Oorlogsvis op 08/01/2020 | 16:47 uur
@Poleme is dat zo dat een Patriot systeem niet 360 graden in het rond kan kijken ? ...geloof er niets van

Nee, de patriot staat altijd in een sector te kijken. Voor ballistic missile defence moet je ook wel aangezien een ronddraaiende radar veel te traag zou zijn. Daarom heb je ook meerdere fire units en radars zodat je gericht kunt gaan ontplooien. Alleen een aantal sectoren of rondom etc.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: A.J. op 09/01/2020 | 02:22 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 08/01/2020 | 15:24 uur

Deze missile beschikt over een Initial Navigation, met behulp van gyro-tollen en (waarschijnlijk) GPS.

Inertial Navigation System (INS). In het Nederlands "traagheidsnavigatie".
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 09/01/2020 | 07:48 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 08/01/2020 | 19:44 uur
Men is bezig met een nieuwe radar.

Dus zoals ik zei.. geen 360.  Dat komt er wel aan.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Harald op 09/01/2020 | 10:39 uur
Ukrainian passenger jet crashed after being hit by Iranian Tor-M1 missile   (...  :confused: :omg:   )
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Poleme op 09/01/2020 | 12:34 uur
Citaat van: A.J. op 09/01/2020 | 01:57 uur
Uh, nee. Daar is compatriot helemaal niet voor bedoeld en is ook nooit zo geweest. Waar haal je dit soort verhalen toch altijd vandaan?

Het was en is niks meer dan een soort van uitgekleed mini link 16 systeem wat vnl voor de commandovoering gebruikt wordt (doelverdeling etc).

Maar je spreekt jezelf ook gewoon gigantisch tegen, beginnen over de HAWK radar dat die gekoppeld kan worden middels compatriot om vervolgens te melden dat er alleen maar spraak fax overheen kon...
;D  Dat koppelen hoorde ik van GGW (Groep Geleide Wapen) personeel eind jaren 80, begin jaren 90.  En nee, we hadden toen nog geen druppel helikopter benzine 'ingenomen'.

Betreffende spraak en fax, dat was verkeerd overgenomen:
Operationele veroudering
COMPATRIOT is sinds de invoering in 1987 niet meer aangepast aan de zich wijzigende inzetomstandigheden. Sinds de eerste Golfoorlog wordt het Patriot-wapensysteem ook ingezet voor de verdediging tegen ballistische raketten. Sindsdien zijn door diverse modificaties delen van het PATRIOT-systeem aangepast aan de eisen van de hedendaagse moderne luchtverdediging. Dit stelt ook hogere eisen aan de specifieke PATRIOT-commandovoeringsystemen en de mogelijkheid tot het uitwisselen van tactische informatie. De eerder genoemde uitbreiding van de luchtverde- digingstaak stelt eveneens beduidend hogere eisen op het gebied van informatie-uitwisseling (data en spraak) met andere luchtverdedigingsmiddelen. Deze behoefte doet zich zowel tijdens de planning, uitvoering als evaluatie van inzet voelen. Voor deze hoogwaardige gegevensuitwisseling komen op Internet Protocollen (IP) gebaseerde netwerktechnologieën in aanmerking. Omdat het COMPATRIOT-verbindingssysteem geen mogelijkheden biedt voor uitwisselen van data op basis van IP-technologie, zijn aanpassingen in het COMPATRIOT-deelsysteem nodig.

Ook het niet-wapensysteemgebonden communicatieverkeer, bijvoorbeeld voor logistieke ondersteuning, tussen onderdelen van een Patriot-eenheid, beperkt zich thans, door het ontbreken van moderne netwerktechnologie, tot spraak- en faxverbindingen. Op de locaties beschikken de eenheden derhalve over stand alone werkstations, zonder de voordelen van een netwerk.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Admiral Halsey op 09/01/2020 | 14:09 uur
Telegraaf: "Iran belooft 'spoedig hardere wraak' op VS" (
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 09/01/2020 | 15:49 uur
Citaat van: A.J. op 09/01/2020 | 02:16 uur
Nee, de patriot staat altijd in een sector te kijken. Voor ballistic missile defence moet je ook wel aangezien een ronddraaiende radar veel te traag zou zijn. Daarom heb je ook meerdere fire units en radars zodat je gericht kunt gaan ontplooien. Alleen een aantal sectoren of rondom etc.
ha ok ..nooit geweten
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Harald op 09/01/2020 | 19:25 uur
Citaat van: Harald op 09/01/2020 | 10:39 uur
Ukrainian passenger jet crashed after being hit by Iranian Tor-M1 missile   (...  :confused: :omg:   )

'VS vermoedt dat Oekraïens vliegtuig per ongeluk is neergehaald door Iran' (via @NUnl)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 09/01/2020 | 19:36 uur
Bellingcat heeft eerder vandaag al antwoord gegeven op enkele vragen. Ook zou er een foto zijn gemaakt in de buurt van de crashzone waar een kop gevonden is van een TOR raket maar bevestiging is i.v.m. Slechte foto ( weinig omgeving) niet makkelijk.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Zander op 09/01/2020 | 19:44 uur
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 09/01/2020 | 21:03 uur
Wat een onzin zeg. de helft van de Amerikaanse jeugd past niet eens in een auto.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Admiral Halsey op 09/01/2020 | 21:25 uur
NOS: "Iraanse commandant: 'We gaan door met raketaanvallen'" (
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Harald op 10/01/2020 | 15:38 uur
Blok: Gecrasht Oekraïens vliegtuig in Iran is neergehaald

Nederland beschikt net als de Verenigde Staten en Canada over aanwijzingen dat het Oekraïense passagiersvliegtuig door een Iraanse raket is neergehaald. Dat zei minister Stef Blok van Buitenlandse Zaken vrijdag tegenover aanwezige verslaggevers in Brussel voorafgaand aan een spoedberaad met alle EU-buitenlandministers over de crisis met Iran.

"Het is inderdaad zeer waarschijnlijk dat het vliegtuig is neergeschoten door Iraanse raketten", zei Blok. Op de vraag of Iran moet worden bestraft zei hij: "Dat hangt af van de Iraanse reactie".

Minister Ank Bijleveld (Defensie) bevestigde vrijdag dat de Militaire Inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsdienst (MIVD) over deze informatie beschikt, meldt de NOS.

De afgelopen dagen zeiden zowel de Verenigde Staten als Canada op basis van hun eigen inlichtingendiensten al dat blijkt dat de vlucht is neergehaald. Het hoofd van de Iraanse luchtvaartautoriteit Ali Abedzadeh ontkende dit vrijdag.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 10/01/2020 | 21:48 uur
'VS deed mislukte liquidatiepoging Iraanse militair' via @NOS
Titel: Iran geeft neerhalen Boeing toe, noemt het een menselijke fout
Bericht door: DvdW op 11/01/2020 | 07:57 uur
Iran geeft neerhalen Boeing toe, noemt het een menselijke fout

Iran geeft toe dat het land de Oekraïense Boeing die woensdag bij Teheran crashte heeft neergehaald. Het Iraanse leger zegt in de staatsmedia dat het vliegtuig per ongeluk is neergeschoten en spreekt van een menselijke fout.

Bij de vliegramp kwamen alle 176 inzittenden om het leven. Westerse inlichtingendiensten zeiden de afgelopen dagen al bewijs te hebben dat het toestel was geraakt door Iraanse luchtafweerraketten. Iran sprak deze beschuldigingen tot nu toe steeds tegen en riep andere landen op om deze bewijzen te tonen.

In de nieuwe verklaring van Iran staat dat het vliegtuig van Ukraine International Airlines, in de nasleep van de raketaanvallen van de VS, de vorm had van een vijandig vliegtuig en zich ook op zo'n zelfde hoogte bevond. Ook zou het vliegtuig koers hebben gezet richting een "gevoelig militair terrein" van de Iraanse Revolutionaire Garde.

"In deze omstandigheden werd het vliegtuig per ongeluk getroffen, als gevolg van een menselijke fout, wat helaas resulteert in het martelaarschap van dierbare landgenoten en de dood van een aantal buitenlanders."

Het Iraanse leger biedt zijn condoleances aan aan de nabestaanden en verzekert dat er procedures worden gewijzigd om herhaling te voorkomen. Ook belooft het leger dat de verantwoordelijken worden aangeklaagd.

Ook de Iraanse president Rohani heeft op Twitter zijn excuses aangeboden. "Iran heeft diepe spijt van deze rampzalige fout." Volgens de Iraanse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Zarif komt de ramp mede door het "Amerikaans avonturisme".

Vannacht werd ook duidelijk dat het aantal Canadezen dat is omgekomen bij de vliegramp lager is dan de afgelopen dagen werd aangenomen. Volgens de Canadese minister van Buitenlandse Zaken zijn geen 63 landgenoten verongelukt, maar 57.

Bij de crash met de Boeing 737 kwamen ook 82 Iraniërs en 11 Oekraïners om. Het toestel zou van Teheran naar de Oekraïense hoofdstad Kiev vliegen.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 11/01/2020 | 08:51 uur
Was een mooi moment geweest om eens wat verantwoordelijkheid te tonen. Dat " ja maar het komt door de amerikanis'  is weer zo enorm jammer. Enorm zwaktebod.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 11/01/2020 | 09:18 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 11/01/2020 | 08:51 uur
Was een mooi moment geweest om eens wat verantwoordelijkheid te tonen. Dat " ja maar het komt door de amerikanis'  is weer zo enorm jammer. Enorm zwaktebod.
Aan de andere kant. Zij geven het tenminste toe. Andere  daarentegen......
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 11/01/2020 | 10:27 uur
Citaat van: DvdW op 11/01/2020 | 09:18 uur
Aan de andere kant. Zij geven het tenminste toe. Andere  daarentegen......

Dat is waar.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: A.J. op 11/01/2020 | 17:25 uur
Citaat van: Poleme op 09/01/2020 | 12:34 uur
;D  Dat koppelen hoorde ik van GGW (Groep Geleide Wapen) personeel eind jaren 80, begin jaren 90.  En nee, we hadden toen nog geen druppel helikopter benzine 'ingenomen'.

Dat kan, toen was het systeem net nieuw en het was al heel wat dat het luchtbeeld van beide systemen (HAWK en Patriot) centraal (een soort van air picture compilation) bekeken kon worden. Maar van "koppelen" in de zin van de radar van het ene wapensysteem gaat het werk van de radar van het andere wapensysteem overnemen was en is er absoluut niet bij.

Betreffende spraak en fax, dat was verkeerd overgenomen:
Operationele veroudering
COMPATRIOT is sinds de invoering in 1987 niet meer aangepast aan de zich wijzigende inzetomstandigheden. Sinds de eerste Golfoorlog wordt het Patriot-wapensysteem ook ingezet voor de verdediging tegen ballistische raketten. Sindsdien zijn door diverse modificaties delen van het PATRIOT-systeem aangepast aan de eisen van de hedendaagse moderne luchtverdediging. Dit stelt ook hogere eisen aan de specifieke PATRIOT-commandovoeringsystemen en de mogelijkheid tot het uitwisselen van tactische informatie. De eerder genoemde uitbreiding van de luchtverde- digingstaak stelt eveneens beduidend hogere eisen op het gebied van informatie-uitwisseling (data en spraak) met andere luchtverdedigingsmiddelen. Deze behoefte doet zich zowel tijdens de planning, uitvoering als evaluatie van inzet voelen. Voor deze hoogwaardige gegevensuitwisseling komen op Internet Protocollen (IP) gebaseerde netwerktechnologieën in aanmerking. Omdat het COMPATRIOT-verbindingssysteem geen mogelijkheden biedt voor uitwisselen van data op basis van IP-technologie, zijn aanpassingen in het COMPATRIOT-deelsysteem nodig.

Ook het niet-wapensysteemgebonden communicatieverkeer, bijvoorbeeld voor logistieke ondersteuning, tussen onderdelen van een Patriot-eenheid, beperkt zich thans, door het ontbreken van moderne netwerktechnologie, tot spraak- en faxverbindingen. Op de locaties beschikken de eenheden derhalve over stand alone werkstations, zonder de voordelen van een netwerk.

Dat is mij bekend, ik ben zelf betrokken geweest bij de CPII testen. Anyway, voor het uitwisselen van het luchtbeeld is Link 16 verzonnen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 11/01/2020 | 20:02 uur
Ineens bekende Iran schuld voor de vliegramp, vanwaar die draai?

Een passagiersvliegtuig dat uit de lucht wordt geschoten en een regering die de verantwoordelijkheid daarvoor in alle toonaarden ontkent. Even leek de vliegramp in Iran bijna identiek aan die met vlucht MH17, het toestel van Malaysia Airlines dat in 2014 werd neergehaald boven Oekraïne. Tot Iran vandaag toch schuld bekende. Vanwaar die draai?

"Het is goed dat Iran zijn fouten toegeeft", zegt Piet Ploeg, voorzitter van Stichting Vliegramp MH17. De bekentenis zal de nabestaanden van de 176 passagiers in Iran, Oekraïne, Canada, Zweden, Afghanistan, Duitsland en Groot-Brittannië volgens Ploeg veel frustratie besparen.

De vliegramp in Iran was voor MH17-nabestaanden een pijnlijke herinnering aan hoe zij in de zomer van 2014 hun dierbaren verloren, zegt Ploeg. "Het begon met de beelden van het vliegtuigwrak en de body bags. Dat bracht veel nabestaanden terug naar de eerste momenten na het neerhalen van de MH17. Je krijgt daar de rillingen van over de rug."

'Iran kon niet anders'
Groot verschil tussen de ramp met vlucht MH17 en de Iraanse vliegramp is dat het laatste vliegtuig boven eigen grondgebied werd neergehaald. En waar het in het geval van MH17 lang heeft geduurd voordat er harde, ondubbelzinnige bewijzen op tafel lagen, sloot het net zich voor Iran al vrij snel.

De Iraanse bekentenis was dus waarschijnlijk noodzaak. Het kon niet anders, zegt Midden-Oosten-redacteur van de NOS Hoessein Sabir.

"Eerst zeiden ze nog dat aanwijzingen Amerikaanse propaganda waren. Maar toen ook de bewijzen van andere buitenlandse veiligheidsdiensten zich opstapelden, wilde Iran niet nog meer gezichtsverlies lijden."

Mogelijk is dat de buitenlandse veiligheidsdiensten nog meer en overtuigend bewijs in handen hebben, en dat naar buiten wilden brengen. Dat wilde Iran volgens Sabir voor zijn, ook omdat het land nu nog enigszins de regie houdt over de draai die ze geven aan het verhaal over de toedracht van de ramp.

Zo heeft de commandant van de luchtmacht van de elite-eenheid de Revolutionaire Garde gezegd dat het vliegtuig uit de lucht werd geschoten door miscommunicatie. Omdat het toestel kort na de aanvallen op Amerikaanse bases in Irak werd gesignaleerd, dacht de operator dat het ging om een vijandig projectiel. Hij kreeg naar eigen zeggen geen contact met zijn leidinggevenden en besloot een korteafstandsraket af te vuren, met alle gevolgen van dien.

Voor de ramp heeft diezelfde operator volgens de commandant verschillende keren gevraagd een zogeheten no-flyzone in te stellen. Maar vanwege niet nader genoemde "overwegingen" is daartoe niet besloten door hogerhand.

Waarom Iran het luchtruim niet heeft gesloten na de aanvallen in Irak, is volgens redacteur Sabir nog een belangrijke vraag. MH17-nabestaande Ploeg vindt het onbegrijpelijk dat er gewoon gevlogen werd boven risicogebied. "Kennelijk heeft de wereld niets geleerd van de ramp met MH17."

Ploeg "durft niet te hopen dat Rusland ooit zijn fouten toegeeft". Inmiddels heeft onder meer Nederland heeft het land aansprakelijk gesteld voor de ramp, nadat het internationale onderzoeksteam JIT concludeerde dat de raket waarmee MH17 is neergehaald afkomstig was van een installatie van een brigade van het Russische leger.

Militair actief in Oekraïne
Maar de kans dat Rusland ooit zal bekennen is bijzonder klein. Dat Iran nu wel kiest voor openheid, verandert daar volgens Rusland-correspondent David Jan Godfroid niets aan.

"De kans dat Rusland na de bekentenis van Iran zal toegeven betrokken te zijn geweest bij het neerhalen van MH17, is te verwaarlozen", zegt hij. Want daarmee zouden ze volgens Godfroid ook erkennen dat ze militair actief waren in het oosten van Oekraïne. "Daarnaast zou het heel merkwaardig zijn dat Rusland na jaren van ontkennen ineens zou zeggen vlucht MH17 tóch uit de lucht te hebben geschoten."
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 11/01/2020 | 20:05 uur
Felle protesten in Iran tegen de machthebbers na erkenning neerhalen Boeing

In Teheran en andere Iraanse steden is protest uitgebroken tegen het regime. De betogingen volgen op de erkenning door de Iraanse autoriteiten dat het passagiersvliegtuig dat woensdag bij Teheran neerstortte uit de lucht is geschoten, zij het per ongeluk. Eerder hadden ze nog uitgesloten dat de Boeing uit de lucht was geschoten.

