Internationale ontwikkelingen maritiem

Gestart door Parera, 17/04/2018 | 18:32 uur


CitaatGermany unveils names of five new K130 corvettes

Germany's defense ministry has announced names of the five new corvettes to be built for the country's navy.

The second batch of Braunschweig-class (K130) corvettes will be named Köln, Emden, Karlsruhe, Augsburg, and Lübeck. They will also be affiliated with their namesake cities.

As informed, the five vessels will be constructed in phases. 'Köln' is scheduled to start construction in January 2019, with a keel laying ceremony planned for April 2019.

Corvette Köln will be followed by Emden, Karlsruhe, Augsburg, and Lübeck. The keel for the final vessel is expected to be laid in December 2020.

In 2017, a contract worth €2.4 billion for the construction of the new corvettes has been awarded to the ARGE K130 consortium, composed of Lürssen Werft, ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems and the recently incorporated German Naval Yards Kiel.

German maritime technology firm Atlas Elektronik and Thales Deutschland have been also contracted to deliver combat systems for the five new K130 corvettes. In addition to combat systems, the contract will see the two companies set up and deliver a test and training center in Wilhelmshaven.

Braunschweig-class corvettes were ordered because of the navy's increased scope and tempo of operations. Another reason is the fact that the MKS180 Multi-role Combat Ship order was delayed and the corvette announcement was interpreted as an offset to the delays.

The German Navy already operates five K130 ships. The second batch of corvettes will be similar in design to their predecessors, with updated technology.

[Source:Naval Today ]

Köln, Emden, Karlsruhe, Augsburg, and Lübeck dus, prima in de lijn met de rest van de K-130's en oude vertrouwde namen uit de voormalige Köln klasse (F120) van enkele jaren na de oorlog.


Nu heeft Portugal jaren geleden al contact gehad met Damen (of toen nog de Schelde) over de aankoop van 1 LPD ''Enforcer 13000''
Ik vermoed dat Damen ook nu staat te springen om dit project op te pakken en onder licentie op een Portugese werf te laten bouwen, die 6 OPV's zouden mooi zijn meegenomen als die onder een zelfde deal verkocht kunnen worden met bijvoorbeeld dezelfde vorm als SIGMA deals  ; 2 van de 6 modules in Nederland bouwen voor schip 1 en 2, de rest 100% in Portugal. Enforcer kans schat ik groter in dan die OPV's, als ze slim zijn bouwen ze verder op hun eigen ontwerp al zien ze er niet uit.

Dan krijg je zo iets als dit binnen de Portugese marine ;


Portugal eyes acquisition of amphibious ship and advances plans for additional OPVs
Portuguese Prime Minister António Costa has announced plans for the local construction of a multipurpose logistics ship for the Portuguese Navy.
Speaking at the naming ceremony of the Viana do Castelo-class offshore patrol vessel (OPV) NRP Sines (P363) on 20 July, he said the logistics ship will be built at the yards of privately owned shipbuilder West Sea-Estaleiros Navais. Six new OPVs are also planned for construction at the same yard, he said. Portugal currently operates three OPVs and a fourth is being completed.
The two acquisitions projects will be inserted into first review of the country's Military Programming Law 2015–2026, which is planned for release in late 2018, sources said.

[Source: Janes ]


