Spanning(en) rond Iran

Gestart door Lex, 14/02/2012 | 16:51 uur


Iran top leader one to decide on Strait of Hormuz

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -- The chairman of Iran's Joint Chiefs of Staff says the decision over whether Tehran would block the strategic Strait of Hormuz, the passageway through which a fifth of the world's oil flows, rests in the hands of the country's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Gen. Hasan Firouzabadi says Iran has a contingency plan to close the key route, but Khamenei, as commander in chief of the armed forces, would have to make the final decision.

Firouzabadi's comments come two weeks after the European Union enforced a total oil embargo against Iran for its refusal to halt its uranium enrichment program. His comments were reported by the semi-official Fars news agency Sunday.

Iran's Revolutionary Guard has previously warned that Tehran would order the closure if the country's oil exports were blocked.

Jul 15, 4:44 AM EDT

jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter)

Iran issues new oil blockade warning

8:23 a.m. CDT, July 14, 2012

DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran could prevent even "a single drop of oil" passing through the Strait of Hormuz if its security is threatened, a naval chief said on Saturday, as tensions simmer over Tehran's nuclear program.

Tehran will increase its military presence in international waters, said Ali Fadavi, naval commander in Iran's elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

"The IRGC's naval forces have had the ability since the (Iran-Iraq) war to completely control the Strait of Hormuz and not allow even a single drop of oil to pass through."

Fadavi added: "IRGC special naval forces are present on all of the Islamic Republic of Iran's ships in the Indian Ocean and to its east and west, to prevent any movement.

"This IRGC naval force presence in international waters will increase."

Iran has repeatedly threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz shipping channel, through which 40 percent of the world's sea-borne oil exports passes, in retaliation for sanctions placed on its crude exports by Western powers.

The sanctions were imposed over Iran's nuclear program, which the West suspects is aimed at creating an atomic weapon. Iran says the program is for peaceful energy purposes.

The United States has beefed up its presence in the Gulf, adding a navy ship last week to help mine-clearing operations if Iran were to act on threats to block the strait.

Tehran said last month it was building more warships, in part to guard Iranian cargo ships from pirates, and Iranian military leaders often assert Iran's strength in the region and dominance in the Strait of Hormuz.

Military analysts have cast doubt on Iran's willingness to block the slender waterway, given the massive U.S.-led retaliation it would likely incur.

(Reporting By Yeganeh Torbati; Editing by Pravin Char),0,7038769.story

jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter)

U.K. intel: Iran 2 years from nukes

By Alan Cowell / New York Times News Service
Published: July 14. 2012 4:00AM PST

In an unusually public forum, the head of Britain's foreign intelligence agency, MI6, has forecast that Iran would likely achieve a nuclear weapons capability within two years, a British newspaper reported Friday.

The newspaper, The Daily Telegraph, quoted Sir John Sawers, once the ranking British diplomat on the Iranian nuclear issue and now head of the Secret Intelligence Service, as making the disclosure last week to a gathering of around 100 high-ranking civil servants.

The reported remarks play into a highly contentious debate over Iran's intentions and capabilities, in which estimates have varied widely.

U.S. intelligence agencies have cited a 2007 assessment stating that Iran, in fact, suspended research on nuclear weapons technology in 2003 and had not decided to take the final steps needed to build a bomb.

But Britain and Israel, in particular, have interpreted the same data to mean that a decision has been made to move to a nuclear weapons capability. For its part, Iran has frequently said it has no intention to build such weapons.

Sawers was also said to have maintained that covert operations by British intelligence agents had prevented Iran from acquiring the technology as early as 2008. A British government official, speaking in return for anonymity under departmental rules, said Sawers had been "speaking off the record to civil servants at a leadership event, and what he said has been said by others before."

According to The Daily Telegraph, the remarks were Sawers' first publicly reported assessment of Iran's nuclear ambitions since his appointment as head of MI6 in 2009. Iran, he said, was now "two years away" from becoming a "a nuclear weapons state," The Daily Telegraph reported, and when it achieved that status, the United States and Israel would have to decide whether to strike.

"The Iranians are determinedly going down a path to master all aspects of nuclear weapons; all the technologies they need," he said. "It's equally clear that Israel and the United States would face huge dangers if Iran were to become a nuclear weapon state."