De betogers zijn woedend dat de oorzaak van de crash dagenlang is stilgehouden. Ze eisen gerechtigheid voor de slachtoffers. Onder de 176 inzittenden waren meer dan tachtig Iraniërs.

De oproerpolitie zou traangas tegen betogers hebben ingezet. Ook zijn op video's schoten te horen, maar bevestiging dat ordetroepen het vuur hebben geopend is er niet. Ook op andere plekken in de stad,zijn mensen de straat op gegaan. Buiten Teheran zijn er onder meer protesten gemeld in de historische stad Isfahan.

Het Iraanse persbureau Fars bevestigt de protesten. Het meldt dat de deelnemers onder meer leuzen roepen tegen de Revolutionaire Garde, die direct verantwoordelijk is voor het neerhalen van het toestel van maatschappij Ukraine International. Fars meldt dat foto's van de door de VS geliquideerde generaal Soleimani worden verscheurd. Er zouden in Teheran 700 tot 1000 man op de been zijn.

Volgens de berichten roepen de betogers ook om het aftreden van de hoogste leider van het land, Ali Khamenei. Ze zouden hem persoonlijk verantwoordelijk houden voor de fout waardoor de Boeing werd getroffen door het Iraanse luchtafweersysteem. Dat stond op scherp in de nacht dat Iran een serie raketaanvallen uitvoerde op Amerikaanse doelen in Irak.

Meerder video's op onderstaande link.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 11/01/2020 | 20:07 uur
Oekraïne vindt Iraanse excuses niet genoeg, Canada eist gerechtigheid

De Oekraïense president Zelensky vindt de excuses die Iran heeft gemaakt vanwege het neerhalen van een toestel van Ukraine International Airlines niet voldoende. Aan boord van dat toestel waren 176 mensen. Zelensky wil dat de Oekraïners die de crash willen onderzoeken, zonder belemmeringen toegang krijgen tot het rampgebied.

Op Facebook schrijft de president dat de ochtend vanwege de Iraanse bekendmaking "niet goed" begon, maar dat de waarheid in ieder geval aan het licht is gebracht. "Er is een hele groep Oekraïners nu in Teheran, die toegang wil tot het rampgebied, de gegevens en de zwarte dozen", zei correspondent David Jan Godfroid in het NOS Radio 1 Journaal. "Dat moet doorgaan, vindt hij."

Iran gaf vannacht toe dat het land de Oekraïense Boeing die woensdag bij de hoofdstad Teheran neerstortte heeft neergehaald. Volgens de Iraniërs gebeurde dat per ongeluk en was er sprake van een menselijke fout. Het vliegtuig had volgens het leger de vorm van een vijandig toestel, en bevond zich ook op zo'n zelfde hoogte.

Zelensky zal vanmiddag met zijn Iraanse collega Rohani bellen om de situatie te bespreken. De Oekraïense president wil dat de lichamen van de slachtoffers worden teruggebracht, dat er een compensatie komt en dat de verantwoordelijken voor de rechter worden gebracht. Iran had vannacht al beloofd de verantwoordelijken voor de rechter te brengen. "En Zelensky wil niet alleen op tv, maar ook officiële excuses van Iran", aldus Godfroid.

De Iraanse elite-eenheid Revolutionaire Garde heeft beloofd vanmiddag met een officiële verklaring voor het neerhalen van het toestel te komen. Ook zullen er excuses aangeboden worden, meldt het staatspersbureau.

De directeur van Ukraine International Airlines zegt in een verklaring nooit aan zijn eigen mensen te hebben getwijfeld. "Geen seconde hebben we gedacht dat onze medewerkers of ons toestel de oorzaak waren van deze vreselijke vliegtuigcrash. Dit waren onze beste mannen en vrouwen."

Canada: nationale tragedie
Ook Canada heeft gereageerd op de Iraanse bekendmaking. Onder de 176 inzittenden van de Boeing 737 van Ukraine International Airlines waren 57 Canadezen. Premier Trudeau zegt "volledige medewerking" te verwachten van de Iraanse autoriteiten. Ook eist hij transparantie en gerechtigheid voor de nabestaanden van de slachtoffers van de vliegtuigcrash.

"Dit is een nationale tragedie, en alle Canadezen rouwen samen", staat in een verklaring van het kantoor van de premier.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Poleme op 12/01/2020 | 00:41 uur
Citaat van: A.J. op 11/01/2020 | 17:25 uur
Dat kan, toen was het systeem net nieuw en het was al heel wat dat het luchtbeeld van beide systemen (HAWK en Patriot) centraal (een soort van air picture compilation) bekeken kon worden. Maar van "koppelen" in de zin van de radar van het ene wapensysteem gaat het werk van de radar van het andere wapensysteem overnemen was en is er absoluut niet bij.

Dat is mij bekend, ik ben zelf betrokken geweest bij de CPII testen. Anyway, voor het uitwisselen van het luchtbeeld is Link 16 verzonnen.
A-ha, een "air picture compilation" dus, zoals ook op het M-fregat wordt toegepast van de diverse boord-radars.  Dat hele "koppeling", kwam door opmerkingen dat de Patriot Radar Set maar een kijkhoek heeft, die beperkt is tot 120 graden.   En dan werd het Compatriot als listige oplossing genoemd om tot een 360 graden rondom radar beeld te komen.  Maar ik interpreteerde dat als een veel verder gaande echte koppeling van de radar systemen onderling.  Waarbij de betrokken verschillende wapensystemen, elkaars sensor data direct gebruiken in hun eigen vuurleiding.  Een voorbeeld hiervan is het Zweedse (interservice) data-link systeem en het Cooperative Engagement Capability (CEC) systeem, ontwikkeld in eerste instantie voor de US Navy.
Duidelijk en bedankt voor de duiding AJ.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Admiral Halsey op 13/01/2020 | 17:11 uur
Volkskrant: "VVD en CDA: missie naar Perzische Golf gaat ondanks oplopende spanningen gewoon door" (

CitaatVVD en CDA: missie naar Perzische Golf gaat ondanks oplopende spanningen gewoon door

De oplopende spanningen in Irak en Iran leiden bij de grootste regeringspartijen VVD en CDA vooralsnog niet tot twijfels over het zenden van een ­Nederlands fregat naar de Perzische Golf. Ze staan onverminderd achter de aanstaande missie, ook nu de Nederlandse trainingsmissies  in Irak voorlopig om veiligheidsredenen zijn stopgezet.

'Kleine aardverschuiving'
De oplopende nervositeit in de regio leidt op het Binnenhof tot nieuw debat over de voorgenomen marinemissie.  Enkele oppositiepartijen dringen aan op heroverweging. En ook coalitiepartij D66 wil dat het kabinet de risico's 'opnieuw weegt'. Kamerlid Sjoerd Sjoerdsma benadrukt dat hij ervan uitgaat het fregat eind januari gewoon kan uitvaren, maar eist wel dat het kabinet met een veiligheidsanalyse komt. 'Door de dood van  Soleimani heeft er een kleine aardverschuiving plaatsgevonden in de regio. Het is niet duidelijk wat voor dreiging er nu hangt en het kabinet moet de risico's goed in kaart brengen.'

VVD en CDA blijven onverminderd overtuigd van de deelname. 'De veiligheid van onze mensen staat voorop', stelt VVD-Kamerlid Sven Koopmans. 'We moeten altijd voorkomen dat onze militairen in een echte oorlogssituatie komen. Maar de spanningen in de regio moeten verminderd worden en onze aanwezigheid is nu hard nodig.' Volgens Koopmans moet Nederland het hoofd koel houden en geen overhaaste conclusies trekken. 'De missie naar de Straat van Hormuz is een ander soort dan die in Irak.'

CDA-Kamerlid Martijn van Helvert sluit zich hierbij aan. 'Beide missies staan los van elkaar. De trainingsmissie in Irak is bedoeld om IS te bestrijden, terwijl we naar Hormuz gaan om escalatie te voorkomen.' Hij wijst erop dat er nu juist meer redenen zijn om mee te doen aan de missie dan een paar maanden geleden. Iran is zich immers alleen maar agressiever gaan gedragen, aldus het CDA-Kamerlid. 'Daarnaast hebben we ook afspraken gemaakt met de Fransen. We kunnen ons niet opeens terugtrekken. En al helemaal niet omdat het te gevaarlijk zou zijn.'
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 14/01/2020 | 10:41 uur
Iran: schuldigen neerhalen Oekraïens vliegtuig worden bestraft

Iran heeft mensen opgepakt die verdacht worden van betrokkenheid bij het neerhalen van het Oekraïense passagiersvliegtuig vorige week. Er wordt een speciale rechtbank opgericht die onderzoek gaat doen naar het ongeluk met de Boeing 737 van Ukraine International Airlines die vlak na het opstijgen werd neergehaald met een korteafstandsraket van de Iraanse luchtafweer.

Het is niet bekend om hoeveel verdachten het gaat en wat hun rol is geweest. Ook is niet duidelijk wat voor rechtbank het wordt en of het mogelijk een proces wordt achter gesloten deuren.

De Iraanse president Rohani zei op de staatstelevisie dat het neerhalen van het toestel "een onvergeeflijke fout" was. Ook zei hij dat de verantwoordelijkheid niet bij "één persoon alleen kan liggen".

'Goede eerste stap'
Het toegeven van deze fout door de Iraanse strijdkrachten noemde Rohani "een goede eerste stap". Hij zei verder dat de Iraanse regering verantwoordelijkheid neemt voor de dood van de Iraanse passagiers en de passagiers uit andere landen.

Vlak na het ongeluk ontkende Iran nog ten stelligste dat het verantwoordelijk was voor de crash. Vrijdag zei het land dat het de Boeing per ongeluk heeft neergehaald.

Bij de crash met de Boeing 737 kwamen 82 Iraniërs, 57 Canadezen en 11 Oekraïners om. Het toestel zou van Teheran naar de Oekraïense hoofdstad Kiev vliegen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 14/01/2020 | 10:42 uur
Citaat van: DvdW op 14/01/2020 | 10:41 uur
Iran: schuldigen neerhalen Oekraïens vliegtuig worden bestraft
Gewoon een paar boeven uit de gevangenis slepen, camo jasje erover heen en dan tegen de muur... "Opgelost"
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 14/01/2020 | 11:35 uur
Citaat van: DvdW op 14/01/2020 | 10:42 uur
Gewoon een paar boeven uit de gevangenis slepen, camo jasje erover heen en dan tegen de muur... "Opgelost"
Samenlevinkje spelen, rechtbankje en trias politica imiteren kunnen ze vast wel.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 14/01/2020 | 12:03 uur
Citaat van: NOS op 14/01/2020 | 10:41 uur
Iran: schuldigen neerhalen Oekraïens vliegtuig worden bestraft

Iran heeft mensen opgepakt die verdacht worden van betrokkenheid bij het neerhalen van het Oekraïense passagiersvliegtuig vorige week. Er wordt een speciale rechtbank opgericht die onderzoek gaat doen naar het ongeluk met de Boeing 737 van Ukraine International Airlines die vlak na het opstijgen werd neergehaald met een korteafstandsraket van de Iraanse luchtafweer.

Voorlopig speelt Iran het spel goed en is er niet veel tegen in te brengen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 14/01/2020 | 13:45 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 14/01/2020 | 12:03 uur
Voorlopig speelt Iran het spel goed en is er niet veel tegen in te brengen.

Wat een volkomen onzinnige en tegenstrijdige conclusie is dit.

Er is gelogen en bedrogen, en toen het niet meer anders kon moest de waarheid eruit. Terwijl de crashplek al was opgeruimd met een bulldozer.

En dan nemen ze die schuld met een hele grote maar... de Amerikanen en Israeliers, daar moet de schuld 'echt worden gezocht' zwaktebod is dat.
Zelfs het Iraanse volk is het niet eens met wat je hier stelt. Dat is de hele reden waarom er massale protesten plaats vinden, as we speak.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Poleme op 14/01/2020 | 14:24 uur
Citaat van: DvdW op 14/01/2020 | 10:42 uur
Gewoon een paar boeven uit de gevangenis slepen, camo jasje erover heen en dan tegen de muur... "Opgelost"
De begrafenis van Qassem Soleimani en de daarop volgende snelle vergelding met een raket aanval. Werd natuurlijk zoveel mogelijk uitgebuit door Teheran, om de aandacht af te leiden van de Irakese protesten tegen Iran's inmenging en de wijdverspreide protesten in eigen land vanwege de slechte economie.

Maar dat de Revolutionaire Garde, die zich samen met het regime opwerpt als beschermer van het volk, dan eigen mensen de dood in jaagt.  En dat dan vervolgens keihard wordt ontkent.  Dit heeft enorm kwaad bloed gezet.  Dan kan Teheran wel proberen alsnog haar gezicht te redden.  Maar de imago schade is al aangericht en ik denk dat dit een hele grote druppel in die wel bekende emmer is.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 14/01/2020 | 15:42 uur
Het enige goeie land in het Midden Oosten is Israel die schieten nooit op burgers....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Zander op 14/01/2020 | 16:05 uur
Citaat van: Oorlogsvis op 14/01/2020 | 15:42 uur
Het enige goeie land in het Midden Oosten is Israel die schieten nooit op burgers....
Klopt. Die zien iedere stenengooiende Palestijn als combatant..... :angel:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 14/01/2020 | 16:27 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 14/01/2020 | 13:45 uur
Er is gelogen en bedrogen, en toen het niet meer anders kon moest de waarheid eruit. Terwijl de crashplek al was opgeruimd met een bulldozer.

En dan nemen ze die schuld met een hele grote maar... de Amerikanen en Israeliers, daar moet de schuld 'echt worden gezocht' zwaktebod is dat.
Zelfs het Iraanse volk is het niet eens met wat je hier stelt. Dat is de hele reden waarom er massale protesten plaats vinden, as we speak.

Gelogen en bedrogen en met het vingertje wijzen kan iedere partij in het conflict worden aangerekend. Er zijn eerst landen uitgenodigd om mee te helpen in het onderzoek naar de oorzaak van de crash. en daarna pas toegegeven dat het een aanval vanaf de grond was. Onder andere Canada vraagt om vervolging van de verantwoordelijken omdat het land geen genoegen neemt met de reden dat het een menselijke fout was. Die vervolging krijgt men nu en er komt vrijwel zeker ook een aanbod om vele miljoenen uit te keren als schadevergoeding voor de nabestaanden. Dit bedoel ik met het spel goed spelen.

De protesten in Iran komt door het feit dat het volk niet tevreden is dat Iran schuld heeft bekend. Het volk ziet dit als verraad en zwakheid van de regering. Daarom gaan zij de straat op en om niets anders.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: MasterChief1971 op 14/01/2020 | 16:31 uur
Oh, ja. Vandaar dat ze niet meer op de Israelische en Amerikaanse vlag lopen.
Nee! Het gaat erom dat ze het regime verantwoordelijk houden voor de dood van Iraniers en Candezen e.d. van Iraanse afkomst.
Hou eens op met trollen, man....
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 14/01/2020 | 16:40 uur
Boris Johnson wil nucleair akkoord Iran vervangen door 'Trump-deal'
De Britse premier Boris Johnson vindt het tijd om het atoomakkoord met Iran te vervangen door een 'Trump-deal', meldt BBC dinsdag. Die uitspraak doet hij op dezelfde dag dat drie westerse landen de eerste stap richting een mogelijk einde van de overeenkomst nemen.

"Laten we de deal vervangen door een Trump-deal", zei Johnson tijdens het ontbijtprogramma BBC Breakfast. "Dat is wat we nodig hebben. President Trump is een fantastische deal maker, naar eigen zeggen en volgens vele anderen."

Het in 2015 afgesloten atoomakkoord (JCPOA) komt door oplopende spanningen tussen de Verenigde Staten en Iran steeds verder in het gedrang. In 2018 stapte de VS volledig uit de overeenkomst, die de Amerikaanse president Donald Trump omschreef als "de slechtste deal ooit".

Johnson zei tegen BBC dat het akkoord veranderd moet worden om alle partijen weer achter de deal te krijgen, die moet garanderen dat Iran geen nucleaire wapens krijgt in ruil voor sanctieverlichtingen.

Dinsdag lieten Duitsland, Frankrijk en het Verenigd Koninkrijk weten dat ze een geschillenclausule in het akkoord activeren. De drie probeerden tot nu toe met alle macht de overeenkomst te redden, maar zeggen zich genoodzaakt te voelen deze stap te nemen.