The construction of the DOHA for Qatar starts

In the presence of Qatar Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Khalid Bin Mohamed Al Attiyah and Defense Minister Elisabetta Trenta, welcomed by Fincantieri's Chairman and CEO Giampiero Massolo and Giuseppe Bono, took place today at the Muggiano plant (La Spezia) the ceremony of cutting the first corvettona plate / DOHA light frog of 3.250 t displacement for the Marina of Qatar. At the ceremony were also present, among others, the Commander of the Naval Forces of the Emirate, Staff Major General Abdullah Bin Hassan Al Sulaiti and the Chief of Staff of the Navy, Admiral of Squad Valter Girardelli. The contract, which for Fincantieri is worth almost 4 billion euros, provides for the supply of 7 surface vessels, including 4 corvettone, an amphibious ship (LPD - Landing Platform Dock) and 2 patrol boats (OPV - Offshore Patrol Vessel), and a logistic support package for a further 10 years after the delivery of the units (for all the details on the units see RID 5/18) . All the ships will be entirely built in the Italian shipyards of the group starting this year. The supply also involves Leonardo, for the CMS part, combat and sensor system, MBDA, for the part relating to missile armament, and Electronics, for what concerns the electronic war suite. Also fundamental is the role of the Navy, guarantor of the whole operation from a government point of view, for the training and training of the crews of the 7 ships that will officially start in September in Italy. During the ceremony the Fincantieri CEO Giuseppe Bono took the floor (see news on the side) and the 2 Ministers of Defense. The tone of the interventions was the same, aimed at underlining the excellent state of cooperation between the two countries and its relevance in the light of the stability and security of the enlarged Mediterranean. With this in mind, Minister Trenta announced the Government's commitment to stipulate further strategic cooperation agreements such as the one with Qatar also with other countries and reiterated its importance for the interest of Italy in the Mediterranean / Middle East area. . aimed at underlining the excellent state of cooperation between the two countries and its relevance in the light of the stability and security of the enlarged Mediterranean. With this in mind, Minister Trenta announced the Government's commitment to stipulate further strategic cooperation agreements such as the one with Qatar also with other countries and reiterated its importance for the interest of Italy in the Mediterranean / Middle East area. . aimed at underlining the excellent state of cooperation between the two countries and its relevance in the light of the stability and security of the enlarged Mediterranean. With this in mind, Minister Trenta announced the Government's commitment to stipulate further strategic cooperation agreements such as the one with Qatar also with other countries and reiterated its importance for the interest of Italy in the Mediterranean / Middle East area. .

[Source: ]


CitaatThe fact that the project is moving forward will be welcome news to the U.S. Navy, which has been vocal in recent months about the need to move some of its sea-based BMD patrols to fixed shore installations, wherever practicable, and reserve the Navy's capabilities for times of heightened need or emergencies.

Dit maakt de noodzaak voor Nederland om zelf in deze ''tak van sport'' te stappen alleen maar groter, dus 2025 niet alleen de sensor capaciteit maar ook shooter capaciteit verwerven voor minimaal de vLCF's! Van mijn part beginnen we al bij de MLU van schip 3 & 4 van de huidige serie LCF's.


Japan is ready to ink a $1.2 billion contract with Lockheed Martin for missile defense systems

CitaatThe U.S. anti-missile station Aegis Ashore is pictured at the military base in Deveselu, Romania, on May 12, 2016. (Daniel Mihailescu/AFP via Getty Images)

WASHINGTON — The Japanese government has officially chosen Lockheed Martin to provide the radar arrays for its forthcoming Aegis Ashore sites, the Defense Ministry announced Monday.

The news follows earlier reports that Lockheed had beaten out Raytheon for the job, which is expected to cost about $1.2 billion, according to a Reuters report. The choice was between Raytheon's SPY-6 — the air and missile defense radar destined to be the main sensor for the U.S. Navy's DDG Flight III — and Lockheed's Long Range Discrimination Radar.

Lockheed's radar is slated to be installed in Alaska as part of the Ground-based Midcourse Defense System by 2020.

Japan plans to build two Aegis Ashore stations, a response to North Korea's rapid development of ballistic missiles.

The fact that the project is moving forward will be welcome news to the U.S. Navy, which has been vocal in recent months about the need to move some of its sea-based BMD patrols to fixed shore installations, wherever practicable, and reserve the Navy's capabilities for times of heightened need or emergencies.

[Source: Defense News ]


Japan launches first ship of new destroyer class

CitaatThe 8,200-ton, 170-meter--long destroyers are equipped with the Aegis Baseline J7 combat system. (Courtesy of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force)

MELBOURNE, Australia — Japan has launched the first of a new class of guided-missile destroyers with ballistic missile defense capabilities, as the U.S. ally continues to bolster its defenses against the missile threat from North Korea.

