Internationale Helicopter ontwikkelingen

Gestart door Harald, 01/03/2017 | 13:48 uur


Citaat van: Parera op 09/02/2024 | 06:09 uurArmy cancels FARA helicopter program, makes other cuts in major aviation shakeup

De oorlog in Oekraïne heeft de yanks doen inzien dat investeren in een dure recon heli niet meer van deze tijd is. Het geld kan beter naar grote hoeveelheden goedkope verkenning drones.

Extra info ; 
( wel heftig hoor, zo compleet stoppen van een ontwikkeling. maar ik denk dat we de Bell 360 Invictus nog wel gaan zien in de toekomst als een lichte aanvalshelicopter of als exportmodel vervanger van de AH-1Z )

Cancelling The Future Attack Recon Helicopter Was The Right Choice By The Army

The vastness of the Pacific, modern air defenses, advances in drone technology, and lessons learned in Ukraine left a shrinking case for FARA.

The news that the U.S. Army is cancelling one of its highest profile aviation programs, the Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft (FARA), with two competing prototypes already constructed, was a shock to many, but it really shouldn't have been. As the Pentagon is stacking its chips on the possibility of a high-end fight in the Pacific, and seeing the results of helicopter combat operations in Ukraine, the relevance of the FARA program had to be deeply questioned, and the assumptions of future aerial warfare it was based on needed serious re-examination too.

Simply put, moving forward would have been a wasteful endeavor, and cancelling it now, before it gets deep into flight testing, was the right call.

It is always hard writing a piece like this because you know both teams, Sikorsky with their Raider X and Bell With their 360 Invictus, worked immensely hard coming up with drastically different solutions to the same armed scout and attack helicopter problem. Both of the designs are promising and hopefully they will live on in one form or another, but more on that in a bit.



"Helicopter" van de toekomst

Bell Demonstrates High-Speed Vertical Takeoff and Landing (HSVTOL) Technology at Holloman Air Force Base

Bell showcases High-Speed Vertical Takeoff and Landing (HSVTOL) technology capabilities upon completion of testing efforts at Holloman Air Force Base. The team has utilized the Holloman High Speed Test Track to demonstrate the folding rotor, integrated propulsion and flight control technologies at representative flight speeds.

"The successful sled test completion is a culmination of Bell's HSVTOL research and unprecedented technology development," said Jason Hurst, Executive Vice President, Engineering. "The technology demonstration provides Bell with critical experience and knowledge that will inform our X-plane development for DARPA's SPRINT program. It is a pivotal step in the creation next generation of high-speed vertical lift aircraft for future warfighters.

The SPRINT program intends to design, build, and fly an X-Plane, an experimental aircraft to demonstrate enabling technologies and integrated concepts necessary for a transformational combination of aircraft speed and runway independence for the next generation of air mobility platforms.


Lockheed-Martin krijgt OSA studieopdracht voor NATO NGRC helikopter

9 feb 2024 Categorie: Militair, Nieuwe toestellen / Tests, Nieuws

NSPA (NAVO Ondersteunings- en Procurement Agentschap) gebaseerd in Luxemburg, kondigt de gunning aan van een contract voor een OSA-studie (Open System Architecture) over vereisten van het NGRC (Next Generation Rotorcraft Capability) Programma.

Dit is studie #3 binnen het NGRC-programma. Op 13 december 2023 werd deze contractstudie gegund aan Lockheed Martin, als resultaat van een open competitie op basis van de beste waarde-principes.

Het doel van de OSA-studie is het identificeren, analyseren en vergelijken van OSA-concepten die mogelijk aan de NGRC-capaciteitseis zouden kunnen voldoen. De uitkomst ervan zal NSPA's kennis en begrip van relevante OSA's en hun ondersteunende digitale ecosystemen verrijken om de beoordeling van toekomstige beoordelingen van geïntegreerde platformconcepten te helpen beoordelen. Lockheed Martin heeft reeds een belangrijk project lopen over OSA. Een eerste idee over OSA: klik hier.

NSPA wil nu inzicht krijgen in OSA- en Digital Engineering-concepten die nodig zijn om toekomstige beoordelingen van het geïntegreerde conceptontwerp van het nieuwe helikopterplatform voor te bereiden. Deze reviews zullen de komende maanden worden afgerond.

Eerder kreeg GE Aviation studie #2 toegewezen: 'Next-generation helikopterturbine'.

Wat is het NGRC (Next-generation helicopter capability) programma?