Overeenkomst eindigt mogelijk binnen twee maanden
Met de stap van de drie landen zou er binnen twee maanden een einde kunnen komen aan de overeenkomst, afhankelijk van het verloop van het gedetailleerde geschillenproces dat nu in gang is gezet.

Mocht de deal beëindigd worden, betekent dit dat er verdere Europese sancties tegen Iran komen.

De drie mogendheden benadrukken echter dat ze geen gehoor geven aan de oproep van Trump om "maximale druk" op Iran uit te oefenen, een tactiek waarmee Iran door de VS economisch onder druk gezet wordt met verlammende sancties.

Keuze niet genomen vanwege crash of Iraanse aanvallen
Volgens de leiders van de drie zou de beslissing geen reactie zijn op de recente Iraanse aanvallen op legerbasissen in Irak, waar Amerikaanse militairen gestationeerd waren. Ook het door Iran per ongeluk neerschieten van het Oekraïense passagiersvliegtuig buiten Teheran zou geen rol spelen.

De stap is volgens hen het gevolg van de Iraanse keuzes om niet meer aan de voorwaarden van het akkoord te voldoen. Het land zou volgens overheidsbronnen minder dan een jaar verwijderd zijn van het hebben van nucleaire wapens, aldus The Guardian.

In een verklaring zeggen de leiders "geen andere mogelijkheid meer te zien dan op deze manier onze bezorgdheid vast te leggen over de keuze van Iran om niet meer aan haar verplichtingen te voldoen

Verlichting van sancties op Iran is uitgebleven
Het akkoord was in 2015 gesloten tussen Iran en de zes wereldmachten VS, China, Rusland, Frankrijk, Groot-Brittannië en Duitsland. In het atoomakkoord is afgesproken dat de verlammende economische sancties op het Iran verlicht worden in ruil voor minder nucleaire activiteit, maar die verlichting is nooit gekomen, zegt het land.

De afgelopen jaren heeft het in economisch zwaar weer verkerende land zich daarom steeds verder uit de overeenkomst teruggetrokken. Begin deze maand liet Iran weten niet langer de limieten op de verrijking van uranium te zullen naleven. Hiermee kan nucleaire brandstof gemaakt worden, maar ook een atoombom.

Iran zegt echter geen atoombom te willen bouwen, maar energie op te willen wekken. Het wil daarom nog wel inspecteurs van het Internationale Atoomakkoord toelaten.

Ook houdt Iran de deur voor diplomatie naar eigen zeggen open. De terugtrekking uit het akkoord is volgens hen omkeerbaar, mochten de andere ondertekenaars de beloofde verlichting van sancties nakomen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 14/01/2020 | 17:03 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 14/01/2020 | 16:27 uur
Gelogen en bedrogen en met het vingertje wijzen kan iedere partij in het conflict worden aangerekend. Er zijn eerst landen uitgenodigd om mee te helpen in het onderzoek naar de oorzaak van de crash. en daarna pas toegegeven dat het een aanval vanaf de grond was. Onder andere Canada vraagt om vervolging van de verantwoordelijken omdat het land geen genoegen neemt met de reden dat het een menselijke fout was. Die vervolging krijgt men nu en er komt vrijwel zeker ook een aanbod om vele miljoenen uit te keren als schadevergoeding voor de nabestaanden. Dit bedoel ik met het spel goed spelen.

De protesten in Iran komt door het feit dat het volk niet tevreden is dat Iran schuld heeft bekend. Het volk ziet dit als verraad en zwakheid van de regering. Daarom gaan zij de straat op en om niets anders.

Man dat je het uit je toetsenbord kreeg. Ik denk dat er heel veel werk voor je ligt in Noord Korea.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: ARM-WAP op 14/01/2020 | 23:40 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 14/01/2020 | 16:27 uur
De protesten in Iran komt door het feit dat het volk niet tevreden is dat Iran schuld heeft bekend. Het volk ziet dit als verraad en zwakheid van de regering. Daarom gaan zij de straat op en om niets anders.
W T F ?!?  :confused: :omg:

Zou het niet kunnen dat er velen onder hen
- familie/vrienden/kennissen hebben die iemand verloren hebben door dit 'ongeluk'?
- door hebben dat 'de Grote Leiders' ronduit gelogen hebben over dit voorval? Meteen was het gecatalogeerd als een 'catastrofic technical failure' aan het toestel zelf - niets van buitenaf zat er voor iets tussen...

Ik gok op pisnijdig zijn door dit schaamtelijk bedrog...
Soit... je doet maar  :(
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Admiral Halsey op 15/01/2020 | 13:25 uur
NRC: "Iraanse president uit dreiging richting Europese troepen in Midden-Oosten" (
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: A.J. op 15/01/2020 | 13:32 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 14/01/2020 | 16:27 uur
Gelogen en bedrogen en met het vingertje wijzen kan iedere partij in het conflict worden aangerekend. Er zijn eerst landen uitgenodigd om mee te helpen in het onderzoek naar de oorzaak van de crash. en daarna pas toegegeven dat het een aanval vanaf de grond was. Onder andere Canada vraagt om vervolging van de verantwoordelijken omdat het land geen genoegen neemt met de reden dat het een menselijke fout was. Die vervolging krijgt men nu en er komt vrijwel zeker ook een aanbod om vele miljoenen uit te keren als schadevergoeding voor de nabestaanden. Dit bedoel ik met het spel goed spelen.

De protesten in Iran komt door het feit dat het volk niet tevreden is dat Iran schuld heeft bekend. Het volk ziet dit als verraad en zwakheid van de regering. Daarom gaan zij de straat op en om niets anders.

Citaat van: Ros op 14/01/2020 | 12:03 uur
Voorlopig speelt Iran het spel goed en is er niet veel tegen in te brengen.

In wat voor universum leef jij eigenlijk?  :dead:

Oekraïne vraagt om zwarte dozen van neergeschoten Boeing: 'Iraniërs dagenlang voorgelogen'

Oekraïne heeft Iran gevraagd de zwarte dozen te overhandigen van het vliegtuig dat vorige week woensdag met een of twee raketten uit de lucht werd geschoten, aldus het ministerie van Justitie in Kiev. Een Iraanse topdiplomaat geeft vandaag toe dat zijn landgenoten zijn 'voorgelogen'.

Het toestel van Ukraine International Airlines werd kort na vertrek uit Teheran neergehaald, waardoor 176 mensen om het leven kwamen. Iran had eerder al aangegeven dat Oekraïne toegang zou krijgen tot de vluchtrecorders, maar dat is nog niet gebeurd.

Volgens een Oekraïense veiligheidsfunctionaris wordt een belangrijke Iraanse onderzoeker in Kiev verwacht om te bekijken of een Oekraïens laboratorium geschikt is om de dozen te analyseren. Aanvankelijk ontkende Iran dat de Boeing zou zijn neergehaald door een raket, ook nadat videobeelden een raketinslag suggereerden.

Menselijke fout
Gaten in de wrakstukken van de door een raket geraakte Boeing
Gaten in de wrakstukken van de door een raket geraakte Boeing © AP
De Iraanse burgerluchtvaartautoriteit liet weten: ,,Een ding is zeker. Dat toestel is niet geraakt door een raket. De informatie uit de zwarte dozen is essentieel in het onderzoek. De dozen zijn nog intact en worden onderzocht. Alle conclusies die worden getrokken voordat de data uit de zwarte dozen is geanalyseerd, zijn voorbarig.''

Zaterdag gaf een commandant van de Iraanse Revolutionaire Garde toe dat zijn eenheid het Oekraïense vliegtuig had neergehaald. Hij nam de volledige verantwoordelijkheid op zich. Een menselijke fout, waarbij het toestel voor een kruisraket werd aangezien, leidde tot het afvuren van de raket die de Boeing raakte.

Iraniërs voorgelogen
Foto's tonen gaten in delen van het toestel, die duiden op een raketaanval
Foto's tonen gaten in delen van het toestel, die duiden op een raketaanval © AFP
De Iraanse topdiplomaat Mohammad Javad Zarif, die momenteel in India is, gaf vandaag toe dat zijn landgenoten zijn 'voorgelogen'. Hij doelde daarmee op een eerdere verklaring die stelde dat het toestel door een technisch mankement zou zijn neergestort. Zarif prees de moed van Iran om snel schuld te bekennen.

In de nasleep van de ramp met het toestel, waarbij 176 inzittenden om het leven kwamen, hebben de Iraanse autoriteiten een aantal personen opgepakt die betrokken zouden zijn bij het ongeluk. Het aantal is niet bekend. Ook werden zeker 30 mensen opgepakt die protesteerden tegen de Iraanse betrokkenheid bij de vliegramp.

De Revolutionaire Garde heeft ook degene opgepakt die de videobeelden online heeft gezet waarop te zien is hoe het Oekraïense vliegtuig wordt geraakt en die Iran dwongen hun ontkenning te herzien. Waarom de persoon die de video heeft geplaatst is opgepakt, is niet bekendgemaakt.

De woede onder de bevolking over het incident, waarbij ook een groot aantal in Canada wonende Iraniërs omkwamen, leidde tot verhitte protesten. Zarif: ,,De laatste dagen werd er in de straten van Teheran geprotesteerd vanwege het feit dat er een aantal dagen tegen hen gelogen is.''
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 15/01/2020 | 17:57 uur
De Revolutionaire Garde heeft ook degene opgepakt die de videobeelden online heeft gezet waarop te zien is hoe het Oekraïense vliegtuig wordt geraakt en die Iran dwongen hun ontkenning te herzien. Waarom de persoon die de video heeft geplaatst is opgepakt, is niet bekendgemaakt.

Deze man zal de zwaarste straf krijgen van allemaal. En zijn gehele familie. Leuk land man.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Robert2 op 15/01/2020 | 20:08 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 15/01/2020 | 17:57 uur
Deze man zal de zwaarste straf krijgen van allemaal. En zijn gehele familie. Leuk land man.

Het spel wordt goed gespeeld, aldus..............
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 16/01/2020 | 14:46 uur
Arme ziel. Ik denk dat dit wel een kantelpunt kan zijn. De bevolking is door de regering voor dom aangezien. Ze voelen zich enorm beledigd.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 16/01/2020 | 15:04 uur
Citaat van: Robert2 op 15/01/2020 | 20:08 uur
Het spel wordt goed gespeeld, aldus..............

Je kan er wel alles bijslepen als het zo uitkomt. Met het 'spel' gaat het dus om de houding naar de vijand(en) van Iran.

Een militaire operatie in eigen land filmen  en vervolgens de wereld in slingeren......denk dat je dan in meerdere  landen een behoorlijk probleem kan hebben. En schijnbaar denken dat ze er nooit achter zullen komen wie het gedaan heeft ? Niet echt slim of je moet het martelaarschap ambiëren.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 16/01/2020 | 15:16 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 16/01/2020 | 15:04 uur
Je kan er wel alles bijslepen als het zo uitkomt. Met het 'spel' gaat het dus om de houding naar de vijand(en) van Iran.

Een militaire operatie in eigen land filmen  en vervolgens de wereld in slingeren......denk dat je dan in meerdere  landen een behoorlijk probleem kan hebben. En schijnbaar denken dat ze er nooit achter zullen komen wie het gedaan heeft ? Niet echt slim of je moet het martelaarschap ambiëren.

Heb het 3 x gelezen maar kan geen chocola van je verhaal maken. Je doet een poging nu toch toe te geven dat Iran verschrikkelijk slecht bezig is geweest en internationaal en intern verder onder druk is komen te staan. Maar ook weer niet.

Wat ben je toch een vreemd mannetje. Werkelijk,  Albanië, Turkije, Wit Rusland. Daar heb jij volop werk hee.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Robert2 op 16/01/2020 | 15:39 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 16/01/2020 | 15:04 uur
Je kan er wel alles bijslepen als het zo uitkomt.
Pot. Ketel. Zwart.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Mourning op 16/01/2020 | 17:36 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 16/01/2020 | 15:04 uur
Je kan er wel alles bijslepen als het zo uitkomt. Met het 'spel' gaat het dus om de houding naar de vijand(en) van Iran.

En dat schrijf, van alle posters hier, uitgerekend... jij???   :dead: :dead: :dead:

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: A.J. op 16/01/2020 | 18:23 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 16/01/2020 | 15:04 uur
Je kan er wel alles bijslepen als het zo uitkomt. Met het 'spel' gaat het dus om de houding naar de vijand(en) van Iran.

Een militaire operatie in eigen land filmen  en vervolgens de wereld in slingeren......denk dat je dan in meerdere  landen een behoorlijk probleem kan hebben. En schijnbaar denken dat ze er nooit achter zullen komen wie het gedaan heeft ? Niet echt slim of je moet het martelaarschap ambiëren.

Wat bedoel je nou allemaal?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Umbert op 16/01/2020 | 18:39 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 16/01/2020 | 15:04 uur
Je kan er wel alles bijslepen als het zo uitkomt. Met het 'spel' gaat het dus om de houding naar de vijand(en) van Iran.

Een militaire operatie in eigen land filmen  en vervolgens de wereld in slingeren......denk dat je dan in meerdere  landen een behoorlijk probleem kan hebben. En schijnbaar denken dat ze er nooit achter zullen komen wie het gedaan heeft ? Niet echt slim of je moet het martelaarschap ambiëren.

Wat een onzin , de beste man filmde alleen dat de Iraanse air defence een goede actie uitvoerde, dat diezelfde air defence een gigantsche fuck up had gedaan kon hij toen ook nog niet weten.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 16/01/2020 | 21:41 uur
Citaat van: Umbert op 16/01/2020 | 18:39 uur
Wat een onzin , de beste man filmde alleen dat de Iraanse air defence een goede actie uitvoerde, dat diezelfde air defence een gigantsche fuck up had gedaan kon hij toen ook nog niet weten.

Heb je helemaal gelijk in. De actie om het online te gaan zetten was niet bijster slim.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 16/01/2020 | 21:56 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 16/01/2020 | 21:41 uur
Heb je helemaal gelijk in. De actie om het online te gaan zetten was niet bijster slim.
Daar zullen de meningen verdeeld over blijven.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: A.J. op 16/01/2020 | 21:56 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 16/01/2020 | 21:41 uur
Heb je helemaal gelijk in. De actie om het online te gaan zetten was niet bijster slim.

Prima land toch?

Misschien moeten we dat soort beleid hier ook maar gaan invoeren, bij elke uitspraak, film of foto waarin defensie negatief wordt afgeschilderd de steller/ maker oppakken en optakelen met de kraan.

Oh wacht, nee jij vindt al die negatieve publiciteit altijd prachtig gezien je posthistorie.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 16/01/2020 | 22:07 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 16/01/2020 | 21:41 uur
Heb je helemaal gelijk in. De actie om het online te gaan zetten was niet bijster slim.

Niet slim? Hoezo niet slim? Wat is er dan mis met Iran?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 16/01/2020 | 22:47 uur
Citaat van: A.J. op 16/01/2020 | 21:56 uur
Prima land toch?

Lees je mij nergens beweren.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Umbert op 17/01/2020 | 01:45 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 16/01/2020 | 21:41 uur
Heb je helemaal gelijk in. De actie om het online te gaan zetten was niet bijster slim.

Moet toch geen probleem zijn in een land waar het recht geldt, maar zijn actie was een flinke streep door de cover-up die Iran aan het opzetten was, want ze hebben er alles aan gedaan om het voorval letterlijk uit te wissen, en ze hebben na te hebben moeten toegeven dat het hun schuld was, het nog te proberen te downplayen dat het merendeel van de Canadezen eigenlijk gewoon Iranier was, dus het een beetje minder erg te maken dan het is, want het leven van een Iranier is schijnbaar minder waard dan een ander mens. Lekker machthebbers heb je dan.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 17/01/2020 | 11:15 uur
Citaat van: Umbert op 17/01/2020 | 01:45 uur
Moet toch geen probleem zijn in een land waar het recht geldt, maar zijn actie was een flinke streep door de cover-up die Iran aan het opzetten was, want ze hebben er alles aan gedaan om het voorval letterlijk uit te wissen, en ze hebben na te hebben moeten toegeven dat het hun schuld was, het nog te proberen te downplayen dat het merendeel van de Canadezen eigenlijk gewoon Iranier was, dus het een beetje minder erg te maken dan het is, want het leven van een Iranier is schijnbaar minder waard dan een ander mens. Lekker machthebbers heb je dan.

Ja, slecht plan. Slecht spel slecht land.
Liegen liegen liegen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 03/02/2020 | 20:57 uur
Oekraïne: Iran wist meteen dat passagierstoestel was neergehaald

Iran wist mogelijk meteen dat een Oekraïens passagiersvliegtuig begin vorige maand was neergehaald door eigen luchtafweergeschut.

