Internationale ontwikkelingen Special Forces

Gestart door Harald, 28/09/2020 | 11:52 uur


160th SOAR Night Stalkers Testing Arctic, Desert Vinyl Camo Wraps As Global Missions Evolve

In addition to a blue scheme, the 160th SOAR has been looking at other new camouflage options to support missions old and new.


Citaat van: Parera op 24/06/2024 | 15:48 uurEn toch krijgen ze het voor elkaar om het Frans lelijk te maken :sick:  Die motorkap ... om te kotsen.
Ik snap de keuze voor compact wel want zo past er meer materiaal bij aan vracht maar het ziet er niet uit.

Ik wilde een ander woord daarvoor gebruiken maar dan wordt Lex of A.J. boos om mijn taalgebruik.


Citaat van: Ace1 op 24/06/2024 | 11:10 uurGeen Renault Truck, die Fransen gaan toch altijd voor made in France?

En toch krijgen ze het voor elkaar om het Frans lelijk te maken :sick:  Die motorkap ... om te kotsen.
Ik snap de keuze voor compact wel want zo past er meer materiaal bij aan vracht maar het ziet er niet uit.


Citaat van: Ace1 op 24/06/2024 | 11:10 uurGeen Renault Truck, die Fransen gaan toch altijd voor made in France?
Scania's zijn made in France, die voor het Franse leger allemaal, net zoals in Nederland waar ze in Zwolle worden gebouwd, worden ze in frankrijk gebouwd in Angers.


Begrijp deze ook niet, w.s was Renault tu duuah.
"Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordion" US secmindef - Jed Babbin"


Citaat van: Harald op 24/06/2024 | 10:32 uurA vehicle based on the Scania 4x4 commercial truck.

Developed on special order of the French Army, secret because it does not even have a name. Used in Africa, but the number of vehicles delivered has never been made public. Scania is currently working on a version with a long wheelbase and an enclosed cabin.

Geen Renault Truck, die Fransen gaan toch altijd voor made in France?


A vehicle based on the Scania 4x4 commercial truck.

Developed on special order of the French Army, secret because it does not even have a name. Used in Africa, but the number of vehicles delivered has never been made public. Scania is currently working on a version with a long wheelbase and an enclosed cabin.


Army wraps up FLRAA PDR, incorporating special ops design changes

According to a SOCOM official, the Army included feedback from the command that led to design changes like hardware for a refueling probe and features that will enable special operators to make unique modifications.

The Army held a preliminary design review (PDR) of the Future Long Range Assault Aircraft (FLRAA) in late March and is in the process of tweaking the aircraft's design to accommodate unique equipment for special operators, according to a spokesperson for the Army's aviation program executive office.

"The Army conducted the FLRAA weapon system Preliminary Design Review (PDR) on March 25-29 and is in the process of closing out some open actions," the spokesperson told Breaking Defense in a statement.

"The Army is currently working with the Special Operations Command (SOCOM) to incorporate provisions into the baseline design that will enable integration of SOCOM-specific mission equipment packages. This will avoid major re-design efforts that we have seen in previous SOCOM configurations, and more efficiently use SOCOM funding early in the Army's base-line design efforts," they added.

A PDR is a key step in the development process of a major weapon system, which ensures that a product's design is effective and typically informs a program's eventual Milestone B decision. A Bell official previously said the program's Milestone B decision — the formal entry into the engineering and manufacturing development phase — is planned for the third quarter of this year, according to Defense News.

SOCOM's Rotary Wing Program Executive Officer Steven Smith first revealed that the PDR had occurred during May 7 comments at the SOF Week conference, and said the command and the Army have had a years-long dialogue to "influenc[e] the FLRAA design," which yielded changes to the aircraft as a result.

"The good news is prior to the recent completion of their PDR, that they've adopted all of our changes to the aircraft," Smith said, according to Aviation Week. Per Smith, that included specific nose design requirements, hardware for a refueling probe and "a couple other minor things that we've asked for to get into that platform that will make our modifications less expensive down the road."

The collaboration, Smith said, is a "a good news story" that will make it "easier for us to incorporate all the secret sauce, all those boxes that we put on the aircraft that provide our unique capability."

Bell Textron's tiltrotor V-280 Valor in December 2022 bested a joint team consisting of Lockheed Martin subsidiary Sikorsky and Boeing, who offered a coaxial rotor design known as the Defiant X in an Army competition. The service expects to field the aircraft in the early 2030's.


French Special Forces to receive 8 additional NH90-FS helicopters

According to a report by Laurent Lagneau in Opex360, the French Ministry of Defense has formally placed an order for eight more NH-90 helicopters designed for special forces use. This procurement aligns with the Special Operations Command's (COS) objectives and will facilitate the relocation of Caracal helicopters from the 4th Special Forces Helicopter Regiment (4e RHFS) to the 1/67 Pyrénées Squadron of the French Air and Space Force.