Een aanzienlijk deel van de middelgrote helikopters die momenteel in de NAVO-landen in gebruik zijn, zullen in de periode 2035-40 en daarna het einde van hun levenscyclus bereiken, met de daaropvolgende noodzaak voor vervanging. Deze bestaande inventarissen zijn allemaal gebaseerd op ontwerpen uit de vorige eeuw. In het totaal betreft dit zowat 1.000 helikopters in het NAVO arsenaal.

Het doel van de Next Generation Rotorcraft Capability (NGRC) is om op een tijdige en kosteneffectieve manier op deze aankomende behoefte te reageren, terwijl tegelijkertijd gebruik wordt gemaakt van een breed scala aan recente ontwikkelingen op het gebied van technologie, productiemethoden en operationele concepten.

De NGRC bevindt zich momenteel in de conceptfase. Het NAVO Ondersteunings- en Aanbestedingsagentschap (NSPA) beheert de eerste conceptstudies voor de huidige zeven NAVO-deelnemers (Frankrijk, Duitsland, Griekenland, Italië, Nederland, Verenigd Koninkrijk, Canada). De deelnemende landen hebben zich wel niet verbonden om de resulterende nieuwe generatie helikopter ook aan te kopen.

De conceptfase zal de deelnemende landen een aantal mogelijke ontwerpen voor NGRC bieden. Vanaf 2025 is de ontwikkelingsfase en de voorlopige ontwerpevaluatie van de NGRC gepland.

De eerste 'NGRC' nieuwe generatie helikopters zullen ergens in de periode 2035-2040 in gebruik worden genomen, met als streefdoel 2035. Gezien het grote aantal 'oude' helikopters dat tussen 2035 en 2050 met pensioen zal gaan, zou een Initial Operational Capability (IOC) vanaf 2035 noodzakelijk zijn.
A fighter without a gun . . . is like an airplane without a wing.

-- Brigadier General Robin Olds, USAF.


Ik denk dat na deze oorlog een heleboel op de schop kan.

Begin ook een beetje te denken dat we onze defensie over een hele andere boeg moeten gaan gooien.
"Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordion" US secmindef - Jed Babbin"


Army cancels FARA helicopter program, makes other cuts in major aviation shakeup

De oorlog in Oekraïne heeft de yanks doen inzien dat investeren in een dure recon heli niet meer van deze tijd is. Het geld kan beter naar grote hoeveelheden goedkope verkenning drones.


Aussies award Lockheed, Boeing $830M AUD support deals for Black Hawk, Apaches, Chinooks

"When the tough but necessary decision was made last year to expedite the withdrawal of the MRH-90s [Taipans] from service, it meant that we needed to look at all options when it came to filling the capability gap and the training which our servicemen and women need," Defense Minister Richard Marles said in a statement.

Australia, clearly feeling the heat from critics of its decision to ground and divest its fleet of 42 Taipan helicopters, announced a string of support contracts for its Black Hawk, Apache and Chinook helicopters, as well as accelerated delivery of an additional nine Black Hawks this year, giving the country an expected fleet of 12 in 2024.

The nine birds should be delivered in March. The total eventual acquisition of 40 UH-60M Black Hawks is part of what Australia calls LAND 4507-1.

Here are the three contracts announced today by the Australian Defense Ministry.

- $340 million to Lockheed Martin Australia for integrated support and maintenance of Australia's new UH‑60M Black Hawk utility helicopter fleet.
- $306 million to Boeing Defence Australia for a seven-year Initial Support Contract for the Apache helicopter for maintenance, engineering, training and logistics services.
- A $184 million contract awarded to Boeing Defence Australia to extend the Chinook Integrated Support Services Contract to August 2028.

Altogether, that's $830 million AUD ($541 million USD) in helo support. The government, as usual, stressed the number of jobs each contract would help create and listed their locations. Lockheed Martin Australia will employ more than 200 aircraft maintenance engineers, logisticians, and skilled aviation technical jobs over the next five years in Holsworthy, Oakey and Brisbane.

In its release about the Black Hawk deal, Lockheed Martin Australia said it has established a UH-60M Black Hawk Technical Assistance Agreement with the US State Department "to accelerate the transfer of technical data and technology to Australian industry."

For the Boeing Apache contract, more than 230 new roles will be created in Queensland to keep the 29 Apaches flying, Boeing said in its release. Some 150 jobs will be in Townsville, with another 50 in Brisbane and 30 in Oakey. The Australian Apaches should arrive next year and are scheduled to achieve Initial Operational Capability in late 2026.

On top of those deals, Australia plans to lease five H135 Juno training helicopters from the United Kingdom "to support essential training requirements for Army aircrews" for five years.



Als Europa nou even tussenbeide komt en die dingen van Aus koopt, herstellen wij ze in Italië wel tot een bruikbaar systeem voor Oekraïne. Kunnen er gelijk wat wapens op worden geschroefd of andere sensoren.

