Internationale 4x4 ontwikkelingen

Gestart door Sparkplug, 07/09/2020 | 13:10 uur


Citaat van: Harald op 26/06/2024 | 15:06 uurIdd, de Noren hebben nu ook zoiets op hun CV90 !

Dan zie ik liever zo een vervanging van de fennek voor 43 en een andere variant voor 13 dan die patria van de Duitsers.


"Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordion" US secmindef - Jed Babbin"


Citaat van: Kornet43 op 25/06/2024 | 21:18 uurTextron heeft een nieuw 6X6 verkenningsvoertuig Cottonmouth voor de US marines. Zou een mooie opvolger zijn voor de Fennek.

Citaat van: Kornet43 op 25/06/2024 | 23:48 uurJa, dat is de Cottonmouth.

Die Textron ARV Cottonmouth is best interessant met zijn mast, is een tijd terug ook al eens gepost. Maar als Fennek vervanger, vind ik het persoonlijk geen optie.

In de Fennek vervangingstopic is er ook over geschreven. Wat wel (voor mij) een optie is waar zo'n Textron ARV -achtig voertuig ondersteunend kan opereren achter de verkenners met hun Fenneks, maar dan op basis van een Boxer 8x8 met een intell/recce mast met drone's/UAV's en deze voertuigen te voorzien van loitering munitions om de door de verkenners ontdekte doelen, eenheden e.d. te monitoren of aan te grijpen.     



Citaat van: Kornet43 op 25/06/2024 | 21:18 uurTextron heeft een nieuw 6X6 verkenningsvoertuig Cottonmouth voor de US marines. Zou een mooie opvolger zijn voor de Fennek.
Deze Advanced Reconnaissance Vehicle (ARV) bedoel je.


Citaat van: Kornet43 op 25/06/2024 | 21:18 uurTextron heeft een nieuw 6X6 verkenningsvoertuig Cottonmouth voor de US marines. Zou een mooie opvolger zijn voor de Fennek.

People are sheep


Citaat van: Harald op 25/06/2024 | 16:59 uur

:hrmph: Dit doet me denken aan herr Flick met zijn "little tank" uit de
serie Allo Allo..  ;)  ;D

De versie van Textron (oude naam ; Cadillac Gage), de Commando Select 90mm Direct Fire, daar heb ik nog meer gevoel bij dan deze.

Textron heeft een nieuw 6X6 verkenningsvoertuig Cottonmouth voor de US marines. Zou een mooie opvolger zijn voor de Fennek.


Citaat van: Harald op 25/06/2024 | 15:53 uur4×4 armoured fighting vehicles: recent developments

4×4 armoured fighting vehicles fill a niche requirement, providing combat forces with a unique combination of protection, mobility, and firepower.

It is generally accepted that 4×4 armoured fighting vehicles (AFVs) cannot maximise any particular characteristic of the so-called 'Iron triangle' of firepower, survivability, and mobility. They are generally less mobile than unarmoured vehicles and less protected than larger 6×6, 8×8 or tracked vehicles. Given their smaller size, and weaker suspension and drivetrain, they are generally unable to mount the same level of weaponry or carry the same number of personnel (although there are some exceptions). However, they combine sufficient levels of firepower, survivability, and mobility, along with relatively low procurement and operating costs, to make them well suited to a wide variety of missions for which either unarmoured or heavier vehicles would be unsuited or less than optimal.

These include armed reconnaissance, strike missions, convoy escort, and direct fire support for light infantry. Even within the 4×4 AFV category there remains a range of attributes, giving different vehicles their unique identity. Also, many of these vehicles are offered in different configurations, so that a given base armoured vehicle may be classified as either a fighting vehicle or as a transport or support vehicle depending on its equipment. Numerous new or upgraded 4×4 AFVs have been either presented by manufacturers or introduced into service over the past five years alone.


:hrmph: Dit doet me denken aan herr Flick met zijn "little tank" uit de serie Allo Allo..  ;)  ;D

De versie van Textron (oude naam ; Cadillac Gage), de Commando Select 90mm Direct Fire, daar heb ik nog meer gevoel bij dan deze.


