Internationale fighter ontwikkelingen

Gestart door Lex, 19/12/2015 | 16:32 uur


De eerste beelden van de Next Generation Fighter voor Zweden !  :P  ;D
Er wordt gezien de afbeeldingen samenwerking gezocht o.a. met Denemarken, Lego Group Billund en ook de Interstellair Sienar Fleet Group (Dark Site)


Citaat van: Sparkplug op 08/11/2023 | 12:49 uurAls het MUM-T concept met een type met de grootte van een F-35 kan, dan zou Saab ook in staat moeten zijn om zoiets te ontwikkelen. Het is de vraag hoeveel de Zweedse overheid hierin wil investeren.

Ik vind het daar nog wat te vroeg voor om te zeggen. Bij de F35 zit het ook allemaal nog maar in de concept fase en is de rol van de loyal wingman nog vrij beperkt. De concepten voor de huidige 6th gen fighters gaan veel verder dan dat. Daar willen ze de loyal wingman echt voorzien van air to ground en air to air capaciteit. Dat vereist grotere drones en zeer waarschijnlijk ook een groter toestel die ze kan lanceren en besturen. Maar tijd zal dat uit moeten wijzen.


Sweden commits to future fighter procurement decision in 2031: Official

A decision has not been made so far on an Initial Operating Capability (IOC) date for a future fighter, but a wide range of planning activities will inform the 2031 procurement decision, an official said.

After joining and then leaving the UK-led Future Combat Air System (FCAS), the Swedish military is now holding off on deciding its path to a next-generation fighter jet until 2031, after it can assess the "risks and possibilities" with different approaches, an official said today.

Three options are on the table for Stockholm: Either "build a system, develop a system with someone, or... acquire a system," said the official, speaking under Chatham House Rules at the International Fighter Conference here in Madrid. "It's an open question."

"We did have both bilateral and trilateral cooperation with Britain and also with Italy on the FCAS program," said the official. "We walked away from that about a year ago and started some national studies... connecting to what capabilities are needed for the future." The official declined to comment on the reason behind Sweden ending collaboration with the UK and Italy.

A decision has not been made by authorities so far on an Initial Operating Capability (IOC) date for whatever it chooses for a next-gen fighter, but a wide range of planning activities will inform the 2031 procurement decision.

Indicating some desired level of control by Sweden over a next-gen timeline, the official said Phase 1 will cover concept exploration between 2023 to 2025 with Phase 2 to address concept and technology development from 2026 to 2030. Operational analysis, system concepts and aircraft demonstrators are among the main lines of effort that are included across the two phases. Technology development activities will span from 2023 beyond 2030, while demonstrator planning will commence in 2026.

Disclosure of the long-term program planning comes after Sweden's defense material agency (FMV) confirmed in September that it was prioritizing future fighter studies and "fact finding," while Saab has also said it wants to be a "player" in the program, which would ideally include a role as a "systems of systems" integrator.

The French, German and Spanish Future Combat Air System (FCAS) program also known as SCAF and the Italian, Japanese and UK-led Global Combat Air Programme (GCAP), previously known as FCAS also, have both committed to a system-of-systems approach, where development of a next-generation fighter will allow them to control adjunct aircraft, effectors and sensors in ways previous combat jets have not been capable.

GCAP is expected to be in service from 2035, with FCAS five years later.

"One thing that has not been decided in Sweden is IOC for the next generation fighter, so therefore that is quite a challenge because we need to be agnostic. ... We can't just look into one technology level and align that [development] to an IOC time," said the official. He added that "risks" and "possibilities" must be weighed so a procurement decision can be reached, including what role Swedish government and industry would play in development.

"What has happened is that we have had a decision to go fully into a concept phase for the next-generation system, that [approval] happened the week after midsummer this year," explained the official. "So what we will do is, we will need to deliver concepts, both on the system [a new fighter] and also on a system-of-system level. We need to do technology development and integration activities. We need to build up the national competence both on the government side, but also on the industry side."

Sweden has time on its side to deliberate about which path to take for a future fighter procurement as Saab's Gripen E, the backbone of the Swedish Air Force, is meant to be operated until 2060. Older Gripen C/D aircraft are expected to be retired between 2035 and 2040, or beyond, because of the war in Ukraine, according to the official.

But holding off until the end of the decade to make a firm future fighter procurement commitment risks losing industrial influence over design requirements on GCAP or FCAS, if Stockholm so decides to join one or the other, though officials from each program have often stressed they continue to be open to new partners.

On that front, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia continues to express interest in joining GCAP, though the UK has said there is "no definitive timeline" associated with making a decision on Riyadh's potential involvement. Elsewhere, French President Emmanuel Macron announced in June that Belgium would join FCAS.


