Internationale ontwikkelingen artillerie

Gestart door Harald, 29/03/2021 | 15:01 uur


Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 12/01/2024 | 19:52 uurPH2000's eruit bij DLD?
Schijnbaar worden deze vervangen vanaf 2025 tot 2030.

Ik vraag me af wat men dan van plan is, een compleet nieuwe howitzer ontwikkelen op MGCS lijkt me nog te vroeg. Of gaat men in Duitsland volledig over op wiel? :hrmph:

Toevoeging: Bedoeld men in het artikel niet dat de 14 aan Oekraine geschonken Pzh's vervangen worden door nieuwe Pzh's tussen 2025-2030?


"Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordion" US secmindef - Jed Babbin"


German artillery remains patchy for a long time
The war in Ukraine demonstrates daily the importance of long-range, precise artillery fire and sets new standards for the need for weapons systems and ammunition. The Bundeswehr has therefore supported the Ukrainian armed forces by providing 14 self-propelled howitzers 2000 (PzH 2000), five MARS II rocket launchers and insufficient quantities of ammunition and will continue to support them by purchasing ammunition in the near future.

This resulted in equipment gaps in the German artillery. While the PzH 2000 will be replaced virtually 1:1 between 2025 and 2030, the PULS rocket launcher system has been selected to replace the MARS II. A time and cost plan for this is not yet known. The procurement planning should be submitted to the Budget Committee of the German Bundestag for approval before the 2024 summer break as part of a 25 million proposal, according to the answer of the Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister of Defense Thomas Hitschler to a small question from members of the CDU parliamentary group / CSU from January 10th, which is available to ESuT.

MP Jens Lehmann, rapporteur on the army for the CDU/CSU faction in the Defense Committee of the German Bundestag, was shocked by the fact that the structural scope of the army is still being investigated. "We are in year two of the turning point and there are still tests and investigations going on at every turn. This shows that the ministry and the Bundeswehr are still too caught up in the peacekeeping business and that the budgetary constraints prevent a concrete determination," writes Lehmann in a statement.

Dass das Fähigkeitsprofil der Bundeswehr in den Jahren 2027, 2031 und 2035 den sukzessiven Aufwuchs der Artillerietruppe beschreibe, sei in der heutigen Zeit eine sicherheitspolitische Bankrotterklärung, so Lehmann weiter. Das sei viel zu spät. ,,Wir müssen mit der Division 2025 ein klares Bild vom Aufwuchs der Artillerietruppe haben."

The five PULS rocket launcher systems are to be procured together with the Netherlands - based on their testing and evaluation. This is intended to avoid technical risks and establish interoperability with the Netherlands, writes Hitschler. The five systems serve as an introduction to the future long-range indirect fire system (ZukSysIndFgRw) and are intended to become part of the future division and corps artillery. They should cover the range of ten km to 300 km and, in the long term, even beyond that.

After the integration of the German command and weapon deployment systems, the PULS systems will initially be used at the training facilities.

"The final replacement of the five systems being discontinued will be the Future Long-Range Indirect Fire System. However, only from 2028. By the time the systems arrive in the troops, it will be well after 2030. That cannot be our aim," says Lehmann, assessing the planning. He sees this as confirmation that the federal government is not taking the changing times seriously and is now making the mistake of making savings at the expense of the Bundeswehr. Otherwise it would equip the troops with more resources, so that troop sizes and the required number of large equipment can be determined today and the systems required for this can now be procured in the required quantities. "The priority of the traffic light must be on Germany's future security, not on its ideological projects," concluded Jens Lehmann.


Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 08/01/2024 | 21:56 uurDeze hebben wij voor ze gekocht, dit is een Nederlandse gift.
Mooi kado !
Wel echt een groot voertuig, naar wel bepantserd.
Hopelijk is er genoeg munitie voorraad.


Deze hebben wij voor ze gekocht, dit is een Nederlandse gift.
"Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordion" US secmindef - Jed Babbin"


Ukraine Boosts Its Artillery Capabilities with 30 Czech Dana M2 152mm Howitzers

The Czech Republic has delivered approximately 30 Dana M2 152mm wheeled self-propelled howitzers to Ukraine, enhancing its artillery capabilities. This strategic reinforcement follows a 2020 announcement that revealed Ukraine's acquisition of 26 Dana M2 howitzers under a contract valued at an estimated $40 million.