Dit had allemaal veel makkelijker kunnen verlopen als er Europese coördinatie zou zijn van de ondersteuning aan Oek. Een Europees Oekraïne fonds, net zoals dat Europese Corona fonds.

Op het moment zijn het individuele landen die dit met elkaar coördineren. Dat maakt wendbaar, maar mist de slagkracht van het collectief.
"Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordion" US secmindef - Jed Babbin"


Australie weigert 45 NH90 helis naar Oekraine te sturen

19 jan 2024 Categorie: Militair, NH-90, Nieuws

Ondanks de expliciete vraag van de Oekraïense regering om de 45 in Australië afgedankte NH90 Taipan helikopters naar Oekraïne te sturen om daar een belangrijke rol te spelen in de oorlog tegen Rusland blijft de Australische regering bij zijn standpunt om deze toestellen te ontmantelen en te verkopen als onderdelen.

In een reactie op de vraag van Oekraïne stelde de Australische minister van Defensie Pat Conroy dat de NH90 Taipan helikopters niet meer vliegwaardig zijn en dat het herstellen van deze toestellen naar een vliegwaardige toestand te moeilijk en te duur is. Hij bevestigde ook dat de ontmanteling van de NH90 helikopters intussen begonnen is.

Het ontmantelen van de NH90 Taipan helikopters komt er na overleg met Airbus Helicopters, NHI en NAVO landen die de NH90 in dienst hebben. Er is grote interesse in de onderdelen van deze toestellen omdat deze momenteel moeilijk te verkrijgen zijn door lange levertijden bij de fabrikant. Experts stelden eerder dan de verkoop van 'servicable' onderdelen van één NH90 zowat 20 miljoen kan opbrengen.

De Oekraïense ambassadeur in Australië, Vasyl Myroshnychenko, is van de beslissing op de hoogte gebracht in een persoonlijk gesprek met minister Conroy die hem verdere steun toezegde in de strijd tegen Rusland. Sinds het begin van de oorlog steunde Australië Oekraïne met bijna $ 1 miljard. Australië is het enige niet-NAVO land welke Oekraïne met dergelijk bedrag heeft gesteund.
A fighter without a gun . . . is like an airplane without a wing.

-- Brigadier General Robin Olds, USAF.


Citaat van: Benji87 op 15/01/2024 | 11:01 uurOf ze hier nou zo blij moet zijn is een tweede  :neutral:

Alsof het een slechte helikopter is. Doe niet zo emotioneel. Je hebt er nooit mee gewerkt ofzo.
"Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordion" US secmindef - Jed Babbin"


Citaat van: Harald op 15/01/2024 | 09:59 uurPressure mounts on Australia to send MRH-90 helicopters to Ukraine

Ukrainian officials and community members are intensifying their pressure on the Australian government to reconsider its decision to scrap its retired Taipan helicopters instead of sending them to war-torn Ukraine. The controversy centers on the fate of 45 MRH-90s


Of ze hier nou zo blij moet zijn is een tweede  :neutral:


Pressure mounts on Australia to send MRH-90 helicopters to Ukraine

Ukrainian officials and community members are intensifying their pressure on the Australian government to reconsider its decision to scrap its retired Taipan helicopters instead of sending them to war-torn Ukraine. The controversy centers on the fate of 45 MRH-90s



NH-90 Caiman NFH competing with MH-60 SeaHawk to replace Lynx helicopters of South Korean Navy

A question posed by Laurent Lagneau in Opex360, will the sky eventually clear for the NH-90 helicopter of the European consortium NHIndustries, after the availability issues that some users (French, Belgian, etc.) have regularly complained about, and the setbacks experienced in Australia and Norway, where these two countries decided to prematurely retire their NH-90s and replace them with Sikorsky UH-60/MH-60 helicopters?

Shortly after the announcement of the first flight of the NH-90 SeaTiger for the German Navy, which has ordered 31 units, the Dutch Ministry of Defense confirmed a relatively ambitious mid-life upgrade for the 19 NH-90 NFH (Nato Frigate Helicopter) used by its naval forces, to keep them in service for another fifteen years.

Finally, on December 29th, South Korea approved a 2 billion euro purchase project to replace the Westland Lynx helicopters used by the South Korean Navy since the early 1990s for anti-submarine warfare missions. Two potential candidates are in the running: the NH-90 NFH and the MH-60 Seahawk.

According to DAPA, the South Korean agency dedicated to defense programs, the successors to the Lynx helicopters should enhance the anti-submarine and anti-surface capabilities of the navy. They also need to address the threat posed by ballistic missiles that could be launched from North Korean submarines, as Pyongyang has modified at least one old "Romeo" submarine from the Soviet era for this purpose.