Uit gelekte communicatie tussen een Iraanse piloot en de luchtverkeerstoren in Teheran blijkt dat er raketten en explosies waren waargenomen nabij het neergehaalde toestel.

Een piloot van een Iraanse luchtvaartmaatschappij vloog toevallig in de buurt, toen hij de raketten zag. Hij meldde zijn observaties meteen aan de luchtverkeersleiding, waarna hem herhaaldelijk werd gevraagd om meer informatie.

Daarop antwoordde de piloot: "Beste technicus, het was een explosie. We zagen daar een erg fel licht en ik heb geen idee wat het was." Vervolgens probeerde de luchtverkeersleiding zonder succes contact met het Oekraïense vliegtuig te krijgen.

Het audiobericht werd gisteravond uitgezonden door een Oekraïense tv-zender. Volgens de Oekraïense president Zelensky bewijst de communicatie dat Iran meteen op 8 januari wist wat er was gebeurd, terwijl het land pas drie dagen later toegaf dat het vliegtuig per ongeluk was neergehaald.

Iran zegt dat het om vertrouwelijke informatie gaat, die tijdens het onderzoek naar het neerhalen is overhandigd aan Oekraïne. Het land is ontsteld dat de audio is gelekt en zegt vanaf nu in het onderzoek geen informatie meer te delen met Oekraïne.

Bij de crash van de Boeing 737-800 van Ukraine International Airlines, die kort na opstijgen werd neergeschoten, kwamen alle 176 passagiers om het leven.

Een video op onderstaande link.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Admiral Halsey op 12/03/2020 | 20:47 uur
Volkskrant: "Escalatie dreigt in Irak na dood twee Amerikanen en een Brit" (
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 22/04/2020 | 17:01 uur
Trump dreigt met hard optreden tegen Iraanse marine

WASHINGTON - De Amerikaanse president Donald Trump dreigt met hard optreden tegen de Iraanse marine, als die Amerikaanse schepen lastigvalt. Hij heeft de Amerikaanse marine de opdracht gegeven alle Iraanse kanonneerboten te beschieten en te vernietigen die een lastpost zijn.

Trump meldt dat op Twitter. Onlangs zei de Amerikaanse marine dat schepen van de Iraanse Revolutionaire Garde Amerikaanse marineschepen ,,gevaarlijk en intimiderend" hebben benaderd. Elf Iraanse boten zouden herhaaldelijk zes schepen van de Verenigde Staten tijdens oefeningen in internationale wateren in de Perzische Golf hebben lastiggevallen. Iraanse vaartuigen zouden zelfs minder dan 10 meter afstand hebben gehouden van een Amerikaans schip.

Telegraaf, 22-04-2020
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 22/04/2020 | 17:04 uur
Citaat van: Lex op 22/04/2020 | 17:01 uur
Trump dreigt met hard optreden tegen Iraanse marine

WASHINGTON - De Amerikaanse president Donald Trump dreigt met hard optreden tegen de Iraanse marine, als die Amerikaanse schepen lastigvalt. Hij heeft de Amerikaanse marine de opdracht gegeven alle Iraanse kanonneerboten te beschieten en te vernietigen die een lastpost zijn.

Trump meldt dat op Twitter. Onlangs zei de Amerikaanse marine dat schepen van de Iraanse Revolutionaire Garde Amerikaanse marineschepen ,,gevaarlijk en intimiderend" hebben benaderd. Elf Iraanse boten zouden herhaaldelijk zes schepen van de Verenigde Staten tijdens oefeningen in internationale wateren in de Perzische Golf hebben lastiggevallen. Iraanse vaartuigen zouden zelfs minder dan 10 meter afstand hebben gehouden van een Amerikaans schip.

Telegraaf, 22-04-2020

Gelukkig weet de USN beter dan het opvolgen van bevelen van de ''Toddler in Chief'' :cute-smile:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 22/04/2020 | 17:09 uur
 Als dit de opdracht is is dit gewoon de opdracht hoor.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 22/04/2020 | 17:11 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 22/04/2020 | 17:09 uur
Als dit de opdracht is is dit gewoon de opdracht hoor.

Je mag er vanuit gaan dat de USN wel verstandiger is dan hun ''baas'' en zich niet zomaar in een conflict laat storten. En als de ''baas'' dit wilt dan is hij wel echt zijn laatste beetje verstand verloren.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 22/04/2020 | 17:16 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 22/04/2020 | 17:09 uur
Als dit de opdracht is is dit gewoon de opdracht hoor.
Ik denk dat het een mooie afleiding is ....beetje schieten op speedboten met een Doushka erop !

En voordeel is ...als er spanningen in de Perzische golf zijn gaat de olieprijs vanzelf omhoog ! de tweet
van Trump ging de olieprijs ook meteen weer omhoog ....maar die moet nog veel hoger om de Amerikaanse
shalie business olie te redden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Zander op 22/04/2020 | 19:31 uur
Citaat van: Oorlogsvis op 22/04/2020 | 17:16 uur
Ik denk dat het een mooie afleiding is ....beetje schieten op speedboten met een Doushka erop !

En voordeel is ...als er spanningen in de Perzische golf zijn gaat de olieprijs vanzelf omhoog ! de tweet
van Trump ging de olieprijs ook meteen weer omhoog ....maar die moet nog veel hoger om de Amerikaanse
shalie business olie te redden.
Ach, hij kan redelijk goed prijsopdrijvend twitteren....... :cute-smile:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 23/04/2020 | 08:57 uur
Pentagon Leaders Say Trump Tweet on Iranian Attack Boats Was 'Important Warning'
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 23/04/2020 | 12:55 uur
Citaat van: Sparkplug op 23/04/2020 | 08:57 uur
Pentagon Leaders Say Trump Tweet on Iranian Attack Boats Was 'Important Warning'
zoals ik al zei, als in de lijn dit de opdracht is voor dit de opdracht. Een commandant die dit negeert zal worden vervangen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Zander op 23/04/2020 | 13:00 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 23/04/2020 | 12:55 uur
  zoals ik al zei, als in de lijn dit de opdracht is voor dit de opdracht. Een commandant die dit negeert zal worden vervangen.
Hij is idd niet te beroerd om iedereen te vervangen die niet in zijn straatje past.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: A.J. op 23/04/2020 | 20:45 uur
Citaat van: Parera op 22/04/2020 | 17:11 uur
Je mag er vanuit gaan dat de USN wel verstandiger is dan hun ''baas'' en zich niet zomaar in een conflict laat storten. En als de ''baas'' dit wilt dan is hij wel echt zijn laatste beetje verstand verloren.

Zo werkt het natuurlijk niet en dat weet jij ook wel. Uitvoeren mars, bij weigeren, next! Kun je als militair niet leven met de opdrachten van hogerhand dan moet je je pak aan de wilgen hangen, simpel zat.

Insubordinatie zit niemand op te wachten
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 24/04/2020 | 09:44 uur
Citaat van: Zander op 23/04/2020 | 13:00 uur
Hij is idd niet te beroerd om iedereen te vervangen die niet in zijn straatje past.

Dit heeft niet zoveel met trump te maken maar met een functionerende commando structuur. Je dient gewoon orders op te volgen. Of dit nu trump,thomas jefferson of obama is.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 29/07/2020 | 07:49 uur
Iran heeft haar nep Nimitz weer op zee gesleept voor een grote oefening en dit jaar zijn kosten noch moeite gespaard voor de zeer realistische oefeningen :silent:  :angel: Ze hebben zelfs een Bell 206 omgebouwd voor het lanceren van anti-scheepsraketten.

Wat wel interessant is, de Iraniërs testen tijdens deze oefening ook de recent gelanceerde satelliet voor het door sturen van beelden van het oefen gebied.







F-18 vs. Iraanse mockup
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 01/08/2020 | 03:22 uur
mission accomplished

of zo iets  ;D

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 29/10/2020 | 16:44 uur
Iran announces the first amphibious ship

Iran, through its Chief of Staff of the Navy, Rear Admiral Hossein Khanzadi, announced on its state broadcasts and Russian press sources, the launch of the first amphibious unit (scheduled for November), which will be named KHALIJ -E FARS (Persian Gulf). According to Admiral Khanzadi, the unit will be able to transport and operate with flight departments equipped with helicopters and drones, combined with other long-range weapon systems. The unit will have, according to what has been declared, a considerable autonomy that will allow it to operate in the ocean for a long period without supplies, therefore able to guarantee a permanent strategic presence in the area of ​​operation. Based on the information provided, the Iranian LHA will have a length of 231m and will be able to board up to 7 helicopters, a group of drones and aerial platforms for electronic warfare. The drones on board could turn out to be a combination of SEPEHER, SHAHAB-2 and HODHOD-4, but the intention is to allow the new unit to operate with even the largest MOHAJER UAV and a combination of loitering munition. Admiral Khanzadi also announced that the DENA "cruiser", the SABA minesweeper and the ZEREH missile launcher will also be presented in November. The Iranian shipbuilding effort, if we consider the significant restrictions due to the sanctions imposed by the international community, also concerns the underwater component, with the construction of the fourth example of the FATEH submarine which, according to the Iranian Navy, will have AIP propulsion. Beyond the announcements - with respect to which it must always be made ... a lot of "tare",3_id,3851.html
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 17/11/2020 | 18:29 uur
'Trump wilde vorige week nog Iran aanvallen'

Met nog twee maanden 'blessuretijd' te gaan als president van de Verenigde Staten, overwoog Donald Trump vorige week om een kerncentrale in Iran aan te vallen, waar hij uiteindelijk van afzag, bevestigt een hoge functionaris tegenover de krant The New York Times. Trump zou hebben gevraagd welke opties er waren om de atoomcentrale aan te vallen.

Het voorval zou donderdag plaats hebben gevonden tijdens een vergadering met de belangrijkste nationale veiligheidsadviseurs in het Oval Office. Ook vicepresident Mike Pence, minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Mike Pompeo, de nieuwe waarnemend minister van Defensie Christopher Miller en de hoogste militair Mark Milley waren aanwezig, zei de bron tegen The New York Times.

Die zei ook dat de adviseurs Trump de verschillende scenario's voorlegden en dat president uiteindelijk afzag van de aanval. Het Witte Huis weigert commentaar te geven op het verhaal.

Trump voert al gedurende zijn hele presidentschap een harde koers ten opzichte van Iran. In 2018 trok Trump de Verenigde Staten terug uit het atoomwapenakkoord dat zijn voorganger Barack Obama met Iran had getekend. Ook stelde de president economische sancties in tegen meerdere Iraniërs en Iraanse organisaties.

Trumps vraag naar de aanvalsopties met betrekking tot Iran kwam een dag nadat de atoomwaakhond van de Verenigde Naties in een rapport stelde dat Iran kerncentrifuges van boven de grond naar een ondergrondse faciliteit had verplaatst. Die installaties worden gebruikt voor het verrijken van uranium.

In januari besloot Trump tot een droneaanval op de hoge Iraanse generaal Qassem Soleimani in Bagdad, waarbij Soleimani om het leven werd gebracht. Wel heeft de president grootschalige inzet van troepen gemeden en heeft hij geprobeerd om Amerikaanse troepen waar mogelijk terug te trekken. In de verkiezingen van 2016 had Trump beloofd dat hij een einde zou maken aan de "zinloze oorlogen".

ANP, 17-11-2020, 04:37
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Reinier op 17/11/2020 | 22:10 uur
Citaat'Trump wilde vorige week nog Iran aanvallen'
Er uit gaan met een grote knal?
Om daarna de scherven te laten opruimen door Biden?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 17/11/2020 | 22:29 uur
Die vent is echt totaal ongeschikt voor zo'n ambt, dat dit ooit heeft kunnen gebeuren is bizar. Het was al langer bekend dat je het presidentschap met enige zekerheid kon 'kopen', maar dat een totale idioot als deze man president heeft kunnen worden in zo'n korte tijd met zo veel volgelingen. Dat beloofd nog wat voor de toekomst.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: pz op 27/11/2020 | 20:42 uur
Weer een "atoomexpert" minder in Iran.

Assassins killed Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, who was involved in Iranian nuclear weapons work stretching back decades, in a city near Tehran.

Everything We Know So Far About The Assassination Of 'The Father Of Iran's Nuclear Bomb'
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 30/11/2020 | 08:47 uur
New OSINT: Iran Launches Another Forward Base Ship, I.R.I.N.S Makran


Het zou een schip moeten worden vergelijkbaar met de Amerikaanse Expeditionary Mobile Base (ESB) van 230 m lang uitgerust met helikopters, UAV's en natuurlijk de voor Iran bekende ''Raketten en wapens''.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Oorlogsvis op 30/11/2020 | 16:07 uur
Citaat van: pz op 27/11/2020 | 20:42 uur
Weer een "atoomexpert" minder in Iran.

Assassins killed Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, who was involved in Iranian nuclear weapons work stretching back decades, in a city near Tehran.

Everything We Know So Far About The Assassination Of 'The Father Of Iran's Nuclear Bomb'
Werk van de Mossad natuurlijk ...goeie zaak !
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 30/11/2020 | 16:38 uur
Inderdaad goede zaak. Kunnen ze niet dat hele regime zo omleggen?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 24/12/2020 | 13:53 uur
Israël en VS waarschuwen Iran met onderzeeboten
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 04/01/2021 | 16:28 uur
Iran entert Zuid-Koreaanse tanker in Straat van Hormuz

In de Straat van Hormuz heeft Iran een Zuid-Koreaanse tanker geënterd. Volgens de Iraanse staatstelevisie zijn militairen van de Revolutionaire Garde aan boord gegaan omdat het schip de Perzische Golf vervuilde met giftige stoffen.

De tanker was volgens de Britse autoriteiten op weg van een olieraffinaderij in Saudi-Arabië naar de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten.

In de Straat van Hormuz was volgens de Britten een "interactie" tussen Iran en een vrachtschip. Het schip werd daarop naar Iraanse territoriale wateren geleid. Opvarenden uit Zuid-Korea, Indonesië, Vietnam en Myanmar zijn aangehouden, onbekend is hoeveel.

Het incident komt op een gevoelig moment. De Zuid-Koreaanse staatssecretaris van Buitenlandse Zaken brengt naar verwachting deze week een bezoek aan Teheran om te praten over vastgezette Iraanse banktegoeden in Zuid-Korea. Zuid-Koreaanse banken hebben voor 7 miljard dollar bevroren als gevolg van de Amerikaanse sancties tegen Iran.

Nederlandse marine
Het is al lange tijd onrustig in de economisch belangrijke zeestraat. Twintig procent van alle olie die in de wereld wordt getransporteerd, gaat erdoorheen.

Er zijn verscheidene aanvallen geweest op olietankers in de Straat van Hormuz, volgens de VS het werk van Iran. Teheran ontkent dat en zegt dat Saudi-Arabië achter de aanvallen zit.

De Nederlandse marine heeft vorig jaar meegedaan aan een missie in de zeestraat om de vrije doorgang voor handelsschepen te garanderen. Ook andere EU-landen deden mee aan de missie.

NOS, 04-01-2021, 14:22
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 05/01/2021 | 10:11 uur
Pentagon: Carrier USS Nimitz Will Stay in Middle East After Threats from Iran
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 02/02/2021 | 06:46 uur
Iran's eerste eigen ''vliegdekschip''  :angel: Deze aangepaste olietanker heeft een vliegdek van 80 x 40 m en moet volgens de Iraanse defensie 7 zware helikopters mee kunnen nemen (Sea King) maar op dit moment ontbreekt de hangaar. Volgens de plannen krijgt het schip een hangaar voor (minimaal) 3 helikopters voor op de boeg. Doordat het zicht vanaf de brug daarmee wegvalt komt er boven op de hangaar een tweede navigatiebrug en een UAV controle ruimte omdat ze er in de toekomst UAV's vanaf willen inzetten als een echte carrier.

Volgens de Iraanse media wil men de gehele brug verplaatsen van de huidige locatie naar de boeg, maar ik vermoed dat men enkel een navigatie brug gaat bouwen waar vanuit men de info doorspeelt aan de huidige brug. Een complete brug verplaatsen is een zeer ingrijpende verbouwing en ik schat die niet als haalbaar op dit project. Daarnaast word het schip voorzien van telemedicijn en teleoperatie capaciteit ( operatie op afstand!) en moet het schip worden uitgerust met luchtverdediging met raketten en ook gatlingun style CIWS's.

Die Iraniers blijven altijd creatief in hun plannen  :cute-smile:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Sparkplug op 04/02/2021 | 22:38 uur
Suspected Iranian loitering SAM powered by Dutch minijet

03 FEBRUARY 2021

by Jeremy Binnie

The surface-to-air missiles (SAMs) found by the US Navy on two dhows smuggling weapons to Yemen are powered by small gas turbine engines made by the company AMT Netherlands, according to a recently released report by the UN Panel of Experts on Yemen.