A Dana M2 152mm wheeled self-propelled howitzer of the Ukrainian armed forces. (Picture source Video footage Ukraine army)

The ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia has reemphasized the critical role of artillery in modern warfare, marking a shift from expected high-tech military engagements to a more traditional artillery duel. Despite the advent of advanced weapon systems, the lack of Russian air superiority has led to a reliance on ground-based artillery tactics. Both countries, with their military roots in the Soviet era, have a historical dependence on artillery, highlighting the importance of mobility and quick repositioning in warfare.

Ukraine, facing challenges with its Soviet-era artillery and limited ammunition, has received significant international support, including modern artillery systems and munitions from NATO countries. This support has been crucial in addressing the imbalance in artillery capabilities between Russia and Ukraine, underlining the continued relevance and strategic importance of artillery in contemporary conflicts.

Drawing on open-source intelligence, it has been confirmed that Ukraine's purchase includes 30 DANA M2 howitzers, manufactured by the Czech company Excalibur Army. This procurement notably encompasses "thousands" of 152mm DN1CZ extended range artillery shells, enhancing the operational effectiveness of these howitzers.

The delivery timeline indicates a structured approach, with 24 of these howitzers ordered in December 2022 and subsequently delivered. Additionally, an unspecified number of howitzers were delivered before this date, suggesting a phased integration of these systems into Ukraine's military arsenal.

The Dana M2 152mm howitzer, known for its mobility and firepower, is expected to provide a substantial boost to Ukraine's defensive and offensive operations. The inclusion of advanced DN1CZ artillery shells, designed for extended range, underscores a significant upgrade in Ukraine's artillery capabilities.

The Dana M2 howitzer, manufactured by the Czech company Excalibur Army, is a modernized version of the Dana self-propelled gun howitzer, characterized by its high mobility and efficiency in the field. This artillery piece stands out for its ability to quickly take up and leave firing positions, enhanced accuracy, and superior crossability in difficult terrain. It features a wheeled design, offering cost and maintenance advantages over tracked vehicles, as well as improved off-road mobility. Additionally, the Dana M2 is equipped with a powerful onboard control system that includes subsystems for diagnostics, navigation, automatic gun aiming, and ammunition selection. The howitzer's design includes a resistant cabin with an NBC filtration system, ensuring high levels of comfort and protection for the crew. With its advanced features and capabilities, the Dana M2 represents a significant evolution in artillery technology.

The main armament of the Dana M2 howitzer consists of one 152mm gun, capable of firing a range of ammunition types, including high-explosive and high-explosive anti-tank shells. This artillery system is noted for its semi-automatic breech, allowing for a rate of fire of up to 4 rounds per minute. The effective firing range of the Dana M2 is approximately 18.7 kilometers, with a maximum range extending up to 20 kilometers. The integration of these advanced armament features, along with its mobility and onboard control systems, makes the Dana M2 a formidable piece of artillery in modern warfare.

This delivery of Dana M2 howitzers by the Czech Republic demonstrates a continued commitment to supporting Ukraine amidst ongoing regional tensions.



🇫🇷KNDS France/Nexter LRU Multiple Launch Rocket System concept on 🇨🇿Tatra 815-7 8x8 chassis.

Via twitter/ x @solarmare

Ik ben benieuwd naar het kaliber, het heeft wel wat weg van de 2x 4 306 mm van de PULS.


Citaat van: Thomasen op 15/12/2023 | 12:01 uurAls je met de 777 wel 300 schoten haalt is de Counter battery dus echt heel sterk aan het leunen op de drones als lancet.

Het is onbegrijpelijk dat we niet een oververhitte PzH2020 productielijn hebben.

Maar als je het artikel leest lijkt het meer met de INS te maken hebben, en dat kan aangepast worden. Want Bogdana gaan ze ook mee door, net als Zuzana en Archer. Of Armos voor de Denen.

Enkel bij de Caesar staat je hele bemanning in de kou buiten af te niften, wachtend op een hoop lood of scherpe stukken staal.