Citaat van: jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter) op 08/11/2023 | 12:56 uurSaab wilde de FS2020, de Zweedse overheid zag dit om budgettaire reden niet zitten, het alternatief kennen we in de vorm van de Gripen E/F, waarbij ik vermoed dat dit het laatste 'autonome' gevechtsvliegtuig uit Zweden zal zijn. (al laat ik me graag verrassen).
Mijn gevoel zegt dat we misschien wel verbaasd zullen worden door de Zweden.
Misschien dat de samenwerking met Boeing ook wel een optie zal zijn, zie ook de ontwikkeling van de T-7A Red Hawk trainer 

jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter)

Citaat van: Sparkplug op 08/11/2023 | 12:49 uurHet is de vraag hoeveel de Zweedse overheid hierin wil investeren.

Saab wilde de FS2020, de Zweedse overheid zag dit om budgettaire reden niet zitten, het alternatief kennen we in de vorm van de Gripen E/F, waarbij ik vermoed dat dit het laatste 'autonome' gevechtsvliegtuig uit Zweden zal zijn. (al laat ik me graag verrassen).


Citaat van: Benji87 op 08/11/2023 | 11:26 uurNee dat klopt en daarom is het ook wel interessant om te zien naar hoe de Zweden hier over denken. De partijen die nu een 6e generatie fighter ontwikkelen gaan nu namelijk allemaal voor een stealth vliegtuig wat als moeder schip moet gaan functioneren voor drones. En dat zal dus sowieso uitlopen op een toestel van behoorlijke proporties. Dus hoe ziet Zweden dat voor zich? Kunnen zij ook zo'n concept ontwikkelen met een eenmotorig toestel of gaat Zweden voor 5th gen + ontwikkeling?

Als het MUM-T concept met een type met de grootte van een F-35 kan, dan zou Saab ook in staat moeten zijn om zoiets te ontwikkelen. Het is de vraag hoeveel de Zweedse overheid hierin wil investeren.
A fighter without a gun . . . is like an airplane without a wing.

-- Brigadier General Robin Olds, USAF.

jurrien visser (JuVi op Twitter)

Citaat van: pz op 08/11/2023 | 11:42 uurIk denk dat Zweden verder gaat met het door ontwikkelen van een eenmotorig toestel. Ze waren daar al mee bezig het concept Flugsystem 2020 (FS2020).

Dat lijkt een gepasseerd station, maat niet onmogelijk, er is markt voor een kleine zesde generatie kist.

Ik wacht geen nieuw eigen model meer van Saab, ik verwacht dat zij zich zullen aansluiten bij GCAP (Tempest). Een Saab Loyal Wingman type zie ik dan wel weer al een goede mogelijkheid voor de Zweden.

Het huidige partnerschap met Boeing zou misschien ook aansluiting kunnen bieden als Boeing de USN F/A-XX gegund krijgt.


Citaat van: Benji87 op 08/11/2023 | 11:26 uurNee dat klopt en daarom is het ook wel interessant om te zien naar hoe de Zweden hier over denken. De partijen die nu een 6e generatie fighter ontwikkelen gaan nu namelijk allemaal voor een stealth vliegtuig wat als moeder schip moet gaan functioneren voor drones. En dat zal dus sowieso uitlopen op een toestel van behoorlijke proporties. Dus hoe ziet Zweden dat voor zich? Kunnen zij ook zo'n concept ontwikkelen met een eenmotorig toestel of gaat Zweden voor 5th gen + ontwikkeling?

Ik denk dat Zweden verder gaat met het door ontwikkelen van een eenmotorig toestel. Ze waren daar al mee bezig het concept Flugsystem 2020 (FS2020).


Citaat van: Sparkplug op 08/11/2023 | 11:11 uurDat is afhankelijk van hoeveel types binnen dat tijdsbestek het levenslicht zullen zien. Niet elk land heeft behoefte aan een type met een omvang van een F-14 of F-15.

Nee dat klopt en daarom is het ook wel interessant om te zien naar hoe de Zweden hier over denken. De partijen die nu een 6e generatie fighter ontwikkelen gaan nu namelijk allemaal voor een stealth vliegtuig wat als moeder schip moet gaan functioneren voor drones. En dat zal dus sowieso uitlopen op een toestel van behoorlijke proporties. Dus hoe ziet Zweden dat voor zich? Kunnen zij ook zo'n concept ontwikkelen met een eenmotorig toestel of gaat Zweden voor 5th gen + ontwikkeling?


Citaat van: Benji87 op 08/11/2023 | 10:45 uurPer definitie zullen toestellen van de 6e generatie zware 2 motor aangedreven toestellen worden.

Dat is afhankelijk van hoeveel types binnen dat tijdsbestek het levenslicht zullen zien. Niet elk land heeft behoefte aan een type met een omvang van een F-14 of F-15.
A fighter without a gun . . . is like an airplane without a wing.

-- Brigadier General Robin Olds, USAF.


Ben dan wel benieuwd naar hoe de Zweden tegen het vernieuwde concept van lucht oorlogsvoering aan kijken dan. Per definitie zullen toestellen van de 6e generatie zware 2 motor aangedreven toestellen worden.