One of the 358 SAMs that was recovered. (US Department of Justice)

The previously undocumented missiles were found along with other weapons and components – many of them Iranian-made – on two dhows that were stopped in the Gulf of Aden in November 2019 and February 2020. Named the 358 SAM by the US military, they are comparatively slow, but long-range weapons that appear to be designed to loiter until they detect an aircraft.

The panel of experts said there is no evidence the type has been used by the Iranian-backed Yemeni group Ansar Allah (the Houthis).

AMT Netherlands makes small jet engines for remotely controlled aircraft, gliders, and research purposes. The five recovered 358 SAMs were fitted with the company's Titan engine, which weighs 3.6 kg, can generate 393 N of thrust, and costs around EUR10,000 (USD12,000).

The report said the engines were exported in two shipments in 2017 and 2019 to companies in Hong Kong, with the export licence issued by the Netherlands stating they could not be re-exported. Beijing told the panel of experts that the company whose name was used to import the engines ceased to exist in 2014.

The 358 SAMs also included MTi-100 inertial sensor modules made by Xsens Technologies, also a Dutch company, that were exported to another company in China in 2015–16.

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Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 05/02/2021 | 06:10 uur
Daar zal men in Den Haag niet blij mee zijn, maar beide bedrijven kunnen hier niks aan doen. De geëxporteerde artikelen zijn beide op de legale manier naar China / Hongkong getransporteerd en vervolgens in Iran of Yemen beland.

Je ziet ook gelijk hoe creatief dit soort landen /partijen zijn in het omzeilen van sancties door gebruik te maken van civiel beschikbare jet motoren en sensoren.

AMT Titan (
MTI-100 serie (
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Harald op 05/02/2021 | 08:08 uur
Citaat van: Parera op 05/02/2021 | 06:10 uur
Daar zal men in Den Haag niet blij mee zijn, maar beide bedrijven kunnen hier niks aan doen. De geëxporteerde artikelen zijn beide op de legale manier naar China / Hongkong getransporteerd en vervolgens in Iran of Yemen beland.

Je ziet ook gelijk hoe creatief dit soort landen /partijen zijn in het omzeilen van sancties door gebruik te maken van civiel beschikbare jet motoren en sensoren.

AMT Titan (
MTI-100 serie (

Idd en als je naar het dealerschap kijkt zitten er verschillende in China/Hongkong. En als je daar in de winkel een paar bestelling doet en deze weer als doorverkoopt. Daar kun je als bijvoorbeeld AMT niets aan doen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Mourning op 05/02/2021 | 10:07 uur
mmm... als bedrijf moet je ook je due diligence doen met wie je zaken doet. Als het bedrijf al jaren voor levering stopte met bestaan? Het gaat in dit verband vermoed ik om "ceased to exist". Mag dat gelezen worden als failliet of opgeheven of overgedragen/overgenomen? Een wezenlijk verschil.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 05/02/2021 | 10:13 uur
Citaat van: Mourning op 05/02/2021 | 10:07 uur
mmm... als bedrijf moet je ook je due diligence doen met wie je zaken doet. Als het bedrijf al jaren voor levering stopte met bestaan? Het gaat in dit verband vermoed ik om "ceased to exist". Mag dat gelezen worden als failliet of opgeheven of overgedragen/overgenomen? Een wezenlijk verschil.

Heel veel wordt hier natuurlijk niet verteld. Maar je hebt gelijk.

Ik sta er wel van te kijken dan loitering ammo door de iraniers zo gemakkelijk te produceren is.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Umbert op 05/02/2021 | 12:15 uur
Citaat van: Mourning op 05/02/2021 | 10:07 uur
mmm... als bedrijf moet je ook je due diligence doen met wie je zaken doet. Als het bedrijf al jaren voor levering stopte met bestaan? Het gaat in dit verband vermoed ik om "ceased to exist". Mag dat gelezen worden als failliet of opgeheven of overgedragen/overgenomen? Een wezenlijk verschil.

Ik ga in dit geval er misschien wel onterecht vanuit dat de Chinese overheid die ook de eindverantwoordelijkheid over Hong Kong hebben een steek hebben laten vallen al dan niet bewust, want ze wisten van de voorwaarden, en nu niet zeggen van niet, we praten wel over China!  Dus er zijn waarschijnlijk meer schimmige zaken gebeurd.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 05/02/2021 | 12:49 uur
Citaat van: Umbert op 05/02/2021 | 12:15 uur
Ik ga in dit geval er misschien wel onterecht vanuit dat de Chinese overheid die ook de eindverantwoordelijkheid over Hong Kong hebben een steek hebben laten vallen al dan niet bewust, want ze wisten van de voorwaarden, en nu niet zeggen van niet, we praten wel over China!  Dus er zijn waarschijnlijk meer schimmige zaken gebeurd.

+1 Daar dacht ik dus ook gelijk aan. Ik ga er ook wel vanuit dat de Chinese overheid hier een of ander ''black project'' heeft lopen waarbij landen zoals Iran, Noord-Korea en Venezuela gesteund worden om sancties te omzeilen. En bijvoorbeeld dus ook dit soort leveringen van relatief onschuldige materialen maar in de combinatie met andere middelen kunnen deze dus blijkbaar gebruikt worden voor andere doelen dan het originele doel van de fabrikant.

Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 05/02/2021 | 10:13 uur
Heel veel wordt hier natuurlijk niet verteld. Maar je hebt gelijk.

Ik sta er wel van te kijken dan loitering ammo door de iraniers zo gemakkelijk te produceren is.

Wat hier dus ook uit blijkt is dat we in Nederland zelf een groot deel van de technologie in huis hebben voor de productie van dit soort systemen. Ik zeg ontwikkelen!
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 13/04/2021 | 17:38 uur
Iran fires missile at Israeli-owned ship near UAE - report

The vessel is associated with the Israeli Ray Shipping company, the same company that owns the vessel that was hit by an alleged Iranian attack in February.

Lees verder:
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: pz op 13/04/2021 | 18:56 uur
Het is wachten op een reactie van de Israëli's ; Shayetet 13...?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Zander op 13/04/2021 | 19:23 uur
Dit is wel een snelkookpan met een recept voor een boel ellende. Het kan zo uit de hand lopen tussen Iran en Israël.

Zou een full scale oorlogs situatie tussen beide landen op korte termijn een realistische optie zijn?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 13/04/2021 | 21:04 uur
Citaat van: Zander op 13/04/2021 | 19:23 uur
Dit is wel een snelkookpan met een recept voor een boel ellende. Het kan zo uit de hand lopen tussen Iran en Israël.

Zou een full scale oorlogs situatie tussen beide landen op korte termijn een realistische optie zijn?

Gezien het feit dat Israël  vredesverdragen heeft afgesloten met diverse Arabische landen in het Midden Oosten sluit ik niet uit dat de IAF (Israeli Air Force) zonder problemen gebruik mag maken van het luchtruim van diverse Arabische landen en daarnaast mogen Dolphin onderzeeboten zonder problemen gebruik maken van het Suez kanaal richting de Perzische golf en worden vanaf de Dolphin onderzeeboten Popeye Turbo Submarine Launched Cruise Missile (bereik 1500km) gelanceerd. Iran heeft hier geen antwoord op mocht Israël haar luchtmacht en marine gaan inzetten. De Arabische landen in het Midden Oosten zijn er achter dat de vijand van Iran hun vriend is.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ros op 13/04/2021 | 23:04 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 13/04/2021 | 21:04 uur
Gezien het feit dat Israël  vredesverdragen heeft afgesloten met diverse Arabische landen in het Midden Oosten sluit ik niet uit dat de IAF (Israeli Air Force) zonder problemen gebruik mag maken van het luchtruim van diverse Arabische landen en daarnaast mogen Dolphin onderzeeboten zonder problemen gebruik maken van het Suez kanaal..........

Zou er niet zo zeker van zijn dat dit zo makkelijk gaat worden. En het is eerder een diplomatiek verdrag en geen vredesverdrag.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 13/04/2021 | 23:13 uur
Citaat van: Ros op 13/04/2021 | 23:04 uur
Zou er niet zo zeker van zijn dat dit zo makkelijk gaat worden. En het is eerder een diplomatiek verdrag en geen vredesverdrag.

Hoe verklaar je dit dan?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 18/08/2021 | 09:21 uur
Je zou het, in deze 'interessante' tijd bijna over het hoofd zien, maar het feest is nog niet compleet...

Iran accelerates uranium enrichment, nearing weapon-grade, UN watchdog says
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 30/01/2023 | 22:06 uur
Drone-aanval op militair complex in Iran, mogelijk door Isra?l

In de omgeving van de Iraanse stad Isfahan is een fabriek voor de militaire industrie geraakt door een aanval met een drone. Volgens het Iraanse ministerie van Defensie is er weinig schade en zijn er geen slachtoffers. Die informatie is niet onafhankelijk te verifi?ren. Een Amerikaanse functionaris zegt dat het erop lijkt dat Isra?l achter de aanval zit.

Videobeelden op sociale media laten zien dat een gebouw geraakt wordt door iets. Daarna volgt er een explosie. Wat voor fabriek het precies is, is niet duidelijk. Eerder sprak de staatstelevisie over een munitiefabriek, maar het Iraanse ministerie van Defensie noemt de locatie nu enkel "een werkplaats", zonder er verder op in te gaan.

Iran zegt dat de fabriek door drie drones is aangevallen. Twee zijn volgens het Iraanse leger neergehaald, een derde drone kon de fabriek ogenschijnlijk wel aanvallen. Een team van deskundigen gaat het incident onderzoeken, zegt Teheran.

De fabriek is volgens persbureau AP gelegen in het noordwesten van Isfahan, een miljoenenstad ten zuiden van Teheran. In de buurt van de fabriek staat een winkelcentrum met daarin onder meer een tapijtenwinkel en een elektronicazaak.

Iran heeft aartsvijand Isra?l in het verleden ervan beschuldigd dat het aanvallen uitvoert op Iraans grondgebied. In juli zei Teheran dat het een groep saboteurs had opgepakt met plannen om een militaire fabriek bij Isfahan op te blazen. Het ging volgens de Irani?rs om "Koerdische militanten werkzaam voor Isra?l".

Een woordvoerder van het Isra?lische leger wil tegenover persbureau Reuters niet reageren op het incident. Ook over de uitingen van de Amerikanen wil de woordvoerder niets melden. Een zegsman van het Amerikaanse ministerie van Defensie zegt dat Amerikaanse troepen geen aanvallen in Iran hebben uitgevoerd, maar wil verder niets kwijt.

Iran heeft nog niet naar Isra?l gewezen als schuldige. Wel spreekt minister Amirabdollahian van Buitenlandse Zaken van een "laffe" aanval, die als doel heeft "onveiligheid" in Iran te cre?ren.

De Isra?li?rs hebben in het verleden gezegd dat ze Iran kunnen aanvallen als het op diplomatieke wijze niet lukt om het Iraanse raket- en kernprogramma een halt toe te roepen. Een ondergronds atoomcomplex in de stad Natanz werd vorig jaar getroffen door een stroomstoring, die volgens de Irani?rs de schuld was van Isra?l.

Volgens de Iraanse staatstelevisie brak er gisteren ook brand uit in een olieraffinaderij in de stad Tabriz, in het noorden van het land.

De drone-aanval komt op een moment dat de spanningen tussen het Westen en Iran groot zijn. Dat komt onder meer door de levering van Iraanse drones aan Rusland, die gebruikt worden om doelen in Oekra?ne te raken. Ook zijn er grote zorgen over het Iraanse atoomprogramma.

Een video is op onderstaande link te bekijken.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 30/01/2023 | 22:10 uur
Volgt na de aanval op Iran nu ook de steun voor Kiev?

Wanneer wordt de bondgenoot van jouw aartsvijand ook jouw vijand? In geopolitieke verhoudingen luidt het antwoord doorgaans: ?It?s complicated?.

Gisteren zijn zeker ??n, en misschien meerdere Iraanse militaire faciliteiten getroffen door aanvallen met drones. Hoewel dat niet officieel is bevestigd, wordt er algemeen van uitgegaan dat Isra?l achter de aanvallen zit. Ook onbevestigd, maar wel vermoed, is dat onder de getroffen doelwitten een fabriek van drones zou zitten.

Sinds de Iraanse Revolutie zijn de ayatollahs uit op de vernietiging van de staat Isra?l. Isra?l doet er alles aan om te voorkomen dat Iran daarvoor de militaire slagkracht ontwikkelt. Het voerde eerder raids of sabotageacties uit tegen nucleaire faciliteiten en verzet zich tegen elke vorm van nucleaire deal voor burgerlijk gebruik van atoomenergie. Geen wonder dat Isra?l met argusogen ook de ontwikkeling van de Iraanse dronetechnologie volgt. Sinds oktober slaagt Rusland erin om met die goedkope Iraanse drones zware schade aan te richten aan de Oekra?ense energiecentrales. Isra?l zal er alles aan doen om te vermijden dat Iran, of de door Iran gesponsorde Hezbollah of Hamas, die ?wapens tegen Isra?lische burgers kan inzetten.

Waarom tolereert Isra?l dan wel dat Rusland die drones tegen de ?Oekra?ense bevolking ?inzet? Al sinds het begin van de oorlog hoedt ?Isra?l zich ervoor om ?resoluut de kant van Oekra?ne te kiezen, nochtans het enige land ter wereld buiten Isra?l met een Joodse president. Isra?l beschikt over de meest performante luchtafweer ter wereld na de VS. Het kon die uitbouwen met Amerikaanse miljardensteun. Toch weigert het defensieve systemen aan Oekra?ne te leveren. Het argument luidt steevast dat Isra?l de Russen nodig heeft om de invloed van Iran in Syri? te beteugelen. Russisch gebruik van Iraanse drones bracht daar geen verandering in, tot onbegrip van Kiev. ?Sterker nog, de nieuwe Isra?lische minister van Buitenlandse Zaken vermocht het eerst met zijn Russische collega ?Lavrov te bellen in plaats van met zijn ?Oekra?ense evenknie.

Het Russisch-Iraanse bondgenootschap is in Syri? ?gesmeed. De sancties dreven beide pariastaten nog nader tot elkaar. In ruil voor drones heeft Rusland de militaire steun aan Iran opgedreven. Men vraagt zich af wat Isra?l nog meer nodig heeft om de kant van Oekra?ne te kiezen.

Of was de aanval op de wapenfabriek in Isfahan een ?begin van koerswijziging? Kiev reageerde in elk geval verheugd. Maar terecht verwacht het ook meer van een land dat zich tot het Westen rekent. Anders was de Isra?lische actie tegen Iran slechts eigenbelang.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Harald op 05/05/2023 | 09:01 uur

Iran TV airs footage of commandos seizing US-bound tanker

Masked Iranian navy commandos conducted a helicopter-borne raid to seize a U.S.-bound oil tanker in the Gulf of Oman, footage aired by Iran?s state television showed Friday.

The capture on Thursday of the Turkish-managed, Chinese-owned Advantage Sweet represents the latest seizure by Iran amid tensions with the U.S. over advancing nuclear program. While Tehran says the tanker was seized over it running into another Iranian vessel, it has provided no evidence yet to support the claim ? and the Islamic Republic has taken other ships as bargaining chips in negotiations with the West.

The footage showed the commandos descending on the deck of the Advantage Sweet by ropes from a hovering helicopter. A photograph showed one commando with his fist in the air after apparently taking the vessel.

The U.S. Navy?s 5th Fleet has said the Iranian seizure was at least the fifth commercial vessel taken by Tehran in the last two years.

?Iran?s continued harassment of vessels and interference with navigational rights in regional waters are a threat to maritime security and the global economy,? it added.

The vessel?s manager, a Turkish firm called Advantage Tankers, issued a statement acknowledging the Advantage Sweet was ?being escorted by the Iranian navy to a port on the basis of an international dispute.? All the ship?s 24 crew members are Indian.

?The safety and welfare of our valued crew members is our No. 1 priority,? the firm said. ?Similar experiences show that crew members of vessels taken under such circumstances are in no danger.?

Iran seizes second oil tanker in a week in Gulf, US Navy says

Iran seized a second oil tanker in a week on Wednesday in Gulf waters, and the U.S. State Department called for its release, in the latest escalation in a series of seizures or attacks on commercial vessels in Gulf waters since 2019.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 22/08/2023 | 06:07 uur
Navy Shoots Down Iran's Claims It Forced U.S. Helicopters To Land
Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps says it threatened to open fire on U.S. Marine Corps and Navy helicopters covering a group of American warships as they passed through the volatile Strait of Hormuz recently, prompting them to land. The U.S. Navy told The War Zone that no U.S. helicopters headed back to their ships while supporting the transit for any other reason than to refuel.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 22/08/2023 | 10:58 uur
Ach Iran, lekker boeiend wat dat land zegt.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Benji87 op 22/08/2023 | 11:48 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 22/08/2023 | 10:58 uurAch Iran, lekker boeiend wat dat land zegt.