Ceasar = een dom idee. Vooral goedkoop. Een vrachtwagen met een kanon erop. Als de Belgen zichzelf niet zo hadden gebonden aan Fra hadden ze nooit voor dit systeem gegaan. Maar het zal vast een stuk goedkoper zijn.

We kopen Zuzana's voor Oek. Mooie systemen.
"Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordion" US secmindef - Jed Babbin"


Het is ook een dom idee, was een dom idee en blijft altijd een dom idee.

Buiten alle relatief nieuwe dreigingen was er altijd nog zoiets als counter battery fire.

"Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordion" US secmindef - Jed Babbin"


 :omg:   :hrmph:

Citaat25 km from the front in the Donbass, Yan Iatsychen, commander of the 56th motorized infantry brigade, paints a gloomy picture of the situation.

He talks about the vulnerability of the CAESAR. Because of its size, the CAESAR can quickly become a target of Russian drones.

Ukrainian commander says that the French Caesar is too vulnerable

Read the entire thread but it makes sense. Truck mounted artillery is huge. Hard to hide. Displaces well but is easily located on the modern battlefield. In the past they'd be hunted with close air support attack planes and attack helicopters. Now? Now they're hunted by drones and persistent survelliance is the norm. Truck mounted artillery is an evolutionary dead end. Too heavy for light forces, too light for heavy. Medium weight units are fulfilling a narrow gap in the spectrum and are probably only tailorable to out of area operations against advanced and lower insurgency type forces (of course they should perform well against peer units of the same classification).


Citaat van: Huzaar1 op 12/12/2023 | 08:44 uurIk snap echt geen fluit van de Britse regie in verwerving.

Je zou toch zeggen dat ze dan voor de boxer 15m5mm gaan. Stuk interessanter dan een moeilijk vrachtwagen met een aanhanger met kanon erop.

Dit is volgens mij niks meer dan een interim oplossing waarmee de (32) aan Oekraïne geleverde AS-90's worden vervangen. Het gaat ook slechts om 14 Archer howitzers.

De RCH155 is op dit moment nog in de prototype fase, mogelijk zal het systeem de komende jaren wel operationeel worden. Grote kans dat de Britten op dat moment gaan kijken naar nieuwe (wiel) howitzers waarbij de RCH155 een grote kanshebber gaat zijn. Overigens schat ik de kansen voor RCH155 ook groot in voor andere legers die opzoek zijn naar een wiel howitzers.


Ik snap echt geen fluit van de Britse regie in verwerving.

Je zou toch zeggen dat ze dan voor de boxer 15m5mm gaan. Stuk interessanter dan een moeilijk vrachtwagen met een aanhanger met kanon erop.
"Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordion" US secmindef - Jed Babbin"


BAE Systems announces team for the UK's future artillery programme

ARCHER Artillery Alliance announces its approach for the UK's Mobile Fires Platform and to revitalise critical UK artillery capabilities
BAE Systems, Babcock and Rheinmetall BAE Systems Land (RBSL) are joining forces to offer the ARCHER wheeled mobile artillery system to the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) as the replacement for the legacy AS90.

The ARCHER Artillery Alliance will offer the proven, advanced technology system, which presents the lowest risk solution for the Mobile Fires Platform (MFP) programme, as the UK aims to modernise its 155mm capabilities. The three companies, each with a well-established supply chain in the UK, plan to work with other UK businesses as plans progress.

CitaatThe ARCHER, already in service with the British Army as its interim solution, is one of the most advanced, fielded artillery systems in the world today. Working with our strategic partners in the UK, we believe that an ARCHER-based solution would allow the British Army to significantly accelerate the delivery of the Mobile Fires Platform programme. Our aim is to deliver a long-term homegrown artillery solution for the UK, which will safeguard, sustain and grow a critical, specialised British industrial capability and an opportunity for exports.
John Borton, Managing Director of BAE Systems Weapon Systems UK

BAE Systems will provide and integrate the weapon system, including the barrel, as well as the gun control system. In addition, BAE Systems will set up and manage the Assembly, Integration and Test (AIT) facility. Babcock International Group will hold responsibility for the consolidation of the superstructure and ammunition resupply system, sharing its significant manufacturing and maintenance capabilities.