4×4 armoured fighting vehicles: recent developments

4×4 armoured fighting vehicles fill a niche requirement, providing combat forces with a unique combination of protection, mobility, and firepower.

It is generally accepted that 4×4 armoured fighting vehicles (AFVs) cannot maximise any particular characteristic of the so-called 'Iron triangle' of firepower, survivability, and mobility. They are generally less mobile than unarmoured vehicles and less protected than larger 6×6, 8×8 or tracked vehicles. Given their smaller size, and weaker suspension and drivetrain, they are generally unable to mount the same level of weaponry or carry the same number of personnel (although there are some exceptions). However, they combine sufficient levels of firepower, survivability, and mobility, along with relatively low procurement and operating costs, to make them well suited to a wide variety of missions for which either unarmoured or heavier vehicles would be unsuited or less than optimal.

These include armed reconnaissance, strike missions, convoy escort, and direct fire support for light infantry. Even within the 4×4 AFV category there remains a range of attributes, giving different vehicles their unique identity. Also, many of these vehicles are offered in different configurations, so that a given base armoured vehicle may be classified as either a fighting vehicle or as a transport or support vehicle depending on its equipment. Numerous new or upgraded 4×4 AFVs have been either presented by manufacturers or introduced into service over the past five years alone.



AM General Beats Out Oshkosh Defense For Potential $8.7 Billion JLTV Re-Compete Deal

The Army has selected AM General to build the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) fleet, beating out current manufacturer Oshkosh Defense [OSK] for the potential 10-year, $8.7 billion re-compete production contract.

AM General has received an initial $230.9 million contract for JLTV production, according to the Pentagon?s contracts announcement on Thursday evening.



Optimized Joint Light Tactical Vehicles for British Armed Forces

Jankel and Oshkosh Defense are collaborating to lead a UK based team that delivers the Oshkosh Joint Light Tactical Vehicle to meet crucial protected mobility requirements of the British Armed Forces

UK-based Jankel has signed a teaming agreement with Oshkosh Defense in the US to deliver optimized Oshkosh Joint Light Tactical Vehicles (JLTVs) to meet the protected mobility requirements of the British Armed Forces.

This agreement sees the initiation of a dynamic UK-based team of experts in vehicle design, integration, support, and project delivery with significant experience in repeatedly solving UK specific defense vehicle related challenges.

By procuring the JLTV through this newly formed team, the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) maintains the economies of scale offered by the US JLTV program whilst also leveraging local manufacture, design, integration, on-shore SME supply chain, and through life support capabilities.

"We have been providing vehicles and support to the UK MoD for over 20 years. Our collaboration with Jankel leverages the successful innovation of UK industry to provide the UK Armed Forces the enduring capabilities required for the modern battlefield," said John Lazar, Oshkosh Defense Vice President & General Manager, International Programs.

"Jankel has been providing protected vehicles to the British Forces for many years and we are extremely excited to be teaming with Oshkosh Defense, working together to provide innovative solutions to meet the UK's defense equipment challenges. This partnership allows us to deliver an enduring multi-year program with an agile UK team," said Andrew Jankel, Chairman at Jankel. "Looking ahead, this partnership supports our long-term strategy to develop a UK based center of excellence that integrates the best of British technology and innovation into world-leading vehicle platforms."



Voor DOWV had Mercedes Benz NL BV met VDL een oplossing aangeboden die ze toch niet konden leveren. Rheinmetall lijkt samen met ACS de Enok 4.8 aan te bieden.
Dit is een nieuw en degelijk voertuig, een gedugte concurrent voor de Defenture Vector.
Meer producenten lijken op de mega order van Duitsland en Nederland in te spelen.
GDELS LTV; IDV & DMV Anaconda SOF enz.


Citaat van: StrataNL op 13/06/2022 | 19:53 uur
Overduidelijk gebaseerd op de G-serie, dus geen compleet nieuw voertuig.

Een nieuw voertuig in de zin van deze deed vorige keer niet mee in de aanbesteding  ;)