Mij boeit dat wel. De toenadering van Iran en Saudi Arabië kan leiden tot een compleet nieuwe machtsverhouding in het midden oosten. Een waarbij wij als westerse wereld zomaar eens insignificant kunnen worden.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 22/08/2023 | 19:51 uur
Citaat van: Benji87 op 22/08/2023 | 11:48 uurMij boeit dat wel. De toenadering van Iran en Saudi Arabië kan leiden tot een compleet nieuwe machtsverhouding in het midden oosten. Een waarbij wij als westerse wereld zomaar eens insignificant kunnen worden.

Dat is wat het land 'doet'. Dat is wat anders.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 18/01/2024 | 21:16 uur
Guterres maant Iran en Pakistan tot kalmte na aanvallen


Secretaris-generaal António Guterres van de Verenigde Naties roept Iran en Pakistan op tot "maximale zelfbeheersing om verdere escalatie van de spanningen" te voorkomen. Zijn woordvoerder reageert daarmee op de aanvallen die de landen deze week op elkaars grondgebied hebben uitgevoerd.
"De secretaris-generaal benadrukt dat alle veiligheidskwesties tussen de twee landen met vreedzame middelen moeten worden aangepakt, door middel van overleg en samenwerking, overeenkomstig de principes van soevereiniteit, territoriale integriteit en goede banden tussen buren", aldus de woordvoerder.

Kernmacht Pakistan viel donderdag opstandelingen aan in Iran. Volgens het staatspersbureau IRNA vielen daarbij zeker negen doden, onder wie vrouwen en kinderen. Twee dagen eerder had Iran naar eigen zeggen terroristen in Pakistan aangevallen. Ook daarbij zouden kinderen zijn omgekomen. Guterres is over de ontwikkelingen "diep bezorgd".

ANP, 18-01-2024, 20:55
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 03/02/2024 | 08:43 uur
De Yanks hebben terug geslagen, met B-1B's, F-15E's & A-10's. Ook hebben de Jordanen meegevlogen en doelen aangevallen met hun F-16's.

CENTCOM Statement on U.S. Strikes in Iraq and Syria

At 4:00 p.m. (EST) Feb. 02, U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) forces conducted airstrikes in Iraq and Syria against Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Quds Force and affiliated militia groups. U.S. military forces struck more than 85 targets, with numerous aircraft to include long-range bombers flown from United States. The airstrikes employed more than 125 precision munitions. The facilities that were struck included command and control operations centers, intelligence centers, rockets, and missiles, and unmanned aerial vehicle storages, and logistics and munition supply chain facilities of militia groups and their IRGC sponsors who facilitated attacks against U.S. and Coalition forces.

In een reactie zouden de Iraniërs hun luchtdoel raketten langs de grens hebben opgesteld en ook een aantal ballistische raketten klaar hebben staan om terug te slaan als de Amerikanen doelen in Iran gaan aanvallen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: DvdW op 03/02/2024 | 11:00 uur
Zo zo... iedereen is lang en breed gewaarschuwd, vertrokken en dan komen de Yanks.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 03/02/2024 | 11:09 uur
Citaat van: DvdW op 03/02/2024 | 11:00 uurZo zo... iedereen is lang en breed gewaarschuwd, vertrokken en dan komen de Yanks.

Je hebt het gecheckt?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Benji87 op 27/02/2024 | 09:52 uur
Fors minder aanvallen op Amerikaanse bases in Midden-Oosten

De aanhoudende aanvallen op Amerikaanse bases in Syrië en Irak zijn sinds begin februari vrijwel gestopt. Iran heeft pro-Iraanse milities in die landen gevraagd verdere escalatie te voorkomen.

Dat schrijft The New York Times, die met anonieme bronnen uit de Verenigde Staten en Iran sprak.

Amerikaanse troepen in de regio lagen de afgelopen maanden veelvuldig onder vuur. De VS registreerde vóór februari 170 aanvallen in ongeveer vier maanden tijd.

De situatie escaleerde toen drie Amerikaanse militairen om het leven kwamen bij een beschieting van een basis in Jordanië. De VS reageerde begin februari met grootschalige

De Amerikaanse strijdkrachten zouden daarna zelf nauwelijks nog zijn aangevallen in de regio. Er zijn volgens The New York Times nog twee kleine incidenten gemeld in Syrië, maar geen nieuwe aanvallen in Irak. Iran zou volgens de bronnen bang zijn geweest dat buitenlandse milities, die het land steunt, zo aanzet tot een oorlog met de VS kunnen geven.

De Iraanse topgeneraal Esmail Ghaani zou begin januari in Teheran en Bagdad spoedoverleg hebben gevoerd om dat te voorkomen. Zo kregen Iraakse milities naar verluidt van hem te horen dat inmiddels voldoende vooruitgang is geboekt bij het onder druk zetten van de Amerikanen.

De nieuwe aanpak wordt gezien als een aanzienlijke koerswijziging voor Iran. Dat zou bondgenoten als Hezbollah, Houthi-rebellen en de Islamitische Jihad eerder juist hebben aangemoedigd om Amerikaanse bases te bestoken. Iran zou inmiddels bang zijn dat een directe oorlog met de VS juist kan uitpakken in het voordeel van aartsrivaal Israël, dat internationaal nu veel kritiek krijgt om de humanitaire crisis in de Gazastrook.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Harald op 13/04/2024 | 22:43 uur

Iran valt Israël aan met onbemande drones

Tientallen onbemande drones zijn onderweg van Iran naar Israël, meldt de Israëlische nieuwszender Channel 12 TV. Het zou enkele uren kunnen duren voor die Israël bereiken. Volgens een expert die op de zender aan het woord kwam, is elk van de drones uitgerust met twintig kilo explosieven. Meer nieuws volgt.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Benji87 op 13/04/2024 | 23:01 uur
Flinke escalatie in de regio nu. Ben benieuwd wat de reacties hierop gaan zijn.

Ps: waarom is dat Israël topic gesloten?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 13/04/2024 | 23:09 uur
Het is een vreemd besef in de wetenschap dat je elke dag in een andere wereld wakker wordt als dat je bent gaan slapen.

Hopelijk escaleert dit niet de pan uit daar. Proxy oorlog van Rusland dit.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Benji87 op 13/04/2024 | 23:40 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 13/04/2024 | 23:09 uurHet is een vreemd besef in de wetenschap dat je elke dag in een andere wereld wakker wordt als dat je bent gaan slapen.

Hopelijk escaleert dit niet de pan uit daar. Proxy oorlog van Rusland dit.

Treffend verwoord  ;)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Master Mack op 14/04/2024 | 10:15 uur
Citaat van: Benji87 op 13/04/2024 | 23:40 uurTreffend verwoord  ;)
Inderdaad. Het Westen is druk met Rusland en Iran en als klap op de Vuurpijl..... China pakt Taiwan.
Dit is extra verontrustend om dat China intern ook totaal niet goed gaat met hoge jeugdwerkeloosheid en problemen op huizenmarkt en financieel economisch. Dit zijn allemaal signalen dat een staat nog wel eens een oorlog wil beginnen om de aandacht van het volk af te leiden.
Elke dag wakker worden in een andere wereld. Heel verontrustend
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Benji87 op 15/04/2024 | 10:25 uur
Israël wil reactie op aanval Iran. VN-chef vreest "verwoestend grootschalig conflict

Het oorlogskabinet van de Israëlische premier Benjamin Netanyahu is voor een vergeldingsactie tegen Iran. De secretaris-generaal van de Verenigde Naties António Guterres pleit voor terughoudendheid en de-escalatie om een "verwoestend grootschalig conflict" te voorkomen.

Het Israëlische oorlogskabinet kwam zondag bijeen en werd het eens over een vergelding voor de Iraanse aanval van zaterdagavond. Iran vuurde die avond tientallen drones en raketten op Israël af. Maar het oorlogskabinet is nog verdeeld over de timing en omvang van zo'n actie.

Israël zal "Iran laten boeten" op een manier die voor Israël "gepast" is, zei minister Benny Gantz al voor aanvang van het kabinetsoverleg. Hij zei ook te hopen een regionale coalitie te kunnen vormen tegen Iran.

Secretaris-generaal Guterres pleitte zondag tijdens een bijeenkomst van de VN-Veiligheidsraad voor "maximale terughoudendheid" na de Iraanse vergeldingsaanval op Israël. Ook herinnerde hij leden van de Veiligheidsraad eraan dat gewelddadige vergeldingsacties tegen het internationaal recht indruisen.
"De bevolking van het Midden-Oosten wordt geconfronteerd met een reële kans op een verwoestend grootschalig conflict. Dit is het moment om te de-escaleren", zei Guterres.

VS wil breder conflict voorkomen

Iran liet zondag weten niet de intentie te hebben opnieuw aan te vallen, tenzij Israël of de VS met een tegenactie komt.

De Amerikaanse president Joe Biden heeft in een telefoongesprek met Netanyahu gezegd dat de VS niet zal meedoen aan een eventueel Israëlisch tegenoffensief, meldde het Witte Huis zondag.

De VS zal Israël wel blijven helpen zichzelf te verdedigen, maar wil geen oorlog met Iran, zei een woordvoerder van het Witte Huis zondag tegen ABC News. "We zijn niet uit op meer spanningen in de regio. We zijn niet uit op een breder conflict."

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lynxian op 15/04/2024 | 11:09 uur
Ik snap de heisa niet helemaal: er zit nogal wat afstand en een land of twee tussen Israël en Iran. Het is nou niet alsof we een uitvoerige grondoorlog gaan zien tussen de twee. En ook al zouden de tussenliggende landen geen probleem zijn; ik denk niet dat beide krijgsmachten zijn ingericht op het onderhouden van dergelijke lange aanvoerlijnen. Dus dit wordt alleen een veredelde wedstrijd "raketje schieten". (Of, heel misschien, als Israel zich heel avontuurlijk voelt, hun marine die kant op sturen. Wat ik betwijfel, want die maakt deel uit van hun gelaagde luchtverdediging.) Gezien de staat van het Iron Dome; waar hebben we het dan over? Een conflict tussen die twee lijkt me niks meer dan wat munitieverspilling.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 15/04/2024 | 17:10 uur
Citaat van: Lynxian op 15/04/2024 | 11:09 uurIk snap de heisa niet helemaal: er zit nogal wat afstand en een land of twee tussen Israël en Iran. Het is nou niet alsof we een uitvoerige grondoorlog gaan zien tussen de twee. En ook al zouden de tussenliggende landen geen probleem zijn; ik denk niet dat beide krijgsmachten zijn ingericht op het onderhouden van dergelijke lange aanvoerlijnen. Dus dit wordt alleen een veredelde wedstrijd "raketje schieten". (Of, heel misschien, als Israel zich heel avontuurlijk voelt, hun marine die kant op sturen. Wat ik betwijfel, want die maakt deel uit van hun gelaagde luchtverdediging.) Gezien de staat van het Iron Dome; waar hebben we het dan over? Een conflict tussen die twee lijkt me niks meer dan wat munitieverspilling.

Je bent op de hoogte dat Israel ook de beschikking heeft over onderzeeboten en dat men zelf de Popeye Turbo Submarine Launched Cruise Missiles ontwikkeld  heeft die een bereik hebben van 1500km.  Wat denk je wat er gebeurd als er Israëlische onderzeeboten in de  Golf van Akaba of De Arabische Zee Popeye Turbo Submarine Launched Cruise Missiles gaan lanceren? Misschien dat er ook vanaf de Middellandse Zee ook Popeye Turbo Submarine Launched Cruise Missiles gelanceerd kunnen worden?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 15/04/2024 | 17:15 uur
Nederlands fregat mag ondanks beste rakettenradar ter wereld niets doen tegen Iran

Het Nederlandse fregat Zr. Ms. Tromp, met de beste rakettenradar ter wereld aan boord, deed dit weekend niet mee toen de Iraanse raketten opstegen. Waarom moest onze marine op de handen blijven zitten?
Stel: je bent als Nederlands vlootpersoneel voor het eerst sinds decennia op missie in conflictgebied. Je hebt de beste radar ter wereld aan boord, de Smart-L gebouwd in Hengelo, gespecialiseerd in het opsporen van ballistische raketten. En je ligt met je luchtverdedigings- en commandofregat in de Rode Zee.

En toch moet je je afzijdig houden in de nacht dat de ogen van de wereld zijn gericht op de 120 ballistische raketten die uit Iran door het luchtruim vliegen, plus dertig kruisraketten en 170 drones. Trek je als marineman of -vrouw dan de haren uit je hoofd?

,,Rust kenmerkt de zeeman'', zegt luitenant ter zee 1e klasse Lonneke van Kollenburg. ,,Je vaart op een wapen. Dit zijn geen zaken om in cowboystijl op los te gaan. Onze focus is op de inzet die we daar doen.''

Lees ook: Marineschip Tromp aangekomen in Rode Zee [video]

Nederland is zelfs betrokken bij twee operaties in het gebied: we doen mee met operatie Prosperity Guardian en we leveren steun aan Aspides. Beide zijn gericht op het beschermen van de internationale scheepvaart tegen agressie van de Houthi-extremisten uit Jemen.

,,Daar is geen wijziging in. Wij hebben dus geen bijdrage of activiteit geleverd aan de gebeurtenissen van dit weekend. Er is een duidelijk doel. Dat is de defensieve taak en het beschermen van ons vlootverband en vrachtschepen. Daar focussen wij op in dat gebied, in oorlogswacht zoals wij dat zeggen.''

Als Nederland zou bijdragen aan de verdediging van Israël zou dat een politiek besluit moeten zijn, zegt Van Kollenburg, die vanuit Nederland de woordvoering doet voor deze inzet. En geen besluit dat licht zou worden genomen.

Eigen houtje
Het is uitgesloten dat vlootpersoneel zich op eigen houtje gaat bemoeien met een internationaal conflict met groot gevaar op escalatie. ,,Er is naast de militaire kant natuurlijk ook een menselijke kant. Maar of de bemanning zich heeft verbeten? Dat durf ik niet te zeggen.''

Los van het ontbrekende mandaat is de afstand misschien ook een probleem. De Tromp ligt in de Rode Zee maar die is lang. De Smart-L, door vriend en vijand gezien als beste radar in zijn soort, kan ballistische raketten opsporen op tweeduizend kilometer afstand.

Van Kollenburg kan om veiligheidsredenen niet zeggen waar de Tromp zich precies bevindt, maar de kans is groot dat dat in het zuidelijk deel is, in de buurt van de roemruchte Poort van Tranen. Deze Bab al-Mandab is de flessenhals tussen Jemen en Eritrea, waar alle scheepvaart door een zee-engte moet.

Die strategisch belangrijke plek ligt ruwweg tweeduizend kilometer van de route die drones en raketten volgden in de nacht van zaterdag op zondag. Ballistische raketten vliegen ook nog eens hoog, tot een paar duizend kilometer boven de grond, voor ze naar beneden duiken. Daarom moet een radar voor een succesvolle waarneming nog wat dichterbij staan opgesteld.

Nederland kan met de Smart-L ballistische raketten wel detecteren, maar niet uitschakelen. Aan een eigen raketsysteem wordt nog gewerkt. Wel kan de Tromp de vluchtdata van een raket doorsturen aan de luchtafweerinstallatie van een ander land, zodat die de dreiging weg kan nemen.

De Tromp maakt een wereldreis, die behalve de brandhaard Rode Zee nog een geopolitiek gevoelig gebied aandoet. Dat is de Zuid-Chinese Zee. Met name in de Straat van Taiwan lopen de spanningen op.

Een Canadees marineschip dat er in september doorheen voer werd geflankeerd door Chinese oorlogsschepen met torpedo's en raketten. De Chinese regering omschreef de doorvaart van marineschepen als een provocatie.

Telegraaf, 15-04-2024, 15:40
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 15/04/2024 | 17:27 uur
Ondanks dat de Tromp niet actief heeft deelgenomen aan defensieve acties tegen de Iraanse raketten en/of drones ben ik toch benieuwd naar de dingen de men heeft waargenomen.

De SMART-L heeft ongetwijfeld enkele of alle Iraanse raketten gedetecteerd, ook dit zou dan weer een primeur zijn voor de marine waarbij voor het eerst daadwerkelijk afgevuurde ballistische raketten en kruisraketten gedetecteerd zijn.

