Rusland's Expansie

Gestart door ARM-WAP, 30/07/2007 | 13:26 uur


2S34 Chosta Self-propelled 120 mm mortar carrier armoured vehicle

The 2S34 "Chosta" is a 120mm self-propelled mortar carrier designed and manufactured in Russia. The 2S34 was first revealed at the TVM-2014 Moscow Defense exhibition, August 2014. The vehicle is an evolution of the soviet-made 2S1 "Gvozdika". While the chassis stays the same as the 2S1, the main evolution is the replacement of 122mm 2A31 series main gun by an upgrade of 120mm 2A80 mortar gun, the 2A80-1. The 2S34 is produced by the Motovilikha Plants Corporation of Perm, in Russia, that also produces, or has produced, the 2S9 and the 2S31. In February 2014, approximately 30 2S34 are in service with the Russian army and could be in service with the 21st Mechanized Brigade, in Totskoye (according to Wikipedia).


Technical Data

The 2S34 "Chosta" is equipped with the 120mm 2A80-1 mortar gun. This weapon is an evolution of the 120mm 2A80 that equipped the 2S31 "Vena" which is also an evolution of the 2S9 "Nona-S". The new version of the mortar is recognizable thank to its new muzzle brake. The 2A80-1 is equipped with a new fire control system that improved accuracy, rate-of-fire and allow the gun to shoot all types of 120mm shells from a distance of 500m to 14km. The 2A80-1 can also fire guided munitions like the laser-guided 3VOF112 "Kitolov-2" shell. Even some 120mm NATO shells can be used with the 2A80-1. The fighting compartment has stowage for 40 rounds of ammunition. The turret traverse is a full 360º with mortar elevation from -2 to +80º. A 7.62mm PKTM machine gun is mounted on the turret roof and two banks of three 81 mm electrically operated 81 mm smoke grenade dischargers are mounted to each side, front of the turret.
Design and protection
The 2S34 "Chosta" maintains the same low-profile and dimensions as the 2S1 including its running gear. The all-welded steel armour fully enclosed turret, which does not overhang the sides of the hull, has a well-sloped front and sides with the commander seated on the left, the gunner in front of and below the commander and the loader on the right. The commander has a cupola that can be traversed through a full 360º and a single-piece hatch cover that opens to the front. At the rear of the hull, there is one single door with one firing port in the centre. An ammunition resupply hatch is provided in the right side of the turret.
The 2S34 "chosta" is motorized with YaMZ-238N, V-8 water-cooled 4-stroke diesel developing 300 hp coupled to a manual transmission with 5 forward and 1 reverse gears. The engine is fitted to the front-right of the hull with the driver at the front-left. The vehicle can run at a maximum road speed of 60km with a maximum cruising range of 500km. The suspension system is similar to the 2S1 self-propelled howitzer and either side consists of seven road wheels with the drive sprocket at the front, idler at the rear, and no track-return rollers.
Standard equipment includes infra-red night vision lights (mounted at the commander's hatch) and an NRBC system. 2S34, like 2S1, is fully amphibious, being propelled in the water by its tracks. Before entering the water the bilge pump is switched on, the trim vane is erected at the front of the hull, shrouds are fitted to the hull above the drive sprocket and front road wheels and water deflectors on the rear track covers are lowered. Any water that enters the hull during amphibious operations is removed via the exhaust outlet using the bilge pump. Russian sources state that the 2S1, so probably also the 2S34, takes 20 minutes to be prepared for amphibious operations.

120mm 2A80-1 mortar gun, 7,62mm PKTM machine gun, 3x2 81mm smoke grenade dischargers
Country users
Designer Company
Motovilikha Plants Corporation
Fire Control System, NRBC protection system, night vision lights, amphibious capacity

Protection against small arms and shell splinters
60 km/h maximum road speed
500 km
Lenght: 7,57m; Width: 2,85m; Height: 2,83m

jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter)

Citaat van: Vandaag om 02:28

The Defense Ministry has said that the Russian army will get 2,300 Armatas by 2020.

Belachelijk..... wij hebben met woord en daad te kennen gegeven dat dit middeleeuwse middelen zijn, rare Russen, gewoon niet luisteren.  :omg:


Russian army could receive 32 Armata latest generation of main battle tanks in 2015.