In 2016, the COS identified the need for 24 NH-90 Caïman TTH helicopters to enhance the capabilities and capacity of its units while retiring the existing maneuvering aircraft within the 4th Special Forces Helicopter Regiment (4RHFS) of the Army's Light Aviation (ALAT).

However, during the formulation of the Military Programming Law (LPM) for the period 2019-2025, the decision was made to acquire only 10 NH-90 "Special Forces" (NH-90 FS) helicopters. The announcement of this order was made by then-Minister of Defense Florence Parly in October 2020, with a plan to deliver six units to the 4e RHFS before 2025. The LPM for 2024-2030 has now revised this target upwards, specifying a fleet of 18 NH-90 FS helicopters in the attached report.

In November 2023, an additional budget of 2.1 billion euros was allocated to the Defense Ministry. Defense Minister Sébastien Lecornu explained that this funding would enable the anticipation of certain priority orders during wartime, thanks to cost-saving measures. One of these priority orders includes the acquisition of an extra 8 NH-90 FS helicopters.

The General Directorate of Armaments (DGA) has officially communicated the contract for these eight additional helicopters to the NHIndustries consortium, which consists of Airbus Helicopters, Leonardo, and Fokker. As reported by the French weekly La Tribune, this order was anticipated and was placed before the end of 2023.

The NH90 is a highly versatile helicopter designed to perform various missions, including tactical transport for up to 20 individuals, heli-transport with a cargo hold capacity of 2.5 tons or 4 tons on a sling, emergency extraction (IMEX), parachute drops, commando deployments, cargo parachute drops, heliport missions, search and rescue operations, and medical evacuations with the ability to carry up to 12 stretchers. It can also function as a heliportable command post.

Key specifications of the NH90 include a maximum weight of 10.6 tons, a top speed of up to 320 km/h, and adaptable cargo capacities, allowing for the transport of 14 to 20 passengers, one off-road vehicle plus three personnel, or 2.5 tons of equipment in the cargo hold, or 4 tons on a sling. It features advanced mission management and navigation systems, self-protection systems, and a Topowl helmet with integrated triple-sensor visionics and pilot thermal imaging (FLIR).

The NH90 is renowned for its versatility and can be employed in combat, search and rescue, and tactical transport missions. It incorporates modular systems with digital technology, making it adaptable for various roles. The cabin includes a loading ramp for easy transport of personnel and equipment. Equipped with state-of-the-art avionics and sensors, it is suitable for day and night operations in all weather conditions. The helicopter is designed for single-pilot operation, features a self-diagnostic system for fault detection, and boasts an integrated maintenance system.

The NH90-FS is equipped with a Euroflir 410 NG optronic ball and the Eurofl'eye system, which includes a multispectral panoramic 3D pilot assistance sensor associated with the TopOwl binocular helmet. It has also been modified to support fast rope operations and personnel transport via side doors.

The NH90 is in service with 14 different nations and is available in two primary versions: the Tactical Transport Helicopter (TTH) and the NATO Frigate Helicopter (NFH), specialized in anti-surface and anti-submarine warfare. It plays a significant role in the development of an integrated European defense system.


Boeing to supply six remanufactured MH-47G Block II Chinooks to US Army Special Operations Aviation Command

The U.S. Army Special Operations Aviation Command (USASOAC) has awarded Boeing a contract to produce six remanufactured MH-47G Block II aircraft as a part of the Army's modernization efforts. With the deal valued at $271M, Boeing has 42 MH-47G helos under contract with USASOAC.

"The Chinook has been a key player in the special operations domain for many years. USASOAC and international allies have used the unique capabilities of the Chinook to complete the most daring missions around the globe," said Heather McBryan, vice president and program manager, cargo programs. "With the modernized MH-47G, USASOAC soldiers are well-suited to meet today's challenging environment."

As special operations requirements have become increasingly complex, the heavy-lift helicopter has adapted to meet those changing needs. The MH-47G Block II program not only supports the warfighters' needs today but enables the Chinook to be battle-relevant well into the future.

"With the new and improved MH-47G Block II aircraft, USASOAC is not only receiving the most capable Chinook helicopter, they are also provided the flexibility to add additional upgrades as their needs evolve over time," McBryan added.

The Boeing MH-47G Block II Chinook represents a significant advancement in the Chinook helicopter series, building upon the legacy of its predecessors with enhanced capabilities and technological innovations. This model, specifically tailored for special operations, is a testament to the ongoing evolution in rotary-wing aircraft, particularly in the realm of military applications.