Een leerzame nacht voor de bemanning en de gehele KM / NL defensie.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 15/04/2024 | 19:46 uur
Iran zal inmiddels wel een flinke kater hebben, want ze hebben met hun actie een heleboel Israelische goodwill en lijm/pleisters gegeven aan (militaire) samenwerkingsverbanden van de Westerse wereld met Israel.

Daarnaast heeft Israel een strategische overwinning behaald met vrij weinig moeite, het luchtverdedigingssysteem heeft de hele Iraanse aanval geneutraliseerd. En ongeacht of dit iraanse top notch of zooi was, voor de media is Israel in staat hrt volk te beschermen en de dreiging blijkt actueler dan ooit. Die F-35 onderdelen boycot e.d is hier alleen maar zwakker geworden.

Wat een kans voor Israel was dit, en die hebben ze genomen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Parera op 15/04/2024 | 20:02 uur
Ik zag op X ook verschillende beelden van Iraanse dorpen /steden waar een deel van de eigen drones en/of raketten zijn neergestort onderweg naar hun doel. Ook dit is niet de beste reclame voor de Iraanse overheid naar hun eigen burgers.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Master Mack op 15/04/2024 | 20:49 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 15/04/2024 | 19:46 uurIran zal inmiddels wel een flinke kater hebben, want ze hebben met hun actie een heleboel Israelische goodwill en lijm/pleisters gegeven aan (militaire) samenwerkingsverbanden van de Westerse wereld met Israel.

Daarnaast heeft Israel een strategische overwinning behaald met vrij weinig moeite, het luchtverdedigingssysteem heeft de hele Iraanse aanval geneutraliseerd. En ongeacht of dit iraanse top notch of zooi was, voor de media is Israel in staat hrt volk te beschermen en de dreiging blijkt actueler dan ooit. Die F-35 onderdelen boycot e.d is hier alleen maar zwakker geworden.

Wat een kans voor Israel was dit, en die hebben ze genomen.
Dit was inderdaad een knap stukje zelfverdediging en ik hoop dat Bibi nu de kans verder aangrijpt om de positie van Israël verder te versterken.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 15/04/2024 | 20:52 uur
Citaat van: Parera op 15/04/2024 | 20:02 uurIk zag op X ook verschillende beelden van Iraanse dorpen /steden waar een deel van de eigen drones en/of raketten zijn neergestort onderweg naar hun doel. Ook dit is niet de beste reclame voor de Iraanse overheid naar hun eigen burgers.

Tijd voor een revolutie in Iran.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Master Mack op 15/04/2024 | 21:00 uur
Nou als ze hun eigen dorpen blijven raken komt het vast goed
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lynxian op 16/04/2024 | 00:26 uur
Citaat van: Ace1 op 15/04/2024 | 17:10 uurJe bent op de hoogte dat Israel ook de beschikking heeft over onderzeeboten en dat men zelf de Popeye Turbo Submarine Launched Cruise Missiles ontwikkeld  heeft die een bereik hebben van 1500km.  Wat denk je wat er gebeurd als er Israëlische onderzeeboten in de  Golf van Akaba of De Arabische Zee Popeye Turbo Submarine Launched Cruise Missiles gaan lanceren? Misschien dat er ook vanaf de Middellandse Zee ook Popeye Turbo Submarine Launched Cruise Missiles gelanceerd kunnen worden?

Ik was hiervan op de hoogte en ik schaarde dit op de hoop toen ik mijn uitspraak deed: "Dus dit wordt alleen een veredelde wedstrijd "raketje schieten"."

Leuk als de Israeli's hun subs sturen, maar die gaan ook alleen maar raketjes schieten.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Benji87 op 17/04/2024 | 13:11 uur
Citaat van: Lynxian op 16/04/2024 | 00:26 uurIk was hiervan op de hoogte en ik schaarde dit op de hoop toen ik mijn uitspraak deed: "Dus dit wordt alleen een veredelde wedstrijd "raketje schieten"."

Leuk als de Israeli's hun subs sturen, maar die gaan ook alleen maar raketjes schieten.

Dat zal aanvankelijk wel de eerste reactie zijn waarop Iran weer zal moeten reageren met wellicht nog meer raket aanvallen of het opvoeren van hun proxy oorlog die ze voeren met het westen. Het zal de stabiliteit in de regio in ieder geval niet ten goede komen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 17/04/2024 | 18:51 uur
Ook als Israel nu niks doet hebben ze 'gewonnen'. Daarbij kunnen ze de 'we doen niks' kaart heel goed uitspelen naar hun bondgenoten en vooral die in de regio. Hiermee kunnen ze heel wat goodwill terugwinnen.

Echt Iran, zat er iets in de thee toen ze hiertoe besloten? Stomste zet ooit dit..totaal in de kaart van Israël.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 17/04/2024 | 21:49 uur
Wat kan Iran na massale drone- en raketaanval verder uitrichten tegen militaire grootmacht Israël?


Met zo'n 300 drones en raketten heeft Iran een vergeldingsaanval uitgevoerd op Israël. De schade lijkt beperkt te zijn. Wat zou Teheran nog meer kunnen uitrichten tegen de militaire supermacht Israël?

Iran beschikt over één van de grootste voorraden ballistische raketten en drones van alle landen in het Midden-Oosten. Sommige raketten kunnen tot wel tweeduizend kilometer vliegen en doen er 12 minuten over om Israël te bereiken. 'Als het Iran lukt om Tel Aviv te treffen, is het effect enorm', zegt Dick Berlijn, voormalig Commandant der Strijdkrachten met een achtergrond bij de luchtmacht.

Het moet ergens rond 2007 zijn geweest dat de Nederlandse militaire inlichtingendienst MIVD informatie kreeg over een nieuwe Iraanse raket. Al langer probeerde het Iraanse regime wapens te bouwen die een groter bereik hadden dan de bestaande raketten. En die bovendien nauwkeuriger én beter inzetbaar waren. De tot dan toe gebruikte wapens werden aangedreven met vloeibare brandstof, wat ze vanwege het ontploffingsgevaar riskant in de omgang maakte.

In 2007 zag de MIVD dankzij onder meer onderschepte satellietcommunicatie dat Iran, met hulp van Noord-Korea, een volgende stap in de ontwikkeling van ballistische raketten zette. Een nieuwe raket, een gewijzigde versie van de Shabaab-3, bleek vrij nauwkeurig én maakte gebruik van vaste brandstof. Maar het belangrijkste: de Israëlische steden Jeruzalem en Tel Aviv waren binnen handbereik gekomen dankzij het bereik van ruim 1.700 kilometer.

Volgens Berlijn kan Iran Israël dan ook met name raken door de inzet van dit soort raketten en de drones die het land zelf produceert. Van de Iraanse luchtmacht valt weinig te vrezen, denkt de generaal buiten dienst. 'Toen Iran onder de sjah een bondgenoot was van de Verenigde Staten hadden ze de beschikking over moderne wapensystemen, zoals jachtvliegtuig F14.'

Maar na de Islamitische revolutie van 1979 verslechterde de relatie met de Amerikanen en raakten de wapens verouderd. Iran ging een eigen industrie opbouwen. Een proces dat vele jaren zou duren. Berlijn: 'Van hun vliegende systemen verwacht ik nog steeds niet veel.'

Dat is anders bij de raketten. Tot 2007 knutselde Iran aan de Shabaab-reeks. Maar pas met hulp van Noord-Korea, dat belangrijke technologie leverde aan het Islamitische regime, was Iran in staat om flinke stappen te maken. 'Noord-Korea is volgens de MIVD een belangrijke leverancier van technologie, kennis en materiaal', schreef de militaire dienst in het jaarverslag van 2007.

Dat wierp z'n vruchten af. Volgens het Iraanse medium ISNA beschikt Iran nu over liefs negen raketten die Israël kunnen bereiken, waaronder de Sejil die een topsnelheid haalt van 17 duizend kilometer per uur en tot 2.500 kilometer ver kan komen. De Kheibar (reikwijdte 2.000 kilometer) en Haj Qasem (1.400 km) volgen. In 2023 claimden Iraanse staatsmedia dat het land tevens een hypersonische raket had ontwikkeld. Deze Fattah-raket zou met een topsnelheid van ruim 18 duizend kilometer per uur, vijftien keer sneller gaan dan de geluidssnelheid en 1.400 kilometer ver kunnen komen.

Een andere troef van Iran is het uitdijende arsenaal aan zelfontwikkelde drones. Het land exporteert deze wapens onder meer naar Rusland, dat ze inzet in de oorlog tegen Oekraïne. Hoewel deze drones langzaam vliegen – het kan wel negen uur duren voordat ze in Israël zijn – zijn ze lastig op te merken voor radarsystemen doordat ze laag blijven. Ze hebben bovendien een groot bereik en kunnen tot 300 kilogram aan explosieven meenemen.

Wat zegt dit arsenaal over een mogelijke militaire aanval van Iran op Israël? Zowel Dick Berlijn als Frans Osinga, hoogleraar krijgswetenschappen aan de Universiteit Leiden, denken daarbij aan het lanceren van raketten en mogelijk drones. Osinga: 'In de eerste fase, die al lijkt te zijn begonnen, kan Iran dat doen met hulp van de islamitische organisatie Hezbollah en eventueel Hamas.' Vrijdagavond vuurde Hezbollah vanuit Libanon tientallen raketten af op Israël. 'Ze voeren duidelijk het aantal beschietingen op. Dat kost Israël kostbare luchtverdedigingsmunitie.'

In een volgende fase zou Iran tevens vanuit eigen land raketten kunnen afvuren op militaire doelen in Israël: kazernes, commandocentra, vliegvelden en regeringsgebouwen. Het land stuit daarbij wel op de zeer geavanceerde luchtverdediging van Israël. Naast de Iron Dome, die raketten voor de korte afstand neutraliseert, beschikt Israël over het Arrow-luchtverdedigingssysteem – geschikt om ballistische raketten te onderscheppen. Osinga: 'Maar de kwetsbaarheid is dat je zo'n systeem ook kunt verzadigen door er een heleboel raketten en drones op af te sturen.' Israël zal dus voorzichtig moeten zijn met munitie. 'En de Arrow is afhankelijk van een goed werkend radarsysteem. Als Iran dat treft, werkt de luchtverdediging niet meer.'

Toch denkt Dick Berlijn dat Israël nog steeds superieur is in een slag met Iran. 'Ze hebben een erg goede luchtmacht.' Het land heeft onder meer de F16 met extra capaciteiten en de modernere F35. Die beschikt over ingenieuze systemen en sensoren waardoor piloten precies weten welke doelen ze moeten uitschakelen en op welke manier. Berlijn: 'Daarnaast is hun informatiepositie uitstekend, mede geholpen door de Verenigde Staten.' Israël is daardoor goed op de hoogte van Iraanse wapenverplaatsingen en functionele lanceerinstallaties. De generaal buiten dienst sluit niet uit dat Israël preventief zal bombarderen als ze een serieuze Iraanse aanval aan zien komen.

Dat de Verenigde Staten inmiddels expliciet waarschuwen dat aanvallen uit Iran elk moment kunnen beginnen, is volgens hoogleraar Osinga een significant teken. 'Dat zeggen ze alleen als ze op basis van eigen informatie zien dat Iran daadwerkelijk voorbereidingen treft en wapensystemen in gereedheid brengt.'
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 17/04/2024 | 21:55 uur
Helaas achter de betaalmuur.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Benji87 op 19/04/2024 | 07:31 uur
Israel heeft  teruggeslagen met een aanval op een basis in ishafan waar mogelijk nucleaire activiteiten plaatsvinden. Berichtgeving hierover is nogal vaag. Hopelijk is er in de loop van de dag wat meer duidelijkheid hierover.

Edit ter aanvulling:
- Iran claimt de vernietiging van minstens 3 drones
- Ishafan huisvest een verrijking fabriek voor uranium
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Harald op 19/04/2024 | 10:35 uur
Israel Strikes Back (Updated)

The Israel Defense Forces have launched a reprisal operation against Iran five days after Iran launched hundreds of missiles and drones at Israel.

Details are very thin and fleeting at the moment, but it seems clear that Israel has launched its counterstrike against Iranian interests in response to the large-scale attack directly on Israeli territory that occurred over the weekend.

The news began developing around 3:00 AM local time in Israel that explosions occurred in Iraq and in towns in Iran where well-known nuclear program-related facilities are located. There was also talk on social media of jets being heard flying very low in Eastern Syria and Iranian-related targets struck in Iraq, as well.

Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 20/04/2024 | 11:22 uur
Jordanië schoot Iraanse drones uit de lucht, en nu moet koning Abdoellah op eieren lopen

De Jordaanse regering schoot dit weekeinde buurland Israël te hulp en haalde Iraanse drones en raketten neer voordat die hun doelen bereikten. Dat optreden leidt in Jordanië tot verdeeldheid en bijna dagelijks tot demonstraties. Veel burgers voelen dat 'hun' koning Abdoellah II Israël heeft geholpen, zegt Jordanië-expert Joas Wagemakers. ,,Hij spreekt beter Engels dan Arabisch."

Helaas zit de rest achter de betaalmuur.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 27/04/2024 | 10:26 uur
Israel used radar-evading missile to hit S-300 defenses near Natanz nuke site – report

NYT says attack was 'calibrated' to show Israel's capability to dodge Iran's air defenses, make Tehran 'think twice' before another assault; Iran's FM claims it merely faced 'toys'

The alleged Israeli strike overnight Thursday-Friday on Iranian air defenses near the Natanz nuclear site used a high-tech missile that was able to evade Iran's radar systems, in a move "calibrated to make Iran think twice" before launching another direct attack on Israel, The New York Times reported on Saturday.

Two unnamed Western officials cited by the newspaper said the missile aimed to show Tehran that Israel is able to dodge and neutralize its defenses.

Two Iranian officials said the strike hit a Russian-made S-300 air defense system. They told the newspaper that Iran had not detected intrusions into its airspace from drones, missiles or aircraft.

The newspaper said the missile was from a warplane fired "far from Israeli or Iranian airspace."

The report also said that neither the plane nor the missile entered Jordanian airspace — a calculated move to keep Amman out of any potential ramifications for the reprisal strike, after it helped shoot down some of the hundreds of drones and missiles fired by Iran at Israel last weekend.

ceremony marking the country's annual army day, in Tehran on April 17, 2024. (ATTA KENARE / AFP)
The alleged Israeli strike overnight Thursday-Friday on Iranian air defenses near the Natanz nuclear site used a high-tech missile that was able to evade Iran's radar systems, in a move "calibrated to make Iran think twice" before launching another direct attack on Israel, The New York Times reported on Saturday.

Satellite imagery seen by the Times of Israel showed damage to the radar of an S-300 system at the Eighth Shekari Air Base in Isfahan, said to be part of an array defending the nearby top-secret Natanz nuclear site. The imagery was not immediately permitted for publication, per the policy of the agency that took the photo.

Additional synthetic aperture radar satellite images taken Friday also showed evidence that the radar site was targeted.

The New York Times said the strike was deliberately designed to send a message on how a wider attack could look, with Israel able to penetrate Iranian defenses undetected.

US defense officials also told The New York Times that there was concern the precedent set by the nations' direct exchanges of blows this week could encourage further rounds of violence in the future.

Other effects could be an Iranian effort to better protect its nuclear assets and make them harder to attack, as well a potential push to move weaponry closer to Israel in case of another confrontation, experts told the paper.

US media reported Friday that the alleged Israeli strike in Iran went beyond the scope of several small drones described by Tehran. ABC news was the first to report that the air defenses at Isfahan were part of an array defending the nearby top-secret Natanz site.

Citing "senior US military sources," Fox News reported that the target of the strike was a military base in Isfahan, and not the heavily fortified nuclear facilities themselves, which lie some 100 kilometers (62 miles) to the north of the city, largely buried under a mountain.

"The Israelis hit what they intended to strike," one of the sources told Fox News, adding that there was one main target that was hit multiple times and that Iran's Russian-made air defense system was proven ineffective.

Iran had claimed earlier that three small drones were involved in the attack on Isfahan. Iranian state TV said that the small aircraft were destroyed by air defenses, and it made no mention of any missiles or damage in the attack.

Israel has not officially commented on the strike.

Despite the reports, Iran continued to insist that only several small drones were launched and that they had not caused any damage.

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, in New York to attend a United Nations Security Council meeting on the Middle East, likened the strike on Friday to child's play.

Speaking to NBC News through a translator, Amir-Abdollahian said the drones had taken off from inside Iran and flew for a few hundred meters before being downed.

"What happened last night was no attack," said Amir-Abdollahian. "It was the flight of two or three quad-copters, which are at the level of toys that our children use in Iran."