CitaatIn line with the MoD's Land Industrial Strategy, Babcock is pleased to be working with BAE Systems to bring to the UK and the British Army this market-leading capability. Our skilled teams and facilities in the South-West and West Midlands will deliver important elements of the engineering expertise, system integration and innovative technology required for system assembly that will enable the ARCHER Artillery Alliance to provide the British Army with this exciting capability.
Chris Spicer, Managing Director of Engineering & Systems Integration at Babcock

RBSL will be the UK lead for the RMMV HX 8X8 truck chassis, and prepare the cabin for integration with the ARCHER artillery system.

BAE Systems, which recently secured a contract for an additional 48 ARCHER systems for the Swedish Army, plans to transfer technology from its existing production line in Sweden to the UK to establish a UK-based MFP production line. The work across the Alliance and its supply chain would create more than 350 new high-skilled jobs in the UK.

The Alliance's proposal would ensure a significant amount of UK industrial content once the programme enters full-rate production. As part of the bid, BAE Systems plans to use its expertise in Sweden and the UK to re-establish sovereign barrel manufacturing in the UK, which would provide an opportunity to generate operational independence and security of supply through a sovereign artillery manufacturing solution.

ARCHER is a fully automated system, purpose-built to keep pace with fast-moving land forces. It is designed for rapid deployment to quickly respond to threats and deliver superior mobility, lethality and survivability. Operators control the entire gun system from the safety of ARCHER's armoured cabin. In only 20 seconds, the vehicle can stop and fire its first round. After completion of the fire mission, ARCHER is on the move again within 20 seconds. In less than two minutes, ARCHER can fire six rounds, displace and move 500 metres, making the ARCHER the ultimate shoot-and-scoot system for soldier and platform survivability.

As well as being selected by Sweden and as the UK's interim solution, Switzerland recently down selected ARCHER for the country's procurement of new artillery. Sweden has also donated a number of systems for use by Ukrainian armed forces.


New mortar AMPV variant prototype to make exhibition debut mid-2024

The newly designed 120 mm mortar variant of the Armoured Multi Purpose Vehicle (AMPV) will make its debut at the Association of the United States Army's (AUSA's) Warfighter conference in July 2024, Bill Sheehy, AMPV programme director at BAE Systems told Janes on 30 November.

BAE Systems first told Janes in September that it was delivering the prototype for Patria's 120 mm New Mortar (NEMO) and Kongsberg turret programme in January 2024. The prototype is still on track for first delivery, and the army plans to perform a live-fire demonstration at the July conference to show off its progress, Sheehy said in an interview.

The prototype represents BAE System's first official foray into broadening AMPV configurations, which the company hopes will highlight the flexibility of the platform. The turret is attached to the vehicle using the Ex-MEP (Mission Equipment Package), which can accommodate most remotely operated weapons stations.

"There is a huge opportunity here to modernise and be able to emerge out there with the all the new capabilities that the army is going to require, and its allies are going to require," he said.

BAE Systems also recently performed the first live-fire demonstration for the counter-unmanned aerial systems (C-UASs) variant on 15 November, Sheehy said. The company was asked by the army to build the prototype for the mortar AMPV after the C-UAS variant was already in development, he added.


Acquiring Future Land Fires Capabilities for Multi-Domain Operations

Marking the return of high-intensity conflict, the war in Ukraine has exposed the long-overdue need to invest in land fires capabilities.

In Europe, short-term needs can be identified in the assistance instruments designed for Ukraine, such as the 'European Peace Facility' financing the provision of 155 mm artillery rounds and, if requested, missiles. Short to medium-term needs can be deciphered in the 'Joint Communication on the Defence Investment Gaps Analysis and Way Forward' issued by the EU Commission and the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy in May 2022.

The investment gaps analysis, resulting from a coordinated effort between the EU Commission and the European Defence Agency (EDA), reveals among the "most urgent capability gaps" the need to replace existing Soviet-era legacy systems still in use within EU armed forces with modern European solutions, including heavy artillery. Among strategic medium- to long-term capabilities, the analysis and Joint Communication proposes to work on modernisation of anti-access/area denial (A2/AD) systems in the Air domain, and "combat support, notably a wide range of anti-tank and artillery systems, with an emphasis on precision strike and counter-artillery", in the Land domain.


(voor het gehele artikel, zie onderstaande link)