At the heart of the MH-47G Block II's design is a focus on increased lift capability, a critical factor for special operations missions that often require the transportation of heavy equipment or large numbers of personnel. This is achieved through the integration of more powerful engines, the Honeywell T55-GA-714A, which provide a substantial boost in horsepower compared to earlier models. These engines not only offer greater lift but also contribute to improved fuel efficiency and longer range, crucial for extended missions in remote or hostile environments.

Another key feature of the MH-47G Block II is its advanced airframe. The helicopter incorporates a redesigned fuselage with an integrated monolithic floor structure, enhancing its overall strength and durability. This robust construction is vital for withstanding the rigors of high-intensity operations, where the aircraft may be subject to harsh conditions and heavy wear.

The rotor system of the MH-47G Block II also sees significant upgrades. The use of advanced composite materials in the rotor blades results in a lighter, more aerodynamically efficient design, which translates to improved performance and maneuverability.

Avionics and electronics systems in the MH-47G Block II are state-of-the-art, providing enhanced situational awareness and communication capabilities. The cockpit is equipped with digital displays and an advanced flight control system, which together offer pilots greater control and information. Enhanced navigation systems, including GPS and other satellite-based tools, ensure precise positioning even in GPS-denied environments.

The aircraft's defensive capabilities are equally impressive. The MH-47G Block II is equipped with a suite of countermeasures to protect against a range of threats, from small arms fire to advanced surface-to-air missiles. This includes systems for electronic warfare, flare and chaff dispensers, and radar warning receivers, all of which contribute to the aircraft's survivability in hostile airspace.

The MH-47G Block II's versatility is enhanced through its multi-role capacity. The aircraft can be rapidly reconfigured for various mission types, ranging from troop transport and supply delivery to medical evacuation and search and rescue. This adaptability is crucial for special operations forces, which often operate in dynamic and unpredictable scenarios.


Night Stalker MH-60 Executes Sneak Mock Assault On Navy Ship In Awesome Video

The high-performance flying seen in the video shows how Night Stalkers can be on top of a ship and landing operators in seconds.


Pilots of the U.S. Army's elite 160th Special Operation Aviation Regiment (SOAR), also known as the 'Night Stalkers,' are well known for their flying expertise in challenging circumstances. Now, video has emerged showcasing how their skills, as well as their MH-60M Black Hawks, can be leveraged to sneak up on ships in order to conduct rapid insertion of special operators onto their decks.

The footage in question was captured via a hand-held device from the vantage point of an observer aboard the San Antonio class amphibious transport dock USS New York. Details on where and when the video was captured remain unclear. As The War Zone has noted in the past, the 160th SOAR has a well established history of conducting maritime training exercises, and operations, with U.S. Navy assets and units.

Flying very low and fast above the water, we see one of the 160th's Black Hawks passing New York's starboard side in the footage before executing a remarkable pop-up braking maneuver before coming to a rock steady hover over the moving warship's bow. The black helicopter hovers there, simulating the insertion of troops via fast rope and/or raking the bridge with machine gun fire, before flying off.

In order to get an expert take on what we are seeing, we reached out to Chris "Ox" Harmer, a TWZ contributor and Sea Hawk pilot with thousands of hours in the type, including experience with real-world operations just like this.

"This looks like a great day for some shipboard familiarization flying," he said. "You can tell by the lack of whitecaps on the water that there is very little wind, no more than eight knots at most, probably less."

"The aircraft is flying pretty low - clearly no more than 50' AGL (above ground level) - that helps minimize detection."

"As the MH-60 approaches from stern to bow, flying on the starboard side, the pilot needs to bleed off excess airspeed to get into a hover. You can tell this pilot is an experienced stick - three maneuvers blend seamlessly into one."

"First, forward speed is reduced by pitching the nose up while simultaneously dropping power; this bleeds the kinetic energy off the airframe. It's a modified version of what we commonly refer to as a 'quick stop.' The nose up quick stop maneuver is used just to bleed off airspeed. It's the most efficient, quick way to do it. You can tell by the gradual, progressive nose up maneuver that the pilot timed the control inputs correctly. As airspeed bleeds off, the pilot then tilts left wing down, with a bit of left rudder pressure to turn the Blackhawk 90 degrees to the left."

"Having bled off airspeed to match the forward movement of the ship, the helicopter then goes a bit nose down to move into the correct hovering position over the centerline of the ship, followed by an immediate nose up maneuver to stop relative motion."

"The final maneuver, which is very difficult to see, is a slight right wing down input to match the ships movement through the water. The pilot makes it looks smooth, easy, controlled, and professional. Well done!"