Iran says its nuclear program is designed for peaceful purposes but, reflecting the assessment that Tehran is seeking a nuclear weapons capability, the United States and its allies have imposed a tightening vise of economic sanctions, the latest Thursday, accompanying thus far inconclusive diplomatic efforts to persuade Iran to abandon nuclear enrichment.

"I think it will be very tough for any prime minister of Israel or president of the United States to accept a nuclear-armed Iran," Sawers said.

Without previous efforts by British intelligence, he was quoted as saying, "You'd have Iran as a nuclear weapons state in 2008 rather than still being two years away in 2012."

He did not elaborate.

In recent years, several Iranian scientists have been assassinated on the streets of Tehran and a computer virus called Stuxnet has disrupted computer systems at nuclear facilities in Iran. Tehran has accused the U.S., Israeli and British secret services of conducting covert operations against it.

Sawers said MI6 has "run a series of operations to ensure that the sanctions introduced internationally are implemented, and that we do everything we can within the Middle East to slow down these remaining problems."

Earlier this month, low-level talks between Iran and the group of big powers over the Iranian nuclear program ended early with both sides saying the deputies of their top negotiators would meet at a later date. Their announcement gave no hint of progress but nonetheless suggested that neither side was ready to declare the effort a failure.

The talks, in Istanbul, were part of a series of negotiations this year and were held against a backdrop of increasingly bellicose oratory by Iran and the United States because of the nuclear impasse, which has started to raise tensions again in the Middle East.

Iran has renewed a threat to close the Strait of Hormuz, a vital Persian Gulf oil conduit, in response to intensified U.S. and European sanctions meant to paralyze the Iranian oil industry as a pressure tactic in the nuclear talks. Iran has also said the new sanctions will have no effect on its resolve to prevail in the nuclear dispute.

Since 2010, Iran has been enriching some of its processed uranium to raise its purity from around 5 to 20 percent, saying it needs the concentrated fuel for a research reactor in Tehran. The purity is less than the 90 percent level needed for nuclear weapons, but facilitates further purification to weapons grade.

In 2011, Tehran said it would triple the amount of uranium enriched to 20 percent and slowly move the operation to a once-secret enrichment plant known as Fordo deep inside a mountain near the holy city of Qum and widely considered by experts to be invulnerable to bombing.

jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter)

Hormuz alarm bells

Iran's supreme guide believes that making a nuclear bomb is a simulation of the North Korean model, and a safety measure for his regime in the coming quarter of a century

Ahmed Eleiba , Saturday 14 Jul 2012

Although talks in Istanbul last week failed between experts and technicians of the P5+1 -- the third such meeting in the past two months after talks in Baghdad and Moscow -- a significant development occurred on the eve of talks, a source close to the talks told the Russian newspaper Kommersant. Iran proposed a plan to build a nuclear-fuelled submarine, in an attempt to legitimise its uranium enrichment project, and argued that using nuclear material as vessel fuel is a peaceful use of nuclear energy.

The Iranian project to manufacture a nuclear submarine would not be a problem for the Iranian Revolutionary Guard (RG) that owns production capabilities, whether or not they need it. But the reasons why the Islamic Republic is pursuing this project have puzzled Western states.

For Iranian expert Ali Nourzadah, director of the Arab-Iranian Studies Centre, the answer is obvious. Iran's Supreme Guide Sayed Ali Khamenei has a flawed vision about his country's ability to reproduce the North Korean nuclear model in Iran, he told Al-Ahram Online in a telephone interview from London. Tehran was able to acquire nine nuclear bombs that have deterred the US for attacking it.

"Khamenei told several advisers that if Iran had possessed one nuclear bomb, the revolution and rule of the clerics would be protected for at least another 25 years during confrontations with the US and Israel," Nourzadah said, even though Washington views this as a red line and Tel Aviv sees it as a much more serious infraction.

It is true that Tehran has the capability to manufacture such vessels and submarines, but within limits. The RG sometimes holds war games and sees US aircraft carriers cruising in the Gulf guarded by six to seven vessels and a nuclear submarine below the surface. This is a temptation for them, according to Brigadier Safwat El-Zayat who has spoken to several Iranians in close to military strategies. Iran's normal submarines that run on diesel fuel require refuelling from time to time, and every few years need to be changed. On the other hand, nuclear energy can operate for 15-20 years.