According Janes website, Russian Ground Forces Commander Colonel General Oleg Salyukov has announced the delivery of 32 Armata, latest generation of Russian-made main battle tanks (MBT) to the Russian armed forces in 2015. The new MBT is expected to be showed for the first time to the public at the 2015 Victory Day Parade in Moscow, said also Oleg Salyukov.

Futurist view of Armata main battle tank

In November 2013, Uralvagonzavod, the developer of the new Armata has announced that the development of Russia's new-generation main battle tank will be completed in 2015, and mass production is slated to being in 2016.

The official said three Armata prototypes were currently being tested, and production of the tank would start even before the end of the R&D work.

The Armata is designed as a modular universal combat platform that could be used as a basis for a variety of combat vehicles, including fire support, mine clearing, heavy flame throwing and bridge laying vehicles, according to Defense Ministry officials.

It will also reportedly feature a remotely controlled gun and fully automated loading, as well as a separate crew compartment made from composite materials and protected by multilayered armor.

A prototye of the Russian-made MBT Aramata was showed to Russia's Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and a select group of senior officials during the defense exhibition in Nizhny Tagil, September 2013.

The Defense Ministry has said that the Russian army will get 2,300 Armatas by 2020.


Kwalijke zaak als het klopt dat een Russisch toestel daadwerkelijk het luchtruim van Estland even is binnen gevlogen. Aan de bel hangen in Moskou.


Alliance: Russian Spy Plane Intercepted in NATO Airspace

NATO fighter jets intercepted a Russian spy plane over the Baltic Sea after it breached Estonian airspace, the alliance said Wednesday in the latest of such incidents amid tensions with Moscow over Ukraine.

The Ilyushin IL-20 "intelligence collection aircraft," which took off from the Russian Baltic coast enclave of Kaliningrad on Tuesday, was first intercepted by Danish F-16 jets when it approached Denmark, NATO said in a statement.

It then flew north towards non-NATO member Sweden which also sent jets to intercept the plane.

Nearly four hours later the plane flew towards NATO member Estonia and was detected in Estonian airspace "for a period of less than one minute, which represented an incursion of about 600 meters (yards) into NATO airspace," it said.

..../....|newswell|text|World News|p

jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter)

Russia Annexes And Deploys Forces To Tiny But Strategic Arctic Island

October, 22 - 2014

It is a tiny island, just some 500 square meters in size, that was just discovered earlier this year. Sitting just a meter above the ocean, Yaya Island will now be home to Russian forces and part of Russian territory, the result of just one more move to increase a militarily resurgent Russia's claim on the arctic and its vast energy resources potential.

In addition to the annexation of the tiny Yaya Island located in the desolate Laptev Sea, Russia is reactivating Cold War bases and deploying some 6,000 military personnel along the length of its arctic frontier. Additionally, Moscow has ordered a great increase of its federal border guards presence along its vast northern border.

Although 6,000 military personnel may not seem like much, but the majority of these forces will very likely be capable anti-ship, ballistic missile and air defense units that work more as an area denial force than a ground combat one. In addition, the Northern Fleet will be bolstered and more evenly deployed to better insulate Russia's northern territorial claims.

Russia says that its strategic realignment towards the arctic is in response to NATO and especially United States, Canada, Norway and Denmark's renewed interest in it, but really, both sides are primarily interested in the regions potentially massive petroleum and natural gas deposits, said to amount between 17% and 30% of the world's total supply. In addition, basing ballistic missiles at these high latitudes would allow for more rapid and long-ranged attack and could partially take the place of highly expensive ballistic missile nuclear submarine patrols, at least for the 'first strike' mission set. Even theater ballistic and anti-ship missiles could make operating in the arctic zone a dangerous task for NATO ships.

Heavily militarizing the arctic via the deployment of theater anti-access weapons could allow Putin and his pals to literally deny other aircraft and ships access to the area at a moments notice. Although Russia is quick to say that their rapid military buildup in the area is reactionary in nature, it seems quite possible that another territorial grab may be in the works for Russia, one that would surely mean much more to the US and some NATO nations than the Crimean Peninsula. After today's news of Yaya Island becoming a Russian strategic outpost, such a grab seems inevitable. Then again it may have already begun...


Sweden Pulls Back Ships As 'Foreign Sub' Hunt Draws Blank

STOCKHOLM — Sweden said Wednesday it was pulling back part of its navy that has been searching for a suspected Russian submarine off the coast of Stockholm for nearly a week with no vessel found.

Battleships, minesweepers, helicopters and more than 200 troops have scoured an area about 30 to 60 kilometers (20 to 40 miles) from the Swedish capital since Friday following reports of a "man-made object" in the water.