Named the Maya, the first of two 27DDG-class destroyers ordered by the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force was launched in a ceremony attended by Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera at Japan Marine United's shipyard at Isogo Ward in Yokohama, south of Japan's capital Tokyo, according to Japan's Defense Ministry.

The 8,200-ton, 170-meter--long destroyers are equipped with the Aegis Baseline J7 combat system and the Northrop Grumman AN/SPQ-9B radar system, which provides the capability to detect and track low-flying, high-speed, low-observable anti-ship missile targets in heavy-clutter environments. Aegis Baseline J7 is the Japanese equivalent for the current Aegis Baseline 9/BMD 5.1 standard.

CitaatThe Maya is the first of two 27DDG-class destroyers ordered by the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force. (Courtesy of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force)

The ships will also be able to fire the SM-3 Block IIA missile currently being jointly developed by the United States and Japan for ballistic missile defense, while the northeast Asian country has also been flagged as a potential customer for the SM-6 missile developed for use against air, surface and some types of ballistic missile targets.

Japanese newspaper Mainichi Shimbun previously reported that the 27DDGs will be equipped with Cooperative Engagement Capability, or CEC, of which Japan received U.S. State Department approval to acquire in August 2015 under a $1.5 billion Foreign Military Sales request that also included the Aegis Baseline 9 system, AN/SPQ-9B and other associated equipment for the two ships.

The newspaper also reported that Japan is considering fitting its Northrop Grumman E-2D Hawkeye early warning aircraft with CEC, which will link the detection and tracking sensors of aircraft and ships to provide an "integrated fire control capability" for warships and combat aircraft defending against air and missile threats.

Japan has four E-2D Hawkeyes on order, all of which are to be delivered in 2020.

The Maya is expected to be commissioned into the JMSDF in 2020, with the as-yet unnamed second ship scheduled for launch sometime and 2019 and commissioning set for 2021.

[Source: Defense News ]


Thyssenkrupp Marine Systems negotiates with Egypt credit sale of 2 MEKO A-200 frigates worth 1 billion euros. Navy requests integrating MBDA Aster 30 VLS system on board.

Vreemde keuze, de goede band met Frankrijk lijkt dus weer voorbij bij Egypte. Nu weer 2 op krediet gekochte MEKO's, ik blijf het vreemd vinden bij dit soort landen steeds kleine aantallen van tig verschillende schepen kopen zo krijg je nooit een standaard.


Indonesie heeft weer een update omtrent hun X18 ''Tank Boat''

Het is en blijft een vreemd vaartuig waar men al sinds 2015 aan werkt (erg traag dus voor zo'n bootje) omdat men in 2016 al een prototype klaar had voor beurzen (mockup) naast het 105 mm kanon zit er een RWS met een 7.62 - 30 mm op en ballistische bescherming. Verder kan het vaartuig 20 troepen meenemen, een varende APC/IFV eigenlijk. De romp is gemaakt van polyester, daarmee erg licht maar of het erg stevig is en heel blijft bij een gevecht dat betwijfel ik. De bemanning bestaat uit 4 man waarvan 2 man nodig voor de turret. Het kanon heeft een autoloader voor 12 tot 16 rounds afhankelijk van de versie. De snelheid van het vaartuig zou moeten liggen op 40 knopen (74 kmh).

Ik twijfel ten zeerste aan het concept, het ontwerp en aan de operationele mogelijkheden met zo'n boot. Het idee is misschien leuk maar een polyester bootje houd naar mijn idee geen kogel tegen ook met ballistische bescherming is het iets dat makkelijk tot zinken gebracht kan worden als je het mij vraagt. En als je er 30 op 1 dag kan produceren (bij verschillende werven) dan zullen
er niet veel kwaliteitseisen aan vast zitten.