"I asked Iranians whether there are commercial ships that can reach the Indian Ocean and beyond without escort protection of this kind of submarine," stated El-Zayat. He viewed them as exaggerations in the media by Tehran, which has high aspirations about what he termed as the negotiations battle in several directions. These include assassinations of its nuclear scientists, stifling sanctions including the latest by the EU on Iranian oil imports. The difficulties are not in oil exports to Europe, but 90 per cent of insurance companies in the Eurozone that protect the passage of Iranian oil to North Korea are outside this zone.

Iran is also jockeying with other international players. While it attends talks in Moscow, Iran's Shura Council threatens it will pass a law to close the Straits of Hormuz as Great Prophet 7 war games were taking place. Meanwhile, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declared that his country will bear the unbearable, sending a message to the world that Iran will survive these sanctions.

"It seems that the Iranian regime is dismissive of social conditions in the country under sanctions," opined Nourzadah, "especially after the value of its currency was slashed by half when sanctions were imposed on the Central Bank, followed by a ban on oil exports to EU countries." He added: "The Iranian regime is parading in front of its people the Syrian model and is waiting to see what will happen there, although it is unlikely that the Iranian street will wait much longer."

The Straits of Hormuz are a lifeline for Gulf oil supplies to the outside world, and an international treaty on international corridors signed in 1958 under the Shah stipulates that the straits are an international corridor that is not subject to local sovereignty, according to what is known as law of the sea convention. However, the regime of the supreme guide did not sign the treaty on transit passage, which gives parliament the right to condone the closing of the straits if the issue is referred to the Guardian Council.

"If Tehran closes the Straits of Hormuz it will be equivalent to a declaration of war," argued Fathi El-Maraghi, an expert on Iranian affairs at Ain Shams University. "It will also give Arab countries reason for more aggressive responses to Iran that might go beyond sanctions, because Iran will be rattling its sabre," El-Maraghi said.

Suddenly, Iran reversed its combative tone and several statements were made that the Straits of Hormuz will not be closed, although El-Zayat believes it could shut down the waterway for 11-15 weeks but that would be political folly. Now the US is also flaunting its powers by unprecedented mobilisation in the Gulf, using F-22 jets for the first time -- which Washington may not have even used before the war in Libya. He added that the RG may not shut down the Straits of Hormuz but it could hamper navigation in the waterway through suicide missions or mines or firing Cruise missiles across the Zagros Mountains.

Experts anticipate a war scenario and Nourzadah stated that Washington obtained a pledge from Tel Aviv not to go to war against Tehran before the upcoming presidential elections. The question now is whether Israel will keep its word. Nourzadah believes Israel will probably continue its policy of attrition of Iran's nuclear programme. If there are reports, however, that Iran is close to manufacturing a nuclear bomb, it will breach its promise to the Obama administration and the US will be forced to go to war the next day without a choice.

"Israel is closely watching the dramatic changes taking place in Arab Spring countries and the Islamist rise there," Jackie Khoury, a political analyst and 1948 Arab who is an expert on Arab affairs, wrote in Haaretz newspaper. "The most it can do right now is a sweeping operation to cripple progress in the nuclear programme, like it did with the Iraqi reactor Osirak. It will keep in mind, however, Arab reactions because it knows this would destablise the region and open several fronts that it will not be able to repel at once.

El-Zayat agrees with this analysis, but noted that a strike similar to Israel's attack against Syria's Deir Al-Zur reactor three years ago is more likely, since the operation was backed by the US to avoid confrontation on several fronts at once. Thus, it will be very cautious about initiating an attack irrespective of how far the Iranian nuclear programme progresses, because Tel Aviv's plan would be fraught with danger. Meanwhile, Iran is unlikely to take another step beyond "advanced nuclear capabilities", meaning that it will stop just before the manufacturing phase because circumstances are not conducive for that either. This phase will end once Tehran leaves the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

For now, more talks are expected that will deepen the chasm between Iran and the world, according to Nourzadah. "Israel has infiltrated Iran and its nuclear programme, and knows well how far Tehran has gone in manufacturing the bomb. Therefore, if we are surprised by an attack on Iran, we will know that Tehran was very close to this capability -- perhaps only one month away from production. At such a time, the possible scenarios are endless."

jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter)

Citaat van: Ros op 14/07/2012 | 11:53 uur
Iran is niet gek !.

Zeker niet.. de Amerikanen (en de Israeli) ook niet, maar je hebt genoeg aan één happy trigger finger!