Of course, performing highly-skilled flying maneuvers, often at speed and at night/amid adverse weather conditions and at night, remains very much the bread and butter of 160th SOAR pilots.

The regiment is well known for its frequent and elaborate training exercises, often involving fast-rope insertions from hovering helicopter. 160th SOAR regularly conducts so-called realistic urban training (RUT), for example, in order to best simulate the dense urban sprawl they would encounter should they be deployed to densely populated areas. As The War Zone has noted in the past, realistic urban training is critical for 160th aircrews and the special operators they cart around to sharpen their skills; simulating future battles in 'megacities.'

However, being able to insert rapidly and extract quickly in other environments, such as at sea, is also a part of the unit's remit. Doing so sneakily — providing target vessels with as little warning time as possible that an infiltration and/or extraction may be imminent, brings distinct advantages. This would be useful for a huge range of scenarios, from counter-piracy operations to maritime hostage rescue situations to interdiction of illicit cargo, where lives depend on how covertly and speedily maneuvers are conducted. It should be noted that a 160th SOAR MH-60M recently seen sporting blue camouflage could well be designed to provide greater cover during sensitive maritime operations like these. It also serves as a reflection on a growing importance on maritime operations, and the focus on training for them, as the possibility of a war in the Pacific looms larger.


Ook de Carrier Seal van JDF is best interessant, ook voor de NL MARSOF


Citaat van: Harald op 24/10/2023 | 14:03 uur

By stealth to the shore

With the coastal subsurface domain remaining an area that Western special forces can exploit, a number of companies are providing platforms to facilitate such operations. Peter Felstead looks at recent developments in this sphere.

While the close-in surveillance of hostile shores can increasingly be achieved by unmanned platforms, when it comes to covertly putting personnel ashore for special operations, the subsurface domain remains an area that can be exploited by novel technology. While sustaining personnel under the water's surface clearly has its challenges, the lack of any visual or noise signature being discernible from the shore – at least until special forces operators have actually landed – provides obvious advantages.

Reflecting this, a number of developments in swimmer delivery vehicles (SDVs) have breached the surface in recent years, which seek to deliver a tactical edge to Western maritime special forces.


( voor het gehele artikel zie bovenstaande link )

DSEI 2023: JFD Displays 'Productionised' Shadow Seal SDV  (doorontwikkeling van het Nederlandse Ortega Submersibles )

UK underwater systems specialist JDF presented a 'productionised' version of its Shadow Seal swimmer delivery vehicle (SDV) at the DSEI 2023 defence exhibition, held in London from 12-15 September.

The latest Shadow Seal features a number of upgrades, the most notable of which is a bank of eight 10 kW batteries for a total power output of 80 kW compared to the 16 kW power of its predecessor. This gives it a surface range of 80 n miles at 4.5 kts or a subsurface range of 25 n miles at 3.5 kts.

Another enhancement featuring on the 'productionised' Shadow Seal is the incorporation of 360° controllable rear thrusters, negating the need for bow thrusters on the older version. Using these the vessel can be bottomed out on the seabed, with Alistair Wilson, strategy and sales director for JFD, telling ESD that the Shadow Seal can sit in conditions of Sea State 5 without being tumbled. The latest Shadow Seal also has an improved navigation system.

The Shadow Seal, which JFD terms a tactical diving vehicle (TDV), is a four-person vessel that entered the JFD portfolio through its acquisition of Dutch company Ortega Submersibles in August 2019. The vessel, which is 8 m long and 1.88 m wide, carries up to two personnel in each of two compartments and can be piloted from either of these stations. It can thus deliver three operators or alternatively be bottomed out and shut down in shallow water to allow four divers to be deployed.

The vessel is 2.18 high, or 4.12 m when its mast is fully extended, and weighs 2.5 tonnes.

Wilson told ESD that, following its appearance at DSEI, the Shadow Seal would very soon begin water trials in the Clyde out of the company's facility at Inchinnan near Glasgow.


By stealth to the shore

With the coastal subsurface domain remaining an area that Western special forces can exploit, a number of companies are providing platforms to facilitate such operations. Peter Felstead looks at recent developments in this sphere.

While the close-in surveillance of hostile shores can increasingly be achieved by unmanned platforms, when it comes to covertly putting personnel ashore for special operations, the subsurface domain remains an area that can be exploited by novel technology. While sustaining personnel under the water's surface clearly has its challenges, the lack of any visual or noise signature being discernible from the shore – at least until special forces operators have actually landed – provides obvious advantages.

Reflecting this, a number of developments in swimmer delivery vehicles (SDVs) have breached the surface in recent years, which seek to deliver a tactical edge to Western maritime special forces.


( voor het gehele artikel zie bovenstaande link )


Dat is een verbazingwekkend effectief stukje camouflage!