De beurs (mockup) versie droeg trouwens hetzelfde boegnummer als deze, dus de vraag is of ze überhaupt al een stap verder zijn dan november 2016.

Excuses voor de vreemde vertaling maar het artikel is vertaald met Google Translate uit het Indonesisch.

Defense Secretary Tank Boat Order in Banyuwangi

Banyuwangi ( - Indonesian Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu specifically saw the progress of making Tank Boat Antasena 214 at PT Lundin Industry Invest, Banyuwangi. According to him, he was proud because the first ship in the world was made by a child of his own country.

"We should be proud, and this nation is proud because it has been able to make this ship, even from the country itself has been ordered from many other countries," he said when in Banyuwangi, Saturday (28/07/2018).

For him, continued Ryamizard, the original artificial children of the country able to prove its production worthy and equal with other countries. "A lot in Indonesia the shipping industry is 30 I think, but that used for defense there may be 10 yes.Imagine, if in an emergency within 1 day we can create 30 warships," he explained.

Especially for Antasena, said Ryamizard, it will be used in large rivers. And he ordered, for the ammunition cannon does not need big, because if it's big duty Navy.

"I already know from a year ago, it is used in rivers such as Kalimantan, Papua and other areas that have large rivers,"

"First of all we ordered one first, and it must be good first, try it if it will be good then message again, and if nice people will come and will see and order too," he explained.

The target, next year's first tank boat in the world will operate. "We choose here because the fitting is the product is good, the place is also fitting, close to the sea If you want to make a big ship directly wrote here," he concluded.



Als je van een lege hull uit zou gaan dan ging het nog ergens over. Op deze manier vind ik (toegegeven: mijn mening) het topicvervuiling.
"Whosoever commands the sea, commands the trade; whosoever commands the trade of the world commands the riches of the world, and consequently the world itself"- Sir Walter Raleigh


Je kan van een Twingo ook geen Ferrari maken.
"Whosoever commands the sea, commands the trade; whosoever commands the trade of the world commands the riches of the world, and consequently the world itself"- Sir Walter Raleigh


Hou. Hiermee. Op.

Het is NIET mogelijk. Punt.
"Whosoever commands the sea, commands the trade; whosoever commands the trade of the world commands the riches of the world, and consequently the world itself"- Sir Walter Raleigh


Citaat van: Ace1 op 26/07/2018 | 21:52 uur
Ik had begrepen dat de OPV's van de Holland klasse uit waren gerust met een sonar die mijnen kon opsporen onderwater.  Deze sonar zou dan kunnen vervangen worden door de Thales BlueWatcher en zo'n compacte dieptebom mortier is wel voor het 76mm kanon te plaatsen.
Leg mij dan even uit hoe dit geplaatst moet worden, ergo de installatie volledig dus ook onderdeks en het magazijn.
Daarnaast zal de door jou beoogde plaatsing kunnen zorgen voor een blinde/dode hoek bij inzet van het kanon.


Citaat van: Lex op 26/07/2018 | 21:11 uur
En dan? Gezien het feit dat de eenheid geen sonar heeft: hoe wil je dan tot een afvuur oplossing komen? Plaatsbepaling, diepte, koers/vaart etc.
Zal dus niet werken, naast de vraag waar wil je de opstelling plaatsen in toto?

Ik had begrepen dat de OPV's van de Holland klasse uit waren gerust met een sonar die mijnen kon opsporen onderwater.  Deze sonar zou dan kunnen vervangen worden door de Thales BlueWatcher en zo'n compacte dieptebom mortier is wel voor het 76mm kanon te plaatsen.


Citaat van: Ace1 op 26/07/2018 | 20:55 uur
Een dieptebom mortier erop zetten is wel mogelijk en dan heb je het ook wel gehad.
En dan? Gezien het feit dat de eenheid geen sonar heeft: hoe wil je dan tot een afvuur oplossing komen? Plaatsbepaling, diepte, koers/vaart etc.
Zal dus niet werken, naast de vraag waar wil je de opstelling plaatsen in toto?