Persoonlijk zou ik (al ik er iets te zoeken zou hebben) de regio in de aankomende periode niet opzoeken.


Dangerous game: 'US almost daring Tehran to strike first'

Iran is niet gek !.

jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter)

Dangerous game: 'US almost daring Tehran to strike first'

Published: 14 July, 2012

With sanctions against Iran gradually showing their ineffectiveness, Washington is escalating the situation in the Persian Gulf, as if encouraging Tehran to attack first, a US politics professor told RT.

­Amid pressure mounting on Tehran, a major Indian company, United India Insurance Co., has agreed to provide insurance for tankers carrying oil from Iran. Insurances are vital for sea transportation. Without insurance, tankers are unable to deliver oil from one destination to another.

The decision of an Indian company means a serious blow to the effectiveness of the US sanctions against Iran in a bid to crank up the pressure over the country's nuclear activities. The sanctions target companies accused of breaching a European ban on buying oil from Tehran.

Simultaneously, to give their sanctions policies some military support, the US is sending fourth air carrier to the Persian Gulf region. It has also been announced that America deploys underwater drones to deal with sea mines Iran might plant in the Strait of Hormuz to block the vital route.

"The more warships the US moves [to the region], the more threatened Iran is going to feel and there is more chance of triggering some kind of mistake," explains Patricia DeGennaro, professor of politics at New York University.

She says the act of sending more warships to the region is a dangerous game of "dare".

"I don't know what they are going to achieve by putting more warships in the region. This is a very bad move. Maybe they are trying to make Israel feel safer, but in fact again that is a very dangerous game that is almost daring somebody to strike first," the professor believes.


'Mrs. Clinton should better promote peace instead of war'

A naval clash in the Persian Gulf region is very real, DeGennaro told RT, because military communications do not often go as they are expected to.

"The Iranian military is organized a bit differently than the American military. They can get orders not normally understood... within a context of a country being threatened."

"We should do more negotiations and more diplomacy," the professor concluded. "I'd like to see Mrs. [Hillary] Clinton lead the State Department as Secretary of State instead of really promoting more war in the region."

Western intelligence claims Iran might be just a year away from building a nuclear weapon, while Tehran denies allegations of developing nuclear power for military use. This confrontation need to be resolved given neither side wants to lose face, which means negotiations in the first place, believes Patricia DeGennaro.

"Let's sit down and talk before we start pointing weapons at each other, which should really facilitate a really large scale conflict in the region."

jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter)

Iran tripling its fleet of mini–submarines and producing more sea mines

Iran July 12, 2012

By: Robert Tilford

Iran is rumored to have significantly ramped up production of mini-submarines, sometimes called "midget subs".

If true this could pose a serious threat to U.S. warships in the area.

I asked one U.S. Navy seaman on facebook about the threat from mini-subs and he said some interesting things off the record.

"Looking for small subs, that carry one or two frogmen and a couple of torpedo's in shallow water is unimaginably difficult . This is because the acoustics are so much more difficult to detect", he said.

In other words the smaller it is the harder it is to detect.

In addition Iran may also be doubling it sea mine production as well (see video: IRAN MILITARY HAVE 15000+ NAVAL MINES READY FOR CLOSE THE STRAIT OF HORMUZ ).

The Iranians are clearly strengthening their asymmetric naval warfare capabilities, as opposed to trying to take on the US Navy directly.

See also: Iran's Doctrine of Asymmetric Naval Warfare - Naval Swarming Tactics

Meanwhile U.S. forces are also quietly preparing for war as well.

The U.S. has three aircraft battle groups in the region now with more ships arriving daily. Including four Avenger-class minesweepers arrived in Bahrain on June 24 of this year.

The Navy has also sent additional minesweeping helicopters called "Sea Dragons" to help assist in naval operations.

Sea Dragons are those really huge helicopters you may have seen on TV used to deliver bulk food supplies to Haiti as part of the relief effort...

If you have never seen a Sea Dragon and are curious what they look like (see video: U.S Navy MH-53E SEA DRAGON FROM HM-15 BAHRAIN ).


Over 2 weken starten de Olympische Spelen. Dit soort grote evenementen zijn ook wel eens als cover gebruikt.

jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter)

Citaat van: onderofficier op 13/07/2012 | 23:33 uur
Het kan wel een "goed" moment zijn om dan te starten...  het wordt misschien niet verwacht..