"Some of the ships have returned to port," armed forces spokesman Erik Lagersten told reporters, adding that it was a "new phase" and not a scaling down of the operation.

"Ground and air force units as well as some naval units are staying in the area."

Despite more than 100 tips from the general public since the alarm was raised, Sweden's armed forces have not located any vessel. Lagersten said the navy would nonetheless remain on high alert and flight restrictions were still in place off the coast of Stockholm in the area of the search operation.

"The intelligence gathering operation is continuing just as before .... We still believe there is underwater activity," he said.



Citaat van: Enforcer op 22/10/2014 | 16:56 uur
En dat gaat ze gemakkelijk lukken, aangezien met name de EU landen amper willen investeren en waarbij stilstand tot achteruitgang leidt. En ja, als tegenargument is er natuurlijk geld "bij" gekomen, en is er een paradepaardje a la CV-90 bijgekomen, 4 luxe kustjachten, enz, maar uiteindelijk sta je daar dan met een mond vol tanden, waarmee je niet eens meer kunt bijten.
even buiten de wat knullige halfslachtige projecten binnen onze defensies en doorslaande het mijns inziens nog steeds zo dat de NAVO dermate sterk is militair, dat Rusland het blijkbaar eerder als een bedreiging ziet dan als een makkelijke "prooi". Even buiten de kernwapens om is zowel kwantitatief als kwalitatief de westerse/NAVO defensie superieur aan die van Rusland. Nu zullen wij niet snel een militair avontuur beginnen tegen Rusland..maar ik kan me voorstellen dat Poetin en team van adviseurs daar minder vertrouwen in hebben gekregen na de invasies van Afghanistan en Irak...en het Rusland-beleid van met name de Amerikanen. Ik benadruk dat ik hiermee het Russische optreden in bijvoorbeeld Oekraine niet goed praat...dat wijs ik sterk af...maar snap dus wel waarom ze zo optreden daar...en vind het "Westers" beleid daarin niet "onschuldig" of "vreedzaam".


Citaat van: Elzenga op 22/10/2014 | 15:19 uur
Geen verrassing. Rusland probeert weer een beetje (er)bij te komen bij de ontwikkelingen in het Westen...Met genoeg concurrerende machtsblokken om in de gaten te houden en af te schrikken...

En dat gaat ze gemakkelijk lukken, aangezien met name de EU landen amper willen investeren en waarbij stilstand tot achteruitgang leidt. En ja, als tegenargument is er natuurlijk geld "bij" gekomen, en is er een paradepaardje a la CV-90 bijgekomen, 4 luxe kustjachten, enz, maar uiteindelijk sta je daar dan met een mond vol tanden, waarmee je niet eens meer kunt bijten.

jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter)

Citaat van: Elzenga op 22/10/2014 | 15:19 uur
Geen verrassing. Rusland probeert weer een beetje bij te komen bij de ontwikkelingen in het Westen...Met genoeg concurrerende machtsblokken om in de gaten te houden en af te schrikken...

Zeker geen verrassing (het ging met name op de nieuwe destroyer) en daarnaast moet Rusland eerst haar inkomensprobleem zien op te lossen voordat het genoemde materieel in voldoende aantal kan instromen al lijkt dat laatste niet het grootste probleem immers de westerse landen willen het liefst van de boycot af en de olieprijs zal ook wel weer de weg om hoog vinden.


Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 22/10/2014 | 14:18 uur
Russian President Vladimir Putin promises new weapons will outstrip Western defence technology

September 11, 2014
Geen verrassing. Rusland probeert weer een beetje (er)bij te komen bij de ontwikkelingen in het Westen...Met genoeg concurrerende machtsblokken om in de gaten te houden en af te schrikken...

jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter)



Citaat van: Elzenga op 22/10/2014 | 13:50 uur
Dat plaatje is volgens haar tekst dus de Lider-klasse destroyer. Lider..Lid...Die wordt wel genoemd bij de Russische Marine pagina op wikipedia.

De Russen spreken al een tijdje over die nieuwe destroyers. Details veranderen telkens, maar ik kan me zo niet voorstellen dat ze weer vrolijk twee projecten naast elkaar laten lopen.

Wat details over mogelijke uitrusting:

jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter)

New Russian destroyer design called Leader

Discussion in 'Russian Defence Forum' started by Arzamas 16, Apr 28, 2014