Sweden Preparing For Future Combat Aircraft Studies

LE BOURGET—Sweden's defense materiel agency FMV is awaiting political approval to begin studies into a new-generation combat aircraft beyond the new Saab Gripen E.

The studies, to be carried out by the FMV, are due to get underway in the near future. They will primarily be a fact-finding effort and involve discussions with other air forces, an examination of other national programs and exploring the capabilities of national industry, Brigadier General Lars Helmrich, the director of the Air and Space Systems Division at Sweden's FMV, told journalists during the annual gathering of the Swedish Air Force Fan Club on the eve of the Paris Air Show.

"It's not about procurement of the sixth generation, it is about asking the question about how we procure it," Helmrich said.

Helmrich said it was too early to discuss any potential outcomes of the studies but noted that Sweden's combat aircraft requirements were "out of sync" with the efforts of Italy, Japan and the UK's Global Combat Air Program (GCAP) and those of France, Germany and Spain's Future Combat Air System (FCAS), because Sweden had already invested in the development and procurement of the Gripen E platform. Helmrich also noted that both crewed combat aircraft set to emerge from FCAS and GCAP are twin-engine and too large to fit around Sweden's doctrine of dispersed basing to improve survivability. Both the GCAP and FCAS manned fighters are expected to be at least a third larger and heavier than the aircraft they will go on to replace.

It is likely that any Swedish future combat aircraft would likely first replace the Gripen C/D models which the Swedish Air Force is extending the life of to give it more mass in the face of the regional security situation following Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

The upgraded Gripen C/Ds will be expected to operate well into the 2030s.

Alternatively, the FCAS studies could conclude that Sweden purchases more Gripen Es in the future, Helmrich suggested, which would help Sweden and Saab preserve its combat aircraft development capability.

The new studies come after Sweden elected not to pursue continued involvement in the UK's future fighter effort which evolved and expanded into GCAP, although Helmrich suggested there was still a "political arrangement" and "sharing of information" in place. This appears to confirm statements made by Saab's CEO, Micael Johansson who has previously described Sweden's relationship with the program as a "sort of hibernation," remaining part of the program, but not actively involved.

Helmrich, and air chief Maj. Gen. Jonas Wikman were reluctant to discuss details of the Gripen C/D upgrade program, for which Saab was awarded study contracts worth SEK3.5 billion ($340 million) in April. Helmrich did say that the program would remove obsolescence from the Gripen C/D's nervous system and upgrade the mechanically scanned radar, but not add an active electronically scanned array such as that developed by Saab for the platform. Wikman said the Swedish air force would be strengthened by the upgraded Gripen C/Ds which would act as a fourth-generation platform to the fifth-generation capabilities provided by the more advanced Gripen E.

"With two different versions, that gives us the possibility to combine fourth-generation capabilities and fifth-generation capabilities, enhancing our strength from different platforms," Wikman said.


Spanish Navy eagerly awaiting decision on purchase of F-35B fighter-bombers

In Opex360, Laurent Lagneau reminds us that the Spanish Navy (Flotilla de Aeronaves, FLOAN) has been equipped with AV-8B Harrier II fighter-bombers for nearly 40 years. Currently, there are 13 aircraft in service with the 9th Aeronautical Squadron, which operates from the amphibious assault ship Juan Carlos I. Their retirement is planned for around 2030, with maintenance assured until 2028.

Although these aircraft have been modernized since their introduction, including being upgraded to the EAV-8B+ Matador II standard between 1996 and 2003, they will soon reach the end of their operational life. However, at the moment, no decision has been made regarding their potential replacement. This is causing concern for Captain José Emilio Regodón Gómez, the commander of FLOAN.

So far, the only decisions made by the Spanish government regarding FLOAN have involved ordering new MH-60R and H135 helicopters (NH-90 in transport version) and notifying Airbus of a new contract for the operational maintenance of its aircraft, including the AV-8B Harrier II.

To replace its combat aircraft, FLOAN has limited options, with the only suitable option being the Lockheed Martin F-35B, specifically the STOVL (Short Takeoff and Vertical Landing) version of the fighter-bomber. However, the cost of these aircraft and the potential political implications of the decision have delayed the acquisition. Captain Gómez believes that the indecision has gone on for long enough. Furthermore, he argues that not replacing the Harrier II would pose a problem since such carrier-based fighter-bombers are the only ones capable of effectively supporting amphibious operations or naval forces.


"Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordion" US secmindef - Jed Babbin"


Saudi Arabia considers purchasing French Dassault Rafale jets

Saudi Arabia is considering the purchase of 54 multi-role Dassault Rafale fighter jets from France, marking what could be the kingdom's first-ever acquisition of a French combat aircraft. According to reports from the French financial newspaper La Tribune, Riyadh has officially requested a complete quote from Dassault Aviation and has set a deadline of November 10 for the company's response.