O.a. 4 (!) carriers in de omgeving is niet echt onverwacht. Daarnaast zijn er in november president verkiezingen in de VS en (ook op dit forum gepubliseerd) de window of opportunity voor een aanval op Iran (zeker vanuit Israel) zou liggen tussen april en oktober.


Het kan wel een "goed" moment zijn om dan te starten...  het wordt misschien niet verwacht..
Tegenslag is de beste gelegenheid om te tonen dat je karakter hebt; vele tonen (helaas) aan dat ze weinig karakter hebben.


Breder denken, de meeste iraniërs willen denk ik geen oorlog, en zeker niet met ramadan.


Citaat van: Harald op 13/07/2012 | 08:52 uur
Tijdens de Ramadan ?? ...

De Ramadan zal in 2012 waarschijnlijk beginnen op 20 juli 2012 en het einde van de Ramadan (ied al-fitr / suikerfeest) zal waarschijnlijk vallen op 19 augustus 2012.

Dat kan.
Dan mag men ook eten en drinken overdag, als men het maar later inhaalt.  (dat wordt aangemoedigt)

Er zijn verschillende redenen dat een moslim niet aan de ramandan kan houden. 
- zwangerschap
- vrouwen die ongesteld zijn
- soldaten in oorlog
- zieken
- jonge kinderen
- reizigers
- bedreiging voor de gezondheid / genezing van de ziekte in de weg staat.

Tegenslag is de beste gelegenheid om te tonen dat je karakter hebt; vele tonen (helaas) aan dat ze weinig karakter hebben.


Citaat van: jurrien visser op 13/07/2012 | 08:41 uur
War in August?

Tijdens de Ramadan ?? ...

De Ramadan zal in 2012 waarschijnlijk beginnen op 20 juli 2012 en het einde van de Ramadan (ied al-fitr / suikerfeest) zal waarschijnlijk vallen op 19 augustus 2012.

jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter)

War in August? US sends fourth aircraft carrier and dozens of underwater drones towards Iran

Published: 13 July, 2012

The US Navy has unexpectedly dispatched a fourth aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf, along with a fleet of underwater drones in what is being considered just the latest move in a series of escalations leading towards a potential war with Iran.

The deployment of dozens of small, unmanned submarine-like watercraft was confirmed by the Los Angeles Times this week, which cites military officials speaking on condition of anonymity.

This particular type of craft, unmanned SeaFox submersible, are reported to be sent to the Gulf so that the US military can detect and destroy any mines that may be planted in the waterway by Iranian officials if they escalate efforts to block the Strait of Hormuz, a strategically important narrow stretch of water that exists as an immensely important conduit for any resources being moved in or out of the Middle East.

The Times says that the subs, at only 4 feet long and fewer than 100 pounds apiece, can move at speeds up to six knots at depths of 300 feet. The price-tag is reported to be $100,000 each, which includes an intricate waterproof television camera and a homing sonar system. The US rush-ordered a shipment in May in a deal with Germany under the direct of Marine Gen. James Mattis, the top US commander in the Middle East. It is reported that a fleet of SeaFox subs were deployed overseas several weeks back, but has only been confirmed now.

The United States has already sent three massive aircraft carriers to the waterways outside of Iran, including the USS Enterprise, the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower and the USS Abraham Lincoln, and will now add the USS John C Stennis to that fleet in August. Unlike these behemoth ships equipped with billions worth of weaponry and service personnel, America's other new addition to the battlefront is invisible to those on land and can be controlled from anywhere in the world.

"In the Cold War, minesweeping warfare was a large part of what the Navy did, but we have lost a lot of our minesweeping capability," Christopher Harmer, a senior analyst at the Institute for the Study of War, tells the Times. "The SeaFox is a relatively simple, off-the-shelf system that we can put off our minesweepers but also any surface ship."

Harmer adds to the paper that although Iran has the capabilities of coming through with its threats of closing the strait, the latest addition to the United States Navy would make sure a blockade wouldn't last long.

"If they wanted to close the Strait of Hormuz, they could do it, but they would only be able to do it one time," he says.

The new fleet of SeaFox subs will accompany two massive aircraft carriers and a collection of F-22 fighter jets that America has already sent towards Iran. When the United States upped its presence in Persian Gulf earlier this year, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told reporters, "We want them to know that we are fully prepared to deal with any contingency and it's better for them to try to deal with us through diplomacy."