US DoD confirms Nigerian AH-1Z buy

The US Department of Defense (DoD) has confirmed the sale of the Bell AH-1Z Viper attack helicopter to Nigeria, with a related contract notification posted on 19 December.

Having been approved for the sale of 12 helicopters in 2022, Nigeria's procurement was confirmed with the announcement that Northrop Grumman had been awarded a USD7.7 million contract modification "for the production and delivery of an additional 32 H-1 tech refresh mission computers in support of the AH-1Z aircraft for the government of Nigeria". Work on this contract is expected to be completed by June 2024.

Nigeria's total AH-1Z procurement was estimated by the US Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) to be valued at USD997 million, and comprised the helicopters, related equipment, spares, weapons, training, and support.

The US-built AH-1Z will join the Turkish-built T129 in Nigerian Air Force (NAF) service (although there has been no official confirmation of T129 deliveries, it was reported that training of Nigerian personnel had commenced in May 2023, while footage of the first aircraft undergoing in-country flight trials was recently posted online). According to Janes World Air Forces, the NAF already fields 10 AgustaWestland AW109s, 14 Mil Mi-24/35 'Hinds', and an unknown number of Aerospatiale SA 342 Gazelle helicopters in the ground attack and close air support roles.

Further to the NAF's rotary-winged attack capabilities, the Nigerian Army is to receive the MD Helicopters (MDH) MD 530F Cayuse Warrior Plus (CWP) light attack helicopter as part of a revamp of its aviation amid the Boko Haram crisis.


ff een mooi plaatje  ;D  Tsjechische Cobra
Blijft een gaaf toestel die AH-1Z Viper !


US Army to trim Black Hawk helicopter fleet

The U.S. Army is readying to trim its UH-60 Black Hawk utility helicopter fleet by nearly 8% as it prepares to field a replacement, Maj. Gen. Mac McCurry, the Army's Aviation Center of Excellence commander, told Defense News in a recent interview.

The service plans to cut roughly 157 Black Hawks, or 7.5% of its total utility fleet, from its active-duty component. McCurry said the move is intended to help the Army optimize its current fleet while making room in the budget for the Black Hawk's replacement, the Future Long-Range Assault Aircraft, or FLRAA, that will begin fielding in the early 2030s.

A year ago, the Army chose Textron-Bell's V-280 Valor tiltrotor aircraft to replace the 40-year-old Sikorsky-manufactured UH-60. The Army also has plans to replace the Boeing-made AH-64 Apache attack helicopter with the Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft. Two companies are building competitive demonstrator aircraft.

"It's really about balancing the current readiness with the procurement and fielding in the future," McCurry said. "As we looked at our utility fleet specifically, we had grown that fleet since early in the 2000s by over 300 aircraft."

That growth kept pace with the Army's higher end strength during continuous rotations in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Black Hawk fleet in the fiscal 2004 timeframe consisted of 1,806 aircraft, but rose to 2,135 aircraft during counterinsurgency operations.

Today, with a smaller force, the service doesn't need to keep all of those helicopters in service, he said. The total will now drop to 1,978 aircraft.

The Army will only be removing the oldest aircraft — a few Alpha models and the rest Lima models — from the active component. Those aircraft will not come from units actively deploying or preparing to deploy, but from what the service calls "operational readiness floats," McCurry said.

By targeting these aircraft, he added, the service reduces the overall fleet age, lowering long-term maintenance requirements, including mitigating "some critical parts challenges."

The Army plans to sell the divested Black Hawks either through Foreign Military Sales transactions or through an exchange and sales program, McCurry said. Each aircraft is expected to fetch roughly $2 million.

When the aircraft will be taken out of the fleet is not yet determined, McCurry said. Fleet managers between Program Executive Office Aviation and Army Aviation and Missile Command will assess the health of the fleet to determine which aircraft should move and when.

The Army remains committed to upgrading its Mike-model Black Hawks, the latest variant, McCurry said.

The service is also providing Victor models to the Army National Guard. Victor models are upgraded Lima-model helicopters with digital cockpits identical to the Mike model.

Black Hawks are also expected to get brand new engines through the Improved Turbine Engine Program, but the effort has been delayed due to technical and supply chain issues during engine development, testing and early production phases.

Meanwhile, the Army is planning to examine the size of the Boeing-manufactured CH-47 Chinook cargo fleet to ensure it also matches the service's force structure and end strength, McCurry said.

AH-64 Apache attack helicopters will not get the same review at this time, he added, because "we have remained short of AH-64s with some recent losses and ... we are still short AH-64s."