However, the reports that Israel had fired at least one missile appear to correlate with debris found in Iraq in the morning after residents of Baghdad reported hearing sounds of explosio

Images showed what appeared to be parts of a two-stage standoff air-to-surface missile near Latifiya, southwest of Baghdad, which would have fallen away after the missile launch, although this remains unconfirmed.

Israel has several types of these munitions available for its air force, raising the possibility it was fired as part of the attack.

Also, around the time of the incident in Iran, Syria's state-run SANA news agency quoted a military statement saying Israel carried out a missile strike targeting a southern air defense unit and causing damage. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, an opposition war monitor of unclear funding, said the strike hit a military radar for government forces.

That area of Syria is directly west of Isfahan, some 1,500 kilometers (932 miles) away and east of Israel, and could provide an indication of the route taken by Israeli jets.

The facility at Isfahan operates three small Chinese-supplied research reactors, as well as handling fuel production and other activities for Iran's nuclear program.

The deeply fortified underground Natanz enrichment site, meanwhile, has been repeatedly targeted by suspected Israeli sabotage attacks.

Iran's nuclear program has rapidly advanced to producing enriched uranium at nearly weapons-grade levels since the collapse of its atomic deal with world powers, after then-US president Donald Trump withdrew America from the accord in 2018.

While Iran insists its program is for peaceful purposes, Western nations and the IAEA say Tehran operated a secret military weapons program until 2003. The IAEA has warned that Iran now holds enough enriched uranium to build several nuclear weapons if it chose to do so — though the US intelligence community maintains Tehran is not actively seeking the bomb.

Iran's insistence that the strike was carried out by drones and caused no damage appeared to be part of an effort to play down the severity of the attack.

Iran has no plan for immediate retaliation against Israel, a senior Iranian official said. The Iranian official also cast doubt on whether Israel was behind the attack in Isfahan.

Israel has for years operated under a strategy of plausible deniability regarding its attacks on Iranian interests in Syria, declining to take responsibility or speak publicly about specific sorties and giving Iran and its proxies an out to avoid retaliation.

The strategy has limits though. Israel has not taken responsibility for a strike on Iran's consulate compound in Damascus on April 1 that killed several members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corp, including a top officer. Nonetheless, Iran responded on April 13-14 by lobbing over 300 cruise missiles, ballistic missiles and armed drones at Israel.

Nearly the whole barrage was shot down by Israel, with help from the US, UK, France and Jordan. An Israeli girl who was the only victim in the attack was badly injured by falling shrapnel; the targeted Nevatim air base also suffered light damage, according to Israeli officials.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Huzaar1 op 27/04/2024 | 10:39 uur
Edit je bericht even, staan veel dubbelingen ;)
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 27/04/2024 | 10:56 uur
Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 27/04/2024 | 10:39 uurEdit je bericht even, staan veel dubbelingen ;)

Aangepast, vermoedelijk een beveiling van Times of Israël?
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Lex op 19/05/2024 | 21:58 uur
Verongelukte helikopter Iraanse president Raisi zou gevonden zijn: nog geen duidelijkheid over lot

UZI - Een helikopter in het konvooi van de Iraanse president Ebrahim Raisi was zondag betrokken bij ,,een ongeval", melden staatsmedia. Het toestel zou een ,,harde landing" hebben gemaakt in de westelijke provincie Oost-Azerbeidzjan. De minister van Binnenlandse Zaken Ahmed Vahidi bevestigde het nieuws op de staatstelevisie. Verschillende Iraanse media schrijven dat Raisi aan boord van de helikopter was.

Lees verder:

Telegraaf, 19-05-2024
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 20/05/2024 | 08:37 uur
Iraanse president Raisi overleden bij helikoptercrash

Beschermeling van ayatollah Ali Khamenei dood

TEHERAN - De Iraanse president Ebrahim Raisi is omgekomen bij een helikoptercrash. Ook minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Hossein Amir-Abdollahian kwam om het leven bij de crash. Dat meldt de Iraanse staatstelevisie en is later bevestigd door vice-president Mohsen Mansouri .

Zondag werd duidelijk dat er een ongeluk was gebeurd met de helikopter waarmee Raisi en Amir-Abdollahian terugreisden vanaf een werkbezoek aan de grens met Azerbeidzjan. Het duurde lang voordat reddingswerkers het wrak konden bereiken. Een overheidsfunctionaris bevestigde maandagochtend vroeg dat Raisi en Amir-Abdollahian het ongeluk niet hebben overleefd. Raisi zat in de helikopter met acht andere personen. Er zijn geen overlevenden.

De helikopter stortte zondag neer toen deze in zware mist bergachtig terrein doorkruiste, vertelde een Iraanse functionaris aan persbureau Reuters. Reddingswerkers hadden moeite de plaats van het incident te bereiken. De crash gebeurde op de terugweg van een bezoek aan de grens met Azerbeidzjan.

Iraanse staatsmedia berichten dat slecht weer de oorzaak van de crash was en de bergingswerkzaamheden bemoeilijkt. Verschillende landen, waaronder Azerbeidzjan, Irak, Qatar, Rusland en Turkije boden hulp aan bij de reddingsacties. Ook kwam er hulp vanuit de Europese Unie. Iraanse burgers gingen de straat op om te bidden voor hun president.

Onderdelen en sancties
Volgens sommige mediaberichten reisde Raisi in een tientallen jaren oude helikopter. Mede vanwege internationale sancties beschikt Iran niet over de middelen om zijn vloot te moderniseren. Daarnaast kan het moeilijk aan reserveonderdelen komen. Twee andere helikopters van het presidentiële konvooi wisten zondag wel veilig te landen. De militaire luchtvloot dateert van voor de Iraanse revolutie van 1979. Het toestel waar Raisi in zat, was een Bell 212-helikopter van Amerikaanse makelij.

Ebrahim Raisi was sinds 2021 president van Iran. Hij volgde Hassan Rouhani op. De 63-jarige Raisi was een hardliner die vroeger aan het hoofd van justitie stond. Hij was een beschermeling van ayatollah Ali Khamenei en werd genoemd als opvolger van de religieuze leider als die zou sterven of zou aftreden. De regering van Iran zegt 'zonder verstoring' te zullen opereren na de dood van Raisi.

Na zijn aantreden gaf Raisi opdracht tot een aanscherping van de moraliteitswetten. Er ontstond een golf van massale protesten als gevolg van de dood van de Iraans-Koerdische Mahsa Amini in september 2022, terwijl zij in hechtenis zat. Onder Raisi werd hardhandig opgetreden tegen deze protesten.

De dood van Raisi komt te midden van opgelopen spanningen in het Midden-Oosten door de oorlog tussen Israël en Hamas. Door Iran gesteunde groeperingen voeren aanvallen uit op Israël of aan Israël gelinkte schepen. Teheran heeft Israël vorige maand zelf voor het eerst rechtstreeks aangevallen, met drones en raketten. De spanningen zijn inmiddels iets afgenomen, maar blijven hoog.

Hamas betuigde het ,,diepste medeleven en solidariteit" aan geestelijk leider Ali Khamenei, de Iraanse regering en het Iraanse volk voor ,,dit immense verlies. Hamas prijst de overleden Iraanse leider voor zijn steun.

Zondagochtend benadrukte Raisi nog de steun van Iran aan de Palestijnen. ,,Wij geloven dat Palestina de voornaamste kwestie is van de moslimwereld en we zijn ervan overtuigd dat de mensen van Iran en Azerbeidzjan altijd de mensen van Palestina en Gaza steunen en het zionistische regime haten", aldus Raisi.

In het politieke systeem van Iran is niet de president maar de hoogste geestelijke leider degene die het laatste woord heeft over belangrijke beleidszaken.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 20/05/2024 | 08:40 uur
Kabinet Iran houdt nieuwe spoedzitting na dood president: hoe verder?

TEHERAN - Het kabinet in Iran is voor de tweede keer binnen 24 uur bijeengekomen voor een spoedzitting, melden Iraanse media maandagochtend. Deze stap komt na de bevestiging van het overlijden van president Ebrahim Raisi en minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Hossein Amir-Abdollahian.

Vicepresident Mohammad Mokhber had zondagavond al een vergadering voorgezeten, nadat de helikopter van de president en minister vermist was geraakt in het noordwesten van Iran.

De Iraanse wet schrijft voor dat een president bij overlijden wordt opgevolgd door de vicepresident. In dit geval is dat Mokhber, een voormalig officier van de Islamitische Revolutionaire Garde. De hoogste leider van het land, ayatollah Ali Khamenei, moet hiermee echter eerst instemmen. Vervolgens moeten binnen vijftig dagen nieuwe presidentsverkiezingen worden gehouden.

De regering van Iran zegt "'zonder verstoring" te zullen opereren na de dood van president Ebrahim Raisi.

De dood van Raisi komt te midden van opgelopen spanningen in het Midden-Oosten door de oorlog tussen Israël en Hamas. Door Iran gesteunde groeperingen voeren aanvallen uit op Israël of aan Israël gelinkte schepen. Teheran heeft Israël vorige maand zelf voor het eerst rechtstreeks aangevallen, met drones en raketten. De spanningen zijn inmiddels iets afgenomen, maar blijven hoog.

Zondagochtend benadrukte Raisi nog de steun van Iran aan de Palestijnen. ,,Wij geloven dat Palestina de voornaamste kwestie is van de moslimwereld en we zijn ervan overtuigd dat de mensen van Iran en Azerbeidzjan altijd de mensen van Palestina en Gaza steunen en het zionistische regime haten", aldus Raisi.

In het politieke systeem van Iran is niet de president maar de hoogste geestelijke leider degene die het laatste woord heeft over belangrijke beleidszaken. Raisi werd wel gezien als een sterke kanshebber om zijn mentor, de 85-jarige ayatollah Ali Khamenei, op te volgen.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 20/05/2024 | 22:17 uur
Machtsvacuüm in Iran, veel komt nu aan op opperste leider Khamenei

Met de dood van president Raisi en minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Amirabdollahian is het Iraanse regime twee prominente gezichten kwijt. De hoogste leider van Iran, ayatollah Ali Khamenei, bezwoer gisteravond al dat alles in Iran gewoon zal doorgaan. De vraag is of dat zo is.

Ebrahim Raisi en Hossein Amirabdollahian waren sleutelfiguren van het regime in Teheran. Hardliner Raisi werd gezien als mogelijke opvolger van de 85-jarige Khamenei. Amirabdollahian was als minister actief op het internationale toneel en stond onder meer in contact met leiders van Hamas in de oorlog tussen Hamas en Israël. Hamas is een bondgenoot van Iran.

En toch: de omgekomen politici waren niet de belangrijkste leiders van Iran. De beslissende macht ligt nog altijd bij geestelijk leider Khamenei. Ook de militairen van de invloedrijke Revolutionaire Garde zijn een machtsfactor van belang. Raisi had als president natuurlijk ook zeggenschap en invloed, maar die was niet absoluut.

Zijn dood heeft hoe dan ook grote gevolgen. "Er is nu een machtsvacuüm", zegt Irandeskundige en analist Damon Golriz. "En dat is niet wat het fragiele regime wil."

Weinig charisma, wel steun
Raisi was een zeer conservatieve president. Hij maakte al lange tijd deel uit van het Iraanse establishment en zijn carrière begon binnen justitie. Hij wordt door mensenrechtenorganisaties medeverantwoordelijk gehouden voor de executie van duizenden politieke gevangenen, eind jaren 80. Hij was toen een van de rechters in het zogeheten 'doodscomité'. Het kwam hem op de bijnaam 'slager van Teheran' te staan.

Raisi klom op tot hoogste baas van justitie in Iran. In al zijn functies toonde hij zich loyaal aan het systeem. In 2021 werd hij gekozen tot president, bij verkiezingen waarbij gematigde kandidaten werden geweerd en veel kiezers thuisbleven. "Raisi was een man die weinig charisma had, maar wel de steun genoot van de conservatieve elite", zo typeert kenner Peyman Jafari hem.

In de ambtstermijn van Raisi viel de grootschalige aanval op Israël met drones en raketten, vorige maand, als vergelding voor een Israëlische luchtaanval in Syrië, waarbij onder meer twee Iraanse generaals om het leven kwamen. Vrijwel alle Iraanse projectielen werden uit de lucht geschoten.

In 2022 had Raisi onder meer te maken met grootschalige protesten na de dood van Mahsa Amini. Die werden met veel geweld neergeslagen, maar de spanningen zijn niet verdwenen.

Ook Jafari zegt dat de macht van de president in Iran beperkt is, maar zijn rol moet ook niet worden uitgevlakt. "Als het gaat om de economie of de infrastructuur, bijvoorbeeld. De president kan ook iemand zijn die toch een stem probeert te geven aan onbehagen in de bevolking. Dat heeft Raisi niet gedaan. Hij was een man van het systeem."

Een deel van de Iraanse gemeenschap in Nederland vierde vandaag feest. Sommigen zijn gevlucht voor het regime:

Dat systeem staat nu op een splitsing, zegt Golriz. Op korte termijn is duidelijk wat er gebeurt: de eerste vicepresident Mokhber schuift een plaats op en volgens de grondwet moeten er binnen vijftig dagen presidentsverkiezingen worden gehouden.

Golriz: "Het hangt af van hoe Khamenei met deze situatie omgaat. Ziet hij dit moment als een kans om intern en internationaal een andere koers te varen, met een nieuw gekozen president? Of gaat hij door op hetzelfde pad?" De uitkomst kan op lange termijn ook gevolgen hebben voor de opvolging van Khamenei zelf. Die regeert al sinds 1989.

"De uitdaging gaat worden om iemand te vinden die stabiliteit kan handhaven en loyaal kan blijven aan de opperste leider", zegt Jafari. In het conservatieve kamp zijn volgens hem veel mogelijke kandidaten te vinden. "Grote vraag is of het politieke establishment ook gematigde of hervormingsgezinde kandidaten zal toelaten tot de verkiezingen."

'Geeft ook mogelijkheden'
Golriz ziet het huidige vacuüm ook als een kans. "Verkiezingsperioden zijn altijd een moment geweest voor de bevolking, dissidenten en de oppositie om zich op allerlei manieren tegen het onderdrukkende regime te organiseren."

Khamenei zal daar niet op zitten te wachten, zegt hij, omdat zijn legitimiteit en machtsbasis op de proef worden gesteld. "De verkiezingstijd geeft mogelijkheden om nieuwe politieke realiteiten te creëren."

Jafari verwacht dat Iran een onrustige periode tegemoet gaat. "Iran kampt met grote economische problemen, die voor een belangrijk deel voortkomen uit corruptie in het systeem, ondemocratische besluitvorming en sancties. We zien het conflict in de regio zich uitbreiden. En dus is dit een heel spannend moment voor Iran en de hele regio."

Op onderstaande link is een video te bekijken.
Titel: Re: Spanning(en) rond Iran
Bericht door: Ace1 op 23/05/2024 | 18:15 uur
Tienduizenden mensen bij begrafenis Iraanse president Raisi

De Iraanse president Ebrahim Raisi, die zondag overleed bij een helikoptercrash, wordt vandaag begraven in zijn geboorteplaats Mashhad, bij het graf van imam Reza, een van de heiligste plekken voor sjiitische moslims. Hij is de eerste grote politieke leider die daar begraven wordt.

Er zijn tienduizenden Iraniërs afgekomen op de rouwstoet om Raisi te herdenken. De eerste processie voor de omgekomen president was dinsdag in Tabriz, in het noordwesten van het land. Ook werden deze week ceremonies gehouden in Teheran en Qom.

Raisi kwam zondag om bij een helikoptercrash, op zo'n twintig kilometer van de grens met Azerbeidzjan. Ook minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Hossein Amirabdollahian en zeven anderen kwamen daarbij om.

De helikopter stortte neer in slecht weer, in een bergachtig gebied. Door dichte mist verliep de reddingsoperatie na de crash moeizaam. De Iraanse staatstelevisie meldt tot dusver niets over een mogelijke oorzaak van de het ongeluk.

De hoogste leider van Iran, ayatollah Ali Khamenei, kondigde gisteren vijf dagen van nationale rouw aan vanwege de dood van president Raisi.

Raisi werd in 2021 president van Iran. Daarvoor was hij de hoogste rechter van het land. Onder zijn leiding sloeg Iran een nog conservatievere weg in. Hij werd gezien als protegé en mogelijke opvolger van de hoogste leider ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Door veel Iraniërs wordt Raisi als verantwoordelijk gezien voor het hardhandig neerslaan van de grote protesten na de dood van Mahsa Amini in 2022. Raisi was verder betrokken bij een massaexecutie van zeker 5000 mensen aan het eind van de oorlog tussen Iran en Irak in de jaren 80, wat hem de bijnaam "de slager van Teheran" opleverde.

Een video is op onderstaande link te bekijken.